#they really made up <3 in a brotherly way of course
preseriesdean · 1 year
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Come on, man, it's like the good old days, an honest-to-goodness monster hunt.
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hi gorgeous!! The way you write james has me thinking non stop about him for days (i need him fr) so on that note, can i please get a request where reader gets jealous for some reason and he doesn’t notice at first cause he only has eyes for her but she kind of gets clingier and a little grumpy so he talks to her and just lots of fluff and cuddles? Thank you <3
thank youu! comments like that make me want to be writing all the time really hope you like it!! sorry i got a little carried away length-wise
a confession among friends: getting called my boyfriend's sister actually happened to me once and i was soo pissed lmao
pairing: James Potter x reader word count: 4.1k (not completely proofread)
You weren’t much in the mood for a party. No matter how many times Sirius clarified that it was only a “get together,” it was a party. Still, James had wanted to come, and there’d been plenty of times he’d come out because you were the one who felt like it, so you were happy to try to make the most of it. 
James comes up behind you now, surprising you and tickling you with no warning. You break out in full laughter but contort to smack him away. 
“Stop! stop!” you half laugh, half yell. 
“Alright, shortcake, but if I catch you looking grumpy again, you’re gonna get it,” he replies cheekily, giving you a playfully accusatory squint. “Shortcake” wasn’t your favourite of his nicknames, but it had stuck after one night the boys had had way too much to drink and way too much fun making fun of you for being the shortest of the group, not bothering with your contention that it wasn’t fair since you were the only girl.
“I was not looking grumpy.” 
“Given I’m the one who could see what you looked like, not you, I think my word counts for more here.” 
“What are you two on about?” Sirius interrupts, wrapping an arm around James’s shoulders in their typically brotherly way. 
“Was or was she not looking grumpy just now?” James asks.
“Was,” Sirius nods affirmatively.
“Whatever, you losers,” you roll your eyes at them. “Anyway, if I’m looking bored” — you glare at them before either corrects your word choice — “I feel justified in blaming the host of the party,” you smirk at Sirius.
“It’s not a party; it’s a get t—“ 
“A get together,” you both finish for him. 
“Yes, yes, we know, mate,” James laughs. “Lots of people in your flat for a ‘get together,’ don’t you think?” 
“Well, I’ve just made lots of cool friends recently. Thought it’d be nice for them to meet each other,” he shrugs.
“Always so generous,” you tease.
“‘Course,” he shrugs. “How else are you two annoyingly romantic recluses going to meet anyone new? You never leave your flat.”
“We do so,” you try, but it sounds damningly defensive. You cringe before Sirius can pounce and add, “Well, we’re here now aren’t we?”
“Fair. Glad you’ve graced me with your presence, L/N,” Sirius smiles.
Just then a small toy football whizzes past Sirius’s head. 
“Oi!” he yells, turning towards the source of the projectile. “No indoor football!” Then he grins his characteristically wolfish smile. “Not before I get to pick teams! I am host after all.” He grabs you by the wrist, dragging you with him. When you begin to object, he just shushes you with, “Weren’t you just complaining about being bored?” 
James comes too, no dragging necessary. You’re surprised to find Remus, usually so responsible, in the midst of the ball game crowd. 
You raise an eyebrow at him, and he chuckles, shrugging and telling you, “It’s Sirius’s flat. Do you think we’d even be able to tell if something got damaged?” He looks around at the messy space. 
You all start what was initially some kind of football game, but it just devolves into a drunken monkey in the middle situation. 
You get stuck in the middle, for frustratingly longer than most. It’s not fair Remus is so tall, and James so athletic. When you’ve finally had enough, you jump at James when he catches the ball, wrapping your arms around him, not even going for the ball.
“Hey!” he yells as he’s laughing. “Ref! Foul!” He shakes you loose, not without a fight from you. “That’s not the game,” he chides you. He lifts the ball high, and you make the mistake of reaching for it, obviously having no chance. “Gotta try better than that.” He hasn’t stopped laughing as you jump up and down like an idiot.
“I give up,” you announce, winded but smiling slightly.
“Such a sore loser,” he teases, ruffling your hair a bit and giving you a gentle playful push. 
“Whatever,” you push him back. “I’m thirsty. You want anything?”
“I’m good. Catch up in a sec.”
He throws the ball over your head at a ready Sirius as you weave your way to the kitchen. 
You lean on the counter, drinking some water. You look back over toward your silly boyfriend and best friends, who are still playing the game, but your view is mostly blocked by a couple of girls who are also watching the shenanigans. You don’t mean to eavesdrop, but they’re standing very close to you. 
“He’s so cute,” says one of them, a strikingly attractive girl in heels that make her a whole head taller than the other girl. 
“Why am I not surprised? You have such a specific type,” laughs her friend. 
The gorgeous girl just shrugs, owning it with no shame. 
Having witnessed your fair share of such reactions, you automatically assume they’re talking about Sirius. You just smile and roll your eyes, used to it. 
Soon the boys are over the antics too even though the game continues without them, and they come get some water as well. James stands next to you as he downs his glass. He bumps his shoulder against yours, a common gesture between you. 
The girls turn toward your group now, and the especially pretty one says, “Thanks again for inviting us, Sirius. If I’d realized it was going to get so… physical” — she emphasizes the word seductively, as she nods back to where they had just been throwing the ball — “I wouldn’t’ve worn such high heels.” She kicks her foot back a bit, as if to show the heels she’s blaming, but you don’t miss her turn into it, showing off her (amazing) body.
Sirius just grins knowingly, unfazed. 
“You could always take them off,” he suggests nonchalantly. 
She giggles and retorts, “But they look so good on me.” 
You can’t help but think it’s incredible people actually just talk to each other this way. You feel like you’re watching a movie, sure you’d never feel bold enough to say something like that unless the other person knew it was your line. You’d never been particularly good at flirting, and getting together with James since back at school, you hadn’t had the need in a long time. Even with James, though, you’d never talked like this, not back then, not now. You were glad you didn’t feel the need; everything just came naturally when it came to James. He used to make you nervous from how much you liked him, sure, but for years, you’d become completely comfortable with him. The closest you came to flirting was your quite frequent teasing, but you teased Sirius and Remus as well, and they you. 
“Aren’t you going to introduce us to your friends?” The girl’s question breaks you from your thoughts, drawing your gaze to her. Her gaze, you come to find, is not on Sirius, but on James. Directly, aggressively on James. 
Oh god. Maybe it wasn’t Sirius after all. 
“Oh, how rude of me,” Sirius says, typically theatrical. “Lads, this is Jules and…” Jules introduces her friend, but you miss her name as a group of people near you laugh loudly. “And these are my best mates, Remus, James, and Y/N,” he gestures at each of you in turn. “We go back to our school days,” he adds kind of adorably.
“Oh, how cute!” says Jules. 
Ok, not that adorably. You cringe internally at her then feel a bit guilty for disliking this girl for very little reason. Well, maybe there was a reason… but it wasn’t one you felt often.
She hasn’t stopped staring at James the whole time, and you steal a glance at him now. He’s pouring himself more water, quite unaffected. He looks at her only when she addresses him directly. 
“You were so good at… whatever you all were doing over there,” she giggles. “James. It was James, right?”
Oh please. She obviously remembered.
“Yeah,” James smiles, wiping some water that had condensed around his glass. “Thanks,” he chuckles and shrugs. “Not much competition, though,” he adds teasingly, shoving Sirius on one side of him and splashing your face with the water droplets lingering on his fingers on the other.  
“Oh don’t be mean,” she says exaggeratedly, playfully hitting his shoulder. 
You are not a fan of how angry such minimal contact makes you. 
“I thought you put up a really good fight against someone so tall and clearly athletic,” she says to you, looking back toward James at the end of her sentence. 
James just laughs lightly and, turning to you, bumping your shoulder, asks, “What do you think, shortcake? You think you put up a good fight?” His tone is all teasing. 
“You two are too cute,” says Jules. 
Weird angle for her obvious flirting, you think. 
“Is this your sister?” she asks, pointing between the two of you. 
Oh god. You are simultaneously mortified and infuriated. 
Sirius breaks out laughing, saying, “I told you I bet other people play siblings or dating with you two when we go out.”
James starts saying something, but just then, the ball from the continued game hits the counter right next to you, knocking over a bunch of water glasses and startling you all.
“Alright,” Sirius chuckles. “Maybe enough with this shit.” He grabs the ball and goes to toss it in a closet. James goest to dry his arm where it got splashed. Remus starts cleaning up the mess. A loudly apologetic bloke you don’t know comes over to help.
The slight chaos has moved the conversation away from what was just happening, and you have no idea how to clarify things without being incredibly awkward. 
His sister? What the fuck? Did this girl really not mind being a total bitch to get what she wanted or, worse, did she actually think you were siblings? Did you look like siblings to the rest of the world? Should it bother you so much if you did?
You’re reeling, and start thinking back to what could’ve given her that impression. Your stomach sinks at the realization of so much playful bumping, hair ruffling, and the like. You can’t remember kissing James once tonight. Maybe this isn’t out of the ordinary, with your slight aversion to PDA, but not once? You realize also how many of your gestures toward James you’d also done toward Sirius. How much they behaved similarly not just with you but with each other. Oh god. Were you that sisterly? 
You panic, reach for a kitchen towel, and start drying your damp boyfriend, getting way too close and speaking way too loudly when you say, “Let me help you with that, baby.” 
James is a little taken aback. You never call him baby. In fact, though his calling you pet names is common, the reverse is rare. You usually stick with “Jamie” … or some dumb teasing insult like “loser.”
“Uh, it’s fine,” he chuckles confusedly. “Wasn’t that much.” You nod and put the towel down. “You okay?” he asks. 
“Fine,” you say too quickly.
You glance toward Jules to gauge her reaction, but she’s busy also drying off, her friend having gotten the worst of it, and you’re not sure whether she heard you.
“Wanna go sit down? I’m tired,” you tell James, dragging him by the hand, which you don’t let go of even after he’s clearly following you, back to the living room. 
You pull him down to the couch, where you proceed to sit way too close to him despite there being more room on your other side and wind your arm under his as you continue to hold his hand. You kiss his cheek as he settles in. 
He’s smiling but asks, “What’s with you, love?”
“Nothing,” you say, but your voice sounds off even to you. You kiss him again, and even more confusion seeps into his smile. 
You’re trying to think of something “couple-y” to do but come up with absolutely nothing, an awkward air arising between the two of you as you squirm. You literally cannot remember the last time you felt awkward with him, and now you add feeling guilty into the mix. At your insecurities, at your jealousy, at his slight discomfort, you’re not even sure at what, but it’s awful. 
“You sure you’re alright, sweetheart? You’re all tense, and I’m pretty sure I’ve lost circulation in my hand at this point,” he chuckles. You notice your grip is vice-like. 
His tone is light, but yours is not as you snap, “I’m just holding your hand. I’m your girlfriend; that shouldn’t be weird.”
His smile fades quickly as he answers, “Uh… I didn’t say it was weird, Y/N. Just too tight?” It sounds like a question, but that’s probably just because he seems very confused overall. 
“Right. Sorry.” Your voice is much softer now as you let go of his hand. 
