#they still cause a little chaos here and there but mostly focus on the animals
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moodyvoid · 4 months ago
Hori’s headcanon is cool and all, but in my headcanon the league are all alive and opened a sanctuary for stray animals.
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im-no-jedi · 2 years ago
my thoughts on TBB season 2 episodes 7-8
and why it’ll probably be a long time before I’m able to rewatch these episodes again 💀
this is gonna be long and probably not very coherent, but I’m gonna do my best cause I need to get my feelings out 😅
I wanna start by saying I think these were some of the best episodes not just in TBB, but in SW media overall. the issue of Clones rights is something that we’ve been desperate to see addressed ever since TCW. we got hints of it in TCW, but it was never a prevalent issue since the series focused so much on the Jedi. Umbara was the first major instance we got of this, after a few smaller hints (Rex with Cut and the Separatist attack on Kamino were standouts for sure). but this was the first time we saw real, true focus on the rights of the Clones, especially in relation to their significance outside of war. it was done perfectly imo, even though it ended up being what kicked off the official start of the Stormtrooper era 💔
I told this to @jam-n-ham and she agreed with me, but Riyo spoke not just for her own beliefs, but for the entire fandom as well, and I really appreciate that 💙
another thing I absolutely loved was seeing TBB work with Rex again. them sneaking into Rampart’s ship and that whole endeavor was very reminiscent of their TCW arc with the refined chaos we know and love about them; it’s easily one of my favorite moments of the entire series now 😁
speaking of Rampart... DING DONG THE BINCH IS GONE. OMG. I legit thought he was gonna be more of a problem throughout the series (and he probably still will be 🙄), but for now at least, he’s finally outta here. hallelujah \o/
one more thing I have to mention is Omega. oh my sweet baby girl. this episode was such a good showcase of her character. it showed her sweetness and curiosity, while also giving her a chance to express her feelings about what happened on Kamino. her little rant was everything, and I’m so proud of her; she’s becoming a very expressive and strong young woman that I wish I had gotten to see more of when I was younger 💙
alright. now time for the feels™
I want to state that this is something extremely personal to me, so I’m going to speak mainly from the heart in regard to this. it’s really hard for me to make a more thoughtful judgment about it, especially since the season isn’t over yet, and we don’t know how things are going to play out fully. all I know right now is how I feel. so here we go.
I’m personally absolutely devastated about Echo leaving.
I know, I know, pretty much everyone can relate to this right now. but let me explain.
I struggle greatly with loss. of any kind, really. mostly in terms of relationships and people. throughout my life, I’ve struggled to maintain relationships with people and have had many people permanently leave my life, either by choice or circumstance. I can’t handle death very well, and I rarely can bring myself to even say goodbye to people. the very idea of someone leaving, even temporarily, is hard for me to handle.
this is further worsened because I also get extremely attached to things. this includes physical objects, people, animals, fictional characters, franchises in general, you name it. my specific brand of undiagnosed neurodiversity means that I get extra emotional when anything happens to something I’m attached to. @jam-n-ham can vouch for how excited and emotional I get when we’re watching something together. I don’t cry irl very often, but I get extremely emotional watching media of any kind.
so imagine my reactions to when a fictional character either dies or leaves in some manner. yeah...
when Fives died, it devasted me in a way that I’ve never fully recovered from. it legit traumatized me. to this day, I literally cannot even look at screencaps or gifs of when he died. it’s only been recently that I’ve even been able to acknowledge anything from that arc in general. I feel similarly about when Kanan died in Rebels as well (although that one is a bit easier for me to stomach because of how it was done).
and for me, characters leaving, even if it’s on good terms, affects me in an almost identical way. to me, Echo leaving TBB is no different than when he “died” in the Citadel arc, another moment that traumatized me. it doesn’t matter that he said he’ll be back or whatever. he’s still gone in my eyes.
I’ve been very attached to Echo since we first saw him. I actually liked him more than Fives for a while. I was ecstatic when we found out he was still alive and got rescued in TCW. and he’s been an absolute joy to watch in TBB. although he’s @jam-n-ham’s bae, he’s my boy and my bro and I love him very much. there’s a reason I made him my best friend in my self-insert series 🥰
I really wish I could explain this better since there are many instances of characters leaving or dying that hasn’t affected me so badly (again, I handled Kanan WAY better than Fives, and I literally can’t count the number of times I’ve watched the Umbara arc). I’m in a sensitive place in my life in general right now, so that might have something to do with it. but I feel like I would have these same feelings no matter what simply because of my trauma and my specific attachment to Echo as a character.
I do want to say though that I’m glad him leaving was presented the way that it was. I actually already knew he was going to leave at some point WEEKS ago due to spoilers, and I spoiled myself again before seeing the episodes, so I knew it was coming. it didn’t make it hurt any less, but the fact that he left on good terms with everybody is nice to know at least. Omega had a strong emotional reaction, which was understandable and realistic, and I appreciate that as well (considering I had a similar reaction 😅). also, I support what he’s doing and am glad that he feels like he’ll make a difference with Rex supporting other Clones in need. he’s a good boy, guys 🥺💙
so yeah. although I’m positive we’ll see him again (along with the likely possibility of him rejoining TBB at some point), it’s still incredibly painful that he’s gone and separated from the others. I feel like this will be addressed with Omega in the show, since she seems to be going through similar feelings. and if not... well, I still have my self-insert series that I can use to address it LOL
tl;dr because of my trauma dealing with loss and my strong attachment to Echo as a character, I won’t be rewatching episodes 7-8 for some time. I’ll be reassessing my feelings again once the season is over, but for now, this is where I stand.
ilu Echo. I hope I see you again soon 💙💙💙
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wxldchxld · 4 years ago
This started out as like, a light piece just to describe what Beck’s workspace looks like and I won’t lie I’m a little obsessed with it. People always ask me like how tf Harper and Beck get along and... this. It’s this. Harper turns into a big sappy baby who lives off of nothing but Loving Her Wife Juice.
I’ll probably go back and edit this a couple of times for typos and other things but I love it so much I just wanna post it rn. And I won’t be putting it under a cut so y’all will have to live with it.
Harper knocked, almost tentatively, on the open door. From outside she could smell the intoxicating aroma of fir trees and herbs, sweetened by dried apples and candied citrus, drawing the attention of any passersby and calling them in. But she lingered there, knocking a second time when she got no response. Somewhere an old record player was crackling as Judy Garland sang about far away places over a rainbow, and a warm voice was humming along with it. Harper gently ran her thumb over one of the embroidered silk foxes among flower petals embedded into the translucent curtain that covered the door. The fabric, a deep ocean blue, shuffled under her attention, and the little creatures looked as if they were dancing.
Even on the threshold of Beck’s workshop, the world felt so slow. Time didn’t abide by schedules and obligations. It flowed like a lazy river on the precipice of winter, slowly but surely crusting over with ice. If she stood still long enough, would it freeze entirely? Or would the warm glow that haloed her lover forever melt away the sharpest crystals and encourage it to move on?
She didn’t need to knock. She didn’t need permission to enter. Not only did she doubt Beck would care, but the building was hers. The city--in its own way--was hers. It was her nature to utterly and completely possess things---to take them into herself to keep. If someone asked, she’d likely have even said Beck was hers. 
But she had no claim over this place. It was a feeling that went far deeper than any deed or contract or organization. The magic here was so perfectly interwoven with it that it felt like it belonged to Beck.
Inside the room, there was a little tsk and a rich, quiet laugh. “What are you doing hanging out there like a bat? The door is open.” 
The door was always open. Beck still clung to the old superstitions of their people. Ancient rules about hospitality and ways witches ought to behave. Rules made in a time when their people had been valued and listened to, long before Christians had turned them into a target and Google had rendered them obsolete. But Beck claimed it wasn’t about people, it was about magic, and its strange laws that were shrouded in mystery. Magic, she said, liked to know its witches were always open and welcome to it. In return for a witch’s “proper” hospitality, magic would sweep away the bad luck that so often got caught behind closed doors. And--again according to Beck--spirits were much the same, and closing the door on them might cause otherwise benign entities to turn dark with anger.
But Harper had been raised by much less traditional witches. One specifically that would have worn her back end raw with a wooden spoon for letting the heat escape and airing their business out in front of their neighbors. 
She pushed the curtain aside and stepped into the room, leaving any lingering thoughts of her mother laid on the doorstep with the rest of her worries.
The apartment was an explosion of barely organized chaos. Dried herbs and flowers hung from the ceiling or were pressed between the thick, heavy pages of spellbooks laying on the shelves beside jars stuffed with candied fruits and tea leaves. Knitwork and embroidery and tapestries and clothing in all states of completion were laid out on tables or hung up from the wall. Live plants in brightly colored pots lounged in the sunlight that poured in from the huge windows on the far side of the wall. There was a collection of open-faced cabinets filled with canisters of wood and glass and stone that sat in clusters with no apparent system of coordination. Above her the high ceilings had been turned into an aerial playground of wooden bridges, little boxes, and plush cushions either nailed into the wall or floating in midair among the drying plants where her most cantankerous familiar could sit and look down on the apartment like a goddess. A fire roared energetically to her right, and to her left there was a small kitchen where an enormous pot of sliced apples was being attended by an enchanted spoon.
It was nothing like the penthouse they shared when Harper left her work to come home. But oddly enough Beck’s workshop didn’t feel cramped or chaotic. It was warm. It was inviting. Everything melted together on the merit that no two things were remotely related to one another in any sensible way. A way that suggested every single item had been purposefully hand picked or handmade by the master of the domain and placed precisely where they were meant to be. 
And there she sat, behind it all, nestled among the plants in front of a wall of windows. Her feet were curled up in the plush, gliding rocker beside her, and she was smiling up at her through a halo of sunlight. In this place she was a queen, and her crown was made of braids entangled with wildflowers and encrusted with knitting needles and crochet hooks that she had stuck away for safekeeping and promptly forgotten about. She was holding a little stuffed creature in one hand, and pulling a needle and thread in the other.
Beck always seemed fondly amused by the slow, reverent way Harper entered her domain. Their eyes met for a few gentle seconds, and then Beck looked to her right, where something shimmering and half formed in the sunlight began to move. Harper tried to focus on the spirit, but it collapsed in on itself and turned into a yellow moth as big as her hand, and lazily fluttered into the shadow of a flower by the window.
“That doesn’t unnerve you?” Harper asked, taking a seat in an armchair across from her girlfriend.
Again the blonde let out a breezy laugh that harmonized with the music in the background.
“You spend half your nights in an enchanted necropolis in some undisclosed abyss with only dead people and a renegade faerie for company, and an air spirit unnerves you.” She said, a playful perk in her brow. 
Harper scoffed in feigned offense. “Dead things don’t think. They don’t watch me. I don’t like to be watched.”
“What a shame. You’re quite the sight to look at.” 
Now Harper laughed, a rare, genuine chuckle of amusement. She wasn’t modest by any means, but Beck’s flattery could still make her heart race and her stomach fill with butterflies. As if it were the first time, even though compliments fell from Beck like droplets of rain in a spring shower.
“Well it’s a privilege. And it’s only bestowed on people I think highly of.”
Beck snorted soundlessly. “I can’t imagine there are many of those.”
“Only one, currently. And I’d let her do anything she pleased.” Harper replied. There was a small, suggestive grin on her lips, and a devilish twinkle in her eye.
“Oh?” Both of Beck’s brows raised and the hand holding her needle pressed against her heart as if she were shocked. “Then I guess I have someone to be jealous of, because you certainly don’t let me do whatever I want.”
Again she laughed, and Beck joined in with her. Harper rolled her eyes, her quick tongue failing her, and said lightly. “Shut up.” 
“See?! There it is right there. Always bossing me around.” The little witch clicked her tongue in fake disapproval. 
“Anything you want to me.” Harper corrected, still grinning so wide that it hurt her cheeks. “The fact that I don’t let you wreak havoc all across the tristate area is not the same.”
Beck held up both her hands in surrender. “Hey, you say potato, I say tomato.”
“That’s-” Harper halted her correction when she saw the look on Beck’s face that suggested her point was about to be proven perfectly. “Absolutely right.”
It was Beck’s turn to roll her eyes, and then she returned her attention to the project in her hands. Harper leaned forward just a little to try and catch a subtle glimpse, and without a word from the necromancer, Beck raised up the stuffed animal to show.
“Essi has decided that she’s infatuated with snails.” She said, shaking her head. 
Esteri was a frequent visitor in their home. Harper could remember when she was born how Beck had practically lived at Frankie’s house and brought the infant home with her when her friend needed rest. Midori and Jari had done just the same, and the door to her penthouse had practically revolved for months as the gaggle of friends came and went. Essi had just turned three a short while ago, and she’d grown into a wild-eyed, challenging little girl. Consequently, one of Beck’s favorite hobbies consisted of indulging her every whim and encouraging her to be as difficult as possible. If that meant making a snail to feed her newest fancy, Harper knew that “Aunty Beck” was more than happy to provide. 
“It’s not surprising, between you and Dori I don’t know who lets her play in the dirt more.”
“We play in the garden.” Beck corrected.
Harper refused to give ground. “Gardens are mostly dirt.” 
“It’s important for witches to know how to plant and grow.” Her playful tone had gotten a little more serious. Not angry, but carrying a thread of absolute belief. “You could use a bit more time in the garden. And the sun for that matter.”
“Alas my love,” She sighed dramatically, “I am a creature of the night.”
Something soft bounced off her nose and fell into her lap. It was the snail. It’s stupid, smiling face laughing up at her.
“Are you throwing things at me now?” She teased, “Do you really want to start this with me?”
“You’re the one who said I could do whatever I wanted to you.” Beck wasn’t even bothering to contain her wolfish grin.
“You. Not this creature you’ve created. I can’t take an attack like this sitting down. I have a reputation to uphold.” She stood up, stuffed animal clenched in her hand, and slowly walked toward the fire place.
“Don’t you dare!” Beck squealed. They both knew it was an empty threat, that Harper would never disrespect the woman she loved so brazenly, but Beck threw the blankets off her lap and scrambled to her feet in a flash. Harper held the stuffed creature high above her head as Beck latched onto her. 
There was a flush of heat that certainly didn’t come from any fire as their bodies pressed together. Beck was all soft curves over surprisingly strong muscles and blue eyes that glittered in the flames.
“Give me that back!” She demanded, trying to sound stern and reaching hopelessly for the toy. The pair stumbled and fell against a wall. When it shook a cascade of lavender petals and thyme leaves peppered them like confetti.
The necromancer curled one of her legs behind her lover’s and held up the animal higher. “I never knew you had this kind of rage inside of you. You know maybe you should go to therapy.”
“I never knew you were so annoyi-OH” Harper swept them both to the side, and Beck only managed to stay upright because she was being held against her so tightly. The little witch huffed, her cheeks flushing. “Oh I’m going to knock you over the side of the head so hard it smarts for a month!”
“See! There it is again! That rage!” Harper teased, merciless. A little childish, even. “Beck it’s me! Please, remember you loved me once.”
“You’re too rotten for loving. You give me that toy right now!”
Harper was shaking with laughter, her free hand wrapped around Beck’s waist as she strained. Beck was laughing too, intermittently. Every few seconds her angry façade would break just long enough for a smile and a chuckle that made her quiver against her.
“Why are you so godsdamned tall?! Was your mother a giant?” Beck’s hand had a hold on her wrist and her nails were just barely scratching the skin that ignited a dangerous excitement in Harper.
“A troll, actually. It’s a wonder I turned out so pretty.” Harper carefully guided them through the room backing them into the perfect position. When her hand was at just the right height, she felt the toy roughly ripped away from her, and the enormous black feline leaped over the both of them with it in her mouth, and (likely sensing what was about to happen) ran out into the hall. 
"They say the devil has a pretty face---and Angrboda you’re giving that back!” The smaller witch tried to twist to look at her familiar, but Harper had pulled her tight against her body. Now with her other hand free she tilted up her lover’s chin and kissed her softly, the both of them still intermittently giggling.
They turned again, fingers tangled in one another’s hair, lips locked, the air between them dissolving until her lungs burned but still neither of them pulled away. Not until Harper had backed the witch up to the armchair. She gave her lover a rough push and watched her fall back into the seat, panting and grinning in delight. 
She placed a knee on either side of Beck and trapped her against the cushions, reveling in the way she shivered. Her head stooped to whisper in the little witch’s ear. “And what would you let the devil do to you?”
Beck's hands were tightly gripping her hips, trying to pull her even closer. She smelled like apples and wildflowers and everything Harper loved in the world. She was everything Harper loved in the world. Perhaps even the only thing she loved in the world of the living.
“I’d let her do anything she wants.” Beck said beneath her, and the record came to a scratchy stop, and all Harper could hear was the crackle of the fire and the door slamming shut behind them.
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rosebloodcat · 4 years ago
Toonkind Storyline Idea
Not too long ago, I got an interesting idea for a DnD storyline thanks to some interesting spells I found in the Player’s Handbook. I’ve also been listening to the Toonkind DnD recordings as well. So, as one would expect, the two have been slowly melding together into (what I think) is a fun/interesting story that could be played.
The only awkward thing about it is that I’m not actually in the Toonkind Discord (I’ve got my eye out for the next invite link and I’m praying I’ll be online and aware enough to join in then), so I can’t really share the idea and see if anyone would be up for it. This awkwardness is only increased by the fact that a character I want to see/use for it is one that isn’t mine.
Because of that, this idea has just been festering in the back of my head for several days now and I just- Need to talk about it now.
Like, the fear of possible embarrassment is being replaced by the pure need to talk about this. It’ll probably just sit in my posts/notes forever and not get used, but I want to have it down and out there. (Keeping hopes/expectations low on that front.) I mean, what are the chances that, even if I At’d the players here on Tumblr, they would actually read through the idea? Or want to talk with me about it? Pretty low as far as I can tell.
So honestly, there’s nothing actually stopping me from just rambling into the aether about this. Might as well go for it.
