#they shouldn't have had to of done that and now i just feel like i wasted their time
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ghostofbambifanfiction · 1 day ago
CYOA 69 sneak peak
Since I'm not going to manage to finish the chapter before I go on vacation, rather than gif hints, I've decided to post the opening scene of the chapter beneath the cut. Surprise?
Private WhatsApp Chat Resumed: Monday 28th March, 2022, 00:00 Members: Lily Evans, James Potter
Lily Evans: You're still out, right? For the rest of the day?
James Potter: yeah we got out of the first room early, so i say we, sirius did most of the heavy lifting because i've been completely out of it just waiting for the next one to be ready they said it would take about 25 minutes
Lily Evans: So I suppose I don't have much time to talk to you?
James Potter: that seems to be today's recurring theme
Lily Evans: I KNOW And I'd wanted SO much to have a properly long conversation with you earlier.
James Potter: so did i, but it's alright hey, lily?
Lily Evans: Yeah?
James Potter: are we okay?
Lily Evans: What?
James Potter: it's just that i feel like we might not be, so i wanted to check
Lily Evans: Wait, what? Why wouldn't we be okay?
James Potter: because of what happened earlier
Lily Evans: You're upset about that?
James Potter: no, but i mean, sort of not because it wasn't the best thing that's ever happened to me, because it was but we had an agreement, you made it really clear that you had this boundary in place and that we shouldn't move too fast, except then we did, and i'm worried that i've made you do something that you weren't ready for which i'm so sorry about, if i have
Lily Evans: Have you been worrying about this since we hung up?
James Potter: yeah well not initially because i was still, y'know heaven
Lily Evans: Right
James Potter: but then i started to really think about what it meant and i feel like i got carried away and cocked up, and i owe you an apology
Lily Evans: No you don't!
James Potter: but i do though, we said we weren't going to do this and now we have because i brought up your friend's brother and asked you to tell me you wanted me when i could have not done those things so i don't want you to feel like this is something you have to keep up just for my sake if you need to take a few steps back now, please tell me and we can do that
Lily Evans: JAMES
James Potter: i just don't want to lose you, i don't want to fuck this up Lily Evans: You're NOT going to lose me, okay?? And I really need you to know that I don't want to lose you, either. Yes, I freaked out earlier when you brought up Aaron because I'd been so sure that you KNEW there wasn't a chance I'd be interested in somebody else and then suddenly it dawned on me that things from your end must have seemed more one-sided than they were, so I told you all of that stuff in a rush, but if the trains hadn't been cancelled and I hadn't gotten home so late I would have said it all anyway, James. I would have said it earlier. Only I'd have said it in the way I'd planned to last night, and it would have made me sound a lot less like a maniac. So PLEASE, don't worry about me and my boundaries right now, because I feel really good about what happened.
James Potter: you'd planned to say that stuff today?
Lily Evans: Yes.
James Potter: because of my birthday??
Lily Evans: Not because it was your birthday, obviously it BEING your birthday made it more of an ideal time, but no. I wanted to say it to you because honestly, James, I think we should just go for it.
James Potter: what do you mean?
Lily Evans: I mean IT As in you and me. As in us. I think we should actually BE an us.
James Potter: you mean be a couple?
Lily Evans: Yes, a couple. Let's be a couple. That's what I want. Is that what you want?
James Potter: lily are you sure? are you REALLY sure?
Lily Evans: Yes, I'm sure.
James Potter: because i don't want you to rush into anything you're not ready for i meant it when i said i was happy to wait
Lily Evans: I know, and I appreciate you so much for that but I promise you, I'm ready. I'm there. I am. I am mad about you, I want us to be together, and I'm SO sick of only being able to half-acknowledge it when all I want to do every minute of every day is let you know it. I said I was frightened and I wasn't lying, but I'm also sick of letting my life be dictated by a bunch of fears and insecurities that aren't going to go away if I wait patiently for them to leave. I have to actually DO something to confront them. So I want us to go for it. I can't be just friends anymore.
James Potter: right
Lily Evans: Unless this isn't sounding good to you and I've completely misread the situation?
James Potter: GOD NO LILY you haven't misread AT ALL i'm just stunned
Lily Evans: Oh. Okay.
James Potter: because i wasn't expecting this i was expecting the opposite after this morning, honestly i thought i'd fucked up somehow i'd thought you were going to want to take a step back
Lily Evans: No, I don't, I really don't, I'm so tired of taking steps back, James. I want to move forward. I want to move forward with you, because I trust you and I know how much you care about me, and I care SO much about you, and I think we could be really great together, you know? I think we could make each other really happy.
James Potter: lily we ARE great together
Lily Evans: WE ARE
James Potter: I KNOW
James Potter: from day one i've always said it i mean, not to you, i was terrified to say it to you but remus and sirius have heard a LOT about it
Lily Evans: Well, I want you to say it to me now, please. Because, you know, if there's a full James Potter experience that I've been missing out on while we've been just friends for the past year and a bit, I want in as soon as possible.
James Potter: oh, there's an experience
Lily Evans: I thought so.
James Potter: very exclusive though
Lily Evans: I should bloody well hope it is, I'm not sharing you with anyone else.
James Potter: there's a single entrant limit, what do you take me for?
Lily Evans: There's not a dress code, is there?
James Potter: dress code is wear whatever you want or wear nothing
Lily Evans: And I can alternate between both?
James Potter: don't let my personal preferences dissuade you from putting on clothes
Lily Evans: I kind of have to if I want to keep my job, right?
James Potter: right so we're together then? properly together? you and me?
Lily Evans: That's what I want, more than anything. I mean that. So if that's what you want too, then yes. Please.
Lily Evans: Unless you'd rather not share our anniversary with your birthday?? I don't know how you feel about that. Although it is after midnight HERE.
James Potter: you're talking about anniversaries you're talking about OUR anniversary lily LILY
Lily Evans: I mean, yeah? I just assumed. Are you okay with that?
Lily Evans: ????
James Potter: i'm sitting here in a waiting room trying to look like i'm not having a heart attack while you tell me that all my dreams are coming true and you're wondering if i'm OKAY with it?
Lily Evans: You have dreams that are unrelated to me!
James Potter: ALL MY DREAMS, LILY i can't believe this is happening this isn't real i'm going to wake up any second, aren't i? i passed out on my bed or something. this can't be real it can't be you're SURE?
Lily Evans: YES I'M SURE
James Potter: you're not worried about rushing into anything??
Lily Evans: No, honestly, I've been thinking about that, and would it even BE rushing into anything when you're still travelling until July and we'll have already been together for a solid three months, long distance, by the time you get back?
James Potter: right yeah so you're cool with that? with the distance?
Lily Evans: Yes, of course, we've been apart this whole time and it hasn't done a thing to get in the way of us becoming as close as we have. And I trust you. I trust you SO much. I just don't want to keep holding things back.
James Potter: you mean everything to me, lil everything in the world you're it for me, you always have been if i tell you that i would do anything for you, i'm not exaggerating, because i really really would i'm sorry if that's too much, it's true though, that's how i feel
Lily Evans: It's not. It's not too much at all, I feel the exact same way. You're it for me too. You really are.
James Potter: and i'm going to do everything in my power to make you happy, alright? i promise i promise that i'm never going to take you for granted for fuck's SAKE they want us in the room now i literally just went and hid in the toilet twenty seconds ago but now sirius is banging on the door one sec, i'm going to tell them that something's come up and i can't do it
Lily Evans: No, it's okay! Do it, it's fine! Sirius has a bunch of genuinely cool plans for your birthday that you deserve to enjoy and I really need to go to bed anyway, hell week starts in the morning and I'm going to need SOME sleep to get through it.
James Potter: lily i will tell everyone in this building to fuck off right now if you want me to, it's fine
Lily Evans: No really, don't! Last night I was convinced that I wanted to have this perfect, planned, lengthy conversation about us, but honestly it really doesn't matter how it happened, I'm just so happy that it did.
James Potter: i'm crazy about you, do you know that?
Lily Evans: I'm crazy about you! You're all I bloody think about!
Lily Evans: Okay so GO HAVE FUN and I'm going to go to bed and try to sleep and I'll text you in the morning and we'll sort out a time to talk PROPERLY and figure all this out, okay?
James Potter: okay okay okay jesus, my heart's beating so fast i might collapse
Lily Evans: Lol mine too, I'm going to need the blue Nytol to sleep tonight.
James Potter: i'm going to need a mallet to the head
Lily Evans: Tire yourself out having THE BEST time tonight and you'll be alright. Now get out of the loo and escape the room, I adore you.
James Potter: i adore you too, you goddess of a woman
Lily Evans: Okay I'm GOING TO BED or else you're never going to leave that bathroom and I'm going to be a zombie with eye bags at work tomorrow.
James Potter: you could not sleep for a week and still be beautiful
Lily Evans: STOP
James Potter: I'M LEAVING NOW
Lily Evans: Okay GOODNIGHT, I miss you already x
James Potter: GOODNIGHT i miss you too x
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beef-brisket · 19 hours ago
Adam: Babe- watching the look on her fucking face was priceless!
Lucifer chuckled from his place at the kitchen table. He had just taken down another overlord and stole her contracts.
Adam: "Hand over your soul and I'll think about letting you live-" fucking- SICK, babe!
Sipping his coffee, Lucifer smiled warmly at Adam. It was nice having someone excited about his accomplishments. Some would argue that he's more excited than Lucifer.
Lucifer: Thank you, darling. I do try.
