#they find the others at the quarry and everyone can tell
catharusustulatus · 1 year
I need Stonathan to be paired up in season 5. I need Jonathan and Steve to be hesitant about opening up to each other, and then as they make their way through a broken town to the quarry to meet everyone else, they become deeper and deeper friends. Steve tries to apologize about what he said in the alleyway in 83, and Jonathan tells him he’s already more than atoned. They talk about Will and weed and their shitty abusive dads. They talk about Robin and after Steve insists they’re platonic, Jonathan asks “is she a friend of Dorothy” or something. Steve is like “who’s Dorothy” and Jonathan snorts. Jonathan says “remember when you came to Will’s birthday party and you were the only one who had never played D&D, so you just kept reading my mom’s National Geographics while we played?” Steve smiles. He’s like “yeah, that was good ice cream cake.” They talk about trauma, how they’re both barely 20 and have bad backs and knees. How scared they are for this final fight. They talk about Nancy, and Steve says he didn’t mean to flirt while Jon was away - he just felt pulled back into time. He was scared and lonely and thought he was going to die. Jonathan goes wait - did you say pulled back into time?
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theautumnpicker · 1 year
It's his, by any rights. They'd taken an awfully long detour to find the book in the first place, and then it had been Astarion himself who had been sent to collect it, to carefully sever the connection between the pressure plate and the statues around it. Yet for all his effort— not to mention his very polite request— it was Gale who was rewarded with the treasure. And for what? It's undoubtedly just another bauble to him, the ravenous, power-mad fool.
Not that Astarion can really fault his ambition.
Of course, he showed no outward sign of his irritation. That wouldn't win him any points with their leader. Besides, he still had options. He meant to wait until they were at camp and swipe the thing while the others were eating. He even pitched his tent next to Gale's that night, watching the wizard closely as he set up all his worldly goods. Yet Gale seemed to keep the book with him, as if it were a bit of light reading he wanted to settle down with on a full belly.
So, giving up on his first plan, Asterion joined the group at supper after all, smiling and joking to disguise his poor appetite for the sort of food they have to offer. He went to bed directly afterwards, but he can't sleep, whether or not he wants to. Thoughts of the book invade his mind, almost calling out to him with the power it has to offer him. There has to be something in the pages of that tome that he can use against Cazador, or even just use for himself. Something to make his condition permanent, beyond the grace of these damned tadpoles that everyone else seems in such a rush to remove. He imagines returning home to his old master, telling him what he'd discovered and promising to share the secret— for surely even Cazador would envy his power now— only to watch him burn and writhe in the sun.
That does it. He is getting that damned book.
Astarion sits up and raises the flap of his tent, peering out and seeing to his satisfaction that all the others are asleep, or at the very least in their little beds, oblivious to all the world. He half crawls outside, keeping low to the ground in a prowl, as he steals over to Gale's tent and listens outside, ceasing to breathe as he listens for the sounds of the wizard's own breathing inside. He feels hungry suddenly, but whether he hungers for the knowledge close at hand or for the blood he can smell under Gale's skin as he stalks his quarry is hard to say.
The hunger makes him impatient. Astarion doesn't wait until he can hear that breathing slow, until he's sure Gale is fast asleep. Instead, he enters quickly and quietly, not even looking at the wizard at first as he scans the entirety of his surroundings in rapid search for his heart's desire. Even if the book remains on Gale's person now, Astarion fully intends to take it for his own.
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yandereunsolved · 14 days
Yandere Daryl Dixon taking care of traumatized reader—why can't everyone just go away? except you, you can stay. (cw(s): Daryl's trauma, talks of anxiety, ptsd, non-descriptive self-harm)
Yandere Daryl didn't think much of you at first. You're just another weaklin' that'll be gone in a few dawns. He shouldn't waste his time lookin' after people like that anyway.
You barely talked since he met ya. You refuse to make eye contact with anyone else in the group. You contribute, but it isn't much. Unlike him, you appear to be a sweet lil snack for the walkers: defenseless and skittish, a rabbit.
Still, like a leaf holdin' onto a sickly oak in a tornado, you stayed alive. From the quarry to the prison, you ambled along, not opening up to anyone. Well, maybe you opened up to him just a lil.
Yandere Daryl ends up being your safe place. He's someone who listens. He may not be good with feelings n' shit but he listens well. He lets you curl up next to him and tell him about anything. Sometimes it's nothing, and he appreciates that.
You both can sit in silence, and it's never awkward. It's like two kin souls meeting each other and simmering together.
Yandere Daryl grows closer to you. He doesn't want to think about it. He's always thinkin' about ya. There's always at least one eye on your figure.
He refuses to let you go on trips alone or without him. So naturally he gets somewhat aggressive when others talk down to ya. If someone raises their voice atcha, then he's ready to punch their teeth inward. He's proud of the sick and twisted thoughts that roll through his head of the things he wants to do to anything that threatens to hurt you.
He doesn't want to show you that side of him.
He's heard about your past and how the fall of the world affected you. He promised himself that he wouldn't ever be the reason you shut down or have a pstd flashback. He's workin' on being better than his mom and pop's relationship. Even the notion of possibly raising a hand against you makes his stomach churn, his head spin.
Yandere Daryl is always there to comfort you when something goes awry. He's still shitty at it, but he provides himself and hopes to whatever is out there, that's it's good enough. He tends to wrap one or both arms around you when you shut down/regress. He enjoys placing his chin over the top of your head and humming a sweet tune that he heard from the uppity church ladies that used to frequent his shitty neighborhood. 
He tries to say those nice things.
"Is alright."
"I'll protect ya."
"You're safe. The bad people can't hurt ya no more."
It helps heal his inner child as well. He gets to protect you, and it feels like he's protecting little Daryl Dixon as well. There's no screamin', hittin', broken booze bottles, or half-tapped-out cigarettes. There's only you and him. 
He'd murder anyone that got in the way of that, even Carol, even Rick.
He'll never admit it, but he likes it when you play with his hair, especially when you're stressed or overwhelmed. If you trace his scars, then he's in heaven.
Yandere Daryl always makes sure you have whatever health stuff you need. It could be meds, certain foods, prosthetics, or anything else. He'll do anything. He puts himself in the toughest situations just to make sure you are happy n' alive.
Have a medical condition? Meds are yours. He'll find substitutes if he can or learn medicinal remedies.
Allergies or food restrictions? No worries. He may be a shitty cook, but it's the end of the world. He's got plenty of time to practice so you can have a fully tummy and plenty of energy.
Hard of hearing or deaf? He learns sign language. He may be bad at it, but he'll learn! He doesn't mind repeating himself or repeating what others said for you. He'll do his best to find hearing aids or batteries if you used those before the world went to hell.
Partially or fully blind? He'll find you a cane or wittle you a walking stick. He'll be your guide.
Have a missing body part or limited mobility? He'll search high and low for a prosthetic. He'll carry you if he needs to. He'll help you in any way. He can't really find how practical wheelchairs are in the apocalypse, but he'll figure somethin' out.
Some other restriction or something rare he's never heard of? He'll go hell n' back to make sure you have whatever you need.
You just need space? Fine. He's still going to watch you from afar.
There are times when walker bites seem to pale in comparison to that innocently bright expression in your eyes. It's the look that he's always wanted to see from somebody. You look at him like he's some sort of protector, some hero. The first time he saw it, his initial reaction was to brush it off and call you stupid. He regretted that as soon as he saw you deflate and curl back within yourself. He mumbled a 'sorry' and made sure to never do it again.
Yandere Daryl almost breaks down the first time he notices your self-harming tendencies. It could be fresh cuts or starving yourself. It isn't good. He tries not to be harsh with you.
He tries.
It's just so hard because he's crying. He's trying to be quiet but he can't. He loves you so much that the thought of you not loving yourself makes him want to worship you until you do.
Why can't you see it? Why can't you see how special you are?
He wants to think you're selfish, but he knows you're not. It's your body. Is he being selfish? No. Yes? No.
He doesn't know.
All he knows is that he ends up on his knees with tears streaming down his face. He's begging. The words aren't intelligible, but he is.
This is what you do to him. This lil lamb just had to lay in his pasture.
Just stay alive. He'll do the rest for you.
Yandere Daryl just protects you. He hates groups but he knows they're important. You've made bonds, and so has he, unfortunately. He'll just keep you close. Maybe one day he'll be able to confess his undying reverence for you. Hopefully you won't figure out how many people he has killed for you. The things he has done... oh, they'd make the devil cry. As long as you sleep well at night knowing your Daryl Dixon is protectin' you. Well, he doesn't care about the so-called 'collateral damage' because of it.
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kisses4kaia · 2 years
* 𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥- 𝐜, 𝐠𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐬 🌪️
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𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐱𝐭: you and glenn found each other at the beginning and then get separated. you float around the country for a while before you find your way to alexandria. you recognize glenn and he was in a group with strong and brave characters. one of which, is a very cute guy around your age called carl grimes. (2nd person POV)
𝐩𝐥𝐨𝐭 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐬: season 5 era, however, carl is aged up and has lost his eye. glenn wasn't always with the quarry gang.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: teasing, penetrative sex (p in v), cunnilingus, protected sex, pet names (new girl).
"please, don't be alarmed at the sheer amount of obliviousness to the outside world these people have," a man who you judged to be kind previously introduced as aaron warned as a tall, large, metal, gate slid open to reveal a suburban mini town.
it was nothing like you were expecting. people roaming around town, laughing, chatting, children playing. it all seemed impossible to you.
as you hesitantly walked into town, you noticed a familiar face next to a very pretty lady. you gasped in shock.
the pair turned to the gate to see the new arrival and the man's face dropped in shock. "y/n?" glenn said as a smile lit up your face. you ran up to him as he bent down with his arms extended for a hug. you immediately threw your arms around him in an embrace.
"glenn i- how are you- i don't understand?" you said as the pretty lady stood next to you and your brother from another mother with an amused look adorning her features.
"y/n, this is my wife, maggie. maggie, this is y/n, we were together in the very beginning before i found rick and the quarry group. she's like my sister, and i haven’t seen her in years," glenn introduced with a pleased smile on his face.
"hi, maggie. it's so nice to meet you, i must say, you are very pretty," you said to the short-haired woman. maggie reciprocated the introduction and accepted the compliment appreciatively.
"she's like, really pretty. you got married? when did you get here? who's rick? what's this place like? where have you been?" you rambled question after question once glenn excused himself from his wife so as to let the pair of you catch up.
"slow down, y/n/n," he said. "i know, she is very pretty. i did get married, but there wasn't a huge wedding or anything. we got here a few weeks ago. rick is the leader of my group. alexandria's pretty cool. it's safe, from what we’ve seen so far. and we've been about everywhere. now, where have you been? i mean, after we got separated." glenn inquired.
you took a deep breath. "wow. uhm, i've been floating around, i guess. i was with a few groups, but none of them lasted or were what i needed. i honestly don't really remember how i ended up in virginia," you explained with a breathy laugh as you walked down the streets with glenn.
it was then you got stopped by a short, bright-eyed, woman.
"hello, aaron tells me you're y/n? i'm deanna. i run this place, you could say. can i pull you away for a minute?" she said genuinely. glenn simply smiled at you as if to tell you she’s safe and not to worry.
you reluctantly walked away from the one familiar face in this place with deanna. she brought you to a house—her's, probably—where she set up a camcorder and began interrogation you.
after the short questionnaire, deanna assigned you to a house. apparently, it was already occupied by another teenage girl of your age group, enid.
as you walked into your house with the keys provided to you, you notice a group of teenagers sitting on the couch, 2 playing video games, and 2 others just chatting.
the only girl in the group notices you and jumps up from her spot on the couch. "oh my gosh! hey, you must be y/n. i'm your roommate, enid. these are my friends, ron, mikey, and carl." the girl with a bright smile introduced herself and each one of the boys.
you were a touch overwhelmed. you felt a bit self-conscious, realizing how clean and well-groomed everyone was, in contrast to your dirt-ridden white t-shirt and cargo shorts and boots.
"hey," a boy with curly hair, presumably mikey said, not looking up from his video game. his opponent, ron, also said "what's up?"
the last person on the couch was carl. he looked the most interesting to you, donning a sheriffs hat and a white, gauze, eyepatch. he just looked you up and down and smirked to himself. odd.
"i'm gonna go… shower,” you excused yourself upstairs to find your room and to truly, shower. you know there was running water, you saw it when enid turned on the faucet to grab a cup of water before sitting back on the couch. always the observer, you were.
after you showered and changed into fresh, clean clothes, you made your way downstairs. it seemed like ron and mikey had already returned home, leaving carl and enid on their respective seats on opposite sides if the couch.
"hey, new girl, we were just talking about you," carl said like he was trying to contain a smirk. "new girl?" you said, sitting next to enid on the sofa. "dude, be nice," enid said to carl, shooting him a warning glare.
"she's new, isn't she?" he defended himself. "i'm so sorry about him. usually, he's better than this," she apologized, another glare shot his way. you just chuckle to yourself and say "it's all good, i’ve been called worse," you leaned back, letting yourself relax for the first time in months.
"interesting, new girl. care to share?" the eye-patched boy asked. "first of all, i have a name. second of all, i don't owe you anything," you started before narrowing your eyes at him. "you're part of glenn's group, no?" you asked.
carl hummed, confirming. enid was sitting back and watching the unfolding drama between her two friends. "i am, you knew him?" he answered. "i did," you challenged, eyes boring into his.
"uhm, i think mikey needed me over at his place? bye guys!" enid lied to get out of the thick-tensioned room, darting out of the house.
