#they got me obsessed w tf2 in the first place and i have thoughts abt them all da time
citrinegator · 2 years
pyro tf2 thoughts
okay i have soso many thoughts abt pyro tf2 on. daily basis beacuse they’re my fav ever methinks BUT. most o this is just stuff. i pulled outta my ass because for a character whos got like. extrordinarily minimal actual cannon information abt them you gotta take liberties. ANEYWAYS. its just me personal thoughts so idc if ppl hav other hcs for them theyre one of the most playdough-able characters an i love seein the dif interpretations of them! but! ya!
Gonna start off w that i hc them as amab nonbinary! and ik thats a fairly popular hc from ppl but idk ive seen it taken in a dehumanizing path or “omg ur nonbieney? *eyes*” kind of way and. idk it makes me angry and as a nonbinary person myself and i just want to project/ have something to relate to w my favorite fictional character. i will kill violently.
also in the same vein to ppl who go “waoooswassa pyro tf2 baby omg… my scrumbly my squiggles” or whatever ppl do to fictional characters i have so much rage in my bones from that. Pyro is a grown person who can obv take care of themself and it makes me so mad when ppl just. equate them to somebody whos going to kill everyone if another merc (always engineer which. is another tangent of mine but i’ll get to that later) isn’t watching over them. it just makes me mad that ppl will see the meet the pyro vid and just go. okay yeah and thats them forever. when they cut off soldiers hand in the back of the car because its funny to do and there are no repurcussions because soldier is comedic character #1 and nothing bad ever happens to him smile.
delving way into the hcs side of things tho i think pyro is irish/mexican! in the 1820′s irish ppl immigrated there and ik tf2 takes place 1968 so like. way after that but! if they did whatever to australia i can hc pyros dad as irish and their mother as mexican gobless. They all moved 2 somewhere up in the Montana-ish area when Pyro was pretty young to become cattle ranchers though! (my agriculture classes implanted thoughts in my brain forever and i am constantly compelled to talk abt cattle so. yippee! pyro now knows about how to take care black angus cattle!)
im tired tho so i will figure out how to add more to this later because i have Thoughts abt pyroland that i wanna go into but. sleep moments for me snssnnzzzz
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vndooms · 4 years
4, 5, 11, and 12! ❤
4 what are my top three ships amongst all fandoms? i was thinking of this like all time my ships i am most passionate abt and i got so stressed then i realized this doesn’t need to be all time just across all my fandoms.
1. imposter/ryota danganronpa
2. jaylos descendants
3. naegirigami danganronpa
ugh tho i thought about an all time ranking too much tho so i have to share that: tf2 heavymedic, star trek deep space nine quodo, and probably mcu tonysteve. this is a horrible list! i have bad taste!
5 do you have a favorite character type? i love good guy characters!!! characters w strong moral are very focused on doing the right thing... luke skywalker star wars, nog star trek deep space nine, ben descendants, naegi danganronpa, asahina danganronpa, sonia danganronpa, imposter danganronpa, steve rogers marvel...... i know people tend to find these characters boring in favor of morally ambiguous or gray characters but i think there’s plenty of room for conflict and depth in these characters and i loooove seeing it explored and exploring it myself! my favorite character type for sure, even if this character isn’t always my favorite.
11 what is that one comfort fandom you can always turn back to? kpop!! checking in w my favs always gives me a good feeling... i’ve been into kpop since i was 15 with my sisters so it’s just a really comfy thing for me. stunned a lot of defunct groups who i love to catch up on and it’s always fun to find new music!
12 do you have any themes in the characters you ship? literally almost all the ships i listed above are..... the same. wait the through line between tony-medic-carlos-ryota and steve-heavy-jay-imposter.... that’s my main ship dynamic. i’m trying to explain it but it’s hard. the first groups self destructive tendencies, varying levels of narcissism With intense self loathing, obsessive need to prove themselves... and the second groups nurturing nature, big hearts, and that quality... that unnamable quality. smth about their high emotional intelligence but also a sort of detachment from self? so they have a hard time understanding themselves? and so, with these intense partners, they place an overemphasis on them? anyway i love this dynamic, it’s what makes a ship into a real winner for me. also so fucking telling that this like dramatic stuff abt their hardships is what makes a ship for me and not like. smth nice.
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