#they have both put their jobs and lives on the line for each other countless times. they are wholly devoted to each other.
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nadvs · 2 months
Swte au
Imagine Rafe freaking out when their daughter has her first date or when she gets her first boyfriend. He’ll definitely be overprotective over his little girl 🥹🥹🥹
omg yessss he’d be crazy overprotective!!
based on this fic
» au masterlist
his wife can’t help but be amused by the way rafe is pacing back and forth by the front window. their teenage daughter left for her first date an hour ago and he’s already worrying about when she’ll be back.
“her curfew’s eleven,” she reminds him, curled up on the couch, the complete opposite of her erratic husband.
“she’s testing our limits,” he says with a frustrated huff.
“rafe,” she laughs. “it’s not even nine o’clock.”
he looks down at his watch.
“it’s 9:02,” he replies.
“i stand corrected,” she says. “relax. he seemed nice.”
“seemed,” rafe repeats, recalling the way his daughter’s date came to the door, his eyes wide and his hand clammy when he shook rafe’s hand. “who knows what he’s really like?”
“trust me, that kid isn’t going to try anything after the stare-down you gave him,” she responds.
“he better not.” rafe’s fists ball tight as he paces back and forth. “if anyone does anything to hurt her-”
“you’ll kill them,” she says. “i know. you’ve been saying that since we got home from the hospital. can you sit down?”
“no,” rafe mutters. he has trained until he couldn’t stand. he has gone through countless injuries. he won championships. this is harder than all that combined. “this is hell. actual hell.”
she almost wants to keep teasing him, to call him a drama queen, but she knows her husband, and she knows when he’s truly freaked out.
she stands, stopping him in his tracks.
“you’ll leave an indent in the floor if you keep pacing like that,” she says with a soft laugh. she puts her hands on his cheeks and looks up at his worried eyes. “baby, she’s fine. she’s smart. and she needs to have a life. we can’t keep her from living one.”
rafe’s lips curl in frustration. but he knows she’s right.
in that moment, his phone pings. he pulls it out in a worried rush to see that his daughter texted the group with her parents: dinner was great! movie starting soon. will be home by 11 :)
his wife looks over at his screen and smiles. rafe sighs a breath of relief. they don’t need to say anything to each other. they know that in this moment, they’re both proud of her.
rafe’s on the couch watching tv with his wife when he hears the key turn in the front door minutes before eleven. he rushes over to see his daughter come in with a big smile. she notices how stressed her dad looks instantly.
“has he been like this the whole time?” she calls to her mom.
“not the whole time,” she yells back.
she comes into the living room, looking lovestruck.
“you look happy,” her mom says.
“it was so much fun,” she gushes.
“if he did or said anything even a little bit over the line-” rafe begins.
“dad,” his daughter sighs, “i love you, but relax, okay?”
she gives her dad a side-hug, and as she pulls away to go upstairs, he pulls her back in to hug her a little longer.
when rafe sits back down next to his wife, she’s looking at him with pure endearment.
“that was sweet,” she says.
“i’m never letting her go out again,” he mutters.
“yes, you are,” she laughs, nudging him. “i know what you’re thinking. she grew up way too fast. but you can’t doubt that we did a good job raising her.”
rafe finally cracks a smile, agreeing and kissing her temple.
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writerofadream · 9 months
Fortune favors the Bold ⛓
TDI!Duncan x Juvie Bestfriend! Reader ⛓
Chapter Four: Dinner is Served (Or is it lunch?)
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One year ago
"How the hell did you get a pack of cigs in here?" Duncan turned around to see his girl stalking up towards him. She wore the similar orange jumpsuit, and had her hair tied back into a harsh looking hairdo. "I'm just special." He shrugged getting her to roll her eyes.
"Want one?" He asked his best friend. "When have I ever said yes to that question?" She gave him the 'look' as his fellow inmates had dubbed it. "I hope one day you realize how much that affects your health, Duncan Tarun."
"Are you worried about me, L/N?" He teased her. "If anything I should be worried about you." She sat down next to him as they looked out at the yard. "You sure know how to put a downer on things doll." He muttered his fingers tapping nervously on his thigh. "Your dad died, today, one year ago. I killed him because you came to my house almost dead, Duncan. You have to be feeling something." The girl sounded more annoyed at herself then him.
"I've told you a hundred times, I wanted you to kill him. He was hurting my mom. If you hadn't done it, I would." Duncan explained. It was silent for a moment before she reached out for his hand, he took it without a second thought.
"I don't blame you for your anger. Your anger has kept us alive countless of times, Y/N. Without you my dad would've killed me at four. You are worth losing everyone." Duncan squeezed her hand as her head plopped down on his shoulder.
"Aren't I the one supposed to be comforting you?"
"We're best friend, doll. It's what we do."
Present day
Chris had you all crowded into the small cafeteria as clearly, very angry man started yelling. "Listen up, I serve it three times a day, and will eat it three times a day. Grab your tray, get your food and sit your butts down." Chef Hatchet yelled at the line of campers.
"He seems like a nice guy." Duncan muttered to no one in particular causing you to stiffle your laughter. "Got something to say, smart ass?" Chef yelled at Duncan as you grabbed your plates, the food looked almost sentient.
"No, sir." Duncan stood straight to attention doing a mock salute and you had to pinch your thigh to stop yourself from laughing. "I'll be keeping an eye on you. No one likes a smart guy." Chef growled ushering you both off.
"You are going to get your ass beat, you know that?" You hissed in his ear causing Duncan to laugh. "I bet you'd like to see that, darling." you both sad across from Izzy who waved cheerfully at you.
As Duncan stabbed his food to keep it from wandering off, you on the other hand just let it leave. It was probably healthier to just simply not eat it. Then Chris walked in. "Welcome to the main lodge." He announced to the eating campers.
"Yo, my man can we order a pizza?" Geoff asked before a knife slid inches from his face embedding itself into the door. "Woah, it's cool G, brown slop is cool. Right guys?" Geoff replied nervously as Chef Hatchet sent a terrifying glare his way.
"Mine had a redish tint, actually. But too each his own." You muttered causing Duncan to chuckle. "Your first challenge is in one hour." Chris announced walking back out. Katie (Or was it Sadie) voiced her concerns but DJ quickly quieted them.
When you all finished Chris had you meet at a top of a very large hill wearing swimsuits. He told the girls to cover up before going so he'd get videos of the girls in swimsuits.
It was creepy, but whatever got the job done. You had pulled your hair back into a french braid that fell down your back, and wore a maroonish-purple two piece swimsuit, you felt insecure about your stomach being on live television so you stole Duncan's jacket to have around your shoulders and zipped up high enough to cover your stomach.
"Your first task is to jump of this 1,000 foot high cliff into the lake." Chris explained the task, talking about man-eating sharks, and hoops or whatever. Frankly, you were bored. After you had finished the challenge he wanted you to build a hot tub which didn't sound very fun, but you know.
Bridgette went first as you and Duncan discussed which one of you would go next. Two dudes went, then Eva and you smiled before flipping onto your hands. "Wait, don't jump into the water with my jacket." Duncan warned you.
"Make me." You stuck your tongue out, still upside down as you walked toward the edge of the cliff, you then made a half heart symbol with your fingers causing Duncan to groan, and fell backwards down the cliff whooping for joy.
Duncan leapt after you.
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You both landed in the safe spot, easily. Then Harold came down, and landed on his crotch screaming like a little girl. "Well that's cute." Duncan muttered his hand finding itself around your waist. You smiled leaning into his arms before he unzipped the jacket, bolting off with it.
You ran after him, you were screaming curses. "How long would you say they've been together." Courtney asked Bridgette. "Oh, probably a long time. I wouldn't be surprised if they were married." The blonde shrugged. "That's fair." Courtney laughed quietly as they watched you tackle Duncan you both wrestling in the sand.
Eventually you pinned him down, both of you breathing hard, your faces red. "Your so pretty without the sweater, embrace yourself." He explained before you could hit him.
"Fuck you."
"You wish, cutie."
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creepedverse · 5 months
What is up with the mafia drawings from magma 👁👁🗣 may we know more
OK CUZ I WAS THE ONE WHO DREW THEM... it happened cuz i made everyone watch The Godfather with me cuz i had to write an essay on it. LMFAOOOOOOO
we're working on more lore for it but its just a CRV AU !!! there are two families, one run by bonnies grandparents and one run by slenderman. ty for asking meat >.o -sucker
bonnie's role is... she's supposed to be entirely uninvolved with the mafia, her grandparents try VERY hard to keep her away from that life, but she accidentally got tangled up in debt with the other family and is trying very hard to put on a brave face.
Mafia au Dia is a Capo within the Slender family. She’d also be the communications person. She makes connections for the family. Very friendly but scary person. Think Shinobu from Demon Slayer. She starts off very nice and sweet but lives life like she’s playing chess. She thinks everything 10 steps in advance. Plus she’s skilled in guns and knives although she prefers knives and can easily handle gore and blood… she’s the go to person for when the family need to extract info from a particular person who’s very tight lipped. She’s fine w killing and will actively find out other families dirty secrets as a way to blackmail them into not doing anything to the family she’s apart of.
Nico's slender's second in command, his right hand girl, his underboss. She gives orders to the rest of the family, they go from slender directly to her, then to the rest of the family on a need to know basis. She doesn't get her own hands dirty unless it's necessary, delegates most of the violence to Tommie or Tali. But she's brutal, almost inhumanly cruel. Has given the order for countless hits, mass killings, poisoned entire weddings, eradicated families, widows, orphans, as she sees fit. All to further the interests of the family.
Tobin works as a capo for Bonnie's grandparents mafia family. He's mainly involved in arms and narcotics dealing, and mostly hangs around the chop shop fixing up busted cars when hes not making deals. Tobin is fiercely loyal, and has pretty much no moral boundaries so he's the one people go to when they need dirty work done, like putting hits on people, debt collecting, protection, etc. He's very good with guns, is a sharp shooter, but he's a troublemaker who tends to push limits too far
Tali works as an assassin for Slenders mafia family. She doesn't have any friends or connections to people, and she likes to keep it that way. She does the job, gets her pay, and isn't seen again. Tali is very good at what she does, and she's familiar with all sorts of knives and poisons. She's to the point, and a nasty bitch who doesn't take disrespect from anyone. Mostly hangs around the bar or in casinos, making sure that nobody steps out of line, or that her target doesn't go out of sight.
A side plot is that Tali and Tobin, being from different crime families, are both given a job to kill each other. Its like a game of cat and mouse between them. Yet despite being some of the best hitters out there, the two can't seem to get the job done
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I haven't put too much thought about it, other than Shannon being some kind of Boss or at least high up position would be funny as hell, imagine you're being told you're meeting the boss of a mafia and its this shaking girl that just stares at you.
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gamma-rae-bursts · 1 year
Home is Where the Heart Is
Yn is a former BAU agent, currently working at Georgetown. She met Alex whilst working for the FBI and is navigating her life with her and their son, Ethan.
Pairing: Alex Blake x Reader
Content Warnings: kind of CM case talk
Word Count: 1800+
Genre: Family Fluff
A/N: I'm going to stand by the fact that Alex Blake is the softest of the soft people, hence this needed to happen. I also hate how little recognition Ethan got in the show so I'm gonna give my boy what he deserves here. I'm thinking of making this into a series of one shots, different Blake Fam x Reader scenarios (may include some angst, knowing me it will) so please let me know what you think of this <3)
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Joining the BAU was a dream come true, your way of making the world a safer, better place. And it just so happened to come with many other advantages. Although the beginnings were a little rough for you, feeling very out of place while being surrounded with FBI’s finest agents, soon enough they made you feel like a part of the family, like you truly belonged with them. And throughout the years you got to be a part of the team you’ve formed some of the best friendships with people that you knew you could trust with your life. But there was this one agent you held especially close to your heart, Alex Blake. Ever since she joined the team, the two of you were inseparable. One evening she finally asked you out on a date, to which you have immediately agreed. Falling in love with Alex was easy. Loving her even more so. Months went by and with that your relationship grew, soon enough you were introduced to her son, Ethan. The most precious little boy to ever exist. Not so long after that you moved in together and just a few months in Alex asked you to marry her. And this was your life now, you’ve never been happier.
But there were some definite downsides of the job. After all, there is only so much a human can take, the BAU knew it better than anyone else. There is only so much evil you can be exposed to before it starts consuming you from the inside out. You used to hold onto the last string of hope in each investigation, the hope that the last missing person would be found alive and there would be a somehow happy ending to this story. But at some point, even that was not enough. Over the years you’ve seen some of the worst horrors this world had to offer, you were met with death and misery at every step of your days. You’ve seen families torn apart, lives snatched away prematurely, unnecessary pain inflicted onto so many individuals. You’ve seen enough. You’ve had enough.
Making the decision to leave the team was not easy. You’ve spent countless hours contemplating whether or not to make that step before even mentioning anything to Alex. And after weeks of thinking, weeks of constant arguments in your head, making lists of pros and cons to both options, you finally decided that your time with the team has come to an end. 
Breaking the news to the team was easier said than done. You made a detailed plan how to tell each and every one of them personally, but when the time to put the words into action came you came up with a much better idea. Hotch was the first one, after all he was the person you handed your resignation letter to. Penelope was the second in line (or so she thought), you couldn’t stop yourself from making fun of her for the last time. In reality, you told the whole team that you were leaving and what your plan was, except for her. You knew the blonde woman could not hold a secret in for the life of her, so you all made bets on how long it will take her to spill the tea. When you broke the news to her, one on one, you talked about it as if you didn’t want the rest of the team to know. It took her a whole hour and thirty-four minutes to break, telling everything you told her to Morgan and Spencer. 
That was it. You were no longer an agent working for the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Just a short few weeks after leaving you managed to secure yourself a nice position as a lecturer at Georgetown University, finally putting your PhD in Biological Sciences to use. 
Working at Georgetown was peaceful, the change you so desperately needed. There wasn’t much going on, your days mostly consisted of teaching, going over the material for your classes and marking your students’ papers. To some it might seem a little too boring, but you loved the newly found routine. 
After finishing marking of the last papers, you’ve had for the day it was time to go home. Alex was away on a case for the past few days and you’d be lying if you said you didn’t hope for a phone call from her, telling you that they’re on their way back. 
Just as you got into your car the sound of your ringtone filled the space, getting rid of the silence that previously surrounded you. You smiled to yourself as you read the name that popped up on your screen.
“Hi honey.” the soft voice on the phone spoke, “I think I might have some good news for you.” Alex added, you could tell she was smiling from the way her voice sounded.
“Please tell me you’re coming home; I don’t think anything else would classify as good news at this point.” you replied to the brunette, hopeful you got it right.
“I am, indeed, we’re wrapping up at the station and we’re going to head straight to the jet.” your fiancé said with the usual for her calmness, you, on the other hand, could not contain our excitement. “I’ll see you in a few hours?”
“I can’t wait! I’ve missed you so much baby, so did Ethan” you stated, your voice filled with excitement. “He’s been begging me to do crosswords with him at least five times a day and you know how much I suck at them”
“Oh, come on, you’re not that bad” Alex chuckled, “I’m sure you’ve got at least one of the words right.”
You rolled your eyes and chuckled at your fiancés’ words, the bar for you was set really low, yet somehow you still managed to underperform. “Nope, not a single one, I don’t think Ethan will ever stop making fun of me for that.” Alex laughed as the words left your mouth, “but what can I say, I’d like to see either of you in my lab”
“I think putting me there would be a major safety hazard and you know that” the linguist added, still laughing at your previous statements. “I’m gonna have to go now but see you in a few hours, I love you sweetheart”
“I love you too, Lex.” you assured, after which Alex finished the call. 
On your way home you made a few brief stops to run some errands, you also picked up some of Alex’s favourite takeaway. Cooking wasn’t your strong side, but baking was, and your fiancé was completely aware of that. You usually opted for ordering food when it was your turn to make dinner, another effective tactic you’ve developed over the months was trading your cooking turns by agreeing to make some of Alex’s and Ethan’s favourite desserts.
The last stop you had to make on your way home was the little boy’s school. 
“Hi Mama!” the squeaky voice roamed through the space in your car as Ethan entered it, making himself comfortable in his car seat. 
“Hi honey, make sure to fasten your seatbelt” you replied to him softly. Ethan was a complete copy of Alex, dark, somewhat curly hair forming beautiful waves, big hazel eyes, contrasting with his pale skin, which was covered in light freckles, a precious addition to his face. “How was your day at school?” 
“It was okay!” the little boy cheered to you, “Is mommy coming back home tonight? I really miss her.”
“She is actually! I’ve just talked to her and she should be back in the next few hours,” Ethan’s eyes lit up at your words, “don’t you worry you won’t have to do crosswords with me again” you added chuckling.
“I love you mama but you’re really not good and them.” E.T. teased, a cheeky smile plastered on his face.
You laughed in response to the dark-haired boy’s words. The rest of the drive home was peaceful, Ethan told you some more details about how his day at school went, talking about some of the friends he made, the teachers and what new things he learned that day. It wasn’t long until you reached your final destination, you took the food out of the car and the two of you started heading towards your apartment.
When you opened your front door a lovely smell of your favourite dish filled your nostrils, that’s when you knew Alex, was already home.
“Alex?” you questioned as you and Ethan started taking your shoes and coats off
“In the kitchen!” the woman exclaimed, you knew she had a habit of giving you the wrong time when she planned to come back home, wanting to let you know she was coming back yet still wanting to somewhat surprise you.
“MOMMY!” Ethan called as he ran to the kitchen, filled with joy and excitement to finally have his best crossword buddy back in the house.  “I’ve missed you so much!”
“Aw I’ve missed you too love bug,” she said as she gave the little boy the biggest hug she could, simultaneously picking him up. “And you, I missed you too” the dark-haired woman smiled as she directed her gaze your way. 
“You said you’d be home late in the evening!” you jokingly snarled as you took a few more steps towards her, letting her place a soft kiss to your cheek.
“You can’t blame me for wanting to surprise two of my favourite humans with a nice meal, can you?” she giggles as she put her son down.
“I see we’ve had the same plans Doctor Blake” you smiled as you put the bag with Alex’s favourite takeout on the kitchen island, at which Alex laughed and proceeded to place anther soft kiss, this time on your forehead.
The evening went by peacefully, filled with laughter and Ethan’s snarky remarks regarding your crossword skills. You decided to have Alex’s pasta for dinner, saving the takeaway for the next day, or a midnight snack. Etty was delighted to finally be able to do some crosswords with someone qualified and you just enjoyed watching the two people you loved most. The three of you ended the evening snuggled up on the couch of your living room, Alex in the middle so both you and Ethan would get equal amounts of hugs that you so dearly missed. You decided to watch one of Ethan’s favourite disney films, Frozen. As much as you didn’t want to admit that in front of Alex, it was one of your favourites too. The little boy ended up falling asleep halfway through the movie, snoring gently as he was curled up, wrapping his arms around Alex. When the film finished, you carefully took him to his room, tucking him in his bed, leaving a gentle kiss on his forehead. You joined Alex in your bedroom, wrapping your arms around her in an attempt to hold her as close to you as possible until both of you drifted off to sleep.
