#they sent a pic of the posters to the group chat & i said “i would kill for one of those” and they said THEY ALREADY GRABBED ONE FOR MEEEE
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katsukikitten · 3 years
Couldn't stop thinking about your post about accidentally sending boobies pics to the guyd so I'll add this for funsies:
Another one of your long work shifts just ended. The life of a prohero was as they said, jampacked with action. You had seen it coming, knowing that even though the hero training at UA was tough, it was nothing compared to the line of herowork you chose. Being born with a powerful quirk both had it's advantages but also left high expectations of you.
The material of your hero outfit is rubbing uncomfortably against your skin as you make your way to your apartment. The lights turned one in a sequence after you rounded the corner and lit the hallway up enough so you could spot the small package left by your door. An ounce of excitement surge through you as you remember given yourself permission to treat yourself with a gift... or a few.
After closing the door and taking off your high tech boots and carefully placing them aside you make your way to the sofa. The package seemed in well condition, which is what you would expect of an expensive brand. You took out your phone and snapped the girls from high school a quick pic of the awaited box. They of course knew about it, as it was both their idea and they also helped you pick out what would fit you best.
Even though the excitement was eating up at you, you prepare yourself with a shower first. Stepping out of your work attire feels relieving and you spend a great amount of time letting the hot water pour over your sore muscles.
As you step out you decide to simply letting the towel stay tucked around your body. You come back to several snaps expressing the girls' need to see it on you asap and asking you to send pics.
To be honest, sharing revealing pics wasn't something you usually contributed to. Not that you felt weird about it. You always hype up the other girls. Something about taking pics in what could be considered lewd positions was embarrassing to say the least.
You open the neat box and underneath the layers of wrap is several bikinis and bathing suits all in bright neon colors. Thanks, Mina. You pick up one of the more decorative ones and try to find what's up and what's down.
You check out yourself through your camera and find the green swimming suit with holes on either side of your ribcage to be quite flattering for your physique.
You take a simple pic angled from above so the girls can see the whole attire while giving a teasing peak of your cleavage.
A few seconds go by and you get spammed with both texts in chat and pics of the girl making exaggerated faces to show their support. Messages of encouragement to show more of them also arrive to your phone and you can't help but giggle at their attitude.
After sending a few pics with simple poses to the gc and getting an overwhelming amount of compliments and praise you find it in you to play around with the skimpy bikinis, purposely not tying the straps and having the hang loose across your collarbone.
You open a snap that mina sent to the gc. She's showcasing a new homemade iced coffee with the text "having to quench my thirst after seeing y/n".
You tap to send back a pic of your untied bikini top that is hanging over the skin beneath your tits now. Your crane your neck to show off more of your bare skin and place heart emojis over your otherwise free nipples and hit send.
You sit back to enjoy their hopefully shocked reactions but you only get one single reply from Uraraka.
"how long can it take to put on a bikini?? 👀"
The response confused you. You remember hitting send but had it not gotten to her yet? You check the chat to see if it was still sending but... why wasn't it showing that you had sent a snap?
Your thoughts were interupted as a notification pop up saying "Local Plug⚡ replayed your snap again"
You go back to the chat page and watch as a new snap show up in another groupchat you have with your other hero associates and also former classmates. It's a group chat Mina and Denki started in your last year of high school cause they thought to bring their best friends together and it's been active ever since.
You think back to the last few minutes of confusion and fear the worst. You take a deep breath and click upon the unopened snap.
A picture of Denki's recognizable hair placed at the bottom of the screen and his headboard with his posters in the back pop up on your screen. You read the text above his head that says "WAUW 😍😍 and here I thought you couldn't get seexuer 🔥🔥🔥". That's... could it be? Did you accidentally sent it to the wrong-
Another snap comes from Mina in the same chat. "Sharing with the boys too I see". And another. "Remember I called dips first".
Not long after comes one from Sero. "Was about to ignore the sudden spam but wowie I'm glad I chose not to
Are you sending more or are we gonna have to admit this picture to memory?"
You are in shock to say the least. You sit still and stare ahead while imagining their reaction to getting a nude from you out of nowhere. But is it a nude? I mean, you covered your nipples.... You at least didn't bare yourself completely. Can you play it off?
All kinds of thoughts are jumbled in your head as you receive even more snaps, supposedly discussing you disappearing as quick as you showed up.
Oh god it's gonna be so awkward when you meet again. Well, Sero and Denki would occasionally discuss sexual topics between themselves, but what about Kiri and Bakugo? Oh nonono. Hopefully Bakugo didn't strive off from his usual bedtime at 8 pm otherwise you would not have a lot of time to come up with an excuse. But then there's Kirishima. Sweet and tender Kirishima. He's often teased for not persuing women the same way the others do. What a shock it must be for him to suddenly see you like that.
You open the new snaps and you can't help trying to rid yourself of those haunting thoughts. The suggestive comments didn't help the growing heat between your legs. "Leaving us just like that, princess?" "What a tease" "I bet she's busy playing with herself to us" "You guys should have seen how she fronted herself to the girls" "she's prob making a mess of her new bikini"
Your cheeks are heating up more and more by each message. You are sure that you no longer could send any pictures without giving your flustered self away. Not that you were going to! Something about these messages leave you wondering if they have had an interest in you before this incident. You would be lying if you said that you hadn't had instances where you would be thinking of them when you were playing with yourself. Is it the same case for them?
- I'm sorry I'm gonna be stopping it here 🤠 it got reaalllllyyyy long and this is such a bad place to leave on a cliffhanger oOF
Thinking bakugou 🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵 oops sorry bakugou
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Didn't mean to send my massive milkers to you and Kirishima 😂
Omg Nonny this was great thank you so much!
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atiny-orbit1219 · 4 years
Internet Connection
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*Pairing: Idol Johnny Suh
*Genre: Fluff (There isn’t enough Johnny fluff these days, y’all some horny bitches)
*Plot idea: Most idols do indeed have a private twitter account where they like to see what their fans are talking about and interact with them secretly. Johnny was one of those idols. He loved seeing what NCTzens were up to and found it flattering how many times they called him daddy and offered to let him choke them. One day as he was scrolling through his twitter feed he saw a tweet that caught his eye. “Who has the biggest dick?” in the poll list was his name, so he commented. “Johnny of course.”
*Word count: 3,600
*Warnings: Cussing, a lot of dick talk, so cliche like this could never happen
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Were you really going to post this? Is twitter fame really worth it? You were contemplating as you laid on the floor of your bedroom. Did you have a perfectly comfortable bed two inches away from you? Yes, yes you did, but you evoked your bed privileges as you typed up the tweet you knew would give you likes and comments but throw your morals out of the window. Your finger hovered over the large post button. You groaned, the hand clutching your phone falling to the ground. “I can’t.” you finally decided. It’s sexualizing men and as a feminist at heart, you couldn’t bring yourself to do it. What if some fanboy asked “Who has the biggest tits?” well the answer is Jihyo but ethically it isn’t right. He’d have his account suspended within hours. Even if your account is slowly dying you shouldn’t stoop so low. You looked up at the ceiling, your free hand resting on your stomach. You let out the long breath you didn’t know you were holding, since when did you become so desperate for the validation of people you’ve never even met in real life, so what if your follower numbers went down? So what if you’re only averaging fifteen likes per tweet? “That’s right? Why does it matter? It doesn’t… totally doesn’t.” You say to yourself, attempting to convince the voice in your head that is telling you to post the poll.
Maybe your finger slipped. Maybe you did it on purpose, you don’t really remember, the only thing you can see is your phone buzzing rapidly as the twitter notifications start coming. Within hours your “Who has the biggest dick?” Poll became your most viral tweet to date. With the options being Lucas, Johnny, Mingyu, and Mingi it was safe to say the comments were heated and the votes were split. You hated the fact that you liked seeing the likes and comments go up, were you a bad person for posting? Or are the people on twitter bad for engaging? You spent the rest of the night on your hardwood floor, bobby pins and wires digging into your back, but you deserved it. You even refused to look at your walls, too ashamed to face the NCT posters that were hung up neatly. Ever since you decided to join stan twitter you promised yourself you wouldn’t become one of those accounts who post just for attention, you just wanted to make friends who had the same interests as you. You got your first taste of twitter fame when you made a joke about idols having private twitters and seeing the horny tweets dedicated to them and it soon became addicting after that. Now that thought sent shivers down your spine and you prayed it wasn’t real as you have just become one of those thirsty tweets. Even as you close your eyes to sleep you can’t help but ignore the constant buzzing that came from your phone next to you. After a few moments of considering putting it on do not disturb you finally decided that is the best option. You lift your phone up, but before you can slide up to the options screen you see a comment that catches your eye. ‘Hands down Johnny of course’.
You tap on the account that posted the comment, the layout was borning and the username basic, but this person didn’t follow you and you didn’t follow them. You just shrug and go back to the comment, smiling softly despite yourself as you typed. ‘I don’t know… Have you seen Lucas’s hands?’ Lucas was currently winning with the votes and you couldn’t disagree, it makes sense. Not even five minutes after you replied you were sent a DM request from none other than the mysterious Johnny dick defender. ‘I think you’re mistaken, Johnny is definitely winning in that category ;)’ You couldn’t help but laugh, your thumbs gliding across the keyboard as you typed your response. ‘You’re very passionate about this, where’s your proof?’ You asked, waiting for his reply. ‘I think you just have to trust me on this one’ You scoffed and started to type, ‘My mom told me not to trust strangers on the internet’
‘Your mom is a smart woman. What’s your name?’
‘What makes you think I’ll tell you?’
‘Didn’t you join twitter to make friends? I can’t be your friend if I don’t know your name.’
‘I joined twitter to talk to more K-pop fans, I’m sorry but your coffee layout and username isn’t cutting it’
‘There what about now.’
You tilted your head slightly wondering what he changed his layout to and you had to stifle your laughter when you saw it. An entire layout of predebut Johnny and the username @John’sbigpenis. You covered your mouth, keeping your quiet giggles in as you went back to the chat, typing quickly with one hand.
‘It’s nice to meet you Y/N’
And just like that, you spent almost the entire night texting, you figured out his name is Jason and he just casually listened to K-pop but his friends were really into it and because he followed them your tweet landed on his feed. He was funny and had you smiling for so long your cheeks started to hurt, you haven’t had a conversation like this on twitter in awhile all of the group chats you joined slowly drying up, so this was a nice change. But eventually it became harder and harder for you to keep your eyes open, the light from the screen not helping. You finally had to say good night to Jason and within seconds of shutting your phone off you passed out, not even feeling the discomfort of the floor anymore.
