#they literally announced her yesterday and I bought my ticket today
anti-bright-places · 2 years
Weirder ask questions - 23 & 27 ❤️
hello you <33 thank you for asking
23. how do you feel about chilly weather?
I much prefer it to hot weather tbh. I cannot stand the heat, but with cold weather you can just stay inside with a nice hot cup of tea and a blanket.
27. about how many hours of sleep did you get?
about like 5. I stayed up until like 6 yesterday... so yeah, slept until 1pm and am definitely tired
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matchasprouts · 3 years
The Walls - Chapter 5
[ whoa! idk how i got this out but uhhhhhhh enjoy ]
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Felix was surprised to be woken up by Greta, three hours after he usually got up no less. Before he could ask why she let him sleep in, she cut him off with the answer. “You looked ready to drop dead yesterday. I figured you needed the extra rest.”
She was right, those extra hours helped dissipate some of the ache in his muscles. “Maybe you should take a break today,” she suggested, readjusting Brahms on her hip. “I know you usually don’t do that, the Heelshires told me that much, but you really need it.”
And then she left, and Felix was left wondering what she meant by that. Until, of course, he caught a look at himself in the vanity mirror.
He looked nothing short of awful. There were deep, dark circles under his eyes from the lack of proper sleep he’d been getting, his eyes themselves were bloodshot, and if he looked closely he could see there was still dirt in his hair.
Not to mention the screaming ache that shot through every muscle in his body, almost making him feel like he was about to collapse.
The last time his body felt and looked like this was in college, and he hated it. He hated looking weak, much less feeling weak. If a break was what it took for him to have the energy to kill someone if needed, then he would take that goddamn break.
Starting with a hot bath to soothe his body and finally get that fucking dirt off of him.
He almost died in the bathtub.
Or at least, that’s what he told Greta when he came downstairs with his hair still sopping wet and dripping water everywhere. She seemed concerned for all of two seconds before deciding she simply didn’t care.
What actually happened is that he fell asleep in the bathtub, woke up suddenly to the sound of a child laughing, and freaked himself out. To be fair, he did hit his head on the side of the tub at least twice.
Anyway, Felix wasn’t built for breaks, so instead of relaxing or even just doing something small like playing the piano, he spent his time helping Greta with her chores. Being taller than her, he could reach higher shelves when dusting the bookcase, so he did. When she was occupied with Brahms, he would take over vacuuming or the dishes. He even took to going around and fixing every slightly crooked painting that he was sure had been jostled by the wall thing.
Basically, he was no good at sitting still. Felix was either doing something every second of the day, or he was sleeping. There was just no in between for him.
That is, until there was literally nothing else to be done. It was late afternoon now, the sun was just barely starting to dip past the horizon. Felix was sitting at the piano, playing a soft and somewhat cheerful tune, since Brahms didn’t seem to like the melancholic melodies he knew.
“When did you learn piano?” Greta asked after a while, setting down the book she’d been reading to the doll. The suddenness of the question made Felix’s fingers stutter, hitting a sour note that made him cringe.
“I don’t remember,” he admitted after moving his hands to his lap, so he couldn’t get distracted while playing again. “I imagine it was sometime in my childhood, maybe in highschool? I think I took a class… I’m not sure. My childhood memories are foggy at best.”
At least he was telling the truth. While fresher memories were burned into his head, anything before his freshman year in college was a blank. The only therapist he’d ever seen told him it was repression, due to trauma. Since he couldn’t remember what the trauma was though, they could never work on it.
The only thing he truly remembered was his mother. Soft voiced, a brunette like him, piercing green eyes. She was beautiful. She also had a grip like the devil, and spoke like it too.
To some extent, he was aware that his insecurities came from her. He also knew that she had been… less than supportive when he told her that he was trans, and that it led to probably one of the worst arguments of his life.
Sometimes, when he looked down at his hands, he thought he could still see the bruises her grip had left.
He shook his head, clearing it of the images of her. ‘She’s no longer a concern,’ he reminded himself internally, ‘you took care of that. She’s gone.’
“Oh,” Greta spoke again, snapping him back to reality, “well, that’s too bad. You’re really good at it, you know. You must have been practicing for a long time.”
Right. They were talking about the piano. He mentally scolded himself for getting off track before clearing his throat. “Yeah, I played all through college. Most at frat parties and the like, it’s a great party trick. My hands still cramp up sometimes though. Guess that’ll never stop happening.”
He returned to his playing after that, due to the soft scratching in the wall behind him. Sometimes the thing would let him take a break, but apparently today was not one of those days. He liked that it liked his music, he really did, but it could be so demanding sometimes.
After a little while, it came time for Brahms to be put to bed. After glancing at the clock, Greta stood up with the doll, told Felix good night, and headed upstairs.
Once Felix had finished the song, and confirmed that the thing had taken off, he followed her up.
And, since both were upstairs, neither of them heard the door open. The door they never bothered to lock because no one ever came all the way out here.
Felix had just collapsed face first onto his bed when he heard the thing practically running through the walls, back downstairs. Following that, he heard the familiar sound of the billiard balls hitting each other.
He shot up without a moment’s hesitation, running almost full speed back down the stairs and to the room where the pool table was kept. He almost fell over once there, slamming full force into the doorframe.
There stood a rather greasy looking man with long hair pulled back into a bun, sporting a messy beard. He stared at Felix in confusion, who was glaring so harshly at him that he would be dead if looks could kill.
It wasn’t long before Greta and the doll joined them, interrupting their staring match. “... Cole?” she asked softly, sounding both confused and scared.
Oh? Oh Greta was scared of this man? And he invaded their house?? Oh.
Almost immediately, Felix stood in front of Greta, grabbing one of the pool sticks and holding it up as a make-shift weapon. “You’re not welcome here,” he spat at Cole who, for the most part, seemed unfazed.
Boy was he gonna regret that.
“I don’t even know who you are,” Cole brushed him off, looking around him at Greta again. Felix once again stepped to block him. He accepted this fate, choosing to just speak at Greta. “Greta, babe, you just left without saying anything.”
It was hard to tell, but Felix could feel Greta’s free hand brush up against his back, seemingly grateful to have a shield against the other man. “Getting- getting this job was kind of sudden… and you know we aren’t together anymore…”
Knowing that Cole was an abusive ex made Felix want to kick his ass even more.
Cole took a step toward them, and Felix immediately held the stick up higher, more than ready to take a swing at the bastard. That made him pause, clearly wondering if getting beat up by a gardener was worth it.
“So, where’s the little kid?” Cole asked after a moment of tense silence. Felix glanced back at Greta, silently willing her to ignore him, but she stepped forward anyway and showed him Brahms. Cole laughed, as expected. “No, seriously, where’s the kid?”
“This is Brahms,” Greta said, standing her ground. She and Cole stared at each other for a long moment, before he seemed to accept that she wasn’t joking.
“Well, that makes this easier at least. We’re going home tomorrow. I already bought the plane tickets,” Cole announced, making Greta actually flinch. It was clear she didn’t want to go. Felix’s patience was running thin- he knew he needed to cut this off before he did something rash.
Before either of them could continue their conversation, Felix stepped in. “She’s not going anywhere. She has a job to do, and she will complete it. The Heelshires expect it of her. You’re welcome to stay here for tonight, only because I pity whatever hole you crawled out of, but you will be gone in the morning. Do I make myself clear?”
At least he was smart enough to avoid a confrontation. “Crystal,” Cole replied, putting his hands up in a mock surrender.
“I’ll get him set up. Can you go lay Brahms down?” Greta stepped in again, a hand on Felix’s bicep. He nodded to her, setting down the pool stick and taking Brahms from her. He sent Cole one last glare before heading upstairs.
Normally he’d be able to hear the thing follow him into the bedroom, but not this time. He assumed it was because it was watching over Greta, which he was glad for.
He changed Brahms into his pajamas with shaky hands, trying so hard to contain the rage that threatened to spill over just from Cole’s presence in the house. Another broken fucking rule, and he hadn’t been good enough to stop it.
After tucking Brahms into bed and giving him the obligatory good night kiss, he went back downstairs to check on Greta, only to be stopped by her at the top of the stairs. “Thank you for not doing anything… rash down there,” she told him, looking genuinely grateful.
“Believe me, if there was no consequences in beating him until he was unconscious, I wouldn’t have hesitated,” Felix replied harshly, now turning on his heel and heading back to his room. Greta stood in place for a moment, surprised, before heading into Brahms’s room.
The doll was the only comfort she had at the moment, so she laid down with him, holding him close as she drifted off to sleep.
They woke up to Cole yelling downstairs, practically screaming for Greta. When she and Felix got downstairs, the offending asshole grabbed Greta by the arm and yanked her into the room.
“What the fuck is that!?” he yelled, pointing up at something written in red on one of the upper windows,
‘Get Out’. Huh. Clearly the wall thing didn’t like this bitch.
Felix tuned out Cole’s frantic yelling when he noticed Brahms sitting in one of the armchairs, a bag full of dead rats sitting in front of him. Greta noticed it as well, gasping at the sight of the boy and rushing forward to pull him into her arms.
Apparently Cole did not like this.
“Of course all you care about is that fucking doll! He’s not a real boy, Greta!!” he shouted, making both Felix and Greta flinch. “Now you tell me who the hell did this!”
“Brahms did,” Felix cut in, making Cole look sharply at him. He figured he’d rather Cole yell at him over Greta. “He doesn’t like you. You’re an intruder in his home. He was bound to lash out.”
“Oh, so you’re telling me that the fucking DOLL did that?” Cole snapped, taking an aggressive step towards Felix and gaining a low growl in response. “You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me.”
“He’s not,” Greta cut in, her voice shaky. “Brahms… is very creative and- and he doesn’t like you. Not at all.”
Cole glanced between the two of them before letting out a frustrated yell and snatching Brahms from Greta’s arms, despite her protests. “Enough about this stupid doll!”
Before any of them knew it, they were upstairs and in the child’s bedroom. “Put him down Cole!” Greta begged him, staying a safe distance away but clearly wanting to run over to the boy.
Felix, on the other hand, was taking direct action. “Either you put him down, or I make you regret being born,” he threatened, grabbing the closest weapon- a small bat that he jokingly left in Brahms’s room “in case he needed it”.
“You’re not gonna touch me with this fucking thing here,” Cole retorted, holding Brahms up by the leg. He was right, because Felix just stood there, gaze glued on the doll.
Cole began to swing the boy around by the leg when he realized no one was going to do anything, quietly humming to himself. “Maybe… if this thing wasn’t here…” he mused, glancing at Greta.
Felix moved first, lunging for Cole, but he wasn’t fast enough. Not even close. Brahms’s head shattered on the chair before Felix managed to tackle Cole, sending both of them toppling onto the ground.
And then the walls started to shake, freezing both of them. Felix was up in a matter of seconds, truly panicking now. It had seen what had just happened.
And it wasn’t happy.
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ourimpavidheroine · 3 years
You always post your writing soundtracks. Mind sharing your top ten albums with us?
I actually laughed when I read this because I’m thinking of the Anon who complained that all of my music was OLD. I mean. I’m old! What did you expect?
Never mind me, I’m easily amused. Thank you for using the word album so I would not feel like Lady Danbury with my lethal cane.
Yes, sure I can do that! I don’t know that these are my forever and ever amen top ten, but they are the ones that are coming to mind right now. So.
Under a cut, it’s long. 
In no particular order.
Brutal Youth - Elvis Costello
My ex-husband was in love with Elvis Costello and who could blame him? The man is a genius lyricist. This is not one of his more commercially popular albums but I love every single track. (I also lined up at Ticketmaster in Oakland, CA when the man was touring in order to get tickets for my ex. I got there at midnight and spent the night, meeting a group of drag queens who were getting tickets to see Barbara Streisand. God, that was a fun night, we ate donuts one of them went on a donut run for and sang showtunes for hours. One of my favorite memories.) This verse, from Clown Strike, is one that has resonated with me since I first heard it.
Tell me what you want of me Or are you terrified of failure? You put on a superstitious face Behind all this paraphernalia We're not living in a masquerade Where you only have three wishes It isn't easy to see In a lifetime of mistaken kisses
Unrepentant Geraldines - Tori Amos
I remember the first time I heard a Tori Amos song. It was the summer directly after I’d graduated from college, I was driving my ex-husband’s car and Silent All These Years came on the radio and I was just fucking gobsmacked. I bought Little Earthquakes that day and haven’t looked back. I have all her albums. I am a big, big fan.
Unrepentant Geraldines, though. God. It came out the year before my wife died and it got me through her death. The song Weatherman is about a man losing his wife, and how he sees her in the nature surrounding him. 
No, sorry, I can’t write more about this, not right now. But I sing it to her sometimes. 
He is not a weatherman But his bride lies with the land And she will whisper to him I'll be dressing up in snow Cloaked in echo it's almost As if only Nature knows How to paint his wife to life With every season's tone "One more look from her eyes One more look can you paint her back to life"
Ray of Light - Madonna
This album got me through my divorce from my ex-husband. I’d go out every single day during my lunch hour, this on my walkman, and walk and walk and walk until I got myself in enough control to go back and finish my work day. It’s a great album and I still listen to it a lot. It empowers me. And then my daughter was born and Ray of Light has always been her song to me, even though that wasn’t the song on the album that Madonna herself wrote for her daughter.
Faster than the speeding light she's flying Trying to remember where it all began She's got herself a little piece of heaven Waiting for the time when Earth shall be as one And I feel like I just got home And I feel And I feel like I just got home And I feel
Seven and the Ragged Tiger - Duran Duran
This one was a difficult choice. For one thing, I really love their album Big Thing, which almost nobody’s heard about but one I love deeply. This one though...I think it’s the memories, including going to see them at the Oakland Coliseum with my cousin during their tour for this album and finding out they were partially filming the video for The Reflex that night. I like to think of us as being one of those girls in the audience. (Although I wasn’t screaming. I am a Capricorn. Have some dignity.) Duran Duran were responsible for my first fanfic and I’ve had a love for them since my Dad bought me their first album for my 13th birthday. I am nothing if not loyal. I have all of their early albums, all of their 12″ singles, too, including Secret Oktober, which I have always loved with a passion.
Also, Roger Taylor can still get it.
Freefall on a windy morning shore nothing but a fading track of footsteps Could prove that you never been there Spoken on a cotton cloud like the sound of gunshot taken by the wind And lost in distant thunder racing on a shining plain And tomorrow you'll be content to watch as the lightning plays along the wires and you'll wonder
Touch - Eurythmics
Another band I still love and listen to on the regular. Annie Lennox could sing me the telephone book and I’d be thrilled. Seeing her at age 14 in the Sweet Dreams video for the first time in my Grandmother’s living room quite literally woke something in me that led to moving across the world for a woman years later. (GOD.) I have all of their albums and choosing a favorite is difficult but this one won by a narrow margin, if only for the song Regrets, which is one of the songs that describes me until I became a mother, really. Like I RESONATED with that song. Still does in certain ways, if I am being truthful to myself.
I've got a delicate mind I've got a dangerous nature And my fist collides With your furniture I've got a delicate mind I've got a dangerous nature And my fist collides With your furniture I'm an electric wire And I'm stuck inside your head
Combat Rock - The Clash
Ah, teenage Impavid first understanding that music can also be political. Listen, I didn’t know much about what was going on outside of my own miniscule sphere - I was young and the internet didn’t exist yet. We got what news we got from our local paper and TV stations and they weren’t really reporting on what was happening in the world, not in 1982, let me fucking assure you. I got this album because my Dad was a part time DJ at a radio station that played mostly country music and the general manager of the station would just toss the rest of the non-country albums they’d get as promotions. My Dad would bring them home to me to listen to. You can imagine thirteen year old me listening to this album that opened with “This is a public service announcement - with guitars!” going WHAT THE FUCK? Let me just say there were a lot of trips to the library to read various newspapers after that.
Not to mention Rock the Casbah. What was a muezzin? I had no idea. I spent half a year reading books about Islam, about the Middle East and Northern Africa, which led to a curiosity about other religions beyond the Roman Catholicism in which I’d been raised, about other cultures as well. This album and The Color Purple by Alice Walker were the two things in my teen years that woke me the fuck up.
Now the king told the boogie men You have to let that raga drop The oil down the desert way Has been shakin' to the top The sheik he drove his Cadillac He went a' cruisin' down the ville The muezzin was a' standing On the radiator grille
Synchronicity - The Police
This fucking album. This fucking album. This album reached deep down into me and pulled out my soul and kicked it around for awhile. Every single song on this album hit me like a brick wall. Still does. Most likely always will.
Listen, you either like King of Pain or you live it. There’s no in between.
There's a little black spot on the sun today It's the same old thing as yesterday There's a black hat caught in a high tree top There's a flag pole rag and the wind won't stop I have stood here before inside the pouring rain With the world turning circles running 'round my brain. I guess I'm always hoping that you'll end this reign, But it's my destiny to be the king of pain...
Sign O’ The Times - Prince 
The soundtrack to my University days. Jesus, it starts out with “In France a skinny man died of a big disease with a little name,” and it just keeps going. Pain, sex, wonder, glory, politics, love. It’s all there. I wore the vinyl out on this one. Amazing, amazing album. In fact, I still play it so often my kids practically know it by heart, and they don’t even like Prince!
To this day I think If I Was Your Girlfriend is the sexiest song ever written.
I will tell you this much: Sayuri’s main writing soundtrack song is Starfish and Coffee off the album, the same song I used to sing my kids as a lullaby. This should tell you a lot about her.
Cynthia wore the prettiest dress With different color socks Sometimes I wondered if the mates where in her lunchbox Me and Lucy opened it when Cynthia wasn't around Lucy cried, I almost died, U know what we found? Starfish and coffee Maple syrup and jam Butterscotch clouds, a tangerine And a side order of ham If U set your mind free, honey Maybe you'd understand Starfish and coffee Maple syrup and jam
Nina Simone Sings The Blues - Nina Simone
This was one of my Daddy’s albums. He loved it and so did I. As a child I just loved the sound of her voice - something in it both soothed me and pulled at me, made me want to run and just keep running. She still makes me feel like that. If you don’t know Nina Simone I urge you to change that, right now. There’s nobody at all like her. She’s irreplaceable. All of her material is good, not just her blues songs. Not to mention, she was an absolute brilliant genius at the piano, never mind the strength she had as a Black woman in a time when doors were shut in her face on a daily basis. Seriously. Read about her.
When I became a woman, of course, her songs took on a much deeper meaning for me, one that I could relate to. Isn’t that the hallmark of a good album, though? One that stays with you and changes with you? I think so.
If you’ve never heard her cover of I Put A Spell On You then do yourself a favor and go right now and listen. You’re welcome.
Oh and Buck from this album? Nuo to Wing, right there.
Also one of the sexiest songs ever written, this one. Especially how she sings it. The Hot Frenchman (have I ever told you about The Hot Frenchman? no? OH BOY THERE’S A STORY) told me he thought it was about drugs and I was like, honey, this tells me a whole lot about you, more than you probably wanted it to.
I want a little sugar In my bowl I want a little sweetness Down in my soul I could stand some lovin' Oh so bad I feel so funny and I feel so sad I want a little steam On my clothes Maybe I can fix things up So they'll go Whatsa matter Daddy Come on, save my soul I need some sugar in my bowl I ain't foolin' I want some sugar in my bowl
I Do Not Want What I Haven't Got - Sinéad O’Connor
This is a beautiful album, full of pain and joy, her hallmark. She sings every single word with everything in her; she’s far too intense for many, many people (and while she’s been open with her mental health struggles I’ve often wondered if she isn’t somewhere on the spectrum as well) but never for me. Her raw honesty has always appealed to me. She’s political, she’s a lover, a mother, a survivor of horrific abuse, someone who keeps reinventing herself as a way to find her way through pain. I always feel, when I am listening to her music, that I am bearing witness. I’m not afraid of pain; I’ve survived it as well. This album, one of her oldest, is still my favorite.
The line “You used to hold my hand when the plane took off” is the most evocative lyric I have ever heard with regards to the ending of love. It’s a punch to the heart - she felt it and she shared it with us, her fragile heart in her palms. Oh, Sinéad.
This is the last day of our acquaintance I will meet you later in somebody's office I'll talk but you won't listen to me I know what your answer will be I know you don't love me anymore You used to hold my hand when the plane took off Two years ago there just seemed so much more And I don't know what happened to our love
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beyondvapepage · 5 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 257
Click on the video above to watch Episode 257 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Adam: Alright, we are live Welcome everybody to Hump Day Hangouts. This is Episode 257. Today is the ninth of October 2019. And this is the last Hump Day hangouts before POFU Live 2019 in Denver. If you haven’t gotten your ticket yet, you’d like to show up whether you’re going to whether you live there you whether you want to drive in or you can make some last-minute flight plans, head to pofulive.com, grab your ticket. Now, before we get into it, just want to say if you’re joining us for the first time, thanks for watching, we’re going to get into questions and answers. If you’ve got any questions you’re watching us go ahead and pop them on the page at semanticmastery.com/hdquestions. Remember to always head over there. If you’re watching on YouTube. We don’t want to read comments here. You’ve got to go to the page where we embed the video so that you can ask questions we can get to those. So with that said, let’s say hello guys real quick. We’re missing to the Semantic Mastery guys who I believe is started traveling over to POFU Live in Denver. Bradley, Marco and I are here today. So I’ll start at the top and say hello to Bradley. How are you doing?
Bradley: Good. How are you?
Adam: Not bad. Not bad. I’m enjoying some cooler weather here. It’s finally starting to act like a fall. It’s about 65-70 today.
Bradley: Well, you can enjoy cooler weather tomorrow when you get to Denver because it’s supposed to be snowing and freezing cold so
Adam: Yeah, I might have to post some pictures of her on maybe on the Facebook group or something like he heard on hates the cold weather and I think it’s supposed to be a high of 28 degrees tomorrow.
Bradley: Yeah, and snow to which is crazy, but it’s only tomorrow. Because then the rest of the time that we’re there it’s supposed to be between 65 and 70 during the day and then around 30 at night, but it was kind of interesting packing for that, you know?
Adam: Yeah, all over the place. Well, speaking of weather, Marco How are you doing, man?
Marco: I couldn’t be better. Like I couldn’t handle 28 I’m sorry. It’s not happening. I mean, it’s too late like a cold for me. I mentioned it before is 60-65 that range you know. We break out the old sheet and we cover ourselves it gets chilly man 28 gone from 65 to 20 I don’t think so.
Adam: That’s a big change and once it gets below 20 that’s where I start I can handle it depends on the window but yeah in the 20s still nice ones it’s sunny and then anyways tomorrow is going to be fun we’ll see how it goes with Hernan if he’s all bundled up and blankets and freezing to death or if he survives so. Anyways With that said, like I said earlier if you’re watching for the first time you’re in the right place, we’re going to get to q&a and answer your questions and appreciate you being here. Come here every week every Wednesday for pm eastern you can always ask your questions ahead of time as well if you know got a client call you’ve got some work you got things you got to do we understand that but you know benefit here is being live you can ask questions, clarify your questions, but like I said, if you have to you can ask your questions ahead of time at semanticmastery.com/hdquestions and then check out the replay on our YouTube channel, which you should subscribe to if you’re watching that right now.
And secondly, if you haven’t yet check out the Battle Plan right? That’s where you can get our step by step processes for getting results with everything from new websites, aged domains, YouTube channels, so much more. I’m not going to go through the entire laundry list of all the benefits there but head over to battleplan.semanticmastery.com. And if you want to join, you know, our mastermind is about a mastermind but you know, it’s both the mastermind, our mastermind. Basically what it is is an experienced community so you can get faster access to real-world info, testing and build that network of peers who are doing the same things we’re growing these digital marketing businesses or who have businesses and understand how they need to grow the digital marketing side of it. You can find out more about that and join at mastermind.semanticmastery.com. And for everyone, we really recommend going over to mgyb.co. I mean we tell this to you watching these videos, we tell it to our mastermind members, we tell it to everyone
Else, you know if you can start building your team now. And part of that can be using MGYB to provide the services for you things like syndication networks are we as drive stack, press releases, link building embeds, all that sort of stuff. And there are a lot more great packages coming out where we’re going to help people get better, well, the literal package for Hey, you know, if your website is here, then you need these types of additions. You need these syndication networks. We’re going to make that a lot more streamlined so that you can do it for yourself, your projects as well as your clients. So keep your eyes and ears open for that. So with that said guys,
Marco: I have a couple of things. Yeah, right. Number one, people, they always ask us how to put everything together, they’ll go in and don’t order something. And the last, how do I put it together guys, it’s in the Battle Plan. I was just talking to my mini mastermind group. You guys know that I meet every Tuesday. In the evening with a mini mastermind group. I have seven people in there. I wish I could take more people because people keep reaching out to me and saying, hey, I want in on the group. But seven is more than enough. But the thing is that the people in my mini mastermind they follow the Battle Plan. I have a guy, that’s her over. But he started out at 12k a year in digital marketing and client work and SEO, whatever it is that he did. And this year, you know, he’s at around a quarter million for the year. And so it’s as simple as just buckling down doing the fucking work and following the instructions to the letter. You don’t veer from what we tell you to do until you’re ready to test and you shouldn’t be testing until you have a good revenue stream coming in that allows you to set aside time to do that kind of thing, right?
We got another one that Jeff right who went to POFU and he’s killing it. I mean, he’s ranking attorney type big attorney terms of ranking for it, for example, and IT services in New York City. Now imagine how competitive that is, but they’re like the companies have happier than a paycheck, because they’re number one for the term. And how did they do it? They follow the Battle Plan. They follow the instructions, they follow what we tell them, guys, how do you put it all together? Get the Battle Plan. Now, yes, the Battle Plan takes you to MGYB and the products and services. Why do we do that? Because it’s the simplest way we don’t want you doing all that work. Imagine the hours that you have to spend doing all that work keyword research three days. For the keyword research, really, do you really want to do that? Do you really want to spend all that time your client better be paying a whole lot of money to spend three days doing all of that keyword research, I mean, everything it takes time to do
Bradley: Marco, isn’t it more fun to buy shiny new software applications and spend all your time learning how to use it? Just to find out it doesn’t work very well.
Marco: That’s some work, right? Follow the next best, the next best. So it’s already there. We set the path out people who follow it are killing it. And that’s my point. And yes, we do send you to what works for us because it’s what we use guys. We use it, we apply it we get a result. And so we give it to you in a step by step method so that you can follow it through. So if you’re not doing it, you haven’t bought it go by the Battle Plan. It looks like a really simple PDF with links. But you do it step by step. I’m telling you, I just got validation yesterday from a couple of people that are in that range. I mean, you guys know Jordan.
You guys know, Jeff, you guys know, Ed, they’re telling it how following the Battle Plan. That’s one and two about the mastermind. I wanted to mention that it works is a two-way street. We do try to give people everything that works in the mastermind, right? And we do make everyone available that you’re free to exchange ideas and concepts and theories and tests and whatever. But every once in awhile, we’ll get in a thread, as we did with with with something that I talked about when doing silos. And it was a whole long thread and we went really deep into it. And then there’s another one about iframes now.
And then that one sent me into the rabbit hole, where I’m still testing and I’m getting really good results from some ideas that I got. Not like not directly but indirectly, as they posted. Okay, so can I do this Can I do that and I immediately started thinking, well, what if, and that’s when you read, your juices really start flowing? And what if I did this and I quoted it this way, and I hit it this way, and then it would cause no issues. And so what I’m thinking is anyone who attends POFU Live will have first crack at whatever I come up with, from my testing, because they deserve it. I mean, they took the time that they’re going to be there. And so we always say membership has its privileges. But this is a step up. This is a step where you’re trying to change the game and JN and Jeff Moore, Jeff sorry, they went to POFU Live, and they changed the whole mindset, they changed their business strategy, and they’re killing it. So So anyone going deserves it. And so that’s what I’m going to do and then at some future point, it’ll be shared with the mastermind, of course, I don’t know if it’ll be I’ll ever share it outside the mastermind.
But since the nugget was kind of the idea sprouted from a thread in the mastermind I think the mastermind deserves whatever comes from it. And I’m already testing and I’m already coding and that so this is the type of thing that goes on and in the mastermind, mastermind membership has its privileges. Attending POFU Live has its privileges. Most of the people that are in my mini mastermind, are people who went to POFU Live. So I just want to say about that definitely our mastermind members, but they also attended POFU Live and I think that they deserve special attention. That’s just my piece for today. Take it for what it’s worth, but I think it’s just totally worth joining the mastermind and attending POFU Live should be a must in your calendar.
Adam: Sounds good to me, like Marco said, Be there. That’s a pretty awesome thing that Marco is going to do there. So I don’t want to dive back into a Marco but I know that people work with you and your group have had a lot of success. And I’m sure that’s a no small part due to your involvement. So that’s pretty awesome. So if you want to grab your ticket, you can still make it we got a couple of days here before we kick things off on Friday for the VIP day and then Saturday and Sunday for the main event. You can grab your ticket at pofulive.com. Alright, guys, Bradley, anything else before we jump into it?
Bradley: No, I’m just excited too nervous at the same time because I gotta fly tomorrow. But looking forward to coming to Denver and hanging out with you guys and putting on a pretty cool presentation. I think that is pretty powerful. I think this is going to be just a really good event. So I’m excited about it.
Adam: Cool. All right. Let’s do it.
Bradley: All right, let me grab the screen. Stand by. Alright, you guys should be seeing my screen now. Correct.
Adam: Correct. Got your whole screen.
Bradley: All right. Not a lot of questions yet. So guys start posting. Otherwise, we’ll wrap it up a little bit early, which is fine because I’ve got still not 100% packed for I gotta leave really early tomorrow morning for my flight. So anyway, I don’t mind wrapping it up early if that’s what we need to do.
Is It Okay To Send A Full-Text Article With 20+ Affiliate Links Via RSS In A Single Tier Network?
But we’ll start with sutra he says when using a single tier, he’s talking about a single-tier syndication network, is it okay to send the full-text article via RSS? Even if the article has 20 plus affiliate links? I usually post 123 of these types of articles each day. Um, I would say no, and the reason why I say no is it not because it’s an SEO thing, but it’s likely that your blog accounts which would be like WordPress, Tumblr, blogger, not so much blogger but Tumblr and WordPress, will likely or may very well terminate the account for too many outbound links.
Especially like affiliate links and that kind of stuff that they don’t, they don’t typically like that. So I wouldn’t recommend that I would do a post summary. So set your RSS feed to just display the summary. That way, it’s really just pushing the juice back to your post URL that’s published on your blog, which is really all that matters, guys. I mean, if you’re doing a bunch of outbound linking in your blog posts anyways, whether it doesn’t, you don’t really need to worry about posting the full text because, you know, whether they’re nofollow or do follow, it doesn’t even matter. What I’m saying is what you’re looking for is the link back from the post on the syndication network properties back to the original post on your site. Right. And then obviously, if you’re doing internal SEO like on-page SEO correctly, then you’re going to have some sort of contextual link within the text of your blog post that goes up to our money, a money page, right so an actual page or something a category.
Whatever it is that you’re trying to rank on your site. So it really the benefit is pushing the juice from the syndication network properties back to the post URL that’s published on your blog. So I would recommend doing a summary post, you know, summary, just set the RSS feed settings to just display a summary instead of the full text. Now, that said, sometimes those can look spammy too. And sometimes you can find settings in your theme that will allow you to update the length of those RSS, like how much of the summary is shown. And so you might be able to set that and sometimes you have to actually edit the theme files in order for to, you know, to to adjust that some things will give you the option to do that, like it’s, you know, an option that you can set but other times you have to actually go in and edit the theme files. So that’s what I would recommend any comments?
Marco: Yeah, I would say no, and it’s for SEO and it’s because the whole idea behind this concept and what we do and why we send out iframes and everything that we do is to build PageRank. And the problem is, everything starts at PR one, correct? Everything on the web, it starts out at PR one. So if you have something that’s revenue, or even if it’s aged, it could only be a PR one. And the reason why is because you’re splitting the PageRank that you’re passing so low, that you can’t build it up properly. So you split it, you splitting it 20 times, and what you’re passing from a PR one isn’t PR one, it’s less than PR one. As I’ve said before, we’ve done the math we know within certain parameters, just how much PR is passed from a PR one and we know we know it’s a range. So when you splitting it, that fine you’re defeating the purpose of building up that PR building up that trust and authority and everything else. Not only that, having it be so spammy, it could just turn into a PR zero because of the fact that it’s so spammy. And so you’re not really passing anything. You’re not really doing anything is not mean you could grab some traffic. From that point, you could do so much more if you’re more selective with the way that you syndicate your affiliate links so that it doesn’t look so spammy so that it doesn’t look like it’s a whole bunch of garbage. And the only intent for that is to push your affiliate links, make it more user-friendly, making it more for the person that’s going to be reading it for the person to interact with that posts and with that content, and maybe share it maybe like it. Maybe visit the website, or those are all signals that you want. And I guarantee you that a spammy blog post with a whole bunch of affiliate links isn’t going to accomplish what you want.
Is It Good To Use And Embed The Original City Logo And Link The City Website Or Wikipedia City Page For A Local Service Website?
Bradley: Very good. Thank you. Mike says hello to a local service website. Do you think it’s a good idea to use and embed the original city logo and also link to the city website or Wikipedia city page? I can see the power in it, but I don’t think it’s a good idea. Thanks. Well, Mike, that’s what was pretty much standard operating procedure back in like 2012. And for a long time, you know, that was just traditional way they call it conventional wisdom when it came to I didn’t, does conventional wisdom is oftentimes not very smart. It’s just what people think is right. And conventional wisdom for the longest time was that you would link to always a.gov or a Wikipedia page, or, you know, excuse me, a Wikipedia page or a.gov site or a that, especially if you’re doing local to that, you know, corresponding Wikipedia page or the local government website or something like that. And that was supposed to add relevancy, which isn’t true. That’s that hasn’t been true for many, many years. Because Google doesn’t care about you linking to a Wikipedia page about a particular city unless it’s relevant to the content on that page. And even though you might be optimized, you know, for like a plumber and in particular city, just linking to that Wikipedia page arbitrarily with the keyword or without the keyword, whatever, just linking to that page really doesn’t do much, right. It’s not the algorithm is much smarter than that. Now, if you are citing something about that city, like some facts about the city or something that makes it relevant, and you want to cite the source where you gleaned that content from So for example, if you are curating content from a Wikipedia page or a.gov site about that particular city, then you want to cite the source now that adds that that’s a proper way to link to it. And Google can clearly see the relationship between why and why you’re linking to that. But you know, again, years ago, we used to mean just about everybody used to do it. What I always recommend is link outbound linking to relevant content that’s relevant to the concept within the body of the content that you’re linking to, like, in other words, that your UYY just linked to the city page or to the Wikipedia page. If the page is about plumbing services in a particular city.
It doesn’t really make sense just to link to the city website unless there’s a reason for it. And so, again, I’ve always gone back to I mean, four years since probably 2014 timeframe, I stopped doing that stopped doing what was conventional wisdom, and started linking to more relevant pages. So for example, linking to an article on bob Vila calm or do it yourself network or something like that, right, some sort of, like if it’s a plumbing website, right? linking to something that’s more relevant to the content of the page. And then if you want to have some sort of local relevancy in there, why not embed the map or a mind map or driving directions map from the store or the location of the business to that city or something like that, that That, to me makes a lot more sense. It’s more relevant. And so that’s the type of thing that I’ve always done as far as embedding a city logo from another website. I don’t recommend doing that. Because if you don’t have permission to use that, remember that that logo is likely trademarked or even if it’s not trademarked, it’s probably a copyright issue. Because I can tell you one thing you don’t want to do when you curate content and by the way, we have a training for a full training program called Content Kingpin which will teach you all about curating and why it’s very it’s so powerful because it creates co-citation, it allows you to generate content much quicker, it’s much more efficient, you don’t have to learn. You don’t have to be a content or subject matter expert. In order to be able to generate content, you just have to know how to locate it, and put it together in a logical fashion and then cite the sources properly. So I would recommend you look at that because one of the things that we learned the hard way, is you never want to curate images. Ever. Okay? Unless you there, wiki, what do they call Wiki Commons there? I don’t recommend ever curating images because you will, you can end up getting copyright infringement and be sued for that. And a lot of times like, it’s happened to me, it’s happened to me for almost three years in a row was two years in a row where I got hit with copyright.
Basically extortion letters where they would say you’ve got to pay so much or we’re taking you to court for copyright infringement and you’d have to pay or else they would take your ass to court, and it sucks so I learned a long time ago. Never curate images so I would really highly recommend not embedding a city logo. And don’t just arbitrarily link to a city Wikipedia page or a city government website, unless there’s a specific reason for it, that you clearly identify in the content that you’re let you know why you’re linking to it. If that makes sense. You’re much better off linking to something that’s more relevant. You want to comment on that, Marco?
Marco: I agree. Because there’s activity relevance, relevance, trust, and authority. Right? You’re much better off linking to something that has you know, that that’s updated regularly, and events page what’s going on, in you know, in the city, landmark, places to see if there are if this park, just anything, it’s just going a little bit further in as far as the geolocation is, yes, you’re part of the city. So it stands to reason that you would think I want to link to the Wikipedia city page for this, but you can go further and make get even more relevant. And in fact, if you can get that city schedule, into a calendar of events, the way that we do in RYS Academy Reloaded, and load those ups, and that’s constantly changing, and that’s constantly pushing, all of that relevance, everything that’s happening in that city, and mixed in with those calendar events are your events, what’s happening with your business, whatever it is, whether you want to coupon special, whether you want to send them to the GMB, the map, just whatever it is, you mix in all of that with all of the other relevance and it works a whole lot better than just simply making to the city page for x reason, which there’s really no reason.
Bradley: Yeah. I mean, again, that’s been such old tactics that you know, if it really worked well, Google would have killed it a long time ago because it’s been used forever. As I said, it’s just that it was like common knowledge. Conventional wisdom is just what people did and for the longest time I would you know, I would argue why would Why do you do that? Well, because you know, it’s adding relevancy I will have you tested it. Because if you test it, you’ll find that it doesn’t really do shit, you’re much better off linking the relevant content and I like curated content for that reason because it clearly gives a reason to link out to something and it can create co-citation, which is, is pretty powerful too. So
What’s The Difference Between Maps SEO And Website SEO?
Jonathan says are the map embeds the only thing MGYB sells for maps Seo? No, not by far. My furnace guy wants to rank in maps but doesn’t care about his website. What is the main difference in maps SEO versus website SEO? Well, there’s a lot of similarities, a lot of overlap. But with maps SEO there, you know, you can focus entirely on the Google properties, right, the Google ecosystem. So the map URL itself, I’m going to demonstrate how to get the best map URL to build links to you can do map embeds. You can do citation building. You know if he’s got legit if you say it’s your furnace guy, so I’m assuming is you know, HVAC guy, and he’s got a real business, then it’s probably registered to a real address. Even if it’s a service area business, you can build citations for that. That’s something I always recommend doing if you have a valid address. So there are I mean, there are a number of things that you can do, but very specifically MGYB sells, I mean, pretty much every one of our services can be applied to ranking in maps or maps SEO as you called it, right.
So for example, let me just give you a couple of examples here. This is something that you can go check out GMB.reviewsmaker.com, right. So let’s just go to I’m just going to type in HVAC contractor, Culpepper, for example. Okay, so I’m going to click on KNM Heating and Air heating and air conditioning. And in fact, actually, let me just copy that name. And this is what I’m going to do. So this is how you can get the best URL to build links to if you’re going to be doing link building to the map, right. So there are embeds, there’s also link building, there are press releases, there’s you can which you can embed a map in the press release. Plus, you can also create a contextual link or just a naked URL in the actual press release. To back to the map itself, I’m going to give you a few examples here of how you can get better results. So let’s go back to Google for it first. Here’s a couple of ways that you can do this. Number one, you can go into your GMB dashboard or your client’s GMB dashboard. And on the Info tab, where you’ll always see this one little section where it says view on maps or view on search and view on maps. You can right-click on the view on maps and copy the link address and paste it into a notepad file and then reformat it I’m going to show you the correct format. So that’s one way to find it. The best URL for building links to a map, Google map right. The second way is to go type in or go search for your client’s business name on Google. So in this case, I’m going to search for KNM Heating and Air Inc because that’s just the example that I pulled, then I’m going to click through to the maps listing.
And you’ll see up here in the US the address bar of Chrome, I’ve got this long, ugly URL, right? Well, if you go to GMB dot review, make reviews maker calm, okay, and you click to decode place ID, and just paste that long maps URL in there and click the code place Id take a second, then it’s going to come down and it’s going to give you this maps URL right here. Okay, I’m going to copy that link address. And I’m going to paste that into a notepad file. Now, if you take a look at this URL, I’ll show you and I’ve demonstrated this before, but I want to answer this question thoroughly for him. If we go to like, where it goes com or something like that, some sort of redirect tracer. I could paste that URL that it gives you, right? So from here, and if we take a look at this, you’ll see that this has got a 302 redirect built into it. In fact, there are two of them. So that is not a good URL to use for link building. Like if you want to build links to this URL, you’re not passing any PageRank or link equity essentially, through these two, three or two redirects, that stops it dead, right. So in other words, you can link to it, you somebody could click on that link, and it’s going to navigate, or jump to the final target URL or the destination, which is this. But as far as passing link equity, if you’re to build links to this, it’s not going to pass any. So it’s not a good URL to build links to which by the way, this URL right here, that the share URL, take a look at how many redirects are in this one. If we go back to where goes.
It might even there it goes. Look at that. Look, how many redirects are in there. Three 302 redirects and no matter refresh, so that’s not a good URL, either this share URL, don’t build links that are dumb. It does, it does no good, right? So what you want to do is you want to take that URL, which by the way, you can just take the URL from here and go to a redirect tracer, and then paste it in and then copy the final URL, or just memorize this, which is what I did. It’s very simple. copy that URL, and then just change it, just rearrange it to where you change the maps right there. So maps.google.com, you would change it to www.google.com. Then forward-slash question mark. See ID equals is what the original one is. So all you want to do is move maps from before and the subdomain from maps to the right after the forward-slash, then it’s question marks the ID equals and we’ll take that, Copy that, paste it in. So it’s just a quick change or modification of the URL. And now watch this. If we take this, we go back to a redirect tracer.
Quick, Tracy well there’s no reason XC that now if we go load that URL into the address bar and click Go, you’ll see once the page loads, it converts to that long URL, but it’s not technically a redirect. Right. So that’s the best URL to build links to is this one right here. So that’s something else that you can do. Right. So like I mentioned before, you can embed a map into press releases. You can also build links directly to this map URL, right. So that’s one thing you can do. RYS Drive stacks are incredibly powerful. If you provide the NAP. The name, address and phone number of the business, as well as the maps URL will build a drive stack that is hyper optimized for that specific location, right and will push a ton of power directly to the Google properties especially like you said, if he’s not interested in ranking a website, you can select to push all of the juice from the drive stack back to the maps the Google properties which would be the maps GMB website, will you’ll get it, you should order the, excuse me, the Google Site along with that the Google site will be part of that. So you can build all of the power back to the actual maps listing.
However, there are a couple other things I want to mention. Let’s see, just just because there are a few other points here that you can add additional power to, right. So for a note, another one is the reviews. This company, in particular, has 21 reviews, I don’t know how many your client has. But if we click on that review link, right, it’s going to pull up here Well, that is a different URL. So up here is another URL, I would suggest using your own three one redirects creator. There are a number of of them out there that you can use that are free, some of them that are paid like a subscription base, and others that you can create three one redirects from a plugin through your through a website, which is what I, you know, I prefer to do that through my own domain or something through or through a branded domain or a domain that I’m using specifically for redirects, that kind of thing. But if you take a guy here, open up Firefox just to show you that URL right there, I would create a 301 redirect out of that URL. And what’s it do? It automatically loads to these reviews. So you can push link equity into this. Well, let’s not stop there. What about each one of these individual reviews? For example, if I was to click Share on that one from Alan Jackson, which sounds like looks like a lot of the users’ spam, I don’t know. Jackson’s a country singer and Ronnie White is a Ron White isn’t a comedian. But if we’re to take that URL right there and paste that in, you’ll see that that is a separate URL, like that’s a redirect, as I just talked about, if you click the Share URL, it’s going to give you a redirect. So watch what happens when we trace that one. This is for the individual review. It’s still a 302 redirect. So that’s not what you want to build links to not this. What you want to build links to is this, which again, if you want to make it a pretty URL, all you got to do is use a 301 redirect creator.
As I said, there are some free ones out there, there are some ones that you can pay for a subscription basis, like a rebrand, delete rebrand.ly, for example of one, or there’s another one. Or like, what I like to do is use my own domain or clients domain, and use the pretty links pro plugin to create 301 redirects. Okay? Either way, that’s the URL you want to build to. And that’s the same URLs, what’s up here? Right, but you can build it through a 301 redirect. And look, that’s an individual review within that maps listing. And if this one’s got 21 reviews, that’s 21 additional link targets, right? Plus this one is a link target, which is the overall reviews URL plus the maps URL itself, right, which in this version of it that I just talked about being the best version. There’s more to think about photos, right? For example, this guy’s only got looks like it’s at four, but I’m only Well, maybe that was, let’s go back into photos here. For photos, it says for photos, each one of these areas a separate URL. So my point is if you’re just going to be doing map stuff for a client, what I like to do is extract all the URLs from the maps listing, set up redirects so that they’re pretty and they’re short, much easier to manage. And then start using those and link building campaigns, which you can also use those to be included in a drive stack as target URLs where we will build the drive stack to be targeting each one of those separate URLs. And what happens is you push juice into this listing from all different angles and every single point that you can push link equity into it. It’s very, very powerful. You want to
Marco: Yeah, he’s asking about maps SEO, and I’m just going to say local GMB Pro. It’s what set the standard for GMB optimization every other course came after copied what we did. So if you want the Trailblazer the standard bear the one that laid it down on how it’s properly done. There you go and get local GMB pro and you can learn what Bradley just talked about more in-depth, along with many other things that you could do to push the GMB the map into the three-pack, which is what your client is looking for. They don’t care about the website fine. So you work entirely within the GMB ecosystem, which is what local GMB Pro is all about. So guys, if you really want to do this, right, if you want that heart into the three-pack, you go into local GMP Pro.
Bradley: That’s right. And that’s an in there, we talked about various other things. I’m not going to talk about specific methods here, but just so you know that again, this this this client, or this client is not my client, but this contractor, HVAC contractor is also doing GMB posts, he probably has an SEO that is working on his stuff. And take a look at that guys. Again, these are all additional link targets, right? We copy that URL and go back to the redirect tracer, which I already closed.
And once again, this is a GMB post URL, right? It’s going to redirect, don’t ever use the share URLs for SEO purposes. You can use it for navigation purposes. But look, how many redirects are there. So what you want to do is end up taking this URL, and using that as that could be potentially another link target. Right? So that makes sense. So if we’re going to just open up that URL and see it didn’t bring it up, it’s probably the one prior to that this one, which is okay, because that’s a meta refresh, so that, that’s fine. Let’s open it up there.
There, see I brought it up, it brought that post up to the very top. So the same thing goes you can take an older post and do the same thing you could share it, grab, copy the share URL. Put it in now local GMB Pro, we talk about a hell of a lot of really cool things that you can do a GMB post, I’m not going to talk about here. But I’m just saying you can actually use these posts as additional places to build links to the right. So again, this one right here, I would take this URL, copy that, that’s what I would build links to and watch what happens if I load that into the browser. It’s going to pull up that post at the top See, the one that I just shared. So it makes sense. So all of those are linked targets. That’s why I said there’s just a ton of different things that you can do to push additional power into their not just through and beds and beds are very powerful. Don’t get me wrong, but there’s a number of other things that you can do. So that was a good question.
Does Google Sandbox New Domains For At Least 3 Weeks Or Longer?
Gordon’s up he says, Hey, guys, I don’t want to sound like a broken record. But I just want to say again, your Hump Day help is very much appreciated. Well, you’re welcome, Gordon. And we do appreciate that as well. If I remember correctly, you said in the past that you prefer to use a new domain instead of an aged domain to rank a local lead gen site. So you can control the name of the domain for SEO purposes and for branding purposes. That is correct. I have said that. But I was wondering if in fact Google does sandbox new domains for at least three weeks or probably longer other than losing the branding and partial keyword and domain benefit. Why is it not better to use a niche related aged domain with a clean niche related backlink profile? And if you use an aged domain would you need to to rebuild the old site pages and the old links pointing to using way back point old links point to using Wayback Machine the old things point to excuse me the way that I read that was wrong and if you use an aged domain, would you need to rebuild the old site pages that the old links point to using Wayback machine in order not to lose the link juice? Okay, so the first question is because I’m able to typically especially when I’m trying to rank for local stuff, the right which is what the maps I don’t
Is that getting a new brand new domains? Fine, because I’m not looking for the initial, the, you know, an existing link profile because it really doesn’t matter. Like I mean, if if the sites built really well and everything else, then it can have an effect on the maps, there’s no question. But as we were just talking about in the previous question, we can typically get results without even having a self-hosted website, if that makes sense, right? Because we can focus on specifically just the GMB properties and get results. That said, I always prefer to have a branded type of domain, one that I can build a brand around for, if especially for lead gen stuff that I could use in other locations, right, which is why I talked about if I’m going to have a website, I like to use subdomains with the city name is the subdomain so that I can build upon a particular brand.
Does that mean that you cannot that you can’t start with an aged domain that has been dropped by somebody else or whatever, and build a brand around that I suppose you could? But the problem that I would see with that is that there may be some other existing content on the web that can ambiguate, right? That’s a key term that can ambiguate the brand that you’re trying to build or the data that you’re trying to build through your new location, your new setup. Right? Now, if you’re talking about strictly organic SEO, yes, there’s some benefit for building through an aged domain that has a clean link profile. But having a clean link profile is kind of difficult to do or else why was I mean, a lot, I mean, you will find some domains like that, but they’re few and far between. A lot of times the aged domains that have been dropped are just they either have a shitty link profile or a non-existent link profile. In other words, they might have one or two links that are actually, you know, decent links, if any at all. And so my point is, I would rather just go with something new that’s branded so that I have more control over the content that’s going to be published and everything else and not have to worry about any sort of invigoration not have to worry about any potential links out there.
On the web that is toxic to it, or they’re going to cause any problems as I start building out the new project if that makes sense. So, I mean, there, you certainly can do that. If you want. I don’t recommend it. I don’t, you know, the only time I would use aged domains really is if I was building what I would call feeder sites are like PBNs, right? Because that kind of help to shortcut the process a little bit since you’re not starting from scratch. But when it came to a brand for lead gen site, or for a client, I would always recommend using a brand new one. Now if you are going to build an old domain, yes, it is better to rebuild those pages. You can do that using the Wayback Machine. It’ll you know you can download HTML files and upload those. There’s a couple of plugins and services out there where you can subscribe to or pay for credits I believe that will actually create a file of the Wayback Machine stuff that makes it much easier I know there’s some plugins I can’t even think was named now there’s there.
I know there are some plugins out there that will do that on a WordPress site to where you just basically, you can enter a file or upload the zip file that you get from the Wayback Machine. And it will automatically build out the old pages with the old content, you might have to do some formatting and stuff to them. But you can do that. And I would recommend doing that, or at least building some sort of page that has similar content on it doesn’t have to be the exact duplicates or replication of the old pages. But if it had a good link profile, and it ever in anybody ever goes and looks at, you know, the webmasters of the sites that were linking to that, and they noticed that there was a big change in the page or just doesn’t exist anymore, they may take that link down. So the reason why you would rebuild those previous pages or you know, the pages that aren’t there anymore, is because you’d want the links that were built to that page to stay there. That’s really the only reason where else you could just do a redirect.
My point is, if you just did a redirect from the old URL to the homepage or to a new URL, and a webmaster says, was analyzing or looking at the site and saying, you know, from one of their pages on their site, there was a link to your, to the, to the domain that they had linked to previously. And they look at and say, well, that’s not what I had linked to, I’m going to remove that, then you lose that link. And so you start to ultimately lose the power of having an aged domain with an inbound link profile anyways. And that happens unless you rebuild the pages, or have them redirected to something that’s very similar so that it’s still a value to the site that was originally linking to it. That all said, usually, when you’re dealing with, like, especially local business type sites, it’s just not worth all that trouble. You’re better off and you’re able to get just as quickly as just results just as quickly, excuse me, using methods that we talked about with a brand new domain. So Marco, do want to comment on that before we move on?
Marco: Yeah, absolutely. So imagine it if McDonald’s had come out with McDonald’s of Illinois, if Coca Cola wherever it began, it had come out with the Madison, if you have that, that that one, if you have that one that will boom, nationally or globally, you’re going to have to go and redo all of the work that you’ve done. Yeah, of course, it’s going to be worth it. But I’m the type and I know Bradley is too, that hates doing work, the same work over again. So why going and you have to do the work over again, when you can start off with a brand that doesn’t necessarily have to pigeonhole itself with geolocation or geographically because you can do that with a category or a pages category. It has the same effect. You don’t need it. And the Google sandbox is very real, but the way that we teach activity, relevance, trust, and authority. It trumps everything, including
The Google sandbox including proximity, including a whole bunch of other things, follow about Battle Plan to the letter, you get the services from MGYB.co the way that you’re told to do it and in, in the, in the one in the sequence that we tell you to do it, then you’re going to have the same if not better results than if you went and did all that work with, with an expired domain. And there’s no guarantee that that expired domain would hold its metrics. When it’s brought back, you’re still gonna have to do the work, you still gonna have to put in the content, you got to have to redo the content, you’re going to have to do a whole lot of work, when you could just go to MGYB.co and have us do it for you.
Bradley: I agree. So I said, I mean, it’s just so much, so much trouble that can go into building those ads. I just, I don’t think it’s worth it. I really don’t we can get results just as quickly with new domains. So unless you have found one that’s really super powerful I just wouldn’t even bother
Bradley: fit says good agent makes you part of it for you and it
Marco: will chime in. And the reason why he got some of my time is because he donated quite a bit of money to my charity and I decided to reciprocate by giving him some of my time so we had a really great call he’s in Australia by the way, so it’s really early in the morning for him to be on here. So thanks, Will.
How Do You Fix Duplicate Branded Syndication Networks That Were Purchased Via Fiverr?
