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oasisoptimization · 4 years ago
How To Find Out If People Don’t Like Your E-com Website
When was the last time you went through your website’s checkout process as a customer?
If you haven’t then I highly recommend you do it. 
Interacting with your site only from the backend won’t let you know the user experience.
Conversion Crimes offers a second pair of eyes to find out all the bumpy parts of your website that might be driving customers away
If you need help with this, head over to https://oasisoptimization.com/
OK, first of all, I hope that they do, but I think we’ve all been there or you’re like me and you just want to test, you want to know maybe where the bumpy parts are at. So if that’s something that you haven’t done, then I highly suggest you try it yourself. Have you used your own check-out service? Have you drink your own Kool-Aid? Go and do that and check it out. There’s a reason that I “mystery shop” new clients. I go through and when I start working with them, I go and buy a product.
If I can’t use it, I call a friend, call a family member who I think would be interested and I order it to them. But what I do is take screenshots or I take notes or I’ll record like a loom video of going through their process, does anything stand out all the way from just visiting the website, how is the load time to selecting the product, was it easy to find? Did I find the variation or the size I wanted?
And then, of course, critically, the checkout process. Was a checkout process in any way confusing? Once I purchased, did it make sense? Did they send me an order confirmation email? Did the page I landed on make sense? Did it have any useful information? Anything like that. And this can be really, really important and it’s even better. It’s a low hanging fruit a lot of time.
The stuff is not complicated, but I find out that a lot of business owners and understandably we get so involved in our business we’re not thinking of it from the user experience standpoint. And it may not be that complicated. There may not be something we think like, oh, maybe something’s broken with the code or we need a better theme. And it just turns out that the process sucks and we haven’t used it ourselves. And again, this is something that could be time consuming, but we need to remind ourselves that that’s something important to do. Now, if you want fresh eyes on it, I am happy to help.
But also there’s a really cool service out there you can visit at conversioncrimes.com. It’s something that I’m going to start using and recently had a talk with the owner and that’s part of what they do in addition to offering a lot of conversion rate optimization services, but also going through, you can kind of tell them, lay out a test like, hey, here’s what I’d like you to look for. Go ahead and start the checkout. Do this, do that, find this thing and they record it.
And will also tell you, just going through what was the process like. Did they have any issues? What did they notice? Where were the hiccups at? Did they get confused on a button or things like that? All that stuff that can add up to people leaving your website. And maybe it’s not that they don’t like it, maybe it’s just that it can be hard to use and they’re going to go somewhere else. So anyway, that is it.
This can be a really simple one on the very simple end, I would tell you to, hey, maybe once a month, once every quarter at the least go through. And I use the phrase earlier, but drink your own Kool-Aid, go through and either start to checkout or go ahead and purchase the product. How long has it been since you’ve kind of done this for yourself and see what it’s like from the customer side or get someone to do it for you and tell you about it.
And from there you can find the low hanging fruit. If your website is slow to load, you can work on that. Maybe your checkout process is really confusing. Work at each step, start at the beginning, fix it, go on to the next step, fix it and go from there. Hire you someone like conversioncrimes.com to go through and do this for you and write up a report and help you do that. So if I can help you with any of this, please get in touch with me at Oasisoptimization.com.
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oasisoptimization · 4 years ago
The First Step To Building A Funnel
When creating a new funnel, the very first thing you should do probably isn’t what you’re thinking.
If you need help with your funnel creation, head over to https:www.oasisoptimization.com
What is the very first step to building a funnel? I know in the past for myself it’s been like, well, I’ve got to get in Clickfunnels and lay it out or I’ve got to have the copy written before I build the funnel. And a lot of times we get into trouble where we’re starting to get ahead of ourselves. So I want to tell you a little bit about that today. I’m Adam Moody if you haven’t watched any of my videos before with Oasis Optimization, if you’d like help with your funnels, with your email marketing, with your conversion rate optimization, head over to Oasisoptimization.com to find out more about how I can help you.
Now, there’s something we should all be doing. And again, whether we’re doing it ourselves, whether we’re having someone do it for us. But I know we all get in a rush, like, well, we’ve got this funnel, we’re ready to go. But something we should be doing is really planning it out. You probably shouldn’t be building your funnel out straight from your head into the funnel software. I know that there is people who can do that, and that’s great.
But as probably a business owner, if you have an e-commerce store, maybe you’re starting a business. What you should be doing is mapping it out and getting that out of your head first so that you can make those first-order changes. It’s kind of the 80-20 rule at work in the sense that if you just put it down on the page, on whatever the page builder you’re using like Clickfunnels or Kartra or Groovefunnels or WordPress, whatever it is, there’s going to be things that you’re going to see immediately that need to be changing.
And so what you can do is spend a little bit of time to get a lot of time saved. And this is something I used with Oasis Optimization. I’d sketch it out, basically based using best practices. And again, for yourself, you might already know, hey, this is what my subscribers like. This is what my industry typically uses. If not, you can build that up over time so you can get quicker at doing this, but you can roughly see what the page is going to look like, see where some issues might be, where things may be lacking, and then you can change that up before you either pass it on to get it built by maybe an external team or if you’re doing it yourself.
You save yourself the trouble of having to go in and redo stuff. I mean, some of the editors are fantastic these days, but it’s still really time-consuming. So what I’m going to show you now is a little tool I like to use is called Miro. You can get started using it for free. There’s a link down below. Let’s go and check that out and you can see how easy this is to use.
This is Miro’s homepage, you can come over here, check it out, they’ve got tons of information if you want to dive into that, but you can get started again and create a free account. And we’re just going to kind of jump into one. Now, over here, you can see you’ve got a cool viewer where you can quickly click and go somewhere. But I’m just moved off to the side, so I want to show you how easy it is to really get started with this.
Now, if you’re working on your own, I got nothing against doing pen and paper drawings. That’s something I have done and still do. But when you start working with a team, it’s generally better to have something digital just for not only the workflow, but also so again, if even if you’re by yourself, so you can come back to it later and say, hey, what did we do for Black Friday last year? What did we do for this one funnel? So that you don’t have to reinvent the wheel every time and you have a little bit of a history about what you’ve done and can go back and really easily recreate things.
But to give you an idea of how easy this is, we can just click, you can select your basic shapes. And we can just start. We can say, OK, this is a page or a section. We could add some text in here and call this title goes here. You can easily change the font size. Woah, going a little crazy there. You can let’s say we want to come back here and we want to center things.
You can see where it’s got the guidelines, which is really handy. So, again, the idea isn’t to be perfect and build the entire funnel. It’s a lot of times just to get that layout and say, what does this have? What is this? Is this a text area? What goes where, really get things out of our head and to get things laid out in a way that we know will work and maybe we add some well rounded buttons in here and move things around that we weren’t supposed to.
But you get the idea. Don’t want to go through here and give you a tutorial on how to click and drag stuff. But this can be done really quick. If I wasn’t talking and I could concentrate, we could probably layout a short landing page in like literally a minute or two and then maybe we could go out and just like doing some sort of funnel hacking or going and looking at other people’s best practices. Hey, what are the elements on this type of a page?
Do I have a reference document? And if not, learn from those who have done well around you. Maybe we see that they have a button here and then they’ve got bullet points and then another call to action button. It makes it really easy to lay these out. And then you can end up with something like this where, you know, here’s a layout for a Black Friday sales page. And we can see that we’ve got this laid out and this doesn’t take that long.
And it looks pretty nice. Now, we’ve got this to go back to every year. All right. So we’ve got this nice handy layout and now we can get to it and start building the funnel. And you can even see here, it doesn’t even match up perfectly. And that’s fine. This is not meant to be some beautiful thing. This is meant to be a guide so that now you can go and take the funnel and build it out much more quickly instead of just trying to get it out of your head and get it right the first time.
We definitely made changes to this over time and then reflected that in the funnel so that the end result was done right the first time. So if you haven’t yet, I highly suggest doing this for the first step in building out any funnel. That saves you a lot of time, a lot of headaches, especially if you’re working with other people, whether it’s internal or external. And if you’d like help with any of this, if you have questions about funnels, about email marketing, conversion rate optimization, you can get in touch with me at Oasisoptimization.com.
