#they just aren’t built for the criminals on the run ending
swordbisexual · 2 months
I feel like I ought to warn the new followers who may have caught on because of my Andersposting that like. This is a tragedy, but we’re gonna sing it anyway.
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lus-sav · 5 months
I want to know everything about devil foggy, is he a demon? Can i make fan art for this au? Please tell me all your headcanons im obsessed
Thank you, and please feel absolutely free to make art for this AU. 🥺
To answer your question: Franklin isn’t a demon. Matt just thinks of him as one. Temptation and sin in human form and all.
And Matt’s angry/guilty crush aside, Franklin’s just a regular human who happens to be a crime boss.
(And now that you’ve put the idea in my head, I will definitely make an AU with demon!Foggy.)
To offer some headcanons for the mob AU:
Franklin picked a different name to distance himself from his mother. He didn’t want to be referred to as Sharpe. So Bruin it was.
He picked Bruin specifically because it meant bear. People assume it’s because bears are considered dangerous. True but also: bears don’t attack without reason. They’d rather be left alone. Franklin would also prefer it if he didn’t have to deal with any violence. He’d try talking first.
Speaking of talking, honey-tongue is one of his nicknames. He’s very good at persuasion and he sounds nice, very polite and fun. (Matt found Bruin’s voice soothing. One of the many things Bruin had that was pleasing to Matt’s senses. It pissed him off to no end.)
Franklin used to keep his hair short. He started growing it out once he stopped trying to get Rosalind’s approval. He also started dressing himself in ways that Rosalind would hate. She hated most people that tried to dress rich and looked gaudy instead. So that was his favorite way of dressing.
Franklin learned the law. Not with Matt; he was in a different uni. Passed the bar and everything. He framed it as knowing the law so he could bend it to his advantage. That he could be away from his mother for long periods of time and build up his own person was a bonus.
Franklin has a very simple relationship with Daredevil. He guides the vigilante’s path of terror and justice whenever it veers off course or hits a dead end. Also, it's a free service! Franklin doesn’t want this or that ring operating in his territory? Point Daredevil at it.
What’s complicated is Franklin’s feelings. The child he once was, Foggy, would have adored Daredevil. But it was Franklin that survived with no one that would have dared to fight Rosalind for him and—Well, it didn’t matter anymore. Daredevil was useful and that was all that mattered.
(Maybe Daredevil would be more useful if he didn’t have a strict moral code he stuck to no matter what but. Franklin can take care of it, no biggie. Daredevil doesn’t need to dirty his hands when Franklin’s have been stained red since his childhood.)
What’s even more complicated is Franklin’s image of himself. He thinks he killed Foggy, his kinder nature. What he actually did was he built a wall around Foggy. A wall of excuses. He made up excuses for every good thing he did, dismissing his actions as selfish and a means to an end. If it served him in some way, it wasn’t a good deed.
No matter how much he hated her and distanced himself from her, Franklin still considered himself his mother’s son. He couldn’t be good. He just couldn’t.
(And Rosalind didn’t want a good child. She wanted an heir for her criminal empire, as ruthless and ambitious as she was.)
Franklin stole half of Rosalind’s empire by being better in every way but mostly by being an excellent employer that offered better working conditions.
Franklin took the Murdock firm under his protection. It was good for his image! And there aren’t a lot of people that had the guts to go against his kind of people. It was refreshing to witness. He’d also prefer it if the guy running it didn’t have it out for him but whatever. Franklin can handle his own in the court of law.
Franklin rather likes Matt Murdock, the prickly lawyer that barely hides his distaste for him. The man is vicious and clever and fun to play with. Karen Page as well.
(Franklin would never admit it but he always did get so fond of idealistic people fighting to make a change. Hero materials with zero self-preservation skills. It’s thankless work, taking care of them. But Franklin didn’t mind.)
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giuliettagaltieri · 2 years
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Just Kiss Her Already
Pairing: Eren Jaeger x reader
Synopsis: Craving for academic validation, you find an unexpected challenger who might have hurt your feelings, just a bit.
Word Count: 1724
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Success came easy.
With your sharp wit, even sharper tongue, ambitions reaching the heavens and the drive to make them a reality, and of course your superficial charm that could bring people to their knees.
You are at the top of your game.  You will get that Latin honor you have been striving for since day one of starting at university.
If only it was not for him.
You will never come to understand him, you figured.
Eren Jaeger was the last person you expected to be your rival.
He was irresponsible, lazy, and basically a manifestation of all things negative.
A biased opinion coming from you, of course. 
He is well liked by the professors.  His provocative statements stimulate the class and challenges even your mind.
You hate to admit it, you refuse to admit it.
It also does not help that he is just so nice, you almost feel guilty for making him sound so horrible in the first place.
Your leg bounces as you listen to him give his constructive argument regarding the issue asked by the professor.
You had the same idea in mind, you were just too anxious to speak up earlier, not wanting to embarrass yourself by answering rashly and miss the point.
The professor grins at Eren and the soles of your feet run cold as he jokingly tells the class that you should try to see the agreement through Eren’s perspective as he claims it is one of the best ways to approach the issue at hand.
The disdain was clearly painted on your face and Eren had to suppress a chuckle.
“Does anybody want to add to Mr. Jaeger’s statement?”  Your professor asks, his old wrinkly hands in a clasp.
The entire class falls silent and you reconsider if you should just let Eren have this or-
“Yes, Y/N?”
Your hand is already up in the air before you could even think about backing out again.
“I do have something to say.  But I won’t be adding to Mr. Jaeger’s statement.”  You stand up and face your professor with your usual stone-cold expression.  “I’ll be contradicting it.”
Eren raises a brow, smirk slowly building on his lips.
“You see professor, Mr. Jaeger mentioned how death penalty could not only bring a sense of justice but will also deter crimes but can we really afford it?”
“As I mentioned, that is exactly why the Department of Justice should be challenged to not make justice a luxury that only the rich can afford.”  Eren rolls his eyes.
You turn to him fully.  “But before the suspect could be proved guilty and be subjected under death penalty, it would take lots and lots of trials and those aren’t exactly cheap, the government cannot give all their funds to every case.”
Eren scowls at you, as he mutters.  “Tell that to a little girl who has to suffer from AIDS after being abused.”
The bell ringing through the entire classroom goes unnoticed by you as you are left staring at Eren, wide-eyed and your throat completely dry.  You stand there until all of them has left.  Even the compliment from your professor for providing such objective and practical insights falls on deaf ears.
Eren’s words echo in your head and you bite your thumb as you stare at your computer screen but nothing goes through your head.
You shouldn’t have tried.
Hours passed but you still feel so humiliated, having him destroy your carefully built academic confidence so easily.
You rest your forehead on your palms.
He wasn’t even being impartial.  He was just being emotional.  You made a better point.
But the way he looked at you.  You never wanted to be on the receiving end of it.  Not from him or anyone.  It unnerved you.
You hated having to feel like this.  It feels suffocating.  You were not even defending the criminals!
If he just kept his mouth shut, you could have even added life imprisonment and instead strengthening the laws that are built to support non-bailable cases.
Eren was just being stupid, getting all snappy like that.
It was very uncharacteristic of him to react like that in class.  He was usually very laid-back.  Well, you did see him get in a brutal fight before but he was usually kind, which made him likeable just the tiniest bit.
You huff as you glare at your laptop screen.
He didn’t have to be that mean about it.
Exams were drawing near and your professors were trying to stuff every information in your heads.
You hear your last name being called and you look up from your notebook to look at the sweet old lady, your history teacher, who was smiling at you.
“Uh, yes?”  You ask unsure, your cheeks growing warmer with every passing second.
“I was asking if you have any clarifications.”
Your classmates groan, knowing that they will be kept for another quarter hour.
Sitting up straighter, you then close your notebook and shake your head, a small smile plastered on your lips. 
“No, I’m good.”
Well, that was odd.
The cafeteria was as rambunctious as ever and you let out a sigh of relief when see the last croquette sandwich in the counter.  You speedwalk towards it, avoiding the slow walkers, letting out a few insults under your breath.
Why can’t anything go your way for once?
Your face fall when you watch how ring clad fingers pick up the sandwich.
“Sorry, you just looked so adorable.”  Eren smiles condescendingly, trying to keep himself from laughing.  “So adorable that I just had to steal this from you.”
What was it that made you think he was kind again?
Eren stares at you with his tired looking eyes, daring you to speak up.
But you plaster that same smile again.
“That’s fine.  You can have it.  I’m not that hungry anyway.”  You turn around from him and started walking towards the cafeteria doors.
Now, he’s just being an asshole.
And he knew it too.
He was just teasing you, he wasn’t even going to buy it, just wanted to get a rise from you.
Eren bites his cheek as he watches you disappear behind the cafeteria doors.
He rolls his eyes.
Girls and their hormones.
Eren Jaeger is the resident basketball prodigy and academic extraordinaire, he’s definitely not letting such meaningless encounter get to him.
He will not think about it enough to cost him his beauty rest.  It is definitely not the reason why he wanted to go for a morning jog to clear his head.  It was also 100% not the reason why the coffee he got three minutes ago slipped from his hands just so he could get inside a coffee shop after seeing what’s by the third window to the left.
Eren Jaeger, the unparalleled ladies’ man did not just take a quick look of himself from his reflection on the decorative tin coffee pot by the cashier to see if his manbun was just averagely disheveled. 
Surely, his heart was not pounding in his chest as he casually sat opposite you on your booth as he leaned back and stared off the window, watching the sun slowly spill the colors of wine on the previously dark sky.
“Can I help you?”  You ask, your brows furrowed as you take your headphones off.
He glances at you and to your scattered notes.
“What’s your aesthetic preference?  Chaotic academia?”  He snickers.
You huff, gathering the papers on the table to stack them, muttering a small ‘shut up’.
Eren smiles but no humor finds his eyes.  “What’s wrong with you?”
Shaking your head, you put your headphones back on.  “I have no idea what you’re talking about.  You can stay but please don’t pester me more than you already have.”
There it is.
Eren thanks the waitress who brought his coffee.  He takes a sip and watches how you drag your pen across the paper, leaving a baby pink hue underneath a word.
He clears his throat before setting his cup down on the saucer, making a soft clinking sound.  Your eyes flit to him for a split second.  He hides the smile that almost broke out after confirming that you can still hear him.
“You’ve been awfully quiet in class lately.”
He follows how you bite your lip anxiously, visibly drawing further into yourself, making yourself look small.
“Come on, talk to me.”  He chuckles, trying to make light of the situation but it only comes out as a nervous note.  “This is so unlike you.”
You pretend not to hear him but your leg started bouncing your breath starting to get uneven, something that he cannot overlook.
“Hey.”  Eren stood to sit next to you, almost smothering you.
Warm hands grip your shoulders as your eyes remain staring on the silver chain resting by his chest.
Eren was not certain whether he should continue talking as it may agitate you further but he also cannot bring himself to just sit there and watch you break in cold sweat.
He was almost certain you’d be having a panic attack until you threw him the nastiest glare.
“Hold on a minute, this is all your fault!”
The audacity!
Eren’s perfectly sculpted jaw drops.  “What the fuck?”
He rests his arm on top of the leather seats.  He sits there, taken aback, not being able to keep up with your moods.
You slap away his hand that was on your shoulder still and you pull the headphones off haphazardly, he had to lean back so as to not get accidentally smacked by you.
“If only you hadn’t said it the way you did back in defense, I wouldn’t have overthought and questioned my morality like this!”  You poked his chest, cheeks all puffed as your brows furrowed.
Fuck.  You’re gorgeous.
And in the spur of the moment, in a total state of recklessness as he finds himself trapped and too entangled in everything that is you, he let the words spill from his tongue.
“Are you free tonight?”
You scrunch your nose adorably.  “What, why?”
Eren runs a hand over his face.
You hear a sigh and both look at the waitress who was mopping by the table next to you, rolling her eyes at the two of you.
“Just kiss her already.”
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hunieday · 8 months
Yuki - Daily Life Rabbit chat part 2 - Red Light Green Light
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PART 1 - PART 2 - PART 3 - PART 4 - PART 5
Please note that I am not a professional translator and I'm only doing this to share the side materials to those who cannot access them, if you notice any mistakes please let me know nicely. Enjoy!
Takanashi Tsumugi: Thank you for your hard work. I might arrive a little late for today’s drama shoot due to another engagement…!
Takanashi Tsumugi: I look forward to greeting you as soon as I arrive, thank you very much.
Yuki: Thank you for going out of your way
Yuki: Please accept the pen case from Okarin
Takanashi Tsumugi: Understood. I apologize for the inconvenience...!
Yuki: Be careful on your way here
Yuki: We're currently shooting a scene with Yamato-kun and Minami-kun.
Takanashi Tsumugi: The scene where the two rookie detectives chase after the escaping criminal, right...!
Yuki: That’s right. They’re rivals, they don’t get along, so they pin the blame on each other and say “it’s your fault he ran away” as they chase after him.
Yuki: It's a comical but tense scene, so it's quite challenging.
Yuki: It’s supposed to be the gripping opening scene for the drama, so the director’s being particular about it and they had to reshoot many times.
1) How is Yamato-san doing?
Yuki: The scene involves a lot of running so it’s tough, but he's doing his best. He actively listens to what the director has to say to understand his intentions.
2) How is Natsume-san doing?
Yuki: His delicate facial expressions are excellent. Looks like the experience he’s built up since he was a child actor is seeping into his acting. 
3) What did you two chat about?
Yuki: We talked about grabbing dinner after the shoot. Apparently there’s a delicious shop nearby that sells tomato ramen.
Yuki: It’s cool outside, but the sun is blazing, so it must be difficult to run.
Yuki: They were playing in the park earlier, aren’t they tough?
Takanashi Tsumugi: They were playing during your break?
Yuki: That's right.
Yuki: They were playing "Red light Green light" with the child actors.
Takanashi Tsumugi: How nostalgic...! I used to play it a lot when I was little!
Yuki: It had been a long time for me as well
Yuki: I was sweating bullets when they asked me to play tag at first
Takanashi Tsumugi: You managed to avoid it! LOL
Yuki: Yup. Minami-kun must have sensed it and suggested playing "Red light Green light"
Yuki: I started to see a halo shining around him
Takanashi Tsumugi: 
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Yuki: Just standing in the shade of a tree was good enough for me. He saved my butt
Takanashi Tsumugi: Yuki-san, were you "it" by any chance?
Yuki: You figured it out fast
Takanashi Tsumugi: You don’t have to move much when you’re “it”, so I thought it might be the case...!
Yuki: As expected of Maneko-chan ^^
Yuki: Yamato-kun likes to save his energy and stands still every time, so I kept it entertaining by changing the speed and specifying poses on purpose.
Takanashi Tsumugi: What kind of poses did you instruct?
Yuki: A banana pose for example, while raising both hands diagonally
Yuki: It was a great hit with the kids ^^
Yuki: Yamato-kun is pretty good at handling children. He approached those who were left out and generally was a good big bro
Takanashi Tsumugi: He often plays with little kids on other sets as well.
Takanashi Tsumugi: One time a child who co-starred with him cried at the end of a shoot because they wanted to play with him more...
Takanashi Tsumugi: He tried to reassure them by inviting them to play again... but Yamato-san seemed lonely as well…><
Yuki: Then he might feel lonely today too. They were attached to him and even held hands while playing
Takanashi Tsumugi: That might be the case...
Yuki: If that happens, I'll play with him
Takanashi Tsumugi: Yuki-san, you would...!?
Yuki: I'll practice calling him big bro Yamato while I’m at it
Takanashi Tsumugi:
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Yuki: I'm looking forward to his reaction
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Sonic Prime Extended Universe HCs - New Yoke
so we know that the Shatterverses aren’t “real,” full universes, just distorted reflections of the Prime that aren’t fully-formed, hence why there’s only like 6 people and two locations. However fucking around is fun fun fun so I’m just gonna do a post for each universe dissecting where the other Sonic Universe characters would be and what they’d be up to. Please for the love of GOD add your own ideas/hcs in the comments I want us all to melt into creativity mush.
Team Chaotix are lowkey rebels. They pretend to be model citizens while aiding Rebel and Renegade’s forces from the sidelines. Well, when I say “they,” I mean all of them but Charmy. He is noooot the subtle type so they just hide him inside. This keeps him alive but his zoomies are insane. House has been on fire at least twice.
You guys know Fiona’s backstory in Archie where she was besties with Mighty and Ray and they tried to revolt and it didn’t end well? Yeah I feel like that literally happens 1-1 here; Mighty and Ray think Fiona is dead, she’s digging her way out of isolation. The boys are on the run and NOT having a good time.
The other 1-1 is Whisper’s backstory. oops
Tangle and Jewel are in the Resistance; Tangle’s a fighter obvsly, Jewel works espionage/organization/keeping Tangle from dying.
SatAM Freedom Fighters are literally just doing the same shit. However without Sonic they’re missing their most crucial team member (the Distraction™) so they have to be way more sneaky and careful. then again if there IS a New Yoke!Sonic he could very well be here so maybe they’re all just vibin
StC Freedom Fighters are here too; their resistance is way smaller and they can’t do a lot but they are doing their BEST okay?? Porker and Tekno are making some kickass robots and Shortfuse is a huge win for them. Johnny was their main fighter and uh. well. right before the Sonic Incident™ he kinda got blasted just like in canon. Sorry buddy
Vanilla and Cream are hiding the chao in their basement. Literally, they dug out a basement to function as a makeshift chao garden so that the little guys wouldn’t get killed by the mass roboticization. It’s not going too well because chao need clean water to survive and there’s only so much they can get. They’re not involved with the rebellion though; they’re doing all they can to keep themselves and their chao alive, and without meeting Amy or Sonic they’ve never made contact with the main cast. Perhaps, similar to Advance 2, they make contact when Vanilla gets captured for roboticization and Cream teams up with the rebels to rescue her?
Tikal peekin out of the ME cause she hasn’t seen Knuckles in a while: what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck
If we assume Robotnik has control of the Continents too, I like to think the Sonic X humans are running the rebellions over there. Chris has built Helen a rocket-powered wheelchair with guns on it and she is a little bit too happy about it
Elise is under a ton of pressure to keep her kingdom alive with the new dictatorship; they’re constantly checking in on her and roboticizing “criminals” in her kingdom and she hates it but if she objects they all die. Not having a good time!!
If Blaze is in this dimension she’s got a bit more freedom than Elise what with her superpowers; I feel like she probably has isolated her kingdom from the rest of the world while desperately trying to defeat oncoming invaders all by herself with her fire powers (+ with Silver maybe?). One day she goes too far and passes out, only to be saved by little Marine who encourages her to keep fighting.
Zeti peekin down at the planet below cause they’ve been seeing a lot of explosions lately: lol nice
actually Zeti would be a HUGe threat if they decided to invade. these bitches control electronics and you know what 90% of the planet is now
Sticks is THRIVING. Girl expected a robo-pocalypse for years and it finally came and now she’s rescued a few stragglers and they have a mini-civilization in her bunker in the woods. She often leads attacks on the robots just to fuck with the Council and also cause she thinks it’s fun.
Babylon Rogues aren’t on the Council’s side but they’re also not really helping the rebellion. They just run around stealing shit like they normally do
Surge and Kit happen after the Sonic Incident™; Starline tries to recreate Sonic’s power and it goes. about as well as you’d expect.
and finally, OUR BOTS:
the Edgy™ Scratch and Grounder concepts from Underground production are Real™
the reason we don’t see Orbot and Cubot here imo is that they’re running factories in farther areas. Not well but they’re doing an adequate enough job they haven’t been scrapped yet
Snively is also running a factory somewhere, but his obsequious nature might get him roboticized just out of annoyance one day.
Breezie is considered their most dangerous robot. She’s a shapeshifter and can disguise herself as a normal mobian in order to get information on the Resistance; they’re constantly terrified that anybody could be Her.
Robotnik JR is here too, also a shifter; he’s made to be a robotic duplicate of the Chaos Council for certain public appearances in case of assassination attempts.
Decoe and Bocoe I don’t see as being here, but I dO see Bokkun as being WAY scarier than funny here. He is a detonation-bot and he’s damn good at his job and he’s a scary lil gremlin guy
Hope lost most of her family and is living under the Chaos Council’s ““care””. She absolutely hates them and is trying to aid the Resistance, but she’s under constant observation and thus can make no actual contact with them. Every now and again she’s been able to delete a file or turn off a camera. There’s no telling how many of them she’s saved with these small acts. They don’t know she exists.
Belle and Sage are not here... yet.
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tigertofu · 1 year
Hate to love headcanon between a fem!reader and North Yankton Trevor :)
fuck ya love the whole hate to love thing sm 😭 ...... also im sorry i struggle at making headcanon lists that are just pure n simple LISTS as they should be w/out slipping in some form of narrative sometimes and this prompt just lends itself to a story so well..... so this is some sort of half fic/half headcanon list monster. but hey this was rlly fun to write !!! ty as always for requesting 💞💞
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pairing: fem reader/Trevor
summary: headcanons/short fic thing about a hate to love relationship between reader and North Yankton Trevor.
cw's: mentions of sex, alcohol
wordcount: 1,714
for narrative’s sake, let’s say that you are a small–time criminal in one of the many little podunk towns of North Yankton. one day, you catch wind of a new crew that’s set up in the area. four guys: a computer–hacking tech whiz of some sort; a big lug of a brute with a penchant for starting unnecessary barfights; a smaller, scrappier brute who’s already sniffed out and either done business with or scared off all the drug peddlers in town; and a stern ringleader who only barely manages to control his anger issues better than the others.
unbeknownst to you though, this crew has also caught wind of you. and one night, as you’re trudging through the snow to your shitty little studio apartment from the grocery store, a car pulls up alongside you and the window rolls down. the driver introduces himself as Michael. he tells you he’s heard about you; heard about how you’re one of the better thieves in the county. he tells you he’s got work for you, if you’ll take it. and ever the opportunist, you do.
a week later, you head out to meet the rest of the men you’ll be working with. they’re currently squatting in an old, abandoned hunting cabin out in the woods that border town. as you sit down for beers and talk with Michael and the computer guy—who introduces himself as Lester—you get a brief rundown of the crew’s history. they hit banks. this tends to cause a stir, so they’re almost always on the run; they landed in their current safehouse just two weeks before. while Lester and Michael cook up plans for the bigger, more dangerous heists, they make a living off of smaller endeavors. holding up gas stations, gutting truck shipments of electronics that Lester then sells off, sticking up gas stations and liquor stores. this is where you come in: there’s a well–to–do pawn shop in town, and Michael wants to hit it. but the people in your town are weary of outsiders, and the heat from the crew’s last bank job hasn’t died down yet. Michael wants you to go in and case the joint for them and, if you’re up to it, help them hit it.
right after you agree (so long’s you get a fair cut of the profits), the wooden door to the cabin slams open. two men stumble in. their faces are red from the cold and, when they get within your smelling range, you realize from booze, too. one’s tall, built like a truck, blond; the other’s got the scraggly, dark brown ends of a mullet peeking out from the edges of his askew trapper hat. there’s something animalistic in his eyes and in his drunken smirk and when he turns his gaze on you, you realize that despite his disheveled everything, he’s actually quite handsome. and you feel Something. a spark or a pang in your chest.
but then he turns to Michael and slurs, “If we’d’ve known you were getting a call girl tonight, Brad and I wouldn’t’ve stayed out so long!” and that Something instantly snuffs out as you now glare at the man with the mullet. you tell him you aren’t a fucking call girl as Michael lets out an exasperated huff and says “Shut the fuck up, Trevor.” but this Trevor guy has seemingly taken a liking to you. he saunters up to you, wavering on his feet, smirking like a cat with a mouse. asks you if you’re sure you don’t wanna make a bit of money tonight, ‘cuz he’s feeling awful lonely and you’re just a real pretty thing. you roll your eyes, tell Michael to keep in contact with you, and make your leave. you slam the door of the cabin shut on Trevor’s pleas to stick around and have some fun.
as you periodically meet up with Michael’s crew over the course of the next few weeks, your mild distaste for Trevor deepens to downright hate. sure, you think he’s attractive and you find some of his obscene jokes and observations funny, but mostly you just find them disgusting. every time he sees you he tries to coax you into bed with him, or convince you into a quickie in the car, or offers you a hit off his well-loved meth pipe, or asks you out on a date to the local tavern. you decline him every time, each “no” growing firmer and snappier. you don’t know why he makes you so mad. maybe it’s because if only he wasn’t so fucking annoying, you’d have fucked him by now.
the pawn shop heist goes well. so well, in fact, that Michael decides to keep you on for their next job: hitting a electronics store in a town a couple hours’ drive away. he sends you and Trevor alone to scope the place out. at some point during the drive, an argument erupts. Trevor asks you why you hate him. you tell him because. he asks what "because" means. you lose your temper, wondering why he chose to have this conversation now of all times, as you’re driving down an empty country lane through a nighttime snow flurry. you put on the brakes and park up on the side of the road and yell at him that you hate him because he’s disgusting, he’s pushy, and he drives you fucking crazy. as you catch your breath from your tirade, he is ominously silent. and then, in a low rumble that makes you feel things you wish it didn’t, he tells you that you drive him crazy, too. 
you kiss him for the first time then and there, if only to get him to shut up. you fuck him for the first time then and there, too. an intense mix of hatred and lust that you’ve never felt before makes it rough going. while he’s got you twisted into a pretzel in the back of the car, fucking you like an animal, he keeps trying to praise you: telling you’re pretty when you’re mad, that he knew you had nice tits, etc etc while you keep snarling at him to shut the fuck up. 
it’s good though, and addictive. from that day onwards, all your fights lead to angry sex. if you two start arguing in front of the others, you will both “disappear” soon after the yelling stops. if you two start arguing when alone—which starts to happen more frequently because, despite butting heads, you start to be okay with him showing up at your place unannounced—the spat will turn mid–fight into fucking. 
at first, you insist on parting ways immediately after both of you are re-clothed. but then one night, after having sex in your bed, Trevor doesn’t get up to leave right after. he lays beside you, one arm slung over your bare stomach, his head face down in your pillow. and for some reason, you don’t try to push him out of your bed. 
eventually, post–coital cuddling joins the mix. at first it feels wrong and gross. you haven’t quite gotten used to the various bad smells that usually cling to Trevor. but there’s something comforting about being in the arms of someone and having your arms around them after the intense emotional releases of an argument and fast, desperate sex. 
he starts to stick around for long after you’ve both had your more physical needs fulfilled. you start to engage him in non–shouting conversation; start to get to know more about him. and then one day when he comes over, and there isn’t any arguments at all. just talking, drinking beers, and the slowest—which is still rough by most people’s standards—sex you two have had yet. he has a habit of sputtering out frantic “I love you”’s during sex, and it’s always annoyed and repulsed you. but this time is different. you tell him you love him to as you feel him finish inside of you. 
as soon as your feelings are made known, he starts to relentlessly tease you. "Oh, but I thought you hated my guts!" he'll tease you about this so much that you'll start to actually hate his guts again during these moments when he pesters you.
for a few wonderful months, whatever is going between you two turns into a relationship. there isn’t much work for Trevor to do during this time, aside from prepping for some vague, big heist that Michael has cooked up for the crew. 
by now, the other guys have long figured out what’s going on between you two. Brad frequently teases Trevor about it. Michael says he doesn’t care who fucks who, so long’s it doesn’t get in the way of your guys’ criminal careers. and it doesn’t. things go well, until—
eventually the day of Michael's big heist he's been talking up comes around. they're robbing a cash depot in town. you aren’t there for it; banks are a bit more dangerous than the marks you’re comfortable with robbing. Michael knows this and insists you sit this one out. but Trevor promises to swing by your place to lay low for a bit after the deed is done. all day you look forward to it, waiting for him to show up at your door with a big, manic grin on his face, ready to celebrate with drinks and a night in together. but then the time that he told you he’d show up at comes and goes. and then hours pass. night falls, and there’s still no sign of Trevor. you try calling him, but there’s no answer. as you lay in your bed alone that night, unable to sleep, you think that maybe the cash depot heist didn’t go according to plan and the boys had to skip town ASAP. you aren’t too worried, though. you know that Trevor can handle himself and you knew from the get–go that Michael’s crew is one that doesn’t like to stay stationary, so this was bound to happen eventually. so it’s not worry that keeps you awake until the early morning of the next day: it’s a bittersweet gratefulness for what little time you did get to spend with Trevor, and some slight regret that you hadn’t stopped hating him sooner. 
