#they were horrified about accidentally killing Pete Peters
missmitchieg · 2 years
Oh, Jesus. I just found a "waaahhh, Glen saying "mom's a murderer?" is a plot hole mehmehmeh" video. Um, repression?
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starryknight09 · 4 years
The worst demon to bear
Soooo on a whim I decided to do Febuwhump this year.  Surprise! 😝
Febuwhump Day 1: mind control
Summary:  Peter always thought of mind control as something that only happened in movies. He should've known better, especially after all the craziness he'd already seen. After it happens to him, he has to learn to live with the consequences.
Read on AO3.
The sun sank down across the horizon sending out splashes of orange and red across the sky.  Peter couldn’t appreciate the beauty of it.  All he saw was another day fading away and darkness on the verge of encompassing everything.  Not that it mattered.  Even in the light of day, nothing seemed any brighter.  Ever since what had happened a week ago, everything had lost its gleam.  He knew everyone was worried about him, but he there wasn’t anything he could do about it.  They’d all forgiven him.  May.  Mr. Stark.  The Avengers.  But he couldn’t forgive himself.
He’d killed people.  Innocent people.  So he didn’t deserve their forgiveness, no matter what anyone tried to say to convince him otherwise.
Just because he’d been taken over and mind controlled by some black alien ooze, it didn’t give him a free pass for what he’d done under its influence.  He’d only been in its clutches for a week, but that had been more than enough time to do some serious damage to the citizens of New York and Spiderman’s reputation.  The Avengers had held a press conference and announced that it had been a copycat, and not Spiderman himself, who had committed the crimes, but not everyone seemed convinced yet.  And Peter knew the truth.  It had been him.  But it’d been Venom at the same time.
Luckily, Mr. Stark had caught on quickly enough, and they’d all ganged up on him to take him in, because he definitely hadn’t gone willingly.  But once they’d captured him, it hadn’t taken them too long to figure out the source of the problem and free him from its control.
He’d never forget the mixture of horror and absolute relief on Mr. Stark’s face when the black sludge had finally oozed out of him.  Once it was gone, his mentor hadn’t treated him any differently than before, and it’d thrown Peter for a loop.  Because he thought Mr. Stark should be disgusted and horrified by what he’d done, not still looking at him like some kind of proud dad.  He shouldn’t want to have anything to do with him anymore.  He should never want to speak to him again.  But that’s not what happened.
Peter couldn’t handle everyone acting the same around him so he’d left the compound as soon as he could, like a dog with its tail between its legs, back to his apartment in Queens with May.  Since he’d gotten back a few days ago, he’d refused to answer any texts or phone calls from Mr. Stark or any of the other Avengers.  If they wouldn’t do the right thing and ignore him, then he’d just have to do their job for them.  He didn’t deserve their forgiveness or their friendship anymore.  And he didn’t deserve to be Spiderman.  He hadn’t so much as touched the suit.  He hadn’t even taken it with him when he’d left the compound, even though he’d healed up fine.  A concussion from the battle, when Steve had landed a lucky strike while the Avengers had been fighting him, and ruptured ear drums from the sound waves when Bruce had finally cracked what they needed to do to get the alien creature to leave his body.
He was almost angry with how quickly he’d healed.  His soul churned with agony, but physically, he remained unharmed.  Outwardly no one could tell that he hurt so bad he didn’t know how he could keep on breathing.  How he could keep on living.
It wouldn’t have been so bad if he couldn’t remember it.  If Venom had just taken him over and he’d left the building.  But he’d been there.  He hadn’t had any control over his body, but he’d watched himself do despicable things.  Take lives.  Something he’d always promised he’d never ever do.  No matter what.  He didn’t know how to live with himself now.
He wasn’t even sure if he deserved to live.  He swung his legs back and forth over the ledge of the building where he was perched.  His webshooters rested in a box under his bed, so if he somehow slipped and fell, he’d plummet the entire forty stories to the ground.  Not even Spiderman could walk away from that.  The idea of jumping, barely a fleeting thought, entered his mind as quickly as it left, leaving a burst of adrenaline behind.  No matter how much he might deserve it, he couldn’t jump.  He could never do that to May.  No, he’d spend the rest of his life suffering instead.
He blamed his dark thoughts for distracting him so he didn’t hear the characteristic hum of thrusters until it was too late and Ironman landed with a clang behind him.  He closed his eyes in resignation.  He should’ve known Mr. Stark wouldn’t let Peter ignore him for long.
“Nice view.” Mr. Stark remarked, and even though Peter’s back was to him, he could tell the man had removed his helmet because his voice didn’t come out tinny.
Peter stayed silent.  Dealing with Mr. Stark was the last thing he felt like doing.  He just didn’t have the energy.  Ever since he’d been freed from Venom, he’d barely slept and even when he had, he’d been awoken my nightmares.  Memories.
Mr. Stark let out a small hum at the snub and Peter registered the barely audible buzzing as the nanotech retracted back into its casing.
“Talkative tonight, huh?” Mr. Stark said, this time from right behind him.
He still said nothing.
Mr. Stark sniffed, and in the next moment, hauled himself up on the ledge to sit next to him.  Peter tensed imperceptibly, having to remind himself that even though Mr. Stark wasn’t wearing the armor, he’d have enough time to engage it and save himself even he accidentally slipped.  But knowing it, and believing it, seemed like two separate things.  Peter had been hyperaware of Mr. Stark and his safety for the past six months, ever since the man had barely survived the snap.  That he had survived at all was thanks entirely to Dr. Strange’s quick teleporting and Shuri’s skills with Wakanda’s state of the art medical advancements.
“May called me.” Mr. Stark said after a long minute of silence had passed.  “She’s worried about you.”
Peter kept staring straight ahead, face blank, not acknowledging the statement.
Mr. Stark sighed.  “I’m worried about you.”
He tightened his jaw.  He didn’t understand what they wanted from him.  To act like none of this had happened?  To go right back to living his normal life and acting like his normal bubbly self?  Well, they were going to be disappointed.
“Kid, talk to me.” It came out like a plea.  He’d never heard Mr. Stark use that tone before.  His brow furrowed almost indiscernibly, not liking that he’d made his mentor sound like that.
“Pete.” Mr. Stark tried again, but Peter was nothing if not stubborn.  There was nothing to talk about anyway.
Mr. Stark let out another heavy sigh, and Peter could sense his frustration.
