#they’re chaotic neutral leaning on chaotic evil on occasion
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I’ve been thinking about how unhinged my lovely Tav, Cassian the Lolth Sworn Cleric, can be. So for fun, I thought I’d share some of the fun, weird and mostly fucked up things they’ve done along their journey. Spoilers for Baldur’s Gate 3 from Act 1 to Act 3 under the cut. They’re normally making better decisions I swear. Also general warning for violence and some sexual themes
- Said “fuck it” and agreed to letting the hag take their eye because surely they could kill her either way. If she could take the tadpole, and all they lost was their eye, they figured it would be worth it. They chose to lose their pink eye due to it reminding them of their mother
- After saving Mayrina, they offered to say a few words for her dead husband. They proceed to say how this was Lolth’s will and that he basically would have died no matter what. Mayrina, in fact, did not like this
- Used the wand to bring back her husband as a zombie, only to refuse to give him to her and has decided to find uses for him (aka brought him into battle as a meat shield)
- They did not bat an eye when Astarion wanted to kill the monster hunter in the swamp. In fact, they knew the moment that this man brought up hunting a vampire that he had to die. Uses his cross bow to this day while still not being proficient
- Got Loviatar’s Blessing
- Gave Astarion the Necromancy of Thay book because why not
- Persuaded the ogre’s to work for them for food and occasionally gold. Every time they asked for gold, Cassian would convince them that they’d get it “next time”. When confronted by them later before leaving, Cassian then threatened them into leaving. They never gave them any gold
- Stole the Githyanki egg and gave it to the lady wanting it
- Argued with Vlaakith and nearly got everyone killed because of it
- Helped Mol cheat against Raphael in chess and managed to get away with it
- Could tell that Jahira had put a truth serum in their drink, and decided “I’ll still drink this. Why not”
- Decided to help He Who Was bring judgement upon Madeline. How they decided to do this was to intimidate her into stabbing herself repeatedly. It was the punishment her friends had gotten, so they deemed it fair that she do the same. He Who Was took back his body and was upset at the new stab wounds, so they fought. By all this, Cassian was only upset that they had to kill the raven
- Stuck their hand in a weird, fleshy wall
- Convinced the Orthon to kill his whole group, his displacer beast and then himself somehow. They aren’t sure how that one worked themself
- Somehow managed to convince the weird doctor guy and his nurses to also kill themselves. They just didn’t want
- Also convinced Ketheric not to fight them when down in the colony. Went straight to the Myrkul boss fight after confronting him down there
- Stole so much from the temple they offered to help in Wyrm’s crossing
- Immediately got into shenanigans by trying to steal shit from the nobles, but only Gale got caught
- Helped a little girl use a necromancy spell to try and resurrect her brother. Instead the whole graveyard was resurrected. The first of many graveyard shenanigans
- They sex in the graveyard. They do not regret this
- Dug up a grave in front of the child of said dead person. Stole from the grave. The child and the lady watching over the graveyard weren’t pleased
- Stole from someone’s family mausoleum because if they’re looting graves why not
- Again tried to steal from a grave and got attacked by Kobolds??? Cassian is no longer welcome in the graveyard
- While wearing the gloves they promised to get for a lady, they convinced her that they didn’t have them and when she asked them to pay, they threatened her. They did not have to pay
These are just the ones that I remember. This game has been so fun and wild. The drow options can be so wild
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megatontiddies · 3 years
2, 3, 13, 19, 28, 34 and 42?
2. Which faction(s) did they join and which did they destroy? Why?
Alwine was temporarily in the BOS genuinely believing that they may be the best chance at finding her son. After visiting the institute, however, and seeing the damage that her son has caused, as well as the broken ideologies of the BOS, Alwine leaned towards the Minutemen to try and fix as much damage as she could feeling heavy responsibility for many of the atrocities that the institute committed. She also brokered a tedious alliance with the railroad which lasted up until the events of "The Nuclear Option". After which the Railroad cut communication with her with one short interaction with the railroad agent "Charmer".
Evidentially the Institute got nuked.
The Nuka World raiders are a different story. Alwine met them relatively early on while she was still mainly associated with the BOS. Unlike how one would naturally go to Nuka World in game, Alwine was investigating a missing caravan and followed the Nuka World tram tracks to the outpost. Alwine also never did the gauntlet choosing to scout around the outskirts of the theme park. After some scouting Alwine realized the raiders were a mammoth force to be reckoned with that could cause some serious damage if they were to ever invade the commonwealth in a coordinated attack. After some contemplation she decided to attempt to broker an alliance, or at the very least negotiate, with the raiders, understanding that full scale war with them would produces massive casualties for both sides as well as civilians.