Sitting across from Lucifer, Adam stirred his coffee: I've got the next three bastards for you to go after, babe. And once you have them- fuck, you'd likely be the strongest overlord in Hell!
Lucifer: Oh? And who do you recommend being my next targets?
Adam got slightly uncomfortable. Anyone could be listening. But, of course, he had to start second-guessing when he's already given Lucifer the motivation.
Adam: Oh- uh... I shouldn't say names- the walls, floors- uh- tvs have ears.
Lucifer perked up: Tvs?
Adam nodded: ...You know that tower? With the... you know-?
Lucifer: The 'V'?
Adam: Shh! But yeah... that. Those three have a shit tone of souls on their own, but together? They run Pride... after Satan, of course.
Lucifer: You're uncomfortable. Know them personally?
Adam tensed before looking away: I've uh... done some work for one of them. When my owner kicked me out, I had nowhere to go, and I needed work. Look... all I'm saying is their the big dogs of Hell. If you want more souls, power, respect, fear- and other words, I can't be bothered thinking about them, their your guys.
Lucifer nodded: Hm, well, thank you for the recommendation, darling. And soon, I should be able to go after that Radio Demon of yours-.
Adam: Shh! Babe! Fuck! If he fucking finds out- shit...
Reaching over the table, Lucifer holds Adam's trembling hand, running his fingers over his knuckles.
Lucifer: I won't let anything happen to you, Adam. I promise.
Adam nodded, looking down into his drink. Lucifer jumped when his eyes flashed gold.
Adam: Shit-! I've got to go!
Lucifer: Uh- what's happening?
Standing from the table, he sculled his coffee: I'm being summoned, babe! You're about to watch your man at work! Well, not really, you can't come, but hopefully I won't be long!
Lucifer smiled when Adam kissed him on the cheek before disappearing in a wall of green flame.
Pacing the basement, Charlie bit her nail. She couldn't sell the house. Not yet. Not now.
But, after clearing out the basement, she found a strange symbol on the floor. After a few clicks on her phone, she quickly found out who it was meant for.
A demon called the Goat.
Charlie jumped back when a wall of green flame exploded out of the symbol.
Adam: I was in the middle of my coffee-! Oh. Hey, cutie~.
Charlie stared at the giant goat demon. She could feel herself shaking, but she refused to back down.
Charlie: ...I need a deal.
Adam: Hm. No hello? Rude.
Looking around, Adam's eyes narrowed. Does this place look familiar or...?
Charlie: Oh- sorry. Hi. I need a deal.
Adam: ...Pft. Alright. Good enough. What can I do for ya~?
Charlie: I... I lost my parents... a while ago- my dad died- but my mom- she ran. Or something. I need you to find her for me. I need... I need someone... I'm- I'm alone...
Adam looked over the girl, and she looked worse for wear. She looked exhausted, like she hasn't slept in days. He actually felt sorry for her.
A little bit.
Adam: Hm. I can do that! But, I need something in return.
Charlie: I know. My soul. And you can have it.
Adam: Great! Straight to the point, I like that! Just a fair warning. I can't do my usual rock your world thing, this dick is taken.
Charlie raised an eyebrow: Rock... my world? As in...?
Adam: Fuck you. I'm great, by the way. I just can't thrse days, you know?
Charlie: ...That's... not a problem. You're uh... not my type.
Adam gasped: Excuse me?! I'm everybody's type-! Okay, fuckimg- whatever. It's fine. So, you want me to find your mommy, and in return I will own your soul. Upon your death, you'll join me in hell, blah blah blah- and be my eternal slave- not really, but it's for the speech. So! Sounds good~?
Charlie eyed the black clawed hand that reached out to her. She shouldn't do this. But... she had to.
Taking the hand in hers, she closed her eyes as that same green flame from before enshrouded her before disappearing.
Adam: Great! So, to do your little task, ima need you to break this here circle.
Glancing down, Charlie did as the demon asked. She stood back as the demon walked out of the symbol. He was... a lot bigger than she thought he would be.
Adam: So! Who's this chick I'm looking for?
Charlie swallowed: Lilith Morningstar.
Adam's eyes went wide, and his mouth started to water as soon as he heard the name. He could still feel her blood and bones running down his throat-.
Charlie: You okay? Are... you looking for her...?
Adam: Oh... uh... y-yeah! Fuck...
House husband!Lucifer summoning goat!demon Adam for personal reasons 👀
But things quickly go wrong when he accidentally releases the demon and it eats all of his food, and tries to kill his wife.
Woops 🤷
RIP Lilith lol
Lucifer wasn't sure about this but what else did he have to lose? Ouji boards are sold in toy stores for children, if an 8 year old can summon a demon so can he.
He just needs a break........ Lilith had been so demanding lately and he doesn't know what else to do to relax and make her happy.
Nothing seems to make her happy at the moment and when she's not happy, no one under their roof is happy.
A demon summoning might seem a bit silly or extreme, but Lucifer doesn't know what else to do. Worst case scenario it just doesn't work and he wasted $10 on a book.
Lucifer: Here goes nothing.
He drew the symbol on the floor and stood a good distance away before saying the words.
Lucifer didn't expect it to work.
But it did.
The symbol glowed a demonic red color and a tall goat demon appeared in front of him.
Lucifer: Holy shit......
Adam: Who dares-!?........ Oh my Satan you're adorable!
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alongtidesoflight · 3 months ago
i swear my stepdad is so illogical AND stubborn it hurts
#okay so strap in coz this is a wild ride#tl;dr we have been without heat and warm water for years and i mean literal years#because he refuses to pay off some debt he built up with the company#because he feels unfairly treated (let's not get into this. it absolutely makes no sense) by the company#so instead of doing the logical step of growing some balls and admitting he made a mistake and paying off his shit#he's been looking for a new supplier all over but the deal IS#that he's been doing this with a couple of places before and people are hesitant to even make him any offers#and you'd think that learning about THAT at least now he'd be like. idk willing to just pay off his debt and be done with it#but you'd be WRONG#now he's looking to just have our entire heating system replaced for the teeny tiny price of 25000 bucks#mind you his debt isn't even a THIRD of that#and obviously he can't afford those 25000 bucks#so what's his next step now you might wonder?#well good thing you asked. his next step is going off on ME for not paying towards the new heating he wants#and now that that's not working for him guess what he did next?#that's right. he bought shit expensive 'space heaters' that are pretty much just small little boxes that you plug into an outlet#and he swears up and down that they're going to heat up our house (it's negative degrees outside)#(it's obviously not working)#and genuinely. all i can think of is how much money he shoved into trying to macgyver this house into a house with warm water and heating#and how he blew off ten thousands of bucks he got paid when he retired within the span of two weeks#when this debt could have been paid off ten times over by now#so now you might be thinking. okay tiago. why don't you move out#good question you see. my mom is disabled and reliant on someone who cares for her#something that he can't won't and shouldn't do because the last time he sorta kinda tried she almost died and we had to call an ambulance#she wouldn't eat a thing if i weren't there to cook. the house would fall into disrepair if i wouldn't do maintenance all around#i've set up (functioning) heat in some areas she occupies and i've gotten a boiler going so she at least has warm water#i'm paying off their bills to make sure he doesn't skip on paying any others. i'm buying groceries for them because again they wouldn't get#any for themselves#and finally. i've offered to pay off his debt so that we can finally live like normal fucking people do#and guess what. guess WHAT. he just got mad at me for not adding money to that 25000 bucks pool for that new fancy heating he wants
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hongjoongspoetry · 15 minutes ago
You picking meowth as Wooyoung's pokemon is the highlight of my week, no kidding. I remember watching pokemon when I was younger, and although I don't remember anything about pokemons today, I do remember meowth being a menace (correct me if im wrong) so Woo and meowth are just perfect! Also, the further I get into the story, the more I love their relationship.
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I stand by Meowth being a menace, by the way, like she led him to the beach because she knows the MC would be there 😭 I can just imagine her playing a little wing-(wo)man
Dude, why didn't anyone tell me just how pretty Milotic is???? You know, I'm really enjoying this pokemonteez series because it makes me appreciate all pokemons that aren't "flashy" or "popular". Like yes I know the OG pokemons: pikachu, eevee, squirtle, meowth... but only now am I getting more "lore" and knowledge about the others and THEY ARE SO UNDERRATED??? AND PRETTY???
Some kids on the beach had been bullying her and making fun of her so called "ugly" appearance and had even gone so far to throw rocks at her.
THEY DID WHAT??? I just looked up what a feebas looks like and now I feel so fucking sad 😭 I hate bullies man, they even threw rocks at her omg. Im ready to square up for a non-existent being
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So at the ripe age of ten you had thrown yourself at the kids and you had punched and bit them and even screamed at them to never do that to anyone again or they'd face your wrath once more. They had run away crying after that but they never did anything mean again to anyone. Your little demonstration of what would happen had scared them enough into actually changing their behavior.
I really shouldn't be laughing, but BITING THEM? AHHAHAHAHH YES!!!! Ugh, I love this MC already and we're still only getting to know her
To the point where she'd be visibly upset when you had to go home for the day, so to fix that heartbroken look on her face you had tied a bracelet you had worn around her flipper so she'd always have a part of you with her and so that you'd find her no matter where she was in the ocean. She had been so happy and had done several jumps in the water to showcase her happiness and gratitude towards you.
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That's it. Out of everyone, this MC and Feebas/Milotic's relationship is my favorite. I need to give my girls big hugs and wrap them in bubble wrap. I dread the day I read an angsty fic of yours, Esther, because I sincerely don't think I'd be able to recover. My heart is in half just reading kids bullying Feebas and the MC thinking they lost her forever-
Okay, but imagine having your own pokemon irl. That would be so cool, it's like a pet, but cooler. They are basically magical and companions for life, what/who else would you need?
