#they made outfit inspo things for that fic and i was trying so so fucking hard to find those specific ones. anyways.
lyssafreyguy · 11 months
OH MY GOD HOLY FUCK I FINALLY FOUND ONE okay anyways when i was saying "i bet next they're gonna put in those outfit inspo board things into those YA books" i was talking about these fucking things
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solar-halos · 1 year
okay i need to stop posting in the middle of the night bc the last two times i did that i was doing entirely too much in the tags + posted a torso reveal (as if i’m not a pic of snoopy walking around going 👍) but i need to keep talking about lucy grays rainbow dress. so here’s an unasked for progress check + the inspo for the top i wanna crochet in case i wanna connect the skirt to the shirt to actually make it a dress lol:
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okay i put a cutoff here bc i wanna rant but don’t wanna put such a long post on anyone’s dash <3. but for the top it was a toss up between a puff sleeve and a corset but i decided to go with the puff sleeves for a few reasons
1) it’s giving 1890s. not to sound like a nerd but i had a huge historical fashion phase when i was younger and i’m in love with the idea of lucy gray’s puff sleeves representing a different era (since, yk, ballad in general represents a diff era)
2) i’ve never crocheted a puff sleeve top before so it would be fun to try hehe (but i have crocheted a corset top and it does not Stay Up so, in the event that lucy gray was performing in an all-yarn outfit, that would not be very practical for her)
3) okay wouldnt the sleeves subtly fluffing around as she performs be kinda cute? obviously they’re not gonna be super fluffy or anything (just the amount of floofiness in the pic) but it’s kinda like a less intense version of the skirt ruffling
speaking of the skirt:
ohhhh my good. i alternate between loving and hating the white panels but tbh there’s nothing i can do unless i wanna drop an ungodly amount of money on a skirt that’s not even my style. but good thing it’s my sisters style (actually it might not be she looked at it and went “omg omg it’s so cuteee <3” and when i asked if she herself would wear it she went “o.o welll..” so maybe i’ll just have to do my hair and makeup entirely different to sell that this is in fact my style bc no way am i not wearing something i spent literal money + time on). sorry that was a tangent but it’s around knee length rn and i think i have enough yarn (of the rainbow color scheme and scrap yarn) to make it a bit longer. i’ve always envisioned lucy grays dress as a maxi, so maybe i’ll get one more skein of yarn at the end of the month since they’re having a sale. but the whimsy when it comes to wearing this skirt is unreal. like when i put it on i always gotta do a little spin to see the ruffles shift. and that’s actually another thing that makes me convinced that lucy grays skirt is a maxi bc making it into a mini skirt was atrocious. and that’s saying something bc if my entire ass isn’t hanging out of a skirt then what the fuck am i even wearing it for. but it just looked a bit strange and i thought it was bc there was SO much volume on top and it made me a look a bit disproportional, but once my mom stopped going “that’s a lot of colors going on” she had an answer that (while very crude.. and maybe a bit problematic) explained things:
“you look like a pedophile’s dream”
yeah. to be clear i don’t agree that women who dress in ruffles and pastels and things that are considered “childish” are trying to appeal to pedophiles, but keeping the skirt so short and colorful and ruffly made it look very Young. also making it longer added to the whimsy since there’s more fabric that swooshes around when you spin
okay i think i’m done. so thankful that i have tumblr now bc where else was i gonna rant about rainbow dress omg. but tbh i think i’m gonna take a break from making this before i get burnt out and finish a chapter for a fic bc the hg grind never stops. bye!!
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unohanadaydreams · 2 years
I was browsing back for Mayuri panels for fic inspo and I’m sorry but I have can’t-shut-up-itis so here’s some very level ramblings that aren’t insane at all :)
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Imagine you’re fighting for your life in a hostile world, clinging for survival, going to be finished the fuck off any second.
And the man who’s supposed to save you is the same one who bragged about torturing your beloved grandpa to death. The same one you lost your powers to kill.
You’ve got to imagine Uryu is like ‘damn, I seriously am going to die’ the moment he sees Mayuri pull up.
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Top 10 ways to side step the memory of getting your ass beat is to call them an inferior creature, I guess.
But also I do kind of think, in his own way, Mayuri is making it clear that even if the idea of being a friend is insulting, he’s also not an enemy. Which I’m sure gives Uryu very mixed feelings.
One man’s copium is another man’s tentative hope of making it out alive.
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I really like how Kubo makes all of Mayuri’s resting moments weird as fuck in this arc. Like he doesn’t have a thought behind those eyes, kind of weird.
It’s just SO GOOD. Mayuri is just incredibly committed to seeming off putting. At a glance you look at him and think ‘stay away from that thing, something is wrong’.
His eyes, especially in this arc, are always fighting to look in different directions. He says he’s bored but you can’t really buy it. It’s like he’s trying to get as much input as possible in a short time. Because who knows how long he’ll get to dedicate the study of shinigami made Arrancar?
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Okay I really like this panel for obvious reasons but also can we please appreciate how petty Mayuri regarding his ego.
1. Mayuri tells Szayelaporro not to worry about who he is.
2. Szayel asks again for his name and then looks at Mayuri, thinks better of it, and decides, no, he’s going to pretend not to care.
3. Mayuri hasn’t said he doesn’t care for Szayel’s name but also hasn’t asked for it yet and we know from him saying he had ‘surveillance bacteria’ in Uryu that he doesn’t genuinely need it said. He probably assumed Szayel, who seems very boastful, would say it without prompting.
But Szayelaporro tried to disrespect him and so he does this. *smashes nut button’
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Listen. It’s shit like this that never gets old, no matter how many times I revisit it.
Mayuri fully fucking commits. You can’t convince me he didn’t plan this Pharaoh outfit to coincide with going to the desert of Hueco Mundo and basically mummifying himself.
You just know his organs and tendons are in very decorative jars, besides.
He isn’t just cautious, he’s paranoid and meticulous and a sucker for fully realized theatrics.
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His head dress doubling as horns to coincide with his Bamophet motif is so good. You can tell Kubo really leaned in to that by his constantly bugged out eyes—it makes his pupils more resemble the ovals of a goat.
The aesthetics Kubo puts into the manga carries it so far tbh.
Probably one of the reasons I’m excited most for TYBW arc is that it won’t be beholden to the attempts of the original anime to keep things more light hearted and comedic (the anime vs manga of this battle is pretty jarring tone wise). They positively GLAZE over Szayel suffering for a millenia to die.
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First of all, love what you’ve done with your eyes, Mayuri babe, truly great work.
Secondly, we love to see the consistent disregard for boundaries in the name of discovery. He proudly declares how he’s able to beat Szayel.
But, he also doesn’t seem psyched to be questioned on those lack of boundaries. So, we see his defense mechanism of being Weird and then insulting to bypass addressing something he doesn’t feel like justifying.
Sorry, Uryu, but Mayuri definitely knows exactly how you got your powers back and that you practice greeting your friends in the mirror.
Also, Mayuri calls himself cautious but he’s beyond that. He’s paranoid. He has to Watch and Know and go into battle with The Answer.
This is his veritable peak before tumbling down in TYBW.
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cherrybracelets · 5 years
why [s. harrington x henderson!reader]
song inspo | steve playlist | masterlist
word count: 3.7k / warnings: none really, mostly fluff, alcohol mention
an: hi guys!!! i kinda went off on this one oops!!! please check out my masterlist for more fics if you like this one, and i always appreciate feedback and a reblog! ❤️
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“God, Dustin, if you don’t get out of that bathroom in the next five minutes I’m literally going to kill you!” You screamed, slamming your fists on the wooden door for the thousandth time this morning.
“Relax, (Y/N), I’m almost finished! God you’re so annoying!” Your little brother, Dustin, yelled back. You groaned loudly and stomped back to your room, desperately needing to finish blow drying your hair before the party.
You heard the bathroom door open, and Dustin walking over to your room. He popped in your doorway with a devilish grin, his hair slicked back with hairspray.
“Bathrooms all yours, sis. Make sure you wear that one red lipstick, I think Steve will love it,” Dustin said, winking at you.
“Ew, Dustin. How many times do I have to tell you, me and Steve will never happen. Get over it. We’ve hated each other since middle school, and that’s not gonna change!” You stood up quickly and stomped to the bathroom, Dustin following behind you, frowning.
“C’mon! Give him a chance, (Y/N)! He’s a good kid!” Dustin has been pleading for you and Steve to date since the first time they fought Dart together. Dustin saw Steve as an older brother, and if you two ended up together, Steve would literally be his brother (in law). That was Dustin’s dream- and he reminded you of it every day.
“Jesus, you are so annoying. Why don’t you just shut up and make sure you have Wills’s gift ready!” You slammed the bathroom door in Dustin’s face, making sure to lock it so he wouldn’t barge in. You took a few deep breaths, trying to ground yourself from screaming out of frustration. You plugged your hair dryer on and began styling your hair, using the noise of the machine to drown out your frustration.
You had never really liked Steve, but it became especially frustrating when he decided to informally adopt your brother. Dustin thought the kid was a god, and that did not help Steve’s already overbearing confidence. You understood that Dustin only had you and his mom, and he needed a male role model, but you wished it was anyone but him.
You and Steve had a long- and very negative- history. You guys used to be friends, way back in the day, when life was simple. But that all came to a firey halt in seventh grade. You had a huge crush on one of Steve’s friends, Tommy, and you made the mistake of spilling that to Steve.
Steve took it upon himself to tell Tommy, and they apparently though it was hilarious. You hadn’t really developed yet, so you weren’t as ‘pretty’ as the other girls in your grade. Even though, let’s face it, it was seventh grade, and no one was attractive. But your self confidence was especially low, so when Steve apparently dared Tommy to fake ask you out in front of the whole school- you were crushed. And rightfully, you have never forgiven him.
It haunted you all the way up until you graduated. People never seemed to forget, and every one in a while you’d get reminded of the most humiliating day of your life. And it was even worse having to see the man who orchestrated the event around all the time. You never told Dustin about it, because you knew he looked up to Steve, and you didn’t want to take that away from him. But it was hard when you constantly had to hear how amazing he was.
You were feeling yourself get worked up just thinking about it, your breathing get quicker and your cheeks getting hot with stress. You tried to shake the memory out of your head, tousling your curls as you moved. You put a light lipstick on, double checked yourself in the mirror, and headed out of the bathroom. Dustin was waiting eagerly with a poorly wrapped gift in his bedroom.
“I got Will this super cool new edition of D&D! He’s gonna freak,” Dustin said excitedly, hoping up from his bed and following you down the stairs.
“Super happy for you nerds,” you groaned, grabbing your purse from the kitchen counter and rustling around for you keys.
“You’re gonna regret being so mean to me one day when I’m super rich.” Dustin raised his eyebrows at you, and you just rolled your eyes, walking out the front door to your car.
“You’re gonna regret being such a brat when I sacrifice you to the demodogs,” you said, laughing as you unlocked your car.
“That is not funny! Don’t joke about that!”
“Oh, relax Dustin, don’t go crying to Steve about it.” You hopped into your drivers seat and waited for Dustin to get buckled up before starting your car. He was excitedly fiddling with the bow on his gift, hoping that no one else got Will the same gift.
“I still don’t understand why you hate Steve so much, anyways,” Dustin mumbled, leaning his head against your car window.
“I’ve told you a million times, we just have a history, okay. It’s none of your business,” you snapped, raising your voice at him. “Besides, I’m going on another date with Andrew this weekend.”
“Ughhhhh,” Dustin groaned, rolling his eyes obnoxiously. “That guy is seriously the worst, (Y/N). He is super boring, his hair sucks, and he doesn’t know anything about the upside down. You can’t actually date a guy who doesn’t know what you’ve seen!”
“I don’t care about his hair, Dustin! That’s not a priority to me!”
“Well, it should be, okay? I don’t want my nieces and nephews having dweeb hair.”
“Don’t talk about my future children like that, idiot.” You punched Dustin lightly on the shoulder, and he screamed loudly, clearly faking pain to try and get on your nerves. You just pushed him again, and continued driving to Wills. The rest of your drive was spent listening to Dustin tell you about the new rules of his game, and you trying your best to pretend you were interested.
When you finally got to Wills, you recognized Steve’s car and instantly felt nauseous. You really did not want to spend time with him, but you also knew Joyce was excited to see you today, and you couldn’t let her down. You parked your car grudgingly and took a few moments before getting out. Dustin had already ran inside to his friends, showing off his wrapped gift.
You walked into the house quietly, not wanting to distract anyone from the birthday celebrations. Joyce ran to you, excitement on her face, and greeted you with a warm hug.
“(Y/N)! It’s so good to see you, you look beautiful,” she said, cupping your face in her hands and looking at your outfit.
“Sorry we’re late, Dustin is a brat and takes forever to get ready,” you responded, rolling your eyes and giggling a bit.
