#they might think im up early but in reality i never slept
hershey-the-confused · 3 months
guess the old folks of my neighbourhood are gonna see me , today's youth , on a morning walk rn
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orangekittyenergy · 4 months
hi! is it too late to do an ask for the kiss roulette?? if not could you please do rolan with 14? a kiss to the stomach. 👀
Oooooooh 😏 It's never too late my friend!! 🫦 (Kiss asks here)
A Kiss to the Stomach - Rolan x reader (early relationship)
(im in an angsty mood so it came out a little tender)
The first thing you hear is the rustling of pages. The soft scrape of paper on paper. Your newly awake ears immediately feel overwhelmed by it; it sounds like someone is shuffling reams of paper right at your cheek. Before you can get too annoyed, your other senses start to return. You sense bright light just beyond your eyelids. You can smell a soft delicate scent. Flowers? Your mind feels fuzzy. Are you outside?
Your body slowly catches up and you feel plush sheets beneath you. A soft bed is cradling your body. You find yourself blissfully wondering where you are for a moment before the sudden rush of memories and pain comes washing back. A heated battle. A crash down into the water.
Your body jolts back to reality with a lurch and you find yourself trying to move. Your body refuses to comply. Instead, you let out a small groan and feel your eyelids flutter.
"Good morning." A voice approaches swiftly, getting louder as it joins you at your side. You swallow thickly, your tongue heavy. You feel dizzy, confused. Everything is muddled.
"Where...where is everyone?" You mumble through parched lips. Flashes of your companions fill your mind as your brain races to catch up.
"Shhh..this is the first night you've slept all the way through. You might feel a little off from the sleep tonic." You feel a hand gently stroke your hair. Rolan. It was Rolan's voice.
Your eyes snap open and meet his, gazing down at you. A sudden flood of memories fills your brain. The battle in the sky. The parting of ways on the docks. Your first stop had been to come here; to see him. A few fitful nights filled with nightmares later and he had finally convinced you to try a sleep potion.
"Gods." You groan and force one heavy arm up to run a hand across your face. "Why did I let you convince me to try that?"
He smirks at you and lets out a huff of air.
"Well, you needed sleep. Dont cry. You'll be up and feeling much better in no time." He replies, a teasing lilt to his voice.
You turn your head to face him, begrudgingly having to admit to yourself that you are already feeling better and more alert by the second. But, you wouldn't admit that to him.
"Have you ever tried one? Ugh, I feel like I drank a whole barrel of wine last night." You give another groan. He fights away a smile and pushes his lips out in mock concern.
"I guess there's no helping you then. Here I thought I was housing the hero of Baldurs Gate, not a whimpering child."
You chuckle softly and attempt to sit up to be met with a rush of pain in your abdomen. You wince and pull down the covers a touch and raise your nightshirt to find your stomach still covered in bruises. You frown at the sight.
"Ah yes, potions and spells can only do so much. Your body still needs mending. You need r e s t." He says, enunciating each letter as if to prove his point that he was correct about the potion. Your eyes snap back up to his with a heated look.
"I can't just sit around here and let you wait on me." A slight blush crosses your cheek and a slight slip of a bruised ego at the idea of lazing around in bed all day and being tended to. Rolan smiles softly back at you; knowing all too well himself just how bad an ego can be bruised.
"You can and you will. I insist. Despite what others may think, I can be a very good caretaker." His smile fades slightly and his eyes dart away for a moment. "I won't let anything else happen to you." He adds quietly.
After a moment's hesitation, he leans down and plants a careful kiss on the tender skin of your stomach. He lingers there a moment, his breath hot on your skin, avoiding your gaze as he often does when confessing something emotional.
"Let me take care of you. Please?" He breathes out on your stomach.
You squeeze your lips together, the sudden moment of intimacy replacing all feelings of pain. You suddenly feel like you could hop out of bed right then, ready for battle again. Instead, you reach up and gently tuck a few strands of hair behind his ear letting your fingers linger there a moment.
"Fine. Tend to me. I won't argue." You let your body ease back into the bed, resolve gone and pushing away any lingering hints of your ego. Rolan gives one more soft kiss and leans up, pulling your shirt back down for you.
"There. Was that so hard?" He raises an eyebrow at you with a smirk on the corner of his lips, his teasing tone back. "I'll go fetch you breakfast."
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glassartpeasants · 3 years
That ending was a stab on the heart from beginning to end I'm gonna steal bob 🏃🏾‍♀️
The One That Got Away
Shigaraki x GN!Reader
Warnings: Angst, cheating, death
A/N: Don’t threaten Bob
The bed felt different after that night.
2 months ago you had caught Shigaraki cheating on you with someone random woman. You stood in the doorway just watching, trying to find the words to say but nothing came out. It’s only when you dropped your groceries and your present to him is when he noticed your presence.
“Shit! (Y/N) it’s not what it looks like-” He tripped over his words. You said nothing as you just looked at him, knowing that no matter how much you loved him that there was nothing that could ever make you forget this.
“Fuck just say something!” You were still silent as you dropped the groceries you were holding. It just wasn’t clicking for you. How could he do this to you? what had you done wrong?
“What did I do wrong?” Your voice seemed to echo throughout the room. Nobody said anything. Until she spoke up.
“Oh my god, Im so sorry! I didn’t know he was taken! Please forgive me.” The girl spoke as she jumped outta bed and started putting her clothes on.
“It’s okay. I forgive you.” Those words spilled from your mouth before you could actually say anything you meant. The girl had hugged you before saying she was so sorry a final time. Flipping off Shiggy on the way out.
“(Y/N)...i promise we can talk about this.” You just kept looking at him. Those eyes seemed to burn into his soul. He doesn’t think you noticed the tears spilling from your eyes. He was about to say something to you but you started to walk towards him. Thinking he was gonna get hit he just stood still before feeling your part of the bed dip.
He turns around to see you laying there, eyes still open with tears rushing down your face, your clothes of the day still on your body.
Shigaraki tried to put his arms around you but you had hit his hands back. and used your feet to push him to the edge of the bed while you laid clung to the wall.
*flashback over*
Thinking back on it you don’t know why you didn’t just walk away. Maybe you were to tired from being busy and running errands for him all day? Did you want it to be a bad dream and hope to walk up to realize nothing ever happened? Whatever the reason was, you weren’t sure but a part of you wishes that you left that night.
Now you sit at the bar, sitting far away from what use to be your boyfriend, not even taking a glimpse of him and he knew it. You just sat in the corner drinking and looking on your phone until a familiar smell approached you. 
“Oh hey Dabi.”
“Hey there (Y/N), why aren’t you hanging out with crusty over there? He keeps staring at you and the tension in here could be cut with a knife. It’s been two months and apparently everyone said i should ask what's going on.”
“Im not going near him at the moment. We’re on a break per say.” this seemed to peak Dabi’s interest as he leaned closer.
“Oh? Did crusty do something?  Your secret's safe with me, i swear on my soul.” What did it matter if you told Dabi? He already doesn’t respect Shigaraki so why not, plus, so what if that fuck didn’t want anyone knowing, he shouldn’t have cheated when everyone else was sleeping in the base.
“Don’t tell anyone I told you but, 2 months ago I caught Shigaraki cheating on me...” You felt small tears prickle the corner of your eyes. Bringing your hand up to your face you rub it away, hoping to ignore the pain that was banging against your chest.
“What a dick, wanna make him pay?” You look up at Dabi who had a huge grin on his face. You thought about it for a good few seconds before shaking each others hand.
“Once Shigaraki goes out on that mission today, we’ll talk more.” Dabi said before getting up from his seat and grabbing a drink from the bar.
You didn’t know what Dabi had planned but you hoped it would bring Shigaraki the same pain you felt that fateful night 2 months ago.
You sat on the ground in Dabi’s room as he paced back in forth, coming up with revenge plans. All of them sucked or ended up with you guys might going to Jail.
“New plan, everytime Shigaraki wants to hang out tell him you had plans with me and leave the room. You can go somewhere and i’ll go somewhere with you. Effectively ditching him.” Thinking, you try to come up with all the pros and cons this proposal Dabi shared with you. But soon your hurt over ruled the logical side of you and you agreed to it not a moment later.
“Great! Now all we need is for Shigaraki to ask to hang out with you. Don’t know how long that’ll take though...”
“I usually ignore him after what happened but sometimes he asks to hang out with me whenever its a slow day at the base or if he’s bored.”
“ Well guess we have to wait tell then huh?” Nodding your head, you get up before putting a thumbs up in his direction. You walked out of his room and see Shigaraki sitting at the bar. He must have finished his mission early. You rolled your eyes before sitting on the other side of the bar counter. You could feel shigaraki look at you through father.
“Look im sorry, a-and i know that doesn’t excuse what I did but please-” You got up before he could finishing his sentence as you walked towards your shared bedroom. Going in there use to give you comfort but now everytime you step into that room you see that fateful night over and over again.
You sat on the bed before hearing Shigaraki’s footsteps coming towards the room. Furrowing your brows, you ignore him as you put your shoes on. You needed a little bit of fresh air so you were planning on going to the local park to relax a bit. You weren’t a villain like the rest of them, you were just a simple civilian. Not that you minded really. It was peaceful not fearing for your life everyday and having the fear of failure not on your shoulders.
You didn’t really have a quirk so you just ignored the questions when people asked you if you had one. 
“Can I talk to you?” You were dragged back to reality when Shigaraki’s voice rang through your ears. Annoyed you just answered hoping that the conversation would be short. 
“What do you want?” You voice was snappy and you could feel the venom dripping from it.
“I understand that your mad. And you have every right to be but your not even giving me a chance to redeem myself and-”
“Redeem yourself? Why the hell would I do that? YOU cheated on ME. LIke hell im gonna forgive you so easily.”
“It’s been two months! What happened was in the past!”
“It was in the past my ass. How would you like it to see your lover in bed with another?!”
“I felt like my soul died that day. I thought I was your only one! Only to find out that you slept with her! Was she a one time thing or were there more hookups?!” You stood up from the bed as your fists turned white and your anger slowly erupting.
“Three...there were three different occasions...” Now the tears were kicking in. You were hoping that it wasn’t true. What if there was more and he was only saying three just to ease your heart?
“Why? Why would you do this to me? What did I do to deserve this?” Your questions were like knives stabbing into Shigaraki’s heart. He wanted to tell you the truth, but he didn’t want your heart to hurt more than it already was.
“Im not going to ask again Shigaraki. You either tell me the truth or I will walk out of this base and never come back.”
“The...the first time it was a drunk accident, the second time Dabi had brought her to the base and one thing led to another. The last one was the same as the second one.”
“Did...did Dabi know about the affair?” You were begging, no pleading for him not to have known. You didn’t know if your heart could take it.
“Yes...” That was it. That was the thing that broke you. Walking up to Shigaraki you pushed past him before flipping him off and saying one final line.
“I would rather die that ever be with you again.” And with that, you left the hideout. You speed walked through the alleys to get to you parked your car. Your friends house was pretty far and you didn’t feel like walking in the dead of night were criminal activity was more active. 
Getting in your car, you turn on the radio and start breaking down. Your tears were blurring your eyesight as you put the car in drive. 
The streets weren’t busy except for the occasion car with some college students. Or drunk people walking along the sidewalk. The sound of the radio blasting songs that were supposed to be happy barley brightened up your mood as you drove down the dark highways.
All of a sudden a bright light hit your eyes from the right side. Some fuck must have had their brights on. But you had the right away so you went. All of a sudden a huge crash rang through your ears and the world became dark.
A ring came from Shigaraki’s phone. Looking at the clock he noticed it to be 2am. Annoyed he just decided to answer it.
“Hello, this is (hospital name). You were listed under a emergency contact for (Y/N) (L/N).” Shigaraki jolted awake as his hands reached his neck, standing up and already begun to pace the floor of his room.
“Yes did something happen?!”
“At 12am tonight miss (Y/N) was in a car crash. A hit and run to be exact. Their car was totalled after it rolled about 3 times from the speed that the driver hit them. A bystander of the accident called 119. They were in need of surgery immediately once paramedics noticed that they were crushed and bleeding out quickly due to a shard of glass that was stabbed in their chest.”
“Are they okay?!” The doctor on the other end went silent.
“Im deeply sorry for your lost sir. They died during surgery trying to remove the glass that was lodged in their skin. The police are on the look for the suspect. if you wish to see them were on (blank street). Once again, im sorry for your loss. Goodnight sir.” The phone went silent as the doctor hung up. 
Everything seemed to stop as the feared villain feel to his knees. Tears fell from his eyes as his body shook. He realized that now it was impossible to even try. And the last words you had ever said were ‘ you’d rather die than ever be with him again.’ Crying into his hands as his tears made a puddle on the floor.
I guess you took your words seriously.
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officialgomezaddams · 3 years
Cabin House
if this dosen’t take im shooting myself $wag no TW except usual sadness. Slight simp anakin and breeding kink but iykyk
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She sat outside on the porch in her rocking chair, watching the ship in front of her lower its self onto the meadow surrounding the cabin that she lived in with her husband. She smiled to herself, her hands rubbing her pregnant stomach in relief that he was home. It was a new feeling to both of them, homeliness. A family that is now back together. Or at the very least, the start of one. 
They had met when they were both young, Anakin was in Jedi training, and Y/n was a mechanic at the same temple. It was a decent gig, she reasoned with herself. The many hours and days spent watching and learning from her father in his shop had paid off. 
Born and raised in the capital of the galaxy, the high life never slowed down. There was always loud traffic, busy trade; the planet never slept. Anyone could go to a party or club; some festival was always happening. The temple was different, a little peace in the concrete jungle. As the war started, the need for maintenance shot up—the urgency to fix whatever droids or ships needed to be rewired or mending broken welds. Simultaneously, the Jedi and the politicians tried to restore the balance, maintenance fixing everything else. 
A job was a job, and getting herself out of her father’s small auto body garage was a priority for her. Pulling night shift sucked, but the lack of staff and management who wanted to do nights meant she could get away with a lot. 
It started when the shy padawan walked up to her, the shift partner in the area she worked with was sleeping in his chair, and even tho he was older than her and had more experience, Y/n didn’t wake him up. It was her first real interaction with someone who was force sensitive, and she was thanking the stars that this boy somehow made his way to her.
It wasn’t because he was lost. Anakin had been at the temple long enough to know it by hand and could probably draw blueprints of the entire layout. The way around maintenance wasn’t that hard, as he often borrowed material from them to fix small stuff he could handle. Anakin had caught glimpses of her, he would stare at her for the few seconds it took to pass each other while he was leaving the ship and for maintenance to check it for any repairs that needed to be done.
“What’s up, Starboy?” Y/n teased. Even though she had never met him formally, he was quite well known for his destiny. 
He shuffled his feet around, and all the confidence he once had was gone. He looked at her before looking down at the table she was in front of, watching her set down the wrench she was fiddling with. 
“I need an arm.” He shot out, not even knowing how to ask for such a thing. 
“An arm?” She had responded, wanting to make sure he had said the right thing. “Why do you need an arm-” She asked but quickly stopped as he dropped his robe, and she realized he was missing the very thing he had asked for. “Oh. You need an arm.”
It took about six months for the arm to be built. It took a lot of measurements, calculating, and many, many nights for it to be made giving Anakin time to grow his confidence back up and flirt relentlessly with her. Telling her that it didn’t bother him that he would almost get little to no sleep because ‘being with you is a dream I never want to wake up from.’ On the nights he didn’t see her he would tell her, ‘Even though I couldn’t be with you, I still see you in my dreams. The best dreams I will ever have will always be the ones where you are in it. My dreams with you are so sweet to the violent reality of being a Jedi.’ 
The last night the two spent together working on his arm, or to be honest it was just her while Anakin would pour his heart out to her, hoping for something, a kiss, or even the simple statement that she returned his feelings. 
“If I have any problems with my arm, I’m coming to you. For my arm and my heart, you are the only one who knows how to fix them. Help me Y/n, my heart hurts, it burns for you. Every time I leave you or think about how you aren’t mine it aches. It’s so painful. Fix it, please. Tell me you don’t feel the same way, that your heart beats differently to the tune of mine.” He told her, watching her with doe eyes as she concentrated on wiring the last few things together. 
“Isn’t that against your rules?” 
“Attachment is forbidden, possession is forbidden. Compassion, which I would define as unconditional love, is essential to a Jedi’s life. So you might say I am encouraged to feel this way about you.” He stated, awkwardly biting his lip which made her giggle. 
“In three days, I have time off, maybe then you can teach me about this new teaching, and I can teach you something about how to use the arm.”
Neither of them expected it to be like this. Married and expecting. The moment she had told Anakin the news, he had immediately begun thinking of moving. Getting away from the city life and going somewhere more quiet and peaceful. Somewhere the war could not disturb them, so they landed in Alderaan. The whole planet was pulled right from a painting, and the moment they settled on the cozy cabin, they both realized that after years of running around, they finally found their home. With each other, in their soon-to-be family, and in Alderaan. 
As the ship lowered its self to the ground, the woman awkwardly got out of the chair and stood up, holding onto the wooden frame of the porch. Anakin swiftly got out, smiling from ear to ear as he saw her waiting for him. His feet moved on their own as he ran to her, watching her take careful steps to meet him. Before she knew it, his arms were around her, pulling her into him. “Don’t strain yourself for me.” He whispered, kissing her head. 
She was thirty-three weeks into her pregnancy with twins. The two babies growing safely in her womb had made things more difficult for her in terms of moving around, and she had long forgotten her shoes. 
They didn’t move in right away. They waited until work became difficult for Y/n, getting down to work on something wasn’t easy anymore, and she couldn’t be on her feet for more than an hour and a half until her feet started hurting. On the other hand, Anakin wanted to move in as soon as they got it. ‘You shouldn’t have to work, you’re pregnant with our babies, and I want you to enjoy this.’ He also knew how chatty the maintenance section was and was not looking forward to any rumors that could be spread about his wife. ‘Tell them they are mine. I’m not going to let them disrespect my children by disrespecting you. Tell them that I got you pregnant, that you took me in, and this is what my seed is doing to you.’
“How are you, my angel?” He asked, watching as the moonlight hit her face. He had been gone for most of the pregnancy, being forced to leave after her first doctor’s appointment that confirmed that Y/n was with child. Only then, she was nine weeks far too early to be showing anything. He came back to her a few weeks later, and the first thing he did when he greeted her was to kiss her fourteen-week stomach, but he didn’t stay long. The three days they were together were spent moving quickly into the new house. Only the important things she needed were to stay back at the temple so she could continue with work. They didn’t have much, but Anakin insisted on carrying everything, telling her that she was not even to lift her jewelry box because he didn’t want anything to happen to the babies. 
“Bored. I’ve been itching to get back to work; there’s only so much you can crochet before you want to stab yourself with the needles.” She joked, making them both laugh. 
“And the babies?” He asked, his hands dropping to rub the sides of her stomach. It brought him pride to see her like this. Seeing her carrying his child, seeing her full belly, smiling at the thought of the stretch marks that clung to her round belly, knowing that her body was adjusting well. The few times he was able to see Y/n through the hologram, he always admired his wife’s new changing body.
“Restless. I’m hoping now that you’re home, they’ll calm down for a little bit.” Anakin pulled her into a soft kiss. The whole time he had been away, she and the babies were always on his mind. He would wonder if they were kicking or thinking about what to name them. He would think about Y/n, if she was sleeping and if she was pushing herself too hard. He felt terrible for not being there to hold her hair back through morning sickness or walk her around to make sure she got the proper exercise she needed. He felt so useless. 
“How long do I have you back for?” She asked. It was an impossible question because no matter what time frame they had, it wouldn’t be enough. She just wanted him to be here with her, safe. The only good part about being away from the temple was she got away from all the rumors about her husband being dead or being held somewhere and tortured. She wanted him here in their home, enjoying the moments and milestones that she was going through alone. She had convinced herself that if - stars forbid it- something happened to Anakin, she could do it by herself. She could raise the kids and do what she could to make ends meet. It’d be challenging, and she understood that. But in her opinion, what could be harder than going through this pregnancy alone? Forcing herself to get the rooms ready, forcing her co-workers at the temple to help her in the later stages because she couldn’t depend on Anakin. 
He quietly led her to the house, purposefully ignoring the question because he knew that it wouldn’t be the one she wanted to hear. Only when she asked again as they reached the front door, he answered. “A week. Then I have to go back, and I don’t know where the council is sending me. Probably to Hutta.”
“You’re gonna be here for the births, right?” She pressed, stepping into the warm cabin and away from the cool breeze of the night along with his arms. 
“Y/n, I promise that once our children are born, I will be there for everything,” He reassured her. He knew it was a promise that he couldn’t keep. That the Jedi council would most likely tear him away from his family sooner or later. With war, or keeping the force away from the Darkside, he knew that it would be something. “Don’t look at me like that, Angel. You know how hard this is for me. You knew what you were getting yourself into.” He took a step towards her, but she shook her head and stepped back, turning around and began waddling herself towards the shared bedroom. 
“But I didn’t expect it to be left by myself throughout this.” His wife began, with Anakin following her quickly. “All alone and pregnant just to have you, my husband, show up for a few hours or a few days if I am lucky. Then to have him leave me alone again.”
“Am I not here, in our home when I can be?” 
“Our home?” She raised her voice, “It feels as if you are no more than a guest.” Finally turning around to look at him before walking over to the bed and sitting down facing away from him, looking out the window that gave a view of the spacecraft out front. “Anakin, I want to go back to the Coruscant.”
“Going back wouldn’t change a thing.” His words were forced, trying to stay calm and not lose his temper. He was a good husband, or at least he tried to be. It wasn’t easy - for anyone. But he tried, skipping meetings and purposefully doing stuff to get close to you, reporting ships and droids as broken so he could sit with you as you worked on them. Even now, with the war, just being on the opposite side of the same planet was enough for him. “You know that I can’t control what happens out there. I don’t get to pick and choose when I get to stay home!” His anger was cut off by the sound of her whimper. 
“Y/n, Starlight,” He was cautious with his words now, “Y/n?” She would not face him as he sat down next to her on the corner of the bed, his head down in shame. “Please tell me you don’t regret this.” Any of this, he thought to himself, knowing it was always her who got the short end of the lifestyle they had to hide. 
“Anakin, our love is like the Coruscant. It’s messy at first glance, and it’s hard to understand why it hasn’t just fallen apart in chaos. It doesn’t make any sense. But if you squint hard enough and really focus in,” She began slowly, trying not to fall apart. “You can see how nice and beautiful and all of the great things you can get out of it.” Her lip quivered, and her voice broke, letting the painful tears she was holding in anymore. “But I’m so tired of squinting.”
Neither of them looked at each other. While Y/n cried into her hands, Anakin just sat there, trying to figure out what to do. “I-” The reality that this could be it, this is all about to end, made him re-think his words. Did he miss something? Was he too happy that he was starting a family with the girl he fell in love with at nineteen to realize that she was now, what? Fallen out of love for him while she was right about to give birth? For once, Anakin was speechless. He could still fix this, right? I have to fix this. She’s fucking pregnant with my children. Our children. 
“What do you want then? I’m here, now, Angel. I -I don’t know what you want.” His voice was pitiful, but she was strong. She had to if she was going to do this alone.
“I want you to get in your ship and leave.” 
As soon as she said it, he was protesting, ”Go where? Baby, please, don’t make me go back.” He was the one crying now, tears falling mercilessly down his face, realizing that this was it.