Bradley: awesome thanks, Fitz says good day gents. Thanks for this form, ask real questions and get actionable answers I have a client who went to Fiverr and body syndication network and then worked with another marketer and bought a different network, many duplicates all branded. What should I do to fix that? Well, do you have access to those accounts is my point as if you if he bought these syndication networks and such from two different vendors, essentially. He probably has a login sheet right? Similar to you know,
We invented it or, you know. So I’m sure that the copy cat also provides a spreadsheet with all the accounts, the URLs, and the login data, what I would do is go in and I would, if I would log into the one that is the most closely branded to his brand name, you can’t have duplicate, right, you can’t have duplicate subdomains on WordPress or blogger or Tumblr or any of the other sites for that matter. So there has to be some sort of variation in the profile or the usernames, right. So I would take the one that is the most closely aligned with the actual brand and use that I would go in and update it. And then obviously go through and some SM style it Semantic Mastery style the syndication network. That’s number one, number two for the other one that’s out there. That’s also similarly branded. I don’t necessarily would say terminate those accounts, but I would make sure that you’re not syndicating to them anymore. In fact, if you have duplicate posts, and it’s not
I’m not talking about duplicate content guys, because that’s, that doesn’t happen on syndication networks. But if you have the same post posted on multiple semi branded networks, then I recommend removing that content specifically because you don’t, you don’t want to create a footprint with this with a blog syndication network or a syndication network where you’re syndicating website content, you can do it it’s fine with with YouTube, but with a blog now, where you know, with money site content, I don’t recommend that. So but that doesn’t mean you have to like go in and actually terminate those accounts, but I would manually go in and delete the existing content, and maybe just put up some kind of shitty content that might link to the other web to do to Dotto profiles. You know, just like one post on each one of the syndication network properties from the network that you’re not going to use right remove the IFTTT triggers, remove any content that’s been posted to both syndication networks, and then might just put some kind of short little article that’s relevant on each one of those other properties and maybe point to the profile URL on the the one that you’re going to keep right the network properties that you’re going to keep, that’s something I would do. And I would just leave it alone after that, and just continually update for the new or the syndication network that you decided to keep. If they’re both done very poorly, and you don’t want to go through which I don’t recommend, you know, I don’t blame me, if you don’t want to go through and actually update everything manually, then I would get access to all the accounts that you can go in and do what I just said to both sets of networks and by a well done Semantic Mastery stout network from MGYB. Right, and then maybe use those two other existing networks as a YouTube network or, you know, it could be possibly used for maybe a separate Twitter network or something like that.
Or you could do what I just said and just use them as kind of like a one-time link builder to your new network properties. If that makes sense. But I wouldn’t link directly back to the money site with those, you know, does that make sense? That’s what I would do. Because again, I totally understand it. By the way, if this guy bought his own syndication network at Fiverr, then he worked with another marketer. He’s probably one of those guys is going to micromanage you fits just so you’re aware of that if you have a business owner or client that has tried to do their own SEO work, and they’ve also hired somebody else to do something that they already attempted on their own. It’s probably going to they’re probably going to micromanage you as well. Just keep that in mind. Okay, I’m going to keep moving. That’s all right.
Is There A Risk Of Google Putting Home Address On The Web?
JACK says maps question please important client does professional services over the phone from home office don’t want home address under Google’s control, used paid use paid for Regis office locations in past but Google close them down? In your opinion, is there any risk of Google putting home address out there on the web as they don’t want their crazy client showing up at home. Are there any red flags to look out for in this plan? Thank you know not for if you’re going to do a Google My Business profile, no, you don’t have to worry about, you know, you need an address when you register in order for them to send the verification card. But it doesn’t publish the listing until you enter the verification code. So when you enter the verification code that you get in the postcard, then you immediately especially if it’s a service area business, which has to be professional services over the phone from home office. So yeah, I mean, you know, I would set that as a service area business, which means you go in and clear the physical address. Once you verify it, you go in into the Info tab and click on the location setting and then there’s a little link in their text link that says clear address and you click that and it’ll clear it and then save it so that it updates and you want to put your service areas in and then save it, Natalie, remove the address from being shown on maps. That’s absolutely
You Google is not going to publish that anywhere. The problem is if you want to build citations to help the maps listing rank, then a lot of the citation directories are going to require a physical address, like an actual street address. Some don’t, though, more more and more actually allowing service area businesses to add their data without a street address. But there’s still a ton of them out there to do required, so just keep that in mind. Okay.
But I wouldn’t worry about it not Google. Google’s not going to leak that at least I’ve never seen that. If you if you put it on, like Yelp or something like that word requires a street adjusting. Yeah, a lot of time. I mean, it’ll show but just don’t build citations on directories that require the street address if that’s the case. Scott says, Bradley, if you can fly to Haley, I’d have I’ll drive you to Denver. No, thanks. I’ve already got my ticket going flying directly to Denver, but thank you, Scott. I appreciate that.
How Do You Retain The Ranking Position Of A GMB Page Into 3-Pack Using Semantic Mastery Products?
Okay, I still need Hi, we only got about seven minutes left guys. He says I still need help for clients GMB ranking, it’s already it already has RYS Drive stack and G site built by SM a few years ago, I’m ordering a syndication network and we’ll add link building, then embed maps and link build would appreciate your suggestion to get just this back into the three-pack. That’s kind of a bit of a loaded question because I don’t know. Like, honestly, you should have had a syndication network, even really before the G site. And drive stack, that doesn’t mean that, you know, you can’t add that now you certainly can. But what I would recommend also doing is manually going back into your drive stack once your syndication network has been built and, you know, start including those links in the drive stack, link building to all of them. What are some press releases that always help? You can do a map embeds now with press releases and a lot of other things. So I would recommend that you know, make sure that your link, go go buy local GMB Pro, which is what we just talked about earlier, because you can actually do really good results, just doing stuff within the Google ecosystem includes posting and you know, a lot of the stuff that we talked about on local GMB Pro.
So that’s a question that you could get a hell of a lot more help with if you joined the mastermind. Or if you posted that, like more detail as to exactly what it is that you’ve got done. And where so that we can help fill in the gaps. Just get, you know, if you don’t have the Battle Plan, follow the Battle Plan. If you’ve got an RYS drive stack and a G site that was built a few years ago, but you never had a syndication network, it’s obvious that you didn’t, you either didn’t have the Battle Plan or you didn’t follow the plan that we laid out. So I recommend picking that up. If you don’t already have the Battle Plan. And just following that step by step, any of the pieces that are currently missing, add those pieces, right, and then just kind of follow each one of those processes. And that’s going to help you to get the results that you need. I’m not saying that that’s going to do it. You know, that’s the start. That’s always the foundation. If you need additional help with that though, that’s where you would you know, like I said, join the mastermind and get local GMB Pro. Once you have the foundation complete, does that make sense? Any comment on that guys?
Marco: Yeah, definitely the Battle Plan, Local GMB Pro is what’s going to create the activity that he’s going to need, right? Because its activity relevance, trust and authority, and local GMB Pro is totally an activity base.
Does Having A Single Link From A Press Release To A Deep Page Is Better Than Having Multiple Press Release Links?
Okay, well says going back to a previous question about PageRank. Does that mean that if you have a single link from a press release to a deep page is better than having multiple links from the press release just to get better-focused SEO just your landing page? Yes, that is true. Well, you know you’re, you get more juice through one link, one outbound link in a press release to whatever you know, you’re trying to push juice to then if you have three outbound links, right. If you have three outback bound links, you’re splitting the link equity three ways that make sense. So if you want to push all of the link equity for through one link to like you said a deep page, or like a blog post that might have an internal link to the page on your site that you’re trying to rank or something like that. Yeah, that’s again, that’s link sculpting. So,
Is It Okay To Use Spun Content For YouTube Descriptions?
Austin Don says, I’ve been doing we buy house city, we buy houses, city videos, is it alright to use spun content for YouTube descriptions? To write individual descriptions is very time-consuming. Thanks. Yeah, you know, Uhm Austin Don, if you’re in the Austin, Texas market, you probably have other people competing. So having good descriptions is helpful for YouTube SEO. But I don’t spend a lot of time on YouTube descriptions anymore. years ago, it was more important in my opinion. Now it’s more about having you know, the primary SEO factors of a YouTube video optimized like the title the tags, having the keyword, like as probably the first thing in the video description. I like having NAP data-name, address, phone number, primary URL, such as website, Google Maps URL, the URL, that version that I just shared this one right here, linking to your top tier one asset branded or entity assets, as we talked about. So linking to a Facebook page if you’re doing Facebook stuff, you know any business directories if you’re using press releases, the organization page, anything like that, I like to put all of that in the video description now, but I usually don’t really flesh out a whole lot of content, written text content for the video description. It’s more about a call to action, right and enlisting the NAP data and relevant links that are entered to kind of reinforce the entity. And then it’s about traditional SEO signals, embeds and or backlinks and engagement signals.
I’m telling you that’s the secret sauce is the engagement signals which you can by using YouTube ads incredibly inexpensive, and for I’m telling you even I’ve got campaigns running right now for the local video production company that I’ve been doing SEO for like five or six years that I have 40 cents per day is my budget. So I’m spending less than $15 a month it comes out to be like $12 a month that I’m spending to constantly feed that video on a daily basis with relevant views from a very specific geographic area because I set my location targeting from an audience that is relevant to the video itself. And it helps to keep those videos ranked. And we’re talking some of these videos have been ranked for years and I haven’t done a damn bit of SEO work since the moment I uploaded it to my channel. And it’s syndicated across my networks. All I’ve done is kept the ad campaigns going because it’s constantly the engagement signals that are coming in that are helping it to rank. So that’s what I would recommend is that you know don’t spend a shit ton of time optimizing the text. Just optimize the key the titles, the tags, put a relevant call to action, link out to your primary tier one entity assets, NAP included.
And then make sure that you do your traditional SEO stuff use playlist, the YouTube Silo Academy method embeds and or backlinks. But at the same time make sure that you set up a YouTube ad campaign for each one of those videos. Even if you just did you know, as I said, I’ve got campaigns running at 40 cents a day. That comes out to be like $12 a month and it works like wonders. Okay.
We gotta go guys. It’s at five o'clock. Any comments before I wrap it up, guys? Sorry about any questions we didn’t get to. Know. I would say get in where you fit in. That’s it. definitely time to pack up head out for POFU Live. Live, baby. See you guys. I’ll see you, Adam, tomorrow. Sounds good. Have a good one everyone. See you
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 257 posted first on http://beyondvapepage.blogspot.com
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jenniferbowley · 5 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 257
Click on the video above to watch Episode 257 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Adam: Alright, we are live Welcome everybody to Hump Day Hangouts. This is Episode 257. Today is the ninth of October 2019. And this is the last Hump Day hangouts before POFU Live 2019 in Denver. If you haven’t gotten your ticket yet, you’d like to show up whether you’re going to whether you live there you whether you want to drive in or you can make some last-minute flight plans, head to pofulive.com, grab your ticket. Now, before we get into it, just want to say if you’re joining us for the first time, thanks for watching, we’re going to get into questions and answers. If you’ve got any questions you’re watching us go ahead and pop them on the page at semanticmastery.com/hdquestions. Remember to always head over there. If you’re watching on YouTube. We don’t want to read comments here. You’ve got to go to the page where we embed the video so that you can ask questions we can get to those. So with that said, let’s say hello guys real quick. We’re missing to the Semantic Mastery guys who I believe is started traveling over to POFU Live in Denver. Bradley, Marco and I are here today. So I’ll start at the top and say hello to Bradley. How are you doing?
Bradley: Good. How are you?
Adam: Not bad. Not bad. I’m enjoying some cooler weather here. It’s finally starting to act like a fall. It’s about 65-70 today.
Bradley: Well, you can enjoy cooler weather tomorrow when you get to Denver because it’s supposed to be snowing and freezing cold so
Adam: Yeah, I might have to post some pictures of her on maybe on the Facebook group or something like he heard on hates the cold weather and I think it’s supposed to be a high of 28 degrees tomorrow.
Bradley: Yeah, and snow to which is crazy, but it’s only tomorrow. Because then the rest of the time that we’re there it’s supposed to be between 65 and 70 during the day and then around 30 at night, but it was kind of interesting packing for that, you know?
Adam: Yeah, all over the place. Well, speaking of weather, Marco How are you doing, man?
Marco: I couldn’t be better. Like I couldn’t handle 28 I’m sorry. It’s not happening. I mean, it’s too late like a cold for me. I mentioned it before is 60-65 that range you know. We break out the old sheet and we cover ourselves it gets chilly man 28 gone from 65 to 20 I don’t think so.
Adam: That’s a big change and once it gets below 20 that’s where I start I can handle it depends on the window but yeah in the 20s still nice ones it’s sunny and then anyways tomorrow is going to be fun we’ll see how it goes with Hernan if he’s all bundled up and blankets and freezing to death or if he survives so. Anyways With that said, like I said earlier if you’re watching for the first time you’re in the right place, we’re going to get to q&a and answer your questions and appreciate you being here. Come here every week every Wednesday for pm eastern you can always ask your questions ahead of time as well if you know got a client call you’ve got some work you got things you got to do we understand that but you know benefit here is being live you can ask questions, clarify your questions, but like I said, if you have to you can ask your questions ahead of time at semanticmastery.com/hdquestions and then check out the replay on our YouTube channel, which you should subscribe to if you’re watching that right now.
And secondly, if you haven’t yet check out the Battle Plan right? That’s where you can get our step by step processes for getting results with everything from new websites, aged domains, YouTube channels, so much more. I’m not going to go through the entire laundry list of all the benefits there but head over to battleplan.semanticmastery.com. And if you want to join, you know, our mastermind is about a mastermind but you know, it’s both the mastermind, our mastermind. Basically what it is is an experienced community so you can get faster access to real-world info, testing and build that network of peers who are doing the same things we’re growing these digital marketing businesses or who have businesses and understand how they need to grow the digital marketing side of it. You can find out more about that and join at mastermind.semanticmastery.com. And for everyone, we really recommend going over to mgyb.co. I mean we tell this to you watching these videos, we tell it to our mastermind members, we tell it to everyone
Else, you know if you can start building your team now. And part of that can be using MGYB to provide the services for you things like syndication networks are we as drive stack, press releases, link building embeds, all that sort of stuff. And there are a lot more great packages coming out where we’re going to help people get better, well, the literal package for Hey, you know, if your website is here, then you need these types of additions. You need these syndication networks. We’re going to make that a lot more streamlined so that you can do it for yourself, your projects as well as your clients. So keep your eyes and ears open for that. So with that said guys,
Marco: I have a couple of things. Yeah, right. Number one, people, they always ask us how to put everything together, they’ll go in and don’t order something. And the last, how do I put it together guys, it’s in the Battle Plan. I was just talking to my mini mastermind group. You guys know that I meet every Tuesday. In the evening with a mini mastermind group. I have seven people in there. I wish I could take more people because people keep reaching out to me and saying, hey, I want in on the group. But seven is more than enough. But the thing is that the people in my mini mastermind they follow the Battle Plan. I have a guy, that’s her over. But he started out at 12k a year in digital marketing and client work and SEO, whatever it is that he did. And this year, you know, he’s at around a quarter million for the year. And so it’s as simple as just buckling down doing the fucking work and following the instructions to the letter. You don’t veer from what we tell you to do until you’re ready to test and you shouldn’t be testing until you have a good revenue stream coming in that allows you to set aside time to do that kind of thing, right?
We got another one that Jeff right who went to POFU and he’s killing it. I mean, he’s ranking attorney type big attorney terms of ranking for it, for example, and IT services in New York City. Now imagine how competitive that is, but they’re like the companies have happier than a paycheck, because they’re number one for the term. And how did they do it? They follow the Battle Plan. They follow the instructions, they follow what we tell them, guys, how do you put it all together? Get the Battle Plan. Now, yes, the Battle Plan takes you to MGYB and the products and services. Why do we do that? Because it’s the simplest way we don’t want you doing all that work. Imagine the hours that you have to spend doing all that work keyword research three days. For the keyword research, really, do you really want to do that? Do you really want to spend all that time your client better be paying a whole lot of money to spend three days doing all of that keyword research, I mean, everything it takes time to do
Bradley: Marco, isn’t it more fun to buy shiny new software applications and spend all your time learning how to use it? Just to find out it doesn’t work very well.
Marco: That’s some work, right? Follow the next best, the next best. So it’s already there. We set the path out people who follow it are killing it. And that’s my point. And yes, we do send you to what works for us because it’s what we use guys. We use it, we apply it we get a result. And so we give it to you in a step by step method so that you can follow it through. So if you’re not doing it, you haven’t bought it go by the Battle Plan. It looks like a really simple PDF with links. But you do it step by step. I’m telling you, I just got validation yesterday from a couple of people that are in that range. I mean, you guys know Jordan.
You guys know, Jeff, you guys know, Ed, they’re telling it how following the Battle Plan. That’s one and two about the mastermind. I wanted to mention that it works is a two-way street. We do try to give people everything that works in the mastermind, right? And we do make everyone available that you’re free to exchange ideas and concepts and theories and tests and whatever. But every once in awhile, we’ll get in a thread, as we did with with with something that I talked about when doing silos. And it was a whole long thread and we went really deep into it. And then there’s another one about iframes now.
And then that one sent me into the rabbit hole, where I’m still testing and I’m getting really good results from some ideas that I got. Not like not directly but indirectly, as they posted. Okay, so can I do this Can I do that and I immediately started thinking, well, what if, and that’s when you read, your juices really start flowing? And what if I did this and I quoted it this way, and I hit it this way, and then it would cause no issues. And so what I’m thinking is anyone who attends POFU Live will have first crack at whatever I come up with, from my testing, because they deserve it. I mean, they took the time that they’re going to be there. And so we always say membership has its privileges. But this is a step up. This is a step where you’re trying to change the game and JN and Jeff Moore, Jeff sorry, they went to POFU Live, and they changed the whole mindset, they changed their business strategy, and they’re killing it. So So anyone going deserves it. And so that’s what I’m going to do and then at some future point, it’ll be shared with the mastermind, of course, I don’t know if it’ll be I’ll ever share it outside the mastermind.
But since the nugget was kind of the idea sprouted from a thread in the mastermind I think the mastermind deserves whatever comes from it. And I’m already testing and I’m already coding and that so this is the type of thing that goes on and in the mastermind, mastermind membership has its privileges. Attending POFU Live has its privileges. Most of the people that are in my mini mastermind, are people who went to POFU Live. So I just want to say about that definitely our mastermind members, but they also attended POFU Live and I think that they deserve special attention. That’s just my piece for today. Take it for what it’s worth, but I think it’s just totally worth joining the mastermind and attending POFU Live should be a must in your calendar.
Adam: Sounds good to me, like Marco said, Be there. That’s a pretty awesome thing that Marco is going to do there. So I don’t want to dive back into a Marco but I know that people work with you and your group have had a lot of success. And I’m sure that’s a no small part due to your involvement. So that’s pretty awesome. So if you want to grab your ticket, you can still make it we got a couple of days here before we kick things off on Friday for the VIP day and then Saturday and Sunday for the main event. You can grab your ticket at pofulive.com. Alright, guys, Bradley, anything else before we jump into it?
Bradley: No, I’m just excited too nervous at the same time because I gotta fly tomorrow. But looking forward to coming to Denver and hanging out with you guys and putting on a pretty cool presentation. I think that is pretty powerful. I think this is going to be just a really good event. So I’m excited about it.
Adam: Cool. All right. Let’s do it.
Bradley: All right, let me grab the screen. Stand by. Alright, you guys should be seeing my screen now. Correct.
Adam: Correct. Got your whole screen.
Bradley: All right. Not a lot of questions yet. So guys start posting. Otherwise, we’ll wrap it up a little bit early, which is fine because I’ve got still not 100% packed for I gotta leave really early tomorrow morning for my flight. So anyway, I don’t mind wrapping it up early if that’s what we need to do.
Is It Okay To Send A Full-Text Article With 20+ Affiliate Links Via RSS In A Single Tier Network?
But we’ll start with sutra he says when using a single tier, he’s talking about a single-tier syndication network, is it okay to send the full-text article via RSS? Even if the article has 20 plus affiliate links? I usually post 123 of these types of articles each day. Um, I would say no, and the reason why I say no is it not because it’s an SEO thing, but it’s likely that your blog accounts which would be like WordPress, Tumblr, blogger, not so much blogger but Tumblr and WordPress, will likely or may very well terminate the account for too many outbound links.
Especially like affiliate links and that kind of stuff that they don’t, they don’t typically like that. So I wouldn’t recommend that I would do a post summary. So set your RSS feed to just display the summary. That way, it’s really just pushing the juice back to your post URL that’s published on your blog, which is really all that matters, guys. I mean, if you’re doing a bunch of outbound linking in your blog posts anyways, whether it doesn’t, you don’t really need to worry about posting the full text because, you know, whether they’re nofollow or do follow, it doesn’t even matter. What I’m saying is what you’re looking for is the link back from the post on the syndication network properties back to the original post on your site. Right. And then obviously, if you’re doing internal SEO like on-page SEO correctly, then you’re going to have some sort of contextual link within the text of your blog post that goes up to our money, a money page, right so an actual page or something a category.
Whatever it is that you’re trying to rank on your site. So it really the benefit is pushing the juice from the syndication network properties back to the post URL that’s published on your blog. So I would recommend doing a summary post, you know, summary, just set the RSS feed settings to just display a summary instead of the full text. Now, that said, sometimes those can look spammy too. And sometimes you can find settings in your theme that will allow you to update the length of those RSS, like how much of the summary is shown. And so you might be able to set that and sometimes you have to actually edit the theme files in order for to, you know, to to adjust that some things will give you the option to do that, like it’s, you know, an option that you can set but other times you have to actually go in and edit the theme files. So that’s what I would recommend any comments?
Marco: Yeah, I would say no, and it’s for SEO and it’s because the whole idea behind this concept and what we do and why we send out iframes and everything that we do is to build PageRank. And the problem is, everything starts at PR one, correct? Everything on the web, it starts out at PR one. So if you have something that’s revenue, or even if it’s aged, it could only be a PR one. And the reason why is because you’re splitting the PageRank that you’re passing so low, that you can’t build it up properly. So you split it, you splitting it 20 times, and what you’re passing from a PR one isn’t PR one, it’s less than PR one. As I’ve said before, we’ve done the math we know within certain parameters, just how much PR is passed from a PR one and we know we know it’s a range. So when you splitting it, that fine you’re defeating the purpose of building up that PR building up that trust and authority and everything else. Not only that, having it be so spammy, it could just turn into a PR zero because of the fact that it’s so spammy. And so you’re not really passing anything. You’re not really doing anything is not mean you could grab some traffic. From that point, you could do so much more if you’re more selective with the way that you syndicate your affiliate links so that it doesn’t look so spammy so that it doesn’t look like it’s a whole bunch of garbage. And the only intent for that is to push your affiliate links, make it more user-friendly, making it more for the person that’s going to be reading it for the person to interact with that posts and with that content, and maybe share it maybe like it. Maybe visit the website, or those are all signals that you want. And I guarantee you that a spammy blog post with a whole bunch of affiliate links isn’t going to accomplish what you want.
Is It Good To Use And Embed The Original City Logo And Link The City Website Or Wikipedia City Page For A Local Service Website?
Bradley: Very good. Thank you. Mike says hello to a local service website. Do you think it’s a good idea to use and embed the original city logo and also link to the city website or Wikipedia city page? I can see the power in it, but I don’t think it’s a good idea. Thanks. Well, Mike, that’s what was pretty much standard operating procedure back in like 2012. And for a long time, you know, that was just traditional way they call it conventional wisdom when it came to I didn’t, does conventional wisdom is oftentimes not very smart. It’s just what people think is right. And conventional wisdom for the longest time was that you would link to always a.gov or a Wikipedia page, or, you know, excuse me, a Wikipedia page or a.gov site or a that, especially if you’re doing local to that, you know, corresponding Wikipedia page or the local government website or something like that. And that was supposed to add relevancy, which isn’t true. That’s that hasn’t been true for many, many years. Because Google doesn’t care about you linking to a Wikipedia page about a particular city unless it’s relevant to the content on that page. And even though you might be optimized, you know, for like a plumber and in particular city, just linking to that Wikipedia page arbitrarily with the keyword or without the keyword, whatever, just linking to that page really doesn’t do much, right. It’s not the algorithm is much smarter than that. Now, if you are citing something about that city, like some facts about the city or something that makes it relevant, and you want to cite the source where you gleaned that content from So for example, if you are curating content from a Wikipedia page or a.gov site about that particular city, then you want to cite the source now that adds that that’s a proper way to link to it. And Google can clearly see the relationship between why and why you’re linking to that. But you know, again, years ago, we used to mean just about everybody used to do it. What I always recommend is link outbound linking to relevant content that’s relevant to the concept within the body of the content that you’re linking to, like, in other words, that your UYY just linked to the city page or to the Wikipedia page. If the page is about plumbing services in a particular city.
It doesn’t really make sense just to link to the city website unless there’s a reason for it. And so, again, I’ve always gone back to I mean, four years since probably 2014 timeframe, I stopped doing that stopped doing what was conventional wisdom, and started linking to more relevant pages. So for example, linking to an article on bob Vila calm or do it yourself network or something like that, right, some sort of, like if it’s a plumbing website, right? linking to something that’s more relevant to the content of the page. And then if you want to have some sort of local relevancy in there, why not embed the map or a mind map or driving directions map from the store or the location of the business to that city or something like that, that That, to me makes a lot more sense. It’s more relevant. And so that’s the type of thing that I’ve always done as far as embedding a city logo from another website. I don’t recommend doing that. Because if you don’t have permission to use that, remember that that logo is likely trademarked or even if it’s not trademarked, it’s probably a copyright issue. Because I can tell you one thing you don’t want to do when you curate content and by the way, we have a training for a full training program called Content Kingpin which will teach you all about curating and why it’s very it’s so powerful because it creates co-citation, it allows you to generate content much quicker, it’s much more efficient, you don’t have to learn. You don’t have to be a content or subject matter expert. In order to be able to generate content, you just have to know how to locate it, and put it together in a logical fashion and then cite the sources properly. So I would recommend you look at that because one of the things that we learned the hard way, is you never want to curate images. Ever. Okay? Unless you there, wiki, what do they call Wiki Commons there? I don’t recommend ever curating images because you will, you can end up getting copyright infringement and be sued for that. And a lot of times like, it’s happened to me, it’s happened to me for almost three years in a row was two years in a row where I got hit with copyright.
Basically extortion letters where they would say you’ve got to pay so much or we’re taking you to court for copyright infringement and you’d have to pay or else they would take your ass to court, and it sucks so I learned a long time ago. Never curate images so I would really highly recommend not embedding a city logo. And don’t just arbitrarily link to a city Wikipedia page or a city government website, unless there’s a specific reason for it, that you clearly identify in the content that you’re let you know why you’re linking to it. If that makes sense. You’re much better off linking to something that’s more relevant. You want to comment on that, Marco?
Marco: I agree. Because there’s activity relevance, relevance, trust, and authority. Right? You’re much better off linking to something that has you know, that that’s updated regularly, and events page what’s going on, in you know, in the city, landmark, places to see if there are if this park, just anything, it’s just going a little bit further in as far as the geolocation is, yes, you’re part of the city. So it stands to reason that you would think I want to link to the Wikipedia city page for this, but you can go further and make get even more relevant. And in fact, if you can get that city schedule, into a calendar of events, the way that we do in RYS Academy Reloaded, and load those ups, and that’s constantly changing, and that’s constantly pushing, all of that relevance, everything that’s happening in that city, and mixed in with those calendar events are your events, what’s happening with your business, whatever it is, whether you want to coupon special, whether you want to send them to the GMB, the map, just whatever it is, you mix in all of that with all of the other relevance and it works a whole lot better than just simply making to the city page for x reason, which there’s really no reason.
Bradley: Yeah. I mean, again, that’s been such old tactics that you know, if it really worked well, Google would have killed it a long time ago because it’s been used forever. As I said, it’s just that it was like common knowledge. Conventional wisdom is just what people did and for the longest time I would you know, I would argue why would Why do you do that? Well, because you know, it’s adding relevancy I will have you tested it. Because if you test it, you’ll find that it doesn’t really do shit, you’re much better off linking the relevant content and I like curated content for that reason because it clearly gives a reason to link out to something and it can create co-citation, which is, is pretty powerful too. So
What’s The Difference Between Maps SEO And Website SEO?
Jonathan says are the map embeds the only thing MGYB sells for maps Seo? No, not by far. My furnace guy wants to rank in maps but doesn’t care about his website. What is the main difference in maps SEO versus website SEO? Well, there’s a lot of similarities, a lot of overlap. But with maps SEO there, you know, you can focus entirely on the Google properties, right, the Google ecosystem. So the map URL itself, I’m going to demonstrate how to get the best map URL to build links to you can do map embeds. You can do citation building. You know if he’s got legit if you say it’s your furnace guy, so I’m assuming is you know, HVAC guy, and he’s got a real business, then it’s probably registered to a real address. Even if it’s a service area business, you can build citations for that. That’s something I always recommend doing if you have a valid address. So there are I mean, there are a number of things that you can do, but very specifically MGYB sells, I mean, pretty much every one of our services can be applied to ranking in maps or maps SEO as you called it, right.
So for example, let me just give you a couple of examples here. This is something that you can go check out GMB.reviewsmaker.com, right. So let’s just go to I’m just going to type in HVAC contractor, Culpepper, for example. Okay, so I’m going to click on KNM Heating and Air heating and air conditioning. And in fact, actually, let me just copy that name. And this is what I’m going to do. So this is how you can get the best URL to build links to if you’re going to be doing link building to the map, right. So there are embeds, there’s also link building, there are press releases, there’s you can which you can embed a map in the press release. Plus, you can also create a contextual link or just a naked URL in the actual press release. To back to the map itself, I’m going to give you a few examples here of how you can get better results. So let’s go back to Google for it first. Here’s a couple of ways that you can do this. Number one, you can go into your GMB dashboard or your client’s GMB dashboard. And on the Info tab, where you’ll always see this one little section where it says view on maps or view on search and view on maps. You can right-click on the view on maps and copy the link address and paste it into a notepad file and then reformat it I’m going to show you the correct format. So that’s one way to find it. The best URL for building links to a map, Google map right. The second way is to go type in or go search for your client’s business name on Google. So in this case, I’m going to search for KNM Heating and Air Inc because that’s just the example that I pulled, then I’m going to click through to the maps listing.
And you’ll see up here in the US the address bar of Chrome, I’ve got this long, ugly URL, right? Well, if you go to GMB dot review, make reviews maker calm, okay, and you click to decode place ID, and just paste that long maps URL in there and click the code place Id take a second, then it’s going to come down and it’s going to give you this maps URL right here. Okay, I’m going to copy that link address. And I’m going to paste that into a notepad file. Now, if you take a look at this URL, I’ll show you and I’ve demonstrated this before, but I want to answer this question thoroughly for him. If we go to like, where it goes com or something like that, some sort of redirect tracer. I could paste that URL that it gives you, right? So from here, and if we take a look at this, you’ll see that this has got a 302 redirect built into it. In fact, there are two of them. So that is not a good URL to use for link building. Like if you want to build links to this URL, you’re not passing any PageRank or link equity essentially, through these two, three or two redirects, that stops it dead, right. So in other words, you can link to it, you somebody could click on that link, and it’s going to navigate, or jump to the final target URL or the destination, which is this. But as far as passing link equity, if you’re to build links to this, it’s not going to pass any. So it’s not a good URL to build links to which by the way, this URL right here, that the share URL, take a look at how many redirects are in this one. If we go back to where goes.
It might even there it goes. Look at that. Look, how many redirects are in there. Three 302 redirects and no matter refresh, so that’s not a good URL, either this share URL, don’t build links that are dumb. It does, it does no good, right? So what you want to do is you want to take that URL, which by the way, you can just take the URL from here and go to a redirect tracer, and then paste it in and then copy the final URL, or just memorize this, which is what I did. It’s very simple. copy that URL, and then just change it, just rearrange it to where you change the maps right there. So maps.google.com, you would change it to www.google.com. Then forward-slash question mark. See ID equals is what the original one is. So all you want to do is move maps from before and the subdomain from maps to the right after the forward-slash, then it’s question marks the ID equals and we’ll take that, Copy that, paste it in. So it’s just a quick change or modification of the URL. And now watch this. If we take this, we go back to a redirect tracer.
Quick, Tracy well there’s no reason XC that now if we go load that URL into the address bar and click Go, you’ll see once the page loads, it converts to that long URL, but it’s not technically a redirect. Right. So that’s the best URL to build links to is this one right here. So that’s something else that you can do. Right. So like I mentioned before, you can embed a map into press releases. You can also build links directly to this map URL, right. So that’s one thing you can do. RYS Drive stacks are incredibly powerful. If you provide the NAP. The name, address and phone number of the business, as well as the maps URL will build a drive stack that is hyper optimized for that specific location, right and will push a ton of power directly to the Google properties especially like you said, if he’s not interested in ranking a website, you can select to push all of the juice from the drive stack back to the maps the Google properties which would be the maps GMB website, will you’ll get it, you should order the, excuse me, the Google Site along with that the Google site will be part of that. So you can build all of the power back to the actual maps listing.
However, there are a couple other things I want to mention. Let’s see, just just because there are a few other points here that you can add additional power to, right. So for a note, another one is the reviews. This company, in particular, has 21 reviews, I don’t know how many your client has. But if we click on that review link, right, it’s going to pull up here Well, that is a different URL. So up here is another URL, I would suggest using your own three one redirects creator. There are a number of of them out there that you can use that are free, some of them that are paid like a subscription base, and others that you can create three one redirects from a plugin through your through a website, which is what I, you know, I prefer to do that through my own domain or something through or through a branded domain or a domain that I’m using specifically for redirects, that kind of thing. But if you take a guy here, open up Firefox just to show you that URL right there, I would create a 301 redirect out of that URL. And what’s it do? It automatically loads to these reviews. So you can push link equity into this. Well, let’s not stop there. What about each one of these individual reviews? For example, if I was to click Share on that one from Alan Jackson, which sounds like looks like a lot of the users’ spam, I don’t know. Jackson’s a country singer and Ronnie White is a Ron White isn’t a comedian. But if we’re to take that URL right there and paste that in, you’ll see that that is a separate URL, like that’s a redirect, as I just talked about, if you click the Share URL, it’s going to give you a redirect. So watch what happens when we trace that one. This is for the individual review. It’s still a 302 redirect. So that’s not what you want to build links to not this. What you want to build links to is this, which again, if you want to make it a pretty URL, all you got to do is use a 301 redirect creator.
As I said, there are some free ones out there, there are some ones that you can pay for a subscription basis, like a rebrand, delete rebrand.ly, for example of one, or there’s another one. Or like, what I like to do is use my own domain or clients domain, and use the pretty links pro plugin to create 301 redirects. Okay? Either way, that’s the URL you want to build to. And that’s the same URLs, what’s up here? Right, but you can build it through a 301 redirect. And look, that’s an individual review within that maps listing. And if this one’s got 21 reviews, that’s 21 additional link targets, right? Plus this one is a link target, which is the overall reviews URL plus the maps URL itself, right, which in this version of it that I just talked about being the best version. There’s more to think about photos, right? For example, this guy’s only got looks like it’s at four, but I’m only Well, maybe that was, let’s go back into photos here. For photos, it says for photos, each one of these areas a separate URL. So my point is if you’re just going to be doing map stuff for a client, what I like to do is extract all the URLs from the maps listing, set up redirects so that they’re pretty and they’re short, much easier to manage. And then start using those and link building campaigns, which you can also use those to be included in a drive stack as target URLs where we will build the drive stack to be targeting each one of those separate URLs. And what happens is you push juice into this listing from all different angles and every single point that you can push link equity into it. It’s very, very powerful. You want to
Marco: Yeah, he’s asking about maps SEO, and I’m just going to say local GMB Pro. It’s what set the standard for GMB optimization every other course came after copied what we did. So if you want the Trailblazer the standard bear the one that laid it down on how it’s properly done. There you go and get local GMB pro and you can learn what Bradley just talked about more in-depth, along with many other things that you could do to push the GMB the map into the three-pack, which is what your client is looking for. They don’t care about the website fine. So you work entirely within the GMB ecosystem, which is what local GMB Pro is all about. So guys, if you really want to do this, right, if you want that heart into the three-pack, you go into local GMP Pro.
Bradley: That’s right. And that’s an in there, we talked about various other things. I’m not going to talk about specific methods here, but just so you know that again, this this this client, or this client is not my client, but this contractor, HVAC contractor is also doing GMB posts, he probably has an SEO that is working on his stuff. And take a look at that guys. Again, these are all additional link targets, right? We copy that URL and go back to the redirect tracer, which I already closed.
And once again, this is a GMB post URL, right? It’s going to redirect, don’t ever use the share URLs for SEO purposes. You can use it for navigation purposes. But look, how many redirects are there. So what you want to do is end up taking this URL, and using that as that could be potentially another link target. Right? So that makes sense. So if we’re going to just open up that URL and see it didn’t bring it up, it’s probably the one prior to that this one, which is okay, because that’s a meta refresh, so that, that’s fine. Let’s open it up there.
There, see I brought it up, it brought that post up to the very top. So the same thing goes you can take an older post and do the same thing you could share it, grab, copy the share URL. Put it in now local GMB Pro, we talk about a hell of a lot of really cool things that you can do a GMB post, I’m not going to talk about here. But I’m just saying you can actually use these posts as additional places to build links to the right. So again, this one right here, I would take this URL, copy that, that’s what I would build links to and watch what happens if I load that into the browser. It’s going to pull up that post at the top See, the one that I just shared. So it makes sense. So all of those are linked targets. That’s why I said there’s just a ton of different things that you can do to push additional power into their not just through and beds and beds are very powerful. Don’t get me wrong, but there’s a number of other things that you can do. So that was a good question.
Does Google Sandbox New Domains For At Least 3 Weeks Or Longer?
Gordon’s up he says, Hey, guys, I don’t want to sound like a broken record. But I just want to say again, your Hump Day help is very much appreciated. Well, you’re welcome, Gordon. And we do appreciate that as well. If I remember correctly, you said in the past that you prefer to use a new domain instead of an aged domain to rank a local lead gen site. So you can control the name of the domain for SEO purposes and for branding purposes. That is correct. I have said that. But I was wondering if in fact Google does sandbox new domains for at least three weeks or probably longer other than losing the branding and partial keyword and domain benefit. Why is it not better to use a niche related aged domain with a clean niche related backlink profile? And if you use an aged domain would you need to to rebuild the old site pages and the old links pointing to using way back point old links point to using Wayback Machine the old things point to excuse me the way that I read that was wrong and if you use an aged domain, would you need to rebuild the old site pages that the old links point to using Wayback machine in order not to lose the link juice? Okay, so the first question is because I’m able to typically especially when I’m trying to rank for local stuff, the right which is what the maps I don’t
Is that getting a new brand new domains? Fine, because I’m not looking for the initial, the, you know, an existing link profile because it really doesn’t matter. Like I mean, if if the sites built really well and everything else, then it can have an effect on the maps, there’s no question. But as we were just talking about in the previous question, we can typically get results without even having a self-hosted website, if that makes sense, right? Because we can focus on specifically just the GMB properties and get results. That said, I always prefer to have a branded type of domain, one that I can build a brand around for, if especially for lead gen stuff that I could use in other locations, right, which is why I talked about if I’m going to have a website, I like to use subdomains with the city name is the subdomain so that I can build upon a particular brand.
Does that mean that you cannot that you can’t start with an aged domain that has been dropped by somebody else or whatever, and build a brand around that I suppose you could? But the problem that I would see with that is that there may be some other existing content on the web that can ambiguate, right? That’s a key term that can ambiguate the brand that you’re trying to build or the data that you’re trying to build through your new location, your new setup. Right? Now, if you’re talking about strictly organic SEO, yes, there’s some benefit for building through an aged domain that has a clean link profile. But having a clean link profile is kind of difficult to do or else why was I mean, a lot, I mean, you will find some domains like that, but they’re few and far between. A lot of times the aged domains that have been dropped are just they either have a shitty link profile or a non-existent link profile. In other words, they might have one or two links that are actually, you know, decent links, if any at all. And so my point is, I would rather just go with something new that’s branded so that I have more control over the content that’s going to be published and everything else and not have to worry about any sort of invigoration not have to worry about any potential links out there.
On the web that is toxic to it, or they’re going to cause any problems as I start building out the new project if that makes sense. So, I mean, there, you certainly can do that. If you want. I don’t recommend it. I don’t, you know, the only time I would use aged domains really is if I was building what I would call feeder sites are like PBNs, right? Because that kind of help to shortcut the process a little bit since you’re not starting from scratch. But when it came to a brand for lead gen site, or for a client, I would always recommend using a brand new one. Now if you are going to build an old domain, yes, it is better to rebuild those pages. You can do that using the Wayback Machine. It’ll you know you can download HTML files and upload those. There’s a couple of plugins and services out there where you can subscribe to or pay for credits I believe that will actually create a file of the Wayback Machine stuff that makes it much easier I know there’s some plugins I can’t even think was named now there’s there.
I know there are some plugins out there that will do that on a WordPress site to where you just basically, you can enter a file or upload the zip file that you get from the Wayback Machine. And it will automatically build out the old pages with the old content, you might have to do some formatting and stuff to them. But you can do that. And I would recommend doing that, or at least building some sort of page that has similar content on it doesn’t have to be the exact duplicates or replication of the old pages. But if it had a good link profile, and it ever in anybody ever goes and looks at, you know, the webmasters of the sites that were linking to that, and they noticed that there was a big change in the page or just doesn’t exist anymore, they may take that link down. So the reason why you would rebuild those previous pages or you know, the pages that aren’t there anymore, is because you’d want the links that were built to that page to stay there. That’s really the only reason where else you could just do a redirect.
My point is, if you just did a redirect from the old URL to the homepage or to a new URL, and a webmaster says, was analyzing or looking at the site and saying, you know, from one of their pages on their site, there was a link to your, to the, to the domain that they had linked to previously. And they look at and say, well, that’s not what I had linked to, I’m going to remove that, then you lose that link. And so you start to ultimately lose the power of having an aged domain with an inbound link profile anyways. And that happens unless you rebuild the pages, or have them redirected to something that’s very similar so that it’s still a value to the site that was originally linking to it. That all said, usually, when you’re dealing with, like, especially local business type sites, it’s just not worth all that trouble. You’re better off and you’re able to get just as quickly as just results just as quickly, excuse me, using methods that we talked about with a brand new domain. So Marco, do want to comment on that before we move on?
Marco: Yeah, absolutely. So imagine it if McDonald’s had come out with McDonald’s of Illinois, if Coca Cola wherever it began, it had come out with the Madison, if you have that, that that one, if you have that one that will boom, nationally or globally, you’re going to have to go and redo all of the work that you’ve done. Yeah, of course, it’s going to be worth it. But I’m the type and I know Bradley is too, that hates doing work, the same work over again. So why going and you have to do the work over again, when you can start off with a brand that doesn’t necessarily have to pigeonhole itself with geolocation or geographically because you can do that with a category or a pages category. It has the same effect. You don’t need it. And the Google sandbox is very real, but the way that we teach activity, relevance, trust, and authority. It trumps everything, including
The Google sandbox including proximity, including a whole bunch of other things, follow about Battle Plan to the letter, you get the services from MGYB.co the way that you’re told to do it and in, in the, in the one in the sequence that we tell you to do it, then you’re going to have the same if not better results than if you went and did all that work with, with an expired domain. And there’s no guarantee that that expired domain would hold its metrics. When it’s brought back, you’re still gonna have to do the work, you still gonna have to put in the content, you got to have to redo the content, you’re going to have to do a whole lot of work, when you could just go to MGYB.co and have us do it for you.
Bradley: I agree. So I said, I mean, it’s just so much, so much trouble that can go into building those ads. I just, I don’t think it’s worth it. I really don’t we can get results just as quickly with new domains. So unless you have found one that’s really super powerful I just wouldn’t even bother
Bradley: fit says good agent makes you part of it for you and it
Marco: will chime in. And the reason why he got some of my time is because he donated quite a bit of money to my charity and I decided to reciprocate by giving him some of my time so we had a really great call he’s in Australia by the way, so it’s really early in the morning for him to be on here. So thanks, Will.
How Do You Fix Duplicate Branded Syndication Networks That Were Purchased Via Fiverr?
Bradley: awesome thanks, Fitz says good day gents. Thanks for this form, ask real questions and get actionable answers I have a client who went to Fiverr and body syndication network and then worked with another marketer and bought a different network, many duplicates all branded. What should I do to fix that? Well, do you have access to those accounts is my point as if you if he bought these syndication networks and such from two different vendors, essentially. He probably has a login sheet right? Similar to you know,
We invented it or, you know. So I’m sure that the copy cat also provides a spreadsheet with all the accounts, the URLs, and the login data, what I would do is go in and I would, if I would log into the one that is the most closely branded to his brand name, you can’t have duplicate, right, you can’t have duplicate subdomains on WordPress or blogger or Tumblr or any of the other sites for that matter. So there has to be some sort of variation in the profile or the usernames, right. So I would take the one that is the most closely aligned with the actual brand and use that I would go in and update it. And then obviously go through and some SM style it Semantic Mastery style the syndication network. That’s number one, number two for the other one that’s out there. That’s also similarly branded. I don’t necessarily would say terminate those accounts, but I would make sure that you’re not syndicating to them anymore. In fact, if you have duplicate posts, and it’s not
I’m not talking about duplicate content guys, because that’s, that doesn’t happen on syndication networks. But if you have the same post posted on multiple semi branded networks, then I recommend removing that content specifically because you don’t, you don’t want to create a footprint with this with a blog syndication network or a syndication network where you’re syndicating website content, you can do it it’s fine with with YouTube, but with a blog now, where you know, with money site content, I don’t recommend that. So but that doesn’t mean you have to like go in and actually terminate those accounts, but I would manually go in and delete the existing content, and maybe just put up some kind of shitty content that might link to the other web to do to Dotto profiles. You know, just like one post on each one of the syndication network properties from the network that you’re not going to use right remove the IFTTT triggers, remove any content that’s been posted to both syndication networks, and then might just put some kind of short little article that’s relevant on each one of those other properties and maybe point to the profile URL on the the one that you’re going to keep right the network properties that you’re going to keep, that’s something I would do. And I would just leave it alone after that, and just continually update for the new or the syndication network that you decided to keep. If they’re both done very poorly, and you don’t want to go through which I don’t recommend, you know, I don’t blame me, if you don’t want to go through and actually update everything manually, then I would get access to all the accounts that you can go in and do what I just said to both sets of networks and by a well done Semantic Mastery stout network from MGYB. Right, and then maybe use those two other existing networks as a YouTube network or, you know, it could be possibly used for maybe a separate Twitter network or something like that.
Or you could do what I just said and just use them as kind of like a one-time link builder to your new network properties. If that makes sense. But I wouldn’t link directly back to the money site with those, you know, does that make sense? That’s what I would do. Because again, I totally understand it. By the way, if this guy bought his own syndication network at Fiverr, then he worked with another marketer. He’s probably one of those guys is going to micromanage you fits just so you’re aware of that if you have a business owner or client that has tried to do their own SEO work, and they’ve also hired somebody else to do something that they already attempted on their own. It’s probably going to they’re probably going to micromanage you as well. Just keep that in mind. Okay, I’m going to keep moving. That’s all right.
Is There A Risk Of Google Putting Home Address On The Web?
JACK says maps question please important client does professional services over the phone from home office don’t want home address under Google’s control, used paid use paid for Regis office locations in past but Google close them down? In your opinion, is there any risk of Google putting home address out there on the web as they don’t want their crazy client showing up at home. Are there any red flags to look out for in this plan? Thank you know not for if you’re going to do a Google My Business profile, no, you don’t have to worry about, you know, you need an address when you register in order for them to send the verification card. But it doesn’t publish the listing until you enter the verification code. So when you enter the verification code that you get in the postcard, then you immediately especially if it’s a service area business, which has to be professional services over the phone from home office. So yeah, I mean, you know, I would set that as a service area business, which means you go in and clear the physical address. Once you verify it, you go in into the Info tab and click on the location setting and then there’s a little link in their text link that says clear address and you click that and it’ll clear it and then save it so that it updates and you want to put your service areas in and then save it, Natalie, remove the address from being shown on maps. That’s absolutely
You Google is not going to publish that anywhere. The problem is if you want to build citations to help the maps listing rank, then a lot of the citation directories are going to require a physical address, like an actual street address. Some don’t, though, more more and more actually allowing service area businesses to add their data without a street address. But there’s still a ton of them out there to do required, so just keep that in mind. Okay.
But I wouldn’t worry about it not Google. Google’s not going to leak that at least I’ve never seen that. If you if you put it on, like Yelp or something like that word requires a street adjusting. Yeah, a lot of time. I mean, it’ll show but just don’t build citations on directories that require the street address if that’s the case. Scott says, Bradley, if you can fly to Haley, I’d have I’ll drive you to Denver. No, thanks. I’ve already got my ticket going flying directly to Denver, but thank you, Scott. I appreciate that.
How Do You Retain The Ranking Position Of A GMB Page Into 3-Pack Using Semantic Mastery Products?
Okay, I still need Hi, we only got about seven minutes left guys. He says I still need help for clients GMB ranking, it’s already it already has RYS Drive stack and G site built by SM a few years ago, I’m ordering a syndication network and we’ll add link building, then embed maps and link build would appreciate your suggestion to get just this back into the three-pack. That’s kind of a bit of a loaded question because I don’t know. Like, honestly, you should have had a syndication network, even really before the G site. And drive stack, that doesn’t mean that, you know, you can’t add that now you certainly can. But what I would recommend also doing is manually going back into your drive stack once your syndication network has been built and, you know, start including those links in the drive stack, link building to all of them. What are some press releases that always help? You can do a map embeds now with press releases and a lot of other things. So I would recommend that you know, make sure that your link, go go buy local GMB Pro, which is what we just talked about earlier, because you can actually do really good results, just doing stuff within the Google ecosystem includes posting and you know, a lot of the stuff that we talked about on local GMB Pro.
So that’s a question that you could get a hell of a lot more help with if you joined the mastermind. Or if you posted that, like more detail as to exactly what it is that you’ve got done. And where so that we can help fill in the gaps. Just get, you know, if you don’t have the Battle Plan, follow the Battle Plan. If you’ve got an RYS drive stack and a G site that was built a few years ago, but you never had a syndication network, it’s obvious that you didn’t, you either didn’t have the Battle Plan or you didn’t follow the plan that we laid out. So I recommend picking that up. If you don’t already have the Battle Plan. And just following that step by step, any of the pieces that are currently missing, add those pieces, right, and then just kind of follow each one of those processes. And that’s going to help you to get the results that you need. I’m not saying that that’s going to do it. You know, that’s the start. That’s always the foundation. If you need additional help with that though, that’s where you would you know, like I said, join the mastermind and get local GMB Pro. Once you have the foundation complete, does that make sense? Any comment on that guys?
Marco: Yeah, definitely the Battle Plan, Local GMB Pro is what’s going to create the activity that he’s going to need, right? Because its activity relevance, trust and authority, and local GMB Pro is totally an activity base.
Does Having A Single Link From A Press Release To A Deep Page Is Better Than Having Multiple Press Release Links?
Okay, well says going back to a previous question about PageRank. Does that mean that if you have a single link from a press release to a deep page is better than having multiple links from the press release just to get better-focused SEO just your landing page? Yes, that is true. Well, you know you’re, you get more juice through one link, one outbound link in a press release to whatever you know, you’re trying to push juice to then if you have three outbound links, right. If you have three outback bound links, you’re splitting the link equity three ways that make sense. So if you want to push all of the link equity for through one link to like you said a deep page, or like a blog post that might have an internal link to the page on your site that you’re trying to rank or something like that. Yeah, that’s again, that’s link sculpting. So,
Is It Okay To Use Spun Content For YouTube Descriptions?
Austin Don says, I’ve been doing we buy house city, we buy houses, city videos, is it alright to use spun content for YouTube descriptions? To write individual descriptions is very time-consuming. Thanks. Yeah, you know, Uhm Austin Don, if you’re in the Austin, Texas market, you probably have other people competing. So having good descriptions is helpful for YouTube SEO. But I don’t spend a lot of time on YouTube descriptions anymore. years ago, it was more important in my opinion. Now it’s more about having you know, the primary SEO factors of a YouTube video optimized like the title the tags, having the keyword, like as probably the first thing in the video description. I like having NAP data-name, address, phone number, primary URL, such as website, Google Maps URL, the URL, that version that I just shared this one right here, linking to your top tier one asset branded or entity assets, as we talked about. So linking to a Facebook page if you’re doing Facebook stuff, you know any business directories if you’re using press releases, the organization page, anything like that, I like to put all of that in the video description now, but I usually don’t really flesh out a whole lot of content, written text content for the video description. It’s more about a call to action, right and enlisting the NAP data and relevant links that are entered to kind of reinforce the entity. And then it’s about traditional SEO signals, embeds and or backlinks and engagement signals.
I’m telling you that’s the secret sauce is the engagement signals which you can by using YouTube ads incredibly inexpensive, and for I’m telling you even I’ve got campaigns running right now for the local video production company that I’ve been doing SEO for like five or six years that I have 40 cents per day is my budget. So I’m spending less than $15 a month it comes out to be like $12 a month that I’m spending to constantly feed that video on a daily basis with relevant views from a very specific geographic area because I set my location targeting from an audience that is relevant to the video itself. And it helps to keep those videos ranked. And we’re talking some of these videos have been ranked for years and I haven’t done a damn bit of SEO work since the moment I uploaded it to my channel. And it’s syndicated across my networks. All I’ve done is kept the ad campaigns going because it’s constantly the engagement signals that are coming in that are helping it to rank. So that’s what I would recommend is that you know don’t spend a shit ton of time optimizing the text. Just optimize the key the titles, the tags, put a relevant call to action, link out to your primary tier one entity assets, NAP included.
And then make sure that you do your traditional SEO stuff use playlist, the YouTube Silo Academy method embeds and or backlinks. But at the same time make sure that you set up a YouTube ad campaign for each one of those videos. Even if you just did you know, as I said, I’ve got campaigns running at 40 cents a day. That comes out to be like $12 a month and it works like wonders. Okay.