“There’s drinks and food in the kitchen, help yourself. Everyone else is scattered around somewhere, I’m sure you’ll find them!” She kissed you on the cheek before walking away and finding her son. You walked over to the kitchen, hoping to get a few seconds of peace and quiet. To your disdain, you were greeted by Steve, standing alone and pouring himself a drink.
“Hey, sorry if I’m in your way,” he mumbled, moving from the counter and spilling his drink on himself a bit.
“It’s fine, I’m just gonna grab a beer and go say hi to the kids, anyways,” you responded, pulling a cold bottle out of a cooler. You tried to twist it, but couldn’t manage to get the cap off.
“Can I help?” Steve asked, reaching out to take the bottle from you. You handed it to him without saying a word, and he took the bottle to his lips and bit the cap off with his teeth.
“Jesus,” you cringed, the thought of that against your teeth making you shiver.
“Little party trick I learned back in high school, I forgot some people get freaked out by it,” he laughed, handing you the bottle. You took a big swig, realizing Steve’s lips had just touched the mouth of your bottle. The thought made you a little uncomfortable, thinking about his lips on yours. He did have beautiful lips though, soft and pillowy. And he was always wearing this vanilla chapstick- you figured he kisses would taste like a milkshake.
Why the fuck are you thinking about kissing Steve? God, Dustin has really got in your head. You thanked Steve and walked out of the kitchen before your brain could dive any deeper into those thoughts.
The living room was packed with all the kids, eating chips and drinking soda. They were laughing over something Mike had said, and you smiled at Dustin, seeing him so happy made you warm inside. He had been through a lot- they all had- but seeing them all here, laughing and playing like kids are supposed to do, it made you feel good.
“(Y/N)!” Max yelled, running up to you and giving you a tight hug. El quickly followed her and hugged you as well.
“You two look absolutely gorgeous- new outfits?” You asked, tugging a bit on Max’s new shirt.
“We went to the mall this weekend!” El responded, putting her hands on her hips and posing for you. You laughed at the two girls, happy to see them enjoying things. You had felt a need to protect them, especially, knowing how hard it is for girls at that age.
“Could you teach me how to curl my hair later?” El asked, running her hand through your soft curls.
“Of course, lady. I think you’d look gorgeous!”
Mike had yelled at them to come see something, and they said they’d talk to you later, before running off back to their friends. Nancy and Jonathan were hanging on the couch, watching Will and the kids having the times of their life. You sat down next to her, making small talk with them for a few minutes before Joyce walked into the room.
“Alright, I have to run up to town and pick up the pizzas. Are you guys all good here for a bit?” She asked, keys in hand. She looked at you and Nancy, a look that said ‘If anything happens, I’m blaming you two, since you’re clearly the most responsible ones here besides myself.’
“We’ll take care of them, Joyce. No worries,” you responded, smiling kindly at her, letting her know you wouldn’t let anything happen to anyone. She smiled back, and headed out the door.
“Alright, now the real party starts!” Lucas yelled the minute Joyce closed and locked the door.
“Woah- woah. What are you talking about?” Nancy asked, standing up quickly and putting on her mom voice.
“Oh relax, Nance. Just a friendly game of truth or dare,” Mike responded, raising his eyebrows at the group around you. “And you all have to play, too,” he said, looking at you, Nancy, Jonathan, and Steve, who was now standing behind you.
“No, no. We’re just here to supervise, we’re not playing any games,” Jonathan responded in a stern voice.
“Please!! It’s my birthday!” Will whined, making a fake pouty face to try and get you all to feel bad for him.
“What’s the harm, right? They’re just kids,” Nancy said, putting a hand on Jonathan’s shoulder.
“You shouldn’t trust any of them- they’re evil geniuses. One of them even has super powers!” Steve said jokingly, eyeing El and making her laugh.
“Fine, we’ll play for a bit, but everything stays PG, got it?” You said, crossing your arms and the group and raising your eyebrows. They all nodded in agreement, smiling at each other, happy that you all agreed.
“Okay, first things first, everyone write your name down on a piece of paper and put it in this bowl,” Lucas instructed, pointing to a small blue bowl that was sitting in the center of the coffee table. You all did as you were told, passing around a pen and notepad until every name had been put in the bowl.
“Then, we’ll go around in a circle and pick a name, so it’s not biased. The person you picked gets to give you your truth or dare,” Mike quickly said, shaking the blue bowl around with his hand.
“Sounds easy enough,” Jonathan answered, sitting forward in the couch.
“And once everyone goes, you put the names back in the bowl and start again!”
Everyone nodded in understanding, the older group just wanting to get this over with. You sighed loudly, waiting for someone to start. Steve came and sat next to you, his knee slightly touching yours and you all squished on the couch together. You felt a heat growing as his skin touched yours, wanting so desperately to move away, but feeling physically unable too.
“I’ll start!” Max said, happily, pulling a name out of the hat. She giggled a little when she read the name of the piece of paper. “Lucas!”
“Alright, truth or dare?” He asked, jokingly making faces at her and making her laugh.
“Dare, obviously!”
“Alright...” he said, thinking intently on what to do. He looked over to the kitchen and smiled devilishly. “I dare you to eat a spoonful of mustard!”
“You know I hate mustard, you ass hole!” She crossed her arms and pouted at him.
“Exactly. And you have to do it- a dares a dare!” Lucas looked around for approval from the other guys, who were all nodding in agreement.
“Fine!” She responded angrily, standing up and walking towards the kitchen. She came back a few moments later with a spoon piled high with mustard. The though even made you a little queasy. She looked at Lucas with a smile, before shoving the spoon in her mouth and swallowing.
“Ewwww!” The kids all said in unison, looking away from her as she did it.
“Oh god, it’s so gross. Someone get me water!” She yelled, reaching out around her for a drink. Steve handed her his water bottle, and she chugged it with a disgusted look her face. The kids were laughing in hysterics as she struggled to get the taste out of her mouth.
“You guys are evil!” Steve said, laughing as he shook his head in shock.
“God, I am so going to get you back for that, Sinclair,” Max said, her face still scrunched in disgust.
“Steve, your turn,” Mike said, pushing the bowl towards him.
“Oh god. I am not letting any of you little shits make me eat anything gross, got it? I’m an adult!” He said, pulling a piece of paper out of the bowl. He looked at it and groaned, rolling his eyes. “I’m in for it now. I picked Dustin.”
“Hell yeah!” Dustin said, excitement glowing on his face.
“I’m picking truth, because I especially do not trust you, Henderson!” Steve laughed, sitting back and crossing his arms.
“Oh come on! Don’t be a pussy! It’s Wills birthday, have a little fun for his sake. Pick dare!” Dustin looked at Steve seriously, widening his eyes at him. Steve sighed and shook his head.
“Alright, fine. But be real careful with what you say next, kid,” he laughed.
“Easy. Seven minutes in heaven- you and my sister.”
You looked at Dustin, shock and embarrassment running through you. You felt your cheeks heat up, you knew you were turning a bright red. You looked over at Steve, who was also clearly uncomfortable.
“Absolutely not, we said to keep it PG!” You yelled, crossing your arms and shaking your head at Dustin.
“Yeah, for us! You guys are adults! Don’t act like you haven’t kissed before!” Dustin said back.
“I am not kissing Steve!” You yelled, floored with embarrassment.
“A dare is a dare!” El said, shrugging at you. You looked at her, disappointed that she wasn’t on your side.
“Cmon, lets just do it to please the kids. It doesn’t have to mean anything,” Steve whispered to you, the scent of vanilla chapstick flooding your senses.
“Fine. Dustin, I hope you know I am going to murder you later,” you said, standing up and walking down the hall to the bathroom. Steve followed suit, and you heard the kids giggling as the two of you went off to ‘Heaven’.
Steve came into the bathroom behind you, shutting the door as he did so. You wouldn’t look at him at first, too embarrassed to make eye contact. Finally, he put a hand on your shoulder, causing you to jump a little in shock.
“Sorry, just wanted to make sure you’re okay, you seem upset,” Steve said, quickly removing his hand.
“I am. This is ridiculous. I can’t go a day without Dustin shoving the idea of me and you together down my throat,” you muttered, sitting down on the sink counter and crossing your arms.
“I’m sorry. I know it sucks, but he’s just a kid. He doesn’t mean anything by it,” Steve said, pushing his hair out of his face.
“I know, but he doesn’t know about everything that happened between us, and I don’t want him to hate you so I won’t tell him.”
“What happened between us?” Steve asked, laughing a bit awkwardly. He looked genuinely confused, which offended you, because that meant he didn’t remember what he did.
“Are you serious? Seventh grade, you telling Tommy to ask me out in lunch as a joke? That ruined my whole life, Steve.”
“Woah, woah, woah. I didn’t tell Tommy to do anything like that. I didn’t even know about it until it was happening!” Steve responded, clearly upset about the accusations you were making.
“What do you mean Steve? Don’t lie to me! Mark told me it was all your idea!” You pouted at Steve, confused and upset, feeling yourself tearing up as you were recalling the event.
“Mark is a lying sack of shit, (Y/N)! He told you that to save his own ass! It was all him and Tommy- I swear to God!” Steve was defensive, pacing up and down the bathroom in frustration.
“But I told you about having a crush on Tommy, not Mark!”
“Okay, that part was my fault. The thing is, I sort of had a crush on you back then, and Mark knew... but when you told me about Tommy, I got upset and told Mark... but I swear, if I knew he was planning that I would’ve never told him! I didn’t mean to hurt you!” Steve was upset, his face red and his eyes watery as he pleaded for you to believe him.
“You really had a crush on me?” You asked, completely blown away by the fact that he even noticed you back then.
“I kind of always have... I always tried to talk to you in high school but you never gave me the time of day. Now I know why,” he said, sounding defeated and broken. He sat down on the edge of the bathtub, shaking his head and staring at the floor.
“Honestly, Steve... I had no idea. I thought... all this time...” you looked at the man sitting in front of you, falling apart in front of you. You sat down next to him, putting a hand on his, trying to comfort him.
“I’m so sorry... I never meant to hurt you... you didn’t deserve that...” Steve mumbled.
“I’m sorry too, I just believed him and I never let you explain... I’ve been such an ass to you for years for something that wasn’t even your fault!” You started laughing, an uncontrollable giggle that was just rolling through you. For years you had pushed away a sweet, funny, and handsome guy for a lie someone told you when you were 13. Unbelievable.
“Why are you laughing?” Steve said, also starting to laugh himself.
“Because, I just can’t believe this. And it took a dumb game of truth or dare to find this out... I’m just shocked, I guess.” You stood up, wiping tears from your face as you continued to giggle. Steve stood up too, quickly wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you towards him. He kissed you, the kind of kiss that he had been waiting for all his life. A kiss that you felt everywhere in your body, his lips moving intricately with yours. And you were right, kissing him was like tasting a vanilla milkshake.
Steve’s hands were locked on your waist, pulling your body closer to him every second. You had wrapped your hands in his hair, the soft locks melting through your fingers. He finally let go of your waist and his hands trailed down to your butt, squeezing slightly. You giggled a bit at his touch, and felt him smile through your kisses.
“Times up- OH SHIT!” You heard your brother yell after he swung open the door. You and Steve quickly jumped away from each other and stared at Dustin. “IT WORKED!” He yelled, running down the hallway to the living room.
“Dustin!” You yelled, running after him. Steve followed close behind.
“They kissed! It worked!” He exclaimed to the group, a proud toothless smile plastered across his young face.
“Finally!” Max said, shaking her head and laughing.
“Was this.... did you guys do all of this just to get me and Steve to talk?” You asked in shock.
“You little shits are unbelievable!” Steve yelled, hands on his hips.
“It worked though... didn’t it? You like her, she likes you... I was right!” Dustin was ecstatic, and you felt yourself blushing again as you looked over to Steve.
“I mean... I guess I do kinda like you...” You avoided his eyes, but he took your hand in his and smiled at you.
“Yeah, I kinda like you, too.” He squeezed your hand tightly, his smile making you melt, thinking about kissing him again.
“But you’re still dead, Dusty, you understand that? I’m going to kill you for real this time!” You laughed, ruffling Dustin’s hair and shaking your head at the kids. As much as Dustin annoyed you, he really did want you to be happy. And he was right on this one.
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chaoskatya · 4 years
unfinished brooke x katya hatefuck fic
hi yall :^) so ive had this sitting in my drafts for a WHILE and ive barely dented the actual planned plot but still i felt like it was kind of a waste of what i did write to not ?? idk do something with it? this was originally written for AQ’s rarepair event but irl stuff got in the way so it never got finished, and i kinda lost the inspo to finish it (for now? idk) so here it is, posted unedited in however it was when i last touched it
brooke x katya hatefuck, (well, planned, i obv hadnt written that far) inspired by pics of trixie and brooke together that one time they were weirdly hanging out a lot irl and that one outfit brooke has that looks like that one outfit katya has the polkadot one u know it
“Ugh, I swear, Vi! She really has something against me! I think she hates me!”
