#they had no idea what was to come in the years after this
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grey november

leila ouahabi x reader r moves to manchester to be with her girlfriend, leila. manchester, however, is very different from barcelona where r grew up. it's an adjustment, and one that's taking it's toll on r. leila notices, and tries to make it better any way she can think of.
basically r has seasonal depression. very light angst, mostly fluff and leila being the sweetest girl in the world 🥰🥰
Manchester was very grey. Of course you’d known that, but the reality of living it was something else entirely than hearing about it. Rainy and overcast could be cozy. Spending the occasional rainy day inside wasn’t something you minded living in Barcelona, but your move to Manchester had increased those rainy, overcast days.
It was your first winter there, the first time you’d be spending an extended period of time in Manchester. The first two years Leila had spent in England, you’d remained behind in Spain. Mostly because your career, your family, your whole life was in Barcelona. Except… it wasn’t. Two years passed of flying to Leila, and her flying to you, and you never got used to it. Never got used to waking up most days alone in the bed you used to share, cooking breakfast in the kitchen alone where she’d used to sing off key every morning. And after two years, and no indication that Leila was coming back anytime soon, you’d realized life was too short. There would be plenty of years in the future, after football, that you could spend with Leila in Spain. For now, though, you ached for her every day. For her infectious laugh, the lines by her eyes when she’d smile, the way she slept with her head shoved under her pillow instead of laying on top of it.
Leila had wanted you to come in the first place, yet understood it didn’t really make any sense for you. But as much as you missed Leila, every second of every day, she missed you more. She’d never ask you to move for her, but she needed you.
She’d cried when you told her you’d be moving to Manchester.
It was the end of May, one of the biggest months for your girlfriend and her team, and you’d taken time off work to go see her. The idea of moving to her had been swirling around in your head for a few weeks, and it slipped out one morning as she tried to extract herself from your embrace and leave for training.
“I just want to be with you. All the time,” she’d murmured.
And with very little grace and absolutely no planning, you’d replied.
“What if I moved here?”
First, it was disbelief you saw on her face. And then, when she was sure you were serious, large tears welled in her eyes as she tackled you back down onto the bed, shoving her face into the crook of your neck and repeating over and over that there wasn’t anything she wanted more than that.
Leila had been late to training that day, and you’d made the move in July.
The first month was perfect. August and September, as well. October brought colder weather, more rain, more clouds. November was where it really started to go downhill. Leila was away with City and with the national team for what felt like half the month, and you were just… there.
There, in Manchester, with only your job to keep you busy. Very few friends outside of Leila’s football ones. It seemed lonely, more than anything. You didn’t realize what it really was until it was already happening, until you’d slipped back into a place you hadn’t been in since you were an overly angsty teenager.
Every day was harder than the last, the ones without Leila being the absolute worst. But you couldn’t let her see, couldn’t let her know. Your sweet, sweet Leila would be crushed with guilt. She’d try to move teams or scientifically alter the climate in England. You didn’t want her to feel bad; it wasn’t her fault the weather had an alarming impact on your mental health.
So, when Leila was home, you were fine. You were good, because you had to be. You laughed at her jokes and let her put on a film in the evenings after dinner knowing full well she would start kissing your neck within 10 minutes, and the movie would be forgotten.
When she was gone, you let yourself crumble. Staying in bed longer than was socially acceptable, wallowing in the oppressive weight that had settled on your chest. And when she’d get back, you’d make yourself pull it together. It was a cycle, one that began in November, and by December, one that you weren’t sure how to get yourself out of.
The thing was, you were so busy acting fine that you forgot to make sure Leila actually believed that you were.
Leila had been gone all weekend. An away game in London and an issue with their return trip kept her gone an extra day, but finally she was due home. The weekend for you had been… well, what had become averagely terrible. Most of it had been spent doing absolutely nothing, all the while your mind raced with all the things you should have been doing. You simply didn’t have enough energy for any of those tasks, though, the exhaustion you felt bone deep and paralyzing.
A few hours before Leila was due home, though, you dragged yourself off the couch. If there was one motivator, one thing that could get you out of your head, it was that Leila couldn’t find out. She just couldn’t.
You weren’t sure she’d get it, to start with. Leila was… Leila. Sunshine and smiles and laughter, all the time. Even when you weren’t dealing with depression, Leila’s social battery could long outlast yours. She’d go out and do something social with friends every day if she could. You’d never been that way, needing time to recharge between work and… work the next day.
Before Leila, you didn’t do things on weeknights. But Leila brought you out of your shell, and you found yourself craving more time with others, as long as she was there too.
So as much as you were beyond sure that your girlfriend would work tirelessly to understand where your head was at, you didn’t think she could. You didn’t think she’d be able to listen to you explain what was going on and not try to fix it. It wasn’t that you didn’t want Leila’s help; it was that you knew she’d give you a million suggestions that you wouldn’t physically be able to bring yourself to do. And she wouldn’t get that, you were sure.
Leila couldn’t fix this, so there was no reason to burden her with it at all. As much as you wanted her comfort, you couldn’t push your problems on her when she wouldn’t have the answer.
So, you cleaned the whole house in two hours flat. Changed the sheets, vacuumed behind the couch, and made dinner. By the time Leila arrived home, the house was perfect. Nothing out of order, nothing to suggest you’d spent the whole weekend on the sofa crying or sleeping or just staring at the wall.
Of course, Leila could see it on your face the moment she saw you. The bags under your eyes, the way you seemed to drown in her clothes.
She swept you into a hug, tucking her face into your neck and felt you sag against her.
Your hair was damp and smelled like her coconut shampoo, and you were mumbling something about dinner and watching a movie, but all Leila could think about was the way you melted into her hug, and the look in your eyes as she’d come through the door. Relief, and exhaustion. Deep, all encompassing exhaustion.
Gently, she nudged you back a little, her eyes locking on yours as she studied you.
“Are you okay, my love?” Leila asked softly, her expression warm and inviting.
For a second, Leila thought you might tell her what was going on. Your expression wavered a bit, but you blinked hard and forced a smile, leaning in to peck her lips.
“I’m fine! Excited to have you back.”
It was a lie Leila could see right through, but if she knew anything about you, it was that you were too stubborn for your own good. Leila could push and push, ask and ask, but you wouldn’t tell her what was going on until you felt ready. There wasn’t anything she could do about that, so she just nodded, pulling you back in by your wrist and kissing you much more fervently.
By the time you broke apart, there was a dazed look in your eyes, but a different kind from before. Satisfied, your girlfriend tucked a piece of hair behind your ear.
“Did you say something about dinner?”
It took a minute for the question to process, your mind suddenly overcome with the softness of Leila’s lips, the little sliver of abdomen peeking out from her crop top, her slightly tousled hair. She was so pretty. You never got used to it.
“Uh… yes. Yes, dinner. I made dinner.”
With a grin, Leila grabbed your hand in hers and pulled you towards the kitchen.
“It smells so good, amor. Like the best thing I have ever smelled!”
You rolled your eyes at her enthusiasm, heading towards the stove to take the pot off the burner. As you rounded the kitchen island, though, you stumbled, foot catching on the trash bag sitting on the floor. Leila was across the room like she had super speed, steadying you before you could really come close to falling.
The trash. You hadn’t taken it out earlier like you’d meant to. The house wasn’t perfectly in order. And god, neither were you. The façade you were putting on crumbled within a second, all the time you’d spent making sure you seemed fine meaningless.
It wasn’t really a big deal, that you’d forgotten to take the trash out. It was just the last straw of an horrible, overwhelmingly emotional weekend.
“I’ll take this out, if you want to pick a movie?” Leila said easily, oblivious to the way you were about to fall apart next to her.
Leila grabbed the bag, her back to you, pausing when you didn’t reply to her. Then, she heard a small sniffle. She knew that sniffle, knew it from when something bad happened to an animal in a movie and you tried not to openly weep. She dropped the trash bag, turning around with a furrowed brow.
“Cari?” Leila prompted softly, moving closer as she saw your lip begin to tremble. “Baby, what’s wrong?”
It was as if the question had unlocked a floodgate inside of you, and before you could even think to stop yourself, you were stumbling forward into Leila’s open arms, burying your face in her shirt.
“Hey,” she murmured, wrapping one arm tight around your midsection, and resting the other on the back of your head. “Hey, it’s okay, baby. Everything’s okay.”
Wordlessly, you shook your head against her, clinging on tighter because you honestly weren’t sure what would happen if she let go.
Leila wasn’t letting go, though. She tugged you in even closer, squeezing as she rocked the two of you back and forth gently. “I love you. I love you so much.” Her voice was barely a whisper in your ear, but it was exactly what you needed to hear from her. Because, god, you didn’t love yourself in that moment.
The tears began to stop much sooner than you were expecting, and Leila was turning off the stove and leading you into the living room within a few minutes. You moved away from her to sit on the sofa, but she shook her head, sliding onto the couch and pulling you to lay directly on top of her.
One of her hands slipped up the back of your shirt, fingers tracing mindless patterns into your skin. She cradled your head with her other hand, making sure you stayed as pressed close to her as you could be. Leila held you like she could make everything better just by doing so.
For a few minutes it was quiet. That was one of your favorite things about Leila; she was talkative and loud when she wanted to be, but she was also content to just… be with you. Just sit and let you gather your thoughts, no matter how long it took. Leila waited, more patiently than you thought you deserved.
Finally, you found your voice. “I’m sorry.”
Leila scoffed, and you were sure she’d have flicked you if you hadn’t just been crying.
“I do not accept, because you have nothing to be sorry for.”
“You just got home and–”
“And nothing, baby,”
“ –and I fall apart because I’m a disaster,”
“ You aren’t a disaster!”
“ –and you have to deal with me and you shouldn't have to,” you finished despite Leila’s interruptions. You pulled away from her embrace, sliding off her body onto the soft next to her.
Her lips were pressed into a thin line when you looked at her, frustration radiating off her. It was such a departure from her normal temperament that you forgot entirely if you had anything else to apologize for. Instead, you just stared into her deep brown eyes, waiting for her to say something.
“I… I don’t deal with you. You are not a problem I have to solve. I love you, it isn’t a burden for me to be there when something is wrong, when you are upset.” Leila’s voice was practically trembling with conviction, so you reached out and grabbed her hand, giving it a squeeze. It was obvious that it hurt her for you to feel this way, for someone she loved and cherished to put such little value in themselves.
“I know that, Lei. I know, I’m sorry. I’m just not myself.”
Your girlfriend softened, then, her spare hand tugging at the ends of her ponytail like she always did when she was nervous. “Why aren’t you yourself, hmm? What’s going on?”
And though you’d spent the whole weekend thinking about it, the whole month practically wallowing in it, there weren’t any words in your head that would convey the weight that you felt resting on your chest.
“I… I don’t know what to say. I don’t know how to say it.”
“Is… do you want to break up?” Leila asked quietly, the tremble of her voice matching that of her chin when you snapped your head to look up at her. This was always what she defaulted to, and you should have known better than to speak so ambiguously. Leila loved so hard, so deeply, she often worried it was too much. She worried it would drive you away from her, as if you’d ever grow tired of her adoration.
“Leila, no. Never. It’s not that, you’ve not done anything wrong.” You reassured her the best you could, brushing a soft strand of pin straight hair away from her forehead. Leila released a deep breath, concern returning to replace fear in her eyes.
“Then what is it? You’ve been off for weeks.”
You shifted uncomfortably, hating that you hadn’t been as good at hiding it as you thought. “I think I’m depressed.” You admitted finally, staring down at your hands as you began to pick at your cuticles. Leila’s hand covered yours almost immediately, her other gently tilting your chin until you had no choice but to make eye contact.
“You think?” Leila pressed. “Or you are?”
It was just like Leila to make you be as vulnerable as you could be, but you couldn’t deny it was one of the things you loved about her. The way she always saw through your futile attempts to write off your emotions as only partially valid.
“I am.” Voice no more than a whisper, you shrugged helplessly, tears stinging your eyes once again. “I don’t really know what happened. I haven’t felt like this in years, but suddenly I’m here and it’s– I don’t know.”
Leila’s eyebrows furrowed. “Here? Do you think being here has something to do with it?”
At this, you averted your eyes entirely, pulling your hand out of her and staring at a spot on the rug, where the design swirled into several different colors.
“Amor, you can tell me.” Leila implored. “Please. Is it England? Being away from your family? Your friends? Your new job? Do you not like the apartment?”
Finally, you raised your eyes back to your girlfriends, finding a desperate need to fix looking back at you. Exactly what you hadn't wanted.
“No. I mean, I miss my family and my friends but I’m so happy to be here with you. I like my job, I love our apartment. It’s…”
“What, baby?”
It suddenly felt so ridiculous. So stupid. What were you supposed to say? The clouds are making me sad, Leila. The rain makes me want to curl into a ball in our bed and never get up again. The weather in this country is draining all the happiness from my body.
“It’s the weather. The clouds and the rain. And the cold. I just… I never want to leave the apartment. I never want to go anywhere because it’s terrible out, so I don’t go anywhere and then I feel terrible about myself. I miss the sun, Leila. It’s so stupid, that it’s having this much of an affect on me, but I don’t know what to do anymore. I feel like I’m losing myself.”
“Oh, baby.” Leila sighed, uncrossing her legs so she could pull you in close to her chest. “That’s not stupid, not at all. That’s a real thing, a completely real thing that you are dealing with.”
And though you’d known that, it felt like a weight off your chest to hear Leila say it. You allowed yourself to relax into her, allowed yourself to feel the weight of your emotion in her presence in a way you hadn’t in a long time.
“There are so many things we can try to help you. We can find you a psychologist, and get you back to Spain for some sun more often. We’ll fix this, amor, I promise. We’ll get you back to yourself.”
Leila’s words were mumbled into the top of your head, and you found them more comforting than you were expecting. Even if you’d known she’d try to fix it… even if you hadn’t wanted that. Leila was going to help you, and that was a massive comfort. You nodded into her chest, gripping tight to her shirt in a way you hoped would convey how grateful you were to her.
The two of you sat there in silence for several minutes, wrapped up together so tightly you weren’t sure where you ended and where Leila began. It all felt less heavy just then, more manageable. You knew, though, that telling Leila what was going on was only the start of the process.
The next day was a good one; the sun had emerged from its cloud prison for the first time in weeks, and you’d gone for a run. As much as you hated to admit it, the exercise helped, as did the sunlight. Leila had been gone before you’d woken, though you thought you remembered waking just barely to a soft kiss pressed to your head and sweet words whispered into your ear.
It was a recovery day for Leila, and she was meant to be getting treatment down on her calf anyway, which had been giving her some trouble. She should have been home just before noon, just as you’d arrived home from your run. As it was, you’d had time to shower and make the two of you lunch before Leila walked in the door, a full hour after she was supposed to get home.
You weren’t suspicious or anything, mostly just curious where she’d been. The question didn’t even have time to leave your mouth before it was answered, though, Leila practically bounding into the kitchen holding a bulky box in her arms.
“Hi my love!” She grinned, putting the box down on the counter and sweeping you into a hug. Leila spun the two of you around, pressing kisses all over your face as you laughed, the flutter of her lips tickling your skin.
“Hi, Lei,” you replied, Leila finally halting her attack on your face so she could kiss you once on the lips.
“Hi.” She murmured against your mouth. “I missed you.”
“You were gone for like… 4 hours.” You chuckled, winding your arms around the back of her neck and pressing yourself closer to her even as you teased her.
“Still missed you.” Leila smiled, her face overwhelmingly earnest and adoring. “I got you a present!”
“No, did you?” You teased, nodding at the large box sitting just inches away from you.
Leila just rolled her eyes, shoving you lightly as she reached for the box and tore it open.
“It’s a light therapy box! You sit in front of it, and it shines on your face, and it’s supposed to feel like the sun!”
Leila was so excited, yanking the rectangular light out of the box and presenting it to you with a flourish. Your heart melted, knowing then that Leila had stayed up long after you’d gone to sleep, doing research to try to figure out how to make you feel better.
It was funny, that you’d been worried about her trying to fix you before. Leila wasn’t trying to fix you, and you weren’t sure how you’d thought she'd do so. Your girlfriend just wanted to help. Help wasn’t fixing. It was just what a good partner did.
“Thank you, Lei. Really.”
Leila blushed adorably, pushing hair out of her face as she smiled at you. “Do you want to try it?”
Lunch sat on the counter behind you, but it wasn’t getting cold, and the hopefulness radiating off your girlfriend was enough to have you nodding enthusiastically. The next second, Leila had to light in one hand, and your hand in the other, yanking you towards the living room.
For just a second, you thought that if her love could cure you, you’d never have gotten to this point. But you had. Love couldn’t cure you, but it could help. And Leila was determined to help.
The light therapy box wasn’t the only thing Leila got you, but her other gift wouldn’t be ready for a few more weeks, until the two of you were home from spending Christmas with your families in Spain, before returning to England for New Year’s Eve.
The time you spent in Spain was perfect. More than perfect. You got to see your family, got to enjoy the warmth. Well, it wasn’t warm by some standards, but it definitely was now that you’d spent time away from Barcelona. More than anything, you got to spend pretty much every second with Leila. No football to interrupt, no media commitment, no national team. Just you and Leila, spending every day together however you wanted to.
As such, your mood had improved. It wasn’t perfect; you could still feel the echo of the deep exhaustion lingering in the peripheral of your brain. You were deeply dreading going back to Manchester and falling back into the pit of depression you’d found yourself in not too long ago. It terrified you, that things could get bad again and you wouldn’t be able to fix it. That this was just how you were now, how you would be for the rest of your time spent in Manchester.
You could go to therapy and let Leila sit you directly in front of the light box as much as you wanted. There were certain aspects of your life in Manchester, though, that just meant loneliness. And that was what got you more than anything else.
Unbeknownst to you, though, Leila had been considering this exact point. The two of you had talked it over, talked it to death why you were feeling the way you were. You maintained that it was just the weather, but Leila could tell you were lying. Could tell that her unavoidable absences at times were really taking their toll on you.
And, ever the helper, Leila had come up with an idea.
“Shh.” Leila whispered. “Stop meowing, you’re going to spoil the surprise.”
While you slept in, Leila allowed herself to be impulsive, something she often fought in the name of being a responsible adult. It was mid morning, the day after you’d arrived back in Manchester from Spain, and Leila had snuck out to retrieve her idea.
A small, white and black kitten, with ears too big for his body and the biggest eyes Leila had ever seen on a kitten. She’d almost cried when she saw him for the first time, the sheer level of adorableness emanating from the little kitten. Leila had known in an instant he was perfect for you, a little buddy to be here when she couldn’t.
She’d gone to get him while you were still asleep, picking him up from the shelter and stopping to buy about half the pet store on her way back. The kitten would have no shortage of toys or treats, that was for sure. But now, as she crept into the house with the kitten curled up in her arms against her chest, she began to get nervous.
