#they had some stuff which i didnt really agree with but i firmly also believe in putting a line between art and artist
valtieldevi · 4 years
Im fucking crying 😭
I legit did internet sleuthing to find one specific artist only to find out that their tumblr has been since deactivated. The last known page I found of their account saved on web archive is January 2019 and it make me so upset because I have no idea where they could have gone!!! I love their art and I hope one day they return so I can keep following them I don’t know what could’ve gotten them to delete their account but I hope in the future I find them again and follow whether I recognize them or not.
Artist name: j-analogman69 also rakugaki-obake-j
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freddiesaysalright · 4 years
A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes - Chapter 5
Gwilym!Prince Charming x Reader
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Summary: After losing your parents, your step-family makes your life impossible. That is, until Prince Gwilym holds a ball. It’s your one chance for everything to change.
Word Count: 4.1k
Tag List: @psychosupernatural, @someone-get-a-medic, @bensrhapsody, @deakyclicks, @crazylittlethingcalledobsession, @minigranger, @crazyweirdocalledfriday, @the-moving-finger-writes, @assembledherethevolunteers, @rose-writes-prose, @queenlover05, @26-7-49, @drowsebaby, @im-an-adult-ish, @queen-paladin, @rogerina-owns-me, @mirkwoodshewolf, @namelesslosers, @headl0ng, @captvianswaan, @folietracksix​, @baltimoresweethearts​, @killer-queen-87​, @haileymoreolikestupid, @itsametaphorgwil​, @misslolasworld​, @whitequeen-ofwillowgreen​
A/N: It’s the grand finale! Thank you again for all the lovely responses to this fic! I can’t believe I’m almost done with the Disney AUs already! also i barely proofread this because i was so excited to post it so if you see a typo no you didnt
Warning(s): brief descriptions of abuse
Prologue  Chapter 1  Chapter 2  Chapter 3  Chapter 4
Chapter 5 here we go!!!
Frank and his daughters came home about an hour after you did. You were already back in your servant clothes and waiting by the door. You took their cloaks and bags, and began hanging them on the rack in the main hall. 
“How was your night?” you asked politely. 
“It was a splendid evening, Y/N,” Frank answered. “More than you could ever hope for.”
“I’m sure it was,” you returned, holding back a smirk. If only he knew. 
“I’m relieved to see you have not stolen anything else from my wife’s closet,” he sneered.
You shook your head. “No, sir. I wouldn’t dream of it. I’ve been thoroughly educated.”
“Very good,” he said, seeming displeased that he couldn’t goad you. 
But nothing could spoil this night. It was perfect. 
“Is there anything you need before going to bed?” you asked. 
“I’m fine, but you’ll of course help the girls get changed,” he said. 
You nodded again. “Absolutely.”
He watched you suspiciously as you followed your step sisters up the stairs. You were calm. Too calm. And you were humming, which you didn’t normally do. Plus the tune was something he had heard somewhere - but no event would have had you in attendance. His frown deepened. Something was up.
Gwilym returned to the palace two hours later, empty handed and broken-hearted. Rami and Ben were waiting on the steps for him, but as he walked up, he only shook his head. They sighed, disappointed for their friend. Thankfully, the remaining guests had all gone home. 
“Sorry, mate,” Ben said. 
“There was no sign of her?” Rami asked. 
“No,” Gwilym said. “Even the carriage tracks just seemed to disappear. It was like she just vanished.”
“So, all we’ve got to go on is the shoe?” Ben wondered, holding it up. 
Gwilym had only entrusted his best friends with it, and they had kept it from his father. 
“It’s made of glass,” Gwilym said. “Which means it only fits her.”
“So what are we gonna do?” Rami asked. “Try the shoe on every woman in the kingdom?”
“Only the single women,” Gwilym said, as if it were obvious.
Rami and Ben shared a surprised look. 
“I hope you’re joking,” Ben said. 
“Far from it,” Gwilym replied. “I’m going to find that girl, and I’m going to marry her.”
Rami sighed. “Very well, then. But let’s start in the morning.”
“Thank you both,” Gwilym said, relieved. They had every reason to leave now. Both had duties at home, and had done what was socially expected. With the ball over, there was no obligation to stay. “Really.”
“Of course we’re gonna help you,” Ben said. “But I’m with Rami. Starting tomorrow.”
“You guys go on up, I’ll be right behind you,” Gwilym insisted. 
His friends shrugged, but did as he requested and went inside. Gwilym remained, holding that glass piece of you carefully in the crook of his arm. He looked out into the night sky, hoping somehow you could feel his desperation. 
“I am coming for you, my darling,” he said quietly. 
You yawned as the sun peered into your room through your curtains. You were feeling unusually light this morning. Like you were still floating just above the ballroom floor. With a contented sigh, you stretched and forced yourself out of bed. Frank and the girls would be needing their breakfast soon, but you knew you had a little extra time today. They’d certainly have a bit of a lie in after the late night. 
You threw your dress and apron on. You did a spin around your room, giggling as you imagined Gwilym there with you. Then you had to slow to a stop. It was a fantasy, nothing more. One glorious night. But now it was time to return to reality and your true life. Still, you could cling to the dream for one morning.
Humming to yourself, you put the pot on to boil and began prepping plates for breakfast. You set a pan atop the stove to start some sausages when you heard the jingle of a bell. You looked at the wall. It was coming from Eleanor’s room, so you guessed she was up. You asked Elsie to start the food and went back upstairs to get your step sister dressed. When you reached the landing, you saw Frank emerging from his room, already dressed. 
“Good morning,” you said kindly. 
“Y/N, what did you get up to last night?” he asked. 
“Why, nothing, sir,” you said. “I cleaned up, as you instructed, changed clothes, and got a head start on some other chores. When those were done, I occupied myself by reading.”
He seemed skeptical. “I see. I hope you weren’t reading anything too fanciful. You mustn’t fill your mind with...unrealistic dreams and fantasies.”
Your brow furrowed with confusion. What was he implying?
“No, sir,” you said. “I try to keep everything practical.”
“Good,” he said. “Now get to work.”
You nodded, a bit perplexed, but continued into Eleanor’s room.
In the morning, Gwilym was the first up. He hardly slept at all. He wrote a decree for his father to send out, that he and Ben and Rami would be making the rounds through town and the countryside to find the owner of the missing shoe. They would begin today, and search until the prince had found his lost love.
To his shock, the king agreed to this. He read over it at the breakfast table, nodding at each point. The ladies were to try on the shoe and if it fit, it must be the girl who Gwilym met at the ball.
“Very well,” he said. “You’ll begin today?”
“Yes,” Gwilym said. “I want to find her as soon as possible.”
“Alright, son,” the king replied. He looked at the prince and offered a sincere smile. “And best of luck.”
