#they probably have matching fancy friendship bracelets lol
wilcze-kudly · 8 months
One of the highlights of B2 for me was Bolin and Asami being the epitome of boujee MLM/WLW solidarity
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exn0bisstudios · 3 years
Questions from the Discord
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What would be the RO’s ideal gift(s) from the Seer?
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Mira's ideal gift from a unromanced Seer would be having a Bestie Day together where they can just spend time enjoying each other's company or doing any kind of joint hobbies they may have. Mira would especially be tickled if Seer was willing to spar with them a little bit. Mostly, though, it's about just having some good quality time without any worries or responsibilities hanging over their heads for once.
From a romanced Seer, Mira's ideal gift is pretty similar, but with more focus on letting Mira spoil them without complaint. Mira genuinely enjoys taking care of Seer and pampering them, so being allowed to do so without Seer worrying about giving back or something would be lovely. ....They would still be tickled if Seer agreed to spar with them, though.
Nova's ideal gift from an unromanced Seer would basically be the equivalent of friendship bracelets. Basically just some small accessory (doesn't matter how cheap or tacky honestly) that Seer has the matching pair to and that they can both wear. Definitely bonus points if Seer attempted to hand-make (or commission) something. Nova will love it even if it's ugly tbh.
From a romanced Seer, Nova's ideal gift would be an honest love letter. Doesn't need to be flowery or eloquent, but just having how Seer feels about them, in their own words and writing, would mean a great deal to Nova. They'd likely keep the letter on their person at all times, tucked safely into the hidden pocket inside their robes, over their heart.
Stella's ideal gift from an unromanced Seer would be, unsurprisingly, books! Especially meaningful if Seer went out of their way to find a book Stella's been after forever, or a new installment from a series or author they like or something.
From a romanced Seer, Stella's ideal gift would be giving them a pampered day where they can just lounge around and read, and Seer will take care of them. Doesn't have to be anything super fancy like spa day or something (though they wouldn't say no to a massage), but just letting them have a day where they can quietly luxuriate in their company and indulge in their favorite hobbies.
Désiré's ideal gift from an unromanced Seer is probably helping him out with his daily tasks and responsibilities. Dez never complains, but running an entire community of people & families is a lot of work, and sometimes it's nice to have help. Especially for the more mundane stuff, like balancing the books or taking inventory and stuff. Dez isn't particularly good a asking for help, so if Seer just kinda went 'today I am assisting whether you like it or not!' he'd really appreciate it.
For a romanced Seer, Dez's ideal gift would be... pretty much anything that allowed them to be comfortably physically close with each other (as in non-sexual physical intimacy). Touch is so extremely important to Dez, both emotionally and just as a part of his daily life, so he would appreciate being allowed to indulge in cuddling or even just holding hands or something
Vittore Simone's ideal gift from an unromanced Seer would be them arranging an actual day off for him and then forcing him to actually take it by spending time with him doing fun things, not work things. We know that V uses working as a way to self medicate, but another big reason he never takes time off is because he doesn't want to saddle anyone else with the weight of his responsibilities even temporarily. So if Seer conspired with V's staff to make arrangements for his responsibilities to be handled for the day, that's one big hurdle defeated. Then, filling V's day with quality time and fun stuff not only helps him relax and rest, but fills V's need to keep busy. He's be extremely grateful and probably get some of the best sleep of his life that night lol.
For a romanced Seer, V's ideal gift would be sitting for an informal portrait. Nothing big or requiring much fanfare, but some small portrait that V can carry with him on his business trips (think like a wallet photo). Extreme super bonus points if Seer also writes a mini love note to go along with it.
Andrai's ideal gift from an unromanced Seer would be going on a hike with him, or something else suitably immersed in nature, especially if Seer is usually not the type to like to go do nature-ie stuff. Ideally, Andrai would love if Seer agreed to go for a little weekend camping trip with him in Ongi specifically, since those are Andrai's stomping grounds. He'd enjoy being able to show Seer his favorite places in the forest, and all the beautiful and magical things about it that most non-native-elves don't even know exist. He'd especially love it if Seer asked questions about things they encounter or otherwise was engaged in the trek, because he'd enjoy answering their questions or explaining anything regarding living off nature. He knows it's not for everyone, but the forest is his home, so it would be deeply meaningful to him to get to share it with someone important to him.
For a romanced Seer, Andrai's ideal gift would be to agree to join him on a weekend visit to his family. He is all too aware of how overwhelming his family is, so he gets nervous about them essentially scaring people off, so he usually... limits exposure, if you will. But his family is so, so important to him, so it would mean the world to him if Seer put in the effort to get to know them despite their eccentricities. He doesn't expect Seer to become best of friends with the whole group of them or anything (though he'd be so happy if Seer did find friendship with some of them), but just the effort put forward on Seer's part to have some kind of relationship would have him over the moon.