“I don’t care where you go, Anakin. Just- you can’t stay here. You make me too sad.” 
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story-thief · 3 years
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Y/N- Age: 16, Hight: 5'5", Gender: female, Quirk: Mind Reading, Class: 1-A
AU- None, Domestic fluff
Relationship background: You and Eijiro have been dating for quite some time now and are extremely close. ___________________________
It was early in the morning and Eijiro Kirishima had decided to go for a short walk before school started. UA was still asleep or just waking up, along with the majority of the city at that time. The red-headed boy couldn't help but hum to himself softly as he wandered the plot around the high school dorms. He liked nature far more than the city, though he loved both, and as such, he liked to take a short lap around the campus before starting his day.
The grass padded gently underfoot as he neared the end of his stroll, and that's when something caught his eye. It was a patch of bright blue and purple flowers covered in a very curious design, Kirishima had never seen anything like them. "Woah!!" He chimed excitedly as he squatted down to give them a closer inspection. The flowers were very extravagant despite their small size, looking as if the worlds most talented and skilled artist had done each one by hand. Seeing them made him think of his girlfriend, (Y/N)!
Kirishima blushed lightly as she came to mind, he'd have to show these to her after school, he was sure she'd love them!!!
Ecstatically, he reached down and gently picked a few, smelling them. They were sweet like fresh fruit. Upon reaching the pavement of the dorm's grounds he soaked in a little more of the morning's crisp atmosphere. As he took a deep breath he was quickly overcome with a strong sensation of vertigo. Stumbling lightly he shook his head briskly, blinking rapidly, surprised by the sudden tiredness. "What the-??" He coughed. What was that!? His body was probably still trying to get up and going, he'd be fine, he thought as he shook it off, flowers still in hand as he marched toward the building doors.
As he walked in, the teen boy felt another strong wave of dizziness and fatigue hit him hard. Geez, why'd he feel so out of sorts all of the sudden he was fine though, right?! Kirishima ignored the sudden change and attempted to keep walking, successfully making it up the stairs and to his room.
Opening the door, he felt unsteady on his feet. The red head made his way over to his bed where he plopped down to stop for a quick breather. What was going on??! Did he just not get enough sleep and it was only just now getting to him??? Gripping his head in his hands, he glanced over at his clock to see how much time he had. It was only 7:20am, he could probably squeeze in another forty-five minutes to an hour with plenty of time to get ready.
Eijiro flopped backwards onto his bed, eye lids getting heavier and heavier till eventually the world went dark.
(Y/N) chirped and talked excitedly with Tsue and Uraraka before class started. It was about five minutes or so till it was time, and it was only then that she realized that Eijiro was no where to be found. "Hey Bakugo!" She called to the grumpy blond who only turned around in his chair to glare back at her. "Have you seen Eijiro at all today??" The young girl asked him, to which he responded curtly, "Tch- How should I know??? The dumb idiot probably missed his stupid alarm." He grumbled, turning away from her to stare straightforward.
(Y/N) furrowed her brows, weird.... he didn't typically cut it this close...something must be wrong. She worried as concern flashed her features. "hmm, I'll be right back!!" She called as she dashed out the door, Iida's protests could be heard as she jogged off.
Quickly pulling herself along, she moved from the school to the dorms; she then made her way to the boy's dorm halls. She swiftly and easily found Kiri's door, her quirk picking up on his brainwaves which were surprisingly relaxed and passive for how outgoing and high energy he was.
Easing his door open, (Y/N) was met by a dark, empty room. Wait- where was he?? "Eijie...????" She called softly, slowly walking in. "Eijiroooooo~~???" She whispered quietly before flicking on the lights.
The room was indeed empty and tidy with the exception of his clothes strewn lazily across his bed. “Weird... where’d he go?!” She wondered aloud, walking further into the room. She could sense him near by, so where was he??? “KIRISHIMA!” She called one last time, causing something to stir.
Motion caught Atashame’s eye and she looked down at the clothes on the bed to see a tiny lump the size of a rat or a mouse moving under the shirt. “WHAT THE-?!”
Kirishima slept peacefully in what felt like a large warm mass of blankets when something woke him. “KIRISHIMA!!!!!” He heard a familiar voice call loudly, startling him awake.
As he opened his eyes and looked around he couldn’t quite make out where he was. All he could see was-.... red cloth? He squirmed around trying to find the opening to whatever or wherever he was. “WHAT THE-?!” He heard the same voice again, only now he was able to recognize who it belonged to. “(Y/N)?!” He asked looking around, still confused as to where on earth he was.
”K-KIRISHIMA?!” He heard her exclaim, “Yeah! Where are you?! Where am I?!” He replied, still crawling through the endless ocean of fabrics. “I-Is that really you?!” She asked again, only confusing him more, why’d she sound so confused, what was going on, AND WHERE ON THIS BLASTED EARTH WAS HE?!
”Yes it’s me!!! (Y/N), what’s going on?!” He yelled, growing weary. Suddenly the fabric opened just enough to pop out his head.
(Y/N) watched in absolute disbelief as the lump crawled around confusedly. It sounded as if it were Eijiro, but how in the galaxy would he have gotten that small??! She couldn’t wait any longer....
She tentatively reached out and opened the shirt from the neck collar, tossing it back a little, still nervous of what she might find. As the shirt fell back, a tiny head with frazzled, staticky red hair popped out.
His little head looked around, blinking in the bright light. “(Y/N)??” He asked again still trying to make out what all he was looking at, his complete size difference making everything seem so foreign.
Things finally registered and (Y/N) finally came to grip that this was indeed, reality. “YOURE SO SMALL!!!!” She cried. Eijiro winced at the loud noise, eyes going wide as he worked to look at her, “WOAH!!! YOURE HUGE!!!” He squeaked back, his voice only slightly softer and higher than normal.
(Y/N) shook her head briskly, “NO, YOU SHRUNK!!!” She exclaimed, gesturing to the rest of the room. Kirishima sat up and looked around, the shirt still draped across him. “WH- YOURE RIGHT?!” He exclaimed, falling back over from the sheer surprise.
(Y/N) reached her hand out in an offering for him to climb on before realizing that-... his clothes were on the bed..... and he was inside of them... which would naturally mean-
“WAIT!!! YOURE WEARING CLOTHES RIGHT?!” She yelled, turning bright red. The little man moved to cover his ears again at her loud yelling before processing what she said. With wide eyes, he quickly looked down at himself which was still covered by the shirt, to see that he was, indeed, naked. “Uh- No not really!!” He admitted, wrapping the shirt tighter around himself, a rose color tinting his cheeks. He looked up at her sheepishly, “Y-you don’t happen to have any kind of tiny clothing... do you?” He asked in embarrassment.
“No, I don- WAIT!!! I MIGHT!!!!” She exclaimed running out of the room, leaving the little red head on the bed.
Aaaaaaaaaand she was gone. Kirishima was left in his room by himself. He stood and began walking around on the mattress, still trying to get a gage at both his current hight and at the reality of the situation. This was a dream right?? What happened?/ He was fine this morning!! As he did, he heard footsteps returning. "CRUD!-" He then dove for the cover of his shirt, his head poking out, just as (Y/N) had left him.
He watched the giantess come skipping in, "Tah-dah!!!!" She exclaimed cheerfully, holding up a doll's outfit. The was a red T-shirt and ripped shorts, along with black leggings that had been cut to create makeshift boxers. Eijiro lit up, surprised she even had the stuff! "Its so manly!!!" he exclaimed happily. "Here!! I'll uh- heh, I'll give you a moment of privacy...." She chuckles, tossing him the clothes and turning around.
The tiny bean of a child takes them gratefully and ducks back under his original clothes to change. He soon comes out fully dressed,  toothy smile and all. "This is awesome!!" He laughs, "O-Oh!! Im decent, you can look now!!" He tells her, signaling her that it was safe.
She turned around and was met by the most gracious darn adorable thing she had ever seen in her life. "AAAAAAAAWWWWWWWW!" She couldn't help but squeal at the precious sight. "You're so tiny and cute!!!" (Y/N) giggled hysterically. Eijiro blushed lightly at her reaction. "Hey!!"
What (Y/N) saw before her was truly an image from heaven. There he stood, proud and small, dressed in the clothes her dolls had been wearing previously, hair a fluffy, wacky, tussled mess, sharp, sharky smile shining a bright glow, and best of all, He was so tiny, he could easily fit on her hand, shoulder, pocket, you name it!!! It was simply too much adorableness for her and she could no longer help herself.
She eagerly held out her hands as if asking his permission, to which she was granted as he carefully climbed on, wrapping his minuscule hands around her thumb as she lifted him. "You're so stincon lincon cuuuuuuuuuteeeee~~~~" She giggled, looking him up and down as he sat cross legged on her palm. He blushed more, scratching the back of his neck. "Well, I'm glad you're enjoying it so much!" He laughed. "How did this happen?!" you ask, sitting on his bed where he once stood.
"I- I don't know.... I felt sick at one point so i decided to lie down and get some more rest and well- I only woke up when you came in and I was already small!!" He explained. "Huh-.... Well... you know, Recovery Girl might- OH NO WE'RE LATE FOR CLASS!!!" She cried, standing quickly and knocking him over as he gripped onto her hand for dear life. "Woah!!" He cried, startled by all the sudden movement. "Oh no, I'm so sorry!!" She apologized, “I keep forgetting....” she admitted embarrassedly.
The tiny boy shakily sat up, giving her the same determined smile as his little body quivered from the adrenaline shock. “Don’t worry about me!” He exclaimed hardening himself in her hand as he grinned up at her. The giantess smiled back though she was still very apologetic. "I should still be more careful though, i'm just glad you're alright." She told him with a relieved sigh.
"Let's go see Recovery Girl about this first..." (Y/N) suggested, him only nodding in response. "Here.. Uh..." The girl then began looking herself up and down, trying to find a suitable spot to place him. Kirishima quickly caught on, "I can just ride on your shoulder!!!" He suggested, which she silently hoped he would. "Sure!!" (Y/N) chimed.
She tried the awkward motion of keeping her palm facing up while trying to make it easier for him to get to her shoulder. In short, he almost fell.
Once he was comfortably standing onto her shoulder they headed for the infirmary. "I really hope this can be fixed...." (Y/N) half muttered, slight worry crossing her features. The tiny shark on her shoulders only nodded as she opened the door and walked inside.
The sweet, short old woman known as Recovery Girl was tiding up the place when they came in, possibly after a different patient. "Oh!! Hello (L/N)!" She greeted, "Aren't you supposed to be in class?? What's wrong!!" She asked, apparently not noticing Kirishima's current state.
”I’m fine thanks! Um, I’m actually worried about this little guy....” She chuckled, turning her shoulder more toward the old woman, showing off her minuscule classmate. “Oh!!!” She cried, startled to see him like that. “What ever happened??” She asked the two. “We don’t know.....” “I just woke up like this...” they both commented.
Recovery girl thought for a bit, “Well what did you do in the last bit of time before it happened???” She asked, (Y/N) turning to look at Eijiro best she could whilst he thought. “Well, when I first woke up this morning, I was normal sized and I went for a walk around the campus grounds...” he recounted, “then when I came back to the dorms I suddenly got really dizzy and nauseous.” He finished.
The old woman placed a hand on her chin, “hmmm was there anything out of the ordinary or slightly different as opposed to other days??” She asked, making him think for a minute.
”Not that I remember- Wait!- I think, YES! I remember near the end of my walk there were these flowers!! I’ve never seen them before!” He exclaimed quickly, earning an interested look from Recovery Girl. “Were they blue and purple with little white designs?!” She asks, “YES THEY WERE HOW'D YOU KNOW!?!” “Wait have you dealt with them before?” (Y/N) asked after Kirishima.
The little woman let out a long sigh, “Yes I have, they’re a nuisance those things...” she grumbled, “Eating or inhaling them have the same effect, only eating will cause it to last longer,...” She explained. “And as I’m sure you’ve noticed so far, they make you shrink. The effects will ware off after a little more or less than 24 hours, depending on how much of it you took in, otherwise it can’t be helped.” The woman finished illuminating the situation for them, “I’ll send someone out to exterminate them in a bit.” She says, “For now I believe you two have classes to be attending.” She says, handing them a pass that explains where they’ve been, most likely for Aizawa Sensei. “Oh- ok then!! Thank you!!” They both called as she shooed them out the door.
“Looks like you’ll be like this for the rest of the day!” (Y/N) comments to him as they walk to their home classroom. Kirishima, still smiling ear to ear just shrugs, “I’m honestly excited about it!! Sounds like I’ll be fine, so I think this could be pretty fun!” He tells her to which she snickers, opening the class door. “Heyo! were back!”
Being small wasn’t all that bad! Eijiro got to sit on his girlfriend’s shoulder and desk throughout all the classes and while he didn’t admit this out loud, not having to take notes was actually kinda nice!!! And when lunch rolled around, Lunch Rush even made him a tiny dish just for himself!
Yet despite all this, Hero training classes for that day were called off, much to the little rock’s disappointment, leaving the two of them the entire afternoon.....
“So what do you wanna go do??” Eijiro asked as they flopped on the couches of the common room, little Kiri sprawled on her stomach. (Y/N) shrugged, “Well, before you shrunk I had a date planned for today...” She half asks, looking down at him with a soft smile. Kirishima perked up immediately, “REALLY?! WELL LETS GO!! WHO’S TO SAY WE CANT STILL HAVE FUN!?!?” He yells enthusiastically, standing now as he smashes his little baby fists together. (Y/N) couldn’t help but laugh, knocking him off his feet.
Gracious she was beautiful.
And the size difference only seemed to emphasize everything amazing about her despite how people said it typically brought out every imperfection.... maybe that’s what he liked so much about her, that both he and she were so different yet similar, they completed each other in so many ways, every quirk and goofy thing about her just seemed so amazing to him.
Oops!! He must’ve gotten lost in thought!!
”Oh yeah!! Sorry, I spaced off for a minute!” He laughed with a blush, scratching the back of his neck. (Y/N)'s face lit up with a smile, “It’s ok!! Just noticed you seemed somewhere else!” She grinned, sitting up some.
As she offered her hand, the little red head climbed on, beaming up at her. "So where are we going!?" He asked excitedly. "I just guess you'll have to see!!" She teased, slipping her shoes on and jogging out the door with him still on her shoulder, using her ear as support and not fall.
After some nice small talk about random things and the events of the day, they soon arrived at the train station. "Come ooooonnnnnn you've gotta tell me!!! We're going on the train, man!!" The little man begged. "Nooo, That ruins the surprise!!" She responded, determined not to tell, just as much as he was to find out.
Coming to a bench, (Y/N) stopped to sit down and wait for their ride. As they did two little girls and their mother sat beside them.
Kirishima pouted on (Y/N)'s shoulder, trying to plot on how to get her to reveal their destination. As he did it was only out the corner of his eye that he saw a giant hand reaching for him. As he moved to react it wrapped its fingers around his upper half and face. “ACK-?!” He let out a muffled cry as he kicked and pushed at the hand gripping him.
(Y/N) was preoccupied looking up details about her and Eijiro’s date on her phone, which she held next to her hip on the opposite side of Kirishima so he couldn’t see. So much so that she didn’t even notice when the two little girls plucked him up and began playing with him excitedly like they would a doll.
“Alright Eijiro!!!” She chimes, turning off her phone and turing her head expecting to see him on her shoulder only to see a couple of girls practically torturing the poor little guy. “Oh my heavens!!!! Um, you need to give me him back!!!” She told them, reaching for her boyfriend. “No!” One cried, holding him out and away from (Y/N). “Excuse me, Madam???” She panicked and got the attention of the woman who seemed to be absorbed in something on her own device. The woman startled when (Y/N) rapidly tapped her shoulder, “Hi!!! Yeah- um that’s mine and your little girls seem to not want to give it back!!!” She quickly told, terrified they might smother him.
Their mother reacted swiftly, “Lina, Haru!!!” She scolded, “If that’s not yours then you need to give it back!” She chided.
The girls looked down each and apologized, handing the limp little form back to (Y/N). “Thank you!” She said quickly, cupping him tenderly in her hands as he gasped for breath the moment the tiny fingers released.
The mother startled upon seeing that Kirishima was alive and not some other little doll of sorts. “Oh dear me!!!!” She cried, “Is that thing alive?!” She asked in disbelief.
(Y/N) didn’t answer, too occupied in making sure her shrunken boyfriend was alright. “Kiri are you ok?!” She cried, subconsciously holding her breath as he sucked in every possible one he could.
The tiny shark gave a weak smile and a thumbs up, still coughing and choking on each breath.
“I am so sorry!!!!” The mother apologized again, still absolutely dumbfounded. “It’s ok!” Eijiro croaked, “Dont worry about it, I’m fine!!” He added, trying his best to put the giantesses about him at ease.
The little girls just stayed quiet, looking terribly sorry, but too shy and ashamed to say anything.
It was then that their train arrived, quite busily too. “I think he’ll be ok, it my fault for not paying better attention....” (Y/N) reassures, supporting the shakey tiny in her hands as she got up and began heading for the train. “Oh my heavens!!! Are you ok?!” She asked again once they were out of earshot. Eijiro did actually seem alright now and he nodded, “Yeah! Just scared me, I wasn’t expecting that!” He says cheerily despite the fact that his body is still clearly vibrating. “Yeah me neither, and honestly I’m kinda worried about being on here....” (Y/N) admitted as they climbed onto the train and began looking for a seat. “Do you have anywhere safe you’d feel comfortable letting me sit??” Eijiro asked, cocking his little head to the side.
(Y/N) looked herself up and down, “Would you be ok in a pocket??” She asked him, using her thumb of her other hand to pull open one of her front pockets on her pants.
Kirishima lit up and smiled, “Yeah!! I don’t mind that!!!” He chirped. She smiled warmly at this, lowering her hand so he could climb in. She watched with slight amusement as he awkwardly tried to slip inside, swinging one leg, then the other, and completely disappearing from sight as she could feel him drop down inside.
As Eijiro slipped into the pocket he wasn’t honestly expecting such deep pockets, like who needs pockets this big?!
Luckily the pocket was loose and he was able to wiggle around, trying to find how to best be comfortable. It took a while but the mini man finally settled. It was like a giant warm cocoon of blankets!! Enough so.... that.... he began... to......... drift....... off~~.....
"Hey! Kiri!!" Kirishima awoke to something very large nudging his side softly, "Hmm?! Huh???"  He muttered, blinking in confusion as he tried to figure out where he was. He found himself in a warm, dark, and cushioned room that swayed steadily back and forth. And he quite frankly didn't remember entering it... "Eijiro!!" (Y/N)'s voice broke his thoughts, and that's when realization struck him. He had fallen asleep in his girlfriend's pocket on the train. "What??" He asked, squirming to peek his head out the pocket and up at her.
She giggled upon seeing his fluffy little head emerge. "Did you seriously fall asleep??" She laughed, walking through the station as she climbed off the train. "Maybe?" He grinned back up at her, "Wait, wait, give me your hand!!" He cheered, already getting out of the pocket, "Woah!! Geez little dude, are you trying to fall and get crushed!?" The young girl exclaimed, stumbling slightly as she tried to catch him.
Kirishima ignored her question and wasted no time in climbing her arm, pulling himself up to her shoulder. "SO WHERE ARE WE HEADED!?" He eagerly bounced, ecstatic to finally be getting to see what she had in store. (Y/N) couldn't help but grin at his enthusiasm.
(Y/N) walked out of the station and down the street, people they passed giving shocked, startled and amazed looks at the enthusiastic little bean that bounced relentlessly on his girlfriend’s shoulder.
As the building came to view, Kirishima let out a gasp. “NO WAY!!!” He cried, his sharky little smile growing wider than his face could handle.
(Y/N) lost herself in laughter over his reaction, the place she had taken him was a new restaurant. It had only been open a week and it already had some of the highest ratings in the area. And best of all, they were famous for their numerous meat dishes. Kirishima had been talking about wanting to go ever since it was announced that one would be built here.
”If you like it enough, we can always come back when your bigger and can eat more!!” She told him, to which he eagerly nodded.
She pressed the door open and walked in. They were then seated at a table for one, in an outside area underneath a covering. “Wow!! This is actually really nice!!” (Y/N) chirped, Kirishima waddling carefully down her arm to sit on the table before slipping and sliding the rest of the way, which he quickly shook off, adding his own excited comment, "I know right!?" He cried, "I've been looking forward to this for a long time!!" He yelled, absolutely hyped, per usual.
Not too long after they had sat down a waiter came over to take their order. "Good evening ma'am, my name is Akio!! I'll be your server tonight!!!" he hummed, giving her a charming smile. Kirishima silently grew jealous, frustrated that his lack of size made him invisible, and therefore his girlfriend a target for this young fellow. (Y/N) on the other hand seemed to pay it no mind, "Ah!! Thank you!!" She responded politely as she would under any occasion, yet it only grew the miniature man's jealousy.
"Are you ready to order or do you need a little longer??" He asked, still very clearly into her. "I think we'll wait a little longer!! For now could I get a water??" she asked. Akio gave her a confused blink when she said 'we' but shook it off, "of course!!" he chimed, moving to walk off before (Y/N) glanced down, "What do you want to drink??" She asked Kirishima, confusing the waiter even further, "I'm sorry me-??" he turned around, seeing that she was not looking at him, but down by her folded arms that rested on the table. And there his eyes met the tiny crimson ones of Eijiro, who gave him a quick look before returning to his bright and happy demeanor and answered the giantess. "Wanna just share a strawberry lemonade?!" he chimed, to which the girl seemed to perk up at, "Oooo!! Actually that sounds great!!" she beamed, turning to face Akio, who was currently in a state of shock.
"I- He- He's alive!?" The server finally sputtered, "And so small!!! How?!" the man couldn't believe what he was looking at, causing (Y/N) to scratch the back of her head, "Right, I forgot that this would still startle people,... I feel bad I've kinda gotten used to you like this..." She laughed to Eijiro who smiled back, "I know right?? Anyways, its a long story!!" He told the waiter who remained starstruck. The man nodded nonetheless, making his way off to go retrieve their drinks.
As soon as he left Kirishima felt better, he didn't like the look he was giving her, but now that the waiter knew the young girl wasn't alone he'd most likely lay off. "So what's the menu say?!" He asked merrily, rubbing his little hands together. (Y/N) couldn't help but giggle as he hopped onto the menu where she was trying to read, already looking at the kabobs. "OOOOO!!!!" He gasped at a specific option that he was definitely getting! It was an assorted kabob of fish, shrimp, beef, pork, and chicken, some vegetables like tomato, cabbage, and beets. "I know what Im gonna eat!!" He cheered hugrily, mouth watering madly. "What about you??" He asked, his smile like a tiny sun glaring up at her. "Well, I think i'll figure it out once I can see what's there!!" She teased, gently grabbing the back cuff of his shirt between her two fingers and setting him down, off the menu. "Sorry!" He sheepishly chuckled, wriggling briefly at first but going limp when he saw she was going to set him back down. She then couldn't resist the urge to ruffle his soft hair with her index finger. "Hey!! You know that's hard to fix!!!!" He whined at the motion, gently pushing her finger away with his tiny hands. (Y/N) just grinned wider, suppressing a giggle.
"I'll probably just get a Katsudon!!!" she told him as their waiter was returning with the drink. He brought a little shot glass that was filled with some of the drink. (Y/N) thanked him before telling him their orders. they agreed that Kirishima would get the meal normal sized and they'd just take whatever he didn't eat to go. Soon they were enjoying some of the best food they had ever had.