What if you didn’t want a cat? You loved your friends' cats, had talked about getting a pet before, but… maybe you’d changed your mind? She should have asked you first.
It was too late now. Mostly because she’d already adopted the kitten, and partially because she was attached, too. This was her kitten, even if they’d only really known each other for an hour or so. All she could do was pray you thought this was a good idea, or she’d be stuck with a kitten she adored and a girlfriend who was furious.
The small kitten mewed again, and Leila froze, just a few feet from the partially shut bedroom door.
“Shh, pequeño. We have to make sure she likes you before she finds out how noisy you are.” Leila whispered, peppering kisses onto the top of the little guy’s head. He pawed at her face in response and she giggled, before slapping a hand over her mouth.
“Lei? Are you… laughing to yourself?” You called, having woken just a few minutes prior and heard your girlfriend mumbling to herself. “And did you meow?”
“Um… I have a surprise.” Leila called back, still not moving any closer to the bedroom. She was using the voice she used when she spilled an entire mug of coffee on the white carpet in the living room, and you were suspicious instantly.
You sat up, eyes wide with surprise. A surprise… that meows. It didn’t take a genius.
“Come in here and show me.”
It was silent for a moment, before Leila took a deep breath and moved closer, gently pushing the door open.
“Oh… oh my god.” You breathed, scrambling out from under the covers and moving closer to your girlfriend. “Is that a cat?!”
Leila nodded nervously, holding the kitten out to you with both hands. “Surprise?”
It was clear to you that Leila had not entirely thought this through, the anxiety on her face speaking for itself. Expression still unreadable, you took the kitten into your arms, almost cooing at how he snuggled into you, apparently sleepy from giving Leila a hard time earlier.
“I… I know I should have asked you first. But I also know you hate being alone here, and I’m gone so often right now, and I just thought not being here by yourself might help. I should have asked first.” Leila spoke rapidly, hands gesturing wildly as she spoke.
You weren’t really sure what to say. Leila was known to do impulsive things, absolutely more of a ‘don’t ask permission, ask forgiveness’ kind of person, but you’d never expected her to do this. On the other hand, though, Leila was right. Absolutely right, and you’d been thinking about how to bring the idea of getting a pet up to her. Apparently, you hadn’t needed to worry about it.
In your arms sat the sweetest, most adorable kitten you’d ever seen in your life, purring softly as you gently rubbed his head. And standing just across from you was the sweetest, most thoughtful person you’d ever met in your life; how could you be mad at her?
“You should have talked to me first.” You began, softening as Leila cringed and nodded, quiet apologies spilling out from her. “But this… this is kind of perfect, Lei. I was thinking about asking you how you felt about getting a pet. And this guy… he’s the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.”
Leila exhaled, relieved as if she’d been told the world had narrowly avoided a nuclear crisis.
“Oh thank god. I don't know what I was thinking. one second, I just wanted to help you feel better, and the next… I was buying a cat.”
Your girlfriend seemed genuinely baffled at her own actions and you couldn’t help but laugh, tucking the kitten under one arm and lifting the other, gesturing Leila closer. She scooched in, slouching herself down so she could tuck her face into your neck.
“I love you.” She murmured. “I just want you to feel good, to be happy.”
You tilted your head so you could kiss her temple, overcome with how very loved Leila made you feel.
“You make me very happy, Lei. Thank you.”
Leila just held you tighter, thinking she’d buy every cat in the world if this was your reaction. She’d buy anything, do anything, to see such a happy smile on your face.
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Buttercup - Extra I
Read Buttercup here ~2.6k words
From me: most of the asks and follow up requests were for showing how in love they are and how Harry' s going to treat her right after she wasn't for so long. Hopefully this will work 💕
Warnings: a little angsty, but fluffy overall. Maybe a little TOO fluffy. Nauseating, if you will. Like eating too many peanut buttercups.
Summary: Moving in next to Harry is one of the best thing that's ever happened to her.
It seemed like it had been raining for weeks. The wind provided an eerie soundtrack to her dreams. The rain sheeting against her window didn’t help either. She wished she had taken Harry’s offer to install a doorbell camera. However, she worried she would stare at it excessively, worried about who could be approaching her house.
Staring at the ceiling she sighed covering her eyes with her palms groaning to herself. The house was too quiet. Of course, she felt safe. It was just the wind and rain adding to her anxious mind. All she needed to do was fall asleep and in the morning everything would be fine. Her phone said it was just after two she still had ample time to sleep before her alarm went off.
Stupid Levi.
She thought she was a pretty independent person. Given that she kept her secret of leaving Levi for a couple months she felt she deserved the title. It took careful planning. Her heart had been in her throat for well over a year prior to her escape.
A little wind and rain shouldn’t have bothered her.
But it did. Every extra sound made it feel like someone was breaking in. They weren’t and she knew it. There was only one person that would try to break in and despite his threat, he hadn’t been back in the months since he showed up unexpectedly.
Two in the morning was too early. It had to be. There had to be a limit. For God’s sake they’d hardly been dating long at all. Swallowing, she put the phone to her ear and sighed as she listened to the quiet ring. One, two, not even three. “’Lo?” He murmured. Clearly, she woke him. Part of her thought she should just hang up and let him sleep. “Buttercup, baby, y’okay?” His voice clearer as she didn’t answer.
Great. Now he’s worried. “Hi,” she whispered.
He chuffed out a breath of laughter. “Hi kitten,” his voice sounded way too good. It should have been illegal to sound that good half asleep. What was the reason? “Y’okay, Buttercup?”
There was a pause, and she hoped Harry fell back asleep so he wouldn’t worry about her. She could hang up and he wouldn’t even notice. She would tell him he dreamt the whole thing in the morning. “Jus’ wanted t’hear m’voice, then?” He asked.
She sighed heavily. “No...” she shook her head. “Not... no. I woke up and... forget it. I’m sorry. Go back to sleep.”
“Buttercup,” he practically cooed. “Tell me.”
His voice was too soothing. Too enticing. She was pretty sure as independent as she was that if Harry asked or said it, with his pretty voice, she was doomed. He could convince her to rob a bank just by asking. Or quit her job and rub his shoulders all day.
“M’jus’ gonna come over, kitten,” she heard the rustling of his comforter and sheets. The creak of his bedroom door and his quiet footsteps around his house.
“No!” She said quickly, sitting up and pressing a hand to her forehead. “That’s ridiculous, Harry.”
“No, s’not,” he yawned. “S’actually a great idea. This weather keeps waking me up. I need someone t’snuggle with if I want t’save any remainder of m’sleep. I’ll use m’key. See y’in a minute.”
He was gone before she could respond. She threw her covers off and hurried to the front door switching on every light she passed. As she reached the front door, Harry was closing and locking the deadbolt. “Hi, Buttercup,” he grinned, kicking his shoes off. He was soaked from the short walk, the tips of his curls that didn’t stay in his hood dripped on his face. His jacket dripped on her floor (not that she cared). “Let’s go t’bed,” he hung up his coat and pulled her by the hand as he walked back toward her room.
He switched off each light she just turned on, saying nothing about the impromptu visit. In her room he stripped his shirt off making her gulp because even though she had seen Harry many times without a shirt on, he was stunning and made her speechless. He slipped out of his sweats next and all but tossed himself beneath the covers. The poor thing seemed totally exhausted.
“C’mere, kitten,” he mumbled and lifted the covers for her to fall into his arms.
“I’m sorry,” she whispered when she was settled into his embrace. He pulled her in, so she was spooned into his body. He was so warm it was insane. She threaded her fingers between his and tucked his hand beneath her chin. His other hand outstretched below her pillow. His lips were at the back of her head. Softly he pressed kisses along the spot on her neck he could reach.
“What are y’apologizing for, Buttercup?”
“For waking you—”
“Y’didn’t wake me,” he interrupted. She huffed because she knew he was lying. Lying to make her feel better. “S’not a big deal,” he decided after a moment. “Getting t’sleep with you s’a great reward.”
“But you had to go out in the rain and it’s late—”
“M’not gonna melt, baby.” She huffed again, irritation evident in the tone of just her breath. “Talk t’me, kitten.”
“I was scared,” she whispered.
He inched his body closer to hers. It seemed impossible as the heat of his thigh on the back of hers felt like she was suntanning in the tropics. “Scared of what, Buttercup?”
She didn’t answer for a moment. “The weather was just loud I guess, and every little noise bothered—”
“M’sorry,” he mumbled and kissed her skin. “I’ll stay when we have bad weather from now—”
“Harry, that’s not your responsibil—”
“You’re m’girlfriend, Buttercup. S’not a chore or anything. S’what m’supposed to do and more than that, I want t’do it. Sleeping with you is one of m’favorite things,” he explained.
“It’s silly. I’m a grown, independent woman and I shouldn’t need my boyfriend to sleep with me because I’m scared of a little weather.”
There was a long pause. She would have thought Harry had fallen asleep if it wasn’t for the fact that he released her hand to use his fingers to trace the skin on her arm. “Y’not scared of weather, Buttercup,” he whispered. She felt her cheeks warm at his accurate statement. “Y’don’t have t’be brave for me. Y’had t’deal with a really scary thing and frankly I’m scared for you. Not because I think he’s going t’come back, but because I know y’think he might, and it scares you and s’not fair for you t’live like that. S’why I sleep with m’phone on full volume. I would sleep over every night if y’asked. I would love t’do that. Jus’ because y’don’t need a lot from me, doesn’t mean y’can’t ask nor deserve it. Y’can be independent and still need me,” he spoke slowly, his reassuring words felt elongated by the night. She felt her eyes sting with tears. Harry saw her so clearly and easily. He didn’t even have to see her to know he needed her. He was willing to lie to her about her own emotions so she wouldn’t feel embarrassed.
“Can you tell me you love me already so I can say it back?”
He chuckled and twisted her around until she faced him in the dark. He cupped her face stroking his thumbs along her cheeks. “Y’could have said it first at any time, baby.”
“Absolutely not. You would have said something mean if I said it first.”
“Mean? Like what?”
“Like... thank you or something, I don’t know. Some silly prank that would make you laugh.”
He chuckled. “S’a good idea.”
“Exactly. Laugh exactly like that. I’m not saying it first. I don’t care how ridiculous that is.”
He brushed his thumb on her lip and leaned in blindly in the dark to press a gentle, warm, firm, and lovely kiss on her lips. It made her dizzy and she couldn’t believe he liked her so much despite her bad attitude and her stubbornness. “I love you, Buttercup,” he whispered softly, his breath fanning across her face.
She couldn’t believe he loved her.
“Thank you,” she sighed dreamily. He snorted, shook his head, and kissed her forehead. “I love you, too.”
“Go t’sleep, Buttercup,” he murmured and tucked her into his chest. “S’jus’ a little wind and rain.”
She fell asleep before he finished his sentence.
When she came home from work, Harry was on her front step. However, he wasn’t waiting for her this time. His attention was fixed right next to the handle of her door. “Hi Buttercup,” he grinned over his shoulder as she approached. “How was your day?” He asked. She stared at him as he continued installing the doorbell camera. “What did y’have for lunch?”
She watched him silently as he worked. “What are you doing?”
He smiled sheepishly. “Nothing, baby,” he shrugged. “Jus’ making sure y’feel safe.”
She swallowed the lump in her throat. Harry made her feel so safe all the time. “How—”
“I should’ve done this when we discussed it the first time,” he shrugged one shoulder and then put the screwdriver he was using in the small toolbox he laid on the porch at his feet. “Can I see your phone?” He asked. She opened the bag on her shoulder and handed off her phone. He unlocked it with her passcode. “Now y’can see,” he put a hand on her lower back. “Y’can adjust the sensitivity. Y’probably don’t need t’know every time a squirrel runs across the porch,” he kissed her temple while the back of her eyes started to sting with the threat of tears. “What do y’want t’do for dinner, Buttercup?” She shrugged and turned toward him. She pressed her face into his chest. “Hey, s’matter, kitten?” He hummed kissing the top of her head. “Hey,” he chuckled. “What’s wrong?”
“You’re so nice,” she sniffled.
“Buttercup,” he sighed and squeezed her tighter. “S’what a boyfriend is supposed t’do. I love taking care of you,” he promised her. “S’normal things t’do for you. S’what y’do when we’re in love.”
“I don’t do anything like this for you.”
“Oh, Buttercup, s’not true...” he frowned. “Y’make dinner, y’rub my back, y’made our garden look so much better than I ever could’ve done. And, not t’mention y’kiss me and let me do naughty things t’your pretty body,” he smiled impishly. “So y’do sweet things all the time.”
“But you make me feel safe and I don’t—”
“Buttercup, your existence makes me feel safe. S’my job t’make y’feel safe.”
“Are you guys making out in front of the doorbell to save for later?” Louis called from the yard. “That’s weird.”
Harry flipped him off and tipped her chin up. “S’a good idea,” he winked and pressed his lips against hers.
“I love you,” she sighed.
“Thank you,” he grinned.
She shoved him and he chuckled, pulling her back to his chest. “I love you so much, Buttercup.”
Harry woke up to the smell of something coming from the kitchen. It seemed unlikely that Louis was cooking something because the last time he tried, he thought they were going to need a fire extinguisher. He headed down the hall. “El are y’cooking breakfast?” He yawned rubbing his eye as he did.
“Not quite,” she giggled.
Harry perked up excitedly and quickened the last steps to the kitchen. “Good morning, Buttercup, t’what do I owe the pleasure?” He asked, coming up behind her at the counter. He pressed kisses to the crook of her neck while she worked with the waffle maker. There was an upturned bowl beside her little work station. “This is sweet of you, Buttercup. S’it our anniversary already and I forgot?”
“No,” she smiled. “I just, wanted to do something nice for you.”
“You’re always nice t’me, baby.”
“Well really nice then.”
She pulled the waffle from the iron and placed it under the bowl with three others before putting the bowl back to keep them warm. Harry’s couldn’t stop his hands from roaming her hips and sides. “M’in love with this,” he sighed dreamily. He tucked his face into her neck and wrapped his arms around her waist.
“Me making breakfast?” She laughed.
“S’jus’ nice, Buttercup. I would never expect you t’make me breakfast, but s’jus’ thoughtful. You’re perfect.”
“Do you want something extra? You’re being super complimentary.”
“I love you, kitten. Take the compliments,” he chuckled, his words mumbled and obstructed by the way he pressed his mouth to her skin. She focused on the waffle again and remained quiet for a few moments. Then Harry realized the error of his words. “S’probably hard to take the compliments, hmm?” She shrugged one shoulder but didn’t say anything; confirming exactly what Harry already knew. “Well, s’a good thing I like complimenting you. S’good practice for you t’get used to it,” he peppered her cheek with kisses. “Can I help y’with something?” He asked.
She smiled. “No, I’m just going to put this on the table.”
Harry was so distracted by how pretty she looked in his kitchen early in the morning, making him breakfast, he didn’t even notice how cute the table looked. There were flowers in a vase in the middle. Four plates and sets of silverware set up like they were at a restaurant. There were strawberries, blueberries, chocolate chips, whipped cream, and butter. Orange juice and a tray of four coffees from their favorite shop nearby.
“You’re incredible,” he pulled her away from the waffle iron as she set the last one. He wrapped one arm around her waist, cupped her face with the other and tipped her back to kiss her. Her lips were so soft and so warm. his heart started pounding like he had never kissed anyone before. She tasted so good, sweeter than the yummy waffles they were about to eat. He couldn’t help but smile as he kissed her. He used to love pranking her; the joy he felt was unmatched when he made her grumpy. God, kissing her was triple the dopamine, quadruple the serotonin. It felt almost illegal to be so happy. It spread all through his body.
“Harry,” she giggled against his mouth. “Breakfast.”
“You taste better,” he mumbled not pausing his kisses against her mouth.
“At least taste the waffles before you insult them,” she whispered pulling back slightly while he dotted kisses along her face while she spoke.
He squeezed her tight to his body, tucking his face back into her neck as he did. “Hey Buttercup?” His voice muffled once more by her skin and his reluctance to move from her body.
It warmed Harry how easily she answered to the little name. She was lovely. Perfect. The best thing to happen to Harry. While he hated why she had to move into their neighborhood, he was so grateful her pretty self created a home right next door. He pulled back to cup her face, skimmed his thumb on her cheek. “You deserve compliments.”
He didn’t follow it up with anything cute. Didn’t even compliment her afterwards. He wanted it to sink into her brain—even if it only sank in an inch. He would tell her every day. She deserved all the best and Harry was happy to remind her of such and do whatever he needed to make her feel that way.
“Thank you,” she whispered.
He kissed her forehead. “I’ll go get El and Lou.”
“I love you lots.”
“Me too, Buttercup. So much,” he winked heading down the hall.
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Dear Strange,
I also did some searching in Dutch newspaper archives and found an article from 1981 (27 June), from a national newspaper. It's a brief text but also has a picture of Hugo Hernandez, so I thought that's sweet. Here's the link.
On to the translation:
Unique sphynx-cat is [a] mother
(star) The rare sphynx-cat [note: female] of Mexican man H. Hernandez (32) living in 's-Graveland, has given birth to 4 kittens, of which 2 are still alive. According to cat experts, this birth is very special. These sphynx-cats are most fervently bred in Canada and [the U.S.] America, but this has to the best of knowledge not yet been a success. Hernandez put in a lot of effort. He got a brother and sisters of the rare breed from an American breeder [note: female] who did not succeed. The Mexican found two sphynx-cats [note: female] in Canada and, after two years, the male cat, who didn't show any interest, had fallen for the charms of one of the cats [note: female] in an unguarded moment anyway. The two still living kittens are doing well according to Hernandez. Just like their mom, they are getting / wil get [note: unclear from text which one] a think reddish* bald skin and they will produce a powerful spinning-noise when content.
*rossig translates to reddish, but could range from more copper, to more pink, to actually red-leaning, depending what it's describing (this from my own experience of what it's commonly used for, idk if the use has changed in the past 44 years).
Hope this helps! And hope it's okay to send in info like this (I'm still a bit of a newbie when it comes to Tumblr). Maybe I'll do some more researching, but first I'm going to sleep
Good luck with the research! I really respect the work you do and the effort you put into it, keep it up! 🌟
This is an insane find!! The only photo of Hernandez that ever circulates online is this one:
And i have no idea what the original source of it is so I was really excited that this might be it AND THEN IT WAS A NEW PHOTO???? THE SECOND ONLY PHOTO OF HIM I'VE SEEN???? truly insane find. thank you so much!
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˙ ✩°˖ ✈️ stay still!! / caleb x reader
synopsis; caleb would lay his head on your lap forever if he could. he's a bit more reluctant about staying still when you bring out a weapon (tweezers) to use on him though.