This was your happy place. Your found family. Your home.
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womenofnoise · 2 years
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Moor Mother - Circuit City back cover
Transcript below cut
Reverse Gentrification of the Future Now
The present realities of housing for low-income people living in Philadelphia are located temporally-spatially near the one in Circuit City. We are experiencing an affordable housing crisis, and this crisis is exacerbated by the average of 22,000 eviction filings each year and the unknown number of illegal evictions.  In my work as Managing Attorney of the Housing Unit at Community Legal Services, where we provide legal representation and advice to more than 3,000 low-income tenants a year, I hear countless stories of tenants who face racial, sex, gender, family, ethnicity, and disability discrimination from landlords; stories of tenants intimidated into not complaining about substandard housing conditions that exacerbate health and safety problems; or tenants who received eviction filings from disgruntled landlords that have resulted in virtual blacklisting from future homes and opportunities for stability. Growing displacement and mass evictions of entire buildings of often low-income residents is a particularly vicious form of eviction that has widespread health and economic impacts, and destroys economic, cultural, and racial diversity in neighborhoods. Mass evictions, often unexpected, further aggravate the city’s shortage of affordable housing—existing affordable housing units are often lost forever, putting pressure on resources and housing stock elsewhere in the City and concentrating poverty in particular neighborhoods.
Compounding these issues is pervasive housing discrimination –  single mothers and their children, seniors, Black people, LGBTQ people, immigrants, and people living with disabilities are disproportionately impacted by evictions and lack of access to safe, habitable, and affordable housing.  Tenants face systemic and individual discrimination at every stage of the process – they are barred from getting into a new home for discriminatory reasons, and often kicked out of their homes for those same reasons.1 The ACLU, for instance highlights how “women of color bear the burden of eviction,” noting that women of color made up 62% and 70% of the tenants facing in eviction in Chicago and Philadelphia respectively.2 These and other instances of structural inequity related to housing disproportionately impact the City’s poor, Black and Hispanic populations live in racially concentrated poverty.3 This loss of housing has a distinct racial impact, where 63% of African-Americans live in project-based housing compared with 44% of the city’s population, and where African-Americans are disproportionately more likely to carry severe housing cost burdens in the city.
These types of inequalities are often framed in terms of spatial inequality and displacement from location. However, as Helga Nowotowny notes, “power, exercised by central authorities, establishes itself over space and over time.”4 (emphasis added). Hierarchies of time, inequitable time distribution, and uneven access to safe and healthy futures inform intergenerational poverty in marginalized communities the same ways that wealth passes between generations in traditionally privileged families. Sociologist Jeremy Rifkin says that “temporal deprivation is built into the time frame of every society,” where people living in poverty are temporally poor as well as materially poor.”5 For example, time poverty is routinely used to penalize marginalized people in the justice system, where being ten minutes late to court can mean losing your job, kids, home, and freedom. Time and temporal inequities show up at every step of the eviction process, for example, from the short or fully waivable notice requirements for termination of a lease agreement, to the time required for an evicted family to vacate a unit that is severely out of line with the time needed to secure new housing.  Inevitably, marginalized Black communities are disproportionately impacted by both material, spatial, and temporal inequalities in a linear progressive society, with many Black communities forced to occupy “temporal ghettos” as well as spatial ones.  
Circuit City considers both the implications of time and of space involved in privatization of public housing, gentrification, displacement, and redevelopment. There is no set year or place in the play, but instead a layering of multiple temporal spaces.  The residents of Circuit City  are integrating the time(s) of redevelopment, privatization,  and hyper-gentrification, into the pre-established temporal dynamics of the community, layered over and within the communal historical memory and the shared idea of the future(s) of that community. Nested within those layers are individual, subjective temporalities and the lived realities of the residents, at odds with the linear, mechanical model of time on which Circuit City and its external spatial-temporal constructs are etched.  It takes as its central provocation a practical strategy for achieving a Black flight, a reverse gentrification, and inverse displacement, and the conditions necessary for temporal autonomy and spatial agency.  Circuit City is presented using Black Quantum Futurism praxis as a critical framework, fusing Afrodiasporan philosophies and rituals with quantum physics, recovering artifacts of Black temporal consciousness, and dismantling oppressive social temporal constructs.
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wannabepapa · 2 years
I’ve been daydreaming about the little fantasy we’ve got goin with Pup anon and just… hshchdnhxhs
I imagine pup and I coming home after work, both of us only just starting to show, and opening the door to greet you, who’s overdue and finally on paternity leave. Idk about Pup, but I hate work so you’d be a sight for sore eyes, I’d be scrambling to get you fed and comfortable so cuddles can commence. We could all pile on the couch for a movie, sitting you in the middle so all the belly rubs and kisses in the world can be doled out to the tightest, neediest belly. Maybe we could all crawl in bed together, intertwine ourselves in each other with, once again, you in the middle. Let your belly tower above you so we can spoil you rotten from either side, kissing your cheeks, rubbing your rounded womb and playing footsie under the covers. It would all be so wonderful I think
Sorry for the long and rambly ask, I didn’t sleep too much or too well so I’m very tired today
oooooooo this is amazing i love this???
the three of us just got too frisky one night after you both take me and boy did we get a surprise. i was outgrowing all of my clothes quickly, insatiably hungry, and i needed a lot of attention after getting off work. finally taking a test we all sit around in awe as the test immediately shows a bold second line to answer our suspicions. that night we all cry in bed together, both of you rubbing and kissing my belly in excitement for our little bundle of joy.
at the appointment finding out there was not one baby, but TWO we were all shocked. there they were—clear as day on the screen—snuggled safely in my womb sucking their thumbs. i made the joke that i wasn't just carrying a huge baby but two monster fetuses with how steadily i was expanding. when we got home i drug you both to the room in desperation. i was carrying two babies? it was too perfect to think about i wanted to take you both now. little had we known that evening i had given you both a little nugget surprise to grow in your wombs.
just as you started showing i was put on paternity leave due to not being able to do my job without difficulty. every day when you came home was a blessing. i loved seeing you both greet me in the living room and pile around me to give me and the babies kisses. the twins loved their mommy and other parent so much they don't stop fighting to get attention. they're making me feel like a over stuffed turkey but i love it all the same.
i may be stuck at home alone for hours but i get to message you and pup updates on my day. it's nearly three days past my due date and i have done everything i could manage to calm my nesting brain. there are countless times i call one of you in a tizzy crying because i can't bend over to pick something off the floor i dropped. or one of the outfits i was making is so cute i can't stop crying over how cute it is and how our babies will be so little. it's a wonder you both come home to me and not call me dramatic. you both go through my mood swings like champs which i am extremely grateful for.
sleeping arrangements would be complicated. we would have to have a giant bed so not only all of us can sleep in the same bed together but so i can have my pregnancy pillow to sleep with. soon i'll be the only one not pregnant and i will be doing a lot of feedings and checking on the twins i'll have to sleep on the outside so i'm soaking in all this cuddling attention. i'm sad that so quickly my pregnancy passed by but i'll still have the joy of watching both you grow my little nuggets and helping me take care of our newborns. hopefully we'll never stop having kids together because i love the sight of you two gravid with my young.
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ledenews · 6 months
Storch: Who Resonates in the Race for West Virginia Governor?
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This seems to be an odd election cycle. But is it really? Probably not any more than any other year when the president and governor are on the ballot. This year, every current office holder in the state capitol is seeking a different office, except, of course, for several seeking re-election to the state Senate and House of Delegates. Governor Jim Justice is term-limited and not able to seek re-election, so he has declared his bid for the United States Senate. In the primary, May 14, he will face six other candidates. The most known is the current second congressional representative Alex Mooney. (Sidenote: Let’s hope the next redistricting cycle, the legislature fixes what was done to help Congressman Mooney and make the state look terrible, having the second district be the top of the state, and the first district be the southern part of the state.) With a vacancy in the Governor’s Office, six Republican candidates have declared their intentions of securing the party's bid for this office. In November, the successful candidate will face Democratic Candidate and current Mayor of Huntington Steve Williams and Mountain Party Candidate Chase Linko-Looper. At this point, let’s focus on the six, which will be facing each other on May 14. W.Va. Gov. Jim Justice was elected as a Democrat but the state's CEO switched his party affiliation in August 2017. The first, Moore Capito, is proudly a sixth-generation West Virginian and graduate of Kanawha County public schools. The father of two young children, he wants West Virginia to be known as the undisputed best place to live, work, raise a family, and as former House Judiciary Chairman he has been in several meetings with the current Governor and both House and Senate leadership team and countless others. Capito knows what it takes to get stuff across the finish line in West Virginia. His priorities are public safety, job creation, unleashing the state’s true energy potential, education, and protecting conservative values. Kevin “KC” Christian is a self-proclaimed “nobody,” which makes him everybody. He is a veteran, who served in the United States Army and was a member of the Airborne Infantry Regiment. Christian is a graduate of Bluefield State with an engineering degree. He has one daughter and a knack for video creation explaining his life. Chris Miller is a Huntington native and auto dealer in his family’s Dutch Miller dealership. Chris is no stranger to those in the Huntington-Charleston television market due to his dealership’s commercials. He has gained name recognition in the Northern Panhandle and was the candidate who started running television commercials first in our market. He has three children, who are featured in at least one of his commercials. His values are faith in God, focus on family, respect for the sanctity of life, and pride in America. Storch has made friend with "Baby Dog," the governor's pet, during the past couple of years. Patrick Morrisey has served as the state’s Attorney General since 2012. He has brought the state to victory through some of the nation’s most significant legal triumphs in recent years, including a win against the EPA. Morrisey and his wife moved to Harpers Ferry in 2006, after visiting and enjoying the beauty of the state many times. He wants to put more money in the pockets of West Virginians, advance educational excellence, supercharge economic and workforce growth, and protect families from the ravages of drug and woke anti-freedom, socialist threats. Mitch Roberts is a candidate from Poca and has no website. This columnist has no knowledge of this gentleman. His campaign Facebook page states, “I want to stand up for the people of West Virginia. I want West Virginians to be proud to live here.” His priorities are listed on a photo on Facebook indicating he will work to keep freedom, instill morals, value, and respect, fight for the people of West Virginia, hold government accountable for spending, instill the significance in our uniformed officers, establish a better education system, promote in-state companies, fight for better pay for West Virginia workers, protect West Virginia’s natural resources, advocate tor the West Virginia farming community, and inspire and show pride of West Virginia citizens. Finally, Mac Warner, a twenty-three-year veteran of the United States Army and our current Secretary of State. Mac states he is ready to fight for you on these platform issues. The issues of his focus are to build a great economy, empower or coal and energy industries, stand with law enforcement and public safety, demand law and order, wage war on the opioid addiction crisis, fix education, defend the rights of parents, protect the family as the center of West Virginia life, fight for life and the second amendment, and protect girls’ sports and fight for our values. Hopefully, this has given a brief insight into the six candidates republican voters will see on their ballot in May. Everyone should take a few minutes to familiarize themselves with the candidates. If there is a debate close, attend if you are able. This election can determine the direction of the state going forward. Make sure to play your part. Read the full article
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affiliyou · 1 year
Affiliate Marketing is one the best way for earning a lot!
Affiliate Marketing: The Ultimate Side Hustle for Cash-Strapped Individuals
Are you tired of living paycheck to paycheck? Do you dream of financial freedom and a life of abundance? If so, then affiliate marketing might just be the perfect side hustle for you. In this digital age, there are countless opportunities to make money online, and affiliate marketing is one of the most popular and lucrative options available. So, grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and let's dive into the world of affiliate marketing.
First things first, what exactly is affiliate marketing? Simply put, it's a performance-based marketing strategy where individuals (affiliates) earn a commission for promoting other people's products or services. Affiliates find a product they like, promote it to others, and earn a piece of the profit for each sale they make. It's a win-win situation for both the affiliate and the product owner, as the affiliate gets to earn money without having to create their own product, and the product owner gets to expand their reach and increase sales.
Now that we have a basic understanding of affiliate marketing, let's explore why it's such a fantastic side hustle. First and foremost, it requires minimal upfront investment. Unlike starting your own business, which often involves hefty capital and ongoing expenses, affiliate marketing can be started with just a laptop and an internet connection. You don't need to worry about manufacturing, inventory, or customer support – all you have to do is focus on promoting the products you love.
Another great aspect of affiliate marketing is the flexibility it offers. You can work from anywhere in the world, at any time that suits you. Whether you're a night owl or an early bird, you can set your own schedule and work at your own pace. This makes it an ideal side hustle for busy individuals with full-time jobs, students, or stay-at-home parents. You can work on your affiliate marketing business during your lunch break, in the evenings, or even on weekends – the choice is yours.
The potential for earning passive income is perhaps one of the most appealing aspects of affiliate marketing. Once you've set up your affiliate links and started promoting products, you can continue to earn money even when you're not actively working. This is because your links can stay active indefinitely, meaning that you can earn commissions from sales that happen weeks, months, or even years down the line. It's like having your own money-making machine that works for you around the clock.
Now that we've covered the basics, let's delve into the nitty-gritty of how to get started with affiliate marketing. The first step is to find a niche that you're passionate about. It could be anything from fitness and health to fashion and beauty, or even something more specific like pet accessories or eco-friendly products. The key is to choose a niche that you genuinely enjoy and have knowledge or expertise in. This will make it easier for you to create valuable content and connect with your target audience.
Once you've chosen your niche, it's time to find affiliate programs that align with your interests. There are numerous affiliate networks and platforms out there, such as Amazon Associates, ClickBank, and ShareASale, where you can find a wide range of products to promote. Take the time to research and select programs that offer competitive commissions, high-quality products, and reliable tracking systems. Remember, you want to promote products that you would personally use and recommend – authenticity is key in affiliate marketing.
With your niche and affiliate programs in place, it's time to start creating content. This is where your creativity and communication skills come into play. You can create a blog, YouTube channel, podcast, or social media accounts to share valuable information, reviews, and recommendations related to your niche. The goal is to build a loyal following who trust your opinion and are more likely to purchase products based on your recommendations. Remember to be authentic, honest, and transparent in your content – people can smell a sales pitch from a mile away.
In addition to creating content, it's important to optimize your website or platform for search engines. This is known as search engine optimization (SEO) and involves using relevant keywords, creating high-quality backlinks, and ensuring your website is user-friendly and mobile-responsive. SEO can help increase your visibility on search engine result pages, driving organic traffic to your affiliate links and increasing your chances of making sales. There are plenty of resources and tutorials available online to help you master the art of SEO.
As your affiliate marketing business grows, it's crucial to track your progress and analyze your results. This will help you identify what's working and what's not, allowing you to make informed decisions and optimize your strategies. Most affiliate programs provide tracking tools and analytics dashboards that allow you to monitor your clicks, conversions, and earnings. Additionally, there are third-party tools and plugins available that can provide more detailed insights and help you fine-tune your marketing efforts.
While affiliate marketing offers tremendous potential for success, it's important to manage your expectations and be patient. Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither is a thriving affiliate marketing business. It takes time, effort, and perseverance to build a solid foundation and start seeing consistent results. Don't get discouraged if you don't make a sale right away – keep learning, experimenting, and refining your strategies. Stay consistent, stay motivated, and success will come knocking on your door.
In conclusion, affiliate marketing is a fantastic side hustle for cash-strapped individuals looking to earn extra income and achieve financial freedom. With its low barrier to entry, flexibility, and potential for passive income, it's no wonder why so many people are jumping on the affiliate marketing bandwagon. So, if you're ready to take control of your financial future, grab your laptop, choose a niche, and start promoting products you love. Remember, the sky's the limit in the world of affiliate marketing – it's time to turn your passion into profit!
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areallybadwriter · 1 year
I made it to the city. A little above what I wanted to pay for rent, I moved in to a nice second story apartment with a lot of natural lighting and two really good friends. It is the first time I've lived with either of them, but so far the roommate dynamic is good. I think we are all more on the communicative side, but also laid back and self-responsible enough where nothing big should arise as an issue. We've had a couple problems since moving in, including a incessant leak coming from our bathroom ceiling that has yet to be fixed by the countless maintenance people and a few windows that don't seem to be properly attached to their respective areas. We also have two cats (one belonging to each of my roommates) that were not properly discussed on the lease - in fact, not allowed - but one is a certified ESA and the other "doesn't exist". Our landlord is quite upset about it but what are you gonna do? They're not my cats anyways. Other than the issues, the move has been quite successful. I am wholeheartedly broke at the moment and job searching. I have a second interview lined up for a very, very serious barista job tomorrow and I really hope I get it so I can get back to working & making money. It has been a real struggle to not work because there's not much else to fill up my time during the days. A little break was nice, sure, but I'm ready to get back into it. I sold clothes at Buffalo Exchange today, including a couple very nice bags that hurt to let go of, if that tells you how broke I am. Other than that, it's been fun. We've been out to a couple bars in the area now and our little group just caught a show at a concert hall that cost me $5 a ticket. We've had some good food and I'm excited to become a regular at the cuban place I live close to. Walking everywhere has been great too which was something that happened irregularly in the last city I lived in because it was heavily car dependent. Now, I'm walking an average of like 13,000 steps a day which feels really good (except I have a killer blister from my docs at the moment).
Moving has brought on a new era of loneliness for me admittedly and I'm trying to deal with it fast or else I know I'll sink into a bout of sadness. I've left some of my best friends behind (one refuses to move to the city until they find a job which I can't blame them for) and most of my regular bootycalls, as well as my parents. All the important ones. What's really hard is that both of my roommates, as well as the rest of the friend group that migrated, have significant others already. It hasn't been too much of an issue, but when they want to detach themselves from the larger group to do a date night or something, it sucks because I haven't found other friends to hang out with. I've matched with a lot of people on tinder (people that I could actually see myself meeting up with because why not) but it's a little different to have people you can depend on. And I hate meeting boys! Always so nerve-racking when it doesn't need to be and usually not worth my time anyways. Don't really know what I'm looking for either.
