quinny19 · 2 months
It's the thought that counts
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Boothill x GN reader
Comfort? Fluff? Idk ૧(ꂹີωꂹີૂ)
This ones short so I'm sorry lol
Spoiler warning⚠⚠ idk???
Y'all can request me anything just not NSFW idk how to do that xD
He thought that He hates it. He despises being unable to return to his former self and look at his metalic body,looking on the reminders of his past... It's all in the past.
He wished for his human body desperately, yearning for his natural voice and the warmth of another human's touch on his now lost flesh. It's a constant reminder of what he's lost, not just his body, but also his home planet and family.
"Are you ok?"
The question caught Boothill off guard, his shoulders tensing. It's quite obvious that he has a problem in his mind right now.
"Of course I'm fine -" he says nonchalantly.
"Dont lie to me,i can tell there's a problem."
Boothill sighs, realizing there’s no point in hiding it ."Fudge, ya got me." he mutters. "Ya right..."He says, his voice dropping to a barely audible whisper, "it’s... frustrating’."
Leaning your head to his hard metalic shoulder "I know it's not much"
Boothill glances down at you, your head gently resting on his shoulder, and his face remains stoic for a few moments.He knows he can’t feel it. It’s just a cold surface. But Boothill’s always been good at pretending things, so he pretends your head is warm. pretending it’s soft and gentle flesh against his."Well..."
he says after awhile, a slight smile now tugging at the corner of his mouth, "I do appreciate it Y/n "
Enjoying the comfortable silence and the share warmth that you give putting your one hand to the one that is what's left apart of him being...human.
" it's the thought that count's,right?" Smiling gently
Going silent and a little suprise to what you have said and by the sweet actions you showed, stunned by what you're doing. You're trying to give him your warmth. Even though you obviously know he can't feel it,his face is where he can feel you. he knows too, yet, it's the thought that really matters."I guess it does," he says simply, his voice tinged with a rare vulnerability. "Appreciate it. "
*even if I can't feel your hand in mine,just by you being there by my side is enough for me.*
*even if I can't share my warmth, ill never fail to show my love and appreciation in other ways*
*even if I know that the fact that you can't hear my heart beat so you could hear it beats for you,i hope you know that if I do still have it I wish you knew it will beat loudly for you and only you... *
*after all...its the thought that counts.*
Boothill doesn't say more. He misses having a human body . But that’s no longer possible to get it back
But you being there on his side is enough for him...
Pls give a follow and 💗💗💗
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quinny19 · 2 months
He's kinda cute?
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Sampo x gn reader ( gender neutral)
Warning ⚠⚠⚠ n/a
haaa Tsundere reader?
Another day has come and yet why does this annoying yet cute dark blue haired man always finds his way to annoying you and your day..
Sampo's expertise is tempting to seek out, or easy for someone else to approach him but becoming his "customer" can be risky. Knowing him he will just sweet talk the people and try to get away with whatever problems he has got himself into again.
you heard his voice calling you from afar
*please please don't follow me,* you thought as you try desperately to walk away from him but only for you to fail.
" are you joking me right now? "
Sampo snickered at her response, clearly amused by her reaction."Oh, I never joke about things when it comes to you "He said as he took a step closer to you.
his gaze locked onto you, not backing down even an inch.
You step back but only for him to step closer yet again
*he's too close!!!* trying to keep a straight face,trying not to show that he has a huge effect on you
He flashed a sly smile, his eyes full of mischief. " I knew I'd find you here... "
"how the hell did you know i was here?"
Sampo chuckled at your reply. clearly enjoying getting some sort of reaction out of you. He leaned against the wall, crossing his arms over his chest."Oh, my dear, I know many things. Some might say I’m a master of observation." He smirked, his eyes gleaming with mischief."And as for how I knew you were here... let’s just say I have my way,I can't just go telling other people my secret ya know~."
"Wow totally not creepy at all" giving a sarcastic tone at your voice as you look at him with a blank face.
"Oh, come on Y/n! I prefer the term ‘resourceful.’"He chuckled, clearly enjoying the conversation you two are having right now. "And speaking of resources, I have a question for you." Raising a eyebrow at him you said " and that is? "
Sampo pushed himself off from the wall, approaching you with a smirk still on his face."It’s quite a simple question, really. Just one question..."He paused for a moment, his gaze looking on you"Do you trust me?"
" what the heck is that sort of question?!"
*What the heck is he on about?! Wait wait is he asking me out?! Wait what?! Hold on a minute Y/n ! You don't have time for being delusional * *sigh I guess reading all those fan fiction is making me lose my mind*
Sampo chuckled. He took a step closer, now standing only a few inches away from you. "Because I have a proposal for you, one that might benefit both of us."
