#they have benefitted from resources and expertise that others did not
freifraufischer · 1 year
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Rifda Irfanaluthfi is a pioneering gymnast from Indonesia and has a very strong chance of being the first Indonesian woman to qualify for the Olympics.
She beat former US national team gymnast Aleah Finnigan at the Southeast Asian Games taking the AA title. The reason I have been thinking about her this morning is that if you try to google the results of that competition it requires quite a lot of refinement to find anything about Irfanaluthfi while there is plenty of results with Finnigan's name in the headlines.
And today as I sat down to watch the 2023 Asian Championships and everyone was excited about the Philippines team that was stacked with 2 former US national team members (including Finnigan) and a top level L10 who had been recruited from the United States I started to gently point out that Irfanaluthfi was someone to watch. I was told that sure she beat Finnigan at the SEA games but this was a different year and that the reason people talked about Finnigan and not Irfanaluthfi was "charisma".
Well Irfanaluthfi finished the day as the top non-Chinese/non-Korean scorer in the Asian championships. One spot ahead of Finnigan but by the comparatively wide margin of .9.
Maybe the gymternet will stop treating her like an after thought or someone who only won the SEA Games AA because Finnigan lost it. I am certainly in no hope that the fandom will realize that no NCAA gymnastics is not "world class"--and in particular when talking about NCAA transitioning into elite you should ask questions about bars which are the most different between international and college gymnastics.
But for now... can appreciate this young woman.
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quinny19 · 2 months
He's kinda cute?
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Sampo x gn reader ( gender neutral)
Warning ⚠⚠⚠ n/a
haaa Tsundere reader?
Another day has come and yet why does this annoying yet cute dark blue haired man always finds his way to annoying you and your day..
Sampo's expertise is tempting to seek out, or easy for someone else to approach him but becoming his "customer" can be risky. Knowing him he will just sweet talk the people and try to get away with whatever problems he has got himself into again.
you heard his voice calling you from afar
*please please don't follow me,* you thought as you try desperately to walk away from him but only for you to fail.
" are you joking me right now? "
Sampo snickered at her response, clearly amused by her reaction."Oh, I never joke about things when it comes to you "He said as he took a step closer to you.
his gaze locked onto you, not backing down even an inch.
You step back but only for him to step closer yet again
*he's too close!!!* trying to keep a straight face,trying not to show that he has a huge effect on you
He flashed a sly smile, his eyes full of mischief. " I knew I'd find you here... "
"how the hell did you know i was here?"
Sampo chuckled at your reply. clearly enjoying getting some sort of reaction out of you. He leaned against the wall, crossing his arms over his chest."Oh, my dear, I know many things. Some might say I’m a master of observation." He smirked, his eyes gleaming with mischief."And as for how I knew you were here... let’s just say I have my way,I can't just go telling other people my secret ya know~."
"Wow totally not creepy at all" giving a sarcastic tone at your voice as you look at him with a blank face.
"Oh, come on Y/n! I prefer the term ‘resourceful.’"He chuckled, clearly enjoying the conversation you two are having right now. "And speaking of resources, I have a question for you." Raising a eyebrow at him you said " and that is? "
Sampo pushed himself off from the wall, approaching you with a smirk still on his face."It’s quite a simple question, really. Just one question..."He paused for a moment, his gaze looking on you"Do you trust me?"
" what the heck is that sort of question?!"
*What the heck is he on about?! Wait wait is he asking me out?! Wait what?! Hold on a minute Y/n ! You don't have time for being delusional * *sigh I guess reading all those fan fiction is making me lose my mind*
Sampo chuckled. He took a step closer, now standing only a few inches away from you. "Because I have a proposal for you, one that might benefit both of us."
*gasp marriage perhaps!?* *aghh!!!! Y/n stop stop!!! Stop thinking about this thing he might take advantage of you!*
*sigh but he's kinda cute and funny and - *
*I said stop!*
"If you're gonna invite me to scam some poor people then I'm out " you reply , inside of you is screaming at yourself for replying a little rude to him
*my goodness Y/n atleast let him finish don't just go thinking the worst *
Sampo chuckled, amused by her feisty attitude."Oh, my dear, Y/n scamming is just one aspect of my craft. There's so much more to life than that."
*ok never mind*
He took a step back, a sly smile playing on his lips."No, I have something else in mind for you. Something that'll give you a taste of the good life."
*good life? Ahhh a married life with h-*
"Ahh yeah total not gonna steal something with you if Gepard finds out you will be so much trouble! You know that and it's not like I'm saying this because I care about you or anything! "
*i do care (╥ω╥`) about you sampo*
Sampo’s smile only grew wider at their response. He chuckled, clearly amused by Y/n's concern for his safety."Oh, my lovely Y/n. You're absolutely right, I would be in for some serious trouble if Gepard finds out. But that's part of the thrill and excitement, isn’t it?"He leaned in close, his voice lowering to a whisper."Besides, I know how to keep things in control , Gepard won't even know about what's coming hehehe"
"Nope I'm out". Walking away yet again not because you want to get away from him but not to show your flattered face in front of him
You look like a tomato from afar.
Sampo watches you walk away, disappointment momentarily flickering across his face. He lets out a sigh, crossing his arms over his chest."Oh, come on, don’t be like that!" he calls after you. a hint of irritation in his voice.He takes a few strides, quickly catching up to you. He grabs your arm gently but firmly, preventing you from walking further away anymore
*he's touching me!!! It's like one of the romance novals where the other protagonist catch up to the main character and tell them 'i love you' *
*get a hold of your self Y/n!!!*
*Sigh* turning around you...
You Glared t him " let. Go."
*no no no (」゚ロ゚)」ᴺᴼᴼ~ that wasn't I wanted to say!!!!*
Sampo meets your glare.
With q smirk, clearly enjoying the challenge."Now, now, no need to get so feisty."He doesn’t release his grip on your arm, his hand remaining firm but not painful."I can’t just let you walk away like that, especially after that delightful conversation we were having." What the heck is wrong with him
"Tch... To me more like a bug that's annoying me" crossing your arms
Sampo’s smirk only widens at the insult, the challenge sparking something in him. He steps even closer, invading your oh so loved personal space."A bug, hm? That’s quite the comparison. I’d say I’m more of a prince charming." He leans in closer, his voice lowering to a soft murmur."And you can’t deny that you find me intriguing, even just a little bit. I'm right am I? "
"I- I don't -" with a flasterd face now failing to hide the redness in your face
Sampo grins, clearly enjoying the back-and-forth banter. He leans in even closer, his face now inches away from hers."Oh, come now, don’t deny it, my dear Y/n. Your heart is racing, your cheeks are red. You can’t fool me."He brings a hand up, gently cupping your cheek."You find me exciting. intriguing in your own little way. Admit it~... " he said with a smirk looking straight in your eyes
"W- well I don't know what you are talking about!!! I'm going to buy some materials anyways for Pela, and don't follow me!" Walking away from him with how hot and flasterd you are feeling you can just imagine there might be a possible that steam will come on top of your head.
a mischievous shimmer in his eyes."Oh, you wound me so with your rejection, my dear Y/n .But I suppose you have responsibilities to attend to."He leans back against the nearest wall, crossing his arms."I won’t follow, for now. But I do hope our paths cross again soon. It’s dreadfully dull in this city without someone with your... flair."
*Why does he have to be so...so... CUTE!?
note : if there is any mistake pls tell me I'll edit them when I can ( •_•)つ
Y'all can send me request I'm open to almost anything just not NSFW idk how to write that or just gets red 🤣
Pls give a follow and 💗💗💗
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askagamedev · 2 years
What kind of questions are asked in a panel interview(for a game designer)?
Aside from the usual getting-to-know-you questions like "what kind of games do you like?", what interviewers usually ask about falls into one of two categories: questions about the candidate's experience and some kind of design test where we ask the candidate to design something for us. It is normal for the entire session with the group to be focused on one or the other. It is usually fairly rare to do both, since interviewers don't often get more than an hour with the candidate. Assuming there's 10-15 minutes to handle the introductions and answer any questions the candidate might have, we really don't have enough time to drill down on the candidate's experience or approach if we split focus.