Anyways, let’s get into the meat of this.
I’ll start off by telling people that I had been curious about spells to revive/bring back the dead because I was curious about how many there actually were. 
Unsurprisingly, I found four spells that involved reviving/bringing back the dead.
Surprisingly, though, only three of those spells were necromancy spells! (Revivify, Resurrection, and True Resurrection.)
The Fourth spell was called Reincarnate and was a transmutation spell used/learnable by Druids. (If you’re curious about it, you can check out the exact details here! https://www.dndbeyond.com/spells/reincarnate )
A quick summary of it goes like this: If someone has been dead for less than 10 days, you can touch them (or a piece of them) and create a new body for that person and call their soul to it. The spell causes their race/subrace to change, and the new one can be decided by the DM or via Dice Roll. All their abilities and memories stay the same, but their racial stats/abilities are exchanged for ones matching their new race/subrace.
And I thought, “What if this spell (or a variant of it) was used on a character that died in one of the Toonkind games?”
(Also, I realize I should mention this before continuing, Spoiler Warning for anyone who’s never listened to the Taffy Train Saga and the Coup De Blues games? This involves characters from those.)
I can’t think of too many toonkind characters who are actually Dead-Dead, but I do have one that I have a little bit of a soft spot for. One who was killed in the very same game he was introduced in.
Victor Tim, the (very dead) accountant for Dodo Studios.
(Who has been played by both @modmad and @snailcomicz and I’m not sure which of them he actually belongs to, so I guess he just goes to both for now. I know he was presented as a tool/not very liked character, but I just found him weirdly charming. I can’t explain it if I tried.)
Thus, the seed of an idea was planted in my brain.
What if Victor Tim was brought back from the dead by someone using a variation of this spell? Either as someone experimenting with magic or something. Heck, it could even be done with a machine instead of a spellcaster. (I’m not opposed to the “Illegal or at least Unethical Science” route for a villain. Seeing if they can expand the limit for how soon the spell can be used.)
I mean, considering the chaos brought by Dora Z Scale after the Taffy Train, would it really be so crazy to say that someone took advantage of it?
Someone could have noticed Dora robbing graveyards, seeing that the reports on it were few and far between, and decided to piggyback off her and snatch up remains in her wake. Get some free test subjects that didn’t need to sign waivers whilst everyone was focused on the Engineer and later Dora drama in the papers. Of course, they could have also been a bit more careful and waited until after Dora was captured/arrested before starting their experiments. To give more time for people to forget about them (if they had been spotted during that time) and let their focus be taken up by the former actress instead.
And it probably took a while before they got around to Vic, likely from how little they had of him due to Dora drinking a large portion of him. The Perp probably took their time refining their materials/process since they didn’t want to lose what little they had of him.
All things considered, the extra grave robber probably wasn’t noticed for a long time thanks to the sorting that needed to be done with Dora’s undead army. After figuring out who came from where and sending them back to their proper graves, I’m sure the police were very surprised to find that there were still a number of graves that remained empty.
That lovely little problem was probably kept buried to prevent the public from panicking/getting the police in even more trouble. Especially if The Engineer or Mrs. Tim found out that Vic’s remains were among those missing.
(Not to mention the field day the press would have about it. Like that one, very intrepid young reporter. The one with the dog, you know who.)
I’d say that Vic, when brought back, is still a toonkind but probably a different subrace. (Maybe a Frankenalie? Or a Warne? Unless Mod or Snail see this and think of something that would be more fun/interesting.)
He also probably has no idea what’s going on. Just that he’s pretty sure he’s supposed to be dead but somehow he’s not and he’s stuck somewhere he doesn’t recognize and are both his eyes facing forward? And “Oh no this is bad. I’m pretty sure there is a bad thing happening and I’m alone with no help, oh no, oh no, oh no.”
Because definitely not-okay, illegal/unethical experiments tend to mean the “Subjects” are basically captives/prisoners of the person responsible and need to either be rescued or find a way to escape.
Both routes could go in fun/interesting directions.
Cause, on one hand, there’s the possibility of getting the info out and having Engie pulling/being part of a rescue mission, or at least someone from the studio/Taffy Train may want to check it out. (I mean, who fakes being a dead guy? That’s weird enough that someone would want to look into it.)
On the other hand, there’s also the fun of Vic managing to bust out with the help of other victims in the same situation. Which could actually be a cool set of stories/games to be played. (I’d- I’d actually love to make a character to play that out if I’m being completely honest here. I may have one slowly being drafted out in my head as I type this.)
There’s also the potential hitch of Vic having to try and convince people/prove that he really is Victor Tim, the guy who was murdered by Dora Z Scale. Or that Vic’s note/message really was from him. Even more so if Vic’s talking to people who actually knew him before. (Powerful potential Angst and feels right there if they don’t believe him. Or it could be really funny, depending on how it’s played.)
There are also some fun shenanigans that could happen too. Mostly from Vic trying to figure out how his new race/abilities work. Like (if he was a warne)  accidentally using Expeditious Retreat and yeeting himself into a wall. Or (if he was a frankenalie) getting into a heated argument with an animal via Speak With Animals but not knowing it.
(“Uh, Vic?” “Wha- Oh! Sorry,  I was caught up talking with this guy-” “Vic, you’re talking to a dog.” “...Oh. Suddenly this makes a lot more sense.”)
But- yeah. That’s my idea for a potential storyline for Toonkind DnD, Victor Tim brought back from the dead but not as a Yupyaen and all the possible chaos that could entail. 
Honestly, I have more thoughts on the story, but it’s one of those things that would probably go better if I was able to talk with others about it.
This will probably sit in my posts for who knows how long and never actually get used/played, but I have said my piece now. Who knows, maybe I’ll use the initial idea in something and just remove Vic from the equation.
(... It would be cool if I actually got to use/play this in Toonkind though.)
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allmights-right-boob · 4 years ago
Not fic: Cursed Twilight addition
So I’m about to have my BNHA rights revoked but I just finished Midnight Sun (at the time when I started writing this) and started thinking about the characters and that Rosalie and Bakugo are weirdly similar so now here I am outlining a Twilight Au that no one asked for (except me but I’m garbage) that I will never write because I can’t focus long enough to write an actual story (fun fact this outline is taking months to complete). To be honest though this is more of a background on all the characters as opposed to an outline of the Twilight story (oops) which may or may not come later. Author’s notes are in parenthesis if you haven’t figured that out.
Basically I’m replacing Twilight characters with BNHA characters, not everyone will have the same back story, it’ll be blended(future me: um so that was a lie). Everyone’s quirks are still mostly the same but as their vampire gift with some variation to fit the word. It still takes place in the Pacific north-west because I’m not super sure if there’s a place as cloudy as there in Japan besides the mountains like Mt.Fuji (but that’s more misty I think) but there’s too many people around places like that I feel. But then again I’m not actually writing this whole fic so you’re welcome to imagine them still in Japan. If I did write this as a fic I would actually do proper research to decide where to put them but meh, this is a not-fic. As it is I’m calling the town it would take place in Forks/Crossroads cause that would be a cool alternative name. The backgrounds take place all over the word but I never actually say where. My bad.
Also if you do read this I love you very much and I am so sorry, this is ramble-y and has way too many run-on sentences and is written as if I were speaking to you as opposed to an actual written story. It’s also taken so long to complete things I wasn’t sure about in the beginning become solidified later but it’s also written out of order so probably reads really bad. Again my apologies.
So the characters are as follows:
The Olympic Coven/Cullens - The Might Coven/Aizawa-Yagis
Carlisle Cullen- Toshinori Yagi
So obviously I made Toshi Carlisle because suave blond everyone loves is both of their MO. Toshi is probably around 500 years old and like Carlisle was turned while hunting vampires. I still want him to have two forms but I’m not entirely sure how to do that within the confines of the Twilight universe. Maybe he was injured in a battle where he literally lost parts of himself and can’t fully heal so he’s become weak but still can’t die? He’s a doctor but might be semi-retired because of his injury, the cover story is an undisclosed chronic illness. He’s also a part time stay at home dad. He definitely used his vampirism to help and protect humans in the past.
Probably had a coven when he was younger with Nana and Torino but Nana was killed and Torino sent Toshi away for his own safety. He may or may not have started out as vegetarian, I can see Nana as veg or only eats bad people, Torino is an eats bad guys type but will eat anyone when pressed. Toshi either started out as a vegetarian before meeting Nana or if she found him immediately and took him in he would go animal based pretty quickly, She always respected his lifestyle. Grand Torino respects it to an extent but now that Toshi is hurt wants him to drink from humans because he thinks it’ll help Toshinori heal or at least be better for his body. He was in his 40s when turned.
Esme Cullen- Shouta Aizawa
It should surprise literally no one that I’m making this Erasermight because I am soft for my boys and anything is an excuse to ship them. Shouta is honestly the person who has taken the longest to work out along with Shinsou. Like so, so, long. These two are also related, they’re cousins or uncle/nephew or something. They’re also the most different from their counterparts, probably because it’s taken so long for me to work their stories out I’ve just completely changed them from original Twilight.
So the time period is really vague with him, it’s either the late 1800s or WWI. Hitoshi was an orphan around the age of 12 and Shouta his guardian is 30-31. Either way there was a war (and I looked at the wars in the second half of the 1800s, it’s just so many wars. What is wrong with this world?) and it could have easily been the civil war (and if so they were Unionist, obviously.) But wherever he and Hitoshi lived there was a war happening and he was probably not in the army at the time, just protecting his home and neighbors. At the same time Toshinori and Izuku were in the area trying to help civilians because wars suck and they’re basically un-killable so they can help and with the chaos of everything if someone started to suspect something of them they could fake their deaths and leave. And they probably did. But while traveling through they stop in a town/village and meet Shouta and Hitoshi.
Shouta is his gruff no nonsense self and Hitoshi is a little in awe of Yagi because this is still pre-injury so he’s this huge imposing man who’s gentle and knowledgeable about medicine. Eventually even Shouta comes around to liking Yagi, who has the nickname All Might because of his strength, even though he thinks his over the top enthusiasm in front of others is exhausting. In private Toshi ends up letting his guard and persona down with Aizawa because he realizes he doesn’t have to keep it up, he doesn’t need to make Aizawa like and trust him the way he does with the others, it’s just natural the way they click. Toshi probably fell in love first, vampires fall in love fast and long and all encompassing in a way that if they were human would be rather unhealthy (and probably is anyway because this is fiction but I don’t really care because this is fiction and I relate to unhealthy love way too much). Shouta was more reserved because he is a cautious man by nature and probably loves in a similar but more healthy way to vampires, long and devoted, but he must be careful to whom he gives his heart. I still don’t think he meant to fall for Toshinori, loving a man in the time that they lived was dangerous and inadvisable if one could avoid it. But Toshinori Yagi is the kind of man one cannot help but loving.
They didn’t tell each other how they felt though. A few months after Izuku and Toshinori’s arrival there was an attack on the town, Hitoshi they found safe but Toshinori caught wind of Shouta’s scent and followed, finding him mortally wounded. Desperate to keep him Toshi turned him and split off from Izuku and Hitoshi while Shouta adjusted to vampire life. They quickly became lovers, though Shouta had a brief stint as a human blood drinker as revenge for the destruction of his village. But it started to test their relationship and in the end Toshi and his own morals were more important to him than human blood. The four of them reunite a year later and they try to keep their relationship a secret but both of the boys figure it out pretty quickly. Izuku accepts it immediately because his dad is finally with someone and is happy while it takes Hitoshi a bit of time because period typical homophobia and it’s going to take a while for Yagi to earn his trust back after turning Aizawa in front of him.
Aizawa has an erasure power same as in canon. Since he doesn’t need to blink he’s a bit op but opponents who are faster than his eyes can track and multiple opponents are his weaknesses. He’s a history teacher at Forks/Crossroads high but purposefully does not have his own kids as students. He’s a mystery to most of his colleagues who probably haven’t even figured out he’s got five kids in the school.
Rosalie Hale- Katsuki Bakugo
Bakugo has a pretty similar start to Rosalie but because what happened to her is so awful and  I have problems doing that even to fictional characters that part is different. He’s still a rich kid from the early 20th century, probably turned in the 1920s, but he and his explosive temperament pissed off the wrong people who jumped him in an alley and beat him almost to death, like actually thought he was dead so they left him there (I know this isn’t that much better than what happened to Rose but man she had a horrific end to her human life). He was around 17-18 when he was turned.
While human he had met Dr. Yagi, who was probably treating one of his parents for a chronic ailment, along with his son Izuku and his ‘companion’ Aizawa and Aizawa’s ward Hitoshi. All of the others gave him the creeps but Izuku was a relatively normal boy, a bit younger than himself and accompanied his father when visiting the Bakugos. Their relationship is pretty much the same as canon where Izuku likes Bakugo a lot and Bakugo is nothing but awful to him. They end up with a sort of ‘I hate you but you’re my best friend’ relationship except neither actually hates the other. When Yagi finds Bakugo half dead in an alley he turns him because he was weirdly fond of the angry young man and more so because he thought that the relationship between the two boys was growing into something more, he and Izuku hadn’t talked about it, as he was waiting for his son to come to him, and he didn’t have time to ask. He realizes later that no, Katsuki and Izuku are not star crossed lovers like he and Shouta but he can’t say he regrets turning Bakugo other than Bakugo’s own hatred of being a vampire. He loves his angry son okay.
Bakugo had a life goal which was probably taking over the family business though based off canon that would be fashion and I can’t see him interested in that. Whatever it was he was pursuing it with the same single mindedness that he possesses for heroism and since he can no longer achieve his goals as a vampire he resents it along with the fact that the decision to become a vampire or die a human was taken away from him. He does have a good relationship with Toshinori and Shouta even though he still acts like a brat. His cover story is that he’s Toshinori’s cousin’s son and is an orphan who they took in. He kept his family’s name.
Like a number of vampires Bakugo has a talent or gift. His is his incredibly powerful and dangerous explosion ability. He can cause explosions from his palms. So far the League has not discovered him but everyone worries that one day they will and the Might Coven will be hunted and slaughtered for Bakugo’s power.
Emmett Cullen- Eijirou Kirishima
Sometime around the 1930s  Bakugo was hunting and found a bleeding almost dead Kirishima. It was either an animal attack like canon or an accident where he fell off a cliff (that feels like something he would do). I don’t think he decided to turn Kirishima, he just smelled blood and lost control. He’s still ashamed about how he reacted to this day as he’s typically better than that around humans. Luckily the others were hunting with him and were able to pull Bakugo off. He’s never held what Bakugo did against him and his enthusiasm and friendship actually endeared him to Katsuki despite his guilt. Eijirou was turned at 19 and has never had issues with being a vampire, it sucks that he had to leave his human family behind but he loves his vampire one just as much and he got the love of his life out of it. It took awhile but Katsuki and Eijirou eventually admit their feelings and they start dating. They’ve been married a few times now because Bakugo is extra and Eijirou loves confessing his love.
With Kirishima’s gift it doesn’t work the same as in cannon where you can tell it’s activated. In fact they still might not know Kiri has a gift or if they do it’s only a suspicion. He’s just harder than the other marble like vampires. Where the others have almost certainly had mild injuries (mostly from Bakugo’s explosions) like cracks that heal immediately, Eijirou has never been injured as a vampire. At all. He’s also immensely strong, because he was as a human, and that has been enhanced but he’s nowhere near as strong as Toshi was pre-injury. His cover story is he’s a foster kid they took in and he keeps the last name Kirishima.
Alice Cullen- Denki Kaminari
Like Alice Denki spent the end of his human life in an insane asylum (I refer to it as such because these were not hospitals and more like institutions of torture). I honestly can’t figure out if mental health care was so bad in the early/mid 20th century that a 15-16 year old boy with ADHD being sent to one is unrealistic or not. I’m pretty sure it was similar to Alice where he saw something he shouldn’t and was put in it to silence him.( I should probably figure out what that was sometime) Either way that’s where he ended up and of course he had to deal with electroshock ‘therapy’ which both severely messed with his memory and sorta brought out a natural resistance and even control over electricity, so he had to receive stronger and stronger sessions. This manifested in Denki’s electric power when he was turned into a vampire.
While hunting in the woods surrounding the institution, Hitoshi spotted Denki in the window and was instantly taken by the boy with eyes as golden as his inhuman family’s. He would make trips by the asylum just to get a glimpse and eventually took a night job there to meet him against his family’s advice. When they met Denki recognized him despite how careful, and honestly far away, Hitsohi had been and instead of being creeped out he was happy just to make a new friend. They would talk as long as they could and Hitoshi would bring Denki little bits of the outside world like flowers or decent snacks. And he would take care of Kaminari when his ‘therapies’ would leave him incapacitated and the nursing staff would neglect him.
Even after his family moved away to a location where the weather suited them better Hitoshi stayed working at the asylum not willing to leave Denki to his fate there (And to note this is around the time the others realized how serious Hitoshi’s feelings are and start planning how to help Kaminari or bring him into the family. Before this they were starting to suspect but kinda thought he was being weird about a guy he saw in a window. To be fair though he was being weird about a guy he saw in a window.) One night after an ice bath ‘treatment’ Denki developed a fever and over the course of a few days had full blown pneumonia. In his delirium he confessed his feelings to Shinsou who reciprocated and decided he would steal Denki away when he knew the trip back to his family wouldn’t kill the sick boy. Of course being a poorly run and over populated institution his condition was overlooked and ignored especially since a ‘specialist’ was coming to perform procedures on several patients, aka some guy with no degree was going to lobotomize as many people as he could fit into one day. Shinsou didn't find out until he came in that night and found out Kaminari was already in the procedure room. He flipped out and killed most of the staff there and took a severely injured Denki home to Toshinori in the hopes of saving him.
