#they say i can always come to them but act like im insulting them every time i don't magically get better or even just ask for help
skrunksthatwunk · 3 days
they didn't need to make crying so physically gross. not to be bitter or anything but no one should have to experience emotion snot first
#guess who got yelled at today lol#for something that was my fault but Did Not warrant screaming at me and also didn't so much strike a nerve#as clamp a hot curling iron on it and hold it there#like yes i forgot to do something again and it led to inconvenience/suffering for someone in my care. again.#it's a theme of mine. while we're here do you wanna talk about how much i love letting y'all drive me around everywhere and pay for#everything and how cool it is to know i have no future in the things you encouraged me in and instead could only possibly survive by#continuing to leech off of the people who care about me? how they either give me shit for accepting the help they insulted me for not takin#or continue to help like it's nothing and how the latter feels worse?#about how i can't do anything for myself or for others and how that bonelessness leads me to get just close enough to others for them#to think they can rely on me only for me to collapse bc of yk. the termites and rot and stuff.#about how i feel like i was born this sickly runt who should've died within a few days but i was swept up and coddled#but if the coddlers didn't acknowledge the sickness to begin with and started throwing stuff at me if i showed symptoms#i don't like being unreliable. it's something i've been thinking about a lot lately but i think that's the part that made this the worst#im letting my friends down. and they're gonna be so damn nice about it but im hurting them and i can't stop#and i don't even know if there's a sickness to begin with. it's not like my parents see it and they're kinda important in the whole#keeping me alive while i figure out the sickness thing. which could be forever. i don't think they're gonna wait forever y'know?#not MY parents. ughh. my whole reason for getting off my ass and trying to help myself was bc it'd make my friends sad if they knew how#bad i was hurting. but now it's summer and i don't see them even when it would mean a lot to them to see them and that drive's just. weaker#i got help and it drained me and then it didn't even work out. but now my parents are acting like it should all be magically fixed#well. it's more like they never acknowledged the problem in the first place. god they didn't even ASK me what was happening#pov your kid comes up to you and is like hey i think im depressed and i haven't said anything for like 6-10 years but i wanna see a doctor#and you go cool no further questions + i am no longer going to think about it. idek if i WANTED to talk about it but nothing? really.#im not gonna kms and ive committed to that but if they give me a sink or swim ultimatum then i won't fucking have to#and they will. or they'll try and then bow out and act like nothing happened and still won't believe me anyway#im not saying i want them to give up on me but telling me i should just do better and im making excuses Is Not Ever Going To Fix Things#they say i can always come to them but act like im insulting them every time i don't magically get better or even just ask for help#in ways they don't wanna give. point is im sick of their shit tonight. mostly my dad bc at least my mom picked up on the wounded animal#vibe. ughh anyway it also occurred to me that i have not in fact given up on my father but instead am trying really really hard#which is annoying and unnerving tbh. i thought we went over this i thought we were good? sighh#nyarla dni
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killakalx · 2 months
mind blown by the jealousy fic! i just love ur characterization of dick.
also now you've got me thinking abt him and sloppy seconds. like imagine you've gone to someone else and let them fuck you, but they just couldn't get you off, and you're just so frustrated. then you show up at his door in wrinkled clothes, still dripping wet, hair messed up and lips bitten red and his brain just whites out. maybe he's still not jealous, not exactly, but he is so pleased with himself. cause now it's not just "she knows where home is" but "she knows nobody else will ever do it better, no matter how hard they try." then he's teasing about how wet you are, how bad you wanna come, how easy you are for him, and he gets you off with just his fingers first just to prove he can. he has you damn near begging before he even fucks you for real, and even then he does it torturously slow, taking his time and making you whine for it while he touches you all over. before he lets you come he asks "who did it better, me or him?"
ur posts put some sort of devil in me istg <3 🫐
“i just love ur characterization of dick” ☹️❤️ im kissing u rn berry. this got longer than it was supposed to but that’s ok bc i’m in love with our best friend dick grayson
i think right here is where dick starts feeling bad. not in a sappy way, but not in a condescending way either. he opens the door and he just ogles at how sorry you look, contemplating how he’d go about it, but he just gives you that charming smile and waits for your green light.
say you’re more embarrassed than anything else. tried to go home and get yourself off, making yourself look worse in all the most miserable ways. all you give him is that look. the lowkey “if you tell anyone about this i’ll kill you” look. in that case he’s teasing you the entire time, shit talking whoever it was that left you dry while carelessly dipping his fingers into your mouth and getting you soaked with just his hand. that’s when he’s more than willing to keep you embarrassed and begging for him.
“stop being a dick,” you’d scold him with the same joke he’s heard a million times, trying to hold his wrist in place and keep him inside of you. then he just stops moving his fingers and the way you ache around them has his ego practically leaking out of his cock.
“did you fake it or what?” he talks over you when you start insulting him out of impatience. he likes continuing conversation as if it’s one of those old talks you two would have. yk…. without him being knuckles deep inside you.
just in case you didn’t hear him right, you’re giving him that confused look and still rolling your hips for some sort of relief “hn… what?”
“you had to act like you came,” dick explains despite being sure you knew what he meant, “or did he just assume you did after he gave you a sorry excuse of a fuck?”
“mind your business.”
“i’ve got you leaking around my fingers like a desperate slut and this isn’t my business?” he laughs at the gall you have but he is very serious bae. just before the banter continues he reaches deeper inside you, curling up and making you lose your words. “you’d tell me if you wanna cum so bad, babe.” now he’s got you spilling all the deets and his pace speeds up after every sentence, telling you to take your time and spit it out, huh?
however!! imagine you show up so frustrated there are tears in your eyes. you’re sick of everything. stress and stress and more stressed, piled on top of sexual frustration??? dick’s making you cum until the light in your brain goes out. he’s there for you, always. whether it’s pulling you in for a long hug or sitting you in his lap with your clothes stripped. most of the time it’s both.
“i know, i know,” he’s consoling you while kissing sucking at your pretty tits, thumb massaging your clit as your head rests on his shoulder. “let me fix this, mkay? stop cryin’.” on nights like these??? the way he fucks you makes you forget he’s not your husband of five years and counting. and after a while neither of you are too sure how to feel about that.
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aezuria · 3 months
*ੈ✎ xoxo, gossip girl!
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content: leo valdez x reader, percy jackson x reader, jason grace x reader
╰┈▸ back cover: how would gossip sessions with them go?
warnings: cursing, rude humor??
librarian's annotations: doing this instead of requests um
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god hes probably talking shit more than u
"oh her? yeah she was such a bitch like no way she looked at you like that when i said i was so obviously taken!"
"and her hair? has she ever heard of a brush? like, if you're gonna come at my girlfriend, at least make yourself look better so you don't embarrass yourself. oh wait, you can't!"
probably laying on you as he does this, and starts squeezing you tightly
"because my girlfriend is the prettiest girl in the world!"
awww that's cute right?
WRONG this man is so quick with his comebacks its actually insane
does NOT think before he speaks
doesnt hold back, even against you (booo why did ur gf privileges not apply to that)
"leo! can you like, move your fat ass off me?" you groan under him as he lays down with his dead weight on top of you.
"like the fat ass you don't have?"
were you silent or SILENCED
everytime you think he wouldnt take it that far?? oh he will go THERE (but he always makes sure u know hes joking)
doesnt want to invoke your wrath so he apologizes IMMEDIATELY
"fix your hair-"
"fix your face- IM SORRY I DIDNT MEAN TO-"
guys. we cant forget abt the OG SASSY MAN
also talking shit a whole lot more than he should
"uh, she needs to get her act together before she can start coming at others; like-" rolls his eyes for EMPHASIS "who does she think she is, talking to you like that?"
damn, who taught this man sass?
bro was BORN with it or smth
even outsasses you sometimes
if you tell him to get like a snack or something and hes in the mood to just lay down with you, he will huff SO loudly
"ugh, fine!"
gets you extra snacks anyway in case you want more (and drinks obviously)
SO SO INVESTED like he has the WHOLE story down
but sometimes mixes up the ppl if its been a while
"wait wait, so the library girl and the jock are dating?"
"the nerd and the library girl are dating, but the jock wanted library girl."
"that makes a lot of sense, actually."
has tea of his OWN because the sea knows everything apparently
"tobias told me-" percy started.
"who the fuck is tobias?"
"the turtle, duh. anyway, he said that this guy always takes girls to the beach on their first date, to make them fall in love with him or something. like, every single girl he's dated."
"...does that count as a manipulation tactic?"
will be on your side no matter what
like if you end it with an "it is what it is"
um??? it is NOT what it is hello?
doesnt look like hes listening but hes paying attention to EVERYTHING
like hes "reading" a book but hes been on the same page for the entire time youve been talking
tries not to laugh at your rather creative insults, but sometimes you get a soft chuckle out of him
you take that as a win
once, you caught him listening through the door as you gossiped with piper over the phone
he was SO embarrassed omg
after that, you made sure to tell him all the tea as soon as you have it
"—and he cheated on her with her SISTER. who's like, three years younger than him! like, what the fuck? that's not even all he did!" you sit up, hands playing with the blanket. you think you see him lean a bit closer, as if wanting to hear more. "she fucked his brother in his room, like, her ex boyfriend's room for revenge! okay, that was a bitch move, but was it deserved?"
jason shrugged. "i'd say no one deserves to be cheated on, but he kinda did deserve it."
