#they tricked us so bad in mk11
starneko123 · 1 year
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starsurface · 7 months
If your comfortable with a more focused ask, could I please have (MK1) Johnny Cage and (MK11) Kano, Erron Black, and Kotal Khan with a babyspace regressor that uses diaps? Thank you! 💕
Of course!! I'm tots comfortable with that!! I didn’t have many ideas, unfortunately. :(  (Especially at Kotal's) But I hope you like them!! :D
(Some strong languageuse) Before we get to the hcs, I want to say that there is nothing wrong with using or needing diapers. Some people use diapers use them for weird kink related things, but with age regression they are used for comfort and unfortunate inconvenience. Do not come to my blog because you wish to relate this with any kind of kink. Kindly fuck off and leave my blog alone, thank you.
^ This isn’t to bash regressors btw!!! This is me saying to fuck off if your a dd/lg or any type of blog like that. <3
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CG Johnny Cage MK1 w/ Babyspace Regressor That Uses Diapers Hcs
⭐ Johnny’s really good with baby regressors, and with diapers
⭐ . . . After a while
⭐ You know that video where that mom accidentally pours a ton a baby powder on her baby and she’s like “We’re in this together, girl”?
⭐ ^ That’s Johnny
⭐ It’s not his fault!! The powder wouldn’t come out >:(
⭐ If you use diapers because of medical reasons, he’s very comforting about it
⭐ ^ If you take medicine for the reasons, he’ll try to find fun ways to take them or give you a yummy treat
⭐ Don’t every worry about waking him up late in the night because you had an accident >:(
⭐ Your his baby, he’d rather you wake him up than you having a really bad rash in the morning
⭐ He’d get you cute little designs!!! His favorite ones are the ones with stars
⭐ If anyone were to make fun of you, he’ll deal with them personally
⭐ He’s really good at keeping your regression secret and away from his public life
⭐ No one makes fun of his baby, especially for reasons like this
⭐ Will go to drastic measures to make sure your comfy
⭐ If you just started wearing diapers and are really embarrassed about trying them out, do not worry, he’ll wear one with you (proudly too)
⭐ Does he want to? Ehhhhhh. But he’d rather make you giggle because Daddy’s being silly than feel awkard and embarrassed (also he was the one who offered soooooo)
⭐ He doesn’t know all the tips and tricks that MK11 Older Johnny knows, but he’s a fast learner
⭐ He’s very playful when your tiny, and will boop your nose with baby powder before he changes you
⭐ Will try to distract you during changes, either jingling something above you or giving you something to play with
⭐ Very good Dada, trying his best (even if he screws up a couple times)
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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CG Kano w/ Babyspace Regressor That Uses Diapers Hcs
🗡 Kano’s actually . . . surprisingly good with regressors that use diaper? And baby regressors in general
🗡 (Did y’all know he has a son in his MKX tower ending?? Crazy)
🗡 But Kabal sometimes wears diapers, so he’s had some practice
🗡 Kano would also accidentally pour baby powder on you and then blame it on you 🙄 (he loves you, he’s just being silly)
🗡 ^ Would stare at you and go :O . . . That was your fault, ‘Luv, shouldn’t be squirming so much
🗡 You weren’t moving, it was entirely his fault
🗡 Kano’s a big tease, and a bit mean sometimes, but he’d never judge you for using diapers
🗡 ^ And if you’re worried he will, he’ll die down his teasing on other things for a few days
🗡 He’s not a nice person. But you? He couldn’t hurt you
🗡 Will give you yummy juice if you have to take any kind of medicine
🗡 He might be a bit grumpy if you wake him up, but when he sees your teary eyes and notices your accident, any grumpiness quickly goes away and you’re his main priority
🗡 Probably wouldn’t get the reason for diapers with designs on, but if you want them, he ain’t judging (and he’ll buy them for you, anything for his baby)
🗡 Kano’s got money, anything you want for your regression, your getting
🗡 He can and will physically fight anyone who makes fun of you for using diapers or regressing
🗡 And if Kano doesn't get to them, Kabal or Erron do
🗡 Johnny’s got social media power, but Kano’s got Black Dragon power, it’s a terrifying thought to screw with him
🗡 If you were bigger, Kano would probably allow you to curse a bit (unless your around another regressor, he’s not getting in trouble for your actions, mate)
🗡 But your a baby, you shouldn’t be using those naughty words . . . And he technically shouldn’t either 🙄
🗡 He will TRY to keep his sailor mouth down (no promises though)
🗡 But he does really try, especially if he knows you don’t like naughty words while small, so there are rarely ever any slip ups
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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CG Erron Black w/ Babyspace Regressor That Uses Diapers Hcs
🐴 I think Erron would be a really good Papa!! 
🐴 Makes the best warm milk though, knows the right temperature and what little add ons to try (honey, sugar, that stuff)
🐴 When it comes to diapers though . . . he’s definitely trying
🐴 He’s doing his best . . . but it he definitely screws up a lot
🐴 The diapers on the wrong way, and there’s powder everywhere, you’re both covered in white the first few times
🐴 Luckily it’s nothing a quick shower/bath and apologizes (and some new stuffies) can’t fix
🐴 Don’t get too mad at him, he’s literally never changed a diaper before and has kinda been on the run for 200 years, when was he going to have time to learn this?
🐴 Depending it it's Younger or Older Erron depends on who helps him
🐴 If it’s Younger Erron, Kano gets fed up with him and helps out (it suprises the both of you that Kano knows how, which Kano acts all annoyed at)
🐴 If it’s Older Erron, Kotal Kahn helps him out (he’s pretty decent at changing diapers)
🐴 He does get better over time, but there are a few hiccups sometimes (very rare though)
🐴 If you have to take medicine, he’ll drink something like lime juice so you can both get a yummy drink afterwards
🐴 You don’t even have to wake him up at night, he’ll already wake up to your small sniffles and cries
🐴 Gently shushes you when he finds out you had an accident, he’s very comforting about it
🐴 If you get embarrassed or shy about using diapers, he’ll try really hard to help you feel less embarrassed
🐴 A new sutffie? Riding Papa’s horse with him? Wearing Papa’s hat?
🐴 If someone insults you for your regression or using diapers, only Erron and Kano/Kotal know what happens to them
🐴 He’s very protective of you, your his baby after all <3
🐴 I’m not stereotyping the cowboy . . . but he’d know the guitar
🐴 Would love to give you small performances
🐴 Or sit you on his lap and put his hands of yours and you get to play the guitar!!
🐴 Wouldn’t see the reasons in diapers with designs, but does like the ones with indicators that turn blue when you have an accident (even if you don’t use them)
🐴 Would also try to distract you during the changing process, probably give you his hat to play with or jingle his keys
🐴 Would laugh along if you try kicking him or squirm around, stop being a little bugger!! <3
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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CG Kotal Kahn w/ Babyspace Regressor That Uses Diapers Hcs
👑 Adores baby regressors!!!! 🥺 (Is still terrified to hurt you by accident :(
👑 Is in full support of diapers and the moment you tell he’ll get everything you need . . . which is kinda just sitting on his desk
👑 Would also be generally confused on why you’re getting all upset that they’re just in his room, why would he need to hide them in the closet? That sounds rediclious (he’ll do it though)
👑 No one, and I mean no one, questions the Kahn, or the Kahn’s General (depends on where we are in the timeline)
👑 Because of this, you’ll never have to worry about being made fun of
👑 And he’ll personally deal with anyone that looks at you funny, he is the law after all
👑 Kotal gets kinda nervous the first few times he changes you, especially because he could accidently hurt you and he doesn’t want that
👑 Don’t worry, I think Jade helps him out (she’s really good with diaper regressors)
👑 And even if he doesn’t, he gets the hang of it very quickly, he’s Kahn after all, he needs to be educated in everything
👑 Don’t you dare feel upset or embarrassed for waking him up because of an accident!!!
👑 Your his prince/princess, he’d rather you wake him up than just laying there miserable
👑 ^ He also might wake up to your cries instead too, he’s very good at knowing when your upset, even if he’s asleep
👑 Also likes diapers with the indications, but thinks the Sesame Street diapers are cute (no reason for why it’s Sesame Street, I just like Sesame Street)
👑 If your ever embarrassed or shy about using diapers, he might accidentally interrogate you to find out who told you you should be embarrassed
👑 When you express that no one told you anything, it’s not ‘normal’, he’s very quick to comfort you
👑 You shouldn’t be so embarrassed, many people need protection for a variety of reasons, and there’s no reason to be ashamed, sweetheart
👑 Finds it funny then you grab the baby powder and put a handprint on his arm, but will playfully scold you that a baby shouldn’t grab the still open powder
👑 If you flip that powder over though . . . My goodness there’s such a mess
👑 He won’t lecture you, since you’re covered in baby powder and have big tears in your eyes
👑 But he hopes this is a decent enough lesson for why you shouldn’t grab the still-open powder
👑 He's a bit stern with medicine, because you have to take it in order to feel better, but he'll get you a sweet treat afterwards
👑 Very good Dada, he’s very nice and comforting <3
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
I don't have any after hcs words. . . See you guys!! :D
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mocolococoffeesimp · 9 months
Wow, its really rare to see somebody writing for fighting games, much less KoF!
Genuinely, your blog is a gift and I am on my hands and knees thanking you for blessing us with it.
*ahem* moving on from my praise, may I request relationship headcanons with Angel from KoF? If its not too much trouble, that is. thanks!
(P.s. what other fighting games do you play? Just interested, is all. thanks!)
Well, Guilty gear, street fighter and kof are my main ones. But, I do dabble in skullgirls and mk11. Specifically, mk11 as I don't like the direction and gameplay of the new mk1.
But, yes to the headcanons.
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-Flirting. She will flirt with you, before and after you're in relationship. She thought you were cute and made her move. She will do the most obvious pickup lines, throw few off her own, until you were a blushing mess. You would think getting into relationship, would make her less prone to flirt. But, it does the opposite. She will start using a plethora of nicknames for you ranging from the classics like, sweetie, darling etc. And, she will come up with her own ones too.
-She will drag you out to play soccer with her. If, not to a field to play it, she will have a goal in the backyard for you two play at. Shooting at the goal while she is the goalkeeper vice versa. She would be so happy, if you were in the crowd whenever she had a game. She was dedicating, every single parry for you. (Safe to say, I don't know soccer terms.)
