#they on opposite ends of the spectrum /hj
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autonomousxselves · 9 days ago
"Have you ever heard of a thing called 'fasting', Futaba? I've heard about it from many other cultures. It's quite good for your health, where not eating for periods of time can clear your head." As if he has a choice whether he eats or does so for spiritual and health reasons. Somehow it's the same in his eyes, though... Yusuke smiles smugly. "I truly believe my inner thoughts and intentions come out best in that state! Besides, it will help keep me humble, unlike my previous master."
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"...That being said, I would still like to eat." An inopportune time for the artist's stomach to complain about his situation. She was right about their excursions into the Metaverse at least, he looks forward to both the justice and the homegrown vegetables and big chain burgers. "Perhaps our kind, giving leader would be willing to make me more curry today, as well..."
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@autonomousxselves | X
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She was more shocked to learn that he performed better when he was running out of food than any questions she has about his commission work. "Huh?! What do you mean?! How can you even function without food?! I can barely do anything than think about it when I'm hungry even when I'm hyperfocused on something!" Maybe all those things she had heard about literal starving artists were true after all.
"Guess you're lucky Joker brings us food here to recover our SP, but still... that's scary."
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thatonemouseykid · 1 year ago
So Alastor is aroace, what does that mean?
a.k.a aroace infodump/rundown if you dont know much about the ace spectrum (other ace specs please feel free to add)
Aromantic (aro) means that someone experiences little to no romantic attraction (like crushes, heart fluttering, falling in romantic love etc), or maybe that they experience it slightly differently to most people. Asexual (ace) means the same for sexual attraction (which basically means desire for a specific person, based on their actions or appearance).
It is possible to be both of these, or to be asexual but allloromantic (the opposite of aromantic), or aromantic and allosexual (opposite of asexual).
Alastor is canonically both of these things, and seems (from the discussions I've seen) to be on the far end of the spectrum where he experiences pretty much none of either.
An important thing to note, though, is that Viv has said that people have free reign to imagine him how they want, which I respect (so long as his canon identity is consistent) but have mixed feelings about. However, I have read a few fics where Alastor is shipped with someone (radioapple if you must know) but he was STILL aro/ace, which was awesome!
fun facts:
like i said, spectrum - someone can be greysexual/romantic which means they experience some sexual/romantic attraction, or demisexual/romantic where they only experience that attraction after forming a close bond with someone, and many other wonderful identities that experience attraction, just differently (and these people can still identify as aro/ace!)
it is possible to enjoy sex or dating even if you dont experience the feelings associated with them, lots of people do! (though this isn't an excuse to ignore someone's identity/treat them as allo)
alastor is a manipulative bitch, and would 100% fake it, so just write it from the other character's perspective /hj
... space to add if i remember what i was thinking of lmao
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thehollowwriter · 1 year ago
I love how @jovieinramshackle and @cynthinesia are on complete opposites ends on the Silas spectrum.
Jovie is terrified of him and Cyn is an utter simp for him (and @theleechyskrunkly too lol)
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unholyxvoid · 5 months ago
that’s sweet of you to say! i’m just some guy at the end of the day though, i’m not going anything special. but i am glad it means something to you. <3
that’s makes sense! for us having pdid, it’s funny that we have 100+ headmates. we have some who are on the nonverbal spectrum, but none who don’t use words at all. i think it would be really frustrating for us, because i, maw, get super frustrated when i go nonverbal from overstimulation and such. i think it’s best we don’t have nonverbal headmates, but i also can’t control it if we ever do. also funny story that when i was in the questioning phase of if we had vessel or not, that i thought bite would be nonverbal? it’s really funny it turned to be the opposite lol. brain really said switcheroo.
i wish you luck with the new headmate though, it’s stressful to find out about new additions. let me know if you need help or anything. i turned on post notifications for you guys if that isn’t weird? i just thought it was better than to keep checking for answered asks, you know? so i’ll see if you post anything about me or something.
yeah, me too! would be fun and a nice bonding experience. i don’t know if i actually know anyone with pdid. i think my ex had pdid but we obviously don’t talk anymore as they are my ex, and even then i was new to discovering our system compared to now. therefore i didn’t really think too much of us possibly having the same back then.
i think the whole darkness thing makes sense for us overall as a collective. because our headspace is exactly as you’ve described yours. it’s just a black fuckin void of nothingness that is shaped but you can’t tell it’s shaped since it’s just pitch black. if this makes sense! we’ve always had a complicated way of trying to get it across. i think black hole makes sense for me though with bpd, like feeling like i’m just a thing like that. i dunno! weird stuff. it’s also funny to me for us that the further i figure out stuff about myself as the main fronter, that our system is very leaning towards aroace and nonhuman. we’ve had an influx of nonhuman headmates recently since i’ve realized i’m more nonhuman than i thought before. it’s been a weird one!
and, too, i would like to figure out more ways that i am nonhuman but i have no idea how to go about that as just a whole of itself. i can describe one way i’ve figured out something for me if that’s of any interest to you.
that’s okay! we also do that, it was just an offer that you can take at any time, and an open invitation to do so, you know? just an established thing! no worries about it at all if you never think of anything. promise.
that’s also okay!!! don’t apologize for things like that, i get it. we’ve been really dissociated for the past few days, so i understand. i hope it gets better soon.
-maw 🪽
just some guy in my asks giving me supply by sending me asks to be fair so like . keep em coming yk lmao /nf
damn post notifications on for us ? youre making me blush /hj do what you gotta man stalk me if you must , trust me i will not complain , youre feeding me well
we dont personally know anyone with pdid i think (im very sorry if we do and just forgor) but our mates have did and theyre actually the first system we ever had contact with , so a lot of what we know and stuff comes from them , but again they have did not pdid so while theyre still very helpful its not like we can really compare our experiences too much
i honestly dont know how many there are . there could be way more than im aware of but i can only really count what i know so i say theres only a few since i only know of a few . the nonverbal thing gets somewhat frustrating for me too especially since i want to talk to iv , but thats honestly less of a problem than him not being around is bc sometimes he just . is gone for a while . and im left wondering if he ever even existed :/
well if you do realize part of darkness then hello me spawn good to know youre one of mine :) and i agree its sometimes a little difficult to explain exactly how we work as well especially with the void being my core being and everything else stemming from that , weve tried making posts about it but i feel like none of them are 100% exactly what id like to convey . and id definitely like to know more about how youve figured things out
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pupboy-tckles · 1 year ago
For the ler asks
1 and 3
Ooooo okay
1- What is your ideal reaction when tickling a lee? Besides laughter? Smiles ofc. Squirming or flinching away from my touch is super cute. If I could get someone to squeal I think I’d have to take a minute to process. /pos.
3- What type of lee is your favorite?
Whatever I can get my hands on. /hj Genuinely, though, shy and easily flustered lees are my weakness. The type that even saying the word “tickle” has them a blushy mess. Less with some bite are good, too. The ones that always have comebacks to teases, and are always playing coy to get tickles. Kinda opposite ends of the spectrum there lol.
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mr-humphries · 3 years ago
Okay now talk about sieglinde assaulting ciel and sebastian coercing beast and the nun into sex!
(Honestly, I haven't re read the manga, I had to redownload a manga reader app for this)
I'd also like to say I am in no way defending the characters 👁👁
Ok so, I'll start with the Emerald witch scene.
During this scene, Sebastian and ciel are in a castle chamber, Sebastian preparing Ciel for bed as usual because the kid is utterly fucking useless at any normal standard of living, and they catch Sieglinde eavesdropping on them.
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In this scene in particular, I do think that the WHOLE thing is a misunderstanding.
I'd like to put this into perspective, being locked away, qnd only seeing the same people for a whole 11-13 years of your life, never seeing an outsider until a moment where people enter, a guy around your age and his butler. Sieglinde hasn't necessarily been taught to keep hands to herself or really anything about sex in general.
And with that I'd like to point out, she gets her information from books, and since wolfram is the only man protecting her who she sees more as a guard dog than a man its easy to become misunderstood.
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When she touches Ciel, he, rightfully so, reacts in a negative way that sieglinde doesn't understand, and she reacts negatively to that.
But now that she understands that it was bad and she shouldn't do it, she never does it again.
I hate to bring in a different mangas and stuff, but a prime example of this is the umbrella scene in "Classmates" where Kusakabe holds Sajou up against a fence to kiss him, and it being in public, which is where Sajou pushes him away, telling him no again.
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And as a consequence of this, sajou breaks up with him.
But guess what happened after?
Kusakabe learns Sajou doesn't like PDA when there's people around, and only gets a little more comfortable towards the end of "Classmates" and during "Graduates".
All these characters are around the same age bracket (teenagers), and they have no experience with relationships, let alone sexual ones.
Do I think what sieglinde did was wrong? Yes. Do I think she should be COMPLETELY demonized for it? No. She's a child, man. A child who doesn't even know what life outside her village is like and grew up mostly around women.
That's not a sex offender, that's a lesbian /j
Jokes aside, sieglinde has done the bad thing, suffered the consequences, and not done it again. It's how children learn. If she was a repeat offender and constantly groped someone, then yes, what the fuck is she doing, but it was one moment. And just one.
I'll start off with the manga while I have it open.
And as sebastians an adult, not a lot to explain.
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In BoC, Sebastian is 100% completely coaxing the poor girl into sex. He, in his own words, says "the prey is deceived with sweet words and dragged into the darkness". And that's what demons do, deceive humans, its whole heartedly in his character to do something like this to get to get he wants. Just like how he did ciel, took advantage of him going through something traumatic to set up a contract in trade of his soul, albeit, not sexual, but its still deceit with a sugar coated glaze.
The nun scene in the anime, I find is completely on the opposite side of the spectrum.
(I'm not happy about having to look up this scene)
From what I remember, the nun was already attracted to Sebastian, him being conventionally hot and such, it was much easier for sebastian to just flirt with her and show off to her.
It begins with sebastian just asking the nun about herself to get some answers, there are no traces of hesitation only flustered stuttering, which is when sebastian makes a move on her, before giving her an earthshattering bang /hj
In my opinion, the nun wasn't coerced, in fact, she was completely on board with it, girl was just really nervous and shy, but she didn't say no or nothing. However, people view that scene in different ways, whether from personal experience or just an icky feeling from the scene altogether.
And since its not necessarily Canon to the manga, and was meant to be a joke for some funny ha has by the producers, i feel this doesn't really build on sebastians character at all. However, to each their own, we love opinions here.
Thanks for the question anon, really got me into a writing mood LMAO
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woozi · 3 years ago
Favorite svteenie friendship dynamics? (It’s ok, you can give multiple <3 we all know you <3 NXKSKKS)
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READ ME ON MY OWN BLOG?????????????? as an ANON NO LESS??????????????? 😭 JKDFJDSJDS that jihoon was my literal reaction irl lmAOOO
also worm i looOVE THIS QUESTION <3 i have many answers (you're right and ily 😋)
not in order of preference (i think by now we’ve all established that i have a hard time picking favorites fjdjksjk)
soonhoon - a v popular one for good reason tbh. i was actually talking abt this with belle just the other day 😭 ANYWAY!! yk how they were both perceived as intjs the last gose 👁️ i think people undermine how similar they are tbh just bc they have very different ways of presenting themselves. i'm saying this goal, mentality, and drive-wise (all this from what we can see btw i’m not saying this is how they really are we do not know these men fsjdjkdsjdks), but again they express themselves v differently. that being said their personalities are also v compatible imo, jihoon's the type to not show how he feels that much even when he longs for something and bc of that people like hoshi complement him so well. hoshi's the type to Show it and reach out to people contrasting the way jihoon tends to withdraw. even in general, jihoon’s not the type to purposefully put himself out there unlike hoshi, but he seems to definitely love the attention lmao (which a persistent friend like hosh can give willingly and enthusiastically at that). their skills are also are a perfect fit for each other 👁️ but yeah tl;dr, i think the best way to put everything abt soonhoon is where one lacks, one compensates but they have the same way of thinking so they get along well. they benefit from each other and make e/o better
soonchan - i’m so devastated by this btw </3 they just seem to like each other sm </3 and are very affectionate towards each other </3
jihan - for comedic purposes /hj (they also just match e/o’s vibe v well tbh, unlike soonhoon this is a like calls to like situation) + they seem like a pair of friends who just really connect and understand each other well while maintaining a balance imo (like, no one’s more reliant on the other)
jun x boo/ww x dino - the fan and the idol <3 i love how boo/ww adores and always cheers on jun/dino
jeonghan x woozi - jeonghan’s not the type of person to be pushy (he literally just goes w the flow and takes whatever’s coming) and bc of that, as i see it, he’s able to respect boundaries v well which may be one of the reasons why woozi’s so comfortable with him? dynamic-wise, unlike hoshi who will literally ADOPT u no escape friendship wise, jeonghan’s the one who will let you ease in and just Waits for what you want/need. as jihoon’s not the type to open up easily, i feel like this Jeonghan Trait allowed them to build a more solid foundation. ion see jihoon being very physically affectionate with anyone, but a lot of the times when he actually is you will see it’s with jeonghan and that’s prob one of the reasons why. i also just find it v fascinating how attitudes from opposite ends of the spectrum produced these kinds of friendships <3
jeonghan x dk - just some silly men having fun <3 jeonghan needs a kind friend while dk needs someone who would embolden him tbh
shua x dino - NO BC WHY DOESN’T ANYONE TALK ABT THIS???????????????????????????????? i think they are a LOT closer than people think they are. also just feels like they get each other </3 receive each other’s jokes v well, and just overall seems like they support each other a lot/KNOW each other very well
junhao - feel like hao has been jun’s solace since he came to korea tbh. jun on the other hand was there to guide him. they just have a lot to share w/ e/o, someone who understands (also not really abt friendship but since we’re talking abt junhao now... i really admire them both sm </3 i’m in awe that the svteenies have ALL renewed, but junhao most esp. not bc i wasn’t expecting them to re-sign, but because they re-signed knowing full well that they’re giving up/have alr given up SOOO much of their old lives that they’ve established in cn + more in of their time with their families. i love them sm they have a special place in my heart </3)
woozi x vernon - OH MY GOD 😭😭😭😭😭 if jihoon’s ever been a hyung and if vernon’s ever been a younger sibling it’s HERE that you would most def see it. ion think i’ve seen woozi take care of another younger member like the way he does vernon </3 and idk </3 i dont think i’ve ever seen vernon as cutesy to everyone else as he is w/ woozi
dk x hao/dk x boo/dk x hosh - just a couple of besties pt. 2 <3 (with slightly threatening undertones in dk x boo). i like seokhao bc they’re Friends friends, dk x hosh because they’re Besties but u can still see dk looking up to hosh, and seungboo (i literally do not know the names of svt pairings im sorry lmao) bc they just seem to have fun tgt <3
mg x dk/cheolgyu - frenemies <3 but not to the point where it’s worrying like boochan lmao
meanie - i just find them so fascinating honestly. how’d this even happen
verkwan - just want someone to be obsessed w me like boo is towards vernon tbh FJSKJFDJS (vernon also cherishes seungkwan but in a diff way i cant explain it tbh... its just Vibes)
birdie - i feel like vernon’s the closest thing chan has to a friend in svt? unlike boo who tends to act and prefers to be treated as someone older (based off of what we’ve heard from em lmao), vernon’s a lot more laid back and it also translates to how he forms relationships with other people. but ofc, even so (with him not emphasizing that kind of hierarchy w dino), you can see him especially taking care of dino/treating dino like a younger brother at times </3 which is SOOOO CUTE and sumn we don’t see often bc dino’s the only one younger than him </3 but honestly while dino’s a lot more Free with vernon, you can still see that they’re all still hyungs to him esp bc of the culture so i get why he feels lonely at times!!
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luv-beam · 5 months ago
YUMI HI HELLO im slowly making my way down ur masterlist (emphasis on slow 😭 but it'll happen) and i LOVED the concept of this one ksnfjdnfn i say as if i dont like the concept of all ur fics 😭
love the opposites attract vibes going on in the beginning already, where yn loves the cold/winter even tho she's the fire princess. like there's irony ofc but i also feel like it hints that there's a sort of disdain toward her own powers, and this def make sense since she's been forced into hiding and stuff
OOH OKAY WAIT (i feel like my thoughts r going to be all over the place bc i read this thoroughly a few days ago first, and now im going back to refresh my memory for this reblog skfndjfn apologies in advance) JOONG AS LIKE A misunderstood, cold prince guy reminds me of a plot idea i had a long time ago, but i love the lowkey magic political intrigue going on ..... hmmmm.... the water mages r very sus also
also YUNHO W THE RED STREAKS IN HIS HAIR YESSS!!!!!! he's so cute hehehhe (#fireprincessyunho) and i adore hwa and yns friendship. like the fact that he's a shadow guy and yn is a fire person — fire = light, and light cannot exist without shadow WEEEEE how fun so cool
yn in denial abt being the fire princess and yunho constantly calling bs like man's really said aight stay in denial 💀💀💀 YUNHO SAID TINY YUNHO SAID TINY BIG HANDS YUNHO TINY SJFJDKDJFJFJJFJFJFJFJFJFJ (sorry im done now..... ik this is a hj fic....... i promise) the idea of water mages kind of being in the middle of ice and fire is a really rad idea... the spectrum of the system of magic is so fascinating
"If anyone asks, your name is... Jongho" BAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA
yn and joong's bickering makes far too much sense, i LOOOOOVE their back n forth like its so petty and fiery. and i really appreciate the detail abt yn still being traumatized by her experiences w the asshole water prince (and seonghwa having to bury her in the snow 😭😭😭😭😭). i said opposites attract before, but i love when they're so opposite that they try to enforce an "i should always be against u" rivalry, but in reality, they r the only one who TRULY understand one another
and the ending :'))))) ugghhhhhhhh i love that ynjoong only went as far w the illusioners as to get closure, and then basically sending a message to not bother them 🤧🤧 like they may be from original bloodlines or royalty, but they WANT TO LIVE AND DESERVE TO LIVE NORMAL LIVES !!!! but thank u for this lovely fic as always yumi !!!! i enjoyed it so much 💖
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White Love
iceprince!hongjoong x fireprincess!reader
genre: fantasy, fluff, angst, hongjoong being an absolute flirt-
word count: ~24k
synopsis: there seems to be an eternal winter set in wonderland caused by the ice prince hongjoong, and you- the fire princess who has been laying low for a while- set out to end it. what you don't expect is to find him freezing to death trapped in a tower, and as you save him, you find out that the mages in wonderland are uprising to end the original bloodline- titled prince and princesses. creating a small team with your childhood friend seonghwa and a water mage yunho, you and hongjoong fight against the threat to your life while uncovering secrets and finding unexpected friends and love.
