#they’re awfulllll
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cursezoroark · 7 days ago
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lovinglin · 1 year ago
...okay fine he gets a tag
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liebgirl · 10 months ago
yesssss haha YES!! btw!!!!
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westerberg · 7 months ago
I want to commit to saying no to my sister more often bc even if she isn’t a “horrible person” (as she so loves to guilt trip me with whenever I express my feelings) she does cause me tremendous anxiety and it’s just not fair to me even if I do want to be “nice to her.” But I bought these tickets for Mike Hanford and Comedy Bang Bang this weekend and 😑 I honestly wish I hadn’t gotten her into all of my comedy stuff bc I do not want to be stuck having to go to comedy bang bang shows with her for the rest of my life. And I’m not sure how to get out of it without looking like a huge asshole. And she’s not nearly as nuts about it as I am but she pretends to be to try and win my approval (I guess?) which is deeply annoying to me. Bc I’ll try to have a conversation ab it afterwards and the only thought she seems to have ab it is “that was funny.” And then we have to go visit my dying grandma next weekend and I have to go with her bc she has a car and I don’t. And that’s going to be nothing short of pure torture and it will be awful for my brain but 😑😑AFTER THAT…. She always acts like I’m a snarky unsympathetic asshole which is actually so quietly manipulative bc I can be snarky of course but reallly I’m awfulllll at holding down hard boundaries with people who I feel bad for (my Venus in Pisces…..) but she is incapable of seeing herself as anything but harmless child (she’s 5 years older than me) so whenever I’m “mean to her” (telling her how she’s made me feel) of course I’m an asshole. It is hard to believe she has been in therapy as long as she has I have no idea what they’re doing with her there
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gingerlee-holds · 2 years ago
the MFL is an evil awful meanie organization of MEANIES
(MFL=Management of Lees Foundation)
they take innocent, kind, and very attractive citizens and tword them to bits!!!! for no reason!!!!! they’re awfulllll!!!!!!!!!!
we at the mfl can confirm nagisa escaped captivity. temporarily of course, and who better to teach that assassin a lesson other then one of his biggest fans?
The files on how everyone else got in these precarious predicments will be released soon
hehe, i am always happy to assist with the collection of cuties for tickling (─‿‿─) thank you for your continued service in providing me with darlings to wreck !!
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calciferstims · 3 years ago
ooo interesting you mentioned lotr, i have it on my to watch list, all of the films because i have never seen them entirely, only some bits here and there, but they look really good. im just awfulllll with films because i have like...the shittiest attention span there is lmaoo...but im gonna try and watch the first one very soon! its going to be a pain in the ass with the, watch, pause, watch a little more, then pause again lool...god i always end up rambling idk why hahahah fml.
thanks for mentioning the pinned btw, i didnt know you had yours written down, i usually just go to ask immediately lol.
oo otto octavious, i liked him in spiderman when i saw that film agessss ago, woah what a literl throwback seeing him again. yea i hd to google because im shit with remembering names lol. thought it ws some cartoon octopus at first haha.
and dont worry!! i dont think you are cringe at all for liking anything. you like what you like and you cant help it! besides it aint hurting nobody! 😌
im a bit weird about hyperfixations/special interests, for i dont feel like i really have anything? like i collect plushies, i have my entire life, i dont think that'll ever go away. i nerd out a lot of animes, too. like i just love that stuff, idk if that could be potentionally a special interest or hyperfixation. lmk if you know if it is haha.
Oooohh my GOD I know everyone says this all the time but you need to watch lotr. You need to. I know they’re super long and it’s a bit much but!! They’re so good!!!! The things about it I like, are like, high fantasy without excessive CGI, massive scale world, non-toxic masculinity, friendship, a message of hope enduring and I just!!! Love it!! Ok ok I’m done
Listen I cannot blame you he’s literally just an octopus. He’s. He’s a cyborg octopus man and I love him.
Of course!! I was cringing at myself a bit when my recent hyperfix started but some mutuals of mine got hyperfixated too and now I’m just having a good time 😅
And! Special interests/hyperfixations don’t have to be like, media or anything! I can definitely see plushies being a long-term special interest, or just a cool interest and that’s ok too! (Gosh I want to start collecting more plushies, I think it would make me happy 🥰)
And, if you’re wondering about it, as far as identifying hyperfixations goes: I just feel like my interests in the past were always more intense than everyone else’s?? Like, I’d meet someone else who was into the same thing, but they just weren’t into it like I was. I thought everybody was into things that much, and it kind of confused me when people didn’t return that same energy 🤷
Also!! Huge indicator for me was the uncontrollable aspect of hyperfixations. Like… I don’t know if neurodivergent people are actually different, I assume they are lmao 😂 But a big thing I’ve noticed is feeling like I have no control over what my brain fixates on, like I could obsess over something I’m actually kinda done with for a full 7 months, or I could suddenly stop being interested in something I genuinely loved with no control over how much dopamine a certain thing gives my brain. And I uh, I’m assuming that’s not Normal.
Idk, food for thought if anyone needs it!
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hey-kuzon · 5 years ago
Thoughts I had while watching The Last Airbender
-        Hmm maybe this won’t be as shit as I thought
-        Oh what did they do with katara’s feminist rage
-        Why did sokka find the sphere
-        Dialogue?
-        No penguin sledding >:(
-        Oh I ran away but that doesn’t bother me at ALL lollll I’m chill
-        UMMM if everyone else in the southern water tribe are Asian why aren’t katara and sokka and kanna??
