#they were there until they weren’t
chilegp · 8 months
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theminecraftbee · 3 months
you know the excellent quadruple life fan comic has me thinking about double life again. and MAN. thinking about the soul bonds mechanically. like, before I get into my meta-analysis it’s worth noting that non-diagetically the soulbond mechanic being based on how many hearts someone has is basically the only way I can think to do it in minecraft that’s sensible, but diagetically…
so do you ever think about how the marker of what made people soulmates in double life was pain?
like, soulmates share injuries/pain! that’s the whole premise! like, to the point that day one people were making up elaborate ways to hurt themselves so they could test for their soulmates! you met your (very romantic-coded) partner and confirmed they were the person you were looking for by hitting each other, generally!
being a soulmate in the double life universe isn’t about being compatible, it’s about literally sharing pain, and it’s just… I think about how for some pairs, they share the burden between each other, and it brings them closer. for some pairs, though, the only way they know how to communicate is by hurting one another. and the thing is, this isn’t just a literal thing. like, mechanically, the thing soulmates do is share pain and communicate with pain, but metaphorically, can you say desert duo doesn’t have trouble communicating because half of how they know how to exist is either sharing in pain or causing it for each other? can you say that ranchers’ strength wasn’t a pair of people who understood each other’s pain and desperation to be better than they’ve been before? can you say that divorce quartet isn’t, well—
so pearl wins after scott hurts them one last time don’t you ever think about that,
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firehose118 · 3 months
“We’re just helping each other out on a long shift. It’s not gay,” Sal says into the air of the empty station bathroom as he wraps a hand around Tommy’s dick, and then in the same breath, “No one can ever know.”
Tommy nods, too far gone in the fantasy-come-to-life of what’s happening to dwell on the irony there. He’ll pick that apart later. For now, he has what he’s craved for so long within his grasp, he just has to reach out and take it.
He gets his hand on Sal’s dick in return and revels in the way it twitches under his touch. Tommy wants to moan with how good it feels to touch another man like this, to be touched by one. But he has to pretend this is friend stuff—normal straight guy shit, not the stuff of waking wet dreams—or else it will be taken away from him.
{finish on ao3 or continue below}
Tommy tries to match Sal’s pace: hard, fast, efficient. He thumbs through the liquid gathering at the head, twists his hand on the upstroke, but doesn’t let himself linger—even as his body is screaming for him to slow down and savor it. This might be his first and last chance to have this.
The way Sal is looking right at him is unexpected. He’d thought Sal would look away, pick a tile on the wall and stare at it, pretend this isn’t happening, but no: Sal is in it, studying Tommy’s face in that passive slack-jawed way of his. Tommy keeps his expression carefully neutral but he’s worried even that will give him away.
Sal’s mouth drops open on a silent moan when Tommy’s thumb drags along the vein on the underside just right, so Tommy does it again harder. He wants Sal to like this. He wants Sal to want to do this again.
Tommy is losing focus quickly. Sal isn’t working as hard to impress him, isn’t pulling out different moves to see what he likes, but his hand is big and warm and calloused and masculine around Tommy’s dick and it really doesn’t need to do anything else to have him panting and leaking.
He’s thought about this so many times and the reality of it is even better than he could have imagined. Every bit of energy he’s not using to give Sal the handjob of his life he’s putting into not whining and humping Sal’s hand like a dog.
He takes half a step forward before he can stop himself; needing to be closer. Sal huffs but he doesn’t say anything, doesn’t step back.
They’re so close to each other now that Tommy could wrap his hand around both of their dicks and jerk them off like that. He knows it would feel good, wants it more than anything in this moment, but it would be a definitive step over the ‘not gay’ line into territory he’s not sure Sal will follow him willingly. It’s this or nothing, so Tommy chooses this.
“You close?” Tommy asks. He is. He can already feel it rising in his stomach, his balls, licking along his spine. He wants Sal to come first, to hide whatever his own orgasm is going to look like in the mists of Sal’s pleasure.
Sal nods. His face is inches away from Tommy’s and he looks like he wants to say something, but he doesn’t.