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paradiseprincesss · 26 days
need a jonathan story where reader is bruce wayne's sister with similar morals about fixing gotham so she's a psychiatrist at arkham. her and jonathan butt heads a lot as she doesn't like how inhuman he is to his patients (he has a secret obsession with her). however she starts getting in the way of his plans and que the "this is where we make the medicine" scene. batman comes to save her and even though jonathan is high on fear he hears batman call reader his sister, so he plans to kidnap and/or blackmail the reader. Can be pure dark or dark with a change of heart?
love your work, but you already know that xoxo
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all your fears are interwoven | jonathan crane
this is dark which i dont usually write so please...bare with me okay? IM SORRY IF THIS ISN'T GREAT LMFAO !! trying to write dark for u pookie <333
summary: you're a psychiatrist in the first year of your residency at arkham, working alongside doctor jonathan crane himself. however, you two are constantly butting heads due to your different beliefs in the treatment of your patients, amongst other things. one day, jonathan finds out that your the little sister of the batman himself - and he decides to act out on every sinister thought he's ever had about you.
word count: 3k
warnings: [NON-CON], 18+ mdni, smut, dark as hell, p in v, forced breeding, kidnapping, stalking, obsession, literally just all around terrible, terrible things
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"it's inhumane," you argued, "no wonder your patients are terrified of you."
"because i don't feed into their delusions and paranoia?" jonathan scoffed, "i keep them medicated because they're mentally ill. if you haven't noticed, were in an asylum for the criminally insane."
"see, that the problem when it comes to you! you're not treating them like people, but rather prisoners." you sneer, rolling your eyes at his distasteful way of speaking about his patients.
for a moment, he's silent. he doesn't say a word, but you can tell you've hit a nerve with the way he physically reacts. his jaw is clenched, his eyes narrow at you, and he takes a short but sharp breath through his nose to try and appear composed.
"i have something i'd like you to see," he says calmly, "i think it'll help you understand my 'unorthodox' methods, as you like to call it."
you were a new grad from gotham university, specifically from their medical department. you'd graduated top of your class in medical school, and you'd matched in psychiatry for your residency. hence why you were working alongside doctor jonathan crane - the renown psychiatrist of gotham city himself.
when you first met him, he was cold towards you - and nothing changed. even a year into your residency, he was still cruel towards you. actually, that's a lie because he seemed to hate you even more than he did before. you two butted heads constantly over anything and everything under the sun. you thought he was heartless, but he thought you were too cynical. you believed his methods were 'unorthodox' as you liked to say, but he thought your methods were mind-numbingly boring. you two clashed in every possible way.
nobody liked working with him. you knew that already, though. it didn't take long for you to figure out why after you first started, as for starters, none of his employees hid their distaste towards him, and he didn't hide how much he disliked them back. he often called the other nurses, doctors, or medical professionals working there an array of insulting things, including but not limited to: imbecile, idiot, braindead, and painfully stupid. that was actually a few of the nicer things he called people - we don't talk about what he's called you.
you contemplated switching over to a different speciality because of jonathan crane many times, as working with him was exhausting. you still had three years of your residency and training left! how were you supposed to stand three more years with him? your brother, bruce wayne, always listened to you vent about jonathan - he didn't like him either. he always said that man was up to something, and he didn't know what but that it was bad news.
"are you incapable of forming a proper response, doctor wayne?" jonathan sneered, bringing you out of your thoughts, "you really are dense. the fucking lights are on but clearly no one's home."
"what are you, twelve?" you bark back, "i don't fucking-"
"i'm working on a new psychopharmacological drug," he cuts you off with a smirk, "i know, you're too stupid to understand anything about medication-"
"i went to the same medical school you did, jonathan." you retaliate, but he pays no mind to your words.
"like i said, i know you're too dumb to understand such complex specialities such as internal medicine and psychopharmacology, but i think it's something you'd benefit from learning about." he explained flatly.
as much as you wanted to punch him in his face, he had a point. you weren't dumb by any accounts, you were probably just as smart, if not smarter than him. however, as a training physician in her residency, it wouldn't be such a bad idea to get some hands on training in prescribing and dosages for mentally ill patients. it would help you in your career, to be fair.
"...fine," you huff, "tell me about it."
"this way, please." he says, ushering you to follow him into the elevator.
with annoyance, you follow him silently, not wanting to talk to him or give him any form of a verbal response at all. jonathan looked at you with a hunger in his eyes; unbeknownst to you, the brilliant but sociopathic psychiatrist had a deep, twisted, and disturbing obsession with you. he had your pictures plastered on the walls of his house. he knew where you lived as he'd broken in a few times unnoticed, and he knew pretty much everything about you - down to the smallest details.
for someone as brilliant as him, he had yet to figure out you were bruce wayne's sister, though. he knew your last name was wayne, but he didn't really put two and two together because he didn't expect you to be the sister of bruce wayne himself.
once you two reached the basement of the asylum, he led you through a series of dark, eerie hallways and you made note to shoot your brother a text about how crane was being extra strange and creepy at work today. in an attempt to slip away from jonathan, you clear your throat and try to come up with a feasible excuse.
"um, doctor crane," you say to him, your tone starting to become shaky, "i-i'm not feeling too well, i think i'm going to go back to my office to grab some advil."
the trembling of your voice doesn't go unnoticed by jonathan, and he knew that you knew where this was going. he grabs your arm harshly, and drags you through a door in which you're met with a distressing sight - multiple inmates of arkham mixing up chemicals in a makeshift lab, and pouring the liquids into what appeared to be a sewerage of some sort that seemed to leak into gotham city's plumbing and piping.
as your eyes were fixated on the scene in front of you, you failed to notice jonathan putting on his scarecrow mask and when you did - it was too late. a white, potent gas was sprayed in your face, and you immediately started to gag and cough on it as it felt like you were suffocating from the inside out. your lungs started to burn and your head was clouded, along with your vision.
"awe, having trouble?" he cooed as he grabbed you by the neck, choking you harshly.
before you could even formulate a response, a loud bang echoed in the lab. jonathan released his grip on your neck instantly, and though all your senses were disturbed, you could still articulate a few of his words through your current state. he said something about "the batman," and you knew that bruce was here to rescue you. internally, you thanked every higher power you could think of for having your brother come to your rescue.
not long after you heard jonathan say that, you looked up from the ground to see bruce with his hands gripped on jonathans face, his pale blue eyes widened and crazed. it appeared that bruce - the batman - had sprayed crane with whatever he had sprayed you with, and he was definitely seeing some shit while on his own drugs.
bruce's words were unintelligible at this point as you were just as drugged up as jonathan was, but you managed to hear jonathans voice meekly say something along the lines of "she's your sister?" bruce threw jonathan onto the ground, and the sound of police sirens could be heard in the background before your words were starting to become heavily slurred, and finally, your vision went black.
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as your eyes fluttered open, you noticed that you were back inside of your own apartment. as your vision adjusted to the light, you noticed bruce calling your name softly as you sat up on your bed groggily.
"you're awake," he said quietly, coming over to sit on the edge of your bed, "how are you feeling?"
"what happened?" you ask as your head started to spin.
"long story," he sighed, "but i've been looking into crane for a while - all his experiments on his patients and such. it's inhumane, like you said, but it turns out he's been slowly trying to poison gotham city as a whole."
"what?" you say with surprise, "wait, i...what?"
"gordon had him arrested," he explained, "he had him locked up in arkham, but there was a mass escape. he's on the loose again."
everything that bruce was telling you was making you sick - what did he mean jonathan was just prowling around the city again?! with a deep breath, you look down and shake your head, tears welling in your eyes.
"i don't understand..." you whisper, and bruce reaches a hand out to your shoulder.
"i think you should stay at wayne manor for a while," he says softly, "it's safer for you there, i don't want you to be alone in your apartment."
"yeah, i think so too." you agreed.
"great," he says, "i'll grab us some food, and then we can start packing and head over to mine. sound good?"
"okay, can we get takeout from that chinese place i like?" you ask with a soft smile, and your brother nods.
"yeah, i'll go pick it up right now. do you think you'll be okay for about half an hour alone? maybe we should just head to mine first..." he says, looking at you with concern.
"bruce," you say softly, "i'll be okay. the sun is still out, it's like, mid-day still. don't worry."
it takes some convincing, but bruce eventually agrees and leaves to go pick up the takeout a few blocks down from your place. after a few minutes, you hear your door being unlocked. you get up from your bed inquisitively, unsure as to why bruce was back so soon. knowing him, he probably forgot his wallet or something. however, once you entered your living room, you were met with a sight that made your heart drop.
jonathan crane himself, standing there in your living room, with his scarecrow mask on. his unsettling but strikingly blue eyes met with yours as he looked at you through the small cutouts of his mask, and he smirked to himself.