The change seemed to take longer than it had for the others but does end up working, though when he finally comes to Denki is much more quiet and subdued and remembers almost nothing about his past. All he knows is his name, Hitoshi’s name, and that he loves him. He also has weird headaches periodically for decades later and slowly becomes more like himself before the lobotomy. He never fully recovers his memories, a bit here and a piece there, all moments shared with Hitoshi. He decides he doesn’t need the rest, everything he needs is here and in his future with his family.
His cover story is typically as a foster kid so he keeps his last name Kaminari. Sometimes he decides to change things up and goes as a Yagi or even Bakugo’s brother when Katsuki is feeling generous.
Jasper Hale- Hitoshi Shinsou
Hitoshi’s early years were spent in his small town or village (I think the difference is size but I’m american and I don’t think we have villages no matter how small a place is so...) Everything was uneventful up until the war, I don’t know which war, civil war in US or WWI in Europe, but around the age of 12 his village was destroyed, his guardian was turned into a vampire and he had to go live with Izuku while Aizawa learned to manage his bloodlust. During that time he and Izuku grew really close and even now they have the most brotherly relationship out of all the siblings.
So after a year the four reunite with a vampire Shouta and an overly protective Izuku and a very weary Hitoshi. Everything goes on as it did for Toshinori and Izuku before they split but now with their two new additions. Yagi gives Hitoshi the best education he can without sending him to boarding school although they had discussed it. They were in a precarious position with a human boy knowing their vampire secret and they couldn’t run the risk of news getting back to the League, the governing body of vampires run by a mysterious head known only as All for One.
Years pass but unfortunately news of the Might Coven’s human pet gets back to the League and due to past history involving Nana and Toshi, AfO comes himself to deal with the situation and brings his two most powerful underlings, his adopted son and second in command Tomura Shigaraki and . A fight between Yagi and All for One happens and AfO rips out a piece of Toshi’s side and Toshi ends up crushing AfO’s head, killing him (maybe but probably not). Tomura, who had been fighting against Shouta and Toga who battled Izuku, realize they can’t win.
Now the vampire known as All Might is pretty popular amongst his kind but the Might Coven was at the time nowhere near strong enough or influential enough to fill the void that would be left by the dissolution of the League, which would happen if they killed all three of the vampires there. So they took a gamble and spared Shigaraki and Toga thinking their loyalty to AfO was limited, since most vampires don’t form bonds the way ‘vegetarians’ seem to, and that they would be happy with their promotion. They also agreed at Hitoshi’s insistence that he would be turned so they would no longer have a human knowing the secret about vampires. So Yagi turns Hitoshi and they let Toga and Shigaraki go and continue about their lives as much as they can with Toshinori’s injury.
Just like the rest of his family, Shinsou's quirk is the same as canon. If someone answers his question he can control their minds. It’s probably a little stronger than in canon too, at least against humans. Vampires have better resistance. His cover story is the most truthful, he’s Shouta’s orphan relative. He sometimes takes on Aizawa’s last name though in this school he decided to use his original.
Edward Cullen- Izuku Midoriya
The more I plot this out the more I’m taking Twilight, stripping it down to the bare outline, and making it into something totally different. Like the only similarities are Izuku and Shoto’s relationship follows Bella and Edwards, somewhat. Izuku is the tanned skinned, freckled, green eyed boy in a family of pale golden eyed outsiders. He seems completely human even to other vampires, til you get him in the sunlight where he literally shines.
I’m not sure when Izuku was born, maybe the 1700s, but he was still the first of the Might Coven besides Toshinori. Sometime after Nana’s death Toshi finds an ailing pregnant woman named Inko Midoriya who’s bizarre husband still hasn’t come home from his business trip to a foreign country. She’s convinced she is going to die before he returns and her pregnancy is so hard and so seemingly fast but her baby feels strong enough to survive so she begs Toshinori to please take care of her son till his father returns. Inko dies before she can give birth to her baby so Toshinori takes the baby out himself as a last ditch effort but there’s something not right, not with the baby or the amniotic sac that’s almost as hard as Toshinori himself. And when the sun shines through the window Toshinori’s arm glimmers and so does the new born baby. Dread at the thought that he’s holding an immortal child wells in him but he’s never heard of an immortal child being born and he’s especially never heard of a vampire with a heart beat. So against his better judgement he takes the child and runs, he can’t wait for Inko’s husband, and he can’t risk someone seeing the child and reporting back to the League. So he and Izuku, a name Inko had picked out before her death, stay on the run for years as the boy grew until he was at an appropriate age to be around at least vampire kind. Conveniently the half vampire boy doesn’t need blood to survive and seems to have very little if any bloodlust at all. Or so it seemed.
Now some differences I’m making will be Izuku’s aging. I know Rennesme ages fast and stops when she looks 21-25 but I’m thinking Izuku either ages very slowly or stopped when he looks closer to 15-18? Probably the first one. Also I think male half-vamps have red/gold eyes but Izuku has green because I said so.
His cover story is that he's Toshinori’s son from a previous relationship. They tried to call him a foster child in the past but they’re too close and Izuku uses Toshinori’s given name and dad interchangeably. He likes to use his mom’s last name as a way to honor her. Not every school but it is a pretty common thing for him to do and he’s using it in Forks/Crossroads this year. He doesn’t seem to have a gift but he’s a half vampire, his presence is a gift.
Bella Swan- Shoto Todoroki
Time for ‘technically main character number two but I preferred everyone else in Twilight over Edward and Bella so he and Izuku get put down lower on the list’. So Todoroki and Bella’s similarities are: new kid comes to live with other parent after the parent they lived with got married. I really don’t think there’s a lot else similar? But Bella doesn’t have that much back story to begin with.
So Shoto’s parents grew up in Forks/Crossroads but moved somewhere sunnier before he was born. He grew up in a city, maybe Phoenix (almost certainly Phoenix for the name alone). His parents had an unhappy marriage but I honestly don’t think it was full on abuse, I feel like Enji still neglected them but never physically or verbally hurt anyone. And since Shoto moves back in with Rei I don’t think she gave him his scar either, I think it was an accident where young Shoto pulled maybe a hot kettle onto himself? It probably was the catalyst for his parents divorce but ultimately that was happening either way. Both parents blamed the other for his accident but I think the courts realized it was just that, an accident, maybe some negligence (I don’t really know how custody courts work and what happens when a kid gets hurt and this isn’t a real fic so I’m not researching) but either way Enji gets Shoto (maybe all the kids but Rei gets visitation, comes down for the summer like Charlie? Kids go up there for vacation and holiday? Or split the kids 50/50? No idea this is still more backstory than Bella got) Enji is still a workaholic and Toya ends up running away/leaving probably shortly after the divorce anyway and Fuyumi and Natsuo eventually leave for college and are still closer to Rei even if they lived with their dad.
So when Enji gets remarried Shoto asks to move in with his mom since she’s all alone and Enji wouldn’t be and ‘wouldn’t it be nice to just be two newly weds with the house to themselves’. He makes a very convincing case and Enji is trying to let his youngest make his own choices so he agrees. Shoto moves north and it isn’t the worst, he likes both the heat and the cold unlike his parents, Rei hates the heat and Enji hates the cold. School is weird because people actually want to be his friend; there’s a group of stoic, pale, intimidating students he’s 90% sure are vampires; and there’s a  beautiful boy who hangs out with them who looks partially horrified and disgusted by him, or like he wants to eat him alive, literally.
Renee Dwyer- Enji Todoroki (Technically)
So I ended up making Enji considerably less awful.
After the divorce Enji figures out his sexuality and eventually starts dating a much younger model who goes by Hawks after he saves him from a burning building (Enji is a firefighter). Shoto offers to move in with Rei after Hawks and Enji get married, he has nothing against Hawks and they get along as well as can be expected but they are newly weds and Enji might be going into semi retirement to travel with Hawks for his career. And the thought of being around his dad so much, who can get a little overbearing when not working, is just not something Shoto wants to deal with. Though it is weird his dad is married to someone so much younger, Shoto knows several other people in his class in Phoenix whose dads did similar and they cheated on their wives and didn’t even have a sexuality crisis in their forties so he’s letting his dad slide on this. Shoto definitely has a better relationship with Enji in this than canon Shoto but they don’t have Enji’s shity eugenics baggage here either. Overall Enji in this is just a neglectful workaholic who’s learning to work on himself with the guidance of the love of his life and is letting Shoto make his own decisions like living with his mom and this is all growth.
Charlie Swan- Rei Todoroki (Technically)
So Rei after the divorce moves back home because she hates Phoenix and hot weather. Maybe she gets custody in the summer or has Fuyumi and Natsuo since Toya took off and they split the kids? (I still haven’t decided how the custody went with those two but they don’t live in Forks/Crossroads or Phoenix so it doesn’t matter.)
After returning home she either started working at or opened up a yarn shop, I see her enjoying needle craft and she’s definitely not a sheriff type. She’s just a quiet, keeps to herself woman with a few close friends; children mostly grown and just happy to spend more time with her youngest.
Phil Dwyer- Keigo Takami
He’s a model who gets saved by Enji when his apartment burns down. He offers to take Enji to dinner and keeps offering to reward him until at Moe’s insistence Enji agrees. They hit it off and the rest is history.
Things I would have said in the tags but there’s a limit so I put the actual important stuff there and ramblings here:
It took me three weeks to finish this (midnight sun) audiobook. I literally drive for a living and couldn’t finish it in less than the entirety of my library rental time. Jake Able deserves more money.
I have read twilight three times now and it never gets easier. Yes I do have terrible taste.
I hope someone reads this. It took like three months to finish this post. I still have so much in my head. I haven’t even started talking about the League. Please ask questions, I want to actually write this but my brain won’t let me write full fics so this is what we get.
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scoutception · 4 years ago
Robotics;Notes Elite review
Robotics;Notes, the third visual novel in the Science Adventure series, is by far the most unfortunate entry in the series. Not only is it the follow up to Steins;Gate, one of the most acclaimed and popular visual novels ever released, something that even extends to its anime adaptation, but it had to wait until 2020, 8 years after its release in 2012, to be translated into English, well after every other main entry in the series besides Chaos;Head, with its anime adaptation being the only way to experience it beforehand, and while said anime is a decent watch in its own right, it definitely accentuates the source material’s problems, while adding several more. Needless to say, Robotics;Notes had a lot of things going against it when it was finally released, most of which weren’t even its own fault, and it can definitely come off as an underwhelming entry just from that. However, today, we’ll be putting aside all those external factors and take a fair look at the VN itself, and how it holds up on its own. The version I played was the Steam version, using the Committee of Zero patch, a fan made patch that, among other things, fixes many issues with the translation, and is absolutely the recommended way to experience the VN.
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Kaito Yashio is a student of Chuo Tanegashima High, and one of the two members of its Robotics Research Club. The president of the club, Akiho Senomiya, Kaito’s friend since childhood, and little sister of the club’s founder, Misaki Senomiya, is completely committed to completing GunBuild-1, a lifesize recreation of the titular mecha from the extremely popular anime Gunvarrel, and a project the club has been working on since its creation. Unfortunately for Akiho, everything seems determined to see her efforts be in vain. The club gets no funding, and is seen as a laughingstock among the students, its advisor, Mitsuhiko “Mitchie” Nagafukada, is completely irresponsible and rarely does anything of help, and Kaito is completely apathetic to anything that isn’t KillBallad, a mobile fighting game he’s determined to become the top player in the world in. While the club soon manages to gain three new members, namely Subaru Hidaka, an expert in robotics whose knowledge far surpasses Akiho’s, Junna Daitoku, a former member of the karate club, and Kona Furugoori, aka Frau Koujiro, the teenage creator of KillBallad, their personalities are just as difficult: Subaru sees the project as a lost cause, and refuses to help with it without a compromise, Junna is painfully shy and has a fear of robots, and Frau is a complete shut in and social mess, being completely perverted and mostly talking in outdated slang, which keeps most people from even understanding her. Despite all this, Akiho’s unrelenting passion for mechas, and desire to step out of her sister’s shadow, compel her to continue on.
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Meanwhile, Kaito one day encounters Airi, an AI that exists within the augmented reality app IRUO, along with a strange AR annotation called the Kimijima Report, authored by Airi’s deceased creator, Kou Kimijima. Within it are warnings of a grand conspiracy that aims to devastate humanity, the details of which are contained in similar reports hidden all over Tanegashima, locked behind “flags” that must be cleared before they become visible. Though at first skeptical, it soon becomes clear to Kaito that the reports contain a disturbing amount of truths, and that he’s become involved in something far larger, and far more dangerous, than he bargained for.
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I’ll say it now, the story’s focus on both of these plotlines causes a number of noticeable issues, mainly due to feeling very disconnected from each other. While all of the main cast except Airi are heavily involved in the Robotics Club plot, only Kaito, Airi, and to a much lesser extent Frau are involved in the Kimijima Report plot, in comparison to, say, Steins;Gate and Chaos;Child, which tied its whole cast into their stories much better. In addition, the majority of the focus is on the club, and though always interesting, the reports tend to go rather uneventfully as well. Due to this, the story can feel very slow and meandering if you don’t know just what you’re getting into, much more so than the other entries in the series, which can definitely make it seem unappealing. Additionally, the story is much less standalone than most SciAdv VNs, where the references are often minor. Here, there are some rather significant references to Chaos;Head and, to a lesser extent, Steins;Gate, to the point of outright spoilers in a few cases, meaning going through those beforehand is heavily recommended, which is especially annoying when Chaos;Head still has no official translation, and only a fan translation for the incomplete PC version.
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Despite all of this, both plotlines are actually quite compelling, once you get used to the game’s pacing. Robotics;Notes’ biggest strength is its absolutely great cast of characters. Everyone in the main cast is very likeable, distinctive, and well developed across the story, and have good dynamics with each other, with Kaito and Akiho’s interactions being some of the biggest highlights of the game, with the end result making everyone feel significant in their own ways, and truly feeling like a unified group, something Chaos;Head and even Steins;Gate struggled with at times. Kaito, who initially comes off as a very motivationless character, has a good amount of backstory and a constant, if subtle, arc throughout the game that makes him properly fleshed out. Subaru, who’d normally just be the token other guy, is a prominent and likeable character in his own right, having a very important role in Gunbuild’s construction, while Frau, who initially just comes off as comic relief, has many great moments throughout the story, with her focus chapter in particular being one of the best in the game. Even Airi has quite a bit more to her than it may seem. The cast is definitely a worthy successor to the cast of Steins;Gate, even more so than Chaos;Child’s, I would say.
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The cast also heavily ties into one of the main themes of the game, namely dreams, the harsh difficulties and compromises one faces in pursuing their dreams, and how losing one can change a person. All of them face this, with varying amounts of focus, and it’s a theme furthered with the prominence of robots throughout the game, both the idealized kind found in mecha anime, and the real, practical robots of the real world. There’s an almost exhaustive amount of detail put into the construction and function of real robots, which makes for some interesting, if sometimes long winded, discussions throughout the game, in true SciAdv fashion.
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While the story is mainly told through Kaito’s perspective, it switches fairly often to other characters, most often Akiho. While the rest of the series except for Steins;Gate does this as well, it’s notable here for giving almost every character, even the supporting cast, at least one scene from their perspective, often focused on their own personal dilemmas, or flashbacks involving Misaki. These perspective switches make a nice change of pace, and definitely help flesh out the characters even further. On the subject of the supporting cast, while most other entries either have supporting casts that are very inconsequential, such as in Chaos;Child, or almost nonexistent, such as in Steins;Gate, Robotics;Notes, on the other hand, has a much more prominent and fleshed out supporting cast. From Mizuki Irei, the harsh and snarky convenience store employee, and info broker to Kaito, to Tetsuharu Fujita, the grumpy but fair “Robot Doctor”, to Mitchie, the horribly unreliable, yet entertaining club advisor, they certainly leave much more of a mark than usual. The most interesting of all, though, is a 20 year old Nae Tennouji, originally a very minor character in Steins;Gate. She has an almost surprising amount of prominence throughout the game, and even has her own ending, if a very short one.
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Compared to most other entries in the series, Robotics;Notes definitely carries a much lighter tone. Tanegashima makes for a very relaxed setting, and as mentioned, there aren’t quite as many big events as one might expect. The characters are generally pretty lighthearted in personality as well, up to Kaito not being nearly as unlikeable to start off as other SciAdv protagonists. However, the tone works quite well, and helps slowly endear the characters to you even early on. And while it’s not quite as messed up as, say, Chaos;Head, it’s got more than a few disturbing elements and scenes of its own. Ultimately, it has the same “feel” as the rest of the series, and when it wants to be intense, suspenseful, sad, or whatever else, it absolutely works, especially from chapter 7 onward.
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As far as “gameplay” goes, there’s a surprisingly large amount of interactivity available. At most moments during the story, Kaito can pull out his tablet and access its various apps. Most prominently, there’s Twipo, an obvious lawyer friendly version of Twitter, where Kaito can look at tweets from the Robotics Club, its associates, and even random accounts commenting on current events, with Kaito having the option to reply to those of the Robotics Club. There’s also IRUO, the augmented reality app, which lets the player look around the area and scan geotags, which contain small profiles for characters, or details for locations or objects. IRUO is also used along with a map app to search for the Kimijima Reports, letting you travel to various different locations on Tanegashima to search. It’s a neat concept, but the icons for the reports are so small, and so many locations tend to be available at one time, that finding them can often just be annoying. There’s also, of all things, the otherwise story reliant KillBallad matches, where you have to successfully input a string of buttons, the length of which varies depending on the opponent’s skill, within a time limit in order to win. Most of the time it doesn’t matter, but there are achievements and even story sequences reliant on winning or losing certain matches. All in all, these make for nice occasional changes of pace, but it’s still a visual novel in the end.