“Listen, I know I can’t say I know what it feels like, because I don’t.  But kid, none of what happened was your fault.”
Peter flicked his eyes over to the man with a disbelieving frown.  Of course it was his fault.
Mr. Stark gave him a self-satisfied smirk at having finally broken his stony indifference.  Peter kind of wanted to hit him but he settled for a glare instead.
“I know.  I know.” Mr. Stark continued.  “You don’t believe me.  It’s all your fault.  You should’ve done better.  Should’ve never let that alien psycho sludge thing take over you.  You should’ve been able to fight it off.  Blah blah blah.”
His anger flared as his mentor made light of some of the very thoughts that’d been buzzing through his mind. He couldn’t stop himself.  His mouth opened unwittingly and he grit out, “You seem to get it, so I don’t know why you’re even here.”
“Ah there he is.” Mr. Stark smiled.
Peter rolled his eyes and tried to go back to ignoring the man, staring straight ahead as he stewed over the fact that he’d broken his silence.
“Peter.” Mr. Stark said, using his full name, which he almost never did.  “Look at me.”
Peter glanced over at him.  Even after everything he’d been through, after how much he’d grown up and matured, he still couldn’t ignore a direct order from the man.  He wondered if that’d ever change.  Mr. Stark turned and gripped each of his shoulders to make Peter face him head on.
“What happened was terrible.  I know.  But it wasn’t your fault.” Mr. Stark shook him slightly to exaggerate his words.  “Nothing you did while under control of that thing was your fault.”
Peter scoffed and tried to twist away but Mr. Stark wouldn’t let him, his grip tightening.  No matter what the man said, it sure felt like his fault.  He’d witnessed everything, felt every movement the creature had made using his body.  But he hadn’t been strong enough to break free, and people had died because of that.
“It wasn’t.” Mr. Stark said sharply as if he could read Peter’s mind.  “You need to forgive yourself.”
A lump settled in his throat as he shook his head.
Mr. Stark sighed and his thumbs moved back and forth over his shoulders.  “If it was me, if Venom had made me do those things, would you think it was my fault?”
He froze and contemplated it for a minute before begrudgingly shaking his head.
“Would you forgive me?” Mr. Stark asked.
“Of course.” He mumbled.
“Then why can’t you forgive yourself?”
“If it had been you, would you be able to forgive yourself?” He countered.
“Yes.” Mr. Stark answered surprisingly fast.  Peter blinked, shocked.  He honestly hadn’t expected that answer, and it didn’t seem like the man was lying.
Mr. Stark gave him a soft smile as he explained, “Because I’d have to.  To move on.  To keep living.”  
Peter frowned as he considered the words.
Mr. Stark continued, “I’ve had to forgive myself for a lot of things over the years Pete.  Probably a lot of things I didn’t deserve forgiveness for.  But I had to.  Because if I didn’t…  Well, all I can say is, it’s hard to hold on to all that self-hatred.  And it doesn’t do anyone any good in the end.  Least of all yourself.”
Tears welled up in his eyes.  He knew Mr. Stark was right.  He didn’t want to carry these feelings of guilt and self-hate around forever, but he didn’t know how to stop.
“Come here.” Mr. Stark tugged him forward into a hug and Peter didn’t resist.  The comfort of the embrace unleashed the dam on his emotions.  He couldn’t help it.  He started crying.
“You’re such an amazing kid.” Mr. Stark said into his hair, holding him tighter when he started crying.  “And none of this was your fault, so you need to forgive yourself so you can move on.”
“I don’t know how.” He croaked.  He didn’t.  After talking to Mr. Stark, he wanted to, but he didn’t have any idea how to start.  All the hatred and anger he felt toward himself was like a gaping pit of darkness seeded inside.  He couldn’t just magically will it away.
“I’ll help you.  Ok?” Mr. Stark answered.  The man always had an answer for everything.
Peter sniffled but nodded in the embrace.
“It’s going to be ok kid.” Mr. Stark pressed a quick kiss into his hair.  “I promise.  It’s going to be ok.”
And for the first time in over a week, Peter let himself believe it.
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WhatsApp? Part 6. (Steve Rogers x reader)
Description: You’ve never been lucky with guys. You just wanted to catch someone’s eye, to be loved. One day, that’s about to turn completely - with one fake, completely imagined number a guy gave you
A/N: Sending a nod to Starlord’s direction with this one. ;) Also I am so sorry about the voice attributes rant, I studied special pedagogics and in here, voice, its attributes and the speech itself is a huge part of ENT studies centering around ears, throat, and neck...
A/N: I am sorry, @missdictatorme for no phone s*x. Ily by the way.
A song which I want to highlight for this chapter: Fallingforyou by the 1975.
Warnings: none really?
Tagging: @missdictatorme @songforhema
Read more here, babe ;):   Part One  Part Two  Part three  Part four  Part five
If you like things in one place, you might like the series master list: H E R E
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The time had tendencies to stop when Steve so far, far away from you. 
You hadn't got a single clue where could be or what's he doing but you hoped he's safe and well. Sometimes you looked out of the window for ten minutes straight just thinking about where he could be. You checked your phone every morning and evening - nothing. He wasn't really messing around when he told you it can take a whole month before he comes back to you.
Deena, who was a self-proclaimed dancing teacher volunteered to lead the choreo. And she wasn't really bad at it.
At least you had your head all Steve-cleared off do could actually focus on your choreography for the big evening itself. It was somehow borderline racy but still PG-13 friendly as you thought it will be. May made sure it will be. You were dancing in sync, and you were grouped to trios for this one. You were basically repeating actions of the trio which went before you, it was simple yet good, or so you thought. You felt good about it at least.
You were in the last trio along with Deena and Marzia, another girl from your office so it would be double insured that you can't actually fuck up.
The girls made sure you acted all bossy - at some point, you started to use chairs to make it even more clear. That you were the ones being on the top during your dance. Before you could even dance in slight sync, it took you two weeks of every of your working day afternoon. Every one of you worked on it hard and it was paying off. Even you, probably the least talented person, or so you felt, could incredibly sway your hips. You didn't think that you can actually look that deductive yet you did.
Val told you that you were a killer - you took her only partially seriously because she was always friendly flirting with you.
Sometimes Peter came along. He was the sound tech guy every time. And then made fun of you when you accidentally fucked up. You loved that clueless boy so much.