-She has a case of exhibitionism. She is proud of her body and she wants to show it off. So, this means her wearing skimpy outfits and little clothing. She doesn't see anything wrong with showing bit off skin. But, when she is about to go out what barely qualifies as underwear... You have to say something about it to her. She will put on more clothes, if you ask. But, she will be huffing and puffing about it little bit.
-She loves her motorcycle and will take you out on rides with it. Be prepared she will, show off. She will pull of tricks on it, with you on it. She will do a wheelie, to get you to grab onto her, just to feel your hands around her. One of her favorite things when you two are on cruising, is to feel your arms tightly around her.
-She lacks compassion. So, if she does something to make you feel bad, she won't immediately realize she did something wrong. She will try to play it off and act normally. But, when you don't brush it off and get mad at her, she will react. She will try to make you feel better and
-She likes to get new clothes. And, by new, she means new for her. In other words, she loves to do thrift shopping. Cheap and stylish, was her answer when you asked, why she preferred to shop at thrift stores. She would also get clothes for you, as she thought she should dress you up sometimes, as your partner.
-She loves to go to concerts. To her livemusic is just better. It doesn't matter, if its the local band or some celebrity. She will be going and so will be you. She would love it, if you surprised her with tickets to her favorite band. She will make you listen, to all of her favorite bands production. Its to prepare you for the concert and trying to make you fan of her favorite band.
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davrosfan23 · 8 months
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I felt they really missed a trick with the final boss in MK1…..so here is my take on how to improve it
The Problem
I found it rather disrespectful that after 30 years Shang Tsung was finally coming back to the series as the sole villain and Final boss. He has always been a prominent bad guy but is usually overshadowed by a bigger villain or has to share the spotlight with someone else . This was his time to shine again as the main antagonist …….and he,s reduced to being a reskinned version of his New era incarnation and has all the same moves despite it not making much sense because they are very different people
He also spent a good chunk of Mortal Kombat 11 Aftermath feasting on the souls of others to steal their strength and power…so that should have been implemented……it just comes across as very lazy because they implement boss fights in invasion mode but cant do it for one of the most iconic haracters
In an ideal world we would bring back Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa to reprise the role but if that was not an option I would give him the following look
He is dressed in extravagant crimson and black robes with the crown of kronika upon his head. His skin has become pallid and corpse like with eyes that now glow a sickly green, He now resembles something akin to shinnok than the mortal man we once knew . He has used to his new role as Time Keeper to dabble further into the darkest of magic and it has corrupted his body
Basic attacks
They do more damage than the average fighter with some of his more powerful moves being capable sending his opponent flying . It makes sense he would have enhanced strenth from taking the soul of Shao Kahn
Special moves
· The triple fireball/: is now his only projectile …..it does more damage and is faster than the new era shangs version
· Triple ground fireball same
· Slashing: This shang does not have the claws so he instead summons 2 lightning swords similar to Raiden in MK 11 and slashes with them**. He absorbed Raidens soul in 11 so is exploiting another skill he gained**
· Spikes: Titan shang summons a large clawed hand from the ground to skewer his foes**. As a godlike being he now wields power similar to shinnok and is at the height of his magical prowess**
. Lightning bolt: summons a bolt of red lighting to strike his opponent.
The soul steal: He draws energy from the crown to create a shield around himself that both protects him from damage and restores a portion of his health (requires recharge so he cant spam it ) The idea here is that thanks to the crown …….he now no longer needs to feed directly on his foe and can simply summon souls  from the crown
· Sindels scream: with the same banshee effect from 11
· Time stop: waves his hand and stops time for a few seconds
· Shape shift : he changes into whoever he is fighting and gains access to their move set
· Rather than shape shifting into an old man he instead shifts between his regular form and Damashi
Fatal blow: He shapeshifts into various people he’s absorbed such as night wolf and Shao kahn to deal heavy damage. This would be similar to his MK11 fatal blow where he became the ninjas.
Fatality 1: He summons a tiny wisp of fire from his hand and sends it into his opponent through their mouth It proceeds to expand within them and basically disintegrates them from the inside out. The only thing that is left is the orb now transformed to the size of a small sun ……floating ominously
Fatality 2: He morphs into Damashi and gently places his/her hand upon the head of whoever they are fighting……and they simply age to dust.
All this gives this iconic villain his due as he reclaims his throne as the final boss ….and makes him truly a Titan
this would be the basic inspiration of his robes …
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evasivaardilosa · 1 year
My playing of mk11 isn’t just frustrations though. Like, even talking strictly about rewards
I got both Jade’s and Skarlet’s klassic masks as random rewards, even though they are supposed to be only race against time/premium shop stuff. Also, unless I got the names translations completely wrong or my spreadsheet has some issue, I seem to have gotten two character tower items as random rewards. The brutalities and taunts come all the time but those were a skin and a gear, one for Fujin and other for Kano
Today I played as Frost for the first time in a while - I stopped doing so when I got stuck with her random rewards, and I had forgotten how fun it is. She is so fast. I love her so much
(I got to buy a Eternal Klash pack for her! I love her ninja costume so much and I actually managed to find it at the premium shop! A lot of the premium shop stuff is lovely but this may be my favorite thing from there and I managed to get it)
Also I am working on Sonya’s character tower now. I am still not sure if I will do them all by hand or by ai, but I plan on doing this one by hand
I was super happy to defeat Kronika as Kitana recently. I was almost giving up and using ai, but I was getting so close at times that I decided to keep trying and it did work. Not bad for a button smasher huh
I am also managing to clear the first tower of the lucky towers on the first try. Yeah, it’s as Sheeva and it’s using a cheap trick, but those modifiers are ridiculous and a win is a win
The meteor towers are not giving me the ones I want the most but I did get three skins for three characters from that D’vorah themed season, which I did mention in that post. That’s a win
I have enough konsumables to get me through all the towers I still need to beat, or at least it seems so. I worry because I am a worrier but I never got near to running out. I also have been getting some high level augments as random rewards which will be useful. Got some elixir from the lucky towers that I only tried to use this week and it’s as op as I thought it would be
(I wish they let me use those to summon a character more often. Let me pretend I am playing mk1 lol)
Doing the soul thurible tower all those times means I got a lot of lucky keys. It doesn’t seem like a good idea to do the lucky towers just now, I am getting a lot of brutalities and taunts which come super easily from regular towers, but they may come in handy when I start getting stuck with more characters
I have more than the max of coins the game can display. It seems it manages to keep track of how many, just fails to display. It wasn’t so hard but it means that I can spend them without worrying
It is frustrating that it doesn’t get much easier even after coming this far, it feels like it got harder instead. With the whole krypt being useless at this point and most towers not having any new specific rewards. I really wish having lots of in-game currency could buy what’s missing. But I still enjoy how far I have come in playing, I used to be unable to beat a single ai enemy not long ago. And I love looking at all the different looks the characters can have - I wouldn’t be going crazy to collect all the skins and gear if I didn’t enjoy them. Damn, I wish random enemies in klassic towers could use special skins - the kl ones, the dlc ones, etc. I never checked if they can, but never saw them using them. I would love to see those skins on my enemies too
(Considering it seems unlikely my family will play 2p versus with me at any point *sighs* I feel like whenever I get too intense about a special interest, I push everyone away from it. But anyway, I am not touching towers of time after I am done with rewards, race against time included. I will move to klassic towers or 1p vs to play for fun and play dress up. I wish my ai opponents used all the different itens i unlocked)
(Gotta start a mk club for autistics who button smash and only care about unlocking and looking at all the different combinations of skin and gear. Your save is linked to an online account not your console, so if we all play ps4, we can all bring our saves to the reunions at my home. We would just chill and play 2p vs with our customized characters and rank the itens and complain about how bullshit this system is)
0 notes
leolamin97 · 4 years
Steven Universe/Mortal Kombat AU
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(Art supplied by @cupcakeshakesnake​ please check out their page and support them)
So yeah you aren't reading that wrong Mortal Kombat crossed over with Steven Universe. An idea made after an incredibly long night of Playing MK11 with friends while also talking about Steven Universe. Funny how you can just say something totally random like "What if MK crossed with SU" and before you know it your on discord talking the concept over with your writing pals figuring out how this can work out exactly. And we came up with this.
Taking place after MK3 with the Crystal Gems also involved with the battles. Shao Khan is dead, most of the heroes are alive and thriving, and the forces of evil have scattered across the realms. With this peace the Kombatants were able to start families, a new generation. And they are about to be put to the test as a call goes out to the best of the young fighters across the realm to come to the ruins of Shang Tsung's Island for a New Mortal Kombat. Are they truly ready for KOMBAT!
Synopsis: MORTAL KOMBAT. A tournament held every 500 years pitting realms against one another for supreme dominance. If a realm can trump another 10 times undefeated they earn the right to merge the realms. Earthrealm was nearly merged with the nightmarish outworld and put under the boot of the tyrant Shao Khan if not for the intervention of a new generation of Earthrealm warriors, though not all were from Earth. A group known as the Crystal Gems who have lived on the planet amongst the humans helped in the battle. With their aid they were able to win the 10th tournament and save Earthrealm.
      But that was not the end. Shao Khan, not accepting defeat, tried twice to bend the rules of the tournament. The third being a full on invasion of Earth that ended with his final defeat and his forces being scattered across the realms. Peace was restored and the Kombatants were able to find their own happiness and love. The Peace lasted years but not forever, a new tournament had begun this time calling out to the developing next generation upon the ruins of Shang Tsung's Island. These Young Kombatants now face off to determine who is the champion of the new age, but what dark forces are behind these battles. Things may not be fatal, but they will be BRUTAL!
Steven Universe (14)- Son of the previous Mortal Kombat champion Rose Quartz and a travelling musician named Greg. A peaceful soul enjoying the quiet life with the Crystal gems on Beach city. But even a peaceful soul is ready for battle learning the art of Kombat at a young age from the Crystal gems and the hero Liu Kang. His style is unrefined and heart not always in battle, but he shows great promise and the heart of a hero.
Twin Dragon Kick: Steven launches himself forward landing a kick followed by another kick sending the opponent back
Bubble throw: Steven throws one of hs bubbles which explodes on impact knocking them down. Can be shot High, Low, and in the air
Rose Counter: Steven summons his shield and if attacked will knock the opponent back
Bicycle Kick: Steven launches himself forward with a flurry of kicks to his opponent knocking them down
Crystal Stance: Steven takes a ready stance and prepares a counterattack for when his opponent strikes. A low sweep knocking them down, a straight punch knocking them back, and a high kick launching them.
