#they truly couldn't care less about anyone except the royal couple
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gasstationpopcorn · 1 year ago
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i'm once again loling at rtv slo
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justcallmecj · 10 months ago
Sorting Ceremony And My Dorm
   Alright. So this chapter really was just me trying to figure out the writing style for this when I first made it. Doesn't mean much to the future prompts tbh, except for maybe one chapter that plays as a sort of "continuation" of this. For any future prompt submissions, this dorm sorting means nothing and requesting reader to be from another dorm is totally okay! Have fun!
"Next!" rang the Headmaster's voice. One of the few things he's said this whole time, and he just keeps repeating.
        The boy before me went up to the Dark Mirror. The Dark Mirror repeated the same 'state thy name' line. The student said his name and the mirror chose his dorm. Scarabia. He kinda looked like a Scarabia kid too if you ask me. He came back to his spot next to me and Crowley called the next person again. Me.
        Crap. Now I have to walk alone to the Dark Mirror. With all those eyes on me. It's fine, we can do this Y/N. Just go to the Dark Mirror and get your dorm.
        I made my way past students and into the clearing for walking. I made sure to keep my wings folded close to my body and tail wrapped around my leg as to make sure I didn't hit anyone.
        I calmed down a tad as I walked because I realized the other boys really couldn't care less about what I was doing. The only eyes truly on me were those of the Headmaster and the dormheads. No biggy so far.
        "State thy name" the Dark Mirror asked me. Does it ever get bored of saying only that? I definitely would. 
        "Y/N L/N" I told it. The face in the mirror thought for a bit.  The longer the wait, the more anxious I felt. The face finally looked up at me again.
        "Your soul was harder than most to read, but I do believe that I found the right one. I place you in..." he took a dramatic pause. Really not needed body-less face. Please just hurry up!
        "...Pomefiore." The dorm founded from the Beautiful Queen? I mean, alright. Definitely not where I originally thought the Dark Mirror would put me but I can roll with it.
        From behind me I heard the  smallest hum of contentment from someone. I turned around to head back to my spot. I traced the hum to a person. Vil Schoenheit, the dormhead of Pomefiore. I only managed to catch a glimpse of his eyes when I walked by. He's been watching the ones sorted to his dorm all day. I'm no different I guess.
        I eventually made it back to my spot and waited for the last couple students to get sorted. I ended up blocking out the rest of the ceremony. It wasn't until I heard the loud voice of someone giving orders that I came back to reality.
        The other dormheads gave little speeches about welcoming their new members and how they operate in the dorm. We were all told to follow our dormhead to the dorm and get cozy in our new rooms.
        I followed close to my soon to be dormmates. I somehow got pushed to the front and now found myself behind Vil. Talk about nerve wracking. Without realizing, my tail uncoiled itself from around my leg and started swishing gently behind me. Quite a few of the boys behind me backed up as to not get hit. Nice, personal space!
        After we had all headed through the mirror to Pomefiore and into the actual dorm, I found myself frozen in awe. Ironic considering I don't freeze. Even the coldest of temperatures can't do that to me.
        The whole place looked like a castle. The roofs were high, the walls made of bricks outside beautifully painted a white color. There was all sorts of decorations strung throughout the room, lights everywhere. If I wasn't used to bright lights they would have been blinding. The room was filled to the brim with lavish looking furniture, all the signature royal purple of Pomefiore, even the walls had the beautiful color on them. There was a ridiculous amount of mirrors covering the walls. Really, are you trying to make me get sick of my own reflection?
        While everyone was admiring the beauty of the common room, Vil turned to face us and called out.
        "Now listen up!" he ordered. We all gave him our attention. "You are all now members of Pomefiore, the dorm founded by the Beautiful Queen. Because of that, we take our looks and status very seriously around here. I expect you all to do the same." Behind Vil, a man wearing a hat with a feather on top came to stand next to him. He gave everyone an unnerving closed-eyed smile. Both Vil and this dude are so freaking intimidating! Why though!?