*gasp marriage perhaps!?* *aghh!!!! Y/n stop stop!!! Stop thinking about this thing he might take advantage of you!*
*sigh but he's kinda cute and funny and - *
*I said stop!*
"If you're gonna invite me to scam some poor people then I'm out " you reply , inside of you is screaming at yourself for replying a little rude to him
*my goodness Y/n atleast let him finish don't just go thinking the worst *
Sampo chuckled, amused by her feisty attitude."Oh, my dear, Y/n scamming is just one aspect of my craft. There's so much more to life than that."
*ok never mind*
He took a step back, a sly smile playing on his lips."No, I have something else in mind for you. Something that'll give you a taste of the good life."
*good life? Ahhh a married life with h-*
"Ahh yeah total not gonna steal something with you if Gepard finds out you will be so much trouble! You know that and it's not like I'm saying this because I care about you or anything! "
*i do care (╥ω╥`) about you sampo*
Sampo’s smile only grew wider at their response. He chuckled, clearly amused by Y/n's concern for his safety."Oh, my lovely Y/n. You're absolutely right, I would be in for some serious trouble if Gepard finds out. But that's part of the thrill and excitement, isn’t it?"He leaned in close, his voice lowering to a whisper."Besides, I know how to keep things in control , Gepard won't even know about what's coming hehehe"
"Nope I'm out". Walking away yet again not because you want to get away from him but not to show your flattered face in front of him
You look like a tomato from afar.
Sampo watches you walk away, disappointment momentarily flickering across his face. He lets out a sigh, crossing his arms over his chest."Oh, come on, don’t be like that!" he calls after you. a hint of irritation in his voice.He takes a few strides, quickly catching up to you. He grabs your arm gently but firmly, preventing you from walking further away anymore
*he's touching me!!! It's like one of the romance novals where the other protagonist catch up to the main character and tell them 'i love you' *
*get a hold of your self Y/n!!!*
*Sigh* turning around you...
You Glared t him " let. Go."
*no no no (」゚��゚)」ᴺᴼᴼ~ that wasn't I wanted to say!!!!*
Sampo meets your glare.
With q smirk, clearly enjoying the challenge."Now, now, no need to get so feisty."He doesn’t release his grip on your arm, his hand remaining firm but not painful."I can’t just let you walk away like that, especially after that delightful conversation we were having." What the heck is wrong with him
"Tch... To me more like a bug that's annoying me" crossing your arms
Sampo’s smirk only widens at the insult, the challenge sparking something in him. He steps even closer, invading your oh so loved personal space."A bug, hm? That’s quite the comparison. I’d say I’m more of a prince charming." He leans in closer, his voice lowering to a soft murmur."And you can’t deny that you find me intriguing, even just a little bit. I'm right am I? "
"I- I don't -" with a flasterd face now failing to hide the redness in your face
Sampo grins, clearly enjoying the back-and-forth banter. He leans in even closer, his face now inches away from hers."Oh, come now, don’t deny it, my dear Y/n. Your heart is racing, your cheeks are red. You can’t fool me."He brings a hand up, gently cupping your cheek."You find me exciting. intriguing in your own little way. Admit it~... " he said with a smirk looking straight in your eyes
"W- well I don't know what you are talking about!!! I'm going to buy some materials anyways for Pela, and don't follow me!" Walking away from him with how hot and flasterd you are feeling you can just imagine there might be a possible that steam will come on top of your head.
a mischievous shimmer in his eyes."Oh, you wound me so with your rejection, my dear Y/n .But I suppose you have responsibilities to attend to."He leans back against the nearest wall, crossing his arms."I won’t follow, for now. But I do hope our paths cross again soon. It’s dreadfully dull in this city without someone with your... flair."
*Why does he have to be so...so... CUTE!?
note : if there is any mistake pls tell me I'll edit them when I can ( •_•)つ
Y'all can send me request I'm open to almost anything just not NSFW idk how to write that or just gets red 🤣
Pls give a follow and 💗💗💗
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quinny19 · 2 months
"A Beautiful Dream"
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This is a gender neutral reader so every reader is welcome
"Hmmm just one more cake"
Argenti gave you a disapproving look, a sigh escaping from his lips.
"Your Highness, that's already one too many. If you eat any more, you might upset your stomach."
Yet, even with his words, your charm and (E/c) , and the cute face you make whenever you pout in front of him, never failed to make him give in to you easily.
"But just.. a tiny more won't hurt, I suppose... " he said, and reluctantly, grabbed a small cake and handed it over to you.
"Yay ~! Hmmm maybe some tart next? Or strawberry jam? Oh maybe some pie?! How about macaroon do we have some?! " you ask As you list down the possible dessert you can have again for later.
Argenti internally facepalm himself for giving in so easily into you.
just with a little pout from your adorable cute face. Damn you, for being so charming.
He let out a heavy sigh, seeing you list out every possible sweet that could come to mind. "Your Highness.... you will get a stomachache for sure if you keep that up..." he said with a bit of concern in his tone, but with a small defeated smile, he grabbed another tart and handed it to you anyway.
