#they meet him entirely by chance (they don't go to football games)
dudeshusband · 10 months
obviously, i fully intend to leave this s/i my age
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pollymorgan · 24 days
Teacher Negan - The Football Game - Part 1
Warnings: A very large age difference and of course, smut
Oh, and very important: It's all fiction of course! Please, my dears, use condoms and don't go with old men! :-P
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That my mother has to move several hundred miles away with my aunt to open a beauty salon, especially before the last year of my high school, was initially a big shock for me, but now I also see the advantages it brings. First of all, I finally get out of my little town, and there's also the immediate proximity to my cousin. Cassady is 5 years older than me, to be exact 23, but we have always gotten along great. Another advantage is that I no longer have to see my ex-boyfriend every day, since we are no longer in the same class. Plus, I still have almost the entire summer vacation ahead of me to enjoy life to the fullest, like now at this football game. If I were to say I love football, that would be an understatement, because it feels like every American does. For me, it's an absolute dream to live in the city of my favorite team. That's why I'm wearing the appropriate hoodie over my dress and, of course, the matching cap at the game.
The atmosphere in the stadium is absolutely insane and totally captivating. Even if my cousin doesn't really see it that way and only came along because of me.
Now we just have to push through a horde of men to get to our seats. And then hopefully it will start soon. Even though the game will really become secondary. Because the atmosphere alone is reason enough to be here.
Getting to our seats, however, proves to be more difficult than expected. We each have two large beer cups in hand and somehow have to get through this crowd. But the line at the drinks stand was huge, and I didn't want to spend the start of the game waiting in line. So we planned ahead. I almost managed to get to my seat unscathed, when suddenly this guy turns around in a flash. Everything happens so quickly that I can't react anymore, and so I spill half of the beer on him and myself. The tall stranger initially looks at me very angrily and is about to scold me, but then his look suddenly changes as his dark eyes meet mine.
"What the hell.. oh, sorry.. I didn't mean to spill your drink, ...can I offer you a new one? Of course, only if you're already 21.." He starts to grin, and his perfectly white row of teeth shines through his silver-black beard.
I'm still a bit overwhelmed by the whole situation and look bewildered at the large wet spot on his black shirt under his dark jacket. Guys my age are never dressed so well. Only maybe for a funeral or a prom, and I've never been to either.
"I'm already 22.." I say somewhat defiantly, and according to my fake ID, that wouldn't even be a lie.
"Perfect.." he concludes.
He turns around to hand me a full beer from the drinks available behind him. I take it gratefully, and finally my cousin and I can sit down exhausted in our seats.
Immediately she whispers excitedly in my ear, "Did you see how that guy looked at you? He's at least twice as old as you and basically undressed you with his eyes .. pretty cringe..".
I look at her innocently, "Cringe? I actually find him quite cute!"
"Cute?" she asks in surprise, rolling her eyes.
The stranger sits down in the seat right next to me and toasts us.
"Thanks," I say again.
"No problem, pleasure to meet you, i’m Negan!"
"Sam.." I stammer somewhat clumsily.
Then everyone turns back to their groups. After a while, I'm engrossed in conversation with my cousin again, but the guy next to me has put on such an intense cologne that it lingers in my nose the whole time. It smells so ruggedly masculine that it almost drives me crazy. Whenever I have the chance, I shyly glance to the right, but he doesn't look at me anymore. I'm strangely disappointed, so I try to push that thought aside.
The game is running fantastically. My team is winning, which makes me so euphoric that I even infect my cousin with it.
After the game, as we're getting ready to leave, someone roughly grabs my arm. I startle briefly, then look back into the dark eyes that send a pleasant tingling sensation through my entire body.
"Do you and your friend maybe want to come with us to a bar to celebrate the victory a bit?" he asks with a deep tone, and I feel my stomach vibrating at his words.
Suddenly, my cousin's voice snaps me out of my trance. "No, sorry, we have to get up early..".
I look at her puzzled.
"Um, actually... apologize for us for a moment!".
The stranger seems to be thoroughly amused by this situation.
I turn to her and whisper in her ear, "That sounds fun... come on, let's go with them!"
"With these guys?!" she says a bit too loudly.
Startled, I turn around, but he is engrossed in a conversation again and apparently, thankfully, hasn't noticed. After a seemingly endless discussion, we agree that I will go to the bar with them without her. But only with the promise to be reachable on the phone at all times.
Reluctantly, Cassady bids me goodbye with a hug and whispers in my ear, "Take care of yourself... and don't do anything I wouldn't do!" Since my cousin has quite a bit of a checkered past, I don't even feel guilty promising her that.
When I agree to go with them, the stranger firmly takes my hand to guide me through the crowd out of the stadium. I'm initially a bit shocked by this strange situation, but fearing to lose him among the crowd, I interlock my fingers tightly with his and let him lead me out of the stadium.
The three of us, along with another man, take a seat on the backseat of a large black Audi. The men in the car are engaged in lively conversation about the game. Fortunately, I understand quite a bit about football and can engage in some discussion without sounding dumb, even though everyone else present is probably 30 years older than me.
After a short ride, we park in front of a small bar.
As we enter, the smell of smoke and alcohol greets me. The men take a seat at a round table, and I excuse myself for a moment to go to the bathroom.
There, I take off my sweater and am quite glad that I'm wearing a short black dress underneath. I take off my cap and let my hair down, then adjust it and try to fix my makeup a bit. I take a deep breath a few more times, looking at myself in the mirror. Then I go back, determined. But the table is empty. Startled, I look around, a thousand thoughts racing through my head.
But then I hear someone call out, "Here we are!" The voice comes from the billiard table. Relieved, I see Negan sitting on a sofa in front of the others. I walk purposefully towards them.
Two are already playing, and the clattering of the balls drowns out the conversations in the entire bar.
Since the couch is already occupied, I take a seat on the armrest next to Negan. He unabashedly looks me up and down and then offers me a beer.
"You look damn good..." he says directly, making my heart skip a beat and my cheeks blush.
After the men finish their game, I challenge him. He accepts with a smile, probably not expecting that I practically grew up at the billiard table. As he takes his first shots, he realizes it's not as easy as he thought, which pleases me.
Watching him concentrate more on the game makes me proud, and he looks even better doing it. As he leans closer to make his next move, he unexpectedly gives me a rather strong pat on the backside.
"Hey, unfair move!" I protest immediately, which only elicits a tired smile from him, but sends a strong tingle down in my lower abdomen.
But I manage to win against him, albeit very narrowly, which clearly annoys him. Afterwards, he has to endure some teasing from his buddies. Resignedly, he sits back on the sofa, and I proudly perch on the armrest again.
During the next round with his friends, we engage in animated discussions about their gameplay and continue drinking our beer. After a while, Negan starts touching my bare shin. At first, he just places his warm hand there, but then he starts stroking it slowly. The touches of his large rough hands are so gentle that they give me goosebumps. I enjoy this feeling and what it does to me to the fullest. I'm disappointed when he lets go of my leg, but only to offer me a vodka shot that the waitress had placed on a large tray in front of us. The drink is much needed, as my mouth feels incredibly dry.
We clink glasses, and I down the shot in one go. The sharp alcohol burns in my throat and then warms my stomach, shooting straight to my head. I can tell that Negan is watching my every move closely.
As soon as I place the empty glass back on the table, he puts his hand on my thigh.
"You look so damn sexy drinking it all in one go, do you like swallowing other things too?" he whispers unabashedly.
I almost slap him out of reflex, but as I look into his grinning face and his lustful eyes meet mine, my whole lower abdomen tightens, and I can't help but smirk. We gaze at each other for a while, and then I decisively say, "Why don't you find out.."
Without warning, he pulls me onto his lap, and before I know it, I'm straddling him, and he immediately starts kissing me. His lips are incredibly demanding. I place my hands on his cheeks to try to control the situation somewhat, while I completely forget everything around me and simply ignore the stupid comments from others.
His fingers trail down my back purposefully, immediately gripping my buttocks tightly. Then he presses me firmly against his pelvis. Excited, I breathe against his open mouth as I feel his penis getting harder and pressing strongly against me.
Sensing my hesitation, he whispers softly, "What's wrong, sweetheart?"
"Nothing.. it's just pretty big.." I grin, feeling a bit embarrassed.
He smiles contentedly and presses me against him again, then gently kisses the sensitive skin on my neck and says in my ear, "Oh, don't worry, pretty princess, I'll order a taxi for us now, and then we'll go to my place where I'll pamper you so much that your little pussy will get nice and wet for me, and then my big, hard cock can slide into you slowly and effortlessly. How does that sound?"
His deep voice and direct manner drive me crazy. I nod decisively and kiss him again. I then take his right hand off my butt and guide it under my dress, directly between my legs.
"I'm already so wet for you, feel it!" I reply somewhat shyly.
His fingers deftly shift my panties aside, while his eyes scan my face precisely, enjoying every reaction from me. Slowly, he skillfully glides his middle finger through my cleft, causing me to involuntarily flinch.
"You're such a naughty sweet girl!" he remarks amusedly, as his finger leaves my most intimate place again, moistening my lips with my wetness. He then kisses me again, passionately sucking my taste from my lips. "You taste incredibly good.." he says contentedly.
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brotherwtf · 3 months
i feel like these lyrics would be super fitting for an sports au where bucky’s a football/rugby/baseball (basically any sports with a ball hahah) player
Shirts off, and your friends lift you up over their heads
Beer sticking to the floor
Cheers chanted, cause they said
There was no chance, trying to be
The greatest in the league
Where's the trophy?
He just comes running over to me
Touch down
Call the amateurs and
Cut 'em from the team
Ditch the clowns, get the crown
Baby I'm the one to beat
Cause the sign on your heart
Said it's still reserved for me
Honestly, who are we to fight the alchemy?
ahhh that is so cute! I'm thinking a college au maybe? classic jock/nerd au with Bucky and Gale, super cute and sweet
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Gale is going to school for astrophysics and astronomy, he hopes to do research or possibly become a professor once he gets his PhD
John signed on to play D1 baseball, but studies literature when he's not playing
They almost never cross paths, but when they do meet it's classic romcom bullshit
Gale is running late to an exam and John is late to practice and they literally run into each other on campus
Gale is knocked flat on his ass, books and pencils falling from his backpack and John immediately feels bad
It doesn't help that John is the most beautiful person Gale has seen, or that John is literally drowning in Gale's blue eyes bcs they just kinda sit there
It isn't until Gales scrambling for his books and pens that John finally snaps out of it and helps him up and desperately asks Gale for his number
Gale blushes as he gives it to John, and basically runs to his exam, John thinks about him all during practice and his teammates make fun of him endlessly
They start texting and talking more, meeting at the library or the dining hall and just talking
Gale finally musters up the courage to ask John on a proper date and John is absolutely ecstatic
They go into the city and get dinner and ice cream, after that just sort of wandering around until Gale says he should probably get back
John walks Gale all the way to his dorm, and presses a shy kiss to his lips to say goodbye, and Gale blushes endlessly
They start dating, and Gale starts going to more of John's baseball games to support him (aka look at John's ass and thighs in those tight baseball pants)
He doesn't quite understand the game, but always cheers for John when he's batting. John always beams the brightest when he can see Gale in the crowd, sometimes blowing him a kiss before hitting it out of the park
What if during one of their championship games, it's the bottom of the ninth, they're all tied up, bases loaded, and Johns up to bat. Gale is in the crowd, obviously, and he's nervous, wringing his hands together in anticipation
It's a full count (Three balls and two strikes) and this next pitch could either make or break their win. The entire crowd watches in anticipation, leaning forward in their seats
John looks into the crowd and spots Gale, blows him a kiss before turning back to the pitcher. Gale is probably thinking "you dummy, you don't have time for that now you need to focus"
And John hits a fucking grand slam and the crowd screams. Gale literally jumps to his feet and cheers when John rounds all the bases and returns to home with the rest of his team hugging and grabbing him
John manages to pull himself away from his team and finds Gale who's made his way up to the edge of the bleachers. He pulls John into an enthusiastic kiss and hugs him so close he feels like John might struggle to breathe, but he's too fucking proud of John to care
A couple of their teammates (I'm thinking like Curt and Rosie) pour Gatorade over John's head while he's still hugging Gale and then immediately regret it once they see they accidently soaked Gale, but Gale is laughing too hard to actually care
The boys try to drag John out to the bar, but he insists on staying behind and celebrating quietly with Gale, who just beams at the thought
In celebration, they go into the city and get ice cream, just like their first date
eeekk I loved this one! nerd/jock tropes are one of my favorites I hold them near and dear to my heart. lmk if you guys have any more hcs for this!
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lucy90712 · 4 months
English love affair- Fermin Lopez
A/n: yes this is loosely based on the 5sos song I remembered it existed recently and haven't stopped listening to it 
Fermin's POV
It's always fun getting to visit a new country especially to play football but I've never known somewhere to be as rainy as England or London specifically. It's done nothing but rain since we landed but still the boys insisted we go out and explore as we have some free time they quickly regretted it when our umbrellas all turned inside out in the wind so we all decided to just go and get some lunch and watch the busy London streets from somewhere dry. The place we ended up in because it was close was actually rather nice and it was quiet too with just a few other table none of which seemed to pay any mind to us which hopefully means they don't know who we are. 
Once we were sat down one of the other groups caught my eye it was a group of girls who looked around my age. It wasn't just the girls that caught my eye it was one of them in particular I don't know what it was about her but I couldn't take my eyes off her she isn't my usual type but she is just so strikingly beautiful it's hard not to admire her. As soon as I noticed her I didn't stop staring which I know is creepy but the way she smiled and laughed with her friends was just so mesmerising. Out of all places to meet such a beautiful girl a tiny restaurant in the middle of London is not what I expected but I'm not going to complain. 