"are you feeling alright?" he asked with a sickeningly sweet tone, "i'm sure my fear toxin had you feeling quite...disoriented."
you stagger backwards, gripping onto your bedroom doorframe as fear consumed you once more. you swallowed hard, and continued to backup as he stepped forward menacingly.
"m-my brother is going to be home soon." you whimper.
"oh, batman?" he chuckles lowly, his voice seemingly distorted with his mask, "i wouldn't be too sure of that, sweetheart. i thought i heard him say he was going to be at least half an hour."
your mind went stagnant as he told you that, and you wondered with panic on how he would know that information. jonathan seemed to have picked up on what you were thinking, as he took a step closer and lifted his wrist up to show that he had some sort of contraption that could gas you with his so called "fear toxin" at any given moment.
"you really are brainless, aren't you, sweetheart?" he cooed, "silly girl, i can't believe you didn't notice all the little cameras and recording devices i've been planting in your home."
"wh-what cameras?" you say as you felt tears run down your cheeks out of sheer panic and fear.
"i've been breaking in for months, i can't believe you haven't noticed," he snickered, getting closer and closer to you, "i want you so bad, sweetheart. and to think, i almost had you before the batman had to come and ruin things for me."
"please," you whimper, "don't...d-don't hurt me."
"don't give me a reason to." he shrugged, before lunging at you and pinning you against the wall with his hands wrapped around your neck. "it'll be easier if you don't struggle. otherwise, i might have to dose you with my medicine again."
"please, n-no-" you gasp, as his hands tightened around your neck.
"maybe i will, you look so beautiful when your fears are interweaving themselves with your reality. isn't the nightmare just to die for?" he asked dramatically, before throwing you onto your own bed harshly.
your lack of response must have set him off, though, because he decided to harshly grab at your hair. he cranked your head back so roughly that you could feel the strain in your neck, and you would rather he just strangulate you right now rather than put you through whatever he was about to.
"say you love it," he growled, "say you love me."
"f-fuck, no." you weakly whined, and he was lifting his other hand up before you started talking again, "i-i'm sorry, yes - i love you!"
you immediately rushed your words out, even if they were forced and untrue, because you really didn't want to be dosed with his fear toxin once more. the effects were worse than any fucked up nightmare you'd ever had.
"good girl," he cooed as he started to forcefully undress you, making you choke back a sob, "ugh, i can't wait to absolutely fucking ruin you."
the smell of his cologne flooded your senses, and you felt more tears drip down your face as he continued to undress you with zero resistance. you tried to tell yourself that maybe you were just having a nightmare, a side effect from the drugs - but you knew that wasn't true. bruce wouldn't be back for at least another half hour, giving jonathan free range to do whatever he wanted to you.
you had zoned out so deeply to cope that when you finally stopped dissociating, he was already fumbling with his belt buckle. as you tried to grab his wrist to force him away from you, the pressure from your hand accidentally triggered his wrist band to spray his fear toxin directly at you. you choked and sobbed as you heard him chuckle lowly through his mask, and at this point - you'd given up.
you stopped trying to fight it because it was no use. he had already won. his fear toxin was seeping into your every sense. the fears that were interwoven in your subconscious were now playing out right in front of you. it was like watching your worst nightmare, only fifty times worse, on repeat. at this point, you thought you were going to lose your sanity permanently.
jonathan had pulled your panties off of you with ease, as you were too high on the toxin to even understand what was going on in this very moment anymore.
the less you fought, the better.
with a groan, he forced himself into your cunt, breeching your hole painfully. obviously, there was a struggle because one, you weren't even in contact with reality right now and two, he was forcing himself onto you.
he spat down onto your cunt after a few moments, and that seemed to work. he let himself sink into you slowly, stretching you out painfully as you laid there in tears, unintelligibly whispering and pleading. he didn't bother to prep you or even try to make this enjoyable for you, since it was never really about you in the first place. it was about him; his pleasure and sick, disgusting, twisted obsession with you.
"fuck," he groaned, "you're so tight i think i might fucking break you, sweetheart."
he continued to fuck himself in and out of you, his length reaching places inside of you that shouldn't be reached. you couldn't tell which one was worse: the terrifying nightmares being fuelled in front of you or the pain in your lower region from his fat, veiny cock breaking your cunt in.
the tears never stopped, continuously pouring down your face as you tried to beg him to stop - but the words never came out. they couldn't. you were starting to feel every ounce of sanity you had left slip away from your body, leaving you in a permanent state of living hell.
"it's a concentrated - mm, f-fuck,- dose, my love. you're slipping away, i can feel it in the way your squeezing me." he groaned as he continued to split you open on his cock, rocking his hips back and forth as he held your waist still with an iron grip.
"s-stop." you weakly whispered, but he laughed lowly at the sad attempt.
you knew that you'd never recover from this, whether it be the assault or the effects of the fear toxin - both were things that would cause you to never live a normal life again.
"m'gonna take you away from here," he huffed, already close, "shit, you feel good- gonna fuck you every god damn day and fill you with my cum 'till you have my babies. keep giving you my cum over and over again."
that almost sounded worse than the disturbing, mind-rotting imagines that were flashing before your eyes right now from the toxin. you couldn't imagine a life that hellish - but you couldn't exactly object with the state you were in.
"don't worry," he says as he kept talking to you, "you're not going insane, sweetheart. fuck - like i said; it's a concentrated dose. you'll be back to your stuck up, whorish, braindead self in about twenty four hours."
twenty four hours? how were you suppose to survive for twenty four hours like this? how? you didn't know, but jonathan didn't seem to care. he did not care at all - all he cared about was kidnapping you and stuffing you full of his cum. all he craved for months was to give you his babies. get you nice and full, pregnant by him.
you didn't even notice when his hips stilled and his cum poured into your abused cunt, filling you with every drop he had. he let out a satisfied groan, and hesitantly, he pulled out.
you lay there as still as ever, tears still pouring down your face as you tried to remind yourself that the shadows, the whispers, and whatever other hellish things you were hallucinating were not real. jonathan then threw your pyajamas back on you in a hurry, and picked you up bridal style.
"c'mon," he says softly, as if he cared about you - as if you liked this, "let's go home."
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my taglist (join here!): @girlinterrupted505 @ciriceimpera @jordyn-yeager @thevelvetvampyre @galactict3a
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sturniolos-blog · 5 months
Can you do a dad Matt story but when his daughter is like older (10-13)
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In trouble - Matt Sturniolo x Y/n oneshot
warnings - swearing, kissing, angst, arguing
"Sure, i'll come pick her up as soon as possible." I put a fake happy tone on my voice as the principle of my 12 daughter Estrella's school tells me i need to come pick her up because she punched a girl in the face.
The principle hangs up the phone as i sigh, tapping my pen twice before grabbing my papers and stacking them on my computer, i worked in an office as a journalist, luckily i already have what i need for my new article im producing.
"Leaving already?" My best friend at the office, Cassidy, asks me.
I nod, "Estrella." I say.
Her eyes widen, "Again? She's been getting in trouble a lot lately, she doing okay?" Cassidy takes a sip of her coffee as she asks.
I shrug, "I honestly don't know. Matt's been working a lot lately, he’s barely home lately and every time he's home we argue, which is probably why she's been acting up. It's not like i have time to punish her with work. And she seems perfectly okay with me taking her phone away, she stays in her room." I rant, i let out a huff.
"Alright, i gotta go, bye Cass." I smile.
"Bye babe, let me know how it goes." She smiles back at me.
I walk in the schools office, seeing Estrella looking down as she holds an ice pack on her right hand knuckles. I then walk in the principles office.
"Mrs. Sturniolo! Please, have a seat." Ms. Patterson, the principle offers.
I smile, "Hi, uh thanks.." I clear my throat as i take a seat.
Ms. Patterson flashes a smile at me, "So you know why you're here, we spoke on the phone, but i just wanted to give you a run down of what Estrella told me, if that's okay with you?" Ms. Patterson asks as she picks up a paper with notes on it.
I let out a breath and nod.
Ms. Patterson clears her throat, "Right, so when Estrella punched Gia, she said it was because she made fun of her for being stupid, which is obviously not okay, and should've never happened but at this school we do not respond in violence, and this has been the third offense in three weeks with something physical, i'm sorry to say but next time Estrella is looking at suspension or even expulsion." Ms. Patterson tells me.
I sigh and rub my forehead, "But this girl gia, she came at my daughters intellect, shouldn't that have been addressed?" I defend Ella.
Ms. Patterson nods, "Of course, and it was-"
"Was it? Does Gia also have a week of detention like my daughter or..." I trail off, waiting for the principle to speak.
Ms. Patterson lets out a dry cough but shakes her head. "Uh.. no, the insult was overruled once Estrella put her hands on Gia."