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oasisoptimization · 4 years ago
How To Use Email To Connect With Customers And Build A Valuable Brand
Connecting with your customers should be one of your top priorities, and what better way to do it than emails? 
If you need help with your email marketing, head over to https://www.oasisoptimization.com
Hello, I’m Adam Moody with Oasis Optimization. Sorry, I can’t even keep a straight face, that’s just not me, but I wanted to try and have a little fun, but I want to talk a little bit about what you could do or what you might want to be doing to grow your brand through email in order to result in higher lifetime value clients that really kind of identify with your brand. And so just to put this in plainer language, are you doing anything through email that’s going to result in either your existing subscribers or clients becoming higher lifetime value? That is spending more money with you and really identifying with your brand, not just saying like you’re the faceless business they go with to buy their thing, actually forming a connection because when that happens, a lot of things change as it’s said, it’s a game-changer.
But it’s true because they form that connection with you, with your brand, and they will pay higher prices. They will defend you. There’s a lot more that will happen. And, of course, it could be abused. That’s not what I’m suggesting. But everyone wants to connect. I enjoy hearing from brands that I know actually care and have good customer service and understand that I am their customer and they should treat me well so that this works in the real world.
So, you know, the first thing first. Are you sharing any stories with them? This is something I see with a lot of e-commerce emails. They’re done very well. And a lot of times they don’t have to be complicated, but all it is, is just like brightly colored emails that attract the eyeball and one sentence talking about a sale and a bunch of pictures. And, you know, that works in certain areas. But it’s not going to really build the brand loyalty.
It’s not going to let your customers connect with the brand and connect with you. Maybe you can tell the stories with every company, every brand. There’s a story behind that. Let’s use the fashion. Why not? Yeah, well, let’s go with maybe a jeans company. So they have jeans. You know what’s going on. You may say like there’s nothing to talk about. Of course there is. Do you sell a specific brand of jeans that focuses on like one niche in the industry or do you like is a work pants or do you sell like really trendy jeans to a certain age group?
What are they interested in? If they’re interested in that, they’re interested in not just jeans. So I can speak more to the work jeans or work pants type of crowd. What else are they interested in? It could be something as simple as the types of work that gets done. It could be other items of clothing and it could be behind the scenes as well, like telling them about what’s going on with the business. It doesn’t mean sharing your shipping delay problem and how you’re solving that, although that would probably be good to figure out.
But sharing your stories and the brand story. So we’re going to get into their stories in a minute. I just want to focus on a little bit of sharing about what’s up with your business, your brand. That goes a long way. And there’s no really right or wrong way to do this in the sense that you need to try out and find your own voice a little bit. And you should probably understand, if you understand your market, you’ll know a little bit about, OK, here’s kind of the direction I should start in and then you can adjust course as you go.
Now, secondly, of course, are you letting them, subscribers and clients, share their stories with you? And you may think, well, that’s not really done via email, but and while that may not be the case directly, it is. You can ask them to share with you. You do this all the time through asking for reviews. I ordered coffee online two weeks ago. I got an email today saying, hey, how is the experience?
That’s just like the very surface level example of this. That’s great, because there’s other places that don’t even do that. Kind of ordered coffee from you could ask for pictures, right. Using your product or service or maybe just placing it somewhere like, hey, send us a picture of your coffee when you get it next to your coffee grinder or your coffee brewer. And you can incentivize this. Hey, we’ll draw a winner each month from everyone who sends in a picture from us and we’ll give them a free pound of coffee or something like that.
Also, you could do the same through video. And this doesn’t even have to be strictly reviews or testimonials. I think that’s good, though, to get those. But just ask them for that up-front. And it doesn’t have to just be that one post-purchase email. You could do this as a campaign. This could be done in multiple automations or flows. And just asking people, because I would hope that as a business owner or somebody help building a brand that you’re interested in how people use your products, what their stories are with them.
Because, one, it’s interesting. And, two, it’s going to really help you identify your best customers, understand what really drives them to use and buy your products. And their language and how to speak and really message effectively to them. OK, and last but not least, are you providing value and not just asking for the sale all the time?. So in the beginning of the video, I was talking about some of the emails I see where it’s just like a one-liner and hey, we’re having a sale.
And that’s basically the only emails you get. It’s not hard to provide a little bit of information. You know, could you and I say value, but this can take all forms. It’s not just I have to give, give, give, but is there related information? You know, we talked about work pants, you know, is there something you could do about how to best care for them if they become like all clothes do if they have a rip, a tear, you know, maybe there’s an effective way to repair them.
That would go a long way. Instead of saying, you know, if you get a tiny hole, you better just pay us and buy some more. Really trying to help them and understand what they want. And there’s all sorts of things you can do about this. Look for questions people are asking around your products, your services. I mean, you can do this by going to Google and starting to type in maybe the product name or the product type and seeing what kind of things are the auto suggested.
There’s tools like answer, I believe it’s Answer the public, may just have the name wrong, but you can go in and it pulls questions out. It’s fascinating and it is a great starting point. And then I mentioned this too before, but show them behind the scenes, you know, you could just show them, hey, here’s the team. Right. We’re hard at work. Here’s the team. Having fun? Not not hard at work.
You know, here’s what goes on. Here’s how this product or service actually gets to you. All right. And forming that connection with people. So those are, I think, three big areas. Again, are you sharing your stories with them? Are you letting them share their stories with you? And then are you providing value and not just asking for the sale all the time? That is definitely how you can help build your brand through email, bring in high lifetime value clients, or make them your existing subscribers or clients higher and lifetime value that really identify and match with your brand and become really brand advocates.
If you’d like help with this type of stuff, with email marketing, with building a brand through email, you could feel free to reach out to me at Oasisoptimization.com.
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oasisoptimization · 4 years ago
Top 3 Segments To Create In Your Email Marketing System
Segmenting your email lists is the perfect way to deliver the right content to the right people.
If you need help segmenting your email list, head over to https://www.oasisoptimization.com 
I’m Adam, with Oasis Optimization, and today I’ve got just a quick one for you. We hear about segments all the time. You should segment your e-mail, you should do this, you should do that. But today, I just want to talk about the top three… Two… Three segments to create in your email marketing system. I know that it just happens to me as well. Or rather, it has in the past where you’re thinking, I’ve got all these segments I’ve got to create.
I’ve read the articles, I’ve read the top things where like all these companies have like one hundred different segments and they’ve got like star settings and they segment A to Z and you’ve got all these combinations and it can be a little bit overwhelming. I’ve been there myself. So I think that the very first thing to do is to just kind of if you have no segments or you’re just kind of creating them ad hoc on the fly, is try creating these three that I’m going to go through.
And the reason why is for things like better deliverability, starting to understand your subscribers a little bit better, that they’re not all created equal. They’re at different cycles and dealing with your brand, with your company, and they’re different people. And you’re going to start seeing to the effectiveness of segmenting, which will drive you hopefully to creating some further segments. And you may find that, hey, this is all you need. You don’t need to go crazy and spend hours and hours of days setting up these different segments and then never using some of them again.
So let’s just dive into this. First things first. Engagers. These are the people that are best subscribers in the sense that they open, and they click. And what I mean by engagers and this can vary for your company, you should figure this out for yourself. But some rules of thumb are people who open your emails in the last 30, 60, 90 days. Maybe it’s one hundred and eighty days and then people who are also clicking through.
So you could maybe have two, I suppose, or you could have a combination. Maybe people who opened in the last 90 days and also clicked in the last 90 days. Some people just do opens. Again, this is different for different businesses. Based on what you’re trying to do. Do they have to click through? Is it enough that they just read your email? Do they need to reply? The details vary business to business, but this is one of the most important ones, because these are the people who are opening, receiving and engaging with your content.
All right. So this can be great for a number of reasons. One of them being you can send to these people first to really test something. Because you know that they’re going to be most likely to open to check out your stuff right there. So that’s an easy one. You can take care of that. Now, the flip side of this is to know who your non-engagers are. Obviously, they’re the people who don’t fit the criteria of being engaged.