"Okay. What do you think?" - You asked Peter, drinking from a water bottle. It was week three of you almost destroying your legs on those a bit too much tall high heels. You didn't want to wear them - your feet were swollen and hurt after every afternoon, but Deena shushed you off. It should look sexier than you dancing in Canada shoes and that Deena considered a pure fact.
"That you will kill yourself during that turn around with the chair in your hands." - He answered honestly with a childish smile, winging his feet in old Converse shoes from side to side. - “But there is a chance you will kill somebody else, so it's 50-50.”
"How gentle of you, Parker. You must be a real hit with the ladies, am I right?" - You nudged his shoulder, taking those devilish shoes off your feet, massaging them. He grinned at you.
"I can say obscene things like actually liking it out loud here, Y/N. And you know that!" - Peter laughed out loud, showing the gentle wrinkles around his hazelnut eyes. - "And since I ripped your tee off? May would have killed me if she actually heard me saying something nice about you!"
You had to laugh at his remark. You both were poking fun out that event since the next day Pete actually came to visit you, only May didn't find it as amusing as you two. Poor boy never got his free Oreo milkshake. And to be fair - Val actually started the beef with some pretty explicit jokes. And because you two were who you two were, it didn't take so long before you put that beef on fully.
"So continue calling me dumb. That will do. That's basically every girl's dream." - You nudged his head and left to a small cab to change your clothes. Your eyes just checked your phone as they were used to do all along those three weeks.
And your heart performed a fucking parkour jump at the sight of the green diode beeping at your eyes. The breath was caught in your throat when you gulped. Your hands shook by their will when you took the phone in your hands. It was a text from him. Steve was actually back.
As you opened the conversation, his promise popped directly in your head. A call. He promised you a fucking call. Steve willingly offered you to hear his voice. Three weeks ago. And now he was back. You were on cloud fucking nine. That was an offer you couldn't pass on.
Steve: I was so looking forward to texting you from the moment we took off. I'm back and well, Y/N.
Dear lord, you thought to himself, your eyes were firmly closed and you could feel a smile creeping on your lips. Thank you for keeping that man safe and well. Thank you for letting him come back.
Y/N: I missed you so much and I have so much thing to tell you! How was your little work trip?
You couldn't care less about being eager or too obvious with being excited about him being back. It was just natural for you to be excited. You had to tell Peter, so you changed your clothes the quickest way. You ran away from the cab looking like a mess with your bag over your shoulder with your smile looking better than a five-star hotel.
"Pete, Pete, Pete!" - You quirked in a high pitch. Peter wasn't sure if you hadn't got mad, looking at you with his puppy eyes in a horrified manner.
"Tell me that you have won a million dollars and I don't have to go to school anymore. I beg you." - Peter mumbled with a side smile. You shoved your phone right into his eyes and smiled widely. - "You're shitting me!" - He fangirled as hard as you had and performed your typical victory dance.
"Peter! Have you just cussed? We've talked about that!" - May shouted into your direction and you both freeze. Then you giggled.
"That means..." - Peter wiggled his eyebrows. Of course, you've told him about that call promise. He knew everything that happened with Steve. Not because he wanted to know, but because you rambled about Steve as much as he has rambled about Liz Toomes.
"You bet your favorite Lego puzzle!" - You hummed a tune and Peter laughed again.
"It isn't called a puzzle, to be honest..." - Peter trailed off the topic again, but you were leaving at that point, so you didn't take him too seriously.
"I don't caa-are." - You sang playfully and left the studio you rented for your choreography training, hoping you would get home as soon as possible.
The European job didn't go as bad as they were warned about but it didn't go exactly as smooth as Steve hope it will. He really got his hopes set high to be earlier at home. Sometimes he wanted to just take his phone off his bag, turn it on and text you that he and his friends are ok. But Natasha almost knifed him with her eyes every time that thought crossed his mind.
In the end, they were tired, really dirty, sleepy like 24/7. Even Sam, who usually tried to talk a big hole into others heads, layed in total silence. Now he was most likely dead on the back seats, covering his face with his forearm. 
Of course, you were the first thing on his mind when he got to his phone - after having a long-ass sleep, a great warm shower and a bunch of unhealthy food ordered from a near China restaurant. 
You texted back almost immediately, which made him smile and relax on the bed. He had a feeling that maybe you would be pretty pissed about his sudden, unexcusable need to disappear to a different continent because of a work a don't make me remind him that you still didn't even know what in the hell he's doing. But the better he got to know you, the more difficult and surreal saying his true identity to you was.
Almost unthinkable even. 
Y/N: So that promise, can I still count on it? 
You asked after he told you a little about his three weeks in Europe. He didn't lie but he definitely didn't tell you anything that could give you an actual image of what happened there - a lot of counterespionage from Nat, a lot of fighting and a lot of bad guy's blood spilling. He was giving you a gentle, sweet, careful silver linings to keep you safe. Those were his intentions - protecting you at all costs before knowing the truth. 
Steve: Of course. I am a man of my word. Today at seven p.m.? 
It was already five p.m. so two hours were remaining but he was sure it will be a terror for him. Maybe you'll just refuse to move this far behind the formal line today? He knew he's shitting himself at the moment.
Y/N: Okay. I'll be waiting, handsome.
Your hands literally shook as you panicked. 
You needed to calm down asap. It wasn't an eye-to-eye meeting with him nor it was an actual FaceTime. It was just a fucking call which got you so off-rail. This got you even more intensely than when you were waiting for a call from some office lady whether you got that job or you did not. 
It was Steve for god's sake. Not just someone. Steve. You felt like Lykke Li in one of those videos Peter showed you. She was extremely obsessing about a man, having his pictures all over her apartment, just wished he would take notice of her. 
You would do the same at that point if you actually got some of his photos. You were just one hundred percent sure. 
That one call was everything you could actually think about - you showered beforehand even tho he couldn't smell you through the phone just to feel pretty. You also did have a proper dinner so your liver would not do anything unplanned. You even tried some dumb yoga bullshit Marzia and Suzie thought you to calm yourself down. 
You felt so, so, so stupid for overreacting that strongly but then you reminded yourself that it is mysterious, funny and gentle Steve. And you panicked again, trying to imagine his voice. Would it be high-pitched or too deep? Would it be raspy or smooth? There were too many options - too many tembers, too many speed rates, and too many articulation options.
Maybe he stutters? Which would be kinda cool you hoped. Or maybe he has a problem with saying out loud some letters? Wow, you were overwhelmed for a slight bit at that moment. But no matter ho Steves speech will be, you told to yourself, you will not give up on him because of that. 