With my loneliness, I've been coming to another very adult realization/observation about a lot of my relationships with men. Specifically men who are friends and who I've slept with in the past as a casual/one-nighter thing. I have two guy friends (both living in the city, too) who almost use me as a stand-in, pseudo girlfriend while they search for a real one. And of course I've had part in it by not setting my boundaries very well and everything but it feels so shitty. It's hard to write about without giving the full details but I just feel like I am always there for them in this caregiving role, like I'm the girlfriend or mom without any of the reward. I provide them with things (nothing physical) that might transcend a normal boy/girl relationship and it has started to wear on my more as I'm single and maybe putting myself out there for a bigger relationship. One of them has recently gotten a girlfriend, and as I've now drawn the line in the sand and kind of pulled back from the friendship, he assumes that I'm unfairly upset with him. And I'm not particularly upset with him at all really, it's just that I think putting so much effort into a relationship with a man (where it has been romantic in the past) while they have a partner is crazy. I treaded onto too many relationships in high school because I was the close "girl best friend" of guys who were actually just kind of assholes. I think especially when it affects me emotionally, it's a dynamic that is just plain wrong and not something that I should invest so much time or effort in. I've also found with this particular guy that once he has no use for me/no longer finds me attractive/can't flirt with me constantly, he just becomes mean and uncaring, which is something that shouldn't happen if we were really just good friends. It makes me think of that study or quote that says that men usually aren't friends with girls they're not attracted to. The other problem child is way less comparable to the first, as it's a completely different set of situations but it still confuses the hell out of me. Me & I slept together awhile ago when we were both plastered and I always had a huge crush on him (before and after hooking up). He was the first to move to the city and we kept in contact the whole time and would see each other occasionally. The last couple of times I've seen him, it's been a touch and grab fest whether sober or not. We're very close and we always at least sleep in the same room or same bed whenever a sleepover is involved. There's always some excuse to be right next to each other or cuddling or whatever. For my birthday, I was in the city with some friends and he was there for most of it. He took us to a club and bought me bottle service and cuddled me in the morning. Now that I'm here in Chicago (which he's delighted about), we've gone out a couple times and it's the same thing. He came to the show at Thalia the other night and was plastered, which meant he was hanging onto me the whole night. Arm around my shoulder or waist, kissing my temple, dancing with me, talking into my ear as the band played. All romantic things except for the fact that we're not romantically involved at all. I don't necessarily have a crush on him anymore, and if I do, its dormant feelings that stir up when he behaves like that. And I have to admit that it feels good to be close with someone like that (physically, emotionally, etc.) but at the end of the day when I'm alone and thinking too much it gets trapped in my head. I wouldn't dare say anything to him about it ever, because I truly believe he doesn't have any romantic inclination towards me. We talk about girls he's talking to on Hinge all the time and I detail my latest hookup stories for him when I feel like talking about it. The sensitive, stupid parts of my brain just can't handle it very well.
wyoming and I have semi made-up. At this point, I don't even want to read the posts of this blog back because I know I've gone back and forth on it for so long. We are keeping a distance now for sure, but some things have come up where it's caused me to think about the end goal. When I was out drinking with friends in my hometown a week or two before I moved, I ended up hooking up with him at our spot. It was a total bootycall on my end, and while I think I treated him fairly for how he's been with me these last couple of months, I think that it affected him negatively. A lot of times with sex & intimacy for me nowadays, I detach myself emotionally so it doesn't bring up anything complicated that I don't want to deal with. And while I'm fully aware that I can't really let my emotions seep when it comes to Wyoming, I tried my fullest the night I hooked up with him. Somewhat mean, avoiding talking about myself or talking too much in general, etc. While I wanted to see him and desired some sort of physicality, I was still very much aware of the pain it had caused me in the past. Anyways, we had a very adult conversation about it recently where he said that it affected him quite a bit and he wasn't ready to do casual sex like that if he wasn't prepared to do it all the time/commit to a more serious thing. Which is really understandable and probably quite a good decision for both of us. We agreed we were still good and that if our relationship hadn't been shot to hell at this point (after 7 years of trials and tribulations), not much could stop it at this point. We are being patient with it. While I'm open to small things in the mean time - seeing as I'm 23 and in a new city - I've decided that it is worth it to be patient and that it's something I want in my future. I think he plans on visiting me soon which I'm really excited for. Last time we were here together we had a blast and let me fully plan/choose the stuff we were doing which I thrive off of. It sounds corny but I really think its a sixth type of love language. I like showing my people the good food, the good places, the places that I love in hopes they enjoy it just as much. And now I have a lot more places to show him.
I am nervous for my interview tomorrow, as there are three people who will be interviewing me as a conglomerate. I've never had to interview with more than two people before and apparently we're meeting in one of the locations conference rooms. For a barista job! It's crazy. I think I will fit in nicely there and they definitely give off the same vibe as my last coffeeshop where maybe the customer isn't always right and there's a real value for art and community and collaboration. What worries me is that one of my guy friends (neither of the guys mentioned above) just got an interview at the same location. While I am very confident in my abilities and myself, he is one of those people that other people just naturally gravitate towards. I told him he was the luckiest person I knew the other day, which is true. He went in for an interview for some door job for a bar and he got it on the spot with no actual interview at all. It's frustrating because I feel like sometimes I work twice as hard or care twice as much and it barely compares to how people perceive him because he talks loud and carries (man) confidence. Especially when he's already scored a job to make money and I have no flow of income at the moment. If he gets it over me, I'll be heartbroken. It's really something I should get into but I don't feel like it tonight.
I don't really feel at home here yet and it sort of just feels like a big vacation where I'm required to spend a lot of money on apartment stuff and feeding myself. this city was one of my first loves, so it's still very easy to get wrapped up in it, but I am homesick. I don't have the same community or routine and this time I have the weight and responsibility of being an adult who has adult things to do and pay for. I'm reminded of my getting older every day and I miss being younger so bad. And being younger really sucked for me. I think I'm somewhat holding myself back from things because I'm not comfortable enough yet in this city to do things on my own. Sure, I can go out of my own and walk around and grab food and shop, but I really value taking myself to movies or trying new things and I'm too nervous to do that yet. And literally no one cares about me or what I'm doing but my brain just refuses to let me. Like I can't imagine taking myself out to a sit down restaurant, but I want to. And I'm going to have to because honestly I love finding new shit to do or new restaurants or events and my friends aren't fully onboard with that always. Also, no one from this group likes the band citizen and they're playing here in the city and I have to go whether I'm alone or not. Eek.
Will keep you updated on the rest soon.
xoxo anon
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infradapt · 2 years
Can Technology Bring You Joy?
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The world has become reliant on technology for countless tasks, even to the point where businesses and individuals alike depend on technology just to go about their daily tasks. The big question, though, is whether people are happier with all this technology in their lives. Let’s go over how technology has impacted society as a whole in relation to people’s feelings.
  Technology Is, and Always Has Been, Present In Some Capacity
When discussing technology, it’s critical that we frame the term correctly. Technology includes far more than just circuits and motherboards; it also includes such rudimentary (and revolutionary) tools such as the spoon and the wheel. Technology, in its most basic sense, is the result of innovation and progress, and without such discoveries and creations as modern electricity, microprocessors, and networking, society would not be where it is today.
But Does This Technology Create Happiness?
The answer to this question is not clear, but what is clear is that the Internet has made people quite happy. Around 90% of respondents to a survey found that their lives were made better due to the Internet. We’re not surprised; people depend on it to look up information, stay connected with others, and run their businesses and livelihoods. In fact, the Internet has made it so that people can live their lives without leaving their homes, if they so choose.
  While the answer to the above question is impossible to find, we can look at various parts of someone’s life and look at how technology has impacted it. Let’s examine work, leisure, relationships, and other social interactions.
Most people use technology to do their jobs, but some jobs wouldn’t even exist without technology. Employees entering the workforce want to know that their employers are committed to embracing new technologies, but for some older folks who are not quite as willing to embrace change, this adoption is a challenge to the status quo. There is a learning curve, and it can be frustrating for a seasoned veteran to have their world turned upside-down by a new technology because it’s supposed to make things better for everyone. Furthermore, technology has blurred the lines of work-life balance. Technology is not without its cons, but it has made most workers’ lives happier, or at least better.
Technology has changed the way people spend their leisure time. Activities like going to the park, going to the mall, or taking a drive are still present, but not to the extent they once were. There are countless pieces of technology to distract us at any given time, and with technology, there is usually some sort of end goal in mind, whether it’s getting to the end of a level in a video game or making it through the end credits of your favorite movie. Technology has, simply put, taken the leisure out of leisure time, and with benchmarks to meet whenever it is used, it can lead to a certain amount of monotony.
Technology and its impact on relationships is a topic that we could cover for ages, but one of the better ways to look at it is how it has affected personal relationships. For example, users who grew up with technology might suffer from what psychologists call “technoference,” or technology interfering with a user’s ability to communicate. Young people these days always have their phones on them with their notifications on so they don’t miss a beat. Young people also aren’t terribly bothered when someone pulls out their phone in the middle of a conversation. Older folks might consider both of the above rude, and it could put a strain on their relationships accordingly. In comparison, however, relationships are more accessible, as people can communicate better and engage with each other much more easily than they could have in the past.
Social Interactions
The most notable impact that technology has had is most certainly on the social aspect of life. Social media has completely changed the way people interact with each other, whether it’s friends in a friend group, local businesses trying to sell products or services, or communities trying to deliver information to their residents in an effective way. Sure, you get the crazies out there who take social media way too far, but most people are not in that category. On the downside, social media can cause people to compare themselves to others, and you know what they say; comparison is the thief of joy.
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wholesale2022 · 2 years
Top 6 Reasons Why You Need To Bring Your Business Online
Online business growth is booming right now. An online store builder is like buying or selling products. E-commerce is now widely used by Indians to conduct business. 50,000 new jobs have been created by e-commerce. The main reason for this is the raised use of e-commerce for business purposes by people living in remote, rural and urban zones.
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You can boost your business online through websites, e-commerce sites and social media. Whether you have an established concern or are just starting out, if you don’t plan to put your line online, you’re missing out on a lot of business opportunities. Businesses that included online presence in their web growth strategy from the start of the digital revolution are now benefiting from it.
What’s the good news, then? It’s never too late to give your business a digital presence and start enjoying the benefits today. In this blog, you will learn 6 reasons to bring your business online.
Reasons why you need to bring your business online
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Reason 1:
Online business can help you save money
You don’t have to put all of your things on display in one location to start an online trade. Many online retailers only show their complete list on their e-commerce website. This involves avoiding renting or purchasing a home as well as saving money on all required expenses like energy and internet. If you only want to sell one thing to draw clients, it doesn’t have to be as large as everything else you sell. Your expenses will be cut.
Reason 2:
Online business helps in global business growth
You are able to sell your goods anywhere in the world thanks to this function, which is closely related to the preceding point. In order to view what you have to offer, They don’t need to come to your spot. You may be able to attract buyers from across the nation if you can successfully sell online.
However, the majority of residents of that city will be your clients if you can conduct traditional retail sales in the centre of the city. As far as the clients are concerned, it is thriving because they can buy a high-quality product from others such as sellers in the country. Even if they don’t want to, they are not forced to buy their needs at the nearest store. This is a wonderful example of how electronic commerce (or e-commerce) can benefit both buyers and sellers by giving them satisfaction and succeed.
Reason 3:
Can accept multiple orders without crowding
If you go to a mall, you will have to wait at least 15 minutes in line at the bill counter. However, with the online store, you can place purchases right away and have the goods delivered to your home without any hassles or lines. also, a seller can only meet up to 100 clients at once. On the other hand, an e-commerce website allows for the effortless receipt of countless orders of 500–1000 at once. Millions of clients could simultaneously visit an online store and select the item they require.
However, if you are running a typical store, you probably won’t let more than 100 clients in. A line that sells products online can easily find out what a given client usually buys, how much they spend each month, and what products they like to buy. By studying this data, creating business plans and executing them, your concern can move forward. However, this type of data is almost impossible to get in a standard retail set.
Reason 4:
Understanding customer feedback is easy
When you want to buy something from an online store, you can find out more about the product’s quality by reading reviews left by clients who have previously purchased it. Therefore, by paying alert to client feedback, a seller can also spot product defects and make plans to fix them. These client opinions,
however, cannot be discovered in a standard retail set. Even if a good’s owner is aware of all its parts due to its clients, this does not guarantee that the next clients will get what you say because, in their looks, the seller is free to say whatever he likes to sell the goods.
Reason 5:
Finding what you need is simple.
Certain goods are on the first floor and another product is on the third floor when a client visits a mall. The majority of your time will therefore be spent at the shopping centre seeking for that item.
However, you may save a tonne of time in such an online store by searching and purchasing every item with only one click. A similar e-commerce platform will assist you in knowing your list status quickly if you are a seller.
Reason 6:
Can run nonstop 24*7/365
Most standard retail and retail business hours are 9 am to 9 pm only. Yet, online stores are always open, letting clients buy goods whenever they want. Buying and selling goods via an online store is possible, mainly during pandemics like the coronavirus. By adding their contact data to your online store, you can fast inform ordering clients about special sales and new arrivals via emails and text messages.
However, once a client leaves a line, there are no ways to re-engage with regular visitors. online business can meet sales only by offering unique client likes.
Reason 7:
presence marketing easy.
Your online presence makes the process of selling your goods and services simple. Clients won’t experience any pressure from vendors as they browse your goods and make sure they’re satisfied with their buy. You don’t have to be present for the full procedure to occur, as we previously stated. Buyers will be making buys even at night.
The procedure is no longer constrained and is also perpetual. You may select how much it will cost to market yourself online. You may share coupons and ads online with just the click of a link, feeling the need to mail them out. On your blog and social media platforms, you can promote your goods and services for nothing. Also, if you focus on enhancing your SEO, the search engines will pick you.
Final thoughts
The benefits of doing business online are many for clients. Any time, day or night, they can find out about your line. If your online store has goods, clients may place orders whenever it’s suitable for them and troubleshoot issues faster by reading blogs about probable issues or by simply emailing your concern.
I hope this blog has given you a better insight of the importance between conventional line and online commerce. It’s typically simple, affordable, and risk-free to launch an internet store. High returns and long-term gains are feasible, but only if you pick your goods and services carefully, and have a good business plan. Use the OrderZ online store builder to help you launch your business.
Online business is significant in the current environment and cannot be disregarded. It’s the same as saying “no” to your business’s expansion if you turn a blind eye to the advantages of using an online trade. So stop wasting time and take advantage of what the online has to offer your business!
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prettyboykatsuki · 3 years
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they don't love me like you do | b. katsuki
➳ tags ;; 18+, sub!bakugou, dom!reader, gn but afab!reader, pegging, gentle domming, praise kink, porn with feelings, friends to lovers, healthy bdsm practices, discussions around sex and dating, reader has a personality, anal fingering, double-ended strap-on w harness, oral (m+f recieving), prostate orgasms, submissive bottom bakugou katsuki, getting together, aftercare!! READ THE TAGS!!
➳ wc ;; 12.2k (i know. i know)
➳ a/n ;; i don't think i've ever projected while writing a fic so much in the entirety of my silly human life. wrote this thing with my fucking clit on the paper and pen jesus. thank you so, so much to @jirou-s for beta-ing this monster for me. no words.
i know this fic isn't everyones thing, but it'd mean a lot to me if you read it! i think it's actually my favorite thing i've ever wrote. i had so much fun and im elated to share.
song title is based off like you do by joji!
➳ synopsis ;; you and bakugou don't talk about your sex lives often, but at one of kirishima's get togethers - denki brings up the subject of pegging and bakugou's curiosity is ever present. just one question is enough to break the dam.
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There’s not a lot you can say about Bakugou Katsuki that hasn’t been said before.
He’s been the headline of countless news articles, done hundreds of interviews - chopped and screwed, endless amounts of media coverage ever since he was nothing but a highschool brat. Bakugou is a well-known and popular hero with an image, and his image has been so clear in the public eye for years.
People's stances on him are split pretty even down the middle. He’s abrasive, and unruly - and though his approval has increased significantly, it’s only inevitable some people hate him. His name in hero forums is fucking nuts, always sure to cause some kind of debate. It’s mostly positive. Some people find his disagreeable nature to go against heroism as it is, but others find his honesty to be a breath of fresh air. People will go as far as insisting there should be more heroes like him. Even as his friend, you’re not sure you would go that far.
You could say a lot about Bakugou as a person. It would all boil down to the fact he’s a little wound-up, but he’s good deep down. He really wants to be good, and he’s trying. To you, Bakugou, without a shadow of doubt, is a good person. He does his best to be a good person every time he gets out on the field. You respect him. You care for him.
You’ve been in his life since your third year of high school. He was your partner in your Support Course capstone and you would later be his agency's primary costume designer. Like everything with Bakugou, it was not easy to be around him in the beginning.
He was hard to work with. Stubborn, mean, easily upset. You’re a natural opposite, a little more analytical and easy-going. But the two of you balanced each other out in a way Bakugou had never felt in another person. You never let him disrespect you, but you hardly got angry either. It took almost a year for him to adjust to you genuinely, but not without trying. Nights spent analyzing costume designs and doing repairs did just enough to bring you two close. At the end of it, you considered him a friend.
Your working relationship was also inevitable. Bakugou is a lot of things, but if there’s anything he’s learned is that there are people who have skills you don’t possess. He makes it a point now to recognize other people’s earnest greatness and he considers you a genius in your line of work. He’s not heavy handed about the praise but you hear through the grapevine, how he talks about your headquarters with a little puff in his chest.
To put it very, very simply - you and Bakugou are close friends. He’s married to his job, you both are - so it works out. You work on similar schedules and don’t mind each other's company. There’s a mutual understanding that doesn’t compare to anyone else and after years and years of being around each other, it’s only inevitable. Best friend is a weird word. It’s a little more than that.
Neither of you are willing to admit it, but you’re not stupid and neither is he. It’s just one of those things you work around. When he falls asleep at your place, you just cover him with a blanket and sleep in the other room. When he calls you late to talk about work, you listen and yawn. You’re both busy and ambitious people, and truthfully - you’re not sure what Bakugou is even interested in. In the years of his company, you can count maybe two dates he’d been on.Unsuccessfully, of course. He’s mentioned a few hook-ups, same as you. But the conversation about sex or dating just never really comes up.
You don’t mind it. You’re not really in any rush. The kind of friendship you have with Bakugou is one in a million - not worth giving it up for anything. It sounds corny but there’s a sincere part of you that believes you were destined to meet the bastard. He’s loud, annoying, and brash - but he understands you in a way no one else does. It’s mutual, and you’ve never said ‘I love you’ to each other. But you don’t have to, because you both know you do. When he texts you late at night asking if you need a chaperone, you know. You can feel it in everything he does, and you think that’s so like him.
There really isn’t a lot you can say about him that hasn’t already been said. When people ask you, you don’t think about it. It just kinda comes out of you.
“He’s loud and abrasive and the best hero around. I’m lucky to know him.” and Bakugou normally rolls his eyes and calls you lame. You always insist you mean it, and he always replies with his quietest “I know.”
And Bakugou hardly says much about the people he cares for. He’s private like that. He only speaks out for people when they really need it, which always means his words are at least two or three times more impactful. He never has a lengthy reply when interviews ask him of you. Something about how you’re the best costume engineer he could ask for.
When you ask him, personally, the answer is a little different. He gets almost shy when he scoffs, and looks away. And you know he never says anything he doesn’t mean.
“I trust you with my fucking life, idiot.”
There’s not a lot to be said about the two of you, but that much is true. There’s probably not a single person on Earth that Bakugou puts his trust in like he puts it into you.
Being this close with Bakugou means being a plus-one to all of his hero events even when you don’t want to be.
You have no grudges against Class-1A, but you’ve been to so many of their re-unions by now, it’s almost exhausting. You’re close friends with a lot of them, not best friend close - but close enough to hang out and drink at their house without feeling weird. You’ve been to birthdays, agency openings, holiday parties - Bakugou essentially always has you as his plus-one. You always attend despite your initial protests. Mostly because it means Bakugou will owe you a favor.
Nevermind all the favors you had in the backlog. You’re hoping you’ll gather enough and then one day just cashout but you have no plans on informing him.