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Visually, Robotics;Notes is actually quite impressive. As can be seen in the screenshots, instead of sprites, 3D character models are used instead in normal scenes, and having played Virtue’s Last Reward and Zero Time Dilemma well before this, I was more than a bit wary of them before release. Thankfully, compared to the cheap models of those two games, they’re much, much better. They’re actually very expressive, and have some great animations that give each character a lot of life. The backgrounds are also quite well done, and Tanegashima definitely makes for a unique and atmospheric setting. As usual for visual novels, there’s also CGs throughout the game, done in a different, but still appealing and well drawn style. Finally, in one of the biggest additions to Elite compared to the original version, occasionally, clips from the anime adaptation is used, mostly to better demonstrate details that were only narration originally, as far as I can tell. This blend of 3D models, CGs, and animation is a bit bizarre at first, but it works surprisingly well, and makes for one of the most visually appealing entries in the series.
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As far as sound goes, Takeshi Abo is once again the composer, and once again puts out a very good soundtrack, which further captures and enhances the atmosphere. The soundtrack in general is definitely much lighter and peaceful than usual, but actually has more tracks than most of the SciAdv soundtracks, allowing it to cover many other moods as well. From the very relaxed Winds of Tangegashima, to the mysterious Uchugaoka Park, to the nostalgic Memories with Big Sis, and especially the beautiful title screen theme, Robotics Notes -2nd theme-, there’s a lot of great songs to be found. The voice acting is also very good, and the characters wouldn’t work nearly as well without it, with Ryohei Kimura as Kaito, Yoshino Nanjo as Akiho, Kaori Nazuka as Frau, and Sora Tokui as Junna especially sticking out to me.
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It’s worth noting that Robotics;Notes is on the longer side when it comes to SciAdv, much like Chaos;Child. It’s hardly Fate/Stay Night, but it’ll take some time to get through. It also has a very, very weird and annoying ending system. Whereas in other titles, endings are, just that, actual endings you can diverge into somewhere in the story, Robotics;Notes’ endings are actually just regular chapters that are part of the main story, which just happen to focus on different parts of the cast. The divergence happens in chapter 5, and depends on your replies to said characters on Twipo in both that chapter and the preceding one, with you instead going to the short Nae ending if you don’t fulfill the requirements for any of them. While Steins;Gate had a similar system, and was annoying in of itself, Robotics;Notes takes it to another level by making all but the Nae ending mandatory, though said ending has some points that make it worth seeing regardless, and occurring in a specific chronological order, despite allowing you to get the endings nonlinearly, meaning you could accidentally skip from chapter 5 to chapter 8. The system overall is just unneeded, and following a guide, such as the one by the aforementioned Committee of Zero, is highly recommended.
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In the end, would I recommend Robotics;Notes? To a SciAdv fan, absolutely. To someone who isn’t, well, I already explained the problems there. I can’t say its one of my favorites among the series, but by itself, it’s still something I enjoyed a lot. Despite the issues it does have, its very well done cast, visuals, sound, and overall story make it a memorable and emotional experience in its own right. Now, with yet another long VN review out of the way, I anxiously await the Committee of Zero patch for Robotics;Notes DaSH, to finally finish off my SciAdv journey, for the foreseeable future, at least. Till next time. -Scout
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br4inr0tx · 3 years ago
Sup, hope u drink water and sleep well. Could I get some Sally face and homestuck match up? If it's open of course, if not just ignore it and enjoy your day/night. I think I am bard of space . I am bi disaster boi. I am average height, brown messy hair and almost black eyes. I am chill easy goin dude who likes to hang around with friends. I love discussing all kinds of things. Enjoy any good music. I do small funky sketches/animations and also play acoustic guitar. I am very accepting and under stable, also kind of nihilistic. Also am kind of gamer boi too. Love horror and fantasy. I care deeply for close people and will do everything for em. I can always forgive and forget some things from friend. Kinda forgetful and hard to focus on one thing. I have kinda bad sense of humor (what do u expect when I only watch sr pelo, Brandon Rogers and filthy frank XD). I can get more hyperactive and do some crazy bs for time to time, I dunno why I do it tho. I think it's all, Thx if u read this, hope I don't waste yo time, bye
Greetings and Salutations. I hope your drinking, eating, and sleeping good as well. It’s all my fault for having motivation problems to finally do this but here it is. It’s nothing personal, of course, it’s unfortunately just my pea brain being the intellectual it is.
Also I watch the same Youtubers, though I think that type is funny af and isn’t as bad as it is. Gen Z I tell you.
Your Sally Face matchup is.. Sal Fisher !!
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• Granted there’s few characters I can pick from this series sense there’s only like seven of them but I chose Sal. He’s very chill, and not as rowdy as some of the other characters. Though, you did come very close to getting matched with Maple.
• Sally has been on the shorter side all his life unfortunately, probably 5’5 at most I think? He doesn’t say much on height, sense he doesn’t like to judge. If you ever mention his height he wouldn’t care though, cause you can already bet Larry already said something before you.
• You being easy going is always refreshing. He never needs to worry around you, because he knows you won’t freak out to much and deal with stuff accordingly, similar to him. Stress in Addison Apartments often leads to more chaos.
• You’d definitely get along with his friends I’m sure. They’re all super chill and excepting anyway, so why wouldn’t they? They all love you and treat you like a true equal. You won’t need to worry about being lonely ever again, I guarantee.
• Sal isn’t the best at small talk, so the fact you’re able to start a conversation so easily makes him a little relieved. He’s open to talking about whatever, sense he seems to keep everything at the same level most of the time. It could be like the most outrageous dangerous thing and he’ll be super chill about talking about it. Unless it’s super touchy. You already know what I mean.
• Sally is actually really impressed by your skills, especially in animation. He tried to get into drawing by Larry and Ash’s advances, but failed miserably. Both Larry and Ash are good as I just mentioned, Sal recommends you guys should do a colab sometime.
• Sal plays guitar too! Granted mostly it’s electric guitar but it’s the same deal. Sally made a song about you..he’s a bit nervous to show you, but in days come when he gains enough confidence he’ll show you. When the times right-..hopefully soon.
• Your nihilistic views on the world are mutual to him. After the incident with his mom, he’s just been a walking corpse. He just lets the days go by and sees what happens. He’s glad he has someone to relate to that. I hope you too.
• Sal isn’t always playing video games, but you can bet he has his fair share of games laying around he still likes to play. He has a few game consoles too. Feel free to use them, sometimes he plays with you too.
• He’s definitely told you about the ghosts in Addisons Apartments at this point. You’ve probably met Megan too. Sal finds it interesting too, but he’s worried about the cult coming near you, so in that aspect he’s protective in how far you come close to the stuff.
• Obviously this man is full of chaos everyday. You guys are always out doing something. Sometimes you have the hang with you, and sometimes it’s just the two of you on a little date. I can always guarantee that you guys do something together basically everyday though. You’ll never be bored.
• Despite his self continuousness and that wack shit he’s involved in, he hopes he can have time with you. He wants to have a life with you, and be able to enjoy instead of focusing to much on this curse that lurks on his shoulders.
Your Homestuck matchup is.. Aradia Megido !!
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• Who better to go with a slightly spooky boy then a slightly spooky girl?
• Aradia tends to get bored easily, and will talk about absolutely anything to spice things up if she can. Even if it makes her seem facetious in some dangerous situations. Then again that’s her all the time with her unhinged laughter.
• hhhhhhhhh I love writing for Aradia such wife material.
• Most of Aradia’s talents are more adventure driven, but she does enjoy down time if she is tired once in awhile. Those times she loves to watch you like some sort of specimen. That includes watching you sleep. But- she like to watch you do your own hobbies! Watching you draw something so effortlessly is so cool- and your guitar playing has become so calming to her lately.
• Your nihilistic thoughts disappoint her. Sure the world is doomed, but can’t we make up for that? Despite being utterly doomed, we can still enjoy to small joys from the universe, right? Aradia tries to brighten your broads in that aspect, at least trying to make you think a little more positively.
• She’s a ghostly fairy. If that isn’t the best Horror/Fantasy mashup for you I don’t know what is. Not to she’s hella into that type of stuff, and I’m sure that’ll lead to some pretty interesting conversations.
• Please- you think your humor is bad? Aradia’s humor consists of dry sarcasm and puns. I’m sure she finds more stuff then that funny, but it’s the humor she uses and probably her favorite.
• Being easily bored, most of the time Aradia wants to get up and do something. She’s definitely going to drag you out of bed one day to explore this abandoned hospital that’s rumored to be inhabited by ghosts. I’m sure it gets more chaotic then that but I can’t think of anything right now.
• She’s very RAMbunctious * fingerguns *
• Anyway Aradia will always be up to do anything. Memory making is important to her, and she’d love to spend it with you!
- coii
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popculturebuffet · 4 years ago
Amphibia Reviews: The First Temple or Bessie and Joe: The New OTP
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Hello all you happy people! Amphibia season 2 moves right a long and it’s time for some video game shenanigans as we enter The First Temple! Family drama, snail on bird action, and outhouses await you under the cut with a recap/review with full spoilers. 
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So we open with the Plantars having chocopillbug pancakes. Ironically my mom offered me chocolate chip pancakes after this and thank god for that. This is a rare treat to the point Anne didn’t even know they had choclate, and is suprisingly not strangling Hop Pop over this. Unsuprisingly he broke out the good stuff to try and make up for hiding the box and things are still VERY awkward between the two, with Hop Pop walking on Egghshells around Anne and Anne doing the same when he brings it up with both desperatley trying to avoid the subject and Sprig not helping by bringing it up a bunch. 
I like this a lot and didn’t really think about the series continuting any tension over his decision.. but should have. Partly because this is a modern animated show and most of this wonderful new wave of shows have a LOT of emotional nuance. ANd partly because this show dosen’t forget things even most nuanced shows forget: the fact the characters cause chaos and learn life lesons is outright RECOGNZIED by the show as a pattern and brought up quite often, as are the patterns that lead to it, like mostly being sprig and anne, anne’s impulsivness that sort of thing. It’s the kind of thing you just gloss over in most shows but this one lampshades to hell and back for funsies so when something THIS important happens, you’d better belivie it’s not just going to disappear. 
The tensions thankfully broken by a new arrival, as a massive sparrow shows up in the yard. “It’s a giant bird with.. books on it’s back.. what. “ Great delivery from bill there. Naturally it’s Marcy! 
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I missed this little goober. Such a joy to be around, and she of course marvels over the Plantar’s house before getting back on track: She’s found the first temple.. even though she sent a letter saying that and it’s not commented on that she did. It set off the whole previous episode Marcy... you okay Mar-Mar?
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That aside though it’s time for the first temple and Marcy asks for the Box, with Sprig trying to make a joke about how good thing she didn’t ask for it a week ago. 
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Polly rightly punches him in the ribs... do frogs have ribs? Hold on.. okay here we go
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Huh.. so they do not You learn something new every day. Well lack of ribs or no our heroes are ready.. while Marcy’s sparrow Joe is also ready TO GET IT ON. Yes really, he does a mating dance for Bessie, complete with an intersumental version of “Sylvia” from last season. God damn that bird’s got game. The only time i’ve seen more game is THIS. 
 Marcy tells him to knock it off. Look marcy your a pet owner now and as a pet owner, it’s your responsiblity.. to let your giant bird do horrifying things with a slightly smaller but still giant snail. it’s what nature intended. Nature was doing a lot of cocaine that day but we still honor her wishes. 
But anyways Marcy’s figure out something intresting about the box.. by winding it just right the gems pop out, which allows her to take one, we later find out it’s the green one, to use in the temple. So off we go with Marcy and the rest of the kids up top and Hop Pop.. screaming in Joe Sparrows claws. He’s fine. 
So while they get ready, Anne worries about the amount of puzzles and hazzards Marcy’s hyping for this but Marcy shurgs it off and gives her own big boast about how may RTS she’s beaten.. suspciously like Yuaan as one post on here pointed out. Not a huge suprise though, to Marcy she’d just be the grand hero out of one of her rpg’s and not think of how many people she probably killed or who she’s working for.. though you’d THNK given all the RPG’s both tapetop and on her switch she’s played, that Marcy would see that “the benevolent king turns out to be the big bad” trope coming. 
But Anne’s worry is not on the big bad of the show but on Marcy who has a tendency to get so in the zone she ignores the world around her, which goes from focusing on her game while helping anne get softserve leading to a mess, not letting Anne down in a play and.. Anne catching Marcy on tv as all the snakes escape from the zoo. 
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Regardless our heroes arrive and while the awkwardness between anne and hop pop continues, they find a majestic temple.. and what appears to be an outhouse. Hey we all gotta poop sometimes, even people making a majestic temple.  If you don’t it comes out like this. 
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So they head in and we get our first puzzle, a mysterious cube that lifts you into the air and allows you to tilt the thing around. 
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Those of you wondering why I have such a strong reaction have ever never played breath of the wild or played it with a pro controller, i.e. NOT having to tilt the very thing your screen is on because Nintendo has failed to grasp that MAYBE people don’t like that, that it takes you out of the experince and that it’s really hard to focus on your screen while having to move the fucking system about. And the plantar’s getting horribly jostled around as she moves it is EXACTLY how it feels to play a puzzle requring that shit. 
Next is a color based tile dungeon leftover from Link’s Awakening DX. As marcy figures out the reds do fire and the blues do crushing... but she reads the language (And as she put earlier “Guess who learned an entire dead language?” God she’s precious. ) and finds a green with envy pun (Which Hop Pop takes offense to.. several of his friends are green.). Which is curious as given several citzens of amphibia are green.. why would they make a green pun? So she gets on one tile and Hop Pop plans to take the risk of getting on the other green tile, but Anne does it instead.. and things get heated between the two as Anne reveals she no longe feels like family since he did what he did for polly and sprig and hop pop takes offense as she IS. Even if he screwed up with her. But Anne’s near death experince activates the tile. 
The final challnge switches us from Zelda.. to Harry Freaking Potter. 
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Now I used to love Harry Potter, with all of my heart. Then JK Rowling turned out to be a transphobic piece of shit who thinks she’s an ally, but is really a bigot who wants to “accept” trans people without giving them any rights. So yeah while I still love the starkid musicals, ore more accuratley the music from them, and own a copy of lego harry potter I got as a gift recently as both parties had no idea she was a monster when this stuff was made. Still a sore subject though, but if I didn’t bring up the similiarties I wouldn’t be doing my job as a critic and this was likely thought up long before JK outed herself as well...
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No no the great mighty poo respects all peoples.. and wants to take their heads and ram it up his butt. He’s an equal opportunity butt rammer. 
Anyways this is the frog equivlent of chess flipfrog, and just like with Wizard chess, our heroes end up as the pieces minus marcy.. and in a nice twist on that scene, Anne ends up on the other side. Marcy is a grandmaster at it though so after an hour or so of play she almost wins.. only for the king equilvent to refuse to be taken and the automatic board she’s up against to send Anne against hop pop, and with our heroes magically restrained and given stone weapons, this can’t end well. Eventually though Anne’s forced to hit HOp Pop multiple times and while he says “well isn’t this what you wanted”, she says no.. she didn’t want to phsyically hurt him it’s just complicated. So we get one heck of an emotioinal scene as Hop Pop just wants to help and wants this to stop and dosen’t knoow how to fix this which as someone who desperatlyt ries to fix most emotional situations right away this hit very hard.. and her response of needing time hit harder. The two while not reconciled, ar ecloser to it and Marcy realizes what she’s done getting so obessed with winning and forfits for thier benifit. Our heroes leave, seemingly having lost.. only to find glowing arrows to the crap hole, which turns out to be the pedistal. The temple wasn’t just an intellegence test but empathy.. and the temples are clearly built to specifically test each of the chosen three, our heroines, specifically. Marcy’s tested her intellegence.. but also her willingness to let go of cold clyincal thought to do the right thing. That earns her her gem recharged and a flash in her eyes and her gem starts pointing to the next. She needs time to triangulate and hop pop and anne are back on workable footing... though our heroes offer to take a break instead of going to the next temple. 
Back in Newtopia, Yuaan reports on the toads gathering.. but dosen’t get to mentioning sasha before Marcy’s letter interrupts and Andridas oddly and aburbly dimisses her.. and goes to talk to a watcher with a thousand eyes, his “master” who has plans to undo the prophcey and get their revenge. 
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Final Thoughts: This was a damn fine episode that gave Marcy some much needed character development, and gave the reveals of last episode some more emotiional fallout.  It also had some really great jokes as always. Top notch stuf. 
Next Time: Marcy tries to win everyone over through science and we FINALLY get an episode with the Frog Robot apparently. Horay
Next on this Blog: We go into final space yo! It’s unexpected births, ho yay, and horrifying zombie gary’s galore! 
Until then if you liked this review, follow me for more, join my patreon, comission a review if you please and i’ll see you at the next rainbow. Play us out jeff... and I haven’t done THAT bit in a while but eh. This song was too perfect. 
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plaguedquillfeathers · 4 years ago
In the Aether: A Dream SMP Deity AU
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❝ Even gods bleed. The issue is that, in the aether, they’ve chosen to bleed willingly.❞
So I’ve been thinking about this for a while, and I’ve decided to post it regardless of if I actually go through with it completely!
Have a Dream SMP, but they’re all gods!
Basically, think of the dream smp, but instead of them just being members, they’re the gods that control how the world exists. Think about it: villagers being so fearful of which god decides to whisk them away for wars and creatures of the night trying to kill them for existing only to have themselves harvested for obviously magical properties? Fun as heck!
Anyway, here’s some notable deity titles (with more under the thread)!
Dream as the God of Desires -- of wishes, even dreams themselves. Nothing can be can be concrete without that spark to make it flare, but as his need to fulfil everyone's desires grew deeper, he fell into a dangerous loop. His own wish for things to "go back to normal", to have control, has thus corrupted what he thought he knew, poisoning the minds of all under his watch. The aether’s darling child, he is the reason the gods came together under one sky.
JSchlatt as the God of Conflict. Originally banished to maintain order, he returned with the sole purpose of creating friction -- of tipping the scales. In his death, he still won, for the friction is now more present than ever. They all need him to have a purpose, to have something to fight for. He knew that all along, and oh, would he do it again.