And let me say that you almost jumped off your bed when the phone rang in your hand with his name in the fucking middle of that, suddenly too small, screen. This was it. This was the moment.
You tried to breathe until the lowerest part of your lungs wasn't filled with air and then you quickly answered. That feeling of nervousness was all over your body, you felt partially numb and all you could say was that you marched around your room with your cheeks burning on fire. 
“H-Hey, hey.” - You mumbled out, which was a big win-win for you. You didn't stutter that much, just maybe breathing a bit too heavily. All you could hear was a chuckle from the other side of the phone. 
It almost sent you right to fainting. That was a sound of gods - you would bet your whole lego set on that. Holy goddamn shit. You jumped at the bed, feeling really quirky and cheese. You just fangirled over his chuckle. Great. You were going crazy. That was a fact. If Pete saw you acting around this clingy and cheesy, he would be laughing so hard.
“Hey.” - He answered with a chuckle under his breath, he sounded so calm and smooth, to begin with. (It wasn't the truth at all. But he was trying his actual best to appear cool in front of you.) - "Is everything alright out there? Am I interrupting you from something? I didn't mean to..." - And there he was. His usual nervousness got a hold on him eventually. That wasn't as smooth as he anticipated, but exactly make you like him more.
He was just as nervous as you were. You weren't acting like a total idiot after all.
"No. Of course, you're not... Interrupting anything. Don't be silly." - You laughed with a high, nervous tone, sounding like a boy in puberty. Well, damn. This was going so off rails so fast.
You analyzed his voice precisely. It wasn't super deep nor rough for that matter. He had actually really smooth voice which was just really nice to listen to. And he had to think you're an idiot.
"I can't believe I've done it." - Steve said all of a sudden stopping you in the middle of marching up to your bed again. One of your feet was on the mattress and the second one was still on the ground. You looked like a stretching ballerina.
"It feels so surreal, am I right?" - You chuckled, finally taking a hold of your own voice. You finally sounded like a grown woman.
"Exactly. It's... Wow. I don't know what it didn't cross my mind earlier. You could told me a lot of your stories so quicker and it would be much more fun."
"So you don't find reading my miserable life stories interesting. Okay, noted." - You teased him slightly. Steve laughed, saying a loud 'nooo!'. God, this man was just something.
"I didn't mean that at all!" - That was the first time you heard him actually giggled. He was doing it all the time because of your texts. But this was for the first time in real life you've heard it. The sight of you was messy - your eyes shone, your cheeks were rosy and your hair was not in the slightest order at all because your subconsciousness made you play with it. But you looked so happy and your smile way so relaxed.
"Why are you yelling so loud here, man?" - A completely different voice cut through the conversation. It was a bit higher than Steve's and it was way smooth with a seriously strong accent. - "Is that, oh damn." - The man laughed while you smiled at the ways Steve demanded the man leaving his room.
"I'm Sam! Nice to meet you, Steve's girl!" - He yelled before the door shut. Steve grunted out loud. That was so sweet.
"So you're telling them about me, I suppose? Was that Sam or James?" - You giggled, making Steve grunt again. Sam knew which moments to choose.
"That was Sam. I told them about you, however, the girlfriend thing is something Sam had made up." - Steve choked in defeated voice.
"Don't worry. It's fine. It made me laugh." - You calmed Steve down about Sam's behaviour. It was pretty funny and sweet for you. Sam to Steve was definitely like Pete to you. Best cheering up fangirling friend you could ask for.
"That was nice." - Steve commented at your laugh so smoothly without a single doubt in his voice.
"Thank you." - A dazzled sight came out of your lips.
You two talked for what seemed like forever. It was a conversation about nothing - just a constant back and forward with a lot of nervousness, thank yous and sweet voices.
Steve was dazzled by your voice. He could listen to it before sleeping, with his eyes closed. Let me, as the narrator, tell you - you were such sweet dorks. Both nervous, out of your minds basically. This one phone call actually meant something to both of you. It was your first form of actual contact, just hearing the other side and being so breathless and speechless because both of you actually existed.
The texting was fine, sure. But it didn't feel like this. It wasn't as real as this.
Nothing could tell him how you laughed when his dorky ass made you chuckle somehow. The way you spoke was so calm, relaxing him to death. Or texting couldn't reveal your voice raising up when you got excited about remembering something.
When Sam peeked into Steve's room, he stood there in silence for a moment or two. Steve was standing up in from of a window, looking down on the street, telling that Y/N something in a quiet, humming tone.
"I don't want to interrupt you." - Sam spoke quietly, freaking Steve he hell out. The tall blonde turned to Sam, covering the phone with his hand. - "But we're about to watch Footloose."
"I'll be there in a minute." - Steve nodded sadly. He didn't want this to end even if it was as dorky and cheesy as it was. But a movie night with his fellas after Europe was a thing Steve was looking forward to.
"I need to go, Y/N." - Steve started slowly and he would swear that his heart hurt at those words. - "We're about to watch something called Footloose?"
"Oh, my dear lord. You've never ever seen Footloose? Are you serious?" - You asked in an unbelieving voice. - "THE Footloose with Kevin Bacon? Steve, you really make me feel like you're not from today's world. Deena told me she hoped that her prom would look like the ending scene, but you know, Kevin Bacon never came." - You giggled.
His stomach shrank at that remark. He's not from today's world. He's the man out of time. And you have no idea, you just joked.
"I think it's exactly the one with Kevin Bacon, yeah." - Steve circled his hand around his waist, sounding nervously all of the sudden. What was he thinking about? Of course that his true identity would hunt him eventually down, even in his little personal bubble he created with you.
"Yeah..." - You sighed and shut up for a second. - "Let's call it a night today, what do you say?"
"You're right, I should go or Sam and James would start without me." - Steve tried to sound as relaxed as he could. You couldn't recognize he hides something - you've heard him for the first time. You haven't got any idea that something's off.
"Would you call me tomorrow? It's your turn." - He teased you, but you grunted a little, giving the answer away.
"I can't tomorrow, I'm at work, then we have a choreography training and we have a ladies night... I won't be at home at all. I'm sorry." - You said sadly.
"Don't be sad about that, Y/N. I'm not little. Just tell me when and I'll take some time for you, alright?" - Steve asked to make you feel better.