But this is really important. Maybe you need to set up like a reactivation type of campaign, just different names for this. But if someone has gone 90 days and they haven’t opened a single email from me and you’re sending one, two, three, five times a week. What’s going on there? You can set up a simple automation or flow that says: “Hey, if people haven’t opened an email in 90 days, drop them into this. Send them a few emails.”
And there’s a couple of things you could do. Could be as simple as just saying: “Hey, are you still interested in hearing from us?” Just say if not, no worries will remove you from the list because I don’t know about you. I don’t want people on an email list who have absolutely no interest in hearing from you. And potentially you could be marked as spam down the road if they forget who you are. So just ask them.
Another one if you’re selling, perhaps you’re doing e-commerce, you could just give a coupon to re-engage. That’s kind of low hanging fruit. You could do that if you want and that fits for your brand or your business, and just say, hey, you know, we noticed you haven’t been opening in a while, so you could use a subject line like coupon. That’s a terrible subject line. Why would I just say coupon? But you allude to the fact that there could be the benefit of perhaps saving something like that in the subject line so that they open, which is the most important part of the subject line.
Then you get them into the email, have them read, have them use the coupon. That’s the idea. And it’s important too to stop sending. At a certain point. Just stop. If they’re not interested in hearing from you, don’t get stuck in that trap like I’ve got to. I paid money to acquire these customers in some way, shape or form, either by writing content so that they would visit the website, by paying PPC cost. Don’t get hung up on thinking, you know, I’ve got to hold on to these people and keep growing that list because the reality of it is your engagers and your top spenders, those are the people, who are probably going to be a minority, but they’re the people who are paying and engaging with you.
Those are the people you want to keep on your list. OK, so I mentioned it, but then the third segment would be the top spenders. So these are the people who are disproportionately spending with you. So find out how you can help them. All right. I say this again. Find out how you can help them. And this doesn’t mean help them spend more with you, but just find out how you can help them. Are you not offering a service or product that they want that would fit with your brand or business?
Maybe you should offer that to them, right? Maybe you could collaborate with another business or point them at another business just to help them and create that relationship and that trust and that authority. Could even be an affiliate relationship. And, you know, you could even set up an automation for a certain threshold. A lot of tools like Klaviyo can do this where you could say let’s say, of course, depends on your business, but I’m going to make it up and say customer spends greater than two thousand dollars in one month.
Then we send them this email and it just says whatever you want that to be, to reply, to hop on a phone call, to book in a calendar and find out if you can do anything for them that’s as simple as it gets and is really effective because that also, if nothing else, what you find out more about these customers who are that top 20 percent who are providing like 80 percent of the results. So that can be just an easy one.
That could be a one email flow that could give you super insights into your customer base and really easy to set up. So if this is stuff you’re interested in finding out more about or you like help with it, reach out to me Adam Moody at Oasisoptimization.com.
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oasisoptimization · 4 years ago
How To Get Emails From Traffic That Leaves Your Site
There are ways to get emails from people that leave your site.
If you need help with your email marketing, head over to www.oasisoptimization.com
I’m Adam with Oasis Optimization, and I’ve got a short one today that’s going to help you with getting traffic and emails so you can follow up with people who would normally bounce from your website, your funnel, whatever it is, so you can follow up with them and turn them into paying conversions. So as I said, I’m Adam Moody. If you’d like to find out more about this or get personal help with email marketing, with sales funnels, you can head over to OasisOptimization.com.
Now, what I have for you today is just a couple of quick ideas. As a business owner and you’ve got a website, you’ve got a funnel, you’ve got to play by the rules. And I understand that maybe different ad networks, like if you’re doing PPC, you can’t do pop-ups or you can’t do this or that. But let’s just talk in general, okay? One thing you can do is setting up a relevant pop up on your site that has to do with the page they visit.
All right. I want to kind of break down that sentence, a relevant pop up on your site that has to do with the page they visit. All right. So if they’re going you’re selling jeans and they go there and you’re just kind of hitting them with that generic, like “Sign up and get a coupon.” Yeah, they’re probably just as excited as I sounded. OK, everyone gets coupon code, but if you can take it up a notch, like maybe there’s something about your jeans.
Right. Let’s just keep going with this. Like maybe you sell specialty jeans and there’s something really unique about the way that they are cared for. And so you have got a cool PDF on how to deal with that. So you could offer that to them. And it’s much more targeted to them, right? Now, this can be done sitewide. Maybe you’ve got that niche jean site and it would apply on all of them. Maybe you’re a bigger brand and you’ve got categories so you can have something done there or even page by page, right?
It’s kind of the extreme example. Another way is using those push widgets. You get a little pop-up on the site. “Hey, we would like to give you something.” It’s got to be some sort of benefit in return for that push widget. A lot of these, you see are, again, really boring, kind of like the hey, we’ll give you a coupon if you allow us to get in your browser.
Come on. You can do better than that. Right. What’s a big benefit of being connected to you and your brand? All right. Just spend some time thinking about this, it isn’t hard. Like, what do your customers want? Why would they be interested? On the one hand, let’s say you just stick with a coupon code and you can say it’s going to be used for massive sales. Right. They will get notified of your biggest discounts.
All right. That’s just changing the words and making it more enticing. Again, if there’s like a lead magnet that you could deliver or there’s a big event coming up just making that more interesting so that they’re much more engaged, much more likely to opt-in for that. And a great way is to use an often with a lead magnet that really only shows to non-subscribers. So this is something that’s super easy to do, with like Klaviyo, I’m sure that other tools can do it.
But let’s say they go to a category page or it’s a certain type of page on your website that you can then have this pop up only show to people who aren’t already on your list are dealing with that particular product. And this can get really targeted. I think you could tell from the ideas that if you’re only showing the not subscribers, it’s only showing on certain pages. You can go crazy with this. Of course, that would get complicated, but by category, it might make sense to do that, again going back to the jeans, maybe you’ve got what is going to give me the like acid wash jeans and work jeans.
And on the work jeans, you know, you say you have a pop up that shows people that says that we’ll show you the top ten ways to make your jeans and all the rest of your work clothing last three times longer and save you five hundred dollars a year. So that would be highly targeted to them and likely to get someone to opt-in.
Whereas on the maybe the acid-washed jean side, that wouldn’t be as big of a deal. Over there you’d have a different lead magnet or just no lead magnet set up until you figure something out. So that’s kind of the stuff you can do there so that you can get emails from traffic is normally bounced. Right. So you can follow up and convert with them. So let’s go over that again. Setting up a relevant pop up on your site that has to do with the page they visit.
All right. Using a push widget again, using an opt-in doesn’t necessarily have to be a popup. Could be just in the page that only shows to non-subscribers. Right. So pick your favorite from that. Implement one of those. Right. And then just start tracking that and you’ll be amazed that, hey, we’re gaining subscribers. You’re getting people you can follow up with their permission, right, to follow up that turn them into paying customers.
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oasisoptimization · 4 years ago
Write Showstopping Email Subject Lines Quickly
Your email subject line is the first thing people will see, so you gotta make it impactful
If you need help with your email marketing, head over to https://www.oasisoptimization.com
Hey, it’s Adam with Oasis Optimization and today, I wanted to talk about real quick about some frameworks you can use to crank out some really good subject lines.
So if you’re a business owner and, hopefully you’re sending emails in one way, shape or another, and whether it’s you writing the emails or whether you’ve got someone else writing, subject lines can be really important. I think we all understand that getting people to open our emails or even just pay attention to them in the first place can be really important.
But I know just probably like you’ve been in that situation where you’re trying to write something interesting and it just doesn’t come up. And so I want to give you some ideas about how you can get past that block, whether it’s just seeing the blank page or whether it’s just not coming up with a good subject line so that you can get people to open, read your emails and hopefully click through or take action, whatever it is you want them to do.
So real quick, the top ones, curiosity definitely wins. And this doesn’t mean, I’m going to dive in into this later, but this doesn’t mean to just make something up that people want, but introducing an element of curiosity.
So let’s say you’re talking about vacuum cleaners and your audience is into vacuum cleaners, then leading with something that they might be interested but still leaves a little bit off, like what does this super belt system do for your whatever vacuum cleaner?
