#they r letting me train for the bar even tho I’m leaving in a month
short666bread · 1 year
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2days journal (7/11/23)
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authenticaussie · 7 years
Izou and Thatch for the pairing ask.
who’s the werewolf and who’s the hunter
Ooooo okay okay so like??? The thought of Izo as a hunter is really really cool but also it’s r EALLY REALLY FUNNY to imagine him being a werewolf and being SO MAD ABOUT IT. Because he sheds!!!! everywhere!!!! Every goddamn where!!! And the amount of clothes he’s ruined by accidentally shifting?! It drives him Crazy. Ofc tho to pass off his obsession w/ the moon is pretty simply - most people think that he’s eccentric, and saying that he’s “charting the planetary flow” and spouting over mumbo jumbo really easily deflects why he actually keeps an eye on it. I can totally see him having this nice apartment w/ pot plants on a balcony and EVERY SINGLE FUCKING FULL MOON, HE KILLS THEM, BC HIS WOLF!SELF IS LIKE, “GOTTA MARK MY TERRITORY”. No-one ever lets him take care of plants. Ever.  
And Thatch???? Thatch isn’t even a hunter. He’s the person who got called bc Izo’s apartment isn’t allowed pets and someone complained that Izo had this big dog and Izo’s like my good sir no I do Not, you can very obviously see I do not have space for a dog, and regardless, I hate dogs. They shed and break your stuff and I swear to god if I get humped by one one more time I am going to learn how to levitate. 
And like, Thatch was ??? a hunter?? But he’s….soft. He’s soft and squishy and hates to hurt and the whole “werewolves are totally and utterly evil” thing never ever sat right with him. So he went and got a job with animal control buttttttt…. yeah the training doesn’t leave you. And so he’s like “soooo there are no….special circumstances??? Surrounding your….dog??? Like….when he comes to visit?? During certain times of the month?? Like…at night……??”
“My good sir are you suggesting that I am a vampire???”
“No!!!” Thatch goes, “I’m suggesting you’re a werewolf!!” 
Three seconds later got him like: why did I say that
who’s the mermaid and who’s the fisherman
IZO MAKES THE PRETTIEST MERMAID,,,,,And like, just ??? All decked out in pearls that he found himself and strung together, and they’re so big and pretty and he’s found chunks of crystals and gone diving in ship wrecks and has thousands of dollars worth of jewellery wrapped around his tail that he likes because it’s sparkly and pretty and also surprisingly enough they make pretty good weapons???
Thatch is #wrecked Bc like??? ooo imagine pirate!thatch chasing down rumours of a mermaid, and a mermaid with a tail made of diamonds??? And finding out that his tail isn’t made of diamonds, but fuck they’re just as valuable, anyway, because of the gems – and then later on, not because of the gems, but just because it’s- Izo. And Izo is infinitely more valuable than any stone, because Izo laughs and teases and smiles and is so captivatingly beautiful. 
who’s the witch and who’s the familiar
Izo is the witch!!! Thatch is his faithful familiar. Well, more so faithful helper?? He’s a bit dorky and distracted but also he’d take curses for Izo if that’s what it took. Izo mainly does potions and is a decent witch - not amazing, but decent - and the reason Thatch is considered his familiar is bc when they were young izo tried to brew a “get me a girlfriend” spell for Thatch and it went So Badly and ended up giving him a biologically female body, which he FREAKED OUT about, and in izo’s attempt to fix it he accidentally gave Thatch a whole bunch of animals forms and so!! Thatch can shape-shift a bit xD Only into a couple of animals/objects tho, and only for an hour or two.    