Philza as the God of Life and Death. Since both concepts can only be separated by a moment not noticed by many, he likes to only go by the god of life. Unfortunately, things don't work that way. 
Technoblade as the God of Anarchy -- of that pesky thing that refuses to have an order. The voices are the lost essence of all forms of chaos, refusing to fade off into the aether. They fuel the Blood God, yes, but their chaos is addictive. It’s uncontainable. 
Wilbur Soot as the God of Imagination (and budding god of music!). His idea of creation was corrupted beyond compare, leading to his demise. Ghostbur, however, is something else entirely...Or is he?
Tommy(Innit) as the presumed God of Mischief, but actually the God of Rebellion. Always pushing the envelope, he's young and slowly understanding himself. It's a slow process, but with control being a major factor in the deities’ realm, it’s a struggle.
Tubbo as the God of Loyalty, of keeping oaths. He’s still reeling from the greatest oath he had to break with his best friend, as well as the continuously broken loyalties of his allies. However, his oath to Tommy remains strong, despite the cracks in their armor.
Eret as the Deity of Fate, with eyes that mirror what life could be for a person if they stare into them. They maintain the museum as a way to show that things were always bound to happen. It was always meant to be. Hmm, but what if...
Nihachu being the Goddess of Freedom, scorned one too many times because her kindness was taken advantage of, not to mention her message being corrupted to further agendas that soon went against her very being. 
Fundy being the God of “The Crossroads” -- of Choice. He is still too young and inexperienced to understand his own power, endlessly seeking others to make his choices for him 
Ranboo as the God of Memory, lost in his own mind as he tries to recover what he has lost. He needs to find those shades of grey again, but as the realm continuously shifts, he can’t help but feel hopeless at times.
Awesamdude as the God of Knowledge, objective and impartial, emotions hidden for the sake of learning all there is to know. He is known far and wide for some of the most elaborate things, so it's no shock that feeds off the desire to create something greater; however, while Dream is willing to exploit this, Sam is highly aware that things are off(tm). 
Quackity as the God of Transformation -- of change, really. Like fundy, he was soon manipulated into seeking out the meaning of his worth, which had disastrous (and lingering) results. 
Karl Jacobs as the God of Time. People underestimate him because he’s so damn nice to everyone, but given that he sees so many timelines, he’s learned that being happy in the moment is the best action.
Callahan as the God of Silence, but actually the God of Intuition. In silence, one can truly hear their true intentions. He never speaks a word, for the gods know he already knows. 
Sapnap as the self-proclaimed God of the Hunt, but officially known as the God of Passion. Having harnessed flame like a well loved pet, his skills (and determination) surpass even the most angry of blazes.
CaptainPuffy as the Goddess of Victory. She’s very good friends with a lot of people, but her competitiveness does cause some messy situations. Somehow, she’s managed to get into Dream’s radar, and she worries for him. 
GeorgeNotFound as the God of Luck. Having avoided much conflict and stayed naïve to many things, it's not a surprise that his presence among Dream seems to boost the God's infallible air. 
BadBoyHalo as the God of Protection. He's bound to skeppy by choice, but tends to focus more on keeping those he deems worthy safe. The fact that a mysterious egg has corrupted him of all people should be hella concerning...
Skeppy as the God of Mischief. Funnily enough, he gets along will with Techno despite their obvious differences, while being one of the few that manages to get Bad to loosen up without much effort.
Antfrost as the God of Healing, usually seen around the inherent healer that is nature itself. He’s a master of alchemy, and an animal lover.
Punz as the God of Strategy. He’s a seemingly close ally of dream, but willing to switch sides if the battlelines shift. He is well respected amongst many deities and uses that power to breeze through conflict with ease.
Alyssa the Goddess of Travel. A rather rare figure to see, but she's the reason gods have a safe journey into the lands they all inhabit. 
Ponk as the God of Sacrifice. A callback to his cat killing days, he believes that one cannot take without giving. Sometimes, you must lose something to gain something in return.
JackManifoldTV is the God of Abundance, given his previous obsession with Manifoldland. He's constantly underestimated, but he realizes his worth when he cheats death. He's always been more than enough... it's time to prove it.
Purpled as the God of Courage. He's not afraid to stand by his thoughts, usually rubbing off on those he is currently protecting. An important ally to have in a fight.
ConnorEatsPants as the God of Charm. He utilises this to get out of bad situations, mostly. if he can avoid the more brutal gods, He's happy that way, even managing to get into Conflict’s good graces.
Hbomb as the God of Fun. He’s always trying to cut through the chaos that is the deities with something that brings them together, even if it’s for a little while.
Vikkstar as the God of Inspiration. As one of the oldest gods present, and a massive inspiration to a lot of them, he tries not to interfere, instead making his home with his friend and waiting for the younger ones to sort their shit out.
Lazarbeam as the God of Tradition. He remembers the days before these newer gods roamed, watching silently as they figure themselves out. Like Vikk, he doesn’t get involved.
 FoolishGamers as the God of Rebirth. A recent addition, and actually an offshoot of Philza’s side of things, he’s still settling in. Perhaps, he can be of assistance...Hopefully he picks the right side.
Slimecicle & Hannahxxrose as the God/Goddess of -- Well, TBA.
And a Bonus:
MrBeast as the God of Charity! Everyone loves him. That is all.
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moonloredraws · 5 years ago
What tyepes and how elves do you have in your homebrew d&d??! Like the worldbuilding is huge, and hope I don't bother you by asking.
I don’t mind the questions, honestly! But be ready for an INCREDIBLY long read because I love elves and I might as well go into detail with them, and most of the information and brain thoughts can be found under the read more!
Anyway, I have 3 different realms. Manala, which is my Homebrew D&D world, The “It’s an Odd Kind of Fairytale Universe” which... is my webcomic’s universe (I still haven’t named the realm OTL) and Ozarathan, which is the Elf Only Universe. 
Manala is the one I’ll focus on since you asked D&D homebrew but I’ll touch on the other two as well. Ozarathan’s elf types are a mix between the Manala and IAOKOFT elves but with SOME differences.
Now... onto my D&D elves!
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Manala has 10 types of elves. Here, we have 9 pictured, and those are the actual playable races. I’ll get to the last ones once I’ve explained these ones!
Manala has 2 categories of elves. True Elves and False Elves. False Elves are Wood Elves and Sea Elves, the rest are all True Elves. The reason for this categorization is that Wood Elves came to be when Eladrin mixed with Amali (beastfolk, essentially kemonomimi) and Sea Elves came to be when Eladrin mixed with Triton. They have plenty of elven blood, but they’re removed enough that they have their own cultures and are not as afflicted by The Hunt as True Elves are.
The Hunt is something all True Elves suffer from and it’s an innate bloodthirst. Elves on Manala are incredibly unhinged, especially Eladrin and Shadar Kai, who were the first Elves to be created onto Manala, and Shadar Kai especially just tend to start eating prey while it’s still alive. The others at least have the decency to kill the thing before starting to eat it. Most elves enjoy raw meat, and if it’s still warm from the hunt that’s even better.  
That being said, High Elves (so Sun Elves, Moon Elves and Drow) try to move away from being so overcome by the Hunt that they immerse themselves into practising the arts, and most modern High Elves don’t even experience the Hunt anymore... unless they actually go out to hunt. Which they don’t, because they either raise livestock or assign certain individuals to hunt so that not everyone turns into chaotic bloodthirsty morons. Sea Elves have no remnants of The Hunt, and Wood Elves experience it in a completely different way. They don’t revel in the kill, they revel in the hunt itself and a hunting party can spend weeks away from home tracking down some kind of behemoth, running it ragged until it dies from stress. 
True Elves also have mostly matriarchal societies, and most men dress in very revealing ways. Piercings and Tattoos are common across all True Elves, and preference of Fabric depends on region and subrace, with High Elves and Eladrin enjoying silken and loose flowing fabrics that move well, and Shadar Kai preferring leathers and wool to fight away the harsh cold of the Shadowfell.
Now... onto more specific explanations of the races!
Shadar Kai. Shadar Kai are one of the two Original Races of Elves. They were created alongside Eladrin, and at first were put into the Material Plane before the Creators decided to split the Material plane into 3, which resulted in the creation of the Shadowfell and Feywilds. Shadar Kai are definitely the most unpredictable of the elves, The Hunt is incredibly strong in them, and as such they get very distracted by that need to go out and kill some poor beast. Because of this, the Shadowfell is relatively safe where Elven societies exist, pretty much anything that’s deemed a danger is ripped apart. Their Shadowfell sister-race, the Shadow Orcs, keep them at an arm’s distance, but even if there’s surface bickering, but the two races are very close and if a larger enemy comes, the two team up and their combined forces easily dispatch any dangers.
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Shadar Kai are the largest of all the elves. Stronger, more ferocious, and definitely way more extreme. Their society employs very Art Deco styles, unlike the other Elves who prefer the more fluid Art Nouveau looking styles. Shadar Kai have tons of piercings, and as they come of age, they get large geometric tattoos that cover their entire bodies to separate the youngins from adults. Shadar Kai do not have very colourful natural colours. Their eyecolour ranges from all tones from white to black, and occasionally very pale colours of any kind. Their Sclera tends to range from grey to black. Skintones range from black to white, and this is true for their hair too. The exception is with Ghost Shadar Kai, who are born pure white except for their sclera, and the result is a very jarring humanoid. They have feathery growths adorning their skin, mostly on the face, but down the back, on the shoulders and neck, as well as forearms is also common.
Up next are the Eladrin, who are really crazy and obviously very very horny because they ended up creating the false elves all on their own. They’re native to the Feywild, but very often travel to the Material Plane, so Eladrin are much more common than Shadar Kai. Like their Shadowfell counterparts, they have growths as well, but it ranges wildly from individual to individual, and even their season. 
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Eladrin can be pretty much any colour, and often have skin markings. They’re a colourful bunch. Eladrin men tend to be VERY ostentatious, and the less actually properly covering their skin, the better. But don’t let the bright colours, horniness and smaller size distract you, because the Eladrin are only marginally better than Shadar Kai when it comes to dealing with the Hunt. They’re a bunch of party animals but will definitely rip your throat out if they feel threatened.
Surface High Elves are the best at taking care of their Hunt instinct, and actually have it so under wraps that they have extensive cities filled with so much art of all kind that they make other races forget that Elves are actually nuts. Surface High Elves developed after certain clans of Eladrins began losing their connections to the Feywild after spending extensive amounts of time on the Material Plane.
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(Elerath isn’t a Sun Elf but he presents himself as such)
The men dress a LITTLE more sensibly, but the sheer variety of High Elf fashion can lead to some... weird clothing choices. Surface High Elves don’t have the jewel tone range of their Eladrin cousins, but still come in all kinds of skintones, hair colours and eye colours. They do not have any growths of any kind, and actually have super soft skin! (poking elf cheeks is super satisfying) The main difference between Sun and Moon Elves is mostly their colour schemes and sleep cycles. Sun Elves are diurnal, Moon elves are nocturnal.
Drow developed from an offshoot of Surface High Elves when they travelled into the Underdark to protect the Surface from Aberrations that had started migrating to the surface and causing chaos. Unlike canon Drow, Drow on Manala are not as bad with their overwhelming misandry and the whole “treating men like garbage” thing doesn’t exist. They’re still strongly matriarchal, and men are held to a different standard, but in a completely different way. Drow men are THE most beautiful group of elves in the entire world, and most high ranking ladies have harems of handsome men who they protect with such overwhelming ferocity that it almost rivals that of Shadar Kai. So I guess Drow men still get the short end of the stick but hey, at least they get pampered?? (But if you’re a handsome man, your chances of getting out into the world is... almost nil)
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The Drow are zealous worshipers of The Spider, the Archfey of Weaving, Protection and Good Fortune, and due to this, they work in tandem with various Drider, who in this setting are natural Fey creatures, not drow dudes who fucked up a weird and complicated ritual. (Can you tell that I hate canon Drow culture? Because I really do. Drow have such great potential so here I am, turning things on its head)
Drow skintones range from white to charcoal, and sometimes have a slight purple tone. Eye colours tend to be jewel tones, but yellows, oranges and greens are very uncommon. Hair ranges from white to black, but can also be bright purple.  The exception is with ghost drow, who are pure white. Even their pupils are difficult to distinguish from their iris so they look super jarring.
Wood Elves are a fun bunch. They don’t mingle with other elves as much, not do they associate with Amali much, but they have good relations with both. Most Wood Elf cities are hidden from the world at large since they tend to just keep to themselves and protect nature from other races, and to protect the other races from whatever lurks in the forest. 
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They have ears with extra lobes attached, and many also have fur on the tips and the back of the ears. Some individuals even have furry manes that run down their spines! Their colours are basically any shade of brown you can imagine. They span the entire human gamut, also include greys, and sometimes are a little too yellow or red toned to be completely right. They also sometimes have stripes or spots on their skins!
Then there’s the Sea Elves! Unlike other elves, Sea Elves are not mammalian. They lack breasts, and their young can eat fish pretty much as soon as they’re born. Sea Elf Babies are born very small, but more developed and take a while longer to get to their adult sizes since Sea Elves are quite large when it comes to elves. They have patches of scales on their skin, and gills. They can breathe both above and underwater, and most large Sea Elf societies are underwater, built into cliffs by the coast
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Any colour a fish is, they can be. As such, Sea Elves are seen as very striking individuals if they come from more tropical seas, and they become very sought after courtesans.
Elves in general are really horny. Unlike most media where elves are seen as aloof and standoffish and holier-than-thou because of their beauty and long lifespans, on Manala, ALL elf subraces are pretty easy to seduce. They enjoy the attention, and as a result, the entire realm is filled with half-elves of ALL kinds of mixtures. Also, gender is so fluid in elven society. An Elf picks how they present themselves and because of the ease at which magic is available, they can sculpt their bodies to fit how they wish to be seen. Elves said Trans Rights.
Now... there’s one type of elf I didn’t touch on, and those are the Aetherians. The Aetherians don’t play much of a role on Manala because they’ve actually left. Aetherians are essentially Space Elves and they have WEIRD crazy powers. They’re the creators of the realm, but after they deemed their newest project complete enough, they left. Well. Most of them did. Two of them remain in the Realm but I’m not going to reveal their identities.
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Aetherians are HUGE. They’re like. 9-10 feet tall, and have geometric grooves in their skin that glow. They also have floating crowns of shards above their heads. They’re a mystery, and were involved in the creation of the world, but aside from that almost nothing is known of them.
So uhhh yeah. Those are my D&D elves.
I’ll add a little bonus section of the Ozarathan Elves here as well because that’s fun:
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I haven’t finished drawing the lineup so the anatomy is whack on some of these here’s a general idea of their sizes??
(Also in IAOKOFT) The Solarians – slightly scorched skin, tanned, warm grey/brownish sclera, live in high mountains, art deco style, very isolationist.
(Also in IAOKOFT) The Umbrals - Reskinned Manala Shadar Kai and Ghost Shadar Kai, cousins to Umbrals, very similar aesthetics
The Vokorians- Reskinned Manala Wood Elves. They have the same fluffy ears but also have tails.
The Hush-Hush – Reskinned Manala Drow and Ghost Drow, but also have tails.
The Maritimians- Scaled Skin in parts, fins and gills, often have tails. Freshwater and Saltwater varieties exist.
(Also in IAOKOFT) The Zephyrians- Elves with small wings. Often have feathering on their bodies, and also have feathered tails. Live in moving cities that get moved by the wind. Nomadic.
(Also in IAOKOFT) The Uzarians- High Elves, the most typical elves.
(Also in IAOKOFT) The Duneriders- Desert elves. Grey sclera, dark skin, have marks, offshoot of Solarians, but have rounded highly mobile ears.
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ossy-p-art · 5 years ago
cringe ass nae nae writing
writing some spm stuff based on an au I came up with forever ago about Luigi and Dimentio never unfusing and everything is terrible do not look me in the eyes 
Something enters your space. A light tip-tap as it skitters across the floor is what first alerted you of its presence, but now even if it held still you’d know exactly where it was. You can smell the magic it emits, and even more damning, feel its presence within space and time. The divot it makes in the fabric of space, the border of its flesh- you could identify its location if it was pitch black and you were deaf. 
Easy meal.
You lunge at it moving at not even half your top speed, and easily snap it up between your jaws without a second thought. You chew- and feel an odd nagging in the back of your skull. You slow… It feels like you should be focusing on something.
Well, the taste certainly isn’t nice. Sharp and bitter, coppery and cold. The texture is worse, the thing is cutting up your mouth quite a bit. Its making quite a racket in there, and you feel like the noise its making is….important. Its not just any random series of sounds, its… a voice? Its speaking a language… the tone is very harsh, very mean… it makes your eyebrows furrow. You know this voice… its demanding somethi
You come to your senses and immediately hack up the creature that had been in your mouth, and it tumbles a few times before steadying itself on extended, spiderlike appendages. It seems disoriented, then furious, then disgusted. 
Something seems comical about this tiny green creature disciplining you. Shes less than even a third of your size. You search your mind for a name. She’s… she’s….
“Do you even recognize me? Its me, Mimi! Hello???" 
Your head lifts quickly. That’s the name! She seems pleased you’re showing recognition. 
"Can I finally get a decent welcome now? I’ve been worried.”
Her face is washed over with a new expression- relief. You’re unsure why. She approaches you, boldly, and places a hand against yours. 
 "…You’re still alive in there, right, L?“
That name just about sent a shockwave through you. You back away quickly, only to begin stumbling over your long, flexible limbs. You don’t know if you’re fleeing from Mimi or the nonexistent embodiment of the information itself, but you crash into a heap in your distress.
 "Wh- hey! I’m not even trying to scare you guys!”
Something deeply disturbs you about how she addresses you in a plural sense. You still feel like your sentience is escaping you, like you’re moments away from returning to the mental state of a wild animal.