Surprisingly Kirishima had managed to eat an entire kabob, but given the fact that he was a human vacuum, it didn't startle her too much.
After dinner they went for a walk, making their way down the streets of the area, more wandering about rather than having a set goal in mind. "Today's been really crazy..." The hero in training commented with a laugh as she waltzed one of the area's public park walkways with her boyfriend perched behind her ear. He liked the spot as it was more secure than just sitting on her shoulder and he got to mess with her hair. "But very manly!!" He added, braiding a couple strands. "Yeah!! It has!!" She agreed as they made their way back to the station. As they walked, (Y/N) spotted an ice cream cart. "Ooo!! Hey, wanna get a quick treat before we head back to the dorms?!" She asked him, feeling as he quickly stood, gripping onto some of her hair for balance.
"YES!" "OW,OW,OW,OW,OW!! KIRI THAT HURTS!!" "Agh-!! S-Sorry!!" he quickly apologized, letting go, therefore losing his balance and quickly falling. "Woah!!" "Eijiro!!!" Atashame caught him before he hit the pavement, "Jeez...." She muttered, taking a slow breath after the heart attack she had just received. "Y-You ok?!" She asked, pressing a hand to her chest as if to calm her heart beat and breathing. He just nodded, giving her another shaky smile like before. "Well I'm just glad you're alright..." She sighed before lifting him up to her face and planting a kiss on his small, soft head. He blushed and smiled radiantly as she pulled away, leaning up to return the gesture on her large nose, causing her heart to flutter. He was just so sweet and precious, and huggable, and squishy, and soft, and adorable, and fluffy, and ahhhhhhhh~~~~  (Y/N) couldn't help but think to herself, subconsciously squealing and hugging him to her cheek, lost in her own thoughts. "Ack- don't crush me!!" Kirishima laughed as he hugged her back.
She finally pulled away, "Sorry, I couldn't help myself!!" her tiny boyfriend grinned mischievously before jumping from her hand to sit on her nose and better hug her face. "Hey, I wasn't done hugging you!!" he half pouted, earning another soft giggly squeal from his giant girlfriend. "Ok, now Im satisfied!! You give very manly face hugs." He declared proudly, grabbing the hair atop her head to pull himself up her face. "Ow! Eijiro I just told you that hurts!!" She flinched, hovering her hands just below him as if for him to jump down but he ignored her, eventually climbing up and onto her head where he sat proudly. "Sorry, but I really wanted to try siting here!!" He told her as she could only smile at his silly antics.
"Alright what flavor?!" She asked him as she walked over to the cart. "hmmm.... How about fudge and vanilla!" He suggested, "Really?? Just fudge and vanilla??" She laughed, "Yeah!! Its a classic!!" He complained back, slightly put out by her silent judgement. "ok, ok, that's a good point, I will admit." She gave in as they came up on the cart.
"Could I get a soft serve mix of fudge and vanilla??" (Y/N) asked the man as he served them up in a small paper cup. He nodded and handed her the soft frozen treat, not really noticing the tiny man on her head at first before taking a double take as the two walked off to find a park bench to sit on.
They soon came up on a decent bench, and (Y/N) sat down carefully as to not knock the itty bitty shark off her head. "Alright!" She grinned eagerly, "Ready??" She asked him, feeling the pitter patter of tiny hands and feet crawling toward the front of her head. "HECK YEAH!!!" He cheered, just as excited, if not then more. "Catch!!!!" He yelled taking yet his third leap of faith. "DUDE!!! STOP JUMPING!!!" she cried in surprise as his tiny little form went hurdling from above yet again.
Kirishima just laughed wildly as the soft, warm cushion of his beloved girlfriend's delicate hands caught him, cupping up around him protectively. "No more. I revoke your rights!! You keep giving me heart attacks!!!" (Y/N) scolded, completely cupping her hands around his tiny warm body. "Wha-!? Hey!!!" He squawked, trying to press against her hands in retaliation, "You can't do that!!" He protested, squirming around trying various different ways to wiggle his way out of her grasp. "Well I just did!!" She quickly shot back before she was startled by something warm and wet running itself across her fingers. "A- ARE YOU LICKING ME!?" She asked in loud disbelief, hands flinching for a brief moment to lessen her grip on the tiny man-child who stopped briefly as a chorus of tiny, mischievous giggles came muffled from her cupped hands. "SO UNCOOL!!" She added before a sharp needle-like pricking registered with her. "DID YOU JUST BITE ME!?" She cried again, this time hesitating in her grasp just enough for him to poke his head and arms out. He was a laughing mess.
Much like a worm he continued to wriggle through her fingers. "Oh no you don't Mr!!!" She scoffed, reaching a second hand to grab him, just his arms and the topmost parts of his fluffy red hair poking out of the top of her fist, just his legs kicking wildly as he refused to yield. "Ha! Gatcha!!!" (Y/N) spoke too soon when he began to plant his feet against the base of her fist and he slide out of her hand, slipping out of his shirt too in the process.
And now she had a tiny, shirtless boyfriend running across her lap and the park bench as she tried desperately to stop him.
Oh brother.
"Kirishimaaaa~~~" The girl whined, grabbing him by the ankle and quickly bringing him up to be eye level with her as she glared at him. "What do you have to say for yourself??" She asked as he tried desperately to atop laughing, "You're beautiful and that was awesome!!!" He finally answered, tears running up his face from laughing so hard and being held upside down by his foot. (Y/N) couldn't stay even remotely put out if she wanted too and soon she too was laughing as she set him back down on her knee, planting a loving kiss on his head again. "So are we gonna eat this or are we just gonna let it melt??" She finally inquired, still grinning at him as he caught his breath.
Smiling his wide, toothy smile, he finally nodded in response. "Yes!!" He added a vocal reply, still quite excited from their little wrestling thing. "You wanna try it first??" She asked, scooping a small amount of the frozen dessert out of the cup. Kirishima nodded, reaching for the large spoon, leaning to take a bite off of it before (Y/N) moved the spoon forward so he'd be able to reach better from where he was. And so, The tiny red head got a face full of cream.
"OOP-" (Y/N) exclaimed as she accidentally shoved the sweet into his face. Kirishima popped is head out of the large spoonful, taking a moment to process what had just happened. "PPFFFFTttttttt-!!" The girl was soon lost in laughter over the sight of his stuned face completely slathered in gelato. "Um, I think you have a little something-" She tried to manage through her laughs.
Eijiro finally grinned, starting to laugh with her, "Maybe I should hold the spoon." He told her, wiping the ice cream from his face and onto his hands, and then into his mouth. "Its good though!" He piped up again through a full mouth. (Y/N) finally calmed herself, grabbing a napkin that they had also received from the vendor. "Here let me help." She offered, using the paper cloth to gently wipe and clean his face. "Better?" "Yeah thanks man!"
(Y/N) Then tucked away the napkin and they were able to enjoy the rest of the treat, taking turns taking bites, Kirishima at one point or another got his revenge, slapping a dollop of the treat onto her face. "Eijiro!" She exclaimed as he chuckled. The rest of the walk went nicely after they were able to sufficiently clean sticky hands.
After another warm pocket ride on the train, they walked to the dorms, both happy but tired from the long day. It was late when they got back as well, meaning it was dark and they were both feeling sleepy. Walking into the dorm building, they were met by friends who were eager to hear about the date, tease, and poke fun at the couple.
"Hey Eijiro?? Do you want me to just drop you off in your room??" (Y/N) asked after they were away from the others. Her minuscule boyfriend bit his lip seeming unsure. "Well... I don't really want to be alone while I'm this size..." He admitted, "Could-... Could i maybe stay with you for the night??" He asked her sheepishly, a bright pink glow lighting his features like a lantern. His girlfriend could only smile, her heart swelling in her chest, "Of course Baby!" She comforted, and began heading back to her room.
After opening the door, (Y/N) very gently set the little man down on her bed before grabbing a pair of folded clothes off her dresser, "Here, get comfy!! Im going to go change." She told him before heading into the bathroom.
After she left, Kirishima bee-lined for the large fluffy pillow, jumping on it and sinking into its mushy surface, feeling very warm and secure as it smelled strongly of (Y/N), by far his favorite smell in the world. The bathroom lock soon after clicked and his girlfriend came out, dressed in modest, simple pajamas, a white top and light blue shorts. She looked around trying to find where he had gone before she noticed the tiny lump sprawled across her pillow. Letting a soft giggle escape, she crept quietly toward the bed, pulling herself onto it without disturbing him. She then promptly lied down, gently burying her face into the pillow, nuzzling the tiny man with her nose and forehead. Kirishima gives a soft "oof-" at this, startling him awake from his nodding off. (Y/N) rests the weight of her head on the pillow, still hugging it to her face, tiredly kissing Kiri's belly as it’s the closest thing to her lips. She then let a warm, airy sigh of exhaustion escape and wash over the little body, ruffling the clothes a little, mindful that the breeze isn’t in his face.
The little shark is delighted and surprised by the sleepy snuggles. He hugs the giantess's nose and kisses the closest spot he can reach, between her eyebrows, which he then begins to massage in a satisfying circular motion, hoping to coax the muscles into a softer expression and ease any tension there.
With a small smile curling at her lips, (Y/N) continues to plant very slow, gradual kisses on her little boyfriend's entire torso along with the side of his face, pausing now and then, almost as if she'd fall asleep with her lips on him and her face half atop the tiny.
With a tender expression of his own, Eijiro caresses the girl's nose and cheeks all the while, enjoying the love and attention. He felt like if they were the same size right then, (Y/N)’s head would be buried in his chest, and he would be petting her soft, well kept hair. He had to admit that it was strange to be the comforting bed for a giant, but still, he loved it. He noticed the giantess dozing off and his little beaming grin grew. It really had been a long day especially with the fun they had had, and snuggling sounded very very inviting.
(Y/N) was almost asleep when she felt his tiny hand pat her face, signaling her to let him out from under her face. "Mmmm- Sorry..." She giggled groggily, letting him scurry out from underneath her. the two then carefully situated themselves with (Y/N) on her side, curled around her tiny man who hugged to her large warm body.
(Y/N) had slept very soundly throughout the entirety of the night, and when she awoke, it was to the very soft warm golden glow of the sun stretching itself into the room through closed blinds. The sleepy girl didn't quite remember closing the blinds last night. As her eyes gently fluttered open, it came to her attention that Kirishima was not a tiny little bean anymore, but very much his normal hight as he wrapped himself around her. A bright blush that rivaled the color of her man's hair blossomed on her cheeks, ears, neck, and tops of her shoulders. She looked up at his peaceful face as he held her close in a spooning position, her being the little spoon. (Y/N) then noted that he had her sweats on, but remained shirtless, his body like a human heater. She smiled to herself and snuggled close to him. 
Truly one of the best days ever.
A request for: Sunshine
i had a lot of fun writing this!!! Thank you to WinterKlover for being my beta reader and helping me sort my story to its finest!!!!! Keep up the cute requests!!! Ill be working on them as much as I can!!!! ____________________
Up next: ( ∆ requested, Ω inspiration)
∆~ Bakugo x tiny YN - Hot Pocket
∆~ Giant deku x YN - Baby Bird
∆~ Tiny Bakugo x YN - Dynamight!? More like Firecracker!!!
Ω~ Giant Kirishima x YN - The Crown Jewel
Ω~ Shoto x Tiny YN - Baby It's Cold Outside
Ω~ Tiny Deku x YN - Hickery Dickery Dock
Ω~ Bakugo x Tiny YN - Pest Control is For Pests
Ω~ Tiny Bakugo x YN - The Prize Fish
Ω~ Giant Kirishima x YN - Baby Shark
Ω~ Giant Kirishima x YN - The Big Bad Wolf
Ω~ Tiny Deku x YN - Peter Rabbit
Ω~ Tiny Bakugo x YN - He's A Pop-Rockin Pixie ___________________
let me know if you guys want some of these sooner than others, right now they are in the order of request and then inspiration. Requests willl come before inspiration.
This is my art please do not trace or repost without my permission. feel free to reblog though, id appreciate that!!
29 notes · View notes
dazed--xx · 4 years
Beside you
Request: Hello could I have an arranged marriage with Jungkook with a bit of angst but fluff at the end. Thank you xx
Summary: "You may kiss the bride" The hesitation evident on his face. My heart is racing and reality sets in “um…Jungkook?” He rolls his eyes and places a light kiss on my lips. His lips brush against my ear as he whispers “Just know this will be the last time you ever get to kiss me." 
Genre: ANGST, light fluff, smut
TW: None
Word Count: 5,092
A/N: SO i know you specifically asked for fluff at the end but i dont think this is the end of this i might make a part 2 if part 1 gets enough traction any way. I hope you enjoy the few bits i did do from what you asked REQUESTS ARE OPEN 
edit: REWRITE UPLOADED 10/13/2021
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““You may kiss the bride” The hesitation evident on his face. My heart is racing and reality sets in “um…Jungkook?” He rolls his eyes and places a light kiss on my lips. His lips brush against my ear as he whispers “Just know this will be the last time you ever get to kiss me.” Tears begin stinging my eyes, as we walk down the aisle as an officially married couple, hand and hand, much to Jungkook’s dismay. We rush through the double doors of the church and disappear in the car placed in the front if the building of worship.   
Once we got in the car Jungkook retracted his hand and the empty feeling takes over again. Jungkook doesn’t love me this is just a business inconvenience to him. IM just some stupid business deal, something for Jungkook to correct as he does with all his other projects, only difference is I’m not some company he can break apart and sell. I’m a person as much as he refuses to accept it. Since our fathers have agreed the only way Jungkook would be able to acquire and run my father’s company is if I become is wife as some type of fail-safe of preventing Jungkook from selling off the company and running away like he’s done so often after his business dealings. 
At the reception Jungkook disappeared as soon as we walked through the door. To the bar as expected of him to drink as I’m in need of liquid courage to make it through the rest of the night. Slowly I make my way around the room greeting Jungkook’s family, as he sits with the vixen of a bartender, a sensual smile plastered on his face with a rum and coke in his hand. “Y/N you have to tell me… are you and my Jungkookie going to give me grandchildren.” His mother asks smile on her face, excitement evident. I feel the words get caught in my throat, GRANDCHILDREN? WITH HOW HE TREATS ME…...? HELL, NO THAT MAN IS NOT TOUCHING ME. As if on cue my eyes shift to look for Jungkook at the bar but he and the bartender are no longer there. Of fucking course, he took HER somewhere to fuck at OUR wedding.  Almost immediately after your disappointment of a wedding, you’re shipped off on your honeymoon. You spend most days in Mykonos, alone Jungkook wanting to explore Greece with beautiful Greek women.  
The last night of your honeymoon Jungkook crashes in your shared room drunk off his ass, a loud laugh escaping his lips as he shushes the mirror next to the entrance. “Fuck be quiet Jungkook don’t wake up Y/N remember” He scolds himself. You can hear the childish groan that releases from his lip “No I wanna wake up Y/N.” Your eyebrows furrow, at his drunken figure. Did he not see you on the couch? “Jungkook?” you asked confused. His head whipping around quickly; a huge smile plastered on his face “Y/N!! I got you wine and a couple of more things” He exclaims staggering across the room “I-I shouldn’t be the only one having fun on our honeymoon right” taking a seat right next to you on the couch as he drops a brown bag in your lap. “O-oh um” “Please.... I wanna have fun with you, it’s so boring to keep talking to people I don’t understand and don’t understand me.” You sit there in shock just staring at his openly chatty self “Please take some shots get drunk with me you never let loose” He begs as he reaches in the bag on your lap pulling out some nips.  
After a while you and Jungkook find your drunken selves on the beach, Jungkook laughing as you struggle to walk with the sand beneath your feet. Music rang in the air from one of the clubs near your villa, “Dance with me Y/N” Jungkook exclaims as he grabs your hand pulling you into his frame. His hands finding their way to your waist, guiding them against his hips. A soft groan releases from his lips as your drunken form begins dancing to the music. Turning yourself around pressing your ass against his now hard member.  
Both of you completely oblivious to the sensual way your bodies move against each other. Jungkook's hands firmly placed on your waist, His head resting on your shoulder as your hand reaches behind you. You find your fingers interlocking with his hair. His right hand wrapping around your chin as he angles your head so you are facing him. “I’m having a lot of fun Y/N” lips centimeters apart, the scent of whiskey, and vodka radiating off of him. ‘Brown and clear...You’re gonna have one hell of a day tomorrow Kookie’, you thought. His eyes drift to your lips as he brushes his thumb over your bottom lip. Your lips part slightly, his bottom lip finding its way in between his teeth as he leans in.  
‘He’s drunk Y/N you can’t take advantage of that he would be ignoring you right now if he wasn’t,’ you tell yourself trying to find the strength to reject his advances despite everything inside of you screaming to let him kiss you. 
You pull away quickly “I-I should get to bed I'm really tired” you state shyly as you rush back toward your villa. Jungkook’s trailing behind you, Once you reach your villa he finally speaks “thank you” you turn to look at him confused “F-for what?” 
He smiles “Hanging out with me, I don’t know being my friend even though I don’t really deserve it” You look at him sadly “You’ve been going through a lot being forced to marry someone you don’t love or can't even stand” He furrows his brows as he shakes his head “I can stand you Y/N, What I can’t stand is the fact that my father cares so little about me that he basically sold me off to your family. You had nothing to do with that you were a pawn in this just as much as I was” You nod slightly “I want us to try to be friends again, Jungkook” He rubs the back of his head looking at the ground “We haven’t been friends this entire time” 
“No idiot I meant like when we were in high school, except for the revenge porn stuff” You state matter of factly. You can see the way Jungkook shifts on his feet, anxious at the memory. “Oh- yeah of course you were my best friend and I really hated losing you like that honestly I was going-” You smile at him softly “Well we should get to bed, you’re really drunk and the past is the past we should leave it there no point in bringing up old possibly painful memories for both of us” You turn yourself around and make your way over to the bedroom in your shared villa. Since, you both have gotten to Greece you have been the one to sleep in the grandiose bed. You can hear Jungkook tossing and turning on the couch, since for the first time in 2 weeks Hes actually sleeping in your shared villa. You make your way out of bed and approach him “You should take the bed Kookie, you'll be really uncomfortable if you don’t and being hungover in an uncomfortable place isn't fun.”  
“N-no” He slurs, “T-the bed I-is for you it’s the least I can do since I’ve been a dick” You shake your head rapidly, yes you were a little tipsy but Jungkook was FADED; You still can’t help the way your heart races at his politeness. “I’ve slept in it every day so far, I don’t mind the couch tonight” Jungkook crosses his arms and pouts “S-so you don’t want to sleep next to me” you stare at him confused “I-I haven’t the whole trip Kook-ah" “I know” the pout on his face staying there “I wanted you to though, I hated waking up in some random room or house with a woman whose name I can’t pronounce” He whispered “Why did you then?”  
He groans as he stands up, grabbing your hand in the process and dragging both of your figures to the room. Jungkook continued to mumble under his breath. You can only catch the last bit of what he’s saying “I want to sleep next to you” you are about to say something when he wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you in to the large bed. “I want to hold you” He drunkly confesses “We used to cuddle all the time before; now you don’t even look at me and I hate it.” Youre stuck in a trance as he rubs circles on your waist. “I miss you Y/N I was so happy when my –hiccup- dad told me I was marrying you.” “You treated me like trash the whole time” you mutter. “I didn’t want to fall in love with you again, you only get hurt when I do” he whispers. “Jungkoo-” Your statement is cut off by his light snores and shallow breaths; He’s sleeping.  
After your honeymoon you and Jungkook’s relationship has improved. He helped you move your things into the home his parents bought for us. Honestly none of us could even believe Jungkook actually came to the wedding let alone stayed in the house were supposed to share. 
 I’ve taken over the second bedroom to gain some solace from the hurricane that is his temper. There were days I would be greeted with Jungkook’s beautiful smile and the calmness would contain me. Others I’d walk out of my room and have a foreign object thrown in my direction. Jungkook and I would hang out on those days and talk until the sunset. Every morning I would have a cup of Jungkook’s favorite tea ready and set for him to begin his day properly.   
One morning I woke up extremely early, honestly at an ungodly hour. Tonight, was a particularly bad night, after our drunken adventure in Greece, Jungkook's drunken form rarely sought me out. Tonight, I figured would be no different. Until Jungkook came in the house and began taking his anger at our situation out on me. “YOU! YOU FUCKING DID THIS TO ME. YOURE THE REASON I CAN’T LIVE MY DAMN LIFE FUCK Y/N WHY CAN’T YOU MAKE THIS EASIER FOR ME AND DISAPPEAR” He shouted at you, deciding it was best to just ignore him and go to your bedroom. I can hear as he slams his bedroom door behind him.  
 After many attempts to fall asleep fail, I decide to go for a walk. As I run out the door, the world outside takes me over. I didn’t even realize how long it actually has been since I’ve left the house alone. The autumn wind rushing through the air as you make your way down the street. I find my mind drifting back to the days before your family informed you of the dowery. Jungkook hates you for being his wife but loves you for being his friend. I don’t understand anymore. My feet just move as I drift deeper into thought.  
The emotions I’ve been holding in begin to flow out as the tears burn my eyes. Finally feeling the pressure and change from this marriage. Losing track of time as I sit on a bench looking out to the Han River. The water is peaceful. The sounds of the city embrace me as I stare into the sunset. I don’t notice the hours pass until I begin to see traffic in the park pickup. I stand from my place on the bench and walk toward the bridge. Staring over the edge you contemplate jumping. Making everything easier on everyone. You feel utterly lost as the tears rush down your face. Shaking your head rapidly “no” you tell yourself as you make your way back, back to Jungkook, back to the life I no longer feel like leading.   
As the house came into view, and I saw 2 unfamiliar cars in the driveway. “Jungkook-ah I’m back is anyone he-” I shout as I walk into the house only to be cut off by the impact of Jungkook’s body colliding with mine. His breathing is heavy and a sigh of relief escapes him. His hands rushing to either side of my head as he looked me up and down. His chest heaving up and down rapidly. His eyes full of tears that were threatening fall. 
 “Fuck I thought something happened to you” he says examining my face. “Where were you? I woke up and tried to see if you wanted to go get breakfast and you weren’t answering the door, so I opened it and you weren’t there your bed is made where’d you sleep? I called your dad, man. I called MY dad” He doesn’t remember what he said to you last night. I smile at him apologetically as I notice the 2 men on the couch and I give them a polite bow. “I’m sorry Kook-ah I woke up really early and chose to go for a walk. I lost track of time and only made it home just now I’m okay; both of you did not need to take time out of your day to come here” you gesture toward your fathers. You can see Jungkook's father is completely stoic and uncaring, you avoid your fathers gaze as his figure trembled on the couch. 
“Y/N” Your father states just barely above a whisper as he looks you up and down “Dad I'm fine” You look at him, understanding his pointed worried gaze. “Y/N the last time you couldn’t sleep and went out for a walk I found you bleeding from your wrists in our neighbors pool” You can feel Jungkook's worried gaze on you. The awkwardness from the conversation growing around the room.  
