#they sent pictures of food & scenery
i-like-turkey · 27 days
One of the worst parts of the cancellation is that Amy et al will never understand the harm they’ve caused. I’m barely hanging on. Season 4 would have given me something to look forward to. Now I have absolutely nothing 😡
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reredaydreams · 4 months
A Pierce through the Heart || Jeon Jungkook
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When you go to get your nipple pierced, but something else gets pierced too (it’s a metaphor, if you know what I mean).
Paring: tattoo artist (& piercer) jk x reader
Warning: this story contains mature content, 18+
Content: smut, fluff, oral!f receiving, tit sucking, fingering, doggy style, missionary, squirting, love at first sight?, nipple piercing, unprotected sex, light dirty talk, eating out, after care, edging
Wc: 6k
It was past seven in the evening by the time you entered the tattoo shop, the cool ventilation of the air conditioner giving you relief from the hot summer weather, welcoming your way into the shop. The chilled environment sent tiny shivers down your body, a result of wearing a white tank top, accompanied by a flowy, black skirt with a red lace ribbon tied around your waist as a belt, and a tote bag hanging off your shoulder. All clothes that equipped you for the weather outside.
You glanced around the empty space, it was different from the typical tattoo shop. It felt more artistic than edgy as you would expect from a place like this. Pictures of tattoos done in different colours were hung on the walls accompanied by abstract paintings. Most odd of all, little bonsai trees, a lot of them decorated the brown and white interior alongside the casual furniture expected in a tattoo shop.
“Welcome. I’ll be right there with you in a moment,” an oddly familiar, low, melodious voice made its way to your ears. Turning your gaze to the source, you saw a man wearing a tank top, with washed denim jeans standing with his back to you, doing something on a table further into the shop. He was the only other person here.
Your eyebrows arched up, pupils enlarging as the man turned towards you, his face coming into view, a similar expression masking his face once he glanced upon you.
“Y/n,” a low whisper left his mouth, as he made his way to you, a shine displayed in his eyes. “A, hey! We met at the bar last week, I don’t know if you rem—,”
“I remember, Jungkook?” You cut him off, confirming that the memory of the encounter was still in your thoughts, before taking a pause and uttering his name in a way of looking for confirmation that you recalled correctly. He nodded with a small smile on his lips, having been glad to know you still remembered him.
Oh, you knew it was jungkook, a name of a person who had occupied your brain since the moment you met him last week. His voice still lingering in your ears while his pretty face became a beautiful scenery for your closed eyes.
It was a Friday evening, following a long and hectic week at work when you, along with your best friend, had decided to go to a jazz bar to relax and enjoy the day going into the weekend.
The bar was lit with rich and warm lighting, giving it a cosy environment, accompanied by a local band playing some tunes on the small stage. Some people danced, swaying to the music, letting go of the stresses of the week, while others enjoyed the delicious food and drinks offered at the place.
You and Yeri, your best friend, sat on the high stool tables placed along the border of the bar, as you both sipped away at your drinks, talking about all the random topics that came to mind.
“So basically, he allows them to take his brain cells and send them to space, in the trajectory of the coming aliens, so that they would seek out to capture the spaceship, and we will be closer to the aliens, and learn stuff about them,” you sloppily explain the plot of a recent sci-fi series you have been watching.
“But are a single clump of cells really a human, though?” Yeri asked, taking a sip of her drink. “Right, I don’t think so, but the aliens probably have some technology to rebuild the human, and maybe retain some information,” you tried to make the objective of this move clearer.
“That makes me wonder, though, the concept of having a soul, does it really exist? Or, for the fact where? Is it in your body?” You thought out loud to your friend, swirling the glass of wine in your hand, as your mind delved further on the concept. “I’m not sure, that’s a deep question,” Yeri acknowledged.
“Ya. It’s just that, a ‘soul’ just feels celestial, like the concepts of magic, or a god, rather than something so humanly connected to the body,” you completed your thought, receiving another hum in response, followed by a comfortable silenced engulfing the air around you both, as your minds swam in the ocean of your thoughts.
After a few minutes, Yeri’s voice broke you out of your trance, “wanna go dance, to loosen up a bit?” She suggested. “It’s okay, you go ahead, I’ll rest here for a bit,” you assured her with a small smile.
“Okay! I’ll be back in a while,” Yeri conveyed as she quickly gulped down her glass of alcohol and eagerly made her way to where others were enjoying the music.
You shook your head at your friends' actions, as a small laugh left your mouth. You knew exactly why she wanted to go dance; something or perhaps someone had caught her eyes.
You went back to playing with your glass, as your mind was ready to set forth on a journey of thoughts, but as soon as Yeri set out on her way, a melodious voice cut through the air, making its way to your ears.
“I agree with you. It truly does feel something celestial, something so magical,” the person voiced out their thought turning to lock their eyes with yours, confirming that they were, in fact talking to you. “The ‘soul,’ that is.”
Your breath almost hitched, as your eyes laid upon the man in front of you; god, he was gorgeous. The cute plump lips, where a small smile casted upon them, the bread like cheeks, that looked so soft, and those chocolatey brown eyes that shone as they gaze upon you behind those black, clear glasses, were just so captivating.
His soft wavy hair fell just below his jaw, slight hints of an undercut peeking through, while a few strands of hair strayed to his forehead. Your eyes travelled down his body; he was wearing a black leather jacket, opened to give a glimpse at the white compression shirt underneath that highlighted his muscular body even more. The trails of ink that travelled from beneath his jacket, caressing the skin of his slender hands, and the piercings that marked his body, the ones on his ears, and especially the one that traced under his shirt, just added to his already breathtaking beauty.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to eavesdrop. It’s just that the topic you were discussing was so intriguing, I couldn’t help but to overhear,” he said, breaking you out of your trance of gawking at him. A worried smile masked his lips but yet a hopefulness sparked in his eyes.
“Oh, it’s all good. I love having conversations on such topics, and you said you found it intriguing, so, why don’t you tell me more of your thoughts on it?” You assured him invitingly, placing your elbow on the counter, leaning your head into the palm, giving him your undivided attention.
You didn’t know when an hour and half passed, as you got lost in the rhythm of his words, and the ocean of thought as you both bounced off of each other’s questions, travelling through topics, from space to philosophy, sharing your own intellects.
His way of words was so enchanting, continuing the conversation in a way that never let your attention deviate away from him. His presence was comfortable, as if talking to a friend you haven’t seen in a long time. His eyes were calm, making a safe space for you to share your opinions. In this small time you spent with him, you knew one thing for sure, you wanted to keep talking to him.
As you finished a passage to a point he had brought up, you laid your arm out on the table, causally in his direction, resting your head on your biceps, letting a soothing silence engulf the space, while the voices and music blurred in the background.
He took a sip of his drink to hydrate his throat that had become dry from all the talking, as he observed your movements from his peripheral vision. Once settling down his glass, he followed suit, resting his head on his arms on the counter.
You saw his hand gradually travelling to your hand, as his fingers intervened with yours, playing with them gently, caressing them in between. All the while his gaze remained deep into your eyes, displaying unsaid emotions clearly.
You closed your eyes, feeling his soft touches on your skin, his warmth feeling as if you were laying under the sun on a breezy summer day, his perfume adding to the image, as the citrusy, yet fresh smell painted a picture of a serene ocean in your mind with every deep breath you took.
As you were lost in the solace of the moment, another thought struck your mind; you didn’t know the name of this beautiful man in front of you.
“I’m sorry, all the while we were talking, I didn’t even bother asking your name,” you spoke out, opening your eyes to meet those that were still looking at you in the same manner as before. He observed the tiny frown tugging at the corner of your lips. “Jungkook, Jeon Jungkook,” he relayed with a tender smile. “And don’t be sorry, I didn’t have the courtesy to ask the name of such a beautiful woman either,” he conveyed with a small pout.
A small laugh escaped your lips, before you informed him of your name. “Y/n,” he repeated with such familiarity, as if the name was made specifically for his mouth. He parted his lips once more to say something, but was interrupted by Yeri’s voice, making you both sit up straight.
“Y/nie,” she cooed, circling her arms around your shoulders, resting her head against your back. She was drunk. You held on to her arms, worried about your friend, you inquired, “are you okay Yeri? Is everything alright?”
“Hmm, yess, yess, I just wanna go home,” she whined. You were used to this, as you were like the mother of your friend group, always taking care of everyone out of your love for them.
You guided her arms to unwrap around you, standing up, holding on to her arm to keep her steady. You turned to look at Jungkook, who was already gazing at you warmly, admiring the way you took care of your friend.
“I’m sorry, I’ll have to head out now,” you spoke out, your eyebrows creasing in slight displeasure as you still wanted to continue to talk to him. “Oh, it’s alright, but before you go, could I get—,” as jungkook was about to complete his sentence, Yeri began to drag you outside, and all you could do was look back at him with an apologetic expression, as he did his best to assure you with his smile, waving you bye.
You couldn’t help but smile at the memories of that night, and how Yeri kept apologising to you for her behaviour that night, and accidentally preventing you from getting his number. She felt so guilty, even trying to find him for you on social media platforms, but it was no use. However, you guaranteed her that it wasn’t her fault, and maybe that connection you felt with Jungkook that night wasn’t meant to be anything more, but who knew, you would run into him again like this.
You looked up to meet his eyes, that were busy admiring your look, travelling down your body, respectfully of course. You observed that he wasn’t wearing any pair of glasses today.
“I’m sorry, for leaving so abruptly that day,” you said, bringing his attention back to your face. “Oh, no no, I totally understand,” he shook his head to make his point, while a small blush crept on his cheeks, having been caught in the act of checking you out.
“So, how can I help you today?” He questioned, clearing his throat. “Oh, right, I had booked an appointment for a piercing,” you explained.
“Yes yes, you are my last appointment for the day. So, what type of piercing are you planning to get today?” He asked, recalling his schedule.
“A nipple piercing,” you said nonchalantly, tilting your head to the side a bit, as you gazed upon him.
His eyebrows slightly raised, pupils enlarging, as he visibly gulped, a slight red hue appeared on cheeks. He looked so cute with the nervous expression that masked his face, causing a mischievous look to play in your eyes.
“You do those, right?” you playfully inquired, acting as if you weren't fully sure, but you had already confirmed with a person on the phone earlier. “We do. Follow me this way,” he guided, slowly picking up on your teasing.
He led you to a back room, in which there was a tattooing chair situated beside a table with some tools, and a couch on the other side. The space still aligned with the overall warm and brown theme of the shop, while there were once again, small bonsai plants decorating the room.
You walked over to a table that stood beside the couch, adorned with the plant on top, observing it closely while you waited for Jungkook to come back from washing his hands.
“My business partner really loves nature, so he decorated the whole studio with these plants,” Jungkook explained, having seen you looking keenly at the plant while walking in. You hummed in response, turning to meet his eyes, which held eye contact with you for a moment, before turning to the equipment on the table.
“Please, take off your upper garments and lay comfortably on this chair,” he instructed, motioning towards the chair next to the table where he was standing, his eyes still directed towards the tools in his hands.
You began lifting up your tank top ever so slowly to tease him, knowing that he could see you from his peripheral vision. Unhooking your bar, you left it on the couch, along with your tank top. Following his instructions you got into a comfortable position on the chair. He made his way to you, taking a seat on the stool beside the tattooing chair.
“So, you want one piercing on the left side?” he questioned, to confirm once again, looking directly into your eyes. You gave him a small nod, his eyes travelling down to your chest, lingering there for a moment, before meeting your eyes once again.
“Hmm, the nipple needs to be erect when it is pierced, usually we use a clamp, which can be a bit painful, however, I have another method to make it erect,” jungkook informed, maintaining eye contact with you, while a small smirk rested on his lips. “You want to try that, y/n?” He asked, with a till of the head.
“Yes,” a low whisper left your lips, followed by his hand tracing down your neck to your left nipple, his index finger tracing circles around the areola. His face came closer to your chest, his breath fanning your upper boob, lips just inches from touching your skin.
His eyes turned up to meet yours, asking for permission with an arch of the eyebrow. With a small grin you indicate your interest, your hand travelling to the back of his neck, gently wrapping around it as he peeked out his tongue, licking from its bottom to top. He kept circling it around the nipple, licking it in between, causing a small whine to leave your mouth due to his teasing.
He finally latched his lips onto the now already hard nipple, sucking on it enticingly, rolling it around in between his teeth. His one hand went to the other one, gently rubbing it with his thumb. It felt good, low moans leaving your mouth. After a while, he pulled away, a string of saliva connected his lips to your boob.
He grabbed a tissue, cleaning the liquid, before grabbing an alcohol wipe to clean the nipple that was now prominent. He marked it as you had asked, grabbing a sterilized needle, and quickly piercing it, and inserting a small rod with a ball on one side through the hole, connecting another one on the other end.
“There you go, all done,” he declared, putting the supplies back on the table before turning back to you. Your eyes were on him, looking at him with intent and lust, indicating that you wanted something more, just like he did. He brought his face just inches away from yours, looking deep into your eyes, while a small, playful smile rested on his lips.
“Y/n, do you want this?” He questioned. You knew what he was insinuating, it made you a little annoyed that he was asking you such a question when he clearly knew the answer.