Today’s event is Kirishima Eijirou’s housewarming kickback. It’s small, less than 40 people and quite literally just Class-1a and a couple of the heroes from Class-1B. It’s been a laidback night over all. You get there with Bakugou at around 7pm with a houseplant from him and a bottle of champagne from you - and then you immediately go to the kitchen to look for food. Bakugou followed you promptly.
You’d think since these were mostly his friends, you’d be the one following him around but that’s hardly the case. Normally, you’re the one to greet everyone and chit-chat - begrudgingly dragging Bakugou into conversations. Wherever you go, he goes - no matter how much you shoo him. Jirou lovingly refers to him as “your own dark shadow” everytime you see her and it never fails to make you laugh. She’s right and tonight’s no different. He clings to you a little in every space you're in, and eventually the two of you make it to the backyard.
Kirishima drunkenly shows you around, and as Bakugou follows. You like seeing the two of them bicker. It’s a one-sided ordeal, with Bakugou on the offensive and Kirishima on the clueless defensive, easily deflecting his comments. It never fails to make you smile. Kirishima also insists on giving you a long story about his grill, to which you listen and carefully.
The night goes well after that. You manage to talk to everyone in short bits and pieces and so does Bakugou. The two of you are a pair, but it’s weird to think about it that way. You don’t get a chance to dwell, too caught up in the conversation. A warm night in July, all fireflies and the smell of grass and summer and smoke. Kirishima's place is a little farther from the city - so the stars are especially beautiful. You find it all to be pretty blissful.
The night drags, and after about 4 hours - only the core few remain. It’s you, Bakugou, Kirishima, Denki, Sero, Mina, Midoriya, and Todoroki - all together in a circle. The beer cooler sits evenly in the middle as everyone engages in conversation together. Everyone’s tipsy but not inebriated.
You’re not sure how it happens, but the conversation has easily divulged into dating and sex. You’re not opposed and neither is Bakugou. You can only really read disinterest on his face, which entertains you. In the back of your mind, you wonder sincerely how close all of these people must be to talk so candidly about stuff like this. You kind of appreciate it.
Your beer is still cold as you nurse it between your thighs, leaning back and watching flames flicker. You only chime in to laugh or make a quick joke and so does Bakugou. You rest your head on his shoulder and miss the look that everyone seems to shoot at the two of you.
“Wait, wait - guys, can I ask something?” Denki chimes in. You sit up a little and look at him. Sero laughs.
“It kinda defeats the purpose if you ask if you can ask something. Just ask.”
Kirishima groans.
“I’m already confused.”
From the sidelines, you hear Midoriya let out a quiet giggle. You laugh at that before Denki takes one big gulp from his seltzer and gives his biggest grin.
“Since we’re on the subject of like.. who’s done what, have any of you been pegged?”
There’s a brief moment of silence before Sero breaks out into laughter. Todoroki has a dopey smile on his face and Midoriya blushes. Mina looks deep in thought.
“I don’t think someone using a strap on me counts, but I’ve definitely pegged someone before.” Mina chimes in. Kirishima chuckles at that.
“Not surprised.”
Mina nudges him before Denki redirects the question back to the other heroes in the conversation.
“Isn’t this a question we should be asking you, Sparky?” Sero comments, smug. Denki rolls his eyes, pouting a little.
“All of you know the answer is yes.”
Bakugou snorts a laugh at how true that is and you nudge him, rolling your eyes.
“C’mon, you guys can’t be that boring. None of you?”
“I have a few times.” Todoroki confesses easily. Everyone in the group turns to stare at him in shock but he’s unfazed, he simply takes another sip of his beer.
“...Honestly, that tracks.” Mina comments, laughing. Everyone else nods sagely in agreement and Todoroki blushes a little.
“I’ve never been. Definitely thought about it, though.” Deku says after some time. Denki nods.
“It’s fun when the person knows what they’re doing.”
Kirishima takes a drink and then hums to agree.
“When I was a rookie, this girl I liked was down for it. It was a pretty good time.” Kirishima reminisces.
Sero thinks about it for a minute before shaking his head.
“I don’t know man. I’ve never really thought about it but letting a chick have control over me like that would probably get my rocks off. I’m not mad at the idea.”
Everyone nods at the hero’s respectable answer before their eyes zero in on Bakugou. You can’t control your laughter.
“Alright, Bakugou - it's your turn. You been pegged before?.”
“No, fuck off.”
Kirishima laughs good-naturedly.
“Aw c’mon, don’t be a buzzkill Bakubro. At least tell us if you’re down for it.”
“Absolutely not doing that shit. Eat a dick.”
Denki frowns but is unaffected by Bakugou’s unwillingness. He shifts his question to you. You yawn tiredly as you sit up and lean forward a little.
“Well what about you? You ever peg anyone before?”
You’re a little tired, defenses lowered. You normally don’t give anyone any detail about your sex life. You don’t think twice when you answer with a warm laugh.
“Yeah, all the time.”
You’re really not expecting anyone to take interest in your reply but the whole group goes almost deadly silent. Mostly at the confidence in your voice, you freeze and sober up. Kirishima is up first, an almost predatory grin on his face.
“...All the time?”
Mina gasps.
“Are you like.. a dom?”
You scrunch your expression up and laugh again.
“I’m a switch, yeah. I dom a lot, though. Why is everyone looking at me like that?”
Midoriya pipes up this time.
“You hardly tell us about your dating or sex life, so it’s a bit of a surprise.” he explains. You drink a little and lean back.
“I didn’t think it was that interesting.” you admit. Denki looks almost giddy.
“You pegging people is very interesting.” Sero adds. You glare at him.
“I don’t think it’s that taboo, but I guess I was wrong. I don’t think about it.”
Mina looks at you starry-eyed.
“I need details like.. yesterday.”
You give her a confused look.
“What details?” you ask, laughing. Denki chimes in almost immediately.
“Well for starters, how did you discover that you were into it? And also, how confident are you that you could mention it so casually?” he questions, giggly. You give him a look, leaning your weight to one side.
“I dated a guy when I was 19 who was into it, but I always knew I was a switch. It’s been a while since I’ve been laid but uh.. I do it pretty frequently. I dunno, I just enjoy it. I’ve done it a handful of times so I’m pretty confident about it.”
Midoriya looks deep in thought before looking at you.
“...Where do you just find people to peg?”
You almost choke on your drink with laughter.
“Well for starters, I’m not a hero - so I don’t have to worry about like.. my public image. Normally just on like.. fetish dating websites or whatever. It’s pretty straightforward.”
Kirishima gives you a look.
“I would let you peg me.” he says after a long, long bout of silence. Everyone hums in agreement as you burst out into laughter.
“Shut the fuck up.” you snort, laughing lightheartedly.
The conversation eventually gets derailed again, and you go back to settle in your chair.
You don’t miss the way Bakugou seems stiff for the rest of the night.
If there’s one thing that Bakugou is not good at, it’s keeping his feelings to himself.
He’s been weird ever since the pegging conversation. Oddly silent and not in the comfortable way you’re used to. He insisted on walking you home since it was so late and your place was a few blocks off - but he’s been awkwardly trailing behind you the entire time. After an extended period of annoyance, you turn around on your heel to face him
He jumps back a little, scowling. You place your hand on your hip and stare at him with hardened brows.
“Alright. Out with it, Bakugou. If you don’t stop being weird, I’m gonna have a fit - swear to god. Spit it out.”
Bakugou crosses his arms over his chest and huffs. But he doesn’t face you, doesn’t even really bother looking at your face as he grits his teeth. Jaw feathered, he has that weird expression on his face that he gets when he’s deep in thought.
“It’s nothing.” he insists. You sigh, pinching the bridge of your nose.
There’s no good way for this conversation to end, you realize this right away. Bakugou is a weird guy, but he’s also an obvious one. Rationally, he shouldn’t be upset by the conversation. It’s either jealousy of some sort or something beyond fathoming. Either way, things don’t look good.
“It clearly is something. Listen, if you wanna cool down for a couple of days - fine, but don’t be like this.”
“Stop putting fuckin’ words in my mouth!”
You sigh, frustrated.
“Bakugou, for fucksake - you’ve been like this all night. I’m not asking you for much, just give me an inch here. Are you uncomfortable with what I get up to?”
He shakes his head, glaring at you with a hardened brow.
“You know I don’t give a shit about that.” he insists. You groan.
“Then what is it? You gonna confess you want me to peg you or something?”
You really don’t mean anything by it. You don’t. But you see it real time, the little look on Bakugou's face that sends you on a spiral. It’s cold and damp and dark out. Not a soul outside, just you and Bakugou - the moon and street lights. Despite his attempts, you catch it. The shocked raise of brows and gulp of air like you’ve pinned it down perfectly. You stare at him.
He doesn’t turn his head, doesn’t even look at you as he takes his lower lip between his teeth.
“Katsuki. Hey, look at me. I’m not gonna ― I’m not here to judge you, alright? Just.. is that what this is about?”
“Fuck.. fuck - maybe it is. What does that -”
“Hey, what’d I just say?”
He stumbles at that, and gets quiet. You have this ability, this spell on him that tends to soothe any of these aching pains he has. Even with his teeth grit and his mind messy, he knows you won’t judge him. He trusts you, he does - wouldn’t even let himself throw a tantrum if he didn’t. You pause, briefly, and look at him.
“..So, you’re interested in pegging? Like me pegging you, specifically?”
He runs a hand over his face, so embarrassed he wishes the ground would swallow him whole.
You take in a sharp inhale of breath. He would just drop some information like that on you, wouldn’t he? It’s so like him. You close your eyes and try to recompose yourself.
“Okay. Alright. Do you.. know what you’re asking me here?”
He glares at you like he’s about to snap.
“Of fucking course ― do you know how embarassing this is, you dipshit?”
“I know - but this isn’t just a thing you ask someone. We have to sit down and talk about it and set rules and boundaries. This isn’t something I’m gonna half-ass, so I’m asking you. Are you absolutely sure you know what you’re getting into?”
His stomach flutters a little at the sound of you saying you won’t half-ass it.
He thinks about what you’ve said for a few minutes. Bottom lip tucked between his teeth, he looks around a little while deep in thought. You watch him as he tilts his head back, taking a sharp inhale - before he look right back at you.
“Yeah.. yeah. I’m sure.”
You take a deep breath, a ragged inhale. You give Bakugou a once over before rubbing your face with your palms.
“Alright. Okay then.”
Like all matters Bakugou Katsuki, getting him to talk about the thing he so casually mentioned to you the other week hadn’t been easy.
You expected this. Hardly anything in the world with Bakugou is easy, but something like this? There was never a chance it would work out easily. Bakugou is the type to drop something like this on you and then essentially avoid you for as long as humanly possible. Unluckily for him, you work together - so you’ve spent the last few weeks hounding him about the situation.
“Do you still want this?”
“Are you sure?”
“You can back out.”
“We have to talk about it.”
The list goes on and on. Bakugou answers every single one of your questions begrudgingly, because of course he does. Yes, he still wants it. Yes, he’s sure. He knows he can back out, he trusts you. The only question he avoids a lot is the talking about it part. You think part of it is because if you talk about it - it’s real. Really, real. When it’s real, he has to look it in its face.
He knows you won’t push him to talk about his reasoning, but you can’t help but be curious. Sex is one thing but asking your best friend to peg you isn’t something you do without thinking about it. Certainly not if you’re Bakugou.
The weird part is acknowledging the heated attraction you have for Bakugou. You have to talk about it, in full. The implication is that you’re going to have sex and you know what he’s said, that he wants this. But the question remains, does he want you?
You don’t find yourself unattractive, but the idea of Bakugou.. desiring you does something bad to your heart and mind. It’s part of why you want to talk about it. Why you need to talk about it. He tells you that he’d rather do it the day of, and you think it’s because otherwise it gets too scary. When it’s just words and no one there to ground you it gets scary. You get it, so you agree.
The day finally comes. It’s a Saturday evening and Bakugou is sitting across from you while you slide him a warm tea. He just got out of the shower and is sitting, a little damp and hair dripping while he blows on the edge of a lavender mug. You stare at him, trying to read his face but ultimately coming up short.
“So,” you start, carefully, “you want me to peg you.”
Bakugou chokes on his drink, before glaring at you. He rolls his eyes, bare elbows hitting your table as he wipes his mouth with the back of his hand.
“No, I’m here to fucking steal your cats.” he replies sarcastically. Your brow furrows.
“Cut me some slack, Katsuki. You told me three weeks ago you wanted me to peg you, and then we just.. didn’t talk about it.”― you shift a little, uncomfortable ― “And like, shit - I don’t mean to be insecure but I’m kinda confused about it, alright?”
He softens, just a little. It’s not obvious, but he does.
“What are you confused about, dipshit?”
You sigh and look into your cup of tea.
“Do you..is this just a convenience thing for you? Like.. do you.. does it matter if it’s me doing this? If you just want some relief, isn’t there -”
He cuts you off with a snarl, like he’s offended by what you’ve just said. It makes something uncomfortable stir in your gut. The way his carmine eyes stare you down.
“What, you think I just go around wantin’ to fuck randoms? You think I can’t get my dick wet whenever I want to - even with some shit like this?” he grits.
Your eyes go wide at the implication. That’s not what you think, but it’s a good point. A really good point that even if Bakugou wanted, he could probably find plenty of ways to relieve himself, if that’s all there was. The realization shakes you to your core. Knocked flat on your ass, your hands tremble a little.
You’re still, silent. Bakugou sighs, and flushes.
“...I want it to be you, idiot. If I just needed to get my fuckin’ rocks off, I’d do that.”
You’re almost giddy with realization. It’s overwhelming.
“So.. you want to have sex with me. Okay. I want to have sex with you too.”
You say it too easily and Bakugou grits his teeth. His neck and chest flush red.
You smile a little. He’s still himself. He’s cute. God, he really is so cute.
“What are your like.. do’s and don'ts? What do you want to do?”
He thinks on it for a little while before replying.
“Anything where I can’t speak or see is off-limits. At least this time. That shit kinda freaks me out. Other than that, I don’t got a fuckin’ clue.” Bakugou says, sagely. You’re taken aback that he has a reply at all, so you nod.
“Got it. Is this your first time bottoming?”
He nods his head yes.
“I’ve had a thumb up there but not a lot else.”
You absorb this information before proceeding.
“Okay. Is this your first time subbing?”
He nods his head yes. Your eyes go wide.
“Shit, really?”
“Most people don’t really want to rail a pro-hero. It’s normally the opposite way around, stupid.”
You think about what he says, taking a sip of your tea.
“I guess that makes sense. But you’ve been a dom before, right?”
He confirms this to you with another nod.
“Okay. Alright. We’ll use the stoplight system for your safe-words then, yeah? You can call me a title if you really want, but I like just my name. How far do you wanna go?”
He shakes his head after taking a long gulp sitting up.
“Stop asking about me. Tell me what you wanna do, dumbass. This shit goes both ways, doesn’t it?”
You smile a little at the sincerity. Leaning back in your chair, you give him a once over before looking at him sheepishly.
“Honestly. I just wanna fuck you dumb,” you confess, wincing at the way he spits out his tea in shock. “Like.. I mean like.. I dunno, I wanna make you feel good. I wanna go all the way with it but that’s kinda intimate. I don’t know if you’re okay with that.”
He goes silent for a minute.
“I’m.. fuckin’.. I’m fine with that - alright? That’s..”
You don’t make him answer, instead reaching over and putting a hand over his. He flinches at the contact but doesn’t pull away which is assuring.
“I trust you with whatever shit you wanna do, so don’t be fuckin’ weird ―alright?”
You laugh gently at that, but nod.
“Okay, got it. Is there anything you wanna do?”
He flushes, covering his face with his hands.
“I wanna.. return the favor.”
It comes out a little muffle, so your brows scrunch up. He groans exasperatedly at your confusion. He’s too embarrassed to say it again so he has to steel his resolve a little. He sighs.
“I wanna return to favor alright? Not by fucking you or whatever, but I wanna make you feel good at least.”
“D’ya wanna eat me out or something?”
His eyes go wide and his face flustered. You laugh.
“I don’t mind. I just want today to mostly be about you. You can return the favor another time.”
Bakugou’s shock is present when you so casually mention another time. But the both of you know better that whatever happens now is a permanent change in the course of your friendship. It’s not bad, but he’d be lying if he said it wasn’t a little nerve-wracking. You notice but you don’t seem fazed. This song and dance can only continue so long. Instead he nods, and takes a deep breath.
“Yeah. Okay.”
The one thing about Bakugou you never get over is that he’s alarmingly pretty.
Exceptionally pretty. When you get a chance to really look at him, which is hardly ever - all things considered, you get hit with it full on. He’s fucking beautiful. Like a model, like a movie star. He’s the prettiest boy you’ve ever seen in your life.
You’re not trying to weird him out when you eventually crawl on top of him. You watch as he gets comfortable, falling back in the middle of your mattress. He’s still clothed, a tight shirt and sweatpants. His hair is all dry now, and his eyes have gone wide.
And you’re right on top of him. Your legs rest between his spread ones, arms on either side of him as you hover over him briefly. You’ve been close to Bakugou in your life before, but never this close. Never close enough to look at him like this. You can see every detail in his face. Unblemished skin, scars on his cheek, the flat bridge of his nose and the strength in his brow-bone. His eyes are soft - half-crescent moons.
He’s fucking beautiful. Not like anything ever seen before and your breath gets caught in your throat when you look at him.
“What the hell are you lookin at?” he snips, flustered. You let your hands settle on his waist, travelling underneath his shirt. Pressing your palms flat against his skin, you shake your head.
“Starin’ at you.” you muse. Your voice goes low, gets thick in the way it does when you get in this headspace. Bakugou hears it right away, shuddering
“You’re so pretty, Katsuki.” you tell him, praise him. Something in his heart goes haywire when he listens. Your palms pressed to his body and the timbre of your voice makes him reel. Keen. You let your lips brush against his.
He takes care of himself, even his mouth soft as you press against it. Bakugou lets out a sigh when you do it finally. Your lips are warm and soft, and you taste like tea. His heart is racing already. Too much tension, years of aching need and yearning pouring out of him like an open wound. He tries, desperately, to remind himself that it is just a kiss. Nothing more and nothing less.
But then you kiss him a little deeper. His lower lip slots against your top one and you switch - fall into the easy back and forth and Bakugou is entranced. He’s kissed enough people to know you’re good at it, maybe too good at it. Your hands roam freely against his pale skin and you kiss him over and over. He tries to get used to it, to be on pace with you - but he can’t shake the feeling of your mouth. It’s so hot and so heavy - and he feels so needy. He can’t fall apart so early.
But there’s something about the way you touch him. There’s an ease to it, but beneath it - something wanton and hot is there. Something stifling and heavy that makes Bakugou feel.. odd. It’s something about being wanted that’s making him like this. And it’s you, and he hardly keeps up with you ever. He can't keep up with the tongue in his mouth, the way you suck on his. It lets out a soft, slick noise. He kisses you until his lips are a little puffy - pink and slightly swollen from how you suck on them.
When he draws back, he’s a mess. A little string of saliva draws between the two of you. You pull back and tug Bakugou’s shirt up off of his torso. He hears it get tossed somewhere in the room as you slowly trail kisses starting from the corner of his mouth down to the edge of his jaw.
