#they will never understand Micheal Afton the way *I* understand Michael Afton
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dirtytransmasc · 1 year ago
watching the fnaf movie with my family is so strange. like... they don't know what's going on, they don't get why Micheal makes me break down in tears with how hard I'm laughing at him, they don't get why I care so much.
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satin-polar · 6 months ago
FNAF Bible theory. In light of recent Dave theory. It's just from my surface knowledge of the bible (but I am from a christian home, I know a lot) and few wikipedia findings.
Scott is very well known for being a religious person. That's nothing new. And this theory will conclude with statement that ,,FNAF is just a retelling of the bible,, at least part of it. There will not be Jesus in this one. The closest one will be his cousin John.
Pls. Mind that english is not my first lauguage. Im good at using it, but I keep missing word. And i keep using languagetool. And few time I use term ,,standin for,, I'm not sure im using correct term. But hope you understand. So let's start with what we got now:
David - King of Israel, Battle with Goliath
Michael - Guardian of Israel, Battle with Satan
Elizabeth - Known for being a mother and having a baby (stick with me)
And few important names: Gabriel and Henry
When the name David came out lately, when Hyper Droid was talking about CC real name. It struck me. David in the bible is best known for battling the Goliath, and Slaying him, becoming King after that. And in the World of FNAF, CC also battled the Goliath, but this time Lost. Goliath being stand in for Fredbear, you know Giant Robot. We can argue that even if CC lost the rest still happened, Goliath was slain - Fredbear was never used again, and he kinda became the King - CC is probably the most important spirit in FNAF, and Golden Fredy is the Leader of Animatronics, Golden like a Kings Crown - And stay golden even after all the years, when Golden Bonnie faded, but that's later. Golden Freddy leads the Spirits even if it's not David (CC) it's Cassidy, but Cassidy is probably not a biblical name, but there might be something to it if we dig deeper.
Michael - The Archangel. The One that cast Satan out of Heaven. Yes Satan being stand in for William. ("...he does battle with Satan and casts him out of heaven so that he no longer has access to God as accuser" - Wikipedia quote). And mentioning. When David is the King of Israel. Micheal is the Guardian (prince) of Israel (If we take methafor for Israel in FNAF as the place where every spirit lingers, sooo Freadys. Yeah Freddy's is Israel, The Bible one, not the moder country, it's sounds weird now, but let's deal with it.) Then, idk whats better way to describe Mike. After his brother's death, he goes and protects what his brother has become part of, to redeem himself, to give his brother and every soul Afton killed an afterlife. But this Flipped retelling of Bible. As David failed to Defeat Goliath. Michael failed to Protect Souls. But after tries and punishment, he banishes the evil from immortality. Except there are no happy endings in FNAF.
Elizabeth is more difficult than two brothers, but. I might have something. As the fact that FNAF is Flipped retelling of bible more struck me, where nothing goes as it should, but parallels are visible. It got me there. Naming FNAF characters after biblical figures must have some reason. At least minimal. Let's start with this, and it might sound more weird than the rest, so at least trigger warning here. The Big Elizabeth in story in bible start with her husband going to a Temple and being visited by Angel Gabriel. And is promised Elizabeth will bear a son - John the Baptist. Kinda like Mike going to Circus Baby Pizza. Yes I compared Circus Baby Pizza to the Temple of God. But as we know, everything must go wrong. It might be parallels that Elizabeth, instead of bearing the child, got crushed in the belly of a child (baby) looking robot. (And you know, I think Elizabeth in bible is only known for being a mother of more important figure, and naming fnaf character after bible character might be difficult, and SL is kinda a spin-off, I don't know what Stott was thinking, I just see parallels) But as we now know, even if figures failed to fulfill their job, everything else still needs to happen. Destiny needs to fulfill itself. And have you ever noticed that Scooper rips out your guts, from the belly. And as spoken before, something needs to be born. And as Elizabeth would bere the child, now she crawls into someone's belly, as Baby put her self together. In flipped reflection of destiny. Michael goes to a temple, and is promised a Baby, it happened but in crocked refection, Elizabeth is born from her own Brother. But it's not Elizabeth that is the most important that day, because at the same moment, Michael is born again as the Baptist. To cleanse evil in the Baptism of Fire. And as weird as it gets, Mike being also the stand in for John the Baptist resonates well with me.
And that not the end, but I wanted to leave that on the end, because now we will talk about remnant, and remnants are still controversial in FNAF fandom. And I didn't want to taint my Elizabeth part with it. But You can add this to Elizabeth part, and it will only add more to the theory. Trust me. In the Bible when Elizabeth's husband visited the temple, angel said, and I quote "...and he will be filled with the Holy Spirit even before he is born." Mention of being Filled with the Holy Spirit is something that just struck me the most. And I feared that it made sense. As we go further in FNAF games, (technically first ever mention of Remnant is in FNAF 6, but it's calling back to the Scooper) First ever usage of Remnant comes from FNAF SL. When Mike is being Filled with Remnant by the Scooper. As Biblical Child of Elizabeth was Filled with the Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit in bible is reserved for very special things. And if we going with naming FNAF characters after biblical names. Usage of Holy Spirit in the most important story connected to name Elizabeth and the Child she bore. As Scooper standin for filling someone with Remnant - Michael goes to a Temple of The False God that created the Baby and is Filled with The Remnants of Spirits. God!
Did I mention that It's not the end yet. It's not that big, but I want to point out what I see as interesting findings. And maybe we can do something more with this. I never readed bible, I just had religion in school, and I was kinda interested in that when I was younger. But I have really good memory, and this all just started coming to me.
When researching Michael, the name Gabriel keep coming out, It was interesting (like ohhh Scott, you know what you were doing) later when the name Gabriel came up in The Story of Elizabeth. There must be something more. First it was, did Scott name missing children after Archangels - No. But using just one name is enough. And as we all agree, Gabriel, being a child possessing Freddy. Scott used the name Gabriel on the first gravestone. Freddy the face of basic animatronics. Scott could name every kid after (as I found) - 7 archangels, but that would be too obvious, but he named only one, the first, the one we all agree is Freddy. Scott could give him a normal name, but he needed to name at least one after biblical name. And it's Gabriel. I have a weird feeling that, as Scott is a religious person, he just jumped on Wikipedia just like me, and found that Michael and Gabriel are very connected with each other. The fact that the name Gabriel comes out in 2 most important names in FNAF that also are standin for biblical characters. To this moment we got 2/3 names, but Mike and Elizabeth are kinda normal names, so we didn't care, but Now there are 3, we got David. All of William's children are named after biblical characters. With show how egotistical he is. But we got more; as we got Gabriel, it's now 4/3.
My smalled finding is that old version the name Henry is Harold. And it get me to Herod, the Guy that Order to Kill Children when Jesus was about to Born. But It sound more like William, You Know the Guy that KILL CHILDREN.
And Afton. The Guy Himself. Standin for Satan, Devil, Mephisto. The one cast out and banished from heaven. As Golden Freddy faded but stayed golden. Golden Bonny rotten, darken, faded to pitch green. Should be punished in hell, as destiny called for that. But not everything happened as it should. William is still punished, but what Cassidy the Vengeful Spirit done. Will it let go. Old Man Consequences is God Himself. The End (The last is just my own little head canon)
I went. Kinda insane at the end of this. But pls dont toss it out as a wird therory. Ther is a lot to this that make sense. And fell free to add more to this, if you can find more, or know more. My knowlege isnt that full. Retelings of the bible are very common. And no one ever get that angry when you use bibilical stories as the inspiraton. A lot of stories if you dig not even that deep, can be traced down to bibilacal stories. As its collection of very basic moral stories - Of good fighting evil. And thanks to Hyper Droid, his David theory opened the gate for.
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cioud-berries · 3 months ago
Just Can't Get Enough || Chapter 6
It was hard to believe that someone who was notoriously known as a bully, like Michael Afton, had a crush on someone that wasn't some cheerleader or popular girl at school. Y/N was a total nerd but that didn't stop him from crushing on her for years. After the grace of god, when he got the chance to ask her out she was skeptical but took it. But how would others react to the strange parring?