who’s the barista and who’s the coffee addict
Surprisingly enough, Izo is the coffee addict?? Like, people think it’s Thatch because he’s so hyperactive, all the time, and Izo is constantly perfect that no-one thinks he ever has a time where he doesn’t look 10000% put together, but nope. Thatch has seen Izo in the 6am, when he’s just rolled out of bed and stumbled into Thatch’s cafe and been like give me coffee or death and Thatch is like one death coffee coming up!! And serves like, a triple shot black pffft xD
who’s the professor and who’s the TA
Thaaaaaaaaaaatch!! Thatch is the professor and Izo is the TA!! He’s distracted and loud and bouncy and forgets things constantly but like?? He’s really good at helping people. Students terrified of their thesises have gone to talk to him in a panic, asking to drop the course, and he manages to kick start their ideas and motivation and enjoyment and they walk out babbling to themselves because all of these thoughts! They know exactly what they’re doing! And Izo has never been able to figure it out; he’s given out schedules and colour-coding and he keeps thatch organised and on-time and helps with marking and meetings but- 
Thatch is the one that they flock too when they need it. People leave Izo’s office still looking vaguely worried, but Thatch’s students?? They could conquer the world after a meeting with Thatch. Izo thinks it’s fascinating and amazing and impressive because he’s never been able to do it or figure out how it works and he asks but Thatch just. It’s just Thatch.
who’s the knight and who’s the prince(ss)
Honestly, interchangeable??????? It’s hard bc like, whitebeard connection is undeniable, so like, why would one be a prince and one be a guard, you feel? But like!!!!!!!!!! Honestly I lean more towards Thatch as the prince!!! He’s not… good at politics, because he’s too honest and truthful, but like..He’s been raised for this, and he knows how to twist people round his finger. They think his optimism is idiocy and someone scatterbrained? He’ll give them scatterbrained, and sneak what he wants right by them. Most of the servants know his particular brand of intelligence, but they keep it to themselves because he’s a good prince, and for all that he can manipulate with the best of them, he really only does it in the interest of others???????????? And Izo, now Izo, you’d think he’d be a bad knight, and you’re right in part of the aspect - he’s not the best sword fighter, or horse-rider, or the best guard, and he can get distracted by people and things and situations, but like, gods above does this man know how to get information. And it’s weird!! It’s weird, because Izo understands people but not in the way Thatch does. He understands guilt and greed and secrecy and bribery and what people will do for others, what he doesn’t understand is- is the things that thatch is proficient in. Like, Izo gets it when people act in a situation he knows. But when they change it? When they don’t act like he expects? He has to find out why. And if there’s no reason bar human fallacy he’s just??????????????? It confuses him so much. He knows what paths will lead to the best outcome and people!! not following that!! what the heck!!! why!!! ???? and thatch is like uhhhhhhhh because they’re unpredicatble and people are weird???
who’s the teacher and who’s the single parent
Thatch is the teacher and Izo’s the single parent!! Like I said?? before?? Izo’s not like…amazing with people, he tries, but he always…thinks his way is best?? And doesn’t understand why people don’t do the most efficient thing? That’s hard for him. But Thatch, oh thatch, he’s good-natured and a bit dorky and useless, but he can solve a person faster than Ace can burn down a building. He started off not really getting kids, because, well!!! Kids!! They’re loud and shrieky and their sense of place and self and Science is weird but thatch stopped looking at them like some other species and was like No they’re just Little People. Anyway, he’s basically everyone’s favourite teacher.  
who’s the writer and who’s the editor
Thatch is the writer and Izo is the editor. And like, I can definitely see Thatch as an editor, too, but like?? For structure and flow and being creative and pulling more from a work, and Izo gets really stubborn about it because he’s like no, what you’re suggesting is grammatically incorrect but then Thatch is like yes but it feels. That’s their dynamic even if it’s switched, too pfft. Thatch would write cookbooks but like!! The dorky ones w/ cute stories and pictures and stuff like that. He’d also probably write ??? Poems, I feel?? Whereas Izo would write nonfiction and fantasy, but fantasy ala a quiet, understated fantasy that seeps into every book, and like, you’re not sure you’re meant to understand the book and it’s a weird philosophical classic and you’re just squinting like…uh…okay. Also the one time he and Thatch collaborate they make a jokingly cheesy messy ridiculously out there romance book and it becomes the most popular out of any of their books and they get SO MAD.