OK, just that simple. Just understanding that curiosity there needs to lead in to something in the email. You don’t want to bait and switch. OK, a really strong one. I’ve seen others talking about this. I know I’ve read something Ian Stanley had about him testing curiosity plus a benefit.
OK, so taking that curiosity idea and merging that with benefit and you shouldn’t do this all the time, but it is a really strong way to write a subject line.
And I get why. Right. You’re using Curiosity, which is a really strong hook, but you’re attaching a benefit and you want to be specific, too. So one I just made up was “How does the ‘path’ give 263% ROI?”. OK, you’ve got a couple of things going on there. Curiosity. Right. As well as like a mechanism, the “path” that maybe something you came up with or you gave it a name or it’s a method for doing something and then a benefit.
Two hundred and sixty three percent ROI. All right. So combining those things together, that could be depending on what you’re writing about, a really powerful subject line. And this follows into a few other things. So using exact numbers, not saying a great ROI, not saying a good ROI.
We’re not saying two 200+% ROI, saying 263%. Right. So if you got the numbers to back it up, put that in there and then that goes along with being specific.
OK, so take out those vague words and be specific where you can, you can do a quick calculation like with the ROI, come up with that, but tell people something specific, that’s much more powerful. So along the same lines as being specific, you can put in stronger words. So you can write your subject line, and I do this myself and then go back and kind of spice it up. Right. You can go back and see are you using words like great or neat or good?
Hopefully not neat, but just kind of more passive, not so powerful words when you could be using something like jaw-dropping or killer, showstopping or something like that. So you can write out your subject line and then go through, like I said, and spice it up a little bit, adding those words in there.
One great way that I really like is to write your subject line last, right. If you don’t already have for whatever reason, the email isn’t kind of formulated or you’re kind of having the blank line syndrome there, then write your email and then once you’ve got that written out, it’ll probably come to you if you’re thinking about it.
But even if it doesn’t, you can just take what’s the most important part? What is your email about? Right. And then taking that, condensing it down and then just crafting your subject line based off of that, keeping in mind that things like curiosity, benefit, being specific, that will generally help you overcome that. And last but certainly not least, I touched on this at the very beginning. But align with your content, right? So you don’t want to say “How does the ‘path’ give a 263% ROI?” and then not talk about it in any way, shape or form.
I’m not saying that you have to put in the email, may be something that you want people to click through to go find out, but it better align with your with your subject line. Otherwise it’s definitely a bait and switch.
You’re going to end up with a really horrible open rate if you keep doing that to people. So just as a reminder, don’t get so stuck on the “I’ve got to get the open rate up!”, make sure that it all aligns and it all makes sense. So hopefully that helps generally go to those and times when I’m writing an email and really want to come up with something quickly that I know is going to be powerful. Of course, there’s tons of other ways you can do that.
But if you ever stop, just remember these things: Using curiosity, using a benefit, being specific and then going back and doing a quick edit, put in some strong words, take out those more passive words like good or great or neat. Put in stronger things in there, right? We talk about jaw-dropping, killer, showstopping, whatever it is. All right. So hopefully that’ll help you out with your emails.
And if you’d like help with email marketing of this type or if you would like help with sales funnels, whatever it might be, you can head over to Oasisoptimization.com.
Get in touch with me there. Thanks for watching.
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oasisoptimization · 4 years ago
How To Quickly Improve (Or Create) Your Welcome Email Sequence For More Conversions
A welcome email series is a perfect way to well, welcome, your new subscribers and tell them about you, your business and how are things going to be from now on.
If you need help with your welcome email series, head over to https://www.oasisoptimization.com
So how can you quickly improve or create your welcome email sequence for more conversions and just better relations with your customers? Well, that’s what we’re going to talk about briefly today. And this will work great for e-commerce brands, but it can also work if you’re running a course, if it’s just a personal branding, whatever that is. So real quick, I’m Adam Moody. And if you’d like help with your welcome email sequences or e-commerce, email marketing, with your sales funnels, head over to Oasisoptimization.com.
You can get a hold of me there. So real quick, I want to give you a few tips. A lot of times I know because I’ve written a lot of emails and I remember what it is like. And still to this day, sometimes you get that blank page problem right, where you’re just like, I know I need to write this, but what should I do? Well, like anything else, a welcome series can have a template.
There’s a lot of great ones out there. I’m not going to recommend one in particular. You can literally just type in welcome email sequence template and get started from there. And I don’t want to influence it because there are some great ones out there. Maybe if you’re selling physical products, it’s going to be slightly different than if you have a course. But here are some of the general ideas. You want to, one, use a template or an outline, right?
Don’t make this harder than it has to be. Secondly, give clear calls to action. Each email should, unless you have a reason not to, should have a call to action and that call to action may be hit reply and let me know whatever it is you’re asking or it might be hey, go visit the site or hey, here’s some great content. Just go check it out or share it. But you’ve got to remember you’re gotta tell people what you want them to do.
And a lot of times we get into that passive mode where we’re thinking, I don’t want to be too forceful. Here’s a link or something. No, tell people what you want to do and why they should go and do that. Right. Thirdly, tell a story if you can. So maybe the first email you send in a welcome series is literally that, hey, it’s a welcome. Here’s who I am. Here’s what’s going to happen.
Right? You’re going to tell them what you’re going to tell them. You’re going to tell them and tell them what you told them, OK? And but once you get past that, you can start weaving in a story and remember to consider them and to include the reader or your subscriber or your purchaser in this story. Now, I’m going to make something up here. Let’s say we have an e-commerce store that sells can openers. Right? First, welcome email might just be like, hey, that’s great.
I’m glad you’re also interested in premium, authentic, handcrafted can openers. You know, here’s what we’re going to be sending you. We’re going to send you several emails to talk about the can opener problem in the world today and how we’re going to fix it and how you can be a part of it. You know, make sure my emails don’t go to spam by dragging it into your inbox. And then after that, maybe the second email kicks off with something like, hey, you know, here’s why the can opener industry is growing at a thousand percent and why you being interested in our can openers can provide a benefit to you.
OK, so obviously it’s a little silly using a can opener example. And I’m talking about a thousand percent growth, the idea is involving them in something interesting, whether it’s timely, whether it’s a true story about maybe you, the business, just remember that, bring it back around that you are not the focus of this, they are. All right. And last but not least, asking for feedback. This is really powerful, especially if you’re just getting started or if you’re making some major changes.
Ask people what they think. Don’t be afraid of that. You can add in a PS line. It could be an entire email. Just say, hey, do you have any thoughts or comments about these emails, about the brand, about any of the content we’ve sent out, any of the products and just either ask them to hit reply or if you’re not getting much results or maybe do like a Google form and make it anonymous and you can have that in the email.
Just say I have one question. It’s totally anonymous. It really mean a lot. Or you could use kind of the ethical bribe and maybe say, hey, we’ll send you some free content if you reply whatever, however you want to do that. But then just getting that feedback is the most important part, whether it’s hitting reply, whether it’s filling out a survey or whatever that is, and ask them that one or two most important questions, which should be about is there something else that you would like to hear about?
Is there something we’re not talking about, things like that. So confining it to these ideas and kind of using this as an outline and then going and grabbing a template can really take the load off for your business. So I know it’s tough to think of this is going to be perfect. And how am I going to write twelve emails that go out like don’t do that, just write three or four, get it out there in the world and start iterating because you’re definitely going to see the engagement.
You’re going to see how people are reacting. You’re going to see what’s working well and not. And then you can invest more time now that you’ve got some results and say, hey, maybe I should expand this or maybe I should change the angle here and maybe talk about some other things. So hopefully find this helpful. This is going to let you quickly improve or again, create your welcome email series and get a lot better conversions and just be beneficial for any brand.
But especially this can be really effective for both e-commerce and courses or personal branding, so hopefully that was helpful. If you want help with this or with other areas of email marketing or sales funnels, head over to Oasisoptimization.com.
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oasisoptimization · 5 years ago
Why Should I Segment My Emails?
Segmenting your email list will help you get better deliverability and that will lead to better open rates and more profit.