Brutality 1- Shaolin Soccer: Steven Summons a bubble and proceeds to kick it at his opponent doing damage as it bounces off. Steven does this four times, the fourth hit sending them to their back. Steven then leaps in the air kicking it down onto their face smashing them into the ground as it pops
Brutality 2- Rose Doll: Steven forms a bubble around the lower body of his opponent making them unable to move. Steven then attacks them bounce them back and forth like they were a training dummy. After 6 hits Steven forms a bubble around their hand with a final blow to the face sending them flying back KO’d.
Friendship: Steven pulls out his ukulele and plays the Mortal Kombat theme his opponent clapping for him as he bows. 
Cassie Cage (14)- The daughter of Johnny Cage and Sonya Blade. Ever since she had the ability to kick Cassie wanted to be like her parents real life action heroes. A young prodigy in Martial Arts and starting to develop similar skills to her father she shows great promise. Unfortunately she also has her fathers ego and thinks herself the main character of the world. While vain, she is never cruel and has a soft spot for her two friends Kung Jin and Steven.
Shadow Kick: Her fathers iconic move flying across the ground with a standing kick knocking her opponent back
Green Force Scatter: Unable to form a ball her energy will instead scatter about like thrown seeds damaging the opponent
Dirty Pass: She can’t do a split so she will instead slide on her knee and slam both fist into her opponents groin.
Flipkick: Using her green energy She performs a flip kick launching them in the air
Military Counter: Channelling her mother she takes a stance and if attacked will knock the opponent down and twist their leg
SFX Kick: Cassie sends out a green shadow copy performing the shadow kick, but it goes through them tricking them
Brutality 1- DING-DONG! WHAM-BAM! POW!: Cassie stretches herself out before running forward and doing her Dirty Pass, DING. She then immediately follows up with a straight to the crotch, DONG. She flips back to her feet ramming her knee between their legs, WHAM. She throws another punch to the crotch, BAM. As the opponent is doubled over in pain she hits them with an uppercut knocking them into the air and on their backs, POW!
Brutality 2- #BRUTALITY: Channeling her father Cassie hits her opponent with an uppercut sending them into the air. As they’re suspended Cassie pulls out her phone readying the camera. She then catches her opponent by the neck and takes a selfie with their unconscious body. We are then shown her social media and the various reactions from characters.
Friendship: Cassie pulls out her phone grabbing her opponent by the arm and pulling them in for a photo. Multiple photos are shown of her and her opponent doing various fun stuff across the Island. When the final photo is shown on it is written “TO MY BEST FRIEND, LOVE CASSIE”
Kung Jin(13)- The Nephew of the Kung Lao and descendant of the Great Kung Lao. Jin always admired his uncle Kung Lao and considered him a hero, quickly joining the academy and learning the ways of the Shaolin. Seeing his potential he was quickly brought to Beach City to train with the Crystal Gems and met Steven the two becoming quick friends. The straight man of the group Kung usually points the trio in the right direction with his Bo Staff/Bow.
Air Dive Kick: Kung Jin dives down from the air to kick his opponent and slams his bow on their head Arrow Shot: Kung Jin shoots his arrow knocking them down. Can be shot in multiple directions including the air
Cartwheel Drop: Kung Jin does a flip and lands an overhead kick to his opponent, knocking them down.
Special Shot: Kung Jin uses a special arrow of which he can switch from. Ice, Fire, Explosive, and Flash
Brutality 1- Shaolin Fury: Kung Jin channels his Kung Lao pulling out the Wushu fighting style. He rushes forward, breaking down his opponent with a flurry of blows, before resting their head on his knee and laying into their face with rapid blows until they are KO’d.
Brutality 2- Trick Shot: He rushes forward and swings his bo spreading his opponents legs. He then fires an arrow between their legs landing behind them and jabs them in the crotch. The cover only to be jabbed in the face falling back on the arrow which explodes sending them up. He fires a rope arrow around then and slams them to the ground.
Friendship: With a quick twirl of his Bo he tosses it into the air where it lands on two poles and becomes a limbo. He goes under easily gesturing for his opponent to try only for them to not make it the two having a laugh.
Rain(14)- A Royal of the new Edenia and a demigod, it’s easy to see how Rain thinks highly of himself. He demands respect when walking into a room and usually sees himself as above everyone else there. He has the skill to back up that talk with his impressive Martial Arts and Hydrokinesis. He joins the tournament to prove to all that he is the strongest. But under his hard exterior is something kind, perhaps even friendly. Just make sure you don’t bad mouth his mother or a storm will fall upon you.
Hydro Bubble: Rain throws a water bubble at his opponent that will trap them within it while bringing them towards him for a short distance unable to defend. Shocking Bolt: Rain raises his arm and summons a blue lightning bolt to strike his enemy. Super Roundhouse: Rain reverse roundhouses his opponent clear to the other side of the screen. Water Blast: Rain shoots a high-pressure stream of water at his adversary, forcing them back Evaporate: Rain strikes a pose and turns into an intangible body of water.
Brutality 1- Roundhouse to Infinity: Rain uses his Super roundhouse knocking the opponent to the other side of the screen where Rain kicks them again. He knocks them back and forth with his super kicks repeatedly without end.
Brutality 2- Waterworks: Rain summons a geyser of water knocking his opponent to the air. Then like a conductor for an orchestra he summons multiple streams knocking his opponent about before smashing them between two geysers and letting them fall 
Friendship: Rain uses his powers to create a water slide which he and the opponent slide down on. The final shot being their picture being taken while on the ride
Absolute Zero (12)- The only daughter of Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei Kuai Liang. From a respected family of such high regard, young Xue Liang feels like she has the world on her shoulders and must be on her utmost behavior at all times. With a cool professional air around her she shows that she is here for business and nothing else. However she and Steven go way back and he knows that’s not the real her. Even with that she has learned from the best and has made her own spin with her cryomancy.
Ice Blast: Absolute sends a blast of ice directly towards the opponent to temporarily freeze them in place for a free hit.
Frosty Skate: Zero slides across the floor on ice skates and runs through the opponent if she comes in contact stunning them and getting behind them.
Ice Puddle: Zero shoots the ground with her ice blast, creating a puddle that the opponent will begin to slip around on if nearby
Ice Nugget: Zero shoots ice straight overhead which falls back down atop her opponent. He can shoot it close, mid way, or far away to freeze the opponent.
Tombstone Teleport: Zero's body becomes ice, falls backward into the ground, and reappears behind her opponent.
Brutality 1- Figure Beating: Zero freezes the ground into a make shift Ice skating rink where she skates circles around her opponent who tries to stay up. She then rushes in with a flury of attacks skating past the quickly and attacking before ending with a jumping spin kick KOing them and making them slide across the ice where she strikes a final pose.
Brutality 2- Snow Squall: Zero summons up an Ice wall behind her opponent. She then pulls down her mask and blows releasing blizzard like winds pressing them against the wall and freezing them to it. She then forms a snowball and throws it at them sending them through the wall
Friendship: Zero makes an Ice rink grabbing her opponents hand and doing a team Ice Skating routine ending with her lifting them and spinning.
Khameleon (14)- A member of the Saurian race of outworld and uninvited guest on the Island. Khameleon is a thief looking to make a quick buck and run using her natural Camouflage abilities. She however was quickly captured by the master of this tournament and offered a job to fight on their behalf for wealth, which she happily took. She has no malice towards the Earthrealmers, and simply sees what she is doing as a job. She only acts to help herself and if she is guilted into doing something.
Find Me: Khameleon surrounds herself with a haze and becomes invisible.
Yellow Surge: Khameleon shoots a yellow fireball at her opponent. 
Blue Slide: Khameleon slides across the ground knocking her opponent into the air
Pink Counter: Khameleon takes a defensive stance and prepares 3 different counter attacks
Serpent's Mist: Khameleon spits with a cloud of green smoke before her that will float in place. If a opponent is inside they get damaged
Brutality 1- Peek a boo: Khameleon vanishes in a puff a smoke. The Opponent then gets attacked from all sides by an invisible enemy getting pummeled before getting knocked out. Khameleon reappears atop of them bowing.
Brutality 2- Poison Passion: Khameleon pulls down her mask grabbing her opponent’s head and spits her Serpent Mist into their eyes. They cover their eyes blinded unable to see swinging at nothing as Khameleon watched with a chuckle. She then jumps onto their shoulders and slams them head first into the ground.
Friendship: Khameleon turns invisible, only to appear behind her opponent with a present which they happily take. Suddenly something is thrown at Khameleons head from off screen making her run as a person chases after her, the thief having stolen the gift. The opponent watches as she is chased across the screen.
Tanya (14)- A Royal of new Edenia, seen as sweet and loving by all around her. But that is all a façade hiding her true darkness. Maliciousness courses through her veins as she enjoys breaking those weaker than her and asserting her superiority. But she has come to this Island for a reason, seeking something to help a dark master she serves. She will get her hands on it and no one will stop her, especially Steven Universe.
Human Cannon Drill: Tanya lunges forward, spinning in a cork-screw manner with her flaming feet leading towards her opponent.
Surging Blast: Tanya sends a blast of fire from her hand at her opponent.
Split Flip Kick: Tanya somersaults forwards with a flaming kick directed at her opponent
Sore Neck: Tanya leaps onto her foe's shoulders, wraps her thighs around their head & swings around them 90 degrees
Brutality 1- Whiplash: Tanya knees her opponent in the gut and slaps them across the face turning their back to her. She then handsprings onto their shoulders  squeezing their face with her thighs. She then twists to the left really fast and then the right before flipping off and the opponent falls to the ground groaning.
Brutality 2- Paralysis Kiss: Tanya saunters up and kisses her opponent cheek. After a second they scream as their body stiffens and they fall over unable to move.
Friendship: Tanya summons up a surge blast shooting it to the ground. It is then shown that she has made a bonfire and she and her opponent roast marshmallow.
Kobra (15)- From the Harsh Streets of Empire City, Kobra knows brutality. Orphaned with no one to guide him he was brought into the Black dragon and taught the ways of Kombat to one day become a member. Taking their words to heart he is brutal and unrelenting, wanting nothing more than to be the best. This tournament gave him the chance to prove that he is worthy of the Black Dragon.