Your hand makes its way to his torso, feeling his toned abs hiding under his top, before walking your fingers to his chest, just above his heart. You probed around the area, playing with the piercing that was there for a moment, and then continuing your way to his shoulder. You gently wrapped your fingers around his neck, pulling him in closer as if to kiss him, but instead you glided your lips to his ears, leaving him a bit disappointed.
“I do, but do you?” You whisper into his ear. He snaked his arm around your waist, his grip tight as if he was scared that you would back out. “Oh, you don’t know,” his voice came out in a low whisper, a desperation lacing it. “I have wanted this since I first laid my eyes on you,” and as those words left his mouth, his lips were on your jaw, trailing sloppy kisses along the bone, exploring down to your neck and sucking on it passionately.
He guided your legs to wrap around his waist, picking you up and bringing you to the couch that was in the corner of the room, while being careful of your new piercing. Laying your body on the couch, he backed away from your neck, his hand going the waistband of your skirt, gliding them off your body, along with your panties and discarding them on the floor.
He made his way between your legs, taking a moment to admire your body that just looked so divine to his eyes. He wanted a taste so bad, he just couldn’t hold himself back anymore. He pinned your one arm above your head, going in to suck on your nipple that remained unpierced, while his free hand made its way to your clit, rubbing between the pussy lips in an up and down motion. A sound of satisfaction left your mouth, having gotten him where you needed the most.
He continued to make out with your tit in greed, before trailing warm kisses to your stomach, down to your pelvis. He pulled away, spreading your lips to look at your needy pussy. “So pretty, baby,” he commented, admiring it with a lustful gaze. “So wet for me already,” he teased, going in to devour all of you, causing a whine to leave your mouth.
His tongue rubbed circles around your clit, flicking the nerve in between, before his lips wrapped around it, sucking on it in hunger. He iterated on these motions, sending you into a bliss, and ohh, when he inserted his fingers into you, pumping them in and out, it drove you over the edge as your thighs squirmed around his head riding out the orgasm on his mouth.
He pulled away, sitting on his knees, in between your legs, gazing down at your body in adoration, satisfaction masking his face at the observation of the effects he had on you. Your chest raised up and down assisting the flow of your quick breaths, as you catched a breath after your high, while a tiny layer of sweat coated your forehead.
Your eyes remained fixed on him, as he brought his fingers, covered in your cum, to your lips, sticking his fingers in and exploring your mouth, pushing down on your tongue hitting the back of your throat. You gagged at the motion, sucking his fingers obediently not breaking eye contact. He pulled away and licked the rest up, devouring it clean. A hum of content left his mouth at the delicious taste produced by the both of you, all the while his eyes remained locked with yours, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
He brought his hand to the sides of his tank top, pulling it above his head and discarding them on the floor, along with your clothes. Your eyes now came in view of the Calvin Klein underwear that peeked from under his jeans, and that nipple piercing that had been teasing you for the longest, looked even better on him than you imagined. It was so vulgar, in the best way possible. You bit your lower lip, as the view made your insides feel even more warm.
He quickly followed by removing his lower garments, leaving you with the perfect view of his naked body. God damn— it was so hot and big…
“On your knees, babe,” Jungkook commanded, guiding you to your front with a hand on the hip. “I want to take you from the back,” he expressed, the words sounding so lewd as they came out of his mouth, causing a whimper to leave your mouth as his hand gripped your ass. His chest pressed against your back, as he left kisses on the base of your neck, before tracing his hand along your figure to your ass. He placed a playful slap against it, as your whine made its way to his ears, feeling you press your butt to his crotch. “Getting needy, aren’t we?” he teased, as he delivered another slap.
He’s acting as if he just didn’t eat you out like his life depended on it moments ago, you thought. “Why? Aren't you needy for me too?” you questioned, looking back at him with a pout, giving him the doe eyes. “If you don’t want this, then–” you teased him back, pretending to crawl away, but he didn’t let you as he gripped onto your hip, pulling you against him once more, bringing his face next to yours, over the shoulder. “Hey! You’re not going anywhere,” he groaned into your ear.
His fingers pushed your hair aside from your face, tucking them behind your ear and giving him a clear view of your gorgeous face. “Do you feel that?” he questioned, pressing his erect cock against your pussy, rubbing it against your slit, lubricating with your wetness. “Do you feel how hard it is?” he elaborated, placing a kiss on your jaw. “This is all your fault, you make me like this. You will help me with my problem, right babe?” he asked, giving you a curated pair of puppy eyes, as his lips protruded out, forming a small out pout.
You hum in response, a smirk tugging at the corner of your mouth, feeling the effect that you had on him. He trails a string of kisses along your neck, to your shoulder blade, leaving a soft bit mark against it. He guided his cock to align with your entrance, causing a hiss to leave your mouth at the burn of the stretch. “It's okay, darling. You can take it,” he encouraged, rubbing circles on your back in a soothing motion.
It was a tight fit. You hadn’t had such a stretch before, but it felt good, and full. “Is it better? Should I start moving now?” he asked, once his cock was fully nestled within you. You let out low ‘yes’, as he began to glide inside your walls.
At first the movements were more slow, and passionate, but they soon became more intense, aggressive, and lustfull, as his mind clouded with a hunger for you. But that wasn’t enough, you needed him even deeper than he was, causing you to push back onto his cock as he pounded into you. These movements added to the pleasure for both of you, not shying away from vocalising it, and neither did he, as your voices blended together, echoing through the room.
It became too much to handle, and soon enough you released the built up tension in your stomach. The walls of your pussy contracted around his cock, a low, moan of pleasure leaving his lips, sending him to a bliss, causing him to pull out, as you felt a warm, and moist liquid spray against your lower back.
Your legs give out, as you let your body fall on to the couch, trying to catch your breath after your second orgasm of the day. You felt him lay his body against your back, the sounds of his fastened breaths making their way to your ears. Just the feeling of the pulses of your pussy on his cock that pressed against your clit was so arousing to him that it didn’t take him long to become erect once again.
He pushed his body away from yours, pulling you to your front by your waist, gripping on to your thighs, spreading your legs apart, situating himself between your legs once again. “Round two?” he questioned, with an arch of a brow, while a sly grin played on his lips, causing a small laugh to leave your mouth.
He again aligned himself with your entrance, pushing in more easily, as he began moving into you, this time with a sloppish movement. Your hand drawed up his tattooed arm, gliding your way over his collarbone, and onto his piercing. You rubbed it between your fingers, before giving it a pinch, causing a groan to leave his mouth.
“Sensitive here, aren’t we?” you teased, as he gave you a narrowed look, causing a smirk to appear upon your lips. However, it didn’t remain there for long, as you moaned out in pleasure, as he picked up pace, his movements becoming more intense, fervent, and delightful.
You were getting close, close to your release. The in and out motion of his thrusts, his balls slapping against your skin, his cock grazing against the wet and silky walls of your pussy, his fingers rubbing circles on your clit, all these actions combined to serve you pleasure, sending you into ecstasy. Your body didn’t shy away from vocalising this, as the sound of satisfaction left your mouth ringing through the room, travelling to his ears, making him want to keep on hearing more.
The fingers that were on your clit, now glided up your stomach, the patterning of his cold fingertips sending shivers through your figure, yet your body burned from warmth. A faint, dewy trail of your juices was left behind, fading into the skin as his fingers reached your non-pierced tit. He circled his finger around the nipple, before pinching it and then twisting the bud around, causing a cry due to the arousement leaving your mouth, as your body squirmed to the side, though the grope of his hand on your boob prevented you from moving any further, forcing you to recline back to your original place.
“Relax, Babe,” Jungkook encouraged, rubbing patterns on your stomach, pressing on it gently. “I got you,” he cooed, gazing into your half open, dazy eyes, as he lowered the intensity of his thrusts, earning a whine of disapproval from you. However, he ignored it, and continued to deliver delightfull pressure to your pussy through a slow and passionate gliding motion.
Your hair was scattered on the surface of the couch around your head, while a few strands strayed to your forehead and cheek. Jungkook reached his hand forward and moved the pieces of hair away from your face and tucked them behind your ear. His fingers pursue to trace the side of your face, along your jawline, coming to a stop at the corner of your lips. His fingertip caressed your lips, feeling the soft texture, while the movements of his lower body gradually came to a stop, leaving himself buried inside of you.
A whiny cry left your throat at his tactic for getting what he desired. It was simple: you give him what he wants, and you get what you want. He wanted to kiss you, kiss those juicy lips of yours, feeling the softness against his own, while devouring you whole. You wanted him to please you more, to go harder, to let you have your release, and send you into a bliss. You knew that he wasn't going to fulfil your wish until you let him fulfil his need.
Jungkook rubbed his thumb against your lower lip, while his fingers caressed the sides of your cheek. His thumb came to a rest, as he looked into your eyes with burning intensity, asking permission to carry on with what he was thinking. In a swift motion, you pulled on his arm, bringing his face just inches away from yours. You cupped his face in your hands, fingers stretching to the sides of his neck, while your thumb pressed against his cheeks.
“Jungkook,” you whispered in a seductive tone, meeting his eyes with a craving, your breath fanning his skin, “please, fuck me. Fuck me harder.”
Just as those words left your mouth, Jungkook’s lips were locked with yours in a lustful kiss, tongues tangling together in the moist environment. There was hunger behind the kiss, an aggression to feel one another as close as possible.
Jungkook’s hand travelled to the nape of your neck, grabbing a hold of it and pulling you closer, as if you both weren’t already moulded together. Your arms snaked around his neck, pressing your bodies up to one another, as he began to drive into you once again, but this time with a much greater intensity. His speed continued to increase as you moaned into his mouth. He trailed kissing along your jaw and down your neck, leaving marks he will adore later.
“Mhm, you feel so good,” the words flowed out of your mouth in ecstasy, followed by a sting of moans. “Then cum for me, Darling. Show me how good I am making you feel,” he commanded, moving back to admire your disoriented state, in his eyes you were the most gorgeous being he had ever seen.
Soon enough you came, clenching around his cock, as your insides pulsed against his skin. However, he didn’t stop, he continued to pound your pussy, making loud sounds of pleasure leave your mouth. His eyes travelled down your body, to the place where your bodies connected. A few dribbles of squirt rained out of you due to the overstimulation.
“Fuck, you're so beautiful,” he declared, feeling himself close to his climax. With a few more strokes he pulled out, releasing over your stomach, leaving it a mess in his liquid.
He let his body relax, laying half of his body beside you, while the other half rested against you, as he laid his head on your chests, hugging your body close to him. Your arms wrapped around his shoulder, to feel his warmth around you, while you both regained your breathing. You both remained in this position, feeling a sense of calm in each other's presence, after that exhilarating session.
After a few minutes, Jungkook lifted up his body, his arms straight as he rested his palms on either side of your body, caging you within. He gave you a tender smile, before leaning in to kiss your cheek, whispering a ‘I’ll be right back into your ear. You gave him a lazy smile as he pulled out, getting off the couch, and leaving the room.
A while later, he walked back in, having cleaned himself up of the sticky substances. He made his way to where you were laying, and cleaned you up with a wet towel he had brought, before disposing of it.
“Here, put this on,” he said, while handing you a big white shirt. “Your tank top will rub on your piercing, causing irritation, so wear this to prevent it,” he explained. You already knew this information, that’s why you had carried a loose t-shirt in your bag when making your way here, but you didn’t tell him this and just took the piece of clothing from him.
Jungkook moved to collect his discarded clothes from earlier, as your eyes followed his every movement, while you sat up on the couch. He could feel your stares on him, so he made sure to look extra sexy for you, when putting his clothes back on.
Once finished, he moved back towards you, spreading your thighs apart slightly, before intervening his legs in between them. He gently grabbed the shirt from your hands, which you had done no effort to put on, and helped you wear it himself.
Once the fabric was settled on your body, he placed his arms around your neck, leaning in slightly to look into your eyes with an emotion that you couldn’t quite discern. You both remained in silence, just looking into the depths of each other's eyes, before you decided to speak up.
“So,” you began. “Do you give this special treatment to all your customers?” you teasingly inquired, keenly looking forward to his response.
“No,” he said bluntly, looking you dead in the eye. “It’s only for my future special someone,” he informed, as there was a shine in his eyes as the statement left his mouth.
His words left you confused, and a bit shocked, as you didn’t think he would think of this anything more than a hookup after how fast things progressed today.
“Y/n” he called, breaking you away from thinking further. “I want you. I want something more, and I’m not just saying this to get in bed with you again. I truly mean it. After meeting you at the bar last week, I couldn’t stop thinking about you, and the conversation we shared. I want to have more deep talks like that, in the comfort of our own peace,” he explained, expressing his feeling.
You weren’t going to lie, you also held a similar feeling. After that meeting with him, you couldn’t stop thinking about him and the conversation you had with him. He listened to you, sharing his experiences and intellect along the way. You found a calm in his company, at the most odd place. You felt upset all this week at not having gotten his number, and at the possibility of never meeting him again, but seeing him today when you entered the shop gave you hope. A hope to get to know him better, but where today had led to made you think that your connection wasn’t meant to be something more. However, after hearing him now, a smile grew on your face. You hadn’t been the biggest believer of love at first sight before, now you just might be.
“I don’t want to put any pressure on you, I’m just saying that maybe we could try dating, go on a few dates,” he clarified, shyly averting his eyes from you, the same man that just fucked you with such intensity a while ago. Wow, the duality.
