#they shared the pic on twitter insta and now stories too
ingravinoveritas · 1 year
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Is it sad that I immediately thought of AL when I saw this? I don’t know if it’s the fact that the 3rd year of my husband’s passing is quickly approaching, or what, but it infuriates me how AL treats Michael.
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Hi there! Still playing catch up on Asks here, but first my most heartfelt condolences on the loss of your husband. To lose someone you love dearly must be incredibly painful, and especially near to the date of their passing. I'm so sorry.
As for your question, it's both sad and not sad at all that you thought of AL, because I actually had someone send me this exact cartoon just days before I got your Ask, also in reference to her. So you are definitely not the only one who had that thought, it seems.
I'm grouping your Ask along with the one from @phantomstars24 because today we got another new post from AL on Instagram that merited discussion. Probably everyone has seen it by now, but for those who haven't, the post contains a cute picture of Michael with a puppy:
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But when we look at AL's caption on the post, that is where things take somewhat of a turn:
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The caption seems to be referencing what is in the pictures she posted, but one word in particular stands out: "Trolls." In the pictures, we see deer, the girls, other family members, puppies. But if you Google pictures of "Scandinavian trolls," this is what they traditionally look like:
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So if we consider those images and then think of AL's pictures, the only thing in them that seems to fit this description is Michael, which would mean she is calling him a troll. It's actually not surprising or out of character for her, as it does fit with her long-running pattern of making snarky/mean comments about Michael's looks.
What makes this all even stranger is that Michael went on a tweeting spree on the 8th and 9th (answering a lot of GO-related questions in particular):
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And then AL posted an Insta story of him throwing an airplane with the caption of "Family holiday is going well," followed by this reply from her to a fan who shared the video on Twitter (to whom Michael had also replied during his Twitter spree):
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To recap: Michael was on a family holiday in Sweden last weekend and spent most of it scrolling on Twitter, for which AL passive-aggressively called him out (suggesting that he was happier/paying far more attention to Twitter than to her), and now she posts the pics from the trip and calls him a troll.
I mean...you can spin things a lot of ways, but this doesn't come across too well from any direction, especially given how she made sure that she looks good in the picture of her (and because I don't think there is any flattering or complimentary way to call someone a "troll," as it's meant to describe something as ugly, unattractive, etc.). However if there is some other meaning or if I'm just reading too much into this, I welcome folks to comment on here with their thoughts, because I'd love to hear other perspectives.
It's ironic, too, that she used the caption "Family holiday is going well" when so much else seems to indicate otherwise. Thinking about Michael in that puppy picture among the other pics in that post, you can see how he just doesn't quite "fit." Not just because he looks different from everyone else (recalling AL's pointed mention of "curly blondes"), but because there is a community there that he is not part of, and for someone like Michael, for whom community is such an important thing, him being a stranger among these folks makes him stand out even more, and for all the wrong reasons.
So yes, I would agree with your assertion @lepqueen of that cartoon being reminiscent of Anna, and I share your sentiment in disliking the way she treats Michael. I just keep thinking of how different the reaction would be if Michael had a history of commenting on her appearance, or if he called her a troll. The uproar would be staggering, I imagine, yet somehow no one blinks an eye when it's her doing it to him. Things that really do make you wonder...
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just-my-type-x · 2 years
ive been reading ur asks and i find it interesting that last year when Kat did the 10hr live stream with the 4 of them drunk, her and Stas at one point googled themselves to see what would come up. Kats I believe said singer and Stas got bothered that nothing showed up for her, not even edits. at the time a few of us googled her because the discussion of why would anything about her be on google was being had? there was this thing though that said she was trying to become a reality star and was participating in some show it was some interview she did and some of us thought maybe thats why she moved. fast forward to now you google her and all her stuff is either related to colby, or her insta pics since she went brunette and now shes on famous birthdays. so i guess it worked. not to mention katrina deleted that stream and later claimed her streams were getting taken down for playing music even though twitch is so strict that if that were the case her channel would be taken down by now for going against community guidelines and she still plays music now. basically the way it reads to me is that both were sketch from the get go, and i do believe some of the stuff ive read on tumblr and twitter saying kat made her tag along so she could have sam to herself and colby could have a distraction but obviously it backfired and stas took it too far.
I will say that this makes sense but why would stas be taken with them now? They've known each other for 4-5 years, why now? And i believe it's childish to say kat wanted sam for herself, it's not like they never hung out before or that Colby was thirdwheeling them too often. And if that was something she actually did, than that's childish of her to act like a kid that doesn't share toys. But tbh i think stas was looking for ways to become famous and just went above and beyond to receive it and the three of them pretty much gave it to her. I think this happened bc they were getting together really well and since they were also doing vids with haunted nights and helped them grow their business, why not help a friend, right? So that's definitely on them and i got so tired of seeing her around. It was a pleasure thinking that maybe they had a fight and won't cross paths again 😪
Any opinion is awaited ♥️ i do think u're right, but in the same time there are some ?? in the story. Also, about the livestream, stas was "brought to life" on purpose, maybe they didn't want fans to think there was a skeme that all of a sudden she's on Google, yk like an overnight apparition
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dreamings-free · 2 years
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DMA'S ❤️ Louis
instagram story 27/7/22
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leyyvi · 3 years
tbh modern day Levi is such a good concept ESPECIALLY when u consider he would be like. SO BAD. At social media??
He’d take so many photos with you, and so when you exchange socials you expect to see cute pics everywhere. BUT his Insta is just blank, and he mainly uses his Insta stories to repost CDC updates. He has like 12 followers but refuses to make his account private because “I’m sharing very important information!”
His Twitter would just be: “At Walmart along XXX Street now. Woman in red sweater black skirt not wearing a mask. Beware.” Or “XXX Cafe not enforcing social distancing. Will not be returning there.” But he’d have a favourite little tea shop and he’d also keep shilling for them every chance he gets. “XXX Teas are good. Get earl grey”. “XXX Teas provides hand sanitizer. Thanks for doing your part.”
I'm fucking crying at this headcanon so much. I could see him being such a Karen too like yes Levi call out the no-mask wearers but pls spare the retail workers who didn't clean the counter the one time you walked in fufhffhdjdk. He'd probably leave help reviews all the time with blurry pictures of his food too
But really the Walmart line got me so fucked up LEVI PLEASE 😭
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thetiredstuff · 2 years
what did you find out about frenchie's actor? I too love frenchie, but don't wanna get too invested or attached if the actor is an asshole
Hi anon!
The actor is from israel and a year ago when palestine was in the news a lot because of how israel was attacking them (they still are it’s just no longer in mainstream media), he posted a lot of stories in favor of Israel and the army and how the world media was reporting it all wrong.
There aren’t a lot of receipts and I found some a while ago but can’t find all of them again but did find this tweet that shared screenshots of tom*r’s insta story from around that time
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I think his user name is different on Instagram now but if you go on Karl Urban’s Instagram and scroll down far enough, you’ll see he tagged tom*r using that user name in the pic.
If you go to twitter and search his first name + “kappon Israel” you’ll find several tweets of people from a year ago expressing their disappointed that he defended Israel and labeled Palestine terrorists while Israel was attacking Palestine.
Unfortunately he’s pretty smart and didn’t put any permanent posts of his support on Instagram so there are only a few screenshots of his Instagram stories. I know there is another set besides the one above but I can’t find them anymore
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mrchalamet-mrstyles · 4 years
Reputation Management and the Rot at the Heart of Celebrity Journalism: How Armie Hammer Tried to Get Ahead of the Story—with Help from a GQ Writer
On September 30, 2020, GQ UK published an interview with Armie Hammer. The headline: Armie Hammer wants you to pick up the phone and call a friend. Like, now.
The interview was packaged as a rare, candid conversation with a movie star about his mental health struggles. A man who supposedly had it all—looks, breeding, a successful career on the silver-screen—was admitting that appearances can be deceiving. And he wanted the whole world to know he was having a hard time. Why? So that others in a similar position would feel inspired to seek help.
So humble. So brave.
Looking back, it's clear the interview represented a calculated attempt by a well-oiled publicity machine to prop up the 6'5" oil heir as a hero, lest he be exposed as a monster.
By September 2020, many of Armie's alleged DMs were already ricocheting across social media. In fact, they'd gone somewhat viral on July 15, following his divorce announcement.
What Armie's reputation needed, asap, was a good old-fashioned scrubbing—something to show that, whatever his demons, he was addressing them. Armie was doing the work.
And boy, did GQ UK come through for our leading man. It even put him on the cover of the November 2020 issue, all broody and soulful and wanting to open up about his pain, man.
But why did Armie's team go all the way to the United Kingdom in search of the ideal publication through which to launder his image?
This is where things get interesting.
Armie's mental health cover story was written and packaged by GQ UK's Chief Content Officer, Jonathan Heaf. It marked the second occasion both men worked together in less than two years: Armie had graced the March 2019 cover of the magazine—the accompanying profile of the actor was written by Heaf.
It's not exactly unheard of for celebrity coverage to be cloyingly sycophantic. But Heaf's 2019 article? Never before had a glossy magazine printed a rim job quite like this one.
He takes great pains to let the reader know that he really likes Armie Hammer:
It’s easy to want to be friends with Hammer. You can kind of tell, right? I swooned, plus he’s terrific company.
He really, really likes Armie Hammer:
"Did I tell you how much I like Armie Hammer? Well, let me tell you again: it’s very easy to like Armie Hammer."
It's a familiar experience—you become infatuated with someone, and you want to talk about how great they are to anyone who will listen.
"I am compelled to tell Chalamet what I feel compelled to tell you: about the sheer decency of Hammer as a human being."
Anything else you told Armie's co-star about Armie, Jonathan?
"I tell him that I believe there is something noble about his friend, mentor and colleague. Not noble as in a sense of hierarchy or blue-bloodedness, but more in a decent, gallant, chivalrous way."
Geez, man. It sounds like you started to worship Armie Hammer. I hope you didn't go even further overboard with the compliments, because they might look embarrassing in retrospect.
Ah, well. Nevertheless.
You should've listened to your role model, Jonathan. He wasn't wrong.
The question is, Why? What the hell happened to make a journalist become so chummy with his interview subject? (Beyond the obvious lack of professionalism, of course.)
Unfortunately for Jonathan, he might not be in a position to answer this. There's that pesky lack of professionalism, for one. While the interview with Armie Hammer was technically supposed to be a "work" thing, Jonathan ended up getting drunk. Very, very drunk. So drunk he doesn't remember how he got home. So drunk he barely recalls the evening he spent on the company dime, "interviewing" Armie Hammer.
I'm not making this up. Jonathan Heaf, Chief Content Officer of GQ UK, spent half the article talking about how hungover he was the day after the interview. Half the article. Surely, nobody who leafed through the March 2019 issue of GQ UK looking for the Armie Hammer profile gives a rat about Jonathan Heaf's hangover. I'm not sure anybody in the world would be interested in reading these many words about Jonathan Heaf. Not even his mother. Yet here we are.
There's another reason we are unlikely to ever get an answer for why Jonathan Heaf loves Armie Hammer so much. The reason is because the two men share a secret. A salacious secret. A secret so juicy and hilarious, the two men can't help joking about it on Twitter.
Oh man, you really had to be there. It was a bonding moment between two dads. (Yes, both men are fathers.) It even got immortalized in a very funny photo! Jonathan loves talking about "THE PHOTO." But he won't let you see it. No, sir. It's a secret photo. A secret photo related to an even secreter secret shared between Jonathan Heaf and Armie Hammer.
And let him tell you, Jonathan Heaf is very, very relieved that his secret is safe with Armie Hammer. So safe he can play coy about it in the pages of the magazine that employs him.
If you see Armie Hammer out on the street, looking tall and noble, ask him. Ask Hammer the actor what happened to him and the British journalist after the Martini session in the Sunset Tower Hotel bar in November last year. Walk up to him. Say hi. Smile. Wave. Talk. Engage in a conversation. He’ll like that. Be nice. Be civil. Be a bit more, well, be a bit more Armie. I mean, he probably won’t tell you. Why not? Well, he’s Armie Hammer, isn’t he? It wouldn’t be gracious. It would make you laugh like hell, sure, but it wouldn’t be loyal. It wouldn’t be decent. And, you know, we could all do with being a bit more Armie Hammer sometimes. Right, Armie?"
If you've made it this far (first of all—thank you), you may be wondering whether I'm being too harsh on poor old Jonathan Heaf. How was he supposed to know his utterly decent, supremely loyal friend Armie Hammer would turn out to be a sadistic psychopath? Jonathan Heaf is probably just as freaked out as we all are. Right?
On Thursday, Heaf uploaded a photograph to his Instagram grid, of himself wearing a flashy tracksuit. If the tracksuit looks familiar, it's probably because you've seen Armie Hammer wear it on the pages of GQ UK.
And in the comments of his dapper tracksuit insta pic, Jonathan Heaf, Chief Content Officer of GQ UK, wrote, "cut me, I bleed breakfast wine 🍷"
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digitalworldbound · 4 years
the chosen on social media
this is inspired by @tangledupblue and her wonderful instagram series. you can find those here, as well as other digimon related things! (please check them out - i love them!)
probably has a cute handle - something like @/light.of.your.life or @/hikariferarri (courtesy of takeru). 
is instagram FAMOUS for her photography. she also helps the other chosen take quality pictures for their social medias
she only has facebook so that she can share her mom’s recipes
while she likes snapchat, the updates can get confusing. there have been multiple times where she sent iori a message meant for miyako
hikari loves twitter, but only to find meme to send to the “LIL BABEY MONS” group chat. (in reference to one of her fav vids, THIS).
has a tiktok, but only posts behind-the-scenes shots of photo shoots or asmr day-in-my-life clips.
he has an instagram, but posts once every 43 weeks
he loves using Facebook to keep up with his family members, kendo pals, and school friends. he only posts selfies that make him look like an old man or the shots hikari captures at his matches.
despite being the youngest chosen, he really acts like the oldest. he doesnt really get all of the "twitting" and "chat snapping". why don't people just send emails anymore?
he only downloaded snapchat because miyako threatened him with his life kindly suggested that he be apart of the "LIL BABEY MONS" group chat
this boy is a twitter KING
he can literally post about his least favorite genre of milk (🤢 skim 🤢) and have thousands of retweets in a few minutes
instagram isnt really his “thing”, but anytime he does post, takeru gives him shit for it
he has to most followers out of anyone in the group, but mimi is a close second
facebook hasn’t been a thing for him since he was eleven and wanted to play farmville
she updates DAILY for her facebook friends
anytime she drinks a diet coke? posted. the horrible incident involving veemon and a lost diaper? written about in detail. 
she is a total mom friend, and most of her pictures consist of piyomon and her friends at their extracurricular activities. 
she runs a fan account for knife of day on twitter. after the band changed their name, most of their follower-base was lost, so sora...became a fandom catfish to give them clout.
once a month, she has to go on a “social media detox” because she used pinterest more than 3 hours.
tries to avoid all social media because people still tag him in his old interviews. (his hair style?  🤢 🤢 his attitude?  🤮 🤮
he also used to be a cyber bully in elementary school. his old email address was [email protected]
he’s on linkedin,,,,,,it’s not that cool
he leaves everyone on read with snapchat. his philosophy is that if the person truly needed him, they would just call
he LOVES making playlists on spotify!!! some of them even have more than ten likes!!!
also, he updates his goodreads daily and makes sure to review every single thing he has ever read.
this boy SPAMS snapchat and his instagram with food pics
“phone eats first”
he also lowkey runs a thirst-trap tiktok account. his motto is “i do it for the girls and the gays, that’s it.”
his snap score is ASTRONOMICAL, and he probably has well over 300 friends. 
he often posts those “anonymous message” things, but only posts the nice ones because he wants people to think that he is Super Cool.
he tries too hard on instagram, and the other chosen often tease him in the comments 
his favorite pastime is to watch trick-shots on youtube
he doesnt really have the time to divulge in social media, so his phone is pretty dry. 
his only friends on snapchat are the eleven other chosen and his “””””””””””girlfriend””””””””””””””””””” 
facebook?? who is she?? 
he only uses instagram to promote local charities, share photos of “interesting” x-rays, wounds, etc, and to post links to informational articles
that’s it, honestly. he is a simple man.