Katya punctuates her sentence with a flail of her arms for emphasis before flopping back onto her bed. Violet just rolls her eyes at her roommate’s dramatics, as per usual. This is the third time they’ve had this conversation this week.
“So she’s a little icy, what of it? It’s not like you’re not used to having a mega bitch around, you live with me,” Violet responds plainly, not even bothering to look up from her laptop, “and I don’t think anybody could hate you, Kat.”
Katya huffs at that. “No, I swear, she hates me.”
Katya Zamolodchikova is absolutely sure of three things in her university life: One, Trixie Mattel is her best friend. Two, nothing gets in between her and Trixie. Three, Brooke Lynn Hytes is absolutely making her best fucking attempt.
Katya and Trixie had met last year, Katya being a sophomore in visual arts and Trixie a freshman in musical theater, when Katya had accidentally crashed Ginger’s (kind of pathetic) attempt at being a tour guide for the freshmen of her course. They’ve only known each other for a year, but ever since then the two quickly became inseparable and a year had felt like a lifetime. All of their friends knew, and Katya held it close to her heart, that nothing could possibly stand in their way. That is, until the beginning of this semester.
Trixie had been elected as class representative at the start of their sophomore year, which did not surprise Katya one bit. But that meant that when Canadian exchange student Brooke Lynn Hytes had arrived for the semester, it was Trixie’s job to show her around and make her feel welcomed. And being that Brooke’s degree in classical dance meant her and Trixie had quite a few overlapping classes, the two hit it off and had gotten closer and closer since. It’s only half way through the semester, yet Katya feels as though she’s slowly becoming more and more of a background character in Trixie’s life. They still text each other when they can, but hangout times have slowly grown increasingly thin and so has Katya’s sanity. Not that it’s Trixie’s fault, of course…
“I can’t explain it. But I promise, it’s almost like she’s purposefully occupying Trixie from me! Every time it looks like we might get a chance to even just talk, she’s there coming round the corner asking Trixie for help in one of their classes or for show recs or whatever. And she always looks me dead in the eye, with her stupid fucking smirk, like she knows what she just did! I can’t explain the feeling I get when I see her!”
Katya’s hit full ranting steam now, half hanging off her bed still flailing as animated as ever.
Violet shuts her laptop and turns to face her. “Mama, sounds like you hate her. Sure it’s not just in your head because you’re jealous the amazon’s occupying your barbie?”
There’s a beat of silence. “Jealous? I guess?” Katya scrunches up her face and sits up. “I mean, how could I not be? With her stupid long legs and her flowing blonde hair, like god, Vi, she’s practically perfect! And have you seen her dance?”
Katya turns to pose her question, but Violet is just staring, giving her a look she can’t decipher. She continues,
“So then, fine, of course I’m jealous, but that’s because Trix is my best friend. I barely see her anymore, and when I do she’s always there and I just get so riled up! And I’m sure Trix has started to notice because god I just can’t stand it when she’s near, it just sets me alight in an awful way. I’ve never felt this way about anybody before!” And it’s true, Katya really does not think of herself as someone capable of fully hating someone else. But by god, is Brooke really testing that.
Violet scoffs, turning away to open her laptop once more. “Look Mary, all I gotta say is that that’s an awful lot of emotion for some best friend jealousy. Also, you have a lecture starting in ten minutes.”
Fuck! Katya checks her watch and immediately jumps up to scramble for her belongings, deeply thankful for her roommate’s type A tendencies yet internally chastising herself for allowing her ranting to consume her time like that. She quickly kisses Violet on the cheek and bids her farewell before putting on her boots and heading out of their dorm room to make her best effort to speed walk to class.
But as luck would have it, not that Katya has a lot of it, she quite literally walks right into the subject of their prior conversation. Well, speak of the devils…
“Oh! Trixie, hi!” Katya laughs, immediately reacting to steady Trixie from where Katya had almost knocked her over with the door. From the way she was standing, she figured she had opened the door just as Trixie was about knock.
“Katya! Thank god, I was worried you wouldn’t be in,” Trixie smiles back brightly, smoothing her fluffy golden hair back into place. (Not that it’s ever really out of place, Katya thinks to herself.) 
Katya smiles at her, a sight for sore eyes she thinks, but when she realizes Brooke is standing at the end of the hall waiting for Trixie, her smile doesn’t quite reach her eyes. Whether Trixie noticed Katya’s tension or not, she didn’t let on. At least Brooke had the decency to wait at a reasonable distance.
“Uh, yeah, I was just heading out though,” Katya replies, trying her best to look sympathetic. She doesn’t mind that she’s running late anymore, just feels bad she even has to go. “But did you need something?”
Trixie looks equally as sympathetic. “Yeah, uh, listen, I’m really sorry. I know we haven’t been able to hang recently and I’m really sorry for that, midterms and all…”
“Hey, it’s alright, I knew you were busy. It’s no problem, really.” That’s a lie.
“But now that it’s over, let’s celebrate! Let me make it up to you? Be my date to the Edwards party tonight?”
Katya’s smile softens. As much as she was planning to trade in the party for a well-deserved movie night in with Violet and Pearl, she finds she really can’t say no to Trixie, especially not when she’s looking at her like an apologetic puppy. Whipped.
“Down for anything with you, Barbie. Meet you at the dorm hall at 8?”
Trixie squeals and picks Katya up by the middle, “AAAAAAAH yes!! See you bitch!!”
Katya squirms violently to be put down but laughs it off anyway. She really can’t be too mad at her best friend.
“Anyway, I gotta run, see you later Trix!” She rushes to hug Trixie quickly once more before escaping as briskly yet casually as she can out the door. This fails her when all semblance of casualty is lost as she passes the point where Brooke is, all tall and blonde and beautiful even just standing around. As she passes, her gaze quite obviously steels ahead to avoid looking Brooke in the eye, but she can’t fail to catch the quite obvious smug smirk the Canadian has posed on her painted lips.
Katya managed to make it to class with only 5 minutes late, thankfully just as her professor was entering the other door. She plops down into her usual seat with an audible groan and immediately drops her head in her hands.
Brooke. Stupid fucking Brooke Lynn Hytes. Lately, Katya’s wandering thoughts always go back to her. There hasn’t been a time where her idle time hasn’t been haunted by a certain ballerina chipping away at her precious concentration. She sees perfect long blonde hair, icy blue eyes, and tone legs that go all the way up. 
If she’s being completely honest with herself, she is just a bit jealous of Brooke but not for the reasons Violet insinuates. I mean, sure, she misses Trixie to bits. But that’s only one of the many straws on the camel that is Katya’s completely rational anger. 
It’s not that she’s perfect, either, but that sure adds another straw. Seemingly introverted, but able to capture the hearts of anyone in her path through quick and honest charm. Graceful and poised, where Katya is not, and tall and curvy, where Katya is not. Katya really doesn’t understand how someone can attend 7am dance classes with a flawless mug and still leave rehearsals with not an eyelash out of place, it’s inhuman.
No, it’s that no matter how much others testify on her behalf, Katya does not understand it. She doesn’t know what she did, but she has somehow done something to aggravate Brooke against her, and it bothers her endlessly that she doesn’t even know what she did to incur such spite. Katya doesn’t see any of the charm or kindness that others profess, only smug smirks and cocky passive-aggressive jabs and a seemingly passionate desire to find any way she can to poke Katya’s buttons and prompt some kind of response. She’s lucky Katya has a lot more self control than most, and she’s restrained herself from biting back thus far.
She thinks back to the first time she spotted Brooke, on the first day of the semester when Katya had gotten bored and decided to drop in on Trixie’s representative duties despite explicit instructions not to intrude. She had found her in one of the gardens of the student commons, and instinctively made her way to run up and tackle her before realizing Trixie wasn’t alone and stopping dead in her tracks.
Trixie was sitting next to someone Katya didn’t recognize, which was a surprise in itself because Katya knew next to everybody personally in their modestly sized arts college.  The girl was sitting next to Trixie on a bench, both hands holding one of Trixie’s own as Trixie appeared to animatedly be telling some story. Trixie then finally noticed Katya frozen standing awkwardly at some distance and paused in the middle of her speech to yell at Katya and becon her over. 
“Katya! This is Brooke Lynn, a Canadian exchange student for the semester. Brooke, this is Katya, my best friend!”
Brooke lazily shifted her gaze from Trixie to give Katya the once over, glancing her up and down. Whatever she saw, she suddenly stood up and crowded into Katya’s space, gazing down at her intensely directly from the advantage their clear height difference gave her.
“Well, it’s certainly nice to meet you… Katya.” 
And on her lips, the same painted red smirk. The same stupid smirk that would continuously haunt her until…
“Kat, you with us girl?” Hissed Pearl in her ear, jabbing her hard in the side.
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cilliansaccent · 5 years
The Peaky Designer - Cillian Fanfic, Chapter 5
Hello, welcome back. Below is the next instalment of my fanfiction!
Leave a like or a comment if you liked it, or if I can do anything better! Please, it would mean the world and to understand if anyone is enjoying my writing. Also, sharing/reblogging would be even better.
I will not be including Cillian’s family as it’s kinda weird since he has children lmao. Just a mention of his parents and a previous lover.
I will indicate in a chapter if there is smut in the beginning and before the actual scene!!
I will add trigger warnings if there is any!!
There is a variety of levels of swearing during a chapter, I will not hold back, everyone swears.
The timestamp for the Fic is now 2016 and onwards!! 
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Background: Gabrijela Babic is a Croatian girl from Sydney, Australia. She is born in the year 1991 on the 24th of December. She studies a Fashion degree in a University with a major in Game Design as well. Her teacher in the fashion designer class managed to nail an Internship on the set of Peaky Blinders with the shows very own Costume Designer, Allison McCosh. There, she travels to London for under a year to learn how to be one, working alongside the actors as well the man she admires, Cillian Murphy. But, her platonic feelings for the man begins to grow into something more, and she wonders whether she should pursue them or let him go for fear of her strict parents and her three older brothers…
Swantje Paulina as Gabrijela Babic (swalina on Instagram)
Cillian Murphy
Word Count: 2,234
!!Warnings!!: None.
Date: March 2016
Chapter Name: We Need to Talk, Gab.
Brief Chapter Outline: Waking up a little sore, Gabrijela avoids Cillian all day, spending time with the crew and getting to know them better. 
Sorry for a short chapter, didn’t have much inspo today! 
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When morning came, it was weird for Gab to wake up. She was sore between her legs from how hard Cillian had fingered her. 
But her body never felt so... Relaxed. Content. She couldn't lie to herself, what happened last night was wonderful. She loved how he touched her, kissed her. 
It was something she would remember. 
She rolled on to her back, he wasn't beside her but in the little kitchen area making coffee. She groaned softly and sat up, rubbing her eyes. She checked her phone, it was about seven in the morning and she had a million messages from her father and her friends. 
Cillian heard the soft groan that emitted from Gabrijela and began to make another coffee. He could hear the clicks of her typing away, a little giggle came from her. 
He gripped the edge of the counter, sighing through his nose. Last night was still very clear in his brain and he had woken up with a throbbing hard-on. He had satisfied himself in the little bathroom, unable to hold back the soft moan of her name, visualising those perfect red lips around him. 
The mere thought sent him again and he shook himself, trying to rid the growing need. 
"Good morning," Gabrijela said, walking out and startling him. 
"Oh. Morning." He said, giving her a pleasant smile. He looked away hastily, not wanting to stare at her too long at those long legs and the protruding curves that were her breasts. "Coffee?" He asked. 
"Sure. I'd love some." She said as she took her seat. 
He turned and placed the mug before her before he slowly sat across from her, his own steaming mug in his hand. 
It weighed heavily in the air and Gabrijela was getting fidgety about it. She hated this kind of silence. They both needed to talk but she had no intentions of starting it. Not yet. 
"No," She cut him off. 
"We need-"
"No, we don't. Nope." She shakes her head, sipping her coffee. 
"Gabrijela we have to. We need to-"
"Cillian. Stop. What happened, it will not happen again. One time thing. Forget it." She set her cup down not to kindly. 
He sat back, staring at her with absolute annoyance. "You know we can't just push aside. We have to-"
"No!" She raised her voice, meeting his eyes finally. "No." She downed her coffee and got up going into the bedroom, closing the shutter. 
Cillian sighed, resting his elbows on the table and holding his head as he shook it. He could hear her moving around and she came out, dressed and had her bag in hand. 
"Gabrijela, I'm sorry. I don't want to make you upset-" He looked at her. 
"You did. I don't want to talk about last night. I don't." She shook her head and headed out, but bumped into Paul who played Arthur. 
"Hello, morning Gabrijela. Didn't think I'd find you here." He raised a brow. 
"Don't worry, you won't next time." She walked past him, heading to where she needed to go. 