We gotta go guys. It’s at five o’clock. Any comments before I wrap it up, guys? Sorry about any questions we didn’t get to. Know. I would say get in where you fit in. That’s it. definitely time to pack up head out for POFU Live. Live, baby. See you guys. I’ll see you, Adam, tomorrow. Sounds good. Have a good one everyone. See you
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 257 syndicated from https://medium.com/@SpanishFly
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localwebmgmt · 5 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 257
Click on the video above to watch Episode 257 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Adam: Alright, we are live Welcome everybody to Hump Day Hangouts. This is Episode 257. Today is the ninth of October 2019. And this is the last Hump Day hangouts before POFU Live 2019 in Denver. If you haven’t gotten your ticket yet, you’d like to show up whether you’re going to whether you live there you whether you want to drive in or you can make some last-minute flight plans, head to pofulive.com, grab your ticket. Now, before we get into it, just want to say if you’re joining us for the first time, thanks for watching, we’re going to get into questions and answers. If you’ve got any questions you’re watching us go ahead and pop them on the page at semanticmastery.com/hdquestions. Remember to always head over there. If you’re watching on YouTube. We don’t want to read comments here. You’ve got to go to the page where we embed the video so that you can ask questions we can get to those. So with that said, let’s say hello guys real quick. We’re missing to the Semantic Mastery guys who I believe is started traveling over to POFU Live in Denver. Bradley, Marco and I are here today. So I’ll start at the top and say hello to Bradley. How are you doing?
Bradley: Good. How are you?
Adam: Not bad. Not bad. I’m enjoying some cooler weather here. It’s finally starting to act like a fall. It’s about 65-70 today.
Bradley: Well, you can enjoy cooler weather tomorrow when you get to Denver because it’s supposed to be snowing and freezing cold so
Adam: Yeah, I might have to post some pictures of her on maybe on the Facebook group or something like he heard on hates the cold weather and I think it’s supposed to be a high of 28 degrees tomorrow.
Bradley: Yeah, and snow to which is crazy, but it’s only tomorrow. Because then the rest of the time that we’re there it’s supposed to be between 65 and 70 during the day and then around 30 at night, but it was kind of interesting packing for that, you know?
Adam: Yeah, all over the place. Well, speaking of weather, Marco How are you doing, man?
Marco: I couldn’t be better. Like I couldn’t handle 28 I’m sorry. It’s not happening. I mean, it’s too late like a cold for me. I mentioned it before is 60-65 that range you know. We break out the old sheet and we cover ourselves it gets chilly man 28 gone from 65 to 20 I don’t think so.
Adam: That’s a big change and once it gets below 20 that’s where I start I can handle it depends on the window but yeah in the 20s still nice ones it’s sunny and then anyways tomorrow is going to be fun we’ll see how it goes with Hernan if he’s all bundled up and blankets and freezing to death or if he survives so. Anyways With that said, like I said earlier if you’re watching for the first time you’re in the right place, we’re going to get to q&a and answer your questions and appreciate you being here. Come here every week every Wednesday for pm eastern you can always ask your questions ahead of time as well if you know got a client call you’ve got some work you got things you got to do we understand that but you know benefit here is being live you can ask questions, clarify your questions, but like I said, if you have to you can ask your questions ahead of time at semanticmastery.com/hdquestions and then check out the replay on our YouTube channel, which you should subscribe to if you’re watching that right now.
And secondly, if you haven’t yet check out the Battle Plan right? That’s where you can get our step by step processes for getting results with everything from new websites, aged domains, YouTube channels, so much more. I’m not going to go through the entire laundry list of all the benefits there but head over to battleplan.semanticmastery.com. And if you want to join, you know, our mastermind is about a mastermind but you know, it’s both the mastermind, our mastermind. Basically what it is is an experienced community so you can get faster access to real-world info, testing and build that network of peers who are doing the same things we’re growing these digital marketing businesses or who have businesses and understand how they need to grow the digital marketing side of it. You can find out more about that and join at mastermind.semanticmastery.com. And for everyone, we really recommend going over to mgyb.co. I mean we tell this to you watching these videos, we tell it to our mastermind members, we tell it to everyone
Else, you know if you can start building your team now. And part of that can be using MGYB to provide the services for you things like syndication networks are we as drive stack, press releases, link building embeds, all that sort of stuff. And there are a lot more great packages coming out where we’re going to help people get better, well, the literal package for Hey, you know, if your website is here, then you need these types of additions. You need these syndication networks. We’re going to make that a lot more streamlined so that you can do it for yourself, your projects as well as your clients. So keep your eyes and ears open for that. So with that said guys,
Marco: I have a couple of things. Yeah, right. Number one, people, they always ask us how to put everything together, they’ll go in and don’t order something. And the last, how do I put it together guys, it’s in the Battle Plan. I was just talking to my mini mastermind group. You guys know that I meet every Tuesday. In the evening with a mini mastermind group. I have seven people in there. I wish I could take more people because people keep reaching out to me and saying, hey, I want in on the group. But seven is more than enough. But the thing is that the people in my mini mastermind they follow the Battle Plan. I have a guy, that’s her over. But he started out at 12k a year in digital marketing and client work and SEO, whatever it is that he did. And this year, you know, he’s at around a quarter million for the year. And so it’s as simple as just buckling down doing the fucking work and following the instructions to the letter. You don’t veer from what we tell you to do until you’re ready to test and you shouldn’t be testing until you have a good revenue stream coming in that allows you to set aside time to do that kind of thing, right?
We got another one that Jeff right who went to POFU and he’s killing it. I mean, he’s ranking attorney type big attorney terms of ranking for it, for example, and IT services in New York City. Now imagine how competitive that is, but they’re like the companies have happier than a paycheck, because they’re number one for the term. And how did they do it? They follow the Battle Plan. They follow the instructions, they follow what we tell them, guys, how do you put it all together? Get the Battle Plan. Now, yes, the Battle Plan takes you to MGYB and the products and services. Why do we do that? Because it’s the simplest way we don’t want you doing all that work. Imagine the hours that you have to spend doing all that work keyword research three days. For the keyword research, really, do you really want to do that? Do you really want to spend all that time your client better be paying a whole lot of money to spend three days doing all of that keyword research, I mean, everything it takes time to do
Bradley: Marco, isn’t it more fun to buy shiny new software applications and spend all your time learning how to use it? Just to find out it doesn’t work very well.
Marco: That’s some work, right? Follow the next best, the next best. So it’s already there. We set the path out people who follow it are killing it. And that’s my point. And yes, we do send you to what works for us because it’s what we use guys. We use it, we apply it we get a result. And so we give it to you in a step by step method so that you can follow it through. So if you’re not doing it, you haven’t bought it go by the Battle Plan. It looks like a really simple PDF with links. But you do it step by step. I’m telling you, I just got validation yesterday from a couple of people that are in that range. I mean, you guys know Jordan.
You guys know, Jeff, you guys know, Ed, they’re telling it how following the Battle Plan. That’s one and two about the mastermind. I wanted to mention that it works is a two-way street. We do try to give people everything that works in the mastermind, right? And we do make everyone available that you’re free to exchange ideas and concepts and theories and tests and whatever. But every once in awhile, we’ll get in a thread, as we did with with with something that I talked about when doing silos. And it was a whole long thread and we went really deep into it. And then there’s another one about iframes now.
And then that one sent me into the rabbit hole, where I’m still testing and I’m getting really good results from some ideas that I got. Not like not directly but indirectly, as they posted. Okay, so can I do this Can I do that and I immediately started thinking, well, what if, and that’s when you read, your juices really start flowing? And what if I did this and I quoted it this way, and I hit it this way, and then it would cause no issues. And so what I’m thinking is anyone who attends POFU Live will have first crack at whatever I come up with, from my testing, because they deserve it. I mean, they took the time that they’re going to be there. And so we always say membership has its privileges. But this is a step up. This is a step where you’re trying to change the game and JN and Jeff Moore, Jeff sorry, they went to POFU Live, and they changed the whole mindset, they changed their business strategy, and they’re killing it. So So anyone going deserves it. And so that’s what I’m going to do and then at some future point, it’ll be shared with the mastermind, of course, I don’t know if it’ll be I’ll ever share it outside the mastermind.
But since the nugget was kind of the idea sprouted from a thread in the mastermind I think the mastermind deserves whatever comes from it. And I’m already testing and I’m already coding and that so this is the type of thing that goes on and in the mastermind, mastermind membership has its privileges. Attending POFU Live has its privileges. Most of the people that are in my mini mastermind, are people who went to POFU Live. So I just want to say about that definitely our mastermind members, but they also attended POFU Live and I think that they deserve special attention. That’s just my piece for today. Take it for what it’s worth, but I think it’s just totally worth joining the mastermind and attending POFU Live should be a must in your calendar.
Adam: Sounds good to me, like Marco said, Be there. That’s a pretty awesome thing that Marco is going to do there. So I don’t want to dive back into a Marco but I know that people work with you and your group have had a lot of success. And I’m sure that’s a no small part due to your involvement. So that’s pretty awesome. So if you want to grab your ticket, you can still make it we got a couple of days here before we kick things off on Friday for the VIP day and then Saturday and Sunday for the main event. You can grab your ticket at pofulive.com. Alright, guys, Bradley, anything else before we jump into it?
Bradley: No, I’m just excited too nervous at the same time because I gotta fly tomorrow. But looking forward to coming to Denver and hanging out with you guys and putting on a pretty cool presentation. I think that is pretty powerful. I think this is going to be just a really good event. So I’m excited about it.
Adam: Cool. All right. Let’s do it.
Bradley: All right, let me grab the screen. Stand by. Alright, you guys should be seeing my screen now. Correct.
Adam: Correct. Got your whole screen.
Bradley: All right. Not a lot of questions yet. So guys start posting. Otherwise, we’ll wrap it up a little bit early, which is fine because I’ve got still not 100% packed for I gotta leave really early tomorrow morning for my flight. So anyway, I don’t mind wrapping it up early if that’s what we need to do.
Is It Okay To Send A Full-Text Article With 20+ Affiliate Links Via RSS In A Single Tier Network?
But we’ll start with sutra he says when using a single tier, he’s talking about a single-tier syndication network, is it okay to send the full-text article via RSS? Even if the article has 20 plus affiliate links? I usually post 123 of these types of articles each day. Um, I would say no, and the reason why I say no is it not because it’s an SEO thing, but it’s likely that your blog accounts which would be like WordPress, Tumblr, blogger, not so much blogger but Tumblr and WordPress, will likely or may very well terminate the account for too many outbound links.
Especially like affiliate links and that kind of stuff that they don’t, they don’t typically like that. So I wouldn’t recommend that I would do a post summary. So set your RSS feed to just display the summary. That way, it’s really just pushing the juice back to your post URL that’s published on your blog, which is really all that matters, guys. I mean, if you’re doing a bunch of outbound linking in your blog posts anyways, whether it doesn’t, you don’t really need to worry about posting the full text because, you know, whether they’re nofollow or do follow, it doesn’t even matter. What I’m saying is what you’re looking for is the link back from the post on the syndication network properties back to the original post on your site. Right. And then obviously, if you’re doing internal SEO like on-page SEO correctly, then you’re going to have some sort of contextual link within the text of your blog post that goes up to our money, a money page, right so an actual page or something a category.
Whatever it is that you’re trying to rank on your site. So it really the benefit is pushing the juice from the syndication network properties back to the post URL that’s published on your blog. So I would recommend doing a summary post, you know, summary, just set the RSS feed settings to just display a summary instead of the full text. Now, that said, sometimes those can look spammy too. And sometimes you can find settings in your theme that will allow you to update the length of those RSS, like how much of the summary is shown. And so you might be able to set that and sometimes you have to actually edit the theme files in order for to, you know, to to adjust that some things will give you the option to do that, like it’s, you know, an option that you can set but other times you have to actually go in and edit the theme files. So that’s what I would recommend any comments?
Marco: Yeah, I would say no, and it’s for SEO and it’s because the whole idea behind this concept and what we do and why we send out iframes and everything that we do is to build PageRank. And the problem is, everything starts at PR one, correct? Everything on the web, it starts out at PR one. So if you have something that’s revenue, or even if it’s aged, it could only be a PR one. And the reason why is because you’re splitting the PageRank that you’re passing so low, that you can’t build it up properly. So you split it, you splitting it 20 times, and what you’re passing from a PR one isn’t PR one, it’s less than PR one. As I’ve said before, we’ve done the math we know within certain parameters, just how much PR is passed from a PR one and we know we know it’s a range. So when you splitting it, that fine you’re defeating the purpose of building up that PR building up that trust and authority and everything else. Not only that, having it be so spammy, it could just turn into a PR zero because of the fact that it’s so spammy. And so you’re not really passing anything. You’re not really doing anything is not mean you could grab some traffic. From that point, you could do so much more if you’re more selective with the way that you syndicate your affiliate links so that it doesn’t look so spammy so that it doesn’t look like it’s a whole bunch of garbage. And the only intent for that is to push your affiliate links, make it more user-friendly, making it more for the person that’s going to be reading it for the person to interact with that posts and with that content, and maybe share it maybe like it. Maybe visit the website, or those are all signals that you want. And I guarantee you that a spammy blog post with a whole bunch of affiliate links isn’t going to accomplish what you want.
Is It Good To Use And Embed The Original City Logo And Link The City Website Or Wikipedia City Page For A Local Service Website?
Bradley: Very good. Thank you. Mike says hello to a local service website. Do you think it’s a good idea to use and embed the original city logo and also link to the city website or Wikipedia city page? I can see the power in it, but I don’t think it’s a good idea. Thanks. Well, Mike, that’s what was pretty much standard operating procedure back in like 2012. And for a long time, you know, that was just traditional way they call it conventional wisdom when it came to I didn’t, does conventional wisdom is oftentimes not very smart. It’s just what people think is right. And conventional wisdom for the longest time was that you would link to always a.gov or a Wikipedia page, or, you know, excuse me, a Wikipedia page or a.gov site or a that, especially if you’re doing local to that, you know, corresponding Wikipedia page or the local government website or something like that. And that was supposed to add relevancy, which isn’t true. That’s that hasn’t been true for many, many years. Because Google doesn’t care about you linking to a Wikipedia page about a particular city unless it’s relevant to the content on that page. And even though you might be optimized, you know, for like a plumber and in particular city, just linking to that Wikipedia page arbitrarily with the keyword or without the keyword, whatever, just linking to that page really doesn’t do much, right. It’s not the algorithm is much smarter than that. Now, if you are citing something about that city, like some facts about the city or something that makes it relevant, and you want to cite the source where you gleaned that content from So for example, if you are curating content from a Wikipedia page or a.gov site about that particular city, then you want to cite the source now that adds that that’s a proper way to link to it. And Google can clearly see the relationship between why and why you’re linking to that. But you know, again, years ago, we used to mean just about everybody used to do it. What I always recommend is link outbound linking to relevant content that’s relevant to the concept within the body of the content that you’re linking to, like, in other words, that your UYY just linked to the city page or to the Wikipedia page. If the page is about plumbing services in a particular city.
It doesn’t really make sense just to link to the city website unless there’s a reason for it. And so, again, I’ve always gone back to I mean, four years since probably 2014 timeframe, I stopped doing that stopped doing what was conventional wisdom, and started linking to more relevant pages. So for example, linking to an article on bob Vila calm or do it yourself network or something like that, right, some sort of, like if it’s a plumbing website, right? linking to something that’s more relevant to the content of the page. And then if you want to have some sort of local relevancy in there, why not embed the map or a mind map or driving directions map from the store or the location of the business to that city or something like that, that That, to me makes a lot more sense. It’s more relevant. And so that’s the type of thing that I’ve always done as far as embedding a city logo from another website. I don’t recommend doing that. Because if you don’t have permission to use that, remember that that logo is likely trademarked or even if it’s not trademarked, it’s probably a copyright issue. Because I can tell you one thing you don’t want to do when you curate content and by the way, we have a training for a full training program called Content Kingpin which will teach you all about curating and why it’s very it’s so powerful because it creates co-citation, it allows you to generate content much quicker, it’s much more efficient, you don’t have to learn. You don’t have to be a content or subject matter expert. In order to be able to generate content, you just have to know how to locate it, and put it together in a logical fashion and then cite the sources properly. So I would recommend you look at that because one of the things that we learned the hard way, is you never want to curate images. Ever. Okay? Unless you there, wiki, what do they call Wiki Commons there? I don’t recommend ever curating images because you will, you can end up getting copyright infringement and be sued for that. And a lot of times like, it’s happened to me, it’s happened to me for almost three years in a row was two years in a row where I got hit with copyright.
Basically extortion letters where they would say you’ve got to pay so much or we’re taking you to court for copyright infringement and you’d have to pay or else they would take your ass to court, and it sucks so I learned a long time ago. Never curate images so I would really highly recommend not embedding a city logo. And don’t just arbitrarily link to a city Wikipedia page or a city government website, unless there’s a specific reason for it, that you clearly identify in the content that you’re let you know why you’re linking to it. If that makes sense. You’re much better off linking to something that’s more relevant. You want to comment on that, Marco?
Marco: I agree. Because there’s activity relevance, relevance, trust, and authority. Right? You’re much better off linking to something that has you know, that that’s updated regularly, and events page what’s going on, in you know, in the city, landmark, places to see if there are if this park, just anything, it’s just going a little bit further in as far as the geolocation is, yes, you’re part of the city. So it stands to reason that you would think I want to link to the Wikipedia city page for this, but you can go further and make get even more relevant. And in fact, if you can get that city schedule, into a calendar of events, the way that we do in RYS Academy Reloaded, and load those ups, and that’s constantly changing, and that’s constantly pushing, all of that relevance, everything that’s happening in that city, and mixed in with those calendar events are your events, what’s happening with your business, whatever it is, whether you want to coupon special, whether you want to send them to the GMB, the map, just whatever it is, you mix in all of that with all of the other relevance and it works a whole lot better than just simply making to the city page for x reason, which there’s really no reason.
Bradley: Yeah. I mean, again, that’s been such old tactics that you know, if it really worked well, Google would have killed it a long time ago because it’s been used forever. As I said, it’s just that it was like common knowledge. Conventional wisdom is just what people did and for the longest time I would you know, I would argue why would Why do you do that? Well, because you know, it’s adding relevancy I will have you tested it. Because if you test it, you’ll find that it doesn’t really do shit, you’re much better off linking the relevant content and I like curated content for that reason because it clearly gives a reason to link out to something and it can create co-citation, which is, is pretty powerful too. So
What’s The Difference Between Maps SEO And Website SEO?
Jonathan says are the map embeds the only thing MGYB sells for maps Seo? No, not by far. My furnace guy wants to rank in maps but doesn’t care about his website. What is the main difference in maps SEO versus website SEO? Well, there’s a lot of similarities, a lot of overlap. But with maps SEO there, you know, you can focus entirely on the Google properties, right, the Google ecosystem. So the map URL itself, I’m going to demonstrate how to get the best map URL to build links to you can do map embeds. You can do citation building. You know if he’s got legit if you say it’s your furnace guy, so I’m assuming is you know, HVAC guy, and he’s got a real business, then it’s probably registered to a real address. Even if it’s a service area business, you can build citations for that. That’s something I always recommend doing if you have a valid address. So there are I mean, there are a number of things that you can do, but very specifically MGYB sells, I mean, pretty much every one of our services can be applied to ranking in maps or maps SEO as you called it, right.
So for example, let me just give you a couple of examples here. This is something that you can go check out GMB.reviewsmaker.com, right. So let’s just go to I’m just going to type in HVAC contractor, Culpepper, for example. Okay, so I’m going to click on KNM Heating and Air heating and air conditioning. And in fact, actually, let me just copy that name. And this is what I’m going to do. So this is how you can get the best URL to build links to if you’re going to be doing link building to the map, right. So there are embeds, there’s also link building, there are press releases, there’s you can which you can embed a map in the press release. Plus, you can also create a contextual link or just a naked URL in the actual press release. To back to the map itself, I’m going to give you a few examples here of how you can get better results. So let’s go back to Google for it first. Here’s a couple of ways that you can do this. Number one, you can go into your GMB dashboard or your client’s GMB dashboard. And on the Info tab, where you’ll always see this one little section where it says view on maps or view on search and view on maps. You can right-click on the view on maps and copy the link address and paste it into a notepad file and then reformat it I’m going to show you the correct format. So that’s one way to find it. The best URL for building links to a map, Google map right. The second way is to go type in or go search for your client’s business name on Google. So in this case, I’m going to search for KNM Heating and Air Inc because that’s just the example that I pulled, then I’m going to click through to the maps listing.
And you’ll see up here in the US the address bar of Chrome, I’ve got this long, ugly URL, right? Well, if you go to GMB dot review, make reviews maker calm, okay, and you click to decode place ID, and just paste that long maps URL in there and click the code place Id take a second, then it’s going to come down and it’s going to give you this maps URL right here. Okay, I’m going to copy that link address. And I’m going to paste that into a notepad file. Now, if you take a look at this URL, I’ll show you and I’ve demonstrated this before, but I want to answer this question thoroughly for him. If we go to like, where it goes com or something like that, some sort of redirect tracer. I could paste that URL that it gives you, right? So from here, and if we take a look at this, you’ll see that this has got a 302 redirect built into it. In fact, there are two of them. So that is not a good URL to use for link building. Like if you want to build links to this URL, you’re not passing any PageRank or link equity essentially, through these two, three or two redirects, that stops it dead, right. So in other words, you can link to it, you somebody could click on that link, and it’s going to navigate, or jump to the final target URL or the destination, which is this. But as far as passing link equity, if you’re to build links to this, it’s not going to pass any. So it’s not a good URL to build links to which by the way, this URL right here, that the share URL, take a look at how many redirects are in this one. If we go back to where goes.
It might even there it goes. Look at that. Look, how many redirects are in there. Three 302 redirects and no matter refresh, so that’s not a good URL, either this share URL, don’t build links that are dumb. It does, it does no good, right? So what you want to do is you want to take that URL, which by the way, you can just take the URL from here and go to a redirect tracer, and then paste it in and then copy the final URL, or just memorize this, which is what I did. It’s very simple. copy that URL, and then just change it, just rearrange it to where you change the maps right there. So maps.google.com, you would change it to www.google.com. Then forward-slash question mark. See ID equals is what the original one is. So all you want to do is move maps from before and the subdomain from maps to the right after the forward-slash, then it’s question marks the ID equals and we’ll take that, Copy that, paste it in. So it’s just a quick change or modification of the URL. And now watch this. If we take this, we go back to a redirect tracer.
Quick, Tracy well there’s no reason XC that now if we go load that URL into the address bar and click Go, you’ll see once the page loads, it converts to that long URL, but it’s not technically a redirect. Right. So that’s the best URL to build links to is this one right here. So that’s something else that you can do. Right. So like I mentioned before, you can embed a map into press releases. You can also build links directly to this map URL, right. So that’s one thing you can do. RYS Drive stacks are incredibly powerful. If you provide the NAP. The name, address and phone number of the business, as well as the maps URL will build a drive stack that is hyper optimized for that specific location, right and will push a ton of power directly to the Google properties especially like you said, if he’s not interested in ranking a website, you can select to push all of the juice from the drive stack back to the maps the Google properties which would be the maps GMB website, will you’ll get it, you should order the, excuse me, the Google Site along with that the Google site will be part of that. So you can build all of the power back to the actual maps listing.
However, there are a couple other things I want to mention. Let’s see, just just because there are a few other points here that you can add additional power to, right. So for a note, another one is the reviews. This company, in particular, has 21 reviews, I don’t know how many your client has. But if we click on that review link, right, it’s going to pull up here Well, that is a different URL. So up here is another URL, I would suggest using your own three one redirects creator. There are a number of of them out there that you can use that are free, some of them that are paid like a subscription base, and others that you can create three one redirects from a plugin through your through a website, which is what I, you know, I prefer to do that through my own domain or something through or through a branded domain or a domain that I’m using specifically for redirects, that kind of thing. But if you take a guy here, open up Firefox just to show you that URL right there, I would create a 301 redirect out of that URL. And what’s it do? It automatically loads to these reviews. So you can push link equity into this. Well, let’s not stop there. What about each one of these individual reviews? For example, if I was to click Share on that one from Alan Jackson, which sounds like looks like a lot of the users’ spam, I don’t know. Jackson’s a country singer and Ronnie White is a Ron White isn’t a comedian. But if we’re to take that URL right there and paste that in, you’ll see that that is a separate URL, like that’s a redirect, as I just talked about, if you click the Share URL, it’s going to give you a redirect. So watch what happens when we trace that one. This is for the individual review. It’s still a 302 redirect. So that’s not what you want to build links to not this. What you want to build links to is this, which again, if you want to make it a pretty URL, all you got to do is use a 301 redirect creator.
As I said, there are some free ones out there, there are some ones that you can pay for a subscription basis, like a rebrand, delete rebrand.ly, for example of one, or there’s another one. Or like, what I like to do is use my own domain or clients domain, and use the pretty links pro plugin to create 301 redirects. Okay? Either way, that’s the URL you want to build to. And that’s the same URLs, what’s up here? Right, but you can build it through a 301 redirect. And look, that’s an individual review within that maps listing. And if this one’s got 21 reviews, that’s 21 additional link targets, right? Plus this one is a link target, which is the overall reviews URL plus the maps URL itself, right, which in this version of it that I just talked about being the best version. There’s more to think about photos, right? For example, this guy’s only got looks like it’s at four, but I’m only Well, maybe that was, let’s go back into photos here. For photos, it says for photos, each one of these areas a separate URL. So my point is if you’re just going to be doing map stuff for a client, what I like to do is extract all the URLs from the maps listing, set up redirects so that they’re pretty and they’re short, much easier to manage. And then start using those and link building campaigns, which you can also use those to be included in a drive stack as target URLs where we will build the drive stack to be targeting each one of those separate URLs. And what happens is you push juice into this listing from all different angles and every single point that you can push link equity into it. It’s very, very powerful. You want to
Marco: Yeah, he’s asking about maps SEO, and I’m just going to say local GMB Pro. It’s what set the standard for GMB optimization every other course came after copied what we did. So if you want the Trailblazer the standard bear the one that laid it down on how it’s properly done. There you go and get local GMB pro and you can learn what Bradley just talked about more in-depth, along with many other things that you could do to push the GMB the map into the three-pack, which is what your client is looking for. They don’t care about the website fine. So you work entirely within the GMB ecosystem, which is what local GMB Pro is all about. So guys, if you really want to do this, right, if you want that heart into the three-pack, you go into local GMP Pro.
Bradley: That’s right. And that’s an in there, we talked about various other things. I’m not going to talk about specific methods here, but just so you know that again, this this this client, or this client is not my client, but this contractor, HVAC contractor is also doing GMB posts, he probably has an SEO that is working on his stuff. And take a look at that guys. Again, these are all additional link targets, right? We copy that URL and go back to the redirect tracer, which I already closed.
And once again, this is a GMB post URL, right? It’s going to redirect, don’t ever use the share URLs for SEO purposes. You can use it for navigation purposes. But look, how many redirects are there. So what you want to do is end up taking this URL, and using that as that could be potentially another link target. Right? So that makes sense. So if we’re going to just open up that URL and see it didn’t bring it up, it’s probably the one prior to that this one, which is okay, because that’s a meta refresh, so that, that’s fine. Let’s open it up there.
There, see I brought it up, it brought that post up to the very top. So the same thing goes you can take an older post and do the same thing you could share it, grab, copy the share URL. Put it in now local GMB Pro, we talk about a hell of a lot of really cool things that you can do a GMB post, I’m not going to talk about here. But I’m just saying you can actually use these posts as additional places to build links to the right. So again, this one right here, I would take this URL, copy that, that’s what I would build links to and watch what happens if I load that into the browser. It’s going to pull up that post at the top See, the one that I just shared. So it makes sense. So all of those are linked targets. That’s why I said there’s just a ton of different things that you can do to push additional power into their not just through and beds and beds are very powerful. Don’t get me wrong, but there’s a number of other things that you can do. So that was a good question.
Does Google Sandbox New Domains For At Least 3 Weeks Or Longer?
Gordon’s up he says, Hey, guys, I don’t want to sound like a broken record. But I just want to say again, your Hump Day help is very much appreciated. Well, you’re welcome, Gordon. And we do appreciate that as well. If I remember correctly, you said in the past that you prefer to use a new domain instead of an aged domain to rank a local lead gen site. So you can control the name of the domain for SEO purposes and for branding purposes. That is correct. I have said that. But I was wondering if in fact Google does sandbox new domains for at least three weeks or probably longer other than losing the branding and partial keyword and domain benefit. Why is it not better to use a niche related aged domain with a clean niche related backlink profile? And if you use an aged domain would you need to to rebuild the old site pages and the old links pointing to using way back point old links point to using Wayback Machine the old things point to excuse me the way that I read that was wrong and if you use an aged domain, would you need to rebuild the old site pages that the old links point to using Wayback machine in order not to lose the link juice? Okay, so the first question is because I’m able to typically especially when I’m trying to rank for local stuff, the right which is what the maps I don’t
Is that getting a new brand new domains? Fine, because I’m not looking for the initial, the, you know, an existing link profile because it really doesn’t matter. Like I mean, if if the sites built really well and everything else, then it can have an effect on the maps, there’s no question. But as we were just talking about in the previous question, we can typically get results without even having a self-hosted website, if that makes sense, right? Because we can focus on specifically just the GMB properties and get results. That said, I always prefer to have a branded type of domain, one that I can build a brand around for, if especially for lead gen stuff that I could use in other locations, right, which is why I talked about if I’m going to have a website, I like to use subdomains with the city name is the subdomain so that I can build upon a particular brand.
Does that mean that you cannot that you can’t start with an aged domain that has been dropped by somebody else or whatever, and build a brand around that I suppose you could? But the problem that I would see with that is that there may be some other existing content on the web that can ambiguate, right? That’s a key term that can ambiguate the brand that you’re trying to build or the data that you’re trying to build through your new location, your new setup. Right? Now, if you’re talking about strictly organic SEO, yes, there’s some benefit for building through an aged domain that has a clean link profile. But having a clean link profile is kind of difficult to do or else why was I mean, a lot, I mean, you will find some domains like that, but they’re few and far between. A lot of times the aged domains that have been dropped are just they either have a shitty link profile or a non-existent link profile. In other words, they might have one or two links that are actually, you know, decent links, if any at all. And so my point is, I would rather just go with something new that’s branded so that I have more control over the content that’s going to be published and everything else and not have to worry about any sort of invigoration not have to worry about any potential links out there.
On the web that is toxic to it, or they’re going to cause any problems as I start building out the new project if that makes sense. So, I mean, there, you certainly can do that. If you want. I don’t recommend it. I don’t, you know, the only time I would use aged domains really is if I was building what I would call feeder sites are like PBNs, right? Because that kind of help to shortcut the process a little bit since you’re not starting from scratch. But when it came to a brand for lead gen site, or for a client, I would always recommend using a brand new one. Now if you are going to build an old domain, yes, it is better to rebuild those pages. You can do that using the Wayback Machine. It’ll you know you can download HTML files and upload those. There’s a couple of plugins and services out there where you can subscribe to or pay for credits I believe that will actually create a file of the Wayback Machine stuff that makes it much easier I know there’s some plugins I can’t even think was named now there’s there.
I know there are some plugins out there that will do that on a WordPress site to where you just basically, you can enter a file or upload the zip file that you get from the Wayback Machine. And it will automatically build out the old pages with the old content, you might have to do some formatting and stuff to them. But you can do that. And I would recommend doing that, or at least building some sort of page that has similar content on it doesn’t have to be the exact duplicates or replication of the old pages. But if it had a good link profile, and it ever in anybody ever goes and looks at, you know, the webmasters of the sites that were linking to that, and they noticed that there was a big change in the page or just doesn’t exist anymore, they may take that link down. So the reason why you would rebuild those previous pages or you know, the pages that aren’t there anymore, is because you’d want the links that were built to that page to stay there. That’s really the only reason where else you could just do a redirect.
My point is, if you just did a redirect from the old URL to the homepage or to a new URL, and a webmaster says, was analyzing or looking at the site and saying, you know, from one of their pages on their site, there was a link to your, to the, to the domain that they had linked to previously. And they look at and say, well, that’s not what I had linked to, I’m going to remove that, then you lose that link. And so you start to ultimately lose the power of having an aged domain with an inbound link profile anyways. And that happens unless you rebuild the pages, or have them redirected to something that’s very similar so that it’s still a value to the site that was originally linking to it. That all said, usually, when you’re dealing with, like, especially local business type sites, it’s just not worth all that trouble. You’re better off and you’re able to get just as quickly as just results just as quickly, excuse me, using methods that we talked about with a brand new domain. So Marco, do want to comment on that before we move on?
Marco: Yeah, absolutely. So imagine it if McDonald’s had come out with McDonald’s of Illinois, if Coca Cola wherever it began, it had come out with the Madison, if you have that, that that one, if you have that one that will boom, nationally or globally, you’re going to have to go and redo all of the work that you’ve done. Yeah, of course, it’s going to be worth it. But I’m the type and I know Bradley is too, that hates doing work, the same work over again. So why going and you have to do the work over again, when you can start off with a brand that doesn’t necessarily have to pigeonhole itself with geolocation or geographically because you can do that with a category or a pages category. It has the same effect. You don’t need it. And the Google sandbox is very real, but the way that we teach activity, relevance, trust, and authority. It trumps everything, including
The Google sandbox including proximity, including a whole bunch of other things, follow about Battle Plan to the letter, you get the services from MGYB.co the way that you’re told to do it and in, in the, in the one in the sequence that we tell you to do it, then you’re going to have the same if not better results than if you went and did all that work with, with an expired domain. And there’s no guarantee that that expired domain would hold its metrics. When it’s brought back, you’re still gonna have to do the work, you still gonna have to put in the content, you got to have to redo the content, you’re going to have to do a whole lot of work, when you could just go to MGYB.co and have us do it for you.
Bradley: I agree. So I said, I mean, it’s just so much, so much trouble that can go into building those ads. I just, I don’t think it’s worth it. I really don’t we can get results just as quickly with new domains. So unless you have found one that’s really super powerful I just wouldn’t even bother
Bradley: fit says good agent makes you part of it for you and it
Marco: will chime in. And the reason why he got some of my time is because he donated quite a bit of money to my charity and I decided to reciprocate by giving him some of my time so we had a really great call he’s in Australia by the way, so it’s really early in the morning for him to be on here. So thanks, Will.
How Do You Fix Duplicate Branded Syndication Networks That Were Purchased Via Fiverr?
Bradley: awesome thanks, Fitz says good day gents. Thanks for this form, ask real questions and get actionable answers I have a client who went to Fiverr and body syndication network and then worked with another marketer and bought a different network, many duplicates all branded. What should I do to fix that? Well, do you have access to those accounts is my point as if you if he bought these syndication networks and such from two different vendors, essentially. He probably has a login sheet right? Similar to you know,
We invented it or, you know. So I’m sure that the copy cat also provides a spreadsheet with all the accounts, the URLs, and the login data, what I would do is go in and I would, if I would log into the one that is the most closely branded to his brand name, you can’t have duplicate, right, you can’t have duplicate subdomains on WordPress or blogger or Tumblr or any of the other sites for that matter. So there has to be some sort of variation in the profile or the usernames, right. So I would take the one that is the most closely aligned with the actual brand and use that I would go in and update it. And then obviously go through and some SM style it Semantic Mastery style the syndication network. That’s number one, number two for the other one that’s out there. That’s also similarly branded. I don’t necessarily would say terminate those accounts, but I would make sure that you’re not syndicating to them anymore. In fact, if you have duplicate posts, and it’s not
I’m not talking about duplicate content guys, because that’s, that doesn’t happen on syndication networks. But if you have the same post posted on multiple semi branded networks, then I recommend removing that content specifically because you don’t, you don’t want to create a footprint with this with a blog syndication network or a syndication network where you’re syndicating website content, you can do it it’s fine with with YouTube, but with a blog now, where you know, with money site content, I don’t recommend that. So but that doesn’t mean you have to like go in and actually terminate those accounts, but I would manually go in and delete the existing content, and maybe just put up some kind of shitty content that might link to the other web to do to Dotto profiles. You know, just like one post on each one of the syndication network properties from the network that you’re not going to use right remove the IFTTT triggers, remove any content that’s been posted to both syndication networks, and then might just put some kind of short little article that’s relevant on each one of those other properties and maybe point to the profile URL on the the one that you’re going to keep right the network properties that you’re going to keep, that’s something I would do. And I would just leave it alone after that, and just continually update for the new or the syndication network that you decided to keep. If they’re both done very poorly, and you don’t want to go through which I don’t recommend, you know, I don’t blame me, if you don’t want to go through and actually update everything manually, then I would get access to all the accounts that you can go in and do what I just said to both sets of networks and by a well done Semantic Mastery stout network from MGYB. Right, and then maybe use those two other existing networks as a YouTube network or, you know, it could be possibly used for maybe a separate Twitter network or something like that.
Or you could do what I just said and just use them as kind of like a one-time link builder to your new network properties. If that makes sense. But I wouldn’t link directly back to the money site with those, you know, does that make sense? That’s what I would do. Because again, I totally understand it. By the way, if this guy bought his own syndication network at Fiverr, then he worked with another marketer. He’s probably one of those guys is going to micromanage you fits just so you’re aware of that if you have a business owner or client that has tried to do their own SEO work, and they’ve also hired somebody else to do something that they already attempted on their own. It’s probably going to they’re probably going to micromanage you as well. Just keep that in mind. Okay, I’m going to keep moving. That’s all right.
Is There A Risk Of Google Putting Home Address On The Web?
JACK says maps question please important client does professional services over the phone from home office don’t want home address under Google’s control, used paid use paid for Regis office locations in past but Google close them down? In your opinion, is there any risk of Google putting home address out there on the web as they don’t want their crazy client showing up at home. Are there any red flags to look out for in this plan? Thank you know not for if you’re going to do a Google My Business profile, no, you don’t have to worry about, you know, you need an address when you register in order for them to send the verification card. But it doesn’t publish the listing until you enter the verification code. So when you enter the verification code that you get in the postcard, then you immediately especially if it’s a service area business, which has to be professional services over the phone from home office. So yeah, I mean, you know, I would set that as a service area business, which means you go in and clear the physical address. Once you verify it, you go in into the Info tab and click on the location setting and then there’s a little link in their text link that says clear address and you click that and it’ll clear it and then save it so that it updates and you want to put your service areas in and then save it, Natalie, remove the address from being shown on maps. That’s absolutely
You Google is not going to publish that anywhere. The problem is if you want to build citations to help the maps listing rank, then a lot of the citation directories are going to require a physical address, like an actual street address. Some don’t, though, more more and more actually allowing service area businesses to add their data without a street address. But there’s still a ton of them out there to do required, so just keep that in mind. Okay.
But I wouldn’t worry about it not Google. Google’s not going to leak that at least I’ve never seen that. If you if you put it on, like Yelp or something like that word requires a street adjusting. Yeah, a lot of time. I mean, it’ll show but just don’t build citations on directories that require the street address if that’s the case. Scott says, Bradley, if you can fly to Haley, I’d have I’ll drive you to Denver. No, thanks. I’ve already got my ticket going flying directly to Denver, but thank you, Scott. I appreciate that.
How Do You Retain The Ranking Position Of A GMB Page Into 3-Pack Using Semantic Mastery Products?
Okay, I still need Hi, we only got about seven minutes left guys. He says I still need help for clients GMB ranking, it’s already it already has RYS Drive stack and G site built by SM a few years ago, I’m ordering a syndication network and we’ll add link building, then embed maps and link build would appreciate your suggestion to get just this back into the three-pack. That’s kind of a bit of a loaded question because I don’t know. Like, honestly, you should have had a syndication network, even really before the G site. And drive stack, that doesn’t mean that, you know, you can’t add that now you certainly can. But what I would recommend also doing is manually going back into your drive stack once your syndication network has been built and, you know, start including those links in the drive stack, link building to all of them. What are some press releases that always help? You can do a map embeds now with press releases and a lot of other things. So I would recommend that you know, make sure that your link, go go buy local GMB Pro, which is what we just talked about earlier, because you can actually do really good results, just doing stuff within the Google ecosystem includes posting and you know, a lot of the stuff that we talked about on local GMB Pro.
So that’s a question that you could get a hell of a lot more help with if you joined the mastermind. Or if you posted that, like more detail as to exactly what it is that you’ve got done. And where so that we can help fill in the gaps. Just get, you know, if you don’t have the Battle Plan, follow the Battle Plan. If you’ve got an RYS drive stack and a G site that was built a few years ago, but you never had a syndication network, it’s obvious that you didn’t, you either didn’t have the Battle Plan or you didn’t follow the plan that we laid out. So I recommend picking that up. If you don’t already have the Battle Plan. And just following that step by step, any of the pieces that are currently missing, add those pieces, right, and then just kind of follow each one of those processes. And that’s going to help you to get the results that you need. I’m not saying that that’s going to do it. You know, that’s the start. That’s always the foundation. If you need additional help with that though, that’s where you would you know, like I said, join the mastermind and get local GMB Pro. Once you have the foundation complete, does that make sense? Any comment on that guys?
Marco: Yeah, definitely the Battle Plan, Local GMB Pro is what’s going to create the activity that he’s going to need, right? Because its activity relevance, trust and authority, and local GMB Pro is totally an activity base.
Does Having A Single Link From A Press Release To A Deep Page Is Better Than Having Multiple Press Release Links?
Okay, well says going back to a previous question about PageRank. Does that mean that if you have a single link from a press release to a deep page is better than having multiple links from the press release just to get better-focused SEO just your landing page? Yes, that is true. Well, you know you’re, you get more juice through one link, one outbound link in a press release to whatever you know, you’re trying to push juice to then if you have three outbound links, right. If you have three outback bound links, you’re splitting the link equity three ways that make sense. So if you want to push all of the link equity for through one link to like you said a deep page, or like a blog post that might have an internal link to the page on your site that you’re trying to rank or something like that. Yeah, that’s again, that’s link sculpting. So,
Is It Okay To Use Spun Content For YouTube Descriptions?
Austin Don says, I’ve been doing we buy house city, we buy houses, city videos, is it alright to use spun content for YouTube descriptions? To write individual descriptions is very time-consuming. Thanks. Yeah, you know, Uhm Austin Don, if you’re in the Austin, Texas market, you probably have other people competing. So having good descriptions is helpful for YouTube SEO. But I don’t spend a lot of time on YouTube descriptions anymore. years ago, it was more important in my opinion. Now it’s more about having you know, the primary SEO factors of a YouTube video optimized like the title the tags, having the keyword, like as probably the first thing in the video description. I like having NAP data-name, address, phone number, primary URL, such as website, Google Maps URL, the URL, that version that I just shared this one right here, linking to your top tier one asset branded or entity assets, as we talked about. So linking to a Facebook page if you’re doing Facebook stuff, you know any business directories if you’re using press releases, the organization page, anything like that, I like to put all of that in the video description now, but I usually don’t really flesh out a whole lot of content, written text content for the video description. It’s more about a call to action, right and enlisting the NAP data and relevant links that are entered to kind of reinforce the entity. And then it’s about traditional SEO signals, embeds and or backlinks and engagement signals.
I’m telling you that’s the secret sauce is the engagement signals which you can by using YouTube ads incredibly inexpensive, and for I’m telling you even I’ve got campaigns running right now for the local video production company that I’ve been doing SEO for like five or six years that I have 40 cents per day is my budget. So I’m spending less than $15 a month it comes out to be like $12 a month that I’m spending to constantly feed that video on a daily basis with relevant views from a very specific geographic area because I set my location targeting from an audience that is relevant to the video itself. And it helps to keep those videos ranked. And we’re talking some of these videos have been ranked for years and I haven’t done a damn bit of SEO work since the moment I uploaded it to my channel. And it’s syndicated across my networks. All I’ve done is kept the ad campaigns going because it’s constantly the engagement signals that are coming in that are helping it to rank. So that’s what I would recommend is that you know don’t spend a shit ton of time optimizing the text. Just optimize the key the titles, the tags, put a relevant call to action, link out to your primary tier one entity assets, NAP included.
And then make sure that you do your traditional SEO stuff use playlist, the YouTube Silo Academy method embeds and or backlinks. But at the same time make sure that you set up a YouTube ad campaign for each one of those videos. Even if you just did you know, as I said, I’ve got campaigns running at 40 cents a day. That comes out to be like $12 a month and it works like wonders. Okay.
We gotta go guys. It’s at five o'clock. Any comments before I wrap it up, guys? Sorry about any questions we didn’t get to. Know. I would say get in where you fit in. That’s it. definitely time to pack up head out for POFU Live. Live, baby. See you guys. I’ll see you, Adam, tomorrow. Sounds good. Have a good one everyone. See you
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 257 published first on your-t1-blog-url
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angelagiles18 · 5 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 257
Click on the video above to watch Episode 257 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Adam: Alright, we are live Welcome everybody to Hump Day Hangouts. This is Episode 257. Today is the ninth of October 2019. And this is the last Hump Day hangouts before POFU Live 2019 in Denver. If you haven’t gotten your ticket yet, you’d like to show up whether you’re going to whether you live there you whether you want to drive in or you can make some last-minute flight plans, head to pofulive.com, grab your ticket. Now, before we get into it, just want to say if you’re joining us for the first time, thanks for watching, we’re going to get into questions and answers. If you’ve got any questions you’re watching us go ahead and pop them on the page at semanticmastery.com/hdquestions. Remember to always head over there. If you’re watching on YouTube. We don’t want to read comments here. You’ve got to go to the page where we embed the video so that you can ask questions we can get to those. So with that said, let’s say hello guys real quick. We’re missing to the Semantic Mastery guys who I believe is started traveling over to POFU Live in Denver. Bradley, Marco and I are here today. So I’ll start at the top and say hello to Bradley. How are you doing?
Bradley: Good. How are you?
Adam: Not bad. Not bad. I’m enjoying some cooler weather here. It’s finally starting to act like a fall. It’s about 65-70 today.
Bradley: Well, you can enjoy cooler weather tomorrow when you get to Denver because it’s supposed to be snowing and freezing cold so
Adam: Yeah, I might have to post some pictures of her on maybe on the Facebook group or something like he heard on hates the cold weather and I think it’s supposed to be a high of 28 degrees tomorrow.
Bradley: Yeah, and snow to which is crazy, but it’s only tomorrow. Because then the rest of the time that we’re there it’s supposed to be between 65 and 70 during the day and then around 30 at night, but it was kind of interesting packing for that, you know?
Adam: Yeah, all over the place. Well, speaking of weather, Marco How are you doing, man?
Marco: I couldn’t be better. Like I couldn’t handle 28 I’m sorry. It’s not happening. I mean, it’s too late like a cold for me. I mentioned it before is 60-65 that range you know. We break out the old sheet and we cover ourselves it gets chilly man 28 gone from 65 to 20 I don’t think so.
Adam: That’s a big change and once it gets below 20 that’s where I start I can handle it depends on the window but yeah in the 20s still nice ones it’s sunny and then anyways tomorrow is going to be fun we’ll see how it goes with Hernan if he’s all bundled up and blankets and freezing to death or if he survives so. Anyways With that said, like I said earlier if you’re watching for the first time you’re in the right place, we’re going to get to q&a and answer your questions and appreciate you being here. Come here every week every Wednesday for pm eastern you can always ask your questions ahead of time as well if you know got a client call you’ve got some work you got things you got to do we understand that but you know benefit here is being live you can ask questions, clarify your questions, but like I said, if you have to you can ask your questions ahead of time at semanticmastery.com/hdquestions and then check out the replay on our YouTube channel, which you should subscribe to if you’re watching that right now.
And secondly, if you haven’t yet check out the Battle Plan right? That’s where you can get our step by step processes for getting results with everything from new websites, aged domains, YouTube channels, so much more. I’m not going to go through the entire laundry list of all the benefits there but head over to battleplan.semanticmastery.com. And if you want to join, you know, our mastermind is about a mastermind but you know, it’s both the mastermind, our mastermind. Basically what it is is an experienced community so you can get faster access to real-world info, testing and build that network of peers who are doing the same things we’re growing these digital marketing businesses or who have businesses and understand how they need to grow the digital marketing side of it. You can find out more about that and join at mastermind.semanticmastery.com. And for everyone, we really recommend going over to mgyb.co. I mean we tell this to you watching these videos, we tell it to our mastermind members, we tell it to everyone
Else, you know if you can start building your team now. And part of that can be using MGYB to provide the services for you things like syndication networks are we as drive stack, press releases, link building embeds, all that sort of stuff. And there are a lot more great packages coming out where we’re going to help people get better, well, the literal package for Hey, you know, if your website is here, then you need these types of additions. You need these syndication networks. We’re going to make that a lot more streamlined so that you can do it for yourself, your projects as well as your clients. So keep your eyes and ears open for that. So with that said guys,
Marco: I have a couple of things. Yeah, right. Number one, people, they always ask us how to put everything together, they’ll go in and don’t order something. And the last, how do I put it together guys, it’s in the Battle Plan. I was just talking to my mini mastermind group. You guys know that I meet every Tuesday. In the evening with a mini mastermind group. I have seven people in there. I wish I could take more people because people keep reaching out to me and saying, hey, I want in on the group. But seven is more than enough. But the thing is that the people in my mini mastermind they follow the Battle Plan. I have a guy, that’s her over. But he started out at 12k a year in digital marketing and client work and SEO, whatever it is that he did. And this year, you know, he’s at around a quarter million for the year. And so it’s as simple as just buckling down doing the fucking work and following the instructions to the letter. You don’t veer from what we tell you to do until you’re ready to test and you shouldn’t be testing until you have a good revenue stream coming in that allows you to set aside time to do that kind of thing, right?
We got another one that Jeff right who went to POFU and he’s killing it. I mean, he’s ranking attorney type big attorney terms of ranking for it, for example, and IT services in New York City. Now imagine how competitive that is, but they’re like the companies have happier than a paycheck, because they’re number one for the term. And how did they do it? They follow the Battle Plan. They follow the instructions, they follow what we tell them, guys, how do you put it all together? Get the Battle Plan. Now, yes, the Battle Plan takes you to MGYB and the products and services. Why do we do that? Because it’s the simplest way we don’t want you doing all that work. Imagine the hours that you have to spend doing all that work keyword research three days. For the keyword research, really, do you really want to do that? Do you really want to spend all that time your client better be paying a whole lot of money to spend three days doing all of that keyword research, I mean, everything it takes time to do
Bradley: Marco, isn’t it more fun to buy shiny new software applications and spend all your time learning how to use it? Just to find out it doesn’t work very well.
Marco: That’s some work, right? Follow the next best, the next best. So it’s already there. We set the path out people who follow it are killing it. And that’s my point. And yes, we do send you to what works for us because it’s what we use guys. We use it, we apply it we get a result. And so we give it to you in a step by step method so that you can follow it through. So if you’re not doing it, you haven’t bought it go by the Battle Plan. It looks like a really simple PDF with links. But you do it step by step. I’m telling you, I just got validation yesterday from a couple of people that are in that range. I mean, you guys know Jordan.
You guys know, Jeff, you guys know, Ed, they’re telling it how following the Battle Plan. That’s one and two about the mastermind. I wanted to mention that it works is a two-way street. We do try to give people everything that works in the mastermind, right? And we do make everyone available that you’re free to exchange ideas and concepts and theories and tests and whatever. But every once in awhile, we’ll get in a thread, as we did with with with something that I talked about when doing silos. And it was a whole long thread and we went really deep into it. And then there’s another one about iframes now.
And then that one sent me into the rabbit hole, where I’m still testing and I’m getting really good results from some ideas that I got. Not like not directly but indirectly, as they posted. Okay, so can I do this Can I do that and I immediately started thinking, well, what if, and that’s when you read, your juices really start flowing? And what if I did this and I quoted it this way, and I hit it this way, and then it would cause no issues. And so what I’m thinking is anyone who attends POFU Live will have first crack at whatever I come up with, from my testing, because they deserve it. I mean, they took the time that they’re going to be there. And so we always say membership has its privileges. But this is a step up. This is a step where you’re trying to change the game and JN and Jeff Moore, Jeff sorry, they went to POFU Live, and they changed the whole mindset, they changed their business strategy, and they’re killing it. So So anyone going deserves it. And so that’s what I’m going to do and then at some future point, it’ll be shared with the mastermind, of course, I don’t know if it’ll be I’ll ever share it outside the mastermind.
But since the nugget was kind of the idea sprouted from a thread in the mastermind I think the mastermind deserves whatever comes from it. And I’m already testing and I’m already coding and that so this is the type of thing that goes on and in the mastermind, mastermind membership has its privileges. Attending POFU Live has its privileges. Most of the people that are in my mini mastermind, are people who went to POFU Live. So I just want to say about that definitely our mastermind members, but they also attended POFU Live and I think that they deserve special attention. That’s just my piece for today. Take it for what it’s worth, but I think it’s just totally worth joining the mastermind and attending POFU Live should be a must in your calendar.
Adam: Sounds good to me, like Marco said, Be there. That’s a pretty awesome thing that Marco is going to do there. So I don’t want to dive back into a Marco but I know that people work with you and your group have had a lot of success. And I’m sure that’s a no small part due to your involvement. So that’s pretty awesome. So if you want to grab your ticket, you can still make it we got a couple of days here before we kick things off on Friday for the VIP day and then Saturday and Sunday for the main event. You can grab your ticket at pofulive.com. Alright, guys, Bradley, anything else before we jump into it?
Bradley: No, I’m just excited too nervous at the same time because I gotta fly tomorrow. But looking forward to coming to Denver and hanging out with you guys and putting on a pretty cool presentation. I think that is pretty powerful. I think this is going to be just a really good event. So I’m excited about it.
Adam: Cool. All right. Let’s do it.
Bradley: All right, let me grab the screen. Stand by. Alright, you guys should be seeing my screen now. Correct.
Adam: Correct. Got your whole screen.
Bradley: All right. Not a lot of questions yet. So guys start posting. Otherwise, we’ll wrap it up a little bit early, which is fine because I’ve got still not 100% packed for I gotta leave really early tomorrow morning for my flight. So anyway, I don’t mind wrapping it up early if that’s what we need to do.
Is It Okay To Send A Full-Text Article With 20+ Affiliate Links Via RSS In A Single Tier Network?
But we’ll start with sutra he says when using a single tier, he’s talking about a single-tier syndication network, is it okay to send the full-text article via RSS? Even if the article has 20 plus affiliate links? I usually post 123 of these types of articles each day. Um, I would say no, and the reason why I say no is it not because it’s an SEO thing, but it’s likely that your blog accounts which would be like WordPress, Tumblr, blogger, not so much blogger but Tumblr and WordPress, will likely or may very well terminate the account for too many outbound links.