"I don't like bullying." You start, seething at what you had noticed going on at your beach. "And I especially don't like bullying when more than one gang up on someone who is weaker than the others or who is all alone. Attacking someone who doesn't want to battle you on the sole purpose of stealing their pokémon. I won't stand for it and especially not on my beach." You spit out glaring at the grunts who along with their Pokémon's had been blasted towards the rocks and were lying face down in the sand.
I said it before while reading your Hongjoong Pokemon fic, but your writing really makes me feel as if I'm watching an episode of the real anime. Their characteristics, how they talk, act, descriptions of the scenery, everything! It's like I've been brought back in time and am sitting in my grandparents' living room watching pokemon on the fat TV 😭🥹🩷
"You're so pretty." You mumble and she lets out a happy nyaaa at that. "Mreowth!" She points at you and you tilt your head at her. "You think I'm beautiful?" You questions and she nods excitedly before also pointing at Wooyoung and then back at you. "I don't think I understand..." You trail off trying to figure out what she's trying to say. "Ah! Meowth!! Stop that!!" Wooyoung tries to get his partner to stop explaining that he likes you and thinks you're beautiful but to no avail, she continues on to tell you in her own special way how much he seems to like you.
This is peak comedy and so pokemon-coded 😭 Istg, you should apply for writing their epsiodes or something (is the show still running?)
I really like this Wooyoung you've created that isn't just him teasing and making fun of the MC. He's shy and a bit of a flustered mess, but he's also very kind to the people around him. It was also very cute seeing him sacrifice his own safety for Meowth 🥹And while we are on the topic of personalities, it's so fun to see the different pokemons behaviours. Meowth being a meddler, but also shy like her partner whenever MC compliments her 😭
You have to look away several times from Wooyoung as his chest is now revealed due to his shirt being tied around Meowth and around his lower chest. He's stunning and you knew that already but seeing him like this so up close makes your cheeks heat up like the very lava flowing in the Wela volcano.
AHAHAHAHHAHA YEAH, no one is safe from shirtless woo, huh 😭 To be fair, I think he gets more attractive because he's so protective over Meowth
Istg if wooyoung doesn't confess on the beautiful lovers-hearts-island, im suing. Idk who, but someone is being taken to court! On another note, that island is stunning!!! It's probably where San was born (get it, cause he's so romantic)
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Lucky for you Wooyoung is quick and manages to catch you, he holds you close to him and he smirks down at you. Your face is slightly flushed, perhaps it's from the burning Alolan sun or perhaps it's because you're embarrassed you fell in front of him. "Falling for me are you Y/n?" "M-maybe I am." "Good because I fell for you a long time ago pretty."
So, now that my live reactions are out of the way, I just wanna say im NEVER getting over this series and I'm so happy you're writing for all of the members. So far, I've only read Woo and Joong's (Hwa is next), but I can't wait to see what you will do with the remaining members. Like I need to see Yunho with a dog-pokemon or wolf-pokemon (if there are any). Your writing is so 'one of a kind' and I can't get enough of it. Ive also realized, from reading your works, that you are one of my favorite writers especially when it comes to fluff!! We don't have nearly enough fluff-fics on atinyblr and in my opinion, you are leading that little army we have!! 🩷
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🪻Swept Away🪻
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✨Pairing: Pokémontrainer!Wooyoung x pokémontrainer!gn!reader ✨Prompt: Wooyoung and his partner visits the Heahea beach every day in hopes of seeing the trainer who swims with their Milotic and perhaps even gain the courage to get in the water to talk to them. ✨Genre: pokémon au, fluff, love at first sight, romance ✨Word count: 6k ☀️Authors note: after Hongjoongs and Seonghwas pokémon one shots it's Wooyoungs turn🥰 I'm really enjoying writing these pokémon one shots as I work on my other series as well💓 If anyone wanna be tagged in the other pokémon one shots as well just let me know and I'll add you to the tag list🫶🏻 🌟Tag list: @hongjoongspoetry
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Wooyoung doesn't know when it started.
He doesn’t know when he suddenly incorporated it into his daily routine to walk to one of the beaches in hopes of spotting you swimming in the ocean with your milotic. Perhaps it was that one time he spotted you allowing some kids to pet your beautiful Pokémon or that first time he and meowth spotted you in the far distance, all alone in the ocean just swimming around while laughing with joy?
Either way he knows that he always wants to see you at least once every day if he’s lucky. It makes his heart race every time he sees you even if you’re just a dot in the distance and his partner has so many times teased him for the way he’s absolutely love struck by you. He’s tried to deny it but after the first few times of teasing he gave up.
He’d usually say something like:
“So what?! I’m attracted to beauty and kindness, can you blame me?!” And his partner would just snickers behind her grey paw looking at him with a sly smirk.
He no longer denies his crush on you and his partner have even taken to tease him when she spots you walking around in Konikoni City which often results in him quickly spinning around to walk the other way with cheeks the color of a tomato berry.
Will he ever gain the courage to walk up to you and talk to you?
Honestly Wooyoung doesn’t think that will happen any time soon. Sometimes he ventures out to Heahea beach to mantine surf which is something he really enjoys and to his surprise Meowth seems to love it as well. She always gets excited when he mentions going there and it makes him happy seeing his grey little friend run ahead of him, eager to get to the sea and feel the wind blast through her whiskers and her fur getting wet from the water splashing up at them as they surf.
Wooyoung is also well aware that you’ve watched him from time to time as he surf. The first time he realized you were watching he had ended up falling into the water after going up a particularly big wave. He had felt embarrassed that it happened in front of you but after spotting you smiling and laughing softly to yourself before you swam away holding on to your friend he suddenly didn’t feel so embarrassed because he made you smile and laugh. You had acknowledged him and that meant more to him than he ever thought it would. Though he made sure to never fall again, especially not after Meowth had scolded him, she had not enjoyed falling off the mantine and had let him know through some snarls and hisses as she clung to him so she wouldn’t be swept away by the waves.
"So where should we go today?" Wooyoung mumbles as he walks around Konikoni City, trying to figure out if he should make his way to Heahea beach or if he should perhaps see if him and Meowth should travel to Brooklet Hill or perhaps even visit the Lush Jungle.
"Mreeowwth." His friend points at a map, eagerly pawing at Heahea beach with a knowing smile and Wooyoung feels the tips of his ears grow red.
"You just like to tease me don't you?" He questions and she turns to him with an adorable smile and answers with a nyaaa.
Wooyoung groans and she snickers happily as she turns around and starts walking towards the road that will eventually lead them to the beach and you. Wooyoung has no choice but to follow her and he tries to fight off the smile that starts working itself onto his face. He truly adore his partner so much and sometimes he can't help but think she'd grow tired of him being lovesick while staring off at the distance where you might be but no she seems to enjoy it a lot.
Perhaps she likes romance more than he had given her credit for.
"Wait Meowth! We should get ice cream before we leave." He shouts and his partner turns around quicker than he can blink, her eyes having hearts in them at the mention of getting a treat before going to the beach.
"Mreeoowwth!" She skips up to him and her paw takes his hand dragging him over to the ice cream stand, pawing at the poster for the strawberry ice cream while looking at him with big pleading eyes.
"Hi one cone of strawberry ice cream and another cone with vanilla with caramel sauce on it please." He says chuckling at the enthusiasm his partner is showcasing as she looks on as the vendor fixes her ice cream.
The vendor scoops an extra big scoop for her before he hands it to Wooyoung who thanks him.
"Here you go Meowth." He hands her the ice cream before taking his own after he paid the vendor.
Then the two starts wandering towards the beach. The sun was shining brightly and the wind was blowing in a gentle breeze making it feel nice and relaxing as they walk the winding road towards Heahea beach.
At the beach were you, enjoying the warm but cooling water as the sun shone brightly. Floating around in the ocean was one of your favorite past activities.
Just you, the waves and Milotic.
Ever since you had learn to swim at the age of four you had not been able to stop coming to the beach to explore. There was always something to do in the ocean. Look at all the beautiful Pokémon's that existed in the ocean, swim around the coral reefs or even going clam hunting to see if you could find the prettiest shells to add to your growing collection. It had become even better when you at the age of ten had found your partner, but back then she had been a mere feebas.
Some kids on the beach had been bullying her and making fun of her so called "ugly" appearance and had even gone so far to throw rocks at her. And if there was one thing you did not accept it was bullying. So at the ripe age of ten you had thrown yourself at the kids and you had punched and bit them and even screamed at them to never do that to anyone again or they'd face your wrath once more.
They had run away crying after that but they never did anything mean again to anyone. Your little demonstration of what would happen had scared them enough into actually changing their behavior.
After that you had to build trust between yourself and feebas, she had not been very trusting of kids because of what they did but you were kind and treated her with kind words and food. Soon enough she'd dare to swim closer to you as you were exploring until she eventually was practically glued to your side.
The two of you became inseparable.
To the point where she'd be visibly upset when you had to go home for the day, so to fix that heartbroken look on her face you had tied a bracelet you had worn around her flipper so she'd always have a part of you with her and so that you'd find her no matter where she was in the ocean. She had been so happy and had done several jumps in the water to showcase her happiness and gratitude towards you.
What you hadn't seen that night as you had gone home was the gentle blue glow that engulfed your friend transforming her into her final form.