#aussie's anons#ask aussie#weirdly enough this is the Very Very Very first time I've been asked for izou & thatch!!#which is Strange considering their apparent popularity lol#sorry it isn't as ?? indepth as the marco/ace marco/sabo etc. ones#I can get lots of thoughts abt them bc I !!! well I do a lot of character studies?? and I've made lots of aus w/ them....#so like???????? figuring out how they would react to situations and how to build a plot around that is easy haha XD#and while I still do a lot on thatch and izo it's not#to the extent that i do charas like marco / ace / sabo / luffy / zoro / nami#bc like??? I don't have Many Ships w/ them....and I do a lot of exploration of character interaction through shipping#i dunno where thatch/izo came from pfft#but it's cute!!! I don't go out of my way to read it#but when it's written well I don't mind it ;u;#I really like super arrogant & clever izo who sometimes forgets how to people#so thatch - who like NEVER forgets how to people#and is always trying to help and comfort and support - is a pretty good match ;u;#at the same time tho i like aro!izo v/w\v#I can defs see qpp thatch/izo though!!!#which actually i didn't think abt before#darn#that's....a Good time#long post#huffs#aw man!!!!!!! I wanted to finish all these tonight but it's 11 and I have a train to catch tomorrow#I guess I'll try and finish them before I Leave??#if not tho they may have to wait until I get back from my trip on wednesday#izothatch#thizo#???#thatchizo
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"if you weren't you, then we'd all be a little bit less we"
Growing up I've always been told "family comes first." "When your friends aren't there for you, your family always will be." "Family is forever." These concepts had been instilled in my mind at such an early age not only through words, but actions and the very nature of my life. There were definitely times when I would look around and acknowledge that "okay, not all families are as close as mine, and that's okay." But it wasn't until I came down here that I realized this universal truth of family-being-the-most-important-thing-in-your-life may not be as universal as I thought. Let me just start off my saying there's nothing wrong with living your life otherwise. I've met so many people who have different priorities and I'll even admit - there have been times when I wish I could be able to be more like them. To focus more on me, on my career, on my friends. To be able to worry less. To care less. But that's just not me. Starting from the very beginning weeks of my adventure, I thought about my ppl back home a lot. It was amazing to be able to share all of these new experiences with new people and bond with my roommates to create unique friendships, but all the while I had sometimes wished I could also share it with the ones I already loved and left behind. It got easier to be able to enjoy this experience for what it is and embrace my independence as time went on, but there were always those days when I would be riding pirates or splash mountain and wishing my dad was there with me, or wishing I had jess to blame when I secretly wanted to ride the astro orbiter. Needless to say, disney is where I grew up with my fam, so it has only been natural for me to be nostalgic of those days in the place where so many of my favorite memories were created. I wouldn't sit here and say I've spent the last 3 months longing to be home and spending every waking moment missing the people there (tbh ain't nobody got time for that even if I wanted to), but this experience has made me appreciate more than ever that home IS such a happy place, and I'm grateful for the people there that make it that way. So as you can probably imagine, the week in Florida when home came HERE for a little bit was one of the absolute best so far. It all started with a visit from Aunt Linda and Uncle Steven. I showed them around my complex and spent about the first 20 breathless minutes answering rapid fire questions about my program, lol. They took me to a lovely and salubrious lunch at bahama breeze and then on a very unique thrift shopping adventure. They offered to buy me ANYTHING I wanted from the thrift store, and though the $25 dishwasher was tempting, I resisted. No but seriously, I really did enjoy my time catching up with them. It's so nice to see family and get the chance to bring them into my own little world here. The mr. softee ice cream was also a plus, but that's besides the point. Before we knew it, it was time to go meet my mom and dad at their new ("week" long rental) (three bedroom) condo! If the nostalgia wasn't already strong enough, being back at caribe cove strengthened it a little bit more. I helped them get settled in and re-explore the old stomping grounds, and soon enough it was time for me to be off to work :/. That was one of the slowest nights I've had here, as all I could think about was my family down here in Orlando having fun without me, but thanks to them - I had some surprise visitors asking for some ice cream! Between mom's narration/recording of snap chats, uncle Stevens high decibel excited voice, and aunt Linda's flash from her digital camera, it was only a matter of seconds before every person in the shop knew my family was here to visit. Lol. I