I nod, "Right, but if Estrella didn't start a fight, then the teachers would have never known about Gia insulting her, am i right?"
Ms. Patterson furrows her eyebrows, "I'm sorry, Mrs. Sturniolo. I'm not following."
I shrug, "Would Gia have gotten in trouble in the first place for insulting my daughter if Estrella didn't react the way she did or would it have just been ruled off?"
"Uh- well i'm sure a teacher would have heard Gia say some-"
I cut Ms. Patterson off, "And if a teacher didn't?" I ask.
Ms. Patterson stays silent.
"Yeah, right. My daughter would have been screwed either way, sorry but we are done here. Thank you for trying but i am always going to defend my daughter. I do apologize and i hope Gia's nose gets better." I say, standing up and leaving the room.
As i leave the office i see Estrella look up at me.
"Not a word and in the car, now." I demand, pointing at her to walk first.
Estrella goes to speak, "Bu-"
I cut her off, "Not a word."
We walk in the house and Ella takes off her shoes, she then goes to walk upstairs.
"Where do you think you're going? I've let it slide the past two times because i've been busy but lucky you i finished all my work today so we are going to have a nice long chat. Sit down, Estrella." I cross my arms as i look at her.
She looks at me and stands on the second stair, not moving.
"Estrella Leylani Sturniolo!" I yell.
Estrella jumps as i raise my voice, i was never the parent to yell at her, so that must of scared her.
I clear my throat, "Please sit down, Estrella." My tone lowering as she comes and sits down on the couch.
"You wanna tell me what's going on?" I ask as i stand in front of her.
She shrugs and bites her nails, habit she got from Matt.
"You're going to speak to me." I say but she stays silent. "Now!" I yell.
"Mom, what!?" She yells at me.
I bite my lip and nod, letting out a scoff.
"What's going on with you? Punching a girl in the face? This is your third physical altercation in three weeks! You're going to get expelled, Ella! Do you even care anymore!? You've gotten in more trouble in school then your father and I ever have!" I tell her.
"No, I don't care! I hate school and i hope every time Gia gets a bloody nose she thinks of me!" Estrella uncrosses her arms.
I let out a huff, "Just wait until i call your father. I was gonna give you a chance to explain yourself but you ruined it."
"Go ahead call dad! Maybe he'll actually come home for once!" Estrella stands up now.
I groan in frustration, "God, ella, what are you talking about?!" I scoff.
"Dad is barely home! And when he is all you guys do is argue! I- i thought maybe that if i got in trouble you guys would stop arguing a-and he would come home- and we could be a family again but clearly that's not gonna happen so forget it." Estrella says, running upstairs, i hear her door slam shut.
I sniffle and wipes my eyes, taking my phone out of my pocket and calling Matt.
The phone rings three times before he answers, "Hey, y/n. I'm kind of busy right now can i call you lat-"
I cut him off, "It's Ella. Can you come home, please?" My voice cracks.
"W-what? What's wrong? Is she okay?" Matt asks.
"C-can you just come home?" I ask, my voice evident that i'm on the verge of tears.
"Okay, i'm on my way, baby. Take breaths for me, sweetheart." He says softly, the most civil we've been in a while.
I take a breath like Matt said. "Okay, I love you." I say, almost in a whisper. The last time we said i love you was like two weeks ago.
I hear Matt chuckle, "I love you too, baby. Forever and always." Matt says before hanging up, presumably on his way now.
I was pacing in the living room, picking at my earlobe as i think of every time i went wrong.
The front door opens and i see Matt walk in, he was wearing a black t shirt, black jean jacket and black cargos.
“What took you so long?” I snap, probably shouldn’t have been my first move.
“Accident on the highway.” He replies, now taking his shoes off and setting his keys down.
“What happened?” He walks towards me.
I give him the write up that Estrella got today.
Matt’s eyebrows furrowed as he reads the paper, him opening his mouth to speak. “Isn’t this her th-”
“-Third time. Yes.” I confirm, nodding as i cross my arms.
Matt lets out a frustrated sigh, handing me back the paper and starting to walk upstairs.
“Matt wait,” I grab his hand.
“Estrella told me the only reason she got in trouble today was because she wanted you to finally come home, and for us to stop arguing.” I tell him.
He looks up at me, his look was upsetting, almost guilty. “What?”
I nod, “She’s been struggling and we haven’t known about it.”
He lets out a breath, him now clearly upset.
“We can call her down here to talk.” I suggest, playing with my fingers.
Matt rubs his stubble and nods, “Okay.”
“Estrella!? Come down here please!” I call out.
I hear her room door open and watch as she walks downstairs. Her eyes flicker between Matt and I and she lets out a huff.
I give her a sad smile, “Sit down, please.” I motion towards the couch.
She looks at me, not moving, like she had done before Matt got home.
“You can listen to your mother, Estrella.” Matt chimes in.
She scratched her head before walking and sitting on the couch, crossing her arms and leaning back.
Matt takes a seat next to her while i stay standing.
“What’s going on, Ella? Mom told me you got in trouble again.” Matt starts, looking at Ella.
Ella bites her lip and shrugs, bringing her nails up to her mouth to bite her nails.
I shake my head, “Tell him what you told me, El.” I say as Matt takes Estrella’s hand out of her mouth.
“You guys argue too much.” Ella says, her eyes flickering over to Matt as she speaks again, “And you’re never home anymore, dad. I miss you. A-and our family.” She says, her voice was quiet but determined to get her point through.
Matt nods, taking in a breath. “Your mother and I are perfectly fine, Ella. We argue yeah, but it’s not anything that deep, we love each other so much, just like we love you so much. And i’ve been working a lot with your uncles, but i can take some time off from now on, would that be okay with you?” He looks at ella, she smiles and nods.
Matt chuckles, “Great. No more getting in trouble, i’m only letting it slide because i know you don’t mean it.” Matt says.
She looks down and nods before Matt brings her into a hug, she hugs back. “Thanks dad..” She whispers against his chest.
He kisses her forehead. “Of course, baby.” He whispers back.
Ella gets up and looks at me, “I’m sorry for being rude, mom.. i don’t mean it, i pinky promise.” She holds her pinky out, i smile, that was a habit she got from me.
I interlock pinkies with her, “It’s okay, my love.” I smile before bringing her in for a hug.
She then goes back upstairs.
Matt stands up and looks at me. “I’m sorry i haven’t been home, and that i’ve been a bad father and husband.” He apologizes.
I shake my head and wrap my arms around his neck, “You’re an amazing husband and an even better father. I argue back all the time too. So as long as we work together we will stop, for ella.”
Matt nods, “For ella.” He then leans in and kisses me.
Took me too long to write and idk i think my writing has been getting way worse but i hope you guys like this !
taglist: @sturniolosmind @novasturniolo03 @hearts4chriss @vinniehackerslefttoe
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melrosing · 2 months
the thing that annoys me the most about the bullying claim among the stark sisters is that they talk about how much it affects Arya that she thinks she’s ugly and such and like she does, but she’s so much more worried about being “bad” she killed a boy. She’s also going through poverty and war and starving and being introduced to cults/bands of “justice” by murder
but nooooo she totally is more affected by being called horse face despite being compared to SOOOOOO MANY PRETTY PEOPLE AND THAT MEANS SHES GOOD (never mind that good looking=good person should NOT BE YOUR BASIS)
I think most people, and especially girls, know exactly how it feels to worry about your appearance and feel ugly and unattractive, and I get that this is a particular pain for Arya, who apparently has never been called pretty except by her dad one time in AGOT, in an offhanded comparison to her aunt Lyanna. I don't think attractiveness is the most important thing to validate in any child, but I do think that it is good and nice to affirm to your child that they have their own beauty, so that they can then negotiate their relationship with that word from a safer place in adulthood.