Vzridmi's ideal gift from an unromanced Seer would be, similar to Mira, having a Bestie Day! She would want to go shopping and go out to eat and just do indulgent fun stuff, especially the more superfluous luxuries they don't normally get to indulge in (like spa day!). She'd just enjoy the chance to spend the day chatting, laughing, and having fun with someone important to her; especially because she knows she sometimes struggles to leave research mode, so being forced to get her nose out of her books and actually enjoy some friend time would be lovely.
For a romanced Seer, Mimi's ideal gift would be a combo of relaxation time and Seer agreeing to let her give them a tour of her lab. Mimi's research and pursuits are derisive at best and she regularly faces a lot of backlash and cruelty from the academic & scientific communities, if they don't outright treat her like a hack or like she's insane. So being allowed to just ramble about her work and the things she's so excited about, especially if Seer is engaged in the conversation and asks questions and such, would be extremely meaningful to her (doubly so if she knows science and research aren't really Seer's cup of tea). She'd especially love if Seer agreed to do a fun little experiment with her; nothing serious, think middle school lab level stuff. Just something small they can do for fun together. Then, after the lab tour, going out to eat and having a relaxing evening together would be the perfect end of the day.
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little-ideas · 4 years
MANKAI Messenger pt. 3
I’m not done yet lol
Spoiler warning: I think I merge things from various routes in MysMe so if you haven’t done all the endings (including secret) then proceed at your own risk
Assuming Itaru and Banri aren't already playing LOLOL, MC makes a comment about how they’re surprised they aren't on it and Itaru and Banri install it immediately
MC tells them that Yoosung and Seven play and they demand to know on which server and promptly begin grinding their levels to challenge the other two
MC instantly regrets saying anything
Itaru, Banri, Yoosung, and Seven challenge each other
Sakyo, MC, Izumi, and Vanderwood had to threaten to disconnect the internet because they were all being sore losers and matches were continuing all day
They now are required to inform someone when they are planning on playing against each other and for how long
This gets strictly enforced
When they're in a party together they're invincible
Seven probably knows who all the top players are and once when they're planning for a group event and need 1 more member he tells Banri and Itaru they should ask Citron to join
Nobody knows how/when Citron finds the time to game but he's really good at it
Banri and Seven team up to prank Yoosung, Tenma, and Taichi a lot
Zen and Tsumugi bonding over learning to use technology together
It probably got mentioned because one of them was struggling to do something and one of the RFA members then commented about how Zen just forcibly updated his computer
They showed an image
Tsumugi's probably like "Me too!" and he and Zen start bonding over the computer and the limited functions they would use it for and lament how difficult modern technology is
Everyone else is flabbergasted
Some of the younger kids have never even interacted with such old computers
"You both are 24 how do you not know how to use technology???"
"Even Sakyo knows how to use this!"
Sakyo feels even more like an old man now
Jumin sends fancy cat food for the cats on Veludo Way
Probably also tried to start his cat hotel business internationally there
Jaehee was never more happy she moved on to start her coffee shop the international laws and paperwork would have been such a nuisance
Yoosung checks on Kamekichi and the Veludo Way cats whenever he goes to visit once he becomes a vet
Kamekichi probably has a love-hate relationship with Yoosung because Yoosung compliments his intelligence but puts him on a diet
If Misumi ever hears that one of the cats isn't doing well, he phones Yoosung
It takes a while, but Masumi and Saeran become buddies
Send each other recommendations from various bands and videos
They both just chill together
Probably escaped all the noise/needed to take a break and ran in to each other
Got locked in the storage room together accidentally
Masumi's wearing something like a band tee or a bracelet or Saeran happens to hear the music from his headphones and goes "Is that ___?"
Masumi's surprised since nobody else knows them and it's awkward at first, but slowly they start talking more
Saeran probably understands some of Masumi's obsession with Izumi, but knows that it's not healthy
They have a talk about it eventually
Masumi actually listens
Nobody quite knows what happens but, at some point, they start realizing Masumi isn't as possessive over Izumi. He still adores her, but it's not so uncomfortably unhealthy anymore
If RFA meets MANKAI before "The Adventure for Sardines" you best believe Jumin donated to the costume fund and went to see every performance
Zen avoided the messenger for a week because Jumin was constantly on it and he couldn't stop sneezing
Yuki got sick once and couldn't work on the costumes so Seven helped finish them
Yuki helped Seven design a cosplay as thanks
Kazunari convinces Jumin to download snapchat and snaps him photos of cats
Probably thinks Jumin's blurred photos are hilarious
Muku's asked Zen about how to be a prince
Muku's pure admiration for Zen convinces the man to start having some better life habits
Zen just wants to live up to the cinnamon bun's hopes and dreams ok
Jaehee's handmade marshmallows are a favorite of Juza and Hisoka. She usually makes them during the winter and sends them alongside Tsuzuru's coffee.