3. What is their S.P.E.C.I.A.L.?
Strength: 10
Perception: 9
Endurance: 7
Charisma: 10
Intelligence: 7
Agility: 7
Luck: 3
13. What Wasteland threat do they fear the most? (ex. Deathclaws, super mutants, raiders)
Behemoths, they're huge and they can cause a whole lot of damage. She is also terrified of Mirelurk Queens, not so much their appearance or threat but just how they could be implicative of other, even larger, sea creatures lurking beneath the ocean.
19. What natural alignment are they? (ex. Lawful Good, Chaotic Evil)
Chaotic Neutral. I was gonna say Chaotic Good but Alwine isn't afraid to do certain dirty work when necessary and on more than one occasion has made morally questionable decisions. She lives by her own set of rules. Her idea of morality is gray and situational.
28. Would you describe them as selfless or selfish? Does it depend on the situation?
Selfless. Despite her morally gray alignment Alwine never does anything for self gain. Everything she does, questionable and honorable, she believes is for either the better of the commonwealth or to protect those she loves.
34. What weapon(s) do they always carry with them?
Her laser rifle is an absolute must. She treats that gun like a beloved pet. She also has a small obsession with collecting knives. If one were to shake her upside-down it would be like a comedy skit with a blade falling out of every possible nook and cranny.
42. What’s their favorite location?
Far Harbor. Despite being terrified of the sea, she loves the ocean air and the dense woods. She dreams of building a small homestead on the island to live out the rest of her life.
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cohentm · 4 years
✮     ∷     ╰  𝖈𝖔𝖍𝖊𝖓  &  𝖈𝖗𝖊𝖜  :  
a connection  /  plot masterlist  .
              oof hey babies! i’m making this post so y’all know exactly how i’m breaking down the plots i have so far. i jotted down fulfilled connections, followed by the people i know i’m still in the midst of plotting with ( labeled “tba,” will be updated once we’ve decided on a backstory ), & at the end i listed some wanted connection ideas! even if you see your character on this list, though, and you’re like miss bri.... i want to change / add to / alter / etc that paragraph u wrote... especially if u see a wanted connection and you’re like whew i kinda want that now.... puhlease lmk. i’m down for absolutely anything & everything. mwah. x
𝖋𝖚𝖑𝖋𝖎𝖑𝖑𝖊𝖉 𝖈𝖔𝖓𝖓𝖊𝖈𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓𝖘.
parker  ,  ride or die  .  
these two could be a tag team duo if they wanted to be--and practically are when it comes down to it. cohen isn’t scared to get into a fight just because parker’s already there. parker’s hotheadedness and cohen’s will to throw a punch have been melding since the earliest of days, when parker was getting into abrupt locker room fights with their own teammates, even. cohen, being the type who can’t avoid starting shit with those same teammates, never found himself pooling more blame into parker’s bucket. instead, cohen sympathizes the only way he knows how: by holding out his hand and letting parker know that cohen doesn’t need a rhyme or reason to have parker’s back. for cohen nowadays, it’s just on sight. 
olivia  ,  meeting in the middle  /  opposites attract  .
the truth is, olivia should absolutely hate cohen, and cohen should absolutely hate olivia. she’s all warmth & sunlight and he’s all hasty reactions & tunnel vision. but for some reason, olivia has managed to penetrate his demeanor without even trying. he tries to be marginally “better” whenever he crosses her path. when they speak, he finds himself thinking things out a fraction deeper before he throws the whole idea / person / situation in the garbage like the pessimist / self-acclaimed “realist” he is. at parties, he’s the first to jump into a fight, but with olivia’s soft touch, he hesitates. he doesn’t know what it is about her, but she makes himself second guess himself ( often for the better ).
finn  ,  chaotic neutral  &  neutral evil friendship  .
if there’s one person cohen can stand for extended periods of time, it’s finn. finn’s chaotic neutral personality melds with cohen’s neutral evil personality seamlessly. oftentimes, finn and cohen are the duo at the party nodding at each other from across the room because a situation is escalating and cohen’s already rolling up his sleeves prepping to knock someone out for the hell of it. no matter what, finn’s a non-team member cohen’s constantly catching himself leaning on a little. he doesn’t feel like he has to watch his mouth around finn, let alone feel guilty for something like a consistently dirty car ( LXFMDFG ), which is a refreshing feeling cohen doesn’t often run into.
leo  ,  harsh truth-tellers  .
