#they very much talk w/ their mouths ‘closed’ no one really knows how but thye mostly shrug it off as hashtag magic
gundamcalibarney · 1 year
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doodles of when i was messing around w/ faces
(partly inspired by how junie drew nutc!edward!!)
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just-asks-and-beats · 3 years
Let’s Set Sail
Lycan woke up slowly, stretching as he continue to lay on the soft grass. He sat up and looked over to Gray, who was lying unmoving beneath the tree. A flash of worry shot through him as he realised just how still Gray looked. He crawled over and pocked at him, no response was given. They panicked a little more as they shook Gray, then practically shoved him into the trunk of the tree.
“WAKE UP PLEASE DONT BE DEAD!” he shouted. This finally got a reaction out of the sleepy gray shape, who groaned and looked around in a half-conscious panic. His movements were sluggish, as if all his energy had been drained, but he still found it in him to sit up… He somehow managed to feel even worse than yesterday, maybe because all the adrenaline keeping him going was gone. Hopefully he’d find some spite within him sooner or later to give him a reason to keep moving. Lycan let out a sigh of relief as Gray finally moved and sat up.
“Hey, I know you’re still tired, and I have no idea what time it is, but we should get goin’. No offense but if you looked bad yesterday, then you look horrible today. We really gotta get you to the volcano.” Lycan looked worriedly at Gray, the dark circles beneath his eyes seeming even more pronounced. Gray simply grunted and leaned on the trunk of the tree, taking a while to stand up. Lycan crouched on the ground and signalled for Gray to get on his shoulders, the beach wasn’t very far away, and with the bridge being closed because of some issues Lycan had hardly heard or cared to find out more about, finding Ship was their only option. Gray climbed onto Lycan’s shoulders, slouching a bit, and the two were on their way again.
(this is a kinda long story segment sorry lmao)
The beach was either a lively place, or a desolate one, not much of an in-between. The two could only hope it would be quiet today. As they approached the beach hey heard the hustle and bustle of many other shapes, just their luck. They tried to stay on the sidelines and as nonchalant as possible, with little to no cover out on the open sand. Lycan opened the cloak just a bit, enough so they could see but not be seen. It took a little while of walking and almost bumping into a few shapes, but they eventually saw Ship discussing something with some other sailor.
“Ok, I know you’re, like, exhausted so just let me do the talking, all you gotta do is move your mouth. I’ll try to talk a little slowly so you can try to sync up your movements to the words. Kinda stupid but just do your best.” Lycan instructed. All Gray let out was a small “mhm”, spending all other energy and brainpower on keeping himself upright so he won’t bring Lycan down with him. They walked over to Ship, keeping a little distance so he couldn’t immediately tell the voice was coming from lower than Gray’s face.
“Um, hello. Sorry to bother you but w- I’ve come to request a ride on one of your fine vessels. A short trip, nothing too treacherous whatsoever, simply someone who will take me from point A to point B. If you would be so kind it would make me most gratuitous.” Lycan tried to make his voice sound deeper and more mature, and use weird sophisticated words like he’d heard Barracuda use every now and then. He thought it made him sound stupid though, and made a mental note to never say “gratuitous” again. Gray was too tired and awkward to really pay attention to what was going on, other than the fact that shapes were looking at him. He didn’t like that. He especially didn’t like it when Ship looked at him, finding it hard to keep his cool. However, Lycan’s change in attitude and word use reminded him of someone, he smiled a little bit while loosely mouthing what Lycan was saying. Ship took a moment to look the stranger up and down. Gray head, blue legs and tail. Looks like some strange plant species they’d never seen before. They adjusted their eye patch and seemed to think for a moment before shrugging.
“Well I’m not much one for ferryin’, but I s’ppose a short favor really can’t be too bad. Where can I take ye, lad? Wherever it is I’d be willin to bring ye there for a small price and a short trip.” They spoke with a slight accent, peering at the stranger before them. Lycan’s tail wagged slightly, happy his plan was already going so well.
“The volcano please, and I do apologise if this is causing any inconvenience, I saw the bridge was out so you’re really my only option.” Lycan and Gray both felt a drop in optimism as a look of surprise overtook Ship’s face.
“The volcano!? Well.. y’see.. shapes have been stayin’ away from ‘ere for a little while now… There’s been rumours o’ some leftovers of the corruption there or somethin’ like that. Not sure what’s true and what isn’t, but I believe the resident grump’s been makin’ things a bit hard on those who want to visit. We’re working’ on getting the lad to come ‘round, but he hasn’t budged yet. I really don’t recommend going there lest yer ready if he tells ye to piss off, and his warnins ain’t always been verbal.” As Ship explained the reasons why going to the volcano would be a bad idea, Lycan and Gray realized at once who that “resident grump” must be… Barracuda. Gray felt that pit of guilt forming in his stomach once again. Lycan felt worried about if he would be welcome back. He and Barracuda had already butted heads for the time he was staying there, if Barracuda was now even more irritable, he might take one look at Lycan and pelt him with rocks until he leaves. He gulped before responding.