“It’s fine. Obviously. I just… Um…” He’s searching for what to say, wanting to comfort you but unsure what you even needed comforting from. He opts for just reaching for your hand again, straining a smile though his eyebrows remain in a confused furrow.
“You wanna go disorganize Sirius’s beloved record collection?” he asks mischievously.
“No, not really,” you say softly, not feeling like a prank right now even though you usually did. 
“Um, ok.” James looks a bit awkward. “You hungry?”
“Right.” A silence. “Let’s just sit here then,” he says, probably a bit more sarcastically than intended. 
“Is that so bad? Do we always have to be doing something for me to be fun?” you shoot, standing up. “Why don’t you go find Sirius or Remus, James. I’m sure it won’t even make a difference.” You turn away angrily, but he follows you up quickly and stops you. 
“Whoah, what’s up, shortcake?” he asks, eyes wide. 
“Don’t call me that. It sounds like you’re teasing your little sister.” 
You see something in his eyes at the word “sister,” but you turn and keep trying to walk away before you have time to really analyse it.  
James is following you but he has to weave between a group of people you managed to avoid, so you get to the bathroom before he catches up. He knocks a second later. 
“Y/N? Can we talk please?” You don’t say anything. “Come on, Y/N. Let me in. Or you come out.” You lean against the door but still don’t say anything. 
“I just want to know you’re okay,” he says more softly this time. 
“I’m fine,” you say, softly too. “I just need a second, okay? I’ll be out in a minute.” 
“You sure?” 
“Yeah, just give me a minute.” 
“Alright, love, but just come back quick, alright?” 
You’re not even really sure what you’re doing in here. You just need to collect yourself, you guess. You fiddle with some stuff on the sink then find yourself looking in the mirror. 
An ugly thought arises, and you hate it, trying to push it away. It comes back anyway. 
She’s much prettier than me… 
That distorted inner voice doesn’t stop there. 
And better at being a girl.
“You’re being ridiculous,” you whisper out loud to yourself. “Completely ridiculous.”
You wash your hands even though you haven’t used the toilet, shaking your head, your gaze fixed on your hands. Then you go back out into the party. 
James is across the room, talking to Remus, but staring at the door you just came out of. As soon as he sees you, he pats Remus on the shoulder, saying something quickly, and starts moving toward you. 
He’s stopped in the middle of the room by a perfectly manicured hand on his chest. It’s attached to Jules, of course, and your glare hardens. You’re too far away to hear what she says to him, her hand lingering on him. 
James shakes his head a bit at whatever she’s saying, his eyes coming back toward you quickly. He gives her a glance again and a nod then his hand comes to her shoulder. You’re eyes are glued to where they connect, and so your gaze follows the motion of James’s hand gently pushing her body aside. A moment later, it detaches as he continues walking toward you. You haven’t moved when he reaches you.
“Hey,” he says simply. 
“Hi,” you return. You look away from his face, shy and confused about what to tell him. 
His hand gently guides your chin back up, and you lose yourself in his beautiful eyes for a second. He gives you his warmest smile, and you give him a pitiful but sincere one back.
“You wanna talk about what the hell just happened?” he laughs lightly. 
“Isn’t it obvious?” you try. You’re not sure you want it to be, but you’re too embarrassed to explain and would take any option that meant you didn’t have to. 
“Actually, it wasn’t,” he chuckles. “When you got weird, I thought it was just because you didn’t want to come tonight,” he starts. “But I still didn’t understand the specific… I don’t know, kind? of weird you got.” His lips quirk into a teasing-adjacent smile here, but your face immediately contorts in embarrassment. You cover it with your hand, but James quickly removes yours with his. “Hey, hey, no, sorry. I’m sorry. It’s alright, lovely.” He caresses your hand he’s still holding. “I’m not teasing, okay?” He smiles at you, and you just keep watching him, but your face relaxes a bit. “Then,” he exhales dramatically, “Remus asked me how you reacted to that girl flirting with me right in front of you then calling you my sister.” He grimaces. 
Thank God for Remus, you think, the only emotionally aware man you’ve ever met.
“I hadn’t noticed the first part, sweetheart,” James adds. “The flirting part, I mean. I’m sorry, pretty girl. I mean, she didn’t know I had a girlfriend — clearly — but I would’ve just told her I did if that ball hadn’t hit us.”
“She was really into you,” you say before thinking, unsure where that’s supposed to take the conversation. 
“Was she? Huh.” He sounds slightly amused, but you know he’s acting to amuse you. 
“You really couldn’t tell?” you ask him. There’s disbelief in your voice, but you’re smiling a bit at him. He takes a step closer to you.
“I mean, I guess in retrospect, it makes sense,” he says honestly. “But I guess I’m out of practice,” he laughs. “And more importantly, I don’t care who’s really into me because I’m really into you, you silly girl.”
You exhale, your heart warming and most of your heavy emotions leaving you. You squeeze his hand, and shaking your head at yourself, bring it to rest on his chest. James chuckles into your hairline, kissing the top of your head and holding it close, his fingers interweaving into your hair.
“I’m sorry,” you mumble, your mouth squished against him. 
You can feel him shake his head since he’s resting it on yours.
“No need,” he smiles. “I’m sorry. Was quite daft.” You laugh into his chest. You wipe away a tiny tear you’d been about to shed then rest your hand on his chest. The image reminds you, and you jolt upright, looking into his face again. He looks startled but amused. 
“What was she saying to you? Just now?” You nod toward where they’d been talking. He laughs a full laugh. 
“She was telling me we should ditch this get together and go to her place.” He wiggles his eyebrows goofily. 
“Jamieee,” you scold, smacking his chest. He grabs hold of your hand and holds it to his heart, thumb caressing the back of it. His other hand still at the nape of your neck. 
“She was telling me,” he leans in conspiratorially, “‘sorry for not realizing your girlfriend was your girlfriend,’” he chuckles again. “I guess your little show worked afterward.”
“And what’d you say?”
“Does it matter?” It’s not harsh; he’s all warmth now. Knowing him, you realize he probably just doesn’t see the point of lingering.
“I just want to know,” you say.
“I said I didn’t care and it was fine or something.” He shrugs. “Can’t remember my exact words. Had more important things — a more important person — on my mind, to be honest.” He smiles at you. You smile back. 
“I love you,” you tell him. 
“I love you too,” he replies with a laugh as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world. “So much,” he adds, a bit more seriously, and kisses your forehead.
You just stand there, close to each other, your head back on his chest, his arms around you, for a few moments.
Then, leaning back to look at his face, you ask seriously, “Do you really?”
He looks confused by your question, its sincerity. “Of course I do. I adore you. You don’t know that?” His question has more than a tinge of hurt under it. 
“No,” you chuckle. But before he can get the wrong idea, you quickly continue, “Of course I know that.” You smile earnestly, and he seems comforted. “I mean, do you really not care? That she couldn’t tell I was your girlfriend?” Your voice grows softer and softer as you ask, and it’s a mere whisper by the end.
“No, sweetheart,” he smiles. “I don’t. I know. And you know. Who cares what other people think?”
“I did,” you scold yourself. “I’m sorry I got so weird. I just… I got really insecure about being just like Sirius or Remus to you. I know I’m just one of you in some ways —“
He cuts you off, “Yeah, baby, you’re one of us in some ways, but not in every way. The four of us, we have something special,” he nods. “But the two of us, we have something special too.” He tightens your embrace. “Seriously special. Yeah, we’re… what? friendly? sometimes. But, darling, you are not like Sirius or Remus to me.” He brings his hand to your face, caressing your cheek. “For starters, I don’t want to kiss Sirius or Remus, and they’re pretty good looking blokes,” he jokes. “And I don’t want to tell them about every single thing that makes me smile — just a lot of them — and about everything important in my life. I don’t need to make sure they’re happy and safe absolutely all of the time. I don’t feel warm and happy to be alive every time I look at them, and I don’t love cuddling with them at night, waking up to them in the morning. Not to even mention the other things that happen in that bed…” Now you laugh too.
“Yeah,” you nod, getting convinced.
“Yeah?” he pushes. 
“Yeah,” you say certainly. 
You hum a warm assent.
“Now what do you say we ditch this get together and go back to our place?” 
You roll your eyes at him but laugh as you nod. 
“Yeah, let’s go home.” 
He’s nodding as he shifts his arm across your shoulders, kissing the top of your head and continuing to hold you close as you walk toward Sirius and Remus to say goodbye. 
“Leaving already?” Sirius complains, teasing you about being antisocial and lame. 
“Sorry, mate, but I really want to cuddle up with my girlfriend right now, and this doesn’t seem like the best place for that.”
“Ugh, so cheesy, Prongs. Just leave already,” he says, feigning disgust and pushing James away. 
“Good night, gorgeous,” Sirius tells you, kissing your cheek carelessly like he’s done a million times. Similar words, similar gestures, yes, you think, but they don’t feel the same at all. You smile.
“Good night, Siri,” you say. You and James hug Remus too. 
James puts his arm back around you as you go to leave. You smile up at him, then, mischief in your eyes, you push him away and walk faster. 
“You’re all sweaty, Potter. Gross.” He laughs and play chases you all the way out the door. 
Once you’re on the other side of it, enveloped by the welcoming quiet privacy of the night, he catches up to you and pulls you to him. You resist for only a moment, your laughter intermingling with his, then you melt into his embrace.
“C’mere, gorgeous,” James huffs, kissing you ardently. “Can’t wait to get home with you,” he whispers before kissing you again.
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barleyo · 1 month
*licks teeth and pins u against the wall* so uh...how bout one of those big bro leon fics, *I say with a glint in my eyes*
Big Bro! Leon X F! Reader (smut)
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A/N: *quivers and covers chest nervously* w-w-well, i-i guess i could write a— a little something... *eyes shift awkwardly, avoiding eye contact with a gulp* uhm... here. i, uh, i hope you enjoy... (some of the dialogue is inspired by the 2007 movie teeth :3)
Tags: incest (brother-sister)/(daddy-daughter mentioned), coercion, dub-con, religious themes, allusion to p in v/a /no real penetration mentioned, fingering (anal and vaginal f receiving), brief mentions of previous sexual assault/abuse
Wordcount: 2.1k
You spent the entirety of your mid to late teen years obsessed with God. With purity. With salvation. Your parents dragging you and your brother, Leon, to church must've eventually struck a cord with you. Ever since the youth pastor chewed up that bubblegum and offered it around to everyone, making the point that nobody wanted a tainted 'treat,' the idea of staying untouched seemed to just click into place for you. Your body was a sacred thing, not to be touched or looked at lustfully by any man. 
Complete abstinence is easier than perfect moderation, as the great St. Augustine said. Why not swear yourself to chastity? A bond of complete celibacy, of purity, promised by you to your Lord.
Unfortunately, your big brother didn't seem to feel the same way.
Leon was your exact opposite, in the way that he couldn't spend a night alone. While you would sit in your room, reading or studying like a proper girl, the wanton sound of a random female companion of his would rip through the paper thin walls of your parent's house. Every night, or what felt like it, he would bring home a 'date,' as you called them, though, he would sooner call them 'easy sluts.' 