"y'know, new girl, i think i like you," carl spoke. "you think? you wanna elaborate on that?" you smirked. "well, your stubborn, but not cocky. that's good. you're also hot, and my age," carl explained nonchalantly, moving closer to you.
you laughed at this. "is that so? i mean, you're not too bad yourself. however, i did only just meet you," you said. "we can get to know each other really well if you wanted to." he whispered, moving his gaze from your eyes to your lips and back up to lock eye(s) with you.
you stayed silent for a moment while subconsciously leaning closer and closer. you grazed your lips against his cheek and down to his jaw. you placed wet kisses along his collarbone before bringing your head back up to his head
"y/n," he groaned. "fucking stop," he muttered like he was getting impatient and smashed his lips against yours. you two moved like you were born to do this. you tangled your hands in his hair.
he pulled you onto his lap so you were straddling him on the couch. you took initiative and started grinding your hips against his crotch. you could feel him grow under you and it made you so wet.
you were so pent up. of course, there wasn't much sex happening at the end of the world, but you were a hormonal teenager with needs, and he was fulfilling each and every one. naturally, he felt verbatim.
"carl, upstairs," you moaned in between kisses. he wordlessly picked you up from under your thighs, not disconnecting your lips as he trudged up the stairs. he had obviously been here many times because he seemed to navigate the place better than you could've.
he figured out the location of your room quickly with some gentle navigation and laid you down on your bed. you pulled your thin shirt over your head. you watched as carl peeled off his flannel and then t-shirt. 
you lay flat on your back while he situated himself in between your legs, pulling them apart. the motion collected in your core, and he fumbled at his belt before you quickly undid it with one hand, pulling a groan from him.
he then pulled you by your ankles to the edge of the bed as you peeled off your last layers of clothing. he stared at you, admiring each and every crease and mark. "god, you are so beautiful," he said softly, but still with the same hunger and lust he had moments before.
carl grabbed a condom from his jean pocket. you wondered why he had one so at the ready, but you shook the thought away, too focused on the pleasure you knew he was going to give you.
he rolled it on before rubbing his pink tip up and down your slick slit, teasing you. "i swear to god, carl. if you don't fuck me in the next 2 secon- oh!” you were interrupted by carl pushing his full length into you. 
he pulled your leg up to his shoulder. he bottomed out, and gave you a moment to adjust to his size and after a moment, carl began to move and you sighed in arousal. he took that as a good sign before he used your leg as support to begin ramming into you.
"fuck, new girl. you're so tight," he almost whimpered into your ears after he fell on top of you, not letting up on his pace. his words made you clench your walls around him, making him whimper once more.
it felt good. too good. you thought- no, you knew. you knew if anyone tried to have a conversation with you right now, you wouldn't be able to properly form a coherent sentence. carl grimes was fucking your brains out and you were 110% okay with it.
carl snaked his hand down your body, making stops at your neck, both of your tits, and your love handles, then settled on your clit, making quick figure eights on it.
that was your breaking point. you allowed the tight knot in your stomach to snap, seeing white hot. you couldn't feel anything except him. 
it was all him. you had only known him less than a day and he had already infiltrated each and every one of your senses. 
you just moaned loudly and messily. carl, too, was nearing his release, and you could feel his protected dick twitch inside of you. "y/n, i'm gonna c-cum, holy sh- fuck!" he said before coming into the condom. 
after riding out both of your orgasms with a shudder from carl, he pulled out, watching your own juices flow out of your sensitive cunt. he thought for a moment before getting on his knees and lapping up all of your arousal.
you looked down at him and the view could've made you come again on its own. "carl, you're gonna make me fucking scream," you chuckled before he finished his special clean-up process. "would that be the end of the world?" he said before realizing what he said.
"you know what i meant," he chuckled before helping you off the bed and into the bathroom connected to your room. what a night.
𝐚/𝐧 :  i loved writing this ! lemme know what you thought and don't forget to vote 🤍
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annwrites · 5 months
i'm willin' if you are
— pairing: shane walsh x fem!reader
— type: part of a series
— summary: you confide an end-of-the-world wish to shane & he makes you an offer.
— tags: just the two of you conversing during an evening at the farm
— tw: mention of past suicidal tendencies
— word count: 2,048
— a/n: i've had an idea for a little scene like this for a very long time & finally decided to bring it to life. i plan to write more for shane in the future & build up more of a relationship between him & the reader. it's why i've indicated the reader as being fem for this post, despite there not being anything in this particular ficlet to indicate a gender; the other posts i hope to eventually write for shane will involve the reader as clearly having more feminine features.
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Shane comes up onto the porch, his boots thumping against each step. He stops, standing in front of you, watching you for a moment as you sew a button onto one of Dale’s shirts.
The button was near-silver in color, whereas the shirt was white, but it’d been the closest match you could find in the collection of them Maggie had let you sift through a little while ago. So, silver it was.
You look up to him, his hands on his hips, a small smirk on his lips as he watches you with mild interest.
You raise a brow slightly.
“This seat taken?” He asks, nodding to the rocking chair beside you.
You shake your head and he sits.
He leans back. “You the camp seamstress now?”
“There’s always work to be done. Even if it’s just fixing a shirt.”
“Dale can’t do that himself?” He asks, his tone not betraying the mild dislike it seemed he’d recently developed toward the man. You couldn’t understand what had occurred between the two to cause such a sudden rift, but you didn’t bother asking, either. None of your business and not your problem.
That was the issue with near-everyone in this camp: dealing with walkers and supplies constantly dwindling, then needing to be replenished—if not the occasional injury or loss of life—wasn’t enough. No, they needed to further their problems by causing more with others by sticking their noses where they didn’t belong, nor where they were wanted. And that included Shane.
More than included him, perhaps. At least at times.
But he’d always been kind to you. Helpful. Not that you didn’t know why: you pulled your weight. You hardly ever stopped working, really. Because when you did take a break, that allowed your mind to wander. Not that it didn’t anyway, but at least this way you were always exhausted at bedtime, so there was no opportunity for you to dwell on troublesome thoughts when it was quiet and dark and you had nothing else to think about than the horrors you’d endured. The losses you’d suffered.
Finally, you shrug, continuing to sew. “I don’t mind.”
Shane leans back. “Somethin’s on your mind.”
You look at him and he continues. “I can tell. Not very good at hiding it. At least not from me.”
You pull through the last bit of thread, then snip, setting the shirt and sewing materials on the small table settled between both your seats.
“I’m fine.”
He sits back, rocking in his chair. “Heard that before. And it was a load of bullshit then just like it is right now. So, you want to give me the truth, or am I going to have to break out Officer Shane to get it out of you?”
You glance to him and he has a playful smile on his face and a twinkle in his eye, but you don’t laugh.
“Just thinking about my bucket list.”
His smile disappears. “That somethin’ I need to be worried about: that you’re thinkin’ like that?”
You settle back in your seat, bringing your left leg up, bending it at the knee, resting your foot on the seat as your other continues to push against the floorboards of the porch, gently rocking the chair. You face him, back turned toward the front door behind you. “No.”
He sighs, shaking his head. “You have to give me more than that.”
You’d expressed a loss of will to live to him weeks ago at the quarry, but had stated the only reason you bothered to keep breathing was due to the unknown of what death—caused particularly by suicide—would hold. And then you had considered staying at the CDC with Jackie and Jenner, but he’d talked you out of it, pulling you along beside him—his hand holding so firmly to yours you were sure he’d dislocate your shoulder as he pulled you along—out of that building. Then he’d covered your body with his as the building exploding, sending debris in every direction.
After, as you traveled the highway, he’d—every now and again—rest his palm over your knee. A reassuring touch that you weren’t alone was all it had been; you had no doubt about that. Just innocent bodily contact.
Once the group was stranded at the highway, though, that sense of fear you’d felt watching the CDC burn had calmed. Your will to live dissipating once more. As you scavenged abandoned vehicles for supplies, you didn’t even think to use any of it to keep yourself on your feet.
And then you’d collapsed from dehydration. You’d woken up in Dale’s RV, Shane holding a bottle of water to your lips…begging you to wake up, cursing you for being just one more person to try and leave him. That he wouldn’t let you.
He may’ve been understanding of your behavior, but he’d not been pleased that you’d nearly died…again. He’d made as much clear. Had made you promise to be smarter in the future. To think before doing. To take better care of yourself going forward, or he would do it for you. And he assured you that you did not want Shane Walsh as your designated baby-sitter.
Neither of you had discussed the things he’d whispered to you in the RV that day when he’d thought you unconscious. You knew that he knew you’d heard some of it, but neither of you were going to acknowledge the soft, desperate words he’d uttered while pressing a cool cloth to your forehead, his hands shaking out of fear that you'd slip away.
In truth, you couldn’t understand it: why he cared so damn much what happened to you. He so often implied that he had no patience, nor need for the weak. And that’s what you were, weren’t you? Then again, he’d told you more than once how he admired how much of a hard-worker you were, even if it’d gotten you in trouble with him more than once now, because perhaps you’d been working too hard… Just a few times, though.
And now you were here, working yourself to the bone again, just like you’d done at the previous camp. You clearly never learn your lesson.
Finally, you sigh. “If I do, you have to promise to keep it to yourself. And that…that you won’t laugh or mock me.”
“I give you my word,” he states, eyes not leaving you.
You nervously wrap your hands around your bent knee, not looking at him. You felt so stupid even thinking it. The fact you were about to say it out loud? Even worse.
“Given the current state of things—not just the world, but right here with all of us—I want you to know that I know just how stupid and selfish I’m about to sound.” You look up to him. “It’s why I planned to keep it to myself. It’s not the sort of thing you share with others.”
He doesn’t speak, just continues to listen, waiting for you to give him the answer to the mystery of what had seemed to be on your mind all day.
“I’m also about to sound incredibly cliché.” You internally cringe before finally speaking it aloud. “I don’t want to die a virgin.”
You don’t look at him when you admit it. “I don’t mean that in some ignorant I-just-want-to-finally-get-laid kind of way. I just…I just wanted to know what it felt like to have that with someone; that experience.”
You look at him, tears shimmering in your eyes. “I thought I’d have more time. I wanted to do things ‘the right way’. I wanted to fall in love, get married—and, yes, I know how old-fashioned that sounds—but I thought I’d one day get that opportunity. Now? Now I just wish I’d done it. Gone to a bar, gone home with some stranger, and gotten it over with. But it still wouldn’t have been the way I wanted it to be. Now I just wish it could be, at the very least, with someone I care about. And if I’m lucky, they’ll care about me, too. If not?” You shrug.
You expect him to at least give you a look which insinuates that you were being ridiculous to be thinking about such things. Such frivolous and literally useless things. Sex. That was what you were thinking about lately. Not food, or water, or ammunition, or literally anything that would help to keep you all alive.
You were thinking about something that just…didn’t matter. Not anymore.
But he doesn’t give you such a look. Instead, you find understanding in his eyes. “I don’t think it’s any of those things you said at all: stupid or cliché or selfish. Hell I…I get it, y’know. It’s one of those things—life experiences. Somethin’ most of us want to have at some point. Not everybody cares whether it’s with a stranger or the love of their life, but some do. Nothin’ wrong with that. I’m not judging you for wantin’ that.”
A tear slips down your cheek at his understanding, which you quickly wipe away. In truth, it wasn’t just about being intimate with someone. It all came down to just how utterly lonely you were. How desperately you wished to have someone of your own.
But that wasn’t going to happen now. Not in this new world.
You couldn’t just bump into someone in the grocery store or meet someone online now.
Now… This was your life now. And you needed to live with that.
You’re both quiet for a moment, the only sound the crackling of the campfire a few feet away, clanging of dishes being washed after the last of the camp finishes up their supper, some idle chatter coming from inside the farmhouse, and crickets and frogs singing as a choir of the forest.
Until Shane speaks. And what he says next takes you completely by surprise. “I’ll have sex with you.”
Your head shoots up and in his direction. Your eyes widen, but he quickly holds his hands up in a gesture which says ‘let me explain first’.
“I don’t mean it in that kind of way, as in ‘you’re wanting to get screwed, and I think I’m the man for the job’, which really translates to me just wantin’ to get lucky. You want more than that—something deeper and…and actually meaningful, I mean. Like I said: I get it. You want someone who cares about you, and…hell, you know I do. Saved your life more than once, as I recall, at that,” he says with a smile. “I just…it’s somethin’ for you to think about, I guess. That I’m willin’ if you are.”
You’re left speechless for a moment. He’d offered himself up so easily that it made you wonder if he’d thought about this before. Being with you in that way, that is.
You glance over to the campsite, Lori and Rick talking amongst themselves, Carl having already gone to bed. You then look back to him and speak lowly. “Lori wouldn’t get jealous?”
He shifts uncomfortably. “I don’t know what you-”
You cut him off. “Please, Shane, spare me. I may be quiet and keep to myself, but I’m not blind. I’m nothing if not observant. I’m not judging you, either. Either of you. You both thought Rick was dead; you were grieving and scared. And you were all the other had. You were already practically family to one another.” He remains quiet. “I get it, Shane. I just…I’m not willing to give myself to a man who’s in love with someone else. I’m sorry, but thank you for the offer.”
He nods, refusing to meet your eyes now, perhaps out of shame.
You pick up Dale’s shirt, ready to give it back to him now that it’d been tended to, but Shane speaks again. “Anybody else know?”
You shake your head. “I don’t think so. Or, if they do, they haven’t shared as much with me. Not that I talk much to everyone here to begin with, I suppose,” you say with a small laugh, fairly devoid of humor. “And you don’t need to worry about me telling anyone, either.”
“I know that,” he says, reaching over to rest his hand on your thigh.
You stand, then, heading over to the RV.
Meanwhile, Shane’s eyes never leave you.
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pagesfromthevoid · 2 years
Cowboy Like Me | d.d.