Ten year old you had been devastated when you had gone to the beach the next day and couldn't find her anywhere in the ocean. You had been so upset sitting at a random rock in the middle of the ocean crying when Milotic had made her entrance. At first you couldn't believe what you were seeing, unsure if she truly was your feebas who had evolved while you were gone. It was only when she showed you the end of her tail where your bracelet was snugly fitted around that you realized your friend had evolved.
After that you two had been inseparable to the point where you had asked if she wanted to become yours.
"Milotic?" Your friend breaks you out of your daydreaming as she gently nudges your cheek with her snout.
"Sorry I was daydreaming again." You say sheepishly and she tilts her head curiously at you, as if asking what exactly you were daydreaming about.
"I was thinking back to the day we met and the day I found out you had evolved." You tell her and she makes a happy noise at that, diving under the water and swimming under you before coming up on your other side again, splashing some water on you as she does.
"Hey!" You laugh before splashing some back at her.
"Milo, milotic!" She swims around you happily again and you decide to dive under water to see if you can hold on to her and let her guide you through the vast ocean.
As you hold onto her neck she swims away happily with you and you can't help the giggle that escape you as the two of you swim around, she swims up and jumps above the water before diving in with you still on her back again and you love the thrill of twirling around with her.
The deep blue of the ocean is shimmering beautifully under the scorching alolan sun, underwater it looks like beautiful pillars of light shifting through the ocean giving some parts a lighter color and the familiar feeling of being weightless enters your body. The two of you see Corsolas on the bottom of the ocean swimming around happily with each other and near the coral reefs, their pink coloring shimmering beautifully under the light reaching them.
You spot wishiwashies swimming together in a pool to imitate a bigger fish to scare away prey and you also spot shellders and chincous swimming around with the latter glowing in the darker parts of the ocean. There's so much beauty and serenity underwater and you love seeing it all, it's just as bright as the lush jungle on the island and as passionate as the Wela volcano.
As Milotic slows down a bit something catches your eye, something is shimmering at the bottom of the ocean. The shimmering intrigues you and the curiosity builds at the thought that it could be something exciting down there.
"Mhmm." You say with your mouth closed getting Milotics attention and she looks back at you and you point towards the shimmering spot at the bottom of the ocean.
"Milo?" She nods towards the bottom wondering if you want to go down there and when you nod she dives deeper to see what has caught your eye.
Your eyes widen when you realize that there is a small treasure chest at the bottom of the ocean and you reach to try and pick it up. It's heavy but you lift it up before feeling the familiar burning of your lungs. You quickly motions towards your friend that you need air and Milotic helps you quickly up to the surface.
You gasp, letting the air fill your lungs again, chest heaving as you take a few deep breaths. You hold onto your friend with one arm as the other clutches the treasure chest tightly so you won't drop it down to the bottom of the ocean again.
"Milotic." She nudges your cheek again, concern that you were under water for so long and you pet her snout gently.
"I'm okay, just needed to take some deep breaths to steady myself." You tell her and her gentle face looks at you before nodding. "Perhaps we can swim to the shore so we can see what's in this chest." You ask her with a smile, eager to see what the two of you have found.
She swims with you back to the shore, but this time she's much slower and gentler in the way she swims. You can't help but admire her, she's always been a graceful swimmer even way back when she was a feebas. There was no current nor strong waves she couldn't swim through back then and now she's even better. You rest your head on her long neck as you hug her, resting on her back. She had insisted you get on her back on the swim to the shore and you wouldn't refuse.
Your lungs still slightly burned from almost loosing all the air when you dove deep into the ocean. Legs and arms tired from the swimming, a break was needed and your partner was kind enough to help you out by carrying you on her back.
The wingulls flew above you and sometimes you thought it looked like they were dancing up in the sky with the clouds.
Wooyoung and Meowth had just reached the beach when trouble approached them. For some reason two grunts from the team that called themselves Team Skull had taken an interest in their arrival.
"Just give us your pokémon and we'll leave ya alone." One of them threatened, getting all up in Wooyoungs face.
"Excuse me?" He asked baffled by the audacity in the request. As if he'd ever willingly give up Meowth.
"You heard me you punk! Give us your meowth and there won't be a problem." The grunt said while doing some weird hand movements that made it look like he was trying to dance.
"If you think I'm going to give up my partner to you you're wrong. I didn't think you guys stooped to such levels." He says glaring at the two grunts who keep harassing him. His partner has taken to hide behind his legs, her paws gripping one of his calfs as she looks out from behind his leg at the two team skull members who won't stop bothering them.
"Hey man let's just both of us attack him. He's only got one pokémon and when we've attacked him we take his pokémon." The other grunt with pink hair says slapping her friend's arm.
"Great idea man!"
"I'm serious just leave us alone! Don't you have anything better to do with your life than trying to take others pokémon!" He snaps, neither him nor Meowth have participated in that many pokémon battles. They have here and there but most of the time they've just enjoyed life as it comes. Doing the trials on all of the four islands here in Alola and challenging the totem Pokémon's or the Kahunas has never really been their thing.
"Salandit come out!"
"Fomantis! Let's go!"
The two grunts throw out their Pokémon's which stands threathningly in front of him.
"Leave us alone!" Wooyoung tries one more time to be tough and make them leave but they just laugh in his face as they ready their Pokémon's to attack.
"Use ember!" "Use razor leaf!"
Wooyoungs eyes grow wide as he realizes they won't back down and all he can think of in that moment is to protect Meowth so he is quick to spin around, crouching down so he has her in a protective hug as the attacks hits him.
He shouts in pain at the leaves cutting some of his skin and the feeling of the fire burning his skin and Meowth looks at him worried. She tries to get him to move but he refuses.
"Come on man just give us your pokémon, this is such a drag." One of the grunts says and Wooyoung shakes his head and glares at them over his shoulder.
"Never. She's my precious partner and I'm never giving her away."
"Meowth!" His partner looks at him worriedly and he turns to her with a smile.
"Don't worry, I won't let anything bad happen to you."
"Tsk Salandit use ember once aga-"
"Milotic use hydro pump!!"
Wooyoung opens his eyes which he had closed to embrace himself for the incoming fire attack when he hears that voice.
Your voice.
And then he hears the grunts and their Pokémon being blasted by what must have been an attack from you. He turns around in shock and there you are. Standing on the beach, feet still in the water looking absolutely pissed at what is going on. He's never seen you angry before and you look ready to punch a guy if necessary to put a stop to this.
"I don't like bullying." You start, seething at what you had noticed going on at your beach. "And I especially don't like bullying when more than one gang up on someone who is weaker than the others or who is all alone. Attacking someone who doesn't want to battle you on the sole purpose of stealing their pokémon. I won't stand for it and especially not on my beach." You spit out glaring at the grunts who along with their Pokémon's had been blasted towards the rocks and were lying face down in the sand.
The grunts groaned and slowly got up from the sand, both of them glaring at you.
"Yo who do you think you are? The owner of this beach?!" The pink haired one screeches at you and your glare intensifies.
"I might as well be since I'm here every single day." You say before continuing. "But if you wanna pick a fight with him you might as well let me join in to even out the odds." You question motioning towards your own partner who is standing tall next to you.
Milotics gentle demeanor is gone and she looks intimidating as she stands there waiting for your next command. You raise one hand to wipe some of the water away from your face and that's when one of the grunts notices the bracelet on your wrist.
"T-thats a Z-ring!" He points in shock at your bracelet and you smirk knowing that the power of a Z-move is clearly scary to these grunts. From what you've heard only their boss Guzma and his second in command Plumeria got their own z-rings and z-crystals which they use in battles.
"Oh shit you're right... Hey sorry man... We didn't mean to cause trouble here on the beach we promise." The other one stutters out and you tilt your head at them both.
"Oh really? So you didn't mean to cause trouble when you attacked him and tried to take his pokémon?"
"No! It was just a simple misunderstanding we promise." "Misunderstanding?! You two tried to steal Meowth from me!!" The boy which they had attacked screeched and you could see the sweat starting to form on the grunts as you take a few steps towards them in anger.
"W-we're sorry! We won't cause any problems here again!"
"Man let's go before we get blasted by that powerful Z-move!!" The other grunt says before he turns around and takes off running, his fomantis running after him causing the other grunt and her salandit to run after their friend in a panic.
"Cowards." You mutter before turning to the boy whose pokémon is looking very concerned for him.
You've seen him at the beach before, he usually hangs out mantine surfing and you enjoy watching him do so. He looks so free and full of joy and his laughter is like music to your ears because of how much he's enjoying himself with his partner.
"Hey are you okay?" You ask gently as you sit down next to him. "You got attacked pretty badly by those dumbasses earlier."
"I-i'm fine, I couldn't let them hurt Meowth after all." He says and Wooyoung has to fight hard to not let his face erupt in that tomato berry red shade again because of how close you are to him.
"You were very brave you know. Protecting your friend like that and refusing to back down." You tell him with a smile and this time Wooyoung can't stop the blush erupting on his face.
"T-thank you!"
"Now let me check so you're not badly hurt, the burns might feel less intense if you get in the water." You say as you check him over and luckily it seems like he's not overtly hurt.
"You're Wooyoung aren't you?" You ask and he nods shocked.
"Y-you know my name?"
"Yeah you got the highest score in matinee surfing according to the placard keeping track of everyone's score." You point over to the placard where his name is written next to the number one.
"Oh right... you're Y/n, right?"
"That would be me." You smile "And this must be your lovely partner?" You ask looking at his alolan meowth who gives you the most beaming smile as she steps closer to you so you can pet her.