Questions about Past Experience
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When we ask questions about the candidate's past experience, what we're really trying to figure out is how the candidate approaches design problems and the way they think. We usually begin by asking general questions about a specific piece of work the candidate did, and then digging deeper as the candidate expands on the details. This is because the candidate should be the foremost expert with this work - if they cannot answer questions about the thing they built, how can we expect them to work with us? We're usually looking for the ability for the candidate to consider different perspectives (especially the perspective of different kinds of players) while doing design work, and who can reasonably defend those design decisions they made that were based on those considerations. A good candidate should be able to explain the benefits and drawbacks of those decisions. More senior candidates can usually expect questions about hypothetical what-if scenarios in this kind of session.
A Design Test
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The second kind of panel interview session is a technical design test. Instead of us asking the candidate about their past work, we give the candidate a design challenge and ask them to create a design on the whiteboard or shared screen for that challenge. A sample design challenge might be "design a new holiday-specific in-game event for our game", where we interviewers would choose a holiday event that isn't represented in the game yet (e.g. Mother's Day, Talk-like-a-Pirate-Day, Labor Day, etc.). The ideal candidate would be able to design an in-game event that captures the essence of the holiday, engages and rewards players from casual engagement level to extreme, works within the game's lore, tells an engaging story, adds monetization options (if applicable), and so on. The ideal candidate would talk us through their design as they flesh it out, answer any questions we have along the way, and even field any curve balls we might throw at the candidate (e.g. there are no additional art/engineering resources available for your event, so the candidate must make do with what exists in game currently). We usually reserve the curve balls for more senior candidates.
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We then evaluate the candidate's interview performance based on the decisions, considerations, and overall expertise that the candidate demonstrates. You might notice that there's a good amount of crossover in the kind of answers a candidate would give to either type of interview. In the older days, it would be common to have one type of each session for note comparison afterward. Now that we've mostly switched to video interviews, it's likely to be one or the other.
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clowngames · 1 year
Stumbled across a few of the assassins creed game trailers and was wondering if you have any thoughts on them.
Apologies in advance, my peak AC years lined up a lot with my peak "I must know what's going on in the industry" years so you're gonna get 50% gamer takes and 50% game dev takes. The answer to your question is yes, I have a lot of thoughts.
I got into Assassin's Creed around Brotherhood, which was the 3rd game (AC 3 was the 4th game), but I was a "patient gamer," which is to say, I always bought games years after they released because the price would go down, and that meant I had a weird relationship with AC.
AC basically has 3 eras:
The RPG era
People will try to tell you it has 2 eras (Desmond and post-Desmond), and they're not entirely wrong about that but I break the Desmond era into pre- and post-Brotherhood for a good reason: Brotherhood was when they began yearly releases.
Each game essentially had a dev cycle of a year and a half, with folks finishing their work on game A and immediately moving on to game B while the next group of developers would get game A like the world's strangest conveyor belt. It takes some seriously clever management and well-trained folks to pull this off, and depending on who you are in this conveyor belt this can either be the culmination of your expertise, or soul-crushing. Given the shortness of the dev cycle (most games in the 2010s had a 2-3 year dev cycle in the west, and a 3-4 year dev cycle in Japan) it was soul-crushing more often than not.
Yearly releases meant a strict formula. After Brotherhood, the differences from game to game were mostly in content, never in structure or core mechanics. To stand out each game would have their own side feature which could neatly be inserted into pretty much any game. Now, the way I phrase it makes it sound like a bad thing but the truth is Ubisoft was excellent at designing content.
(there are generally two types of game design: systems design and content design. Since AC's systems were already set in stone, any resources going to system design could be reallocated to content design)
The games following a strict formula meant that if I liked one game, it was a safe bet that I'd like the others. Given that I was a "patient gamer" and was therefore 2 full games behind everyone else, it also meant that if they shared with me a cool gameplay experience that they had, I understood everything they were saying.
The AC games I got really into would be pretty dated now, though I replayed Infamous recently, which is doing some pretty similar things, and it aged well for what it is so maybe I'd be surprised. Games of this era were really experimenting with the concept of parkour, and my favorite thing about AC was how it would show off how good its parkour system was by making everything tall. It doesn't do that any more because modern AC doesn't have parkour as a "selling point," merely a mechanic, and honestly the level design probably benefits from the confidence the franchise has gained.
The big thing I remember the old games did poorly was combat. AC games were stealth games back then, and it's a very common design philosophy to put the player at a disadvantage in combat to punish them for getting spotted, but AC was different in that combat wasn't actually difficult at all, it just didn't feel good. I would stealth not because that was my best option but because it was more fun.
Now, the RPG era, also known as the post-Desmond era, also known as the lootbox era, also known as the post-yearly-release era, was... actually I basically described the whole thing. The games added RPG mechanics, gave the player and enemies levels, and made it more difficult to stealth-kill enemies (you could only get a lot of starting damage to get a head start on combat for high level enemies).
As far as I can tell, this was not done to shake up the formula. This was not a shift people wanted or liked. AC was a stealth game, and now it's a combat game with stealth in it sometimes. Some new people gravitated toward AC and a lot of people, myself included, gravitated away.
What this accomplished, however, was the opportunity to monetize in the form of gear with bonus stats which you could get through lootboxes or other microtransactions. This was Ubisoft's way to generate the same amount of money as yearly releases with fewer actual releases. It's my opinion as a game dev and as a gamer that the decision to pivot to RPG mechanics was 0% because it was the shakeup the franchise needed, and 100% to justify this new monetization model.
Don't get me wrong, yearly releases were unsustainable, I would have been able to tell you that from the beginning, and as the games industry grows and technology advances games get bigger and more complex, which means dev cycles get longer. Lots of Japanese companies are currently on 5-year dev cycles (TotK for example).
Back when Google Stadia was a thing, I was given beta access to it and a copy of AC: Odyssey right when it came out at a time when my gaming funds were at an all-time low, which meant I was jumping forward in time several years to play the most advanced assassin's creed game in the lowest resolution you can imagine.
Combat was vastly improved to the point of being fun, but stealth never recovered from Ubisoft's monetization model. The biggest takeaway for me after playing Odyssey was that I've completely outgrown the Ubisoft style of open worlds - sometimes referred to as "the tower philosophy" - where you go to a place, climb a tower, unlock the map of that section and watch it populate with icons full of things to do. Most open world games do some version of this but Ubisoft has it down to a science, to the point where it doesn't feel like I'm engaging with art when I play them.
Sonic Frontiers would later adopt that open world philosophy about a decade late
The fantasy of Assassin's Creed is "what if there was a stealth game I wasn't dogshit at" and it was great to fulfill that fantasy, but once it pivoted away from stealth there wasn't really anything else for me.
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indiaandforeignaid · 14 days
India’s Disaster Management Tech support for Resilient Communities in Asia
Imagine this: A cyclone is brewing in the Indian Ocean. You receive an alert on your phone, warning you of the impending storm. You quickly check a real-time map, showing the cyclone's path, and you see your area is in its direct line of impact. But instead of panic, you feel a sense of preparedness. You know that your community is equipped with the technology and knowledge to face the storm head-on. This isn’t just a hypothetical scenario, it’s a reality that India is working on, not just within its borders but across Asia.
Did you know? India’s vulnerability to natural disasters has driven it to become a leader in disaster management technology. Satellite imagery, real-time data analytics, and early warning systems are at the core of India's strategy to mitigate disaster impacts. The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) plays a crucial role, providing satellite data that helps monitor and predict disasters with remarkable accuracy.
Apart from that, with the help of the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), India has developed a comprehensive disaster risk management framework that guides national policies and serves as a model for other countries. This framework is not just about high-tech solutions; it’s about practical, community-based approaches that ensure everyone, from urban dwellers to remote villagers, can access the resources they need to stay safe.