Windmill Kick: Kobra slides forward a bit and performs a devastating arching Axe Kick which causes the opponent to bounce off the ground 
Burning Fist: Kobra dashes forward with his fist on fire extended forward, which knocks his opponents down. 
Tele-Punch: Kobra disappears, leaving a trail of smoke behind, then reappears behind his opponent and punches them down. 
Chi-Blast: Kobra gathers chi and releases a ball of flame forward from the palms of his hands.
Brutality 1- Beatdown: He knees his opponent twice between both knees, and high kicks them in a makeshift sending them into the air before it knocks them onto their backs unconscious.
Brutality 2- Burning Combo: He roars setting his fist ablaze and lays into his opponents face with a flury of blows. He then slams an uppercut into their gut followed by one to the chin than with an explosion he launches them into the air.
Friendship: Kobra throws down some cardboard and then proceeds to breakdance impressing the opponent as they clap and he does a final pose.
Nitara (15)- A member of the Moroi (Vampires) from outworld, she is the epitome of high society. She looks upon Mortals with pity seeing them as lesser beings and food as she was taught, knowing that one day her clan will rise and rule the realms. This Tournament has many strong fighters with delicious blood that will make her stronger and bring honor to her clan. Plus there are a few cute boys that she would love to tease and girls she would love to put in their place.
Unicorn Kick: Nitara flies forwards and kicks the opponent and flips over them.
Blood Spit: Nitara spits a ball of blood at the opponent.
Quick Escape: Nitara jumps away from the opponent with considerable distance
Bite: Grabbing her opponent she bites into their neck sucking their lifeforce and replenishing her own lightly
Brutality 1- Just a sip: She jumps onto her opponent before biting into their neck. They scream and flail getting weaker before falling over twitching as Nitara wipes her mouth.
Brutality 2- Night Flight: She gets behind her opponent, grabbing them in a full nelson, flying straight up and looping in the air before diving and slamming them into the ground their legs lightly kicking as they were half burried.
Friendship: Nitara grabs her opponent and takes off into the sky. They are then shown flying across blue skies laughing and having the time of their lives.
Ashrah(Secret fight, ???)- Her Origins are unknown, but there is more to her than appearances let on. More knowledgeable than her age lets on, she was not invited but seems to take a vested interest in this tournament. Very approachable and friendly she gives off a warm and welcoming aura that rivals Stevens, but underneath there is something more, something powerful. She wants to see what these fighters are capable of don’t disappoint her.
Light Blast: Ashrah shoots a ball of white energy towards the opponent that travels a very short distance but knocks them back. 
Heavenly Light: Ashrah shoots a of white flash of light that will damage and stun her opponent
Spin Cycle: Ashrah spins in a circle, and if it connects, they will be launched high up in the air. 
Nature's Torpedo: Ashrah flies towards the opponent while spinning, and if it connects, the opponent will be sent flying. 
Brutality 1- Blinding Rage: Ashrah releases a torrent of light the blinds the opponent and turns the screen white Cracks, whacks, and bams are heard along with a x ray showing bones breaking. The screen returns to normal as Ashrah is shown over a defeated opponent and bows.
Brutality 2- Lightburn: Ashrah’s whole body turns into light. She then rushes past her opponent in a flash leaving her opponent sunburned. They scream in pain before falling to the ground twitching.
Friendship: Ashrah creates a ball of light tossing it into the air where is sparkles like a disco ball. She is then shown doing the Tango with her opponent music playing as the two do a final pose.
Blaze (Secret fight, ???)- A fire elemental who appeared out of nowhere on the Island. Aggressive and not very trusting he will assume the worst from any who find him and will attack. Though he appears to know and trust Ashrah, showing a strange connection between the two
Flame Ball: Blaze shoots a flaming projectile at his opponent.
Flame Uppercut: Blaze performs an uppercut on the opponent.
Flame Charge: Blaze charges at the opponent.
Flaming Teleport: Blaze teleports with a fire pit, rising on the other side, behind his opponent
Blazing Crack: Blaze hits/kicks the ground, sending a stream of fire that cracks the ground in its wake at his opponent.
Flamethrower: Shoots a torrent of flames that stuns the opponent as the put themselves out
Plume: He causes an eruption of flame from underneath his opponent that knocks them off their feet.
Brutality 1- Stomped out: Blaze roars out before shooting a plume of fire at his opponent. Their clothes are set on fire as they panic trying to put themselves out dropping to the ground and rolling. Blaze rushes in and repeatedly kicks and stomps them until they stop moving and the fire goes out.
Brutality 2- Eruption: Blaze yells creating a hole beneath his opponent which they get stuck in. He then chants and waves his hands about as the ground shakes before with a fiery  explosion his opponent is sent into the air screaming
Friendship: Blaze creates a fireball before shooting it into the sky where it becomes fireworks. The opponent looks on is awe as Blaze shoots more fireworks into the sky illuminating the area.
Koran (Sub-Boss, 14)- The Princess of the Shokan and daughter of Queen Sheeva. Despite her strength she is a shy girl, unsure of herself and whether she is worthy of being a member of the mighty warrior race. She was approached by the master of this New Mortal Kombat to be her champion and fight for her, telling her that this will test her and show that she is a warrior. Eager to make her mother proud she joins forming a friendship with the mysterious master and serving as one final challenge for the Kombatants.
Fireball: Koran shoots four green fireballs from her arms.
Leaping Stomp: Goro jumps off the screen and lands butt first on the opponent with a yelp.
Shokan Pummel: Koran grabs the opponent in her bottom hands, then palms the opponents face with her upper hands, and either smashes them on the ground or flings them across the arena.
Tremor Pound: Koran jumps at the ground with all her arms making an earthquake which damages any ground bound opponent.
Brutality 1- Shokan Pretzel: Koran grabs her opponent by their four limbs and stretches them out making them scream in pain. She then twists them up into a ball before dropping them to the ground and placing a foot atop of them.
Brutality 2- Princess of Pain: Koran jabs her opponent in the gut with her lower hands and causes them to keel over. They leave themselves open for her to grab and hold them upside down. Before leaping high into the air and delivering a brutal piledriver that cracks the earth, the opponent's skull, and rattles their spine!
Friendship: Koran grabs her opponent and starts to juggle them with various other objects, making the two laugh as she does
Connie Tsung (Final Boss, 12)- The last plan of the Villainous Shang Tsung. Made from his flesh pits with his own DNA and the DNA of another, the blood of the sorcerer runs through her veins. Capable of using his magic as well as some of her own she has set up this tournament in hopes of getting enough powerful souls to help her enter Shang Tsung's Vault and gain access to the well of souls within, believing it will give her unfathomable power so that she may rule the realms one day. But is that what she really wants? She shows hesitancy in this mission and kindness towards others. Plus with the right words you can throw her off guard and she shows a lot of Awkwardness. But even with all that she is the final challenge able to mimic her opponents, cast spells, and while she can’t fully absorb a soul it will be enough to down anyone foolish enough to face her.
Flaming Skulls: Connie Tsung sends a fiery skull flying at her opponent. Can throw 3 in quick succession.
Flaming Skull Eruption: ConnieTsung summons her fiery skulls to burst out of the ground in a series of three, directed towards her.
Soul Steal: Connie Tsung steals a small portion of his opponent's life force adding it to her own.
Body Switch: Reading from a mystic scroll, Connie Tsung will switch places with her opponent.
Soul Strike: Connie sends out a soul double of one of the characters to attack using their signature move. They will also take a hit for her if they are in the way.
Soul Pawn: After taking enough hits Connie will jump out of the battle arena and create a Soul double of one of the fighters to fight for her instead. They will have all the moves they do but be slightly quicker to defeat than normal, Beating them will get connie back in the fight
Brutality 1- Soul Beatdown: Connie pulls out her scroll and reads from it summoning sould pawns of all the fighters. They all wail on the opponent before Connie comes in from above stomping down on their face into the ground. She wipes her shoe on their head before she and all the pawns bow.
Brutality 2- YOUR SOUL IS MINE: Connie says “Your soul is mine” before grabbing her opponent off the ground. Their souls goes into her as their flailing gets weaker and their body becomes grey. Connie then throws them to the ground breathing heavily as they squirm weakly.
Friendship: Connie folds her legs and floats in the air as she pulls out Unfamiliar Familiar. She then starts reading out loud her opponent sitting down as they listen soon being joined by the soul pawns who listen on intently.
Stages: All stages are connected and have transitions that can do damage to you opponent when hit through the correct side of the arena.
Island Gates/The Beach: Where your Journey starts. If you hit your opponent through the Island gates they will fall down the steps and crash on the sandy Beach. If you hit your opponent near the stage on the Beach they will be sent flying and crash through the Island gates
Courtyard/The Garden: Where a lot of the battles  are supposed to take place. However getting hit out of the ring will send you into the Garden. And if you are hit into the Garden’s pond a monstrous plant will grab you, swing ya around and fling ya back into the arena.
The Pit: An iconic arena of Mortal Kombat, though time was not kind to it. Blood, guts and time have withered the once sharp edges into dull points. Being hit near the edge will send you falling, bouncing off the now dull points, softening your fall before you land on your face still alive but in a whole lotta pain.
Warrior Shrine/The Bathhouse: A monument to the Kombatants of Mortal Kombat 1. Being punched at the Goro Statue will send you flying over an edge and crashing into the bathhouse. Being uppercutted in the bathhouse will send you flying into a fountain that will rocket you back to the shrine.
Throne Room/Goro's Lair: The great hall where you meet the master of the tournament. Getting uppercutted in the center will send you crashing into a chandelier causing it to fall through the floor into Goro’s  Lair. Being uppercutted in the Lair will send you through the ceiling back to the throne room.
The Vault Doors/The Well of Souls: The site of the final battle. Being kicked through the doors will send you to the Well of souls for the final battle.
Minigames: Throughout the arcade mode depending on the difficulty you will deal with 1, 2, 3, or 4 minigames for extra points.
Test Your Might: Face off against another opponent as you try to break through objects for points. Are you strong enough?
Test Your Strike: Face off against another opponent as you try to break a specific object  without breaking what's around it. Knowing restraint is key here.
