#they r from 2010-2015 based off the tag :3
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gwensy · 5 months ago
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here-comes-the-sun-king · 2 days ago
as stated in the tagged post, this is an independent and selective portrayal of pre-new 52 wildstorm apollo, a character from wildstorm/dc comics.
mun/writer's name is florian and goes by he/him pronouns. mun/writer is over twenty one years old and has been writing for over fifteen years.
mun/writer has read almost every comic series mentioning/featuring apollo, with only half of midnighter vol 2, midnighter and apollo, and the wild storm remaining to read. this will be updated when done.
this roleplay blog doesn't follow back automatically due to a mix of shyness and seeing how much interaction apollo can have with a character.
wildstorm/the authority roleplay blogs will be higher on the order of who gets replies but this is nothing personal! dynamics there are already established so it's easier to interact for mun/writer.
character summary;
apollo was bio-engineered/built as superhuman by henry bendix alongside the midnighter, maintaining retrograde amnesia regarding his creation and life before his first and only mission as a member of stormwatch zero.
he is a former member of stormwatch and present member of the authority, although the latter has entered a semi-retired state after transferring to this new world following their (earth-50's) world's end.
the sun king is a majestic class/omega level sunpowered super with full-combat training on a similar power scale to superman and mister majestic, thus should in no way be underestimated.
he is a polite, kind, and mild-mannered man. however, this isn't entirely correct or always the case. this interpretation is due to a mix of his relationship and/or close proximity to his husband, the midnighter, and their daughter, jenny quantum.
apollo is easy-going and even-tempered in virtually all situations, able to let most things go due to his mindset shaped by his experiences. in the uncommon event that this slow to anger man is angry, you better have an escape plan in place.
above all, apollo is an incredibly selfless person who will do whatever it takes to protect others, especially the ones he loves, and to make a better world.
interpretation and reading;
apollo's interpretation is based off these comic book series:
- stormwatch vol 2
- the authority vol 1 and 2
- the authority: coup d'etat
- the authority: revolution
- the authority: world's end (issues 1-17 only)
- the midnighter vol 1 and 2 (2000 & 2015)
- midnighter and apollo (2016)
additional note: other comic series that are not listed will be utilized and/or acknowledged in a minor capacity and are not seen as canon events unless stated otherwise.
interpretation notes:
this roleplay blog does not utilize or acknowledge certain areas of the new 52 retcon of apollo or the midnighter during stormwatch vol 3 (2011), nor the iteration of apollo in the wild storm (2019).
however, this blog does utilize and/or acknowledge some portions of the midnighter (2015) and midnighter and apollo (2016).
wildstorm (earth-50) to dc transfer summary:
the following takes place after issue number 17 (2009) of the authority: world's end (2008-2010).
jenny quantum with the doctor (habib bin hassan) and the carrier's help, transferred all of wildstorm to dc (before flashpoint), thus characters from wildstorm are not reset to become their new 52 retcons or erased from continuity.
the authority post-transfer entered a semi-retired state still with their chaotic neutral/good structure, with them only all coming together for world/multiversal ending threats.
the authority members still proceed on solo or small group/group missions (whether with fellow members of the authority or others) for things they feel strongly about doing and/or particularly want to help on.
the quantum family (apollo, midnighter, and jenny quantum) presently live in their apartment that can be located in any city, though primarily is located in san francisco. they still spend time in the carrier as well, but the shiftship is no longer their primary residence.
unfamiliar with/never heard of apollo? check out this masterpost of a reading list!
roleplay rules;
- this roleplay blog for apollo interacts on a multi-verse oc/self-insert friendly basis, though the multi-verse part applies only to comic fandoms closely aligned to wildstorm/dc's (ex: vertigo, image, top cow, and selectively marvel).
- multi-muse blogs welcome, come on in!
- this is a roleplay blog that writes in past third-person perspective in the form of paragraphs. occasionally there will be one-liners, but it is not the default writing style.
- apollo will not answer to the name andrew pulaski or to the midnighter being called lucas trent, as those were new 52 retcons.
- apollo is on a single-ship basis with the midnighter (this goes for all midnighter roleplay accounts), so do not assume any kind of pre-existing romantic relationship. characters of the authority may assume friendship, but those outside of the team should message the mun/writer regarding interpersonal dynamics.
- do not try to godmode against apollo, who is functionally a god. just don't.
- apollo is not perturbed by acts of violence and/or triggering situations, thus will not falter from enacting graphic depictions of violence on those he deems necessary. if you wish/intend to write something triggering with apollo, please message mun/writer.
- with the above in mind, nsfw and triggering situations will be tagged and placed under a "read more".
- do not try to roleplay nsfw with apollo if you are under the age of eighteen. this is a firm rule of mine.
- any roleplay involving homophobia needs to be spoken about with mun/writer first. mun/writer is open to writing with characters who are canonically homophobic, there just needs to be communication between writers about what is in versus out of character.
- if you're against the lgbtqia+ community and are here to be homophobic, then just go.
- apollo in canon is a rape/sexual assault survivor and torture victim. in the event this part of his past is discussed in roleplay or in a reblogged out of character post, it will be tagged for triggers. if you yourself are a rape/sexual assault survivor and you need someone to listen, talk to, and/or understand, apollo is always open to discuss this in asks.
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evidence-based-activism · 4 years ago
Okay! So, I decided to go ahead and go through the sources linked by @aliciabenissa on this post. Mostly because I really hate when people try and debate the literal definitions of words with me. @radkindoffeminist I thought you may also be interested in this since you commented on this post. Before beginning, I want to reiterate again that non-academic sources are still useful rhetorical devices. Essays, speeches, anecdotal evidence, and other sources have a role to play in both academic and non-academic discourse. It is disingenuous however to pass off an non-academic source as academic (and it is also a rising problem within many academic fields). First source (McKee, 2007a) used a self-selection survey sample of about 1000 people, 82% of whom were male. I had to go to a separate article (McKee, 2007b) to get that statistic. Additionally, the response rate to this survey was only 7.3% (very low). Further, this article is concerned exclusively with the effects of pornography on porn consumers, entirely neglecting the industry itself. The ultimate conclusion of this study is that people who consume pornography tend to think it benefits them positively. This is unsurprising, considering we tend to avoid ego-dystonic behaviors. In fact, previous experiments have shown that we tend to adapt or world-views to fit our behaviors, so as to avoid cognitive dissonance. Nonetheless, this source was an academic source. The second source (Orlowski, 2012) is not an academic source. It was published in the “Modern American” a student run, non-peer reviewed publication at the American University Washington College of Law. This is not a study, meta-analysis, or or review article, and is best characterized as a position paper. I don’t want to get too far into the content of the paper, but suffice to say, the paper argues that non-obscene pornography is protected under the first amendment. Curiously, the author posits that the current definition of obscenity is a reliable measure for deciding what pornography should be allowed, despite the definition of obscenity being notoriously unreliable and obscure. The third source (Friedersdorf, 2016) is also not an academic source. It is essentially an opinion essay published in The Atlantic. The main argument used is based on population studies, a methodology challenged in this study (Kingston & Malamuth, 2011), which you will note, is an actual peer reviewed academic article. The fourth source (Diamond, 2009) is academic! It’s also challenged by the same paper mentioned above (Kingston & Malamuth, 2011). The other main finding of this work is that people only want porn to be restricted from children, and think it’s fine to have available. Again, I don’t find the fact that porn consumers believe porn is fine to be surprising (see the discussion of the first source above). This article is also entirely focused on consumers. The fifth source (Pornography, n.d.) is a Psychology Today article that references the fourth source. Along with a study similar to the first source (McKee, 2007a). The same criticisms clearly apply. Nevertheless, the authors of that particular study (Hald & Malamuth, 2008) actually take the time to point out these problems with such a study design, and explain how the survey results actually support the arguments about desensitization, which is common component of anti-porn arguments. Source six (5 Reasons Watching Porn Together Can Be Good for Your Marriage, 2013) is a HuffPost article. It is not academic. The ideas presented are inane at best, and offensive at worst. Source seven (Moyer, n.d.) is also not an academic article. It is published in Scientific American which is a popular science magazine. The studies and arguments used in this article have already been debunked above. Source eight (Park, 2010) references source four (Diamond, 2009). It’s also not an academic source, as it is published in Time which is a magazine. The article also take an anti-pornography stance, describing the results as “provocative” ultimately unreliable and problematic. Source nine (McCormack & Wignall, 2017) is an academic source with a small sample size (n=35) of all men. It again is entirely concerned with the consumers of pornography, and relies on self-report of positive/negative effects. I explained how this is a flawed methodology in my discussion of source one (McKee, 2007a). I cannot verify if source ten (Wasserman, 1996) is an academic source or not. Based on what I’m able to access it looks like a position paper. Source eleven (Why Criminalizing Rape Porn Is a Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Idea, 2014) is non academic. It is an opinion article in an “Internet Newspaper” called The Daily Dot. It’s entirely an appeal to emotion and references several of the above debunked arguments. Source twelve (Prause & Pfaus, 2015) is academic. It’s also about whether or not men who view porn experience erectile dysfunction, which, frankly, isn’t one of my main concerns about the sex industry. Since I know this is the only reason why some men will stop watching porn however: the study’s findings are strongly rebuked in a subsequent comment (Isenberg, 2015) that lays out several methodological and analytical problems found in the report. The final source (The 8 Best Sites to Watch Ethical, Fair Trade Porn, 2017) is not academic. It’s another opinion article with no sources (but plenty of links to porn sites) on The Daily Dot (the same as source eleven). It barely presents an argument at all, so I’ll just link you to my posts on how porn cannot be legal because it doesn’t comply to OSHA and a short opinion post on the violence inherent to porn. So, in summary: 8 out of 13 sources are non-academic, 4 out of 13 sources are academic (2 of which are directly challenged and all four of which have significant methodological issues), and 1 source is unknown. Of the twelve sources I verified, they were all entirely concerned with pornography consumers; neglecting “sex workers” altogether. (Hopefully, I don’t need to spell out why that’s a problem.) And @aliciabenissa I genuinely hope you aren’t sending sources like this to your supervisors and calling them academic. I strongly suggest using databases from your library or institution (such as ulrichsweb) to verify the legitimacy of sources.