🍎 pomme's notes - honestly he just has really nice eyebrows. what can i say
⋆ 1k words / fluff / reader is gender neutral / 2nd person
caleb loves laying on your lap.
the first time he did was when you were still kids — he was climbing a tree at a park you two often hung out at, and after picking two apples from said tree, he promptly made his way down to you.
with the widest grin 10-year-old caleb could muster, he looks at you and beams;
"pip!! look at what i got us!!"
his eyes shone bright, crinkling at the corners upon seeing you light up and flashing him a smile with a tooth missing. when he leaned down to sit next to you, you looked up at him and patted your lap, telling him "put your head here!! a pillow after you got us apples!!" and he swore his heart skipped a beat.
in retrospect, maybe that was the first time caleb realized he liked you, not just as a close friend — but that was a thought he could ponder about another day. right now, you looked at him with the same eyes as you excitedly pat your lap. only it was fifteen years later, and you were finally dating.
as he happily strides towards you, you think that if caleb had a tail, it'd be wagging excitedly at the idea of resting on your lap. the fleet's ever-so-serious colonel caleb xia, melting away and donning a lovesick smile on his face.
he settles on the couch, legs hanging off the edge — stupidly big man acting like a tiny puppy. head finally resting on your lap, caleb speaks up with a teasing tone;
"what's up pipsqueak? missing your favorite weighted plushie on your lap?"
"mmh, i sure did. i missed my favorite doll to experiment on."
so that's why you were so eager to get him lying down on your lap. he laughs nervously, getting ready for the worst and that's when he sees it. tweezers in your dominant hand.
visibly turning more pale, he tries to get himself out of the torturous experience you're about to put him through.
"actually, i think i have something to do, gorgeous! wow, it sure is getting late and dinner isn't gonna prepare itse-"
"i already ordered takeout. don't you worry about a thing, colonel xia, nothing will come in the way of my tweezers and your brows", you interrupt him, and that's when reality sinks in for him.
caleb is done for. the last time you did his eyebrows was two years ago, when he came back home from the DAA for spring break, and he still remembers the sting of it all.
he needed to get out.
"y- you know, you really don't have to do this!! i can handle it myself!!"
"yeah, but i want to. what kind of partner would i be if i don't take care of my handsome and lovely boyfriend, who's definitely not trying to get out of this?"
he gulped, almost comically so. you caught him, and there was no way out of this one — or maybe there was. he didn't want to do this, but desperate times call for desperate measures.
puppy eyes. caleb stared at you and tried to look as pitiful as he possibly could, praying to every deity out there that you'll have some mercy on his soul.
"come on, Y/N.. my eyebrows look fine and i don't wanna waste your time — and this hurts. i don't understand how you do it, and i could never be as strong as you. please, please, please spare me. pretty please?"
you snort and lean down, pressing an exaggerated wet kiss on his forehead, making sure to emphasize the 'mwah' sound.
"nope! loved the puppy eyes, though. you should do that more often. alright, if there are no further inquiries, i'm gonna ask you to sit tight and relax pretty boy. let's get this done."
caleb stiffens when he realizes there's no way out of this. how is it that he went through DAA training, the fleet's conditioning, but somehow, you doing his eyebrows was the end of him? he's lost in his thoughts now, thinking about happy memories, but when your tweezers make contact with his skin, he immediately flinches and starts whining.
"ow ow ow ow ow, pips! it hurts! it hurts!"
you smile and flick his forehead lightly,
"i didn't even touch you yet! you always call me dramatic but you're not any better!!"
and then you pull out a hair.
"oh my go- i can't. i can't do this, please pipsqueak, please, have some mercy on your boyfriend."
and another one.
and he yelps, keeps on wriggling and trying to get out of your grasp. he thinks that you're stupidly strong right now — and all that strength is used in order to make him suffer.
"i thought you loved me!! we grew up together!! Y/N, you're hurting the love of your life, plea- ow!!"
you're giggling now, watching your big, strong, and fearless caleb being reduced to yelps as you do his eyebrows.
he inhales sharply, trying to roll away from your hands and begging for mercy, "it hurts!! please tell me you're done with the right brow, please pips!!".
laughing even harder now, you drag him back by the shoulder to his original position on your lap, and he has his face hidden in his hands, eyes tightly shut. he's shaking his head in disagreement and fake crying.
"oh my god, sit still, you dummy! if you keep on wriggling, i'm gonna put you on a cilantro only diet for the entire week!!"
and that seems to do it. he settles down again, but not without a few whines and sniffles.
drama queen.
when you're finally done (not without some more "ow ow ow- ouch!!" and "you hate me! you hate your boyfriend!" from him), he gets up and admires your work in the mirror. he wipes a stray tear that he insists isn't a tear but rather a hair that fell in his eye, and while you beg to differ, you let him have this small win.
"light work. this was a breeze", caleb exhales. free at last he thinks. that is, until he hears you hum. and he knows you — that hum meant something bad for him.
"oh yeah? same time next week then, boyfriend."
you swear you can see the color drain from his face, and you giggle.
such a drama queen. but he's your drama queen, all yours.
🍎 pomme's final notes - this is my offering to him because i really really want farspace deprivation to come home </3 it's the only card of his that i'm missing :((
#⋆ pomme writes#caleb x reader#caleb#love and deepspace#lads#caleb x you#lads x reader#love and deepspace x reader#lads caleb#he's so stupid i love him
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Can you do bayverse optimus ?Tlk if you can.It can be whatever you want i love your scrumptious writing hehe also ignore this if you're uncomfortable!^_^
Summary: Optimus asks you a very important question.
A/N: Written after the happenings of TLK. 4K Words
Everyday since he met you, he’s asked himself the same question.
“Would you come with me?”
It was a question he had imagined the answer to. A resounding ‘no’.
Optimus didn’t see any reason why you would want to go with him to Cybertron. Leaving your friends, family and career behind. All the commodities Earth provided you will be gone the moment you decide to come with him.
And it’s not like he offers you a beautiful home. Cybertron was hostile, after the war it had become ruins. He dreamed many times of showing you his home in its golden age. You would have loved the museums, the theaters, the libraries, the arts. Would you have loved them as much you love your planet? Would it be enough for you to want to stay?
“It seems Earth and Cybertron’s destiny has always been intertwined,” the sun is setting. Optimus looks at his home planet, now on Earth’s orbit. “If that had been any other celestial object, it would probably cause catastrophic events. But it seems like Cybertron was made to not disturb Earth’s gravitational pull and magnetic fields.”
Your field wasn’t physics but you had basic knowledge on how things worked. Just like he expected you to do, you started to ask the real questions. Something he was trying to avoid as long as he could.
“But I wonder if that’s because Cybertron currently lacks a core … Maybe once we are able to restore it, Cybertron’s gravitational pull will be too strong and destroy Earth.”
You look at him but he seems lost in thought. You didn’t blame him, having his home planet back must be unbelievable. After so many years of war and lost friends, what he always wanted is right here.
“When that happens, we’ll have to send Cybertron back to its original place in the universe.”
You expected him to continue the conversation some way or another but it's as if he wasn’t listening or rather he did not want to. Maybe he is tired of everything and wishes to leave immediately. Probably not wanting to deal with humans anymore.
Sighing heavily, you turn around, the wind moving your hair. The smell of the grass was strong and so a new aroma. It was hard to describe. Metal but alive. It was probably Cybertron. It didn’t bother you but it was different.
Looking back at Optimus made you realize that maybe he wanted to be alone. It is a lot of process for today.
“Well, then I guess this is goodbye–”
And suddenly, a servo is in front of you. Stopping you from walking any further. You look back, only to find Optimus’ faceplate extremely close to you.
“I-I … My apologies, I don’t know what took over me.”
It’s like you triggered something in him with your words. But you weren’t sure what. Now he looks confused and lost. As if I wanted to say more but can’t or don't have the words. You wanted to guess but your mind made you believe stupid ideas. Ones in which you prefer to not indulge any longer. They will only cause you unnecessary pain.
“It’s alright, you must be emotional. That’s all.”
You wait for a few seconds in which you could see Optimus’ blue optics in all of their glory. They were beautiful as they were mysterious. So close that you could see the small circuitry and cables that make up his optics. Such intricacy that you find yourself lost in them.
And then … you are ashamed.
“I must go.”
You say as you look away, expecting him to move his servo but he doesn’t.
“I must go.”
You say again and this time you see the hesitancy in his faceplace.
He slowly removes his servo and distances himself from you. His optics looks away and then looks at you in a repetitive manner.
“Do you–”
“Oh sorry, you go first–” You raise a hand, trying to get his attention only to be interrupted by the Prime.
“No, you go first.”
It was awkward. And the fact that it was that way made you wonder what went wrong. In what moment did things between the two of you become so uncomfortable? Was it just the sudden realization of final peace? Was it too unrealistic for the two of you to believe? What is it?
“Nothing, I was just wondering if there’s something you wanted to say before I leave?”
Optimus servo clutch into fits. He opens his intake but nothing would come out. It was strange to see him this way. So confused, so … innocent. As if he was a kid trying to ask for another piece of cake. Too shy to ask and yet you find these small moments to be a treasure.
“I was just wondering …”
He hesitates again. He closes his optics and lets out a heavy vent. Turning his entire body around, you are unable to see his faceplate.
“When the time comes … Will you …”
His voice becomes so low that you are unable to hear him.
You ask him, confused by his sudden lack of confidence.
“Will you … me?”
He says again but the loud wind and low tone voice weren’t helping the situation.
“... What?”
You ask once again, your voice gets louder, showing your clear annoyance at being unable to hear him.
“Will you come to Cybetron with me?!”
Suddenly, he turns around, you can see his faceplate again.
It was that expression again. One that you had only seen a few times. That of pure distress. Worriness. Anxiety. You had seen it before. During that time you had been captured by a Decepticon, badly injured and bleeding. His troubled expression was the last thing you saw before going unconscious.
But now? What was that distressed look for? What was he so worried about?
“I, I–”
What were you nervous for? Why were you stuttering? Your cheeks are getting hotter and you can’t speak. You can’t manage words. The expression on his faceplate had left you stunned as your brain tried to understand the reasoning behind it.
The longer you take to answer, the more pain is evident on his faceplate. His eyebrows squish together and his optics tremble. His lips formed a thin line that slowly became an upside down smile. He is begging you to end his torment and yet you know you have to tell him the truth.
It’s quiet around the hangar.
A small base had been built near Stonehenge. It was the logical thing to do after Cybertron had appeared above the ancient pillars. Although the American Government wasn’t too pleased to make negotiations with the British to let them have a base in their land.
You weren’t even supposed to be here but due to all the commotion in the last days, they let you stay. As well, Optimus and the rest of the Autobots enjoyed your stay. No one asked you when you will leave nor ever mentioned that you were a bothered. So you decided to stay for a couple of days until things settle down.
And because your boss had asked you to stay and bring back the full story when you are done.
“Are we just going to pretend Prime is ok?”
“Not like we can do much either or.”
They probably didn’t see you. As they were too busy talking to each other, carrying a few boxes of what you thought to be Energon. Meanwhile, you were typing on your laptop behind some piles of metal. It’s not like you were hiding but you rather found yourself a place where you could not be bothered when you needed to concentrate.
“I still can’t believe (Y/N) said no … I thought the two of them had a strong bond.”
“Yes but everything she knows is here,” Bumblebee puts down his box as Hot Rod walks close by. “Besides, they were too different … things wouldn’t work out.”
“But does she even know that Optimus’s processor has identified her as his Conjunx?” Hot Rod also puts the Energon box down and sits on top of it. “Boss-Bot won’t be able to attach to anyone ever again … Isn’t that a bit cruel?”
“Cruel?” Bumblebee inquiries. “His Conjunx is someone who lives a fraction of our lives. The universe enjoys the game and the Primes are the pawns.”
“And they know how to play well.”
It started to rain. It wasn’t unusual for rain to come and go in England.
The bots look at it with amusement. This was unknown in Cybertron. It will take a long time before they can rebuild Cybertron and go back home but this will be one of the things they will miss the most.
“What is a Conjunx?”
You came out of your hiding spot, behind the bots and they quickly stumble in their steps as they look down on you.
“What are you doing there?!”
“What is a Conjunx?”
You ask again, not caring whether Hot Rod or Bumblebee looked like they just had seen a ghost.
“You don’t need to know that,” Bumblebee quickly starts to walk away while Hot Rod keeps looking back and forth. He looks hesitant but doesn’t speak, waiting for Bee’s next action.
“You said Optimus saw me as his Conjunx,” you don’t move but rather speak loud enough for him to hear.
“Yes but there’s no need–”
“She should know,” Hot Rod interrupts the talking yellow Mustang.
“Optimus wouldn’t want it,” Bumblebee stops walking and turns to look at his comrade and you. There is certain determination in your eyes, letting him know that you won’t stop pushing it until you find the answers you were looking for. You had always been known for that, probably something Optimus likes about you.
“Optimus will die of sadness if she doesn’t know.”
Bumblebee doesn't say a thing but just ex-vents heavily.
“Would you stay with me?”
That’s what you wanted to ask but you already knew the answer. A resounding ‘no’. There was nothing for him on Earth. Humanity had once betrayed him and now he is doubtful. Humanity will help rebuild Cybertron and after that the transformers will leave. It would be a selfish thing to ask him to stay. You can’t ask him to give up on everything he fought for. His home, his family and friends, everything was on Cybertron. And you just were a human who wanted him to stay.
It’s still raining.
But that doesn’t mean you’ll stop looking for him.
Although you can already feel yourself getting sick. Your hair is wet and your clothes damp.
It wasn’t unusual to rain in England but you hated how unpredictable the weather was. The wind was also strong but the base was already too far away to back away now. You had to find him.
Suddenly, a truck you immediately recognized makes his way towards you. The bot you were looking for appeared in front of you but he aggressively stops and opens his pilot door, signaling to go in.
You didn’t hesitate and jumped right in. Optimus closes the door and starts driving away as you are welcomed with warmness. Although you were cold and tired, you didn’t wait any longer.
“I was looking for–”
“Have you gone mad?” Optimus asks, his voice showing his clear annoyance. “ What are you doing in the rain without proper protection?”
“What? That doesn’t matter, I was–”
You wanted to start asking questions but you started to sneeze.
“How can I leave knowing you are this helpless?”
And after that, all previous questions left your mind.
“Excuse me? I can take care of myself.”
“Your actions tell me otherwise.”
You roll your eyes, maybe he had a point. Running in the rain to look for him was probably not the best of ideas. But you were not about to tell him that.
“And what about you?” you sneeze again although more softly this time as to not to prove his point any further. “Aren’t you too told to be outside without an umbrella, you could be getting rusty anytime now?”
Optimus didn’t say a word. Your words will resonate at the back of his processor. He can’t believe he ever thought you would say yes to coming to Cybertron with him. You were right, he was an old rusty robot. Too many scars, too many mistakes and injuries. He can’t provide you with anything. Not even a family.
And yet he is selfish.
And you sneeze again.
And again.
“Great, I think I am going to get sick.”
He hates that word. Cybertronians also get sick but rarely. But humans are different. According to his research and observations, humans tend to get sick often and tragically a lot of them die.
Optimus didn’t want to say a word, his pride told him to stay quiet. That you don’t need his concern, you do not wish it nor want it.
But you sneeze again.
“I’ll be taking you to the closest hospital,” he says as he makes a turn, heading for the closest road.
“I am not going to the hospital, it's just a cold–”
“You are going to the hospital and it's final,”His voice is demanding but you don’t care.
“No, I won’t–”
“Why won’t you take my feelings into consideration?!”
His inside trembles. You could feel how his engine gets louder. The air coming from his vents got warmer and for a moment you felt your heart race. Out of guilt for making the Prime lose composure.
“What if you die?” he asks again. “What would I do after you are gone?”
The more he talks, the more desperate he sounds. As if he was living the circumstances he speaks of.
“Have you thought what my life would be like without your presence?” you feel the seatbelt across your chest get tighter. “Do you really wish for me to be tormented for eternity.”
“This isn’t about me going to the hospital, is it?”
He doesn’t respond, his silence answers your question.
“Let me out Prime, I want to talk to you, face to faceplate.”
He drives off the road and takes you to a heavy section of a nearby forest. Raining still, the tall trees prevent the rain from fully touching the ground. But some drops still make it through. Not like you cared about getting wet, you already were but Optimus had other plans.
Opening the door and removing the seat belt, you jump out of his alt form. You watch him transform, a scene you will never be tired of. It's beautiful as it is scary, yet he is gentle. He knows it can be scary and he moves slower, softly as if not to scare you.
Optimus doesn’t mass shift but he tries to see you at an eye-level. It must be uncomfortable for him and before you ask him why he doesn’t size-down, you feel him move closer.
He puts one of his large servo on top of you, protecting you from any rain from touching you.
“I want you to be honest with me,” you say as your breath is agitated, your heart pumping against your chest. “I need to hear it from you.”
“What do you feel for me?”
Without you knowing, Optimus’ spark is also pulsating strongly against his chassis. He moves his optics away for a second, only for them to return to look at you.
“You are a valuable asset to the Autobot cause.”
“Is that all?”
“You are also an important comrade.”
You didn’t expect him to fully understand what you were asking. But you were hoping he could read your undertones.
“I am giving you one last chance,” you say, your hands turning into a fist. You weren’t the best at this either and if you were honest, you didn’t know what you were trying to achieve. “Is that all you feel for me?”
The Prime has always been known to be eloquent. Especially with words. But when it comes to you, he loses all sense of vocabulary. It didn’t use to be that way. There used to be a time when you meant nothing to him but a friend.
But you had never stopped looking for him. After the attacks in Chicago, even after Sam’s death, an occurrence in which he blamed himself, you never stopped looking for him
What is it? Why did you do it?
“Look at the rain … Can you count each drop that falls from the sky?”
Optimus moves his optics to look at his surroundings. The rain, the trees, the beauty of nature. It cannot compare to you.
“No, I can’t,” you respond quickly, your face full of wonder.
“Then, you are the rain,” he says. “And I am trying to count.”
He sees your hands soften. Your expression had become awkward, with now avoiding eyes and pink cheeks. He has this need to hold you but respects your anatomy.
“I can’t tell you how I feel because there are not enough words to describe it,” he calculates his words but he finds himself taking longer to answer. “I could recite you all of Cybertronian poetry and yet that doesn't feel enough for me.”
You keep looking at him and he looks away. Your eyes were too beautiful and it distracts him immensely.
“But if you were to ask me to count each star in the universe I would,” he lets his spark do the talking, finally subsiding the yearning it has been holding for a long time. “If you asked me to bring you a star, I would bring you a constellation.”
“This old rusted body belongs to you but if you ask me for my silence and distance, I won’t retaliate.”
“And if I asked you to stay with me, on Earth, would you do it?”
You know it was a selfish question. You didn’t want to make him choose between his world and you. But you just had to know if there was a small possibility, a small chance that the life you had with him could still be a possibility.