“did that happen this time? and you have no right bringing that up it is a completely different situation” Your words do nothing to soothe him as you shove past Jungkook and lift your sleeves in his face “I’m fucking fine” You rush over to your front door slamming it open “Please excuse yourself, I'm tired and would like to go to bed after explaining to the husband YOU forced me to marry why I tried to kill myself, I apologize Mr. Jeon you did not have to take time out of your busy day to come here” Jungkook scoffs and mummers something under his breath. I walked the men out of the door, ignoring Jungkook’s hard stare at the back of my head as I said my goodbyes and apologized again.  
“Y/N” he whispered, you stood frozen in place at the front door. “What happened? Why’d your dad-” “It’s not particularly your business or your problem honestly Jungkook you’ve made it quite clear how you feel about me last night.” You cut him off curtly, finally making your way toward your bedroom “Y/N I was drunk last night I didn’t-” “WHAT ABOUT ALL THE OTHER NIGHTS” I shout “Look Jungkook, with the exception of our ‘honeymoon’ you don’t even want me around you drunk. You can’t stand to look at me and the ring on my finger knowing you got sucked into something you never wanted to do” Jungkook stood in his spot, trembling, “Y-Y/N it’s not like that-” “I don’t care anymore, honestly” You state curtly.  
“I'm your friend Y/N, do you not understand how fucking worried I was when I realized you weren’t here and I had no clue where you would go” I scoff at his statement “Maybe if you actually put effort into this ‘friendship’ You would have known” A pout forms on his already saddened face. “You’re right I should be a better friend to you and I will be” He promises.  
Since that day, a few months back; Jungkook requests for me to let him know that I will be leaving so he does not start another panic; We’ve also dedicated Fridays as our friend date night, which usually just consists of us hanging out at our shared house watching movies and playing video games. As I exit the shower, Jungkook stops me as I walk toward my room “Hey, do you want to go out with me tonight?” Jungkook asks shyly. My heart sored at the question; I know he wasn’t asking in any romantic way. I just couldn’t help but get excited at the thought of leaving the house. I hadn't left much since moving in typically spending my days home or working, no time to really explore and go out “Yes! I mean yeah sure that sounds fun” I exclaim. After I have my hair out, in a wet curly look and throw on the most beautiful form fitting dress that I own and make my way to the door. Jungkook is standing there waiting on his phone. His eyes slowly scan up me and he swallows harshly as his eyes grow wide. “Uhm… Let’s…”  I smile at him and grab his hand and pull him out of the house interrupting him “Let’s go Jungkookie”   
The club was fun, Jungkook told me to have as much fun as I want since I rarely go out. Even so, I never leave the bar as Jungkook can obviously spot someone so he excuses himself from me exclaiming he will be back in like 10 minutes and runs off to the dance floor. Anxious about the crowd and my sudden loneliness; I pull myself into a dark corner at the end of the bar drunk patrons around me oblivious to presence. Feeling a hand on my ass and turn to see an unfamiliar handsome face. “Hey, um sorry to sound rude but can you like take your fucking hand off of me” I say shyly.  
The handsome man smiles and nods as he quickly pulls his hand off of my bottom “Sorry, I couldn’t get my footing with all the people I didn’t mean to…like touch you there I swear, I’m Mark” “Y/N” I say as I reach my hand out. He smiles and shakes my hand.” What are you drinking” He smiles “Malibu Pineapple” I reply politely. Mark orders me another and soon I’m feeling tipsy. His kind flirty personality only making you even more flustered, He smiles and places his hand on the small of your back as you talk. You check your phone only to see Jungkook has been gone for the better part of an hour; Mark’s deep voice pulling me out of my trance “SO… I hate to be THAT guy but are you here alone?” My eyes drift from my phone, my bottom lip pulled between my teeth. “Oh I-” 
Before I can respond I feel a hand snake around my waist and the melodic voice I’ve come to secretly love comes from behind me “No she’s here with me…… her husband” Jealousy laced in his voice as he pulls me closer to him. “And were supposed to be having a good time together…without you”   
“Sorry man, I didn’t know she was married. You know…since she was standing here by herself for a while, and it looked like she didn’t seem to mind spending time with me” Mark smirks sarcastically. The anger is growing more and more evident on Jungkook’s face. “Excuse me?!?” Mark shifts and smiles to me ignoring Jungkook’s ever growing angry form. “You trying to go somewhere less crowded you look really uncomfortable with how many people are here” “Oh I don’t know” I state shyly, stepping back a little. “What Y/N I'm just trying to be nice ill bring you home. I just don’t trust this guy you know? Who leaves their wife alone in a bar like this for over an hour?” It's obvious that was the last straw as Jungkook pulls me behind him as he punches Mark in the face. Mark returns the blow, Jungkook's large form stumbling back at the power the other man had. “You want to keep talking shit asshole” Jungkook's loud voice rings out as he charges Mark again. I stood frozen in place from Jungkook's forceful grab. The bar hitting my back.  Soon security was separating the brawl and me and Jungkook were in the car on our way back to the house.   
In the passenger seat I take in the details of Jungkook’s now bruised face. I shift my eyes back to the windshield, a pout evident on my face “Why was he with you, Y/N?” Jungkook questions the tone in his voice is obviously a sad and jealous one. “He just came up to and we started talking he bought me a couple drinks that’s all Kookie, I promise.” I whine. It’s happened on occasion after Jungkook swore to make up for not being a good friend to you; you guys would flirt and be all over each other, yet neither would make a real move. “Would you have gone home with him? Would you have let him fuck you?” He asks scared of the answer. “WHAT? NO! Jungkook-ah I swear nothing like that would have happened. I mean Mark was really attractive and I’m sure he would have shown me a great time but I just wasn’t interested in him, kookie” That answer seems to have settled him for now. The drive now growing silent. “Y-y/n?” Jungkook slurs “Yeah” “You ever thought about it?” “What?” I ask confused. “Sex, with me” He asks shyly. “Um Jungkook? How drunk are you did you-” “No that doesn’t count I mean recently?” He stammers out.  
“Honestly?” He nods rapidly “Yes I need you to tell me the truth because I'm gonna kiss you and I'm not trying to get slapped” He confesses. My eyes widen at his drunk confession “Oh I wouldn’t slap you if you kissed me” He smiles slightly “really? Would you stop me if I touched you like I want Baby?” lust filling his tone as his hand placed itself inside your thigh slowly rubbing up toward my core. A small whimper is released from my lips. He takes his bottom lip between his teeth. “You want me to stop y/n?” He asks cockily. I shake my head rapidly. “You want my fingers inside you don’t you baby?” I nod rapidly. 
 “Don’t worry baby girl I’ll do that for you.” he says as he pulls into the driveway. He runs to the passenger door and opens it for me as I get out and wrap my arms around him. “Oh yeah Kookie? Are you gonna make me cum for you?” I smirk the drunk naughty thoughts take over. Jungkook wraps his arms around my waist and for the first time tonight I smell the alcohol coming off Jungkook. He’s as drunk as I am or even more so, he presses his chest against my back and I feel a hard shaft against my ass. He peppers kisses up the side of my neck until his lips reach my ears “mmm Baby girl, I wanna eat your pussy so bad” He smacks my ass harshly as he lifts me and carries me into the home.   
I wake up in Jungkook’s bed the next morning, events from last night come rolling in. We had sex, 4 times, I notice the coldness on the side of the bed from me. I make my way out of Jungkook’s room and dash toward the kitchen. Jungkook is sitting at the table on the phone back to the entrance. “I don’t know Jimin we fucked like 4 times Jimin but that’s all she helped me cum and I helped her that’s all it was” “No I don’t have feelings for her, we used each other Jimin, it wasn’t like that this guy was talking to her at the club and she told me she wasn’t going to go home with him but let’s be honest if I wasn’t there, she would have gone with him and I can’t have some slut for a wife” 
 “No man I just helped her cum so she doesn’t start going out for some rando guy to get her off she doesn’t really expect anything from it. She just wanted to cum that’s how good little whores do it and from last night I know she’s one of the best sluts I’ve ever met so easy to get her to do anything for me cause she’s a sub” “Look I got to go Jimin before she gets up, I got to get he out of my bed before she thinks I want her there all the time…. dude of course I’m gonna fuck her again it’s one of the best pussies I’ve ever had……your stupid dude bye”   
I rush to my room and lock the door. His words stab at my heart. Just some easy slut? That’s what he thought you were, because you let your guard down and gave yourself to the first person you’ve ever had sex with. Tears stream down my face as I hyperventilate a knock at my bedroom pulls me out of a trance. “Y/n-ie?” another knock “you, okay?” I shout from behind the door. 
 “Yeah…I’m fine” I hear slight shuffling “Did you want to go to breakfast maybe we can take a walk to Han River you said you like going there right?” His nervousness is evident through the door. “Um…Honestly Jungkook, I’m not feeling too good I’m like really hungover and I’d like to take a shower” to wash your scent and touch off of me. “Oh…. well can I join you then?” I shake my head no, god please no. “Y/N-ie? Babe?” my heart shatters at his words “Um I’m sorry Kookie but I really don’t feel like it” “Oh okay, um when you’re done can you come hang out and watch a that Invisible Man movie you wanted to see” “Um sure I’ll see you in a bit bye Jungkook” Jungkook’s face twists in to a pout behind the door.  
After your shower you leave the room and walk down the hall “Jungkook?” before I pass his bedroom, I peak my head in and see Jungkook laying on his bed completely naked, eyes closed tight, stroking himself, moaning out your name. The sight is addicting I feel my own excitement building up at the sight of him. I try to back out of the room and accidentally slam into Jungkook’s bedroom door. His eyes shoot open and his hand leaves his member. “Y/N! I…UM…I WAS JUST….” I smile and walk toward him. “We’re you thinking about me Jungkook” I teased. He bites his lip “Were you thinking about last night or the fact that you missed fucking me hard into the shower” He sighs and nods “both” he mutters. His words from earlier out of my mind as I place my lips against his and let him take me for the 5th time in 24 hours.   
The way he pounds into me, his hair stuck to his forehead. “Fuck baby girl you take it so good, look at your pretty pussy taking this cock the way you should…. hmmm that’s my pussy baby girl” I moan in response “yes kookie-ah only yours” My climax builds fast as Jungkook’s thrusts get sloppy. “Yeah, oh baby girl I’m gonna cum so deep in your pussy” He exclaims as he captures his lips into mine. “All mine baby girl” he thrusts once more and I feel a warmth inside me as he kisses my neck.   
He gets up and runs to the bathroom. A loud ping comes through on the phone
   Areum<3: When are you going to divorce that ugly ass wife? Baby I got to spend time with you at the club but fucking in a bathroom then getting kicked out for a fight especially over her is crazy.  
My breath hitches and swells up in my throat as I read the message. He had sex with someone last night right before he had sex with me, he took my mouth last night. Disgust fills me up as I run to my bedroom. Opening the closet, I begin throwing my things in the luggage bag. “Baby did you want- what are you doing?!” Jungkook stopped at my door, a confused look on his face. 
 “I’m leaving Jungkook” I state as tears stream down my face. Panic rises on Jungkook’s face “why? You don’t want to be here anymore? Did I do something? I can fix it I swear but you can’t go…you can’t just go when we….” “Areum misses you and you should focus on one girl Jungkook-ah” I cut him off and realization dawns on his face as he runs to his room to grab his phone.
 The second the phone is in his hand he rushes out of his room and sees your retreating figure making your way to the door “Y/N-AH! DON’T GO PLEASE” You freeze the sound of his voice cracking “Areum is just some girl she’s not anyone don’t just assume because some girl texted me, she misses me that I’m going to run to her” “You were with her last night….you Fucked her last night not even an hour before you fucked me, my mouth” 
Jungkook shakes his head “No it’s not like that I swear like you said I fucked her, Baby girl I can’t fuck you. I make love to you please I’m begging you don’t go okay I know we haven’t been the best but I can fix this don’t do this not when I know I love you please” I shake my head and make my way to the door as Jungkook’s sobs grow. “Stop please” he reaches for the door and slams it shut. “You can’t just leave, not after what we just did, not when I love you, please” I smile at him lightly and press my lips against his.
 I feel his hands snake around my waist as he kisses me hard. I lose myself in his lips soon I reach for my luggage bag and rush out the door and into my car. Jungkook is banging on my passenger side window trying to open the door tears streaming down his face “please, stop, stop the car, get out please stay with me, BABY PLEASE” he shouts as I reverse and drive off the last sight, I have is Jungkook chasing my car with tears streaming down his face   
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Snowed In p6
This gave me such a hard time but I needed this conversation to happen for like 50% of the plot shit down the road, plz forgive me. 
Pairing: Geralt x fem!reader
Warnings: hella awkward convos, pining, self depreciating undertones?, talking about sex? idk yall im tryinna tag these with everything i can think of but if i miss something plz let me know!
Summary: (Last part was pure smut, but for those who skipped, it was basically them justifying a good roll in the hay bc it would help them sleep) The day after some completely pragmatic and not at all monumental sex they’re figuring out where to go from there. Boundaries and such?
part 5 here!
You woke slowly, uncomfortably warm and… sticky? 
As reality came into focus you realized the stickiness was sweat from being plastered to Geralt's bare chest as you slept. You wriggled a little, loosening his hold on your hips so you could scoot back and see his face. He was still fast asleep, hair sticking to his stubble and mouth slightly open. He looked so much more innocent, almost juvenile when he slept. It made you want to protect him, as ridiculous as it sounded. 
Your hand reached up on its own to brush the strands of hair away from his face. When he didn't stir you trailed your first two fingers down his jawline, gently dragging the backs of your knuckles up over his cheekbones. You knew he could wake up at any moment, and it would be uncomfortable to explain why you were staring at him like he alone breathed life into you every day, but you continued tracing the peaks and contours of his face. 
If you let yourself think about it, he technically did. He got you up every morning, did anything you asked to help you, and everything you didn't have the stones to ask. This man made space for you like no one ever had and accepted the mess you brought with you, going so far as to help you sweep it into a manageable pile. 
You swallowed back the lump forming in your throat as you realized just how much of a mess you'd made for yourself this time. You'd fallen in love and set yourself up for nothing but pain.
The snow would melt, you two would join Jaskier on the other side of the pass, things would go back as they were, and you would fall asleep alone. 
You took a slow deep breath in and savored the peace for the last couple of moments you could before your heart would burst. Gently lifting Geralt's arm, you rolled up to sitting as slowly as possible, watching him the whole time. When he still didn't wake, you snatched up your clothes and tiptoed to the bathroom. 
He was still asleep after a towel bath and meticulously braiding your hair, softly snoring now. You couldn't help but feel a little proud of yourself for tiring him out so thoroughly.
Sitting down next to him you squeezed his shoulder, "Geralt. Hey, wake up." 
He grumbled something about it being early and patted the bed where he thought you were supposed to be before his eyes snapped open.
"There he is." You cooed, reluctantly pulling your hand away.
He squinted and furrowed his brow against the morning sun, pushing himself up on one elbow, "You're up. And dressed." 
Now, you knew you were manufacturing the disappointment in his words, but it still hit you just as hard. You sprang to your feet, kicking the contents of your bag back toward the corner with a little more vigor than necessary, "Woke up hungry. C'mon, get up." 
"Alright, alright." He grumbled, rolling over and reaching for his neatly packed bag.
Breakfast was uncomfortable, to say the least. 
Geralt didn't lean his knee against yours and you weren't sure if you missed it or were relieved he spared you the adrenaline rush. Though when he brushed against your arm reaching for the salt and you nearly jumped out of your skin. The neighbors sat across the table from you and one of them winked at you, almost making you choke on your oats. As soon as Geralt was done with breakfast you cleared both your plates and made a beeline for the door. 
You lead the way out to the barn, excited to see the caverns in the snow your fight had left the week before were still uncovered by fresh snow. You fumbled with the latch, not entirely paying attention, so Geralt reached over your shoulder and flicked it open himself. He was so close you felt his breath on your neck and the heat coming off of his chest. Everything in you wanted to lean back into him, but that might be breaking a rule and these rules were becoming ever more nuanced. 
You went about your usual business feeding and examining the horses and were about to leave, but Beau looked so sad and bored. Poor guy hadn't gotten more than a walk up and down the breezeway in a month and you could see the pent up energy in his eyes. You sighed and grabbed hold of his mane, swinging up onto his back and laying back over his haunches while he ate. This felt like a good place to slow down and examine your options with this whole "friends" business. 
Or it would have been. 
"Stall." You answered, not sitting up even when you heard him slide the door open. 
"What're you doing up there?" Geralt's voice had that same confusing, unidentifiable tone he'd used when he'd left you in the bath. 
"He looked so lonely. You don't just spend time with Roach?" You spared him a glance, noting how casually he leaned against the door, arms crossed so that his collar slipped down to show the marks from your nails digging into his skin.
He shrugged, "She gets tired of me." 
Beau walked across the stall to sniff Geralt’s pockets and nudge his hand when he smelled what he was after. You shifted to stay balanced on his back, absolutely no intention of coming down any time soon.
The silence between you that crept on and on was in no way comfortable. You fidgeted while Geralt pet Beau, giving him a treat here and there when he smiled for him. Normally you’d be amused, now you were just angry at yourself.
You swung a leg over Beau’s withers, spinning to sit sideways facing Geralt, “You’re rather quiet.”
“I’m always quiet.”
You shook your head, frantically searching for the words you needed, testing the waters,“I ah… I had a good time last night.”
He quickly glanced at you before focusing back on Beau trying to eat his gloves, “Mhmm... Haven’t slept that well in months.”
There was a beat where you debated leaving it there, but you were never one to quit while you were ahead, “This doesn’t have to be weird, does it? I don’t want things getting tense.”
Geralt finally locked eyes with you, searching your face for something, “No… if you’re uncomfortable-”
“Which I’m not.” You interrupted.
He tilted his head, a softness taking over his face that you rarely saw, “You’re my best friend. As long as you’re okay with it, I am too. It’s just sex, after all.”
You nodded, “Just sex. Yeah. We- heh, we didn't even kiss...”
“Exactly. What are friends for?” Geralt playfully swatted at your boot, giving you a grin. 
What are friends for…
You plastered a smile on your face, changing the subject before the emotions bubbling in your chest boiled over, “Jaskier is gonna kill you when I tell him you said I’m your best friend.”
He moved to stand in front of you, crossing his forearms and resting them on your knees. His touch was calming, grounding you back into reality as he usually did.
He squinted up at you, “That’s if you tell him.”
You patted his hand, “Oh, I’m definitely telling him.” you teased. 
He gripped your wrist and quickly spun to face away from you, pulling you forward and off Beau's back. You squeaked and gripped onto his shoulders when you landed on him. He laughed, giving a little jump to get you higher on his hips and get a hold of your knees. A giggle slipped from your lips, partly due to surprise, but partly because his grip on your knees tickled.
"I'll tell him it was you who dropped the sword on his lute strings." Geralt made his threat halfheartedly, carrying you out of the barn only to have you steer him back to grab your gloves that you'd left on the hay. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders, taking your opportunity to hold him close to you as possible, resting your chin on his shoulder. His warmth and his scent lulled you into a state of content as he took his time meandering back to the inn. Just before he reached the door you noticed a fresh snowflake on your elbow. 
"Motherfucker." You shouted, "It's snowing again." 
"Shit! Y/N, you're right in my ear." He tried to turn to look at you but you tucked your head against his neck, hiding almost like a child. 
"Sorry. I forgot…" you whispered, more out of embarrassment than anything.
He hummed, the vibrations permeating your whole body from where you were perched as he yanked the door open and stomped inside. You wiggled, communicating you could once again walk just like a toddler, but he just hoisted you up higher and trudged up the stairs. You bit your lip, hiding a smile on the basic principle of not wanting to feel it, not necessarily because anyone important could see you. 
When you reached your room Geralt rather unceremoniously collapsed onto the bed, sending the two of you bouncing for a bit before he came to rest with his shoulders on your hips. 
"Tired?" You asked, fighting the urge to rake your fingers through his hair.
"Exhausted." He made no effort to get up but rested his hands underneath the outsides of your knees. 
You sighed in agreement and rested your hands on his shoulders, "Post breakfast nap sounds nice."
I can handle this. I know the boundaries. Just don't kiss him. That should be easy enough ...
part 7 here!
gotta edit bc im a scatterbrain and forgot to tag! If you want to be tagged plz let me know! 
@ab-haya @fire-in-her-veinz @cavillhavoc
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softboyscully · 4 years
Public School Stuff I Wanted to Share
public school is both beautiful and horrifying am i right
so ill just go by the grades i guess
Kindergarten, first year
i did kindergartden at a catholic school in a relativly big city so this one’s got some shit
we went to church every wednesday, me and best friend (lost track of her when we moved, wish we’d stayed in touch, she was awesome) would giggle the whole time, pretty sure we made fun of jesus once, can’t remember why, possibly the hair
i had the nicest teacher, she was (as i remember her) young, blonde, and super sweet, that was the first and last year i ever had naptime
SPEAKING of naptime
i never slept during it
once i found what i remember being a nut of some sort on the ground, probably came off someone’s shoe
i grab it, turn to sarah (my best friend), say something about putting it up my nose
sarah, apparently having common sense, says, “no dont do it!! we’re supposed to be sleeping!!”
i put it up my fucking nose
try to get it out, just push it farther in
im crying a little bit now, that shit hurts
go up to my teacher
“you’re supposed to be asleep!”
“i have a nut up my nose and it wont come out”
teacher tries to get it out, but it wont budge
just. sends me back to my mat
that was it
the art room was tiny
like re-purposed broom closet tiny
there was a copy of the mona lisa in the hallway, someone had drawn ray bans on it with a pencil, never got replaced
there was a creepy-ass basement i went down to after school, we ate cheeseballs and sandwiches with some kind of meat, mayo, and that kinda yellow bread
someone broke his leg down there once, think an older kid threw him at the ceiling or something
we learned how to play Silver Bells with actual bells in music class
Kindergarten, second year
i remember these two teachers as the evil step sister-type look, but it might be my little kid imagination
but seriously they were horrible
we learned stuff in a room that was more middle-school styled, except everything was green or black and it was v dark
me and sarah attained a new friend, john
honestly i think we would’ve stayed friends for a while if i didnt move away
i have two vivid memories
one is of me really wanting to go home, so i walked by the teacher’s desk and did a fake sneeze
they laughed at me and told me to go sit back down
the other is  john leaning his chair back and then falling, so me and sarah went to help him back up
it was funny, so he did it again
and again
me and sarah were laughing, had the time of our lives
after the maybe fifth time the teachers said “john can get back up by himself. sit down and stay there.”
one of the reasons we moved was bc i got sent a letter from my fourth grade buddie
most of the words weren’t spelled correctly, many letters were backwards
my mother was horrified
ofc now we know it was probably a learning disability 
1st grade
this is when i moved
beginning of school i was ASTOUNDED we didnt have uniforms, one of the best things ever to happen to me
nothing wrong with this teacher, she was cool
thing is i was a little shit
told everyone my dogs died (they did but i was maybe three when it happened, i remember it not)
all my personal narratives were bullshit (only one sticks in my memory, wrote it about celebrating christmas AND hanukkah with my dad’s friends who were jewish, i have never even met those friends)
had a crush on this kid, best friend (she was terrible and helped wreck me emotionally) told me to kiss him in music class. me being a stupid ass bitch, i did it, aND HE GOES TO THE TEACHER AND CALLS ME OUT. at the end of class she gets both of us to stay for a bit, AND I DENYIED EVERYTHING. i walked across the fucking classroom, kissed him on the cheek, ran away giggling, told my teacher i didn’t do anything, AND GOT AWAY WITH IT. i’ve embarrassed myself further with this child but thats another story
2nd grade
i loved this teacher but honestly he was absolute shit
like. all he did was play the guitar and sing with us
never actually taught us stuff???
middle of the year, my mom goes in for a parent-teacher conference, he tells her i dont pay attention is math.