Michael Afton x Female Reader
Chapter Warnings:
Word count: 6,120
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October 5 | Friday | 7:00 AM
The news of the notorious Micheal Afton dating a straight A theater kid spread around fast. No thanks to Michael telling almost everyone he came in contact with. Y/N should’ve known this was coming, but it was her fault for not mentioning she wanted to keep things a bit more private.
When she went to school on the monday after their second date, she slowly noticed more and more people looking her way throughout the day. Some eyes were full of jealousy, some other curiosity, but mostly confusion. When she asked Michael who he told, all he could do was laugh awkwardly, chuckle and rub the back of his neck, not knowing the exact number. 
While most people just looked on from a distance, some people were brave enough to speak up. The most common question that was asked was- “Are you and Michael really dating?” Meant as a genuine question but it always comes off as an insult. Some people, mostly girls, would tell her- “He’s only using you to get a good grade, y’know?”
While it was all very discouraging for Y/N, she had Michael right there, confidently reassuring her by saying “They’re just jealous that I have such an amazing girlfriend, and they know they can never live up to it.” Most times, he’d swing his arm around her and give her a big kiss on the cheek afterwards. His physical affection was growing by the day.
Y/N’s goal was just to get through the week. Focus on classes, ignore the stare’s, and everything will hopefully calm down a bit by next week. Only one day left until the weekend. Her mother had just dropped off her and Erik off for school. It didn’t take Michael too long to find and berate her.
“Good morning my gorgeous girlfriend.” He walked up next to her, giving her a kiss on the cheek.
“You are way too energetic.” She replied tiredly. She turned to him with a slight smile, “But good morning.”
Just then, Malissa Miller walked by with her posse, scoffing at the two loud enough for them to hear. Michael just glared in disgust. “Bitch” He mumbled. “I don’t know why she’s scoffing. She’s literally in a relationship.”
“Whatever.” Y/N mumbled, starting to head towards her next class.
Michael was worried that this type of thing would cause Y/N to get fed up with him and break it off. “Hey, I’m sorry.” He caught up to her. He wanted to apologize for telling nearly everyone.
“It’s not your fault. I just don’t understand why people can’t mind their own business.” She huffed irritably Michael winced slightly, feeling like he contributed to her annoyance.
He still felt at fault because she’s taking most of the criticism over something that wasn’t her fault. He should’ve just kept his mouth shut. “So what are you doing over the weekend?”
“Nothing really.” She turned over to him. “What about you? Would you want to hang out?”
He sighed, obviously annoyed. “I would love to, but my dad is dragging me to another state to pick up something he bought.”
“Well at least you’re leaving town for the weekend.” She tried to come up with some positives to make him feel better. “That should be fun!”
“Yeah, in the car with my dad for hours. So much fun.” He replied sarcastically.Y/N wasn’t sure the type of relationship he had with his dad. But she assumed it wasn’t so great seeing how he was around his father.
“Well-” She was trying to find the right words to say. “I hope you at least find some sort of entertainment.” The five minute warning bell rang, signaling they needed to get to class.
“Me too.” He said shortly, knowing he wouldn’t.
12:34 PM
Y/N’s mother was spending her day off gathering groceries for the next week. It’s not something she’d really wanted to do on her day off, but she should save herself the time later, and just do it now.
Making sure to get everything she knew her kids wanted, she headed for the cereal aisle. She knew that they were running out of Y/N’s favorite cereal and wanted to make sure she got it for her. 
She got to the aisle and walked down it, trying to find the type that Y/N liked. She was so focused on the shelf that she didn’t see the man standing there, lightly running her cart into him. 
“Oh my, I’m so sorry!” She quickly apologized to the man. She recognized the man but couldn’t put her finger on it.
He moved away from the font of her cart, not wanting the possibility of getting hit again. “It’s fine,” He put on a fake smile. He put the box of cereal in his basket.
“Oh shoot!” She exclaimed, realizing that the man just took the last box. “My daughter loves that brand.” 
“My daughter does as well.” His tone was slightly defensive, “Her babysitter quit, so I am trying to get her favorite foods to make the drive more bearable.”
“Oh well if you need a babysitter, my daughter could do it!” She quickly replied, always looking for opportunities for her kids.
“Well-” He went to voice his concerns, due to only meeting this woman less than five minutes ago. 
“Don’t worry! My daughter is a straight A student and is great with children!” She chimed in, pressuring the man to accept the offer. “She doesn’t have a car but if there was an emergency, I could always drive for whatever reason.”
The man thought about it, weighing the options. The one that stuck out most to him was how badly he didn’t want to deal with Elizabeth. He was already having to bring Michael to help him and he knew Elizabeth would throw a tantrum the whole time. He really didn’t want to deal with it.
“Fine.” He stated through gritted teeth.
“Perfect!” She exclaimed happily, pulling out a pen from her purse, ready to write all of the man’s information down.
She felt very accomplished as she continued to shop. She knew it was going to be a good opportunity for Y/N, seeing as she hasn’t gotten a job yet, and most kids her age already do.
3:04 PM
Y/N and Erik got into the car. Y/N sighed, happy that the week was finally over. Hoping that by next week, everyone would forget or not care about her and Michael being together.
“You okay honey?” Their mother asked her. 
“Yeah,” She sighed again, not sharing any detail as to why, “I’m just happy it’s the weekend. I can finally relax.” 
Their mom gripped the wheel a bit, knowing that Y/N wouldn’t like the news she was about to give. She didn’t want her kids to see her questioning her choices so she put on a smile and told her. “Well I actually got you a babysitting job over the weekend!”
“What?” She quickly yelled while Erik snickered at the situation, happy he wasn’t the one to have a job forced upon. 
“No need to be so dramatic.” She looked over at Y/N. “It's a good, easy way to make money. Plus most kids your age already have a job by now.”
“Ugh.” Y/N groaned, lowering in her seat. “Why don’t you ask me before getting me into something. What if I had something this weekend?”
“Well if it was important, I would’ve known about it.” She retorted, Y/N could tell her patience was thinning. “It was short notice but I bet you’ll get more money for that!”
“Who am I babysitting for?” She finally questioned. “The neighbors?”
“William Afton. He’s the owner of that pizza place we went to.” She said it as if it was no big deal.
“Oh my god.” Y/N whispered under her breath.
She knew that it was a small town, but the coincidence of her mom somehow getting her to babysit Michael’s little sister was kind of funny. But from what Michael has said about her, this will be a very long weekend.
“So you just told this stranger that I’d come over to his house for the weekend?” Y/N stated, obviously peeved. “What if he was some kind of creep and was lying to you?”
“Oh come on sweetheart.” Her tone was starting to show signs of annoyance. “I don’t think that’s the case. If it was, my motherly instincts would’ve kicked in. Plus I know his name, address and place of work.”
Y/N looked at Erik through the rearview mirror, knowing their mom had the motherly instincts of a Harp Seal. “How long is it for?” She finally gave in.
“From five until Sunday afternoon.” She pulled into the driveway. “I know there will be enough food for you to feed the girl and yourself but I’ll give you some extra money to order pizza.”
They all got out of the car. Y/N started heading up to her room to start packing, even though she has another few hours until she has to leave.
“Maybe bring some movies for you two to watch!” Her mom told her from the bottom of the steps. “The easiest babysitting can get is putting something on for them to watch and just leaving them to it!” She advised, remembering when she used to babysit.
Y/N made sure to bring some things she’d think Elizabeth would like, from Michael’s description. She was dreading this weekend already and it barely even started. At least she’d get to meet Michael’s notorious sister, even though she couldn’t tell if that was a good or bad thing. She wondered if that meant Michael would be there also, though she doubted it as he seemed certain he was going on that trip with his father. Or maybe I’ll deal with a miniature version of him. She thought humorously, wondering if his sister was just as troublesome as him. She was just dreading to face their father overall, unsure if he’ll recognize her from before. 