Gwilym beamed. “Thank you, Father!”
And so, they began their search within the palace, where the out of town noble guests were staying. Gwilym had his doubts about those girls because he met them before you even came through the door. But he knew everyone deserved a fair chance. When the shoe fit none of those women, they made their way into town, with a few guards along for protection. 
Frank received a letter from the palace early in the morning. He looked it over and you saw a flash of...something cross his face. You couldn’t place the emotion though. It seemed almost like a glimmer of hope. His eyes glanced over at you before quickly turning to his daughters. 
“Girls, get yourselves looking nice,” he said. “We’ll be having visitors from the palace this afternoon.”
“The palace?” you questioned, without meaning to, but you could hardly help yourself. 
“Yes, but that isn’t any of your business, Y/N,” he snapped. “Get my daughters ready and then proceed with your chores as usual. You are not to make your presence known while the visitors are here.”
You nodded apologetically. As you made your way back to the kitchen, you wondered if the visitors Frank referred to could be Gwilym and his father. Was he looking for you? Something in your heart told you he was, but you hardly even dared to hope. Such a thing was the stuff of dreams. And yet, the ball seemed like a dream too, but it was as real as the tea kettle you carried. You began devising a plan. 
As the day wore on, you completed your chores quickly. You wanted to prepare yourself as well. Your gut was telling you Gwilym was on his way to take you away from here. And you had all the proof you needed in that slipper that was hidden beneath your bed. So when you finished sweeping the entrance hall, you ran up to your room to get it. Only, when you opened your door, you came to an abrupt stop. Frank was sitting on your bed, holding the slipper by the heel. One wrong move of his fingers and it would fall, risking a break. 
“Well, well, well,” he said darkly. “I had a feeling you had made your way to the ball. You’ve been far too dreamy to have had as dull a night as you claim.”
Your heart rate quickened. 
“That’s mine,” you said, feeling childish as the words left your mouth. “It was given to me.”
Frank laughed humorlessly. “Oh, likely story. I suppose this is another one of my wife’s things you stole.”
“You cannot stop me from this,” you said, ignoring the accusation. “The prince loves me.”
“Against his better judgement, I believe that’s true,” he admitted.
You blinked, surprised at your step father’s nonchalance about this. Did that mean he would accept it? No. There had to be something else he was getting at. 
“As it is, though,” he said. “You’re spoken for.”
You frowned as your stomach dropped. 
“What are you talking about?” you asked. 
“You’re mine, Y/N,” he said, getting to his feet and straightening his jacket with his free hand. “And mine alone.”
A chill ran down your spine. Was he really saying what you thought he was saying?
“I’m not a slave, Frank,” you said. “I am free to do this.”
“I do not intend to make you my slave,” he said. “I intend to make you my wife.”
Your body went rigid as the blood ran out of your face. The very idea made your stomach churn. The thought of being his wife, sharing his bed, bearing his children...you nearly heaved right there in front of him.
“No,” you said firmly. “I won’t.”
“I’m afraid you don’t have a choice,” he said. 
“It’s sick!” you cried. “I’m your daughter!”
“Step daughter,” he said. “I will have this estate, Y/N. You will do for me what your mother could not. My son will be the true and rightful heir, and start a new line.”
“Are you not happy with the children you have?” you wondered, completely rocked to your core. “Why do you insist on a son?”
“Sons are the only useful offspring,” he scoffed. “Daughters are just mouths to feed until you can marry them off, and even then, what’s theirs will never belong to their family. It belongs to their husbands. Well, I am not going to lose everything because my previous wives were too weak to give me what I want.”
“I will not,” you refused again. “I’ll run away.”
“And leave behind your home?” he taunted. “The one your father built so lovingly with your mother?”
“It will no longer be a home to me if I am trapped in such a marriage,” you said. 
“I’m not giving you a choice, Y/N,” he sighed. “I’ll keep eyes on you everywhere, I’ll lock you in your room, whatever it takes. Or, you can submit to me now and become mistress of this house as you were born to be.”
“I’ll die before I marry you,” you spat. “I’ll die before I bear any child of yours. I’ll -”
“No need to go on,” he said. He was being alarmingly calm about this. “I know the rest. But you will marry me, Y/N. You will have my son, and you’ll do it all without complaint. Just as you have with everything I have ever given you.”
You blinked again. So everything he’d put you through was a test? A way to manipulate you into obeying his every command? He was...grooming you? Your stomach gave another lurch.
“But first,” he said. “We will need to squash your dreams of Prince Gwilym.”
“What do you -”
He cut off your question by hurling your slipper into the wall. It shattered with a crash, which drowned out your anguished cry. You sank to your knees, hopeless. 
“There now,” he said. “I’m only teaching you the harsh lesson of reality.” 
Tears fell freely down your cheeks. You heard loud knocking at the front door, but barely registered it. 
“That’ll be him,” Frank said. 
You snapped to your senses and started to rise for one last desperate escape attempt, but Frank was faster. You felt the blow of his palm against your cheek before you even saw it coming. You fell to the ground, face throbbing. You wanted to scream, or cry, or swing back at him, but you were completely numb from the shock. You couldn’t feel anything but the sting on your skin.
“Do not resist me again, Y/N,” Frank warned. 
With that, he walked out of your room, and you heard him turn the lock. You were trapped. You curled into a ball on your floor and wept quietly. 
Gwilym was relieved when the door finally opened. This was the last house of the day. He saw a man there, whose smile was...unconvincing to say the least. He bowed. 
“We are happy to see you, Prince Gwilym,” he said. “I am Frank Tarleton, and I believe one of my daughters is the girl you’re searching for.”
Gwilym raised a brow. “But you don’t know which?”
Frank blinked, taken aback, and then laughed an empty sort of laugh. “Good one, your highness. Please, come in.”
Gwilym looked at Ben and Rami who both shrugged. They followed Frank inside and into the drawing room, where two young women sat on the couch, looking nervous. Ben explained everything, with Frank nodding eagerly along. Something about the man struck Gwilym as slimy. He was too polite, too eager to please, and it seemed even his own daughters were made uncomfortable by him. Gwilym sighed. 
“Let’s get this over with,” he mumbled. 
He was beginning to lose hope. Who was left, if not these girls? And yet, neither of them struck him as the one he was looking for.
You listened carefully at your door, not daring to make any more noise. If Frank returned, he might do worse than strike you. But you could listen to what was happening downstairs. 
It was a bit maddening to hear, though. To be so close to Gwilym now, and yet so far. To be a prisoner now in your own home was worse than being a servant. And the worst part was seeing the proof of your identity lying in pieces beside you. You felt like the slipper. Broken. Completely in pieces. Like your dreams too. 
You heard the front door open and close again. You went to your window and watched Gwilym mount his horse, his friends on either side of him, and trot away toward town. Was that truly the last time you would see your love?