"Damn, woke up on the wrong side of the bed," Paul muttered before he entered the trailer to chat with Cillian. 
 Later that afternoon...
She kept her game face on the whole morning as she worked with Allison and the other cast members. Today she was made to dress the other members, which meant she was able to stay away from Cillian. 
But, in the dressing rooms, she always caught his eyes. She didn't react, staying focused the best she could. 
There were times in the morning when she was to clean up outfits or make sure there were no faults before bringing them out for Allison and her little team. She was thankful for the change, she was able to stay in the back. 
And while they filmed, she stayed back to write her report and chat with Allison. 
Then it was back to work once more, rushing around to get things for the cast or repairing things quickly. 
She hadn't even realised lunch came and people were given a break for a bit. She was going to go into Manchester with Logan to grab food. 
As she crossed the set, Cillian had caught her and came into her pathway. "Hey." He said. 
"Hello." She stopped, looking up at him. 
"Do you have a moment?" He asked. 
"Uh..." She frowned. 
"It'll be quick." He insisted. 
She knew what he wanted and she shook her head, "I have to go get lunch." She said. 
"Please, Gabrijela. Just- Please." He frowned. 
"Gab! Hey!" Logan called from afar, waving.
Cillian turned around, seeing the man. 
"I have to go." She said and walked past him, not looking back but she knew he was watching her leave with Logan. 
"You seem rattled? You good?" He asked as they left the set together, heading into the main district. 
"Yeah. I'm okay. Just tired." She laughed softly. 
They talked on the walk and she learned they had the same interests in TV Shows and even books. 
They ordered something from a sandwich store, both of them excitedly chatting about their favourite characters in a book series. 
Once back on set, she joined him with the other crew members. She learned their names and what they did and they all talked excitedly about this and that. 
"Hey, I know it may be soon but, I'd like you to come with me and some of my friends this Saturday night in London to celebrate my birthday," Logan said with a swoon-worthy smile. 
"Uh, alright." Gabrijela said excitedly, "Didn't you say to a pub here?" 
"Yeah. But decided to go to a club instead. Besides, most of us live in London so it'll be easier." He said as he scrunched up the wrapping of his sandwich and chucked it into a bin. 
"Okay. Here, I don't have your number." She said and they exchanged numbers, "Now it'll be easier for us to talk." 
"How about Facebook?" He asked, "I got a group of all of us on there." 
She gave him her name, but since the other young crew members overheard it began a swapping game and giving each other numbers and social media. 
She had Logan's Snap, "Only certain people may have that." He said with a smirk. 
"And you think I'm already special enough for it?" She asked, looking into his eyes. He was so fucking handsome. It had to be illegal. 
"I do think so." He winked at her. "You catching the train home tonight?" 
"Yeah. I am. You?" She asked, his smirk and wink made her stomach do a flip. 
"Yeah. London. Let's catch it together." He said, "We finish nine tonight or hopefully around that time."
"Okay sounds good. I'd like someone with me on the train." She said before the parted ways to resume their busy work for the rest of the afternoon and into the evening. 
Gabrijela helped some crew around to move things into place or cleaned up. It was a hectic day, a lot of repetitive stuff, running around. She had somehow lost focus and messed up a few times, copping an angry lecture from Allison. 
Now, Gabrijela waited where Logan had said to wait as he spoke with the director. 
And it gave Cillian a good opportunity to seize it as he came to her, "We need to talk, Gab." He said, voice hard and no room to argue. 
"You are so persistent, huh?" She narrowed her eyes at him. 
"Yeah. And what happened last night," his voice went low, "Where do we stand with it?" 
She pressed her lips together, "I don't know, Cillian. Where do you stand?" SHe shot back. 
He gave it a thought, "I don't want it to ruin our friendship, that is for sure." He said. 
"Then we won't let it ruin what we have. Let us put it aside as a... drunken night fuelled by deep desires and alcohol. Alcohol does that to people, especially red wine." She said softly, looking up at him again. 
He nodded, "I agree. Next time, we lay off on the red." He gave her a small smile. 
"Yeah, we will, Cilly. We back as friends, and no more." She murmured, giving him a quick hug. 
He returned it, "You going somewhere to stay?" He asked, changing the subject. He seemed better now that he knew where they stood. 
"Nah, heading back to London with Logan." She said Logan was almost done talking by the way his body language was. 
"Logan? The Set Designer?" Cillian asked with raised brows. 
"Mhm. Hopefully, I can go home with him most of the time I'm here." She smiled. "But I'll pack my bag properly." She giggled. 
"Good idea. You take care yeah? Call me when you get home, please." He said, that concerned expression back. 
"Of course. Keep your phone on you, Peaky Boy." She nudged him. 
"Okay. Let's head off, Train leaves soon." Logan said as he came over. "Hey, Cillian! Good job on today, splendid as always." 
They shook hands, "Keep her safe, okay?" Cillian gave Logan a look, but she wasn't sure if it was a threatening manner or just teasing. 
Logan laughed, taking it as a teasing way, "I will! I will don't you worry." He said and with that, they parted. 
The trip home was about two hours and Logan stayed with her all the way through. 
He got out, letting the cab go. 
"Why did you do that?" She asked, blinking. 
"You would not believe it, but I live down the block in a studio. Literally ten minutes." He said. 
"No way?" Gab gasped. 
"Yeah. We can... hang out and stuff if you'd like?" He smiled. 
"God yes! We can binge-watch Supernatural since you gave up on Season two." She said, nodding excitedly. 
"Sounds like a great plan. I'll see you here at six?" He said. 
"Yep. Six O'clock. Goodnight, Logan." She said, waving and went into the apartment building. 
It was a wonderful relief to be at home. She dropped her bag on the bed, turned on some music through her boombox and undressed. She prepared herself a bath, lit some candles she had bought today. 
She let her clothing fall on the floor and got into the bathtub after the bath bomb had dissolved, she let out a soft sigh as the warm water surrounded her.  
She picked up her phone and gave Cillian a call, "Hey." He replied. 
"Hi," She smiled, his voice made her shiver. He sounded sleepy. 
"You got home safe?" He asked she could hear him getting comfortable. 
"Yeah, I did. Good to be back here, having a relaxing bath as of now." She giggled. 
"Oh, lucky you." He huffed, "I have to suffer a small shower." 
"Whiny baby. If I can fit in there, so can you." She laughed. 
"You calling me small?" He gasped. 
"Maybe! Small, Irish boy!" She taunted. 
"No Gab! Not nice." He was laughing softly. But then it died down and he sighed. 
"What's wrong? Did I hurt your feelings?" She asked, worried she may have. 
"No uh... I... I just miss you." He murmured. 
She shut her eyes. Going silent. 
She heard a shift on the other end, "Gab? You still with me?" His voice had gone softer. 
"Yeah, still here. I miss you too." She replied, her hand slid up her thigh. "But I'll be there tomorrow morning. I'll bring you coffee?" 
"That would be nice, get me an americano." He said. 
"Americano with extra care for a little Irish boy." She giggled like a little girl. 
"I'll make your coffee extra strong and bitter." He threatened. 
"So mean! Nothing for you then." She growled. 
"Fine. Nothing for you either." He bit back. 
They laughed before they went quiet again. 
Her hand had paused close to her slit, "I should get going." She finally said. 
"Ah... Okay." Cillian said in a way that he didn't want her to go yet. 
"We'll see each other tomorrow," She reminded him, "You get some sleep, goodnight." 
"Goodnight, Gab. Rest well." He said and hung up. 
She smiled a little to herself, settling back into the bath to contemplate. 
She didn't spend long in the bath before she got out and dried up, drying her hair, then packed her bag for tomorrow, shoving two sets of clothing in.
She crawled into bed, groaning, "Much better." She mumbled into the pillow. But it didn't smell like Cillian which made her sad. 
She heard her snap go off and she sat upright to grab her phone. It was from Logan. 
She opened the message and let out an audible gasp. He sent a picture of himself shirtless and in his boxers. In bed. He was toned. The caption said goodnight with a winking emoji. 
She bit her bottom lip, holy fuck, she thought. She replied with a picture of the balcony and a winking and a blushing emoji. 
He replied back with 'I'd rather see you' alongside a heart and a winking face again. 
She rolled her eyes, "Goodnight." She murmured and typed the message. 
He didn't reply back and she set her phone down and turned it on silent. 
She laid back, staring up at the ceiling. It took some time for her to fall asleep, her thoughts drifting to Cillian, alone in his trailer. 
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blondecarfucker · 6 years
Ocean Eyes (Roger Taylor)
Roger Taylor x Reader
BoRhap!Roger Taylor x Reader
Tumblr media
Fic Summary: You're new in town and a blue-eyed boy caught your attention. You grow up to be best friends, but the possibility of being more is always haunting the two of you. Reader is also an art student who draws Roger constantly.
Fic Note: So I wrote this for @yourealegendfred's 3k words song inspired challenge. I have been trying to write this for a while now, but the story was missing a middle part, and that's where @pigfish27 comes in with a beautiful request that was already very similar to my idea for the fic (with the reader being very artistic and such), and honestly, don't know how I'd write this without her idea, so thank you!! Thank you too for the challenge and song inspo, yourealegendfred. I chose this song because 1) I like Billie Eilish 2) Roger's eyes are very hypnotic. If it's your first time here, hi! I adore Roger Taylor and I write a lot about him, including a long ass, 17 parts at the moment, fanfic, so my masterlist is in my bio! Can't link it here or else Tumblr will avoid showing the post on the tags.
Words: Nearly 4000
Warnings: a bit of angst in the beggining, SMUT, unprotected sex (it's not the 70s anymore kids, you know you should wrap it before you tap it), recreational use of drugs (that's up to you, but like, we all know it's the right thing to say "kid's, don't do it", so i'm saying it now). that are probably some minor errors cause im super sleepy
Ocean Eyes - Billie Eilish
I've been watching you
For some time
You remember the first time you saw Roger. You just moved to a new city, your 15th city in your 14 years, and you just got to school. Your mom promised you'd stop moving, but you didn't really believe her. You had no reason to.
So you got there, your school uniform ill fitting, and as you said goodbye to your mom in the car, you saw him. His hair was longer than the rest of the boys, his uniform shirt was creased, the first buttons open, his tie undone.
You watched him step on a cigarette butt on the ground as he held another one between his fingers. You couldn't believe how blue his eyes were behind all the smoke around his face.
Not only in color. He was joking with his friends, and you could hear them laughing, but he looked sad, his eyes unable to hide how blue he really was.
You recognized those eyes. Eyes like that looked right back at you every time you looked in the mirror.
He looked back into your eyes, too.
Can't stop staring
At those oceans eyes
But you only spoke for the first time in detention. You didn't knew why was he there; you got caught sleeping in bio again. You were drawing, trying to make time go by faster, when a hand pressed against your table. It was big in comparison to yours, and you noticed how callous it looked. You looked up and was met with his eyes.
"Could you borrow me a pencil?", he said, a smirk on his lips.
"Sure", you told him, and gave him one.
"What are you doing?", he said, as he sat back into his chair, scribbling something in a piece of paper in front of him.
"I'm drawing", you said. You only realised you sketched his hand a few minutes later. You looked at him, watching as he wrote something in the piece of paper. The word "drowse" covered the paper.
"Are you really drawing? Or are you watching me?", he said, aggressive after realizing you read what he wrote, moving the paper away from you. His eyes stared into yours. Angry.
"I can do both. I'm drawing you", you snapped back, and he looked surprised that you weren't intimidated by him. He smirked. "Do you want me to pose?", he asked. "Just look at me", you told him, sketching his eyes.
Burning cities
And napalm skies
Fifteen flares inside those ocean eyes
Your ocean eyes
You drew him a lot. He used to call himself your muse. You drew him drumming, his eyes narrowed at the effort. You drew him when he had his arms wrapped around some girl at a party.
You grew closer together, bonding over how you disliked that town. You couldn't believe this was the city that your mom settled on. Roger and you would complain about that as you shared a blunt on the side of the river behind your school, the sound of the running water muffling your complaints.
He liked how you never seemed uncomfortable around him, even when he was being cocky, and you liked how honest he was around you, never treating you like one of the girls he flirted with, just treating you as an equal to him.
No fair
You really know how to make me cry
When you gimme those ocean eyes
It wasn't until when you both moved to London for school that it happened for the first time. You both shared a flat, and you were sitting on the couch, drinking and smoking while listening to My Sweet Lord on repeat, and he was complaining, as usual. About the band he was in, about his classes, about the girls he was seeing.
You turned to him and said "God, Taylor. I don't think I can think of anyone else that complains as much as you do", and he scoffed. "Well, there's you. I can think of something else we could do", and you stared into his eyes, even more blue because of the redness around his pupils. And you knew what he was suggesting. You flirted sometimes, though you never really payed attention to it. But now, with the smoke clouding your brain, and his eyes staring deep into yours, you thought that he could do whatever he wanted with you.