“Ah… It‘s certainly unfortunate to hear that, but you see getting to the volcano is very important to me. I… uh… left my wedding ring there! I simply cant leave it behind, my wife has been berating me about being such a clutz for months!” It was a terribly lie, but it was the first that came to mind so they just went with it. Ship gave a look of surprise, then understanding.
“Aye… I can see how important of a trip that would be. Ok, I’ll take ye, but just be sure to find it and leave as soon as you can, I’ll leave my vessel waiting around the outskirts of the island and come in with ye, I don’t want ye dealing with ol’ Grumps alone.”
“Wait, n-no!” Lycan realised how much of an idiot he was, retrieving an item was more of a short term in-and-out visit, and that certainly wasn’t what either him or Gray needed. He sighed then thought up another story, feeling nervous and pressured by Ship’s confused look. He could only imagine how scared he was making Gray right now.
“Uh, look… I may have lied to you about that previous story. You see, I’m actually an old friend of Barracuda’s family, though over the years we sort of lost touch. I heard about this… incident he was involved in and felt it would be only right to come out and check on him. Please, I just need someone to discretely take me there so I can stay with him and make sure everything will be ok.” Lycan hoped desperately that this new story would be convincing enough for Ship. Gray, on the other hand had to deal with that knot of guilt in his stomach worsening. This whole situation was so draining, and that look of pity which formed onto Ship’s face certainly didn’t help. He usually hated looks like that, but maybe this time it was a good thing, it might mean Ship was buying Lycan’s story.
“…Alright I understand. I’ll take ye there free of charge, just… please do what you can to calm him. We only want peace, and to move on from all that mess.” Ship sighed and walked over to the dock, a sky blue sailboat tied up there.
“This certainly ain’t my most impressive vessel, but she does the job just fine for quick errands!” They hopped on and motioned for the stranger to follow. Lycan and Gray let a wave of relief wash over them, though the journey was only just beginning, they had to get through the trip to the volcano and dealing with Barracuda first before they could really rest. Lycan boarded and sat down slowly, doing his best to stay steady so Gray wouldn’t be jostled and fall.
“Thank you very much, it really means a lot to me.” Despite the previous lies, Lycan meant every word of this. Ship just smiled at them as they prepped everything for sailing. Once the boat was in order and undocked, beginning to venture away from the shore, they turned back to the stranger in their boat.
“Ye know, ye never did tell me yer name, and I’m not sure I told ye mine either! Well Ye can call me Ship! A fitting name for a sea captain, I know. I’m proud of it.” Thye puffed their chest out then offered a hand to the stranger, awaiting a response. Lycan froze. They thought and thought and thought, but nothing good came to them. He had done so well with everything else, why was this what was giving him trouble!? They silently panicked until he felt Gray sort of reluctantly tap them on the head and try to make some sort of gesture without moving too much. It was a little hard to understand but Lycan thought he got the picture, reaching his pink-free hand out to shake Ship’s.
“Call me Gray.”
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Mondo, Fuyuhiko and Hoshi’s Crush with Hanahaki Disease
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Let me tell you, any ask that has Mondo, Fuyuhiko and Hoshi in it, is a blessing. A. FUCKING. BLESSING.
Also, this is my first time writing something with Hanahaki so I hope it isn’t too crappy,,
- Mod Kaede
Mondo Oowada
The flowers started to appear one evening while you were talking with Mondo and suddenly you felt your throat closing up. You quickly excuse yourself for a moment before going into a coughing fit.
As you cough violently, flower petals started to fall from your mouth and it was at that moment that you knew you were in trouble.
The petals were from Striped Carnation, they symbolize refusal. Heh, fitting.
After going back to Mondo, acting like nothing happened,  he was noticeably worried, but you told him that it was nothing and decided to brush it off.
And things went like that for a while, at one moment the two of you were just hanging out, and the next moment you were excusing yourself to cough your lungs out with the almost unbearable pain increasing by the second you cough bloody petals, going back to Mondo looking paler every time and telling him not to worry about it.
You were thinking to keep going like that while you were arranging an appointment to get the surgery. Because there was just no way that Mondo Oowada, leader of the Crazy Diamonds, and a closet sweetheart, could reciprocate your feelings, and you were not about to ruin your friendship with him because of some stupid, one-sided love.