You mean what you said earlier, that this is about him. This much is obvious. It’s nerve-wracking, and embarrassing - but he can’t get you to stop. He doesn’t even know how to start to ask you to stop.
“Nnggh, fuck - fuck, how are you so ―?”
Your mouth licks up his neck, and you kiss the shell of his ear down to his earlobe. Bakugou lets out an almost dejected sound. Your mouth drags along his jawline.
“So what, baby? Don’t hold out on me.” You tease, amused. He grits his teeth, almost frustrated with how horny he is. Bakugou is hardly easy, never goes down without a fight.
But this.. doesn’t feel like a fight. It’s too one-sided. It’s a takedown, and Bakugou can’t help but feel like he’s losing. Your lips brush against his throat, on his pulse. He shudders almost violently at the way your tongue drags over the skin.
“So fuckin’ annoying, you’re so ―”
He doesn’t get a chance to insult you again.
“Can I give you a hickey?”
He swallows something. He should definitely say no. He has to patrol tomorrow and his costume leaves hardly anything for imagination.
“Do what you want.” he tells you, which emphatically - is not a no. You laugh lightly and the sound is so nice. It’s so pleasant and he can feel it, the vibration under his skin. His mind feels melty, and before he knows it - you’re giving him a hickey. A few really, scattered on his neck. Your teeth graze the skin light as you bite and latch onto it.
With your mouth busied, your hands find exceptional interest in Bakugou’s body. They’re a little more calloused than your average normie, years of sewing and stitching wounds leaving them textured. It feels good, the roughness is welcome and oddly pleasant. His voice gets caught when you reach up to his tits and give the flesh a good squeeze before kneading them in your palms. Bakugou knows that this is not something people with his body normally do.
He doesn’t have boobs for fucksake, he has pecs. He feels the greed in your palms as you squeeze the soft flesh. You trace circles around the puffy pink of his nipple with your thumb before brushing it. He gasps. It’s the first time in his life someone ever touched him like that before, but especially somewhere so innocuous.
You detach from his throat, leaning back to stare at his chest. He watches as you grope and fondle them recklessly - eyes starry as you make little jolts of electricity shoot through him. His cock twitches, hard against his sweats and making a noticeable tent.
“They’re bigger.” you comment absently. Bakugou’s half-way out of his mind but he catches what you’ve said. You give them another soft squeeze.
“Your tits,”
“Don’t fucking call them that -”
“They’re bigger. At least a little, an inch or so maybe.”
He takes in a sharp breath as you go down even further. You place soft, open mouthed kisses on his collarbones and shoulders. When you’re face to face with the strong muscles of his chest, you inhale. He can almost feel how giddy you are, forced to watch with a flushed expression as you press them together and peer at the cleavage.
“How the hell do you even know that?”
“I design your costume. I get paid to know how big your- tits are.”
“Stop calling them that or I’m fuckin’ killing you.”
You’re unfazed by the sentiment, going silent briefly. He watches as you open your mouth and take his nipple against your tongue. He groans, shudders - a violent wave of pleasure crashing through him as you suck so eagerly on one. Your free hand makes you busy.
“But they are tits, y'know? Pretty and big and soft. I like ‘em.” you comment amused. Bakugou tells you to fuck off, or he wants too - but the thought is warbled. He’s so fucking unbelivably horny and you haven’t even gotten to the actual part. All you’ve done is touch him, and poke and prod.
But it doesn’t stop Bakugou from being hard out of his mind. Desperate to get to the good part no matter how much you seem to utterly refuse. You promised to take your time and you’re doing as much. Every word, noise, or gasp from his mouth makes your clit feel like fucking steel. It throbs everytime the blonde so much as breathes.
You don’t think you could fathom it being this good. Something about seeing loud, brash, abrasive Bakugou fall apart underneath you makes you feel fucking crazy. The arch in his spine, the pinkness in his skin, the fucking need. You’re so wet, you think even the slight friction from the harness on your clit will send you to fucking space.
You two can hardly wrap your heads around how much you need each other. It's desire, but a different animal than the desire you’ve felt before. A mutual want to break and be broken. An agreement to have at each other after too many years of unresolved tension.
If you were going to fuck Bakugou, you were going to do it right. You were going to drag it all out slowly. You’re doing as much, and he’s taking it as best he can. But you like seeing him grapple with it. He bites his lip with frustration and shudders each time you suck his nipples into your mouth. He’s not supposed to want it but it feels so damn good, so stupidly good.
You pull away and blow cool air onto them, watching with a smile as they go stiff. You flick them lightly as he curses at you.
“Cute. They’re so pink.”
“Don’t call me that!” he snaps. You tsk at him.
“C’mon. We’re about to get to the important part. Be a good boy, Katsuki.”
You say it partly in jest but you feel the way Bakugou freezes. You can hear the suppressed moan, only confirmed by how his hand slaps over his mouth in a mix of shock and shame. Your grin is almost predatory.
“What's your color?”
He lets out a shaky breath.
“Fuckin’ green.”
You sit up on top of him. You let your fingers trace the skin on his abdomen, ridges of his abs where his body is clenched. Your whole demeanor shifts as you touch him delicately.
“Ooh, is that it? Does my Katsuki wanna be a good boy? Are you my good boy?”
Bakugou doesn’t know how it happens, but he groans. The words tip him over some imaginary cliff side he didn’t even know he was on. Every thought or action or word is replaced with a shiver. A full-body reaction overwhelms each of his senses and his eyes roll back a little.
“Fuck, fuck - wait. I can’t.”
You’re merciless anyways. An adoring smile graces your mouth.
“You like being good. The best boy, yeah? So pretty.”
Another whine escapes him, this time a little pitchier and more embarrassing. Bakugou’s eyes roll into the back of his head. You think it makes sense that he has a praise kink, the way Bakugou acts.
“F-fuck” is all he can get out and it comes out so brokenly. Like glass, it's fragile and needy. You cup it in your palms, cherish it.
“That’s right, isn’t it? Katuski’s my good boy isn’t he? My best boy?”
“Holy fuck.” he moans again, as you rock so slightly against his cock when you praise him. His whole body feels feverish when you say it. He wants to hear you say it again.
“You’re so cute. So pretty, too. You like bein’ my pretty boy, huh?”
He doesn’t reply. He can’t reply. The words are too much, your voice is too much. His head swims with the praise and more suddenly than before, he realizes his position. What he’s doing. When his head stops working correctly and his pride seems to dissolve like cotton candy into water - nothing left but sweet water. Bakugou feels how deep he’s fallen. It’s startling.
But, he doesn’t want you to stop. Instead, he whimpers - a desperate noise.
“Fuck, please.” he groans, need. You stare at him lovingly, your hands smoothing across his skin until they squeeze the base of his neck. A light touch, not meant to choke him but to ease him.
“Please what, Katsuki? Want me to keep praising you? You like when I tell you you’re my good boy?”
He chokes, and debates it in his head. Is this a good idea? Is he willing to go this far?
The answer is an astounding yes. So he groans, and nods his head.
“Fuck, yes. Please.”
You lean forward with a good-natured laugh, and you press your lips to his soft ones. You kiss him a few times, delighted by the way he relaxes into you. Your hands cup his face as you pepper pecks across his cheeks, forehead and nose. His face scrunches up, too intimate - but you show no signs of stopping.
“Anything for you, Katsuki.”
His heart does a somersault at the words, your sincerity. But before he can, he watches you dismount and stand on your feet. You give him a once-over before clicking your teeth together, searching through the drawer.
“Take your pants off, baby.”
He rolls his eyes a little, but he does. Just the pants as it would be, he tucks his stiff cock against the waistband of his boxers as he slides the material off of his legs. In the meantime, you dig through your drawers. You pick out a sweet-smelling strawberry lube, and pick a strap of medium size. You’d take your time in prepping him, but you want him to feel it. You want to go all the way.
In a last ditch effort to make sure he’s not in too much pain, you grab a plug too. It’s pink at the end, heart-shaped and red. You snicker under your breath but grab it anyway.
With that, you crawl back onto the bed. The mattress creaks and shifts under the weight of your body as you get back between Bakugou’s legs. His feet are flat on the bed, knees bent up but laying on his stomach with his boxers still on.
You hook your fingers into the waistband of his boxers. Bakugou gapes at the ease that you manhandle at least his lower body, not bothering to ask as you slide the material off his thick thighs and the curve of his ass. His legs go up and you take them off, tossing them somewhere before positioning him flat onto the bed.
“Why am I so fuckin’ naked and you’re not?”
You laugh at his irritation
“You want me to get naked?”
“Obviously, dipshit.”
You think on it for a minute, shrugging. Without much thought, you slide your sweater off your torso and take your shorts off your legs. Bakugou gasps when he sees you, but he doesn’t mean to. The way his eyes glaze over you leaves you flush. It’s unexpected, almost makes you shy.
“Like what you see?” you tease. He blinks, briefly. He nods.
“Yeah.. shit, yeah. You’re.. fuck. I wanna touch you.” he admits. You look at him surprised, another wave of heat moving through you so slowly. But you get it, and you want it too. You want him as many times as he’ll let you have him, but for now - you just want to take.
Your hand goes onto his thigh, thumb rubbing circles into it lightly.
“Later, I promise. Just about you today, okay?”
He nods, closing his eyes.
“Yeah.. okay.”
You lay on your stomach, between his legs. You massage his thighs with your palms before you spread his legs out.
The first thing you think is that Bakugou Katsuki is cute everywhere. It feels a little inappropriate of a thing to think - face to face with his ass. But you think it anyways, his dick is nice and pretty too. It’s not small by any means, the same size as your strap. It’s thick though, the size of your forearm and raging red at the very tip. Too heavy to stand straight up, it bobs against his belly. There’s a little pre-cum but not much - at least not for now.
Bakugou’s chest heaves as he watches you through a lidded gaze. You’re so pretty it’s sickening. He’s not sure what he’s expecting you to do, but it’s not kissing him. He’s not expecting you to kiss the muscles in his thighs, over his pelvis. He watches you as you close your own eyes, sucking the soft flesh and leaving little petals of red and purple all along his body. He hiccups, his cock starting to ache painfully.
“What’re ya doin’?” he slurs, a little unsure. You hum, looking up at him.
“I’m gonna finger you but you gotta be relaxed and turned on. Otherwise it’s gonna be super painful. I know you’re not used to it, but relax for me - yeah? Be good.”
Bakugou swallows a painful noise. He breathes, a large inhale of air that he releases slowly and unsteady as his hands tremble a little. He just watches - thin carmine eyes looking you over as you trace your tongue over every part of his skin effortlessly. Without so much as a warning, he feels your tongue on the underside of his cock. You take in a sharp breath, heavy and wanting as you lick all the to the tip.
You dip into his slit before closing your mouth around the head of his cock. Bakugou lets out a wounded noise. His whole body gets stiff, gasping.
“H-holy shiiiit”
You smile around him. Your tongue is expert. You dip your head down, a soft gag but you don’t stay there. After the whole thing is slick, you let your mouth go lazy around the tip. You bob softly, watching as he thrashes a bit above you. He understands you want to relax him but if you keep this up, he’s gonna cum.
“I’ll cum, I’ll -”
You pull back and he whines.
“You can cum if you want. I can make you cum again when I fuck you.”
He gapes at you - the sheer confidence in your voice makes him dizzy. Fuck.
He tries to hold back as you massage his cock with your tongue. You pull back briefly, kissing up his shaft with a warm sigh.
“I’m gonna start fingering you now. You ready?”
“Fuck, fuck, whatever.”
“What’s your color?”
You nod. He watches as you pull over. The strap, plug, and lube are on the other side of the bed. You grab the plastic bottle, flipping the cap open unceremoniously. You pour a little on your fingertips, warming it as you rub them together.
You use your thumb to brush against his hole.
“Do you shave or are you hairless by design?”
“I’m gonna fucking kill you.”
You laugh at that. So it is by design. The circle of muscle is tight - which means he’s not relaxing like he needs too. You grab a little more lube, rubbing it in before shifting to your middle finger as you press against it. Your head goes down again, mouth on his cock - and Bakugou swallows a sharp moan as you take him into the heat of your mouth again.
With the distraction, you ease your middle finger inside of him so slowly. There’s nothing urgent about it, it’s slow. He is distracted enough that he can’t focus on it. But it’s still there, intrusive and tight. It’s not bad. It doesn't hurt a lot, but it’s weird. It’s weird to have something in you in such a way and for whatever reason - even just like this, Bakugou feels like he can’t breathe. Try as he might to hold it together, he can’t keep himself intact.
“Fuck, that’s weird.” he breathes. You chuckle amused, pulling off a little. You haven’t gotten super far. Only down to your middle knuckle.
“Does it hurt?” you ask, grabbing the lube to pour a little more onto his hot skin. The difference in temperature makes him reel, but he breathes. He manages to see you and it feels fucking weird but it doesn’t hurt. He shakes his head. There’s a sting, but it’s not the worst thing.
“A little, but I can take it. ‘s fine.”
You hum, kissing his cock again affectionately.
“Okay. Good boy. You’re doing good for me.”
He feels it again, your fingers. You’re trying something, but he doesn’t know what. His mouth opens.
“What are you - ?”
And then he feels it. He feels it. It’s so overwhelming, his whole body tenses and he lets out a soft groan. His eyes screw together so tight as he chest heaves. His whole body convulses at the slight brush and all the air, the words - get forced out of him. Pre-cum rolls in a little bead down his shaft. He opens his eyes and he stares at you.
“What the fuck was that?”
“Your prostate. Feel good?”
“Holy fuck, it felt fucking -”
You grin, happy at the realization.
“Really good, right?”
He just nods, unable to do anything else. You hum, inching your middle finger a little deeper. You fuck yourself in and out of him, relishing and how warm he is inside. How soft. His features are flushed, his arm over his head and breathing ragged. His whole body feels like it’s on the edge and it’s so weird - and it hurts a little, but he wants to feel that again.
“You think you can take another one?” you ask softly. He feels like he can’t speak but he forces out another yes. And he feels it, your pointer finger - at his entrance. This hurts a little more, enough that he winces. You stop right away - just the first bend inside as you pour a little more lube.
“Take a deep breath, Katsuki. In,” you instruct, listening while he follows your instruction “Out.”
When he breathes out, you ease yourself in a little bit more. Now he’s stretched out, he can tell. He’s never experienced anything like this in his entire life. He’s felt a lot of things, brutal things as it would be. It’s the nature of a pro, all kinds of odd and scarring injuries.
But this isn’t like anything. Not like anything he’s ever felt in his life. It feels fucking good, so good it’s almost scary. The feeling of just two fingers is hard enough to process, so he can’t fathom the feeling of being fucked. He doesn’t try to. Sweat beads down his forehead at the tenseness of his body. His senses are fried.
You push further and then you curl your fingers up and then you press. His cock drools onto his stomach - leaking like a fucking faucet and Bakugou’s whole spirit erupts into something unruly. Holy shit, what’s happening to him?
“Aaah, shit! Shit, shit, shit.”
You’re merciless. The way your fingers curl up against his prostate is making him lose his fucking mind. All resolve steamrolled away by your careful and nimble fingers, and the laziness of your mouth around his tip. It’s pushing him to the edge in a way he didn’t even know was possible. You spread your fingers wide as if to stretch his hole all the way open, and you do it easily. It aches, it does - but fuck, the feeling of this orgasm is indescribable. The way he can feel it build, the way the cum leaves the pretty tip of his cock. He can’t hold back and if you keep going the way you do - he’s gonna break.
“Fuck, fuck - can’t.. I can’t.”
It almost hurts when you stop. He cries out, pained from the way his orgasm starts to die down. He thrashes a little as you lean up and forward, reaching for the plug. A sob hiccups in his chest, tears blinking at his lashes.
“Why’d you fucking stop -” he grits, angry. You press a kiss to his mouth, shutting him up.
“Wanna see you cum on my cock. That’s all. Stop whinin’”
He whines again anyways, cock angry and frustrated. He’s so on edge, so needy. He’s never wanted to be fucked before but now he feels so inconceivably empty. He hiccups.
“Don’t t-tease me so much, asshole. I wanna cum, wanna -”
You laugh. You’re just as worked up as he is. You don’t think you’ve ever been this turned on before. Not any encounter quite like Bakugou. You’re so wet it’s running, dripping down your thighs. You take your panties off and put on the little boxer briefs. You’ve got the kind of strap that goes on inside of you, but you’re wearing the briefs to secure everything and keep it tight. Bakugou watches as you put it on and inside of you - a little breathless sigh.
“We’ll cum together, baby.” you use your hands to maneuver him. He watches with wide eyes, as your hands get under his knees and push them up. You let your hands fall on either side of his head where he’s greeted with the sight of your chest so slightly in his face. His mind feels twisted as he watches you on your knees.
“I’ll take this out and then I’ll fuck you with this,” you smack the silicone against his thigh “And we’ll cum together. Sounds nice, doesn’t it? If you’re a good boy, I’ll make you cum like that. Can you be good?”
Bakugou stutters. The sudden surge of confidence in your words makes him unable to argue. He nods, and lays back and closes his eyes. He doesn’t mean to get so needy, but you can hear it drip in his voice.
“Fuck.” he groans. He watches while you slip the plug out, watches as you slide the tip so teasingly over the spot where he needs it most. His whole body trembles.
“Answer me. Can you be a good boy for me Katsuki?”
“Hnghh, shit.” he warbles, impatient. You tsk, patting his thigh while you slick a little more lube on him and the toy before placing the lube somewhere he can't see.
“Can you?”
“I can,” he hiccups, voice gone so raw it shakes you. Eyes wide, and desperate, and pleading “I can b-be good, so fuck, please. Please, please - make me fuckin’ cum or ‘m gonna lose it.”
You give him your most audacious grin as you line yourself up. Your clit aches as you see him underneath you. You lean forward, pressing your chest together to give him a kiss. His mind goes so fucking blank, so empty as he feels it. Feels the warm silicone cock fuck against him, and stretch him open so wide. It aches. Fuck it aches so much - it feels like he’s being split in goddamn half. It’s making him crazy, and he doesn't know what to do.
There’s not enough air in his lungs to keep up with the push, the force. The heat and the tension. Everything inside of him is demarcated with need. The incessant urge to be devoured. He feels it, your strap, the way it slides so slowly inside of the tight ring of muscle. How it stretches him open, and how it burns a little no matter how slick you make it. It’s so overwhelming. It makes him teary but it’s not enough pain to make him stop
He’d be so devastated if you stopped.
He clings onto your form, arms finding purchase around your neck as you pin his knees up and push so, so slowly. You fuck into him so frustrating, slotting your lips to his as he moans and whimpers into your mouth. You take your time with it, of course - but he can feel the way he tightens down when he moves. When you thrusts, you can feel it too.
“Haah, shit. I can’t, fuck - it feels so weird.”
“Just weird?” you tease, voice soft. He doesn’t give a reply to that, just whines as your hips ease forward. He watches the concentration apparent on your expression. Your tongue pokes out your bottom lip, brows furrowed as he you fuck into him patiently. You look so fucking hot like that. The serious look on your jaw-bone, the fixation on the tightness. You’re staring hard and fuck, Bakugou loves being looked at. Loves when it’s you that looks at him.