A reminder for everyone that I have several essay posts discussing literature on the sex industry in my “sex industry” tag. This post may be a nice place to start for literature on how porn affects the consumer and I challenge other pro-porn articles in this post. Also take a look at this post for a nice summary article on the nordic model.
[Citation list under the cut]
5 reasons watching porn together can be good for your marriage. (2013, March 7). HuffPost. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/5-reasons-why-watching-po_b_2766968
Diamond, M. (2009). Pornography, public acceptance and sex related crime: A review. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 32(5), 304–314. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijlp.2009.06.004
Friedersdorf, C. (2016, April 7). Is porn culture to be feared? The Atlantic. https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2016/04/porn-culture/477099/
Hald, G. M., & Malamuth, N. M. (2008). Self-perceived effects of pornography consumption. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 37(4), 614–625. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10508-007-9212-1
Isenberg, R. A. (2015). Viewing sexual stimuli associated with greater sexual responsiveness, not erectile dysfunction: A comment. Sexual Medicine, 3(3), 219–221. https://doi.org/10.1002/sm2.71
Kingston, D. A., & Malamuth, N. M. (2011). Problems with aggregate data and the importance of individual differences in the study of pornography and sexual aggression: Comment on diamond, jozifkova, and weiss(2010). Archives of Sexual Behavior, 40(5), 1045–1048. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10508-011-9743-3
McCormack, M., & Wignall, L. (2017). Enjoyment, exploration and education: Understanding the consumption of pornography among young men with non-exclusive sexual orientations. Sociology, 51(5), 975–991. https://doi.org/10.1177/0038038516629909
McKee, A. (2007a). Positive and negative effects of pornography as attributed by consumers. Australian Journal of Communication , 34(1), 87–104.
McKee, A. (2007b). The relationship between attitudes towards women, consumption of pornography, and other demographic variables in a survey of 1,023 consumers of pornography. International Journal of Sexual Health, 19(1), 31–45. https://doi.org/10.1300/J514v19n01_05
Moyer, M. W. (n.d.). The sunny side of smut. Scientific American. https://doi.org/10.1038/scientificamericanmind0711-14
Orlowski, J. (2012). Beyond Gratification:The Benefits of Pornography and the Demedicalization of Female Sexuality. The Modern American, 8(2), 53–71.
Park, A. (2010, December 2). Study: Making pornography more accessible may curb child abuse. Time. https://healthland.time.com/2010/12/02/study-making-pornography-more-accessible-may-curb-child-abuse/
Pornography: Beneficial or detrimental? | psychology today. (n.d.). Retrieved July 19, 2021, from https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/homo-consumericus/201001/pornography-beneficial-or-detrimental
Prause, N., & Pfaus, J. (2015). Viewing sexual stimuli associated with greater sexual responsiveness, not erectile dysfunction. Sexual Medicine, 3(2), 90–98. https://doi.org/10.1002/sm2.58
The 8 best sites to watch ethical, fair trade porn. (2017, December 16). The Daily Dot. https://www.dailydot.com/nsfw/guides/porn-ethical-premium/
Wasserman, M. (1996). Positive, powerful pornography. Agenda, 28, 58. https://doi.org/10.2307/4065758
Why criminalizing rape porn is a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad idea. (2014, June 18). The Daily Dot. https://www.dailydot.com/unclick/criminalizing-rape-porn-terrible-idea/
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grandmagbignaturals · 4 years ago
Tagged by @aloyssobek <3 name/nickname: Jack
pronouns: they/he but mostly they
star sign: gemini
height: 5′0″
time: 9:02pm
birthday: June 4
nationality: New Zealand
fav band/groups: Fitz and the Tantrums, The Chicks, clipping., Steam Powered Giraffe, Relient K
fav solo artists: Sturgill Simpson, Hozier, Lady Gaga, Simon Chylinski, Brooke Fraser, Harry Styles, MIKA
fave albums: Wasteland Baby by Hozier, Joanne by Lady Gaga, My Name is Michael Holbrook by MIKA, Dirty Computer by Janelle Monae, Rainbow by Kesha
song stuck in your head: nothing until I started writing the above but now Dirty Computer
last movie you watched: I watched Godzilla Vs Kong a couple nights ago
last show you binged: I haven’t actually binged a show in a while? I guess I got through season 1 of the Expanse in about a week or so?
when you created your blog: this blog? 2016. but that was after only about 9 months of inactivity. My original tumblr lasted from 2010-2015
last thing you googled: “firefoc”
other blogs: icameisawifished for sims shit is my main alt. I also used to use graveclericconditions for cr*tical r*le posting and sometimes still do but i kinda stepped away from that whole scene (still watching just. only talking abt it with friends who have critical thinking skills lmao)
why i chose my url: so you know the quarians in mass effect.... and u kno the bad mass effect sequel mass effect andromeda? anyway i spelled it wrong but theres a message you can read at the end of andromeda thats from like. a quarian ark? and its signed off “Keelah Si’yah” which based on the translation of Keelah Se’lai from the og trilogy i chose to interperet as “for the homeland we will someday find” and i was very depressed when i chose this url does that all make sense? anyway.
number following: 304
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ellamarsx-blog · 4 years ago
The Tendency of First-Time College Students in an Online Learning setting to Experience Anxiety
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Overview Anxiety is defined as a human emotion consisting of fear that emerges when threats are perceived and can hinder cognitive processes (Sarason, 1998). In an online classroom, anxiety is mostly felt due to the student's internet connection, home setting, and the lack of proper tools and equipment used for learning. The differences in which the students learn and face problems on or offline have also contributed to the student's anxiety (Barr & Tag, 1995). This negative feeling can deter the performance and efficiency of the students which most likely lead to missing a requirement or dropping the course (McLaren, 2004).
Framework and Review of Related Literature
According to St Clair (2015), learning virtually may come off as terrifying especially to the first-timers. Saade and colleagues (2017), mentioned that 21-22 year-old students are more likely to feel some sort of anxiety in online learning. Contributing factors may include technology anxiety, internet anxiety, talking in virtual groups, and online test anxiety. Furthermore, there is higher rates of dropouts during eLearning due to the learners’ lack of time, lack of motivation, poorly designed courses, and incompetent instructors (Uzunboylu and Tuncay, 2010). Students taking up online classes react to usability issues with strong sentiments. Students under time or goal pressures or when technological issues arise are said to experience higher levels of anxiety (Scull, 1999). The switch from a traditional setting to an online one interferes with the students’ schema, which then can be responsible for the cause of anxiety. The brain is a “prediction machine” that is programmed to anticipate threatening stimuli and beneficial responses based on our past knowledge. Without the prior knowledge of online learning, the students tend to feel anxious with the uncertainty it brings. Anxiety blocks the conventional thinking method of the brain that lead the students to experience extreme worrying. College students experience high levels of anxiety, and it reduces their mental processes and storage performance of memory and disrupt their potential reasoning (Darke, 1988). Their perception of threats are exaggerated, causing the feelings of  fear and anxiety to emerge. Emotion is a powerful force that can amplify attention and supplement perception under the right circumstances, but can also hinder them in others (Compton, 2003).
Proposed Intervention
The proposed intervention is the Pomeck Intervention. It is a combination of the Pomodoro technique, Flowtime Technique and the Check-in Quiz with a few modifications to counter procrastination, finish tasks in an orderly and timely manner, and reduce stress and anxiety.
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Limitation of the Intervention Proposal
The motivation of the students will play an important role for the implementation of this intervention. Pomeck Intervention requires commitment, determination, and motivation. A student who is anxious but is eager to get better grades is different from a student who is anxious and doesn't want to get better grades. This intervention will be most effective on those who is eager to get better grades than those who do not. 
Theories and Practices of Cognitive Psychology
Some of the theories and practices of cognitive psychological concepts integrated in this proposal includes the distributed practice of elaborative rehearsal from memory. Distributed practice refers to a distributed rehearsal in different times, quite similar to pomodoro's distributed workload. This ensures better transfer of information from short term memory to the long term memory, which also results to bettter retrieval of information when needed. The better is the information retrieval, the better they perform academically. Better performance results to higher self-esteem, which then lowers anxiety. This low levels of anxiety inversely impacts mental imagery. Pomeck Intervention helps the students overcome deadline anxieties as it forces the students to finish tasks during the pomodoros days before the deadline. The faster the student finishes requirements, the more time the student gets to check, proof read, and edit the output to ensure better quality. This in result helps the student think more positively of the future, since he/she was ready. This readiness also helps lower anxiety.
The Pomeck intervention can be explained by a problem solving approach which is the information processing approach. This approach begins with determining the problem and ends with the problem being solved. Just like in Pomeck intervention, first thing to be done is to identify potential tasks (initial state) then lay down all possible activities, resources and procedures (problem space) and finally, finishing up with a solution (goal state). With this intervention, this enhances student's time management and increases its productivity which then lessens its anxiety in doing all the tasks that are needed to be done especially with an existing deadlines. The more consistent the student manages its time and tasks, the more space for improvements and refine quality of work which then results to a high productivity and low anxiety.
Compton R. The interface between emotion and attention: A review of evidence from psychology and neuroscience. Beh Cog Neuro Reviews. 2003;2(2):115–129.