Din Djarin x princess!reader
Word Count: 1.1k
Warnings: none
Author’s Note: Ahahahah fuck here we go again. Here’s to @bookxish and @ablondieproduction for helping me get this started and consequently probably ruining my life in the process :^)
Series Masterlist | Talk to Me!
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The Princess
Karga slid a single puck across the table before he leaned back in the booth. “Client wants the quarry back alive.”
The Mandalorian didn’t reach for the puck. “Unless you have more, I’m not interested.”
“You will be when you hear how much they’re willing to pay,” Karga countered, a sly grin on his face. “Thirty thousand, with an extra five if you bring the quarry back before the end of the month.”
It was moments like this that the helmet was an excellent asset. The hunter’s brows had shot up in surprise, disbelief surely written in his features as he considered just how much that was —more than enough for fuel, for food and supplies. He couldn’t believe that one quarry was worth that much.
But the helmet hid the surprise just fine.
He took the puck, about to switch the hologram up but Karga stopped him.
“I’m gonna recommend you keep the details to yourself, Mando,” he warned, and for once, Mando considered listening. “She’s not missing because she’s a helpless damsel who got taken by an enemy. She’s missing because she wants to be missing. She’s been gone several days already. No one seems to be able to find her.”
Mando turned the hologram on, leaning back as the image of a young woman in Senate regalia faltered before him. The maroon color of her gown was accented by the gold chains that hung from her hands and ears —but what caught his attention were her eyes. He couldn’t tell the color; it didn’t matter. Her eyes were wide, cast to the side as if she was looking at something that surprised her. The rest of her face showed her emotions well, even if her body language was stiff. She was beautiful, in a frustrating way. A way that suggested she knew but didn’t want others to notice.
Another reason to appreciate the helmet —he noticed things that people didn’t want noticed. But they never knew.
He recognized the man behind her as the senator of Senex. Last Mando had heard, the senator had died. They had yet to find a replacement.
“Any idea why she doesn’t want to be found?” He asked, switching off the hologram and pocketing the puck. The whole thing felt ridiculous; searching for a missing princess like in a children’s story. But money was money.
Karga shook his head. “Rumors; whispers. But nothing I can confirm.”
“You want it or not?”
“I took the puck, didn’t I?”
Karga hummed, leaning back. “Good luck, Mando. I hear she’s a fighter.”
Behind his visor, Mando rolled his eyes.
Everyone was a fighter until they met the Mandalorian.
She left him at the altar.
Oh, Maker. She left her fiancé at the altar.
No, no. She didn’t even make it to the altar. She didn’t even make it to the wedding.
What was she thinking? Was she thinking? Of course she was; she had to have been thinking because why else would she have left? Anyone in their right mind would have left too —no one truly wanted to marry someone old enough to be their grandfather. Not without a valid reason.
And her reason was far from valid.
Her reason wasn’t even hers. It was her mother’s.
But Maker —she left —what? Two? Three days ago? — without anything but the dress she wore, an empty backpack, and the credits she had been putting aside for years. No food, or water. No resources. Surely not a change of clothes, which she had to buy immediately. She had stuck out like a Wookiee among Ewoks. After several days of dancing around going home or staying missing, she finally decided she couldn’t go back. Not any time soon.
So, there she sat in a cantina, backpack tucked close to her side. The clothes she wore were far from royal. Instead of the decadent colors of gems, she wore a muted sort of brown tunic, with a scarf that covered her head and shoulders like a hood. She blended in well with the civilians around her, which was what she wanted.
Until she caught a glimpse of a Mandalorian across the room.
Looking at a hologram of her.
She nearly choked on her drink.
Maker help her —they’d put a bounty on her. And a Mandalorian was clearly in the middle of picking it up. If she left now, it would draw his attention. So she waited him out; kept her eyes down, breathing steady. If he left first, she would be fine.
Back on the ship, Din sets the puck on the control panel and turns it back on. The kid sits in his crib, playing with the knob to shifter, but Din can’t bring himself to take it from him. It’s the only thing keeping the kid from crying, and he needs to focus on getting the coordinates for her last location.
The kid looks up at the hologram though, cooing at the image as he makes grabby hands for it.
“No,” Din commands, his voice soft but stern behind the modulator. Then he sighs with exasperation: her last known location was there, on Nevarro. He should have known better.
Sometimes he wondered if Karga liked omitting details. Just to be inconvenient.
The kid babbles but goes back to his ball as Din eyes the image of the young woman in the hologram. He catches every detail —the curve of her cheekbones, the angle of her nose, the fullness of her lips. Back to the length of her hair, where it’s pulled back to be out of her face but stray curls seem to escape.
But he can’t pinpoint her eyes. The color doesn’t capture in the hologram —not well at least. He’s good with details, but he can’t make this one out and it bothers him.
The kid reaches out again, babbling happily as he does so. Din gently pushes his hands away before standing up.
“Let’s go find a princess, kid.”
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tintinwrites · 1 year
say it somehow | Din Djarin x Reader
Request: “Maybe it’s the first time they have ever really been in a fight and they aren’t quite sure how to apologize after. Of course they do apologize. It can be as fluffy or smutty as you feel comfortable! Thank you so much! I appreciate it!” - Anon
A/N: I hope this is good for you! This is what came to my mind when I thought on this request…and there can absolutely be a smutty and/or fluffy part two where they finally really say what they mean :)
Rating: T
Warning: Canon-typical violence and injuries. Angst. Some naughty words.
Word Count: 2,664, apparently!!
Summary: You and Mando fight for the first time and apologize in your own ways.
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GIF Credit: ^^^^
You knew Mando meant it when he told you to stay on the ship with the baby, but you saw how big the quarry was. You were there, in the cantina, and you saw with your own eyes that he was with a group of men that were just as large as him.
Mando was a skilled fighter who seemed to be able to get out of any situation barely harmed, but all you could imagine as you watched the baby sleep in his hammock was your companion getting smashed into the ground by several men who could snap him like a twig.
And it scared you. More than it should have, really, considering you were just his companion.
You knew that’s what he viewed you as; a glorified babysitter at best, a slight burden that he had to take with him at worst. He’d never treated you like the latter, yet the thought would creep into your mind when he had to get you food or help you in any way.
Not that he needed to help you that often. By no means were you as capable as him, but you had some combat training and you could easily hold your own. It’s just that everyone needed a helping hand at some point, and in your opinion, he was included in ‘everyone’.
He was more important to you than ‘everyone’.
You were moving before you could think, grabbing a blaster and making sure Grogu was secure inside the ship before you started the trek back to the cantina where you left Mando. Your heart was pounding so hard you could feel it as you considered the idea that you may be too late, that you were going to find nothing but empty armor and a still helmet.
You were half-relieved and half-terrified when you found them all outside of the small building; bulky, towering Mando, who had never looked so small before. His armor usually made him out to be so imposing, but not against these guys.
You ducked behind a forgotten landspeeder as you listened in, counting four men including the quarry himself. They were angry, yet calm. Telling Mando it would be in his best interest to keep walking and to let this one go.
Movement in your peripheral vision grabbed your attention and you saw a fifth man, just as big as the rest, sneaking quietly behind Mando.
They weren’t going to let him go without a scratch even if he gave up.
If you called out to warn him, the other men would pounce. If you tried to shoot the fifth man, it would likely end in the same result.
You took an idea from their book and started to sneak closer to the cantina, hiding behind landspeeders and crawling by dead bushes, pressing your back against the building when you made it there and slowly sliding across it behind the oaf. You saw a crate used for transporting goods turned over by a door, likely where the owner or their staff would sit to take a break, maybe to smoke some spice.
You reached for the small dagger you kept in a compartment under your pants before you put one foot on the crate, using it as momentum to fling yourself onto the giant man’s back with an unfortunately attention-grabbing cry.
The breath was knocked out of you as your chest hit a back so firm and muscled it was like running into a wall. You nearly slid off him, but you managed to wrap your arms around his thick neck.
Mando turned to look and stumbled back at the sight of the extra man, quickly pulling out his blaster and putting himself in a position where he could view all five of them.
Then he saw you. His helmet snapped up and you were sure he wasn’t thrilled, but you couldn’t think of it now.
You kept one arm around the man’s neck so you could use your free hand to sink the knife into his shoulder. He roared in pain and easily flung you off before you could pull your weapon out, sending you flying back.
All hell seemed to break loose as you slammed into the ground and slid a few feet back in the dirt, trying to press your hands into the dry soil to stop yourself from going further. Meanwhile, the other four men had descended upon Mando who was using his dodging skills and good aim to escape their hands and fists.
You didn’t stop until your back hit a stack of crates, which crashed to the ground all around you; all you could do was lift your arms above your head to keep from getting hit detrimentally, hissing in pain when the crates would smack your scraped palms.
When the rain of crates faltered and you could gather your bearings, you could see the man you attacked was stalking towards you. A glimpse behind him showed Mando had taken down the quarry, but was trapped in the grip of another.
The man before you ripped the dagger from his shoulder like it was nothing and you flinched at the accompanying squelch, stumbling over crates as you tried to move to your feet quickly.
Not quick enough. A hand gripped the back of your shirt and lifted you into the air, tossing you in the opposite direction where you landed a few feet away from Mando and the others. You heard him call your name, and looked over to see two of him and two of the man that was holding him, watching as he managed to ram his helmet back into his assailant’s chin.
He called your name again, this time as a warning, and you looked back to see a dagger coming towards you.
You rolled out of the way just in time for it to slice through your pants on your outer thigh, slicing you just enough for it to hurt like hell. It was better than having the blade in your thigh, though.
He made a swipe at your face and stumbled when you leaned out of his reach, giving you the opportunity to fumble with your blaster. You missed the first shot, but the second one hit him square in the face. He froze in place for just a moment before his shoulders slumped and the dagger fell from his limp grip, and he started to fall…toward you.
You squeaked and rolled away just in time for him to fall beside you with a loud thud. Two down, two to go.
Various parts of your body protested as you rolled onto your knees and staggered to your feet, finding Mando in a fight between the last two men. The one he’d hit had blood dripping down his chin, so you knew he would be a little disoriented. You decided to take him, as Mando gathered an insane amount of strength to flip the other onto the ground.
Two blaster bolts went off at once and then all was silent.
You smiled in relief and turned to go to Mando, but he swept past you to assess the quarry, presumably to see how he could get him back to the ship. “That was one hell of a fight, huh?”
He didn’t respond. Mando was quiet, but he usually didn’t ignore what you said unless it was some joke he couldn’t bear to admit was funny.
The air felt thick and awkward, and you were becoming acutely aware of all the parts on your body that hurt as you holstered your blaster. You stood for a moment, shifting on your feet, before you moved to help Mando with the body.
That was when he stood and you had to step back to make room for him, wanting the planet to swallow you whole for some reason as he just stared at you for a long moment. “I told you to stay on the ship.”
You blinked for a moment then raised an eyebrow. “Thank you so much for helping me take down five men twice my size, especially the one sneaking up on me. Oh, you’re welcome, Mando, it’s no trouble at all.”
He just sighed in a more frustrated way than you’d ever heard before and shook his head, turning his attention back to the quarry.
It felt…weird. He’d never been angry with you, not really. Annoyed, sure, but this quiet anger seemed to just be rolling off him. He wasn’t the type to get properly angry and neither were you, so you’d usually be calm and gentle with each other.
That was why you liked him so much. He never snapped at Grogu and he never lost his temper with you; it was attractive to you, just like his humor and his voice and all those other non-physical things he allowed you to know about him.
Only a few seconds ticked by, but you found your own anger blooming with each passing one, maybe because you were offended. Maybe because you were hurt.
Maybe because you looked up to him and admired him and wanted him to think of you, but he seemed to think you weren’t capable of holding your own.
“You clearly needed help and I’m perfectly capable of fighting, you know that. I’m not fragile.” You crossed your arms over your chest.
He was quiet for a moment, shoulders tense. “I didn’t say you were.”
“Oh, really? So you’re acting like a jerk because…why?”
He stood to his full height again and spun around to face you. “Remember that you travel with me. I gave you an order and you disobeyed me.”
Now your anger fully bloomed; is that what you were? A subordinate that he used for tasks he deemed small enough? “You’re not my superior!”
“If I tell you to do something, it’s probably in your best interest to listen.”
“You don’t know that! I didn’t listen this time and what happened? I kicked ass—”
“And you got hurt.”
You looked at your scraped palms and the bleeding gash showing through your pants, scoffing slightly. “So what? You get hurt all the time.”
“You got hurt,” he said again, tone different in a way you couldn’t read beyond your own anger.
“So what?!”
“It’s different.”
“How is it different?”
“It just is!” His voice was raised, not quite a yell, and he sighed again as if he was trying to back down.
You were too mad, shaking your head. “If it’s not because I’m incapable, then what is it? Everyone gets hurt, that doesn’t make me a bad fighter or something, so what is it?”
He didn’t answer and just stared at you for long enough that you turned in a huff, storming back to the ship. Your anger was quickly turning to tears and you managed not to cry until you were safely inside, staying quiet so as not to wake the baby.
You were so mad, but you weren’t really. You were hurt, assuming that his reasoning was because he just viewed you as a babysitter.
It was your fear, wasn’t it? Being very little to him when you thought so much of him.
You shook your head and wiped your tears away, grabbing the medkit so you could sit down and tend to your injuries. You cleaned your thigh and put a bacta patch on it first, wanting to stop the bleeding before you turned your attention to the more minor injuries.
The inevitable bruises on your body from hitting the ground would have to heal on their own, you supposed.
You were struggling to clean your hands when Mando appeared with the quarry, dumping the body out of sight before he returned. He crossed the length of the ship and tried to grab your wrist, but you yanked it out of his reach.