While taking collaboration into account India understands that disasters don’t respect borders. That’s why it has taken significant steps to assist its neighbors in strengthening their disaster management capabilities. Through the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) Disaster Management Centre, based in India, resources, technology, and expertise are shared across the region. This has been a game-changer for countries like Nepal, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka, which now have improved disaster preparedness and response strategies with the help of existing mechanisms that India uses for disaster management strategies. In fact some Indian experts have worked with the Bangladesh Meteorological Department to enhance its cyclone prediction capabilities. The result? A significant reduction in the impact of deadly storms on Bangladeshi communities. 
India’s Disaster Management Act of 2005 laid the foundation for its robust disaster management framework. This act led to the creation of the NDMA and mandated the development of disaster management plans at national, state, and local levels. It's not just a law or a policy, it's the backbone of India’s coordinated response to disasters. But it doesn’t stop there. The National Policy on Disaster Management, introduced in 2009, emphasizes building resilience through technology, infrastructure development, and community-based approaches. This policy has not only guided India’s disaster management strategy but also served as a reference point for other countries looking to strengthen their frameworks.
As of the recent years, India has been an active participant in the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (2015-2030). India’s contributions, especially in early warning systems and disaster risk assessment, have been instrumental in shaping global disaster management strategies.
Take another situation into account, A community where every person knows what to do when disaster strikes. This is something India has been working towards. By providing early warnings, real-time data, and predictive analytics, India has helped save countless lives in countries like Nepal and Sri Lanka. But the benefits go beyond immediate disaster response. India’s use of Geographic Information System (GIS)-based tools for risk assessment and planning has been shared with neighboring countries. These tools help communities identify vulnerabilities and take proactive measures to mitigate risks. It’s about empowering people to take charge of their own safety.
In my opinion, India’s contributions to disaster management in Asia are a powerful testament to the country’s commitment to regional stability and human security. The use of advanced technology in disaster management is not just about responding to crises; it’s about preventing them from becoming catastrophic in the first place. India’s willingness to share its technology and expertise with neighboring countries is a reflection of its belief in the importance of regional cooperation. In recent years, climate change continues to increase the frequency and intensity of natural disasters, the need for more advanced technology and stronger international collaboration will only grow. India must continue to innovate and lead by example.
The road to disaster management in Asia is challenging, but with initiatives and collaborations  there’s reason for optimism. By continuing to invest in cutting-edge technologies, enhancing regional cooperation, and building resilient communities, India is laying the groundwork for a safer and more secure Asia. This isn’t a journey India can undertake alone. It requires the collective effort of all nations in the region, working together to share resources, knowledge, and expertise. As we look to the future, it’s clear that India’s disaster management technology and collaborative spirit will play a crucial role in shaping a resilient Asia, capable of withstanding the challenges of the 21st century.
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krunal-vyas · 20 days
SEO Agency Toronto: Transforming Your Business from Zero to Hero
If you own a business in Toronto, you know how tough it can be to stand out. Did you know that most people only look at the first page of search results? If your website isn’t showing up there, you might be missing out on many potential customers. That’s where an SEO agency Toronto can help!
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In this blog, I’ll explain how these experts can help your business get noticed online. Whether you run a local shop, a growing company, or a startup, this blog post will give you helpful tips to improve your online presence. Let’s get started!
What Does an SEO Agency Do?
What is SEO?
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a way to improve how your website appears on search engines like Google. Here’s why it’s important:
Increases Online Visibility: The higher your site ranks, the easier it is for people to find you.
Drives Organic Traffic: SEO attracts visitors who are looking for your products or services, which can lead to more sales.
Builds Trust: A website that ranks high is often seen as more trustworthy by customers.
Why You Should Hire an SEO Agency in Toronto?
Many business owners find it hard to keep up with all the changes in SEO. Hiring an SEO agency in Toronto can offer many benefits:
Expert Knowledge: SEO agencies know the latest techniques that can help your business.
Save Time: While you manage your business, they take care of your SEO needs.
Better Results: Experts can often achieve better results than most in-house teams.
Check here: Top 5 Best SEO Agencies in Toronto
The Advantage of a Local SEO Agency
Choosing a local SEO agency comes with special benefits:
Local Knowledge: They understand Toronto’s unique market and customers.
Custom Strategies: They can create SEO plans that fit your business and target audience.
Local SEO Expertise: Local agencies can help you rank higher in searches for customers in your area.
Common Problems for Toronto Businesses
1. Low Online Visibility:
Many businesses struggle to be found online. This often leads to low website traffic and lost sales. If you can’t compete with bigger companies, it’s tough to succeed in the digital world.
2. Poor Search Engine Rankings:
Not showing up for important keywords can hurt your business. Many owners wonder why they aren’t appearing in searches. Improving your rankings can be complicated, and without expert help, it can feel impossible.
3. Limited Time and Resources:
As a business owner or marketing manager, you have a lot on your plate. With limited time and money, it’s hard to focus on SEO while handling other tasks.
4. Ineffective Digital Marketing Strategies:
Sometimes, marketing strategies don’t work, leading to frustration and wasted effort. It can be hard to figure out what’s not working and how to fix it.
5. Difficulty Competing in a Crowded Market:
Toronto is a busy place with many businesses competing for attention. Standing out can feel impossible, especially in competitive industries.
6. Lack of SEO Knowledge:
Many business owners and marketing teams find SEO confusing. The technical details of SEO can be overwhelming, making it easy to make mistakes or not take action.
7. Inconsistent or Declining Traffic:
If your website traffic goes up and down, it can be frustrating. It’s hard to predict growth if you can’t maintain steady traffic.
8. Unclear Return on Investment (ROI):
Measuring how well your SEO efforts are working can be tough. Many owners aren’t sure if their investment in SEO is paying off.
9. Local Competition:
For businesses that rely on local customers, it’s important to optimize for local searches. This means improving your presence on Google My Business and getting positive reviews.
10. Outdated Website or Poor User Experience:
If your website is old or not easy to use, it can turn customers away. Slow-loading sites lead to high bounce rates and lost sales.
How an SEO Agency in Toronto Can Help Your Business?
Step 1: Audit and Analysis:
A good SEO agency will start with a thorough check of your website. This helps identify weaknesses and opportunities. They will look at:
Current Website Performance: Understanding how your site is doing is important for future improvements.
Keyword Rankings: Checking how well you rank for important keywords.
Technical Issues: Finding problems with speed, mobile optimization, and user experience.
Step 2: Keyword Research and Optimization
Finding the right keywords is crucial for SEO. The agency will:
Identify important keywords for your business and the Toronto market.
Look at what your competitors are using to find new opportunities.
Optimize your current content and create new content based on these findings.
Step 3: On-Page and Off-Page SEO
Both on-page and off-page strategies are important for improving your search rankings.
On-Page SEO
Meta Tags: Making title tags and meta descriptions attractive to increase clicks.
Content Quality: Creating interesting and relevant content that answers questions and encourages visitors to take action.
URL Structure: Keeping URLs clean and easy to read.
Off-Page SEO
Backlink Building: Getting quality links from other websites to improve your site’s authority.
Social Media Engagement: Using social media to promote your content and increase traffic.
Step 4: Content Strategy and Creation
Content is essential in SEO. A solid content strategy includes:
Blogging: Posting valuable and relevant content regularly to attract visitors.
Guest Posts: Writing articles for other blogs to build authority and create backlinks.
Local Content: Writing about topics that matter to the Toronto community.
Step 5: Technical SEO Improvements
Technical SEO makes sure your website runs well. Important aspects include:
Site Speed: Improving loading times for better user experience.
Mobile-Friendliness: Ensuring the site is easy to use on mobile devices.
User Experience: Making navigation easy and enjoyable.
Step 6: Local SEO for Toronto Businesses
Local SEO helps businesses attract nearby customers. Important strategies include:
Google My Business Optimization: Setting up and improving your Google My Business profile.
Local Citations: Listing your business in local directories.
