#they were probably playfully arguing about something science related
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protonpowered · 3 years ago
Was looking at that “You’re not even a good villain” gifset again, and have successfully convinced myself in the second gif he’s saying “Witts...”, likely in a “I love you and I’m trying not to laugh, but you are honestly so stupid sometimes” tone of voice, as he rolls his eyes dramatically at whatever they just said to him
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peteerrpaarkerr · 6 years ago
Day and Night (Peter Parker Soulmate AU) pt. 1
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Summary: When Tony Stark first saw his newborn daughter’s soulmate marking, he was thrilled to know that she would get to experience a love like his and Pepper’s. However, 17 years later when Tony sees an identical tattoo on his daughter’s best friend/superhero protégé, Peter Parker, he vows to keep y/n safe by not allowing them to realize that their futures are intertwined.
Pairings: Peter Parker x y/n
Warnings: None at the moment, I will update each chapter accordingly
Author’s note: Hey guys! This is my first time writing a Peter Parker fic and I’m hoping it’ll turn out well! Please let me know if you want me to continue it or if you have any comments! Thanks!
The day that Y/n Stark was born was the happiest day of Tony’s life. The second he laid eyes on Pepper cradling their newborn child, his heart burst from pride and love for his daughter.
He could not believe that he had helped create something so perfect… so innocent. He was full of admiration the second he knew Pepper was pregnant, but had no idea how important you would be in his life until he saw you for the first time.
From the way he was holding you, he got a glimpse of his soulmate marking that both Pepper and he had on their wrists: a compass. It signified that no matter how lost they were, they would always come back to each other. While it seemed like Tony was the only one that was lost, it perfectly summarized their relationship. It was one of the most beautiful things the universe had given Tony, besides now yourself.
He carefully lifted up your delicate wrist and saw no marking. He checked the other one and then your ankles looking for the tattoo. When he didn’t find one, his heart stopped beating for a second, assuming a terrible scenario where you might not have one. Before he could panic, Pepper tiredly told Tony, “There’s a small marking on her shoulder blade.”
Tony handed you over to Pepper and examined your back, noting the small, full moon that was printed on your skin. It was rather small, being no larger than a coin, but Tony was filled with joy. From seeing that moon, he knew there was someone for his daughter, someone who would take care of and love her forever. Someone who could protect her from the world’s darkest tragedies when she was older and who could be her closest companion.
“It’s perfect. She’s perfect.” Tony remarked, kissing Pepper’s and then your own forehead as the three of you shared your first moments alive.
——— 17 years later ———
You woke up to a frantic knock on your bedroom door. Lazily pushing back the covers, you opened your eyes and squinted at the golden light coming from your window. You sat there for a second, taking in the beauty of the skyline from the window in Avenger’s tower while the knocking became more persistent.
“Get upppp!” A voice dragged out while they begin wiggling the locked doorknob. “I know you’re in there!”
You smiled at the familiar voice and made your way out of bed towards the door. “Just meet me downstairs!” You yelled back, immediately turning around to get dressed for the day.
A loud groan could be heard from behind the door, but the person answered, “If you don’t hurry, I’m eating your crepes! And Thor made them, so they will probably be gone by the time you get there!” The person sprinted away from the door and you could hear their footsteps dwindle as they ran down the hallway.
You knew they were serious when they threatened to eat your crepes, so you quickly got ready for the day.
Approximately 4 minutes later, you ran in the kitchen and straight towards the counter, reaching for the last crepe, only for it to be pulled right out of your hand.
“Hey!” You exclaimed, “Not fair! It’s my-“
“Nope! I just had a training session, so it’s mine!” Natasha smirked, bringing the crepe towards her mouth before it was torn out of her hands by Clint.
“I’m named my son after you, so it’s my crepe. Nathaniel would agree.” Clint winked while walking away with the crepe, only to duck when the Mjolnir came flying at him, dropping the crepe into Thor’s waiting hands.
“I’m a god, it’s mine.” Thor remarked, still adorned in the chef’s hat and your old, child-sized, pink apron that read, “Mommy’s Favorite Helper”. Natasha and Clint started bickering with Thor over the crepe when Steve walked in, shook his head, and walked to the fridge to grab a glass of milk.
Suddenly, a metal contraption propelled through the kitchen, snatching the crepe and falling back into the hands of Tony Stark. He cheekily grinned as he stuffed the entire crepe into his mouth before anyone could have a say. “It’s mine because it’s my daughter’s birthday,” he uttered with his mouth full.
You frowned and added, “Hey, wait a minute… shouldn’t that be my reasoning to have the crepe?”
“Not a chance, Sunny Girl.” Your father winked, swallowing the rest of the crepe.