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sailoryooons · 1 year
With the new Yoongi photos, I see a lot of people bringing up Scarface references and linking it to the Tony Montana song, which honestly I love. As a Cuban-American and a giant history nerd, I feel like babbling about why Yoongi selecting Tony Montana as a representation of his music is so perfect.
Hali being a fucking long-winded nerd under the cut
For those that aren’t familiar with Tony Montana, who inspired Yoongi’s track Tony Montana, he’s a fictional character in Howard Hawk’s movie Scarface. Tony Montana is a Cuban who, along with thousands of other Cubans, came to Florida by way of the Mariel Boatlift in 1980.
Let’s talk about the historical aspect of this first cause I think everyone should actually know the cultural significance of the Mariel Boatlift. 
The movie starts with the Mariel Boatlift event in 1980. It was basically a mass immigration all at once of Cubans to the United States when Cuba’s president at the time, Fidel Castro, agreed to release the thousands of Cubans who were trying to escape Cuba and its violent communist dictatorship. The US (Carter administration at the time) agreed to take Cubans under asylum - until they realized that a majority of the Cubans Fidel released were only the members of society the Cuban government considered ‘undesirable’. So people who had been in jail for years - and very specifically anyone who identified as queer - were sent to the US where they ended up stuck in immigration camps in absolute CHAOS. 
In the movie, Tony is one of the Cubans released who was a “criminal” (we could discuss for hours what actually constituted a criminal via the Cuban government but that’s not the point). The point is, that because of this realization, the media and the Americans freaked the fuck out when this happened and there was a HUGE wave of hate, backlash, and fear against the Cubans who were now plopped in Miami with nothing to do and nowhere to go. There was a HUGE pushback to get them out of the US and there was a lot of villainization of Cuban people for just existing. 
Thus - the growth of the cartel industry. Miami in particular was built on the back of Cubans and Cuban-Americans and I will die on this hill, and the cocaine boom in the 80s/90s is largely responsible for Miami becoming so funded the way that it was. Through the beginning of the movie, Tony is jumping through hoops as a low-level drug runner, but he’s viewed through the lens of a hero from the audience: does good by his family, has a great relationship with his best friend, is kind of making the best with what he has and wants so much more. We can liken this to how Yoongi views his own story: someone who is just trying to make a life for himself, someone who loves his members and his fans and family, someone who is passionate about what he does and is fighting for his legitimacy. Yoongi is the Tony Montana, being hated and shamed by Western media and even K-Media and struggling with enemies all around him.
The drug trade in Miami at its beginning was predominantly run by elite white men. In the 70s/80s/90s cocaine was a “white man's drug” as it was largely expensive - the majority of it was coming from South America. Tony essentially climbs the ladder through a white man’s game and trade, and ends up top. He slaughters his way there, killing whoever is in his way, and the entire time he does it, the viewer loves his story because he’s so proud and his brutality is from pride and want for power because he comes from nothing. 
This is literally Agust D. It’s Yoongi fighting his way to be who he is, to establish himself. His entire first two albums are consumed with anger and saying fuck the industry because he, like Tony, is good at what he does and even though others do not want him there, he doesn’t care. He will do whatever he wants to get to the top.
And both Tony and Yoongi get to the top, but once there, the enemies are even worse. The people who hate you are tenfold, you’re paranoid, you want more because you realize it isn’t enough, and you feel like you have people trying to fucking snipe you and tear you down every second. Your friends aren’t your friends anymore because you don’t know who is trying to bring you down, but despite all that, you’re the king because you did it. Which is Yoongi’s going in feel like Tony Montana.
Also, it’s not lost on me that using a character not native to the United States who started from nothing and climbed their way to the top with enemies everywhere is the fucking genius of it. Yoongi, a Korean rapper, has dealt with people thinking his music is a joke, not taking him seriously, and having so many haters - especially in the Western music industry predominantly controlled by white media (we can dissect this bullshit too)- likens himself to Tony because of the insane pride, the willingness to do anything, and the way you have so many people out for you when you fucking get there.
There is also a great comparison to draw between the two when you consider that Americans largely hated Cubans when they first came to Florida and it was all: they’re going to take our jobs, they are criminals, they don’t belong here. 
When you look at kpop and the BTS experience in general, it’s the same fucking thing. The Western media does not want BTS here - doesn’t get it. Thinks that kpop and BTS specifically are there to take jobs, that they don’t belong here. And then BTS did it anyway. 
Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk idk I could talk about this so much longer and there are more things I want to include but this is just a summary on why Yoongi x Tony Montana is such a vibe.
also fun fact about hali's dad - he went out on his fishing boat to help rescue Cubans from Cuba and brought them back during the Mariel Boatlift lmfao
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bonky-n-steeb · 3 years
dad’s bestfriend! bucky x reader
summary || you finally get a taste of the forbidden fruit.
warnings || unprotected sex. oral sex. fingering. daddy kink. praise kink. dirty talk. PWP. MINORS DNI
I have decided to not do taglists anymore, so if you wished to be notified of my newest updates please follow @bonky-n-steeb-lib and turn on the notifications!
I really really hope y’all like this ;)
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“Bu.. Bucky.” You choked on your spit and at the same time your mouth went dry. Because the sight before you was absolutely atrociously gorgeous.
A freshly out of shower Bucky was wrapped up just in towel. Water droplets were running down the wide expanse of his chest and making rivulets in the hard planes of his abs and disappearing beneath the soft knot of towel.
His hair was tousled up and it looked so good that you wanted to run your hands in it. His calves were strong and well built and you could only imagine his thick thighs covered with the cloth.
His dick was big…. you just knew it.
Bucky was the guy who had moved in besides you and had soon striked up a friendship with your dad. He was helpful, amicable and irresistibly hot.
You didn’t live with your parents and hadn’t been there when he first moved in. But when you had come back home for holidays, you had been taken aback to see Bucky chatting with your family as if he was a member already.
When you had called him, ‘Mr Barnes.’ He had just chuckled and shook his head and said in his thick voice, ‘Call me Bucky, doll.’
You had thought about him calling you doll when you had touched yourself at night in your childhood bedroom. It was sinful, but you couldn’t stop yourself.
His bulging muscles that highlighted themselves in the tight T-shirts he wore didn’t help any. He lived alone so he usually ended up in your house for every occasion.
You tried not being alone with him as you didn’t trust yourself. But yesterday, when the topic had come out that your parents were going out today, Bucky had insisted you come over for a dinner with him.
Today, your parents had left early and seemingly bored, you had gone to Bucky’s place a little earlier. You had entered through the open back door and walked up to his bedroom only to see him half naked.
“Hello doll! Aren’t you a bit early?” He was relaxed as he if wasn’t the one standing in a towel. He was shamelessly showing himself off and wasn’t even trying to cover himself.
“Ye… yeah. Sorry.” You knew you should’ve turned around and walked out. You should’ve at least closed your eyes. But instead you were stuck on the stop.
He started walking closer to you and with his long legs, it didn’t take much time for him to come face to face with you. “You like what you see?”
Okay well, you hadn’t expected that. His face was so close to yours by now that your soft breaths were hitting his face. Instead of answering, you just stared at him with wide eyes and a hitched breath.
“I see the way you look at me. I know.” You didn’t know why but you felt like a criminal. “I… You,,.. I.,,.” You stuttered on your words and Bucky felt that endearing.
“Shhh. Don’t worry your pretty little head, baby doll. Let daddy take care of you.” This was it. You had died and gone to heaven. Because did Bucky actually say that?
Your panties were flooded and you were weak in your knees. Your brain was absolutely short circuiting and you were suddenly incapable of giving a coherent response. 
He placed his huge palm on your jaw and cupped your cheek. “Is that what you want? You want daddy to look after you?” His thumb was tenderly stroking your cheek, making all your thoughts vanish from your head.
Your lips were open and you were panting softly due to the close proximity. Without thinking about anything else, you nodded your head.
A smirk painted his face and he tucked his thumb into your lips. Obediently closing your lips around his digit, you sucked on it while staring at him right in his blue eyes.
He pulled out the finger from your mouth with a pop sound and smeared the saliva on your cheek. The cold air made it cool down and you gasped at the gesture.
You stood there on the spot as his tongue peeked out and licked the trail of your saliva from your cheek to your open lips and began kissing you.
His lips were surprisingly soft as he kissing you wet and hot. His hand was holding your face as he fucked into your mouth with his tongue.
He was an excellent kisser as with just one kiss you were squirming in his hold. Breaking the kiss, you hesitantly placed your hand on his chest. “Bucky..” his name left your lips without your conscious effort.
“Now that’s not what you’re supposed to call me.” He tsked you. Gulping, you finally called him what his ears were straining to hear, “Daddy!”
That was all he needed as the next second he pulled you into a scorching kiss again. His hands pawed at your body and he kneaded any softness he could lay his hands on.
It didn’t take him much time to unbutton your shirt and pull down your bra. The very next instant, he started palming your breasts and peaking your nipples with his thumb.
“You’re so beautiful baby girl. And all mine.” It felt so good for someone be possessive over you. “Yes. All yours daddy. Only yours.”
He let out a guttural growl and started frantically unzipping your pants and pulling them down. Soon you were standing in front of him in just your panties and shaking like a leaf.
You squealed when his hand cupped your core. “Fuck. You’re so wet baby doll. Is it for me? Did I do this to you?” Your pants were wet and his hand was rubbing you through so good, that you couldn’t help but moan.
“Please daddy! Please.” You whined because you need more. “I’ll give it to you doll, I’ll give you all that you need.” Shucking down your panties, he pushed you back on his soft bed. But instead of throwing your panties with the rest of your clothes, he kept it on top of a dresser.
He riled you up more by slowly undoing the knot of his towel and letting it fall down. You openly stared at his hard cock which was already weeping with precum.
It was thick and long, better than you’d imagined. You probably said that out loud because Bucky chuckled as he crawled up on you. “Yeah? You thought about me? You thought about my cock and how I’d fucking ruin you?”
His lips were sucking wet marks on your throat to your collarbone to your breasts. “Answer me baby cheeks.” He smacked your inner thigh. “Yes daddy!”
“I’ve got such a naughty girl, haven’t I?” By now he was right between your thighs. “You’ve got such a pretty pussy.” Your face heated up with his praise but you didn’t stop him.
The first lick of his hot tongue over your dripping folds made your back arch. “Fuck! You’re so sensitive doll.” His tongue flicked your swollen clit and then fucked your wet hole with it.
Your hands entwined with his long hair strands and you tugged him closer. He licked up your slick like a starved man. His lips closed around your throbbing bud and sucked and you wailed.
“Oh… oh god Bucky!” You writhed on the bed as he started fingering you while sucking on your clit. With his ministrations, it didn’t take long for you to cum.
“Squeezing my fingers so tight. Fuck!” He cursed as you convulsed around his thick fingers. He needed to relieve his throbbing dick and had started humping the mattress.
Finally feeling you were prepared enough, he kissed you and lined himself up with your cunt while you were still riding from the previous aftershocks.
“Yes yes bucky… please please please!” You whined as he rubbed his head over your pussy. “Fuck god you’re so warm and tight fuck. The best pussy I’ve ever had.” He exclaimed as he buried himself into you in a single stroke.
The stretch of his cock made you feel more full than you ever had. He pulled back almost all the way through before thrusting in again. The delicious friction made your eyes roll back.
“Your tiny pussy is gripping me so tight. Don’t want let me go, do you?” His thrusts were relentless and he shook the entire bed frame with the intensity.
You clutched his broad shoulders as he rammed into you. “You’re so naughty baby doll. Fucking your dad’s friends ain’t what good girls do. And look at you, writhing beneath me like a filthy little girl.”
“Daddy!” You screamed his name as you came harder than you ever had. Your legs were shaking as you held on to him tight.
“Fuck doll fuck!.” He grunted as he came in you. His fingers clutched your hips tight as he released his load deep inside you. Your orgasm was amplified by feeling his hot cum fill you.
You both panted as you laid down in the bed like a puddle while he gently wiped the sweat off your forehead. “Do you wanna have a pizza?”
The question put you off track and you laughed. After all this, you had forgotten the reason you were even here in the first place. “Yeah. I’ll have a pizza.”
“So, how was the dinner? I’m sure Bucky isn’t as bad as you’d thought.” Your dad asked when you entered your house. Your parents had come back earlier than you.
You felt like a deer in headlights with your parents looking at you with wide smiles while you had Bucky’s cum running down your thighs. He had even kept your panties with him. You felt heated again thinking about it.
“Yeah… yeah. The dinner was delicious.”
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usedpidemo · 3 years
Stolen (Kwon Eunbi)
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An abandoned warehouse. Built without ever realizing its purpose, it sits idly in the city outskirts. Light gusts of wind blow through the mostly empty building. Moments later, a sharp screech reverberates around the area, scaring the birds off the roof. Previously blocked light now spreads from the outside, shining almost halfway through the center of the place. A midsize van slowly enters the building, belting out copious amounts of smoke from the exhaust. The five seconds the engine remains running after coming to a full stop and shutting are more than enough to render an old man unconscious. Speaking of which, a stupefied body nearly falls off the rear once the boot opens. Mercifully, two men are able to save the person from potential harm.
“Hey! You idiots, we’re in no rush here!” You scream from the driver seat, looking at your men’s mindless actions with the rearview mirror.
“Sorry!” Koo Youngjae says apologetically, unaware that he’s released the unconscious body from his grip. It almost falls off the boot again but is saved by Nam Jungsu. All you can do is facepalm at your crew's idiocy, which you barely tolerate at this point.
You step off the vehicle with your passenger and partner Yoon Sangkyu, who quietly chuckles watching it all play out. As if he forgot that he almost didn’t pay the gas money earlier. Making your way to the back you find Youngjae and Jungsu returning the body back in the bag they stored the person in. Like earlier, they seem to have lots of difficulties doing it. You’re growing mad by the second.
“Okay that’s enough. Send the body now.”
Your instruction falls on deaf ears as they continue trying to fit the figure in in different positions. Not sure whether they’re trolling you out of spite or you’ve hired the worst criminals ever.
They’ve done it! They packed the body in the bag, but it took only ten minutes.
A slow clap you give in response. Because of their lack of intelligence, they think it’s worth bowing and cheering for. Little does anyone know it’s sarcastic.
“Thanks for the applause, boss. We knew you’d be happy for us one day,” Youngjae says as he hops off the back of the car carrying one half of the bag. Once the bag and Jungsu fully exit too, Sangkyu slams the boot shut. You’re wasting precious time with just getting the captive out.
Your team takes the bag into one of the smaller rooms. Inside is a small chair and a couch. Not the cleanest, but you need to work with what you have. It’s an abandoned warehouse, not a five-star hotel. Jungsu releases the body from the bag and it almost falls over but he catches it before it hits the side of the seat. More recklessness. When will it end?
The body is tied, hands wrapped around the waist and legs tied with separate ropes. A paper bag from a fastfood chain hides the stolen person’s face. You can tell it’s fresh because the scent of cheeseburger and gravy permeates anyone that approaches it. It’s all dandy until you remember that it was your team’s lunch earlier.
No matter. At least the operation is a success. You didn’t think it would work due to your team’s incompetence, but somehow, it worked. Your party looks on at your prize, feeling high and proud at their accomplishment. Failure met your plans tens of times, but now it seemed like the tables finally turned.
“Well done, guys. We’ll be swimming in dollars very soon!” You give daps and high-fives to your members.
“Man, I knew we would get it done. It was just meant to be!” Youngjae proclaims to everyone else.
“Come on boss, show us how proud you are of us.” Jungsu urges you to remove the bag off the victim’s head.
With anticipatory smiles and confidence radiating in their bodies, you oblige. Approaching the motionless body, you slowly peel the paper bag from the person’s head. Their grins grow wider by the second, each moment intense as any dramatic reveal. One, two, three.
The person is revealed and your crew smiles from ear to ear. You, on the other hand, aren’t. In fact, you’re in utter disbelief.
Silence fills the room for the next minute. Look to your victim then to your members. Rinse and repeat three times. Let it sink in.
In hindsight, there must have been a reason why the plan was successful in the first place. You should have known something was up when they followed everything you instructed, step by step.
“What the fuck is this?” You scream at your members, breaking the awkward quietness. “You took the wrong guy!”
“What do you mean we have the wrong guy?” Youngjae responds, defending himself pridefully. “You said to kidnap Eunbi, and we did exactly as you told us, boss!”
“This is Kwon Eunbi, not Hwang Eunbi, you fucking idiots!”
“No, we did kidnap Hwang Eunbi! She’s right there in front of you!” The other two nod in agreement, siding with Youngjae. Her long dark hair and large chest make it painfully obvious. Your minions aren’t just stupid, but also wilfully ignorant and possibly blind.
“Are you fucking shitting me right now?” You raise your hands, turning them into fists, ready to square up against your own members in a fit of rage. A snarl and a curse leaves your lips as you restrain yourself from fighting them. Now everything makes sense. No wonder they completed your task: they still managed to fuck it up from the very beginning.
In frustration you punch a wall in the small room, hurting yourself in the process.
“O-oh! Boss, don’t do that! That hurts—”
“Shut up! You don’t get to say anything in this matter!” You snarl at Sangkyu who turns away with his head lowered.
Pacing left and right a few times, you think. Where did it all go wrong? Perhaps there’s a way to fix this, while the sun is still high up. You might be upset, but you’ll punish your members later. The occasional glance at your three stooges and their faces still think they’ve done the right thing. Regret. That’s the feeling you get when you look at them. The moment you chose your childhood friends to be your partners-in-crime rather than actual criminals was when you ruined your own career.
Five minutes later, and you have nothing. Unfortunately for you, you’ll need to extract information from your own bumbling and stumbling companions.
With a deep sigh, the questions begin.
“Okay. How the fuck did this all happen?”
They remain speechless like clueless children. So now they refuse to talk. How inconvenient.
“How the fuck did this happen? One of you better answer me or you’re all fired!” You ask again with a raised voice that echoes around the small room.
Your three other members look at each other awkwardly, bumping shoulders to get someone to answer first. Or suffer, depending on how they look at it.
Youngjae finally speaks up. “B-boss. We didn’t know exactly how to get to the building, so we asked around for directions. It took us to this place called Woollim? And from there, we did everything as you said! We told the front desk people we were from SBS, then we got in touch with the target, and knocked her clean out!”
“Woollim? That’s another thirty minutes away! How did you end up there? Did I not give you guys a map with markers pointing out where HYBE was?”
“Oh, the map! Well this random tourist offered to pay us a thousand won in exchange for a map, and since Jungsu was hungry, we gave him the map and used the cash to grab a snack.”
The excuses he’s giving out are getting worse by the minute. Did these people believe they could memorize the address? They could barely register their own names being called, for goodness sake. You pinch your forehead sharply, rolling your eyes at Youngjae’s explanation.
“Boss, if you said you wanted a corn dog, you could have just asked and I would have given you one—”
“Shut up, Jungsu! I didn’t tell you to speak.” You cut Jungsu off, raising a finger at him commanding him to keep quiet. He bows his head shamefully. Damn right he should be ashamed.
“Okay.” Return your attention to Youngjae again. “But did you at least knock her out properly with the sleeping agent?”
“Sleeping agent? Was that the reason why my burger tasted like sand?” Sangkyu intervenes just as Youngjae is about to open his mouth. “No wonder I slept in the car so comfortably! I haven’t had that great of a rest in years!”
Oh no. What could they have done to Eunbi? The possible implications cause your heart to sink, and Youngjae’s answer seemingly confirms it.
“Um, well, Jungsu gave her a nice smack in the loins at least,” Youngjae says, softening the words in his answer, but they do nothing but sharpen the pain in your gut.
Not only did they kidnap the wrong person, but they also had the audacity to hit a woman. She wasn’t just any woman, but an idol. Problematic behavior on top of another. Yikes. These men have blundered many petty crimes, but this might be — no, it is — the worst of their mischievous acts.
If prison wasn’t a guaranteed sentence, it sure is now.
You couldn’t take it anymore. You hurriedly leave the room as your members watch with an idle and neutral expression. A door slams open then a booming thud shortly follows. A short sigh, then silence. The three idiots you call your minions flinch when suddenly a powerful curse echoes in the room. Their features shift from confused to worry.
“Fuck! Shit! Fuck! Damn! Fuck! Bitch! Fuck! Shit! Fuck! Bitch! Fuck!” Profanities drop from your lips like a semi-automatic weapon.
Another thud of the same door and you reenter the prison room. In the last hour of every twist and turn, you’re certain half of your hair has gone grey. Thankfully, your prisoner is still rendered unconscious because of a swift, hard blow to the gut, or that’s what Jungsu did.
With most of your fuming rage expelled from your mind, the focus is now on how to get things back as quickly as possible. Sometimes you wish you’d just have done everything yourself. It might have worked out better for you to fly solo than have a team running along.
Facing your members, you let out a deep sigh. “Okay, you dummies. Here’s what we’re gonna do. One of you will sneak back into the Woollim building and return her there as quietly as possible. Actually, no. There’s a chance we’re being searched for right now.”
“I doubt it.” Sangkyu interrupts. “There were no cameras in her dance room. We double checked.”
“And what makes you assume you could walk out of there with a large bag without someone getting suspicious?” You answer his rebuttal sharply. He seems to have overlooked this info and shuts up.
“Boss? Can we have something to eat after? I’m hungry watching you get stressed,” Jungsu says, his food fixation clouding his judgment.
“Shut up! This isn’t the time to be feeding right now, Snorlax.”
Jungsu pouts and bows his head shamefully once more.
“Back to the matter at hand.” You strut pace a little, eyes glaring at the members. “Our best plan of action is to take her body to a random hotel instead, dump it there. That’s the best thing we can do to get ourselves out of the picture.”
You turn your attention to the unconscious victim that is Kwon Eunbi and are amazed she’s still out of commission even after all that. “Wow, I have to say, Jungsu did a good job knocking her clean out.”
“Really boss?” His eyes glimmer with joy hearing praise from your mouth.
“Not really. You still assaulted a woman, though.”
“All right gentlemen, we shall get going. Sangkyu, do you have a hotel number we can—”
“A hotel? Should have taken me there from the very start.”
Your whole team’s eyes widen in shock. That voice. It’s one none of you have heard until now. All your focus is directed to the tied-up woman, whose body is lightly quivering, not from cold, but from light laughter.
“Ohohoho, you guys are pretty fucking hilarious.” A wide grin forms on Eunbi’s features, prevented by her restrained giggles. “I thought I’d never see Harry and Marv be topped as the worst bad guys I’d ever seen, but I was proven wrong.”
“Kwon Eunbi right?” You pull a knife from your pants’ holster, directing it at her neck. “Give us a reason why we shouldn’t kill you.”