it isn’t uncommon for cohen to bump into leo, given his record for getting called off the field. coach tended to send him to the locker room with a physical therapist just to hide the fact that what cohen was actually getting called off for was excessive anger during a game. leo’s a hardass just like cohen, though, which makes speaking to her simultaneously easier and harder--since she’s bound to knock heads with him, but also give it back just the way he takes it. if there’s one thing cohen’s an expert at in their tedious relationship, though, it’s judging leo for all she’s worth. part of him loves the fact that she keeps herself so upright, after all, so when she’s simping hard and cohen feels she’s dwelling or losing track of herself just to appease people who treat her like shit, cohen’s never been afraid to let her know. this gives their relationship a rocky little twist, but cohen doesn’t shy from the truth.
summer  ,  no strings flirtationship  (  ft. mild to severe seemingly unrequited pining  )  .
summer and cohen have always been oddly close in a way that cohen isn’t close with anyone else. in high school, in a dramatic effort to push summer away after too many a repeated fling, cohen invited summer to his chaotic home. however, poised as she was, she remained entirely unphased by his chaotic living situation & family. since then, cohen has felt more uncomfortably comfortable around summer than he has around anyone else. she continuously manages to seep into his life all on her own. they sleep together casually on occasion, often fight “playfully” in an effort to egg each other on, and tend to open up to each other entirely unprecedently.
clara  ,  ex-girlfriend circa cohen’s sophomore year of college ( two years ago )  &  family friends  .
cohen and clara have been linked via their love for each other’s sibling since high school. clara was always best friends with his sister natalie, and he was always best friends with her brother cam. although clara was a consistent aspect in cohen’s life, they never got together until clara’s senior year of high school, which was subsequently cohen’s sophomore year of college. cohen was convinced he’d make it with her ( which is a rarity in & of itself ) much longer than they actually ended up making it, since cam died a year into their official relationship, sending both cohen and clara spiralling in entirely separate directions. 
renee  ,  PLOTTING ENSUING  !  TBA  .
tyler  ,  PLOTTING ENSUING  !  TBA  .
rafael  ,  PLOTTING ENSUING  !  TBA  .
devon  ,  cousins  .
georgia  ,  PLOTTING ENSUING  !  TBA  .
𝖜𝖆𝖓𝖙𝖊𝖉 𝖈𝖔𝖓𝖓𝖊𝖈𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓𝖘.
childhood best friends  and/or  cousins  :  someone cohen knows very deeply, and vice versa. maybe they lived in the same trailer park, maybe your muse’s rich family is related or connected, somehow to his poor cowboy redneck family ( maybe his construction worker dad was drunk on the job and now ur muse’s family thinks of his alcoholic messy parents as nuisances? maybe his parents think ur muse’s parents are too posh and hate their guts? ), maybe their families don’t get along.... maybe their families DO get along and ur muse is someone his parents ask after and talk about constantly! the possibilities are endless. regardless, though, this muse and cohen grew up playing together, smoking cigarettes ( or ur muse watching 12 y/o cohen smoke a cig MVLKFDG ), pretending to be grown because cohen FELT like he was grown by the time he could speak clear sentences, etc. cohen’s family’s a mess but they’re a family all the same. they may fight and drink constantly, but at the end of the day you can find them outside their trailers sitting in camping chairs drinking budweiser around a campfire and making fun of each other.
unrequited  /  secret  /  forbidden crush  :  maybe your muse secretly liked cohen and never said anything, maybe cohen secretly liked your muse and never said anything, etc. bonus points if your muse’s family knows cohen has a whole ass petty criminal record a la ryan from the o.c. and would absolutely throw a fit if they saw their kid even looking in cohen jetson’s general vicinity for too long. LKMDFK how they each deal with their crush today is totally up to us.
bail out  :  someone who vouches for cohen even when he’s getting into the worst kind of trouble. maybe they’ve caught him coming down from a high ( he used to take athletic stimulants for energy & performance, and is currently eight months into his most recent recovery / rehab attempt ) and have kept the fact that they saw him using on the dl in an effort to give him a chance to be better without getting kicked off the team. maybe they’ve given him a ride home from jail after getting picked up for fighting or public drunkenness and his parents weren’t picking up bc why would cohen’s parents ever.... LMDSFLKFG. maybe cohen bails ur muse out too and secretly helps them even when they should be left to suffer in the SAME way that cohen should be left to suffer. but they’re too close. it’s almost like they coddle each other. maybe it’s due to some romantic subplot or something like a sibling inkling. OOF maybe they’re exes. kill me now u know?
sponsor  -  esque relationship  :  basically someone who can cool cohen down when he’s craving a high, craving alcohol, when he’s getting irritable because he’s not performing well enough, when he’s going workout-crazy and needs someone to be like bitch.... can u sit down for like five seconds? LDMDFLKGKFG someone who doesn’t care when cohen cusses them out for no reason because they’ve got a tough shell and know he’s just getting irritable w them because he’s having a moment. someone patient w him. someone he has probably cried to before because he’s...... tired.