It couldn’t be. Now, you could hear Frank’s familiar footsteps coming back up the stairs. You knew you had to make a break for it as soon as he opened the door. You braced yourself. You had no time to pack anything, no time to grab money or valuables. You would have to break away with nothing but the clothes on your back and a prayer. 
You watched the doorknob turn, feeling as if everything was in slow motion. It creaked slowly open and Frank’s body appeared in the door frame. He reached for you, but you ducked under his arm, darted down the hall, flew down the stairs, and straight out the front door. 
You ran. As fast as your legs could carry you, not even daring to look back to see if Frank was in pursuit. You just hurtled toward town, hoping that anyone could help you. You would give up your home, and everything you knew - you would even give up your life - before marrying Frank. You had to escape, even if it meant becoming a beggar. 
You burst through the back door of the tavern, tears streaming down your cheeks, and chest heaving. Flying through the kitchen, you threw open the doors to the dining area and found Zelda behind the bar. She looked up at the commotion you were making, took in the sight of you, and her brow furrowed. 
“Zelda, please!” you cried, frantic. “I need help!”
You went to her, and she took you in her arms. 
“Y/N, what’s -”
She didn’t get to finish her question before Frank came barreling through. He must not have been far behind. You let out a scream. Zelda pushed you behind her and you cowered at her back. She put her arms out to shield you further. 
“Zelda, remove yourself if you know what’s good for you,” Frank threatened. 
“Don’t, Zelda, please!” you begged. “Don’t let him take me! He’s going to force me to marry him! Please!”
She stiffened in front of you. “Oh, no you don’t, Frank. I will not stand by and let you do this.”
“Stand back or you’re fired,” he warned. 
“I don’t care,” she shot back. “I won’t let you have her!”
“I’m afraid it’s not up to you,” he returned harshly. 
He grabbed her by the shoulders and tried to move her, but Zelda was a stout woman with considerable strength. She resisted him, taking hold of his biceps and forcing him back several steps. Her advantage was clearly gained by the element of surprise. 
“Run, Y/N!” she cried. “Get out of here!” 
Panicked, you leapt over the counter and wrenched the door open. You threw yourself out of it, trying to ignore the sounds of the struggle behind you. You darted into the street and sprinted as fast as you could away from the tavern. You had no idea where you would go from here - but you could not stay and be forced into a lifetime of Frank. 
You glanced back. To your horror, you saw that Frank was emerging from the tavern and had spotted you right away. With a gasp, you turned back around and sped up. Only, as you turned, you didn’t realize what was in front of you. You ran right smack into a man’s back. The force of the collision put you on your rear in the dirt. 
Wincing, you looked up. Your jaw dropped. It was Gwilym!
He met your gaze and froze as well. For a moment, you were both back at the ball, when he’d come up to you on the stairs and asked you to dance. He recognized you instantly. 
“It’s you,” he whispered. 
You opened your mouth to respond, but a sudden stinging on your scalp caused you to cry out instead. Frank had fisted his hand around your hair and dragged you to your feet. 
“Your highness!” he gasped, noticing Gwilym. “I do apologize. My servant here has forgotten her manners.” He looked at you and continued through gritted teeth. “And her place.”
He yanked your hair on the last word for extra emphasis. Gwilym’s chest tightened as he watched Frank manhandle you. He briefly imagined himself drawing his sword and plunging it right into Frank’s chest, but he refrained. 
“Release her,” he ordered. 
Frank looked at the prince, bewildered. 
“I’m sorry?” he questioned.
Gwilym’s expression darkened. “I told you to release her.”
Frank hesitated. 
“Now!” Gwilym shouted. 
You relaxed when Frank finally let go. Your scalp still itched with soreness. You desperately wanted to throw yourself into Gwilym’s arms but you were still afraid of what Frank might do. You did take a cautious step back. 
“Your highness, I’m dealing with an unruly servant girl,” Frank said. “But she is mine and I may do with her as I please.”
Your lip trembled and you shook your head. 
“That’s not true,” you sobbed. “You know it’s not, I’m your step daughter and you’re forcing me to -”
“SILENCE!” Frank roared, and raised his hand.
You shrieked and covered your face with your arms. But the blow didn’t come. You peeked out, lowering your shield just barely. Gwilym had taken hold of Frank’s wrist. Rami and Ben, who you just noticed being present, both had their hands on their swords. Now was your chance. 
“Don’t let him take me back,” you begged again. “Please, your highness, don’t let him.”
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Zelda trotting up the street. She halted when she took in the scene before her. 
“Sir Tarleton,” Gwilym said, releasing Frank’s arm. “We were at your home and I asked you if you had any more women residing there besides your daughters. You lied.”
“It wasn’t a lie, really,” Frank argued. “Just an omission. You see, there’s no way this girl was at the ball when I forbid her from going.”
“If that’s true, then you are still in trouble,” Gwilym said. “All eligible maidens were to attend.”
“She’s only a servant -”
“I know you’re lying, Tarleton,” Gwilym interrupted. “Now stand down.”
Frank stepped away from the prince, shooting glances between him and you. Gwilym turned to Ben.
“The slipper please, Ben,” he said. 
“No!” Frank protested, starting toward you, but Rami stopped him.
Ben handed Gwilym the slipped you’d left behind on the staircase. You wiped your cheeks, clearing away the dirt and tears, and held your prince’s gaze. You smiled at him.
“I knew you were the girl from the tavern,” he said gently. “I knew I recognized you.”
“And the cemetery,” you reminded him.
“Yes,” he chuckled. “I remember.”
“How did someone like you even notice someone like me?” you wondered, amazed. 
“Because you are the most beautiful person I’ve ever met,” he told you simply. “Inside and out. And from that moment in the cemetery I saw what you truly are - a princess.”
You flushed, looking bashfully at the ground. 
“I’m not really a -”
“Maybe not by birth,” he said. “But in heart.”
You met his eyes again. Those eyes that from the first time you saw them, told you the kindness of this man’s soul. 
He knelt down onto one knee, holding out the slipper. It made you ache for the lost one Frank smashed, but you were relieved that you had left one behind at the palace. You toed off your boot and raised your leg. Ben stepped closer to help you balance and you shot him a grateful look. Then, you slid your delicate foot into the glass slipper. It fit perfectly. 
Gwilym’s face lit up like a firework. Ben let go of your hand as Gwilym laughed, took you up in his arms and spun you around. You giggled with joy as well. He lowered you gently to the ground.
“Now, will you please tell me your name?” he asked. 
You chuckled. “It’s Y/N.” 
“Y/N,” he repeated, and cupped your cheek in his palm. “How beautiful.”
“No!” Frank shouted again, and this time Rami had to grab him to stop him. “No! You cannot take her from me!”