Her response to your threat is boisterous laughter. “You think that’s going to kill me? How cute.”
“I’m serious, woman! I’m going to stab you and you won’t like it!” You direct the edge of the blade, almost touching her throat’s skin.
“Oh, boy. Honestly, I could legitimately free myself from these restraints and beat your ass without breaking a sweat,” she says, her thighs snapping the ropes on her legs with pure strength. “See?”
Her power causes your partners to step back in fear. They scream various warnings to prevent you from harming her.
“Boss, don't do it! She might actually kick your ass and we don’t want that!”
“Aw, listen to your boys. Don’t you feel sorry for them? How do they put up with your shit?” Eunbi asks mockingly.
She senses your arm tingling, trembling with hesitation. A wicked smirk looms on her lips. She knows you can’t overpower her and her binded position is only because she allowed it to happen.
“Go on. Try me and let’s see what happens.” Her confidence is radiating throughout the small room.
A clang of metal could be heard a good distance away. Next thing you know, the knife in your hand is on the floor and you’re holding only air. She’s won. Silence fills the space for the next few minutes.
“Good judgment,” she says, breaking the quiet.
You step back, joining your fellow men in disbelief and fright. Was she pulling a stunt on you? No, it seems too real. She looks like she could destroy all of you with little effort and you’ve fucked up by kidnapping the wrong person. How you wish you just kept working at a Burger King rather than enter a life of crime.
“So you’ve been listening to us the whole time?” You ask.
Eunbi shakes her head. “Yep. You thought a swift blow to my stomach could knock me out? How cute.”
Everyone glances at Jungsu for a brief moment. Guess he wasn’t as strong as initially believed, causing him to bow shamefully for the third time.
“Then why would you let yourself get kidnapped that easily?” You continue interrogating your prisoner.
“I was getting bored, you know?” she says matter-of-factly. “I thought it would be nice to get into a dangerous scenario for once.”
Her answers make just as little sense as Youngjae’s were. Why would an idol of her talent willingly get into serious trouble and cause headaches for her own agency? Peep at your men again. They’re as confused as you are. Eunbi laughs and giggles watching you decipher this messy situation.
“But here’s the thing. You guys have had a rough day. I’m not gonna lie, you all look pretty terrible and I do feel a little sorry for you.” She continues explaining.
“Look, we were gonna return you somewhere anyway. You weren’t even our target!” You answer, flailing your arms in frustration. “So spare us your sympathy, woman!”
She pouts at getting yelled at by you. “Aw, what a baby. I do genuinely feel bad for you all. So, how about this? Untie me.”
“Untie you? Bitch please! And then you beat our asses and call the cops?”
Eunbi rolls your eyes at your response. She discerns your fake toughness. “Untie me and I’ll let you do whatever you want with me.”
Your eyebrows rise involuntarily. “Whatever we want?”
“You know what I meant. Now, free me.”
Her eyes point at the couch on the right side. They return to you and her seductive gaze and smirk does more than enough. Temptation overtakes your fear and you slowly inch closer to her, intending to unbind her.
“Boss, I don’t know about this…” Sangkyu says, trying to stop you from being lured. But it’s too late. You’ve reached her, their pleas going through deaf ears. The knot around her waist is loosened and falls to the ground. Your men’s jaws drop in disbelief, ready to get their asses beaten.
“Good boy,” she says, moving to the couch. “Tell your boys to come join me.”
Eunbi lifts the white shirt off her body, tossing it aside in a forgotten corner of the room. You and your men’s eyes are entranced by her breasts’ bounce, hiding behind a white bra. It too, comes off seconds after and nothing is left to the imagination. They’re supple, well-endowed, and large. She giggles as your members’ mouths water with lust and hunger to devour them. She knows.
Your foursome scramble to get undressed. Piles of clothing are tossed randomly to be forgotten for some time. By the time you’re all fully naked, she is too. Her pants and underwear are nowhere to be seen. Eunbi licks her lips at the four fully hard cocks exposed to her face.
“Mmm, perhaps I did make a good decision getting kidnapped by you indeed.”
Just as you’re getting ready to pound her collectively, your teammates argue right behind you.
“Let me have her titties!” Youngjae says, pushing Jungsu aside.
“No, you grab her ass instead!” Jungsu pushes him back in retaliation.
You and Sangkyu roll your eyes in frustration watching your members bicker, even in a fivesome. Again you ask yourself, “Why did I bring them along?”
“You boys.” Eunbi draws your attention once more. “Just come over here and fuck me.”
You clap your hands to snap your two mates fighting. “Hey! Are you gonna fuck or not?”
Youngjae and Minsu turn to face you. “Sorry, boss, it’s just we’re—”
“I don’t want to hear anything, for god’s sake.” You hiss at them. “Join us already, damn!”
The four of you surround Eunbi, your erect dicks pointed at her face. Even a single touch is enough to possibly make you cum. You position yourself hovering over her mouth, while Sangkyu lines himself around her cunt. She takes the cock of the other two with her deft fingers, gripping them with a powerful force that makes them groan collectively.
Soon, a choir of moans and groans fill the room as you shove your dick inside her mouth while another enters her tight pussy. She strokes off the two quickly and rapidly, occasionally letting them touch her shoulders. Her gagging is mostly deafened by the sounds of flesh and grunts of the other males.
You grab a fistful of her long, black hair as you forcefully piston your shaft deeper into her throat. She whimpers, coating more of your dick with her drool. Those turn into squeals as Sangkyu pounds her faster, stretching her walls thin with his cock. Meanwhile her digits work skilfully to jerk the other two off faster, their eyes rolling to the back of their skull in pleasure.
After all you’ve been through, you needed to destress and this was what you needed. You channeled your pent up frustration and used Eunbi as your canvas to wreak havoc on her needy, wanton body. You forgot your members, focused only on your member to ravage her throat to oblivion. Her muted moans are an indicator that you’re doing things right.
A shower floods Kwon Eunbi as all four of you orgasm, one after another. Sangkyu’s the first to cum, filling her womb with his seed. Jungsu and Youngjae shower thick, white flecks on her shoulders and arms, while you peak last, spraying your cum in her mouth before releasing it from her with a pop. More shots of semen land on her face, painting it with your name written. The world around you fades as you climax, bliss consuming you like never before.
After that heavy orgasm, you’re still not done. In fact, you and your men are just getting started. Suddenly you seize control of her body, positioning her on all fours. Eunbi does not resist your force as you shift to her backside, slapping her firm ass. She yelps. Somehow, your crew takes the hint and shuffles around her, Sangkyu taking your former place near her mouth while Jungsu and Youngjae join him.
“Come on, you boys. I know there’s plenty of load in you. Let it all out.” She says, kissing the tip of Sangkyu’s moist cock, coated with her juices. Her lips make him shudder in pleasure.
Nothing more needs to be said. Without hesitation you all collectively slam your cocks in her lips once more. As if her dirty talk strengthened you once more. Eunbi gags and chokes from the force of three dicks being shoved simultaneously in her throat, tears welling up from her eyes. To add to the sensation you continue slapping her ass while pounding her from behind.
“Yeah, you like taking cocks like that, you filthy slut?” You snarl at her. She nods. Her body trembles and quivers from the sheer magnitude of four bodies slamming down on her at once. It mattered little that your mates somehow know how to fuck but not anything else. You relish the feeling of Kwon Eunbi’s tight figure gripping your cock and nothing more.
It comes as no surprise that it is short lived. Your second orgasms come quicker than the first, but the load is still heavy. You all shoot out more shots of cum in her ass, mouth, and face. So much semen is spilled on her that it drips down to her breasts. The other men release their dick from her lips, and she takes a digit to lap them up and clean their sticky mess.
You all slump into the couch, exhaustion overtaking your lust. Deep, heavy breaths replace the moans and grunts of the last ten minutes. Fucking Kwon Eunbi has taken a lot of you. She lays her head on your lap, causing your cock to harden once more. But you can barely move, let alone indulge in another round. Her thighs are spread wide for your members to stroke themselves off.
Eunbi does you a favor, stroking your shaft off with her fingers so that you orgasm one more time. This time your seed spills on the floor, completely missing their mark. You throw your head back in both pleasure and fatigue while the others very much have fallen asleep due to their own tiredness. Her legs nudge around, loosening from their sleeping heads. What a turn around of a day.
“You boys better relax yourselves, you’ve given me a great time.” She rolls off the couch to pick up her garments off the floor. “Better than my boyfriend, too.”
Your eyes widen at her reveal. “What? You have a boyfriend?” You ask.
“Unfortunately, yeah. He’s playing around with Hyewonnie, so that fucking sucks,” she says as she puts her clothes on. “Thanks for the great time.”
She is about to leave the room when you catch her attention. “Hey! Where are you going?”
“Home? Aren’t we on the outskirts of the city?”
“You are so gullible, I almost feel really bad.” Her voice shifts from innocent to devilish. “You’d think I let myself get captured just like that? Good luck.”
Before you continue your sentence, Eunbi flees the scene. You never get to see her again. You wish to pursue her, but you’re completely drained of energy. Then the sound of blaring sirens pierce your ears, growing louder by the minute. You see flashes of red and blue. Count and there’s four pairs of them. You already know it’s the cops.
“This is Task Force Nine! You’re under arrest!” A feminine voice shouts from the outside, amplified by a megaphone.
Your life as a free man is over, just like that.
If only you had a gun.
(A/N: Happy birthday Kwon Eunbi!
I said in one of my earlier asks that I wanted to write a gangbang, so here it is! Not gonna lie, it's difficult to write for four different characters. This was going to be a little longer and I was going to add another character, but I wanted to get it out before her day expires, so I hope I still did her justice. I may or may not have also implied that this takes place in the same universe as Delete this. Interesting stuff. Thank you for reading!)
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maburito · 3 years
What IF do u recommend? 👀
ALRIGHT so since i keep falling on new if games and have a lot on my to read list I will make a second part of this list ozijfazorgj. But for now here are some of the IF games i highly recommend!
The Wayhaven Chronicles : First I'm starting with the obvious (that I've already recommended before i know shut up) Wayhaven Chronicles! After a strange murder in the usually tranquil town of Wayhaven, the newly appointed detective (aka the MC aka you) is gonna have to work with 4 beautiful vampires to "solve" this mystery. It currently has two books with a complete demo of the third book available. Honestly if you have followed my blog recently you saw me scream about this game cos I am obsessed and seriously i really recommend it, even if vampires aren't usually your thing.
Fallen Hero Rebirth : Oh boy, Fallen Hero, literally everything is in the title, and not at the same time. Basically you play as a former hero who's decided to become a villain for reasons i will absolutely not spoil bc it would be criminal. But know that this story is glorious, you can choose what kind of villain you would be (from an anarchist/anti hero type to a full blown heartless villain, everything is possible) and choose how your villain costume looks like. And of course you have different love interests all of them super interesting (tho i am very soft for Ortega, the Doctor and Argent but mostly the Doctor got me like 🥺🥺🥺 ). It currently has one book out with the second book demo almost all out called : "Fallen Hero Retribution".
Mindblind : Alright this, made me cry. Like actual tears came out of my eyes and i hate it ezokrafoprkg. In a world where the majority of people either have telepathy and other mental superpowers OR at least enough mind defense to not be too affected by those mental superpowers, your MC is the only "Zero" who's mind is basically an open book and a possible puppet for anyone with mental superpowers. Sucks even more when the MC family are basically renowned superheroes. For now only the demo is out and honestly i can't wait for the full book because this story has me hooked!
Speaker : Once again, a supernatural story because i can never get tired of them okay??? This time you can play as "a Speaker". Born from a generation of Seers, you went to the world a few seconds after ur twin sister, which means she got the traumatising visions while you're the only one who can "understand" them somewhat. Or at least try to make sense of them. But of course everything becomes troublesome when visions get more frequent and violent. Great premise, Lovable LI's (looking at Az, Rory and Kana 👀👀) what more could you want?
When It Hungers (formerly Smoke and Velvet on dashingdon) : First just so you know, the game is currently on dashingdon as Smoke and Velvet but will be moved to Twine with the title as "When it hungers" (u can go see the author tumblr if u curious). Anyway, as a lover of horror stories i can't wait to see more of When It Hungers, even if i made the mistake of reading this at night the first time 😔. The coolest thing ? You can choose to make your MC in three different monster : Basilik, Hellhound or a Haunted Doll, and each of them have a different past based on that choice.
A Tale Of Crowns : Basically A Tale of Crowns is a story based on a fantasy world (inspired by the Middle Eastern) where the big ruler aka The Crown is sorta chosen by the gods and can only be recognised by their golden eyes. Except that usually future crowns are found years before a current crown's death, and your character has been running away their whole lifes. I honestly don't even know how to begin to tell you how much i love this story. The universe built around it is just so well done, the love interests are all interesting for different reasons and i feel transported every time i read it. Even now saying this feels like too little but as usual im not good with english, but yeah just trust me it really deserves more than one look.
The Hunt : Demon Eyes : Just like When It Hungers, this IF is still on dashingdon but will be moved to Twine just so you know opzeakfaz. Anyway the premise is basically you play as a hunter, as in a hunter of supernaturals, whether you think all supernaturals are bad or think there are good ones is up to you, though u know, most of the love interests are supernaturals pzokfga. BUT! One day u end up possessed by a demon you were hunting and only break free TWO YEARS later! So u gonna have to try and find out what the hell happened all this time. There's not much out yet but im already really intrigued by the premise!
Bloodmoon : Who doesn't love a good story about werewolves? If you don't then im sorry you have such a lack of taste 😔. A story which updates every full moon (literally) about a clan of werewolves who just moved into a city, and unfortunatly it doesn't go as well as it could. Honestly between all the unique RO's (Vicky is my personal favorite even if Carrie and Shawnie also got me heart), the twist on the relationship between the wolves and the moon, and the whole story and dynamics between all the characters, Bloodmoon is a delight to read. And yeah i definitely re-read it way too many times oiajgfaoiej.
The Exile : Are you tired of fantasy stories? Well too bad here's one more because i love them!! And boooy this one got me obssesed. Playing as a former commander who was once admired by the kingdom they had vow to protect, they are now a fallen hero due to a tragedy that they cannot even remember. Between new encounters and former allies, trouble just keep finding them no matter what. Sorry for the bad summary but honestly the demo of this story got me so hooked!!! And you can basically choose what kind of "semi magic creature" your mc is! (werewofl, phoenix, etc). Seriously give it a go you won't regret it
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Opposing Counsel (S.R.)
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Summary: Spencer runs into his childhood rival at trial for a case. Now that they’re older, they found a new way to resolve their differences. Request(s): reader is just as smart as him so they often competed and argued. later spencer runs into her on a case & their old habits return, just for it to end in smut A/N: I made Reader a lawyer because of course I did. Ignore legal inaccuracies/flourishes. I’m too tired to think about the law. Couple: Spencer Reid/Fem!Reader Category: Smut. Just smut. (NSFW, 18+) Content Warning: Fingering, penetrative sex, hate fucking, courtroom proceedings, death penalty/institutionalization mention Word Count: 4.4k
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No matter how much time I spend in courtrooms, they have never felt comfortable. They are, by nature, brimming with the worst kind of energy. It is impossible to not feel the pain that flows from all of their openings, and the way the walls scream with the combative words in proverbial fights to the death. Or, in some cases, literal fights to the death - just like the one I was currently winding up.
“You may read the verdict.”
When the judge gave the instruction, I didn’t look at the jury. I didn’t need to look at them anymore because their sympathy from this point on was useless to me. They had already made their decision, and I was confident it would be the right one.
It was.
“We, the jury, find the defendant not guilty of murder in the first degree by reason of insanity.”
“So say you all?” The judge drawled as almost imperceptible whispers spread through the courtroom like a virus.
“Yes, your honor.”
Those whispers, the blend of the extremes of the spectrum of human emotion, haunted me every day. I heard them any time my brain tried, although you wouldn’t know from looking at me. Lawyers have to be heartless, you see. There is no other way for the system to work. We must defend the evil and the cruel, just in case they are innocent. And if you have a job like mine, then you have to force yourself not to care even if you know they aren’t innocent. The law doesn’t punish criminals; the law punishes those who get caught in a web they cannot wiggle free from.
My job security will always be bad timing, bad people, and law enforcement’s penchant for overzealousness. Any agent who pretends like their ineptitude isn’t responsible for the freedom of bad men is a liar. It is the kind of lie that will burn like acid that leaks from your tongue and fingertips. That’s why lawyers like me have built a layer of callouses and scar tissue, so that when they spew their venom, it doesn’t hurt like it should.
Spencer Reid already knew this about me. He was a profiler, after all. He had to know about the dynamics of defense attorneys and what is required of our psyches. Not only did he know that this was true because of the fact that I sat in front of him and behind the defendant’s table, he knew this because the two of us were far from strangers. I’d known him all my life, and not much had changed about my psychology since we’d seen each other last.
Spencer Reid knew I was a heartless bitch, but that didn’t stop him from leaning over the bar separating me from the spectators and whispering, “Do you have any idea what you’ve done?”
“Yes,” I whispered back, not letting him see the smile that took over my face, “I’ve won.”
“Court is adjourned.”
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My office received a call the next morning that didn’t surprise me in the slightest. He introduced himself as an old friend who was looking to make an appointment to see me. Despite not having an availability, I told my secretary to schedule time for Spencer on my lunch break. While some might believe I made that decision because it was my only free time, that wasn’t the main motivation. I chose lunch because the other employees wouldn’t be there.
Sure enough, when 12:30pm finally arrived, so did Spencer. My door was already open when I saw him with my secretary who seemed puzzled by his appearance. I don’t think she’d been expecting a sweater vest and converse. But I was. It seemed so perfectly suited for the naive boy I remembered.
“Hello, Dr. Reid. You can lock up when you leave, Jess.”
Sensing the tension in the room, she quickly followed my advice. I heard the pattern of shutting doors until all that remained was the soft creaking of the floorboards as Spencer approached me.
“This room suits you.”
I didn’t look up from the files I was arranging. I knew there would be a catch to his statement. He wasn’t complimenting me, because he didn’t do that. It was going to be an insult, and I wasn’t going to entertain the idea that it would catch me off guard. My plan to irritate him was already working. I could feel the anger like spikes reaching through the space between us.
“Nice to see you haven’t changed,” Spencer sneered. “Still a cruel, heartless bitch that only cares about stroking her own ego.”
“Oof. Such harsh words from the sweet little baby,” I laughed. I still hadn’t met his eyes, although he couldn’t seem to take his off of me. “Is someone still mad about yesterday?”
Spencer’s hand grabbing the file in my hand and shutting it made it difficult to ignore him. It was a bold move that admittedly impressed me. I knew my smirk would give him satisfaction, but I flashed it to him, nonetheless.
“He’s going to spend the rest of his life locked in a mental institution, drugged into compliance, just so you could get your not guilty verdict.”
The eye contact between us was bristling with so much hostility that it almost felt like I was back in the courtroom. Except Spencer wasn’t a client or the opposition in the usual sense. Standing from my seat, I walked around my desk until I stood next to him.
“Oh, you know what, you’re right, 187. I should have just let you guys murder him yourselves. Silly me!” I mocked with a ditzy, playful tone that strongly contrasted the topic of conversation. But if he wanted to act like I was an airhead, I’d give him a little show.
Spencer didn’t like my theatrics. He swiftly stepped forward until he could feel my body heat. If he expected me to cower and retreat, he was mistaken. I quite liked the proximity; it made it easier to meet his eyes. I could read everything from that position.
“He murdered innocent people,” Spencer said through clenched teeth. He missed the point, as usual.
“And he’ll pay for it,” I not-so-kindly reminded him, “Just not with his life!”
The rage was evident in every inch of him. Even a fool would be able to tell that Spencer wanted to break me. But there was something else in his eyes, too. A darkness not related to the man whom neither of us would ever see gain.
“God, you’re so fucking ignorant,” he muttered, raising his hand to run it through his hair. I don’t think that’s what he wanted to do with it, though. If my suspicions were correct, and they usually were, he wanted to use that hand on me.
“Don’t get too excited now. You might give yourself away,” I teased as I closed the gap. It was for two reasons— mainly to test out my theory and derive new evidence, but also just because I thought it might be fun to touch him.
I was right about both things. I knew because the holster on his hip wasn’t the only bulge that pressed against my stomach.
Spencer eventually deduced my motives, or at least I’m assuming that was the reason he let himself touch me. Granted, he only did so to shove me back. There wasn’t the faintest glimpse of regret or sympathy in his eyes when I stumbled back in my heels, or when I hit the wall.
“You think you’re so clever,” he muttered, fixing his sleeve that had been disturbed by the action. And although it had been his decision to build distance between us, he closed it shortly after.
When he didn’t come close enough for my preferences, I grabbed his tie and pulled the fabric taut. He didn’t move, preferring to let it dig into the back of his neck over giving me what I wanted. I bit down on my lip to try and stifle a giggle, but he still heard it.
“What’s funny about this to you?” His tone, while stern, wasn’t as devoid of emotion as he might have hoped.
“Nothing. It’s just... you know, Rule 1.8(j) of the Model Rules for Professional Conduct only prohibits sexual relationships with a client,” I explained with a cheeky little shrug. “It doesn’t say anything about the opposing party.”
“You’re a terrible lawyer,” he deadpanned.
I couldn’t disagree. I didn’t even try; I accepted the conclusion openly in my mockery. “And I still beat you. How does that make you feel?”
The distinct sound of grinding teeth hit my ears, and my eyes followed the flow of tensing muscles in his jaw. It was strange, seeing him in short bursts every few years. Each time, his face seemed sharper and colder. I wondered if he thought the same about me. In fact, I wondered a lot about how he saw me. In part because of moments like this, where an obvious tension flooded the room.
What he wanted was obvious enough in the erection he sported, but I didn’t know why, and the thing about lawyers is that we really love those technical details. And what better way to find the information I sought than a few interrogatories?
“Does it make you want to hold me down and punish me?” I asked, mostly just to see his reaction. When he didn’t give me enough of one, I continued. “To force me to beg?”
His feet faltered instantaneously at the suggestion, and he stepped forward like my hold on the tie was suddenly too much for him. I hadn’t pulled him any differently than before; he just wanted to come closer to me.
“Do you want to fuck me, Spencer?” I cooed.
I wanted a response, and a response is what I got. Spencer raised his hand again, and this time he didn’t stop it from touching me in the slightest. Despite the fact that I was already against the wall, he pressed his hand flat against the top of my sternum and pressed me impossibly closer to it.
“Shut up,” he growled in such a low register I almost didn’t recognize his voice. 
“That’s not a no,” I laughed, the feeling reverberating through his hand that tried to stop the air from returning to my lungs. If it was meant to stop me, it had the opposite effect. I’d never wanted to goad him on more than I did in that moment.
“Do it, you fucking coward. Fuck me like you’ve only dreamed about.” I said through teeth clenched just like his. When he bowed his head forward and our noses touched, the words continued to fall from my lips with a renewed vigor. “Show me what pathetic things you think about doing to me when you’re alone at night.”
My voice was steadily climbing in volume until I was shouting in his face. Even through the forceful words, I felt his breath on my lips. “I want to hear you scream my name the same way you do when you have your hand down your pants, begging me to help get you off!”
I’ll never know whether it was the volume or the content that broke Spencer’s resolve, but as soon as the last breathless word left my mouth, he forced his lips against mine with enough force that, despite my resistance, my head smashed into the wall behind me.
I let Spencer kiss me as hard as he wanted for approximately 10 seconds. I granted him the smallest win so that when I did finally kiss him back, he’d already exhausted half of that pent up rage. Sure enough, the sudden response from me shocked him enough that he opened his lips, granting my tongue access.
I was a little surprised when he didn’t bite me, but he didn’t. Instead, he just let the kiss devolve into the filthy mess it was always destined to be. His hand on my chest slid up over my neck to hold my jaw up to him, and I gave myself permission to touch him back. Judging from his startled reaction, I don’t think he expected me to immediately grab his dick, but he really should have.
The jump was enough for him to break the kiss and look at me with eyes displaying a very satisfying desire.
“How long have you wanted to do this, 187?”
He paused just long enough to lick his lips at the sight of me biting down on my now bruised bottom lip, but then had the decency to remember that he hated me.
“You know my name, bitch.”
The lovely nickname paired well with his hand forcing its way under my skirt. A low moan rumbled through my chest, and I didn’t bother hiding any sign of my own eagerness. It would have been pointless, considering how quickly he hooked two fingers under my underwear and pulled it to the side.
“But it sounds so nice,” I sighed, retaining my eye contact as I recalled the first time I’d beaten him at something. “Go ahead, try calling me 188 and see how it feels.”
Spencer decidedly did not like that taunt, although two his fingers roughly entering me gave me a bit of a conflicting signal. I could barely care about his response as he started to thrust into me. My head hit the wall again as I lost myself in the feeling that I could only get with him.
“Keep it up and I’ll leave you right here,” he muttered, his lips ghosting over my ear, “dripping wet and begging me to fuck you.”
The parallels to my theories about the contents of his fantasies were not lost on me. I was sure that in his mind, he was winning. He thought that he was turning me into a pathetic, compliant little thing. But in reality, he was giving me everything I wanted. Normally, knowing that I was the one in control would be enough for me, but this time I wanted him to know. I wanted to rub it in his face that even with his fingers steadily pumping into me, I could beat him.
I would always beat him.
“I bet you’re good at it. Have to compensate for the score difference, no?” I teased between heavy breaths.