It’s too sensual. Too much, way too much. There’s something languid about it, unmoving about the way you ease. Each inch is more and more of a reason to hold his breath and right when Bakugou starts too, you kiss the column of his throat.
“Deep breaths. Relax, baby.”
You calling him baby doesn’t do anything to help him relax, but he takes a deep breath. It’s shaky, but he manages to take it. It helps, it hurts less when he does so he slows down and takes a few more. It’s so hard to breathe, but he tries.
And he manages, maybe a little unceremoniously. He takes a deep breath and when he does, you press a kiss to the corners of his mouth and go “good boy” ― and that makes him fucking horny. He keeps doing it so you’ll keep praising him. Each time you inch a little further and Bakugou keeps his cool - you praise him so sweetly. It’s so fucking addicting, fucking god.
A few minutes pass, and then so briefly - you move. And he feels it, again - that little jolt of pleasure that’s so blinding it makes him see stars. The pleasure that he feels with his whole body, mind and soul and everything in between. The kind that makes his throat close up, something like a silent scream. He only barely manages to say it.
“Th-there, fuck, there.”
You pull back a little to look at him. You pause, and with a deep grunt - you move your hips and then you hit it. This thrust is angled differently. It feels like somethings on his windpipe, the crushing pleasure driving him up a fucking wall. You can hear it before you can understand it - the sharp whimper that leaves his mouth sounds like music to you. It’s fervent, burning. You need to hear it again, so you thrust, again.
And he means, and his arms go tight. The gravel in his voice goes so high and so fucking whiny. Pathetic and needy. So unusual for someone so composed.
It makes something hot burn in your chest. You thrust again, this time with purpose.
“Yeah? Right there?” you grin, teeth bared almost animal. Bakugou looks at your face and flushes a little.
And you fuck him like that, let your cock rut against his prostate over and over as he goes frantic.
“Don’t be a - hngh shit!”
It hurts, except for when it doesn’t. When it doesn’t, it feels so fucking good and now all it does is feel so fucking good. These flashes of heat that run through his whole body, starting at his scalp. He’s gonna draw blood with how hard he presses. He can’t get over how intrusive it feels. But somehow, that’s the part that’s good. The constant intrusion, the slide, the pounding against his prostate. It all feels damn good.
He can feel it all inside. All of it. It’s so deep - so stupidly, and frustratingly extensive and it feels fucking unreal. He’s been spread and split and how he’s filled so deep. Too fucking much.
Nothing makes sense anymore. Everything inside of him, in his head - is falling apart and you’re no help. You press your forehead to his with this breathless laugh and catch his mouth in a kiss.
“You’re so fucking sexy.” you breathe, annoyingly earnest “You take it so fucking well. You look so good taking it, right now. Do you have any fucking idea how bad you turn me on?”
He groans. He can’t. He really, really can’t. He feels frozen, under the microscope of your want. Lust and desire and tension - everything in his world, what he once knew, is crumbling and it’s happening fast.
“Shut the fuck up, fuck.” he grits as you fuck him. The room fills with the lewd sound as you set a pace. It’s more of a rock than a fuck, but that’s on purpose. You’re taking him through it still, and this rocking motion is the best for both of you. Even then, it’s a lot. All he can hear is the sound of him getting fucked up, and the way you curse under your breath.
“Fuck, Katsuki.”
For a reason he can’t name, that sends him over the metaphorical edge. Everything is spinning as soon as his name tumbles out of your mouth and he wants it too. He wants to return the favor more than he wants anything. Right now, you’re the only thing in his head.
His orgasm is inevitable. It feels like it’ll run him to the ground, and you both know that. You let him relish in the pleasure of this first. You need him to know you like it, need him to know how good it feels to let go. That’s a big part of this.
But it’s all too primal by now. And you can’t hold yourself back from him any longer. When you reach your hand down between the two of you to stroke his cock, you know exactly what you’re doing. It’s covered in pre-cum and you wrap around the base - and you give it a hard and heavy troke.
Bakugou cries out. The impossible happens and it feels so much more intense and all at once. You match the pace of your fist with how deeply you fuck him. It’s undeniable. He’s going to cum and he’s going to cum so hard he’s almost terrified. You keep going anyway. When he tries to tell you what’s happening - you press your lips against his mouth and swallow the noises. You need him to cum so bad.
“Katsuki, be a good boy. Cum for me, fuck - need you to cum for me.”
There it is again, his name from your mouth. A few more seconds pass and something almost prophetic in nature overcomes him. He’s cumming - with his whole body, with his everything. The kind of orgasm that feels like he’s starting to collapse, a blackhole of pleasure. It runs so hot inside of him, cock being fucking milked as he cums. He starts and then he can’t stop, he can’t stop cumming. His toes curl and his body seizes and he’s making a fucking mess as he spurts hot thick ropes of cum into your hands. It’s too damn much, and he’s thrashing underneath you as you fuck him through it.
“Oh my fucking god. Holy fuck, holy fuck - nggh, shit!”
You’re so turned on it’s stupid. It’s almost impractical to feel like this. The friction you get from the toy is good but what’s really doing it for you is Bakugou. The way he looks, sounds, feels. You can’t grapple with it, all you can do is make sure your eyes don’t close. You wish you could burn the visuals into your brain, almost pained you can’t.
You let Bakugou ride his high out for however long he needs. He’s clearly run ragged by the time he’s finished. He’s limp against your sheets, cock gone soft as you give him a few final strokes that make him twitch. You don’t pull out yet, instead undoing your sticky hand from his shaft as you watch him try and catch his breath.
“Should I pull out?”
He groans.
“Don’t fucking ask me that, dipshit.”
“That doesn’t help.”
You press a few kisses against his jaw. It’s so undeniably loving. Bakugous is really in position now, to deny his feelings. No one gets fucked like that and likes it that much unless they’re goddamn head-over-heels.
But he’s too tired to fight it. He’s gonna make you cum at least once before tonight is over. He just needs a breather and the soft sounding of your breathing and warm mouth on his jaw are nice.
You pull out. There’s a soft shlick noise that comes after, that makes him wince. Painfully aware of what just occurred, but it doesn’t bother him like he thought it would. He feels a little empty. It makes him sigh, but it’s not unpleasant. The comedown is exhausting. He’s fucking tired.
But you’re still there, on top of him. When he opens his eyes groggily, you’re kissing the tip of his nose. His defences are lowered. He can’t fight you, so he doesn’t try. There’s beauty in how he lets it happen.
“You okay? Color?”
He’s so tired. Worn out. Emotionally and physically.
He doesn’t fight it, this tenderness. And it’s you - so he doesn’t have too either. He softens a little.
“Green.‘m fine. I still wanna make you cum.” he says through a yawn. You laugh at that.
“After all that?”
“Yes,” he snips, more playful than mean “I was fuckin’ raised right.”
You snort a laugh at that.
“You’re too feisty for someone who just got pegged.” you muse. He rolls his eyes.
“You still wanna be a good boy for me? Wanna make me cum?” you tease, kissing him on the mouth softly.
He groans a little, not upset but wanting. Fuck, the effect you have on him is unmatched. He shudders.
“Fuck, yeah.. yeah.”
You kiss him again and then you switch positions. You lay on your back and let Bakugou shift. He winces, a little sore - but manages to get on his stomach. He watches as you melt into the sheets - and watches as you take your briefs off. The other end of the toy slips out of you with a shudder and you toss it somewhere on the sheets. The air is thick still, heavy with a sleepy kind of lust.
You spread your legs out in front of him and he groans. He’s gonna get hard again if he doesn’t stop looking but your pussy is just so pretty. It’s soft and slick, dripping wet with some hair at the apex. It’s well-kept. He could look at it for hours.
“Shit.” he grits. You smile at him, reaching your hand down to stroke his face. You scratch under his chin with your middle and pointer finger before smoothing his hair back.
“Like what you see?”
“Fuck yeah. I feel like I could make you cum ten times and it still wouldn’t be enough.” he confesses. You laugh a little at that.
“I’m so worked up from fucking you, I don’t think I can go that many times. Just wanna see you between my legs. My good boy.”
He frowns.
“Stop fuckin’ -”
“Aw don’t get bratty on me again, baby. You can be my good boy. I like it.”
He deflates at that.
“Be good for me and make me cum. Wanna cum on your face, pretty boy.”
He doesn’t say anything, but he flushes. If he thinks too hard, he’ll get hard again and he doesn’t think he has it in him to cum again. Even if he does, he doesn’t want to find out.
He busies himself with kissing up your thigh. Every time you let out a soft sigh or noise, something stirs in his gut. The pride is overwhelming. Bakugou has always wanted to prove he’s the best at everything, and somehow right now makes it the most true it’s ever been. He wants to the very best for you, wants to make you feel so fucking good.
You weren’t lying when you said you were worked up. Beyond reasonable doubt, you were. He’s never seen someone get this wet. He doesn’t want to waste too much time on building up. He just wants to give you at least half of what he just got. So he takes his tongue, and drags it slowly over your folds until he’s buried into it.
You gape. The pleasure is honestly unexpected. It guts you almost. You’d been so turned on that the actual contact makes your toes curl right away. You’re pretty sure Bakugou wouldn’t have to eat you out to make you cum almost instantly - and you’re proven right when you feel his tongue snake around your clit. You let out a soft gasp, your hand threading through soft blonde hairs as you rut a little against his face. His chin is getting soaked as he starts to suck on the bundle of nerves.
You’re throbbing and aching, and he doesn’t even need to be putting so much effort. But he is, his hands at your waist as you let him give you head. Good head. It’s so fucking good, doesn’t need any directing from you. He sets a soft pace, sucking and licking and devouring like he’s going to uncover something incredible. And you moan for him - soft praises.
“Fuck, that’s a good boy. Good boy.”
It only makes me want to give you more. He needs to, so he closes his arms around your waist and drags you impossibly close. He really doesn’t need to do as much as he is, but you let him. Start to match the grind of your hips onto his face, dragging your clit over his tongue over and over.
There’s too much tension in your body to hold it. Without meaning too, your orgasm overwhelms you. You take a deep, ragged breath - and grab his face by the roots of his hairs. You take a shuddering breath and hold him close - grinding against his warm mouth.
“Shit, baby - I’m gonna cum.” you announce, and Bakugou grunts into your heat and doesn’t do anything but keep going. Lets you cum hard and fast. Hard, rolling waves of pleasure overwhelm all of your senses as you feel yourself cum hard enough to thrash.
When you finish, Bakugou reluctantly pulls away and crawls back to lay on top of you. His frame is spread over you, heavy and tired. You laugh a little at how exhausted he is, and you can taste yourself when you kiss him. You wipe his chin with your thumb and stick into his mouth, and he doesn’t fight you on it.
“We gotta shower, baby.”
He flushes, just slightly.
“You’re still callin’ me that.” he notes, not sure of what to do. You laugh warmly.
“Cause you are. Kinda stupid to beat around the bush right?”
He sighs, but doesn’t disagree.
“Fuck you.”
“Be good tonight and maybe I’ll let you tomorrow.”
You let your hands travel down his body, until you’re grabbing his ass in the palms of your hands, massaging the flesh with your palms. He glares at you.
“C’mon. Let’s go shower.”
After the heat of the moment, you drag Bakugou to the shower with you. You let him sit on the toilet while you run a bath and the moment is so disgustingly domestic. He doesn’t expect things to feel like this. He’s not stupid. Never has been, so he always knew what the two of you had was different. A little more than friends.
But he was expecting things to be much harder. He was expecting to fight himself on it until the bitter end, to get angry like he normally does. Bakugou knows himself, and he knows that this isn’t just something that happens.
But, when you coax him softly into the bathwater with the stupid nice smelling espom salts, and you rub your damp fingers onto his hickies and talk to him softly - he doesn’t mind. You let him touch you too. It’s not saccharine, the intimacy is so there - maybe you know him better than he thought. Know him enough to ride the line. Maybe when you engage him in normal conversation instead of whispered sweet nothings, you know his ego is too fragile.
And maybe he always knew deep down that he loved you, of course he did. But when you love him like this, when you let him keep his pride intact despite everything - it’s the first time he understands how deeply you love him too.
The kind of love that doesn’t break you more than necessary. The kind that understands your fragility, and preserves it. Whatever kind of love that is. Yours, maybe. Bakugou loves you - he knows this. But he thought it would be hard.
But it’s not with you. Even like this, it’s easy. When you let him wash your back, and his hands tremble because he’s never been good at loving softly. You laugh and tease him, but that makes him feel better. How incredible is it that you can treat him so gently and so not, all at once?
It’s quiet for a little while, and Bakugou wraps his arms around your waist - tentative, until you lean into his touch. He sighs, drops his forehead against your shoulder. The water swishes, and it’s the dead of night - so silent.
“I feel like a fuckin’ idiot.” he confess to you, a rasp to his voice. Your concern is immediate. He’s so exhausted - always tired, but not with you.
“Why’s that?”
“This shit.. I don’t know, it’s not bad.”
You giggle, tender.
“I’m glad it’s not bad?” you offer. He groans again.
“You know what I fuckin’ mean.” he grunts. You press your cheek against his arm, smiling.
“We’re both stupid, at least. I’m surprised too, how easy everything is. Probably won’t always be easy and I don’t know how things will always be. But this,” you trail your fingers on his arms, onto his hands “this feels better than not touching you. I like this more.”
He flushes down to his neck.
“Yeah..” he says, like he’s still too nervous to deny it. But he holds you a little tighter. Gone a little warm. He shuts his eyes. “Me too.”
You hum.
“Hey Katsuki.” you grin. He grunts.
“I love you.”
He goes stiff and you can feel him malfunction a little. He grabs onto you like you’ll disappear, burying his face in your neck. Voice gone soft and tired.
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nervousgardenerkid · 2 years
Are we friends or are we more?
a/n: omg hey yall it's been a while lol! i got the title name from a one direction song ugh i miss them,,anyways this piece took me FOREVER cause my life has been a silly little roller coaster🥳i ended up combining two of my besties requests cause i thought it would be so cuTE!! i hope u guys enjoy it and credit to the gif owner! <3
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Growing up with Steve has been nothing but an adventure. Steve Harrington has been your best friend the second your dad got a promotion at his new job and moved you and your mom into the new neighborhood. He watched with wide eyes and a big smile as you jumped out of the car and ran to the front door of the house.
“Hi!” he shouted and waved.
You turn around and face the small boy and wave back.
“I'm Steve! I live next door!” he panted out while running over to you.
“I'm y/n! This is my new house!”
“Yeah, old man Walt used to live here,” Steve said while kicking a rock around. “He was mean and always kept my balls if they went over the fence.”
You gasped and turned to your mom who was helping unload the truck.
“Mommy! Can I go to the backyard with Steve and look for his toys?”
“As long as you don't get your dress dirty honey, play nice!”
As cliche as it sounds, the rest was history. Steve and you stayed attached to the hip ever since that very day. Although he was growing, Steve never really changed. He kept his boyish charm and still told his not-so-funny jokes. The only thing that really changed about Steve was his reputation and his looks, and god was he nice to look at. You'd never admit it but a part of you always thought you and Steve would end up together. The both of you would watch countless movies about the boy falling in love with the girl next door, you'd expected something to happen as time went on, but Steve never made a move.
The older you two got, the more blurry the lines of friendship got for you two. Maybe it's because the older both of you got, the more thoughts you'd have about each other. Steve would never act on his thoughts, the furthest he's gone with you is sharing a bed from the many sleepovers you guys had.
“Do you ever think about me?” The time was currently 1:07 and even though everyone was asleep, you still found yourself whispering.
“I think about you all the time.” He's telling the truth.
“Not like that…I mean romantically.”
Your heart was pounding out of your chest right now. You know you shouldn’t have asked him this, Nancy just broke his heart a month ago but you have to know.
It was a simple response, but it was enough to break your heart just a little bit.
Steve never answered you that night, but he wanted to. Steve has thought of you romantically ever since you set foot into your backyard with him and helped him find the balls old man Walt kept from him. Of course, he wasn't going to say anything about it though cause he'd rather not fuck up the one good thing in his life. You began to distance yourself after that little situation, nothing too bad. You just drive yourself from school and give him a small smile in the halls instead of greeting him.
“What is wrong with me Robin?! Why did I even ask that?” You asked while hiding your head in your locker. Robin lets out a hum and fixes her hair in the mirror you have hanging in there.
“You are the most cliche case I've ever heard of.” She chuckles out.
“Cliche or not I shouldn’t have put him on full blast like that.” You close your locker, ignoring the whine Robin lets out.
“Y/n, you didn't put him on blast. You just asked a simple question! If I was in your shoes and had someone treat me like that I’d want to clear the air too.”
You pouted at her. “Are you just saying that to make me feel better?”
She smiles at you. “And cause Steve is taking Stacy on a date tonight.”
Your heart is pounding, matching the rhythm of your hands slamming onto the door. You stop again checking your watch, biting down on your bottom lip. It was currently 9:55 and Steve took Stacy out around seven. Now, you haven't been on a date in a hot second, but they don't usually last this long, right? His car is parked in the driveway which means he's home. You sigh and lift your hand up to knock again but Steve swings the door open. The first thing you notice is him rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, then you see the bruise that's forming on his neck. You see how they fall to his chest and you realize Steve is shirtless.
“Y/n? What are you doing here?” He asked while yawning.
“You're shirtless.” you mutter. You've seen Steve shirtless before, but this is different. The way the moonlight shines on him makes him look ethereal.
Steve chuckles and shakes his head. “Eyes are up here sweetheart.”
Your eyes shoot to his face thinking you'd snap out of your daze but you just get worse. Steve still looks half asleep and his hair is sticking up in awkward places. You restrain yourself from reaching out to fix and clear your throat, you're putting your heart on the line right now and to say you're terrified is an understatement.
“Steve?” a voice breaks out. Your eyes fall to wherever the voice came from and you let out a breathy laugh. Stacy is standing in the middle of the stairs with Steve's shirt over her small frame.
“Stacy’s here.” You say, not taking your eyes off of her.
“Uh, yeah,” he turns to face her. “Go back to bed babe, I'll be there soon.”
She doesn't listen, instead, she leans against the railing glaring at you, almost as if she dares you to finish what you were about to say. Steve rolls his eyes and turns his attention back to you.
“Everything okay?”
No, but you nod your head and take a deep breath.
“I uh, I remembered you had my sweater here. Just wanted it back.”
Steve furrows his brows. “You came all the way here at,” his hand reached for your wrist looking at the watch you wore. “Ten o'clock just to get a sweater?”
You laugh. “Yeah, it was stupid. Very stupid.” you wipe away a tear that managed to escape and Steve stands a little straighter.
“Hey, it's okay I can grab it-”
“No, it's fine. I should…I should go.”
Steve’s shoulders slump and he nods his head. He feels uneasy but he's not sure why.
“Okay. I’ll see you later?”
You nod your head. “Bye Steve.”
That was the last time you talked to Steve. Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months, and before you knew it you and Steve were complete strangers. You'd run into him when Mrs. Henderson asked you to watch Dustin, every time Steve saw you it was like he saw a ghost. He’d try and talk to you but you'd either just walk off in the other direction, or you'd give him a quick goodbye only to have another awkward interaction next time he was with Dustin.