ensured that dad got the best (and largest amount of) ice cream (nonna d's oatmeal lace, yum) and sent them on their way. I heard Mickey was pretty good to them at the register, you'll have to ask them about that doe. The next day I had work again and consequently missed the arrival of my dear cousins. Matthew, Jamee, and Matt were scooped from the airport by mom and dad that morning and directly started their Disney adventure at Hollywood Studios. When I got off, I boated over to meet them (what a beautiful change from the post-work bus transportation I'm used to) and we made our way over to none other than the magical magic kingdom. I could tell they already were running on fumes from such a long day, but you can't Disney half butt, so we pressed on. We got to watch the beautiful Wishes (a night time spectacular, ending May 11, 2017), and explore as much of the park as humanly possible. I convinced them to try the churros, which may have been in the running for the highlight of my night. I beat them all in buzz lightyear, but that I'm used to, so it didn't make the running. Also, dad got to join the club of being on screen for monsters inc, lol - looks like he needs a hug. No worries tho, mom gave him that hug on screen. Supe cute. When in line for splash mountain, we realized time was running out and it was likely to be our last ride of the night, which we came close to accepting (side eye at Matthew and dad who knew there was still a chance for one more). After exiting the world of the b'rers, we HUSTLED over to big thunder, and squeezed in one more ride with 1.5 minutes to spare. No but really, we were the very last train to run that night. Now that's what I call doing disney right. That night, I stayed at the condo. I snapped the metal bar on the pull out couch in half just by sitting on it. It was a funny experience to add to the adventure, but if that isn't a sign to lay off the churros I don't know what is, lolS. So matthew and I got our rest that night with a metal pole in our backs, but TBH we were tired enough that it didn't even matter. The next day called for some animal kingdom exploration. We started off the day right, that is - a ride on the famous expedition Everest, which was actually a lot more fun than I remembered. Still not sure if that particular ride was actually superior or I just was happy to be with my fam, but either way I'll take it. Matt really liked it, too. He's into the g force thing. Jamee giggled the whole time. Dad sat with a stranger. But if I gave you a play by play of every single thing we did we would be here all day. Some other highlights from the DAK of course were the festival of the lion king, and our kick start on drinking around the world with some fancy drinks in Africa. And of course, (thnx Lynne!) we got to see the harp player up close and personal. We traveled back to magic kingdom that night, as per usual. We finished up most of the things that we had missed the night before (still second guessing if we should have waited 130 mins for space mountain or not) and then left the park. Before closing - I know, shocker. We relaxed at the condo pool with some beverages that night and got to bed relatively early. My final day w the cuz' was spent in Epcot. I had work in the afternoon but I got some time with them in the morning. When I said goodbye the first time, I was sad and cried. So then later they came into my work as a detour part of their drinking around the world showcase. I said goodbye again but it was still sad and I had fomo. So then, of course, at the end of my shift they come back to the boardwalk AGAIN and we all got ice cream before they drove me back to my apartment. That was the kind of goodbye closure I needed to last me the final two months, lol. High key miss them lots tho, but we had a blast. After work the following day, I met mom and dad in Japan (Epcot) for dinner, and HAD to try the Andalusian nights. We hopped over to animal kingdom post dinner, to enjoy rivers of light once more. We had really good seats this time, and got some cool pics around night time DAK. The next day of that week I had class and work, but typs mom and dad picked me up at the end of my long day so I didn't have to get the bus. I actually had off again the following day (ty managers) so I was able to spend the night at the condo again. The following morning (and by this point I was exhausted so when I say morning I mean 12pm), we enjoyed some lunch at Cici's and some magic kingdom magic. I had to stop at company D which is right by MK, so why would we choose any other park?? Ya know?? Highlight of that day was getting to ride the up and running railroad train!! Before we knew it (guess that's what happens when you sleep in in Orlando), though, it was time to go get chris and jess and jaime from the airport! I was so super happy to see them but that was to be expected I suppose. I got to do universal with them, which was a fun and different experience. Harry Potter world was a blast, and they even convinced me to go on the dueling dragons for the first time. I scream laughed the whole time, which won me the title of jaime's new favorite person to ride a roller coaster with. Also we had some butter beer on mommom, and got to see the incredible!!!!!! Ollivanders show. We kind of were all