Customer Reviews: Encouraging happy customers to leave positive reviews.
Success Stories: Real Businesses, Real Results
Case Study 1: A Small Bakery’s Success
A small bakery in Toronto was struggling with low sales and visibility. After hiring an SEO agency, they saw huge improvements:
Local SEO Optimization: Their website started ranking higher in local searches.
Community Engagement: They used social media to connect with locals.
Regular Blogging: Sharing seasonal recipes attracted more visitors.
In just six months, the bakery saw a 200% increase in website traffic and more in-store sales!
Case Study 2: A Mid-Sized Real Estate Firm
A mid-sized real estate company reached out to an SEO agency for help. After a detailed analysis, the agency found areas for improvement:
Content Gaps: Their website needed more engaging content.
Local Visibility Issues: They weren’t ranking well in local searches.
With a targeted content strategy and better local SEO, the firm increased leads by 150% in one year.
Client Testimonials
Real success stories matter. Here are some comments from happy clients:
“Working with the Toronto SEO agency changed everything for us! We went from being unnoticed to a top competitor!”
“Their expertise helped us reach our online goals faster than we thought possible.”
Measuring Success: The Benefits of Hiring an SEO Agency in Toronto
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to Track
When you invest in SEO, you need to keep an eye on certain metrics to see how you’re doing. Important KPIs include:
Organic Traffic: The number of visitors coming from search engines.
Conversion Rates: How many visitors take action, like filling out a form or buying something.
Search Engine Rankings: Keeping track of how your keywords perform over time.
Long-Term Benefits of SEO
One of the great things about SEO is that its benefits keep growing. Unlike paid ads, which stop working when you stop paying, good SEO keeps bringing in visitors. Over time, a solid SEO strategy can lead to:
Sustained Traffic Growth: More visibility means more visitors over time.
Increased Brand Trust: High rankings make your business more credible.
Cost-Effective Marketing: Organic traffic can save you money in the long run.
The Cost-Benefit Analysis
While investing in SEO can seem expensive, think about the potential for revenue growth. A good SEO strategy can lead to:
More Sales: More visitors often means more sales.
Better Customer Loyalty: A great online experience encourages repeat business.
Larger Market Share: Growing your online presence can help you attract more customers.
How to Choose the Right SEO Agency in Toronto
What to Look for in an SEO Agency:
Finding the Best SEO agency in Toronto can be challenging. Here are some things to consider:
Experience: Choose an agency with a successful track record.
Portfolio: Look at their past work and results.
Client Reviews: Read testimonials to see how happy clients are.
Transparency: Make sure the agency shares clear reports and updates.
Questions to Ask Potential SEO Agencies:
Before you hire an agency, ask them these questions:
What strategies will you use for my business?
How will you measure success, and what KPIs will you track?
Can you share examples of your past successes with businesses like mine?
Red Flags to Avoid:
Watch out for these warning signs when choosing an agency:
No Clear Plan: If they can’t explain how they’ll help you, it’s a bad sign.
Poor Communication: If they don’t prioritize communication, they might not be reliable.
Too-Good-To-Be-True Prices: If the price is extremely low, it’s likely not high-quality service.
Working with an SEO agency Toronto can change your business for the better. It can help you improve your visibility, drive more traffic, and optimize your marketing strategies. Choosing the right SEO partner is essential, especially for businesses in Toronto facing unique challenges.
Your online presence is key to your business’s success. With the right SEO strategies, you can tackle the challenges of digital marketing and make a strong impact in Toronto.
Ready to transform your business? Contact iQlance, your trusted SEO agency in Toronto, for a consultation or audit. Together, we’ll create a custom strategy that helps your business grow!
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salescalability · 24 days
Best sales consulting services in Canada
Respectability over Likability
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I like you! We use this term very often and in the positive sense of connecting at the relationship level. What does liking translate to? Usually it’s a sense of being comfortable with the other individual. A basic level of trust of the fact that we won’t harm each other by actions or words. Its like I accept you as an individual. So the point to ponder is that is this enough to set the foundation of a relationship? Any relationship, work, personal, friendship? Is Likability enough?
In this deluge of connections that we make today thanks to social media and multiple platforms being available it just feels that Likability is becoming like a hygiene factor. I don’t want to stay connected with anyone I don’t like. Very often in the first instance itself under the act of rapport building what we are doing is to establish Likability. Find a reason to like, from education to common interests to common friends / connections. 
While Likability is the foundation what is really becoming critical today is Respectability. Respect that is not given but gained by a actions, words or expertise. If I were to ask you to look around you – at all your friends, relatives, connections – how many of those have gained Respectability from you? 
Gaining Respectability requires work and I think this is becoming more and more important. In the past respect was more a position – authority was translated to respect we respected our teachers, parents, elders, bosses… the list was endless. 
One thing this Millennial mind-set has challenged for all of us is flat or lean structures. Authority does not necessarily translate to respect. However, it’s really tough to get something done without Respect in a relationship. 
So what have you done to Gain Respectability? 
As I was toying with this idea I did look at people who have gained Respectability from me and of the common threads stood out to me –
Building Respectability requires effort. I am still to find anyone on my list of the ones I respect who just got it easy. Possibly we do respect people when they succeed against the odds. 
Respectability is also a function of how Real are they! They may not be perfect but they are real. Someone who goes through all emotions yet is balanced would stand out to me as Respectable. 
Another aspect is their openness to learn and unlearn. Respect is not equal to arrogance. The moment one feels getting on a pedestal becoming a “know it all” they lose respect from me. Expertise is no more etched in stone and requires us to reinvent ourselves regularly and this ability leads to respect. 
Final one Respecting others for who they are as individuals without the biases of gender, age and race. It’s a unique trait that some people have that they make you feel good about yourself. They for sure gain more respect than the ones who climb on their peoples back to rise above them. 
What’s the criteria on your list to Gain Respectability?
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alleycatallies · 3 months
Case Study: Johnson County Animal Shelter
The Success of One of Alley Cat Allies’ Future Five: Shelter Partners to Save Cats’ Lives
Johnson County Animal Shelter is located in suburban Franklin, Indiana, near Indianapolis, and works in a 320-square-mile area populated with about 150,000 people. The shelter takes in about 700 cats each year. Prior to 2013, the shelter killed hundreds of cats each year. It became one of Alley Cat Allies’ Future Five: Shelter Partners to Save Cats’ Lives in 2013 and has since transformed to protect more cats than ever.
Quick Facts
Where: Johnson County, Indiana
Communities served: The 320 square mile area of Johnson County, near Indianapolis.
Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) Program adopted: 2013
Increase in live release rate due to TNR: Over 77%
Annual operating budget: $555,700
Cat intake: 1338
Cats “euthanized”: 1125, many for space
Cat live release rate: 15.5%
Cat intake: 779
Cats euthanized: 61, all for terminal illness or injury and none for space
Cats referred to TNR: 376, with many more never entering the shelter because of TNR
Cat live release rate: 92.2%
How They Saved Lives:
Becoming a member of Alley Cat Allies’ Future Five: Shelter Partners to Save Cats’ lives, leveraging grant money, training, and educational resources from Alley Cat Allies, implementing TNR and SNR, educating the community, partnering with veterinarians.
The Benefits of TNR:
Fewer cats killed in the shelter
Improved shelter staff morale and decrease of turnover rate
Money that would have been used to “euthanize” cats is redirected to adoptable animals
Improved reputation within the community
When the Johnson County Animal Shelter in Indiana reached out to Alley Cat Allies in 2013, its animal control director Michael Delp and staff were emotionally exhausted from “euthanizing” healthy cats, many of whom were community cats who were not socialized to people and thus unadoptable.
To make lifesaving change, Alley Cat Allies began to work with the shelter as part of our Future Five: Shelter Partners to Save Cats’ Lives program. The initiative was designed to help five shelters, each representing a different shelter structure found in the United States, develop Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) programs to reduce the intake and euthanasia rate of cats.