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You've had enough of the cold.
You didn't hate winter- it used to be your favourite time of the year, especially the part where you'd brew yourself some coffee and burn your tongue while you sat out in the snow, gloved hands both warm from the cup of coffee in your hand but freezing because of the chilly air.
You loved snow, you loved the white blanket of cloud on earth, and you loved sitting in front of the fire- something you really couldn't do the rest of the year. You loved the cloudy skies and the cool palette of colours that came only in winter. You also loved cuddling to your friends or cats or dogs in winter, putting a hand in someone's pocket and warm both your hands, playing with someone and shoving ice down their back, earning satisfied screams as you giggled and ran away, making snowman and snow animals and having a snowball fight.
But this time, the winter wasn't ending- it had been well past the time for spring to arrive. The trees were still bare, lakes still frozen and it felt like the temperature was dropping every passing day. It should have been summer by now, but nobody dared complain.
It was because of him.
People were careful when they called his name or talked about him- they didn't want the wind to carry their complains to his ears in case he got angry- which couldn't end well. It was already cold enough.
Hongjoong, his name was. The Ice Prince.
Wonderland lived up to its name- a place full of wonders. Anyone with an affinity for magic who couldn't adjust to the lands of the humans settled in Wonderland. It was a free place for all humans whether they possessed magic or not, given they lived peacefully. Of course, the majority was of the Wonderers- the name given to those who possessed any sort of magic.
And you- well, you tried to pass away unnoticed. Your magic was, if not more, as dangerous as Hongjoong's- where his was the gift of ice, yours was the gift of fire.
Polar opposites, that's what you both were, in every aspect. He was a Prince. Every child grew up hearing stories about the Prince of Ice- and he'd built quite a reputation for himself. There were just so many rumours about him that you didn't know what to believe.
The Prince froze his enemies and then shattered their bodies.
The Prince burned him with his cold.
The Prince is just a young kid.
The Prince healed my freezing skin.
The Prince played in snow with my child.
You had no idea what to believe, and whenever you pictured him, you pictured a middle-aged man, even though most of the people had told you he was around your age. You just couldn't help but form this picture of a sulking old man sitting on his ice throne all dressed in white when you thought of him.
But you were no one to judge- you weren't quite in the place to complain when you were living two different lives. Most of the people knew you as a person with a little affinity for fire- enough to light stoves and burn the fire even in the winter, enough to burn metal if you tried long enough.
However, you were called the Fire Princess too- though no one had made the connection yet. It was just that you were too good at your disguise- and you weren't as dramatic as this Hongjoong person. You didn't involve yourself in any sort of politics or drama. The reason you were called the Fire Princess was because you had once saved Wonderland from flooding by a hurricane when you had steamed off all the water threatening to drown your homeland.
That was 5 years ago, and you had since kept a very low profile, getting well adjusted to your mundane life- an owner of a bookstore café. It was cozy and fit well with the vibe of winters, but-
The winter needed to stop.
You were wondering what the reason was- what had the Ice Prince all... disturbed? Was he okay? Was he doing this on purpose? Did he like to see the people suffer because of this endless winter?
Your friend Seonghwa- who basically lived in the café though he was a part-timer- was the only one alive who knew of your true identity. He was your childhood friend and the closest thing you had to a family. You looked at him as he sat in front of the fireplace- he really wasn't handling the cold well anymore. His fingers and toes would often swell due to the cold and you made him stay near you for the time-being. You could keep the café warm enough for him all day long, everyday as long as he needed.
You picked a candy and made your way next to Seonghwa, handing him the candy with a smile as you sat down. "Are your fingers better now?"
"They are, but as soon as I go out and stay too long, they start to freeze again," he sighed, shaking his head.
"I wonder what's got this Hongjoong's panties in a twist," you mumbled, and Seonghwa slapped your arm, but you only shrugged, "What? It's not like he's gonna hear me."
You had a point- but Seonghwa was too involved in the gossip that ran around, and he only shushed you, saying you never knew when the cold could get worse than it already was because he heard one of us complaining.
"Do you think I should get out of my hole and go talk to the Prince of Ice?" You asked after a moment, genuinely wondering if it was time that you confronted this man.
Seonghwa shook his head no rather strongly, making you laugh a bit, "You've kept a low-profile. If you go now and end this winter, it's gonna be too obvious that you're the one they've been searching for."
You supposed he was right- anyone would make the connection this time. One is an incidence, twice is a coincidence, and thrice would be a pattern- your cover would blow.
"But Seonghwa," you leaned forward, "I'm so tired of this cold, I'm beginning to hate it. I really think I should make things normal, see what's up and what's going on. Maybe I can't do anything about it, but at least I can try, for everyone's sake."
"You're gonna miss winter when it's gone," Seonghwa laughed, and you bit your lip to keep from smiling- one of the major reason that you loved winter was that you could burn from within without attracting attention. You could release fire here and there without making it strange. In summers... you really didn't handle the hot weather well, which was ironic.
"Maybe this time, I won't," you said your weak retort, ignoring his snickers and thinking. Should you, or should you not?
You did.
Early morning the very next day, you packed a bag with some simple belongings- some clothes, food, weapons, books for when you got bored and a map. Seonghwa came to see you off as you instructed him on how to take care of the bookstore while you were gone.
"I know," Seonghwa laughed, "Anyone who's curious gets to stay as long as they want and read books, in which case coffee is on the house."
You smiled, "Don't scare the poor souls away, will you?"
Seonghwa smirked- he knew you were talking about his shadow magic. He had a tendency to prank people when he got bored, and you had hence prohibited him from using magic inside the bookstore and the café. "I won't. Promise."
Pleased, you gave him a hug, telling him to look after himself and make sure he didn't stay out long, and he told you to be careful and come back if it got too dangerous. "I can turn him to ashes if he tries anything, you know," you told him, referring to Hongjoong.
"He can turn you to ice just as easily, so don't do anything stupid," Seonghwa pinched his nose bridge, already regretting ever agreeing and not stopping you- but he couldn't.
You left while the sun was rising, going north- you could feel the heat in the air and could feel where it was the coldest- north it was. You didn't need to wear much clothes to protect from the cold since you could warm yourself, but to prevent unwanted attention you had donned a long coat and boots- the latter being a necessity since the ice was getting thicker the further you travelled north.
It wasn't going to be a long journey- it would take two days at most, travelling on horses for the most part until you'd reach the mountains, which was when you'd had to resort to walking.
The mountains stretched some hundred miles, and you were worried just how you were going to find someone who you'd never seen- especially because you knew that when you'd get close, it'd confuse your senses and maybe you'd end up getting lost (not a big deal, you could find your way back somehow) or never finding him (big deal).
Or maybe he'd find you first- which was a big possibility. You'd have to mask your magic as soon as you were closer- but that would result in you feeling the actual cold. So you were weighing your options- risk getting detected by Hongjoong who you're going to find anyway, or risk freezing in the cold and maybe miss the chance to find him?
You shrugged- you'd go with the risk of getting detected. It could work as a shortcut.
The two days to the mountains were as uneventful as they could be. You had tagged along with two older women going in the same direction, exchanging food and gossip, from which you learnt more about what was going on in Wonderland.
You used to be the center of gossip, either as a subject or as a contributor. But ever since the incident 5 years ago, your life had changed. It wasn't the incident itself that changed your life but how people started treating you differently, which made you move and start fresh, Seonghwa soon following after you simply because he wanted a change too- and you were glad he had.
You learnt from the ladies that it was getting restless in the south- the water magicians were causing problems again just like 5 years ago, maybe to provoke the others or call out the fire princess for revenge for their brother. You listened with mundane curiosity, only nodding or reacting with a gasp sometimes, the ladies unknown to the fact that you were the fire princess they were talking about.
Once you reached the mountains and started travelling alone, you really started to feel the gravity of the situation. You really had no idea how the Ice Prince was going to be like. He could be ruthless. He really could kill you if you weren't fast enough. He could do anything to you.
For a while that you hiked, you mused about the other possibilities. Maybe he was just a kid, trying to get his powers in control- much like you had struggled in your early teens. Or maybe he was an old man who looked like cotton candy, all white hair and white beard- like the Santa Claus humans believe in.
Or he could be an angry old man too.
While you were snickering at the thought of the Ice Prince being a wrinkly old man, you reached the foothill of the mountain range, sighing when you looked up to the endless height all covered in a thick blanket of ice.
You sighed, clutching your necklace- a gift from your late mother which acted as a siphon, willing more heat into your body to keep yourself from freezing- it really was cold here. You noticed a group of men a few feet away, all bundled up, probably going their way up to hike too. Thinking it would be better to travel with a group rather than alone yet again, you decided to join them, stopping when a tall boy with dark hair and red streaks noticed you.
"You wanna go up the mountain?" He asked, scanning you once, and you could immediately feel his magic- something to do with water.
"Yep," you nodded, looking back at the group of men, "Are they all going?"
"We collect ice to sell, from the frozen lake. Blocks of ice," he told you, nudging you to follow him, "What's taking you up the mountains in such cold?"
"Just going to... visit a friend who lives in the north," you said casually, but he didn't miss your unintentional pause, and he didn't probe further either.
He introduced you to the old men, who laughed when you denied extra coats and mufflers from them, saying you had a 'little' affinity for fire magic and that would keep you warm.
"I hope it does, we don't want to bring your freezing corpse back," one of the men laughed.
"Uncle!" The boy- you had noticed the only young company they had- shook his head, "Don't mind him- he loves joking about death. It's how he rolls."
"I don't," you smiled, "So, what's your name?"
"Yunho," he smiled this time, and you thought he was incredibly cute for such a tall giant, "And you are?"
You told him your name, taking the stick he gave you as you started walking up, "What do you think about this never-ending winter?"
"To be honest, I'm kinda sick of it, even when business has been good lately," he smiled guiltily, eyes darting to the men as if afraid they'd hear him, "I miss summer."
"Me too," you sighed wistfully, "Even though winter was my favourite season, I'm beginning to hate it."
"I wish the Fire Princess could set his ass on fire," he snorted, making you laugh out loud, "He needs a taste of fire, this Ice Prince."
"Have you ever seen him? The Ice Prince, his name is Hongjoong, right?"
"So we've heard," Yunho said, offering you his hand as you stepped on a rock too high for you, "I haven't seen him, but he has-" he pointed to one of the men- the one with a rather aged face, he probably looked older than he actually was, "he's only seen him from afar, but he says you'd recognize him instantly."
"Because of his overwhelming magic?" You wondered.
"He lives up to his name," Yunho said, "Hair and skin as pale as snow. His eyes are... icy too."
"Oooo," you grinned, "Is he young?"
"What are you thinking?" Yunho wriggled his brows as he laughed and you shook your head, stifling your laugh, "He is probably in his 20s."
"Ah, I thought he was a... I don't know. Old man? Grumpy old ice man with a cold heart."
"That's what people usually tend to think," Yunho chuckled, "Much like the Fire Princess. People used to think she'd be a woman who'd be 'as hot as fire'. They were rather disappointed to find her only a scrawny teenager."
"And what's wrong with that? Everybody is a kid before they turn 'hot as hell'," you pouted, your voice giving away your disappointment and Yunho raised a brow.
"I suppose you have a point- I wonder where she is now. Have you ever had the chance to see or meet her?"
"Not really," you shrugged, "Have you?"
"Sadly, no," Yunho sighed wistfully, "I'd like to see her though."
"You wanna see if she is hot as hell?" You poked his arm, making him grin.
"No, I just... I have water magic, you know. Most of us have a grudge against her, you know the history," he told you, and you realized too late that you were treading on dangerous waters, literally.
"Do you think what she did was wrong?" You asked, genuinely curious.
"I don't, actually," he sighed deeply, "Our own people- the water mages were wrong. They have no right to control the flow of nature. I'm glad Wonderland was saved from the flood and destruction, but at the same time... I think it was unnecessary to make a spectacle of his death."
"Spectacle?" You gaped at him- what was he talking about?
"I heard she burned that water mage alive in front of hundreds of people," Yunho looked at you.
"Well, do you think she could have gotten away alive if she had?" You frowned, "Don't you think she would have been detained at the spot?"
"I don't know- I've heard a lot of versions of the event," Yunho admitted, "I don't know what to believe anymore."
You nodded- people had made various versions of the actual incident. And you were the last person who was going to tell them what really had happened.
After two hours of hiking, you all sat down in a circle to eat, and you lit them a fire, preventing it from burning off thanks to the strong wind at this height. They roasted chicken and vegetables on the fire, exchanging stories of their times in the mountain and you listened eagerly.
The men were a friendly bunch, you found out as you talked to them. They were pretty used to the snow since they worked in the mountains, and you learned that Yunho was one of the men's nephew, learning to adjust the temperature of his water magic- but none of them had water magic so Yunho was on his own.
"I could teach you," you offered, his eyes lighting up, "I have to control the temperature of my fire magic too- it should be the same thing."
"As much as I like the offer, is this really gonna come in handy to me?" Yunho wondered.
"Of course," you told him, "Think of the possibilities. You can extend your magic to ice and fire- you can freeze water and make vapours too- you can be the Ice Prince and Fire Princess, Yunho."
He giggled at that, making you join, "I like the sound of Fire Princess."
"I'm serious!" You laughed a bit, "Think about it- water so hot you could burn someone from the inside out- you know our bodies are one-third water."
"Why would I need to do that!" Yunho groaned, "I don't want to burn people alive!"
"You should always be prepared," your tone was grim, "You never know when someone is gonna come after you."
Yunho looked at you as you said that, a curious glint in his eyes. Just who were you? "Do you have people coming after you?"
"Fire magic is rare as it is, and in the winters it gets worse," you admitted, "Just like water magic- not rare but people take it for granted."
You travelled north along with the group until it was dark and they were tired, leading you to the cabin- you learned that there were such cabins for travellers and hikers situated every few miles, open to everyone. After a few fruits you decided to rest, tired from all the hiking you had done, your legs aching because you had never hiked such a long distance in one day.
The next morning, drinking some warm tea and eating fruits, Yunho told you that the rest of them were going to the lake only a few miles west from here.
"Are you still going north?" He asked, standing beside you as you peeked down from the height, wowing at the scene in front of you- it was winter wonderland, literally. The trees had icicles hanging from them, and everything in sight was just a beautiful shade of white.
"Yes, I don't know how long I have to go, but I have a map so I should be fine," you shrugged, and Yunho failed to stifle his smile, shaking his head as he put his hands in his pocket, and you narrowed your eyes at him, "What?"
"You do know there's nothing up north anymore, don't you?" He was grinning shamelessly now.
"Ah, is that so?" You shrugged, "I'll just explore a bit. I have to meet my friend a bit further up north."
"Hey, there's literally nothing up there. No cabins- no one is able to go further because of the blizzard. Are you sure you have a friend up there?"
You bit your lip, wishing Seonghwa was here- he would have saved your ass. You were not a good liar, opting to shut your mouth when you couldn't say the truth.
"You're going to the Ice Prince, aren't you?" Yunho was smiling.
"And why would I go to him? I haven't even seen the dude," you pouted.
"I have high suspicions of who you are, and don't try to deny it- you're a bad liar."
You pursed your lips, looking at him, "Whatever you're thinking, you're probably wrong."
"Maybe I am," he sighed, rather happy with how the situation turned out, "But you're not really denying anything either."
You looked at Yunho who was grinning in victory and you rolled your eyes, "Whatever. Yeah, I am going to see the Ice Prince and maybe I'll set his ass on fire too. Someone has to."
Yunho laughed, "Can I tag along? I'd love to see the sight."
You scanned him- he really was all positive vibes, chill and happy. You sensed no danger from him, and his presence was relaxing- something quite rare. "If you want to learn about your magic, you can tag along."
"Alright," he jumped happily, "I'm going to tell my uncle then- don't run away!"
You waved at him, sighing as you looked at the sun peeking from behind the clouds. Yunho really was different, considering he was a water mage too. He wasn't like the rest of them who were bitter towards all fire mages since the incident, and the fact that he didn't believe anything he heard about the incident said a lot about his personality.
Yunho came back with his bag and yours, taking out a muffler and wrapping it around his head and burying his nose inside too, "There's gonna be a strong blizzard up there. We'll freeze to death- unless you have a way to keep me warm. I'll probably be the only one dying- you won't let me freeze to death, will you?"
"I won't," you laughed at how his eyes searched your face, "Come on, I'll even teach you how to keep yourself warm with your own magic."
"Alright, I'll trust you on that- if you ditch me out in the cold, my uncle remembers your face- he told me to tell you that."
You saluted, grinning, "Alright, sir. Shall we?"
"The storm's crazy," you shook your head, Yunho close by as you hiked up the snow- it was very thick and your boots were sinking in the snow much more than before, "What the hell is up with this Hongjoong?"
"I know right," Yunho shivered a bit- even when you had created a circle of warmth around the two of you, it still didn't stop the chill from entering your body. You weren't using all your magic though, keeping as much reserved as you could manage without getting sick in the cold, "Do you think he might be... I don't know- in some sort of trouble?"
"Let's hope not," you muttered. It was unlikely. He was probably being a little bitch and testing his powers here, unaware of the magnitude of it. Or maybe he was aware and doing this on purpose-
You paused- you didn't want the incidents from 5 years ago to repeat again.
"Is something wrong?" Yunho frowned, and you opened your mouth to speak but then shut up.
"Nothing," you managed to say, motioning him to carry on walking, "Just had a thought."
"Are you... worried about what's gonna happen when you do meet him?"
"Yeah," you nodded, "This could turn out really bad, actually. Now is the time to back out, Yunho."
"I tagged along to learn about my magic, so I think I'll stick," he said and you smiled at that.
Finding a little cave, the two of you went inside, eating the lunch box the uncles had packed you two, deciding to eat less to save the food for when you'll actually need it. You warmed water for both of you, sitting in front of a fire that burned without wood- suspended in the air.
"So, how much can you do with your magic currently?"
"I can handle the water part well," Yunho told you, crossing his legs, "Bending, controlling the flow- not the best with a large amount but I can handle it okay."
You nodded- it was good enough for a normal mage, "You're not from the original bloodline, are you?"
You were referring to the greater mages, as people called them. You and Hongjoong both were from the original bloodline, hence dubbed Prince and Princess of your elements. "Do you think I'd tell you if I was?"
You made an impressed face as Yunho grinned, shaking his head, "I'm not. I'm... normal."
"Way to phrase it," you muttered, "Okay, so considering you're 'normal', that's good enough. Can you manifest water right now and burn out this fire?"
Yunho nodded, raising his hand and concentrating for a few seconds, water forming in his hand drop by drop until it swirled around his hand and he sent it to the fire which burned out with a sizzle.