“what do you mean?”
“she doesn’t listen, she just takes out a book and starts reading.”
“........have you.... tried taking the book away?”
“sure, i could try that.”
he also told her i’d be a girl who’d grow up to love spellcheck (which i do lmao)
like ???? why not just??? teach me to spell????
there was this one dude who one day showed up, gave me a pink stuffed cat, and then asked me where i lived
funniest thing was he lived on the same street as me
something that is vivid in my memory is showing up to class one day and realizing that i was wearing my regular clothes over my pajamas
also we had fish
every day someone else was in charge of feeding them
one of the times it was my job, i grab the fish food and walk over to the tank only to find all of the fish floating on the top
i screamed “THE FISH CAN FLY?!?!?!?!?!”
everyone ran over, all of us scarred for life when Mr. G walks over and goes in the most normal voice ever “no theyre dead”
we held a funeral
the cause of death is still undetermined
3rd grade
this year just draws a blank for me
all i know is that whoever the teacher was, they neglected to teach me how to tell time from a clock
also we learned the Cotten Eyed Joe dance in gym around here
4th grade
i had two teachers this year
one was the same one from 1st grade, the other one was a total bitch
made a girl named hannah ball her eyes out once, never apologized
i was (and am) and avid reader, so my reading skills were high above average
instead of being proud of me she told me i was weird, not normal, and too smart for a 4th grader, so i MUST be cheating. 
she was the start of a lot of self confidence issues for me ngl
this was around the time i went and got tested for ADHD (me and my grandmother almost broke down on the highway but thats another story), Mrs. M (the nice one) was super supportive when i told her why i was leaving early but Ms. S (bitch) told me ADHD wasn’t real and i just wanted to be special for once
she sucked, Ms. S
5th grade
this is getting super long so this’ll be the last one i do
but my teacher..... Mr. F was A+++++
he legitimately taught me math
we had i guess like,,, a buddie class we switched with sometimes
the teacher of that class was Mrs. R, who had crazy red hair and many freckles
at one point she referenced a meme and my entire class started screaming
also there was another Mrs. S (to differentiate this one will be called Mrs. Su)
she was kind of crazy
she was the astronomy teacher and she told us many times that the moon landing was faked
once she handed out sunscreen and had everyone put it on their whole body (this was in december, fyi)
Mr. F also hosted an ‘archeological dig’ which sounds cool but in reality he had a bunch of arcade prizes from his childhood buried in little flower pots we dug into with plastic spoons
also heres some stuff i cants pinpoint the time of/happened in multiple grades:
someone held a who-can-scream-the-most-like-a-goat contest
a guy named Makenzie won
remember we planned it while the teacher left the classroom so the teacher walks back in and one by one everyone in the room starts screaming, there was some applause, a few kids got a standing ovation
we cleaned out our desks in the middle of the year, i found 3 socks and a dog treat in mine
like how the fuck did any of those things get there
and where’s the fourth sock
b o t t l e f l i p p i n g
but no seriously there were at least five water bottles stuck in the ceiling in the cafeteria
my sorta friend charlie was obsessed with paper airplanes
one time he might’ve broken the world record for longest time in the air but he was counting in his head and it was at recess so there was no video
four square and gaga ball would be played no matter the setting, time, or conditions and it was super competitive
like if you could get to king in four square you got the everlasting respect of everyone
and everyone was super educated on four square special rules, special plays, that kinda shit
no but guys i grew up with bus stop, candy store, haunted house on mondays, haunted mansion on fridays, zombies was fair game unless it was Zach, Ryan, Chrissy or Vee
me and one other guy named andrew were the only known pjo fans, had the time of our LIVES making refrences
“hey annabeth, i thought you looked like a princess when i first saw you. i printed out a picture you sent me casually and kept it with me. i snuck along on a quest so i could save you, endangering myself immensely. i held the sky for you. when you talk about your crush on luke, i get jealous. beckendorf understood, but hes dead.”
“ikr we’re literally the best of friends”
also the first time we finished mark of athena we were in the same classroom and we individually dropped the book, stood up, looked at each other, and screamed “WELL FUCK YOU TOO RICK RIORDAN”
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Children of the Cosmos, Chapter 3
Hey, lookie what it is! An update! Finally! You can also read it on Ao3. Enjoy!
There is no lamp to give them light. The only light in the wagon is the irregular pulsing of Varian’s hair, faint and patchy and a far, far cry from its normal vibrancy. Thin threads of gold have started to appear, glowing and fading in uneven flickers. The magic he’d accidentally taken from Rapunzel was shining through, slowly burning him from the inside out.
Her child, her only son, is fading before her very eyes.
Fae should never have children.
She looks up, pulled out of her thoughts and grounded back in reality. Quirin is on the other side of the wagon, mere feet from her with only their fading son between them. She can see clearly how the last few days have aged him. Perhaps she shows it just as clearly, despite her immortality. They have many more years to live in the next few minutes, and the only thing standing between Varian and death is how long they’re able to bear it.
She takes a deep breath, offers him a small smile, and straightens her back.
“Hand me a few pieces of quartz and we’ll get started.”
Rapunzel jolted awake, heart pounding and a soundless scream already dying in her throat. Pascal let out a small noise of surprise as her sudden movement caused him to tumble. She glanced around, the lingering terror inciting paranoia until her mind was finally able to process that she was right where she’d been last night: in her sleeping sack, set up around the dying embers of last night’s fire. Kiera and Catalina had cuddled up to her over the course of the night, and both were disturbed by Rapunzel’s sudden awakening.
Catalina slurred out something incomprehensible, and Rapunzel shushed her.
“It’s okay, go back to sleep.”
Neither girl was apparently willing to argue, and Catalina dropped right off without so much as another sound. Kiera snuggled into her sleeping sack, but thankfully fell back asleep. Rapunzel took a deep breath of morning air and carefully shifted into a slightly more comfortable seated position. The world had already started to take on the gray hue of pre-dawn. Everything was quiet and still. Not even the birds had started singing yet.
The nightmare that had woken her was already obscured in her memory, just faint impressions of dread and terror and a blank, all consuming darkness. She’s suffered regular nightmares for nearly a year when she was little, and they’d been so severe that Mom had taken to lacing every scrap of fabric Rapunzel owned with dried lavender and slipping bits of amethyst carved with protective runes into her pillows. Which had done the trick, and over the next year and a half Mom had slowly removed the amethyst pieces and de-laced the lavender until Rapunzel could sleep through the night free of nightmares without magical assistance. Varian had been too young then help her, but she suspected that the reason her nightmares had made themselves scarce was because he was old enough and his magic strong enough to reach out while they slept.
Thinking of Varian brought back the memory of what she’d heard last night. Rapunzel shivered, though the chill of the early morning had nothing to do with it. The wagon was suspiciously still---and suspiciously dark. Not even one of the small lamps was lit, and Rapunzel couldn’t see any sign of Varian’s glow. Something horrid and leaden formed in her stomach; what if something went wrong? Mom had said binding someone’s magic was dangerous, maybe even life-threatening. What if Varian didn’t---
No. No, she wasn’t going to think like that. Varian was going to be fine. Whatever Mom and Dad had done last night, it was going to work and Varian was going recover. Everything was going to go back to normal and in time this whole thing will just be a bad memory.
A creak of wood caught her attention, and Rapunzel looked up to see her father stepping out of the wagon. He looked completely wrecked, as if he hadn’t slept a wink at all last night. Who knows, he probably hadn’t. Rapunzel stood up, mindful of her still-sleeping sisters.
“Dad,” she whispered, hesitant as she wrung her hands.
“He’s okay,” Dad replied, and it was a strange mix of dread and relief that washed over her. “The fever just broke, and both he and your mother are resting.”
She navigated out of the sleeping pile, steps becoming quicker the second she was clear of her sisters. “Did you have to…is he?”
Dad’s shoulders dropped as he took a deep breath. “We had to bind his magic, yes. He pulled through, thank god.”
“It’s not…permanent, is it?”
Dad hesitated, as if the answer was something he had to decide Rapunzel had a right to know.
“No binding is permanent, Rapunzel. But…they can be difficult to undo. And sometimes even more dangerous then.”
“So it might as well be?”
Dad sighed. “That’s not what I’m saying. Your mother and I plan to undo the binding once Varian is strong enough to handle it. The only sticking point is that we need a certain couple of tools to make sure the resulting surge of power doesn’t end up hurting him. The Moon’s never done things by halves.”
“What do you need?”
“Let your mother and I worry about that,” he advised, resting a hand on her shoulder and offering her a small smile that was meant to reassure. “For now, let’s focus on getting ready for the day. I doubt either Varian or Rowena will be awake for breakfast, but they may be hungry come lunch.”
“Da’,” a sleepy voice broke through the morning air. They turned to see Catalina and Kiera in the process of waking up, blinking and rubbing the sleep from their eyes.
“’s’som’in’wron’,” Kiera asked before a yawn split her face.
“Varian’s fever broke over the night,” Dad announced, and after a second, both girls were suddenly wide awake.
“Does that mean he’s gonna be okay,” Catalina asked, already jumping up from her sleeping sack and running over to them, Kiera hot on her heels.
“With some rest, yes.”
“Can we see him,” Kiera asked.
“When he wakes up, if your mother agrees,” he replied. “For now, let’s do her a favor and get the morning chores handled.”
Not even Kiera groaned at the idea of doing chores; ordinarily, she tended to do everything she possibly could to weasel her way out of them. Catalina didn’t seem to mind the work much, and Rapunzel honestly just loved any excuse to be active in some way. Varian was the only one who could convince Kiera to do her chores without complaining, and that was because he hated doing them, too. Any chores involving Philippa, the absolutely massive draft horse who had been pulling their wagon for as long as Rapunzel could remember, were his least favorite. Varian swore up and down the mare had it out for him, though Philippa had never done anything more than some teasing nips and a few well-timed swats to the face with her tail.
Rapunzel never thought she’d ever want to hear them complaining about scrubbing the wagon’s floorboards, or picking up the dungpiles left by Phillippa so Dad could sell them to farmers as fertilizer as badly as she did now. Anything resembling normal would be a blessing.
The fact that Varian’s fever had finally broken had drastically improved Catalina and Kiera’s attitude, even though they didn’t know about the binding. Throughout the morning, they chattered about pretty much anything and nothing at all, making stupid jokes and actually laughing again. And, true to his word,the sun was already high in the sky by the time the wagon’s door creaked open. Mom only looked marginally less wrecked than Dad had, though her usual bun was an absolute disaster the likes of which Rapunzel had never seen.
“Mom,” Kiera shouted, scrambling up to her feet from where she’d been sitting while helping Dad untangle a particularly knotted section of fishing line. “Is Varian awake? Can we see ‘im?”
Rowena chuckled as Kiera all but slammed into her, managing to mitigated the worst of the collision. “Good morning to you, too, darling.”
“Dad said he’s gonna be okay, so can we see him?”
“He’s still asleep, cygnet,” Rowena replied. “Your poor brother had a rough go of things last night; he needs to rest.”
Kiera stamped a foot and huffed in frustration, but didn’t utter any more complaints. After the momentary frustration faded, Kiera bit her lip.
“He…he really is gonna be okay, right?”
Rowena sighed, a knowing smile on her face. “Yes, sweetheart. His fever’s broken, and his breathing is almost entirely back to normal.”
“Did you have to do that binding thing?”
“Unfortunately, yes,” she replied after a beat, guiding Kiera back to the campfire. “Took every ounce of quartz at my disposal, admittedly, but that was expected.
“So Varian can’t do magic anymore,” Catalina asked
“Not until we’re able to reverse the binding.”
“How long’s that gonna take?”
Rowena exhaled, sharing a look with Quirin. A look Rapunzel didn’t like one bit. Anytime that particular look came around, it always meant something bad. Or, at the very least, something they weren’t going to like much. The last time she’d seen that look, they spent three months in a magical museum/archive with a high-strung archivist who apparently owed Mom an awful lot while Mom and Dad had been busy negotiating a series of purchases and trades with people they apparently deemed too dangerous to risk bringing their kids along. Calliope had been an…interesting babysitter. And maybe Rapunzel could have made the whole ordeal a little easier on her, but she’d been fourteen and totally convinced that she didn’t need a babysitter.
“With some rest, Varian should be back to full health in a few weeks,” Rowena began, the ‘but’ heavy in her tone.
“But, in order to undo the binding without hurting him, your father and I are going to need a couple of items we don’t have right now.”
“So where do we find ‘em,” Kiera asked.
“We, as in your father and I, will be locating them,” Rowena replied. “You four will be staying with the innkeeper and his wife while we’re gone.”
“This is not a matter which is up for discussion,” she added, both her tone and her expression offering no room for debate. “These items are dangerous to get a hold of, and I refuse to place you four in harm’s way if there is another option.”
“But we wanna help,” Kiera retorted.
“You can help by staying together and keeping an eye on Varian,” Quirin cut in. “This will only take a few weeks, if all goes well.”
“And if it doesn’t,” Catalina asked. “You said it’ll be dangerous…”
“We’ll manage,” he assured her, gently ruffling Catalina’s hair. “Just as we always have.”
Kiera slumped back into her seat, arms folded across her chest and the absolute picture of petulance. She’d been part of the family long enough to know when she’d been beat.
“Where will you guys be going, then,” Rapunzel asked.
The pair shared a look before Quirin replied.
“Rowena will be traveling to the Unknown, and I’ll be making the trek back to the ruins of Lumeria.”
“Wait, you’re not sticking together?”
Quirin shrugged. “Rowena is the only one who can reach the Unknown. I don’t have any Fae blood; the gates would never open for me.”
“And I’m sure Hector has yet to abandon the ruins,” Rowena added. “He might let Quirin explain before attacking; me, he’d fight immediately on principle.”
“Hector,” Catalina asked, tilting her head in confusion.
“Another former member of the Brotherhood,” Quirin explained. “We trained together when we were young.”
“How come we’ve never met ‘im,” Kiera asked.
“Because his vows to Lumeria were poorly worded, and as a result he’s been unable to tear himself away from the old kingdom,” Rowena replied. “There’s a reason I’ve always warned you four to be mindful of your words. Fae can’t break their promises.”
“Why would a friend of Dad’s fight you on principle,” Rapunzel asked, raising an eyebrow.
The weak, but so very familiar, voice cut off any response Rowena might have otherwise given, and every head turned to see Varian, shaky but standing in the doorway of the wagon. Rapunzel inhaled sharply; while Varian certainly looked like he was on the mend from a serious illness, it was immediately obvious what exactly had to be done in order to get him there. His hair was no longer moon-white, the strands now a stark black save for the streak of teal that replaced the former moon-gray shade. He still looked pale and sickly, but he looked…more human? Like every trace of magic he’d had since birth had been systematically removed from every fibre of his body. He almost looked like a completely different person.
Catalina had reacted a bit louder, her gasp sharp and audible and followed by the sound of her hands covering her mouth in shock. Kiera’s reaction was even less subtle.
 “Why is his hair black?”
“M’ hair’s wha’,” Varian asked, rubbing at his eyes.
Rowena helped him down from the wagon, and Varian leaned into her as she guided him over to the fire.
“A side-effect of the binding,” Quirin explained, grabbing a spare blanket from the laundry and draping it over Varian’s shoulders.
He took a seat next to his son, and Varian leaned into him, shivering under the blanket despite the growing heat of the day. Ruddiger perched himself next to Varian, offering sympathetic pats to the boy’s arm. Catalina got up from her seat and made her way across the circle, sitting down on the other side of her brother. She hesitantly placed a hand on his shoulder.
“How are you feeling, Varian?”
“Better,” he admitted. “A lot weaker than normal, though.”
“Your fever broke last night, thankfully,” Quirin added, pressing the back of his hand to Varian’s forehead as if he wasn’t entirely certain the fever hadn’t re-asserted itself. “But between the illness and the absence of your magic, I’m not surprised you’ve noticed some weakness. You should still be in bed.”
“I’ve been in bed for over a week, Dad,” he protested. “And isn’t fresh air supposed to help people get better?”
Quirin glanced over at his wife, who merely shrugged. He sighed.
“I expect you to listen to Uriah and Hermione while your mother and I are away. No sneaking out of bed, no matter how well you feel.”
Varian blinked, looking up at his father. “You and Mom are leaving? Why?”
“We need a few things to undo the binding once you’re well enough,” Rowena explained. “It will only take a few weeks at the most, by which time you should be recovered enough to handle it.”
“Oh. When are you leaving?”
“Either tomorrow or the day after, depending on how well you are to make to the trip to the inn.”
“Do we really need a babysitter,” he whined. “Can’t we just stay here and promise to listen to Rapunzel?”
Quirin chuckled. “It wouldn’t be fair to put all of the responsibility on your sister’s shoulders. Besides, you four will be safer at the inn than on your own. Bandits and highwaymen are becoming more active the warmer the weather gets. It’s for our own peace of mind as much as it is for your safety.”
“Then won’t you and Mom be in danger, too,” Kiera asked.
“Your father and I can handle ourselves,” Rowena assured her, taking a seat next to Kiera and giving her a small side hug.
“So can we!”
“Ordinarily I’d agree, but your brother needs to rest. Better safe than sorry.”
Kiera huffed, but didn’t issue any more protests. At least at the inn, they’d be more or less left to their own devices so long as they didn’t bother any of the patrons. It would be a few weeks of being bored out of their minds while their parents went on their epic quests. How bad could it really be?
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sirenasinsib · 4 years
If you Like it please don't for get to press that Reblog! its means a lot to me!
WOW I havent posted in a while, been working on my own stuff but here is some personal works. Expecet to see alot of content of Spider and Viper. Ive been playing a ton of Titanfall so im in that mood rigt now. 
Fandom: Titanfall
Relatonship: Viper/OC Character
Warnings: Very long clocking in around 3260 Words! Explict language, canon violence, mutual pinging, build to relationship, and smut at the end!
He really didn't see why the ship was built to have a limited number of dorms. It was hard to find a spot and claim it as yours when it's already six members and their Titan, but the recent addition made it just a bit harder.
Spider, he was told, was to be dorming with him. Sloane and Ash were already in one room as was Ritcher and Kane, and he preferred to not have one of the other two males to be dorming with him, he saw how messy they kept theirs. Blisk's room was of course off limits. They were just about to take off when he heard a knock on the door before it slid open. Spider was there with only 2 duffle bags. She walked in quietly looking around the room.
The "kitchen" was towards the front of the room, right beside the entrance, a couch and TV opposite of it. Towards the back were two beds in opposite corners and lockers on both sides. The left side was noticeable more used with the bed sheets being almost completely off the bed, an extra locker that was slightly open due to the amount of tech it was holding. She took to the right side. Placing her duffle bags on the bed. Viper didn't focus on her as she moved around. He would have to just get used to another person in the room.
It was actually quite easy getting used to another person in the same room as him. The first week she slept with most of her gear on. The second week he noticed she would get up very early, earlier than Ash even, he didn't know where she went at the time, too busy trying to get more sleep before the day started. Hawk, his titan, told him later where Spider went. Often she went to the Titan hanger bay and got into her own Titan, JD. 
She appears to be under stress. JD has stated that they are not used to working with others. He also stated that she fears word of her being with the Apex Predators might get out and someone from her past may try to capture her.
Hawk spoke into the link as he worked on one of her thrusters. 
Is she that valuable of a member if she needs protection?
You were only a Predator if you had the skills. Needing protection meant you were weak. 
Calculations suggest a 78% better performance in missions with the assistance of a Monarch Titan and Pilot. It is also easier to be assisted, that is a possible reason why they joined instead of remaining in hiding. They were on low ammo and power, yet we’re able to steal just enough from both Militia and IMC units without being caught. 
It was one of their first real big missions after joining. They were to defend a couple of units going in to steal information and escort them out and to extraction. Spider had JD watch the back as she jumped from rooftop to rooftop calling out as well as distracting. 
“Would be nice if I got some help! Got a Legion hiding with an Ion!”
Kane yelled over the comms. Viper was on the far side of the complex and was dealing with his own Titan, same with the others when he heard Spider speak up. 
“On the way, can you distract them?”
“I’m in a fucking Scorch you bug! What do you think?!”
He spotted JD quickly running to the back of the area, halting slightly he guessed to pick up Spider before he started to hear the faint rattle of an electric charged XO-16.
“Enemy shields down! Kane?!”
He heard Kane laughing along with the roar of a Flame core activating and the sound of a Titan exploding. 
“Enemy Legion down.” 
Kane’s Titan spoke. Spider had to back up from a placement of Anti-Rodeo smoke when the Ion charged out with a vengeance. The monarch shot a few rockets and even an energy siphon before charging against the Ion. Then the radio filled with a hatch opening and a loud Metallic BAM. 
“Systems restored. Enemy pilot down.”
JD spoke. They had executed a Titan, and stole its battery. That was smart and ballsy Viper thought.
“Both teams got the data! Time to go!”
Blisk yelled into the comms, the roar of his Predator Cannon in the background. Viper dashed to the location of his team to defend as the others followed suit. Ash, Spider, and Kane made it back to his location while Blisk, Sloane, and Ritcher made it to their spot. Viper took to the skies, circling the group as Kane to the front and the other two took to a side. They would have a long walk to evacuation as they kept the enemy off their back and made sure that the ground troops stayed together. 
It was a long walk getting to extraction. They had to stop twice to make sure that they weren't followed and to give the ground troops rest since they didn't have a Titan. It was dark when they did their second stop deciding to rest a little before getting the last few miles in and getting off the planet. 
"Spider, Viper, you're on first watch. Sloane, Ash, you’re next, one hour." 
Blisk told them before finding a spot for his Titan to hunker down and both of them rest. Spider and Viper walked a bit away from the group before they found a spot. Spider hopped out of the Titan onto its hand as it lifted her up to the top of its chassis. She had a DMR in one hand with a ration bar in the other. Viper decided it would be a good time to eat as well. 
They sat in silence save for the whir of both Titans. Occasionally Spider would grab her DMR and look into the forest, he didn't see why, the titans would pick up on anyone approaching faster than they would, unless it was cloaked units but he didn't say anything. The hour passed uneventfully and Ash and Solane soon came to take their spot. Spider got back into her Titan as Viper moved Hawk to a spot and the other pair went to their own. 
"Viper? Can I ask you a favor?"
He turned from the blueprints for Hawk. Spider had grown more easy to get use to, she talked more. Sparred with the rest a few times. She seemed unsure right now. 
He spoke "Depends."
"My arm, I need another hand or set of hands to fix the connections and make sure the rotators aren't getting any build up or are worn down."
He was surprised to find her asking for help, he seen the way she reacted to others touching it when not fighting. 
"I wouldn't be asking if I didn't think you were capable, and I trust you a helluva lot more than the rest of the lot."
"Really, not very smart."
She gave a snort. "I seen the work you put on your Titan, as soon as you get this you're gonna do the same, besides, why purposely mess it up when I'm the one that keeps everyone's backs cleared."
It was quiet for a moment. 
"Fine. Blueprints?"