And he did.
He moved his hand to your thigh, pulling you closer to him on the couch, as you kept looking into his eyes. He didn't break the contact, almost as if he was checking how far he could go before you stopped him.
But you never did.
I'm scared
I've never fallen from quite this high
Falling into your ocean eyes
Those ocean eyes
You were still friends with him, but you noticed a change in your relationship. Every time he'd come home with a girl after a gig, you felt an ache on your chest. You were used to that, emotional pain, but never before from him. You didn't realize how much influence he had over you. How much you could care about him.
And it was made worse by the fact that every few weeks, you would both fuck again - quick, messy, rough; you barely looked at each other. But you never really talked about it, not even joked about it to each other. "Don't overthink this", you told yourself in the mirror after a night with him, throwing water in your face, the bruises he made on your neck and cleavage staring back at you.
And even when those marks disappeared, you could still feel his touch on your skin. You forced yourself to go out with other people, but it was always him that ended up invading your mind.
He got further under your skin than anyone else; he wasn't just a good lay. He made you feel vulnerable, exposed, but also noticed. He saw everything that was wrong with you and was still there.
Cause the thing is, you knew his worst, too. His cheating on other girls - even with you, or when he'd call three girls in the same night just because he wasn't sure who would really come, and the three girls did, and he would then entertain two of them as the third waited on your living room, not in the mood for something groupal. The girls who waited on him to finish were usually pretty nice with you, since they visibly didn't care for sharing - one of them actually helped you pick an outfit to go out to a pub, one day.
And you were also used to his aggressive, drunk self that usually came before he started to vomit, and you'd always help him - holding his sweaty strands back, convincing him to take a cold shower, going out to the deli and getting him chips and a coke so he had something to eat before passing out. He'd done the same for you multiple times.
Or the first time you did molly together on a music festival - Roger bit his lips until they blead, and you kept dancing even after the sun went up again, burning your shoulders under the sun. The two of you took care of each other afterwards, and swore off molly.
You felt like a married couple, sometimes; only the two of you living in the same flat for nearly a year, occasionally fucking, knowing each other inside out. This thought only made it hurt more when you saw him with a girl that wasn't you.
And now, every time you fucked, you had to force yourself off the bed so you wouldn't sleep on his arms, no matter how much you wanted.
No fair
You really know how to make me cry
When you gimme those ocean eyes
I'm scared
I've never fallen from quite this high
Falling into your ocean eyes
Those ocean eyes
And then he brought a friend home one night - a guy that joined the band after the other guy, Tim, left. You know Brian, you even hang out with Brian when you go to Roger's shows and rehearsals, but you never really clicked.
Now this guy, Freddie, was almost a male version of you: very artistic, always scribbling something. Eventually, when Roger and you decided to move to a bigger flat, you invited Freddie to split the rent and live on the other room the flat had.
You felt close to Freddie, and you always helped each other out when drawing, borrowing pencils and brushes whenever necessary, and Roger just watched - he couldn't really participate in this new dynamic.
You even nearly stopped the casual fucking - the incidents, for the lack of a better word, would happen less often. It was almost like he felt Freddie was replacing him in every aspect of your life, but he wasn't - you and Freddie didn't see each other that way. But to admit it to Roger would be to admit you felt different with him, and you didn't want him to feel sorry for you as he rejected you.
Once you noticed that he feels replaced, though, you started to involve Roger in your drawings again - asking him to pose for you, drawing his car.
And that was good for you too, because you couldn't take him off your mind, now that you're getting less of him. He even started to show up in your school work, you knowing his face features so well that you drew him on everything.
One of your works was to remake pictures and cover art from pop culture with your own trace - and there was Roger's face in the same pose and with the same dim lights as Marlene Dietrich (one of Freddie's favourite pictures to the point where he has it framed in your living room), and there's Roger's face and body in the remake of the cover of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars, and there's Roger in the cover art for Aladdin Sane.
You didn't want to look creepy - and you know how creepy it was that you kept drawing your friend in each and every drawing and painting you did.
But you're used to drawing him - you started it when you were both 14. You knew the exact curve of his lips, the bridge of his nose, the format of his eyes.
I've been walking through
A world gone blind
Can't stop thinking of your diamond mind
And now you had to do oil paintings of the human physique - a nightmare for you, completely unaccustomed to oil paint. So you painted the body you knew best, and the one that you craved the most. It's been two months since the last time you had sex with Roger.
And one day, Roger came home and saw a painting on one of your easels in the living room - not an odd sight. But the painting itself caught his attention - a very detailed, realistic naked man. Once he got closer, he noticed how the man's skin tone was close to his, how he had the same haircut... the same face as Roger.
The realization hit him - you drew him naked.
He blushed.
Cause he always called himself your muse, but this was intimate - this was the way he'd lay in bed after you had sex. A part of your friendship that you never discussed.
He always thought of you as someone who's too cool for him - you never once looked intimidated by his jokes, flirting, whatever. You didn't really care. He thought you didn't give a fuck about the two of you - especially now that you had Freddie.
He tried to get mad at one of you two - but Freddie was too nice and a good frontman, so he couldn't fight him, and he could never get mad at you. All you had to do was say "Rog", in your husky voice and he'd be on his knees.
That was so unlike him. He was embarrassed, so he tried to play it cool. Pretend he wasn't hurt at the fact that you were probably fucking Freddie on his back.
But this drawing of him in a very vulnerable, intimate moment made him change his mind. Maybe you did care for him. Maybe those moments mattered to you almost as much as they mattered to him.
So he walked to your room, and knocked lightly on the door, getting in before you said "Come in". Because you never said it; you were listening to Purple Haze at maximum volume, only wearing a baggy white shirt with paint everywhere. He could see your black panties peeking from under it as you swayed your hips to the rhythm of the music.
He then looked to what you were drawing - he recognized his hair and body again. You were painting him nude, yet again. A devilish smirk appeared on his lips.
"Hey, Y/N", he screamed, and you jumped out of surprise, your eyes wide as you turned to face him. "Roger, what the fuck are you doing here?", you asked, trying to normalize your breathing.
"Oh, just checking out your paintings. It's a pretty hot guy you have as a model… I wonder who he is", he told you, ironic, walking closer to the painting.
You blushed for a moment, like a child getting caught. But you soon went back to your devil-may-care attitude - the one he was more familiar with. "Just painted the body I'm more familiar with", you shrugged, turning back to your painting so you didn't have to see his reaction. It's the first time one of you references the sex.
"It's fine. I'm honoured, really", he said, moving behind the easel so he could see your face as you worked. "My pleasure", you told him, dry. "I came here to offer my help, really", he told you, unbuttoning his shirt. "Thought you could use the real life model to make work easier", he grinned, and you looked at him. His voice sounded relaxed as usual, but his face looked tense. He was scared that you'd turn him down.
He looked so vulnerable, yet so beautiful - your bedroom had the best lighting in the house, and the sun on his skin made him look like Apollo himself, luminous.
"Sure. That'll definitely make the work flow faster", you shrugged again, but you felt a genuine smile forming as you saw him relax and start undressing.
Careful creature
Made friends with time
He left her lonely with a diamond mind
And those ocean eyes
And you painted him many times, for this project, for the ones that came after it, for your personal projects. It really made you bond again - but you didn't have sex anymore, which was confusing, cause you were seeing him naked more than ever, as he posed nude whenever you asked.
You were conscious that you were going out with even less guys, and that Roger was seeing less girls. Freddie was aware of your newfound chemistry, and always made jokes about how it felt to live third wheeling. You laughed, and Roger too, but you didn't knew what to do about it.
Then, one Sunday, Roger appeared in your doorframe, half dressed, a backpack open on his hands. "Do you wanna spend the day at the beach?", he asked, and you looked confused. "Roger, it's already autumn", you told him, and went back to scribbling. You were drawing his hands - now that he was wearing rings, they posed a new challenge to you.
"And what about it? It's better, actually. No one will be there to annoy us. You could paint me… C'mon, Y/N", he said, and you considered. It would be quite an impressive painting - the blue in his eyes and the blue of the ocean, the sand, his hair and skin mixing, too.
"Ok, Rog", you said, and started to pack your materials. "See you in my car in five minutes, then", he told you, and went back to dressing and packing at the same time.
The car ride there was a bit weird - you couldn't find a subject to talk to him, overthinking every idea he had. He wasn't starting any conversations, either.
Then once you got to the beach, you unpacked your materials, and he stood in front of you. "What should I do?", he asked, a bit insecure, and you let out a sigh. You didn't want to spend the afternoon in this uncomfortable feeling around him.
So you got up and said "Join me", as you started undressing, and wearing only your underwear, you jumped inside the cold water.
You screamed when the freezing sea touched your skin, and you soon heard Roger scream, too. "Y/N, why the fuck did you get me inside the water? It's freezing!", he screamed, and you laughed. "Thought you could handle some cold water, Taylor. But apparently I'm wrong", you told him, and splashed water on his face. "Oh, so you want war?" he asked, and started to tickle you.
You spent some time in the ocean, your bodies getting used to the temperature, joking and swimming. Once the sun got closer to the horizon, bathing everything in a golden light, you told Roger it was time to paint. You got off the water, and he followed you, watching your body as your underwear clinged to your wet skin.
But when you got to wear the beach towel was covering the sand - the perfect place for you to paint him - you were shaking, the cold wind taking away your body heat. "Hey, just a second", Roger told you before handing you a towel. After you dried yourself, he offered you one of his fur coats that was in his bag. You accepted it, the fur immediately conserving your body temperature, and you started to relax. Roger got another fur coat for himself, and also a bottle of tequila and a blunt from the bag.
"Cheers", he said, after drinking straight from the bottle and passing it to you. You drank, too, as he started to light up the blunt.
"How should I pose?", he asked, passing you the blunt.
"Just stay the way you are. It's perfect", you told him, and you started mixing the tones.
The painting was almost ready and the sun was setting as you got to Roger's eyes. He stopped posing for a moment so he could start a fire to warm the both of you.
"Thanks", you said, and he shrugged. "A way to apologize for barely passing you the blunt", he said, and you laughed. "It's okay, I barely passed you the tequila", you shrugged, too.
As you went back to painting, you were frustrated at his eyes. You just couldn't get their color right. He noticed you were stressed.
"Did I do anything wrong?", he asked, and you laughed. "No, Rog. I just can't get your eye colour right", you told him. "Why is that?" he asked again, and you shrugged again. "Don't know. They're usually pretty hard to get right, but I can do it most of the times", you said.
Maybe it was the reflex of the fire in his eyes. "I'll get a closer look at them, okay?", you asked, putting your work to the side and leaning into him, your weight on your hands and knees.
Roger looked at your body, warmly lit by the fire by your side, your black lingerie in contrast with the caramel fur. He knew how soft your skin was, and he craved feeling in on the tip of his fingers.
So he moved one of his hands so he could cup your jaw, and he saw as your breathing hitched. He hasn't touched you like this in months.
You moved one of your own hands to cup his face, and he felt the friction of the sand on your skin against him as you pulled him closer to a kiss.
None of you closed your eyes during the slow kiss.
You pushed him onto his back, and pressed his body against the sand with your own. You grinded against him as you kissed him again, and he closed his eyes as he groaned in response.
But you didn't want to hurry it - this was the first time you were fucking in months, yeah, but also the first time in felt so intimate - you were actually looking at each other during some of the kiss, and he caressed your waist under the coat, your thighs, with caring - he was not being rough for the first time. You could feel his bulge against your core, and you kept moving against it as you kissed him.
Until he had enough and started pulling your panties down, his index finger brushing against your skin under the elastic band.
You started pushing his underwear down, too, and his cock was already hard. You got on your knees, straddling him, so he could sit and take his boxers off. You then moved your bare core against the tip of his member. You both moaned.
"Just fuck me", he mumbled under his breath, his perfect lips parted. You leaned into him so you could kiss him as you pushed your body down his cock until he bottomed out inside of you.
You stayed there for a few moments, kissing him slowly, before you started riding him.
It was slow at first, and he kept his eyes on you, the electric blue driving you mad - everything around you seemed to pale in comparison. You only broke eye contact once one of you closed your eyes to moan or curse.
It was a different feeling - you could still feel the fabric of your bra against your breast as you kept riding him, moving faster and trying to keep a rhythm. You unclasped your bra, and Roger helped you off your coat and bra, and started kissing your breasts, but you could see he was having a hard time focusing on them, as you kept riding him. He was close.
But you needed to see more of him so you could come. "I need to see you", you told him, and he nodded, looking at you through his lashes and giving you a weak smirk as he took the coat off.
The cold wind was hard on your skin, but the temperature shock made you more turned on. Roger was even closer, and started to press sloppy kisses to your neck as leaned his head against your shoulder. You felt your legs burning of the effort of riding him, but you were now getting close, too, as you felt his skin against your hard nipples.