Homare finds out when Jaehee is considering putting tea on her cafes menu and they discuss tea for HOURS
If anyone is learning a language that MC knows, MC will speak to them exclusively in the language at random times to help them learn
If they're working on listening comprehension then they might even just have conversations with one person speaking Japanese and the other speaking the target language
For writing they start an exchange diary
Yuki's probably corrected a teacher once
If MC is female, she, Izumi, and Jaehee have girls' night
Also at least once a month just MC and Izumi (since travelling is expensive)
Izumi and Jaehee if MC is male
The boys all encourage it
RFA and MANKAI all need more positive female presences if you disagree with this friendship then fiGhT ME
ok but becoming more than friends yes please owo
So you know how Seven wanted to be an engineer? He and Sakoda just click. The inventions they create…the discussions about machinery and how things work…they spend hours deconstructing and reconstructing tools and Sakoda taught Seven how to operate heavy machinery.
Ngl Vanderwood was likely offered a position in Sakyo's yakuza family
Sakyo's family head and Izumi have been invited to an RFA party
MC gets in on the cooking rotation and the guys are grateful because less curry
Posts a weekly menu
Whenever cafés have dessert deals for couples, MC takes Juza with them
They share the sweets
Even if they're awkward and not convincing, Juza's so scary that nobody dares question them
It's a win-win arrangement
Yuki teaches MC how to sew, and once he deems them proficient enough to help out, he'll often wake up to find pieces or details finished he can finally sleep right after practices
Sakoda often accompanies MC on tasks
Izumi and MC make Russian roulette Valentine's day chocolates containing curry
All things considered it wasn't as bad as it could've been
MC catches Reni's attention and he has an existential crisis when he finds out they're with MANKAI
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Can you do all the questions please? 🥺👉👈
i’m starting to think all of the question requests are one anon and i’m so intrigued, i genuinely didn’t think anyone would be remotely interested lol also I reblogged two and I’m not sure which you meant so i’ll do both! Animated character that was your gay awakening?
- Hmmm back when I thought i was cis I guess Kim Possible, when I started realising I was trans, Flynn Rider
Grilled cheese or PB&J?
- Grilled cheese babyyyy, love cheese, hate peanut butter
What show/YouTube video(s) do you put on in the background when you when you don’t have anything to watch but you want something on?
- Pretty much anything I’ve seen before, usually comedy, so Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Parks and Rec, Crazy ex Girlfriend, Chuck
Your go-to bar order, if you drink?
- Rum and coke, or pina colada if I’m feeling fancy
What’s your favorite pair of shoes that you own?
- Either my tennis trainers or my shoes with rainbow laces
Top three cuisines?
- Italian, Japanese, Mexican
What was your first word as a child (that wasn’t a variation of “Mom” or “Dad”)?
- I have literally no idea, it’s written on a calendar somewhere
What’s a job that you’ve had that people might be surprised to find out you’ve had?
- Cleaner for a business
Look up. What’s directly across from you?
- The AGA
Do you own any signed books/memorabilia in general?
- Signed Dear Hank and John poster, a signed anorak (I took it to festivals), some signed CDs etc
Preferred way to spend a rainy day?
- Curled up under a blanket with a book and a cup of tea, ideally with my head in a boy’s lap.
What do you get on your bagels? 
- I don’t really get bagels so idk
What WOULD you get if you had access to anything you wanted?
- Top surgery and a good prosthetic lol
Brunch or midnight snacks?
- Mate I’m not choosing, but probably midnight snacks because I’d prob sleep through brunch if I could
Favorite mug you own
- Either my Robin mug or my moose mug
What coffee drink would you describe yourself as?
- Caramel iced latte
Pick a song lyric to describe your current mood (and drop the name and artist!)
- Would you be so kind/ as to fall in love with me - Would you be so kind - dodie
Fruity or herbal teas?
- Herbal I guess??
What’s that one TV show that you’re a little bit embarrassed to watch but you still like nonetheless?
- Fucking Vanderpump rules thanks to my damn sister
That book you were forced to read for class but actually ended up enjoying?
- To Kill A Mockingbird
Do you match your socks?
- Yes
Have you ever been horseback riding?
- Yes, at a birthday party
What was your “phase” when you were younger? (i.e., Mythology Nerd, Horse Girl, Space Geek, etc)
- Real bold of you to assume I only had one, here’s a non comprehensive list:
Harry Potter
Have you ever been to jail?
- Nope
What’s your opinion on Lazy Susan’s (the spinning tray in the middle of tables)?
- Cool I guess?
- Love them
You can only have one juice for the rest of your life, what is it?
- Apple??