Test Your Sight: Face off against another opponent as Connie places a coin under a cup and uses her magic to shift them about. Can you find the coin? She will use anywhere to 3-7 cups.
Test Your Balance: Face off against another opponent as you both balance on a board while dodging objects thrown at you. First to fall loses.
Test Your Luck: Face off against another opponent as Connie selects 3-7 random spells from her scroll which will create stage hazards, buffs, and de-buffs. Are you feeling lucky today?
Cinematic Trailer:
We thought the Kombat was over
A stormy chinese Castle gate is shown rain pouring down as a figure walks up to the gate. 
That the fighting could stop 
A throne rooms dark interior is shown, shadowy footsteps heard through the halls
That no more blood had to be spilled
Lightning Crashes revealing Absolute Zero standing before the gate. Another Crash reveals rain standing before her the two staring down as icy mist circles her hands.
That all evils were vanquished, that we could finally have peace. WE WERE WRONG.
In the main hall of the throne room Connie is shown sitting and reading a book until the barefoot of Kobra catches her attention. The young warrior looks up at Connie with disdain as she closes her book without looking at him giving him a sideways glance green shown in her eyes.
It was only a matter of time before the tournament returned, but we didn’t think it would be so soon. These next battles no longer fall on us, but them.
Absolute does some katas before taking her stance, Rain doing the same as another bolt of lighting strikes down
New lines will be drawn, new battles fought
Kobra roars out in anger setting his fists on fire before pointing at Connie. With no reaction Connie levitates herself with a green aura. Landing in front of him she calmly takes her stance as he takes his.
Heroes will rise and evil’s shall awaken.
Over Absolute and Rain two figures are shown watching above. One with kind and concerned eyes, the other with Malicious intent.
The Next Generation of Kombat has BEGUN 
A close up of Kobra’s face is shown before he lets out a battlecry and runs forward. We are then shown Absolute and Rain in mid charge and yelling. Before finally going back to Kobra and Connie running and yelling. Kobra with his fire fist and Connie with a green energy punch.
    Absolute and Rain go at it the icy Ninja throwing a flurry of punches all of which were parried easily opening her up to a jab to the face. Zero stumbles back but then shoots a beam of ice to the ground below Rain causing him to slip and land on his back. Zero rushes in and slams her foot down only for Rain to roll out of the way letting her foot crack the ice. Rain swept her leg causing her to fall back and him to flip up to his feet. And just as he got up with a “HYAH!” he threw a roundhouse to her face. With a THWACK she was sent flying back screaming.
   We are then shown Kobra flying back and smacking into a pillar before landing on the ground. Connie stood before her speaking in an indecipherable language green aura surrounding her hands as the ground beneath Kobra shook. Kobra immediately rolled out of the way and to his feet and three fireballs emerged from the ground. Kobra immediately fired his own at Connie who made a shield with her soul energy. The fireball connected with a BOOM, but as soon as the smoke cleared Kobra was flying at her with a kick. Time slowed as a KRACK filled the air, the kick connecting with her face the bones in her jaw creaking from the impact.
   Rain is shown stumbling back nursing his jaw. Zero then rushes forward creating a trail of ice before her which she skated on. She skated by him throwing an elbow to his face which sent him spinning. Zero then stopped herself and threw a flurry of kicks to his body forcing him back before throwing a punch. Rain grabs Zero’s wrist before twisting it and her arm getting yelp from her, then kicking her face as he lets go. As Zero stumbled back, Rain shot out a stream of high pressure water to her face, the Ice Kunoichi screamed as she was assaulted and sent back holding her face. Rain goes in for another kick but Zero drops back into the ground becoming Ice and vanishing letting Rain hit nothing. Zero appears behind and slams a punch into Rain’s spine. He lets out a scream as he feels his spine bend and the bones crack.
    Connie stumbles forward holding her back only for Kobra to grab both her arms pulling them back and firing a knee into her spine making her scream. Kobra then spun her around grabbing her by the hair and headbutting her before throwing two knees to her gut. He goes for another punch only for Connie to parry and grab his arm, with a “YAH!” she flipped him overhead and onto his back with a grunt. As Kobra got back to his feet Connie pulled out a scroll just as he leapt at her the scroll glowed and engulfed the two in soul energy. Kobra found himself where Connie was back turned as Connie where Kobra was throwing her flaming skull. Kobra turned around just in time for the skull to connect with his chest, making him spit out some blood as he felt his ribcage crack from the attack.
    Rain falls on his back with a grunt as Zero stands over him, she readies to attack only to scream as a Yellow bolt slammed on her back. Absolute falls forward revealing Tanya with an evil grin as she looks down at the two preparing to finish them off, only for a Pink shield to fly past her. She looks back at Steven looking at her seriously before taking a stance. Tanya smiles and charges with a battlecry leaping into the air and a downward kick only for Steven to dodge. He does a kick only for her to lean back dodging and kicks his leg, with this moment she unleashes two kicks to his body going for a third to the head. Steven however catches the kick and then slams his elbow on the side of her knee. She screams hobbling back nursing her leg only for Steven to rush in with a punch to the gut. She gags spitting out saliva as she doubles over only to be straightened up by an uppercut to the chin. Her body swayed a bit until Steven slammed his fist in the back of her head forcing her face first into the ground. Steven yells out jumping in the air and stomping both feet onto her head. A KRUNCH is heard as he lands on her face burying into the ground with cracks forming and her body jerking from the impact.
    Inside Connie jumped on her toes blocking blows from Kobra before throwing out a punch, only for him to catch it inches from his neck. Connie however quickly unfurled her fist and jabbed the tips of her fingers right into his Adam's apple causing him to gag and stumble back. Connie goes in yelling Kiai’s as she laid into Kobra’s body with a flurry of blows ending with a kick to the gut then sent him back holding his gut. Connie then raises her hand with a yell as soul energy surges around her, from behind a green shadowy figure rises up and traps Kobra in a full nelson. Kobra struggles to escape but is too late, Connie rushing in with a punch to his nose. With a BAM the punch collided with Kobra screaming out as he felt the bones around his nose begin to fracture.
     Steven’s head flew back as he took a step back wiping the blood from his nose only to lean back and dodge a kick from Tanya. She then however is able to throw a kick to his lower leg stopping his movements. Catching him instantly lays two body punches into him before forcing her palm into his chin making him spit out blood. As he stumbles back Tanya jumps forward landing on his shoulders, then with a Twist and a CRACK twists his neck and head harshly to the side. Steven screams out in pain as she jumps off and he falls to his knees holding his neck and gagging. Tanya raises her foot over his head and brings it down only for her heel to meet his shield appearing behind. Steven then quickly rolls out of the way and then throws a bubble to her face smacking her nose and sending her back with a yelp. Steven flips up to his feet and goes with quick punches to her body followed by an elbow to the face. As her head flies to the side she throws a punch only for Steven to dodge, wrap his arm around hers and then send an uppercut to her chin. Tanya could head the bones cracking in her ears as the uppercut collided with her jaw. Her brain rattled as she felt a tooth come loose.
They will Struggle like they never had before
Kobra is shown on the ground slowly picking himself up as Connie paces Blood dripping from his nose.
But it will help them be ready for what’s to come
Steven breathes heavily as Tanya stumbles before him trying to stay on her feet with a groan
The first step to becoming True Kombatants
Connie sways her hands speaking a chant as green energy surges around her. She then grabs Kobra by the head lifting him up off the ground. Connie yells out as her eyes glow green and Green energy syphons from Kobra into her making him scream.
Steven meanwhile summons another bubble in the palm of his hands and looks at Tanya as he throws it into the air. Tanya tries to raise her hand only for Steven to kick the bubble into her face, sending her head back as it comes back to him. Steven then proceeds to repeatedly kick the ball hitting Tanya’s body and face forcing her back to the large doors.
Connie continues sucking the soul out of Kobra, his movement becoming weaker and his body turning grey. Connie stops looking winded as she looks at the weakened Kobra dropping him back to the ground. Meanwhile Tanya’s back was pressed against the door as Steven jumped in the air and kicked the bubble once more to her face with all his had. The bubble impacted and smashed her through the doors before popping. Tanya groans as she lays before Connie’s feet, Connie looks up and sees Steven walk through the smashed door wiping some blood from his nose. The two exchange a small smile before taking their stances
The Next Story must be told
The two stare down breathing hard, until at the same time they both yell “FIGHT!” as they rush each other to attack
Secrets: Like any Mortal Kombbat there are secrets to unlock. Two secret fights and unlockables for yout time.
Blaze Fight: At The Pit, Look to the Moon. Look out for a fireball gliding past - this will occur every 6th game. Win Double Flawless Victory with Fatality without Blocking at all. A message will appear. YOU WANT TO FIGHT ME? LET’S SEE IF YOU CAN HANDLE THE HEAT! The fight happens at the bottom of the pit. Winning this battle will give you 10,000,000 points and unlock him for fights.
Blaze will appear before fights to give hints how to fight him.
I am Blaze
You must Find me to beat me
You must face me alone
Perfection is the key
Fatality is the key
10,000,000 Points if you destroy me
Look to La Luna (The Moon)
Where did that airhead go?
TIP EHT FO MOTTOB (Reverse it)
Blocking will get you Nowhere
Ashrah fight: You must win 6 single player fights in a row with flawless victories. After the sixth win a message will Appear. I WISH TO TEST YOUR SKILL. COME AT ME WITH ALL YOU GOT! This fight will happen at the Garden. Winning this will net you 10,000,000 points and unlock her for play.
Ashrah will appear before fights to give hints how to fight her.
I am Ashrah, nice to meet you
Six is a magic number
Ermaca Who?
I Will Meet You In the Garden
Have you met my hotheaded friend?
Perfection is the key
Alone Is How You Will Find Me
One Day We Will Fight!
You must be Flawless
Special thanks to @jadpeanut​ for helping to build up these ideas
36 notes · View notes
aion-rsa · 3 years
Mortal Kombat and the Man Who Gave Sub-Zero a Soul
Mortal Kombat’s Joe Taslim (aka Sub-Zero) is one of the hottest martial artists on screen right now. It’s been a decade since his breakout film The Raid took the world by storm, and Taslim has consistently delivered high-octane action with dashing panache ever since. As movie martial arts masters go, few others are on Taslim’s level. While most action stars have some martial arts training in their bag of tricks, Taslim is more invested than most.