Spencer immediately removed his hand. I’d expected as much but didn’t regret my decision.   Especially not when those fingers forced their way into my mouth. If I were a betting woman, which I usually am not, I would wager that a large part of him regretted not tasting me himself. To prove to him that this was still the correct decision, I closed my lips around the already soaked digits and worked my tongue between them.
“You think you’re so fucking cute, don’t you?”
Shoving them further into my mouth and holding my tongue down, he continued to spit vitriol-laden words directly in my face. “I don’t know why you even bothered studying anything. You were made for this. You look so good with my fingers down your throat.”
I wanted to laugh, but a moan shook around his fingers, instead. It would work well enough for my purpose, considering it made him smile.
“Bet you’d look even better with something else there.”
The second he voiced my own thoughts, I sprung into action. My hands must have been quicker than he thought they would be, because he looked down at the commotion to find that I’d already undone his belt. He unfortunately didn’t let it go any further.
“How very unbecoming of you,” Spencer chuckled. Removing his fingers from his mouth and pulling his hand from my sternum, he took a step back to look at the state of me, my skirt still bunched up at my hips and my chest filling with the air he’d deprived me of.  
Then, with a slight pout, Spencer just shrugged.
“I changed my mind,” he said as he started to walk away. “Clearly you aren’t good at this, either.”
For a moment, I almost let him leave. But then I realized that if he left, I would only partially win. While he wouldn’t get to have what he really wanted, he would have had my submission. And if I was going to leave this encounter with less dignity, I might as well get some sexual gratification.
“Worried you won’t be able to satisfy me, Dr. Reid?” I called, dragging out his name with his favorite little honorific.
Spencer froze mid-step. I could actually see the tension hit him, and I watched with glee as he let it slowly wash away. Glancing over his shoulder, his eyes shamelessly still fell to my exposed thighs. His thoughts were so apparent, his desires so suffocating in their flagrancy.
“You talk too much for your own good.”
“That’s still not a no,” I sang.
He tried not to show it, but a playful glint appeared in his eyes and in the shine of his smile. As if to wave a white flag, Spencer turned back and began approaching me, this time slowly and with purpose. When he was back in arm’s reach, he didn’t stop. He pressed his body against mine again and I basked in the warmth of winning.
“Give me one reason I should give you anything that you want.”
Then he touched me with no violence. His fingers drifted up my neck and under my chin, lifting it to force me to look up at him no matter the height difference. All he wanted was my neck bared to him, granting him even the faintest hint of dominance in this encounter.
I could lean into that. A little bit, anyway.
“Because you want it even more than I do,” I said with shaky breath. It was obvious that he didn’t believe me, and I was growing impatient at his own insecurities. Allowing my legs to fall open, I hooked one around his to pull him closer.
“Yes, that is me admitting that I want it.” I said as clearly as I could. When he still showed hesitance, I went straight for the kill. He would consider it a win, but I would just consider it leverage.
“I want you, Spencer.”
Watching his pupils blow wide at the sound of his name on my tongue was far more gratifying than it should have been. Thankfully, he didn’t gloat for long. He had better things to do with his time, like attaching his mouth to my neck and covering it with open-mouthed kisses.
While his hands quickly undid the buttons on my blouse, I finished what I’d started earlier. It was such a blur, an organized chaos of buttons and zippers that ended with us both significantly more exposed in more way than one. After all, we’d spent so much of our lives as outright enemies. Opposing parties unwilling to meet in the middle.
But when we did finally meet, with Spencer lifting me by my hips against the wall and slamming his into me with full force, it didn’t feel like losing at all. My body welcomed him; he found no resistance or resentment between warm, pulsing muscles.
There was a surprising familiarity in his embrace. There was something quite like winning in the sound of his groan in my ear. A pride in the knowledge that he’d found pleasure in the person he wanted to break.
“Fuck, Spencer,” I purred, my arms wrapping around his head and bringing his lips back to my jaw. My hand on his neck felt the hair rise and the skin become rough with goosebumps at the way his name sounded that time in the throes of passion.
“Shit,” he eloquently replied. But that wasn’t his only way of answering; his pace became just a little bit quicker, and my hips rocked in tandem with him. Spencer was slurring a number of hushed curses against my neck, and I didn’t bother trying to decode them.
Not like they were sweet nothings— and if they were, I definitely didn’t want to hear them. My eyes were set on one goal, and one goal only.
“You better let me finish. I’m not here for altruistic desires.”
Spencer laughed at the suggestion, taking the brief pause to readjust his grip on me. That action alone, the sudden pull of gravity causing him to bottom out inside me, was enough to tear moans from me.
“Let you?” Spencer mocked, running his nose over the side of my face before he growled, “I planned on making you.” With his new hold on me, he followed through on that promise. Each time our hips crashed together, I heard the precarious tapping of the diplomas and certificates hung on the wall. If they fell and broke, it would have still been worth the mess.
“Oh, God,” I whined, my nails digging into his neck and scalp as I struggled to keep up with the way his body moved. I would have never thought he would be the better of us when it came to physical activity, but there I was, shaking like a leaf in his arms.  
“It’s okay. You can admit how good I make you feel,” Spencer mocked with an obvious amusement in my undoing. But, in his typical fashion, he wanted to parade that joy so that I couldn’t ignore it.
It almost hurt, the way his fingers gripped me with crushing force. Almost, but not quite. It was the perfect amount of pain to knock me onto the edge, and I stayed there for a moment with my mouth hung open, taking hungry gasps of air. I wanted to say his name, but I couldn’t. Everything was nonsense in my mind that was focused only on what he was giving me. That smug bastard knew it, too.
“Say my name so everyone can hear, Miss 188.”
With his permission, my body called for him in desperate, keening cries. And then I couldn’t stop, his name flowing over and over from my lips in a way he would probably never grow tired of. He had stopped kissing me, focusing all of his attention on fucking me through my orgasm and watching my face as he did.
I didn’t even mind the way he looked at me like I was nothing without him. It almost felt like that in that moment, like I would fade away without his hands holding me down. Once I did return to Earth, and my senses, I scoffed at the goofy grin on his face.
“Fuck you,” I muttered.
“You already are,” he responded without his smile changing at all. There were worse things to look at, I suppose.
Normally I would have grown tired of waiting at that point, having gotten what I came for. But somehow Spencer kept me interested, and within seconds, I felt the familiar tension building again. However, it became obvious just as quickly that he wasn’t going to last that much longer.
And honestly? I didn’t hold it against him. I would take the frustration of an incomplete orgasm. He’d already given me one more than most men would. But apparently, that wasn’t enough for him. Because we both knew I would be capable of giving him one, and that would make the score a tie.
We didn’t like ties. Someone had to win. Spencer wanted to win— badly. I could feel as much in the way his hand came to where we met, slipping in the mess of our arousal just to find its way to my clit.
“W-What are you doing?” I asked even though I knew the answer.
With a wild look in his eyes and between heavy breaths, Spencer said through that same fucking smirk, “Winning.”
I hated the way it worked. That stupid, smug bastard got what he wanted almost immediately, my body betraying my own sense of self-preservation and throwing itself at his mercy. Still, I couldn’t bring myself to regret it. How could I? He looked so fucking beautiful with his head thrown back as he lost himself in me. The feeling of his arousal spilling inside of me and filling me like this body belonged to him was one that would burn into my brain. Like Spencer, I would never forget the way he looked when we fell apart together.
But when his hips finally stilled and his head fell forward onto my shoulder, we remembered the truth. There was nothing to like about one another besides the fight. This battle was over, and it had been won. I wouldn’t admit it, but Spencer took the victory by a landslide. Surprisingly, though, he didn’t gloat or force me to admit it.
No, with an insane amount of tenderness, he looked me in the eyes and asked, “Are you alright?”
“…What the fuck did you just say to me?” I barked back with furrowed brows.
“I asked you if you’re alright,” he repeated, not at all catching the hint. So much for thinking he was clever for like, two seconds.
“Do not get sentimental on me right now, 187, or I swear to god I’ll expose you to the world.”
Then, all at once, we were back to the way we’d been before.
“Yeah, you’re fine.”  Spencer drew his arms back and let me fall. I barely avoided a sprained ankle by grabbing hold of the shelf beside me, and I swear I heard him laugh at how badly my legs were shaking.
While the two of us tried to compose ourselves, we barely looked at one another. Every now and then, our eyes would meet in quick glances. It wasn’t exactly awkward, it was just that we didn’t have anything to say that hadn’t already been done. By the time he opened the door, I felt a smile creeping over my lips at the newly formed memory. It could have gone poorly from that point on if we’d let it.
But I decided that I wasn’t done playing with Spencer Reid.
“Hey, Spencer,” I called just before he turned the corner and left my sight.  
“Call me later.” The instruction left no room for protest, and he didn’t seem to have any. It did, however, call for an explanation that I was happy to give. “I have a few other arguments that need to be won.”
Spencer’s nose scrunched as he tried to hide the pleased smile that I definitely saw.
With feigned indifference, he answered, “Fine.”
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(Tell me what you thought of this fic here!)
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(DISCLAIMER: All persons fictitious.)
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The Brothers and Side Characters Play the Sims
I don’t know what possessed me to make this but WHATEVER. I’ve been playing the Sims since I was a wee little girl, and I’ve seen my fair share of weird Sims stuff that I feel would fit these bozos perfectly.
My Sims have a Functional Family Life Because I Don’t (Lucifer)
God dammit Levi’s obsessed with another game... ugh.
Spends 5 minutes in Create-a-Sim and hops into a starter home.
Lucifer’s the type to start with all the average stuff and then build their stuff up as his sim gets promotions.
It’s just... so peaceful...
...he’s adopting a dog.
Look at his new little virtual family... his sim-kids are self sufficient and getting A’s in school, his Sim spouse MC or Diavolo take your pick loves his Sim-self, his sim-dog-
He’s fine. It was just a virtual dog. *sniffle*
He’s now spending his free time drinking Demonus and playing the Sims.
What’s a mod? Levi why does your sim have gun?
Behold, My Gorgeous Home... It’s a Box (Mammon)
Mammon, like the rest of the HOL, is mooching off of Levi’s Origin account.
“AW SHIT! This house looks awesome! I’m gonna build it for Sim-me to live in!”
Mammon proceeds to build a box with rooms. Yay...
He just picks the funnest sounding job if he picks any job at all for his Sim. That’s how he ended up making 9 dollars an hour in the criminal career.
Didn’t stop Mammon from buying that solid gold bathroom set from Get Famous... a box with solid gold bathrooms.
His Sim is broke send help-
“Leviiiiiii my sim needs money... the people my sim kidnapped and is forcing to paint aren’t making enough money...” “Ugh... press control shift C and type ‘motherlode’.”
...Levi made a mistake.
His sim’s life is so chaotic, he has a piranha pool that his sim has almost died in twice, the sim is carrying on several torrid love affairs, his sim got struck by lightning, his sim has nearly died in a grilled cheese making accident twice... in the same day.
At least once Sim-Mammon and Sim-MC get married things calm down a little.
Mammon finds out what custom content is and proceeds to download EVERYTHING HE CAN FIND.
And now he’s asking Levi why his computer is running so slow.
Expansion Pack King (Leviathan)
He got into it back when the Sims 2 was new, he’s a veteran fan.
“Bro remember when Agnes Crumplebottom would show up and whack the shit out of your sims if they were flirting?”
“Remember when that witch would show up randomly on the lot you were on if you had Makin’ Magic?”
“Remember when Bella Goth was abducted by aliens and we just... didn’t question it?”
He whines about the Sims4 and how crappy it is but still buys every expansion pack, game pack, and stuff pack.
This boy watches like 40 hours of built tutorials and ends up sobbing over his weird roofs.
The mod folder is so full istg-
Levi gets custom content for the sole purpose of making his favourite fictional characters.
This is why Henry and the Lord of Shadows are married and Ruri-chan and Sim-Levi are roommates.
Oh my god they were roommates-
Levi also added his brothers to the world and uh... Sim-Mammon died in a tragic pool accident F.
Levi then proceeded to befriend the Grim Reaper.
He’s anxiously awaiting the release of Paralives.
Wait Gameplay? In This Build Simulator? (Satan)
Satan’s here to build and leave. Gameplay who?
Our favourite bundle of rage is a master architect and the amount of followers on the Gallery he has shows it.
He takes up those build shell challenges and always ends up making them look positively perfect.
Asmo’s always using his houses, and Satan often takes requests when he gets bored.
No Mammon, he reserves the right to refuse to build a golden castle for you- YOUR SIM HAS 40 SIMOLEONS-
No mods, no CC, he’s building with what EA gave him.
...and EA gave him debug objects, and he’s not going to explain how to get them.
The one time he did actually play with a family... it was one sim and seven cats.
He tries to play without cheats... and ends up getting frustrated and turns on cheats.
All hail the Pets Expansion Pack.
Custom Content Soap Opera (Asmodeus)
Asmo spends 5 hours in Create a Sim then just... clicks out of the game.
That’s how it goes most of the time, buuuuuut when he gets super invested in a family he’s made, boy howdy is he INVESTED.
Sim A is carrying on an affair with Sim C who’s in love with Sim B who’s married to Sim A but Sim D wants to kill Sim A and C even though they’re the illegitimate child of Sim C-
When Asmo realizes that in the Sims 4 he needs to manufacture all the drama himself and he can’t just sit back with a glass of wine and watch the fireworks, he switches to the Sims 2 and 3.
“...why is this old lady beating up my Sim..?”
He immediately recoils in horror upon seeing how ugly the Sims are pre Sims4.
Ah, there we go, perfect. Custom Content to the rescue!
He ends up remaking the entire world just so he doesn’t have to look at weird looking Sims.
Asmo is the only one to have finished a proper Legacy Challenge, but it gets crazy chaotic after gen 3.
“My sim just got abducted by aliens and now he’s pregnant- WHAT?!”
He has about 40 saves and only two he actually plays.
Just a Big Ol’ Happy Family (Beelzebub)
Beel found the game, proceeded to make everyone in create-a-sim to the best of his abilities, and made everyone get along.
That’s why Sim-Lucifer and Sim-Belphie are on a swing set together, they’re friends :D
“Hey Luke do you think you can make this?” “I-is that a cake shaped like a hamburger?” “Yes. Please make.”
He took one look at the cooking options and decided to max out his Sim’s cooking skill to unlock all the options.
Beel proceeded to drool all over his keyboard. Gross...
Boy howdy did he have some crazy dinner suggestions!
Overall, very wholesome Sim-life, except for the time Sim-Levi died because the toilet caught fire, don’t worry, Sim-Beel knows how to make ambrosia.
All is good in the Sim save...
...until Sim-Beel ate pufferfish nigiri and fuckin died-
Wait Did I Not Pause- (Belphie)
Huh, this game looks fine... I’ll play for a little- *SNORE*
Belphie makes some sims, plops them into a starter home, plays for an hour, then falls asleep.
He wakes up five hours later to absolute carnage.
Three sims have died because someone decided to make Mac and Cheese and the oven caught fire, the kids were taken away by social services, and the dog ran away.
“...heheh, holy shit everyone look.”
He doesn’t play often, but when he does, death occurs. He has found out every death method for every game from Sims 2 to 4.
And that INCLUDES the Sims Medieval! You guys remember that game?
Sometimes it’s not intentional, but Belphie got bored with the totally normal life his sims were living and decided to spice it up.
“Why are the ghosts breaking my showers..?”
Help There’s a Bug- (Diavolo)
The Crown Prince started playing when he noticed Lucifer was playing it.
He was immediately obsessed.
Dia mostly plays the Sims Medieval because he likes the feeling of achievement after completing a quest!
“Barbatos... why isn’t my Sim completing their task? The icon won’t show up.” “My lord it appears the game is bugged.” “:(“
No one thought to tell Diavolo that EA doesn’t plan on offering bug support to a game made in like... 2009
This doesn’t matter! Look at how great his kingdom is doing- oh no his hero has the plague-
He plays through the Pirates and Nobles expansion and manages to get the peaceful ending, he’s so proud of himself.
“MC! Look! My Monarch’s sword is permanently on fire and I’m fighting an evil wizard!”
When he does play the other Sims games he’s pretty basic, though, he does a great job at furnishing!
Dia gets crazy sad when his Sims die... he turns off aging.
Builder no. 2 (Barbatos)
Barbie doesn’t have time for this... but when he does, he builds.
No create a sim.
No playing the game as intended.
Just builds.
It’s relaxing, okay? A nice little suburban house he’s never going to play in, maybe a treehouse, maybe a big Hollywood Mansion...
The only time he actually plays the game outside of build mode is when someone needs his help to fix something in-game.
He does download custom content build items if he feels bored by the current selection.
Oh Crap What Am I Doing?! (Simeon)
Help him. Please.
He’s so confused.
“Luke, why is my sim upset?” “He’s hungry, Simeon.” “Oh, how do I fix that?” “...Simeon-”
There’s a toilet in the middle of the living room.
The fridge is facing the wall.
There’s no bathtub or shower.
The house is on fire- there is no god- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-
Okay, once he gets the hang of it he’s sitting pretty. His sims have good jobs, the kids are getting good grades, everything’s fine.
But Simeon won’t forget the nightmares.
What Even is This Save? (Solomon)
Solomon’s save is the definition of chaos.
One sim’s a vampire, the other is a spellcaster that really wants to fight the Callientes for some reason, there’s one normal sim that’s always sick for some reason,
It gets weird, confusing, and horrible.
Just how Solomon likes it.
His house makes no sense, like, what even is architecture?
Money cheats are needed because Solomon‘a goal of chaos and confusion is proving to be kind of expensive.
Square up Mortimer Goth, Solomon’s sims are here to steal your weird knight statue that’s worth a shit ton of simoleons for NO REASON.
He joined the scientist career for the sole purpose of getting to the alien planet and kidnapping adding an alien to the household via cheats.
The vampire ended up dying on their wedding day because Solomon forgot that he gave them the sun weakness.
Oh well, the ghost got added to the household! VAMPIRE GHOST!
The Child (Luke)
Before you say Luke’s too young to play the Sims, you should know that I was nine when I first started playing, and I turned out fiiiiiiiiiine.
He’s just happy to be playing.
Look, his sims are gardening :D
Look, two of them are getting married :D
Look, they had a baby :D
Look, his sims are building a rocket ship :D
Look, his sims’s rocket just crashed-
The concept of death hit the little angel right in the face that day.
“*sniffle*... my sims...”
Don’t worry, with tears in his eyes, Luke quit without saving and everything was fine!
Speaking of My Sims, Luke played MySims Sky Heroes and that was when Luke had his first bout of gamer rage.
MC came over to hang out with Solomon and Simeon, and in the distance they could just hear:
Okay, maybe Simeon should take the game away... just for a bit... he should take heed not to be bitten by the incredibly angry chihuahua.
MC: Why are our Sims married?
*Insert Boy Here*: Uh... that’s weird... I have no clue why they’re doing that...
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multiland · 3 years
stockholm syndrome pt.2 - k.sm.
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summary: you were used to being around criminals and even taking part of some misdeeds, as tragic as it sounded. However, you were never expecting the way you’d end up feeling about the smart-mouthed boy you were assigned to hold hostage.
genre: angst, smut, fluff.
pairings: victim! Seungmin x criminal! reader
warnings: mid violence, swearing, mentions of guns, unprotected sex but reader is on birth control.
word count: 12.8K
ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴏɴᴇ
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Your eyes opened in shock at the realization of what you had done. A hand clutching over your mouth as you stood up. Panic started washing over you, feet pacing back and forth and mumblings coming from your mouth.
Seungmin tensed, worried that you might be regretting the sudden intimacy you had shared with him.
“Blue?” He suddenly spoke, tongue darting out to run over his lower lip, tasting the lingering feeling yours had left.
Your heart raced and your breath hitched in your throat. Unwanted tears brimming the corners of your eyes the moment you craned your head to look at him. You knew he was confused, and so were you.
“We shouldn’t have done this.” You muttered, surprised that the knot that formed on your throat allowed you to actually speak.
Seungmin kept silent, his lips pressed in a line as he processed your sudden regret. Sighing, he nodded.
“It was a moment of weakness.” You stated, trying to convince yourself more than you wanted to convince him. Your fingers ran through your hair, distress washing over you at the thought of letting your guard down.
Seungmin’s lips curled up in a bitter smirk that didn’t go unnoticed by you, but before any of you could say something else, you heard a knock on the door.
Your eyes remained fixed to his figure, mind running wild as another knock echoed all over the house.
“Aren’t you going to open?” Seungmin asked, pulling you out of your trance. You blinked rapidly, running your palms over your face and nodding your head as if he could see you.
“Yeah, s–sure.” You mumbled, stepping forward to the chair where he sat and pulling up the gag around his mouth. “I’m sorry... We can’t risk anything.”
Seungmin didn’t move an inch, but you looked at him with remorse for a second before you left the room to make your way to the front door.
As soon as you opened it, there he was. Spade greeted you with a subtle smirk that you were forced to return, discomfort almost eating you alive when the thoughts of what you would have to do from that moment on came to your head. You had no choice but to pretend like nothing happened, to keep that facade and try your best to suppress any kind of foreign feelings that were starting to appear towards the guy back in your room.
As Spade kissed your lips, your eyes pressed shut. The show must go on.
A couple of hours that felt like an eternity had passed. You were laying on one of the beds from some of the guests’ rooms, Spade laying right next to you, shirtless and still trying to catch his breath as a thin layer of sweat covered his bare chest.
His head turned in your direction, a smirk full of pride forming on his lips at the sight of you. He moved his arm to wrap it around your body and pull you into his chest, you didn’t say a word, but thoughts kept running through your head even when your cheek was pressed against his skin.
You had done that many times, but that day it felt different. Tangled up inside, you felt terrified by the fact that you were wishing someone else was in his place, someone you shouldn’t have been wanting in the first place.
Every touch against your skin burned in desire, desire for the forbidden. Every kiss tasted and felt like his lips, and every moan slipping from your mouth held the traces of every fantasy you had built whenever you closed your eyes.
You were too far gone after just one kiss, how were you supposed to keep giving yourself to someone else when all you craved was to know every inch of him? He was the holy grail you had to find. The one you wanted to drink to cleanse all of the sins you had committed, but also the cause of some other sinful wishes. The one who appeared to show you the true meaning of life.
But he wasn’t the person next to you.
“How are things with that boy going?” He suddenly asked, pulling you out of your head. You looked up at him and shrugged.
“Good. I mean... He’s tied, it’s not like he can do much.”
Spade chuckled.
“Hasn’t been giving you headaches, hmm? Such a good boy.” He teased, you rolled your eyes. “It’s almost such a shame that things won’t end well for him.” He added.
His words felt like the strike of a lightning. Instant fear filling every single one of your senses.
“W–What do you mean?” You stammered, clearing your throat so he wouldn’t notice how it was affecting you.
He cocked a brow, sighing afterwards as his fingertips kept drawing figures against your skin.
“Well, let’s say the man who was supposed to pay for him got on my nerves. I might have to teach him a lesson.”
It was taking everything in you not to panic in front of him. You needed to play nonchalant, or you’d end up dying along with him.
“But... Kill him? He’s not the one at fault. Why would you do that?”
Spade laughed.
“Honey, you sound like you don’t know me.” He replied. “What do you want me to do? Set him free so that man will have what he wants?”
You gulped.
“But... You know I don’t like that kind of thing. Sungkyu... What if–”
He pecked your lips to stop you from talking.
“Shh. You won’t see anything. I’ll make sure to do it as far as possible.” He cooed, and you couldn’t say anything else, so you just nodded.
You bit your lip, feeling a heavy weight on your chest. You couldn’t let that happen. You didn’t want to let that happen.
You were out of your mind, that was for sure... But there was no way you’d sleep in peace knowing that his life could end as if it was nothing.
“When are you going to do it?”
Spade shrugged, standing up from the bed and collecting his clothes to get dressed.
“I don’t know. Soon.” He responded, turning around to face you with brows furrowed. “Are you okay? You’re acting a bit weird.”
His question sent shivers down your spine, however, you managed to fake another smile.
“I’m fine, just very tired.” You faked a giggle, and he seemed to buy it.
When he stood up, he grabbed his clothes and walked to the bathroom to get dressed, he placed another chaste kiss to your lips before he walked to the door and locked himself inside.
You looked around and took a deep breath before an idea popped in your head. His phone was on top of the bedside table, and you gathered all the courage you had to nervously grab it and look for some useful information.
You thought about the people you had heard him talk about, and thanking yourself for your good memory, you sent some phone numbers to you before quickly deleting anything that could incriminate you. When you heard his hand on the door handle, you placed the phone back and rested against the bedpost.
Spade exited the bathroom and you felt nauseous, absolutely terrified that he could somehow know what you had done, but as soon as he smiled, you felt relieved.
He walked to grab his phone and tucked it in his pocket.
“Alright babe, I’ll see you tomorrow yeah? Make sure to dress properly. That guy might be blindfolded, but men are like animals... Pheromones still go through the barriers.” He winked and you nodded, before he blew you a kiss and finally stormed out of the room.
Your fingers grasped on the white sheets, pressing them against your bare body as you laid on your back. You felt nauseous, you needed to think of something before it was too late. You hoped that somehow you’d find some answers soon.
You didn’t even care about yourself anymore, not if that meant that Sungkyu wouldn’t get away with it.
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A couple of days had gone that fast. Talking with Seungmin hadn’t been an option considering the way your thoughts had been consuming you after that talk with Spade, and Seungmin being the way he was, hadn’t really made any effort for it to be different, so besides letting you know anything he could need, he just stayed silent.
He probably felt resigned already, he probably sensed something was wrong when you came back that day, and the fact that he knew what you were doing with that man surely didn’t help at all.