"Good," you said, and the fire burned again without you moving an inch, and Yunho gaped at you, "Can you manifest your magic without movement, with a thought?"
"I thought only the greater mages could do that," he raised a brow, but you shook your head.
"Anyone who's well trained can do that. It just requires a lot of focused concentration. You can learn that too. You'll need to use your imagination- picture creating a body of water in front of you. Your hand isn't the outlet actually- it just helps you with the focusing part."
"You're making it sound easier than it is," Yunho laughed nervously, "Should I try?"
"You can, but it's gonna take some time. Just try picturing it daily until you can feel it- it's gonna require a lot of glaring in the space- which is exactly what you're doing right now."
Yunho groaned- he had been glaring daggers at the fire. You shook your head as you smiled, "You don't need to be angry to manifest it either. It'll come naturally- don't forget to practice like 8 hours a day."
"8 hours!" Yunho wailed, and you glared at him.
"Do you want me to kick you down from where we came from?"
"No ma'am," he saluted, straightening, "So what about the temperature part?"
"That's harder than manifesting your magic with a thought, so I say you get to that first."
"Can you control your fire's magic?" He asked. You put your hand in front of Yunho, a flame drawing from your index finger, "Go ahead and touch it."
Yunho frowned at you, but you shook your head, "It's not gonna burn, I promise. Go ahead."
Skeptical, he put his fingers right above the flame as if feeling for heat, but you raised your finger and let the flame make contact with his skin, Yunho drawing his hand back reflexively, but then testing it himself, touching your flame, and then you lit your hand in cold fire.
"That's... amazing- it's only a little warm- how is it possible?"
"It can be hot too- hot enough to burn my own skin," you told him, "Your magic can hurt you too- never forget that."
Yunho stared at you- his suspicions about you were turning into belief and your show of magic abilities wasn't really helping your case. "You know what? I'm gonna assume you are the Fire Princess."
"But I'm not," you smiled.
"I'm gonna assume until I actually see the Fire Princess in front of me," he smiled, "Until then, you are her."
"Do I look like a Fire Princess though?" You wondered out loud, "People assume she has fiery red hair and eyes that glow like fire-"
"You're definitely looking like the scrawny kid they talk about," Yunho snickered, making you slap his arm.
"I'm not scrawny and definitely not a kid anymore!"
"You tell yourself that," he grinned, "But I'll say... your eyes. You do know they kind of glow whenever you use your magic more?"
You gaped at Yunho- "You're not serious."
Yunho gaped back at you, "Has no one told you that?"
You shook your head no, "I just don't really use my magic much, so I guess people didn't notice. The cold fire requires more strength so that's why you must have noticed."
"Well," Yunho shifted, "My case rests. No set of eyes glow even when you use all of your magic. I guess that rumour was true after all."
You raised a brow, "What rumour?"
"The water mages remember your eyes," Yunho said, "From when you steamed all the water."
"Oh," you nodded absently, looking at Yunho and realizing a second later that you had fallen in his trap when you saw him smirking, "But I'm not the Fire Princess."
"Whatever you say," he laughed, shaking his head and you laughed a bit too. You were going to keep denying it shamelessly.
As the two of you walked further up, you couldn't believe just how easily you had shown Yunho your magic and how relaxed you were with him. You wondered if it was because he reminded you of a younger you- back when you were still learning the strengths and weaknesses of your magic, so curious about how you could control it better. The two of you engaged in small talk as you walked, helping each other whenever a tough spot came, and you found the blizzard getting stronger than before, Yunho shivering now despite your circle of warmth.
"He must be close," you wondered, looking at Yunho and finding his teeth chattering- you couldn't increase the temperature of your warmth anymore- it would require too much magic, "You should have told me you were feeling cold, Yunho. Why didn't you?"
"Didn't want to bother you," he simply said, passing a weak smile.
"I would have been bothered more if I had to deal with your frozen corpse," you muttered, "Take off your gloves."
"Are you crazy?" Yunho frowned at you, hugging himself and you rolled your eyes.
"Take it off- just this one," you pointed to his hand beside you, and as he took off his glove, you took off your own, folding your fingers in his, raising your hands as you looked at your joined hands, "You're hands are... very big."
Yunho laughed out loud, "Yours are small," he squeezed your hands, muttering 'tiny', noticing that he had stopped shivering. "Is this easier than creating that circle around us?"
"This is nothing to me," you told him, "The circle required magic- this is just my subconscious, you could say."
Yunho nodded, thanking you for not letting him freeze, and you continued following the source of the blizzard which grew so strong that you had to melt any snow that made way to your face, asking Yunho if he could lend you some power.
"Don't drain me too much," he warned, "Otherwise you'll have to deal with my corpse."
"I know how much you hold, Yunho, don't worry," you told him and he nodded, lending you as much as you wanted, until you found another cave- it was getting dark so you decided to rest.
Once again, you built a fire on which Yunho cooked some raw chicken, you wowing because he had way too may food supplies in his bag- he was probably wearing all the clothes he owned at this point. As you two ate, Yunho asked you just what you planned to do once you were face to face with the Ice Prince.
"Ask him politely to put an end to this winter and keep it to the mountains," you sipped on your tea, "I haven't thought about what to do if he denies."
"You really came without a plan, didn't you?" Yunho shook his head, "How did that friend of yours even let you go?"
"He believed I'd set the Ice Prince on fire if he denied, so maybe I should do that?" You wondered, making him laugh.
"Okay, Princess," Yunho shook his head, and you once again denied you weren't the Fire Princess. "Come on, no one else other than the Fire Princess would dare confront the Ice Prince without a plan."
"Some people are just dumb and think they can rule the world, you know," you shrugged, "maybe I'm one of them."
"Maybe you're both," Yunho pointed, and you had to acknowledge that.
When you were done eating, you took out your sleeping bags, and you stood wondering what to do with your magic- you couldn't control the fire when you were asleep. Yunho looked at you from where he sat on his bag, yours next to him.
"Sorry to inconvenience you," you finally said, "But I can't hold the fire when I'm asleep. So... the only option you have is to stay in contact with my skin to keep you warm while we sleep."
Yunho shook his head at the way you worded that, smirking a little, "How do you suggest we do that?"
"Well," you took off your sweater, leaving you in a half-sleeved T-shirt, "just hold my hand or arm as we sleep- and if I turn... I don't know, man, do whatever it takes to stay alive at this point. I don't want to deal with your frozen corpse in the morning."
Yunho laughed at that, a little nervous, "Sorry for inconveniencing you, princess, but you brought this upon yourself when you offered to teach me magic," he said as you lay down beside him, sleeping bags side by side, burning the fire out, the moonlight slowly filling the cave and giving you a little vision as your eyes adjusted to the darkness, your hands joined as you lay side by side, "You're basically a walking furnace, aren't you?"
"I am, and don't you go calling me princess," you laughed a bit, "that sounds so weird."
"That's all I'm calling you from now," he grinned, and you told him to shut up and sleep, smiling as he squeezed your hand unconsciously.
You, of course, woke up with Yunho hugging you as the big spoon.
And oh, he was a big ass spoon. He was basically engulfing your figure, one arm draped over your waist and over your own arm, hand on your hand, and you lazily played with his hands as you took your time to wake yourself up fully.
You couldn't help but smile at your joined hands, feeling a little giddy inside- the events really had turned out so unpredictable. You hadn't expected to make a friend out of your journey, let alone feel like a stupid giddy teenager with hormones because a guy was sleeping with you like that.
You mentally slapped yourself- this wasn't your first time sleeping with a guy, technically. You and Seonghwa had a habit of lying down on bed and gossiping until you passed out- but Seonghwa really didn't count. You decided to blame your fluttering heart to the lack of love in your life- you had a habit of driving away anyone who tried getting closer. You really didn't want anyone to know you were the Fire Princess. It would have only caused complications. Plus, the town you now lived in was small, and all the guys around your age knew you liked being alone. You hadn't gotten much action the past few years, if you were being honest.
And here you were with the man who was calling you princess, having found out your deepest secret two days in staying with you. You thanked the force above that Yunho had no filter and was honest and rational, not doubting you even when he was a water mage. He was just... different. Nice.
Yunho unconsciously tugged at you, bringing you closer and you decided it was time to wake the hell up. You tried putting his arm up and sliding away, but it was heavy- you later realized he was awake.
"Good morning to you too," Yunho scoffed.
"You're so heavy, let me go!" You groaned, making him snicker as he finally put his arm up and you lit a fire, no longer in contact with Yunho, "someone slept really well."
"I did, actually," Yunho rubbed his eyes. His cheeks were flushed- morning face, you had seen it yesterday too. It was kinda cute.
"I'm hoping to find that little brat today," you referred to the Ice Prince, "so eat up to your fill. He better prepare a feast for us when we arrive."
Yunho laughed, "What's got you in a bad mood, princess?"
"Even I'm beginning to feel cold," you sighed, "And we're running out of food. If we don't find him today we'll have to go back."
"Alright," Yunho finally got up, "Let's do that."
Eating only an apple each for breakfast and running on coffee, you turned a notch down on your siphon, allowing you to access a bit more power as you and Yunho ascended the mountain, the blizzard now in full force and you had to hold Yunho's hand not only to keep him from freezing but also for his physical strength as he led you into the eye of the storm.
"There's no way he's doing this on purpose, unless he's an evil maniac," you shouted- you really couldn't hear each other well anymore due to the strong wind, "He must be in some sort of trouble."
"I think so too!" Yunho basically dragged you up, "Is this like when you lose control of your magic? Would you set the world on fire if you did?"
"Exactly like that," you confirmed, "I once nearly burned my own self and the whole house."
Yunho grimaced, and you kept moving forward- maps were useless. You both were utterly lost and maybe doomed too. You needed to get to the Ice Prince today and see what all this fuss was about.
It had been a few more minutes of walking to the apparent source when you sensed magic- and not of a single person, but-
There were at least 10 people with ice magic and other magic here.
You tugged at Yunho's hand and when he looked at you, you motioned him to stay quiet and went behind a big rock to take cover.
"There are at least 10 mages here," you began, "can you veil your magic so they won't sense you?"
"I've never needed to do that," Yunho looked sorry, but you shook your head and told him it was okay.
"We have to deal with them anyway- I'm sure you know basic offence and defence, right?"
Which was how you ended up using Yunho as a bait.
As a water mage, he could easily pass by as someone who came for the ice and isn't affected by the blizzard because most of the water mages can control ice to some extent too.
You were in front of a building- you didn't know what else to call it, it was all steel and rocks from the outside, and it was quite huge as well, like a mini-palace of sorts, probably built this way to keep the cold away. Three men were stationed at the entrance, two a few feet ahead and Yunho strolled in, saying hi all well-mannered, saying he was passing by for ice and talking about how the storm was so bad.
You didn't have much time- Yunho was barely keeping himself together, since he was no longer in contact with you and your magic that kept you warm. You couldn't risk his life. So as soon as the men relaxed from their tense position, playing along with pretending that they knew nothing about the storm, you came in range and sent some smoke their way, making them choke hard and pass out, Yunho running to you and holding your already extended hand hastily, teeth chattering.
"This was easier than I thought," Yunho commented.
"Only because they didn't feel me, and because you're an incredible actor," you grinned at him and he grinned back. "Now let's deal with the guards at the entrance- stick with me, okay? They won't sense me."
"Okay," Yunho said and you two walked right ahead, hoping the two men wouldn't notice the absent guards towards their left, and as soon as they noticed you, they came for you, but they were out when you choked them on the very air they breathed, and Yunho stood with his mouth hanging open, shaking his head at you.
“What?” You shrugged, unaware of the source of his surprise.
“There’s absolutely no way you’re not her,” he said, narrowing his eyes at you, “No fire mage could have as much control as you- suffocating the men without burning their lungs from the inside out? Who the hell trained you if you’re not her?”
“Let’s pretend you didn’t see that,” you pursed your lips in amusement, beckoning him forward, standing in front of the steel doors where you paused before you opened them, and turning towards him. “Now is the time to back out, Yunho. I don’t know how dangerous it can get from here, and I cannot guarantee your safety though I’ll try my absolute best, but… now is the time to reconsider this.”
Yunho huffed, jumping up and down enthusiastically, shivering once because he had let go of your hand, “I’m going in there with you, whether you like it or not, simply because you’re a tiny girl and I want to protect you.”
“This tiny girl could set your ass on fire,” you muttered, smiling as you opened the door, telling him to put up a defence because you were going full offence from here.
The lobby was huge, all ice and blue and white, a chandelier hanging in the middle. You had no time to admire the beauty of the interior- men after men came, hurtling their magic at you, sending sharp icicles that could slice your skin open but they melted before they came in your focus- you had a ring of fire around the two of you, and Yunho was glad for that. He wasn’t sure if his water magic was going to be any use in front of these very skilled ice mages.
“Who the hell are you?” One of the mages muttered, and you turned to him- a rather tall man with dark hair and even darker eyes, if that was possible.
“Who do you think?” You sent a shot of fire at him, but he put up an ice shield, making you stop, “Where is the Ice Prince? Take me to him.”
“As if,” he scoffed, “You’re not taking him anywhere- who sent you? Are you here to save him or kill him?”
Save him? Were you right about this?
You heard Yunho groan and you noticed he had just deflected a sharp icicle aimed for you, and you set the man on fire, leaving him gasping for air as he burned the fire out from within, which proved your theory that these men were not under-skilled.
You raised your hands- you really had no time for this chit-chat. In a matter of seconds, all the men in your vision were gasping for air and passing out, and you put the ring of fire out from around you.
“We need to lock them and tie them good,” you muttered, and Yunho immediately started dragging the men in a corner piling them in front of you- there were 6 of them.
This was not good.
As you bit your lips, thinking, Yunho looked at you, also waiting for an explanation. You finally sighed, “We don’t have much time- we should check to see where the Ice Prince is at before we think about what to do with this lot. They’ll stay out for a while. Let’s go.”
You and Yunho made your way around, checking room after room, until Yunho found a narrow passageway that led upstairs to a tower-like structure you had managed to see a glimpse of from the outside. You took the lead, Yunho right behind you, and you noticed it was getting colder and colder- frost covered the walls in decorative patterns. You squeezed Yunho’s hand- he would freeze without you.
There was a single door, and you could instantly feel the strong presence inside, as could Yunho as he looked at you. “It’s too dangerous,” you told him, taking off your necklace- the siphon and putting it around his neck, “This should keep you warm- go downstairs while I deal with this.”
“But it’s too dangerous for you alone-“
“No buts,” you shushed him, “Trust me, I got this. Now go. I don’t want to drag your corpse out now, do I?”
Yunho smiled, trusting you and before he started to go down, you stopped him, “Do not touch the necklace’s notch. You’ll find this building on fire if you do, so be careful.”
“Oh- is this a siphon?” Yunho asked and you nodded, and he raised his brow as if to say ‘you keep proving my point’, grinning as he ran downstairs.
You breathed, turning around and touching the doorknob, melting the locks and opening the door after a moment-
You did not expect to see the Ice Prince chained to the walls, head on his knees, making himself appear smaller than he was, his silver hair- almost white- falling messily, icicles hanging from his hair-
Gosh, he was freezing himself.
You walked to him cautiously- it looked like he was unconscious. Slightly poking him, you realized that either he was, or he was out for a moment, but the sudden irrational fear crawled inside you that there was a possibility that he was only a step away from death.
“…Hongjoong?” You tried calling him but he didn’t respond, and you gently pushed his figure to the back, revealing his face-
Gosh, he was… beautiful- even when frost was covering his eyelashes and his lips were blue and frosted. You touched his face- he was freezing from the inside out, and the gauntlets on his hands didn’t help, especially since they looked like they were made to block his magic, the iron covering his hands completely, his arms falling limply to his side.
Biting your lips, you pulled at the chains- you’d had to melt them without burning them, but it was too risky. You didn’t want to burn his hands, so you only melted the chain from near the wrists and his gauntlets, freeing him from the wall, and then you lay him down, putting a hand on his forehead and sending a little spark of fire inside him- enough to start the process of waking him up from his frozen state. You took out a kerchief, wiping his eyes as the frost on his eyelashes melted, then wiping his face as colour seeped through his skin, and you realized he wasn’t as pale as you thought he’d be.
The room was still ice-cold, making your breath materialise in the air, so you decided to start with putting the temperature of the room down, getting up and walking to the window as you started to melt the ice-
You didn’t even hear him wake up from his sleep and you only turned when it was too late-
He was upon you and pushed you, making you instinctively hold on to him as the window shattered and you two were then hurtling out to your death- your screams ringing in the air as he tried to choke you, realizing his hands were still blocked.
You only had time to scream, “I’m here to save you, you fucker!” before Hongjoong’s eyes changed, and he put his blocked hand out, making an icy slide to save you from breaking your head open on the rock (or save himself, probably, because he had plans to kill you) and then you two were rolling down on the soft snow, halting slowly and you coughed, spitting ice out from your mouth, finding Hongjoong on top of you, pinning your hands down.
“Who sent you?” He practically growled, his icy blue eyes burning you.
“I came to save you, you idiot,” you groaned, kicking him on the stomach and pushing him off, sending him moaning in pain loudly as he clutched at his stomach- he was probably weak right now, “I came to end this never-ending winter and see what got your icy ass in trouble, and you- you decide to push me out of that freaking tower?”
“Then why are my hands still inside this?” He put them in the air as if proving a point, and you rolled your eyes.
“I’m a fire mage, for fuck’s sake. I could burn the flesh off your hands if I tried breaking that. You’d like that, I’m sure.”
He stared at you for a moment, the icy wind circling around you two as you realized you were in the eye of the storm, and you raised your brows impatiently. He sighed, “How do I get this thing out?”
“I don’t know, man, try breaking it,” you groaned, getting up and squealing in pain as you saw the shards buried in your arms, “I’m gonna kill you later.”
He said nothing, and you shook your head because the only shard of broken glass he had gotten was on his cheek, sending blood trickling down, already frozen to his skin.
Yunho came outside, calling your name and Hongjoong instinctively sent a bolt of ice in his direction, which you melted before it could cut him, glaring daggers at him. “That’s my friend, you idiot. We mean no harm. Stop acting like a brat while we figure this out."
Hongjoong only sighed, bringing his knees to his chest again as Yunho rushed to you, examining your hurt state, glaring at Hongjoong. “I have healing magic- let me try healing your arms."
You nodded- most water mages had an affinity for healing. Yunho pulled the pointy shards out of your skin, healing them with a swipe of his finger over the open wound. By the time he was done you were seething in pain and anger, dimming it down a notch when you saw the guilty look in Hongjoong’s eyes.