The next morning the first thing you did was check your DM’s and couldn’t help but smile as you saw the unread message. ‘Not to be a creep or anything but I looked at your location on your profile and looked up your timezone. Good morning :)’ You sat up slowly, the blanket you were using falling down your body, so he was in a different timezone? ‘What time is it for you then? Also good morning ;)’ As you awaited his response you finally got up from your spot on the floor and threw the blanket you were using on your bed. You walked to your wall blindly as you wiped the sleep from your eyes and flipped the switch causing light to fill your room. You sighed as you looked at your bed, contemplating just going back to sleep but you could also smell the breakfast your mom was making down stairs so you decided to manage your priorities, eat breakfast then go back to bed. After that important decision was made you made your way down stairs and as predicted saw your mom in the kitchen cooking away. You said your good mornings and lifted yourself up so you were sitting on the counter of the island. Your mom used to complain about your ass being where the food goes but after she saw that you didn’t care she slowly stopped as well. As you were sitting and chatting you felt your phone go off from your pocket, you grabbed it and smiled as you saw his user pop up. “What are you smiling about?” your mom asked curiously her eyes glancing over at you for a moment before going back to mixing the pancake batter. “Oh,nothing, just a friend on twitter.” You say your attention is still stuck to your phone as you read the message ‘I am a few hours ahead of you , I live in Chicago! Born and raised.’ You almost didn’t hear your mom speak, “Y/N… you know I don’t like you talking to strangers on the internet. What if they’re some forty year old man who just wants your feet pics.” You just nod, having had this conversation more than once. “Mommm you know I’m smarter than that… I’d make him pay for my feet first. But for real, this is the only way I can talk to other people who like the same stuff I do, unless you want to listen to me talk about K-pop for hours on end I need to get it out somehow.” You said, raising your eyebrow as you gave your mom the ultimatum. “Make your money honey, it's your feet not mine.” and with that you grabbed your plate and started to eat.
‘Ahhh so is that why you’re so defensive over Johnny’s penis? Gotta save the reputation of Chicago boys?’
Just like that you ended up talking to Jason everyday for weeks. From morning to night you two never seemed to run out of things to talk about. Soon he knew more about you than your close friends did; it was so easy to talk to him and he said he felt the same with you. He was there for you when you were having a mental breakdown while trying to get NCT 127 concert tickets, he was there while you screamed about how hot every member looked in the new Kick It music video, especially the man that brought them together, A.K.A Johnny Suh, he was there for everything. After awhile it was safe to say you were falling for him.. Well at least his personality, you haven’t seen his face. He’s seen yours of course as he hyped up all of your selca days, you respected the fact he didn’t want to show you his face but as time went on you couldn’t help but get a bit nervous. What if he really is a forty year old man only after your feet? But all of that soon changed.
‘You got P1 tickets to the Chicago concert right?’ You read the text that was sent to you and tilted your head curiously. You were currently packing for the three day trip your mom and you were taking to Chicago. You unfortunately lived in a state that always had zero tour stops and the closest city was Chicago and this was the first time your mom agreed to letting you go since she knew how much you loved NCT. But you guys decided to make a trip out of it and would be staying for a couple days after the concert. You started to type with one hand, messily folding clothes with the other. ‘Yep! I’m packing right now! I’m so excited!!’ You said truthfully before going back to practically shoving your multiple outfits into the suitcase. After a few moments you felt a buzz, ‘I’m going too-’ You didn’t even finish reading the text before your eyes opened wide and your stomach did flips. Jason was going to be there!! As you slowly started rethinking your outfit choices you finished the text. ‘Do you wanna meet up? I know this 24/7 cafe close to the venue.. We can meet after the concert? If you want?’ You were confused at first, why meet up after the concert in a separate location, but just the idea of meeting him made you consider it. ‘Why not before the concert at the venue?’ You asked, wanting a valid reason to meet up late at night at a cafe. You now completely gave up on trying to pack as you impatiently waited for his response. ‘I can’t get there until right before the concert starts because of work and it's always too crazy in the venue after. I understand if you’re not comfortable with it.. I just… really want to meet you.’ Just that line right there made your heart skip a beat. ‘I’ll ask my mom.’
It took quite a lot of convincing, your mom not liking the idea of meeting a stranger you met online one bit. But she also knew you were a responsible Young adult and always had your phone on you, plus she would be right there in case anything did happen. So finally you got the greenlight to meet him. You could barely believe it, not only were you going to see NCT 127 and go through Hi touch, you were going to meet the internet friend that you have been talking to everyday for a couple of months now.
You always knew that there were buildings in Chicago, but you didn’t expect them to be THIS big. It was the day of the concert and your mom and you were only a few minutes away from your hotel and you couldn’t wait until later tonight. Only a few more hours. You spent the majority of that time getting ready, you wore your favorite outfit and spent an extra long time on your make-up, making sure you didn’t look like you just got done with a nine hour car ride. The time went by fast yet slow, the feeling was weird, you couldn’t believe this was all actually happening. Yet soon enough you were in line to have your tickets scanned to enter the concert venue. You achieved the wristband for P1 and attempted the merch line but ended up having to say screw it as the concert was starting in ten minutes. You made it to your seat right before the room went dark and then it started.
Throughout the concert you were singing and dancing and crying, you were feeling so many emotions at once and you never wanted it to stop. You were too caught in the moment to notice the eyes that were on you almost every chance they got, he also couldn’t believe this was happening. As the final song played and you found yourself tearing up once again you looked for the man who started it all between you and Jason. You found Johnny singing on stage, was he…. Was he looking at you? Nah he's probably just scanning the crowd like most artists did, but you still couldn’t ignore the feelings his glance gave you.
You were in the line for Hi-touch, your hair and makeup miraculously still decent looking as you started walking forwards, following the people in front of you. In just a few moments they were right there, the only thing separating you was the table they sat behind. They looked the same as they did on your screen but in a way ten times better, they were real and your hand was touching theirs. You didn’t really know what to say and you didn’t have the time to say much, so you stuck with a simple hello and a smile. You approached the last member, Johnny was watching you the entire time you walked down, he just held up his hand and muttered 'heyas’ as you got closer. This was the first time he'd seen you up close and he had the same feeling you Had. Your pictures are beautiful but something about seeing you in real life was so much better. Your eyes met his as you had to reach up a bit more to touch his hand, he smiled down at you, not able to say anything before you had to move on and walk out of the building.
After recollecting yourself and fixing up your runny mascara from crying too much you and your mom headed to the cafe to meet Jason. Many thoughts swam through your head most of them just not able to get over how amazing they all looked up close but the rest were nerves on meeting the man you’ve grown to have feelings for. You reached the cafe and got out of the car, letting out a nervous breath as you walked in, the shop was empty and the worker behind the counter was almost asleep and jolted awake as you stepped in. You ordered a green tea because you felt like you should order something and not just sit down like a total bitch. After a few minutes your phone buzzed. ‘I’m on my way,, sorry I’m late. got caught in traffic.’ The butterflies in your stomach only grew in numbers as you replied, ‘I’m here, sitting in the back’.
You were sipping on your tea as you heard the door behind you open. You were too scared to face the door so you sat with your back to it, but only when it opened did you realize that it was much more nerve wracking. You couldn’t even turn around your hands shaking as you took deep breaths, you could hear footsteps approaching, Jason was here… and right behind you. He walked around your seat and sat across from you, you were too scared to lift your head so instead you stared at his chest. “Y/N?” his voice was deep… and familiar? You looked up and out of shock from what you saw your hot tea slipped right out of your hands. You hissed softly and reached for napkins but the man in front of you was quicker, he ran to your side and knelt down, using his sleeve to wipe your lap. “Sorry.. Should’ve thought that through.” He said with a small laugh. “You’re… Jason?” you asked, unable to believe it even if you were looking right at him. “Actually… my name's Johnny and we just high-fived like half an hour ago and I can explain everything.”
“So.. You have a private twitter and you found my tweet and commented as a joke but decided to start a conversation with me?” You asked, looking at the idol in front of you. You’ve pinched yourself at least ten times now but everytime hurts more than the last so it can’t be a dream. “I start casual conversations here and there with fans just to see how they’re doing but you’re just… different.” He said. He had on a black baseball cap that was lowered over his face so no one walking past could recognize him. “As we started talking more.. I started looking forward to talking to you and you practically got me through this comeback season, when I was stressed and tired, just talking to you let me take my mind off things… I dunno.. I think I really like you.” You were at a loss of words as you listened to Johnny speak. Were you trapped in some tumblr fanfiction? This can’t really be happening. “I… I really liked talking to you too… you were the first person I opened up to. Whether it was Jason or Johnny I’m really thankful for having them to rant to and if the person I was talking to really you… then I think I like you too.” You said softly and even behind the hat you could see Johnny smile. He moved over to your side of the booth and you scooted to give him some room. “Since we both think we like each other… Why don’t we kiss and find out?” He asked cheesily before leaning in, naturally you closed your eyes and when you felt his lips press against yours it finally set in that this was all real. You were kissing Johnny Suh from NCT, Johnny Suh was kissing you. You moved closer, placing your hands on his sides as his moved to the back of your neck, holding you gently as he allowed the kiss to last for a few more seconds before pulling away. “So… Do you know for sure yet? Because we can do that again if we need to.” He said playfully and you couldn’t help but laugh. “Just to make sure,” You whispered before grabbing him by the collar of his hoodie and pulling him into another sweet kiss. He smiled against your lips, chuckling softly as he fully wraps his long arms around you. “Yeah… I definitely like you.” You said breathlessly as you pulled away and he nodded quickly in agreement. “Me too.” he said with a large smile. “You said you're here for a couple more days? Do you maybe wanna go on a date tomorrow? We don’t leave for the next venue until tomorrow night so we have all day.” He offered. You nodded, not planning on turning down THE Johnny Suh. “It’s a date.” You said softly and he couldn’t help but smile and kiss your cheek, and your nose, and finally your lips, “We have two months to make up for in one day.. I’m gonna make it count.” He said, his large body clinging on to you even when you weren’t kissing, and you definitely weren't complaining. But as you two were sitting there, you in his arms and head on his chest you thought of something.