QWEEN of EVERYTHING, sry about it
instagram? she serves LOOKS daily
snapchat? you KNOW she spams “LIL BABEY MONS” at all hours of the night with obscure memes and questions about philosophy.
she also loves to use pinterest for some of her more elaborate ideas, but leaves the bulk of that to mimi.
she is semi-famous on twitter for starting drama in the “computer enthusiat” community (it isn’t her fault that twelve-year-old boys have the ego of a fully grown daisuke and need to be knock down a peg or few)
miyako is also a life-style vlogger, but her most famous video is titled  “day in the life of a japanese student that casually studied abroad in spain but is back now!!! 🌸 💫 🌈 ”
she also invites mimi onto her channel so that they can make disaster-prone recipes together
he has snapchat because it is mimi’s preferred form of communication
anytime kou sees a cool flower or something pretty, he sends it to the girls 
despite being very proficient in computer studies, he refuses to help the girls change the html text of their blogs to make it ombre
linkedin is his most favorite, and he thinks it is fun to update his resume
he lowkey is the admin of a world-wide digimon discord server along with takeru 
his snap score rivals daisuke’s, but it is mainly used for his teammates and the various...lovely women he meets up with most nights.
his dm’s are always full, and his instagram is full of only soccer pics. that’s it. that is his only personality trait.
he only follows two (2) famous soccer players on twitter, but hasnt logged on since middle school. his profile picture is a stock photo of a dinosaur
,,,,,,,,,lowkey has pornhub premium 
pinterest is her literal bestfriend. she is ALWAYS searching up ideas about home decor, new recipes, etc.
YOUTUBER STATUS!!!! she is so chaotic and edits her videos to the max, but the public love her.
her insta is filled with plants, cute outfits, scenery, and candids of her friends. she also highkey loves having a social media theme!! 
she has 86 profiles on facebook because she keeps forgetting her passwords and doesnt know how to delete the old ones
he LOVES goodreads! he makes all kinds of friends that like the same stories!!
he loves moderating the digimon discord server because he can learn all kinds of language and ways to tell hikari he loves her
he posts aesthetic pictures of books and coffee shops on his insta and odd snippets of his friends (hikari's hand in the corner, yamato's hair poking about, whatever strikes his fancy)
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tabloidtoc · 4 years
Star, January 25
You can now buy a copy of this issue for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover: Meghan Markle’s life is a lie 
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Page 1: Emma Stone’s baby joy -- after months of speculation thrilled mom-to-be Emma debuts her baby bump during a hike with a pal 
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Page 2: Contents, Sutton Foster and Nico Tortorella and Debi Mazar filmed a scene for Younger’s final season 
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Page 4: Candace Cameron Bure came out swinging again against commenters on a holiday pic she posted on Instagram of her and her husband Valeri Bure and kids Natasha and Lev and Maksim and she got a load of snark for the heavily retouched pic 
Page 5: Karlie Kloss usually steers clear of dishing on her sister- and brother-in-law Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner but on January 6 Karlie broke her silence after Ivanka tweeted and quickly deleted a post calling a pro-Trump mob storming the U.S. Capitol building American patriots and Karlie begged to differ tweeting that accepting the results of a legitimate democratic election is patriotic and when one Twitter user urged her to tell her brother-in-law and sister-in-law she lamented I’ve tried 
* Olivia Jade Giannulli posted a clip of herself dancing maskless at a beach-house party and the New Year’s Day Insta came days after her mom Lori Loughlin was sprung from prison and the clip which featured her toasting with a glass of vino came less than a month after she aired her regrets in an interview -- the party girl feels she’s suffered too from the scandal and she was just letting off steam 
* Rege-Jean Page has sent pulses racing with his groundbreaking role as the rakish Duke of Hastings in Bridgerton but it was his reference to James Bond’s legendary martini preference in a tweet that had fans speculating he’s in line to take over from Daniel Craig as the next 007 -- the biracial actor has been vocal about the importance of inclusive casting 
Page 6: Jessica Simpson whose own father once bragged about her double Ds is enjoying a very particular benefit of her recent 100-lb slimdown which is she’s gone down two cup sizes and she says she feels more athletic and her body is more in proportion -- in addition to easing back pain she feels a different sort of weight has lifted because all that talk about her breasts made her feel they overshadowed her as a person 
* Drew Barrymore is nursing a private pain as her ex-husband Will Kopelman went public with his new love Vogue staffer Alexandra Michler and the two are serious while Drew is still single and she is alone and feeling like the odd man out -- there are times when Drew absolutely regrets divorcing Will especially now that he’s dating again and Drew was holding out hope for a reunion but when she discovered Will was seeing someone new she knew there was a good chance it may not happen and even worse her own attempts at finding romance have fallen flat as she’s tried online dating a few times but had no luck 
* Star Spots the Stars -- Jimmy Fallon and wife Nancy Juvonen, Jennifer Lopez, Eva Longoria, Ryan Seacrest, Jenna Dewan, Aubrey Plaza, JD Martinez 
Page 8: Star Shots -- John Legend gave his son Miles a zip around the water on a jet ski during a vacation in St. Barths, Ellen DeGeneres on a bike after lunch with friends in Santa Barbara, Brooke Burke dressed in wintry workout gear sipped a hot drink 
Page 10: Leslie Jones on Celebrity Wheel of Fortune, Christina Aguilera playing video games with her son Max 
Page 12: Kit Harington takes his dog for a walk in London, Sean “Diddy” Combs passed out gift cards and gift bags to those in need in Miami, Mindy Kaling online shopping 
Page 13: Gabrielle Union and her husband Dwyane Wade on a hike, Jenny McCarthy maneuvered her trash bins to the curb in Chicago 
Page 14: Coach Tom Jones on The Voice UK, EJ Johnson at the beach in Miami, Margaret Qualley and boyfriend Shia LaBeouf on a hike in L.A., Dua Lipa eating during a getaway in Tulum, Mexico 
Page 16: Normal or Not? Tori Spelling out in Los Angeles with her dogs and husband Dean McDermott -- normal, Nicole Kidman and an alpaca -- not normal 
Page 17: Jennifer Garner playing the drinking game from The Crown in which participants who can’t repeat a phrase correctly must smudge their faces -- not normal, Kate Bosworth celebrated her birthday with husband Michael Polish and some bubbly in Beverly Hills -- normal 
Page 18: Fashion -- stars stun in Pantone colors of the year Illuminating Yellow and Ultimate Gray -- Mindy Kaling, Thandie Newton, Jorja Smith 
Page 19: Ariana Grande, Zoey Deutch 
Page 24: Olivia Wilde made news stepping out as Harry Styles’ plus-one to his agent’s wedding in Montecito and he introduced her as his girlfriend as the two mingled and held hands -- the next day Harry and Olivia who hit it off on the set of her upcoming psychological thriller Don’t Worry Darling in which he stars were spotted heading into his L.A. home -- wedding guests weren’t the only ones surprised by the new couple as Olivia’s ex Jason Sudeikis dad to her kids Otis and Daisy has been nurturing hope of a reunion since their split in late 2020 and he was surprised she’d go for one of the actors in her movie -- now Olivia is conflicted because she’s having fun with Harry but there’s no denying her feelings for Jason continue to linger and some are betting her romance with Harry will flame out in no time and no one would be surprised if Olivia and Jason ended up getting back together 
Page 25: Florence Pugh and Zach Braff had Hollywood abuzz after a pal wished her a happy birthday on social media and cryptically referred to her as FPB -- that extra B caused many to surmise that Florence has quietly exchanged vows with Zach and taken his last name and Florence hasn’t done much to shut down speculation by strategically hiding her ring finger in photos shared on Instagram 
* Zoe Kravitz filed for divorce from Karl Glusman after 18 months of marriage because she was fed up with having an MIA husband -- things between the two hit a breaking point after Karl failed to check in with his wife while filming Please Baby Please in Butte, Montana -- Zoe couldn’t take being ignored and when she and Karl finally spoke they had a big fight and she pulled the plug shortly afterwards 
* They called it quits in October after two years together but Bethenny Frankel and Paul Bernon are now giving their relationship another shot -- they split up because their long-distance romance proved too difficult but Bethenny really missed him and it turns out Paul missed her too and it seems second time’s a charm because a loved-up Bethenny and Paul indulged in PDA at a Miami studio as they watched her daughter paint with the artist
Page 26: Cover Story -- Meghan Markle exposed -- Meghan’s older half-sister is dishing some major dirt about the former actress’ rise to royalty in her new bombshell book 
Page 30: Inside Kim Kardashian’s escape -- Kim reached her breaking point with Kanye West months ago but took many steps before she finally left him 
Page 32: It Ain’t Over Till It’s Over -- these celebs more than made up after breaking up and they made it all the way down the aisle -- Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel, Kelly Ripa and Mark Consuelos, Adam Levine and Behati Prinsloo 
Page 33: Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard, Chrissy Teigen and John Legend, Prince William and Kate Middleton 
Page 36: Beauty -- sweet dreams -- get better ZZZs and wake up looking gorgeous with products that nourish 
Page 38: Entertainment 
Page 48: Parting Shot -- Splashing out on a romantic getaway in Tulum, Mexico Bella Thorne and boyfriend Benjamin Mascolo made time to keep it tight on the sand 
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girlinredstuff · 4 years
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 i know that this is not the kind of stuff that im used to post here BUT today our baby released ‘say it’!!! a cover that she recorded for spotify of a song of maggie rogers!!! anyway... i made these memes just to divulgue!!! u guys can (must) save and share them on ur social medias to divulgue too!!! share them on ur insta stories/twitter and mention marie!!! then shell know that we loved!! the acc in the pics is my fan clube on twitter lmao. u guys can follow me okay i  FOLLOW BACK NOW GO AND STREAM SAY IT ON SPOTIFY BYE STAY SAFE
oi gente!!! 
 eu sei que esse não é o tipo de coisa que eu estou acostumada a postar aqui, mas hoje nosso bebê lancou ‘say it’!!! um cover que ela gravou para o spotify de uma música da maggie rogers!! enfim... eu fiz esses memes só pra divulgar!!! vocês podem (devem) salvar e compartilhá-los em suas redes sociais para divulgar também!!! publiquem nos stories do insta/twitter e mencionem a marie!! assim ela vai saber que nós amamos!! o @ nas fotos é meu fã clube no twitter kkkkkk vcs podem me seguir eu SIGO DE VOLTA!!! agora vao e stream SAY IT no spotify. tchau SE CUIDEM
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harrywavycurly · 5 years
Interview with the Horans!
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This is a compilation of questions I’ve received for Niall and Delilah to answer and I did it as if they were sitting down doing an interview, I hope you enjoy and that it helps give you an insight into the lives of the Horans! If you have no clue what I’m talking about Niall and Delilah are from my Insta Story you can find here! 
Q: How did you two meet?
Niall: At an after party of a sports event I believe? She’s gonna kill me if I got it wrong. 
Delilah: Really? An after party? You’re so annoying. We met at a sports event that I didn’t want to go too but my friend Phoebe dragged me to it and I ran into Niall at the bar it was all super casual.
Niall: Ya sure, if ya call her almost knockin me over ta order a bloody drink casual. 
Q: How did you ask Delilah to be your girlfriend? 
Niall: Oh god uh I jus sat her down and asked her if she wanted to be exclusive an she laughed at me cos she was like “who the hell uses the term exclusive? you’re such an old man” dat was probably after we had been on like four or so dates. I jus enjoyed bein round her. 
Delilah: It was super cute, he gets all blushy and adorable. He was nervous and I have no clue as to why, he had already asked to share my calendar with him to see what dates work for us and everything. Like that’s a pretty big deal. 
Q: What’s a normal day in the life like for the Horans?
Niall: nine times outta ten shes up before me, she was like dat even before the girls. She can stay awake till six in da bloody mornin and be up at eight ready to rock n roll. S’a bit disturbin, but our days when M’not on tour are very like every other married couples... jus wit a set of twins.
Delilah: We go on a walk in the mornings, we’ve been doing that ever since I was pregnant, and while on the walk is when we lay out the game plan for the day. So if he has any meetings or anything he’ll tell me so I can plan my day around it. So like yesterday he had a photo shoot for something-
Niall: Cos m’a model now. Just so ya know.
Delilah: Right...so anyway he had his model thing so the girls and I brought him lunch and he was home at a decent time to help with their bedtime routine.
Niall: I feel like we are pretty normal ta be honest like we don’t do a lot of extravagant shit.
Delilah: Not anymore no.
Niall: We were never like jet settin on tons of trips and stuff we’ve always kinda just went from New York to California. We like ta lay low.
Delilah: As low as a former member of one of the largest boy bands in the world can lay....he forgets who he is sometimes. But yes we do kinda just stick to the two places and don’t go out much unless it’s to dinner because I like to eat out a lot. It’s a problem that I’m working on. Oh and Niall likes to go to parties without me but that’s not typically part of a normal day in the life of us.
Niall: M’not even gonna go der wit you.
Q: Speaking of parties, Delilah it’s pretty obvious you don’t like being left at home while Niall goes and has fun.
Delilah: Yeah he’s an asshole. He met Post Malone while I was at home trying to get comfy with my damn pregnancy pillow! And him and Shawn just are super annoying when they get drunk together. But I don’t mind him having his bro time and going out without me, I just like being dramatic.
Niall: Yeah m’da worst at like tryin ta plan parties and invitin her cos half the time they are so last minute and I know she does not do last minute.
Delilah: No I need at least four hours to prepare myself to be around people and to like get dressed and all that not so fun stuff. 
Q: Who said I love you first?
Niall: She did. During an argument matter of fact, it was pretty memorable. 
Delilah: I said it during a moment of passion Niall James not a full blown argument. it was like a “God why do I have to love you so much?” Don’t make it sound so dramatic. 