        "For those of you who don't know, I'm Vil Schoenheit, your dormleader. This next to me is Rook Hunt, your vice dormleader." So that's the hat dude's name. "We are the ones in command in this dorm. We want to make sure you all can live up to the name and reputation Pomefiore has, meaning that you all are going to have to work hard. Beauty doesn't come without work, or with zero effort." he stopped giving his speech when Rook leaned over his shoulder and whispered something in his ear. He then brought his attention back to us. Rook somehow spoke quietly enough that even my dragon-like hearing couldn't pick it up.
        "There's something that needs my attention. I dismiss you all to go find your rooms. There are plaques by the door of each room with your full names on them. Spend some time to find it and adjust to how you'll be living from now on. Your stuff has already been brought to your rooms. Also, feel free to explore Pomefiore a bit." He moved the hair out of his face. My man got some pretty long hair to be honest.
        Rook and Vil left the common room in a hurry, but the moment they did, the room burst with voices. We had all been so silent, I got so used to the quiet with only Vil's voice being heard, that when people started talking, it was an eruption in my ears. Some left to find their room, others found people to strike up a conversation with. Only a few, including me, stayed put, not knowing what exactly to do next.
        I stopped to take the time and rid myself of my ceremonial robes. It's was getting too hot for my in them anyway. I took it off, allowing my tail to take up a bit of space for it's own. My horns were a bit of a struggle with the hood but it came off with a little work. I made sure to keep my wings furled though, with their wingspan, those suckers would hit someone with no doubt.
        With my release though, came whispers. People around me talked in hushed tones, I heard it all though. Something I don't necessarily like about my enhanced hearing. 'Look at their tail, it's thrashing around like crazy'. No it isn't! Just a nervous swing! 'Those horns look like ice spikes, could probably spear someone with them!' I mean, true, I can, but why would I!? 'Are those wings?! What are they?!' A dragon you dick, that's what. I guess people around these parts aren't used to seeing fae, let alone dragon types.
        I wanted to stop and take a moment to take in all the people, but I prefer not to go through the mental torture that is talking to new people. In the end, I settled for finding my room. I found a sign next to a door leading out of the common room that was labeled 'Student Rooms'. Guess that's where I'm going then.
         With a lot, a lot, a lot and a lot of searching I finally found my room. End of the hallway in the east wing of the building. No other room to my left, one to my right, and another across the hall. I guess I don't have to worry about noise to much. Wow, the door is so freaking tall! Holy shit dude.
        I opened the large purple door with the golden accents. On the other side was a bedroom just as lavish and grand as the common room and the hallway was. They did tone down on the royal purple but the gold accents didn't stop in the hallway. A lot of space in here, not used to that while living with two little siblings. There was a full length stained glass window, a wardrobe, bookshelf, a desk to work at, and a bare bed. Everything I need!
        Just as the dear dormleader had said, my luggage was sitting in the middle of the room. Three suitcases, one for clothes, one for personal items, and one for room decorations. If I'm gonna be here for the next three years of my life, I'm gonna make sure I'll enjoy the hell out of my room. There was plenty of space to let my wings spread too! I slowly unfurled my wings and carefully stretched them to their full length, careful not to strain them after being tucked in for so long. They were definitely gonna be a little sore tomorrow. Regardless, FREEDOM AT LAST!!!
        I then spent the next 2 hours of my life unpacking. I put my clothes away and found my school uniform in the wardrobe along with what I assume is the Pomefiore uniform. I unpacked all the books I brought with me and sorted them on the book shelf, school supplies in and on the desk, and put pictures in the little nooks and crannies of it all and on the wall. Pictures of my family, friends, and places I loved. Pictures of my sister and brother when they were little, even some of me when I was little as well. I made sure to leave plenty of empty space though. Wanna make sure I have space for future pictures to hang and sit.
        Once I was all done, I decided I should probably check the time. Nightfall had hit and the sun was starting to go down. As if on cue, my stomach rumbled. I need food. Now. Gotta find the kitchen or dining room first though. I left my room and started making my way where ever I could. I think I may have caught a glimpse of a sign saying Dining Room earlier. Now, I just gotta find it again.
        I searched for a while absentmindedly. With no success of finding my destination, I resorted to my ears. I closed my eyes and listened close. I caught wind of multiple conversations but none of them said anything that would help me. That was, until I heard a voice I actually recognized, two actually but I only knew one. Vil's voice, the other was new to me.