party friend  :  self-explanatory! maybe they’re infamous for ditching parties and heading straight to bars together. LDFMKD absolutely iconic of them. they’ve probably at least made out upwards of ten times because that’s.... cohen. SKDFJ unless ur a straight male, in which case, he politely flirts with u and that’s it. x basically this muse has seen him get into unwarranted bar fights just because he’s a bitch who will ALWAYS throw the first punch, this muse has walked home with him when they’re both way too drunk to drive, this muse probably goes back to cohen’s apartment PLASTERED with him after midnight and stays up to cook a meal and play a game of uno with him, etc, etc. we love nothin’ but warm-hearted fun in this house. 
exes on bad terms  /  hateship  /  enemies that detest each other  :  oof someone cohen has screwed over multiple times? more likely than u think. which is very likely. LKDSMFLKDF maybe they were exes? maybe cohen cheated on your muse? maybe cohen cheated WITH your muse and your muse didn’t find out until the break-up? maybe cohen beat your muse’s brother’s/dad’s ass and now there’s bad blood? maybe cohen broke things off with your muse before things could ever get serious? maybe cohen’s general demeanor just pisses your muse off? we’ve all been there KDNFDLKGN. basically these two hate each other and don’t even TRY to hide it anymore.
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rnainframe · 5 years
how about newt for wbw?
prepare for like 50% canon 50% headcanon
full name: Dr. Newton Geiszler, only Hermann and family know his deadname and Hermann only knows cause of the drift, if you use it around him he gets REALLY pissy at you >:[
gender: Trans dude!!
sexuality: Gayyy
pronouns: He/him
family: Monica Schwartz (gone mom), Jacob Geiszler (semi-gone dad)Illia Geiszler (father figure uncle)Unnamed stepparents (since both parents were married but having an affair to have him)Hermann Gottlieb (husband), Mako Mori (adoptive niece), Stacker Pentecost (older sibling slash father figure), Tendo Choi (so-close-they-might-as-well-be-siblings type guy)
birthplace: Berlin, Germany
job: K-Science Officer, scientist, xenobiologist, professional lovable dumbass
phobias: His experience during the Double Event makes him extremely nervous in confined, crowded spaces such as the public shelter he was forced into. So he ends up with a bit of claustrophobia. You’d think it’d make him a bit more wary about his work with Kaiju, but nope.
guilty pleasures: Blasting music way too loud, probably has tinnitus - doing REALLY dumb shit in the name of science, has on at least one occasion had to pass off the results of a test on himself as a relapse due to how stupid what he actually did was (probably a teeny test to see what kaiju dna does to human dna in a spot where his tats would cover it)
morality alignment?: Chaotic Good, more neutral-leaning when the world isn’t at stake and more evil-leaning in Treason AU
sins: Pride
virtues: Diligence
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert/extrovert: Extrovert
organized/disorganized: Disorganized
close minded/open-minded: Open-minded, just comes off as otherwise if his passions conflict w/ someone else (like him being excited about kaijus in front of someone who had a traumatic experience involving one)
calm/anxious: Anxious, but like, in a manic way
disagreeable/agreeable: Disagreeable, but mainly just with Hermann cause 
cautious/reckless: Reckless
patient/impatient: Impatient
outspoken/reserved: Outspoken
leader/follower: Leader, whether anyone else agrees or not
empathetic/unemphatic: He Tries to be empathetic
optimistic/pessimistic: Optimistic
traditional/modern: Modern
hard-working/lazy: Hard-working
otp: Hermann/Newton
ot3: I don’t really have any
brotp: Him and Tendo! It’s not really shown but I feel like they’re probably about as close as Tendo is with Raleigh. 
notp: Him with any of his adoptive family, or Herc, cause… two are close to being adoptive inc/st w/ my hcs and one is someone he canonically Very Much Dislikes
also some mental health stuff
He canonically has BPD! 
I’m projecting my ADHD that might be comorbid w/ BPD at this point (been going through a lot of questioning abt my mental health lately, i’m getting screened soon hopefully) onto him
He stims! Lots of high energy stims, like tapping his foot or hand on stuff, rocking, chewing on his mouth and lips, messing with his hair, echoing/singing/humming stuff (listen even if he’s apparently bad at singing his favorite kinds of music are genres that are practically like the worse your voice sounds the better SO)
His rough childhood probably lead to him adopting so much of the PPDC as a second family cause he Needs a good family
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