4:53 PM
Her mom pulled into the driveway of the Afton household. Many questions started to flurry around in her head. What if Elizabeth doesn’t like her? Would Michael find it weird that she was staying in her house while he wasn’t there? Does he even know it’s her babysitting? Is this going to be the worst weekend of her life? 
“Now if you need anything just call, you remember the home phone number right?” She asked, wanting to make sure she had everything.
“Of course I do,” She grabbed her bag of stuff out of the back of the car. “And if I didn’t, I know they have a phonebook.”
“Okay, well I left some money in your bag if you guys want to order pizza.” She gave Y/N an encouraging smile. “Good luck! Have fun!”
Y/N got out of the car, stopping before closing the door. “I’ll try my best. Love you” 
“Love you too sweetie!” Y/N shut the car door, heading towards the house. It didn’t take any time for her mother to quickly pull out of the driveway and leave.
Y/N grumbled, thinking that her mother could have at least waited until she went inside before leaving. She turned back towards the house, now realizing how creepy it was. It was an old plain looking house, but the thing that made it creepy was how secluded it was. It was about a quarter of a mile to get back to the main road, and even with that, it's a few miles until you get back to a populated area.
With a deep sigh, she walked up to the front door, hesitating before knocking. Slight inaudible yelling could be heard from inside the house, followed by a more clearer “Yeah” that was clearly from a younger girl. Elizabeth. 
Small footsteps can be heard running towards the door. A few clicks later and the door opened to a young girl with red hair. Y/N didn’t know what to expect she’d look like, but she definitely didn’t look like Michael or their father. She guessed that she got most of her looks from her mother. Or maybe she just got the wrong house.
“You’re Y/N, right? My babysitter?” The girl asked while keeping the door mostly closed. She peered up at Y/N with her curious green eyes.
“Uh yeah I am.” She said unsure.
The girl’s attitude immediately changed to a more welcoming one. “Come in then! You have the same name as Michael's girlfriend.” She said bluntly, like most children do.
“Oh what a coincidence.” Y/N awkwardly commented, now realizing that Michael in fact does not know that she’s babysitting. “I guess it could be a common name.”
They were both standing awkwardly in the living room, Y/N still clutching onto her bag, just in case she needs to leave for some reason. She felt bad for feeling so awkward and uncomfortable in Michael’s home. But it wasn’t Michael that caused it, it was his father.
The combination of the rumors surrounding Fredbear’s and the one time she met face to face with him made her skin crawl. She wishes she could be mad at her mother but she was just trying to do what she thought was best for her daughter.
The silence between the two was starting to get unbearable. Y/N didn’t know what to say or talk about. Thankfully enough, Elizabeth was focused on the kids show on the TV, but it was still awkward for Y/N. She would’ve been relieved if anyone but William walked in, but it was bound to happen sooner or later, she was taking care of his kid. He laid his suitcase on the ground before walking towards her.
It was obvious that William instantly recognized her from the back alley of Fredbear’s. He wondered if Michael somehow orchestrated this, but there was no way he would know Y/N’s mother. Michael was the type of boyfriend that girls hid from their parents, and William knew that. 
“Your mother said you were a straight A student?” He asked in disbelief. Y/N sharply turned to face him to answer his question.
“Yes I am.” She replied, intimidated by his demeanor. “I have my report card.” She reached into her bag to search for it. When her mom forced her to bring it, she thought it was insane. At least it came in handy.
William snatched it from her, looking over it carefully. Either she somehow forged her report card, or Michael somehow managed to find a smart friend for once. William just couldn’t believe it, he handed the card back to her. “I can help Elizabeth with her homework if need be.” She believed that Elizabeth’s homework or grades would  be the reason he cared about Y/N’s grades so much.
William ignored her comment, not caring about that at all. He walked towards the kitchen, before beginning to list off the rules to her. “Michael and I should be back by mid Sunday. I have locked all of the doors of the room’s you’re not allowed to go into. If they’re locked, don’t try to get in anyways. There should be enough food for the both of you, if you somehow eat all of it, you’ll have to pay for food. You’ll be sleeping on the couch, or floor, whichever you prefer. If anything happens, call the number on the fridge, but only call if there’s an emergency.” He finally finished, mumbling the next part under his breath. “I don’t care otherwise.”
Y/N only nodded, trying to keep note of everything. William turned towards the hallway before yelling for Michael to hurry up. Michael snapped back in response, in a room nearby.
“Hold on old man, I have to make sure I have everything!” Y/N was surprised that Michael had the guts to yell at his father like that.
Michael rushed to his father with two luggage cases in his hands, obviously too much for this very short trip they were going to be on. It took a bit too long for him to notice that Y/N was in his house, but when he did, he stopped in his tracks with a look of disbelief on his face. She wanted to laugh at how his jaw seemed to drop like a cartoon character from Looney Tunes. 
“You’re Liz’s babysitter?” He asked, still clearly in shock.
William was not paying attention to the conversation between the two, only the amount of things he’s bringing. His eyes scanned over to Michael, noticing the two luggages with him. “Michael! You don’t need that much stuff. Go put some stuff back. And hurry up, we need to leave now if we want to get to the motel by eleven.” His voice was stern and angry. Y/N assumed that Michael was getting on his last nerves even before she had arrived. 
Michael looked down at his bags, debating which bag to take back to his room. “Y/N you can sleep in my room, if you’d want!” He offered in a hopeful tone Typically, knowing that babysitters take the couch, but he was willing to bend the rules especially for her. “If you follow me I can show you around.” 
“Well only if Mr. Afton is okay with it.” She politely responded, turning towards him.
William opened his mouth to respond but was quickly cut off by Michael. “Why wouldn’t he be?” He answered for his father as if he wasn’t right there. 
“Fine,” William replied through gritted teeth. “Just be quick.”
Y/N followed Michael down the hall. With his hands full it was hard for him to open the door, so Y/N got it for him. She thought that Michael’s room would’ve been one of the ones that was off limits and was surprised that it wasn’t. 
The room looked like any teen boys would, and smelled like it too. Clothes were thrown everywhere, most likely from him packing. She felt like she shouldn’t be in there and stood awkwardly in the middle of the room as Michael threw his two luggage cases on the bed and opened them both to see how he could consolidate it all into one.
“Why didn’t you tell me that you were the one watching Liz?” He asked, trying to strategically stuff everything into one case. 
“Because I didn’t know until I got in the car with my mom.” She finally laid her stuff down on the carpet, still standing in the same spot. She watched as Michael huffed aloud and forced all the clothes into one case and managed to push the luggage down so he could zip it up.“She somehow got this job for me today.”
Once he finally figured it all out, he leaned on his case to make sure it shuts all the way. He then turned to her, leaving his suitcase on the bed. “Well I’m glad that I’m able to at least have a few seconds of alone time with you.” He walked up to her, his hands drifted over towards her hips, gently pulling her closer to him.
She was very startled by his sudden closeness. She’s now realizing that this is the first time that they were alone, not in public or the car. Even though William and Elizabeth were down the hall, it seemed like they were going to be staying there. 
She could tell with the way Michael was looking at her that he wanted to kiss her, but was trying to find any signs that she felt the same way too. She put her hands up on his chest, trying to create some sort of border between the two of them.
“What should I know about Elizabeth before spending the next two days with her?” She desperately tried to change the subject. She was nervous from his sudden move, but didn’t want him to take offense to her moving away.
Michael immediately backed off, sitting down on his bed. His gaze shifted from a loving one to a more darkened look. “If you don’t want trouble, give her everything she wants.” His tone changed to a more serious one. 
“Oh lovely-” She realized that this weekend was going to be hell.
“Michael!” They both heard the scream from down the hall.
Michael didn’t even bother in responding to his father. “Well you have free range of my room. Just-” He paused, getting up and kicking some of the clothes on the ground into a pile. “Ignore the clothes everywhere.”