        With nothing to loose, I followed the sound of their conversation, careful not to pay any attention to what they were saying and instead on where they were coming from. Don't think I wanna start eavesdropping on people already.
        Luck seemed to be on my side today. While following Vil and the unknown voice, I found the sign I've been searching for. Dining Room. Finally found it. I entered the room and found it filled with students. How did I not hear all of them? Anyway, I slowly made my way to an empty seat, one at the end of the table with no one to my right. There was a seat at the head of the table next to me that was empty and one empty seat across the table. They seemed to be the only ones without and occupant. For Vil and whoever he's talking with I assume.
        After some waiting Vil and Rook came in and sat with all of us. Dinner was served and by 9:00 PM Vil sent everyone to bed for the night. I found my room again and flopped down on my bed that was now a nest I made out of pillows and blankets. I got up again only to get dressed and quickly curled myself up in a ball in my nest. My wings softly covering me and my thin tail wrapped in front of me. My own natural cold that my body produces whisked me off to sleep. First day of school tomorrow.
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lozriftsintime · 2 years ago
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Name: Link Meadowkeep
Alias(es): Firefly
Nickname(s): Old Man, Grandpa, Sprite, Fairy Boy, Mask
Birthday: (I am currently working on a calendar system for this AU, so this will come later.)
Age When Introduced: 37
Pronouns: Ko/Kir/Kor, but any pronouns are fine. Most people refer to kir with he/him pronouns
Height: 6'5
Source/Game(s): Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, and Hyrule Warriors
Sexuality: Demisexual and Demiromantic (though according to ko, ko is 'Malonromantic' and 'Malonsexual'. Because ko has never felt attraction towards anyone else.
Favorite Color(s): Firefly has a couple colors ko's fond of. Ko likes blue, like Malon’s eyes and still, clear water. The color Navi used to glow. And ko likes green. Kokiri green specifically. It reminds kir of kor childhood.
Disliked Color(s): When ko was younger, Firefly didn’t like the color red, especially not Gerudo red, but ko can’t dislike it now. Not with it being the color of Malon’s hair as well. So these days there aren't really any colors ko doesn’t like.
Skills: Firefly is a heavy hitter that can wield both the large great fairy sword and a shield at the same time. Outside of combat, ko is a decent rancher and ko has a talent for musical instruments of all kinds.
Outfit/Design Notes: Firefly's armor is based exactly around the armor that the Hero's Shade wears in Twilight Princess. Ko even has. the helmet, though ko rarely wears it except when in combat.
Firefly's build is based on the 'strongest man', which means ko has a good deal of fat over extremely strong muscles. Pairing this with the fact that ko is quite tall means that Firefly can be quite the imposing figure.
Firefly has a number of scars from kor adventures as well as kor time in the royal guard. They're scattered across kor body, but none are really visible when ko is wearing kor armor. Firefly also has some markings from kor use of the Fierce Deity mask as much as ko did as a child. These marks include the fact that ko is blind in one eye as well as red marks on kor face that match those on the FD mask and some parts of kor hair have bleached white/white-blue. Ko avoids using the mask these days if ko can help it.
Other: Having been raised by and with genderless and sexless beings like kokiri and fairies Firefly didn't have any concept of gender until ko was in kor teens. Ko understands it now (logically at least), but feels no attachment to any gender. If truly asked about it ko would tell you that ko still uses the same pronouns that ko grew up with. The pronouns that meant 'kokiri' back in the forest (the other options being pronouns for fairy, Deku Tree, and outsiders). But honestly, Firefly couldn't care less about what pronouns people use for kir (though that's not to say that ko doesn't ever use gendered nouns and pronouns to confuse and/or prank people. Ko was raised by eternal children after all).
After Firefly's time in the War Across the Ages ko returned to hyrule and ended up training with and joining the royal guard. Ko stayed with them until kor late teenage years when ko moved to Lon Lon Ranch to live with kor fiance, Malon, and her father, Talon. Ko has lived there ever since, helping tend the animals and maintain the ranch as a whole. Ko only leaves if Sheik makes a request for kir help on something the prince doesn't think the soldiers can handle for some reason.
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