He knew he wasn’t special, after all, he was just an object being held hostage to get some sort of revenge for something that had nothing to do with him in the first place. Then why did he feel betrayed? Why did the thought of someone else touching and kissing you anger him? Whenever he heard those noises and whimpers coming from the other room his stomach churned, he felt nauseous. Were you enjoying it? Was it easy for you to just kiss him and then fuck with someone else?
Seungmin hated to admit it, but jealousy had started eating him alive. He was probably insane at that point, crazy for craving the touch of a stranger, for dying to feel your lips once again, for wishing he could just embrace you and run his fingers over your skin.
He found himself clenching his fists tightly, and his jaw tensing hard enough to make his teeth hurt that day. After everything you had said to him, you still went back to bed with that man. You were nothing but a liar. That’s what he kept repeating to himself. You probably just wanted to gain his trust so it’d be easier for you to destroy him. All of you were the same.
You probably hadn’t killed anyone physically, of course, but you were just as cruel, taking advantage of people’s vulnerable states, confusing them with your sweet voice and gentle touch, making them let their walls down and believe that somehow you really cared about their well-being.
You had made it. Seungmin swore he wouldn’t let his guard down, but before he noticed you had gotten deep under his skin. Stupid, so stupid. He should’ve known.
On the other hand, you kept staying up all night, the lump on your throat just making it harder for you to breathe. You almost felt grateful that Seungmin wasn’t able to see the way your eyes kept glued to his figure every time, thinking over and over again how to save him from his dark fate. You didn’t know if you were just done with being part of it, or because he had found a way to your heart.
And that night wouldn’t be any different. There you were, in the middle of the night wide awake, anxiety washing over you instead of tiredness. Your eyes kept wandering all over the dark room, mind busy with the anguish of the time running out without a solution. You sat up and turned the little lamp on your nightstand on. Your hands ran over your face and through your hair as you tried to stop the panic attack that was threatening to come up. Your eyes landed on him, all silent and resting his head against the chair he was sitting on.
You stood up, taking a deep breath and walking to your balcony before you ended up saying or doing something out of impulse that you knew you shouldn’t do. Your hand gently pulled on the door handle and quietly opened the door that allowed you to go for some fresh air.
You were instantly greeted with the cold night breeze against your bare arms. It made you shiver and you could’ve just gotten back inside to grab a coat or a sweater to keep you warm, but you didn’t, you didn’t because you needed to feel something, and that’s exactly what you let yourself do. Your chest tightened and out of pure reflex, your hand flew to rest against it.
Your eyes burned with unshed tears filled with mixed emotions; anger, sadness, frustration, guilt and confusion.
You looked up at the sky, as if you were hoping for the moon to give you the answers that you desperately needed. You still hadn’t found a way to reach the people that were looking for him and time was running out. You took a deep breath and exhaled. As you looked at the streets below and the beauty of the city you lived in, tears started running down your face. You covered your mouth with the palm of your hand and your muffled sobs almost harmonized with the monotonous symphony of the crickets.
You felt awful, and you couldn’t stop wondering how you ended up there. All you wished was to live a normal life, with freedom, with a voice. You wanted to have the opportunity of doing whatever you wanted or love whoever you wanted without the fear that they’d get hurt because of it.
You were not like them. You were a good person and you had finally reached your breaking point. What had you done to deserve such a life? You didn’t know, but you felt like meeting Seungmin had a reason, and if you couldn’t have the life that you wanted, at least you wanted to try to give his back to him.
It took a while for you to calm down, but as soon as you did, you went back to your room quietly, shutting the door behind you so you wouldn’t disturb Seungmin.
What you weren’t expecting, though, was him being awake, but as you dragged your feet to your bed, he spoke.
“Crying again?” He asked, the tone of his voice letting you know that he had been awake for a while.
Your eyes opened wide, head craning to the side to look at him.
The dim light coming from your lamp illuminated his features just enough for you to see the way his lips curled up in a smirk.
“You’ve been like this for days now.”
Your brows furrowed and your stomach sank, however, and for some reason, you thought it’d be better if you just played dumb.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You assured, sitting on the edge of the bed. “I just couldn’t sleep, that’s all.”
Seungmin let out a humorless, breathy chuckle.
“Yeah. You couldn’t sleep so you started wandering around the house and crying in the corners. I’m not deaf, you know? This house is quiet enough for me to be able to hear your sobs.”
That’s when you gulped. Your mouth opened a few times to say something, but you just couldn’t find a good argument to refute his statement.
Seungmin knew you wouldn’t, and that made him tsk and shake his head, an action that didn’t go unnoticed by you.
“Are you going to make fun of me now?” You asked, folding your arms over your chest, as if he could see you.
That smirk kept being plastered on his face.
“I am not.” He responded. “It’s just that I find funny that you think I’m dumb enough not to notice.”
You rolled your eyes.
“Then how come you’ve been hearing me crying every night but you decide to say something today?”
Seungmin shrugged, licking his lower lip, which sent sparks down your body.
“Hey, it’s not my problem, is it?” He asked. “I’m nothing but an idiot that’s here against his will. It’s not like I want to know about the fights you have with your boyfriend.”
You cocked a brow.
“But you’re asking me anyway...”
Seungmin thought for a second, trying to find the best retort to give you.
“I just did it because you’re being annoying.”
You were the one who let out a humorless laugh at his obnoxious comment. Standing up from your bed, you stepped closer to him and leaned forward.
“I call it bullshit.” You stated. “Why don’t you just admit that you care about me like I care about you?”
Seungmin moved back as soon as he felt your sudden proximity.
“Why are you so close to me?” He asked defensively. “And you? Caring about me? Don’t make me laugh.”
You frowned, his comment hitting a bit harder than it probably should have.
“Haven’t I proven to you already that I care?”
“Don’t be ridiculous.” He replied. “You just took advantage of me. You felt the way my guard was going down and took the chance to kiss me, not caring about the fact that I opened up to you and just telling me it was a mistake to go and fuck someone else hours later.”
Your heart sank.
"Is that what you think about me?”
Seungmin shrugged.
“Are you going to deny it? Come on, blue. I heard your fucking moans.”
You pressed your lips in a straight line, gulping away the feeling of disgust that washed over you. He was right, and you hated to admit it, but he didn’t know what you truly felt back then.
You started pacing back and forth once again, running your fingers through your hair.
“It’s not what you think.” You finally said, stopping in your tracks with your back facing him.
He laughed.
“Not what I think my ass.” He spat. “Stop taking me for an idiot. It was just a kiss and I know it meant nothing, but at least I have the guts to admit the whole damn thing.”
The harsh tone in his voice instantly told you how hurt he actually was. Despite the situation itself being a complete madness, at least you knew you were on the same boat.
“It meant nothing?” You asked, turning around to look at him. Your voice was weak and filled with sadness, which just confused him.
“Well, you tell me.” He said. “You’re the one who easily brushed it off and slept with someone else.” He continued. “What happened then that made you cry, hm? Did you tell him about your wicked games and he got jealous? Is that why you fought?”
“Seungmin, you have no fucking idea of what you’re saying.” You retorted, your blood starting to boil at his rudeness. Tears started burning in the corners of your eyes all over again, and you cursed mentally at your inability to keep your feelings on the line.
“Then fucking enlighten me.”
“You’re going to fucking die!” You deadpanned, and he seemed to be shocked for a moment.
“What do you mean by that?”
You took a shaky breath and exhaled.
“That’s what he said.” You responded. “That you’re going to die anyways.”
Seungmin froze, breath hitching in his throat before a bitter laugh escaped from his mouth.
“I saw it coming.” Was all he said. His demeanor had changed completely, and even when he tried to pretend, you knew how scared and sad he actually was, and that made your heart break.
Tears started running down your face, trying to find the right words to say to him. That’s when you decided to come clean and just tell the truth. You had nothing to lose anymore.
“That’s why I’ve been crying.” You said through gritted teeth. “I’ve been feeling terrible, thinking what can I do to stop this from happening.” You explained, trembling in fear, anxiety and frustration. “I don’t want to be part of this anymore.”
Seungmin’s chest tightened, and he kept quiet for a brief moment. He needed to process everything.
“Do you think that I’m going to believe that? That you’re crying for me?” He asked again, his tone going lower and weaker, as if the knot on his throat was stopping him from  speaking. “More like you’re feeling guilty and it’s eating you alive.”
“I’m crying because I don’t want you to fucking die!” You yelled. “Why don’t you believe me?”
“What do you care? I’m just a stranger to you, nothing more.”
“No. You’re not just a stranger to me.” You repeated, stepping closer to him. He tensed, you noticed the way his fingers grasped on the fabric of his jeans.
Seungmin’s heart pounded roughly. It was becoming harder and harder from him to stop his feelings.
“How can I believe you?”
You bit your lip and quickly moved your hand behind his head to undo the knot of his blindfold, letting the fabric slide down from his face.
Seungmin’s lids pressed shut briefly before he finally opened his eyes and tried to get used to the light. You stood there in front of him, squatting down with your hands on his thighs for support.
The moment his eyes locked with yours, time stopped. His eyes were round and chocolate brown, they sparkled under the light as his pupils dilated while finding yours. You were right. He was breathtaking.
“What are you doing?” He finally asked, brows still furrowed. You managed to smile weakly, tears still streaming down your face and your heartbeats increasing uncontrollably.
“Do you believe me now?”
He was unable to speak, but never broke eye contact with you. The atmosphere became heavy, the chemistry in between was palpable and almost unbearable. You were dying to kiss him and he felt the same way.
He just managed to nod.
You moved your hand to cup his cheek, his skin was soft and warm as your thumb brushed against it. You licked your lips, eyes flickering between his lips and his eyes.
“I'm not going to let anything bad happen to you.“ You whispered. “I promise.”
He moved his tied wrists to your face, grazing his fingertips all over your features in total awe. His lips were slightly parted as he examined every inch of the face he had spent so much time imagining. You melted into his touch, eyes slightly closing until his eyes found their way to your dark orbs again.
“Shit. You’re beautiful.” He whispered, forgetting almost immediately anything he had felt or said before he was able to finally see you. The pads of his fingers drew patterns on the flesh of your lower lip, and somehow your faces were merely inches apart.
You could’ve sworn your heartbeats resonated all over the quiet room, as heavy breaths emanated from both of you, the thick sexual tension absorbing the air around your bodies.
A weak smile formed on your lips at the compliment, your hand moving to cup his cheek and your thumb caressing his soft skin. Like a magnetic field, you felt this overwhelming impulse to let him claim you, and you were far too deep into his stare to think straight.
“Your eyes,” You whispered. “They’re just as pretty as I thought they’d be.”
His expression softened, but his stare only seemed to intensify. It was filled with something you couldn’t quite decipher. Something between lust, curiosity and desire.
Seungmin took a deep breath through his nostrils, exhaling the air slowly.
“Did you really forget about me when you were with him?” He purred, his knuckles caressing your jaw as he waited for your answer.
Your breath hitched, not finding the strength to speak, you decided to just shake your head. Seungmin cocked his head, clearly inviting you once again to formulate words.
Your fingers shakily threaded in the hairs in the back of his neck, nails gently scratching his scalp and making him humm in satisfaction. You were so close to him that all you breathed was the air that came out of his lips, and it was driving you wild.
“I thought about you the whole time.” You confessed, and that characteristic smirk of his once again made its appearance.
“Is that so?” He asked back, fingers tracing your lower lip again. Your eyes wandered from his, to his mouth as his teeth sank in his lower lip. You felt the pressure between your legs, your core aching to be touched. “Were those moans for me?”
You didn’t even hesitate before you nodded, arms finally wrapping around his neck. Seungmin leaned forward, his lips ghosting over yours just to pull back whenever you tried to close the distance. He lets out breathy chuckles, loving the way you reacted to his teasing with little whines of desperation.
“There’s something about you.” You spoke. “It’s making me want you in ways I’ve never wanted anything.”
Seungmin’s tongue darted out to swipe over his lip, nose gently brushing against yours and making your lids heavy.
“You can have me.” He cooed. “You just need to untie me and I’ll make you mine.”
You kept falling under his spell, hesitant but still moving your hands down to graze your fingers over the knot that stopped him from moving freely. You averted your gaze from him to look at his wrists now placed on his laps, taking a brief moment to think about it.
You looked up to meet his gaze.
“I can’t.” You replied, shaking your head. “If I do, you’ll run away.”
Seungmin quickly shook his head, moving his hands to lift your chin and force you to look at him.
“I’m not going to run away.”
Your brows furrowed. Your heart was pounding fast and hard against your chest just at the idea of being able to have him between your arms. You shouldn’t trust him, that’s what the voice in the back of your mind said, but you desperately wanted to.
The pleading look in your eyes made his chest tighten. A soft smile formed on his lips before he nodded.
“I promise.”
You stayed still for a second looking into his eyes, but finally decided to comply. You messily untied his hands and threw the rope somewhere in the room. He twisted his wrists, opening and closing his hands to help the blood to circulate correctly. You stared at the marks on his skin and felt terrible, absent-mindedly placing the pads of your fingers on them and gently touching them.
You stood up and he looked up at you, stretching his body as he sighed in relief. You gulped, wondering if you had just made a mistake as your pulse kept hammering in your ears.
“I... I can’t believe I did it.” You mumbled.
Seungmin just stared at your figure.
“Aren’t you scared of them finding out and killing you?”
You smiled bitterly, shaking your head.
“At this point, all I’m afraid of is not seeing you again.”
Seungmin stood up from the chair and that’s when you noticed his dark, hooded eyes. His figure towering over you and forcing you to look up, his jaw tensing and his breathing noticeably heavier.
But before he could say something, you decided to speak.
“I don’t care about anything anymore. Please, please erase the traces of his touch from my skin. If I have to die with someone’s fingerprints on me, I want them to be yours.”
He didn’t say anything, he just cupped your face between his hands and smashed his lips against yours in a desperate kiss.
Lips mending passionately as your arms wrapped around his waist, fingers grasping for dear life to the fabric of his t-shirt. You tasted him and it drove yourself into a state of euphoria, something impossible to describe as you relished the feeling of him.
Seungmin tilted his head to the side to deepen the kiss, gently pushing you backwards until the back of your thighs hit the edge of your bed. Your hands moved away from his shirt to support your body against the mattress, as you climbed on it with him hovering over you without breaking the kiss.
He gently laid you down on your back, settling himself in between, both knees at the sides of your hips as he kept devouring your mouth. You tangled the fingers of your left hand in his hair, and placed the right one at the side of his neck, loving how deliciously the muscles of his jaw and face moved along with the kiss.
His hands slid slowly down your jaw, caressing your neck and shoulders as they reached your waist, his long fingers gripping on your curves.
You nibbled on his lip gently, gaining a soft grunt before his tongue ran over yours asking for entrance. As soon as you granted him access, he slid his tongue into your mouth, his wet muscle flicking against yours while he squeezed gently on your sides.
Your hands proceeded to roam down his shoulders before holding on his biceps, his muscles tense for supporting his body weight. You took turns to tilt your heads, changing positions and making the make out session get steamy rapidly.
You caged his body with your thighs, bucking your hips desperate for friction. Seungmin wasted no time before he ground against you, making you moan against his mouth. His erection was prominent, hard as a rock against your clothed core and begging to be released. His broke the kiss just for his mouth to start wandering from your lips to your jaw and down your neck, nipping on your soft, warm skin and trailing open mouthed kisses that were sending you straight up to heaven. You bit your lip, fingers still playing with his caramel locks until he pulled back to lock eyes with you.
His lips were red and swollen, subtle pants leaving his mouth while his dilated pupils spoke louder than words. He wanted you as much as you wanted him. You didn’t know how it was possible for you to have gotten involved in such a short period of time, in such circumstances and most importantly, in such an intimate way.
But all you could do was live it and enjoy it for as long as it lasted.
Seungmin’s right hand moved to brush strands of hair away from your face. He was too immersed in you and the moment, finding it hard to believe that someone could look the way you did.
He was now sure of all the things he had thought previously. You didn’t belong there, in that kind of life and with that kind of people around you. He only needed to look into your eyes for all the doubts to disappear. There was no way someone like you could have a bad heart. He couldn’t and didn’t want to believe it.
“You’re the most beautiful person I have ever seen.” He admitted, his eyes sparkling under the dim lights while saying these words. Your eyes watered, no one had ever said something like that to you, let alone with such honesty.
You smiled at him, cheeks burning and probably already tinted in crimson red.
“That is, perhaps, because you haven’t seen yourself from my eyes.”
His eyes widened, heart thumping just in the right moment that you witnessed the first real smile since he arrived there. They turned into the prettiest little crescents you had ever seen, and he suddenly felt too shy to maintain eye contact. His head hung down for a second before he mustered the courage to face you again. You melted instantly, as it was, hands down, the most beautiful scene you had seen. His cheeks were covered in pink and you knew he had gotten kind of nervous by the way he chuckled.
That was a totally different side of him, and you felt like you could get used to it. It sent butterflies down your stomach.
“You’re cheesy.” He finally said, not able to hide that smile that turned you into putty in his hands. Leaning forward to connect his lips with yours all over again.
Your tongues pressed together and fought for dominance every now and then. His hands traced every inch of your body, making you feel like the clothes were bothering way too much.
You sat up without breaking the kiss, as your hands clumsily went to slid under his shirt, the pads of your fingers grazing the velvetish feeling of his skin before you grabbed at hem of his shirt, pulling it upwards until he got the hint, parting from your lips and lifting his arms for you to take it off.
He threw it away and your eyes crossed paths one more time. He stood there, knees sank on the mattress as you took the chance to detail his bare torso, flawless skin that urged to be touched. Your fingers instantly flew to his chest, gently tracing all the way from his pecks to his abs. It was soft, smooth to the touch and it seemed to glow on its own. A silver necklace that you hadn’t noticed before hung from his neck, adorning beautifully his collarbones.
Seungmin’s eyes followed your actions, his adam's apple bobbing at your hungry stare. His breathing was just as erratic as yours, and your touch despite of being soft burned, it burned in ways he hadn’t experienced before and all he wanted was to melt into it.
Your tongue ran over your swollen lips, looking up into his eyes again. He looked curious, his skin bristling in anticipation. Your lips curled upwards and you placed your hands on his shoulders, leaning in and connecting your lips to his neck in a quick motion.
A hum escaped from his lips as his eyes pressed shut. Your lips started to leave a dangerous mixture of open mouthed kisses, nibbles and sucks that just managed to make his erection painfully harder. His hands placed on your waist, tilting his head to give you more room to claim him, enjoying the way your kisses went down him like sweet alcohol.
His teeth sank in his lips as soon as your hand slid down to cup his clothed erection. Applying a gentle pressure, you moved your hand up and down, gaining soft moans that sounded like music to your ears.
“F–Fuck.” He groaned, unconsciously bucking his hips into your hand. You chuckled, your lips going up to his earlobe, nibbling on it.
“You like this?” You asked, intensifying the pressure against his pants.
Seungmin’s breath hitched before he quickly pushed you to lay on your back again. He smirked down at you, ripping your shirt open and connecting his lips with the base of your neck. His hands moved to your chest, cupping your breasts and running his thumb over your hardened buds.
“No bra?” He asked, his breath tickling you. “Naughty. I could think you’ve wanted this for a while.”
“I have.” You breathed, arching your back when he squeezed one of your breasts.
He let out a breathy chuckle, kisses going down until his mouth wrapped around your nipples, tongue flicking and gentle sucks making you go dizzy.
“You should’ve untied me sooner.” He mumbled in between kisses. “I would've claimed you so quickly you wouldn't have wanted anyone else to touch you. It was all a game, huh? You made him believe you moaned for him, but you were thinking about me instead, weren’t you?” He asked, kissing all over your skin as his hands slid down your body to the waistband of your shorts, pulling them down along with your panties.
One particular suck on your sweet spot made you moan even louder, turning Seungmin on even more.
He pulled back from your skin to stare into your eyes, his hand cupped your pussy and he pressed two of his fingers between your folds, running them up and down.
Seungmin quickened his movements, finally sliding one of his digits inside you.
“I asked you something, babe.” He groaned against your neck.
“Yes.” You cried out. “I always thought about you. Just you all the time. I haven’t been able to forget the feeling of your lips. I want you so much. Please fuck me.”
Seungmin grunted, pulling back and unbuckling his belt to unzip his pants and pull them down with his underwear. He freed his cock and it bounced against his stomach. Dark pink tip, coated in pre-cum in front of your hungry eyes. You extended your hand and wrapped it around his shaft to pump him gently, which made him throw his head back in pleasure.
The sight was just mesmerizing, majestic. He was absolutely stunning in every sense of the word. It was the most sinful thing you had ever witnessed, and it made your insides flutter in need and overwhelming desire.
Seungmin finally swatted your hand away, spreading your legs open for him. He curved his hand around his cock and aligned himself with your entrance, rubbing between your folds to tease you. He hissed when your fingers digged on the skin of his biceps, easing himself inside you right after. Soft curses left his mouth as he waited for a brief moment to let you adjust to his size. As he did, he went back to your lips and kissed you slowly, placing his hands behind your thighs to wrap them around his slim waist.
He knew he wouldn’t be able to wait any longer, so he started rocking his hips while low groans slipped from his mouth at the feeling of your warmth around him. He pulled out all the way to the tip and pushed back in, finally bottoming out and making you squirm in pleasure.
Your hands grabbed on his biceps and his face buried in the crook of your neck. He inhaled your scent, loving it since the very first time it had invaded his nostrils.
A deep roll of his hips caused you to clench around him tightly, and he quickened his thrusts, choked moans filling the room along with lewd sounds of skin slapping against skin.
“You’re so tight.” He moaned. “Fuck. You feel so good, doll.”
An incoherent trail of curses and mentions of his name fell from your mouth, the delicious way he stretched you was enough to see stars all over the room.
You didn’t know where the confidence had come from, but you sat up, grabbed him by the shoulders and pushed him to lay on his back. You climbed on top of him with both legs at the sides of his hips. You straddled him, grabbing his hard dick soaked with your arousal and sitting right on it. His eyes widened in slight shock until you started moving and clenching around him.
The new position allowed you to admire every single one of his facial expressions of pure bliss. Head thrown back again, eyes closed and parted lips.
You stared down at him, hands supporting yourself on his bare chest as you bounced on his cock. Seungmin started cursing, finally opening his eyes and placing both of his hands on your hips to help you ride him.
“Seungmin, you’re so fucking gorgeous.” You moaned, throwing your own head back. His heart jumped, but the arousal was too much to give it a second thought.
His hands moved to grab your butt cheeks, thrusting up to meet your movements and increase the pleasure. You moved your hand down to rub your clit, but he pushed your hand away as soon as he noticed it to take your place. He rubbed fiercely, applying enough pressure to push you into your climax.
Feeling him twitch inside you, you knew he was just as close. Your nails digging in the skin of his chest, scratching and leaving subtle red marks that caused him to grunt. You could feel it, the coil in your stomach that announced the approach of your euphoric state. Warm and tight, sending chills down your spine.
“Not more than you, baby, you look so beautiful riding me. Shit. You’re so hot.”
His hands slid up to your back, fingernails digging on your skin and running down in return. You arched it, biting your lip almost hard enough to draw blood before you leaned in to kiss him deeply again.
His filthy praises were all you needed to finally reach your orgasm. A loud moan echoed all over your room when you parted from his lips, his thrusts quickly becoming animalistic and sloppy, desperate to reach his own climax and helping you ride out of yours. When he finally did, his hot cum spurted against your walls, and you collapsed on top of him.
You heard his racing heart against your ear, both of you trying to catch your breaths in nothing but your skins covered in sweat.
Seungmin wrapped his arms around your frame protectively, still inside you and wishing that moment could, somehow, last forever.
You smiled contently, also wrapping your arms around his shoulders, staying close enough to inhale his sweet scent. Then you pulled back just a little, gently brushing his wet bangs away from his face. He offered you a lazy smile, lids heavy but fingers finding their way up to your face to cup your cheek. He looked so stunning, hypnotizing enough for you to crave him even more, so you leaned in to kiss him on the lips. It seemed like the same thought or feeling crossed his mind as well, cause he went up to meet your lips midway.
His lips were soft, the softest and sweetest you had ever tasted. The way he kissed you made your head spin, electric waves filling all your senses. You smiled against his lips to resume your actions right away.
When you finally broke the kiss, you got off from him and rested your head against his chest. He wrapped his left arm around your waist and sighed, pulling you into him and holding you tightly.
A comfortable silence surrounded you for a moment, until he finally spoke.
You looked up to meet his gaze.
“So?” You repeated. “What is this thing between us?” You asked, averting your gaze from him and tracing your fingers over his clammy chest.
Seungmin thought about it. Truth was that he felt so many things all at once that he couldn’t find the right words to say. It didn’t make sense, he knew that, but it was real. Having a name for it or not, it was the realest thing he had ever known.
“I don’t really know.” He admitted, sighing. “But whatever this is, it’s probably one of the strongest feelings I’ve ever experienced.”
Your heart swelled and you felt sparks all over your body. Butterflies flying around that made you forget briefly the bitter reality.
“Is that so?” You asked teasingly. “Who would’ve thought that you could do better things with that big mouth of yours.”
Seungmin’s lip parted in shock before he threw his head back in laughter.
“You’re so vulgar.”
You laughed as well, placing another chaste peck on his lips.
“Why don’t you tell me about you?”
He tilted his head.
“About me? Like what?”
You shrugged.
“Everything.” You responded. “What you like, what you do, what you hate. I wanna know as much as I can about you.”