You wrapped your arms around his waist, resting your head on his torso. “Lets try it out” you replied, bringing his attention back to you. “I mean, who would be a fool enough to let go of the opportunity to potentially have such a handsome boyfriend,” you teased, looking up at him with a toothy smile, which he returned with his big bunny smile upon hearing your words.
“Then, since it's already late outside, do you want to get dinner together?” He asked.
“Let’s go,” you replied, giving a genuine smile, as you looked forward to possibilities of what lies ahead.
A/n: hey there! Hehe, I hope you enjoyed this! Your thoughts and feedback are always appreciated
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theflashesoflove · 1 year
obstacle I
Larissa Weems x f!reader (nsfw) – series
part I :: part ll :: ao3
summary: Could you be more careless? Talking to a stranger online and sharing the most intimate moments of your days with her? The way you trusted her was almost ridiculous, but the way she talked to you made you sure that this grown woman wouldn’t even consider harming you in some way. One would think you were a fool who would regret her messages one day, one would even point a finger at you and say how perverse all of it was. Luckily, no one knew. Except for Lydia, your mistress, to whom you granted not just your body, but also your heart.
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a/n: i always dreaded writing series, but this woman inspires me so much that i'm finally up for the challenge. i hope i will be consistent with my writing enough to bring this story where i want it to be. filthy, angsty and gentle. i think there will be two or three more chapters and it is also crossposted on ao3. btw i have a vague idea of what architects do so if you notice some factual mistakes let's pretend that in my silly imaginary world things work this way. the names of the chapters are lyrics from interpol's 'turn on the bright lights' album (it's brilliant, a huge recommend if you like male manipulator music like i do haha). proofread, and i hope it doesn't sound as broken as i think it does. (bracing myself) let's set this little bird free into the wild.
general warnings/tags: unhealthy online relationship, dom!larissa x sub!reader dynamics, sexting, nudes, masturbation + angst and all that stuff to come
chapter word count: 4k
Part I: you are linked to my innocence
Sitting on the balcony, you admired the sun slowly crawling up from its slumber, painting the sky with faint yellow and pink shades, warming up the cool earth. The view before you made you smile. Perhaps having trouble sleeping had its benefits – you could admire such a beautiful sunrise and feel at peace for at least the next hour, before the world would wake up and start swirling around you, overwhelming and demanding. 
Thinking of someone who was also so very demanding, you pulled out your phone and started recording the serene scenery. You tried to hold your phone still, though it was hard because of the chilly wind that made you shiver. Ending the video, you opened the messenger and sent it to a woman who made your heart sing just like the morning birds sang, greeting the sun.
You scrolled up your message history with her for a bit, smirking. What a sweet little relationship you had, one time you would send her a beautiful view out of your window, the next time – a picture of you touching yourself in the most sinful way.
Couldn’t sleep again? and What a lovely view, she replied an hour later. Not as lovely as you, though, she added after.
Her name was Lydia and she had just the right way with her words. She would text you, Send me a picture, and you would rush out of your meeting to the bathroom to send her a selfie. She would text you, What a beautiful shirt you are wearing, unbutton it for me, and you would spend a bit more time in the bathroom sending her picture after picture. 
You didn’t know what she looked like. She rarely sent you pictures in return, and you had only one 10 seconds long video of her touching herself. Her fingers were slender, her nails were painted a burgundy red colour, and she had those plush thighs that you wanted to squeeze with your hands. She was a woman of exquisite taste – taste in music, in foods, in lingerie.
You never asked her for more. It was entirely your choice to reveal your face on one of the first videos you sent her. She once told you, Don’t call me by my name on those videos, call me your mistress. You obliged. You always did. An impulse to ask the woman if she could reveal her face bubbled up inside your chest from time to time, but you pushed it away, never willing to make her uncomfortable. Perhaps there was something she didn’t like about herself, perhaps she wanted to be more mysterious and enticing, perhaps she just needed a bit more time – and it had been a year! Never being a selfish one, you suppressed your questions and played by her rules. 
She knew a lot about your life. You didn’t realise that you barely knew about hers. You knew that her work was stressful enough to make her speak to you in an especially dirty way in the night, urging you to send new videos for her to let off steam. You could only imagine her, spread on her bed to your sinful sound and pleas. You would tell her, i wish i could see how pleased my mistress is right now, nudging her to send you a picture in return. The woman would just answer, Don’t doubt it, I am very pleased with my darling girl, thank you and end the conversation until the next morning. You knew that she played piano and was popular in high school, though a bit overshadowed by her best friend at the time. You knew that she liked long walks in nature, ice skating and that her favourite season was autumn. She never pressed you to share any details about your life, but you did it nonetheless. 
It all started rather accidentally, and you told her millions of times how glad you were that she found you. There was an old record player that you wanted to sell online, and you even gave out a Fleetwood Mac vinyl in addition to it for free. The woman contacted you, anonymous at that time, though she contacted you too late, and the record player was already sold. It didn’t stop the two of you from continuing the conversation, talking about music and antique pieces of furniture she adored. After that, everything escalated quickly – topics changing topics and bringing you into dynamics you didn’t know you would enjoy this much. She teased you a lot, and at first you acted shy and hesitant, bending under her dominance and unravelling your own fantasies over time. She wrapped you around her finger, and on one particular evening you sent her your first video. The woman made it clear that she was hopeful to receive more of those in the future. 
Could you be more careless? Talking to a stranger online and sharing the most intimate moments of your days with her? The way you trusted her was almost ridiculous, but the way she talked to you made you sure that this grown woman wouldn’t even consider harming you in some way. One would think you were a fool who would regret her messages one day, one would even point a finger at you and say how perverse all of it was. If you told any of your friends about Lydia, they would tell you that you went nuts. They would tell you to stop texting her immediately and delete the chat to destroy the blackmail material that you’d shared with a stranger. Luckily, no one knew. Except for Lydia, your mistress, to whom you granted not just your body, but also your heart.
Back in the day, you suggested moving the conversation from reselling website direct messages to a more convenient messenger, one that the woman hadn’t heard of before. It took her two days to create an account for contacting you there. Her profile picture was a bush of red flowers, her personal information included just a lyric of a song she liked, and all of it was only for your eyes to see. Not much, but her empty profile on an app which she signed in just for you never aroused any suspicions. Well, sometimes it did, but then she would ask you how your day went and the sweetness of the texts the two of you shared washed your worries away. 
In fact, it wasn’t all about sexting. You could see that she was genuinely interested and caring, and you didn’t send her pictures and videos every day, after all. Maybe… three times a week? Five if she was desperate. She woke up earlier than you if you managed to fall asleep the night before and always brightened your day from its beginning with a sweet ‘Good morning, darling’ message. She always wished you a good night and checked in throughout the day, answering your texts and moving the conversation forward. Sometimes she would even send you flowers, and a delivery man would call you and ask for the address. The man would appear on your porch with a delicate bouquet later, a card attached to the wrapping would say, ‘To my favourite girl – L’. You could only giggle and smile to yourself for the rest of the day. No matter how hard you tried to get her number to send something in return, the woman would always brush you off. You can send me a picture in return, she would text you. That was exactly what you would do next. 
You’d always start with pictures. On days when you felt especially good about yourself, you didn’t even wait for her to ask. Undressing, you would send her several pictures, losing yet another piece of closing on every photo. Sometimes it would take her too long to reply, and you would record a video for her in advance. There wasn’t any surface in your house that wasn’t caught on camera while you would thrust your fingers inside, making it all pretty and appealing to look at. The sounds you made were an absolute turn on for her, and you always ensured that you put on a good show. It wasn’t even necessary to try hard, you would just recall all the dirty messages she sent you over the course of your relationship, you would imagine how it would feel to be held by her, how those long fingers would pound into you, how her lips would tease your flushed skin. You had a good imagination, and it was enough. The tiniest bits of her that were available to you – all of it was enough, that was what you were trying to convince yourself of. A hopeless romantic you were, blindly expecting that one day she would surprise you and reveal herself, and tell you how much she wanted to meet you in person. Still, it never came. That day never came, and you tried not to overthink it. You were supposed to be grateful for what you already had, after all.
I have a very important meeting today and I just know that it won’t go easy on me. Can you please bend over your desk for me this evening, dearest? Lydia texted you a few hours later after receiving the video. 
of course, mistress, you answered playfully. your boss doesn’t give you a break, huh? ;)
Thank you, darling girl, I’ll be waiting, she replied, ignoring the message about her boss. 
You made sure to text her during your lunch break, checking if she didn’t forget to eat in between her piles of work. She told you that she had a snack and it was very nice of you to bother. A couple of hours later she asked how were you feeling since you didn’t get any sleep last night. You told her that you were running on energy drinks and green tea and she jokingly scolded you for the energy drinks part. It made you bite your lower lip, how caring she was for you in return.
The desk in your office was never neat. Scattered papers, your laptop always on charge, heated up with architect software. You hunched over the plan with a pencil in your hand, making sure that the plumbing system of the building made sense at all. Working in a reconstruction and restoration company, you never really got a chance to do the part you studied for in the first place. Always checking other architects’ plans and fixing their mistakes for them, not having the opportunity to do something of your own. Your days were filled with somewhat ridiculous tasks yet even those managed to make you feel the struggle of workload.
The surface of your desk shuddered when your phone buzzed with a reminder about forthcoming meeting, and you straightened, feeling a familiar ache in your lower back. You threw on a jacket, took your phone and notebook and left your office, politely smiling at coworkers passing by. 
The meeting went as smoothly as always – at least you enjoyed the working atmosphere of the company. Your boss talked about the updates in the company policy and proceeded to inform the staff about upcoming projects. He announced that the Principal of Nevermore school contacted them for the reconstruction work, and your coworkers didn’t even try to hide their opinions on outcasts and how infamous the school was, especially after the causality that happened a few months ago. Not paying attention to their grumbling, you thought it would be a great opportunity to finally show your skills, and your boss thought so too.
“Y/N, you will take over this project. I’m passing you the papers with details, I feel like the time to shine has come!” he said, approaching your seat with a folder in his hands. Some of your coworkers sighed in relief, glad that they wouldn’t be involved with Nevermore. It made you wince – you never thought badly of outcasts like the majority of others did, the idea of being hostile towards someone just because they were different made you nauseous like it would do to any decent person. “The Principal insists on cooperation, and I have to warn you – you will probably have to visit the site more times than would be necessary for a usual project. I hope it won’t be a problem,” he said with a light smirk.
You smiled and bit your cheek, anticipation tingling on your fingertips. “No, it won’t be a problem. Thank you,” you uttered, taking the folder. “When am I supposed to start?” 
“Next week. We arranged a meeting with Principal Weems, she said it was very important for the school, and I quote, ‘to thoroughly negotiate the reconstruction process’.” 
The school was enormous, but the work was connected to a relatively small part of it, a tower that was destroyed recently. You spent the rest of your evening studying the documents – an old plan of the school that included the tower. It was impressive how old this building was. Besides, you would be taking part in preserving and reconstructing the historic site, the whole prospect of reconstructing a part of Nevermore ensemble sounded like a dream coming true. The fact of such a project being granted to you to work on would be unbelievable if deep down you didn’t know the reason for it. It seemed that no one from your company wanted to work with Nevermore, but the school was about to pay generously, so they had to find someone to 'deal with the outcasts'. How foolish your coworkers were for declining such an opportunity, you thought, smiling to yourself.
Back home, you didn’t bother to change into your indoor clothes, knowing full well that you would need to be completely naked soon anyway. Having had a quick meal and relaxed on the couch, closing your eyes for a little too long than you planned, you finally entered your bedroom and started setting a scene. Sometimes the lengths you went to make a perfect video for Lydia made you embarrassed, but how could you do it any other way? The woman’s attention was worth all of your efforts. You cleaned up your desk, returning previously forgotten mugs to the kitchen, shoving papers into the desk drawer and moving the pile of laundry laying on the floor out of frame. The curtains had to be closed for the last sun rays entering your bedroom not messing with the lighting on camera, the cosy shine of a garland and the dim light of a bedside lamp would be enough to illuminate your form in the most lovely way. You checked your reflection in the mirror and wiped away a few particles of mascara from under your eyes. For a second you tensed, your insecurity taking over. Would Lydia like you as much if she saw you in person? Wouldn’t she be disappointed that a flawless image you tried to create for her wasn’t as flawless in real life? Perhaps that was why she didn’t want to meet up in the first place? Did she already know that wasting the time of her busy schedule would completely disenchant her perception of you? You took a deep breath and shook your head, backing off from the mirror. It was alright. She liked you. Still you desperately wanted to be perfect for her. 