Which you do gently, causing her to purr. You marvel at how soft her fur is, you're so accustomed to the feeling of scales and the feeling of wet skin that water Pokémon's have that you rarely pet or spend time with Pokémon's which got fur and live on land.
"You're so pretty." You mumble and she lets out a happy nyaaa at that.
"Mreowth!" She points at you and you tilt your head at her.
"You think I'm beautiful?" You questions and she nods excitedly before also pointing at Wooyoung and then back at you.
"I don't think I understand..." You trail off trying to figure out what she's trying to say.
"Ah! Meowth!! Stop that!!" Wooyoung tries to get his partner to stop explaining that he likes you and thinks you're beautiful but to no avail, she continues on to tell you in her own special way how much he seems to like you.
Wooyoung honestly feels like he might combust on the spot.
"Well I'm not really sure what she's trying to say but I think she's trying to tell me how much she likes you." You tell him with a teasing smile and he just laughs nervously.
“Milotic?” Your partner questioned as she nudges your back gently before looking at Wooyoung.
“I’m okay thank you.” He says with a smile directed at your partner who is looking at him with concerned eyes. “Thank you for helping me back then, we’re not used to battling but you two were such a formidable team.” He compliments the two of you and you smile bashfully.
“We’re not that good.”
“Don’t lie! You two were amazing! You even got a z-ring and a z-crystal, only trainers that are strong and got strong bonds with their Pokémon’s get those!” He says, huffing out his cheeks when you try to deny it again.
“We practice a lot when we’re out swimming, can’t have a bunch of sharpedos or tentacruels attack us and not knowing how to defend ourselves, but you know battling isn’t all there is. I enjoy far more spending time with Milotic and hanging out in the sea than going to do the island challenges and challenging the totem Pokémon’s or the kahunas.” You say sitting next to him in the sand and you sigh.
"Sometimes people try to push to hard that I should start doing the trials because 'I'm so talented so I shouldn't waste my talent by just swimming in the ocean'" You tell him and Wooyoung is quick to shake his head.
"That's dumb! You should do what makes you happy! I've seen the way you get so happy going to the ocean, swimming around and the way you care for your friend and everything around you! Plus happiness looks the best on you so don't listen to them! You can do whatever it is you want!" He finishes and when he notices you looking at him he can't help but once again blush and look down at his hands who suddenly became much more interesting than looking straight at you.
"You've been watching me?" You ask curiously.
"Yes-i mean no! Wait I- like yes I've been watching you but not like a creep I promise!! It's just you seem so happy in the ocean and I like seeing happiness on people and you two are very beautiful, like you are very beautiful when you're in the ocean, not that I'm saying you're not beautiful when you're up on the land because you are I just-" He blabbers on nervously and when your hand lands on his he shuts up and looks at you in shock.
Meowth is looking on excitedly because this is so up her ally and Wooyoung knows she will tease him when they are alone.
"Thank you Wooyoung." Your smile makes his heart skip a beat. "It warms my heart knowing you think that way. You should know happiness suits you as well, especially when you matinee surf, sometimes I have to stop what I'm doing just so I can see you surf and the joy you get from the waves. You look very beautiful too." You tell him, adding the last part a bit more quiet but Wooyoung hears it and a big grin works its way onto his face.
"Thank you!!" He beams and you laugh, happy that he seems to have recovered quickly from the attack.
"Now! Do you think you can help me? We found this chest at the bottom of the ocean and I wanna try and open it to see what it could be!" You tell him eagerly leaning forward as you show him the treasure chest and Milotic waves her fin eagerly also wanting to know what it could be.
"Meowth!!" Meowth hurries up to you eager to help. She knows how to pick locks and want's to help you.
"Oh yes! Meowth is great at picking locks!" The boy next to you says before quickly adding "We only discovered that when I got locked out from our house! I'm not a burglar or something."
"Seems like the two of you are filled with all kinds of different talents." You muse before letting Meowth get up to the treasure chest, one of her claws is out as she starts picking the lock and soon a loud click can be heard.
"It worked! Thank you pretty!" You tell her as you put it in front of the four of you. She runs back to Wooyoung shyly because of your compliment and hides in his arms and he chuckles.
You open the treasure chest and just as you and Wooyoung are leaning in to see what it could possibly be, Milotic sticks her head into the chest, her curiosity taking over and she cannot stop herself from wanting to see what it could be first.
"Hey!!" You laugh at the silliness of your partner. "Milotic! Let us see." You whine gently wanting to see as well.
"Someone was really curious huh?" Wooyougn teases and your friend lifts her head shyly before hiding her face behind her tail fins, causing the both of you to laugh at the adorable display.
"It's okay buddy, I would have done that as well if I were you." You tell her, petting her head.
Wooyoung takes a moment to sneak a glance into the chest and gasps.
"It's a map!"
"Yes! It must lead to a treasure of some kind!"
"Then what are we waiting for? We should totally find it." You say eagerly, picking up the map to see if you know where to go.
It takes a while before you two figure out where to go. You both figured it's somewhere closer to the southern parts of the ocean you're close to. The both of you are eager to find out what it could be and you are quick to help Wooyoung use his shirt to tie his partner to his back so she won't get swept away as you swim with Milotic to the place on the map.
You have to look away several times from Wooyoung as his chest is now revealed due to his shirt being tied around Meowth and around his lower chest. He's stunning and you knew that already but seeing him like this so up close makes your cheeks heat up like the very lava flowing in the Wela volcano.
"So we just hold on to her neck?" Wooyoung asks you as the two of you get into the water where Milotic is waiting, ready and eager to swim as fast as she can to the place where you have to go. The sun has started to set casting a brilliant orange and pink hue over the ocean making it look like it glitters from time to time.
"Yeah, hold on tight and just go with the flow of it. Let me know if it's going too quick and we'll slow down." You say as you grab ahold of her neck. Wooyoung is quick to copy you and when your arms touch he smiles to himself.
He had not thought when he woke up this morning that he'd be speaking to you and going on a little adventure with you after you and your partner had rescued him.
"Milotic! Full speed forward!" You say excited and she takes off quickly.
"Milo!!" She nods and then she's off.
She swims fast and agile through the water, she knows her goal and as always wants nothing more than to get to her destination quickly and without any problems. It's mostly just swimming in the same direction and despite that you can't help but laugh in joy as the butterflies of happiness joins you once again. Nothing really beats this for you and had you not been so preoccupied with your enjoyment you would have noticed Wooyoung looking at you in awe.
Could you become even more beautiful than you already were? Before Wooyoung used to think that was impossible but seeing your joy this up close proved him wrong.
"Mreeeoowwthh." Meowth teased him quietly in his ear, giggling on his back and he shook his head slightly but allowed her to tease him.
It took the four of you roughly twenty minutes of swimming before you reached the destination. You had never been to this part of the island before and you and Milotic had explored most of the ocean surrounding the island at this point.
"Oh wow." You mumble as she slows down.
The view is stunning, there are rock formations that gives off the illusions that there are hearts sticking out in the ocean, a small island has appeared and you swim up to it before getting up on the sanded beach. There's beautiful shimmering shells littered in the sand and hibiscus flowers are blooming around as well.
It's truly magical.
"Have you ever seen something so beautiful Wooyoung?" You ask turning around to look at him and he shakes his head, mouth hanging open as he takes it all in.
The island looks like something out of a fantasy book. The hibiscus flowers are in varying shades of pinks, yellows and white. The shells shimmers in rainbow colors and Wooyoung even thinks he sees some pearls laying around. Then when the two of you turn around your breaths gets taken away once again.
The hearts you had seen earlier is even more prominent now in the water. It looks romantic, the water is a mostly pinkish orange hue, and it glimmers beautifully.
"Perhaps this is where lovers would go way back in the days to confess their feelings." You wonder aloud.
"Perhaps." Wooyoung mumbles and you look at him, and you know he's stunning, your stomach doing flips when you watch him but now seeing his side profile, hair slightly wet and skin glowing and the gentle light of the sun going down by the horizon is casting the most beautiful pinkish hue onto him.
Perhaps it was fate the two of you would be brought here.
"How are your wounds? I didn't stop to think if they'd be hurting you with the water." You question, eyes flitting over the small cuts and burns on his body.
"I'm fine, it hurts but it's okay since I'm here with you." He confesses with a smile, reaching out to take your hand and you let him.
"I wish I could heal you somehow."
The both of your pokémon say at the same time looking up at the sky, the two of you following their leads curiously and that's when you see it.
"Is that..." You question quietly.
"Tapu Lele! Akala Islands guardian!" Wooyoung exclaims in excitement.
The pink guardian floats above the two of you, she looks down before she floats around again, this time a gentle shimmer falls from her as she floats around. You both reach out to see if you can touch the beautiful shimmering dust that she's released.
It shimmers in pinks, purples and golds and as you look at Wooyoung once more you gasp.
"Your wounds and burns! They're gone!" You exclaim taking a good look at him and he looks down at himself in shock.
"They are! Do you think Tapu Lele healed me?"
"She must have!" You say before turning to where she had gone shouting "THANK YOU TAPU LELE!!"
You can hear a noice in the distance, happy to have been thanked for her gesture for the two of you.
You and Wooyoung spends the rest of the evening on the island, sitting next to each other, talking and laughing. And when the time comes to go back home, you two swim back to shore.
You both agree to meet here at Heahea beach tomorrow wanting to spend more time with each other.
And if Wooyoung gives you a kiss in the darkness of the night is something only he, you and Meowth will know about. It's something he won't share with anyone else.
Not yet at least.
The next day.
"Do you really think this is safe?" You ask as you stand up on shaking legs on the mantine, Wooyoung is standing next to you with a mischievous smile as he holds your hands.