You weren't easy. Leon liked that about you. Every crude joke he made at your expense, wether at the dinner table or in the brief expanse of the hallway near your rooms, you shut down immediately. You were too maidenly for your own good, and unafraid to show it. Oh, he really liked it. Not like those other whores he'd snatch up on the way home, were you? His boyish, smug grins did nothing to bring you, his darling little sister, to your knees in the way it did other women your age. 
Maybe that was why he did it— bringing those girls over. He knew good and well you could hear them— hear him— through the thin walls. He could tell based on the way you looked at him with scornful eyes the morning after as he accompanied the umpteenth girl of his to the front door, tactfully kicking her out with the promise of calling her back. Of course, he did no such thing, the womanizer that he was. He'd wink at you. Taunting you. 
Maybe he did all of this to tempt you, to show you what you were missing out on. Maybe he was sending you a message. An offer? No. The more likely option was that he just liked to tease you. Yes, that seemed more 'brotherly.'
It was another night. Another sleepless night of being tormented by the lewd sounds coming from your older brother's room. You could practically hear the individual squeak of every spring in his old mattress as he used whatever girl he had with him now. You heard her muffled voice. Poor girl must've had her face pushed into the pillow. Maybe she was ugly. Leon always let the pretty ones look at him while he sexed them up— you could tell because you heard their voices much clearer in the night. 
It was nearly melodic. Hearing almost every movement between the two. You could piece it together in your mind, and before you knew it, you had your eyes tightly shut, imagining the scene.
You pictured it in more detail than you thought the Lord would be appreciative of. You saw your brother's toned back with his tapered waist, his taut muscles clenching and coated in a slick sheen of sweat as he worked his hips against a faceless girl's heat. It was a dance. You seemed to imagine it more passionate than it sounded. Where the girl next door was certainly getting pounded, your imaginary girl was being treated tender and soft. Gentle strokes accompanied by a firm grasp. 
You were yet again reminded the next day of how much different your real brother was to the version of him your mind conjured up the previous night. Not nearly as sweet, that was for sure. 
You pushed into his room, not bothering to give him the dignity of a knock. That was another thing he liked about you. For how meek and God-fearing you seemed to be, you could be a real bitch to your dear ol' brother. He found it sort of funny, the juxtaposition between how you really were and how his lackadaisical manner made you act. 
"We need to talk about your girlfriends," you said, slamming his door behind you. The breeze caused by the door made a few of his classless pin-up girl posters swish upwards, hanging on for their lives against the black walls of his room by the tiny scraps of tape he stuck them with. 
"Don't have any," Leon said casually, legs spread and arms over his chest. He tossed a baseball up and down, catching it in his palm as he leaned his head against his headboard. 
You huffed and stomped over to his bedside to snatch the baseball. He let you grab it, shooting you an amused grin as you palmed the ball far too big for your hand. 
"Well, whatever you want to call them—"
"Let's just call them whores, yeah?"
"I'm not going to call them that," you spat, eyebrows raising into your hairline. "Your 'friends.' How about that? Your 'friends' need to stop coming around. I can't live like this. I can't sleep!"
"Awh, poor thing. Your grade in 'prissy bitch' class must be dropping now. Y'fall asleep during your stick-up-the-ass exam, college girl?" he asked, nose scrunching teasingly as he eyed you. He reveled in how your offended look grew. 
"Can you take anything seriously, you ass?" You dropped his baseball to the floor and kicked it under his bed, to which he mumbled 'bitch' and an additional explicative or another under his breath. "Last night was ridiculous. I didn't get a wink of sleep. These walls aren't nearly as thick as you act like they are."
"Oh, you heard that? What, it turn you on or something?"
You stilled, arms rising back to cover your chest defensively. It didn't turn you on, per se, but it did something, that was for damn sure. You weren't about to confess that to Leon, though. Not if you had a choice. 
"No, it did not 'turn me on,' Leon. Do you hear yourself when you speak, or does everything come out on instinct?"
"Instinct. So, Virgin Mary, what're you harassing me about now? You don't enjoy the sweet, sweet sound of random chicks getting smashed?"
He sat up straight, back flush to his headboard now as he turned to face you. 
You got a good look at his features. Looked a lot like your dad. Score! Perfect excuse, suddenly coming to mind.
"No, I don't. I'm sure daddy doesn't appreciate it either," you said, trying to guard yourself with the veil of your father. 
Leon snorted. "Well, I guess daddy dearest will just have to come tell me himself then, won't he? Seems like he's too drunk nowadays to hear anything," he said, voice nearing bitter territory. 
"Don't talk about dad like that," your voice taking on a more protective edge in your father's defense. "He's going through a rough time. He doesn't need your shit."
"And I don't need yours. This whole abstinence thing has your horse pretty high, you know." Leon shifted his legs over the side of his bed, elbows resting on his knees. Most of the humor he had left in his voice had drained out, being replaced with a seriousness. "You aren't slick."
You narrowed your eyes at him, eyebrows pinching together. "What are you talking about?"
"Come on, sis," he said, mocking tone lacing the nickname, "we both know who you're saving yourself for, and I've been real patient up until now. I'm not gonna wait forever."
You wanted to repeat yourself, you wanted to ask just what the hell he meant by that, but he interrupted your train of thought.
"You think I couldn't hear you listening like a little pervert? Hell, even before I started bringing girls home. I couldn't jerk off without seeing you peeking through the crack in my door. Like I said, you aren't slick. You act like you're all hard and saintly, but you're just a nasty pervert, aren't you?"
So many thoughts ran through your head. So many emotions. Embarrassment, for one, at the fact that he knew of your dirty secrets regarding him. Anger at how casually he was airing this information. A strange warmth, as well, at how he teased you. You should've been screaming at him, at twisting this around on him, but you couldn't. 
"I'm sorry," you managed to squeak out, eyes dropping to your feet in shame. 
Leon just hummed in response, clearly not in dire need of an apology. In fact, he looked rather unfazed, like it was no problem for him at all.
"If you want to apologize, you can bring your little ass over here. Sit down, pervert."
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"I don't know why you're acting so fidgety about this. You give it up to dad all the time, what's so different about me?"
Fuck. Leon really knew everything about you. This entire night was like having someone read your diary out loud to you, hearing every 'secret' you thought you had kept so well. 
"Shut up," you said, eyes clenched shut tightly as Leon curled his fingers up against your g-spot again. You bit back the urge to whine or moan. With how much he was teasing you, you didn't feel that he deserved the satisfaction. 
"Wonder what everyone would think. Daddy's good girl is good for more than she lets on, huh? Bet everyone already knows. There's no way a girl like you hasn't been taken before. Ain't a man on earth who wouldn't try it, y'know?"
You hated how that made you tighten around his fingers. Was that really what made you cum? Your brother calling you rapeable? The entire situation was so far out of your wildest imagination. A far cry from what the other girls he entertained had experienced, you were sure of that. 
Or, maybe, the way that he let your face upwards was what did it for you. Last you remembered, the rule was pretty girls faced up, ugly girls got flipped. Guess that counts for something. 
"I'm real fascinated by your pussy," Leon said after a few moments of silence. He was sitting between your legs, cock sprung free from his boxers as he kept his fingers plugged into your hole. He watched as your hole continued to kick and squeeze over his two digits. 
"I can tell. You won't stop lookin' at it," you mumbled, trying and failing to prop yourself up on your palms. 
"Not what I meant. Just meant it's pretty."
You don't know why you blushed at such a meaningless, near-objectifying compliment. A small part of you said that if Leon had seen so many in his life, and he said yours was pretty, then surely that meant something. You felt honored, in a weird way. 
"Bet it'll be even tighter around my cock."
"What? No, no, we can't do that, Leon," you said quickly, pulling away from his finger with a squelch. You tried to pull your panties up, but he stopped you. 
"Who says?"
You thought about it. You wanted it, sure. Really bad, actually. So, who says? Who said that you couldn't take a brief pause from chastity? You quickly told yourself what you said each time your father got a little too drunk a little too late a night and missed your mother a little too much. 
"Just be gentle," you said, exactly how you would on the nights where you looked a little too much like your mother. 
"Don't worry."
You expected to feel his cock swab against your folds. You expected to feel the eerily familiar pinch and stretch of being penetrated, but it didn't come. Your walls clenched almost eagerly around nothing. 
Instead, your eyes widened in shock at the feeling of a finger trailing around your asshole. Leon aimed his head forward and spat a fat glob onto your rim, rubbing it around to coat your hole. 
"Wait— Leon! Don't do that," you whined, feeling him finger sink in and stretch the ring of muscle. 
"You aren't a true-virgin anywhere else, sis. I wanna pop this cherry before someone gets to it before I do."
God, he was cruel. What was crueler was the way he prodded another finger into your hole like it was nothing. At least he had the awareness to spit again, coating the middles of his fingers in an attempt to ease the pain in your end. It worked, as well as spit could. 
His head dipped down and his tongue latched to your clit, giving it a few purposeful sucks before pressing a kiss to it too, piercing eyes looking at you from between your thighs. 
"Besides, anal doesn't really count, right? Isn't that what all you pure-not-so-pure girls say?"
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foundmywei · 2 years
I finished reading "If we were villains" a few hours ago, so while I'm still going through the 5 stages of grief, here are the gayest scenes between Oliver and James that I made sure to save while reading even though I had no idea at first if it's going anywhere or not.
1. Oliver unconsciously leaning in when James was pretend-hitting him during class. (ACT I - scene 9)
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2. James covering Oliver with the fake blood on Halloween. (ACT I - scene 12)
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3. Oliver staying with James after the Halloween incident. (ACT I - scene 12)
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4. "I wanted to give Richard ten bruises for every one he'd put on James." (ACT II - scene 2)
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5. Oliver waking up next to James. "The strange sudden thought that I didn't want to move struck me." (ACT III - scene 10)
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6. Oliver kindly informing us that he's the only one who knows every inch of James. (ACT III - scene 18)
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7. "I desperately wanted him to stay, seized by the nonsensical idea that if he left, I would lose him, irretrievably.", "Forget to think of her." (ACT III - scene 18)
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8. Oliver being blindly, savagely jealous while watching James and Wren kiss during R&J. (ACT III - scene 18)
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9. Oliver thinking about James after having sex with Meredith. (ACT IV - scene 1)
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10. Oliver going to spend the night with Meredith in the hopes that it'll help him forget about James. (ACT IV - scene 1)
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11. Oliver yelling at James that he can't be mad at him or hate him. (ACT IV - scene 7)
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12. Oliver having a crisis while watching James and Meredith kiss. (ACT IV - scene 9)
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13. "He was my friend—much more than that, truthfully", "My infatuation with James transcended any notion of gender." (ACT V - prologue)
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14. ""You didn't tell me." I didn't realize until it was out of my mouth that that alone was worse than any of the rest of it.",
"I never wanted you to look at me the way you're looking at me right now." (ACT V - scene 5)
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15. "Worthy prince, I know't." and of course, the not so brotherly kiss. (ACT V - scene 6)
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16. "Of course, the only person I really wanted to see was James." (ACT V - scene 7)
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17. "You know why.", and James begging Oliver to let him make things right and kissing his hand the last time he went to see him. (ACT V - scene 7)
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18. "But more than that—you must know—more than anything, I just need to see James." (Epilogue)
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19. Oliver admitting at least to himself that he still is in love with James. (Epilogue)
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milaisreading · 9 months
Helloo~ i just wanna lyk that im so freaking obsessed with your blue locks fics specially sae x isagi’s sister y/n. If you don’t mind can you please do a sae x isagi sis reader where oliver wants to get back together with the reader only to find out that shes already in a relationship. Sae got jealous and publics their relationship slsksksk i dont even know if i make sense but i live for possessive sae ❤️‍🩹🔫
🌱🩷: I hope u like what I wrote! Thanks for reading and the request 🫶🏻
Warnings l: Reader uses she/her. Requests are open
⚽️Blue Lock belongs to Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura ⚽️
Sae Itoshi wasn't a particularly jealous person, he never had much of a reason to be jealous. He had the talent it takes to become a football player, the looks, and for the most part important connections in the football world. He was never much of affectionate person either, if you ignore the brotherly love he used to give to Rin. But that pretty much changed when he agreed to the request of playing at a match between the Blue Lock team and Japan's U-20 national team. As Sae expected Rin was there and he wasn't surprised by the progress Rin made. What did surprise him were 3 things: 1. how well the opposing team was keeping up, 2. the ace of Blue Lock, a no name to Sae, leaving most of the team in the dust with his tactics, and the 3rd thing was a certain yell he heard in the middle of the match...