After the accidents in Chicago, you had looked for him, only to find him broken. Sam’s death had affected him greatly but in that grieve of losing loved ones, something sparked.
Three years. You had lived with him for three years, in an isolated cottage. Where he could have all the dandelions he wanted. Where he could care for animals and the two of you would look at the stars and try to count them. Each one of them.
“If that’s what you wish,” Optimus says. “I would stay by your side as long as you would have me.”
“I can’t,” you look away this time. “I won’t ask you to stay with me.”
“You have a duty to complete and Cybertron is your home,” there is more to it. More doubts than you are able to articulate. “When you asked me to go to Cybertron with you, I said no because I don’t think I am worthy to be on your side.”
“Have my actions made you feel this way?”
“You are Optimus Prime … I think anyone would feel unworthy,” you pause, thinking about the earlier events. “But today, Bumblebee and Hot Rod told me that you see me as your Conjunx.”
Optimus opens his intake only to close it. He looks side to side, trying to evade eye contact. One of the few times you can tell he is shy. But him acting in such a way has also made your body betray you. You wonder if he can tell just how nervous you are.
“Does that mean — You do?”
“You weren’t supposed to know,” his voice is delicate with an apologetic tone. As if you had just caught him stealing extra energon from the resource room. “Without noticing, my processor had one day started the Conjunx Ritus and as time passed, we both successfully completed the requirements.”
“And before I knew it, my Spark belonged to you.”
“But we are so different.”
“And yet here we are,” he makes a pause and he hears the rain. He tries to calm down before asking his next question, knowing that this will break his Spark. “Does my affection displease you?”
“No, no, I just–” you stumble with your words. “I don’t know what to say.”
“Is there a possibility that perhaps, in your heart, you reciprocate my sentiments?”
And you stay silent. Mostly because you don’t fully know what is going through your heart and the implications behind it. Can this even be possible? Are your feelings even real? Can he comprehend what your feelings are? Can this … Whatever it is, be real?
“Please end my torment,” his faceplate looks to be in distress, his optics yearning. Longing for something unknown to the both of you. “Your silence makes me have hope and I don’t want to suffer when you destroy my delusions.”
Gently, you walk towards him. You reach out a hand and touch his faceplate. Rubbing your soft skin against his cold metal. You watch his optics close, his engine gets louder just a bit but you hear him. As if your touch had saved him, healed him from whatever his processor agonized him with.
“You are cold,” you say as you put your forehead against his faceplate. “Until you get warm, I’ll stay with you.”
Optimus didn’t need to ask further. You didn’t have to say anything either. He just basks himself into this moment. Not knowing what the future holds but he doesn’t care as long as you are with him. This moment won’t last forever but he wants to think that one day it could be true.
A moment were he believed he could spend eternity counting the raindrops and stars in the sky with you.
A/N: Sorry this took so long. I’ve seen all the Bayverse movies but TLK is a movie that is a bit hard for me to write about because I don’t understand it much lol. But I still hope you like this and that it's not too OOC?
It was fun to write this! So thank you so much for the request! :)
#optimus prime x reader#optimus x oc#optimus x reader#optimus prime#transformers optimus#orion pax x reader#transformers#transformers fanfiction#transformers fanart#orion pax#transformers tlk#bayverse#bayverse optimus prime#bayverse transformers#bayformers#autobots#optimus#optimus x yn#optimus x you#optimus x human#optimus prime x oc#optimus prime x you#optimus prime x human#optimus prime x yn#transformers oc#transformers x oc#transformers x reader#transformers x human#transformers x y/n
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The Perfect Girl
Jackie Taylor x Implied Fem!Reader
Summary: You and Jackie - your ever so lovely girlfriend - share precious stolen moments away from prying eyes in your very bedroom.
Warning(s): Intimate scenes/implied smut, innuendos, pre-crash/no crash au (up for interpretation), and underage substance use (marijuana)
Notes: How are we doing after ep 4? Yeah. Figured.
The smoke hangs lazy in the afternoon air of your bedroom, curling around the shafts of golden light filtering through half-drawn blinds. Robert Smith's voice floats from your record player—the one your dad gave you for your sixteenth birthday with strict instructions to "treat the vinyl with respect, for God's sake." You'd promised, never imagining that one day you'd be using his precious sound system to provide the soundtrack for making out with Jackie Taylor.
Jackie—varsity soccer captain, homecoming queen nominee, and the girl whose public image couldn't be further from this moment: her perfect hair mussed beyond repair, wearing nothing but your oversized Sonic Youth t-shirt and a pair of lacy underwear that had made your brain short-circuit when you first saw them.
"You're staring again," she murmurs, taking another hit from the joint you'd been passing back and forth. Her eyes are slightly red-rimmed, her smile looser than the one she wears in the school hallways.
"Can you blame me?" You prop yourself up on your elbows, drinking in the sight of her. "Do you have any idea how many people would lose their minds if they could see Jackie Taylor right now?"
She rolls her eyes, but you catch the pleased flush creeping up her neck. "Please. I'm hardly centerfold material."
"You're right," you agree solemnly. "You're much better."
The way she looks at you then—half-exasperated, half-adoring—makes your chest ache with how much you love her. A year and a half of sneaking around, of stolen moments between classes and elaborate excuses to your respective friend groups, and sometimes you still can't believe she's yours.
"Come here," you say, making grabby hands at her.
Jackie raises an eyebrow, taking her time with another drag before passing the joint back to you. "Demanding much?" But she moves toward you anyway, settling onto your lap with the practiced ease of someone who's been there countless times before.
"Pictures of You" starts playing, and Jackie groans, dropping her forehead against yours. "God, not this song. It's so sad."
"It's romantic," you argue, running your hands up her bare thighs, delighting in the goosebumps that rise in their wake.
"It's about loss," she counters. Her fingers toy with the collar of your shirt, brushing against your collarbone in a way that makes it hard to concentrate on the philosophical debate about Cure lyrics.
"It's about love," you insist, leaning forward to press a kiss to the corner of her mouth. "How everything fades but photographs and memories."
Jackie pulls back just enough to study your face, her expression caught between amusement and something deeper. "Since when did you become the romantic one? I thought that was my role."
"Don't worry," you laugh, hands now resting on her hips, thumbs tracing slow circles against the fabric of her borrowed shirt. "Your title as 'most likely to cry during romantic comedies' remains unchallenged."
"That was one time!" she protests, but she's laughing too. "And 'The Princess Bride' is emotional terrorism."
"Whatever you say, captain."
Her eyes narrow playfully. "You know, for someone who's currently enjoying the privileges of having me on their lap, you're being awfully snarky."
"Privileges, huh?" You raise an eyebrow, feeling bold from the weed and the warmth of her against you. "And what privileges might those be?"
Jackie's smile turns wicked, a side of her no one at Wiskayok High ever sees except you. She leans down until her lips brush your ear. "Play your cards right, and you might find out."
A shiver runs through you that has nothing to do with the temperature. "I've always been good at cards."
"Hmm," she hums, unconvinced. "Is that why you lost twenty bucks to Shauna at poker night?"
"That was—" you splutter, indignant. "Shauna cheats! She has that whole quiet, innocent act down to a science."
Jackie laughs, the sound lighter than the carefully modulated one she uses at school. This laugh is just for you—unfiltered, slightly too loud, and utterly perfect.
"My point," she says, "is that you might need to work on your bluffing skills."
"I don't need to bluff with you," you say, suddenly serious despite the pleasant haze of the high. "Never have."
Something in her expression softens, the armor she wears so carefully around everyone else slipping away entirely. These are the moments you treasure most—when Jackie is just Jackie, not the perfect student, not the soccer star, not Jeff's sometimes-girlfriend (a convenient cover you both agreed on, with his reluctant cooperation).
"No," she agrees quietly. "You don't."
You reach up to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear, and she leans into your touch like a cat seeking affection. It still amazes you sometimes, how different she is in these private moments—how the Jackie Taylor who intimidated you during your first soccer practice freshman year transformed into the girl who now melts at your simplest touches.
"Remember when Coach Martinez paired us for drills that first day?" you ask, thinking back to how it all began. "And you told me my footwork was 'almost adequate'?"
Jackie groans, hiding her face in your neck. "Can we please not relive my bitch phase?"
"It was kind of hot, actually," you admit, laughing when she pinches your side in retaliation. "What? It was! All commanding and authoritative."
"You're deranged," she says, but she's smiling against your skin.
"Maybe. But you're the one who cornered me in the equipment shed two weeks later."
"Because you kept looking at me with those eyes!" She sits up, gesturing dramatically. "All... intense and stuff. It was distracting."
"My sincerest apologies for having eyes and using them to look at the prettiest girl on the field."
Jackie rolls her eyes, but you can tell she's pleased. She's always been a sucker for compliments, especially the earnest ones.
"Smooth talker," she accuses, before leaning down to press her lips against yours.
The kiss starts slow, languid with the unhurried confidence of people who know each other's bodies by heart. Your hands find their way under her shirt—your shirt—fingers tracing the dip of her spine, the curve of her ribs. She sighs into your mouth, shifting on your lap in a way that makes you both gasp.
"You know," you murmur against her lips, "we have the house to ourselves for at least three more hours."
Jackie pulls back just enough to look at you, her pupils dilated from more than just the weed. "Is that your subtle way of saying we should move this to a more horizontal position?"
"I was actually thinking we could finish our calculus homework," you deadpan. "You know how I get turned on by derivatives."
She snorts, an undignified sound that she'd be mortified to let slip in front of anyone else. "You're such a nerd."
"Says the girl with a 4.0 GPA."
"That's different," she insists, tracing a finger down your sternum. "I'm academically gifted. You're a genuine weirdo who reads physics books for fun."
"Only sometimes," you defend yourself. "And they have pretty pictures of space."
Jackie shakes her head, a fond smile playing at her lips. "What am I going to do with you?"
"I can think of a few things," you suggest, waggling your eyebrows in an exaggerated way that makes her laugh again.
"Can you now?" she challenges, and then she's leaning in to kiss you again, deeper this time, with an urgency that makes your head spin.
Your hands drift higher under her shirt, thumbs brushing the undersides of her breasts. She makes a soft noise against your mouth that sends heat pooling low in your belly. One of her hands tangles in your hair, the other bracing against your shoulder for leverage as she rocks against you.
When you break apart for air, her lips immediately find your neck, pressing hot, open-mouthed kisses along your pulse point. It's your turn to gasp, head falling back to give her better access.
"Jackie," you breathe, hands now gripping her hips tightly.
She smiles against your skin, clearly pleased with your reaction. "Yes?"
"The record's about to end."
She pulls back, blinking at you in confusion before her brow furrows in annoyance. "Seriously? That's what you're thinking about right now?"
You can't help but laugh at her indignation. "I just thought you might want some more mood music."
"The mood," she says, deliberately shifting on your lap in a way that makes your breath catch, "is doing just fine without Robert Smith's help."
"Fair point," you concede, voice slightly strained. "But you were the one who insisted we needed The Cure specifically for our afternoon delinquency session."
"That was before you started doing that thing with your hands," she counters, leaning in to nip at your bottom lip. "Now I couldn't care less about the soundtrack."
The needle reaches the end of the record, the soft scratching sound barely registering through the haze of desire clouding your brain.
"Besides," Jackie adds, her voice dropping to a whisper as she brings her lips to your ear. "I'd rather listen to the sounds you make when I do this."
Her hands slip beneath your shirt, and suddenly the lack of music is the furthest thing from your mind.
Later, much later, when you're both lying tangled in your sheets, catching your breath, Jackie props herself up on one elbow to look down at you.
"You know," she says, tracing patterns on your bare shoulder, "we won't have to hide next year."
The thought sends a rush of warmth through you that has nothing to do with physical pleasure. College, away from Wiskayok's judgmental eyes and rigid social hierarchies. A place where Jackie won't have to pretend to be someone she's not, where you can walk across campus holding her hand without calculating who might see.
"I can't wait," you say honestly.
Something vulnerable flickers across her face. "You won't get tired of me once I'm not your dirty little secret anymore?"
The question surprises you. Jackie's always so confident, so sure of herself and what she wants. But sometimes, in these quiet moments, you get glimpses of the insecurities she hides from everyone else.
"Are you kidding?" You reach up to cup her cheek. "I've been counting down the days until I can show you off properly."
Her smile is small but genuine, relief softening the tension you hadn't even noticed in her shoulders.
"Besides," you add, unable to resist, "I've invested too much time teaching you good music taste to abandon you now."
She gasps in mock outrage, grabbing a pillow to smack you with it. "Excuse you! I knew who The Cure was before I met you!"
"Name three albums," you challenge, laughing as you try to fend off her pillow attack.
"Disintegration," she says immediately, punctuating it with another swing of the pillow. "Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me. And... uh..."
"That's what I thought," you tease, finally capturing the pillow and tossing it aside so you can pull her down for another kiss.
Against your lips, she murmurs, "You're lucky you're cute."
"I'm lucky, period," you respond honestly, and the softness that returns to her eyes makes your heart flip over in your chest.
The Cure may have stopped playing hours ago, but as Jackie settles against you, her head tucked under your chin, you think Robert Smith would approve of this particular love song—the one written in the rhythm of your synchronized heartbeats and the promise of a future where hiding is no longer necessary.
#jackie taylor x reader#jackie taylor x you#jackie taylor x y/n#jackie taylor#yellowjackets x you#yellowjackets x reader#ella purnell#ella purnell x reader
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Okay y’all are right I’ve prolonged this series too long <3 (so here you go 💚)
Link to Part 1 - Robin Vs Wonder Girl
Teen Trinity Meet Up

Pairing: Damian Wayne x Wonder Girl!Reader (romantic), Jon Kent x Wonder Girl!Reader (platonic or romantic, but was written to be romantic)
Summary: After you finally return home after a long 3 year stay in the island of Themyscira, where you trained with the Amazons, you leave behind an old friend and once reunited are invited to join a new Superhero team consisting of You, Him and someone else, very much love triangle but not really.
Warning: Teenage flirting idk, Mild Misandry from the amazons.
The fog was thick today, it made you miss Themyscira. It’s taking some getting used too, especially seeing boys again, you never told any of the Amazons about Damian. It was a bad idea, you could barely contain yourself being around him. You had a childish crush on him, but it’s been 3 years now and you hadn’t ended on the best note. But you were 13 then and couldn’t understand your feelings properly, your last meeting ended with you screaming at Damian to stop toying with your feelings; you thought you had something, turns out he was just like the mean boys at school.
Looking back you had overreacted, like seriously overreacted. You felt awkward seeing him again, but it was thanks to the Amazons you had this crush educated out of you; you even met some cute girls back on Themyscira, they were a bit older than you, you could tell since you were the only kid there but that didn’t stop you. What actually stopped you was the fact they weren’t Damian. The last thing you needed was a distraction, you were the future Wonder Woman god damn it!
But anyway enough bitching for today, you were ready to meet your new teammates today; sort of, you already met Damian of course. But you haven’t had the pleasure of meeting Jon yet, you heard some mixed things from Damian a few years back; but that was it. You were curious to say the least.
You were now planted on one of the rooftops of Gotham, my god, you hated it here. It was awful, the air pollution, the smell, even the people. It wasn’t your go to place that’s for sure. You winced slightly at the bruises from the yesterday’s sparring session with Damian, turns out he had approved too. You dropped him on his ass eventually of course; but he still had some moves you weren’t expecting.
“Don’t jump off.” You heard a voice from behind and a swoosh of a cape, it was Damian. He’s so much chilled than before, what changed? Honestly you expected him to be taller, yeah you had some crazy Amazon genes but he was originally taller. You didn’t mind though, just wasn’t expecting it. You played with your tiara slightly and turned your head to face him, still sitting on the ledge. “Would you come after me?” You asked, tucking your hair behind your ear slightly. He grinned in amusement and sat down next to you. “You can fly now, remember? But yeah of course I would.” He said whilst pulling his gloves up. “Jon?” You asked. “He’ll be here soon.” And with that you directed your attention downwards.
Eventually he spoke again but let out a chuckle before speaking, “It’s funny, Themyscira has made you grow quite beautiful.” He said directing his attention towards you, your heart fluttered, you were finally getting the treatment you wanted. Just took 3 years to get there, it wasn’t as fulfilling as you thought though. Maybe it was because you had slowly fallen out of love with him, you couldn’t tell. But it didn’t make this any less sweet. And you had the urge to flirt back, if you could call it that. “What about you? You’re not looking so bad yourself.” You declared, with your tongue dragged across your front teeth. He looked away with a smirk, this made you question a LOT.
Jon had arrived slightly later, as the three of you looked out from the rooftop, the tension from your previous conversation still held true. Jon frantically kept looking in between you two, feeling like he’d interrupted something…
Damian stayed nonchalant, you tried to desperately look the other way, praying, hoping Jon wouldn’t notice your blushing face. but Jon was dumbfounded. Had this meet up he arranged turned into him third wheeling you two? Gosh..
“So I spoke to my father.” Damian spoke up first, his stoic voice remained at its average pitch. You and Jon both peered your heads to look at him, your eyes wide. “He’s going to look into finding us a headquarters.” He smiled and you and Jon exchanged smiles whilst you muttered words of excitement. Finally having something to take your mind off Damian.
Before long, Damian had left you both together. You were getting ready to leave before something Jon said shocked you, “Are you and Damian a thing now or..” He said and smiled awkwardly; rubbing the back of his head. Your face turned out swiftly and you begun waving your arms in embarrassment
“No it’s nothing like that!” You blushed, and you both turned your gaze to nothing in particular, but just away from each other. Why is he asking that? Gosh did you two really look like that?! Will Jon gossip?! You haven’t exactly known him for long..
“Sorry I shouldn’t have assumed things..” He lets out a sigh, he made his way to edge of the rooftop, the faint stars in the sky made this all surreal. “I best be off.” He trailed, ready to fly off. But you had other plans. “Jon!” You exhaled, moving closer, almost running. He turned around and let out a “Hm? What’s wrong?” He asked, and you smiled at him. “It was just nice seeing you..” you muttered and he waved at you before turning again. “You too.” A blush on his face barely evident, at least not to you. And with a loud “whoosh!” He too was gone. But a question stayed on your mind..why did he care whether or not you were dating Damian?
Taglist: @waterwyne @girlmachia @spacegirlfromearth @riaaavm
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Leander was still Leander. It sounded strange, but having spent so many days apart, part of Somnus had bene nervous that his best friend would be upset at him. For not even seeking him out once. If any of this had given him even a moment of pause, he would have ran to Leander first, though.
To rant, to get input, advice – and drink some wine while mulling about the future.
Now they would have to catch up on all this right now.