“You gonna tell me why you were locked in that tower?” You asked, and Hongjoong sighed.
“Where are the ice mages?”
“Out cold, but not for too long,” you said.
“They planned to kill me, but I am too powerful, so they were trying to weaken me before getting rid of me.”
“You in your weakened state have put the entire land in eternal winter,” you muttered.
“I’m sure you like the cold,” Hongjoong raised his brow, “Fire Princess.”
Yunho met your eyes, and you pursed your lips- no point denying it now, really. “I may like the cold but it got too much for everyone, Hongjoong. And you…. You were freezing from the inside. You do know that you were only a step away from death, don’t you?”
Hongjoong’s eyes flashed, and you realized that he had no idea, “You really mean me no harm?”
“Unless you try to kill me or my friend here, no, I mean no harm.”
Hongjoong sighed, getting up, “We should lock the men first. Do not underestimate their skills. We can get to this…” he looked at his shackled hands, “later.”
With that, the three of you went inside, Yunho dragging them to the nearest room and you helping while Hongjoong watched, and when they all were in the same room, Hongjoong looked at the ceiling, drawing sharp icicles down and trapping them such that they couldn’t move without hurting themselves or killing themselves, and you whistled- he wasn’t joking around.
“Now,” Hongjoong said as the three of you went to the lobby, “How do you suggest I get rid of these?”
You thought for a minute, “Try freezing them and breaking them?”
“You could try melting them,” Yunho suggested.
“It’s too risky, I’d burn him,” you bit your lips, but Yunho was shaking his head.
“If you can suffocate the men without burning their lungs, you can surely try breaking this without melting him too.”
Hongjoong raised a brow at that, but you shook your head. It was too risky.
“What if,” Hongjoong began, “You melt from the outside and I freeze from the inside? It’s gonna break it, right?”
“Technically, it should, but don’t blame me if I burn you,” you put your hands in the air and Hongjoong only shrugged to give you an okay.
Taking his imprisoned hands, you looked at him, finding his eyes glowing as he focused on controlling the amount of magic he sent, and you realized your eyes must be glowing too- did they glow like fire? You shut your eyes, focusing on feeling your magic, stopping when you felt the ice of Hongjoong’s and working backwards from there, until the iron started crumbling in your hands.
Hongjoong flexed his hands, making an impressed face at you, “Thank you, I guess.”
“You guess?” You sighed, but smiled. He must have been through a lot for him to be like this- so distrustful of everyone.
“Make yourself at home,” Hongjoong offered.
“Don’t tell me this is your home,” you frowned.
“It has to be,” Yunho smiled, “I mean, look at that,” he pointed at the chandelier, and you noticed that it was made of ice- blue flame glowing in the middle that could only be the flame of ice rather than of fire.
“You live alone, and these- people, they came for you, why?” You looked at him, “Also if this is your home I’m expecting there is food here because I am famished.”
Hongjoong scoffed, leading you to the kitchen, groaning at the mess the men had made of his home, “Has no one come for you yet? I mean, you are the Fire Princess. You don’t pretend to be someone else, do you?”
You looked guiltily as Yunho who grinned, “And what if I do? Should I have built myself a fire palace and set the whole land on fire?”
Hongjoong winced, “I did not sent the blizzard on this land on purpose, Princess. You must know. And you still haven’t answered my question.”
Hongjoong put some fruits on the table and you and Yunho took the frozen fruits, you touching them lightly to make them normal before you started eating the strawberries and the grapes, “No one except the water mages come after me- you know because of what happened 5 years ago. But I’ve been living in peace for quite a while now.”
Hongjoong looked suspiciously at Yunho- after all, he was a water mage too. “You won’t be in peace for longer. There’s been a… movement going on, you could say. They’re planning to get rid of the original bloodlines. They’ve already killed my uncle, who was the only remaining member of the original family apart from me here in Wonderland. Do you have someone in your family?”
“Well, they all died 4 years ago- just how long has the movement been going on?” You frowned- your parents had died a rather suspicious death. You had tried finding out more but you had no idea and found no clue.
“Long enough,” Hongjoong said, as if to tell you that your family’s death might have to do something with that, “The other originals have all left this land for the fear of their life. It’s only you and me now, Princess.”
You rolled your eyes at how he called you princess- as if he was being sarcastic, nothing like the endearing way Yunho called you. “What do you suggest then, Prince? If they got you, they could get me too.”
“Well, lucky for you, there are only a few fire mages around here. Their plan was to fight ice with ice, fire with fire, you know the deal. But they’ll come after me- these were only a few men. The rest are coming soon, so we should get the hell away from here as soon as possible.”
“And go where? With you looking like… this,” you scanned him, and he raised his arms.
“Me looking like what?”
“Like the Ice Prince,” you looked at Yunho, “Tell me someone will look at him and not make the connection right away.”
“She’s right,” Yunho said, “You look like the Ice Prince. Your hair and eyes kind of give you away.”
“So?” Hongjoong pointed at you, “Her eyes turn amber and glow when she uses her magic!”
“But she could pass as a normal fire mage, you, on the other hand… it’s gonna be hard.”
Hongjoong groaned and you looked at Yunho in amusement, “I’m so glad I look normal enough.”
“Well,” Hongjoong put a cherry in his mouth, “Is there somewhere we can go and lay low for a while?”
You noticed how Hongjoong had casually joined your gang and was going to follow you wherever you go. You looked at Yunho, “Why am I so tempted to ditch him here?”
“Hey!” Hongjoong looked offended, “Fine, I can go my way. Don’t come crawling to me when they come after you!”
“Crawling?” You scoffed, “You don’t come crawling to me when they get you again! Oh wait- you won’t be able to. You’d just set the whole world on ice and hibernate.”
Yunho snorted, failing to hold his laugh as the two of you bickered back and forth, finally getting up and stopping you two from jabbing fingers at each other’s faces. “Okay, okay, stop. We go together from here- it’s better to stick together.”
“You’re not the Water Prince, are you?” Hongjoong eyed Yunho suspiciously.
“I’m not,” Yunho raised his hands, and Hongjoong eyed the necklace he was wearing, making Yunho look at you and take the necklace off.
“I almost forgot,” you breathed, putting the necklace around yourself, you had been warming the room subconsciously anyway, “Anyways, we should definitely leave this place. As much as I hate it, the only place I got is where I live right now, so… let’s go there and plan from there. And Hongjoong? Please try putting this blizzard out if you can help it. But take it down bit by bit- I don’t want anyone to be suspicious of you.”
Hongjoong nodded- he could do that.
Packing food for the journey and asking Hongjoong to cover himself like a normal man who gets cold, the three of you left the house, Hongjoong icing the door shut and sending a mini blizzard around the house for precautionary measures.
You and Yunho naturally took the lead, Hongjoong following close by as you discussed which route to take.
"Should we drop by the site?" Yunho asked, mentioning the cabins where the men who had accompanied you up would be, "We could get a hot meal definitely."
"Let's do that, I'm starting to abhor the idea of more fruits," you muttered.
"Won't it be too suspicious if I drop by?" Hongjoong almost mumbled as if he didn't really want you to hear that, but you did, and you pursed your lips.
"Just blend in, can you? If anyone asks, your name is... Jongho. Can you do that?"
"I don't know about the 'blending in' part," Hongjoong shrugged and you glared at him.
"That is the least you can do for all of us."
"Now don't you go giving me shit about my appearance. You should have been born with hair the colour of fire. You'd know how it'd feel to stick out like a sore thumb then."
You glared at him, "I'm not giving you shit about your appearance, Prince. All I'm asking of you is to act friendly when you meet anyone and try to keep a low profile. Not so hard, is it?"
"It is, Princess, because everyone seems to recognize me no matter how hard I try to stay low. I'm sure you of all people know how that feels."
"Now, now," Yunho stepped in between you two, patting your back to calm you down, "Those men won't say a word if I ask them to."
"They better not," Hongjoong only kept glaring at you and you made a face when you had enough, making him snort, "So very charming."
"I wonder what's keeping me from setting your smartass on fire," you sighed.
"I'd like to see you try, Princess. Let's see whose fire burns more," Hongjoong's eyes glowed, and Yunho waved his hands awkwardly between you two.
"I'm changing the topic. So where are we going?" Yunho asked you.
"I live south, near the sea," you smiled a bit when you thought of home, "I own a bookstore café. Try not to ruin the warm atmosphere of that place when I take you there, will you, Prince?"
He only snorted, ignoring you, and you continued, "I have a friend who practically lives there. I think you and him will get along well."
"Me and him?" Hongjoong frowned, "and why do you think so?"
"You'll see when we get there," you smirked, and Hongjoong straightened as if to say no force on this Earth could do so.
You could barely keep your laughter in when you saw Hongjoong obeying Seonghwa- it wasn't that Seonghwa was ordering him around, but when he'd give him a simple task like 'hand me that', or 'get me that from outside', Hongjoong would find himself doing the task without complaining.
You supposed the poor boy had been alone long enough and found something comforting about Seonghwa- everybody seemed to. There was just something about Seonghwa's nature that was so caring and motherly that everyone found themselves comforted by his presence.
You recalled when Hongjoong had challenged you when you'd said he'd get along well with Seonghwa. He'd been so persistent on not getting along with you, at least. Even Yunho and him would share a giggle over jokes every now and then, but you?
You wondered if Hongjoong hated you. Sometimes he'd listen to what you said, but sometimes he'd act like a... brat and spoil your mood. You wonder if he annoyed you on purpose.
He had definitely annoyed you all the way down from that damned mountains of the north. He had failed to keep a low profile in the cabin and Yunho had to ask the uncles to keep their secret because of the threat on your heads, which had led them to make the connection about you too. Though they were impressed and maybe a little intimidated by the presence of two of the originals, they had treated you two well, giving you warm meals and a place to sleep as a thanks for keeping them all warm during your trip up.
You had made it back without much happening, and when you entered your home with the two boys, Seonghwa's jaw had dropped.
"So which one of them is your boyfriend?" Was the first thing that Seonghwa had asked and the two had immediately burst into laughter and groans while you had scolded Seonghwa and told him all about what happened as he made you all coffee and gave you something to eat.
"So he's the Ice Prince," Seonghwa smiled, "Nice to meet you. You look younger than I thought."
"And how old did you think I'd be?" Hongjoong out one leg over the other.
"I don't know- I used to think my age- I guess you are. But she-" he pointed at you, "used to imagine a wrinkly old man, so my ideas mixed a bit..."
"Wow," Hongjoong shook his head at you, "I don't remember thinking of the Fire Princess as a wrinkly old hag."
"I don't remember thinking of the Fire Princess as a scrawny kid, but here we are," Yunho sighed and you yelled at the two, tempted to throw your dessert at them but Seonghwa calmed you down with a touch, and you only huffed.
Seonghwa had told stories about your pasts, especially embarrassing stories about how you'd set everything you touched on fire when you were recovering from the incident 5 years ago, having a laugh over it as he showed off his burns that he got from you proudly.
"These are friendship marks," Seonghwa showed them off as if it was a badge. You rolled your eyes as the others shook their head at you, disappointed.
"I should have friendship marks too," you muttered, feeling sorry for Seonghwa. He had refused to let go of the scars even though he could have gotten them healed, saying it was a reminder that you got through the hard times with him, and your own burns, which Seonghwa didn't mention because they were too personal, were a reminder of that. Seonghwa looked at you pointedly as if to remind you of your own burns, and Hongjoong didn't miss that look.
You had two rooms in your house at the back of the bookstore, so the guys decided to share the room, leaving you alone with your thoughts in your room, the smaller of the two with a queen sized bed and a table at one end, not much to the room.
The next day was busy for you- you had to go out in the town for supplies and to catch up on the gossip which would reveal if Hongjoong was right about this uprising- if you could call it that- and see if people were suspicious about your guests.
When you came back, Seonghwa had already prepared a meal for the four of you, and you instantly slumped in the chair, telling Seonghwa about how your day was, and Hongjoong watched you two interact with curiosity- the way you and Seonghwa rolled was too smooth and natural. Even Yunho fit right in and he sometimes felt like an outsider.
After eating, Seonghwa was instructing Hongjoong to pick up the dishes and telling him where to put what, which was why you were holding back your amusement. They really got along well, and you were glad, though you could feel Hongjoong still felt awkward.
You and Hongjoong were still arguing with each other every moment you had a chance, calling each other prince and princess like it was a curse word, and though Yunho and Seonghwa would try to calm you down, they decided to team up and enjoy watching you bicker back and forth instead as they sipped on their drinks.
"You set your own hair on fire!" Hongjoong laughed as he recalled a story Seonghwa had told him, "Is this why your hair is so dark but looks like rust in the sunlight?"
"Says the person who put on frost mascara," you raised a brow, "I should have plucked your unbelievably pretty lashes when I had the chance."
"At least you acknowledge they're pretty, Princess," Hongjoong smirked.
"Crazy how the only thing remotely pretty about you are your lashes, but your ugly personality is just so overpowering that I only noticed your lashes when you were almost dead. Now what does that say about you?"
Yunho hooted, Seonghwa giving him a clap saying 'that's my girl', and Hongjoong clenched his jaw.
"I don't know if you're trying to flirt with me or fight with me," Hongjoong muttered, and you pretended to throw up.
"Flirt with you? I'd rather set my own self on fire, Prince."
"Would you now?" Hongjoong leaned in a bit, "Interesting."
"What is your problem?" You leaned in as if trying to figure him out, "Do you want me to hate you? Because you're doing a damn good job."
"You're really the Princess of Fire, aren't you?" Hongjoong smirked, "It's just so easy to get you all hot and angry, it's tempting, really."
"And you really are the Prince of Ice, aren't you?" You leaned back, "Should I melt that frozen heart of yours?"
"You're really bad at this," Seonghwa ended up laughing painfully, making all of you laugh with him, "I really can't tell if you're fighting or flirting anymore."
"I can't either," Yunho wiped his eyes from laughing too hard, "She really sucks at this."
Hongjoong danced in his seat in victory, but Seonghwa shook his head at him, "Your retorts are too weak, Hongjoong. You both are unbelievable."
"Hey!" Hongjoong yelled at him, "At least I'm not the one subtly flirting!"
"I'm not flirting!" You glared at him, the fire in the fireplace catching intensity, "You know perfectly well what I meant!"
"Yeah, go ahead, melt my frozen heart, Princess," Hongjoong grinned, pausing when your eyes glowed, and Seonghwa realized what was happening, instantly rushing to you and putting his hand on your shoulder but shrieking in pain because you were burning.
You hadn't meant to lose control, but something about Hongjoong... and the way he worded that- it reminded you of a particular incident from 5 years ago when you had that fight with the Water Prince, and you were triggered- you were feeling so hot. You were burning from the inside.
"Yunho- can you bring cold water, quick!" Seonghwa's eyes were wide with worry, and Hongjoong looked at Seonghwa in confusion and worry, then looked at you with your eyes glowing and hair rising as smoke seeped out from your skin, making you get up and fall on your knees on the floor.
Seonghwa noticed the guilt behind Hongjoong's eyes, "It's not you, Hongjoong. She went through something in the past- sometimes she gets triggered and this happens."
"Is there something I can do? She's burning from the inside, isn't she?"
Yunho came inside with a bucket of cold water and Seonghwa placed it in front of you, using his shadow-phantom hands to place your hands inside the water but it instantly evaporated, and before one of them could get up and get more, Hongjoong leaned in front of you, motioning to Seonghwa that it was okay.
"Hey," Hongjoong said softly, calling your name- you could hear him call your name but it felt as light as a whisper because of the roaring in your ear and the pain in your chest- you couldn't breathe. Hongjoong tried taking your hand but you shook your face absently as you flinched away, trying to tell him to be careful, but he took your searing hot hands anyway, and you reveled in how cold they were.
"It's okay, you can't burn me," Hongjoong whispered, taking your other hand as well and sending the cold inside your skin bit by bit, until you started to shiver and then fell unconscious on his lap.
"Well," Seonghwa wowed, "This definitely saved me from dragging her out and burying her in the snow and worrying my ass off for hours until she got okay."
Yunho winced as he heard that, "That bad?"
Seonghwa nodded, taking your limp figure in his arms, "Let's get her upstairs."
Hongjoong and Yunho followed, opening the door to your room and he lay you on the bed, spreading your blanket over you, checking to see if your necklace was okay. The other two looked around your room, finding it strangely empty as if no one lived here, only a few of your belongings in sight.
"She doesn't like getting attached to a place," Seonghwa explained, "she won't admit it but she's gotten very attached to her café."
"I can see why," Yunho nodded, "she practically lives there. This is only for sleeping, isn't it?"
"Pretty much," he smiled, "Let's go to sleep- it's late. She'll be out cold for a while too."
Hongjoong couldn't really sleep that night- he kept recalling how your eyes changed and you went in that trance, and something about it reminded him of when he was first caught and had given up, hence setting this never ending winter in motion.
Feeling a bit stuffy, Hongjoong decided to go out and get some air, wearing snow boots if he changed his mind for a walk, almost screaming when he shut the door, took a turn and saw you sitting in the snow with your knees drawn to your chest and bare feet and legs buried in the snow.
"Gosh, you scared me," Hongjoong muttered and scared you, making you flush because you hadn't expected to get caught sitting here like this. He sat beside you, "Are you... okay?"
"I am... I don't know," you looked away from him, "I still feel like I am on fire."
Hongjoong touched your hand to check- you weren't completely normal, you were still hot as if you were running a fever. "Do you always come and sit in the snow like this?"
"Seonghwa buries me in the snow or puts me in the tub and piles ice on me," you muttered, finding yourself laughing a bit at that and Hongjoong joined, "Usually does the trick, as stupid as it sounds."
"How long have you been out here?"
"An hour or more," you admitted, and Hongjoong shook his head.
"Let me..." he looked at you for permission and you nodded. He took your hand, interlacing his fingers with you, staring at your joined hands. "Does the siphon not work properly?"
"It does, it's just... the fire magic is too much for me. I feel like I wasn't build to handle it."
"You're built for the fire magic," Hongjoong assured you, "You have to embrace it. I don't wear a siphon- they did no good at keeping my own magic in control."
"Well," you scoffed, "You almost froze yourself too."
"I was trapped, of course I did. I felt helpless. But you... I won't ask what happened unless you want to tell me, but whatever happened... don't hate your magic because of that."
You stared at him, his eyes almost dark blue as tendrils of his hair fell over them. "Have you ever hated yours?"
"More times than I'll admit," he sighed, "with people like us... our relationship with magic really is a love-hate one, isn't it?"
You smiled as you nodded, already feeling better as you felt your body getting cooler, "It is. I think this winter was the first time I felt my magic was a blessing."