With support, expertise, and one-on-one training from Alley Cat Allies and the Humane Network, Johnson County Animal Shelter developed its own Shelter-Neuter-Return (SNR) program. In an SNR program, cats are brought to an animal shelter and, from there, are spayed or neutered, vaccinated, eartipped, and returned to their outdoor homes.
The results were dramatic. The shelter, which euthanized hundreds of community cats each year prior to 2013, has killed no healthy cats since the program began.
“There is no nobility in euthanizingor let’s call it what it really is: killinghealthy cats. It’s never going to reduce the cat population. I know, because I did it for years,” says Delp, “Trap-Neuter-Return is the only solution. It’s the right thing to do.”
Steps to Success
Reaching out to Alley Cat Allies. Alley Cat Allies’ support was key to Johnson County Animal Shelter’s success. As a Future Five shelter, it received a $5,000 grant from Alley Cat Allies to save community cats’ lives. The grant money was used to purchase humane traps, fund surgeries and vaccinations for community cats, and develop and expand educational materials and programs.
Implementing a Shelter-Neuter-Return (SNR) program. Johnson County Animal Shelter adopted its SNR program in 2013. It even hired an “˜SNR officer’ whose primary job is to facilitate SNR. Now when community cats are brought to the shelter, they are immediately placed in a designated area that is quiet and separated from other animals. The SNR officer then sets appointments with one of the shelter’s veterinary partners and transports the cats to be spayed or neutered, vaccinated, and eartipped. The cats are brought back to the shelter to recover and then are returned to their outdoor homes.
Thanks to the SNR program, community cats, who are unadoptable, do not remain in the shelter for a long time. Because these cats leave the shelter quickly, they are no longer being killed for space. The cats in the shelter also no longer suffer the stress and disease risk caused by overcrowding.
Saving money and redirecting it to help more animals. Since the SNR program began, the number of cats impounded and killed at Johnson County Animal Shelter plummeted. Delp says the change has saved taxpayers at least $250,000 over the last five years. Those resources are now directed toward adoptable animals and the shelter’s vaccine budget. SNR, says Delp, pays for itself and then some.
Education. Alley Cat Allies helped Johnson County Animal Shelter educate residents. We also advised shelter staff on how to most effectively ask for financial and volunteer support from the community. Alley Cat Allies and Humane Network held multiple TNR workshops for Johnson County community members, shelter staff, and animal control officers.
Connecting with the community. Johnson County Animal Shelter hosts fundraisers to meet community members and increase support for the SNR program. It has also adopted other humane programs to help even more residents. The shelter’s Sara Woods Fund assists the public in paying for medical procedures for their animals. The shelter also offers low-cost vaccination and microchipping clinics, low-cost spay and neuter, and free adoption events. All the shelter’s surplus food, towels, medicines, and vaccines are given to animal rescue groups and the Humane Society.
Challenges and Solutions
County laws. Johnson County Animal Shelter needed the county to pass an ordinance supporting TNR in order to adopt an effective humane program. Delp met with Lisa Tudor of IndyFeral (a member of Alley Cat Allies’ Feral Friends Network) and Johnson County Commissioner Brian Baird to draft language for an ordinance to make TNR the official policy of the county. With Commissioner Baird as a sponsor and the Johnson County Humane Society’s backing, the ordinance passed swiftly.
Convincing skeptical staff. Delp says many of his animal control officers were skeptical about the SNR program at first. Through Alley Cat Allies’ workshops and trainings, and by seeing the benefits of SNR for themselves, the officers have since changed their minds. Now, Delp says, they are enthusiastic about the SNR program and make sure not to impound any eartipped cats they see outdoors.
Future Goals Expand SNR. Towns and municipalities around Indiana have taken notice of Johnson County’s success. Delp and Commissioner Baird have spoken with numerous shelters and officials who have expressed interest in SNR programs of their own.
Provide a support network. Delp wants to ensure that community cat caregivers have a support network through the shelter, the Johnson County Humane Society, and their volunteers.
“I don’t exaggerate when I say things are 100 percent better, simply because we aren’t putting down healthy animals every single day,” says Delp. “It’s such a morale booster to know we are saving lives, and only using euthanasia as a last resort to end an animal’s suffering.”
Content source: https://www.alleycat.org/resources/case-study-johnson-county-animal-shelter/
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saktec · 5 months
Reasons to Choose a Professional Marble Polishing Company in Dubai
You must apply the polishing method regularly to keep your marble floors good looks and long life. In this context, though, not all Marble Polishing companies in Dubai are on the same level. When you are tempted to take on the job yourself or hire a less experienced, cheaper novice, it’s better to weigh up the compelling reasons to employ a Marble Polishing Company in Dubai. This blog article will focus on the major benefits of working with a responsible and competent firm for Marble Polishing in Dubai.
Expertise and Experience
There are numerous marble polishing companies in Dubai, and the most important advantage is the high level of knowledge and experience of experts in the field. Marble finishing is a unique and complex task that normally involves applying a strictly professional form of knowledge, doing things, and having the required equipment. Moreover, professionals have a lot of practice and have mastered many marble surfaces, such as home floors and large commercial lobbies, and so on.
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High-Quality Equipment and Products
Another very important aspect of why prefer professional Marble Polishing Dubai is the superior quality of the products and tools they use. Polishing marble needs special tools and products that are made just for this purpose, and they efficiently can remove scratches, stains, and other defects while delivering the natural shine and luster of the stone back to marble. Pro-professional crews purchase the most up-to-date equipment and brands that deliver safe, problem-free, and properly functioning objects.
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Safety and Protection
Handling this material requires extra caution and care while avoiding inconvenience. The leading marble polishing in Dubai are very careful regarding the safety of the polishers and the property itself, and they use the widely accepted set of rules for the work to be done. They will work with non-polluting and non-toxic products, will do ventilation before starting the job, and will protect your floors from damage. In addition, they hold professional liability insurance to cover you as a renter in the improbable case of accidents or damages.
Time and Cost Savings
It might seem to be a good idea to save money by doing the marble cleaning job yourself or hiring a cheaper firm that is not that well-experienced at such, but the result is that it can become more expensive. Marble polishing in Dubai is a long and tiresome job that requires a specific amount of time and effort. You can save yourself time and effort by selecting the professionals and be guaranteed that the task will be performed speedily and effectively. You can also find many professional firms offering you competitive pricing, saving you money in the long run.
When Marble Polishing in Dubai is in question, having a professional company such as SAKTEC is the wise choice not only for homeowners but also for businesses as well. With the help of our motivated technicians, the best machines, and the enthusiastic approach as our main tools, we can do wonders that will beat your expectations. We will make your marble floors shine as bright as they did the first day you installed them, no matter you need an occasional free cleaning service or regular maintenance, we have the expertise and resources to make your marble floors and pavements beautiful and new looking.
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lili66sblog · 7 months
Hello, how are you? May i participate in your tarot game please?
My situation is something like this. I have an entity attached to me, for decades now. This entity is not harming me as such, in fact it sort of protects me. BUT, it is very possesive. It does not let me form connections with anyone. Be it friends, family or anyone else, all are mere acquaintances for me, I'm close to no one. I like being alone and even when I'm with people I'm lonely, i have agoraphobic tendencies, I literally have no one in my life with shared interests, literally no one knows anything about me. If I were to die tomorrow, no one would know what to say in my eulegy except that i kept to myself and never bothered anyone, lol.
I've been eternally single all my life, I'm pretty old now, and I really long for a fulfilling relationship with my life partner, a husband and a home with him. I know for a fact, that this entity that is attached to me is playing a big role (if not entirely) is why I haven't been able to meet my person yet. Coz it wants me all to itself. I also know that this entity is of a girl/woman. Again, i want to reiterate that it is not harming me in any manner whatsoever, except preventing me to form meaningful connections with anyone, or the drive to go out and meet people. It's like it wants me to stay in all alone, which to this entity means that I'm all to her.