The next thing you did was distract yourself with having fun and a bit of a struggle with setting up a phone stand out of books. After you were sure that your phone wouldn’t slide down halfway through the recording, you set a 10 seconds timer and started slowly unbuttoning your shirt to catch the process on camera. The photo turned out just the way you wanted from the first try, revealing the right amount of skin and a glimpse of your lingerie. It didn’t even matter in the end, but you were always attentive to details. Completely taking off your shirt, you grabbed your phone and took the second picture – a close up of your lacy bra, nipples visible through the fabric, collarbones calling to be showered with your mistress’ kisses. The sound of timer counting down rang across your bedroom once again, you unhooked your bra to send it down onto the floor and stepped back, already topless, unzipping your pants and craning your neck to the side with a soft smile on your lips. Oh, how much you loved spoiling Lydia even if sometimes it stressed you out to the point of worrying about your imperfections. Your pants made their way onto the floor as well, out of the frame, of course, and as the next timer started counting down, you rushed to your desk to bend over it prettily, exposing your cheeks for the last photo. Then, you returned to your phone and sent pictures to Lydia, smiling to yourself at the thought of her ending her tedious day of work and seeing your message.  
It took you a fair amount of time to warm yourself up for the video by bringing yourself to the edge with a vibrator, uncomfortably sprawled in your chair and growing hotter with every second. You barely managed to stop yourself from climaxing, removing the vibrator from your clit and standing up on wobbly legs to continue your filming session. The phone was settled into its makeshift stand again, the sun finally settled, not peeking through the curtains anymore, which made the scene look especially intimate in the dimmed lights, and you were ready to absolutely ruin yourself for Lydia. After pressing the record button, you bent over your desk once again, and massaged your cheeks, squeezing and pulling to reveal your glistening sex. Having satisfied your need to tease the woman a little more, you spread your legs wider and took a toy that rested on the desk the whole time.
Teasing your wet entrance with the toy, you pleaded into the silence of your room, “Oh, please, fuck me… fuck me, mistress, please…”
By the time you finished, you were worn out – the position was rather uncomfortable, especially when you had to work with your hand from behind. You pressed the side of your face against the surface and sighed happily, “Thank you, mistress, you are so good to me.” There was a deep red mark of the edge of the desk on your knee, the wood was digging into your skin almost the whole time you were filming after you decided to move your leg higher for better access and view. The awkward scene of you grunting as you lifted yourself from the desk and padded over to your bed to stop the recording was cropped out later. 
An hour passed by, and Lydia finally answered your messages, saying that she was done with the meeting and work for the day, ready to witness you coming undone for her. 
You look absolutely ravishing, dear. Let me see how you used that toy on your pretty pussy?
are you already in bed? You asked, trying to withhold the sweet video a little longer.
No, darling. I’m taking a bath right now, she answered, arousing the urge in you to ask her if she could give you at least a glimpse of her body basking in the warm water. You didn’t ask her. 
I need you, came a text seconds later, and you couldn’t resist her anymore. 
The video went on for about 11 minutes, you didn’t know if you should have made it shorter or longer for her liking. You wondered how long it would take her, you wondered what she would use to pleasure herself and how it would feel to be with her in that moment, spreading shower gel all over her breasts and teasing her with your thigh pressed against her core. You wondered how it would feel to just settle in her lap, wrap your hands around her shoulders and hide your face in her neck, revelling in her presence.
The waiting after sending her those kinds of videos was the most tortuous one, you didn’t yet know if she liked the video or not, you didn’t know if it met her expectations, you didn’t know if it even made her wet and eager to pleasure herself. Sometimes you were afraid that she wouldn’t even bother to watch it or to reply to you ever again. Fifteen minutes later, you got a response – 1 attachment. Your heart somersaulted against your ribcage, and you hesitated for a moment before tapping on the notification, prolonging the excitement of not knowing what she sent you.
Those beautiful thighs. Oh, how much you thought about them wrapping around your head, how many times you rewatched the only video she sent you, remembering the patterns of stretch marks along her skin. She looked especially soft and rosy, her wet pubic hair neatly covered her sex, and the foam melted around her body, glistening on camera. The water was steamy and her hand rested on the rim of the bathtub – you could only assume that she was completely spent. 
i would eat you out until those gorgeous legs are shaking, you texted after a while of staring, unable to think straight.
Not before I would be done edging you for hours, she cheekily answered. And before you could think of a suitable response in the same dirty fashion, she sent her next message, Thank you, dearest. I don’t know what I did to deserve you.
A smile spread across your features, so wide it almost started to hurt. You plumped down on the bed and nuzzled your nose into the pillow, vainly seeking her scent that was never there in the first place. Contented that the woman felt about you this way, you closed your eyes and tried to imagine her. Imagine, imagine, imagine – it was the only thing you could do. In that moment, you hopelessly wanted to press yourself into her, to cling to her body and dissolve in her warmth. How much you yearned for her to give you real proximity, to caress your sides as she would bury her face in your hair and fall asleep next to you, breathing peacefully. Or she would let you lie down on her chest and listen to her calming heartbeat, holding your hand and circling your skin with her thumb. 
A couple of red heart emojis were sent Lydia’s way and you locked your phone, turned on your back and looked at the ceiling. Fulfilled and deprived at the same time.
by the way, i was given a new project today! You texted Lydia five minutes later, remembering that you forgot to share the exciting news. i’m so happy, they finally gave me the big girl stuff to do haha
That’s amazing, dear. I’m very proud of you, Lydia answered, making you blush. 
The next Monday you were on your way to Nevermore – it felt very exciting to leave the office for once to see the site of reconstruction. To your surprise, it wasn’t that long of a ride, you expected the school to be more distant from Jericho than it was. Driving along the road that was framed by thick forest made you want to pull over for a second to take a picture of towering trees, branches tranquilly swinging in the wind, the sun peaking through the leaves. However it would be a bad idea, unless you wanted to be late for the meeting more than you already were.
The building of Nevermore astonished you from the first glance. A dark fantasy, elaborate decorations and old-fashioned high ceilings. You arrived at the brink of evening – Principal Weems didn’t have time for the meeting until 5 p.m. – and the golden hour made the school look even more otherworldly. You didn’t need a tour since you had an insight on what the building was like inside, and the location of classrooms and halls didn’t really change over decades. Approaching the Principal’s office, you adjusted the collar of your shirt and fixed your hair – this was serious, you had to make a good impression on the client. 
a/n: oh, larissa... honey, you've got a big storm coming
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nymph-yoongi · 2 months
affection w/namjoon
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Word count: 767
Namjoon is not the most affectionate person, often preferring to just exist in each other’s company
That being said, he does like it when you cling to him; you bring out his soft side
If you’re shorter than him, he’ll rest his chin on the top of your head
Although he’s not very into PDA, he does like to be able to either see you or touch you, happy to even just observe you while you do something 
The way he shows his love for you most often is by making time for you and showing you that you’re a priority to him 
Spare time is very rare and precious, so he makes sure to make time for you, even if it’s not easy
He enjoys taking care of you and feeling like you can depend on him to provide, but it also warms his heart when you do anything to provide for him as well (cooking for him, buying him gifts, etc.)
When he’s working, he tends to fixate on what he’s doing and forget to eat; when you bring him food or water or send him reminders to take care of himself, he feels grateful to have you in his life
He’s not afraid to admit his flaws, but it does bring him a special kind of peace when the two of you just lay in bed and talk about your own flaws with each other; to know he can be imperfect and still be loved is a healing thing to know 
Likes having intellectual discussions with you about philosophy, cosmology, and just anything that lets him see more into the inner workings of your mind 
He loves when you match his energy, whether he’s being goofy and dancing around like a maniac, or if he’s in a more spiritual and thoughtful mood; it makes him feel like you understand him in a way few others do
Likes coming up with places to go with you and events/activities you can experience together
Prefers shared experiences to buying you physical gifts
Has a hard time being very cutesy, he almost always gets shy and covers his face, especially if he does aegyo 
Despite his shyness, he enjoys it when you compliment him; especially if you call him handsome and/or smart
He used to be insecure about his nose, so he still gets a little shy if you kiss him on the nose
Has a tendency to wrap himself around you when you’re sleeping together 
Can’t and won’t stop taking pictures of you
Even though he can’t post them, his gallery on his phone is mostly photos of you, whether you’re at a museum, in nature somewhere, or just looking cute while asleep
He loves doing little photoshoots of you and showing you off to the people that know about you
Since he takes so many photos of you, it makes him happy when you take nice pictures of him too
It makes him happy knowing that you feel the same urge to show him off, that he feels about you
It’s pretty common for you to either be on an adventure together or just staying inside with good books
He leaves you little notations in the books he’s already read because you once said it makes you feel like he’s reading it with you
Takes pictures of the scenery around him whenever you’re apart; plants, pretty rocks, crab, you name it, he’s sent you a picture of it 
“I didn’t want to bother the bugs under this rock but look how pretty it is!”
If he ever has to travel without you, he sends you the prettiest postcards he can find with the cheesiest messages on them 
“It’s raining here today; even the sky is sad you’re not with me”
Draws little Koyas on his letters and postcards to you
If he knows he’ll be gone from you for a long time, he’ll leave letters for you to read when you miss him 
Writes short poems for you when he’s feeling sentimental and will leave them on sticky notes and index cards for you to find
Writes snippets of songs about different mythos of soulmates when he thinks about you 
Tells you about the myth of humans being created; how we were all made with four arms, four legs, and two heads, then cursed to spend our lives wandering in search of our other half 
“Despite the distance, I feel at peace knowing that I’ve found my other half; I don’t feel the need to search for anything anymore. I found what I need”
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kumabeom · 11 months
anti romantic
chapter 21 : fell so deeply into it..
synopsis : anti romantic, college student choi yeonjun who thinks he’s seen everything in a relationship, promising himself that he won’t go through another relationship ever again to prevent himself from going through another heartbreak. that was until he sees yn, a classmate, chasing his heart. will his walls be enough to scare yn away, or will they continue chasing yeonjun with all they have ?
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yeonjun’s knuckles hit the wooden door, before inserting his key inside the key hole, twisting the door knob and opening the door. he walked into his apartment the once familiar scent and scenery had become to foreign to him. he missed being home. yeonjun let his tired feet guide him to the living room where he found a passed-out taehyun. his left foot rested atop the coffee table, his ankle wrapped in a bandage, as his sweatpants were pulled up, only the left side.
yeonjun didn’t realize just how much he missed his younger roommate. he saw taehyun’s phone lying next to him, seeing a picture of himself at the top, previously sent messages displayed on the screen.
“hey… tyun..” yeonjun whispers, trying his best not to scare the younger awake. he taps his shoulder, trying to wake him up from his deep sleep. although, it must’ve not been too deep because taehyun woke up with just a few taps.
“jun-hyung… when did you get home…” taehyun mumbles, his eyes adjusting to his surroundings. he was happy to see his hyung after days of being alone.
“just now.. have you eaten anything yet ?”
“mm.. no.. haven’t had the chance to get to that..” taehyun responded, taking his leg off of the coffee table.
“ah- it’s fine, i’ll make you something, just stay there.” yeonjun grabbed the remote controller, turning on the tv and putting something on for taehyun to watch while he prepared the food. “what would you like ?”
“anything that hyung feels like making..”
“even if it’s just cup ramen..”
“yeah.. actually- that sounds really good..”
yeonjun sent a smile to taehyun, his eyes glistening. he really missed this. he missed being with his roomie, and all the perks of being roommates with taehyun.
yeonjun moved his body to the kitchen taking out two ramen packets, opening the package and taking out the seasoning packets. yeonjun grabbed a pot, placing just enough water for two packets of ramen. he watched as the water came to a boil after placing it on the stove and turning on the heat. yeonjun placed the two ramen noodles into the pot, watching as they softened up. stirring the ingredients inside the pot, as he ripped open the corner of the seasoning packets, shaking all of the remnants into the ramen and stirring the powder into the liquid. yeonjun opened the fridge, looking for cheese and green onions, placing to square cheeses onto the top of the ramen, cutting a few slices of green onion, as they fell onto the ramen.
yeonjun leaned over, grabbing a cutting board and placing it onto the center of the dining table, grabbing a few side dishes like radish slices and kimchi to each side of the table. as he walked back to the kitchen to finish of the food, placing a few small chilli peppers into the pot. using a pair of gloves to protect himself from the heat as he moved the pot onto the cutting board. placing the lid on the pot, grabbing to bowls for both him and taehyun to use. a pair of utensils resting on each bowl.
“tyun, food’s ready.” yeonjun yelled out, going back to the living room to help taehyun make his way to the dining table. “d’you need help ?”
“nope.. i’ve got it-“ even with taehyun rejecting yeonjun’s offer, yeonjun still put an arm around taehyun, helping him make his way to the table, pulling out his chair for him and pushing it back in.
“thank you, hyung.”
“of course, anything for tyun..” yeonjun grinned, causing the happy smile to spread onto taehyun’s face. the two of them had spent so much time with each other, they practically grew up together. so the awkward tension that rested between them was unwelcomed. they were always filled with laughs and giggles when they were together, so for them to have gone through an argument due to yeonjun’s actions, well that meant a lot..
“yeonjun… did yoojung not stop you from leaving.” taehyun questioned picking up his utensils, placing a bit of ramen into his bowl and eating it.
“umm… yeah she did- but.. i decided that it was time to make things right and not let yoojung decide how i should live my life.. i broke up with yn because yoojung threatened to hurt them.. mentally hurt them.. and i was scared- ‘said so many things that i didn’t mean to yn, because i was scared. and i know it’s not a valid excuse to hurt yn with the things that i said.. but i thought it would be better to hurt yn once and letting them hate me rather than letting yn continue loving me and seeing them always getting hurt because of me… i don’t know-..”