Hongjoong nodded- Seonghwa had mentioned something about how you were secretly making the fire in all the fireplaces in the town warmer, "I guess something good did come out of all this. But can I ask you something?"
You looked at him and he hesitated a bit before asking, "You could have left me to die. There was no reason for you to save me."
You heard the question behind that statement good and clear. You squeezed his hand, "You reminded me of myself. Nobody should have to die like that, all alone engulfed by their own magic. I knew the risk- I knew you could be a madman who was having fun with this winter, but even if you were, I couldn't leave anyone like that."
Hongjoong nodded, but it still didn't make sense to him. Were you just being kind? What was your reason? You laughed as you saw his confused state, "I didn't need a reason to save you, Hongjoong, it's as simple as that."
Hongjoong smiled not at your answer but because it was perhaps the first time you had called him by his name and not a sarcastic spat of his nickname 'prince'. As if you had heard his thoughts, you surprised him by saying, "Don't let it get to you, Prince."
Hongjoong laughed out loud for the first time in a while, and you smiled at how endearing and lively his laugh was.
"You know you sound better when you're laughing and not being an ass," you commented.
"Don't get used to it, Princess," he raised a brow at you and you rolled your eyes.
You didn't take your hand away from each other even when the both of you knew that there was no need to keep holding them anymore.
If you had thought that last night's interaction was going to shift your hot-and-cold relation with Hongjoong, you were very wrong because the two of you were back to nonsensical bickering as if last night hadn't happened at all.
"Why would you waste your energy on boiling water again and again when all you could do was touch it!" Hongjoong threw his hands in the air, "Tell me, Yunho, how does this make sense?"
Yunho looked at you as if to ask you for your explanation, and you began, "Not everyone flaunts their magic at every opportunity, you cold piece of shit who sends blizzards out just for the heck of it."
Yunho snorted, "But he didn't do that on purpose?"
"I'm not talking about this time, I've seen enough random blizzards to know which were natural and which weren't," you glared at Hongjoong as if to prove your point, who didn't say anything because you were right, and then you turned to Yunho, "And you! Whose side are you on!"
"No one's," Yunho laughed, clearly enjoying this, "Was just asking, calm down."
"You're telling her to calm down? That's like asking fire not to burn you," Hongjoong muttered.
"Shut up and come for lunch," Seonghwa called and the three of you immediately got up, joining Seonghwa at the table, and Yunho commented on how Seonghwa was basically the mother of this house.
"I am, and what about it?" Seonghwa grinned proudly, making even Hongjoong smile.
"He loves doing this," you dig into the bowl of rice, "you should see him clean this place, he cleans as if-"
"I'm gonna have to stop you there," Seonghwa warned you and you immediately shut up, "Anyways, Hongjoong, can you tell me more about the people who are rebelling against the original bloodline? Because I think I have something to tell you guys."
"What is it?" You asked, but Hongjoong began.
"There are a very few originals and most of them have left this land to blend in with the humans, which I believe is because they got wind of the uprising, if you can call it that," Hongjoong glanced at you, "She and I are currently the only ones remaining, and since she... killed the Prince of Water-"
"But she did not kill the Prince of Water," Seonghwa said as if he was stating the obvious, and both Hongjoong and Yunho looked at you, Yunho more in surprise and Hongjoong more in amusement.
"Is that what she told you?" Hongjoong raised a brow, and Seonghwa put his chopstick down a bit too furiously, glaring at Hongjoong.
"I am an eye-witness, and if you do not believe this, you can get out of this house right now."
"Seonghwa, there's no need-"
Seonghwa only raised his hand, looking at Yunho and Hongjoong as if daring them to challenge his statement, and Hongjoong stared between you and Seonghwa back and forth as you said, "I told you, Seonghwa, that there is no need to keep defending me. I may not have killed the Prince but he died because of me-"
"He did not," Seonghwa glared at you this time, shutting you up- you two had argued enough about this already, "So?"
"I believe you," Yunho said and you looked at him in surprise, "If you had really killed him and made a 'spectacle' out of it, you would have killed me or Hongjoong too. You're far too kind and nice to have done that."
You felt the sudden urge to hug Yunho but instead found yourself waiting for Hongjoong's answer, and his icy blue eyes scanned you, "I mean... if you say so. Just saying what I heard."
"Well, I hope you get your facts straight," Seonghwa smiled as if nothing had happened and urged Hongjoong to continue, which he did hesitantly, "So the Prince of Water is dead... right?" You nodded, "That leaves only the two of us, as far as I know. I don't know how they haven't found you yet, but they got to me first- they have been after me for quite a while now. I just thought it was petty revenge or something at first but I heard the gossips, I heard them talk, so I know that it's a thing now."
"But what are they going to get from getting rid of us?" You frowned, "I mean, it's not like we're ruling this land or taking over their properties or something. We're just... kids, trying to live a normal life."
"That's what you and I know, and that's what people who know us know," Hongjoong looked at Yunho and Seonghwa, "But if I have to blame someone, I have to blame the Prince of Water. He strengthened the belief that the original bloodline thinks of themselves as superior and wants to change the flow of nature and whatnot. You know all that he did, don't you?"
Yunho nodded, "Most of the water mages weren't on his side, but when he started threatening his own kind... there was nothing we could do. And only the people close to the Prince know of how things got bad to the extent that the Princess of Fire had to intervene and put a stop to this, but that only enraged them, mostly because they thought that as water mages, they should have been the one to stop him, and because they suspected her intentions, that she was going to follow in his footsteps."
"That makes sense..." you nodded as you tried to digest all the information.
"What I don't understand is," Yunho began, shifting so he was facing you, "Why you weren't denying the rumours. What really happened that day, princess?"
Hongjoong raised a brow at how he'd called you princess- Yunho hadn't called you that much since you'd arrive here- hadn't been too long so you didn't feel awkward about it, but even Seonghwa smiled at the contrast between Yunho's and Hongjoong's way of calling you princess.
You pursed your lips, looking at Seonghwa- would they believe you? Seonghwa nodded- you knew he was urging you to try, and whether they believed you or not would say a lot about them and where you all stood.
But that's what you were afraid of. Yunho was your friend, and you knew it would hurt if he didn't believe you. Even Hongjoong, who was a little shit if you could sum it up, was something like a friend now and you cared about what they thought of you.
"It was my father- he told me to put an end to all this. He was sick- he had a leg problem so he couldn't go out and solve this feud with the Prince of Water. Apparently our fathers went way back. Anyways, I didn't expect things to spiral out of control- it started with a normal conversation with the water mages, some of my friends including Seonghwa with me. But then... it was like he was possessed. He started fighting with his own friends and it got physical, and then he took off his siphon and lost control. His mother had air magic so she tried to change the direction of the incoming flood but it was no use- she asked me to step in."
You sighed as you recalled the events, a shiver running down your spine, "I made the hurricane evaporate before it could touch the land, but somehow... it burned the Prince too."
"What do you mean?" Yunho frowned.
"Make a water ball," you asked Yunho, and he raised his hand in the air, making a water ball swirl in the air, and you sent fire for it, making it evaporate.
"It didn't hurt you, right?" You asked, and Yunho nodded, "But somehow, it burned the Prince. I didn't even realize- I turned and he was burning as if I'd set him on fire."
"But that's... impossible," Hongjoong frowned, "There's no way that could have happened."
"I saw it," Seonghwa looked grim, "I know she was only focusing on the flood- I could feel her magic better than anyone else since I'm familiar with it. But the Water Prince... I have suspicions that she was framed. That this was all a grand scheme to frame the Fire Princess but I was always confused because why would they need to do that?"
"Until you heard about the uprising," Yunho finished.
Seonghwa nodded, "I heard gossips too- even though I didn't tell you," he looked at you, "but it seemed too far fetched of an idea. But what Hongjoong went through, trapped for months... while you were gone, a few men came in this town asking if there was a fire mage here. I asked them what made them think so, and they said the fire is warmer than normal fire."
"And only a fire mage could have felt that," you narrowed your eyes as you leaned forward and tried to connect everything, "do you think even fire mages are in league with the uprising?"
"Mages of all kinds," Hongjoong assured you, "In fact, the ice mages were going to fetch a fire mage to end me, which was why I attacked you when I gained consciousness."
"I still don't hear you apologizing about it, you ass."
"Why should I? It was defence."
"It's called defence when someone attacks you in the first place!" You looked at him with disbelief in your eyes as he grinned shamelessly, throwing a little spark of fire for him which he caught between his fingers and turned to a snowflake, sticking his tongue out at you.
"You kids," Seonghwa shook his head, "Maybe the men came to fetch you to be the fire mage that ends Hongjoong, since they wouldn't have known that you were also the other original they needed to end."
"Plausible," Yunho commented, "Which means they'll be back."
Silence fell as you all thought about it, "Should we be prepared?"
You looked at Yunho, "I don't know. Should we?"
"It would be wise to prepare- you don't want to go through what I went through," Hongjoong looked at you, "it's not like you can hibernate yourself. Or would you turn yourself toast?"
You turned to him haughtily, "Do not test me, Prince."
"Hongjoong," Seonghwa warned, shaking his head, and Hongjoong was about to protest but he realized why Seonghwa was shaking his head- something about him taunting your magic would trigger you again, which led him to think just what had you gone through again.
"Anyways," Yunho got up, feeling the thick tension in the air, "We have two originals here, so we're better and stronger than anyone who comes. We just have to be careful and watch our backs for now, don't we?"
Seonghwa nodded and you got up as well, "I need to go to the market. Does anyone wanna come?"
Both Yunho and Hongjoong raised their hands and you folded your arms as you looked at Hongjoong, "Give me one solid reason why I should let you accompany me."
"And why aren't you asking Yunho?" Hongjoong narrowed his eyes at you.
"Because he won't be a pain in my ass during the short trip, Prince," you told him and Yunho did a silly dance to further spice it up between you two.
"I'll be on my best behaviour," Hongjoong promised.
You should have known he meant it sarcastically.
"You eat mint-choco?" Hongjoong made the most disgusted face he could muster as you were picking out ice-cream flavours.
"You're literally eating a rainbow ice-cream, you kid," you snorted.
"At least I'm not eating toothpaste flavoured ice-cream."
Yunho almost choked on his own ice-cream as he heard that, "You both should have settled on cookies and cream. Can you two let each other live?"
You both smiled as if you were enjoying this, and Yunho rolled his eyes, muttering 'get a room'. You picked another rainbow ice-cream.
"Ha, are you finally trying it?"
"It's for Seonghwa," you told him, and he gaped at you.
"Seonghwa's not a kid for eating rainbow ice-cream but I am?"
"He gets to be a kid sometimes because he's not being one 24/7," you looked at him pointedly, and Yunho laughed out loud.
"You guys are getting better at this!" Yunho clapped, "Definitely better than 'should I melt your frozen heart'- ow!"
You made Yunho shut up as you pinched his arm, noticing Hongjoong's attention elsewhere, following his eyes to see he was staring at the kids playing in the snow outside.
"I'll wait outside while you get the rest done," Hongjoong told you both and you nodded, taking Yunho with you as you walked down the aisles and Yunho read the grocery list Seonghwa had made.
You were utterly surprised, to put it simply, to find Hongjoong playing with the little kids and having a snowball fight when you went outside after the two of you finished shopping.
"I did not expect him to get along with kids," Yunho muttered, sharing your disbelief of the situation.
"He's literally cheating in the snowball fight," you laughed as you noticed how he was only pretending to make snowballs when in reality he had them ready in a matter of seconds.
You watched him laugh out loud as he ran from the attacks, throwing snow at the kids and running around, saving a little girl who must be on his team, stopping when he noticed you and getting hit with a snowball in the process, making the kids yell in victory.
"Are you done?" Hongjoong asked.
You nodded, waving the bags in the air, "Should we all have a snowball fight?"
Hongjoong smirked, and you made 3 teams, the kids joining you- but really...
This was war.
You were melting any attack that came for you, as was Yunho. Hongjoong's snowballs were turning into ice-balls now, hard ice balls and you yelled at him.
"You'll hurt us!" You glared at him, making a snowball and wrapping it in cold flame, "Have a taste of this!"
"You can't win against me, Princess," Hongjoong only waved a hand to deflect it, "I'd be surprised if you win against Yunho-"
Which was when Yunho sent a snowball for Hongjoong's face and it hit home, making you howl in victory.
"You!" Hongjoong laughed, sending a giant snowball for Yunho, "Have a taste of this!"
Yunho laughed, falling on his butt on the soft snow as he let the snow ball fall on him, popping out of it like a snowman, making the kids watching laugh and run to him as they shaped the snow.
"Kids!" You clapped your hand, grabbing their attention, "This guy here can make really good snowmen!"
The kids immediately ran for Hongjoong who rolled his eyes, Yunho thanking you as he got out of the snow, shivering. The two of you sat on a bench recovering from the cold while Hongjoong really did make the best snowmen of every sizes and shapes, teaching the kids how to.
You watched Hongjoong with mundane curiosity- it was like a veil had shed from his personality, revealing a simple person who enjoyed playing with the kids in the snow and laughed without a worry in this world. It made you wonder just who Hongjoong was- not the ice prince but simply Hongjoong.
Though you had only met a while ago, there was something comforting about the way you all clicked and though you'd never say it out loud, there was also something comforting about the nonstop bickering between Hongjoong and you. It was a nice change in your home- the café, because Seonghwa and you were the type to mostly stay silent and busy yourself with your own work. Having new friends certainly lifted up the mood.
Even the customers in your café liked Yunho- you supposed he was the type to make place in everyone's heart. Yunho had been helping around more in the mornings, mostly serving. Hongjoong was always hiding somewhere in the bookstore, and sometimes you'd catch him have a little conversation about books with someone who came to stop by.
Hongjoong noticed you hadn't commented on his behaviour since you guys had left the store, and he wondered whether it was because you were surprised (he hoped in a good way) or because you simply weren't interested and had nothing to say.
But his lips curled in a smile when you later sat with him late at night drinking coffee in front of the fireplace while Yunho and Seonghwa went out for a walk, and finally commented on it.
"You look like you had fun earlier," you said, keeping your voice neutral.
"I had," Hongjoong smiled, gazing at the fire, "it's been long since I had that kind of fun."
"What?" You laughed a bit, "You're telling me that you have ice magic but you didn't go around playing with the snow and making someone slip in the snow?"
Hongjoong looked at you, amused, "What do you think my life was like before everything happened? Do you think I owned an ice-cream truck and went around town?"
"You're seriously telling me you never made someone slip in the snow when they annoyed you?" You looked at him in disbelief.
Hongjoong held your stare but then gave in, "Okay, maybe once, maybe twice. I stayed low mostly. It's not like you used to go around setting people on fire, did you?"
"Not much fun you can have playing with fire," you nodded grimly, "But ice, man! If I had your magic I'd have a little snowman accompany me everywhere I go."
"Which would speak for how lonely you are," Hongjoong retorted, "Speaking about that, is Seonghwa the only friend you have?"
"And what about it?" You frowned, "You like him, don't you?"
"I do, it's just... how did you get here?" Hongjoong looked around, "I mean... how come you, of all people, run a bookstore café with their childhood friend?"
"That sounds like a backhanded insult, but I'll ignore that," you said and Hongjoong smirked, "We used to live in the same town, until that incident happened. Things got too much for me, every water mage was after me, and then some. I had to leave town, my family came with me. It was only mom and dad anyway. We settled in a nearby town, but then they passed away in an accident. I went back to Seonghwa, since he was the only family I had. We decided to move here then."
Hongjoong nodded, "Can I ask what kind of an accident it was?"
"I'm actually not sure," you replied, "some sort of a ship accident when they were going to Mist Island-"
You paused. The incidents couldn't be related, could they?
"I know what you're thinking," Hongjoong's voice was low, "there's a chance that it's connected to the uprising. But we can't be sure. Don't let it get to you- it might have been just an accident-"
"But..." you looked at him, "They drowned. If there were water mages on board, they would have lived, wouldn't they? Maybe they couldn't save everyone and that's understandable, but... maybe I should find the survivors and interrogate them."
Hongjoong noticed your choice of words, "Hey, we can't be sure. Don't attract unnecessary attention, your life's already in danger as we speak-"
"If there's a chance that it wasn't an accident," you breathed, the fire in the fireplace turning red, "and they died because of me, I won't forgive the water mages- and I mean all of them."
"Hey," Hongjoong got up, noticing your glowing eyes, bending in front of you as he put a hand on yours, cooling you down, "it's gonna be okay. We'll find out, okay? And remember- you don't have to blame all the water mages if that was the case. Yunho is your friend, and he's one of the kindest people we know, isn't he? He is a water mage, and he is your friend. Be wise about this, will you?"
You took a deep breath, nodding, the fire dimming back to normal, "Sorry, I- I nearly lost control, I'm sorry-" you noticed his hand on yours, taking it and examining it to check if it was okay, "I could have burned you, Hongjoong."
"You couldn't," he only smiled, "you can't burn me, you should know."
"I can definitely set your ass on fire," you raised a brow.
"I'd rather you melt my frozen heart, Princess."
You rolled your eyes, but your heart fluttered unexplainably at that as you scanned Hongjoong's face, taking in his features, realizing you two were closer than ever with him bending down in front of you.
"I might burn and hurt you in the process," you managed to say, your voice barely coming out more than a whisper.
"Well, good for you," Hongjoong leaned in to whisper in your ear, "I like playing with fire."
You laughed a bit as he drew back and took his seat, smirking at you. "I'm not even sure if you were flirting or just being yourself."
"I can do both at the same time," he winked at you.
"Gosh, I should have left you in that tower," you finished your coffee, getting up, "You look prettier when you're hibernated and all frosty."
"At least you're admitting that I'm pretty, Princess," Hongjoong got up too, bringing his cup with him.
"Don't let it get to your head, Prince," you scoffed, mentally cursing yourself because Seonghwa was right- you sucked at this.
"You're prettier too," Hongjoong said, and you turned to look at him, finding him grinning devilishly, "When you're all angry and hot-"
You sent a bolt of fire his way and he snubbed it with merely a wave, making you send another for his butt which he dodged expertly.
"Come on, what did I say?!" Hongjoong cried out, laughing in disbelief when you started grinning.
"You like me angry and hot, I'm going to give you angry and hot."
You both kept sending fire and ice for each other, running around and laughing out loudly, cursing at each other and giggling like kids, not even noticing when Yunho and Seonghwa entered and stood in the doorway frozen while they watched you play like kids in your own little world.
"Should we maybe go for another round?" Yunho muttered, "I feel like I'm interrupting somewhere."
Seonghwa scoffed, "Fire and Ice? Who would've thought."
Yunho looked at Seonghwa and laughed, "You think they...?"