I hope I'm not coming across as mad, lol. I've had this confirmation from two extremely good energy healers over the course of past 3 years. Both of them have tried to detach this entity from me, but no use. The reason I know that what these energy healers picked up on was true because I did not tell them anything about myself or what I'm going through or what I've gotten in the past from other people. They themselves picked it up immediately as soon as I sat in front of them and both of them told me the same thing to my amazement.
So my question to you is, is there any way I can remove this entity from myself? Or anything else that you can guide me with? I'm really at a loss for words and resources here as I don't have any idea what more I can do since these two such renounced healers couldn't do anything about it. I completely understand if this situation is outside your purview of expertise. Please feel free to let me know if that is the case. It's perfectly alright. I'm sending this ask off-anon so that in case you have any questions you may let me know. I'm C, don't know if this is required but in case, I'm a woman, she/her, romantically interested in men, he/him. Thanks so, so much for this opportunity 🙏. I hugely appreciate it 🙏.
The very first question that raised in my mind while reading this was ,are you sure that is not any spirit guide or possibly an ancestor of yours?possibly trying to protect you from harmful energies while coming out as possessive ?.
If not,then I also think that this is a stagnant situation.like for whatever reasons you had this entity and whatever benefits you have got from it,now as you said that you long for a relationship and a home so your objectives are "different" now.Not the same as it has been the time you started working with this energy.So,I think that you should move on from this entity ,and should stop taking whatever this entity is giving you for eg-Protection,you have to stop receiving in order for it to demand something.
There are many ways about this like you can also offer them something in return for their help (if not the partners you want to give or want to be lonely),but I think that itself would be a complicated and huge topic for you to think.Maybe that entity can accept any thing other than this,but in order to do this there has to be a communication about it ,and at last you will have to decide whether you can give this or not OR whether you should work with this entity further!!
That's it,hope it gave you some insights 💚!
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myroyallikes · 8 months
The Duke of Cambridge's speech on Social Media at the BBC in Nov. 2018
A speech by The Duke of Cambridge on Social Media and Cyberbullying, BBC Broadcasting House, London
Thank you, Sarah. I want to start by thanking Alice Webb and her team at the BBC for their amazing work so far in developing the Own It app. 
You are creating a practical, powerful tool to help children use their smartphones and social media with confidence and with safety. I am so proud that this has sprung out of the Cyberbullying Taskforce work. So thank you, Alice, and the BBC for stepping up. It’s now important that our technology partners get right behind the app to make sure all children can benefit. We’re counting on all of you. 
I’d also like to thank all of our partners on the taskforce – the tech companies, the ISPs, the charities, and the academic experts. The expanded Stop, Speak, Support, campaign which is now rolling out to schools across the country is just one of the things that we should be celebrating. I am so grateful to you all for the time, expertise, and resources you have contributed. It hasn’t been easy, but I believe our attempt to work collaboratively has been instructive for the rest of the world.
Now, we launched our commitments one year ago. And when we did, I told the taskforce members that I would be honest in assessing what we achieved and what we did not. And that’s what I’m going to do today. 
To explain where I think we have got to, I want to begin by taking a step back to the early days of social media.
Over a decade ago, when social media first became a standard part of daily life, there was so much justifiable reason for optimism.
Some of this was about personal excitement. 
That friend we lost touch with was suddenly back in our lives.
The grandparent living far away was now able to keep up with the day-to-day life of the family they cared so much about.
The fun we had at parties, the victories we celebrated on the football pitch, the cake we ate at our child’s birthday – all of it was captured, posted and shared with our friends, making us feel closer to each other even when we were apart.
And some of it was about the very nature of our society and culture.
Our politics appeared more direct and more transparent.
The physical distance between nations and people seemed less important
New ways to discover and discuss music, film, and books were appearing all the time.
The men and women who invented and developed social media platforms are justifiably proud of the difference they have made in the world. They have achieved extraordinary things and created connections across borders, generations, and cultural divides that were unimaginable at the turn of the century. 
I believe we are stronger when we are connected and more successful when we can understand each other’s experiences. 
We all have to acknowledge, though, that much of the early optimism and hope of social media is giving way to very real concern, and even fear about its impact on our lives.
We have seen that the technology that can allow you to develop an online community around a shared hobby or interest can also be used to organise violence.
The platform that can allow you to celebrate diversity can also be used to cocoon yourself in a cultural and political echo chamber.
The new ways we have to access news from across the world are also allowing misinformation and conspiracy to pollute the public sphere.
The tools that we use to congratulate each other on milestones and successes can also be used to normalise speech that is filled with bile and hate.
The websites we use to stay connected can for some create profound feelings of loneliness and inadequacy.
And the apps we use to make new friends, can also allow bullies to follow their targets even after they have left the classroom or the playing field.
It is this issue of cyberbullying that we have come here to discuss today. As we do, however, I believe it is crucial that we see the connections across all of these challenges. 
Over the last few years working with the Cyberbullying Taskforce, it has become clear to me that the men and women who lead social media companies are motivated by the right things – the value of connection, friendship, family, and knowledge. But as this list of unintended consequences grows, a culture of defensiveness is undermining the sector’s relationship with the public.
To explain what I mean, it’s important to share my experience.
I convened the Cyberbullying Taskforce not because I had any expertise in technology policy – I do not and I have never pretended to. 
I convened the Taskforce because I was a new parent. And I saw that my friends and peers were seriously worried about the risks of the very powerful tools we were putting in our children’s hands. For too many families, phones and social media shattered the sanctity and protection of the home.
As we grappled with this we felt a distinct absence of guidance. 
Should we read our children’s messages? 
Should we allow them to have phones and tablets in their rooms? 
Who do we report bullying to?   
We were making up the rules as we went along.
And when I worked as an Air Ambulance pilot or travelled around the country campaigning on mental health, I met families who had suffered the ultimate loss. For too many, social media and messaging was supercharging the age-old problem of bullying, leaving some children to take their own lives when they felt it was unescapable.
I felt that I might be able to make a difference on this issue. I did not have the answers, but I did have the ability to invite the brightest leaders and researchers in social media to sit around the table, to listen to parents and children, and see what we might do together to make the online world safer and happier for our young people.
What I found very quickly though was that the sector did not want to own this issue. 
I heard doubts being cast about the scale of the problem. 
I was told that companies were already doing plenty and just needed more credit for it.
I saw denials about the age of young children on some of our most popular platforms. 
And crucially I heard over and over again that a collective approach – across the industry, with charity partners, ISPs, researchers, and parents – just wouldn’t work. The individual platforms were just too different and user expectations too complicated to try to come up with common tools that could be easily understood by children, parents and teachers.
So a year ago, when it came time to launch a series of commitments that the sector would make on this issue, I announced a plan of action that I freely admitted did not go as far as I hoped. 
Now it did include some very positive things – a joint awareness campaign, new guidelines for reporting bullying, and a pilot for a shared emotional support platform. A year on though, even those modest commitments have not been implemented with the enthusiasm I would have hoped for.
And while I am grateful that today we are announcing that the emotional support platform and the Stop, Speak, Support campaign will get fresh energy, I am disappointed that we are ending our taskforce collaboration without a real, collective sense of pride about what we have achieved.
Now I will admit I have learned plenty through this process about how I can best lead similar endeavours in the future. I underestimated the scale of the challenge that this process would represent. I may have been too ambitious and I may have needed to look again at who we brought to the table.
I am worried though that our technology companies still have a great deal to learn about the responsibilities that come with their significant power.
I say this not in anger. Again, I believe that our tech leaders are people of integrity who are bringing many benefits to our lives and societies. 
I am very concerned though that on every challenge they face – fake news, extremism, polarisation, hate speech, trolling, mental health, privacy, and bullying – our tech leaders seem to be on the back foot. 
Their self-image is so grounded in their positive power for good that they seem unable to engage in constructive discussion about the social problems that they are creating.
The journey from inventors in the student dormitory to the leaders of some of the most valuable companies on earth has been so fast that they may struggle to understand that their incentives have changed. The noise of shareholders, bottom lines, and profits is distracting them from the values that made them so successful in the first place.