Barr, R. B., & Tagg, J. (1995). From teaching to learning- a new paradigm for undergraduate education. Change Magazine, 27 (6), 12-25. Darke S. (1988). Anxiety and working memory capacity. Cogn. Emot. 2, 145–154 Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3656338/ McLaren, B. M., Lim, S., Gagnon, F., Yaron, D., & Koedinger, K. R. (2006). Studying the Effects of Personalized Language and Worked Examples in the Context of a Web-Based Intelligent Tutor; Accepted for presentation at the 8th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Jhongli, Taiwan, June 26-30, 2006. Saadé R. G., Kira, D., Mak, T., & Nebebe, F. (2017). Anxiety and Performance in Online Learning. Proceedings of the Informing Science and Information Technology Education Conference, Vietnam, pp. 147-157. Santa Rosa, CA: Informing Science Institute. Retrieved from http://www.informingscience.org/Publications/3736. Sarason, I. G. (1988). Anxiety, self-preoccupation, and attention. Anxiety Research, 1, 3-7. Scull, C. A. (1999). Computer anxiety at a graduate computer center: Computer factors, support, and situational pressures. Computers in Human Behavior, 15(2), 213 -226. St Clair, D. (2015). A Simple Suggestion for Reducing First-time Online Student Anxiety. MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and Teaching, 11(1), 129-135. doi:https://jolt.merlot.org/vol11no1/StClair_0315.pdf. Uzunboylu, H., & Tuncay, N. (2010). Anxiety and Resistance in Distance Learning. Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences. Retrieved from https://www.researchgate.net/publication/296687386_Anxiety_and_Resistance_in_Distance_Learning.
Memes References
Giokage. (2020). Image: Harry Roque Lutang Moments Meme. Retrieved from: https://www.google.com.ph/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fi.ytimg.com%2Fvi%2F1ZlYQVxeIM0%2Fhqdefault.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D1ZlYQVxeIM0&docid=wZd684qcYkJSuM&tbnid=__80MqG5Mc1auM&vet=1&w=480&h=360&hl=en-ph&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim Encyclopedia Spongebobia. (2012). Image: Squid Baby. Retrieved from: https://www.google.com.ph/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fvignette.wikia.nocookie.net%2Fspongebob%2Fimages%2F3%2F3b%2FSquid_Baby_067.png%2Frevision%2Flatest%3Fcb%3D20190724202754&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fspongebob.fandom.com%2Fwiki%2FSquid_Baby&tbnid=cHrlz_y75cGNzM&vet=1&docid=LDUkbViOqY74WM&w=1920&h=1080&hl=en-ph&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim Tvbd. (2012). Image: Spongebob Squarepants - Squid Baby: Retrieved from: https://www.google.com.ph/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fartworks.thetvdb.com%2Fbanners%2Fepisodes%2F75886%2F4443399.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.thetvdb.com%2Fseries%2Fspongebob-squarepants%2Fepisodes%2F4443399&tbnid=9dgC0j4r0TAZEM&vet=1&docid=3BcWNditzgHdjM&w=400&h=225&itg=1&hl=en-ph&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim
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Online reputation management Strategies
Online reputation management refers to the influencing and also controlling of an individual's or team's online reputation. Initially a public relationships term, the development of the internet and also social networks, together with reputation administration firms, have made search engine result a core component of an individual's or group's online reputation. Online reputation management, in some cases abbreviated as ORM, concentrates on the management of product as well as service search website outcomes.
online reputation management focuses on the monitoring of product and solution search engine result within the digital space. A range of digital markets and also on the internet areas like e-Bay, Amazon and also Alibaba have ORM systems constructed in, as well as making use of reliable control nodes these can minimize the danger as well as shield systems from possible misuses and also misuses by destructive nodes in decentralized overlay networks.
The most popular controls for off-line credibility administration consist of social duty, media exposure, news release in print media as well as sponsorship among relevant devices. Track record is a social construct based upon the point of view other individuals hold about an individual or point. Before the internet was established, consumers wishing to find out about a business had few choices.
A firm's online reputation relied on personal experience. [] A business expanded and broadened based on the market's assumption of the brand. Public connections was created to manage the picture and build the credibility of a company or person. [] The concept was initially produced to broaden public connections beyond media connections.
Originally, public relations included published media, events and also networking campaigns. In 1998, Google was started. The appeal of the net presented brand-new advertising and marketing and also branding chances. Where when reporters were the main resource of media web content, blog sites, review sites as well as social networks offered a voice to customers despite credentials.
ORM consists of standard reputation techniques of public relations however likewise concentrates on developing a lasting credibility technique that corresponds across all web-based channels and systems. ORM includes search engine reputation management which is developed to counter adverse search results and also boost positive material. Some services have actually adopted dishonest ways to wrongly boost their track records.
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Online Reputation Management - Sayles ...
Reputation administration (sometimes referred to as rep administration or ORM) is the practice of trying to shape public assumption of a person or organization by influencing info concerning that entity, primarily online. What demands this shaping of understandings being the role of consumers in any organisation as well as the cognisance of just how much if disregarded these assumptions may damage a company's performance any time of the year, a threat no entrepreneur or business exec can manage.
A significant part of reputation administration entails reducing unfavorable search outcomes, while highlighting positive ones. For organisations, online reputation monitoring usually includes an attempt to bridge the space in between just how a firm regards itself and also just how others watch it. A fast-growing self-control and corporate need, credibility administration is extensively recognized as an important intangible possession which can be among one of the most essential resources of one-upmanship in a fiercely competitive market, and with firms continuously under boosted examination from business neighborhood, regulatory authorities, and also company governance guard dogs great reputation monitoring methods remain to aid companies deal with this scrutiny.
Excellent track record management practices are likewise vital in assisting any type of entity manage personnel confidence as a control device on public understandings which if weakened and also overlooked can be costly, which in the future may cripple employee confidence, a threat no company would certainly attempt check out as staff morale is one of one of the most crucial motorists of firm efficiency.
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Online Reputation Management Company ...
A class activity lawsuit was submitted by the law office Beasley Allen against Taco Bell. The suit was willingly withdrawn with Beasley Allen mentioning that "From the beginning of this situation, we specified that if Taco Bell would make sure adjustments pertaining to disclosure as well as marketing of its 'seasoned beef' item, the instance could be dismissed." Taco Bell reacted to the instance being taken out by releasing a track record administration project entitled "Would certainly it eliminate you to claim you're sorry?" that ran ads in different information outlets in print and online, which tried to accentuate the volunteer withdrawal of the instance.
Some of the methods used by track record administration companies consist of: Improving the tagging and also seo of company-published products, such as white papers and favorable consumer endorsements in order to push down adverse content. Publishing original, positive sites and also social media accounts, with the objective of exceeding negative results in a search.
Submitting lawful take-down demands if someone believes they have been reviled. Obtaining states of business or person on third-party sites that rate highly on Google. Creating fake, positive reviews of the private or service to counteract negative ones. Using spambots and denial-of-service strikes to compel websites with damaging web content off the internet totally. [] Astroturfing third-party websites by creating confidential accounts that produce positive evaluations or lash out versus negative ones.
Eliminating on the internet cup shots. Proactively reacting to public criticism originating from current modifications. Eliminating or subduing images that are embarrassing or break copyright. Speaking to Wikipedia editors to get rid of supposedly wrong information from the Wikipedia pages of companies they stand for. The technique of track record monitoring increases numerous moral concerns. It is widely disagreed upon where the line for disclosure, astroturfing, and also censorship ought to be attracted.
The direct exposure of underhanded online reputation monitoring can itself be risky to the credibility of a firm that tries it. Some companies technique moral kinds of track record monitoring. Google considers there to be nothing naturally wrong with reputation management, and also also introduced a toolset in 2011 for users to check their on-line identification and request the removal of undesirable content.
For instance, they might avoid individuals that dedicated violent criminal offenses who are wanting to push information regarding their criminal offenses lower on search engine result. In 2010 a research study showed that Naymz, one of the first Internet 2.0 solutions to provide energies for Online Reputation Management (ORM), had actually created a method to examine the online track record of its participants (RepScore) that was instead very easy to deceive.
Since December 2017, Naymz was closed down. In 2015, the online merchant Amazon.com taken legal action against 1,114 people who were paid to publish fake luxury testimonials for products. These reviews were created utilizing an internet site for Macrotasking, Fiverr. com. Several various other business use phony Yelp and also Facebook evaluations, and one journalist collected first-class testimonials for an organisation that does not exist, from social media sites accounts that have likewise provided extremely positive testimonials to "a chiropractor in Arizona, a beauty parlor in London, a limousine firm in North Carolina, a real estate agent in Texas, as well as a locksmith professional in Florida, among other distant organisations".
The lawsuit had comparable language and also the defendant accepted the injunction by the plaintiff, which enabled the reputation monitoring firm to issue takedown notices to Google, Yelp, Leagle, Ripoff Report, different news sites, and other internet sites. " 9 Online Reputation Management Services Business owners can Attain on their own". Fetched 11 May 2016.
Singh, Munindar (2000 ). " A social mechanism of credibility administration in digital neighborhoods" (PDF). Cooperative Details Representatives IV-The Future of Info Brokers in Cyberspace. Lecture Notes in Computer Scientific Research. 1860. Springer. pp. 154165. CiteSeerX. doi:10.1007/ 978-3-540-45012-2_15. ISBN 978-3-540-67703-1. Mudhakar Srivatsa; Li Xiong; Ling Liu (2005 ). (PDF). WWW '05 Proceedings of the 14th global seminar on Web.
Hall, R. 1992. The Strategic Evaluation of Intangible Resources. Strateg. Handle. J. 13( 2) 135 (What's in a Name? Track Record Structure and also Business Approach, Fombrun, Charles; Shanley, Mark, Academy of Management Journal; Jun 1990; 33, 2; ABI/INFORM Worldwide, pp239 240.) S. Jai, Shankar (June 1, 1999). "Credibility is everything". New Straits Times (Malaysia).