over the place, but got A LOT done considering. My roommate rebecca also joined us that day. We got to be one of the first ever to go on the new jimmy Fallon ride, which was really really cool, but slightly underwhelming considering all of the press it had been getting. I rode rip ride rocket next to jess and we chose the same song so we could jam together, which was pretty legit. G-l-a-m-o-r-o-u-s, na mean? Overall we had a pretty fantastic time, but I had to leave them around 5 to go to work :/. They also visited me at work that night, which was a nice little pick me up considering my how tired I was from all day in the park/working. Next day we went to ... you guessed it! MK! And started off in adventureland. We did pirates first (anyone else NOT remember that by drop from when we were little??) and made our way clockwise throughout the park. Since the park had been at such high capacity they were doing the parade twice, so we saw the 3 o'clock parade at 12! We skipped a few things, knowing we would be back again the next day (spoiler alert - that night too) and ended over at buzz light year which unfortunately was shut down!!! We got a fast pass though to come back later, but had guest services switch it over to Epcot since that was our next stop! At Epcot, we went on test track and soarin' and the land and ate at sunshine seasons before making our way over to the showcase to travel the world. We started in Mexico, where we even got to meet Donald Duck. Chris was so excited, but he def was trying to be cool and hide it. A great start to our travels, even though I was slightly mis that my contact was scratched and I couldn't see. Next was Norway, where jaime thought the statue of the gnome from frozen was dobby. Lol. Next was china - we detoured here for a bit to watch the acrobats and enjoy some potstickers and plum wine. Germany was a blast, we got some really cool pictures here with our grapefruit beer and pretzel. Italy is always my favorite food wise, I split a chocolate covered cannoli with mom and it was deeeelish. We also had limoncello here. That was something. Chris was doing this cool thing where he made us say cheers in the language of the natives of the country we were in. Our journeys continued through America, Japan, morocco, etc. We stopped for a little dance party in morocco and of course revisited the Andalusian nights. France was fun, UK was funner (Ello mate we're in London would you like some fish n chips). We made it to Canada just in time and ended our Epcot night there for the fire works. But of course, it was only 9, and MK was open til 12! So we hopped on the monorail and made our way back over. Night time disney really is the best disney. We got to a bunch more rides including Winnie the Pooh and the Snow White mine train. We even got to see the kiss goodnight!! The next day, the sad and final day, we finished up MK. We had a few fastpasses, so we got to ride space mountain and mine train sans wait times, which was really nice. We got to see the infamous country bear jamboree. We also went to ride splash mountain for a second time, and boy was that SOMETHING! I felt bad for being so excited about such a miserable thing to the rest of my party, but the ride broke down and we got EVAC'd!! Mom shared in my glory with me. That was legit on my DCP bucket list, and one of the few that I had absolutely no control over! It really delayed us and put a wrench in our plans for the day, but it was cool to be able to exit the log mid b'rer world and be escorted backstage on one of my favorite rides. Big thunder was shut down, and I felt real bad about that :(, so the mine train actually was the last ride of our day. I think every time I go on it I love it more and more. After squeezing in the last few things of the day, we made time - even though we really didn't have any - for a little TLC sans C (Turkey legs and churros without the churros for all you noobs out there). That was a good time. When all was said and done, we exited the MK as a fam for the last time for a long time, and they took me back to my apartment before making their way to the airport. That was supe said because I really love them. And I miss them. And I had a really really good time with them.
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mmjjbbaannkkss · 5 years
2019 December 9-14 Half-week Notes, Vitamin-B
“Let reality be reality.” - Lao Tzu
Finally started B-complex after waking up too early, made me sleep again. I only took niacin during workouts and with fatty foods, but B-comp is for all food types. It’s a vitamin that vegans might be lacking, research implies in mornings B absorbs better, explaining why an empty stomach mid-workout started flushing niacin into circulation. Pre workout powders and drinks for years, like most ppl, but even then not in high levels, and B-comp has a safer level. 
Niacin opens capillaries, causing itching as some even burst, causing heat and metabolism also, but even before my new health-focused life, there were intense moments, hiking or fighting, work or play, leaving mature muscle with more vascular density, vessel amount, and fewer capillary requirements. So wouldn’t itch/flush as much, and larger still, and BMI higher means no capillaries in the fat, so only flushing around the thin skin. 