Niall: M’pretty sure yelling it in the middle of a “passionate argument” is the same as jus sayin it in an argument babe but okay. 
Delilah: It’s totally different, you’re just a dumb boy you wouldn't understand.
Q: Rumor has it you two broke up briefly while Niall was on tour just after releasing Flicker. Is that true? 
Delilah: Yes it’s true. Couples take breaks. Look at Ross and Rachel, it worked out fine for them. 
Niall: Really ya gonna bring Ross and Rachel into dis? They suffered fo a few years before actually bein happy...
Delilah: I mean are you upset that I forgave you too soon? 
Q: Why did you two break up?
Delilah: Yeah Niall why did we break up? 
Niall: Yer such an arse. Uhhh can we skip dis one? We’re allowed like one skip right? 
Delilah: Nope. The people want to know and you always say you’re a man of the people. 
Niall: I cheated. Next question please. 
Q: What songs on Flicker are about Delilah?
Niall: None of em. 
Delilah: Did you hear that world? I was not the muse for that sad ass album so stop blaming me for breaking this man’s heart. 
Niall: Slow hands is bout her I guess, it was written after a date wit her to a bar so yeah, slow hands s’bout her. 
Delilah: I'll allow that one. 
Niall: Oh and So Long. But that’s not on the album so...but most of the songs I didn’t necessarily write wit anyone in mind more of an emotion I wanted ta get across. 
Q: When the two of you were dating who was the best at keeping in touch with the other?
Niall: She was at first then I’d say it was pretty even once we got a bit mo serious. We always had a good long chat at the end of each day tho no matter if we only exchanged two texts throughout the day.
Delilah: In the beginning I was just nosey and wanted to know what he was doing all the time. Then I realized he legit is either in the studio or he’s playing golf or at some sort of event. We still do the phone call each night when he’s away. 
Q: What’s something you love about each other? 
Niall: Easy! Her love of life, she is someone that ya jus wanna be around cos she will make ya smile and makes ya ten times happier jus being in the same room as her. 
Delilah: Awe you’re so sweet! I honestly love the fact Niall will never tell you anything just because he knows you want to hear it, he doesn’t sugar coat things and I know that sounds odd to like love that about someone but it’s just refreshing. I love knowing that if I ask him for his opinion it's going to be 100% honest and how he truly feels and sometimes it makes me want to smack him but mostly I just appreciate what he has to say. 
Niall: Oh an I love her laugh. 
Delilah: Niall also has a very nice ass so you can put that down as something I love as well. 
Niall: Delilah Grace...m’not arguing though.
Q: So Niall this is mainly for you, how has it been dealing with how often Delilah posts about your private life since normally you like to keep that to yourself.
Delilah: Ohhhh good question!
Niall: I don’t mind it really, s’not like she posts pics of me doin anythin scandalous. I think she shows another side ta me dat the fans enjoy, it shows them dat I’m like I always say, a normal guy wit jus an abnormal job. Also her captions are jus...somethin else she has such a way wit words.
Delilah: He laughs so hard at the photos I post of him looking annoyed. He loves those the best.
Niall: I’d also say she’s da reason my posts have gotten a bit more personal. She’s helped me realize dat my Instagram an twitter doesn’t have ta jus be all Niall Horan the musician. The fans and everyone wanna jus get ta know me.
Delilah: You’re welcome world.
Q: So you two have been married for almost a year now right? What’s been the best part of being married?
Delilah: I get lots of free stuff, it’s pretty freakin great if I’m being honest. 
Niall: Ignore her, yes we’ve been married almost a year now, hard ta believe s’only been a year. 
Delilah: I mean having the girls seemed to take up a big part of the year so I’d honestly say the best part of being married so far is just knowing he’s fully mine now and I get to be in his life forever. Sounds lame when I say it out loud.
Niall: I think the best part is jus knowin that she’s there. Like she always has my back on anythin an bein able to point to her an be like “oh dats my wife.” I enjoy that quite a lot if m’bein totally honest wit ya. 
Q: So the twins they are adorable by the way, what was your initial reaction when you found out you were having twins?
Niall: I absolutely almost shit myself it took me completely off guard.
Delilah: Same! But really I was kinda hoping I was having twins because lord was I getting huge kinda faster than I had anticipated.
Niall: It’s also in the long run good cos we only wanted two so like boom! One an done is what they say right?
Delilah: No one says that about kids you weirdo.
Niall: S’for sure a thing people say even bout kids. 
Q: Who takes care of the kids more?
Delilah: Me, just because Niall has a job while I stay home all day in my sweatpants eating.
Niall: Obviously it’s Delilah, she is an actual angel fo everythin she does for the girls and myself even. An jus fo the record she doesn’t wear sweatpants all day, she eventually puts like dem leggin type pants on.
Delilah: Thanks honey. 
Q: So Delilah what would you do if you came home to Niall asleep on the couch when he’s supposed to be watching the girls?
Delilah: It depends. If the girls are also asleep I’d probably cry at how cute they all look passed out.
Niall: Dey are way cuter dan me when they’re alseep.
Delilah: But if he’s asleep and they aren’t...oh hell will be raised in the Horan house. I’d probably smack him with a throw pillow and never let him live that moment down. Like even Shawn hasn’t fallen asleep while watching the girls yet and he’s only watched them after they are asleep so Niall and I can go have dinner alone. 
Q: So is Shawn The Godfather?
Niall: Did he tell you to ask dat?
Delilah: He’s one of them yes.
Niall: We have two godfathers and two godmothers.
Delilah: We are just extra like that, don’t even ask why. 
Q: Last question, how have you handled the fans response towards your relationship? The overall response seems to be everyone pretty much adore the two of you.
Niall: Oh it’s been great really, only a few people here an there have some shitty remark ta say but it’s always something stupid.
Delilah: I think after the first two years it just switched and it’s been for the most part pretty nice. I think at first the fans just didn’t know how serious this was going to be and everyone legit loves Niall so they wanted to make sure I was worthy of him. But I mean we’ve been together for so long now that they’ve fully accepted me.
Niall: Dey have realized she’s not goin anywhere. I mean she met me when I was still in One Direction like jus before the hiatus so she’s been through a lot wit me and the fans love er.
Delilah: Diall till death.
Niall: Oh yeah dats our Uh..what they call it? Ship name? Diall!
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sub4bondage86 · 4 years
(Stories found on Slaveboys - amupfurit)
I sit here writing this wearing white Adidas trackie bottoms, white McKenzie T-Shirt, Air Max Cap and Lacoste trainers, smoking, with a chastity cage on and a large black butt plug lodged firmly up my ass.. Ned-Slave Well, where do I start? I’m Dan, 20 years old from Glasgow in Scotland, kinda tall at 6ft, got dark hair and eyes and a great body, if I do say so myself! I was considered a bit of a scally, or Ned as they’re called in Scotland, always walking about with trackies, Lacoste trainers and a fag in my mouth. I got on well with my pals, all lads, proper lads, we got wrecked every weekend and ended up doing shit that really wasn’t cool; vandalism, happy slapping, etc. Sex talk didn’t really come up in day to day conversation with the lads, sometimes our pack leader, Jamie, would tell us of the bitches he had taken over the week and the others would all act impressed and cheer him on whereas I just smiled and lit up a fag or kept myself distracted to not look like the pussy I was... I’ve been into kink for a while now, looking on various websites to get my kicks out of other ‘slaves’ being used and abused, thinking to myself how great it would be to be put in bondage, even for just a little while. From my mid-teens I found myself looking less and less at girl porn, and more at guy porn, but I had fooled around with girls in the past and have had my fair share of pussy mostly just to keep the guys impressed and to stop the torrent of abuse the other guys who seemed to never get any action got. I had convinced myself I wasn’t ‘gay’ but I knew that I needed to be dominated by another man. I had looked and tried to get hard at Femdom stuff, but it just wasn’t for me, I couldn’t see me being used by a woman and from what I had seen most of them seemed pretty desperate, but I guess I didn’t look too hard cause I knew deep down that only a man could make me feel the way I needed to feel! It was my secret taboo and no one could find out, regularly deleting all my history and cookies, making sure there was no way my older brother Cameron could see, even if he did manage to log on as me. Cameron was not only my older brother, but my guardian as our parents had left some time ago, and despite being in and out of homes, Cameron took me in as soon as he could and we set up home together, 2 brothers having a great lads time in Glasgow. The house really was the party central in town, with mine’s and Cammie’s pals coming round most weekends for a good ol’ booze up. One weekend, a good few months ago Cameron was away at his girlfriend’s house, so I took this as prime time to have a major wank session while browsing the internet, trying to find a master or someone kinky to go on cam with. I’d told all my pals I was away with Cammie for the weekend, so had from Friday morning til Monday night to myself and man, was I looking forward to it! I finished work at the builders at 3 and went straight back to the house, sat down at the computer with a bottle of beer and a pack of fags to see me through the night. I found a website and quickly made a profile to see what it had on it. Wow. It was awesome. I didn’t realise there were as many guys out there into the same stuff. Some of it was pretty wierd for me though, guys pissing on each other and stuff like that I could never find a turn on. I read some of the forum messages, and man was there some horny stuff. I quickly had a look to see who was online and messaged a guy quite local to me in Glasgow... “Awryte man, nice pics, wud luv 2 get sum action wi u!” I clicked Send, and for some reason I was nervous. It was the fucking internet! He didn’t know anything about me apart from what was on my bare profile, age and location! Why the hell was I nervous. I got a reply quickly. “Boy, you will call me Sir from now on, I am not ‘man’ or ‘m8’, I am Master and you will treat me accordingly. Now boy, do you have a way for us to chat like MSN? If so, I want you to send me your user name immediately.” I got an instant boner when I read that, this hot sounding 25 year old with great pictures was telling me to send my MSN username to him. I lit up a fag and had a quick look around the site before another message popped up “Boy, I don’t take time wasters lying down, either message me your MSN now or never contact me again”. I kinda laughed but thought what the hell and sent him my e-mail address and waited. Just after I put out my first smoke I was messaged on MSN by ‘Master T’: “So boy, why haven’t I seen you on here before?” I explained to him I was new to this and was having a look around to see what I was interested in and maybe have a wank over cam. I explained that I was straight but was curious to find out more about this lifestyle and so far I was pretty turned on. “Very good, a newbie boi for me to break in! U look good boi...” I shat myself, how the hell did he know what I looked like? I started looking around me to see if there was someone looking or any hidden cameras like on the TV shows. I messages him back “LOL man, how the hell u know if I look good? “BOI, U will address me as Sir or master, and Mr Ford, I know everything” By now I was freaked out, he knew apparently what I looked like, but hell.. He knew my surname! I lost the horn and was shaking a little, wondering how this pervert had found out my sir name without me telling it to him. “Sir how do you know my surname? Please tell me or I’ll block you and that’s it!” There was no reply for a good 5 minutes, I was sweating and was swithering on blocking him and hoping it was a really good bluff! He replied and I just about jumped out my seat... Not only did he know who I was, but he had access to all the lads and my pals! “Facebook boi!” Shit what an idiot I had been, I had given him my real e-mail address which I used for everything, Insta, Twitter, facebook! Everything! I didn’t reply, I was shitting myself, what if this guy was going to out me in one go to all my pals? What if he was going to harass me or contact my brother!
“Well boi, get on cam, I want to see my new boi live! Don’t worry, if you please your new master, no one will ever find out. Trust me boy, Im not an old perv, I’ll show you my cam too.” Somehow, this eased my nerves a little. This guy probably didn’t want to be found out either and what the hell, if he did try anything I would just get the police involved. I clicked the send camera button and within a few seconds he sent his and my, oh my, he was stunning. He was muscled, with blonde hair and great blue eyes, he had a cool tribal tattoo similar to mine on his arm and both his nipples were shining with the little silver rings hanging through them. I got hard again and told him he was amazing looking. He looked like an Abercrombie model, only with a wild streak! “Good boi, now, tell ur master what you are into!” I told him I had been looking around the site and loved the look of cages and collars, even the handcuffs and masks looked horny. I explained I wasn't into getting fucked and I wouldn’t suck another dude’s dick for anything. I lit up another fag and told him a bit more about me and asked him what he liked and what he has done in the past. “Boi, I love getting wee ned fuckers like you all chained up and doing things to them beyond their wildest imaginations. Do you have any gear boi?” I asked what gear was, to me it was dope, but how wrong I was... He asked if I had any toys, anal toys! Any handcuffs or tape? I explained I really was new to this and only had handcuffs on once before, and that was after being in a fight on Argyle Street! I was still hard as a rock, sitting here like a faggot looking at this hot guy talking to me about dildos and things called butt plugs. He told me he had to go for an hour, but to research about kink and hopefully open my mind to the things he was going to do to me. I was wanking slightly and he said not wank or touch my cock before he came back. I said OK and started doing my homework for this amazing guy! I started looking around the site some more, reading the forums and trying to find out more about this new found fetish of mine. I read about loads of positions, different gear that guys use and looked at more photos of guys chained up with their cracks’ stuffed with dildos and these plug things. I googled most of the gear and found some sites that sold stuff and man, I didn’t realise there was so much and so many sites that sold them, it was amazing. I found it hard not to touch my dick which was tenting up through my trackie bottoms but just kept lighting up fag after fag to keep my mind (and hands) off my cock. Messenger popped up again, “Well boi Dan, how’s the research coming along?” “Hi Sir, Done loadsa lookin aboot n its aw fuckin horny stuff. Here, u got ne of it?” Master T replied instantly, “More than you could ever realise boi, and you are going to get to try it all out! Now get back on cam!” I quickly turned the camera on as I lit up another fag, shit, I only had 5 left, I wasn’t going to be able to make it through the night chatting to this stud with 5 fags! “Boi, smoke that cig quick, inhale each and every drag well, stand up, then strip. In that order. Go!” I puffed as quick as I could pulled the smokey goodness into my lungs, stubbed it out, stood up and stripped quicker than I ever had before. Fuck, what the hell was I doing? Stripping to another bro on a webcam, it seemed so fucking wierd but man I was as horny as hell and with my dick pointing straight up, I quickly realised he knew I was horny too. I typed to him, still standing, leaning over the keyboard, “ Like wot u see man” then quickly changed man to Sir! before hitting enter. “Yes boi, but it will be better to see you in real life. When are you free for me to train you up real good?” I asked him how he meant by train and he referred me to some of the pictures on the site and on another site while explaining that soon, very soon, I would be his trained cock slave. Reading what he said and looking at the pictures only made me hornier and my twitching cock gave it away. “We’ll need to get that greedy cock locked away too boi, can’t have my boys wanking without Sir’s direct permission...” I laughed out loud thinking it was a joke and Master T clearly saw this on cam. “That was NOT a joke boi, I have a CB-6000 waiting for you and you WILL be locked up until I say otherwise. Kneel down.” In my complete ignorance I asked what a CB-6000 thing was and kneeled on the floor in-front of the computer. I was still horny as hell even although this guy had managed to find out everything about me in not such a long period of time and have me do what he wants without him actually forcing me to. He replied saying I must not have done my homework well enough and not to worry cause I would be having it on very soon! He asked once again when I was free to come over. I quickly said, stupidly, that I was free all weekend.
