#they go fishing together the 3rd sunday of every other month
nonsensemonkey · 1 month
sometimes i do wonder what little gremlin is hanging out of their window shaking their fists going "THEY WOULD NOT FUCKING BE FRIENDS!" about aizawa and nishiki when they come across my posts 😭
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estamos-destinadas · 5 years
Harry Potter (Ilvermorny) AU: Juliana’s 1st Year, Valentina’s 3rd -- 2 months before the summer holidays
Juliana transfigures a rock into a twig, then into a leaf, and finally into a piece of parchment.
“You’re getting really good at that,” Valentina says beside her.
They’re in their little spot in the courtyard, studying for the upcoming final exams in the beautiful weather of that particular Sunday afternoon. Well, they’re supposed to be studying, but they’re just chatting about everything and nothing while enjoying the mild spring breeze.
“Qué?” Juliana asks, putting the transfigured parchment on the table in front of them.
The table is a new addition. They borrowed it from another part of the courtyard, levitating it together to their corner when no one was looking. Juliana was worried about getting into trouble over it, but Valentina was right; nobody made them move the table back to its original spot or even commented about its new one.
“Transfiguration,” Valentina says, waving a hand at Juliana’s parchment in emphasis. “You know that’s the hardest branch of wand-based magic, right?”
Juliana shrugs. She does know; or rather, her classmates keep pointing that fact out when they discuss Transfiguration practical exams. Juliana nods along when they complain, but the truth is that she’s not having trouble with practical Transfiguration. It wasn’t that difficult to imagine a rock into a twig, or a leaf into a parchment. However, “The equations are hard. I still don’t really understand how all those factors combine into a spell.”
Valentina shakes her head. “That’s theory, it’ll get easier to understand with repetition.” She gives Juliana knowing grin, “Just admit you’re good at it.”
Juliana opens her mouth to argue but thinks better of it at the look on Valentina’s face, the one that says she’ll heap more praises on her if Juliana keeps objecting. “Well, maybe if this whole Ilvermorny thing doesn’t pan out, I can work as a magician in one of those shows.”
Valentina shoots her a confused look.
“A Muggle magician,” Juliana clarifies.
“Like this,” Juliana transfigures the piece of parchment in her hand into a bouquet of paper flowers. She hands the flowers to Valentina, who accepts it bemusedly, though she still draws the flowers closer to her chest in reflex. When Valentina looks down at the bouquet of flowers to inspect it, Juliana transfigures it again to its original rock form.
The expression of absolute bewilderment on Valentina’s face is so adorable, Juliana bursts out laughing.
Valentina gives her a pout that is very obviously pretend. “You’re making fun of me,” she says, stomping her foot.
“Noooo,” Juliana denies through her laughter.
Valentina shakes her head, but she soon joins in on Juliana’s amusement, her dimples showing as she giggles. “You’re so silly, Juls.”
“I was only--” Juliana starts, but is cut off by a shrill sound coming from her robe pocket.
She fishes out her Floo Glass, which has clouded over, a voice informing her that she has a call from Lupé. Unlike calls from other Floo Glasses, where the caller has to announce themselves, calls from Muggle phones are announced by an embedded voice within the device. Juliana finds that more convenient than having to repeatedly call someone’s name to get their attention, though she wishes they used ringtones instead of a shrill annoying voice.
Juliana whispers, “accept the call,” and the Floo Glass clears to show a picture of an old telephone. The Floo Glass is permanently on the equivalent of on-speaker setting in a Muggle phone, so she puts it on the table in front of her.
“Mom?” she starts, glancing at Valentina with furrowed brows. She doesn’t know why her mom is calling. Valentina looks back at her, curious.
“Juliana,” the caller says. It’s not her mom’s voice.
Juliana’s heart jumps to her throat. She picks up the Floo Glass, drawing it closer. “Who is this? Where’s my mom?”
“Juli,” the caller says, “it’s Rosita, your neighbour. Everything is alright now, but your mom’s in the hospital--”
“What?” Juliana gets up to her feet, drawing the Floo Glass closer to her face. “What happened?”
“Your-- El Chino, he beat her up.”
Anger flashes through Juliana, but Rosita continues talking before she can respond.
“Don’t worry, she’s okay now! But I-- well-- I had to take her to the hospital and they insisted on keeping her overnight for observation. She has a concussion.”
“What!” Juliana explodes. “How can she be okay if she has a concussion? And where is Chino? I’m going to--” she cuts herself off, not knowing what she means to do. That familiar feeling of helpless rage against the man rises within her.
“He’s gone,” says Rosita. “He left. I think they were fighting about that, about him leaving. But your mom is alright now, Juli, don’t worry. It happened this morning.”
“Then why--?”
“I tried to contact you as soon as I could,” Rosita adds hurriedly. “Your mother managed to give me your number, but it didn’t ring when I called through my phone. At first I thought it was because the number is wrong, I mean it doesn’t look like a phone number. I’m calling through your mom’s phone now.”
Juliana is barely listening to her neighbour’s explanations. She tightens her grip around the Floo Glass, her palm hurting. She feels a warm hand on her back. Valentina. She loosens her grip and takes a deep breath, trying to calm down.
“Rosi, which hospital are you in?”
Rosita gives her the hospital’s name, a small public one near the trailer park where they live. “But Juli,” Rosita adds, “you don’t have to come here. Your mom says you can’t leave your boarding school at any time. Lupé is alright, really. I only called because I thought you should know.”
“No. I’m going there. Rosita-- can you-- can you please watch her? Just until I get there.”
“Of course,” comes the kind reply.
Juliana thanks Rosita and ends the call, gathering her things immediately afterwards.
Valentina hovers close.
Juliana looks up, meeting her worried gaze. “I have to go,” she says, slinging her bag over one shoulder. “I have to go to my mom.”
Juliana hurries towards the Entrance Hall, mentally kicking herself the whole way.
Chino had not left when Juliana came back to Ilvermorny after the winter break. Every time her mom calls, Lupé would talk about how nice Chino was with her, how much he was like his old self. All of that stopped over a month ago, but Juliana never asked why. She was only too glad that she didn’t have to hear about Chino anymore. She should have known that he had stopped playing nice. No, she did know, she just didn’t want to hear her mom confirm it.
Juliana stops in front of one of the fireplaces in the Entrance Hall, Valentina right behind her. She looks frantically around for a pot of Floo Powder, but there is none in sight.
“Where is the Floo Powder!” she bursts out, more an exclamation of frustration than a question. She closes her fists, tightening her grip around the Floo Glass that’s still in her hand.
“Juls,” Valentina begins as she reaches out for Juliana’s hand, taking the Floo Glass and rubbing at the red mark it made on Juliana’s palm. Despite herself, Juliana’s sense of urgency dissipates a little. “We have to get permission to leave school, remember?”
“My mom’s hurt, Val,” Juliana says through gritted teeth. It’s all she can do not to stomp her foot. “I can’t just stay here.”
“I know,” Valentina says calmly. “Let’s go to Professor Henson’s office, we can ask for permission from her. Her fireplace is connected to the Network, we can Floo from there.”
Juliana concedes, letting Valentina take charge. Hand still holding hers, Valentina leads them through several hallways and up a flight of stairs until they are right in front of the office of Pukwudgie’s Head of House. The knocker, shaped like a Pukwudgie head, asks for the purpose of their visit. Valentina tells it, leaving out the details. The door opens and a disembodied voice tells them to take a seat and wait for Professor Henson.
Valentina ushers Juliana inside, closing the door behind them as she leads Juliana towards a pair of chairs in front of the large desk. The fireplace is on the other side of the room, unlit because of the warm spring day.
Juliana barely takes note of anything else in the room. She’s too worried about her mom, thinking about what Chino must have done to give Lupé a concussion.
“Juls,” Valentina’s voice cuts into her spiralling thoughts.
Juliana looks up at her. Valentina’s gaze is filled with concern.
“Juls, quién is El Chino?”
Juliana feels her heart drop like a lead weight to her stomach, finally registering the fact that Valentina heard everything. She tries to think of a way to explain El Chino without giving away the fact that he is her father, but she knows she can’t lie to Valentina anymore.
“El Chino… El Chino es mi papá,” Juliana begins. “What I told you about him leaving me and my mom when I was a kid, that-- that was a lie. He leaves, but he always comes back. He’s a bad man, he-- he works for a drug cartel.” She takes a pause before forcing out, “And he hurts my mom.”
Juliana keeps her gaze directed downwards, not wanting to meet Valentina’s eyes. Her face burns as shame courses through her, for having grown up in a home like hers, for having a father like El Chino Valdés. She shuts her eyes tight, afraid of Valentina’s reaction. She feels like a spinning top threatening to wobble out of its steady axis.
“Did he--” Valentina falters, her voice shaky, “did he hurt you?”
Juliana opens her eyes and glances up at Valentina, but quickly looks down again.
“No,” she replies, shaking her head in emphasis. Chino never hurt her physically; at least, not more than Lupé had when Juliana was younger, nor other parents around their neighbourhood when they were angry with their children.
Valentina reaches across the short space between them and put her hands over Juliana’s. She squeezes, and Juliana finally meets her gaze. There is no judgment in Valentina’s blue eyes, only open acceptance, and deep concern. Juliana allows herself to breathe.
“We’ll go to your mom as soon as we get permission,” Valentina says reassuringly. “It sounds like she will be alright and if not,” Valentina moves her chair closer to Juliana’s so their knees are touching, “if not, we’ll find a way to get her the best Healers.”
Juliana sags slightly in her seat, not quite in relief but in a reduction of worry. She nods, holding on to Valentina’s hands, steadying herself.
Valentina and Juliana are still holding hands when Professor Henson arrives, entering the office through a door by the fireplace and taking her customary seat, across the desk from Valentina and Juliana.
“Which one of you needs permission to leave school?” the professor asks, taking out a quill and parchment from the desk drawer. Valentina can’t help but notice her purple nail polish, which compliments her dark skin beautifully. “You do know I’ll need to confirm it with your parents? Well, in your case, Miss Carvajal, I’ll need to check with your older sister.”
“Uhm, Professor, it’s me,” Juliana speaks up. “My mom’s in the hospital, I need to go to her.”
“Oh.” The professor’s expression morphs into concern. “What happened?” she asks, putting away the first parchment and fishing out two coloured ones from the drawer. She starts writing something down on the orange parchment.
Juliana starts stammering, “I-- well, I--”
“Professor,” Valentina takes over, squeezing Juliana’s hand. “We’re not required to give you that information, are we?”
Professor Henson raises an eyebrow at Valentina. Valentina gazes back defiantly; she knows Juliana feels uncomfortable talking about what happened.
“It’s okay, Val,” says Juliana. “Professor, I-- my mom was-- it’s El Chino-- I mean, my father-- he--”
“I see,” the professor cuts in. “Of course you can go to her.” She gazes at Juliana, her brows furrowed, her dark eyes kind and understanding. “I’ll excuse you from your classes if you’re not back by tomorrow.” She starts writing on the green parchment, “and of course, Ilvermorny will cover the hospitalisation fees.”
Valentina frowns in confusion; she didn’t know that there are costs to being hospitalised.
Juliana, on the other hand, seems to have thought about it already. “What? No, Professor. I can pay it myself. I have-- I have some savings. I think it should be enough, with the conversion rate.”
The professor stares at Juliana with wide, almost disbelieving eyes. “No, Miss Valdés, the school will cover it. This is part of your admission. We want our students, you, to focus on your classes, not worry about other things.”
“Juls,” Valentina squeezes Juliana’s hand before reaching out to put an arm around her shoulders. “Let the school take care of it, please. Let’s just worry about going to your mom.”
Juliana looks up at Valentina, biting her lip, seemingly having an internal debate with herself. After a moment, she nods, relenting, and Valentina gives her a small smile. Juliana returns it with a grateful smile of her own.
The fireplace roars to life, and Valentina and Juliana look up to see that Professor Henson has moved to stand by the fireplace. She’s carrying a pot of Floo powder. They make their way towards her, hand in hand, but Professor Henson doesn’t give them the Floo Powder.
“Miss Carvajal,” says the professor, “you don’t have permission to leave school.”
Valentina balks. “What? Professor, please, I want to go with Juliana.”
“It’s alright, Val,” says Juliana, squeezing Valentina’s hand. “I can go by myself.”
“No,” Professor Henson says, a faint note of exasperation in her voice. “Miss Valdés,” she shoots a pointed look at Juliana, “you are not going by yourself. Professor Borges is going with you. I’ve sent her a message and she’s on her way here now.”
Juliana takes quick strides towards her mother the moment she arrives at the ward that they put her in. As she approaches, it becomes increasingly obvious that a concussion is not the only injury El Chino left on Lupé. There is a cut on her lip, her cheek is bruised, and she is sporting a black eye.
“Ma,” Juliana croaks, standing right by her mother’s bed and taking her hand. “What did he do to you?”
Lupé is sitting up, but her eyes are unfocused. Juliana looks towards Rosita, who is standing on the opposite side.
“I don’t know, Juli,” Rosita says helplessly. “I--” she flicks a glance towards Lupé, “I heard some shouting, but--” she stops herself again, looking carefully at Lupé, but Lupé is staring straight ahead, seemingly unhearing. “There was some shouting, but it stopped, and the next thing I knew, your fa-- El Chino was knocking on my door and asking me to take your mom to the hospital because he has somewhere to go.”
Juliana grits her teeth.
Lupé speaks up. “He only slipped, Juli,” she starts, looking plaintively at Juliana as she covers Juliana’s hand with both of hers. “He apologised, and I know he’s truly sorry. He even asked Rosita to bring me here. I didn’t want to come here, but he insisted on it. He even gave me money to pay for it.”
Juliana suddenly feels exhausted. This isn’t the first time that Chino hurt her mother, but it’s the first time his actions sent her to the hospital. Earlier, when she heard about what happened, a small part of her foolishly hoped that this would be the final straw that would make her mother realise what a horrible man Chino is.
She was wrong.
She draws her hand back from Lupé’s grip. She wants to point out to her mother that Chino is the reason she’s in the hospital, wants to remind her of all the times Chino hurt her in the past, but she can’t do it now. Not when Lupé’s eyes look unfocused, not when there are other people around.
Despite Juliana’s protests, Professor Henson insisted that she needed an adult to come with her to the hospital. Valentina tried to come with her too, but she quickly relented when Professor Henson pointed out that she was delaying Juliana’s departure. Juliana is glad that Valentina couldn’t come. Valentina is the most open-minded and accepting person she’s ever met, but Juliana still feels ashamed at the thought of her best friend witnessing what her Muggle life is really like.
Unfortunately, Juliana can’t stop Professor Borges from coming with her.
“The school will cover your hospitalisation fees, Mrs. Valdés,” Professor Borges chooses that moment to join in. She was standing a few feet away, but she walks towards them now. “It’s part of Juliana’s scholarship, extra emergency fund for family members.”
Rosita makes an impressed noise.
“In fact, I’ll go talk to the staff about it,” Professor Borges continues. She turns to Rosita and extends her hand, introducing herself, “I’m Lucía, Juliana’s teacher. Would you mind showing me to the cashier?”
Rosita leads Professor Borges out of the ward, leaving Juliana and Lupé by themselves. Juliana gazes at her mother, but Lupé has looked away and is refusing to meet her eyes.
Lupé shakes her head, then immediately brings her hands up to her temples. “Not now, Juli, por favor.”
Juliana presses her lips together. She knows her words won’t get through to Lupé, they never did. She has no reason to expect any different now, especially when Lupé is dealing with a concussion. Her mother looks so pitiful, with her bruised face and clouded eyes, one of which is half-closed from injury. Juliana’s stomach churns violently.
The anger that Valentina soothed with her soft words and gentle touch starts rising within Juliana again. She feels almost choked with helpless rage. She’s mad at Chino but he’s not here, and even if he was she won’t be able to do anything about it.
She doesn’t even have her wand with her, she had to surrender it before leaving school.
She snaps out of her thoughts, looking up at her mother to see Lupé’s gaze directed at her hands. Juliana looks down and realises that she’s clutching the edge of her mother’s blanket. An angry red colour has taken over the blanket’s normal white, starting from the point of contact with her hands and spreading out like a blot. But the colour isn’t blood; the fabric simply turned red at and around the area where Juliana is touching it.
Juliana quickly lets go of the blanket, staring at the red spot in shock. She didn’t mean to do anything, but there’s no one else who could have changed the blanket’s colour. Juliana brings a hand up to her forehead. It’s the first time she’s done accidental magic since she started at Ilvermorny. She looks around in alarm, but no one seems to be paying them any attention.
“I’m sorry, ma,” she says shakily, running a hand over her face. Now she’s the one who can’t look at her mother, afraid to be met with fear or disgust.
“Oh, baby.” Juliana feels her mother’s hand on her cheek, nudging her lightly so she meets her gaze. “It’s alright, I know you didn’t mean that. We can get your professor to change it back.”
Even with her bruised eye, there’s no denying the concern and understanding in Lupé’s expression.
Juliana’s anger is taken over by guilt and sorrow. She swallows, trying to keep her emotions in check, and swallows once more. It hurts to see her mother so beat up. “I’m sorry,” she says again, but she’s no longer talking about the accidental magic.
Lupé is given a clean bill of health and gets discharged from the hospital the next day. Juliana decides to stay with her at their trailer for one more night, but Professor Borges has to go back to school to teach her classes. The professor comes back in the evening with a jar of what she calls ‘murtlap essence’ for Lupé’s bruises. She tells Juliana that she will pick her up the next day, but Lupé insists on being the one to accompany Juliana to the nearby Floo Station. Professor Borges doesn’t stay long after that, leaving with the reminder that Juliana can call her if she needs anything else.
Juliana tries to talk to her mother about what Chino did, but Lupé is having none of it. Juliana doesn’t push, tired of listening to the excuses Lupé makes for Chino. It’s a conversation that will have to be buried, probably never to be dug up. Juliana is used to it.
Juliana gets to sleep on their only bed beside her mother that night, but she finds no comfort in the sound of her mother’s sobs as she tries to fight back her own tears.
Despite the rough night, Lupé is looking much better the following morning, her bruises almost faded thanks to the murtlap essence. She prepares a big breakfast for Juliana, asking about her classes and talking about their summer plans, as though the past couple of days’ events didn’t happen. Juliana allows herself to chatter happily with her mother. They’ve always been good at pretending that everything is alright.
As promised, Lupé accompanies Juliana to the Floo Station across town. Juliana says goodbye to her mother hoping -- wishing, fervently -- that Chino will not come back to their lives.
Juliana arrives at Ilvermorny by Professor Henson’s office. The professor is not in the room, but Juliana’s wand is on the coffee table right in front of the fireplace, along with a note telling her that she can skip her morning classes but that she is expected to go to her afternoon ones. It’s almost lunchtime, so Juliana makes her way to her dormitory to change into her school robes. She goes back down to the common room just as several of her classmates enter through the main door.
Juliana stops by the doorway to the girls’ dormitories as her classmates make a beeline for her, all of them wearing expressions of concern.
Alanna, a button-nosed girl shorter than Juliana, reaches her first. “Juliana,” she starts, “Professor Henson said you had a family emergency. I’m glad to see you back!”
Her other classmates echo the sentiment as Juliana finds herself being marched to one of the sofas. A few of them ask her what happened, but someone gives her a rundown of the lessons they’d covered while she was away. Juliana is surprised by her classmates’ concern; she became friendly with all of them over the last several months, even joining Alanna and her friends, Grace and Kieran, for group activities, but she still spent most of her time with Valentina. Touched, Juliana tells them a little of what happened, that her mother was admitted to a hospital but that she has been discharged.
“Well, I’m glad,” Alanna declares loudly, stopping everyone from asking further questions. “We were worried when we didn’t see you in class, and Professor Henson didn’t tell us what your emergency was.”
“We were going to ask Valentina,” Grace pipes up, “it seems like she knew what happened. But, you know… she’s Valentina Carvajal.”
Juliana nods, aware that her classmates are in awe of the older girl.
“Grace cried,” Kieran tells Juliana.
“Shut up, Kieran!” Grace reaches over to give the boy a slap on the arm. “I was worried, okay! What if someone had passed away?”
Juliana’s lips twitch up into a smile. Grace cries at everything, History of Magic lessons included, but Juliana appreciates the sentiment all the same.
Before anyone else can respond, a familiar voice rings out across the common room. “Juls!”
Juliana turns around to see Valentina making a beeline for her, rounding the sofa and practically jumping over an armchair in her haste. Kieran, who didn’t get out of her way in time, is unceremoniously pushed aside.
“Juls,” Valentina says again, softer this time, as she reaches Juliana and wraps her in a tight hug.
Juliana falls into Valentina’s embrace, forgetting about everyone else around them.
After a moment, Valentina pulls away only to put her forehead against Juliana’s. “Hey,” she says, her voice reflecting the gentleness in her eyes. “Are you okay? Is your mom okay?”
Juliana swallows. Unable to speak, she answers with a nod.
“Good,” Valentina says before wrapping her arms around Juliana again. “I’m glad,” she adds, running a hand up and down Juliana’s back.
In the comfort of Valentina’s arms, Juliana feels the tension she didn’t know she was carrying leave her body.
“Grace is crying again.”
“It’s just so lovely!”
Later that afternoon, after their classes, Valentina and Juliana go to watch Ilvermorny’s Quidditch Team practising at the makeshift pitch on one side of the school’s expansive field. They’ve made a habit of it since Christmas, when Valentina played with some members of the team. Aside from the Captain, who was already in the team when Valentina backed out on the Reserve Seeker position, everyone is friendly with her. Gwen, Maddie, and Charles even make it a point to wave at her and Juliana as they climb up the stands by the makeshift pitch.