When it happens, Tommy feels it. He doesn’t know why he didn’t expect to—he always feels the pulsing of his own dick as he comes—but to feel another man’s dick twitch and spasm as it shoots warm into his hand has Tommy biting back a moan so quickly he chokes on it.
Sal comes with a low groan and Tommy is helpless to follow. For as long as he’s wanted this—wanted Sal—he thinks he could’ve come from that sound alone, but the way Sal’s big hand tightens on the next few strokes is the last thing he needs to send him hurtling over the edge.
Tommy’s forehead drops to Sal’s shoulder without permission and he keens high in his throat as the pleasure rips through him. It’s easily the best orgasm he’s had in years and he’s instantly terrified of what that means.
He shoves it down. Later. He’ll think about that later.
Tommy pants, coming back to himself, and he gives himself two more seconds of physical contact with Sal before he pulls back completely.
They both lean against the hard tile wall of the bathroom and catch their breaths.
“Good?” Tommy asks, giving a joking half-smile. He knows the answer but it seems like a safe enough way to start talking again.
“Jesus, kid,” Sal laughs. “Yeah. It was good. Where the fuck’d you learn how to do that?”
He grabs some paper towels to wipe his hand off, then gives them to Tommy to do the same.
“Lonely childhood,” Tommy says. It’s true but it’s not the answer. “Dad had a lot of porn mags he’d leave around. I spent a lot of time jerking off. Figured yours doesn’t work too differently from mine.”
That look is back in Sal’s eyes like he wants to say something, but he stays quiet again. He just shakes his head and laughs.
Sal walks towards the door but stops before he opens it. “Give it a few,” he says. He doesn’t look back at Tommy but he has a small smile on his lips still. Tommy takes that as a win.
Sal leaves and Tommy is left alone with the enormity of what just happened. It was good. It was hot. Sal clearly doesn’t hate him, isn’t disgusted by him. He seemed almost… intrigued.
Tommy will sort out the shame and elation he feels swirling inside of himself like oil and water later.
For now, he washes his hands, splashes some water on his face, and gets back to work.
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le-beda · 5 months
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hella1975 · 17 days
what’s crazy is that in not a very long time midoriya will be 20 and he will realise how young that truly is and how scared and clueless and searching he still is at that age and the same will be true at age 21 and 22 and 23 but shigaraki is already dead
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lilacsandlillies · 3 months
Do you ever think about how the people of Gotham canonically think that the second and third Robin were the same person. And how when Steph met Tim she probably thought he was the same Robin she used to hear stories of. The Robin that talked like her, that acted like her, that was from the same part of Gotham she was. You ever think about how Steph slowly came to the realization that Tim and the second Robin could not have been the same person and that all the bats just hid it. You ever think of Steph in her Robin suit wondering if they’re going to do the same thing to her, act like she was never her own person and attribute all her actions and virtues to some other person she’s never met and she would have to go down as the Robin that never was, just like Jason did? Cause i do.
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packet-of-staples · 1 year
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Day 140 of drawing Papyrus until he cameos in deltarune. Hey, hey you know that one animatic? You know the Self inflicted achromatic one? Yeah, its a good animatic. If you have the emotional strength to watch it you should. Anyway teehee!!!! 💗
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quietwingsinthesky · 8 months
thinks about the master & the doctor cuddling thinks about them cuddling thinks about them cuddling thinks about them cuddlign thinks-
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robotslenderman · 6 months
Used the cane yesterday for the first time! Remind me to post about it later. :o
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asurrogateblog · 7 months
if you’ve always been on band tumblr you might not know this but for the rest of the website the only posts from here that breach containment are beatles ones that get made fun of because people think its hilariously cringe that fans ship mclennon, and I can now say that there is nothing more deeply humbling than actually getting onto band tumblr and slowly realizing “oh okay… so everyone else was wrong that’s a completely real life thing that was happening”
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redfirefox-55 · 28 days
I finished Artificers campaign last night in one sitting, and honestly I expected to rage quit at least once, but it was great! The scavenger for karma system isn’t amazing, but god I loved not having to worry about my karma level. Karma grinding is the worst part of the game in my opinion.