When he hesitated and tried again, you let him bring your hands closer if only because it was hard for you to take care of them since they were both hurt.
There was something extra gentle to his touch as he wiped dirt and blood from your hands, and you wonder if he felt guilty. His guilt in turn ate away at you for snapping at him like you did and now the air was tense again, but different.
He smoothed bacta gel over your palms and would slow down when you flinched or whimpered in pain. “I didn’t want you to get hurt.”
Now that you weren’t as angry, you could hear the things he didn’t say and the lilt in his tone. He meant that that was why he told you to stay because, while he knew you could fight, he didn’t like when you were hurt.
Some kind of warmth spread over you, the hope that he felt about you the same way you did about him.
Hope and guilt.
An apology seemed to get stuck on your tongue, wanting to tip over but too embarrassed to apologize to someone like Mando. You opened and closed your mouth a few times before you decided on, “I didn’t mean to be so angry.”
“I know.” He wrapped your hands to allow the bacta to work its magic. “And I know you’re capable. You did help.”
“I don’t like the thought of you being hurt either,” you said with these little hints of desperation and yearning and gentleness, unable to stop it like you stopped your apology.
You never knew what expressions he was making, but based on the tilt of his helmet, he seemed perplexed. Like no one had ever cared about him being hurt before and he thought it was strange, that it didn’t matter. “Thank you.”
He put everything back in the medkit and turned to put it away, but you grabbed onto his arm before he could move away. “I mean it.”
You weren’t sure why you wanted him to know so badly. Maybe just so he’d know he was cared for or so your feelings would be a little more implied.
Or you were hoping that he would say something too, something to tell you that you had a chance with this seemingly unattainable, untouchable, just-out-of-reach man.
His hand gripped onto your arm in return, but he said nothing. Unreadable, as always, but the squeeze of his fingers planting more seedlings of hope in you that maybe he just didn’t know how to say it. Just like neither of you seemed to know how to apologize.
You would have to communicate through a gentle touch here or a meaningful word there, too shy and awkward and frightened to dare to be fully honest. What if it wasn’t meant to be? What if one of you lost the other?
Is that what Mando meant deep down when he said he didn’t want you to be hurt? He didn’t like seeing you hurt, no, but maybe he was afraid to lose you.
That was why you couldn’t stop yourself from helping him, fearing that he’d gotten in over his head this time and that would be it.
His arm fell away, but your hand stayed in the air for a few moments before you lowered it into your lap. Feelings implied, but not confessed.
Part of you wanted to blurt out that you liked him as more than a companion and friend, another part of you wanted him to turn around and tell you the same thing, but you were both just silent.
Perhaps it was for the best. Maybe he didn’t feel the same way, or the two of you wouldn’t work out so you’d have to go your separate ways, or something in your wild lifestyle would tear you apart.
It was very likely that it could hurt you both to admit your feelings so it was best to just pretend you didn’t feel them at all.
But you did feel them, and keeping them to yourself hurt anyway.
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grogusmum · 2 months
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This week, being particularly hard for us in the Pedro Fando, I shared some of my thoughts on the subject and reminded everyone, as I do each week, it's fic reccin' time.
And boy, did you answer the call! I got recs coming out of my ears! Which is awesome, I got so many reblogs, boosting the signal, so it reached people I've not crossed paths with yet. But I do want to point out that more often than not, I don't get any suggestions. This isn't a guilt trip, I promise. I just want to point out that even though we are busy, even though we can get caught up in our own stuff... we shouldn't wait until the shit hits the fan to hold each other up. And it doesn't always need to be sending in recs to me. It can be an ask telling someone what you like about their blog, their art, writing, editing, or whatever, why you value them in our community. (And you don't need to be eloquent, just sincere) It can be signal boosting someone new's work. If you are usually shy about commenting and reblgging- challenge yourself. Or starting some shenanigans of your own (if you fear it will flop, ask a few moots to help get it going).
So, these are just a few more thoughts from your Hazel 💚 I love you. (Yup, it's true. If hate can be someone's default feeling toward people, my default can be love.) Anyway, without further ado, here come the recs!!!
Imagine a radio DJ from Yesteryear, one hand on the headphones talking overly animated into an overhanging mic
Hey there, everyone in Pedroville! And all across the Greater Tumblrtown Area!! These are usually oldies but goodies, but this week we took old and new alike! This one's coming in from @maggiemayhemnj , who recced We'll Always Have Paris with Marcus Pike x f!Reader by our own @fromthedeskoftheraven !!
The lovely @shchristine has a Javier Peña x ofc fic for all you cats and kittens called MIAMI ! Christine is new to the scene, long time lurker, finally sharing her fic on tumblr. Let's all boost her signal!!
We got a plethora of recc from none other than @pedropascalito , and it's Javi P heavy no shock there!!
When I Think About You by @alwaysbethewest
Good Things Take Time by @oonajaeadira
Don't Look And It Won't Hurt by @mourningbirds1
Blue Star sent in @joelsgreenflannel 's "Golden Like Daylight" (Javier Peña) and one of their own! @bluestar22x "Finding Eden" (Zach Wellison!!!)
We got some more new writers! Not only posting their works but promoting them! You rock babies!!
@sunshinehaze1 So Say Goodbye (Marcus Pike x f!Reader)
@ak-vintage Quarry (Din Djarin x f!Reader)
If you do not see some of your fic recs, I didn't want to overload this post and have stories get lost in the crowd!
I will put them in future Fic Recs.
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misguidedasgardian · 19 days
Wildcats (Part XXV)
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XXV. When a good man goes to war
Summary: Daryl wants you to connect with the most important woman in his life, fully knowing how you feel about her, the problem is he picks the worst moment for it. 
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Zombie apocalypse AU, living dead, zombies, guts, blood, guns, kissing, longing, angst, fluff, kissing, touch starved reader & Daryl, THIS CHAPTER WILL PORTRAIT SIDE EFFECTS OF THE USE OF A “PLAN B” PILL such as dizziness, weakness, and others, INACCURATE mentions of handling explosives, might miss some important warnings, but you know what this is about
Notes: I just got fired and I have been telling everyone that I'm still working so they leave me alone at home for the weekend, haha, so that’s why I’m writing so much. 
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You shouldn’t have taken that damn pill today
You felt like shit, like you had been run over by a trash truck, as Rick told everyone in Alexandria about the urgent situation at hand. You didn’t know which was worse, the fact that there was a quarry filled with walkers, or his plan to deal with them
“We’ll lead them away…”, he finished his plan, and to your relief, there were some conflicted faces around. The silence extended for a few seconds, and that is when you needed to intervene. this was one of those “forums” you knew better than to go against Rick, but this was up for discussion, so you went for it.
“Rick we can’t release them into the world”, you said, he stopped all movement and looked back at you, frowning
“What?”, he asked
“We can’t let them walk out of there”, you said, “every single one of these fuckers is taking out the last people alive, we can’t release them so they could kill and eat more people!”, you said. A shaky blonde man with big blue eyes seemed supportive
“So what do you suggest we do?”, he asked
“There is machinery, we should find a way to destroy them, burn them, bury them…”, you muttered
“It’s too dangerous to come up close”, he said, “there is no ammo enough to wipe them all out, it's impossible”
“I bet Eugene knows how to build a bomb or something”, you said, the man nodded
“Yes Ma’am I do”, he said proudly
“That will bring thousands more”, said Daryl
“Then we eliminate the ramps, turn it into a huge pit, let them fall in, we bury them, leave it there for more, they will keep coming and falling, we are doing a great service”, you said
“To whom?”, asked Rick
“Humanity”, you said quickly, “if we release them out there they are going to keep killing humans! animals! destroying everything in their path!”, you said quickly, “its us VS them! you said it!”
“We have the RPG”, said Alexander, “several rockets, a couple of grenades”
“Its too much of a risk”, muttered Rick
“It is much greater of a risk releasing them!”, you said quickly. “We throw a bomb right at the center”, you said quickly, “they will turn towards it, relieving the pressure from the escaping points…”
“We don’t have enough rockets”
“We use a couple, then we burn them or something”, you said, “But we can try”
He did not seem pleased at all, and you were so drowsy you felt like you could pass out.
“We are not ready for an operation like that”, he said, “Alexandria is not ready for an operation of that magnitude”
“We are gonna need explosives, to eliminate the ramps and to diminished their numbers”, said Alexander, “i know how the military operated, i bet that if you give me a couple of days I would be able to find some”
There was an awkward silence
“She is right!”, said the shaky man, and you heard mumbles of approval
“We can try it your way”, said Rick, “but if it doesn’t work…”
“Then we lead them away”, you promised
You then looked at Deanna, who nodded
“You have a week to find explosives, or come up with a  similar solution, if you don’t, we follow Rick’s plan”, she sentenced, and you only nodded, you searched the eyes of Eugene, who had a weird, determined look on his face, then the shaky guy, and then Alexander who smirked. 
You met with said people, Rick of course was there, and several others.
Alexander placed a man over the table on the porch. 
“I want this points checked”, he said signaling habited points on the map, “I was called in when the crisis fully broke out”, he said, “they send troops on surrounding areas of the capital, and, of course, many of them didn’t return, so, they may have left some things behind, that’s why, I need four groups, of three or four people on each, to disperse and search, I want a long range shooter, a short range fighter, and a scavenger on each”, he said, “that is for safety”, he said, “as there are three of us who have military training, maybe four”, he said looking at you who nodded, “those being Me, Espinoza, Ford and (Y/L/N), I want us dispersed in the groups too”
Rick looked supportive so far, agreeing with everything Alex was saying.
It was odd, you felt a weird sense of pride, bringing him in was your idea, so you still felt responsible for him, and the fact he was adapting well and being a good ass asset, made you somewhat proud.
“Eugene”, he called then, “you told me you could make home-made explosives, how real is that promise?”
“For a few explosions of a magnitude that will not jeopardize the general constitution of said quarry or our safety, but be bigger than one that could cause a single house fire, I do need some materials that will not be found here but I have certainty that can be found out there…”, he said, Alexander looked at him like trying to comprehend his words, then nodded
“Alright, I want you in Ford’s team”, he said, he then looked at Abraham who nodded, “Abraham you help him get what he needs”
“Damn right”, he asserted
“The rest of us, we look for explosives, grenades, or rockets”, he said. “Espinoza, you know your explosives”,
“Yeah”, she said with a small smile
“Well, flash course to Abraham and (y/n), so they know how to manipulate what they find”
“It’ll take me a couple of hours with this thickheads”, she mocked, you and Abraham chuckled
“I’ll give you the entire afternoon”, he promised, “make the teams”, he demanded 
As people dispersed to do as Alexander commanded you separated from the rest as Rosita, Abraham and Alex did, and Daryl approached you
“I was thinkin’ that since you are the military part, and somewhat the scavenger, maybe Carol and I can go with ya”, he said with a soft smile, “the three of us”, oh gods. You thought, while with your tongue caressing the still healing wound inside your mouth. 
“You sure?”, you asked him, concerned, but you guessed, then with any bonding time with Carol, having Daryl there was a relief. You smiled then, had flashbacks of your mission in Atlanta with these two, you had not enjoyed it, BUT… many things had changed since then, specially your relationship with your loving archer. And the hope in his eyes could perfectly made you do whatever he wanted, “Let’s do it”, you said with a soft smile. Would you be able to get a fourth person in?
You could not get the fourth person.
Alex led a group, with Rick, the new guy Smith, and Michonne
Abraham, Eugene, Sasha, and Tara
Rosita, Glenn, Maggie, and that guy Gary. 
And then there was you, Daryl and Carol. 
Laura wanted to participate too, but she was helping out in the infirmary with Beth and Denise, and medics needed to stay protected at all costs. She knew all about pharmaceuticals thanks to her father, that is what she told you. You liked her, she was badass, and somewhat nice, despite it all. 
“You contradicted me big time today”, Rick said, but he did not looked recriminatory at all
“Normally I wouldn’t have done it, but…”
“I’m glad you did”, he said, “let’s give this a shot, let’s hope we don’t blow ourselves up in the process”
“I have faith”, you answered
“We need to include your approach on this”, he muttered, “your approach on walkers”
“After”, you promised 
“After”, he said, nodding. you felt a bit dizzy, and he seemed to notice, “Are you alright?”, he asked softly, you nodded 
“Yeah, yeah, just a bit tired”, you assured, you wanted to curl up on a couch with a blanket, preferably with Daryl’s arm wrapped around you.
You played dumb at Carol’s attempt to make you all lunch, instead sneaking out to the third house that had been gifted to the team, where Alex resided, a smaller house, where he shared quarters with Rosita, Abraham and Eugene
He was kind enough to gift you a cup of your favorite pork ramen
You ate ramen with the military team while you shared war stories, well, as Rosita did receive training from Abraham and their former team, she had not served, nor did you. You had received really wild, almost savage training by Mayor. But Abraham and Alex had some stories that made you laugh out loud.
“And then we just had to wait for the camel to shit the keys”, and you all broke in a laugh.
“I have heard this story a thousand times and it still makes me laugh”, said Rosita, “but… let’s talk explosives”
“Great”, you muttered. And Rosita started to give you an explosives class 101
“...If it's a bit broken, misshapen, or even the paper around it looks funny… don’t touch it, don’t move, don’t look at it”, she said severely
“And this is what a crate of dynamite usually looks like”, Alex told you, showing you a picture, “like the wooden ones from the cartoons”
“Oh I loved ACME products”, you laughed
“But I don’t want any of you to risk it unnecessarily, if it is compromised, or you are not sure, do not manipulate it”, Alex commanded, “sometimes they don’t need fire to be detonated”, he warned, “so you call in Rosita with the radio, or me, or two of the group goes back to find her or me, alright?”, he said, you all nodded, “when in doubt, do not manipulate, and if you happen to find an untouched box, carry it with care”.