Humming, he ran his fingers up and down your arm. Deep in thought, he then smiled and nodded.
“Sure.” He said. “I will tell you everything, but you need to tell me something first.”
Your brows furrowed, looking at him confused.
“Your real name.”
You pursed your lips together. Should you do it? That’s what you asked. But what would you lose? You had already crossed every single boundary between the two of you. So you just sighed.
“Y/N.” You said. “That’s my name.”
Seungmin smiled. He had found his new favorite word, and he couldn’t wait to pronounce it every single day if possible.”
“So, y/n... There’s one last thing.”
You groaned and playfully hit his chest, he just chuckled.
“What is it, Seungminnie?”
His expression quickly changed. Looking down at you, he grabbed your face and looked deeply into your eyes. Dead serious, he licked his lips ready to speak.
“Run away with me.”
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“You gotta be kidding me.” He spat, brows furrowed as you tied his wrists once again. “Why do you have to go to him? Can’t we just run away and leave this shit behind?”
You sighed, squatting in front of him to look into his eyes with an apologetic smile. You placed your hand atop of his, giving it a light squeeze.
“You know it’s not that easy, Seungmin.” You responded. “We talked about this last night... I need to see him to know what I’m gonna do. This is dangerous. The priority is setting you free, even if that means that I get to stay behind.”
Seungmin’s chest clenched. He refused to take that as an option, not after everything that had happened between the two of you. He knew you were just another victim, and he wouldn’t be able to live with himself knowing that you had to carry with all the consequences.
He shook his head, unconsciously glaring at you.
“Don’t you dare to say that, y/n. I’m not leaving without you.” He assured. “Just the thought of you staying with him makes me nauseous. I’m not going to let that happen.”
You couldn’t help but smile adoringly at him. Your heart fluttered and your stomach flipped around. You stood up and he looked up at you before your hands cupped his face.
“You don’t need to worry. I’m all yours now.” You admitted, leaning down and pressing your lips against his in a long lasting, loving peck that made his head spin. Red spreaded on his cheeks and you giggled, forehead resting against his. “No matter what happens, that’s not gonna change, alright?”
He hesitated, but ended up nodding.
“Please be careful.”
You stood straight and smiled, nodding this time. You grabbed the gag and the blindfold to put them on him. You felt terrible for doing it, but no one could suspect anything or the both of you would be dead in a second.
“None of the knots are tight, alright? This is just to pretend. Please stay here and wait for me, you better be ready for when I get back. Remember there’s people watching you.” You repeated the instructions, taking a deep breath before placing a kiss on his head. “I’ll be back soon.”
With that, you turned around and walked to the door. Glancing at him one last time over your shoulder, you exhaled and walked out of the room.
You had no idea if that would work, but you hoped it would. That was the craziest thing you had ever dared to do, but if you wanted your life to be different and normal, you needed to do it.
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That morning kept passing like an eternity. You were out with Spade having lunch and you couldn’t wait to stop seeing him for once and for all.
He had tried to have sex with you again, but you managed to convince him that you weren’t feeling well, so he just took you out instead.
Your appetite wasn’t the best. The anxiety was almost unbearable and trying to hear or watch everything he said or did that could indicate something helpful was too damn tiring. You felt like losing hope, until he got a call that changed everything.
He tensed, you noticed. He could play it cool as many times as he wanted but you knew him better than that. Something about the way his jaw clenched and his fingers clasped around the phone with so much force that his knuckles turned white gave him away. You knew the person at the other side of the call was the one you needed to contact.
“I see you dared to call me, Bang. I applaud you for that, but it’s way too late now.”
You watched him carefully, playing with your food and averting your gaze every now and then so he wouldn’t notice.
“No. There’s nothing you can do now. You had your chance but you decided to fuck with me, didn’t you? Now your son’s friend is going to pay the consequences. I thought you were smarter, but you’re indeed too fucking stupid.”
You gulped. His words were incredibly frightening to hear, especially when you had to pretend like it didn’t matter to you. You could only think about that man and his son, and how desperate and frustrated they must have been. You felt sorry for them. You didn’t know the true story behind all of that mess, but knowing Spade, you were sure that they probably didn’t even deserve such a punishment.
“No.” He repeated. His tone was stone cold and so calm that it could only belong to a psychopath. “I have everything ready. My men are all ready to get rid of him. But don’t worry, maybe I'll be good enough to send your son something to remember his friend. Hmmm.. A finger, maybe?” He kept talking, your eyes widened and a knot formed on your throat. All he did was wink at you and you felt disgusted. How was it possible for you to have spent all that time with someone like him? "Whatever you say. That’s it, Bang. Do not call me again. Bye.”
With that, he hung up the phone. Getting ready to keep eating his food, he locked eyes with you and smiled.
“Was it the person related to the boy?” You asked, trying your best not to stutter. Spade munched on his food, before he grabbed a napkin and wiped the corners of his mouth.
“Yes.” He simply said. “Don’t worry. This is going to end really soon, you’ll go back to your normal life and you’ll have your room to yourself again.”
You forced a smile and nodded. Now that you could finally see the truth, you were more than horrified. Thankfully, you already knew what you had to do next.
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A while later, you had excused yourself to go to the bathroom. Locking yourself inside, you pulled your phone out of the pocket of your jeans to make a call.
Your hands were shaking and your breath was ragged. You were scared, but somehow, you knew it could go well.
A moment later, the voice of a man echoed in your ears. It had been a long while since you had heard him, or seen him.
“Tiger? Baby blue here.” You paced back and forth, playing with the hem of your shirt. “Yeah it’s been a while. Listen, remember that night when I helped you and you said you owed me a big one? Well... I’m going to need a favor.”
You didn’t need much to convince him. In that kind of life, when someone said they owe you something, they meant it. No matter what your request was, they were going to return the favor. And that’s exactly what you needed.
“The name... Or last name, I’m not sure, it’s Bang.” You nodded, as if he could see you. “Yeah. I need his number or the number of someone related to him.” You brought your thumb to your lips and nibbled on it, your stomach going in circles. “Alright, hold on.” You said, looking for a pen in your purse to write the number in the palm of your hand. “Christopher? Is that his name? Alright. Yeah that’s it. Please remember you can’t tell anyone, never. Yeah, thank you Tiger. Bye.”
You let out another shaky breath. Your hands were trembling, you needed to be quick before Spade started getting suspicious. Dialing on the number, you prayed that he picked up soon.
And he did.
“Christopher Bang?”
“Yeah. Who is this?”
“That doesn’t matter. I have some info that interests you.”
“What? Is this about Seungmin? Who is this? I’m calling the police.”
“No police. Listen, he’s okay. I don’t have much time, but if you want him back you better listen to me. I’m going to give you some instructions, you need to do what I tell you at the exact timing and in the exact place.”
“... Go ahead.”
“This is what we’re going to do.”
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It took another while for Spade to finally drop you home. He had gotten suspicious, so you had to tell him that you were feeling sick and that’s why you took so long in the bathroom. He seemed to buy it, at least partially.
As soon as you got back home, you rushed inside. Seungmin flinched when the door slammed open, and the first thing you did was take the blindfold off.
Seungmin looked into your eyes, confused. You grabbed his hands and made him stand up.
“Hurry up, you don’t have much time.” You said, clumsily collecting stuff you could need. He took the rope from around his wrists off and the gag from around his mouth.
“What are we going to do?” He asked, eyes following you all around the room. His heart was racing, he felt terribly nervous and scared.
“I’m letting you go. It has to be now before someone notices. Let’s go.” You said, grabbing his hand to drag him with you, but he stopped, making your head turn to look at him with a frown.
“I’m not leaving you here.” He insisted. “If you’re not coming with me, I’m not leaving.”
You sighed exasperatedly.
“Seungmin, you can’t stay here. They’re going to kill you, can’t you understand?” You whined. “Let’s go.” You repeated, pulling on his hand, to no avail.
“I don’t care. If I’m leaving, you’re leaving with me.”
You ran your hand over your face and sighed.
“Seungmin, I don’t think that’s–”
“It’s up to you.” He interrupted. “You go with me, or we stay.”
You stayed still for a second, before you sighed and nodded. He smiled, and your heart melted, making you smile back.
“Alright, but let’s go. We don’t have much time.”
You rushed to the back door of the house, opening it as quietly as possible and looking around to make sure no one could see you. When you felt safe enough, the two of you just started running away before the sun could start setting.
But things don’t always go as planned.
Scar happened to be passing by to check on you, and when he noticed how quiet the surroundings were, he started looking for you. That’s when he saw you running in the distance with Seungmin.
“Hey!” He shouted, and you heard him.
He started running after you, pulling his gun out. You and Seungmin looked back and you felt like your soul had left your body.
“Fuck.” You cursed. “They know. Fuck, Run faster!”
Seungmin ran as fast as he could, and for a moment your legs were about to give up. Luckily, he had enough energy to drag you with him.
Scar dialed his boss' number, and as expected, he wasn’t happy.
You didn’t know how long you had been running, but you found yourself deep into the woods. Hiding yourself among the mushes, you leaned forward and rested your hands on your knees to catch your breath, and so did Seungmin.
You could feel tears burning in the corners of your eyes. You were absolutely terrified, but more for him than for you.
“What are we going to do now?” Seungmin asked, and you tried to speak, but you were still breathless.
Before you could say something, you heard his voice.
“Blue, princess, where are you hiding?”
Your eyes widened as your hand clasped over your mouth. Seungmin felt the panic rushing through his veins.
“Fuck.” You cursed under your breath.
“Honey, I know you’re here. If you come, I will consider having mercy on you.” He repeated, still from the distance. “Seems like you like that boy hm? You like him enough to betray me... What a little slut you are.”
You looked at Seungmin, the tears now running down your face.
“Seungmin...” You mumbled, and he shook his head, bringing his index finger to his lips, asking you to keep quiet.
“Don’t you know that you belong to me? That no one can touch you but me? After everything I’ve done for you. Ungrateful bitch.”
Seungmin pressed his eyes shut, but then grabbed your hand and started running again with you.
The sound was enough to alert Spade and his men, who soon were chasing after you.
You got closer to the streets, when a shotgun echoed and stopped you in your tracks.
You scanned your body and his, gladly, none of you was hurt.
“Stop right away or I fucking swear the next one will go through your skull!”
You looked at Seungmin and pushed him.
“Go, Seungmin. Run!”
He furrowed his brows.
“What? no.”
“Run! Fucking hell! There’s no way the two of us will make it. Run before it’s too late!”
Seungmin cupped your face, eyes watery as he panicked.
“I– I can’t, I’m not fucking leaving you.”
You started sobbing, pushing him away as you heard the steps getting closer.
“Go to 26-8, Yeouido-dong. Chan is waiting for you there. Please hurry up!”
“Y/N–” He insisted, holding your face again. His breathing was labored and his lip was already quivering, tears running down his face. “Please no.”
“Seungmin, if you care about me go away. Please don’t make all of this effort I made for you go to waste. Go away!”
You cupped his cheeks as tears streamed down yours.
“You need to go. Please understand. No matter what, Seungminnie, I will always belong to you. Please never forget that.” You messily pecked his lips one last time. “Go!” You screamed. “And don’t look back!”
He stepped backwards crying, until he finally turned around and ran away.
You fell on your knees and cried. You felt like your heart had been ripped off your chest, and that’s basically what had happened.
It didn’t take long until the atmosphere darkened, followed by his dark aura all over you.
“Here you are.” He said in fake sweetness. “I hope you know what’s gonna happen next, right?”
You closed your eyes and he walked around to face you. A gun in his hand that was quickly pointing to your head. You looked up at his tall figure, a dark smirk plastered on his face.
You pressed your eyelids shut, waiting for the bullet to finally kill you. A hundred thoughts and memories came back to your mind in flashbacks. How you wished everything had been different. You could’ve been happy, you could’ve found happiness with someone as good as Seungmin was, but sometimes life isn’t fair. You felt glad that at least you got to know him. You cherished everything you had learned from that situation, from him. You were able to experience something strong that felt real, something close to real love. Maybe it wasn’t in the best kind of scenarios, but love works in some mysterious ways, you find them when and where you least expect it. You just hoped that he could find happiness, that the pain would go away for him, that he could move on from that dark experience. You hoped he knew how much he meant to you, and you wished you could’ve spent more time beside him. Your stomach churns and the tears keep falling down, burning your cheeks with the bitter feeling of hopelessness.
That wasn’t the kind of ending you wanted, but you were ready to accept your fate with the memory of his face and the way his smile managed to change your whole perspective of life.
You just wanted everything to end, and in that moment, you heard sirens all over the place. Spade looked at you angrier than ever, and you knew it was your end.
“You fucking traitor.”
That was all he said. Many gunshots were heard right after, and everything became pitch black.
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Seungmin kept running as fast as he could. His legs burned and his feet hurt, but he couldn’t have cared less. In truth, nothing could’ve hurt more than having to leave you behind. A part of him stayed with you, a part that he wouldn’t be able to get back no matter how much he wanted.
His brows continued furrowed as the tears blurred his vision. His cheeks were soaked and his nose was red. He had a knot on his throat that was so tight that he could barely breathe. It hurt, it stung terribly, it felt like he could’ve started to bleed soon. He felt so awful, so guilty.
He kept wondering why. How was he capable of actually leaving you behind? He knew exactly what that meant, and he was ready to not forgive himself for listening to you and running away as long as he lived.
A coward. That’s how he felt. He ran away instead of staying and trying to protect you just like you always did.
You always protected him. He was so grateful for that. You didn’t even have a reason to do all of that for him, but even in the end, you had sacrificed yourself for him.
His heart felt heavy, his chest felt so fucking tight. He wanted to break down.
He ran and ran, wind blowing his hair until he spotted a familiar face in the distance. Someone ran towards him as soon as he recognized his face.
His eyes opened wide like his arms. Running towards Seungmin, Chan quickly wrapped his arms around his friend’s frame.
“Jesus Christ. I thought we had lost you.” The oldest said, hugging him tightly. “I’m so glad you’re okay.”
Seungmin froze for a second, until he snapped back to reality and returned the hug.
The familiar warmth and the much needed gesture of affection was enough to make him finally break down. He started sobbing like a little kid on his friend’s shoulder, who just did his best to comfort him.
“H–hyung. I–” Seungmin stammered. Chan pulled back but kept his hands on his shoulders. A look with a mixture of sympathy and concern plastered on his face as he tilted his head, inviting him to speak.
“It’s okay.” He cooed, patting his shoulder. “You’re okay now. We called the police. They’re gonna get caught.”
Seungmin’s eyes widened, shaking his head nervously.
“Hyung please. You need to find her.” Seungmin pleaded, his lip quivering. “Please, they need to save her before he hurts her.”
Chan frowned in confusion.
“Who?” He asked, tilting his head again as he tried to meet his gaze. “Who is she?”
Seungmin gulped, trying his best to regain his composure.
“Y/N.” He responded. “She’s the one who helped me. I’m safe and sound because of her hyung. I really need her to be okay, I–”
Chan quickly nodded, rubbing Seungmin’s back. He knew it then. He thought you must’ve been the girl who called him before, and considering how affected Seungmin seemed to be, that could only mean that you were special to him.
“I’ll tell dad. I promise we’ll try our best to find her. Alright?”
Seungmin nodded, sniffling as he wiped his tears with the back of his hand. Chan placed his arm around his shoulders and took him to the nearest hospital to get him checked. Chan tried to seem positive, but he knew it was unlikely to find you harmless. He knew what kind of people they were, and how they killed whoever dared to mess with them.
His heart hurt for his friend. He not only experienced something already traumatizing, but if he had bonded with you in such a vulnerable state, he knew how destroyed Seungmin would be if something bad happened to you.
So he talked with his father. He promised to inform him if he knew your whereabouts. Until then, he just took care of his friend.
Taking him home to his family, who felt blessed and relieved to have him back. Calling the rest of his friends and making sure to keep him distracted and comforted for the time being.
But there wasn’t a single moment where he didn’t think about you. He kept waiting and waiting for a call, for a sign, for anything that could let him know how you were. It was hard, especially when he had to pretend to stay calm so he wouldn’t worry his friends. He kept telling them everything he had gone through.
The way his eyes still hurt with the light for being blindfolded for so long. How his body ached terribly, or about the bruises on his wrists. He told them about you. How you kept him company, how you took care of him without asking for anything in return. How patient you were, how you had stolen his heart.
“But... She’s a criminal, Seungminnie.” Jisung said, face filled with concern. “You can’t say that you fell in love with someone who held you hostage.”
“I’ve heard about this... It has a name, what was it?” Felix continued, unlocking his phone so he could search for it on the internet.
Seungmin pressed the bridge of his nose and sighed. He knew they wouldn’t understand... After all, they didn’t know you. They didn’t know how much you had done for him. Yeah, it wasn’t an usual way of catching feelings, but the heart wants what it wants.
“I already told you.” He muttered. “She was another victim.”
“But she kept you there.” Changbin interfered. “If she wasn’t an accomplice she would’ve released you right away.”
“Yeah... She’s not any better.”
“I got it! It’s called Stockholm Syndrome.” Felix then spoke, reading an article he had found. “It says Stockholm Syndrome is a psychological response. It occurs when hostages or abuse victims bond with their captors or abusers. This psychological connection develops over the course of the days, weeks, months, or even years of captivity or abuse. With this syndrome, hostages or abuse victims may come to sympathize with their captives. This is the opposite of the fear, terror, and disdain that might be expected from the victims in these situations. Over the course of time, some victims do come to develop positive feelings toward their captors. They may even begin to feel as if they share common goals and causes. The victim may begin to develop negative feelings toward the police or authorities. They may resent anyone who may be trying to help them escape from the dangerous situation they’re in.” He concluded, looking up and cocking a brow.
“Yeah... That doesn’t sound like love to me. More like a psychological thing.” Hyunjin reasoned with a nod.
“Well stop judging the boy. We haven’t been in his shoes.” Chan finally spoke, leaning against the door frame with his arms folded over his chest.
Seungmin looked at him and a subtle smile formed on his lips, thanking him for trying to be more understanding.
“It’s not like we want to judge him hyung, It’s just that... It’s weird.” Jisung insisted. Seungmin just sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.
“If you knew her you’d know what I mean. She’s probably the purest soul I’ve ever met.”
Chan smiled sadly, noticing the way his friend’s eyes sparkled when he talked about you. However, the buzzing of his phone pulled him out of his thoughts.
Seungmin noticed when Chan walked out of the room with the phone in his ear. His stomach churned all over again, and he couldn’t help but just stand up and follow him. Desperate to have an answer.
But the way Chan’s head hung low was enough.
His breath hitched and tears brimmed in his eyes. Chan hung up the phone and turned around to face him, his expression was filled with sadness, which just made him feel nauseous and frozen.
“Seungminnie...” Chan mumbled, stepping forward.
Seungmin couldn’t move.
“Hyung.” He whispered. “Is she okay?” He asked, but Chan didn’t respond. Indeed, he just looked down to the floor. “Hyung! Tell me! Where is she? Is she okay?” Seungmin insisted, raising his voice. The rest of his friends quickly stood up from their seats and rushed to them.
Chan looked up at him and shook his head.
Then his world fell down, like him, down on his knees.
The world had stopped. He couldn’t understand anything his friends said as they frantically tried their best to comfort him. The only thing he was able to hear was his heart breaking, and the sound of your voice echoing in his head.
“Please understand. No matter what, Seungminnie, I will always belong to you. Please never forget that.”
And he would never. He could never forget your words because he belonged to you, too.
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A month had gone, and nothing seemed to feel better. Chan was worried sick for his friend, who hadn’t been able to find his old self again.
“Seungmin, please get up. You need to move on with life. You can’t lock yourself up like this.” Chan pleaded for the nth time, drowning in frustration for not knowing how to help him.
Seungmin groaned from under the blankets.
“I don’t want to, hyung. Please stop.”
Chan frowned, stepping closer to Seungmin’s bed and pulling the sheets off of him.
“Listen, I’m sick of it. If you don’t want to do it, I’ll make you. You better get off bed and take a shower. I’ll be waiting downstairs and if you’re not there in half an hour, I promise I’ll beat your ass and you’re not gonna like that.”
With that, Chan turned on his heels and walked towards the exit, turning the lights on and slamming the door closed behind his back.
Seungmin cursed under his breath. He hated that no one seemed to understand how he felt. It was like he was somehow dissociated with reality, nothing made sense anymore and he didn’t know if everything had just been a fucking nightmare.
However, he was too tired to hear Chan’s nagging, so he stood up and dragged his feet to the bathroom to take a much needed shower, hoping to water down what he was feeling.
On the other hand, Chan was cooking something when his phone got an incoming call. He frowned, reading his father’s name on the screen. Wiping his hands with a towel, he pressed the green button to pick up.
“Hi dad. What’s up?”
The voice on the other side made his eyes shot open in disbelief, almost making him choke on his own spit.
“What? How come? Are you serious?” He asked, the cooking utensils long forgotten over the counter as he walked to the front door. “Yeah, I’ll be there in ten minutes.” He concluded, hanging up and grabbing his keys and putting his shoes on before he stepped out of the apartment.
Seungmin got out of the bathroom a few minutes later, with a towel around his shoulders as he drieds the ends of his hair.
“Hyung, you better have a good reason for me to be here.” He said, but no one responded. Frowning, he started looking for his friend around the place without success. Making his way to the kitchen, he noticed the mess around and felt confused. “Channie hyung? Where are you?” He called again. Chan wasn’t the kind of person to leave a mess behind without a reason, let alone to leave the house without letting anyone know.
He just cocked his head and grabbed his phone to call him, but he didn’t pick up. Sighing, he walked to the living room and plopped on the sofa, switching on the channels as his mind kept going places.
After an hour or so, Seungmin heard the door swing open. He stood up and groaned.
“Hyung. You’re finally back, what th–” He spoke, stopping in his tracks at the sight in front of him.
His eyes flew open and his heart stopped beating briefly. In front of him stood his friend, but what he didn’t expect was to see the person standing right next to him.
He blinked a few times and his eyes burned. Was he hallucinating? It couldn’t be.
His mind went dizzy at the sight of you. Wrapped in some oversized sweater that probably didn’t even belong to you. Your rosy cheeks and round eyes bring him back to life. Your hair was long and silky, you seemed to be a bith thinner, but you were very much alive.
He looked at Chan as if wanting some kind of reassurance that he wasn’t dreaming, and Chan just nodded with a gentle smile. His eyes went back to yours, and your lips curled upwards in a sad smile as your heart pounded roughly in your chest.
He was thinner. He had dark circles under his eyes and it was obvious that he hadn’t been taking proper care of himself.
But despite all of that, he still looked breathtakingly beautiful.
He then ran to you and wrapped you in a tight, warm hug that both of you needed. His hand caressed the back of your head and his face buried in the crook of your neck. There it was, your sweet scent. The one he had been craving since the last time he saw you and he thought would never have again. Your arms wrapped around him, fingers gripping on his shirt for dear life as you started to sob uncontrollably. You had missed him so much.
“You’re alive.” He mumbled against your skin. “You’re back.”
You pulled back to look into his face, his eyes sparkling. You grinned, caressing the apples of his cheeks.
“I am.” You whispered, cupping his face. “I missed you so much. I am so happy to see you.”
He didn’t know how to feel. He was incredibly happy, but also confused.
“How? I thought you–”
“I managed to escape and hide.” You said. “Everything was a mess, a lot of people got hurt and I thought I’d die. But they got caught and the police found me a while later. I was being custodied, I needed to cooperate and say everything I knew. I got a fine, but I could pay for it with all my savings.”
Seungmin was the one who cupped your face this time.
“You’re free?”
You nodded.
“They’re going to be in prison for a long while.” Chan spoke, standing next to you and patting your shoulder. “I was really surprised when my dad called me. I knew I had to go for her and bring her back to you.” He smiled. “I’ll leave you two to talk... You must have a lot of things to say. Maybe we can call the rest later.”
Seungmin looked at his friends.
“But what about the things they said?”
Chan shrugged.
“Hey, don’t mind it. This is something between the two of you. If she makes you happy, then we’re all happy.” He assured. “Now please excuse me.”
Chan made his way upstairs and left the two of you alone.
Seungmin smiled and his eyes finally sparkled again. You loved the way he smiled, you loved his face, gosh, how much you missed him.
He hugged you again, kissing the top of your head.
“I’m so glad you’re okay.” He said. “I still can’t believe you’re back. I swear a part of me died when I thought you were gone. I needed you so much. So fucking much.”
“It’s all good now.” You said, caressing the soft skin of his cheek. “I am not going anywhere. You changed my life. All I want is to show you how much you mean to me. The only one who showed me what love is.”
He smiled. His eyes turned into those little crescents you had fallen in love with.
“You teached me so many things. Now I don’t take anything for granted. I became better, for you, who always put me first. You’ve given me something no one ever gave me. I am here because of you, and life isn’t long enough to show you how grateful to you I am. But I will make it up to you the best that I can, making you happy, so you never feel alone ever again.”
Another tear fell from your eyes, but he was quick to catch it and wipe it away. You chuckled.
“Damn who would’ve thought such a brat like you was able to say so many beautiful things.” You teased. “My cute baby.”
Seungmin grinned once again before leaning in and pressing his lips against yours in a soft kiss.
“Just wait. I have many beautiful things to say to you, but with something else instead of words.” He teased, and you smacked his chest making him laugh. “Fuck. I love you so much. You’re so beautiful.” He confessed against your lips before he kissed you again. You smiled, biting your lip. “I am going to give you everything you’ve ever needed and wanted.”
“I love you too. Seungminnie.”