Sae hid his surprise as he heard the girl from the spectators spot yell at the ace, which shocked his team as well. Sae stared at the girl, trying to make out her features as he heard Oliver sigh.
"What's up with you?" The rehead asked.
'Can this guy think of anything else?' Sae wondered, already suspecting what Oliver might say.
"Isn't she just beautiful? God, she used to yell at me like that at times." Oliver smiled warmly, something that surprised Sae. He never looked fondly at anyone.
"You know her or?"
"We used to date a while back... I really messed that one up."
Sae kept quiet as Oliver spoke and shortly after left as his coach called him over. The redhead couldn't wrap his head around that one.
'Oliver used to be in a real relationship? And he was still hung over about it? Weird...' The redhead thought, glancing between Oliver and the girl.
"Sae!! What are you thinking about?" The redhead shook himself out of the memory and looked over at (Y/n), giving her a small smile.
"Nothing, I was just remembering the time I first saw you."
"Oh? That time I walked into you, yeah. That was embarrassing." (Y/n) laughed with a flustered face as Sae stared at her with the same smile.
"Yeah, but you were really cute with that surprised expression. Your clumsiness didn't change much since that night either." Sae chuckled, grabbing her hand as they made their way out of the stadium.
"Hey, it did get better. Don't be mean." She scolded him back. Sae stared at her for a moment, running his eyes over her frown.
'Adorable!' He thought as he poked her cheeks.
"Hey!" (Y/n) protested, getting more embarrassed but didn't remove his hands from her face.
"Anyway, how was your practice today? Yoichi said Luna-san is getting a lot more stricter with the team." She commented as Sae took her hand again. The redhead stayed quiet for a moment, observing the night sky before looking back at her.
"Yeah, he is a lot more on edge, but it's mainly because we have that upcoming game with Ubers."
"That's right, Yoichi did mention that last night to me. But, I am sure you will do great like always." Sae's face grew red at the flattering words and cleared his throat.
"Of course. You know me." The rehead said back, his voice much more cheerful than the usual one. This, a much softer side was something he only reserved for (Y/n) to see. He just wished they could stop hiding this relationship, wearing a mask during summer and in Madrid wasn't the best thing. But, to stay with (Y/n) he would do it.
'Besides...' Sae thought as he looked back at (Y/n), who was lost in her own thoughts at the moment.
'This side of her, the embarrassed, funny, and loving version of her is something only I want to see for now. This side only belongs to me.'
Sae was never more greatful for the mask that hid his red face.
Later that night, Sae was at (Y/n)'s apartment and waiting for her to join him to sleep. He was mindlessly scrolling through his phone when (Y/n)'s phone beeped, signaling that a message arrived. Now, the older Itoshi wasn't someone to pry on other people's phones, especially of his girlfriend so he just ignored it.
'If it is important, she will tell me.' Sae thought to himself. After about 5 minutes, another message arrived and (Y/n) entered the room again.
"I am so tired." Sae glanced at her as she yawned a little.
"Cute." He smiled to himself as he watched (Y/n) grab her phone only to see her frown in confusion.
"What happened?" Sae asked, growing a little worried from her reaction.
"Ah... it's just that Oliver texted me, weird." She mumbled, laying on the bed next Sae. The said boy grew annoyed at those words, he was aware of their history and he didn't enjoy the idea of them being so close. But, it's not like he can tell her who to speak to.
"What does he want?" Sae tried to sound disinterest as he pulled her into a hug, smiling as he felt her relax in it.
"Just said he will arrive in Madrid in 2 days for the match and that we should meet again." She said, reading through his messages. Sae's eyes narrowed a little and his hug tightened as (Y/n) wrote something back, then put her phone away.
"I won't go. Besides, I like spending that time more with you." She answered honestly and kissed Sae's cheek, which caused him to blush a little, kissing the top of her head in return.
"Good. I love spending that time more around you, too."
'I need to do something about Aiku. I know very well that he still has some feelings for (Y/n), and while she will reject him, Aiku isn't one to give up.' Sae kept thinking as he watched (Y/n) slowly fall asleep.
'Should I finally announce the relationship? I like it like this, tho... What to do?' The redhead sighed, burying his face into her hair.
The day of the match had finally come and both Re Al and Ubers were doing good so far. It was half time break right now and the status was 2-1 in Re Al's favor, and bot scored by Sae with Isagi and Luna's help. The team wasn't sure what was going on with Sae, but they weren't complaining. Now, the older Itoshi did plan on scoring when the chance was given to him, but what made his determination skyrocket was what Isagi told him earlier on.
Prior to the game...
"Hmm? I see Aiku still didn't give up." Sae looked over at Isagi as he finished his warm-ups.
"What do you mean by that?"
"I mean Aiku is still trying to win big sis back. I thought he gave up 2 years ago." Alarmed by those words, Sae looked over to where Oliver was, and sure enough he was talking to (Y/n) about something.
"He wants her back?" Sae asked, his eyes narrowing as (Y/n) moved away from Oliver a little.
"Yeah, he still likes her a lot. He told me earlier when they arrived here that he plans on asking her on a date later on. I told you to come clean with this relationship earlier." Isagi sent Sae a look before going to where his sister was.
'Aiku wants her back? No way will I let that happen.' Sae thought to himself, finally making up his mind over everything.
'I will defeat Aiku, then show him and the whole world to stay away from her.'
And true to Sae's promise, Re Al ended up winning the game, with the redhead surprising everyone with his performance today. And while Luna and the rest of the team were flocking him with praises, Isagi and (Y/n) were standing to the side on the field as the cameras and press walked over to Sae, probably excited for some answers. (Y/n) smiled the whole time at Sae, happy to see him get all the compliments.
'Proud of you.' She thought as someone tapped her shoulder.
"Huh? Oh, Oliver! Great game there! You did great today." (Y/n) said as she saw the taller standing behind her.
"Ahh~ wish we won, though. But, I am happy you liked it. You look quite good today, but I would like it more if you wore my jersey than your brother's."
"Well, I like Yoichi's more!" (Y/n) said back, a little nervous by his words.
Isagi, who was standing close by moved over to where they stood.
"Aiku, don't you have a team to go after?" He asked, a little irritated and worried. Sae was already pissed at Oliver for wanting to win his sister over, if he heard of this now...
And, as if luck wasn't on Isagi's side today, Sae saw the interaction and it was his final straw. He quickly pushed his way past his teammates and press, ignoring the shouts as he walked closer to the trio.
"I am so tired of this." Sae narrowed his eyes as he gently grabbed (Y/n) and turned her to face him.
"Huh? Sae?" She wondered in surprise as a blush covered her face.
'He was never like this in public! Weren't we supposed to be lowkey?' She thought as Sae grabbed her face and moving her closer to him.
"Let's make this official now." He smiled softly, pulling her into a kiss. And, while she did hear the people's gasps, Oliver's shocked yell, and Isagi saying 'finally', she didn't feel as embarrassed as one would expect. Instead, she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back. Sae enjoyed this reaction, and he will enjoy this even more when he sees Oliver's defeated expression.
'She is mine. He better back off...'
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themotherofhorses · 5 months
Hi guys, it's Vic! Also known as:
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Round TWO at addressing the extreme racism in the CoD fandom!
So it’s both odd and funny that my Indigenous fem!OC has pissed off so many random people, especially with the fact that I created her to ship with Ghost.
(A fictional character that has NO canon love interest, FYI. Sorry to bust y'all's little bubble. Well, there's Mara and Urban Tracker....)
Anyways, I really don't care if this post sounds bitchy in nature. I really don't, not anymore. Some of y'all need a damn wakeup call. Several months ago, in December of 2023, I made a post (here) regarding the sudden influx of hate I began receiving following the posting of my OC, SilentDove Reyes. For around two weeks after that post, the hate died down, and I felt motivated to create more content involving Dove and Ghost.
Until the hate picked up again with every little thing I posted that related to my OC x Ghost.
However....this new hate incorporated the MMIW. A bold ass move, in my opinion.
If you are not aware, the MMIW stands for "Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women." Alternate spellings include the MMIWG & MMIWGTS (Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls, and Two-Spirits). As of 2023, statistics indicate that Indigenous women face a 10x murder rate than any other race/ethnicity. I have made a previous post regarding the issue, seen here. The unfortunate truth is that young Indigenous girls are more likely to be SA'd and murdered than to attend college. Let that sink in for a moment.
Now, I am an Indigenous woman. That is no surprise there; I fashioned my OC to provide myself (and, by extension, others) with Native representation in a franchise I greatly enjoy. What IS surprising, however, is that me doing so has pissed off so many people. I'm very certain some of y'all must descend from Andrew Jackson, or John Wayne cause, christ on a bike driven by a pike.
Here is a screenshot of a hate anon I recently received:
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Listen, I don't care who you ship Ghost with. I really don't. I've blocked numerous shipping tags, remained mindful of the content I'm interacting with, and surrounded myself with fellow mutuals who also have personal OCs. It is really that easy.
What I do care about is the fact that some of you CANNOT separate fanon headcanons from canon material.
Exhibit A:
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So let’s clear some stuff up!
Soap x Ghost is NOT canon.
Ghost being queer is NOT canon.
And, most definitely, Ghost being a woman abuser who would harm/abuse/murder a woman (either physically, emotionally, psychologically) is NOT canon.
What IS canon is his and Soap's strong bond. In my eyes, that is a brotherly bond, reminding me of a big brother/little brother relationship; in my fanfiction, Soap is Ghost's children's uncle. In fact, his son (second-born child) is named after him.
You are, of course, free to view them as romantic; what you are not free to do is attack OC creators/non-shippers for not perceiving them like that.
That is just fucking weird and delusional behavior. Knock it off. You're giving your fellow normal shippers a bad name.