“Alright, we'll have a safe trip.” She silently wished him luck, especially with those hours in the same car as his dad.
He walked over to her, giving her a kiss on the cheek like normal. “I’ll try. No promises with my father driving.” He joked, giving her a soft smile afterwards.
Michael grabbed the suitcase off the bed and headed towards the door. Y/N followed but grabbed his arm before they left the room. He turned back to her in confusion before she quickly gave him a peck on the cheek. She said nothing else, but her face heated up in embarrassment.
He went from a surprised expression to a cocky grin real quick. He walked out of the room with a new found confidence, strutting down the hall with one suitcase now. William looked beyond upset at how long it took. He didn’t even say a word to Michael, only grabbed his luggage and walked out the door. 
Elizabeth got off the couch to follow her father out the door, going to wish him goodbye. She stopped in front of Y/N and Michael, looking at their faces. “You guys are gross.” She commented before walking out. Y/N and Michael exchanged a glance at this comment.
The two of them also walked outside, Michael went to go put his suitcase in the trunk while Y/N stayed on the porch. Elizabeth hugged her father goodbye. She started walking back towards Y/N before Michael jokingly whined out to her. “Not one for me?”His comment was met with an ugly glare from Elizabeth across the driveway.
The two watched from the porch as they drove away from the house, Y/N giving a polite wave. The second the car was out of sight, Elizabeth turned to her.. “So how did my dumb brother end up with someone like you?” She blurted out.
Y/N awkwardly chuckled, not knowing how to respond. “What do you mean by that?” She walked back into the house with Elizabeth following behind her.
“Someone smart!” She stated like it was obvious. Once they walked into the house, Y/N closed and locked the door. Elizabeth still stuck to her side like a thorn. “How did someone failing highschool get with someone who has all As.”
“Oh well-” She still didn’t know how to answer the question. “I guess it’s his persistence?” She said with uncertainty.
Elizabeth laughed at how Michael’s ‘persistence’ could be seen as anything other than annoying. “He makes you do his homework huh?”
“No he doesn’t.” Y/N was quick to defend him. “Yes I help him with it but he does it for the most part.”
“Uh huh.” Elizabeth replied, knowing that isn’t the case. Elizabeth plopped down onto the couch while Y/N stayed standing next to the TV.
Michael told Y/N a lot about Elizabeth’s sass, but experiencing it first hand was a different story. She was surprised about it, especially with how young Elizabeth is. “Do you really think he’s only with me for my smarts?”
Y/N was slightly scared of the answer to that question. Elizabeth is his sister. They’ve known each other for so long. So of course she knows him better, and would know if he was just using a person.
“No.” She said shortly. “But it definitely is a good benefit.”
Y/N inwardly sighed in relief. “Well that’s good at least.” She awkwardly replied, not knowing what else to say or do. Elizabeth seemed pretty interested in the random kids show that was on. 
“Have you eaten dinner yet?” She asked, thinking that it was the next best course of action.
Elizabeth kept her eyes on the TV, focused on her show. “No.”
“Do you want me to cook something?” She asked, heading to the kitchen that was right next to the living room. She wanted to see what all there was for her to cook. “Or I can just order us some pizza.” 
She perked up at the suggestion, turning her full attention to Y/N. “Pizza. As long as it’s not Fredbear's, I am sick of their pizza.” Her nose scrunched up at the thought of Fredbears pizza.
“Do they even deliver?” Y/N was pretty sure they didn’t but since Mr. Afton owns it, she might have known something Y/N didn’t.
“No, but if you called and told them it was for me-” She stated very privileged-like. “They would have someone come and bring it. It would be free too.”
“Free pizza? Why would I pass up that chance?” Y/N joked.
“No, I don’t want it!” Elizabeth whined loudly, it was almost a shout. It nearly pierced Y/N’s ears at first and she winced.
Y/N was startled by it. From how smoothly everything was going, she almost forgot about all the horror stories Michael has told. “I was only kidding…” She tried to defuse the situation before it got worse, like it always does with Michael. But in Elizabeth’s defense, Michael does antagonize her. “How about Sun’s Pizza? I’ve had it a few times, they’re pretty good!”
“If you say so.” Elizabeth turned back to her show. “I’ve never really had any other pizza than daddy’s. He always says ‘Why would I buy pizza when we can just make it for free.’” She mimicked in her best William impression.
Y/N chuckled at her impression. It was very on point. “Alright, I’ll call and order it then.” She grabbed the phonebook to find the number. “What toppings do you want? I’ll just have whatever you have.”
“Just cheese.” Elizabeth replied, her eyes seemed to light up at being able to choose what she wanted.
Y/N finished typing the number into the phone to order the pizza for them. “Alright, and what’s the address?” The worker, who was a bit too preppy for someone working on a friday night, asked.
Y/N realized she didn’t know the address since it was just her mom that drove her here. “Uh hold on.” She gently let the phone hang by its cord off the wall while she went for the fridge, remembering seeing some sort of envelope being held up by a magnet. 
She ran back to the phone, giving the pizza place the address. The worker gave her the estimated time of delivery and total. Y/N thanked the worker and hung up. “They’ll be here in about forty-five minutes.” Y/N informed Elizabeth.
A simple “Okay” is all she got back.
Since Y/N had some time to spare, she thought that it would be the perfect time to get her homework out of the way. She grabbed her bag out of the living room, bringing it to the kitchen. She set herself up on the kitchen table and started getting to work.
“Hey Elizabeth?” She asked to get her attention. “Do you have, or need any help with your homework?”
Elizabeth scoffed as if she had just been insulted. “I don’t need help with homework. I’m not stupid like Michael.” Her cockiness had surprised Y/N, but she simply shrugged it off.
“Alright then…” She went back to work. The mood swings with Elizabeth were hard to predict. She can see how Elizabeth’s constantly changing mood and Michael’s ignorance can cause them to clash a lot.
6:11 PM
She finished her homework just in time for the ringing of the doorbell. She quickly grabbed the cash her mother had given her. She opened the door to the delivery man, handing him the cash in exchange for the pizza. 
She closed the door, making sure to lock it before heading to the kitchen. Elizabeth was already up and getting plates for the two of them. She placed the pizza box down on the counter. “I don’t know how your family does dinner, but we eat in the living room and watch a movie. Or you can continue watching your show if you would prefer.” She quickly added that last sentence to avoid any possible outburst from her.
“My show already ended.” She stared blankly, grabbing the biggest slice.
Y/N took that as her saying yes to a movie. She went over to her bag grabbing out the movies for her. “I brought these with me, but now I’m realizing that some of these might be a bit too mature for you… But I have Grease, Jaws, Sta-”
Elizabeth immediately spotted the one she wanted to watch. “Grease.” Is all she said before walking into the living room, waiting for Y/N to follow with the tape.
Y/N put the other movies back and grabbed her plate of pizza. She kneeled in front of the VHS player, putting her plate on the floor before opening the VHS tape’s case. She took the tape out and put it into the player. Elizabeth already had the remote, ready to start the movie.
Y/N decided to stay on the floor, but she scooted back towards the couch so she wasn’t so close to the TV. 
“Michael loves this movie.” She told Y/N, knowing that it would embarrass Michael. “You didn’t hear that from me though.”
“Really?” Y/N asked, turning back towards Elizabeth, mouth full of pizza.
Elizabeth looked at her disgustedly for talking with a full mouth. “Yes. But he’ll pretend like he hates it.” Y/N laughed, imagining exactly how he’d react. “It always starts with ‘You’re watching this shit again?’.” Y/N nearly choked on her food at his lack of filter around Elizabeth.
Y/N swallowed her food before scolding Elizabeth. “Hey, language.”
“I’m just quoting Michael.”She defended herself. “And then he’ll sit down and watch the whole thing. I’ve also heard him singing Hopelessly Devoted in the shower a few times.”