"Hey are you still with us bro" gavi elbowed me 
"Yeah yeah" I replied not looking at him 
"What have we been talking about for the last 10 minutes then?" Pedri asked 
"The game" I guessed 
"You know it's creepy just to stare at that girl right" Joao said 
"I'm not staring" I lied finally taking my eyes off her 
"You so are" Pedri said 
"Has fermin found love at first sight" Gavi teased 
"Stop it guys she'll hear you" I whisper yelled at them 
"Surely you want her to hear us there's no point just staring at her if you don't say something you'll never see her again" Joao said 
His logic was sound I can't lie. There is no point admiring her from afar if I don't say anything I'll never see her again and if she rejects me well then I don't have to face her again which would hopefully make it easier to take. That makes it sound simple but it's not that straightforward I'm not the best at talking to girls I never know what to say like do I just introduce myself do I compliment them it's all so complicated and I never seen to get it right. Of course in this situation there is the added problem of the language barrier I speak English pretty well but I don't know if I know enough to have a conversation with her and sometimes accents complicate things. It's a lot to think about but there isn't really time to think about it as she could leave at any time and I need to have something to say. 
For the rest of lunch all the boys kept trying to give me pointers on what to say some of which were serious but most were jokes. They also tried to find her Instagram for me but they were entirely unsuccessful which didn't surprise me as we don't even know her name but they tried nonetheless. While they talked among themselves I noticed that she was finally getting up to leave and as if it was meant to be her friends all left her so I had no reason not to take my chance. I was going to get up and talk to her but the boys pushed me out of my seat before I could get up and told me not to come back until I'd spoken to her. I approached her as she turned to leave her table and we locked eyes for the first time and I nearly froze but I didn't I kept walking towards her. 
"Hi I'm Fermin sorry if this is too forward but I thought you were really pretty and wanted to introduce myself" I said 
"Thank you Fermin I'm y/n" she said 
"I know this seems a lot but I'm only here for a few days so would you want to go and get coffee or something as long as you're free" I said 
"That sounds great I have the rest of today off as long as you are available" she said 
"Great you might have to guide me on where to go if you couldn't tell I'm not from here" I joked 
"I have the perfect place to go" she said 
With that we left together and I texted the boys telling them I'll pay them back for my part of the bill later. As we walked wherever she wanted to go we got to know each other a bit more she told me that she was in fact my age and that she's still in university studying psychology but she's on a break which is why she's out with friends during the day. I told her a bit more about myself but I didn't tell her exactly why I was here because I want to get to know her more before I tell her that I play football because that can really change how girls act around me. I'd love to believe that she wouldn't be like that but you never know there's girls I've met before that I thought wouldn't be so obsessed with my career but they were although I do think y/n is different. 
She took us down a few backstreets before we reached this cafe which only had two other people in it which was perfect. As soon as we entered the lady running the place came over to ask y/n how her studying had been going and she offered us our drinks on the house but y/n insisted on paying. If I didn't already like her that interaction only confirmed my thought that she was just truly a lovely person and that's something I find really attractive in a girl. We sat in a quiet corner of the cafe and sipped our drinks but mostly we just didn't stop talking. I've never had such a connection with someone before, it sounds like such a cliche but we really got on like a house on fire instantly. She's really just perfect I've never found someone I love everything about from the moment I met them but that's how I feel with y/n, every good quality you would want she has she's kind, patient and not to mention absolutely beautiful. 
After finishing our drinks and getting to know each other we both had to leave I'm supposed to  eat with the team for dinner and she had to do some studying but luckily her place is on the way to my hotel so we got to walk together. However the walk wasn't very long and before I knew it we had to say goodbye. I didn't want this to be the last time we see each other so I just kind of blurred out that I'm here to play football and invited her to the game. Naturally she had a few questions but I answered them and she agreed to come to the game tomorrow which is how I got her number so I could text her all the details she would need. 
Your POV
With my week off from uni I expected to see some friends and just unwind a bit but instead I ended up going out with a guy and not just any guy a Barcelona player who is playing a match in the champions league today and invited me to go. To say I'm nervous would be an understatement, I've never been to a football match before let alone been invited by a player so I have no idea what to expect. All I do know is that I'm really excited to see Fermin again he's such a nice guy and incredibly attractive plus we connected really well so it would've been a shame if we only saw each other once before he had to go back to Barcelona. 
Last night I did so much googling to learn as much about football and Fermin's team as possible I don't know how much I retained but I tried my best. Something I definitely did remember was that this was an important match for the team so they will really want to win and I really hope they do because I'd love to see Fermin happy. I also realised that football was a lot more popular than I thought as Barcelona had over 120 million followers on Instagram and Fermin had over 2 million. Knowing how popular Fermin and the team were did make me anxious because I have less than 50 followers and a private account which I'm fine with because I don't like the attention but I think Fermin is worth the possible complete change in my life. 
Time went by so quickly today before I knew it I was supposed to be getting ready to leave which meant deciding what to wear. The obvious choice would be a Barcelona shirt but I don't own one so I can't do that instead I just put on some blue jeans and a red top so I was close enough to wearing the Barcelona colours. I did some simple makeup and did my hair but that was all I had time for as I had to get to the stadium and find my seat before the start of the match. 
Getting to the stadium actually wasn't too bad but I got so lost trying to find my seat as Fermin didn't get me just any ticket he got me a vip ticket which meant I had a really good seat but it was hard to find the right entrance. Once I found my seat I was offered drinks and all sorts of other things but I just wanted to sit there as I was feeling really nervous all of a sudden. Everyone else in the vip section was very clearly either important people or wives/girlfriends of the players which made me feel a little out of place. Everyone had designer clothes on their hair done all nicely and perfect makeup and there I was in clothes I've owned for years with barely anything done to my appearance. Most of them were also speaking Spanish which I have a basic understanding of but I couldn't make out a word they were saying so I just kept to myself. 
The match was very intense which I think was made worse for me because I didn't really know what was going on but it ended up in a Barcelona win which really made me happy. All of the players celebrated in front of the fans before finally leaving the pitch which was my cue to find my way down to the locker room as Fermin told me to meet him down there after the game. I saw some of the other girls from my section of seats heading a certain way so I just followed them and luckily they were going the right way and I found where I needed to be. I text Fermin to tell him I was there whenever he was ready but seconds after I sent the text he was coming out the door with the biggest smile on his face which made me smile even more. He ran straight over to me and gave me a hug clearly still high on adrenaline but it loved it. As he pulled away he gave me a kiss on the cheek which made me blush so hard I probably looked like a clown. 
"Congrats you guys were so good out there" I said 
"Thank you did you enjoy the game?" He asked 
"Yeah it was a bit confusing but the atmosphere was amazing" I answered honestly 
"That just means I'll have to see you again and explain the rules" he smirked 
"I might need more than one lesson the offside rule seems a bit confusing" I joked 
"I wish I could spend more time with you but we leave tomorrow morning" he said 
"But if it's ok with you I'd love to walk you home so we can spend more time together" he added 
"I'd really like that" I said 
He had to go back to the team for a bit but he gave me a water bottle and an apple incase I was hungry which made me laugh but I appreciated him caring so much about me. He wasn't gone that long but when he came back a few of his teammates followed him so he introduced me to them quickly as they wanted to meet me. They were all so sweet that it actually made me even more sad that they were all leaving and this little fling or whatever it is I have with Fermin will be over. We are lucky to have a bit more time together even if it is just the walk back to my place I will take all the time I can get. 
Fermin took my hand and we walked back to my place together very slowly so we could have more time together. As we walked it became darker and colder outside until it started to rain which is very typically England it always rains at the worst times. I did bring an umbrella but that lasted less than a minute in the wind so we were getting soaked but I didn't care at all I'd stand out here forever if I was with Fermin. He seemed to feel the same as neither of us walked any quicker we just accepted the fact that we were going to get wet and it was worth it. Eventually we made to right outside my apartment building and it was time for us to say our final goodbyes and I can't lie I felt tears in my eyes. It feels somewhat stupid to be so attached to someone I just met but we just had an instant connection and I don't want to let it go just yet. 
"I can't believe how much I don't want to leave you right now" Fermin said 
"I really don't want you to leave either" I said 
"I know we are both busy but promise me that we will try and keep in contact and if it doesn't work then it doesn't work but I can't let you go like this" Fermin said 
"I promise I'm not going to give up on this" I said 
"Can I kiss you?" he asked 
All I did was nod which was enough for Fermin as he leant in and pressed his lips to mine. We were both freezing from the rain but I felt so much warmer when his lips met mine which told me that our connection as new as it is is very real. I've never felt like this when kissing anyone before let alone a first kiss which I think is the universes way of telling me that I've met someone special and to not give up on this without a fight. We kissed for a bit longer before we both pulled away and just stared at each other with our foreheads connected until we couldn't just stand there anymore. Fermin gave me one last kiss and promised he'd text me tomorrow before leaving to head back to his hotel leaving me to go inside and come to terms with all of the millions of feelings I had running through me.
2 years later 
Just last week I submitted my dissertation and finished my degree it has been a hard few years but I'm proud of myself for doing it. The big changes in my life don't end there though as not only have I put a big part of my life behind me but I'm moving to a completely new country. Fermin and I have been together for nearly 2 years now and today is the day I finally move in with him in his place in Barcelona. The road to get here has been long but it all feels worth it Nke that I'm going to get to see him in person everyday not over the phone. 
Our relationship hasn't been normal in any way in fact our first date was over FaceTime and we started dating before we even had our first kiss as he asked me to be his girlfriend over FaceTime too. There has been lots of ups and downs and there has been times we have nearly broken up as we were so stressed with other things which affected our relationship but we made it. It feels like the hard part of our relationship is over and from now on I feel like it will be plain sailing. We have always had a special connection from the second we met but that really comes alive when we get to be together in person so getting to live together and be there for each other everyday is going to be so amazing. 
As much as I love Fermin with my whole heart deciding to move to Barcelona wasn't an easy decision. My whole life has always been in England like my friends and my family and I wasn't sure if I was ready to let go of all that and completely start my new life. Fermin was so supportive as well as I made my decision he told me if I needed to move back home for a bit longer to find myself outside of education then he would support that. Ultimately I decided that it was time for me to take the leap and discover who I am with him as I want him to always be part of my life so we decided we'd move in together which it some might seem risky but we know each other so well that neither of us thought it would be a problem. 
Preparing to move has been quite stressful as I've been shipping my things to Fermin so that I only have to bring some things with me on the plane but now I'm ready to go all I feel is excitement. Sitting on the plane sending my last text to Fermin before I land and we get to be together forever felt amazing but strange at the same time the long distance chapter of our relationship is finally coming to an end. The entirety of the flight all I thought about was all the things we can finally do now that we get to spend more time together like we can go on weekend trips if he has time off or spontaneous midweek dates and even just the things regular couples do together. 
Coming through the doors into the arrivals area Fermin was waiting there for me, he spotted me in seconds and we just ran towards each other. His arms wrapped around my waist as he engulfed me in the tightest hug I've ever experienced he held me so tight that he lifted my feet off the floor which he took to his advantage and spun me round. Once he finally put me down his lips were attached to mine almost instantly and we shared what I think was the best kiss we've ever had. 
"I'm so glad you're finally here and our lives together can finally begin" he said 
"I can't wait to see what the future holds" I said  
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canirove · 1 year
The Princess & the Football Player | Chapter 33
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"Are you sure we can stay here? I don't want to bother anyone."
"You won't be bothering anyone, Eleanor. Don't worry."
"Thank you so much for this, Mark. We didn't know where else to go" Declan says.
"Anything for you, guys" Noble replies. 
This had been Declan's great idea: hiding at Rush Green, West Ham's training center. It was a private area with its own security, and they have small apartments for the players to spend the night when needed. It has everything to be the perfect place, even David agreed on it.
"I just hope the paparazzis won't bother the other players when they arrive for training. They will definitely check each car."
"Everything will be under control, don't worry" Noble says, giving me an encouraging smile. "All you have to do now is make yourself at home and check if you need anything, like a toothbrush and things like that. And don't worry about dinner, we'll ask them to bring you something."
"I'm sorry I got you into this mess. Again" I say to Declan once Noble has left.
"It's ok, don't worry."
"No, it isn't ok. You didn't want any of this, that's why you broke up with me. And now I'm dragging you back into it and when you are having an amazing season. It isn't fair."
"Have you been keeping up with my games?" he smiles.
"Of course I have. But that's not what matters right now."
"Then what is?" Declan asks while putting a lock of hair behind my ear. It is something he would do all the time when we were together, usually without thinking, and that would make me feel all fuzzy inside. This time, it hasn't been any different.
"That I should have gone somewhere else and leave you alone."
"Eleanor, I don't want you to leave me alone."
"What?" I say, meeting his eyes.
"In case you haven't noticed, I still love you. It's been almost three years, and I haven't been able to stop loving you. And the fact that the place you chose to hide after running away from your family and your boyfriend, was my parents' house, tells me that you also love me. Well, that, and what happened before our nap" he smiles while caressing my cheek.
"But we... This..."
"I'm ready to give us another chance, Eleanor. I know it is gonna be tough, the toughest thing ever. The press will probably be ruthless when they find out, the fans too. But I know I am ready to fight against it all, I know I want this. Us."
"Are you sure?"
"Never been more sure of anything in my entire life. I've thought about it and discuss it with myself and those who know me better than I know myself many times over the years. I've cried, got angry, sad, hopeful… And my final conclusion after all that is that I'm done with being afraid and denying what I feel. That I love you, Eleanor. I love you and I want to be with you. Always and forever."
"Say that again, please."
"Which part?" he chuckles.
"All of it. And my name, you know how much I like that."
"I love you, Eleanor. Always and forever."
"I love you too, Declan" I say before kissing him.
"And? How was it?"
"It was fine" Declan says, letting himself fall on the sofa next to me.
"I need more details."
"There is a bunch of paps outside. They took photos of everyone arriving, same when they left, but they didn't bother anyone."
"Good. That's good. What did you say to the boys?" I ask.