You try hard to focus. You forgot you even had an identity. You had just been prowling around in the ruins of Castle Bleck for some time now, like a predator. Remembering your own name was a slap to the face, scaring the last animalistic tendencies right out of you. You scour your mind for context…you try to remember… 
The chaos heart was inside you- more specifically in your chest. You could hazily see your brother hopping from platform to platform, trying to counter you, trying to win…but also trying not to hurt you.
He couldn’t choose both. 
 You remember looming over him. He went too easy on you. You had the upper hand. Your foot was raised to crush him.
 And then you remember absolutely losing your mind. 
The heart in your chest was subject to a sudden onslaught of emotional and magical violence that burst forth from you all at once. You remember forcing the chaos heart out of your chest and deep into the pit of your stomach, like most of your unpleasant emotions.
 Down into your core, away from light, away from control, buried underneath the rest of your guilt and sadness you keep locked up inside.
 And then you fainted.
Your name is Luigi.
You tentatively stand up. You can feel the chaos heart still deep inside your gut, though it feels different. Wounded almost…. changing? Its pulsing inside you, shifting. Its uncomfortable, to say the least. Bitterly cold.
You’re still in the monstrous form you were attacking your brother in. A horrifying half-you, half-jester abomination. Your neck a repulsively long stretch of black and white, with a ruff to cover the base. You pull your head closer to your body. You feel terrified of yourself. Mimi cocks her head as she approaches you.
 "Hey, L, its ok.“
 Her tiny hand rests on yours, and you feel a little more at ease.
 "The others are alright, y’know. Nastasia is kinda rough around the edges, but things have been ok!" 
 She offers you a smile. You feel selfish for not worrying about the others- your main concern right now was yourself. 
"Um, Mario has been just fine too. He was really upset about…all this. But hes healing really well!”
She must’ve seen you tense up in fear, because she pursed her lips and patted your hand a few more times. 
“Nass says that you should have the power to change…" 
You tilt your head. 
"Like, y’know. Change outta this…gross ugly body.”
She gestures to you as a whole. You’re not exactly an adept magic user, and you’re scared of trying to channel the chaos heart’s magic for any reason… But apparently its not your choice, as someone else begins using it for you.
As soon as you catch wind that it is an option, you begin to shift out of this bulky, uncomfortable form. Your height shrinks, limbs grow shorter, and your neck becomes a reasonable length as you manipulate the heart resting inside you. The thing is in shambles from its harassment earlier- presumably yours.You didn’t think your manipulation was going to break the damn thing, but now for some reason its dysfunctional. You finally are able to stand on two feet without assistance of your arms like some kind of ape, and casually float a few inches off the ground. You examine your body, much to an ignored Mimi’s annoyance. You don’t really want to talk to her. Your head is killing you, and taking the time to contemplate and form dialogue would only make the pain spike. You instead examine your body as Mimi taps her foot impatiently.
 Your poncho which once fit your bigger form decently now drapes over you like a dress. You have scars all over your exposed legs and arms. Gloved hands, a fancy little ruffle around your neck… with your tattered clothes and ruffled hair, you look like quite the train wreck. You absentmindedly tap your cheek before realizing in fear that it is completely exposed, along with the rest of your face.
 You scan the ground in a panic before finding your prize- your mask. You slide it on, breathing a sigh of relief. It still fits perfectly. You feel a sense of comfort with it at home on your face. You cast a glance over at Mimi, who looks wholly irritated.
 "Is that Dimmy now?“
 You scoffed lightly, attempted to come up with a retort, but were unsuccessful in forming a single sentence. Your throat feels horribly damaged for some reason. Possibly magic burns. The pain causes you to fall to one knee, and Mimi quickly skitters over, despite her previous expression of distaste
 Having a human-like body again fills you with so much relief it nearly blocks out the intense horror you felt when your arm moved against your own will to pick up Dimentio’s mask and place it over your face. The material was cold and uninviting, and shivers ran down your spine when it remained on your face despite there being no strap to speak of. You tried to gather your courage and stand back up, but just wobbled and collapsed on the ground. This is….ok, too, you guess. Mimi stared at you concerned.
 "I’m gonna get Chunky to carry you outta here, ok? Its super cold and I dunno if its good for you in here. Its gonna be ok." 
Mimi gave you a pat on your side, and as quickly as she came, the spiderling skittered off into the darkened ruins of Castle Bleck. 
 You remained on your side, waiting. Mostly alone. Making horrifying discoveries by accident. You had ran your tongue along your teeth only to realize they were razor sharp. You could bite your own tongue off if you wanted to. You tried to rub your eyes, only to feel that they were empty sockets, devoid of your once charming blue eyes. You have no idea how you’re still able to see, even if your vision is rather poor. You decide to stop moving completely, before you make another nightmarish discovery, like your ears being inside out or your hands being on backwards or something. 
 The worst part about being left alone is having to endure the activity inside your stomach with absolutely nothing to distract you. The chaos heart was like some kind of animal, chewing away at you and leaving you feel horribly drained. You hugged your stomach, as if that would help
 You need…a compromise. Something else to occupy the chaos heart aside from your flesh. A power source maybe. If it had something else to gnaw on, it would likely be more easy to deal with. You moved your arms out of the vise-like grip they had over your stomach, and turned to lay flat on your back. You moved your hands under the fabric of your oversized poncho, letting them rest over your stomach. You noticed with a bit of distaste that it wasn’t as flat as before. Are chaos hearts fattening? Are they bad for you?? You ponder this for awhile as magic gently trickles through your fingers and into the flesh of your stomach. A mild pain relief spell, nothing too advanced, but enough to let you catch your breath. You breathe slowly, trying to ease away the panic that is flooding your nerves. Deep breath in, slow exhale out. You rest your eyes as you attempt to meditate, and for some reason you aren’t calmed in the slightest. This isn’t like you. Why is your heart racing like that? You don’t really know why Mimi is being so docile right now- you don’t really understand half of what she said. Why was she telling you about Mario of all people?? Do you look like you care? And another thing- clearly you must’ve lost the fight…so why are you still breathing? 
And where did that green fool wander off to in all this?
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kariachi · 5 years ago
Some more for the First Pass AU. This time a segment of a proper meeting.
“Dar~lings, quick reminder that I spend most of my patience on the actual children and don’t have much left to spare~”
Quickly everyone quieted down, the loudest yellers seeming to melt into their seats. Nobody knew what Monett would do if she finally snapped under the stress, but she’d never been afraid to punch somebody and had endeared herself to the whers. Not that that was turning out to be difficult, mostly requiring things like being respectful and kind. If you couldn’t manage that, well, nobody wanted you in the settlement anyway.
“Much better, thank you, loves. Now, in a calm and orderly manner-” Wate was the first to return to his feet, and this time the rest of those at the meeting kept quiet and listened.
“Look, I get it, I’m a cat person too, but right now we have to be focusing on animals we need and we just don’t need them. Firelizards take care of pests just as well without causing ecological damage-” A murmuring of ‘why did we even bring cats’ came from some of the crowd, silenced by a wherrish rumble. “Between the firelizards and the dogs a lot of our working animal needs should be filled. If we want them as companion animals well, we can always import them once we’re better established.”
“What about those big cats Ned’s dad made,” Cengiz asked, standing, “can we maybe do something with them?”
“Those things were vicious,” Ned answered from the back, “the mentasynth fucked with their heads.”
“But could we breed that out? They could be useful for day hunting, maybe as companions too, scratch that cat-lover itch.” The hall went quiet as it became clear that none of them really knew enough about mentasynth to know for sure.
“I’ll ask Windblossom about it before the next meeting,” Monett finally said, jotting it down on one of her hundred pieces of paper. There was a mass nod among the others. This was acceptable.
“There’s a question,” Heber called, “have you got what we’re doing with all those damn sheep figured out?”
“I’ve talked to Sorka and Sean,” Monett replied, “dragons ferrying people and goods are allowed free range on the sheep. Might not take out all of them, but it should cut the numbers enough for us to manage the rest.”
“Some of us would prefer they not take them all out, really.” Triesa rose as the other surrendered the floor. She fidgeted slightly. “We were planning to bring this up at the next meeting, but the rest of the miners and I, we want to cut off from Fort ahead of schedule and dedicate our time wholly to the settlement.” Well, they certainly got everyone’s attention.
“Are you sure,” Monett asked, face screwing up in concern. A lot of the crowd mirrored the look. There was a reason they were all splitting their time, mostly to do with the security that came with Fort for the time being. They had a secure base of operations from which to work, and they intended to utilize it fully. Sonia joined Triesa.
“The work will go faster if we just say fuck it and dive in,” she said. “Being able to actually do a full day’s work every day is going to make a massive difference in how long it is until we can actually get out of this crowded shithole.”
“Plus!” Enthanda jumped up as she spoke- “We’re pretty sure there’s more to the caves! We’ll have to knock through some walls, but we can expand our usable space!” Monett chewed her lip, but Vasan joined the fray before she got the chance to speak.
“Our first large-scale greenhouse just needs final construction, and if they’re going to be working full time then that should be possible relatively quickly?” He looked to the women, who nodded.
“We can focus on finishing that first set of pillars first, if you need.”
“Fantastic! If we put some of the local, fast-growing plants in there we could be getting harvests within a month of completion, if not sooner! Plus fish harvests for added protein!”
“We’ve been making good time with the barns, could have them all finished within the month if we go full bore!”
“Once they’re done then we can start working on gathering up those feral goats, dogs, and fowl, maybe start bringing the llamas down if we can get the fencing built up.”
“We’ll still need some extra hands for that, but if you’re not afraid to put in some elbow grease-”
“If we were, would we even be here?”
“You guys’ll need food when you’re starting out though, will we be able to get enough from Fort down to you?”
“I don’t see why not, Monett’s managed to get us everything else-”
Said young woman just stared as the meeting devolved once more into organized chaos. Thankfully this was at least chaos with a purpose and not another argument about what was worth bringing along. At least twenty seemed keen to dive headfirst into their work, with more happy to follow after. And everyone seemed enthused by the idea of the schedule being brought forward, more work being done, the promise of getting out of these crowded caves and from under the thumb of the previous generation.
Well, most everyone. Several people, Mari included, looked like there were some speakers they wanted to lock in a broom closet for their own wellbeing. Mari in particular looked shocked that she was thinking it.
“Quiet,” Monett eventually called, “you’ve all been heard!” She looked around as everyone stayed standing, waiting for her opinion. “Call me overprotective, but I don’t like the idea of you all being so far away for so long. But, you’re right about needing to speed up our work, and I trust you all to know what you need and what you’re doing. So, the group representatives and I will meet up later this week to determine a schedule for getting people moved out there full time. Is this agreeable?”
The representatives of the various fields called their affirmative- Mari a little hesitantly, but she was still watching Vasan so nobody took it too seriously.
“Alright then.” Monett didn’t look too enthused either, but the brush of her wher’s nose across her hand seemed to calm her. “Now, if we could move onto the next item on the schedule- What the Fuck Do We Call This Place: Round Four. I believe Kayphas had a suggestion for something referencing the llamas…”
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goodbyecringe · 5 years ago
(Un)Natural Selection Chapter 19
The next time I woke up Enjolras was sitting next to me reading a book. Well, there was an open book in his hands, but I doubted that he was reading it. The dark circles under his eyes were worse than the last time I saw him. How long had he been sitting here?
“It’s good to see you awake, Éponine,” Combeferre’s gentle voice chimed.
I soon recognized that I was in the infirmary instead of my room. I heard the beeping and soft hums of the medical equipment that surrounded my bed. Enjolras quickly sat up in his seat, letting his book fall to the ground.
“‘Ponine,” Enjolras breathed, his eyes wider than usual.
For once in my life I felt at a loss for words. As the questions began racing through my head again the machines began to beep louder and faster.
“Woah there Éponine, let's take some deep breaths. You’re still on a lot of pain medication so don’t get ahead of yourself,” Combeferre said, pulling up a stool to my bed.
After several deep breaths the beeping slowed down and Combeferre determined that he could begin to start asking me questions.
“Do you know where you are Éponine?”
“The palace infirmary,” I said.
I didn’t recognize the voice that came out rough and gravel like. Enjolras handed me a glass of water for me to sip on.
“What’s the last thing you remember?”
All of the memories came flooding back to me at once. My father and his gang, the gunshots, the sting of his hand on my face, and the steel of his blade against my side. Then I remembered his threats against Enjolras. He had one of his goons inside the palace that could kill at any moment, and I wasn’t in the position to put Enjolras in any more danger than he already was.
“I remember the gunshots and then running off the stage and then nothing,” I lied.
“Amnesia is a common side effect of concussion so that’s to be expected,” Combeferre said, writing on his clipboard.
“What happened?” I asked, staring at the glass in my hands.
“The guards believe it was a failed assassination attempt,” Enjolras said from my right. “The gunman used the chaos to get away, but the guards are trying to use the city’s surveillance footage to identify him.”
I determined that my father wasn’t as stupid as I thought he was. Everyone would focus on where the shooter was and think that I had been mauled by the crowd.
“You ran off the stage, which is completely understandable with the adrenaline that must have been going through you,” Combeferre said, beginning to ramble in my defense.
“Everyone was rushed to the plane and we were forced to leave immediately,” Enjolras paused staring down at his lap. This was the first time I had seen Enjolras like this. I had seen him angry, happy, upset, and even shocked. But this was a new emotion: shame.
“This was an order directly from the Captain of the Guard, so no one had any choice to stay,” Combeferre refuted, staring at Enjolras before he continued. “A team began to search for you as soon as they could and you were quickly recovered by one of the guards-”
“Which one?” I blurted out.
Combeferre was taken aback by my sudden outburst.
“I would just like to know who I owe my thanks to,” I recovered.
“I’m not sure what his name was, but he was determined to make sure you were taken care of. I do remember that he needs to lay off the cologne, there is such a thing as too much,” Combeferre noted.
Montparnasse carried me from where my father had beaten and drugged me to a place where I would be taken care of. He truly made me sick to my stomach.
“Éponine, Joly, and I need to do a few tests now that you’re awake. Enjolras, it would be best if you left the room,” Combeferre said, which displeased Enjolras.
“If it’s okay with Éponine, I’d like to stay.” He said, firmly.
“I appreciate it, Enjolras, but you look horrible. Go sleep in a bed, if anything goes wrong I’m sure you’ll be the first person they tell,” I smiled, which caused my face to throb.
With a firm squeeze on my hand, which I forgot he was holding, Enjolras left the infirmary. Joly came around to assist Combeferre with the tests that resulted in a few shared looks between my doctors. Finally, Joly concluded that I had a mild concussion from the trauma to my head, which they believed to have been caused by the crowd’s stampede.
“We’re going to recommend ten days of bed rest for optimal recovery, which means no Report this week, no lessons with the other Elite ladies, and no attending the meeting at the Musain,” Joly said, frowning.
“You mean you want me to stay in bed for ten days? How do you expect me to survive around here after missing all of those lessons?” I panicked, remembering that Claudia reported all of our shortcomings to the King and Queen.
“Some light instruction can be arranged, but too much can cause irritation, headaches, and concentration difficulties,” Joly continued until Combeferre cut him off.
“To summarize, all of these things can do more harm than good. We just want to make sure you have a speedy recovery so that our future Queen doesn’t have any future problems,” Combeferre smiled.
“Are you guys still on about that,” I sighed, shaking my head.
“But didn’t he kiss you?” Combeferre asked.
“The Marble Man kissed you?” Joly gasped.
“It was mostly me. I was just worried he was going to send me home and then we arranged for the Elite to go with him to Carolina. Oh, and I told him I was a Six,” I remembered, which brought on a deep throb in my head.
“You told him your caste?” Ferre gasped this time.
“Well if he didn’t send you home then he’s never going to. Several of the eliminated girls thought they would be the exception when they told him of their castes, but obviously, it’s you,” Joly smiled.
“I am not the exception, he was probably going to send me home when we got back anyway,” I said.
“Éponine, I’ve known Julien since we were little. If he wasn’t harboring some feelings for you you would be back with your family without a concussion. Enjolras only sees in black and white, there’s no grey area.”
“Too bad Enjolras and I already declared our platonic feelings towards each other,” I mumbled.
“You mean you told him that you don’t love him?” Joly asked, his jaw-dropping.
“I’m not going to lie to him. It’s not that I don’t like him, he hasn’t been anything but kind to me ever since we met. But I don’t have any romantic feelings for him and apparently, he doesn’t either. He’ll send me home whenever he wants to and I’ll take my sister and move out of the country. I’ll get to go to school and he can marry at least a Four, it’s a win for everyone,” I said as tears began to fall down my cheeks.
“If Jehan was here right now I know he would give some great advice,” Combeferre said.
We all sat around in a sad silence while I wiped away at the tears on my face. Some of it was probably just the concussion making me emotional, but there was no doubt I would miss Enjolras after he eliminated me. Nothing about us was compatible, we were both wildly independent and assertive. Nothing about either of us canceled out the other person’s qualities, we only enhanced them. It wasn’t until there was a loud commotion in the hall that any of us moved. Just as Joly began to make his way in the direction of the shouting the infirmary door swung open.
“I have to see that she’s okay!” I heard a voice shout.
When I heard his voice the butterflies in my stomach returned and the beeps from the machines increased. But compared to the last time the beeps got faster I wasn’t upset because suddenly it was Marius that had burst through the door. He hadn’t changed since I last saw him, even in his current state of distress.
“Éponine are you okay?” He asked, rushing to where Enjolras had been sitting.
“Excuse me sir,” Combeferre demanded in a stern voice.
“I’m terribly sorry for the intrusion, but I saw the news and I got the first flight here,” Marius began to ramble.
“Combeferre, Joly, this is Marius Pontmercy. We met at the Garden Party,” I said.
“Pontmercy,” Combeferre paused. “I believe we had a rather in-depth conversation about General Lamarque’s impact on the sociocultural aspect of France,” He said, pushing his glasses up.
“We did, and I’ve found your points extremely helpful in my law studies,” Marius responded.
“Thank you Combeferre, if I need anything I’ll let you know,” I said, staring at Marius.