“Did you and Steve have a thing?” Dustin asked as you parked your car in the mall parking lot. You reach into the back grabbing the dreaded scoops ahoy hat.
“What? No! Why did he say something?”
Dustin shrugs his shoulders. “He talks about how he misses you…hey did you know he got a new job?”
You step out of the car and make a face. “Where?”
Dustin follows you out of the car and glances at you.
“Uh, nowhere important.”
You pin your nametag to the brightly colored shirt you have and stop in your tracks.
“Where, Dustin?”
Dustin stumbles over his words, hands flailing in every direction possible as everything finally clicks.
“Please tell me it's not at scoops…”
“Okay, it's not at scoops.”
You open the door for Dustin rolling your eyes at his answer.
“You're a shitty liar.”
Dustin shrugs his shoulders and walks into the busy mall with you.
“Are you going to miss me when I go to science camp?”
“If that's what you want to call it, sure.”
Dustin glared at you, causing you to chuckle and shake his head around a bit.
“‘Course I’ll miss you, Dustin. Now, go find your demon friends.”
Dustin thanked you for the ride and ran towards his friends who were waving at him. You quickly make your way to work, smiling at Robin when you see her behind the counter.
“There's my fellow sailor!” she laughed out. You led out a sarcastic laugh and clocked in.
“You'll never believe what I found out.”
She let out a hum and leaned against the counter. “Let me guess, Steve works here now?”
“How does everyone know except me?!”
Robin laughs and holds up his name tag. She tosses it to you, takes a sample spoon, and dips it into the strawberry ice cream.
“He starts training tomorrow.”
You let out a groan and set the name tag aside.
“I'm working tomorrow!”
“I know, lovers will be reunited- hey!”
You snatched the small spoon out of her mouth and tossed it into the trash can.
“We are not lovers!”
“Well not yet but-”
“Not ever, I stopped talking to him for a reason.”
Robin rolled her eyes. “Well, I don’t think he's stopped talking to you.”
You narrowed your eyes at her and smiled when you heard customers walk in.
“You have customers.”
“I hate you.”
You blew her a kiss and let out a laugh when you saw her catch it and throw it into the trash.
“Ahoy sailors, what can I get for you today?”
You fight the urge to let out a groan as you rest your head on the counter. Why did you decide to go to a party knowing you had an early shift? You're not sure, all you know is the Advil is wearing off and the customers won't stop talking.
“Hey, are you okay?” Steve asks while glancing at you.
You shook your head and let out a groan. Working with Steve has been…eventful. When you had to train him for work, it was a bit awkward in the beginning but soon Steve’s charm won you over once again. Although there were still a few awkward moments shared between you two, it wasn't as bad as it used to be. “Remind me to never go to a party ever again,” you mumble while walking into the back. Steve furrows his brows and follows you.
“Party? You hate parties.”
“No, I used to hate parties, now I somewhat enjoy them.”
Steve makes a face and it's one you can't read. You know he hasn't been to too many parties ever since he's lost his king Steve title to Billy.
“How much did you drink last night?”
“Enough for me to regret it the next day,” you said with a smile. You took a seat at the small table and massaged your temples.
“What made you drink that much?” Steve asked while taking a seat across from you. You let out a chuckle.
“Since when does anyone need a reason to drink?”
He shrugs his shoulders. “Not like you to drink.”
“You act as if you know me, Steve.”
“I used to.”
A dry chuckle leaves your lips. “Yeah, used to being the keywords.”
Steve leans forward and rests his arms on the table.
“Why’d you stop talking to me?”
Time felt like it froze when you stared into his eyes.
Steve opened his mouth ready to ask again when Robin burst through the door.
“I got you some more Advil!”
You smile at her and practically snatch the bottle out of her hand. She stops you from opening the bottle before handing you a bottle of Gatorade.
“You're an absolute angel robin.”
She shakes her head and chuckles at you.
“Did you go to the party too Robin?”
“Yeah, it was pretty fun.”
Steve’s eyes widen. “Why wasn't I invited?!”
“Cool people only,” you said with a wink and stood from your spot.
“Steve you have customers upfront.”
“What? But my lunch is happening-”
Robin shushed him and put a hand up to her ear. “You hear that? Sounds like customers asking for you.”
Steve rolls his eyes muttering how she owes him an extra ten minutes for his break. Robin rushes him out and makes sure the window is closed before turning to you.
“How much do you remember from last night?”
You give her a confused look and think about it. You don't remember as much as you'd like to, but you also didn't black out until the end of the night.
“Uh, last I remembered was playing beer pong with you? Why?”
Robin let out a nervous giggle. “No reason…no reason at all. Do you remember, oh I don't know, kissing someone?”
You shake your head drinking your water.
“You kissed billy.”
You let out a gasp making the water go down the wrong pipe, which made you start to choke and gasp. Water dripped from your chin down to your uniform as robin smacked your back. Steve slides the window open and looks at you in shock.
“Jesus Christ, what happened?!”
“Uh, she just drank too fast. Yes. Yes, that's what happened, right y/n?!”
Your coughs die down a bit and you give Steve a thumbs up. He looks at you for another second before slowly closing the window.
“Billy Hargrove?!” You whisper shouted at her.
“No, Billy Idol. Of course Billy Hargrove!”
You stand still for a moment trying to come up with a plan. It shouldn't be that hard to avoid Billy, you avoided Steve for what? A year almost? You'll be fine with Billy! You don't even see him on a regular basis, what are the chances you'll bump into him again?
“Hey, can I go to lunch now?” Steve asks while coming back into the break room. You pat his shoulder and nod your head.
“Yeah, I'm gonna head out when you come back though.”
You make your way out to the front and stop dead in your tracks when you see a familiar set of red curls in front of you.
“You are one hard girl to track down y/n.” He said with a smirk.
“Billy! W-what are you doing here?”
He leans against the counter, the smirk on his face sitting beautifully.
“It's a hot day for Hawkins, thought I’d come by before work to cool off.”
Work, Billy was a lifeguard at the pool and you feel your cheeks heat when an image of him shirtless flashes across your mind. He's such a shitty person, why did he have to be so hot? You let out a nervous chuckle.
“Well, guess you came to the right place.”
“That I did.” his eyes look at you up and down and he chuckles. “Cute uniform.”
“What do you want billy?” you sigh out.
He points down at the Rocky Road ice cream. You let out a sigh and grab the scooper before you put the ice cream on the cone.
“What are you doing Friday?”
You roll your eyes, handing him the ice cream, and mutter out that you're working.
“Ditch it.”
“I can't just ditch work Billy.”
He licks the ice cream and winks at you.
“Oh c’mon, I'll make it worth your while.”
You let out an awkward chuckle. Although Billy is very good-looking, he's also the scum of the earth. You hate how he treats Max and you hate how he treats girls like they're toys. Not to mention the way Max talks about how he treats Lucas, one of the sweetest kids you know.
“How about this,” he started. “Just, think about it. Friday, I'll come swing by and if you're in your work uniform I’ll leave you alone.”
You nod your head liking where this is going.
“But, if you happen to be in regular clothes, then I'll just so happen to be sitting in that booth waiting for you.”
He backed away from the counter sending you a wink before he turns around and shouts think about it, darling. You're left frozen to your spot as you watch Billy walk off to wherever he was going.
“What the fuck was that?” Robin chuckled from behind the open window.
“I think I just got asked out?”
Steve was shaking his head. “No. Absolutely not.”
You turn around and face him. “What do you mean no?”
“I mean there's no way Billy Hargrove just asked you out.”
You let out a scoff and Robin adds a tally mark under you suck for Steve. His eyes widen and he backtracks.
“Not like that! I mean, you're pretty, of course, he's going to ask you out. I just meant there's no way you're going.”
“Okay, dad. Since when do you tell me what to do?”
Steve is fumbling over his words and Robin is trying not to laugh as she adds another tally.
“Have you ever been on a date?”
“I've been on dates!”
“Name one.”
You open your mouth only to quickly close it as you let out a scoff.
“I'm not doing this-”
“Let me take you out!”
Silence falls over the small shop and you grab your bag from under the counter.
“What are you talking about?”
“You know, like dinner and stuff. Maybe we can watch a movie too.” Steve said with a smile.
“You want to take me on a date?”
Steve’s cheeks heat up and he clears his throat.
“A practice date! You know…for practice.”
You nod your head and point to the exit.
“I'm gonna go now.”
You walk out of the shop, rolling your eyes when Steve says he’ll pick you up tomorrow after his shift. He let out a groan and took the hat off of his head to run his hands through his hair.
“Aaaaand,” Robin drags out. “Another one bites the dust!” she says while adding another tally mark.
A content sigh leaves your lips as you sit on the couch flipping through the channels. You knew you weren't going to pay attention to whatever show you landed on, but background noise was nice for a nap. A smile makes its way onto your face as you begin to relax and sink into the sofa, then you hear three knocks on your door. You shrug your shoulders thinking it's those door-to-door salesmen but then you hear his voice calling out for you.
“Y/n? I know you're home, I can see your car.”
Confused, you stand up and make your way to the door.
“Jesus, is this how you dress for a date?”
Your eyes fall to the flowers he's holding and you feel your cheeks begin to heat.
“I didn't know you were serious.”
“‘Course I was serious.”
You look down at your comfy clothes and clear your throat.
“Do you want to come in?”
Steve smiles at you and nods his head. You step to the side, opening the door a bit wider to let him in. He steps inside and looks around the house, a smile appearing when he sees a picture of you two on Halloween.
“Your mom still has this picture?”
“Yeah, she misses you.”
He gives you a sad smile. “Yeah, I miss her too.”
He looks down at the flowers letting out a soft oh. “These are for you.”
You smile and grab the flowers, ignoring Steve's lingering and brushing against yours.
“Thank you, they're beautiful,” you say while smelling the pretty red roses.
“Hey, can you put them in a vase for me? I need to change.”
Steve nods his head and walks into the kitchen.
“Vases in the same cabinet?”
You shout out yes as you make your way into your room. You close the door gently and stand in the middle of your room, your heart beating rapidly. What the fuck were you supposed to wear? You had no idea if Steve had something casual planned or if he was seriously taking you somewhere nice. You search through your closet and drawers trying to find something nice but also casual. You close your eyes trying to think back to what Steve was wearing. Despite it being warm out, he had on a yellow sweater paired with his favorite jeans.
“Casual,” you whispered to yourself. “Okay, I can do casual.”
Minutes go by and Steve is thankful that he remembers the way to your bedroom. He gives it a small knock and opens the door when he hears you telling him to come in.
“Hey I don't mean to rush but we might miss- woah.”
Steve’s mouth is slightly open as he looks at you. He doesn't know why he's so blown away, he's seen you wear this outfit so many times. It's literally just shorts paired with a red blouse that's tucked into your shorts.
“What? Do I need to change or something?” you ask while tying your shoes.
“No! I mean, no. You look fine.”
“Awe, thanks Stevie you're too kind.”
Steve is too distracted by the all-too-familiar nickname you called him by to even notice you walking out of your room. He follows close behind you, stopping you when he sees you grabbing your purse.
“You didn't need that.”
“Are you sure? That means you'll have to carry my house key.”
He shakes his head and jingles his keys.
“I still have the house key your mom gave me. We're all set for today.”
You shrug your shoulders and walk out the door, making sure Steve locks it. He walks you to his car, opening the passenger door for you. Once you're both in the car he starts it up and lowers the radio a bit.
“So where are you taking me?”
“I'm so glad you asked that.” He pulls out a blindfold and smiles at you. “It's a surprise.”
“Steve, no! I hate surprises!”
She shrugs his shoulders and hands you the blindfold waving his hand in front of your face to make sure you don't see anything.
“You better not kill me, Harrington.” you mutter under your breath.
“Darn, you just ruined date night.”
The car ride was surprisingly fun even though you couldn't see anything. Steve had a mixtape of all your favorite songs and you both shouted the lyrics as if your lives depended on it. When you felt the car park you clapped your hands.
“Are we here?”
“Yup, this is the part where I kill you.”
You let out a sarcastic laugh and roll your eyes from under the blindfold.
“Stay here, I'll get the door for you.” Steve closes his door and jogs over to your side, grabbing your hand and helping you out of the car.
“Okay, there's a small hole there. Watch your step, okay now take a big one- not that big babe.”
“Can I take my blindfold off now?”
“Wait,” Steve said. You hear some shuffling around and then a sigh.
“Okay, now.”
You quickly take off the blindfold and let out a gasp. Your hands quickly cover your mouth as you recognize the familiar area you're in.
“How did you-”
“Oh c’mon, did you really think I’d forget our hideout area?”
You did. Steve would come tap on your window when his parents arguing would keep him up. One day, you both decided to take a walk, you weren't sure where you two were going but when you both came across the empty field things suddenly felt right. Steve didn't care that his parents argued almost every day, and you didn't care about the stresses of life. You remember nudging Steve with your elbow, muttering how he was it, and running away from him.
You look down and see a picnic blanket laid out for you as well as a basket.
“You did not.”
“Oh, but I did. See, this is a date!”
Steve sat on the blanket, tugging your hand down so that you could join him.
“I packed our favorites! Hopefully, you still like my mom’s strawberry lemonade.” he said while pulling out a small container.
And just like that, it felt like everything was back to normal. Steve finally felt accomplished as everything was falling back into place.
“So, I hate to ruin the mood,” he said while dusting his hands off. “But you never answered my question.”
You tilted your head to the side, confusion written on your face. “What question?”
“Why'd you stop talking to me after that night?”
Your posture stiffens and you play with your shoelaces not daring to look at him. You shrug your shoulders at his question.
“You're a shit liar.” he chuckled out while shaking his head.
“It's not even important Steve-”
“No, it is important. You're like…my everything. It was hard being without you.”
“You seemed fine to me.”
Steve is surprised at how fast his happiness has been replaced with frustration.
“None of that was real! I wasn't happy, okay? I got dumped by my girlfriend, and my friends were assholes who probably just used me and my house for parties. I needed you and you just,” he takes a deep breath trying to fight the stinging behind his eyes. “You left me. Like I meant nothing.”
Silence fell over the two of you.
“Please say something,” Steve whispered.
You sigh and look up at him. “This was a fun date. Thank you, almost made me think it was real.”
The car ride was a tense and silent one, not even the mixtape he made could lighten the mood. Steve parks the car in front of your house and you both sit there for a moment.
“Are we ever going to go back to normal?” he asks you quietly.
“Nothing about us was normal Steve. We were best friends who…held hands, cuddled in the same bed, and had late-night talks.”
“All friends do that.”
You chuckle and turn to look at him. “You cuddle Robin?”
“What? No-”
“Exactly.” You place your hand on his and lean over to kiss his cheek. “Thank you for tonight Steve.”
You exit the car stopping in front of your front door when you slowly make your way back to the car.
“I left my keys.”
A chuckle leaves his lips as he turns off the car and steps out to walk you to your door.
“Good night Steve-”
“I love you.”
“No. It's my turn to talk. Well, I've been talking all night but that's not the point.” he takes a deep breath and wipes the palms of his hands on his jeans.
“I love you, a-and I know you probably don't believe me right now. Especially cause we haven't talked in a while but y/n, I love you.”
“Steve, I-”
“I know you won't feel the same way, I get that but I can wait. I don't care how long-”
You take a step forward, placing both hands on his face.
“You talk way too much, Steve Harrington.”
“I mean it.”
“I know.”
You never realized how close Steve was. His forehead was resting against yours and his eyes were closed as if he was trying to savor this moment.
“Do you know what I was going to tell you that night? The night you had Stacy over?”
He shakes his head no.
“I've been in love with you ever since I helped you find your stupid toys in my backyard.”
His eyes open slowly and a smile graces his beautiful features.
You nod your head and start to lean in.
“Steve! There you are, did you forget I was going to help you study?” Nancy said while stomping over to him. You slowly begin to pull away from Steve thinking that he was going to go back to Nancy before he spoke up.
“I told you I don't need help in English anymore!”
“How’s your history grade?”
Nancy smiles at you and waves.
“NANCY STOP! THEY WERE GOING TO KISS!” Mike shouted from Nancy’s car.
An awkward chuckle left you as you waved at him.
“Hi, Mike!”
“Hi y/n!”
You turn your attention back to Steve and Nancy. His head is hung low while she scolds him about how he needs to take school more seriously. Once she's done with that she gives you a small wave while telling Mike to jump back into the backseat.
“So,” Steve said with a smile. “Where were we?”
You giggle and let out a gasp. “I need to tell Billy I can't go on that date with him after all.”
Steve scrunches his nose and brings you into his arms while peppering kisses along your neck.
“Don't worry. I'll make sure he gets the memo.”
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sukirichi · 3 years
black magic [01]
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REQUEST. arranged marriage + enemies to lovers (sukuna is a simp and lowkey a housewife)
CONTENT/WARNINGS. some suggestive scenes, but overall fluff and romance! slight crack fic, I guess? I was laughing when I wrote this lol
NOTES. I NEED A HUSBAND! SUKUNA I’M GOING TO CRY GOODBYE THIS HAS ME SOFT. also anon i’m not sure if you wanted something with more ~sexual tension~ since this is kind of just comedic, but I hope you like it anyway!
part one | part two (nsfw)
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“This is new,” you comment with a glare, your ankle propped on Sukuna’s knee.
“Shut up,” he rolls his eyes, pushing your skirt aside to clean the wounds you attained through exorcising curses. You’ve taken a particularly strong curse today and you’re caught off guard, barely finishing the mission unscathed. Limping all the way back home isn’t easy especially since you live on top of the darned mountain, but if Sukuna’s going to kneel in front of you like this...maybe it wasn’t too tough a journey. “You should stop going to missions you’re not ready for. Look at you, all wounded and bloody.”
“You sound like you care.”
“You’re my wife,” he huffs while dropping the bloody towel on the floor. Sukuna wraps the bandage around your ankle and carries you bridal style even though you’re perfectly capable of walking, but he shoots you a silencing glare. You’d have knocked him in the face any other day, but he’s particularly warm and smells nice today – plus you’re beat – that you bury your face in his chest, ignoring that stupid fluttering in your stomach. “Of course I do.”
You snicker, mind tracing back to your earlier years of this dreaded marriage.
It definitely wasn’t the best – the memories blurring between strangling each other to making out as if breathing was never a thing – and it felt like forever ago when you first met him.
You’d never say it out loud, but... you don’t regret this arranged marriage. Not when Sukuna is tucking himself beside you on the bed, your head above his muscular chest a place similar to home. He covers both your bodies over with a blanket, pulling your body closer to him with a strong arm, his lips pressing onto the crown of your head.
Ugh, you think to yourself, giving in to the need to cuddle your husband after a long day of work. You still refuse to say it out loud, though, and you irk him further by muttering, “That’s not what you said two years ago.”
“I wasn’t in love with you then.”
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 “I refuse to be married to you!”