He moved his hand from your waist to your sensitive clit, and massaged it. You nearly screamed - the extra stimulation was what you needed to reach your climax, and he moved his hands to your hips to help you ride him through your high.
You felt tired and sleepy, but you kept riding him with his help, your head on his neck now, and he could feel your heavy breathing against his skin, and soon you could see the veins on his neck pop and his jaw clench as he reached his climax.
None of you moved for a few moments, until Roger felt you shiver in his arms, breaking up his embrace to get your coat.
You got off of him so he could get his own coat, but you didn't got up - you pushed him down again, covering your bodies with the coat as if it was a duvet. He chuckled as you put your head in his chest, and you look up only to see him facing you.
At that moment, the electric blue of his gaze made every other shade of blue around you even more intense - the sea and the sky. All because of his ocean eyes.
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femslashy · 6 years
2018 fic year in review
thank you so much for tagging me @homosociallyyours !! this was really fun (and also a bit hard haha) to do ^__^
1. number of stories (including drabbles) posted to ao3: 19 (6 100 word seasonal drabbles, and out of the rest 4 are under 1k and 2 are chaptered but one of those is still a WIP)
2. word count posted for the year: 142,383 which is def more than i’ve written in previous years but my initial goal for this year was 200k and then i lowered it to 150k and then decided i should focus less on word count and more on actually finishing the fics lmaooo
3. list of works posted this year in order of posting:
the tesco fic (although i didn’t make the tumblr post until recently)
three spring drabbles (100 words each)
begin again [timestamp] (my only snowbaz fic in 2018)
we’re swimming with the sharks until we drown
got me an appetite, now i can taste it
Take a Chance on Me
Getting Naked on Camera (NOT CLICKBAIT)
my favourite colour is you
louis tomlinson’s completely 100% foolproof guide to snagging the fit bloke next door (3 100 word drabbles)
no better place than right by your side
days gone by (WIP)
love the cronch
zero to sixty
where the love light gleams
4. fandoms i wrote for: mostly one direction and by that i mean i posted a timestamp for a carry on fic from 2017 and the rest was one direction lol
5. pairings: harry/louis, simon/baz (ONCE)
6. story with the most hits: Take a Chance on Me with 10975 hits :o
7. story with the most kudos: Take a Chance on Me with 426 kudos
8. story with the most comments: Take a Chance on Me with 52 comments threads
9. work i’m most proud of and why: well Take a Chance on Me was both my first time doing a big bang as well as the longest thing i’ve ever written (twice the length of the previous longest!) and i’m still completely in love with the art for it courtesy of @vulpixlou and i def don’t go back to stare at it ever nope 👀👀
10. work i’m least proud of and why: i mean i could nitpick the hell out of my stuff and i know there are certain bits i would write differently now but at the same time i created something with my brain that didn’t exist before and that’s just too cool not to be proud of ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
11. a favorite excerpt of your writing:
this is from Take a Chance on Me (shocker) and i was having trouble thinking of my fave but then i was skimming through all of my fics and ngl i had forgotten about this bit but y’all i’ve been trying to work a Dramatic Airport Reunion into a fic FOR FUCKING EVER and i finally did it and i actually don’t hate it? (spoiler for the ending of Take a Chance on Me)
“See…” Louis starts. “See, there’s this guy. And, oh god, he’s an absolute twat. Wanna know what he did to me?” Harry nods faintly, and Louis, emboldened now, goes on. “So, I already knew who he was, right? I knew him, because he’d been in this god-awful boy band for years, and even if me bloody sisters hadn’t been so bloody in love with him, I’d still have known him, because he was just that famous.”
“I wasn’t that famous.”
“Don’t interrupt,” Louis chastises, and Harry mimics zipping his lips. “So this guy, I knew him, but he didn’t know me, but, fucking hell, I think someone forgot to tell him that, because there I was, minding my own business, when this kid just…” Louis giggles then, because the memory is just so ridiculous, “he just starts fucking singing to me, can you believe it?”
Harry shakes his head. “What a weirdo.”
“Right? The weirdest.”
“What happened next?”
“I fell in love with him.”
“What? That soon?”
“Of course not, Jesus, Harold. I’m not that pathetic. I waited the appropriate amount of time to fall in love, thank you very much.”
“Is that why you’re here, then?” Harry whispers. “Is it because you love him?”
“That’s part of it, yeah. I love him, and I love the way we just fit, and I adore his daughter, and our pets are friends now, and I think our sisters are best friends now, so they didn’t actually give me a choice, but do you want to know the biggest, most important reason?”
Harry nods quickly, so hard his chin bumps his chest, and Louis’ so fucking in love with him at that moment that these are the easiest words he’s ever said.
“I’m here,” he tells Harry, “because I was lying in my own bed, in my own house, surrounded by all my things, and all I wanted to do was go home.”
He’s yanked forward then, Harry’s fingers digging into his shoulders, and he barely feels the pain because it’s Harry, and everything’s good when it’s Harry. He’s babbling into Louis’ neck, and the only words he can make out are his name and “love you” and he shivers with the feeling.
Harry’s hair has grown out enough since the night Louis snuck in to see him that he can tangle his fingers in the strands. So he does, pulling Harry’s face away from his neck and pressing their lips together. Every kiss feels like an apology. Every kiss feels like home.
12. share or describe a favorite review you recieved: so this miiiiight be cheating but i received two comments on a fic i wrote in 2015 and it was kind of a surprise that something that old still held up and people still enjoy it? def made me feel better about my current writing and also anyone who quotes my fics back to me has earned my undying love and affection
13. a time when writing was really, really hard: i have adhd so p much always ahahaha
14. a scene or character you wrote that most surprised you: the entirety of “we’re swimming with the sharks until we drown” ngl because i struggled with the like… morally gray criminal-y elements? and portraying the two of them in such a different way while still staying in character which i like to think i nailed? hopefully lol
15. how did you grow as a writer this year? i don’t feel like a i have? but i’m also bias and hypercritical so maybe i did and just didn’t realize ahaha
16. how do you hope to grow next (this?) year: i want to enjoy writing again and i want to finish more fics and not let them rot in my docs because of self-doubt
who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer: okay so first @amandaisnotwriting is the real MVP as she bears the brunt of my whining/complaining/drama queen moments as well as the fact that she listens (some would argue is forced to :p) and reads over fic for a pairing she doesn’t ship for a fandom she doesn’t care about 😂😂😂
@rainbowbaz always makes time to look over my fics even when she’s crazy busy and is honestly amazing and saves my fics from americanisms ahahaha
and FINALLY we met p late in the year but but @livingatthelairport ‘s comment on “the tesco fic” helped me out of a writing slump and now she’s become my cheerleader (and friend 💜) and that’s make a huge difference in my attitude towards writing! it’s also easier to write a fic for a specific person than worry about the opinion of a crowd which is def something i’ve been missing in this fandom rip
also to everyone else who has read my fics, listened to me rant about them or just helped the process along in any way at all this is a GIANT thank you!!
18. anything from your real life show up in your writing this year? i mean i can’t think of anything off the top of my head but a lot of my inspo comes from the world around me so probably lol
19. any wisdom you can share with other writers: there’s nothing wrong with feeling jealous of other writers because i’m not a fan of hiding feelings just because they’re ugly as long as you don’t let it fester and turn into resentment or make you bitter. there are a lot of factors that go into a fic becoming “big” in a fandom but honestly most of it is just random chance so don’t beat yourself up because someone else’s success is not your failure and it’s nice to get recognition for your hard work but if you’re writing solely for the feedback then you’re writing for the wrong reason and that will lead to the resentment and bitterness mentioned earlier
also if you compliment someone you say you like their outfit but if you complement someone then you complete them
20. any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year:
these are all the things i didn’t start and/or finish in 2018 that WILL be completed this year
the cat fic
the doctor fic
the final three chapters of days gone by
penpal AU
Space. Florist.
teenage fanboys who are also best friends
baking blog fic
a short follow up to tacom
twitter drama fic
80’s/’high school’/secret admirer!AU
something based on yawning grave by lord huron
part three of the alien harry series
chocolate orange holiday fic
LA fic (wtwm)
70’s fic
monkey fic
i’m also planning to do the @larryabroad challenge again because i had so much fun with it last time :D
21. tag some writers whose answers you’d like to read:
p sure everyone has done this but if you haven’t then do it now! and also tagging @cosyblack k bc you’ve had a really good year even if i have beta bias 😂
this took waaay longer than i thought it would omg but it was nice to take a look back!!
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losvcr · 7 years
rain (reddie) ch. 1
Type: Series
Summary: Richie and Eddie had dated each other for a long time, and things had been going great - or so, they thought. After Eddie comes home to an empty apartment and a note left behind, the loving relationship of four years tragically ended. Years of never speaking to each other later, the wedding of Beverly and Ben brings everyone back together, including Eddie and Richie. Hotel room mix-ups, drunken confessions, loud arguments between several losers, bad parties, old childhood games, memories, music, love, and drama ensues over the week of preparing for the wedding.
Pairing(s): Reddie, Stenbrough, Benverly
Word count: 2.2k
Chapter Warnings: Your heart might hurt a little
A/N: I’ve written two one shots so far and people seem to like them, so I thought I’d try my hand at a full blown fic. I hope it takes off, because I have some great ideas for this. If you’d like to be updated with the tagging system on possible future chapters, just let me know! Oh, and the losers are around 27 years of age to help out a bit. There will be some stenbrough and benverly involved, but it’ll mostly center around reddie.
Also, big shout out to @r-u-reddie for being the beta of this fic. Without Rose, this shit would’ve been hella bad. She went the whole nine yards in being a beta, so she deserves major credit for this chapter and the next chapters to come. @reddie-asheck did a bit of beta-ing for the first half of the chapter, so they deserve a shout out as well! 
One last thing before I shut my mouth - The song I listened to to get into the mood for tihs chapter is Happier by Ed Sheeran. Enjoy guys!
AO3 link coming in two weeks
Check out the new inspo tag here
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“Richie, are you here?”
A trembling, but soft sigh sounded past the blue tinted lips of Eddie Kaspbrak as he closed the wooden door behind him, visibly wincing at the squeaking sounds of his sneakers as they collided with the hardwood floor beneath him.
It was raining. Hard. His previously dry jacket was now soaked to the point that his once-dry clothes took a heavy hit as well.
This caused Eddie’s body to tremble like an autumn leaf, but the immense relief he felt once walking into the warm apartment helped to curb the effect a bit.
“Richie? Did you fall asleep in my bed again?” Eddie called out once more, carefully removing his shoes before walking further inside of his small abode.
There wasn’t much to his apartment; it unfortunately lacked space. It contained one bedroom, one bathroom, and a kitchen/living room that shared the same area. In fact, the common area wasn’t too much bigger than his room, but that was fine to him. He had what he needed. Besides, living in New York meant that any decent apartment would cost a fortune.
He had done his best to make it his own by using subtle, but neat decorations to line his walls and inexpensive furniture in hopes of not making it too cluttered.
After grabbing a towel to dry himself off with, running it over his curls, Eddie walked over to his bedroom to see if his theory was correct. However, a deep frown began to settle on his face when he found both his bed and bedroom empty.
‘Where the hell is he?’ Eddie thought to himself, trying not to become worked up over his boyfriend’s absence.
The first thing he did was try to call Richie a few times once he got off of work. All of the calls went straight to voicemail, which made him a little nervous, but Eddie wasn’t too stressed about it. He knew that sometimes Richie forgot to charge his phone and tended to be irresponsible with handling it.
That was when he did the next best thing, and he checked Richie’s apartment, which was across town from his. His boyfriend’s apartment was slightly more spacious than his, but both of them still preferred to spend more time at his apartment because Richie’s apartment was always a wreck.
This too failed, but he knew he had one more destination to check on before beginning to worry, which was to go back to his own apartment. That, obviously, had failed, too.
Eddie honestly thought that Richie might have been over, given by that god awful smell of cigarette smoke that hit him once he walked inside. His apartment would only smell that way if Richie was over. But, alas, he could not find the curly-headed male anywhere.
“Fucking shit, Richie… now I have to go back out in this rain..” He grumbled to himself after changing out of his soaked work outfit into a fresh pair of jeans and a pastel polo shirt.
While changing, he had thought of one last place that his other half could be, and that was at the studio. Richie had been in a band since he was sixteen, and six years later, they were signed and had anticipated to have such an amazing sophomore album release that a headlining world tour could be on the table.
Eddie was so proud of how far Richie had come, but he still wanted to knock his head off for worrying him.
Even though Richie could be irresponsible, it was unlike him to leave Eddie wondering of his whereabouts. He was trying hard not to jump to the worst conclusions, but the unusual lack of communication had his mind racing: What if Richie got hurt? What if he was lying somewhere dying, breathing his very last breath all alone?
He quickly shook those thoughts from his head, releasing a shuddering breath. He couldn’t think like that. Richie had to be okay.