“… it’s understandable.. i mean yeah,, you didn’t do the right thing.. but you had the right intentions.. i think that you should have just talked it out with yn, come up with some kind of plan to get yoojung out of your lives. life is too short to be living it full of regrets and fear.. i was really harsh when i said all those things about you through a text, but i was just worried for your well being…. i’ve just never seen you so in love, so happy.. you deserve everything that yn was giving you. and i did let fear get to me, i was scared about what was going to happen to you..”
“it’s okay, tyun… you were just looking out for me.” yeonjun lets a small yet soft smile display on his face. as he messed around with the food in front of him.
“also.. what are you going to do about yn ? you can’t give up on them so easily..” taehyun hesitated to bring up the subject, he didn’t want the older to get uncomfortable. but taehyun had a point. he couldn’t just give up on you.
“i don’t know-.. maybe i’ll wait a month or so-“
“but by that point, the two of you won’t get to spend spring together.. that’s what you wanted, no ?” taehyun proceeded to ask, his focus completely split between the conversation at hand and the food in front of him, which he devoured deliciously.
yeonjun took the food into his mouth, thinking about taehyun’s words as he chewed, nodding. “you have a point… but i’m just scared.”
“hyung ! we only live once, life is short, you have to try…. i might’ve tried to get involved too, and i know it’s wrong-“
“how ?”
“i might’ve asked yn for help too… i was hoping you’d come home early..” taehyun whispered, feeling a bit ashamed of his actions.
“and they left-“
“no, they’re in my bedroom, they said that they were feeling sleepy so i told them to stay there while i waited for someone.. i didn’t say it was you.. sorry…” taehyun guiltily admitted, his hand coming up to scratch the back of his neck. he knew he was bound to get a scolding from yeonjun. he just wanted to make things right, and he wasn’t sure how to do that..
yeonjun simply let out a sigh, not wanting to blame the boy in front of him for wanting to help him in the situation that he was in. “you’re all good, tyun.. but don’t you think yn needs their time and space, they might think i’m trying to rush them back into things..”
“…but i also did it because i really was hurt and i was worried you wouldn’t come back.. i thought that i might as well just contact yn..” taehyun further explained, finishing the food in front of him.
yeonjun simply sat there, taking small bites of the ramen. biting into the crunchy chilis and green onion, mixed with the texture of the soft ramen noodles. he watched as taehyun placed a few more noodles into his bowl, putting a spoon full of noodles into his mouth before placing the crunchy kimchi into his mouth, adding a variety of textures to chew on.
yeonjun admired taehyun, all these acts of selflessness and dedication to his friends, it made him realize how much the younger boy cared about him. he knew that maybe he wasn’t completely comfortable with the things that taehyun did or even taehyun wasn’t comfortable around yeonjun after the things he said and the actions that yeonjun committed.. but even so, taehyun was still here trying to help him with the current predicament that he put himself into.
yeonjun admitted to his wrongdoings, talking to the younger. explaining everything that he could’ve done differently, how he could have gotten some kind of proof of yoojung blackmailing him into that kind of situation.. and maybe if he had been better at communicating then you and yeonjun would still be able to be together. he was upset at himself, he made his friends hurt from his words that he used to describe them. yeonjun knew that he hurt everyone around him and he wanted to make things better. he was willing to do anything to get you back to him. he was so willing to spend many lost hours back, he wanted to spend so much time with those he loved.
yeonjun was going to make everything right.
“hey.. d’you think beomgyu’s still mad about what i said about soobin..”
in taehyun’s room, your ear was pressed against the door. your ears picking up yeonjun’s voice, the familiar voice that you had grown accustomed to had not changed at all.. a warm feeling in your heart, hearing what he had to say, although your heart beat quickly, worried about soobin.. you didn’t know what yeonjun had said about soobin..
“the thing about him keeping his hands off of you ..? i don’t think so.. i think beomgyu was more stressed out about it…. and not to blame you or anything yeonjun… but that made them get into a big argument over you and the things you said to yn… i mean beomgyu knew that you were in the wrong, but you’re his friend.. he tried to defend you..”
your ears listened to taehyun’s explanation, as it sounded a bit muffled due to the door. your heart stopped… since when had beomgyu and soobin gotten into an argument ?
“s-so they got into an argument ? and- are they still dating…”
“they’re taking a break, beomgyu insists that he’s still seeing soobin.. the other day when i brought it up, he said that he actually had a date with him.. i followed him to his “date”, but he just went back home. i felt bad for asking, especially after seeing that it was still a sensitive topic..” taehyun brings up a related issue that you had also been having with soobin.
taehyun’s described not only beomgyu’s dilemma but also soobin’s.. the two of them were still faking everything. they wanted everything to seem like they were still together. soobin never told you about an argument, and every time you would ask him about beomgyu, he would do the same thing that taehyun had just described.
“…tyun- this is all my fault-.. i could’ve easily worked something out.. not only could things between me and yn be completely different.. but soobin and beomgyu could still be together..” yeonjun throws his head back, his hands coming up to cover his face, he couldn’t help but feel ashamed. he felt like all of this happened because of him. had he dealt with everything differently, then so many things could be back to normal.
you twisted the door knob, finally exiting from your hiding spot. you were quite scared to confront yeonjun, but you knew that if you didn’t leave the apartment now, then you would still eventually have to run into him.. so you might as well just get it done as soon as possible.
because even though you listened to his list of regrets from taehyun’s room. but it didn’t mean that his words hurt any less. he still told you that he didn’t love you, and while you knew that was a statement full of lies, nevertheless, it still hurt.
you pushed the door open, smoothly, not making too much noise. keeping your belongings close to you. walking out to the living room as taehyun and yeonjun immediately spotted you, watching as your figure turned over to look at them.
“hey, i have to go, i still have a project that i need to work on. are you doing better ?” you stared at taehyun, sending a small smile his way.
“oh- right, yeah i’m doing better, either way yeonjun-hyung is here so he can take care of me.” taehyun responded, as you grinned awkwardly, trying to look anywhere but yeonjun’s face. “ah, if you can come over so yeonjun can cook you dinner as thank you for taking care of me when he couldn’t…”
“hmm ?” yeonjun’s eyes widened, eyebrows raised. he quickly caught on, removing the expression off of his face, taking advantage of the opportunity that taehyun opened up for him. “i can ! i know how to cook moderately well..”
he watched as you continuously attempted to shut down his dinner plans, at least mentally you tried declining those plans. the unfortunate thing of being a generous person, is that.. you can’t say no.. especially not to someone like yeonjun who you once held so closely.
“umm… sure.. i have to go though… just send me the time, taehyun.” yeonjun’s heart ached, seeing you change your attention, waving off to you, only seeing you nod as a response. he eyed you as you left. turning back to taehyun, finally letting his tense body relax.
“by the way, yeonjun, it’s pretty late… are you really going to let yn go home on their own..” taehyun cheekily smiled, watching as yeonjun, rapidly got up from his chair, stumbling on his own feet. yeonjun grabbed a jacket which hanged from the coat hanger, putting his shoes on.
“thank you, hyun.” yeonjun yelled out as he exited the apartment, speed-walking his way through the hallway, seeing you enter the elevator. he walked into the elevator after you, trying to come off as though he wasn’t rushing this entire time.
you peeked over to him, moving away from him a bit. analyzing the way that he seemed quite tired, his breathing finally calming down as the elevator closed its doors.
“are we going to talk about it..?” you spoke up, taking in account his silence. he peered over, catching sight of the sadness that hid behind your eyes.
“do you hate me.” yeonjun’s curiosity led his mind to say what he thought.
“do you still love me.”
“as much as i tried to get over you, yes.. i do still love you..”
“are you willing to give me another chance ?”
“depends how hard you try to earn yourself that chance..”
“you heard everything i told taehyun, didn’t you ?”
“you’re so full of questions, yeonjun… and no- i only hear about soobin and beomgyu..” you replied, looking up at him, noticing the way that the elevator had already stopped.
“yn… i truly do love you.. i never meant the things i said to you that day.. but yoojung was getting in the way of things-“
“in what way ? did you have your eyes on her while you were dating me..?” you interrogated, taking a single glance at him to see his reaction, as he immediately stopped himself from responding. he was worried, were you reading things deeper than he was responding ?
“no… y’know what she did-“
“no i don’t, yeonjun.”
“but you knew whenever i broke up with you.”
“yeah… and you denied that and said that you were in love with yoojung.” you scoffed, walking out of the elevator, still having yeonjun follow right on your tail. he was walking so close that you could just about feel the heat emitting from his chest.
“but i just said that everything i said that time was a lie.. never loved yoojung, i’ve loved you.. i still do.. yn, she threatened to hurt you.. and i didn’t want you getting hurt and dealing with it because of me.”
“i know, yeonjun.. but you were capable of hurting me more than yoojung could’ve ever imagined..” you mumbled, as yeonjun caught his breath. a sigh exited his mouth as his eyes focused on you as you left the apartment complex.
his heart hurt.
he didn’t ever want to cause you any pain.
he darted to the glass door of the apartment complex, seeing you walking home.
“yah, yn ! come over tomorrow and i’ll prove it to you.. i’m not giving up on you so easily !” he yelled out, as you turned to face the open door. the black haired male could only watch as you nodded, waving him off before walking back towards your apartment.
yeonjun was there to accompany you on your way home, but he didn’t want to catch up to you.. he was worried that he’d only make you more uncomfortable than you already were. but he was being serious..
he was going to get you back, one way or another. he was going to win your heart back.
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taglist : @soobadooba @beoms-sugar @yxnjvnnie @myahfig4 @sato-chan-2709 @grayscorner @run2seob @destairea @lol6sposts @cutesince2000 @forever-in-the-sky2 @soobs-things @soobinsman @mackjestic @ameliabs-world @mochijjunie @hyuneyeon @jakevascaino @jesssssmaybankk @moa4lifeee @theblueslytherin
an: soogyu 😭😭😭😭😭😭 yoojung really ruined everything 😔😔
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captain-n-crunchies · 6 months
Oranges 🍊
Yuuta x Black Reader
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Selling oranges wasn't a hard job, wasn't easy either. Oranges are a fruit that you won't pick out willingly but if you're in the mood an orange would be a quick choice; it was hot out today so anyone and everyone would be outside simply to enjoy the summer's weather, it was also a good day for a tiny pop-up festival to happen! Since it's the summertime they held a market pop-up event where people selling jewelry, hair care, and the most important part of any event food was out and about selling their fruits of leisure to the public. Every year it would held by the beach with people from all over Japan meeting by the shore, I was setting up my booth ' Everythingz Orange' from oranges, to mandarins, tangerines and sometimes depending on fruits of green like limes and things were litter across these shelves and tables; I had orange accessories too to earring, bracelets, even hair pieces and body products all handmade from your truly, reader!
As I put things around everywhere I see the crowd rushing in like the waves, I see them walk over to the people closer to the entrance which isn't very smart then, to people by good scenery who gets all the pictures the get people to buy anything they want, and then you have people like me who's placed by the shore for a nice watering breeze; people who come by this part stays longer and come back for more that's why I had to start selling orange drinks, snacks, ever finger foods. I make pretty god profit off these people every year, people came by to looks and see what orange things I could have it pretty surprising to see the looks on people's faces when they see I can make orange scented paper, cloth, even ting orange themed plushies.
" Wow!, You must love oranges to make a store out of it?"
" Yep! I grew up on an orange farm so, it practically in my blood now."
To the kids I make tiny crafts like pinwheels, orange peel dolls, etc. Today though would be the best pop-up year for me though when a boy with sad eyes disrespected oranges.
" Hm, oranges?"
A boy with curious eyes looks onto my sack or mandarins with a confused look.
" Well not exactly these are mandarins' kind of like oranges but, smaller and sweeter"
He looks between me and the mandarins with a quirked brow.
" But aren't they apart of the orange family?"
" Yes, but-"
" So, they are oranges."
I know sometimes the heat messes with people's brains but this right here, this is something else! I just looked at the boy with a tilted head and explains while yes, they are in the citrus family they are not like oranges they mostly like the little sister of an orange and not it's twin; he looks at me with those big eyes and just nods. He asked how much for three and I said $5, he buys the three and walks to a group of people by the ice cream shop...it's huge panda by them also I wonder if it's a cosplay?
*10 mintues later*
The sells today been pretty good! A nice older woman bought a pair of earrings and some clementines, a girl with a funky sense of style bought an orange plushie and a bunch of jewelry, and people bought the mandarins and oranges up! The boy walked by my both a few times to see other products or to show his friends the orange themed headphone cases I made in spare time. The sun started to set, and people died out slowly and the cool air settled in, I take a break to shop around seeing shops with different selling points was always my favorite part buying beads, flower seeds, and tiny toys was something I couldn't grow out of; as I walked I saw the boy again we brushed shoulders and I sent him a apologetic smile and continued walking without looking at him back, standing in line for a funnel cake order he comes back with a sheepish look.
" Oh hello, can I help you?"
" Oh yea! um...can I ask you a question?"
" Oh sure! What's up?"
" I couldn't get this off my mind but, what the difference between a clementine and a regular orange?"