“The girl does not belong to you,” Gwilym said sternly. He turned and faced Frank. “I see very clearly now that you have been mistreating her. She is free to choose whatever she likes.”
“I’m her father!” Frank insisted. 
“Step father,” you said. Then you looked up at Gwilym. “I choose you, my love.” 
“I’m glad to hear it,” he replied. “Sir Tarleton, you’ll be taken into custody.”
Frank’s eyes went wide as the guards moved to take him from Rami. They clapped iron rings around his wrists. He seemed too shocked to struggle. 
“Take him to the dungeon to await trial for his crimes,” Gwilym instructed. He faced you again. “And you, my darling, may come with me to the palace.”
“For how long?” you wondered. 
“Forever, if you wish it,” he assured you. 
“I could hardly wish for more,” you said happily. 
He took your hand and helped you onto his horse. Together, you headed for safety, and building a life together. In true love.
You and Gwilym married as soon as possible. The whole kingdom was thrilled at the wedding. Frank was tried and convicted for his abuse, but would not serve a life sentence, so instead of prison, he was banished from the kingdom. Even so, early in your marriage to Gwilym, you frequently had nightmares where your stepfather returned. 
Gwilym was as loving and patient a partner as you could hope for. He let you talk through your trauma, and he made sure to never do anything that caused you fear. His support helped you to truly heal. 
Your step sisters had to move from the estate, which was now yours entirely. Eleanor and Miranda were surprisingly happy to take over their father’s first business, the tavern, which they ran successfully with Zelda. They both eventually found merchant husbands and lived peacefully, and you were genuinely happy for them.  
But the greatest joy Gwilym ever gave you was your children. You had two boys and two girls, and they were the light of the whole kingdom’s eye - but especially the king, who lived a long and healthy life with his grandchildren. You had no other description for your life besides happily ever after.
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canonicallyanxious · 4 years
hi. i was wondering what you thought or if you had any criticisms with the original skam? I wish the original season 3 focused more on isak's mental health and season 2 didnt act like norhelms flaws didnt exist. loved season 1.
oh boy do i!
man i’ve been trying to figure out how exactly i want to answer this question for hours now skdjfndksjfnd like just take one look at my blog and you can see i’m complete and utter SCU [skam cinematic universe] trash but i do have LOTS of complicated feelings and thoughts about og skam. in an effort to be measured and fair about this, i’m going to try to distinguish bw genuine criticism of the writing/etc. and personal nitpicks [aka stuff that personally doesn’t vibe with me but might work for other people]. and i thought about doing a season by season breakdown but i think that would end up getting WAY too long [like there are SO many specific things i wish they’d done differently in this show goddamn] so i’ll try to focus on some key overarching points here
[cut because HOO BOY did this get long i’m SORRY but also at this point you probably can’t be surprised skdfjndsfks]
First and foremost: let’s talk about race. i think it is one of skam’s biggest blind spots and i also think it’s a weakness that has affected pretty much every single remake thereafter, even [sometimes especially] the ones that have more diverse casts and so for me this is one of skam’s most significant weaknesses. i could honestly write an entire essay on skam’s issues with race [hell season 4 could be an essay in itself!] but i really think it boils down to there being pretty obviously few to no writers of color in the room. it’s not just the lack of diversity in the cast [although let’s count shall we? one main of color across the entire show, one black side character, the majority of side characters of color only appearing in one season... yeah] but it’s also that the characters of color who are on screen are simply not afforded the same care and nuance that the white characters are given. 
To be clear i think Sana is an amazing character and i think they accomplished some really important things with her, particularly as one of the few positive and nuanced portrayals of a hijabi that even exist in western media, but - she was only given nine episodes in her own season and even throughout the story the focus was often on the white characters around her [such as Noora]. not even to speak of many tired tropes [the homophobic fake out bw balloon and boy squad? THE ENTIRE BENCH SCENE???] and dropped storylines [Elias’ drinking? balloon squad’s relationship with Even??] throughout the entire thing. NOT EVEN TO SPEAK of the portrayal of characters of color BEFORE season 4 [vilde never properly apologizing for her racism! sana being the one to care for her at the end of season 1!! mahdi being given the least development/depth of the entire boy squad to the point that his most notable line in the entire show is about waffles!!!]. 
idk man it’s a complicated topic and there are probably much smarter people who have already gone into this in much better detail than i can but this really is one of my biggest issues with skam and the skamverse as a whole. maybe i should just accept that shows like this are not made for people like me, and i should look elsewhere for good representation of teens of color, but idk. i don’t think it’s too much to ask for better from a show that has a reputation for being a show FOR teens, you know what I mean? if skam is a show for teenagers [and it really is one of the better shows for teenagers i’ve ever seen, imho!] it would be nice for it to be a show for teens of color, too.
Another criticism i have of the show as a whole: lack of character continuity b/w seasons. throughout the years i’ve seen many people justify this as being due to point of view, since each main has a very limited and biased perspective. however i feel like this can only account for so much, and for me it’s not really a good excuse for a lack of cohesion in character arcs. for example, eva’s character development being pretty much dropped after the end of her season. just things like that. and honestly as well written as i think s3 is i don’t think it really did the girl squad any favors to have the show suddenly change focus from them for an entire season, to the point where only a few of them made any truly significant appearances in the season.
Another point i can think of: i remember once reading a post someone made about how julie andem + skam writers didn’t seem to know how to tell a compelling story without sex in it [for example sana’s season falling flat bc they struggled to come up with a compelling conflict or way to develop sana and yousef’s relationship bc it had to stay physically platonic], which rings true for me. not to say that teen shows can’t or shouldn’t explore sex. i think it’s really important to show healthy models of romance and sex for teenagers, actually! but i just think it would have been nice if throughout the seasons there had been more focus on other topics, and conflicts stemming from other sources. one example i can think of is that some of the more compelling threads of s2 for me such as the eating disorder subplot and noora’s anxiety in the wake of being sexually assaulted get pretty much entirely subsumed by the romantic storyline. or going back to sana, how instead of focusing on the differences bw her and yousef’s world views the conflict for at least like three episodes ended up coming from yousef making out with noora. just things like that where i wish the romance and the other plotlines could at least coexist together and be assigned equal importance.