I got the ending where you just murder everything, and it was awesome. I love killing stuff, it was so much fun.
The only parts I didn’t like was having to haul an elite scav back to the exit gate so I could go report back to 5p, and how the scav king mask took up a hand slot, but it wasn’t so bad.
Anyway, definitely recommend! It was awesome!
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tomatotales · 3 months
People claiming that Art baby trapped Tashi or he manipulated her into marriage are kinda crazy
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lvstharmony · 11 months
​beyond grateful for the people that are surrounding me in my life, just as i am grateful for the people i’ve parted ways with, for without them, i would not be the person i am today.
#i have left so many people throughout my life#and#if someone would ask me if i’d regret any choice i’ve made i would say no#i regret hurting people yet i wouldn’t change a thing if i could#without the suffering the sacrifices and the lessons i would not be the person i am today that i can finally say i’m proud of#whenever i read the question “would you want to be your friend if you’d meet yourself?” deep down my answer was no#i was a good friend and i always tried my best to be there for everyone#but i was so blinded and overwhelmed by my pain that i tried so hard not to project on others that it was exactly the thing i’ve done#i was extremely caring sensitive loving and selfless but my ”bad“ traits were just as extreme#my emotions were so overwhelming that they were scattered all over the place that it didn’t allow me to have any control over them#i used to be so terrified of being alone. all i’ve felt was a great loneliness that was residing within me#until i’ve gathered the strength to leave an entire friendgroup with people that meant the world for me#they weren’t good for me anymore just as i wasn’t for them#since that day i’ve grown a lot i became a better and healthier version of myself#i learned how to be alone and to find the peace in it and in myself#all i’ve had was Allah swt. and He is all i will ever need.#without the hardships in terms of friendship i wouldn’t have been able to learn how to be alone and love and enjoy it#without it i could not say that i could easily give up the people in my life#i could if i had to bc i have Allah swt.#but i’ve learned how to choose and to choose the right people#i don’t need you and never will but i choose you bc i want you in my life and i think that makes it so much more special#i can finally say that i love the person i am today and can’t wait to see myself grow even more as the cycle of growing is never ending#I still have so much to learn and I will let it come to me with open arms#an open mind and an open heart#above all the most precious gift i’ve earned is to learn how to have tawakkul.#everything that happens every trial that is afflicted upon us has meaning#and it’s beautiful.#being able to pick out the khair in everything is the biggest blessing#alhamdulillah for the things that bruised my soul alhamdulillah for the things that mended it#alhamdulillah for everything bc truly; Allah does not burden a soul beyond that it can bear.
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the-eldritch-it-gay · 11 months
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Anyways no one asked for this but I was bored and low spoons so here’s Althyran (the He mentioned cryptically in various Majexatli writings) + young Majexatli
All made with that one tiefling picrew
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youngharleezy · 9 months
Wanted to do a nice lil 2023 recap but…. This year sucked lol
I lost my brother. It’s been 6 months. It 100% does not get any better, I’ve just learned to live with it. I miss him everyday. Something I find myself constantly saying is that I wish he had more time. Time was not kind to him. I just hope wherever he is now is better than whatever is here earth side.
My family in Gaza are fighting for their life. It’s hard to even ask them how they’re doing because you know the answer is not good. They’re alive and that’s what’s important as of right now. We are all begging and pleading for a ceasefire.
Some really great things did come out of this year too. So good that it has been able to help me deal with all the bad a lil easier. I’m thankful for it. My kids are happy and healthy, I’m sober, I’m in a HEALTHY relationship, I’m doing so good considering everything life has thrown at me.
Sorry this is a lil corny lol I just needed to kinda vent I guess hahaha here’s to hoping that 2024 is a little kinder to all of us
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zalimaaa · 2 months
when i was in bangladesh i got to spend time with my grandmother & two great aunts. a couple days after i left one great aunt died, 2 months after that my grandmother died & then 4 months after that my other great aunt died
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