"That because of what had happened I needed to stay away from all the noise and just focus on training and our next game, that that was the reason why I was staying here. So far they don't know you also are with me."
"Have you spoken with your parents yet?"
"No, not yet. David called earlier to check in and he said that my dad was still a bit confused with everything that had happened and that my mum seemed ok, just a bit pissed with what is being published."
"Really?" Declan asks. "She isn't angry with you?"
"I already told you, she's on our side."
"I still can't believe it, to be honest" he chuckles . "What about Charles?"
"David hasn't seen him since Christmas Eve, but he apparently is struggling. He... He truly loves me, Declan. He fell in love with me. And I feel so bad for everything I've done. For lying to both him and myself, for making him believe that we could have a future together and..."
"Hey, come here" he says while hugging me.
"He's gonna hate me for the rest of his life" I cry on his shoulder. 
"He won't, he'll understand. It may take him some time but..."
"I hope you are right" I say, hugging him tighter. "He helped me so much when we broke up... I don't know what I would have done without him." 
"You know, I've been so jealous of him... Every time I saw you in the press together I just wanted to punch his stupid pretty face."
"What?" I laugh, moving to look at him.
"He has a very pretty face" Declan smiles.
"So do you."
"But it's different."
"And that's why I love it. I love your blue eyes, how they are a shade I've never seen before. I love how long your eyelashes are, the freckles you get in the summer. I love your lips, especially the lower one, always asking to be bitten. And I love your nose. So special, so unique. Just like you. There is no one like you."
"Did her royal highness just say something cheesy?" he teases me.
"I don't know what you are talking about, Declan Rice."
"I'm pretty sure you have said something cheesy, ma'am."
"I don't do cheesy."
"Don't you?" he asks, arching a brow and starting to tickle me.
"Declan!" I laugh while he pushes me down on the sofa. "Declan, stop!"
"Not until you admit it."
"I... Won't!" 
"Then I'll keep tickling you."
"No, stop!" I laugh.
"Then say it."
"I want to kiss you."
"That's not it, Eleanor" he chuckles, his nose brushy against mine.
"But it is what I want to do right now. I want to kiss you. Maybe do more than just kiss you."
"Did Mason ever tell you about his anniversary with Roberta at Stamford Bridge?"
"Stop changing the topic, Eleanor."
"Did he or not?" I ask while running my fingers up and down the back of his neck.
"He told me they had dinner there."
"Just that?"
"Yeah. Why?"
"Because after dinner, they did... Something in the changing room."
"You mean... They... Oh wow."
"Yep" I chuckle. "And even though we weren't together when that happened, it is something I've always fantasized about."
"That's interesting. Keep talking" Declan smirks.
"What about me admitting that I was being cheesy?"
"We'll leave that for later. Tell me more about this fantasy of yours."
"Well..." I say, biting my lip. "I've thought about us going to West Ham's changing room once everyone has left, either at the stadium or here."
"And what did we do?"
"You can imagine."
"I cannot, no. Explain it to me."
"Declan..." I say, feeling my cheeks burn.
"Don't go shy on me now" he laughs. "C'mon. Tell me what we did."
"I would sit in your locker while you stood in front of me, naked from the waist down, and I... You know."
"Ok" he laughs again. "And then what?" 
"Then you would kneel in front of me and do to me what I did to you."
"And then? Because I'm sure we did more than that" he whispers.
"Then we went to the showers and... And you can imagine what happened, we've already done something like that."
"Would you like to do it now?"
"What?" I say with a nervous laugh.
"We have Rush Green just for us. We can go to the changing room and do all that and more" Declan says.
"But what if... What if a security guard sees the light on and comes to check who it is?"
"We'll put a sign on the door, something like what they have on hotels."
"You can't be serious."
"I am very serious, Eleanor. Let's go" he says, getting up and offering me his hand.
"How have we gone from me crying on your shoulder, to you telling me you wanted to punch Charles, then me being cheesy, and now to both of us being horny as hell?" I laugh as I also get up and take his hand.
"Wait, did you just admit that you were cheesy?" he smirks.
"Shut up" I say, rolling my eyes.
"I knew I would get what I wanted" Declan smiles. "But to answer your question... We wasted almost three years of our lives being away from each other, so now we have to catch up on the bad moments, the sad moments, and the really good moments."
"You are being too optimistic about being able to be as good as in my fantasies" I tease him.
"Have I ever let you down when we've made any of them a reality?"
"And today won't be the day I fail. You'll see" he says while opening the door of our little apartment and giving me that smile able of making my body burst into flames.
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futbolfanficpunk · 2 years
The Coach
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Player: Pep Guardiola Word count: 2,9k+ Summary: Reader is a fem football player who signs up for a 3-week summer clinics camp with Pep Guardiola and his staff. She starts developing feelings quickly for Pep, as she always had a crush on him. At a party on the last day of camp, while in a drunken state and feeling she has nothing to lose, she decides to confess her feelings. Warning: Angst, Smut, Infidelity Authors note: I had this in the back of my mind for a long time, so, I skipped over other stories I had started and wrote this as quickly as I could (which was not that quick at all, it got accidentally deleted halfway through writing, meh). I have the second part in my mind as well. I don't know if I'm ready to share it though, it goes against the sanctity of marriage HAHAHAHA
Edit: Part 2 Part 3
Pep Team Summer Camp and Clinics for Professional Female Footballers. That was the title of the email you received from your agent, “You need to get on this! Let’s sign you up?” the body of the email said. You didn’t think twice. You loved the idea of working and learning from Pep Guardiola and you knew he was never going to coach a women's team. This was your chance. “Yes, sign me up!” Fucking Pep Guardiola, fucking Fc Barcelona player, your dream club. Villareal was an amazing club to play for, a growing team but Barca was your goal. Plus, you always thought Pep was charming and handsome, you always had a lil’ admiration crush on him, it would be cool to finally meet him.
On week one of the clinics, you were progressing and getting along with both staff and other players. You shared your room with a girl from As Roma’s team,Valentina, you would communicate in English because it was your only language in common. You had a good time with her, always chatting and joking around a bit before going to sleep. You spent your Sunday off together, went to the beach and around town in Barcelona, where the camp took place.
Pep had already noticed you that week, you saw him staring at you in the last two days and had his staff come to give you extra challenges or exercises, and had them pass the info back to him. You only talked to him twice, you think both times you held your breath the entire time you weren’t talking. By the end of week one, he asked to have a private meeting with you, he wanted to see what type of person you were, your goals, your drives and passions. You spent 30 minutes talking, he was really easy to talk to, his dry sense of humor and sarcasm had you cracking up and you learned that you both like cinema. You told him about your Italian movie collection, he liked Spanish and indy American movies.You told him who your favorite players of all time were. You told him your goal was to end up at Barcelona, play at the Camp Nou and win titles so that eventually you could also get a spot in the National Team. The whole summer clinic camp, if not worth for the footballing value, had been just worth it to have this time with Pep. You found that you actually really like who he was and that made him even more attractive in your eyes. You had noticed the lil’ mannerism he had and made him more likable. You replayed your conversation over and over in your mind during the next couple of days. You didn’t know why, mainly fangirling, you thought to yourself. You couldn’t stop thinking about it.
On week two Pep was now talking to you directly during the session at the end of the day of the day, where you would have mini games in groups of 7s. He would call you to give your instructions or correct something you had done, most of the time he would be animated and loud and touched you when talking to you to enphasize what he was saying. Sometimes he would talk closer to your ear, especially when it was a correction, he would be so close to your ear you could feel a bit of his hot breath hitting you, his Catalan accented words floating into your ears. By the third day he was calling you to give you instructions your already agitated heart would skip when he signaled for you to come, and when he was talking to you while you nodded you felt your nipple harden and you core get warm, you almost zoned out to concentrate on his tone coming to your ears “Y/A, you understand, yes?” he asked
“Yes, coach”. You knew thoseinteractions weren't anything special, nor reserved for you, he did it with a few players, the best ones, you could tell that was the dynamic of the clinics. Your teammates were talented players and you were proud to be considered one of the best among them. You were 23, you weren't one of those freaks who were already stars at 21 like Claudia Pina, but you knew you could be great, amazing, if you kept working and fighting for it. Pep seemed to agree.  “Real good work today, kid” he said at the end of the session on the fourth day of the second week and gave you a big hug with a few pats on your back, “Thank you, coach” you said as you side-hugged him back and smiled. “Keep it up” he said while walking away and complementing other players.
By the third and final week you felt that Pep was closer to being a colleague or a friend than just a coach, he had the chance to talk to him with other players and staff during lunches. They all joked around, and shared stories. You couldn't stop smiling when he was around, he probably just thought you were a person who always smiled for no reason. Two days before the last day he took you aside for two minutes to give you praises on your game intensity, pass progression and for trying to score more as he had asked you. You smiled the whole time not only with your mouth but with your eyes, you were sure you were glowing or blushing, just didn’t know which one. “Thank you, Pep, these past three weeks have been so amazing, a real learning experience and an honor. It has helped my confidence and I’ll try to keep working on everything you pointed out”, “Good” he said and put his arm around you “Keep working, you got this Y/N. You’re good, don’t doubt it” and gave you a lil pat on the shoulder. You wanted to hug him and kiss his face right there,your crush was peaking, but you just smiled and nodded because you weren’t a crazy person, you were a professional. 
The Saturday after the last day of the camp, there was a big party at a beach hotel’s event room for all the girls, staff and coaches to say good bye and party together. You partied with Valentina and other girls. There was food and booze. You had one more drink than you should have. You started having stupid thoughts, like maybe you should tell Pep about your crush on him. You probably won’t see him ever again, anyway, and that way you could live with yourself and not be horny and crushing around an older guy. You had a thing for older men, you always did. You had dates a 35 year old and a 42 year old. This was not a surprise. The surprise was you wanting to act on such a fucking crazy idea. You took a last sip of your drink and told the girls that you would be right back. You looked for Guardiola everywhere. You couldn’t find him, so you asked one of the coaching staff and they told you to check by the beach. You went out to the beach and there he was, barefoot holding his sneakers with one hand, looking at the waves crashing into the sand while walking.
“Pep” you shout
“Y/N” he responded”Is everything ok?”
“Yes, fantastic” you said while sloppy walking closer to him and slightly slurring your words. 
“What’s up?” He inquired
“Nothing, just came to talk to you” you answered
“With me? What about?”
“What do you mean?”
“Well” you sighed “I have something to tell you, and it’s kinda silly but I thought since we’re probably not seeing each other in person again or possibly in years, and I’m druuunk, that I would”
“Oh, fuck”
You laugh. 
“It’s worse for me, coach” 
When you got ready for this party, you got dressed for him, your cute short blue dress with silver jewelry, girly makeup. You’ve seen his wife, she’s adorable. You weren’t going to compete but you were going to show off just in case you could get him to notice you.
“Go on’ he said crossing his arms
“Pep, I’m glad I’ve had this opportunity to work with you over the past weeks. But I have to say that I found that you were not only a good coach, but also such a fun person to be around and I like you a lot”
“You make it sound like liking someone as a colleague is a bad thing”
“Because I’m saying that I have a crush on you, guapo”
He laughs while you frown like a little girl “How old are you again, Y/N?” he asked
“23” you shot back” “Well, my wife and I have been together 22 years, you know that?”
“I didn’t but I’m not asking you to marry me or anything,” you said while tucking your hair behind your ear “ I just wanted to tell you -- I just wanted you to know that I’m crazy about you and that maybe if you like me back, just a little bit, you should kiss me before we never see each other again” you finished saying while surprising yourself on how you got the cojones to tell him. “You are out of your mind. I could be your dad and you’re telling me all these things?” “I’m not a lil’ girl, and I don’t care that you’re older than me. I've been with older men before” “You’re drunk and you know what? Don’t go back to the party, just go back to your hotel room”
“but Pep–”
“I said go back to your hotel room, NOW” he said in a voice you had never heard from him. “Fuck” you muttered in frustration while you went back to the hotel to go straight to your room. Once in your bedroom, you calmed down. The adrenaline rush was gone and you realized what you had done. You couldn't do anything except cry, not out of rejection but out of complete embarrassment. You quietly drunk-cried until you fell asleep. 
When you wake up, your roommate was almost already packed.  Your head is throbbing. She said “I’m leaving for the lobby in 5 minutes, but I’ll see you there. Won’t leave until we say good-bye. Va bene?”
“Okay, Vale” you said while rubbing your eyes and went straight for the shower. After getting dressed, taking an aspirin for the hangover, and putting on some makeup, you went to organize your bags. You were trying to finish packing up when someone knocked on your door. You were wondering if your silly roommate left her card-key she needed for the checkout.
You open the door saying, “Did you leave you card-key, silly?”
And there he was, Pep Guardiola with a very serious look on his face.
“Oh, sorry, I thought you were Valentina” you said
“Can I come in to talk?” he asked
“Yea, sure but I’m finishing up packing” you quickly replied
You were scared shitless and embarrassed to see him again but also excited, wondering what exactly he wanted to say. You let him in, and go back to your bed to continue packing up your things.
“I just came to make sure you were okay because you were really drunk last night,” said Pep once in “and said some crazy things.”
“I’m okay, just have a nasty headache” you said while you finished putting the last piece of clothing away in your bag “and I wasn’t saying crazy things,” you turned to look at him “I was telling you the truth”.
If you learned anything from being with guys over 35 years old is that they appreciate directness and love confidence. And even if you were nervous right at that moment,you weren’t going to act like it. He was here, and that was a win. 
“Well, putting your inappropriate comments aside, I hope we can maintain a professional relationship and I wish you the best. I’ll see you in the lobby” he said
“No” you said
“No, What?” 
“ You didn’t come down to my room just to say this little line, Did you?I call bullshit. You could’ve said those exact same words in the lobby or anywhere else but my room”
“ Are you accusing me of something?”