She tossed a small flash drive to his hands as she turned her focus to getting her arm off. He saw out of the corner of his eye, she pressed a button before twisting and pulling off the arm and placed it on the desk before turning
"I'm going to get cleaned up, you know how to find me."
They were sparing. He would never admit it out loud but she was one of the hardest predators to fight against. Sloane had a pattern, Ash wasn't fluid, Kane was easy to get dizzy, Ritcher you just let him do all the hard work of runnin around, Blisk favored his right side, but Spider? She dodged another lock, ducking quickly and she slid up right beside him, their gear rubbing against each other before she backed up from another swing.
She was fast, graceful, and really fucking hard to hit. He had one more trick. He turned around and charged her, she sidestepped, just like he thought she would and quickly grabbed her arm, pulling her with and using his momentum to flip them as they landed on the ground. He placed his fist above her neck as the other held her arm.
“I won.”
She gave a quiet laugh before tapping her non trapped hand on his side, where the armor was weaker. 
“More like a stalemate. Besides. . .”
He gave a small head tilt before suddenly her legs pushed against him, flipping him above her head. He let go of her arm, trying to stop himself from flipping. She quickly rounded and got above him, trapping both hands in her metal one as she placed her weight on his thighs, keeping from him lifting his legs to do the same. 
“I won now.”
Ok so he may or may not be pinning for the skilled sniper sleeping in the same room as him, who can beat him in hand to hand combat, does not intrude into his space, while also being a helpful hand when it comes to modding Hawk, and she looks good. Viper gave a quiet groan at his thoughts as he let the water wash his sins off the wall before he turned off the water. Drying most of his hair before wrapping the towel around his shoulders and pulling on a pair of boxers. He stepped into the room he shared the person of his thoughts with. Spider was distracted, she had taken her DMR apart and cleaned it again. The jump to their next contracts always left her on edge. “How many times have you taken that apart now?” He asked as he pulled on his pilot gear. “In total or while you were in the shower?” She was being funny, noticing he was in there longer than usual. He shook his head but grinned. 
“Ha ha very funny.” 
“Huh really, am I getting better at jokes? But in reality probably not a good idea to use a lot of hot water, you know how the boss and Kane get when they cant basically melt their skin off. There are other ways to relax.” His brain short circuit, did she really mean?-No that's just his thoughts, Spider didn't seem like the type to get attached to coworkers, or offer to be a fuck buddy. He didn’t turn around to face her, rather not look at her and see if she was being serious, the mission wouldn't go right then. “Yeah I know it's called sleep.”
“Thats- “Five mins till we get to the drop, get your asses to your Titans!” Blisked yelled into the comms. Spider didn’t get a chance to finish what she was gonna say as Viper grabbed his weapons and the rest of his gear and rushed out the door, she followed suit. 
He didn’t understand why he was sent on a solo mission, but he was told to for some reason, he guessed it was the fact no one knew his face, so he had to. He was ready to get back to being on the ship and rather deal with his personal issue then do another solo mission, he missed the small comfort of being assisted should things go south. 
He walked into the room quietly, it being late on the ship, and set down his duffel bag. The room looked mostly the same, another Sniper had been added to Spider’s desk, while a few Titan parts were placed on his, most likely due to Spider, she often found bits he was needing to get. Her bed was surprisingly empty seeing how she wasn’t in the hanger and he saw no one in the training room when he passed by. 
He looked to his bed, ready to sleep in his gear and deal with the pain later when he saw something in it. Spider was under the covers, wearing one of his shirts surprisingly and hugging his pillow. He turned not sure how to deal with her and decided to change. He heard the bed creak slightly as he changed and glanced back seeing Spider sit up. 
“Sorry I didn’t know you were back and I- the room felt different- I had problems sleeping and . . .”
She rambled before stopping, looking down and fiddled with the blanket before placing her hands beside her to get up. 
“I’ll get out of your way.”
She paused and slowly looked up. He was close now, having changed. 
“If you want . . . you can stay.”
He didn’t want to admit but sleeping sucked when he was alone on the mission, the room felt barren without her. He missed her presence in general. 
She went towards the wall of the bed, grabbing her pillow and placing his back in the process as he got in. She hugged the wall as he faced the outside and he could feel her tension and it got on his nerves. He flipped over after sometime and placed a hand on her waist and held her.
She took a deep breath calming herself before the two slowly drifted to sleep. They woke up with her head tucked under his chin and her own arms wrapped around his waist. They didn't speak about sleeping together, but they didn't stop either. He didn't know what to call whatever they had, sleeping together but not actually sleeping together. 
She was on a solo mission now. They needed someone who could go in and get close to the target without drawing attention. She volunteered actually. Pointing out that she still wasn't known as a Predator, and was an assassin before joining them. She got back two weeks later and immediately went to the med bay. The mission was successful but she had taken a few bullets, thankfully not in severe locations, removing glass shards, and trying to fix her arm. 
She was in a foul mood and no one bothered her, well except him of course. He had snatched her gear, arm and helmet mainly, the visor was cracked, as he set out to fix the two as she recovered. Once released from the med bay she was to rest and given a few more weeks for the nanites to do their job. 
He bothered her by watching movies, Top Gun and Edge of Tomorrow at least twice. Once healed she immediately went back to training, prepping her body after not having done so while healing. He joined her, bored out of his mind. 
"-nd I snapped his arm in half." 
She was talking about the mission as they spared. He stayed quiet letting her sort of vent before he blocked a swing from her. 
"Taught the ass to don't even think about touching someone without asking."
She spoke of someone following her, harassing her, while on the mission. She had gotten somewhere quiet and out of view before she attacked him after he touched her. While he was pissed that someone touched her, the fact that she broke his arm made him satisfied. He gave a groan hearing what sounded like metal on metal. 
His head was pounding yet he didn't even drink that much the night before. Spider was trying to be quiet, whipping up some food their bodies could handle while being slightly hungover. Eventually the noises stopped and he could tell lights were turned off. Cracking one eye open just a bit to see Spider in the kitchen eating whatever she made quietly, lost in her thoughts.
She was wearing one of his shirts again, he could see her shorts under the edge of his shirt but just barely. He looked away in his own thoughts before his eyes flicked back to her when she started moving. Bringing a bottle of water, medicine, and some food. 
"Are you always looking out for everyone?"
She hummed a bit as he sat up before speaking. 
"Guess it's just in my nature."
He gave a soft grunt as he was pushed onto the bed. Spider was quick to straddle him. She leaned down quickly, capturing his lips with hers and kissed hard. He kissed back just as hard as his hands grabbed her waist and head. He’s not sure how the make out session started. They were sparring again when it just got a little heated. OK more than a little, Spider had gained the upper hand and straddled his waist when he let out a tiny choked moan. She halted slightly, surprised by the noise before she moved but it felt like she purposely dragged her weight onto him more. Then they were hurrying back to their room, their gear quickly stripped away.
He was brought back to the present when Spider slowly kissed down his chest, her thumb flicking over a hardening nipple before kissing above his navel. She then tugged on his briefs, getting him to lift his hips as she pulled them off. Her hands felt along his thighs as she breathed over his cock. Slowly she gave the head a tiny kiss before giving a long lick on the underside. His breath was shaky but when she enveloped him with her mouth he let out a moan, his hands covering his face as she slowly bobbed up and down. Stopping at times to flatten her tongue on his head. 
"Fuck." He groaned out. 
Spider hummed, watching his reaction through her eyelashes. She continued before he started to pant harder, his hips slowly thrusting.
She quickly pulled off, her hand squeezing the base almost painfully keeping him for cumming. Slowly did he come from that high and she started to pump again. She crawled into his lap as she kept the slow pace, her other hand going to her cilt and rubbed lightly before slowly sliding a finger in. She matched her pumps, her finger sliding in as her hand went down. She continued even as she added a second and third. Once she felt stretched did she stop. 
Viper's hands went to her waist as she held him and slowly slid down a tiny moan coming out as she bottomed out. Then she rose and slid back down, her pace slow. His hands gripping her waist tight. She leaned down quickly kissing him as a hand went into his hair as the other braced near his head, his own hands moving, one to her hair, the other to the small of her back. 
The kisses were slow and sloppy, quiet pants came out between the kisses before Spider slowly increased her pace. They broke the kiss, letting their foreheads rest together. Quiet words spoken as the pleasure rose. 
They came with a shout. Spider giving a few thrust before slamming down hard and stilling. Small shakes went through their bodies as they breathed. Spider made a quiet whine as she pulled off him, feeling slick dribble out onto them both. She ran her hand through his hair slowly before giving a quiet grunt. 
"We need a shower."
"Is that an offer for round 2?"
He said with a grin causing a quiet laugh to escape her.  
"Only if you promise to help clean up the mess."
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cassoliver · 4 years
new york’s very own cassandra “cass” oliver was spotted on broadway street in reebok club c 85 vintage shoes . your resemblance to  sydney sweeney is unreal . according to tmz , you just had your  twenty-first  birthday bash . while living in nyc ,  you’ve been labeled as being  naive  , but also compassionate . i guess being a  pisces  explains that . 3 things that would paint a better picture of you would be exposed tan lines , loud laughter , and only ever wearing gold jewelry  . ( i slept with one of my co-stars while we were shooting on location, not knowing they had a significant other back home )  &  ( cis-female & she / her  )
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lia takes on a second character TAKE TWO whAT is up you guys , it’s ya girl back at it again with another muse . i randomly got a lot of inspiration for this new girly pop and i feel p good about it ! go ahead and smash that mf like button if you wanna plot ! i can slide into your ims or on discord if that’s more your jam !
S T A T S ↴
– * FULL NAME : cassandra rosemary oliver – NICKNAME(S) : cass ( commonly referred as ), cassie – * AGE : twenty-one – * D.O.B : march 16th – * ZODIAC : pisces – * GENDER : cis-female –* ORIENTATION : bisexual biromantic – * HEIGHT : 5′4″ – * NATIONALITY : american – * BIRTHPLACE : asbury park , new jersey – * OCCUPATION : student + actress – * TRAITS : compassionate, creative, intuitive, gentle, empathetic, fun-loving, naive, whimsical, loyal, subservient, overly emotional, pensive, fearful, overly trusting
B I O G R A P H Y ↴
   you’d have to be living under a rock to not know jeremy and elizabeth marie oliver . think brad pitt and angelina jolie , will smith and jada pinkett , or whatever other celebrity IT couple you fancy . jeremy is notoriously known for his acting career that took off in the late 80′s . around the same time , elizabeth marie’s acting / modeling career was taking off across the pond . the iconic duo met through work and quickly fell in love . after their over the top wedding ceremonies ( yes plural . they got married once in jeremy’s hometown in new jersey and then again in elizabeth marie’s hometown in england ). shortly after their holy matrimony , they produced three healthy babies : mason , samuel , and cassandra . there were a few years in between the kiddos , but they were all raised in a tight knit family outside of the limelight in asbury park , new jersey . their parents decided to take a break from working in order to raise their kids . i wish i could say that gave the oliver trio a normal childhood . but it’s kind of hard to go to public school and not draw attention to yourself when your parents are household names . it was hard for cassandra to understand that her parents were super famous and for some reason that meant something to people . if you asked her , there was no reason to get all starstruck over her parents . they were just people after all .
    so i guess you could say she had a normal childhood . at least , as normal as one could have with their name and photos constantly plastered all over tabloids . cassandra grew up in a happy and loving environment , which is nice . and with her dad working part time as a professor at his alma mater , juilliard , she and her family bounced back and forth between their coastal home in new jersey and their urban townhouse in new york . and she throughly enjoyed experiencing the best of both worlds . both places felt like home to her and she and her brothers made the best memories together . see , her brothers were her best friends growing up . mason and samuel were five (5) and three (3) years older than her , respectively , and she followed them around everywhere they went . the two boys let her reluctantly at first when mom and dad forced them to but over time it became enjoyable to have her be just another member of their friend group . cassandra was well liked and throughly protected by her brothers and their friends . they shielded her away from all things dangerous : from substances to rude people . this led to a pretty sheltered upbringing . she lived in this little bubble where things were all good all the time .
   as she got older , she had to learn to fend for herself a bit more . no longer was she under the watchful gaze of her brothers , for they had rushed into graduating high school early so that they could pursue their own acting careers-- following in line with their infamous parents . having the oliver last name gave them an advantage in the film industry and they ran with that opportunity . meanwhile , cassandra stayed back and took her time . acting was always something she was interested in . there’s no way she could be a member of her household and not dabble in the art at least a little bit . but it wasn’t a top priority to her for a long time . she didn’t want to rely on her family name to get her somewhere in the industry . if she was going to do it , she wanted to do it right . she wanted to earn her place just like anybody else . and if it worked out for her then great ! and if it didn’t , well she prepared a back-up plan . she elected to go to NYU for business instead of studying acting or just bypassing college all together . she figured if all else failed , then she’d start her own company and branch out of the creative arts .
  and she took her college career very seriously . she’s studious and hard-working , genuinely enjoying learning new things and having a ‘ normal college experience ’. even though people still look at her funny or talk about her behind her back once they figure out why she looks so gosh darn familiar , she’s come to find that college students are much more chill than the kids that used to bombard her with questions about her famous family on the play ground . most days , cassandra gets by feeling like a completely normal girl . no fame or fortune , just a regular schemgular student trying to get by . and she’d probably gotten away with just melting into the background and never breaking out into the limelight if it wasn’t for one little netflix project she agreed on .
  it was just supposed to be another passion project . cassandra had done a few small roles in indie movies at that point . just enough to dip her toes into the movie making world but not enough to drag her away from getting a higher education . but when a script for a new netflix original series was slid in her direction by a family friend turned agent-- well , she just couldn’t put it down ! she loved everything about the show and knew she just had to be a part of it . so she gave up one summer of her life to film OUTER BANKS , not at all thinking that it would blow up the way it did a year later when it premiered . and now news is breaking out that the youngest oliver is finally stepping out into the acting scene , which is warranting a lot of media attention towards her . honestly , she feels pretty good about the project itself . she’s very proud of the show and is incredibly grateful that it’s doing as well as it is . but when it comes to all the notoriety she’s getting because of it , well ... she’s still adjusting to being famous in her own right and not just secondhand through her family . she’s a little overwhelmed . she’s a big girl now that has to navigate through this next chapter of her life without anybody holding her hand or shielding her from the highs and lows of being known . whether or not she thrives in the limelight or crumbles under the pressure is to be determined .
P E R S O N A L I T Y  &  F U N  F A C T S ↴
i think it’s really funny to call her the third franco brother ( yes dave and james have a third brother , his name is tom ). bc like her brothers are essentially mega stars w all the movies they’ve been in at this point and she’s sort of the other sibling that everyone forgets about . y’know until recently lol
she is a giant sweetheart !! just v lovey and kind and empathetic ,, has a warmth to her that makes it feel like it’s summertime all the time
v humble bc she does not consider herself famous what so ever . like being second-hand famous from her family and getting a few extra instagram followers bc of her last name is one thing , but with the success of her current show she’s being put on covers of magazines , being interviewed for teen vogue and stuff like that , getting verified on everything , and gaining hundreds of thousands of followers DAILY . it’s crazy to her
naive in the sense that she’s rlly out here thinking that everyone has a heart as big as hers and has only the best intentions when sadly that might not be the case !! so like ,,,, probs gets taken advantage of and doesn’t even realize it . or messes things up bc she thinks she can just continue living a normal average joe life when in reality her whole life has been far from average ,, the whole world’s got their eye on her and everything she says and does publicly can and will be scrutinized and she is just …. not prepared for that
wants to have a good time and do cool art sh*t !! as long as she’s being creative in some aspect , she’s happy . honestly doesn’t take a lot to make her happy
but also when she gets sad oh boy oh boy does she get sad . pretty much down and out and nothing anyone says or does can make her feel better unfortunately . will just self isolate and you just gotta let her ride it out ://
hobbies include painting , reading , collecting plants , and taking photos
has a second instagram account just for her photography ! @casstookthis lol
lives with her “babies” which are like 10 house plants and all of her books
v family oriented ! goes to visit her parents regularly and talks to her brothers basically daily despite living on two different coasts
acting was always something she knew she wanted to do-- and that may or may not have to do w her parents’ influence and the pressure to follow in their foot steps just like her brothers did 
as kids , she and her brothers would work together to put on performances in the living room for their parents . they’d make “short films” and upload them to all 6 of their subscribers on youtube
allergic to cats but wants one so bad ,, has never had a pet in her life actually
the little things amuse her . her sense of humor is really quite simple . hit her w some puns and / or a dad joke and you’ll have her rolling
is learning how to speak mandarin and french
always over-prepared , never underprepared ,, needs to feel like she is capable of handling anything or else she panics
cannot tell a lie to save her life , gets nervous and can’t make eye contact
at any given moment , you can tell what she’s thinking and what she’s feeling just from taking one look at her face . sometimes she tries to mask it because she is an actress after all . but it’s not hard to see through the facade that she puts on if you know her well
hopeless romantic af ! romanticizes everything in life ! loves love in all forms , romantic , platonic , self love , whatever ! looks at the world through rose tinted glasses and heart eyes ! probably falls in love with a person , place , or thing at least 5 times a day !
prefers summer and living near a beach / some body of water over living in the middle of the city . so she’ll often visit back home or go stay with her brothers in LA , not just to be closer to family , but to be more in her element
her family has so many houses simply bc their lives are all over the place ???? like they kept her childhood home in new jersey but they also always had a luxury townhouse in new york plus a summer home in the hamptons and a cottage in england and an apartment in los angeles that her brothers currently reside in . she used to just stay in the townhouse while going to school but she recently bought her own apartment bc she wants to be #independent
might catch her as the lead in a new netflix original movie coming soon *wink wink*
is in love with her best friend east harvey and they’re getting married
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stormcrawler75 · 6 years
The Shadows Part 2
Summary: The shadows came back. And they had some things to say to Virgil.
Warnings: Swearing, Self Deprecation, and self-isolation.
Here is the link to the first part!
The shadows came back.
Virgil didn't know why he was surprised. He didn't leave forever like they told him to, he came back. Yes, the others came and brought him back. Yes, Logan explained how necessary Virgil was to Thomas and his wellbeing. Yes, they accepted him. And, yes, he told them all his name.
But he still came back.
He could've opened himself back up to Thomas but not go back with the Light Sides. He could've not told the Light Sides his name. He could've just let everything go back to normal. But, he got needy. The moment the others started to tell him that he was needed, he did exactly the opposite of what the plan had been.
The moment that Patton had sunk out after giving Virgil the card, Virgil heard a foot tapping against the floor. He looked up from the card to see Shadow Patton in front of the couch, tapping his foot and shaking his head sternly at Virgil. He looked like a father scolding a disobedient child.
"I cannot believe you, Anxiety." Shadow Patton said. "What, exactly, are you doing back here? You had a plan!" Shadow Patton threw his hands up in the air and heaved a big sigh. "I can’t believe that you came crawling back at the first sign of attention."
Virgil glanced back down at the card the real Patton gave him. “They need me.” He whispered. “They said so. Logan explained it using that,” He waved a hand vaguely. “That curve thing. He called it the Yerks-Dodson Curve, right?”
“Who cares!?” Shadow Patton snapped. Virgil flinched and held his card to his chest like it was some form of protection. “Who cares what its called?”
“It shows that I’m needed.” Virgil protested softly. “Thomas needs me.” A small smile crept across his face. He had lived with the fact that no matter how hard he tried not to, he would always be the villain that would end up hurting Thomas in some way. The realization that that wasn’t true warmed something in Virgil. It felt so good to hear.
Shadow Patton sighed. “Okay. Maybe you are needed to help Thomas.” He said reluctantly. “But why does that mean that you needed to come back!? You could’ve opened yourself up to Thomas just a little and kept going. There was no reason for you to come back from the subconscious.” the smile slipped off Virgil’s face.
“You know that’s not how that works!” Virgil cried. “It’s all or nothing! I either close myself off from Thomas completely or I don’t! You know that Pat-” Virgil cut himself off and shook himself off. “You’re not Patton. You’re not real.”
“You know what? No. I’m not.” Shadow Patton agreed. “I’m not Morality. I’m a creation of your mind and I’m just telling you what you already know.” Shadow Patton spread his arms desperately. “So why aren’t you listening to me? You could still go through with the plan. Keep yourself open to Thomas but isolate yourself. That way Thomas isn’t a bumbling idiot but no one has to deal with you directly. Simple!”
Virgil considered the idea. It could work. No matter what the Light Sides said, Virgil didn’t make things better. They might have “accepted” him right now but that didn’t mean that he would still be accepted in a month from now. They would try sure, but they would fall back into that old rhythm. Virgil would become Anxiety again and everything would go back to the way it was.
But, would they let Virgil leave? They knew that he was important to Thomas' well-being now and what would happen without him around. They would be checking up on him regularly now.
He teared up when he realized what that meant and his grip on his card tightened. He was a tool and tools needed care to make sure they did their job. This card was just a way to make Virgil stay around.
He never thought that Patton would be able to think of something like this. Maybe he and Logan talked about it beforehand. That would make sense.
“No, it’s not.” Virgil said, wiping tears away from his eyes. “I’m, I’m just a tool. If I try and leave again, they’ll come after me. They won’t let me go anywhere, now that they know that Thomas needs me.”
Shadow Patton rubbed at his eyes tiredly. “Well, that’s your fault. Isn’t it?” Virgil nodded and bit back a sob. Shadow Patton rolled his eyes. “Stop blubbering already. You just need to wait, that’s all. They’ll forget about you eventually. Then you’ll be able to leave”
Virgil nodded and sniffed. A tear fell down his chin and hit his, Patton’s, card. He looked down and wanted to cry again. Even though the card was just a way to keep him around, Virgil liked the card. He liked the heart and the pictures and the famILY. It hurt that it was just a ploy. But, Virgil still liked the card.
“You’re not actually going to keep that, are you?” Shadow Patton mocked. Virgil bit his lip and shrugged.
“Patton might ask about it or tell the others and they’ll want to see it.” Virgil lied. Virgil hated lying, he hated it. It reminded him far too much of Deceit and if there was one thing that he did not want to become it was Deceit. But, if he told the truth, that he wanted to keep the card just because Patton gave it to him, Shadow Patton would make him give it up.
Shadow Patton shrugged. “Fine. If you’re sure. Just remember,” He narrowed his eyes at Virgil “you owe them this.” And just like that, he disappeared.
Virgil rubbed at the tear tracks on his cheeks. He could do this. He just had to wait, he could do that.
Waiting for everyone to forget about him was harder than Virgil thought it would be.
Virgil thought it would be a week, two tops before he would sink back into the villain role that he’d always play. He would go back into the subconscious, make sure to leave a note this time, and everything would be fine. Thomas would still have the anxiety, he just wouldn’t have to deal with Anxiety.
It had been a month. One full month.
Patton had gone full force in making Virgil a permanent part of the Light Sides’ family. The day after Virgil had ducked out Patton had woken him up and asked him if he wanted to come down for breakfast.
Virgil wanted to say no. He knew that it would only hurt worse when he left if he said yes. But, Patton looked so hopeful. And Virgil thought that Roman was Thomas’ actor Side.
So he went downstairs for breakfast. And the next day. And the day after that. This continued.
Patton wanted him out of his room more and would have Virgil take part in activities that, apparently, the others had made traditions. Movie nights, family meals, and other mundane things that just seemed so strange to Virgil.