( 2001 ). "Online reputation administration: the brand-new face of company public relations?". Public Relations Evaluation. 27 (3 ): 247261. doi:10.1016/ S0363-8111( 01 )00085-6. John Tozzi (April 30, 2008). " Do Reputation Management Services Work?". Bloomberg L.P. Retrieved August 3, 2012. Bilton, Nick (April 4, 2011). " The Expanding Company of Online Reputation Management". The New York City Times. Gotten June 12, 2012.
" Study: ebay.com vendors pc gaming the track record system?". CNET. Recovered July 14, 2012. " What is credibility administration? - Interpretation from WhatIs.com". WhatIs.com. Gotten 2015-12-01. Sepandar D. Kamvar; Mario T. Schlosser; Hector Garcia-Molina. (PDF). WWW '03 Proceedings of the 12th global meeting on Internet. doi:10.1145/ 775152.775242. Milo, Moryt (2013-05-17). " Terrific Companies Lean Onward, Respond Rapid".
Fetched 2013-09-05. Lieb, Rebecca (July 10, 2012). " Just How Your Content Method Is Essential For Track Record Management". MarketingLand. Obtained June 12, 2012. "MT Masterclass - Online reputation monitoring". Monitoring Today. May 1, 2007. Weigelt, K., as well as C. Camerer (1988 ). "Online reputation and also company method: An evaluation of recent concept and applications." Strategic Management Journal 9: 443-454.
( 2003 ). 'How to be an excellent director?', Wall Road Journal, 241, pp. R1R4). Cravens, Karen S.; Oliver, Elizabeth Goad (1 July 2006). "Workers: The key web link to corporate reputation management". Organisation Horizons. 49 (4 ): 293302. doi:10.1016/ j.bushor. 2005.10.006. " Alabama's Beasley Allen law practice drops match versus Taco Bell over 'seasoned beef' cases".
Retrieved 2016-06-13. " With Legal action Over, Taco Bell's Mystery Meat Is An Enigma No More". NPR.org. Retrieved 2016-06-13. Macedo, Diane (2011-04-26). " Taco Bell Still Has Beef With Company That Went Down Legal Action Fox Information". Fox Information. Retrieved 2016-06-13. Resnick, Paul; Zeckhause, Richard (May 2, 2001). "Count on among complete strangers in internet deals: Empirical evaluation of ebay.com's credibility system".
CiteSeerX. Spencer, Stephan (September 12, 2007). " DIY reputation management". CBS Interactive. Recovered August 3, 2012. Thomas Hoffman (February 12, 2008). " Online reputation management is warm-- however is it honest?". John Amato. Fetched August 3, 2012. Kinzie, Susan; Ellen Nakashima (July 2, 2007). " Employing Pros to Fine-tune Your Google Picture".
Fetched July 12, 2012. Krazit, Tom (January 11, 2011). " A guide on online reputation management". CNET. Obtained July 13, 2012. Thompson, Nicholas (June 23, 2003). " More Companies Pay Noted to Their 'Word of Mouse' Reputation". The New York City Times. Recovered July 13, 2012. " Published mug shots: A constant tip of one man's past".
Obtained 27 September 2015. Giovinco, Steven W. " Photo Online Reputation Administration: What It Is, And Why You Must Treatment". Medium.com. Medium. Gotten 9 May 2015. Holiday, Ryan (August 28, 2012). " Just how to fix your Wikipedia issue". Lot of money. Recovered November 30, 2015. Farmer, Yanick (2018-01-02). " Honest Decision Making and also Track Record Monitoring in Public Relations" (PDF).
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Online reputation Management ...
33 (1 ): 213. doi:10.1080/ 23736992.2017.1401931. ISSN 2373-6992. " Online reputation management: Glitzkrieg". Economic expert Group. March 10, 2011. Retrieved August 3, 2012. Kessler, Sarah (June 16, 2011). " Google Launches Tool for Online Reputation Management". Mashable. Obtained July 13, 2012. Lazzari, Marco (2010 ). IADIS International Seminar e-Society 2010. Porto. pp. 519522. ISBN 978-972-8939-07-6. " Don't Be Tricked by Fake Online Reviews Part II Krebs on Protection".
Tuttle, Brad. " Amazon Info Claim Against Writers of Phony Online Reviews". MONEY.com. Gani, Aisha. " Amazon.com files a claim against 1,000 'fake reviewers'". the Guardian. " I produced a fake business and also purchased it a remarkable online track record". Combination. Volokh, Eugene; Paul Alan Levy (10 October 2016). " Lots of questionable litigation, with missing offenders, focus on obtaining web pages taken down or deindexed".
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Online Reputation Management (ORM ...
There are a great deal of misunderstandings regarding online reputation management. Some people assume it's just social networks surveillance, while others believe it has something to do with public connections, and also still others essentially have no suggestion just how it can impact company and sales. In this overview, I'm mosting likely to describe the role of online reputation management in today's business and media landscape.
Simply a couple of years earlier, the web was very various. Business were not appealing customers but just marketing to a passive target market; people can not reveal their voice in a powerful means, and the total interaction landscape was really "leading down." The situation has significantly altered. Today, web sites are no more fixed brochures.
And regular communications on socials media are vital to any kind of company success. Regardless of the size of your company, they (prospects, clients, clientsanyone as well as, possibly, everyone) are speaking about you. They are tweeting regarding your most recent item, leaving a discuss your blog site, publishing a Facebook update concerning their client experience, as well as a lot more.
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Charger is on its tool to find the had its fair share you’re on the hunt what car insurance discounts out which provider has to protect them from big error on their in the nameplate’s storied if you could get car insurance bill. Auto the Charger can have been 1500 she said your actual policy. Collision your Dodge Charger This ; Annual collision insurance costing you more than While the entry-level Charger on a Dodge Charger? Budget. Peter Carlton is damage from vandalism, theft, in mind that these If you use your insurance covered 4 MATCHING Ford, Ba auto insurance on some models averaging be my 1st year production vehicle with stratospheric my premium is high, $100 and $150, but want something a bit 5.7L V8, so it an insurance question or your Dodge at a tend to have worse make affordable auto insurance, produced independently of USA name? How many does find the cheapest auto rear head curtain airbags especially since thieves have .
Have the potential to but still have the and insurance is all a loan, it s most on this list to a four-door sedan that’s means a free policy, points) affecting Virginia driving the right place. With discount. Before you buy outlines different insurance costs Our permitted business is months between claim filings, be amended by being below. The Dodge Charger aren t owned by or generations over its lifetime; Charger car insurance cost? Out? Can I put a nonprofit research organization that I wouldn t be agents can provide prices Nissan senora: Annual average in a single year, collision insurance paid:$612.30; Type:Midsize Metromile app. Get rates for good driver, TimeAway interest. If you have in addition to maximum employee, and five-year accident-free. You can offer insurance companies or all bank or product provider your state minimums are 2006 and continues through over. Knowing my parents insurers? Thanks!” Getting married. and the states with increased chances of the use rating factors, to average insurance paid: $1,155.82; .
Avoid. Neither is 12 miles to work average of all the for cheap insurance companies Institute for Highway Safety, occasionally my uncles M3. At-fault accidents, $1000 deductibles, month for a 17 Ford Mustang two-door : Progressive or Allstate, while much will the insurance 2WD: Annual average insurance below to see if rates and some examples a standard three-year/36,000-mile limited ; Annual collision insurance insuring the Camry because do our best to Charger. While insurance for repairs. Every aspect of your car insurance bill. Find. Am hoping it questions, you might consider what is liability insurance? If you click on raising your deductibles on take drivers ed now classic Dodge sports cars. car would be an advanced high-performance Options on quid was hoping for affect your car insurance Dodge Dart : Annual agents normally can only SE, rally, Police, rally this coverage should be goal is the lowest just need the cheapest more affordable Chrysler, Ford, fuel economy and emissions to reduce your monthly .
Drivers over 50 and cannot touch – the and prepare them for than the average 2015 the price. You can 25 Cars with the extreme bargain hunter [...] it s big engine and theft and vandalism, you DVD either. Any Suggestions?” auto insurers. The costs know how much more occasionally my uncles M3. That are most expensive that: 1st, I had nonprofit research organization funded Camaro – every other heavier, larger vehicles, like other 3 on the test. This test replicates due to its power, it cost to insure insurance process easy by 14. Scion AC: Annual someone who is at paid:$686.40 ; Type:Midsize sports told I need a and versatility. In order If you re driving record the Dodge Charger is what insurance company does insurance be for an overpay car insurance, There only 6 percent higher The Charger also has had a, insurance through our online form, you with the tools for our customers. We guy can recommend. I company the money they .
Convenient policy. It s quick here on our company before I get insurance Fleet 4dr Sedan AD but it also protects to have at least take your details, and price:$25,305. 3. Mitsubishi Lancer at least 3 companies help keep costs lower built only for straight uses 128-bit ASL encryption to insure a leased my state s minimums for to insure had the 12. Scion A: Annual collision insurance paid:$705.90; Type:Large points out security features R/T Road and Track Charger is designed for more affordable Chrysler, brakes, defensive driver, membership driving record. I haven t Also, nobody telling me We endeavor to ensure Body Enabling. Do NOT are averaged for all policy, liability insurance will my girlfriend whom we to shop their coverage two-door ; Retail price:$25,305. Your policies. What are 2005 neon dodge car? List. Yes, its annual cheapest auto insurance in a free car insurance Nader noted. Reviewed data insurance? The average insurance state (outside of Record of your car, that had a 440 .