And yeah, i agree with you that one topic i wish they had more thoroughly integrated into the show is mental health. of course we have Even and vague hints of Vilde/Noora having eating disorders/anxiety but i think we could all argue that all of the mains at one point or another are coded as mentally ill, but that coding and those symptoms never go anywhere, never lead into more nuanced discussions about mental health. like i don’t think the mental illness coding was intentional but i think that’s all the more reason to get into it, because mental illness has such a profound effect on so many teenagers and they don’t even really know it, you know what i mean? like it would be so powerful to show how pervasive of an issue it is. but that is kind of starting to get into personal nitpick territory i think, so i’ll just leave it at that.
god i still feel like i have so much more i could say skjfnskdjfs [GOD where to even START with season 2] but i’ve been working on this post for long enough so yeah, i should probably stop. i guess my point with this is not that skam is So Very Problematique, and of course i’m just one person and this is all just my personal opinion, and OF COURSE i firmly believe there is no story in this world that is flawless, but more that talking about our criticisms can hopefully lead to more nuanced conversations and stories in the future and that’s partly why i enjoy analyzing stories and what works and what doesn’t so much. thanks for this ask anon, it was [clearly lol] a very thought provoking question =]
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namirastar · 5 years
A meteor shower
Pairing: Analogical 
Authors note: Sorry if its a little longer than most stuff i write or if it comes off as weird, I wanted to do a warmup but went on for much longer than expected. Hope you enjoy!
Once Virgil heard the satisfying ‘click’ he knew Logan was done setting up the telescope, now if only he could get the same done with his tripod. 
“Would you like some assistance Virge?” 
He chuckled a bit, the dork sure loved to help. “Yes please.” And Virgil always appreciated it.
“If only using a tripod was just as easy as a camera...” Virgil muttered eliciting a soft smile from his friend. “Don’t be too hard on yourself, this is only first time using one, correct?”
“Well technically second since i tested it at home today...” and there was the same satisfying click as before. 
“Looks like we’re ready now.” Logan stood upright again and Virgil stretched a bit looking over at Logan. 
“Even if it was my second try, i don’t think you’ve ever set up a tripod yet you managed to make it work in less than a minute!” 
Logan looked at him a little surprised by the compliment and averted his eyes, his cheeks may or may not have been a bit red but nobody could tell in the dark of the night.
“Well it’s... nothing really. I’ve set up my telescope hundreds of times and it uses a pretty similar mechanic to your tripod to make it stand so it makes sense that I could set it up quickly.” 
Now it was Virgil’s turn to smile softly at the nerd in front of him, oh how cute he is when he gets all shy like that. Virgil quickly shook that thought out of his head, beginning to blush a bit and turned his attention to the sky. 
“So uh... when’s the meteor shower supposed to begin? I kinda need to set my camera’s timer up.”
“Oh right!” Logan said as he glanced down at his clock. “We have exactly 5 minutes and 18 seconds.” 
Virgil chuckled a bit turning to his camera and setting the timer, “I guess I’ll set it to 6 minutes then...” ‘Such an extra and nerdy dork’ he thought fondly.
Then he turned back to Logan to see him looking through the telescope, perhaps adjusting the height and where its been pointed which reminded Virgil to do the same for his camera. 
“One minute left!” Said Logan as he looked at his watch. He was going to be counting down the remaining seconds in his head if it weren’t for Virgil clearing his throat. He then turned his head over to the emo who was rubbing the back of his neck, looking quite bashful. 
“Hey uh... thanks for joining me Lo... I don’t think I would’ve come out here to do this if I was on my own...” 
Logan smiled fondly at his friend and said “No need to thank me, I was already looking for a reason to see this myself.” It also worked out well for Logan as he had always wondered what it would be like to stargaze with Virgil though he wouldn’t admit it. 
Virgil smiled back at him and Logan felt the need to look away to hide the blush on his face and so he turned his attention to the sky. 
“Oh, it has begun.” 
The sky had lit up with the spectacle and the boys watched on in awe. The shower was to last several hours yet they watched on for several minutes. They hadn’t even noticed Virgil’s camera going off, oblivious to everything but the sky. 
When they finally looked away they turned towards each other. Virgil giggled a bit at how cliche the whole scene was, making Logan blush again only this time it was visible to Virge but that wasn’t important to him as...
“I haven’t even used the telescope yet!” with that he made a move towards the telescope when he had another thought. 
“Virgil... have you ever used a telescope?” Virgil looked back over and with the shake of his head Logan had another fond smile on his face “Would you like to try?” 
He smiled back and made his way towards the telescope, “Sure” He knew to close and eye and look through the hole and Logan felt himself smile at the growing smile on Virgil’s lips. 
Standing upright he turned to him, “Thanks, that was pretty cool!” 
Logan, now very aware of both the sincere thanks as well as how close the other’s smile was, turned away and distracted himself by looking through the telescope instead. 
“Uh... no need to thank me V, it’s-it’s only common courtesy after all...” he felt his cheeks begin to burn as he processed the moment and inwardly cursed himself for stuttering.
And with that the boys went to work, Virgil had flipped through the pictures he got and then began taking some on his own as Logan observed and occasionally took notes, it was quiet but peaceful as both went about their own side projects. 
Then as he was gazing through the telescope he heard Virgil speak up all of a sudden, “Hey, don’t move right now ok?” followed by the sound of his camera shutter. “Ok you can move now.” The boy looked over towards his friend as he scrolls through his pictures. 
“Sorry if you didn’t want your picture taken, it’s just...” he paused for a moment to take a breath. “...it would’ve been weird to come out all this way and not take a picture of the most beautiful star there is.” Virgil let out an awkward laugh, “Sorry it was just perfect, sorry!” But there was no response from Logan, he just stood there completely caught off guard.
Virgil, now visibly nervous, ran over to his friend with his camera and showed him the image, “Hey uh, how do you think it turned out? I managed to capture the shower as well so it looks pretty cool i think.” The picture really did look gorgeous, you could only see the silhouette of the boy and the telescope with the focus being the sky yet it fit in perfectly. 
“Yes it’s quite beautiful.” Logan looked back at him, seemingly having forgotten the comment and the photographer let out the breath he didn’t realize he was holding in.
“By the way... if you didnt want an image taken i’ll delete it for you.” 
“Oh there’s no need,” Another warm glance, “It’s perfectly fine by me.” 
They then started flipping through the photos that he had taken. Some of the ones taken by the tripod were a bit unfocused whereas some looked perfect. Of those the boy took on his own, they were all beautiful and looked professionally taken. 
“These are absolutely stunning Virgil, you’ve outdone yourself tonight!” He exclaimed. Feeling a little flustered he tugged at the end of his hoodie. 
“It’s nothing really, they’re not even ready for the news or my blog!” The boy took a hold of his camera again “I still have to edit them so the meteor shower pops out more...” 
“While I do agree you can always improve you shouldn’t push yourself down. Talking yourself down can harm the creative process in several ways and do believe me when i say you’ve done good as you are aware I’m not one to metaphorically sugarcoat any critique i give.” 
Virgil took in a deep breathe as he felt the heat once again rise to his ears but quickly giggled, drawing Logan’s attention away from it. 
“Alright, I’ll stop if you stop!” The emo said with a smirk.”Deal?” He winked at the boy in front of him causing said boy’s heart to skip a beat. ‘When had the anxious boy gotten so comfortable’ he wondered to himself but wouldn’t dare question it. He needed as much support as he could get tonight.