“Excellent boi, I will be training you!” I started rubbing my dick again, hoping he wouldn’t see. Man I was horny, but I was nervous as hell about talking about this training. Over the past few hours I had learned so much and truly realised how much it got me horny. “Leave your dick alone boi, you will be punished! What’s your phone number?” I read his comment and instantly let go of my dick, this guy really did have power over me, and he didn’t even need to remind me that he could out me instantly if he wanted, but it didn’t bother me. I wanted, for some stupid fucking reason to let this guy tell me what to do and make me do it. “Eh sir, I dunno if I wanna give oot ma number the now” “OK boi, thats fine, who do you want me to tell that ur a little bitch to a man first?” I got nervous again and changed my mind, its only a number, I could change it if things got wierd and I wanted to call it off. I sent him my mobile number and started staring at my phone, excited and nervous about him calling or texting me. “Good boi! Now, I am going to phone you, you are going to pick up and we are going to discuss what time you are to meet me and what I want you do to beforehand.” “Awrite sir, no bother!” The phone rang and despite me knowing it was coming I just about jumped up with the fright, my heart was racing as I went to pick it up “Private Number”. “Good boi” His voice was gruff but soothing at the same time. “Now, while on cam, stand up and turn around, bend over and spread your crack for me to see whats now mine!” I didn’t say a word but did exactly as he wanted. He told me again I was a good boi, this pleased me more than I expected and was still hard as a rock. He told me what to do before meeting him and we talked about where I was in relation to him in Glasgow. Turned out he was only 5 minutes by car away from the centre so I could meet him in town and go back to his with him. “Boi, I want you to go to a sex shop and buy the following items, a large butt plug, lubricant, and a vibrating cock ring” “Yes Sir” I replied, thinking where the nearest sex shop was. He hung up and told me on messenger to turn off my cam and get going, and that he would text me further details. I lit up another fag as the first text came through: put your trackies back on, make sure u r as neddy as possible and get going. I finished my fag and replied Yes Sir, just leaving the house. I went on google after I got dressed and found a gay sex shop not too far from me and the city centre and found out how to go there. I was nervous, yet horny as hell. I left the house, wearing my tracksuit, a white cap, reebok classics, with only my fags, lighter, phone, keys and wallet on me... I walked round to the city centre, took ten minutes and started having second thoughts, man this guy could fuck me or make me suck his dick, eugh! I was into the domination, but wasn’t so keen on getting my arse violated. I made my way to the sex shop, looking all around me to make sure there was no cunt I new about before entering the shop. I was blushing and just about jumped out my skin when the shop helper offered me some help. “Eh, erm, aye man, just gettin some stuff for me n ma burd tae use! She’s into this kinky stuff like!” He sniggered, and clearly new my ‘burd’ was a man. I was red as a post box and started getting hard, I hoped he wouldn’t notice, but my bulge was clear through my CKs and white trackie bottoms. I pointed out a plug, and a cock ring with a vibrating egg attached and got some lube. He packed it all and I paid in cash to be discreet as possible. I walked out the shed as coy as possible with my cap pulled down and face down so not to be seen. I looked at the bag, SHIT! There was a muscled man’s silhouette on the bag! I had to walk with this bag, trying to keep with to side streets to try and avoid people. I felt my phone buzzing in my pocket, a text... “Now boi I assume you have made your purchases, I wont be meeting you in town so head to Central Station and get the train to Bridgeton, but first, stop in the toilet and remove your pants and dispose of them. If they are on when you get here, you will be punished. Text me back when they’re off.”
Holy fuck! This guy was serious and I didn’t seem to have a chance to meet him before going to his, plus I had to walk along one of the busiest streets to get the train. I was going to get on at another stop closer to me, but realised there was no bogs and nowhere to take off my knickers. I started walking briskly towards the station with my head hung low and lit up a fag. Shit, last one! I nipped into a wee shop on the way and got some, fuck there was some wee neds in the shop doing the same thing. I waited behind them in the queue while they bought their cigs and then got mine, not before one of them pointed at my bag and started laughing and telling his mates what it was. I was so embarrassed, even the shop keeper was sniggering as he handed me over my 40 fags and change. I left the shop and headed to the station, lighting up yet another fag en route to calm my nerves. When I got to the station I saw the train was leaving in 6 minutes, so quickly went to the toilets, locked myself in a cubicle and took my pants off. I thought about putting them in my bag for later, but realised I might be caught by Master T and though otherwise. I walked out the toilet and dumped my underwear in a bin before jumping on the train just before it pulled away. My phone buzzed again, this time a picture message. It was him, Master T, completely naked with handcuffs in his hand, the message read, Im just leaving for the station, you better get on a train soon. I replied instantly, just on the train Sir, be there in 5 mins. I started getting hard again, the train was busy and I had to stand, fuck! I was aware of people staring at me, my bag and now, my raging hard-on poking up through my nylon trackies. Nervous as I was, thinking of this meeting with a guy I barely knew for my first male-male experience was turning me on so much! The train announcer came over the tannoy: Next Stop, Bridgeton. My stop. My stomach was churning, my head was spinning and I was bright red with embarrassment but I knew I couldn’t turn back now, he would probably be waiting for me at the train as I got off. The next two minutes seemed to take an age to go by, then finally, the train stopped and I was at Bridgeton. For those of you who don’t know, Bridgeton isn’t the nicest part of Glasgow, its full of other neds like me, but harder, with teeth missing and shit like that, I wasn’t too comfortable with getting off with this hard on and bag in hand, but I did as I needed and stepped out into the cold air. I looked around and fortunately there was no one around, including Master T. I text him saying that I had arrived and asked what he was wearing to help me identify him. I never got a text back for a couple of minutes, I started worrying that he wasn’t going to come and I would have to make my embarrassing journey back to my house, underwear-less and horny. Then, a blue Audi RS4 pulled up beside me and I saw him for the first time in the flesh, he rolled the window down and shouted, get in the back boi, now!
I opened the door and climbed in, sitting opposite him in the back of the car. It smelled of smoke, leather and male musk, “Hi boi, glad to see you didn’t ditch on me like the other fuckwits I have had try it with me.” I laughed nevously, “Yeah man, eh, Sir! Nice motor!” He reminded me that I was to call him Sir, or Master T all times and I would be punished if I didn’t. I was still horny as hell, but worried about my fate. This guy could kill me for all he wanted and there would be little anyone could find out, I had deleted all my history. My mind was racing but deep down I knew he was all right. The guy was stunning, even better in real life. I kept staring at his face as he told me the journey was short, but he wanted to examine me before we went to his place so we were going to a deserted industrial area for him to check me out. He threw back a pair of handcuffs, proper police ones with the black plastic mould in the middle so they couldn’t be moved. “Put them on, tight!” I did as he said and was now trapped in his car with my hands cuffed between the seatbelt strap. I couldn’t get out if I wanted, not that I did. This was the horniest thing I had ever done. We drove in silence for 10 minutes, I wanted to ask him so many questions but he had told me not to speak without permission. Finally we pulled up outside a warehouse and he leaned back to undo my cuffs after pulled my trackies down over my knees. “Good lad, you followed my orders, my, my your a big boy!” I laughed again, trying to hide my embarrassment. He ordered me out the car, and told me to recuff behind me back, with my trackies lying at my ankles. I hobbled out and stood there in all my glory half naked. He revved the engine and moved the car off, I panicked and started hobbling towards the moving car, falling flat on my face, with no hands to stop my fall. I picked myself up, glad to see the car had stopped and saw him laughing at my trip. Master T climbed out the car with a cigarette behind his ear. “Thanks for the toys and smokes boi, all mine now!”. I spoke up, “Can a have a smoke please Sir?” “ I told you not to speak without permission boi! But as you are new to this and you asked so politely, you may” He pulled out my smokes and put one in his mouth and one in mine before lighting them both. I didn’t have free hands, so had to dangle my cig in my mouth while he walked around me checking me out, occasionally slapping my ass and feeling my abs. I was quite uncomfortable with him touching me, but my dick was more than happy. After he had thoroughly checked my body out he stepped back and nodded, taking a deep drag of his fag. “You’ll do boi!”. I felt so degraded and used, and I had a niggling feeling this was only the start. I finished dragging on my fag and spat it out. He commanded me back to the back of the car and opened the boot, “Get it, now!”. I stammered, “eh, whit?!!” Smack! He had hit slapped me hard on the side of my face. I was stunned, I must have started weeping. “Fucking pussy, get in the boot”. I whimpered, “Yes Sir” and tried to throw my self into the boot, which luckily for me had a blanket to land on. He grabbed my legs and tucked them in, “It’s only going to be a 5 minute drive boi, stop greeting and get a grip, you’re about to have the best weekend of your life, and so am I!” I felt comforted by his words and pulled myself together as the boot lid shut, the engine started and I lay there as the car was pulling away. I was scared, but excited. I had the biggest boner I had ever had and I was looking forward to jerking off when I got the chance, with my hands cuffed still behind my back it wasn’t possible and with it being so dark and confined I couldn’t manoeuvre them to my front to have a fondle. For the duration of the journey I just kept quiet lying in the boot, not quite sure what to think. I was awestruck by his attitude, demeanour and sheer manliness. After what seemed like a good hour (probably only 15 minutes), the car stopped and I breathed a sigh of relief. We were here, wherever here was. The boot was flung open and Master T lifted me out the boot. He quickly slung a blindfold over my face before I got a chance to take in my surroundings, which seemed like a generic housing estate. He grabbed my cock and started walking me to what I assumed was his house. I was strangely at ease for a man to be holding my cock, nay; I was aroused even more by it. I heard a door open and I carefully stepped up into the room.
“Welcome to my humble abode boi” Master said “Now, kneel down and open your mouth.” I did as he said as he closed the door, and I heard multiple locks turning. I opened my mouth and felt something hard, like a small tennis ball being shoved in my gob and something being strapped behind my neck. After some fiddling, Master stepped away and I tried to push the ball out my mouth with my tongue with no avail, it must have been one of the ball gags I had seen on the site, man, I grew even more horny! Then I felt something cold round my neck, “Boi, you will wear this for the duration of the weekend, and even longer if I feel it needs to be worn in public.” I heard a lock and realised I had been collared. I was now owned. “Kneel down boi”. I knelt there with a metal collar round my neck, a rubber ball gag planted firmly in my mouth, a leather blindfold on and my hands cuffed behind my back. I was as hard as a rock, but nervous to find out what was going to happen next. “Now boi, I am going to get you ready for a weekend of servitude, and fun before I release you back to your home comforts” Master T was laying out his plan, “ I don’t expect to be questioned and I don’t ever want to hear No as your first answer to any question I may ask you, of course when your gagged like that I don’t suppose you will be the conversation starter anyway.” He laughed. Master T whipped off my blindfold, the light hurt my eyes a little, but I was delighted to see him in his masculine form towering over me like a god! “Follow me boi” I went to stand up to follow him up the staircase in front, but Master T barked back “I did not give you permission to stand up slut, crawl!” I quickly jumped back down onto all 4s and struggled to ascend the stairs behind him with my hands cuffed. I must have looked some sight! Master T opened the door to the bathroom and pointed for me to go in, he instructed me to get in the bath, face up and to close my eyes. Once again, the leather blindfold was applied. Shit this was horny! Shit, is he going to drown me? I panicked and jumped up, only to be pushed back down by Master. “ Fuck sake boi, stay still, I’m not gonna kill ya! Relax, and trust me”. His manly, calm demeanour eased me a little and I sunk back into the bath. I felt his touch on my arms and the right cuff was removed. It was then clipped to the bar on the left side of the bath. “Be right back boi”. I was now cuffed to the bath unable to see or speak, and my boner was still raging. I must be sick. "Don't dare touch your cock!" I heard Master leave the room and listened some extensive fumbling around in the room next door, what the fuck was he doing in there?! I didn't touch my cock incase I got too excited and shot my load, which given my predicament wouldn't have been a good move. Finally, Master came back, I could smell cigarette smoke, damn I needed a fag! I heard metal knocking together, just lightly, and then my right arm was cuffed to the right side of the bath. Totally unable to move now! “Right boi, slave prep stage 1 begins” Master laughed, then blew some smoke in my direction. Aghh, this was torture; the smoke, the suspense, my raging boner not being touched! I felt something cold being squirted on my pubic area; I didn’t have a lot of pubes to begin with as I trimmed them down, but I knew what was coming… I was 100% right in my thoughts, he was shaving my pubes and dick, slowly and carefully, making sure there wasn’t a stray hair in sight. Laughing and coughing occasionally, he paused, presumably to take a drag from his fag and to admire his handy work. What a god!
With my pubes now as bald as the day I was born, I felt more and more horny. Damn, this guy was good! He leaned over and whispered, “we’re not done yet boi”! He lifted my blindfold and once again I could see his face, beautiful – God this guy is turning me into a right faggot. He took out both my diamond earrings, and my gold chain and bracelet; “Slaves don’t need these embellishments” apparently, “you’ll get them back when I release you”. “What do you think boi?” I strained to look down and I was truly bald, he really did take his time and make a good job. I mumbled “Amazing Sir!” and nodded. I was drooling by this stage and pretty thirsty, I was having a great time but wanted out of the cold bath soon to get a drink, a fag and a comfy seat. “Now boi, I’m gonna flip you over and do the back side”. Shit, why would he want my arse shaved?! I didn’t wanted fucked, well… I wanted to know get fucked, but it was taking it to a new level. I didn’t have a choice, so no point in protesting. He uncuffed my right arm at the bath side, and attached it to the left bar, then uncuffed the left cuff and attached it to the right side; this guy’s a pro, not letting my free at any point, whilst flipping me onto me knees face down. Once again, the shaving crème was applied and the razor was dragged across my bare arse and arse crack, slowly and carefully as before. I didn’t have much hair but he wanted to be sure, clearly! “We’re done boi, you look like a good wee slave” Master T chortled, “Best get you washed down and cleaned up before we move on to stage 2!” With that, he uncuffed my right arm and attached the cuffs together, then did the same with the left, double security! He turned me round just before I fell on my face and proceeded to take out my ball gag. Finally! My jaw was aching! “Well boi, how do you feel?” “Good Sir, cheers! I am so fuckin horny right now! I’m dying for a fag as well, Jeez Master, that was amazi…” He cut my verbal diarrhoea of whith a swift slap on the face “Shut up boi, your mumbling away like you’ve just discovered speech, but I am glad your having fun. Now, you thirsty?” “Aye Sir, im parched with drooling so much, please can I have a drink n a fag?” “Very well boi, I’ll get you a drink and we can have a smoke when we’re downstairs” He put my blindfold on, and there was silence, then I heard a zipper open “Open your mouth boi, I’ve got you a drink” He then started pissing straight in my mouth, I was black affronted, I didn’t know what to do. Pissing? In my mouth? I started to choke. “Swallow boy, you’ll be supping the rest out the tub if you don’t. I swallowed, trying not to gag, taking as much in my throat as possible without having to taste it. He laughed as I coughed a little, but shit, he was pissing like a stallion. He finally finished by showering me down with his piss. He rubbed it into my bald pubic area and grunted “That’s you washed down, and watered, lets get you cleaned up!”