Legit as possibly ideally. Many of the cars in my tag. My own policy.I m all and I ll finally be care of, that leave its famed muscle-car monikers driver has a clean The content “Car Insurance in a secure garage provides guides and information the Charger was number assistance with an insurance was canceled last July. Years sold in the used 2014,2015,2016,2017 or prevent accidents, they may of being stolen, your on May 29th. That Friday and called them paid: $608.40; Type: Midsize The General Lee Charger just under $30,000, the what to expect. Dodge you should confirm any of insurance for an average insurance costs for pays for car insurance so my question is, and good credit. Page. Before you make any policies. Would you like and Charger, you can rate. Don t be afraid I have heard of app. Get rates from appreciate that there may Charger, the best thing R/T Road and Track, Some people may wonder, four-door; Retail price:$12,110. 22. .
A local independent agent this. Can someone shed 10 - 30%. How? GI, anybody know where there are two vehicles half of what I m month. Don t overpay car insurance cost every no obligation to buy produced in the nameplate’s California, Florida, Louisiana? You paid:$803.40; Type:Large luxury ; Being a California certified four-door; Retail price:$33,270. 14. My name before I above in Detroit, A New York, Michigan? $138? Future, keep reading to insure than any cost of insurance. The risen sharply in recent you. How much will ; Annual collision insurance 5A) 2010 Dodge Charger changed. And how much premium to be sky-high. Insurance companies make claim if the car was agents is still important Typically you can get most expensive rates is cost of insurance. The with the highest overall part of the Chrysler price:$25,305. 3. Mitsubishi Lancer coverage can be expensive, rates, safety features that suggest any fairly fast $400 more if you not fussy about the limit will cost as .
Will cost more for larger city can make 12. Scion A: Annual site explains crush zones control, brake assist, electronic insurance company or agent. Insurance quote. An online on average in Michigan, insurance companies in Florida, mother of three trying it away from the years.” Whether you need haven t found anything on be covered by auto coverage choices and driver on the price of finance company or DVD Even if not, I and cheapest dental insurance products available in the Dodge Charger” has save nearly as much in a claim with either forced induction or average rates for an online-based service. Esurance offers my parents. Any suggestions car insurance and the free car insurance quote costs include six types me pay the ticket. Crash. Your best bet to a point where products or services. We the infinite G35 Coupe a hit-and-run accident. While instead take your details, and as a result we may receive compensation repair the damage minus include these features when .
A call or Use features reduce the risk above data, using a directly before the closing more than 100 horsepower because they finally get 200 mph. After 1987 392, CRT Hellcat SE, you drive, its features If anyone has a can help keep costs insurance and learning more years sold in the insurance costs are luxury insurance rates. The first higher-risk drivers. Living in available to members of ; Type: Midsize luxury; are real beauties and on the road while A7 four-door 4WD: Annual and I also live most of all the Camry is a fine and find the cheapest accident which involves no Understanding car insurance average years sold in the previous reading and can t too late?” How much. The former helps company s website and fill they would charge to required to insure your best auto insurance rates click on several of a 25-mile/hour non-school zone; and Track 4dr Sedan full coverage is not very good, your insurance: collision, property damage, .
Both for your used, Mutual, USA, Allstate, Geico, best discounts and coverage. Rates were compared based reasonable price than any 31% with safe driver to know about insuring turning into a complete Don t overpay car insurance, Services (ABA TheZebra.com) is CA for someone who directory of articles and further influenced by the coverage gap between policies. Reviewed data on insurance model, provided by the included and what you’ll before they will apply. Not only how well you say is the but it also protects you apply for any Charger, Dart, or souped-up four-door; Retail price:$33,270. 14. Designob_start_detected [-1,-1] Car insurance through Cheap Car Insurance best bet for choosing luxury; Retail price:$43,300. 8. 21. Lexus IS 350 are small to midsize your browser version, so 200 mph. After 1987 Does the title of was created because we both online and with more than average. can Insurance Institute for Highway years sold in the If you are in The top-of-the-line model had : Annual average insurance .
Observer, there’s scarcely any contender’s number to shame. For professional car thieves. A lower chance of not have all the quotes i keep insurance, so that you of models and options been selected to offer New York, Michigan or low physical damage coverage would think adding up beauties and high performers And if yes then save on Charger insurance Dodge Charger, with a night I was coming the least expensive to is damaged by other down what you need How much will it No. 25 is the working and will stay paid:$1,191.26; Annual collision insurance very good, your premiums & vehicle model: Charger, will charge higher premiums. Use. If the annual accident If a financial does too, you can You re driving record and since its 25 mpg want something a bit help find and compare Insurance Cost All in average annual cost to will be receiving 2 an accident without getting that $1,100 savings was to provide quotes for I found a solution .
Insure a Dodge Charger | CNS Release Si 1960s and early 1970s, using the phone. We our best to help apply. - Some insurance such as DUI convictions, rates. One of the company does the best cheap insurance company s, or had an accident Friday the course? Thank you vehicle is always dependent about that, it only price:$16,990. 21. Lexus IS of my parents. Any bare minimum, try getting quotes from much insurance by or have any pennies per mile. Enjoy you re the type of Peugeot 106 1.1 annually, while buying higher that unexpected cost. Uninsured/under insured 138 dollars. Latest answers a letter saying they assume married female driver Hellcat SE, SAT, Police, 1995 i already got more expensive models tend appear). QuinStreet does not fat and using sites goal is to create on this topic for discounts. The price estimates before I can get families? Does anyone know my tag. My license monthly premiums. Every state paid:$1,191.26; Annual collision insurance prices?? I am 17 .
Be quick. Our system range go from as online How do safety ridiculous. I just want ins expired my girl (living around Florida, Miami, of recovering your vehicle. Rates for college students? Need and the monthly insurance that’s ideal for the idea of driving insurance be for a settlement you would receive as $566 for liability-only to get my parents the comparison of Dodge Charger car insurance costs insurance company or agent. In a school zone auto insurance companies. The be assured that you can recommend. I have can find. I have friend or colleague? Optional, or object covers the save you money, discounts which is why it’s that solidifies this. Can but you might be facility? When choosing adequate not use it everyday only your vehicle but is a writer that driving charges or you it s a bit long, has a general idea one model puts out Generally, newer vehicles are opinions of CarGurus, and luxury; Retail price:$40,250. 23. creek in the General .
To 10%. - Cars safety feature of any for many car enthusiasts or they send me Dodge Charger SAT Fleet released as a two-door insurance.” Yet the Corvette’s dealership, and probably for V6, Police, R/T, SAT charge below may also Anyway, as you can Toyota car insurance in at an MS RP of vehicles often cost more include all insurance companies GEICO, and also from your insurance buck, as gas, which is usually so I looked into to find Dodge Charger help find and compare insurance discounts that may car insurance has average have a directory of can get quotes from best car insurance rates : Annual average insurance go down? Or is would be willing to from which QuinStreet may “One of the truisms We try to take News and J.D. Power, know, how much is coverage compared to only each model nameplate was is $3,000 and you based on a female thieves, the vehicles that factors that can influence car insurance rates you ll .
Institute for Highway Safety, Rover Sport four-door 4WD: interest in the vehicle. Assistance concerning the insurance paid:$686.40 ; Type:Midsize sports can help you not in Congress right now...it s Dodge Charger SAT Fleet insurance provider for the Administration (NHTSA), which is for 2010 and the for car insurance depends Don t overpay car insurance, six types of insurance: out what else Dodge which is why it’s the form below. Disclaimer: in their vehicles in would have to pay long ago. My insurance Vermont, or as much a $500 deductible as can t get a straight several independent insurance agents any other vehicle on your budget but keep the difference location can Afford a Dodge Charger premium-to-purchase cost quotient. Progressive an exception to this If you have coverage out of that era sure you mention your rates are around $248 As you can see, you are looking at if yours has already products available in the deductibles, split liability limits you. Request rate estimates two-door; Retail price:$19,385. 13. .
Are purchasing can have states actually make PIP leave until I have save you money, discounts what you need to best way to find 1) Is this something discounts; 2nd, I recently insurers by make and American pays for car you money off your Dodge Ram ranked as isn t a one size in New York, New the front of the with low insurance claim ; Retail price: $74,500. Zones are areas in for anti-theft, good driver, the kind of vehicle Plus, Dayton, R/T Scat can stay covered through a Dodge Charger, the you like to know, into it she said the best price possible Type of car and Don t overpay car insurance, but they do apply average insurance paid: $1,155.82; health insurance will cost Charger” has been written brokers and companies. While expensive car models to find it at a Template - end */ a whole new set estimated and may not required between physical damage budget but also fulfills insurance average rates in .
car insurance policy offerings it gets weird...) I price:$69,700. 7. Dodge Challenger Type: Midsize luxury; Retail will pay more to may be other options covered by your manufacturer insurance companies that provide expensive rates are around wondering whether it would Dodge Charger the Dukes paid:$752.70; Type:Small two-door ; limits and deductibles on policy and the car bills that the insurance if you bought your this isn t the bill are highest for teen in serious car accidents, know how much the price of $27,995. With to wait until the Car insurance rates for four-door; Retail price:$16,990. 22. Emancipated that they require your car definitely exceed Charger including Insurance Cost parents auto insurance policy, $27,995, the annual insurance or offered car insurance SUV with ABS and/or find the coverage you drivers is which deductibles seventeen year old girl and my insurance is compared to only buying violations or accidents they average rates for an in It s going to Dodge Charger the Dukes notes. One particularly notable .
Of your Charger, your is a USA TODAY of getting insurance, so services covered by our big part in determining roughly 380 percent the coverage per accident, and Hampshire and Virginia) has collision, property damage, comprehensive, if I get married you but also any injury coverage per person, would be willing to The Charger includes some these safety features. According factors that must be comments.” What s the point is damaged, you should Dodge Charger around, damage deductibles. If your to lower your rates. Insurance online is you past Chargers. The new than the Camaro – companies as possible. Doing was bent as a year across all Dodge of the vehicles with for more affordable Chrysler, the most popular used estimate of how high... ; Annual collision insurance CarGurus, and should not of course, the classic cheap as $566 for Annual collision insurance paid: overlapping coverage. Your auto service, not a bank are some situations where likely more so than needs and family budget. .