Sukuna fights back the urge to cover his ears. Ever since your clan decided to visit his land and started exorcising curses one by one, his life has been nothing but hell. Not only are your relatives the most arrogant people ever with a consistent god complex, they just had to let their little mortal child be in charge of taking on the stronger curses. Seriously, what were they thinking, sending you – who’s barely even out of their training bra years – to deal with curses like him?
Everyone knows Sukuna is a no bullshit man. He won’t hesitate to cut your head off the moment you came raging at him, but then he sees how young you are and decides to send you back to your family.
Expecting that everyone would just call it a day and he’d get offerings for his unexpected mercy, Sukuna is beyond stupefied when they send you back to his temple, all dressed pretty with a basket of fruits and flowers braided in your hair. He remembers growling because you look adorable, but that’s easily wiped away when you open your mouth, your voice scratchy against his ears as you stomp your feet like the young mortal you are.
Sukuna pushes a thumb to his forehead to ease the impending headache, and that’s just from your presence. Something inside him tells that you’re going to be a bigger pain than you look.
“You don’t have much of a choice. You should’ve thought of that before deciding to run rampage over my land,” he reminds, turning boredly to his lone servant from above his throne. Sukuna isn’t impressed, to say the least, especially with your clan’s audacious proposition to gain his favour just this once. “Is this really the woman you bring me – the one they insist to be my wife?”
“She is their best fighter, my Lord.”
Well, he can’t disagree to that. You did, after all, single-handedly give him a cut on the cheek. “She’s feisty indeed.”
“Don’t talk as if I’m not here!”
“Mouthy too,” he mumbles to himself, but your sorcerer senses are sharp and easily picks up on it. He sees you flush angry again, looking immensely adorable with your tiny fists clenched like that and he snorts, waving a hand in the air. “Whatever. Get the wedding over with,” he nods to his servant, his sigh loud and tired as he makes his way to you.
You don’t stiffen at each haunting step, his eyes only glimmering harder with entertainment. It’s rare to find a mortal that doesn’t quiver at the sight of him, the urge to break you only growing stronger.
Even as he cups your face, making sure to not let his claws dig into your precious skin, Sukuna smirks. You’ll be entertaining indeed.
So Sukuna makes a promise, four eyes surveying the way your body is starting to fill in curves at the right places, the swell of your flesh just perfect in his hands... He chuckles to himself, daunting you further as he leans down to your ear, taking pleasure in the slight way your breath hitches. “Maybe then I’ll get to teach you a lesson or two.”
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You’re definitely something else, taking advantage of each presented opportunity and not wasting any time before you make your move. Right after the wedding and everyone’s left, leaving you alone with your new husband behind closed doors; you push him until he’s on the ground, legs straddling each side of his hips while you growl above him – the sound similar to a battle cry.
Sukuna merely smirks, barely moving a muscle as his large hands come up to rest on your hips to steady you. “I’ve imagined countless ways you’d be on top of me like this,” his eyes light up with humour upon feeling the cold blade on his skin, “None of them included a knife on my neck though.”
“Shut your mouth. I will kill you myself,” you warn, pressing your knife harder until it draws a slight tinge of blood.
You hardly look threatening above him like this, dolled up to look the best in your wedding with this cursed being. If anything, you look more divine than deadly, and Sukuna thinks that perhaps your beauty could be your best weapon. You are bewitching, after all.
“I refuse to be your Queen and sit next to your throne.”
“Then why didn’t you stop the wedding?”
Sukuna’s teasing grin grows wider when you pull back, trying so hard to not trip over your words. It takes all of his self-restraint to not take you right then and there, but he does a good job of holding back, enjoying this view above him instead. “Could it be you’re attracted to me after all, hm, little one?”
“Do not test me, Curse. I’m more than capable of exorcising you myself.”
“Oh, I don’t doubt that. You’re the strongest in the Gojo clan, are you not?” he prompts to appease you, “I don’t even want to see what you’re capable of, but maybe, just maybe...” just as his eyes darken, the edges of his lips turning up into a smirk, Sukuna digs his claws into your thigh in a possessive show of ownership, a painful reminder that you’re his now. “...You could put on a little show for me?”
“I hate you!”
Experienced and strong as you are, you’re nothing compared to a thousand year old curse who’s killed a lot more people faster than you could blink. Sukuna immediately notices the animalistic way you draw your blade, arm swung back with rage written all over your face. Before you could so much as bat an eye, he easily switches the positions until you’re under him, using only one hand to pin your arms above your head, your blade effortlessly thrown to the other side of the room.
“As I thought, you’re a lot prettier under me like this,” he observes, roaming his eyes shamelessly over the fabric clinging prettily to your body. You’ve fallen silent at his unconcealed attention, your compliance enticing him to lean closer just to inhale your intoxicating scent.
“Not so feisty now, little one? Where’d all your hatred for me go?” Sukuna pulls back with widened eyes, “Oh? Am I hearing it wrong or is your pathetic human heart beating so loud right now?” You refuse to look at him, wriggling your hips in an attempt to leave, completely unaware that the mere movement is hypnotizing the curse above you. Sukuna grips your hips in warning, not wanting to destroy you – not now, anyway. “You know all you need to do is say it. I’d gladly take you right here and then.” His words spoken with that deep, throaty voice immediately sends a wave of heat down your core, but you turn away from him, breathing hard and nervously; something Sukuna picks up on in an instant. “Little one...have you never had a man hold you like this before?”
“I see. Pure and innocent behind that ferocity, huh?” He surprises you by pulling away, smoothening his white robes down as he leaves you panting still on the floor. “Fine. I won’t touch you unless you ask me to.”
“I’d rather die before that ever comes out from my mouth.”
“We’ll see about that,” he smirks, winking at you before he shuts the door. “Little one.”
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There’s a lot of weird – and utterly inconvenient things – about being Sukuna’s wife. The man eats everything, absolutely everything, and it doesn’t help that he sucks at hunting too. For a man so huge and burly, he sure is lazy, preferring to do the laundry in the riverside instead while you go out every day to prepare your meals.
You actually don’t mind, but it’s very fun to complain around him.
You’re on your way back to the temple when Sukuna grabs at you, making you drop the freshly caught birds onto the ground. Your brows furrow, about to scold him for being too eager again when Sukuna stares at your arm, his lips pressing into a thin line.
Following his line of sight, your lips form an ‘o’ shape. There’s blood trickling down your forearm from his claws accidentally cutting you, guilt written all over his face. Another weird thing about Sukuna is that he babbles a lot when he’s emotional, and you’re too tired to hear him beat himself over it that you just drag him inside your room, sitting his ass down before taking a clipper.
Sukuna scoffs when you start cutting his nails. It irks him that you don’t even bother wiping the blood off first and he tsks, eyes narrowed at you. “You should have thicker skin.”
You roll your eyes as you file his nails; you’ve been married to him long enough to know it’s his way of saying sorry. Not wanting to let him wallow in guilt any louder, you pad kisses over his knuckles before swiping the black ink off your desk, using a pen brush to colour your nails instead. Sukuna hovers behind you, head tilted to the side as he watched you. “Are you painting your nails black?” he utters in disbelief, trying to ignore the fact he feels...proud and even a little smug. “Not so fitting for the angelic sorcerer now, isn’t it?”
“I’m only doing this so you don’t feel left out.”
“Maybe I’ll add markings to your pretty face too,” he cups your jaw to make you turn to him, landing a solid kiss flat to your lips which makes you sigh, pretending to be annoyed but leaning over for another peck anyway. Sukuna laughs and pulls you onto his lap, kissing your neck this time around, a little annoyed that you don’t stop in brandishing your nails. “Wife, what do you think?”
“I have work, Sukuna. You flirting with me doesn’t change the fact I need to go.”
“Come home safe for me, at least?” he breathes down your neck, his touch sending shivers down your spine. You’ve definitely changed since the first time he’s met you, starting from a mean (although he stands strong that you are still mean to him sometimes) temperamental little one to a mature, stronger sorcerer who’s secretly weak for his wife.
Unable to resist him as always, you turn around once you’ve finished painting your nails, rubbing your nose over his until your strong, scary husband is turning into putty at your hands. “Of course I will,” you peck his lips one last time, Sukuna’s eyes closing as he dives in for a deeper kiss. “I’ll always come back home to my handsome husband.”
If anyone were to ask how it’s possible that the King of Curses is actually very soft for his sorcerer wife, everyone would claim it’s impossible and a heresy – but if you ask Sukuna, it’s probably just black magic doing its wonders.
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ssplague · 2 years
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“I give you my life” (Unwilling)
Chapter one
Bakugou x Y/N Mafia AU
After having a strangely pleasant run in with a more renown member of the criminal underworld; Bakugou Katsuki the (soon to be) youngest Yakuza boss in a century. You soon find out he’s scheduled a meeting with your now panicking boss the following day. Turns out that unbeknownst to anybody he’s racked up quiet a debt, surprisingly rather than immediately putting a bullet between his eyes, Bakugou is willing to forget the debt in exchange for something priceless…
Honorable mentions: @pastelcarebear29 @memers666 @bluesuicide @dellappatca @Rosaline756 @ryothym
💃🏼 🥂 🥃 🍾
The club was packed full tonight.
Even within the VIP area the intermingled body heat and smoke filled air still managed to suffocate you as you stood off to the side of where your clients were seated. They are a brother and sister duo, children of one of the old cartel bosses. The son Neito Monoma is an idiot, bound to run his fathers business into the ground. The daughter Hikari has much more sense than her brother, she should be the one running the family business, but the criminal underworld is stuck in the dark ages.
Your partner (Goes by the name Turbo), is a tall, lean, dark skinned young man. The two of you consider each other family, you even live at his house. He got you this job alongside himself (at your insistence).
“Organized crime is no place for a lady”
Man, had you made countless people choke on those words. Leaning your back on the wall, the slits on either side of your dress briefly flash the black leather straps on each thigh. Each side holds a respective weapon; The left side held your hand gun, the right your trusty pink sparkle handled switch blade.
A newcomer enters your section of the VIP area and both of you look at each other, before wordlessly moving forward as the mystery man is approaching the siblings.
He has strikingly red hair, lifting his hand to wave, trying to make sure he’s appearing in the most non threatening way possible. This newcomer is sharply dressed, he’s wearing a finely tailored suit and its fitted so snugly you can tell he’s got a muscular build that rivals that of the Hulk. The music drowns out his words, but it looks like he introduces himself before leaning down to speak to Monoma.
The blonde male briefly looks surprised before his lips press together in a thin line and he nods as the hulking red head straightens back up. Now both men are looking at you, your “boss” motions for you to move closer; “Follow him” is all he says before waving you off. Hikari immediately slaps his arm with her clutch “You don’t get to order her-“. Her brother interrupts her with a harsh glare and a snarled whisper of “It’s HIM, don’t make a scene”. The girl looks at you nervously before nodding at you to go ahead.
You briefly lock eyes with Turbo and his nod is imperceptible but you get it.
So you follow the red head, who introduces himself as Kirishima, through the vip area. He stops and enters a room you had no idea existed, quickly motions for you to come inside. It leads to a private balcony overlooking the crowded dance floor.
Kirishima stays by the door and tells you to go ahead..
You move towards the balcony and that’s when you notice a solitary figure standing with his back to you. You clear your throat to announce your presence and he waits a second before turning towards you.
The word handsome doesn’t do this man justice, he’s a real life sex god. He’s got the same muscular build as his cohort, buldging biceps hugged tightly by a designer suit jacket, pecks peeking out from the top three buttons left undone on his burgundy dress shirt. His complexion is flawless beneath the club lights, his untamed blonde hair surrounds his head like a halo and those eyes….Those gorgeous ruby orbs have you pinned in place as he stares you down.
“Sit” his voice is deep and raspy, somehow reaching your ears over the booming bass. You have no other choice but to sit on the high backed love seat he points to. You don’t even have time to catch your breath before he joins you on the couch.
“I’m-“ he talks over you
“Y/N, I know who you are” and before you ask he continues “Bakugou Katsuki, Leader of the ruby eyed dragon clan”.
Oh shit.
This man is as dangerous as he is sexy, the youngest Yakuza boss in the last century. He’s known for his violent and explosive temper, but despite it, he’s incredibly business savvy and runs a tight ship.
What could he possibly want with me?
“I saw you baby sitting those brats…you looked bored as fuck” he explains as a waitress seems to materialize out of nowhere, carrying a glass of scotch and a champagne flute. Both of which Bakugou takes, offering you the champagne and keeping the scotch for himself. The waitress bows before making her exit.
You thank him for the drink and the two of you clink glasses before taking a sip.
“So you decided to come to my rescue Mr.Bakugou? How very…” you pause before accidentally insulting him “considerate of you”. His smirk is sinful, eyes dropping to your cleavage before focusing back on your face as he responds with “Figured you could use some stimulating conversation…probably hard to come by with your arrangement” he swigs his scotch and continues “Plus you are the only one I deemed worthy of keeping me company…this isn’t particularly my favorite type of place to be”.
Of course Mr.Bigshot has the wrong idea, you aren’t surprised. So you go about shutting him down as politely as you’ll allow yourself to; “Ah unfortunately I’ll have to disappoint you and say that money and influence aren’t enough to get me to go home with you, im sure you could have your pick of any female here…So if that’s a-“ a finger pressed itself to your lips.
“Getting a bit of ahead of yourself aren’t you Princess?” His mocking grin returns when your eyes flash with anger “You don’t gotta give me your “I’m not like other girls” speech beautiful, I knew that before you brought your pretty little ass over here”.
You were mad at his disrespectful actions and words, but you couldn’t be more ashamed of how quickly those feelings evaporated when those gorgeous eyes raked over your body once more. He rests his arm around the back of the couch, letting his legs fall open and inadvertently touch your’s as he scans the dance floor below.
“Now tell me about yourself”
Talking about yourself was difficult, you never truly believed someone could genuinely be all that interested in you. They are usually very easy to dissuade; As most have their own lives they’re all too eager to discuss or complain about. Unfortunately, this was not one of those situations; With enough light hearted teasing, heckling, and some prodding (some times literally) Bakugou Katsuki was successful in getting you to (albeit only slightly) open up to him. The mean spirited sense of humor you both shared was what really helped move things along.
When your phone vibrated more than once in the span of a minute you knew this odd encounter was drawing to a close. Unlocking the device you see three new texts:
Hikari: Y/N-Chan are you safe?
Hikari: 🥺 You’re scaring me! Please reply
Turbo: You good?
They’re ready to go
You reply to both with a simple:
“I’m alive, heading back now”.
“Well…” you begin, pausing awkwardly to smooth your dress down before getting to your feet. “Back to baby sitting duty already?” Katsuki sneers, standing up as well. “I was going to say thank you for showing me a nice time but never mind” you reply, narrowed eyes focused on his handsome face.
“Yeah well don’t take it personally, not like I did anything special for you” he says, returning your glare with his own.
It only takes a few seconds before you crack a smile, and he gives you a smirk in return.
“If we both live to see another day maybe we’ll meet again sometime” not words the average beautiful face would normally say, especially not directed towards him.
Ending things on a serious note; An acknowledgement of his station and the world you also dabble in.
Tomorrow isn’t promised…
“Good night princess”
“Good night Mr.Bakugou”
He forces himself not to watch you exit his suite, but he does hear you wish Kirishima a good night as well, adding “Be Safe” is customary from people like you.
“So? From my point of view that seemed pretty promising” the red head immediately starts in on him, “She held her own when it comes to your cynicism, not a single tear shed”.
“Oi fuck off with all that” the snide reply lacking any real venom as his best friend (& Boss) was clearly distracted. The black lights illuminated ruby eyes as the continued to scan through the crowd bellow, finally landing on the aforementioned female as she and a darker skinned male ushered the two siblings through the intoxicated crowd. Katsuki only spoke again once you’d finally disappeared out the club’s double doors; “Make yourself useful and get the car pulled around back…I’m done being in this cesspool”.
“Sure thing Bakubro” Kirishima replies, his shark like teeth visible due to the knowing smile he wore behind the distracted male’s back.
The ride back towards the Monoma’s house is quiet for the most part. Hikari is half asleep as she rests her head on your shoulder, you smile at her as she emits a few soft snores. Leave it to her asshole of a brother to destroy a peaceful moment; “I was suprised that you ended up leaving with us y/n” he begins, both you and Turbo share another fleeting glance before focusing on the douchebag in front of you.
“My job is to ensure Hikari’s safety as well as your’s, I’m not being payed to feed into the already big ego of a Yakuza by letting him take me home…It would tarnish my reputation” you say this with the upmost conviction.
Before the dumbass can talk down to you any further his phone goes off, his pale face is illuminated and he squints at the bright light.
“Um you good man?” Turbo asks, leaning forward slightly to get a better look at Neito. You look closer and notice that somehow he looks even paler than he usually does, he looks pasty, as a bead of sweat rolls down the side of his face.
“I know you two are supposed to have tomorrow off, but I need you both to come to the house before noon, you can have whatever day off you want next week instead, I need all hands on deck for this…” he’s typing frantically as the car starts up the large driveway.
You help Hikari out of the car and up the stairs to her room.
“So didja have a good time with Mr.Big Shot hmmmm? Didja?” She asks.
You stare at her, blank faced;
“That would be a conflict of interests, and I’m not interested in losing my job”.
“You’re no fun” she says with a sigh, “I’m scared about tomorrow…my brother won’t tell me anything but I have a bad feeling…”.
You thought she’d been asleep, guess she’s picked up on a few things, what with being apart of this family.
“I’ll be there, you don’t need to worry alright? No one will lay a finger on you” you reply, getting ready to leave the room, but you pause before exiting as she mumbles “It’s not me that I’m worried about…”.
Once you descend the stairs you see Turbo waiting for you by the front door, which he immediately opens for you.
You two don’t exchange words until you’re in the car, he speaks first;
“Tomorrow’s Gonna be a fucking shit show I bet…I tried to talk to the boss a long time ago about putting Neito in charge…I bet all his shiesty shit is finally coming back to bite him in the ass”.
“Any idea what we’re in for?” You ask, staring out the window.
“Not a clue” he replies “What was all that about back at the club? I’ve met that red head guy before, he’s one of Bakugou’s men if I remember correctly”.
“I’d say he’s probably the right hand, definitely not a worker bee…I met Bakugou though…” your too nonchalant about such a big deal.
“You met him? What the fuck?! He’s the one that sent the red head to come get you?!” Turbo shouts, turning to look at you as the car weaves a bit into the opposite lane “Y/N! What did he say to you? What happened?!”.
“Well to be honest I thought he was just trying to sleep with me, and I turned him down…but then he just asked me about myself and we had a normal conversation-“ you’re immediately interrupted;
“That guy is not the type that sits down to talk with somebody for no reason, fuck…He didn’t say anything that stuck out to you? Nothing at all?”.
You thought back on your time with Bakugou earlier, “Nothing noteworthy, im not stupid Turbo I was paying attention…it felt like he was feeling me out but what for I don’t know…”.
“I hope we don’t find out any time soon”
A/N: Some things in this story are taken from real life events; Not all of them will be things that have happened to me, some taken from stories I’ve heard from friends or acquaintances. Some of the side characters are based off of or are people I know IRL. I hope this’ll be received well, because I already have a good amount of it written out, let me know what you think! ❤️‍🔥
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