It's not about telling your child they don't look a certain way (e.g. no good telling Brienne she's a normal height and her nose is hardly crooked at all), but that the way they look is something unique to them and something they should take pride in, regardless of what others say. Like I think it's an OOC moment in the show, but I think it's sweet when Olenna tells Brienne she looks 'marvellous' or something. She's not saying 'you look like bella hadid', she's saying 'I love the way you look!' to a woman who has received nothing but insults (despite looking like fuckin. Gwendoline Christie lmao). that is nice. it's not the most important compliment anyone can receive, but it embraces divergence as positive.
as it goes though, Arya is a pretty girl and it's just weird that the adults found countless compliments for Sansa and none for Arya. and that's why I find it so bizarre that everyone wants to pin Arya's self-esteem issues on Sansa, a prepubescent child!! like, would Arya have taken these insults so hard if Cat had stepped in and said 'don't listen, you're a lovely girl and your father says you look just like your aunt Lyanna! sansa i am telling you off for calling people names'. children are always going to call each other mean names! it is one thing that is practically guaranteed to happen in any sibling relationship, and anyone who says otherwise is an only child or lying.
but it is much harder for a child to manage that hurt if they're getting called those names, and society seems to be reifying to truth of them at every turn! Septa Mordane is calling her ugly! Cat is calling her a mess! Ned has never complimented her till AGOT! etc! she has never received a compliment before! so how on earth can you say 'and Arya's self-esteem issues can all be traced back to the playground bickering between she and Sansa and Jeyne' when Arya is obviously getting the same message from what seem like far more authoritative sources! is it not worse that those sources are all complimenting Sansa all the time and never Arya? does that not make it worse when Sansa acts like a child about it? like!!
and yeah I agree that there are other more painful insecurities Arya is struggling with. I do think at least part of the reason that this argument keeps coming up in fandom is that people keep trying to claim that Arya's story is similar to Brienne's, in that she IS ugly according to society's standards and that's ok! which isn't true, Arya is canonically a pretty kid with a dirty face and unbrushed hair. that's all it is. so if we could just accept that, there'd be no excuse for the insistence that this is an important aspect of Arya's story.
because it isn't. like im sorry but the ugly duckling means nothing when there are plenty of people who don't grow up to be swans. they get called ugly as children, and they get called ugly as adults. look at Brienne: she has suffered far, far worse prejudice as a result of her appearance in childhood, and she doesn't get the catharsis of growing up pretty to show them all how wrong they were. Brienne has been treated like a fucking monster for how she looks, all of her life. this is a character for whom her appearance IS actually an important theme, and it will be meaningful to see her realise it's a strength, and find love etc. I'm sorry but Arya growing up to be beautiful doesn't mean shit to me lol. I fully accept it's canon, but it is not a meaningful story beat, in a story with people like Tyrion, Brienne and Sam. Arya's story has so many more fascinating themes about identity, trauma, justice, war, friendship and family. if Arya was pretty all along, why should I care?
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spatio-rift · 10 months
oh my god hold on a second. do you think the $quad has met saiko's parents. like they HAVE to have been over at his house before. i'd imagine some of the butlers and bodyguards are familiar with them (especially the ones that accompany him to school) but they're his Guys so i'd imagine they hang our at his house more than the others... so they'd definitely had some encounters w his mom/dad. funniest scenario is at the point of their friendship where they can tease him and he won't mind they'll be acting silly and then one of his parents walks in and they're suddenly perfect well behaved little angels who are just such good company to their dear metori. do you see the vision...
I DOOOO I SEE THE VISION.... theyve definitely visited his house the most out of everyone at pk theyre here every other day. i remember talking about this w a friend years ago and we were saying saiko would always be calling them over when he feels a little bored or lonely under the pretense of needing them to do stuff for him even though hes literally got a dozen people personally attending to his needs at home. constructing elaborate scenarios to just hang out without having to acknowledge any sort of friendship. i think post-friendship acknowledgement they still always gather at saikos house because hes got everything they could possibly want in there and also their houses arent up to his crazy standards so by default.... it can be a little insulting but they like getting picked up from school by a professional chauffeur w a limo too much to ever really complain about it lol
the saiko staff is kind of amused by them when they come over cuz theyre so used to doing that job for saiko at school they start doing it at his house without realizing. mostly though i think theyre happy he has normal friends now (and that its made him less annoying to deal with)
HIS PARENTS. theyve only met them like once or twice bc theyre really not at the house often. i like to think it wasnt even intentional they just keep getting lost in that huge fucking mansion and somehow end up in places they shouldnt be like saikos dads office or his art collection room. its really awkward every time because his dad doesnt really get it so when they blurt out a self introduction and say theyre his sons friends his dads like '...so you work for him, yes?' and arguing with a man that looks like a human-sized star and has enough power to make their entire family disappear with a snap of his fingers is a little scary so theyre just like yes sir we do sir. and he just pats them on the shoulder and tells them to keep up the good work and calls someone to guide them back to his son.
saikos mom is really funny to think about bc for takahashi yokota and murata its like going to their friends house after finally getting thru to him and starting to have a sort of normal relationship with him and meeting their celebrity crush there. when they come to saikos house after meeting her they try to discreetly ask if his mom is gonna be there. you know just to be polite and say hello they should probably bring a gift too... and saikos like shes in brazil rn and im going to kill you.
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carmenized-onions · 11 days
this chapter . babe you have outdone yourself once again.
firstly, carmen baby - wtf actually wtf pls stop I NEED YOU TO STOP YOU ARE RUINING IT
secondly, richie defending chip from creepy exec you loveeeee to see it these are my besties
also love how you worked the richie carmen argument into this fic because it needed to happen so badly but obviously it couldn’t because of how chip was introduced (i’ve also decided im calling her chip its my fav of the nicknames)
carmen proving everyone’s point that he can’t let good things happen to him LOL (not lol actually very very bad)
her and sydney are my favourites, this plaster motif is so flipping cute
carmys people princess insult was kind of good BUT I NEED TO KNOW WHAT INSULT CHIP WAS HOLDING BACK - i feel like this will help me understand what she was like with mikey, like their roasting personalities.
pls don’t call me chippy - WHAT, i need an explanation of this name, denny’s pls come soon
thankyou for resolving between chip and richie!!!!! i said i needed it and you sure as hell gave it to me. i think richie x syd x chip is squad i love them
also who doesn’t love richie and uncle jimmy beef teehee teehee
sorry this is the most chaotic response ever but i had to get it all out
I have. So much to say, babe. Let me plug in my laptop hold on. let me fucking
lock in.
First of all, thank you so much. I was honestly worried this last chapter was a mess and terrible. Could anyone tell I thought that. I thought that so much. IMPASTA SYNDROME!!!
I loved writing Richie this whole chapter. I think it was just nice to write the way he'd act if he had someone to protect at The Bear. Like, those Girl Dad instincts don't just leave you, when you're at work. he STAYS LOCKED IN!!! And also writing a softer landing for him out of that fucking freezer fight, that was yknow, that was a little treat for me. cats can have a little slami.
I had to look up what the fuck plaster meant. BRITIS HPEOPLE CALL BANDAIDS PLASTERS??!?!?!?1 dramatic. Love it. It might just be the ADHD/Autism diagnosis in me but there's something about the ruffly texture a bandaid on the finger has, that I couldn't stop describing, every time Syd and Chip came in contact.
the holding back is the thing i wanted to talk about
So. There was no specific insult in mind, when it came to him saying 'you're excused', but essentially, I'd been plotting out this fight scene since I literally came up with the series. Like we always planned the roadtrip to lead to here, there was just a lot of different ways it could've gone--
It's actually why I did that Fight/Flight/Freeze/Fawn poll, a few weeks back, if y'all remember. I think the result we got was Freeze? I went with a blend of Freeze and Fawn with a flight escape plan, I feel. Like, sorrysorrysorry here's everything i can do to help also brain is utterly numb and now i will make haste.
But if Fight had gotten the majority? And also just the way I was plotting it in my head, initially?
Tony would've straight up swung on him i'm so fr
There were a lot of routes, there was screaming match, there was swinging on him (it would've been an immediate response to the Mikey line), there was actually a completely different scene that would've taken fucking FOREVER but essentially, she would've gone full numb Job Mode and went to serve the Exec, and it would've gotten fucking weird so fast It was gonna be very like Meeting The Wizard behind the curtain type vibe but the Wizard is a fucking bitch and he also thinks you're hot
But the thing is, as I wrote more chapters and got a better idea of Tony's character, it just wouldn't be in her character to do anything that could embarrass Carmen, so she just opted to leave. Oof.
But if we're just going roasting personalities, the immediate comebacks i can think without getting creative
Who died and put you in charge? ...oh yeah!!!
IF I'M FUCKIN' PRINCESS DIANA ARE YOU KING CHARLES YOU BALDING BITCH!!!! And what's fun about this is that he uses her rosemary water, so that's a layer
The real 'liferuiners' though? All Mikey related. 100% all Mikey Related. She would've busted out the board game 'Who Knows Your Brother on a Genuine Personal Level' and he would've fucking lost. And that would've been..... shattering
There was also a world where Carmen actually brought up the fuckin' photos, and essentially would've implied she was..... A believe the chicago term is a 'runner'? And THAT would've really had some fuckin' motor mouths running. Very much so 'Am I supposed to apologize for being likable???' AOHGH
It'd essentially be exactly what Carmen did. Picking on exact pain points, in the other. So Carmen's insecurities about his relationship w/ Mikey, and the almost competitive nature he gains around Tony being 'less sharp'. I guess to summarize, Tony's fighting/roasting style, if it's not to fawn, is to match energy
I love doing callbacks-- I feel almost certain Dennys is never gonna happen. But I also don't know what I'm doing, past chapter 15. So. I guess in theory anything is possible. I think we'll probably wrap up not long after that, though. Maybe a Dennys epilogue? Who's to say.
THE RICHIE CHIP SYD SQUAD IS FUN FOR ME. I enjoy having two characters that objectively alone together wouldn't get along but once they have the glue there, they're pretty good.