“I brought snacks,” Valentina says as they take their seats, drawing out a jar of salted and chilli-coated peanuts out of her school bag. The snack is sold by an older student, and Juliana has taken a liking to it.
Juliana gives her a small smile. “Thanks, Val,” she says, absently taking a handful of peanuts.
Juliana has been quiet since she got back, her smiles not reaching her eyes. Valentina tried several ways to get a genuine smile out of her, but to no avail. Earlier, she asked Juliana if she wanted to do something other than watch Quidditch practice, but Juliana only shook her head and said she wanted to enjoy the weather outside. But Juliana looks like she’s not enjoying it at all.
Valentina bites her lip, frowning. Juliana has always been able to cheer her up when she’s in a mood, Valentina feels like a failure as a friend that she can’t do it now when the situation is reversed. Lost, she turns to look up at the Quidditch team practising in the air, idly noting Charles doing an unnecessary loop-de-loop and the Captain yelling at him for showing off.
“Val,” Juliana says softly.
Valentina turns back to Juliana, so quickly her hair whips around. Her eyes widen, eager, waiting for Juliana to say something more.
“Val, I want to say I’m sorry,” Juliana says, her eyebrows drawn into a slight frown.
“What? What for?”
“For lying to you about my father. I’ve been--”
“No, Juls,” Valentina cuts in quickly, reaching out to cover Juliana’s hand with her own. “Don’t apologise about that.”
Valentina puts down the jar of peanuts on her other side and holds Juliana with both hands, squeezing gently. “I understand why you didn’t tell me about him, okay?” she says, making sure to meet Juliana’s eyes. “You’re not-- you don’t owe anyone an explanation, no one at all,” she adds, putting emphasis on her words when she recalls how Juliana stuttered through telling Professor Henson about what happened. She knows Juliana has resolved to tell Jane and Lina about everything as well, but Valentina wants her to understand that she should only do it if she’s comfortable.
Valentina thinks about how hard it must be for Juliana, having a father like the one she described. Valentina’s own father was always away on business trips too, but his projects are all aimed at helping people, and he has never been anything but loving to Valentina.
“I can only imagine…” she starts, but trails off immediately. The truth is, she can never imagine Juliana’s life at home. It’s like an unknown shadow that Juliana tries to keep away. Valentina won’t force her to talk about it. She only wishes she can protect Juliana from anything that would try to hurt her.
“I--” Juliana stutters out before swallowing. She takes a deep breath. “Gracias, Val,” she says, not quite smiling, but her brown eyes are no longer clouded.
Valentina gives her a bracing smile. “Is that why you’ve been so quiet?”
“Yes,” says Juliana. “Well, no, not exactly, but…”
Juliana looks around them. There are other students watching the Quidditch practice, but they’re several feet away and out of earshot. Still, Juliana shuffles closer to Valentina and whispers, “I did accidental magic.”
“Really? When? Did the Muggles see it?”
“No, I-- I was holding a white blanket, and the spot I was touching turned red! Not blood red. It was just like it was dyed red.”
Juliana nods vigorously, looking at Valentina as though she might be able to explain it. However, Valentina’s experience with accidental magic was very different. She flies, makes things explode, and once, she transported to a candy store in the middle of the night when her parents wouldn’t let her have sweets before bedtime. That was all in the past; she has never done accidental magic after she started Ilvermorny. Then again, since she lives in Mexico, so she’s allowed to bring her wand with her when she goes home. Her dad also makes Valentina and her siblings take wandless magic lessons from a private tutor every summer, giving them better control of their magic.
“That sounds like a kind of Transfiguration,” is the only thing Valentina can say.
“Val,” Juliana says, pushing her by their still joined hands. “Not again.”
“I’m just saying!” Valentina grins teasingly. “Turning things a different colour, that’s Transfiguration.”
“Isn’t it Charms?”
“No, no, it’s Transfiguration. You should listen to me, I’m in third year and older than you.”
Valentina rarely uses the age card, but it never fails to get a rise out of Juliana when she does. This time is no different. Juliana playfully pushes Valentina again. Valentina pretends to topple over, almost doing so in the process were it not for Juliana pulling her back.
“You are ridiculous,” Juliana declares, but she’s fighting back a smile.
Valentina simply grins, elated to see the brightness coming back to Juliana’s eyes.
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spnfanficpond · 6 years
January 2019 Pond LiveChat Recap
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We had a great time chatting today with @sis-tafics!!! Thank you so much, Jill, for joining us!!
We talked about the different types of fan fiction stories, and some of the challenges each genre presents. A rundown from the chat, as well as upcoming stuff, is below the cut!
Q: What's the easiest type of fic for you to write, Jill, and why?
Jill: It varies a little. I started out writing angst early on. I find it super interesting because it pulls you in. Now I think smut is the easiest for me to write. Why? I would say because I like what it can add to a story. Fluff is extremely hard for me, but there is definitely a place and a need for it.
Q: What do you think it is about fluff that's hard for you? What gets you stuck when you're trying to write it?
Jill: Fluff is hard for me to write because there is such a vulnerability in it and so much happiness attached to it. I think in SPN there are so few glimpses of happiness that it is hard for my brain to connect with it when writing stuff that is close to canon. If I write an RPF, it is a little easier.
Q: Keeping track of clothing and body parts and where everything is makes writing smut very difficult. And every time you add a body, the challenge increases exponentially.
Jill: I mean, there are only so many different ways you can write peg into hole lol. I generally let the reader connect how we got there, it is just like writing an action scene.  Poly is something new I have started writing and holy hell is that a challenge. But, like when you write Dean walking, you don't track every single step. It's hey, he staggered to the door. Just like it's he thrusts, not in, out, in, out, in, out.
Q: Fight scenes and smut scenes are hard just because you're trying to explain everything without getting boring or technical.
Jill: I agree, and I think that's the time to take that step back. Focus on how their heart beats, how that situation makes them feel, are they scared? Focusing on sensory brings readers to that moment.
Q: Switching to fluff, one of the biggest challenges I see fluff fics face is staying away from the extra sugary sweetness. For example, a lot of fics are great, but then keep going, adding a wedding or proposal, or a baby or a pregnancy, when the story was good without it.
Jill: I believe fluff varies so much depending on the pairing. And tooth rotting fluff is difficult without something to balance it out. It applies across anything you write, I think as the writer you need to know when enough is enough. If the story only needs 800 words, don't force anything else. If it is a complete one shot, don't get pressured into making it a series. I've read 400 word fics that are just as powerful as 25 part series. It depends on the story that needs to be told.
General discussion turned to using a beta to help you know when you’ve got fat to cut from a story. One participant admitted to struggling with always wanting everything to be perfect before posting.
Jill: never let perfect get in the way of pretty damn good. Readers forgive small errors, and she's right, get a beta that wants to help, not one who is just looking to read.
@babypieandwhiskey: You are all giving very good advice. A beta is very helpful in writing smut scenes, fighting scenes, angst and even fluff. I have noticed some betas a better at one type of fic more than others so it is always good I think to get to know your beta a little before sending it to them. Know what they are good at and know what they are comfortable with. Some are really good at hashing out fight scenes while others know how to pull the emotion out of a story for a smut scene. 
Q: One thing some new writers seem to do is decide what type of fic they want to write before they have a story idea, especially in bongo fics. It’s a fluff bingo, so the writer goes into it with fluff in mind, and you end up with something as sweet, but as flimsy, as cotton candy. Or if it’s an angst bingo, you get a story where the girl dies, then the character discovers she loved him the whole time and was pregnant. It feels like just throwing logs on a fire that’s burning out, hoping something will catch.
Jill: I'm not saying it is a bad thing, it just does not work for me. I have a story and I go back and see if it fits anywhere on the card. I enjoy joining bingo but I also never finish them.
@canadianspnhunter​: Tropes have their place, but sometimes it needs a careful hand to achieve anything.
Jill: Tropes are awesome, if you can spin them to your style. I use friends to lovers all the damn time, but I write it differently each time. Do you write chronologically, or a few scenes and connect them later? I usually write the end first and figure out the rest. And I almost always write the smut last. I think that is a good check, because it makes you answer, is the smut actually adding to the story or am I just writing it to write it?
Q: The one thing we haven’t touched on, yet, is AU’s. AU’s are hard, between world building and making sure the characters stay in character.
Jill: I am going to throw out the disclaimer that I am sooooo picky when it comes to AU's. And I'm not talking A/B/O or anything in canonverse… It is so important that they are still the characters they are when you put them somewhere else. There are specific things that make Dean Dean, and things that make Sam Sam and those things need to freaking stay. I'm totally ok with whatever ship you want to write, I may just not read them. But like Dean will always be a touch based person who hates himself on some level. Sam will always feel ever so slightly out of place.
@mrswhozeewhatsis: My AU was Cas as a priest. He grew up living next door to the Winchesters and being their friend, so I had to change my Cas to someone who knew all of the pop culture references, because there's no way Dean would let him get by without them. But he still needed to be Cas. World building is hard, too. Gosh, figuring out which characters would be in Cas's family haunted me. It seemed so obvious, until I started writing, and then I was like, "Nope...that's gonna work in my story...."
Jill: I don't think that is as important because I think writers, especially newer ones, get hung up on every single detail. Like who the character's third cousin is, but if it doesn't add something or if they don't play a part, do not feel forced to have them in the story. (Not a note on your story, just generalizing a little for new writers!)
Q: We forgot to talk about squicky words!
Jill: In my opinion, the rule is if it sounds like something a middle schooler would say, don't use that variation. And unless it is medical, don't use the technical term either.
General discussion followed about the usage of words like cunt, pussy, dick, and cock. One point made was that the POV will change the language you use. For example, a man’s POV will use dick more often than a woman’s. The recent resurgence of the phrase “painted her walls” to describe the male orgasm was brought up. Michelle reference her rant on that and “hot seed” which you can read here. Further discussion about how humiliation kink with the brothers seems OOC unless it’s either in a scene (where it would be followed by loving reassurance), Demon Dean, or Soulless Sam. Discussion ended with no one in the room liking Michael!Dean in bed, much. Pretty, but creepy.
Other News
Angel Fish Award nominations are due soon! Click the link for the list of raffle prizes! Remember, every nomination is an entry! So far, we’ve only received two or three nominations. If you have sent in a nomination, but have not received a private message confirming we received it, we didn’t get it. Send it in again! Be sure to use Submit instead of Ask!
SPNFanFicPond Season 14 Weekly Episode Writing Challenge - New prompts go up after every new episode, and there’s no deadline! Check out the prompts and rules on the link!
Say hi to January’s New Members!
Check out the new Beta Program! If you want to be a beta, now’s the time to fill out the form and get yourself added! If you’ve been thinking about finding a beta for your own writing, check out the spreadsheet of betas and pick one that suits you!
Coming in February!
One piece of feedback that we received a while back said that the mentor-ship part of the Pond has been lacking. These LiveChat events were one way we’re working towards bringing members together, and now we’re adding another way. Starting in February, each Big Fish will host time in the chat room every month. This won’t be formal, like the LiveChat events, it will just be time that they will be available in the chat room to chat about anything. Times will be announced before they happen so you will have the chance to join and chat if you want. The first of these will be Rhi, @kittenofdoomage, on Sunday, February 3rd.
In order to keep track of these informal sessions, plus the LiveChats, and anything else we want to keep track of, the Pond now has a CALENDAR! It’s a Google calendar, which offers a lot of features, such as showing you when things are in your own timezone! Since we’re an international group, that’s a definite plus!! We’re also trying to keep track of new episodes and conventions and anything else that might be of interest to our members. So, if there’s something you’d like added, just let us know!
Next month’s LiveChat details will be published as soon as we know them! Hope to see you there!
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hommart · 6 years
14-Day Fast Fat Loss Guide
I recently stopped by the new house of an ol' college buddy to meet his fiance and new baby boy. He's getting married in 5 months time and we had to have a serious chat.
You see, he's gained 25 pounds since birth of his son. He really fell off the wagon. But he's taken the first and most important step by admitting things have to change and so we sat around for over 2 hours in his backyard on a beautiful day and hammered out this plan.
I could have wrote a 5-month plan, but I wanted to fast-track his results - and YOUR results - because research shows people who start losing fat quickly get better long-term fat loss results as well.
So here's your complete 14-day FAST-TRACK guide to fat loss (if you like it, please forward it to a friend or print them off a copy too):
Day 1 - Stop Everything to Plan, Shop, & Prepare This Meal Plan
I hope you're reading this on Sunday, because I want you to plan, shop, and prepare today. If it's Monday, skip your workout and do this instead - its THAT important.
And I don't just mean planning what you are going to eat for dinner. I mean planning what you are going to eat for every meal for the next 2 weeks.
Don't tell me that's too hard. After all, most people with lean physiques stick to a relatively similar diet for 90% of their meals and then enjoy a random cheat/reward meal 10% of the time.
So your schedule might go like this:
Breakfast - 2 eggs, 1 slice rye toast, 1 apple, Green Tea, fish oil
Snack - 1oz raw almonds, 1 pear, Green Tea
Lunch - Grilled chicken/salmon or black bean salad with spinach, onion, peppers, mushrooms, etc., 1 banana or bowl of cherries, 2 cups unsweetened iced tea with lime or lemon
Snack - Unlimited raw vegetables and hummus
Dinner - Protein and vegetables and fruit...so this could be a small piece of steak, chicken, or fish, along with your favorite vegetables, and a bowl of your favorite fruit.
Or it could be the veggie dinner I had last Monday of quinoa with red pepper-cashew sauce and avocado wrapped in kale leaves.
Or it could be wild rice with beans and avocado and salsa.
That schedule won't change much, with the exception of a slight variation in your main course at dinner, right? And then once per week schedule a meal of your favorite food.
Everyone can stick to this plan for 14 days, and this tip alone will help you lose 5-12 pounds of fat in just 2 weeks. And this is also how you'll need to eat for the rest of your life. It's not hard, it just requires a little practice. Keep at it and never, EVER give up.
Alright, so to review, here's your 3-step guide to Day 1.
i) Plan your meals. ii) Shop for the food. iii) Prepare the food (cut everything up, put in the proper trays, cook food if necessary, and get it all packed up for work)
In addition to planning out all of your meals, you must also start keeping a food journal (you could do it online too), because studies show that keeping a food journal will help you lose fat faster.
Next, make sure you do 60 minutes of activity today AND take a "before" photo along with your weight, body fat (if possible), and measurements of your waist, hips, arms, and thighs. Continue to weigh yourself every other day, as research shows that frequent check-ins lead to greater weight loss.
Day 2 - Attend An "Online Fat Loss & Fitness Seminar"
You must set EVERY workout and activity session as an appointment with yourself that you must keep - just like a doctor's visit. Let nothing, except real emergencies, come between you and your workouts.
Today you're going to do a short, burst exercise workout.
Now if you are currently using long, slow, boring cardio to lose f at, stop that bad habit immediately and switch to short, burst workouts.
If you need to learn more about short, burst workouts, go to YouTube and search for interval workouts. While you are there, look up my "Diet vs. Exercise" video series to see why diet is much more effective for fat loss than cardio.
If you are a beginner, please start conservatively. But if you have been working out for a while, the next 3 weeks are your time to step your workouts up a notch.
Day 3 - Write Your Way to Fat Loss
First, you must schedule 60 minutes of easy to moderate activity. I'll talk about that in a second, but you can do anything from a 60 minute walk, a yoga session, a light bodyweight and stretching session, an hour of playing with your kids, or playing an easy game of your favorite sport. Don't go too hard, but stay active.
You must also carve out 30 minutes to sit down and write out 3 short term goals and 3 long term goals. Write down EXACTLY what you want to accomplish in these 14 days. After that, write down what you want to accomplish in the following 90 days.
Once you've done that, you're going to prepare a contract with yourself promising to take the steps necessary to achieve these goals. Sign the contract and review it everyday to keep you on track.
Day 4 - Recruiting Day
Today's another short burst workout. Make sure you are using a professionally designed structured and proven fat loss workout, rather than just "winging it" or using long slow cardio for fat loss.
You'll also spend time today recruiting for these 3 components of your fat loss social support team:
- Nutrition buddy - Workout partner - Fat loss forum accountability buddies
Research shows that recording your nutrition in a food journal and having someone review your meals increases your chance of losing fat.
Another study found that if you workout with a partner who is losing fat, then you'll have a greater chance of losing fat as well.
And finally, a third study found that the more often subjects checked in to an online fat loss forum, the more likely they were to lose a lot of fat.
Get your team together and you'll get more results - faster.
Day 5 - The 60 Minute Solution
Why am I telling you to get 60-minutes of activity on your off days?
Well, to be honest, I do NOT expect you to burn massive amounts of fat with easy, off-day activity.
However, every minute you spend moving, you are NOT snacking! I know the biggest problem you will have is your diet. So instead of snacking in front of the computer or TV, spend your free time away from food. That's the simple secret to the 60 minute solution.
So get 60 minutes of activity on Day 5.
Day 6 - The Challenge
Your 3rd workout needs to be a challenge workout so that you can improve your performance each week. In fact, you should set at least one personal best in each workout. If you improve your performance, your physique will improve as well.
Day 7 - Diet Check-In and Reward Meal
Congratulations, you've made it through 7 amazing days of fat burning. Today you're going to double check your nutrition plan by reviewing your food journal.
If you haven't already done so, eliminate all liquid calories and replace with water and Green Tea.
If you need to learn more about nutrition, start using the free service called Fitday.com. It will help you track your calories.
And if you're really struggling to avoid night eating, try this tip. Place a small mirror on your fridge door. Research shows that subjects consumed fewer calories when they did this because it will remind you to make smarter choices.
Finally, as a reward for all of your hard work, you can treat yourself to your favorite meal. But that doesn't mean gorging. It simply means having a normal meal of your favorite foods to give you a mental break from your plan. When the meal is over, don't go back for seconds. Get right back on the 14-day plan instead.
Days 7 & 8 are also 60 minute off-day activity days.
Day 8 - Review your goals.
It's no good to write your goals down and then forget them. Review them at least weekly, if not daily. Heck, carry them around in your pocket and look at them at every meal.
As you workout, visualize yourself reaching your goals. Believe in yourself, keep a positive attitude, stay motivated and you'll continue to make fast fat loss progress every day.
This will also be another great day to plan, shop, and prepare.
Day 9 - Take It to Another Level
Week one was great, but with only 5 days left it is time for you to step it up again. This time I want you to hire a trainer for just one session to make sure you are doing all the exercises correctly and training as hard as you can (safely, of course).
Add this trainer to your support team. And by the way, a good trainer should be able to estimate your body fat better than any of those "fat scales" you can buy at a store...so get them to check that too.
Day 10 - Plan Your Next Shopping Trip
Today is another 60 minutes of off-day activity, and you'll also work on improving your nutrition even more. What I want you to do is focus on eating more from the Fat Loss Foundation.
The 3 components of my Simple Nutrition Fat Loss Foundation are raw fruits, vegetables, and nuts. Research shows that eating more of these 3 foods will help you lose weight better than a diet that is low in fruits, vegetables and nuts.
Make an effort to eat one new fruit, vegetable, and nut each week during your between meal snacks.
If you aren't already eating grapefruit, try one today and see how it helps fill you up (because it contains a lot of soluble fiber called pectin). Add a new vegetable - such as broccoli, cauliflower, or asparagus - to your dinner. And try walnuts or pecans instead of almonds at your morning break.
Slowly but surely increase the fiber in your diet until you hit the recommended amount of 35 grams per day.
And I hope this goes without saying, but you should have eliminated all foods that contain added sugar. That is one the simplest yet most effective nutrition changes you can make.
Day 11 - Recruit Again
Add a new member into your social support team, such as a new workout partner or healthy-eating partner. This will add strength to your commitment. If possible, join a transformation contest online, or start one among your friends or co-workers.
But when you do that, keep in mind that you want to help other people succeed. The more you can help others lose fat, the more you will help yourself as you share what's working with your friends and they show you their fat loss secrets too. Stay positive, and you'll build a powerful fat loss team.
Today is also another fat loss workout day, so give it your best.
Day 12 - Check-In Time
Today you'll re-measure your weight, body fat, and measurements. Take a look in the mirror to compare yourself against your before photo to see big changes that will motivate you to stay strong.
I also want you to start thinking about getting a tan. Yes, I said getting a tan. Why? Because simply adding a little bit of color to your body can make you look leaner. There's a reason all those models in supplement ads are tanned, you know.
Finally, if there is a "big day" at the end of the 14-days, make sure you try on the outfit you are going to wear to double-check that it is going to look great on you.
Make sure you do this check-in either before your 60 minutes of activity or a few hours after so that exercise does not mess-up the numbers.
Day 13 - Mental Performance Review
Write down all obstacles that are still in your way of success, and then brainstorm 2 solutions to overcome each. Get some help from your social support team on this. The more you and your team share solutions, the more fat you - and everyone else - will lose.
For example, you might come up with rules like, "No eating in the car" to help cut down on bad food choices. Someone else might suggest "brush your teeth after dinner to avoid night-time snacking". Those are simple yet powerful tips to keep you on the fast-track to fat loss.
Follow up this positive session with your best TT workout yet!
Day 14 - Review, Plan, & Prepare
Congrats on making so many powerful changes in just 2 short weeks.