We sat together in silence while I held Marius’s hand. Eventually we began to talk about what actually happened in Carolina. He sat and listened to me while I cried and distracted me by sharing stories about his grandfather. Joly and Combeferre would come around and check the machines surrounding my bed. I lost track of time while we moved to different topics of conversation that made me laugh until happy tears were falling down my cheeks. For a few hours, I was able to forget that I was sitting in a hospital bed in a competition to marry a Prince. For a few hours, my world felt like it was
“Excuse me, but I have to insist that Éponine is left to rest now,” Joly eventually said.
“Of course, I just came to make sure Éponine was safe. I will go apologize to His Highness for my intrusion and be on my way back to France,” Marius said, standing.
“You could always stay,” I murmured.
“You could check out The Friends of the ABC, maybe go to one of their meetings. If you ask Enjolras if you can join I’m sure he would let you stay. This way you can explore the real politics of Illeá,” I explained.
“You’re quite the genius ‘Ponine,” he smiled, before leaving the infirmary.
“Well that seemed to cheer you up,” Joly noted as he fidgeted with the machines.
“Yeah, Marius is a great guy,” I blushed.
“Interesting,” was all Joly mumbled.
“Alright Éponine,” Combeferre said in an animated tone. “We’re going to keep you here tonight for observation and if all goes well you’ll be in your own room tomorrow. Just so you can sleep easy, there will be two guards posted outside of the door all night,” he smiled.
The beeping got faster.
“No,” I half-shouted, my instincts telling me to run again. “I don’t want any guards. One of my maids will be just fine,” I recovered.
“Is everything okay Éponine?” Combeferre asked, sitting next to my bed.
“To be honest, one of the guards is my home province and I would just prefer my maid Miriam.”
“If you want I could get his name so I can make sure he isn’t one of the guards,” Ferre suggested.
If I raised an alarm like this that would make Montparnese think that I told everyone what really happened and I couldn’t risk putting Enjolras in danger.
“No, I’d rather not,” I said in a broken voice.
“Éponine, when you first came in here Joly and me were required to do an extensive exam to check you for any physical injuries,” Combeferre said, taking my hand. “We discovered several scars that resemble those of domestic abuse victims. Most of the time, victims are too afraid of their abuser to speak out, and I just want you to know that Joly and I are here to help you and we wouldn’t do anything that would cause you to get hurt again.”
For the first time since I had been in The Selection, I remembered the scars Combeferre was referring to. I was surprised that none of my maids had ever brought them up, considering that they saw them whenever they dressed and undressed me. The two cigarette butt burns on the small of my back were both a gift from Montparnasse that he gave to me on my thirteenth birthday. It was one of the first times that my father brought him around to see me. Combeferre handed me a tissue.
“Thank you for your concern Combeferre, but I’m perfectly safe,” I said without looking at him.
“I’ll go send for your maid,” he said, squeezing my hand.
After spending the night under the watchful eye of Combeferre and Miriam I was allowed to spend my period of bed rest in my room. Cosette was the first person to visit me, bringing several bouquets she had picked from the garden. After assuring her that I was fine multiple times she updated me on what the other Elite had been doing since the trip to Carolina. I even learned that Keilah had been so scared that she voluntarily left the competition. It made me begin to wonder how many times Enjolras was put in danger while being in the public eye, and even in his own home. Enjolras and whoever married him would always be in danger to some extent, and his future wife needed to be able to handle the pressure.
Enjolras visited me every day after dinner without fail. Sometimes he would read to me, since Joly recommended that I rest my brain. Surprisingly, I didn’t want to disobey Joly because I didn’t mind listening to Enjolras read. Sometimes we would just talk about our days, which would always be more interesting for me than Enjolras. My days of bedrest mainly consisted of the visits from Enjolras and Cosette, playing cards with my maids, writing letters to Justine, and simple lessons from Claudia. However, most of my time spent with Claudia consisted of us bonding instead of history and etiquette lessons. Enjolras would also hold my hand as he read rough drafts of his speeches to me, which I learned from Combeferre was quite an honor. On my ninth day of bed rest, Enjolras visited me after a meeting at the Musain with two sandwiches.
“How long has it been since you made me a sandwich,” I laughed as he handed me a tray.
“Frankly, too long,” he said, pulling a chair up.
“Tomorrow is my last day stuck in bed,” I smiled.
“I know, what will you do first?”
“I think Cosette and I are going to take a walk through the garden. I’ve been going through some severe vitamin D withdrawals,” I said before taking a bite of my sandwich.
“That should be good,” he said, staring at the pictures on my wall almost absentmindedly.
“Are you okay Enjolras?”
“Yes, sorry. I guess I’m just a bit preoccupied from the meeting,” He said, standing.
“What happened?” I asked, sitting up.
“Ever since our trip to Carolina the Lower Castes have started to revolt against the Upper Castes. There have been multiple strikes and even physical assaults on people in the Upper Castes.”
“What are you going to do about it?”
“My father won’t allow me to do anything about it myself. He is fully relying on his Advisory Team to stop this. The problem is that his council is siding with those in the Upper Castes, even though it is the Upper Castes that have failed the Lower Castes. Once my father starts to sign new laws into place the Lower Castes will realize that their King doesn’t care about them and we could have a Civil War on our hands,” He rambled, beginning to pace.
“But the Lower Castes know that you don’t support the Caste System so couldn’t you talk to them?” I asked.
“Not without committing treason. If I speak out against my father the country will see how corrupt their government is and know that we’ve failed them.”
“What are you going to do?” I asked.
“Until I become King there is no public declaration that I can make against the laws that my father will eventually sign without losing the support of the Upper Castes and keeping the support of the Lower Castes. It’s a big mess and there’s only one thing that would even appease the Lower Castes right now.”
“What is it?” I asked, standing up, worried that Enjolras was going to confide a dark plan to me.
“I think I have to marry you.”
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remuswriting · 5 years ago
Sugarawa x Remus self-ship ‘hcs’
List of questions can be found here
I am sad and needed something to help cheer me up, so I did this.
You’re totally welcome to ship us if you’d like.
1. Where was your first date?
All of my first dates I’ve gone on were out to eat and were so boring because the energy was so awkward.  I planned all those dates, so he probably took control over this one.  We probably go on a picnic date in a park that I really like.
2. Who normally plans the dates?
Him 100%.   We were definitely friends before we started dating and he knew I’d get overwhelmed and just make napping a date
3. What type of dates would you two mostly go on? Do you guys have a “date spot” ?
We like to do pretty interactive dates, so ones where you’re not sitting in a restaurant.  Maybe going to bookstores and picking each other out a book.  Or maybe movie night but we go to a movie rental shop to get the movie, popcorn, and candy.  Our ‘date spot’ isn’t really definitive, but we probably end up going to the park the most.
4. What kind of date do you think the both of you would enjoy together the most? Why?
Interactive dates like I said above.  I know all dates are quality time with someone else, but ours kind of intensify it.  Our dates require us to be more alone together, even in a bookstore we end up back together in the end and then maybe go read at our park.  Just spending time together outside of the house and also being alone at the same time.
5. How do you think your friends would feel about them being your bf/gf/partner?
I actually asked my best friend this question because she also watches Haikyuu and she said she’d be shocked.  She’d be extremely happy for me, but shocked that I managed to actually talk to him.  My other friends would be okay with him; he and I are pretty similar, so they’d think it was a good match.
6. How do you think their friends would feel about you?
I think Daichi and Asahi would like me because we were already friends before. I’m not sure who all he stays close friends with after high school, but I doubt any of the Karasuno boys would hate me. Noya and Tanaka may be very wary of me because they obviously love and care about Sugawara.  Kageyama and Tsukishima would literally not care, because it’s not their relationship.
7. Who would most likely help the other study when they’re struggling in a class?
He would definitely have to help me.  Struggling in a class doesn’t really mean I’m bad in it but that I just can’t concentrate.  I am shit about math and science, but I could make pretty good grades if I was able to just focus on studying.  Suga would definitely help me focus though, because studying with other people always helps me.
8. How would you know them? ( ex: same homeroom, same route to school, etc.)
I’ve put so much thought into this.  It would be freshman composition 1, which means we’re freshmen in university.  I’m sitting alone, way too early to class because it’s the first day, and Sugawara decides he will sit next to me, even though there are tons of empty chairs. He decides to ask me what I’m doing on my computer because ‘you’re typing a lot’ and I tell him I’m writing. Every day he asks me to tell him a new thing about what I’m writing, and we end up pairing up for a group project and become friends.
9. What do you think your first impression of them would be?
Definitely ‘holy shit he is so pretty, why is this really beautiful guy so pretty’ and then he talks to me and I’m really trying to hold in my gay panic because ‘even his voice is pretty, I have never seen a man as pretty as this one.
10. What do you think their first impression of you would be?
Probably thinks I’m shy (I’m kind of am but not really) and thinks it’s cute how flustered I get when he starts talking to me.
11. Who’s more awkward in the relationship?
Me.  I’ve been in a lot of relationships, but they were all disasters, so I’d be pretty awkward because I’m not exactly sure on what to do.
12. Who initiates verbal affection more?
Me.  I’m not very touchy, even in relationships, and my love language is heavy on words of affirmation.
13. Who initiates physical affection more?
Suga.  I think he’s more into PDA to show his love.  We’d probably come up with a compromise, because I’ll do PDA but physical touch cause me a lot of anxiety at times.
14. Who gets more embarrassed by verbal affection?
I think we’d both get embarrassed when receiving it, but he’d also get embarrassed when saying it while I wouldn’t.  Even though verbal affection is my love language, but I still get embarrassed when receiving it (attention can make me embarrassed in general); I’m super confident at giving it.
15. Who gets more embarrassed by physical affection?
Me.  I’ve already said it can give me anxiety and that’s the main reason why I’d get embarrassed.
16. How well do you think your music tastes would mix? Would they like the music you listen to? Would you like the music they listen to?
I have absolutely no clue. Sugawara doesn’t seem like the kind of person who listens to sad music on repeat.  He’s into more of Disney and anime openings/endings.  I wouldn’t have any problems listen to what he listens to, I just hate country music.
17. Who is the one more likely to keep the other in check? ( ex: keeping up with studies, making sure the other isn’t skipping class, etc.)
He definitely always having to keep me in check.  I struggle with depression, which has made me skip 3 weeks of class before.  His way of keeping me in check would be to schedule breakfast/lunch dates on campus, so I feel like I have to go to class to tell him about my classes.
18. How similar are your personalities?
We’re pretty similar. He’s more affectionate than I am with people.  I come off as pretty aggressive and cold, but I do care about those around me.  So, we’re both fairly caring and like to help others, but we’re both extremely chaotic.  I’m pretty sure I’m more chaotic than he is.  He likes to ensue chaos amongst people while I’m the person who sits in the middle of campus at 2am and campus police have to ask if I’m okay.
19. How compatible are your mbti’s?
I’m an INTP and he’s an INFJ.  I looked up the compatibility and it says it’s pretty strong.   I’ll just believe the internet. 
20. How compatible are your zodiac signs?
I think zodiac signs are really stupid, so I don’t really care about this one.  I’m a Taurus and he’s a Gemini.  I have like 3 friends who are Gemini and we get along just fine.  I think personality type is more important than zodiac sign.
21. Who would be the tattoo artist and who would be the florist?
Neither.  Sugawara is a barista at the only coffee shop that serves gluten free lemon cake near campus.  I’m the creative writing major, who is working on his huge project, that comes in every day he works.  I also definitely messed up my order the first time I saw him.
22. How big is the height difference?
           He’s 5’8” and I’m 5’1” so seven inches.
23. How would you describe your first kiss?
I’m going to let you guys in on a little secret; all first kisses suck.  Never base if you’re going to date someone because of a first kiss, because it is always awkward and lowkey sucks.  Our first kiss would be awkward, we definitely knocked noses and he had to grab my face to kiss me.  The kiss itself wasn’t bad, the entire experience was awkward though.
24. Would you confess first, or would they? How would it have gone?
Sugawara confessed first because I literally don’t know how to.  He was at my apartment studying while I was writing and I asked if I could read out some dialogue for him because I didn’t know if it was any good. He then just said “I really, really like you” and I was like “Cool, I like you too, now can I read out this dialogue?
25. Do you think they’d be good at your love language?
I have multiple love languages, I tied in all three of these; Words of Affirmation, Quality Time, and Acts of Service.  They end up tying into some of my mental illness, so they all really make sense for me.
I truly know that he would be good at my love language(s).  Spending quality time together is already a common thing for us and we tell each other we love each other all the time.  He praises me when I do good on things and just makes sure I know he loves me.  Acts of Service isn’t a love language that I am always in need of.  It’s mainly for when I become depressed to where I can’t really function like I typically do, and he helps me where he can.  When I need that type of love language, I don’t really want any words of affirmation because it causes me to feel guilty.  But him coming over (or home) and cleaning up the place before laying next to me and telling me about his day is something that would mean the world to me.
26. What do you think their love language is, and do you think you’d be good at it?
I firmly believe this man’s love language is physical touch.  I would do my best at it.  I may not do it all the time, but there would be times I would just know to do it because he needed it and that’s all that matters to me.  Over time I think I’d get better at it, but it could take years for me to get to a point where I was ‘good’ at it.
27. Why do you think they fell for you?
I don’t 100% know.  I know we’d be good friends, but something probably happened to make him realize he liked/loved me.  It was probably something of he was sad and texted me he couldn’t come over, but I ended up at his doorstep with his favorite food and his favorite chick flic saying that we were going to have the best night ever.
28. Why do you think you’d fall for them?
I fall extremely fast in relationships, it’s really sad to be honest.  He would make me laugh and happy.  Suga would definitely be supportive when I come out to him and told me he’d never see me differently no matter if I was trans or not.  Him being so accepting would probably make me fall in love with him.
29.  Are there any songs that remind you of your self-ship?
Please Notice (Christian Leave), Into You (Ariana Grande), Lethal Combination (The Wombats), Enchanted (Taylor Swift), Dazed & Confused (Ruel), Sucker (Jonas Brothers), Come Back…Be Here (Taylor Swift)
 30. Are there any cliché tropes that apply to your self-ship?
           Friends to lovers is the only one I know of.  I don’t know a lot about cliché tropes.
31.  Who would prefer cooking? Cleaning? Baking? None of the above?
Sugawara would prefer cooking while I prefer baking.  Cleaning would just be something we do together because we both have certain ways we clean things and have to work together on.
32. Who takes really aesthetic, elegant photos of the other?
We take turns in a way, but mainly me.  I hate getting my photo taken, so I’m taking majority of the photos.  He takes really elegant photos of me when I’m not paying attention though.
33. Who takes very unexpected, unflattering photos of the other?
Both.  We’ve made it into a competition of who can get the worst one.  I’m winning with the high quality people where I’m sitting on his seat, my eyes/forehead in the photo, while he looks atrocious because of the angle.
34. How would your (future?) careers work together? Would your schedules clash, or sync well?
I truly hate this question, because I don’t know what career I’m going to have.  I’d love to work in a publishing house, so we’ll go with that one.  Sugawara is an elementary school teacher, as you may already know because of time skip. Our schedules alignment would change pretty regularly depending on the project I have, but I’m always home to tell him to go to sleep and he can finish grading papers in the morning.  He refuses my help on grading because he says I’d be too intense on third graders.
35. Who would suck at games?
I’m assuming this means videogames and I straight up just don’t play any video games.  I’m pretty good at board games (besides Monopoly because I’ve never played it) and would destroy him at Clue.
 36. Who would let the other win at games?
Neither.  We’re both pretty competitive.  He gets pissed because I keep winning at board games when I barely even pay attention to the game though.
37. Who is messier?
Me.  I’m the kind of person that has a clean room before I wake up and suddenly it’s destroyed because I got ready.
38. Who would propose? Would either of you want marriage in the future?
Sugawara would 100% want to get married, but I’m pretty hesitant because of my past relationships and just view on marriage as a whole.  I’d most likely marry him, but that would be a huge talk.  He’d also be the one to propose and it was a huge proposal where we literally go to Disney World to do it.  I later tell him that he could’ve asked me while we were watching Bones and I would’ve said yes.
39. Where would your dream vacation be with your self-ship? What would you guys do?
Disney World and Universal Studios.  I want to live out my dream of getting the photographers of me kissing my boyfriend at Disney World and buying Hogwarts stuff at Universal.  He’s 100% a Slytherin and I’m a Hufflepuff with Slytherin tendencies, aka best pairing.
40. What are traits you have that would annoy/upset them?
I’m severely pessimistic and lazy.  Being lazy would annoy him, but I imagine that my pessimism would eventually piss him off.
41. What are traits they have that would annoy/upset you?
I don’t really know. He seems to be the kind of person that just does everything constantly, and it would annoy me.  He doesn’t know how to take a break and relax, which I do way too much of but that’s because I do a lot of stuff at once and then I relax for however long I can.  Suga doesn’t know how to do that though.  It would just be annoying; it wouldn’t upset me.
42. How often would you guys probably fight? What would they normally be about? Would they be big or small?
I don’t think we’d fight that much, but that’s because I ever get upset enough to actually fight. Sometimes I yell and tell people to actually listen, but that’s the extent of my typical anger.  Our fights would probably revolve around unhealthy habits. Probably tells me to stop being pessimistic and I try to explain it’s not that simple, and soon enough there’s a fight.  He definitely starts them because I think he’s so much more open about everything he feels compared to me.  We never insult each other or anything though, even if it’s a nasty fight.  The worst it has come down to was “I don’t want to see your face right now, I’m leaving” and I end up sleeping at a friend’s house.  The next day we calmly talk through it and the fight is done.
43. Who would probably get sick more often? Who would baby the other when sick? Who acts like they’re dying when they get a stuffy nose?