“Wait a minute… if you weren’t in Chicago but Korea when texting me… When did you sleep??” You asked, looking up at him with concerned eyes and Johnny just laughed and tightened his arms around you. “Shhh… It was worth it.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Ahhhh! Sorry for the delay,, I started this one and I just wasn’t feeling it for the longest time, when I write dialogue I focus on body language so majority of this scenario being text was totally out of my comfort zone! But I hope you guys like this one! And thank you so much for the love on my first post it means a lot!
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broken-clover · 4 years
AU-gust Day 8- Superpowers/Superheroes
So apparently when I say ‘these are very long, maybe I should make them less long next time’ it apparently means ‘WRITE NEARLY 5000 WORDS AND SUFFER’ I’m having. A day. Not a bad one just. A Day. This more or less feels like a pilot episode for something honestly.
Please do not ask why I keep writing Sin because there is no answer.
Ky had left him in charge of the scanner. Again.
And Sin knew why he had done it, why he always left him sitting in the high-backed chair perched in front of an array of high-tech computers while he and his friends leapt into action. It wasn’t because Sin was any kind of tech genius. It was because it was the best way of keeping him out of the way.
They didn’t even pretend like it was a real task in need of doing. Sol had already rigged the scanner so that it would send notifications to the entire team as soon as it picked up anything suitably peculiar. Ky’s excuse was that they needed him to watch it and make sure the scanner didn’t malfunction, but it never did. It was just a good way to keep him from running around while Ky couldn’t keep an eye on him.
Well, he could have brought him along, but whenever he suggested, Ky just had to get all uppity about it, and say in so many words that he didn’t want his precious baby boy going on dangerous missions, except he’d say it in a way that made him sound completely reasonable and rational, even though he was a teenager now and he was tired of spending time in front of the monitors and doing nothing but sitting on his ass like a useless idiot.
He shifted to prop his chin up on his other arm. The scanner did another rotation around Illyria, but no notification popped up, just like the last thousand or so times. Ugh, he’d been here for hours, when were they going to come back? The distress call had come from the complete opposite side of town, but considering that half of them could fly, and Ky himself could turn into a goddamn lightning bolt, they were awfully slow. So much for ‘just a quick mission’ like he had promised.
Groaning, Sin abandoned the chair and left it to spin behind him. He left the completely empty computer room to head into the equally-empty kitchen, hoping to find something to munch on. In between Sol’s beer bottles, Testament’s vegan snacks and Chipp’s leftover Japanese takeout, there was a plastic-domed pastry box. His excited smile melted off as soon as he pulled it out and peered inside.
“Thank you for keeping our city safe!” Said the fancy frosting letters. Yeah, he knew where it was from. The local orphanage had sent it after Ky and his friends had stopped Judgement from blowing up half the city last week. Because they were a bunch of good-samaritan do-gooders so compassionate and helpful that they got fucking cake from orphans.
He still cut a big piece from it before shoving the thing back into the fridge. Hey, cake was cake. Plus, he could get a kick out of ruining the letters and part of the bright yellow smiley-face under it.
At least being stuck at the base meant nobody raised a stink over him sitting on the meeting table. Sin was careful not to leave any shoe tracks on it, though, after Ky had chewed him out for it the last time. Personally, he thought having a white table was stupid in the first place, but that was the design Ky liked. It was the same reason they had the big sweeping ceilings, elaborate carvings along the walls, and a special designated chair for each of their official members, individualized by their names and insignias (Because his dad really was that fucking cliche)
In between bites of cake, he toed at the fancy lightning bolt carved into Ky’s chair, with ’Thunderseal’ written out above it. Sin remembered when he used to chase his father around the house, pretending to be him with a construction-paper mask and towel cape. He had utterly idolized Thunderseal, and dreamed that someday he would be able to take up the mantle when he became a real hero. It wasn’t a dream he clung onto anymore. Just the shadow of being his son was big enough.
Sin tried to take his mind off things by pulling out his phone. Maybe May would be up for a chat.
‘Anything going on w/ u?’
May always had her phone on her, so it didn’t take long before his pinged with a message. ’Just finished a job! Hbu?’
‘Send pics?’ Just his luck he got her while she was out working. At least maybe he could get a few cool pictures out of it.
Just like last time, it barely took a minute before she responded back with a pile of photos. All of them had May smiling with her teammates in uniform, along with a very irritated-looking (and very wet) tied-up criminal. He’d hoped that the pictures would have cheered him up, but all it did was annoy him further. She was younger and smaller than him by a lot, but she was allowed to go out on dangerous jobs.
Mer-May, the absolute darling of the Jellyfish team of superheroes. Even though they weren’t from Illyria, he still saw stories and photos about them in the paper. They looked like a real team. They probably took all their team members out on missions, and when they didn’t, he bet they had a much better reason than needing someone to watch the scanners.
’Great job! :D’ he messaged back with stiff, trembling fingers, before an errant current made his screen crackle and explode in a burnt cloud.
“Oh for fuck’s sake…” Why did that always happen when he got frustrated, this was his twelfth phone in the last year! Like he needed one more thing to be annoyed about.
Sin was sick and tired of being inside. He abandoned his half-eaten cake at the table and headed for the entrance, swiping his jacket and a spare mask on the way out.
Nobody gave him much of a second look as he slid along the wires twenty feet off the ground. Anybody who even noticed the crackle of electricity in the first place regarded him with complete nonchalance. Superpowered individuals had become a lot more commonplace, especially with the formation of publicly-known groups like the Jellyfish and the Guardians of Illyria. It was practically a celebrity subculture. Just a fixture of daily life. People with powers no longer had much of a reason to hide anymore.
In his absentmindedness, he nearly fell off-balance and slipped from the wire he was on. He wondered if Ky ever did that on the job. He might’ve been the team’s shiny poster-boy, but he wasn’t as perfect as everyone always acted like he was. It didn’t stop the newspapers and nighttime TV reports from painting him as some flawless guardian angel. Even when he was little, they were always talking about Ky.’s exploits, how he made Illyria a safe place. For the longest time, all that praise had convinced him his father could do no wrong.
Sin remembered the times when he would hold his father’s hand as they skated across the powerlines, helping him keep his balance. Sin always kept his eyes peeled for trouble, and whenever they spotted a kitten stuck in a tree or someone struggling with groceries, Ky would let him take charge to ‘save’ the civilian in need. He used to love the slightly-exaggerated smiles from grateful people and congratulatory pats on the head from his father, but it all felt so infuriatingly patronizing now. He didn’t want to be stuck helping old ladies cross the street while his father and his friends fought the real villains and saved the day. It never felt like he was helping anyone in the long run, he was just doing errands for people and nothing more than that.
He skidded to a stop on an electronic billboard, slid down the maintenance ladder, and found a place to sit. From his jacket pocket, he pulled out a tiny battered book and pen.
‘Sin the Superhero!’ was scrawled across the front in faded, childlike handwriting. He skipped past the scribbled-over and torn pages in the front half, all practically carbon-copies of Ky, until he reached the more complicated doodles and neater handwriting.
‘Hero Name Ideas.’ The list had gotten longer recently, but still none of them seemed to fit him right. He scratched off a couple of older ideas and jot down ‘Livewire’ and ‘Sparx’ at the bottom. Mmm, no, when he wrote them down on paper, that didn’t seem right, either.
“Ughh, why is this so hard!?” Sin groaned to himself, closing the book and smacking himself in the face with it. He wasn’t going to be Thunderseal. No matter what, he was not going to be Thunderseal.
He’d thought of skipping town and joining the Jellyfish, but May’s manager Johnny said that they only accepted female members. There were a few others scattered across the country, like the ones down in Kagutsuchi, Remnant, and Inaba, but they seemed so different from what he was used to, Sin wasn’t sure he’d fit in even if they let him join.
He spotted a convenience store half a block down. Maybe he just needed a snack to help him think. He hadn’t gotten to finish his cake, after all.
Sin slid back up onto the powerline and followed the sidewalk until he found a wall generator to jump into near ground-level. The light burst that followed him when he landed startled an older woman as she headed back to her car, but otherwise nobody paid attention.
The convenience store was awfully quiet for the afternoon, but all it meant was that he could scour the aisles for something to eat. They didn’t have anything meaty, so he settled for red licorice. It almost looked like meat.
“Would you like a bag?” The cashier asked, with the usual feigned-cheer that minimum wage barely afforded.
“Nah, I’m just gonna eat it now.” He replied, digging for a few spare bills in his back pocket.
When he found the money and went to turn back around, he spotted an ominous smear of crimson in his peripheral vision. Out through the front windows, a peculiar-looking girl was stumbling across the parking lot barefoot, stained in what appeared to be blood.
“The hell…?” Sin murmured. He realized he still had money in his hand. “Oh. Shit, uh, keep the change!” All but throwing the money at the poor woman, he grabbed his licorice and bolted out the door, taking a moment to swing his head around to find that girl again before running after her. “Hey! Hold on a second!”
Maybe he was too loud, because she immediately flinched and threw up her arms to cover her head. “I-I’m sorry!”
“You’re...what?” He skidded to a stop right in front of her. Yeah, that was definitely blood. The girl didn’t seem to be in a good condition, if the stumbling hadn’t already given it away. All the bloodstains appeared to be coming from the numerous wounds on her body, mixed together with a handful of ugly violet bruises. “Man, you look in bad shape. Did you get attacked?”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry…” With her arms still covering her, she crouched down and began trembling.
Sin’s features softened. “Hey, I’m not gonna hurt you.” He crouched down next to her, trying his best to sound harmless. “Okay? Not gonna hurt you. I just want to make sure you’re okay.”
“Y-you aren’t?” A single diamond-blue eye peeked between trembling fingers.
“No, I’m not. Are you in danger? Do you need someone to keep you safe?”
She gave him a slow, jerky nod. “Ok! I can do that. My house is really safe, my dad’s a superhero so you don't have to worry about people getting in unless you want them to! Why don’t we go there, and then I can get you some bandaids?”
Another little nod. “Sounds like a plan, then!” He took her hand, helped her back up, and turned in the direction of where he’d come from. “It’s over this way, so we can-”
“No!! No, no, we can’t!” She suddenly shrieked, trying to pull herself from his grip.
“Woah, woah!” Sin let her go in his shock. “What’s wrong?”
“I can’t go! I can’t go!” She cried, tugging at her pale pink hair with both hands. “I can’t leave without my sister!”