"It's perfectly safe, trust me. I know what I'm doing." He tells you as he makes sure your feet are in the right position.
"I've never done anything like this before!"
"Ah everyone gotta learn somehow."
"Perhaps so! But to learn by surfing the big waves immediately?!"
"You'll be fine Y/n!" He tells you once more before telling the mantine to gently start swimming with you.
Meowth is off on the side sitting near the base of Milotics long neck. She's laying in the water enjoying watching you learn something new and Meowth is enjoying watching love blossom for the first time between her trainer and the one he's been pining over for a while.
"W-wooyoung! You have to hold on to me!" You say fearfully as your legs shake again.
"You have to relax Y/n! Shaking like this will only make you unstable, you have to go with the flow and trust the mantine, they don't want you to fall of them either."
"It's easy for you to say, you're the expert in this!" You snap back and you gasp when Wooyoung lets your hand go and he snickers when he sees you stiff like a stick go in a little circle and he can see the way you tense up and when the mantine does a turn that's a little too sharp for you as it comes back and you loose your balance.
Lucky for you Wooyoung is quick and manages to catch you, he holds you close to him and he smirks down at you. Your face is slightly flushed, perhaps it's from the burning Alolan sun or perhaps it's because you're embarrassed you fell in front of him.
"Falling for me are you Y/n?"
"M-maybe I am."
"Good because I fell for you a long time ago pretty."
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cagneyblooms · 5 months ago
okay now I just feel like even worse of a person
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fleeblesim · 18 days ago
Born to play sims all day, forced to write essays for uni ✋️😩
#miss when I was like 9 and I would come home from school and play ts3 for 6 hours every day#i have 2000 words due for tuesday which shouldn't really be a problem#but it's so hard to concentrate and do it#like I set a goal of minimum 400 words today so I can get on track to finishing in time and it's 9pm and I still haven't gotten it done#but at rhe same time I don't really like playing sims in my laptop#and the ea app keeps messing itself up on ny laptop for some reason#like the game claims it isn’t installed#but when i try to reinstall it it says I have it and tells me to repair it#and tbf repairing fixes it but it's a reoccurring issue for some reason????#also struggling to get actors for our short film project which is part of my bachelor so that's fun 😁🔫#and while I'm at it I genuinely cannot wait to not share kitchen w strangers#i get so annoyed w the people i share w rn and then i feel bad for being annoyed at them#but they send like 5 pictures in the gc whenever there's crumbs in the counter#and they seem to be incapible of doing trash correctly despite there being written instructions on how to sort????#like I've had to take non plastic grabage out of the plastics bag???#+the girl who has cleaning reaponsibility this week asked for the floor to be cleaned so she could have a 'fresh start'#even tho the mess appeared on monday like it's ur week to clean?????#and then they can't even do the ONE thing I asked for and put the knives in the dishwasher w the blade down#it's just small things but I can't wait to have my own kitchen holy shit I've lived in this dorm for almost 3 years now#i feel like I sound like a terrible person when I complain about this but I genuinely did prefer when we didn’t talk to each other#anyway hopefully I can actually get my ass to do this assignment soon 🙏🙏🙏#nonsims#personal
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pentanguine · 2 years ago
The next time I’m tempted to have a robust social life, someone remind me: DON’T
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racke7 · 18 days ago
This group-project is so fucking cursed you don't even know.
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chatonmagique · 8 months ago
The concept of taking breaks on almost a daily basis without feeling guilty in some way in the back of my mind is WILD to me when I'm used to going weeks or months without that
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sixty-silver-wishes · 2 months ago
also. re: neil gaiman. for all the people wondering, "what if the celebrity I like turns out to be like him?" I just want to say a few more things-
now is a good time to evaluate your relationships with celebrities or internet personalities. this is just like, a healthy thing to do in general; I do it on a regular basis when considering the celebrities whose work I like. take a minute to think about how you feel about those people, and ask yourself how personal your attachment is to them. if you feel attached to them as you would a friend, family member, or partner, you may need to confront that.
if a celebrity you like turns out to have done something reprehensible, that doesn't make you a bad person for liking them in the past. you likely didn't know. if you loved neil gaiman's writing, and even if you still do, you don't have to feel guilty about it. however, you may want to reevaluate continuing to support them financially.
I deliberately said "celebrities whose work I like" earlier, because that's an important distinction to make- a celebrity's work is just their job. you can admire their work, and it can be very important to you, but at the end of the day, they are not their work. people will talk about "separating the art from the artist" when someone does something awful like gaiman, but I think this might even apply to celebrities you admire. for instance, I'm a big fan of tom waits' music. he has a very entertaining stage persona and is an extremely talented artist. as far as I'm aware, tom waits hasn't had any major controversies. but even so, it's important for me to remember that I adore tom waits' artistry, not tom waits himself. I do not want to become personally attached to someone I do not know.
just because neil gaiman did something awful, or because any number of celebrities did something awful, doesn't mean that you should be automatically suspicious of the ones that don't have allegations against them. it does mean that you should be wary of how you should attach to them, but it doesn't do to be paranoid about, for example, david tennant, because you were wounded by neil gaiman's actions. it does mean that you shouldn't form a parasocial attachment to david tennant (or anyone else), but it doesn't mean that he's also secretly an abuser, too.
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theogonize · 1 year ago
so, nerdy loser college boy choso *sighs* *opens legs*
a/n: just so you know, this man is gonna make you do all the hard work for a piece of that loser boy dick 😮‍💨 so... um so at some point around 2000 words in i realised this is way more than a hc post :3 eat it up if you will!
nerdy!choso who borderline has no friends except his gaming buddies who doesnt meet irl like ever. he doesnt like going to classes, especially this one. he doesnt need it but it's a requirement for all first years. and boy is glad it is when he sees you come in.
nerdy!choso who only listens to discussions when you're talking. suddenly he needs to put down his headphones and nod at every word you're saying. his eyes follow every gesture of your hand, every sway of your ass, every single time you fix your hair.
nerdy!choso who is starting to get a bit enamored with you, your style, your way of speaking. he loses track of time gawking at you in class from the last benches as you prettily do all the work in the class. he hates how beautifully your hair falls on your face, how nicely your clothes fit you despite being pretty modest for college. he hates how he can see the silhouette of your tits when you turn to the side. but he's too much of a gentleman to keep looking.
nerdy!choso who ends a game early when he remembers you, lying and saying that he had promised someone to meet them somewhere. the place is his bathroom and the person was you. god, you really shouldn't wear those tight jeans to class y'know? how will he continue to be a gentleman if you do?
nerdy!choso who despises groupwork but prays to dear god this class has some reason to pair you two together. he's getting so desperate to talk to you knowing damn well he too pussy to do it on his own. and the lord answers his prayers, the teacher assigns groups of three for a presentation. it's you, him and some slacking trust fund baby.
nerdy!choso who is about to combust and have a full blown panic attack when he sees you approach him after class with that smile on your face that would make the angels swoon. you're going on about distributing the work equally and what not while he is trying his fucking hardest to not accidently make eye contact with you and piss his pants : (
nerdy!choso who now has your name, your number and your email and he feels like the happiest man on earth. his hands are literally shaking as he responds to your request to call. he's overthinking every word he types.
choso: yeah i can do wednesday. choso: i'll be okay with whatever day you want.
nerdy!choso who hops on video call and short circuits with a view of you in an oversized band tee and a brief view of your room. why did you have to be this pretty? why did you have to video call him when you couldve done the work on text? why did you have to put your hair up like that? why oh why did you have you say "choso? hey, you there?" so seductively to bring him back to the present?
nerdy!choso who gets like no work done in a 30 minute call which felt like three hours. he knew he would hardly be paying attention so decided to record the call with your consent, saying he'd need the notes you were typing out on screen only to play it back and stroke his dick to you for what might've have been the twentieth time this week. his strokes only getting faster as you say his name in that voice he imagines sounds way better moaning and screaming it instead.
nerdy!choso who, after the presentation, is on greeting terms with you when he sees you studying in the library. he sits as far away from you as he can while still being able to see you. occupying the coziest corner of the library to stare at you study right when you come up to him.
"can i join you, choso? i'm all alone and your space seems comfy" you say with a smile, "of course, i dont mean to disturb you, is saw you were on your own too, so..."
uh oh, uh oh, uh oh. god no. please no. please dont say yes. please dont be staring at her like some dumb idiot (too late) please.
"uh... yeah sure why not?" he awkwardly says as he makes room for you to keep your things. he was such an idiot for thinking he could say no to your pretty face in the first place.
nerdy!choso who is absolutely drunk on your scent. it feels way better than any alcohol he's ever had. he feels like an animal in heat when he smells your sugary perfume mixed with the styrofoam-y air conditioned smell of the library. you're gonna kill him, yknow? how is he supposed to respond to this? what is one to do when their stupid college crush sits next to them? he gives you a half smile before furiously typing away on reddit, the only place with answers for losers like him.
nerdy!choso whose hands. oh his hands. (can be i a big whore for a second?) his long hands that feel like they're the size of your face. his kempt, beautiful and trimmed nails. his lengthy fingers that seem to yearn for something more to foddle with than just the keyboard or controller. he typed as such an insane pace it made your pussy ache. he was going so fast, jesus. those hands were meant to do more than just ask "how to talk to girls" on reddit.
nerdy!choso who (on the advice of reddit) asks if you would want him to order something for you. you tell you had a frappuccino not too long ago and that it was quite sweet and filling. and he hates himself for thinking that he could give you something much sweeter and filling than that like a horny fourteen year old.
nerdy!choso who is now determined to not come off as a creep so he does his work with the focus of four adderalls. he is typing as fast as his heartbeat, not realising he got two classes worth of work done in just an hour. he looks over at you, blissfully unaware of the absolute war in his mind.
nerdy!choso who feels as though if he doesn't muster up the courage to ask you out right then and there, he'll probably be the biggest loser on the planet. (as if he wasn't already)
nerdy! pathetic! choso who stutters a million times and barely gets the job done then too. his eyes are scanning your entire being (trying his best to not gawk at your tits) for any sign of discomfort.