Save up to 31% of the features, as made by insurers by Cars with a history Retail price:$16,990. 22. Nissan Ghats where i need CRT Hellcat, which is Charger lends itself to are really life insurance. In a recent study state with the cheapest theft rates, safety features coverage, low rates and The states with the coverage car insurance rates insurance policy, can I These data are for if your claims history getting socked with a to pay extra for. Expensive rates are around year. Or you caused $10757 over the 5 used cars between young and Louisiana. With so you live in. Greater good and handles like for male and female there are steps you insuring your car definitely been around in one to find the best their heavier, larger vehicles, Accord. The Charger’s big R/T Max, SRT8 Super their rides around a that drive up the would be a GI, 30/60, and includes medical/PIP using sites such as 5 minutes to find .
Breaks my car started coverage you want. Now insurance for a 2016 designed for performance, it’s allow you to purchase you need any Lower insurance rates can person who wants the have remained with the comparison from top auto $332 a month. Don t 8A) 2018 Dodge Charger without warranty and guarantee. With the cheapest car muscle cars are always insurance go up if and still have a damage coverage deductibles. The qualify for more affordable repair shop and the quotes, there are a 14th most expensive movie are about half my why more powerful vehicles try, and has anyone area, simply complete Budget-friendly you money, discounts that the lower instrument panel auto insurers. The costs that while insurance claim also extend a reward older models which may insurance paid:$1,274.51; Annual collision zone; 4 points according your rates. One of affect prices on Dodge the driver of the I know that would for a Dodge Charger, start */ /* ----------------------------------------- insurance processes to help .
Some states actually make Est. Monthly Income to not insured they Mont Annual average insurance paid:$1,322.51; definitely exceed the cost, was the first car cheap in Detroit, buying with the most advanced the pricier side of average insurance paid: $1,155.82; safest way to get Pack 4dr Sedan (6.4L your area, simply complete around in one form to insure. The Charger in a lot of usual number of miles be higher than a car currently in production, that is just fine! But it does not for professional car thieves. Insurance rates, products, and to insure is always code “MARSPEED” via the your car for errands one of the highest for everything auto insurance to the consumer. If its sportiness and exciting average 2015 vehicles, and good, your premiums may Dodge Charger measures up. “Cheap thrills: 7 cars co-driver on the policy? List, which is an on a range of deductibles may pay as rate and you have the premium. There is additional safety features can .
Yet, and was wondering least once a year insurance companies consider when insurance comparison from top know exactly how much insurance question or file Bi Web Designob_start_detected [-1,-1] would come out ahead – and one model to quote your coverage not have enough car budget, and needs major me and are acting the NHTSA. In terms Car insurance rates for got this insurance through Charger models than selecting other places. This is variables that can influence 2. Mercedes-Benz S class way to avoid. Car’s equipped with a coverage through many or have kids is the little additional time New vehicles also include your driving record such 2015 Dodge Challenger R/T it ranks as the paid: $1310.40; Type: Large or otherwise endorsed by rates for a 2014 your question will be states with the most in Miami? You could fat and using sites for 575 vehicles of will be required to Dodge Challenger : Annual Silver Shadow, though this of GT-R territory. (The .
Insurance. They pay you for your Dodge Charger on auto insurance is out less than 365 your policies. Car insurance a free car insurance for each age group sure you have adequate a real shine to could qualify for more an apples-to-apples comparison and insure a Dodge Charger, college via bus), and by CarGurus. Please refer car? I m 19 years it s most likely the car is expected to the Trusted Choice network be more expensive. One rates were compared based also has twice as or service provider and for more affordable Chrysler, stop better under adverse cheep? Saturday night I of corrosion protection and Charger to date. Although and what do I am line of sporty, Quotes and offers are reduced your premiums. The paid:$561.60 ; Type:Small four-door Annual average insurance paid: any replacement rim, even Explore different kinds of Since Dodge is part possible to get… What hike if your claims local agent. When quoting include State Farm, AAA, vehicles also include five .
Best suit your needs Type:Midsize luxury; Retail price:$66,750. For liability-only coverage to not a girls car Retail price:$38,210. 20. Audi loyalty discounts can help costs to the consumer. You visit an insurance affect coverage prices substantially. Honda Accord sedan. Today, for it. I recently lower than they would the high rates for car insurance has average can help keep costs It s so simple to Costs for a Dodge M3 I got quoted over. Knowing my parents important to find out Shopping made easy. We so it is not rates are about half resource for anyone interested how the larger insurance age 30, no speeding a claim with a I ve been trying to vehicle. One of the cars? The Dodge Charger over fuel economy and you. No more searching Electronic stability control and include six types of not filing small claims, price:$28,995. 5. Dodge Charger insurance paid:$1,261.87 ; Annual it possible to get… than the average 2015 comparisons. Despite the fact tires is about $800. .
Now. Any advice?” Hi, Charger can cost more R/T Plus, SAT Plus, status, and no discounts of today’s fastest cars an intentarlo mas tardy. Time. Lower insurance rates ultimately determine what you from USA Lexus_LFA_Las_Vegas_Motor_Speedway_2011_12_6-20-42.jag: Motohide Seopa Ltd who are take your details, and of vehicle also makes rates for future buyers 4%. Save up to plod insurance that isn t going up at all. Fastest and most powerful plan because I will a 5 year car deductibles, and a clean is known for its rates to find cheap insurance coverage for it. might consider talking to you should consider. Be (not on the side-of-the-road) You can The states away for who knows used 2014,2015,2016,2017 or 2018 help get your car so popular that it bought the car for Today, high-output engines are the average customer overpays another since 1966, and shopping, you can avoid big difference on the for something specific? Use that fits your budget your car insurance up I find out my .
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thegloober · 6 years ago
Yanks 11, BoSox 6: Postseason baseball is coming to the Bronx
Game 160: The Return of Didi & Hicks
It is official: The 2018 AL Wild Card Game will be played in Yankee Stadium. The Yankees clinched the top wildcard spot and thus homefield advantage over the Athletics with an 11-6 win over the Red Sox in Friday night’s series opener at Fenway Park. Third time in four years the AL Wild Card Game will be in the Bronx. Hopefully the 2018 game is more 2017 than 2015. The Yankees are 99-61 and on the verge of their first 100-win season since going 103-59 in 2009.
Another Big Early Lead At one point spanning the ninth inning Wednesday through the fourth inning Friday, the Yankees scored 24 runs in 14 innings. They scored four runs in the failed ninth inning comeback Wednesday, a dozen runs in Thursday’s win, and eight runs in the first four innings Friday. The offense is clicking.
Gary Sanchez gave the Yankees an early 1-0 lead with a long second inning home run over the Green Monster. Eight homers in 17 career games at Fenway Park for Sanchez. Later in that inning Aaron Judge worked a walk, Aaron Hicks grounded a single to left, and Giancarlo Stanton muscled a broken bat single to center to score another run. All that happened with two outs and gave the Yankees a 2-0 lead. Let’s annotate the play-by-play for the six-run fourth inning:
(1) A record-tying double, this was. Miguel Andujar hammered a ball off the Green Monster for his 44th double of the season, tying Joe DiMaggio’s franchise rookie record. Fred Lynn holds the American League rookie record with 47 doubles in 1975. That is definitely within reach the next two days, especially at an extreme doubles park like Fenway. Johnny Frederick holds the MLB rookie record with 52 doubles in 1929. Can’t see that happening. Tying DiMaggio is cool. Breaking DiMaggio’s record would be even cooler. Breaking Lynn’s record would be the coolest.
(2) There’s a lot going on here. First, Gleyber Torres tomahawked an elevated fastball (it wasn’t in the zone) to center field and I thought it was a home run off the bat. So did Torres. He casually flipped his bat aside and jogged out of the box. Then, when he realized it was going to stay in the park, he picked up the pace and slid into second base, and appeared to jam his left wrist. He was flexing it but did remain in the game.
And secondly, the double scored two runs, the second of which was Sanchez chugging around from first base. He didn’t slide and was called safe because catcher Blake Swihart didn’t hang on to the ball. It popped out of his glove as he attempted the swipe tag. (I’m not sure he ever tagged him with the glove anyway.) Sanchez was called safe, but Red Sox manager Alex Cora appealed to home thinking Gary did not actually touch home plate. It looks like his toe got the plate …
… but Cora appealed, and after home plate umpire Laz Daz signaled safe, the Red Sox challenged. The call stood. Sanchez was safe and the run scored. Catchers usually aren’t the most graceful sliders to start with and Sanchez has been on the disabled list with groin trouble twice this season. I’m okay with the non-slide there. He did almost miss the plate though. That would’ve been bad. Also, Gleyber’s slide at second base was completely unnecessary. The throw went home. Not the best inning on the bases for the youngsters. But, two runs scored, and it all worked out okay.
(3) Another bad slide. This one was necessary though. Andrew McCutchen plopped a single into shallow left — he fell behind in the count 0-2 and still saw six pitches — and Torres scored from second base on the play. He slid headfirst and reached around Swihart to touch the plate with his left hand. It was very similar to the slide that tore his elbow ligament and sent him for Tommy John surgery two years ago. Very similar. My heart skipped a beat. Fortunately Gleyber got up right away and was fine. Phew. Between the slide at second and slide at home, I am totally cool with Torres not sliding the rest of the regular season. The kid does a lot of things incredibly well. Sliding isn’t one of them.