Mondo on the other hand, was worried sick. He noticed how everytime you excused yourself and came back you looked more and more pale and it was worrying him to death. How could he not worry, though? You were his crush! The most important person in his life!
He couldn’t exactly tell what was wrong, but he definitely knew something was wrong and that something seems to be taking a big stoll on you.
One day, while you were waiting for Mondo near the school gates, you started to feel that feeling of petals making their way through your throat, and soon enough, you were having a coughing fit, and it was noticeable worse than the others. Your time was running out and you needed to get the surgery soon.
It was also at that exact moment when Mondo saw you on your knees, coughing your heart out, pain clear as day on your face. Without second thought he ran up to you and kneelt beside you, and at that very moment, he saw you were coughing up blood and... petals?
“Y/N you... you have hanahaki?” For who..?
All of your fears came true at once. Mondo just discovered the reason you were looking so sick and you wanted the earth to swallow you.
You don’t have other choice. You have to tell him the truth. You have to tell him that you had Hanahaki Disease and it was for him. You have to hear the inevitable rejection that’s about to come.
Between heavy breaths, you mustered up the courage to finally do it.
“M-Mondo... I-I have..ha-hanahaki... f-for you.”
“Wh-what does that-”
“I l-love you, Mondo.”
And that was it. You finally said it. It was the time your crush is going to reject you and tell you to go get the surgery and completely ruin your friendship, and that is going to be a pain worse than the itchy feeling in your throat and burning of your lungs.
Taking a look of his face, you noticed that it took a deep tone of red as he stuttered out words you still didn’t comprehend.
“Y-Y/N I-I...” He took a deep breath and...
It took you a moment to fully understand what he just said, and when you did you could feel your chest getting lighter as your face was becoming warm.
“I-I... You...” He felt the same. He, Mondo Oowada, your crush, reciprocate your feelings. You can’t help but think this isn’t real, it doesn’t seems real, but it is. All of those lonely days are going to end. All those times when you choke on those petals, trying to swallow the pain, are finally over. And you couldn’t be happier.
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu
You’ve been spitting out Alstroemeria petals for quite a while now, the flower of friendship. You personally think it’s hilarious.
You and Fuyuhiko have been friends since you were kids, and the thought of one of you falling for the other never seemed to cross your mind.
Well you were wrong.
You realized that while you were coughing up its bloody petals after spending the majority of the day with him.
Needless to say, you were surprised.
But then again, why? It’s the typical anime trope of the childhood friends where one of them loves the other but doesn’t have the guts to say it.
After the petals began to appear, your emotions were at loose.
You were torn between telling him you have hanahaki or telling him you had hanahaki, and you better decide quick because you don’t know how long will you manage to keep excusing yourself everytime you hang out. Plus, you’re pretty sure Peko knows something’s up and if she finds out about the hanahaki she’s gonna tell Fuyuhiko and you don’t want that. Yet.
One month has passed and you think you know what to do.
You’re going to confess to Fuyuhiko.
This thing of throwing up bloody petals is a pain, but a pain you could cope with, until a full Alstroemeria appear, that was all you need it to make up your mind and take the chance to confess. And... even if your feelings were rejected, you’ll be getting that weight off your chest.
It’s not like it has been better for Fuyuhiko, though.
This last month you’ve been acting... off. You don’t want to hang out with him like you used to, when he approaches you you flinch and make an excuse to leave, dammit, you don’t even want to be around Peko!
It’s just... Is someone threatening you? Are you afraid of him? Did... Did he do something to hurt you in some way? Why are you so suddendly avoiding him?
Arg! It’s so frustrating not knowing the reason behind your odd behavior towards him!
Well, you know what thye say, if you can’t do something for yourself, make your swordswoman do it for you.
And so he does. He sends Peko to spy on you investigate the reason of your sudden 180! It takes time, because whatever you’re hiding you’re hiding it good, but Peko finally has an answer for him.
“Y/N has Hanahaki Disease.”
Peko said she found a few bloody flower petals near places where you’ve been, and some blood splatters in your clothes, she even once found a full flower completely stained with blood in one of the drawers of your room.
Fuyuhiko... Is not really happy about it. He knew what the Hanahaki Disease was because he heard Mikan talk about once, he remembers her words clear as day.
“T-The Hahahaki Disease is an illness born from o-one-sided love, wh-where the patient throws up and c-c-coughs up f-flower petals when they suffer from one-sided love. T-The infection can be removed through surgery, but the feelings dissapear along with the petals, though it can also be removed if the infected person c-c-confesses to the person they’re in love with and said person reciprocate their feelings. If  the feelings are not reciprocated or if the person doesn’t take get the surgery to remove it, they could die... AH! I-I-I’m so s-s-s-sorry for talking so much!”