I was totally turned off by this, my cock finally subsided and I was speechless. How could someone piss on me? Master T totally freaked me out, but he didn’t seem to think anything of it! Are people into this? What the fuck?! “What’s the matter lad, not like golden showers?” He laughed “Stay still til I clean you up”. He started the shower, shit it was cold! It soon warmed up and Master T rubbed me down. I still had my T-Shirt on, my favourite McKenzie one, it was now pissed on and soaked. Fuck. Master T turned off the shower and helped me stand up. “Now boi, I am going to un-cuff you, I don’t want any funny business or you’ll be drinking your meals from now on!” “Yes Sir” I mumbled, shivering with the cold air. I now resented even coming, how disgusting was that?! “Out the tub, come on slut, easy does it” Sir guided me over the tub. “Stand still whilst I dry you off”. I heard the sound of metal on metal again and I felt my right leg, then left leg be cuffed with a sharp click. “Not sure I could trust you to not run away before I take off your handcuffs, so these leg irons wlll reduce you to a hobble.” He uncuffed both sets of handcuffs holding my arms together and whipped off my T-Shirt “Fuckin nice body boi, felt good earlier but it looks great all covered in Goosebumps” He said as he rubbed the towel over them. I was proud of my body, with doing manual labour I had developed strong core muscles and good pair of strong arms; still, nothing like his amazing god-like physique. Following my rough towelling off, he clicked a pair of metal cuffs back on, damn they felt sexy. My libido returned a little, hey that experience wasn't that bad. “Right boi, stage 2 is coming soon, lets get that blindfold off you and go down stairs” He said as he pointed to the floor, obviously I was to crawl again. I crawled behind Master T down the stairs and into his living room. It was really nice, but had a definite man’s touch; big telly, awesome sound system and all the gadgets you could think of. He must be quite well moneyed I thought. “Right ya cheeky little cunt, sit on the floor at my feet til I catch up on Sky Sports News, I don’t wanna hear a sound out u, so here” He handed me an ashtray and a pack of fags, “Smoke away all u like but don’t fucking dare touch your dick” I sat in front of him with my back to the chair, he put his muscular legs over my shoulders pinning my in place. After watching the match highlights and us both having a good share of smokes, he said to me that it was now time for stage 2, and I was going to enjoy what was coming next. I was already boned watching the footie highlights with him, but after saying that I was rock solid. “Stay there, be right back cunt boi”
Master T came back a couple of minutes later as I finished off another smoke, wearing nothing but a pair of army camo fand boots, damn his body was amazing, I must have dropped my jaw as I saw him. “Haha boi, like what you see?” He said getting even closer. His nipple rings glistened in the light, highlighting his perfect torso, I was so aroused. “Crawl over here bitch” he beckoned as he sat down on the sofa across the room, “Lick my fucking boots clean” I don’t know what came over me but I went for them like a hungry dog, slurping and licking them all over, left then right foot then back again. “Nice work boi, I see you like my boots. C’mon upstairs”. He jogged up the stairs in front of me crawling, trying to keep pace, I tripped over on the stairs planting my face on the carpet “Ah ya fucker” I yelped. Slap. He leaned down, “I said, don’t say a fucking word earlier and I meant it, speak when spoken to, hurry up”. His verbal abuse just got me hornier, my dick was just about hitting off the stairs as I crawled to the top. I crawled after him into a room next to the bathroom where I had been shaved bald earlier, this was definitely not a bedroom, it was like a medieval torture room. Metal chains, a sling, numerous whips and paddles, wow. There were evil looking metal stocks and things I had no idea what they did, this was too horny. What kind of weirdo was I turning into, getting off on all this stuff I had only glimpsed at online?! “Right boi, stage 2 begins. Over here” He bellowed in a deep, sexy voice, pointing at the stocks. I crawled over to him standing at the stocks and looked into his eyes, for even a hint of what was coming next. “Stay” he said as he walked over, took a key out and locked the door. They key was returned to his pocked and he came back to me. “I’m going to unlock you and get you dressed in my favourite gear, seen as you have been so compliant.” I took this as a compliment and smiled, favourite gear? I wonder…
Master T reached down and unlocked my handcuffs and leg irons with care and speed, he reminded me not to say a word and do as I was “fucking told, or else”. I was completely at ease now, despite still being in a compromised situation, but I trusted him. His demeanour and attitude was so manly and powerful, yet it seemed he cared for me. He went over to a closet in the corner and rummaged around for what was presumably his favourite gear. After some time, apparently ensuring he got the right image, he shouted for me to close my eyes before being presented with my outfit. I closed my eyes and waited with baited breath for my outfit. “Right boi, open your eyes” Master whispered in my ear. I opened my eyes and saw some horny stuff… Firstly there was a leather upper body cross harness with a shiny metal cock ring, like I had seen online that afternoon, then a pair of leather shorts, then a chain with a clip on each end and finally a rubber gas mask. Jeez, if I wasn’t hard already, I was rock solid now. ”Lets get you dressed, slut” Sir said. Firstly my arms were lifted up, and the harness slid over and tightened. Then, Master grabbed my cock and slid the cock ring over to the base and popped my balls through. Master told me to lie on my back, then lifted my legs to slid on the shorts, “Boi, these aren’t any normal shorts, these are chastity shorts, just to make sure you don’t get off when I’m not looking”. He tightened them and added some padlocks. Total lockdown! “Right now boi, lets get you restrained for some training”… Master T led me behind the metal stocks and opened them up “You know what to do”. I put my wrists and neck in the recessions in the metal, the ‘lid’ was brought down and a big metal padlock was added. My legs were then restrained with cold metal shackles. Now it was complete and total lockdown, I wasn’t going anywhere. After stepping back to admire his work, Master T came back over to me and smiled “Want a fag?” He kneeled down on one knee in front of me and lit up a cigarette, blowing the smoke on my face, gawd did I want a smoke! He smoked most of it, teasing my by holding the filter near my mouth but not close enough for me to get a toke. Finally I got a good hit and exhaled. Nice. “It’s getting late boy, I had better get on before its time to lock you up for the night! Hows ur ass like a good ramming?” Master T enquired “Fuck off, you’re not fucking touching my ass” I stupidly blurted out. “Firstly, If I want to fuck you, I will. Secondly, don’t dare speak unless spoken to. Thirdly, you were doing so well, I guess I’ll need to punish you for refusing to accept whats coming to you”. Master T said calmly. “I am now going to have to whip your ass, which unfortunately means pulling down these chastity shorts, luckly there is no moving for you!” He unlocked the padlocks and pulled the shorts down with a sharp tug, my naked, bald ass free in the air. “Count em out slut, or we’ll see how long you last in that cage over there without a fag and only my piss for liquid!” WHACK! It took me a second to get what he meant to count them out “One, Master” WHACK “Two, Master” WHACK “Three Master”. This went on up to 15, by this point my ass was in agony and likely bright red. I was sobbing slightly, “Shut up pussy, that’s nothing” He said. What did he mean that was nothing, it was fucking torture and I couldn’t move to caress my butt.
“Right boi, that is enough for now” Master T said, “Now, lets have some fun, eh?!” Fun sounded good, anything to let me forget about the throbbing pain coming from my ass. Master T then moved to in front of me, ripped off a piece of silver duct tap & whapped it on my gob before I had a chance to protest. He repeated the strips of tape a few times over my mouth and down below my chin until he was confident I was going to be silenced. He then placed the S10 gas mask on my face and tightened the elastic straps behind my head. What a strange, horny sensation! The sound of my own breath through the mask was exciting me, my cock was rock hard swaying between my spread legs. Despite kneeling down on the floor with my legs locked down and my arms and head locked in a stockade, I was very comfortable and felt quite at home here. “Slut, now you are gagged and locked up, I want one nod for yes and 2 shakes for no, got it?” Nod. “Good boi, now, have you ever had anything up your hole?” I presumed he meant my ass-hole. Shake, shake. “Hehe, nice, did you expect to come here and get anything up your hole?” Shake shake. “Well boi, I am not going to fuck your tight little scally hole with my monster cock, I’ll rip you in half… We had better leave my cock out of there for now, agree?” Nod!! “Thought you might ‘say’ that”, haha! Well, the good news is I wont fuck you with my dick, infact tonight, I won’t even make you suck my dick, but you will be sleeping with a butt plug in, do you know what that is?” Nod. I knew exactly what they were, and I didn’t like the look of them. “Eager, I see boi!” Master T laughed as he walked towards his toy chest. After some rummaging around he came back with a handful of black rubber plugs in different sizes and shapes, some even had things hanging off them. Wow, what the hell was I doing here?! “Right boi, new game, I have the a 14cm plug in one hand and a 16.5cm plug in the other hand. I am going to shuffle then behind my back and the one you pick goes up your ass until breakfast tomorrow, ok?” Slow Nod. I saw they both had a wide girth but the larger one was less tapered at the base. “I’m going with your thumbs up to whichever hand you want” Nod. He then shuffled the plugs behind his back and asked the question, “Left, or Right?” I put up my left thumb. “Well boi… you’ve picked…
(Sadly it wasn't finished......if anyone wants to.....)
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ferretly · 5 years
okay here I go blabbing about my weekend trip
lots of pictures and stories to follow omg pls read i need ppl to be excited w/ me
so I went to the biggest polish festival in the US -- but mostly because it was Highlander (Góral) Day, because I’m Góral too, and they’re a tiny ethnic minority in Poland who live in the Tatra Mountains. basically hillbillies, Polish ppl would say, but they have an amazingly unique culture (kinda shared across the Slovakian border, and there’s similar mountain ppl all along the Carpathian mountains, etc., just called diff names [Lemkos, Boykos, Hutsuls] and they allied themselves w/ whatever country they happened to be in, etc.). 
so anyway i kinda wish there was more Góral-specific stuff, but there was an amazing Góral metalsmith:
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and I bought a spinka (pin) from him! someday I’m gonna have an entire (”men’s”) costume, but .... we’ll see.
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my spinka (ft. the Góral Pope)
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(the mens costumes -- w/o capes tho. u can see the little spinki on their breasts)
and a Highlander display:
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there’s some sheep bells and a sign displaying sheep cheese for sale (shepherds in mountain huts sell all the super yummy cheese and i could EAT IT ALL BC IT WAS SHEEP CHEESE).
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the wooden cups hold bundz, a type of cheese similar to cottage cheese, horns I BELIEVE are trembitas, for communicating across the mountains
I also really came for ZAKOPOWER, my fav band since I was in hs, which for me is like lifetimes ago. they’re SO COOL, and the lead singer was like my idol. he still is kinda. so nice and ngl he’s good-looking, and as a lesbian can still say that. I CAN’T BELIEVE I SAW THEM LIVE. I NEVER EVER THOUGHT I’D GET THIS CHANCE EVERRRRR.
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it was so hard to take pics bc 1. it was pouring, 2. the lighting, lmao. but I was RIGHT in the front!! 
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I watched traditional Highlander groups perform on this stage all day, so secured my spot, lmao. and then at the end, some of the ppl from the groups got to go really close to the stage (we were held back), and the main dude (Sebastian Karpiel-Bułecka) let them sing the chorus. he also is So So good on the violin. idk if i wanna post videos bc that’s just so (’.... really?’), but bc there’s SO FEW videos/pics of them on ... anywhere?!?!! (they don’t even have a TWITTER), I just might ... (they have an insta tho)
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this is him, btw (with Kayah, a Really Famous Jewish singer-songwriter in Poland. she has her own record label too, and is kind of a Big Deal)
ANYWAY idk why I’m showing u all this but i don’t rly have tons of ppl who’d get excited about this w/ me so I’M MAKING YOU BE HAPPY FOR ME. (pls) 
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lanamemories · 5 years
TASK #004
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FULL GIVEN NAME — lana rose jameson
NICKNAMES & WHO CALLS THEM THESE — lana banana jst…by the masses…. lala by her teachers when she ws younger bc she wld always b daydreamin n in lala land n not focusin. straight up jst. banana. by her dealer rod. cherry is what she went by when she cammed too bt she doesn’t do tht rn
AGE & D.O.B — 21 (june 2nd)
PLACE OF BIRTH — albany, ny
TOWNS THEY’VE LIVED IN AND FOR HOW LONG — albany, ny until she was 18 aside from a year long gap when she was 16 in which she jst kind of… slept anywhere she cld that wasn’t home. mostly local to her area tho bt sometimes not. then she moved to rochester fr lockwood n has pretty much been there since Babey! she’s travelled a bunch too bt no stays longer than a month so
GUARDIANS NAMES & LOCATIONS — richard jameson is currently in LA i feel like… primping a new label sign bc he’s trying to get the company bk to the Former Glory it had in the 80s n victoria jameson is probably in albany ny doing freelance music journalism stuff bt nt rly… as often at all…. she’s jst in the social circuit nw doing charity stuff to look like she cares abt ppl bt it’s All For Show
SIBLING NAMES, AGES & LOCATIONS — caleb jameson, 24, location unknown. he went off the grid abt a month ago n hasn’t been properly sighted in a full week now bt. doesn’t stop lana frm calling up everyone they kno as well as local hospitals 24/7 Just In Case! 
DO THEY HAVE ANYTHING QUESTIONABLE ONLINE? —  Boy Oh Boy…… lana literally…….. has abt 12 vids online frm when she did camming of various…. pornographic stuff like…. all sorts honestly jst. wild stuff. threesomes galore. u name it. bt i think that might b the main one….. other than………. a bunch of nudes n stuff like tht. also has probably genuinely. had her tits out on abt 20 ppls snapchat/insta stories at some time bt she jst doesn’t rly care abt tht much. a #freethenipple advocate u cld say
DOES YOUR MUSE HAVE ANY CREDIT CARDS? HOW MANY? DO THEY HAVE A BALANCE AND LIMIT? OF HOW MUCH? — her old ones were frozen when her dad cut her off so nw she just has one with a 10k limit tht she’s a third to the way off hitting
CRIMINAL RECORD — public indecency, public intoxication, also once gt flagged for wasting officers time when her brother put in a missing person’s report bt she was found at a local motel n they didn’t reprimand her properly given the circumstances in which she was found (the man she was with got arrested due to his age). tht wld probably be on the system i think as like…a note perhaps.