"I know that they are going to become a thing," Seonghwa nodded at him, smiling, "can't say I dislike the idea. Come on, let's give them five more minutes, then I'm ending this-"
You gasped as you realized the snowball Hongjoong had sent for you hit Seonghwa square in the face.
"I- I didn't mean to-" Hongjoong attempted to say but ended up laughing as he saw Seonghwa sigh in disappointment.
"Come out!" Seonghwa glared at Hongjoong, "Let's have a man-to-man snowball fight!"
Yunho stood grabbing Seonghwa's arm trying to hold him back but ending up in tears because he was laughing so hard as Seonghwa sent phantom hands and started dragging Hongjoong out, Hongjoong screaming in help, and you pinched the bridge of your nose, smiling.
"Let's not be kids about this," you told Seonghwa, who let go of Hongjoong.
"Rich coming from you," Seonghwa raised a brow at you and you blew a kiss at him, sticking your tongue out.
You and Yunho were trying to practice your magic, you teaching him about the basic principles and how he should be able to control his magic better, and you discovered that Yunho was a quick learner, apart from being very patient and cooperative. It was probably why he learned and listened to you well, and he would do even better if-
If Hongjoong wasn't practically breathing down your necks as you taught him.
"Shouldn't he be learning from me?" Hongjoong questioned, "water and ice are related. Fire and water are enemies in all sense."
"It's actually better when you learn from your enemy- not that Yunho is mine," you said, "it's better when you know how to defend yourself against the magic that is the most threatening to you, don't you think so Yunho?"
"Definitely," Yunho nodded, grinning at Hongjoong, "you should learn a bit from her too."
"You're enjoying this way too much, aren't you?" Hongjoong scoffed, "ice and fire are equals, I'd say. No one lived to tell which one's better if they battled it out."
"Should we check and decide once and for all?" You offered, and Hongjoong raised his hands in the air in surrender, making you shake your head. You noticed Seonghwa coming out and propping himself in the chair next to Hongjoong with a knitting set in his hands.
"You should learn with me," Hongjoong told Seonghwa, "After all, what goes better than cold and dark?"
"Now don't you go corrupting my friend," you glared at him, ignoring when Hongjoong asked you just how he was 'corrupting' Seonghwa, turning back to focus on Yunho.
"Sorry for being distracted, Hongjoong doesn't let me breathe," you muttered, and Yunho told you it was okay, "so, where were we?"
"Water has memories," Yunho told you, "doesn't every magic have memories?"
"Water is always there, in one form or another," you told him, sitting down and touching the snow, "this snow was water at some point. But water bodies, like lakes and oceans, they have memories. So if it's been in contact with anything, you can access the memory."
"I've heard about it," Yunho nodded, running his hands over the snow- you stared shamelessly because at this point, you had a thing for his hands, "But isn't it like something specific to the Water Prince maybe?"
"No magic is specific only to the original bloodline," you corrected him, "We just have more strength of everything in our magic. If you train long and hard, you can open every chamber of your magic. You do know that even the originals can't access every chamber of their magic, don't you?"
"I heard you have to keep one or two closed so it doesn't consume you," Yunho looked at you and you nodded in confirmation.
"Since you're not an original, you don't have to worry about it consuming you- you can open every chamber because you'll only be accessing some of it- you can't delve in completely."
"That theory sucks, by the way," Hongjoong commented, "What if he ends up unintentionally focusing all his energy in one chamber? What if it consumes him?"
"It won't consume him if it's only one chamber- rather he'd become a master of it," you corrected.
"That's only your theory. No one has done it before."
"I know it works, Prince," you huffed, and Hongjoong was about to speak up but Seonghwa put a hand on his arm.
"Don't ask how, ever," he warned, "she went through literal hell herself to find this out."
Hongjoong opened his mouth to speak but shut up instantly- literal hell? For you, literal hell could only be your own magic-
Hongjoong's eyes went wide in realization as Seonghwa nodded- it must have had to do something with the incident 5 years ago, he realized. He watched you put your hand through the snow and turn it into water- such control, such power... you must really have gone through literal hell to know all of this. It made him wonder just how it had happened. Had you lost control of your magic?
It was the next day when he got his answer as you rushed through the bookstore, row after row, to find Seonghwa but finding Hongjoong instead, and he took in your state.
"Everything okay?"
"Where's Seonghwa?" You asked, trying to catch your breath.
"He went out for grocery- what's wrong?"
"I have no time to explain, he's in danger," your eyes glowed for a second before you came back, "Help me find him."
Hongjoong immediately got up, not questioning how you knew, calling Yunho over and Hongjoong used his tracking magic, the three of you running to the site.
You had almost reached the store when you spotted Seonghwa's magic- phantom hands in the air as a signal, and you tugged Yunho's arm-
"Water mages," you looked at him, "You shouldn't go if you don't want to be in their blacklist."
"Seonghwa's my friend too," Yunho simply said as he took your hand and ran to where Seonghwa was.
Hongjoong stopped you, raising his hands and marking the men- there were 4 of them, and Seonghwa was barely holding, his face etched into a pained expression.
"Stay back," you said, "I'll handle this."
With that, your eyes glowed as you raised your hand and swiped it, knocking all of them unconscious in seconds and Hongjoong made an impressed face.
"That's certainly handy," he commented, and you shrugged, rushing to Seonghwa who was out of breath.
"I felt it- are you okay? Was I late?" You asked as you grabbed Seonghwa by the shoulders, examining him. He laughed a bit, patting your cheek.
"I'm fine, but you definitely could have arrived earlier- I was losing hope. But I guess the fire you put in my necklace definitely works."
"Sorry," you muttered but Seonghwa told you he was joking and that it was fine.
"Are all of them water mages?" Yunho frowned as he looked at the fallen bodies, "I don't think I recognize any of them."
"Seems like it," Hongjoong sighed, "We should do something about this before people notice."
Which was how you ended up with the 4 men tied to the chairs in your basement, waiting for them to wake up so you could start questioning them. When one of them stirred, you all met eyes and Seonghwa wrapped his dark magic around the man's hand, rendering him unable to use his magic. The man blinked a few times, adjusting himself to the surroundings, looking around and then ended up laughing like a maniac, which had you nervously bite your lip as you looked at Hongjoong.
"I didn't expect such a weird group of friends, Princess," he looked at each of them, "keeping friends close and enemies closer, aren't you?"
"And why would I need to keep my enemies closer? I'm sure you must have an answer to that?"
"I must say, I didn't expect the Ice Prince in your company," he scanned Hongjoong, his lips curling in a devilish smile, "Had a good time with my friends in the mountains?"
Hongjoong got up, circling around the man, "Who's behind this uprising?"
"Wouldn't you love to know," the man practically spat, his dark hair falling on his face, and when Hongjoong's eyes glowed in anger, you stepped in.
"If you value your life, you'll answer my questions," your eyes glowed and your voice was steel, "You do know I was framed for your Prince's death, don't you?"
His eyes flashed, "Is that an excuse for burning him to death? Is this how you're going to save your hide now?"
"Were you present 5 years ago when all of that happened?" Yunho asked, "Did you see the Princess burn him to death?"
"Who else could have?" The man scoffed, "What's your point, girl?"
"I don't care whether you believe me or not," you leaned in front of him, "Do you have any knowledge of the incident that drowned the rest of the original fire bloodline?"
Hongjoong called your name in warning while Seonghwa and Yunho gasped in realization, the man staring at you, thinking, "I don't know what you're talking about."
"Please," you scoffed, "All of Wonderland knows exactly how the last of the fire bloodline died, and you don't know what I'm talking about? Tell me, do you know the water mages that were on board? Or..." your hand was on fire now as you threatened to burn him, "Were you on board?"
"I wasn't!" He cringed away from the burning sensation that neared his hand, "I don't know the water mages who were!"
"I can smell the lies on you," you whispered, bringing your hand closer to his, "Would you like to burn to death like your Prince?"
Hongjoong called your name in warning again but Seonghwa stopped him and Yunho too, who looked like he would get up any second now. You waited until the man sighed, giving in.
"I may know one of the water mages who were on board- not personally. I'm not sure, but I think I have an idea- he goes by the name of Kwangsoo."
You nodded, taking a step away from him and he sighed in relief, Hongjoong making you back away further as he took over.
"Who sent you and who is behind this stupid idea to end the original bloodline?" Hongjoong's voice was as icy as his magic, making you shiver a bit as you joined Seonghwa and Yunho, Seonghwa rubbing your back.
"Does it matter?" The man asked, "It's been going around for decades now, longer before you were born, the both of you. It's only rising in magnitude now, that's why you noticed."
That was news to all of you- it seemed like the ones who were a part of the uprising were taught about how it began and all that too. Hongjoong made the man talk, learning some history and their plans with him and you, finally stopping and standing back with you.
"Shall we kill them or let them go?"
"I don't kill people," you raised your hands in surrender, "be my guest, do whatever you'd like."
So Hongjoong let them go with a message to convey to their little gang- do not mess with the Ice Prince and the Fire Princess, who're living in peace and will continue to do so unless provoked.
Later that night, Hongjoong joined you when he found you sitting bare-feet in the ice again, shivering a bit. He shook his head at you, "You know, you don't have to do this every time you feel as if you're burning- I'm here. I'm here for you."
Something about the way he said that made you look up and stare at him for a good minute, "I didn't want to bother you- plus, it's awkward to ask you to do that."
"So you're considerate and shy?" Hongjoong grinned, making you roll your eyes and throw a fistful of snow at him, "But really, it's not gonna be awkward if we don't make it."
"I'm not quite sure if I understand," you muttered, watching Hongjoong sigh and offer you his hand.
"Walk with me?"
The two of you walked with hands joined as he sent his magic to cool your insides down, and you suddenly felt wary of how it would look like to anyone else who noticed. Hongjoong looked like he was comfortable with this- you, however, were both comfortable and nervous.
"Earlier today... would you really have burned the man for answers?" Hongjoong finally asked you.
You pursed your lips, "I would say no but now that I think about it... I'm not quite sure."
"That's okay, you know?" Hongjoong squeezed your hand, "I think it's a bit suspicious- your parents' death. We should make sure, just in case, but... are you sure you can handle the truth?"
"That's exactly why I was out there in the snow thinking," you smiled sheepishly, "It would be ugly if I lose control again."
"Again?" Hongjoong asked, "When did that happen last time?"
"I suppose you should know," you looked at him, "When the Prince of Water was burned to death, I was the obvious suspect. I was... imprisoned, like you, for a while. That's how it happened- I ended up burning my own shackles and the very ground I sat on. They had to let me go- if it weren't for my father, I would have set Wonderland on fire."
"Ah," Hongjoong realized there really was a reason you were so considerate when you first saw him- he must have reminded you of yourself, "How do you think that happened, the Prince?"
"A simple trick of fire and an air mage is the most probable answer," you said, "We fire mages tend to burn a man from the inside out- not the outside, like setting a person on fire. Fire mages have a bit of a... dramatic flair, you could say."
Despite the seriousness of the topic, Hongjoong was grinning, "I heard ice mages make it dramatic too- slowly freeze a man."
"What a spectacle," you muttered bitterly, sharing a laugh with Hongjoong, noticing your still joined hands realizing you were okay now, "You can let go of my hand- I'm normal now."
"And if I want to keep holding on?" Hongjoong looked at you, his long lashes casting a shadow on his eyes in the strong moonlight.
"I really don't get you," you laughed, flushing despite yourself, "Do you have a thing for holding hands?"
"I like how warm your hands are, actually," Hongjoong raised your joined hands as if looking at them, "I may be the Ice Prince but I like the warmth, just like you like the cold."
"We're polar opposites," you stopped walking, "crazy how we fit with each other, isn't it?"
Hongjoong smiled warmly at you, tucking your hair behind your ear, patting your cheek, and you stood with lips parted, watching him scan your face until his smile grew into a smirk. "Flirting back, are we?"
"I really should have left you in that damned tower," you muttered, beginning to go away but Hongjoong pulled you back to him, wrapping his arms around you, never letting go of your hand. You tried wriggling out of his embrace as you groaned, but he only held you tighter, laughing a bit, and you couldn't tell if he was being playful or what.
"I'm gonna set your ass on fire if you don't let me go, Hongjoong," you warned, though you were smiling.
Hongjoong shifted so he could whisper in your ear, "It's been a while since I've hugged a human and not a snowman, Princess, let me be."
You weren't sure if he was joking or not, so you only stood awkwardly, finally melting into the hug after a few seconds. "You feel like a snowman."
"And you feel like home- warm and safe."
You finally wrapped your arms around him after that, letting him get his share of hug that he had craved so much, stealing warmth and cold from each other.
"Either you go with me or you don't go," Seonghwa gave his verdict, turning back to cleaning the library while you stood with the broom in your hand and jaw clenched.
"It's dangerous, why don't you understand that if something happened to you, I won't be able to take it?"
"As happy as I am to hear that," Seonghwa let out a short laugh, "I'd rather we go together. I may not be an original but you know I can look after myself better than the others. And you're taking Hongjoong with you, someone you only met a few weeks ago. That hurts my pride."
That was a fact you could not deny, "But... Seonghwa, I wouldn't be too sad if something happened to Hongjoong now, would I?"
"I hear you loud and clear, Princess!" Hongjoong shouted from the other row where he and Yunho were arranging books, and you heard Yunho's breathy giggles, "Back at you!"
You pointed a thumb backwards, looking at Seonghwa smugly as if your point was proven, "See? We won't be sad if something happened to one of us."
"But Yunho's going too!" Seonghwa started cleaning furiously.
"We're using him as a guide and we're going to drop him off afterwards- maybe even earlier if the situation calls."
"I can look after myself too!" Yunho shouted.
"I'd be sad if something happened to you!" You shouted back.
"Hey, what's with the discrimination!" You heard a furious shuffle as Hongjoong came to you, laughing in disbelief, "You wanna go, Seonghwa? Let's go, all of us."
"Hongjoong," you warned, but you were cut off by him.
"They're adults, good with their magic and can take care of themselves," Hongjoong's voice was not sarcastic anymore, and you knew you were being unfair about this. You sighed, shaking your head as you went back to cleaning, and Seonghwa stifled his laugh when he saw steam rise from your head, deciding to not comment on it in case you really did burn his ass like you always threatened to.
The four of you shut the café and Seonghwa met with the grandma next door to tell her they'd be gone for a few days. Hongjoong didn't need to be told to wear a hoodie and cover his head- silver hair like his could be seen and recognized from quite a distance, and with the threat hanging on his head and yours, you guys were better off safe than sorry.
It was quite a week that you travelled- constant bickering between you and Hongjoong in the day but in the nights when both of you had trouble sleeping, you'd sit watch and get to know each other. You didn't realize how it became a routine- something you were beginning to look forward to, when the two of you weren't Prince and Princess but Hongjoong and... you.
Yunho and Seonghwa had been the most cooperative, as if they were afraid you'd both ditch them because it was dangerous and go on your own. Yunho learned his magic with you and Hongjoong while Seonghwa practiced his deadly magic as well- there really was a lot you could do with shadows and phantoms. But you realized with every passing day that the four of you got along really well, and that you were going to miss them when you would part ways. You secretly wanted to keep them all to yourselves, and you were going to offer them the mundane life of running the bookstore café with you before you'd part ways.
You were on your way to the coast where most of the water mages dwelled, having passed as a group of friends travelling. You all had ditched the idea of carriages after people started to notice Hongjoong and you- you supposed it was just the aura you both gave that caught people's attention. You and Seonghwa were just bickering over something stupid when Hongjoong heard an arrow whoosh your way and pushed you both to the ground, an ice shield automatically forming around the four of you.
You heard the distant yells of 'ice prince' along with the loud buzzing in your ears as Hongjoong shook you from your initial shock, and you pushed Seonghwa and Yunho behind you as you stood beside Hongjoong.
"There are 6," Hongjoong muttered, "They must have been following us for a while now. What do we do?"
"I'll handle this," Seonghwa stood up, and you watched a black smoke seep out of him as he sent phantom hands, knocking the men off their feet, but one of them sent a strong light your way which negated Seonghwa's magic and he shook his head.
"Drop the shield, Hongjoong," you said, "take cover, you two."
With that, you sent arrow after arrow of fire while Hongjoong both defended and attacked, Yunho yelling half in surprise and victory when he managed to create an ice shield of his own, Hongjoong sharing a grin with him. Seonghwa sat with his knees on the ground, sending an imperceptible thread of shadow and blinding the men.
"Should we run or should we do something about them?" Yunho asked.
"I say knock them unconscious and run," you muttered, "I'm not killing if you're not."
So you did that, tying the men together and leaving them in the middle of the forest to their fate while you continued travelling.
"This is exactly why I did not want you along with me," you glared at Seonghwa, "You could have been hurt and I could have done nothing about it."
"You could have been hurt too, if it weren't for Hongjoong," Seonghwa glared back, "What I'm saying is that we're in this together, whether you like it or not."
"I don't," you said, "and you both are staying with Yunho's family until we come back with information."
You and Seonghwa argued for a bit until Hongjoong intervened, telling you both to shut up. You huffed in anger and started walking a bit behind, Yunho joining you while Hongjoong gave you a knowing look- he'd made Seonghwa understand.
"You know she loves you a lot," Hongjoong said, "She wants you safe, and she doesn't want to worry about you."
"She thinks of me as a burden," Seonghwa sighed.
"No, she doesn't. She thinks of you as someone precious enough that she would lose herself if she lost you," Hongjoong smiled as he said that, "I think that's better than taking me as a scapegoat."
Seonghwa laughed, shaking his head, "She cares for you too, more than she'd like and would ever admit. I understand why she's comfortable with you- she thinks of you as an equal, someone who'll have her back without worrying the hell out of her- but she worries about you too- not the same reasons as me."
"Good to hear," Hongjoong was grinning and Seonghwa scanned his face, a knowing smile creeping on his face.
"You like her, don't you?"
"Me? Her?" Hongjoong barfed, "ew, no."
"You keep telling yourself that," Seonghwa laughed knowingly while Hongjoong brought his icy hands to cool his now warm cheeks.
Meanwhile, Yunho was patting your back. "I understand why you want us to stay, but... the way you talk to Seonghwa, I'm not sure he understands your intentions. Or if he does... he just doesn't like the way you voice them."
"And how do I talk?" You asked.
"Aggressively-caringly," Yunho laughed, "It's like watching siblings fight- they'll never admit they love each other but they'll also give their life for the other."
You finally smiled at that, "We'll be fine too, Seonghwa needs to understand. I know he understands, it just.... you said it," you laughed in defeat.
You reached the village where Yunho's uncle lived, recognizing the group of men you'd met that day during the mountain hike, and they welcomed all of you, including Hongjoong. They shut the windows, telling you all that you could be comfortable.