He slowly realized that this will be like a drug to him. Once he tasted it, he would need more and more of it to even survive. There was no turning back now. Phone calls were something new, exciting, something he wanted to do until the dawn comes. Just to feel that he haves you closer than normally.
"Hope that will be soon. Now, I'll go to sleep and you'll go and enjoy Kevin Bacon's amazing rebel-ish and dancing method acting, ok? And enjoy Footloose, like that song. It's amazing. Bye, handsome." - You said with a happy voice.
"Goodnight, Y/N. I'll text you in the morning." - Steve sighed with a soft smile on his lips, ending the call. Yeah, maybe it would be really difficult to tell you who he is and maybe you'll freak out at hell - but at that moment? He felt like a pretty attractive school girl realizing that she is falling for a nerd from her Chemistry class.
Beautifully numb and so glad he couldn't even express it.
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lapixie · 5 years
Ten Years Later Chapter 5
Chapter 1 ll Chapter 2 ll Chapter 3 ll Chapter 4
Chapter 5
“I’ll be brave. Let’s go with dare.” Tony said with a small laugh.
“Oh, Tony, you are going to regret that!” Natasha positively cackled at him, “I dare you to tell us your most embarrassing moment to date.”
“Uh, Nat, that’s a truth…” Tony said, trying to get out of it.
“No, it’s a dare to tell us a truth. Keep up.”
Okay, what could he say that was bad, but wasn’t his actual most embarrassing moment? Oh, maybe that time he got shut down by the Playboy model for her to make a play for Steve, only to get rejected…
“When I was thirteen, my mom walked in on me humping my pillow, calling out my best friend’s name. I noticed she was there just as I was cumming. I couldn’t masturbate for a year, because every time I tried, I saw my mom in the doorway, staring at me horrified.”
Wait! He didn’t mean to say that! That was his actual most embarrassing moment! What the hell happened?! He looked at Natasha, who looked like that cat that just got all the cream, and just knew that she had something to do with it.
“Nat, what did you do?” He growled out darkly.
Looking innocently, too innocently, at him, she just batted her eyes (literally! Like that’s not suspicious in itself!) and replied, “Nooothinggg…”
“Yeah, that was convincing. Fine. Bruce, truth or dare?”
“Um, I think I’ll go with dare?” Bruce said timidly.
“Okay, I dare you to…” he looked around for inspiration, “pick a number, 1-9, and I’ll give you your dare.”
Giving Tony a suspicious look, Bruce finally ground out the number three. Counting three people down from him, Tony pointed at Rhodey and said, “I dare you to give him a lap dance!”
Bruce blushed, but gamely stood up and got in front of Rhodey. Before he could start, Tony stopped him, holding up his finger.
“Wait! I think we need music to set the mood! Friday, can we get a good song playing?”
With that, Pony, by Ginuwine started playing over the speakers, causing Bruce’s blush to deepen even more.
“Tony, I will get you back for this,” he said as he started gyrating above Rhodey’s lap. Rhodey just laughed and started pretending to smack Bruce’s ass. Tony made him finish the song. He thought Bruce would pick him next, but, instead, he chose Peter. Tony arched his eyebrow, mouthing ‘bold move’.
“Peter, truth or dare?” Bruce looked so innocent, Tony knew he was up to something.
“I’m gonna go with truth.”
Bruce smirked towards Tony, then replied, “What’s your darkest fantasy?”
Peter’s face went red as he opened his mouth to reply. “My darkest fantasy is to be held down and not allowed to move as I get fucked forcefully,” as he talked, his face slowly went from red to white, “I want to fight against it, but to have him put me in my place. I want him to put his hand around my throat and squeeze until I have to work just to breath. I want him to fuck me, caring only about getting off, not giving a damn about if I like it or not. I want him to tell me I’m a slut and that the only thing I’m good as is a cum dumpster. Then, when he comes, I want him to cuddle me and tell me what a great job I did and how proud he is of me.”
After he finished talking, there was silence. Then Flash whistled low under his breath and mumbled, “Anyone else completely turned on right now?”
Immediately, Steve, MJ, Tony and Bruce raised their hands.
“Well, maybe I’m bi?” Bruce questioned, breaking the tension.
“Holy shit Peter. That’s hot. That’s so hot. You sure you want to stay my ex? I could buy a strap-on…”MJ wiggled her eyebrows at Peter, causing him to laugh.
“Okay, and on that completely humiliating note, which I’m not even sure why I told you about,” he said looking towards Nat, who still sat there innocently, “I’m next.” With an evil look in his eye, he looked at Pepper. “Pep, truth or dare?”
Giving him a cold look, Pepper just replied, “Dare.”
“I dare you to go to the person you have feelings for and give them a big ole fat kiss!” Peter was almost chortling by the time he was done talking.
Giving a huff, Pepper got up and stalked over to Rhodey. Glaring at Peter, she leaned down and kissed the stunned man softly on his lips. As she walked back to her seat, Rhodey finally moved, whipping his head around to her, breathing out, “Really?”
Pepper rolled her eyes, replying, “Really. We can talk more after. There’s been some strange going ons and I want this conversation to be private.” With that, she cut a glance Nat’s way.
“Natasha, truth or dare?” Pepper almost purred out.
“Natasha just looked back at her, unimpressed, as she answered, “Dare.”
“I dare you to finish Tony’s drink. In front of us.”
Nat blanched a little, then gamely went and picked up Tony’s glass. As she raised it to her lips, she dropped it, spilling it all over the floor.
“Oops. Guess I’ll go make another,” Natasha said as she started walking towards the kitchen.
“Not so fast, Nat! It’s my dare, so I get to choose what you do since you “accidentally” spilled that one,” Pepper gave a hard look to Natasha. “You get to finish Peter’s drink now. And as a world class spy, it would be really suspicious if you spilled this one too.”
Natasha slowly walked over to Peter, got a grumpy look on her face, then downed his drink.
“Oh, and I think I will go refill the drinks. Have a seat, Nat, I’ll be right back.” With that, Pepper took Tony and Peter’s glasses and left the room. Natasha had no choice but to go sink back into her seat. When Pepper got back, she gave them their drinks, and then gestured for Natasha to continue the game.
“Steve, truth or dare?” Natasha turned to Steve and asked.
“Uh, I guess I’ll go with truth?” Steve said, as if he was confused by what had just happened.
“Okay, tell us the worst thing you’ve gotten away with doing.”