If you need help segmenting your email list, head over to https://www.oasisoptimization.com
Why should you be segmenting your emails? I’m going to dive into that, show you a couple of examples and a couple of examples that you could put into use today or tomorrow or have someone do for you. It’s really quite simple. And you can get some great benefits. Hey, I’m Adam Moody. And if you’d like help with segmenting your email lists or sales funnels or email marketing in general as well, head over to Oasisoptimization.com and get in touch with me.
OK, so talking about segmenting, why is this a thing? Right. You probably heard about people saying, you know, you need to segment or you need to do this, you need to do that. And just to get it out of the way segment is just creating smaller pieces. Let’s call your entire email list in your account and we’re just going to create little segments or pieces of that. Right. And one of the reasons you might want to do that is better deliverability.
And that just means when you send something as targeted, let’s say I’m going to use a like a home supply store as an example. And you have people who came in and bought a can opener and you come out with a brand new can opener. Well, you could send it to your entire list or maybe what you would want to do instead is send it only to the people who bought the can opener in the first place. You know, that they’re interested in can openers and they might be more receptive to this.
So, one, it’s a great way to test and to get some feedback. And then secondly, it’s great for just having great metrics. Right, as far as open rates, things like that. Now, you might ask, but why wouldn’t I send that to my whole list? And there’s nothing to stop you from doing that. But again, as a test and as gauging how it fits into your marketing calendar, maybe you want to send the can opener email to can opener people while meanwhile you’re sending something that’s more applicable to everyone else.
So a couple of things to think about there. So not only does this apply to just products, but this was in this case, a segment that’s probably already created for you, depending on what exact system you use. It’s really easy to send to people who have already purchased and done something. And all systems have that ability. You can say, I only want to send to people that bought this one product, but a lot of times we hear about segmenting and we think about it instead of like, oh, I’ve got to go in and create all these crazy things.
And like a lot of areas of marketing, I would say start simple, like don’t go in. I know there are some people who say, you know, you’ve got to have a different segment for people who have opened in the last five days, 10 days, 15 days, 20 days. Twenty five and and then how much they spend and this and that. And depending on the size of your business, that could be profitable. But for a lot of people, it’s more important just to get started, especially if you’re a solo operator, you have a small team is to create some things like a VIP list.
Right. So maybe you want to identify who are the top 20 percent, the spenders from an e-commerce store, and what can I do with that? Maybe when they hit that threshold, it triggers an automation that has me send them a video and say, hey, you know, is there anything I can do for you? Is there any help you need? Would you like tell me a little bit about yourself so you can find out more about your best customers so that you can help them help them overcome any speed bumps?
Maybe there’s something else they want that you don’t offer and you could find out about that. So that is the power, right, is delivering what people want to them and also getting better feedback, which is something I think a lot of people miss out on with segmenting. So there’s a lot more you can do with segments, I’ll get into it more in other videos. But this is just a quick intro. This is definitely why you should be segmenting and don’t overlook this.
Again, the top 20 percent of your customers is just one example. There’s other ways too, the people who are really engaging with your content. That’s another segment you could create and make sure that you’re always sending them really good content and the list goes on and on. But that’s just a few to start with. If you’re not doing this yet, I highly recommend getting started. You can see the results for yourself. All right, so if you would like help with segmenting or email marketing in general or sales funnels, you can get in touch with me at Oasisoptimization.com.
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oasisoptimization · 5 years ago
What 2 Things Should You Split Test Right Now In Your Abandon Cart Series?
Paying attention to the flow that will make you money even when you’re on vacation or sleeping is a no brainer.
If you need help setting up your abandoned cart email flow, head over to https://www.oasisoptimization.com
So today, I want to tell you about the two things that you should be testing right now in your abandoned cart series.
Real quick I’m Adam Moody, and if you would like help with your abandoned cart series, with email marketing and general or sales funnels, head over to Oasisoptimization.com. You can get in touch with me there. Now, the very first thing that you should be split testing right now, if you are not, is your subject lines, right?
It’s become brain-dead simple to get it set up. I realize it takes a little bit more time depending on what system you’re using, but this can be one of your most profitable flows and the abandoned cart series keeps working when you’re sleeping, when you’re on vacation. Right. It’s one of these automated things that just keeps going. So that’s a great place to invest 5, 10 minutes coming up with some different subject lines. All right.
If you haven’t done this before, you can usually look it up for your system. Like if you’re using Klaviyo, it’s very easy. But if you’re not sure of how to do it, you could just say, hey, how to split test in Klaviyo. You’ll find a ton of great videos and walking you through that. And then if you’re using different systems like Active Campaign, Convert kit, whatever it is, they all have this functionality. So all you need to do is come up with some additional subject lines.
Now, probably using something like, hey, where did you go? Or you’re going to miss out or twenty four hours before your cart expires. And those are all great depending on your industry, that may be the way to go. But I would do a pretty big test. Right. If you’re using something that says limited time like twenty four hours, maybe try not using the time and there and see how it reacts. Of course make sure that it matches the content of the email.
But I would go in and try some pretty big tests and see how that works. All right. And this can be something that you do on going to see better and better results. Again, like I said, this is something that’s going to be working 24/7 for you. So investing a little bit of time definitely pays off. OK, so the other thing that you should be or can split test right now in your abandoned cart series is using coupons, but having it split.
Right. So a lot of these email tools have the ability to split. So once you what is one you can do is to have when people come into your abandoned cart series, maybe they get the first email and if they don’t buy, you can then split and do something and say, OK, did they not buy? Maybe we offer them a coupon. If they do buy, then they exit the automation. Or you could split it right off the bat and say, has this person ever bought before?
No. Maybe we send them a coupon code to nudge them over the edge or yes, they have, then they’re probably likely to buy because they’ve already bought from us before. Let’s just send them a couple of follow up emails or switch that around. A lot of this is just testing. And so what the coupons you might need to figure out the back end of that. But these are not incredibly difficult, especially with the e commerce stores. But testing this can bring you some very dramatic results.
And what I just said about splitting it based on a big purchase or not would be the very first test you could run. So we’re taking maybe 30 minutes to set up. And again, just like we were talking about with the subject lines, this is something that just continues to pay off because the series is running in the background. So hopefully that gave you two good ideas of things you should go. And what test right now, in your abandoned cart series if you’re not already doing this. now, if you’d like help with your cart series, with email marketing in general or with sales funnels, you can get in touch with me at OasisOptimization.com.
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oasisoptimization · 5 years ago
What Is Just As Important As Your Subject Line
Having an amazing subject line shouldn’t be the end of the job.
If you need help with your subject lines and emails, head over to https://www.oasisoptimization.com
Okay, so maybe you’ve gone out, you’ve got a swipe file, or you’ve checked out some great emails that you like, or you just had a flash of inspiration. 
And you’ve got this amazing subject line like, and you’ve tested it. And indeed, the open rates are amazing. Why not just call it quits there? All right. Well, I want to tell you why in just a second. 
But first of all, if you would like help with your email marketing, with sales funnels, you can head over to Oasis optimization and get in touch with yours truly Adam Moody. 
All right. Well, like I said, you know, if you’ve got that great subject line, and that can be a great time, maybe you’ve been testing it, but why do you want to just not call it quits there and say, have done a good job? 
Well, there’s lots of reasons but one of them is making sure that it matches up well with the content. Alright, a lot of times we get fixated on and that happens to me, you look at this, you’re like, oh, I’ve got this great subject client. 
But you want to make sure to does this merge well with the content in the email because the open rate is not the be all end all, right? 
We want to know that people are opening it and then doing what was intended. Not doesn’t necessarily mean that the click-through rate has to be higher. Maybe the email is more of a consumption piece of an email, or we’re asking people to reply, right? But you want to know what the real goal of that email is. Because it’s easy to get focused in on that one piece and say, okay, I’ve come up with this cool subject line, the open rate is through the roof. 
But are the people then doing what you intended them to by clicking? Are they replying? Or are they consuming the email what’s going on there. So again, don’t forget about that. You want to make sure that those match and then if you do have this great match, maybe you can go in and now you can split test the content in the email, maybe again, working on just that call to action, maybe if you switch out the actual call to action inside the email, you could bump the click-through rate even higher, right, and then that combo of a great subject line, great email, great call to action. 