ALSO! Let’s clear things up!
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1. I’m not straight — I’m bisexual and demisexual.
2. I’m only half white (Spanish, with Mexican heritage). I’m QUITE LITERALLY an enrolled Native, so I guess the best way to describe me is “biracial.”
3. It’s y’all ruining the canon gay representation by shipping Laswell—a GAY woman—with Price, despite the fact that she canonically has a wife.
4. My OC does not have a “dumb fucking name.” Her name is an Indigenous name with a specific backstory to it; it’ll be explored further in future fanfics once I find the motivation to return to writing.
Anyways, I highly doubt this will be the last post I create regarding this problem; apparently, a nice chunk of the fandom has this intense animosity towards fem!OCs, fem!Y/Ns, and BIPOC!OC creators. Alright. With that being said, I invite anyone who has similar experiences to share yours, either in the reblogs or in separate posts.
As sometimes we say during pow wows:
“The floor is all yours.”
Thank you!
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After seeing Season 5 and the way Miguel beat up three different guys to protect Robby in the fight at the Cobra Kai dojo, I need more of protective Miguel over Robby, so here! It’s not a fic, more an outline xD
4 Times Miguel’s Protective Of Robby And 1 Time He Realises Why
1: Robby and a former Cobra Kai are sparring and the ex-Cobra gets way too aggressive and nearly crushes Robby’s leg. Miguel immediately intervenes and knocks him to the ground and really digs into him until Robby has to tell him to cool it and the guy apologises. Tory and Sam snicker in the background and Demetri hands Eli money. Robby spends the rest of the week thinking about that because no one’s ever protected him like that before, except Miguel. For Miguel it’s just another Tuesday xD
2: Miguel finds out Johnny didn’t tell Robby the purpose of the Mexico trip until they were already there and that leads to the loudest fight the entire apartment complex has heard, and that’s saying something. Miguel thinks it’s unfair to Robby that Johnny put him in that position without even telling him and yet again made him feel second to Miguel. Eventually he calms down after Robby pacifies him and Johnny’s impressed and kinda proud that his two sons are getting along so well that Miguel is even protecting Robby from JOHNNY. Yaya gives Miguel a knowing look and Robby a wink and they don’t know what she means but they oddly feel like they’ve been found out.
3: One of the guys from school asks Robby out and he’s so far removed from karate and Carmen tells him it’ll be nice to have a break from the constant training for the Sekai Taikai, so he accepts. Miguel doesn’t know why but he feels weirdly betrayed by his mom. He ends up recruiting Eli and Demetri to follow Robby on the date “just in case”, citing their newly formed friendship and brotherhood meaning he wants to keep him safe. Eli and Demetri exchange that look they always do when they’re communicating in their own way that no one else understands, but Miguel’s one-track mind lets it go. The date does end up going badly cuz the guy is really disrespectful and too touchy and the next day Miguel’s on TikTok for beating the guy within an inch of his life before Robby, Eli, AND Demetri all had to hold him back. The video shows up on Daniel’s For You page on his newly made TikTok and he can’t help but be glad that someone’s looking out for his mentee, because if anyone knows how rough Robby had it it’s Daniel.
4: It’s movie night at the Diaz-Lawrence household and, after an exhausting game of Monopoly where Johnny nearly throws the board out the window when he starts losing, Miguel and Robby end up on the kitchen table together once everyone’s gone to sleep. They start talking about their childhoods and Miguel learns things about Robby’s that he half-figured but never wanted to think about when he was supposed to hate him. But now, seeing the kid who spent his childhood cooking for himself in dingy apartments and having to sweep up broken shards of the bottles of beer his mom or her newest boyfriend would leave on the ratty carpets, the kid who fell in with the wrong crowd too many times and got taken advantage of, the kid who was alone and didn’t have Johnny around…Miguel can’t help himself, he hugs Robby, a full-body hug, for the first time, and says he won’t let anything or anyone hurt him again. And Robby’s pretty sure he forgets how to breathe.
+1: Of course they don’t figure it out on their own. It takes separate interventions from their friends AND their senseis (yes, even Johnny figured it out eventually….ok, Daniel may have had to give him an intervention first) for Miguel to figure out he has feelings for Robby. And maybe that overprotectiveness wasn’t just brotherly love and friendship. And when he comes to this epiphany, it takes another full week for him to stop babbling nonsense when he sees Robby and finally ask him out. Fortunately for him, Robby likes him back, and fortunately for everyone else, they can finally exchange their money for the bets for when they’ll start dating😌
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journey-to-the-attic · 9 months
one thing i've noticed about obey me's story is that it generally delivers on big dramatic narrative moments, but often neglects the surrounding scenes and especially the fallout. there is of course, the oft-talked-about lesson 16, feat. mc's death that never gets brought up again, but then there's also s2's amnesia arc, which ends things with "mc has the ring so everything is completely fine forever"
om has a habit of doing this, where a realm-wide (or heck, universe-wide) problem is hand-waved away by the appearance of a convenient fix-it, which is usually either an object or just ~magic~ (magic as a plot device in om in general is handled poorly but that's a story for another day)
in some cases they just don't address the fallout at all. at least belphie talks about what he did in lesson 16 - but, see nb s2, wherein levi floods the entire devildom, submerging entire houses, and they don't bring it up again afterwards. as far as i remember too, belphie's mini-arc in this season wasn't really given room to breathe, either
but here's the main thing (spoilers for nb lessons 38 and 39)
i've just done these two lessons and in hindsight lucifer's mini-arc feels like a lot of missed potential
honestly they could have excluded diavolo entirely - his main purpose was to stall for time so that the brothers could show up. the moment where he kneels was cool (more on that moment later), but the way they've written him in means that the angels kinda. don't get to do anything? at all?
look - raphael has a gorgeous character moment at the end of 37 where he cries for the brothers' plight. like you don't understand this had so much potential!!! he didn't really do much in s1 (and might not have actually been himself??) so i was hoping this would be his chance to shine, but instead he's on the sidelines. simeon gets the most to do, and even then it's really not much. luke doesn't do anything, unless you count those blessings he and simeon give mc, but they don't really factor in at all??
what especially doesn't make sense about diavolo's role here is that lucifer turns on mc after they step in to protect him. this is meant to be a pay-off to diavolo's less savoury motivation for saving the brothers, revealed in his arc in nb s1, but all lucifer does is say it, get mad, then completely forgets about it once all is said and done
if that's all they were going to do with it, why bring it up at all? from a character standpoint, it makes more sense for mc to shield one of the angels - again, raphael this could've been your moment. (alternatively it could've been a call-back to the og s1 where mc shields luke in the underground tomb)
the appearance of the brothers was welcome, but at the same time i don't quite buy that they all got out of their respective predicaments completely fine. (also where did mephistopheles go??) lucifer also calms down very quickly, which is a great moment for the power of family, but at the same time i feel like he would've needed at least a few more dialogue boxes of him registering through his rage that his brothers were there. eh, this is more nitpicky than everything else
the brotherly moment was 10/10 though. love these guys <3
but i hated the final resolution so so much. sure, have god forgive him, whatever. but why would you end it all with a "papa loves you"???? if it had been raphael or simeon saying it, maybe i could get behind this as a symptom of the celestial realm's unhealthy society, but LUCIFER, whose greatest fear was revealed to be his father in s3 of the original story?
om has never made it seem like god's relationship with the angels was anything other than controlling and borderline abusive, and for some reason (if the poignant flashback is anything to go by) they've done a complete heel turn into "actually it's fine because he loves the angels". it could be read as representing how children often still cling to abusive/controlling parents, but i doubt it - especially coming from lucifer, who started a war and lost a sister in direct opposition to his father
and i get the whole deal with "lucifer was so beautiful as an angel" but it feels really disingenuous to the brothers' arc (about settling into the devildom and coming into their own as demons) to harp on about it. like, fuck that, have lucifer cast away the angel form, or at least have some pushback from him in the aftermath. have mc tell him "you're even more beautiful as a demon" or something
then in lesson 39 everything's back to normal. it's a very cute lesson and i had fun in the moment, but it feels off. there's no discussion of what happened, everyone's completely fine. there's got to be some psychological after-effects to all of that, no? for lucifer especially if not the brothers who got frozen as well???
though lucifer's dragon gift was very sweet. i can't stay mad at that old man
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seangelfish · 8 months
A/N: I’m planning on writing more around this test with other Paralive characters too, so please check out for those! ♡ (⇀ 3 ↼)
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“Can you peel me an orange?"
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Kanata Yatonokami x Reader ♡ Tags: (mild) angst, fluff, established relationship, not proofread! ♡ W/C: 462 ♡ Prompt: Inspired by the Orange Peel test that’s going around the internet lately, but add Kanata into the mix!
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“Hah?” he said with such harshness that it shocked the both of you. He didn’t mean to say it like that, but it came out of his mouth anyway. “Sorry, (Y/N)… today’s been rough.”
“Oh… that’s alright,” you replied. Now you were rethinking whether you wanted him to peel you an orange at this point. It was clear that he wasn’t in a good mood.
“What was it that you wanted me to do?” he asked, a hand scratching the back of his head. “Peel you an orange? Can’t you just do that yourself—”
“You don’t have to do it,” you said quickly, putting on a smile. Your heart clenched as tears threatened to spill. Of course Kanata would say something like that, that you could just peel it yourself. That’s the way he is. Despite being your lover, he was kind of mean.
You could peel the orange yourself, sure, but you wanted him to do it for you.
You looked away from him, lips pursed. You heard him stand up and walk away, his footsteps gradually getting faint.
You let out a sigh — one that expelled your disappointment and sadness.
After a few minutes, you picked up a sound of his footsteps coming back to you.
“Here,” he said, handing you a bowl of an orange he had just peeled for you. In fact, it wasn’t just peeled, but pulled separately into pieces too. “You wanted me to peel you an orange.”
Surprised by this action, you looked up at him with your glassy eyes.
“K-Kanata, I—”
“Hey, why are you crying?” he asked, stunned. He set the bowl aside, cupping your face with his hands. “(Y/N), did you really want me to peel that orange for you?”
“Mhm…” you admitted. You were kind of embarrassed for even feeling this way over something so small. “Sorry, I didn’t think you’d do that for me…”
Kanata looked dumbfounded — a look which said, ‘Why would I not do that for you?’
His gaze softened. “Of course I would. I was just confused. I’d do anything for you, you know that.”
And he was right. Kanata, despite being ‘so mean’ was never truly mean to you. He put great effort in trying to minimise his cold personality whenever he was around you. After all, you were the love of his life — one of the few people he loved and trusted.
Plus, his brotherly instincts immediately kicked in when you asked him to peel you an orange.
“Here, now eat,” he said as he fed you a piece. “Taste good?”
Seeing you smile so radiantly like that made the corners of his mouth perk up too. As he watched you lovingly, feeding you the orange he had peeled, the two of you spent your afternoon happily in each other’s presence.
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ataraxiasflame · 3 months
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Did Aemond want his brother dead?
(That scene from my pro-Aemond perspective.)
I’m still struggling to severe ties between the book-version and show-version of the characters, so I think that also influenced my interpretation of the scene (and I’ve tried my best to focus on the show-characters here).