There was more, more details and things to remember.
“We go tomorrow”, said Alex, “you are all sure about your teams?”
“Yeah”, you all three said
“Good”, he nodded.
You exited the house when you came face to face with Smith, and Gary
“Military, uh? you are full of surprises”, he teased
“I did not serve”, you said, “I was trained when the shitshow started by a military man in Atlanta, that’s it”, you said simply. “very… informal training”, you assured him
“I think you are selling yourself short”, he said, “but you also look like shit”, he said, “you sure you are fine?”, you frowned
“I’m good”, you assured him. Him and Gary gave you the creeps, so you were quick to keep moving. 
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“I’m not questioning you boss”, muttered Gary, making Negan frown, “but I do sometimes wonder… what your plan is”, Negan looked down the street where you were walking away from them. He had to admit, he had never done this before. 
They had eyes in Alexandria for a while now, all this lucky, fancy people, in this beautiful community, ready for the taking, they weren’t like him and his people, they weren’t farmers like Hilltop, they didn’t grow shit like the Kingdom, this… were the luckiest sons of bitches he had ever met.
Until Rick and his posse came around.
Now the tides were changing, now these people were becoming, quickly, more ferocious, now… they could become a problem.
So he decided to pull this little trick on them, to see what these people were made of, the original Alexandrians mixed with this savage band of survivors, this strange creature, like an eagle with two heads looking in opposite directions.
These people, the newcomers… were different… they had been on the road, they were almost wild, feral, they weren’t like the rest of the communities.
Negan could feel himself tight in the pants with the mere thought of what this people were capable of, and the brutal crash that was going to be produced when they met his people
People were a resource, oh and he planned on using it properly, to the best of their abilities.
They were a goldmine, militars, leaders, soldiers, they’ve got it all, a family, brains, braun… Looks too, even a couple of farmers and medics. And then there was you, an strange creature for sure, he was still trying to guess the nature of your relationship with Rick, he knew you were not related, he also knew he didn’t want to get into your panties or you his, you were with the archer, the wildest of these people, his future soldier.
What was your role in all of this? Rick listened to you, as he saw it today. 
He needed to play it right, or everything he had built could be put in jeopardy.
But now? Oh, he had the perfect opening, he knew his people had cleaned the surroundings, you were not going to find anything, so that gave him the opportunity to actually “save you”, a good beginning.
He was the savior for a reason, right?
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You went back to the house, and it was afternoon, the sun was shining, so you could sneak out of the day’s activities, you needed it, rather than deserved it.You loved your room, because at this special hour, the sun sneaked through the windows and hit it just right over your bed, warming it up for you.
You could activate “plant mode”, and do some photosynthesis in your bed. (You knew that wasn’t a process humans made but plans, but it was still funny to think about it). 
But Daryl found you, as you finally got to the perfect position on the bed when the sun hit you in your back, and you had positioned the pillows just right. 
“Hey”, he greeted gently, “ya feeling good?”, you only hummed
“Just a bit drowsy, that’s all”, you mumbled
“Is it that damn pill?”, you barely nodded, half your face in full contact with the pillow, “Ya need anything?”, you shook your head, “I’m gonna go, with Carol, to prepare for tomorrow”, you nodded again, you loved being wrapped up in Daryl’s embrace, but this felt just too good. 
When the time to eat something came upon you, you were straight up roadkill.
You sat on the table and barely listened to anything that was being said, but not really, you felt like you were underwater, but you survived it. You charged the walkies for tomorrow, and then you escaped to find sleep again. 
Daryl followed you up, actually.
“Brought our pajamas”, he said gently
“Do you mind if we only sleep tonight?”, you asked him, he only caressed your face, and kissed you softly. And you slept together, cuddling. no funny business. 
So the very next day you were waiting by the gate. You were determined to make this right, this was important to Daryl, so this was important to you. Alexander had given you a pair of military boots that was the most comfortable thing you had ever tried, and you were wearing comfortable but thick clothes, nothing restraining, you had your loaded Pentagon gun with your silencer in your holster and your trusted ax in your other side, with two knives in your boots.
You gathered, the fifteen of you, four cars.
“Alright, everybody knows where to go”, said Alexander, “everybody got their missions”, he said then, “If you find dynamite, communicate through the walkies”, he said, “if you are not sure, don’t manipulate without me or Rosita”, you all nodded, “let’s come back at sundown”, and everybody splits. 
You met with Daryl and Carol.
But the thing is, you had this unique and toxic ability to match the temper of people around you, and the second you saw Carol’s butt face she was wearing for the day, your temper immediately got sour. And Daryl seemed like he was the one that was going to be handling two misshapen explosives for the rest of the day.
“Are you gonna go on your bike?”, you asked Daryl, he nodded, “I will take the truck, so we can carry what we find”, you said
“I’ll go with you”, Carol said gingerly to Daryl, who looked at you, alarmed, you barely nodded with a smile, preferring to have a long nice lone ride in the truck
“You know where we are going, right?”, you asked him, he nodded, “lead the way”, you got in the truck and lit it up, you were the second group to leave Alexandria after Rick’s. Who left in the HUMVEE that Alexander had not let you drive yet.
You stole his CD though, and you were blasting that Scorpion’s song all the way up. While Daryl drove his bike in front of you with Carol attached to his back
You were not jealous, you were not threatened, you were fine. 
It took you about an hour to reach your destination, you left the truck in a more secluded spot, as Daryl pulled up on his bike. 
Carol was smiling, but it was quickly shut down when she saw you coming out of that truck. You wanted to say you tried, but her attitude wouldn’t have let you.
Carol opened the back door of the truck to grab her weapon. You made sure to have a “pleasant” look on your face, and she was not giving you an opening. This was going to be harder than you believed. 
“We should split up”, said Carol, grabbing onto her gun, Daryl immediately looked at you, because he knew you did not like it.
“Yeah”, you accepted, he opened his mouth on protest, “if you see walkers, do not engage, or do, you know your abilities and risks”, you liked to lead, you had proven yourself to be a decent leader, but this time, you just… wanted to get this over with.
“The whole point of this…”, he started, but when he saw your faces, he shook his head and sighed, “I’ll take the bike, check the perimeter”, Daryl mumbled, “you go to that small town”
“Yeah”, you said, and started walking, they shared words, you didn’t listen, but kept walking. You heard Daryl’s motorcycle going away until the sound disappeared and that left Carol and you.
“The point of this whole thing was for us to bond”, she said, and you didn't know her enough to determine if she was being sarcastic or not. 
“This point of this is to look for explosives to eliminate a potential full destruction level threat to our community”, you corrected, “making this a bonding exercise is proving to be a colossal mistake”, you kept going, “besides you were the one that proposed for us to split up”
“Daryl told me you were a great leader”, she said, oh, she was testing you, she wanted you to fight her, to make you all stay together. Shame on you, did she want to clean her hands out of this madness? pinning its failure on you?
“A good leader is only a good leader if they have willing people to follow”, you said then, as you were walking in the main street. Whatever game it was, you were not playing, this was a mission.
“Daryl is my best friend”, she said, you only stopped to look back at her, “so that means we are supposed to be… friendly”, she said. What were you? fifteen?
“Says the one that put a sharpened chicken bone in my food”, you said back, she frowned, your anger was quickly overpowering your fear of her, and the thing is, you were fight, not flight, you learn that the hard way. “Look I know you two created that kind of bond that is stronger than blood, and I respect that, and I will keep doing that…”
“I don’t know what he sees in you”, she interrupted, ouch
“... you are right, let’s just be cordial”, you invited, “I will not get in your way, you will not get in on mine, Daryl loves us both, and that’s what’s important to me, we don’t have to be friends, we just need to keep clear of each other's relationship with him”, you were offering her an out, a peace agreement, you didn’t know what she looked like she was angrier than before.
“He loves you, uh?”, she said in a whisper
“That's what he said”, you said gently, “and I love him”, you assured her, she came close to you, you didn't back down, and she leaned in
“If you hurt him in any way, shape or form I will slit your throat”, she whispered into your ear, “and then I will stab you in the base of your skull”, she said. You looked back at her, normally you would be fearful, but again, you were fight, so you just looked at her.
“If I do hurt him, I might even let you”, you only said back. You then separated from her slowly, “You are part of this family, and that makes you my family too, if you injure yourself, I’ll aid you, if you need anything, I’ll help you, if I see you being attacked by a walker or even an enemy I will eliminate that threat for you, but I don’t really see us exchanging recipes”, you admitted, she looked at you, squinting, and then she nodded, “I’ll take the right side of the street”, you said. Walking away from her. 
You were checking the third building, when you saw through a backside window… A highschool. You saw one of those big military trucks, and the remains of what one day could have been… a real battlefield near the gymnasium. 
So you went there. Arm in hand. 
You approached the military vechile first, it was fucked up, rest of walkers everywhere, it had crashed against a wall. You checked the inside, and there was nothing interesting. You heard growling, a walker, who had been a military man, came for you, you put it down nice and easy. With your ax, because… you then searched him for grenades, and you couldn’t find anything on him. 
“HEY! YOU!”, you looked up, and you saw two men right in the corner of the building you were just in. you stood up quickly, “STOP!”, one commanded, you didn’t want to sound judgemental, but they looked like they were up to no good.
You took two warning shots
So that left you with 2 less…
“That’s far enough gents!”, you said, pointing your gun at them, they were like 50 meters away from you, perfect range. But… they didn't take them as warning shots, they took out their big ass guns, “SHIT!”, you cursed and you dived behind the truck as a rain of fire fell on you. The truck was big enough so you could see underneath, you took pretty good shots, hitting one of them in the leg, but you missed the others
1, 2, 3… 4, 5 and 6
Count your shots… this isn’t a movie, said the voice of Mayor inside your head. 
9 to go then.
“Come out here”, they said, one whining about the shot on his leg, “we don’t wanna hurt you!”, yeah right. To your complete horror, you saw a truck pulling up, more guys coming in
“Hey! What the hell is going on?”, you jumped from your hiding spot now that they were distracted and you shot all you could while you took cover inside the big gym. But oh you shouldn’t have done that. You quickly realized that you didn't have any more bullets and that thing had only one viable exit was the one you just entered, as the other was completely obstructed by chairs, tables and other things. 
You looked around, only bleachers and then… on top of them, looking right at you like an owl on a branch up a tree was a guy
“Hey”, he called for you quietly. 
“Who the fuck are you?”, you asked, coming towards him ax in hand, he didn’t have any guns on him, he showed you his hands, so when you reached him, you stood still, you did not attack him. 
“I’m Jesus”, you looked at him weird, “I’m Paul, but my friends call me Jesus”, he corrected
“And who the fuck are them?”, you asked pointing to outside
“They call themselves Saviors”, he said, “I’m not with them”
“Do you have a camp?”, you asked, he nodded, “me too”
“Come out here darlin’ we know you are in there!”, you hear them cry out. “There’s no way out!”
“What are you doing here?”, he asked
“Scavenging”, you answered, “how ‘bout you?”
“Yeah, me too”
“Are they going to kill me?”, you asked Jesus looking out there.
“Did you kill any of them?”, you shook your head, “then you should be good”
“Fuck you Yeezus I don’t believe you!”, you whispered angrily 
“Come out here sugar, or we are going in!”, they mocked, you whined. Gods you shouldn’t have shot at them, your heart was beating so fast, you didn’t know what to do, but they were coming in, you couldn’t stop them, and they were going to find you both in here. You could see them out there through a darkened window. There were only two.
But when you properly saw the truck that had pulled over, you gasped
It was a white Toyota Tacoma with an Atlanta plate, actually, Georgia plate, it was… the truck YOUR TRUCK, THE EXTERMINATORS INC TRUCK. it still had the M2 mounted in the back. 
“I’m here with two more people, so if you encounter a rough guy on a motorcycle, his name is Daryl, please tell him what happened here…” you told him, “...please…”
“Don’t go out there!”, he said quickly. But you needed to find out what that was about 
“If I don’t they will come in here and find you too, there is no other way out!”, you said, “I’m out of bullets anyways”, he looked concerned, “If you find another group, ask for Rick, or Daryl, please, I’m (y/n)”, you said, “please tell them what happened”, you repeated.
“Where’s your camp?”, he asked quickly
“I can’t tell you that”, you answered, getting out of the platform you were in
“But wait!”, he said, but you didn't listen, you jumped out of there 
“Sorry gentlemen!”, Jesus saw you walk out with your hands in the air, “but you’ll have to understand..”, he laughed when he saw you punch one of them in the face and kick the other in the nuts and started sprinting down the street, losing you from sight. 
It was an open ground, so you had no choice but to run ahead, hoping to lose them back on the street, but a gunshot that rang by your ear made you stop on your tracks.
You had to be smart about this
“STOP RIGHT THERE!”, you stopped as there were two other guys, counting up to four, but they didn’t approach you, only the two you started the fight with. You turned around angrily. 
“What the fuck do you want from me?”, you asked him
“Hey! you fired first!”, they looked badass, but dangerous, but they sounded idiotic
“Warning shots! A girl can only be too careful”, you said simply
“Well, it doesn’t matter, you are in our territory”, you wanted to laugh 
“I’m sorry, but I’m not bothering anyone”, you said angrily, “who the fuck do you think you are?”
“You're scavenging on his grounds”, he said as the smartass he believed himself to be, you raised an eyebrow
“Oh I’m sorry, tell the mayor of whateverthisfuckingtownis that I’m very sorry, is the sheriff coming for me?”, you mocked 
“Let’s see if Negan finds it funny”, he said
“Who the fuck is Negan?”, you ask
“We are Negan”, you sighed. 