"Is there a reason why they aren't a part of the uprising like most of the mages?" You asked Yunho out of genuine curiosity as you examined the group of men who were playing board games, Hongjoong joining them in a game of chess and Seonghwa watching them excitedly.
"They really don't agree with the ideology," Yunho told you, "What's the point in killing the originals? There's always gonna be someone who's more powerful than the rest of us- it all comes down to whether they wield their power with the wrong intent or not."
"Exactly," Yunho's uncle propped down on your table, "The Prince of Water was my friend- he always thought of himself as superior. He had this planned for a while, and what happened to him... he had it coming."
"You do know who I am, don't you?" You asked, "you don't think I killed him?"
"You were just a little girl," he sighed, "I wasn't there, but my friends over there-" he pointed to Hongjoong's table, "they saw it, saw the whole thing. There was no way even an original could stop a flood and burn a man at the same time- plus I know how dramatic fire mages are. They don't set fire like that."
You smiled knowingly at Yunho, who smiled back, "Thank you for having us. It must be risky even for you- we won't be long here, just take care of my friend Seonghwa till we come back."
"Are you going to inquire about the ship accident that drowned your parents?" He asked, and you nodded- he was quick. "There's no use inquiring around. I know it was done on purpose- there were water mages on the ship, but they aren't to blame- it was one of the Illusioners."
"Illusioner? As in people who can make you think your magic isn't working and stuff like that? Aren't they extinct or something?"
"They live in a close community, the few remaining ones. I heard one of them was aboard. That's the only explanation that makes sense as well."
He was right, and this changed everything. After a quiet meal where you sorted your thoughts out, you hugged Seonghwa and Yunho, telling them to stay safe and wait patiently.
"I don't know how long it's gonna take, but if I'm dead, you'll know it. So don't go back before that."
"Don't say things like that," Seonghwa scolded, hugging you tighter, "You better come back."
With a kiss to your forehead, he let you go, and Yunho ruffled your hair, the two of you waving at and thanking everyone for their hospitality, donning your cloaks and setting out, the salty tinge of seawater in the air hitting your nostrils now that you had been inside for a while. Upon the instructions, you both took the ship that lead to Mist Island, where the Illusioners should be.
You told Hongjoong all about what you'd learned, and he agreed with that theory- it was the strongest lead you had so far. You had to find the person responsible for the accident, but...
"I don't know what I'm going to do once I find the Illusioner," you told Hongjoong when night time fell and you sat at the edge, watching land fade away.
"If you want me to... I could kill him for you."
You looked at Hongjoong in surprise, but his eyes were steel. He really meant it. You shook your head, "Would that solve anything? It would only fuel the uprising if people learn we killed one of the rarest mages."
"What are we going to do about the uprising anyway?" Hongjoong asked, "They're gonna keep coming after us. I don't want to leave Wonderland, even if it feels unsafe."
"You have a home with me, Hongjoong," you looked at him, "You don't have to go anywhere."
"I thought you couldn't stand me, Princess," Hongjoong scoffed, "Are you really offering that?"
"As long as you stop being a pain," you told him, making him laugh, "but really. Isn't it cool, us 4 running the café and just living life? We could expand the business. You could open an ice-cream truck right outside, maybe go around town, grow a beard like Santa."
Hongjoong shook his head at you, "You really enjoy my suffering, don't you?"
"Can't say I don't," you grinned.
"Thanks for the offer," Hongjoong sighed as he looked at the sky, "I'll think about it."
"Look at you pretending to think about it- you even left your stuff back there!" You slapped his arm, and he gasped in realization, "Should we make a detour and go to the tower, get the rest of your stuff too?" You teased, "I'd like to bring home the ice chandelier-"
Hongjoong flicked your forehead, making you howl in pain and try to flick his forehead but he leaned back, making you lean further in until you were almost on top of him and he had to hold your waist to keep you from falling. "If you wanted to be on top of me, you could have asked nicely."
You rolled your eyes, going back to sitting and Hongjoong only laughed at your embarrassed state, putting an arm around your shoulder and bringing you closer, cuddling into your side. "You're very clingy, Prince."
"You love it, Princess."
You made a face but you were too tired to argue further, so you put a head on his shoulder as the two of you watched the calm waves of the sea pull you further away from Wonderland.
The next evening, you reached Mist Island, the mountains large enough to make you shiver a bit- it had an eerie feel to it, just like its name. "Funny that it's called Mist Island," you said, "I really can't see much."
Hongjoong nodded- there was a strange fog spread over the surface of the ground, making the place seem haunted, the only reason you weren't scared being that it was day and it felt okay. "You think someone make this fog on purpose?"
"Definitely," you grinned, "If I had an island to myself, I'd have an eternal fire burning somewhere too- for the people to recognize it from far away."
Hongjoong laughed at that, "How dramatic."
You narrowed your eyes at him, "Have you forgotten how you built a freaking ice palace? With the ice chandelier? You're seriously gonna call me dramatic when you look like that? Have you dyed your hair, Prince?"
"I have not!" Hongjoong pouted, "Stop giving me shit about my appearance!" You grinned- you actually were pretty sure that you had a thing for Hongjoong's hair now- it was just such a beautiful shade of white and silver and the faintest hint of blonde, and it went so well with his icy blue eyes. "You can stop staring at me now, Princess. I'm not even sure what you're thinking, and I'm not sure I wanna know."
"Come on," you poked his arm before putting yours around his, "you know I like your hair."
"Do you now?" Hongjoong smirked.
"Nah, I just said that to make you feel better," you rolled your eyes, "Can we move now?"
Hongjoong pouted and was muttering some curses while you dragged him further into the island, trying to formulate a plan but getting distracted whenever Hongjoong pointed at something or teased you over something, and you wished you had Seonghwa with you- he was the only one who could shut Hongjoong up.
You were just walking through the forest following the sound of the city when a woman stepped in front of you all of a sudden, seemingly appearing from the fog, making you bite your tongue to keep from screaming.
"The original fire and ice mages," the woman scanned you both and you instinctively held on to Hongjoong tighter, "to what do we owe the pleasure?"
You couldn't feel any magic from her, and she looked normal enough- dark hair and darker eyes- but something about her was making the magic in your blood scream. "We come in search of the Illusioners. Just some questions to ask- all in peace," Hongjoong assured, and you nodded.
The woman let out a short laugh, "In peace? Questions? I don't think those two go well together," she suddenly put her hands up and you reacted instinctively, creating a shield, but-
You failed.
Your magic wasn't working.
"You're an Illusioner," you muttered, and she grinned, making you both drop to your knees, and you had no time to look how Hongjoong was holding up, seeing more people join the woman before everything went black.
You woke up in chains again.
You weren't sure if this was a dream or reality, but when you saw Hongjoong chained in front of you, his skin going paler and frost spreading on his lips and eyelids, you realized this was real. You really were chained, yet again.
Just like 5 years ago.
"No, no, no," you mumbled, staring at your gauntlets, preventing you from using your magic, and you panicked. You had no time to think, no time to plan, you just panicked as memories crept up your mind-
You were burning, and you would die.
There was nothing left in this world anymore. Just burning, hot fire. You were going to set Wonderland on fire before burning from the inside out.
You shook your head- there was no time to dwell on the past memories that always triggered you, now was not the time to be triggered and start burning from the inside out, but-
You couldn't help it. You could feel your magic roiling restlessly inside you.
You were going to burn from the inside out, and there was no Seonghwa to help you-
"Hongjoong," you almost whispered, looking around- you were in a basement, of all the places, just like that time, "Hongjoong!"
He didn't stir. He was out cold, and he was probably freezing from the inside too, just like you were burning. His head was hanging painfully to his side, chains around his waist holding him half-up like yours were.
You couldn't burn- not without getting Hongjoong out. You had to save Hongjoong, just like he had saved you so many times without even knowing. Just like you had saved him when you first met him.
You shut your eyes, trying to stop your restless magic from clouding your brain as you tried to think- these gauntlets were somehow presenting you from using magic altogether. Five years ago, you didn't have the ability to use magic without your hands, but this time it seemed it didn't matter.
You were so scared- for Hongjoong, more than yourself. For the innocent people on this island. For the destruction you'd cause if you lost control. Just what was the Illusioner thinking when she tied you both like this? Did she not know the amount of destruction you were capable of if you lost control?
Illusioner. Makes you think you are unable to use your magic.
Was this an illusion? Or were your gauntlets an illusion?
You looked down at your gauntlets, wondering if they were real. It certainly felt real- especially since it weighed your hands down, but... were they just for show? Could you somehow use your magic itself to break through the illusion?
You concentrated the magic to your hands- to hell with it if the metal would burn and melt the flesh on your hands. This was your only chance at making it out alive and saving Hongjoong and the rest of the island.
I am the Princess of Fire.
You brought your hands to the siphon, struggling to turn the notches down so you could have access to your full powers.
I am the Princess of Fire, and I will not be afraid of my own magic.
You shut your eyes in pain, willing your magic to travel to your hands, melting the gauntlet.
I will not be afraid of my magic, because it cannot burn me.
These were the last words your father, the original fire mage, had told you to keep close to your heart, because as soon as you were scared of your magic, it would start hurting you. You never understood why and how you could not be scared of the magnitude and hazard of your magic, but now it was starting to make sense.
Your mother had always told you that there needed to be something you wanted to protect- if not your own self (which should be the case), something so precious to you that you would risk your life to protect that. As you opened your eyes and looked at Hongjoong, you understood what she meant.
It was crazy how you had such a soft spot for the Prince of Ice you'd met only a few weeks ago. You'd never expected him to care about you either, but he clearly did. You'd learn how his family had left Wonderland in the fear of their life, but Hongjoong felt at home here- despite the threat to his own life. Despite going through something similar than what you had- what had broken you down completely. You were in awe of how strong he was- he embraced his magic, even when it hurt him like it was hurting him now. He only needed someone who believed in him to be okay.
You recalled your conversation from one of the nights when you were on your way to the coast and couldn't sleep, Hongjoong with you for 'night watch' as you both stared at the full moon. You finally asked him how long had he been imprisoned, since the winter season had come naturally enough but it only had gotten prolonged.
"5 months," Hongjoong sighed, "give or take."
"5 months?" You gaped at him, and he only smiled, "That's crazy, Hongjoong. How did you not, I don't know, freeze from the inside out, become an ice statue and shatter while engulfing Wonderland in some crazy blizzard that would freeze everyone too?"
Hongjoong laughed at your panicked state, "I think it's because I came to terms with my magic or something like that. I used to hate my magic too- people always said I felt too cold, even to the touch. My hair wasn't always white as well, believe it or not-"
You let out a scandalous gasp and Hongjoong slapped your arm before continuing, "People started to hate me, and I first thought I was the problem, but then I realized that I really wasn't. Those who actually care stick with you, whether you look like and feel like a snowman or not."
"Well," you grinned, "you make a pretty snowman. But, Hongjoong, you know I was imprisoned too. I barely made it three weeks before I started to melt everything around me. It's impressive that a prolonged winter was the only thing you really caused."
"You really should love yourself more, Princess," Hongjoong caressed your hair with a sad smile, and you noted how this time he didn't have that sarcastic tone every time he called you princess, "You should know that you matter, if not to anyone else, than to yourself. If no one's gonna love you, you have to love yourself."
"I have Seonghwa," you said, "And I had my parents- I know they loved me... but- then why was I so weak?"
"You weren't weak," Hongjoong shook his head, "Don't ever think of yourself as weak. The fact that you didn't set Wonderland on fire but only started burning from your own self before anything else, that means you didn't believe in yourself. Sometimes it happens- no matter the amount of people who love you and believe you, you end up doubting yourself."
"And I suppose in your case, since no one believed in you... you believed in yourself?"
Hongjoong nodded, "Well, you have one more person who believes in you now. Give yourself some credit, Princess. You're stronger than you think you are. Know why? Because despite the fire in your body, that fire doesn't drive people away- it attracts them. The people in your town know that you are the Princess, they just don't show it- because they believe in you. You keep them warm. I have heard them talking about you and how their homes are always warm. You heal the people's hearts without even realizing."
You gaped at Hongjoong- you had never realized the people knew. But... they had always been good to you. You had sometimes suspected that they knew, but now that Hongjoong confirmed it...
You stared at the gauntlets, watching it melt away and fall apart with a crack- it didn't hurt you. You stared at the broken gauntlets in confusion, your mouth opening in surprise when the gauntlets faded into smoke-
The gauntlets were an illusion.
You looked at Hongjoong- he probably didn't realize this was an illusion and was fighting with something inside his head- he was frowning. Perhaps he was battling with his magic. You melted the chains- those were real, and rushed to Hongjoong, touching his face and flinching away at first, because he was beyond ice cold.
You cupped his face, holding it up as you drew his hair back, "Hongjoong, listen to me. Everything is an illusion. You can break free. Hongjoong?"
Hongjoong groaned in response- he didn't seem well. You joined your foreheads, spreading warmth on his body through the skin contact, whispering his name again and again, drawing back when his groan went louder, your hands never leaving his face.
He finally opened his eyes, the frost on his lashes melting away as he looked at you in confusion. "Those gauntlets aren't real," you told him, "it's an illusion, Hongjoong. You can break free. Come on, you can do it."
"Help me," he looked down at his gauntlets and you understood, sending your magic through them, just like that time, while Hongjoong sent his ice magic, making the gauntlets crack and fade away, and he flexed his now free hands, looking at you in surprise as his vision became clearer, as if the mist on his eyes was now gone.
"That was quick," you muttered, laughing, and Hongjoong- still in his chains- bent forward to cup your face, his hands now warm, joining your foreheads again.
"You melted my frozen heart, Princess," he breathed, "exactly how I wanted you to."
You don't know who did it first, but you were kissing each other, quick and good before drawing apart, "We have to get away first, Prince."
With that, you broke apart his chains and melted the door knob, "As long as you realize that the only thing stopping your magic is you, you can break free of any illusions, understand?"
Hongjoong nodded, and the two of you went up the stairs, knocking out two mages before ascending, finding yourself in a dark lobby, instinctively holding on to each other. You heard some movement at your back and lit a fire around the source, trapping the same woman that you'd met. She panicked for a second, and then the fire went out-
"It's still there, the fire," Hongjoong whispered, "she's just making it seem like it isn't."
"Well, well," the woman scoffed, "Didn't expect you two to be so... chummy."
"I need answers, or you burn to death," you left Hongjoong's hand to bring the fire closer to the woman, inch by inch, "Which one of you Illusioner bitches was on board on the ship that killed my parents?"
"You can't kill me- you won't. Just like you couldn't kill the Prince of Water. Just like you couldn't kill the people who imprisoned you. Because your heart is soft, Princess."
"Her heart may be soft," Hongjoong was seething, "But mine isn't."
Your circle of fire burned blue- the hottest of flames, and the woman let out a scream as the fire spread barely inches away from her, "Tell me, Illusioner. Who is responsible for her parent's death?"
"Would you let me go if I told you I was?"
You narrowed your eyes, "Is this your way of saving your friend- or whoever it is you're taking the blame for? Because I don't think you should be doing that when you could burn to death."
"It was me," she glared at you both, "It's true that it was a natural accident- there was only one water mage aboard and he minimized the damage, but some people were bound to die. I just made sure your parents were one of them- I wouldn't have noticed there were fire mages aboard if they hadn't used their magic to try and save people."
You expected your knees to go weak and fall, maybe cry, but you only nodded absently, Hongjoong putting a hand on your shoulder, whispering your name.
"Leave her here, like this," you said to Hongjoong.
"NO!" The woman screamed, putting her arms around herself, her forehead glistening from the sweat, but you smirked.
"You're an Illusioner huh? Maybe make yourself believe there's no fire surrounding you and try stepping through it?"
With that, you turned and grabbed Hongjoong's hand, going outside, noticing a circle of blue fire around every Illusioner and you gaped at Hongjoong. He grinned, "Didn't want anything interrupting you, Princess."
"I didn't even notice," you sighed, "Let's get the hell out of here."
"I win," Yunho announced, raising his arms in victory as he slumped back on his chair, making the three of you gape.
"Not fair!" Hongjoong looked at him in disbelief, and so did you.
"He's one lucky guy," you scoffed, sharing a laugh with Seonghwa.
"Play games with Yunho, 10 out of 10 times you lose," Seonghwa laughed, all of your attention drawing to the door when the bell sounded and customers entered. Seonghwa got up, gathering the dices and cleaning the table, Yunho going to the counter to take their order.
"Walk with me?" Hongjoong asked, and you smiled, telling Seonghwa you'd be back in a while.
"I could get used to this," Hongjoong smiled as you two walked the empty path to the river, no one out so early in the morning.
"This?" You raised your joined hands, wriggling your eyebrows.
"I was talking about us running your bookstore café and living such a mundane life, but-" Hongjoong brought you closer with a smirk, "I could also get used to this."
It had been a couple of weeks since the encounter with the Illusioners on Mist Island- the fire circles that had trapped the mages were actually hot enough to make them sweat but cool enough to not burn them, leaving them confused and panicked until one of them would take the risk and realize it was only a trick- an illusion. You had both left with a simple message- do not bother us. Don't try to interfere in our lives, and we won't interfere in yours. It was relatively peaceful now- the uprising had died down a little since the mages you'd encounter so far had all made it out alive, which sent a clear message- you meant no harm.
You'd gone back to Wonderland and Seonghwa had almost cried when he saw you unscratched, and Yunho had decided to join you after all- but he joined you a week later, after wrapping up everything back home. The bookstore café was your home now- you'd clear up the store room so the boys could have an extra room, but you guys tended to fall asleep wherever you liked- you loved that it was so comfortable.
It was also really, really comfortable with Hongjoong- ever since that day, you guys were back to your routine of teasing each other until one of you screamed in frustration, but then finding comfort in each other's arms too, sharing light kisses every once in a while as you tried to figure out the change in your relationship and what exactly it meant.
You shook your head at Hongjoong who was muttering sinful things in your ears- something to rile you up and make you blush furiously, but you knew he'd never even touch you without your permission.
"I really, really want to kiss you right now," Hongjoong whispered in your ear, "And cover you in frost."
"You could do that," you said, "And I could cover you in ashes. I'm sure the black soot would look great on you."
"So romantic," Hongjoong laughed, the two of you sitting down by the river, and you looked at Hongjoong- his skin looked warmer now that winter was gone, his white shirt making his hair shine even brighter. Hongjoong turned to look at you, "What are you looking at?"
"You," you bit your lip as your hands travelled to his neck, bringing him in for a kiss.