He definitely gets actually sick more than I do because my immune system is really good.  I tend to not feel good when I’m depressed, I have actually ran a fever because of it, but I’m not actually sick.  I don’t baby him at all.  My mother is a nurse and the most I was babied was when I was really young and had a severe case of the flu, besides that she sets out medications and tells us to drink water and sleep.  I would buy him soup (I have caught soup on fire before) and really cover him with blankets to make sure his fever goes down.  I act like I’m dying when I get a stuffy nose though and he just asks my mom want to get and buys it for me.
44. Who has the worst patience? Does the other balance this out?
I have the worst patience out of everyone I know, except my mother (where I got having no patience from). Sugawara has a lot more patience than I do because of being in volleyball and has to constantly tell me that we will get to the counter eventually when I complain that the line is way too slow and my version of Hell is waiting in a line.
45. Which one suggests trips to stores at 3am?
Me. No one is there that late, so it’s the perfect time to go.
46. Who is a morning person? Who is a night person?
He’s a morning person and I’m a night person.
47. Out of the two of you, who would be the one to kill / get rid of the spider?
Me. Spiders don’t bother at all.
48. Who reminds the other of things? ( ex: appointments, tests, etc.)
Sugawara has to remind me of everything.  I am overly forgetful and he tells me the night before as well as text me before the appointment.  He thought in the beginning of the relationship that getting calls the day before my appointment would truly remind me, but they don’t.  I forget what floor my doctor’s office is on and I’ve been going there for years, so remembering appointments is just extremely hard for me.
49. What is the pace of the relationship? ( ex: started dating after a few weeks, takes months/years, act couple like right off the bat, need time, etc?)
I’m not sure if I fully understand this, but he and I were friends for probably months before we started dating.  I may have liked him longer, but I’m used to guys not liking me back.  He probably liked me for a month and then awkwardly confessed.  We immediately started acting a couple once we started dating though.
50. Who said the first “ I love you”? Was it immediately reciprocated, or did the other person wait?
He said it first.  It slipped out when he was lying next to me on one of my bad days and was like “I just love you so much.”  He didn’t even freeze, at all, and I was pretty quiet because I wasn’t in the mood for talking to begin with.  I said it later when he brought me food, and he almost broke a plate in shock.
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the-house-of-the-nine · 5 years ago
In Mind of Misery: Reflections, Part 2
[Forward:  Since the end of “In Depths Below” the Nine have been busy trying to reclaim Lazarius’ family fortune, rebuilding, and forging new allies.  We are current in the WoW Timeline with this entry, NZoth has risen, the world is in chaos, and now, the Council of Nine are at a disadvantage.  New Readers, please note each of the roleplayers as the following...
[ L.K ] - Lazarius Kashebahl,  Algus Kross, Doctor Whistletorque, Marseille
[ V.D ]  Verzatea Duskflame , Pame
[ S.K ] Siida-Ray Kashebahl
[ K.A ] Koltun Ancientveil
[ J ] Jursol (AND JIMBA!)
And as always, thank you so much for continued support, posting, reblogs, likes and friendly messages!  Please enjoy! ]
[ S. K ] Siida was Matron for a reason and when Brinys left Tea's side, the woman was ready and more than happy to scoop the little one up. Of course the proper offering of a hug was accepted before Siida picked Brinys up for a hug and offered the little one a kiss to the crown of her head.
"You're getting more and more beautiful every day little one." Siida mused and offered a wave of her fingers to Tea. She was one of the few who knew of her desires, her wants to be a mother, to protect and nurture a child of her own.
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"It is always so nice when we can all be gathered in one place."
[ L.K ]  Lazarius has all but hidden the massive searching eye on his ribs when Tea had arrived.  He would tuck his tunic in on the one side but neglect the other.  His attention shifted to his daughter.
In the past he would have been far more distant to interact with the child but these days he was much more active in her life.  As he moved   closer to his sister and Brinys he would reach for them both.  A hand against Siidas shoulder as he moved in to place a kiss upon Brinys head as he tussled her hair.
“Are you behaving for Mama?  Or ... have you started using those little void portals to hide snacks like I taught you.”.
He smirked and peered around his heir toward Verza, of course he’d taught the rapidly growing child magic, it was in his nature.
“I take it you’ve noticed the lack of support in the halls... Marseille has been dealing with loose ends for us.”
The shade had stepped away for the moment and made his way over to Jursol and Pame.  He would bow his head to the Kaldorei and motion for her to join him.
“You look rested, it would be nice for you to join me on the next outing to ensure secrets are not leaked.”  he had said while the others spoke deeper into the Library.
[ V. D ] The casual atmosphere within the library among everyone further eased Verzatea and Pame, although it was the Confessor who'd indulge the silence between Lazarius, Siida and Brinys.
"I knew it!"
She huffs in frustration, giving Laz a nasty glare as she scolds and scolds,
"I just knew you had to be the one to teach her that... Shes been sneaking cakes and sweets, Kashe'bahl," Tea groans, turning to set her journal and writing utensils down.
With a quick twist and pop the maiden removes the cork from her inkwell, her scowling persisting as she sets herself for her writing session. Though as she paused she'd calm significantly from her brief flash of aggravation, sighing heavily before propping her hands atop her hips, turning to better eye the Inquisitor and Matron respectively, a small smile gracing her lips now,
"Though I must confess... It's good to see everyone mingling once more. It's too quiet otherwise," she nods toward Lazarius, as if acknowledging his question regarding the fewer bodies in the Bastille.
The sudden appearance of Jursol would cause Pame to stiffen, the kaldoreis ears twitching with life as she sizes the troll up with great uncertainty. Her full lips press into a tight line whilst she sways atop her boots, shifting her weight from leg to leg before nodding her head forward, her eyes then squinting toward Marsielle in acknowledgement before fixating on Jursol once more.
"I'm... Not gonna hold hands like a child," she quips, frowning mostly out of embarrassment from being caught, her arms folding beneath her bosom while inching forward.
Clearly she'd enter as requested, just not being led like a lost lamb!
"Sleep," Pame suddenly blurts out, her brows furrowing as she explains, "Thats the secret to being well rested, in case you're wondering...," with a clearing of her throat she changes up her tone, feeling stupid for having tried to joke, "How do we intend to protect those leaks?"
All of this whilst Brinys played with Siidas golden locks, her features bright and happy, expressing the child's unrivaled excitement. Often the child peeks back over at Jursol, absolutely enthralled with the womans looks. With Laz's teasing remarks Brinys pouts,
"Mama took away the snacks-- She doesn't think I'll sleep if I have them--," and cue puppy dog eyes toward Aunt Siida.
[ J ]  Jursol followed Pame over to the others keeping hold of the little raptor. Her eyes moved to the little girl as she snickers at her snack comment. Reaching to a pocket at her side pulling out a strange fruit. A reddish color pear shaped fruit was held out to Tea. It smelled sweet and looked like a good snack for a growing kid.
“Dis be a favorite of kids back in Zandalar. It won’t even keep her up at night. It not be like da sugar snacks others eat.” It was just a small gesture, but one she hoped was ok. She was still getting used to how others were around here. However she did have a soft spot for kids and animals.
[ V.D ]  Tea's brows loft in surprise at the small gesture, though she'd instantly smile and thank the troll for her suggestions, reaching to gather up the fruit. In truth, she didn't want to doubt Jursols generosity. Tea was almost completely certain that the fruit was one hundred percent safe to consume-- but she had some doubts... Panging in the very back of her mind.
After all, she's had enough experiences of immense hallucinations directly after eatting strange fruits before. But how to ask that without coming off as a painfully assholeish overprotective parent? Then again, was it really too much to ask to not get your young child high?
"So... What is it?" Tea inquires, reviewing the fruit from every angle.
In all her hundreds of years she'd garnered up enough knowledge to almost confidently call the fruit a pear, similar to the green delicacies the Sindorei consume with certain types of wines. But... When it came to trolls? There was just no telling sometimes, no matter how simple it looks at face value.
[ J ]  Jursol smiles as she answered her question about the fruit.
“We call it a cactus pear. It be from certain cactus dat grow big in da hot deserts. One can make a good many things from it! From drinks ta sweets, ta eating it as is. Peel da skin back and eat it as is, or break it apart and eat the sweet flesh inside.”
She said with confidence that it was definitely a tasty treat.
[ L.K ] "Not to be the cynical barer of bad news. . . but if the Confessor and Shadowhunter are through. . ." Lazarius calmly gave his spawn one final nudge against the back of her shoulder with his mummified fingers before moving closer to the others.
"I have a mysterious blinking eye that has manifested itself on my person the likes of which I would enjoy seeing gone rather quickly."  There seemed to be this aura of uncertainty behind the black eyes of the stern Inquisitor; everyone's favorite 'adult' who liked to rain of their parade of snacks and welcome greetings.
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Lazarius focused his unshifting pupiless gaze to Verzatea as he inclined his nose and peered at her. "My former Mistress. . . seems to have left me one final gift.  And now I fear we are all in jeopardy."
The dark eyes faltered as he turned away in shame.  It was obvious from his facial expression that he was not entirely certain how to deal with this situation let alone how to eliminate the threat.
"I don't know what it does. . .or how we remove it. . ."
Marseille would give Pame the LOOK as his straight back and downward glance took her in; he was a rather tall and thin elf.  He would crack not even half a smile at her comment but would reply as he always did.  Stoic, calm and extremely direct.
"All members of The Nine are carriers of an enzyme that is implanted on their genetics when donating their blood sample to the Pit of Lothia.  A countermeasure to ensure that should someone become rogue and leave the order.  Their memory can be wiped so they've no knowledge of the location of the Bastille, and our secrets.  And as such. . . most have been dealt with, non-violently.  Some have found ways to remove the enzyme and cleanse themselves prior to departure from the order. So. . . these ‘agents’ are to be eliminated.  Forcefully."
[ S.K ]   "Brinys, remember what we talked about, using your powers for good and not manipulation, at least not until you're older." Though despite that soft and gentle dressing down, Siida procured as if from air, a cookie and offered it to the child.
"That said, I'm a weakling when it comes to you." As her brother began to speak, Siida offered her full attention. It seemed that the rising of Nzoth had brought the eye on, perhaps his fall would be the only thing to make it disappear....but who were they to challenge an old one?
[ V.D ] A content Brinys suckled and nibbled at the conjured sweet treat with utmost wonderment, her eyes wide as she seemed to put every ounce of focus into accessing each individual piece of taste the cookie offered. If she wasn't the perfect child for the Confessor (of whom had a passion for baking sweets) than who was? Although currently Verzatea was a far cry away from amused by her luck. The child was a menace when she had a sugar high, why wouldn't anyone listen?!
The Confessor, with an exhausted sigh, shakes her head and straightens her posture at the goading tone of the Inquisitor when he commented on the friendly exchange between Jursol and herself, and momentarily would Tea stiffen in preparation of a rant... Until his following statements explaining the predicament would astonish her into silence, eyes widening bit by bit as her mouth falls open further in her shock. Instantly her eyes move toward Brinys, her previous irritation with the child's bad behavior was replaced with firm devotion.
She'd give her life for her family, and as her eyes drift across the library to inspect everyone in the room she'd come to acknowledge that whatever the Mistress caused with this curse upon Lazarius was a threat until proven otherwise. Instantly her eyes harden with determination whilst she turns to face Lazarius, procuring her wand before gesturing toward Lazarius, her lacking room for argument as she encourages:
"Let me witness it for myself, Lazarius." Though she pauses, glancing toward Brinys again before murmuring toward the others, careful to not stir Brinys from her oblivious state, "Perhaps... Brinys might enjoy spending time with Abbigael while the adults speak?"
Pames lips quirk with amusement, a flicker of brutal manic visible in her silver gaze before she'd blink it away into a more calm and serene expression. Her attention moves to Lazarius before she can reply to Marsielle, catching the information of a supposed eye blemish which leads her to remark smoothly, though she leans toward Mars some to signify to the elf that she understood their task.
"Then we'll swiftly wipe out any threats that could make our situation anymore strained. Then our full attention and full force can be focused on the eye issue. Simply leave the loose ends to the shadows and any worthy willing participant you wish to spare, sire,"
She nods toward Lazarius at the end of her spiel.
[ L.K ] Lazarius made a motion toward Kross.  Of which the spirit was able to give a firm snap of his ghostly fingers and Abbigael would be summoned from the back of the library.  The eternally youthful girl raced forward; the train of her gown sweeping along the floor as she hurried over to Brinsy and scooped her up.
“Come come come little darling, let us go and visit the cuddliest pups down in the habitat! I hear the puppies have opened their eyes!”.
Worg pups they’d managed to rescue; Lazarius would find a use for them.
After they’d rushed off and the room was clear of the child; Lazarius once again peeled up his shirt and displayed the forbidding menace fused to his skin.  It was rolled over white and upon being put on display its slit of a pupil burst to life and began peering around the room. Yellows and reds and deep purples curiously bleeding into the center. It seemed to be cognizant but was aimlessly looking about without focus.
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“Id always had the writing on my side where this eye was.  I was never aware of what Raelyndia had put there other than what the Shathyar said.  It was a runic tattoo of writing that said ‘by cursed gaze my path be lit’.”
Lazarius motioned with his wrapped hand; the free one of course, to the books of the library.
“Everything I have deduced is that it was a fail safe for her to know when Nzoth was risen.  And using the eye would allow her to use me to get to it.  I knew of her envy of Azshara being the chosen...she was jealous of the sea witch....*”
[ J ]   Jursol was listening closely to everyone as she stood fairly relaxed. Jimba nipping at her as she allowed him to play. Her focus was on how to help with this cursed tattoo. She was also fascinated by it, as much as she was worried. “How long ago was dis put there?” She questioned as she looked at it again.
[ L.K ]   “I was still young, a bit over two and a half centuries.”. Lazarius responded just to Jursol to answer that question.
[ V.D ] Once the garb was lifted to reveal the abomination beneath had Verzatea drawn closer, the hand which clung to her new wand would twist and gesture toward her book, a gust of conjured wind pushing the hard covered journal from the table along with the inkwell and feather quill. The trio of writing supplies hover a few feet off the ground, drifting lazily in Tea's wake as the furrow browed Confessor caresses every edge and curve of the pupil with her own searching eyes.
The quill dips itself into the inkwell, the enchanted utensil then poising itself above a blank journal page in preparation to write.
"Have you felt any discomforts, between when it formed and now? Or anything unusual?" Filler questions to narrow down a list of thousands of possibilities regarding the unfamiliar and grotesque growth on Laz's torso. Tea would even go as far as to grab the quill and brush the soft feather across Laz's skin if he'd allow her to test the pupil, aiming to test the eyes sensitivity.
[ L.K ]   “There are no discomforting side effects, it is not truly an eye growing out of my flesh.  Granted I do have crags of bone in my flesh and have been known to take on a parasitic form....this is different.”.
Lazarius remained on display for her.
“It is magically just an illusion that she must have enchanted into the ink she used.  I would wager it may be ancient Magic’s.”
Lazarius reacted to the feather as it brushed him and instantly swatted at Verzas hand and the quill. He mouthed ‘stop’ as he shifted and wiggled from the quill.
“In any case...so far nothing but the eye has presented itself...no real shift in my tone or ways.  My thoughts are my own...”
To Be Continued: In Mind of Misery: Reflections, Part 3
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fairytaleislandvisitor · 5 years ago
Here's some F7 band ideas
Quick recap of F7
Merlin: the lead guitar and lead vocalist
Arthur: Guitarist
Hans: Drummer
Jack: Pianist and violinist
Pino, Noki and Kio: DJs
(Arthur, Hans, Pino, Noki and Kio also do backing vocals. Jack is too powerful.)
-Joining order is the triplets, Hans, Arthur, Jack and finally, Merlin
-Pino, Noki and Kio were the ones to start gathering everyone to be part of the band
-Hans joined immediately after being asked to, because drums, man
-Arthur jammed with the group a couple of times before being completely convinced
-Jack came across the group by complete accident as he was more into classical than what F5, at the moment, was about
-Becoming friends with them caused the group to ask Jack to join to give the band a more distinct sound. This was a joke. However, after becoming familiar with electronic violins and pianos, he became a part of the band rather quickly
-They basically absorbed him into the group
-Merlin was the most reluctant to join but became more passionate than any other member and wants the band to succeed, mostly because of his ego, the other part being the desire to be noticed by a mysterious artist called Red Shoes
-Merlin keeps a journal of songs, specifically used to store ballads and other songs he writes to Red Shoes
-He doesn't let anyone see this journal, even if the other 6 of F7 are aware of what he puts in it (Merlin isn't that good at concealing his crush)
-This is why Something so beautiful is a F7 single
-F7 know about idol and boy band style dancing (Imagine Thropy boy from Charming as the F7 is completely feeling it with a rehearsed routine)
-It might not be often, but do know that the boys can dance if need be
-Pino, Noki, Kio and Hans make the melodies in their songs while Arthur and Merlin focus on the lyrical side of things. Jack helps in both departments as a final proofreader of sorts. If he was a bigger part of the process, F7 songs might cause people to be set on fire
-This is why “Something so beautiful” is a F7 single
-They were also the ones to compose the theme of Average, which they had to do mostly against their will. Money problems make you do things. The absence of lyrics is because it was basically a diss track (Average still liked and was impressed by the song otherwise. He started literally blaring it anywhere he went. This instance is why he wanted to become a musical rival to F7)
-Magical music is a part of this universe. Merlin's magic is lightning, Jack's is fire, The triplets control nature, Arthur has earth to deal with and Hans has water.
-It's not yet sure if these abilities can only be accessed by taking part in music
-Pino's DJ causes trees to sprout from the ground, even through concrete
-Noki's causes other type of plant life, especially vines and thorns
-Kio's on the other hand causes all sorts of animals to flock to where the music is coming from
-Arthur can create chasms or small hills by simply playing a solo
-Hans's drumming creates water. This causes flooding, which is never a good sign, especially when you're in an environment with a lot of things that work thanks to electricity
-Jack can set things on fire if he raps even a little
-Thanks to this, the studio is in a constant state of chaos
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