Standing beside Leander as Aerith started to explain all the rules of her favourite game, Somnus felt as if the tensions and weights of the past days simply slipped off of his shoulders. Like they were nothing more than the woolen coat Aerith was already discarding. Standing here, they could simply pretend they… belonged. And he hoped Aerith would feel the same kind of relaxation among all the soldiers.
Shooting Leander another amused glance, Somnus nodded: “I am good, Ser.”
Really. It were the same undertones. They knew each other for years now, Leander would know that Somnus was answering honestly. It might come as a surprise. From the outside he was forced into an arranged marriage and shipped far off from home, about to be thrown into a war. But to Somnus… it felt like a new chapter that he could finally write himself, not have others write it for him.
He could not wait until he could tell Leander all of this and about how lucky he was to be arranged to marry someone, who… understood.
Well, part of him hoped this evening would already be enough for Leander to realize how special Aerith was to him. And vice versa.
Though of course Leander had to throw him beneath the Chocobocart. Somnus shook his head with a laugh, but there was no way he could escape this now. Everyone had heard Leander and they cheered him to sit down opposite of the Princess. If this were any other setting, he would have bristled at it all. But… this was easy. Being shoved by his best friend’s hand and sitting down across his wife, who looked at him expectantly. And… was that mischief in her green eyes?
He remembered her threat and promise of destroying him in this game one day. He could win in chess, but this here was her battleground now.
“Look at how much they want you to destroy me… I hope you give them a show.”, he looked at Aerith from beneath his dark strands, with his head bowed a little.
She had explained the rules of this game and yet Somnus had to ask some more questions as they started to play. In the beginning it was complicated. But… it added up. It was tactical. And there was part of luck at play, too. With every draw, Somnus could hear the soldiers behind himself squabbling closer and whispering tipps and what to do next. The same happened to Aerith on her side. Though they definitely were quieter there, because Aerith obviously knew what she was doing – and absolutely dominating this game. Somnus could not but grin at his ‘bad luck’ and how he lost coin after coin to Aerith. There was laughter coming from the soldiers. Some hollered comments. That it was quite clear, who would rule this marriage. The mention of a certain scene in a tent with an almost-naked prince being hosed down like a dirty dog was enough to cause a whole barrage of laughs and some clanking cups of wine.
It was teasing at Somnus’ expense, and yet he did not mind it at all. Not here, not with them, not for her.
“Ah, you all have no idea how happy I am, that my beloved wife only set a honey cake for her victory – seems she could have won my last tunic from me.”
Aerith watched the exchange with curiousity painted across her lightly-smiling expression. 'Prince Someone'? Her gaze shifted briefly to Somnus — of course he wasn't bothered by such teases, not from a man who he had so enthusiastically embraced.
It felt like this was supposed to be a moment shared only between the two of them. Though neither man allowed her to feel like an intruder, she was welcomed into their conversation swiftly and warmly.
Her body language was a little more rigid around the edges. She held a tense posture, and her gaze shifted like a nervous animal, darting quickly between them. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Ser Leander." she politely greeted him.
The grin that spread across Leander's face was immense and immediate. Ser? Oh, he could get used to this. "I'm sure my old friend has told you all about our misdeeds." he further teased, and if he jabbed at his friends ribs with his words any harder he might even bruise. "Please, just Leander is fine." He looked over to Somnus. Oh, Ser was it? He hadn't said a word about him. Though here and now wasn't the time to throw him into a headlock.
The small talk soon picked up. Aerith accepted the offered seat, though she was far from cold. The table and fireplace combined to make the perfect setting for a certain card game. Without much thought, she shrugged her extra woollen layer away, and sat dressed in similar bed linens to those around her.
Then came the offer of a honey cake. It was the perfect little ice-breaker. "Actually, I would very much like one." she agreed, showing her teeth in a sharp little smile when it was delivered to the table. Perfect.
"Ah! Here's the prize." She declared, holding up the small wooden plate. "A sweet honey cake for anyone who can beat me in my favourite card game."
The Lucian soldiers should have realised something was up when the Cetran soldiers began to circle to watch the show. Though they were quite innocent, of course they hadn't realised yet that Queen's Blood was to Princess Aerith what chess was to Prince Somnus.
While said Princess gathered an excited little crowd and explained the rules of her game, Leander took a moment to eye his friend proper. "How are you?" The 'really?' was implied at the end of his well-meaning sentence. So much had changed in a matter of weeks. He hoped that Somnus was alright, to his understanding he would not be returning to Lucis...
... Yet, he was still Leander, even under his thick layer of concern. When he heard Aerith call for her first challenger, he proved his talent for being fast. "Somnus!" he called. "Let's hear it for our brave leader!" The hoots of encouragement and clapping rippled through the gathering. This was what he got for not telling the Princess a word about him. Ser.
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please please 🙏🏻 can we get a jealous joaquin torres fic
One jealous Joaquín coming right up! This is gonna take place in the Edelweiss universe because I'm already in love with the dynamic there lol. Hope that's okay!! This takes place right before you leave for college (:
"Are you sure this color looks okay on me?"
Your mother laughs softly, and smooths your hair down. "Yes, honey. Logan will love it. Won't he, Joaquín?"
His silence frightens you.
You turn to him expectantly, only to find a sour look on his face.
Well, that was different.
"If Joaquín doesn't like it, Logan won't either," You say exasperatedly. "I'm gonna have to change. Again!"
Maria groans from the corner of your room, "Please, for the love of God, don't do that."
"He's going to think I look frumpy or something!"
"No he won't, Y/n, you look great."
"No, I-"
Joaquín stands a loud sigh escaping his lips as he scrubs his hands up and down his face. "I like your outfit, alright? Don't change again."
His tone catches you off guard. He has never so much as raised his voice at you in the years that you've been friends, so this knocks you off kilter, to say the least. "What's with the attitude?"
He plays with a loose thread at the bottom of his T-shirt, and shakes his head. "I'm totally fine, I dunno what you're talking about."
You squint at him.
He scrunches his nose back at you.
"Whatever, grumpy," You sigh. "Logan's going to be here any minute. Are you sure my outfit looks alright?"
Maria jokingly knocks her head against the wall a couple of times. "If you say that one more time, I'm going to scream. You look great, hot even. He's gonna be blown away."
Joaquín huffs, crossing his arms.
Before you can get a chance to say something, Maria turns, "And you! Quit being an ass."
"I'm not being an ass, I'm just worried he's not going to be gentlemanly-"
Honking comes from outside. You half-yelp, half-screech, as you look outside and find that Logan's car is sitting in front of your house. "He's here!"
Joaquín rolls his eyes, another huff leaving his lips. "He can't even come to the front door to get you? He just comes here and honks at you? Where did you find this guy?"
You glare at your best friend, before grabbing your bag and shoes. "Relax, Joaquín."
You check your hair and makeup once more before leaving, a rush of adrenaline racing through you as you approach Logan's car. The last date you'd been on was back in high school, and that hadn't been much of a date. It was ice cream, and you had both been too shy to say much to one another. A friend you had through dance knew Logan, and had set the two of you up.
You always held onto the hope that Joaquín might like you, but you couldn't just sit around and wait until you were old and frail and hadn't had any fun. So you told her to give him your number, and he has asked after a week of talking if you wanted to go on a date.
Logan is sweet. He's thoughtful, and kind, and he pays for your dinner. He pulls your chair out, and holds the door open for you as you leave the restaurant.
One date turns into two, then three, then four, and somewhere, along the way, you become official with Logan. You're unsure of if you're in love with him, but you can say pretty certainly that you care pretty deeply for him. He's the type of guy that is easy to get along with, easy to picture marrying and creating a life with.
After six months of dating, you become quite comfortable with the idea of a long term relationship with him.
On a Friday night in late December, you find yourself squeezed on the couch between Joaquín and Maria. It's a big couch, but somehow the three of you have managed to sardine yourselves into the corner, with Joaquín's shoulder pressed against yours. You were hoping to see Logan on your winter break from school, but lately he has been elusive.
"This movie is so cheesy," Joaquín snickers, shoving a handful of popcorn into his mouth.
"It's sweet," You retort. "They're in love and won't admit it. When they finally do it's going to be so cute."
He side eyes you, and sends you a playful smirk. "You're such a romantic."
You laugh softly, "Yeah, yeah. Sue me for loving love."
Your phone chimes loudly then, indicating a phone call. "Hand me my phone, please?" You say to Maria, who grabs your phone from the coffee table.
It's Logan.
You don't bother to move from the couch, thinking that whatever he's calling you for won't last long and that it'll be just a quick goodnight call.
"Hey!" You chirp.
Joaquín shifts beside you, fiddling with his fingers.
"Hi, baby," Logan says. "I had a bad day, mind if I tell you a little about it?"
"Yeah, sure. I'm just watching a movie right now."
Logan launches into a story about how he got into trouble at his internship for taking too long of lunch breaks. "It was kind of embarrassing, you know? We kind of got yelled at in front of the whole office."
You shake your head, although he can't see you. "I'm sorry."
There's a beat of silence, "Yeah, I got into quite a bit of trouble."
You take a deep breath, and maybe you're overanalyzing things but...
"You said 'we'."
"Oh, I don't know. You said 'we got in trouble', but then you backpedaled and said that only you did?"
You're not sure why, but dread crawls through the hollow parts of your bones.
Logan laughs, "Oh..yeah. Angie's been going to lunch with me."
You swallow, and flick a piece of popcorn from your lap. "Oh."
"Don't make this into a thing. She's just a friend."
You don't like how defensive he's being. "I didn't even say anything."
Maria shifts, and mouths, 'Everything okay?'
You wave her off.
There's a long pause that makes your stomach queasy.
Logan sighs, and the sound makes tears jump to your eyes. You don't know why you're reacting like this. "I...it's been difficult with you in New York."
"It's been difficult for me, too."
"No, you don't understand. Men have needs, honey, and Angie-"
You cut him off, your heart pumping wildly in your chest. "You slept with her?!"
There's another pause that tells you everything you need to know.
You shudder, trying to remain calm as a tear streaks down your cheek. Joaquín places a hand on your shoulder, turning you to him.
"Give me your phone," He commands quietly. Your chin wobbles as you breathe deeply. "I just want to have a word with him. Please."
You hand Joaquín your phone, feeling the weight of the phone call as you pass it to him. He smiles reassuringly at you, before dipping down and pressing a kiss to the top of your head. "Be right back."
Joaquín steps outside, and although you can't exactly hear what he's saying, you can hear the volume in which he's saying it, and he sounds angry.
Maria does her best to calm you down as everything settles in, as you finally realize that, yes, this is real life, and your world has just been flipped upside down. When Joaquín finally slips back inside, your head is resting against Maria's shoulder, sobs wracking through your chest.
"Hey," Joaquín says softly, he sits down beside you, and takes you from Maria. He gathers you into his arms, cradling you against his chest. "I don't think he's gonna bother you anymore."
You sniffle into his green shirt, "What did you say?"
Joaquín's chin presses against the top of your head, "It wasn't polite, and I am in the company of ladies so I can't repeat it."
"Thank you," You breathe. He squeezes you tighter against him, and leans back against the couch.
"Go get her a glass of water, Maria," He says, shooing her into the kitchen. He gently traces a finger up and down your spine, his breathing lulling you back into a sense of calm.
"I'd do anything for you, boots."
You shift, curling up against him. "You're my bestest friend. I don't know what I'd do without you."
Another kiss is pressed to your head. "You're never going to have to find out. I promise."
#joaquin torres#joaquin torres fanfiction#falcon#joaquin torres x reader#joaquin torres imagine#marvel#joaquin torres fic#joaquín torres
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Baggage Claim Reunion
modern!rockstar!eddie Munson x reader
summary: Corroded Coffin is finally home after their first supporting tour in the UK and you get to pick them up.
word count: 5.3k
content warning: established relationship, fluff, more fluff, some language, references to sex and a dom/sub relationship that I'll explore at some point, overall you and Eddie are just happy to be reunited.
author's note: this came to me as I was waiting for @corroded-hellfire to pick me up from the airport when I visited her. I stewed on the idea for a little bit before deciding to write it and I'm really happy with how it turned out!
Also, I'm starting a general taglist if anyone is interested 👉👈
Indianapolis International Airport was buzzing with people in the evening. Most of the individuals walking by look like they’d rather be anywhere else right now as they slump over in the chairs waiting for their luggage or lean against the handles of their carry-on bag. It was amazing to see how some people dressed there. You saw people dressed from head to toe in new Disney merch, in their pajamas, suits, the whole nine yards. Indiana was finally blessed with a few warm days around this time of year so you drove to the airport in a sweatshirt and some pajama pants. The occasion was exciting but did not warrant dressing up since you’d be going to bed right after. You even tried to nap earlier in the day but the anticipation for today’s events kept you wide awake. Hell, you’re probably the only one at the arrivals gate full of energy as you anxiously bounce on your slippered feet waiting for the passengers of an 11-hour flight from Helsinki to return home.
Corroded Coffin had finally made it and was invited to open up for another band on the European leg of their tour. Everyone was so ecstatic when they got the call from the band's agent and began preparing. Eddie quickly got the necessary time off from work approved (one of the perks of Wayne’s new promotion to shop manager), passports were renewed, visas expedited, and before you all could even process what was happening you waved goodbye as Corroded Coffin flew off to tour for the next month. It was hard for you to adjust to your apartment being so quiet. Eddie was always coming over to stay the night to the point that you’d joke he should just move in. Maybe you’d suggest that after dropping everyone off when they arrived home. The band would have weekly hang outs every Saturday night at your place and would sometimes culminate in a sleepover with you all sprawled out across the living room. Your head more often than not would end up on Eddie’s shoulder and his arm draped across your shoulder. It was weird to go so long without him humming a tune or tapping his fingers against something. It almost didn’t feel like home without him.
Eddie would call you after every show and you’d spend as much time as possible catching up on each other's day before he had to go help with loading up the van and promise to call again the next day. There’s the usual back and forth about who should hang up first until one person gives in, or in some cases one of the band members takes the phone and hangs up for you guys. They don’t do it to be mean, but they all know that if they don’t do it then Eddie will make them late for load out almost every night.
You miss Eddie’s warmth, his contagious laughter, the way he always had a corny joke or compliment when you were in a bad mood. Hell, you even missed when he was trying to be annoying. You missed every part of him and as proud as you were to see Corroded Coffin get the attention they deserved, you also wanted your best friend and boyfriend back. The distance made you realize how hard it was to function without him. Sure, he had done other tours before, but the time difference left you two with little time to chat and it made you feel lonely. Your other half was missing.
You get to the baggage claim earlier than expected, having looked up the map of the airport the night before to avoid getting lost. The universe must have sensed your desperation because there was barely any traffic during rush hour. Once you strode through the glass doors, you find the carousel everyone’s luggage would be dropped off and park yourself on a bench facing the gate. According to the boards plastered around the airport, Corroded Coffin’s grueling nonstop flight had landed and their luggage was being delivered to the baggage area, meaning your boys would be arriving soon. There’s a small food court near the baggage claim and still had plenty of time left before the guys come out, so you take the opportunity to get some food for yourself. It’s not much, settling for a quesadilla and bag of tortilla chips with queso. You’ll eat that and let the boys fight over the bag when you drive them all home.
Your phone nearly died earlier and you needed it to get home from the airport so you resort to the age-old activity of people watching to make time pass by easily. You watch exhausted families carrying their sleeping children, pilots and flight attendants heading to and from work, and count at least four adorable dogs that make you want to abandon your post waiting for the band so you can say hello to them. There was even a man who sat near you with what was possibly the funniest, most wrinkly English Bulldog you had ever seen. His name was Hank and you were so excited to tell Eddie about him when you two were finally reunited
You were so excited to see everyone – mainly Eddie – that your heart began to pound every time you saw a group of people approach the baggage claim, but found yourself immensely disappointed every time when you learned it was not Corroded Coffin. There was a surprising amount of tall white men with long brown hair. Were you being tortured? It sure felt like it.
Twenty torturous minutes later and you finally see a familiar group of people approaching the baggage area. Leading the pack is Jeff, who is chugging the last of his water and shoving it in his backpack. Grant and Gareth are passionately arguing about something with Gareth enthusiastically jumping as if the added height would help prove his point. Behind those two is a drained looking Eddie with a can of Monster in his hand and his guitar slung over his back. Eddie insisted he take the guitar as a carry-on because he didn’t trust anyone to handle it with care. The rest of the band’s equipment was being shipped back to the States and would arrive in a few weeks.
He had changed his hair a bit before leaving for tour by getting an undercut and you never realized how much a change in hairstyle could affect his confidence levels. His self-esteem got a big boost once Corroded Coffin began to take off, but this new haircut really helped him.. The longer portion of his hair was tied back into a loose bun to show off the shaved back. You joked that he did it solely to show more of his neck to you since you had a habit of biting it. He had headphones on and wasn’t really paying attention to the argument going on in front of him, looking as exhausted as everyone else in the building, but with little more curiosity about this part of the building and the amenities that surrounded them. He wore a faded Corroded Coffin hoodie (he insisted on repping the band whenever possible) with the sleeves rolled up, exposing his tattoo sleeves and a pair of gray sweatpants, your personal favorite. Eddie was definitely dressing for comfort in this case, although you’d make the case that he looks good no matter what. He looked tired, the long flight most likely taking whatever energy he had left before the show, but somehow he looked as perfect as ever.
Grant is the one to spot you first and waves in your direction. You throw your half-eaten meal down into the large to-go bag it came in and drop it on the floor to dart in their direction. Eddie doesn’t see you barreling over to them, instead taken by the large sculpture near the elevators. It’s not until he hears you yell, “Welcome back!” that he realizes his favorite person is finally here to take them all home that he tugs his headphones off his ears. The metalhead pushes through to the front of the group and meets you halfway to pick you up and twirl you around. He had never looked happier, all semblance of exhaustion wiped off his face the second he had you in his arms.
You’re both smiling at each other and start giggling when he spins you around. Your reunion is like something out of a movie. The world slows down around you as your attention lies solely on Eddie, his eyes, his smile, his everything. The rest of his band watches from afar to allow you both to have this moment. Eddie had a smile on their face that they didn’t see often - it was usually after a great show or whenever you two were apart and he finally saw you again. They collectively decided to keep their mouth shut about how much he’d complain about missing you. Always moaning about how he wished you were there with them, how he wished you saw what he did on stage (you have social media, you saw every second of every show), and how he missed talking to you. Eddie called you every day yet he acted like he hadn’t spoken to you in years. It was easy to just let him have his moment with you while they all waited to collect their luggage at the appropriate carousel as it began dropping out of the chute.