“ I’m accusing you of being intrigued,” you said while getting closer and pressing your fingers on his light training jacket “ I’m saying, maybe you like me”
“You have a lot of nerve”
“Then why haven’t you said no, Pep?”
“No to what?”
You grin and let out a chuckle, he is playing dumb and you know it, he’s into this. You take one more step forward so that’s no space between you two while he stares at you like he wants to kill you for tempting him.
 “To me” you pull his jacket toward you and press your lips against his. He wrapped his hands around your arms with little strength to push you back but his hands melted there and his lips kissed you back. You pull back a bit to get your hands on his face to cup his cheeks and kiss him again with your mouth a bit open to fit his upper lip in between yours. He started to kiss you back with his mouth open as he pulled you towards him while holding your waist, he slipped his tongue into your mouth and you met his with yours. You placed your hands on his shoulder as the kiss became more intense, you could hear his agitated breathing. You wanted him. You weren’t sure how far you could take it as people were waiting for you both but you didn’t care. You pulled slightly away from his mouth, took his hands, and guided him down your ass, “Touch me, please”, he just stared at you, pupils dilated, and did as you said. You kissed his olive-tone neck as he fondled your ass. You went for his mouth again and your hands went down his torso to explore his pants. Your hands found his hard member and rubbed on top of it through his clothes. He groaned into your mouth while your tongue danced with his. You wanted him to feel how much you wanted him, so you parted from the kiss, pulled the elastic from your joggers and panties out to make space for his hand, and with your other hand pulled his hand into your in-between “Feel me” you instructed. He rubbed the folds of your wet core with his fingers while he bit his lips, drawing big circles around your core, it made you so excited you let out a small moan. “How are you this wet? He asked while looking at your moany mouth.“I told you before, I like you, a lot. I want you” you said in a breathless voice as you kissed his chin and neck.
He took this hand out of under your clothes and backed up with a concerned look on his face “We can’t do this”
“Why not? You’re here, aren’t you?” you said while reaching for his arm “you aren’t going to leave me high and dry, are you? You asked in a whiny voice and a pout, but internally you were getting ready to be rejected because you had seen doubt in his expression.
“This is a line I’m not ready to cross, dear” he as he crosses his arms across his chest “I have a family, y/n, I’ve lost control as it is”
“I’m glad you did, though”
“I’m sure” he sighs “I’m going to go the lobby before I do anything else that I will regret”
“Can I have one more, please?”
“One more?”
He came over to you, held your face, and placed a soft kiss on top of your lips. You smiled with your eyes closed and whispered “Thank you”
He let out a small incredilous chuckle “You’re cute” he let go of you and said with intensity that defines him “but this ends here. We’re not going to talk about this, you’re not going to contact me. This is something that’s not happening again. Understood?”
“Yes, coach” you replied, because even though you wanted  to challenge him you know he was serious and you should leave it.
“Good luck with everything” he said as he turned around towards the door
“Hey, Guardiola”
“Smell your fingers” you said while giggling
“Fuck you” he said with a chuckle
He closed the door behind him and you did a little dance in your room and giggled. You let your body slam into the bed. You sighed and touched your lips trying to trace where he had just kissed you. You couldn’t believe it. You actually kissed him, you touched him and he touched you. He was the oldest man you ever had kiss, but probably the most intense of them all. You were warm and fuzzy. How did you pull this off? You thought to yourself.
Valentina gave you a hug near the entrance of the hotel lobby “You took forever! I almost left without saying good-bye”
“I know, sorry! Had to reorganize my bag because I couldn’t close it, and my backpack was full too! But keep in touch and best of luck in Roma, maybe I can visit you sometime”
“Good luck to you too. And text me, you bitch”
“I swear I will” you said and laughed. 
You look around to see if you could see him one more time before you leave for the one week you have left to actually go on vacation before pre-season starts. You did see him, he was saying goodbye to some of the coaching staff, you stared for a lil’ too long and he noticed and looked back. You mouthed off a “bye” and waved. He waved in your direction and immediately kept talking to the people around him. You sighed and left for the airport.
A month into your pre-season with Villareal you were still thinking about Pep and often. You never tried to contact him, but you thought of all the things you would say if you could see him again, you thought about the hotel and the way he kissed you. You had done well during the pre-season, you were disciplined, and were always in the starting eleven. Outside the pitch, you weren’t being too crazy, you only acted out during your one-week vacation in San Sebastian, where you made out with a divorced 30-year-old guy you met at a tapas bar and ended up bar hopping with him. You were chasing the feeling that kissing Pep gave you but it wasn’t even close. Your phone vibrated and you got a notification from a phone you didn’t recognize, it was really late but you weren't sleepy and watching a series.
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You included a picture from your personal trainer's gym you had taken that week. You didn't care if it seemed you were trying hard. You were always going to shoot your shot. He heart-reacted to it but didn't text back. You knew then; he's thinking about you too, even if he's too afraid to admit it. That made you happy.
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pavardscherie · 1 year
Hi can I request something angsty with Benji where he used to date a player from Bayern’s women’s team but they broke up after she transferred teams and he sees her for the first time at a fancy event but she’s already moved on with someone else
if we ever meet again, benjamin pavard
summary benji & you used to date before you transferred to the women's team of borussia dortmund for a better chance to play. at the glorious bayern munich event, the two of you meet again. pairing benjamin pavard & female reader
izzy's talk. here we go again & again. i've literally watched benji videos the entire weekend, and i don't know, he's not leaving me. haha. pushing through requests now as long as we haven't moved apartments yet. the very detailed requests take much longer, cause i'm really trying to keep in the requested stuff, so they're still going to be written, no worries.
he did not remember how many weeks, certainly months, have passed since the last heartwarming conversation. excluding the heated arguments shortly before and while breaking up, the image of your bright smile radiating comfort off in waves stayed deeply burned in the back of his head. it was impossible to push it away since the night, you left the apartment with tears staining your cheeks.
it was his fault. he knew that. he blamed himself for each little drop that blemished your face with sadness and hurt. but staring at you, swaying and laughing from across the room didn't bandage the broken pieces of his heart. it was done, finished since you moved cities and had another man by your side.
by the way, your eyes twinkled in the bright, yellow light from the lamps above, and you pressed your fingertips to your chest while giggling about his words, benjamin knew, you moved on and he was certainly screwed for still believing.
haunted by the demons of his past, the regret from decisions he made, and they all had your face. a couple of teammates, who became like extended family, already informed benjamin about how much he has changed since the breakup. quieter, less laughter, and aggressive in too many innocent situations on the pitch.
badly cut fingernails scratched over his forehead, letting the long fingers brush through the curls afterward. being his old self again after the breakup wasn't possible. anything connected with you.
it was beautiful, certainly a rare relationship. and yet, ruined. and he had to act like it did not bother him anymore when your beautiful eyes found his figure on the other side of the room. glued to the ground, shifting slightly from the left to the right foot while forcing himself to smile at least mildly.
you moved on over the past weeks, it took you long to forget about benjamin pavard. the night it ended, broke more than just your heart, and it was difficult to puzzle the pieces back together until a new man appeared in your life. showing you a glimpse of happiness again. nothing compared to the relationship with benjamin, but yet enough to feel alive again.
brushing a thick strand carefully out of your face, you excused yourself from the man by your side and crossed the room toward the football player. you did not hate him, nor despise him for his decision. after all, benjamin wasn't made for long-distance relationships. seeing each other would have been almost impossible with the busy schedules of both. stuffed with games, events, meetings, and somewhere between time to sleep.
watching you intensely while walking through the crowds of people, associated with bayern munich, his eyes stayed glued to the movements of your body. along the way, the other guests disappeared and the loud conversations vanished into thin air. for merely a couple of seconds, it was just you and him. again.
"benjamin pavard," you cheered, stretching out the arms to offer him a warm hug and pulling him out o the trance-like state. a reminder that he wasn't alone with you anymore. "i did not expect to see you. you've always hated those events and the tight suits." shaking his head with a chuckle about how good you knew him, especially remembering the little details about him, he reached forward and pulled you tightly against his chest.
and if you moved on, with another man, who was waiting across the room for you, then why did benjamin's loamy scent smell like coming home again.
"will you believe me if i tell you that lucas and choupo dragged me to the venue, and then left me alone?" benjamin's question was genuine, because it was actually what happened, hours prior the start of the event. begging and long explanations about how he had to leave the house once in a while for other things in life than training sessions and games. impossible to decline them.
but the warmth of your embrace made him feel like he belonged in your arms. it immediately found a way into his veins, igniting a small spark of hope. the one, he had carried with him since the breakup. but when you slowly let go, taking a step back to increase the personal bubble, it felt like the day you left.
"i believe that. they are really convincing." you giggled, remembering how lucas talked you into telling benjamin how you felt about him. hernandez noticed the small glances of jealousy when another girl caught the french player's attention, or the envy twinkling in the corners of your eyes, when women touched him. without lucas, the relationship would have never been a thing.
"my parents are still asking about you." benjamin confessed, changing the topic to the break up once again. somehow, when he wanted to talk about something else, his mind always reminded him about the day, you left.
a warm summer day. you just received the news about the great transfer and wanted to share them with benji. but instead of being happy for you, or with you, he questioned the entire relationship, based on one change. no matter how bright the sun shone outside, or the chirping of the birds, which turned into a comforting melody, inside of the apartment, tears rolled and screams were exchanged.
"you haven't told them about.." you trailed off, not daring to say the word us after it has been destroyed. pointing a slender finger between your body and his towering figure, was all you could do to reference to the loss of words.
shaking his head, the quiet chuckle and following smile surprised you. but it wasn't happiness. sarcasm tugged on the corners of his mouth, the disbelief about the past decision. "no, i couldn't disappoint them after already breaking two hearts."
"oh benji.." you muttered, feeling the tears on your waterline. meeting him again after being together for almost two years, and sharing such an intimate bond, made it difficult to act like it did not bother you. the way he fought with the tears himself, attempting to hide the sadness and regret.
benjamin's heart broke for a second time, slowly and painfully as he realised once again, what he lost the night. instead of accepting the distance and trying to figure out how to handle it, he decided against your love, and being with you.
and he regretted nothing more than that one night.
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qworflordking · 3 years
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Chrollo Lucilfer
he's offended at the amount of food on display. "Don't you know some people are starving, Y/N?"
lectures everyone on the genocide of Native Americans and the colonialist myth of the First Thanksgiving in front of the football game
completely falls for that pyramid scheme your wine-drunk aunt has been getting into. steals all of the superfood shakes out the back of her minivan later that night
insists on leading the family in prayer before dinner. mentions that he is thankful for the aforementioned genocide, because how else could we Fat Americans sit on the spoils of our crimes, enjoying such borgeouise pleasures as "stuffing" and "gravy". "We are the victors of Manifest Destiny, Y/N," he says, and raises a glass of sparkling water. Because alcohol is for degenerates, as he has duly informed your schnapps-drinking half-senile grandmother. meanwhile, your alt-right 15 year old nephew has /no/ idea what to do.
eats one bite of mashed potatoes and says he's full. ten seconds later, pointing at your turkey leg: "Are you going to finish that, Y/N?"
avoids the storebought pumpkin pie and advises you to do so as well. "I'd never allow you come into contact with High Fructose Corn Syrup, my love," he tells you.
yeah, he spiked the whipped cream with strychine. As your family lies choking and dying, he asks you if your grandfather left the Wi-Fi password in his will.
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Illumi Zoldyck
your family? your family, Y/N? your mother buys gravy in a can. yeah, fat chance.
milluki is your only friend in this situation in that: he nudges your foot under the table. annoyed, you kick back. he nudges again. you flick a glance, pretending you're only adjusting the napkin on your lap, but.... is that... a bucket? why?
kikyou sends you an uncanny-valley-esque smile. like a sheepshead fish - you'd expect fangs, but they're entirely human. "Do try the coulibiac," she urges, pouring you and Illumi a helping of wine. "I worked especially hard on it."
"Mother makes the greatest coulibiac in the world." Illumi reaches for water rather than wine. His other hand is playing beneath the table - definitely on his phone. Wait, does he have an Airpod in - goddammit -
"You mean the servants worked hard -" Kalluto starts, but he's cut off by Milluki attempting to interest you in his latest cryptocurrency investment. You reach for your wine in an attempt to cope and discover why Milluki gave you a bucket.
Yeah, the wine was also poisoned. Enjoy puking until your entire stomach lining is on fucking fire, Y/N.
because Illumi loves you, Y/N, he washes out your vomit bucket. the coulibiac is perfect.
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"Y/N, I'd love to meet your family! OOH, I'm so ~~excited!"
"Can you pick me up, please? I'll meet you on the corner outside my building at 5:30 precisely - don't you dare be late, my sweet Y/N!"
Of course you arrive on time. Of course he's nowhere to be seen.
You show up at Family Thanksgiving three hours late. Your mother is polite, but keeps making pointed mentions about just how hard it was to cook all of this. How she could have used an extra pair of hands to peel the parsnips.
"Alone again, Y/N?" your drunk aunt says. "Even your little sister has managed to snag someone" - entirely forgettable, you think his name is Jared? - and she reaches across the table to squeeze maybe-Jared's hand.
You smile, tightly, and ask your uncle to please pass the peas. You focus on your plate, ignoring your phone ad the desire to text Hisoka asking him where the fuck he is. You make a little volcano mountain out of your mashed potatoes - pile 'em up, make a crater, throw the peas and corn on top. Jared is staring at you the entire time. He offers you some carrots to stand up at the mouth of the volcano. For flames, he says.
Your aunt finds this adorable.
After dinner, you retire to the Football Game, or whatever the fuck normies do at Thanksgiving. Your family is watching a movie, or walking the dogs. Your little sister tells you all about Jared. How much she loves him. Look at their vacation pictures -
He looks a little... familiar? -
"He loves to wear makeup sometimes," she giggles, and flicks forward, but.
Jared's not here.
Neither is your aunt.