“Third person this ‘itch?, alright then”, you said, “(y/n) would like to be left alone”, you said mockingly 
“Listen you little bitch”, grunted one, “Are there more people with ya’?”, he asked, “Negan would like to know”, you just looked at this man dead in the eye 
“Is Negan in the room with us?”, you asked softly, they both frowned
“Where’s your camp?”, they asked
“I don’t have one”, you said quickly
“Where do you keep your shit then?”, asked the other, the dumber looking one
“In a cute house down P. Ennis street”, he lunged at you, grabbing you by the neck, he squeezed. The other grabbed his arm, you were on the tip of your toes trying to relieve the pressure. You looked for your ax and you realized you didn’t have it with you, shit you must have left it inside, with that guy. Shit! your ax! no!
“Where the fuck do you come from?”, he asked, squeezing. 
“I’m sure Negan is gonna want to talk to her”, he said surely to his pal, so he released you
“I’m not going anywhere with you wackos”, you said angrily, you saw, behind them and up a building, Carol was watching. 
“We’ll take a little trip”, said one
“No! fuck off!”, that is when the side of your head met the back of his gun.
And everything turned black.
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PCN: DON'T GET ME WRONG I love Carol, I love her character, I just don't like her, like, if I knew her personally, I think i wouldn't like her at all, BUT her character is super cool and I love her relationship with Daryl
I had written that scene with the saviors for like CENTURIES, I think is the first thing I ever wrote for this and i'm so happy its finally "here"
@crazyunsexycool @capricxnt
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turkeycalamitybff · 2 months
on my stranger things bullshit again anyway
Holly being a major character this time???? I’ve got SO many things to say about that. Because she’s been foreshadowed to understand more than she’s letting on this ENTIRE TIME. Like I’ve seen no one talk about this but Holly def knows more than she’s letting on. And we’ve been shown that for so long. Look at season three episode seven “The Bite” around 2:50. When the other Wheelers are on the Ferris wheel Holly sees the trees moving, (the mindflayer) and comments on it. Like!!!! She has been in so many background scenes commenting to Karen about things from the upside down. And in season one she is the first one to see the “messages” from Will and the pressing on the wall. Will and Holly are TOTALLY connected. I was genuinely confused when she didn’t get a bigger role in season four but now it makes sense.
Will is what started the series but Holly will end it. And the Duffers legit said that they were paralleling season one (going back to those groups) so wouldn’t it make sense for ANOTHER CHILD CONNECTED TO MIKE WHEELER (who has been intimately connected to the plot each season I feel like) to go missing??? This is the WHEELERS season and no one can convince me otherwise. It’s all about learning that it’s good to be different. It’s about the WHEELER family learning that.
and it helps Karen get involved! Because in all the scenes Holly shows Karen something she could’ve just seen it herself. Holly was, objectively, a character that didn’t have to exist before now. But she does BECAUSE SHE IS CONNECTED TO THE UPSIDE DOWN. My guess is that she is heavily paralleled to Will this season (the title of chapter two one of the biggest examples) and is going to be the main catalyst and I for one am HERE FOR IT.
Will is the main character this season but the Wheelers are the ones who create the plot.
in general the Wheelers have always seemed to be huge. When the Cali gang gets back it would make sense for El to be at the front, correct? Or will? But no, Mike the one “leading the charge” it looks like. He really is the heart. When his sister goes missing?? Oh it’s over for Vecna.
also manifesting a scene after Holly goes missing for Mike to have a mental breakdown about the similarities to when Will was missing and Wills like so confused??? Like Dustin and Lucas see it too and they tell Will about how insane he went and Wills just. Shocked.
also manifesting a scene for the party (or everyone) where they find out what happened at the quarry with Troy in season one bc that was so built up? (Scene where hopper says that for someone to jump off was a death sentence) and then NOTHING happened and I need it to be addressed. Like maybe something similar happens and Dustin comments on it, and everyone finds out?? Just in general I can see how losing his younger sister could lead to Mike nearly committing suicide (that boy is SO depressed, Jesus) also I know this probably actually means nothing but I’ve always thought Holly was getting a bigger role since I saw the episode title “Holly, Jolly” like idk? It always seemed so weird to me and I always thought “oh hollys going to get bigger” and she never did? Also idk the episode title is just plain weird. Like I understand it’s like a play on the Christmas lights and ironic cause no one is happy but what always gets me is the comma. Like I would’ve thought they would’ve named it “Holly Jolly” which in my opinion makes more sense and is more continuos. Plus it wouldn’t bring Holly to mind as much and wouldn’t foreshadow her being part of it. BUT MAYBE they are going to parallel that episode and I won’t be crazy but who knows even. This last paragraph is me ranting.
tl;dr Holly and the Wheelers have been foreshadowed since season one to play a bigger role and to be connected to the upside down and we’re gonna see it in st 5.
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resident-idiot-simp · 4 months
I couldn't do it justice but I REALLY want a MW and TWD crossover like I have the plot but there is no way I could write it.
(once again copy paste from discord conversations)
Plot the 141 are in the US because well Laswell told them something is going very wrong. Soap and Ghost of even all of the 141 are in Atlanta maybe to go to the CDC.
Apocalypse happens and they end up at the quarry camp. You can have everyone there being very confused and giving the soldiers a wide birth that pushed them to hang out with the Dixon's. Alternatively, they're liked but still hang out with the Dixon's because the brothers are the only other people who are competent.
So there's this weird duality where everyone else hates the brothers except for single handedly the most competent people in the camp. Also we can have ghost beating the shit out of Ed.
More people survive, Ghost theoretically hack his way out of the CDC if they end up killing Brenner. Sophia lives and the whole plot is them trying to get back to their team or to the main base if it's all of 141. I can go into more detail I have thought a lot about this
They're all very confused by the relationship between Soap and Ghost. Carol clocks it as do the Dixon's but everyone else is kind of like 'huh good friends' and if you go the girls try desperately to get with Soap.
Ghost finds it hysterical. Soap is not amused.
Anyways they are always together and eventually are caught kissing or something and the camp is shocked. There are slightly homophobic comments but the two shut it down immediately. Because no they are not dealing with that. (Ironically most of the comments would come from the Dixon's so that's interesting thought)
Also Merle was in the military so I wonder if he's heard of them
Anyway I just want soap and Ghost to take the kids and Carol under their wings speed up the badassnes process. Also, I need caryl
Another thought. CDC someone knocks on their door (Lori or Andrea maybe) (Shane's reaction would also be funny but he's trying too well.... Anyway) and Soap comes to the door with just shorts on.
He's covered in hickeys and scratches his face is flushed and he looks less than pleased to be interrupted. The Girls are shook because WHO IS IN THERE WITH HIM?!
Then Ghost appears behind him mask on and only that the rest of his body is hidden behind the door. It however is the most skin they've ever seen.
News spreads like wildfire (hehe if ykyk) and by morning everyone knows Soap and Ghost are fucking.
They couldn't give a shit and act as if nothing changed the because nothing has.
However, no one else can look at them the same way.
(I will be back soon with a 09 version of this)
Edit we back
Ok so the Captain makes his way into the camp Roach and Ghost next to him. All of the girls are just drooling because hello?! Exotic Scottish man that just oozes sex appeal. He doesn't even bat an eye at them. Merle about flips shit because HOLY THAT'S FUCKING CAPTAIN MACTAVISH THE GUY WHO STOPED WW3! He tells Daryl and both of them try desperately to get on the soldiers good side.
The first peep out of Ed gets him threatened and beaten within an inch of his life Ghost was restrained before it got worse. Mainly because the civilians didn't need to hear about how Ghost has and will again use someone's intestines to hang them. Roach knows EVERYTHING that goes on around camp. He's the one that set up the defense lines helping the Dixons.
He knows Lori and Shane are fucking had actually caught them and reported back. They just ingest information and use it for future leverage. It's not necessarily for blackmail but I mean if it happens to be used as such ¯⁠⁠⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠⁠/⁠¯ Ghost and Roach have no shame when it comes to each other and the Captain they will cuddle right up and make themselves comfortable.
Roach stole Carol and she now stays near them and Roach insist on teaching her BSL. Shane got pissed one day when MacTavish took over directing the camp only for the captain to just drag him completely for his incompetence.
The world isn't going to get better It's only going to get worse. And Shane needs to stop acting otherwise. Dale probably hates them Glenn is in awe. One day when Riley was helping Daryl butcher whatever animal he dragged in they bonded and became inseparable. Two sides of the same coin honestly those two.
Roach is with Gleen all the time teaching him survival tricks because they are also very similar. And at the end of the day with no care they all curl up in their tent like puppies and sleep. I can see Rick and MacTavish being good friends. Also CDC absolutely doesn't happen MacTavish doesn't even let them Consider that as a possible thing.
He knows full well that place is fucked. Just directs them towards the military base in the middle of bum fuck nowhere they had been placed at. Everyone in the camp suspects Roach Ghost and MacTavish are together but it's never confirmed. Not until they are somewhere like a storage locker place sleeping for the night and MacTavish exists the next morning covered in marks.
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Loving the kiss blurbs. Could I request 36-To give up control with Hangman please?
I'm so glad you're loving the kisses so far! I'm having a ton of fun writing them as well and I hope you love this one. Here is Kiss #36 - to give up control.
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Control Me With a Kiss
He's been an absolute menace tonight, completely obnoxious and succeeding in annoying everyone in his vicinity. You’re not exactly sure why he’s turned the Hangman charm up to 1000 or why he’s so insistent on using it, but you can read the expressions on Phoenix’s and Rooster’s faces. They’re moments away from snapping and goading Jake into a fight where he’ll destroy every friendship he’s made in Miramar in moments.
You’re the only person Jake can’t tear to shreds, so you take one for the team, grabbing a pair of shots from the tray Fanboy carries by you. Downing one, you inject some sensuality into your stance and a sway to your hips as you walk towards your quarry. You’re immediately grateful for the skimpy sundress you pulled on after training, because this technique doesn’t work as well when you’re wearing your khakis. You hold the other between two fingers and slip into the space between Hangman and the pool table.
“Hangman,” You smile softly up at him, but you’ve never seen this particular look on his face.
“Skye.” Jake’s brow is furrowed as he looks down at you. “Can you move? I’m trying to play pool here.”
“You play pool every night, Jake. Here, take a shot and come dance with me.” You push the shot into his hand and tug the pool cue out of his grasp. You ignore his sputtering as you turn and hit the final ball into the pocket. If your ass brushes up against his pelvis as you do so, then what harm would that one flirtatious touch do? You’re grinning when Jake downs the shot before towing you onto the dance floor. The daggers aren’t at the Hard Deck tonight, something you’re glad for because at least now you don’t have to worry about admirals seeing you grind up against your colleague.
“What’re you playing at Skye?” Jake’s voice is a barely restrained growl as his hands find their place on your hips.
You turn in his arms, sliding your arms around his neck as he looks down at you.
“Playing? I’m not playing at all. You’re in a shit mood tonight and you’re taking it out on your squadron. So I intervened.”
Jake just lets go of you before roughly grabbing your upper arm and spitting, “Thanks for your intervention little miss peacekeeper. You can run along back to Phoenix and Roo and get your prize for being such a good girl. A pity-fuck won’t be enough to work me out of this mood.”
He leaves you in the middle of the dance floor feeling embarrassed and angry. Phoenix and Rooster both give you twin shocked and pitying looks which you ignore as you march right after the big blonde headache your heart has claimed without permission.
"That temper tantrum in there was great and all, but do you want to tell me what is actually happening to you?" Your voice is almost too loud in the sudden quiet of the beach outside.
He seems shocked to see you standing on the beach next to where he's sitting and looks very sorry.
"M'sorry. You're not a pity fuck. You wouldn’t be one." You shake your head before sitting in his lap in the sand.
"I know. You forget that I know you. It's been years. We've been wingmen for so long that I know everything about you, maybe even better than you know yourself." You cup his jaw gently before kissing him.
You take control of the kiss, licking into his mouth as Jake goes pliant under you. It's a heated kiss, something filthy that sends heat shooting down your spine and bursting across every nerve in your body. When you pull away, Jake's staring at you like he's never seen you before.
"What was that for?" His lips are parting and his chest is heaving as you examine your handiwork.
"Sometimes bratty boys need to know who's in charge. If you take me home, I can show you exactly how in charge I can be?" Your squeal is sharp as he hefts you up over his shoulder and deposits you into the passenger seat of his truck before running back to the bar. He walks out with your purse in one hand as Rooster and Phoenix follow behind him like ducklings.
"I paid your tab, darling. Now take me home." His voice is anything but quiet and you make sure to flip Phoenix off as her eyes light up and she starts blowing up your phone. If only you'd known earlier that the best way to get Hangman to behave was with a kiss.
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lillypad910 · 1 year
It’ll Get Better
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Cheerleader!f! Reader
Word Count: 3717
Warnings: cussing, talk of sex, but no smut, breakup, depression, talk of suicide (and almost doing it), teen pregnancy, forced abortion, abusive relationships, tones of healing.
Summary: You are Andy’s girlfriend, friends with Jason and Chrissy and the rest of the popular kids of Hawkins High School, but your life flips upside down when you find out your pregnant. After a harsh breakup with your boyfriend and being discarded by all your friends, you find yourself at the Sattler Quarry, standing on the edge of the rocky cliff, will you jump? Or will a certain freak save you from your dark space?
A/n: Sorry for the long pause in posting! I’ve been working on this for a could days now, but it’s been a slow rolling with writer’s block and school work (I’m in a summer class this month and it’s been kicking my butt a little harder this week). Please enjoy!
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You sat at the lunch table, your arms crossed as you listen to Chrissy tell everyone about her exciting date with Jason. “He took me to dinner at Enzo’s, then out to a movie, THEN we went to the lake for a light night dance! Isn’t that so romantic?” She chirps, practically glowing with joy. “Yeah, Chrissy, that’s lovely!” One of the other girls smile.