Y/N laughed, wishing she would be able to hear that some day. “Now that I’m thinking about it, Danny Zuko and Michael have a lot of similarities.”
“Ewww!” Elizabeth exclaimed in disgust. “Don’t compare them!”
Y/N only chuckled in response. She turned back towards the TV as the movie started to play. 
By the time that the movie was over, Elizabeth had fallen asleep. Y/N had to lightly shake her to wake her up. When her eyes sluggishly opened, Y/N whispered softly to her, “Hey the movie’s over. You should go to your bedroom.” She must have been sleeping deeply because she slowly got off the couch and made her way to her room without complaining. 
Y/N went to clean up everything, wash the plates and find a place in the fridge for the leftover pizza. She picked up her homework supplies and put them back in her bag. She made sure that there was nothing else in the kitchen or living room that needed to be put back in the proper spot.
She headed down the hall towards Michael’s room. She had forgotten the mess Michael left behind. One suitcase full of clothes open on the bed, and even more strewn all over the floor. She felt awkward being in his room, especially without him there. She felt like he was invading his space even though she knew he didn’t care.
She wasn’t tired and didn’t really have anything else to do, so she thought to clean up his room for him. She knew she was going to be bored out of her mind if she didn’t have something to do.
As she started cleaning, she had a realization that not everything might be clean. Disgusted at the thought, all she could do was hope and pray that it was. Putting all of his clothes in the drawers and closed made the room look a lot better and spacious. 
Once she was done, she closed the now empty suitcase and put it in his closet. She didn’t know if it went there or not, but just wanted to put it away somewhere. While cleaning some things up along the desk, she noticed a few cassette tapes of ABBA laying around. She smiled softly as she remembered their listening session to ABBA in the car together. She went back to her bag, bringing out her own pillow and blanket that she was expecting to use on the couch. Having something familiar would help her sleep. 
She was getting ready for bed, she noticed a small teddy bear on his bed. She grabbed the bear, admiring how worn down it was. Michael must have had this and slept with it since he was a young kid. She found it cute. 
She placed the teddy bear back down in its spot, settling down into the bed. The sheets smelled like Michael, whether that was for better or for worse, but also had the strong smell of cigarette smoke. She was just hoping that it won’t stick to her and her mother starts questioning why she smells like she’s been smoking.
The pillow was uncomfortable. She tried to position it in a different way but her hand brushed against something that wasn’t fabric. She pulled it out, wondering what it was. She could tell it was a magazine but nothing else in the darkness of the room. She leaned over to turn the lamp on. 
Once her eyes adjusted she was met with boobs barely covered on the front of a playboy magazine. It took her a minute to process everything, but the second she did, she loosened her grip and held it with only the tips of her pointer finger and thumb, keeping it far away from her. Her nose scrunched up, trying her hardest not to imagine what reasons Michael could have this for.
She quickly got up from the bed and headed for the closet. Swiftly chucking it in and slamming the door shut. She looked down at her hands in disgust, then the pillow it was laying under as well. She grabbed it, throwing it in the closet with the magazine.
Leaving the room, she looked for the bathroom. Just now realizing that she doesn’t know which door led to the bathroom. She started going down the hall, trying to open the doors, all locked, even Elizabeth’s. There were only a few doors in the hallway but surprisingly all of them were not the bathroom.
Sure of the next one being the bathroom, she grabbed the doorknob and this time it actually opened. Expecting the bathroom, she was met with a dark stairwell. It was very eerie, but what basement wasn’t? She looked down into the dark abyss, wondering if the bathroom was down there. There was one more door to check so she thought to look at that one before taking a risk with the basement.
Opening the last door she was met with a small bathroom. She sighed in relief and walked in to wash her hands. It was weird that all doors except that one were locked. Mr. Afton must have left it unlocked by accident. Or maybe there was extra supplies down there that might be needed. Either way, she wasn’t going to go down there unless Elizabeth needed something. 
After drying her hands, she walked back to the room. She looked back at the closet door, a shiver running up her spine. She really shouldn’t be so surprised, yet she was. Maybe she was more surprised by the fact that he keeps it under his pillow of all places.She decided to lay her pillow at the foot of the bed, not wanting to put her pillow or head near where that thing was laying. As she drifted off to sleep she started to think about the next few days here. She thinks that Elizabeth likes her. She knows Elizabeth likes her more than Michael, but was that really saying something? She was hoping that they could become somewhat friends.
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my-makeshift-masquerade · 2 years ago
It All Comes Back to Haunt You (Part 3)
(I am sorry, but the next chapter of Into the Breach will come next I swear… This will highlight some obvious plot-holes, include more characters, and other things… Aight let’s make shit hit the fucking fan.)
It was the first shift for her since Tim and Samantha hired her on. Rebecca was too worried to focus on work right now. Henry and Micheal had been…too okay…with the concept of her father being here. They were quiet. They were planning something, but what? Obviously the fire thing never happened, because she pointed out other innocent people were probably going to be in the building, but what else could they be thinking—
“Hey, kid, can I talk to you for a sec?”
The employee she had become fast friends with snapped her out of her thoughts.
“Sure, uh…” The teen mumbled, “Where’s Dave?”
“Uh. Fucking around somewhere, I dunno.”
“Okay…? W-what do you want to tal—“
“So… You are Rebecca Afton, right?”
She was taken aback by the question, but nodded slowly. It was a bad idea to trust this person with such information, but after keeping quiet for so long, Rebecca’s need for connection outweighed her sense of self preservation by a hair.
“I was up last night thinking, reviewing the true crime podcast… It just doesn’t line up.” Her coworker paused, “Not that I think you’re lying or anything since you look just like the kid they showed but…”
“Y-Yes…?” She was becoming more fearful with every second of silence.
“Your dad tried to kill you in like…1986… It’s 2023…” They stopped for a moment to double check their head math, “Forget calculating your actual age. You should be way older. How the hell do you look so…so…young?”
That was a very fair question, and she was honestly surprised how long it took even her father to do the fucking math here. He clearly knew what year it was, yet he didn’t comment on her supernaturally youthful appearance at all. Rebecca figured it wasn’t a detail he was analyzing right now. She realized she could only shrug in response to the inquiry…
“Yeah, I…I have no idea why I seem to be aging so…slowly…” The young looking woman admitted, “I was hoping to ask Charlie, but it is taking me a while to fix—“
“Oh, uh… Charlotte. She’s Henry Emily’s daughter�� like the ring leader of the ghosts.” Rebecca said this far too casually, mixing flavoring into her water, “Yeah, she’s chill… Just—understandably protective of the others…”
“Sure, right… Then also… What happened to your dad? Do you even know?” Her coworker frowned, “Dave is in the springlock suit now so clearly whatever happened on the night he tried to off you didn’t like—kill him—“
Damn. They really are “balls deep in denial” as Micheal put it. Yet they seemed head over heels for her dad. She guessed pining for a serial killer grants amazing cognitive dissonance…
“Yeah…” Her voice trailed off, “Not sure on that one… Just glad it was over…”
“Sorry. Am I prying too much?”
“No, no… You aren’t the first. My whole upteenth highschool class found out and none of those idiots did the math… Those who did just think I’m a liar.” She laughed nervously, “I’m just… thinking about something myself…”
“Wait wait wait. How many times have you had to go through highschool?! That sounds like hell—“
“It is. Still look too young for college… But if we don’t want to be investigated I have to keep acting at the age I look…” She rolled her eyes, “Though the state aren’t competent enough to notice the same person going through their school system every other four years…”
“What if you stop faking and tell—“
“I end up in a government facility most likely…” She answered bluntly.
Her coworker snorted.
“It is a genuine fear of mine, really. It’s why Michael and I have to come back whenever a new thing related to the franchise pops up. If people knew the full truth…” She paused, “I bet even the ghosts in the suits would be in the same boat as me then…”
“Man… I’ve never told anyone this shit before… This feels…like a weight is off my shoulders…”
“You’ve been that isolated… Unable to tell the truth to anyone…For 30 years…?!”