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bigdaddyomega · 4 years
The Nunz: Chapter 1
Once upon a time, in a galaxy far, far, far, far, far away, there was a church. This church was far different from an ordinary church. If one were to pass by, they probably would have never expected it to be a church. The appearance of the building seemed very old and rundown. Most were surprised that there were people still living in it. Though it was still very active. The yard and the greenery was indeed a very beautiful sight to see. The pond was perfectly clean where fish and many other small creatures were able to swim freely. The grass was perfectly cut and the flowers began to bloom. Which meant that spring was beginning to come.
Despite the beautiful sight of everything, Alyssa Nelson hated this place. It made her sick to her stomach just to look at it. She despised the way that the building looked. She felt that she would be living under terrible conditions during her stay at this place. If she could go back in time, she would have tried to convince her mom to not even think about sending her to this place that she believed was so horrid. She observed who she assumed were humans wearing silver masks and all black outfits playing a game of football with one another. She believed that they looked intimidating and already decided that she wanted nothing to do with them.
"Mom, do I really have to do this?" Alyssa asked her mom as she turned to look at the older version of herself.
"Yes, it's for your own good." Mrs. Nelson replied to her eighteen year old daughter. Alyssa shook her head.
"But I'm eighteen years old. I shouldn't have to go to rehab." She disagreed.
"It's not rehab. It's an alternative program for you to better yourself. And I am sending you here because you are eighteen. I don't want you to go down the wrong path and end up dead when you're twenty. That's my worst fear." Mrs. Nelson explained. Alyssa could hear the worry in her mother's voice and that made her feel extrmely uneasy.
"They always say that one time won't hurt, but that could not be further from the truth. I want you to better yourself. Just give this place a chance, Alyssa." Her mom said. This was the last time she could convince her child that this was what was best for her. The only response that her daughter gave was to roll her eyes and get out of the vehicle. At this point she knew that she no longer had a choice. All hope was lost for her. She popped the trunk open and began to get all of her belongings out with the help of her mother. Luckily, Alyssa was able to carry it all with both of her hands.
Meanwhile, a girl the same age as Alyssa was still sitting in the car in front of them. She observes the entire area. She admires the beauty of it all. But hates the fact that she has to be here with a passion. Like Alyssa, she felt that she had done nothing wrong. Or at least nothing horrible to where she needs to be here. Her father stared at the spitting image of himself in disgust. He most definitely believed that she deserved to be here. He wanted her to change. He just didn't want the responsibility of helping her to change.
"I hope that you get something out of however long you need to be here. So that you will never do what you did again." He told his daughter in a stern tone. She didn't mind him talking to her in this tone at all. In fact, she wanted to get out of the car so that she could get the hell away from him.
"Alright, later dad." Were this girl's departing words from him. She stepped out of the car and slammed the door to the passenger seat just to spite her father. She opens the back seat of the car and starts to take out each trash bag containing her belongings one at a time. The attention of those who are outside is now on her. Not a single one of those ghouls could take their eyes off her. Some were admiring her beauty. Others were judging by the way that she carried herself. Fire, the smallest ghoul of them all, could not help but to laugh. He did his absolute best to hide it by pretending to cough, and clearly that did not work. His best friend Aether shook his head.
"Dew, Don't laugh, it's not funny." Aether criticized. However, Fire just could not find the strength to stop.
"I can't help it!" Fire almost screamed and began to become hysterical. Those around him could see the tears of laughter streaming down his eyes.
"I really don't get it. She couldn't just ask somebody if she could borrow a suitcase?" Rain commented.
"I bet you she's too poor!" Swiss said. All of the ghouls looked at each other and began to laugh in unison. Fire was right, it indeed was very comical.
The other girl made it to the front of the convent without her father. She wanted to do this alone. It was also too late to want her father with her, he had already driven off. There was no turning back from here. She was officially stuck. Both Alyssa and her mother stare at the girl. Regardless of them judging her, she gave them a smile. Before anybody could say anything, the door opened to reveal a petite aging woman who had long gray hair that was tied back. Though she was aging, she was still very pretty and presented herself very professionally.
"Hello. I'm Sister Imperator, and I'm the director of this institution." The older woman introduced herself. She held out her hand to Mrs. Nelson first. They both shook hands and Sister gave her a smile. This smile was almost too nice. It had the potential to be deceptive.
"Hi, I'm Adele and this is my daughter Alyssa." Mrs. Nelson introduced the two of them. Sister Imperator then shook Alyssa's hand giving her that same smile and turned to the other girl.
"I'm Star. Nice to meet you." The other girl was finally able to reveal the name that she had given to herself just before being here. Sister Imperator furrowed her brows.
"I'm sorry, there has to be a mistake of some sort. I didn't get the name of Star in anyone's paperwork." She stated out of confusion. Star had to think of an answer. She couldn't stand her real name and believed that now was her chance to get away from it.
"Ok, that's just my nickname. If you read my paperwork thoroughly, you would know that my real name is fucking awful. So please, just call me Star." The young girl practically begged. The only instant response that Sister could give was to nod after she shook her hand.
"I understand completely. My real name isn't all that great either. But anyways, it is nice to meet you all. We are so happy to have you join us. Come inside and I'll show you around the convent before we make any final decisions." She said and reentered into her own home. All three of the other women followed her inside. All of their expectations of what this place was going to be were now gone. The interior of this place was absolutely stunning. The entire place was brightly lit due to the row of crystal chandeliers. The pillars surrounding the second floor looked as if they were just built in. The checker printed tiled floor was probably just cleaned minutes before they entered.
Sister Imperator showed them every inch of the inside of the building. From the cafeteria that was empty at the moment, but it was a very clean place. She also showed them an example of the rooms which they are going to be staying in. The king sized beds made both girls tired just by the sight of them. They did not have to lay in them to know that they were extremely comfortable. Even their bathrooms were very luxurious. However, nothing could beat the chapel. This entire area of the large building was the most beautiful of them all. The stain glass windows reflected many colors into the room and behind the altar was a large cross. Alyssa and Star had never seen a crucifix so big in their lives.
"As you all can tell, we are a very Christian organization. We do our best to help late adolesence and young adults to better imporve themselves in order to go out into the real world in just under two years." Sister Imperator explained as she opened the back door which lead to the outside of this place. Everyone followed her. Alyssa and her mom seeming normal, and Star, her eyes were so wide due to thinking about how she may not get out of here until she's twenty. All three women enjoyed the sight of the outside. Mrs. Nelson was observing from a critical view. But the girls were more interested in the football game going on between the ghouls.
"One of the ways of improvement that we have observed throughout this entire program is having at least two hours of physical activity every single day." Sister added her commentary once again. All of them watched as a nameless ghoul named Mountain had the ball in his hands. He was trying to throw it, but another ghoul named Swiss was blocking him from doing so.
"Swiss, move!" Mountain yelled in a very annoyed tone. However, Swiss did not respect his request and actually did the exact opposite. Swiss made the wise decision to kick Mountain in the ballsack. This was the worst feeling in the world for ghouls and humans alike. Mountain held onto his crotch area as if he was holding on for dear life. The only female ghoul out there at the moment took notice of what had happened. Cumulus was probably one of the most caring individuals of anyone in this place. Not only that, but anyone who came into contact with her found her to be adorable.
"Blow the whistle! Blow the whistle!" Were the only words that Mountain could say at the moment. Cumulus did just that.
"Half time!" She called out. Everyone groaned out of annoyance because one of the two teams was on the verge of winning.
"Typical." Swiss shook his head. He kicked Mountain in that same area again. But this time the pain was a lot worse than the previous kick.
"Let me ask you something, if this is such a Christian envirionment, then how come all of them over there are wearing devil masks?" Mrs. Nelson inquired.
"Oh well, it's one of the forms of punishments that we have here. That would mean that they comitted a mortal sin." Sister replied. Mrs. Nelson nodded even though she may not have agreed with that. It seemed that this was the end of the entire tour, and it was now time to make the decision whether or not Alyssa would be staying there. Alyssa was hoping and praying to the god that she doesn't believe in, that her mother has changed her mind.
"So, the last thing that I need to go over with you is pricing. I have the bill right here for you to make the final decision." Sister went into her jacket to take out an average piece of paper. Mrs. Nelson took it and her eyes nearly came out of their sockets as a result of reading the price.
"So, this is the price per year, correct?" She asked.
"No. Actually per week." Sister replied. Mrs. Nelson turned to her daughter and then placed her signature on the bottom of the paper. At this moment, Alyssa was officially doomed. She hated this feeling more than anything. She felt that she was about to have a heart attack.
"I'll pay for it the best way that I can, even if that means me getting a loan. But please help my daughter to improve. That's really what I want for her." Alyssa's mother said. Sister Imperator placed her hand on her shoulder.
"Don't worry about that, she's in good hands with us." Sister reassured her. Alyssa and her mother shared one last hug with each other. This was the last embrace that they would have with one another for a long time. Potentially two years if her mother could not afford another flight to come see her. Her mother told her that she loved her as they left each other's embrace. Alyssa didn't tell her mother that she loved her back. In fact, she wanted nothing to do with her at that moment. She wondered how her mother could say that she loved her but send her to a place like this.
Once her mother had driven away, Sister Imperator's smile completely disappeared. She was now completely serious. It was almost like she had mutated right before their eyes. It scared both girls because they had no idea what to expect next.
"Alright bitches, listen up. Almost everything that I had said was complete and utter bullshit. I really could care less about your well being. I only do this program because I love my money. So if you two can keep your goddamn mouths shut for two years, then maybe your life won't be so miserable here!" She explained in a very feisty tone.
"So, this isn't a church?" Star wanted clarification. Out of all the question to ask, she asked that one.
"It is, just not a Christian church." Sister Imperator answered. Star nodded and then she tried to figure out what kind of church it really was.
"Now, you two should be escorted to your rooms. Cardinal!" Sister Imperator directed. Now the girls had their hopes up. Only because they saw how comfortable the beds were and only wanted to get at least an hour of sleep at the moment. A young looking man appeared suddenly. He was wearing all black and his light brown hair was neatly in place while the hat was able to stay on top of his head. Both of the girls thought he was sort of odd looking.
"Cardinal, this is Alyssa and Star, they are new potential sacrifices. Could you please escort these ladies to their new rooms?" Sister Imperator requested.
"Of course." Cardinal Copia answered and motioned for the two young women to follow him. Copia lead them back inside along with all of their stuff. When he noticed all of the luggage that they had, he was reminded of what needs to be done.
"Oh, I almost forgot. I need you to leave your belongings right here." He said. Both girls gave him a confused stare.
"What? Why?" Alyssa questioned.
"You're not allowed to have anything personal here. Anything that you need we'll provide for you." He explained.
"So then what's going to happen to my shit?" Star asked.
"You'll get it back when you're released." He said. Both of the girls dropped their stuff on the floor and displayed as much attitude as they could.
"You're making this shit sound like a prison." Star commented.
"Shut up and follow me." Cardinal Copia ordered and continued walking. Both of the girls followed him and now felt empty without carrying all of their belongings. He leads them down to a dark stairway. For them it was very scary. Star was wondering what the hell they needed to go into the basement for. Because that was what this place was, a basement. The further down they went, the more spearated from the sunlight they became. It took them about five total minutes to make it to the floor. It was cold and made of pure concrete. Alyssa jumped as soon as she saw the pentogram spray painted red on the floor. She didn't really know why she was so scared of it. It was only a geometric shape. But to her, there was just something so eerie about it. Star looked down as well and the symbol did not even phase her on the outside. But on the inside she was just as scared.
"So creepy." Alyssa whispered. Star nodded agreeing with her. Cardinal Copia stopped at a door on the side wall and took out an entire ring of many keys. Somehow he was able to pick out the right one to unlock the door. When the door opened, he motioned for the two of them to go inside. When they stepped in, neither of the girls were impressed. There were just two rows of twelve beds on each side. The only light source that they have is a single lightbulb in the middle of the ceiling. They both looked extremely disappointed.
"You're not going to tell me that this is our room." Alyssa protested.
"Pick a bed." Cardinal Copia said and closed the door from there. Both Alyssa and Star heard the sound of a click before the footsteps leaving the basement. That one click scared both girls to death. Alyssa immediately sprinted over and tried to turn the knob of the door. She couldn't. Neither of them could even try to break the door down. Both turned to each other with anxiety taking over the both of them.
"Shit. I hate to break it to you, but we're locked in." Alyssa revealed.
Author’s Note: wasn’t that shitty as fuck? Yeah I agree. But this is the first chapter of my first Ghost fanfic. As I said in my previous post, this is on my Wattpad but I’m going to post it on here. Enjoy regardless and I love y’all.💀❤️
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pollymorgan · 17 days
Teacher Negan - The Football Game - Part 5
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Warnings: Of course, there's still a big age difference and Negan is an asshole. Smut!
-Several months later-
I am probably the only student in the entire school who looks forward to Monday every time. Even though the classes before my sports block are always a little torture and never seem to end. But I am rewarded for my patience. After the double lesson, Negan and I always spend a good hour together, secretly. Every time I sneak back into the hall, where he impatiently waits for me.
Otherwise, we only see each other occasionally by chance on the schoolyard or in the hallway, and every time I feel this incredible tingling in my stomach. By now, I have to admit to myself, I am incredibly in love with him. Even though I tried to suppress it for so long.
My evenings, or rather nights, are often spent playing online games with Negan, while we talk for hours on the phone and discuss everything possible.
Only two topics we successfully avoid. Firstly, his wife and secondly, what this whole thing between us is or could become.
It was also on one of those late evenings when he suggested that I join the cheerleading group, whose football team he coached in his free time.
"Me? A cheerleader?" I asked in surprise into the speaker of my phone, while the situation on the PlayStation was getting pretty intense.
"Of course, you are super athletic and phenomenally beautiful!" he stated without hesitation.
I laughed, "So that's what you're into? Bouncing girls in short skirts?"