“Your sister? Where is she?”
Her expression grew haunted. “Oh...oh no...I left her behind...I promised we wouldn’t be separated…”
Sin tried to quell the growing feeling of excitement unfurling in him. Yes, this girl was clearly in need of help. He was finally doing his first real job as a hero, without Ky getting in the way! And he’d found it all by himself! But he needed to keep serious.
“Don’t worry. We’ll get your sister.” He gave the girl a confident grin. “Can you show me where she is?”
Another nod. “Uh-huh. I can show you.”
“Think you can show me from the rooftops? It’ll be faster that way.” She didn’t pull away again when he started leading her towards the generator he had jumped out of.
“Huh? There’s no ladder, how would you- aaaah!”
Sin scooped her up before taking off up the wires to the roof. “I’m a hero, too! I can follow electric currents! So if you can point me in the direction of- oh.”
The sudden movement had apparently freaked her out, and both of her trembling arms were tightly wrapped around him for stability.
“Oops. Um, sorry about that. I forget the vertigo is really bad the first few times.” He tried giving her a reassuring pat on the shoulder. “But I promise I won’t drop you, okay? I just need you to show me what direction you came from.”
It took her a moment to unbury herself from her place in his jacket, but she reached out to point towards the heart of Illyria. “That way. It's by the big building with a cow on the roof.”
His grin came back as Sin felt the sparks fly off his feet. “Say no more!”
Sin had never been to this part of town before, on the ground or otherwise. It seemed like a perfectly nice neighborhood, but for some reason, there was just something that felt...off.
He tried not to worry about it. “Hey, so you didn’t tell me your name. I’m Sin! What should I call you?”
The girl in his arms seemed to have finally gotten used to the harsh movements, only wincing when the harsh wind blew the hair in her eyes. “E-Elphelt.” She said. “My name is Elphelt.”
Weird name, but he didn’t say anything. Even if he wanted to, he was interrupted by her pointing him left. “R-right there! The big white building!”
“This one?” He asked, sliding up onto the roof of what he could only guess was a large warehouse. A few trucks were parked out in front, but he didn’t see any people, nor were any lights on inside. “Are you sure this is it?”
“Mmhm!” She nodded vigorously, though the fear had come back into her eyes. “Please! I can’t leave her behind!”
We’re gonna save your sister, don’t worry.” Sin put her down on the roof next to him, and began searching for some kind of way in. “How did you get out?”
She walked towards one of the building’s edges and peered down. “Stairs! There’s emergency stairs by the windows!”
“Stairs?” He headed off after her. Sure enough, a set of metal stairs snaked down the building’s side. “We can get in through one of those windows!”
The two of them ran down a few flights, only stopping when Elphelt pointed one out. “This one! I think it’s this one!”
“This one?” Sin repeated back. He crouched down to get a good look at it. “I don’t think it’s latched; it should probably just slide open from the bottom.”
“Okay, then let’s-”
“Wait-” He grabbed her hand a half-second before she could slide the window open. “There’s an alarm. It’ll trigger if you pull it open.”
Elphelt recoiled immediately. “How can you tell?”
“I told you I can ride currents, right? I can sense them, too.” He put a hand on the wall next to the window. “Feels like there’s a whole security system set up and wired to the same main hub.” Elphelt was tearing up again in the corner of his eye, and he raised his free hand to assure her. “Don’t worry. Each window has its own sensor alarm. If I can just overload it…”
Sin pressed his eyes shut and willed a bolt of electricity into existence. He slid it between his hands a few times before feeding it into the sensor. After a moment, he felt the current split off between the window and the rest of the system as the wires melted and the plastic exploded.
“Okay, just hold your breath…” He put his hands on the sill. In one motion, he jerked it open and...no alarm.
“Phew…” Elphelt shook her head in momentary relief, before tensing up again. “We have to hurry! We have to hurry!”
She squeezed herself inside before he could even think of doing it himself. Once she had gotten inside, he wormed in after her. “Yeah, of course. But why do we have to hurry? I don’t think anyone’s here.”
The building was as dark inside as it had looked outside. The room they had been dumped into had a high ceiling and a concrete floor, but was nearly empty aside from some storage crates. At least, they looked like storage crates, he couldn’t really tell. From another pocket, he pulled out a rechargeable flashlight, funneled a bit of electricity into it, and switched it on. A narrow slice of light cut through the empty room.
It fell on Elphelt’s horrified face. “El? What’s wrong?”
“We have to hurry.” She spoke in a trembling whisper. “We have to hurry before mother comes home.”
He wasn’t quite sure what that meant, but it seemed important to her. “Okay. We’ll go quickly. What room is your sister in? Can you show me?”
The hallway was slightly lighter, but no less empty. Had everyone gone home already? Then again, he had no idea what this building was for in the first place, maybe there never were people at all. He couldn’t see any security cameras on the ceilings, but even if they were there, he doubted they would be able to see much.
He followed Elphelt down a couple sets of stairs. They both kept their backs pressed to the wall, their footsteps light, and their guard up. Sin glanced over his shoulder every few seconds to be absolutely sure they weren’t being followed.
At one point, Elphelt stopped and held a hand out to him. “I think this is it.”
Compared to the rest of the building, he could sense a veritable feast of electricity coursing back and forth beyond the door they were staring at. It seemed logical that if she was anywhere, it would be in there.
The new room was a stark difference in just how blindingly white it was. Sin had to blink and cover his eyes for a minute while he convinced himself that he was not actually going blind. Elphelt seemed unconcerned with the sudden change, and walked deeper in without him.
“Elphelt! Wait!” He hissed, blinking to clear his vision. The blurry edges eventually smoothed out and sharpened. “Woah…”
Just from a wild guess, it had to be some kind of laboratory. All the glass, fancy equipment, and desks looked like something from the sci-fi shows Sol liked to watch. What kind of science exactly, he had no idea. But it didn’t matter. He had to help Elphelt. Where had she gone to?
“El?” He called out, still trying to keep himself from being too loud. It was a bright white room and she had bright pink hair, how could he not find her in two seconds?
Sin felt his stomach growl as he began to search. Absentmindedly, he pulled out his abandoned licorice and peeled a strand off to eat it. “El?”
He thought he had spotted a flash of pink, but when he approached it, he found a strange pile of pink mush in a large clear dish. He didn’t have the slightest idea of what it was, but it unnerved him. Sin put down his licorice on the tabletop and reached for a glass rod that had been left near it.
What did he think would happen if he prodded it? That was another question he couldn’t answer. It made an odd, gooey noise as the tip sank into its surface. It had looked solid, but the more he pushed into it, the more the glass vanished, even when he thought it would have gone all the way through and come out the other end.
“Elphelt?” He looked up from his impromptu experiment. Why had he let himself get distracted? Sin pulled the stick back out and set it on the table, and reached for his-
“Where’d I put my licorice…?”
“Sin! Please!”
“Coming, El!” That was more important. He ran off towards her voice. The tables gave way to what he could only describe as giant stove burners built into the ground. “Where are you?”
“Over here!” He saw a hand in the air and headed towards it. It was actually Elphelt that time, instead of some weird arm-monster, thankfully.
“There you are. Jeez, you’re fast-” His eyes went wide.
There was...a girl, suspended in some sort of glassy prison. It hovered over one of the weird floor-burner things, spinning around and around as the room’s lights glinted off it. The girl inside didn’t seem especially bothered by the spinning, or the fact that the ball was barely big enough for her to fit inside. If he didn’t know any better, she looked completely unconscious.
“What the hell?” He looked at his companion. “El, is this her? Is this your sister?”
“Ram…” She said, more to the other girl than to him. Her eyes had gone wet with tears again.
There was an electrical current running under the burner. Without thinking, Sin shoved his hand into it and discharged a bolt of electricity.
He was pretty sure he felt the fluid splattering on his face before he even heard the glass break. The overload of energy had not only shut off whatever the burner was doing, but forced the ball to shatter. He heard Elphelt dive to the ground behind him. Any of the glass that exploded onto him was melted by the heat of his lightning. The smell of ozone and the backlash from overusing his powers was making him dizzy, but Sin tried to focus on what was around him.
Once the chaos had died down, Elphelt crawled back out from the table she’d hidden behind. “Sin?”
“El.” He sent her a dopey, tired smile. “I got it.”
“Ram!!” The girl hurried back over to kneel down by the unconscious body. A few glass shards had nicked their skin, but there was nothing especially worrying. Elphelt seemed to be far more concerned with Ram than she was about her own injuries, anyway. She scooped up the other girl and held her close, placing a hand on her chest as she began murmuring something incomprehensible. Sin watched a faint pink glow envelop her hand and flow into the other’s body.
“Elphelt?” He asked in quiet awe. “You have powers?”
Whatever she was trying to do, it seemed to have worked. As soon as the glow faded, Ram began to rouse.
“Ram!” El hugged her sister tightly as her shoulder began trembling. “Oh, you’re awake, you’re awake. I promised I wouldn’t leave you.”
“Elphelt…” She put a hand on her sister’s back and smiled gently. “I’m okay.”
“Th-this is Sin!” When she regained some of her composure, Elphelt pointed at him. “He helped me save you!”
“Yeah. But El, you said we had to hurry, right? We should leave.”
“Oh! We need to leave fast, you’re right.” Elphelt stood back up, but she appeared remarkably calm. In fact, she was smiling. “But we can go even faster with Ram!”
The girl nodded in silent agreement. She looped a hand around her sister’s waist, before beckoning Sin over.
“Faster?” He was confused, but he complied, stepping closer so Ram could grab him by the middle. “I’m not sure what you me-EEEEEAN- !”
The question was answered for him very quickly. His feet were off the ground before he could blink. Ram was shooting off towards the nearest wall, and he had absolutely no way of stopping her.
“Are you insane?!” They were going to fly headfirst into a metal wall! Sin absolutely couldn’t handle hitting something that solid that fast, but he didn’t have any electricity left to try and shock her into dropping him. All he could do was watch.
There was a horrific crunch, and everything went black.
And then blue, as they passed through to the other side without a scratch.
Sin hadn’t realized he was screaming in terror until he stopped. He saw a massive gaping hole in the metal when he turned to look back, but he couldn’t see a single scratch on him, or his questionably-deranged pilot.
“It’s okay, Sin!” Elphelt called. “Ram’s really strong!”