“Yep. Just myself, Micheal, and…”
Rebecca stopped herself. Mikey was already pissed about the amount of information they had to disclose to this person due to the sheer fact “Dave” was in the equation. As much as she wanted to let it out, she’d get in trouble for mentioning another huge name for the brand.
“Sorry, I’m prone to oversharing…”
“Ms.Clair, I know you’re about to leave, but have you seen Mi—“
Rebecca grabbed from behind, making her panic on reflex, letting out a very childlike noise despite her biting her lips.
“Jason!” Clair scolded.
“What? I needed to get through the doorway.” Jason smirked at her, “Are you gonna come around here often or—“
“Yes… I-I work here?” Rebecca was autistic and oblivious to any sort of flirting. It seemed Jason was taking that as a bit of a challenge.
“Well, you like making it difficult, huh?”
“Making what difficult?” She was more confused than offended or creeped out, “W-was I really that much in the way? S-sorry—“
“It’s so easy to make you apologize.” Jason snickered, “It’s really cute how you get all flustered…”
The sound of inexplicable metal hitting the door made Jason jump.
He turned around, sighing in relief when Springtrap wasn’t standing behind him. It was just that guy with the weird skin condition holding a spare part.
“Man, don’t fucking scare me like that.” The shorter man growled, “Can’t you see we’re having a conversation?!”
“Oh? Want to try doing something about it?” Micheal asked with a threateningly casual tone that was eerily identical to Springtrap’s.
“Whatever. I’m fucking out of here.” Jason huffed, giving the younger figure one last concerned glance. “Good luck with that thing.”
“Bye…I guess?” Rebecca blinked as Jason and Clair left, before turning to her brother, “Mike, where have you been? It’s been an hour.”
“Oh, I was just on the phone.”
“For an hour?!”
“Had to deal with some things after the call.”
“What things?”
“Ugh! Stop being difficult—“
“No.” Her brother chuckled, messing up her hair, “You do realize that man was hitting on you, right?”
“Hold on. He was WHAT?!”
“There you two are.” Their coworker smiled, “I finally found Dave in his room, and I see you found—“
Rebecca punched her brother in the chest repeatedly, as he started horse-playing with her, leading her to giggle, “H-hey! Let go—“
“Nope… Sibling privilege.” Micheal had her in a headlock, finally letting her go as she managed to get a good hit on him, “Fuck—!”
“Below the belt? Really?” He smirked.
“It’s not like you have anything valuable down there!” She snapped back, getting too caught up in playing with her brother to notice who just entered the establishment.
“Oh jeez… Would you crazy kids stop wrestling each other on the clock?”
Rebecca lost all of the color in her face hearing that voice. No. No no no. Henry was here?! But her father was here?! Oh shit… This was going to end so…so badly. What was Michael thinking?!
“Your hair’s all over the place, kiddo.” The man walked over and fixed it for her, as well as straightening her shirt, “There! Now if only your brother would stop messing it all up…”
“Heh… No promises.”
Unseen by everyone, Springtrap watched from the farthest end of the hallway Micheal had come from. He was absolutely seething. William had no idea that Rebecca ended up being taken in by Henry after his death. Seeing his former business partner fix his daughter’s hair in such a fatherly manner while she clearly seemed embarrassed by it was enough to make him want to strangle him. That bastard, that hypocrite.
Taking in his child after banishing him from his own company, stealing his work, and leaving him without a way to feed that same child and her older siblings back in the 80’s? Just who did Henry think he was?! Some savior?!
“Uh… Who is this?”
His daughter looked terrified as her coworker spoke up, but her expression turned to one of horrific dread as she noticed her father’s figure lurking at the end of the other hall.
“Oh, where are my manners?” The old man chuckled, patting Michael on the shoulder, “My name is Henry Emily. It’s a pleasure to—“
Rebecca couldn’t leave fast enough, passing her father on the way and dodging his attempt to stop her. Nope. No way. Not today. Not ever. She locked herself in the back room, prepared for all hell to break lose.
“My dad’s here isn’t he?” Charlie’s spirit asked, frowning sympathetically as the woman curled up against the wall just nodded.
“Stay in here… The others and I can try to scare him out…”
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creamymilkk · 3 years ago
Hello! Do may I request Michael Afton? If so may I request headcannons of Michael x Male! Reader that have known each other since 15?(the age of the incident) and now they are both 35 and married? (Right before sister location) thankyou!!
💒  ♡ “Just The Two Of Us.” ♡ 💒
༉‧₊˚ #Micheal Afton x M!Reader
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𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠. . .
██████████ 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐞
. ˚₊ ꒱ Pairing/Pairings: Micheal Afton and M!Reader.
༉‧₊˚ -Format: HCS/Headcanons.
× &﹕Summary: Life with a Afton.
×﹕♺ AUTHOR’S NOTE(S): Im back! I feel so much better, today was a shitty one but there is always tomorrow:) ANWAYS THANK YOU GUYS. Enjoy lovely 💕
︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵  ‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵ ︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿
♡ When the accident happened to his only sibling that is alive, now gone. Forever and can't forgive himself for what happened.
♡ I couldn't get the facts of what happened, he was depressed after what happened.
His friends of course left him because he isn’t fun to hang out with. So he was left with no one.
♡ Except you, you didn't leave him like his other so called “friends” and he was thankful for that. Which only meant one thing.
♡ needy/clingy Micheal.
♡ It can be a good thing or a bad thing, depending on your mood. But as it right now, It's a sort of good thing?
♡ But right now, all you could do is just be there for him, take care of him, make sure he is eating, etc.
♡ Like taking care of a child, but sooner than later. You catched feelings for Michael Afton, of course.
♡ You didn't know if he liked guys, so you were just trying to hide your feelings for him. As time went on
♡ He got better and felt better than a long time ago. And learned that it wasn't his fault, he didn't know how the thing worked.
♡ When time did go by, he did have a crush on you. Micheal never thought he was gay, but he knew what the feels he got meant. He thought the same thing as you.
♡ He doesn't know if you like guys.
♡ You guys still hung out even when he got his old friends back and new friends.
♡ People thought you guys were best friends.
♡ Soon enough you couldn't handle it, and spilled out how you felt for him. When you two were hanging out.
♡ Michael he just stood there for a good minute, trying to understand what he heard was true.
♡ When he finally wrapped his mind of what just happened.
♡ He hugged you and spin you, he felt the same and just wanted to show you.
♡ “thank god, you felt the same way. I was so scared you didn't feel the same. You know?”
♡ He would treat you amazing, take you for dates, talk to you, cuddle, etc.
♡ Like i said with my other fanfic, he would tell you everything on the mind.
♡ When you two would fight, he would try to make it up to you.
♡ Now when he wants to get married to you, he will try to make the night perfect.
♡ Bring you your favorite flowers, bring you to your favorite place. Etc.