Especially like affiliate links and that kind of stuff that they don’t, they don’t typically like that. So I wouldn’t recommend that I would do a post summary. So set your RSS feed to just display the summary. That way, it’s really just pushing the juice back to your post URL that’s published on your blog, which is really all that matters, guys. I mean, if you’re doing a bunch of outbound linking in your blog posts anyways, whether it doesn’t, you don’t really need to worry about posting the full text because, you know, whether they’re nofollow or do follow, it doesn’t even matter. What I’m saying is what you’re looking for is the link back from the post on the syndication network properties back to the original post on your site. Right. And then obviously, if you’re doing internal SEO like on-page SEO correctly, then you’re going to have some sort of contextual link within the text of your blog post that goes up to our money, a money page, right so an actual page or something a category.
Whatever it is that you’re trying to rank on your site. So it really the benefit is pushing the juice from the syndication network properties back to the post URL that’s published on your blog. So I would recommend doing a summary post, you know, summary, just set the RSS feed settings to just display a summary instead of the full text. Now, that said, sometimes those can look spammy too. And sometimes you can find settings in your theme that will allow you to update the length of those RSS, like how much of the summary is shown. And so you might be able to set that and sometimes you have to actually edit the theme files in order for to, you know, to to adjust that some things will give you the option to do that, like it’s, you know, an option that you can set but other times you have to actually go in and edit the theme files. So that’s what I would recommend any comments?
Marco: Yeah, I would say no, and it’s for SEO and it’s because the whole idea behind this concept and what we do and why we send out iframes and everything that we do is to build PageRank. And the problem is, everything starts at PR one, correct? Everything on the web, it starts out at PR one. So if you have something that’s revenue, or even if it’s aged, it could only be a PR one. And the reason why is because you’re splitting the PageRank that you’re passing so low, that you can’t build it up properly. So you split it, you splitting it 20 times, and what you’re passing from a PR one isn’t PR one, it’s less than PR one. As I’ve said before, we’ve done the math we know within certain parameters, just how much PR is passed from a PR one and we know we know it’s a range. So when you splitting it, that fine you’re defeating the purpose of building up that PR building up that trust and authority and everything else. Not only that, having it be so spammy, it could just turn into a PR zero because of the fact that it’s so spammy. And so you’re not really passing anything. You’re not really doing anything is not mean you could grab some traffic. From that point, you could do so much more if you’re more selective with the way that you syndicate your affiliate links so that it doesn’t look so spammy so that it doesn’t look like it’s a whole bunch of garbage. And the only intent for that is to push your affiliate links, make it more user-friendly, making it more for the person that’s going to be reading it for the person to interact with that posts and with that content, and maybe share it maybe like it. Maybe visit the website, or those are all signals that you want. And I guarantee you that a spammy blog post with a whole bunch of affiliate links isn’t going to accomplish what you want.
Is It Good To Use And Embed The Original City Logo And Link The City Website Or Wikipedia City Page For A Local Service Website?
Bradley: Very good. Thank you. Mike says hello to a local service website. Do you think it’s a good idea to use and embed the original city logo and also link to the city website or Wikipedia city page? I can see the power in it, but I don’t think it’s a good idea. Thanks. Well, Mike, that’s what was pretty much standard operating procedure back in like 2012. And for a long time, you know, that was just traditional way they call it conventional wisdom when it came to I didn’t, does conventional wisdom is oftentimes not very smart. It’s just what people think is right. And conventional wisdom for the longest time was that you would link to always a.gov or a Wikipedia page, or, you know, excuse me, a Wikipedia page or a.gov site or a that, especially if you’re doing local to that, you know, corresponding Wikipedia page or the local government website or something like that. And that was supposed to add relevancy, which isn’t true. That’s that hasn’t been true for many, many years. Because Google doesn’t care about you linking to a Wikipedia page about a particular city unless it’s relevant to the content on that page. And even though you might be optimized, you know, for like a plumber and in particular city, just linking to that Wikipedia page arbitrarily with the keyword or without the keyword, whatever, just linking to that page really doesn’t do much, right. It’s not the algorithm is much smarter than that. Now, if you are citing something about that city, like some facts about the city or something that makes it relevant, and you want to cite the source where you gleaned that content from So for example, if you are curating content from a Wikipedia page or a.gov site about that particular city, then you want to cite the source now that adds that that’s a proper way to link to it. And Google can clearly see the relationship between why and why you’re linking to that. But you know, again, years ago, we used to mean just about everybody used to do it. What I always recommend is link outbound linking to relevant content that’s relevant to the concept within the body of the content that you’re linking to, like, in other words, that your UYY just linked to the city page or to the Wikipedia page. If the page is about plumbing services in a particular city.
It doesn’t really make sense just to link to the city website unless there’s a reason for it. And so, again, I’ve always gone back to I mean, four years since probably 2014 timeframe, I stopped doing that stopped doing what was conventional wisdom, and started linking to more relevant pages. So for example, linking to an article on bob Vila calm or do it yourself network or something like that, right, some sort of, like if it’s a plumbing website, right? linking to something that’s more relevant to the content of the page. And then if you want to have some sort of local relevancy in there, why not embed the map or a mind map or driving directions map from the store or the location of the business to that city or something like that, that That, to me makes a lot more sense. It’s more relevant. And so that’s the type of thing that I’ve always done as far as embedding a city logo from another website. I don’t recommend doing that. Because if you don’t have permission to use that, remember that that logo is likely trademarked or even if it’s not trademarked, it’s probably a copyright issue. Because I can tell you one thing you don’t want to do when you curate content and by the way, we have a training for a full training program called Content Kingpin which will teach you all about curating and why it’s very it’s so powerful because it creates co-citation, it allows you to generate content much quicker, it’s much more efficient, you don’t have to learn. You don’t have to be a content or subject matter expert. In order to be able to generate content, you just have to know how to locate it, and put it together in a logical fashion and then cite the sources properly. So I would recommend you look at that because one of the things that we learned the hard way, is you never want to curate images. Ever. Okay? Unless you there, wiki, what do they call Wiki Commons there? I don’t recommend ever curating images because you will, you can end up getting copyright infringement and be sued for that. And a lot of times like, it’s happened to me, it’s happened to me for almost three years in a row was two years in a row where I got hit with copyright.
Basically extortion letters where they would say you’ve got to pay so much or we’re taking you to court for copyright infringement and you’d have to pay or else they would take your ass to court, and it sucks so I learned a long time ago. Never curate images so I would really highly recommend not embedding a city logo. And don’t just arbitrarily link to a city Wikipedia page or a city government website, unless there’s a specific reason for it, that you clearly identify in the content that you’re let you know why you’re linking to it. If that makes sense. You’re much better off linking to something that’s more relevant. You want to comment on that, Marco?
Marco: I agree. Because there’s activity relevance, relevance, trust, and authority. Right? You’re much better off linking to something that has you know, that that’s updated regularly, and events page what’s going on, in you know, in the city, landmark, places to see if there are if this park, just anything, it’s just going a little bit further in as far as the geolocation is, yes, you’re part of the city. So it stands to reason that you would think I want to link to the Wikipedia city page for this, but you can go further and make get even more relevant. And in fact, if you can get that city schedule, into a calendar of events, the way that we do in RYS Academy Reloaded, and load those ups, and that’s constantly changing, and that’s constantly pushing, all of that relevance, everything that’s happening in that city, and mixed in with those calendar events are your events, what’s happening with your business, whatever it is, whether you want to coupon special, whether you want to send them to the GMB, the map, just whatever it is, you mix in all of that with all of the other relevance and it works a whole lot better than just simply making to the city page for x reason, which there’s really no reason.
Bradley: Yeah. I mean, again, that’s been such old tactics that you know, if it really worked well, Google would have killed it a long time ago because it’s been used forever. As I said, it’s just that it was like common knowledge. Conventional wisdom is just what people did and for the longest time I would you know, I would argue why would Why do you do that? Well, because you know, it’s adding relevancy I will have you tested it. Because if you test it, you’ll find that it doesn’t really do shit, you’re much better off linking the relevant content and I like curated content for that reason because it clearly gives a reason to link out to something and it can create co-citation, which is, is pretty powerful too. So
What’s The Difference Between Maps SEO And Website SEO?
Jonathan says are the map embeds the only thing MGYB sells for maps Seo? No, not by far. My furnace guy wants to rank in maps but doesn’t care about his website. What is the main difference in maps SEO versus website SEO? Well, there’s a lot of similarities, a lot of overlap. But with maps SEO there, you know, you can focus entirely on the Google properties, right, the Google ecosystem. So the map URL itself, I’m going to demonstrate how to get the best map URL to build links to you can do map embeds. You can do citation building. You know if he’s got legit if you say it’s your furnace guy, so I’m assuming is you know, HVAC guy, and he’s got a real business, then it’s probably registered to a real address. Even if it’s a service area business, you can build citations for that. That’s something I always recommend doing if you have a valid address. So there are I mean, there are a number of things that you can do, but very specifically MGYB sells, I mean, pretty much every one of our services can be applied to ranking in maps or maps SEO as you called it, right.
So for example, let me just give you a couple of examples here. This is something that you can go check out GMB.reviewsmaker.com, right. So let’s just go to I’m just going to type in HVAC contractor, Culpepper, for example. Okay, so I’m going to click on KNM Heating and Air heating and air conditioning. And in fact, actually, let me just copy that name. And this is what I’m going to do. So this is how you can get the best URL to build links to if you’re going to be doing link building to the map, right. So there are embeds, there’s also link building, there are press releases, there’s you can which you can embed a map in the press release. Plus, you can also create a contextual link or just a naked URL in the actual press release. To back to the map itself, I’m going to give you a few examples here of how you can get better results. So let’s go back to Google for it first. Here’s a couple of ways that you can do this. Number one, you can go into your GMB dashboard or your client’s GMB dashboard. And on the Info tab, where you’ll always see this one little section where it says view on maps or view on search and view on maps. You can right-click on the view on maps and copy the link address and paste it into a notepad file and then reformat it I’m going to show you the correct format. So that’s one way to find it. The best URL for building links to a map, Google map right. The second way is to go type in or go search for your client’s business name on Google. So in this case, I’m going to search for KNM Heating and Air Inc because that’s just the example that I pulled, then I’m going to click through to the maps listing.
And you’ll see up here in the US the address bar of Chrome, I’ve got this long, ugly URL, right? Well, if you go to GMB dot review, make reviews maker calm, okay, and you click to decode place ID, and just paste that long maps URL in there and click the code place Id take a second, then it’s going to come down and it’s going to give you this maps URL right here. Okay, I’m going to copy that link address. And I’m going to paste that into a notepad file. Now, if you take a look at this URL, I’ll show you and I’ve demonstrated this before, but I want to answer this question thoroughly for him. If we go to like, where it goes com or something like that, some sort of redirect tracer. I could paste that URL that it gives you, right? So from here, and if we take a look at this, you’ll see that this has got a 302 redirect built into it. In fact, there are two of them. So that is not a good URL to use for link building. Like if you want to build links to this URL, you’re not passing any PageRank or link equity essentially, through these two, three or two redirects, that stops it dead, right. So in other words, you can link to it, you somebody could click on that link, and it’s going to navigate, or jump to the final target URL or the destination, which is this. But as far as passing link equity, if you’re to build links to this, it’s not going to pass any. So it’s not a good URL to build links to which by the way, this URL right here, that the share URL, take a look at how many redirects are in this one. If we go back to where goes.
It might even there it goes. Look at that. Look, how many redirects are in there. Three 302 redirects and no matter refresh, so that’s not a good URL, either this share URL, don’t build links that are dumb. It does, it does no good, right? So what you want to do is you want to take that URL, which by the way, you can just take the URL from here and go to a redirect tracer, and then paste it in and then copy the final URL, or just memorize this, which is what I did. It’s very simple. copy that URL, and then just change it, just rearrange it to where you change the maps right there. So maps.google.com, you would change it to www.google.com. Then forward-slash question mark. See ID equals is what the original one is. So all you want to do is move maps from before and the subdomain from maps to the right after the forward-slash, then it’s question marks the ID equals and we’ll take that, Copy that, paste it in. So it’s just a quick change or modification of the URL. And now watch this. If we take this, we go back to a redirect tracer.
Quick, Tracy well there’s no reason XC that now if we go load that URL into the address bar and click Go, you’ll see once the page loads, it converts to that long URL, but it’s not technically a redirect. Right. So that’s the best URL to build links to is this one right here. So that’s something else that you can do. Right. So like I mentioned before, you can embed a map into press releases. You can also build links directly to this map URL, right. So that’s one thing you can do. RYS Drive stacks are incredibly powerful. If you provide the NAP. The name, address and phone number of the business, as well as the maps URL will build a drive stack that is hyper optimized for that specific location, right and will push a ton of power directly to the Google properties especially like you said, if he’s not interested in ranking a website, you can select to push all of the juice from the drive stack back to the maps the Google properties which would be the maps GMB website, will you’ll get it, you should order the, excuse me, the Google Site along with that the Google site will be part of that. So you can build all of the power back to the actual maps listing.
However, there are a couple other things I want to mention. Let’s see, just just because there are a few other points here that you can add additional power to, right. So for a note, another one is the reviews. This company, in particular, has 21 reviews, I don’t know how many your client has. But if we click on that review link, right, it’s going to pull up here Well, that is a different URL. So up here is another URL, I would suggest using your own three one redirects creator. There are a number of of them out there that you can use that are free, some of them that are paid like a subscription base, and others that you can create three one redirects from a plugin through your through a website, which is what I, you know, I prefer to do that through my own domain or something through or through a branded domain or a domain that I’m using specifically for redirects, that kind of thing. But if you take a guy here, open up Firefox just to show you that URL right there, I would create a 301 redirect out of that URL. And what’s it do? It automatically loads to these reviews. So you can push link equity into this. Well, let’s not stop there. What about each one of these individual reviews? For example, if I was to click Share on that one from Alan Jackson, which sounds like looks like a lot of the users’ spam, I don’t know. Jackson’s a country singer and Ronnie White is a Ron White isn’t a comedian. But if we’re to take that URL right there and paste that in, you’ll see that that is a separate URL, like that’s a redirect, as I just talked about, if you click the Share URL, it’s going to give you a redirect. So watch what happens when we trace that one. This is for the individual review. It’s still a 302 redirect. So that’s not what you want to build links to not this. What you want to build links to is this, which again, if you want to make it a pretty URL, all you got to do is use a 301 redirect creator.
As I said, there are some free ones out there, there are some ones that you can pay for a subscription basis, like a rebrand, delete rebrand.ly, for example of one, or there’s another one. Or like, what I like to do is use my own domain or clients domain, and use the pretty links pro plugin to create 301 redirects. Okay? Either way, that’s the URL you want to build to. And that’s the same URLs, what’s up here? Right, but you can build it through a 301 redirect. And look, that’s an individual review within that maps listing. And if this one’s got 21 reviews, that’s 21 additional link targets, right? Plus this one is a link target, which is the overall reviews URL plus the maps URL itself, right, which in this version of it that I just talked about being the best version. There’s more to think about photos, right? For example, this guy’s only got looks like it’s at four, but I’m only Well, maybe that was, let’s go back into photos here. For photos, it says for photos, each one of these areas a separate URL. So my point is if you’re just going to be doing map stuff for a client, what I like to do is extract all the URLs from the maps listing, set up redirects so that they’re pretty and they’re short, much easier to manage. And then start using those and link building campaigns, which you can also use those to be included in a drive stack as target URLs where we will build the drive stack to be targeting each one of those separate URLs. And what happens is you push juice into this listing from all different angles and every single point that you can push link equity into it. It’s very, very powerful. You want to
Marco: Yeah, he’s asking about maps SEO, and I’m just going to say local GMB Pro. It’s what set the standard for GMB optimization every other course came after copied what we did. So if you want the Trailblazer the standard bear the one that laid it down on how it’s properly done. There you go and get local GMB pro and you can learn what Bradley just talked about more in-depth, along with many other things that you could do to push the GMB the map into the three-pack, which is what your client is looking for. They don’t care about the website fine. So you work entirely within the GMB ecosystem, which is what local GMB Pro is all about. So guys, if you really want to do this, right, if you want that heart into the three-pack, you go into local GMP Pro.
Bradley: That’s right. And that’s an in there, we talked about various other things. I’m not going to talk about specific methods here, but just so you know that again, this this this client, or this client is not my client, but this contractor, HVAC contractor is also doing GMB posts, he probably has an SEO that is working on his stuff. And take a look at that guys. Again, these are all additional link targets, right? We copy that URL and go back to the redirect tracer, which I already closed.
And once again, this is a GMB post URL, right? It’s going to redirect, don’t ever use the share URLs for SEO purposes. You can use it for navigation purposes. But look, how many redirects are there. So what you want to do is end up taking this URL, and using that as that could be potentially another link target. Right? So that makes sense. So if we’re going to just open up that URL and see it didn’t bring it up, it’s probably the one prior to that this one, which is okay, because that’s a meta refresh, so that, that’s fine. Let’s open it up there.
There, see I brought it up, it brought that post up to the very top. So the same thing goes you can take an older post and do the same thing you could share it, grab, copy the share URL. Put it in now local GMB Pro, we talk about a hell of a lot of really cool things that you can do a GMB post, I’m not going to talk about here. But I’m just saying you can actually use these posts as additional places to build links to the right. So again, this one right here, I would take this URL, copy that, that’s what I would build links to and watch what happens if I load that into the browser. It’s going to pull up that post at the top See, the one that I just shared. So it makes sense. So all of those are linked targets. That’s why I said there’s just a ton of different things that you can do to push additional power into their not just through and beds and beds are very powerful. Don’t get me wrong, but there’s a number of other things that you can do. So that was a good question.
Does Google Sandbox New Domains For At Least 3 Weeks Or Longer?
Gordon’s up he says, Hey, guys, I don’t want to sound like a broken record. But I just want to say again, your Hump Day help is very much appreciated. Well, you’re welcome, Gordon. And we do appreciate that as well. If I remember correctly, you said in the past that you prefer to use a new domain instead of an aged domain to rank a local lead gen site. So you can control the name of the domain for SEO purposes and for branding purposes. That is correct. I have said that. But I was wondering if in fact Google does sandbox new domains for at least three weeks or probably longer other than losing the branding and partial keyword and domain benefit. Why is it not better to use a niche related aged domain with a clean niche related backlink profile? And if you use an aged domain would you need to to rebuild the old site pages and the old links pointing to using way back point old links point to using Wayback Machine the old things point to excuse me the way that I read that was wrong and if you use an aged domain, would you need to rebuild the old site pages that the old links point to using Wayback machine in order not to lose the link juice? Okay, so the first question is because I’m able to typically especially when I’m trying to rank for local stuff, the right which is what the maps I don’t
Is that getting a new brand new domains? Fine, because I’m not looking for the initial, the, you know, an existing link profile because it really doesn’t matter. Like I mean, if if the sites built really well and everything else, then it can have an effect on the maps, there’s no question. But as we were just talking about in the previous question, we can typically get results without even having a self-hosted website, if that makes sense, right? Because we can focus on specifically just the GMB properties and get results. That said, I always prefer to have a branded type of domain, one that I can build a brand around for, if especially for lead gen stuff that I could use in other locations, right, which is why I talked about if I’m going to have a website, I like to use subdomains with the city name is the subdomain so that I can build upon a particular brand.
Does that mean that you cannot that you can’t start with an aged domain that has been dropped by somebody else or whatever, and build a brand around that I suppose you could? But the problem that I would see with that is that there may be some other existing content on the web that can ambiguate, right? That’s a key term that can ambiguate the brand that you’re trying to build or the data that you’re trying to build through your new location, your new setup. Right? Now, if you’re talking about strictly organic SEO, yes, there’s some benefit for building through an aged domain that has a clean link profile. But having a clean link profile is kind of difficult to do or else why was I mean, a lot, I mean, you will find some domains like that, but they’re few and far between. A lot of times the aged domains that have been dropped are just they either have a shitty link profile or a non-existent link profile. In other words, they might have one or two links that are actually, you know, decent links, if any at all. And so my point is, I would rather just go with something new that’s branded so that I have more control over the content that’s going to be published and everything else and not have to worry about any sort of invigoration not have to worry about any potential links out there.
On the web that is toxic to it, or they’re going to cause any problems as I start building out the new project if that makes sense. So, I mean, there, you certainly can do that. If you want. I don’t recommend it. I don’t, you know, the only time I would use aged domains really is if I was building what I would call feeder sites are like PBNs, right? Because that kind of help to shortcut the process a little bit since you’re not starting from scratch. But when it came to a brand for lead gen site, or for a client, I would always recommend using a brand new one. Now if you are going to build an old domain, yes, it is better to rebuild those pages. You can do that using the Wayback Machine. It’ll you know you can download HTML files and upload those. There’s a couple of plugins and services out there where you can subscribe to or pay for credits I believe that will actually create a file of the Wayback Machine stuff that makes it much easier I know there’s some plugins I can’t even think was named now there’s there.
I know there are some plugins out there that will do that on a WordPress site to where you just basically, you can enter a file or upload the zip file that you get from the Wayback Machine. And it will automatically build out the old pages with the old content, you might have to do some formatting and stuff to them. But you can do that. And I would recommend doing that, or at least building some sort of page that has similar content on it doesn’t have to be the exact duplicates or replication of the old pages. But if it had a good link profile, and it ever in anybody ever goes and looks at, you know, the webmasters of the sites that were linking to that, and they noticed that there was a big change in the page or just doesn’t exist anymore, they may take that link down. So the reason why you would rebuild those previous pages or you know, the pages that aren’t there anymore, is because you’d want the links that were built to that page to stay there. That’s really the only reason where else you could just do a redirect.
My point is, if you just did a redirect from the old URL to the homepage or to a new URL, and a webmaster says, was analyzing or looking at the site and saying, you know, from one of their pages on their site, there was a link to your, to the, to the domain that they had linked to previously. And they look at and say, well, that’s not what I had linked to, I’m going to remove that, then you lose that link. And so you start to ultimately lose the power of having an aged domain with an inbound link profile anyways. And that happens unless you rebuild the pages, or have them redirected to something that’s very similar so that it’s still a value to the site that was originally linking to it. That all said, usually, when you’re dealing with, like, especially local business type sites, it’s just not worth all that trouble. You’re better off and you’re able to get just as quickly as just results just as quickly, excuse me, using methods that we talked about with a brand new domain. So Marco, do want to comment on that before we move on?
Marco: Yeah, absolutely. So imagine it if McDonald’s had come out with McDonald’s of Illinois, if Coca Cola wherever it began, it had come out with the Madison, if you have that, that that one, if you have that one that will boom, nationally or globally, you’re going to have to go and redo all of the work that you’ve done. Yeah, of course, it’s going to be worth it. But I’m the type and I know Bradley is too, that hates doing work, the same work over again. So why going and you have to do the work over again, when you can start off with a brand that doesn’t necessarily have to pigeonhole itself with geolocation or geographically because you can do that with a category or a pages category. It has the same effect. You don’t need it. And the Google sandbox is very real, but the way that we teach activity, relevance, trust, and authority. It trumps everything, including
The Google sandbox including proximity, including a whole bunch of other things, follow about Battle Plan to the letter, you get the services from MGYB.co the way that you’re told to do it and in, in the, in the one in the sequence that we tell you to do it, then you’re going to have the same if not better results than if you went and did all that work with, with an expired domain. And there’s no guarantee that that expired domain would hold its metrics. When it’s brought back, you’re still gonna have to do the work, you still gonna have to put in the content, you got to have to redo the content, you’re going to have to do a whole lot of work, when you could just go to MGYB.co and have us do it for you.
Bradley: I agree. So I said, I mean, it’s just so much, so much trouble that can go into building those ads. I just, I don’t think it’s worth it. I really don’t we can get results just as quickly with new domains. So unless you have found one that’s really super powerful I just wouldn’t even bother
Bradley: fit says good agent makes you part of it for you and it
Marco: will chime in. And the reason why he got some of my time is because he donated quite a bit of money to my charity and I decided to reciprocate by giving him some of my time so we had a really great call he’s in Australia by the way, so it’s really early in the morning for him to be on here. So thanks, Will.
How Do You Fix Duplicate Branded Syndication Networks That Were Purchased Via Fiverr?
Bradley: awesome thanks, Fitz says good day gents. Thanks for this form, ask real questions and get actionable answers I have a client who went to Fiverr and body syndication network and then worked with another marketer and bought a different network, many duplicates all branded. What should I do to fix that? Well, do you have access to those accounts is my point as if you if he bought these syndication networks and such from two different vendors, essentially. He probably has a login sheet right? Similar to you know,
We invented it or, you know. So I’m sure that the copy cat also provides a spreadsheet with all the accounts, the URLs, and the login data, what I would do is go in and I would, if I would log into the one that is the most closely branded to his brand name, you can’t have duplicate, right, you can’t have duplicate subdomains on WordPress or blogger or Tumblr or any of the other sites for that matter. So there has to be some sort of variation in the profile or the usernames, right. So I would take the one that is the most closely aligned with the actual brand and use that I would go in and update it. And then obviously go through and some SM style it Semantic Mastery style the syndication network. That’s number one, number two for the other one that’s out there. That’s also similarly branded. I don’t necessarily would say terminate those accounts, but I would make sure that you’re not syndicating to them anymore. In fact, if you have duplicate posts, and it’s not
I’m not talking about duplicate content guys, because that’s, that doesn’t happen on syndication networks. But if you have the same post posted on multiple semi branded networks, then I recommend removing that content specifically because you don’t, you don’t want to create a footprint with this with a blog syndication network or a syndication network where you’re syndicating website content, you can do it it’s fine with with YouTube, but with a blog now, where you know, with money site content, I don’t recommend that. So but that doesn’t mean you have to like go in and actually terminate those accounts, but I would manually go in and delete the existing content, and maybe just put up some kind of shitty content that might link to the other web to do to Dotto profiles. You know, just like one post on each one of the syndication network properties from the network that you’re not going to use right remove the IFTTT triggers, remove any content that’s been posted to both syndication networks, and then might just put some kind of short little article that’s relevant on each one of those other properties and maybe point to the profile URL on the the one that you’re going to keep right the network properties that you’re going to keep, that’s something I would do. And I would just leave it alone after that, and just continually update for the new or the syndication network that you decided to keep. If they’re both done very poorly, and you don’t want to go through which I don’t recommend, you know, I don’t blame me, if you don’t want to go through and actually update everything manually, then I would get access to all the accounts that you can go in and do what I just said to both sets of networks and by a well done Semantic Mastery stout network from MGYB. Right, and then maybe use those two other existing networks as a YouTube network or, you know, it could be possibly used for maybe a separate Twitter network or something like that.
Or you could do what I just said and just use them as kind of like a one-time link builder to your new network properties. If that makes sense. But I wouldn’t link directly back to the money site with those, you know, does that make sense? That’s what I would do. Because again, I totally understand it. By the way, if this guy bought his own syndication network at Fiverr, then he worked with another marketer. He’s probably one of those guys is going to micromanage you fits just so you’re aware of that if you have a business owner or client that has tried to do their own SEO work, and they’ve also hired somebody else to do something that they already attempted on their own. It’s probably going to they’re probably going to micromanage you as well. Just keep that in mind. Okay, I’m going to keep moving. That’s all right.
Is There A Risk Of Google Putting Home Address On The Web?
JACK says maps question please important client does professional services over the phone from home office don’t want home address under Google’s control, used paid use paid for Regis office locations in past but Google close them down? In your opinion, is there any risk of Google putting home address out there on the web as they don’t want their crazy client showing up at home. Are there any red flags to look out for in this plan? Thank you know not for if you’re going to do a Google My Business profile, no, you don’t have to worry about, you know, you need an address when you register in order for them to send the verification card. But it doesn’t publish the listing until you enter the verification code. So when you enter the verification code that you get in the postcard, then you immediately especially if it’s a service area business, which has to be professional services over the phone from home office. So yeah, I mean, you know, I would set that as a service area business, which means you go in and clear the physical address. Once you verify it, you go in into the Info tab and click on the location setting and then there’s a little link in their text link that says clear address and you click that and it’ll clear it and then save it so that it updates and you want to put your service areas in and then save it, Natalie, remove the address from being shown on maps. That’s absolutely
You Google is not going to publish that anywhere. The problem is if you want to build citations to help the maps listing rank, then a lot of the citation directories are going to require a physical address, like an actual street address. Some don’t, though, more more and more actually allowing service area businesses to add their data without a street address. But there’s still a ton of them out there to do required, so just keep that in mind. Okay.
But I wouldn’t worry about it not Google. Google’s not going to leak that at least I’ve never seen that. If you if you put it on, like Yelp or something like that word requires a street adjusting. Yeah, a lot of time. I mean, it’ll show but just don’t build citations on directories that require the street address if that’s the case. Scott says, Bradley, if you can fly to Haley, I’d have I’ll drive you to Denver. No, thanks. I’ve already got my ticket going flying directly to Denver, but thank you, Scott. I appreciate that.
How Do You Retain The Ranking Position Of A GMB Page Into 3-Pack Using Semantic Mastery Products?
Okay, I still need Hi, we only got about seven minutes left guys. He says I still need help for clients GMB ranking, it’s already it already has RYS Drive stack and G site built by SM a few years ago, I’m ordering a syndication network and we’ll add link building, then embed maps and link build would appreciate your suggestion to get just this back into the three-pack. That’s kind of a bit of a loaded question because I don’t know. Like, honestly, you should have had a syndication network, even really before the G site. And drive stack, that doesn’t mean that, you know, you can’t add that now you certainly can. But what I would recommend also doing is manually going back into your drive stack once your syndication network has been built and, you know, start including those links in the drive stack, link building to all of them. What are some press releases that always help? You can do a map embeds now with press releases and a lot of other things. So I would recommend that you know, make sure that your link, go go buy local GMB Pro, which is what we just talked about earlier, because you can actually do really good results, just doing stuff within the Google ecosystem includes posting and you know, a lot of the stuff that we talked about on local GMB Pro.
So that’s a question that you could get a hell of a lot more help with if you joined the mastermind. Or if you posted that, like more detail as to exactly what it is that you’ve got done. And where so that we can help fill in the gaps. Just get, you know, if you don’t have the Battle Plan, follow the Battle Plan. If you’ve got an RYS drive stack and a G site that was built a few years ago, but you never had a syndication network, it’s obvious that you didn’t, you either didn’t have the Battle Plan or you didn’t follow the plan that we laid out. So I recommend picking that up. If you don’t already have the Battle Plan. And just following that step by step, any of the pieces that are currently missing, add those pieces, right, and then just kind of follow each one of those processes. And that’s going to help you to get the results that you need. I’m not saying that that’s going to do it. You know, that’s the start. That’s always the foundation. If you need additional help with that though, that’s where you would you know, like I said, join the mastermind and get local GMB Pro. Once you have the foundation complete, does that make sense? Any comment on that guys?
Marco: Yeah, definitely the Battle Plan, Local GMB Pro is what’s going to create the activity that he’s going to need, right? Because its activity relevance, trust and authority, and local GMB Pro is totally an activity base.
Does Having A Single Link From A Press Release To A Deep Page Is Better Than Having Multiple Press Release Links?
Okay, well says going back to a previous question about PageRank. Does that mean that if you have a single link from a press release to a deep page is better than having multiple links from the press release just to get better-focused SEO just your landing page? Yes, that is true. Well, you know you’re, you get more juice through one link, one outbound link in a press release to whatever you know, you’re trying to push juice to then if you have three outbound links, right. If you have three outback bound links, you’re splitting the link equity three ways that make sense. So if you want to push all of the link equity for through one link to like you said a deep page, or like a blog post that might have an internal link to the page on your site that you’re trying to rank or something like that. Yeah, that’s again, that’s link sculpting. So,
Is It Okay To Use Spun Content For YouTube Descriptions?
Austin Don says, I’ve been doing we buy house city, we buy houses, city videos, is it alright to use spun content for YouTube descriptions? To write individual descriptions is very time-consuming. Thanks. Yeah, you know, Uhm Austin Don, if you’re in the Austin, Texas market, you probably have other people competing. So having good descriptions is helpful for YouTube SEO. But I don’t spend a lot of time on YouTube descriptions anymore. years ago, it was more important in my opinion. Now it’s more about having you know, the primary SEO factors of a YouTube video optimized like the title the tags, having the keyword, like as probably the first thing in the video description. I like having NAP data-name, address, phone number, primary URL, such as website, Google Maps URL, the URL, that version that I just shared this one right here, linking to your top tier one asset branded or entity assets, as we talked about. So linking to a Facebook page if you’re doing Facebook stuff, you know any business directories if you’re using press releases, the organization page, anything like that, I like to put all of that in the video description now, but I usually don’t really flesh out a whole lot of content, written text content for the video description. It’s more about a call to action, right and enlisting the NAP data and relevant links that are entered to kind of reinforce the entity. And then it’s about traditional SEO signals, embeds and or backlinks and engagement signals.
I’m telling you that’s the secret sauce is the engagement signals which you can by using YouTube ads incredibly inexpensive, and for I’m telling you even I’ve got campaigns running right now for the local video production company that I’ve been doing SEO for like five or six years that I have 40 cents per day is my budget. So I’m spending less than $15 a month it comes out to be like $12 a month that I’m spending to constantly feed that video on a daily basis with relevant views from a very specific geographic area because I set my location targeting from an audience that is relevant to the video itself. And it helps to keep those videos ranked. And we’re talking some of these videos have been ranked for years and I haven’t done a damn bit of SEO work since the moment I uploaded it to my channel. And it’s syndicated across my networks. All I’ve done is kept the ad campaigns going because it’s constantly the engagement signals that are coming in that are helping it to rank. So that’s what I would recommend is that you know don’t spend a shit ton of time optimizing the text. Just optimize the key the titles, the tags, put a relevant call to action, link out to your primary tier one entity assets, NAP included.
And then make sure that you do your traditional SEO stuff use playlist, the YouTube Silo Academy method embeds and or backlinks. But at the same time make sure that you set up a YouTube ad campaign for each one of those videos. Even if you just did you know, as I said, I’ve got campaigns running at 40 cents a day. That comes out to be like $12 a month and it works like wonders. Okay.
We gotta go guys. It’s at five o'clock. Any comments before I wrap it up, guys? Sorry about any questions we didn’t get to. Know. I would say get in where you fit in. That’s it. definitely time to pack up head out for POFU Live. Live, baby. See you guys. I’ll see you, Adam, tomorrow. Sounds good. Have a good one everyone. See you
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 257 published first on your-t1-blog-url https://ift.tt/1WMpNvB October 13, 2019 at 06:47PM Semantic Mastery https://ift.tt/2YeHIxM
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pledje · 5 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 257
Click on the video above to watch Episode 257 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Adam: Alright, we are live Welcome everybody to Hump Day Hangouts. This is Episode 257. Today is the ninth of October 2019. And this is the last Hump Day hangouts before POFU Live 2019 in Denver. If you haven’t gotten your ticket yet, you’d like to show up whether you’re going to whether you live there you whether you want to drive in or you can make some last-minute flight plans, head to pofulive.com, grab your ticket. Now, before we get into it, just want to say if you’re joining us for the first time, thanks for watching, we’re going to get into questions and answers. If you’ve got any questions you’re watching us go ahead and pop them on the page at semanticmastery.com/hdquestions. Remember to always head over there. If you’re watching on YouTube. We don’t want to read comments here. You’ve got to go to the page where we embed the video so that you can ask questions we can get to those. So with that said, let’s say hello guys real quick. We’re missing to the Semantic Mastery guys who I believe is started traveling over to POFU Live in Denver. Bradley, Marco and I are here today. So I’ll start at the top and say hello to Bradley. How are you doing?
Bradley: Good. How are you?
Adam: Not bad. Not bad. I’m enjoying some cooler weather here. It’s finally starting to act like a fall. It’s about 65-70 today.
Bradley: Well, you can enjoy cooler weather tomorrow when you get to Denver because it’s supposed to be snowing and freezing cold so
Adam: Yeah, I might have to post some pictures of her on maybe on the Facebook group or something like he heard on hates the cold weather and I think it’s supposed to be a high of 28 degrees tomorrow.
Bradley: Yeah, and snow to which is crazy, but it’s only tomorrow. Because then the rest of the time that we’re there it’s supposed to be between 65 and 70 during the day and then around 30 at night, but it was kind of interesting packing for that, you know?
Adam: Yeah, all over the place. Well, speaking of weather, Marco How are you doing, man?
Marco: I couldn’t be better. Like I couldn’t handle 28 I’m sorry. It’s not happening. I mean, it’s too late like a cold for me. I mentioned it before is 60-65 that range you know. We break out the old sheet and we cover ourselves it gets chilly man 28 gone from 65 to 20 I don’t think so.
Adam: That’s a big change and once it gets below 20 that’s where I start I can handle it depends on the window but yeah in the 20s still nice ones it’s sunny and then anyways tomorrow is going to be fun we’ll see how it goes with Hernan if he’s all bundled up and blankets and freezing to death or if he survives so. Anyways With that said, like I said earlier if you’re watching for the first time you’re in the right place, we’re going to get to q&a and answer your questions and appreciate you being here. Come here every week every Wednesday for pm eastern you can always ask your questions ahead of time as well if you know got a client call you’ve got some work you got things you got to do we understand that but you know benefit here is being live you can ask questions, clarify your questions, but like I said, if you have to you can ask your questions ahead of time at semanticmastery.com/hdquestions and then check out the replay on our YouTube channel, which you should subscribe to if you’re watching that right now.
And secondly, if you haven’t yet check out the Battle Plan right? That’s where you can get our step by step processes for getting results with everything from new websites, aged domains, YouTube channels, so much more. I’m not going to go through the entire laundry list of all the benefits there but head over to battleplan.semanticmastery.com. And if you want to join, you know, our mastermind is about a mastermind but you know, it’s both the mastermind, our mastermind. Basically what it is is an experienced community so you can get faster access to real-world info, testing and build that network of peers who are doing the same things we’re growing these digital marketing businesses or who have businesses and understand how they need to grow the digital marketing side of it. You can find out more about that and join at mastermind.semanticmastery.com. And for everyone, we really recommend going over to mgyb.co. I mean we tell this to you watching these videos, we tell it to our mastermind members, we tell it to everyone
Else, you know if you can start building your team now. And part of that can be using MGYB to provide the services for you things like syndication networks are we as drive stack, press releases, link building embeds, all that sort of stuff. And there are a lot more great packages coming out where we’re going to help people get better, well, the literal package for Hey, you know, if your website is here, then you need these types of additions. You need these syndication networks. We’re going to make that a lot more streamlined so that you can do it for yourself, your projects as well as your clients. So keep your eyes and ears open for that. So with that said guys,
Marco: I have a couple of things. Yeah, right. Number one, people, they always ask us how to put everything together, they’ll go in and don’t order something. And the last, how do I put it together guys, it’s in the Battle Plan. I was just talking to my mini mastermind group. You guys know that I meet every Tuesday. In the evening with a mini mastermind group. I have seven people in there. I wish I could take more people because people keep reaching out to me and saying, hey, I want in on the group. But seven is more than enough. But the thing is that the people in my mini mastermind they follow the Battle Plan. I have a guy, that’s her over. But he started out at 12k a year in digital marketing and client work and SEO, whatever it is that he did. And this year, you know, he’s at around a quarter million for the year. And so it’s as simple as just buckling down doing the fucking work and following the instructions to the letter. You don’t veer from what we tell you to do until you’re ready to test and you shouldn’t be testing until you have a good revenue stream coming in that allows you to set aside time to do that kind of thing, right?
We got another one that Jeff right who went to POFU and he’s killing it. I mean, he’s ranking attorney type big attorney terms of ranking for it, for example, and IT services in New York City. Now imagine how competitive that is, but they’re like the companies have happier than a paycheck, because they’re number one for the term. And how did they do it? They follow the Battle Plan. They follow the instructions, they follow what we tell them, guys, how do you put it all together? Get the Battle Plan. Now, yes, the Battle Plan takes you to MGYB and the products and services. Why do we do that? Because it’s the simplest way we don’t want you doing all that work. Imagine the hours that you have to spend doing all that work keyword research three days. For the keyword research, really, do you really want to do that? Do you really want to spend all that time your client better be paying a whole lot of money to spend three days doing all of that keyword research, I mean, everything it takes time to do
Bradley: Marco, isn’t it more fun to buy shiny new software applications and spend all your time learning how to use it? Just to find out it doesn’t work very well.
Marco: That’s some work, right? Follow the next best, the next best. So it’s already there. We set the path out people who follow it are killing it. And that’s my point. And yes, we do send you to what works for us because it’s what we use guys. We use it, we apply it we get a result. And so we give it to you in a step by step method so that you can follow it through. So if you’re not doing it, you haven’t bought it go by the Battle Plan. It looks like a really simple PDF with links. But you do it step by step. I’m telling you, I just got validation yesterday from a couple of people that are in that range. I mean, you guys know Jordan.
You guys know, Jeff, you guys know, Ed, they’re telling it how following the Battle Plan. That’s one and two about the mastermind. I wanted to mention that it works is a two-way street. We do try to give people everything that works in the mastermind, right? And we do make everyone available that you’re free to exchange ideas and concepts and theories and tests and whatever. But every once in awhile, we’ll get in a thread, as we did with with with something that I talked about when doing silos. And it was a whole long thread and we went really deep into it. And then there’s another one about iframes now.
And then that one sent me into the rabbit hole, where I’m still testing and I’m getting really good results from some ideas that I got. Not like not directly but indirectly, as they posted. Okay, so can I do this Can I do that and I immediately started thinking, well, what if, and that’s when you read, your juices really start flowing? And what if I did this and I quoted it this way, and I hit it this way, and then it would cause no issues. And so what I’m thinking is anyone who attends POFU Live will have first crack at whatever I come up with, from my testing, because they deserve it. I mean, they took the time that they’re going to be there. And so we always say membership has its privileges. But this is a step up. This is a step where you’re trying to change the game and JN and Jeff Moore, Jeff sorry, they went to POFU Live, and they changed the whole mindset, they changed their business strategy, and they’re killing it. So So anyone going deserves it. And so that’s what I’m going to do and then at some future point, it’ll be shared with the mastermind, of course, I don’t know if it’ll be I’ll ever share it outside the mastermind.
But since the nugget was kind of the idea sprouted from a thread in the mastermind I think the mastermind deserves whatever comes from it. And I’m already testing and I’m already coding and that so this is the type of thing that goes on and in the mastermind, mastermind membership has its privileges. Attending POFU Live has its privileges. Most of the people that are in my mini mastermind, are people who went to POFU Live. So I just want to say about that definitely our mastermind members, but they also attended POFU Live and I think that they deserve special attention. That’s just my piece for today. Take it for what it’s worth, but I think it’s just totally worth joining the mastermind and attending POFU Live should be a must in your calendar.
Adam: Sounds good to me, like Marco said, Be there. That’s a pretty awesome thing that Marco is going to do there. So I don’t want to dive back into a Marco but I know that people work with you and your group have had a lot of success. And I’m sure that’s a no small part due to your involvement. So that’s pretty awesome. So if you want to grab your ticket, you can still make it we got a couple of days here before we kick things off on Friday for the VIP day and then Saturday and Sunday for the main event. You can grab your ticket at pofulive.com. Alright, guys, Bradley, anything else before we jump into it?
Bradley: No, I’m just excited too nervous at the same time because I gotta fly tomorrow. But looking forward to coming to Denver and hanging out with you guys and putting on a pretty cool presentation. I think that is pretty powerful. I think this is going to be just a really good event. So I’m excited about it.
Adam: Cool. All right. Let’s do it.
Bradley: All right, let me grab the screen. Stand by. Alright, you guys should be seeing my screen now. Correct.
Adam: Correct. Got your whole screen.
Bradley: All right. Not a lot of questions yet. So guys start posting. Otherwise, we’ll wrap it up a little bit early, which is fine because I’ve got still not 100% packed for I gotta leave really early tomorrow morning for my flight. So anyway, I don’t mind wrapping it up early if that’s what we need to do.
Is It Okay To Send A Full-Text Article With 20+ Affiliate Links Via RSS In A Single Tier Network?
But we’ll start with sutra he says when using a single tier, he’s talking about a single-tier syndication network, is it okay to send the full-text article via RSS? Even if the article has 20 plus affiliate links? I usually post 123 of these types of articles each day. Um, I would say no, and the reason why I say no is it not because it’s an SEO thing, but it’s likely that your blog accounts which would be like WordPress, Tumblr, blogger, not so much blogger but Tumblr and WordPress, will likely or may very well terminate the account for too many outbound links.
Especially like affiliate links and that kind of stuff that they don’t, they don’t typically like that. So I wouldn’t recommend that I would do a post summary. So set your RSS feed to just display the summary. That way, it’s really just pushing the juice back to your post URL that’s published on your blog, which is really all that matters, guys. I mean, if you’re doing a bunch of outbound linking in your blog posts anyways, whether it doesn’t, you don’t really need to worry about posting the full text because, you know, whether they’re nofollow or do follow, it doesn’t even matter. What I’m saying is what you’re looking for is the link back from the post on the syndication network properties back to the original post on your site. Right. And then obviously, if you’re doing internal SEO like on-page SEO correctly, then you’re going to have some sort of contextual link within the text of your blog post that goes up to our money, a money page, right so an actual page or something a category.
Whatever it is that you’re trying to rank on your site. So it really the benefit is pushing the juice from the syndication network properties back to the post URL that’s published on your blog. So I would recommend doing a summary post, you know, summary, just set the RSS feed settings to just display a summary instead of the full text. Now, that said, sometimes those can look spammy too. And sometimes you can find settings in your theme that will allow you to update the length of those RSS, like how much of the summary is shown. And so you might be able to set that and sometimes you have to actually edit the theme files in order for to, you know, to to adjust that some things will give you the option to do that, like it’s, you know, an option that you can set but other times you have to actually go in and edit the theme files. So that’s what I would recommend any comments?
Marco: Yeah, I would say no, and it’s for SEO and it’s because the whole idea behind this concept and what we do and why we send out iframes and everything that we do is to build PageRank. And the problem is, everything starts at PR one, correct? Everything on the web, it starts out at PR one. So if you have something that’s revenue, or even if it’s aged, it could only be a PR one. And the reason why is because you’re splitting the PageRank that you’re passing so low, that you can’t build it up properly. So you split it, you splitting it 20 times, and what you’re passing from a PR one isn’t PR one, it’s less than PR one. As I’ve said before, we’ve done the math we know within certain parameters, just how much PR is passed from a PR one and we know we know it’s a range. So when you splitting it, that fine you’re defeating the purpose of building up that PR building up that trust and authority and everything else. Not only that, having it be so spammy, it could just turn into a PR zero because of the fact that it’s so spammy. And so you’re not really passing anything. You’re not really doing anything is not mean you could grab some traffic. From that point, you could do so much more if you’re more selective with the way that you syndicate your affiliate links so that it doesn’t look so spammy so that it doesn’t look like it’s a whole bunch of garbage. And the only intent for that is to push your affiliate links, make it more user-friendly, making it more for the person that’s going to be reading it for the person to interact with that posts and with that content, and maybe share it maybe like it. Maybe visit the website, or those are all signals that you want. And I guarantee you that a spammy blog post with a whole bunch of affiliate links isn’t going to accomplish what you want.
Is It Good To Use And Embed The Original City Logo And Link The City Website Or Wikipedia City Page For A Local Service Website?
Bradley: Very good. Thank you. Mike says hello to a local service website. Do you think it’s a good idea to use and embed the original city logo and also link to the city website or Wikipedia city page? I can see the power in it, but I don’t think it’s a good idea. Thanks. Well, Mike, that’s what was pretty much standard operating procedure back in like 2012. And for a long time, you know, that was just traditional way they call it conventional wisdom when it came to I didn’t, does conventional wisdom is oftentimes not very smart. It’s just what people think is right. And conventional wisdom for the longest time was that you would link to always a.gov or a Wikipedia page, or, you know, excuse me, a Wikipedia page or a.gov site or a that, especially if you’re doing local to that, you know, corresponding Wikipedia page or the local government website or something like that. And that was supposed to add relevancy, which isn’t true. That’s that hasn’t been true for many, many years. Because Google doesn’t care about you linking to a Wikipedia page about a particular city unless it’s relevant to the content on that page. And even though you might be optimized, you know, for like a plumber and in particular city, just linking to that Wikipedia page arbitrarily with the keyword or without the keyword, whatever, just linking to that page really doesn’t do much, right. It’s not the algorithm is much smarter than that. Now, if you are citing something about that city, like some facts about the city or something that makes it relevant, and you want to cite the source where you gleaned that content from So for example, if you are curating content from a Wikipedia page or a.gov site about that particular city, then you want to cite the source now that adds that that’s a proper way to link to it. And Google can clearly see the relationship between why and why you’re linking to that. But you know, again, years ago, we used to mean just about everybody used to do it. What I always recommend is link outbound linking to relevant content that’s relevant to the concept within the body of the content that you’re linking to, like, in other words, that your UYY just linked to the city page or to the Wikipedia page. If the page is about plumbing services in a particular city.
It doesn’t really make sense just to link to the city website unless there’s a reason for it. And so, again, I’ve always gone back to I mean, four years since probably 2014 timeframe, I stopped doing that stopped doing what was conventional wisdom, and started linking to more relevant pages. So for example, linking to an article on bob Vila calm or do it yourself network or something like that, right, some sort of, like if it’s a plumbing website, right? linking to something that’s more relevant to the content of the page. And then if you want to have some sort of local relevancy in there, why not embed the map or a mind map or driving directions map from the store or the location of the business to that city or something like that, that That, to me makes a lot more sense. It’s more relevant. And so that’s the type of thing that I’ve always done as far as embedding a city logo from another website. I don’t recommend doing that. Because if you don’t have permission to use that, remember that that logo is likely trademarked or even if it’s not trademarked, it’s probably a copyright issue. Because I can tell you one thing you don’t want to do when you curate content and by the way, we have a training for a full training program called Content Kingpin which will teach you all about curating and why it’s very it’s so powerful because it creates co-citation, it allows you to generate content much quicker, it’s much more efficient, you don’t have to learn. You don’t have to be a content or subject matter expert. In order to be able to generate content, you just have to know how to locate it, and put it together in a logical fashion and then cite the sources properly. So I would recommend you look at that because one of the things that we learned the hard way, is you never want to curate images. Ever. Okay? Unless you there, wiki, what do they call Wiki Commons there? I don’t recommend ever curating images because you will, you can end up getting copyright infringement and be sued for that. And a lot of times like, it’s happened to me, it’s happened to me for almost three years in a row was two years in a row where I got hit with copyright.
Basically extortion letters where they would say you’ve got to pay so much or we’re taking you to court for copyright infringement and you’d have to pay or else they would take your ass to court, and it sucks so I learned a long time ago. Never curate images so I would really highly recommend not embedding a city logo. And don’t just arbitrarily link to a city Wikipedia page or a city government website, unless there’s a specific reason for it, that you clearly identify in the content that you’re let you know why you’re linking to it. If that makes sense. You’re much better off linking to something that’s more relevant. You want to comment on that, Marco?
Marco: I agree. Because there’s activity relevance, relevance, trust, and authority. Right? You’re much better off linking to something that has you know, that that’s updated regularly, and events page what’s going on, in you know, in the city, landmark, places to see if there are if this park, just anything, it’s just going a little bit further in as far as the geolocation is, yes, you’re part of the city. So it stands to reason that you would think I want to link to the Wikipedia city page for this, but you can go further and make get even more relevant. And in fact, if you can get that city schedule, into a calendar of events, the way that we do in RYS Academy Reloaded, and load those ups, and that’s constantly changing, and that’s constantly pushing, all of that relevance, everything that’s happening in that city, and mixed in with those calendar events are your events, what’s happening with your business, whatever it is, whether you want to coupon special, whether you want to send them to the GMB, the map, just whatever it is, you mix in all of that with all of the other relevance and it works a whole lot better than just simply making to the city page for x reason, which there’s really no reason.
Bradley: Yeah. I mean, again, that’s been such old tactics that you know, if it really worked well, Google would have killed it a long time ago because it’s been used forever. As I said, it’s just that it was like common knowledge. Conventional wisdom is just what people did and for the longest time I would you know, I would argue why would Why do you do that? Well, because you know, it’s adding relevancy I will have you tested it. Because if you test it, you’ll find that it doesn’t really do shit, you’re much better off linking the relevant content and I like curated content for that reason because it clearly gives a reason to link out to something and it can create co-citation, which is, is pretty powerful too. So
What’s The Difference Between Maps SEO And Website SEO?
Jonathan says are the map embeds the only thing MGYB sells for maps Seo? No, not by far. My furnace guy wants to rank in maps but doesn’t care about his website. What is the main difference in maps SEO versus website SEO? Well, there’s a lot of similarities, a lot of overlap. But with maps SEO there, you know, you can focus entirely on the Google properties, right, the Google ecosystem. So the map URL itself, I’m going to demonstrate how to get the best map URL to build links to you can do map embeds. You can do citation building. You know if he’s got legit if you say it’s your furnace guy, so I’m assuming is you know, HVAC guy, and he’s got a real business, then it’s probably registered to a real address. Even if it’s a service area business, you can build citations for that. That’s something I always recommend doing if you have a valid address. So there are I mean, there are a number of things that you can do, but very specifically MGYB sells, I mean, pretty much every one of our services can be applied to ranking in maps or maps SEO as you called it, right.
So for example, let me just give you a couple of examples here. This is something that you can go check out GMB.reviewsmaker.com, right. So let’s just go to I’m just going to type in HVAC contractor, Culpepper, for example. Okay, so I’m going to click on KNM Heating and Air heating and air conditioning. And in fact, actually, let me just copy that name. And this is what I’m going to do. So this is how you can get the best URL to build links to if you’re going to be doing link building to the map, right. So there are embeds, there’s also link building, there are press releases, there’s you can which you can embed a map in the press release. Plus, you can also create a contextual link or just a naked URL in the actual press release. To back to the map itself, I’m going to give you a few examples here of how you can get better results. So let’s go back to Google for it first. Here’s a couple of ways that you can do this. Number one, you can go into your GMB dashboard or your client’s GMB dashboard. And on the Info tab, where you’ll always see this one little section where it says view on maps or view on search and view on maps. You can right-click on the view on maps and copy the link address and paste it into a notepad file and then reformat it I’m going to show you the correct format. So that’s one way to find it. The best URL for building links to a map, Google map right. The second way is to go type in or go search for your client’s business name on Google. So in this case, I’m going to search for KNM Heating and Air Inc because that’s just the example that I pulled, then I’m going to click through to the maps listing.