They are so proud of what they have built that they cannot hear the growing concern from their users.
And increasingly they seemed resigned to a posture with governments and regulators that will be defined by conflict and discord.
It does not have to be this way. 
Social media companies have done more to connect the world than has ever been achieved in human history. Surely you can connect with each other about smart ways to deal with the unintended consequences of these connections.
You have made so many of our institutions engage directly with the people they serve. Surely you can build a new relationship with your own users that is based on service, community, humility and transparency.
You have powered amazing movements of social change. Surely together you can harness innovation to allow us to fight back against the intolerance and cruelty that has been brought to the surface by your platforms. 
And you have brought families together in ways that were previously unimaginable. Surely you can partner with parents to make the online world a safe place of discovery, friendship, and education for their children.
You can reject the false choice of profits over values. You can choose to do good and be successful. 
You can work in the interest of the children and parents who use your products and still make your shareholders happy.
We not only want you to succeed. We need you to.
Thank you.
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voenvs3000w24 · 8 months
The Intersection of Privilege and Nature
The prompt I am answering this week asks us to describe our definition of privilege and to describe the interactions between nature interpretation and privilege. In a previous post, I described my relationship with nature and how it has developed and evolved over the years. Growing up, I was encouraged by family members, teachers and friends to spend time outdoors. I am extremely lucky in the sense that nature was something both of my parents grew up enjoying. Before reflecting on my personal privileges (to be defined formally further down), I wanted to acknowledge the generational knowledge and experience that heavily contributed to my relationship with nature. My Dad studied biology for his undergraduate degree and went on to do a master's in Environmental Science later on. Throughout my childhood, he taught my siblings and I how to identify flowers, birds and frogs. He took us out on his canoe to collect samples for the lab he worked with. My mom, though she did not have the same area of expertise as my dad, took us outside every day and taught me what it meant to appreciate nature in my daily life. She loved gardening, and hiking and could grow an absolutely amazing tomato. It was in this context that my relationship with nature began. It was through my dad's knowledge that I became curious and realized the complexity of the outdoors. It was through my mom's daily encouragement that I learned how to appreciate nature in my life, not just when I’m on holiday but in my day-to-day student life. Unfortunately, I did not inherit their green thumbs, and all of my attempts to keep houseplants alive have failed. I will spare you from all of the photos in my camera roll of dead plants, and instead show you my Mom’s vegetable garden growing up.
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(My Mom’s vegetable garden growing up, 2000s)
I consider myself to be a privileged person. Without revealing too many personal details on the internet, I am a cis-gender white woman. I have two parents who are both university-educated, one of whom studied environmental sciences. Dictionary.com defines the word privilege to be “a right, immunity, or benefit enjoyed by a particular person or a restricted group of people beyond the advantages of most”, with a secondary definition being described as “the unearned and mostly unacknowledged societal advantage that a restricted group of people has over another group” (Dictionary.com, n.d.). Both definitions mention the right or unearned advantage that some people have because they are part of a specific group. When discussing nature interpretation, I would, without a doubt, consider myself part of these specific groups. I grew up in a family that was financially stable, with parents who were university-educated (one in environmental sciences) and had grown up participating in many different outdoor activities.
We had the financial means, the time, and the prior knowledge to do things like canoe trips, hiking and camping. We had the ability to take swimming lessons, learn how to skate and go to the zoo. I am now in the position myself to study Biology at the University of Guelph, and to focus on Environmental Sciences. I am unbelievably lucky to be able to study something I am passionate about, and I want to acknowledge that there are many things that have enabled me to be able to do that. Things, experiences and resources that many people have not had. When studying nature interpretation, it is crucial that the interpreter is aware of other cultures, experiences, and of their own privilege. What was “normal” for me, may not be normal for others. The way I experience nature, may not be the way others do. What I enjoy, camping, for example, may not be something that people from other backgrounds enjoy. An article published by CBC investigates the different barriers, such as socio-economic status, cultural norms and lack of representation for minorities, that lead to people not participating in outdoor activities (2018). My hope is that we can work together to make outdoor activities and nature interpretation a more accessible and inclusive environment so that everyone can enjoy the great outdoors together.
Please enjoy the very poor-quality photo of a white squirrel that I took many many years ago. 
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CBC/Radio Canada. (2018, June 30). The adventure gap: Why minorities are less likely to pursue outdoor recreation | CBC News. CBCnews. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/the-adventure-gap-why-minorities-are-less-likely-to-pursue-outdoor-recreation-1.4726872
Dictionary.com. (n.d.). Privilege definition & usage examples. Dictionary.com. https://www.dictionary.com/browse/privilege
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barberboys · 11 months
How To Find The Perfect Barber Shop For Your Haircut Needs?
Are you tired of walking into random barbershops and ending up with a haircut you're not happy with? We've all been there. Finding the perfect barbershop for your men's haircut needs can be a bit tricky, but fear not!
In this blog post, we'll walk you through the steps to help you find the perfect barbers Adelaide that will give you the haircut of your dreams. So, sit back, relax, and let's get started!
Ask for Recommendations
One of the best ways to find a great barbershop is to start by asking your friends, family, and colleagues for recommendations. Chances are, they've already found a barber they trust and love. By getting referrals from people you know and trust, you can save yourself the trouble of trial and error.
When you ask for recommendations, be sure to inquire about the specific services they offer at the barbershop. Some barbershops specialise in classic cuts, while others may excel in modern, trendy styles. Make sure the recommended barbershop aligns with your haircut preferences.
Read Online Reviews
In today's digital age, it's easy to find online reviews for just about anything, including barbershops. Websites and social media platforms are great resources for reading what others have to say about their experiences with various barbershops.
Look for keywords like "best barbers for men" or "top-rated barbers in [your location]." Pay close attention to the comments and reviews from clients who share similar hair types and styles to yours. Their feedback can provide valuable insights into the expertise of the barbers and the overall experience you can expect.
Visit the Barbershop
Once you've gathered some recommendations and read reviews, it's time to pay a visit to the potential barbers Adelaide on your list. During your visit, keep an eye out for the following:
Cleanliness: A clean and well-maintained barbershop is a good sign of professionalism and hygiene.
Atmosphere: Is the environment welcoming and comfortable? The right atmosphere can greatly enhance your haircut experience.
Barber Credentials: Check if the barbers are licensed and have the necessary qualifications to provide the mens haircut you desire.
Ask Questions: Don't be shy about asking the barbers questions. Inquire about the techniques they use, the products they recommend, and any specific services they excel in.
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Discuss Your Desired Style
When you visit a barbershop, it's essential to communicate effectively with your barber. A clear and open conversation about your desired mens haircut Adelaide style is key. Show them pictures if you have a specific look in mind, and ask for their professional advice.
A skilled barber will be able to assess your hair type and facial features and recommend a style that complements you perfectly. They can also provide tips on maintaining your haircut at home and the best products to use.
Trust Your Gut Feeling
Sometimes, it all comes down to your intuition. How did you feel during your visit to the barbershop? Did you have a good rapport with the barber? Did they seem genuinely interested in giving you the perfect haircut?
Trust your gut feeling. Your comfort and confidence in your barber are crucial in ensuring a great haircut experience.
Be Loyal and Build a Relationship
Once you've found a skilled barber who understands your style, it's time to build a long-term relationship. Being loyal to your barber can have many benefits, such as getting consistent and tailored haircuts, priority scheduling, and even discounts for frequent visits.
Building a relationship with your barber is a two-way street. Show appreciation for their work, be punctual for your appointments, and remember to tip generously to express your gratitude.
Finding the perfect barbershop for your mens haircut Adelaide needs doesn't have to be a daunting task. By following these steps, you can confidently select a barbershop that matches your style and preferences.
Remember, a great haircut can boost your confidence and leave you looking your best, so take your time to explore barbers Adelaide and choose one that suits you perfectly.