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thegeminisage · 2 months
star trek update time. last night we did the maquis parts 1 & 2 because i simply did not want to deal w tng.
the maquis (ds9)
standout moment for me in this entire two-parter was sisko's speech. ESPECIALLY good that in a fit of frustration he delivers it to kira and kira alone, whomst he maybe did shout a little bit at earlier because tensions were so high, and then he has the grace to look embarrassed and say he's glad someone understands. like it was the EXACT same thing she was yelling about earlier and he didn't take her as seriously as he might have, like, not in a delegitimizing way, but in a way that says he hasn't experienced that kind of helpless frustration for himself. and then he got to experience just the tiniest slice of what kira has and he Got It. you know?
ALSO SOOO TRUE THE PROBLEM IS EARTH!!!! it's easy to be a saint when you live in utopia. quark had a similar speech earlier in this series about how humans are friendly and wonderful when they have full bellies and working holosuites and they turn vicious without them. ds9 knows whats up
it's tempting to blame all this on picard but while picard did NOT act with honor the true villain is the nameless faceless politician that decided this would be a good boundary to draw and absolutely no one would have any problems with it. it's weird to me, in the age of constantly calling our government officials to make sure they don't cancel healthcare or tell them to stop bombing people, that no one would try to get to the bottom of this and figure out which person they're supposed to call to tell them it was a dumb idea and demand they change it. like, the border is drawn like this, it's an immutable fact of life and it's not gonna change. it feels so weird
anyway, kira was GREAT in this episode. she has so much to be angry about and so much she wants to give to make sure nobody has to suffer what she did. like she's so passionate about it and it comes from a place of love or at least compassion and it's such a nice detail. that she's so angry all the time because of love. man. she's so great
i recognized one of the maquis guys from tng i think! well, i'm bad with faces but it was at least one of the same costumes. i'm so sorry dude rip
one of the maquis guys has a passing resemblance to barclay. really jumpscared me
should have known hudson was a villain bc he asked inappropriate questions about dax. however, it was funny that sisko laughed off the idea of them sleeping together when they fucked twins or whatever
i liked the jennifer mention :( im sad sisko and cal couldn't make up...he tried until the very end
what i love about the ethical debate is that theyre both right. the maquis are right because the new border IS shit. it IS unfair and they DID get abandoned to the tender mercies of the cardassians, who are sure as shit not gonna let them stay there unbothered (that tng episode painting this as a happy ending...AS IF). like, they have every right to defend themselves since no one else is gonna do it
but sisko is ALSO RIGHT because escalating the conflict into full-blown warfare is gonna get even MORE people killed and make things even MORE miserable for the colonies affected, who have already been through more than enough. the colonists can make life harder for the cardassians, just like the bajorans did, but they can't actually win a war, they can only drive themselves into the ground doing it. at BEST they will make some nameless faceless border-drawer think twice the next time they draw a border
like, that's why i'm so shocked nobody suggested calling the politicians to making them redraw it. it's the only third option?!?!
quark and the vulcan was so funny. shoot your shot, buddy, even though you lost the love of your life two episodes ago. i was a little insulted he managed to out-logic her, but also reluctantly impressed. quark is always entertaining, i just wish he had a LITTLE more depth.
gul dukat...i admit i never gave him a second thought before this episode. now i am reaffirmed in my belief that all cardassians are gay. he exhibits such an energy. i really liked the part where he put the fear of god into the weapons runner even though sisko was ready to sit on him to keep him from touching the torpedo controls. such a fun dynamic for him to be going "murder? :D?" and for sisko to be playing straight man and yanking him down by the scruff of his neck every 5 minutes. fun fun fun. i do think he should have kept his mouth shut when he and kira were in the same room though. like i think he should have just chosen to not speak unless prompted.
i like how twice odo's ability to maintain security at the station was called into question and both times sisko was like oh absolutely not. and even still, the tension was nearly enough to cause in-fighting in what has become a pretty friendly group. it's both surprising and unsurprising how quickly they drew the battle lines, but even the non-federation people, kira and odo, snapped at each other. LITERALLY CALL THE POLITICIANS. EARTH IS THE PROBLEM
my one real nitpick is that i don't think it should be possible to resist a mind meld with "discipline." like, it's more interesting if cardassians have a special immunity, or if this particular vulcan is bad at it. i just don't buy that gul dukat happens to be that cool, it's too convenient. why bring up the mind meld at all in that case
otherwise 10/10 i had a fantastic time
TONIGHT: devil's deal means we have double tng, "firstborn" and "bloodlines." something about alexander and daimon bok from season 1??? looks rank. wish us luck.
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ofmermaidstories · 10 months
ur post about oc fic and reader insert fic made me think about how every time i see a post dragging x reader it's kinda just... thinly veiled misogyny.
like i don't wanna get super deep or whatever but a good chunk of x reader writers (myself included) are just women or people socialized as women that have felt unloved or under appreciated in their lives because of their looks or their personality or their skills in things that women/feminine people are expected to excel in and i think that oc/reader insert stories give women a really important space to make themselves (or a version of themselves) the most desired thing which is something that they often don't experience. it's a space where women can feel comfortable and loved in a world where they're under appreciated and tossed aside because of things out of their control and it drives me up a wall when i see people shitting on these spaces and these works because these are just safe spaces for marginalized people PREDOMINATELY CREATED BY MARGINALIZED PEOPLE!!
n e ways this was a long rant oops..
omg see the thing that gets me about the occassional x reader/oc drag is that—the call is coming from inside the house LMAO. like, okay maybe original characters in fics aren’t a niche thing, but x reader sure the hell is, so you have to like, know internet culture/fandom to be aware of it let alone to start using it like an insult, you know? and i would argue that fanfic tends to be a hobby that attracts marginalised identities as you say, so like, why are we clowning on ourselves? LOL. it’s like a mathlete bullying the horse girl of their class, like, buddy—we’re both losers!!! get over yourself LMAO.
i think my favourite dig at x reader (specifically) that i’ve ever seen is some rando on tiktok saying it was fanfic for people who were popular in public school—i think it’s so telling of how other fans might view oc/reader content? like, “oh that’s just some straight girl shit, they’re not putting any effort into it/they’re stealing our precious ship boys for their pORN/they’re ruining the canon story by inserting themselves into it”. and idk—part of it is just human nature (we are always going to shit on things we don’t like, that is a fact) and part of it might be fandom/internet culture at large at the moment (the purity aspect/policing) but at the end of the day all we can do is tell them to eat dog shit when they sprout up in our spaces and ignore ‘em.
idk! it drives me bonkers though, because it does feel like these spaces/niches do get targeted unfairly for it—if it’s not for the simple crime of writing a love story with your favourite character, then it’s like… being old and doing it! because god forbid you be over the age of 18 and still enjoy engaging with fiction! don’t you have a mortgage to go pay? like—i never see that attitude (within a fandom space) directed at the grown-ass men and women and gender neutral pals who play like, Dungeons and Dragons. No one (within a fandom space!) tells them they’re weird for forty-hour long campaigns where they fight and fall in love and idk, put dragons in some dungeons or something. no—it’s the blatant love stories that get picked on. the ones written by girls (gender neutral).
romance—and falling in love—is one of the most universal feelings/acts in the world. we want to fall in love with everything! in every world! we wanna—fall in love and be loved by superheroes and the villains they fight and the monsters in the dark and the good guys that rush in with swords and the cute barista at the coffee shop down the road. if other fans wanna get hung up on the fact that a tiny fraction of others want to insert themselves in these incredible worlds and experience everything they want to (having powers; being saved. saving someone else—saving yourself) then that’s their problem lmaoooo. im sorry you can’t have fun and create whimsy for yourself by drawing an oc who wins the sports festival and saves bakugou from being kidnapped—but im built different. 😌 and im gonna have fun while im here.
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nightgoodomens · 4 months
Ok last bunch of asks, I need a break after today 😂 Thanks for writing in!
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I don’t think they will play Aziraphale and Crowley, NG isn’t stupid, neither anyone else who’s putting money into the show. They might shove them somewhere as background or some other role but not playing the two mains. Season 2 already got slapped for not the best plot and how Michael and David saved it with their chemistry. Nobody will try to replace them.
Also considering neither of them have a problem with dressing up as women, David already did for the Nanny part in the show, so to suddenly switch them for female partners would create a lot of backlash because of suggesting men shouldn’t do it.
Im not sure about AL but I wouldn’t be surprised if NG would pull GT into it unfortunately. DT shoves his whole family wherever he can.
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Haha I have that person blocked and I don’t really like posting links where people are being muppets 😅
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I was completely indifferent to both of them but fans were responsible for me starting to dislike them to be fair. I’m still mostly indifferent, I couldn’t care less about them, just comment if they do anything good/bad because people ask me, but after that they’re gone from my thoughts. I don’t think they deserve *hate*, but indifference or dislike based on their actions - everyone is allowed to make that basic decision for themselves yes. Fans really don’t help with their demands to love partners of idols and that’s in every fandom out there.