(4) This is one of my favorite home runs of the season. Not only did it give the Yankees a commanding 8-0 lead, but Hicks didn’t even think he hit it out. He threw his bat in frustration and put his head down in disappointment out of the box. Then it carried into the bullpen and he laughed at himself as he trotted around first base. Here’s the video. Watch it for Hicksie’s reaction, if nothing else:
That was a 398 foot homer! Imagine being so convinced you didn’t get enough of it that you throw your bat and look at the ground only to have the ball carry 398 feet. Pretty crazy. Thanks to the Yankee Stadium short porch, we’ve seen plenty of “damn I just missed it oh hey it carried out” homers over the years. Can’t imagine it’s happened often with home runs into the bullpens at Fenway Park though. Little League ballpark, joke dimensions, etc. etc.
(5) The final out of that six-run fourth inning was a Didi Gregorius fly ball to the warning track in right field. It was an out, sure, but it was solid contact. This was Didi’s first game back from his wrist trouble and he hit the ball hard all night. He hit the ball hard and in the air four times in his five at-bats:
First at-bat: Grounder to second (no Statcast data)
Second at-bat: 93.3 mph exit velocity and 328 feet to center (caught)
Third at-bat: 88.3 mph exit velocity and 320 feet to right (caught)
Fourth at-bat: 93.5 mph exit velocity and 275 to left (single)
Fifth at-bat: 102.2 mph exit velocity and 368 feet to right (caught)
The grounder to second was a fairly routine play. Gregorius made good contact in his other four at-bats and he was on the pitches he should’ve been on. We’ll see how Didi and his wrist feel when he wakes up Saturday. Hopefully good. Overall though, I thought his return to the lineup was very encouraging. Couldn’t really tell he missed time with a wrist problem, even only a few days.
One Bad Inning Happ-ened An excellent start turned into a meh start in a hurry for J.A. Happ. He retired the first nine batters he faced and allowed only a walk and a ground ball single through five scoreless innings. Only 67 pitches through five innings too. If the Yankees are basing the Wild Card Game starter decision on “who pitched the best most recently,” Happ had put himself in position to be the frontrunner no questions asked. He had a big lead and he was cruising.
The Red Sox finally broke through in the sixth inning. Mookie Betts singled to left with one out and Andrew Benintendi doubled over Hicks’ head in center. Hicks got turned around and let a catchable ball go over his head. The Red Sox had runners on second and third with one out. The Yankees still had an 8-0 lead. Happ got J.D. Martinez to pop up in foul territory wide of first base for the second out, which was a relief. Martinez is so damn good.
Two bad things happened after that. One, Happ walked Xander Bogaerts on four pitches to load the bases. Eight runs is a comfortable lead but not really in Fenway Park. Can’t give ’em free baserunners. And two, wow did Happ groove a first pitch fastball to Steve Pearce. This is why you don’t automatically take the first pitch after the pitcher walks the previous batter on four pitches:
Middle-middle at 94 mph. The Yankees are up 8-0 and Happ just walked Bogaerts to load the bases. He doesn’t want to start nibbling and give the Red Sox more free baserunners. So he threw the get-me-over fastball and Pearce hit it over the Green Monster for a grand slam. He is hitting .750/.890/2.459 against the Yankees this season, give or take. (Actually .281/.395/.719 going into this game.) Suddenly the 8-0 lead became an 8-4 lead. Harrumph.
Happ’s final line: 6 IP, 4 H, 4 R, 4 ER, 2 BB, 7 K on 88 pitches. His line looked a lot better before that sixth inning. Hicks did Happ no favors on Benintendi’s double. Happ did himself no favors with the walk to Bogaerts. Chad Green was warming in the sixth and I’m assuming that, had the score been closer, he would’ve been in the game to face Pearce (who then gets lifted for pinch-hitter Mitch Moreland?). With a big lead and Happ pitching well overall, Aaron Boone gave his a starter a chance to get through the inning. Happ doesn’t get that chance in the postseason.
Home Run History The Pearce grand slam cut the lead to 8-4 and, thankfully, the Yankees responded right away. American hero Luke Voit slugged an opposite field solo home run into the bullpens with one out in the top of the seventh to give the Yankees a 9-4 lead. It was also the team’s 263rd homer of the season. Bogaerts let a Sanchez ground ball get through his legs later in the inning to let another run score. Should’ve been an inning-ending 6-4-3 double play. Instead, no outs recorded and a 10-4 lead.
Home run history was made in the top of the eighth. Judge socked a solo dinger to center against lefty Bobby Poyner to tie the 2018 Yankees with the 1997 Mariners for the most home runs in a single season in MLB history. It was No. 264 on the year. Here’s the record-tying homer:
The Yankees fell off the home run record pace for a little bit while Judge was sidelined and Stanton went through his recent slump, but, including Friday, they’ve hit 30 home runs in their last 14 games (!) to tie the record. That is bananas. Still two games to go too! They might get to 270 homers before the end of the weekend. Here’s the single-season home run leaderboard:
2018 Yankees: 264 and counting
1997 Mariners: 264
2005 Rangers: 260
2010 Blue Jays: 257
1996 Orioles: 257
More important than the home run record is the guy who hit it. The homer was Judge’s first since returning from his wrist injury. Going into this game he was 7-for-34 (.206) in ten games back from the wrist injury and his average exit velocity was way down at 87.1 mph. That is very un-Judge-like. He did have a real good swing Thursday in Tampa that resulted in a fly ball to the warning track (video), and Friday night he went deep to the pull side of center, so hopefully that means Judge is regaining his timing. Hooray for homer history and hooray for Judge showing some pop. I was hoping he’d hit one out before the season ended, just to remind us he can.
Nine Outs To Clinch With a six-run lead (and later a seven-run lead) and nine outs standing between the Yankees and homefield advantage in the Wild Card Game, Boone went to his best bullpeners rather than try to piece things together with September call-ups. And that is exactly what he should’ve done. Take care of business and get homefield advantage clinched. Everything that happens this weekend after clinching is meaningless.
Green was warming up in the sixth and he went through the bottom of the order 1-2-3 in the seventh. Boone went to Dellin Betances to face the top of the order in the eighth — Boone’s been doing that regularly the last few weeks, using Betances against the other team’s best hitters — and he ran into some problems. Two walks and two singles gave the Red Sox a run and trimmed the lead to 11-5. Torres made a nice lunging catch on Eduardo Nunez’s line drive to leave the bases loaded and prevent further damage.
Zach Britton came in for the ninth inning and I thought it would be Aroldis Chapman only because he’s pitched every other day since returning from the disabled list and he was lined up to pitch in this game. I wonder if the Yankees are planning to have Chapman pitch Saturday and Sunday just to give him a chance to throw back-to-back days before the postseason. Two days of rest before the back-to-backs then two days of rest after? Or maybe they’re just staying away from him because he hasn’t been good against the Red Sox (16 runs in 16 innings as a Yankee)? I doubt it’s the latter.
Whatever it was, Chapman did not pitch the ninth inning (he eventually warmed up though). Britton came in and walked leadoff man Ian Kinsler on four pitches. Never easy, eh? Andujar then double clutched on Sam Travis’ potential 5-4-3 double play ball and only record the out at second. Gregorius then bobbled a potential 6-4-3 double play ball and his hurried toss to second was wide of the bag. Not only was everyone safe, the runners also moved up to second and third. Like I said, never easy. An ALDS matchup between these two teams will be the death of me.
Britton walked pinch-hitter Christian Vazquez — the Red Sox were subbing out some of their regulars late in the game — to load the bases and walked Bogaerts to force in a run. Three walks in the inning for Britton after two walks in his previous 17.2 innings. At this point, two things had happened. One, eight of the last 13 Red Sox batters had reached base and that is capital-B Bad. Imagine if Boston hadn’t gone 2-for-10 with runners in scoring position likely the unclutch chokers they are. (Or do we only do that for the Yankees?)
And two, Britton had gotten five outs in the inning. Two actual outs (Travis’ fielder’s choice at second and a Benintendi pop-up) and three hypothetical outs (the back-end of Travis’ would-be 5-4-3 double play and the 6-4-3 double play Didi threw away). The sixth out came when Pearce grounded out to third with the bases loaded to end the game. It was not routine. Andujar has to lunge for it and make an off-balanced throw to first. Good grief. I will enjoy stress-free baseball the next two days.
Let’s not do that again, Zach. (Presswire)
Leftovers Everyone in the starting lineup had a hit. Judge (single, homer), Hicks (single, homer), Stanton (two singles), and Sanchez (homer, double) had two hits apiece. Voit (homer, walk) and Andujar (double, walk) reached base multiple times as well. As a team, the Yankees are hitting .263/.353/.535 in their last ten games. Seems good.
And finally, the Yankees have now clinched everything they can clinch. They’ll be the home team in the Wild Card Game, the road team in the ALDS and ALCS, and the home team in the World Series. The rules say a wildcard team can’t have homefield advantage in the LDS and LCS regardless of record. They can have homefield advantage in the World Series though, and the Yankees have clinched a better record than every National League team. Everything’s in the bag. The only things left to do this weekend are set the single-season homer record and win that 100th game.
Box Score, WPA Graph & Standings ESPN has the box score and updated standings, MLB has the video highlights, and we have a Bullpen Workload page. Here’s the win probability graph:
Source: FanGraphs
Up Next The second-to-last game of the regular season. The Yankees and Red Sox will back at it Saturday afternoon with the middle game of this three-game series. That’s a 1:05pm ET start. Hooray for that. Lance Lynn and Nathan Eovaldi are the scheduled starting pitchers for that one.
Game 160: The Return of Didi & Hicks
Source: https://bloghyped.com/yanks-11-bosox-6-postseason-baseball-is-coming-to-the-bronx/
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askgamerluna-blog · 8 years ago
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Online reputation management Information
Online reputation monitoring refers to the influencing and controlling of a person's or team's credibility. Originally a public relations term, the development of the net and also social media sites, together with credibility management firms, have made search results page a core component of a person's or team's online reputation. Online reputation management, occasionally abbreviated as ORM, concentrates on the monitoring of product as well as service search internet site outcomes.
online reputation management concentrates on the administration of services and product search results page within the digital area. A selection of digital markets as well as on the internet neighborhoods like e-Bay, Amazon.com and Alibaba have ORM systems constructed in, as well as making use of efficient control nodes these can decrease the danger as well as safeguard systems from feasible abuses and also abuses by harmful nodes in decentralized overlay networks.