It’s just gonna light the fire under that and now you’ve truly got a great email. So that’s why you don’t want to just work on your subject lines and call it quits when it comes to split testing. 
All right, and if you’d like help with your split testing with us Email marketing or with your sales funnels. You can get in touch with me at Oasisoptimization.com
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oasisoptimization · 5 years ago
How To Use Surveys To Boost Your Sales And Conversions
Have you ever thought about using surveys to boost conversions and sales?
Surveys and Forms are amazing ways to get direct feedback from your customers.
If you need help setting up surveys to boost conversions, go to https://www.oasisoptimization.com
Hey, I’m Adam Moody, and I want to tell you today about three easy ways you can survey your list and how that’s going to boost your conversions and sales. Now, I know that this may sound a little weird, but it’s something I’ve actually done and it’s something that you can do no matter if you’ve got an e-commerce store or if you’ve got a membership or whatever it is. This will definitely work for you. So first of all, if you’re interested in getting more help with sales, with conversions, increasing your average order value, e-mail marketing, all that sort of good stuff.
You can head over to Oasisoptimization.com and schedule a call with yours truly. Now, let’s get back and talk about these surveys. Now, there’s three easy ways to do this, but I want to talk about why you wouldn’t or rather why you would do this. And the reason you want to survey your list is to find out what your list is thinking. Right. A lot of times we go out and maybe as a course creator, you’ve got I’ve got this great idea.
I’m just gonna go make this cool course and then you launch it and it’s kind of quiet, right? You get some sales, but it just missed the mark. Or maybe you’re getting ready to create that new product or you’ve got alternative products you’re creating you’re going to place in your store. You do that. Again, the response isn’t what you’re thinking. Well, you can shortcut this process and say instead of having to then iterate from that kind of low point, what if you would have just asked people what they wanted?
Right. As a course trader, that’s great. Like, hey, I’ve got this idea for a course. What would you like to see in it or what are you wanting to most learn about, right? Or people who have bought your dog products asking them, hey, do you. Are you interested in a bigger dog bowl? If that’s whatever you’re gonna sell. All right. Going out and getting that actual feedback so that you can either create the products they want, you can improve the products or services that you offer, and then you can engage meaningfully with people.
OK. And a quick tip on this. One thing I would definitely do is to include at least one open ended question. Right. It helps people fill out forms quickly or surveys. If you give them a few options, but always have at least one open ended where you just ask them, is there anything else you’d like to tell me or what? What course would you like to see? Or what product do you want to buy your dog right now?
And leaving that open ended, you start to get the best feedback. And because it’s going to be in that person’s language, which hopefully is your target demographic, you’re going to learn a lot more about these people, about what they want, so that you can then create what they want and increase your sales and conversions by doing so. So I consider this a big win win right at your providing the services you’re providing the products that people want and they’re helping you do that.
So, you know, I’ve been on both sides. I’ve sent out surveys for courses, for e-commerce products. And that really helps me kind of guide the path forward. But also now as a consumer, I see those surveys. I’m like, hey, this is great. I get a chance to actually input on this so that when I go to this brand, I’m getting exactly what I want. So some great ways for you to really engage with your customer there potentially before they buy again.
So let’s talk about these three easy ways you can survey your list. All right. First one, if you’ve got a small list or perhaps it’s just really engaged the list, you can just email them and ask for a response. Right. Most people I think when we’ve tried that, you generally get a lower response rate. But depending on what it is, if it’s you a personality as perhaps a sales, maybe a consultant, something like that, this can work really well because you have a higher engagement rate.
If you have, again, a very specific segment of your list, that can be a great way to do it as well. Just narrow down and focus on that segment and just ask them for their feedback. All right. Number two is to use Google forms. Right. It’s easy to set up. You can literally create a form that pipes into a spreadsheet. And then if you wanted to get fancy, you could hook up Zapier and do all sorts of automated stuff from there.
But you could do this in like one minute. They do offer a little bit of customizations. You could add an image or you can change the colors. It’s one of my go-to’s. You know when I’m just trying to get an idea out of my head and maybe go survey or get some feedback from customers and subscribers. Just go do it. It’s super easy to use. Lastly, if you want to do maybe some more complex things, there are just a ton of tools that are great out there.
The ones I’ve used are TypeForm and Paperform. So both of those I highly recommend. I don’t particularly feel like one is better than the other. It’s one of those where, like any tool, you want to go and find out. Is it going to do what you need to do? Is to start with the goal, the endpoint, and kind of work your way backwards. But if you haven’t done this or you don’t do this on a regular basis, what I would do for your business, again, no matter what you’re doing, if you’re selling courses, if you’ve got an eCom store or you’re a consultant, is once a quarter, set a calendar reminder and list out what you need to do.
You need to write an email. You need to ask what you’re asking for feedback for. You just need to create a quick survey. Send that out to your list and check out the feedback you get. And I guarantee you that will help you not only increase sales and conversions, but it’s going to open up a lot of conversations with your customers and subscribers. So. If you’d like help with this, with surveys, with helping increase your sales and conversions.
Head over to oasisoptimization.com.
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oasisoptimization · 5 years ago
Are Your Emails Flows Helping Your Customer Journey?
Are you following on your customers’ path?
Setting up browse abandonment and abandoned cart emails flows is a great start but if you’re not guiding your customers through their experience with you and your brand, you’re missing on a lot.
If you need help setting up your flows, go to https://www.oasisoptimization.com andI’ll help you.
So I got one question for you today. Do you have automated e-mail flow setup that match where your customers are at? And the answer is, if you don’t, you should. But let’s talk a little bit more about that. Now, first of all, if you’d like help with your e-mail marketing for courses or e-commerce, head over to Oasisoptimization.com. You can find out more about how I can help you there. But let’s talk about this a little bit more in depth.
So if you’re not familiar with alarms going off while you’re recording videos, you just got a good example of that. We’ll leave that in there and just keep plowing ahead, because I really want to talk about this and how important this is. So whether using a system like Klaviyo or ActiveCampaign, Get Response, Drip, ConvertKit, whatever it is, you know, you have this ability to set up these automated e-mail flows. And if you’re not familiar with the term flow, just saying somebody does something like they subscribe to your list and you send them an automated email or email series that could also be purchasing their first product, could be purchasing their second products, could be purchasing a high value product.
And what you want to do is match of these automated responses that kind of follow a person through the customer journey. All right. So there’s a lot of terms out there. Customer journey, the customer lifecycle, you know, whatever that is where they’re coming into your e-mail list, maybe as a subscriber, maybe then as a purchaser, and then maybe a two time purchase or maybe it’s been a while so you need to kind of win them back and then maybe they’re no longer with your brand.
But the point is to have something that matches this. And a lot of times we get caught up. Let’s say we’re setting up an e-commerce store and we’ve got that abandoned car because of course, we know that abandoned car emails make good revenue. We’ve got maybe a browse abandonment email and then we’ve got an email or two after they purchase. And that’s great for a start. But we don’t want to stop there. We want to keep going.
Right. Those people who come back twice, who prove themselves to be repeated customers. We want to follow up with them. Those could be your great lifetime value customers. Are you following up with them or are you asking them maybe what else they would like to buy from you? It could be that simple, right? And just making sure that at each point you have these flows set up so that you not only follow them, but help them.
And this one will increase conversions, and two it’ll build trust in your brand. And then third, not to be overlooked is it gives you feedback because with each of these, you could work something in like a survey just saying, hey, you know, is there anything you’d like to tell us? Do you have any feedback or is there anything we can do? And this will really help you over time to figure out where each of these steps, what’s going on with your customers and how can you help them out.
And then you can work that back into the automated part. So there is a great line or a quote that I took from Matt Barnett from the founder of Bonjoro, which is a great service. You should go check that out. But I interviewed him on a podcast and he said “Automate the process, not the relationship.” And I think that really applies here to these automated e-mail flows where, you know, it’s no surprise to anyone that these are automated, but they can still be really helpful.