His lips moved against yours slowly and smoothly. Your fingers tangled in his soft hair, tilting your head to the side to kiss him deeper. His tongue found yours after a soft swipe of the tip of his on your lower lip, and his hand clasped at the back of your neck. Your hair tangled in his fingers as he pulled ever so softly on your roots. The sweet taste of his mouth was the only thing you needed to be sure that you had finally found the place you belonged in. No matter what people said or how many mistakes you had made in the past. Love was accepting and forgiving, and you would spend the rest of your life trying to become better.
For you, and for him.
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thesolferino · 4 years
⤷ smp!dream x gn!reader.
⤷ genre: angst, soulmate au
⤷ word count: 3.7k
⤷ requested: yes, by this lovely anon!
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— summary: you pay a visit to the man you hate most when he exiles your brother/best friend, tommy
If there’s one thing you were sure of in this pathetic, despicable life of yours, it was that you hated Dream.
Honestly, how couldn’t you? He ruined everything you stood for, stomped over all of your plans for a hopeful future before you even started, never let you and your brothers build your life the way you wanted, because he had always been, and always will be, a selfish, narcissistic bastard. No matter how much you tried to negotiate, how many times you cried behind those walls because you knew you’d never be left alone, how many times you begged and pleaded Wilbur to let it go, let it all go, let Dream win because he’ll win every single time, no matter how many times the three of you try to stop him, he never gave up on making your life a living hell.
Despite the fact that you’d spent countless nights up, tossing and turning in your bed, wondering if life like this was really worth it if you’ll forever live in fear, if you can’t leave your window open at night without fear crawling up your spine that maybe, just maybe, he’d throw a bomb inside and kill you in your sleep - despite the fact that you always wondered if maybe you should flee, and never look back - you were one of L’Manburg’s proudest and strongest soldiers, at least for the time when the country was exactly what you built it to be. 
You waved your country’s flag and sung the anthem with equal pride, and you always stood right by Wilbur and Tommy’s side, chin high in the air, stance unwavering in the presence of Dream and those who stood by his side, always ready to show him what L’Manburg citizens were really made of. You shot best with your special crossbow - Wilbur had always complimented you on your eagle’s eye, and while you were built for a battle like the one Dream and Tommy fought for the prize of L’Manburg’s independence, Tommy was far too loud, confident, and forever blinded by his own vanity to have you fight it instead. 
Of course you’d let Tommy have it, despite being aware that he’s far too cocky, beyond his abilities, and that you’d handle it much more swiftly, because he felt the obligation to; because he wouldn’t give in and let you do it. Two sides of you chewed you away to insanity, because Tommy was your favorite - both you, and Wilbur’s - and while you wanted to let him have it, wanted to let him have the title of #1 soldier and have it his way, you also didn’t want him to get beaten by Dream, because you were sure it was going to happen. As much as you despised the man and everything he stood for, you had to admit that he was one hell of a warrior, and quite good with a crossbow.
That’s why, when Tommy got impaled by the arrow, you were the first to run up to him amidst all of Dream Team’s cheers, nursing supplies already out, (Dream had asked if you were so insecure in Tommy’s skills that you brought those along in preparation or if you were so confident that you had brought them to nurse him, instead; Wilbur had to physically hold you back from pouncing on him with the sword strapped to your back) slowly plunging the arrow out of his stomach and assuring him he’d be fine, that his well being meant more than a thousand L’Manburgs did. Dream missed none of your soothing murmurs and the worrying glances you shot to a boy no less than your brother, whether by blood or not, and he chose to turn his back, celebrating another victory. 
He couldn’t look away, though. No matter how hard he tried, his gaze always flew to the two of you.
What did it feel like - to be cared for? He’d have to ask Tommy, or Wilbur - what does it feel like, to have a chunk of your heart? What does it feel like to have you stare at him with flames in your eyes, but flames lit by adoration, and not by resentment? What does it feel like, to have you on his side?
Truth be told - he tried. He tried, he really did. When you first walked into his land, a traveller, somebody from beyond his sight, a fresh pair of eyes with a fresh perspective, he tried to befriend you, because even if he didn’t want to, it seemed like everything in this world brought the two of you together. He always ended up close to you, next to you, observing how you laughed, how your eyes crinkled, how your brows furrowed, how you tapped your fingers when you were bored and swung your legs back and forth when you sat on a wall too high for you. 
One thing you didn’t seem to care for, however, was Dream’s best attribute, and that was power. You didn’t care that he held all land on the palm of his hand, you didn’t care that he appointed and laid off whoever and whenever he pleased, you didn’t care that all looked up to him - you didn’t care that he was most powerful. 
He wasn’t the only one with the power, though. Power comes in different shapes and sizes, and a bold man is a powerful man. A man who stands out holds power, and the two who always stuck out like a sore thumb were Wilbur and Tommy. Because physical strength or resources aren’t always what make a man powerful - an entertainer is a powerful man, an intelligent man is a powerful man, a witty man is a powerful man, but above all, a courageous man is a powerful man. And Wilbur and Tommy were all of the above.
He envied Tommy, because Tommy knew how to get the attention on himself without the use of power. He envied Wilbur, because he had somebody to fight, he had something to stand for, he had a purpose, something in which he could put equal part bravery and intelligence in, both of which he had plenty. He envied the two, because they could be heroes, because he was there to witness their story getting built, while Dream was there from the beginning, and the only witness he had was himself. 
You grew close to the two of them before he even had the chance to try - his chance got wasted before he could even try, because the more Wilbur whispered into your ear and crafted plans, and the more Tommy encouraged you to go with the two of them, the less he saw of you and your shiny smiles. At first, it bothered him to no end, because he saw so much potential in you, both as a friend and as a warrior, and Wilbur just kept on stealing you away from him, over and over again. But then, when he saw you helping build those giant walls, and heard Tommy proudly announce that: “We’ve got Tubbo, Eret and Y/N on our side, too!” shiny smiles became dull, menacing even, to the point he didn’t want to look at them anymore.
And when the war had started and you proudly defended Tommy, no matter what, with an insane glint in your eye that he only recognised from reflections, he realised that the chance had fully, entirely slipped out of his fingers, and you’re nothing more than an enemy anymore. The opportunity to get you on his side was long gone, if it ever existed in the first place.
You were with them through everything, thick and thin - you were there when Tommy turned over the discs, cheering on Wilbur during the election, even retaliating against Schlatt once he revoked the citizenship of your two best friends, nothing short of brothers, and leaving with them, spitting on his shoes before running amongst a sea of arrows that were being thrown your way, escaping out of the country you built of your own blood, sweat and tears like a criminal, like a foreigner, like an outsider and not the very founder of the land they stood on.
You were always by their side, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you always agreed - you had gotten into way too many passive aggressive fights with Technoblade, told Tommy and Wilbur far too many times that he was nothing but trouble, told them that there is no more dangerous man than a man with power, and you thought they’d learned that lesson with Dream, long, long ago. But nonetheless, you stayed through it all - you stayed through the makings of Pogtopia, Henry’s unfortunate death, and the festival, at which you didn’t fail to shout “I TOLD YOU SO”s at Wilbur and Tommy despite being in a near-death situation. Technoblade suffered a kick in the groin, because you just couldn’t help yourself, which led you into a sword fight that was way more than you bargained for, and was ultimately stopped by Tommy who forgave Techno just to stop the two of you fighting, not looking forward to having your head cut off in front of him. 
You were there to see Wilbur spiral, breaking apart in the prison of his own mind, you were there to see the glint of heroism in his eye get bent into one of a villain, you saw him become the man he had once swore to you he’d never become. And perhaps, when you fought for L’Manburg again, deep down, you knew what would happen; but you still fought tooth and nail, desperate to get back what you once had. You fought next to Technoblade, even though both of you knew you hadn’t forgiven him, and you never will - you fought next to Wilbur, even though you knew he’s not the same Wilbur you once knew, even though you knew L’Manburg would never truly be L’Manburg again, because its founders aren’t the same as they once were, when their heart was full of foolish hope and love. 
You were there to see Wilbur mouth an apology to you, and even though you didn’t know what he would do, you knew that the apology wasn’t an apology, but a goodbye; at least a late goodbye to the Wilbur you once knew. You were there to see the betrayal in Tommy’s eyes when Technoblade turned against you, summoning monsters with his own hands, forcing the rest of you to kill them while he watched. You were close, so close, too close to putting an arrow through his heart, ready to get rid of him, tired of the tears and the blood you shed over getting back what was always rightfully yours; but you didn’t, because Tommy’s hand laid on top of yours, telling you not to do it. So you didn’t, and instead you aimed for the porcelain mask that haunted you in your dreams, the cause of all destruction. Unfortunately, you missed, with his foot jumping back right before the arrow was supposed to plunge straight through his chest, and you fell to the floor, defeated.
You were there when L’Manburg’s government formed again - you were there when Tommy burnt down George’s house on accident, and, unfortunately for you, you were there when your younger brother got exiled. You were there, watching him get escorted. You watched him leave. You watched that monster of a man escort him out, kick him out, away from you, from everyone he loved. You watched him, and gripped your crossbow with tears in your eyes, swearing to yourself that you’d never let him get away with this. 
That’s why you stomped into the Community House the next day, knife strapped to the inside of your thigh, sword fastened on your back, crossbow slinged over your shoulder, fire in your eyes, demanding to see him. And sure enough, as soon as you spoke his name, he was in front of you, cracked mask covering his face, dirty blonde hair combed, as if nothing had happened in the first place, as if he hadn’t made life a living hell for all of you.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” you cut him off, speaking through gritted teeth as you took a step towards him, heavy boots creating even heavier footsteps on the wooden floor. The mask remained expressionless as always, and his body language gave away nothing. 
“What the fuck is wrong with you, Dream? Is this funny to you? Are we some kind of sick joke to you? Is that what this is? Are you having fun, Dream?” you continued, almost spitting at him. “Take off that mask, talk to me like a fucking man.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” he said, hand shooting to grip the porcelain at the mention of his mask, although he simply adjusted it slightly, still leaving it on.
“You know exactly what I’m talking about. How could you kick him out?! He’s a fucking child, Dream! A child!” you yelled, hand clenching into a fist.
“Is this about Tommy? I’m sorry, Y/N, but it was not my decision. The people, and Tubbo, decided that he should be exiled- I just did my job.” he claimed, still stiff, expressionless, and you fired back almost before he even finished the sentence, rage lighting your whole body ablaze.
“Right, because you only have power over other people when it fucking fits you! You only have power when you want to! You’re only the most powerful person in this whole fucking land when you want to terrorise other people! What are you, Technoblade? Poor baby got succumbed by peer pressure? Miss me with that bullshit, Dream. You and I both know that if you stood up for Tommy, and refused to exile him, nobody would’ve done shit! But no, you chose to exile him, and you know that. So at least admit to your actions and don’t shift blame, asshole.” you spat, fury getting the best of you, and apparently him, too, because he pulled his mask off so quickly that the strings almost broke, menacing green eyes boring into yours.
“He shouldn’t have burned down George’s house, he shouldn’t have tried robbing George, he shouldn’t have been a criminal when he’s vice president of a country! All actions have consequences, and he has to suffer those consequences to learn!” he borderline shouted, defending himself.
“He’s supposed to learn by being exiled and ripped away from everyone he loves? That’s how he’s supposed to learn not to fucking rob people? He’s sixteen, Dream! Sixteen! He’s a fucking kid- yes, he makes mistakes, but so do we! And we’re adults! Full, grown, fucking adults. What has he done to you to deserve this, you fucking psycho?!” you yelled, and you briefly saw him grit his teeth, jaw clenching.
“I’m not a psycho and you won’t be calling me that. He can’t go unpunished for the crimes he committed. Tommy is not as innocent as you make him out to be. And, once again, this was not my decision, it was made by Tubbo. If you have any issues, take it up with him, not me.” his eyes go darker than they were before, mirroring a brewing storm with no glints of the sun anymore.
“Right, because you’re so innocent. You never committed any crimes! You’ve never done anything bad! Our favorite good guy, Dream. Never tried to kill any minors. Bless his heart.” you mocked.
“I don’t fight anybody unless they provoke me first. Every time I fought Tommy, I wished I didn’t have to.” 
“I really expected more from you, Dream, I really did. I expected you to at least fucking admit to your actions, at least give me a proper excuse as to why you haven’t left me and my brothers alone from the start even though we wanted nothing but to live in peace and independence, why you do so much of the fucked up shit you do, but I guess I expected too much from you. You’re nothing - even Technoblade is more of a man than you, you know that?” you asked, leaning on one foot lazily. You see his hand clench - someone’s getting mad. “Technoblade admits to his fucking actions. Technoblade has had his goals set from the start, he’s always made them clear, and even though he’s a dirty traitor, at the end of the day, it’s still your fault for siding with him. But you - you’re a liar. You’re a liar, and a manipulator, and you never play fair - you always play dirty and play with people’s emotions and that’s how you win.”
You continue: “That’s because you can’t win fairly. That’s because you lose when you play fair. You think you have power, but you don’t. You just play by a different set of rules than everybody else, and we let you. Power will turn a man evil, Dream, but you’ve been evil from the start. People will always fear you because you trick everyone into believing you’re far more powerful than you really are - but you know what people will do with me, Wilbur, and Tommy, that they’ll never do with you?”
“They’ll respect us. And you are a man worthy of no respect.”
You unleash your sword, pressing the blade to his throat in a matter of seconds, ready to push it through with no preparation but he grips your hand before you can do it, and he’s about to speak, when your eyes dart to his, and suddenly, your vision blurs, a movie playing behind your eyelids without you closing your eyes at all. 
It’s almost like you see the events play out in the depths of his gaze - you see him, the real him, who stands before you, and you see his face mirrored in the scenes that play out, you see him staring right at you through some kind of screen, a smile plastered on his face. His features look softer, and his eyes don’t glint the same way they do now, but it’s not a bad thing; they look warm, homely. Something bursts in your chest the more you look at him, and it all goes by so fast, but you manage to somehow catch all of it. 
You manage to catch his warm smile just as the days pass in flying colors right before your eyes, you manage to feel heat spread through your chest when you look at the man before you, you manage to see him cooking, and laughing, and running, and driving, and crying, and sleeping, and kissing you and it all feels so odd but so perfect at the same time. You’re looking at Dream, but it’s not him - you call him a different name. You can make out the silhouette of the actual Dream, who still grips your wrist, behind the scenes of you and the man with a striking resemblance to him, and you wonder if this is happening to him, too.
You see him on one knee, at a beach, and you feel yourself crying even though you don’t know what’s going on. You see him in a field, and you can make out a man who looks awfully like Sapnap sitting on a plastic chair in the front row among many, wiping tears before your gaze turns back to Dream, who grins at you, dressed in a tuxedo. You see a young boy with blonde hair running around the house, laughing, while you try to catch him, and then Dream appears in front of you, picking the boy up before you could. You see his face wrinkle as the days pass, and you finally see him close his eyes one last time while tears run down your face uncontrollably, and the whole thing stops. The scenes disappear and you’re snapped back into reality, Dream’s teary eyes boring into yours. 
And that’s when you realise.
You harshly pull away from his grip, eyes wide in shock, putting your sword back in place as you shake your head in disbelief. The tears don’t stop flowing, and you can’t tell if it’s shock, horror, disappointment or betrayal - betrayal in who? Fate, you suppose. 
“N-No way. No way. No.” You keep shaking your head, voice trembling as you back away from him. He can barely collect himself, too, staring at you as if you’re not real, as if he’s seeing a ghost.
“We’re- no. Fuck no. Fuck this shit, dude.” You laugh dryly, no humor in it whatsoever, a mix of disbelief and fear still weighing down on your voice as he tries to step towards you, wiping the tears off his face.
“We’re- we’re soulmates.” He stutters, but manages to ground himself way before you do, gripping your wrist again, and you feel almost electrocuted when a spark shoots through your whole body at his touch. You pull away, again, stepping backwards, praying there’s no wall behind you.
“No.” you repeat like a broken record, not even bothering to wipe the tears. “No- I- there must be a m-mistake, this can’t be-”
“There’s no mistake, Y/N. You’re my soulmate.” He takes both of your hands into his, holding your fingers gently, and it takes all the power in your body not to burst out crying again. 
“Y-You’re no soulmate of mine.” you gulp, pulling your hands away once again, finally managing to somehow collect your thoughts. “Fuck you. I don’t care what- what we fucking are. I’ll never love you.” 
You see him visibly stiffen at your words, mouth parting, and you almost feel bad. Almost.
“You can’t- you can’t go against fate like that. We’re soulmates, Y/N.” He sounds hurt. You manage to convince yourself that you don’t care.
“Watch me do it.” You spit, anger recollecting in your gut once again. “Fucking watch me. Find yourself somebody else. I’ll never forgive you.” 
“Listen, I’ll bring Tommy back, just listen-”
“So now you can suddenly go against Tubbo’s orders? When it fits you? Fuck you. You don’t need to bring Tommy back, because I’m leaving with him. Him and Wilbur were more soulmates to me than you ever, ever will be.” 
And with one last glare in his direction, you turn on your heel, stomping out of the Community House, rage burning your whole body as he watches you leave. 
A powerful man needs those who will give him power. Watching you walk away, Dream realised that one day, he’ll have no one.
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hamsterclaw · 3 years
You and your partner, Taehyung, are investigating the murder of a lawyer. Your investigation forces you to uncover truths that hit a little too close to home.
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Rating: 18+
Genre: Criminal lawyer JK AU, smut, angst
Word count: 16.5k total
Warnings: Sexually explicit scenes from the outset, explicit language, murder, domestic violence, mentions of suicide.
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Part 1
Jungkook’s hand pumps his cock frantically and he releases on your belly with a low moan of pleasure.
He uses his still semi-hard cock to swirl patterns into the cum on your belly.
You grab his forearm, half-amused, half-appalled.
‘Goddamn, JK. Stop being a neanderthal.’
He laughs, but can’t resist squeezing out a last dribble of cum, shaking the drops onto the mess he has made of you.
He crab-walks off the bed and fetches you a towel, tossing it at you carelessly.
You catch it and swipe at the mess. You get up, fully aware of the way he is ogling your bare ass as you walk to the shower.
You turn on the water and quickly clean yourself off. Just as soon as you are re-dressed in the black sweatshirt and jeans you came to see him in, your phone rings.
You swipe to answer. ‘Y/L/N,’ you say.
It is Kim Namjoon, your direct superior, asking you to come in for a new case. You tell him you’ll be there in twenty minutes.
Jungkook steps closer to you, gloriously naked still. You think that if it wasn’t against the law he would walk around naked, always. To be fair, the man is stunning.
‘Anything I’d be interested in?’ he asks, nuzzling your neck.
Jungkook is a criminal lawyer – you met him for the first time when he successfully defended a man you had built a case against for sexual assault. You still aren’t sure if the resulting fiery fuck that happened was hate sex or pure lust.
You push him away, hand on his hard chest.
‘Try not using me as a cum dumpster next time and I’ll tell you,’ you say, giving him your sweetest smile.
Jungkook barks out a laugh, and his cock twitches with interest as you brush your hand past his groin on your way out.
You manoeuvre your car into a tight spot and jog over to the yellow tape surrounding the crime scene.
Your partner, Taehyung, lifts the tape for you as you duck your head under.
‘What’s the story?’ you ask.
Taehyung raises an eyebrow. ‘How’s the hotshot lawyer?’ he asks.
You look at him evenly. ‘JK is fine. I just came from seeing him. He jerked off on me.’
Taehyung blanches slightly.
You turn and realise Kim Namjoon is standing behind you.
For a moment you both look at each other. His lip twitches and you tilt your chin, gazing up at him, challenging him to say something.
He puts a hand to his neck. ‘Might want to cover that up,’ he tells you.
And just like that he is back to business. ‘The victim is a 28-year-old professional woman, found next to the cycle path that runs beside the lake. Follow me.’
You follow him to where the woman is lying, ducking to peer into the tent forensics has set up around her.
She is face-down in the grass, dark hair spread out around her. She is wearing a pencil skirt and a thin white satin blouse. One heel hangs off her foot, one is on the grass next to her outstretched hand.
Namjoon hands you his phone, with a picture of the woman’s driver’s license, identifying her as Jia Woon, aged 28.
‘She works as a solicitor. She has an older sister, both parents are deceased,’ Namjoon tells you both.
‘Who found her?’ you ask.
Namjoon nods to a man dressed in cycling lycra standing with one of the uniformed officers.
You don’t know the area very well. ‘What’s nearby?’
This time it is Taehyung who responds. ‘She lives in one of the apartments at the end of this path,’ he says.
Namjoon is quick to divide up tasks. ‘I’ll follow up the post-mortem from the coroner. I’d like you both to interview the man who found her and then follow up with gathering information on our victim. Reconvene at 7am tomorrow with the rest of the team.’
You and Taehyung interview the man back in one of the interview rooms at the station.
He gives his name as Stanley Kim, aged 35. He is a school-teacher with two young daughters and the cycle path is the one he normally takes to work and back. He tells you that he was on his way back from work when he saw her.
‘Did you move her at all?’ Taehyung asks.
Stanley pauses, and you realise his gaze is fixed on your neck, the same place Namjoon gestured to on his own neck. You have a vague memory of Jungkook biting down on your neck earlier today – and haven’t looked in the mirror since.
You clear your throat, and Stanley’s eyes jerk to yours. He flushes guiltily at having been caught staring.
‘Mr Kim, did you move her?’ you ask. Your voice is soft, neutral. Taehyung once told you that your voice is insidious. You think that he meant it’s effective in interviews, but it’s anyone’s guess. Taehyung is cryptic like that sometimes.
Stanley denies having moved her. Taehyung asks him a few follow up questions, fairly standard things. He is the picture of a slightly flummoxed schoolteacher, so much so that your radar is up. You have a naturally suspicious nature, you believe it serves you well in this job.
‘Thank you,’ you say smoothly, once Taehyung has reached the end of his list. ‘We’ll be in touch if we need more information.’
Stanley looks at you then. ‘Yes, ok,’ he says. You catch a glimpse of something in his eyes, relief? It’s common in people once they’ve been interviewed by the police. Even innocent people can feel guilty, in fact, it’s often the innocent ones that do.
Once Stanley has been escorted out, you turn to Taehyung. ‘Shall we grab some dinner on the way to see the sister?’
‘Perhaps cover up your neck first. Mr Kim didn’t know where to look,’ Taehyung suggests mildly.
You scoff. ‘He teaches biology to 15 year olds. I’m sure he’s seen worse.’
You stomp to the bathroom and are mildly horrified to see the large purple bruise on your neck, very obviously a bite mark. You cover it up as best you can with the concealer in your office toiletries bag.
Taehyung is already in your car. The radio is off, you usually use your car time to talk through things.
‘Sex crime?’ Taehyung muses, as you put the car into reverse to get out of your space.
‘It has all the setup of one. Good looking, young, well-dressed professional woman. Dumped on a lonely path,’ you agree.
‘I was talking about your neck,’ Taehyung shoots back, smirking at you. You glower at him.
You signal as you turn onto the main road. Taehyung looks at the contacts list that has been downloaded off Jia Woon’s phone.
‘Sister, boyfriend, work colleagues,’ he says. He isn’t really speaking to you, looking at the numbers recently dialled.
You pull into a drive-thru and order for both of you.
Parked in the car park of the drive thru, you turn to Taehyung as you eat.
‘Stanley Kim,’ you say.
Taehyung looks off into the distance as he chews. ‘His surface details check out. He spent a long time staring at you though.’
You and Taehyung have slept together a few times. You suspect if you gave it a try you could have a romantic relationship – but you work together too well as partners to risk it.
‘A pervert isn’t necessarily a murderer,’ you reply. ‘He didn’t seem like he was showing off.’
‘He didn’t get any obvious pleasure from being interviewed,’ Taehyung agrees. ‘Plus, he wasn’t cocky.’
Your eyes meet. It’s true. Murderers, especially, are cocky. They want to show off their brilliance. Your reading of the crime scene makes you think the crime was a cold-blooded one rather than a crime of passion. Someone who would plan a murder would be cocky. They always are.
You find talking about your first impressions with Taehyung useful, but you are always careful not to draw full conclusions until you have more information.
You slurp the last of your milkshake, leaving half your burger and most of your chips untouched.
Taehyung glances at your food.
‘You ok?’ he asks.
When you first started on the force, you developed a bit of an unhealthy relationship with food. You have never had an eating disorder, but there was a period of time when you found you could not eat without thinking about some of the horrific crime scenes and environments you had encountered. When you started training with Taehyung you realised your lack of a healthy diet was affecting you physically, and these days you try to think of food as fuel.
You know what he is really asking. ‘I’m ok, Tae,’ you tell him. You reach out to touch his forearm. Taehyung briefly covers your hand with his own, and your eyes meet in the rear-view mirror.
‘Can’t cover your ass all the time,’ he says, not without affection.
‘Maybe spend less time staring at it?’ you suggest.
Taehyung laughs. ‘I thought Namjoon was going to combust when you mentioned JK jerking off on you.’
You start the engine. ‘God, do you really think he heard?’
Taehyung snorts. ‘Do you really think he didn’t hear you bragging about your sex life at top volume at a crime scene?’
‘Put your damn seatbelt on,’ is all you say as you obnoxiously burn rubber speeding out of the car park.
Jia Woon’s sister, Sena, is an attractive woman in her thirties. She greets you in a composed manner, though her eyes are reddened from crying.
You and Taehyung are sitting across from her over her dining table. She lives in a pretty two-storey house in the suburbs. You glance at the family photos hanging on the wall opposite, at the kids’ paintings pinned to the fridge. She has three children, and a husband who looks like he cares for her very much, judging by the photos on the wall.