"No, I'm into you ... bouncing in a short skirt..." he stated and added "...even if it won't be easy for me to train the guys with a constant hard-on, but the main thing is that we can see each other more often."
So it happened that I really became a cheerleader, and surprisingly, I even had a lot of fun. Not only because I could see Negan more often, but also because the other players and cheerleaders were really nice.
After a while, our team was so good that we planned our first away game. It was so far from our hometown that we rented a bus and planned to stay in a hostel afterwards.
Everyone was pretty nervous and trained hard. The boys, as well as us girls. Even Negan could be seen tensing up as the game approached. Because if there's one thing he absolutely hates, it's embarrassing himself. So he put a lot of pressure on the players during training.
But his worry was unfounded. We won our first away game, and we won big. The joy was immense.
-The evening after the game-
Together we enter our small accommodation, which more resembles a youth hostel than a hotel. We never thought our team would actually win, so the mood was very high.
We settle into our rooms and agree to meet in the common room right after to celebrate the victory. I share my hotel room with Layla. She is also a cheerleader and a few years older than me. I am once again the youngest, but by now, I don't mind. We get along great, and she has become like my best friend. I trust her, and we tell each other everything, well, almost everything, I can't tell her about Negan, which is really hard. After all, he is constantly on my mind.
After freshening up a bit, we head to the common room with the others. It consists of a few seats, a large TV, and a foosball table.
As soon as I enter the room, I look around, but Negan is not here. As I scan the room with my eyes, I see Liam fixating his gaze on me and interrupting his conversation. Liam is a pretty good player on the team, and I have noticed that he has been seeking my attention for some time, which doesn't bother me because he is really funny and considerate. I enjoy spending time with him - of course, only as friends.
Suddenly, he jumps up and stands right in front of me, "Want to go outside for a smoke?" he asks with a smile on his lips.
I shrug nonchalantly, "Sure, why not?"
So we walk down the narrow hallway, at the end of which is a tiny balcony that can only accommodate 3-4 people. Together we step out onto it, and Liam immediately holds out his pack of cigarettes. I gratefully take one and let him light it for me. After the first deep drag, I smile, "Thanks for a great game!"
He grins somewhat embarrassed and waves it off, "Oh, that was a team effort..."
"Don't be so modest!" I encourage him and tap his shoulder, feeling how his confidence is boosted even more.
"Well, you also cheered us on pretty well, so we can only be motivated..." he states, and I notice how he comes much closer to me, "I'm really glad you're here..." he adds in a soft voice.
Speechless, I look at him, as I hadn't expected the conversation to take this turn so quickly.
Suddenly, I startle as the silence is interrupted by the opening of the balcony door.
My heart races even higher when Negan suddenly stands right next to us. He must have just come out of the shower, as his hair is still slightly damp and a wonderful scent of soap and aftershave surrounds him.
Instinctively, I move away slightly from Liam, which is not easy on this small balcony. After all, the three of us are quite cramped.
Without saying anything, Negan snatches the cigarette from my hand and puts it in his mouth. He holds it between his lips and addresses Liam in an annoyed tone, "What's wrong with you?! No cigarettes for minors."
Liam raises his hands in resignation, "Coach, Sam is not a kid anymore... she's almost 19."
"Exactly, almost 19 means 18! So, three damn years until she's 21... or have you become too stupid to do math because all the blood has rushed elsewhere in your head?" he asks calmly.
Liam stutters slightly, "That... that's really not fair," and I have to try not to laugh.
Negan is definitely jealous!
I've experienced a few situations where I thought he was, but always convinced myself that I was imagining things. But now the whole situation is pretty clear, and I secretly enjoy it because it shows me that he really cares about me.
"That's not fair," Negan mimics him.
Offended, Liam shakes his head and extinguishes his cigarette on the wall beside him.
"I'm going back inside, are you coming, Sam?" he asks me, trying to ignore Negan as best as he can.
I briefly catch Negan's gaze and say uncertainly, "Oh... um... you go ahead... I'll be right there... the fresh air is really nice right now."
Annoyed, Liam leaves the balcony, and Negan silently watches through the window as he walks down the long hallway. As soon as he disappears from sight, Negan turns to me.
"That sleazy guy is trying to get in your pants!" he exclaims.
"Mh, could be..." I say, unfazed.
Negan looks at the long hallway once more, and when he sees that no one is there, he pulls me close and kisses my lips.
Slightly surprised by the risky move, it takes me a few seconds to respond to the kiss. But now I don't want to let go of his lips at all. It feels so good to finally feel him again. Seeing him constantly but not being able to touch him is really torture for me.
As we separate, I wipe my lipstick from his mouth.
"Pretty risky, don't you think?" I remark.
He looks at me with a broad grin, "I know how these daring actions make you wet, don't I? And besides, I had to make it clear who you belong to, my sweet! Oh, I have something for you..."
"For me?" my smile turns into a questioning look.
I watch in amazement as he pulls a small black box from his jeans and opens it skillfully. Inside is a delicate golden chain with a small heart pendant featuring a sparkling blue stone. My heart starts to race. Negan has never given me anything, not even flowers. And now he's standing there with a beautiful necklace in his hand.
"I saw it and immediately thought of you... so, what do you say? Do you like it?" he asks.
I take a deep breath and try to hold back my tears with all my might. Quickly, I take a critical look towards the hallway, and when I see that no one is there, I wrap my arms around him.
"You didn't have to do this, it's beautiful..." my words rush out before I kiss him.
-Several hours later-
Some guys are sitting in front of the TV watching some sports show, while the rest of us are gathered around a large table, engaging in lively conversation over a few beers.
Everyone is in this small common room, except Negan.
I catch myself playing with my new necklace and thinking about him. Suddenly, I'm pulled out of my thoughts when Liam loudly announces, "Okay, guys, spin the bottle!"
Everyone cheers, but I ask somewhat annoyed, "Are you serious, isn't that a bit silly?"
But everyone protests, so I resign myself to my fate, and we start the game.
After a few rounds with typical tasks and questions, the door suddenly opens, and Negan walks in.
Some startle and try to hide the hard liquor. Even my heart pumps, but for different reasons, suddenly very strongly.
"I'm officially off duty, so if anyone starts crying because they miss their mommy or gets a paper cut, please don't come to me... and anything else you plan on doing tonight, I don't care..." With this announcement, he grabs a full beer from our table and briefly catches my eye before opening the bottle on the edge of the table and sitting down with a few other guys in front of the TV.
Now I can only see his back.
"Let's continue!" someone suddenly interrupts the silence at the table, "Whoever the bottle points to, has to kiss their neighbor, whether it's the left or right one, they can decide!"
The bottle is spun with full force, and of course, this time it points to me.
"Haha... Sam!" everyone cries out excitedly, and I immediately look to Negan, who discreetly turns around and looks at us. To my left is Liam, and to my right is Layla. I playfully take my time with my decision, even though it's clear from the start. After some hesitation, I slowly lean in towards Layla and take her chin between my fingers. We grin at each other before locking eyes and our lips gently touch. I feel her tongue lightly press against my lips, which initially startles me, but it actually feels quite good, and the thought that Negan is watching us closely spurs me on even more. I let my tongue cautiously explore hers, and the kiss becomes more intimate, with the comments around us getting louder. We take our time exploring each other's mouths hesitantly. Only then do I slowly pull away and give her a loud smack on her full lips as a final touch.
I pause for a moment and look at Negan, who is just turning back to the TV.
"Whoever the bottle points to has to reveal the most unusual place they've had sex..." I say after a brief pause and spin the bottle.
But I don't get to hear the answer because my phone vibrates in my lap. Curious, I look at the display and see a text from "Mister N." My heart skips a beat. I glance at him, but can only see his back. Eagerly, I lean back, making sure no one can see my screen.
"You naughty girl! 🔥" I read and quickly respond.
"Didn't you enjoy the little show? 😉"
"I can't say no. 😉 I just have some worry about leaving you alone with Layla tonight after what I just saw!"
"Don't worry! My pussy belongs only to you! And she misses you so much..🥺"
"I miss her too! How much I would love to run my mouth over her right now and catch every sweet drop with my tongue... I know how much you love that, right?..."
We exchange a few more messages back and forth, even though we are sitting just a few meters away from each other. Each message from him makes my lower body tingle more and my throat gets drier.
-Later in the hotel room-
Layla is already pretty out in bed, while I disappear into the bathroom. When I step out of the shower, I am wearing nothing but Negan's necklace. I look at myself in the mirror, then pick up my phone from the edge of the sink and quickly take a selfie covering my nipples.
"The necklace is so beautiful! 😍" I type underneath and nervously send it to Negan.
My heart is pounding wildly as I brush my hair and keep glancing at the screen. But there is no response. Is he already asleep? I put on my pajamas, and as I'm about to pull the top over my head, I hear the reassuring sound of my vibrating phone.
"Damn, sweetheart. That's not the only thing beautiful in the photo! 💕 Do you know how much I love your enchanting titties? Come on, show me more of them!" he texts.
Unconsciously, I smile immediately and after a few seconds of hesitation, I pull the straps of my top down, fully exposing my breasts, and once again set the camera function on my phone. I take a few photos and quickly choose one to send to Negan.
"Sweetheart, you are way too good to me! Can you imagine how rock hard my cock is right now because of you?"
I type, "No, show it to me, please!" on my phone, and as I send the message, my cheeks glow so much that I feel they might burst any moment.
It doesn't take long before I actually receive a picture of his hard arousal. I never thought something like this would turn me on, but with Negan, it's different. I instinctively squeeze my legs together and bite my lower lip.
"I really want him deep inside me right now..." I type back.
"That's all I can think about right now, damn! We should sleep now, my sweet! The sooner we can be close again..." he writes.
"You're right... pleasant dreams!" I reply, already missing him terribly in that moment. Disappointed, I set my phone aside and put my clothes back on. Then I step out of the small bathroom and, just as I'm about to say something to Layla to distract myself, I open the door. But she doesn't react. Confused, I look at the bed and see her sleeping peacefully.
"Hey Layla?" I ask a bit louder, but there's no response. I look at her once more and make sure she's really fast asleep. Then, quietly, I leave the hotel room and tiptoe barefoot down the hallway. Feeling slightly disoriented, I look at the room numbers on the doors. Of course, I remember Negan's room number. As I get closer to the number, I feel my body pumping with adrenaline. Finally, standing right in front of it, I hesitate for a moment. The risk is quite high. But then I timidly knock on Negan's door, not sure what makes my heart beat faster - the fear of getting caught or the excitement of being able to embrace Negan in my arms.
In the dark hallway, clad in a short pajama shorts and the matching tank top, I look around anxiously. Eventually, I hear movement behind the door and the doorknob turning, sending even more adrenaline rushing through my veins. I try to appear as calm as possible as Negan opens the door a crack and looks me up and down, his grin growing wider with every passing second.
I, too, let my eyes wander. He's wearing only dark gray boxers. Unconsciously, I bite my lower lip as my eyes travel over his slim, defined upper body. His dark chest hair and tattoos make him even more attractive.
On Mondays, after sports, I don't often get the chance to admire him like this. Everything always has to be quick, and we only take off the essentials, so I savor this sight even more. I take a deep breath and meet his gaze once again.
Innocently and softly, I say, "Mr. Smith, I can't fall asleep..."
He slowly licks his lips, and his dark eyes begin to sparkle. Leaning casually against the door frame with one arm, he asks, "Oh, my poor girl, what can I do for you?"
A smile tugs at my lips, and I try to keep my composure and stay in my role. Nervously, I nibble on the fingernail of my right thumb.
"Could you maybe... fuck me hard?" I ask in a pleading tone.
He grabs my wrist firmly and pulls me into his room with a swift motion. As soon as he closes the door, he presses my back firmly against it and starts kissing me passionately.
"I've been wanting to do this the whole damn time," he whispers into my open mouth, just before our tongues meet again.
His tall body presses against mine, and only the thin fabric of my pajamas prevents me from feeling his skin against mine. His right hand travels from my cheek, over my neck, to my shoulder. Skillfully, he takes hold of the strap of my top and slowly pulls it down, fully exposing my left breast. I let out a soft moan as he takes it in his large hand and massages it with considerable pressure. My nipple is caught between his index and middle fingers, and his firm grasp makes it harden. His more dominant touches, which I have yearned for, send a warm sensation directly to my lower abdomen.
"We don't have much time! I want you deep inside me. Please, Negan, I need your hard cock..." I beg him softly. This is not only the absolute truth, but I also know how much he enjoys it when I ask him like this.
With a satisfied grin, he leans his upper body back a bit and lets his dark, sparkling eyes roam over my body.
"You look like a sweet angel, but such dirty words come out of your mouth... My dear, you have no idea how incredible you are! Come on, get on the bed, but undress completely first," he says, smiling, taking a step back to make room for me.
I look at him and remove my top. The way he looks at me with so much desire excites me even more. Slowly, I also rid myself of my shorts and panties, standing completely naked in front of him. Then, I confidently walk past him. His intense gaze feels like it's physically touching me. I'm just about to sit on the bed when he speaks up.
"Oh no, get on all fours... Show me your sweet ass..."
His direct command makes my pussy twitch, and I know he enjoys the fact that I immediately obey his command. So, without hesitation, I turn around and climb onto his bed, ending up in the middle. I stretch out my bottom even more, feeling Negan getting behind me. He places his hand on my back and firmly presses my upper body down. My face presses into the pillow as I grip the sheets tightly.
I feel his teeth on my right buttock and his beard scratching against my skin. It sends a shiver down my spine, and I can sense his warm breath on my sensitive skin. I can tell he's grinning from my reaction. Then, his hand glides lightly along my inner thigh, moving higher, causing me to spread my legs a bit more. Just before reaching my most intimate area, he pauses and then moves back down. Disappointed, I let out a protest.
"What's wrong, my dear?" he asks mockingly.
"Touch my pussy, please..." I plead in a whispering tone.
He immediately grabs both cheeks of my bottom and pulls them wide apart.