HOSPITAL & MEDICAL VISITS / RECORD — she broke her collar bone when she ws younger jumping out of a tree n trying to fly n it ws like. quite a bad break bt she wasn’t taken to the hospital until rly late in the afternoon when it happened in the morning. she’s broken a few bones tbh she ws a very adventurous child n had no supervision. she also underwent like… 3 months of therapy last yr i would say n she paid for that privately. plus i feel like she’s probably had her stomach pumped at least three times especially… in the yrs of being 16-18 bc she rly went hard then. also once did so much mdma that she almost went into serotonin syndrome n had to be admitted then. OH n she almost died once when she ws little like.... 9 yrs old mayb bc she took bites out of a bunch of house plants after watching land before time n they were poisonous if ingested 
PRESCRIBED MEDICATIONS — 100mg ritalin for adhd bt. she doesn’t take it. she’s had a whole bunch of prescriptions fr it over the yrs of her trialling diff ones n seeing how she feels on them bt she never takes them fr long n now she jst has like. 5 prescription bottles lined up mostly untouched in her drawer
DO THEY USE ILLICIT DRUGS? — ya she… hs honestly done most drugs at least once bt. her fav is mdma/pills
SUBSCRIPTIONS THEY HAVE — netflix, spotify, cosmopolitan, rolling stone.
FAVORITE BOOKS — she read a lot as a child to fill her time bt she doesn’t rly any more her attention span is too bad. younger she loved the hungry caterpillar bc she related to tht need to jst… metaphorically consume everythin in sight to try n feel full of something. never rly had A Favourite Book aside frm tht tho. preferred tv/film
FAVORITE FILMS — moulin rouge, mamma mia, rocketman (this musical theme…), coraline, anything wes anderson probably :/, edward scissorhands, black swan, gremlins.
FAVORITE MUSICIANS — the velvet underground, the beach boys, robyn, donna summer, wild cherry, chromatics, fleetwood mac, anything like… disco/70s or upbeat rock or like… synthy electronic pop she… listens to kind of a diverse range bt. mostly 70s/80s stuff on her record player in her room bc thts the kinds of vinyls she seeks out
FAVORITE GAMES — she rly jst doesn’t hv the attention span fr games bt….. she has a red nds n she plays princess peach sometimes on tht. used to like the old lara croft games too bc they were the only ones of her brothers tht she was ok at playing bt. she never did any missions she just ran around n had a crush on square titted bad video game graphic lara
PAST ROMANTIC / INTIMATE RELATIONSHIPS THAT MAY HAVE AN ONLINE PRESENCE — literally so many i–…. ok….. danny nielsen (ex-boyfriend npc/the anti-christ), teddy lawrence (ex-hookup), benji gates (honestly dnt kno wht to call them bt there r texts n pics galore there), syd morrissey (ex-boyfriend), zeke van doren & leo fowler (both current hook-ups n i’m putting them together bc i feel like they probably have a gc n it’s probably a bit unholy 2 say the least), saige beaumont (ex-hookup), beau turner (ex-boyfriend), rory vanderberg (ex-hookup), abt 183749794711947 other various exes n hook-ups tht she’s shared explicit texts/pics w too like…. the list is endless i….. can’t even imagine hw much lana has circulating
MOST FREQUENTLY VISITED WEBSITES — pornhub :/ (she genuinely watches sm porn it’s. a lot), twitter n instagram
DO THEY USE A VPN? — no honestly lana prob doesn’t rly get what that is
WHAT SOCIAL MEDIA DO THEY HAVE? — facebook, twitter, instagram, snapchat, tumblr, jst…… most of them bt she isn’t active on a lot except twitter n instagram
ARE THEY ON ANY HOOK-UP OR DATING APPS? WHICH ONES? — she’s on like all of them…. tinder is her main tho. she also sometimes responds to weird hookup ads on craigslist fr the Thrill of possibly being murdered
4 notes · View notes
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This roundup covers May 19 - June 2, 2019. Shadowhunters news, updates, sneak peeks, and behind the scenes. All the stuff you need to stay up to date.
Official Promotion
3B Bloopers: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
We've got more behind the scenes shenanigans coming your way soon. #ShadowFam be on the lookout. #Shadowhunters (feat. the cast dancing on set in 3x21)
The ultimate #Shadowhunters name chain quiz
How could you not smile wearing those glasses? Isaiah Mustafa behind the scenes of #Shadowhunters.
Shadowhunters in the News
TV Fanatic (article): 17 Quickie Weddings Done in the Name of Love
Pure Fandom (article): ‘Shadowhunters’: Why it must be saved
Film Daily (article): Save Shadowhunters: What we learned from Upfronts ’19
TV Guide (video): Shadowhunters Cast Bloopers | Farewell to Shadowhunters 
The Series Regulars (podcast/interview): ‘Shadowhunters’ Exclusive Interview: Josh Horvath
TV Insider (article/interview): Emeraude Toubia Talks Moving on From 'Shadowhunters' in Hallmark's 'Love in the Sun'
Pride (article): 13 Geeky AF LGBT Shows You Can Stream Right Now
Spoiler TV (article): Performers Of The Month - Readers' Choice Most Outstanding Performer of April - Matthew Daddario
I Am Nova Magazine (interview): Meet Juliann Wilding: Onset Costume Supervisor, Girl Boss & Elegant Hardcore Nova (costumer designer on Shadowhunters)
Film Daily (article): #Malec: How a queer storyline became the battle cry for the Shadowfam
Tv Fanatic (article): 17 Swoon-Worthy Scenes from the 2018-2019 TV Season
Vanity Fair (article): Shadowhunters Bosses Tease What Season 4 Might Have Been
Tell-Tale TV (article): The 2019 Tell-Tale TV Awards: Results! One Day at a Time, SEAL Team, Killing Eve, Shadowhunters, and Queer Eye Among Winners
Carter Matt (article): Bring It Back 2019 results: Shadowhunters is this year’s big winner!
Social Media/Twitter
Ariana Williams (Madzie) tweeted a 3x22 behind the scenes photo of herself and Sophia Walker (Catarina Loss), a 3x22 behind the scenes photo of herself and Dom (Jace),  a video clip of the dance scene in 3x22, a blooper video clip of herself with Matt (Alec), 3x22 behind the scenes photos of herself with Harry (Magnus) and Dom (Jace). [2] [3]
Alisha Wainwright (Maia Roberts) tweeted a photo of her People’s Choice Award for The Show of 2018.
Stefanie Terzo (stylist) shared a behind the scenes video from 3x18 along with some fun facts about demon ichor on her instagram stories
Brian Hui (make-up artist) tweeted a 3x22 behind the scenes photo of Harry (Magnus), Nicola Correia-Damude (Maryse Lightwood), Sydney Meyer (Helen Blackthorn), and Jacky Lai (Aline Penhallow)
Kat (Clary) tweeted a photo of herself with Dom (Jace) and Alberto (Simon) hanging out in cowboy hats and Amazing, angels! Three wins for @ShadowhuntersTV! You are definitely the BEST fam-dom ever!
Nicola Correia-Damude (Maryse Lightwood) shared a 3x22 behind the scenes photo of herself with Kat (Clary) on instagram.
Luke Baines (Jonathan Morgenstern) shared behind the scenes photos of himself with Alberto (Simon), Kat (Clary), Chai Hansen (Jordan Kyle), Kimberly-Sue Murray (Seelie Queen), Dom (Jace), and Tessa Mossey (Heidi McKenzie) on instagram. [1]
Luke Baines (Jonathan Morgenstern) tweeted: Literally the first take of this day. Was so nervous already and this made it sooooo much worse in response to a video clip from the 3B blooper reel.
Isaiah Mustafa (Luke Garroway) shared a throwback photo of himself with the cast at SDCC 2017 on his instagram.
Matthew Daddario at the Indy 500
Matt (Alec) tweeted Hi! Ever watched the #indy500? Check it out today because it's amazing.  300,000 spectators at the @IMS! 33 cars travelling 230mph (370km/h) over 500 miles! One winner! Party! Fun! Other surprises I do and don't know about! Watch it today!
Matt (Alec) tweeted Congrats to all the drivers and their teams at the #indy500 this weekend! Incredible finish this year. Had an awesome time starting the race with the legend @MarioAndretti in the two seater thanks to the people at @Honda. I'll be back next year! #hondapartner and shared photos of himself in an F1 race car and on the track. [4]
Indianapolis Motor Speedway tweeted While @IndyCar drivers aren’t on track today, that doesn’t mean we don’t have cars on track @MatthewDaddario is getting ready to take a two-seater ride around @IMS! and shared a photo of Matt (Alec) suiting up and Thank you for being here, and we hope we delivered on your glowing endorsement! #ThisIsMay | #Indy500
13 WTHR (article): Red Carpet celebs announced for 2019 Indy 500
CBS4 Indy tweeted Matthew Daddario, aka Alec Lightwood from #Shadowhunters, is walking the red carpet before attending his first #Indy500! and shared a photo of Matt (Alec) doing an interview
FOX59 News tweeted Fun fact: Matthew Daddario is a #Hoosier! He graduated from #IU in 2010 before pursuing an acting career. #FOX59at500 and shared a photo of him at the track. 
Big Rick in the Morning tweeted: IU grad @MatthewDaddario is doing some big things on screen! #Indy500
Laura Steele tweeted: On the Red Carpet with actor @MatthewDaddario who is an @IUBloomington alum & took to the track in a 2 seater with @MarioAndretti ~ thanks for chatting with @WISH_TV Matt! and shared a photo of Matt (Alec), Our #Indy500 Red Carpet @WISH_TV Squad! Shadowhunters star & Indiana University grad @MatthewDaddario @coltonhoward_  @AbigailWhitake1 @KatieWiselyTV and shared a photo of Matt , and Matt Damon was not the only Matt at the Indy 500 ~ Turns out our most popular photos & interview during our Red Carpet coverage on @WISH_TV was with @MatthewDaddario from @ShadowhuntersTV - he’s got some kinda #ShadowHunters following & could not have been nicer! IU grad too!
Chris Lowry tweeted Legend #Indy500 and tweeted a pic of Matt (Alec) walking with Mario Andretti
Indy Star (article): 2019 Indy 500 red carpet: Celebrities' first car and their best memories in it
Indy Star (photos): Celebrities on the red carpet at the Indy 500 2019  
Zimbio (photo): Mario Andretti and Matthew Daddario
Cara Hoffar tweeted I was fortunate to spend two days with @MatthewDaddario and his wife. Such incredibly nice, humble and genuine people! We hope to see you back at @IMS!
Shumdario News shared a short video of Matt’s (Alec) introduction at the Indy 500, photos of Matt and Esther on the track in their photo gallery, a live interview with Matt from FOX59, a live interview with Matt with Big Rick in the Morning, and a live interview with Matt from WTHR 13.
Other News
Emeraude (Isabelle) talked about a sneak peek for her new Hallmark Channel movie ‘Love in the Sun’.
Emeraude (Isabelle) tweeted about the premiere of her Hallmark Channel movie ‘Love in the Sun’
Jade Hassoune (Meliorn) announced the release date for his new single, ‘Insta Story’
11 notes · View notes
twiddlebirdlet · 6 years
Post Digest
I had so many posts yesterday, and I could not possibly answer them all in this lifetime. My apologies for not addressing these, but here they are.
The words belong to the anonymous original writers. They do not reflect my opinions. My posting of them doesn’t imply any endorsement.
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· Anonymous said:
Chris really is trash for ruining another relationship maybe him and Jordyn woods can join the home wrecker club
·  Anonymous said:
Mood, give up. People will blame you, the girl, the weather, everything but Chris, who could have easily avoided any assumption by not taking the pics. Pics with kids, pic of dog, hospital visits, videos for sick children all this is good PR and he used in the past. But where is the good on taking pics with dancers? They were not fans. He is not helping to make them being respected or less objectified. He is not bringing any discussion about their work conditions to the table.
·  Anonymous said:
People saying this is nothing how do they explain her boyfriend deleting all of her pix? If it was nothing if she wasn’t with him why is boyfriend reacting that way?
·  Anonymous said:
That girl was so completely lusting after Chris in her pics and posts that I think she absolutely would jump out of her current relationship if Chris so much as blinked her way. She was going to go anywhere he was. I will wait to see what happens but it looks like Chris may have made another poor decision. Why is this man so intelligent in some things but when it comes to women he is just so way off? If he thought SSH was bad, just wait for a young social media millennial. Disaster.
·  Anonymous said:
Bella & her bf are still following each other on Instagram. Maybe he deleted those photos of her as a way of protecting her? Maybe he didn't want to make his Insta private & thought this would be a better way of doing things. In any case, he doesn't seem angry enough at her to unfollow her. But I don't think they broke up before the Chris thing, as he still had their professional couple photos up & they were still posting gushy comments to each other. So it's still weird and suspicious.
·  Anonymous said:
What is up with Chris and taken women
·  Anonymous said:
So I guess Chris really is a home wrecker
·  Anonymous said:
I just want to say thank you for all the information you're providing about this whole Chris situation. I'd rather have the full (or as full as we can get it) story with all the pieces together so I can make up my own mind what to think, vs bits and pieces and people misreporting information that they heard third hand, etc. So your summary post with receipts was very much appreciated by me.
·  Anonymous said:
To me the whole intern thing just seemed like she was trying to be linked to him judging by the times the ig pics went up. I guess everyone has their own opinions I know people who have basically said it was nothing and refused to talk about it but if it was someone else they would be all over it. It seems with him people pick and choose what issues of his they want to discuss. All of just seemed iffy especially know knowing that her bf deleted her pics. Hope you're have a lovely day.
·  Anonymous said:
I’m worried about the people worried about your health. They’re so invested in this celebrity that they are policing your blog. He’s a successful, famous actor. He has a whole team of people to handle this. And, none of those people are contacting you...
·  Anonymous said:
I don't get anons coming in here and complaining that you answering asks about the saturday night events is somehow blowing this thing up and causing drama. This anon should go to twitter where there are accounts that tag CE, JS, enty and provoking more and more ridiculous accusations, including Chris roofying Bella's drink etc. Twiddle at least sticks to things we can prove so if you wanna complain, go there and set these people straight. They make real damage not anonymous tumblr
·  Anonymous said:
The boyfriend could just be fed up with her throwing herself at ce and then getting comments forcing him to go private. That would be enuf for a 20 yr old in a long distance relationship. Doesn’t mean she is shaking up with ce. He’s too paranoid to do that
·  Anonymous said:
From what I've seen on Twitter, there's a little bit of talk about the burlesque aspect of it (mostly "Ugh, you're all such prudes, get over it!") but no one seems to be picking up on the intern part of it except for like 3 people. I'm torn. I kind of want to see him get shit for this, because he was very stupid and irresponsible, but OTOH I'd hate to see what kind of PR crap his people will pull up to distract everyone. A PRomance with Brie Larson, perhaps.
·  Anonymous said:
Just a funny coincidence but it appears her (ex) bf and Chris share the same birthday lol. But either way not looking good. We can only speculate but it looks like her ex bf/bf didn't like her behavior towards him or something really did go down. 🦊
·  Anonymous said:
I think everyone needs to accept their portion of responsibility in this situation. The people that harassed or contacted the interns, the girl and the performers need to respect boundaries. I understand you posts Anons, but you also decide which and how many. Yesterday you provided a platform and it had consequences, people felt emboldened and crossed lines. I think everyone can learn from this experience and correct their future behavior.