By now, you'll probably have lost 5-12 pounds of fat and just as importantly, you'll have developed proven, life-long fat burning habits that will be easy for you to stick to forever.
Keep this weight loss train moving by reviewing your original goals. Next, do your planning, shopping, and preparing for another week, and get ready for even more fat loss.
Enjoy your 14-day results and celebrate with a reward meal (and show off your firmer, leaner body at the big event too!).
Wishing you success!
Please email me with your success story in 14 days (or sooner!).
Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training for Fat Loss have helped thousands of men and women with weight loss and fat burning in less than 45 minutes three times per week. Turbulence Training for Fat Loss workouts help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment. Craig's bodyweight workouts for fat loss help you lose fat without any equipment at all.
You have permission to publish this article in your web sites, ezines or electronic publication, as long as the piece is used in its entirety including the resource box, all hyperlinks (HTML clickable) and references and copyright info.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Craig_Ballantyne/23799
Article Source: http://bit.ly/2LAshe8
14-Day Fast Fat Loss Guide fast fat loss, fat loss via 1verybetterof http://bit.ly/2rOYsxj
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brewyork · 7 years
Every Place You Can Drink at a Brewery in NYC
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It’s hard to miss Singlecut Beersmiths in Astoria, one of the 32 places where you can drink beer at its source in the five boroughs. (Photo: Chris O’Leary)
What greater feeling is there as a beer drinker than drinking fresh beer straight from the source? Given the explosion in craft breweries in New York City in the past few years, it’s becoming easier and easier to do. So, for your reference, we’ve put together a list of every single place in the five boroughs where you can drink beer brewed right on the premises, from brewpubs to taprooms, updated with the past year’s newest taproom openings. These are the places where fresh beer can hit your lips within feet of where it’s brewed. Our list is sorted by borough. Here we go!
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The Bronx Brewery (856 E. 136th St., at Walnut Ave., Port Morris)
What they serve: Their year-round beers, including the No Resolutions IPA, Bronx Banner, and Rye Pale Ale, plus seasonals, and usually something interesting on cask, too. They’ll often serve some one-offs that are hard to find, too, like stuff from their B-Tracks Series. When the weather's nice, you can enjoy their beers in their roomy backyard.
How to get there: Take the 6 train to Cypress Ave., and it's a quick 5-minute walk east on E. 138th St., south on Willow, and then east on E. 136th for half a block.
When they're open: Seven days a week, starting at 3pm on weekdays and noon on weekends
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Gun Hill Brewing (3227 Laconia Ave., at Boston Rd., Williamsbridge)
What they serve: Enjoy full pours or flights of their rotating selection of beers brewed in a variety of styles, like their E Pluribus Lupulin and Roll Call IPA series, Spirit 76 Pilsner, and Void of Light stout. Occasionally, food vendors and live music is offered at the brewery, too, and they host special events in the taproom throughout the year. Tours of the brewery are available on Saturday and Sunday afternoons.
How to get there: Take the 2 train to Burke Ave, and it's a 10-minute walk east on Burke and Boston Post Road to the brewery.
When they're open: Monday-Wednesday 2:30-9pm, Thursday 1-11pm, Friday 1pm-Midnight, Saturday Noon-Midnight, and Sunday Noon-10pm
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Brooklyn Brewery (79 N. 11th St., at Wythe Ave., Williamsburg)
What they serve: Up to ten different beers on tap, including stuff that you can't find anywhere else, like their Worshipful Company of Brewers Series and their newest seasonal releases before they’re easy to find elsewhere. They'll also serve you bottle pours of some special bottle-only brews. Stock up on tokens for the best deal - beer tokens (good for one beer) are $5 each or 5 for $20. Free tours are offered on Saturday and Sunday afternoons.
How to get there: Take the L Train to Bedford or G Train to Nassau. From either, it's about a seven-minute walk.
When they're open: The brewery offers $15 "Small Batch Tours" at 5pm Monday-Thursday by reservation, but the tasting room is open to the public most Mondays-Thursdays 6-9:30pm, Friday 6-11pm, Saturday Noon-8pm, and Sunday Noon-6pm.
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Circa Brewing Co (141 Lawrence St., at Willoughby Ave., Downtown Brooklyn)
What they serve: Pizza and beer is the name of the game at this brewpub that opened in 2017. At the helm of Circa’s 7-barrel brewhouse is Danny Bruckert, a longtime brewer at Sixpoint’s Red Hook facility who has rolled out an impressive selection of beers, from a Nitro Stout to a New England-Style IPA. His twin brother Luke is the pizza chef in the kitchen, churning out beer-friendly pies. You can also get your beer brunch on here every weekend.
How to get there: Take the A, C, F, or R trains to Jay Street-Metrotech, and it’s just steps away.
When they're open: Sunday-Thursday 11am-Midnight, Friday and Saturday 11am-2am
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Coney Island Brewing Company (1904 Surf Ave., at W. 17th St., Coney Island)
What they serve: This 1,500 square-foot brewery officially opened last fall and offers a tasting room, brewery tours, and an outdoor area for drinking by MCU Park, the home of the Brooklyn Cyclones. The tasting room pours samples, pints, and fills growlers of well-known beers like their Mermaid Pilsner, plus small-batch brews like the Long Neck Clam Stout and Hot Toddy.
How to get there: Take the D, F, N, or Q Train to Coney Island-Stillwell Avenue, then walk three blocks west. The brewery is under the 3rd base line stands at MCU Park.
When they're open: Thursday-Sunday noon-8pm (closed Monday through Wednesday for the winter)
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Five Boroughs Brewing Co. (215 47th St., at 2nd Ave., Sunset Park)
What they serve: This booming space is home to the biggest brewery to open in the city in 2017, and it celebrates the five boroughs through a diverse lineup of beers, including their year-round Pilsner, IPA, Gose, and Hoppy Lager, plus lots of one-off beers to please every type of beer drinker. The bright, airy taproom makes a great place for groups of friends to come together over beer.
How to get there: Take the R Train to 45th Street, then take the quick walk south 2 blocks and west 2 blocks.
When they're open: Thursday 4-10pm, Friday 4-11pm, Saturday Noon-11pm, and Sunday Noon-10pm
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Folksbier (101 Luquer St, at Clinton St., Carroll Gardens)
What they serve: This small brewery made beer for two years before opening a tasting room to the public last year. They focus on German-style beers, like their Helles Simple, Glow Up Berliner Weisse, and a rotating series of New England-style IPAs called Recurring Dreams. The big, inviting space has plenty of seating, snacks for purchase, and neat wood-carved barstools.
How to get there: Take the F or G Train to Caroll Street, and it’s about a ten-minute walk to the brewery. It’s also a very quick, 7-minute walk to nearby Other Half Brewing (below), if you’re looking to kill two birds with one stone.
When they're open: Monday-Thursday 4-10pm, Friday 4-11pm, Saturday 11am-11pm, and Sunday 11am-10pm 
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Greenpoint Beer & Ale Co. (7 N. 15th St., at Franklin St., Greenpoint)
What they serve: Greenpoint Beer & Ale Co. is now in its fourth year of operation, and its beers keep getting rave reviews. Most of the 16 beers on tap at this booming beer hall are brewed on the brewhouse you can see through the windows adjoining the dining area. The beers range from lagers to New England IPAs to a beer brewed with pineapple gummy bears (no, really). Come for the beer, stay for the stick-to-your-bones food like pierogi, schnitzel, and brisket.
How to get there: Take the L Train to Bedford (15-minute walk) or G Train to Nassau (7-minute walk). Better yet, combine this stop with a visit to nearby Brooklyn Brewery, just four blocks away. It's also right on the Brooklyn Waterfront Greenway, so it's a good stop during a bike ride.
When they're open: Monday-Thursday 5-midnight, Friday 2pm-2am, Saturday noon-2am, and Sunday noon-midnight.
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Interboro Spirits and Ales (942 Grand St., at Waterbury St., Williamsburg)
What they serve: Brewer and co-founder Jesse Ferguson lists cult favorites Carton and Other Half on his brewing resume, so it was no surprise when people started to flock to his brewery and taproom in East Williamsburg when it opened in 2016. Enjoy draft beers to stay and buy beer to take home from their latest canning run, like Mad Fat Fluid Double IPA, Halftime Pale Ale, or the Bushburg Pilsner.
How to get there: Take the L Train to Grand St. and walk two blocks east.
When they're open: Wednesday through Friday 5-11pm, Saturday 11am-11pm, Sunday 1pm-8pm
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Island to Island Brewing Company (642 Rogers Ave., at Parkside Ave., Prospect Lefferts Gardens)
What they serve: Island to Island calls themselves a “South, Central and North American Cidery, Brewery and Fermentory.” It’s a lot to take in, but that means there’s a lot of different, unique options -- from fermented tea to ciders to beer. Speaking of beer, their lineup includes Trini Love, a red ale brewed with guava, Calypso IPA, a Caribbean IPA, and Sunrise Blonde, an American Blonde Ale. For warmer weather, there’s a beautiful courtyard in the back, and there are weekly tours on Saturdays.
How to get there: Take the 2/5 Trains to Winthrop Avenue and walk a block west.
When they're open: Wednesday and Thursday 3-11pm, Friday 3pm-Midnight, Saturday 2pm-Midnight, Sunday 2-10pm
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Keg & Lantern Brewing Company (95 Nassau Ave., at Manhattan Ave., Greenpoint)
What they serve: A few years ago, a run-of-the-mill beer bar in Greenpoint became a beer destination when they fired up their three-barrel brewing system in the bar's basement and started serving a broad rotating selection of house-brewed beers from a huge variety of styles, like their All The Cool Kids Table Beer, their juicy Gastronomical IPA, and the Selection Bias Kolsch, a beer that can help wash down the brewpub’s delicious wings.
How to get there: Take the G Train to Nassau Ave., exit at Nassau and head half a block east.
When they're open: Daily, 11am-4am
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Kings County Brewers Collective (381 Troutman St., at Wyckoff Ave., Bushwick)
What they serve: KCBC has been open just a couple months and has already gained a strong following. A trio of brewers whips up batches of beers like the Janiak Maniac Pilsner, Tiger Thunder Double IPA, and Robot Fish SMASH IPA series. Collaborations are big for this outfit, with recent releases brewed with Interboro, Oyster Bay Brewing, Transmitter, and more. Have some beer at the brewery, then take home a crowler. Food vendors regularly camp out at the taproom on weekends, too.
How to get there: The taproom is just one block from the L Train stop at Jefferson Street.
When they're open: Monday-Thursday 5-11pm, Friday 5-Midnight, Saturday Noon-Midnight, and Sunday Noon-9pm
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Other Half Brewing Company (191 Centre St., at Smith St., Gowanus)
What they serve: IPAs on IPAs on IPAs on IPAs. If hazy, dry-hopped beers are what you’re after, this is your spot. Beer geeks the world over visit Other Half, which makes the recent expansion of their taproom a relief as they pack in crowds, especially on the weekends. Our tip: enjoy the IPAs, but seek out the occasional appearance of other beer styles -- they’re pretty good at making those, too.
How to get there: Take the F or G Train to Smith/9th Streets and walk south two blocks on Smith, then hang a right on Centre. The brewery is across the street from a McDonald's drive-thru.
When they're open: Monday-Wednesday 3-10pm, Thursday-Friday Noon-Midnight, Saturday 10am-Midnight, and Sunday 11am-10pm. Another tip: if you’re not seeking out their weekly can releases on Saturday mornings, you might want to visit at another time.
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Randolph Beer DUMBO (82 Prospect St., at Pearl St., DUMBO)
What they serve: The third location of the Randolph Beer chainlet is the first to feature an in-house brewery. The house beers here range from their Saison to Porter to a crisp, citrusy Pale Ale. Guest taps and food are also available, too. The best feature? A pour-your-own beer wall, where you can choose to drink as little or as much of a beer as you choose, making deciding far less difficult.
How to get there: The trains rumble overhead on the Manhattan Bridge, but opt for the ones that rumble underneath -- the F train at York Street is just a block away.
When they're open: Daily starting at 11am
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Sixpoint Brewery (40 Van Dyke St., at Dwight St., Red Hook)
What they serve: It’s not a place you can go every day, but in 2017, longtime Brooklyn-based brewer Sixpoint finally reopened to the public on select days after ceasing tours back in 2011. But there’s only one way to visit: download the Sixpoint app and pre-order their cans of beer for pickup at the brewery on Saturdays after they go on sale.
How to get there: Red Hook isn’t the most accessible neighborhood, but you can take the B61 bus from downtown Brooklyn, the B61 or B57 from Carroll Gardens, or even the Red Hook ferry.
When they're open: Download the Sixpoint app and you’ll find out.
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Strong Rope Brewery (574A President St., at 4th Ave., Gowanus)
What they serve: Brooklyn homebrewer-turned-pro Jason Sahler whips up batches on a small two-barrel (63-gallon) brewhouse that once brewed the beer for Rockaway Brewing. The beers focus on New York State ingredients (it’s a licensed farm brewery), with constantly-rotating offerings like the Pub Ale, Common Spaces New York Common, and Falling Squirrel Project SMASH IPA series. $5 tours are offered every Saturday at 2pm.
How to get there: They're one block south of the R Train stop at Union Street, just off Fourth Avenue.
When they're open: Wednesday-Thursday 3-11pm, Friday 3pm-Midnight, Saturday Noon-Midnight, and Sunday Noon-8pm
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Threes Brewing (333 Douglass St., at 4th Ave., Gowanus)
What they serve: Brooklyn’s Threes Brewing continues to produce some top-notch beer at their brewpub in Gowanus, like their highly sought after SFY Imperial IPA, There You Are IPA, and the crisp Vliet Pilsner. Head brewer Greg Doroski has whipped up dozens of different beers in just the first two years of operation. Add a music venue, some can releases in their shop, and a permanent resident in the kitchen (The Meat Hook), and you’ve got a single destination for a beer-filled day. 
How to get there: They're three blocks north of the R Train stop at Union Street, just off Fourth Avenue.
When they're open: Monday-Wednesday 5pm-Midnight, Thursday 5pm-2am, Friday 3pm-2am, Saturday noon-2am, and Sunday noon-midnight
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Wartega Brewing (33 35th St. #6A, at 2nd Ave., Sunset Park)
What they serve: Wartega, a product of Merlin Ward and Mimi Ortega, is making beer in Industry City, Brooklyn, and shares a taproom space with Industry City Distillery. Stop in and you’ll find small-batch beers and beautiful views of New York Harbor and the downtown Manhattan skyline.
How to get there: Take the R train to 36th Street and walk two blocks west.
When they're open: Friday and Saturday, 4-10pm
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Birreria at Eataly (200 Fifth Ave., at 23rd St., Flatiron)
What they serve: Perched on the 14th floor of a building overlooking Madison Square, this brewery and pop-up space is the result of a collaboration between Dogfish Head's Sam Calagione and Baladin's Teo Musso. The three-barrel system churns out food-friendly cask beers that rotate three at a time and pair quite nicely with the expertly-prepared meats and cheeses. During the winter, the space transforms into the Italian Alps-themed pop-up Baita, serving the same great beers with rustic, beer-friendly food.
How to get there: Just above the 23rd Street station on N/R, across from Madison Square Park. The elevator to the roof is by the entrance on 23rd Street.
When they're open: Daily 11:30am-11pm
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Death Ave Brewing Company (315 Tenth Ave., at 28th St., Chelsea)
What they serve: Manhattan’s first new brewpub in four years made their debut in 2017, with the opening of a taproom at the corner of 10th Avenue and 28th Street. Their basement brewery churns out a lineup that includes a Saison, Hefeweizen, Belgian Pale Ale, IPA, and Berliner Weisse. The food-friendly beers are designed to pair with their Mediterranean cuisine from the restaurant of the same name next door.
How to get there: Take the 7 to 34th Street-Hudson Yards or the A/C/E to 34th Street-Penn Station and walk to 10th Avenue. It’s also just outside the 28th Street exit to the High Line.
When they're open: Sunday-Thursday 11:30am-11pm, Friday-Saturday 11:30am-Midnight.
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Big Alice Brewing (8-08 43rd Rd., at Vernon Blvd., Long Island City)
What they serve: This small space in Queens started with a 1/2-barrel brewhouse that churned out a hundred different beer recipes in just their first year. Since then, they've expanded significantly, growing their brewing space and taproom to pour all that eclectic beer in growlers to go and flights and pints to stay.
How to get there: Take the 7, E, G, or M to Court Square, walk west to 11th Street, turn right, and then left on 43rd Road.
When they're open: Wednesday and Thursday 5-9pm, Friday 5-10pm, Saturday Noon-10pm, Sunday Noon-8pm
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Bridge and Tunnel Brewery (15-35 Decatur St., at Wyckoff Ave., Ridgewood)
What they serve: This small Queens brewery is a truly DIY space, with touches throughout the taproom made by hand by brewer Rich Castagna and family and friends. It features 12 lines with beers like their Bone Orchard Vanilla Porter and the Tiger Eyes Hazelnut Brown Ale. You can fill a growler, buy merch, and order pizza from Houdini’s next door.
How to get there: Take L Train to Halsey Street and walk east on Wyckoff, then hang a right on Decatur and it’s down the block on the right.
When they're open: Friday 5-10pm, Saturday and Sunday 1-9pm
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Fifth Hammer Brewing Company (10-28 46th Ave., at 11th St., Long Island City)
What they serve: The long-awaited new project from NYC brewing man-about-town Chris Cuzme opened in late 2017 and the 15-barrel brewhouse is churning out some tasty beers. The spacious taproom is a great place for locals to socialize... and for beer geeks to drink brews like the Jollity Double IPA, Neighborbrau Pils, and Iron Lotus Imperial Porter.
How to get there: It’s a quick walk from the E, M, or 7 Train at Court Square, or the G at 21st-Van Alst.
When they're open: Monday and Tuesday 4-10pm, Wednesday 4-11pm, Thursday 4pm-Midnight, Friday 3pm-1am, Saturday Noon-1am, and Sunday Noon-9pm
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Finback Brewery (78-01 77th Avenue, at 78th St., Glendale)
What they serve: Nestled in a neighborhood in Central Queens, Finback is a not-so-hidden gem as word gets out across the Northeast about its beers. The big, booming space leaves plenty of room to bring a whole group of friends out to Glendale, Queens to check the place out and try brews like their ever-expanding lineup of IPAs and their infamous BQE Imperial Stout, which is hard to find but harder to resist.
How to get there: Driving or biking is easiest, but you can take the L/M trains to Myrtle-Wyckoff and catch the Q55 bus, which drops off two blocks from the brewery.
When they're open: Wednesday-Friday 5-10pm, Saturday Noon-10pm, Sunday Noon-8pm
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LIC Beer Project (39-28 23rd St., at 40th Ave., Long Island City)
What they serve: This outfit focuses on canned IPAs like every other cultish brewery these days... but wait, there’s more! Belgian-inspired beers, barrel aging, and wild ales -- including some that run through their coolship and ferment with Queens-harvested yeast -- are part of the lineup. The well-polished taproom is welcoming and serves over a half-dozen beers on tap, plus a guest cider for the gluten-averse, with seating that offers views of their brewhouse.
How to get there: Take the F Train to 21st Street-Queensbridge and walk three blocks to the brewery.
When they're open: Wednesday 4-9pm, Thursday and Friday 4-11pm, Saturday 1-11pm, Sunday 1-9pm
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Rockaway Brewing (5-01 46th Ave., at 5th St., Long Island City)
What they serve: Rockaway was among the first breweries in the city to take advantage of the Craft New York Act, which allowed them to serve pints at their taproom. These days, they’re going strong with more options than ever, including their Rockaway IPA and Hella Mandarina Helles Lager, alongside standbys like their ESB and Black Gold Nitro Stout. They’ve also got special pop-ups and beer dinners at the brewery as well... and a second location (sans brewery, for now) in the Rockaways.
How to get there: Take the 7 train to Vernon-Jackson or the G to 21st Street, walk west to 5th Street, turn right and walk up to the mural-adorned corner of 46th Ave.
When they're open: Monday and Wednesday 5-9pm, Thursday 3-9pm, Friday 3-10pm, Saturday Noon-10pm, Sunday Noon-9pm
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Singlecut Beersmiths (19-33 37th St., at 20th Ave., Astoria)
What they serve: The raucous taproom here has many faces: beer bar, concert venue, movie screening room, game room... oh, and it's a brewery, too. The 13 taps here run the gamut of Singlecut's offerings, from the straightforward 19-33 Pilsner to the hoppy Softly Spoken Magic Spells DIPA to the rich Eric More Cowbell! Milk Stout. There’s also an in-house food vendor, Salt & Bone, serving up smoked meats, sausages, tacos, and nachos to complement the beer.
How to get there: Take the N train to the end of the line (Ditmars Blvd.). It's about a twelve-minute walk from there to the brewery.
When they're open: Wednesday 6-Midnight, Thursday and Friday 4pm-Midnight, Saturday 11am-Midnight, Sunday 11am-9pm
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Transmitter Brewing (53-02 11th St., at 53rd Ave., Long Island City)
What they serve: Transmitter squeezes a lot of beer out of its small space, but makes the most of it by even moving tanks on the weekends to fit beer geeks in to drink their beer. They do sell 750mL bottles of their highly-regarded, beautiful farmhouse ales in a small tasting room just off their brewery, you can try 'em before you buy 'em, and you can drink a bottle with friends at picnic tables overlooking the brewery.
How to get there: They're under the Pulaski Bridge, across the street from the stairway on the Queens side. Get there by taking the G to 21st Street or the 7 to Vernon-Jackson.