And the point is to build that relationship. So doing things like asking for feedback or asking for a response to a question could be part of this where it’s automated, then follow up with them, you know, say thanks for filling this out. You can have your customer service agent do it. If you’re a solo operator, you can do it. You know, it doesn’t take much time, but it really starts to build that relationship through automated email flows.
So if you’d like help with your automated email flow, you can head over to oasisoptimization.com. Other than that, hope you enjoyed the video. Leave a comment. If you’ve got a comment or a question.
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oasisoptimization · 5 years ago
1 Quick Win For Customer Winback Email That You Can Do Today
Getting back the people in your list that haven’t interacted with your business lately is a great way to get revenue from people that otherwise would be considered to be in the end of their life cycle.
If you need help setting up your customer winback strategy, head over to https://www.oasisoptimization.com
All right, so one quick win for a customer winback email that you can do. Well, starting today, this is a great one. And if you don’t already have a customer winback flow set up. That’s something I’ll get into real quick and explain what that is. But I want to help you out with one way that you can really kind of supercharge a customer winback flow. So, first of all, I’m Adam Moody. If you need help with your customer, winback flow with any email marketing, with your sales funnels and increasing AOV and LTV head over to oasisoptimization.com.
Hit me up over there and I’ll see if I can help you out now with what we’re talking about with the winback flow, I wanted to say real quick, if you’re not familiar with this, this would be something when I say someone’s at the end of their lifecycle or they haven’t really engaged with you for a long time. And so let’s say somebody hasn’t opened or clicked in email and 30, 60, 90 days, whatever it is for your industry, and that may trigger a flow or an automation where you send out some e-mails to try to win them back.
Right. Could be something as simple as, hey, we noticed you haven’t been back to the store in 60 days. Here’s a coupon. Right. It’s pretty basic one for an e-commerce flow. Maybe follow that up with, hey, the coupon is going to expire. But any way that you do this, you try to engage and get them to either click, read or buy something like that. OK. So that’s great. And the first step is just to put that in place.
If you’ve got that there, that’s great. If not, you should go do it. It’s a good one. But beyond that, what we can do is to start to segment this a little bit. This is where segmentation comes in handy. If this person is on your email list, presumably, they have engaged with you because they’re on your list. So hopefully they didn’t just magically show up there, but they’re either a subscriber, a purchaser or they’ve been getting emails, and you’ve had this opportunity to segment them out.
So let’s say that you run a, you sell courses. Right. And if you do that, you’ve had these opportunities to find out what they’re interested in. Maybe you’ve sent out weekly e-mails and you could have been tagging them or adding them to list based on what they expressed interest in. So in this case, let’s say it’s a course, your courses are about how to save money. And they expressed interest on any time you talked about credit card offers.
Well, then maybe on a customer winback flow since you’ve got them tagged. Now, you could say, hey, you know, we’ve just come out or we’ve got a roundup of all of our greatest posts that users and our readers have loved the most about, you know, credit card offers and how you can use those to actually save money. Something like that. And that’s much more targeted to them. Instead of saying, hey, we noticed you haven’t been here.
You should come back because our stuff is great. Right. So being a little over the top there. But that’s kind of what we have to do when we try to generalize. So if you’ve introduced any segmentation into your system, this customer winback flow can be segmented and made a lot more powerful. So two steps to do here. If you haven’t introduced any segmentation into your system, you should definitely do so. There’s a lot more information on that.
But the basic idea is segmenting based on interest or events. In this case, I would say interest and say, what are these people interested in or what have they clicked on before they opened before? And then secondly, kind of tailoring that customer win back. And you don’t have to get fractal with this and have 100 different customer winback flows. But you could segment it out based on maybe the top two or three segments that you have for your business.
So hopefully that will help. If not, you can just implement that or give you some ideas on how you could do this. If you’d like some help with customer winback flows or any email marketing in general, you can come talk to me at oasisoptimization.com.
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oasisoptimization · 5 years ago
Easy Ways To Use Email Segmentation To Increase Conversions
You don’t need to build the most complex automation to increase your conversions.
A couple of email segmentation tricks will help you with that and more.
If you need help setting up your email segmentations, head over to https://www.oasisoptimization.com
All right, good news. There are some easy ways to use email segmentation to increase conversions. 
And this doesn’t involve any sort of jumping through hoops or setting up some complex automations or anything like that. 
I want to talk to you about how you can do this literally setting this up today, so that you can really increase your conversions. 
Well, first of all, I’m Adam Moody. 
And if you’d like to talk to me about segmentation, about email marketing, increasing your LTV or AOV for your funnels or your e-commerce store, head over to Oasisoptimization.com. 
Now back to the email segmentation how we can easily use this to increase conversions. 
So you’ve probably heard about this and how we should be segmenting, you know, based on the interest on what people are doing, and I’m all for that, but I do know that it can be complex sometimes just set up a big system. 
But let’s say you’re using Klaviyo or Active Campaign or any of these major systems, you should already know you know people who are engaged with you can easily segment based on this like people who have opened an email the last 30 days, people who have clicked on an email in the last 30 days, and people who have not done that, well, what you can do is to send the best content and engage most frequently with those people who have done those things. 
So in this case, I’m gonna stick to the 30-day rule for you, it could be 15, maybe it’s 45, you’ve just got to figure out where that is for your business and for your industry. 
But the point here being is that you’re sending the best content most frequently to those people that are most engaged. 
And a lot of times we kind of go backwards and think, oh, man, these people haven’t been engaging with me, I need to send them more and more email, when in fact, it’s the opposite. 
The people who are the most engaged means they want to hear from us. They’re the ones who are most likely right to open our emails to click on the emails to buy our stuff. And that’s important because it’s going to help drive your conversions, and it’s going to increase your email deliverability and there’s just a lot of great ancillary benefits. 
But that is really it. Right? You can use this basic segmentation that’s great. isn’t in any system to drive these conversions and increase your email deliverability with your subscriber base. 
So if you haven’t done this yet, like, what’s the actionable takeaway from this is if you’re sending out maybe increased emails, you’re thinking about sending out like two newsletters a week instead of one, try just sending it out to the most engaged people and see what happens.
I think you’ll be happy with the results. 
And you can gauge for yourself where you should set that timeline. Should it be people who opened in the last 30 days, 15 days, seven days, 45 days. 
Again, you can kind of play around with that and start to see, but you’ll see that you know, the 80-20 rule really applies here. 
And if not, it’s probably even 90-10. 
So give that a shot and see how that works for you to increase conversions. Now if you’d like help with segmentation with email marketing in general, setting up automations flows working on your sales funnels. 
To increase conversions, head over to Oasisoptimization.com and get in touch with me.
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oasisoptimization · 5 years ago
Browse Abandon Emails – The Secret E-Commerce Money-Maker
Browse Abandon Emails – A way to increase your revenue that you might be sleeping on.
If you need help setting up your Browse Abandon emails, go to https://www.oasisoptimzation.com
So what is the browser abandon email? 
Why is it the secret e-commerce money-maker? 
Well, I’m going to tell you about that. 
Give you a concrete example in this short video. 
Hi, I’m Adam Moody. And if you’d like help with email marketing for e-commerce store sales funnel or increasing your average order value, get in touch with me at Oasisoptimization.com. 
Now back to the topic at hand a browse abandoned email, I know all of us have hopefully heard of abandoned cart emails at this point, and how powerful those can be and what a good revenue driver that can be. But a lot of times when I go and look into people’s accounts, I find that they don’t have a browse abandoned email. 
Now, this is why I call it the secret e-commerce moneymaker because it fits in so well with all of the automated flows that everybody knows abandoned cart emails, make money, but then they haven’t implemented this next step. 
And on my other screen off to the side here, I’ve got an account pulled up, where we implemented a browse abandoned email and it’s a one single email and that accounted for 1100 dollars of revenue out of, let’s see 36,000 just by implementing one email. 
So all you have to do with this, and I’m gonna use clay vo as the example you can implement this with other tools as well. But it’s basically taking people who are known to the system. So generally previous purchasers, although it could just be subscribers, and when they’re visiting, and they’re browsing an actual product, if they then don’t purchase and they leave, they’ll get an email. 
And you can add just some really easy coding in there that shows them the product and says, Hey, we saw you were looking at this, you know, did you have some questions, or you want to go back and purchase that. And it’s that simple. And it is a genuine money maker. So this is a great way to do it. 