To a normal person this is a regular question but when you've had people tell you that clementines are just oranges with a different growing method the topic is very bittersweet but, I tell him all the various differences between shape, taste, texture and etc. and by the time I'm done his eyes are bright and wide; he asks me why would I know all of these things and I tell him I grew up on an citrus farm growing oranges, clementines, limes and everything citrus. We walked along the boardwalk talking about our hobbies and how we are similar, he told me he goes to Tokyo Jujutsu High school just a few blocks down, I ask about the school, and he goes into how they just learn basic high school stuff but, with all the magical wizard stuff I didn't really get.
We walked back to my booth, and I handed him an clementine.
" Here, just so you know the difference."
His warm hand grabbed the fruit, and he peeled it, I took the peeling and within in a few seconds I made him a pinwheel, his eyes shined at the flavor of the fruit and tiny toy I just smiled and told him how to make one. I pulled him a chair and for what seems like minutes but really almost an hour we talked and ate some oranges and when his friends came over, we finished a whole sack full. Yuuta and I laughed over that, and exchange numbers and he went with his friends with a wave.
After a few more people came by to check things out I started to pack up my things when a peel of an ornage fell down from the table, and it read:
' I'm clemmy glad I've met you today. xoxo Yuuta'
With a smile on my face I texted him a pic of the orange peel with the caption
' Orange you glad you've met me? 😊'
Oranges, the fruit of heart.
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imaginedreamwrite · 1 year
I think Ari would tell his mom before the Roadtrip and ask her to pack snacks. She gladly does because she loves the reader so much! Ari makes sure to pack her favorite drink and a pack of her favorite candy (plus a hidden backup pack). He lets her choose the music and does most of the driving. He takes her to a little beach town that his family used to vacation at. On the way he stops at every silly roadside attraction there is and reader forces him to take pictures with her.
“A road trip? Really?” Your surprise came naturally to you, and you were skeptical when he mentioned it. To his credit, Ari had leaned against the doorframe and crossed his arms over his chest, embracing your surprise.
“Cynical, babe.” He commented, a half-smirk on his face. “Don’t be so cynical. I asked you where you wanted to go on your mandatory three week vacation—”
“You don’t strike me as the road trip kind of person. And if it’s my vacation, why are you here?” Your skepticism continued, your initially to picture the wealthy CEO in a car for 36 hours.
Ari’s smirk had shifted and he laughed under his breath, husky and deep as he pushed himself off the doorframe. His footsteps were quiet, his eyes captivating as he moved toward you and set one hand on the couch, directly touching your thigh. He other was set beside your head, trapping you against him.
“Come on, baby. I’ll make it worth your while.”
His hand was on your thigh, a constant while he drove, the other on the steering wheel. His ability to convince you to go on a road trip was matched by his mother’s insistence on giving you containers full of food. She was overeager to send you two off, and her usual loving nature was not lost on you.
“I know you love these, I made them this morning.” She gave you a container of sufganiyot, the soft baked pastries one of your all-time favourites. “And I made sure to give you some chocolate rugelach.”
“You’d don’t need to do all this—” your attempt at protesting was quieted down when the matriarch of the Levinson family had scoffed and lightly squeezed your cheeks.
“No arguing. Take them and enjoy them zeeskeit.” His mother kissed your cheeks and sent you off with him, giving you enough food to feed a small army.
“Passenger Princess,” Ari had driven for hours, turning you down when you offered to drive instead, “that’s what you are.”
“I don’t have to be.” You turned your head from the scenery passed by, and glanced over at him. “I can drive—”
“I already told you no, and if you keep asking I’ll pull over at another stop—“ Ari’s grin widened, his eyes alight with amusement.
Those random stops along the way with those cheesy photo booths that drove you crazy, he loved. He liked taking those stupid pictures with you, his hands always touching you.
“I hate those, you know that.” You turned your head to hide your grin, feeling warmth radiating from his hand.
“I don’t think you do, sweetheart.” His hand left your thigh, and he grabbed your hand, lifting it to his lips. “Not as much as you say you do.”
“So where are we going? You never told me.” You shifted and reached into the backseat, grabbing one of the containers his mom sent.
“A cabin by the lake, Danah-“
“Shut up…we are not.” You looked incredulous, knowing exactly where he was taking you. “Seriously?”
“Your favourite place in the world, baby.” Ari kissed the back of your hand again, his lips lingering. “You and me for two weeks.”
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greyplainlife · 26 days
AlaGeru Headcanons Pt. 3
Since their relationship is mostly long distance, communication is really important. Their little schedule includes morning, lunch, and night calls (voice or video). Messages get sent every now and then throughout the day. Whether it's about what they're currently doing, food, pokemon, scenery pictures, and random little things. Their emergency numbers are each others.
They send gifts with written letters in them as little surprises to show their love. It's usually Alakazam or Unfezant delivering them. Alain usually sends mega stones and crystals, while Gary sends hand made things and souvenirs. Or they just send what reminded them of each other.
They're both very demure, very mindful, very cutesy. /j?
("Alibi" - Sevdaliza, Pabllo Vittar, Yseult)
<- Pt. 2 -- Pt. 4 ->
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astrxlfinale · 7 months
While the big sister of the family might be strict when it comes to keeping her phone by the dinner table, Guinaifen took the opportunity of a hectic dinner accident to pull it out to send a few pictures of the feast on the table. A wide array of various dishes could be seen, arms and hands stretched over the entire table as each sibling would fend for themselves. Her own? Striking a small peace pose in front of some of the buns she was about to devour (some she'd have to fight over brother over).
[i made the ugly one to the left ... i can't roll them properly (*/ω\*) would you eat my ugly bugs? ? (●'◡'●) *buns , omgg dont quote me on that]
What's not seen on the other side of the text messages is how one hand occupies itself on the screen soon to be chased, the other smacking the hand of an older brother who is attempting to steal the buns she helped making. It wasn't that she was completely useless in the kitchen, she just didn't... have it in her to take her time with things like that, rolling and kneading. It was too slow ! She liked to sear and spice things ! Make spicy sauces and watch her brothers cry ! ... Though, the latter part might not be related to food, merely revenge and payback.
Quick on her hand, she'd hook onto one of the strangely shaped buns, switching the camera over to the front. Biting into it, she'd snap a quick picture of herself, sending it to Caelus just as quickly.
Displayed would be her, eagerly biting into the bun, eyes joyous from the concept of finally being able to dig in ( ... thankfully Caelus couldn't hear the scolding from across the table, her sister ordering her to put the darn phone away ).
[they don't taste bat at all !! they just look a little weird !! BAD, i meant BAD!! i can't type lololol blame my evil sisterrrrrr (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ i want to show you a new dance routine after dinner !! i'm sending you vids !!! the dragon is cominggg !!!]
A final pic is sent, a more surprised Guinaifen as she turns to take a picture of the table at the table, once more striking a pose (bun still in mouth, she has no manners at home). Pictured are the siblings mid-conversation as well as a sister looking very miffed...
Light years away, across beautiful celestial sightings woven with vast and proud planets, that very signal about a universe holding this wholesome meal would be received within the crux of a moment filled with excitable strife. As the scenery sweeps from the clouded atmosphere down to the ground below, once more did the Pathstriders find themselves in a natural showdown with an encroaching essence of the Fragmentum. A focused gaze, one filled with bubbly mirth, and an all too sharp but prepared stance unveiled the golden three of the Astral Express in action.
May the Remembrance carve this moment with frosty vigilance, just as the Hunt decisively punctures with it's fang made spear, and for the ever turbulent Destruction thriving in the loss of life to fuel his very own. Explosions ripped across the surrounding area sectioned off by realms of Fragmented statis, giving them full clearance to go as wild as they please.
"HELLLL YEAHHHHHHH!!" Caelus's voice would ignite with an infectious vigor, that untamed Fighting Spirit flourishing a lethal aura as he charged up the arm of an icy behemoth, vaulting forth to deliver a lethal, neck snapping kick in tune with a back flip, the focused force made it a live boulder launching into the air. A content smile situated on his face, only for his attention to get immediately caught as a looming, threatening shadow began to rise, covering the skyline with its magnanimity.
Except, that's not what he paid attention to at all. For upon these grounds did a certain ringtone was plucked at that time, catching Dan Heng's and March's immediate attention. A tug of amused disbelief rising from the latter, as one quick glare towards her immediately compelled her to be responsible.
"Caelus! I SWEAR you better--"
"Sorry, hold on! Once in a lifetime call here!" Was his immediately call out upon landing.
That phone found itself open, seamlessly set off the lock screen as the familiar view of (*/ω\*) (God she picked the cutest emojis.) reflected upon the screen. The tremor crafting roar of the distorted Void Trampler going entirely ignored as those excitable golden eyes focused on the screen.
As a quick sprint meshed with sharp instincts made him jolt past a volley of fireballs, miraculously holding his balance while working on a return text at the same time, the view on screen only charged the energy within his heart. The sight of those buns and Guinaifen's star igniting smile made him nearly want to curl up on the ground in a fit of pure emotion. Seeing his lady make the most of this peaceful day while those curious questions drew forth made it impossible not to responsd.
Caelus wasn't sure why she'd compare her culinary effort to bugs (the correction text edged in late), but who was he to say anything?
With the momentary pause, a call for action proudly taken as swift thinking allowed him to duck to dodge a steel melting fireball. Immediately jolting off the ground like a spring unleashed, within his opposing hand would his sacred lance of Belobog come forth, skewering a total of three foes in one as dark, data like viscera spilled from those foes. As a wolfish grin dawned upon those lips, that vibrant power of the path only glimmering with his potential, his sights were immediately poised upon the Void beast as a volley of airs sniped those pesky airborne elements.
Just as he prepared to launch, frothing flame lapping hungrily from the exhaust ends of the lance, once again did that familiar text jingle go and snipe his attention. With an ungodly measure of tonal whiplash does he focus on the phone again, that touch screen note from Guinaifen immediately being pressed as it pops back up. This time, more pictures of that lively family unveiled as she makes out like a victorious pirate.
Heavens above, help his heart because it was going to melt. This is the sun, an adventurous heart like his eagerly awaits each new day.
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Once again he's irresponsibly texting while calamity itself began draw antimatter and infuse it within those hooves, wholly prepared to atomize him on the spot. Dan Heng in an abrupt change of character, internally curses before yelling out towards him.
"AT YOUR SIX CAELUS! You'll..!" When it looks like it's too late-
The game changer arrives. For within that moment, once more, a pristine picture of that shimmering Firekiss fleeing from the table had charged the emotional values into overdrive. Not to mention.. The idea of wanting to let her graceful frame bless him by breathing her ideas to life? A dance no less?
Qlipoth's divine realm of Imaginary would be instinctively grasped and harnessed, swaths of miraculous, foundational might roaring with the surrounding flames as an Amber blessed forced field surrounded his body, allowing for a single hand to draw upward, causing March's and Dan Heng's mouths to drop as incoming attack was caught by the hand once wielding the lance. Irregardless if the ground split akin to an earthquake's rage, or if the volley of pure destructive might sung to the heavens in a vicious beam. Any risk of damage found itself unable to breach this height of resolve.
Caleus was going to make sure she got those replies at the utmost haste. Within this moment of astute and empowered clarity, typing up the following messages somehow felt slow
Text: If they got your golden ideas of spice. BELIEVEEEEE ME when I say you should whip me up some sometime!
Text: Also I see you're doing a big showdown yourself. Show the fam what my lady can do!
Text: And me too! I'm lookin' forward to what you're cooking up as the big routine!
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Whoops. That picture was not meant to be sent. In the midst of that explosion, he looks as if sun in this distant world just left him looking like a shadow!
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wildemaven · 8 months
hiiiii 💜 it's Puerto Rican anon!
I saw you were back home. I just wanted to say how much I adored the pictures you posted on here from my living place. I saw you were in San Juan! I live like 20 minutes from SJ lol.
I guess I just wanted to say I hope you enjoyed your stay here! And that if u ever come back, I'd recommend going to the middle of the island! Lots of cute green scenery and rivers if you know where to look.
Sometimes I feel like there's nothing to do here but I know I just need to look deeper. I do love my island I whole lot and idk if I will ever leave. And seeing an author I follow be here felt like a friend was near me.
What was your favorite part of the trip? Did u had any traditional Puerto Rican food/drinks?
Much love, from Puerto Rico. 🌴
Sorry it took me a minute to get to this!! Thank you sweet anon!
Your home is so beautiful and was such a pleasure to get the chance to visit!! I was so sad to leave but hope I get a chance to go back again someday 💞
We stayed in Carolina (I believe that’s the right town, our hotel was ESJ) and then Uber’d to go see Old San Juan. I would love to go explore more of the center of the island and see all of the greenery!!! I’m sure it’s breathtaking!!
That seems Iike a normal feeling to have about a space where you’ve lived your whole life. I feel the same about where I live at time. But then I find something new and fall in love with it.
I was remembering the things you sent in your last asks and it definitely felt like a friend giving me recommendations, so thank you for that!! I would have loved to give you a squeeze too! 🫂
Honestly the whole trip was my favorite. It was a much needed on for my husband and I. We kind of just relaxed and just enjoyed being there. I definitely loved seeing El Morro and all around that area. I could have explored there all day. Seeing all the color sprinkled everywhere was amazing.
I had the most amazing paella. I believe it had chicken and sausage. The spices were delicious and could have eaten an entire dish of it.