When they're open: Friday 4-8pm, Saturday Noon-8pm, and Sunday Noon-6pm.
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Flagship Brewing Company (40 Minthorne St., at Bay St., Tompkinsville)
What they serve: When Flagship opened its doors in 2014, it marked the first time in generations that breweries were operating in all five boroughs. Staten Island's craft brewery has grown significantly since its opening day (pictured here), offering a half-dozen beers on tap, including its Roggenfest fall seasonal and year-round Dark Mild. It might be the best excuse you've ever had to take the ferry. Tours are offered Saturdays at 2:30 and 4pm for $5.
How to get there: From the Staten Island Ferry Terminal, you can walk the twelve minutes south to the brewery, or take the Staten Island Railroad to Tompkinsville Station, just across the tracks from the brewery.
When they're open: Thursday through Saturday Noon-Midnight, Sunday Noon-8pm
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Kills Boro Brewing Company (62 Van Duzer St., at Hannah St., Tompkinsville)
What they serve: Staten Island’s newest brewery happened when homebrewers went pro and constructed a 10-barrel brewery at Craft House, a craft beer bar that was already pouring great beer. The result? A lineup of solid house-brewed beers that stand up against an impressive guest tap list. It’s a win-win for the forgotten borough’s beer drinkers... and visitors, too.
How to get there: From the Staten Island Ferry Terminal, you can walk the fifteen minutes south, or it’s a five minute walk from the Staten Island Railroad Tompkinsville Station.
When they're open: Monday and Wednesday-Friday from 5pm, Saturday and Sunday from noon
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Staten Island Beer Company (20 Kinsey Pl., at Dolson Pl., Mariners Harbor)
What they serve: This family-run brewery started brewing batches in its namesake island borough earlier this year, and you may have passed its taproom without even knowing it -- it’s just off the Staten Island Expressway and a stone’s throw from the Goethals Bridge. The Victory Blvd. Pale Ale is their core beer, but you’ll also find offerings like their Peace Writer NEIPA, Shaolin IPA, and Monks of Water Saison available in their taproom, plus occasional food truck appearances.
How to get there: Driving is easiest, but the S40, S46, and S48 buses all stop nearby and at the St. George Ferry Terminal.
When they're open: Thursday 5-8pm, Friday 5-10pm, Saturday 1-10pm, Sunday Noon-5pm
6 notes · View notes
for-gold-and-glory · 4 years
Weekly Events for June 1st to June 9th
Here are some events G&G Members will be involved in during the week. Or just events that I think are really cool and you should definitely go to. If you’re interested in joining these events just show up or send a message to Aegir, Lirilith, or Aedwen Or join our discord: https://discord.gg/dCRSWTx
Monday - Thavnairian Nights: ' Intrigue In Gold, The Marigold Consortium ' PRELUDE @ 08:30 PM EST - Bountiful Chest Tavern, Gold & Glory Tuesday- Happy Gyuki Healing Clinic @ 8:00pm - 11:00pm EST - Shirogane W10, P25 Wednesday - Another Aegir’s Sho & Banquet Table Emporium @ 8:00 - 9:30pm EST- Shirogane W10, Main Apartments #64 Wednesday- Bountiful Chest Tavern @ 9:00pm - 11:00pm EST - Goblet W6, P5 Wednesday - Gil Tribe:  For What It’s Worth Pt 1 @ 10:45pm EST - Goblet W6, P5 Thursday -   'The Truth Collects Its Due' PT 2 @ 8:30pm EST - Isles of Umbra, Western La Noscae Thursday - Radiant Plume Fight Night @ 9:30pm EST - Lavender Beds W15, P49 Friday - A Moot of Fire and Ice @ 10:00pm EST - Lifemend Stump, Central Shroud Saturday - Primal Tour: the World: Into the Heart of the Whorl @ 5:00pm EST - Tempest Saturday - Punk Goes Pakshee @ 8:00pm EST -  Goblet Ward 10, Plot 19 Sunday - The Big One: The Missing Member @ 3:30pm EST - Idyllshire Sunday - Primal Tour: The Lord of the Whorl @ 8:00pm EST - Fishing Guild, Lima Lominsa Lower Decks Monday - Dawn of Summer Festival @ 8:00pm EST - [Mateus] Shirogane W21, P13 Tuesday - The Town That Never Sleeps: Siege at the Honeybee Inn @ 7:30pm EST - Roll22
Monday - Thavnairian Nights: ' Intrigue In Gold, The Marigold Consortium ' PRELUDE @ 08:30 PM EST - Bountiful Chest Tavern, Gold & Glory - The morning's pretense to normalcy was not going to last, it seemed - the Gold & Glory's voyage to fate itself was, though unwittingly, chartered by princely grace; ominous circumstance, misfortunate misadventures, conspiracies & more( ! ), wrest to lengths of sun-splayed dunes, echoed to the choired clatter of gil & the scented pleasantries of assorted spices & reagents - the Near East, beckoned!
Status: Open RP, come join us! Type: Action/Investigation GM:  Hana & Tala
Tuesday- Happy Gyuki Healing Clinic @ 8:00pm - 11:00pm EST - Shirogane W10, P25 https://fustuarium.tumblr.com/post/619839061546385408/balmung-happy-gyuki-healing-clinic-tuesday-june -  - The Happy Gyuki Healing Clinic is a free clinic sponsored by the Garlean embassy, held in the friendly and neutral location of Shirogane. Because the Empire cares about you.Our team of imperially trained medicus offer the latest in cutting edge medical assistance both surgical and aetherial for all of our patience needs. Your privacy and comfort is our greatest concern, though we do ask for some basic information regarding your medical  history and identity, you can be assured that your answers are absolutely confidential. Feel comforted and reassured by our 24-hour staff of armed security guard whose sole purpose is to ensure you safety and please be prepared to relinquish all weapons at the security checkpoint at the entrance. Status: Open RP, please join us! Type: Medical RP GM: Aegir 
Wednesday - Another Aegir’s Sho & Banquet Table Emporium @ 8:00 - 9:30pm EST- Shirogane W10, Main Apartments #64 https://for-gold-and-glory.tumblr.com/post/619221817573490688/aegir-ffxiv-balmung-another-aegirs-shop ORNATELY COVERED BANQUET TABLES! ORNATELY COVERED BANQUET TABLES!! ORNATELY COVERED BANQUET TABLES!!!Hi I’m Aegir Hlerson, President and CEO of Another Aegir’s Shop & Banquet Table Emproium.Thanks to a shipping error, I am not currently overstocked on Banquet TablesAnd I am passing the savings onto yoooou!Put stuff on them! Put stuff under them! Sit on them! Lean them sideways against the wall for a super-large Dart-board! Hang them from the chandelier as a very effective light-dimmer! Use them to prop up the legs of other, larger tables! Status: Open RP, please join us! Type: Shop, Comedy GM: Aegir Wednesday- Bountiful Chest Tavern @ 9:00pm - 11:00pm EST - Goblet W6, P5 https://for-gold-and-glory.tumblr.com/post/619766075422359552/balmung-bountiful-chest-tavern-june-3rd-900 -  Welcome to the Bountiful Chest, the Gold and Glory Adventuring Company’s premier restaurant and lounge! Situated in the Goblet, we are just around the bend from prosperous Ul'dah, and situated to serve not only the most humble of adventurers, but the most illustrious and prosperous of the elite!Originally a hunter’s tavern, the Monetarist brothers Anthony and Maximillian Crawford have transformed this once-humble establishment into a glittering jewel to mirror their beloved Ul'dah. Status: Open RP, please join us! Type: Tavern GM: Aegir Note:  Blooooooooooooooooood—-! Please be aware that a special combat event will begin at 10:45pm EST. You are welcome to stay and participate! Wednesday - Gil Tribe:  For What It’s Worth Pt 1 @ 10:45pm EST - Goblet W6, P5 - As the Crawfords scramble to repay their debt, the Gil Tribe makes their move. What happens next will shake the Family to the core.  Type: Tavern, Combat Status: Open RP, please joins us! GM: Aegir
Thursday -   'The Truth Collects Its Due' PT 2 @ 8:30pm EST - Isles of Umbra, Western La Noscae - "After uncovering some disturbing information Koelklin (Dato) and Gyra (Aegir), begin a hunt to figure out what really happened nearly fifteen years ago... To those who stand in their way, the truth will always collect what is due."  Warning: It is a revenge story at the core. There will be murder, there will be morals questioned. Sometimes, you don't want to believe the truth.  GMs: Dato/Aegir Limited Party Size.d  Thursday - Radiant Plume Fight Night @ 9:30pm EST - Lavender Beds W15, P49
  https://radiantplumetavern.tumblr.com/post/190395133796/the-radiant-plume-tavern-fight-night - Ever wanted to chow down on some grub, and sip on primal’s blood while watching two of your fellows beat each other to a bloody pulp? Well, we don’t have actual primal’s blood but we do have the other two things and a pretty damn good substitute for the other! The Radiant Plume is a new tavern opened in the dusty recesses of the Shroud, once a dliapidated cottage revitalized and renovated for your pleasure! The upper floor of the establishment houses a simple tavern with hearty fare and a vast array of alcohols. Just below that in the depths of the Plume you’ll find an open arena that showcases bloody brawls for your enjoyment! Weapons can be used upon agreement and for a price (IC gil), just in case our more lawful patrons decide to cause a fuss, but try not to kill one another. Your mess, your problem. That’s right. The Radiant Plume is a completely neutral ground, where anyone can shed their moral bindings for an evening of bloodsport and a little bit of drinks and dining. The owners only have a few rules: You break it, you buy it. No unsanctioned brawls on the premises. If you kill it, it’s your problem. ♥ Status: Open RP, please check the link Type: Social/Tournament GM: The Radiant Plume 
Friday - A Moot of Fire and Ice @ 10:00pm EST - Lifemend Stump, Central Shroud https://for-gold-and-glory.tumblr.com/post/619129224968699904/balmung-a-moot-of-fire-and-ice-a-northern-shroud - Deep in the furthest reaches of the Northern Twelveswood, Keepers of the Moon hold an annual folkmoot to appease the forest and the elementals. Traditionally only open to fellow worshippers of Menphina, Clan Nhawo has declared this summer’s moot to be open to outsiders far and wide. The time has come to cleanse yourself of sin and enjoy a fresh start to the next season.
A Moot of Fire and Ice is an annual woodsin cleansing festival hosted by Clan Nhawo. All participants are encouraged to wear masks, which will be burned during the course of the festivities.  Status:  Everyone is welcome to join. Wailers and Adders are encouraged to participate. Vendors, street performers, and anyone looking to provide entertainment or setup a shop should contact Ascheblade#0743 via discord. Type: Party/Ceremony GM: Ascheblade
Saturday - Primal Tour: the World: Into the Heart of the Whorl @ 5:00pm EST - Tempest - Primals: World Tour is a fun monthly Primal Battle RP we’re putting together in the wake of 5.0. With the Scions preoccupied and the Warrior of Light missing in action, it falls upon a new generation of heroes to keep Eorzea safe. Lead by the Rose Order of the Scholar Masons, adventurers, knights, and warriors from every realm are recruited to assist with the constant primal threat.
Urgent update! Months have passed since the first sighting of Leviathan. Where is the Whorleater? Has he already been defeated? Continued attacks striking transport ships would suggest not. But Leviathan isn’t falling for the normal bait ether. The Maelstrom’s attempt to draw the primal to the surface to battle have proven fruitless and the question is why…
Scholars are the arcanist guild have identified a major source of aether in the depths of the Indigo Deep in the Underwater Sahagin City of Kassai-Kassai. The Guild theorizes that Leviathan is being suped there and only released for pinpoint attacks. Unless the crystal stash is destroyed, he will continue to wander through the seas unaided. 
Enter the freemasons! And a few blitzball players… The crew of adventurers swim for Kassai-Kassai to investigate and destroy Leviathan’s aether tether. If they are successful, than the Maelstrom should be able to lure him to the surface for a traditional battle. But the Sahagins may already be onto the freemasons and their plan, making the journey underwater even more dangerous.
Status: Open RP, please join us Note: This RP takes place in the Underwater City of Kassai-Kassai in the Indigo Deep (OOC location: The Tempest)  Type: Adventure/Action GM: Aegir
Saturday - Punk Goes Pakshee @ 8:00pm EST -  Goblet Ward 10, Plot 19 https://bandeepakshee.tumblr.com/post/618848739287810049/someone-has-been-stamping-more-like-june-6th-on - Join the Bandee Pakshee for our latest musical revue. Toss on studded collars, wear sunglasses insid and bring all the leather-clad rebellion you can muster. Rommie, Savo, T'ahlia, and more will take the stage for the Pakshee to go Punk as Punk Goes Pakshee Status: Open RP, please check the link! Type: Performance GM: Bandee Pakshee Sunday - The Big One: The Missing Member @ 3:30pm EST - Idyllshire - Just kidding last time. TODAY the adventurers dock in Idyllshire! Having fjorded the river Thaliakles, our crew takes refugee in the freemasons office, where they devise their next plan. Using the clues they have obtained from Ul’dah, it’s time to --- GOOBIE BOOOOOM! Status: Open RP, come join us! Type: Adventure Comedy GM: Aegir
Sunday - Primal Tour: The Lord of the Whorl @ 8:00pm EST - Fishing Guild, Lima Lominsa Lower Decks LEVIATHAN! LEVIATHAN! BREATHLESS! LEVIATHAN! LEVIATHAN! DEATHLESS! Status: Open RP, come join us Type: Action GM: Aegir + Rafa Monday - Dawn of Summer Festival @ 8:00pm EST - [Mateus] Shirogane W21, P13 - Come eat ramen and listen to music on Mateus! Status: Open RP Type: Festival GM: Juliasra Hana
0 notes
thedivinefish · 5 years
TGIWednesday and a download for enjoying entertainment and play!
TGIWednesday News 
As my sweet momma would say, “Hey ya’ll”.  I still spend every Sunday with her and she's 90 now and hanging in there and always with a smile, God love her.  I hope you enjoyed the long weekend and remember those that have given their lives to keep us free. I realize we need a strong military and no one gets excited about war, but we have to remember that communications are key and meeting with folks no matter how different they may be from our own ideology - we still need to at least make every effort to find middle ground and as Rodney King famously said, “Can’t we all just get along?” Beyond that..... spirit has hammered me with the message that “they” want you to find and enjoy more entertainment in your life.  Go swimming, hiking, the gym, gardening or whatever it is that is “you doing you”!  If you stopped doing it 10 years ago, even if it was tennis, golf or building ships inside little glass bottles.... I want you to start doing it again.  I'm reminded all the time by spirit to enjoy more, be more entertained and provide more entertainment!  So please keep this in mind as we enter into the Summer months.   Know that I love and appreciate you and the contribution that you are for others and we’re all in this together!  I'm here as a guide post and way-shower for you. And as always we've got some fun things on tap that you’re going to LOVE like these upcoming audio mp3s.   One I'm calling "Fountain of Youth" likely a Summer release - re-activating your youth gene, reversing aging/anti-aging and time traveling back to refresh, restore points in your body, mind and spirit age where we had supple skin and youthful, vibrant energy.   A potential Fall release is on tap for an audio I'm calling, "Financial Windfall".  It'll be the 4th in a series of audio MP3’s on money and increasing your wealth, attracting abundance and finding what will make you truly happy!  Making it easier by removing the stuck and overwhelm blocks and allowing good fortune to find you.  
TGIWednesday Download
~ ENJOYING ENTERTAINMENT AND PLAY   ~ Show me and tell me how I can be more entertained and entertain others. Allow me to believe, think, know and feel that it isn’t goofing off, rather it is a necessary part of a balanced life. I am ready, willing and able to enjoy more of my life now (even the simple pleasures). I know by way of the creator, intuitively, when, where, how and why to work and when to play and to enjoy. I am asking for this in all languages and throughout all time lines and so it is!  
FREE Weekly LIVE Healings and Messages
MAY 30th  at 1pm EDT - THE MYSTICAL MATCHMAKER  Join me TOMORROW at 1pm EDT as I'll be the guest on The Mystical Matchmaker podcast with my friend and host Marla Martenson.  Call in (347) 215-6966 and get in line 15 mins early to ask a question because the phone lines fill up fast! Listen Here Online JUNE 5th  at 3pm EDT - SPIRITUAL INSIGHTS RADIO  Join Jimmy and host Charlotte Spicer next Wednesday June 5th at 3pm ET Call in for Free readings and healings! Call in LIVE (347) 934-0751 Listen Here Online Every Tuesday at 9pm EDT - JIMMY MACK HEALING SHOW 
Join me and my guests weekly on Tuesdays at 9pm ET/ 6pm PT Call in LIVE (713)-955-0594 It's your chance to get FREE intuitive messages on my weekly radio show. My guests are some of the best psychic readers & intuitive healers on the planet!  Tune in every Tuesday night LIVE or just catch the replay & YOU will receive changes & healings just by listening!  Check out TheJimmyMackHealingShow.com  for a full listing & all replays! 
  To listen online, click the date links below. Listen here to yesterday's replay - Guest Debbie Dienstbier June 4th - Listen here - Guest Psychic Joanne Leo www.psychicjoanneleo.com June 11th - Listen here Guest Ayla Murray Psychic, Tarot Cards, Intuitive and highly accurate computerized Astrology readings. www.themagickorchard.com June 18th - Listen here Guest Dr. Rev. Kimberly Marooney Originator of Angel Cards, world renowned inspirational, intuitive readings. http://kimberlymarooney.com/angel-expert-kimberly-marooney June 25th - Listen here Guest Rev Debbie Dienstbier Transmedium, communications with your loved ones in spirit.  Profound messages from an experienced psychic medium and healer https://www.facebook.com/Wings-of-Grace-Spiritual-Center-875388225837766/  
Check out TheJimmyMackHealingShow.com  for a full listing & all replays! 
From the Fish Box
"It was so great meeting you as well. I left there feeling very light is the way I describe it to people. It was a wonderful experience and I plan on coming back many times. I am also enjoy my daily inspiration book as well. Thank you so much!" - P. M. / Tampa "Hi Jimmy, I would like you to know that today I went to see a chiropractor; she told me exactly what you told me: the C2 is out of alignment! So next week we start the treatment! Thank you, I keep in touch with you, Much love." - H. S. / Netherlands
Live In-Person Appearances
MONDAY JUNE 3rd at SWANN HOLISTIC HEALTH CENTER TAMPA This Monday June 3rd from 10am-5pm I'll be booking sessions at Charla Tempone's Swann Holistic Health Center offices in Tampa. Please call their office directly at (813) 873-7773 in order to get on the schedule for 15-minutes 33$ – 30-minutes 65$.
39 A DAVIS BLVD Tampa, FL  http://www.ctholisticsolutions.com
Tampa folks come see me on FRIDAYs - I'm scheduling 15 and 30 minute appointments at Kodawari Yoga Studios from 10am-2pm. Call Kodawari's front desk directly to schedule (813) 773-4017 and pay at the concierge desk... 15 minutes 33$ or 30 minutes 65$. 3965 Henderson Blvd Suite C Tampa (813) 773-4017 http://www.kodawariyoga.com/ >> Friday:  May 31st (SOLD OUT)  This week's slots SOLD OUT by Tuesday so be sure you call now for June! If you missed me this Friday, call Charla's office to get on my schedule Monday at Swann Holistic Health Center (813) 873-7773  >> Friday: June 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th
  Go deep sea "fishing" with Jimmy!
Level 1 is open to ANYONE at anytime!  
"My Liquid Fish Certification program was an amazing journey and experience.  It opens the door to three levels of healing; physical, mental and spiritual expansion and transformation!! Learning with Jimmy Mack is both fun, energizing and informative.  He takes me to new realms of possibilities where transformation is instantaneous.  - Pradeep / India
The Certificate of Mastery Program includes 2 best-selling ebooks and 2 clearing audios plus written & video instructions, AND one-on-one time with Jimmy ALL for about the cost of a single 1-hr session! This online course is for anyone who is familiar with OR new to "fishing" and is ready to dive into the deep end & get results that are beyond the ordinary! It includes The Tackle Box & Spiritual Healing Techniques ebooks PLUS 2 MP3s "Clearing Dark Energies" & "Increasing Your Intuition" to help clear, strengthen and prepare your energy field for optimal “fishing” results. This is a work-at-your-own-pace curriculum that will TEACH & CLEAR you at the same time! In under 2wks you will be finished with the program and ready to fish on your own with greater results! Level II offers Practitioner Certification for those who qualify.
Receive 24/7 Daily Prayers From Jimmy
I will dial into you daily in the wee hours and make certain that you are a CLEAR YES, UNCLEAR to NO and RUNNING FORWARD before you start your day. You will send me a list of the members of your immediate household, and yes even pets, and I will add them to my daily prayers. I will arise daily before you are even awake to start my prayers and also run my intelligent computer software 24/7 deleting the negative and increasing the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of outcomes for you and the family.  Each comes with a one-time email analysis print out via the intelligent healing software that I use on your behalf.  Most clients have had amazing results and outcomes and I get emails of thanks each and every week!
                     Choose 7 days @$33              Choose 14 days @$66           Choose 30 days @$99
**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
Tell The Fish: 365 Daily Inspirations & Affirmations
MAY 29th -   "Today I will remain childlike with my childhood friends and have a childlike state of mind. I will embrace that which is simple. I will find joy in the basics. I will breathe new life into my past and enjoy the now and know that the future will unfold with blessings."