“Uh, well, I guess...back in the forties when I joined the army, it was still illegal to be homosexual, but I still fucked Bucky every chance I got.”
“Ooh, you’re so bad Steve,” Tony snickered. Like that wasn’t something completely obvious. Of course everyone knew Steve and Bucky were together back then. They were together until the day Bucky got snapped.
“Okay, um. I guess it’s my turn. MJ, truth or dare?”
“I’ll go with dare. Live dangerously,” MJ dryly replied, rolling her eyes. It was Steve, what was he gonna do?
“Okay. Uh. I dare you toooo…”he looked around and then smiled, “I dare you to change clothes with Flash for the rest of the game. Including underclothes.”
MJ burst out laughing, looking at Flash. “Oh, have fun wearing my bra and panties for the rest of the night!”
Flash looked a bit mutinous as he left the room with her, muttering under his breath, “It wasn’t even my dare!”
As they waited for the two of them to return, Pepper, Tony, and Peter shared a look, then looked at Natasha, then back at each other. They knew something was up. And now that Nat had finished Peter’s drink, they could figure it out.
MJ and Flash walked back into the room and sat down, Flash picking at the thong riding up his ass. “I really don’t understand how you girls put up with this!” he complained. Tony thought it was very interesting that Peter blushed at that.
“Okay, umm…Happy! Truth or dare?”
Happy looked over at Tony, grumbling, “Why do I do this? He’s lucky I love him,” then a little louder, he looked at MJ and said, “Truth.”
“Okay, have you ever cheated on a partner?”
With a look of relief, Happy answered, “No. That’s not something I would do.”
Peter looked over at him, pursing his lips, saying, “Good. Keep it that way when we get May back.”
Happy rolled his eyes, and looked at Flash. “Truth or dare, kid?”
“I’ll go with dare. Do you worst old man!” Flash never had been very smart. Happy knew just where to hit him.
“I dare you to take a selfie with your finger up your nose, and post it to all of your social media platforms. No explanations allowed.”
Looking like Happy had just killed him, Flash just sat there with his mouth hanging open, until Happy made a shooing motion to get him going. He slowly took out his phone and opened it up. Looking like he was going to cry, he stuck his finger in his nose and took the picture. A few clicks on his phone later, MJ and Peter got notifications on their phones, letting them know that Flash had updated. Laughing uproariously, they high fived as they took turns commenting on his different platforms.
Flash huffed, then looked at Peter and bit out, “Truth or dare, Pete?”
Knowing this was going to suck either way, with a butthurt Flash doing the asking, Peter chose dare.
“I dare you to perform a striptease in the middle of the circle to one entire song. The only thing you can leave on is your underwear!”
Peter blushed, but stood up and went to the center. Tony held up his finger, and said, “Friday, play ‘Nobody’, by Keith Sweat!”
The music started and Peter slowly started moving. He unbuttoned his shirt, still moving at a snail's pace. He shrugged it off his shoulders, and let it fall until it was hooked around his wrists. Taking it into one hand, he threw it at Flash, hitting him in the face, causing Flash to just laugh. Bring his hands to his pants, he unbuttoned them, and slooowly brought the zipper down.
Shimmying out of them, he left them puddled on the floor, and started moving his hips, running his hands up his body, but Tony couldn’t take his eyes off of the thong, the pink silky thong, that his boy was wearing. If someone had asked him what 2+2 was, he wouldn’t have been able to answer. Out of the corners of his eyes, he noticed he was not the only one shifting in their seats, trying to relieve the ache that Peter was causing.
Just when he thought it couldn’t get any better worse, Peter sank to his knees, crawled over to MJ, and proceeded to writhe against her. Laughing, she pushed him away, straight towards Tony. He couldn’t breath as Peter put his hands on his knees, pushing them apart, arching his chest against Tony’s hard cock. He knew he had to have felt it. Peter followed the arching of his body, standing up, and Tony thought it was over, but instead, he just closed Tony’s legs, placing his knees on either side of him, and ground down against him.
Tony could feel Peter’s own hard cock against his, and he knew it had not been hard when MJ pushed him over. That thong left nothing to the imagination. He was so turned on it was painful, as Peter started to give him the filthiest lap dance he had ever received. He was about to cum, and looking at Peter’s face, he knew he was too. Thinking fast, he gave a signal to Friday to cut the lights. As soon as they were in darkness, he grabbed a tissue from his pocket, taking both his and Peter’s cocks out, stroking them just once, causing them to both to cum into the tissue. He quickly put them both away, shoving the sticky tissue back in his pockets, and signaled for the lights to return. 
“Huh, that was weird,” he let out breathlessly, “Pep, did you forget to pay the lights?”
Giving him a look, she replied, “Yes, Tony. I forgot to pay the lights. That are powered by an arc reactor. That you created.”
Finally looking at Peter, he almost got hard again, never-mind his middle age refractory period. The boy looked wrecked. In the best, most sinful, way possible. Giving Tony a secret smile, he mouthed ‘thank you’ as he backed away over to his pants, putting them back on as he walked to his seat.
Rolling her eyes, because nothing got past Pepper, she motioned for Peter to continue the game.
“Natasha, truth or dare?” Peter asked with an intense look on his face.
Shaking her head, muttering ‘great spy I am’ under her breath, Natasha finally answered, “I give. Truth.”
“What the hell did you do to mine and Tony’s drinks?!”
Giving a sigh, Natasha answered, “I spiked it with a new truth serum that SHIELD came out with.”
“What?! Why?!” Peter yelped out, causing Natasha to smirk and shake her head.
“Uh, uh, uh...one question per turn, Паук.” Turning her head, she added, “Rhodey, truth or dare?”
“Truth,” he said, while furrowing his brows, obviously thinking about what she had just said.
“Okay, who was the star of your last erotic fantasy?”
Rhodey flushed and answered bashfully, “Pepper.”
Pepper smiled at him as he continued, “Tony, truth or dare?”
“I’ll go with truth. Be nice to me honeybear!” Tony replied, throwing him a dazzling smile.
“Okay, we’ll keep with the old-school theme and ask a grade school question. Who do you have a crush on?”
Tony went silent, just looking at Rhodey, like he had been betrayed. Finally, he opened his mouth and with a wounded air, answered, “Pete.”