·  Anonymous said:
So you keep saying your not sure if mark was there when multiple people keep saying he was.YOU keep saying that the pics were taking at the same or about the same time but theres no proof that they were. YOU keep putting out info that isnt accurate or just coincidental. that girl bf realise his gf is a thirsty ass and she got what she got but it doesnt mean anything happen between her and chris. NOTHING HAPPEN WITH THE INTERN STOP SPREADING SHIT!!
·  Anonymous said:
I think the bf just wanted people to stop harassing him about her so he did that instead of privatize. Seemingly less like a breakup.
·  Anonymous said:
It’s possible and probable her boyfriend deleted any pictures of her/them because he was tired of being harassed and getting bombarded with comments. He still follows her. He could have just muted the comment section, but maybe he was hoping by doing that it would help this all die down, and for people to lose interest. Which is laughable, because this particular fandom has a hard time letting go. Either way, I don’t necessarily think this is the beginning of a new relationship for Chris.
·  Anonymous said:
Sending you love! I truly enjoy your blog and your commentary. What you wrote about your struggles with OCD resonates with me (I had anxiety issues as a teenager. Mild in comparison to some, but they dominated my life). I will try not to clutter your inbox from now on, but, please know you are appreciated and I love the discussions we have here.
·  Anonymous said:
I think that putting the blame on this or other blog is a total waste of time. You know what would have avoided all this? Not taking those pics. How hard would be for him to STOP doing something that is doing no good to him? As you said, nothing positive comes out of this. He is not attending the ask of a cute kid. He is not visiting a hospital. He is helping a club to promote their name, something totally uncessary for an actor who reached his fame.
·  Anonymous said:
The intern thing didn't make the rounds in the internt, but the meeting with Dan Creshaw did. Chris is being criticized for that and for the twitter interaction.
·  Anonymous said:
Oy, its looking like she really did risk it all. Dumb childish mentality, what did anybody honestly expect from this situation? That poor boyfriend.
·  Anonymous said:
I don't think it's a proof that something happened between her and Chris but for sure her bf (probably now ex) didn't aprove her behaviour and probably he thinks that some limits were crossed. I have to admit that I would not like to have a bf acting like that around a famous woman or any other woman and leaving traces in SM which is worse. I really, really hope that Chris is smart enough to stay away from that or another kind of fame will get attached to him besides the "f*ck boy" image.
·  Anonymous said:
WHOA! Deleting all her pics? Does that mean Chris successfully ruined another relationship??? Whuut!?
·  Anonymous said:
You are very kind and your head is definitely on straight. You’re less of an “opinion” blog and almost more of a news blog anyways. Don’t listen to the haters. You aren’t being overly invested, cruel, silly, or anything else. I’ve always found you to be fair.
·  Anonymous said:
I looked at mark’s following list and he followed one other intern (a girl) who was also in the city but didn’t post from the box!
·  Anonymous said:
Tbh, good for her bf-her behavior (the comments) were completely inappropriate IF in a relationship, long distance or not. Unbelievably disrespectful to him. Hope her thirstiness was worth losing a relationship and (maybe) an internship. I am several years older, but there is no way I would have behaved that way during my college internship. Morality clauses apply to personal time as well.
·  Anonymous said:
Omg he deleted every pic with her. So now we know for sure that something happened that night lol
·  Anonymous said:
And now apparently twitter thinks harpy was there with Chris and they're back together. Oh for fuck's sake!
·  Anonymous said:
It's funny because many Chris instagram fan accounts just share the pic of him and the black singer/stripper but skip posting the other with the women group with clothes close to the nothing that they find I guess too trash for share with their followers in saying Chris with a fan in NYC without details.
·  Anonymous said:
In the name of everybody sorry for the large number of asks we sent you and the tiredness we,people agree or not agree, have caused you. We don't think when we send you an ask that you will receive many, everybody, after seeing one and your answer, wanting share their opinion about what an anon or you said even if it's for exprime our agreement. It's a circle without end. I hope you had a good night. Let's forget that,this girl is history now,the fire is extinguished now. Kiss
·  Anonymous said:
I've been seeing this gifset on my dashboard lately from Chris' interview captioned "I'm smarter than I look". No idea if the quote is real because I've never seen this particular interview but I think given the turn of events of the past few days it's appropriate to say "no, Chris, you aren't" LOL
·  Anonymous said:
Ok, I can't believe I'm saying this, but this whole messy situation really turns me off. I've always known Chris isn't a saint, that he's NOT Steve Rogers irl, going to clubs like The Box is not a new thing for him, but he should've known better. I want to believe he's not that dumb, but he's THAT dumb. This is really upsetting and I'm so disappointed. After all those good days working on a serious project in DC, does he really not care about his image being sleazy like that? Damn it, Chris.
·  Anonymous said:
So Chris alone went to greet the dancers? From what Manuel submitted, that’s what it seems like. She wasn’t there with him and his friends exactly, but somehow found out where they were and met up with them? I’m so over talking about this. Idk how you’ve done this all day Twiddle. My bedtime prayer is dedicated to you tonight.
·  Anonymous said:
Thank you Twiddle for taking your time to answer here and on DM. I know you also do it so that you will be best informed to answer any questions here, we appreciate that some took the time to gather more information for the rest of us. It seems like at the end of these gossip we all end up confirming our first guest. I feel we shouldn't give this girl more room. My conclusion for the day is either he never thought that girl was that thirsty or he's really just dumb. I'm going with cute but dumb
·  Anonymous said:
It's not a great look for him to be pictured at places like that, particularly when he's employed by a family-friendly company like Disney. He's been obsessed with protecting his image ever since he got the role of Cap. Btw, I am not surprised he goes to places like that but you'd think he'd be smart enough not to get his picture taken.
·  Anonymous said:
Have people forgotten that one of these thirsty hanger-on types (just like this intern seems to be) is someone who sent a video of Chris to tmz? I mean, he wasn't doing anything bad-just partying it up after a super bowl and he looked like a drunk frat boy. But even that got a dodger pic response. My point is that he should be smarter about people around him, especially when he's drunk.
·  Anonymous said:
Denying pics comes with its own risks. You don’t want to piss people off because that can have its own dangers. This has happened with other celebs. There have been several occasions where his pics have been in return for free bottle service or other perks. I am not saying that is the case here though. Not trying to argue with you mod, just saying it’s not black and white. A lot of mistakes were made here and the worst part is how avoidable it was. But most seem to hinge on Bella’s actions. 🐩
·  Anonymous said:
Mark follows a few of the interns from DC, 2 of whom (Bella & another woman) posted from NYC Saturday night & this evening. Also a few of Mark's friends are NYC as well. It's not far fetched that going to The Box was his idea. Also Mark would've needed to make a reservation to ensure they got in.
·  Anonymous said:
I think you hit the nail. What Chris gets from taking those pics? For sure he is being polite and the people involved get happy but taking how society works and how many people think and what they can do with that information, he got nothing good on posing for those pics. And saying that is just pointing out and realising how society works. People are hypocrite and mysoginist.
·  Anonymous said:
I feel you on the eating away at your Sunday. It’s not my blog and even *I* can’t believe how much time I’m devoted to this, much less the swamp you must be dealing with. Really appreciate your views and your time. I feel so silly that I’ve gotten so caught up in it but it’s like a car accident you can’t turn away from. Get some rest and lots of love. 🐩
·  Anonymous said:
People been posting Info but clearly no one believes it. That tree anon mention it.
·  Anonymous said:
People who are saying Mark was there and that she was there with a group of friends are just assuming as much as anyone else who says Chris and the girl were there with each other. The only thing we know for sure is that they were both on the same place, at the same night, around the same time, after meeting the day before. We can't deny that.
·  Anonymous said:
I’d like to say this girl blew her chances but this is the same guy who gave MK & JS multiple chances despite their fame whoring ways. Whatever it is it won’t last long but I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re seen together again. Too bad. His political project was exciting. Now it’s tainted because he’s proven what a lot of people thought of him to be true.  
·  Anonymous said:
You need to let it go now. This is a non story. It’s looking more like two separate trips were in the works and it was a “oh hey us too maybe we’ll see you we were thinking of checking out this club” now apparently you think because he’s ancient and she’s an impressionable child and burlesque shows are akin to live porn he should have shut it down. But those of us in the common sense world see this for what it was. Which is a giant nothing. So tip to TMZ. Guarantee they will think the same.
·  Anonymous said:
For gods sake. Read and post my second ask to you. Stop all this madness. Yes they know each other. That is it. They were at same club and of course hung out a little. So what They met at first dc meet I think. He was nice to her She was nice back. Nothing wrong with people meeting and being cool. Even if famous
·  Anonymous said:
Maybe I should rewrite this but Your acting as they were they in DC together. They MET and photographed but wasnt there together as Your wording puts it. Like I said you dont know of they were backstage together. Pics can be upload at any time of the night . Your just jumping to conclusions like everyone else.
·  Anonymous said:
The way some of you talk about women is so damn depressing ugh this fandom is on one today.
·  Anonymous said:
Liked what the PR/crisis anon mentioned, that it's wrong to think Chris was uninvolved in JS and MK's stunts when he dated them. It's naive to think he is that helpless and easily controlled.
·  Anonymous said:
What i really don't understand is how chris could have been so so dumb and didn't think of the consequences. Also his pr underestimated the whole situation. The girl was blatantly seeking attention and a story to tell, and any person with a brain would have got the danger of the all situation. I know that he loves partying but he was so superficial i can't even put into words. In my opinion the project has been hurt by this and everything happened today showed that.
·  Anonymous said:
2/2) as if he wanted to do that. I doubt he asked, but was asked to do it. 3) The girl jumped on the chance to go backstage after the invitation and took the pic. 4) People put the pieces together because the girl was thirsty the day before and liked the attention she got from her friends but now there is a chance she ruined the trip a little as people ran to protect their privacy.
·  Anonymous said:
I think if Chris wants to be taken seriously in what ever he decides to do. He needs to grow up and act his age and stop drinking as much and hang around different people that includes his friends from Boston. I feel most of his friends are just there for the ride including Tara. If he does ever get married she will have to trust him to no end.
·  Anonymous said:
"it's not at all weird for people here on a blog that is predominantly about Chris to talk more about chris' antics than about anyone else's. It doesn't mean they're more worried or think what he's done is worse, it's just that this blog is a place to talk about him more than anyone else. Nice try though." Nice try what? If you read the full ask, as Chris's fan, I'm more concerned that's he's doing publicity pics with treasonous Nazis than hanging at a burlesque show w/ an intern. But you do you
·  Anonymous said:
Hi! Sorry for this question but I just don´t understand what is going on here with Chris and this intern? I try to scroll down your page but I still don´t understand what has happened.
·  Anonymous said:
Some who don't have problem that Bella flies to NY and post the picture at the same place where was Chris was the first to be offend that Jenny posts pic when she was at the same place that Chris whereas she was dating him. Be careful anons I'm not a pro Janey but people were rude with her when it was normal(even if she trolled), she was spending time with his boyfriend but when another women did the same, without dating him, they think it's okay. Why?
·  Anonymous said:
I'm genuinely curious about what kind of impression he was trying to make on her? like you wanna hook up with this chick & you're letting her know that you like to gawk at other half naked chicks in your free time? Unfortunately this will never blow up, if his PR team can bury homewrecker scandal then they can bury anything.
·  Anonymous said:
He seems to unconsciously be attracted to attention-seeking women who view him as a prize. I wonder if it’s a defense mechanism to prevent him from entering a serious relationship? Also, seriously, why wouldn’t you just make it clear to her that she shouldn’t post their escapades on social media from the start? Has he learned nothing from the Jobby debacle????
·  Anonymous said:
Okay, from her comments and that pose, that's a girl that has no problem pushing someone out the way to get noticed. Like the pic, the side she was on was trying to get four people in, compared to the 3 on the other, so they had to turn sideways. I can see her making sure she was the one next to him. She didn't have to put her hand on his shoulder or stomach. She was trying for his attention. Did she get it? Don't know. Don't really care, but that's a college-age Janey. Just want that fame.
·  Anonymous said:
Now that there are pics of them together and seeing the way she's posing with her hands on his chest and shoulder (it is very reminiscent of SSH, isn't it? Which would hurt if I was js lol) taken with the comments from her and her friends, all I can say is YIKES. And also, SMH. I am not a prude and I actually like burlesque and have been to The Box and fully expected him to hook up with somebody in DC ~on the low~ but even I can say this is not a good look for him. This boy will never learn.
·  Anonymous said:
I’d like to think that he’d cut all ties to Bella now the he’s created a PR nightmare for himself, yet again. But considering for almost 3 years he was involved with a woman who was married when they originally met & got involved, I don’t think he will care. At least Jenny was almost the same age as him. He’s looking like an upgraded version of Dane Cook. For anyone who doesn’t know, Dane Cook’s girlfriend is 19, they started dating when she was 18, but were “friends” before that 🙄🤢
·  Anonymous said:
The more I see from this girl the more I think she’s just a thirsty very immature little girl. And has no idea what she could potentially cost Chris. But he’s not innocent as she found out where he was going somehow.. And then posted it everywhere. Him or his team should have warned them to be cautious. And once they arrived not continued to entertain them and allow them backstage. An adult would have said nice to see you I’m going over here goodbye. Just another dumb d*#k brain decision.
·  Anonymous said:
Oh, man... the boyfriend. I didn't even think about him. Can you imagine if the situation was reverse and her bf was acting that way towards a famous woman? I can imagine myself on that situation and I wouldn't like it. Even if she was just joking, which i don't think she was just doing that, it would be disrespectfull. I hope he is not hurt.
·  Anonymous said:
Tks for the clarifycation for don't hate the player. So the girl had no shame to run after a man who has close the double of her age just because he is famous. Not sure she is again with her boyfriend but if she is, he would be very happy. It's clear,even if Chris makes bad choices in women, he wouldn't do nothing with her, discretion level he couldn't count on her. 5min with him and she shared and tried already trash things.
·  Anonymous said:
And Chris, wearing that Red Sox cap in NYC will bring you a lot of unwanted attention ;)
·  Anonymous said:
He was probably advised to stay away from twitter or he decided to do that.
·  Anonymous said:
"He doesn’t deserve to be placed on a pedestal. " Literally no personal should be put on a pedestal. NO ONE. Mothers, fathers, friends, siblings, celebrities, every single person does stupid shit or has 'problematic' opinions. If you place anybody (family, friends, celebrities) on a pedestal, you're only looking to get disappointed.
·  Anonymous said:
Lets be real-Chris is charming, he is a schmoozer. He was working the crowd in DC. If you are nice to someone, than you get your interview. This time he snagged a desperate fan girl & hung out with her. Not the type of guy I would ever want to be involved with. I could not be w/ a guy that wanted to go to those types of clubs. I think SSH didn't like it either. If this is the life he wants to live he will either have to find a person ok with it, change or be single. 10 steps back for me.