‘Strong’ didn’t seem like a very good explanation on how they hadn’t just smashed their collective heads open, but really, after everything he had been through, it seemed stupid to ask questions.
Sin winced, pulling the receiver away from his ear. “I know, I know, dad, I messed up-”
“MESSED UP??” Ky’s voice shouted back. “You ran off without telling anyone! I thought you had been kidnapped!”
“I know, I know, I’m sorry.” He said. “But I promise I can explain everything. I need a ride back, do you think you can come pick me up over by Bishop Bakery? The place over at the corner of Hansen and 15th?”
“All the way out there?! Sin, what are you doing in the north district in the first place?”
“Uh, that’s a bit of a long story…” He turned to look at his two new companions. Elphelt kicked her bare feet under the bench as she watched the cars go by, and Ramlethal was sitting cross-legged and bobbing her head back and forth to a song coming out of a nearby radio. “A really long story. Why don’t I tell you all about it over leftover cake?”
A dark shadow slid along sterile white walls, pacing back and forth and back. Immaculately manicured nails drummed against a pale sleeve, the only giveaway against a perfect porcelain mask of calmness.
“So they both ran away…” A melodic voice echoed off the high walls. “I never would have expected such ingenuity from her.”
The room went quiet for a moment. “Still, nothing I can’t handle. A few steps to shuffle around, but in the end, those girls saved me quite a lot of effort. Brought back to the Guardians on a silver platter! What a stroke of luck.”
She paused. “Oh? The boy? Just another pawn, easy enough to handle. His powers are little more than parlor tricks. I’ll have no trouble disposing of him as soon as he becomes a nuisance."
Another pause. Slowly, the porcelain mask began to crack. “Is that so?
In the blink of an eye, she lashed out to grab one of the trailing tubes. It was squeezed in a white-knuckled grip until the flow was dammed. “Now, you aren’t getting all high and mighty on me, are you?” She asked in a sickly-sweet voice, putting the smiling mask back on. “Don’t forget who gave you all of your shiny new toys. If it weren’t for me, you would still be rotting away in that hospital bed, where nobody could hear you.”
She took a moment longer to grab onto the clear plastic, then let it go. “I’m glad you’ve decided to cooperate. I helped you for a reason, you know. I saw the potential you had...Ah, I ramble so much.” She shook her head. “I’ll leave you to your work. And don’t forget to get plenty of rest. We have so much work to do, and so little time…”
The shadow moved away, melting into all the others with the sound of clicking heels. Once it was far, far away, the faint hum of magic sounded. From another pool of darkness, a half-eaten package of red licorice floated into the faint light. A single braid was pulled out of it, and invisible fingers peeled a stand off to carry it into an awaiting mouth. Artificial strawberry, what a peculiar flavor.
“So…” A silent voice echoed in the darkness. “...Sin?”
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adropofmelanin · 6 years
To Move On pt.1
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Summary: You’ve had your eyes on M’Baku Hanuman since you could remember and you finally decide to confess your love for him.
Pairing(s): M’Baku X Reader, W’Kabi x OC
Warning(s): Conversation, pics of his beauty
Dedicated to: @wakanda-inspired
Written by: @wakandanblogger
(gifs and images do not belong to me)
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“You’re staring again,” A voice pulls you out of your trance and you nearly trip and drop all of your books on the ground. Dre laughs at your embarrassment and nudges you, “You are something else girl, I swear.”
You just glare at her and clear your throat while recollecting yourself. When you look back up, he was walking into the Rec Building with the biggest smile, must be laughing at something one of his friends must have said. 
“He’s just... so... MMM, like girl, I just don’t understand,” You start and whine to yourself as the two of you pass the building and you damn near break your neck to catch just one more glimpse of him. 
M’Baku Hanuman. 
One of the star players for the Mid-State University football team, smart ass all hell, and here on a full ride scholarship. Everyone knew his name and everyone wanted to be his friend, but he was picky about what crowd he wanted to surround himself with and you didn’t get mad at him for that. He was trying to make a name for himself but you never heard anything about him wanting to go pro. His grades were great without the help of teachers or smart kids in class because he WAS the smart kid in class. Long story short, M’Baku was all around perfect and you wanted him in your life forever!
The two of your were partnered together for a Writing project for your Writing 103 class and the two of you luckily became friends, but as said before, “YOU WANTED HIM IN YOUR LIFE FOREVER”. You got to know M’Baku and hung out a few times last semester but that was all.
“I just don’t understand why you can’t just go up to him and talk to him, he knows who you are,” Dre smirks cutting her eye at you then forward again. The two of you rush over to the campus shuttle that was approaching and get in line to board. As you’re boarding you push your way to two empty seats and swing your backpack off to blop down. Dre did the same and pulled out her phone, you watched as she began to type something. 
“Hmm?” She answers not looking at you.
“What are you doing,” You groan watching as she typed in M’Baku’s  Instagram account and skimming over the bio once again.
“Single. There is still a shot y/n, running out of tiiiime,” she giggles wiggling it in your face. You roll your eyes and swap at it but she pulls back quicker. You sit there for a moment and watch as she scrolls through his pictures.
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“Oh my god,” You whisper to yourself before cutting your eyes to see that Dre was scrolling through his pictures also. 
“I swear, I will search all of Africa for a man like this, where do they birth men like this!” You groan and Dre bursts out laughing. You scroll some more and you just don’t understand how handsome this man is.
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* Had a great time celebrating the win with these guys last night! 
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* Greatness begins with you
What does that even mean? You didn’t care, you only wanted to feel those lips and feel on his muscles of greatness. Why did you have to put yourself through all of this suffering? 
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“WHYYYYYY!?” You cry out and almost everyone on the shuttle cuts their eyes to you, including Dre. She scoffs before standing up at your stop, “Weirdo.” You couldn’t believe yourself, you were ashamed and embarrassed as you walked off of the campus shuttle and met up with Dre who waited for you. You needed to chill out! You were losing some yourself over some guy who probably doesn’t remember your name, football players tend to do that. You followed Dre into her building and climbed the stairs to her door and waited as she fumbled with the keys. When she pushes the door open, she flicks the lights and throws her stuff on the empty bed next to the door. Dre requested a private dorm because she hates people and doesn’t trust them with her things, and you couldn’t blame here. just the other day you saw your roommate wearing a hairpiece of yours.
Dre flops on her bed and you sit down in a chair still on your phone, but this time you were on snap chat and what do you know, BigBaku_27 has posted something new to his story:
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“Ugh! Dreeeee!” You drop your head and show her the phone and lets out a ‘shoo!’ 
“Girl, I will sit on Kabi’s face, like girl I SWEEEAR!” She bites her bottom lip and looks up to see just your furrowed brows and judgemental eyes staring back at her. “What bitch!? He is sexy as fuck! Way sexier than Erik Pretty Boooooy Stevens,” She says mocking the basketball announcer, “I swear he would look a lot better if he’d cut that shit off his head. It’s like The Weeknd all over again man,” She chuckles and crosses her arms. 
Just then a little promotion poster slid across her tile floor and the silhouettes of people walk past her window. You go to pick up the poster and notice that it’s a party being hosted by the football team tonight.
“You wanna go tonight,” Dre says with a devilish grin and it almost scares you. You chuckle and flip over the little card, examining it.
“Mmmm-I would but I have a take home test I want to finish,” You look up to Dre and she is unamused.
“.... You goin’” She decides for you and you hold up your hands to argue but she yells over you and the two of you are just shouting at one another at this point. 
“WE ARE GOING! Baku is going to be there and I want my girl to be on the arm of the sexiest man on the football team!” Dre laughs and you groan. How did she know M’Baku was going to be there in the first place? You began to fuss and whine about this idea but she wasn’t having it. For the rest of the day, Dre did your hair and was getting you set up for tonight's event! The closer it got to time to go, the more nervous and terrified you got. But Dre refused to listen to any of your pleas.
In fact, she put you in an outfit that showed off your curve and all the right things, that made you look stunning. You looked at yourself in the mirror and got butterflies, who was this in standing in front of you. Your fingertips examined the fabric of your outfit and you looked over to Dre who was finishing her own face. She looks to you and grins, “We look HOT,” she giggles and you can’t help but let out a squeal as the two of you did a final check of everything you needed.
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The music was loud, blasting even. You heard it from the Uber and you began to get nervous. M’Baku was in there somewhere, turning up and looking sexy as fuck doing it. When you step out of the car you sudden;y felt exposed and that you wanted to go home. “I want to go home!” You cry to Dre and she gives you the craziest look.
“Girl! I be damned if we are leaving this party remembering the night and without a man. Get yo ass in here!” She says grabbing you by the wrist and dragging you into the venue. You step in line and wait, it was surprisingly going faster than you wanted it to. You sigh and lean against Dre who was talking to someone she knew, just then you hear the thunderous laugh that sent chills down your spine. Your head spins around to see M’Baku, Erik, W’Kabi and a few other friends walking coming up. You damn near hide your face but Dre refused to let you.
“Hey W’Kabi!” Dre blurts out and you are in horror when he stops and the rest of the group stops with him. They walk over to the line and can’t help but want to drop dead! Your heart was racing and you began to sweat.
“What’s up Big Dre, how are you?” He smiles giving her a hug while the rest of them say hello and Erik Stevens eyes fall on you.
“Damn Kabi,” He smirks kissing his teeth, “you ain't tell me you had some fine ass friends,” he says shamelessly checking you out. You were flattered but that wasn’t the kind of attention you wanted, at least not from him anyway. M’Baku steps up and scolds Erik, “Put your uume back in your pants, how are you y/n, didn’t think I would ever see you here.”
Was he talking to you? He couldn’t be! You began to panic internally but you played it off like a fucking champ.
“Dre said I needed to ‘relax’ and ‘let go’ whatever that means,” You smile and he chuckles with you.
“How about y’all come in with us,” Erik grins and your eyes widen, “VIP pass,” the gold fangs in his mouth flashes and you roll your eyes internally but nod in thanks. The two of you blend in with the group of guys as if the two of you belonged there. Dre cozied up under W’Kabi’s arm and the two of them were laughing about something while you were in between Erik and M’Baku who were also talking over you.
How were you going to get his attention, confess your love? Ask him out? You had his number but you were too afraid to ever text him out of the blue. This was so stressful and you were so lost in though it took Erik saying your name a couple times to get your attention.
“H-huh, what?” You say looking up at the both of them.