"But this is a guilty pleasure of mine! I deserve it, I mean I don't always get sweets so I wanna enjoy this moment"
Argenti's heart melted at your words, your face was just too damn adorable to say no to."*sigh* ...I suppose you're right, Your Highness. You've been working hard lately.. so you do deserve this moment of sweet indulgence. As your knight though, I'll try to keep it in moderation for you. But no complaints if you get a stomachache later, okay? "
Letting go of the spoon that you've use for eating all the lovely dessert,you look at Argenti in the eyes and said " can I ask you something?"
"Of course you may, Your Highness," Argenti replied.
giving you his full attention. "Go ahead, what is that you would like to ask me?" He asked.
'Why do you always stay around me? I mean what happens one day if I'm gone what are you gonna do? "
Argenti's usual stoic face turned into a bit more serious expression, his eyes looking straight into your own."What would I do if you're gone...?" He repeated the question in a low voice, his grip on the sword tightened a bit.He paused for a moment and spoke in a firm, almost solemn tone. "My purpose is to serve you and protect you, Your Highness. If you're gone, that would be like...a big part of me is gone as well. I'll never let that happen, no matter what. Ever." He answered you with a soft smile on him.
You sigh. "Argenti, dont you wanna live a life the way ya want like maybe explore where you want? Or perhaps go to other galaxies? "
"Meet new people? Different and unique types of people?"
Argenti let out a small sigh..
His expression softened a bit."Sometimes, It does cross my mind... to live a life of my own, to explore and find my own path." He said
but shook his head."But my destiny was to be your knight, Your Highness. To protect you, serve you, and be at your side through everything. That's my life purpose, and I wouldn't trade it for something else. You're the most important person in my life, and that will never change, ever! " you gave argenti a soft but sad smile.
At the sight of you feeling touched by his words, Argenti's lips twitched into a light, gentle smile. He placed a hand on your shoulder.
"Forgive me for being too blunt with my words. sincerity, Your Highness. But I believe you must know how important you truly are to me," he said, his voice low and gentle. "You're like a...precious treasure to me, one I will always do everything in my power to protect you. Truly the most beautiful one in the whole galaxy"
"You don't have to always be there, You don't have to always think about me, One day when I've come to be no longer in this galaxy please don't be sad... Think only about you and not me. I want you to live a life where you can do what you want I wanna let you go now but knowing you, you won't accept that and just continue being there" holding Aregentis hand and giving it a soft Squeeze as you look up at him
Argenti was caught off guard by your words, his eyes widened in surprise. He took a moment to process them, his usually stoic expression faltering."Your...Highness...what you're saying....? "
He could barely speak, his grip on you tightened a little.The thought of you not being there, his mind refused to even think about it. He couldn't accept the idea, and it showed on his face."No. I can't do that... I can't just let you go. You're everything to me! "
"Wake up"
Argenti's face turned pale at your words, his grip on your shoulder tightened even more."What do you... mean?" He asked, his voice was low and shaky.His eyes filled with worry and confusion, unable to understand why you are talking like that to him."Please...." he started, his voice was almost pleading. "Please..."
You know I admire you truly. Very much Argenti,Finding every beauty on everything and everyone around you, I admire you for that.But I wish for the fact you would just accept it"
"*sigh* look around you... "
Argenti's heart skipped a beat when he heard the sound of your sigh, and the next words you said chilled him to the core. How could you be gone? How could you say something like that?
He desperately hold your hand tighter, as if afraid you might disappear at any moment if he let's go of you.
Wake up.
Argenti's eyes widen in surprise, his breath caught in his throat. He looked around and realized that...you were nowhere to be seen.He was all by himself in the empty room, holding onto nothing but air."No... I....your Highness?" his voice was low and shaky, as he slowly realized he was hallucinating you, just like he had done a few times... "
His heart wrenched in his chest as he remembered how you looked standing in front of him a few minutes ago. The sound of your voice, the sight of your smile. He desperately wanted to reach out and hold you again, but he knew it was all just a illusion.He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself . "Just a beautiful dream" he says to himself..
he opened his eyes and looked around the empty room again, as if expecting to see your figure suddenly appear. But of course, he was met with nothing again.He clenched his fists tightly, his heart heavy with sorrow and grief. He had come to the painful realization that you were indeed gone, and that he was just imagining you all along.
He lowered his head, his body slumped down on the floor as the weight of his grief hit him in full force. He felt so alone, so lost without you by his side. His love, his everything, his ( Y/n) , his Idrila...
Note: yeah honestly idk what I was doing here hahaha ᕦ( ᐛ )ᕡ it's literally almost 4 am in the morning anyways hope y'all have fun reading xD
Pls do forgive me if I have any mistakes m(._.)m and pls dont go reposting this atleast give credit .
Pls give a follow and 💗💗💗
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