‘We’d like to offer you our condolences for the loss of your sister,’ Taehyung says. He often takes the lead when it comes to families, people respond well to him and his calm manner.
Sena Woon nods quietly. Taehyung goes through the usual list of questions, and you learn that she and Jia are somewhat close but have drifted apart a bit in recent years since she started having children. They see each other monthly at least, usually for dinner in Sena’s house. She last saw Jia the weekend before, and she was her usual self. She didn’t mention anything out of the ordinary or that anything was bothering her. She tells you about Jefferson, Jia’s boyfriend that she has been dating for a while.
Sena’s husband comes into the kitchen as you are speaking to her. He places a hand on her shoulder protectively. ‘All ok, love?’ he asks. He looks at both of you. There’s something about his manner that tells you this isn’t his first encounter with the police.
You and Taehyung exchange a glance. Sena looks up, her hand coming to cover his.
‘I’m ok,’ she says. His hand squeezes her shoulder, and there is now a tension in her features that wasn’t there before.
‘If there’s anything you think might be helpful, please call us,’ Taehyung says. You both get up and thank her.
Taehyung walks with Sena’s husband to the front door, whilst you lag behind with Sena.
‘If there’s ever anything I can help you with, please let me know,’ you say. You make sure your right forearm is visible as you pat her on the shoulder. Your right forearm has a long scar running along the length of it, snaking on the inside of your wrist just under your palm up to the elbow. You see her looking at it.
You were serious when you made the scar, and they resuscitated you anyway.
Taehyung slides into the driver’s seat, waiting until you have buckled your seatbelt to pull away from the curb.
‘The husband’s interesting,’ he remarks.
‘He’s twice her size,’ you say. You send off a text to Sena’s number with your details. You can only hope she’ll take you up on your offer one day.
Taehyung studies you in the rear-view mirror. Your histories are intertwined from when you met as rookies, ten years ago. In some ways he knows you better than he knows anyone else in his life and yet there are some parts of himself, and you, that you have never shared with each other.
Instead of saying what he wants to say, he says, ‘Shall we pay the boyfriend a visit?’
You are already putting the address into the car’s satnav.
Jefferson Kwon is superficially good looking in a way that you might be attracted to if you were tipsy. Now, though, when you are stone cold sober, the first thing you see is how the expression in his eyes is flat and cold even when his eyes crinkle at the corners as he smiles at you in greeting.
You pretend to be taken in anyway, gaze lingering on him a shade too long.
‘I’m so sorry about your loss, Mr Kwon,’ you say warmly as you shake his hand.
‘It’s been such a shock,’ he murmurs. He leads you and Taehyung to sit across his desk. Like Jia, Jefferson is a lawyer. Despite the fact that it is nearly 10pm, he is still at the office.
‘When did you last see Jia?’ you ask, sitting opposite him. Taehyung forgoes a seat and goes to look out the large window that lines an entire wall of Jefferson’s office on the 40th floor.
Jefferson sighs. ‘This morning. We were meant to go away this weekend.’
‘Special occasion?’ you ask.
‘No, not particularly. We’ve been dating for three months, and it was meant to be our first trip away.’
‘And did you hear from her today?’ you ask. Taehyung sits beside you.
Jefferson nods. ‘She sent me a text at lunchtime.’
You ask about their recent relationship history, about how they met and ask about friends they have in common. Jefferson answers politely, taking just enough time to think about things that his answers seem genuine. You ask him to go over a timeline of where he was today.
‘Did Jia mention anyone or anything she was worried about?’ you ask.
Jefferson runs a hand over his face. ‘I’ve been thinking about this since I heard,’ he says. ‘I can’t think of anything. You should probably speak to her best friend, Soojin.’
‘Thank you for your time,’ you say. ‘We’ll be in touch.’
You get up, and you realise his eyes are fixed to your neck. You can only guess the concealer has rubbed off. For the thousandth time that day, you remind yourself to punish Jungkook for this when you next see him.
‘If you don’t mind me asking, what happened to your neck?’ Jefferson asks you.
There is a gleam of something in his eyes as he waits for your response.
‘I was bitten,’ you say simply. You leave it at that.
Back in the car, Taehyung’s hands clench around the steering wheel so hard you are worried he’ll break it.
‘He’s a creep,’ he says flatly, reversing out of the space.
‘He is,’ you agree.
There is a moment of silence.
You place your hand on Taehyung’s shoulder, massaging gently until you feel some of the tension start to dissipate.
To some, Taehyung is difficult to read, and it is true that his face often looks carefully blank. You worked out within a few months of meeting him that he carries his tension in his neck and shoulders, and since then you have always been able to tell when he is upset.
‘Do you like him for it,’ you ask.
Taehyung pauses. ‘I think he’s capable of it.'
You wholeheartedly agree that Jefferson would have been capable of killing Jia, and he is the first person involved in the case who fits the bill. Proving it is another story.
‘The best friend lives close to Jia’s apartment. Let’s head there,’ you say. It is now close to midnight. Your phones ping and it is Namjoon with the preliminary post-mortem report.
As Taehyung drives across town back to where you began your night, you read the report.
‘Likely strangulation, some blunt force trauma to the back of the head. She wasn’t pregnant, no other injuries, nothing under the nails, no signs of sexual assault,’ you summarise.
Taehyung lets out a slow breath. ‘No motive.’
Your phone rings. It is Namjoon. You update him on your progress.
Namjoon sounds tired. ‘Jimin pointed out the similarities to Lena Jeon.’
You raise an eyebrow. Lena Jeon had been in her late twenties, another lawyer who happened to come from a dynasty of legal luminaries. She had been well-known and respected prior to her death four months ago. The case had been under the jurisdiction of a different precinct but had been widely covered in the media. Death by asphyxiation. As far as you knew the case was still open but not much progress had been made.
You know why Namjoon sounds tired. If the cases are linked, you are one step from a serial murder spree, which raises the stakes enormously.
‘Lena Jeon,’ you say to Taehyung, and he immediately understands.
‘Damn,’ is all he says.
You touch up the concealer over your neck bruise as you wait for the lifts up to Kim Soojin’s 12th floor apartment. Despite the late hour, Kim Soojin looks wide awake, eyes puffy from crying.
You offer your condolences. Soojin tells you that she and Jia were meant to meet up that night for dinner at hers. She last heard from Jia that afternoon. Her voice cracks as she tells you about their friendship, and you hear the sincerity in her tone.
Taehyung places his hand on Soojin’s arm sympathetically. She looks up at him, and you see the moment she really sees him for the first time.
Your partner is a handsome man. He has a habit of blending in with the background, which is why people sometimes don’t necessarily notice his good looks until they really start looking at him. He’s tall, broad-shouldered and there is a pleasing symmetry to his features.
She flushes, and sits up a little straighter.
‘Tell us about her relationship with Jefferson,’ you say. Her eyes snap to you, and Taehyung rubs her arm reassuringly.
‘She was happy with him. They met a year ago at a gala fundraising for literacy in children.’
You glance at Taehyung, and the way his eyes flick to yours tells you he has also noticed the way her voice has become slightly mechanical when she talks about Jefferson.
‘Did you and Jia and Jefferson hang out together much?’ you ask, neutrally.
Soojin pauses. ‘Not very much.’
You know she is very close to telling you what she really thinks. It’s there, on the tip of her tongue.
‘Were things going well with Jia and Jefferson?’ you ask.
Soojin pauses again. ‘They had arguments, like any couple. She’s been a little upset with him lately, but she hasn’t mentioned anything specific. I haven’t seen much of her in the last month, tonight would have been the first time we’ve met physically in a while.’
Taehyung’s voice is soft, deep, soothing. ‘How long had they been dating?’
Soojin’s answer is immediate. ‘Around a year, since they met at the gala.’
‘Jefferson told us they’d been dating for three months,’ you say.
Soojin looks hesitant. ‘They were going away for their one-year anniversary this weekend.’
You both thank Soojin for her time, telling her to contact you if she thinks of anything else helpful.
‘Is there anyone else you can stay with for a few nights?’ you ask.
‘My boyfriend Alex lives nearby,’ Soojin says.
You and Taehyung exchange another glance. ‘We’ll drive you over there,’ Taehyung says.
Soojin looks at you both, about to protest.
‘It’s probably safer for you to be with Alex, at least for a few days,’ Taehyung tells her.
She is not proof against your gorgeous partner’s compelling dark eyes, the hint of pleading in his deep voice.
Once you have dropped Soojin off at her boyfriend’s house, you stop to pick up some coffee.
‘Why would he lie about how long they’d been together?’ Taehyung muses.
‘If we ask him, he’ll probably say didn’t consider them to be in a relationship until three months ago,’ you say.
‘God save us from fuckboys,’ Taehyung says, disgusted.
‘You’re a good man, Kim Taehyung,’ you say. ‘If you asked JK he might say we aren’t in a relationship at all.’
Taehyung scowls. ‘How can anyone say that and still mark you like that?’
You ignore his question. ‘And yet they were going away, which fits in more with a one-year anniversary than a casual three-month mark trip.’
It may be nothing, but it’s the first discrepancy you’ve picked up.
You sip your coffee, watching affectionately as Taehyung fishes an apple out of a snack bag he keeps in your car. He tosses it to you.
‘Eat,’ he says. ‘We have the rest of the night to go.’
Your next stop is the precinct. You stop by what is affectionately known as the ‘Fountain’, as in the fountain of all knowledge, otherwise known as the tech office. Min Yoongi looks up at you, face backlit in blue, lips in a straight line.
You hand him the iced decaf americano you picked up from his favourite chain. His lips stay in a straight line, but his eyes brighten slightly as he takes it.
He passes you printed transcripts of message chains he has downloaded off Jia’s phone and email account.
‘The boyfriend’s a bit of a douchebag,’ he remarks.
‘Yeah,’ Taehyung agrees.
‘Douchebag doesn’t always mean murderer,’ you say, rubbing your neck as you pick up the sheaf of printouts.
Yoongi shrugs. ‘I took the liberty of blurring out all the dick pics he sent Jia.’
‘I didn’t realise anyone sent those unironically these days,’ you say.
‘I’ve not had any complaints,’ comes a silky voice behind you.
You know who it is before you turn around.
Park Jimin is of the same rank as you and Taehyung – detective sergeant. He is a brilliant detective – careful and meticulous. The only problem is that he is distractingly flirtatious and seems to be on a mission to bed everyone in the precinct. You like his wickedly on-the-nose sense of humour, and would spend more time with him if he wasn’t always trying to fuck you. You assume Taehyung feels the same way about him.
‘I’m petitioning to make unsolicited dick pics a criminal offense,’ you say lightly. Jimin stops in front of you, lips quirking up in an amused smile.
‘How’s JK?’ he asks, looking at your neck pointedly.
Taehyung steps in front of you. ‘Brief us on Lena Jeon,’ he says to Jimin.
‘So I think if you’ve been following the media you’ll know the background – 29 year old corporate lawyer, part of a distinguished family. New partnership at the family firm. Lived in a penthouse apartment in mid-town, found in her bed by her cleaner. No one felt there was anything unusual about her on the day of her death. Was thought to be dating, but was very private about her social life at work. No siblings, parents live abroad and weren’t in the country at the time. Closest friend was someone she worked with, a paralegal called Mina Choi. No one was really sure about the identity of the boyfriend. Texts on her phone were to a man saved as Andy. He was questioned, and apart from a feeling he was a creep, no one really had anything on him. He had a cast-iron alibi. Was in a meeting with multiple people at the supposed time of death.’
Jimin pauses. ‘There was a high level of sedatives in Lena’s blood stream. She’d been issued with a course of diazepam by her family physician a few months earlier as she’d had difficulty sleeping. Originally it was felt she’d taken a deliberate overdose, but post-mortem showed fibres in her airway consistent with samples taken from her bedding. Death by asphyxiation was the official ruling.’
‘I see why you thought of her,’ Taehyung says, frowning. ‘Her and Jia are physically similar, both lawyers, not many close friends. Same crap taste in men. The MO is different though. Are there any other links?’
You are already looking through the profiles of the boyfriend, who has been listed as Andy Kwon.
‘Kwon’s not that common a surname,’ you say. ‘Jia’s boyfriend was Jefferson Kwon.’
‘Andy Kwon had an alibi. The investigating team was given a time of death and he was in a meeting with colleagues who know him well, at least a couple hours on either side of Lena’s estimated time of death.’
‘The main link,’ Jimin says. ‘Is that the day of her death, she met up with an old law school friend.’
You and Taehyung look at each other. ‘Who was it?’ you ask.
‘Jia Woon,’ Jimin tells you.
Yoongi snorts. He turns his screen towards you. ‘This is the profile on Andy Kwon.’
On the screen is Andy Kwon’s driver’s license. It lists his full name as Jefferson Andrew Kwon. The clincher is the photo, which you recognise as the creep you met earlier.
‘Fuck. We need to speak to Namjoon,’ Taehyung breathes.
Namjoon listens in silence as you, Jimin and Taehyung burst into his office. His office has a single tiny window high up through which you can see it is still dark outside. The time is 2am.
‘Bring Jefferson in for questioning first thing,’ he instructs you and Taehyung. ‘Ask Yoongi to look through Lena Jeon’s, Jia Woon’s and Jefferson Kwon’s profiles. I want him to look for any possible connections. Jimin, look into Jia Woon’s whereabouts on the day of Lena Jeon’s death. I’ll follow up the coroner’s final report and get them to put a rush on the tox screen.’
Namjoon pauses and looks out the window. ‘I think that’s as far as we can go tonight. Be back for a brief at 7.’
You and Taehyung stop by the Fountain on your way out to give him Namjoon’s instructions. Yoongi runs a hand over his face. He looks tired, which is unusual for him – he is normally most awake at night.
You and Taehyung often stay over at each other’s place when in the middle of a case. You both live alone.
You turn to Taehyung as you put the car in drive. ‘Your place or mine?’ you ask.
Taehyung cracks a tired grin. ‘Yours? I’m out of coffee.’
‘I have croissants,’ you agree.
Taehyung heads to the spare bedroom, his designated room whenever he stays over, with a sleepy ‘goodnight.’
You head to your room and nearly pee yourself in fright. There is a lump in your bed. You are about to scream for Taehyung when it shifts and you see Jungkook’s sleepy face.
‘Oh my god,’ you burst out, hand to your chest. You strip off your clothes and crawl in next to Jungkook’s comforting warmth. He snuggles against you. ‘I didn’t realise you were staying over,’ you murmur against his chest.
Jungkook’s laughter rumbles in his chest, and you feel the vibrations against your cheek.
‘I’m sorry, love,’ he tells you. ‘I missed you tonight and couldn’t bring myself to leave. I didn’t think you’d be back, though.’
The sentimental words make you pause. Jungkook and you rarely talk about anything but work and sex.
‘Busted,’ you say. You turn your face to his. ‘Did you just admit you missed me and stayed over even though morning sex was unlikely?’
Jungkook just smiles. ‘Would I rather sleep alone or in the bed of the beautiful woman I’m sleeping with?’
‘Oh, you think I’m beautiful. God. I should wake you up more often,’ you tease.
Jungkook runs his hand over your bare waist. ‘What time is it?’
He stretches and yawns, and you admire the flex of his torso.
‘3am,’ you reply. He kisses you then, the hand on the dip of your waist pulling you to him.
‘Jungkook,’ you sigh, and your hips are so close to his you can feel his cock, already semi-hard, twitch.
‘Tae is next door. We’ve got to be quiet,’ you warn.
In response he leans over you, his lips sealing over yours in a kiss.
His hips grind against yours in a slow circle, and you are already more than ready for him, have been since he pulled you close. It’s ridiculous how attracted you are to him.
You clutch at his back, encouraging him with soft moans as he kisses down your neck. His teeth graze the bite he made earlier, and the pulse of pain makes you remember.
‘Don’t mark me again,’ you say breathlessly. ‘Everyone’s been giving me a hard time about my neck all night.’
‘It’s too dark to see,’ Jungkook replies. ‘Does it look bad?’
‘It looks like I’ve been fucked good,’ you say.
Jungkook hums, low and sexy. He has moved down to your breasts, slipping your bra off so easily you haven’t even noticed until now. He nibbles at a nipple, and your hips jerk against his.
‘I love the way your body responds to me,’ he tells you. ‘You’re always mean to me, but your body is always ready for me.’
‘You’re the one who was stirring your cum onto me,’ you say. You pause, and your hand slips down to stroke his hardened cock.
‘I loved it, Jungkook. I love it when you get me messy.’
Jungkook grunts. ‘Shit. I need to get inside you.’ He pulls your panties to one side and in one smooth thrust he is in you, all the way in you.
You let out a deep moan. ‘Am I really mean to you?’
‘No,’ Jungkook replies, voice like velvet. ‘You’re so good to me, baby. This fucking pussy is so good to me.’ He punctuates his words with a thrust, and the silken glide of his cock into you makes you pulse around him.
‘Tell me how much you like my cum,’ he says.
You wrap your legs around his hips. ‘I love it. I love your cum,’ you moan. You tilt your hips so your pelvises are flush against each other.
‘Give me it. I want it, Kook,’ you pant.
‘I’ll give it,’ Jungkook promises you. He pounds into you, circling his hips, and you cry out against his neck as you cum all over him.
‘God,’ Jungkook moans. ‘You always cum so prettily for me. Good girl. You love it, don’t you? You love my cock.’
‘I love your cock,’ you affirm breathlessly, clenching around him. ‘Give me it, Kook.’
Jungkook groans, releasing in you. There’s so much cum you can feel it slipping out of you even before he pulls out.
Jungkook reaches between your legs, scooping up the mess and slipping his fingers into your mouth. You lick his fingers clean, and you see the glimmer of his smile as he pulls his fingers out of your mouth.
‘Goddamn, Y/N. I never want to stop fucking you.’
‘No need to get romantic, JK,’ you say pertly, turning over onto your front.
Jungkook laughs. He pulls you close, unmindful of the mess, and you fall asleep in his arms.
The tone of your alarm clock jerks you out of your deep sleep. It’s 6am. You realise you are alone in bed.
Your ensuite light is on, and you walk in to see Jungkook stepping out of the shower.
‘Did I wake you?’ he asks, towelling off.
‘No, gotta be in for a brief in an hour,’ you reply.
Jungkook slips a warm hand around your neck.
‘God. I’m sorry, baby. I didn’t realise I’d marked you so badly.’
You narrow your eyes at his half-proud, half-worried tone. ‘You’re not sorry,’ you say.
‘You’re right. I’m aroused, actually,’ Jungkook admits. ‘I’m thinking of what we were doing when I bit you.’
You laugh. ‘We haven’t got time for another round.’
Jungkook smiles good-naturedly at you. ‘Take your shower. I’ll fix us breakfast before I go.’
‘Don’t forget Tae,’ you remind him, stepping into the shower.
You get dressed to the smell of brewing coffee and warm croissants.
When you step out of the bedroom, you see Taehyung and Jungkook. They are sitting at your tiny kitchen island, sipping coffee and talking quietly.
‘Hey,’ you say to both of them. Jungkook hands you a mug, which you accept gratefully.
‘I’d better be going,’ Jungkook tells you.
‘I’ll walk you out,’ you say. You wait by the door as he puts on his shoes.
‘Hey,’ Jungkook says, as he stands to leave. He touches your wrist, smoothing back the sleeve of your silk blouse just a touch. He presses his lips to your scar.
He doesn’t know how you got it. He’s never asked. Until now, you weren’t sure he’d even noticed it enough to know which wrist it’s on.
‘I’d call you a girlfriend,’ he says. Unexpectedly, your heart flutters, and you stare at him, surprised.
He gives you a crooked smile and is out the door before you can even think of anything to say.
When you get back to the table, Taehyung is quiet.
‘You don’t need to tell JK how to treat me,’ you tell him. You aren’t angry, but you don’t think it’s Taehyung’s business.
‘All I said,’ Taehyung tells you calmly, ‘was for him to tell you how he feels. Because you clearly have no idea if you’re going round telling people he wouldn’t even call what you have a relationship.’
‘You’re not responsible for me outside of work,’ you tell him.
Taehyung sucks in a breath. You’ve touched a nerve. You have always suspected Taehyung blames himself for not noticing the way your ex-husband treated you. You know he was there at the hospital after your suicide attempt. You’ve never talked about it.
‘I was ashamed. I hid it from you. You couldn’t have noticed.’ Your hand is on his shoulder again.
Taehyung’s eyes meet yours, and he doesn’t look away. ‘I’m your goddamn partner, Y/N. We put our lives on the line for each other every damn day. That’s what kills me. That you hid it from me. That you couldn’t tell me.’
You finish the rest of your breakfast in silence.
©hamsterclaw 2021
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shadowcutie · 3 years
Here’s some resources to help you make text-based interactive fiction games!
Totally unprompted!  There’s certainly nothing going on in a certain forum right now (or rather an on-going issue).  Nope, I just thought it would be nice to share some resources.  ;)
Twine is such an easy tool to use.  It uses its own scripting language Sugarcube (there’s also Harlowe and Snowman, but they don’t have the same functionality and creator support as Sugarcube does to my knowledge), Javascript, and CSS.
Twine is FREE!!!
Sugarcube literally gives you a save function (which does browser and save to desktop)!!!  Be the save-hoarding goblin you were born to be!
It’s criminally easy to make games with Twine.  They make it easy to make stats, relationships, and other info pages.  When setting up the paths you can literally see arrows pointing where they lead, you can move passages around visually so you can group them up by chapter/scene/etc......to be fair once your game gets BIG it can get messy and confusing.
I have coding experience prior to finding Twine, but I’m absolutely certain anyone can make great games with Twine.  If all your doing is making text-based ‘more story than game’ games, then you’ll be doing minimal coding (setting variables, if/else statements, using text boxes, etc) so you shouldn’t have any issues.
If you do have issues I’m 99% certain someone has had your issue before, and the answer is one google search away.
You can use Twine in your browser, just be careful to not mess with the data/cookies or you can lose your games (totally not speaking from experience)....archive your games often if you use Twine in browser.  You can also download Twine, so you can use it offline!
SugarCube v2 Documentation - Your new best friend.
With the Settings API you can add a mature filter, different style themes (great for light/dark themes and color blind themes...or just different themes to look cool), difficulty settings, volume control, etc.
HiEv’s SugarCube 2 Sample Code - An ever-expanding collection of code, tips, macros, widgets.  A good mix of fun and useful stuff.
^ Includes a great pronoun widget!!!  To be fair it’s not the most user-friendly widget at first, especially if you aren’t a coder, but in the long run a widget like this is a great tool for customizing pronouns.  It allows you to write a character in the code with one set of pronouns throughout the game ($They $are a great $person), the widget selects the correct word through an switch (aka a fancy if/else) statement when the character is assigned a pronoun......so when playing a female it would display as “She is a great girl”, a male would be “He is a great guy”, and nonbinary would be “They are a great person”.  You can add neopronouns this way too!
Chapel’s custom macros - Chapel has a lot of cool macros, but a lot of them are more advanced.  Very few have been useful for the kinds of games I want to make, but they may be useful for you.
r/twinegames - Twine has some older forums, which are still up (though not active) and have helpful answers on them, but the current forum is found on reddit.
w3schools - When it’s time to style your game, this will be your lifeline.  Even today, like...seven years after first learning CSS I still come back to w3schools all the time. !!!Twine has funky class/id selectors for it’s built in stuff so refer back to the SugarCube Documentation!!!
Itch doesn’t take ownership of your content!
It doesn’t have DRM!
You can host your games for free, paid, or free with donation.
It does take a cut of your sales “The Company shall be entitled to a share of the revenue Publishers receive from Transactions which shall be calculated on the gross revenue from the Transactions“ (I’ve seen 30% but I’ve also seen “Lets you choose what to give them” so I’m not exactly sure how much their cut is).
THERE IS NO RESTRICTION ON CONTENT ASSUMING IT’S LEGAL (though if collecting payment you may be under different restrictions per the payment provider’s policy), so please make all the twisted, dark, disturbing, and/or sexual games you want!!!
r/interactivefictions is a good place for game recs, coding/writing resources, etc.
Tumblr is...well we’re all on here so we know how tumblr is like.
Great tags to look at: #interactive fiction, #interactive novel, #interactive game, #twine game, #dev log, #IF, #if game, #upcoming game, #promo post
Tumblr is a great platform, but as every creator knows...Reblog!!!  Reblog!!! Reblog!!!  The lifeblood of tumblr is reblogging.
I’ve found SOOOO many games I would never have known existed through if-creator’s blogs just because they reblogged a post from another if-creator.
@interact-if and @iorifd​ are doing great work!  They collect games, share helpful coding/writing tips, etc.  Go show them some love!  Interact-if runs the subreddit mentioned above, and iorifd is working on a database for visual novels and text-based games.
IFDB (Interactive Fiction Database)
IFDB is a database for interactive fiction games.  You can add new game listings, write reviews, make game polls, make game recommendation lists, etc.
IFDB seems to like their parser games (parsers being where you type in commands like “go west”, “open door”, etc).
It actually has a pretty good filter and ignore system.
Obviously this isn’t the end all be all of dev tools or hosting platforms for interactive fiction.  Ink is a scripting tool similar to Twine I’ve only heard of recently that might be interesting to you.  Ren’Py, although primarily a visual novel engine, can be used to make text-based games.  The only other hosting alternative I know is DashingDon, I THINK they only host ChoiceScript games and I don’t think you can sell through them, but it’s a good place regardless.
Cheers! :D
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