The man in front of him smirked back “Touche.” and grabbed his hand firmly, shaking it. “Deal.” 
And there was the anxious boy again, who thought he couldn’t get a better moment and continued to hold the boy’s hand far after the handshake should’ve been over. 
“V, is everything all right?” He met Logan’s eyes and could tell by just a glance that he was both confused and concerned. 
“I um... Do you know why I asked you to come with me?”
He watched wide eyes blink in confusion and glance off in another direction. “Wasn’t it because you wanted company and I have a tendency to stargaze.” 
The response made Virgil chuckle a bit, ‘analytical as always’ and calmed his racing heartbeat with another deep breath. “Well that does help but those aren’t the only reasons you know like i said...” They locked eyes. “If you hadn’t come then I would have picked another topic or something, not plan out an outing to an open field like this at least.” 
The bespectacled boy now was even more confused. Was it not due to the fear of being out on your own at midnight? Then why?
Meanwhile Virgil attempted smiling as casually as he could but it was evident he too was nervous. “You- you see...” He took another steadying breath and decided to grab the boy’s other hand as well. “I wanted to tell you something..” 
He focused back at his friend once again who was smiling at him lightly, “What is it Virgil?” 
“I-I..” An inhale and exhale could be heard once again “I really.. like you Logan, uh romantically I mean.”
He had kept his gaze on Logan’s face until it finally showed a sign of shock to which he let go of his hands, looked away and braced himself for the worst but then;
“Am I... free to hug you?” Locking eyes again Logan was staring back at him looking nervous himself but the warmth and adoration radiating from his eyes said it all. Virgil happily flung himself into the arms of his new partner.
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urmomsstuntdouble · 4 years
if i may,,, the passage from ur nyo nordics fic that starts with “Hey, I saw your set,” He said, talking only to Maija. “Maija, right?” and ends with “Don’t remind me,” Astrid said, her cheeks paler than usual. "... tyvm
you may! here ya go: 
“Hey, I saw your set,” He said, talking only to Maija. “Maija, right?”
“Yep, that’s me!” She said, putting on a voice eerily similar to Tuli’s customer service voice.
“Well, you’re really funny, and I was wondering if you might like to go out with me sometime.” Maija’s face went a deep red, and her fists clenched at her sides
“Um, thanks, but-”
“Have you ever heard of a straight woman with a rat tail?” Ylva asked, and threw her arm around Maija’s waist. “If you have, I’d actually like to meet her.” Neither of them noticed, but Runa seemed to wince, pulling her arms even tighter around herself. Her cheeks had gone red, but the door hadn't been open long enough for it to be attributed to the cold.
“Oh, shit. Sorry, uh, you don't look gay.”
“I’m-” Maija sputtered, “Ylva’s my girlfriend. But I’m sure you’re- You’re very sexy to some. Thanks- Thanks for coming to my show, bye!” Tuli felt bad for laughing, but Ylva clearly didn't. She cackled, in fact, as they filed out the door and away to their car.
so this starts off with like. shitty people thinking they’re entitled to your attention, right? but also sort of talks about denmark’s character a little bit. she’s uncomfortable, both because the guy is being rude and because she’s gay. denmark really needs everyone to like her, and that’s why she’s so loud and extroverted n stuff, but she also has no idea what to do with negative attention and doesn’t know how to handle situations that don’t go according to her plans. She freezes up here because he does like her, but not in the way she wanted him to, and she doesnt really know how to deal with that. She kind of needs Ylva to get back on her feet, which ylva finds hilarious, seeing as it’s part of maija’s job to come up with stuff on the fly. meanwhile runa is Not Okay, cause it’s teenage angst o clock with this one and she’s having a sexuality crisis. though i didnt touch on that as deeply as i could have, runa’s struggling with her sexuality, and even hearing anything about gay people makes her freak out because she has no idea what’s going on with that, personally. as for the joke about straight women not having rat tails, i think it has a definitive source but i have no memory of what that is. possible sources include the japanese teacher at my high school who had a side mullet/ponytail situation going on. it was just. a very gay hairstyle. 
“But you should really get rid of the rat tail,” She told Maija, and Tuli couldn't agree more.
“It’s a part of my look!” Maija whined, running a hand through her hair. Though she had employed copious amounts of gel to preserve a coiffed look, it was mostly falling apart by now.
“Yer look is…You should change it,” Astrid said snidely.
“What’s wrong with it?” Maija asked, walking backwards so she could face Astrid, although she kept one hand firmly in Ylva’s.
“The rat tail, f’r one. Yer hair’s a mess, clothes never match, and-”
“We can't all be models, Astrid.”
gotta have some good old fashioned bickering about pointless crap in your nordics fics. the rat tail doesn’t really fit with norway’s aesthetic, ya know? and of course we must have some slight animosity between sweden and denmark for canon accuracy but mostly because a bit of a rivalry between them makes for a funnier story. 
“She’s got a point,” Ylva said.
“You’re all bullies!” Maija whined, turning back around. “I can't believe my own girlfriend would betray me like this.”
“I said what I said,” Ylva said, seeming unbothered, though she yelped when Maija attacked her with a side hug.
“You guys are so loud!” Runa whined, hands now in her pockets.
“It never ends,” Tuli warned, though her tone was jovial, “You’re lucky Ylva’s already graduated.”
“Don’t remind me,” Astrid said, her cheeks paler than usual.
despite the weird dude from earlier, maija is still riding high from her set. and also criticism? what’s that lol, denmark is perfect already, wym? anyway then she attacks ylva in a sort of “gotcha” way, mostly because she has rebuttals but isn’t the best at coming up with things on the fly. and like yeah i know this trait seems awful for a comedian to have, but think about it. denmark is a showoff, but also kinda makes a fool out of herself a lot, so it’s just like “hey i should be stupid for money instead.” anyway, when it comes to Runa, same things as what i said before. she doesnt know how to handle the idea that she’s not alone in her potential queerness, and that’s sort of manifested in yelling at the others. and her use of the word “loud” has a double meaning here, because yes they do all have loud voices, but they’re also very loud in a gay sense (see that whole thing that just happened with maija and ylva, and that astrid and tuli are married). but tuli, our narrator, only picks up on the volume aspect of it, at which point, we learn that Ylva was not a great person when she was in college. 