B vitamins assist energy for cellular or hormonal purposes. Consult a doctor, I’m no doctor. This is my personal diet, grains and greens, work and whey, meat and mattress, that’s my grind. I’m also assuming soy sauce phytoestrogens break down quicker than meat’s estrogen, allegedly block meat-estrogen in the process, and supplies in theory a ‘pre-digested’ protein/amino source. The lower sodium version is literally called “liquid aminos,” and with B my energy is good. 
Don’t eat fiber b4 a workout, it needs water just to digest, and then sits waterlogged until it does, protein bars are high fiber. B might, metabolize sugar faster than you can use it in a session, turning fuel into adipose fat. Implying, meat might make donuts MORE dangerous -- and yet gamer fuel has B plus SUGAR, 30 grams of sugar is heavy like a donut. 
Stomach digests junk food with natural enzymes, not vitamins/minerals, fats and meats burn slower overnight, waking less hungry, unhealthy fat in the blood has to be removed thru filter organs or used as energy, B-something helps with fat-to-energy and is naturally occurring in meats, match that-B to the meat with the highest level, and it calculates artificially leaner, and you might be energized by morning. Or, eat less and less-of unhealthy fats so your blood is purer. 
Superhero blood, not bacon-wrapped donut blood. B is NEVER an alternative to real food, but in a zombie apocalypse, the soy sauce aisle will be empty and you can watch the landscape. 
Do if you do. Don't if you don't.
Week 1 (mixed: heavy-slow, lite-slow) Gauge weight/ability, practice strong reps, try resting between each rep if too heavy. 
2019 Dec 09 Monday
Truck engine won’t fire-up, if only spark plugs, cabling, is a minor issue aside from costs, keeping me from the gym today. The little truck, aka the pickup, battery dead, prolly bad rear brakes, maybe bad transmission. Will likely be w/o gym whole week. 
Already carbed up for workout tho, so to balance, am going to eat eggs and one tortilla, with liquid aminos. Using the breakfast carbs as biotic thermo-catalyst-conducive energy to metabolize the protein (into aminos), and later take a B-supp to improve fat catabolic ‘uptake’ to clean the blood for tomorrow, whichever should happen. And tea/whey. 
Not feeling inspired to do a calisthenic chest day in the bedroom, tomorrow will do taiji, defs walk probz to the bank, talk to the neighborhood mechanic about estimates, and start saving up some poor people money. It’s like regular money, it just hasn’t sprouted yet. 
Likely, the home workout program will develop, replace the laziness, nbd; and should start posting my / ‘the poor people diet’ b/c a clean body and strong mind can do anything. If the inmates can have Instagram broadcasts on burner phones, I can add a menu. 
Moving XVIII-1 to next week, might take a stroll. #Feels If both trucks are fucked, so am I, and mom’s lavish diet will consist of anything I can buy at neighborhood general store and drive-share. // Might anotate something on the walk. Anchor? 
2019 Dec 10 Tuesday
Breakfast, salsa black beans and rice, lunch, ½ tea/whey, dinner, 6 eggs w liq aminos on wheat-ish tortilla, meal4 ½ tea/whey and niacin 500, meal 5?
Lazy day, rearranged room, have a desk at the window, conceptual free top space, put strange files into portfolio, shoes into tiny shoe armoir (bedstand?), and have all shelves emptied, then have a change-of-clothes bag, which should really be in the car. Truck blogs say sparkplug changes are circling $200, which is doable. Weird time to be between gigs holidays w/o backstory. Do the job, check with mgmt, do more, go home, do wtfe. Be early, leave when told. Have 2x20lb plastic sand jugs, maybe some shrugs/rows. 