Personally, I don’t think Aemond wants Aegon dead, necessarily. I actually think Aemond doesn’t really give a shit about what happens to him anymore.
Aemond was, however, clearly pissed that his brother showed up unannounced, especially given that Aegon has been portrayed as incredibly incapable in both strategy and battle.
But from a battle perspective, Aemond is warranted in his reaction because Aegon compromised the strategy they had to lure out a TB dragonrider and eliminate them while gaining control of Rook’s Rest. Aemond (just like Aegon) has his own motivations driving his need for glory, but at the very least, his brother was forcing Aemond into submission and obedience as the expected reaction would be to abandon the original strategy and save the King.
We see his frustration when he sights Aegon’s arrival. Though it does appear he delays joining the battle to let Aegon ‘suffer’, I personally interpreted that as Aemond deciding to stick to the original strategy and defy the expectation to go to Aegon’s aid. He doesn’t allow Aegon’s arrival to change the decisions they made (and when the signal is given, that’s when he and Vhagar finally take to the sky.)
Aemond doesn’t respond well to Aegon compromising his plan, and due to their brotherly-feud, he stubbornly disregards saving the King and instead focuses on what he came to do, making Aegon collateral damage.
Personally, I interpret this look as more “You should have stayed out of my way” rather than “now I can be King.” (But that’s just me.)
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Is it stupid? YES. And that’s one of my several issues with the changes in the show. Book Aemond (even if he was feuding with Aegon) would not have eliminated one of their dragons when they were already specifically strategising how to eliminate TB dragons to gain some advantage. Aemond is should be smarter than this (thanks Ryan Condal).
However, I think his loyalty to Aegon is now non-existent and he has his own priorities, and Aegon was basically in the way of those priorities, which started with eliminating Rhaenys and Meleys. And given the way that the show is portraying Aegon, I wouldn’t be surprised if the narrative becomes that ‘he was pretty useless as a dragonrider anyway, so no real loss if it means the target was eliminated’. Collateral Damage.
Many people are convinced that Aemond was about to finish Aegon off but in fact he was actually sheathing a sword, not removing one. If you ask me, he was ready to have the same moment with Aegon that he had after killing Rhaenys, but in a more powerful and triumphant way because now Aegon has to live with knowing that even has King, Aemond was and is more powerful than him. To me, that is far more impactful for Aemond than killing his brother. He will relish that his brother will have to live with the truth of this outcome, especially given that he will now likely be named Prince Regent in his brother’s place.
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I don’t really like it, tbh. It’s petty and theatrical and I personally feel like they could have gone several other ways which still left both these characters on the same path as they are now. I still feel that, had this feud been inevitable, it should at least have been done over the course of the entire season, not in the space of 3 minutes 3 episodes, and this should not have been the place for Aemond to exert his dominance and power over Aegon. As their first real battle with TB, it was vital that TG prove their power and unity (even if faked) in this battle and rise as a true threat to TB, but not even the audience sees them as a threat now.
Because the way Aemond looks on his dragon after killing Rhaenys is a clear sign that this side of him has been unleashed and his is now a potential liability to TG if not contained.
So where do they go with Aemond from here? If he is already appearing to be willing to sacrifice his brother for his own priorities, how does this arc continue? What does he do next that is even more shocking? I fear what the showrunners will have his character do to stay on this path they’ve only just started him on.
I’m obsessed with how Ewan Mitchell is portraying Aemond but unfortunately I’m just not sold of the rewrite of his character if the rest of his arc continues with this overt characterization.
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reveriesketch · 4 months
Hailstorm and Pyrite: Reunited
In the spirit of Pride Month, and because I love this franchise, here's my Headcanon for these two, because I feel sad that their situation was never truly resolved. (Spoilers for Arc 2 & 3)
Hailstorm before Pyrite was loyal to his tribe, brotherly to his siblings, brave and determined to fight well in the Sandwing War of Succession, a bit arrogant and fierce because of his upbringing, loved to fly and hunt, and had a deep desire to be perfect for approval. (Both from his family and the Icewing Rankings.)
After he is enchanted and becomes Pyrite, some of Hailstorm's characteristics unknowingly show through. Some of them are the same, while most are the complete opposite. While the Pyrite enchantment was designed with as bland a personality as possible, I believe Pyrite, with Hailstorm hidden within her, developed a little personality over time.
Pyrite, as a dragon, was loyal to her tribe and queen, caring and kind to her fellow Skywings, insecure and doubtful of her abilities, shy and humble around others, loved to fly and explore, and believed she was clumsy and useless all the time.
When the enchantment finally comes off, Hailstorm has a severe identity crisis with both of these personalities conflicting. The rest of the story we know well.
After the events of the second arc, Hailstorm was able to find his way to a sense of who he was again, but Pyrite's personality and memories never really left his head. She was embedded within him.
Of course, the Icewings had a lot of pressure and expectations for him to go back to the way he used to be before he was torn in two. Yet the more he tried to push Pyrite away, the harder it was. This pressure fed into Hailstorm's insecurities that he would have pushed down before but now stood laid out in front of him.
Pyrite had no free choice in her life since Queen Scarlet had her wrapped around her talon. However, Hailstorm didn't really have a choice either because of everything expected of the perfect brother/soldier he made himself to be.
Hailstorm felt like he was keeping a charade on the outside and felt completely messed up on the inside. But the more he thought about it, the more he felt that the mess inside of him wasn't a problem.
Pyrite, unknowingly, expressed a part of Hailstorm that he kept down even before the spell, a part that was afraid to be useless and a failure, and a part that wanted to have a simpler life instead of the strict Icewing standard.
A life where he could truly express himself.
When Snowfall destroyed the Gift of Order in the third arc, a great weight of pressure was lifted off Hailstorm's shoulders. Even without a rank to help him keep up his perfect record, it was his choice to let go of his perfect soldier persona.
He enjoyed the life Pyrite lived but felt "lost" when he tried only to be her. He also felt "empty" whenever he tried to move away from Pyrite and only be Hailstorm. However, he felt complete when he accepted her as a part of him and vice versa.
It felt ok and might just be his new normal.
After a long period of wrestling with his thoughts, Hailstorm gives himself a good long look in the mirror. He can see Pyrite in his reflection.
"I don't think I can ever be the same again, because of you. But I don't hate you. You're a part of me now, and yet, I'm not ashamed or afraid. I think if we choose to be a part of each other… we can move forward. We can be the dragons we've always wanted to be."
From that moment forward, Hailstorm chooses to let Pyrite take up space, and even self-identifies with her. He does this not to lose himself to her, but for them to gather their personalities into a whole dragon, to grow stronger together.
Eventually, they choose to be honest about what they feel and identify as with their family and friends. They consider themselves to be plural and non-binary, having two dragons in the same body, and want to be called we/us or they/them.
I believe many Icewings, including their own mother Tundra, would be disgraced and confused. However, others like Lynx, and perhaps even Snowfall, would be more accepting and encouraging. Of course, many of the main dragon protagonists would be much more open-minded and friendly to them.
Even Winter, who would be very cautious and concerned for his brother, would also be glad they remember themselves and want them to be happy again.
"We may not be the brother you remember us being anymore, but in our heart, you will always be ours."
They also decide, even if they're scared at first, to try wearing the Pyrite enchantment again so that they can truly have two forms for themselves. With the reluctant help of his friends, (I'm not sure who exactly has the enchantment by the third arc) they were able to return it to him.
They rip off the conditions of the enchantment that cause the wearer to forget their memories and be loyal to Queen Scarlet so that all the paper says and does is:
"Enchant this paper so that when any dragon wears it in the form of a necklace, he or she shall fully become a female SkyWing named Pyrite, with the following conditions:"
The first few times they wore it, there was the familiar miasma of forgetfulness between who Hailstorm was and who Pyrite was, but eventually, they could remember both their lives and personalities in both forms. They wear a special locket with the enchantment and pictures of friends and family so they always remember who they are regardless of the form.
The two balance each other out, Hailstorm provides the bravery and determination for Pyrite's insecurities and social phobia, while Pyrite provides humility and empathy for Hailstorm's arrogance and desire to be perfect.
While both still feel loyal to their own tribes, they are willing to be more open to knowing other dragons because they were open to themselves. They realize they have a lot to learn from other dragons in their lives.
While the Ice Kingdom will always be their home, they decide it would be best to not stay there all the time. They often visit the Sky Kingdom, but also like to visit the Mud and Sand kingdoms, and the recently discovered Pantala continent.
They also love to visit the villages of Possibility and Sanctuary, mainly to meet new dragons and visit their brother. In the process of exploring, they gain a few second homes. (Idk if Hailstorm/Pyrite would like to attend Jade Mountain Academy, but I think either way they have ways to grow as a dragon.)
Lastly, they choose to forgive themselves for their past mistakes and what they did in the war. They want to move through the trauma instead of beating it down and pretending it's not there. While sometimes their brains still feel like a complete mess, they know that together, and with support, they will be alright.
"We're more than a perfect Icewing or a scared Skywing, We love both of ourselves as we are."
__________________________________ Thank you for reading!
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eighthpassenger · 18 days
Custom Made | CateLuke x Reader
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You’re the newest recruit to the Seven! Big honor!
You’re lab-made, like Homelander, and they used some of Soldier Boy’s DNA making you, which means he considers himself your older brother. He’s ecstatic about ‘not being alone’ anymore. It’s very intimidating, but you quickly see what a privilege it is to automatically get into his good graces. You’re protected, which is actually really helpful because you’ve never been out of the lab before and it’s really overwhelming. The fighting and power part, you’ve got handled; the social? Not so much.
Backstory: After taking over Vought, Homelander found out about your existence, the only other successful test tube Supe. He was pissed. Broke you out of the lab, incited and helped you kill all the workers who ever kept you locked up or experimented on you.
Now to the fun part: Cate and Luke find the particular mix of your strength and navieté intoxicating. 
Canon Divergence: Cate told Luke what was going on soon after Indira asked her to (Indira asked her too much too soon, not enough loyalty earned yet here). They stormed and exposed The Woods to rescue Sam, a bit of a massacre still happened and Cate and Luke were appointed the Guardians of Godolkin. Luke became part of the Seven as Golden Boy as everyone expected, but Cate followed to Vought Tower on her own merit. Sam’s still around. The Godolkin Gang is still alive, they're just still in GU. This is a darker version of Luke bc I love when he cracked <3
They start by befriending you. They’re so nice! And your age, to boot! How lucky really, that they're just so easy to be around. Wouldn't have anything to do with Cate using her powers to pick up on your thoughts and steer themselves in the right direction to gain your trust and put you at ease, of course.
They offer to teach you about what normal people do; Cate especially smiles sweetly as she mentions her own isolated childhood, saying she has the best tips to get used to people and catch up on stuff.
Luke though… he’s just kind and reassuring. Always making sure people don’t crowd you too much, that you don’t get overwhelmed… Shows you his favorite things to do, since he's the one with the most normal childhood (and isn't that a fun thought). Sam joins sometimes, and you relate to him due to the being locked up and experimented thing, too. Really, it's like you were custom made to fit in Cate and Luke's lives.