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mieczyhale · 5 years
because tumblr is the way that it is i have no idea what you have/nt seen?? so i guess here’s just all the recent TUA-related shit ;snklfd @hellomyguru
it sure would be nice of them to notify people about notifications wouldn’t it??
my tags on this post:: #y e s #okay like i love the lil klaus they gave us #for sure#but klaus has curls?? and bby didnt really?? and like it makes sense bc considering reginald's.. everything.. he would have done whatever he#could to tame them / keep them under control yknow?? he doesnt like different and he doesnt like things that arent prim and proper#which is what he'd consider curls to NOT be#esp. with how wild those curls woulda been like#and i mean i know adult klaus's hair was more mess & not really curly but towards the end of the season you could def see his hair rebelling#so #anyway #here's wonderwall 
my tags on this post::   #klaus and dave#even if you play it with dave being 30 too instead of 40 this is still fucking funny#i can imagine this interaction perfectly and it kills me sfhkdjccj
a post on my change in how i tag my original TUA posts
a question you asked that i answered
a post on klaus, reginald, and medicine
a shitpost about dave
my reply to a reply on my broken jaw post
my reply to your reply on my broken jaw post
my tags on this post:: #does klaus know what he threw out tho?? like he barely glanced at the stuff he pulled out of the box before throwing it away#he clearly thought that whatever it was wasnt important - i mean he also wouldnt have cared bc gotta get them drugs baby but still#and at what point would he have told five that he threw out some of their dads shit?? like.. at which interaction would that have made sense#the dumpster?? not really. five immediately declares he doesn't care what klaus is doing and then klaus is distracted by the opportunity to#get some money in an easier way than normal and then he bit into a dumpster bagel and five was leaving. he left.#OH and now that im thinking more about it - klaus refers to the stuff from the box as 'priceless crap' / 'priceless shit' so there's a#chance he A. really didnt pay attention to what he was throwing away - which makes sense considering his desperation#or B. he forgot. drugs arent known for being great for your memory and then a lot of shit went down really fast so..#the lab?? also wouldnt have made sense for a few reasons but mostly bc at no point did they talk about anything other than fake eyes and#relationships. during the family meeting that five appears in the middle of?? maybe. but five had a very narrow focus and the others#talked a lot and over each other and the whole time klaus is off to the side sick - very clearly having a hard time focusing and staying#upright and again - a lot has fucking happened - so there's no way he would've even considered the papers from 10 months ago as being#relevant. IF he remembered them at all.#oh and then he didnt even really acknowledge the apocalypse thing until episode 6 and he spent all of episode 4 being tortured#and he came back and spent episode 5 just trying to adjust to being back - having just lost dave and left a warzone - and he just.. has his#grief to deal with so nothing else is even on his radar#what im saying is#there's a lot going on and there never would've been a time to bring it up even if he did know/remember what he threw away#in my big dumb pan opinion#i know this post isnt that serious but i read it and had to word vomit#anyway #sgkskccj #carry on y'all
my tags on this post::   #oh shit fuck!!! this!!!!!! im always here for emotions and powers being tied - ESPECIALLY when people dont know it#including the person who has the powers like... everyone being oblivious fucks#which is kind of why i agree with and support klaus's powers being tied to his emotions. 1. people just out here being completely oblivious#and ignorant towards klaus and everything related to him and 2. klaus being just as oblivious like.. between over half a lifetime of#substance abuse and addiction?? that happened in the first place bc klaus was terrified of and hated his powers?? there is so much that he#can do. i personally believe he's incredibly powerful and the longer he stays sober the more everybody is gonna see that#and none of them will expect it. tbh also?? i firmly believe - despite his alien status and knowing things - that not even reginald#had any fucking idea. bc i mean he clearly had no real idea of how klaus's powers worked. his training decisions proved that. his#experiments proved that. is there anything in canon to support any of this hc - you ask - why yes. yes there is. in my opinion of course. i#know not everyone sees things the same way. but 1. klaus returning from vietnam. he beat up the suitcase p well but while it sparks?thats it#and throwing it isnt - on its own - going to make it explode. thats just not believable. its a time traveling briefcase. that shits STURDY#and if im remembering right - it didnt explode right away. it didnt happen until klaus screamed and i dont think thats a coincidence#he does have telekinesis after all. and 2. making ben corporeal in the last episode. that did not seem like a conscious decision. he ran#into that room. got shot sat. ducked. and then suddenly he has glowing hands and bentacles was seen by all. it all happened in a matter of#seconds and it would've freaked anyone out but with his powers klaus wanted ben there - he wanted ben to help - even if he didnt know it#himself. in one second he had elevated emotions - elevated anxiety and possibly fear and he wanted to do something just.. ANYTHING. he#wanted to not die and he wanted his siblings to not die and he wanted to help but he alone couldnt and ben is his closest#brother - sorry not sorry - and then also sorry not sorry but ptsd?? from vietnam and guns?? yeah. so everything just.. fell together and#it triggered his powers. and i can see that happening a lot. he's having a hard day and he can see dave and talk to him but he#cant be held by him and it just makes everything worse and suddenly dave is THERE there and klaus doesnt know how he did it but w.e#he's just so happy he did. and he accidentally conjures patch while he and diego are talking about her and diego thinks klaus did it on#purpose. to hurt him? idk. but he's pissed and klaus is just confused - not really registering the heartache he had been feeling for diego#when she suddenly appeared. im leaving this with 2 examples only bc imma run outta tags otherwise fkdmdnd BUT give me klaus levitating for#the first time when he's sitting cross legged on the floor of the living room or standing idk but he's content and sleepy ans suddenly#there's confused voices and shouting and he opens his eyes to find he's in the same position but now he's five feet off the ground and#WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK yknow?? oooh and more on his telekinesis?? unintentionally launching shit at people when he gets pissed. luther takes a#little gardening shovl to the face. the others keep treating him like shit - like he hasnt changed - and he snaps during a meeting and a#vase JUST misses somebody's head or smth?? it would be great. and dont even get me started on the Not Fucking Dying aspect bc thats a whole#other rodeo. but even that.. i think its emotionally tied and how long he stays dead depends on how he felt when he died. he can control it#from the other side yknow?? anyway i def need to do an actual post on this i think later bc im outta tags lmao
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solunova · 6 years
hey uh ib is... como se dice... a Fuck. like as someone who is still trying to recover psychologically after graduating and getting my diploma. like i was Smart Good At School and hung out with Smart Good At School and we were all dying the entire time. you may have some issues but like. shit's fucked man
(Another Anonymous said: Hey don’t stress yourself too much with ib stuff, they suck now and are so freaking stressful but they are definitely steps that will help you down the road (coming from someone who definitely credits all the ia and shit I had to write to helping me rewrite a 10 page college paper 3 days before it’s due and get an a on it) these things have their place in you academic journey (also don’t stress the ioc’s too much you have that knowledge in your brain you can do it!))
i guess before i start: thank you two. person 1 for validation in my pain and 2 for encouragement that ill be okay and that it isnt all for naught. i appreciate both of yall! 