For those who aren't familiar, here's the list of ALL clearing MP3s available. Find a topic that addresses your issue(s) & click on the link to read more. We had a lot of help downloading and channeling these over the years & they keep getting better.
Abundance Abuse Addiction Body Scan: Head to Toe Daily GPS Reset Dark Energies/Fears Decision Making Diet & Exercise Education & Learning Family & Relatives The Gold Coin Healing Physical Body Healing Mental Stress Holiday Stress
Increasing Intuition IRS & Tax Time Love & Romance Money Mindset Moving Forward Pain Relief Pet Healing Sales & Success Sex Sleep Traveling w/Ease Work & Career Weight Loss
Jimmy Mack 727.678.0557​ EST | Appointments Skype: Jimmy.Mack55 Clearwater Florida USA Book a 15 minute session Book a 30 minute session Book a 60 minute session ​ ​​Transformational Healing of Body, Mind​ & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!​ ​ Download the My Liquid Fish® Starter Kit (*Updated May 2019) Audio MP3 Downloads​ and books​ to improve your life! Get Certified in ​My Liquid Fish® Change Made Simple® Watch Free Videos on YouTube Weekly Radio Show Archives Shop for ​Supplements ​ http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com Copyright ©1998-2019 All Rights Reserved  
-------------------------------------------------- TGIW newsletter managed by: Sandy Bidinger Digital Marketing Specialist at SMBeConnected Solutions www.smbeconnected.com  
Stay connected!
  Our mailing address is: Clearwater Florida 33756 USA
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divinefishingtips · 5 years
TGIWednesday and a download for enjoying entertainment and play!
TGIWednesday News 
As my sweet momma would say, “Hey ya’ll”.  I still spend every Sunday with her and she's 90 now and hanging in there and always with a smile, God love her.  I hope you enjoyed the long weekend and remember those that have given their lives to keep us free. I realize we need a strong military and no one gets excited about war, but we have to remember that communications are key and meeting with folks no matter how different they may be from our own ideology - we still need to at least make every effort to find middle ground and as Rodney King famously said, “Can’t we all just get along?” Beyond that..... spirit has hammered me with the message that “they” want you to find and enjoy more entertainment in your life.  Go swimming, hiking, the gym, gardening or whatever it is that is “you doing you”!  If you stopped doing it 10 years ago, even if it was tennis, golf or building ships inside little glass bottles.... I want you to start doing it again.  I'm reminded all the time by spirit to enjoy more, be more entertained and provide more entertainment!  So please keep this in mind as we enter into the Summer months.   Know that I love and appreciate you and the contribution that you are for others and we’re all in this together!  I'm here as a guide post and way-shower for you. And as always we've got some fun things on tap that you’re going to LOVE like these upcoming audio mp3s.   One I'm calling "Fountain of Youth" likely a Summer release - re-activating your youth gene, reversing aging/anti-aging and time traveling back to refresh, restore points in your body, mind and spirit age where we had supple skin and youthful, vibrant energy.   A potential Fall release is on tap for an audio I'm calling, "Financial Windfall".  It'll be the 4th in a series of audio MP3’s on money and increasing your wealth, attracting abundance and finding what will make you truly happy!  Making it easier by removing the stuck and overwhelm blocks and allowing good fortune to find you.  
TGIWednesday Download
~ ENJOYING ENTERTAINMENT AND PLAY   ~ Show me and tell me how I can be more entertained and entertain others. Allow me to believe, think, know and feel that it isn’t goofing off, rather it is a necessary part of a balanced life. I am ready, willing and able to enjoy more of my life now (even the simple pleasures). I know by way of the creator, intuitively, when, where, how and why to work and when to play and to enjoy. I am asking for this in all languages and throughout all time lines and so it is!  
FREE Weekly LIVE Healings and Messages
MAY 30th  at 1pm EDT - THE MYSTICAL MATCHMAKER  Join me TOMORROW at 1pm EDT as I'll be the guest on The Mystical Matchmaker podcast with my friend and host Marla Martenson.  Call in (347) 215-6966 and get in line 15 mins early to ask a question because the phone lines fill up fast! Listen Here Online JUNE 5th  at 3pm EDT - SPIRITUAL INSIGHTS RADIO  Join Jimmy and host Charlotte Spicer next Wednesday June 5th at 3pm ET Call in for Free readings and healings! Call in LIVE (347) 934-0751 Listen Here Online Every Tuesday at 9pm EDT - JIMMY MACK HEALING SHOW 
Join me and my guests weekly on Tuesdays at 9pm ET/ 6pm PT Call in LIVE (713)-955-0594 It's your chance to get FREE intuitive messages on my weekly radio show. My guests are some of the best psychic readers & intuitive healers on the planet!  Tune in every Tuesday night LIVE or just catch the replay & YOU will receive changes & healings just by listening!  Check out TheJimmyMackHealingShow.com  for a full listing & all replays! 
  To listen online, click the date links below. Listen here to yesterday's replay - Guest Debbie Dienstbier June 4th - Listen here - Guest Psychic Joanne Leo www.psychicjoanneleo.com June 11th - Listen here Guest Ayla Murray Psychic, Tarot Cards, Intuitive and highly accurate computerized Astrology readings. www.themagickorchard.com June 18th - Listen here Guest Dr. Rev. Kimberly Marooney Originator of Angel Cards, world renowned inspirational, intuitive readings. http://kimberlymarooney.com/angel-expert-kimberly-marooney June 25th - Listen here Guest Rev Debbie Dienstbier Transmedium, communications with your loved ones in spirit.  Profound messages from an experienced psychic medium and healer https://www.facebook.com/Wings-of-Grace-Spiritual-Center-875388225837766/  
Check out TheJimmyMackHealingShow.com  for a full listing & all replays! 
From the Fish Box
"It was so great meeting you as well. I left there feeling very light is the way I describe it to people. It was a wonderful experience and I plan on coming back many times. I am also enjoy my daily inspiration book as well. Thank you so much!" - P. M. / Tampa "Hi Jimmy, I would like you to know that today I went to see a chiropractor; she told me exactly what you told me: the C2 is out of alignment! So next week we start the treatment! Thank you, I keep in touch with you, Much love." - H. S. / Netherlands
Live In-Person Appearances
MONDAY JUNE 3rd at SWANN HOLISTIC HEALTH CENTER TAMPA This Monday June 3rd from 10am-5pm I'll be booking sessions at Charla Tempone's Swann Holistic Health Center offices in Tampa. Please call their office directly at (813) 873-7773 in order to get on the schedule for 15-minutes 33$ – 30-minutes 65$.
39 A DAVIS BLVD Tampa, FL  http://www.ctholisticsolutions.com
Tampa folks come see me on FRIDAYs - I'm scheduling 15 and 30 minute appointments at Kodawari Yoga Studios from 10am-2pm. Call Kodawari's front desk directly to schedule (813) 773-4017 and pay at the concierge desk... 15 minutes 33$ or 30 minutes 65$. 3965 Henderson Blvd Suite C Tampa (813) 773-4017 http://www.kodawariyoga.com/ >> Friday:  May 31st (SOLD OUT)  This week's slots SOLD OUT by Tuesday so be sure you call now for June! If you missed me this Friday, call Charla's office to get on my schedule Monday at Swann Holistic Health Center (813) 873-7773  >> Friday: June 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th
  Go deep sea "fishing" with Jimmy!
Level 1 is open to ANYONE at anytime!  
"My Liquid Fish Certification program was an amazing journey and experience.  It opens the door to three levels of healing; physical, mental and spiritual expansion and transformation!! Learning with Jimmy Mack is both fun, energizing and informative.  He takes me to new realms of possibilities where transformation is instantaneous.  - Pradeep / India
The Certificate of Mastery Program includes 2 best-selling ebooks and 2 clearing audios plus written & video instructions, AND one-on-one time with Jimmy ALL for about the cost of a single 1-hr session! This online course is for anyone who is familiar with OR new to "fishing" and is ready to dive into the deep end & get results that are beyond the ordinary! It includes The Tackle Box & Spiritual Healing Techniques ebooks PLUS 2 MP3s "Clearing Dark Energies" & "Increasing Your Intuition" to help clear, strengthen and prepare your energy field for optimal “fishing” results. This is a work-at-your-own-pace curriculum that will TEACH & CLEAR you at the same time! In under 2wks you will be finished with the program and ready to fish on your own with greater results! Level II offers Practitioner Certification for those who qualify.
Receive 24/7 Daily Prayers From Jimmy
I will dial into you daily in the wee hours and make certain that you are a CLEAR YES, UNCLEAR to NO and RUNNING FORWARD before you start your day. You will send me a list of the members of your immediate household, and yes even pets, and I will add them to my daily prayers. I will arise daily before you are even awake to start my prayers and also run my intelligent computer software 24/7 deleting the negative and increasing the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of outcomes for you and the family.  Each comes with a one-time email analysis print out via the intelligent healing software that I use on your behalf.  Most clients have had amazing results and outcomes and I get emails of thanks each and every week!
                     Choose 7 days @$33              Choose 14 days @$66           Choose 30 days @$99
**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
Tell The Fish: 365 Daily Inspirations & Affirmations
MAY 29th -   "Today I will remain childlike with my childhood friends and have a childlike state of mind. I will embrace that which is simple. I will find joy in the basics. I will breathe new life into my past and enjoy the now and know that the future will unfold with blessings."
For those who aren't familiar, here's the list of ALL clearing MP3s available. Find a topic that addresses your issue(s) & click on the link to read more. We had a lot of help downloading and channeling these over the years & they keep getting better.
Abundance Abuse Addiction Body Scan: Head to Toe Daily GPS Reset Dark Energies/Fears Decision Making Diet & Exercise Education & Learning Family & Relatives The Gold Coin Healing Physical Body Healing Mental Stress Holiday Stress
Increasing Intuition IRS & Tax Time Love & Romance Money Mindset Moving Forward Pain Relief Pet Healing Sales & Success Sex Sleep Traveling w/Ease Work & Career Weight Loss
Jimmy Mack 727.678.0557​ EST | Appointments Skype: Jimmy.Mack55 Clearwater Florida USA Book a 15 minute session Book a 30 minute session Book a 60 minute session ​ ​​Transformational Healing of Body, Mind​ & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!​ ​ Download the My Liquid Fish® Starter Kit (*Updated May 2019) Audio MP3 Downloads​ and books​ to improve your life! Get Certified in ​My Liquid Fish® Change Made Simple® Watch Free Videos on YouTube Weekly Radio Show Archives Shop for ​Supplements ​ http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com Copyright ©1998-2019 All Rights Reserved  
-------------------------------------------------- TGIW newsletter managed by: Sandy Bidinger Digital Marketing Specialist at SMBeConnected Solutions www.smbeconnected.com  
Stay connected!
  Our mailing address is: Clearwater Florida 33756 USA
0 notes
brewyork · 6 years
Every Place You Can Drink at a Brewery in NYC
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It’s hard to miss Singlecut Beersmiths in Astoria, one of the 33 places where you can drink beer at its source in the five boroughs. (Photo: Chris O’Leary)
What greater feeling is there as a beer drinker than drinking fresh beer straight from the source? Given the explosion in craft breweries in New York City in the past few years, it’s becoming easier and easier to do. So, for your reference, we’ve put together a list of every single place in the five boroughs where you can drink beer brewed right on the premises, from brewpubs to taprooms, updated with the past year’s newest taproom openings. These are the places where fresh beer can hit your lips within feet of where it’s brewed. Our list is sorted by borough. Here we go!
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The Bronx Brewery (856 E. 136th St., at Walnut Ave., Port Morris)
What they serve: Their year-round beers, including the No Resolutions IPA, Well Earned Pilsner, and American Pale Ale, plus seasonals, and usually something interesting on cask, too. They’ll often serve some one-offs that are hard to find, too, like stuff from their Up-and-Comers and B-Tracks Series. When the weather's nice, you can enjoy their beers in their roomy backyard.
How to get there: Take the 6 train to Cypress Ave., and it's a quick 5-minute walk east on E. 138th St., south on Willow, and then east on E. 136th for half a block.
When they're open: Seven days a week, starting at 3pm on weekdays and noon on weekends
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Gun Hill Brewing (3227 Laconia Ave., at Boston Rd., Williamsbridge)
What they serve: Enjoy full pours or flights of their rotating selection of beers brewed in a variety of styles, like their Soft Serve session IPA series, Spirit 76 Pilsner, and Void of Light stout. Occasionally, food vendors and live music is offered at the brewery, too, and they host special events in the taproom throughout the year, including their 5th Anniversary Party on March 9th.
How to get there: Take the 2 train to Burke Ave, and it's a 10-minute walk east on Burke and Boston Post Road to the brewery.
When they're open: Monday-Wednesday 2:30-9pm, Thursday 1-11pm, Friday 1pm-Midnight, Saturday Noon-Midnight, and Sunday Noon-10pm
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Braven Brewing Company (52 Harrison Pl., at Morgan Ave., Williamsburg)
What they serve: The contract brewer-turned-brick-and-mortar opened in 2018 just off the Morgan Avenue L Train stop, fulfilling a years-long dream for its founders and pouring beer brewed on site on their electric 3.5-barrel brewhouse. Among the dozen beers on tap in their taproom are the Easy Leisure Scotch Ale, Mean Cash Kölsch, and Flashy Ways DIPA.
How to get there: Take the L Train to Morgan Ave. and exit onto the south side of Harrison Place -- the taproom is directly in front of you.
When they're open: Monday-Friday 5-Midnight, Saturday and Sunday 2-Midnight
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Brooklyn Brewery (79 N. 11th St., at Wythe Ave., Williamsburg)
What they serve: Over a dozen different beers on tap, including stuff that you can't find anywhere else, like their Worshipful Company of Brewers Series and their newest seasonal releases before they’re easy to find elsewhere. They'll also serve you bottle pours of some special bottle-only brews. Their recently-renovated taproom scrapped their old token system, so now you can just walk up and order a beer (a novel concept!).
How to get there: Take the L Train to Bedford or G Train to Nassau. From either, it's about a seven-minute walk.
When they're open: The brewery offers $15 "Small Batch Tours" at 5pm Monday-Thursday by reservation, but the tasting room is open to the public most Mondays-Thursdays 5-11pm, Friday 5pm-Midnight, Saturday Noon-Midnight, and Sunday Noon-8pm.
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Circa Brewing Co (141 Lawrence St., at Willoughby Ave., Downtown Brooklyn)
What they serve: Pizza and beer is the name of the game at this brewpub that opened in 2017. The brewery rolls out a wide selection of beers from a Pilsner to a Scotch Ale to a New England-Style IPA to pair with the grub coming from the kitchen, which churns out beer-friendly pies. You can also get your beer brunch on here every weekend.
How to get there: Take the A, C, F, or R trains to Jay Street-Metrotech, and it’s just steps away.
When they're open: Sunday-Thursday 11am-Midnight, Friday and Saturday 11am-2am
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Coney Island Brewing Company (1904 Surf Ave., at W. 17th St., Coney Island)
What they serve: Take the train to the end of the line! Then walk over to the newly-renovated tasting room, for brewery tours and an outdoor area for drinking just outside MCU Park, the home of the Brooklyn Cyclones. The tasting room pours samples, pints, and fills growlers of well-known beers like their Mermaid Pilsner, plus small-batch brews like the Fangtooth Double IPA and Last Stop Belgian Tripel.
How to get there: Take the D, F, N, or Q Train to Coney Island-Stillwell Avenue, then walk three blocks west. The brewery is under the 3rd base line stands at MCU Park.
When they're open: Friday-Sunday noon-8pm (closed Monday through Thursday for the winter)
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Five Boroughs Brewing Co. (215 47th St., at 2nd Ave., Sunset Park)
What they serve: This booming space is home to the biggest brewery to open in the city in 2017, and it celebrates the five boroughs through a diverse lineup of beers, including their year-round Pilsner, IPA, Gose, and Hoppy Lager, plus lots of one-off beers to please every type of beer drinker. The bright, airy taproom makes a great place for groups of friends to come together over beer.
How to get there: Take the R Train to 45th Street, then take the quick walk south 2 blocks and west 2 blocks.
When they're open: Thursday 4-10pm, Friday 4-11pm, Saturday Noon-11pm, and Sunday Noon-10pm
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Folksbier (101 Luquer St, at Clinton St., Carroll Gardens)
What they serve: This small brewery is about to embark on a big expansion, so get to know them now, so you can say you “knew them when.” They focus on German-style beers, like their OBL Bavarian Lager, Glow Up Berliner Weisse, and a rotating series of New England-style IPAs called Recurring Dreams. The big, inviting space has plenty of seating, tacos and snacks for purchase, and neat wood-carved barstools.
How to get there: Take the F or G Train to Caroll Street, and it’s about a ten-minute walk to the brewery. It’s also a very quick, 7-minute walk to nearby Other Half Brewing (below), if you’re looking to kill two birds with one stone.
When they're open: Monday 4-11pm, Thursday-Friday 4-11pm, Saturday 2-11pm, and Sunday 2-10pm 
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Grimm Artisanal Ales (990 Metropolitan Ave., at Catherine St., Williamsburg)
What they serve: After years of tenant brewing, Grimm finally opened an impressive space in East Williamsburg in 2018 to much fanfare. The beers, heavy on hop-forward and mixed fermentation selections, are a big draw to a taproom that overlooks their production space. There’s a snack bar with tasty treats from Samesa and a retail space for cans, shirts, glassware, and other fun stuff to take home. 
How to get there: Take the L Train to Grand Street and walk 5 minutes north and east.
When they're open: Monday-Wednesday 5-10pm, Thursday-Friday 5-midnight, Friday 2pm-2am, Saturday noon-1am, and Sunday noon-10pm.
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Interboro Spirits and Ales (942 Grand St., at Waterbury St., Williamsburg)
What they serve: Brewer and co-founder Jesse Ferguson lists cult favorites Carton and Other Half on his brewing resume, so it was no surprise when people started to flock to his brewery and taproom in East Williamsburg when it opened in 2016. Enjoy draft beers to stay and buy beer to take home from their latest canning run, like Mad Fat Fluid Double IPA, Ambassador Stout, or the Bushburg Pilsner.
How to get there: Take the L Train to Grand St. and walk two blocks east.
When they're open: Monday through Friday 5-11pm, Saturday 11am-11pm, Sunday 1pm-8pm
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Island to Island Brewing Company (642 Rogers Ave., at Parkside Ave., Prospect Lefferts Gardens)
What they serve: Island to Island calls themselves a “South, Central and North American Cidery, Brewery and Fermentory.” It’s a lot to take in, but that means there’s a lot of different, unique options -- from fermented tea to ciders to beer. Speaking of beer, their lineup includes an Indian Corn Brut IPA and a Mauby Stout made with tree bark. For warmer weather, there’s a beautiful courtyard in the back.
How to get there: Take the 2/5 Trains to Winthrop Avenue and walk a block west.
When they're open: Wednesday and Thursday 3-11pm, Friday 3pm-Midnight, Saturday 2pm-Midnight, Sunday 2-10pm
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Keg & Lantern Brewing Company (95 Nassau Ave., at Manhattan Ave., Greenpoint)
What they serve: A few years ago, a run-of-the-mill beer bar in Greenpoint became a beer destination when they fired up their three-barrel brewing system in the bar's basement and started serving a broad rotating selection of house-brewed beers from a huge variety of styles, like their juicy Gastronomical IPA, the Hipster Business Meeting Coffee Porter, and the crisp Daydreamer Pilsner, a beer that can help wash down the brewpub’s delicious wings.
How to get there: Take the G Train to Nassau Ave., exit at Nassau and head half a block east.
When they're open: Daily, 11am-4am
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Kings County Brewers Collective (381 Troutman St., at Wyckoff Ave., Bushwick)
What they serve: KCBC has been open just a couple months and has already gained a strong following. A trio of brewers whips up batches of beers like the Janiak Maniac Pilsner, Tiger Thunder Double IPA, and Robot Fish SMASH IPA series. Collaborations are big for this outfit, with recent releases brewed with Interboro, Oyster Bay Brewing, Transmitter, and more. Have some beer at the brewery, then take home a crowler. Food vendors regularly camp out at the taproom on weekends, too.
How to get there: The taproom is just one block from the L Train stop at Jefferson Street.
When they're open: Monday-Thursday 5-11pm, Friday 5-Midnight, Saturday Noon-Midnight, and Sunday Noon-9pm
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Other Half Brewing Company (191 Centre St., at Smith St., Gowanus)
What they serve: IPAs on IPAs on IPAs on IPAs. And maybe a Pastry Stout or two. If hazy, dry-hopped beers are what you’re after, this is your spot. Beer geeks the world over visit Other Half, packing the taproom with crowds from afternoon to night, especially on the weekends. Our tip: enjoy the IPAs, but seek out the occasional appearance of other beer styles -- they’re pretty good at making those, too.
How to get there: Take the F or G Train to Smith/9th Streets and walk south two blocks on Smith, then hang a right on Centre. The brewery is across the street from a McDonald's drive-thru.
When they're open: Monday-Wednesday 3-10pm, Thursday-Friday Noon-Midnight, Saturday 10am-Midnight, and Sunday 11am-10pm. 
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Randolph Beer DUMBO (82 Prospect St., at Pearl St., DUMBO)
What they serve: The third location of the Randolph Beer chainlet is the first to feature an in-house brewery. The house beers here range from their Bridge Beer Pilsner to their Porter to a crisp, citrusy Pale Ale. Guest taps and food are also available, too. The best feature? A pour-your-own beer wall, where you can choose to drink as little or as much of a beer as you choose, making deciding far less difficult.