They have to tread the fine line that is getting your attention without upsetting the balance that is having Homelander be overprotective over you.
Homelander actually finds it amusing and adorable. Says that as his sibling, a superior even among Supes, you deserve your own fans, and at least they’re decent Supes on their own rights. 
He takes his brotherly duties seriously, and when he gives them a shovel talk it’ll be terrifying. He encourages you to use them, to have fun. Cate and Luke are mildly terrified he'll realized they're trying to manipulate you, but he's confident that as his sibling that just couldn't happen.
Like it'd be hard for them to sway you one way or another with their kind words and reassuring smiles, their encouraging touches. You just killed someone on accident because you got overwhelmed and lost control of your powers? Don't worry, Cate will make sure no one remembers anything, and Luke will burn any evidence away. Anything you want to do or try, they'll encourage as long as you take them with, like two smooth-voiced deviled in your shoulders. Isn't one of those supposed to be and angel? The cartoons they showed you seem to indicate so, but it's not like you're eager to complain.
You were already kind of screwed up due to growing up in a socially limited environment, only being experimented on and trained, and killing the ones who ‘raised’ you didn’t exactly make you more stable.
Now, with such influences around you, who knows what you’ll become?
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 3 months
Ange, as usual I come with my post-episode thoughts-
This episode was quite good, I say that of course meaning it was pretty good, all things considering in terms of the character developmental issues we've all been highlighting so far. I know that generally after every episode airs we all talk about the shitty mistakes the show's made, myself included, and the way things could've been better handled, but I thought this week, I'd try and say some more positive things-
The acting, superb, as usual. Ryan Condal may be full of shit, but boy do these actors make do with what they've been given.
Aemond speaking High Valyrian? Yes, I did giggle and blush, it was hot as FUCK
Seeing Sunfyre, and that little moment where Aegon smiled with his dragon, I wished we could've seen more of their bond. Aemond serving cunt while fighting. Sir? You're slaying dragons (and possibly your brother) and you're serving cunt?
I like Alys so far, actually, seeing more of her makes me more curious to see her interact with Aemond
Daemon in Aemond Targaryen dress-up
Another Milly cameo.
Gwayne Hightower serving cunt
There are more, but these come to mind. Naturally, of course, I had my issues, but the usually are a continuation of what I had issues with before, such as-
The greens basically hating each other
The non-existent brotherly relationship between Aegon and Aemond
Helaena erasure, Jaehaera erasure, Maelor erasure (What, no Daeron mention?)
This episode made it more clear the angle being taken, that Rhaenyra is some form of the righteous, morally correct side, and the greens are the villains, versus both sides being morally complex, and the characters having good and bad traits, for example Aegon caring for his family, yet he's obviously not the best ruler Aemond being loyal to his brother, yet clearly ambitious, Rhaenyra actually being selfish, not just some saviour-esque figure. This angle annoys me because it takes away from what is in my opinion a key aspect of the story in the books, which is that all of these people are complex, do good and horrible things, and this is a war of succession, not this whole thing about Rhaenyra finally going to war because of the song of ice and fire, and all what Viserys told her.
I really can't handle the whole Aemond betraying Aegon thing. Both teams are flawed, yet the show makes it look like only team green is. Look forward to your thoughts too <3
-🦋 anon
Alright. I am here to dump my thoughts! Thank you for returning each week for this, I adore you for it!
I have made my peace with the deviation from the source material. I have a better time watching if I treat it as a separate piece of media.
Daemon is basically useless at this point, just tripping balls at Harrenhal and achieving absolutely fuck all. Having said that, I am enjoying the hallucination scenes, and Alys's character is so, so interesting. I love what Gayle has done with her.
I am growing a little frustrated with Rhaenyra's approach. I get that she wants to be a peaceful ruler, and to avoid war, but war is happening right under her nose. It's good to see some discord being sewn among Team Black - them playing the picture perfect, grieving family while the Greens are at each other's throats was beginning to grate on me a little. Jace's frustration was really well acted and totally believable.
I enjoyed the meeting of the small council - I feel like Aemond got his own back for Aegon humiliating him in the brothel. I do feel for Aegon though, he is being ignored and discarded by his family, and I feel if there was a little more cohesiveness then he wouldn't behave so rashly.
I really felt the absence of both Otto and Helaena this episode.
I teared up seeing the scenes between Rhaenys and Meleys, and Aegon and Sunfyre, knowing what was to come. I cried at Rhaenys's death. Seeing the light go out of Meleys's eyes broke me.
I don't think what Aemond did to Aegon was premeditated, he was simply frustrated and wanted to get him out of the way, so he couldn't cause any further problems. His means for doing so were incredibly extreme though!
Overall, I really enjoyed this episode. I am hopeful the rest of the season will be much better in the second half.
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beanghostprincess · 11 months
ok idk if ur still doing the ship thing and ik i already asked you about some but thoughts on acesan?
you can ask me anything, whenever you want. never getting tired of giving my opinion and knowing people kind of care about what i have to say! and besides, i've been thinking about this ship a lot so i appreciate it <3
I LOVE THEM!!!!!!!!!! ace was sanji's bi awakening. i just know. it's so real. i'm so glad we all as a fandom agree on this. their scenes together are so gay for literally no reason??? like seriously, what was the point of their dynamic being so homoerotic. ace lighting up sanji's cigarette??? at this point just kiss him and get over with this oh my god, ace... he's not subtle.
okay but it's not only the homoeroticism of it all. it's also the fact that their pasts are so well synced. they match so well!!
sanji's brothers have always treated him horribly. he went through so much physical and emotional trauma because of them that the thought of siblings having a good relationship is completely weird for him. he doesn't have good memories of his brothers, but he knows how they should have treated him. the way they acted isn't how someone that should love you acts. those are not his brothers. so the concept of a brother loving him is completely foreign to him.
and then he meets ace.
ace, who looks after luffy constantly. ace, who's worried about how his brother is doing. ace, who's polite and kind and a genuinely good person. ace, who's obviously luffy's brother because he is also a menace to society. ace, who would do anything for luffy. ace, whose priority will always be luffy.
and, you know, that's weird for sanji. a brother who cares. who loves. who fights for his little brother. who wants to be with him. who loves him. who has missed him during the years they've been apart. and it makes sanji wonder why his brothers weren't like this, if it isn't that hard, really, to love him. maybe it's just his own fault.
and it's such a great dynamic to explore! because, for sanji, luffy is just so lucky to have ace. and ace is literally the peak of kindness. sanji lacks brotherly love, ace is literally made to be luffy's brother, and for sanji that's literally so, so beautiful...
it helps, too, that ace is extremely hot (cliché pun extremely intended).
it's not only the whole "ace being a good brother" thing, though. it's also their pasts. feeling worthless and undeserving of love. of living. they both feel out of place and often pretend to be what they're not. they can't love themselves and are always appreciating the fact that they have people who love them. it's such a good ship because it explores both of them learning to love and to be loved!
i like the ship for these things, but also because it's so, so funny.... ace is so chaotic and he tries to be all teasing and cool and hot. and he's just a failguy sometimes. because he's a fucking idiot. and sanji finds that endearing. also, sanji being all done with him because he is, indeed, an idiot, is the funniest thing ever. and sanji is the most bottomest of the bottoms, so of course he likes ace.
idk i really like their dynamic and it's wayyyy deeper and more interesting than what people make it look!!
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littlemisspp · 11 months
A Twist of Fate: Part 3
Summary: Your friend Ominis and his wife come over to talk about the dangers of Sebastian Sallow.
A/N: Diving into Sebastian Sallow's morals is enough to give you a headache
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 4
The moment your eyes meet the morning light you jump out of bed. Leander was long gone at work and your feet hurriedly carried you down the stairs and out of your house. Breathless, you push open the door to the shed and your stomach sinks. Folded neatly on the cushion on the leather chair was the blanket and pillow you’d given Sebastian the night before. He was gone.
Overcome with emotion, you quickly grab the blanket and shake it, tossing the pillow to the side in a desperate attempt to find a note- or anything left behind. A quick search around the chair revealed he had left nothing. Not a single piece of tangible evidence he had been there.
You slump into the chair, slouching back into the cushion and breakdown, your hand clutching the collar of your nightgown as you sob. He was gone. It was as if you were fifteen again and watching him get taken away from you. The emotions brought up traumatic memories for you, and it was overwhelming. Your fingers clutched the arms of the chair, as if desperate to feel the warmth he left behind. But you found the leather cold to the touch. 
Was it all a dream? Did it really happen? Was he really here?
Your mind swirls with thoughts as you try to steady your breathing and racing heart. Sebastian was gone. You have gone on without him before, and you will do so again.
So that is what you do. Your fingers wipe the tears from your cheeks and you stand up, not looking back at the leather chair as you exit the shed and shut the door behind you. Yesterday was better off forgotten. It was better this way, right?
You re enter your home and allow yourself to exhale, moving to brew a cup of tea. Droplets of water still fall from the broken facet as you move about the area and prepare your drink. Like every morning, an owl delivers the day’s copy of the Daily Prophet. You step onto your porch and collect the paper, relieved to find Sebastian’s face had been replaced on the front page. It seemed the world was trying to move on as well.
Mid-afternoon brought a knock on your front door. Curious, you sat your book on the couch beside you and moved to open it. On the other side you found your long time friend, Ominis, and his darling wife, Vera. They stood side by side, his arm hooked around hers. The sound of the door opening made him smile.
“Y/N” he greeted, his tone friendly, “I hope we aren’t intruding”
“Of course not” you replied, opening the door wider, “Please, come in”
Vera steps in first, guiding her blind husband through the doorway. Like always, they are dressed to the nines. Both of them adorn expensive clothes, stylish jewelry, and decadent accessories. You and Leander lived a more modest lifestyle.
The couple sat on the couch in your front room, your gaze drifting to Vera as you give her a smile, “Would you like some tea?”
“That would be lovely,” Vera replied.
Vera was a beautiful woman. Her skin was dark and flawless, her eyes a deep chestnut brown. Her black hair was always pulled back in an elegant bun. She was the picture of perfect fashion, and a perfect match for Ominis Gaunt. The two wed in a small ceremony in London two years ago. It was at the dinner afterwards you and Leander reconnected, thus your relationship blooming.
In all honesty, you were sad at the wedding ceremony. Of course, your feelings for Ominis were platonic- brotherly. But something about watching two people who are meant to be together pledge their futures to each other made you feel weird. You felt jealous. The entire time you watched the pair in the chapel you daydreamed of Sebastian. You created storylines in your head where you were the bride in white, and he was the dashing groom.
A few minutes later you reappeared in your sitting area with a tray of tea cups and a plate of snacks. Both of them expressed their gratitude as they took a cup in their hands. You sat in the chair across from them, curious.
“We missed you at the party last night” Ominis said, the white porcelain cup in his fingers. 
“I’m sorry I missed it” you expressed.
“Leander mentioned you didn’t feel well” Vera stated, “Are you feeling better?”
“I am” you replied, trying to keep your voice light, “I suppose I needed a good night of rest”
The three of you indulged in small talk for a while as they finished their tea and ate the snacks. Topics of the weather, England’s Quidditch team, and even Leander’s job all came and went. Finally, Vera excused herself to use the washroom and disappeared from the room. 