You rolled your eyes, but gave him a slight smile at the mention of your hidden soulmate tattoo. He thought it would be a funny inside joke to call you the opposite of what was on your shoulder blade since you were quite the opposite of him in your personality. There were a few similarities between Tony and you, like your love for science and your determination to help others, but you lacked in having his cocky and spontaneous tendencies. He considered you to be the perfect child and he would do anything to protect you from harm.
However, he apparently did not mind stealing the last crepe, leaving you without your favorite breakfast on your birthday.
“Hold up, y/n,” announced Peter, your best friend and the owner of the voice who had woken you up prior. “I saved you a stack of crepes!” You beamed when he presented you with a plate of crepes, strawberries and Nutella already in between the layers, just the way you liked it.
“Underoos, you spoiled the surprise! I was trying to make her think I was going to starve her on her birthday!” Tony stated sarcastically, nudging Peter a little when he walked past him towards the table.
“Aw, Pete,” you grinned at him, taking the plate and noting the Nutella on his chin, “I thought you said you weren’t going to save me any.”
“Of course I was! It’s your birthday… actually, I gotta admit, I ate one…” he trailed off, teasing you playfully as he handed you a fork.
You lightly laughed, reaching forward to wipe the Nutella off of his face. “I can see that, Parker.” You turned around to see your father and the other Avengers jokingly argue over who should have received the last crepe, not paying attention to you anymore. Wanting to eat your breakfast in a quieter environment, you tapped Peter’s shoulder and nodded your head towards the door, silently suggesting to leave the room. He nodded in response and you both headed off to your favorite place in the tower: your personal science lab.
When Tony learned that you enjoyed science as much as he did, he spared no expense into turning an entire floor into a space where you could explore experiments. As you grew older, it turned into more of an armor station for the Avenger’s, something you thoroughly enjoyed working with. You had an eye for knowing how to fix or enhance your dad’s creations, and you even began to build your own. You were fortunate enough to create some protective, yet fully-functioning armor for Stephen Strange and Bucky Barnes, which served well during daily missions. You hadn’t told anyone yet, but you were hoping to surprise Peter with a new suit and work with your dad to create a new line of health analysis systems for all of the team.
Peter waltzed into the room right behind you and sat in his usual rolling chair, pushing away on his feet towards the window. You sat on one of the desks, criss-crossing your legs, and began to eat your crepes.
“So,” Peter said, turning himself around to face you, “how does it feel to finally be 17?” You rolled your eyes at his question, knowing you were almost an entire year younger than him.
“I guess it’s alright, I don’t feel any older.” You shrugged, continuing to eat your crepes. “I’m excited because you finally can’t make fun of me anymore since we’re the same age,” you teased, sticking your tongue out at him.
“Yeah,” Peter scoffed, “for nine days. I’ll be 18 next Friday.” He chuckled as you threw a strawberry at him, hoping it would hit him in the face. To your dismay, his spidey senses quickly reacted and he caught it in his mouth.
You rolled your eyes again, something you found yourself doing more often than not around Peter since his antics were expected.
You and Peter had been best friends since your freshman year at Midtown School of Science and Technology. You may have been younger than Peter and your classmates, but your intelligence and maturity kept you in the top percentage of your class throughout all four years of high school. You and Peter were the proud co-salutatorians of Midtown, only 0.0002 in GPA-scale behind MJ, the valedictorian, and a good 0.008 ahead of Flash, who was still salty about “a couple of nobodies” beating him. What Flash didn’t know is that Peter and you managed to spend 85% of your time working on Avenger’s-related activities and rarely focused on your studies, which should have given him ample opportunity to beat you guys. That was one of the main things you and Peter laughed about throughout the past few weeks following graduation.
Peter knew you all the way from your favorite color to your dream job to your dreams in life. He knew you loved rainy days and chilly autumn seasons, and he knew your exact orders at all of the restaurants you would go to with him. As you grew closer, you confided in him with your greatest fears, being rejected and feeling alone. But he also knew that you were stronger than anyone he had ever known.
Despite you not fighting alongside the Avengers, he knew you put all of your energy into planning out the team’s strategies and suits. You worked harder than anyone on the team and he was beyond proud of you for it.
“Hey, y/n, did you turn in your class requests?” Peter asked, referring to your university schedule that would begin to consume your life in the next month.
“Yep, I submitted it last night before I started working on Nat’s tech boots.”
The two of you decided to attend Empire State University, both having full rides and not wanting to leave each other during college. Despite neither of you knowing your soulmates yet, you both knew that you wanted to be apart of each other’s lives for as long as you both lived. You were both so content with your friendship and living out your lives that you hadn’t discussed soulmates more than once the whole time you had been friends. You recalled that conversation when you were discussing where you both wanted to attend college.