“What do you think y/n,? Do you think we are going to beat Southern this season, I mean our stats are up higher then they have been!?” Erik seemed pretty irritated but it wasn’t towards you but at M’Baku.
“I’m not a sports person,” You smile and Erik lets out a loud, ‘MAAAAAIN! You are NO help baby girl!” and you can’t help but laugh with M’Baku.
When the group entered into the building, the music damn near hurt your ears but you were here and you were so close to a heart attack.
“You wanna party with us? We got a corner,” W’Kabi offers and you look it over with your friend before nodding in sync. 
“Bet! Let’s turn the fuck up then!” Erik shouts wrapping his arms around the both of your shoulders and guides you towards the corner VIP seats.
Let’s see how this night goes.
To be continued....
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sugarmiyu · 7 years
Why Do I Keep Doing This to Myself?
Idolm@ster Cinderella Girls / Jougasaki Mika/Ohtsuki Yui 
Summary:  Mika has a well earned day off from being the country's #1 Charisma Gal (tm). But after spending years running from one place to another, she finds there isn't much to do without the chaos of her job. Thankfully, her girlfriend knows how to make every day a little less boring.
Read on ao3 / give me a ko-fi?
Mika couldn’t remember the last time she had a day off.
Rolling onto her side, the weight of the blanket pressed against her body. Rika had left for the office hours ago. She had a gig with Decoration today and Mika had already set up the DVR the night before to record the program. The midday sun shone through the gap between the curtains that adorned her windows. Even without an alarm clock, Mika’s body had instinctively woken her up at 8 a.m. So she lied there, checking her phone and falling in and out of sleep until the clock had lazily spun forward to just past noon. She had shrugged her blanket off her body somewhere during the course of her morning in and traced the cold of the sheets with her toes.
Her stomach let out a low growl and Mika rolled over onto her stomach, propping herself up on her elbows. She picked up her phone, looking at the stream of messages and Snapchats from everyone back at the agency. Opening Snapchat, Mika’s eyes skipped the long line of names until she reached Yui - saved with the name of “My Girl” followed by a multitude of sparkling hearts and a slowly building Snapchat streak. The picture lit up on the screen, Yui taking a selfie in the brightness of the dance studio. Yui held up a peace sign and stuck out her tongue, a tied up cherry stem resting on top of it. It was captioned: “Guess I’m pretty good with my tongue huh babe~ ;)” and decorated with heart emojis.
Mika buried her face in her pillow. If she could cringe, roll her eyes, groan, sigh, pinch the bridge of her nose, and crawl into a hole all at once she would. Instead, she resigned herself to taking a picture of her headboard, feeling too naked without makeup on to send anything close to a selfie. She carefully arranged the face-palm emoji in lines of five before sending it out. Her head was dizzy and she sat up in bed. The picture that Yui had sent was with her back facing the wall-mirrors that lined one side of the studio. They had gone out to choose that tank-top she was wearing together, talking about how chic the practically backless design was. Now, midday with nothing to do, Mika couldn’t keep her mind off the dip of Yui’s back and the outline of her skin against the fabric of the sports bra.
Wow, she really needed to do something else.
Opening the curtains sounded like a good idea. Mika got up, stretching out her stiff arms and reaching over to let the light into her room. It was sunny and she opened the window just enough to let the breeze in. She scooped up the pile of clothes she’d left behind the night before after coming home at some ungodly hour and unceremoniously dumped them in the laundry hamper. Picking up a hoodie and tiny gym shorts, Mika figured a shower was all she needed for now. A bath could wait until later tonight but she could still feel the cling of last night’s perfume and the places where her foundation hadn’t come off completely.
On her way to the bathroom, Mika flipped through the rest of the Snapchats she had ignored earlier in favor of prioritizing her girlfriend. The LiPPS group chat was as unintelligible as ever - though it seemed Kanade, Syuko, and Frederica were currently in a competition to see who could get the most candid shots of Arisu during a Project Krone meeting. Mika sent them a shot of her hallway with a timestamp and was immediately met with messages about how lucky she was to get a day off. She grinned as it generated just the response she expected. Shrugging off her shirt, Mika was nearly ready to get into the shower when her phone buzzed with another snap from Yui.
The picture was of Yui’s hand (Mika noticed she was wearing the bracelets they had picked out together on a date last week) making a peace sign (again?) in front of a vending machine. The rest of Yui’s fingers were precariously holding onto the top of a Pocari Sweat and Mika could barely make out Chinatsu standing off to the side. This one wasn’t captioned but it wasn’t hard to imagine the scene. Yui had probably overdone it during lessons and Chinatsu, ever the responsible guardian over her best friend, had probably gone with her for a much needed hydration sesh.
Mika rolled the options around in her head. If she didn’t respond, she would ruin their streak and Yui would make a big fuss about it like she had the last time it happened. But, there wasn’t much to snap without it being awkward. She was already half-naked and while the giant mirror in her bathroom was usually her pride and joy, it made for an inconvenience when she wanted to take pics without exposing herself. Looking around, the only viable item seemed to be a pile of towels stacked on a shelf by the door into the bath. It was tucked away enough to be free from the voyeurism of the mirror but obviously signaled where she was. She took a quick picture, captioning it with “BRB gotta shower babe - don’t get any weird ideas ♥” before putting her phone on top of her clothes.
When the hot water finally hit her skin and the steam helped clear her mind, Mika spent about half an hour wondering why in the world she had sent that.
“Onee-chan! Can you see me?”
Rika’s grinning face took up nearly the entire screen as their Facetime started, “I can see you~ Maybe a little too well. You need to work on choosing the right angles, Rika.”
“Boo! I can totally hit the right angles,” Rika said, the image shifting to a more reasonable distance, “What’cha doin’? Right now, Kirari and Miria are taking pictures together!”
“Hm? Nothing much,” Mika glanced at the dishes she had left in the sink after lunch - she made a pretty damn good seafood pasta. She’d have to make it for Yui some time. “I ate a little bit ago and now I’m not sure what to do. Maybe I’ll play one of your video games.”
“Wha- no fair! You’re gonna clear all the levels before I get to!”
Rika looked adorable with her pouty face and scrunched up eyebrows. Mika wanted to be there in person so she could give her little sister a flick on the forehead. But because technology hadn’t progressed that far yet, she grinned and said, “Fine, fine. I guess I’ll read some magazines or something. We’ll play together some other time.”
“Yay!” Rika grinned, “You know, earlier today, Ranko was talking about…”
After about half an hour of chatting, Rika had to hang up to begin their recording. Mika was proud of her younger sister, but with her days usually so busy with work, they two of them didn’t get much time to spend together. She got up from the couch, walking towards the dishes that had been ignored for a few hours. Feeling the hot water hit her hands, Mika shuddered and looked up towards the clock on the kitchen counter. It was almost four - the day having passed without anything at all having been done. If she had been in the office today, she probably would have finished up one job and would be on transit to the next site. Or maybe, she would be packing up after a hard day’s work to hit her favorite karaoke places with Rina and Yui. Or she would have been trying to fix LiPPS’ newest mess.
Mika shook the water off her hands after placing the last dish on the rack. Checking the clock again, it had only moved forward fifteen minutes. She wiped whatever water was left on her hoodie and picked up her phone, only to be greeted by a screen full of notifications. They were all from Yui and Mika opened up the newest message. It had been sent a minute ago and asked, “Are you home, babe?”
Looking through the previous twenty or so messages - all of them variations of “Mika” and “my beautiful girlfriend” and “i want to see you” - she turned her attention back to the most recent. “Yeah, I’m home” she responded, following up with a sticker of a pink cat with a large question mark.
“Awesome!!!!” Sent with a sticker of a yellow puppy with its tail wagging. No more messages.
Mika could guess what Yui was up to. She made her way upstairs, looking through her closet for something better to wear. Even though she loved her girlfriend, her reputation as a charismatic gyaru was in jeopardy if she ever went out dressed like this. Just as Mika was putting the finishing touches on her makeup, she heard the doorbell ring. It was thirty minutes from when Yui had sent that last message - about the same amount of time it took to get to her house from the office. Adjusting her bangs in the mirror, Mika came downstairs and opened the door to Yui with a big grin on her face.
“Hey, babe!” Yui said, hands totally not suspiciously behind her back, “I thought I’d come surprise you since I finished my work early today. You can, like, totally take in how awesome of an idol your girlfriend is.”
“You’re an awesome idol, but you have some work to do on being awesome at surprises,” Mika smiled and poked Yui’s forehead, “I could tell what you were up to, you little scamp~”
“Aw man, you’re too sharp for me Mika,” Yui knitted her brows together, “And here I thought I was really gonna wow you today. But, if you’re so clever, I guess you won’t need this.” From behind her, Yui brought out a trendy looking cake box. Splashed onto the side was the logo for an extra-famous and extra-trendy cake restaurant from Shibuya that Mika had been dying to go visit for weeks. Mika stared at the box in dumb surprise while Yui opened it up with a smug look of triumph, “One orange mille feuille for you madame~”
“How did you-?”
“Well, me and Rina were picked to be the poster girls for this place’s ‘Take Over Shibuya with Fashion’ campaign so we went to the store today! The producer sweet talked the manager into letting us get away with some of the goods,” Yui’s grin turned sheepish, “I-I know you’ve been eyeing this place so… Yeah… C-Come on, babe, say something.”
Mika grabbed Yui’s wrist, pulling her through the doorway. Closing the door behind her, Mika pulled Yui in for a kiss. The cake box between them prevented it for lasting more than a few seconds but Mika hoped she got her feelings across. She could feel the blush creeping up along her neck - she wasn’t usually the one to initiate affection between them. But this was a happy exception. Yui stood for a second, mouth agape and eyes wide. She spun on her heel, placing the box on top of the cabinet near the door before tackling Mika against the door.
“Mi~ka! I’m happy you like it!” Yui grinned, touching their foreheads together.
“Of course I like it,” Mika said, wrapping her arms around Yui’s waist, “You’re the best girlfriend ever, Yui.”
She brought her girlfriend into another kiss, tasting the remnants of Yui’s lip gloss from earlier that day. Mika felt her blush creep towards her ears as Yui deepened the kiss. Their lips parted for each other and Mika’s head was starting to feel dangerously empty except for the smell of Yui’s perfume and the lingering image of her in that open-backed tank top…
Mika let out a small yell when she felt a hand slip under her shirt, fingers lazily tracing circles around the small of her back. Yui tilted her head to the side, kissing along Mika’s jaw and towards her ear. Another hand slipped under her shirt and Mika’s hips were pushed closer until they were flush with Yui’s. Mika struggled to find the energy to speak, out of breath from their kiss and barely able to manage above a whisper.