Ominis’ demeanor changed, his smile falling, “Did you see yesterday’s headline?”
You sucked in a nervous breath. You had been hoping this wouldn’t come up.
“I did” you say, deciding to be truthful. 
Ominis shook his head, “I can’t believe it. He escaped. They will kill him when they find him”
You were thankful Ominis couldn’t see the look of horror that flashed on your face. The consequence of his escape was not a topic you wanted to dwell on.
“Anne sent me an owl” Ominis says, causing you to raise an eyebrow in surprise.
Anne Sallow was once a cherished person in your life, but the moment she turned her brother in you distanced yourself from her. For one, you despised her for taking Sebastian away from you, but also because she ruined his life even though he saved her own. 
“What did she say?” You inquire
“She told me that she was nervous” He said, “Sebastain being on the loose is dangerous”
“Dangerous?” You quiz, “He isn’t dangerous”
“Y/N” Ominis scolds, as if you had said something sinful, “Sebastain is a murderer”
You feel your blood begin to pump in your veins as you shift in your seat, “He isn’t a murderer”
“He killed his uncle” Ominis argues, irritation growing in his voice, “It has been ten years, Y/N, how could you still be blind to this?”
“Sebastian did it to save Anne’s life.” You bite back, “Solomon Sallow was doing the bare minimum to help Anne. For all we know, his lack of action could have killed her if Sebastian hadn’t stepped in”
“Anne was already dying” Ominis replies, “Solomon couldn’t have done any more damage than what was already done”
“He gave up on her!” you pleaded, your voice rising, “Sebastain was brave enough to stand up to him. What he did was heroic. Anne is still breathing because of him. All of that and she still doomed him to Azkaban”
“Because he killed someone, Y/N!” Ominis says, now yelling. “He took a life! His own uncle! How can you not see the darkness he holds?”
“Because I know he didn’t truly want his uncle dead” You say as your voice wavers, “You weren’t there, Ominis. You didn’t see the look of pure terror in his eyes when he realized what had happened. The curse jumped out of his wand before he had the chance to stop it. He was fifteen! A child! And was thrust into prison without so much as a trial. His entire life was stripped from him”
“He cast an unforgivable curse” Ominis says, “The rules of our society state that those curses are what they are so named: unforgivable. Despite his intentions the outcome does not change. Solomon Sallow is still dead. Sebastian is simply facing the consequences of his own actions.”
Tears drop down your cheeks as you look at your friend sadly, “Have you no sympathy for him? He was your friend, Ominis. Sebastain loved you like a brother.”
“I loved him too” Ominis says, his tone calming, “It broke my heart. I still shed tears over it. But we must not forget that Sebastain was the one that put himself in Azkaban. Not Anne, or Solomon, or you and I. It was him. He was the one who dabbled in dark magic. He cast the killing curse, and now he must harvest what he has planted.”
Vera reappears, her expression grim as she clearly heard your argument. You stay silent as you reflect on Ominis’ words. As hard as they are to hear, you knew deep down there was truth to them. It killed you to admit that. It felt like you were betraying Sebastian. You knew he wanted only good things. He wouldn’t purposefully harm someone. Sebastain was kind, loving, charming, and good. His soul was pure and his heart was golden. He was not the man Ominis thought he was, despite his wrong  doings. 
“I can never abandon him” You confessed, a tear slipping from your eye. 
“Y/N” Vera says carefully, “Has Sebastain tried to contact you?”
“No” you lie, “He hasn’t”
Vera looks down at her fingers, her expression unreadable. You were unsure if they believed you. But you also didn’t care. You’d never turn him in, not even to his friends.
Ominis licks his lips nervously before speaking again, “It is important that you do the right thing, Y/N”
“I don’t know what you mean” you reply
“If Sebastain were to contact you, you must report it.” Ominis says matter-of-factly, “It is your duty as a citizen to do so”
“If I report him he will die” you say sternly, “I will not play a part in his death.”
Ominis inhales sharply, clearly this was not the stance he’d hoped you would take. 
“Think of your future” Vera presses, speaking up as if to give Ominis a break, “Doing the wrong thing could jeopardize your future”
You think for a moment. What is your future? You suppose your future is Leander. Your future is marriage, a family, and then rotting away until death releases you. It sounded more of a curse than something to look forward to.
“We know Sebastain will visit you, Y/N” Ominis says, his tone pleading. “He loved you dearly as a child. He will come to you, and you must do what is expected of you”
“I must?” you scoff, “Why are you so eager to kill him? I thought you were his friend? His brother?”
Ominis opens his mouth to speak but no words come out. He is stunned. Without a moment’s thought he stands abruptly, causing you and Vera to look up.
“I value honesty and sound morals over a childhood friendship” he bites, then turns to Vera, “I believe it is time to go”
Vera nods, giving you a sympathetic look before standing and hooking her arm in Ominis’. You only follow behind them, silent as you watch them depart your residence. You were stunned. This was not the Ominis you knew. Sure, he had his limits with Sebastain, but you never thought he would completely abandon him. The harsh reality you witnessed made you sad.
Ominis, Anne, and the entire wizarding world had given up on him. But not you. Never you.
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mistyfoxxy · 2 years
in case mine is one of the ones that got deleted, the huntlow prompt i sent was essentially willow giving hunter physical affection and him not being used to it and also discovering that he's very touch starved :3
“What.. is this?” The blonde asked, tense shoulders and rapid heart- galderstone. As he had learned in the last few days… but titan was it hot in here? She was touching him. They both were touching him! Like… squished up against him. But something about it felt… so warming. So nice. So different. So familiar? But he knew he hadn’t experienced it before.
He’d have to research about this.
And he did.
In fact, ever since that day, the days leading up to the day of unity, he’d run to the library and look for any kind of information he could find on this physical thing Gus had called affection. The thing Willow had been doing a lot of.
Titan was it making him feel… so wierd. He thought it was weird, well the feeling he got was weird whenever him and the captain texted back in forth. The way he felt himself smile like an idiot anytime she sent those symbols shaped as hearts or complimented him. But this. This was a whole different level.
Ever since the school was invaded and they had fought the guards off, Hunter couldn’t catch a break. Anytime the captain had seen him, she’d place a hand on his shoulder, or nudge him with her elbow. Or even give him one of those things called ‘hugs’. And no, he wasn’t stupid, he knew what it was… now. It was a form of this thing called affection. He just wasn’t used to it. Sure him and Gus had made their own hand shake and playfully nudged eachother or even leaned on eachother in something Willow had called ‘brotherly’ but something about Willows touches made him feel so… happy?
No no, oh titan that was not the word. He felt himself get nervous, hot, titan he couldn’t even think straight any time he was around her! Sure before the whole situation with… Belos, he found himself distracted by thoughts of the captain a couple of times. Ok that was a lie. More often than not was she on his mind. And any time he had a mission, well smaller missions that he wouldn’t get in trouble for, he always took the time to glance around, hoping he’d run into her. And then of course he’d freak out. Because what would he do if he did run into her? Would he stand there like an idiot? Would he be at a loss for words like the first time she had called him? Or would he pose cool like he had practiced all those times. Would he try flexing? He had worked out quite a bit some since that flyer derby game. Oh! Would he start talking about plants? He had read up on quite a bit of that too.
But nope. He had felt very unfortunate. It went like the first two lines. He had stood there like an idiot at loss for words. Much to his disappointment that hadn’t actually been her. The way that actor portrayed her was quite sad actually. The captain was tough. Very strong and wise and not afraid to say something that she feels needs to be said.
She definitely wouldn’t shake and squeal like a little girl. If he wasn’t so in guard, he probably would’ve have laughed at the poor job they did in bringing her characters to life.
Shame on them.
He then thought about the day before. A slight blush crossing his cheeks as he remembered waking up, head leaned on her shoulder.
He never really slept. Not unless he felt safe enough too. And after the whole incident in Belos mind, he had not been sleeping. Something about her presence had caused him to lower his guard. And quite literally his conscious guard too. From what he was told, he had been out for hours. The poor captain had to have had a neck ache or something after sitting in that awful sitting position. Gus had said she tried to be still as she could to not wake him.
It made him feel so good but so bad at the same time. He kind of wished he could do that again. But it would be wrong to her. He was used to the lack of sleep anyways. But he could go for another hug.
He found that he really liked those. Like he realllllly liked them.
He felt himself craving them more in more each day, and it was weird. He had not grown up with them. These hugs. But he felt like they were so fulfilling too.
“Hey Hunter.”
Hunter whipped his head around to the source of the voice. The captain. “H-hi!” He called out quite louder than necessary.
And titan the soft smile she gave him made him feel so mushy inside.
“Whatcha thinking about? You’ve been staring for a while.” She asked. Not a hint of sarcasm or disdain in her voice. She was genuinely curious.
“Oh… well. It’s. Weird?”
She laughed out loud at this. “Ok. I can handle weird. Hit me.”
“What no! I’m not going to hit you. Sorry captain, but those are orders I won’t follow.” He stated matter of a factly.
Her eyes widened in confusion before crinkling at the sides in mirth, another laugh escaped her throat. “It’s just a matter of speech. Don’t worry.”
The captain then nudged him softly. His heart… well he guessed galderstone now but that didn’t matter! Atleast that’s what he told himself.
“Hugs.” He stated quickly.
He could tell she wasn’t sure at first what he meant but presumed she put two and two together when the large grin spread across her face. “You like them don’t you?”
He nodded slowly, feeling the heat rush up to his face at the honesty.
“Me too. I love them so much, I could probably hug someone all day if they’d let me.”
“I’d let you.” He stated way too quickly.
She laughed again. “I’d accept that. But I think I’d fall asleep. It would probably end up as cuddling or something.”
“Yeah. It’s like a hug. But mainly couples and stuff do it. It’s a very affectionate thing to do, I think. But you don’t have to be in a relationship. It’s just. Well you have to be comfortable with that person I guess. You basically just lay or sit while cuddled up next to the other, like a body hug I guess, and relax. I haven’t done it with anyone except for Gus when we had a sleepover years ago. But I… well. When I feel asleep I accident kicked him off the bed so we never did again.”
“That seems. Nice.”
“Yeah. We were watching a sphere and he’s quite the little cuddle bug himself. He fell asleep first.”
Hunter thought about this while cuddling thing. His mind then led him to thoughts of him and the captain cuddling. Would that be… appropriate? Could he do that? He knew he’d sleep for sure if she was right next to him. And it’s like a hug. He really likes hugs.
“You want a hug?”
Willow snorted. “You we’re thinking about them so I assumed.”
“Oh. Yeah! I mean- if you want to?”
She chuckled and grabbed him around the shoulders. Pulling him close. She wrapped her arms around his neck and put her face in the crook.
He melted.
He wrapped his arms around her waist and buried his face in her hair. He didn’t realize it until she started giggling but he did something with his nose against her.
“Ah! You’re a nuzzler too!” She giggled.
She then pulled away and touched his nose with hers.
He felt his face heat up, but also realized he really liked this. He ‘nuzzled’ back.
Sending them both in a fit of giggles and chuckled before they were interrupted.
“Little prince. I have a mission for you.”
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