How to get there: The trains rumble overhead on the Manhattan Bridge, but opt for the ones that rumble underneath -- the F train at York Street is just a block away.
When they're open: Daily starting at 11am
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Sixpoint Brewery (40 Van Dyke St., at Dwight St., Red Hook)
What they serve: It’s not a place you can go every day, but in 2017, longtime Brooklyn-based brewer Sixpoint finally reopened to the public on select days after ceasing tours back in 2011. But there’s only one way to visit: download the Sixpoint app and pre-order their cans of beer for pickup at the brewery on Saturdays after they go on sale.
How to get there: Red Hook isn’t the most accessible neighborhood, but you can take the B61 bus from downtown Brooklyn, the B61 or B57 from Carroll Gardens, or even the Red Hook ferry.
When they're open: Download the Sixpoint app and you’ll find out. (The next date is their Resin Day event on Saturday, March 2nd.)
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Strong Rope Brewery (574A President St., at 4th Ave., Gowanus)
What they serve: Brooklyn homebrewer-turned-pro Jason Sahler whips up batches on a small two-barrel (63-gallon) brewhouse that once brewed the beer for Rockaway Brewing. The beers focus on New York State ingredients (it’s a licensed farm brewery), with constantly-rotating offerings like the Embrace the Black Stout, JJ Bollerack’s Brown Ale, and Forest of Marvelous Creatures DDH IPA. $5 tours are offered every Saturday at 2pm.
How to get there: They're one block south of the R Train stop at Union Street, just off Fourth Avenue.
When they're open: Monday-Thursday 3-11pm, Friday 3pm-Midnight, Saturday Noon-Midnight, and Sunday Noon-9pm
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Threes Brewing (333 Douglass St., at 4th Ave., Gowanus)
What they serve: Brooklyn’s Threes Brewing continues to produce some top-notch beer at their brewpub in Gowanus, like their highly sought after SFY Imperial IPA, Unreliable Narrator IPA, and the crisp Vliet Pilsner. The hazy, juicy IPAs are a draw, but don’t sleep on Threes’ lagers, which have made them beloved among the beer industry in New York. Add a music venue, some can releases in their shop, and a permanent kitchen residency (The Meat Hook), and you’ve got a single destination for a beer-filled day. 
How to get there: They're three blocks north of the R Train stop at Union Street, just off Fourth Avenue.
When they're open: Monday-Wednesday 5pm-Midnight, Thursday 5pm-2am, Friday 3pm-2am, Saturday noon-2am, and Sunday noon-midnight
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Death Ave Brewing Company (315 Tenth Ave., at 28th St., Chelsea)
What they serve: Manhattan’s first new brewpub in four years made their debut in 2017, with the opening of a taproom at the corner of 10th Avenue and 28th Street. Their basement brewery churns out a lineup that includes a Kolsch, Brown Ale, and several variations of IPA. The food-friendly beers are designed to pair with their Mediterranean cuisine from the restaurant of the same name next door.
How to get there: Take the 7 to 34th Street-Hudson Yards or the A/C/E to 34th Street-Penn Station and walk to 10th Avenue. It’s also just outside the 28th Street exit to the High Line.
When they're open: Sunday-Thursday 11:30am-11pm, Friday-Saturday 11:30am-Midnight.
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Alewife - The Brewpub (5-14 51st Ave., at 5th St., Long Island City)
What they serve: While working on building out their own brewery in Sunnyside and tenant brewing in the Bronx, Alewife is brewing fresh batches in “The Scullery” -- their one-barrel brewery inside their Long Island City brewpub. Experimental beers abound on tap here, like their new Brut IPA brewed on the system, as well as pours of bigger batches of Alewife beer brewed elsewhere, like the Death to Ego IPA and Thousand Stars Pilsner.
How to get there: Take the 7 to Vernon-Jackson, walk one block south to 51st Avenue, then half a block west.
When they're open: Monday-Friday from 4pm, Saturday and Sunday at 11am
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Big Alice Brewing (8-08 43rd Rd., at Vernon Blvd., Long Island City)
What they serve: This small space in Queens started with a 1/2-barrel brewhouse that churned out a hundred different beer recipes in just their first year. Since then, they've expanded significantly, growing their brewing space and taproom to pour all that eclectic beer in growlers to go and flights and pints to stay.
How to get there: Take the 7, E, G, or M to Court Square, walk west to 11th Street, turn right, and then left on 43rd Road.
When they're open: Wednesday and Thursday 5-10pm, Friday 5-11pm, Saturday Noon-11pm, Sunday Noon-8pm
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Bridge and Tunnel Brewery (15-35 Decatur St., at Wyckoff Ave., Ridgewood)
What they serve: This small Queens brewery is a truly DIY space that has to be seen to be believed, with touches throughout the taproom made by hand by brewer Rich Castagna and family and friends. It features 12 lines with beers like their Pickin' Up The Change Chipotle Porter, Tiger Eyes Hazelnut Brown Ale, and Mango New England IPA. You can fill a growler, buy merch, and order pizza from Houdini’s next door.
How to get there: Take L Train to Halsey Street and walk east on Wyckoff, then hang a right on Decatur and it’s down the block on the right.
When they're open: Thursday and Friday 5-10pm, Saturday 1-10pm, Sunday 1-9pm
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Evil Twin Brewing NYC (16-16 George St., at Wyckoff Ave., Ridgewood)
What they serve: Longtime tenant brewer Evil Twin finally has a place to call home in New York City. Their brewery opened in January in Ridgewood, and while they’re churning out some great beer like the George Street Colada Sour and Even More Candy Bars Imperial Stout, you can only buy cans (and merch!) to-go out of their taproom for now. Nowadays is hosting a pop-up taproom down the street.
How to get there: Take L Train to Halsey Street and walk down Wyckoff toward George Street, then walk north on George and it’s down the block on the right.
When they're open: Tuesday to Friday 5-9pm, Saturday and Sunday Noon-6pm
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Fifth Hammer Brewing Company (10-28 46th Ave., at 11th St., Long Island City)
What they serve: The long-awaited new project from NYC brewing man-about-town Chris Cuzme opened in late 2017 and the 15-barrel brewhouse is churning out some impressive beers and drawing crowds every night of the week. The spacious taproom is a great place for locals to socialize... and for beer geeks to drink brews like the Neighborbrau Pils, Much Lovender Saison, Blobfish IPA, and Dry Irish Milk Stout on Nitro.
How to get there: It’s a quick walk from the E, M, or 7 Train at Court Square, or the G at 21st-Van Alst.
When they're open: Monday and Tuesday 4-10pm, Wednesday 4-11pm, Thursday 4pm-Midnight, Friday 3pm-1am, Saturday Noon-1am, and Sunday Noon-9pm
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Finback Brewery (78-01 77th Avenue, at 78th St., Glendale)
What they serve: Nestled in a neighborhood in Central Queens, Finback is a not-so-hidden gem as word gets out across the Northeast about its beers. The big, booming space leaves plenty of room to bring a whole group of friends out to Glendale, Queens to check the place out and try brews like their ever-expanding lineup of IPAs, their I Feel The Universe Gose, Horizontal Lines Pilsner, or any one of a number of new brews they churn out weekly.
How to get there: Ride-sharing or biking is easiest, but you can take the L/M trains to Myrtle-Wyckoff and catch the Q55 bus, which drops off two blocks from the brewery.
When they're open: Tuesday-Friday 5-10pm, Saturday Noon-10pm, Sunday Noon-8pm
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LIC Beer Project (39-28 23rd St., at 40th Ave., Long Island City)
What they serve: This outfit focuses on canned IPAs like every other cultish brewery these days... but wait, there’s more! Belgian-inspired beers, barrel aging, and wild ales -- including some that run through their coolship and ferment with Queens-harvested yeast -- are part of the lineup. The well-polished taproom is welcoming and serves up to ten beers on tap, with seating that offers views of their brewhouse.
How to get there: Take the F Train to 21st Street-Queensbridge and walk three blocks to the brewery.
When they're open: Tuesday-Friday 4-11pm, Saturday Noon-Midnight, Sunday Noon-10pm
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Mikkeller Brewing NYC (126-01 Roosevelt Ave, on 126th St., Flushing)
What they serve: Beer and baseball go hand in hand at this brewery under the right field stands at Citi Field. But during the off-season, the beer is still pouring strong with nearly sixty taps of beers brewed on site, at sister breweries, and at guest breweries like Bissell Brothers and Industrial Arts.
How to get there: Take the 7 Train to Mets - Willets Point, exit at Citi Field and turn right toward 126th Street. The entrance is on 126th at the right field corner of the stadium.
When they're open: Wednesday and Thursday 4-10pm, Friday and Saturday Noon-Midnight, Sunday Noon-10pm (always open on Mets game days)
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Queens Brewery (15-39 Covert St., at Wyckoff Ave., Ridgewood)
What they serve: This big, booming space houses the borough’s namesake brewery, which is churning out a heckuva lot of new beers lately, like their Nitro Oatmeal Stout, Hop Lager, and Barrel-Aged Knob Creek IPA over the past few weeks. There’s a stage in the taproom where you’ll find comedy shows, DJs, and music acts some nights of the week. Bring some friends, camp out at the long communal tables, drink some brews, and celebrate the nation’s most diverse borough.
How to get there: Take L Train to Halsey Street and walk down Wyckoff toward Covert Street, then walk south on Covert and it’s down the block on the right.
When they're open: Monday-Friday 4pm-Midnight, Saturday and Sunday Noon-Midnight
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Rockaway Brewing (5-01 46th Ave., at 5th St., Long Island City)
What they serve: Rockaway was among the first breweries in the city to take advantage of the Craft New York Act, which allowed them to serve pints at their taproom. These days, they’re going strong with more options than ever, including their Bramble Blackberry Sour and Hella Citra Helles Lager, alongside standbys like their ESB and Black Gold Nitro Stout. They’ve also got special food pop-ups at the brewery as well... and a second location in the Rockaways.
How to get there: Take the 7 train to Vernon-Jackson or the G to 21st Street, walk west to 5th Street, turn right and walk up to the mural-adorned corner of 46th Ave.
When they're open: Monday and Wednesday 5-9pm, Thursday 3-9pm, Friday 3-10pm, Saturday Noon-10pm, Sunday Noon-9pm
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Singlecut Beersmiths (19-33 37th St., at 20th Ave., Astoria)
What they serve: The raucous taproom here has many faces: beer bar, concert venue, movie screening room, game room... oh, and it's a brewery, too. The 13 taps here run the gamut of Singlecut's offerings, from the straightforward Plaintop Pilsner to the hoppy Jenny Said Imperial IPA to the rich Eric More Cowbell! Chocolate Milk Stout. There’s also an in-house food vendor serving tacos and nachos to complement the beer.
How to get there: Take the N train to the end of the line (Ditmars Blvd.). It's about a twelve-minute walk from there to the brewery.
When they're open: Thursday 4-11pm, Friday 4pm-Midnight, Saturday 11am-Midnight, Sunday 11am-9pm
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Transmitter Brewing (53-02 11th St., at 53rd Ave., Long Island City)
What they serve: Transmitter squeezes a lot of beer out of its small space, but makes the most of it by even moving tanks on the weekends to fit beer geeks in to drink their beer. They do sell 750mL bottles of their highly-regarded, beautiful farmhouse ales in a small tasting room just off their brewery, you can try 'em before you buy 'em, and you can drink a bottle with friends at picnic tables in the brewery.
How to get there: They're under the Pulaski Bridge, across the street from the stairway on the Queens side. Get there by taking the G to 21st Street or the 7 to Vernon-Jackson.
When they're open: Thursday and Friday 3-8pm, Saturday Noon-9pm, and Sunday Noon-8pm.
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Flagship Brewing Company (40 Minthorne St., at Bay St., Tompkinsville)
What they serve: When Flagship opened its doors in 2014, it marked the first time in generations that breweries were operating in all five boroughs. Staten Island's craft brewery has grown significantly since its opening day (pictured here), offering eight of its beers on tap, including its hoppy IPA, refreshing Lager, and rich but easy-drinking Dark Mild. Tours are offered Saturdays at 2:30 and 4pm for $5.
How to get there: From the Staten Island Ferry Terminal, you can walk the twelve minutes south to the brewery, or take the Staten Island Railroad to Tompkinsville Station, just across the tracks from the brewery.
When they're open: Tuesday and Wednesday 2-10pm, Thursday through Saturday Noon-Midnight, Sunday Noon-8pm
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Kills Boro Brewing Company (62 Van Duzer St., at Hannah St., Tompkinsville)
What they serve: Staten Island’s newest brewery happened when homebrewers went pro and plopped down a brewhouse at Craft House, a craft beer bar that was already pouring great beer. The result? A lineup of cult-favorite house-brewed beers like the Bellini Brut IPA, Kaleidoscope Sour IPA, and Tiramisu Munchies Imperial Stout. It might be the best excuse you've ever had to take the ferry.
How to get there: From the Staten Island Ferry Terminal, you can walk the fifteen minutes south, or it’s a five minute walk from the Staten Island Railroad Tompkinsville Station.
When they're open: Monday and Wednesday-Friday from 5pm, Saturday and Sunday from noon
0 notes
TGIWednesday and a download for enjoying entertainment and play!
TGIWednesday News 
As my sweet momma would say, “Hey ya’ll”.  I still spend every Sunday with her and she's 90 now and hanging in there and always with a smile, God love her.  I hope you enjoyed the long weekend and remember those that have given their lives to keep us free. I realize we need a strong military and no one gets excited about war, but we have to remember that communications are key and meeting with folks no matter how different they may be from our own ideology - we still need to at least make every effort to find middle ground and as Rodney King famously said, “Can’t we all just get along?” Beyond that..... spirit has hammered me with the message that “they” want you to find and enjoy more entertainment in your life.  Go swimming, hiking, the gym, gardening or whatever it is that is “you doing you”!  If you stopped doing it 10 years ago, even if it was tennis, golf or building ships inside little glass bottles.... I want you to start doing it again.  I'm reminded all the time by spirit to enjoy more, be more entertained and provide more entertainment!  So please keep this in mind as we enter into the Summer months.   Know that I love and appreciate you and the contribution that you are for others and we’re all in this together!  I'm here as a guide post and way-shower for you. And as always we've got some fun things on tap that you’re going to LOVE like these upcoming audio mp3s.   One I'm calling "Fountain of Youth" likely a Summer release - re-activating your youth gene, reversing aging/anti-aging and time traveling back to refresh, restore points in your body, mind and spirit age where we had supple skin and youthful, vibrant energy.   A potential Fall release is on tap for an audio I'm calling, "Financial Windfall".  It'll be the 4th in a series of audio MP3’s on money and increasing your wealth, attracting abundance and finding what will make you truly happy!  Making it easier by removing the stuck and overwhelm blocks and allowing good fortune to find you.  
TGIWednesday Download
~ ENJOYING ENTERTAINMENT AND PLAY   ~ Show me and tell me how I can be more entertained and entertain others. Allow me to believe, think, know and feel that it isn’t goofing off, rather it is a necessary part of a balanced life. I am ready, willing and able to enjoy more of my life now (even the simple pleasures). I know by way of the creator, intuitively, when, where, how and why to work and when to play and to enjoy. I am asking for this in all languages and throughout all time lines and so it is!  
FREE Weekly LIVE Healings and Messages
MAY 30th  at 1pm EDT - THE MYSTICAL MATCHMAKER  Join me TOMORROW at 1pm EDT as I'll be the guest on The Mystical Matchmaker podcast with my friend and host Marla Martenson.  Call in (347) 215-6966 and get in line 15 mins early to ask a question because the phone lines fill up fast! Listen Here Online JUNE 5th  at 3pm EDT - SPIRITUAL INSIGHTS RADIO  Join Jimmy and host Charlotte Spicer next Wednesday June 5th at 3pm ET Call in for Free readings and healings! Call in LIVE (347) 934-0751 Listen Here Online Every Tuesday at 9pm EDT - JIMMY MACK HEALING SHOW 
Join me and my guests weekly on Tuesdays at 9pm ET/ 6pm PT Call in LIVE (713)-955-0594 It's your chance to get FREE intuitive messages on my weekly radio show. My guests are some of the best psychic readers & intuitive healers on the planet!  Tune in every Tuesday night LIVE or just catch the replay & YOU will receive changes & healings just by listening!  Check out TheJimmyMackHealingShow.com  for a full listing & all replays! 
  To listen online, click the date links below. Listen here to yesterday's replay - Guest Debbie Dienstbier June 4th - Listen here - Guest Psychic Joanne Leo www.psychicjoanneleo.com June 11th - Listen here Guest Ayla Murray Psychic, Tarot Cards, Intuitive and highly accurate computerized Astrology readings. www.themagickorchard.com June 18th - Listen here Guest Dr. Rev. Kimberly Marooney Originator of Angel Cards, world renowned inspirational, intuitive readings. http://kimberlymarooney.com/angel-expert-kimberly-marooney June 25th - Listen here Guest Rev Debbie Dienstbier Transmedium, communications with your loved ones in spirit.  Profound messages from an experienced psychic medium and healer https://www.facebook.com/Wings-of-Grace-Spiritual-Center-875388225837766/  
Check out TheJimmyMackHealingShow.com  for a full listing & all replays! 
From the Fish Box
"It was so great meeting you as well. I left there feeling very light is the way I describe it to people. It was a wonderful experience and I plan on coming back many times. I am also enjoy my daily inspiration book as well. Thank you so much!" - P. M. / Tampa "Hi Jimmy, I would like you to know that today I went to see a chiropractor; she told me exactly what you told me: the C2 is out of alignment! So next week we start the treatment! Thank you, I keep in touch with you, Much love." - H. S. / Netherlands
Live In-Person Appearances
MONDAY JUNE 3rd at SWANN HOLISTIC HEALTH CENTER TAMPA This Monday June 3rd from 10am-5pm I'll be booking sessions at Charla Tempone's Swann Holistic Health Center offices in Tampa. Please call their office directly at (813) 873-7773 in order to get on the schedule for 15-minutes 33$ – 30-minutes 65$.
39 A DAVIS BLVD Tampa, FL  http://www.ctholisticsolutions.com
Tampa folks come see me on FRIDAYs - I'm scheduling 15 and 30 minute appointments at Kodawari Yoga Studios from 10am-2pm. Call Kodawari's front desk directly to schedule (813) 773-4017 and pay at the concierge desk... 15 minutes 33$ or 30 minutes 65$. 3965 Henderson Blvd Suite C Tampa (813) 773-4017 http://www.kodawariyoga.com/ >> Friday:  May 31st (SOLD OUT)  This week's slots SOLD OUT by Tuesday so be sure you call now for June! If you missed me this Friday, call Charla's office to get on my schedule Monday at Swann Holistic Health Center (813) 873-7773  >> Friday: June 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th
  Go deep sea "fishing" with Jimmy!
Level 1 is open to ANYONE at anytime!  
"My Liquid Fish Certification program was an amazing journey and experience.  It opens the door to three levels of healing; physical, mental and spiritual expansion and transformation!! Learning with Jimmy Mack is both fun, energizing and informative.  He takes me to new realms of possibilities where transformation is instantaneous.  - Pradeep / India
The Certificate of Mastery Program includes 2 best-selling ebooks and 2 clearing audios plus written & video instructions, AND one-on-one time with Jimmy ALL for about the cost of a single 1-hr session! This online course is for anyone who is familiar with OR new to "fishing" and is ready to dive into the deep end & get results that are beyond the ordinary! It includes The Tackle Box & Spiritual Healing Techniques ebooks PLUS 2 MP3s "Clearing Dark Energies" & "Increasing Your Intuition" to help clear, strengthen and prepare your energy field for optimal “fishing” results. This is a work-at-your-own-pace curriculum that will TEACH & CLEAR you at the same time! In under 2wks you will be finished with the program and ready to fish on your own with greater results! Level II offers Practitioner Certification for those who qualify.
Receive 24/7 Daily Prayers From Jimmy
I will dial into you daily in the wee hours and make certain that you are a CLEAR YES, UNCLEAR to NO and RUNNING FORWARD before you start your day. You will send me a list of the members of your immediate household, and yes even pets, and I will add them to my daily prayers. I will arise daily before you are even awake to start my prayers and also run my intelligent computer software 24/7 deleting the negative and increasing the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of outcomes for you and the family.  Each comes with a one-time email analysis print out via the intelligent healing software that I use on your behalf.  Most clients have had amazing results and outcomes and I get emails of thanks each and every week!
                     Choose 7 days @$33              Choose 14 days @$66           Choose 30 days @$99
**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
Tell The Fish: 365 Daily Inspirations & Affirmations
MAY 29th -   "Today I will remain childlike with my childhood friends and have a childlike state of mind. I will embrace that which is simple. I will find joy in the basics. I will breathe new life into my past and enjoy the now and know that the future will unfold with blessings."
For those who aren't familiar, here's the list of ALL clearing MP3s available. Find a topic that addresses your issue(s) & click on the link to read more. We had a lot of help downloading and channeling these over the years & they keep getting better.