You stay silent, glancing over at the end of the table where Jason and your boyfriend, Andy, were practically slapping each other for fun. You love Andy, you really do, but god was he a bad boyfriend. All he ever does for you is take you out to dinner before dragging you out to the lake to fuck you in his car. “(Y/n),” Chrissy’s sing-song voice calls you back, “how are things with Andy?” Every fellow cheerleader looks at you and you smile. “Good…! We actually just went out last night too.” You immediately regret mentioning it. “Oh? What did you two do?” All the girls you call friends hold their heads up by their palms after sitting their elbows on the table. “Uh…” you hesitate, the still red handprint on your thigh just covered by your skirt as you pull it down lower. “We ate and then also went to the lake…”
Chrissy smiles, “how sweet!” And just then Eddie Munson decides to jump on top of his table. He talks about how everyone is annoying, besides his table, honestly you really weren’t paying attention, you could care less about what the freaks do. “You want something, Freak?” Jason stands up, going over to get closer to him, Andy following him.
The whole dilemma is squished quickly, with a teacher calling them all to relax. When the bell rings you walk up to your boyfriend, smiling at him. “Hey, you ok? Don’t let that freak get to you.” You place your hand on his chest and he groans. “He just pisses me off.” Lucas glances away nervously. “I know, Babe, but you need to control your anger more.” You remind him. He sighs and wraps his arms around you, “You’re so pretty.” He smashes his lips to your and you giggle.
You sit on your bathroom floor a week later, tears streaming down your face as you chunk the positive test across your floor. It had to be a faulty test, there was no way. Sure you weren’t on birth control because you couldn’t tell your mom you were sexually active, but he takes precautions. He… oh god, the lake.
How the hell are you gonna tell your basketball jock of a boyfriend that you’re pregnant? His entire career would go down the drain, hell his life.
You pick yourself up off the floor, shaking so bad your legs start hurting when you stand up completely. You feel like you’re gonna faint or throw up. Maybe both? You couldn’t tell anymore. Your stomach was tossing and turning, as you stepped closer and closer to the phone on your dresser. Dialing his number, you hold your breath.
“Hello?” His groggy voice echos out of the speaker. “Andy…?” You call out, still extremely nervous. “(Y/n)?” He groans, “Babe, what ever it is it can wait until tomorrow? I’m too tired tonight, ok? Bye.” He hangs up on you before you can get a second word out. You sigh, “Love you too…”
You place your phone down and turn towards your dresser, panning the pictures of the basketball team, some of you and the rest of the cheer squad. You all look so happy. One image catches your eye, Andy and you at a ballgame. He’d thrown the winning shot that Friday, and after cheering with the boys you ran up to him, so proud of him. He was so happy.
The memory calms your nerves. You could tell him, you knew you could. He’d probably panic, but he wouldn’t just drop you, right?
You sit on the floor of the gym the next day, your short cheer skirt barely covering your ass as you sit on your knees. The basketball team scurries across the gym floor, dribbling the ball between the teams, the ball flying through the air. You watch Andy carefully, nervous to tell him later after the game.
The game was won by Hawkins High, and your entire friend group decides to go out to dinner to Benny’s. Standing out in the cold with Andy next to you, hugging his jacket around himself, you huddle closer for warmth. “Hey, Andy?” You get his attention, “what?” You feel your nervous coming back, that aching feeling in your stomach. “Can… can we talk for a minute before the others get here…?” He looks at you confused.
You both move to the side of his car, “Im gonna say this and I don’t want you to freak out, ok?” You tell him. He raises a brow at you, “freak out? Babe, come on, I’m Andy.” He pulls you closer by the waist and you smile softly to yourself. “I know but…” you hesitate, pressing your palms against his chest. Your fingers grip around his basketball jersey under his letterman. “Andy,” you take in a deep breath, “I’m pregnant.” You don’t look at him, keeping your head lowered at you wait for his reaction.
A scoff leaves him, his arms dropping from your waist. “This is a joke right? You’re fucking with me.” His voice is colder than normal, hurtful, spiteful. “What? No, Andy,” you look up at him, “Why would I joke about this? I’m serious.” You frown at him, upset that he thought you would joke about something so serious. He shoves you away and you stumble back a little shocked by his sudden change in care. “Who did you fuck? Are you fucking kidding me? You fucking cheated on me?” “What?! No!! Andy,” you reach back out to him but he slaps your hand away, “I didn’t cheat, Andy, it’s yours.” You tell him, your eyes watering as your emotions get the better of you. He glares at you. “Bullshit.” You scoff, “Andy, why the hell would I cheat on you? I love you.” You try to tell him, tears now pouring down your face. Andy glares at you. “Well thats a problem.” You freeze, your heart suddenly stops as your breath hitches. “What…?”
Andy scoffs, “Come on, (y/n), you didn’t actually think I loved you, did you?” He laughs, a new smirk forming on his lips. But you just feel like your whole world is shattering around you. “What…?” Andy groans, rolling his eyes. “Of course no one would believe you cheated, shit. Why would you?” He smirks to himself, “I’m gonna be honest with you, at least this once.” He leans down a bit so he’s at your level. “I’ve cheated on you, with a couple of different girls. All on the cheer squad, all your friends.” Your breath hitches, fresh tears falling down your face. “But… but at the lake you… you said you loved me…” your voice is soft, hardly audible. He laughs at you.
Andy scoffs, “Come on, (y/n), you didn’t actually think I loved you, did you?” He laughs, a new smirk forming on his lips. But you just feel like your whole world is shattering around you. “What…?” Andy groans, rolling his eyes. “Of course no one would believe you cheated, shit. Why would you?” He smirks to himself, “I’m gonna be honest with you, at least this once.” He leans down a bit so he’s at your level. “I’ve cheated on you, with a couple of different girls. All on the cheer squad, all your friends.” Your breath hitches, fresh tears falling down your face. “But… but at the lake you… you said you loved me…” your voice is soft, hardly audible. He laughs at you.
“I lied, (y/n). It’s easy to do it to get what you want, even when I guess the girl is stupid enough to get herself knocked up from it.” You sniffle rubbing your palms over your eyes to get rid of your tears. “But… it takes two…” you mumble. He breaths in harshly, “No. It takes one girl being stupid by being active without being on birth control.” He glares at you. “It’s your own fault, Babe. Not mine.” He chuckles, “maybe if you weren’t such a whore this wouldn’t have happened.”
You stare at him in disbelief as the cars of your friends pull up. “You better leave.” His voice catches you off guard once more, “best tell them we ended it rather than let them know the truth huh?”
It’s been three weeks, you sit in the medical bed, your mother screaming at the gynecologists as they try to calm your mother down. “Ma’am, please. The operation was successful. There is no need to yell.” You mother’s face just gets more red. “No, the reason to yell was when my 17 year old daughter decided to have sex before getting on birth control!” Her head whips towards you but you don’t look at her, keeping your eyes looking out the window, your hand on your stomach. “Miss (l/n)?” A nurse smiles at you getting your attention. “Are you ok?” She asks. You expression is numb, your voice is monotoned, it worries them. “I’m fine.” You reply. “Mom, can we go home…?” You ask, your hand dropping into your lap. It’s not like it was rubbing anything anymore, anyway. As they said, it was successful.
You should be happy, thankful even. Your life isn’t uprooted or drastically changing. But it has, your friends don’t talk to you anymore, Andy made up some shit about you and now the entire team and cheer squad hates you. Chrissy wont even look at you.
It was just three weeks ago that your heart was shattered in that parking lot of Benny’s, two since your mother brought you in and you first saw that clump of cells in your belly on that monitor, and now today, when they showed you that screen again, now empty. You should be happy.
But you’re not. How could you be? You were thinking you would tell your boyfriend and somehow, some fucking miracle he would become that perfect boyfriend. He should have held you, told you everything was gonna be ok, that you would raise it together. But no. Here you are inside a planned parenthood nearly forty miles away from your home.
Your mother practically drags out to the front desk, her hand squeezing your wrist tightly. “Mom, please, you’re hurting me…” you tell her, trying to pull her clawed fingers off your wrist. “Oh I’m hurting you?” She signs the papers and drags you out to the car. “Ungrateful! Had the perfect boyfriend, perfect future husband and you wasted it away!” “Mom, I didn’t-” “Hah! When your father hears about this-” your eyes widen, “No, Mom, please! I’m sorry, just don’t tell Dad. It’s already taken care of we don’t need to get him involved!” You practically beg her, the fear of your dad making you grasp at her.
She told him.
You got home the next day from school and we’re greeted with a slap across the face. “You bitch!” Your dad yells at you, grabbing at your hair and pulling you outside, “You think that kind of behavior is acceptable in this house. Fucking hell no.” Your mother stands behind him, arms crossed. “Get the hell out!” He throws you back out the front door, “and don’t come back. You fucking filthy whore! Get out!”
You wandered the streets of Hawkins until you found yourself on the cliff of Stattler Quarry. As you stared down into the water bellow, maybe a couple hound red feet under you, you could practically taste the release. You step closer to the edge, your sadness being the most prominent thing in your brain. You wonder how deep it is down there, 20, maybe 30 feet?
You could do it. You could just walk off the edge, no one would miss you. Not your “friends,” not your mom nor your dad, Andy would probably joke about it at your funeral, if there even was one.
You wonder if it would hurt, if the slap of your body against the water’s surface would sting at all.
“Hey,” a voice calls out to you and you swiftly turn around. The one person you never expected to see stands there. Eddie Munson stands a good ten feet away from you, his hands out defensively. “Don’t come any closer!” You yell at him. “Don’t do it.” He tells you, his voice soft, “That’s a long drop, the collision would feel like your skin was being ripped off.” He takes a step closer and you heart races, setting father to the edge.
He glances around. “I’m telling you it’s not a good way to go. I know right now it probably looks promising, like a clean fresh start. But it’s like jumping straight into a bucket of ice.” He elaborates. You hesitate, “How do you know? You don’t get it!” Eddie takes a deep breath, taking a single step closer to you.
“I’ve dived into that water before, (l/n). Sure not the same circumstances, but I promise it hurt enough to make me never do it again.” He takes another step. “And what if I don’t care?” You ask him. He gives you a soft smile. “I heard you know, about what happened. Andy’s a dick, we all know it.” You let out a soft laugh, “He wasn’t always. That’s the point! He only became a dick to me after.” Eddie holds out his hand to you, which makes you step farther to the edge, so he recoils.
“Hey, hey, it’s ok. I know you’re scared. Everything feels really shitty right now, but,” Eddie stares at you as you turn to look away from him back over the cliff, “look at me, (y/n).” You look at him, your eyes wide with fear and he feels like his heart is breaking. No matter how cruel your friends were to him, he never thought you were a bad person. He’s not the type of person to wish death upon you because of your shitty friends. Hell especially not this way.
“Just…” he holds out his hand to you, slower this time not to startle you, “take my hand. We’ll get you down from there and we can go, I don’t know. Get a milkshake?” He chuckles softly and you eyes soften at the suggestion. “I can’t go back to school, Eddie.”
His eyes widen when you say his name. To be entirely honest, he had no idea you even knew his name.
“It’s ok, you don’t have to right away, but you will eventually. I know I’m not the best person to say this, but dropping out isn’t a great idea.” He chuckles lightly. For the first time in your life it wasn’t a chuckle you ignored, his words reach you now more than anything he’s ever said had before.
“Hey,” Eddie grabs your attention again, wiggling his fingers to bring your attention to his hand that’s still reaching out to you, “when you do decide to go back,” he smiles at you, “I’ll be right there with you, trust me they’ll pay more attention to the freak than an ex cheerleader.” You feel yourself laugh a bit, not because he said something funny, because what he said oddly gave you a sense of relief. Not because he was the ‘freak’ but because he said he would be there. You slowly reach out to his hand, going to step down from the rock you were standing on.
Just before you could grab him your foot slips. In those few seconds you realize you weren’t ready to die, your scream was probably heard miles out. But you never felt much air. Eddie had grabbed you so fast you didn’t even notice it, pulling you quickly away from the edge and against him, back on solid ground.
“Hey hey, it’s ok. I’ve got you.” He rubs his hand against the back of your hair, your sobs are muffled by his shirt as you cry, harder than you have ever cried before.
He stands there letting you cry it out against him, before pulling you even farther away from the edge, slowly getting you closer and closer to his van. “Here,” he opens the passenger side door and helps you inside, letting you get comfortable, or at least as comfortable as you could get with how tense you look. He buckled you in, pulling the seatbelt over your shoulder and lap, making sure it sits comfortably on you.
After getting into the drivers side he watches you carefully as you finally start to calm down, rubbing your eyes with your sleeves. He gives you a minute before holding out his hand to you. You look at him confused and he smiles. “I just… thought you would like to feel grounded.” He explains.
You lay your hand in his, your fingers locking perfectly together and you feel yourself smile. His hand is rough, something you didn’t notice before. You knew he played guitar, his band being talks about quite often amongst your group of ‘friends’ when making fun of him. You never realized until now how fucked up your friends were, how their idea of this guy was so misguided.
“Thanks…” your voice came out soft, and his hand squeezed your as he pulled out of the quarry, leading you both the an ice cream parlor for those promised milkshakes.
It had been a month since that faithful day, the day you realized the ‘freak’ was actually the nicest guy in all of Hawkins. He was calm, made sure you were comfortable, and didn’t bring up the subject ever again.
“Eds,” you had started calling him the nickname shortly after you moved in with him, his room becoming yours as he moved to the living room with his uncle. You were heavily against the idea of taking his room when he gave it to you. Obviously you could go home, but you were willing to sleep on the couch until you could get in contact with your aunt or cousins.