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pickpart1 · 11 months
The Value of Nissan Wreckers in the Metal Recycling Industry
Did you know that Nissan wreckers play a crucial role in the metal recycling industry? These specialised businesses are dedicated to collecting and dismantling Nissan vehicles, salvaging reusable materials, and separating different types of metals for recycling purposes. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of metal recycling, the specific role of Nissan wreckers, and the various benefits of using their services for metal recycling.
Importance of Metal Recycling
Before diving into the role of Nissan wreckers in metal recycling, it is important to understand the significance of metal recycling itself. Metal recycling is essential for the environment and sustainability for several reasons. Firstly, it helps reduce the demand for virgin metals, which in turn minimises the need for environmentally damaging mining activities. Secondly, metal recycling reduces energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions compared to the production of new metals. Lastly, metal recycling Melbourne helps conserve natural resources by extending the lifespan of existing metals, ultimately promoting a more sustainable future.
Role of Nissan Wreckers
Nissan wreckers play a pivotal role in the metal recycling industry due to their expertise in collecting and dismantling Nissan vehicles. These wreckers are specialised in salvaging reusable materials from these vehicles, such as engines, transmissions, and other parts that can be resold or repurposed. Additionally, Nissan wreckers has the knowledge and equipment to separate different types of metals, including aluminium, steel, and copper, ensuring that each metal is recycled efficiently.
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Benefits of Using Nissan Wreckers for Metal Recycling
Using the services of Nissan wreckers for metal recycling offers several benefits, ranging from cost savings to environmental advantages to contributing to a circular economy.
Cost-saving advantages: One of the significant benefits of utilising Nissan wreckers for metal recycling is the potential for cost savings. By recycling metals from old Nissan vehicles, businesses and individuals can save money on purchasing new materials. Additionally, manufacturers can benefit from lower manufacturing costs as recycled metals are readily available and often more cost-effective than newly extracted metals.
Environmental benefits: Metal recycling has numerous environmental benefits, and Nissan wreckers contribute to these advantages. Firstly, metal recycling reduces energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions compared to the production of new metals. This reduction in energy consumption helps combat climate change and contributes to a more sustainable future. Secondly, metal recycling helps conserve natural resources by reducing the need for mining activities, which can have detrimental effects on the environment.
Contribution to a circular economy: Nissan wreckers play a crucial role in promoting a circular economy. A circular economy is an economic system that aims to minimise waste and maximise resource efficiency. By collecting and dismantling Nissan vehicles, these wreckers support the concept of reuse and recycling. This, in turn, reduces waste and landfill diversion, making a positive impact on the environment.
In conclusion, Nissan wreckers are invaluable in the metal recycling Melbourne industry. They offer a range of benefits, including cost savings, environmental advantages, and contribution to a circular economy. By utilising their services, businesses and individuals can actively participate in the sustainable practice of metal recycling. 
So, the next time you have a scrap Nissan vehicle, consider utilising the services of Nissan wreckers Melbourne for its disposal. Together, we can make a difference in creating a more sustainable and environmentally friendly future.
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jasminewaldman · 11 months
The Power of Knowledge Sharing and Mentoring, in the Advertising Field
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In the evolving realm of advertising having knowledge is crucial. Whether you're an expert or just embarking on your journey in this industry continuously learning and sharing your expertise holds significance. Teaching others within the advertising space not benefits them. Also fosters growth and innovation within the field.
Guiding Future Talent; Teaching goes beyond imparting knowledge; it involves mentoring the generation of advertisers. By offering guidance to newcomers you can help them navigate the world of advertising steer clear of obstacles and expedite their professional growth.
Igniting Creative Sparks; Advertising is both an art and a science. Through teaching you have the opportunity to inspire others motivating them to think and push beyond advertising boundaries. By sharing your experiences and insights you can ignite ideas and foster industry wide innovations.
Forging Valuable Connections; Teaching opens doors to connecting with individuals building a supportive network of advertising professionals. This network becomes a resource, for collaboration brainstorming sessions and staying updated on emerging industry trends. Enhancing Your Own Skills; Teaching goes both ways. When you share knowledge with others it also reinforces your understanding of advertising concepts. Explaining ideas to others can deepen your expertise. Sharpen your communication skills.
Fostering Diversity and Inclusion; Encouraging diversity, in advertising is crucial to reflect the range of consumers. Teaching can be a platform for promoting diversity and inclusivity in the industry by nurturing talent from backgrounds and perspectives.
Passing on Ethical Values; Ethics play a role in advertising. Teaching provides an opportunity to emphasize the significance of advertising, integrity and transparency. By instilling these values in the generation you contribute to an ethical and trustworthy industry.
Staying Relevant; The advertising landscape is constantly evolving. Teaching allows you to stay updated with the trends, technologies and strategies. This knowledge helps you remain relevant and adaptable in a changing field.
In conclusion teaching others in the advertising industry goes beyond generosity; it's an investment, in the future of the field. It involves nurturing talent fostering creativity, building connections and staying at the forefront of advertising trends. By sharing what you know you help the development and continuity of this industry while making an impression, on those aspiring to be advertising professionals. So don't hesitate to connect, guide and motivate. The advertising community will truly appreciate your contribution.
Final Thoughts
Teaching within the realm of advertising presents an opportunity for fulfilling contribution to your field while aiding its growth. It serves as a means for professional development allowing you to deepen your understanding of the field while establishing yourself as an authority figure. By sharing your knowledge and expertise you inspire the generation of advertising professionals to think creatively and drive progress forward. So why not explore the possibility of becoming an educator in this world? Your insights and experiences have the potential to make an impact, on both the industry itself well as its future leaders.
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smallnetbusiness · 1 year
3 Tips for Choosing HOA Insurance Providers
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It's time to find the perfect condo for your first home. You could buy it and assume that you own the property outright. However, a modern-day homeowners association will cut into your personal freedoms. To avoid struggles, you need to find HOA insurance providers that will help you avoid claims. An HOA insurance policy will protect you even after buying your first home. Read on to learn more about the benefits of hiring the best condo insurance company. Let's get into it! 1. Research and Compare Multiple Companies When it comes to choosing HOA insurance providers, research and comparison are key. To do this, start by identifying your specific insurance needs and assessing the coverage options offered by different providers. Then, gather quotes from at least three different providers. Be sure to compare not just the cost, but also the: - cover limits - deductibles - premiums - additional services or benefits - any exclusions Lastly, don't be afraid to ask for quotes and negotiate for the best deal or ask for the help of a professional insurance agent. Remember, choosing the right insurance provider is crucial for protecting your community and its assets. 2. Seek Recommendations and Read Reviews to Gauge Reputation Word of mouth is a powerful tool in the world of insurance, so ask other HOA board members or property managers for their opinions on potential providers. Additionally, take the time to read ratings from current or previous clients. This can give you a better understanding of the company's: - customer service - claims process - overall satisfaction from policyholders Additionally, it's recommended to read online reviews from other HOAs to get a better idea of the provider's track record. This can help you gauge their level of professionalism, responsiveness, and effectiveness in handling claims. Keep in mind that making a decision based on the reputation of an insurance provider can help ensure that you choose a reliable and trustworthy company for your HOA's needs. 3. Consider the Provider's Resources to Cover Any Potential Claims One great tip for choosing the right provider is to evaluate their resources to cover potential claims. This means looking into their: - financial stability - customer reviews and ratings - coverage options they offer Also, it is crucial for the provider to have robust resources in case of any unforeseen circumstances or claims that may arise. Additionally, considering their experience and expertise in dealing with extended insurance coverage can also help ensure that you are getting the best protection for your community. Taking the time to read and learn more about condo association can help you select the right HOA insurance provider for your specific needs. Tips for Choosing the Best HOA Insurance Providers Carefully assessing HOA insurance providers is a crucial decision that can greatly impact the well-being of your community. By considering important factors such as coverage options, reputation, and cost, you can find the best provider for your HOA. Your HOA and its members deserve the best coverage possible. Don't wait until it's too late, start researching and make a plan today! Did you find this article helpful? Check out the rest of our blog now! Read the full article
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