Walking through the living room, Eddie was moving towards the front door until he saw something on the side table next to his small loveseat. He knew his apartment, and that hadn’t been there before.
His brow furrowed once he stopped in front of the table, curious fingers reaching down to grab a white piece of paper sitting there, the bottom corner charred a brown, ugly color - Richie.
As his eyes read over what he identified as a letter, his grip tightened on the paper so much that his knuckles began to turn white. The paper began to shake along with his hands the longer his eyes scanned the contents of the letter, his stomach having completely bottomed out.
No. This was not happening. His eyes had to be deceiving him.
Once Eddie finished reading the entirety of the note, his hands finally released its hold, allowing the paper to fall as it gently floated back and forth until the floor took it.
His shaking hands remained raised in shock, tears burning in his eyes. He had been completely unaware of his hyperventilating until he found that he couldn’t breathe. He couldn’t fucking breathe.
He needed his inhaler. Fuck, where did he put his goddamn inhaler?
“Dear Eds,
How was work today? I hope it was okay. I know sometimes it’s rough for you at the children’s hospital, but I know you love it, Baby Boy.”
Eddie raced across the room to his bedroom (nearly tripping on his coffee table in the process), ripping his closet door open and rummaging through its contents.
He. Couldn’t. Breathe.
“I wanted to say this to you in person, but I knew the second I saw your beautiful eyes and that cute smile, I would be done for. I had to do it this way. I hope you understand.”
Tears streamed down Eddie’s cheeks as he tried to breathe, but the air would not fill his lungs and filter back out as CO2 like normal. He needed his inhaler. Pushing one box to the side, he quickly began to rummage through another.
“I have to leave. I can’t do this relationship anymore. Fuck, I know it’s gonna sound so cliche, but it’s not you. God, I swear to fuck it’s not you, Eds. You’re so fucking perfect. I loved you.”
Finally, after what seemed like hours, Eddie found his older inhaler. Frantically, the male pulled the cap off and pressed the opening to his lips. After inhaling the puffs of rather gross tasting water, he collapsed to the ground, sobs freely falling past his trembling lips. How could he go on after this?
“I hope you don’t hate me for this. If you do, I wouldn’t blame you. I left the key you gave me on the counter. Good luck, Eddie. I want your life to be filled with so much joy.
- Love, Richie”
Only one sentence kept repeating through Eddie’s brain as he sat on his bedroom floor, his sobbing having turned to gut-wrenching wailing.
I loved you.
Eddie stretched his arms out as he waited in the airport for Mike Hanlon, enjoying the beams of sunlight hitting his pale skin and the warm weather of Hawaii.
He had never been to Hawaii before, but he guessed that it was time to try something new.
In front of him, a tawny Honda CR-V pulled up. A giant smile graced Eddie’s features as he recognized the driver behind the wheel. However, he did not recognize the beautiful woman sitting next to the driver.
“Eddie! It’s so good to see you!”
The last time Eddie saw Mike Hanlon was over a year ago. It seemed like every time he saw the other male, he somehow looked as if he hadn’t aged a year. He looked great. Anyone who looked over him could tell that he liked to go to the gym, his muscles flexing behind the white tank top he wore as he moved in to hug Eddie.
Eddie easily returned the gesture, a small laugh falling past his lips at the feel of Mike’s full beard scratching and tickling the skin of his cheek. “Nice to see you too, Mikey. I feel like you get a least an inch taller every time I see you.” Eddie teased.
“Or maybe you’re just getting shorter, Eddie.” Mike joked back.
After they pulled back from the warm embrace, Mike stepped to the side to reveal the woman who had been in the passenger seat.
“This is my girlfriend, Whitney.” Up close, she looked much prettier than she did at a distance; freckled skin, the greenest eyes Eddie had ever witnessed in his life, hair darker than night, and a warm smile that made him understand immediately why Mike would like her.
Before he could speak up and introduce himself, she was talking. “Nice to meet you, Eddie. I heard great things about you.” He blinked in surprise when she pulled him into a hug, but after the shock subsided, he hesitantly returned the gesture, which made Mike laugh out loud.
“Come on, let’s get back to the hotel. The others are waiting for us!”
On the whole way to the hotel, Eddie worked himself up into a nervous bundle. He did his best to keep up with the small talk Mike and Whitney were throwing at him, but his mind wasn’t quite there. All he could think about was one thing.
One person, really.
He had been distracted with his thoughts all the way from getting out of the car to walking inside of the hotel.  What snapped him out of it was hearing his name being called multiple times from the center of the hotel.
“You made it!”
Soon, he was being enveloped in more warm embraces from his friends that he hadn’t seen in quite a while.
First was Beverly, who was glowing like an angel as she grinned and pulled him in for a tight hug. Afterwards was Ben, his strong arms tugging him into a bear hug that had him playfully gasping out an ‘I can’t breathe!’
Stan Uris gave him a smile that he couldn’t help but return, a teasing handshake from Stan turning into hug.
By the time Bill was pulling him into a hug, Eddie was practically putty in his arms. He hadn’t realized just how much he actually missed his best friends.
“Congratulations, Bev and Ben!” Eddie exclaimed after pulling back from Bill, grinning at the two lovebirds who seemed to be attached at the hip.
“Thanks, Eddie! Did you have a good flight?” Bev asked curiously.
“Well, let’s see. A trip across the continental US with only one stop and extreme turbulence.” He paused, with a mischievous smile, “In other words, it was perfect.”
That brought about laughter, but once it died down, he suddenly remembered why he had been nervous in the first place. Richie.
His heart leapt up into his mouth at the thought, but before he could tentatively ask where the other male was, he was interrupted by a loud yell that had all of them turning to find the source.
“Get the hell away from my bar!”
“Sheesh, it was a joke. How about you laugh a little, sweetheart?”
Eddie’s heart leaped once again at that voice.
His voice.
His eyes finally found him, watching the giraffe of a man stumble his way over and laughing while the bartender behind the counter glared daggers at him.
Eddie’s heart was pounding so hard in his chest that he could physically feel the pulsing all the way in his right temple at the sight of his ex-lover. He felt like he could pass out any second.
The rest of the Losers seemed to grow quiet as Richie finally made it over, a martini glass perched in his hand.
“Some people don’t know how to take a joke, I’ll tell ya. It was like she was saying “beep, beep, Richie!” without–” Eddie felt his face light up once he finally made eye contact with the boy he hadn’t seen in over five years.
The first thing he noticed was his eyes. He could tell that Richie traded in his spectacles for contacts, even though he swore he would wear glasses forever just to be an outlier.
The second thing he noticed was Richie’s hair. The curls were just as he remembered - wild and untamed. Except, they were a bit longer than he remembered. Many people had told Richie that he needed a haircut, but Eddie liked his longer hair.
The third thing he noticed was the tattoos. Part of him was shocked by this new addition, but the other part wasn’t shocked by the nerdy themes that were etched permanently on Richie’s skin.
He watched Richie visibly swallow, before Richie finally spoke to him for the first time in five years.
“Oh, uh.. Hey, Eds.”
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resbang-bookclub · 7 years
AMA Transcript: Tenderly Touched by the Massively Muscled
For our next AMA, @sandmancircus, @peregr1ne & @sojustifiable (Amanda on Discord) stopped by to chat about their Resbang, Tenderly Touched by the Massively Muscled! Here’s some of what went down:
*Please be advised that this AMA contains spoilers!*
Q:  What inspired the title? :D
Sand: I wanted something touching and relatable.
Q: Which was the hardest scene for you to write, do you think?
Sand: The last battle scene was hard, just coordinating everything and getting it down so it was smooth.
Peregrine: You did so good, it was a whole lot of characters to keep track of.
Q: Artist-chan/kuns, what made you pick the scenes you chose to art for?
Amanda: Ahh, I guess it was just things where the image stuck out and I felt like I needed to see it. With Eruka's tantrum scene, I also thought it would fit well with the style I wanted to use, with lots of swirly swirls and dramatic colors.
Peregrine: Well, for my first I wanted to do like a good intro iconic scene, so their first meeting was a good choice to set the stage and such. For the other two, I just wanted to do cool group shots because I wanted to draw all the characters but not 10 different pictures. Especially the last picture, I just really like drawing like… ‘epic’ scenes.
Q: Sand, what was your writing process like?
Sand: Uh, for this Resbang I mostly wrote in chronological order, which is unusual for me. When I had time, I just sat down and stared at the screen until something came out. I also kept a joke doc for jokes I wanted to use.
Q: Speaking of jokes, can you explain dog farting all the time?
Sand: Farts are funny.
Q: LOL. Do you have any funny/iconic comments that betas or artists left that you want to share?
Sand: Kat kept getting mad every time a penis happened. A bunch of "I’m too ace for this."
Amanda: Same.
Sand: Also the pinching of the clover got a bunch of yells.
Q: What was the inspo behind the pomegranates?
Sand: The pomegranates were just a throwback to the original myth.
Q: How did you come up with Soul's role in your fic? I thought it was really cool and imaginative.
Sand: I thought it would be funny if Soul was a soul, like Dog is a dog.
Q: What inspired so much peen? Cause like, there's much peen.
Peregrine: Sarah thinks dicks are funny.
Sand: I honestly can’t remember why I chose to write him as a nudist. I just think it’s a nice role reversal having the man be hyper sexualized.
Q: Somewhat related: how was it writing the smexies!!! And will we see more smexies????
Sand: The smexies were very hard to write, would not recommend. Will maybe try again in future.
Q: Also, for the artists -- how long did you spend on each piece?
Amanda: The first piece too a long time cuz I used masking fluid and had to wait a long time for different layers to dry to do details. The other pieces I did more quickly just because of the style. The time taken mostly depends on waiting time which there is less of if you do everything wet.
Peregrine: I don't remember how long I spent on my pieces because I break them up a lot? Usually I'll spend a while doing the rough sketch because I'll move things around and erase the whole thing and start over a lot because if it doesn’t feel dynamic super rough, it's not going to look good when I clean it up. That takes a while to plan out I guess, but it’s also the funnest part because I can draw a lot more freely. I'll usually then leave it for a day to see if it's still solid later and then lineart can take anywhere from 3 hours to like a week depending on how frustrating it is, and then I usually colour in a day (by a day I usually mean like 3 or 4 hours because that’s how much time I’m usually able to spend when I have time to draw). But yeah idk, in general pics usually take me like 3 days unless they're group shots, like 2 of these were, because lineart takes forever.
Q: Were there any scenes that came out way differently than you'd initially planned?
Sand: The whole fic changed as I wrote it tbh, which usually happens with me. I have an original idea of what things will be like, and it gradually shifts and alters to become something new, or at least very different.
Q: Has anyone already asked you what inspired this bad boi???? I remember there was an art.
Sand: Yeah I did art for Freeruka a year and a half ago for Freeruka week which was supposed to be for the prompt "myth". The idea just stuck.
Q: Which was your favorite scene?
Sand: My fave scene was probably the one where Eruka got back talked by Free because of her stalking after she went bananas.
Q: Amanda did you have a fave piece between the three?
Amanda: I think Eruka's tantrum scene was my favorite to do and fave as an end product, though that free style of painting in general is really fun.
Sand: That was also the piece that we got to see Free's booty.
Peregrine: It was an interesting challenge for us artists to draw for this fic trying to position the characters so we wouldn’t have to draw a dick.
Sand: Amanda threatened to leave if I described her art as sezual.
Peregrine: But yeah, it was very deliberate for every piece like 'alright how do I draw this scene without Little Free?'
Q: Where did your inspo for Jackson come from???????
Sand: I needed a sassy side character, and he just kinda grew into something super fun to write. And it’s very hard to write a character without arms, so I gave him arms.
Q: How did you come up with the mythos? It was a neat spin. I liked that the positions got filled when someone dies.
Sand: Well, I needed a reason to call Eruka ‘Eruka’ and not ‘Hades,’ so it turned out to be more of a title, which led to "oh, well then could someone else be hades," and it kinda grew and grew from there.
Q: Kinda in love with Maka as new Zeus, not gonna lie.
Sand: That was actually Pere's addition.
Peregrine: I based Maka's outfit off one of the ones from the Wonder Woman movie that’s Zeusy and she was part of Zeus's crew and after Zeus died the position was open so I suggested it to Sarah because I thought it would give some good closure - and also Maka as Zeus would be super badass.
Q: Was there a scene that was really surprisingly easy to write?
Sand: The opening scene was really easy to write, surprisingly. It kinda all just flowed out really well and really easily.
Q: What drew/draws you to Freeruka?
Sand: I love Eruka, I like that she's sassy and that she's a morally grey character and that she's a complete coward, and I love her dynamic with Free. He's this big macho guy who is incredibly loyal and also a bit of a klutz and is a fucking WEREWOLF (heyo!) and they just mesh really well in this weird way that I adore. Witches are cool, wolves are cool, smoosh them together please.