♡ When you two finally got married he treated you like a king. And you guys would live togheter forever. And finally happy:)
💌 - Goodbye cutie <3
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grievedeeply · 3 years ago
If it is possible could I get some post scoop cuddles hcs for Micheal??
sure! sorry this took me forever to get to and that it's...... short. i ran out of ideas, i didn't want to repeat anything too much. hope you still enjoy anyways!
tws: elaborations/descriptions of past trauma (mike's)
taglist: @mintparrot
cuddling with michael afton, post scooping
michael was never big on cuddling in the first place. it just wasn't his thing, and he never thought he was too good at affection to begin with
even before getting scooped, he wouldn't insinuate physical touch most times. only when he felt like he really needed it and even then it was a rare occurrence
he warms up to it gradually after your help, and he learns to like it more as he realizes that your relationship with him is different than what his childhood was like
you understand that he sometimes he just doesn't want to be touched at all, and you'll leave him be when he needs that break from everything. if he needs you around, he'll let it be known
he worries that he'll scare you away because of what he looks like now, but you always insist on how much you love him no matter what
you have to initiate most, if not all, of the physical touch in the relationship. it's not because he doesn't want it, but because he feels like he doesn't deserve it
he grew up in an unforgiving household and feels the need to keep to himself until you tell him you want to cuddle him. only then will he reluctantly agree
he cuddles less after he gets scooped. he knows he isn't the same anymore and he doesn't want to push his luck with his relationship with you (even though you tell him nothing will change, his thoughts remain the same)
he loves your touch. it calms him down so quickly and he becomes like putty in your arms. you make him relax easily and help him forget about everything else
he likes being the little spoon most of the time now. he likes feeling comforted, especially if it's by you, so he loves having your arms wrapped around his waist and your chest pressed up against his back
even if you're smaller than him, he doesn't care. he still loves being the little spoon because of how you make him feel whenever you show him love that way
he likes having his head on your chest, too. anything that makes him feel small in your arms, he likes. he isn't sure why he likes it more now
he doesn't mind being the big spoon sometimes. he still loves feeling like he can protect you from anything even though he knows he's weaker now
he adores you holding him. he doesn't care how the two of you lay, as long as he's with you, he's happy
he knows he's changed from before and he wonders how his life would he if he never got scooped, but he's grateful that you're still with him
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star-going-supernova · 2 years ago
(idea anon) idea: another time travel fix it. but, instead of Sister Location and Micheal, Vanessa and Gregory are helping Evan during fnaf 4. The image of both boys on one side of the left door, with Evan hiding behind Gregory (who has the fazerblaster) and Vanessa on the other side of the door with her crowbar, ready to smash Nightmare Bonnie's head in, is too amusing to ignore.
Number thirteen on the prompt list, here we go! So this is a sequel to The Michael Afton Protection Squad that takes place an undetermined amount of time later, lol. There’s no actual action in this ficlet because I was in the mood for dialogue and also had Emotions over how an older Michael would react to seeing Evan alive again with the chance to prevent his death. Really enjoyed writing this one, honestly. Enjoy!
The Evan Afton Protection Squad
Evan huddled under the covers, flashlight gripped tight in both hands, watching as the numbers on his clock slowly ticked closer to midnight. He trembled, shivering uncontrollably with fear and dread. A heavy weight sat in his chest, and just as he had every night this past week, he felt sick to his stomach.
A nightmare—his nightmare—was about to begin again. 
He sniffled and closed his eyes for a moment, assured that his terror would keep sleep far away. Tears soaked into his pillow. 
There were still ten minutes to go when he heard his door creak open and footsteps tread closer to his bed. They were light, though, nowhere near the heaviness of the monsters. 
But he still hesitated to peek. Just because his visitor wasn’t a monster didn’t mean they were nice. 
Only when the person silently, hesitantly, settled on the edge of his bed did Evan poke his head out of the covers, hoping he wasn’t about to get in trouble for still being awake so late. 
For a disorienting minute, he didn’t truly recognize his guest. It was his dad but not. It was Michael but not. It was Dad if he was younger, Michael if he was older. 
His confusion swept away the fear, and he sat up with a frown. 
“Hey, Evan,” whoever it was whispered. In the dim glow of his nightlight, Evan could see the shine of tears in his eyes. He sounded like Michael, but Michael would never be soft like that or look almost happy to see him. 
“Hi…” he whispered back, anxiously twisting his flashlight in his hands. 
“I know you’re probably a little confused right now,” sorta-Michael said gently. “And I’d like to explain, maybe in the morning. But I wanted—I have to tell you I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” 
Evan fidgeted. He seemed genuine, and Michael had never really been much of an actor. Michael had also never apologized to Evan for anything ever, so it was kinda freaky that he would now. 
“For what?” he asked, making fleeting eye contact before tearing his gaze away. 
“For everything,” maybe-Michael replied, painfully earnest and so full of sorrow. “For the way I’ve treated you, for scaring you, for pushing you around. For every time I hurt you, in any way. I’d apologize for each and every thing I was ever a jerk about, but I—” he laughed like the alternative was a sob— “I couldn’t possibly remember them all.” 
“I, I don’t understand.” Evan wanted to ask if this was a joke, but he was panicking just a smidge over how close to full-on crying this weird older Michael looked to be.
“I know,” he said, wiping his eyes with his sleeve. “I know. But I swear, I mean it. And I’m going to do everything I can to make things right.” 
Michael leaned forward and reached out, hesitating before resting his hand on Evan’s head. He didn’t even flinch, the disconnect between this person and the brother he knew numbing him to it. Michael’s hand was larger than it should be, an adult’s hand. It slipped down to the side, pressing against his cheek for a moment. Michael’s eyes flickered over his face, back and forth, almost desperately, before he reluctantly pulled back. 
“I’m really glad to see you, Evan,” he whispered thickly. 
Before Evan could even begin to come up with a response to probably one of the most unbelievable sentences he’d ever heard from his brother’s mouth, the flash of his clock changing caught his eye, and panic seized his throat when he saw that it read midnight. 
He wasn’t ready. 
But Michael’s hand was suddenly on his leg, and he looked up into his probably-brother’s eyes, and for the first time in his life, he saw the protective fury of an older sibling. 
“You’re not fighting alone tonight, Evan,” he swore, and he grinned then, and suddenly, Evan just knew this was the man his brother would grow up to be. Somehow, this really was his brother. 
Behind Michael, the door opened again, this time admitting two strangers. One was a blonde woman who looked to be about this Michael’s age and one was… himself? 
He squeaked and sent Michael a wide-eyed look. 
“Vanessa and Gregory,” he introduced, then added, “No relation, I swear, it’s coincidence.” 
“Really messed him up, too,” Gregory said. 
“Nice to meet you, kid,” Vanessa said. She was, for some reason, holding a crowbar. “But I hear we’ve got some monsters to deal with.” 
On cue, a floorboard creaked outside the other door. Michael stood as Vanessa stormed across the room, something like fury burning in her eyes. 
“We’re not gonna let them touch you, Evan,” Michael said. No, Michael promised. “I’m not gonna let them touch you.” 
And Evan—seeing the conviction, the determination, the protectiveness—believed him. 
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sundrop-tetsu · 3 years ago
I saw your Micheal post and thought it was a pretty sweet idea,
People tell me that I remind them of the season Autumn and that's my name although I don't see it. I go by Moth or Skye around my friends and I guess you could say I'm a dork. I like rpg horror games considering it's basically puzzle games with multiple endings. I'm a former emo, now punk though I've always been a hippy sorta since high school.
I deal with anxiety and depression and have used art [drawing, dancing, singing] to cope though as of late it's just been hard to motivate myself.