Roman, well Roman was weird. He was obviously trying to treat Virgil as a friend. It was just so strange. He cut down on the nicknames and apologized when he said one that went past the point of teasing. Roman asked him to watch Disney movies with him and actually listened when Virgil complained about a character or theme!
He woke Virgil up early one day and asked him if he wanted to go on an adventure in his room. Virgil, though hesitate, said yes thinking that maybe Roman was going to take him into his realm away from the others and tell him that it was time to move on. Instead, Roman took Virgil into his Kingdom and showed him around. There was no fighting, monsters, or anything else that would send Virgil into a panic attack. It was nice weird.
Logan didn’t make any grand gestures. If Virgil wasn’t who he was, a freak who had to watch and analyze every move everyone around him made, he might’ve thought that Logan wasn’t doing anything different. But, he knew Logan’s morning routine and it did not include making an extra decaf coffee and placing it next to Virgil’s spot at the table. It did not include asking Virgil how he slept. It especially did not include giving Virgil a stern look when Virgil tried to leave before he finished at least half his breakfast.
Virgil was beginning to think that if Patton was the dad of the Light Sides than Logan was the mum.
But, no one seemed to be forgetting about him, not even Thomas. Virgil had been called up, outside of videos, just to talk. Thomas wanted to get to know him to become his friend like Thomas was with the other Sides.
Virgil knew that it was all just an act. He was a tool and they needed him to keep Thomas functional. They were just pretending, Virgil knew that. The Shadows reminded him of that everytime he went back to his room.
They would be there waiting for him, to remind him exactly what he already knew. Shadow Logan would explain the Light Sides’ motive and plan in detail. Shadow Patton would be there to tell Virgil how much happier everyone was going to be when he left for good this time. Shadow Roman just loved to taunt Virgil with all of the nicknames that the real Roman had stopped using like Charlie Frown.
The place that was once Virgil’s safe place was becoming the place he dreading going. He hated going from the Commons and the Light Sides care to crash hard back into reality. But, he hated going outside into the Commons even more. Virgil didn’t want to be around these people who were pretending to want to be his friend and know that none of it was real. So, he left his room less and less. He slowly stopped going down to morning breakfast and stopped spending the day down in the Commons. Virgil watched and, even though he did have a small bit of hope that maybe they would notice and bring him back down to spend time with them, no one did anything to stop him. Virgil didn’t know why he was surprised.
After all, why would the Light Sides care if a tool hung around longterm as long as it did its job?
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olixerwxxd · 6 years
Miss you Pt. two
Part one
Fem!Ravenclaw  x Charlie Weasley Hogwarts Mystery Imagine
Word Count: 2.3k
The weeks go by and Charlie and I get closer every day. After that day when Bill saw us kissing, we thought that we give it a shot. Since we wanted to see where this relationship leads, we did not tell anybody. Well except for Bill and Fleur. She grew very close to me as well and I am very happy for Bill. One morning the four of us were eating breakfast at the table of the burrow when Molly walks towards me and hands me a letter, “This arrived for you this morning, darling.” “It’s from Jacob.” I smile at Charlie.
Dearest Y/N,
How are you doing back home in England, I bet it is quite boring. I just finished my job in Tokyo. In the end, there were only a few ghouls who guarded the treasure. I got a new job offer in Namibia and it sounds amazing. Like a perfect adventure. They are searching for a second curse breaker for this one and I might have slipped your name. Write me if you are interested.
“What does it say,” Charlie asks me with his cheeky smile. Jacobs offer sounds amazing to me and usually I would not have to think at all, but this time it would mean to be apart from Charlie once again. Therefore, I just put the letter back in the envelope and say, “He just told me about his latest adventures.”
Later that afternoon, I was currently playing a match of wizard chess against Bill. He was waiting on Fleur to get ready, for their dinner. At some point Charlie comes downstairs, “Would you like to join me on a walk, (Y/N)?” I smile, “I’d love, just one second.” I look back at Bill and move my knight. “Checkmate.” I smile sweetly and get up, “Have fun on your date.” “What just happened?” Bill asks confused and I laugh, “I kicked your ass.” Charlie and I head outside and start strolling towards the woods. As soon as we are sure that Molly can’t see us, we interlock our fingers. “Should we head to the lake?” I ask him. Charlie just nods. Something with him seems strange. We sit down by the lakeside, as we did so often these past weeks. We sit there in silence for a little while just listening to each others’ breathing. “I love you.” Charlie blurts out. “W-What?” I ask surprised. Charlie gets calmer and looks me in the eye, “It is true, I love you. Probably since year five at Hogwarts. Spending these past weeks with you just showed that. And you don’t have to say it back, but I just wanted to get that off my chest.” “Charlie.” I say softly and give him a gentle kiss, “I love you, too.”
The sun is already high up when my eyes flutter open. I stretch my body and turn around to Charlie, but there is nobody next to me. A little sad that I couldn’t wake up next to him, I get up, put on a pair of jeans and the pullover Bill gave me in my fourth year at Hogwarts. I walk downstairs hoping that I would find Charlie there. “Good morning, love.” Molly greets me from the kitchen. “Good morning,” I smile back at her. She chuckles, “Is that one of Bill’s old pullovers?” I blush slightly, “It is. It is just too comfortable and I don’t get it over my heart to throw it away.” “Well, if you love it that much, I am knitting you your own one for Christmas. What is your favourite colour?” She asks sweetly and I hesitate, “You don’t have to do that. This one is perfectly fine.” She laughs, “Don’t be silly, it’s nearly falling apart. Your favourite colour?” “Blue.” I finally give in with a smile, and then I add, “Did you see Charlie anywhere?” “He left quite early this morning.” She answers me, “Said something about an emergency at the reserve.” “Oh.” I say surprised and Molly sights, “He just can’t live without his dragons.”
A few days later, I lay awake, not able to sleep. I hadn’t heard anything from Charlie so far and I was still thinking about Molly’s words ‘He just can’t live without his dragons’ and she is right. Charlie would never give that up for me. What was I even thinking? That we both just stop working and live happily ever after. I get up and get a piece of parchment, then I start writing:
Dear Jacob,
Is that offer still available? Either way I am going to visit. I will start my journey tonight. See you soon.
Love and hugs,
I give the note to my little owl and start packing my bag. Then I write a note for Molly and thanking her for everything and that if the order needs me, I’ll be back. I leave the note on the dining table and with that, I am gone.
It has been nearly two years since I left the burrow in the middle of the night. Charlie letters became less and less over time and at some point, they eventually stopped. I read every single one of them, asking why I left and where I am or what went wrong, but I wasn’t brave enough to answer him. Bill told me in multiple letters from him that Charlie is frustrated and not himself. However, I still think that it was the best for us, it just wouldn’t have worked.
“Jacob are you here?” I call out for my brother as I enter our tent. We just started a new job in Ireland. “Surprise!” Someone shouts and makes me jump. Bill and Fleur are in the middle of our living room with huge smiles on their faces. Fleur takes me in a big hug, “I missed you.” When she finally let go of me, she immediately shoves her hand in my face, “Bill asked me to marry ‘im.” My eyes go big, “That are amazing news.” Now it is my turn to hug her then I walk over and give Bill a hug, too. “Do you have a date already?” I ask them exited. Fleur nods, “August 1st.” “You are coming, right?” Bill looks me in the eyes and I hesitate, “I would love to come, but I don’t think that it would be a good idea. You know, Charlie is going to be there and I don’t ruin your day.” “Please, (Y/N).” Fleur says with a sad face, “I would like you to be one of my bridesmaids.” “You can stay at the burrow for a few days. Charlie is not arriving until the day of the wedding.” Bill tries to convince me. I sigh, “I guess I could spare a few days since two of my best friends are getting married.”
I enter the burrow and one word comes to my mind. Hectic. My mum was running around and did not have the time to say hello. Not sure what to do, I walk into the kitchen where one of the twins is leaning against the counter. Suddenly I see the bandage around his head, “What happened to you?” He takes another sip of his Coffee and points to his ear, “That? I had a little accident at our mission yesterday.” “At least we can hold you apart from now on.” George laughs. “Is that you, George?” I hear someone ask from upstairs and of course, I immediately know who it is. Hearing her voice again makes me shiver. I want to be angry, I really want to, but it is just impossible to feel something else then love for her. “I am down in the kitchen.” George answers her. “Stay there! I need help with my dress.” Then we hear her running down the stairs. George grabs his cup and gets up, “I actually have to go but my brother can help you.” Before I am able to protest, George is gone. The moment (Y/N) sees me she freezes and her eyes go wide. “I... umm... when he said Brother I kind of thought he meant Fred. I probably should find someone else.” She stammers. “You need help?” I ask her and she slowly nods. “The zipper.” Is all she says. I walk towards her, taking in every little feature. How her hands fiddle with the seam of her dress or her teeth chewing the inside of her cheek. Is she nervous? I come to a halt in front of her. “Turn around.” I whisper and she slowly obeys. I place my left hand on her waist and I can feel her tense. My other hand goes for the zipper pulling it up. When I am finished, I hesitate to pull my hands away. “Thanks.” She says turning back around. I am able to see a single tear escaping her eye. I put my hand on her cheek and wipe it away with my thumb, “Just, tell me why. I need… no, I deserve to know.” “Charlie.” She answers sadly, “I promise to explain you everything, okay? Just let it rest until the wedding is over. I don’t want to ruin Bill and Fleur’s wedding with us fighting.” I nod, “That sounds fair. I should probably search Bill anyway.” We slowly step apart and head for different directions.
The ceremony was beautiful, even I have to admit that. Still, while standing there I couldn’t take my eyes off her. She just looked so beautiful smiling at her friends. “Charlie!” Barnaby greets me and we hug. All our friends from school are greeting us and (Y/N) is currently lost in a group hug with the girls. “You look good, girl.” Andre compliments her and she stars twirling to show of her Outfit. After that, she falls into his arm and gives him a kiss on the cheek. My heart stings seeing that. “Close your mouth or you’ll catch some flies.” Tulip whispers in my ear and gets me back to reality. “Let’s have a seat.” (Y/N) laughs, “We need to catch up and these shoes are killing me.”
Later everyone is dancing, except for me. Suddenly someone sits down beside me, that someone is Tonks. “Stop staring at her and do something. Ask her for a dance. She not going to say ‘no’.” “You are right.” I answer her and get up. She was currently dancing with Ben. With strong confident steps, I make my way towards her. All of a sudden, the music stops due to Kingsley’s patronus, “The Ministry has fallen. Scrimgeour is dead. They are coming.”  People screaming and disapparating everywhere, other were getting their wands out. The only thing going through my mind was (Y/N). I tried to find her once again, when our eyes met everything around me went dark and the last thing I could hear was she screaming my name.
I can feel something soft underneath me. Is that a mattress? I slowly open my eyes while adjusting to the light. Outside I can make out the sea. Bill and Fleur must have took me to Shell Cottage with them. I try to get up, but everything in my body hurts. “You need to rest.” I hear someone whisper on the other side of the door, who I think is Fleur, “You can go back inside when you slept yourself.” “I can’t.” another women cries, “Not until I know that he will be fine.” I can hear the women sob. Could it possibly be (Y/N)? “(Y/N).” I try to call her, but my dry throat does not work the way I want it to. “(Y/N)!” I try once again a little louder. The door opens and there she is. Her face is full of tears. “You are awake.” She smiles and she runs towards me and puts her arms around me. I let out a groan of pain. She jumps back shocked, “I am so sorry.” “I’ll rather take the pain.” I smile and pull her back close. After a few moments (Y/N) looks me deep in the eyes, “I was so scared that you wouldn’t wake up.” New tears start forming in her eyes and I take in between my hands, “I am here and I am not going to leave.” She nods, “I am sorry I left.” I turn over on my right side and scoot a little over then I pat the mattress next to me. She kicks of her shoes and lays down beside me. “Why did you left?” I ask while pushing a strand of her hair back and she starts explaining, ���You were gone and I hadn’t heard from you in days when I realised that it wouldn’t work. We live in different countries and just love our jobs to much.” I looked at her stunned, “But, I love you more and had I known that you would be gone when I come back then I wouldn’t have left. And if you wanted to go on breaking curses, I would follow you to the end of the world. I don’t need dragons to be happy. I need you.” (Y/N) finally stopped crying. “I love you so much,” she smiles and finally kisses me. Oh, how I missed this feeling.” I am completely lost in time, but at some point, I stop the kiss and look at her, “So, where in the world do you want to go next?” “Romania seems nice. I heard there are a lot curses that need to be broken.” She giggles and I couldn’t be happier.
I hope you liked this little story. Either way have a good day. <3 
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i'm not there yet, but;
sometimes, i imagine myself being in the office again. waiting for everyone because im too early, or maybe even locked out of the room because the key is just on the way... and then radio silence. i'll have to face the reality that we're stuck in the new normal and the possibility (super high and likely) that i'll never step foot there again. my insides, right now, is in a turmoil. i'll have a lot to miss. it sucks that i'm feeling this way, i think this is how i always feel whenever i leave, even in jhs. someone just pointed out that, when i know something is ending, i distance myself from it—i treat them as if we were never close, but i think it was just my automatic defense mechanism to not fall apart and give up pieces of me—but not this time i guess, i'll just breathe through it.
sometimes, i close my eyes and i see everyone. i'm seated in the not-so-old-swivel-chair, chatting with kuya ry because he's always there and then everyone is there—having their respective conversations too, it was pretty noisy but definitely a soothing background noise and then kuya zur would barge in. he would ask if we wanted to "sight see" with kuya zen or maybe go on a rush to pombrera and beat the time for classes.
sometimes, i see myself seating and you're there busy or god knows whatever you are thinking (maybe how to bury someone lol) and im annoying the heck out of you but I BELIEVE you'll never be angry at me becos child privilege hehe :D or maybe im doing something weird again trying 2 kill time, being your automated bot or fire breather cat or maybe we can walk around the campus again.
sometimes, i imagine working again with everyone with countless of overnights. im laughing, probably because another prank was pulled. someone slept early, so someone probably drew over their feet or face or that i'll make their coffee again with soy sauce and water 😆
sometimes, i see myself again, working, with everyone. coverage after coverage. initiating small talks during the boring hours of listening. or that im loathing kuya brix for dumping all the work again 😤
sometimes, im just there, listening to everyone, observing, and initiating small talks. god, i still did not experience going to ur other classes ㅠㅠ
there are countless of things i'll surely miss. the consistent supply of coffee. playing monopoly with kuya dan and big brain and uno with whoever is there. i'll miss cooking on a rice cooker too 😭🤩 the tables... the lights lol... i'll miss even the little bits of it. i'll PROBABLY (maybe not ½jK) miss you too :c
what's the likeliness that we might never talk again after this school year :')
i mean... i'm barely keeping up with my circle from previous school... they literally thought i was dead, probably interacted with a few with month/s of interval. ill probably dip lol, i think im really bad at keeping friends :[[
jesus, why do i need to move on and grow up, just when i was looking forward for more
i just felt empty i guess, im leaving, again
and i've already lost a lot
two died while i was away, in silence and rejection of offers to meet. ahhh, this feeling sucks a lot
at this rate, i won't be surprised if i die alone and no one will come to my funeral :')
sometimes i just close my eyes and feel everyone, ive learned so much, thank u for always being there mum :]]
i'll probably miss all the support i got from the pub ㅠㅠ
words will never be sufficient enough to express what it was like to just breathe and be there again
anyways, it's been an hour since my last game... i just had the time to think, which i always hate lol but yes feels weird to be on the meet earlier, it's like seeing everyone i'll soon to have forget... and people... omg actual people besides tedious classmates/classes 🙃
also hi, this is just me saying i (may have) miss you or rather annoying u :> which i couldn't say earlier becos i did not feel anything, until now tbh hahahsjdhsh
p.s. what if i meet a new parent in manila,,, mum dethroned jk 😆 i hate to admit this, but you're kind of irreplaceable 👉🏼👈🏼
| 5:38AM - April 29, 2021
0 notes
takadasaiko · 7 years
Such Great Heights: Part Twelve (a Wynonna Earp fic)
Part Twelve
She had been through this already. A girl with a different name and a face that had seemed vaguely familiar that had shot Peacemaker and sent Lou screeching down to hell. Wynonna had loved her sister, but the woman that had returned to them had been a shadow of her former self. Cold and callous, willing to sacrifice anything or anyone to get what she wanted. She had blamed Bobo for a while, but the truth was that Willa had broken at some point, and no one else was going to save her. If there had been any hope of her sister coming home again, it would have been something only Willa could have chosen.
But she hadn't. She had gone wrong and Wynonna had been forced to do the one thing she swore she wouldn't: put her down. Then she had turned up in the dream world and as soon as Wynonna knew what was going on she had shut her out. There had been no way that she was real. Kind and loving and loyal…. all things she might have been without all the darkness in her life. It hurt to think about the might have been's, but Willa was dead. She was gone, and Wynonna had fixed her focus on Alice.
Now her sister was back. Again. And she had betrayed them. Again. Wynonna wasn't sure she could do it all over again.
Bobo hadn't had a lot to go off when he had woken up. He and Doc had gone after a few Revenants trying to make their escape and Bobo had toppled their escape vehicle. Wynonna had seen the aftermath of the fight and the damage done, and all she could remember thinking was that she was glad he was on their side now.
From what he had said Willa had climbed out of the toppled van, surprising him, and she'd barely hesitated when she'd pulled the trigger at point blank range before leaving with a Revenant of her own free will. It seemed pretty cut and dry. Whatever some of the others had brought with them from the dream world hadn't affected Willa.
Wynonna had stepped outside to try to find some peace from the increasingly full house only to find Bobo Del Rey balanced on the railing around the porch, long legs stretched out in front of him. He was leaned against a pole with his head tilted back, eyes closed, and the only sign that he hadn't dozed off there the fact that he hadn't dropped the cigarette dangling between two fingers. The closer she crept, though, the more she thought that might just be a matter of time. If the ash collecting at the tip was anything to go by he hadn't taken a drag in a few minutes.
She was in the process of turning to find a different place to hide away and think when a rough voice stopped her. "Looking for me or did I steal your spot?"
Blue eyes had cracked open by the time Wynonna turned back and he was watching her as he tapped his cigarette and tried to take a drag. He frowned at it, dug for his lighter, and relit it. He looked exhausted, his hands a little shaky as they worked, and she wondered if that came from dying or everything else that had happened. It had been so much easier when she hated him, when she blamed him for everything, but she'd gotten to know the man behind the demon. It made it harder to ignore the pain he couldn't keep hidden in his eyes or the stress in the way his shoulders hunched, strangely thin looking with only the thin Henley to cover them.
Wynonna cleared her throat awkwardly. "This may be one of the first times I've seen you without that obnoxious coat of yours."
"Not sure where it went yet," he answered with a shrug. "Woke up without it and my boots."
Wynonna's eyes traveled down the long legs to find sock covered feet rather than the usual heavy boots he wore. "Right, sorry. Waverly put them away when we… got you back here."
He hummed a little and took another drag of his cigarette, his gaze distant.
"Look… I'm sorry about Willa."
"Not your doing."
"Yeah, well…. still. I know I've…" She grimaced, trying to find the words and coming up short. She pulled in a deep breath, steeling herself. "I know how much you loved my sister. It can't be easy having her do this… again. Especially after everything in the dream world."
He didn't react at first, merely kept his gaze fixed on nothing as he smoked. Finally he leaned back, his head thumping lightly against the pole and he let his eyes slide closed again. "She said it was the only way."
The words were so soft that Wynonna almost didn't hear them. "What was?"
Bobo shrugged. "Shooting me, I 'spose. She said it was the only way to get the kids back."
Icy blue eyes snapped open again and he glared a little at her. "I'm not an idiot, Wynonna. I know she thinks she's struck a deal with him and that he'll never honour it." He shifted and pulled a knee up, wincing as he did and his hand went to what must have been the still-healing wound. "Desperate people do desperate things."
Wynonna stared at him. "Are you seriously telling me you're not pissed?"
"Oh, I am," he chuckled, the words drawn out. "And frustrated and tired. I've been at this a long time, and I did warn you, Wynonna girl. The weight on your shoulders only gets heavier. The more you give a damn, the more you've got to lose, and it will drive you a little crazy if you let it." He flicked the butt of his cigarette out. "I though Josiah'd be the one to break it. He was good. Lot like his daddy, but they strung him up and I couldn't stop 'em. Couldn't have if I tried. All it'd've done was taken me down with 'im. Edwin had the drive, but no give. Your daddy…. you know all 'bout him." He tapped the bottom of his pack and knocked another cigarette out, lifting it to his lips. "Willa and I were gonna save each other. She waited for me. She…. I saved her from them and she was gonna wait 'till she was old enough to take me with her. Then there's you." He lit his cigarette and inhaled. "Wouldn'ta bet on it early on, but you're more like him than even Josiah was."
Wynonna swallowed hard. "You think I can finish this?"
"First Earp since your great-great granddaddy that I've openly aligned with. What do you think?"
"I think it wouldn't kill you to say you have faith in me, asshole," she huffed, but her lips quirked up a little as she spoke.
"I think I used up my faith a long time ago and you Earps just keep trying it."
"I'm going to finish this, Bobo. Clootie won't be coming back when I'm done with him. My daughter's life depends on it."
"And desperate people do desperate things," he said, his voice a little sad.
"Are you sticking around?" The question left her without permission, but if she were honest she had been waiting for him to leave since he'd chosen to join them. Waiting for him to choose to try to lay low and survive this in any way he could. He'd stayed longer than she might have expected, and with Willa popping back up, this might just be his breaking point.
He swung his legs over to slide off the railing, discarding his used up cigarette "Well, I was there when it started. Might as well stick it out to the end." There was more there, but she supposed she couldn't expect him to share everything. He'd been more honest with her in these last few minutes than she thought he'd been with her since they'd met. He didn't say any more as he moved back into the house, leaving her alone with her thoughts just as she had originally wanted when she'd walked out there in the first place.
When she slept she could still feel his breath against her neck, curled up behind her with his arm carefully looped around and her back against his chest. It felt comfortable. Safe. For just a moment it felt like they were still in that little house that they had bought in Purgatory and catching the last few minutes of sleep before the alarm went off and the Svane household stirred to a sleepy morning of coffee, breakfast, and work.
They'd been pulled from that world, though, and this was only the echoes of it that she saw when she let herself drift off to sleep. She wished she could enjoy it for a little while but it always went the same way.
She would wake to hear Grace crying, but no matter how hard she looked for her, she was always just beyond her reach. Every night following the one that she'd woken in the dank little cellar that Clootie had tossed her in she had searched and searched only to wake and be separated from them both.
She wasn't sure when she'd drifted off to sleep that afternoon, but when she felt him nuzzling against the nape of her neck, his voice soft and mumbling as he begged her to stay, she knew she had. It didn't matter. No matter how much she wanted to stay, the dream played out, so there was no point in delaying.
Willa wiggled out of his embrace, turning just a moment to find Robert still sleeping. He looked so peaceful like that, laid out on his side with his arm still stretched over her side of the bed, fingers loose and the lines in his face relaxed like he didn't have a care in the world. She bent down, meaning to steal a kiss, but she found herself in a hallway instead, her bedroom gone and the hall stretched on, Grace's cries echoing from somewhere down the way. A dream. Right.
Bare feet padded against the wooden floor as she made her way down, holding onto the reality of what it was. She'd never found her before like this, and she had no reason to think that this would turn out any different.