Eddie’s spinning slows down until he’s just standing there with you in his arms.. He loosens his grip enough to place you down on the floor but immediately pulls you in for a tight hug. If there was one thing about Eddie that you liked to share with people, it was the fact that he gave the most amazing hugs. He would hold you so tightly you felt that he might actually break something if he were any stronger. Years of working odd jobs and later at the mechanic led to him building enough muscle so he finally filled out his shirts and could lift anything with ease. Hauling gear was easy for him, and he particularly took joy in throwing you around like a ragdoll, whether during sex or just to wrestle around and get you to laugh. Right now, it felt like he was trying to squeeze the air out of your lungs. All the love he had for you was fueling the hug’s strength. You reciprocated the embrace as much as you could, still feeling a bit giggly because your boy was finally home. Your face is buried in his neck to take in his scent. It was intoxicating. You had started using some of his shirts as pillow cases to tide you over while he was gone. Your bed usually smelled like him since he slept there most nights, but without him visiting the sheets began to lose their comforting smell. Thankfully, he already had a drawer for his stuff so you didn’t even have to ask him to give you anything. You even took one of his shirts the last time you visited his place so you could have something new.
Eddie presses a kiss to your forehead before resting his head on top of yours, almost whispering against your hair, “Oh honey, my sweet girl…,” he presses his nose to your hair to breathe you in and continues with a smile, “I missed you so much.”
His hands move from your waist to cup your cheeks after pulling away from you. There’s a moment where you two don’t say anything, just taking each other in for the first time in a month. Then, he pulls you closer to press a soft kiss to your lips. It’s not the passionate kiss you were craving all month, but you were happy to finally feel his soft lips against yours. You’re leaning into the kiss as the world disappears around you, at least until you hear someone clear their throat and you remember Eddie did not arrive here alone.
“Um, sorry, do we get a hello too?” You pull away from your boyfriend and look over to Jeff who was speaking and laugh at his request. Eddie’s gaze follows yours and he cocks a brow at his bandmate, looking absolutely pissed that his bassist dared to interrupt your moment with him, but also that Jeff wanted to take you away from him. Yes, you were good friends with the rest of the band, and yes he was sure you also missed them, but you were Eddie’s girlfriend. He wanted to hold onto you for as long as humanly possible. If he could, he’d sit in the driver’s seat and use his arms as your seatbelt when you drove home. Despite his protests, you fully let go of Eddie (to which he lets out a sad whine and follows you to the others) and give each member a greeting and a hug, asking how the flight was and making general small talk. Without any warning besides the quiet thud of his footsteps on the tile floor, Eddie moves to stand behind you and wrap his arms loosely around your waist and rest his head on your shoulder. One of your hands reaches up to scratch the back ofhis scalp and he lets out a content hum, happy to just stand here all night as long as you never stop touching him.
“So…” you begin, turning your attention to the group as a whole, “how was the trip? Did you guys get to sleep for a little bit?” You feel Eddie shift a little bit behind you, unaware of the look he’s giving his friends who just chuckle.
Grant looks Eddie directly in the eyes and replies, “Oh, definitely. Eddie was especially quiet so it was pretty easy.” You cock an eyebrow at Grant, a little suspicious of the claim since the Eddie you know, the Eddie who sleeps in your bed most days, is a known sleep talker and never shuts the hell up when he’s awake. There was never a quiet moment with him. This was especially the case now, given how Eddie hasn’t spoken since he held you. Usually he’d be going on and on about every thought that went through his head during the plane flight or things that happened between your last phone call and now.
“I’m sorry, but I wasn’t aware that Eddie had a mute button. Where is it? Does he have a new secret freckle that I don’t know about? ” You point a finger in your boyfriend’s face while questioning the others. Eddie, taking the opportunity to get another laugh out of you, leans in and tries to playfully nip at your finger but you just move your hand away when he does so. He’s still silent and you’re becoming more suspicious of him by the second.
Jeff walks over, having gone to the nearest trash can to dispose of his empty bottle. He adjusts the backpack on his shoulder before replying, “Well, someone lost their voice last night at the end of the show.” The other two boys laugh and Gareth pulls his phone out to seemingly provide evidence for Eddie’s actions as Jeff continues on, “He was invited on stage for the last song of the night with the headliner It was fucking sick. The gutturals? Disgusting. ”
Gareth hands his phone over to you with a video from Tiktok pulled up. You kept TikTok open throughout the night to watch everything unfold live, but somehow missed this part of the night. Maybe this was when you were trying to sleep or went on a cleaning spree.
Like Jeff said, it was the last song of the night and they called Eddie on stage. The metalhead is sweaty from his previous performance but looks like he could go on all night if he had the chance. He has a smile on his face that fills your heart with pride, his joy only growing when the audience begins to cheer even more than they were before once he came on stage. Eddie is still in his stage outfit and makeup, some smoky red eyeshadow, wearing a half buttoned up button-down shirt, distressed jeans, and his favorite combat boots. The unbuttoned shirt revealed sections of his tattoos and his two necklaces - one with your first initial on it and the other was his new lucky guitar pick. His original has been hanging around your neck for around two years now. You were sure the comments were flooded with people fawning over his looks, they always are.
The two walk up to center stage as the band plays the first notes. You can almost feel the energy of the room just by watching the video. Everyone in the audience begins cheering. Everyone knows the lyrics and they all scream along with the two men on stage. The first notes of the song begin to play and the two vocalists make it to center stage before they start singing. Eddie has one foot up on the stage risers as he belts out the lyrics.
All in with a losing hand
The sun sets on a wanted man
No spine, born without a backbone
Two-faced, too late for a tombstone
His screams are most akin to a deep growl from the back of his throat. He tried his best over the years to improve his guttural screams without damaging his throat, but maybe last night he got so excited that he forgot to take all the precautionary steps he took to prevent any damage.
Eddie nods at this and speaks up as much as he’s able to and says, “I got carried away and fucked up. I could feel the damage happening maybe halfway through the song but there was no way I was gonna stop.”
Jeff nods, muttering under his breath, “And you’re the one always lecturing us about proper technique…” Eddie huffs and raises a ringed middle finger to his bassist who did the only reasonable thing and gave Eddie one back.
You take a little pity on Eddie because he’s clearly annoyed at himself for doing this and how he hurt himself. You turn to him to peck his lips while soothingly rubbing his shoulders. Your touch is already making him feel better. All he wants to do is go home and snuggle up to you in order to make up for lost time. From behind you, there’s some muffled comments being made by the boys, including a sarcastic ‘I can never get over how whipped he is for her…’ coming from Gareth. Eddie tears his eyes from you to Gareth and hoarsely remarks, “At least I have a girlfriend.” It’s barely audible to them, given the condition of his voice and the overall noise levels of the airport, but they’re able to decipher what he said by lip reading. The reactions are mixed. Grant fakes offense, Jeff scoffs, and Gareth flips him off. Then, the younger man gets an idea.
“You know…”, Gareth says, readjusting the bag hanging off one shoulder with a sly smile on his face, something you notice right away when you turn to look at him, “I’ve actually been acting as his interpreter. I’m pretty good.”
Your boyfriend scoffs and croaks out to Gareth, “No the fuck you’re not.”
Instantly, Gareth replies, “What’s that? You’re indefinitely appointing me as the new frontman? Aww, thanks man! I really appreciate that you trust me with the band!” Eddie shakes his head and is about to walk past you and try to knock some sense into his drummer, mainly because he’s tired and just wants to go home, but you’re still holding onto his shoulder so he stays put. He’s pursing his lips and is clearly ticked off by Gareth, which seems to have been his goal. Most of the time, Eddie could put up with Gareth’s shenanigans, but you swore that every time they went on tour Eddie would come back needing a break from him. He needed a break from everyone, really. That’s what was so great about this job. You’re stuck in a tiny van with them with zero time by yourself and once you get home you can just avoid them until you can bear to look at their faces again. They didn’t schedule a Hellfire session next week for this exact reason. Eddie didn’t want to hear any of their voices or look at them for a while. Hell, he wanted to forget the guys even existed. His plan was to spend time with you, spend time in you, and spend time catching up on his sleep… with you
He’s sick of standing here, he’s sick of the clothes he’s wearing, he’s sick of being awake. Eddie grabs his suitcase from the small pile of luggage that made up their belongings and said to you, “I wanna go home.” He pulls the handle up and takes your hand to begin walking towards the exit. You couldn’t understand what he was saying seconds ago and found the perfect opportunity to poke fun at him.
“Oh yeah, I’d love to watch Titanic when we get home! We can do a fun romance movie marathon!.”
Eddie stops in his tracks and spins to look at you. Did you not hear him correctly? Is his voice that messed up? It’s only when you’ve got the same shit-eating grin on your face that Gareth is wearing that Eddie realizes you’re just messing with him. He gives you the same glare he previously gave the rest of the band and lets go of you before turning to leave the building. You let Eddie take a few steps by himself before shouting out, “You’re going in the wrong direction!”
Eddie groans and turns around again. You and the boys are laughing and all decide it’s finally time to get going. Your boyfriend strode in the other direction to the other exit, one hand on his luggage and the other grabbing your hand again as he passed. You’re laughing even more now and follow him to the elevator leading to the parking garage. Everyone else follows behind and you all make your way upstairs and to your car.
All the bags are packed into the back and the boys into the seats. Eddie immediately claimed the front passenger seat to avoid being sandwiched between the other three, but it gave him the opportunity to hold onto you more. Once everyone was buckled in and ready you began the hour long drive from Indianapolis to Hawkins. There was some chatter at the beginning, but as time went on the chatter morphed into a loud conversation about god knows what. You kept your focus on the road in order to get everyone home as fast as possible. Your patience was beginning to wear thin so you couldn’t imagine how Eddie was feeling. Their loud comments were almost enough to drown out the car radio and the other vehicles whizzing past you on the highway.
The entire time, Eddie kept one hand on your thigh. Neither of you had the energy for sex right now, but you couldn’t deny that his touch wasn’t getting you a little hot and bothered. You were used to satiating each other's urges whenever you had the chance so you had a month's worth of desires and urges to let out with him. When the time came for him to leave for tour, he made you promise not to touch yourself because ‘you can’t play with something that belongs to him’. You could have easily gone against his wishes, it was all for fun, but it just made his homecoming all the more exciting. His hands were warm and the heat went right through your jeans. He would squeeze your leg sometimes when you stopped and sometimes rub the inside of your thigh with his thumb.
You drop everyone off at their respective homes and heave a sigh of relief once it’s just you and Eddie in the car. You love those guys, you really do, but sometimes when they’re all together in the same room (or in this case, car) they all start acting like lunatics. Your only saving grace was the fact that they all wore seatbelts and Eddie, the usual instigator of their chaos, was quiet and drained of all his energy.
As you begin the drive to your apartment, you lower the radio volume until it’s merely background noise. Eddie takes his hand away from your thigh and crosses his arms as he makes himself more comfortable. He even pulls his hoodie up to keep warm
You lived two towns over so the drive would be twenty minutes until you both could finally go to sleep. Out of the corner of your eye you see Eddie moving to recline the passenger seat a little bit and shut his eyes.
“Get some rest, baby. We’ll be home soon.”
There was never a discussion about where he’d be staying the night, you just assumed he would be sleeping here. It was a peaceful, quiet drive. A few minutes after he got comfortable you heard his even, heavy breathing and smiled at how quickly he fell asleep. He tired himself out after that last show. Eventually, you roll into your complex’s parking lot and slow to a stop in your designated area. Once the car is off, you take one of Eddie’s hands and give it a squeeze to wake him up. His eyes flutter open and you give him a warm smile. He blearily rubs his eyes and slowly ambles out of the car. You grab his luggage and he picks up his guitar case to sling over his shoulder. Once he’s out and all his belongings are out of the car, you go over to him and hold your hand out which he happily takes. It’s a short walk from your car but takes a little longer than normal thanks to everything you two are lugging and how sluggish your boyfriend is moving. Thankfully, the temperature wasn’t dipping too low so neither of you were in a hurry. Eventually you get to the front door of your apartment. Neither of you speak on the walk over, but it’s a comfortable silence so neither of you try to fix that.
The door finally opens after you fight the lock for what feels like an eternity. Eddie sighs when he steps inside. He sets his guitar case down on the sofa and you put his luggage down next to the front door. You kick off your slippers as he leans against the couch to bend over and pull his sneakers off. Once those are off, he begins stripping down in the living room without saying a word. Eddie pulls his hoodie over his head and is followed by the Metallica shirt he wore underneath. Then, he pulls off his sweatpants to reveal… nothing else.
“Ed, honey, did you really take an 11-hour flight without underwear?”
Eddie turns to you as he takes his hair down out of the ponytail he was wearing. He runs his fingers through his hair and scratches at his scalp to relieve the tension from having his hair up for that long. Your beautiful boyfriend stands in the middle of your living room, completely drained and fully nude in front of the open living room window. Eddie looks at you and tiredly answers, “I didn’t feel like wearing them” like it’s completely normal. He’s beyond the point of holding a regular conversation. The dim lighting doesn’t help to hide the bags under his eyes. This would be a conversation to be held in the morning.
You sigh and shake your head at him. He’s bending over to pick his clothes up and you get a full view of his ass, and you won’t complain. It’s a great view. So great that you go over and give it a little tap. You don’t have the energy to give it a full-on smack, something else to tackle tomorrow. Eddie turns and has a small smile on his face. He takes the shirt in his hand and throws it at your face. You hate to admit it smells amazing - it’s a little more sweaty than the shirts he usually gives you since he was stuck in a cramped plane for eleven hours, but that was what somehow made it smell better. He picks up his laundry (minus the shirt) and carries it into your room. Your eyes are scanning his body as he walks inside. The only light source in the room is your bedside lamp, so there’s even less light in there. He’s half hard despite the exhaustion over the past 24 hours and you make a mental note to yourself to wake him up with a blowjob, he always loves that. All his dirty clothing is tossed onto the designated laundry chair, now a mix of your dirty clothes and his, before he flops down onto the bed on his stomach. He’s sprawled out like a starfish and groans when he hits the bed, burying his face in your pillows. It gives you the opportunity to ogle him more, the skeleton wings on his back and the bite mark that you gave him that he permanently tattooed onto the side of his neck. It’s the closest thing you guys had to matching couple tattoos - he had a bite from you on his neck, and you had his on your inner thigh. He was perfect.
You take the time to remove your clothing and strip down like Eddie did earlier. He turns his head a bit to watch you. His eyes trace your curves as the clothing falls off and is placed on the growing mountain in the corner. Once you’re properly undressed, he turns his head back to your pillows so he could take in your fragrance again. The mix of your shampoo, soap, and natural scent was better than any drug.
“God, I’m fucking exhausted…”
You tiptoe over to the side of the bed and sit down next to him, moving a lock of curly hair away from his face so you can look at him more. He has a sleepy smile on his face, and it’s obvious that he’s on the verge of falling asleep. You reply, “Mm, I bet. Did you have fun?”
The metalhead nods his head and takes your hand in his to kiss the back of it. Eddie missed a lot of things. He missed the smell of your bedsheets, your warmth when he woke up to your body curled up next to his, the long nights spent in bed just laughing and talking until one of you fell asleep. With his lips pressed against your hand, he mutters, “Yes, but I’m happy to be home…”
He called your apartment home. There was already a mix of his belongings in here besides his clothing so it would make sense that it felt like home to him. The question keeps flying around in your head, but again, it’s a conversation for tomorrow. Your blankets were calling your name, especially with this angel of a man under them. You reach to your bedside table and turn the light off with a soft click, the streetlights outside barely illuminating the room now. Eddie holds the sheets open for you as you tiredly climb inside. The last of your energy leaves your body the moment your head hits the pillow. A pair of strong arms encircle you again and pull you close so your chests are pressed together. You nuzzle him and give him a little kiss before whispering, “Goodnight, Eddie. Get some sleep.”
You two are both out within ten minutes.
#I meant to just proofread it before posting but ended up adding an extra thousand words#im scheduling this before going to bed goodnight everyone ily#also in case anyone is like hey those lyrics sound cool...... tombstone by wage war#they're cool check them out#eddie munson x reader#eddie munson x reader fluff#eddie munson fanfic#eddie munson#scripsi
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Fics I Enjoyed in February - DC Comics Fic Rec List Part 3
To the shock of precisely no one, I'm still in DC Comics hell. Enjoy the fruits of my labor (reading so so many fics)
Here's fic recs Part 1 and Part 2!
Individualized Education Plan by @cowboysorceror & @deadchannelradio (General Audiences, 7k, 2024) Dick goes to Damian's parent-teacher conference. Damian endures the consequences of Dick being an extraordinarily attractive man. Left me wheezing on my bus ride to work, this fic is hysterical.
“Richard,” he says, in tones of the deeply suffering, “this place is a hostile environment. I must be collected post-haste, as after this latest indignity I am dropping out. Come at once, or I may die here.”
In Service by @smilebackwards (Teen & Up, 13k, 2023) Bruce refuses to let Tim be Robin. Tim, still determined to help, asks Alfred to let him train to be Bruce's next butler. I could not stop squeeing as I read this, deeply wholesome and great worldbuilding to boot.
Tim rings the doorbell of Wayne Manor for the third time in as many days, and for the third time, Mr. Pennyworth opens the heavy oak door. He looks tired and careworn and Tim knows for certain that he’s choosing the right thing now. Mr. Wayne isn’t going to let him anywhere near the Robin suit, but maybe Tim doesn’t need it. There’s another tack he can try.
this year's love by @flybynightwing (Teen & Up, 20k, 2023) A thoughtful and tender exploration of how Dick and Kory might get back together post-Infinite Crisis, featuring Tim being a little troll, Dick & Kory having So Many Issues to work through, and Donna not getting paid enough to deal with this.
Dick and Kory get back together while on vacation. It goes beautifully. If only vacations could last forever.
descartes by @deadchannelradio (Teen & Up, 5k, 2024) Jason finds out how weird Slade acts towards Dick. Yet another fic by deadchannelradio that had me cackling out loud.
“I’m going to kill him,” Jason decides aloud. “Next time I see that man, I’m gonna kill him.” “No, Jason, do not,” Dick says in the same tone Jason uses to tell his dog not to chew on his boots.
The Threat by @jackhawksmoor (General Audiences, 2k, 2022) Damian has some pointed opinions about the way Bruce treats Dick. A gripping Damian POV fic - I love a Damian who expresses how much he cares by via emotional manipulation, and Bruce's reaction is equally tantalizing.
"What are you talking about?" His father sounded puzzled. He had that tone in his voice that Damian always hated to hear. That careless, American tone. His father had never needed to earn his place in a family, so the idea that someone could take it away from him if he wasn’t worthy of it hadn't even occurred to him. Not yet.
A Talon After My Own Heart by @wildsofmarch (Teen & Up, 13k, 2022) A surprisingly well-adjusted Talon!Dick goes on a mission for Slade. I rec the whole How to Train Your Talon series, but this one's my personal favorite. They're so damaged your honor it's great.