What section do you immediately head for when you walk into a bookstore?
- Either YA if going for fiction, History if going for non-fiction, Language for uni stuff
What’s one thing you’re trying to learn/relearn in your downtime right now?
Who’s your go-to musical artist when you’re feeling upbeat?
- Troye Sivan
Where could someone find you in a museum?
- Depends, abroad you’ll find me seeing if I can understand the signs, if not I just wander round and look at lots of interesting stuff
What’s that one outfit in your closet you never get the chance to wear but want to?
- I reallyyyyy wanna wear dungarees w/o a shirt but can’t til post top surgery
Rainbows, stars, or sunset colored clouds?
- For art, sunset coloured clouds, for actual real life, stars bc I love nighttime, for anything else, rainbows
If you could own any non-traditional pet (dogs, cats, fish, rodents, etc), what would it be?
- Does a bunny count as non-traditional? I have one and I love him
Do you have more art on your walls or more photographs?
- I think it’s a 50/50 split! I have a photo wall, and the rest is art
You have to get one meme tattooed on your body, what meme is it and where does it go?
- The spiderman meme, on my feet so if I stand with them turned out it shows properly
Pick a superhero sidekick to hang out with
- Robin
Lakes, rivers, or oceans?
- Oceans and lakes for swimming, rivers otherwise
Favorite mid-2000s song
- AKA my childhood, Mr Brightside (also I just discovered that a lot of songs I thought were early 2000s were late 2000s rip)
How do you dress when you’re home alone?
- I sleep naked, and I often wear harem pants and a tshirt
Where do you sit in the living room (we all have a preferred spot, and you know it)?
- On the right of the sofa
Knives or swords?
- Knives
A song you didn’t think you’d enjoy but ended up loving
- AJR - Burn The House Down
Pick an old-school Disney Channel Original Movie
Are you a “Quote that relates to the photos” caption-er, an “explanation of where I took the photos” caption-er, or a no caption kinda person when you post pictures online?
- Explanation, or a piece of my writing inspired by the pictures
Name a classic Vine
- Legit can’t think of any
What’s the freezer food that you stock up on when you go to the grocery store?
- okay so this is the first time in years I’ve had a freezer but when I get to pick - hash browns every time
How do you top your ice cream?
- I usually don’t?? Is this an american thing??
Do you like Jello?
- Meh, indifferent angel;  favorite album of all time? 
- this probably changes all the time because I listen to a lot of differnet genres but off the top of my head, bonxie by stornoway
honey;  are you a very affectionate person? 
- fuck yeah
moonlight;  do you enjoy museums? 
- yesss
roses;  what does love feel like to you? describe it! 
- love is like waking up, perfectly rested and relaxed, with enough time to start the day in whatever way you want. love is all the hard work you put into revising, the anxiety of exams, and the relief of them finishing all at once. love is commitment and trust and heartbreak and frustration. love is having your own language with someone, knowing what to do when they’ve had a hard day and needing no prompting. love is picking up their favourite shampoo when you’re out because you noticed they were running low. love is trying really hard to cook their favourite meal, failing miserably, and them eating it anyway, and lighting up at the effort you put in. love is friendship bracelets and origami butterflies scattered around your room. love is pulling back to allow them room to grow and pulling them up if they need some encouragement. love is sending them pictures with a��“this made me think of you”. love is all these things and more.
shimmer;  zodiac sign?
- pisces
princess;  have you ever been to disneyland? if so, favorite ride? 
- nope, never been
cherry;  have you ever been to a psychic? 
- nope
magic;  favorite film? 
- moana probably
starlight;  have you ever written a love letter?
- yes and i want to again, they really mean a lot to me
velvet;  do you enjoy horror films?
- HATE THEM HATE THEM HATE THEM, they give me nightmares
blush;  have you been to a concert? if so, which one(s)? 
- show of hands, stornoway, dodie
sparkle;  dream job? 
- translator for an lgbt refugee centre or academic
witches;  how do you like to dress? 
- depends, i have a lot of colourful clothes but i tend to switch between muted masc (greys, dark blues, black), vibrant masc (green, blue) and rainbow
crystal;  favorite planet? 
- saturn
sugar;  favorite pet names? (baby, sweetheart, etc.) 
- love, darling, babe, 
hopeless;  do you believe in ghosts? 
- no
glow;  do you have or want any tattoos? what of? 
- I want many, a transition one (which is a bit personal so not sure i’ll share rn), an infinity sign, a dodie lyric, something in russian, something watercolour
starlet;  what historical period is most interesting to you? 
- for my subject, the 1960s-1990s (yes v recent I know)
motel;  are you superstitious? 
- no
heart;  do you like the color pink? 
- ehhhh
golden;  do you appreciate high fashion? 
- i’m not eve sure i know what that is lol
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