Prior to The Raid, Taslim was a professional Judo athlete and a member of Indonesia’s National Judo team from 1997 to 2009. He won gold medals at the Southeast Asia Judo Championships and the Indonesian National Games. No other actor can boast a competitive record like this. What’s more, Taslim is also trained in Wushu and Taekwondo, and he picked up Pencak Silat for The Raid, so his combative range goes far beyond Judo throws and falls.
The Raid was a game-changer for the martial arts genre. It placed Indonesia firmly on the map when it comes to action films, delivering relentlessly unflinching action and intensely complex fight choreography, held together with a threadbare plot. If martial arts movies are compared to porn films, The Raid was hardcore. The film spawned a sequel which picked up the action right where it left off in the original. In addition to Taslim, the franchise also introduced a stable of Indonesian action stars to Hollywood including Iko Uwais (Mile 22 and the upcoming Snake Eyes: G.I. Joe Origins) and Yayan Ruhian (Star Wars: The Force Awakens, John Wick: Chapter 3).
Taslim moved on to Hollywood too. Two years after The Raid, he landed the role of Jah in Fast & Furious 6, followed by an appearance in Star Trek Beyond. But he never abandoned his country and continued to deliver films made in Indonesia specifically for that market. Most notable was The Night Comes For Us, which reunited Taslim with Uwais. Although an Indonesian production, The Night Comes For Us gained worldwide exposure after it was picked up by Netflix. He also starred as the villain in the South Korean film, The Swordsman, and became more recognizable to Western audiences audiences by playing the conflicted Tong hitman Li Yong in the Bruce Lee inspired series, Warrior.
Now Taslim is at the forefront of another predominantly Asian cast for the new Hollywood feature film, Mortal Kombat. And he is donning yet another villain mask as Sub-Zero.
“Sub-Zero is just an amazingly powerful, iconic character,” says director Simon McQuoid. McQuoid’s film explores the inbuilt rivalry between Sub-Zero and Scorpion coming out of the original video games. The connection between Sub-Zero (real name: Bi-Han) and Scorpion delves deep into Mortal Kombat lore, and within the film, McQuoid says this is symbolized by a bloody kunai (ninja ring dagger) which plays a critical role throughout the film.
“Blood is such a [vital] ingredient in Mortal Kombat,” explains McQuoid, “but we wanted to make it feel more than just blood splurts. We wanted it to have a blood line and lineage meaning to blood as well. We liked the idea that we could tell an emotional version of that blood story.” Just like the fighting game, Mortal Kombat is evenly split between good guys and bad guys, but ultimately Sub-Zero becomes the standout villain in the film.
“Once we got Joe,” beams McQuoid, “then we knew he was going to be a pretty kick-ass character because Joe’s so fantastic.”
Den of Geek had a video chat with Joe Taslim while he was home in Indonesia.
Den of Geek: Was the Mortal Kombat video game popular in Indonesia?
Yeah, I think it was 1995 when the first one released. I was actually not in the capital. I was born on the small island in South Sumatra, in Palembang, that’s my home city. So, I remember when the game came out and people talked about the game because it’s unusual because it was so violent. And it’s still violent now. So it was popular until now. But unfortunately, MK11 got banned because Indonesia is very sensitive of the violence level in that game where it’s just like funny now. The censorship here is like, “Oh, this is too much for Indonesia, so probably not.” So a lot of people played the game by downloading it. They know how to do it.
Did you play?
I played MK11, MKXL, yeah.
What challenged you the most about taking on Sub-Zero?
Well, the fans know Sub-Zero is badass, kick-ass, so much swagger, and a lot of attitude. But as an actor, the challenge for me to be in his shoes is to give him more soul, to give more heart, to make this character live. The fight is a visual. People enjoy the fight. But to bring people to feel inside the fight is something else, it means that you got to give more. You got to give the intention. You got to give a story, without delivering any lines, that people can see. Is he losing? Or does he know he’s going to die? Or is he very confident?
Jet Li did an amazing job in his movies to deliver those attitudes—the story of the fight. So I learned from him and I learned from The Raid, The Night Comes for Us, and I just bring everything to Mortal Kombat. There’s a lot of stories in that final fight. You can see the character is just dynamic—what he’s feeling, the way he fights, he’s just getting slower and slower. He’s just catching his breath.
So that’s the most important thing in fights, in my opinion. Because a lot of people think a fight scene needs to be badass, kick-ass. That’s number two. But number one is you got to be inside the shoes and know what’s going on inside this character first. Then when you visualize the fight, it makes sense.
How was it working with the mask?
Ooh. Well, it took me a while to adapt because it’s a heavy costume. And the mask, kind of like, well I have the mask. [Taslim holds up his Sub-Zero mask]
Well, the awkward thing about the mask, because when you move, the mask doesn’t move because it was a solid mask. So it was quite technical. If I have to move really fast, sometimes my face moves with like a delay. You see the mask kind of follow in slow-mo. We did a lot with this—put a lot of straps here just to make when I move really fast, so the mask could follow. A lot of technical stuff happened in the process, but yeah, it was a fun journey to just discover the best look, the best fit for the mask, the costume for me to be able to fight the best.
How was your experience fighting with all those special effects?
I think this is my first [movie] that involved the supernatural. The superpower stuff in previous movies, it was like a man versus a man or a man versus five men. But in this one, a lot of imagination is involved for sure. I’m glad I’m a gamer myself. I played a lot. I’m used to being a daydreamer. I’m still daydreaming until now. I have this mind that I like to have fun with. So during the shooting [when] it’s involving something they’re going to add in post, they ask me just to imagine, which I love imagining things.
I had so much fun just imagining the sword and creating the icicle—the ice sword—because it wasn’t there. Everything is in post. So I was just like, “Sure, believe that it’s there. It’s there.” You don’t see it, but I know it’s there. When the camera captured that moment, and if I believe in it, then I think everybody’s going to believe in it as well.
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Mortal Kombat: The Challenges of Making the Movie Reboot
By Gene Ching
Mortal Kombat: Why the Movie Created New Main Character Cole Young
By Gene Ching
I really loved your role in The Swordsman. And I got to be honest with you, because I’ve been following you, and I was surprised that I didn’t recognize you for quite a long time in this film.
It wasn’t until I recognized your eyebrows. You’re playing a lot of villains now. Do you like playing villains?
I was a good guy in The Raid and The Night Comes for Us, but yeah. Playing villains is interesting. Because as an actor, you know when you play a villain role, almost there’s no limitation because there’s no rules. [There’s no] you cannot do this, you cannot do that, because you’re the protagonist. “You have to speak this way because you cannot be evil when you speak—you’ve got to be polite.”
When you play a villain, there’s so much freedom. In The Swordsman, I remember I had so much freedom. And the director, he was just like, “What do you think about the role?” I say, “I don’t want to sound like this. I’m going to change my voice.” I’m going to do that because he’s a nomad and he’s from Qing dynasty. He’s Manchurian, and their language is like almost from the throat. I want to deliver that. I want people to see that genetically, when people speak through the throat, they’re going to sound different. 
So all those freedoms that you have as an actor, and the director gave you the freedom to do those stuff, it’s a blessing. Because it’s just so easy for the director to just say “no,” and now you’re in trouble. And you’re just a puppet. “Do this, go there from there. And don’t smile. Don’t do anything.” That’s the nightmare for an actor to work in that condition.
How was it for Mortal Kombat? Were you given a lot of leeway with Sub-Zero?
A lot! Simon [McQuoid], he’s amazing. With almost everything, we’re on the same page. I came up to him almost every morning because we stayed in the same hotel, and he’s actually on the same floor with me. So before, I bothered him a lot. And I know he was busy. I need to ask something. I want to do this. I want to do that. I want to have this layer of him when he’s doing this, he’s doing that. So he was like, “Do that. I love it. It’s brilliant. We’re on the same page.” So it reached the point, I think half of the movie, he just looked at me, I just looked at him. Sometimes we just looked at each other, and we understand we’re on the same page. It was a beautiful relationship with him.
Do you feel that you captured Sub-Zero in a way that you wanted to represent him? Was he a character that you played when you played the game?
Probably different because in a game, people probably like more Kuai Liang, the brother. I think the Mortal Kombat 11, it’s more about Kuai Liang [the original Sub-Zero’s brother], and Bi-Han’s already a new cyborg. But I’m happy with what I saw. I’m happy that this anti-hero character, even though it’s a very thin layer here and there, but I gave it on screen. I gave [a lot to] Bi-Han/Sub-Zero. And probably people don’t know, but there are a lot of layers that I gave to this character. People need to see the pain of him. In the beginning of the fight, when he’s inside the house, for me, I look at this boy and it reminds me of my brother, Kuai Liang. That’s why I smile at him.
And then I just realized that my destiny for this family is to wipe them all. So those small thin layers here and there that I gave in this character, it’s there. They didn’t cut it. Everything is there. I’m so happy that I know when people watch it the second time, they will probably pick up a little bit of that here and there. 
I remember Jax—Mehcad [Brooks]—said “You’re a bad guy. You killed a boy. But somehow I feel you. Somehow, I feel so weird, but I feel empathy for your character.” And then I was like, “Okay, that’s it. That’s the goal. That’s what I wanted to do.” Because Sub-Zero/Bi-Han is a dark character. But tragic things happened to him when he was a kid. He got abducted. It’s by force, to become an assassin, to be part of Lin Kuei assassins, because he didn’t choose that path.
It was destiny [that chose to put him on] that path. And then for him, well, while a lot of people probably look for the light, he is just the kind of person to say, “It’s too late. I’m just going to be who I am.”
Mortal Kombat premieres in theaters and on HBO Max on April 23, 2021
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The post Mortal Kombat and the Man Who Gave Sub-Zero a Soul appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3aqWgCG
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angel-of-death-2015 · 5 years
for the ask ne this or that thing: whats your age? and you unpopular mk opinions :3
I aaaam twenty-two! Though I do forget about my age A LOT 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Unpopular Mortal Kombat Opinions:
Jacqui Briggs isn't a copy of Jax and should be given as much attention as Cassie. Jacqui literally has a whole list of impressive shit she's done in MKX and MK11. Yet for "some reason", she gets more hate. STAN JACQUI BRIGGS YOU COWARDS.