We also tried coquito— oh my gosh!! So so so good!!!! 😍😍
I hope you’re doing well!!! Thank you for being so sweet!!
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astheraa · 2 years
-- Mountain view --
Kapkan x Fem!reader NSFW
warning: simple vanilla bedroom tango, some curse words
A little over 3000 words
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"Ugh, dude, I hate these missions," you sighed as you walked up a mountain hill, 3km away from your car.
"Stay quiet and keep walking. We shouldn't be too far away now," Maxim said, almost breathless, as he glared back at you.
You rolled your eyes, trying to distract yourself from the pain in your feet and the 25kg backpack on your back by looking around.
"You know there's a literal road ... we could have driven here," you said, pointing at said road.
"Have you not learned anything in the last 4 years? We don't drive to an observation point, we walk there. If someone sees us, we'd be dead faster than you can say your mother's name," he exhaled, getting more annoyed by the second.
You just blew your hair out of your face and readjusted your backpack. "You can be mean sometimes," you pouted and walked now beside him.
"I'm just honest. Some say brutally honest," he replied. He wasn't lying; he always told the truth, even when you messed up and wanted to hear some comforting words. He would just say that you messed up.
You two kept walking in silence, heavy breathing, and slightly sweating.
Either way, it was surprisingly strange that he spoke more than one sentence in a row.
Normally, Maxim would keep quiet the whole way and only talk to you when he really needed to. He usually kept to himself all the time, except when he was around his friends. But even then, he would only speak a few words or just make humming sounds.
Harry sent you on a lookout mission on top of a mountain to keep an eye out for white masks, who may or may not be using the mine in the valley to get to their next point.
Other teams would be on different spots, but it was still far enough from the both of you. So it was just you, Maxim, and those cute birds that kept singing their songs. You listen to them in silence, enjoying their sing-sang, keeping you a bit distracted from the heavy backpack.
After a long, hard walk, you both reached the spot. You sank to your knees and let yourself fall into the grass. You stayed there for a few seconds, feeling the cold and refreshing dew on your skin.
"It's already getting dark. Let's build our tent," Maxim said, that man is not even taking a break for once!
You groaned and got up because if you didn't help him, he would make you sleep outside for the night.
You both build up the tent in silence as the birds started getting quiter and soon you both were welcomed with a beautiful red, pinkish sunsets.
You take a moment to capture the beautiful scenery in front of you, admiring nature's beauty.
But Maxim was looking at something way more beautiful ; it's the food packages provided by rainbow! His favorite in the whole world while on missions.
,, I'm going to scope the area for a bit, you just stay here and I don't know prepare some other things ", he just shrugged his shoulders taking his 9×19VSN and goes his way into the wilderness.
,, If I'm not back in the next 30 minutes, search for me"
You just held your thumb up while taking a picture with your other hand.
Phones were restricted but who could say no to a mission in the mountains?
You were preparing food putting cover over the tent as well as your portable monitoring station.
,,Those are going to be looong 3 days ", you whispered under your breath.
After 25 minutes Maxim came back to the site.,, Back so early?", you asked trying to put on a fire.
,, Well I could go another round ", he rolled his eyes sitting beside the camp fire.
He takes his jacket off as well as his facemask. You never really saw him without it, but he sure is handsome.
You caught yourself staring at him and his scars before snapping out of it. You started to boil some water to heat up the MRES to distract yourself.
Its not the best but its something. You both eat in silence as the fire is cracking and smoke is rising into the air. ,, Isn't that a little bit obvious ?", you asked chewing your wanna-be MRE ravioli.
He just looked at you from the other side of the campfire chewing his food, looking like a annoyed cat. ,,why?", he just blurts out.
You point at the smoke right infront of you :,, I mean smoke signs? Later they think we want to fuck em ".
He just raises his eyebrows in disbelieve. After that you don't talk that much anymore, just some chatter here and there but nothing really interesting.
Later at night, Maxim stays outside putting the fire out , meanwhile you lay there with your phone scrolling through your galerie. On this mountain is no cell phone service, so looking through your memories is the only interesting thing you can do.
,,What did Harry say about phones?", Maxim snatches your phone out of your hand, while keeping you down with his other hand. You jump because he came out of nowhere your heart ebating like a race-car.
He scrolls through your gallery while grinning at your photos.
You try to grab your phone back, but Maxim holds it just out of your reach, a mischievous grin on his face. "Come on, let me see what you've been up to," he says, scrolling through your photos.
You roll your eyes. "Nothing exciting, just some pictures of the scenery and a few selfies."
Maxim hands the phone back to you, still grinning. "Looks good ."You just give him a confused expression.
You don't know what got into him, a compliment? He would just say that to shuhrat, when he did something good but giving you a compliment is actually the first time hes done that. Suspicous.
,, Sorry dear, just trying to be nice to you for once", he hands you back your phone. He smiles at you slightly.
You blush, feeling a mixture of embarrassment and flattery. ,,Are you drunk ?", you asked him directly while furrowing your eyebrows together, trying to sound tough.
You're feeling your heart race a little faster. Despite the danger and uncertainty of your mission, there's a sense of excitement and adventure in the air, and you can't help but feel a growing sense of attraction to Maxim.
As the two of you settle in for the night,after this tiny incident, you can't help but wonder what the next few days will bring. But for now, all you can do is enjoy the quiet beauty of the mountain wilderness, and hope that you'll make it through the mission unscathed.
What got into you Y/N, you thought to yourself.
After that kind of weird encounter, you don't really talk about it anymore and just stay silent.
In the middle of the night you wake up becaue something hit you, trying to stay calm you try to examine what and after a slow peek over your shoulder, you see that its Maxim's arm that he put around your waist .
You look into Maxims sleeping face, that man is sleeping like a stone breathing softly with a relaxed look on his face.
You let his arm there, not wanting to wake him up even though he really seems to be sleeping hard he still can be like a geode; crack his surface and he's a light sleeper all of the sudden.
But he's also as beautiful as the insides of a geode, maybe you've got feelings for him? Some for sure but who doesn't?
He's like that one boy that is friends with the popular ones but the quietest but also the prettiest. You can't really explain it. Maxim can be harsh sometimes but getting to know him better really shows his true sides maybe.
,, Why are you starring at me like a creep?", he asks you in a raspy voice, rubbing his eye with the hand that was around your waist. ,, YOu hugged me, I told you to bring your teddy", you tease him and turn around in his direction. ,, Oh don't act like you don't liked it because if you didn't why haven't you removed my arm mhh", he says smirking pulling you a little bit closer to him. Your face flushes red, what were you saying about 10 minutes ago about him doing unexpected things?
Write that one on the list.
,, You know Y/N, you're really pretty actually, I liked your photos on your phone and I always watched you when you entered the room. I dont know how to describe it", he says getting up on one elbow. ,, What are you trying to say ?", your heart beating faster than usual, almost at an unhealthy speed you look into his face, your face burning . He stays quite for a couple of seconds
Maxim's words took you by surprise, and you were unsure of how to respond. You didn't know if he was just joking or if he was being serious. You try to play it cool, but your voice quivered a little as you responded, "I don't know what you're talking about, Maxim. You're just being silly." You hoped that your response would end the conversation, but Maxim didn't seem to be done yet. He chuckled, "You're blushing, Y/N. You can't hide it."
He moved a little closer to you, and you could feel his breath on your cheek. "What I'm trying to say is that I like you. I've liked you for a long time, but I didn't know how to tell you." His hand reached up to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear, and your heart skipped a beat. You were taken aback by his confession, and you didn't know what to say. Who is that man right in front of you ?
After a few moments, you both pulled away, breathless. You looked into each other's eyes, and you knew that things between you would never be the same again.
The ones so cold and quiet Maxim suddenly became the total opposite. You had always thought of Maxim as just a friend or just as a colleague, but now your feelings were starting to slowly shift.
You felt a flutter in your stomach, and you realised deep down that you might like him too. Before you could respond, he leaned in and pressed his lips to yours. It was a gentle kiss at first, but then it became more passionate. You wrapped your arms around his neck, and he pulled you closer to him.
Maxim's eyes lock onto yours, his gaze intense and unwavering. You can't help but feel a flutter of butterflies in your stomach, unsure of what he's trying to say. "I'm trying to say that I think you're beautiful, Y/N," he says, his voice low and husky. "And I've been wanting to tell you that for a long time."
"I don't know what to say," you admit, feeling a mix of excitement and apprehension. "I mean, we're on a mission together and-" "Exactly," Maxim interrupts, sitting up and leaning in closer to you. "Life is too short to hold back, Y/N. We never know what's going to happen next, so why not take a chance on each other?"
Your heart skips a beat at his confession. You've always thought Maxim was attractive, with his chiseled features and rugged demeanor, but you never expected him to feel the same way about you.
You can feel his breath on your skin, his proximity making your heart race. You know he's right, but you can't help but feel a little nervous about taking things to the next level. His hand softly and slowly going under your shirt, feeling his luke warm hands cross your already burning skin.
"I don't want to ruin our friendship or colleague-ship or I don't know," you say softly, looking down at your hands that are leaning now against his chest.
Maxim reaches out and gently lifts your chin, forcing you to look at him. "We won't ruin our friendship, Y/N. I promise. And besides that I don't mind being more than friends with you " You can see the sincerity in his eyes, and you feel a warmth spreading through your chest.
You know he's right, and you can't deny now the attraction you feel towards him. "Okay," you say finally, a small smile spreading across your lips.
"Let's take a chance." Maxim's face breaks out into a wide grin, and he leans in to kiss you. As his lips meet yours, you feel a spark of electricity, and you know that this is the beginning of something special.
The kiss intensifies into something more passionate. Maxim can't seem to close his eyes, he just needs to look at your face through half open eyelids.
He kisses your neck, ghosting his hand over your left breast ever so gently. It elicits goosebumps from you, your nipple hardening, craving to be touched.
His grab around your waist gets rougher by the second and not even a piece of paper could get between your bodies.
“Maxim”, you breathe.
“Should I stop?” he whispers into your ear, kissing the shell of it before nibbling on your lobe. “No, don’t stop. More”, you say scooting closer to him, letting your own warm hand slip under his baggy shirt.
He breathes in shakily, a quiet moan escaping him the moment your fingers come in contact with his cold chest.
Your stomach tingles, your legs part slightly in excitement. This is the hottest sound you have ever heard.
With your fingers urging him on and his own neediness growing, he finally cups your breast and spoils it with the softest of massages. You sigh, arching into his touch.
His hands feel amazing on your skin, cold but soft nothing like you imagined they feel like. His fingers, long and skilled, caress your breasts, playing with your nipples and massaging the flesh until you feel breathless.
Never in your life before have you been more turned on by someone like that before, but once again Maxim has proven you wrong. This feels amazing. He feels amazing.
Your head turns to the side and is now facing him. Your eyes meet for a moment, lost in each other.
His eyes are beautiful up close, twinkling with admiration and sweet longing for you. "I like your eyes," you whisper to him, drawing shyness on his cheek. "I like your eyes too," he whispered.
He just humms in enjoyment watching you twitch under his Touch. It feels like something switched in him. The shy Maxim from a few seconds ago turned into a confident man. He takes his hand off you and you scoff in disappointment.,, Just wait you horny fuck", he says in a more deeper voice than usual.
Maxim takes his shirt off and even though only the moonlight floods your tent, you can still see his body in full details.
He gets up again, eyes piercing you and your body under him.
He starts bending down to you and kiss your lips while continuing where he stopped. You moan into his mouth making him grin from ear to ear.
You start reaching for his pants playing with the string of it. He just slaps your hand away looking at you still smirking.
He takes his pants off, leaving him only in boxers. You swallow hard by the imprint made in his lower section. Being distracted you didn't notice him taking your panties off.
He slips one finger inside you making you moan out loud. He kisses your neck while slightly moving his finger inside you. ,, More please ", you try to say while trying not to stutter. Maxim takes a second finger to it and starts increasing his pace.
He stopped kissing your neck and now was watching you in peace as you were the complete opposite. A moaning, quirling mess begging for more. And he loved what he saw under him, but his lust grew stronger, he wanted to feel more than just with his finger.
He comes down to your ear and whispers almost not understandable :,, I want you right here, screaming my name like it's the only word you know in this world. "
But you understood every word clear and it only made you clench around his fingers, giving him an Inderect answer that you wanted him as bad as he wanted you.
He took of his boxers and placed himself at your entrance. Maxim looked at your face one more time, seeing you nodding while biting your lip. He grabs you by the hip while letting himself in inch for inch.
He starts increasing his speed making him grab you by the throat to have better control over you and your body. You on the other hand were over the moon, feeling your orgasm coming faster each thrust this man is pounding into you.
You close your eyes and open your mouth, he was perfect, like if that dick was made for you. He stayed inside you for a moment before starting to move.
You let out some high moans, saying his name in between those making him breath and hum in pleasure.
He fills you up with his dick reaching your sweet spot, his hair being plastered to his forehead, his eyes piercing yours and every expression you make. You can feel the orgasm come :,, Maxim-", you try to finish your sentence but you interrupt yourself by suddenly cumming unexpected.
The intense orgasm makes you clench hard around him, making it impossible for him to stay focused. He increases his speed and shortly after you he has his orgasm as well. He moans out loud and it's the best sound you may have heard in your years of living.