“Y-Yui, wait a second,” Mika said, biting her lip as Yui moved down towards her neck, “Y-Yui…!”
“Hn?” Yui looked up, tongue sticking out just past her lips and eyes wide, “O-Oh wait, I went too far again, huh?” Yui drew her hands back, taking a step away from Mika and staring towards the corner where the floor and door frame met, “S-Sorry…”
Mika readjusted her clothes - she loved Yui but her girlfriend was a bit of a hair-trigger. This was why they always had to be careful when they were out together. Who knew who was watching them and Mika wasn’t going to give the tabloids the pleasure of leaking her relationship out to the masses. Yui wrung her hands together and was making tiny circles with the tip of her shoe, like a child that had been caught with her hand in the cookie jar. Mika smiled, leaning over to kiss her on the forehead.
“It’s okay, Yui. Come on, let’s go eat this cake together since you brought it over,” Mika took the box and walked past Yui, neck still a flushed red, “A-And maybe later we could, um, y’know… Keep going.”
Yui turned her head around at break-neck speed and said, “Y-Yeah! Totally, dude! Babe!” She nearly stumbled over the step from the entrance of Mika’s house up into the hallway as she tried to kick off her shoes. As they walked into the living room, Yui let her hand hover out a few times towards Mika’s waist until the other girl took it and placed it there herself. The two settled down on the couch and took in the pleasing visuals of the cake box. Even the plastic forks they gave out were chic! They took plenty of pictures that they could post later and dug in. Yui got cream from her strawberry shortcake around her mouth and Mika happily wiped it away with a decorated napkin.
After they had eaten the cake, they had sat around and talked about their days until Yui had fallen asleep while Mika was posting the cakes on Instagram. Yui had curled up on one side of the couch, face buried in the crook of her arm. Mika thought she looked like a puppy and decided to make her little comparison a reality. She finally managed to make Snapchat recognize Yui’s face long enough for her to get a picture of her sleeping girlfriend with the dog filter. Sitting back down on the couch, Mika mulled over what she could caption a picture like this. Writing anything out seemed too sappy and just the thought of it made her cheeks warm. Eventually she decided to just put a sticker of an orange heart in the corner.
“Perfect,” Mika whispered, saving the image onto her phone. But, ultimately Mika was a creature of habit. She had intended to send the picture to Yui - it would have been cute to see her reaction afterwards at the candid after all. However, almost instinctively, Mika’s fingers had tapped several other contacts. Notably: the LiPPS group chat, Rika, the group chat she shared with Yui and Rina, Miho, and her story. When she realized what she had done, she had already pressed send.
A minute after she had sent it/posted it/done that incredibly stupid thing, Mika was hit with a flood of messages from LiPPS. Then came the messages from the others. In response, Rina sent a picture she had taken a while back of a sleeping Takumi with cat ears drawn on it. Miho was surprised that the two of them were so close that Yui came to hang out with them on their day off. The poor, oblivious girl. Rika immediately jumped to complaining about how it wasn’t fair that Yui got to hang out with her sister instead of her. And there were only more people sending her messages because of the post on her story.
For the second time that day, Mika wondered why in the world she had sent something like that.
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raviposting · 7 years
hey! just wanted to say that I love your headcanons. I was wondering if you had any on a starkings group chat? what would their nicknames be, who would just lurk and take screenshots, who would send ironic memes etc.
I can’t believe it took me until this ask to think about a stark groupchat ily thank you for sending this: 
They have a Facebook chat that Rickon made because all his siblings went to uni and he’s still in high school and misses talking to all of them okay (not that he admits it to them). It’s called Winter is Coming and whenever it’s actually winter Rickon will change it to Winter is Here and they all roll their eyes at him but secretly love it. 
Nicknames: Robb = KITN. Everyone makes fun of him because come on Robb you were homecoming king once but Robb does it with no shame. Sansa = Sansalicious. If anyone ever tells her to change her name (or changes it for her) Sansa will change it back and go “SANSALICIOUS DEFINITION MAKE EVERYONE GO LOCO” at least 5 times in the group chat. Arya = No One. She always makes jokes about it so if anyone in the chat is like “who told you that” Arya will pop up with “No One” and everyone groans when they read it. Bran = RaisinBran. His profile pic is of a cereal box. Rickon = Rick Roll. Guess what his favorite link to send is. 
Jon has his name as “Jon” which is boring so the siblings change it all the time. The names have been: Broody McBroodson, Crow Boy, You Know Nuthin’ (and after meeting Ygritte that was all they would say in the chat), Jonathan Snowflake, and currently, Jawn Sner. 
 Sansa takes screenshots of everything. If someone says something she’ll be like, “Oh, really? That’s not what you said on JULY 19TH, 2013″ and post a screenshot.
She does this to Arya so much that Arya starts screenshotting too and they’ll just share screenshots and passive aggressively fight and Robb is like “pls just scroll up you don’t need to screenshot what you wrote 5 minutes ago” 
RICKON SENDS SO MANY MEMES!!! He’s so intentionally embarrassing I love him my boy really changes his groupchat picture to one of him dabbing while holding a fidget spinner in front of the emoji movie poster he’s such a mess. 
It was originally just him dabbing but Arya said “why are you like this” and Rickon was like “you’re right. I need to make this more embarrassing.”
Bran taught Robb how to send gifs and ever since then Robb will send like 5 gifs in a row instead of typing out something and he’s so charmed by it every time even though everyone else groans at it. 
Theon will sometimes grab Robb’s phone and write shit on there just to mess with the kids but they always know it’s him.
Bran is always, always online but he never speaks someone will @ him in the convo to talk and he’ll just be like “nah” and continue lurking.  
Jon mutes the conversation. He loves his siblings and he’ll chat every week but he also wakes up to like 80 messages per day and at least 30 of them is Rickon & Sansa @tting him and Bran lmao 
Sometimes two or three Starks will be home at a time and instead of fucking. Walking to each other’s rooms and asking something they’ll write on the group chat. 
Sansa: Jon can you pick up milk from the shop?
Jon: Sansa I’m 2 doors away from you why wouldn’t you just walk over?
Sansa: YOU’RE using the chat right now aren’t you?
Jon sighs and walks to her room, knocks, and goes: “Give me the bloody money for milk.” 
Another door down, Arya messages the group chat: Can you also get me some chocolates?
Because I needed to subject you all to the joke @fishtrapstinkin sent me: Theon usually will send jokes on the group chat personalized for the Stark kids. His most recent one: 
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thekuroiookami · 7 years
Hey just saw your asks are open and I'm so happy excited they are!!! I have so much I'd like to request, but for now can I just get either headcannons or small drabbles of Akashi and his s/o using snapchat??? Like does he use snapchat often, keeps streaks with his s/o, post on his story?? I would have asked if you could do all of the GoM but I wasn't sure what your character limit was! Anyways, so happy you're taking asks and I'll be back in the future for many more ^^
Hello yzzy! Thanks for the ask. I have to say I’ve never used Snapchat, so if I didn’t get the spirit of it right, forgive me. And I’ve included the GoM cos why not.
·        At first he had no interest in the app, becausehe was busy, and didn’t really have a use for it. The only reason he knew itexisted was because you once got excited over a snap someone sent and fell intohis lap laughing.
·        That changed when he went on a trip and had tostay apart from you for a few days. You installed the app on his phone insecret, and then one day he woke up to a video of you telling him to wake up. Helikes the little glimpses into your day, and it doesn’t hurt that he canmessage you as well.
·        Since he’s rather obliging, it doesn’t take muchwork on your part to get him to send snaps back. When he does though, it’s likegetting ordinary photos – there’s rarely any text or stickers. Though you’renot complaining, because he looked delicious in that suit.
·        He once sent you a video when you were down. Itwas like he was psychic. He just smiled gently and said “You’re perfect to me.That’s all that counts.” You cursed Snapchat for not letting you keep theseprecious moments forever.
·        That said, he still doesn’t use it often, thoughhe does find it entertaining to watch the GoM’s antics on the group messages. Overall,he likes being an observer more than a participant. He doesn’t bother to updatea story or keep up streaks unless he’s apart from you. In that case, he’ll senda steady stream of dryly humorous yet comforting texts, with occasional snapsof things that catch his eye.
·        Would not know about any app ever if it weren’tfor you and Momoi. Like, phones are just for calling people, right?
·        That said, he quickly catches onto the more risquébenefits of Snapchat when you coerce him into using it. You regretted it almostimmediately. He sauntered off, and when he came back you were blushing like aposy because his shirtless selfie was just so sinful. Aomine was only going toscare you off his back, but he finds this more entertaining. Now you have tolive with him pestering you for similar snaps of you.
·        On a softer note, he likes it when you postphotos of your dates together on your story. He’s pretty possessive, and thisis a good way to declare you off limits. He makes sure to keep an arm aroundyou somehow from now on. It also makes him happy to see you happy with him.
·        Streaks are pretty difficult to achieve withAomine because he tends to ignore all messages when he’s playing basketball.Even worse, he has a habit of replying to all your texts at the most inconvenienttimes. You know from his wicked grin that he does it on purpose.  
·        Will shamelessly screenshot anything of yours helikes. When you ask him about it, he just shrugs and says that he wants to keepyou close. It’s a bit hard to stay offended after that.
·        If there is a photographic form of social mediaout there, Kise will have found it and tried it. It’s not surprising Snapchatis one of those. Kise especially likes the new lenses that let you add sillyexpressions to your face. Kasamatsu is less than pleased.
·        Needless to say, after you started dating, yourinbox is flooded with snaps of Kise in every pose imaginable. They alternatelymake you laugh, shake your head, and cry. You ‘accidentally’ took a screenshotof one of his more attractive pics once. Of course, he got a notification.After that, Kise’s narcissism became near impossible to put up with, and thevolume of selfies increased dramatically.
·        Unusually, he also likes to post snaps of scrumptiouslooking food. You hate him a little bit when you realize he can eat dessertsroutinely and still look the way he does.
·        He’ll never say this, but your Snapchat storywas one of the things that made him fall for you. Your optimism and smile inthe videos kept him going through some bleak days, and now he gets to see youfor real, every day.