And you’ll see up here in the US the address bar of Chrome, I’ve got this long, ugly URL, right? Well, if you go to GMB dot review, make reviews maker calm, okay, and you click to decode place ID, and just paste that long maps URL in there and click the code place Id take a second, then it’s going to come down and it’s going to give you this maps URL right here. Okay, I’m going to copy that link address. And I’m going to paste that into a notepad file. Now, if you take a look at this URL, I’ll show you and I’ve demonstrated this before, but I want to answer this question thoroughly for him. If we go to like, where it goes com or something like that, some sort of redirect tracer. I could paste that URL that it gives you, right? So from here, and if we take a look at this, you’ll see that this has got a 302 redirect built into it. In fact, there are two of them. So that is not a good URL to use for link building. Like if you want to build links to this URL, you’re not passing any PageRank or link equity essentially, through these two, three or two redirects, that stops it dead, right. So in other words, you can link to it, you somebody could click on that link, and it’s going to navigate, or jump to the final target URL or the destination, which is this. But as far as passing link equity, if you’re to build links to this, it’s not going to pass any. So it’s not a good URL to build links to which by the way, this URL right here, that the share URL, take a look at how many redirects are in this one. If we go back to where goes.
It might even there it goes. Look at that. Look, how many redirects are in there. Three 302 redirects and no matter refresh, so that’s not a good URL, either this share URL, don’t build links that are dumb. It does, it does no good, right? So what you want to do is you want to take that URL, which by the way, you can just take the URL from here and go to a redirect tracer, and then paste it in and then copy the final URL, or just memorize this, which is what I did. It’s very simple. copy that URL, and then just change it, just rearrange it to where you change the maps right there. So maps.google.com, you would change it to www.google.com. Then forward-slash question mark. See ID equals is what the original one is. So all you want to do is move maps from before and the subdomain from maps to the right after the forward-slash, then it’s question marks the ID equals and we’ll take that, Copy that, paste it in. So it’s just a quick change or modification of the URL. And now watch this. If we take this, we go back to a redirect tracer.
Quick, Tracy well there’s no reason XC that now if we go load that URL into the address bar and click Go, you’ll see once the page loads, it converts to that long URL, but it’s not technically a redirect. Right. So that’s the best URL to build links to is this one right here. So that’s something else that you can do. Right. So like I mentioned before, you can embed a map into press releases. You can also build links directly to this map URL, right. So that’s one thing you can do. RYS Drive stacks are incredibly powerful. If you provide the NAP. The name, address and phone number of the business, as well as the maps URL will build a drive stack that is hyper optimized for that specific location, right and will push a ton of power directly to the Google properties especially like you said, if he’s not interested in ranking a website, you can select to push all of the juice from the drive stack back to the maps the Google properties which would be the maps GMB website, will you’ll get it, you should order the, excuse me, the Google Site along with that the Google site will be part of that. So you can build all of the power back to the actual maps listing.
However, there are a couple other things I want to mention. Let’s see, just just because there are a few other points here that you can add additional power to, right. So for a note, another one is the reviews. This company, in particular, has 21 reviews, I don’t know how many your client has. But if we click on that review link, right, it’s going to pull up here Well, that is a different URL. So up here is another URL, I would suggest using your own three one redirects creator. There are a number of of them out there that you can use that are free, some of them that are paid like a subscription base, and others that you can create three one redirects from a plugin through your through a website, which is what I, you know, I prefer to do that through my own domain or something through or through a branded domain or a domain that I’m using specifically for redirects, that kind of thing. But if you take a guy here, open up Firefox just to show you that URL right there, I would create a 301 redirect out of that URL. And what’s it do? It automatically loads to these reviews. So you can push link equity into this. Well, let’s not stop there. What about each one of these individual reviews? For example, if I was to click Share on that one from Alan Jackson, which sounds like looks like a lot of the users’ spam, I don’t know. Jackson’s a country singer and Ronnie White is a Ron White isn’t a comedian. But if we’re to take that URL right there and paste that in, you’ll see that that is a separate URL, like that’s a redirect, as I just talked about, if you click the Share URL, it’s going to give you a redirect. So watch what happens when we trace that one. This is for the individual review. It’s still a 302 redirect. So that’s not what you want to build links to not this. What you want to build links to is this, which again, if you want to make it a pretty URL, all you got to do is use a 301 redirect creator.
As I said, there are some free ones out there, there are some ones that you can pay for a subscription basis, like a rebrand, delete rebrand.ly, for example of one, or there’s another one. Or like, what I like to do is use my own domain or clients domain, and use the pretty links pro plugin to create 301 redirects. Okay? Either way, that’s the URL you want to build to. And that’s the same URLs, what’s up here? Right, but you can build it through a 301 redirect. And look, that’s an individual review within that maps listing. And if this one’s got 21 reviews, that’s 21 additional link targets, right? Plus this one is a link target, which is the overall reviews URL plus the maps URL itself, right, which in this version of it that I just talked about being the best version. There’s more to think about photos, right? For example, this guy’s only got looks like it’s at four, but I’m only Well, maybe that was, let’s go back into photos here. For photos, it says for photos, each one of these areas a separate URL. So my point is if you’re just going to be doing map stuff for a client, what I like to do is extract all the URLs from the maps listing, set up redirects so that they’re pretty and they’re short, much easier to manage. And then start using those and link building campaigns, which you can also use those to be included in a drive stack as target URLs where we will build the drive stack to be targeting each one of those separate URLs. And what happens is you push juice into this listing from all different angles and every single point that you can push link equity into it. It’s very, very powerful. You want to
Marco: Yeah, he’s asking about maps SEO, and I’m just going to say local GMB Pro. It’s what set the standard for GMB optimization every other course came after copied what we did. So if you want the Trailblazer the standard bear the one that laid it down on how it’s properly done. There you go and get local GMB pro and you can learn what Bradley just talked about more in-depth, along with many other things that you could do to push the GMB the map into the three-pack, which is what your client is looking for. They don’t care about the website fine. So you work entirely within the GMB ecosystem, which is what local GMB Pro is all about. So guys, if you really want to do this, right, if you want that heart into the three-pack, you go into local GMP Pro.
Bradley: That’s right. And that’s an in there, we talked about various other things. I’m not going to talk about specific methods here, but just so you know that again, this this this client, or this client is not my client, but this contractor, HVAC contractor is also doing GMB posts, he probably has an SEO that is working on his stuff. And take a look at that guys. Again, these are all additional link targets, right? We copy that URL and go back to the redirect tracer, which I already closed.
And once again, this is a GMB post URL, right? It’s going to redirect, don’t ever use the share URLs for SEO purposes. You can use it for navigation purposes. But look, how many redirects are there. So what you want to do is end up taking this URL, and using that as that could be potentially another link target. Right? So that makes sense. So if we’re going to just open up that URL and see it didn’t bring it up, it’s probably the one prior to that this one, which is okay, because that’s a meta refresh, so that, that’s fine. Let’s open it up there.
There, see I brought it up, it brought that post up to the very top. So the same thing goes you can take an older post and do the same thing you could share it, grab, copy the share URL. Put it in now local GMB Pro, we talk about a hell of a lot of really cool things that you can do a GMB post, I’m not going to talk about here. But I’m just saying you can actually use these posts as additional places to build links to the right. So again, this one right here, I would take this URL, copy that, that’s what I would build links to and watch what happens if I load that into the browser. It’s going to pull up that post at the top See, the one that I just shared. So it makes sense. So all of those are linked targets. That’s why I said there’s just a ton of different things that you can do to push additional power into their not just through and beds and beds are very powerful. Don’t get me wrong, but there’s a number of other things that you can do. So that was a good question.
Does Google Sandbox New Domains For At Least 3 Weeks Or Longer?
Gordon’s up he says, Hey, guys, I don’t want to sound like a broken record. But I just want to say again, your Hump Day help is very much appreciated. Well, you’re welcome, Gordon. And we do appreciate that as well. If I remember correctly, you said in the past that you prefer to use a new domain instead of an aged domain to rank a local lead gen site. So you can control the name of the domain for SEO purposes and for branding purposes. That is correct. I have said that. But I was wondering if in fact Google does sandbox new domains for at least three weeks or probably longer other than losing the branding and partial keyword and domain benefit. Why is it not better to use a niche related aged domain with a clean niche related backlink profile? And if you use an aged domain would you need to to rebuild the old site pages and the old links pointing to using way back point old links point to using Wayback Machine the old things point to excuse me the way that I read that was wrong and if you use an aged domain, would you need to rebuild the old site pages that the old links point to using Wayback machine in order not to lose the link juice? Okay, so the first question is because I’m able to typically especially when I’m trying to rank for local stuff, the right which is what the maps I don’t
Is that getting a new brand new domains? Fine, because I’m not looking for the initial, the, you know, an existing link profile because it really doesn’t matter. Like I mean, if if the sites built really well and everything else, then it can have an effect on the maps, there’s no question. But as we were just talking about in the previous question, we can typically get results without even having a self-hosted website, if that makes sense, right? Because we can focus on specifically just the GMB properties and get results. That said, I always prefer to have a branded type of domain, one that I can build a brand around for, if especially for lead gen stuff that I could use in other locations, right, which is why I talked about if I’m going to have a website, I like to use subdomains with the city name is the subdomain so that I can build upon a particular brand.
Does that mean that you cannot that you can’t start with an aged domain that has been dropped by somebody else or whatever, and build a brand around that I suppose you could? But the problem that I would see with that is that there may be some other existing content on the web that can ambiguate, right? That’s a key term that can ambiguate the brand that you’re trying to build or the data that you’re trying to build through your new location, your new setup. Right? Now, if you’re talking about strictly organic SEO, yes, there’s some benefit for building through an aged domain that has a clean link profile. But having a clean link profile is kind of difficult to do or else why was I mean, a lot, I mean, you will find some domains like that, but they’re few and far between. A lot of times the aged domains that have been dropped are just they either have a shitty link profile or a non-existent link profile. In other words, they might have one or two links that are actually, you know, decent links, if any at all. And so my point is, I would rather just go with something new that’s branded so that I have more control over the content that’s going to be published and everything else and not have to worry about any sort of invigoration not have to worry about any potential links out there.
On the web that is toxic to it, or they’re going to cause any problems as I start building out the new project if that makes sense. So, I mean, there, you certainly can do that. If you want. I don’t recommend it. I don’t, you know, the only time I would use aged domains really is if I was building what I would call feeder sites are like PBNs, right? Because that kind of help to shortcut the process a little bit since you’re not starting from scratch. But when it came to a brand for lead gen site, or for a client, I would always recommend using a brand new one. Now if you are going to build an old domain, yes, it is better to rebuild those pages. You can do that using the Wayback Machine. It’ll you know you can download HTML files and upload those. There’s a couple of plugins and services out there where you can subscribe to or pay for credits I believe that will actually create a file of the Wayback Machine stuff that makes it much easier I know there’s some plugins I can’t even think was named now there’s there.
I know there are some plugins out there that will do that on a WordPress site to where you just basically, you can enter a file or upload the zip file that you get from the Wayback Machine. And it will automatically build out the old pages with the old content, you might have to do some formatting and stuff to them. But you can do that. And I would recommend doing that, or at least building some sort of page that has similar content on it doesn’t have to be the exact duplicates or replication of the old pages. But if it had a good link profile, and it ever in anybody ever goes and looks at, you know, the webmasters of the sites that were linking to that, and they noticed that there was a big change in the page or just doesn’t exist anymore, they may take that link down. So the reason why you would rebuild those previous pages or you know, the pages that aren’t there anymore, is because you’d want the links that were built to that page to stay there. That’s really the only reason where else you could just do a redirect.
My point is, if you just did a redirect from the old URL to the homepage or to a new URL, and a webmaster says, was analyzing or looking at the site and saying, you know, from one of their pages on their site, there was a link to your, to the, to the domain that they had linked to previously. And they look at and say, well, that’s not what I had linked to, I’m going to remove that, then you lose that link. And so you start to ultimately lose the power of having an aged domain with an inbound link profile anyways. And that happens unless you rebuild the pages, or have them redirected to something that’s very similar so that it’s still a value to the site that was originally linking to it. That all said, usually, when you’re dealing with, like, especially local business type sites, it’s just not worth all that trouble. You’re better off and you’re able to get just as quickly as just results just as quickly, excuse me, using methods that we talked about with a brand new domain. So Marco, do want to comment on that before we move on?
Marco: Yeah, absolutely. So imagine it if McDonald’s had come out with McDonald’s of Illinois, if Coca Cola wherever it began, it had come out with the Madison, if you have that, that that one, if you have that one that will boom, nationally or globally, you’re going to have to go and redo all of the work that you’ve done. Yeah, of course, it’s going to be worth it. But I’m the type and I know Bradley is too, that hates doing work, the same work over again. So why going and you have to do the work over again, when you can start off with a brand that doesn’t necessarily have to pigeonhole itself with geolocation or geographically because you can do that with a category or a pages category. It has the same effect. You don’t need it. And the Google sandbox is very real, but the way that we teach activity, relevance, trust, and authority. It trumps everything, including
The Google sandbox including proximity, including a whole bunch of other things, follow about Battle Plan to the letter, you get the services from MGYB.co the way that you’re told to do it and in, in the, in the one in the sequence that we tell you to do it, then you’re going to have the same if not better results than if you went and did all that work with, with an expired domain. And there’s no guarantee that that expired domain would hold its metrics. When it’s brought back, you’re still gonna have to do the work, you still gonna have to put in the content, you got to have to redo the content, you’re going to have to do a whole lot of work, when you could just go to MGYB.co and have us do it for you.
Bradley: I agree. So I said, I mean, it’s just so much, so much trouble that can go into building those ads. I just, I don’t think it’s worth it. I really don’t we can get results just as quickly with new domains. So unless you have found one that’s really super powerful I just wouldn’t even bother
Bradley: fit says good agent makes you part of it for you and it
Marco: will chime in. And the reason why he got some of my time is because he donated quite a bit of money to my charity and I decided to reciprocate by giving him some of my time so we had a really great call he’s in Australia by the way, so it’s really early in the morning for him to be on here. So thanks, Will.
How Do You Fix Duplicate Branded Syndication Networks That Were Purchased Via Fiverr?
Bradley: awesome thanks, Fitz says good day gents. Thanks for this form, ask real questions and get actionable answers I have a client who went to Fiverr and body syndication network and then worked with another marketer and bought a different network, many duplicates all branded. What should I do to fix that? Well, do you have access to those accounts is my point as if you if he bought these syndication networks and such from two different vendors, essentially. He probably has a login sheet right? Similar to you know,
We invented it or, you know. So I’m sure that the copy cat also provides a spreadsheet with all the accounts, the URLs, and the login data, what I would do is go in and I would, if I would log into the one that is the most closely branded to his brand name, you can’t have duplicate, right, you can’t have duplicate subdomains on WordPress or blogger or Tumblr or any of the other sites for that matter. So there has to be some sort of variation in the profile or the usernames, right. So I would take the one that is the most closely aligned with the actual brand and use that I would go in and update it. And then obviously go through and some SM style it Semantic Mastery style the syndication network. That’s number one, number two for the other one that’s out there. That’s also similarly branded. I don’t necessarily would say terminate those accounts, but I would make sure that you’re not syndicating to them anymore. In fact, if you have duplicate posts, and it’s not
I’m not talking about duplicate content guys, because that’s, that doesn’t happen on syndication networks. But if you have the same post posted on multiple semi branded networks, then I recommend removing that content specifically because you don’t, you don’t want to create a footprint with this with a blog syndication network or a syndication network where you’re syndicating website content, you can do it it’s fine with with YouTube, but with a blog now, where you know, with money site content, I don’t recommend that. So but that doesn’t mean you have to like go in and actually terminate those accounts, but I would manually go in and delete the existing content, and maybe just put up some kind of shitty content that might link to the other web to do to Dotto profiles. You know, just like one post on each one of the syndication network properties from the network that you’re not going to use right remove the IFTTT triggers, remove any content that’s been posted to both syndication networks, and then might just put some kind of short little article that’s relevant on each one of those other properties and maybe point to the profile URL on the the one that you’re going to keep right the network properties that you’re going to keep, that’s something I would do. And I would just leave it alone after that, and just continually update for the new or the syndication network that you decided to keep. If they’re both done very poorly, and you don’t want to go through which I don’t recommend, you know, I don’t blame me, if you don’t want to go through and actually update everything manually, then I would get access to all the accounts that you can go in and do what I just said to both sets of networks and by a well done Semantic Mastery stout network from MGYB. Right, and then maybe use those two other existing networks as a YouTube network or, you know, it could be possibly used for maybe a separate Twitter network or something like that.
Or you could do what I just said and just use them as kind of like a one-time link builder to your new network properties. If that makes sense. But I wouldn’t link directly back to the money site with those, you know, does that make sense? That’s what I would do. Because again, I totally understand it. By the way, if this guy bought his own syndication network at Fiverr, then he worked with another marketer. He’s probably one of those guys is going to micromanage you fits just so you’re aware of that if you have a business owner or client that has tried to do their own SEO work, and they’ve also hired somebody else to do something that they already attempted on their own. It’s probably going to they’re probably going to micromanage you as well. Just keep that in mind. Okay, I’m going to keep moving. That’s all right.
Is There A Risk Of Google Putting Home Address On The Web?
JACK says maps question please important client does professional services over the phone from home office don’t want home address under Google’s control, used paid use paid for Regis office locations in past but Google close them down? In your opinion, is there any risk of Google putting home address out there on the web as they don’t want their crazy client showing up at home. Are there any red flags to look out for in this plan? Thank you know not for if you’re going to do a Google My Business profile, no, you don’t have to worry about, you know, you need an address when you register in order for them to send the verification card. But it doesn’t publish the listing until you enter the verification code. So when you enter the verification code that you get in the postcard, then you immediately especially if it’s a service area business, which has to be professional services over the phone from home office. So yeah, I mean, you know, I would set that as a service area business, which means you go in and clear the physical address. Once you verify it, you go in into the Info tab and click on the location setting and then there’s a little link in their text link that says clear address and you click that and it’ll clear it and then save it so that it updates and you want to put your service areas in and then save it, Natalie, remove the address from being shown on maps. That’s absolutely
You Google is not going to publish that anywhere. The problem is if you want to build citations to help the maps listing rank, then a lot of the citation directories are going to require a physical address, like an actual street address. Some don’t, though, more more and more actually allowing service area businesses to add their data without a street address. But there’s still a ton of them out there to do required, so just keep that in mind. Okay.
But I wouldn’t worry about it not Google. Google’s not going to leak that at least I’ve never seen that. If you if you put it on, like Yelp or something like that word requires a street adjusting. Yeah, a lot of time. I mean, it’ll show but just don’t build citations on directories that require the street address if that’s the case. Scott says, Bradley, if you can fly to Haley, I’d have I’ll drive you to Denver. No, thanks. I’ve already got my ticket going flying directly to Denver, but thank you, Scott. I appreciate that.
How Do You Retain The Ranking Position Of A GMB Page Into 3-Pack Using Semantic Mastery Products?
Okay, I still need Hi, we only got about seven minutes left guys. He says I still need help for clients GMB ranking, it’s already it already has RYS Drive stack and G site built by SM a few years ago, I’m ordering a syndication network and we’ll add link building, then embed maps and link build would appreciate your suggestion to get just this back into the three-pack. That’s kind of a bit of a loaded question because I don’t know. Like, honestly, you should have had a syndication network, even really before the G site. And drive stack, that doesn’t mean that, you know, you can’t add that now you certainly can. But what I would recommend also doing is manually going back into your drive stack once your syndication network has been built and, you know, start including those links in the drive stack, link building to all of them. What are some press releases that always help? You can do a map embeds now with press releases and a lot of other things. So I would recommend that you know, make sure that your link, go go buy local GMB Pro, which is what we just talked about earlier, because you can actually do really good results, just doing stuff within the Google ecosystem includes posting and you know, a lot of the stuff that we talked about on local GMB Pro.
So that’s a question that you could get a hell of a lot more help with if you joined the mastermind. Or if you posted that, like more detail as to exactly what it is that you’ve got done. And where so that we can help fill in the gaps. Just get, you know, if you don’t have the Battle Plan, follow the Battle Plan. If you’ve got an RYS drive stack and a G site that was built a few years ago, but you never had a syndication network, it’s obvious that you didn’t, you either didn’t have the Battle Plan or you didn’t follow the plan that we laid out. So I recommend picking that up. If you don’t already have the Battle Plan. And just following that step by step, any of the pieces that are currently missing, add those pieces, right, and then just kind of follow each one of those processes. And that’s going to help you to get the results that you need. I’m not saying that that’s going to do it. You know, that’s the start. That’s always the foundation. If you need additional help with that though, that’s where you would you know, like I said, join the mastermind and get local GMB Pro. Once you have the foundation complete, does that make sense? Any comment on that guys?
Marco: Yeah, definitely the Battle Plan, Local GMB Pro is what’s going to create the activity that he’s going to need, right? Because its activity relevance, trust and authority, and local GMB Pro is totally an activity base.
Does Having A Single Link From A Press Release To A Deep Page Is Better Than Having Multiple Press Release Links?
Okay, well says going back to a previous question about PageRank. Does that mean that if you have a single link from a press release to a deep page is better than having multiple links from the press release just to get better-focused SEO just your landing page? Yes, that is true. Well, you know you’re, you get more juice through one link, one outbound link in a press release to whatever you know, you’re trying to push juice to then if you have three outbound links, right. If you have three outback bound links, you’re splitting the link equity three ways that make sense. So if you want to push all of the link equity for through one link to like you said a deep page, or like a blog post that might have an internal link to the page on your site that you’re trying to rank or something like that. Yeah, that’s again, that’s link sculpting. So,
Is It Okay To Use Spun Content For YouTube Descriptions?
Austin Don says, I’ve been doing we buy house city, we buy houses, city videos, is it alright to use spun content for YouTube descriptions? To write individual descriptions is very time-consuming. Thanks. Yeah, you know, Uhm Austin Don, if you’re in the Austin, Texas market, you probably have other people competing. So having good descriptions is helpful for YouTube SEO. But I don’t spend a lot of time on YouTube descriptions anymore. years ago, it was more important in my opinion. Now it’s more about having you know, the primary SEO factors of a YouTube video optimized like the title the tags, having the keyword, like as probably the first thing in the video description. I like having NAP data-name, address, phone number, primary URL, such as website, Google Maps URL, the URL, that version that I just shared this one right here, linking to your top tier one asset branded or entity assets, as we talked about. So linking to a Facebook page if you’re doing Facebook stuff, you know any business directories if you’re using press releases, the organization page, anything like that, I like to put all of that in the video description now, but I usually don’t really flesh out a whole lot of content, written text content for the video description. It’s more about a call to action, right and enlisting the NAP data and relevant links that are entered to kind of reinforce the entity. And then it’s about traditional SEO signals, embeds and or backlinks and engagement signals.
I’m telling you that’s the secret sauce is the engagement signals which you can by using YouTube ads incredibly inexpensive, and for I’m telling you even I’ve got campaigns running right now for the local video production company that I’ve been doing SEO for like five or six years that I have 40 cents per day is my budget. So I’m spending less than $15 a month it comes out to be like $12 a month that I’m spending to constantly feed that video on a daily basis with relevant views from a very specific geographic area because I set my location targeting from an audience that is relevant to the video itself. And it helps to keep those videos ranked. And we’re talking some of these videos have been ranked for years and I haven’t done a damn bit of SEO work since the moment I uploaded it to my channel. And it’s syndicated across my networks. All I’ve done is kept the ad campaigns going because it’s constantly the engagement signals that are coming in that are helping it to rank. So that’s what I would recommend is that you know don’t spend a shit ton of time optimizing the text. Just optimize the key the titles, the tags, put a relevant call to action, link out to your primary tier one entity assets, NAP included.
And then make sure that you do your traditional SEO stuff use playlist, the YouTube Silo Academy method embeds and or backlinks. But at the same time make sure that you set up a YouTube ad campaign for each one of those videos. Even if you just did you know, as I said, I’ve got campaigns running at 40 cents a day. That comes out to be like $12 a month and it works like wonders. Okay.
We gotta go guys. It’s at five o'clock. Any comments before I wrap it up, guys? Sorry about any questions we didn’t get to. Know. I would say get in where you fit in. That’s it. definitely time to pack up head out for POFU Live. Live, baby. See you guys. I’ll see you, Adam, tomorrow. Sounds good. Have a good one everyone. See you
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 257 published first on your-t1-blog-url
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daynamartinez22 · 5 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 257
Click on the video above to watch Episode 257 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Adam: Alright, we are live Welcome everybody to Hump Day Hangouts. This is Episode 257. Today is the ninth of October 2019. And this is the last Hump Day hangouts before POFU Live 2019 in Denver. If you haven’t gotten your ticket yet, you’d like to show up whether you’re going to whether you live there you whether you want to drive in or you can make some last-minute flight plans, head to pofulive.com, grab your ticket. Now, before we get into it, just want to say if you’re joining us for the first time, thanks for watching, we’re going to get into questions and answers. If you’ve got any questions you’re watching us go ahead and pop them on the page at semanticmastery.com/hdquestions. Remember to always head over there. If you’re watching on YouTube. We don’t want to read comments here. You’ve got to go to the page where we embed the video so that you can ask questions we can get to those. So with that said, let’s say hello guys real quick. We’re missing to the Semantic Mastery guys who I believe is started traveling over to POFU Live in Denver. Bradley, Marco and I are here today. So I’ll start at the top and say hello to Bradley. How are you doing?
Bradley: Good. How are you?
Adam: Not bad. Not bad. I’m enjoying some cooler weather here. It’s finally starting to act like a fall. It’s about 65-70 today.
Bradley: Well, you can enjoy cooler weather tomorrow when you get to Denver because it’s supposed to be snowing and freezing cold so
Adam: Yeah, I might have to post some pictures of her on maybe on the Facebook group or something like he heard on hates the cold weather and I think it’s supposed to be a high of 28 degrees tomorrow.
Bradley: Yeah, and snow to which is crazy, but it’s only tomorrow. Because then the rest of the time that we’re there it’s supposed to be between 65 and 70 during the day and then around 30 at night, but it was kind of interesting packing for that, you know?
Adam: Yeah, all over the place. Well, speaking of weather, Marco How are you doing, man?
Marco: I couldn’t be better. Like I couldn’t handle 28 I’m sorry. It’s not happening. I mean, it’s too late like a cold for me. I mentioned it before is 60-65 that range you know. We break out the old sheet and we cover ourselves it gets chilly man 28 gone from 65 to 20 I don’t think so.
Adam: That’s a big change and once it gets below 20 that’s where I start I can handle it depends on the window but yeah in the 20s still nice ones it’s sunny and then anyways tomorrow is going to be fun we’ll see how it goes with Hernan if he’s all bundled up and blankets and freezing to death or if he survives so. Anyways With that said, like I said earlier if you’re watching for the first time you’re in the right place, we’re going to get to q&a and answer your questions and appreciate you being here. Come here every week every Wednesday for pm eastern you can always ask your questions ahead of time as well if you know got a client call you’ve got some work you got things you got to do we understand that but you know benefit here is being live you can ask questions, clarify your questions, but like I said, if you have to you can ask your questions ahead of time at semanticmastery.com/hdquestions and then check out the replay on our YouTube channel, which you should subscribe to if you’re watching that right now.
And secondly, if you haven’t yet check out the Battle Plan right? That’s where you can get our step by step processes for getting results with everything from new websites, aged domains, YouTube channels, so much more. I’m not going to go through the entire laundry list of all the benefits there but head over to battleplan.semanticmastery.com. And if you want to join, you know, our mastermind is about a mastermind but you know, it’s both the mastermind, our mastermind. Basically what it is is an experienced community so you can get faster access to real-world info, testing and build that network of peers who are doing the same things we’re growing these digital marketing businesses or who have businesses and understand how they need to grow the digital marketing side of it. You can find out more about that and join at mastermind.semanticmastery.com. And for everyone, we really recommend going over to mgyb.co. I mean we tell this to you watching these videos, we tell it to our mastermind members, we tell it to everyone
Else, you know if you can start building your team now. And part of that can be using MGYB to provide the services for you things like syndication networks are we as drive stack, press releases, link building embeds, all that sort of stuff. And there are a lot more great packages coming out where we’re going to help people get better, well, the literal package for Hey, you know, if your website is here, then you need these types of additions. You need these syndication networks. We’re going to make that a lot more streamlined so that you can do it for yourself, your projects as well as your clients. So keep your eyes and ears open for that. So with that said guys,
Marco: I have a couple of things. Yeah, right. Number one, people, they always ask us how to put everything together, they’ll go in and don’t order something. And the last, how do I put it together guys, it’s in the Battle Plan. I was just talking to my mini mastermind group. You guys know that I meet every Tuesday. In the evening with a mini mastermind group. I have seven people in there. I wish I could take more people because people keep reaching out to me and saying, hey, I want in on the group. But seven is more than enough. But the thing is that the people in my mini mastermind they follow the Battle Plan. I have a guy, that’s her over. But he started out at 12k a year in digital marketing and client work and SEO, whatever it is that he did. And this year, you know, he’s at around a quarter million for the year. And so it’s as simple as just buckling down doing the fucking work and following the instructions to the letter. You don’t veer from what we tell you to do until you’re ready to test and you shouldn’t be testing until you have a good revenue stream coming in that allows you to set aside time to do that kind of thing, right?
We got another one that Jeff right who went to POFU and he’s killing it. I mean, he’s ranking attorney type big attorney terms of ranking for it, for example, and IT services in New York City. Now imagine how competitive that is, but they’re like the companies have happier than a paycheck, because they’re number one for the term. And how did they do it? They follow the Battle Plan. They follow the instructions, they follow what we tell them, guys, how do you put it all together? Get the Battle Plan. Now, yes, the Battle Plan takes you to MGYB and the products and services. Why do we do that? Because it’s the simplest way we don’t want you doing all that work. Imagine the hours that you have to spend doing all that work keyword research three days. For the keyword research, really, do you really want to do that? Do you really want to spend all that time your client better be paying a whole lot of money to spend three days doing all of that keyword research, I mean, everything it takes time to do
Bradley: Marco, isn’t it more fun to buy shiny new software applications and spend all your time learning how to use it? Just to find out it doesn’t work very well.
Marco: That’s some work, right? Follow the next best, the next best. So it’s already there. We set the path out people who follow it are killing it. And that’s my point. And yes, we do send you to what works for us because it’s what we use guys. We use it, we apply it we get a result. And so we give it to you in a step by step method so that you can follow it through. So if you’re not doing it, you haven’t bought it go by the Battle Plan. It looks like a really simple PDF with links. But you do it step by step. I’m telling you, I just got validation yesterday from a couple of people that are in that range. I mean, you guys know Jordan.
You guys know, Jeff, you guys know, Ed, they’re telling it how following the Battle Plan. That’s one and two about the mastermind. I wanted to mention that it works is a two-way street. We do try to give people everything that works in the mastermind, right? And we do make everyone available that you’re free to exchange ideas and concepts and theories and tests and whatever. But every once in awhile, we’ll get in a thread, as we did with with with something that I talked about when doing silos. And it was a whole long thread and we went really deep into it. And then there’s another one about iframes now.
And then that one sent me into the rabbit hole, where I’m still testing and I’m getting really good results from some ideas that I got. Not like not directly but indirectly, as they posted. Okay, so can I do this Can I do that and I immediately started thinking, well, what if, and that’s when you read, your juices really start flowing? And what if I did this and I quoted it this way, and I hit it this way, and then it would cause no issues. And so what I’m thinking is anyone who attends POFU Live will have first crack at whatever I come up with, from my testing, because they deserve it. I mean, they took the time that they’re going to be there. And so we always say membership has its privileges. But this is a step up. This is a step where you’re trying to change the game and JN and Jeff Moore, Jeff sorry, they went to POFU Live, and they changed the whole mindset, they changed their business strategy, and they’re killing it. So So anyone going deserves it. And so that’s what I’m going to do and then at some future point, it’ll be shared with the mastermind, of course, I don’t know if it’ll be I’ll ever share it outside the mastermind.
But since the nugget was kind of the idea sprouted from a thread in the mastermind I think the mastermind deserves whatever comes from it. And I’m already testing and I’m already coding and that so this is the type of thing that goes on and in the mastermind, mastermind membership has its privileges. Attending POFU Live has its privileges. Most of the people that are in my mini mastermind, are people who went to POFU Live. So I just want to say about that definitely our mastermind members, but they also attended POFU Live and I think that they deserve special attention. That’s just my piece for today. Take it for what it’s worth, but I think it’s just totally worth joining the mastermind and attending POFU Live should be a must in your calendar.
Adam: Sounds good to me, like Marco said, Be there. That’s a pretty awesome thing that Marco is going to do there. So I don’t want to dive back into a Marco but I know that people work with you and your group have had a lot of success. And I’m sure that’s a no small part due to your involvement. So that’s pretty awesome. So if you want to grab your ticket, you can still make it we got a couple of days here before we kick things off on Friday for the VIP day and then Saturday and Sunday for the main event. You can grab your ticket at pofulive.com. Alright, guys, Bradley, anything else before we jump into it?
Bradley: No, I’m just excited too nervous at the same time because I gotta fly tomorrow. But looking forward to coming to Denver and hanging out with you guys and putting on a pretty cool presentation. I think that is pretty powerful. I think this is going to be just a really good event. So I’m excited about it.
Adam: Cool. All right. Let’s do it.
Bradley: All right, let me grab the screen. Stand by. Alright, you guys should be seeing my screen now. Correct.
Adam: Correct. Got your whole screen.
Bradley: All right. Not a lot of questions yet. So guys start posting. Otherwise, we’ll wrap it up a little bit early, which is fine because I’ve got still not 100% packed for I gotta leave really early tomorrow morning for my flight. So anyway, I don’t mind wrapping it up early if that’s what we need to do.
Is It Okay To Send A Full-Text Article With 20+ Affiliate Links Via RSS In A Single Tier Network?
But we’ll start with sutra he says when using a single tier, he’s talking about a single-tier syndication network, is it okay to send the full-text article via RSS? Even if the article has 20 plus affiliate links? I usually post 123 of these types of articles each day. Um, I would say no, and the reason why I say no is it not because it’s an SEO thing, but it’s likely that your blog accounts which would be like WordPress, Tumblr, blogger, not so much blogger but Tumblr and WordPress, will likely or may very well terminate the account for too many outbound links.
Especially like affiliate links and that kind of stuff that they don’t, they don’t typically like that. So I wouldn’t recommend that I would do a post summary. So set your RSS feed to just display the summary. That way, it’s really just pushing the juice back to your post URL that’s published on your blog, which is really all that matters, guys. I mean, if you’re doing a bunch of outbound linking in your blog posts anyways, whether it doesn’t, you don’t really need to worry about posting the full text because, you know, whether they’re nofollow or do follow, it doesn’t even matter. What I’m saying is what you’re looking for is the link back from the post on the syndication network properties back to the original post on your site. Right. And then obviously, if you’re doing internal SEO like on-page SEO correctly, then you’re going to have some sort of contextual link within the text of your blog post that goes up to our money, a money page, right so an actual page or something a category.
Whatever it is that you’re trying to rank on your site. So it really the benefit is pushing the juice from the syndication network properties back to the post URL that’s published on your blog. So I would recommend doing a summary post, you know, summary, just set the RSS feed settings to just display a summary instead of the full text. Now, that said, sometimes those can look spammy too. And sometimes you can find settings in your theme that will allow you to update the length of those RSS, like how much of the summary is shown. And so you might be able to set that and sometimes you have to actually edit the theme files in order for to, you know, to to adjust that some things will give you the option to do that, like it’s, you know, an option that you can set but other times you have to actually go in and edit the theme files. So that’s what I would recommend any comments?
Marco: Yeah, I would say no, and it’s for SEO and it’s because the whole idea behind this concept and what we do and why we send out iframes and everything that we do is to build PageRank. And the problem is, everything starts at PR one, correct? Everything on the web, it starts out at PR one. So if you have something that’s revenue, or even if it’s aged, it could only be a PR one. And the reason why is because you’re splitting the PageRank that you’re passing so low, that you can’t build it up properly. So you split it, you splitting it 20 times, and what you’re passing from a PR one isn’t PR one, it’s less than PR one. As I’ve said before, we’ve done the math we know within certain parameters, just how much PR is passed from a PR one and we know we know it’s a range. So when you splitting it, that fine you’re defeating the purpose of building up that PR building up that trust and authority and everything else. Not only that, having it be so spammy, it could just turn into a PR zero because of the fact that it’s so spammy. And so you’re not really passing anything. You’re not really doing anything is not mean you could grab some traffic. From that point, you could do so much more if you’re more selective with the way that you syndicate your affiliate links so that it doesn’t look so spammy so that it doesn’t look like it’s a whole bunch of garbage. And the only intent for that is to push your affiliate links, make it more user-friendly, making it more for the person that’s going to be reading it for the person to interact with that posts and with that content, and maybe share it maybe like it. Maybe visit the website, or those are all signals that you want. And I guarantee you that a spammy blog post with a whole bunch of affiliate links isn’t going to accomplish what you want.
Is It Good To Use And Embed The Original City Logo And Link The City Website Or Wikipedia City Page For A Local Service Website?
Bradley: Very good. Thank you. Mike says hello to a local service website. Do you think it’s a good idea to use and embed the original city logo and also link to the city website or Wikipedia city page? I can see the power in it, but I don’t think it’s a good idea. Thanks. Well, Mike, that’s what was pretty much standard operating procedure back in like 2012. And for a long time, you know, that was just traditional way they call it conventional wisdom when it came to I didn’t, does conventional wisdom is oftentimes not very smart. It’s just what people think is right. And conventional wisdom for the longest time was that you would link to always a.gov or a Wikipedia page, or, you know, excuse me, a Wikipedia page or a.gov site or a that, especially if you’re doing local to that, you know, corresponding Wikipedia page or the local government website or something like that. And that was supposed to add relevancy, which isn’t true. That’s that hasn’t been true for many, many years. Because Google doesn’t care about you linking to a Wikipedia page about a particular city unless it’s relevant to the content on that page. And even though you might be optimized, you know, for like a plumber and in particular city, just linking to that Wikipedia page arbitrarily with the keyword or without the keyword, whatever, just linking to that page really doesn’t do much, right. It’s not the algorithm is much smarter than that. Now, if you are citing something about that city, like some facts about the city or something that makes it relevant, and you want to cite the source where you gleaned that content from So for example, if you are curating content from a Wikipedia page or a.gov site about that particular city, then you want to cite the source now that adds that that’s a proper way to link to it. And Google can clearly see the relationship between why and why you’re linking to that. But you know, again, years ago, we used to mean just about everybody used to do it. What I always recommend is link outbound linking to relevant content that’s relevant to the concept within the body of the content that you’re linking to, like, in other words, that your UYY just linked to the city page or to the Wikipedia page. If the page is about plumbing services in a particular city.
It doesn’t really make sense just to link to the city website unless there’s a reason for it. And so, again, I’ve always gone back to I mean, four years since probably 2014 timeframe, I stopped doing that stopped doing what was conventional wisdom, and started linking to more relevant pages. So for example, linking to an article on bob Vila calm or do it yourself network or something like that, right, some sort of, like if it’s a plumbing website, right? linking to something that’s more relevant to the content of the page. And then if you want to have some sort of local relevancy in there, why not embed the map or a mind map or driving directions map from the store or the location of the business to that city or something like that, that That, to me makes a lot more sense. It’s more relevant. And so that’s the type of thing that I’ve always done as far as embedding a city logo from another website. I don’t recommend doing that. Because if you don’t have permission to use that, remember that that logo is likely trademarked or even if it’s not trademarked, it’s probably a copyright issue. Because I can tell you one thing you don’t want to do when you curate content and by the way, we have a training for a full training program called Content Kingpin which will teach you all about curating and why it’s very it’s so powerful because it creates co-citation, it allows you to generate content much quicker, it’s much more efficient, you don’t have to learn. You don’t have to be a content or subject matter expert. In order to be able to generate content, you just have to know how to locate it, and put it together in a logical fashion and then cite the sources properly. So I would recommend you look at that because one of the things that we learned the hard way, is you never want to curate images. Ever. Okay? Unless you there, wiki, what do they call Wiki Commons there? I don’t recommend ever curating images because you will, you can end up getting copyright infringement and be sued for that. And a lot of times like, it’s happened to me, it’s happened to me for almost three years in a row was two years in a row where I got hit with copyright.
Basically extortion letters where they would say you’ve got to pay so much or we’re taking you to court for copyright infringement and you’d have to pay or else they would take your ass to court, and it sucks so I learned a long time ago. Never curate images so I would really highly recommend not embedding a city logo. And don’t just arbitrarily link to a city Wikipedia page or a city government website, unless there’s a specific reason for it, that you clearly identify in the content that you’re let you know why you’re linking to it. If that makes sense. You’re much better off linking to something that’s more relevant. You want to comment on that, Marco?
Marco: I agree. Because there’s activity relevance, relevance, trust, and authority. Right? You’re much better off linking to something that has you know, that that’s updated regularly, and events page what’s going on, in you know, in the city, landmark, places to see if there are if this park, just anything, it’s just going a little bit further in as far as the geolocation is, yes, you’re part of the city. So it stands to reason that you would think I want to link to the Wikipedia city page for this, but you can go further and make get even more relevant. And in fact, if you can get that city schedule, into a calendar of events, the way that we do in RYS Academy Reloaded, and load those ups, and that’s constantly changing, and that’s constantly pushing, all of that relevance, everything that’s happening in that city, and mixed in with those calendar events are your events, what’s happening with your business, whatever it is, whether you want to coupon special, whether you want to send them to the GMB, the map, just whatever it is, you mix in all of that with all of the other relevance and it works a whole lot better than just simply making to the city page for x reason, which there’s really no reason.
Bradley: Yeah. I mean, again, that’s been such old tactics that you know, if it really worked well, Google would have killed it a long time ago because it’s been used forever. As I said, it’s just that it was like common knowledge. Conventional wisdom is just what people did and for the longest time I would you know, I would argue why would Why do you do that? Well, because you know, it’s adding relevancy I will have you tested it. Because if you test it, you’ll find that it doesn’t really do shit, you’re much better off linking the relevant content and I like curated content for that reason because it clearly gives a reason to link out to something and it can create co-citation, which is, is pretty powerful too. So
What’s The Difference Between Maps SEO And Website SEO?
Jonathan says are the map embeds the only thing MGYB sells for maps Seo? No, not by far. My furnace guy wants to rank in maps but doesn’t care about his website. What is the main difference in maps SEO versus website SEO? Well, there’s a lot of similarities, a lot of overlap. But with maps SEO there, you know, you can focus entirely on the Google properties, right, the Google ecosystem. So the map URL itself, I’m going to demonstrate how to get the best map URL to build links to you can do map embeds. You can do citation building. You know if he’s got legit if you say it’s your furnace guy, so I’m assuming is you know, HVAC guy, and he’s got a real business, then it’s probably registered to a real address. Even if it’s a service area business, you can build citations for that. That’s something I always recommend doing if you have a valid address. So there are I mean, there are a number of things that you can do, but very specifically MGYB sells, I mean, pretty much every one of our services can be applied to ranking in maps or maps SEO as you called it, right.
So for example, let me just give you a couple of examples here. This is something that you can go check out GMB.reviewsmaker.com, right. So let’s just go to I’m just going to type in HVAC contractor, Culpepper, for example. Okay, so I’m going to click on KNM Heating and Air heating and air conditioning. And in fact, actually, let me just copy that name. And this is what I’m going to do. So this is how you can get the best URL to build links to if you’re going to be doing link building to the map, right. So there are embeds, there’s also link building, there are press releases, there’s you can which you can embed a map in the press release. Plus, you can also create a contextual link or just a naked URL in the actual press release. To back to the map itself, I’m going to give you a few examples here of how you can get better results. So let’s go back to Google for it first. Here’s a couple of ways that you can do this. Number one, you can go into your GMB dashboard or your client’s GMB dashboard. And on the Info tab, where you’ll always see this one little section where it says view on maps or view on search and view on maps. You can right-click on the view on maps and copy the link address and paste it into a notepad file and then reformat it I’m going to show you the correct format. So that’s one way to find it. The best URL for building links to a map, Google map right. The second way is to go type in or go search for your client’s business name on Google. So in this case, I’m going to search for KNM Heating and Air Inc because that’s just the example that I pulled, then I’m going to click through to the maps listing.
And you’ll see up here in the US the address bar of Chrome, I’ve got this long, ugly URL, right? Well, if you go to GMB dot review, make reviews maker calm, okay, and you click to decode place ID, and just paste that long maps URL in there and click the code place Id take a second, then it’s going to come down and it’s going to give you this maps URL right here. Okay, I’m going to copy that link address. And I’m going to paste that into a notepad file. Now, if you take a look at this URL, I’ll show you and I’ve demonstrated this before, but I want to answer this question thoroughly for him. If we go to like, where it goes com or something like that, some sort of redirect tracer. I could paste that URL that it gives you, right? So from here, and if we take a look at this, you’ll see that this has got a 302 redirect built into it. In fact, there are two of them. So that is not a good URL to use for link building. Like if you want to build links to this URL, you’re not passing any PageRank or link equity essentially, through these two, three or two redirects, that stops it dead, right. So in other words, you can link to it, you somebody could click on that link, and it’s going to navigate, or jump to the final target URL or the destination, which is this. But as far as passing link equity, if you’re to build links to this, it’s not going to pass any. So it’s not a good URL to build links to which by the way, this URL right here, that the share URL, take a look at how many redirects are in this one. If we go back to where goes.
It might even there it goes. Look at that. Look, how many redirects are in there. Three 302 redirects and no matter refresh, so that’s not a good URL, either this share URL, don’t build links that are dumb. It does, it does no good, right? So what you want to do is you want to take that URL, which by the way, you can just take the URL from here and go to a redirect tracer, and then paste it in and then copy the final URL, or just memorize this, which is what I did. It’s very simple. copy that URL, and then just change it, just rearrange it to where you change the maps right there. So maps.google.com, you would change it to www.google.com. Then forward-slash question mark. See ID equals is what the original one is. So all you want to do is move maps from before and the subdomain from maps to the right after the forward-slash, then it’s question marks the ID equals and we’ll take that, Copy that, paste it in. So it’s just a quick change or modification of the URL. And now watch this. If we take this, we go back to a redirect tracer.
Quick, Tracy well there’s no reason XC that now if we go load that URL into the address bar and click Go, you’ll see once the page loads, it converts to that long URL, but it’s not technically a redirect. Right. So that’s the best URL to build links to is this one right here. So that’s something else that you can do. Right. So like I mentioned before, you can embed a map into press releases. You can also build links directly to this map URL, right. So that’s one thing you can do. RYS Drive stacks are incredibly powerful. If you provide the NAP. The name, address and phone number of the business, as well as the maps URL will build a drive stack that is hyper optimized for that specific location, right and will push a ton of power directly to the Google properties especially like you said, if he’s not interested in ranking a website, you can select to push all of the juice from the drive stack back to the maps the Google properties which would be the maps GMB website, will you’ll get it, you should order the, excuse me, the Google Site along with that the Google site will be part of that. So you can build all of the power back to the actual maps listing.
However, there are a couple other things I want to mention. Let’s see, just just because there are a few other points here that you can add additional power to, right. So for a note, another one is the reviews. This company, in particular, has 21 reviews, I don’t know how many your client has. But if we click on that review link, right, it’s going to pull up here Well, that is a different URL. So up here is another URL, I would suggest using your own three one redirects creator. There are a number of of them out there that you can use that are free, some of them that are paid like a subscription base, and others that you can create three one redirects from a plugin through your through a website, which is what I, you know, I prefer to do that through my own domain or something through or through a branded domain or a domain that I’m using specifically for redirects, that kind of thing. But if you take a guy here, open up Firefox just to show you that URL right there, I would create a 301 redirect out of that URL. And what’s it do? It automatically loads to these reviews. So you can push link equity into this. Well, let’s not stop there. What about each one of these individual reviews? For example, if I was to click Share on that one from Alan Jackson, which sounds like looks like a lot of the users’ spam, I don’t know. Jackson’s a country singer and Ronnie White is a Ron White isn’t a comedian. But if we’re to take that URL right there and paste that in, you’ll see that that is a separate URL, like that’s a redirect, as I just talked about, if you click the Share URL, it’s going to give you a redirect. So watch what happens when we trace that one. This is for the individual review. It’s still a 302 redirect. So that’s not what you want to build links to not this. What you want to build links to is this, which again, if you want to make it a pretty URL, all you got to do is use a 301 redirect creator.
As I said, there are some free ones out there, there are some ones that you can pay for a subscription basis, like a rebrand, delete rebrand.ly, for example of one, or there’s another one. Or like, what I like to do is use my own domain or clients domain, and use the pretty links pro plugin to create 301 redirects. Okay? Either way, that’s the URL you want to build to. And that’s the same URLs, what’s up here? Right, but you can build it through a 301 redirect. And look, that’s an individual review within that maps listing. And if this one’s got 21 reviews, that’s 21 additional link targets, right? Plus this one is a link target, which is the overall reviews URL plus the maps URL itself, right, which in this version of it that I just talked about being the best version. There’s more to think about photos, right? For example, this guy’s only got looks like it’s at four, but I’m only Well, maybe that was, let’s go back into photos here. For photos, it says for photos, each one of these areas a separate URL. So my point is if you’re just going to be doing map stuff for a client, what I like to do is extract all the URLs from the maps listing, set up redirects so that they’re pretty and they’re short, much easier to manage. And then start using those and link building campaigns, which you can also use those to be included in a drive stack as target URLs where we will build the drive stack to be targeting each one of those separate URLs. And what happens is you push juice into this listing from all different angles and every single point that you can push link equity into it. It’s very, very powerful. You want to
Marco: Yeah, he’s asking about maps SEO, and I’m just going to say local GMB Pro. It’s what set the standard for GMB optimization every other course came after copied what we did. So if you want the Trailblazer the standard bear the one that laid it down on how it’s properly done. There you go and get local GMB pro and you can learn what Bradley just talked about more in-depth, along with many other things that you could do to push the GMB the map into the three-pack, which is what your client is looking for. They don’t care about the website fine. So you work entirely within the GMB ecosystem, which is what local GMB Pro is all about. So guys, if you really want to do this, right, if you want that heart into the three-pack, you go into local GMP Pro.
Bradley: That’s right. And that’s an in there, we talked about various other things. I’m not going to talk about specific methods here, but just so you know that again, this this this client, or this client is not my client, but this contractor, HVAC contractor is also doing GMB posts, he probably has an SEO that is working on his stuff. And take a look at that guys. Again, these are all additional link targets, right? We copy that URL and go back to the redirect tracer, which I already closed.
And once again, this is a GMB post URL, right? It’s going to redirect, don’t ever use the share URLs for SEO purposes. You can use it for navigation purposes. But look, how many redirects are there. So what you want to do is end up taking this URL, and using that as that could be potentially another link target. Right? So that makes sense. So if we’re going to just open up that URL and see it didn’t bring it up, it’s probably the one prior to that this one, which is okay, because that’s a meta refresh, so that, that’s fine. Let’s open it up there.
There, see I brought it up, it brought that post up to the very top. So the same thing goes you can take an older post and do the same thing you could share it, grab, copy the share URL. Put it in now local GMB Pro, we talk about a hell of a lot of really cool things that you can do a GMB post, I’m not going to talk about here. But I’m just saying you can actually use these posts as additional places to build links to the right. So again, this one right here, I would take this URL, copy that, that’s what I would build links to and watch what happens if I load that into the browser. It’s going to pull up that post at the top See, the one that I just shared. So it makes sense. So all of those are linked targets. That’s why I said there’s just a ton of different things that you can do to push additional power into their not just through and beds and beds are very powerful. Don’t get me wrong, but there’s a number of other things that you can do. So that was a good question.
Does Google Sandbox New Domains For At Least 3 Weeks Or Longer?
Gordon’s up he says, Hey, guys, I don’t want to sound like a broken record. But I just want to say again, your Hump Day help is very much appreciated. Well, you’re welcome, Gordon. And we do appreciate that as well. If I remember correctly, you said in the past that you prefer to use a new domain instead of an aged domain to rank a local lead gen site. So you can control the name of the domain for SEO purposes and for branding purposes. That is correct. I have said that. But I was wondering if in fact Google does sandbox new domains for at least three weeks or probably longer other than losing the branding and partial keyword and domain benefit. Why is it not better to use a niche related aged domain with a clean niche related backlink profile? And if you use an aged domain would you need to to rebuild the old site pages and the old links pointing to using way back point old links point to using Wayback Machine the old things point to excuse me the way that I read that was wrong and if you use an aged domain, would you need to rebuild the old site pages that the old links point to using Wayback machine in order not to lose the link juice? Okay, so the first question is because I’m able to typically especially when I’m trying to rank for local stuff, the right which is what the maps I don’t
Is that getting a new brand new domains? Fine, because I’m not looking for the initial, the, you know, an existing link profile because it really doesn’t matter. Like I mean, if if the sites built really well and everything else, then it can have an effect on the maps, there’s no question. But as we were just talking about in the previous question, we can typically get results without even having a self-hosted website, if that makes sense, right? Because we can focus on specifically just the GMB properties and get results. That said, I always prefer to have a branded type of domain, one that I can build a brand around for, if especially for lead gen stuff that I could use in other locations, right, which is why I talked about if I’m going to have a website, I like to use subdomains with the city name is the subdomain so that I can build upon a particular brand.
Does that mean that you cannot that you can’t start with an aged domain that has been dropped by somebody else or whatever, and build a brand around that I suppose you could? But the problem that I would see with that is that there may be some other existing content on the web that can ambiguate, right? That’s a key term that can ambiguate the brand that you’re trying to build or the data that you’re trying to build through your new location, your new setup. Right? Now, if you’re talking about strictly organic SEO, yes, there’s some benefit for building through an aged domain that has a clean link profile. But having a clean link profile is kind of difficult to do or else why was I mean, a lot, I mean, you will find some domains like that, but they’re few and far between. A lot of times the aged domains that have been dropped are just they either have a shitty link profile or a non-existent link profile. In other words, they might have one or two links that are actually, you know, decent links, if any at all. And so my point is, I would rather just go with something new that’s branded so that I have more control over the content that’s going to be published and everything else and not have to worry about any sort of invigoration not have to worry about any potential links out there.