Abundance Abuse Addiction Body Scan: Head to Toe Daily GPS Reset Dark Energies/Fears Decision Making Diet & Exercise Education & Learning Family & Relatives The Gold Coin Healing Physical Body Healing Mental Stress Holiday Stress
Increasing Intuition IRS & Tax Time Love & Romance Money Mindset Moving Forward Pain Relief Pet Healing Sales & Success Sex Sleep Traveling w/Ease Work & Career Weight Loss
Jimmy Mack 727.678.0557​ EST | Appointments Skype: Jimmy.Mack55 Clearwater Florida USA Book a 15 minute session Book a 30 minute session Book a 60 minute session ​ ​​Transformational Healing of Body, Mind​ & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!​ ​ Download the My Liquid Fish® Starter Kit (*Updated May 2019) Audio MP3 Downloads​ and books​ to improve your life! Get Certified in ​My Liquid Fish® Change Made Simple® Watch Free Videos on YouTube Weekly Radio Show Archives Shop for ​Supplements ​ http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com Copyright ©1998-2019 All Rights Reserved  
-------------------------------------------------- TGIW newsletter managed by: Sandy Bidinger Digital Marketing Specialist at SMBeConnected Solutions www.smbeconnected.com  
Stay connected!
  Our mailing address is: Clearwater Florida 33756 USA
0 notes
TGIWednesday and a download for enjoying entertainment and play!
TGIWednesday News 
As my sweet momma would say, “Hey ya’ll”.  I still spend every Sunday with her and she's 90 now and hanging in there and always with a smile, God love her.  I hope you enjoyed the long weekend and remember those that have given their lives to keep us free. I realize we need a strong military and no one gets excited about war, but we have to remember that communications are key and meeting with folks no matter how different they may be from our own ideology - we still need to at least make every effort to find middle ground and as Rodney King famously said, “Can’t we all just get along?” Beyond that..... spirit has hammered me with the message that “they” want you to find and enjoy more entertainment in your life.  Go swimming, hiking, the gym, gardening or whatever it is that is “you doing you”!  If you stopped doing it 10 years ago, even if it was tennis, golf or building ships inside little glass bottles.... I want you to start doing it again.  I'm reminded all the time by spirit to enjoy more, be more entertained and provide more entertainment!  So please keep this in mind as we enter into the Summer months.   Know that I love and appreciate you and the contribution that you are for others and we’re all in this together!  I'm here as a guide post and way-shower for you. And as always we've got some fun things on tap that you’re going to LOVE like these upcoming audio mp3s.   One I'm calling "Fountain of Youth" likely a Summer release - re-activating your youth gene, reversing aging/anti-aging and time traveling back to refresh, restore points in your body, mind and spirit age where we had supple skin and youthful, vibrant energy.   A potential Fall release is on tap for an audio I'm calling, "Financial Windfall".  It'll be the 4th in a series of audio MP3’s on money and increasing your wealth, attracting abundance and finding what will make you truly happy!  Making it easier by removing the stuck and overwhelm blocks and allowing good fortune to find you.  
TGIWednesday Download
~ ENJOYING ENTERTAINMENT AND PLAY   ~ Show me and tell me how I can be more entertained and entertain others. Allow me to believe, think, know and feel that it isn’t goofing off, rather it is a necessary part of a balanced life. I am ready, willing and able to enjoy more of my life now (even the simple pleasures). I know by way of the creator, intuitively, when, where, how and why to work and when to play and to enjoy. I am asking for this in all languages and throughout all time lines and so it is!  
FREE Weekly LIVE Healings and Messages
MAY 30th  at 1pm EDT - THE MYSTICAL MATCHMAKER  Join me TOMORROW at 1pm EDT as I'll be the guest on The Mystical Matchmaker podcast with my friend and host Marla Martenson.  Call in (347) 215-6966 and get in line 15 mins early to ask a question because the phone lines fill up fast! Listen Here Online JUNE 5th  at 3pm EDT - SPIRITUAL INSIGHTS RADIO  Join Jimmy and host Charlotte Spicer next Wednesday June 5th at 3pm ET Call in for Free readings and healings! Call in LIVE (347) 934-0751 Listen Here Online Every Tuesday at 9pm EDT - JIMMY MACK HEALING SHOW 
Join me and my guests weekly on Tuesdays at 9pm ET/ 6pm PT Call in LIVE (713)-955-0594 It's your chance to get FREE intuitive messages on my weekly radio show. My guests are some of the best psychic readers & intuitive healers on the planet!  Tune in every Tuesday night LIVE or just catch the replay & YOU will receive changes & healings just by listening!  Check out TheJimmyMackHealingShow.com  for a full listing & all replays! 
  To listen online, click the date links below. Listen here to yesterday's replay - Guest Debbie Dienstbier June 4th - Listen here - Guest Psychic Joanne Leo www.psychicjoanneleo.com June 11th - Listen here Guest Ayla Murray Psychic, Tarot Cards, Intuitive and highly accurate computerized Astrology readings. www.themagickorchard.com June 18th - Listen here Guest Dr. Rev. Kimberly Marooney Originator of Angel Cards, world renowned inspirational, intuitive readings. http://kimberlymarooney.com/angel-expert-kimberly-marooney June 25th - Listen here Guest Rev Debbie Dienstbier Transmedium, communications with your loved ones in spirit.  Profound messages from an experienced psychic medium and healer https://www.facebook.com/Wings-of-Grace-Spiritual-Center-875388225837766/  
Check out TheJimmyMackHealingShow.com  for a full listing & all replays! 
From the Fish Box
"It was so great meeting you as well. I left there feeling very light is the way I describe it to people. It was a wonderful experience and I plan on coming back many times. I am also enjoy my daily inspiration book as well. Thank you so much!" - P. M. / Tampa "Hi Jimmy, I would like you to know that today I went to see a chiropractor; she told me exactly what you told me: the C2 is out of alignment! So next week we start the treatment! Thank you, I keep in touch with you, Much love." - H. S. / Netherlands
Live In-Person Appearances
MONDAY JUNE 3rd at SWANN HOLISTIC HEALTH CENTER TAMPA This Monday June 3rd from 10am-5pm I'll be booking sessions at Charla Tempone's Swann Holistic Health Center offices in Tampa. Please call their office directly at (813) 873-7773 in order to get on the schedule for 15-minutes 33$ – 30-minutes 65$.
39 A DAVIS BLVD Tampa, FL  http://www.ctholisticsolutions.com
Tampa folks come see me on FRIDAYs - I'm scheduling 15 and 30 minute appointments at Kodawari Yoga Studios from 10am-2pm. Call Kodawari's front desk directly to schedule (813) 773-4017 and pay at the concierge desk... 15 minutes 33$ or 30 minutes 65$. 3965 Henderson Blvd Suite C Tampa (813) 773-4017 http://www.kodawariyoga.com/ >> Friday:  May 31st (SOLD OUT)  This week's slots SOLD OUT by Tuesday so be sure you call now for June! If you missed me this Friday, call Charla's office to get on my schedule Monday at Swann Holistic Health Center (813) 873-7773  >> Friday: June 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th
  Go deep sea "fishing" with Jimmy!
Level 1 is open to ANYONE at anytime!  
"My Liquid Fish Certification program was an amazing journey and experience.  It opens the door to three levels of healing; physical, mental and spiritual expansion and transformation!! Learning with Jimmy Mack is both fun, energizing and informative.  He takes me to new realms of possibilities where transformation is instantaneous.  - Pradeep / India
The Certificate of Mastery Program includes 2 best-selling ebooks and 2 clearing audios plus written & video instructions, AND one-on-one time with Jimmy ALL for about the cost of a single 1-hr session! This online course is for anyone who is familiar with OR new to "fishing" and is ready to dive into the deep end & get results that are beyond the ordinary! It includes The Tackle Box & Spiritual Healing Techniques ebooks PLUS 2 MP3s "Clearing Dark Energies" & "Increasing Your Intuition" to help clear, strengthen and prepare your energy field for optimal “fishing” results. This is a work-at-your-own-pace curriculum that will TEACH & CLEAR you at the same time! In under 2wks you will be finished with the program and ready to fish on your own with greater results! Level II offers Practitioner Certification for those who qualify.
Receive 24/7 Daily Prayers From Jimmy
I will dial into you daily in the wee hours and make certain that you are a CLEAR YES, UNCLEAR to NO and RUNNING FORWARD before you start your day. You will send me a list of the members of your immediate household, and yes even pets, and I will add them to my daily prayers. I will arise daily before you are even awake to start my prayers and also run my intelligent computer software 24/7 deleting the negative and increasing the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of outcomes for you and the family.  Each comes with a one-time email analysis print out via the intelligent healing software that I use on your behalf.  Most clients have had amazing results and outcomes and I get emails of thanks each and every week!
                     Choose 7 days @$33              Choose 14 days @$66           Choose 30 days @$99
**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
Tell The Fish: 365 Daily Inspirations & Affirmations
MAY 29th -   "Today I will remain childlike with my childhood friends and have a childlike state of mind. I will embrace that which is simple. I will find joy in the basics. I will breathe new life into my past and enjoy the now and know that the future will unfold with blessings."
For those who aren't familiar, here's the list of ALL clearing MP3s available. Find a topic that addresses your issue(s) & click on the link to read more. We had a lot of help downloading and channeling these over the years & they keep getting better.
Abundance Abuse Addiction Body Scan: Head to Toe Daily GPS Reset Dark Energies/Fears Decision Making Diet & Exercise Education & Learning Family & Relatives The Gold Coin Healing Physical Body Healing Mental Stress Holiday Stress
Increasing Intuition IRS & Tax Time Love & Romance Money Mindset Moving Forward Pain Relief Pet Healing Sales & Success Sex Sleep Traveling w/Ease Work & Career Weight Loss
Jimmy Mack 727.678.0557​ EST | Appointments Skype: Jimmy.Mack55 Clearwater Florida USA Book a 15 minute session Book a 30 minute session Book a 60 minute session ​ ​​Transformational Healing of Body, Mind​ & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!​ ​ Download the My Liquid Fish® Starter Kit (*Updated May 2019) Audio MP3 Downloads​ and books​ to improve your life! Get Certified in ​My Liquid Fish® Change Made Simple® Watch Free Videos on YouTube Weekly Radio Show Archives Shop for ​Supplements ​ http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com Copyright ©1998-2019 All Rights Reserved  
-------------------------------------------------- TGIW newsletter managed by: Sandy Bidinger Digital Marketing Specialist at SMBeConnected Solutions www.smbeconnected.com  
Stay connected!
  Our mailing address is: Clearwater Florida 33756 USA
0 notes
Did I tell you I was supposed to die at 10? My stars stated it. Then it became 20. My universe swore by it. My grandma fretted about it every year. She used to tell me secretly whenever she visited me. Said that the minute she found problems in my mother’s marriage, she checked out my kundli too. And it wasn’t good news. It stated I’ll be living on borrowed time in an interval of 10 years, throughout my life. Every decade the time will come when I either just brush past death, or submit to the design of the cosmos. I am not a bit religious, but this is a thought I was invested in. Not because it was about my time running out. Just because it made me realize how I feel about it inside and how I go about its counterpart, life, knowing that bit. Death wasn’t a big scary monster to me, it was always right around the corner. I see people take time to get where I am, and that’s okay. Maybe they’ve been scarred, maybe it is a distant worry. But I’m very aware of it. You just know, that when it’s time, it’s time. Kind of like Final Destination.
Mala Mami was a friend of my mothers. We met at a bajan party; they were more about networking than the music. I would tag along as well. Her family had been living in the US for about 10 years. In that stretch of time, they had bought a beautiful house at the end of a cul-de-sac. Here is where I first learnt to fold a saree -- in the basement with Mala Mami in one end instructing me with yards of cloth in between. Here is where I was awestruck by solar lanterns.They way they saved up light to shine in the dark. I want to be a solar lantern. Every time we visited, I would pay special attention to the walkway, saying hello to the lanterns on the way in.   Mala Mami’s husband could be a hero in a movie. He scrapped bits to make his education work here. He put his mind to it, pushed on, and on. At the end of that struggle, he made it into Boeing and gave the life he wanted to his wife and two kids. I still remember how his wife spoke about him, doted on what an amazing life they’ve built. Through the long introduction, I found uncle stand on the backyard porch, watering the garden with a hose. One arm was locked on his hip and he scrutinized the flowers in the afternoon light. Hmpf he used to go when the flow of water was interrupted. His belly would stick out more at that. He didn’t like a single thing to go differently than expected. And when he laughed it sounded like it was coming from a distant place, heaven maybe. This was a Friday.
The next Friday we met them, I couldn’t see uncle on the porch. He was like clock-work, it seemed unusual. Mala Mami opened the door and ran off to finish off some chores. Inside sat uncle, wrapped up in a blanket. He had been diagnosed with cancer. His wife waited on him at all hours, and his two children tried to process that their perfect life would now have a wrinkle. The third Friday, Mala Mami’s face looked like she had tanned horribly. Her little eyes had lost the spark and her frizzy hair framed her into a look of dissonance. She smiled too wide - Thank god you’re here. Come see my husband. I didn’t know if she was relieved, or happy that we made it in time to see him. It looked like both. Uncle was on the bed, he couldn’t even get up a little to see who had come visiting. And the fourth Friday, well, they weren’t even home. The solar lanterns came on while we waited, and then we left. He had gone into coma. Mom called up to find out and Mala Mami was barely keeping herself together. She said her kids weren’t with her and she felt alone for the first time in her life. She cried over the phone that God didn’t give her enough strength for this part. The next Friday, was the last time we would see him. We went to the hospital, my mom holding my hand and tightening it every now at then. I could see the apprehension on her face. I was too young to see this, but what was she going to say instead? That people just switch to a new world? It was always tough love with her, always the bitter truth. It was better finding out years later that the stork never delivers the baby. That death isn’t the last stop on the bus ride.
The doctors were counting minutes. A group of 6-7 people were with him. All the painkillers had been given to make sure he was in no pain. The amount of weight he lost was shocking. The bed looked too big for him. His dark, frail body was just the same as a breathing corpse. Mala Mami still searched for her kids but they were nowhere to be found. He died without knowing. His wife returned home. Only now, it was a big scary building. The garden was browning, the weeds had grown out over the 2 weeks. The solar lanterns were the only things that looked like they had life. We were with her then. Inside, the house felt cold. Mala Mami sat down beside the table lamp. Her daughter walked in, said hello to us and walked right off to her room. She didn’t even look at her mother. The long silence that followed was broken by her son. As he crossed us he mumbled to her ‘get drunk, it will help’. Those last words got to Mala Mami who was holding herself strong for this whole time. She wallowed in memories, of how her kids had no heart, how there’s no place for her in their life anymore. In all of a month, her life had taken a sudden turn. We saw the woman before us curl into a child and cry night after night. Others saw a rich widow who could live out her days without having to work a single day. They were oblivious to the cold-carpeted floors, children who became strangers, and a dead garden. All they saw were the solar lanterns that lit up cheerfully. I have seen what time can do. It heals, it breaks, it teaches. I see it in the stories  the people I’ve crossed paths with, I see it. The 4-year old twin who was bitten by a snake and couldn’t reach the hospital in the right time. The boy who crossed a pumpkin patch at the wrong time. The life of a suicide survivor. Of a simple slip in the bathroom ending up in organ failure. An existence that lasted all of 12 minutes. In all of it, I see how wrong we are about time. It isn’t a human-invented thing. Sure, days, years, and minutes could be. But a moment to the universe is the same as any other moment and if something is meant to happen, it just will.
Towards the death of my first relationship, I was standing on my balcony with a phone in hand. Crying to a boy I thought was my life. And if he wasn’t mine, I didn’t want my life either. No, I’m not that person anymore, that girl was plain stupid. Anyways, I stood near the railing, half climbing as I waited for him to say something, anything. The midnight air was cool on my tears as I started shivering. I tried to imagine my body hitting the gate below, or getting scratched by the rose thorns on the 3rd floor first. Would I just be a broken body or would I die? Who would find me first, the watchman or my mom? What would others say about my selfish decision? I was nearing 20, it didn’t mean anything. But if I were do to it, I knew it would work. My mom heard my sobbing, got the door open and pulled me in. She tried to save the relationship for me and then after the call ended she looked at me dead in the eye and said ‘this isn’t the boy you’ll marry. I won’t allow it.’ It wasn’t anything unexpected but the shame of having her find out, of seeing me in the balcony all made me wish I could disappear at wish. Borrowed time ticks from now. The next year, I was on my bike in front of my gate. I was fishing out my phone from the bag when my earphones fell out. I heard a grumble and saw that a truck with iron rods was reversing straight into my back. I quickly accelerated and at the same time the truck braked. I sent a prayer up to whoever made my earphones fall out. Not a long time from then, I took the stairs up because the lift wasn’t working. It was when I left home, odd. I had gone to buy eggs to make myself some nice breakfast. Mom wasn’t at home, I was free to do whatever I wanted. I misplaced my left foot. The floor was wet from the morning cleaning. I slipped and fell 4 steps backward, hitting my skull on another stair. I saw stars, gathered myself up and felt my head. It was perfectly fine. The eggs however, had broken. Borrowed time. Everything started feeling like it could be the end of me. Doing ballet in the bathroom, well that’s risky. Me standing on a chair putting up mango leaves for festivities. Why go that far, even crossing the road is a potential suicide mission. What can anyone do? You certainly can’t live in fear, within 4 padded walls and bright light. Well, my way was to accept it. Yes, I might just die today. What’s my next plan of action. Live today like there’s no tomorrow? Not particularly. In case I do die, when they find me, let me wear my Sunday best. The days I put effort into my outfit are the days I feel a funny bone go ‘tick-tock’. Then the face people remember seeing the last wouldn’t be that bad as me on a normal day with zero cares given. Yes, I dream of dying very often. My grandpa butchering me with an axe in the backyard, in the moonlight. Blood draining into the clean chlorine water from a cannonball gone wrong. And yes, sometimes in the middle of what I’m doing I look up and check the time. Maybe it’s that one vulnerable moment where something could happen. I try being alert and true enough an odd thing would occur. Someone randomly handing me a peanut shake when they knew I was allergic. A coconut crashing and splitting open right after I take a pause.
The good side of borrowed time is that it is true to everyone. You’re never singled out -- for good or worse -- in the eyes of the universe. And embracing it has made me grateful for people, things, and feelings almost every day. To sit at a bus stop and see the city run about. To step out when the first drops of rain hit. To just look at the person in front of you and take them in your memory. What if this is the last thing I see, worth seeing? It makes me leave a note on someone’s desk just to tell them I miss them, that they’re pretty, that it’s going to get better. It makes me send that text without overthinking how I’ll face them the next day. What if I don’t get to tell them? Multiply that into 100 and that’s a good enough reason to haunt people after my unexpected yet inevitable death.