Peter realized that he needed to stay in New York so that he could continue being Spider-Man while balancing his studies. He felt that he owed it to Tony after having been taken in by him as a team member and, after seeing the bond between you and Peter, a friend.
“Y/n, where do you think you’ll go to college?” Peter asked nervously, twiddling his thumbs in anticipation to your response. As much as it would pain him to watch you leave, he knew that going to another college might be the place where you find your career passion or even your soulmate. It could be detrimental to your future.
You looked up from your laptop, with open tabs for Carnegie Mellon and MIT, and shrugged. “I’m not sure yet, I guess I’ll decide when the financial offers come in.”
Peter rolled his eyes. “Pffft, like you’re going to need them. You’ve got all the money in the world to pay for college.”
You giggled, shutting your laptop and giving your full attention to Peter. “Yes, I do, but you have to keep in mind that he will cover yours too.”
Peter turned bright red at the thought of Tony paying for his education; he wasn’t his son and Peter would feel awful taking advantage of Mr. Stark’s financial gain like that. “I-I could never, it would be wrong to use someone else’s money for my personal benefit.”
You smirked and opened back up your laptop. “See, that’s why I’m also trying to get offers. I don’t want to be someone else’s financial responsibility and I want to earn the degree myself.” You looked down to stare at the screen, scrolling through programs and tuition plans. “My dad has worked extremely hard for me my entire life and I feel that if I do this on my own that I’m, in a way, repaying him. I just want to make him proud.”
You were unaware of how Peter gazed at you in admiration. He was thinking how crazy it was that someone in such a great socioeconomic position could think in such a humble way. He loved that and so many other qualities about you, which is why he was thankful he was your best friend.
Deep inside of him, he knew that he felt a little more for you than being friends. However, he would never admit it due to the possibility of losing you as a friend and the fact that you both lived in a world full of soulmates.
Neither of you had seen the other’s soulmate tattoos nor asked about them because it secretly hurt you both to think that you could possibly lead separate lives someday. However, you both subconsciously decided to enjoy the time you had with each other, after all, you had the rest of your lives to be with your soulmate. There was only so much time available to pursue your friendship.
“Speaking of which, we need to go to fill out that paperwork,” Peter mentioned, beginning to toy with one of the potential models for more advanced web shooters on your desk.
“You mean the one for skipping some of our GE’s? We can’t fill that out until the week before classes begin.” You responded, taking the last bite of your crepes. Peter let out an “oh, right” before footsteps could be heard echoing in the corridor right outside the lab.
Tony walked in and pointed at Peter, motioning for him to leave the room with him. “Before you do whatever teens do on their birthdays, we need to finalize your suit adjustment.”
Peter jumped up at the word “suit”, still not being able to believe that Tony designed his armor, and followed him out of the room. “I’ll be right back!” Peter called out, leaving you in the lab.
Peter stood on a metal platform, his arms raised in the air as he was being scanned for the body of the suit.
“I was thinking that you, y/n, and I should go get lunch in a couple of hours,” Tony mentioned, fiddling with a design on his tech surface. “Also, shirt off, Underoos. The scanner isn’t working. But yeah, doesn’t she like Thai food?”
Peter pulled off his shirt and allowed the robot to scan his figure for the suit’s size. “Yeah, she loves Thai food. How about Thai Pepper on 56th?”
“Yep, that’ll do,” Tony answered back, reviewing the data that was transmitted onto the computer. Peter began talking about y/n’s favorite dessert place that they should go to following lunch while Tony analyzed the image. However, Tony stopped paying attention to Peter when something small and unusual on Peter’s back caught his eye.
Being curious (and somewhat nosey), Tony zoomed in on Peter’s back and squinted at his shoulder blade. “What the…” Tony whispered.
He spotted a small, shaded sphere printed on Peter’s skin, which appeared to be very similar to one he had seen before.
Peter, still rambling about y/n’s favorite foods and unaware of Tony’s discovery, was surprised when Tony yanked his shoulders and turned him around. “Uh, Mr. Stark?”
The air trapped itself in Tony’s lungs, leaving him unable to form a sentence. He was astounded that he hadn’t noticed the marking earlier.
“Is something wrong?” Peter questioned.
Tony remained silent. He couldn’t believe that Peter had a detailed soulmate tattoo of a full moon. The exact same one that his daughter had been born with 17 years ago.
Part Two: https://peteerrpaarkerr.tumblr.com/post/186089973589/day-and-night-peter-parker-soulmate-au-pt-2
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