I understand if you don't get around to this ask but I hope you have a good day or night wherever you are <3
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“I may not be your first but.. let me be your last” - michael
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first meeting
you met michael in high school senior year
well- not met per se-
sitting on the school roof, you were currently drawing a bit to help your anxiety calm itself down; unfortunately, you caught sight of mike and his friends walking towards the entrance and could hear their conversation
“can it, gabriel. I don’t want to hear you say that again, she’s a woman. you don’t hurt women” michael could be heard growling
“ha! you’re getting weak, mike. she’s anything a woman, she’s a little bitch who we need to take care of. she didn’t have any right to slap me the way she did”
“sounds like gender envy. if you were so worried about a woman being stronger than you, you should’ve just said so”
their heads quickly shot up to your spot and you panicked. you didn’t mean to say that out loud, you were just angry about the words that came out of gabriel’s mouth
needless to say, michael was very impressed. not only by your insult and attitude but by your fashion sense as well
“nice one, roof top babe!” he yelled back at you with a smile
embarrassed by your actions, your anxiety forced you to get up and run off. mike called after you but you didn’t respond. and honestly, that was the last time he had saw you
asking you out
throughout high school, michael was never interested in dating or getting to know someone
he’d been asked before if he had ever been interested in someone and in pure honesty, he talked about you, roof top babe. he didn’t know your name since he never got the opportunity to talk to you. he did remember hearing someone call you skye but he didn’t wanna assume it was your name
currently, he was getting some ice cream for him and charlie who he had taken to the park for some fresh air
“Can I have two cones of mint chocolate chip, please? Two scoops on each” he gave his pretty smile to the ice cream truck guy
when he got his order and paid for it, he turned only to meet someone’s chest as ice cream fell on them
“ah jesus, I’m really sorry about that” he apologized before looking up
“oh, no worries. I should’ve backed up, I’m standing a bit too close” you chuckled nervously
you looked familiar to him. like, really familiar to him, he knew that he’s seen you somewhere before
he blinked before finally realizing who you were
“roof top babe?” he asked, unsure if it really was you
you blinked confusingly, you hadn’t heard those three words in a long while. in fact, you only heard them once and the person who said them was-
“michael afton?” you questioned
“it’s so great to see you again. I’ve been wondering where roof top babe went off to” mike chuckled
you groaned embarrassingly before nervously smiling at him, “I’m sorry about what I said back then. I wasn’t thinking, he just upset me”
“don’t worry about it. I agreed with you anyway. gabriel was a huge jerk”
“pfft- sounds like you needed better friends”
“that’s rich coming from ms. runaway. what did you think I wanted?” mike gave you a small smirk
“you wish we were friends.” you teased back
somehow michael made you feel comfortable. your anxiety would normally cut in during a conversation but.. mike felt safe. it was like conversing with an old lover
“well actually I wish we were more than friends” 
“that was um.. what I’m trying to say is. I think it’s fate that we’ve met again. Would you like to.. go out sometime?”
his honesty made you quickly heat up. you admit you did think michael was attractive back in high school, and even now, he grew up into an even handsomer man. but you couldn’t help but think, why you?
you weren’t going to let your anxiety take control of this situation. a cute guy was asking you out, and this guy already seemed so great. so the words that left your mouth were, “yes. I’d like that”
things he loves about you
you get interested in rpg horror games and it can become intense in the sense of you thinking long and hard about the lore behind the game or solving the puzzles; he loves how cute you are when you’re playing
he’s caught you dancing around the apartment at times. honestly mike has never really seen a human being dance, only animatronics. so it’s a nice surprise to come home to your partner dancing; he loves watching you dance
you’ve been honest to michael about your depression and anxiety and he can relate entirely since he himself as them. comfort goes both ways but you’re always so honest about what you’re feeling; he loves your honesty
michael likes to sing (mostly soft music types). so when he heard you singing the other day in your shared bedroom, he was so excited since he thought the two of you could sing a duet; he loves your voice, thinks your vocals are beautiful 
mike can draw too! ha, no he can’t. but he does use it as a coping mechanism just like you do. It’s peaceful even if his drawings aren’t exactly.. good. he just likes that it gives you both an activity to die together, plus you’re really good at it; he loves watching you calm down by drawing with him
you once told him about formerly being emo. mike blinked confusingly not believing you until you showed him actual proof. he likes dressing up in your old emo clothes, often says that they look better on him than you; he loves hearing stories about you
you’ve told him that it’s been hard to motivate yourself lately even though you’ve tried your best. mike doesn’t want either of you to give up from feeling better so he’s often the one to suggest new activities to do together; he loves that you’re willing to try something new
meeting his family
his family died. they’re dead 😬
all mike really has left is henry and charlie and he considers them family even if they’re not blood related
you were really nervous to meet them. but you’re always hearing good things about henry and charlie so at least they would be nice (hopefully-)
mike had suggested meeting them over dinner at their house and you agreed
when the two of you arrived, it smelled so wonderful. henry was definitely a good cook. at the door, a 15 year old girl ran towards michael, happy to see him. and henry greeted mike as if he was his son who he hadn’t seen in years
henry really likes you. he thinks you’re seriously cool and the way you and michael “met” in high school is the best thing ever to him. he was sad to hear that you’re also dealing with anxiety and depression and gave you a few tips that he mentioned helps him and mike
charlie loves you even more. michael being the only brother she’s technically had, she can be protective of him when she wants to be. (there’s a reason people never asked him out-) but you seemed to genuinely care for mike and even brought her and their dad a nice gift. yea, you’re nice, kind, pretty, she wants you to marry him
after his disappearance
you felt numb for a while
genuinely, you couldn’t believe he was missing
you first showed up at henry’s house, telling them about the situation. henry wouldn’t let you leave after that, telling you that clara, michael’s mother, died after going driving while she was upset
most of your days were spent sitting in michael’s old room, staring at his childhood pictures that were taped onto his wall
charlie walked in once. just like you, she had lost someone important to her. and she knew that somehow, you and her could comfort each other
she sat by your side and played with her fingers, looking up at the same pictures you were staring at
“michael didn’t always make the best decisions when he was younger..” she started, “.. but I know he didn’t deserve this”
you stayed quiet for a while before slowly nodding, “mike was truly a douche when he was younger” you chuckled, thinking about the times you would see him causing trouble
charlie laughed as well, “it seems as if you’ve gotten the pleasure of seeing that chaos”
“hey,” you whispered to her, “we both miss that idiot. crying about it on our own will only worsen our pain”
she nodded in agreement, “skye. michael cared about you. and he cared about me. in situations like these, we need to care more about each other”
“we’ll be alright, charlie” you whispered as you wrapped your arm around her shoulder, “michael would want us to be alright”
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☀︎ 𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫´𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: I wanted this one to be an au where charlie wasn’t killed or put out into the rain. it ended nicely, hope u liked it anon!!
side note: when given little information personality and hobby wise, one has to improvise T ^ T that was me during the “things he loves about you” since it’s seven points and I wanted to keep it at seven
wanna know how I see a relationship with vou and a specific character? :) detailed matchups are now available 😌✨
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my-makeshift-masquerade · 3 years ago
Autistic Afton Headcanons Part 1
William Afton
Please put down your pitchforks and torches! I know we don’t like seeing autistic serial killers, and it is not my intention to promote harmful stereotypes. In an AU where he wasn’t the killer, I’d still hold this headcanon.
William is a real “renaissance man” with a diverse variety of special interests. Engineering, playing guitar, technical drawing, writing plays, you name it. His biggest pet peeve is being bored.
Despite appearing to be a total workaholic, he was a pretty attentive father. It helped that all three of his kids were also autistic and they could just info-dump for hours while he worked on some repairs.
William took inspiration from his loved ones to use for the animatronic characters he and Henry designed. In a way, the animatronics became like extensions of those he loved, an expression of his fondness.
So when his two youngest children died tragically at the hands of their own personal metallic idols, he was desperate for a way to cope with this, and he found it in the discovery of remnant making them possess their animatronics…
His logic is twisted by extreme grief and a god complex. William sees himself as genuinely doing the right thing in murdering these people he cares about. He was granting them a blessing.
“I always come back.”
Micheal Afton
Michael didn’t really know how to be a big brother when his siblings came along. He imitated what he saw older brother characters doing on TV, assuming that was the way he “should” act.
This led him into being involved with the wrong crowd for the sake of approval. Behind closed doors though, Mikey is super gentle and really good with younger children.
He still learns most of his social skills from television and movies even as an adult. Characters on a screen were just easier to understand than real people. The Immortal and the Restless is his favorite.
Foxy the Pirate was inspired by little Micheal because he had an interest in swiping objects from the parts his father used. He was practically a little pirate, just as clever as his dad.
After the Bite, Micheal had trouble grieving. He saw his father rationalize the deaths of both of his little siblings as things that were “necessary”, and this made him very angry with William.
He never stopped blaming himself. It made him grow up even faster than he already had been. His level-headed facade hides a black hole of feelings he never gets closure on. His mindset is just to keep moving forward.
“Wait, if Circus Baby is based on Elizabeth then… Oh God. That Ballora animatronic with the pronounced bust and thighs better not be based on mom back when she did ballet! I’m already paying enough for therapy!”
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