Not overly heavy weight, quality reps, flex, arms perpendicular to ground (elbows back), pre-fatigue (warm-ups for each exercise), underhand (supine) triceps pulldown prevents leaning when working on triceps,  https://www.menshealth.com/fitness/a30170272/the-rock-biceps-triceps-workout/ 
5x5 program, do the exercises, add weight per week if you could do lift last week’s, every six weeks deload, https://www.boxrox.com/how-to-build-muscle-and-strength-the-5-x-5-program-gain/
8 core exercises for abs/obliques, L-sit, frong-crunch, bycycle crunch, running man situp (alt hand oppo leg), rev crunch pulse (lock legs, push heels up), russian twist (it was the borscht), plank, t-cross situp (lay out, v up, left hand right foot) https://www.boxrox.com/8-sit-up-abs-exercises-to-build-a-6-pack-and-strong-obliques-cf/
I want to do cable punches more. 
2 dudes vs the FBI fitness test, 20 pullups @ pace, 30 pushups or more @ pace, 38 situps (1min), 300m sprint (41sec=Ace), 1.5 mile run (9min=Ace) https://www.menshealth.com/fitness/a30183134/fbi-fitness-test-bodybuilders-buff-dudes/
2019 Dec 11 Wednesday
Give yourself permission to not be a perfectionist, if it doesn't go well that's okay. Don’t be busy, be productive. Tow truck towed truck, without me, witf. 
2019 Dec 12 Thursday
Truck will be ready today/tomorrow. Battery jumper arrived. Might gym, might not. Will have another carb-up next, and if no gym, whey for the night. Body replaces cells. Everybody goes thru it, and rebuilds. Muscles break down, and then we repair. If you’re not losing your mind, crazy, everyone once in a while, then nothing is changing. This could be comfort. We all have insecurities, we need to be honest about them so that we can better ourselves. It’s time to stretch-out, warm-up, work-on. 
Truck is fixed, let’s go to the gym. 
#4xviii Lite Push tot/lb x ct heavyweight/slow/r3*8(1s/r)
Treadmill 10 >> Shldr Press 507090 >> Cable lat-rear raise 5,5,1010 >> Chest press 8090110130150 >> Pec deck 8s*709090110110 >> Incl smith 100*3 >> Arnld press 3*r8/25 3035404550 >> Cable x-over 15202530 >> Supine tric pldwn 202030 >> Tric pldwn 304050 >> Pullover/down 304050 >> Triceps press 30507090/110130150170190/210/230(240lbs) >> /Abs/Treadmill /
Need more lateral delt practice; posture bad, need stretching; much hurt, very pain, a lot good.
#5xviii Slow/lite Pull  /lbs
Treadmill warmup 11 >> High Row 3x6r /25303550658095 >> Lat Pulldown 3x 6 /45607590 >> 15 of those >> Chin Up neutral 3x 6 /666- >> Smith shrug 3*6/100100100100 >> Low Row 3x 8 /25303550658095100 >> Pec Deck 3x 8 /100*3 forearms >> EZ Curl 3x 10 /supine 20*4 >> ½ Prchr 3x 10 /15*3,30*3 >> ½ hammer 3x 10 /152025 >> Rev-row 4x 10 /40506070- >> ½ lat? 40,55,70 >> Treadmill cooldown /null
Left elbow lat pulldown not far back enough in single sided, need to do all ½; outer lower pecs still sore from yesterday’s tricep press, sit in a chair, push the arms down, sorta like dips; /rest/ lats were tight, from laying around in a bad posture, and hadn’t used foam roller, but doing the ½ pulls brought the back triangle farther down, trained weak spot, made waking up better, laying on concrete should straighten posture, with some stretching, and might improve hunch while opening obliques. 
#6xviii Lite Legs  3x8r/lbs
Treadmill 10 >> Side Bends 3*8r/35*3 >> Body Squat 20,40,60(smith) >> ½ Horiz Press (½ rep) me+10*3 >> Horiz Leg Press 103050 >> L/R Leg Ext 10*3~ >> L/R Leg Curl 30*3~ >> Heel Raise 305070- >> Leg Curl LR 888 >> Push Crunch 405060 >> Lift Crunch /null >> Treadmill cooldown /stairs high knee 15 >> Treadmill cooldown 
Workout; regards of leg extension, could use volume/reps, but partly not lifting hard, not to hurt, but am not pissing myself off, eventually unrealized mad goals where volume sets no adversity, is distance training do; don't skip leg day for a month; indirect object is absurd; front lats little raw; 
I mine is patience. 
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