There’s a Talon lying on his floor, guzzling his good whisky, when Slade walks into his safe house in San Francisco. “What are you doing here?” he says as he draws his sidearm and slides the safety off. Robin — Dick, he reminds himself — showing up unannounced is never a good thing. “Relax. I’m not here to kill anyone,” says Dick.
Leap, Fall, Fly by @malcyon (Explicit, 15k, 2019) Post-Red Robin, Tim and Kon go on patrol together, and then they go home. This fic is 100% my headcanon for how Tim and Kon would get together if they didn't start dating while Tim was Robin. Gorgeous, peak, no notes.
He tries to use his voice, “You have one of my shirts?” Tim looks at him, amused. “Dude. I have, like, four.” Kon figures some stuff out. Tim helps.
Putting both hands over my mouth, I can only hope nothing's gonna come out by @hmslusitania (Teen & Up, 26k, 2024) Tim and Jon (now both in their 20s due to Jon's canon aging-up) pretend to date. Kon and Damian proceed to lose their minds. Funny, angsty, and ultimately really heartwarming.
“How unethical would it be to let him keep thinking we’re dating just to try and figure out what the hell is wrong with him?” “On a scale from ‘this is completely hinged behaviour and not weird at all’ to ‘cloning him unsuccessfully ninety-nine times’?” Tim nods. “I don’t know,” Jon says. He thinks about it. “Probably like a four.”
Shoulders by @bluegarners (General Audiences, 4k, 2024) Robin!Dick has a close call on patrol. Bruce is catastrophically bad at expressing love. I rotate Bruce's choices and dialogue from this fic around in my mind like a rotisserie chicken.
It’s as he’s assessing Goon #1’s shoulders that he hears it. Grhk. The sound of someone choking. (You are ten-years-old, and the world is wide open before you. You don't yet know how to worry for yourself. It is your father's job.)
Truth Serum is The Worst by @jackhawksmoor (General Audiences, 3k, 2022) Bruce is truth serum-ed and is very unwell about it. Nightwing!Dick is there to help. Bruce's stream-of-consciousness dialogue (and Dick's reactions) are totally engrossing; the love they have for each other looms large here.
Batman gets dosed with a truth serum and unexpectedly spends most of the time talking about how desperately he loves his children, how awesome they are, and how he wishes he was better at being a father.
i'll grab my light (and go with you) by @havenesc (General Audiences, 3k, 2024) Dick helps Robin!Jason after the kid gets into a fight at school. Sweet, spot-on-characterization for both of them.
“Come again?” “I…” Now, the tone is sullen, even in hesitation. “I got into a fight.” Dick glances at his far wall, still a little sleep-hazed as he puzzles together what exactly about a scrap requires a phone call. “With Bruce?” Dick asks tentatively. “At school,” Jason clarifies, and oh, yep, there’s the difference. That one’s a no-no.
the only people on a stranded boat by @unicorncoalition (Mature, 5k, 2023) It turns out that Dick will call Jason if he ever has to hide a body. I've reread this fic multiple times since first discovering it, it's a gem. The scenario is unhinged, the emotions are raw, and the dialogue is perfect.
When Dick contacts Jason in the early hours of the morning to ask for help, Jason is so thrown by the request that he drops everything and drives to Bludhaven. He is not expecting to find Dick dissociating next to the dead body of an unfamiliar man, nor is he ready for the revelations that follow.
i never noticed the clouds gather round (oh, how fast we fall, how slow we drown) by @this-world-of-beautiful-monsters (Teen & Up, 5k, 2022) Batman!Dick has a flashback, and Damian makes a deduction. I'm very picky with stories on Dick's family members finding out about Nightwing #93, and this one handles how Damian might react so flawlessly it hurts.
It's raining on a rooftop in Gotham and Batman isn't getting up. (Dick dissociates after a bad patrol and Damian comes up against the outline of something his mentor never wanted him to see.)
the higher fidelity by birdsofthesoul (Teen & Up, 3k, 2020) Bruce and Dick go on a road trip scavenger hunt to find a runaway Damian. Dick indirectly confronts Bruce with his questionable parenting decisions. The conversation they share in the diner lives rent free in my mind.
Bruce goes sheet-white, looking like Dick’s just cut him to the quick, and Dick can’t help but think they should have booked a flight, discretion be damned. This — this is why they don’t do road trips. Cars are like confessionals, cramped spaces built for coercing confessions, and neither of them are good with words.
O'er These Mountains I Would Fly by @lurkinglurkerwholurks (General Audiences, 2k, 2019) After saving an injured baby bird, Dick and Damian drive out to a wildlife rehabilitation center. A wonderful edition to the "Damian slowly learning to trust Dick early on in the Batman!Dick era" genre.
“Nervous?” Grayson asked. They had been driving for over half an hour, and this was only Grayson’s fifth attempt at conversation. It had been an unusually quiet ride.
and the shapes that you drew may change beneath a different light by @popsunner (Teen & Up, 5k, 2020) Post-Dick's death, Tim tries to be a brother to Damian. Featuring Tim's grieving headspace, his evolving relationship with his brothers, and his enduring status as the Emotional Support batkid.
Damian is around a lot more since Dick died, hovering like he’s looking for something that isn’t here anymore. It’s alright. Tim is used to playing the part of ghosts. Or: Dick is dead. Things change.
#fic recs#fanfiction#dc comics#batfamily#bruce wayne#dick grayson#jason todd#tim drake#damian wayne#kon el#timkon
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Katsuki Bakugo x Reader
Master List

Bakugo never cared about his reputation. He was a hero, a damn good one, and that was supposed to be enough. But with every explosion, every pissed-off rant at reporters, and every viral video of him telling a villain to "sit the hell down," his agency wasn’t exactly pleased.
They wanted him softened. More palatable. Someone the public could root for in a safe way. So they made a call.
And that’s how Tsuyu Asui became his fake girlfriend.
It wasn’t her idea, but she agreed— calm, logical, a perfect contrast to Bakugo’s temper. The media ate it up. Headlines praised his 'gentler side.' Paparazzi photos of their staged coffee dates were plastered everywhere. People started to believe that maybe Dynamight had a heart underneath all that fire.
But you?
You knew the truth.
Because Bakugo Katsuki might have been 'dating' Tsuyu for the world to see, but behind closed doors, in stolen moments, and in the way his hands always found you in the dark— he was yours.

The first time you heard about the fake relationship, you laughed.
"That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard."
Bakugo glared at you from across the room, arms crossed, a vein threatening to pop in his forehead. "Yeah? Well, tell that to the dumbasses at my agency."
You tilted your head, watching him. He was tense, more than usual. And that meant something.
"Does Tsuyu know this is fake?"
"’Course she does, idiot," he scoffed. "She doesn’t give a shit— she’s just helping me out."
"Right." You leaned back, crossing your arms. "And you’re fine with this?"
"Obviously not, dumbass!" His voice spiked, and he groaned, rubbing his temples. "But what the hell else am I supposed to do? They’re threatening to pull my damn endorsements— say I’m 'too aggressive.'"
You stared at him. His jaw was locked, his hands clenched into fists at his sides.
"You are aggressive, Bakugo."
His red eyes snapped to yours. "Yeah? And you like it."
The words sent a rush of heat down your spine. Because he was right.
You had known Bakugo for years. You had seen every side of him— the ruthless fighter, the stubborn idiot, the boy who loved so deeply it scared him. And this? This was some PR bullshit that didn’t belong to him.
"You could say no," you said softly.
He exhaled sharply, shaking his head. "And what? Let them ruin my image? Make me out to be some kinda—" He clenched his teeth. "—villain?"
And that was the part that killed him the most.
Bakugo had spent his entire life proving he wasn’t like him. That he wasn’t another Shigaraki, another Dabi, another cautionary tale of power left unchecked. He had worked for this. Bled for this. And now, the world wanted him to play nice, or they’d take it all away.
You swallowed hard.
"So, what now?"
Bakugo sighed, shoving a hand through his hair. "Now," he muttered, "I pretend to be in love with someone else."
And you hated how much that hurt.

The first time he kissed Tsuyu in public, you saw it on the news.
It was a quick thing— just a brush of lips outside a café, cameras flashing, a reporter gushing about how 'Dynamight is finally showing his softer side!'
You had to turn off the TV.
Because the thing about Bakugo was— he didn’t do half-measures. If he was pretending, he was going to make it look real. He was going to sell the lie.
And it made you sick.
That night, he showed up at your door.
You almost didn’t let him in.
"Go home, Bakugo."
"Open the damn door, please."
You froze. Because Bakugo never said please.
When you opened it, he looked— wrecked.
His hair was messier than usual, his eyes dark with something unreadable. He wasn’t wearing his usual scowl, wasn’t posturing like he had something to prove. He was just— there
"Don’t," you whispered. "Don’t come here after you just—"
"It’s not real," he said, stepping closer.
You clenched your fists. "It looked real."
His jaw tightened. "I know."
"Then maybe you should go back to her."
His eyes flashed. And then— before you could push him away— his hands were on your waist, his lips crashing into yours, desperate and real and nothing like what you saw on the news.
You gasped against his mouth, fingers tangling in his hoodie as he backed you against the wall.
"I hate this," he rasped. "I hate this fucking lie—I hate that I gotta do this when all I want is you."
Your heart slammed against your ribs. "Then stop."
His breath was ragged, his forehead pressing against yours. "I can’t."
"Why not?"
"Because they’ll take everything from me," he murmured. "And I can’t lose this."
You swallowed past the lump in your throat. "And me?"
His grip on you tightened. "I’m already losing you."
The words knocked the air from your lungs.
Because you knew— you knew— this wouldn’t last. That eventually, something would break. Either you, or him, or this whole stupid act he was playing at.
But for now— just for tonight— his hands were on you, and his lips were on yours, and he was saying your name like it was the only thing keeping him breathing.
And you let him.
Because if Bakugo Katsuki was a wildfire— then you were already burning.

#mha#bakugou katsuki#mha bakugou#bakugou x reader#katsuki bakugo x reader#bnha x reader#bnha bakugou#dynamight#spotify#angst with a happy ending#light angst#Spotify
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Platonic Plus One
Chapter 4: Paige's POV
Pacing back and forth in their room, Paige is trying to wrap her head around how they ended up here. Azzi is taking a shower, so she texted KK, explaining the recent events.
KK: man...are you even gonna survive this week
KK: nah bro you got this just act like y’all normally do
y’all already seem like you’re dating anyway
P boogers: why did i even text you
KK: bc you a simp in love
Paige throws her phone and flops onto the bed. She must have done something wrong in a past life to deserve this punishment. Maybe it's because she argued with that ref too much last week.
Azzi walks out in just a towel and water dripping off her skin and holy shit. It was definitely the ref coming back to torture her.
“Hey P, what drawer did you put my PJs in?”
“Top right.” Paige sighs and covers her eyes with her arm.
“You sure you’re okay with this, Paige? I really don’t want you to be uncomfortable or anything.” Azzi fidgets with the end of her towel. Why does everything she does need to be so cute?
“No, Az, it’s fine, really. I just don’t wanna mess nothing up. Like maybe we need a timeline? Your parents on gonna be on my ass on why we didn’t tell them.”
“Easy, you asked me out like 2 months ago, and we were just say we figured they knew,” Azzi says so nonchalantly as if she’s had this ready her whole life.
“Woah, pause. Maybe you asked me out!”
“Who would actually believe that, Paige?”
“Okay, first, rude. Secondly, this was your whole idea to fake date, so you shoulda been the one to ask me out.”
“Okay, fine, I asked you out. No one would believe you made the first move anyway.”
“Bro relaaaaaax. I can make a move!” Says the girl who has never tried to make a move on her best friend she’s been in love with for years.
“Sure you can, P. Rizz em up.”
“Whatever, dude.”
“Also, stop calling me dude. It’s weird to call your girlfriend dude or bro.”
“But I call like everyone that it’s not weird!”
Azzi glared at Paige hard. “If I was your girlfriend and you kept calling me dude, you’d be sleeping on the couch.”
Paige put her hands up in defense, “Damn okay. What you wanna be called then?”
“Just like the normal gooey in love stuff like baby. Keep it normal.”
“Aight, Princess, as you wish.”
“See, you’re already being such a good girlfriend! My lil simp.” Paige throws a pillow at Azzi as they laugh. They both get ready for bed before Paige finally finds the courage to ask a question she’s been dying to know.
“So, uh, like what did you do for our first date?”
Azzi didn’t seem caught off guard, just thoughtful. “Hmm, I’d probably bring you to a drive-in theater because you’re weirdly in love with your car and talk too much during movies. Plus you love anything that isn't healthy, so endless popcorn and candy for my girl, of course.”
Paige’s heart just stopped. My girl. They haven’t even had to really pretend they’re dating yet, and her heart is already stopping. “Insults aside, that actually sounds pretty fun. We should do that when we get back.”
“You asking me on a date already, Bueckers?” Azzi smirks as she slips into bed.
Paige follows after her, rolling her eyes. “You wish.” They sit in a comfortable silence after turning off the lights. “Uh, you know people might think it's weird if there's no PDA. Like, as friends, we are pretty touchy, so I feel like some of your family might expect us to be a little more affectionate.”
“Hmm, good point. What are you comfortable with?”
Nothing and everything. “Down for whatever, Az. Like I said, we touch all the time already.”
“Hm, okay. So you’re fine holding my hand all the time?” Azzi slips her fingers into Paige’s hands.
“Already do.”
“Okay,” Azzi smirks in a way Paige knows means trouble. She has to be scheming. Azzi will take any opportunity to mess with Paige. Everyone else sees a confident and put together basketball player, but Azzi sees every side of Paige. Azzi moves her hands around Paige’s waist, looking down at her. “How about all the hugging?”
Did this room suddenly get really warm? Thankfully, the lights are off, maybe hiding Paige’s red cheeks.
“I uh m-mean we, yeah we hug a lot.” They’re so close at this point that Azzi can probably feel Paige’s rapid heartbeat.
“How about kissing?” Azzi says softly as she leaned in towards Paige, moving her hands to grasp the hair on the back of her neck. Paige is paralyzed, staring up at Azzi’s eyes. Paige tightens her grip on Azzi’s waist under her sleep shirt. No sounds can be heard but their soft breathing.
Azzi’s smirk grows, knowing she has all the power over Paige. “Careful, Bueckers, you might fall in love with me.” Too late.
Paige’s eyes flicker down to Azzi’s lips, and now Azzi was the one to freeze. They’re so close, and all Paige needs to do is inch forward the slightest bit. She’s imagined kissing Azzi a million times. Imagined what it would feel like and what she would taste like.
Azzi audibly gulps when Paige looks back into her eyes. Paige has never seen Azzi like this before, but she likes it.
Before either of them thinks it through, they close the gap. They were already so close, it's hard to tell who made the final move. It was soft and hesitant at first. They began to relax into each other, and their lips move fluidly against each other. Azzi sighs into the kiss and moves her hand to Paige’s cheek.
Something about the movement brought Paige back to reality, reminding her that this was her best friend. That she can’t fall deeper in love with her. That this is all fake. Paige gently removes her lips, but Azzi looks down at her with hooded eyes. It feels too real. Paige hears Kk in her mind telling her to protect herself. Paige could feel the walls building around her, needing to remove the moment's intensity. Needing to bring them back to their usual teasing.
“Seems like you might be the one who falls in love with me, Fudd.” Paige smirks as best as she can to lighten the moment.
Azzi still tries to catch her breath as she removes herself slightly from Paige. “Oh yeah? Sounds like yet another challenge you’ll lose to.”
Paige could finally release a full breath without Azzi on top of her. “That tends to be what you say right before you lose to me.”
“Alright, Madison, simmer the confidence now. We need to be up early tomorrow, so save some of that for tomorrow.”
Right, tomorrow. A day filled with lingering touches, kisses, and affection. A day that Paige can totally handle. Well, maybe.
Beep. Beep. Beep.
Azzi’s alarm goes off, signaling them to start their day. Azzi shoves herself into Paige, trying to hide from the intrusive noise. Paige only knows this because she hasn’t slept. How was she supposed to casually fall asleep after kissing the love of her life?
How the fuck did she get herself in this mess? Oh right, she never learned how to say no to Azzi. The girl who smiles at her, and the world slows down. The problem with this whole plan won’t be needing to fake it. The issue will be needing to fake being just friends afterward.
“Mhmm, Paigey, turn it off.”
“Sorry, Az, but we gotta make it in time for breakfast. Mrs. Miller is kinda intense with this whole schedule.”
“You’re telling me.” Azzi smiles up at Paige and then shifts to slide off the bed and get ready for the day as if nothing out of the ordinary ever happened.
“Is the breakfast casual?”
“Yeah, wear a bathing suit underneath it because it looks like we are spending the morning at the pool.”
“Sweet, we can play mermaids!” And avoid thinking about Azzi in a bathing suit.
Azzi looks pointedly at Paige and laughs, “Just get ready, you guppy.”
“Here’s some orange juice and Fruit Loops as requested,” Azzi says lightheartedly with an eye roll.
“Fuck yeah, thanks Az.” Paige immediately attacks her cereal as if she’s never eaten before. In her defense, all the food last night was stupidly fancy, so can you blame a girl for being desperate?
“Baby, slow down. You’re going to aspirate on a Fruit Loop, and that's not a cute look.” Baby. Now, that might be what kills her.
Paige smiles up at her with a colorful mouth full of cereal. “Sorry, I’m just really hungry.”
Tim jumps in, “Bueckers, you always eat like that when sugar is involved.”
“Don’t cap! I just really like my cereal, damn...”
Azzi seems to be looking at Paige, processing something until it clicks and rubs Paige’s back affectionately. “Shit, Paige, I’m sorry I didn’t even think about the food last night not being your vibe.”
“Nah, I’m good forreal. These Fruit Loops are bomb.” As Paige finishes her sentence, Azzi’s aunt and grandmother walk up to say good morning. Azzi never moves her hand, but she does seem to have the slightest shift in her demeanor as her shoulders stiffen.
“Morning, Grandma! How’d you sleep?”
“Oh, just fine! Thank you for asking, sweetheart. How about you, ladies?”
Before Azzi could answer, Jon scoffed, “I’m sure no sleep was had in that room if you know what I mean.”
Paige chokes on a Fruit Loop in shock. Azzi glares at her brother and rubs Paige’s back as she coughs it out. “You okay, baby?” Jon and Jose snicker in their corner, enjoying how red they made Paige. Grandma Fudd’s face flickers in confusion at the term of endearment for a moment.
“Can’t believe I almost died because of a Fruit Loop.”
Azzi’s aunt smiles lovingly at them. “You two are just so cute together! I ship it.”
Jose is the one to step in this time. “Aunt Chrissy, where did you even learn to say that?”
“Oh, to ship them? I am cool and hip, you know.”
“Well, your old grandma isn’t, so someone fill me in.”