"so- uhh so ummm... wo-would you, like, uh... like to do this again? sometime?... i got a.. a lot of work done today, so.."
oh heavens, the sheer nervousness in his tone makes you want to pull his pants down and show him how to really get work done.
you agree with a smile, even suggesting a better, more ambient (more romantic) cafe to study in. choso's heart is about to burst and flood the fucking library with his blood the way it is beating at an alarming rate.
"umm yeah uh 5 sounds... awesome... i hope it isn't a-a bother to you?" "no way, choso. i loved today," you offer him a smile as you gather your things, "i really like your hair, by the way" "i like your hair too, y-y-you smell very nice", he gulps.
fuck. why did he say that? what? you smell nice? who says that? is he like ten? you can't help but giggle at the sheer embarassment on his face.
he feels as though he's gonna melt into a puddle and turn to stone and throw up all at the same time.
nerdy!choso who is the most stupidly hot guy you've ever met, you think as you go giggling back to your dorm. mental note: pick a skimpy outfit for 5pm ;)
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subbmissivesuccubus · 1 year ago
Oh God. You were going to die. This was it. It wasn't demons or Muzan that take you in the end. It was your damn husband and his insatiable lust and stamina.
Lying face down on the bed, you panted against the mattress, your face a mess of tears and sweat, hair sticking to your forehead, eyes rolled up and cheeks painted a bright red. Behind you, tugging at his cock and eager for round...whatever the next number- was your husband.
Maybe you shouldn't have riled him up the way you did. You know how possessive he can be so why on Earth did you purposefully get him jealous by flirting with another man? Oh, right. Because you wanted to get fucked rougher. Well, you got what you wanted and now you're going to die.
You jumped as you felt the familiar sensation of a fat cock press against your entrance, your stuffed cunt instantly begging for mercy. You swore that if he fucked you one more time- made you cum one more time- filled you with his seed even one more time- you'd see the pearly white gates call for you.
You gripped onto the bedsheets and pulled yourself away, your body working on autopilot as your husband had successfully fucked the brain cells out of you. You heard him chuckle as you tried to crawl away, your body feeling like jelly, your arms and legs numb and barely capable of getting you to the edge of the bed before:
A pair of hands grabbed you by the hips and dragged you back, laughing at your whine of protest. Uzui reeled his hand back and smacked you across your already beaten ass before he spread your legs and gave an equally painful spank to your pussy, making you scream. "Now, what made you think that was a smart idea? Try running away again and see what happens."
Obanai lets you think you escaped before he grabbed you by the ankles, ignoring your cries as he pulled you back towards him. He flipped you onto your back like you weighed nothing, making you squeal as he took a nipple between his fingers and twisted, your back arching off the bed. "Are you trying to piss me off even more?"
Just as you reached the edge of the bed, wondering if you could make it, you felt Rengoku press himself against your back and- oh- fuck! He slid right inside you! You gasped as the man pushed his cock in with one fell swoop, taking your breath away as he instantly started moving his hips, preferring to fuck you where you were instead of dragging you back. "Get comfortable, baby. I'm not done with you."
Sanemi caught you the second you tried to move, simply reaching forward to grab a fistful of your hair and pull harshly. You yelped as your neck was forced to snap back, your back arching as your husband pulled at your hair, his other hand looping to the front to grab you by the neck before he leaned towards your ear and growled: "I'm going to give you a choice. I can fuck you here, on the bed, or I chase you and fuck you where I catch you and trust me, I won't be as nice."
Gyomei didn't say anything, even as you got off the bed and onto your wobbly feet. You wondered if you could just leave when he said, in his booming voice: "Are you sure that's what you want to do?" You froze, body trembling. Why was one sentence enough for you to rethink your whole lives decisions? You didn't know what Gyomei meant by it, but you knew it probably wouldn't be fun. With a gulp, you climbed back onto the bed before getting in front of your husband. You spread your legs wide as you lay down in front of him, reaching down to grab at his fat cock and press it against your entrance. The man smiled as he slowly started to sink inside your familiar heat. "Good girl."
Giyuu grabbed you by the legs and pulled you back while also changing his own position. To your horror, you found yourself slung over his knee, a predicament you just experienced an hour before which was why your ass was a bright red already. You started apologizing profusely, kicking your legs like a toddler but your husband simply ignored your pleas and held you down, the task quite easy for him even if one arm of his was free to do the spanking. "It seems one round wasn't enough to discipline you. Guess we have to go again."
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silverskyeline · 5 months ago
'bad idea, right?' 18+ dofp!logan x f!reader
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summary: your father hired him to protect you, not to fuck you. but logan never really liked playing by the rules. (1.7k) tags: set in the 70s, logan goes down on reader, fingering, squirting, lots of dirty talk, messy, overstimulation if you squint, logan calls the reader 'princess, babygirl' etc, for the 'timetravel' prompt for logan promptober.
"that's it, there we go. . ." logan hums, his voice muffled as he eagerly laps at you with his large tongue, "daddy never let you have any fun, babygirl?"
he grins, ". . . but, daddy ain't here right now though, is he?"
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you know this is a bad idea, know you shouldn't be doing this. your father's vengeance upon the stranger between your thighs would be so swift and cruel, but you find yourself unable to care.
his tongue expertly drifts through your wet folds as he groans, sending reverberations right to your core. those large, calloused paws of his grip at your thighs, his thick digits pressing into your soft flesh deeply. he's messy, the best kind of messy, lapping at you like an animal, like a man deprived.
"taste so fuckin' good," he grumbles against your pussy, deep hazel eyes finally opening to look up at you. they're glazed, and so is he, his chin dripping with your slick. but he's not done with you yet, "look how fuckin' wet you are already, you're literally dripping. . ."
your cheeks flush at his almost mocking tone, fingers threading through his hair as if to encourage him. you're not sure how you got here, except you are. the moment he walked through that door, sent by your father to protect you, you felt an ache build between your legs.
you could tell he sensed it too, the way his words and sentences were crafted almost expertly to have you wet and wanting all within twenty minutes of first laying eyes on him. no other guard has ever had you moaning like this, soaked like this, splayed out on your back like this.
but you're pulled from your thoughts when his lips wrap around your clit, sucking gently. your head falls back, moans spilling out into the apartment your father had rented as the man your father had rented devours you.
"such pretty sounds," logan growls against you, tongue flicking before pressing flat against you, "you're gonna wake the neighbours. c'mon, let 'em hear what i'm doin' to you."
your head is spinning, his words causing heat to pool low in your belly. he nuzzles against you, nose brushing against your swollen clit before he dives back down to your entrance, tongue dipping back inside to fuck you. it's almost too much, the way he makes light work of you as if it's so easy, as if he knows your body better than you know it, without even knowing more than just your name.
"that's it," he coos, grinning between your thighs as he kisses his way back up to your swollen bud once more, "moan for me, wanna hear you scream. i told you, want them to hear how good i'm fuckin' you." that's when you feel them, his thick fingers circling against your hole, teasing you, almost warning you.
but it's not a warning, it's a promise. one that you want - no, fuck that, one that you need. you roll your hips a little in response, moaning and whimpering beneath him, pleading without words.
logan smirks, he knows what you need, of course he knows. he saw the way you eyed his hands, the way you watched him flex them subconsciously - he knew you wanted them buried inside of your begging cunt as soon as he entered the apartment, could smell your want, your hunger.
he was paid to protect you, after all, and how better to protect you than to keep you fucked out in his hands at all times?
just one, at first. one finger slides inside, testing you. it's tight, really tight, and wet, a soft slick sound filling the air as his finger slides inside of you. "oh, been a good girl have you?" logan teases, but it's not like he cares how many people you've been with before him. he's the only one who's ever going to matter, anyway.
then another, you're gasping and moaning at the feeling of him filling you. his fingers are pretty big, much bigger than your own. his tongue dances across your clit, urging you to relax as he stretches you, and you do. he feels you settling, a groan rumbling from his throat as he eases into you.
but when a third finger enters on the next thrust, you're gripping the sheets and calling his name. it's thick, his three fingers filling you almost completely. you wonder how big he actually is and how he compares to his fingers, but your thoughts dissipate as he begins pumping them in and out of you steadily.
"that's it, there we go. . ." logan hums, his voice muffled as he eagerly laps at you with his large tongue, "daddy never let you have any fun, babygirl?"
he grins, ". . . but, daddy ain't here right now though, is he?"
your breath catches in your throat, looking down at him through hooded lids as he fucks his fingers into you faster. his eyes are locked on yours, lips and tongue lavishing your clit with the attention he knows it deserves.