Natasha smirked to herself, Rhodey looked confused, Pepper looked pleased, Happy rolled his eyes, Bruce looked unfazed, Steve looked a bit upset, Flash looked mad, MJ looked smug, and Peter...Peter looked like he had just gotten hit by a bus. But in a good way. A smile slowly started forming on his lips, which Tony had every intention of licking off later tonight.
“Nat, last question, and then I’m done. Truth or dare?”
“It doesn’t matter either way, does it? Fine, I’ll make it easy for you. Truth.”
“Why? Why did you dose Peter and me with a truth serum?”
“It was fun? Okay, no, honestly, it was because you two idiots were pining for each other, but would have never admitted it without help. Also...yeah, it was fun.”
That was so...Natasha. He wanted to smack her upside the head (in a totally non-violent way, because he did not hit girls, even girls that could totally whoop his ass) at the same time that he thanked her profusely. Because now he had Peter looking at him, licking his lips, with bedroom eyes on full display.
And on that note…
“Okay, good games everyone! I had fun, you had fun, we all had fun, I feel very welcomed back, now leave.”
There was a mixture of laughter and grumbling, as everyone got to their feet and started to shuffle out, including…”Not you Pete. I have, uh, something I’d like to discuss with you.”
He could see the smirks on Pepper’s and Natasha’s faces, but he just didn’t care. Not when Peter’s face lit up and he immediately change course to walk to Tony, instead of out the door.
Waiting to speak until everyone else was gone, he just took his time looking at his boy. His moppy hair, his smile-crinkled eyes, his pert nose, his luscious lips that hopefully soon would be wrapped around his --
Clearing his throat, he continued his perusal, down past his muscled pecs, his six pack abs, his toned arms, his perfect thighs, his bubbly ass (which he couldn’t see at this moment, but knew from prior (covert) observation, was a thing of art).
As soon as the door closed behind the last person leaving, Tony stepped forward, reaching with one hand behind Peter’s head, his other grabbing his delectable ass, and brushed his lips over the others, lightly, once, twice, then again. Peter let out a small whimper, put both of his hands behind Tony’s head, and pulled him in tighter as he attacked his mouth. Grinding their cocks together, Tony let go of him long enough to reach down and lift his shirt up. Pulling away from Peter, he finished pulling his shirt off, throwing it somewhere away from them and reached for the hem of Peter’s shirt, when Peter spoke.
“I thought you wanted to talk? Isn’t that why you held me back?”
Tony held back a groan, reigning himself in. Yeah, of course, they should talk, it would be the smart thing, it’s just...he was so turned on!
He took a little step back, raising his head to look at Peter, and saw the little grin on his face. The little shit was fucking with him!
“Yeah, you’re right. We don’t want to rush anything. We should talk. In fact, I just got back, we should take this slow. Maybe save anything physical for at least a month or two…”
Peter’s face had fallen when Tony started to speak, and by the end, the boy looked positively horrified. Then he seemed to take in Tony’s face and huffed out a laugh. Tony smirked back, saying, “Never mess with the master, kid.” Then he leaned back in and started gently kissing up Peter’s neck, feeling him shiver.
“I won’t. Promise. Just don’t stop.” Peter was already beginning to sound wrecked. Finally lifting the hem of Peter’s shirt, he backed away long enough to pull it over his head, tossing it to join his on the floor.
“Oh God, Mr. Stark, I’ve wanted this for so long!” Peter moaned out as Tony’s lips latched onto one of his nipples. Hearing him call him Mr. Stark, in that breathless voice, Tony could feel his already hard cock give a twitch.
“Oh baby boy, anything you want, it’s yours,” he breathed out brokenly, reaching down and slipping his hand beneath Peter’s pants, feeling that silky material already getting wet.
“Oh, daddy, I want you to fuck me!” Tony almost came in his pants (again) hearing those words moaned from Peter’s mouth. He never realized he had a daddy kink before.
“Let’s take this to my room. I want to take my time with you.” Tony ground out, already pulling Peter with him, wishing he could just teleport them there.
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aion-rsa · 4 years
When Spider-Man Becomes Venom
If being Venom was like being in the Beatles, then Peter Parker would be Pete Best. His stretch of time in the late-80s wearing his living, black costume is a staple of his history. Before it turned Eddie Brock into a box office giant, the symbiote made for a badass variant look for Spider-Man that still holds up to this day. It’s the ultimate story of how we can lose ourselves to power, even if a loved one beat you over the head with lessons about responsibility.
Over the years, Spider-Man did rejoin with the symbiote a few times, usually in the name of heroism. In Venomized, a Venom symbiote from another reality bonded to him for a little while. At the end of Dan Slott’s lengthy Amazing Spider-Man run, Eddie Brock let Spidey borrow the symbiote so he could fight the Red Goblin (Norman Osborn as Carnage). These days, Parker and his former tights at least have an understanding.
This April, the team of Chip Zdarsky and Pasqual Ferry will be doing a four-issue take on Marvel’s What If? by giving us Spider-Man: Spider’s Shadow. The idea? Spider-Man not only never gets rid of his hungry ooze pants, but he embraces his hungry ooze pants!
Yes, we see Peter Parker intentionally bond with what would have been known as the Venom symbiote and keep on keeping on with the crime-fighting. What happens when such a pure-hearted hero goes all-in on wearing clothes that constantly tell him to bite people’s faces off? Guess we’ll find out soon enough.
Then again, Peter holding onto the symbiote is an idea that’s been visited time and time again. Not only has it popped up in issues of What If?, but also in other forms of Marvel media.
In the fourth issue of What If?’s second volume, Danny Fingeroth and Mark Bagley jumped onto the then-recent introduction of Venom by doing an issue about what would have happened had Peter Parker taken too long to figure out what the deal was with his black costume. He couldn’t get in touch with the Fantastic Four, so he instead met up with Dr. Connors, which was a fruitless venture. By the time Reed Richards was able to investigate, the symbiote was already bonded to Spider-Man and wouldn’t be removed so easily.
Puppeting Parker’s body, the symbiote escaped captivity and hid in the city for several days. Spider-Man eventually came across a rampaging Hulk, which convinced the symbiote to leave Spider-Man for this upgrade of a host. Abandoned, Peter Parker appeared as an old man due to how much the creature sucked him dry. Using his final hours to design a sonic gun that could destroy the symbiote, Peter’s body finally gave out.
The symbiote eventually left Hulk for Thor. Interestingly enough, Banner was left cured of being the Hulk while the symbiote claimed what happened to Parker was a mistake. Whether it was telling the truth or not, it still took over Thor’s body and tried to hide out in Mount Rushmore. Luckily, Reed Richards had Black Bolt’s epic voice on speed dial and that took care of that.