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If they were to bond they would have bonded a long time ago and I wish they never started this whole wife thing because it only highlighted how much they don’t care about each other. The thing is, they shouldn’t be required to “bond”. Just because Michael and David fell for each other, it doesn’t mean the women must bond too. There is age and character difference between them, and I don’t think bonding over failed careers and depending on men and getting knocked up on the one night stand would be healthy. Georgia has her best friends, Anna could do with making friends her own age preferably away from the business.
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No matter whether someone likes them or not, to expect them to be treated on the same level as Michael and David is insane. And it drives me insane when people think they have the talent to play female version of Crowley and Aziraphale. MS and DT have years of experience in the business and to compare them is a pure insult to them. They got in that business through their hard work too, not a famous surname supporting them.
You are NEVER required to love your idols’ partner/family. That’s just shit that fandoms come up with. Nobody in real world goes oh that actor is neat… oh no I need to love his whole family now!
AL and GT acting “careers” are based on famous surnames supporting them. If they were good someone else would have picked them up. I’m not going to pretend they’re good to be a good little fan according to the fandom. I’d rather be disliked in the fandom than lie to myself and others.
If someone wants to suck up to them, love them, that’s absolutely fine, but to expect others to do so is just a no.
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When you think about it, knowing that any shit you post will be seen as iconic… and you don’t have much to show for yourself… well yeah. You’d be raiding on people loving you for simply having the famous surname. Imagine the world where you have to do nothing and people think you deserve the best roles and all the love and being called a queen. Neat. What a sweet life of privilege.
I think with her liking to put him down especially on his big days shows her insecurity. It’s never about him, it’s always about her on those days. It’s sad. I’m glad he now has MS who makes it all about him on those big days. And after too.
I hate those selfies tbf. It’s like… this is your moment to say damn my awesome man got an award. But no it’s “mine” and her holding it and making him take the selfie, or her staring into a camera and making him snuggle up to her for show to show where his place is. Bleh. If she was comfortable with who she is, she wouldn’t need to remind him of his place every time it’s supposed to be his happy day.
And I’m aware majority thinks those selfies are cute - good for them, I wish I thought that too, but they give me the creeps instead.
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i do not welcome people who vehemently believe everyone should be antizionist to this guinea pig loving blog. i ABSOLUTELY do welcome antizionists as well as nonzionists, zionists, and those in the middle. there's some forms of zionism, such as revisionist, that i wont give a place on my blog but most im happy to have here even if i dont personally agree with them. i dont want anyone to come here and act like everyone must have the same interpretation of zionism as them or else they're wrong and evil.
I've spent years researching zionism because it's a part of jewish history that's interesting to me. probably the most important thing ive learnt is while there are wrong interpretations of zionism there are also a bajillion right ones. some of these "right" ones are good, some harmful, some neutral, and many are a combination. it is NOT a simple ideology that you can learn in 2 weeks.
it makes me really fucking mad when i see antizionists constantly insult and attack those who have different views of zionism than them. i know there are people on every part of the zionist and antizionist scales who believe that their way of thinking is the only acceptable way. however, recently it has mainly been antizionists doing this which is why that is my focus. if you are unwilling to learn and are dead set on the idea that you're always right please leave me alone this isnt the place for you. if you wanna hear abt experiences and views that are different than yours then im rlly happy to have you here!
also this is not meant to say that every antizionist is like this that is not true at all. i know many antizionists that are great people who are able to exist with zionists, non-zionists, etc. without being assholes.
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firstdivisiongirl · 2 months
Hello, Can I have a matchup please? From One piece! If not, that's totally fine!
Female, she/her, ExFJ 2w3, Leo I would prefer a guy!
I am pretty social however I prefer to spend time alone! I care about others a lot… To an unhealthy amount honestly but Im working on it! I love to help others and make them smile! :3 But I do wish I would get something for being so nice in return, yeah it might sounds greedy but I want to be appreciated! And get something nice haha, like just a compliement or something, when my helping and kindess gets unnoticed I might get upset because of how much tired I am and I just want to be a appreciated like I said before 😭 I wanted to be noticed and not ignored! I care too much what others feel and think and its tiring, I just want to be selfish sometimes and care about myself even if its sounds mean.
People call me funny! Well it all depends because everyone has different sense of humor! But I am most of the time unserious and I love to joke around, serious situations are stressful so I prefer to be joyfull, but I do like talking about serious topics (sometimes) Like I said before I love to make people smile and laugh with my jokes and overall with make them happy with presence. Its my job to make others happy <3 My humor is definitely not for everyone, its mostly humor of a 12 y/o kid which can be annoying to some people lmao (sometimes its funny how people are annoyed by it) and some other things depends on how I feel. When it comes to annoyence I also like to annoy people <3 its so fun! But I never want to make them really feel bad! Often I act like an asshole but this is just for jokes! (but sometimes I wanna be a real asshole lmao) Like I said I dont want them to actually feel bad, if I do, I will feel very guilty! When it comes to it I apologize A LOT, I apologize so much that it might too annoying but I always feel a sense of guilt inside of me. I'm also VERY sensitve and worry about everything. Ah and I'm pretty dumb and I am not trying to insult myself I am just silly hehe and I'm okay with that. Oh and Im clumsy 😭😭
I LOVE LOVE horror and scary things, I can't imagine my life without it, its just a such interesting genre that makes me happy and intrigued! I adore horror games and I'm mostly interested in them, however most of the time I am scared of playing them so I just watch gameplays and stuff like that haha. You can say I am obssesed with horror! (its funny because its easy to scare me haha) I also love cute things! Plushies, pink, clothes and other cute things! I just love it so much <3 I like games very much (I suck at them), art, anime, drawing and psychology! When it comes to music I love energetic ones! I dislike slow music but there can be some exceptions.
I dislike cooking (I love when someone knows to cook however I suck at it </3), stressful and serious situations (I stress a lot)
When it comes to looks I am around 156cm height, chin length hair with bangs, brown color eyes and I'm chubby!
Thank you so much and have a wonderful day!
Hello. Thank you for the matchup request. This one was a no brainer. There was really only one perfect match. I hope you like it!
You Got...
Monkey D Luffy!!!!!
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You both have a great sense of humor and I think he would enjoy that he can laugh and joke with you.
He would be happy that you care about him and the rest of the crew. You may think it's too much, but he would think it is perfect.
He may not be able to cook, but he will get Sanji to do it for both of you.
Will insure you that you are awesome and that you don't need to apologize for anything.
Would dance with you to energetic music.
Every day with this boy would be fun!
I think he would enjoy horror movies and games. Would he be scared? No because he doesn't really understand it, but he would enjoy it.
Would want you to make drawing for on the ship. He would make you drawings too. They won't be the best, but it's the thought that counts right?
Overall, he will make you feel loved and will do anything that you enjoy. He wants to see you smile and laugh
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Please do not copy, modify, translate or repost my writing on other platforms. Comments, reblogs and likes are highly appreciated!
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honey-tongued-devil · 14 days
THAT WHOLE CHAPTER WAS SO GOOD. I HAD A HUNCH THAT WHAT YOU SAID I’D LIKE ABOUT IT WAS GOING TO INCLUDE RAIN AND PHANTOM AND I WAS RIGHT…. i was right….. nyeheehehehhee 😈gonna get a bit devious… a bit 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 …… up in here. 😈 i. LOVE. the dynamic between reader, phantom, & rain. LIKE.. LIKE HELLO?????????? Idk man i just love it!! i also really love phantom and rains relationship, and how rain acts as sort of a guide dog. It fits really well. moving onto “ YOU CAN FUCK THE GHOULS?” im sorry that is so ME. me. i loved that whole shebang it was adorable, and so fucking comedic . Kevin is so sassy but I *know* he’s hiding something under that facade….. 😡😡 hes a bit suspicious!!! so is cassy… 😡😡😡 might just be my issues seeping in though??? either way if there’s more of them in the next chapters, i am VERY VERY excited! The ghouls bantering and bickering is so precious to me:(((( like yesss dew im sorry i took your slut away but maybe you can have me instead! trust! yess go back to scarfing down rice me too king…hes so fine. like your design of dew and your over all portrayal is SO. fine. hes so pretty. like i am so sorry but i cant come up with a more coherent literary analysis of this chapter because im fucking REELING😭 THAT WHOLE THING WAS TOO FUNNY AND I GOT MOST OF THE REFERENCES FROM LIKE INCORRECT QUOTES ETCETERA YOU PUT INTO THE DIALOGUE. IM SO FUCKING HAPPY YOU HAVE NO IDEA IM SO HAPPY THIS STORY WAS UPDATED. also i was legit looking at your designs for phantom and rain a while ago i don’t know how i didn’t see the update😞 nonetheless better late than never! (never wouldnt happen i check your account every 1-2 business days) also can i just commend you for your designs on phantom and rain ???????? they’re so fucking pretty like i might shed tears. truly i might. i get like a bunch of serotonin looking at thejr designs, especially rains eyes and phantoms spots. theyre so beautiful. that threesome healed my soul man i cant i llove them sm
wonderful writing as always honey, you never disappoint <3
- @n4zareth 🧡
I thought I had replied to you, but here we are. With this reply, I take the opportunity to spoil you that the new chapter will be out by tomorrow morning (in a maximum of 12 hours, to be clear), and that in two days at most a one-shot inspired by the movie will be out, but no spoilers, so in case you get bored, I hope to fill your days a bit.