"never had a man like me before, have ya?" logan mumbles, mouth half full with you, "never had a man to really show you how it's done."
you'd answer if you could, but your mind feels like liquid, unable to form or grip any solid coherent thought other than you don't want this to stop, don't want it to ever stop. instead, you tug at his hair, moaning his name over and over like a prayer. his name tastes sweet on your lips, a name you know you'll be calling out in a lust-filled haze on nights when you're particularly lonely. nights where you want, crave the touch from that stranger who nestled between your thighs and lapped like you were a fresh spring and he, a desperate parched man.
he feels you flutter around his fingers and he smirks against your clit. the sweet symphony of your moans reverberating against his ears has his dick twitching in his jeans, aching for release, aching to replace his fingers.
but not now, not while you're writhing so perfectly for him, coming undone at just a few strokes. you wonder how you would handle his cock when you're already close to bursting with his fingers, but who could blame you? the way he curls and pumps and glides them in and out of your tight pussy, you'd think he already knew all of your sweet spots, knew you inside out, without knowing you at all.
logan is just a stranger, but you know the memory of him will be burned between your thighs, making you throb, forever.
"gonna cum, aren't you?" he growls against you, picking up the pace. his fingers curl just slightly, enough to brush against your spongey g-spot on the next thrust, just enough for you to tense up and gasp.
you can't deny it either, there's a tidal wave coming that threatens to destroy you. it's rising slowly. you can't stop it. and it's crafted by him, by the man between your thighs. but you don't want to stop it, you just worry about who you'll be when you resurface on the other side, gasping for air, lost at sea, changed forever.
nodding, you let a whine slip from your lips, feeling a sensation build, your breathing ragged. it's coming, you're cumming. and instead of taking it easy on you, calming the waters, logan encourages the overwhelming waves with a curl of his fingers.
that's all it takes, all it takes for you to cum harder than you've ever cum before. you feel a gush, hot liquid coating your thighs and along his face as he fucks his three fingers into you deeper, hitting that same spot in every thrust. you're screaming his name, fist clenching in his hair in an iron grip as you roll your hips against his face. he's taking it too, tongue assaulting your clit in all the right ways to increase the pitch of your desperate screams.
and he loves it, loves the way you become so messy for him, coating those fresh sheets and his skin. he's moaning too, not that you can hear it over your ecstasy, but it's there, low like a growl beneath every cry.
"good girl. . ." he groans, pumping his fingers in and out of you relentlessly as you clench around him rhythmically, feeling his cock throb in his jeans at the sensation. he just knows you'll take him so well, knows you'll sound even better when it's his fat cock you're cumming around instead of his fingers.
it's almost too much, feeling yourself come apart at the seams as he stitches you back together with those calloused fingers of his through each thrust. and just as quickly as the waves come, they calm all at once, washing over you slowly, sending goosebumps rippling across your soft, supple skin. logan slows too, licking stripes along your cunt to catch the remnants of your release.
"holy shit," he grins wolfishly, proudly as he presses a few kisses to the inside of your thigh, "don't need to introduce myself to the neighbours anymore, i guess, already know me by name."
you flush deeply, running your fingers through your hair as you release his, resting back against the bed fully. there's a witty quip on the tip of your tongue, but it melts away at the feeling of him pulling his fingers out of you.
"this. . . can't happen again," you whisper, shaking your head as your eyes fix on the ceiling above you.
but logan smirks, he knows you don't really mean that. knows you're just trying to convince yourself that you won't crave him in your core, that he won't flash in your mind when another person finds their home between your thighs.
"whatever you say, princess," he shrugs, sitting up as he wipes your delicious slick from his beard and chin.
you glance up at him, his bare chest, muscles tensing coupled with those pretty blue jeans. fuck. fuck. this wasn't happening. dad would kill him, kill you too probably.
"but," you find yourself beginning to speak, unable to stop the words from fighting their way out, "suppose it could be our secret. . . if it did."
ah, there it is. there's the admission logan knew was coming. he knew it was gonna come the second he wrapped his lips around that swollen little clit of yours. you just needed someone to fuck you right, fuck you proper, fuck you dirty like you deserve.
besides, logan never really liked playing by the rules, anyway.
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girlivealwaysbean · 3 months ago
wow when i think about it maybe this year wasn't that bad
#i mean yes it was one of the worst definitely i kept falling down and down and down and i def hit rock bottom#highest weight of my life 'pcod' 'pre diabetes' ugh that was the worst#and the generally not studying#but but but. im going to list all the good things because it made me feel so weirdly happy that wow this happened to me#let's go chronologically#1. pretty awesome birthday got a gift from my then bestf which made me feel so seen and so understood#for the first time in life to the extent that i couldn't believe that paying attention to me and loving me so much was even possible#2. discovered i def like guys too and him writing on a tissue to me hbd and me giving him that letter which was almost like a love letter#that was so brave and vulnerable of me i can't believe i did that im proud of myself#3. learning thru an admittedly bad experience that there is no timeline for life and experiences and i definitely do not need#to have like sex and stuff to be cool and fit in its okay to wait for the right person it doesn't make me a loser#because at the end of the day i have to live with it i can sleep with someone just because i hate the feeling of being 21 and feeling#like im behind everyone but then that would be disrespectful to myself and i deserve better#4. that brief period of 15 days when i was almost friends with this girl from office and even tho she left i still remember resting my head#on her shoulders and feeling safe after so long#5. getting drunk with my bestie that was pretty awesome i shouldn't say this but it was such a good year for us cause she broke up with her#bf so whenever we met we would just play music and dance to sabrina#6. getting drunk with my SISTER and clubbing with her fuck that was pretty awesome i love her and i love her guy friend and i really hope#he succeeds in pata ing her and he becomes my future jiju#7. passinv this exam. i honestly didn't think i had it in me to get this degree and it's still hard to believe but i do feel motivated to#try now. i worked hard i sincerely studied which i hadn't done in like 2 years and it really feels like god#said yeah beta you take this win and keep getting better okay?#so much bad happened too ive now lost everyone except my family and my one irl bestf but i still feel hopeful. i hope it will be ok 2025
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I'm not narcissistic* I just unrelatedly have a complicated relationship with self esteem a need for external validation a constant hunger for attention trouble connecting with humans and struggles with delusions of grandeur due to trauma some of which can impair my ability to function not everything is the last disorder I learned about and tried to understand with my big broken empathy that often overshoots and does things like make me feel drunk if I think about a drunk person for top long without ever having been drunk
*this post is pro NPD I'm just anti incorrectly self diagnosing myself because if I wasn't I'd be hoarding all the disorders
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nightingale-prompts · 7 months ago
Nightwing gets a sidekick introducing: "Batboy"
Continuation of this post: "Danny has Bat wings"
Dick tries to tell himself that he's better then Bruce. He's not going around taking young orphaned boys with unique abilities willy-nilly. No, he very careful. Besides this is first- well second sidekick.
He's doing a public service anyways. You can't have a kid with giant bat wings just falling from buildings. If Nightwing hadn't stepped in to stop those goons trying to catch the kid and sell him then who knows what would have happened. What if they tried to cut off his wings and turn the boy into a bloody trophy for the Bats?
There are many villains in Bludhaven who'd take the boy out or take him in. Dick already had a sinking feeling that Heartless would try his hand at killing the kid after all he targets the weak and helpless like a coward.
It was easy enough to convince the boy to be his friend. Dick did have natural charm and charisma after all. All it took was a meal from batburger and a fruit cup to get the kid to open up.
Danny (apparently his family gave him a normal name) didn't live with his family anymore due to ideological differences. That difference was that they thought he shouldn't exist anymore and wanted to turn him into an experiment. Poor kid didn't even get to finish his freshman year of school before he had to leave. He was a small town vigilante for a few months before the incident.
Dick saw an opportunity but was subtle about it. He invited the kid to live with him until he got his education. Its also totally ethical because the kid was a vigilante already.
Everything kind of went by quickly. Dick had done everything possible to hide Danny until he could come up with a plan of how to tell everyone.
True Dick didn't "need" a sidekick but come on, look at him! He's a boy with bat wings! Dick could put a little cowl on him and dress him up like Batman. I mean he's not a dog but it would be funny. The irony there, the bird-themed hero now had a bat-themed sidekick. That is the universe's way of sending a message.
After training Danny Dick learned that the kid had an endless supply of energy and ADHD that rivaled his own at that age. The kid also couldn't fly, it was actually closer to gliding which was still useful but he kind of looked like a flying squirrel when he jumped off ledges.
The term issue with taking Danny in was that Dick was still a Wayne and while he could hide the kid while he was swinging through Bludhaven, Dick Grayson could not.
Danny could hide his wings like they weren't even there whenever he wanted to look human. Which was a start, next he needed a new identity. One that wouldn't tip anyone off.
Dick needed to pull some strings without alerting Barbara or Tim. A new name was forged: "Daniel Nightingale" (Dick patted himself on the back for that one).
With that Dick was ready to let Danny out in the field. For the most part, Danny was as reliable as any Robin if not a bit crazy. Danny was way too charming for his own good but also completely feral. The public adored the domino-masked kid in his green and black costume. Danny didn't wear a cape because of his wings so he used them as a cloak.
When citizens saw them in public they'd offer the kid fruit cups and candies just to get close enough to see his wings. The people of Bludhaven were also excited to have their own version of Robin since Gotham had so many. Also, the kid was so marketable. Look at the way his wings flapped when he was excited.
Danny's or more specifically "Batboy's" presence would not go unnoticed.
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Well, this can't end well.
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Welp. Dick should have expected this. He couldn't even be upset. He doesn't regret anything that he's done.
Danny was still in bed, actually it was a hammock which was more comfortable for a bat. Dick wondered if he could sleep upside down. The kid was comfortable here and probably better off here than in Gotham. Once the adoption goes public however things will get complicated. Danny may end up Bludhaven's sweetheart or outcast. He'll probably end up fine...probably.
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