“When you ship two people, it means you love them as a couple.” Paige could see the wheels turning in the older woman’s head. She’s bracing herself for the awkwardness that might come next.
“Oh dear, I think I missed something. Are you two in a relationship?”
Azzi grabs Paige’s hand and smiles, “Yeah, grandma Paige is my girlfriend.” God, she wished that she could hear that on repeat.
Jose mumbles, “Took them long enough.”
Azzi whips her head towards her brothers, “Hey! What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Dude, you guys have been in love for like ever.” Azzi’s face is one of pure shock, and Paige is pretty sure even a sunburn couldn't make her this red.
To make matters worse, Grandma Fudd steps back in, “I must say I have to agree with your brother. I thought maybe there was something there, but Katie just kept telling me you girls are just close.”
Azzi sighs and puts her face in her hands. “Okay, can we stop analyzing our relationship and just eat breakfast, please?”
“Yes, yes, sorry, sweetie. It just all makes so much more sense why you never dated any boys. Oh, and poor Jonathan!”
“Oh, who cares! We want to hear all about how this all finally came to fruition!” Wow, Aunt Chrissy really does ship us.
“Azzi Fudd over here asked me on a date!” Paige smiles triumphantly, enjoying the side eye from Azzi. ”She made me a Tru Fru bouquet and brought me to a drive-in movie where she asked me to be her girlfriend.”
Azzi laughs at the mention of a Tru Fru bouquet. “Yeah, well someone had to have the balls to make the move.” Okay, ouch.
“Aight, chill, dude. I was nervous.” Azzi glares at Paige and shoves her knee when she calls her dude.
“Sorry, baby, you right.”
“Simp,” Jose mumbled under his breath while Azzi looked way too proud at the power she held in this moment.
“Bro, why does everyone keep callin me a simp today?”
Katie chimed in with a shrug, “You’ve been a simp since day one, Paige. It’s just more fun to say it now that it's official.” Azzi snickers and high-fived her brothers.
The rest of the breakfast continued easily. Paige always felt the most at home with Azzi and her family. They had been done eating for a while, and Paige put her arm around Azzi’s chair. Honestly, Paige does that all the time, so it’s nothing new. What’s new is how much Azzi leaned into Paige and her hand placement on Paige’s upper thigh.
People keep talking, and Paige genuinely tries to listen, but she can’t focus on anything but Azzi’s hand. Paige shifts uncomfortably, trying to deal with her inappropriate thoughts, which leads Azzi to move her hand up slightly higher when she turns just enough to look up at Paige. When Paige looks down, her breath hitches at how close their faces are, and she sees Azzi’s eyes flicker down to her lips before coughing and returning to the normal conversation. How can she be so nonchalant? Since when has Azzi been a world-renowned fake girlfriend actor?
Mrs. Miller enters the breakfast room with a mimosa on her way outside. Now Paige’s brain has shifted to finding where she got that mimosa. She’ll need some liquid courage to deal with the touching for an entire day. “Good morning, Fudd family! Please take your time and join us out by the pool.”
Paige stands up rather abruptly at the invitation. If she doesn’t have some space soon, she might pass out. “Uh, sorry, I love swimming.”
Everyone laughs at Paige endearingly, and Azzi moves to stand, catching Paige’s hand like it’s second nature and making their way outside.
Once they settle, Azzi removes her sundress, exposing her pink bikini, abs, and that damn belly button piercing. That piercing might be semi-responsible for Paige’s sexual awakening. In high school, it was easier to push feelings off and make excuses for their touchiness. But when Azzi showed her the new piercing, the way Paige’s body reacted was definitely not one for a best friend. Now, all these years later, it’s still that damn piercing catching her off guard like she got it yesterday.
Azzi grabs sunscreen, successfully removing Paige from her daydream. “Alright Bueckers, get over here so that pretty face of yours doesn’t burn.” Azzi straddles the tanning chair in front of Paige, without a care in the world that it’s just a tiny bikini bottom covering her. “Hmm, looks like you’re already getting red, Paigey. Let’s get this on fast.”
Well fuck.
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Oh this is scathing

#German memory culture is so fascinating#Also to some extent french#My mother often claimed that we had Jewish ancestry and that a great-grandmother of mine was Jewish#Turns out she'd based that on ''Women talking a weird language'' coming to visit her grandmother#anyway after a whole round of genealogical research we learned that i actually have an Austria-Hungarian great-great-great#grandfather#that is; my great-grandma was talking her mother's home language with cousins that were from three towns over#and they spoke very bad Serbo-Croatian amongst themselves and often just switched to french#but my mother constructed in her mind this whole thing about us being part Jewish and she used to be fascinated by#Woody Allen Roman Polanski Claude Lanzmann the Marx Brothers Jewish humor etc.....#(My mother also spent six months in Germany as a teen during student exchange. i blame them)#But yeah this idea that since i'm neurotic and i had a big nose i was somehow secretly Jewish was drilled into me#She also thought that since my grandpa is Andalusian he probably had some Sephardic blood#Which. What exactly is supposed to be meant here by blood ??? Völk ? Blut ? one-drop rule ??????????#anyway this brand of philosemitism is becoming more and more repulsive to me#Jews are not an enlightened scholar-priest-stand-up-comedian caste with magical blood. They're an imagined community#Same as every other nation; religion; family; culture. Like everybody else they are as good or bad or interesting as imagination allows#And if we have to do weird philo-ism of an outgroup devoid of content let us do what writers have done for 500 years and#Write about talking animals#I'd rather we all collectively hallucinate the houyhnhnms as the quirky fun minority rather than cast real people in that role#or the pigs Napoleon was part of or whatever
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That Cecil’s kid one was amazing! Could we get a version where Cecil was unfortunately too busy with work to be there for his kid? Maybe they grow up to resent him a little and eventually secretly end up working with the Mauler Twins, Angstrom, etc (maybe even Viltrumites if you’re willing), for their own personal gain, or what ever reasons you see fit? Take your time! Sorry in advance for this request being kinda long :)
Cecil & Villain!Child!Reader
Oh my god i've been wanting to do this request for so long!! Thank you for submitting it!
hcs under the cut
Your mother died young, being a superhero did that.
You never hated her for it, for protecting others and for doing her best
but you couldn't help but resent her a little for who your father was
or rather, who he wasn't
Father was a generous term for what Cecil was. He was a lot of things
Head of the GDA, most powerful non-powered civilian on Earth, a badass ex spy and a great diplomat and genius
but he was NOT a father
you both knew it.
You barely knew the guy, being raised by a nanny specifically for superpowered children like yourself
You saw him occasionally at dinner, but that was maybe once a month.
He, for safety reasons, didn't want the world to know the two of you were related
so naturally, when you had a big baseball game, or your schools talent show cropped up, or even when you landed a main role in your senior play, he "couldn't" attend
Oh sure, it was taped and streamed to him, but you knew he never watched.
So was it really any surprise when you weren't jazzed about becoming a superhero?
When, throughout your final year of high school and the two years after, you befriend the Mauler Twins?
Even supervillains are allowed pen pals in prison, and they made such compelling ones for you to correspond with
It was a fun guessing game as to which twin had written what, and over the course of three years, the three of you had become something akin to friends
They gave you advice on what your major should be, how to handle the stress of college, and shared anecdotes from their own lives
It was hard to imagine them as normal people once, but they made a convincing story
You knew it was likely supervillain manipulation, but they seemed interested in your life, I mean, its not like they had tv
So you would detail your day-to-day life, sharing your frustrations with Cecil and the GDA as a whole
"What an asshole." the three of your would agree
Maybe you three could work together? It was an idea brought up frequently.
So honestly, you weren't really all that surprised when they showed up at your house after getting broke out of prison
Your powers were marginally useful, the ability to phase through walls and be invisible.
It was USEFUL, but not terribly flashy.
Either way, it made stealing things with them incredibly easy.
Cecil didn't notice when you stopped coming home
god knows he was never there
he did notice, however, when the Declaration of Independence went missing
and when GDA specialty supplies went missing
and when the schematics for all sorts of government wherewithal went missing.
"Donald- what the FUCK is going on?!" Cecil demanded, watching the surveillance streams
"Uh- Sir, you need to see this-" The feed was cut and changed to the news
The Mauler twins, business as usual. Whatever.
"OH my god- Y/n?" Cecil put a hand to his head, pacing back and forth
He thought you'd moved out- maybe with roommates or a partner or something- but this?
Oh fuck....
Cecil teleported to the scene, the Mauler Twins and you attempting to break into the White House once more.
"Y/n! Get over here!" Cecil called out, a mix of anger and pain in his voice
you ignored him.
The Guardians of the Globe arrived
and realistically there wasn't a way they could tell them "oh leave that one alone its my offspring."
And so, as all good things go, your villainous spree ended with you in GDA's supervillain prison.
"Why? I want to know why." Cecil sat across from you with his hands folded
"God- what do you care?" you spat back, your hands cuffed and an anti-power collar around your neck
"Because, Y/n, you're my child and I care about you. At the very least I don't want you in prison."
"You didn't even know I had powers."
"Of course I did!"
"You knew I could phase through walls, but being invisible? I've read the files, Mom couldn't do that. And you had no idea I could."
Cecil sat in silence for a minute. Processing.
"Is that what this is, Y/n? Rebellion?"
You shook your head, rolling your eyes "Of course, everything I do is to appease or piss off a guy I don't even know."
"I'm your father, Y/n."
"Fuck off." your glare was cutting, and the tone in your voice oozed venom with every syllable.
"The Mauler Twins helped me enroll in community classes, they gave me advice about being an adult and how the world works. They listened and were happy for me when I graduated. They sent me a shitty graduation card with the supplies you give them in prison. To be clear- these guys were in prison and they showed up more than you did."
Cecil literally couldn't believe what he was hearing.
"Y/n, you're only eighteen, you need to rethink thi-"
"I'm twenty."
Cecil blinked, standing up and going to the door, speaking with Donald through the door before returning
"Twenty.... wow...."
You leveled another glare at him "Yeah. Time flies when you're having fun." your tone was sarcastic, and your disdain apparent.
"Look. I'm sorry for being a bad father, but you're a criminal."
"So? Lock me up, throw away the key. Just fuck out of my life, you were doing so good until now."
Cecil let out a long, drawn out sigh. Feeling twenty years of disappointment in a single moment "Y/n, I know I never took the time to know you, but know this. I don't waste potential."
"Go fuck yourself, Cecil."
The Mauler Twins are being interrogated for their involvement with you
they don't usually take accomplices, so the GDA wanted to know why
instead all they got were violent outburst about your location
"Where is Y/n?! They are INNOCENT damnit! My Clone will agree-!"
"I'm not the clone. But as the ORIGINAL, I demand to know where Y/n is and that they are safe!"
The twins are assured of your safety, but do not calm down until surveillance footage of you and Cecil's interrogation is shown to them
This puts them at ease, as they continue to testify to your innocence.
The GDA has never seen them so concerned about anyone other than themselves
"We will gladly serve our time- god knows we will always find a way out- but Y/n is innocent, release them this instant!"
#invincible#invincible show#invincible season 3#invincible fanfic#invincible spoilers#invincible x reader#cecil stedman#cecil stedman & reader#cecil invincible#invincible cecil#invincible mauler twins#mauler twins
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The One That Got Away
WC: 1.7k
WARNINGS: Angst; Fluff; Miscommunication
The plane lands and I step out into the California air. It’s been 6 years since I’ve set foot here, but the memories hit me like a brick wall. My ‘One That Got Away’ floods my mind. The perfect blonde hair and green eyes. The smug smirk he wore more often than not. I try to shake the thoughts out of my head. I remind myself, we are here for work. Not for Jake Seresin. Once I get in the rental car, I head to the site of my new coffee shop. I opened my first cafe 4 years ago back home in Austin. Sassy’s Books and Brews has taken off, expanding faster than I could have ever imagined. When my development team said California was the next move, the ache in my heart returned. It’s been 6 years and here I am, wondering if he still thinks about me.
My creative director hugs me outside of the cafe, “Y/n, this is amazing! It’s all come together. This is going to be a hit!” I chuckle nervously, “I hope so. How’s the social media response for the grand opening tomorrow?” She beams at me, “Ah-ma-zing. We already have 20k followers on the instagram ALONE!” I smile and scan the cafe over one last time. Checking my watch, I sigh, “I’m going to head to the hotel and try to get some sleep. Tomorrow will be a long day. Thank you for everything, you’re outstanding.” At the hotel, I shut myself in the room and order room service. There’s a Harry Potter marathon on, so I fall asleep thinking about a magical world.
My alarm startles me awake. After hair, makeup, and changing my outfit ten times, I drive over for the big event. Local news is already filling the sidewalk out front. There is a line all the way around the corner. All the baristas are ready to go. I put on a large smile and open the doors, “Welcome to Sassy’s Books and Brews! C’mon in y’all!” I join my baristas behind the counter as the crowd files in. Part of me is wondering if he will walk in those doors. Another part of me is angry at myself for even entertaining the thought. I focus on keeping the line moving, pushing Jake out of my mind. We are busy all day long, so I make sure each barista gets the breaks they need. The team here is amazing and I have no doubt they have what it takes to keep the shop running smooth. There’s finally a moment of calm around 8 pm, right before closing. I send the baristas home, thanking them for their work today. There are a few people sitting around, reading and chatting. A smile spread across my face as I remember the day I decided to open these cafes. My dream was to have a place where everyone felt at home, surrounded by literature and good drinks. The door chime brings me back to reality, I look up only to meet those green eyes. Jake smirks as he walks towards the counter, “I had to stop by to see if it was really you.” I lean on the counter, “Well Jake, here I am. Can I get you anything?” “I’ll take a black coffee.” He tries to hand me cash but I refuse, “It’s on the house.” I hand him his coffee and he raises an eyebrow, “How have you been? Your hair is darker.” “I’ve been good. Yourself?” He shrugs, “Same here. It’s been a long time, Y/n.” I look down at my hands, “Yes it has.” He leans in, “Mom called when you opened your first cafe. Said she goes there all the time.” Nodding, I smile, “She does. Always makes my day seeing Cyndy.” He rubs his hand through his hair, “When do you close? Maybe we could go somewhere and… catch up?” For a moment I want to say yes, but then the memories of the heartbreak resurface. I swallow the lump in my throat, “I don’t think that’s the best idea, Jake.” Sadness washes over his face, “Well, I’ll see you around. Thank you for the coffee.” As I watch him walk away, my heart aches. How can I be angry at someone and still want them at the same time?
Jake stops by the shop every morning for the rest of the week. Every time I see him walking up, I make myself busy in the back. I’m only here for the next few weeks to make sure the shop starts off on the right foot, then I can go home and leave these thoughts of Jake behind. It’s Friday night, right before closing and I send the rest of the staff home. Lots of people are sitting around, playing board games and laughing. I get comfy behind the counter, rereading Sherlock for the umpteenth time. “Evening, Y/n. Long week?” Jake smiles as I stand up, getting him a black coffee, “Very. Happy about the turnout.” He takes a sip, “Any chance we could talk?” I check my watch, “We close in 5 minutes, you could hang around while I clean up.” A smile spreads across his whole face. People head out and I flip the open sign to closed, starting the long process of cleaning the machines and shutting everything off for the night. Jake clears his throat, “I’ve missed you.” I sigh, “Jake…” “Not just like that. You were my best friend for as long as I can remember. When our relationship ended, I wasn’t ready for our friendship to end too.” Tears start to form in my eyes and I turn away from him, “I didn’t know how to go back to best friends.” “Did you get my letters?” When I finally meet his eyes again, they’re searching mine for any answer. I nod. “Did you read them?” I shake my head. The stack of letters is in a box in my office. Unopened. Unread. The only guy I had dated that I thought could work found them one day. He broke up with me, saying that I wouldn’t have kept them if I didn’t care about him. I fiddle with the espresso machine, “I have them. I just couldn’t read them, Jake.” He walks behind the counter, wiping the tear that fell down my cheek. His touch sends a shiver down my spine. It always has. His voice lowers, “Just tell me why.”
*6 years before*
Our love story was like a cheesy movie. We grew up together. Jake was 2 years older than me. Wherever he went, I followed. All throughout school, our neighborhood, even summer vacations. Jake and Y/n. Our Mom’s always joked that we would grow up and get married. When we were young we’d respond, “Ewww!!!!”. But as we got older, the feelings started to change. My crush on Jake grew and grew. He went to college at UT, then a couple years later I got accepted too. He helped me set up my freshman dorm and he looked different. More toned. More tan. Jake was no longer the tall and awkward teenage boy, but a strong and beautiful man. I didn’t know how he felt about me. I was too scared to ask him. Jake was so popular around campus, he could have any girl he wanted. One night I was walking back to my dorm crying. Some boy had asked me out, but never showed up at the restaurant. I was so embarrassed. Jake was coming out of the library when he ran up to me. He took me back to his apartment and he turned on one of our favorite movies to make me feel better. That night, he looked at me different. There was something in his eyes. That’s when he kissed me for the first time. The rest was history. When he graduated, he went off to boot camp and started his military career. I was so proud of him. He wrote to me whenever he could. He even made it back for my graduation, just to surprise me. But that night, everything changed. Jake told me about his new dream, being a Navy Pilot. I smiled, “Where will you be out of? Corpus?” He looked down, “Florida for a few weeks. Then I want to go to Top Gun… in California.” My brain tried to figure out a new plan. One where I could keep my new job I was so excited about, but somehow be wherever Jake is. The panic set in and he grabbed my hands, “Marry me. I don’t have a ring but I’ll get you one. Come with me, please.” Tears filled my eyes, “Jake… I… I can’t.” He stood there, shocked, as I ran away crying.
*Present day*
I take a deep breath, “I came here looking for you, Jake. 6 years ago. Cyndy told me where to find you. When I got to the bar, I saw you taking a girl back to your truck. Y’all left. I figured you had moved on and I couldn’t be angry at you because I was the one that ended everything. So I went back home.” His eyes well up, “I’m an idiot. Some rebound, one night stand kept the love of my life away?” I whisper, “I didn’t know. Jake, I was so scared.” He put his face in his hands, “I’m the one that changed the plan. I was gonna stay in Texas. We could’ve been together. I just fell in love with flying. I’m sorry.” I place my hand on his shoulder, “Don’t apologize, Jake. I am happy for you. You wouldn’t have been happy if you stayed in Texas.” His green eyes meet mine, “But I would have you.” “We were kids. Who knows if we would’ve made it.” He rests his hand on top of mine, “Do you have someone?” I shake my head, thinking of all of my failed relationships since Jake. He thinks for a moment, “Why?” I close my eyes, debating whether or not I want to tell him. My heart wins the argument against my brain, “Because none of them were you.”
#glen powell x reader#jake seresin x you#hangman x reader#hangman x you#jake seresin fanfiction#jake seresin x reader#top gun maverick#hangman fic#top gun
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