On the web that is toxic to it, or they’re going to cause any problems as I start building out the new project if that makes sense. So, I mean, there, you certainly can do that. If you want. I don’t recommend it. I don’t, you know, the only time I would use aged domains really is if I was building what I would call feeder sites are like PBNs, right? Because that kind of help to shortcut the process a little bit since you’re not starting from scratch. But when it came to a brand for lead gen site, or for a client, I would always recommend using a brand new one. Now if you are going to build an old domain, yes, it is better to rebuild those pages. You can do that using the Wayback Machine. It’ll you know you can download HTML files and upload those. There’s a couple of plugins and services out there where you can subscribe to or pay for credits I believe that will actually create a file of the Wayback Machine stuff that makes it much easier I know there’s some plugins I can’t even think was named now there’s there.
I know there are some plugins out there that will do that on a WordPress site to where you just basically, you can enter a file or upload the zip file that you get from the Wayback Machine. And it will automatically build out the old pages with the old content, you might have to do some formatting and stuff to them. But you can do that. And I would recommend doing that, or at least building some sort of page that has similar content on it doesn’t have to be the exact duplicates or replication of the old pages. But if it had a good link profile, and it ever in anybody ever goes and looks at, you know, the webmasters of the sites that were linking to that, and they noticed that there was a big change in the page or just doesn’t exist anymore, they may take that link down. So the reason why you would rebuild those previous pages or you know, the pages that aren’t there anymore, is because you’d want the links that were built to that page to stay there. That’s really the only reason where else you could just do a redirect.
My point is, if you just did a redirect from the old URL to the homepage or to a new URL, and a webmaster says, was analyzing or looking at the site and saying, you know, from one of their pages on their site, there was a link to your, to the, to the domain that they had linked to previously. And they look at and say, well, that’s not what I had linked to, I’m going to remove that, then you lose that link. And so you start to ultimately lose the power of having an aged domain with an inbound link profile anyways. And that happens unless you rebuild the pages, or have them redirected to something that’s very similar so that it’s still a value to the site that was originally linking to it. That all said, usually, when you’re dealing with, like, especially local business type sites, it’s just not worth all that trouble. You’re better off and you’re able to get just as quickly as just results just as quickly, excuse me, using methods that we talked about with a brand new domain. So Marco, do want to comment on that before we move on?
Marco: Yeah, absolutely. So imagine it if McDonald’s had come out with McDonald’s of Illinois, if Coca Cola wherever it began, it had come out with the Madison, if you have that, that that one, if you have that one that will boom, nationally or globally, you’re going to have to go and redo all of the work that you’ve done. Yeah, of course, it’s going to be worth it. But I’m the type and I know Bradley is too, that hates doing work, the same work over again. So why going and you have to do the work over again, when you can start off with a brand that doesn’t necessarily have to pigeonhole itself with geolocation or geographically because you can do that with a category or a pages category. It has the same effect. You don’t need it. And the Google sandbox is very real, but the way that we teach activity, relevance, trust, and authority. It trumps everything, including
The Google sandbox including proximity, including a whole bunch of other things, follow about Battle Plan to the letter, you get the services from MGYB.co the way that you’re told to do it and in, in the, in the one in the sequence that we tell you to do it, then you’re going to have the same if not better results than if you went and did all that work with, with an expired domain. And there’s no guarantee that that expired domain would hold its metrics. When it’s brought back, you’re still gonna have to do the work, you still gonna have to put in the content, you got to have to redo the content, you’re going to have to do a whole lot of work, when you could just go to MGYB.co and have us do it for you.
Bradley: I agree. So I said, I mean, it’s just so much, so much trouble that can go into building those ads. I just, I don’t think it’s worth it. I really don’t we can get results just as quickly with new domains. So unless you have found one that’s really super powerful I just wouldn’t even bother
Bradley: fit says good agent makes you part of it for you and it
Marco: will chime in. And the reason why he got some of my time is because he donated quite a bit of money to my charity and I decided to reciprocate by giving him some of my time so we had a really great call he’s in Australia by the way, so it’s really early in the morning for him to be on here. So thanks, Will.
How Do You Fix Duplicate Branded Syndication Networks That Were Purchased Via Fiverr?
Bradley: awesome thanks, Fitz says good day gents. Thanks for this form, ask real questions and get actionable answers I have a client who went to Fiverr and body syndication network and then worked with another marketer and bought a different network, many duplicates all branded. What should I do to fix that? Well, do you have access to those accounts is my point as if you if he bought these syndication networks and such from two different vendors, essentially. He probably has a login sheet right? Similar to you know,
We invented it or, you know. So I’m sure that the copy cat also provides a spreadsheet with all the accounts, the URLs, and the login data, what I would do is go in and I would, if I would log into the one that is the most closely branded to his brand name, you can’t have duplicate, right, you can’t have duplicate subdomains on WordPress or blogger or Tumblr or any of the other sites for that matter. So there has to be some sort of variation in the profile or the usernames, right. So I would take the one that is the most closely aligned with the actual brand and use that I would go in and update it. And then obviously go through and some SM style it Semantic Mastery style the syndication network. That’s number one, number two for the other one that’s out there. That’s also similarly branded. I don’t necessarily would say terminate those accounts, but I would make sure that you’re not syndicating to them anymore. In fact, if you have duplicate posts, and it’s not
I’m not talking about duplicate content guys, because that’s, that doesn’t happen on syndication networks. But if you have the same post posted on multiple semi branded networks, then I recommend removing that content specifically because you don’t, you don’t want to create a footprint with this with a blog syndication network or a syndication network where you’re syndicating website content, you can do it it’s fine with with YouTube, but with a blog now, where you know, with money site content, I don’t recommend that. So but that doesn’t mean you have to like go in and actually terminate those accounts, but I would manually go in and delete the existing content, and maybe just put up some kind of shitty content that might link to the other web to do to Dotto profiles. You know, just like one post on each one of the syndication network properties from the network that you’re not going to use right remove the IFTTT triggers, remove any content that’s been posted to both syndication networks, and then might just put some kind of short little article that’s relevant on each one of those other properties and maybe point to the profile URL on the the one that you’re going to keep right the network properties that you’re going to keep, that’s something I would do. And I would just leave it alone after that, and just continually update for the new or the syndication network that you decided to keep. If they’re both done very poorly, and you don’t want to go through which I don’t recommend, you know, I don’t blame me, if you don’t want to go through and actually update everything manually, then I would get access to all the accounts that you can go in and do what I just said to both sets of networks and by a well done Semantic Mastery stout network from MGYB. Right, and then maybe use those two other existing networks as a YouTube network or, you know, it could be possibly used for maybe a separate Twitter network or something like that.
Or you could do what I just said and just use them as kind of like a one-time link builder to your new network properties. If that makes sense. But I wouldn’t link directly back to the money site with those, you know, does that make sense? That’s what I would do. Because again, I totally understand it. By the way, if this guy bought his own syndication network at Fiverr, then he worked with another marketer. He’s probably one of those guys is going to micromanage you fits just so you’re aware of that if you have a business owner or client that has tried to do their own SEO work, and they’ve also hired somebody else to do something that they already attempted on their own. It’s probably going to they’re probably going to micromanage you as well. Just keep that in mind. Okay, I’m going to keep moving. That’s all right.
Is There A Risk Of Google Putting Home Address On The Web?
JACK says maps question please important client does professional services over the phone from home office don’t want home address under Google’s control, used paid use paid for Regis office locations in past but Google close them down? In your opinion, is there any risk of Google putting home address out there on the web as they don’t want their crazy client showing up at home. Are there any red flags to look out for in this plan? Thank you know not for if you’re going to do a Google My Business profile, no, you don’t have to worry about, you know, you need an address when you register in order for them to send the verification card. But it doesn’t publish the listing until you enter the verification code. So when you enter the verification code that you get in the postcard, then you immediately especially if it’s a service area business, which has to be professional services over the phone from home office. So yeah, I mean, you know, I would set that as a service area business, which means you go in and clear the physical address. Once you verify it, you go in into the Info tab and click on the location setting and then there’s a little link in their text link that says clear address and you click that and it’ll clear it and then save it so that it updates and you want to put your service areas in and then save it, Natalie, remove the address from being shown on maps. That’s absolutely
You Google is not going to publish that anywhere. The problem is if you want to build citations to help the maps listing rank, then a lot of the citation directories are going to require a physical address, like an actual street address. Some don’t, though, more more and more actually allowing service area businesses to add their data without a street address. But there’s still a ton of them out there to do required, so just keep that in mind. Okay.
But I wouldn’t worry about it not Google. Google’s not going to leak that at least I’ve never seen that. If you if you put it on, like Yelp or something like that word requires a street adjusting. Yeah, a lot of time. I mean, it’ll show but just don’t build citations on directories that require the street address if that’s the case. Scott says, Bradley, if you can fly to Haley, I’d have I’ll drive you to Denver. No, thanks. I’ve already got my ticket going flying directly to Denver, but thank you, Scott. I appreciate that.
How Do You Retain The Ranking Position Of A GMB Page Into 3-Pack Using Semantic Mastery Products?
Okay, I still need Hi, we only got about seven minutes left guys. He says I still need help for clients GMB ranking, it’s already it already has RYS Drive stack and G site built by SM a few years ago, I’m ordering a syndication network and we’ll add link building, then embed maps and link build would appreciate your suggestion to get just this back into the three-pack. That’s kind of a bit of a loaded question because I don’t know. Like, honestly, you should have had a syndication network, even really before the G site. And drive stack, that doesn’t mean that, you know, you can’t add that now you certainly can. But what I would recommend also doing is manually going back into your drive stack once your syndication network has been built and, you know, start including those links in the drive stack, link building to all of them. What are some press releases that always help? You can do a map embeds now with press releases and a lot of other things. So I would recommend that you know, make sure that your link, go go buy local GMB Pro, which is what we just talked about earlier, because you can actually do really good results, just doing stuff within the Google ecosystem includes posting and you know, a lot of the stuff that we talked about on local GMB Pro.
So that’s a question that you could get a hell of a lot more help with if you joined the mastermind. Or if you posted that, like more detail as to exactly what it is that you’ve got done. And where so that we can help fill in the gaps. Just get, you know, if you don’t have the Battle Plan, follow the Battle Plan. If you’ve got an RYS drive stack and a G site that was built a few years ago, but you never had a syndication network, it’s obvious that you didn’t, you either didn’t have the Battle Plan or you didn’t follow the plan that we laid out. So I recommend picking that up. If you don’t already have the Battle Plan. And just following that step by step, any of the pieces that are currently missing, add those pieces, right, and then just kind of follow each one of those processes. And that’s going to help you to get the results that you need. I’m not saying that that’s going to do it. You know, that’s the start. That’s always the foundation. If you need additional help with that though, that’s where you would you know, like I said, join the mastermind and get local GMB Pro. Once you have the foundation complete, does that make sense? Any comment on that guys?
Marco: Yeah, definitely the Battle Plan, Local GMB Pro is what’s going to create the activity that he’s going to need, right? Because its activity relevance, trust and authority, and local GMB Pro is totally an activity base.
Does Having A Single Link From A Press Release To A Deep Page Is Better Than Having Multiple Press Release Links?
Okay, well says going back to a previous question about PageRank. Does that mean that if you have a single link from a press release to a deep page is better than having multiple links from the press release just to get better-focused SEO just your landing page? Yes, that is true. Well, you know you’re, you get more juice through one link, one outbound link in a press release to whatever you know, you’re trying to push juice to then if you have three outbound links, right. If you have three outback bound links, you’re splitting the link equity three ways that make sense. So if you want to push all of the link equity for through one link to like you said a deep page, or like a blog post that might have an internal link to the page on your site that you’re trying to rank or something like that. Yeah, that’s again, that’s link sculpting. So,
Is It Okay To Use Spun Content For YouTube Descriptions?
Austin Don says, I’ve been doing we buy house city, we buy houses, city videos, is it alright to use spun content for YouTube descriptions? To write individual descriptions is very time-consuming. Thanks. Yeah, you know, Uhm Austin Don, if you’re in the Austin, Texas market, you probably have other people competing. So having good descriptions is helpful for YouTube SEO. But I don’t spend a lot of time on YouTube descriptions anymore. years ago, it was more important in my opinion. Now it’s more about having you know, the primary SEO factors of a YouTube video optimized like the title the tags, having the keyword, like as probably the first thing in the video description. I like having NAP data-name, address, phone number, primary URL, such as website, Google Maps URL, the URL, that version that I just shared this one right here, linking to your top tier one asset branded or entity assets, as we talked about. So linking to a Facebook page if you’re doing Facebook stuff, you know any business directories if you’re using press releases, the organization page, anything like that, I like to put all of that in the video description now, but I usually don’t really flesh out a whole lot of content, written text content for the video description. It’s more about a call to action, right and enlisting the NAP data and relevant links that are entered to kind of reinforce the entity. And then it’s about traditional SEO signals, embeds and or backlinks and engagement signals.
I’m telling you that’s the secret sauce is the engagement signals which you can by using YouTube ads incredibly inexpensive, and for I’m telling you even I’ve got campaigns running right now for the local video production company that I’ve been doing SEO for like five or six years that I have 40 cents per day is my budget. So I’m spending less than $15 a month it comes out to be like $12 a month that I’m spending to constantly feed that video on a daily basis with relevant views from a very specific geographic area because I set my location targeting from an audience that is relevant to the video itself. And it helps to keep those videos ranked. And we’re talking some of these videos have been ranked for years and I haven’t done a damn bit of SEO work since the moment I uploaded it to my channel. And it’s syndicated across my networks. All I’ve done is kept the ad campaigns going because it’s constantly the engagement signals that are coming in that are helping it to rank. So that’s what I would recommend is that you know don’t spend a shit ton of time optimizing the text. Just optimize the key the titles, the tags, put a relevant call to action, link out to your primary tier one entity assets, NAP included.
And then make sure that you do your traditional SEO stuff use playlist, the YouTube Silo Academy method embeds and or backlinks. But at the same time make sure that you set up a YouTube ad campaign for each one of those videos. Even if you just did you know, as I said, I’ve got campaigns running at 40 cents a day. That comes out to be like $12 a month and it works like wonders. Okay.
We gotta go guys. It’s at five o'clock. Any comments before I wrap it up, guys? Sorry about any questions we didn’t get to. Know. I would say get in where you fit in. That’s it. definitely time to pack up head out for POFU Live. Live, baby. See you guys. I’ll see you, Adam, tomorrow. Sounds good. Have a good one everyone. See you
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 257 published first on your-t1-blog-url
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Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 257
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Adam: Alright, we are live Welcome everybody to Hump Day Hangouts. This is Episode 257. Today is the ninth of October 2019. And this is the last Hump Day hangouts before POFU Live 2019 in Denver. If you haven't gotten your ticket yet, you'd like to show up whether you're going to whether you live there you whether you want to drive in or you can make some last-minute flight plans, head to pofulive.com, grab your ticket. Now, before we get into it, just want to say if you're joining us for the first time, thanks for watching, we're going to get into questions and answers. If you've got any questions you're watching us go ahead and pop them on the page at semanticmastery.com/hdquestions. Remember to always head over there. If you're watching on YouTube. We don't want to read comments here. You've got to go to the page where we embed the video so that you can ask questions we can get to those. So with that said, let's say hello guys real quick. We're missing to the Semantic Mastery guys who I believe is started traveling over to POFU Live in Denver. Bradley, Marco and I are here today. So I'll start at the top and say hello to Bradley. How are you doing?
Bradley: Good. How are you?
Adam: Not bad. Not bad. I'm enjoying some cooler weather here. It's finally starting to act like a fall. It's about 65-70 today.
Bradley: Well, you can enjoy cooler weather tomorrow when you get to Denver because it's supposed to be snowing and freezing cold so
Adam: Yeah, I might have to post some pictures of her on maybe on the Facebook group or something like he heard on hates the cold weather and I think it's supposed to be a high of 28 degrees tomorrow.
Bradley: Yeah, and snow to which is crazy, but it's only tomorrow. Because then the rest of the time that we're there it's supposed to be between 65 and 70 during the day and then around 30 at night, but it was kind of interesting packing for that, you know?
Adam: Yeah, all over the place. Well, speaking of weather, Marco How are you doing, man?
Marco: I couldn't be better. Like I couldn't handle 28 I'm sorry. It's not happening. I mean, it's too late like a cold for me. I mentioned it before is 60-65 that range you know. We break out the old sheet and we cover ourselves it gets chilly man 28 gone from 65 to 20 I don't think so.
Adam: That's a big change and once it gets below 20 that's where I start I can handle it depends on the window but yeah in the 20s still nice ones it's sunny and then anyways tomorrow is going to be fun we'll see how it goes with Hernan if he's all bundled up and blankets and freezing to death or if he survives so. Anyways With that said, like I said earlier if you're watching for the first time you're in the right place, we're going to get to q&a and answer your questions and appreciate you being here. Come here every week every Wednesday for pm eastern you can always ask your questions ahead of time as well if you know got a client call you've got some work you got things you got to do we understand that but you know benefit here is being live you can ask questions, clarify your questions, but like I said, if you have to you can ask your questions ahead of time at semanticmastery.com/hdquestions and then check out the replay on our YouTube channel, which you should subscribe to if you're watching that right now.
And secondly, if you haven't yet check out the Battle Plan right? That's where you can get our step by step processes for getting results with everything from new websites, aged domains, YouTube channels, so much more. I'm not going to go through the entire laundry list of all the benefits there but head over to battleplan.semanticmastery.com. And if you want to join, you know, our mastermind is about a mastermind but you know, it's both the mastermind, our mastermind. Basically what it is is an experienced community so you can get faster access to real-world info, testing and build that network of peers who are doing the same things we're growing these digital marketing businesses or who have businesses and understand how they need to grow the digital marketing side of it. You can find out more about that and join at mastermind.semanticmastery.com. And for everyone, we really recommend going over to mgyb.co. I mean we tell this to you watching these videos, we tell it to our mastermind members, we tell it to everyone
Else, you know if you can start building your team now. And part of that can be using MGYB to provide the services for you things like syndication networks are we as drive stack, press releases, link building embeds, all that sort of stuff. And there are a lot more great packages coming out where we're going to help people get better, well, the literal package for Hey, you know, if your website is here, then you need these types of additions. You need these syndication networks. We're going to make that a lot more streamlined so that you can do it for yourself, your projects as well as your clients. So keep your eyes and ears open for that. So with that said guys,
Marco: I have a couple of things. Yeah, right. Number one, people, they always ask us how to put everything together, they'll go in and don't order something. And the last, how do I put it together guys, it's in the Battle Plan. I was just talking to my mini mastermind group. You guys know that I meet every Tuesday. In the evening with a mini mastermind group. I have seven people in there. I wish I could take more people because people keep reaching out to me and saying, hey, I want in on the group. But seven is more than enough. But the thing is that the people in my mini mastermind they follow the Battle Plan. I have a guy, that's her over. But he started out at 12k a year in digital marketing and client work and SEO, whatever it is that he did. And this year, you know, he's at around a quarter million for the year. And so it's as simple as just buckling down doing the fucking work and following the instructions to the letter. You don't veer from what we tell you to do until you're ready to test and you shouldn't be testing until you have a good revenue stream coming in that allows you to set aside time to do that kind of thing, right?
We got another one that Jeff right who went to POFU and he's killing it. I mean, he's ranking attorney type big attorney terms of ranking for it, for example, and IT services in New York City. Now imagine how competitive that is, but they're like the companies have happier than a paycheck, because they're number one for the term. And how did they do it? They follow the Battle Plan. They follow the instructions, they follow what we tell them, guys, how do you put it all together? Get the Battle Plan. Now, yes, the Battle Plan takes you to MGYB and the products and services. Why do we do that? Because it's the simplest way we don't want you doing all that work. Imagine the hours that you have to spend doing all that work keyword research three days. For the keyword research, really, do you really want to do that? Do you really want to spend all that time your client better be paying a whole lot of money to spend three days doing all of that keyword research, I mean, everything it takes time to do
Bradley: Marco, isn't it more fun to buy shiny new software applications and spend all your time learning how to use it? Just to find out it doesn't work very well.
Marco: That's some work, right? Follow the next best, the next best. So it's already there. We set the path out people who follow it are killing it. And that's my point. And yes, we do send you to what works for us because it's what we use guys. We use it, we apply it we get a result. And so we give it to you in a step by step method so that you can follow it through. So if you're not doing it, you haven't bought it go by the Battle Plan. It looks like a really simple PDF with links. But you do it step by step. I'm telling you, I just got validation yesterday from a couple of people that are in that range. I mean, you guys know Jordan.
You guys know, Jeff, you guys know, Ed, they're telling it how following the Battle Plan. That's one and two about the mastermind. I wanted to mention that it works is a two-way street. We do try to give people everything that works in the mastermind, right? And we do make everyone available that you're free to exchange ideas and concepts and theories and tests and whatever. But every once in awhile, we'll get in a thread, as we did with with with something that I talked about when doing silos. And it was a whole long thread and we went really deep into it. And then there's another one about iframes now.
And then that one sent me into the rabbit hole, where I'm still testing and I'm getting really good results from some ideas that I got. Not like not directly but indirectly, as they posted. Okay, so can I do this Can I do that and I immediately started thinking, well, what if, and that's when you read, your juices really start flowing? And what if I did this and I quoted it this way, and I hit it this way, and then it would cause no issues. And so what I'm thinking is anyone who attends POFU Live will have first crack at whatever I come up with, from my testing, because they deserve it. I mean, they took the time that they're going to be there. And so we always say membership has its privileges. But this is a step up. This is a step where you're trying to change the game and JN and Jeff Moore, Jeff sorry, they went to POFU Live, and they changed the whole mindset, they changed their business strategy, and they're killing it. So So anyone going deserves it. And so that's what I'm going to do and then at some future point, it'll be shared with the mastermind, of course, I don't know if it'll be I'll ever share it outside the mastermind.
But since the nugget was kind of the idea sprouted from a thread in the mastermind I think the mastermind deserves whatever comes from it. And I'm already testing and I'm already coding and that so this is the type of thing that goes on and in the mastermind, mastermind membership has its privileges. Attending POFU Live has its privileges. Most of the people that are in my mini mastermind, are people who went to POFU Live. So I just want to say about that definitely our mastermind members, but they also attended POFU Live and I think that they deserve special attention. That's just my piece for today. Take it for what it's worth, but I think it's just totally worth joining the mastermind and attending POFU Live should be a must in your calendar.
Adam: Sounds good to me, like Marco said, Be there. That's a pretty awesome thing that Marco is going to do there. So I don't want to dive back into a Marco but I know that people work with you and your group have had a lot of success. And I'm sure that's a no small part due to your involvement. So that's pretty awesome. So if you want to grab your ticket, you can still make it we got a couple of days here before we kick things off on Friday for the VIP day and then Saturday and Sunday for the main event. You can grab your ticket at pofulive.com. Alright, guys, Bradley, anything else before we jump into it?
Bradley: No, I'm just excited too nervous at the same time because I gotta fly tomorrow. But looking forward to coming to Denver and hanging out with you guys and putting on a pretty cool presentation. I think that is pretty powerful. I think this is going to be just a really good event. So I'm excited about it.
Adam: Cool. All right. Let's do it.
Bradley: All right, let me grab the screen. Stand by. Alright, you guys should be seeing my screen now. Correct.
Adam: Correct. Got your whole screen.
Bradley: All right. Not a lot of questions yet. So guys start posting. Otherwise, we'll wrap it up a little bit early, which is fine because I've got still not 100% packed for I gotta leave really early tomorrow morning for my flight. So anyway, I don't mind wrapping it up early if that's what we need to do.
Is It Okay To Send A Full-Text Article With 20+ Affiliate Links Via RSS In A Single Tier Network?
But we'll start with sutra he says when using a single tier, he's talking about a single-tier syndication network, is it okay to send the full-text article via RSS? Even if the article has 20 plus affiliate links? I usually post 123 of these types of articles each day. Um, I would say no, and the reason why I say no is it not because it's an SEO thing, but it's likely that your blog accounts which would be like WordPress, Tumblr, blogger, not so much blogger but Tumblr and WordPress, will likely or may very well terminate the account for too many outbound links.
Especially like affiliate links and that kind of stuff that they don't, they don't typically like that. So I wouldn't recommend that I would do a post summary. So set your RSS feed to just display the summary. That way, it's really just pushing the juice back to your post URL that's published on your blog, which is really all that matters, guys. I mean, if you're doing a bunch of outbound linking in your blog posts anyways, whether it doesn't, you don't really need to worry about posting the full text because, you know, whether they're nofollow or do follow, it doesn't even matter. What I'm saying is what you're looking for is the link back from the post on the syndication network properties back to the original post on your site. Right. And then obviously, if you're doing internal SEO like on-page SEO correctly, then you're going to have some sort of contextual link within the text of your blog post that goes up to our money, a money page, right so an actual page or something a category.
Whatever it is that you're trying to rank on your site. So it really the benefit is pushing the juice from the syndication network properties back to the post URL that's published on your blog. So I would recommend doing a summary post, you know, summary, just set the RSS feed settings to just display a summary instead of the full text. Now, that said, sometimes those can look spammy too. And sometimes you can find settings in your theme that will allow you to update the length of those RSS, like how much of the summary is shown. And so you might be able to set that and sometimes you have to actually edit the theme files in order for to, you know, to to adjust that some things will give you the option to do that, like it's, you know, an option that you can set but other times you have to actually go in and edit the theme files. So that's what I would recommend any comments?
Marco: Yeah, I would say no, and it's for SEO and it's because the whole idea behind this concept and what we do and why we send out iframes and everything that we do is to build PageRank. And the problem is, everything starts at PR one, correct? Everything on the web, it starts out at PR one. So if you have something that's revenue, or even if it's aged, it could only be a PR one. And the reason why is because you're splitting the PageRank that you're passing so low, that you can't build it up properly. So you split it, you splitting it 20 times, and what you're passing from a PR one isn't PR one, it's less than PR one. As I've said before, we've done the math we know within certain parameters, just how much PR is passed from a PR one and we know we know it's a range. So when you splitting it, that fine you're defeating the purpose of building up that PR building up that trust and authority and everything else. Not only that, having it be so spammy, it could just turn into a PR zero because of the fact that it's so spammy. And so you're not really passing anything. You're not really doing anything is not mean you could grab some traffic. From that point, you could do so much more if you're more selective with the way that you syndicate your affiliate links so that it doesn't look so spammy so that it doesn't look like it's a whole bunch of garbage. And the only intent for that is to push your affiliate links, make it more user-friendly, making it more for the person that's going to be reading it for the person to interact with that posts and with that content, and maybe share it maybe like it. Maybe visit the website, or those are all signals that you want. And I guarantee you that a spammy blog post with a whole bunch of affiliate links isn't going to accomplish what you want.
Is It Good To Use And Embed The Original City Logo And Link The City Website Or Wikipedia City Page For A Local Service Website?
Bradley: Very good. Thank you. Mike says hello to a local service website. Do you think it's a good idea to use and embed the original city logo and also link to the city website or Wikipedia city page? I can see the power in it, but I don't think it's a good idea. Thanks. Well, Mike, that's what was pretty much standard operating procedure back in like 2012. And for a long time, you know, that was just traditional way they call it conventional wisdom when it came to I didn't, does conventional wisdom is oftentimes not very smart. It's just what people think is right. And conventional wisdom for the longest time was that you would link to always a.gov or a Wikipedia page, or, you know, excuse me, a Wikipedia page or a.gov site or a that, especially if you're doing local to that, you know, corresponding Wikipedia page or the local government website or something like that. And that was supposed to add relevancy, which isn't true. That's that hasn't been true for many, many years. Because Google doesn't care about you linking to a Wikipedia page about a particular city unless it's relevant to the content on that page. And even though you might be optimized, you know, for like a plumber and in particular city, just linking to that Wikipedia page arbitrarily with the keyword or without the keyword, whatever, just linking to that page really doesn't do much, right. It's not the algorithm is much smarter than that. Now, if you are citing something about that city, like some facts about the city or something that makes it relevant, and you want to cite the source where you gleaned that content from So for example, if you are curating content from a Wikipedia page or a.gov site about that particular city, then you want to cite the source now that adds that that's a proper way to link to it. And Google can clearly see the relationship between why and why you're linking to that. But you know, again, years ago, we used to mean just about everybody used to do it. What I always recommend is link outbound linking to relevant content that's relevant to the concept within the body of the content that you're linking to, like, in other words, that your UYY just linked to the city page or to the Wikipedia page. If the page is about plumbing services in a particular city.
It doesn't really make sense just to link to the city website unless there's a reason for it. And so, again, I've always gone back to I mean, four years since probably 2014 timeframe, I stopped doing that stopped doing what was conventional wisdom, and started linking to more relevant pages. So for example, linking to an article on bob Vila calm or do it yourself network or something like that, right, some sort of, like if it's a plumbing website, right? linking to something that's more relevant to the content of the page. And then if you want to have some sort of local relevancy in there, why not embed the map or a mind map or driving directions map from the store or the location of the business to that city or something like that, that That, to me makes a lot more sense. It's more relevant. And so that's the type of thing that I've always done as far as embedding a city logo from another website. I don't recommend doing that. Because if you don't have permission to use that, remember that that logo is likely trademarked or even if it's not trademarked, it's probably a copyright issue. Because I can tell you one thing you don't want to do when you curate content and by the way, we have a training for a full training program called Content Kingpin which will teach you all about curating and why it's very it's so powerful because it creates co-citation, it allows you to generate content much quicker, it's much more efficient, you don't have to learn. You don't have to be a content or subject matter expert. In order to be able to generate content, you just have to know how to locate it, and put it together in a logical fashion and then cite the sources properly. So I would recommend you look at that because one of the things that we learned the hard way, is you never want to curate images. Ever. Okay? Unless you there, wiki, what do they call Wiki Commons there? I don't recommend ever curating images because you will, you can end up getting copyright infringement and be sued for that. And a lot of times like, it's happened to me, it's happened to me for almost three years in a row was two years in a row where I got hit with copyright.
Basically extortion letters where they would say you've got to pay so much or we're taking you to court for copyright infringement and you'd have to pay or else they would take your ass to court, and it sucks so I learned a long time ago. Never curate images so I would really highly recommend not embedding a city logo. And don't just arbitrarily link to a city Wikipedia page or a city government website, unless there's a specific reason for it, that you clearly identify in the content that you're let you know why you're linking to it. If that makes sense. You're much better off linking to something that's more relevant. You want to comment on that, Marco?
Marco: I agree. Because there's activity relevance, relevance, trust, and authority. Right? You're much better off linking to something that has you know, that that's updated regularly, and events page what's going on, in you know, in the city, landmark, places to see if there are if this park, just anything, it's just going a little bit further in as far as the geolocation is, yes, you're part of the city. So it stands to reason that you would think I want to link to the Wikipedia city page for this, but you can go further and make get even more relevant. And in fact, if you can get that city schedule, into a calendar of events, the way that we do in RYS Academy Reloaded, and load those ups, and that's constantly changing, and that's constantly pushing, all of that relevance, everything that's happening in that city, and mixed in with those calendar events are your events, what's happening with your business, whatever it is, whether you want to coupon special, whether you want to send them to the GMB, the map, just whatever it is, you mix in all of that with all of the other relevance and it works a whole lot better than just simply making to the city page for x reason, which there's really no reason.
Bradley: Yeah. I mean, again, that's been such old tactics that you know, if it really worked well, Google would have killed it a long time ago because it's been used forever. As I said, it's just that it was like common knowledge. Conventional wisdom is just what people did and for the longest time I would you know, I would argue why would Why do you do that? Well, because you know, it's adding relevancy I will have you tested it. Because if you test it, you'll find that it doesn't really do shit, you're much better off linking the relevant content and I like curated content for that reason because it clearly gives a reason to link out to something and it can create co-citation, which is, is pretty powerful too. So
What's The Difference Between Maps SEO And Website SEO?
Jonathan says are the map embeds the only thing MGYB sells for maps Seo? No, not by far. My furnace guy wants to rank in maps but doesn't care about his website. What is the main difference in maps SEO versus website SEO? Well, there's a lot of similarities, a lot of overlap. But with maps SEO there, you know, you can focus entirely on the Google properties, right, the Google ecosystem. So the map URL itself, I'm going to demonstrate how to get the best map URL to build links to you can do map embeds. You can do citation building. You know if he's got legit if you say it's your furnace guy, so I'm assuming is you know, HVAC guy, and he's got a real business, then it's probably registered to a real address. Even if it's a service area business, you can build citations for that. That's something I always recommend doing if you have a valid address. So there are I mean, there are a number of things that you can do, but very specifically MGYB sells, I mean, pretty much every one of our services can be applied to ranking in maps or maps SEO as you called it, right.
So for example, let me just give you a couple of examples here. This is something that you can go check out GMB.reviewsmaker.com, right. So let's just go to I'm just going to type in HVAC contractor, Culpepper, for example. Okay, so I'm going to click on KNM Heating and Air heating and air conditioning. And in fact, actually, let me just copy that name. And this is what I'm going to do. So this is how you can get the best URL to build links to if you're going to be doing link building to the map, right. So there are embeds, there's also link building, there are press releases, there's you can which you can embed a map in the press release. Plus, you can also create a contextual link or just a naked URL in the actual press release. To back to the map itself, I'm going to give you a few examples here of how you can get better results. So let's go back to Google for it first. Here's a couple of ways that you can do this. Number one, you can go into your GMB dashboard or your client's GMB dashboard. And on the Info tab, where you'll always see this one little section where it says view on maps or view on search and view on maps. You can right-click on the view on maps and copy the link address and paste it into a notepad file and then reformat it I'm going to show you the correct format. So that's one way to find it. The best URL for building links to a map, Google map right. The second way is to go type in or go search for your client's business name on Google. So in this case, I'm going to search for KNM Heating and Air Inc because that's just the example that I pulled, then I'm going to click through to the maps listing.
And you'll see up here in the US the address bar of Chrome, I've got this long, ugly URL, right? Well, if you go to GMB dot review, make reviews maker calm, okay, and you click to decode place ID, and just paste that long maps URL in there and click the code place Id take a second, then it's going to come down and it's going to give you this maps URL right here. Okay, I'm going to copy that link address. And I'm going to paste that into a notepad file. Now, if you take a look at this URL, I'll show you and I've demonstrated this before, but I want to answer this question thoroughly for him. If we go to like, where it goes com or something like that, some sort of redirect tracer. I could paste that URL that it gives you, right? So from here, and if we take a look at this, you'll see that this has got a 302 redirect built into it. In fact, there are two of them. So that is not a good URL to use for link building. Like if you want to build links to this URL, you're not passing any PageRank or link equity essentially, through these two, three or two redirects, that stops it dead, right. So in other words, you can link to it, you somebody could click on that link, and it's going to navigate, or jump to the final target URL or the destination, which is this. But as far as passing link equity, if you're to build links to this, it's not going to pass any. So it's not a good URL to build links to which by the way, this URL right here, that the share URL, take a look at how many redirects are in this one. If we go back to where goes.
It might even there it goes. Look at that. Look, how many redirects are in there. Three 302 redirects and no matter refresh, so that's not a good URL, either this share URL, don't build links that are dumb. It does, it does no good, right? So what you want to do is you want to take that URL, which by the way, you can just take the URL from here and go to a redirect tracer, and then paste it in and then copy the final URL, or just memorize this, which is what I did. It's very simple. copy that URL, and then just change it, just rearrange it to where you change the maps right there. So maps.google.com, you would change it to www.google.com. Then forward-slash question mark. See ID equals is what the original one is. So all you want to do is move maps from before and the subdomain from maps to the right after the forward-slash, then it's question marks the ID equals and we'll take that, Copy that, paste it in. So it's just a quick change or modification of the URL. And now watch this. If we take this, we go back to a redirect tracer.
Quick, Tracy well there's no reason XC that now if we go load that URL into the address bar and click Go, you'll see once the page loads, it converts to that long URL, but it's not technically a redirect. Right. So that's the best URL to build links to is this one right here. So that's something else that you can do. Right. So like I mentioned before, you can embed a map into press releases. You can also build links directly to this map URL, right. So that's one thing you can do. RYS Drive stacks are incredibly powerful. If you provide the NAP. The name, address and phone number of the business, as well as the maps URL will build a drive stack that is hyper optimized for that specific location, right and will push a ton of power directly to the Google properties especially like you said, if he's not interested in ranking a website, you can select to push all of the juice from the drive stack back to the maps the Google properties which would be the maps GMB website, will you'll get it, you should order the, excuse me, the Google Site along with that the Google site will be part of that. So you can build all of the power back to the actual maps listing.
However, there are a couple other things I want to mention. Let's see, just just because there are a few other points here that you can add additional power to, right. So for a note, another one is the reviews. This company, in particular, has 21 reviews, I don't know how many your client has. But if we click on that review link, right, it's going to pull up here Well, that is a different URL. So up here is another URL, I would suggest using your own three one redirects creator. There are a number of of them out there that you can use that are free, some of them that are paid like a subscription base, and others that you can create three one redirects from a plugin through your through a website, which is what I, you know, I prefer to do that through my own domain or something through or through a branded domain or a domain that I'm using specifically for redirects, that kind of thing. But if you take a guy here, open up Firefox just to show you that URL right there, I would create a 301 redirect out of that URL. And what's it do? It automatically loads to these reviews. So you can push link equity into this. Well, let's not stop there. What about each one of these individual reviews? For example, if I was to click Share on that one from Alan Jackson, which sounds like looks like a lot of the users' spam, I don't know. Jackson's a country singer and Ronnie White is a Ron White isn't a comedian. But if we're to take that URL right there and paste that in, you'll see that that is a separate URL, like that's a redirect, as I just talked about, if you click the Share URL, it's going to give you a redirect. So watch what happens when we trace that one. This is for the individual review. It's still a 302 redirect. So that's not what you want to build links to not this. What you want to build links to is this, which again, if you want to make it a pretty URL, all you got to do is use a 301 redirect creator.
As I said, there are some free ones out there, there are some ones that you can pay for a subscription basis, like a rebrand, delete rebrand.ly, for example of one, or there's another one. Or like, what I like to do is use my own domain or clients domain, and use the pretty links pro plugin to create 301 redirects. Okay? Either way, that's the URL you want to build to. And that's the same URLs, what's up here? Right, but you can build it through a 301 redirect. And look, that's an individual review within that maps listing. And if this one's got 21 reviews, that's 21 additional link targets, right? Plus this one is a link target, which is the overall reviews URL plus the maps URL itself, right, which in this version of it that I just talked about being the best version. There's more to think about photos, right? For example, this guy's only got looks like it's at four, but I'm only Well, maybe that was, let's go back into photos here. For photos, it says for photos, each one of these areas a separate URL. So my point is if you're just going to be doing map stuff for a client, what I like to do is extract all the URLs from the maps listing, set up redirects so that they're pretty and they're short, much easier to manage. And then start using those and link building campaigns, which you can also use those to be included in a drive stack as target URLs where we will build the drive stack to be targeting each one of those separate URLs. And what happens is you push juice into this listing from all different angles and every single point that you can push link equity into it. It's very, very powerful. You want to
Marco: Yeah, he's asking about maps SEO, and I'm just going to say local GMB Pro. It's what set the standard for GMB optimization every other course came after copied what we did. So if you want the Trailblazer the standard bear the one that laid it down on how it's properly done. There you go and get local GMB pro and you can learn what Bradley just talked about more in-depth, along with many other things that you could do to push the GMB the map into the three-pack, which is what your client is looking for. They don't care about the website fine. So you work entirely within the GMB ecosystem, which is what local GMB Pro is all about. So guys, if you really want to do this, right, if you want that heart into the three-pack, you go into local GMP Pro.
Bradley: That's right. And that's an in there, we talked about various other things. I'm not going to talk about specific methods here, but just so you know that again, this this this client, or this client is not my client, but this contractor, HVAC contractor is also doing GMB posts, he probably has an SEO that is working on his stuff. And take a look at that guys. Again, these are all additional link targets, right? We copy that URL and go back to the redirect tracer, which I already closed.
And once again, this is a GMB post URL, right? It's going to redirect, don't ever use the share URLs for SEO purposes. You can use it for navigation purposes. But look, how many redirects are there. So what you want to do is end up taking this URL, and using that as that could be potentially another link target. Right? So that makes sense. So if we're going to just open up that URL and see it didn't bring it up, it's probably the one prior to that this one, which is okay, because that's a meta refresh, so that, that's fine. Let's open it up there.
There, see I brought it up, it brought that post up to the very top. So the same thing goes you can take an older post and do the same thing you could share it, grab, copy the share URL. Put it in now local GMB Pro, we talk about a hell of a lot of really cool things that you can do a GMB post, I'm not going to talk about here. But I'm just saying you can actually use these posts as additional places to build links to the right. So again, this one right here, I would take this URL, copy that, that's what I would build links to and watch what happens if I load that into the browser. It's going to pull up that post at the top See, the one that I just shared. So it makes sense. So all of those are linked targets. That's why I said there's just a ton of different things that you can do to push additional power into their not just through and beds and beds are very powerful. Don't get me wrong, but there's a number of other things that you can do. So that was a good question.
Does Google Sandbox New Domains For At Least 3 Weeks Or Longer?
Gordon's up he says, Hey, guys, I don't want to sound like a broken record. But I just want to say again, your Hump Day help is very much appreciated. Well, you're welcome, Gordon. And we do appreciate that as well. If I remember correctly, you said in the past that you prefer to use a new domain instead of an aged domain to rank a local lead gen site. So you can control the name of the domain for SEO purposes and for branding purposes. That is correct. I have said that. But I was wondering if in fact Google does sandbox new domains for at least three weeks or probably longer other than losing the branding and partial keyword and domain benefit. Why is it not better to use a niche related aged domain with a clean niche related backlink profile? And if you use an aged domain would you need to to rebuild the old site pages and the old links pointing to using way back point old links point to using Wayback Machine the old things point to excuse me the way that I read that was wrong and if you use an aged domain, would you need to rebuild the old site pages that the old links point to using Wayback machine in order not to lose the link juice? Okay, so the first question is because I'm able to typically especially when I'm trying to rank for local stuff, the right which is what the maps I don't
Is that getting a new brand new domains? Fine, because I'm not looking for the initial, the, you know, an existing link profile because it really doesn't matter. Like I mean, if if the sites built really well and everything else, then it can have an effect on the maps, there's no question. But as we were just talking about in the previous question, we can typically get results without even having a self-hosted website, if that makes sense, right? Because we can focus on specifically just the GMB properties and get results. That said, I always prefer to have a branded type of domain, one that I can build a brand around for, if especially for lead gen stuff that I could use in other locations, right, which is why I talked about if I'm going to have a website, I like to use subdomains with the city name is the subdomain so that I can build upon a particular brand.
Does that mean that you cannot that you can't start with an aged domain that has been dropped by somebody else or whatever, and build a brand around that I suppose you could? But the problem that I would see with that is that there may be some other existing content on the web that can ambiguate, right? That's a key term that can ambiguate the brand that you're trying to build or the data that you're trying to build through your new location, your new setup. Right? Now, if you're talking about strictly organic SEO, yes, there's some benefit for building through an aged domain that has a clean link profile. But having a clean link profile is kind of difficult to do or else why was I mean, a lot, I mean, you will find some domains like that, but they're few and far between. A lot of times the aged domains that have been dropped are just they either have a shitty link profile or a non-existent link profile. In other words, they might have one or two links that are actually, you know, decent links, if any at all. And so my point is, I would rather just go with something new that's branded so that I have more control over the content that's going to be published and everything else and not have to worry about any sort of invigoration not have to worry about any potential links out there.
On the web that is toxic to it, or they're going to cause any problems as I start building out the new project if that makes sense. So, I mean, there, you certainly can do that. If you want. I don't recommend it. I don't, you know, the only time I would use aged domains really is if I was building what I would call feeder sites are like PBNs, right? Because that kind of help to shortcut the process a little bit since you're not starting from scratch. But when it came to a brand for lead gen site, or for a client, I would always recommend using a brand new one. Now if you are going to build an old domain, yes, it is better to rebuild those pages. You can do that using the Wayback Machine. It'll you know you can download HTML files and upload those. There's a couple of plugins and services out there where you can subscribe to or pay for credits I believe that will actually create a file of the Wayback Machine stuff that makes it much easier I know there's some plugins I can't even think was named now there's there.
I know there are some plugins out there that will do that on a WordPress site to where you just basically, you can enter a file or upload the zip file that you get from the Wayback Machine. And it will automatically build out the old pages with the old content, you might have to do some formatting and stuff to them. But you can do that. And I would recommend doing that, or at least building some sort of page that has similar content on it doesn't have to be the exact duplicates or replication of the old pages. But if it had a good link profile, and it ever in anybody ever goes and looks at, you know, the webmasters of the sites that were linking to that, and they noticed that there was a big change in the page or just doesn't exist anymore, they may take that link down. So the reason why you would rebuild those previous pages or you know, the pages that aren't there anymore, is because you'd want the links that were built to that page to stay there. That's really the only reason where else you could just do a redirect.
My point is, if you just did a redirect from the old URL to the homepage or to a new URL, and a webmaster says, was analyzing or looking at the site and saying, you know, from one of their pages on their site, there was a link to your, to the, to the domain that they had linked to previously. And they look at and say, well, that's not what I had linked to, I'm going to remove that, then you lose that link. And so you start to ultimately lose the power of having an aged domain with an inbound link profile anyways. And that happens unless you rebuild the pages, or have them redirected to something that's very similar so that it's still a value to the site that was originally linking to it. That all said, usually, when you're dealing with, like, especially local business type sites, it's just not worth all that trouble. You're better off and you're able to get just as quickly as just results just as quickly, excuse me, using methods that we talked about with a brand new domain. So Marco, do want to comment on that before we move on?
Marco: Yeah, absolutely. So imagine it if McDonald's had come out with McDonald's of Illinois, if Coca Cola wherever it began, it had come out with the Madison, if you have that, that that one, if you have that one that will boom, nationally or globally, you're going to have to go and redo all of the work that you've done. Yeah, of course, it's going to be worth it. But I'm the type and I know Bradley is too, that hates doing work, the same work over again. So why going and you have to do the work over again, when you can start off with a brand that doesn't necessarily have to pigeonhole itself with geolocation or geographically because you can do that with a category or a pages category. It has the same effect. You don't need it. And the Google sandbox is very real, but the way that we teach activity, relevance, trust, and authority. It trumps everything, including
The Google sandbox including proximity, including a whole bunch of other things, follow about Battle Plan to the letter, you get the services from MGYB.co the way that you're told to do it and in, in the, in the one in the sequence that we tell you to do it, then you're going to have the same if not better results than if you went and did all that work with, with an expired domain. And there's no guarantee that that expired domain would hold its metrics. When it's brought back, you're still gonna have to do the work, you still gonna have to put in the content, you got to have to redo the content, you're going to have to do a whole lot of work, when you could just go to MGYB.co and have us do it for you.
Bradley: I agree. So I said, I mean, it's just so much, so much trouble that can go into building those ads. I just, I don't think it's worth it. I really don't we can get results just as quickly with new domains. So unless you have found one that's really super powerful I just wouldn't even bother
Bradley: fit says good agent makes you part of it for you and it
Marco: will chime in. And the reason why he got some of my time is because he donated quite a bit of money to my charity and I decided to reciprocate by giving him some of my time so we had a really great call he's in Australia by the way, so it's really early in the morning for him to be on here. So thanks, Will.
How Do You Fix Duplicate Branded Syndication Networks That Were Purchased Via Fiverr?
Bradley: awesome thanks, Fitz says good day gents. Thanks for this form, ask real questions and get actionable answers I have a client who went to Fiverr and body syndication network and then worked with another marketer and bought a different network, many duplicates all branded. What should I do to fix that? Well, do you have access to those accounts is my point as if you if he bought these syndication networks and such from two different vendors, essentially. He probably has a login sheet right? Similar to you know,
We invented it or, you know. So I'm sure that the copy cat also provides a spreadsheet with all the accounts, the URLs, and the login data, what I would do is go in and I would, if I would log into the one that is the most closely branded to his brand name, you can't have duplicate, right, you can't have duplicate subdomains on WordPress or blogger or Tumblr or any of the other sites for that matter. So there has to be some sort of variation in the profile or the usernames, right. So I would take the one that is the most closely aligned with the actual brand and use that I would go in and update it. And then obviously go through and some SM style it Semantic Mastery style the syndication network. That's number one, number two for the other one that's out there. That's also similarly branded. I don't necessarily would say terminate those accounts, but I would make sure that you're not syndicating to them anymore. In fact, if you have duplicate posts, and it's not
I'm not talking about duplicate content guys, because that's, that doesn't happen on syndication networks. But if you have the same post posted on multiple semi branded networks, then I recommend removing that content specifically because you don't, you don't want to create a footprint with this with a blog syndication network or a syndication network where you're syndicating website content, you can do it it's fine with with YouTube, but with a blog now, where you know, with money site content, I don't recommend that. So but that doesn't mean you have to like go in and actually terminate those accounts, but I would manually go in and delete the existing content, and maybe just put up some kind of shitty content that might link to the other web to do to Dotto profiles. You know, just like one post on each one of the syndication network properties from the network that you're not going to use right remove the IFTTT triggers, remove any content that's been posted to both syndication networks, and then might just put some kind of short little article that's relevant on each one of those other properties and maybe point to the profile URL on the the one that you're going to keep right the network properties that you're going to keep, that's something I would do. And I would just leave it alone after that, and just continually update for the new or the syndication network that you decided to keep. If they're both done very poorly, and you don't want to go through which I don't recommend, you know, I don't blame me, if you don't want to go through and actually update everything manually, then I would get access to all the accounts that you can go in and do what I just said to both sets of networks and by a well done Semantic Mastery stout network from MGYB. Right, and then maybe use those two other existing networks as a YouTube network or, you know, it could be possibly used for maybe a separate Twitter network or something like that.
Or you could do what I just said and just use them as kind of like a one-time link builder to your new network properties. If that makes sense. But I wouldn't link directly back to the money site with those, you know, does that make sense? That's what I would do. Because again, I totally understand it. By the way, if this guy bought his own syndication network at Fiverr, then he worked with another marketer. He's probably one of those guys is going to micromanage you fits just so you're aware of that if you have a business owner or client that has tried to do their own SEO work, and they've also hired somebody else to do something that they already attempted on their own. It's probably going to they're probably going to micromanage you as well. Just keep that in mind. Okay, I'm going to keep moving. That's all right.
Is There A Risk Of Google Putting Home Address On The Web?
JACK says maps question please important client does professional services over the phone from home office don't want home address under Google's control, used paid use paid for Regis office locations in past but Google close them down? In your opinion, is there any risk of Google putting home address out there on the web as they don't want their crazy client showing up at home. Are there any red flags to look out for in this plan? Thank you know not for if you're going to do a Google My Business profile, no, you don't have to worry about, you know, you need an address when you register in order for them to send the verification card. But it doesn't publish the listing until you enter the verification code. So when you enter the verification code that you get in the postcard, then you immediately especially if it's a service area business, which has to be professional services over the phone from home office. So yeah, I mean, you know, I would set that as a service area business, which means you go in and clear the physical address. Once you verify it, you go in into the Info tab and click on the location setting and then there's a little link in their text link that says clear address and you click that and it'll clear it and then save it so that it updates and you want to put your service areas in and then save it, Natalie, remove the address from being shown on maps. That's absolutely
You Google is not going to publish that anywhere. The problem is if you want to build citations to help the maps listing rank, then a lot of the citation directories are going to require a physical address, like an actual street address. Some don't, though, more more and more actually allowing service area businesses to add their data without a street address. But there's still a ton of them out there to do required, so just keep that in mind. Okay.
But I wouldn't worry about it not Google. Google's not going to leak that at least I've never seen that. If you if you put it on, like Yelp or something like that word requires a street adjusting. Yeah, a lot of time. I mean, it'll show but just don't build citations on directories that require the street address if that's the case. Scott says, Bradley, if you can fly to Haley, I'd have I'll drive you to Denver. No, thanks. I've already got my ticket going flying directly to Denver, but thank you, Scott. I appreciate that.
How Do You Retain The Ranking Position Of A GMB Page Into 3-Pack Using Semantic Mastery Products?
Okay, I still need Hi, we only got about seven minutes left guys. He says I still need help for clients GMB ranking, it's already it already has RYS Drive stack and G site built by SM a few years ago, I'm ordering a syndication network and we'll add link building, then embed maps and link build would appreciate your suggestion to get just this back into the three-pack. That's kind of a bit of a loaded question because I don't know. Like, honestly, you should have had a syndication network, even really before the G site. And drive stack, that doesn't mean that, you know, you can't add that now you certainly can. But what I would recommend also doing is manually going back into your drive stack once your syndication network has been built and, you know, start including those links in the drive stack, link building to all of them. What are some press releases that always help? You can do a map embeds now with press releases and a lot of other things. So I would recommend that you know, make sure that your link, go go buy local GMB Pro, which is what we just talked about earlier, because you can actually do really good results, just doing stuff within the Google ecosystem includes posting and you know, a lot of the stuff that we talked about on local GMB Pro.
So that's a question that you could get a hell of a lot more help with if you joined the mastermind. Or if you posted that, like more detail as to exactly what it is that you've got done. And where so that we can help fill in the gaps. Just get, you know, if you don't have the Battle Plan, follow the Battle Plan. If you've got an RYS drive stack and a G site that was built a few years ago, but you never had a syndication network, it's obvious that you didn't, you either didn't have the Battle Plan or you didn't follow the plan that we laid out. So I recommend picking that up. If you don't already have the Battle Plan. And just following that step by step, any of the pieces that are currently missing, add those pieces, right, and then just kind of follow each one of those processes. And that's going to help you to get the results that you need. I'm not saying that that's going to do it. You know, that's the start. That's always the foundation. If you need additional help with that though, that's where you would you know, like I said, join the mastermind and get local GMB Pro. Once you have the foundation complete, does that make sense? Any comment on that guys?
Marco: Yeah, definitely the Battle Plan, Local GMB Pro is what's going to create the activity that he's going to need, right? Because its activity relevance, trust and authority, and local GMB Pro is totally an activity base.
Does Having A Single Link From A Press Release To A Deep Page Is Better Than Having Multiple Press Release Links?
Okay, well says going back to a previous question about PageRank. Does that mean that if you have a single link from a press release to a deep page is better than having multiple links from the press release just to get better-focused SEO just your landing page? Yes, that is true. Well, you know you're, you get more juice through one link, one outbound link in a press release to whatever you know, you're trying to push juice to then if you have three outbound links, right. If you have three outback bound links, you're splitting the link equity three ways that make sense. So if you want to push all of the link equity for through one link to like you said a deep page, or like a blog post that might have an internal link to the page on your site that you're trying to rank or something like that. Yeah, that's again, that's link sculpting. So,
Is It Okay To Use Spun Content For YouTube Descriptions?