The hall ended, though, for the first time in her memory, and Willa turned, finding Grace sitting on the floor with tears in those big blue eyes and she pointed at her slipper. "Kitty threw up in my shoe, mama."
A short laugh escaped Willa as she bent down, scooping the little girl up and holding onto her, startled at how real she felt. Grace wrapped her arms around her mother's neck and buried her nose in her shoulder. "It's okay, baby," Willa promised. "We'll get it cleaned up."
"It's scary."
"What is, baby?"
"The sound."
"What so-" A loud crash cut her off, like a gunshot, and Willa tightened her grip on Grace, even as she began to squirm. She wasn't going to let her go. She wouldn't.
"Daddy," Grace said stubbornly as she tried to break free and Willa followed her gaze down the hall. She couldn't hold on any longer and the little girl squirmed loose, running down the hall to where a form lay at the other end.
Willa followed, a knot growing in her chest with each step. Grace stopped in front of him and Willa knew who it was before she saw the face, those blue eyes she knew so well wide and vacant, dark blood coating his t-shirt from the entry wound the bullet she had fired had left in him. She swallowed hard and knelt on the ground next to him, her hands trembling as she reached out to his face. He wouldn't stay dead. He couldn't. Only Peacemaker could kill him and she hadn't… she wouldn't have killed him.
She jolted awake, leaned against the door in the backseat of a vehicle she and the Revenant had taken when Robert had destroyed the one that they were escaping in. Grace wasn't there and neither was Robert. In that moment she had never felt more alone.
The Revenant that had survived Robert's attack stalked over to the car and tore the back door open, snapping at her to move. She was glad that she had already woken up or she would have fallen out into a heap on the ground. Instead she leveled a glare at him as she moved past him, spotting Clootie just ahead. He tilted his chin up, strange gold gaze fixed on the Revenant. "Is that how you treat our guest?"
"No, boss," the Revenant mumbled, and Clootie barely flicked his fingers. The Revenant fell immediately, a sharp cry escaping him as he started to rithe on the ground, twitching and screaming.
Willa watched the display of power, her gaze steady and her expression blank. She could feel Clootie watching her for a reaction, for even a little discomfort as a man screaming in agony. "You tried to cross the boundary with Robert once, didn't you?"
She looked over at that. "I did."
"Obviously it didn't work. We didn't get very far before the pain hit him."
"Miles here has never crossed the boundary, but he knows now what it feels like, don'tcha Miles?" Clootie waited a moment and nudged the now foaming Revenant in the ribs, receiving another cry of pain for his efforts. "Don't you?"
"Yes!" came the strangled reply and he curled into himself a little more.
Clootie snorted. "I imagine there was none of this with Robert. He's too proud. Too stubborn. It's amazing how far he's come."
"I suppose you did him a favour," Willa said, wondering if the sarcasm was as evident to the demon as it was to her.
He chuckled "I imagine he wouldn't think so, but there are dark corners in every human being that are just waiting to be explored. Men like Robert used to be never have the courage to seek that out, but if nudged - even if shoved - they find that there's power in it." Clootie had moved progressively closer and closer as he spoke, stepping around the twitching Revenant at their feet and he lifted a hand to Willa's face. "You know that, don't you, my dear? You're not afraid to indulge your darker tendencies to get what you want."
The spark behind the conversation clicked with her and she met that strange gaze of his. "You found my niece."
"I did."
She waited for a moment, but the only filler to the silence between them were the now muffled cries of pain from Miles on the ground. Willa pushed a sharp breath from her nose. "And?"
He smirked at her, producing a cell phone from his coat pocket. "She's with your aunt. You're going to call Ms McCready and tell her that the war's been won and that it's time to bring Wynonna's little girl home."
Willa stood still for just a moment, staring at him rather than the outstretched phone. This was the moment where she decided how far she was going to take this. She could call Gus. She could even convince her that she needed to bring Alice, but then the little girl's life would be in danger. If she didn't, though, then Clootie would know that she'd been playing him and she'd lose any opportunity to find a way to take him out for good.
Her gaze shifted down to the phone and she reached up, snagging it from him. "If you want me to make the call, shut him up."
Clootie smirked and the Revenant went utterly silent at the twitch of his wrist, and if Willa didn't know better she would have thought he was dead. Maybe he was. She pulled in a deep breath and hit send on the number pre-dialed for her.
The house had gone quiet in the mid afternoon as energy started running dry, the sleepless night catching up with them and leaving them drained. Waverly couldn't sleep though, no matter how tired she was. Nicole had gone into the sheriff's station to get some work done and Waverly hadn't gotten back to sleep since she left.
Finally she gave up trying, swinging her legs over the side of her bed and reaching for her sweater to pull around her shoulders.
The house was dead quiet, which was strange for as many people as it held when she had dozed off. The only sound she heard was a rummaging sound from the front and she moved towards it, wondering if she should have grabbed a weapon.
The fight or flight reaction dissipated as soon as she saw the culprit behind the noise. Bobo was looking for something in the front closet, coat hangers scraping across the metal pole they were hung on. He didn't seem to notice as Waverly made her way down the stairs. She cleared her throat, finally drawing his attention. "If you're looking for your stuff, it's in the closet in the room you were sleeping in."
"Ah," he managed, turning towards what had become a spare bedroom at some point, his focus switched over to that closet instead.
Waverly followed quietly, watching his movements and frowning a little. He was stiff and much slower than usual as he pulled the door open and found what he was looking for, his shoulders a little more hunched down, and when she caught sight of his eyes as he turned to take a heavy seat on the bed to work his feet into his boots, she saw how tired he looked. "Was that the first time you've slept?"
He looked up, blinking owlishly at her. "What'd you mean?"
"Since we got back. Have you slept at all this week?"
"Been sleepin' a lot since last night."
"Not sure being dead counts."
He snorted, a very small smile tilting his lips. "You worried about me, Angel?" He stopped then, the pet name almost swallowed at the end as he spoke it, and Waverly pressed her lips together a little. Angel. He'd called her his angel since she was small, but in the dream world, in a world where Robert Svane hadn't begged for his Angel's name as he had died, that had been Grace's nickname. His daughter. Her own connection to Bobo was still so complicated and there was so much that he flat-out refused to tell her that she didn't even want to contemplate how the dream world had laid that one out. She couldn't focus on it, not now. It didn't matter. Not right then, with the struck look that he was so desperately trying to hide behind a mask of indifference.
"Yeah, between you and Wynonna trying to ignore how much pain you guys are in, I've got my hands full," she said, her voice gentle and she tried to keep it at least a little light.
"Gotta stay focused. We're too close to let it slip now," he huffed, standing to shrug his coat on.
"Are you going somewhere?"
"Out. Makes them nervous when I disappear for long stretches and as useless as some of 'em are, better to have them on our side than Clootie's."
Waverly nodded slowly. " I mean… you were kinda dead. Are you up to it?"
He snorted a mirthless chuckle. "I'll live," he promised with a wink as he passed by her.
Waverly didn't chase him down. Like Wynonna, all she could do was say her piece and he would either come around on his own or get slammed in the face by what he was trying to avoid. With Willa alive and working against them, she worried it would be sooner rather than later.
Just as he'd predicted the Revenants answering to him were tied up in knots that he had disappeared after following the lead Freddy had given him. He was the one standing not just between them and Clootie, but between them and the Heir when this was all said and done. The deal struck for their freedom after after Bulshar's defeat had been negotiated by Bobo himself. If he didn't make it through this, they had no reason to believe that they would have friends on any side. He was their hope of getting out of this.
He'd settled the questions down, leaving out the part about dying. Leaving out most of what happen, if he thought about it too hard. It always had been better if they saw him as invincible.
Bobo was on his way towards Shorty's when movement caught his eye. When he looked there was no one there, but ten steps later he caught the same out of the corner of his eye. Someone thought they were being clever.
He slipped into a back alley, keying in on the presence following him. He slowed his pace, waiting until the soft footsteps drew closer.
"Robert." His whispered name made him turn quicker than he had intended to and he knew the voice before he saw the face. Bobo tensed, ready for whatever fight was about to break out, but Willa stood with her hands held up in a non-threatening manner. "I'm not here to hurt you."
"That's rich, coming from you," he growled, putting a step between them. He didn't trust her, but he had no interest in fighting her. Of all the people he could and would tear into without a second thought, he knew that that was a line even he couldn't cross. He wouldn't be able to live with himself if he truly hurt her.
She reached out as he stepped back. "I'm sorry. I needed them to believe me."
"And now you need me to believe you," he snapped, his voice low and rough. "Funny how that works."
Her hand dropped, never quite touching him and she pursed her lips together like she was looking for the right words. He frowned, a low growl escaping him. "Save it. I've been betrayed enough to know what it looks like. If you're fool enough to trust whatever bullshit Clootie's fed you, do what you do best. Go at it alone."
A small, startled sound left her at the words and something in him felt a little sick satisfaction from it. She pulled in a trembling breath, her eyes squeezing closed. "Okay," she breathed out. "Okay. We don't have time for your trust issues right now."
"Trust issues?" he snarled, his temper flaring dangerously and he re-took that step forward, causing her to back away from him and against the wall. "Wonder where I could have picked those up. I trusted you, Willa. I put everything on hold to look for you when Constance took you. Everything. But you left me to rot, same as Wyatt. We get a second chance and you choose Clootie. How do you 'spose I came by my trust issues? Don't you dare tell me you're doin' it for Gracie. You-"
The blow snapped his head around hard enough to hurt, his cheek and jaw burning from the open-handed slap. When he turned back she was fuming. "Hate me all you want for leaving you, Robert, but I would never risk Grace's soul just to get her back. What would be the point?"
He stared at her and he could feel the anger rolling off if her in waves.
She stepped forward so that there were only inches between then, holding his gaze stubbornly. "The only chance we have of getting her back - of getting them both back - is ending Clootie once and for all and freeing you. I can find a way to do that if he trusts me. We end this curse and we get our children back."
Wanting to trust and so many betrayals that came before warred against each other inside him and Bobo let his eyes slip closed, the anger flooding out of him and leaving him feeling empty and hurt. The anger was easier. The anger was always easier.
He swallowed hard, and when he reopened his eyes her gaze had softened. She reached up, her touch gentle bow, and she ran her thumb across the side of his face she had hit just moments before. "I know," she whispered, her voice straIned. "I know what you've been through. I know how you shove it aside and how you can't let anyone see. I know it now more than I ever could before, and Robert I am sorry, but I can't change what I did. I can't fix that, but we can end this curse and a chance at something like the life we lived in that dream world. Not perfect, but better. I want that chance, and I'm willing to risk everything to get it."
Bobo's hand found the side of her face and he leaned down, his lips pressed against hers and he felt her own grip shift, one hand slipping around to the back of his neck to pull him in closer and the other sliding down his chest and gripping his t-shirt. He flinched a little, half expecting the freshly-healed wound to still be tender and she pulled back. "I'm sorry," she whispered, and this time he couldn't help but believe her in that.
He pulled in a breath and leaned his forehead against hers. "I want to trust you, Willa. Give me something, anything-"
"Alice." She pulled back, almost like she was startled. "That was why I came looking for you. To warn you. Clootie wanted proof of loyalty."
"Of course he did."
"He had me make a call to Gus."
She paused for a moment and Bobo shrugged. "'Bout what?"
"That's who Wynonna has watching Alice. He had me call her and convince her to bring Alice here."
Blue eyes blinked. "He knows where she is but he's having her brought here? Not going there?"
"What are you thinking?"
"That Clootie's trapped here same as the rest of us. He kills the Heirs and the curse is done. He's free. He wouldn't risk bringing her here unless he had to and he ain't gonna risk-" His gaze shifted to Willa. "You're not goin' back."
"Like hell I'm not," she snapped.
"No, no, no. You've served your purpose. He ain't gonna take the risk in letting you live and having Peacemaker choose you again."
"I have to go back, Robert. I don't have anything on him yet. That's the whole point." She caught his wandering gaze. "I may not be the Earp Heir anymore, and I can live with that. I'm okay with that, but I'm not okay with him winning. If he wins you and I lose everything, and I'll burn this whole damn town to the ground before I let him touch my family again. Any of my family."
He loosed a frustrated growl. He knew that tone and there was no use arguing it. "Make yourself indispensable," he instructed, leaning his forehead against hers again and speaking lowly. "Make him think he can't do this without you."
"That's something you'll have to find. You can. You're clever."
"Clever as Wynonna?" she teased softly.
"Runs in the family," he assured her. "Play on his vanity, do what you have to, and trust no one. You're in with your enemies, Willa. There's nothing easy about it."
"You did it for years," she murmured and Bobo snorted.
"Take it from my experience: it's exhausting. Find what you need and get out." He paused, feeling a knot forming in his chest and he kissed her again. "Don't leave me again."
"Never," she swore. "Go. Warn Wynonna. Be careful." Her fingers brushed along the side of his face. "I love you, Robert. I've never said that enough here, but I love you."
"Love you too. Now go. Before you tip your hand."
It was everything he could do to release her, but he had to. It was that or force her to come back to the Homestead with him. She was right though. Finding Clootie's weakness was their best bet, and if they wanted to end this, if they wanted a chance at anything more than the suffering they had all known for so long, they had to be willing to risk everything.
Notes: So, the last chapter I had trouble bringing together and this one was a freakin' kick to the feels to write. And poor Bobo. One of my favourite scenes is from S1 where he pulls Peacemaker from Wynonna and tells her that the weight is only going to get heavier. I love that so much. He sounds like he's speaking form so much experience and I'm really hoping that S3 will open up doors to allow those two to have serious conversations and land on the same side of things.
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soaimagines · 7 years
The Lost Girls Part Four
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Request: Imagine being the VP of an all female motorcycle club. You all go to Charming and you and Jax fall for each other.
Part One  ♔ Part Two ♔  Part Three
i lost inspiration for this after part two cause i genuinely had no idea where the fuck I was heading with it. But recently found inspiration again. I have a lot of plans for this one for the future. hope you enjoy it. xx feedback is always welcome.
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You had never liked cuddling. Especially not after sex. But for some reason as you laid here in this shitty motel room, catching your breath after having what you could only describe as the best sex of your life you wondered if maybe you had been wrong. Because the way he traced his fingers in maps over your skin and the way his scent filled your lungs was intoxicating and you wanted the world to stop spinning, atlas for a while so you could remain in his arms uninterrupted. The white sheets were draped loosely over your naked bodies as you lay tangled together. Doing nothing, Saying nothing. Just being in each others presence was enough. Your head was pressed to his chest and you listened to the rhythm of his heartbeat beating through his chest. The sunlight shone through the gap in the curtains, casting stays of light over your skin and you smiled softly when you felt his lips press against your hair. You shifted your head towards him and pulled him in for yet another kiss. He smiled against your lips and pulled you in closer, deepening the kiss and his hand moved to cup your face, his thumb caressing your cheek. When you pulled away you smiled and looked up at him. He had the same happily content, lazy look in his eyes as you did and you sat up. The sheet fell away from your body and you lifted it, wrapping it around your body as you reached over to the bedside table.  You opened the small tin you always carried with you and pulled out a joint you had rolled last night. You grabbed your trusty zippo lighter and lit up the joint. Jax shifted beside you and sat up, resting against the headboard and you sat back against it. He lifted his arm and you tucked yourself beneath it, cuddling into his side. You passed the joint between yourselves, letting the smoke linger in the air. Your hand found its way up to his and you intertwined your fingers with his, your fingertips brushing over his rings. He took the final drag of the blunt before nabbing it out in the ashtray that sat on his bedside table. The buzz of his burner interrupted the peacefulness of the room and both of you let out a groan, the cell phone bringing you both back into a harsh reality. He pressed a kiss to the side of your head before sliding to the edge of the bed. He lifted his jeans and pulled the phone out of the pocket. “Yeah?” He spoke, lifting it to his ear. He listened to the person on the other end of the line and he stood, the sheet falling from his body. His words drowned out and you couldn't help but stare at his form as he dressed one handed. He finished the call and looked back at you, catching your eyes lingering on him. “Like what you see, darlin?” He asked with a smirk as he buckled his belt. You shrugged casually. “I’d like it more if you were underneath me, but we cant always get what we want.” Jax laughed at your comment and knelt on the bed. He cupped you face and pulled you in for another kiss. “I gotta head out.” You nodded and slid out of the bed, letting the sheet fall to the floor. He groaned as he watched you cross the room naked and bend to lift your t-shirt that had been tossed aside, his arousal rising immediately. “Why are you staying here anyway? Mayans not providing you girls with rooms?” You shook your head. “The others are staying there. I just prefer sheets that aren't cum-stained.” He laughed and pulled his leather on his broad shoulders. “You sure its safe?” You rolled your eyes. “You might recall, Jackson, that I not only saved your ass, but I am more than capable of taking care of myself. And I like being alone.” “Ever thought of going Nomad?” “Naww, you want me to stay close to you?” You teased. He chuckled lightly. “Would it be such a bad thing?” His question caught you off guard and you frowned slightly, thankful that your body was turned away from him and he couldn't see the range of expressions flittering across your features. You pondered the idea. You had never had a reason to stray from your charter. Until now, that is. But you couldn't leave your club for a boy. God you’d only just slept together. “My Club is my home.” You said quietly, yet firmly. “Thats where I belong.” Jax nodded understandingly, confused by his mixed emotions at your response but admiring your loyalty. He walked to the small desk that occupied the corner of the room and scribbled something on the motel notepad. He tore the sheet off and handed it to you and you looked over the address. “I bet my sheets are a lot cleaner than the motels.” He winked. You smiled and he stepped towards you. The mere touch of his hands on your hips sent shivers down your spine and heat burned within you. You moaned into the kiss and he found himself struggling to pull away, wanting nothing more than to drag you back to bed. His tongue pushed against yours and if one of you didn't stop soon you would both end up naked in the sheets once more. Maybe that wasn't such a bad idea.. “You gotta go.” You whispered against him. He sighed and kissed you once more before pulling away. “I’ll see you later.” It wasn't so much a question but you both knew the answer would be yes. He walked to the door and you watched as the reaper on his back disappeared and you let out a groan before diving back into the bed and burying yourself in the pillows, the scent of him lingering on the sheets.
Ella was leaning against the wall as you pulled up outside the Mayans clubhouse. You rolled your bike next to hers and dismounted, leaving your helmet on the handlebars and walked towards her. “Looks like you had a good night.” She mused as you approached. She pointed to your neck and you realised Jax had left a trail of bruises down your neck and your skin immediately tingled at the memory of his lips. “Somethin like that.” You winked. Ella laughed and pushed off the wall and together you walked into the clubhouse. Marcus was sat around the bar with a few of his members and you found the majority of your club sitting around a table. You went to join them while Ella went to her father and discussed what todays plan was. Scully offered you her mug of coffee and you accepted, taking a long gulp of the liquid. You were mid conversation when you felt your burner vibrating in your pocket. Immediately you recognised the number on the screen and you lifted the phone to your ear with a smile. “Hey Ma!” “Sweetheart! How are you girls?” Maria spoke warmly on the other end of the phone. “We’re doing good.” “Good.. good.” You rolled your eyes, knowing that she was trying not to pry too much. You walked out of the clubhouse and leant against the wall. “Hows Ella doing?” She asked quietly. You smiled. “She’s really happy Ma. He has been very good to us.” “Of course he has,” You could hear the smile in her voice as she remembered the times she had spent with Marcus. “Are the prospects looking after you?” “Yes, my love.” She sighed. “But that blonde one is as thick as bricks. Don't patch her in.” You laughed and bit your lip, suddenly nervous to ask your next question. “Ma.. I think you should come down here.” You heard her sigh through the phone and you regretted suggesting it. “I don’t know if its such a good idea, my (Y/N). Its been such a long time since I left.” “I think he would like it. I know Ella would.” There was a long pause before she finally spoke. “Well Im not bringing that blonde bimbo with me.” You laughed loudly and told her to bring any of the prospects that she wanted, as long as she didn't come alone ,and said your goodbyes. You hit end call and slid the phone back into your pocket. You decided against letting Ella know that her mother would be arriving the next day. You knew she would be pleased to see her but you didn't want any reason to distract her from her time with her father.
You shut the motel room door behind you and kicked off your boots. The day had been long, the morning you had spent with Jax seeming like a distant memory. The Mayans had brought you along on a few assignments of the day, although you had spoken with Ella and stayed back while they handled their drug business. The Lost Girls had always aimed to steer away from drugs, knowing that it brought too much heat and wasn't  what your club stood for. She wasn't pleased that her father was dealing with such substances but they were their own club and how they earn was their business not yours. It was just after six when you arrived back at the motel and you decided you needed a long shower to work out the knots that had built in your neck. You stripped down and grabbed a towel and headed into the bathroom. You pulled back the shower curtain and let out a loud scream when you found a large cockroach in the  bottom of the shower tub. Guns, violence and a life of crime you could handle. But bugs were a different story. You squealed and ran out of the bathroom, clutching the towel to your naked form. Shivers covered your skin and you felt even dirtier than you had before. “Fucking shitty motel.” You muttered to yourself as you hastily dressed. You grabbed your travel bag and shoved a few items of clothing inside before tugging your boots on and storming out the door. The neatly folded piece of paper was in the pocket of your leather and you pulled it out, checking over the address before you started your bike. You didn't really expect Jax to be home. It was still reasonably early but you thought it was worth a shot. Even if he wasn't home you knew you could head to the Mayans clubhouse and crash with Ella. But when you pulled into his street you felt relieved when you spotted his Harley in his driveway. You slowed and stopped your bike next to his, kicking out the kickstand as you pulled your helmet your head. There were lights on inside and suddenly you felt nervous, your usual confidence fading. He wouldn't have given you his address if he didn't want you to use it, you told yourself. And with that thought fresh in your mind you lifted your travel bag and strode to the door. You rapped your knuckles against the wood and waited patiently as butterflies began to fill your stomach. The door opened and you were met by the eyes that had lingered in your mind all day and immediately you broke into a smile. “Twice in one day, I guess I really am irresistable.” You raised an eyebrow and pursed your lips, trying to hide the fact that you were already turned on by the mere thought of his touch.   “Dont flatter yourself, Im just here to use your shower.” “Oh so you are trying to get wet.” He said, and ran his tongue over his lips as he stepped aside. You stepped over the threshold, and placed a hand on his chest. “I already am.” You dropped your bag to the floor and wrapped your arms around his neck. His lips met yours with just as much fire and you heard  a click as he pushed the door closed behind you. His hands gripped your hips and he pushed you back against the door. There was an urgency to the kiss, and you could tell that he had been yearning for you just as much as you had been for him. God, it had only been this morning that you were last in each others arms. But there was something about the way your lips melted to his and the way his skin felt under your touch. You were intoxicated by the faint scent of his cologne mixed with leather and cigarettes and the sound of his voice made you melt. You were all logic and confidence until he touched you. Then something not only stirred within you, but it took over your thoughts. The rest of the world became an unimportant blur that was forgotten in the back of your mind. Only his touch mattered and the only thing you cared about was getting more of him. It scared you, that you were already so addicted to him but he was intoxicating and although you were hooked on him you felt safe, because you could tell from the way he looked at you and the way his lips ghosted your skin that he was just as addicted to you. You knew your feelings for him were dangerous but nothing had ever excited you more and you had always lived for danger. When you had knocked on the door you had had every intention of having a shower and crashing out from exhaustion but as he fucked you against the front door of his home you found you were no longer tired. You had never felt more alive
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