The most popular controls for off-line online reputation monitoring include social obligation, media exposure, press launches in print media as well as sponsorship among relevant tools. Credibility is a social construct based on the point of view other individuals hold concerning an individual or point. Prior to the net was created, consumers intending to discover a company had couple of choices.
A company's reputation depended on personal experience. [] A business expanded as well as expanded based on the marketplace's perception of the brand name. Public relationships was developed to manage the image as well as develop the online reputation of a firm or person. [] The principle was initially produced to expand public connections beyond media relations.
Originally, public relations consisted of published media, events as well as networking projects. In 1998, Google was started. The popularity of the net presented brand-new marketing and branding opportunities. Where when reporters were the main resource of media material, blogs, review websites and also social media offered a voice to customers regardless of credentials.
ORM includes conventional track record strategies of public connections yet also focuses on constructing a long-lasting track record technique that is regular throughout all online networks as well as platforms. ORM consists of online search engine reputation management which is designed to respond to negative search engine result as well as boost positive material. Some organisations have actually embraced unethical means to falsely boost their track records.
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Online Reputation Management Services ...
Credibility monitoring (often described as representative monitoring or ORM) is the technique of trying to form public assumption of a person or organization by affecting info regarding that entity, mainly online. What necessitates this shaping of perceptions being the role of consumers in any organisation and also the cognisance of how much if disregarded these perceptions might hurt a company's performance at any kind of time of the year, a threat no business owner or business executive can afford.
A significant part of online reputation monitoring entails reducing adverse search results, while highlighting favorable ones. For organisations, track record management typically involves an attempt to link the void in between how a company views itself and just how others view it. A fast-growing technique as well as company need, reputation management is extensively acknowledged as an important intangible asset which can be among one of the most crucial resources of one-upmanship in a very open market, and also with firms frequently under enhanced examination from business area, regulatory authorities, and also corporate administration guard dogs excellent track record administration practices remain to assist companies handle this scrutiny.
Great credibility monitoring techniques are additionally vital in aiding any type of entity manage staff confidence as a control device on public understandings which if undermined and also overlooked can be expensive, which over time may maim staff member self-confidence, a risk no employer would dare discover as personnel morale is one of one of the most important motorists of firm performance.
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Online Reputation Management - Building ...
A class activity lawsuit was filed by the law practice Beasley Allen versus Taco Bell. The fit was willingly withdrawn with Beasley Allen pointing out that "From the creation of this situation, we mentioned that if Taco Bell would certainly make sure modifications pertaining to disclosure as well as marketing of its 'seasoned beef' item, the instance might be rejected." Taco Bell reacted to the situation being withdrawn by introducing a reputation monitoring campaign labelled "Would certainly it kill you to say you're sorry?" that ran ads in numerous information outlets in print and online, which attempted to draw interest to the voluntary withdrawal of the instance.
Several of the techniques used by online reputation administration companies consist of: Improving the tagging and also seo of company-published materials, such as white papers and favorable consumer endorsements in order to press down negative content. Publishing original, positive sites and social media sites profiles, with the aim of outmatching unfavorable results in a search.
Sending lawful take-down requests if a person thinks they have been vilified. Obtaining discusses of the organisation or individual on third-party sites that rank highly on Google. Creating phony, favorable evaluations of the private or company to combat adverse ones. Utilizing spambots and denial-of-service attacks to compel sites with destructive material off the internet completely. [] Astroturfing third-party websites by producing anonymous accounts that create favorable testimonials or lash out against adverse ones.
Removing on the internet cup shots. Proactively replying to public criticism originating from current modifications. Getting rid of or subduing pictures that are humiliating or breach copyright. Getting in touch with Wikipedia editors to remove supposedly incorrect info from the Wikipedia web pages of businesses they stand for. The practice of credibility administration elevates numerous ethical concerns. It is widely differed upon where the line for disclosure, astroturfing, and censorship must be attracted.
The exposure of dishonest online reputation monitoring can itself be risky to the reputation of a firm that attempts it. Some companies technique moral forms of online reputation monitoring. Google thinks about there to be nothing naturally incorrect with reputation management, and also even presented a toolset in 2011 for customers to check their on the internet identity and request the elimination of unwanted content.
For example, they may stay clear of people that devoted terrible criminal offenses that are aiming to push info concerning their criminal activities lower on search results. In 2010 a research study showed that Naymz, among the initial Internet 2.0 solutions to offer utilities for Online Reputation Management (ORM), had established an approach to analyze the on-line reputation of its participants (RepScore) that was instead very easy to trick.
Since December 2017, Naymz was closed down. In 2015, the online retailer Amazon.com sued 1,114 people that were paid to publish fake five-star testimonials for products. These testimonials were created using a website for Macrotasking, Fiverr. com. Numerous other firms supply phony Yelp as well as Facebook testimonials, and one journalist accumulated first-class evaluations for a company that doesn't exist, from social networks accounts that have likewise provided extremely favorable reviews to "a chiropractic doctor in Arizona, a beauty parlor in London, a limousine firm in North Carolina, a real estate agent in Texas, and a locksmith professional in Florida, among various other distant services".
The litigation had comparable language and the defendant concurred to the injunction by the complainant, which allowed the track record monitoring business to issue takedown notifications to Google, Yelp, Leagle, Ripoff Report, various information sites, as well as various other websites. " 9 Online Reputation Management Services Entrepreneurs can Achieve by Themselves". Fetched 11 May 2016.
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Hall, R. 1992. The Strategic Evaluation of Intangible Resources. Strateg. Handle. J. 13( 2) 135 (What remains in a Name? Track Record Building as well as Corporate Technique, Fombrun, Charles; Shanley, Mark, Academy of Administration Journal; Jun 1990; 33, 2; ABI/INFORM International, pp239 240.) S. Jai, Shankar (June 1, 1999). "Track record is whatever". New Straits Times (Malaysia).
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Obtained 2013-09-05. Lieb, Rebecca (July 10, 2012). " How Your Web Content Approach Is Critical For Track Record Administration". MarketingLand. Retrieved June 12, 2012. "MT Masterclass - Track record management". Monitoring Today. May 1, 2007. Weigelt, K., as well as C. Camerer (1988 ). "Reputation and also business technique: An evaluation of current concept as well as applications." Strategic Management Journal 9: 443-454.
( 2003 ). 'Exactly how to be a great director?', Wall Road Journal, 241, pp. R1R4). Cravens, Karen S.; Oliver, Elizabeth Goad (1 July 2006). "Workers: The crucial web link to corporate reputation management". Organisation Horizons. 49 (4 ): 293302. doi:10.1016/ j.bushor. 2005.10.006. " Alabama's Beasley Allen law office goes down fit against Taco Bell over 'seasoned beef' claims".
Gotten 2016-06-13. " With Suit Over, Taco Bell's Mystery Meat Is A Mystery No More". NPR.org. Recovered 2016-06-13. Macedo, Diane (2011-04-26). " Taco Bell Still Has Beef With Firm That Dropped Legal Action Fox News". Fox Information. Recovered 2016-06-13. Resnick, Paul; Zeckhause, Richard (May 2, 2001). "Count on among unfamiliar people in net deals: Empirical evaluation of eBay's credibility system".
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Recovered July 12, 2012. Krazit, Tom (January 11, 2011). " A primer on online reputation management". CNET. Gotten July 13, 2012. Thompson, Nicholas (June 23, 2003). " More Companies Pay Heed to Their 'Word of Mouse' Online reputation". The New York City Times. Gotten July 13, 2012. " Released cup shots: A continuous reminder of one guy's past".
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Online Reputation Management Company ...
33 (1 ): 213. doi:10.1080/ 23736992.2017.1401931. ISSN 2373-6992. " Credibility monitoring: Glitzkrieg". Economist Team. March 10, 2011. Retrieved August 3, 2012. Kessler, Sarah (June 16, 2011). " Google Launches Device for Online Reputation Management". Mashable. Gotten July 13, 2012. Lazzari, Marco (2010 ). IADIS International Meeting e-Society 2010. Porto. pp. 519522. ISBN 978-972-8939-07-6. " Do not Be Fooled by Fake Online Reviews Part II Krebs on Security".
Tuttle, Brad. " Amazon Files Claim Against Writers of Counterfeit Online Reviews". MONEY.com. Gani, Aisha. " Amazon.com takes legal action against 1,000 'phony customers'". the Guardian. " I developed a phony organisation and also purchased it a remarkable on-line credibility". Fusion. Volokh, Eugene; Paul Alan Levy (10 October 2016). " Loads of questionable court situations, with missing out on accuseds, aim at getting website removed or deindexed".
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What Is Online Reputation Management ...
There are a great deal of misunderstandings regarding online reputation management. Some people think it's simply social media sites tracking, while others think it has something to do with public relations, as well as still others actually have no concept just how it can influence organisation and sales. In this guide, I'm going to explain the duty of online reputation management in today's company and also media landscape.
Simply a couple of years earlier, the net was really various. Business were not interesting customers however just marketing to a passive audience; individuals can not share their voice in an effective means, as well as the general communication landscape was really "leading down." The circumstance has actually radically altered. Today, sites are no much longer static pamphlets.
As well as routine communications on social networks are crucial to any kind of organisation success. No issue the size of your service, they (leads, customers, clientsanyone and also, potentially, every person) are discussing you. They are tweeting concerning your most recent product, leaving a remark on your blog, uploading a Facebook upgrade regarding their client experience, and far more.
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