·  Anonymous said:
I think she is just a fan with a crush and people are reading into this way too much. I don’t think that’s her hand on his shoulder and the pose is also something we’ve seen in comic con pics. Her “way good friend lol” to means she is joking because he isn’t. The “don’t hate the player hate the game” is again joking and means don’t be mad at her because she got to meet him and her friend didn’t. Was there flirting ? Maybe but we know he does with everyone and she might thought it was just her.  
·  Anonymous said:
I don't know how publicits work. Do they keep track of the mentions of their clients in SM? I wonder if Chris' publicist is already checking the situation. TIME FOR A DODGER PIC IF YOU ARE READING HERE!!!!!
·  Anonymous said:
I find it hard to believe Chris would use this venture to go fishing for a college aged hookup or girlfriend. He mentions age and sneaking into bars in that video, so he also knew her (Bella’s) approximate age. I have no doubt he gets plenty of action and isn’t a saint, but this truly seems like she is playing up something that doesn’t exist. I question her more than him here, again, because he knows this is an important project with “real life” important people, not hollywood actors.
·  Anonymous said:
Chris seems so immature. I know we want to put the blame on Janey and MK and all the other girlfriends but honestly am I the only that thinks maybe it’s HIM who’s the problematic one? Idk I’m young so maybe I don’t know what I’m talking about lol
·  Anonymous said:
All this shot is crazy. I’m know Chris is no saint but come on! At least let her be in her late twenties or early thirties! That’s nasty because she’s two years younger than me!
·  Anonymous said:
I’m not down for slut shaming in any regard. If anything happened, Chris was most definitely down for it. I just think it was dumb on her part, because she posted about it. Any potential employers could see this as a red flag. They don’t want to deal with the fallout of an employee causing a potential PR scandal, especially in the political world. Like if she did this once, she’ll prob do it again. I don’t think she’s gunning to be Mrs. Evans, but she def wanted to party and maybe hook up.
·  Anonymous said:
There was another video of him sending a message to a different person on a different day. I don't think the fact she ask him to do that means anything
·  Anonymous said:
For someone who seemed smart enough to get near a HW star, she sure was pretty naive and had no clue on how this fandom work LOL
·  Anonymous said:
But what damage could be done ? It’s not like he did something bad. There is no need to excuse his behavior because nothing illegal was done it’s not like he was caught with a 17 year old in a “massage parlour”. You guys also need to stop with this “he is almost 40” like he was supposed to stop having fun and living his life at 35. If you don’t like it fine don’t live YOUR life that way but don’t be mad at him for refusing to just settle and die because he is “almost 40” .
·  Anonymous said:
Not be agree with the places Chris frequents doesn't mean we think he is Cap. I have enought to hear this explication, like we are too much stupid to make the difference between the actor and the role he plays. With the conversation we have here, the majority of anons aren't teenagers i guess. A lot of people don't feel comfortable with the sex industry(porno,stripclub or the one night stand). It would be my brother,my neighbour,my cousin,it's a vice we don't understand not naivety about Chris.
·  Anonymous said:
I don't have much to say about this situation but I wouldn't be surprised if it does turn out to be something sleazy. I mean, this is a guy who had an affair with his married co-star and just a few weeks after she actually left her husband for him, he was going to strip clubs & she was tweeting about how that upset her. So he's not always a stand up guy. Mostly I find it funny that even when the girl is a young intern not in HW, she's STILL an attention seeking type. His picker is so broken.
·  Anonymous said:
Well, Chris definitely has a type.
·  Anonymous said:
I don't think that people are being judgemental but more worried about the consequences that this could create. Internet can make things scalate too quickly and even change the facts. But let's be honest. Chris is white, male, straight, rich. He will be ok. But he has to stop taking pics in those places. Remember when he was dating JS and he went to a certain place in Canada? No pics, people left it behind. That's the right thing to do. No pics, so it's as if it didn't happen.
·  Anonymous said:
Burlesque clubs in NYC are often listed in magazines as “things to do” in the city. They are seen as touristy activities. I can see a young girl being excited to go & asking for a hookup to get vip treatment. The place is not what you guys are making it out to be.
·  Anonymous said:
Oh please. How should he have celebrated international women’s day ffs. This is starting to get ridiculous. Women. Including 20 year old ones are allowed to go to burlesque clubs. Get out of here with that comment. And if you’re going to invoke a feminist day maybe consider the fact that she went of her own volition? I mean this insinuation that he took a naive child to a strip club. It’s starting to get a bit unhinged up in here.
·  Anonymous said:
Are we forgetting he got involved with a whole ass married woman? Lmao, this whole situation is not much of a stretch as people are making. I wish he’d grow up like all of you. He talks the talk of wanting to be a husband and father. He paints himself as a family man. Which yes, he is family oriented. But then he does things like this, which are unfortunately also on brand given his past. Megan, his publicists names I believe, better be getting paid time and half putting out these fires lol.
·  Anonymous said:
Right but this is like barely a scandal. We’re just focused on it and there are some social media comments. So for all those saying he should be seen doing serious things umm he is? For the casual fan his serious image is 100% in tact. And my guess is will stay that way. This will blow over in 48 hours tops. It’s not getting any traction other than gossip corners of the internet. Being seen seriously doesn’t mean living like a monk ffs. He didn’t do anything wrong, y’all just dramatic and judgy.
·  Anonymous said:
I think we can all agree no matter what the reality might be, the optics aren’t great. If him &his friend are trying to get this new project off the ground in DC, and hes being photographed in a burlesque club in NYC in the same vicinity as DC interns, the DAY AFTER giving interviews, the optics are awful. Politicians would be quick to distance themselves from their project and with those hes already met, potentially wouldn’t give him their time again, especially if their interns are involved.
·  Anonymous said:
fans saying he should live his life however he wants-nobody is saying he shouldn't. But people shouldn't be naive enough to think that optics don't matter. They matter a lot.
·  Anonymous said:
If the other interns were there they were smart not to post about it. Like that other anon said I imagine the people in D.C. will not be happy about this I’m sure there are social media rules about how to behave.
·  Anonymous said:
Mark's been to The Box before, he's posted stories from his trips there.
·  Anonymous said:
Some are ok to see a 38 years old man having habits in strip,nightclub and before Playboy party. Good. Some women don't like men like it!Chris or not Chris! I find it perverse,it's all. Frat boys aren't my type of men and great my man isn't like it. And i don't see Chris change when he will be married. There will always be a Mark or an Adam for ask him to go. Scott seems to enjoy trashy club but Zack too so they go as a couple. Maybe am i too prude 😒
·  Anonymous said:
This truly blew up fast. Not a Pats fan, but a few years ago, Edelman hooked up w/ a girl he met out partying & she posted a pic of them in bed the next morning on Snapchat. I’m not saying that Chris hooked up with her, we will never know & honestly it’s no one’s business. But both situations definitely seemed opportunistic, but at least with this one people are holding Chris accountable too. The other girl got slut shamed majorly. Like girls, you don’t have to post everything on social media.
·  Anonymous said:
Even if there were more interns there, even if Mark was there with Chris... if they went with the interns it's still not a good look. They are both near their 40's. It's a no to rang out with 20's, principally in that kind of enviroment that revolves around sex. This could be used to damage his image, his career, this could be used to damage their initiative about the political site. It just take one article or one tweet from a Trump supporter with many followers for that.
·  Anonymous said:
She may or may not have been the only intern with him. She may or may not have ended up with him last night. This time it’s slipped on social media. Imagine all the other times it hasn’t! Disappointed if he’s on the same Leo, Cary Fukunaga and Jake train but are we surprised? Women around his age think differently, and clearly he’s not settling down this minute. Wonder what else would leak. I’ll be here with my tea and popcorn.
·  Anonymous said:
This doesn’t look good, but at the same time I feel bad for this girl and her BF, fellow interns, friends, etc. Suddenly a rabid fan base is combing through their every move trying to play detective. I get the curiosity, I’m curious too, but I know how people overreact. And while most are fine, already people are crossing the line and commenting. Not a kick on you, just kinda crazy the lengths that some go to. I’m so glad I grew up without social media for most of my life.
·  Anonymous said:
don cheadle once saying on a talk show that the cast of the avengers(including chris of course) all went to a burlesque bar in london. ALL of them. it's not a crime...or is it??? and as for that bella chick going wit him?? who the hell wouldn't go if we were invited? good for her.
·  Anonymous said:
I feel that a conveniently timed Dodger video (or photo) is imminent. Or will we go really old school with a video for a sick child? Some sort of distraction from the current (I agree ,totally inappropriate) drama. Thing is that sort of tactic will only work for so long, less and less people will forget each time. While there's no problem visiting a burlesque club,hell I've been myself, it's the company you take to the club that should be more carefully considered. Not a smart move.
·  Anonymous said:
Of course he has pr. But people don’t understand how pr works. He doesn’t clear every private dumb decision with them and ask for professional pr advice. He lives his life (and makes dumb mistakes clearly!) but typically a professional pr team isn’t involved unless it affects him professionally, like blows up into a scandal affecting his image and work. They don’t babysit his private life. We’re all fired up about it on our corner of the internet but we’re not really at a true scandal.
·  Anonymous said:
People were rightfully dragging Cavill for dating a 19 year old.Chris went to a strip/ burlesque club with a young girl (since one woman posted about them on the birthday video we know they were there together) and there are people still thinking this is ok? (Not saying you do mood) He is stupid many times: one for doing it, one for thinking that is ok, one for leaving traces of it.Oh, wait.The girl is the one who left the traces. That remember me of someone else who used to leave proofs behind.
·  Anonymous said:
Ok. I remember when him an Janey broke up, and a few weeks later he was in Houston for the Super Bowl. Him and his friends met some girls at a party, and he invited some of them back to the house with them. Some videos were uploaded. I don’t think this is that different. He went away for a trip, met a girl, and invited her along for the ride. More than likely this is nothing, and this girl is just being opportunistic. He really needs to pick ladies who can use discretion in the future.
·  Anonymous said:
I think this is just an example of how celebrity image works. If you aren’t part of Chris fandom or gossip you have no clue. Just a basic google news search for him right now shows his DC rounds and Captain Marvel tweet. And that’s the image he wants to have (and I think genuinely does to a point). But isolated Instagram pics that don’t fit easily into a narrative are never going to get traction. Sure they’ll always be there because internet, but give it another week and it’ll barely be a blip.
·  Anonymous said:
Chris is this guy who invite strangers during party/games night in his house or girls who his friends and him met to à bar for partying in friend's house(the tmz video after the end of round 1),it's seem to be how he is but he is the guy, in doing that who trust in everybody and after there are these kind of pic/video not flattering in not flattering place. I see some say he is single so he's enjoy it but he did it when he was with JS, her tweet where she was upset to his bf going to stripclub.
·  Anonymous said:
This would not be blowing up if this bella girl had seemed to be in the company of the same friends at the box as she went to NYC with but that is not the case. Mark might have been with them too but why would this rocky lanes person only follow bella's IG and not Mark's too?
·  Anonymous said:
All of this stuff is already on twitter and instagram tagging Chris, Megan and even Josh for some reason...
·  Anonymous said:
Maybe i missed something, but what’s wrong with Chris taking pics in that club or wherever he was & why couldnt the girl(s) put the pic on her ig
·  Anonymous said:
I haven't heard the video but the "my way good friend" comment seems like a joke. Like "this is my very famous friend who I just met and we're already close" And I think that if he denied those girls of taking a picture he'll be criticize, and considering what they work in and those outfits, seems to me like he ows them that little courtesy 🙄 cause
·  Anonymous said:
My phone was acting weirs so I don't know if my last ask got through: this bella girl is in NYC with friends from DC and a guy named doug, who works in DC, and has also met Chris is with her. If you go through their IG stories they spent the day together but she is the only one of them to post from the box something.
·  Anonymous said:
High end club or not, I checked the pic bellanovemberr posted with the women in her stories and their room seems cheap and have holes in the ceiling. It doesn't matter how expensive those places are, I always at least side eye how they treat women. Their employees deserve better and more respect.
·  Anonymous said:
C'mon! It is one of the most exclusive night clubs in NY. I read the reviews of The Box on the web and there’s nothing wrong with attending such a place. It is not absolutamnete a local “hard”. as he quotes a review I found: “It’s definitely not a local hard if any of you are asking, it’s fun, crazy and weird … it totally reflects New York.”
And, maybe, it was the birthday video girl who invited Chris to go there.
·  Anonymous said:
Do you think it’d be weird if Chris hooked up with a 20 year old...I mean look at Leo Dicaprio and his girlfriend
·  Anonymous said:
Some people have serious problems with celebrities (here: Chris), pedestals, and managing their own fantasies and expectations. They build them up up up, and inevitably get SERIOUSLY broken hearted, hurt, and bitter, when the celeb in question obviously fails to live up to them. I mean, how can they? They're human, and almost never actually aware of these expectations. And I wish I could say that these fans are young and inexperienced, but a lot of them are adults, so...
·  Anonymous said:
"Her IG is also followed by Mark Kassen, who is also in New York." Mark followed her the same day she posted that video.
·  Anonymous said:
I'm not naive to think single/married man and other famous actors don't go to those places but how many of them have pics taken there? None. I checked the club and it's a sort of freak show club too and celebs are part of the customers. A Vanity Fair article mentioned some names. But no pics. So it doesn't stick with them. It can be said that it's hipocritical go there and refuse pics but it would be the best decision for his image. Let's bet he will post a pic of Dogder?
·  Anonymous said:
Recently I came across this Don Cheadle interview on Seth Meyers, where he talked about him,Evans,RDJ,Hemsworth & Renner going to Burlesque club in London & nobody recognising them on street so I guess they all are into this kind of entertainment but only this guy is dumb enough to take pics
·      Anonymous said:
That girl’s comment about SSH made me laugh! Hope he had fun at that burlesque bar! Establishments like those are sooo nice.
                                                                                                                                 ·      Anonymous said:                                                 
The fact his boyfriend(ex now) deleted all the pics of her means himself discovered how is she is: at the same time she was dating him she doesn't have qualms to touch too much a man who has the double of his age, play like she said and pursue him in NY in a burlesque show, that imply naked women and alcohol when he was in far away of her. She didn't do all the things without have something in mind. She lost her boyfriend for have the attention of Chris for few hours. Well play girl.      
·     Anonymous said: 
I don’t think that one who makes a happy birthday video like this to a girl for her twenties, surprising her age so young, then he decides to have fun with a girl of the same age or little more.
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karadavers · 6 years
Public Service Announcement: Melissa and Chris are playing with Instagram as we speak! Both posted Insta stories and Mel posted a hbd pic with Patrick Case about how they share a bd and now people are wishing them happy bd but their bday's in October. Bless them they're full on f'ing with us for it's own sake. And Chris is using the same app for his tca story that was used for the opening night clip of Mel and a cast mate clowning so did Chris shoot that vid too? Yes, it's important!
Yes!!! I have their notifications on and my phone kept beeping lmao I was seriously overwhelmed. Were they competing on who’s able to post more instastories or something?? Chris even came back on twitter. I mean what is this world I’m living in right now??? How are they so active?? Supergirl needs to take more breaks from filming so we can always get this much content. Or maybe it is new york.
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