One-sided love... Wait. One-sided love?! You-! You... love someone..and is not him..? No, wait! That’s not important right now, you could die!
After this horrible realization, Fuyuhiko runs to your place as fast as his legs could go and practically bangs at your door until you open it.
“Fuyuhiko? W-What are you doing h-?”
“Y/N I know you have hanahaki and you’re going to get the surgery!”
“Wait, you... You know..? How?”
“That’s... not important. But you’re going to take the surgery and I don’t fucking care how expensive it is, I won’t let you die because of some jackass!”
“But, Fuyuhiko...” Okay, here goes nothing. “You’re the jackass I’m in love with.”
Oh. Wait what?!
Alright his face is completely red now. He’s not responding.
There we go.
He, in his own tsundere Fuyuhiko way, tells you he loves you, too, “...dumbass.”
Well, this outcome is very much more pleasant than getting the surgery now, is it?
Ryoma Hoshi
From now on, you hate Blue Roses. They embody the mysterious and the desire for the unattainable, and practically say “I can’t have you but I can’t stop thinking about you.”
It’s almost funny how fitting that description is. You can’t have him but you can’t stop thinking about him.
You had a big crush on Ryoma Hoshi, also known as ‘Killer Tennis’, the man who took down an entire mafia by himself with only his tennis racket and a steel tennis ball to avenge his loved ones. Also a big cat lover.
You didn’t think it could happen. You didn’t want it to happen.
Though it was true, you have feelings for him, but were planning on keeping that secret to the grave, you didn’t think you’d get hanahaki for anyone, let alone Hoshi! Of all people, you choose the man with no will to live and whose heart was already shattered to pieces by his own cockiness.
You couldn’t help it though, it was bound to happen, honestly. You hung out with him, talk to him, listen to him, tried to be his rock, shared candy cigarettes, unknowingly stared at him when he wasn’t paying attention, appreciating his features and enjoying his mere presense- Wow.
Well that pretty much explains it.
If you had to choose between confessing your feelings for him, getting the surgery, or just let some stupid flowers grow up in your lungs while they slowly kill you? You’d choose to confess, even if it broke your heart.
You didn’t want to get rid of the warm feeling in your chest you felt everytime you were around him, even though the only thing you felt in your chest now was a burning, annoying sensation and your throat closing up with petals and blood.
You managed to hide it for a few days, but you were so pent up in being with him that it was becoming kind of difficult to keep hiding it, and that soon came to bite you in the ass.
In one of your free times with Hoshi, you felt the itchy feeling of the petals makig their way through your throat, and soon enough you were having a coughing fit, right in front of him.
While you were choking on petals, Hoshi kept a hand on your back while rubbing it, trying to help you somehow like you had helped him all those times.
It was at that moment, when Hoshi saw the blood-stained petals coming out of your mouth, that he comprehend everything.
So that’s why you were looking so pale lately, and why you were excusing yourself to go to somewhere else so suddenly and then came back looking sick. You have Hanahaki, huh... That explains some things... Alot of things, actually.
He waited until you coughing fit had finally ceased to ask question while you were trying to catch your breath.
“Hey.. wanna talk about it?” He didn’t wait for a reply, not like you could give any at the moment. “So, Hanahaki, huh? If you don’t mind me askin’, can I know how long you’ve had it? And... for who?” He didn’t wanted to hear the answer to that one.
Now you could get away with some excuse, now you had to tell him the truth. Taking another deep breath, you left the cat out of the bag.
“R-Ryoma, I know for what you’ve been through... And I know how much you had to suffer from what happen, but... - and I’m sorry to say this - After all this time we’ve spend together, I could help but... develop feelings for you, romantic feelings, and I’m sure you already know this but, I have Hanahaki Disease... for you.”
“I-I understand if you don’t feel the same! I kind of expected it, I only wanted to tell you that, and, well, hear what you have to say about it..” At some point, you started to tear up.
It took a moment for Hoshi to let everything you said sink in before repliying.
“Heh... You may hate me for saying this, but I’m kinda relieved. Don’t get me wrong, though. I am sorry that you had to go through all this... pain because of me, but I’m glad my feelings are not one-sided.”
“Should’ve phrased that differently?”
“Uh, Ryoma, are- are you saying what I think you’re saying?”
“I feel the same? Yeah. I never thought someone would fall for a guy like me, nor did I thought that I could ever love someone again, but you prove me wrong, Y/N. All those times we spend together made my day brighter, it felt... nice. That’s something I never thought I’d feel again, but thanks to you, now I do.”
He chuckled. “I’ve still got a ways to go, huh? Well.. I hope you don’t regret your decision to love a guy like me, Y/N.”
Oh you won’t regret it, that’s for sure.
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