"Oh man, you're practically dripping..." he states contently, "... you look so damn hot..". With those words, he buries his face between my legs. His warm tongue leisurely licks through my slit, catching every drop until he reaches my entrance. Slowly, he penetrates me.
Everything in me tightens, my body trembles under his touch as if I'm about to explode.
"Negan, that feels so good..." I moan softly.
With a gentle kiss right on my center, he pulls back.
After giving me a rather hard slap, he then digs his fingers into my butt firmly.
My whole body is addicted to him, to his touch, his tongue, his voice. I want him so badly.
"I want you inside me..." I say, unable to think of anything else.
"First, show me where you want my hard cock, my dear. Come in with your fingers..." he instructs. "I want to see them disappear into your sweet wet pussy."
Without hesitation, I move my hand between my legs and moisten my index and middle fingers with my arousal before sliding them inside me.
"So good..." Negan whispers behind me. Then, I feel him slowly press his index finger into me as well, widening me further. Once his finger is fully inside me, he starts massaging my swollen clitoris with his thumb. My moans grow louder with each passing moment. His index finger is pressed closely to mine inside me, and the more he massages my clit, the more everything inside me tightens, a sensation we both feel clearly.
"Do you feel how good you are...? So damn warm and tight..." he murmurs.
"I'm going to come, Negan..." I pant.
"I know, my dear, I know... come while our fingers are inside you..."
His rubbing on my clit intensifies, and I can barely hold myself up on my knees. My legs tremble as I experience such a powerful orgasm that it takes my breath away.
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brodymeetsworld · 5 years
This Christmas.
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When I was a little girl, Christmas was my favorite holiday of the year. My grandmother would cook for days in preparation for the entire family( 6 grown children, 10 plus grandchildren) to gather around the table together (or the infamous kids table.) It was one of the only times of the year I was able see my extended family, and I soaked up every second of the time we had together. I have so many memories from learning how to cook with my Grandma, Aunts, and my oldest cousin Erin. To watching football in the living room with everyone including Granddaddy snoozing in “his chair”, to secretly learning how to play the card game “bullshit” (at a very young age I might add lol) with all of the cousins on the back enclosed porch. We would always end our evening the same way, after dinner we would sing the “Happy Birthday” song to Jesus, and because my little brother and I were the babies of the family, we usually got to blow out the candles on the cake. Afterwards, most of us would attend Christmas eve candlelight service at the Monterey Methodist Church. I didn’t get to go to Church very often, so these services were so special and beautiful to me. Those memories are some of the best memories of my childhood. 
After my grandparents passed away, the glue that held our extended family together dissolved. Everyone decided to host their own families for the holidays, and no longer wanted the financial or time burden to feed and host twenty-thirty family members. It saddens my soul to never see my aunts, uncles, or cousins anymore. The only way we see each other and communicate now is through social media or phone calls. One big portion of our family even moved half way across the country to Missouri, so the chances of seeing them anytime soon are slim. I truly haven’t felt the magic of Christmas since Christmas in Monterey, and that was 15 years ago.
After I met and married my husband, and when I became a mom, at the age of 26 and again at 27, I thought that magic would suddenly just appear again! Wrong, if anything, Christmas was harder all around. Not only did my two babies want nothing to do with Santa Clause, or the presents my husband and I worked so hard to buy, wrap, put together, but they were determined to destroy all of our decorations, including 3 separate artificial trees. I was completely emotionally and physically drained the first two Christmas’s with our children. I always just threw it off as of well this is life with two under two, or two under three. It never occurred to me, that one of my children may have special needs.
Fast forward to today, this will be my 30th Christmas. This will be my boys 4th and 5th Christmas. This year they have finally left our beautiful tree alone, and most of the presents underneath it as well. They both love to sing Christmas songs, and watch the snow fall on the ground. Our favorite thing to do right now is make Christmas crafts, and go searching for Christmas lights at night in the car. The proof of them growing and learning is obvious this year, and it brings so much joy to my heart. We also started going to church this year. What brought us to church was learning about our oldest son, Brody, diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder over Easter weekend this past year. 
You see, my husband and I always knew Brody was special, but we had no idea how special he really was. We were first time parents, and when Bentley came along just 14 months after his brother, we entered survival mode and did our very best. Looking back, I think Brody started showing signs of Autism shortly after his brother came into the world, around 16 months old. I was in denial for a long time, as well as my husband. I can remember looking back and thinking how hard it was in the beginning with both boys, and I never thought of the hard times as Brody being “abnormal”. I always blamed myself for “not being a good enough parent”, and that’s why he is crying all the time. Or “I’m not a good cook, that's why he won’t eat any of the meals I make for him”. And the one I really truly believed, “I guess I don’t talk to him enough and that's why he won’t speak”. All of these things would torment me every day, and all I could do was vent to my husband or his pediatrician. I even took him to see a ENT doctor determined because he had so many ear infections as a baby, maybe he had a hearing problem. It wasn’t until a close family member kept Brody over night that Autism even crossed our radar. Bless her heart too, she tried to tell me, but instead of accepting help, I was angry with her. The first time I reached out for help with our children and my biggest fear was being confirmed.(crazy when I think back, I really was scared of this diagnosis) I was so deep in denial there was nothing she could have done at that time that wouldn't have upset me. It took a toll on our relationship, and I regret the time we lost together over it.
Before we even received Brody’s diagnosis, we enrolled him into the special needs pre school in our county. He qualified right away, and he started right after his third birthday. He went from speaking one word sentences, to three to four word sentences in a year and half time so far, and most importantly he can communicate his needs and wants. His eating has improved, and we have a list of foods he will eat as oppose to 4 things total. Brody will dance with us down the hallway, and sing silly songs for us. He knows how to say please and thank you, I’ve been told by his teachers he is showing empathy to his classmates, and he can finally say “I love you, mommy” or “I love you, daddy” without signing them to us at the same time. All of these things are so bittersweet for us, because there was a time not too long ago we weren’t sure they were even a possibility. 
Easter 2019 comes, we receive our sons test results in the mail. If you’ve never read ADOS results before, they can be a bit confusing. My husband and I read the results, googled our sons comparison score of “4″, and thought he was on the severe end of the spectrum. It wasn’t until the next day did we find out we were wrong, Brody is in fact on the mild end of the spectrum. But the night before was rough, we both cried and cried. Why did we cry? I really don't know the answer to that question. When you receive a diagnosis for your child, no matter the diagnosis, a part of you inside just breaks into a million pieces. I can’t speak for my husband on this, but I know for myself, as a mom, I blamed myself for a long time. I spent so much time trying to think back through out my pregnancy with Brody what I could have done wrong. I think back through out his infancy what could have went wrong, “what did I do, what did I do that made him different.” The end of the school year was coming, and we have a yearly IEP meeting with all of Brody’s team members. In that meeting, the school psychologist who tested Brody, told us it was imperative for Brody to constantly be put into small social circles. She recommended t-ball, soccer, church, birthday parties, etc. So that is exactly what we did. Brody wasn’t old enough to enroll into sports in our county yet, so we accepted every single birthday party invite, and focused on finding a Church family.
We had several invites to different churches in our community, but because I myself hadn’t been to church in over 15 years, I was a nervous wreck deciding which church to attend. Going anywhere, by yourself (my husband works A LOT), with two rowdy boys is hard. It’s 10x harder when you have a child with Autism. I knew I had to get over my fears of my sons meltdowns, and do this not only for my sons social interaction sake, but also so our children could learn about our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I always wanted to learn about the Lord when I was growing up, but no body ever wanted to wake up sunday morning to attend a church service with me. In fact, the only times I ever attended church was during Christmas or if I stayed the night with one of my friends whose family attended. Now its my turn, it’s my duty as a mother, and as a daughter of the King, to teach my children his word and of his sacrifice for all of us. 
I choose our church family, Redeeming Grace Outreach Worship Center. The boys and I go almost every sunday. Both boys wake up excited to go to church, and really enjoy singing and dancing for the Lord. After a bit of a transitioning period in the beginning, Brody will finally go to the nursery without mama having to be there too. I am finally able to read the bible and worship God and take something away from each and every service, and that truly has been a game changer in our life as a family. 
So for my 30th Christmas this year, this will be by far my best Christmas yet. Its been a year of ups and downs, a year of believing in miracles (Ezekiel Rhett), a year of building our faith, and a year of learning acceptance. Our son is exactly who he is supposed to be, and he was made in the eyes of our father. Through him, I’m learning exactly who I’m supposed to be too. God has a purpose for each and everyone of us, and our mighty King makes no mistakes. This Christmas will be magical because we made it that way.
#autismawareness #autismacceptance  
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aubretia23 · 6 years
Heartbeat chapter 1 part 5 (the last one)
Rating T
Disclaimer : I don't own anything related to Naruto or Boruto.
Sarada had cried herself to sleep that night. It was stupid of her because she had no confirmation that Boruto had rejected her. But still, he had cut off the call quite abruptly.
She came down like a zombie for breakfast to find her grandfather, uncle and father in formal clothes, ready to leave the mansion. “Do you have some urgent work today? It's weekend….” She asked apprehensively. Itachi looked at her gently. “We are meeting Hiashi-sama, Minato-sama, Naruto-kun and Neji-kun to finalise the details of your betrothal to Boruto.” Sarada was perplexed. A cocktail of fatigue and fear made her blurt out “But does Boruto even want to marry me?” without thinking.  Sasuke patted her on the head. “Hiashi-sama, actually Kushina-sama prior to that, called last night to confirm Boruto's agreement to marrying you.” Sarada blinked. “Umm….” Before she could say another word, the trio left in their Porsches.
Her black iPhone beeped. Sarada felt her heart thump hard against her rib cage as she read the message containing the details of a Swiss-cuisine deli from Boruto. She ran upstairs, showered in a record time limit and made herself presentable, throwing on a brightly coloured D&G dress, hoping that it will camouflage her fatigue. She reached the elegantly decorated restaurant to find Boruto, dressed in a white and blue ensemble, fast asleep on a table for two, located in a secluded but still well lit corner of the deli.
Sarada smiled. He looked so cute with his soft golden hair tousled and face buried in his folded arms spread on the table. The warm and cosy scent of baked items and the soft jazz music wafting through the restaurant must have lulled him to sleep. She clamped back the warmth blooming in her chest from becoming too apparent. Her efforts to shush the frantic waiter who hurried to pull back a chair for her were futile. Boruto stirred up and looked up to meet her eyes.
Onyx and sapphire stared into each other.
It's been so long.
"Hey!” He greeted tiredly. “Hi!” She greeted back with hesitation and seated herself. As Boruto gave out their order, muttering something about missing Swiss food and having a much better understanding of Continental cuisine than herself, Sarada took a few moments to compose herself. However, the moment he was done, concern rolled off her lips instinctively.
She wondered whether this is how it is always going to be from now. Being unable to help herself when it comes to him?
Boruto looked up from his palms, his eyes a bit blurry due to the rubbing. She looked so cute.
Too adorably cute.
“So?” He began, “Mind explaining what was going on in your head when you agreed to marry me?” “Hey, you said yes as well! No need to act so smug.” Sarada retorted. Two can play this game and she would rather be damned than lose to him.
“I agreed because I always thought you were the most obvious choice I had. Been like that since pre-school and unfortunately, despite my sincere efforts, that hasn't changed. So what's your excuse?” Sarada gaped at him. Shikadai never told her about this. “You had girlfriends back in Switzerland?”
“Girlfriends?!” Boruto blinked at her. “No!” “Then what do you mean by “sincere efforts”?!” Sarada glared at him. Boruto snorted. “I got asked out a few times. Never said yes to one because oddly enough, none of them were as interesting as you. I tried not comparing them to you. That's the sincere effort I was talking about. If I did have a girlfriend even once successfully, I wouldn't have said yes to this marriage this easily. Let's face it. You are the only one who has managed to keep up with me, Miss Number Two.” Boruto smiled smugly. “Nobody else could even compare. You are one of a kind after all, Miss Stuck Up.”
The urge to punch the table and break it down was growing exponentially with passing of each of his words and it really didn't help that it was accompanied by a stronger urge to be reduced to a puddle of blushing fits. Boruto was looking at her inquisitively, indicating that he wasn't going to let this slide easily. “So? It's your turn. Spill.”
"Fine….as you said, let's face it. You were always the best suitor my family had in mind. I won't deny that even I think that.” Sarada shifted a bit, uncomfortable at the vivid smugness slowly sliding off Boruto's face and being replaced by that calm but blank expression which shut everyone and everything out. One of many things that he had learnt during his years away from Konoha. She hated it. It was irrefutable proof of him distancing himself from her. “Boruto, we get along well. I am comfortable with you and I...I can see a future with you. A good one. A happy one.”
Boruto's continued silence prompted her further. “Look, I don't know how I can explain this to you more convincingly but when I close my eyes, I can see myself coming back to home...to you…..to our kids. A cosy house, a garden, a dog, two or three children…..” Boruto looked up to meet her eyes. She felt almost willingly naked under his stare. “If you are worried about something, just say it.”
"Sarada…..you do realise what a marriage entails, don't you?” Boruto creased his brows at her.
"Staying by each other's side, being together, being each other's support, being loyal to each other, trying our best for each other…..” Sarada hesitated, “That's what it is, right?” Boruto continued to bore into her eyes.
Boruto nodded gently, then looked around the deli, trying to clear his mind. “Sarada, I...I really don't want us to land up like one of those people who married for convenience's sake. I don't want a life where….we are detached, ya know?” Sarada knew what he was talking. She saw those kinds of couples all around her. “We won't. We are friends first and foremost.” She said firmly. Boruto’s lit up with uncertain warmth. “I….want to be happy. Both of us to be happy, Sarada. You really sure about this?”