Kiseand you have a friendly competition going on where you try to keep snappingeach other without missing a single day. Given Kise’s penchant for sending andreceiving chats, especially when you’re involved, this isn’t very difficult.You realize how long you’ve been together when you see the 100 Day emoji, andsmile to yourself. 
·        Quite enjoys using Snapchat, because he isn’tinvisible, but the evidence never stays up for long either. However, he isn’tabove pranking his friends with the occasional snap where he deliberatelymisdirects them and then sends them reproachful messages about how they didn’tnotice him.
·        A lot of his snaps are, unsurprisingly, ofNigou. Sometimes he reminds you of an overly fond parent recording their childfor posterity, only with self-destructing photos. You often wish he’d post morepictures of himself in his story so you can secretly hoard them.
·        You were the first person to unerringly spotwhere Kuroko was in any video or photo, even if he wasn’t actually in theframe. After teasing him for several days, you finally satisfied his curiosityand explained that you looked for his shadow in the pictures. He might havefallen a little deeper in love with you at that moment.
·        Doesn’t actually voice it out loud, but lovesgetting personal messages from you. It makes him feel cherished, and he likesto bask in the glow of your attention. He’s not very good at reciprocation, butyou understand that he’s not naturally demonstrative. He compensates by beingaffectionate when you meet up IRL.
·        Is actually the one with a strange knack for postingwitty stories. His penchant for deadpan commentary means that everyone visiblybraces themselves when he posts something. You were just glad Vine got taken down, or the world would never recoverfrom the shade he was capable of throwing.  
·        Takao was the one that made his account for him.He tried to take it down (because Shin_chan is an embarrassing username,nanodayo) but had no idea how. Takao was (and still is) the one that posts onhis story, mostly a picture of that day’s lucky item accompanied by hystericallaughter. Everyone started using Midorima’s story as a concise Oha-Asa.
·        When he starts dating you, he takes a littlemore interest in the app because you use it, though not that much. He doesn’t carefor social media in general. But he doesn’t mind sending the occasional snap ofhimself when you ask. These generally make you laugh because he looks so grim.
·        Also uses Snapchat to send you a forecast forthe day, and a suggestion for your lucky item. It makes his day if you textback, and he will be downright euphoric if you send a picture of you with saidlucky item.
·        There was one time Takao sneakily took a snap ofhim emerging from the shower after practice. You almost didn’t recognize himwithout glasses on. Midorima was just confused when you wouldn’t meet his eyesfor the rest of the day. He almost took you to the nurse because you were sored.
         Hisdark secret: someone once recorded a snap of you cheering from the standsduring a game. He may have saved that one because it was so cute, and it mayhave become a sort of good luck charm for him to depend on when he’s notfeeling as confident. But he’ll deny its existence if you ask him about it.“W-why would I have something like that, nanodayo?!”
·        The last person in the group to use, or evencare about Snapchat. It’s so much effort, and less worthwhile than eatingsnacks. Still, it would be even more effort to put up resistance when youinstall it on his phone, so he just grumbles and lets you do it.
·        As a consequence of this indifference, he postsnothing at all. The one time he did post something, it was unintentional. Hepushed a button with his nose when he fell asleep on the couch. You and Himurolaughed for ten minutes straight when you got a blurry mass of purple hair andsmushed cheeks in your inbox.
·        You discover that Snapchat is an effective toolfor motivating Murasakibara. Send a disappearing picture of a dessert – or evenjust chocolate – and he’s suddenly up for anything. You once posted a video ofyou slowly eating ice-cream in a café, threatening to finish it without him. Hemade a 30 minute commute in half that time.
·        He’s not above messing with other people’ssnaps, especially selfies. He takes a sadistic delight in applying terrifyingfilters to Midorima’s face, much to the annoyance of the latter. You are theonly one exempt from this treatment; you’re too adorable to mar with somethinglike that. Also, you’re quite scary when you’re mad.
·        Murasakibara would much rather just cuddle youin person than use some app, but he appreciates your efforts to make him smile.He does smile, but more at your enthusiasm than the snaps. He’s never lonelythanks to you.
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arthyen · 8 years
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So this is how I met Aaron Tveit:
Long story short, I'm French, born in Paris. I've been a fan of Aaron for years but never thought I'd be able to meet him as he rarely comes to Europe. But I had a trip planned to go to New York City for holidays on February and a few months ago I saw that Aaron was giving a concert just that week in Long Island (thanks to @wallshipjournal for that!). They were also the ones to explain what was exactly a Meet&Greet (with @leepacey too) and convinced me to buy that pretty expensive ticket (thanks again guys, great advice). This is how it all started.
So the weeks passed as I got more and more excited and I finally went on holidays. My bf nicely agreed to come with me to the concert and we took the LIRR from Manhattan to Huntington, trying not to get lost (that was actually pretty easy) and appreciating the trip to what seemed to us like “the real NY” (I don’t know but it was different anyway). We arrived at around 5pm in that city that seemed pretty cold and empty at first. Although we couldn't understand a word of what the taxi driver said (strong accent), he dropped us in front of the Paramount. Things were getting real.
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We entered the Paramount and my bf who didn't have a M&G ticket had to leave, leaving me alone with a group of around fifty chatty excited women (and two guys). I received a signed poster and a signed VIP badge. In the background I first thought that I was listening to the record of 54 Below until I got that... wait... it was actually the REAL Aaron singing!! And what a voice! He sounded even more beautiful that on the records! We stood in line for a while, waiting for everyone to be there, listening to Aaron's rehearsal, all getting excited to hear what he had planned to sing and giggling every time he held the note. I got quite nervous so I started to chat with people, asking them if they had already met him and how it went (good, obviously).
Finally he finished and some girl from the staff moved the curtain and there he was, on the stage. A rumble passed through the crowd and a shiver down our spines. I think it’s when everyone really realised that it was happening. As for me, I was feeling totally out of my confort zone, I didn't know anyone there, I didn’t know the shows on the tv screens, nor the things people were chatting about (what’s summer classes?), the whole concept seemed really weird and I was feeling a bit ridiculous. But at the same time very lucky to be here. After so many videos on YouTube, downloads of Graceland or Braindead, he was really there! Honestly I had thought about that day for weeks.
We approached and the organizer told us that we would all be taking a picture with Aaron, give him a gift if we had one, say hi, and then he would answer to a general Q&A (the questions were sent by us by email a few days before). Some people felt a bit frustrated because apparently in some other M&G there was some one on one time with Aaron to make him sign stuff and chat a little. Honestly I was hoping to talk to him about some things and a bit disappointed that there was so little individual time. Apparently it’s because we were quite numerous this time. But he was there, he came toward us and said hi to the crowd. He seemed a little tensed, probably because there was so many of us, but he was very smiley.
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We settled for the pictures, it was going pretty fast and my turn came. I was completely red and shaky as he friendly smiled at me (yes, that dreamy smile). He asked for my name, which is very french (Segolene, like say-go-lane) so he  didn’t really get it, I gave him my gift (won't tell you what it is (ok a book, but not which one)) and mumbled that I was so happy and coming from Paris. He seemed really surprised and asked if I had made the trip just for the concert, so I said that I was on holidays and he laughed and said he was relieved (yeah I'm not that crazy. Not yet.) He thanked me for coming and gave me a hug (omg arms, chest, perfume, sweater, hair, omg) and we had the pic taken (look at my red face, it says it all...). Then I told him a few things about the book and had to leave. I was completely shaky but really happy, he was so nice and friendly, seemed really happy to meet everyone and grateful for all. Some people had brought posters so he still took the time to sign them. It was great.
Then he got on the stage for the Q&A. There was some music in the background so we couldn't hear him talking at first. We had to wait for the staff to shut the music off and turn on the microphone. In the meantime he was standing there, everyone staring at him and someone asked how weird he was feeling right now. He laughed nervously, saying that it was totally weird (you don't say). First the staff shut the music off and the organizer started asking him a question, but everyone couldn't hear him so he said he wouldn't answer until the microphone would be turned up (pretty nice of him). 
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Finally it got on and he stared answering. I started recording for my friends who sadly stayed in Europe (@weird-dorky-little, that's for you). You can look at the videos of the Q&A on my blog, I didn’t record everything but most of it. My question sadly wasn't asked (I wondered what was his Hogwarts House) (yes nerdy I know) (I'd say Ravenclaw for my friend says Hufflepuff). But there were some great questions. I really liked the Disney prince one. I said Dimitri, I know Anastasia is not Disney but we thought he'd be a great Dimitri for a while so I had to. Also the Fiyero pants question was great. We had some pretty good laughs. It was all relaxed and very nice. I think that it went well, as you can see on the videos he was really sweet and smiley, he seemed happy to be there. I know at least we were. I think it lasted around 15 minutes. Then he thanked us again for coming and said he hoped we would enjoy the show (you bet) and left. It was around 7pm at that time so I left to find my bf and eat something. That’s when we realised that Huntington was actually a pretty nice town. 
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We came back by 8pm for the beginning of the concert. The place was pretty small, with a nice view from everywhere. We were all pretty close to him, able to see his funny faces. He started to sing and it was totally amazing. As I said before his voice is completely beautiful in real life, so pure and clear. There were some songs that I didn't know, but some that made me shiver. By the middle of the show he changed his Hawaiian shirt for a top tank and suddenly ARMS. Wow. So much arms. The whole show was great. I cried when he mentioned the salami sex. I totally lost it with Shake it off and Never getting back together. I was shivering at One Song Glory. And I seriously blushed at Nice and Slow (hopefully it was dark). To me it felt a lot more intense than just watching the videos, I was really clapping and yelling, my heart bounced at every song when guessing what title it was. It was a lot of emotions to be there live. My bf recorded most of the concert, ask me by message if you want it but there are already a lot of photos and videos about it.
Honestly it was an amazing experience and I am so glad that I had the chance to meet him and see him perform live. I'd totally recommend it if anyone has the possibility, although I still think that the Meet&Greet tickets are quite expensive. But hey, treat yourself, right? It was totally my best night in NYC (even if we fell asleep on the train back to Manhattan and got rudely awoken by the train manager ringing a bell at 1am on an empty train on an empty platform in an empty station). I brought so many precious memories and Aaron was exactly as I imagined him, nice and sweet. It was really great. So yes, that’s how I met Aaron Tveit. 
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