A loooot of shit was shoe-horned in the game. From Kotal and Jade being a couple, Johnny and Sonya actually rekindling that spark even though in the last game, Sonya regrets getting married to Johnny and Johnny is pissed that Sonya would put her job over her family (which he has a right to do but Sonya let him creampie her so...), Jax turning into a BITCH even though he was glad to be back in Special Forces after he RETIRED, Kabal just being plain evil even though he left Black Dragon a long ass time ago, Erron being part of Black Dragon even though he seemed like he never joined them in the last game (not sure but it might've been there), to Frost just...being and joining Kronika. All this shoe-horning ain't it. If they gave us the nine-hour story mode they said at first, then it wouldn't be too bad because at least these shoe-horning points will be fleshed out more.
Cetrion was a waste story-wise. She's a whole ELDER GOD OF VIRTUE, yet NOT ONCE does she defy Kronika or at least think: "Hmmm...You know what? Maybe my mama's plan is bat-shit insane and is lowkey evil. I should try to do something about this!" Instead she just blindly follows Kronika and her plan til the very end. So much for actually getting any character development for her 🙄
The lack of stage fatalities suck. Like I wanna punch somebody off of Kharon's ship and see them get eaten by a leviathon. I wanna see somebody get their ass beat to death by Kano's goons in his fight club. Give me stage fatalities!
I know some of ya'll might hate me for this, but Cassie didn't deserve to get her promotion. It's obvious of the family favortism because at least Jacqui follows her orders without hesitation. Cassie can barely control her powers and did get her ass whooped most of the time in MKX. The most she has to offer if she can't use her powers are just dual pistols. Jacqui can literally shoot machine gun bullets, shotgun bullets, rockets, and plasma in her gauntlets that SHE MADE BY HAND. In my eyes, having that kind of brain and being able to follow orders until told otherwise should give her the promotion. In both games, Jacqui has been snubbed for getting a higher rank even though she's called a Specialist. I mean, all Cassie did to get that promotion was beat her mom in a mere sparring match. If she could do that just to get promoted, so could Jacqui. She at least earned her way up to get a promotion.
Jacqui's tower ending is BULLSHIT. Everyone else can get happy endings for the most part except her??? She erased herself from existence just to make sure that her dad lives a mostly normal life??? Even though him getting tricked into helping Kronika was all about ensuring that Jacqui has a better life and make sure that she doesn't enter the military out of pity for him??? Sure, let the dark skinned black girl get the shitty ending 🙄 If it was possible for NRS to change it, I'd make a whole petition for it.
Present Erron should've gotten more screen time. It would've been fucking awesome if he confronted his past self and actually see him helping Kotal instead of just seeing him for four seconds out of the entire story mode just sitting on the side.
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Hey ny’all, finally, here’s a summary of points of interest I found in Shang Tsung’s mk11 gear, skins, moves, etc. Mostly small notes of references and new things, as well some personal observations. Hope you get something out of it~~
A couple of General Notes
There’s a bunch of references to Onaga throughout Shang’s gear (Skin: Onaga’s resurrector; Scroll: Onaga’s cryptic magic; Soul Phylactery: Soulbreath of the Dragon King; etc). It looks like they’re buffing his association with the Outworld Dragon King real hard (though in the previous iterations he was only interested in Onaga after Quan Chi discovered the tomb and sought Shang Tsung out to help him, huh). If we see Shang in a future game and they don’t trash everything from MK11, I’ll bet big money that his main motives are going to involve Onaga. It’s an interesting turn on his character, when he’s supposedly loyal to Shao Kahn. I think it’s relatedly somewhat significant that Shang has a lot of dragons in his design, alongside his usual snakes, this time round. 
And a really general note: a rule of thumb for gear, if you want to hunt for references yourself — if you see a name in a gear that seems really out of place and you don’t recognize, there’s a good chance it’s a developer’s name. 
Tokens of Shao Kahn’s Favor — it could be false airs, but I thought it was interesting that Shao Kahn would grant Tsung these special bracers (and they look like snakes, adorable) when Tsung’s his bound servant. Shao doesn’t seem the type to bestow gifts on servants. Does Shao Kahn actually favor Shang Tsung? Who knows. 
Soulsnake Arms — You’ve heard of soulnados, now get ready for
Z’ankarian Forged Bracers — As revealed in the Krypt, the Z’ankarian empire was one of Onaga’s greatest allies, who were tricked and crushed by Shao Kahn when he came to reign. Another off-handed reference to Onaga. 
Bracers of Mendalgavia — As revealed in the Krypt, the Mendalgavians were a race of cyclops from the Chaos realm wiped out by the Seidan. 
Korloven Imperial Bracers — The Korloven were briefly mentioned in the Krypt as being wiped out by the Shokan, no mention of what they even were. 
Armor of the Kafallah Warlocks — Now these guys are interesting because, according to new Krypt lore, they were an ancient cult of Outworld sorcerers who worked closely with Outworld Kahns with the secret agenda of bringing about Netherrealm’s conquest; they were supposedly found and wiped out, but this seems right up Tsung’s alley. I could definitely see a possible association.
Ancient Scrolls 
Spells of Tarkata’s Augerers — Apparently, Tarkatans have their own system of magick and clairvoyance 
Zaterran Conjuring Rituals — Zaterrans (like Reptile) apparently also have their own system of magick
Handscroll of Vaeternus — Vaeternus is the home of the Vampires, although we haven’t seen any of them in this timeline
Divine Words of Ashrah — eyy Ashrah cameo
Soul Phylacteries 
Poached Will of the Matoka — Matoka is the tribe that Nightwolf comes from
Last Remnants of Searealm — A new mention of a realm, which apparently was somehow destroyed
Stolen Lives of Sun Do — According to the Krypt, Sun Do is the village that Tsung and Quan Chi enslaved during the events of Deadly Alliance (interesting that this event is referenced multiple times when it didn’t happen in this timeline…)
Decanted Lightrealm Essence — Another new mention of a realm
Vital Spark of Vaeternus — Another reference to the realm of the Vampires
Distilled Spirit of Jerrod — Apparently, Tsung is able to isolate King Jerrod (King of Edenia)’s soul from Ermac (rest in pieces). Why does he specifically want it so bad? 
Quan Chi’s Quintessence — I’m still living for this reference where this little bottle looks even looks like Quan Chi. I do think it’s worth to note that Tsung has Quan Chi’s quintessence, a step above just his essence… and just the fact that he sought to hunt it down and keep it in the first place and it’s the last item on the list. C’mon. Could he be hanging onto it for a possible resurrection? I think it’s possible.  
Student of Death — I know skins are really low-tier when it comes to canon legitimacy, but I think the idea of Tsung possibly studying under Shinnok is VERY interesting
Shao Kahn’s Seer — The idea of Tsung being Shao Kahn’s seer, a sort of oracle, caught me by surprise, especially at the implication that this was a major role for Tsung under Shao Kahn. We haven’t heard about it before but apparently Tsung has significant skills involving divination and fortune-telling. (and, Shang Tsung has probably lied to Shao Kahn by it. Many times.)
Moves - subtle observations about Shang’s character through his moves
-Most of his sorcery involves his hands, summoning and directing magick/energy through the motion of his hands
-Alongside, his pyromantic abilities seem particularly hand-oriented; generating fireskulls through his hands, summoning and guiding fire, using fire in hand blows, and the new ability where he swipes at the ground and it creates fiery gouges in the earth. (Just a personal note of something of a headcanon here, I imagine that these fiery gouges and things like the magma pool that opens beneath the opponent in Shang’s throw are his ability to super-heat the earth till it briefly turns to magma/lava, because he’s just that kool)
-Okay so the scroll and its associated abilities are a subject of great interest to me. Corpse drop especially — it seems so out of place for Tsung’s abilities. Tsung does deal with souls, yes, but he’s never expressed truly necromantic abilities before now; the ability to summon a marred corpse from the sky comes seemingly out of nowhere for his character. He also uses the scroll to cast debuffs on his opponents and buffs for himself, surrounding the enemy in red and purple auras respectively — similar to Quan Chi’s magick circles. The scroll is also used to amplify soul energy and expulses purple energy in his back throw. All of these colors, green red and purple, are colors associated with Quan Chi’s magick. Most notably, the purple and red magick aren’t otherwise present in Tsung’s sorcery except with the scroll. This, combined with the fact that the necromantic move seems so out of place for him — well, I think there’s a distinct possibility that, in the least, the scroll was not originally of Shang Tsung’s possession. Whatever you want to conclude with that theory. 
Both of Tsung’s fatalities are, in the least, unconventional
-In “Kondemned to the Damned,” he summons two zombie-like being from a fiery pit in the ground who appear to be remnants of Shaolin Monks, after raising his opponent in magical binds which is a thing he can apparently do. The zombie-monks (I initially thought they were a couple of the servants from Tsung’s island but proved this to be incorrect, thanks mk wiki) have glowing green eyes, suggesting that they may be reanimated with some soul power. Once again, to note, Shang Tsung is displaying necromantic abilities that we haven’t seen before— and the rupturing of these zombies from a fiery pit seems rather hell-ish. Maybe he’s learned some new tricks from hellish sources. Maybe I ship ShangChi and look for connections in all probable venues. Who knows. 
Then, his “Shokan Reborn” fatality has many new implications. Shang Tsung never had a particular connection to Kintaro, other than by proximity to Shao Kahn and Goro. This might suggest that Tsung has a stronger tie to the Shokan as a whole than originally suggested (or, maybe, he just thinks they’re neat). Kintaro is “reborn” through the body of another living being, which begs many questions; can Tsung resurrect anyone like this? Why does he have Kintaro’s soul on speeddial? Is a living body required? What’s the extent of this resurrection — does it tear the person apart then disperse after a few seconds, or is it more permanent? Is it just a neat ploy for a neat fatality that will never be seen again? Probably. Note that again Kitaro’s eyes are glowing green, indicative that if this is truly a resurrection, or merely a temporary summoning, he is likely completely subservient to Shang Tsung’s will, zombie-like. 
I hope this was at least mildly interesting, I enjoyed hunting through the nooks and crannies of this character. If you ever want to discuss anything about Shang Tsung ever, please feel free to pop into my inbox :)
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earthrealmlesbian · 5 years
luitana for the ask please
1) Who rocks the Ferris Wheel seat and who flips out and begs them to stop? Liu Kang will rock the seats BUT only enough to get Kitana to giggle or playfully swat his arm.