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talldarknsexy · 6 years
Moseying about in Malawi
I left Chipata, Zambia somewhat early and rode with the wave of other cyclists hauling their shit to the border. The visa didn't take too long, but there were at least a dozen persistent money changers fighting for my attention. I didn't intend to ride all the way to Lilongwe in one day as it's almost 150k along with a border crossing and I'd be entering the capital city of Malawi hopefully before dark, but I often get a little ahead of myself. Plus, the wind had finally calmed down for once and I had a bunch of cycling company. We'd be three, four, five in a line sometimes. I was sure the tallest, but not the heaviest and often not the fastest. We'd be flying down the highway, gears crunching, jackets flapping, and feathers flying off their chickens. Not talking, but often grinning. I got in right at dusk. I'd been riding for two weeks with only one day's rest in Lusaka. So, Lilongwe was a nice respite, especially with not much happening there- the days kinda blended together. I dropped off my passport at the embassy for renewal as I was out of pages. Degrimed my clothes and gear. Hung out with Alma, a Dutch gal working there. And wasted all too much time at an Internet cafe. I didn't have plans for that weekend, but a van of travelers was headed down to Cape Mclair to celebrate Malawi's Independence Day weekend. They were leaving in 15 mins and had an extra seat. So, I scrambled some stuff together and headed off with them. It was an awesome weekend. Free camping by the lake, a party at the bar every night and chilling/swimming on the lake by day. A kiwi couple I met there was headed down in a rental car that Sunday to hike Mt Mulange. Since that was high on my agenda anyways, I opted to tag along. It was a three day guided hike through a hut system to the top of the 3rd highest peak in Africa. We ascended through jungle to a pine forest to alpine tundra all the way up to bare rocky faces well above tree line. I was surprised as it was a very technical climb- up there with the hardest I'd done in Colorado. The kiwi couple was super fit, while I was busy tap dancing around on the rocks in my cycling cleats as I hadn't had time, nor forethought to pack properly. But, it was fine in comparison to Lauren, an Aussie girl, who also tagged along. She'd thrown up a few times on the way up and fell into a river on the way down. The driving itself around Malawi was also enough of an adventure. We spotted some hippos in a river by the road and we'd ran the gauntlet of rogue chickens, goats, and cyclists popping on and off the road. We were also frighteningly close to ploughing over a kid that jumped out, and late one evening, a local gave us a good love tap to our rear bumper. Upon realizing we were mzungus and there wasn't notable damage, he just shrugged and got back in his car. After (somehow) safely making it back to Lilongwe, we said our goodbyes and I spent the weekend sorting out a new rear wheel and picking up my passport. I sourced the wheel from a guy named Smart. I was a little dismayed to see Malawi's most professional bike shop operates out of a shipping container situated behind a bar, but he had a very extensive knowledge of bike repair and services all the diplomats bikes in the nearby 3 countries. On Sunday, Alma and I hired a car and hiked out to see some ancient rock art. Of the alleged eight sites, we found one... And not without the help of a local farmer's pointing. But, it was allegedly the most impressive of the sites and didn't disappoint. We also scrambled to the top of Mphunzi peak and had lunch and a cider outlooking one of the most impressive views of Africa I've seen yet. It was an amazing day, and I even got to drive a car for the first time in 15 months. It was automatic surprisingly, albeit on the opposite side of the road. After two weeks of fucking off, I headed off again. It was only a three day ride to get to the next tourist locale of Nkhata bay. I had a camp spot right over the lake and there was a buffet at the restaurant every night. They also had a full bar, a dock and they rented out kayaks, paddle boards, and snorkels for free. It was paradise. On my last day, I went with a European couple and Emma, on a free boat tour they offered. We went cliff jumping, snorkeling, played volleyball, and got to see fish eagles- it was a fantastic day. I met a young honeymoon couple there and the guy, Dave, introduced himself as a cycle-tourist as well. "We're not doing any cycling on this trip though," he paused. "...But I have been doing plenty of riding!" Another two days up the coast I camped in Chitimba, left the bike, and took transport up to the colonial town of Livingstonia, perched on a plateau overlooking the lake. The transport is a roughly 30 year old, throttled out land cruiser that they stuff with over a dozen people and way too much luggage. I took a day and saw the historic, colonial town center of Livingstonia. I hopped onto a walking tour that some people from the hostel were already doing. It was the standard dog and pony show and I was probably better off reading a Wikipedia page later. The guide's friend claimed that David Livingstone was never there... (Despite the town's name.) And when asked where the locals bought food, the guide went on some speech about how only wealthy foreigners can afford to feed monkeys. I spent another day seeing a waterfall with two Dutch gals. And that evening I rallied with some coffee and mixed gin drinks with two other cycletourists I met there and a Swiss gal named Naomi. After all the touristy fun, it was time to set off again. Cycling at times in Malawi could be overwhelming with how populated it is. It felt like real Africa. People hawking goods, goat carcasses hanging, and people shouting at me in who knows which language. "Welcome!" A cyclist shouted as he rode up alongside me one day. "THIS is Malawi," he said. His name was Peter and he was cycling off to the market to sell some pots and pans. Like Peter, a lot of the names are biblical and easy, some are seemingly abstract English words like: Justice, Warrant, Precious, etc... But some traditional African names I couldn't pronounce if I tried. Another cyclist introduced himself to me and instinctually I just laughed- there was no way I could produce something even close to that. It was so guttural, it was like someone gargling water whilst trying to sing. The most difficult aspect of this region though, was undoubtedly the children. Plenty of them friendly, but almost all shout "Mzungu! Give me money!" Even some adults... I would say a decent percentage genuinely believe that I will oblige. I don't know who was the mzungu cyclist that came before me, making it rain on these children, but they sure didn't make it convenient for me. Children have made even eating a difficult task. Unless I want fried intestines from one of the hanging goats, I'm pretty much limited to bringing my own food. This becomes difficult with the children however, as well as the dense population. I'll have one, maybe two opportunities per day to stop without being pursued. Even stopping just to open up a packet of biscuits is precarious, if one child spots me from even 100m away it's like a fucking zombie invasion and I have to pedal away as they immediately come in droves. It's an amazing country with amazing people though and sometimes it just outright makes me laugh. It's hard to be in a bad mood when it's 10am and there's an old drunk man in a UMichigan sweater dancing around his hut on one foot. Or how about the time a teen pulled one day pulled in front of me on his bike to race me. I let him go ahead for a minute before bursting past him and shouting "tyende!" or, let's go. His face lit up and he slammed down on the pedals- his drivetrain immediately exploded into pieces. I rode away, but with both of us laughing. Malawi is a place with very little money or development, but it's equity lies in the scenery, people, the smiles, and the lighthearted culture.
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vacationsoup · 6 years
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New Post has been published on https://vacationsoup.com/orlando-in-august/
Orlando in August - What's On, When & Where
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Orlando in August:
There's plenty going on in Central Florida, Kissimmee and Orlando in August. We're in for a delicious month with the hottest foodie events of the year. Restaurant Week and Magical Dining Month. Epcot Food & Wine Festival just sneaks in on August 30th and Busch Gardens have a brand new Bier Fest. We all know calories don't count on vacation, right? We'll just go with that, shall we? And don't forget Halloween comes to town in August too!
What's on, When and Where Around Kissimmee & Orlando in August:
Cirque du soleil - crystal
Synchronized, freestyle and extreme ice skating combine with circus acts to provide an experience to savor. Acrobatics on ice and in the air in a show never witnessed before. Gymnasts and skaters, trapeze artists and acrobats perform a show that will have you breathless with excitement from start to finish.
When: August 1st - 6th, 2018 (5 evening performances at 7.30pm and 2 afternoon performances on 5th and 6th) Tickets start at $54.00 Where: Amway Center Web: Cirque Du Soleil Crystal
New Smyrna Beach Shrimp & Seafood Festival
This annual event, now in its' 11th year, is a favorite with locals and visitors alike.
Sample tasty bites as scores of local restaurants battle it out for the "Best on the Beach" awards. There are 4 categories: Shrimp, Shellfish, Fish and Specialty Seafood. Sample sizes are on sale ranging from $3 to $5.
Live bands, beverage bars, non-seafood options for land-lovers, craft vendors, community group stands and sponsor exhibits are all in attendance to make sure a good day is had by all.
When: 5pm - 9pm, August 2nd, 2018 Where: Flagler Avenue, New Smyrna Beach, FL Web: New Smyrna Beach Shrimp & Seafood Festival
Restaurant Week
Orlando's Main Street Restaurant Week runs from August 4th through August 11th 2018. Select restaurants will offer prix fixe menus at a discounted price. Orlando in August is going to be tasty!
Where: See link below for participating restaurants When: August 4th - August 11th 2018 Details: Main Street Restaurant Week
Night in The Islands - Tarpon Springs
If you like Greek food, you'll love this monthly event. Tarpon Springs is a picturesque Greek harbor and just happens to be the sponge capital of the world.
Enjoy Greek food, Greek dancing and live entertainment from Ellada at the Sponge Docks. You don't even need to know how to Greek dance - free dance lessons will be given by Levendia Dancers between 6-7pm.
Dine under the stars and enjoy some of the finest Greek food and entertainment outside of Athens.
When: August 4th 2017 Where: Tarpon Springs, Florida Details: Night in the Islands
Hearts of Reality, Celebration
The Town of Celebration brings another great event to Orlando in August.
Hearts of Reality is an annual event to raise money for Give Kids The World. An awesome organization that gives cost-free vacations to kids with life threatening illnesses along with their families.
If you want to meet your favorite reality stars from shows like Big Brother, Survivor or The Amazing Race, then this is the place to be.
Autograph signings and meet and greets can be bought for a donation.
Give Kids The World Village, for the last 10 years, has partnered with Celebration Town Center (Lexin Capital) to raise funds for Give Kids The World Village. More than 100 reality stars will be in attendance at the Village.
When: August 9th-11th Where: Town of Celebration, Fl Details: Celebration Hearts of Reality
24th Annual Harvest Grape Stomp
All ages will love getting messy during grape stomping season. A great day out for all the family with live music, food from local vendors, Lakeridge wines, beer and soft drinks. Wine tours are also available.
Live Music Schedule:
Friday 10th August: 10am - 1.30pm - Nightly Groove Band 2pm - 5pm - The Dave Capp Project
Saturday 11th August: 10am - 1.30pm - Baby Blues and The No Attitude Band 2pm - 5pm - Ronnie Duncan Band
Sunday 12th August: 11am - 1.30pm - Smoking" Torpedoes 2pm - 5pm - Buddy Blues
Indoor live entertainment in the Wine and Cheese Bar schedule:
Friday: noon - 4pm The Rusty & Laurie Wright Duo
Saturday: noon - 4pm Joe Hand
Sunday: noon - 4pm Jeff Whitfield
When: August 10th & 11th (10am - 5pm) and 12th (11am - 5pm.) Where: Lakeridge Winery, Clermont Details: Annual Harvest Grape Stomp
Exotic Bird Expo
Bird lovers will be in feather heaven during the largest “All Exotic Bird Event” in Florida. Suppliers will be selling anything and everything well below retail price. Food to cages, supplements to special feeds, toys and more – all in one 40,000 square foot Air Conditioning Building. And of course, exotic birds.
The Exotic Bird Expo is held 5 times a year in Central Florida and began in 1994 by Charles Tillman. When Charles passed away in 2012, daughter Debbie Tillman carried on the family tradition.
When: August 12th, 2018  Where: Central Florida Fairgrounds Price: $5 - children under 10 free Details: Exotic Bird Expo - or Call Debbie Tillman:  1-386-383-4295
Mickey's Not-So-Scary Halloween Party
Halloween in August? But of course. This is where the magic happens! And Magic Kingdom is the venue for this not so scary Disney treat. Starting on August 17th 2018 on select nights.
Special shows include Hocus Pocus Villain Spelltacular, Boo-yo-you Halloween Parade, The Cadaver Dans Barbershop Quartet and the spectacular Happy HalloWishes Fireworks Show above Cinderella Castle. Kids can dress up for the night and trick or treat around the park with candies, snacks and other goodies. Or head over to the brand new Storybook Circus Disney Junior Jam to dance their little cotton socks off.
For a little extra special treatment, Happy HalloWishes Dessert Party with Halloween themed confections and drinks is an option. Indulge, then relax and watch the fireworks.
See: Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party 2018
MNSSHP 2018 Dates:
August 17, 24, 28 and 31.
September 3, 7, 9, 11, 14, 16, 18, 21, 23, 25, 28 and 30.
October 2, 4, 5, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18, 19, 21, 23, 25, 26, 28, 30 and 31
Where: Magic Kingdom, Walt Disney World Resort Web: Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party
Florida Kids and Family Expo
A golden opportunity for the whole family to get together with their ideas for exercising, relaxing, discovering, sharing and just about everything that comes to mind. Admission: $5.00 in advance or $10.00 at the door.
Where: Orange County Convention Center When: Saturday, August 18th 10.00am - 5.00pm and Sunday, August 29th 11.00am - 5.00pm Web: Florida Kids & Family Expo
Disney PhotoPass Day
For the second year, Disney will once again be offering unique PhotoPass Opportunities during the Disney PhotoPass Day.
Visitors to all 4 Disney parks and Disney Springs will be able to get event-exclusive Animated Magic Shots, Character Experiences and photo locations.
When: August 19th, 2018 Where: Magic Kingdom, Animal Kingdom, Hollywood Studios, Epcot and Disney Springs Web: PhotoPass Day
The 3rd Annual Seafood Festival - Mount Dora
Orlando in August has plenty on, but you could also head over to the picturesque town of Mount Dora. The second Annual Seafood Festival will take place on August 26th and 27th. Head to the waterfront of the Elizabeth Evans Park.
Music will play a big part of the Saturday event with live music on the stage from 11am to 9pm.
There will be an array of food trucks, stalls and vendors. Over 15,000 visitors attended the first event two years ago.
When: August 25th 11am - 9pm | August 26th 11am - 5pm Where: Elizabeth Evans Park & Edgerton Court in downtown Mount Dora Price: Free Details: Seafood Festival - Mount Dora
Magical Dining Month
Another huge foodie event from the Orlando culinary scene. The Orlando Magical Dining Month offer diners the opportunity to sample some of Orlando's best restaurants for a set price of $35 per person. The event runs through the full month of September, but 'Preview Week' starts on August 24th.
The event raises money every year for local charities. This years beneficiary will be Best Buddies and BASE Down Syndrome Association of Central Florida.
When: August 24th - September 30, 2018 Where: Over 100 restaurants - check link below for full list Price: $35 per person for 3 course dinner + tax and gratuity Details: Orlando Magical Dining Month
The INFINITY Toy and Comic Con
An event for all comic book, toy, anime and pop cultures. A 2 day convention featuring costume contests, guest appearances, vendors and much more.
When: August 25th and 26th, 2018 Where: Osceola Heritage Park, 1875 Silver Spur Lane, Kissimmee 34744 Web: The INFINITY Toy and Comic Con
Epcot Food and Wine Festival 
Take your taste buds on a global food fest walkabout. 35 kiosks from all over the world at Epcot Food & Wine Festival will offer delicious tasty treats. Meat, seafood, salads, desserts and just about everything imaginable to tease your palate can be washed down by a wine or beer from around the world.
And all the time, your eardrums are being regaled with live music supplied by top performers. Live music on August 30th and 31st is supplied by Blue October at 5.30pm, 6.45pm and 8.00pm.
Where: EPCOT, Walt Disney World When: August 30th - November 12th, 2018 Web: Epcot Food & Wine Festival
Music Events in Orlando in August
Shakira is appearing at the Amway Center on 14th August at 7.30pm. Web: amwaycenter.com
Orlando City Soccer in Orlando in August
Orlando City SC v New England Revolution Date: Saturday August 4th Time: 7.30pm Where: Home - Orlando City Stadium
Orlando City SC v Atlanta United FC Date: Friday August 24th Time: 8.00pm Where: Home - Orlando City Stadium Where: Home - Camping World Stadium
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usatrendingsports · 7 years
Logic should win out over Browns retaining Hue Jackson, plus extra Week 16 notes
Let me get this straight: Hue Jackson is meant to be resistant to evaluation proper now, regardless of the worst two-year run in NFL historical past. He is simply going to possibly rent a brand new offensive coordinator and delegate just a little extra on a aspect of the ball the place the Browns have been nothing in need of inept on a weekly foundation however, in any other case, nothing to see right here.
And when the Browns get pummeled by the Steelers – who may have a possible first-round bye on the road in Week 17 – and find yourself at Zero-16, properly, that is no huge deal, both. Nothing to see right here. Whereas upwards of a 3rd of the league pursues new coaches, the Browns have their man for 2018, even when the brand new normal supervisor they simply employed would like issues be totally different and even with the entire myriad different points popping up (just like the potential prime choose within the draft, UCLA quarterback Josh Rosen, not eager to play in Cleveland). And even with an proprietor in place who has been recognized to say one factor and do one other.
Okay. Positive. Nothing to see right here. I am going to imagine it after I see these season-ticket renewal notices going out and Jackson, at Zero-16 and 1-31, nonetheless teaching the workforce. Then, you may have me satisfied. Till then, I am going to proceed to entertain the thought that logic, purpose, and customary sense nonetheless have a spot within the Browns’ group. As dangerous because it – and it is nothing in need of terrible with Cleveland’s lack of self-discipline, lack of quarterback improvement and lack of cogent offensive id once more undermining the workforce in a lopsided loss to the lowly Bears – that is nonetheless a sexy sufficient job (particularly with two picks within the first 5 – 6 picks within the draft). Much more so with a longtime soccer man like John Dorsey on the helm now.
As an illustration, somebody inform me why this would not be viable different to persevering with on with a coach that has now gone over a 12 months with out successful a recreation. Hear me out for a minute.
Nothing is extra crucial to this franchise than lastly discovering a quarterback. Figuring out him and incubating him and cultivating him is actually all the things. There are another items in place and one other trove of draft picks to make the most of. However after fanning on Jared Goff (may’ve moved up one slot to draft him) and Carson Wentz and Dak Prescott and Deshaun Watson and I may go on and on, they completely should get this proper.
You need to land Rosen, and achieve this with out drama and tumult and probably sparring along with his agent? Wish to put him round a nucleus of coaches and academics he already is aware of and trusts? Wish to make him really feel comfy? Why not rent his former school coach? Or not less than strongly think about him. Jim Mora misplaced his job largely as a result of Rosen being harm a lot of this season, however he is recognized him since he was round 15, constructed by all accounts a robust relationship with him, and in a 12 months the place there will probably be a lot teaching change with out many confirmed, skilled NFL coaches, Mora matches the invoice. Wanna convey Rosen’s school coordinator, Jedd Fisch (a former NFL coordinator), with him to run an offense he already is aware of? I am guessing that could possibly be organized, too.  
As a result of if anybody thinks Rosen goes to observe the Browns’ movie this 12 months and take a look at how Jackson has stored DeShone Kizer on a human yo-yo string and suppose that somebody along with his mind and longview goes to only waltz proper into that net, properly, you’ve got bought one other factor coming. Mora will not be the sexiest title, however, properly, neither was one other “retread” head coach in Doug Marrone a 12 months in the past in Jacksonville, both. That is labored out fairly properly I would say.
And, give the import of the draft to the Browns, I would level to the success veteran coaches like Pete Carroll and Jim Harbaugh had lately in serving to the personnel employees establish the highest rookie expertise within the league for his or her first few years on the job after having recruited so lots of these children firsthand, attending to know them and their households in a novel method. If nothing else, it is price mulling. As a result of even when guys like Josh McDaniels and Pat Shurmur and Jim Schwartz would not entertain the considered teaching the Browns if the job did the truth is open up – discovering an enchancment over the present state of affairs should not be tough.
Two years in the past, homeowners Dee and Jimmy Haslam, together with recently-fired GM Sashi Brown and analytics “maven” Paul DePodesta comprised the group entrusted with conducting that teaching search. This time, I would let Dorsey do the hiring and think about what is perhaps greatest for a possible franchise quarterback and conduct as thorough of a search as doable.
Marketplace for getting old RBs not so nice
Keep in mind how a lot consideration was given in some quarters of the media to getting old operating backs like Jamaal Charles and Adrian Peterson and Marshawn Lynch within the offseason? The place would they land? Oh, what they may do with their new groups! How riveting!
Solely, not a lot. I did not anticipate any of them making an influence with their new groups and, frankly, did not suppose even two of the three would nonetheless be on an NFL roster at this level within the season. However on Sunday, Peterson was on IR after being reduce shortly by the Saints and having one huge recreation in his debut for the Cardinals. He completed with 156 carries for 529 yards (Three.Four a carry) with two TDs. Charles was a wholesome scratch on Sunday for a nasty Broncos workforce, and he is doubtless achieved for the 12 months with 69 carries for 296 yards (Four.Three per carry) and one TD. And Lynch, a part of an Oakland offense that has drastically constricted in 2017, has been one of the best of the bunch, and an above common again, with 163 caries for 695 yards (Four.Three per carry) and 7 touchdowns.
Makes me surprise what the marketplace for a few of these guys, if any, there will probably be subsequent 12 months, and what it means for a man like Frank Gore.
Extra Week 16 notes
Can not help however suppose that Sunday’s loss in Cincy could find yourself doing in Jim Caldwell. The Lions had been sloppy and succumbed to penalties and blew an excellent likelihood to enhance their playoff odds. And failing to even attempt to problem what could have been a season-saving catch from Golden Tate on a third-and-forever bounce ball would possibly find yourself being the lasting think about of this Lions season. As a substitute of going through a crushed Packers workforce subsequent week with all the things on the road, now the Lions are achieved, and younger GM Bob Quinn, who inherited this head coach, must be itching to make a transfer. I have been listening to for weeks that it might take possession intervention for a brand new coach not be thought of, and with Matt Stafford in his prime it is a job that different coaches price very extremely. Two former New England coaches who Quinn is aware of from his time there – McDaniels and Texans coach Invoice O’Brien (who can be a lame duck in 2018 with no profitable extension) – will surely match the invoice …
The Falcons are loopy if they do not bend over backward to lure Gary Kubiak there subsequent season. That passing recreation by no means bought going regardless of the identical weapons that they had a 12 months in the past in being the NFL’s greatest. Kubiak is one in every of Kyle Shanahan’s mentors and the Falcons try, and failing, to run Shanahan’s offense with out him. Baltimore ought to transfer heaven and earth to attempt to convey him again as properly … Talking of scorching coordinators, Panthers defensive coordinator Steve Wilks is getting loads of consideration as a head-coaching candidate, however linebackers coach Al Holcomb has achieved an amazing job and, as a free agent at season’s finish, will find yourself on the want lists of many potential head coaches to be their defensive coordinator elsewhere … The Rams’ magical season goes to attract numerous eyes to their employees as properly, and rightfully so. Brad Holmes, their director of school scouting, is worthy of accolades and will turn out to be a quick riser, too, as groups shuffle their entrance places of work all through the offseason …
The Titans job will probably be tremendous engaging to prime candidates, even with Marcus Mariota taking a leap backward this season and his well being already turning into a difficulty. This workforce is probably going headed to Eight-Eight after an Eight-Four begin, the passing recreation by no means advanced, the run recreation is hardly transcendent and seeing Mariota take a sack on fourth-and-probably-the-season cannot sit properly with the brass there. It has been an open topic of debate in league circles whether or not or not possession would actually step as much as land huge fish. Maybe we’ll discover out in current weeks. The Titans’ swoon was hardly stunning to me, and a impressed rent is so as. … Josh Gordon shocked lots of people with how bodily and efficient he was in his debut, however all of the years of misplaced time appear to have taken a toll. He is been unable to maintain that preliminary burst of adrenaline that got here from his return from a protracted suspension, and his manufacturing has dipped every week, from 4 catches for 85 yards to Three-for-39 to 5-for-47 to 2-for-19 on Sunday. With one other lengthy offseason forward I would be making an attempt to buy him on the deadline. An excessive amount of baggage there and an excessive amount of uncertainty. … A lot for that one week reprieve the place Brock Osweiler seemed like an NFL beginning quarterback. Sunday was terrible, with turnovers coming in bunches at time, and Osweiler holding the ball too lengthy and taking awkward sacks. It is a back-ups life for him for the remainder of his profession. Nothing factors to the dearth of high quality QBing on this league like the truth that “Brock is Again!” Gave the impression to be like kinda, sorta a factor for some final week. … Oh yeah, and let’s sluggish the Blake Bortles hype practice. Sunday was a regression that was at all times going to come back. We’ll discover out what steps Bortles has really made within the postseason.
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