Q: Is there anything you wish you could've done differently?
Sand: I think I would've liked to give them more time to get to know each other before everything goes down - at least a few months, just to make their connection more believable. But time, man.
Q: Pere did you have a favorite piece??
Peregrine: I think I like how the first pic came out the best. It's a nice standalone. But the last battle scene was the funnest to do because I just like drawing action poses and snarls the best.
Q: What are you working on next?
Sand: Nothing so far.
Peregrine: Uhhh Reverb I guess? Right now I'm doing a commission tho.
Q: For Peregrine: Do you feel like you grew in your art skills through this bang? If so, how?
Peregrine: Uhhh not really? I think I grow in my skills by doing experimental pieces but I don't do experimental stuff when it's like for someone else, I do that on my own time. The stuff I did for this was the kind of stuff I just always do.
Q: Doing Resbang next year Sarah????    
Sand: Unfortunately, I probably will be suffering again, yes.
[a chorus of cheers]
Thanks to the team for stopping by! More transcripts coming soon!
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rynhaswritersblock · 4 years
giant teddy bears (hc) | p.p.
summary: first dates are awkward, peter sucks at dance dance revolution, and the night ends with a giant teddy bear and something sweet.
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+ + +
- are you ready?
- i'm listening...
- no that was weak come on guys!
- i said ARE YOU READY?!
- i think we can do better than that
- i said ARE YOU READY?!!!!!
- YEAHYEAH!!!!!!
- i'm so sorry i just watched a gif of sebastian stan doing that thing where he gets super hype and then just starts laughing but i really harvested that hype energy
- pro tip: go back and read that first bit in seb's voice you Will Not Regret It
- after writing one normal imagine, i am back to writing another hc
- the next one will be normal though LOL
- guess what
- chicken butt
- y'all r never gonna guess what i'm doing
- i am listening to one direction WOW
- heart attack is an underrated song 😔
- you guys said the emojis in italics made you lose ur mind so
- they're staying
- fuck it slant 😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀
- fun fact i got pretty far into writing this and then was like "Hmm... no yeah This Ain't It" and so we're back and we're switching up the prompt a little bit
- so YAY
- so peter's balls finally dropped or something idk and he got his bitch ass together and asked you out!!!!!!!
-  yay peter!!
- he was super nervy while doing it y'all were just walking home from school as per usual and this is how it went down
- y'all were passing the local arcade
"y/n- did you, uh, did you wanna go to the arcade tonight?"
"ooh yes, that sounds like so much fun"
"awesome... it's a date"
- and even though peter muttered that last part
- who has super hearing NOW bitch
"a date?"
- you look over at peter and quirk a brow
- but on the inside ur like AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
- penis man gets flustered as FUCK
"oH-! well uhhhhhhh only if you, uhhh only if you want it to be"
"looks like i'll be dressing slightly better than normal"
- at this point y'all are at ur apartment building so you quickly peck him on his cheek (we're confident today ladies and gays!) and run up the steps, waving as you shut the door
- peter's in Fucking Shock.
- eyes wide, cheeks Red As Hell, standing there like Nobody Move! 0_0
- it takes some weirdo person idk to bump into him as he walks by to get him out of his trance
- (he jumps and turns to look at them, throwing his arms in the air like ?? before just sighing)
- (then he remembers Holy Shit I HAVE A DATE WITH Y/N AAAAAAAAAAAA and sort of like Skips away like how he does in far from home after the kiss you get the deal)
- u make sure to put on ur Cutest Fit
some inspo <3
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- jk the Ball Pit Dress Blanket Thing is a look and a half 😼
- in case u were wondering (no one is) this is what i would wear:
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- when reading fics i Always have to have what im wearing in mind otherwise i am very bothered idk why
- anyways thank u pinterest for the style inspo
- shameless self promo my pinterest is in my bio and we can send each other memes on there <3
- ofc u can choose ur own outfit 😌😌😌😌😌😌😌😌😌
- Not Me putting on jeans and feeling Fancy 😂🤏👋
- N E Ways! u put on ur dope fit and get all nice smelling n shit
- hair all pwetty
- cue (queue? i hate this word) that scene in homecoming of peter getting ready for the dance
- except he doesn't wear a suit (DEFINITELY WONDERS IF HE SHOULD THOUGH) and instead opts for this fit:
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- Mhmm..... yea.... Yup.
- look at the SHOES
- anyways i think peter would wear that One Fit from the beginning of hoco with the blue sweater over the button up or maybe something a bit nicer idk
- the look i put is superior 😔
- he's finally ready and smells gr8 and hair is done just how he knows u like it
- may is fucking spitballing tips like a madwoman
"give her all your attention, peter"
"let her win most of the games, but don't make it look like you're letting her win"
"oh and god peter BUY HER A GIANT TEDDY BEAR"
- peter's like Yup Yup Got It May on the outside but on the inside he's fucking taking notes like the nerd he is
- bae
- just as you finish ur final touches ur phone buzzes
whale penis On my way :)
- fyi a whale's penis is called a dork 😌 the more u know 😀😀😀😀
- you quickly text him back and before you know it this Puta is in front of ur door and his heart is going ZOOOOOOOOOM
- but since the two of you are so close and in sync he can usually hone in on your heartbeat even from a far ish distance so he focuses and finds your heartbeat easily
- ur heart is racing too and it makes him feel better
- he finally gets the balls to knock on ur door and Does Just That
- you open it SO FAST (you were secretly standing just outside the door waiting for peter but he doesn't have to know that)
"hi, peter"
- the look on peter's face
- he in Awe
- u look so pretty!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAa
- this is a lovepage for that little 'a' at the end of that scream. idk why it makes me smile. it's like the underdog
- i need to fucking Restart my Brain jesus christ
- i get attached to little things so easily MOVING ON
- Beter finally regains himself
- shit excuse me
- 🅱eter finally regains himself
- there we go
"you look.... wow"
- ur face gets SO HOT
"thought i'd go for something other than leggings and oversized t-shirts"
- aka my whole wardrobe
- Very Basic White Girl of me
- (assuming the Fit ur wearing is the picture i put) (if not you can just ignore this little bit) ur like cleavage or whatever is out and it is Definitely Not What Peter's Used To Seeing!
- the Collarbones
- Sexy
- u catch peter's eyes linger on ur chest for a second and u 0_0 for a second
- but then it's like YAY FOR ATTRACTIVE FEATURES
- THANKS PUBERTY????????????
"you look wow as well"
"oH well i dress like this pretty normally i think it's really not that big of a change i probably should've dressed better-"
"you always look good, peter"
- Faking Confidence! hoping peter can't hear ur heart banging against ur sternum!
- but he can... Little Shit
- peter is such a gentleman
- waits for you to lock ur door before holding out a hand nervously
- you take it ofc and he intertwines ur fingers and sort of Rubs His Thumb AGainst Ur Skin???? when i put it like that it sounds weird
- i appreciate writing headcanons because i don't have to think things out so that they sound pretty i can just Braindump and y'all r like Yea!! 😀❤
- a very nice feeling <3
- the two of you walk down the sidewalk together
- eventually the awkwardness of Woah We're On A Date!? is gone
- peter starts swinging your hands and you can't stop smiling
- a few people look at the two teenagers just giddily and dramatically swinging their arms together and laughing as they walk down the street
- but those people find it very cute
- y'all talk about the weirdest shit too
- peter rambles about his theory of there being a multiverse
"i mean, what if there really is a multiverse? like, i refuse to believe that we're the only living beings in this whole universe, much less believe that this is the only universe. and, when you think about it, it's like a whole new set of doors of knowledge are suddenly there for us to explore, i mean it just completely changes how we understand the initial singularity. we're talking about an internal inflation system and then how would that even work with all the quantum-? it's insane-!"
- he looks over at you and you're just smiling
"don't apologize for being a genius, peter"
- the ffh reference 😼
- his insides are like lkdsfhskjdfbg at that
- you also have ur nerd moment (i'm making this about reading because.... I Think We Can All Agree)
"what i don't get is all the imbeciles at school who think reading is stupid. they're all like, 'i haven't read a book in like two years! ha ha!' and i'm like 'oh! no wonder you're so stupid!' because not only do they think it's quirky for whatever reason to not read, but reading genuinely makes you smarter and they're all missing out on it! moreover, the feeling of getting sucked into a book and going on the story with the characters and feeling everything they're feeling and when you finish the book it's like holy shit i can't even process this and- oh i'm rambling"
- peter's just looking at you in awe
"this is why i like you"
- you Cannot Breathe for a second and the two of you stop walking (still holding hands doe)
"i did ask you on a date, didn't i?"
- you scoff
"you muttered that it was a date and the only reason that fact was established was because i heard it and acted on it"
- peter sighs exasperatedly, still grinning like the Fool He Is as he lets go of your hand to swing his arms dramatically
"well, sorry i'm not super smooth and suave all the time!"
"yeah, cause you're never smooth and suave"
- now he :o
"that's why i like you, too, parker"
- the two of you clasp hands again and you hug his arm as you continue walking
- i wanna hug a boy's arm
- you get to the arcade and he opens the door for you
- he's such a dork i hate (love) him
- now here u guys....
- guess who's like genuinely never been to an arcade...
- 🙋‍♀️
- it me!
- yes yes we know i have no life
- i'm just gonna like fucking Spit-Ball the adventures of y/n and peter at the arcade
- if ur confused rn i am too
- imma walk up to him and imma push him and imma say I HAVE AIDS no wait thats so strong hold back, savor it, BUILD to that
- i know i didn't get all the words right whatever
- at first it's like Sensory Overload! but then 🅱eter drags you over to the front desk and y'all get ur tickets
- he looks so FUCKIGN CUTE cause his tongue is like sticking out as he focuses
- y'all try the claw machine SO MANY TIMES
- not you managing to actually make it work and getting a spider-man toy
- the slant on that emoji i'm fucking losing my mind
- you absolutely crush him at the basketball game thing
- and y'all play that thing that has the weird seats or whatever and you're racing
- he lets you win
- y'all KILL IT at dance dance revolution
- peter trips over his feet and you laugh So Loud the people around you are like o_0
- uhhhhh what the fuck else is at an arcade
- i just KNOW i'm gonna forget something and y'all will be like BUT WHAT ABOUT THE _____
- my apologies in advance
- at the end of the night y'all get pizza from the little restaurant they have (idk if that's an actual thing arcades do but fuck it now they do)
- and peter wins you a giant bear and you smile SO BIG!
- peter can't stop smiling at u and u both r so so happy
- guys i need to get a graphic design is my passion in here.....
- getting a bit worried cause idk where to put one 0_0
- not sure where to go with this now... may just read some fics to get inspiration and completely forget to come back to this <3
- i promise i won't i wanna get this up tonight AAAAAAAAAAAA
- okay i will be back after i get inspo
- update it's been an hour and i got distracted have yet to find inspo i'll be back
- update part 2 i went downstairs to get a snack to Fuel My Brain and ant-man and the wasp was on so... watched that
- but i have the brain of a strapless croc.... whatever
- then you can peter are like "we should probably go" cause it's getting late and it's new york and yes peter's spider-man but y'all are on a date! and we don't want to get attacked!
- huzzah!
- so you leave
- holding hands
- (screaming inside)
- ur other hand is just holding the large ass bear to your chest and peter cannot stop SMILING
- the chaos level has gone down i'm sorry i'm tired
- here's some normalcy!
- you start walking home and see delmar's and peter's like "MR DELMAR WILL GIVE US FREE SOFT SERVES :D" so. you go to delmar's
- you walk in still holding hands and the Second mr delmar sees you he (¬‿¬)
"what brings you two kiddos in so late?"
- peter's BLUSHING
"we, uh, we went on a date SO YOU HAVE SOFT SERVES RIGHT?"
- he's so fucking flustered and it's adorable
-  mr delmar just laughs
"on the house just for the lovers"
- now who's blushing
- your name
- "your name" i was feeling spicy huh
- mr delmar hands you the ice creams and y'all thank you
- he winks you sly bastard
- the two of you walk out and sit on the bench outside to eat your ice cream
- hands are feeling lonely cause you needed to hold your ice cream 😔
- at first y'all are just silent and then you look over at him just happily licking his ice cream
- he's got chocolate ice cream next to his mouth and you laugh
- he turns to you
"messy eater"
- you mumble as you raise a hand and wipe it off with your thumb
- you wipe your thumb on your napkin and look back up at peter and suddenly the air has changed cause he's just staring at you or your lips really and oh wow now the air has left your lungs and your heart is racing
"can i kiss you?"
- peter tastes like chocolate.
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- what if we kissed on the jouch? 😳
- hi lizthearies shoutout to our pinterest convos
- alright story = over
+ + +
ily all, treat yourself and others with kindness (dream with harry had me crying within the first five minutes i love him so much), and WEAR A MASK (unless you're in a safe place aka not the US lol)
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