And you can also because I know the question that comes up people’s mind like Well, I don’t want to bug them every single time they’re browsing a product. And I agree, I definitely would not want to do that. 
So you can restrict this to maybe once every 30 days, 60 days, 90 days, 10 days, whatever makes sense for your store. But again, this is a great way to get back in front of people and truly say hey, you you’re checking this out, maybe there’s an issue, maybe you could implement this and put, for example, a coupon code in there to really drive up conversions. But that was just one example with this store where believe the money per recipient, so it’s a over $11 each time it’s sent on average.
Like I said, so 1100 dollars over the past 30 days for a store that’s doing about $36,000 in revenue, that’s pretty impressive. So if you haven’t yet, added the browser, band and email into your system, and you’re using, you know, whatever you using Shopify, WooCommerce, whatever it is, definitely go and get this set up. 
This is something you could do in probably 30-45 minutes. gotta write one email you added into a flow or an automation and boom, there you go. So if you’d like help with browse abandoned emails with e-commerce, email marketing with sales funnel, increasing your average order value, whatever it may be, get in touch with me at Oasisoptimization.com
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oasisoptimization · 5 years ago
How To Make Email Designs Convert Better For E-Commerce
A good email design will help your customers to identify your brand and get more conversions.
If you need help with your emails, go to https://www.oasisoptimization.com
So how can you make email template, how to make email designs convert better for e-commerce is better so that you get better conversions for your e-commerce store? Great question. And it’s something that is actually really important. And the good news is you don’t have to be a design freak or hire, hire some really expensive designer. To do this, there are some best practices though. 
So if you’re running your own store, or you want to pass it off to somebody else to do, you can get this done fairly simply. Alright, so we’re going to dive into that just a minute, I’m out of movie. 
If you haven’t watched any of my videos before, you can check out the rest of them by finding the links below of course, and if you’d like help with your email, marketing your sales funnel, head over to Oasisoptimization.com. 
Okay, so let’s get right into it with designing these email templates. All right, one of the best things you can do is just to consider you know yourself as the customer, you’ve gotten emails before what makes sense to you, right? It should look professional, but maps the brand and by that there’s a few things we can cover here. You should have your logo up top right, and it might be a stripped-down version depending on what your business logo is, but it is in general, something like 300 pixels wide, and maybe up to 75 pixels tall, but so it’s actually fairly small. 
And just basically something that isn’t stretched and fits in those rough dimensions. All right, you want to have that, of course linked back to your website. Okay? And that’s just people open it, it’s reinforcing the brand. And you know, identifying very quickly who this is from, and it also being linked is very helpful. 
I see a lot of emails where it’s not, you’d be surprised how many people click on images in emails, alright, so don’t forget to do that. Okay, next is going with the brand, right? If you are a very visual brand I’m going to use, we’ll just use fashion for this. Let’s say you’re selling men’s high-fashion stuff, then that’s a very visual thing, right? You should have a lot of images.
So make sure that that is a part of it. On the other hand, maybe your services or your products, take some explaining that maybe you want to go more into detail. All right. 
You just want to fit that to the brand as well as the product and service, but of course emails, right, the goal is to get them somewhere else. So you don’t have to tell the whole story right there just enough to drive the interest. Have people hop over. 
Okay, this varies, but again, this is just best practices, take a look at your industry, see what other people are doing what’s working well, and follow that and then customize it over time as you get feedback and you see what’s actually leading to conversions and what’s not. 
Okay, secondly, you should have a style guide. All right, this doesn’t have to be super complicated, but you should have somewhere in either a spreadsheet, a tool like notion, just anywhere where you have a guide for colors, right?
What are your brand colors, so that you can easily go back and you don’t end up sending out these emails that are just kind of all over the place and don’t make sense right?
So just have that it’s really easy to do once you’ve identified maybe three or four colors that you know you use repeatedly, like on your website, that you can use those in your emails as background colors, maybe a section headers, things like that, but the has two benefits. 
One, it’s better for your customers, they get to see the same thing they understand kind of the brand identity, but then to you’re saving yourself time so that you’re not wondering like, man, which color did I use, I mean, go back to the old template or I need to go back and find an all female, knock that out, save yourself a bunch of time, just do this. 
Alright, secondly, make use of whitespace I find this one’s really important. I you go into some emails and you’re just like, blown out with like stuff. And it’s very rare that that works. You know, I would say keep it color to a minimum, that’s kind of your call to action, right is by having maybe a button having these really colorful are bright images that really draw the eye. 
But don’t just have you know, text and maybe a sidebar with lots of text and then the images in the middle. Be really careful. You know, give it some space people certainly can take the time to scroll through this and will if the content is good, I would always err on the side of being more minimal unless your brand, you know, is known for something else. So again, always defer to your brand and the style guide. But in general try to keep it pretty lean and mean. 
Okay, and then last but not least, I’m going to say, you know, obviously, make sure that you’ve got the unsubscribe links, you’ve got your address and stuff is required for the can spam the anti-spam laws. But I do occasionally see emails without that that’s a big No, no.
Also, as a customer, I don’t want to see that. You know, I love getting emails and greed emails, especially. But if the time comes, and I’m no longer interested, I definitely want to be able to click that button. And last but not least, I would say understand your brand voice. 
But if you’re not sure, err on the side of being professional. And by that I just mean probably don’t want to go out in left field. If you’re not known for making political comments, you know, don’t suddenly enter or inject that into your emails. 
Keep it about your customers, keep it about your subscribers. make these adjustments as you needed where you’re putting in your logo at the top, you’re making sure your link back using images where appropriate, and you’re keeping it as minimal as you can and I guarantee you, you will get a lot better results from your email marketing. Now that is just one part of it. 
That’s email templates that can really help especially in e-commerce. If you’d like help with this or other email marketing activities, you can always get in touch with me at Oasisoptimization.com
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oasisoptimization · 5 years ago
What Exactly Is Average Order Value
Average order value – what is it and how to take advantage of it. 
If you need help with your email marketing, go to https://www.oasisoptimization.com
Okay, so what exactly is average order value, I’m going to go over that as well as some other ways that might be known. Or you might have heard that. And this is a very short video. First of all, I’m Adam Moody. And if you’d like help with increasing your average order value, you can head over and find out more at Oasisoptimization.com. 
Alright, first of all, your average order value refers to what the averages of all of the orders at either your store your sales funnel, whatever that may be. So basically, you can just say, Okay, take the revenue and divide it by the number of orders. All right, a lot of times we look at this in terms of a specific product or a funnel, and we’ll just say, okay, you know, do the same thing, what’s the revenue divided by the number of purchases? And we’ll look at that and say, okay, we come up with a certain number for this. 
Let’s just say it’s $50. And we look at that and we say, well, it’s costing us $40 to get that customer. That’s great. That means we’re profitable. But then a lot of times we say, Well, how could we increase that’s very important to do, because maybe your ad costs are going to go up, your fulfillment costs are increasing, or in general, you would like to make more profit. 
So you could scale the business. So it becomes very important to understand what your average order value is. And then to look into ways that you can increase average order value, which I have some additional videos on the channel available if you’re interested in that. 
So another way that average order value might be known, or you might have heard of it is average cart value. All right, so basically talking about when somebody checks out kind of the e-commerce term of a cart or basket, and just saying, Okay, well, you know, how much was in there on average, when they check out and again, that’s just taking the revenue and dividing by the number of purchases. 
Now, this is different from lifetime value. Sometimes this gets confused. lifetime value literally refers to a lifetime. So it could be that initial purchase, somebody buys a product, maybe they there’s an upsell, and they take that and so in our example where we were talking about 50 dollars maybe that person spent $75. But then we send them an email and a month later they come back and buy something on a special for $100. 
So now they’ve, you know, spent many times more than what that initial average order value was. So lifetime value is totally different. It’s literally the lifetime how much that person has purchased with you. So don’t get those confused, and you’ll be alright. And like I said, if you would like help with increasing your average order value, sales funnels, email marketing, you can reach out to me and get in contact at Oasisoptimization.com. 
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