Sarada looked at the boy she loved. His partiality towards black existed even back when they were in pre-school. She remembers him screaming and shouting at a football match back then. She remembers watching him in his black sports ensemble, his face glistening with sweat, shoulders broad, head thrown back in joyful laughter. That was the first time she clearly remembers thinking to herself that Uzumaki Boruto was absolutely magnificent. She was five back then. She is fifteen right now. Her feelings for the boy in front of her has only become more desperate over the years.
Boruto felt relief flooding him. “You sure?” Sarada's words cut the air. He looked up.
Midnight hair and eyes, that urge to crush her to his chest, the desire to just follow her around and be her shade and shadow…..a decade is a long time. Boruto remembers the girl who once decided to wait three hours at the school lobby back in pre-school when he got detention for pranking her, just so that they can go back home together. He remembers how she often forgot her stationary at her desk in elementary school and he would begrudgingly take them back to her home and then would end up doing homework with her. This girl…..
"Yeah, I'm sure.”
Boruto hesitated but grabbed onto courage. “There's sex as well.” Sarada stiffened. She looked at his shoulders, not meeting his eyes.
He had very attractive shoulders.
"I know.” She blurted out. Boruto pinched his nose bridge. “Sarada….” She cut him off. “I know! I am….I don't….It’s alright. I don't mind that.” Boruto stiffened in his place, shirking back into his seat a little.
“Do you?” Sarada's voice cut through. “Huh?” Boruto looked at her in confusion. Realisation dawned. “Oh no! No! Not at all…..I am fine with it as well. It's alright.” Sarada let out the breath she was holding. Another pause followed, this one less painful than the first.
“If… if you fall in love with someone else,...tell me about it, alright? I won't hold you back.” Sarada's lips trembled. "Try not to however, please?" Boruto stiffened further. A suffocating pause followed. “You too.” He said finally.
A few moments passed in silence. Sarada looked up at him. He was now busy with his phone, frowning in concentration.
“Thank you.” She was surprised at the softness of her own voice. “Huh? For what?” Boruto ran his fingers through his hair in confusion.
“For what you did for me. The internship and all.” Sarada said softly. Boruto frowned thoughtfully at first, then sighed in resignation as realisation dawned on him. “Exactly what did you threaten Shikadai with to get information?”
She shrugged innocently. “His entire stash of an year’s worth of hair gel being accidentally set on fire. Aunt Temari would never let buy him another. She would rather freeze out his card.” She grinned. Boruto smiled at her in misery.
“Don't mention it. It's hectic but I'm enjoying it.”
Warmth flooded the restaurant as the two grinned at each other. The waiter returned, pushing the dining cart along and bursting into a torrent of details.
Sarada knew they need to talk more. This was the only chance they have got. By the time she goes back home in the evening, she knows the date, timing and venue of the omiai will be fixed. There will be no turning back after this. This was their last chance to reverse what could be. She knew he said he was sure. But still, she had to make sure.
She looked at Boruto. He was paying attention to the rather conversant waiter who was pouring out natural spring water from a packaged bottle from Europe. She watched as Boruto's eyes trailed up from his glass to meet her eyes. Almost instantaneously, she felt all of her worries melt away. There was something in his brilliantly beautiful blue eyes that always did the trick.
Perhaps they don't need this chance after all. She hopes desperately.
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abunchofbadchoices · 6 years
Michael's Song
HSS Michael x MC (Jordan) in Midnight Sun AU
*Disclaimer: Most of the lines and scenes I got from the movie the Midnight Sun and all the rights belongs to the creators and writers, as well as the characters from PB. This is merely a converted fan fiction*
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Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six
Part Seven
They let their feet guide them to wherever they go. The town is silent, but not in a creepy silence kind of way. Just the kind of quiet when you can able to clear your mind and feel at least a bit of peace.
Somehow, the two of them ended up by the shipyard which is, of course, empty at midnight. His uncle's boat was located to the private area, where most luxury boats and yachts are place. Michael got them in without problem as he had access to the gates and together, they walk down the path and passed by different kinds of boats.
The wind is cool, but not too freezing. Jordan's wavy blonde hair gets blown by the breeze from time to time but not enough to mess it. She looks at the dark sky, eyes closed in bliss as she inhale the fresh salty breeze coming from the sea.
Michael had been recording their little trip with his digital camera. Then smiles at the sight of happiness on her face, glad to have brought her to the place he goes to when he needs some peace, so he made sure it was all caught in the cam.
"I-I don't get it." Jordan suddenly turns to face him and the camera, blushing. "How could they just take your scholarship away?"
Ah, yes. Their latest topic of conversation : College. Michael brought her up to speed about what he has been doing, about football and about wanting to go into filming, when she noticed him recording the party earlier.
It was rare for him to tell a story, much less something that has left a bitter taste in his mouth, but there was something about Jordan that makes it easy to open up a little.
He paused the camera and looks down as they walk, his left shoulder suddenly feels like tingling at the memory. "Well, I had to have a surgery, and they didn't think I could ever play again. No more scholarship meant no more Berkeley. It was probably my only choice of place to go to, away from here."
Jordan nods slowly, understanding etched on her beautiful face. "I'm really sorry."
He feels sorry for himself too, if he wasn't too busy thinking how he brought it all to himself, or how he was fooled by his so-called friend.
"So, how did you do it?" She asks deliberately, in a careful yet soft voice. "How did you hurt yourself?"
"It was just a freak accident. You know, I fell down some stairs and... that's not true." Michael paused, then stops to look her in the eye. He wants to see it in those innocent green orbs as soon as he tells her the truth. He wants to see the same judgemental gleam everyone gives him when they hear about it. "That's kind of what I tell everybody."
Jordan knits her eyebrows, an indication that she was being thoughtful and sympathetic. But she stays quiet and let him continue.
"I got really drunk one night at my friend Brian's house. It was his birthday and we're all having a drinking game, just the school team. We all agreed he can give all the dares and well... He dared me to jump off the roof into the pool. I clipped the edge with my shoulder." He let out a humorless chuckle, remembering his father's raging disappointment. His coach's regretful voice when he told him he can no longer play. "I'm such an idiot. I don't wanna be that guy, you know?"
A few steps passed. From the corner of his eyes, he noticed Jordan look up at him with a gentle smile. She shakes her head. "Then don't be."
That was all he needed to hear. He hates long talks about having faith and listening to fake promises that everything is going to work itself out.
There, Jordan doesn't seem to feel the need to promise or reassure him, she knows it was all out of their hands. It was her calming presence that gives all the reassurance he needed.
"You know," she starts. "My mom used to take me here when I was little."
"Really?" He smiles.
It was the first bit of personal story she ever shared that night. Jordan is a big mystery, giving very little information about herself or what she does every day. All she ever told him was that she isn't available during the daytime and as much curious as he is, he never asks 'cause he trusts her to tell him at some point.
Jordan points to a spot by the harbor, a huge cleared space overlooking the sea. "She sat me right... there. And, um, she tried to teach me how to play the guitar. Actually, this watch was hers." The girl held up her wrist, where a gold watch was wrapped and complementing her pale flawless skin. "I spent so much time looking at this thing on her hand, and..." Her smile turns wistful. "Uh, she died when I was little. She was in a car accident."
"I'm... I'm so sorry," Michael frowns, worried he had totally blew their night off. "You know, we can go someplace--"
"No. No, no." Jordan shakes her head quickly. "No, I'm...I'm good. "
"You sure?"
"Yeah, yeah. I promise."
Michael offers his hand. "You wanna see something cool?"
His uncle's boat was only a few meters down the pathway so Michael lead the girl to the private sailing boat where he practically spends all his time since summer starts.
"Ta-da!" He spreads his arms, jumping on board which sways gently on its spot.
Jordan's eyes widen. "This is yours?"
"No. But it's something I'm taking care of for the summer. It's a Jespersen 53."
Michael reached out and she let him help her up to the deck as well. He watched her balancing awkwardly on her feet and smirks. "One of these days we could take her for a sail around the harbor. We can watch the sun set."
Jordan holds onto a metal support beam and smiles up at Michael. But the last sentence he uttered just registered in her mind and suddenly, she felt a huge lump on her throat.
Michael wants to go on sailing with her to watch the sunset. Out on the sea. It was probably the most romantic idea she ever heard if only she can be able to make it come true.
Which is impossible, unless she wants to achieve a grade-A cancer that will probably wipe off any chance of ever going to sailing ever again. Jordan pretends to watch the sea. She doesn't want Michael to see that she can never go with him on those trips. Not as long as there is sunlight involved. Hell, he doesn't even know what the main problem is.
Just tell him, dammit! Her mind and conscience keeps on scolding her.
No, no. She can't... She doesn't want to. What if Michael starts seeing her more like a fragile sick creature than the funny awkward Jordan he had always known?
"That sounds... perfect." She says instead.
Michael leans down from the elevated deck he is standing on and press his lips softly on her. Jordan reaches up and put his hands on his shoulder, pulling him closer as she responded to the gentle kiss in a deliberate manner.
You see, Jordan had never kissed anyone before, not this way. Surely, those kisses all over Maria's face that she used to give her when she feels like annoying her wouldn't have counted.
It feels like forever, their lips melting to each other like they were meant to be that way. A smile tugs the corner of her lips and when they pulled away, Michael has the same smile on his face.
Luckily, the pickup truck decided to die just a house away from the Lee's house.
The engine rumbled and groaned before completely stalling in the middle of the road. Michael fumbled on the steering wheel. "Um, just, let me get out of..."
He tries once more, there was a brief groan then the engine died all over again. Jordan grinned, studying the guy's face which looks a bit redder than usual. Oh, he's embarrassed. It only makes her smile for more.
"Sorry." He says, sounding sheepish but not at all surprised.
They sit in silence for a few awkward moments. Jordan bites her lip. "So, what are you gonna do this year, now that you're not going to Berkeley?"
"Well, first I'm gonna get a new truck." Michael quipped. They chuckle. "Or not, I have my motorcycle anyway. And then I'm gonna drive across the country. You know, I've been in the football field my entire life and I haven't get to see much else, so..." He looks at her, noting the downcast look on her face. The beautiful smile gone. "Um, what are you gonna do--"
"I'm not doing anything." Jordan says immediately, shaking her head. "I'm just gonna take some online courses, I think. But... I'll just be here." I cannot leave anyway, she wanted to add. I cannot go across the country or have vacation under the sun...like a normal girl.
"I, uh... I meant what are you doing tomorrow?" Michael clarified. The shock on the girl's face made him laugh.
"Oh, God..." She slapped her forehead, but she is also laughing. A hint of hesitation passed through her face for a second. "Um... I... I'm busy during the day, but I can be free tomorrow night."
"That's perfect. I'll see you tomorrow night?"
"Okay." Jordan flashed him with her signature beam before jumping out the door. She made it a few feet away before she stopped as if she forgot something and run back to the window. "I have something to tell you." Concern filled his chest at the look of panic in her eyes. She sighed heavily then let out a guilty smile. "I don't actually have a hamster."
Michael grinned, not at all surprised. In fact he didn't even try hide it. "No shit."
As if satisfied, the girl waved her hand then run to her house.
From the inside, Scott watched his daughter get off a blue pick-up truck. He glances at his watch and sees it was almost three in the morning. A couple more hours and Jordan might have reach the morning sunlight.
This was exactly what Dr. Maddox had warned him about. The age when his daughter will no longer be contained inside the house and meet people that will trigger some issue on her condition.
The truck isn't Maria's. Jordan didn't went home with her best friend just like what they always talked about.
He couldn't help but feel threatened.
That morning, Maria lies on Jordan's bed, with the latter has been using her stomach as a pillow while she strummed lazily on her guitar.
It was moments like this that she feels closer to the blonde. No parties, no other friends... No Michael. Just the two of them having a lazy morning with no plans to think about.
Last night had been the first time Maria really enjoyed a wild party. She threw caution to the wind and let herself lose, probably had drunk more alcohol than she ever had her entire high school years. It was also a bonus fun that Jordan adjusted rather quickly to the party and managed to gain some more friends.
And today, well, they have nothing to do.
A beep sounded from her phone and Maria put down her book. She opened the message and smirk at joke that was sent to her.
Jordan glances up, eyes narrowing suspiciously. She had noticed Maria had been texting a lot that morning. "Who are you texting?"
"No one." The dark-haired girl casually turns of the screen and dump her phone.
"Maria..." She put her guitar on the side of the bed and shifts on the bed to face her friend. "Who are you texting?"
Maria closes her eyes and winced at her soft voice then whispers almost inaudibly. "Caleb."
"Um? I can't hear you when you're whispering..."
"Caleb!" She repeated. Somehow she feels guilty for the other things that happened in the party. It is true that alcohol makes people lose control sometimes. "I made out with Caleb!"
Maria groans, face completely red as she buries her face on the pillows in shame. At some point during the night, in the middle of the dance floor, she and Caleb ended up dancing on a particularly sexy song. Then stuffs happen. After that Maria felt like getting sick because Caleb isn't exactly the one she was thinking off during their...uh, moment.
She tried looking for Jordan, but neither her best friend nor Michael were nowhere in the party. So she rushed to get home by herself.
Now, Caleb had been texting her all morning. However rude it might be, Maria admitted she wasn't attracted to him as she is already liking someone. Which led to the guy teasing her and coercing her to tell him who the lucky person is.
"No!" Jordan cooed, but her chuckles betrayed her voice. "He's really really really cute. And he totally likes you."
Maria stayed buried on the pillows and after a few minutes, she felt arms wrapping around her and cuddling her. The blonde nuzzles on the back of her neck, which tickles but she tried to ignore it.
"By the way," Jordan speaks close to her ear, her breathe sending shivers down her neck. "Can I tell my dad that I'm going over to your house tonight, so I can go hangout with Michael?"
In a micro-second, Maria is sitting on her butt and looking at her best friend pointedly. "You're asking me to help you lie to your father so you can hang out with a guy?"
Jordan pouts.
"Ugh. I'm telling him you'll be having a sleepover to my house." She conceded anyway. She is totally powerless when it comes to pouts.
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