He loosens his grip around your throat before putting both arms beside you heavily breathing. Maxim looks into your eyes and smiles. ,, I like you ", he says, his voice scratched.
,, I like you too", you try to respond to him firmly but your heavy breathing doesn't make this as easy. Maxim cares for you, cleans you up and even puts on your clothes for you again.
He just falls beside you and pulls you into his arms. With a kiss on the forehead he went back to sleep. But you couldn't sleep, you may need the whole night to process what just happened
WELP- enjoy I guess 🤠
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yumi-funiu · 8 months
Living as Japanese 211: Advantage of geographical differences in Japan
This morning, my sister sent me pictures of snow at the same time pictures of blue sky. These are the pictures she saw from a window of Shinkansen. As these areas are only 10-15 min away, she saw 2 totally different sceneries. She was amazed the difference and impressed variations of Japanese nature.
This shows richness of Japanese nature. Thanks to these geographical differences, we can enjoy blessings from the nature, especially about foods in Japan .
Do you know how many different local cuisines in Japan? So many. You might be surprised that you can taste so many different cuisines in such a small country like Japan. Also, Japanese sake. Each local area has their own cuisines and Japanese sake which goes with the cuisines.
So, if you really want to enjoy Japanese sake with foods, let’s select the sake which is made from the same area where foods are cultivated and obtained.
Foods make Sake more delicious than drinking with sake where comes from other area. Let’s try this selection and enjoy how different tastes of sake change from the same area and different area.
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travelingtheusa · 1 year
2023 Jun 25 (Sun) – Today was a very looooong day.  We left Sikanni at 8:00 a.m.  The drive was 240 miles.  It took us and our 3 three rigs six hours to arrive at Toad River Lodge.  The scenery along the way was fantastic.  The group spotted 7 bears (we only saw 2) and 2 caribou.  Someone else reported seeing stone sheep and big horn sheep during their drive.
      After we inspected the campsites (I think there are 21 in the campground), we assigned spaces then greeted each group as they came in.  The fifth and last group arrived around 5 p.m.  During the drive, we stopped in Tetsa River to buy cinnamon buns.
      We went to dinner in the café with Johnny & Linda.  The food was OK but expensive.   Afterward, we held a travel meeting in a tent site area.  Everyone is very upbeat and excited about the trip.
2023 Jun 24 (Sat) – It was a decent drive today – about 150 miles.  We left Dawson Creek at 9 a.m. with 3 rigs and drove 3-1/2 hours to Sikanni River Campground.  Sikanni (pronounced SICK-A-NEE) is a small way station along the Alaska Highway.  The campground (if you could call it that) was a dirt field with back-ins along the tree line and some pull-thrus on the side.  Most folks had 30 amp electric.  Three of us had 15 amp service; just enough to power the refrigerator.
2023 Jun 23 (Fri) – Today was a free day.  Everyone was free to go off and do what they wanted.  Paul and I worked on the next few stops.  Beth pointed out a discrepancy in the itinerary. Apparently, we scheduled both the optional jeep tour of Denali National Park for the same day as the Husky Homestead Tour.  My heart was in my throat as I contacted the Husky Homestead folks and asked for a change.  Luckily, they were able to reschedule us for the next day and more luckily, we had nothing planned for that day.  Whew!
      At 6 p.m. we met back in Sudeten Hall for a travel meeting.  The group is coming together nicely.  There are good friendships being formed and the comradery is high. 
2023 Jun 22 (Thu) – At 9 a.m. we all met at the Walter Wright Pioneer Village for a self-guided tour of the village.  We broke everyone up into groups, the same arrangement as when they drove here.  Our five groups headed off in their different directions and seemed to enjoy the nostalgia.
       At 11:30 a.m. we gathered in Sudeten Hall for lunch catered by the Meat Doctor.  There was pulled pork, beef brisket, baked potato, cole slaw, strawberry cake, beverages and coffee.  Everything was delicious.
       A representative from the visitor center – Melissa – came in and gave a presentation to the group about the Alaska Highway and Dawson Creek.  After her hour-long slide show, she gave everyone a certificate attesting to the fact they were at Mile 0 of the Alaska Highway.
       We then all grabbed our jackets and sent to the Mile 0 Marker to take a group picture.  Paul took many individual shots as well.  Then Paul & I walked to the visitor center to pick up some post cards for the grandsons.  The docent told me where the post office was so we walked three block down main street to buy some stamps.  The post card stamps are the same as their first class stamps.  We walked back up main street, then returned to the campground.
     At 5 p.m., several people gathered for happy hour.  Joe brought out the dice to play a yard game.  It was fun.
2023 Jun 21 (Wed) - We left Whitecourt in Alberta at 8 a.m., leading 3 RVs.  The weather was clear (no rain, yay!) and the scenery was very nice.  The roads were long and straight with lots of trees.  The drive was over six hours.  We stopped in Beaver Lodge for lunch and took a picture with a giant beaver sculpture.
      Once we arrived, we figured out where everyone would go and set out the parking crew.  The last rig came in around 4 p.m.  It made for a very long day.  A small group gathered to socialize outside our rig around 6 p.m.  At 9, we came inside.  There was a one hour time change today which made for a longer day.  We are bushed!
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During a vacation it’s almost tradition to find a post card, write a little message and then mail it back home ... 🏡🚙 . . Back on my childhood road trips we would buy a postcard from each of the attractions we stopped at or of the scenery from where we were ... putting a small message on it was always impossible because we always had so much to say .... Now, you might be wondering who we sent these postcards to and who this lucky person was ... It was my Grandma Jessie 💕 . . During our camping trips she would come to our place every few days to make sure things were ok, she’d check on our cat Minka and refill the food and water for her. (My dad had installed a private entrance in a basement window that allowed our cat to come and go as she needed. She was an independent gal) . . . Grandma would collect the mail and take the flyers inside. She’d spend time with Minka and then head back to her own place .... she didn’t have a car but came on the TTC (that’s the Toronto Transit Commission btw). When I was back in Toronto at my parents place I found a plastic bag on the table ... it contained a great collection of those postcards from the past. I must say it was pretty funny reading our messages and seeing what we thought at the time was “good info” 🤣 . I took a picture of the postcards. It’s always fun to travel back in time .... 🕰 . . #memories #travel #flashback #bluecarroadtripper (at Toronto, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjRMlijLzSQ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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evoilvx · 2 years
RE8 Social Media
What I think each RE8 character would put on their social media profiles (This is semi related to the modern hcs I did before here and here!
Lmk if I missed anything :)
Photos of her girls
Morally grey inspirational quotes..
Her favorite songs
Her hat??
Typical middle aged wine mom scenery photos
Her expensive furniture
Her girls' projects
She probably makes those videos from tiktok that highlight how rich someone is with some music in the background (ex. showing off cars, buildings, business, stacks of money, all of that)
Videos of her playing around with her girls
A random photo and her ranting about how annoying Karl is in the caption
Swim suit photos
Random things her daughters brought her
Aesthetic food photos
Family photos
Pictures of the wild that she took with a camera she bought
Video games
Songs she likes
Aesthetic book photos
Selfies she took with her sisters
Shows she's obsessed with
Her flies...
"A day in my life" videos
Cute socks that she has
Pictures of her hugging her mother
Food and drinks she gets from walking out into the city and buying from food stalls
Blurry filter selfies
Her sickles.
The rainbow loom bracelet she got from Bela
One or two photos with her sisters and mother
Selfies with a big smile and a man-thing laying face down on the ground, everybody just thinks its a skit
Her hanging upside down on things or pictures of her doing dangerous things with Daniela
Her pride flag hanging in her room
New sickles she receives, or ones she gets specially made
Bite marks she leaves on maidens...
Videos of her annoying Bela
Her outfits
Thirst traps..
Videos of her getting into street fights
Her muscles
She would un-ironically post things she catches, like those dudes that share the fish they caught
Pranks she plays on her family
Terrified faces of maidens
Really good selfies (I feel like she would be the best at taking them)
Videos of her sitting in the forest with background music.. for aesthetic purposes
Her fidget toys
A photo of her holding a book in front of a fireplace and Bela in the background with the caption "book night with sissy"
Gifts she gets from her mother
Pictures of her cuddling with her sisters
Romance books
Minion memes..
Her recordings of Cassandra getting into street fights
Photos of her and Cassandra flexing their biceps..
Her garden
Her hands lol
Her dolls
Her workbench
The food she bakes
Photos she has with Alcina
Her room
She makes thirst traps once in a blue moon
Group photos with all the Lords + MM
Aesthetic videos of her doing work in her garden
Holiday posts.
Photos of Angie doing things
More pictures of her hands... probably with a bit of grime on them after working on the garden. But not like those obnoxious hand thirst traps just pictures of her forearm down (..god thats so hot.. im just thinking about it. im so gay)
Angie's drawings
Mother Miranda:
Eva (I'll let her have her daughter in this series)
Lab equipment
Blank photos with a caption that looks like she was recording logs on a recorder
Literally a singular photo of her with the Lords and Dimitrescu daughters
One rolling chair picture
The view from her house
Her talons and mask
The news channel, and sometimes her angry rants about the things that are said on the news
Her first post is captioned with "Hello."
Eva's first day of school
One tiktok that Cassandra sent her as a joke and captioned it with "Why does she do this to me?"
Rose ofc
A picture with Ethan
More Rose
Her outfit of the day
Her meals
Pictures of her holding up coffee in front of a nice view or something
She has a photo of her "Kiss the cook" apron
Rose bushes
Beach day photos
Maybe the occasional picture of her drinking a glass of alcohol and captioning it "It's 8 pm somewhere in the world."
Minion memes that are only funny to millennials
Her wearing glasses in the car with a crying Rose in the backseat, captioning it "Good morning to you too, Rose"
Wolf photos
Pictures of his Lycans
A video of him wrestling a group of Lycans to the ground
Text conversations between him and Alcina, captioning it "The big bitch has somethin to say"
Him and Moreau but he's slightly insulting Moreau in the caption
Videos of him doing smoke tricks
Him with his shirt off.. in almost every single photo
Pictures of him smoking, captioning it "Fifth one of the day" or something vulgar
His tattoos (you can't tell me this man wouldn't absolutely cover himself with tattoos)
Again, him with his shirt off but he's holding a metal scrap weapon and theres a cigar in his mouth
Cute cat pictures
Photos with the other Lords, captioning it with the smiling emoji or ":)"
Things he wants to do
Things he does do
Pictures of his favorite spot to relax
A picture of him and the other Lords playing a board game, captioning it "Family game night :)"
Puppy pictures with a smiley face
Showing photos or videos of people doing things and saying "Isn't this cool?"
He doesn't know a lot about social media so often times he just posts a random blank photo with no caption but it still gets about 10 likes
Every piece of mail he gets from the other Lords + MM
Photos of him and Mia
Specifically breakfast photos
Him with sunglasses on and a margarita in his hand
Him with sunglasses in a tropical button up shirt with the top 4 buttons undone
Photos of the fish he catches
His motorcycle (I seriously bet he would have one)
Working out videos
Gun showcases
Hiking pictures
Photos of him playing pool
Photos of him in the pool
Beach day photos
"Hanging out with the boys" photos... lol
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nuclevi · 3 years
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boyfriend!kise who..
was so nervous before asking you out that he felt dizzy and almost puked straight up. who blushed and stuttered so much in front of you that you had to ask him to take a deep breath and start again with a clear head. who cried afterwards in his room thinking he had messed up and now you think he’s lame. who literally jumped and roared out of happiness when you accepted his confession which had strangers around you eyeing him suspiciously. kise who links your hand with his and kisses your knuckles every time you are out together. who is always making you laugh. who never lets you walk on the roadside of the pavement, gently pushing you to the other side by a hand on your waist. 
boyfriend!kise who needs your advice for every outfit he wears for the day. do you think this red flannel suits him? or does the blue one? what shoes should he match with this hoodie today? you would know best, he thinks. he doesn’t even go shopping without you and if you can’t accompany him then he’ll video call and show you every clothing he’s selected so far. kise who talks to his mother about you, all the while blushing and with a huge smile on his face. who wants you to meet his mother one day and form a bond like he shares with her, as you both are the most important women in his life. 
boyfriend!kise who never lets you get sad on your own. the pain you feel, he feels it too now. who buys you your favorite food on the days you don’t feel the best and puts on a sappy tv show while he holds you flush to him. who always thinks of you when he sees the moon, excitedly snapping a picture to send it to you. who is always talking and babbling around you because he is most comfortable around you and you are always listening to him. kise who has your contact name saved as “baby☽♡”. who always walks past his fangirls hurriedly, muttering a “sorry, later.” and heading towards where you are waiting for him after his match. who runs towards you as fast as he can, his face breaking into the biggest smile when he hears you gush about how good he was at court. 
boyfriend!kise who melts when you play with his hair. who painted you a scenery of sunflowers and blue skies on the background on a canvas, like this. who is always talking about you around his teammates and gom. “they sent me a selfie today and god, i am ready to die for them.” “yo aominecchi, i think i should buy a necklace for their next birthday. what do you think? “their birthday is 4 months away, dumbass.” “okay and?” “maybe we should go for white lilies for our wedding decor.” “you should focus on graduating first, kise.” to say that kise tires them out is an understatement. but will he stop it? no. you are always on his mind anyways. 
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