That said: it made me laugh that you had predicted it because that chapter was written months ago, and on one hand, every time I write a silly chapter, I say "okay, today we're going light," but on the other hand, it all makes sense. Simply put, in the previous chapters, Dew talked about Rain's imprinting, how Rain had become attached to him, became very protective towards him, and gradually managed to make him completely settle in. What Rain is now doing is imprinting with Phantom (and if you reread the first chapters, it also makes sense). Before the quintessence incident, Rain was the one Phantom bonded with, and when after the incident Rain bonded with the reader, Phantom was consequently excluded, obviously not intentionally. Similarly, the second attempt at imprinting is happening with a human, so instead of behaving like a demon or a cat or whatever, it's more human-like behavior.
After watching the movie, I know that Kevin is really a dork, so I'm glad I included that silly scene, same for the ghouls insulting each other.
As for the designs, I'm still trying to find the style that works best, but I'm working on it because I really adore the ghouls, I can't not draw them.
Hope to see you soon <3 -honey
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scepterno · 9 months
hi its me again ..
sorry to bother, just wanted to ask if you have any tips on how to start off a fic.. i have an idea ive been sitting on for ages and i have so much planned but i just... can't start it!! how did you start an insulting indifference...
oh man.... im so ass at giving advice.... but thank you for asking anyways! let's see.... this got long so im placing a read more
the way i write is very based on improvisation. i either go into a fic with a very very broad idea of what i want to accomplish, and let the story take me wherever it wants. if i think of something randomly that i want to write, then i go to the bottom of my word document and pound out about two to three sentences IN the moment or scene, just to set the tone. i typically end up hoarding about 3 or so pages of disconnected story moments or character dialogue. by doing this, i can also foreshadow events or make parallels that span across several chapters in the story.
work OUT OF ORDER!!! its fun!!! it keeps it exciting!!! there was one fic i wrote where the last chapter was the first ever thing i wrote for it, and so i had a better picture in my mind about how the entire thing would GENERALLY play out. i like to leave the details in the moment, which is where the improv aspect comes in. if you let yourself ride the tide of the story, you wont have to force it in certain directions as much. sometimes you have to correct its course, but mostly youre there to cruise along with the story thats coming to life!
think of it like... a bunch of big dots. and these dots are all connecting by lines. like a big web. everything in the dots are BIG STORY BEATS, and the lines are the exposition between them. the lines don't have to be straight, either. they can have loops, or wiggles, or tiny tiny dots of their own. it may not be as exciting as the HUGE dots, but its still necessary. then again, maybe it isnt! dont feel like writing a scene? skip it! trust in your readers' abilities to make inferences based on all the other context clues you give them in the text.
as you can see, i suck at giving advice HAHA. my brain is.... not very good at sorting the chaos into something tangible for others to understand.
if you have an idea, just run with it! write for the sake of writing SOMETHING. anything is a good starting point. ANYTHING. you can always go back and edit it later. write what you DONT want to write so you can get to the stuff you DO want to write.
i would also recommend never deleting stuff youve written. if you write a scene that you end up hating, cut and paste it into a separate document just for safe keeping. it might come in handy down the line, even if you never actually USE it. you might be able to look back on it and REALIZE what does and doesnt work about it, which will improve your tone and general skills for OTHER stuff you're going to write in the future.
and one of my favorite things to do in a story when im stuck is STEP OUT OF MY BOX. especially if youre writing from a single character POV. we've been following the story of a single person, but every single other character they interact with has been going through a fanfic of their own. what is happening to them? what are they saying? being told? experiencing? what would cause them to change their mind about something suddenly? or act irrationally? the best part about writing for humans is that they're flawed. all of them. so we can write them making mistakes and doing stupid things. it helps push the plot along. it creates conflict, WHICH IS INTERESTING. we love conflict.
find something you want to write about in a fic, then expand the world around it. when i started an insulting indifference, my goal was to write about Alejandro's trauma, Noah's mental health, and have them experiencing healing by mending their relationship with not only each other, but the world and people around them. and then it grew from there!!!!!!!!!
ok im done
i talked WAAAY too much about utter nonsense. i hope at least 5% of this was helpful to you. LOL!! thank you again for the ask!!!!
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flaringfoxsoul03 · 1 year
@kavehtham asked me this:
Ok, I’ll send mine through here if your ask box isn’t working still, but I could just transfer it over there if you prefer!
may i request a matchup for twisted wonderland?
i’d describe my personality as seeming very calm and unbothered. i’m usually very patient and tolerant of other people and don’t take offense easily, and i’m generally very accepting of others. i’m never judgmental about anything and try to be as understanding as i can. that’s how i appear on the outside at least, as there has always been a discrepancy between my real personality and the one i present to others. even if i am easygoing and agreeable on the outside, i can be internally critical. i go to great lengths to hide the side of myself that is more sharp-tongued and immature in fear of others rejecting me, however it does slip up sometimes when im provoked as embarrassing as it is.
i don’t really have many interests, but i really like stargazing at scenic spots, and i just have a bunch of other nerdy hobbies like researching on theories or watching documentaries.
my facade has always made me feel inauthentic, so i really want someone who would embrace my flaws. i like to be a tease, however i can be easily flustered when teased back. also i’m horrible at displaying affection and hide my embarrassment in the form of insults. i’m not the most romantic flirt either, i prefer saying things straight up instead of something flowery and verbose and i get embarrassed about saying or doing anything cheesy.
thanks so much! :)
This is cute, very cute. I must pair you with someone just as cute…
I match you with…
Floyd Leech!
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Now, running into Floyd isn’t all that hard. He’s just a bit more slippery than anyone would anticipate. But much like his brother, Jade, once you have his attention, you’d best be very entertaining. However, his fascination with you never seems to run dry, perhaps that running into him after the deal with Grim incident isn’t as random as Floyd is making it seem…
To him, you enrapture the eel through your lock box ways. To others who have had the pleasure of knowing you longer, you’re somehow described to be a joy to be around in your unique way without having any magic. Strangers on the other hand, including enemies, see a rather cutesy act put together. Nothing but a good ole mask for our trouble maker of the Octvinelle Dormitory to rip off. He’s so determined to find out how you really are that he inevitably ends up falling for you instead
Hope you don’t mind getting your boundaries violated every moment. And I really do mean every moment. The eel will literally wake you from climbing into your room from the window, even though you’re on the second level of Ramshackle. Don’t question how he even made it up there, Azul and Jade will come bursting into your room about a couple minutes later apologizing for their ruckus dealer. Seriously, be ready to be flustered quite often when Floyd realizes he wants something more intimate with you. He’s gonna tease the hell out of you first unless you beat him to popping the question first
When you first release the judgmental tongue from its confines, he truly stunned and quite impressed or hurt depending where the hurtful words go towards. If aimed at him, expect to be groveling for his forgiveness or Azul will have to be restrained physically by Jade permanently whenever you’re in the same area since you hurt his friend, his friend’s brother, and his business (expect to serve Azul one way or another). If it’s aimed at somebody else that he doesn’t really care for, he’ll be basically saying you roasted them, which would be putting it too lightly for the talk you made
He won’t be able to sit still unless you’ve got his mind occupied with something equally as entertaining as running around like a lunatic if you try to go anywhere with a scenic view. Just telling him some theory videos and documentaries from both in this world and yours, you could sit together chatting for hours. He really loves both concepts colliding, his world he understands better as he’s always lived in it. On the other hand however, he enjoys hearing about what made your world home to you, seeing you light up about what your everyday life was like makes him feel all bubbly inside. That way, you guys can still have the scenic views but still be actively engaging
You may suck at physical touch for a love language, but not for long. My eel Floyd is the king of invading your personal space. You’re going to wake up screaming some days because you are just not prepared to look into mismatched owlish eyes with a toothy grin paired with it. He does not care unless you directly state it as a boundary or you’ve managed to upset him, he’s gonna try and cling into you any opportunity he gets. Better yet, he doesn’t really sugarcoat anything and says it outright. Not often does he try to build up any romantic tensions, he’ll just tell you “I love you,” just out of the blue just because that’s how he feels and he never wants you to second guess his emotions
To others, it may seem like the aloof and the serious got together, which would be mind boggling if it were true. In reality, it’s as if you’re both navigating how to properly express your emotions again for the first time, trust me it’s painful for everybody watching you two. Did I not mention how Azul will probably need to be physically restrained by Jade every time you guys get so uncomfortable but pair of you just completely miss it entirely? Yeah, it’s that kind of a budding relationship, but would you have it any other way?
The follow ups are:
Cater Diamond
That’s it folks, until next time!
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