Austin Don says, I've been doing we buy house city, we buy houses, city videos, is it alright to use spun content for YouTube descriptions? To write individual descriptions is very time-consuming. Thanks. Yeah, you know, Uhm Austin Don, if you're in the Austin, Texas market, you probably have other people competing. So having good descriptions is helpful for YouTube SEO. But I don't spend a lot of time on YouTube descriptions anymore. years ago, it was more important in my opinion. Now it's more about having you know, the primary SEO factors of a YouTube video optimized like the title the tags, having the keyword, like as probably the first thing in the video description. I like having NAP data-name, address, phone number, primary URL, such as website, Google Maps URL, the URL, that version that I just shared this one right here, linking to your top tier one asset branded or entity assets, as we talked about. So linking to a Facebook page if you're doing Facebook stuff, you know any business directories if you're using press releases, the organization page, anything like that, I like to put all of that in the video description now, but I usually don't really flesh out a whole lot of content, written text content for the video description. It's more about a call to action, right and enlisting the NAP data and relevant links that are entered to kind of reinforce the entity. And then it's about traditional SEO signals, embeds and or backlinks and engagement signals.
I'm telling you that's the secret sauce is the engagement signals which you can by using YouTube ads incredibly inexpensive, and for I'm telling you even I've got campaigns running right now for the local video production company that I've been doing SEO for like five or six years that I have 40 cents per day is my budget. So I'm spending less than $15 a month it comes out to be like $12 a month that I'm spending to constantly feed that video on a daily basis with relevant views from a very specific geographic area because I set my location targeting from an audience that is relevant to the video itself. And it helps to keep those videos ranked. And we're talking some of these videos have been ranked for years and I haven't done a damn bit of SEO work since the moment I uploaded it to my channel. And it's syndicated across my networks. All I've done is kept the ad campaigns going because it's constantly the engagement signals that are coming in that are helping it to rank. So that's what I would recommend is that you know don't spend a shit ton of time optimizing the text. Just optimize the key the titles, the tags, put a relevant call to action, link out to your primary tier one entity assets, NAP included.
And then make sure that you do your traditional SEO stuff use playlist, the YouTube Silo Academy method embeds and or backlinks. But at the same time make sure that you set up a YouTube ad campaign for each one of those videos. Even if you just did you know, as I said, I've got campaigns running at 40 cents a day. That comes out to be like $12 a month and it works like wonders. Okay.
We gotta go guys. It's at five o'clock. Any comments before I wrap it up, guys? Sorry about any questions we didn't get to. Know. I would say get in where you fit in. That's it. definitely time to pack up head out for POFU Live. Live, baby. See you guys. I'll see you, Adam, tomorrow. Sounds good. Have a good one everyone. See you
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oasisoptimization · 5 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 257
Click on the video above to watch Episode 257 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Adam: Alright, we are live Welcome everybody to Hump Day Hangouts. This is Episode 257. Today is the ninth of October 2019. And this is the last Hump Day hangouts before POFU Live 2019 in Denver. If you haven't gotten your ticket yet, you'd like to show up whether you're going to whether you live there you whether you want to drive in or you can make some last-minute flight plans, head to pofulive.com, grab your ticket. Now, before we get into it, just want to say if you're joining us for the first time, thanks for watching, we're going to get into questions and answers. If you've got any questions you're watching us go ahead and pop them on the page at semanticmastery.com/hdquestions. Remember to always head over there. If you're watching on YouTube. We don't want to read comments here. You've got to go to the page where we embed the video so that you can ask questions we can get to those. So with that said, let's say hello guys real quick. We're missing to the Semantic Mastery guys who I believe is started traveling over to POFU Live in Denver. Bradley, Marco and I are here today. So I'll start at the top and say hello to Bradley. How are you doing?
Bradley: Good. How are you?
Adam: Not bad. Not bad. I'm enjoying some cooler weather here. It's finally starting to act like a fall. It's about 65-70 today.
Bradley: Well, you can enjoy cooler weather tomorrow when you get to Denver because it's supposed to be snowing and freezing cold so
Adam: Yeah, I might have to post some pictures of her on maybe on the Facebook group or something like he heard on hates the cold weather and I think it's supposed to be a high of 28 degrees tomorrow.
Bradley: Yeah, and snow to which is crazy, but it's only tomorrow. Because then the rest of the time that we're there it's supposed to be between 65 and 70 during the day and then around 30 at night, but it was kind of interesting packing for that, you know?
Adam: Yeah, all over the place. Well, speaking of weather, Marco How are you doing, man?
Marco: I couldn't be better. Like I couldn't handle 28 I'm sorry. It's not happening. I mean, it's too late like a cold for me. I mentioned it before is 60-65 that range you know. We break out the old sheet and we cover ourselves it gets chilly man 28 gone from 65 to 20 I don't think so.
Adam: That's a big change and once it gets below 20 that's where I start I can handle it depends on the window but yeah in the 20s still nice ones it's sunny and then anyways tomorrow is going to be fun we'll see how it goes with Hernan if he's all bundled up and blankets and freezing to death or if he survives so. Anyways With that said, like I said earlier if you're watching for the first time you're in the right place, we're going to get to q&a and answer your questions and appreciate you being here. Come here every week every Wednesday for pm eastern you can always ask your questions ahead of time as well if you know got a client call you've got some work you got things you got to do we understand that but you know benefit here is being live you can ask questions, clarify your questions, but like I said, if you have to you can ask your questions ahead of time at semanticmastery.com/hdquestions and then check out the replay on our YouTube channel, which you should subscribe to if you're watching that right now.
And secondly, if you haven't yet check out the Battle Plan right? That's where you can get our step by step processes for getting results with everything from new websites, aged domains, YouTube channels, so much more. I'm not going to go through the entire laundry list of all the benefits there but head over to battleplan.semanticmastery.com. And if you want to join, you know, our mastermind is about a mastermind but you know, it's both the mastermind, our mastermind. Basically what it is is an experienced community so you can get faster access to real-world info, testing and build that network of peers who are doing the same things we're growing these digital marketing businesses or who have businesses and understand how they need to grow the digital marketing side of it. You can find out more about that and join at mastermind.semanticmastery.com. And for everyone, we really recommend going over to mgyb.co. I mean we tell this to you watching these videos, we tell it to our mastermind members, we tell it to everyone
Else, you know if you can start building your team now. And part of that can be using MGYB to provide the services for you things like syndication networks are we as drive stack, press releases, link building embeds, all that sort of stuff. And there are a lot more great packages coming out where we're going to help people get better, well, the literal package for Hey, you know, if your website is here, then you need these types of additions. You need these syndication networks. We're going to make that a lot more streamlined so that you can do it for yourself, your projects as well as your clients. So keep your eyes and ears open for that. So with that said guys,
Marco: I have a couple of things. Yeah, right. Number one, people, they always ask us how to put everything together, they'll go in and don't order something. And the last, how do I put it together guys, it's in the Battle Plan. I was just talking to my mini mastermind group. You guys know that I meet every Tuesday. In the evening with a mini mastermind group. I have seven people in there. I wish I could take more people because people keep reaching out to me and saying, hey, I want in on the group. But seven is more than enough. But the thing is that the people in my mini mastermind they follow the Battle Plan. I have a guy, that's her over. But he started out at 12k a year in digital marketing and client work and SEO, whatever it is that he did. And this year, you know, he's at around a quarter million for the year. And so it's as simple as just buckling down doing the fucking work and following the instructions to the letter. You don't veer from what we tell you to do until you're ready to test and you shouldn't be testing until you have a good revenue stream coming in that allows you to set aside time to do that kind of thing, right?
We got another one that Jeff right who went to POFU and he's killing it. I mean, he's ranking attorney type big attorney terms of ranking for it, for example, and IT services in New York City. Now imagine how competitive that is, but they're like the companies have happier than a paycheck, because they're number one for the term. And how did they do it? They follow the Battle Plan. They follow the instructions, they follow what we tell them, guys, how do you put it all together? Get the Battle Plan. Now, yes, the Battle Plan takes you to MGYB and the products and services. Why do we do that? Because it's the simplest way we don't want you doing all that work. Imagine the hours that you have to spend doing all that work keyword research three days. For the keyword research, really, do you really want to do that? Do you really want to spend all that time your client better be paying a whole lot of money to spend three days doing all of that keyword research, I mean, everything it takes time to do
Bradley: Marco, isn't it more fun to buy shiny new software applications and spend all your time learning how to use it? Just to find out it doesn't work very well.
Marco: That's some work, right? Follow the next best, the next best. So it's already there. We set the path out people who follow it are killing it. And that's my point. And yes, we do send you to what works for us because it's what we use guys. We use it, we apply it we get a result. And so we give it to you in a step by step method so that you can follow it through. So if you're not doing it, you haven't bought it go by the Battle Plan. It looks like a really simple PDF with links. But you do it step by step. I'm telling you, I just got validation yesterday from a couple of people that are in that range. I mean, you guys know Jordan.
You guys know, Jeff, you guys know, Ed, they're telling it how following the Battle Plan. That's one and two about the mastermind. I wanted to mention that it works is a two-way street. We do try to give people everything that works in the mastermind, right? And we do make everyone available that you're free to exchange ideas and concepts and theories and tests and whatever. But every once in awhile, we'll get in a thread, as we did with with with something that I talked about when doing silos. And it was a whole long thread and we went really deep into it. And then there's another one about iframes now.
And then that one sent me into the rabbit hole, where I'm still testing and I'm getting really good results from some ideas that I got. Not like not directly but indirectly, as they posted. Okay, so can I do this Can I do that and I immediately started thinking, well, what if, and that's when you read, your juices really start flowing? And what if I did this and I quoted it this way, and I hit it this way, and then it would cause no issues. And so what I'm thinking is anyone who attends POFU Live will have first crack at whatever I come up with, from my testing, because they deserve it. I mean, they took the time that they're going to be there. And so we always say membership has its privileges. But this is a step up. This is a step where you're trying to change the game and JN and Jeff Moore, Jeff sorry, they went to POFU Live, and they changed the whole mindset, they changed their business strategy, and they're killing it. So So anyone going deserves it. And so that's what I'm going to do and then at some future point, it'll be shared with the mastermind, of course, I don't know if it'll be I'll ever share it outside the mastermind.
But since the nugget was kind of the idea sprouted from a thread in the mastermind I think the mastermind deserves whatever comes from it. And I'm already testing and I'm already coding and that so this is the type of thing that goes on and in the mastermind, mastermind membership has its privileges. Attending POFU Live has its privileges. Most of the people that are in my mini mastermind, are people who went to POFU Live. So I just want to say about that definitely our mastermind members, but they also attended POFU Live and I think that they deserve special attention. That's just my piece for today. Take it for what it's worth, but I think it's just totally worth joining the mastermind and attending POFU Live should be a must in your calendar.
Adam: Sounds good to me, like Marco said, Be there. That's a pretty awesome thing that Marco is going to do there. So I don't want to dive back into a Marco but I know that people work with you and your group have had a lot of success. And I'm sure that's a no small part due to your involvement. So that's pretty awesome. So if you want to grab your ticket, you can still make it we got a couple of days here before we kick things off on Friday for the VIP day and then Saturday and Sunday for the main event. You can grab your ticket at pofulive.com. Alright, guys, Bradley, anything else before we jump into it?
Bradley: No, I'm just excited too nervous at the same time because I gotta fly tomorrow. But looking forward to coming to Denver and hanging out with you guys and putting on a pretty cool presentation. I think that is pretty powerful. I think this is going to be just a really good event. So I'm excited about it.
Adam: Cool. All right. Let's do it.
Bradley: All right, let me grab the screen. Stand by. Alright, you guys should be seeing my screen now. Correct.
Adam: Correct. Got your whole screen.
Bradley: All right. Not a lot of questions yet. So guys start posting. Otherwise, we'll wrap it up a little bit early, which is fine because I've got still not 100% packed for I gotta leave really early tomorrow morning for my flight. So anyway, I don't mind wrapping it up early if that's what we need to do.
Is It Okay To Send A Full-Text Article With 20+ Affiliate Links Via RSS In A Single Tier Network?
But we'll start with sutra he says when using a single tier, he's talking about a single-tier syndication network, is it okay to send the full-text article via RSS? Even if the article has 20 plus affiliate links? I usually post 123 of these types of articles each day. Um, I would say no, and the reason why I say no is it not because it's an SEO thing, but it's likely that your blog accounts which would be like WordPress, Tumblr, blogger, not so much blogger but Tumblr and WordPress, will likely or may very well terminate the account for too many outbound links.
Especially like affiliate links and that kind of stuff that they don't, they don't typically like that. So I wouldn't recommend that I would do a post summary. So set your RSS feed to just display the summary. That way, it's really just pushing the juice back to your post URL that's published on your blog, which is really all that matters, guys. I mean, if you're doing a bunch of outbound linking in your blog posts anyways, whether it doesn't, you don't really need to worry about posting the full text because, you know, whether they're nofollow or do follow, it doesn't even matter. What I'm saying is what you're looking for is the link back from the post on the syndication network properties back to the original post on your site. Right. And then obviously, if you're doing internal SEO like on-page SEO correctly, then you're going to have some sort of contextual link within the text of your blog post that goes up to our money, a money page, right so an actual page or something a category.
Whatever it is that you're trying to rank on your site. So it really the benefit is pushing the juice from the syndication network properties back to the post URL that's published on your blog. So I would recommend doing a summary post, you know, summary, just set the RSS feed settings to just display a summary instead of the full text. Now, that said, sometimes those can look spammy too. And sometimes you can find settings in your theme that will allow you to update the length of those RSS, like how much of the summary is shown. And so you might be able to set that and sometimes you have to actually edit the theme files in order for to, you know, to to adjust that some things will give you the option to do that, like it's, you know, an option that you can set but other times you have to actually go in and edit the theme files. So that's what I would recommend any comments?
Marco: Yeah, I would say no, and it's for SEO and it's because the whole idea behind this concept and what we do and why we send out iframes and everything that we do is to build PageRank. And the problem is, everything starts at PR one, correct? Everything on the web, it starts out at PR one. So if you have something that's revenue, or even if it's aged, it could only be a PR one. And the reason why is because you're splitting the PageRank that you're passing so low, that you can't build it up properly. So you split it, you splitting it 20 times, and what you're passing from a PR one isn't PR one, it's less than PR one. As I've said before, we've done the math we know within certain parameters, just how much PR is passed from a PR one and we know we know it's a range. So when you splitting it, that fine you're defeating the purpose of building up that PR building up that trust and authority and everything else. Not only that, having it be so spammy, it could just turn into a PR zero because of the fact that it's so spammy. And so you're not really passing anything. You're not really doing anything is not mean you could grab some traffic. From that point, you could do so much more if you're more selective with the way that you syndicate your affiliate links so that it doesn't look so spammy so that it doesn't look like it's a whole bunch of garbage. And the only intent for that is to push your affiliate links, make it more user-friendly, making it more for the person that's going to be reading it for the person to interact with that posts and with that content, and maybe share it maybe like it. Maybe visit the website, or those are all signals that you want. And I guarantee you that a spammy blog post with a whole bunch of affiliate links isn't going to accomplish what you want.
Is It Good To Use And Embed The Original City Logo And Link The City Website Or Wikipedia City Page For A Local Service Website?
Bradley: Very good. Thank you. Mike says hello to a local service website. Do you think it's a good idea to use and embed the original city logo and also link to the city website or Wikipedia city page? I can see the power in it, but I don't think it's a good idea. Thanks. Well, Mike, that's what was pretty much standard operating procedure back in like 2012. And for a long time, you know, that was just traditional way they call it conventional wisdom when it came to I didn't, does conventional wisdom is oftentimes not very smart. It's just what people think is right. And conventional wisdom for the longest time was that you would link to always a.gov or a Wikipedia page, or, you know, excuse me, a Wikipedia page or a.gov site or a that, especially if you're doing local to that, you know, corresponding Wikipedia page or the local government website or something like that. And that was supposed to add relevancy, which isn't true. That's that hasn't been true for many, many years. Because Google doesn't care about you linking to a Wikipedia page about a particular city unless it's relevant to the content on that page. And even though you might be optimized, you know, for like a plumber and in particular city, just linking to that Wikipedia page arbitrarily with the keyword or without the keyword, whatever, just linking to that page really doesn't do much, right. It's not the algorithm is much smarter than that. Now, if you are citing something about that city, like some facts about the city or something that makes it relevant, and you want to cite the source where you gleaned that content from So for example, if you are curating content from a Wikipedia page or a.gov site about that particular city, then you want to cite the source now that adds that that's a proper way to link to it. And Google can clearly see the relationship between why and why you're linking to that. But you know, again, years ago, we used to mean just about everybody used to do it. What I always recommend is link outbound linking to relevant content that's relevant to the concept within the body of the content that you're linking to, like, in other words, that your UYY just linked to the city page or to the Wikipedia page. If the page is about plumbing services in a particular city.
It doesn't really make sense just to link to the city website unless there's a reason for it. And so, again, I've always gone back to I mean, four years since probably 2014 timeframe, I stopped doing that stopped doing what was conventional wisdom, and started linking to more relevant pages. So for example, linking to an article on bob Vila calm or do it yourself network or something like that, right, some sort of, like if it's a plumbing website, right? linking to something that's more relevant to the content of the page. And then if you want to have some sort of local relevancy in there, why not embed the map or a mind map or driving directions map from the store or the location of the business to that city or something like that, that That, to me makes a lot more sense. It's more relevant. And so that's the type of thing that I've always done as far as embedding a city logo from another website. I don't recommend doing that. Because if you don't have permission to use that, remember that that logo is likely trademarked or even if it's not trademarked, it's probably a copyright issue. Because I can tell you one thing you don't want to do when you curate content and by the way, we have a training for a full training program called Content Kingpin which will teach you all about curating and why it's very it's so powerful because it creates co-citation, it allows you to generate content much quicker, it's much more efficient, you don't have to learn. You don't have to be a content or subject matter expert. In order to be able to generate content, you just have to know how to locate it, and put it together in a logical fashion and then cite the sources properly. So I would recommend you look at that because one of the things that we learned the hard way, is you never want to curate images. Ever. Okay? Unless you there, wiki, what do they call Wiki Commons there? I don't recommend ever curating images because you will, you can end up getting copyright infringement and be sued for that. And a lot of times like, it's happened to me, it's happened to me for almost three years in a row was two years in a row where I got hit with copyright.
Basically extortion letters where they would say you've got to pay so much or we're taking you to court for copyright infringement and you'd have to pay or else they would take your ass to court, and it sucks so I learned a long time ago. Never curate images so I would really highly recommend not embedding a city logo. And don't just arbitrarily link to a city Wikipedia page or a city government website, unless there's a specific reason for it, that you clearly identify in the content that you're let you know why you're linking to it. If that makes sense. You're much better off linking to something that's more relevant. You want to comment on that, Marco?
Marco: I agree. Because there's activity relevance, relevance, trust, and authority. Right? You're much better off linking to something that has you know, that that's updated regularly, and events page what's going on, in you know, in the city, landmark, places to see if there are if this park, just anything, it's just going a little bit further in as far as the geolocation is, yes, you're part of the city. So it stands to reason that you would think I want to link to the Wikipedia city page for this, but you can go further and make get even more relevant. And in fact, if you can get that city schedule, into a calendar of events, the way that we do in RYS Academy Reloaded, and load those ups, and that's constantly changing, and that's constantly pushing, all of that relevance, everything that's happening in that city, and mixed in with those calendar events are your events, what's happening with your business, whatever it is, whether you want to coupon special, whether you want to send them to the GMB, the map, just whatever it is, you mix in all of that with all of the other relevance and it works a whole lot better than just simply making to the city page for x reason, which there's really no reason.
Bradley: Yeah. I mean, again, that's been such old tactics that you know, if it really worked well, Google would have killed it a long time ago because it's been used forever. As I said, it's just that it was like common knowledge. Conventional wisdom is just what people did and for the longest time I would you know, I would argue why would Why do you do that? Well, because you know, it's adding relevancy I will have you tested it. Because if you test it, you'll find that it doesn't really do shit, you're much better off linking the relevant content and I like curated content for that reason because it clearly gives a reason to link out to something and it can create co-citation, which is, is pretty powerful too. So
What's The Difference Between Maps SEO And Website SEO?
Jonathan says are the map embeds the only thing MGYB sells for maps Seo? No, not by far. My furnace guy wants to rank in maps but doesn't care about his website. What is the main difference in maps SEO versus website SEO? Well, there's a lot of similarities, a lot of overlap. But with maps SEO there, you know, you can focus entirely on the Google properties, right, the Google ecosystem. So the map URL itself, I'm going to demonstrate how to get the best map URL to build links to you can do map embeds. You can do citation building. You know if he's got legit if you say it's your furnace guy, so I'm assuming is you know, HVAC guy, and he's got a real business, then it's probably registered to a real address. Even if it's a service area business, you can build citations for that. That's something I always recommend doing if you have a valid address. So there are I mean, there are a number of things that you can do, but very specifically MGYB sells, I mean, pretty much every one of our services can be applied to ranking in maps or maps SEO as you called it, right.
So for example, let me just give you a couple of examples here. This is something that you can go check out GMB.reviewsmaker.com, right. So let's just go to I'm just going to type in HVAC contractor, Culpepper, for example. Okay, so I'm going to click on KNM Heating and Air heating and air conditioning. And in fact, actually, let me just copy that name. And this is what I'm going to do. So this is how you can get the best URL to build links to if you're going to be doing link building to the map, right. So there are embeds, there's also link building, there are press releases, there's you can which you can embed a map in the press release. Plus, you can also create a contextual link or just a naked URL in the actual press release. To back to the map itself, I'm going to give you a few examples here of how you can get better results. So let's go back to Google for it first. Here's a couple of ways that you can do this. Number one, you can go into your GMB dashboard or your client's GMB dashboard. And on the Info tab, where you'll always see this one little section where it says view on maps or view on search and view on maps. You can right-click on the view on maps and copy the link address and paste it into a notepad file and then reformat it I'm going to show you the correct format. So that's one way to find it. The best URL for building links to a map, Google map right. The second way is to go type in or go search for your client's business name on Google. So in this case, I'm going to search for KNM Heating and Air Inc because that's just the example that I pulled, then I'm going to click through to the maps listing.
And you'll see up here in the US the address bar of Chrome, I've got this long, ugly URL, right? Well, if you go to GMB dot review, make reviews maker calm, okay, and you click to decode place ID, and just paste that long maps URL in there and click the code place Id take a second, then it's going to come down and it's going to give you this maps URL right here. Okay, I'm going to copy that link address. And I'm going to paste that into a notepad file. Now, if you take a look at this URL, I'll show you and I've demonstrated this before, but I want to answer this question thoroughly for him. If we go to like, where it goes com or something like that, some sort of redirect tracer. I could paste that URL that it gives you, right? So from here, and if we take a look at this, you'll see that this has got a 302 redirect built into it. In fact, there are two of them. So that is not a good URL to use for link building. Like if you want to build links to this URL, you're not passing any PageRank or link equity essentially, through these two, three or two redirects, that stops it dead, right. So in other words, you can link to it, you somebody could click on that link, and it's going to navigate, or jump to the final target URL or the destination, which is this. But as far as passing link equity, if you're to build links to this, it's not going to pass any. So it's not a good URL to build links to which by the way, this URL right here, that the share URL, take a look at how many redirects are in this one. If we go back to where goes.
It might even there it goes. Look at that. Look, how many redirects are in there. Three 302 redirects and no matter refresh, so that's not a good URL, either this share URL, don't build links that are dumb. It does, it does no good, right? So what you want to do is you want to take that URL, which by the way, you can just take the URL from here and go to a redirect tracer, and then paste it in and then copy the final URL, or just memorize this, which is what I did. It's very simple. copy that URL, and then just change it, just rearrange it to where you change the maps right there. So maps.google.com, you would change it to www.google.com. Then forward-slash question mark. See ID equals is what the original one is. So all you want to do is move maps from before and the subdomain from maps to the right after the forward-slash, then it's question marks the ID equals and we'll take that, Copy that, paste it in. So it's just a quick change or modification of the URL. And now watch this. If we take this, we go back to a redirect tracer.
Quick, Tracy well there's no reason XC that now if we go load that URL into the address bar and click Go, you'll see once the page loads, it converts to that long URL, but it's not technically a redirect. Right. So that's the best URL to build links to is this one right here. So that's something else that you can do. Right. So like I mentioned before, you can embed a map into press releases. You can also build links directly to this map URL, right. So that's one thing you can do. RYS Drive stacks are incredibly powerful. If you provide the NAP. The name, address and phone number of the business, as well as the maps URL will build a drive stack that is hyper optimized for that specific location, right and will push a ton of power directly to the Google properties especially like you said, if he's not interested in ranking a website, you can select to push all of the juice from the drive stack back to the maps the Google properties which would be the maps GMB website, will you'll get it, you should order the, excuse me, the Google Site along with that the Google site will be part of that. So you can build all of the power back to the actual maps listing.
However, there are a couple other things I want to mention. Let's see, just just because there are a few other points here that you can add additional power to, right. So for a note, another one is the reviews. This company, in particular, has 21 reviews, I don't know how many your client has. But if we click on that review link, right, it's going to pull up here Well, that is a different URL. So up here is another URL, I would suggest using your own three one redirects creator. There are a number of of them out there that you can use that are free, some of them that are paid like a subscription base, and others that you can create three one redirects from a plugin through your through a website, which is what I, you know, I prefer to do that through my own domain or something through or through a branded domain or a domain that I'm using specifically for redirects, that kind of thing. But if you take a guy here, open up Firefox just to show you that URL right there, I would create a 301 redirect out of that URL. And what's it do? It automatically loads to these reviews. So you can push link equity into this. Well, let's not stop there. What about each one of these individual reviews? For example, if I was to click Share on that one from Alan Jackson, which sounds like looks like a lot of the users' spam, I don't know. Jackson's a country singer and Ronnie White is a Ron White isn't a comedian. But if we're to take that URL right there and paste that in, you'll see that that is a separate URL, like that's a redirect, as I just talked about, if you click the Share URL, it's going to give you a redirect. So watch what happens when we trace that one. This is for the individual review. It's still a 302 redirect. So that's not what you want to build links to not this. What you want to build links to is this, which again, if you want to make it a pretty URL, all you got to do is use a 301 redirect creator.
As I said, there are some free ones out there, there are some ones that you can pay for a subscription basis, like a rebrand, delete rebrand.ly, for example of one, or there's another one. Or like, what I like to do is use my own domain or clients domain, and use the pretty links pro plugin to create 301 redirects. Okay? Either way, that's the URL you want to build to. And that's the same URLs, what's up here? Right, but you can build it through a 301 redirect. And look, that's an individual review within that maps listing. And if this one's got 21 reviews, that's 21 additional link targets, right? Plus this one is a link target, which is the overall reviews URL plus the maps URL itself, right, which in this version of it that I just talked about being the best version. There's more to think about photos, right? For example, this guy's only got looks like it's at four, but I'm only Well, maybe that was, let's go back into photos here. For photos, it says for photos, each one of these areas a separate URL. So my point is if you're just going to be doing map stuff for a client, what I like to do is extract all the URLs from the maps listing, set up redirects so that they're pretty and they're short, much easier to manage. And then start using those and link building campaigns, which you can also use those to be included in a drive stack as target URLs where we will build the drive stack to be targeting each one of those separate URLs. And what happens is you push juice into this listing from all different angles and every single point that you can push link equity into it. It's very, very powerful. You want to
Marco: Yeah, he's asking about maps SEO, and I'm just going to say local GMB Pro. It's what set the standard for GMB optimization every other course came after copied what we did. So if you want the Trailblazer the standard bear the one that laid it down on how it's properly done. There you go and get local GMB pro and you can learn what Bradley just talked about more in-depth, along with many other things that you could do to push the GMB the map into the three-pack, which is what your client is looking for. They don't care about the website fine. So you work entirely within the GMB ecosystem, which is what local GMB Pro is all about. So guys, if you really want to do this, right, if you want that heart into the three-pack, you go into local GMP Pro.
Bradley: That's right. And that's an in there, we talked about various other things. I'm not going to talk about specific methods here, but just so you know that again, this this this client, or this client is not my client, but this contractor, HVAC contractor is also doing GMB posts, he probably has an SEO that is working on his stuff. And take a look at that guys. Again, these are all additional link targets, right? We copy that URL and go back to the redirect tracer, which I already closed.
And once again, this is a GMB post URL, right? It's going to redirect, don't ever use the share URLs for SEO purposes. You can use it for navigation purposes. But look, how many redirects are there. So what you want to do is end up taking this URL, and using that as that could be potentially another link target. Right? So that makes sense. So if we're going to just open up that URL and see it didn't bring it up, it's probably the one prior to that this one, which is okay, because that's a meta refresh, so that, that's fine. Let's open it up there.
There, see I brought it up, it brought that post up to the very top. So the same thing goes you can take an older post and do the same thing you could share it, grab, copy the share URL. Put it in now local GMB Pro, we talk about a hell of a lot of really cool things that you can do a GMB post, I'm not going to talk about here. But I'm just saying you can actually use these posts as additional places to build links to the right. So again, this one right here, I would take this URL, copy that, that's what I would build links to and watch what happens if I load that into the browser. It's going to pull up that post at the top See, the one that I just shared. So it makes sense. So all of those are linked targets. That's why I said there's just a ton of different things that you can do to push additional power into their not just through and beds and beds are very powerful. Don't get me wrong, but there's a number of other things that you can do. So that was a good question.
Does Google Sandbox New Domains For At Least 3 Weeks Or Longer?
Gordon's up he says, Hey, guys, I don't want to sound like a broken record. But I just want to say again, your Hump Day help is very much appreciated. Well, you're welcome, Gordon. And we do appreciate that as well. If I remember correctly, you said in the past that you prefer to use a new domain instead of an aged domain to rank a local lead gen site. So you can control the name of the domain for SEO purposes and for branding purposes. That is correct. I have said that. But I was wondering if in fact Google does sandbox new domains for at least three weeks or probably longer other than losing the branding and partial keyword and domain benefit. Why is it not better to use a niche related aged domain with a clean niche related backlink profile? And if you use an aged domain would you need to to rebuild the old site pages and the old links pointing to using way back point old links point to using Wayback Machine the old things point to excuse me the way that I read that was wrong and if you use an aged domain, would you need to rebuild the old site pages that the old links point to using Wayback machine in order not to lose the link juice? Okay, so the first question is because I'm able to typically especially when I'm trying to rank for local stuff, the right which is what the maps I don't
Is that getting a new brand new domains? Fine, because I'm not looking for the initial, the, you know, an existing link profile because it really doesn't matter. Like I mean, if if the sites built really well and everything else, then it can have an effect on the maps, there's no question. But as we were just talking about in the previous question, we can typically get results without even having a self-hosted website, if that makes sense, right? Because we can focus on specifically just the GMB properties and get results. That said, I always prefer to have a branded type of domain, one that I can build a brand around for, if especially for lead gen stuff that I could use in other locations, right, which is why I talked about if I'm going to have a website, I like to use subdomains with the city name is the subdomain so that I can build upon a particular brand.
Does that mean that you cannot that you can't start with an aged domain that has been dropped by somebody else or whatever, and build a brand around that I suppose you could? But the problem that I would see with that is that there may be some other existing content on the web that can ambiguate, right? That's a key term that can ambiguate the brand that you're trying to build or the data that you're trying to build through your new location, your new setup. Right? Now, if you're talking about strictly organic SEO, yes, there's some benefit for building through an aged domain that has a clean link profile. But having a clean link profile is kind of difficult to do or else why was I mean, a lot, I mean, you will find some domains like that, but they're few and far between. A lot of times the aged domains that have been dropped are just they either have a shitty link profile or a non-existent link profile. In other words, they might have one or two links that are actually, you know, decent links, if any at all. And so my point is, I would rather just go with something new that's branded so that I have more control over the content that's going to be published and everything else and not have to worry about any sort of invigoration not have to worry about any potential links out there.
On the web that is toxic to it, or they're going to cause any problems as I start building out the new project if that makes sense. So, I mean, there, you certainly can do that. If you want. I don't recommend it. I don't, you know, the only time I would use aged domains really is if I was building what I would call feeder sites are like PBNs, right? Because that kind of help to shortcut the process a little bit since you're not starting from scratch. But when it came to a brand for lead gen site, or for a client, I would always recommend using a brand new one. Now if you are going to build an old domain, yes, it is better to rebuild those pages. You can do that using the Wayback Machine. It'll you know you can download HTML files and upload those. There's a couple of plugins and services out there where you can subscribe to or pay for credits I believe that will actually create a file of the Wayback Machine stuff that makes it much easier I know there's some plugins I can't even think was named now there's there.
I know there are some plugins out there that will do that on a WordPress site to where you just basically, you can enter a file or upload the zip file that you get from the Wayback Machine. And it will automatically build out the old pages with the old content, you might have to do some formatting and stuff to them. But you can do that. And I would recommend doing that, or at least building some sort of page that has similar content on it doesn't have to be the exact duplicates or replication of the old pages. But if it had a good link profile, and it ever in anybody ever goes and looks at, you know, the webmasters of the sites that were linking to that, and they noticed that there was a big change in the page or just doesn't exist anymore, they may take that link down. So the reason why you would rebuild those previous pages or you know, the pages that aren't there anymore, is because you'd want the links that were built to that page to stay there. That's really the only reason where else you could just do a redirect.
My point is, if you just did a redirect from the old URL to the homepage or to a new URL, and a webmaster says, was analyzing or looking at the site and saying, you know, from one of their pages on their site, there was a link to your, to the, to the domain that they had linked to previously. And they look at and say, well, that's not what I had linked to, I'm going to remove that, then you lose that link. And so you start to ultimately lose the power of having an aged domain with an inbound link profile anyways. And that happens unless you rebuild the pages, or have them redirected to something that's very similar so that it's still a value to the site that was originally linking to it. That all said, usually, when you're dealing with, like, especially local business type sites, it's just not worth all that trouble. You're better off and you're able to get just as quickly as just results just as quickly, excuse me, using methods that we talked about with a brand new domain. So Marco, do want to comment on that before we move on?
Marco: Yeah, absolutely. So imagine it if McDonald's had come out with McDonald's of Illinois, if Coca Cola wherever it began, it had come out with the Madison, if you have that, that that one, if you have that one that will boom, nationally or globally, you're going to have to go and redo all of the work that you've done. Yeah, of course, it's going to be worth it. But I'm the type and I know Bradley is too, that hates doing work, the same work over again. So why going and you have to do the work over again, when you can start off with a brand that doesn't necessarily have to pigeonhole itself with geolocation or geographically because you can do that with a category or a pages category. It has the same effect. You don't need it. And the Google sandbox is very real, but the way that we teach activity, relevance, trust, and authority. It trumps everything, including
The Google sandbox including proximity, including a whole bunch of other things, follow about Battle Plan to the letter, you get the services from MGYB.co the way that you're told to do it and in, in the, in the one in the sequence that we tell you to do it, then you're going to have the same if not better results than if you went and did all that work with, with an expired domain. And there's no guarantee that that expired domain would hold its metrics. When it's brought back, you're still gonna have to do the work, you still gonna have to put in the content, you got to have to redo the content, you're going to have to do a whole lot of work, when you could just go to MGYB.co and have us do it for you.
Bradley: I agree. So I said, I mean, it's just so much, so much trouble that can go into building those ads. I just, I don't think it's worth it. I really don't we can get results just as quickly with new domains. So unless you have found one that's really super powerful I just wouldn't even bother
Bradley: fit says good agent makes you part of it for you and it
Marco: will chime in. And the reason why he got some of my time is because he donated quite a bit of money to my charity and I decided to reciprocate by giving him some of my time so we had a really great call he's in Australia by the way, so it's really early in the morning for him to be on here. So thanks, Will.
How Do You Fix Duplicate Branded Syndication Networks That Were Purchased Via Fiverr?
Bradley: awesome thanks, Fitz says good day gents. Thanks for this form, ask real questions and get actionable answers I have a client who went to Fiverr and body syndication network and then worked with another marketer and bought a different network, many duplicates all branded. What should I do to fix that? Well, do you have access to those accounts is my point as if you if he bought these syndication networks and such from two different vendors, essentially. He probably has a login sheet right? Similar to you know,
We invented it or, you know. So I'm sure that the copy cat also provides a spreadsheet with all the accounts, the URLs, and the login data, what I would do is go in and I would, if I would log into the one that is the most closely branded to his brand name, you can't have duplicate, right, you can't have duplicate subdomains on WordPress or blogger or Tumblr or any of the other sites for that matter. So there has to be some sort of variation in the profile or the usernames, right. So I would take the one that is the most closely aligned with the actual brand and use that I would go in and update it. And then obviously go through and some SM style it Semantic Mastery style the syndication network. That's number one, number two for the other one that's out there. That's also similarly branded. I don't necessarily would say terminate those accounts, but I would make sure that you're not syndicating to them anymore. In fact, if you have duplicate posts, and it's not
I'm not talking about duplicate content guys, because that's, that doesn't happen on syndication networks. But if you have the same post posted on multiple semi branded networks, then I recommend removing that content specifically because you don't, you don't want to create a footprint with this with a blog syndication network or a syndication network where you're syndicating website content, you can do it it's fine with with YouTube, but with a blog now, where you know, with money site content, I don't recommend that. So but that doesn't mean you have to like go in and actually terminate those accounts, but I would manually go in and delete the existing content, and maybe just put up some kind of shitty content that might link to the other web to do to Dotto profiles. You know, just like one post on each one of the syndication network properties from the network that you're not going to use right remove the IFTTT triggers, remove any content that's been posted to both syndication networks, and then might just put some kind of short little article that's relevant on each one of those other properties and maybe point to the profile URL on the the one that you're going to keep right the network properties that you're going to keep, that's something I would do. And I would just leave it alone after that, and just continually update for the new or the syndication network that you decided to keep. If they're both done very poorly, and you don't want to go through which I don't recommend, you know, I don't blame me, if you don't want to go through and actually update everything manually, then I would get access to all the accounts that you can go in and do what I just said to both sets of networks and by a well done Semantic Mastery stout network from MGYB. Right, and then maybe use those two other existing networks as a YouTube network or, you know, it could be possibly used for maybe a separate Twitter network or something like that.
Or you could do what I just said and just use them as kind of like a one-time link builder to your new network properties. If that makes sense. But I wouldn't link directly back to the money site with those, you know, does that make sense? That's what I would do. Because again, I totally understand it. By the way, if this guy bought his own syndication network at Fiverr, then he worked with another marketer. He's probably one of those guys is going to micromanage you fits just so you're aware of that if you have a business owner or client that has tried to do their own SEO work, and they've also hired somebody else to do something that they already attempted on their own. It's probably going to they're probably going to micromanage you as well. Just keep that in mind. Okay, I'm going to keep moving. That's all right.
Is There A Risk Of Google Putting Home Address On The Web?
JACK says maps question please important client does professional services over the phone from home office don't want home address under Google's control, used paid use paid for Regis office locations in past but Google close them down? In your opinion, is there any risk of Google putting home address out there on the web as they don't want their crazy client showing up at home. Are there any red flags to look out for in this plan? Thank you know not for if you're going to do a Google My Business profile, no, you don't have to worry about, you know, you need an address when you register in order for them to send the verification card. But it doesn't publish the listing until you enter the verification code. So when you enter the verification code that you get in the postcard, then you immediately especially if it's a service area business, which has to be professional services over the phone from home office. So yeah, I mean, you know, I would set that as a service area business, which means you go in and clear the physical address. Once you verify it, you go in into the Info tab and click on the location setting and then there's a little link in their text link that says clear address and you click that and it'll clear it and then save it so that it updates and you want to put your service areas in and then save it, Natalie, remove the address from being shown on maps. That's absolutely
You Google is not going to publish that anywhere. The problem is if you want to build citations to help the maps listing rank, then a lot of the citation directories are going to require a physical address, like an actual street address. Some don't, though, more more and more actually allowing service area businesses to add their data without a street address. But there's still a ton of them out there to do required, so just keep that in mind. Okay.
But I wouldn't worry about it not Google. Google's not going to leak that at least I've never seen that. If you if you put it on, like Yelp or something like that word requires a street adjusting. Yeah, a lot of time. I mean, it'll show but just don't build citations on directories that require the street address if that's the case. Scott says, Bradley, if you can fly to Haley, I'd have I'll drive you to Denver. No, thanks. I've already got my ticket going flying directly to Denver, but thank you, Scott. I appreciate that.
How Do You Retain The Ranking Position Of A GMB Page Into 3-Pack Using Semantic Mastery Products?
Okay, I still need Hi, we only got about seven minutes left guys. He says I still need help for clients GMB ranking, it's already it already has RYS Drive stack and G site built by SM a few years ago, I'm ordering a syndication network and we'll add link building, then embed maps and link build would appreciate your suggestion to get just this back into the three-pack. That's kind of a bit of a loaded question because I don't know. Like, honestly, you should have had a syndication network, even really before the G site. And drive stack, that doesn't mean that, you know, you can't add that now you certainly can. But what I would recommend also doing is manually going back into your drive stack once your syndication network has been built and, you know, start including those links in the drive stack, link building to all of them. What are some press releases that always help? You can do a map embeds now with press releases and a lot of other things. So I would recommend that you know, make sure that your link, go go buy local GMB Pro, which is what we just talked about earlier, because you can actually do really good results, just doing stuff within the Google ecosystem includes posting and you know, a lot of the stuff that we talked about on local GMB Pro.
So that's a question that you could get a hell of a lot more help with if you joined the mastermind. Or if you posted that, like more detail as to exactly what it is that you've got done. And where so that we can help fill in the gaps. Just get, you know, if you don't have the Battle Plan, follow the Battle Plan. If you've got an RYS drive stack and a G site that was built a few years ago, but you never had a syndication network, it's obvious that you didn't, you either didn't have the Battle Plan or you didn't follow the plan that we laid out. So I recommend picking that up. If you don't already have the Battle Plan. And just following that step by step, any of the pieces that are currently missing, add those pieces, right, and then just kind of follow each one of those processes. And that's going to help you to get the results that you need. I'm not saying that that's going to do it. You know, that's the start. That's always the foundation. If you need additional help with that though, that's where you would you know, like I said, join the mastermind and get local GMB Pro. Once you have the foundation complete, does that make sense? Any comment on that guys?
Marco: Yeah, definitely the Battle Plan, Local GMB Pro is what's going to create the activity that he's going to need, right? Because its activity relevance, trust and authority, and local GMB Pro is totally an activity base.
Does Having A Single Link From A Press Release To A Deep Page Is Better Than Having Multiple Press Release Links?
Okay, well says going back to a previous question about PageRank. Does that mean that if you have a single link from a press release to a deep page is better than having multiple links from the press release just to get better-focused SEO just your landing page? Yes, that is true. Well, you know you're, you get more juice through one link, one outbound link in a press release to whatever you know, you're trying to push juice to then if you have three outbound links, right. If you have three outback bound links, you're splitting the link equity three ways that make sense. So if you want to push all of the link equity for through one link to like you said a deep page, or like a blog post that might have an internal link to the page on your site that you're trying to rank or something like that. Yeah, that's again, that's link sculpting. So,
Is It Okay To Use Spun Content For YouTube Descriptions?
Austin Don says, I've been doing we buy house city, we buy houses, city videos, is it alright to use spun content for YouTube descriptions? To write individual descriptions is very time-consuming. Thanks. Yeah, you know, Uhm Austin Don, if you're in the Austin, Texas market, you probably have other people competing. So having good descriptions is helpful for YouTube SEO. But I don't spend a lot of time on YouTube descriptions anymore. years ago, it was more important in my opinion. Now it's more about having you know, the primary SEO factors of a YouTube video optimized like the title the tags, having the keyword, like as probably the first thing in the video description. I like having NAP data-name, address, phone number, primary URL, such as website, Google Maps URL, the URL, that version that I just shared this one right here, linking to your top tier one asset branded or entity assets, as we talked about. So linking to a Facebook page if you're doing Facebook stuff, you know any business directories if you're using press releases, the organization page, anything like that, I like to put all of that in the video description now, but I usually don't really flesh out a whole lot of content, written text content for the video description. It's more about a call to action, right and enlisting the NAP data and relevant links that are entered to kind of reinforce the entity. And then it's about traditional SEO signals, embeds and or backlinks and engagement signals.
I'm telling you that's the secret sauce is the engagement signals which you can by using YouTube ads incredibly inexpensive, and for I'm telling you even I've got campaigns running right now for the local video production company that I've been doing SEO for like five or six years that I have 40 cents per day is my budget. So I'm spending less than $15 a month it comes out to be like $12 a month that I'm spending to constantly feed that video on a daily basis with relevant views from a very specific geographic area because I set my location targeting from an audience that is relevant to the video itself. And it helps to keep those videos ranked. And we're talking some of these videos have been ranked for years and I haven't done a damn bit of SEO work since the moment I uploaded it to my channel. And it's syndicated across my networks. All I've done is kept the ad campaigns going because it's constantly the engagement signals that are coming in that are helping it to rank. So that's what I would recommend is that you know don't spend a shit ton of time optimizing the text. Just optimize the key the titles, the tags, put a relevant call to action, link out to your primary tier one entity assets, NAP included.
And then make sure that you do your traditional SEO stuff use playlist, the YouTube Silo Academy method embeds and or backlinks. But at the same time make sure that you set up a YouTube ad campaign for each one of those videos. Even if you just did you know, as I said, I've got campaigns running at 40 cents a day. That comes out to be like $12 a month and it works like wonders. Okay.
We gotta go guys. It's at five o'clock. Any comments before I wrap it up, guys? Sorry about any questions we didn't get to. Know. I would say get in where you fit in. That's it. definitely time to pack up head out for POFU Live. Live, baby. See you guys. I'll see you, Adam, tomorrow. Sounds good. Have a good one everyone. See you
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thechasefiles · 5 years
The Chase Files Daily Newscap 4/18/2019
Good MORNING  #realdreamchasers! Here is The Chase Files Daily News Cap for Thursday April 18th 2019. Remember you can read full articles for FREE via Barbados Today (BT) or Barbados Government Information Services (BGIS) OR by purchasing by purchasing a Weekend Nation Newspaper (WN).