2) Who is always horny and will have sex at any time, at any place and at any time? Neither is always horny though Kitana's sex drive is the higher of the two. They're not big on sex anywhere outside the bedroom but Liu Kang is down to break in just about every surface of their quarters when he's in the mood.
3) Who is more into taking showers/baths together? Who tries to make it relaxing and who tries to make it sexy time? Kitana is into lounging in the tub while Liu Kang is more used to quick showers. Kitana will often join him in the shower and then go soak in the tub. If she can convince him to soak with her it's almost always to relax.
4) Who likes to walk around the house naked and who tells the other to go put some clothes on? I mean, Liu Kang canonically walks around with his tiddies out (depending on the game) so...neither usually get fully naked but it's not uncommon for them to chill shirtless. Liu sometimes gets a little shy because he thinks Kitana is genuinely too pretty to look at. He won't ask her to cover up though.
5) Who sleeps on the couch when they get into a fight? Neither. Ever. Liu Kang really, really hates going to bed angry. In general, but especially with loved ones. Kitana is a good communicator too so that helps. They go the extra mile to settle things before bed.
6) Who takes photos of the other while they sleep? Kitana likes taking photos a lot. She'll print out the good ones too. It's no different when her boyfriend is asleep. He's cute and she wants pictures! He'll snap a few of her when she's napping but it's rare.
7) Who said “I love you” first? and who ends their arguments in a fight with “Because I love you”? Liu Kang in both regards. Kitana made it a habit of keeping any romantic interests a secret given the hectic nature of Shao Kahn's court. Liu Kang was ESPECIALLY one she would have to hide so she found herself holding back a lot out of nerves. Hearing him say it after she'd avoided it so long on principle was a very emotional moment for her. Liu Kang tends to worry about the target on her back now that she's Kahn and will often end arguments about her safety with a "because I love you!"
8) Who likes to wear the others sweatshirts? Outworld is scorching and Liu Kang isn't gonna fit in Kitana's clothes so neither really. Kitana will clutch something of his close when she's napping on occasion.
9) Who wakes the other up in the middle of the night to tell them a cool dream they had? Who has the most nightmares, and who sings them back to sleep after? (Another long one oops) Neither wake each other up unless they really have to. Both have nightmares about being revenants but mk11 Liu Kang finds himself troubled greatly by his accidental death and rocky relationship with Raiden during Kronika's timeline manipulation. (I have lots of thoughts about Liu Kang loving his dad figure very much but really needing to have a serious talk with him about everything cuz wow) Sometimes he'll wake up from an imaginary fight with Raiden and sob because he's not sure if he'll have to do it again but for real. Kitana holds him and hums to him until he's calm enough to sleep. (She also gently, but consistently encourages him to talk to Raiden about it)
10) Who is more likely to cheat? (at games of course) Kitana by a mile. She's less prone to than Jade but she learned a few tricks from Jade too so....she's gonna use them. Liu Kang is used to dealing with Kung Lao being a brat and cheating so he can sometimes catch it. He doesn't cheat himself though. Much anyways.
11) Who makes fun of the other for having a crush on them, and who has to remind them that they are in a relationship? Liu Kang does the teasing. He'll catch Kitana giving him an affectionate look so he'll wrap his arms around her and softly say "Strange. You almost look like you have a crush." It makes Kitana giggle and roll her eyes.
12) Who starts a food fight in the kitchen? Kitana though it's not really a food fight. She'll playfully flick cold water at Liu Kang's back whenever he's not looking and then dart out of the kitchen before he can get her back.
13) Who initiates duets? and who is the better singer? Liu Kang and Kung Lao goof around a lot and sing together when they're enjoying a night out so singing is something he likes to pull Kitana into frequently. Neither are great singers but Kitana thinks her boyfriend's determination is endearing and usually humors him.
14) Who starts the hand holding? Who grabs the others butt? Who slides their arm around their waist? Who likes to put their fingers in the belt loops? Liu Kang starts the hand holding and Kitana is awfully pleased about it. Hand holding is about the only pda they really do besides hugging. In private Liu Kang will come up behind her as she's doing paperwork and wrap his arms around her waist while peeking over her shoulder. If they're casually walking alone at night Kitana will often idly hook a pinky into his clothes. She's also the butt squeezer (at home).
15) Who writes the others name on their wrist? Honestly? I can kinda see Liu Kang doing it. He reads as a sappy romantic. He wouldn't go out of his way to find a pen to do it but if he misses her and there's a pen nearby he'll write her name in edenian (he tries his best to learn the language for her sake) and then cover it with a wristband/guard.
16) Who is more seductive when they are drunk? and who is louder in bed? Liu Kang is more seductive when buzzed but he's got a very narrow window of opportunity. If he's just barely buzzed he can be really seductive but a drink later he's goofy as hell. Kitana is the same way. The difference between seductive and corny/goofy is like one drink. Both are kind of loud. Nothing that's gonna catch everyone's attention but still. Kitana is the louder of the two.
17) Who is more protective? Liu Kang is really protective but he doesn't want to smother Kitana or make her feel like he thinks she's fragile. He knows she can hold her own so he tries not to be too vocal about his concern over her new position as Kahn.
18) Who talks to the other while they are sleeping? Liu likes to whisper sweet nothings to her when she's napping. If y'all think for a second Liu Kang doesn't think Kitana is a goddess then we must clearly be looking at a different shaolin. When she's asleep he can really gush about it.
19) Who drives and who has the window seat? Liu Kang is more familiar with driving so he'll usually do it but Kitana can in a pinch.
20) Who falls asleep in the others lap and who carries them to bed? They both fall asleep on the other pretty often. Liu Kang will generally be the one doing the carrying but Kitana isn't opposed if he's being stubborn about dragging himself to bed. He blushes every time she does it because...hello Kitana strong....hot. (don't @ me. All mk ladies can bench press literally any dude on the roster and that's a fact)
21) Who cuts the others hair? Kitana takes care of them both. Liu Kang can keep his trimmed but he's nervous about messing hers up so he just let's her take over in keeping both their hair tidy.
22) Who is super bad at sexting? and who sends them encouraging messages throughout the day? Kitana is awful at it. Just incredibly embarrassing. She prefers to make her desires known in person and can never quite do it over text without sounding like a robot. Liu Kang likes to send cute little messages throughout the day when he's got time.
23) Who thinks they are not good enough for the others love? and who’s more afraid of losing the other? Who thinks they keep messing up, only for the other to tell them they don’t need to worry?Both are pretty confident in their place at each other's side. Sometimes Liu Kang gets nervous about his girlfriend being royalty and worries he'll cause her trouble or embarrass her on a political level but Kitana isn't having it. She reassures him that he's the one she's chosen irregardless of politics. Both are equally terrified of losing the other.
24) Who starts random slow dancing with the other in the kitchen? Who holds the other just above the ground and kisses them? Kitana usually initiates but Liu Kang loves it. Slow dancing hits just about all of his sappy romance needs. He knows she likes being picked up and is happy to oblige.
25) Who says shitty puns and sex jokes just to see the other giggle and blush? Liu isn't one for sec jokes but he knows his fair share of awful puns and is fully prepared to use them to make Kitana groan in exasperation.
26) Who kissed first? Kitana kissed Liu senseless when he told her he loved her. She'd been dancing around her feelings for so long she just said fuck it when she got the green light.
27) Who orders take out at two in a morning? and who wakes the other up at three in the morning to go downstairs with them to get a glass of water because it’s too dark? Liu Kang is a hungry dude. He needs lots of fuel to keep up those washboard abs :/ He's prone to late night grazing. He'd already be the one to grab Kitana some water if she asked though she'd probably just do it herself.
28) Who writes poems/stories and love songs about the other? Do they sing the songs the write for them? Kitana writes occasionally and pretty well. Liu Kang is always so moved by the little poems whether he's into poetry or not simply because he thinks the gesture is incredibly sweet. He keeps them all tucked away safely in a box in his drawer.
29) Who does some crazy stunt to try and impress the other and who ends up driving them to the emergency room after it backfires? Neither really. Liu might be tempted to put a little extra flair into his movements in a fight if Kitana is watching. He's not keen on busting his ass in front of her so thank the elder gods for some common sense.
30) Who is embarrassed when they have to wear their glasses and who thinks they look super cute? Liu Kang isn't embarrassed about his reading glasses but he thinks they're cumbersome so he ditches them more often then not. Kitana thinks he's cute in them AND when he's squinting at a document because he forgot to bring them along.
Thank you for sending in an ask!
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earthrealmlesbian · 5 years
Kano for the questions because when I first saw him I thought he was garbage but fun
•First impression: Shut the fuck up you smarmy asshole.
•Impression now: Kano is a pretty cool villain tbh. He's so good at it, I hate his fucking guts. His obnoxious humor and overall cockiness is a nice rotten cherry on top of an already slimy disposition. NRS did a really great job of making him just the right amount of skeevy. You know he's a bad dude but he doesn't go around calling women his concubines or breeding stock just for shits. (Fuck Shao Kahn and Kollector for those intros) At least, not to my knowledge. I haven't watched all of his intros from other games but I don't recall any being that gross in his mk11 dialogues.
•Favorite moment: Can't believe I'm not gonna say when he gets killed in mk11 but without a doubt when Sonya beats him to within an inch of his life in mkx. Very sexy of her. Though, his younger self obviously being impressed when meeting the older version of him is really funny too.
•Idea for a story: I'd love to see a story where he has to help the Special Forces do "good guy" stuff because Sonya convinces him it'll get him out of jail. And no, I don't mean a redemption. I mean she straight up tricks him into doing decent things so she can watch him be MAD about it and then throws it in his face at the end that there's no way in hell she's willingly letting him out. "I helped an old lady cross the street for NOTHING?" Followed by loud Australian screeching.
•Unpopular opinion: I think even liking him as a villain is an unpopular opinion to some people.
•Favorite relationship: I'm not sure if "favorite" is the word I would use but I do get a kick out of how much he and Sonya hate each other. Especially since it gets a resolution in mk11 and she finally gets to take his stupid ass out.
•Favorite headcanon: Really dig the idea of him not even having a sympathetic backstory. As in, he didn't have a rough childhood or some big tragic event that changed his life. He's just an asshole through and through and probably has some sweet but very disappointed ma back in Australia wondering if he's eating his veggies. (He's not.)
Thanks for the question!
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