This time it wasn't the light kisses and pecks you'd been sharing for weeks now- you wanted to dive further. You did as you leaned into him, a groan of surprise leaving him as his hands snaked to your waist, shifting you on top of him so he could meet the fervour of your kiss better, smiling into it.
"You're burning hot right now, you know that?" Hongjoong laughed a bit, your pink cheeks looking lovely to him.
"Good thing I have you to cool me down, isn't it?" You almost whispered.
"Gosh, I think I love you, Princess," he smiled widely as he caressed your face.
"You think?" You laughed, pushing him back on the soft grass as you kissed him, "I think I can tolerate you now, Prince."
"See? This is why I like you," Hongjoong muttered, and you slapped his cheek lightly.
"Shut up and let me kiss you."
"Make me."
You did. And as you pinned his hands on the ground, frost in the shape of flames sketched itself on the grass, leaving a trace of all things good.
You were the Fire Princess, and he was the Ice Prince. And you couldn't have been more perfect for each other.
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katbrando · 2 years ago
💪🏻🎶💭 and 📊 if that's what you're asking for *bloosh*
omg UMI BELOVED you didn't have to send anything in 🥺💜 i appreciate you and apologize beforehand bc i'm so wordy
💪 Describe a theme or other element of the original source material that you feel is strengthened or reinforced by the presence of your ship.
this is tough honestly but because it's about the source material i'll go off my s/i instead of modern au 🤔 i think introducing my s/i (and hp) to diego much earlier on in the race offers extra emphasis/insight into his distrust of people, like... there's so much angst and anger between the two of them. he's a prick who has no problem expressing his disgust with the lower class and people in general, meanwhile my s/i is like his total opposite - she's humble to a fault, distrusts the upper class, and could not care less about diego's prestige. the tension between the two is Interesting and they bring out the worst in each other for a good while before they get over themselves and fall in love much later on
🎶 Select a piece of music to relate to your ship. What themes or ideas about your ships does this piece of music share or highlight?
oh GOD... (looking at the entirety of arctic monkeys' discography) oh boy UHHH ACTUALLY i'll ignore that and throw a curve ball: i recently added 'stargazing' by the neighbourhood to my self-ship playlist 🥺 it contains very important elements of dinokat: - cars (pull it out of park, put it in drive / better keep the ac on for me / windows start to fog) our first kiss is in diego's car, we take a lot of road trips, in general a lot of Bonding and intimacy (both emotional and physical) takes place in his car - tension/mutual pining (it's a race against the clock, but we don't wanna watch / might've set the bar a little too high) we're so annoying bc we liked each other for a while and i was too afraid to admit it to both myself and him, he was too afraid to ruin the bond we have bc it's so rare for him to make close connections and he didn't want to lose that - and an eventual sort of.. Sudden admission of feelings (all the patience that i've got, it's not enough to save me / started with a spark, now we're on fire) again, both of us admitted our feelings in his car HFDKS, it happened fast (a little too fast for my liking) and it felt very like !!!!! help, i really like you !!!!! ??? idk if that makes sense, basically it was bubbling up for a while
💭 What arguments would you use to persuade someone to ship the ship you're discussing?
🥺 ummmmm pretty please ship dinokat bc we're cute 🥺 and i rlly like diego a lot 🥺 /hj .. UGH IDK i think we compliment each other, we're total opposites in terms of personality but i don't think that's a bad thing! we have nearly identical interests and a very similar outlook on life. we're silly and goofy and stupid and want to be better people, especially for each other 🥺
📊 Compare and contrast the personalities of the characters in your ship. Describe whether you feel it is their similarities or their differences that define the ship.
the obvious answer is that diego harbors general distaste for people and he's Very self-centered VS me, who's Very self-less and tends to see the good in people. he truly doesn't care about anyone outside of himself and his small circle, while i would drop everything including my own well-being just to help someone, even if i don't really know them. BUT because we're on two opposite ends of the spectrum i think we both view the other's outlook as sort of.. inspiring, i guess. maybe we wouldn't outwardly admit it (bc we're both STUBBORN LOL) but we can take aspects of each other's outlooks and apply it to ourselves. like obviously i don't want to be AS selfish as him but i can realistically see how taking a crumb of that and applying it to myself would greatly improve my life. putting my own well-being above others is something i can definitely use and would benefit from. and maybe diego can learn to be a little more compassionate by watching the way it makes me feel good to care for other people. but also i think our similarities are wonderful :'))) we can agree on aesthetics and music and humor and general opinions on things (outside of the things i mentioned above) and that really makes things so much more fun!!!!
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dorianwolfforest · 3 years ago
share your gunmaridris headcanons /hj
oh lets fuckin go
When Gunnar and Ydris need couples counseling they all go to mrs Holdsworth. Like they usually bicker but sometimes someone takes it too far, like locking the other up in a tower, and at that point Mario will drag them both to the witch to be like "look at the shit I have to deal with" and she'll offer them tea and pie until everyone calms down.
Mornings are really peaceful cause Mario is not a morning person and the other two are very afraid of upsetting him.
Morrigan would try to test Ydris' loyalty at the beginning of the relationship and Ydris would just consistently. fail. like he would make no effort to look like a good significant other. frankly, he can't understand why gunnar tolerates him and he will not pretend just to prove himself to a horse. Morrigan kind of respects him for it.
On the opposite end of the spectrum, Morrigan is incredibly protective of Mario. Mario, like most humans, is terrified of her (not because she's scary, she just has that effect on people), but he doesn't have the heart to show it cause she's so careful and sweet around him.
Mario has bought stars on one of those websites and named them after Gunnar and Ydris.
Ydris and Gunnar have a "this is our get-along shirt" shirt.
Mario wanted to spread stories about how Ydris and Gunnar are really just misunderstood good guys so he asked them for good stories to tell but they both were like "there was definitely a time where we were misunderstood good guys but being the villain is so much more fun" and he just has to accept that his significant others are murderous, cursed people.
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shepard-ram · 4 years ago
Okay but you are familiar about how they work, so good. Farmer moved to a rural town and they build up relationships while trying to earn money in anyway they can until they can get their main business up and running. Thinking about this but w/ dsmp. (I know very little about hermitcraft >.>) It’s the opposite end of the spectrum of our last au, but it has a lot of potential.
Oh I love that!!! (And rest assured when/if I make that discord server I will get everyone to watch hermitcraft /hj)
It's such a nice slice of life story, meeting the interesting locals and working on the farm. Mining and fishing and just putting in the work until sunset.
My little farmcore/cottagecore lovin' heart is very happy
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rightsinexile · 5 years ago
“Many refugees seek out the anonymity of the city because it allows them to escape capture by authorities and provides a means for survival. The city is a place of promise as well as danger and a space that refugees often have to learn to navigate.” - Urban refugees: Challenges in protection, services and policy. Koichi Koizumi and Gerhard Hoffstaedter (eds.). 2015.
“While international law and Israel’s obligations as a signatory to different human rights treaties effectively protect asylum seekers from outright deportation to Sudan and Eritrea – at least for now – they live in perpetual legal limbo and their futures remain uncertain.” - The story of Yaser Abdulla, Darfuri asylum seeker who was tortured in the Sinai desert only to face imprisonment in Israel and a life without refugee status. Mya Guarnieri Jaradat. Torture and Migration Journal. Ca’Foscari University Press. December 2019.
“The current immigration debate in many countries is heavily influenced by hyper-securitization of refugees that is grounded in two pillars – the (re)territorialization of politics and the binary conceptualization of Self.” - Bordering and identity-making in Europe after the 2015 refugee crisis. Andrey Makarychev. Geopolitics. October 2018. 
“Building ‘resilience’ to insecurity and crisis is high on the European Union (EU) agenda. EU uptake of this buzzword is especially significant with regard to migration and forced displacement. For the EU, resilience-building is primarily a refugee containment strategy that could jeopardize the stability of refugee-hosting states.” - Under the guise of resilience: The EU approach to migration and forced displacement in Jordan and Lebanon. Rosanne Anholt and Giulia Sinatti. Contemporary Security Policy. December 2019.
“This report examines the social, economic, and demographic determinants of detention of refugees and migrants in Libya. Drawing on surveys of 5,144 refugees, migrants, and asylum-seekers, it compares the profiles and characteristics of those who reported being detained and those who did not in order to identify what factors make people on the move more likely to end up in detention.” - What makes refugees and migrants vulnerable to detention in Libya? A microlevel study of the determinants of detention. Mixed Migration Centre. December 2019.
“It is precisely because of this political dimension that negative attitudes toward immigrants can reach extreme peaks of intensity and thus lead, in a climate of perceived political legitimation, to out-group discrimination and possible inter-group conflict.” - When ethnic prejudice is political: An experiment in beliefs and hostility toward immigration out-groups in Italy. Mauro Barisione. Italian Political Science Review. 2019. 
“The first reintroduction of internal border controls dates back to September 2015 when Germany reestablished checks at its land border with Austria, following large arrival numbers of asylum seekers via that route.” - From Tampere 20 to Tampere 2.0: Towards a new European consensus on migration. Philippe De Bruycker, Marie De Somer, Jean-Louis De Brouwer (eds.). December 2019.
“The challenging context of the Rohingya crisis makes evident weaknesses in the GCR, including a lack of clarity on its scope, character and purpose, alongside unresolved questions around leadership and accountability.” - The Global Compact on Refugees: Lessons from Bangladesh. Karen Hargrave and Veronique Barbelet. December 2019. 
“As the climate crisis intensifies, however, the paradigm gets complicated, as the drivers of the climate crisis—including methane released from landfills, natural gas and petroleum industries, agriculture and livestock, and deforestation—are not necessarily where one’s safety or well-being are most threatened due to the effects of the climate crisis. Thus, required is a new understanding of “persecution” that could account for the severe nature of the climate crisis and climate-induced displacement, and serve as the basis for a normative framing of ‘climate refugee’ protection.” - Climate refugees: The climate crisis and rights denied. Hossein Ayazi and Elsadig Elsheikh. 10 December 2019.
“Asylum inflows from poor countries are significantly and negatively associated with aid in the short run, with mixed evidence of more lasting effects, while inflows from less poor economies show a positive but non-robust relationship to aid. Moreover, aid leads to negative cross-donor spillovers. Applications linearly decrease with humanitarian aid.” - Foreign aid, bilateral asylum immigration and development. Marina Murat. Journal of Population Economics. January 2020.
“In many cases mainstream mental health care is inconsistent with the values, expectations, and patterns of immigrants and refugee populations. Although mental illnesses have similar symptoms across cultures, the ways people manifest, describe, and interpret symptoms vary across cultures. Similarly, culture influences where people seek help and which treatments they prefer.” - Immigrant, refugee, ethnocultural and racialized populations and the social determinants of health. Mental Health Commission of Canada. February 2019.
“Refugees are too-often an abstract group in political discussion, and panelists in this session demonstrated the deleterious impact that can have on individual and social potential.” - Good decisions: Achieving fairness in refugee law, policy and practice. Andrew and Renata Kaldor Centre for International Refugee Law. 2019.
“Decision-making on LGBTQI+ claims is inconsistent. There is often inadequate knowledge about the situation of LGBTQI+ people in the respective countries of origin resulting, for instance, in decisions where ‘internal relocation’ is suggested. There is often a disconnect in recognizing gender-based and other forms of violence against LGBTQI+ people rendering invisible the intersectional experience of LGBTQI+ people seeking asylum. Poor decision-making results in long waiting periods and thus exacerbates social isolation and the strain on mental health.” - Queer asylum in Germany: Better visibility and access to legal and social support needed for LGBTQI+ people seeking asylum in Germany. Mengia Tschalaer and Nina Held. October 2019.
“Decision makers must establish whether or not an LGBTI person, if returned to their country of origin, will live freely and openly as such. This involves a wide spectrum of conduct which goes beyond merely attracting partners and maintaining relationships with them. Even if LGBT persons who lived openly would not be generally be at risk, decision makers must consider whether there are reasons why the particular person would be at risk.” - HJ (Iran) and HT (Cameroon) in country policy information notes on sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression. UK Lesbian and Gay Immigration Group. December 2019.
“Not only are LGBTIQ+ people fleeing from persecution inflicted by various actors in their countries of origin, but they are also experiencing further violence: en route, in camps, detention centres and even in countries that promised a safe harbour. The truth about their sex, gender identity, sexual orientation and sex characteristics is questioned and scrutinised, very often not believed by immigration officials. They are subjected to harmful and unnecessary tests to prove who they are.” - Queer displacements: Sexuality, migration and exile. Tina Dixson and Renee Dixson. 2019.
“Hundreds of people have been detained in Turkey in the days following the launch of the military offensive. These include members of the Kurdish-rooted leftist opposition People’s Democratic Party (HDP), including members of Parliament, party activists and local government representatives, as well as journalists and others. While some individuals expressing views on the military offensive interpreted as opposition to the government were among those detained, in other cases of detention, the absence of any reference to the ‘Operation Peace Spring’ suggests that the military offensive was also used as a pretext to escalate an ongoing crackdown on dissent that had continued despite the end of the two-year state of emergency in July 2018.” - “We can’t complain”: Turkey’s continuing crackdown on dissent over its military operation “Peace Spring” in northeast Syria. Amnesty International. November 2019.
“The election contributions, combined with the associated extortion and other abuses by Imbonerakure members and local officials, have significantly impacted the lives of many Burundians, including over 70 percent of the population of 11 million living below the poverty line. Although President Nkurunziza said he would not run again, tensions are likely to continue to escalate ahead of the May 2020 presidential and legislative elections. Many Burundians suspected of being political opposition supporters have been killed, disappeared, arbitrarily arrested, and beaten.” - “We let our children go hungry to pay”: Abuses related to the 2020 election levy in Burundi. Human Rights Watch. 6 December 2019. 
“The majority of adjudicators agree that family-based particular social groups meet the requirements for cognizability. In Matter of Acosta, the first decision to define particular social group membership, the Board explicitly mentioned ‘kinship ties’ as a characteristic that can comprise a cognizable social group. The Board went on to repeatedly refer to families as the paradigmatic example of a particular social group. Most of the Circuit Courts have joined the Board in accepting family-based groups as cognizable. There is widespread consensus that nuclear families can constitute a cognizable social group and many adjudicators have also recognized groups that encompass more extended family members.” - Families fleeing: Family membership as a basis for asylum. Christine Natoli. UC Hastings Research Paper No. 369. 24 October 2019. 
“The Attorney General and the Secretary believe that fraudulent document offenses pose such a significant affront to government integrity that even misdemeanor fraudulent document offenses should disqualify aliens from eligibility for asylum.” - Procedures for asylum and bars to asylum eligibility. Executive Office for Immigration Review. 19 December 2019.
“This briefing assesses the impact of the law on refugee women’s right to work and access economic opportunities in high refugee hosting countries. We find that laws governing women’s opportunities to get a job or start a business are far from gender equal.” - Ruled out of work: Refugee women’s legal right to work. International Rescue Committee. December 2019.
“Previously, the agency’s surveillance role has been restricted to the external borders and the “pre-frontier area” – for example, the high seas or ‘selected third-country ports.’ New legal provisions mean it will now be able to gather data on the movement of people within the EU. While this is only supposed to deal with ‘trends, volumes and routes,’ rather than personal data, it is intended to inform operational activity within the EU.” - Monitoring “secondary movements” and “hotspots”: Frontex is now an internal surveillance agency. Chris Jones. Statewatch. December 2019. 
“Since the EU-Turkey deal of March 2016, different procedures apply depending on the asylum seeker’s nationality and vulnerability status. This means that each applicant needs to have a detailed understanding of the procedure as it applies to them individually in order to be able to present their application in a full and accurate way and for the procedure to be fair and robust. Coupled with the frequently changing, opaque and inconsistently applied policies and practices, this means that it is very difficult for asylum seekers to understand the asylum process and criteria, as well as their rights and obligations, without meaningful access to information and legal assistance, provided in a language they understand.” - No-rights zone: How people in need of protection are being denied crucial access to legal information and assistance in the Greek islands’ EU “hotspot” camps. Marion Bouchetel. Oxfam and Greek Council for Refugees. December 2019.
“The [Asylum Act] stipulates that ‘restrictive measures’ can be imposed ‘to limit abuse of the asylum procedure’ or if the asylum seeker poses a threat to national security. Possible restrictive measures include imposition of a designated place of residence, reporting duties, and detention. However, like the [Aliens Ordinance], the [Asylum Act] does not explicitly refer to detention, instead speaking of ‘placement in specially designed closed spaces’ (plasarea în spaţii închise special amenajate) or, like the [Aliens Ordinance], of ‘taking into public custody’ (menţinerea în custodie publică) (Article 19^2(1)).” - Romania immigration detention profile. Global Detention Project. November 2019.
“This report aims to be not only a presentation of information, but a critical analysis of the mechanisms that govern and shape the lives of young people on the move in Brussels. It is divided into three parts, analysing the physical, legal and psycho-social l aspects of life as a young person seeking international protection in Brussels.” - Young refugees living in reception and accommodation centres in Brussels: A critical examination of the psychosocial, legal and living conditions for young people seeking international protection. SB OverSeas. 12 December 2019.
“This report also follows expulsions from Greece to Turkey, chain pushbacks from Italy, heightened transit into Bosnia-Herzegovina, and squat evictions occurring in western Serbia. In summary, the information collated by BVMN in the field, combined with developments in the region, paints a disturbing picture of EU border practice on the West Balkan Route in the early winter months of 2019.” - Illegal push-backs and border violence reports: Balkan region. Border Violence Monitoring Network. November 2019.
“As sponsorship schemes proliferate - from Canada and Europe to Latin America and Oceania - now is a critical moment to make sure that new programmes get it right and that long-running schemes have the support they need to continue to exist, and perhaps to grow. While government investment and buy-in are essential to the long-term sustainability of any protection pathway, philanthropic investments can catalyze the creation of new programmes and support the longevity and quality of existing ones.” - Refugee sponsorship programmes: A global state of play and opportunities for investment. Migration Policy Institute. December 2019.
“The refugee perception of Malta is gradually shifting from it being a transit country on the way to Europe to one offering the possibility of employment and a new life. At the same time, the government, employers and other intermediaries involved in the labour market have repeatedly expressed that workers with skills and experience are a needed resource for Malta to retain its competitive edge and fill labour shortages.” - Working together: A UNHCR report on the employment of refugees and asylum seekers in Malta. UNHCR. December 2019.
“Thus, Frontex safeguards the EU’s structures and discourses of violence, distancing it from policies that defend human rights, peaceful co-existence, equality, protection and more equal relations between territories.” - Guarding the fortress: The role of Frontex in the militarisation and securitisation of migration flows in the European Union. Centre Delàs d’Estudis per la Pau. November 2019.
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