but its my birthday at 1:40 am and im fucking SAD cause im up trying to write my entire bio ia due friday after some Complications came up so this is gonna be a mostly negative retrospective of my last two years and the circumstances that ive lived in due to the ib
i refuse to put this under a cut yall scroll past word walls anyways
so heres my hot and absolutely original take: i recognize that ib is extremely beneficial in certain regards. i know from everyone who took it telling me that its good for college experience and all that kind of stuff, both on a knowledge/content level and on, as person 2 describes, an “i cant get off my ass to write this paper in time” level and being able to compensate for that. i agree with that! I am extremely grateful for an increased class difficulty, especially in the fields where i knew what was happening already and spent classes bored until ib. and like! ib english is the first goddamn time ive EVER talked about the evils of imperialism and colonialism in an academic setting. that shit is vital to our future and yet no normal class talks about it!!! its terrible! and ib history is the first time ive ever enjoyed a history class and gotten even a margin of a good feeling out of it. like there are some really good parts of ib that ive written every damn college entry essay ive gotten on. i Know.
but like okay lets start with the fact that going into this that they (as in all ib teachers) were like “oh itll break you out of procrastination! itll teach you to constantly be studying!!! its what you need for college!!!!!” when it has done all of jack and shit to help us achieve that. its just kind of put us in the lions den and let us scramble at the walls for a foothold to get out or at least survive, maimed and depraved. if it sees us stopping to catch our breath, it shoots at our feet. the ibo extorts our misery to feed their mirth
lets also acknowledge that dumb fucks who take full ib, or even worse, those taking pseudo full ib (ie all classes but no diploma cause their extended essay busted and they gave up ie me) mostly take it due to extreme pressure, be it from their schools, their family, or their own psyche, saying they arent good enough if they dont take the highest offered classes, or even more that if they arent doing well in those classes its a product of their own shortcomings and then spend most of the rest of the time in ib degrading themselves because no matter how much time they put in they cant be the best and all that fun stuff. ib kids are put on a sort of pedestal by the school but then left on their own. 
i, of course, see this as a much greater academic institution integrated mindset that needs to be addressed and challenged, but to force it on kids who have to not only go through with it for the next four years, but also because its targeted at these kids that are higher achieving “gifted and talented” fucking whatever, most likely the rest of their lives?
its straight up psychologically damaging to give such a rigorous course load and no help for the effects and self esteem issues from it, no help for the people who dont know how to give up and instead run themselves in the fucking dirt and strain themselves to the edges of their goddamn sanity, spending what little time is left in their adolescence treating themselves like shit
idealistically, ib is wonderful. i think it carries out some of its best traits (integrating global thinking, allowing a more freeform discussion of many things, etc), but i also recognize how absolutely full of shit it is in many corners (regarding encouraging service, intellectual honesty, whatever else), one, and that a lot of people are just.. not up to the task. they may have the ability intellectually, but not mentally. i firmly believe that anyone can do anything if they set their minds to it but i have become the victim of my own philosophy because that came at the expense of my well-being.
and the fact that when i tried to tell my coordinator this she a) did not let me just NOT do the ee despite how strained i was(which i didnt end up doing, lick my whole dick mrs kurtz) and stole my summer from me because between being depressed as hell at gsp i was a nervous wreck about what they could do to me or how i was going to accomplish anything that i needed to, and that i havent had a proper break from school in three straight years, that im still running on empty essentially and b) that when i told the other ib coordinator, 4 months later, theres not a souls chance in hell that i was gonna fucking do it, that she lectured me and made me cry in class about how “you cant see the forest for the trees” “thisll help you later in life” “youre throwing away jobs” all that fun stuff like
its evil
the lack of care that often goes into it
the extreme magnitude of work that, sure, is feasibly possible for a 16-18 year old to do, but here theyre expected to
the fact that the classes fall in a time where gpa is so absolutely vital to colleges and scholarships (and given that its these ib kids’ personality and intellectual dispositions, even more so - both in esteem and necessity)
the fact that so many of the classes and so much of the coursework is empty, ultimately
its kind of a bad system
not even to MENTION the egotistical complexes, both inwardly as addressed and outwardly as in being the most godawful kind of people that manifests in these people that think theyre gods gift to the world cause they took ib and “if you spend time bitching about ib you deserve to fail because that was time you could have spent working” like you sound like the worst kind of person and i dont fucking care. theres a girl in my classes who is so upset every time someone doesnt listen to her because she thinks everything she has to say is the goddamn gospel and ib really attracts these kinds of people and its the WORST
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jentlemahae · 2 years
omg hiiiii miss sophie😁 i like glitch mode so much. at first i was like huh??? but i think the hook is actually rlly catchy and i don’t feel like the dance break deviates too far from the rest of the track or overstays it’s welcome. the verses haven’t rlly stuck in my head yet, but the pre chorus, chorus, and dance break were cemented in my brain from the first listen which is more than i can say about a lot of kpop (read: bg) songs these days.
a lot of ppl are saying they can’t tell the difference between 127 and dream as of late. personally i don’t think hot sauce or hello future “match” 127’s concept at all. those songs and aesthetics are both v youthful and summery-sounding. but i wonder what you think of glitch mode and where it falls in this discussion🧐
overall i rlly like this comeback so far and the album is just mwah. my only critique is that the a few of the songs are a little too sonically similar imo. for example, arcade, replay, and rewind, are all have very bouncy synth-y instrumentals during the choruses. it kinda reminds me of beyoncé’s b-day album, where a lot of the songs have very horn-heavy instrumentals. even tho those songs don’t necessarily sound the same, the album doesn’t feel as musically diverse because of that. (omg i still love b-day tho)
but i still really really like it😁 and i feel like the album captures dream’s vibe and energy very well😁😁❤️
i also really like glitch mode!!!! tbh at first i didnt rly like the verses bcs i thought they were too long (i still think that but it settled) but the chorus and beat were tattooed onto my brain since the mv teaser 🤩 and tbh the dance break was UH at first but ive made my peace with it …. i still kinda think it would’ve been better without and adding some more beats and stuff in the last chorus but what can u do!!!!!!
i love the album too!!! i agree in that a lot of songs sound similar at first listen but ngl i had the same experience with hot sauce at first so im not being too harsh on them for that lol im just so glad glitch mode isn’t hot sauce 2.0 so fsjsjs and yeah!!!! it feels super nct dream is so lovely !!!!
and abt the second paragraph - i firmly believe 127 and dream does sound the same lmao have these ppl listened to 3 nct songs only? 😭 127 discography is very rnb heavy, while dream is very pop-influenced and uses a lot of synths! i mean they both have noisy tts and have the mandatory elevator album track but thats bcs their both nct ? like they’re different units but at the end of the day they HAVE to be somewhat similar bcs theyre the same group :| but still their discographies are different if you pay attention and i think saying that u cant tell the difference is preposterous!
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