-        Why does zuko have 2 eyebrows
-        We literally have no reason to care about aang?? why does katara even care about him she spoke to him once and now they’re going to leave home with him no problem
-        Also what the fuck did they do to appa’s face
-        Damn hama was kanna’s friend uh
-        Ahhng? Soh-kka? Eeroh? The uhhhhvatar? Uhhh why the need to change the pronunciation of the character’s names
-        Ooh production design do be kinda nice tho
-        At least monk gyatso is Asian
-        Ok no I hate production design on the fire nation ships
-        Why are they eating with chopsticks if they’re all Indian though
-        No firebending? Just hand to hand combat??? lmao ok zuko great way to train
-        sHe’S a BEnDer! as if they couldn’t already see?? By the fact that she’d bending?? Lmao
-        DAD! (this is my father!)
-        The whole earthbenders revolt scene ahahahahaha
-        We finally see some bending fighting and wtfffff why do they look so drunk and why is it so slow and why does it take 5 earthbenders and a lil dance to move 1 (one) small boulder??
-        Why is sokka’s face 0-0 the whole time
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-        Aang is having trouble waterbending lmao that's the complete opposite to canon
-        Lmaoooooo lord ozai what he aint scary he’s boring
-        Agni key tf??
-        Why is sokka so angry and serious lol he’s supposed to be funny
-        In fact why is everyone so angry and serious that’s zuko’s thing
-        Who tf is this dragon stupid
-        Ugh I hate the blue spirit mask
-        He doesn’t even have the knife to his throat?? you really think he’ll just stab him in the head
-        Ohhh the dialogue is so baddd
-        Ugh what did they do to appa??? he’s so ugly
-        Yue is kinda cute tho
-        Ummmm why would you accept sokka as yue’s guard you literally have no reason to know why he’s any good?????
-        Where is the chemistry??? It’s awkward but not in a good way
-        Ok katara and aang do some tai chi why don’t you. don’t actually bend any water lmao
-        Why are all the northern water tribe white>????
-        ‘Aang can you hear me?’ Bitch he’s tryna meditate!!
-        Damn katara is shit at bending
-        Um I thought you said the city was impenetrable? look at all these fire nation soldiers
-        ‘calm down. We’ll find him’ voiceover cringe
-        Appa is literally reduced to a vehicle and I hate it
-        Tf iroh why did you not even try to fight zhao with fire?? just show off the fact you can make your own like that isn’t what all firebending is supposed to be
-        Excuse me why are you not giving yue the agency to make up her own mind to give her spirit to the moon
-        Damn did they really just drown zhao? Savage
-        Avatar state yip yip
-        Oh no m night Shyamalan what have you done
-        You really just admitted to producing, directing AND writing this piece of garbage
-        Bruh you cannot write to save your life
-        In conclusion, the script was awfulllll
-        You don’t know how to direct fight scenes and the bending in this universe made no sense
-        You don’t know how to direct characters in general
-        You obviously had no understanding of the source material whatsoever
-        This caused me physical pain when I wasn’t laughing bc of how stupid it was
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princeanxious · 5 years ago
It's happened to me too a few times in my life. Those hiccups hurt my chest, like jeez.
My hiccups are always kinda uncomfortable(though not really painful?? Unless my mouth is open) ahaa
They're also impossible to keep quiet and it was awful during school bc I could never get them to stop xD plus god forbit my mouth is accidentally open and I hiccup. Hiccups that shake your body are awfulllll
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bhadpodcast · 7 years ago
Perish the thought that someone likes more than one ship or allows more than one to be discussed on THEIR account and Discord. Come on. I may not like Scerek, but I'll be damned if I bad-mouthed or hated on someone because they did. What is wrong with that nonnie? Grow the hell up. If you don't like something, no one is making you go in to that channel but yourself.
Oh I definitely badmouth scerek! Lol! It's awfulllll! However, scerek the user is pretty fantastic (we've since buried the petty hatchet).I think that's the part that easy to forget. That behind these ships are people. It's easy to be like I WOULD NEVER CONSORT WITH A SCOTT STAN OR SMS STAN! But I've met both who were lovely. Sure, they're a little crazy in that one regard, but that doesn't rob them of their humanity.As long as we respect each other we're good.And they bow down to the sterek/Sticky supremacy, ahem...
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palebirdqueen · 4 years ago
I feel awfulllll like I’m dead inside but yeah I know one person who wants me to feel like that so hope they’re happy :)
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theniftycat · 8 years ago
Rules: Answer the 20 questions in a new post and tag 20 blogs you would like to get to know better
Tagged by @catandcricket Thank you!
Nickname: only my brother gives me them, they are awfulllll Gender: don’t care atm, maybe you could say genderfluid, mostly female, but overall idc Star Sign: taurus, my bff has gotten interested in horoscopes and the stars say that I see myself as sagittarius. true Height: 158 Time right now: 4:00 Last thing I googled: DIVORCE bc I wasn’t sure if there was c or s Favorite Bands: depends on my mood, Matia Bazar atm Favorite Solo Artists: depends as well, but I always love Billie Holiday, Eartha Kitt and Dusty Springfield Song stuck in your head: True by Spandau Ballet Last TV show I watched: The Protectors because I forgot about American Gods  today and now it’s late When did you create your blog: 3 years ago? When did your blog reach its peak: July 2015, I was making MFU gifs every day Do you have any other blogs: yes, but they’re asleep 
Do you get asks regularly: not anymore Why you chose your URL: because of The Fiddlesticks Affair, Kuzya and my first name Following: 362, it’s over 300 for two years already, never got above 400, many of them are not active anymore Posts: 17154 Hogwarts House: Slytherin Pokémon Team: idk Favourite colors: orange, violet Average hours of sleep: 9 atm Lucky Numbers: 63 Favorite manga characters: haven’t read any How many blankets do you sleep with: a sheet Dream job: something fun and engaging, like a physicist Dream trip: VENICE?????????? I GUESS???????? *looks at all the shows*
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