Well, except for Black Cat getting the kill shot thanks to that aforementioned sonic gun.
The final issue of the second volume of What If? took a look back at the original Secret Wars event and wondered what would happen had the heroes and villains been stuck on Battleworld for a generation. This Jay Faerber/Gregg Schigiel collaboration had Galactus and the Beyonder kill each other, meaning that all the survivors were stranded. Much had happened in those 25 years, but for the most part, the heroes and villains put their differences aside. Sure, there was something in there about Dr. Doom shacking up with the Enchantress, only for her to leave him for Thor and Doom killing her because of it, but otherwise you had the Wrecking Crew chilling out with Hawkeye and She-Hulk like old friends.
The stars of the one-shot were the offsprings, like the daughter of Captain America and Rogue or the son of Human Torch and Wasp. Spider-Man only had a couple moments, but they were incredibly interesting. He seemed colder to everyone and there was a curious debate over whether anyone had seen him eat anything.
During the climactic battle, Klaw blasted Spider-Man with some sonics. The symbiote pulled away to reveal nothing underneath but Peter Parker’s skeleton. This turned out to be far from a surprise to the heroes as Human Torch saved him and moved on without a second thought.
Straying away from the Venom symbiote, there was a time in the comics where Ben Reilly – back when he took over being Spider-Man – was the host to the Carnage symbiote for a few hours. Nothing really happened with it, but he looked rad as hell and it made for a cool cover image.
The 90s Spider-Man cartoon ended the series by doing its own prototype version of Into the Spider-Verse. The final two-parter took place in “I Really, Really Hate Clones” and “Farewell, Spider-Man.”
In an alternate reality, a version of the Clone Saga storyline happened, only in this one, Peter was more of an asshole to Ben Reilly instead of treating him like a brother. When Peter found out that he was possibly the clone, he got extra pissed about it right around the time when the Carnage symbiote was nearby. He became Spider-Carnage and created a plan to destroy the multiverse.
A team of Spider-Men from different realities came together to stop him. After visiting a world where Spider-Man wore armor and was successful and happy in every way, the cartoon’s main Spider-Man realized that Uncle Ben was probably alive in that universe. That Uncle Ben confronted Spider-Carnage and got through to him. Although the man within wasn’t strong enough to expel the symbiote, he was able to sabotage his own multiverse-destroying plans via sacrificing his own life, all the while begging for forgiveness for all the horrors he committed.
Peter David and Khoi Pham did a one-shot where the Venom symbiote returned to Peter at the absolute worst time. The Other was as storyline where Spider-Man seemingly died, but survived in a cocooned form. After getting in touch with his inner spider, he was reborn with more primal abilities that unfortunately didn’t last too long. This alternate version had Spider-Man refuse the rebirth. Everyone already mourned him and he didn’t want to have that happen all over again. He remained in his cocoon, choosing to let nature take its course over time.
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We Are Venom: The Many Characters Who Wore the Symbiote
By Gavin Jasper
Venom: Riot and the Life Foundation Symbiotes Explained
By Gavin Jasper
At that time, Mac Gargan was Venom’s host and the symbiote could sense Spider-Man’s situation. Knowing Peter was ripe for the picking, the symbiote left Gargan and consumed the husk of Peter Parker. With the symbiote in full control, he was neither Spider-Man nor Venom. He was Poison.
Poison confronted Mary Jane and Aunt May, but realized they wanted nothing to do with him. Poison instead left and spawned a new symbiote child in order to bond with and reanimate the corpse of Gwen Stacy.
Yeah, lot of laughs going on in that story. Sheesh.
Age of Apocalypse was already a bizarre alternate universe. Rick Remender and Dave Wilkins made it even more batshit insane by having Legion accidentally kill both Xavier and Magneto. In this reality, Nate Summers joined with a superhero resistance team to take out Apocalypse and there’s all sorts of crazy stuff going on.
At one point, the team came across a nest of Peter Parker clones engulfed in a giant black web of symbiote. A horrified Captain America (wielding Mjolnir) had them destroy all the brainless Spider-Man clones before moving on to the next big challenge.
Back in 2008, Activision decided to go all in on the whole symbiote thing by making a Spider-Man video game based entirely around a symbiote invasion and symbiote-possessed versions of different heroes and villains. A fight with Venom led to Spider-Man getting some of the goop onto himself, allowing him the option to become Symbiote Spider-Man. Venom’s symbiote started expanding and latching onto hundreds of other New Yorkers, overwhelming the city with chaos.
After teaming up with and/or fighting lots of Marvel characters, Spider-Man took on a kaiju version of Venom and convinced Eddie Brock to fights its influence. Depending on factors, Venom would either die from heroic sacrifice or Spider-Man’s hands.
There are various endings based both on how much time you’ve used the symbiote and how much of an overall dick you’ve been. Too much of the black costume could at best cause Mary Jane to break up with you. At worst, it could cause you to conquer New York as leader of the symbiotes.
Since Marvel did the Spider-Verse comic event, Cullen Bunn and Iban Coello did a natural knockoff of sorts called Venomverse. While it had no real connection to the Spider-Man story, the gist was similar: various Venom hosts from the multiverse had to team up to face a threat that was hunting them down.
The mainstream Venom was the only Eddie Brock host involved as the rest of the crew included the likes of Mary Jane, Captain America, Dr. Strange, Rocket Raccoon, Deadpool, Gwenpool, and so on. There was also a Spider-Man in there and while they didn’t go too far into his background, he was the only one who seemed to recognize Eddie and harbored unexplained resentment.
The threat came in the form of Poisons. These tiny, white creatures on their own didn’t seem to be much of a threat, but when one would make physical contact with a symbiote and its host, it would engulf them and completely take over. The Poison, the symbiote, and the host would turn into some kind of white, armored creature permanently.
Spider-Man was one of those to fall victim to the Poisons. This led to a rather cathartic fight to the death between Venom and Poison Spider-Man that Venom won.
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Now, you might be saying, “Didn’t you JUST talk about a story where Spider-Man was a symbiote monster called Poison already? Isn’t this confusing?” Yes. Yes it is. So confusing that when they released a Marvel Legends figure for Poison Spider-Man from Venomverse, the profile information on the back of the box described the story from What If? The Other instead. Whoops!
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