MOTTLEY’S CALL – Two days into higher bus fare and consequent unrelenting public criticism, transport heads and operators have been ordered to a meeting with Prime Minister Mia Mottley. And something will have to give, said the Prime Minister’s spokesman Roy Morris yesterday, as he announced today’s 11 a.m. meeting at Government Headquarters. “There is no doubt that the gap between the expectations of commuters and what is being delivered by both public and private sector operations is too great for business as usual to prevail, and it would not be a misrepresentation to describe what now obtains as being in crisis or near crisis,” press secretary Morris said. Since Mottley, also Minister of Finance, announced in the March Budget that bus fare was moving from $2, after 11 years, to $3.50, reaction has been swift on whether it was generally too high, to whether the service was worth it. On Monday some commuters were understanding about the change, but most spoke against it, particularly those in rural areas where the service was poor and it took them more than one trip to reach their destination. The situation worsened yesterday when hundreds of schoolchildren returning from the Easter break joined the overburdened routes. (WN)
NEW ROUTE – On day three of a new bus fare regime, Government hastily returned to the drawing board offering a measure of relief to disgruntled commuters, including an across-the-board $3 fare for those passengers who purchase any one of the four Transport Board’s Smart Cards. And in a change of heart, Prime Minister Mia Mottley revealed that school children travelling on public service vehicles (PSVs) will pay $2.50. She made the announcements following an over two-hour meeting with stakeholders in public transport at Government Headquarters. Agreements were also reached to integrate PSVs into the Transport Board’s brand and on changes to be made to how PSV operators are disciplined. Noting that her Government was working towards rebuilding the fleet of the Transport Board, Mottley said that “privately-owned PSVs have agreed that they will not charge school children more than $2.50. “In the case of the Transport Board buses that $2.50 obviously is paid by Government. In the case of the PSVs that are privately-owned not working under the Transport Board brand, then the school child will pay $2.50.” The Prime Minister said that having spoken with Ministers Senator Kay McConney and Cynthia Forde, a decision had also been taken to give a discount to those Transport Board users who bought rides in bulk in the form of a smart card. She said this would reduce the discount fare from $3.20 to $3. Mottley declared: “We’ve also agreed that in some instances, that I’ve listened carefully to the pleas of my two Ministers who have gone and interacted on the last two days with people across all terminals, there is a clear case for us to be able to ensure that the mass discount is available at all levels. “So that if you are going to buy ten tickets or the larger amount whatever it is, that the volume discount will now be $3, so that you will literally have $30 get you the 10 rather than the fare you would have been paying at $3.20. Effectively $3 will be the price for all who are buying in bulk, regardless of whether it is 10 or 20 or 40.” But the Prime Minister then lambasted the state-owned Transport Board over its treatment of commuters. Saying that she was “fed up” and “disgusted” with the current state of affairs in public transport, Mottley ordered the cash-strapped public bus service to make several improvements. Among those is a thorough cleanup and beautification of all of its bus terminals, as well as better communication to commuters by those working at those terminals. While she acknowledged that the current Transport Board could not be held accountable for the errors of the past government, including the fact that a bus had not been ordered in the last decade, Mottley said there were some areas where they would be held accountable. She said: “But I can hold them accountable for the conditions of the terminals and I can hold them accountable for failing to communicate with the commuters, and I have made it absolutely clear this morning that Barbados cannot operate with that sense of callousness with respect to what conditions people have to wait in and what we are going to do to minimize their need to wait. “We accept that the Transport Board has to be far more capable of communication. Nobody can’t tell you that a bus isn’t going to break down, but there is nobody holding your tongue and you can’t have a bus terminal where people sitting down waiting for hours and nobody knows if the bus going or coming, or never coming. People have to open their mouths and speak to people.” Attendees at the high-level meeting included Minister of Transport Dr William Duguid; Minister in the Ministry of Transport Peter Phillips, Elder Affairs Minister Cynthia Forde and Innovation Minister Senator Kay McConney; chairman of the Transport Board Gregory Nicholls; General Secretary of the Barbados Workers’ Union Senator Toni Moore; chairman of the Transport Authority Ian Estwick; and representatives from the Alliance Owners of Public Transport (AOPT), the Association of Public Transport Operators (APTO), and the Public Service Vehicles Workers’ Association (PSVWA). Following the meeting two organisations representing PSV owners and operators, AOPT and PSVWA, announced their full support of the plans for the public transport system. AOPT spokesman Mark Haynes and PSVWA president Fabian Wharton both declared their support to Prime Minister Mottley. Saying he was satisfied with the day’s discussions, Haynes told Barbados TODAY: “I must say that the Prime Minister was very livid by the developments in the transportation sector and rightfully so. I don’t think she meant it personally, she was just annoyed by what was going on. Her main remit and concern was about Barbados’ commuters. “She has requested all of her technocrats to work together assiduously to ensure that the transportation system is improved and the conditions for commuters are improved.” But he said that the issue of some PSV operators being moved to alternative routes by the Transport Authority had not been fully discussed. He said that topic would be brought up during tomorrow morning’s discussions at the Barbados Workers’ Union’s Solidarity House headquarters. Wharton said he, too, was pleased with the day’s proceedings. He said while the issue of a reduced bus fare for school children was the hot topic of the day, several other concerns had also been addressed. Wharton said the PSV workers’ body was also in agreement with the proposed move to have operators suspended before having their licences cancelled. “Most of the operators were concerned about the school children and what fares they would have to pay. There was also talk about the three strike rule and we will wait and see how that goes, but we are willing to work as a unit with the Prime Minister to help improve the sector,” he said. “We are satisfied with the discussions so far and so far we are satisfied with the outcome. The discussions were honest, frank and open,” he said. (BT)
BUS FARES FALL FOR SCHOOLCHILDREN ON PSVS – Adults will continue to pay $3.50 to travel on the bus, but Public Service Vehicle (PSV) owners have agreed to knock off $1 for schoolchildren. That was one of the major decisions coming out of a meeting of the transportation sector that was chaired by Prime Minister Mia Mottley today at Government Headquarter, Bay Street, St Michael. Mottley announced earlier this evening students would pay $2.50 with immediate effect, after the meeting wrapped up. She spoke out against the way the system has operated in the past few days, including the long wait for buses, and said they would be looking to bring more PSVS under the “Transport Board brand” to solve some travel woes. Those vehicles will have a decal which indicates they are working alongside the Transport Board buses and a student could travel on those, for example, and not have to pay. There will be a second meeting tomorrow to discuss how many of those ZR vans and minibuses will be added to the fleet. It is scheduled for 9:30 a.m. at Solidarity House.  (WN)
TRAVELLERS, PSV WORKERS SPLIT ON STUDENT DISCOUNT – Commuters have so far shared mixed views on the announcement that school children are to pay $2.50 on board all PSV’s with immediate effect. Agreement on the new fare was reached after Prime Minister Mia Mottley chaired a three-hour meeting with four cabinet ministers, the two organisations representing route taxis and minibuses – the Association of Public Transport Operators (APTO) and Alliance Owners of Public Transport (AOPT) –  and Transport Board chairman Gregory Nicholls. Ministers of Transport William Duguid and Peter Phillips, Minister of Innovation Senator Kay McConney and Elder Affairs Minister Cynthia Forde took part in the talks. At the Princess Alice Bus Terminal commuters and PSV operators speaking to Barbados TODAY were divided in their reaction to the news. A PSV driver on the Jackson-Warrens route declared: “It should be $2 as it was before. I do not see why they changed it in the first place.” He was joined by another PSV driver who also operates the Jackson-Warrens route who said the one-dollar discount on the full fare would help low-income parents, declaring the cost of living to be high. “I think it is reasonable considering some parents have more than one child to deal with,” he said. A conductor on the same route, Shaquille Mayers, said his van mainly caters to adults, and he was therefore neither here or there on the decrease for school children. A PSV driver who operates the Deacons and Grazettes route, who identifed himself as “Short Boss”, said that at $3.50, the fare was steep for school children. But claiming that some students come to him on mornings with $50 bills, he said he believed high school students could afford paying full fare. He said: “Some of these school children come to me on a morning with $50, $20 and they take it out of their pocket a day and they are in the van bragging and boasting. So, some of them could pay. On the other hand, some parents have three and four children to send school and it is hard on a household. Some of the little primary school children I do not mind getting $2 from them.” A commuter who works in Government told Barbados TODAY that although the decrease would be beneficial to low-income households, the fact remains that many school children prefer to catch the “ZR”-registered route taxis. “School children prefer to catch ZR’s. So they can afford to pay the $3.50 the economy needs it,” she said. Perro Holloway, a St James resident, told Barbados TODAY that he felt the PSV’s should also allow school children to ride free. “If the Transport Board is made to carry the burden of carrying the children free then I believe the PSV’s should also do it. You have over 750 PSV’s and 40 buses but still, we are complaining about Transport Board. We should not have a transportation problem,” she said. For Keshon Allsopp, a student of St Leonard’s Boys, said he believes the bus fare should be further decreased to $2. “It [was] seven dollars if you had to catch two vans and then you would only have $3 for lunch. It should really be two dollars for school children,” Allsopp said. But Harrison College Upper Sixth student Cherece Richards said while the decrease would benefit school children she doubted it would help the economy. (BT)
NO DOUBLE VAT – Small business owners are being told that they will not have to pay Value Added Tax (VAT) twice if they have already paid the tax while making an online transaction, one of the Government’s top consultants on the economy has told the small business association. Starting on May 1, Barbadians buying goods and services online will be required to pay VAT on any taxable items at the point of purchase, as opposed to when the items land here. Special Envoy to the Prime Minister on Investment and Finance, Professor Avinash Persaud, has told the SBA’s monthly information session: “The system is set up so we avoid double taxation. When you purchase a good or service that is subjected to VAT, you will pay the VAT online, you will get an electronic receipt on your phone, tablet or other devices, or you can print it if you so choose. When you go to the port to collect the item, once you show the Customs Officer your VAT receipt you are free to go. However, if there is a situation in which you have paid VAT on the product but not the shipping costs, the officer will work out the difference between what you owe and what you have already paid, and that is all you will have to pay.” Government has spoken to the 12 main online payment processing services including PayPal, Mastercard, Visa and American Express to advise them of the products that attracted VAT so they could apply at checkout, the economist said. He stressed that the VAT only applied to such products if they were going to be consumed in Barbados. “There are two things they check on, and that is whether the product or service is VATable in Barbados and if it is being consumed here. Now, the company would not always know that, and if it does not, then it would not charge the VAT. “If you book a hotel room in Barbados or rent a car you plan to drive while on the island online, you will pay the VAT for that as those services will be used in Barbados.” But Professor Persaud also noted that if consumers paid local suppliers directly with their credit cards they would not be subjected to the online VAT charge and that it was not an attempt by Government to trace people’s credit card purchases. Government was losing some $50 million in revenues as a result of not recording, or under-recording, such purchases, he declared. “This is not a new tax but a new way of collecting an existing tax, and we should gain $50 million from it. Now to put this into perspective, if we collect the $50 million we may be able to lower the VAT rate by at least one percentage point; $50 million is almost half what we spend on UWI, and a significant chunk of what we spend on the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, so if anyone has a better idea as to how we can raise this money, let us know and we will think about it,” he said. Professor Persaud also sang the virtues of the Barbados Economic Recovery and Transformation Programme (BERT), which he described as “the most shared adjustment programme in world history”. “With this programme, we have shared the adjustments between creditors and borrowers very evenly, we have shared the adjustment between government workers and taxpayers evenly, and we have also shared it uniquely between residents and non-residents through the increased VAT and the room rate levy. “Barbados now has the lowest tax rate in the world for non-zero compliant countries in the OECD, and we have reduced our labour, income and corporate taxes, but increased them on land and transactions. The reasoning behind this is that when you tax land, you encourage people to use it, and this will support investment.”  (BT)
TAXING QUESTIONS STILL –Tax experts are warning that the devil is in the detail of government’s new online tax, which is to take effect in exactly two weeks. They insist that more clarity be provided on how it will work. The issue came under the microscope today when the Barbados International Business Association (BIBA) held its Budget 2019 – Tax Implications for Your Business and You seminar at the Hilton Resort. Tax Partner at KPMG Barbados Louisa Lewis-Ward explained that while Government could simply “increase the Value Added Tax (VAT) rate by two percentage points and save some of the flurry”, the decision was taken instead to put the tax on online transactions in an effort to capture revenue that was not normally captured. “I think the issue is not of whether we take a rate from 17.5 to 20 per cent, to play with the VAT rate per se, I think the issue is that certain revenue that should have been collected over time has not been collected and therefore it won’t be new to the taxpayer, it will be that the Government is now able to collect what was uncollectable,” explained Lewis-Ward. Government has amended the VAT Act to allow for the 17.5 per cent to be collected for online transactions. However, there have been several delays in implementing the new measure, which was to initially take effect October 1, 2018. The start date was then shifted to December 1, then December 15, before the current May 1 date, due to a lack of an adequate mechanism for the tax collection. Lewis-Ward said there were still some questions to be answered, warning that if not done correctly, “then the system collapses . . . and that makes it that much more difficult”. “So when I say the devil is in the detail it needs to be planned properly – how the payment process is going to collect that VAT, if you are supposed to receive an invoice or a receipt that you show at the port so it is not double counted. How is that going to be issued? It still applies to things like Netflix, hotel rooms, Amazon, e-bay… have we had dialogue with those companies to see how that invoicing will look? So all of those are the little things,” she explained. “They are not insurmountable and they will capture revenue that was previously not collected, the question I think is, how much revenue, and perhaps the government has gone through that exercise already,” she said. During the panel discussion members of the audience raised a number of questions including what systems were in place to ensure items were not double-taxed and why businesses needed to fill out a form to receive the VAT returns. Lewis-Ward said the clarity could come from both the Ministry of Finance and the Barbados Revenue Authority. “So it is a full joint effort I think,” said Lewis-Ward. She said should the measures under the Barbados Economic Recovery and Transformation (BERT) programme fail to rake in the revenues expected, government might have to make adjustments to the basket of goods, which it has already given an indication it would do. Pointing out that the world was moving to more transactional based taxes rather than corporate taxes, Lewis-Ward said the transactional tax was “perhaps cleaner” once the system can accommodate the changes that need to be made and the collection mechanisms are in place. (BT)
NO TIMELINE BUT DEBT DEAL TALKS ON, SAYS WORRELL – Dr Delisle Worrell, the former Central Bank governor who now advises the foreign institutions and investors owed millions by the Government, reported progress in the negotiations on restructuring its debt. But Dr Worrell would not predict a new date by which external creditors were expecting a favourable deal, after Government has missed a March 31 deadline to agree to a plan. It has also not announced a new timeline just yet. Government was hoping to give external creditors, who account for 20 per cent of its overall debt, a cut in interest and payments over a longer period, a similar plan that was reached with local debt holders back in September last year. Asked today by journalists to provide an update on the restructuring plan for US-dollar holders of government debt, Worrell said “discussions are continuing”. Worrell, who last December said the creditors had put forward their own proposal to Government, said the principle they were committed to “a restructuring proposal which works for Barbados, is in the best interest of Barbados, but also works for the creditors”. Pointing out that the external creditors were managing other people’s funds including pensions, Worrell said they were depending on the increments they were getting from their investments in government paper. “They have a responsibility to take care of the people who have put their money with them. So what we are working towards is a win-win situation, a situation which gives the Government space that it doesn’t have to repay the major funds that are becoming due particularly in 2021 and 2022 but which also gives the pension funds a return so that they can pay the people who have contributed to these pensions over the years. “I think there has been progress in the discussions and we are hopeful that based on this principle of achieving a win-win situation.” The former Central Bank governor said while there were “many ways to skin a cat”, he insisted that creditors were not comfortable with the proposal that was initially put forward by Government. He maintained that they wanted to arrive, through a process of negotiation and discussions, at a solution that everyone was comfortable with. The veteran economist warned that the issue was not about the amount of external debt that Government had, but attention should be paid to settling favourably so that Government could attract future investments. Dr Worrell: “If foreign investors do not end up with securities that they are comfortable with, marketable securities that other people will want to buy, then new investment becomes that much more difficult to attract new investment to Barbados. “So the focus should not be on repaying old debt, the focus should be on creating conditions which allow you to borrow more in the future. “If you have a choice between using your future foreign exchange resources to repay old debt and if the investors are saying we are quite happy to roll over that debt if you pay us some acceptable market interest, we don’t need to be repaid so you can use your new foreign exchange resources to actually do new investments rather than to pay old debt. That is the proposition that is before the Government.” Late last week, Deputy Division Chief for the Caribbean II Division of the International Monetary Fund, Bert Van Selm, said it was critical that a deal be reached soon. He argued that it would restore confidence in the economy and improve the country’s ratings by major rating agencies. (BT)
RESLIFE MEETING POSTPONED –The town hall meetings planned for claimants and policyholders of Resolution Life Assurance Company Ltd (ResLife), to update them on the proposed settlement scheme and liquidation of the company, have been postponed until next month. During the March 20, 2019 Financial Statement and Budgetary Proposals by Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Mia Amor Mottley, it was announced that town hall meetings would be staged to inform policyholders on the new settlement scheme proposed by Government for the state-owned entity. These meetings will now take place during the month of May. More details on the dates and times of the sessions will be publicised shortly. Minister in the Ministry of Finance, Ryan Straughn, will lead the interactive sessions, along with key officials from his ministry, the ResLife Board of Directors and Management. (BGIS)
POWER MONOPOLY LICENCE DEAL COMING – The uncertainty around the Barbados Light and Power’s electricity monopoly licence, seen as a possible obstacle to its renewable energy goals, is to be resolved by year-end, Energy Minister Wilfred Abrahams has promised. The disclosure comes as the licence is set to expire two years short of the Government’s 2030 target for total renewable energy as the renewable energy industry urges the licence’s renewal. He revealed that Government was actively engaged in negotiations with BL&P towards a mutually satisfactory conclusion in a matter of months. Abrahams told Barbados TODAY: “We are in the process of working to come to a resolution with all outstanding licence considerations with Barbados Light and Power. You will hear something on that very soon but at this point in time the ministry is actively getting its house in order to start those negotiations. “We are putting ourselves in the position where we have the best advice. The end of the year cannot pass without everything being done, dusted and nailed down.” Back in January, the leader of the renewable energy community urged Government to pick up the pace on key infrastructural and policy changes, failing which the goal of making Barbados 100 per cent dependent on renewable energy by 2030, will amount to nothing more than just fancy talk. The president of the Barbados Renewable Energy Association (BREA), Jerry Franklin, said then that Government must immediately extend Barbados Light and Power’s licence to provide electricity. He explained that it was unreasonable to expect BL&P to make substantial investments in renewable energy infrastructure without assurances since its licence expires in 2028. Said Franklin: “The utility company’s involvement is critical. We cannot do this without the involvement of the utility company and currently their licence expires in nine years. “This might sound like a long time to some people, but I can assure that it is not. They (BL&P) will need to start to make investments to support this transition and they are going to be hesitant to do that if they don’t know if they are even going to be existing in the next 11 years. “So, we strongly believe that the utility’s licence needs to get addressed now so that they can be part of this process in developing the detailed strategy on how we move forward to 100 per cent renewable energy.” But Abrahams emphasised that while Government understood the need for urgency, every precaution will be taken to ensure that no one-sided agreements are struck. The energy minister told Barbados TODAY: “The Barbados Light and Power is going to get their certainty just as everybody else is going to get theirs. The Government of Barbados is not playing around with this. “Equally, any agreement that is made with the Barbados Light and Power has to make sense to the Government as well. It also has to make sense to the people of Barbados. “So, the Government of Barbados is getting the best advice to make sure that whatever licence or structure we use going forward not only makes sense to everyone but also fits into our 2030 policy.” (BT)
WILLIAMS PRAISES CLEAN ENERGY RATE STANDARD – Government’s decision to standardise the rates of return for green energy suppliers to the national grid within the next two months has been given the thumbs up from a major player in renewable energy, Ralph Bizzy Williams. In a Barbados TODAY interview, Williams said that while he has never slowed down his investments in the industry, he blamed the unreliability of rates for chasing away others. The industrialist said: “This is definitely going to give the industry new impetus. This is something that we have been waiting on for a very long time and I would like to publicly thank the Government for finally making a decision. I think it is a brilliant idea and it is exactly what the alternative energy sector needs.” He said that the decision did not come as a surprise and that he had always anticipated that Government would eventually get wise to the needs of the renewable energy industry. “The only thing that held us up was getting licences. We always believe that common sense would eventually prevail,” said Williams. Minister of Energy and Water Resources, Wilfred Abrahams, revealed yesterday that the Fair Trading Commission (FTC) has been given the responsibility to define the feeding tariff for producers who contribute up to one megawatt of electricity to the national grid. The minister explained that investors would be locked into this rate of return for the next 20 years. Abrahams further revealed that the FTC would not be constrained by the feeding tariff pricing structure for larger systems producing over one megawatt. Noting that he expected rates to fall below what is currently being offered, Abrahams gave the assurance that the new permanent rate would ensure that investors receive fair returns, in light of significant reductions in the cost of the technology over the years. Williams said that he had no problem with the rates going down, as it is only fair that the rates reflect changes in the sector. Over the last seven years, the price of solar panels has come down by 60 per cent, he added. He said: “This is how business works, as the cost of the technology decreases the price will come down. This is what we have been talking about all along. “As a matter of fact, I believe that a new tariff should be announced every year and it would come down as the price of the technology comes down. That is what we have been asking for years. “So I have no problem with it at all, systems that are put in after July 6 should get rates based on the cost of technology at that time.” In 2016, the FTC set a temporary rate for the power being sold to the national grid under the RER programme at $0.416/kWh for solar photovoltaic and $0.315/kWh for wind “until such time as a permanent rate may be established”. At the time, the FTC said the decision was taken to increase the capacity limit to 500 kW from 150 kW.  (BT)
HARD ROCK TRIUMPHS - The Mark Maloney-owned Rock Hard Cement has won the final round of a trade dispute with the St Lucy-based Arawak Cement Company. The Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) today settled the longstanding import tax dispute on cement in favour of Rock Hard and the Government of Barbados. The CCJ’s judgment, in its Original Jurisdiction, ruled that the regional tax payable on ‘other hydraulic cement’ imported by Maloney’s company from Portugal and Turkey should be five per cent. Trinidad Cement Limited, the parent company of Arawak Cement in Barbados, brought an action to the CCJ in 2018 against Trinidad and Tobago alleging that that country was mis-classifying Rock Hard Cement as ‘Other Hydraulic Cement’, as opposed to Portland Cement-Building Cement Grey. As a result of this classification, the competing cement manufacturer claimed that Rock Hard Cement was attracting a lower rate of duty than it should. In this regard detailed evidence was obtained from leading international experts on both the composition of cement and its classification, and the interpretation of the Harmonised Commodity Description and Coding System on which the Common External Tariff is based. Subsequent to Rock Hard’s counsel presenting this evidence to the CCJ, both Trinidad Cement Limited and the CARICOM Secretariat argued that the matter of classification falls within the remit of the Council for Trade and Economic Development (“COTED”) and should be decided by COTED. The World Customs Organisation (WCO) which represents 183 customs administrations across the globe that collectively process about 98 per cent of world trade and is the only international organisation with competence in customs matters, was asked by COTED to provide a ruling on the classification of Rock Hard Cement. Both the WCO and COTED subsequently considered the classification of Rock Hard Cement and ruled that Rock Hard Cement is correctly classified as ‘Other Hydraulic Cement’ which attracts 0-5 per cent duty under the Common External Tariff. Rock Hard Cement later said it fully expected the CCJ to uphold the ruling of COTED in the matter of the classification of its product. In its ruling today the CCJ decided that where COTED allowed a member-state to charge taxes higher than the regional tariff on the importation of goods from outside the region, there was no need for the member-state to obtain approval from COTED to revert to the CET.  In 2001, COTED had granted Barbados an exemption in respect of the CET of 0 – 5 per cent, so that this country could apply taxes of 60 per cent to categories of cement described as ‘Other Hydraulic Cement.’ The regional tariff is intended to offer goods produced and distributed in the region an advantage over extra regional imports.  Barbados decided to return to the CET and apply a five per cent on the ‘Other Hydraulic Cement’ imported by Hard Rock Cement Limited. However, the CCJ said that while there was no need for Barbados to obtain approval from COTED to return to the tax, in these circumstances, it should give reasonable notice of its intention to revert to the regional tariff. The CCJ also found that the regional manufacturers of cement who had brought the action against Barbados, had notice for several years and therefore could not succeed in their action. In response, Executive Chairman of Rock Hard Cement Mark Maloney told Barbados TODAY that while his company took the decision not to pass on to consumers the extra cost imposed as a result of the action taken by Arawak Cement, today’s CCJ decision means that this position can now be maintained over the long-term for the benefit of all Barbadians. Since October 2018 Trinidad Cement Company Limited which operates under the name Arawak Cement Limited in Barbados has been steadily increasing its prices. Rock Hard Cement confirmed today its commitment to providing Barbadian consumers with the highest quality cement at an affordable price and is delighted with the decision of the CCJ and the end of the state-owned protectionism for foreign owned monopolies such as Arawak Cement Limited. General Manager of the Arawak Cement Company Yago Castro could not be reached for comment. (BT)
CHERRY’S RECYCLER GUILTY OF TURNING QUARRY TO DUMP – A recycling firm owned by prominent waste hauler Anderson Fat Child Cherry has been found guilty of violating zoning laws by using his quarry near the island’s main water table as a dump. Cherry’s company, Project Recycling Limited, changed the use of his land at the Lower Estate Quarry, St George – originally zoned for mining – for solid waste disposal without the required planning permission, a District “A” Magistrates’ Court found. The offence was committed between November 10 and December 15, 2015. Magistrate Douglas Frederick handed down the ruling today after prosecutor Crown Counsel Oliver Thomas and defence lawyer Derrick Oderson made final submissions in the case brought by then Chief Town Planner Mark Cummins against the recycling company Oderson argued that while there was no dispute that the land was approved for quarrying and mining, his client was not guilty of the charge owing to wording of the development order. The defence lawyer told the court: “Based on this the development order, because quarrying, mining and scrap yard fall within the same use class which is special industry, the change of use within that same class does not require planning permission. So on this basis, any purported change from mining to scrap yard becomes permitted development, changes within the same class do not require permission. It is permitted development. “This is a case about a hole in the ground. It is also a case of a big hole in the prosecution’s case. The charges that the accused changed the use from mining to landfill they have never produced any evidence…. Was the use changed by the accused? We submit no, and even if they had changed that use, did it constitute development? We say no. So the evidence is that the accused found a quarry as a dump.” But the Crown submitted that it had proven its case since the quarry has a designated use, which is for the purposes of mining. Crown prosecutor Thomas said: “Scrap yard is not the same thing as what we are dealing with in this matter…. When you think of scrap yard you think of heavy metal… certainly not a dump. “We are satisfied that there was a change of use of this land … and there is a grave breach of planning control in this matter. It is not relevant as to what the accused found when they started to occupy the premises but that they continued the practice… under occupation…. The Crown has proven its case.” He further argued that the company had also breached sections 36(1) and 40B (5) of the Town and Country Planning Act for failing to adhere to previously issued enforcement and stop notices. Magistrate Frederick agreed, describing the protracted legal issue as “a storm in a tea cup”. In handing down his decision, he reasoned that when Cherry took responsibilty for the property he had doubts and sought advice from different people. But he made it clear there was no dispute that the situation constituted a difference in use. In his ruling, the magistrate ruled: “I think that recycling is now seen as a wholesome activity. It is something good for the environment but you still need that permission and maybe the law has to be updated to deal with that… but there still needs to be regulation of it… because there are various areas that you might not be able to do it in because things could bleach into the aquifers. “But a stop notice means stop… so he really didn’t stop and that’s an aggravating factor. A mitigating factor is that he applied subsequently for permission even though he applied out of time for retention of what he was doing…. The only conflict is this is something that you needed permission for if you were changing the use… so he changed the use of the land and… so he is found guilty.” Project Recycling Limited’s general manager Leslie Weekes also addressed the magistrate saying that the company was currently removing some of the metal piled up at the St George quarry. “It is a fair volume of metal and we do need some time…. I would think about six months,” Weekes said. Appearing for the Town and Country Developing Planning Office, Chief Planning Assistant Jerome Walcott told the court that at last visit to the quarry, water was being dumped in its northeastern section to quell ongoing fires. Walcott said the town planning office’s opinion was that “the material should be moved and dumped at Vaucluse”, which has been zoned for waste in the centre of the island. The case was then adjourned until May 17 when final settlement on the way forward is to be determined. (BT)
PROSECUTE MEN WHO IMPREGNATE CHILDREN – The Government minister who holds responsibility for the protection of the island’s children is disturbed about the worrying trend of schoolgirls being impregnated by “hard back men”. The situation has angered Minister of People Empowerment and Elder Affairs Cynthia Forde and she has called on parents to stop encouraging their under-aged pregnant daughters, not to tell child care authorities who was responsible for their pregnancy. The minister spoke out briefly about the issue this morning, as she delivered remarks at the Lloyd Erskine Sandiford Centre for the launch of the FMH Sandy Lane Charitable Trust Help Line, held. “I am one of the most disturbed mothers, grandmothers, aunties of Barbados because of our young girls are being impregnated, not by school boys alone, because I can understand that, but by hard-back men. I believe this is an integral part of what we have to work towards stamping out, and bring the perpetrators to justice. It is wrong. “Last week I saw about 20 of them. Granted that this year they are a little older than most years. Nobody wants a 14-year-old girl with two babies. I saw two of them last year, in the same environment, on the second baby at 14 years old. “Where are the men? And they are not school boys.  . . Most of those girls are those who are most impoverished and they are the ones that need the help to raise the babies,” Forde said. Following the launch, Forde told Barbados TODAY that this troubling situation cannot be allowed to continue, and indicated that while the Child Care Board, which falls under her ministry, can only do its best to investigate such cases, there was legislation to deal with it. However, the St Thomas Member of Parliament lamented that some parents, particularly mothers, often used their influence on their daughters to convince them not to speak to authorities regarding the men involved. “I want the men locked up,” Forde said. “But I understand that some of the mothers in particular are the ones who are telling the children that ‘I am not going to allow you to reveal who the man is because you are not going to be able to get maintenance for the child’. “I understand that some of them, not all, are the ones who are hiding that information from the police and the Child Care Board, but it has to stop. The Welfare Department will help and the Child Care Board makes sure that provisions are made available for them in terms of day care, so that the girls can go back to school,” she said. Forde noted that she has been meeting some of these young mothers for around 21 years, and it bothered her every time she met with them, especially when they speak to her about the struggles they face in life and the goals they have set for themselves. “It has to stop. Parents need to be more supportive and more responsible for supervising children. I see them every year I do the programme. They are great children. “And they are from all the secondary schools, not just the comprehensive, or what we call the newer secondary schools. It is across the board. It says that parents now have to protect children, teachers have to give them a listening ear, and there are others in the society who have to play their role too,” she said. The minister said she hoped that the Help Line, which is a 24-hour service, at the disposal of children up to 18 years, would be one of the solutions to addressing the worrying trend of teenaged pregnancy in Barbados.  (BT)
THREE HELD IN CONNECTION WITH DRUG SEIZURE - Three people are being questioned in connection with the seizure of cannabis and cocaine from a home at Pegwell, Christ Church today. Members of the Suppressing Criminal Activity Targeting Society (SCATS) Unit conducted an operation in areas “suspected to be locations for the cultivation of cannabis”, a media release said. Three hundred and eight cannabis plants ranging from seedlings to three feet in height and weighing 5.5 pounds with an estimated street value of $11 000, were  recovered from a residence in the area. A quantity of cocaine weighting 10.30 grammes, with an estimated street value of $501.50 was also discovered and taken into police custody. (WN)
ELDERLY MAN BAILED – A 79-year-old retiree who allegedly assaulted a sergeant of police recently is out out on bail. Bertie Robey Brathwaite, of “Magrid” Fordes Road, Brittons Hill, St Michael is also charged with resisting Sergeant Erwin Norville and using the insulting words “you is a blasted idiot” towards the officer as he executed his duty on April 11, 2019. Brathwaite pleaded not guilty to the charges after Magistrate Douglas Fredrick read them and was granted $1,500 bail which he secured with one surety. The case against him continues in the District ‘A’ Magistrates’ Court on September 9, 2019. (BT)
THIEF ADMITS TO STEALING PURSE – A 57-year-old mother of five must be on her best behaviour for the next nine months if she wants to avoid spending three months in prison. Magistrate Douglas Frederick imposed the bond on Janice St Clair, of Princess Royal Avenue, Pine, St Michael today after she spent the past five nights on remand at HMP dodds. She had pleaded guilty in the District ‘A’ Magistrates’ Court last Friday to stealing a Land purse worth $95.99 belonging to Cave Shepherd and Company Limited on April 12. Today she urged the magistrate not to send her back to prison for her crime. “I got a job. I buy house and land . . . . I have five children . . . . if you take away my job I will not be able to pay for the land . . . don’t send me back because of my children,” St Clair explained. Asked her reasons for stealing such an item when she was gainfully employed and had such responsibilities, St Clair told the magistrate: “At the moment you don’t be thinking about them things you does be thinking of what you want in life. . . . I have not eaten since I went up there.” On imposing the bond Frederick warned the accused that she was jeopardizing her future by engaging in such activities. “Hope you recognise where you are going if you continue on this path,” Frederick stated. (BT)
FOUR NEW CHARGES – More theft charges have been brought against a former Barbados Revenue Authority (BRA) female employee almost two years after the first offences were laid. Back in June 2017 Karla Cherese Morris, of Mount Friendship, St Michael was charged with two offences and granted bail with conditions. Today the 35-year-old former BRA administrative assistant, now an event planner, appeared before the District ‘A’ Magistrates’ Court on four new charges. Morris is accused of stealing $11,400 between June 1 and December 31, 2016 and $31,300 between January 2 and April 30, 2017. The monies belonged to the Crown. It is also alleged that during those periods she also dishonestly falsified two records in the Barbados Licensing Authority Administrative and Accounting Computerized System, made or required for the Barbados Revenue Authority Accounting purposes. Morris was not required to plead to the charges after they were read by Magistrate Kristie Cuffy-Sargeant in the No. 2 District ‘A’ Criminal Court today. The falsifying charges carry a dollar amount but her attorney-at-law Arthur Holder told the magistrate that the numbers did not add up. “The arithmetic seems wrong. The math is not right at all,” Holder told the court. In June 2017 Morris appeared before Cuffy-Sargeant and pleaded not guilty to stealing $500 belonging to the Crown as well as dishonestly falsified a BLA computerised record required for the Barbados Revenue Authority Accounting purposes. Her bail amount was increased by $3,000 when she appeared today after there were no objections from police prosecutor, Sergeant Cameron Gibbons. Morris’ travel documents remain with the District ‘A’ Magistrates’ Court and she must also continue to report to the District ‘A’ Police Station every Tuesday and Friday before noon with valid identification. Her matter has been adjourned until September 12, 2019. (BT)
FORMER WICB PRESIDENT ROUSSEAU PASSES –Prominent attorney-at-law and former West Indies Cricket Board (WICB) president Patrick Rousseau passed away last night after a long battle with an illness. Peter Goldson, Managing Partner of the law firm Myers, Fletcher and Gordon, where Rousseau worked for decades, says the staff is shocked by the news.  “They are coming to grips with it … so we’re just trying to digest it. We knew he was ill but I think for many of us it was a surprise and a shock and we’re trying to cope,” said Goldson. Goldson described Rousseau as a visionary, a legal stalwart and a nation builder and cited his work in Jamaica’s bauxite industry. “He was also someone who was a great contributor to national development. He was awarded the Order of Jamaica some years ago and that was because he was someone who was extreme knowledgeable and active in the bauxite industry and worked to put the bauxite industry on a sound footing for Jamaica,” Goldson pointed out.   “He was someone who was multifaceted and who truly made an impact on the development of Jamaica,” he added. (WN)
MORE LAWSUITS – Former chairman of selectors Courtney Browne and two other selectors have joined former assistant bowling coach Vasbert Drakes in pursuing legal action against Cricket West Indies (CWI) for wrongful dismissal. Last night during the local radio programme Mason and Guest, Dominican lawyer Anthony  revealed that he would be representing three former CWI selectors – Courtney Browne, Eldine Baptiste and Lockhart  – who were all fired last week by the newly elected Ricky Skerritt administration. Astaphan explained that his clients former West Indies players Browne and Baptiste along with former Windward Islands opener Sebastian were very troubled by their dismissals. “My clients are very troubled by their dismissal and the manner of their dismissal, particularly the statement made about the quote “the old embedded selection policy which secretly, but actively, victimized some players and banished them from selection consideration,” said Astaphan, who described that statement as being a very serious one. “The senior counsel also said that he intended to examine the contractual agreements signed by Browne and company thoroughly and utilize the labour laws of Antiguan and Barbuda to their fullest extent. “As it relates to the labour code of Antigua and Barbuda, it is whether all the facts and circumstances including the terms of the agreement signed by these good gentlemen who have dedicated their lives to West Indies Cricket constitutes independent contractors or employees under the Antigua and Barbuda labour code. And it is an issue we are looking at externally, carefully, because of the sensitivity of the subject. Bearing in mind what comes as it relates to Mr Browne who was there since 2010, and you haven’t been before every renewal of the contract gone through what is called an employee job assessment? And getting extraordinary marks on matters of ethics and selection and so on. “To be thrown out like that is a commentary of a discriminatory selection policy which he did not set. I think it is a well-known fact that there was a selection criterion either approved or requested by the board and there was a technical team set up with the jurisdictional authority to decide who was eligible or not. That technical team was chaired by the vice-president Emmanuel Nanthan, Jimmy Adams, WIPA representative Hinds [Wavell], the head coaches etc. The board are the ones who made the decision [as to] who is eligible or not, and the selectors were only required to select people who were eligible for selection. And it seems as if these gentlemen have been sent packing because they are those who believe there was an ‘old embedded selection policy which secretly, but actively, victimized some players’ of which Mr Courtney Browne, Mr Baptiste and Sebastian were a part. And that is extraordinary when you consider the findings made initially in the 2014, 2016 assessment by Richard Pybus of Courtney Browne who said Courtney had worked diligently,”  said. However, the chief executive officer of CWI, Johnny Graves, joined the Mason and Guest programme where he countered Astaphan. Graves said at the time when the regional board notified Drakes that his services were no longer needed his contract had already been null and void. “There was a board meeting that took place, and we announced publicly all the changes the board of directors approved. The following morning, the director Jimmy Adams and I called every single person that was going to be affected by those changes because we felt it was appropriate to do that. We then followed up in writing to all of those people that were adversely affected and explained to them the situation and what was happening with their contracts. “But in the case of Vasbert Drakes without going into specifics, Vasbert at the time we called him was not on the contract, so there was no termination of Vasbert’s contract. Vasbert’s contract expired at the end of the England tour. He knows his contract was for the England tour, and that was his engagement. But out of courtesy, we wanted to thank him for his contribution on the English tour and wish him well. We know that within West Indies Cricket or in any professional sport in the world, coaching appointments, selection of players is not something that is guaranteed,” Graves said. Drakes lawyer, Ralph Thorne QC,  said on the same programme that the sacking of his clients was immoral and unlawful and said they would be seeking reinstatement and full compensation. “You don’t call a man of this stature, you don’t call a man who is in charge of this regional enterprise that we love so much, you don’t call him by telephone and say to him that the relationship has come to an end. There is something obscene about it. “I have spoken to an Antiguan lawyer, quite eminent, quite erudite – Ms Ann Henry – who has agreed to manage the matter in Antigua and to act in association with me so that when my presence is required there, I would certainly have the opportunity to revisit Antigua and to pursue this matter to its fullest extent. I am not consumed with arrogance or confidence as Shakespeare said, but I have very strong feelings about the injustice that has been done to Vasbert, and I am prepared,” Thorne said. (BT)
BRAVO FOCUSED ON EXCELLING – Darren Bravo’s childhood dream was to play 100 Test matches. So far, the stylish left-handed batsman who returned to the West Indies Test team in the series against England after a hiatus of two years has featured in 52 Tests for the West Indies so far.  And he says that it is his intention to be as consistent as possible each time he goes to crease in his quest to reach this goal and firmly establish a place in the team. “As a kid growing up my dream was always to play 100 Test matches for the West Indies and that is still my ultimate goal. I guess I have some work to put in to achieve my dream. I will be doing whatever I have to do whenever I am given the opportunity to play for the West Indies. I have to try to be as consistent as possible. I want to cement my role in the team and try to win matches for the West Indies,” Bravo told the media during a break in training at the 3Ws Oval yesterday. “I think it is the dream of any young player to represent the West Indies, and even though I have played over 50 Test matches, I still dream about stepping out on the field and playing for the West Indies. It is always good to wear West Indies’ colours,” he added. Bravo who is a member of the West Indies camp that has been training for the past three days for the One-Day International Tri-nation Series against Ireland and Bangladesh next month, said the session under the guidance of interim head coach Floyd Reifer had been great so far. “It has been hard work, fitness-wise and otherwise. The coach outlines what he wants from us, we are trying to come up with the brand of cricket we want to play moving forward.  The guys have been working on their technique as much as possible. Ramnaresh Sarwan has joined us as a mentor to help us with our batting and he has been doing a tremendous job so far. I had a couple of sessions with him that went really well. I hope he will go to Ireland with us, because I believe that with a young batting team like we are someone of Sarwan’s stature will mean a lot to us,” Bravo said. Bravo, who has played 102 ODIs, said while he was looking forward to the tri-nation series in Ireland and noted it was going to be tough. “The conditions will be foreign to us, I hope when the team get there we adjust as quickly as possible. I think that with the quality of our team we will do well in the series,” he stated. He described the recent ODI series against England as a fantastic one for the regional team and lauded the leadership of captain Jason Holder and the batting of veteran opener Chris Gayle. “I think it was a fantastic series for us as a team. We were led brilliantly by Jason (Holder) and Chris (Gayle) set the tone at the top of the order which gave us the motivation to go out there and perform against the best ODI  team in the world.  It was a very good series and I am happy that it was very competitive and it should give us confidence going  forward into the World Cup,” Bravo said. He acknowledged that most of the teams in the World Cup were quality teams but pointed out that no one gave the West Indies a chance in the ODI matches against England and yet the series was drawn. “We are capable of winning the World Cup, but the team must concentrate on the plans we have made as a unit which will be the most important thing.  We are not going to focus very much on the opposition. We have certain plans and roles we have to execute. Once we get them right I believe the results will take care of themselves. No one gave us a chance against England and we went out there and prove that we can beat the best team in the world. We just got to continue to believe in ourselves and anything is possible,” Bravo said. (BT)
JOFRA ARCHER’S DREAM REALIZED – Jofra Archer says that he has been “overwhelmed” by the speed of his elevation to England’s one-day squad, only weeks after becoming eligible to represent the country. His only focus, however, is on his debut series against Ireland and Pakistan next month, and says he is not looking to “step on any toes” in a bid for World Cup recognition. Archer was omitted from the preliminary 15-man World Cup squad that was named by Ed Smith, the national selector, at Lord’s today, but included in an expanded 17-man party for the five ODIs against Pakistan, alongside his Sussex team-mate, Barbadian-born England international Chris Jordan. He now looks set to make his England debut in the one-off ODI against Ireland in Dublin on May 3. And with Smith confirming that a strong showing from Archer could yet propel him into the final World Cup squad, which doesn’t have to be named until May 23, he knows the stage is his should he be ready to seize it. “I’m going to give it my best shot,” Archer said. “I’ve worked pretty much all my life for this moment and I just want to tackle it and put my best foot forward. It should be a good series. Hopefully I get a chance to play and do myself justice. “I’m not in the World Cup squad but it’s a great chance for me to show what I can do and anything can happen. If someone gets injured, I want to put myself in a position where I’m the first person they turn to.” His rise to prominence comes only months after the ECB relaxed their qualification period for foreign-born players from seven years to three, meaning that Archer – who was born in Barbados but holds a British passport – was suddenly in the World Cup running, having initially expected to have to wait to play for England until 2022-23. “It’s been an exciting three months but I’m surprised by how fast everything has happened,” he said. “I was fully prepared in my mind that it was going to be a seven-year job. When I found out I was qualified more quickly it was obviously a bit of a shock but also exciting. “But the goal has never changed, which has always been to become the best cricketer I can and hopefully play for England whenever I was eligible. “It’s always been about playing for England for me and I always made that very clear. I was prepared to wait but thankfully the chance has come sooner.” Archer’s availability has not been met with universal approval from his prospective England team-mates, with many of the fast bowlers who have helped the team rise to become the No.1 ODI team now fearing that they will be the ones to miss out on the eve of the World Cup. And though Archer said that he could understand the reticence from the likes of David Willey and Mark Wood, he insisted he was not out to “step on anyone’s toes”. “This is a great England team that has been playing very well for a number of years leading into the World Cup,” he said. “I understand the situation and I’m very happy with everything. I don’t want to step on anyone’s toes, the squad selected for the World Cup deserve it and my job is to do my very best against Pakistan. “It’s already above and beyond my expectations and I’m just looking forward to meeting the team and playing cricket for England. “It’s not all about the World Cup for me right now, it’s about playing against Pakistan which is what I’ve been selected for. It will still be the highlight of my career to play for England in the series against Pakistan.“Of course I want to play in the World Cup, but if it doesn’t happen for me I’m not going to get upset. I’m just so excited to play against Pakistan and this is a position I didn’t imagine I would be in at this stage.” Archer learned of his call-up ahead of Rajasthan Royals’ IPL clash with Kings XI Punjab in Mohali on Tuesday, and celebrated the feat with a superb spell of 3 for 15 in four overs – a performance that augured well for the scrutiny to come. “It feels really overwhelming. I didn’t expect to ever be good enough to play for England until the last couple of years after I started doing well in T20 tournaments and it’s been a whirlwind period for me,” he said. “It’s really good to be acknowledged for what I’m doing, but it’s hard to put the feeling into words. “I honestly thought I would have to wait a couple more years before I would be in contention for the full squad, I thought I would have to play for the Lions or something like that. So when [Ed Smith] called I was honestly surprised and it was overwhelming for me. I had heard all the rumours and chatter but I was playing cricket and didn’t give myself too much time to think about it. “Cricket kept me distracted which was a good thing, because I didn’t’ really want to speak about it or get caught up in all the stuff around it.” Archer will link up with his England team-mates at the end of April, where he will have three very familiar faces around him – his Rajasthan team-mates, Jos Buttler and Ben Stokes (who last week described him as “the most naturally gifted bowler I’ve seen”) and Jordan. Archer was effusive about Jordan. “He’s been a part of every major cricketing feat I’ve had. My debut at Sussex, my first franchise tournament in Bangladesh, he was there in the Big Bash… he’s always been there every time I’ve done something in cricket. “It would be a hugely proud moment to play with CJ for England, it’s definitely something we have talked about. We’ve done so much together, we’ve supported each other every step of the way and he deserves his call-up for the Pakistan series.”  (BT)
SPURS, LIVERPOOL IN CHAMPIONS LEAGUE SEMIS – After an astonishing encounter at the Etihad Stadium, Tottenham Hotspur reached the semi-finals of the Champions League on away goals following a 4-3 defeat to Manchester City on Wednesday. Spurs, who won the first leg 1-0 and progressed after the tie finished 4-4 on aggregate, will play Ajax Amsterdam for a place in the final against Liverpool or Barcelona after one of the most remarkable matches in the competition’s history. (WN)
IN SHOCK – The community of Lower Carlton, St James has lost a man who many have described as a father figure, brother and friend. They have also been overcome with disbelief that Colin Junior Farley who appeared to be “perfectly healthy” collapsed and died suddenly. Black flags respectfully adorned street poles between the 3rd and 4th avenues of Lower Carlton and a large crowd gathered at the spot where 51-year-old Colin would eat, drink and socialize, to mourn his passing. Farley, an employee of Pizza Man Doc was in the storeroom of the restaurant’s Sheraton Centre branch when he reportedly collapsed and fell unconscious. Efforts to revive him were unsuccessful and some from the community, including his brother Ian Die Hard Farley made the long journey to Christ Church, where their greatest fears were realized. Nearly 12 hours later, reality was setting in for those who knew him best. The chorus of wailing which engulfed the community the night before was reduced to sobbing as family and friends reminisced about the life of a man who they say would never allow them to go hungry. “When I heard the news I said I have to go and see that for myself, because the way how I left him, I know that he was good. He was healthy; he would drink a little social drink and say he was going home, because he was no drinker,” revealed his brother, Ian. With pain in his voice, he said: “I know he has gone to a good place, but it still hurts. Every time I pour a drink or anytime I think about him, I know he will be here. “I spent time with him the night before he died, but he will still be here with me all the time. I already told him so last night. I grabbed him and although he was dead, I told him that he will be with me all the time,” said the younger brother. In fact, Ian and others confirmed that for years, Colin would use his talent in the kitchen to feed many of the people around him. “He gave me the first pepperpot in my life,” remarked another friend. “The first person that has ever given me cow heel soup and I enjoyed it. He was famous for his pizza, but he used to make everything. He used to make pizza, cooked food for us and made us feel happy. We used to have a good time down here and he was our friend, family, our brother and our uncle.” To demonstrate their level of disbelief at the turn of events, neighbours recounted just two weeks prior, Colin, a fun-loving man challenged some of the younger men in the community to a race and won, solidifying in their minds, how healthy he was. “He is one of the greatest men I have ever known. We raced from the house down there to here and the man beat me. I am 36 years old and he is 51 years old and he beat me out here two Sundays ago and told me that I was getting old and popped down and they laughed at me so bad,” remembered the young man as he smiled. Others recalled Colin as an avid supporter of English Football Club Manchester United who would support the team through thick and thin. Another neighbour, Evelyn Hyppolite recalled that it was Colin’s idea to start a community potluck on Sundays to ensure that everyone was able to enjoy a good Sunday lunch. “We all would go to the beach on Sundays and he was concerned that not everybody was getting something to eat and he brought up the idea of cooking on Sundays,” she said. “Once you see Colin Farley, you know there would always be somebody there to make you laugh. If he had to tell off somebody, he would do it but you would never hear him out loud being disrespectful to people, at least not to me or in my presence. He was always mannerly and always responsible,” she said as she recalled him in his younger days as a student at the St James Mixed School. After school he went to work at Pizza Man Doc’s Speightstown branch. “He had to look after his younger sister and brother from a young age and he never went to school without them and he never came home without them,” she said. Others said they could count on Colin to collect them from anywhere if they were in a desperate situation or to take them to the hospital at any time if they felt ill. Also among those mourning his loss are both of his parents, two children, a grandchild, his girlfriend and a stepson.  (BT)
For daily or breaking news reports follow us on Instagram, Tumblr, Twitter & Facebook. That’s all for today folks. There are 257 days left in the year. Shalom! #thechasefilesdailynewscap #thechasefiles# dailynewscapsbythechasefiles
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Day 30-35
6-13-17 Day 30: I was told that I wasn't approved to leave a week before my sign off date for my cousins wedding and papas birthday. My mom already bought my plane ticket and everything. My mom emailed the lady who denied the request so hopefully something can be changed. We're technically over staffed so there's no reason for it to not get approved. I would only be leaving a week early, that's it. I also went to st Nicholas (the resort) and laid out. It was so relaxing. And it feels good to wake up and not sleep all day. After work me and Rain went to the crew mess to see what food they had. We started walking and saw something weird from the side door. So we kept walking and sitting there was an entire pig completely cooked and cut open. It was terrifying. And it was stuffed with all of this weird stuff. I completely lost my appetite. Tomorrow is day at sea so it's gonna be a long day. And of course I'm still awake at 3am. It's hard when I don't get off until 1ish and I'm wide awake. 6-14-17 Day 31: sea days fucking suck. I started at the slide. We have 3 with only a worker at 2 of them. Some random worker comes up to me and just hands me a walkie talkie and then walks away. Doesn't say a word. I was switching through all of the channels until I finally heard a police signal. They were looking for a red mustang and were saying all of these codes. I was so confused. Finally I found a worker and asked him which station I should be on. I then had a parent come up to me complaining about how there wasn't an attendant on the little slide. He said there were tons of kids getting hurts as well as one of his. He was not happy and was putting it out on me. I apologized and said I would let someone know. And at this time I didn't know which channel we were supposed to use for the walkie talkie. The communication here is terrible. And the language barrier obviously doesn't help. Some girl came up to me and said you're the first American worker I've met! Which is true. We have a steward that comes and makes our beds everyday and changes the towels. For the past 4 days he's come in and made my bed as well as given us fresh towels but has not touched rains bed. We never see our steward so we haven't been able to ask him. It's so confusing yet so humorous at the same time. Our room looks so nice and then rains bed is all over the place because he hasn't touched it! We have this thing where guests can submit feedback and if they mention our name we get a shout out. If we get 10 shout outs we get a day off. I got 2 last week and 1 this week. It seriously feels so good that I was the reason someone had an amazing vacation. And that these guests went out of their way to recognize me and my hard work. A mom came in today and gave me and Alina gifts. They were rocks she had painted herself. They were so cool. She was Israeli too 😋 I met a family in camp today. They have 9 kids and another one that passed away. Their mom home schools them because they're moving to Honduras in September for a mission trip and are living there for a year. The oldest is 21 and the youngest is 1. It's so cool to get to know these families. And when the kids hug us goodbye and the parents thank us and truly mean it, it's means the world to me. I also met another family with 9 kids. It's crazy to me. And the youngest 2 were twins and were so cute yet so annoying. I miss my kids back at home so much. Typical kids are so annoying and have so much drama. My kids at home are exciting and bring something new to me everyday. There's actually a huge amount of kids who come on the boat who have autism but I don't always have them in my age group. Right now it's 3:03am. I went to crew bar after work. I met a new girl a few days ago from Tennessee. Her name is Candace. She sings in one of the bands. She's super nice and I love having another American around. Because she's a singer she has her own room. Today we got a list of boats and the positions they need. Rain and Alina are signing on to the breeze in September and October. That boat has a circle c position starting in November which is a huge possibility for me. I need to request it tomorrow before it's too late. I need to find somewhere to bring my laptop and eat where there's good wifi. Thankfully packages will come tomorrow too. I haven't been taking a few of my medications the past few days because I ran out and they didn't get here in time. Which is probably why I had a bladder spasm today and yesterday. NOT GOOD. Also got some paperwork today that said MR again. I've corrected them so many times and they can't get it right. Kinda like the Filipinos (I finally spelled it right) who don't know the difference between he and she and her and him. The notes they write to the parents are comical. "You child great. She love play with toy. The boy make a friend and has polite." No joke that's what they say. There's also tons of mistakes in the schedules we give out to guests which is super frustrating. This week my name wasn't on the schedules given out to the parents which sucks because they reference those when it comes to writing reviews. There was names of 2 girls who I've never even met...aka they were on the boat 2 months ago. If I see a mistake I just circle it and put it on our supervisors desk so she doesn't know who did it. Oops 😶 I want it to be tomorrow so I can sleep and get stuff done! I also forgot to write about what happened this morning. In the Kiera of my dead sleep I hear loud weird music. I sit up and realize it's coming from the announcements. The bridge (where the captains are) accidentally turned their awful music on and everyone who was in their cabins could hear it. It went on for a good hour as I smashed my head between the pillows. It was comical at first and then I was just flat out furious. 6-15-17 Day 32: today I got off in Long Beach by myself. I took an uber to a local outlet mall where I sat at Starbucks and got some stuff done with the wifi. We were given a list of positions needing to be filled for the rest of the year so I went and did some research on all the boats. I also set up my account on how to get paid from here. They give us a debit card that the money goes on. We can do direct deposit but it wasn't working for me :/ I also sent my dad a Father's Day gift card online. Then I went across the street and ate at California pizza kitchen. I got to face time my mom and update my phone and stuff. Then I learned there's a bus that I could've used for free that goes from the terminal to the outlets. Poop. I didn't know how to use it though so I just took an uber back too. I asked my supervisor about requesting a boat and she said I can't do it until I have my evaluation. When I asked her when my evaluation would be she said "before you leave" well no fucking shit before I leave. I told her the position I want is going to be taken by then and she didn't respond and just kept looking at her computer. She's such a shitty person it's like humorous. We have this other lady we work with who acts like she's our supervisor and she's not. I've literally never even had a conversation with her yet she thinks she can boss us all around. She confronted me about how I turned off the tv and how I didn't do it right. There was a sign saying to not turn off with a certain button and that's the one I turned it off with. Obviously if I would've saw it I wouldn't have touched it. It was a mistake lady...speaking of mistakes, so we are all required to write notes to the parents about their kids and how they've been doing (it's meant to help us get good ratings) well today I decided to read some and I was totally taken aback. These people do not know how to speak English. I felt embarrassed giving them out to the parents because the letters make absolutely no sense at all. It's so awkward. And one of the ladies wrote all the same things on all the cards and put a line where a name would be. Once she met the kids she went in and wrote their names on the line. Like obviously a parent is gonna know what that means, it means everyone is being given the same card and they're just going in and writing all the names down which isn't the point of them. Went to go pick up my packages today and my medication still isn't here. So I haven't been on 3 of my medications since Sunday. And my mom called Sunday and they said they would over night them here which obviously didn't happen. None of them are super serious but I've definitely been getting bladder spasms now that I'm off one of the medications. I'm also off my thyroid medicine as well as my medication that helps me stay awake during the day. I'll have to call my mom tomorrow and tell her but there's nothing she can do because we can't get mail until Sunday. 6-17-17 Day 34: I had no time to post yesterday. I've been so exhausted I sleep every chance I can. Even when I need to eat a meal or shower I've just been sleeping instead because it's so needed. There's been so much unnecessary drama around here it's crazy. Yesterday we had a mom come in asking to talk to "Ms Candy" because supposedly she called her daughter big and chubby. We apologized to the mom on behalf of ms candy (she wasn't there anymore) and explained to her that there's a language barrier and was probably the main reason behind the comment. The mom was understanding but that's hard for a 10 year old girl to hear. I can't believe our playlist cast is leaving tomorrow. I've gotten to know all 8 of them so well. It's very bittersweet. I'm excited to see how the new cast performs though. It's hard to imagine that anyone could possibly do any better than what we have now. I met a family yesterday who has 5 biological children and fosters 3 on top of that. And their youngest son has autism, so of course I'm already obsessed with them. It's crazy how many kids come on the boat who have autism. I love being able to interact with them. Everyone always asks me advice on how to work with them and make it a great experience for the child. I seriously talk about my kids back at home so much I feel like everyone is so sick of hearing it lol. I saw a shit ton of dolphins today. They were right next to the boat. I might get off tomorrow and go to the beach at Long Beach. I HAVE to get my hair cut it's like humorous how awful it looks. It's like I'm a human paintbrush and my hair is the bristles. Rain did my laundry with hers :p so blessed lol. I went to the candy store today on board. They have the cutest stuff there. They're starting to put them on all the ships. We have some people from the office on the boat. They told us that they have 4 new boats that they're working on. They said eventually they're gonna have a boat that sails to china. I'm actually really content on work at the moment. Yeah I'm really tired but moving in with Rain has helped a lot. It feels good to have someone I can go do stuff with and I conveniently always know where she is. There's obviously a lot of negatives about my work environment and my supervisor who has a stick up her fucking ass, but there's so many positives that come with it as well that make this experience so much fun. I worked night owls this whole week (10pm-1am) last pickup time is 1245 and the parents are told this every time. Yet we still are calling parents at 1 having to remind them that their children are in our care and they need to come pick them up. It's so irresponsible. And half the time the parents are wasted. Parents are also allowed to check out a phone but just return them before 10pm on the last night which never happens either. Tonight one of the late parents came in and literally just threw his trash on the ground. These poor kids are passed the fuck out, so tired, and their parents leave them there all night. I'm off now and I'm eating at crew mess alone. Which I'm okay with besides the stares. I've had a headache all day though so I needed to eat something. We have to be at a meeting tomorrow at 930 to meet with some people from the office. I seriously need to sleep in so badly but not sure when that's gonna happen. I start in circle c tomorrow. It's so weird switching back and forth. And being alone in there is hard as well. Especially during high count which is now. 6-19-17 Day 35: I finally got my haircut yesterday. Winslow picked me up. Got about 3-4 inches off. The lady charged me way too much though and she didn't even wash my hair. I was so mad. I didn't question it though because I was in a rush ugh. I started my week at circle c yesterday. No joke had 30-40 kids in there at one time it was not okay. One of the moms asked if I was alone and when I said yes I could tell she was worried for me. She told me I was doing a good job though which was nice. A lot of the kids think they're too cool for my club and it makes me so mad. Like then don't come if you think it's too babyish. I got to sleep in today 🙌🏾 I had a training at 130 that only lasted 30 minutes. Such a waste of time I could've been sleeping! It was an environment training. They train us on the weirdest things. Yesterday 2 of the people from the office came. They're the ones that hired me. I talked to one of them about not getting approved to leave for my cousins wedding and she's going to look more into it for me. She thinks the week I'm requesting to leave we'll actually be overstaffed because of an event on board so it may work in my favor! We got to talk to one of the ladies about issues we're having. She said Circle c is going to be getting an iPad that kids can request songs on. Right now we're using cds...and the most recent is from 2015. The office thought we had one this entire time...she was also confused as to why I was only here for 3 months and why I'm switching on and off from camp to circle c every week. Seems like the office doesn't know their shit. Even today when I signed in at my training it said my position was club O2. And the other day one of my papers said MR. So frustrating. It's 230 and I have work at 4. I'm gonna take a nap because I have nothing else to do and I'm tired af. Tonight I got to see the rock show with the new cast. Not. Good. They don't even come close to our old cast. It kinda made me so sad. People come and go here so fast it sucks. I have 2 brothers in my club. One of them has autism and the other one supposedly doesn't. The one who "doesn't" is out of control. He is constantly in my space and not listening to me. He asked me for just dance 16. I told him we didn't have it. He asked me at least 4 more times why we don't have it and if we have it. I told him no and then he asks if he can look in the office just to make sure we don't have it. I told him no and that they are not allowed in there in which he walked right in. There's also been numerous times where I've been talking to a parent and he'll come over and interrupt because he wants me to do something. I don't have a problem with having him in the club but I wish his parents would use a little common sense and supervise their kids more. They come and go as they please which is okay, but the mom never knows where they are and doesn't understand how their behavior towards me and the other kids is hard on everyone. At first the boys registered themselves so we didn't even know that one of them had a disability. On top of that I have tons of kids this cruise which makes it hard and I'm getting sick.
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