“Can we get some of these?” You hold up the container of Planter’s Cheez Balls. They were one of your newer favorite snacks. He laughs a bit, “sure, put ‘em in the cart.” You do so, throwing the snack in.
After finishing your grocery shopping, you make it back to his trailer, bringing all the bags in from his van. “Is Wayne working tonight?” You ask him, emptying out the bags on the counter before putting things away. “Yeah,” Eddie joins you, sitting the remaining bags down on the counter, “He said he’s gonna be at work until 7am tomorrow, so we need to figure out dinner on our own.” He helps you empty out the bags and put away all the groceries. When you finish, you both plop down on the couch, his arm behind your head as he turns on the tv. You pop open the container of cheese balls in your lap.
“Open up,” you hold a ball in between your index and thumb, turning towards him. He tilts his head back and opens his mouth, you throw, and the ball lands safely in his mouth, “good catch!” He smiles as you giggle happily continuing to eat your snack. He puts on a movie he knows you will like, before getting comfy into the couch cushions. You lean into him subconsciously. He stiffens up, shocked by you leaning in, which makes you freeze, “Sorry…” you go to pull away but his arm throws over your shoulders and holds you close to him. “Nothing to be sorry about, sweetheart.” He smiles at you, laying his head against yours. You smile as you both sit there on the couch, snuggled up together.
Eddie is very different than Andy was. Andy could be rude, refuse to cuddle you when you desperately wanted physical affection, but Eddie doesn’t. He leans into it, he may be a bit taken aback at first, but he doesn’t stop you, he encourages it.
About half way through the movie you catch yourself not watching anymore, glancing at the man you know would call your best friend, honestly he’s your only friend now. “Eddie,” you grab his attention, making him turn to you. “What’s up?” “Thank you.” He looks at you confused, “For what?” You smile at him. “Everything, you took me in, saved me from doing something stupid, told me everything was gonna be ok, and it has been, because you made it ok.”
Your words hit him hard, and he stares at you for a moment, “(y/n), I…” he hesitates, removing his arm from around you and turning so his full body is turned to you, making you a little anxious. “I don’t need a thank you, I did what any decent person would do. You don’t need to thank me for that.” “But I want to!” You practically yell at him, you hands balling up into fists and pressing against your chest. You know you look like a kid right now, but you don’t care. “I want to thank you…”
Eddie smiles and leans forward pressing his lips to your forehead, “Well then, you’re welcome. I’m glad you’re still with us, Sweetheart.” You blush at his physical affection, your cheeks burning as he pulls away, and you realize something. You like Eddie. You like him way more than you thought possible. “Eddie,”
He looks at you a little concerned seeing your scrunched forehead. “Yeah?” “I-I like you…” Eddie freezes, his heart racing as the words left your lips, those soft pink lips he’s been dreaming of kissing for the past few weeks.
Maybe it was the way you looked when he bought you that milkshake that day after he found you at the quarry, the soft smile you had as you excepted the treat. Maybe it’s the way you would jump up and down with joy when he bought you your favorite movie for you to watch together after a week of you living with him. Maybe it was the way you hugged him when you cried, remembering the fact that you weren’t alone anymore.
Maybe… maybe it was the way he wanted to be there for you for the rest of your life that makes him say his next words. “I love you…”
Your head tilted up, eyes wide when the words left him. “Y-You what…?” You eyes watering as you stare at him. “I love you, (y/n). I know you said you ‘like me’ but maybe given some more time-“ you cut him off, your lips smashing into his, practically falling on top of him. His arms throw around your waist, pulling you close to him as he kisses you back. It was everything you both had dreamt of, soft, sweet, and dreamy.
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sheltershock · 10 months
I was thinking today about how Sasha and Milla both got burned for using telepathy/mind reading on another person without their consent and I liked that it played out that way. I think realistically if you had the ability to read minds you’d also be traumatized by the thoughts/fantasies of others. Plus it adds more subtext in PN2 when Sasha scolds Raz for trying to bend someone else’s will to his own. Because that’s what he did when he was younger. Major props. Psychonauts is so good at subtext that’s why I love the writing, and it’s ability to be whimsical and silly but also realistic and gritty at times.
But then I thought about their constant psychic link. It’s cute, nice little relationship thing between them. However, when taking the mind reading trauma into account… that psychic link probably wasn’t easy. At least in the beginning.
I mean the last time they did any level of telepathy/mind reading it went so awfully that both of their lives changed trajectory in an instant. So the idea of doing that again in general must be terrifying. I’m sure they both decided to form that link, but even having known each other there could be that aching fear in the background that the other person might accidentally hurt them.
Maybe the link was a form of therapy for the both of them. And they might have not even shared/said anything over it for a while. It could have been strictly professional at first, reminders for meetings, information relay, communication in the field, etc. They’re both still a little tense though that they’ll accidentally share something unrelated.
Milla was probably the first of them to share something over the link that was non-work related. Something mundane, like appreciation of the view from her office, or a compliment of the music she can hear through the wall, or what’s being served in the cafeteria that day. Something simple. And he’d answer back and they’d continue with their day. The first thing Sasha would have sent over was probably observations, non emotional observations. Construction being done, new colors being painted, or saying it’s colder outside and to bring a jacket if she’s going to the Quarry that day. They get a little more confident after a while. They share things they know the other would like. They start having longer conversations. There’s more emotion. People can observe them smiling at seemingly nothing more frequently.
Once a little bit more comfortable they’re talking about what they did that weekend, Milla struggles to describe exactly what her experience was like the other night. She offers to share the memory directly. She can feel Sasha tense up on the other side. The conversation ends. The next day, he offers her to send it over. He’s spent the entire time preparing for it, telling himself over and over that it’s her, that she’s offering, that it’s probably fine. And it is. Milla’s delighted and they move on, though she checks to make sure he’s not hiding a bad reaction from her. They’re both fine.
But that’s one of the things she’s very aware of. Long stretches of time where Sasha won’t say or respond to anything at all. She can hear swears through the wall during this brief times, and he hardly ever leaves his lab either. She understands why, everyone has bad days. But sometimes he does reach to her, because she always offers an ear to everyone. But she always makes it a verbal conversation. She just can’t seem to push past the irrational thoughts that the source of his frustration might be her. That she’s not a good enough agent, a good enough friend, a good enough partner. And she knows that he’d never say any of those things… to her face. But if she would read his mind she’d know for sure.
And one day he asks again if he can talk to her, and hesitantly she agrees. Over the link. And she spends the entire time waiting, waiting for that dreaded Freudian slip. But it doesn’t happen. And he finishes his thought, and they both continue on, except Milla finds herself in tears in her office. And she finds herself reaching back over to talk some more.
Over time and each individual thought, memory and experience, they’re both confident and far less afraid as they used to be. Their fears aren’t completely gone of course, but it’s them, specifically. And they know where the other’s sore spot is, and are more than willing to provide a warning for anything triggering. They find themselves using their telepathy abilities with others from the newfound confidence. Projecting their own thoughts to another, but only one way though. Only in the other do they feel truly safe enough for a two-way mental link. And was preciously an isolating, vivid and painful experience is now one where they are never truly alone, and it’s peaceful and it’s comforting.
Just a thought.
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cybertron-after-dark · 5 months
oooo kimmie, can you tell us about the tfa and rb overlap?
Everyone prepare yourselves bc the floodgates are opened and now I'm never going to shut up about this
In a meta context, there's SO much overlap between the shows. A lot of the same people worked on it, especially the writers, and it 100% shows. Mr. Marty Isenberg you are not slick.
In terms of the actual content of the shows though, the similarities are overflowing.
First and foremost, the emphasis on cultural differences and exchanges with the human-bot relationships. TFA had a good bit of it and it was very very fun every time it happened (bots not really knowing what level of self defense is appropriate to teach a child, being very confused about what exactly humans eat, bee picking up video games, bulkhead picking up art, ALL that good shit), but you don't always get to focus on it with all the action and political intrigue going on. And while rescue bots has its share of intensity, there's a lot more space for the mundane interactions. Blades being tv obsessed, the bots celebrating Allspark day, boulder's love of just Everything on earth. They had a whole episode just about teaching the bots to fish.
There's also the fact that everyone on griffin rock is a little bit Unhinged in a lot of the same ways the humans kicking around Detroit are. Just. Vaguely Weird Vibes in very funny ways. And the same tendency to switch from revering the emergency services which they may or may not know the bots are part of to wildly distrusting them on a dime. Optimus would not leave an encounter with Mrs Nederlander unscathed bro. I don't know if any of the bots could.
Speaking of humans, the villains in rescue bots feel like what the tfa human villains could have been if not for being wildly overshadowed by the decepticons. Evan and Myles? I think you mean Henry Masterson's shitty cousins he only interacts with through the CoD lobby. Madelyne Pynch? That's just girlboss Porter C. Powell. Quint Quarry? Sir that is Master Disaster if he existed for more than like two minutes of a singular episode and bagged more than one bot. Dr. Morocco? Meltdown but better at, like, everything (especially lab safety).
Then there's the constant state of both teams grilling the hell out of each other All The Time. Chaotic. Absolute Creechurs. They love each other so much but they also all live in close contact and see each other all the time and thus they are So Mean To Each Other (though they're a bit meaner in tfa just bc older audience)
The Sumdacs and the Greenes being two duos of an absentminded but well meaning technological genius and his intelligent and Highly Cool pigtailed daughter who both have to deal with the dad's tech going completely out of control is pretty on the nose too. (Oh God now I'm just imagining an au where tfp starscream successfully gets rid of Megatron after the space bridge explosion and sends him hurtling towards earth and crashlanding right on griffin rock whee doc green finds his head. Can you imagine. The misery of tfp Megatron having to deal with a human. He's having several mental breakdowns, 100%)
Even Cody and Sari have a lot of similarity as characters. Cody is a lot more mild mannered compared to the absolute Gremlin that is Sari, but they both still struggle a lot with wanting to help but feeling too small to make an impact, even though they matter so much more than they could ever know. They're surrounded by heros, giants, and it's hard for them not to feel like they're fading into the background. And when both their families realize how they've been making those kids feel they put so much effort to make sure they're loved and feel like their efforts matter. It's the same arc in different forms. And it's so good both ways.
Overall they're both shows that feel like they're trying to say similar things to different audiences. That Earth is wonderful and worth protecting. That any effort can make massive differences, even if you don't feel like you can do enough. That a hero can come from somewhere humble, and the best ones usually do. That people deserve kindness and a genuine effort at understanding. That nobody is without value.
And honestly? That what I love most about both of them.
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chrisbitchtree · 1 year
Billy knew he shouldn’t have gone to the fucking Byers for their stupid annual end of school year party. It was apparently an even bigger deal than usual this year because Jonathan had just graduated. They were going to have a water balloon fight, and cornhole and cheddar hot dogs, Billy’s favourite.
Almost a year after Starcourt, Billy was still working on not being an asshole to almost everyone around him, and socializing more. According to his therapist, it wasn’t healthy to sit around his trailer alone, only letting Max and Harrington visit him.
So when the two of them had teamed up and begged him to go, he’d relented quicker than he usually would. At least he could tell his therapist that he’d done something that she’d asked of him for once, if nothing else.
He’d had a better time than he’d thought, though. He’d won the water balloon fight, and it turned out that he and Harrington made a decent cornhole team. Only Hopper and El had beat them. Billy had eaten his full of cheddar dogs, breathing onion breath all over Max until she ran shrieking, and washed them down with shitty beer.
Mike Wheeler, the spoiled little shit had been gifted a video camera for his birthday in April, so Max had told Billy, trying hard to keep the jealously out of his voice, and he hadn’t tired of it yet, so he’d spent the whole night shoving it in everyone’s faces, as if he was interviewing them for the news, not documenting a night with friends.
Billy had shoved a hand over the lens, saying “no press” as he slid his sunglasses down over his eyes, and the girls had giggled at his lame joke as Wheeler went in search of his next victim.
Eventually, Wheeler must have gotten tired of lugging the thing around, because Billy found it abandoned next to a bowl of chips and some empty soda cans. Billy still has no clue what possessed him to do what he did next. He turned the camera on, focusing on Harrington standing next to the fire, showing El how to make a perfect s’more. She kept burning her marshmallows, but he wasn’t giving up.
That was the thing that Billy liked most about Harrington, after his perfect ass, that is. His unfailing kindness. He might act like a pissy bitch sometimes, but he was always there to offer a ride or a shoulder to cry on, sometimes literally in Billy’s experience, as he unraveled his complicated emotions about his life so far over beers at the quarry. He would skip the movies to help Mrs. Henderson in her garden, or he’d spend half an hour on s’mores lessons.
Eventually, Billy turned the camera on himself. “I hope you know how amazing you are, Steve. You’re not just hot, you’re sweet and you’re funny, you’re a genuinely good person. I think I’m falling for you, asshole. I know I can never tell you that, but I need to get it out.” He let out a large exhale, already feeling lighter with the confession. He went to join everyone at the fire, another beer for himself in one hand and another for Harrington in the other.
The light feeling inside Billy lasted until the next morning, when he sobered up enough to remember the fucking stupid confession he’d made the night before. In minutes, he was on the floor in front of the toilet, barfing up beer and s’mores and cheddar dogs. He couldn’t even be sure if it was panic or the overeating and alcohol that did it, but it was probably a mix of both.
Holy shit, what did he do? Talk to Wheeler, threaten to beat him up if he didn’t fork over the tape? What if he’d watched it already. Billy mentally calculated how much he thought it would cost to pay to get the tape from the asshole.
He was pacing his living room, trying to decide what to do, when there was a knock on his trailer door. What if it was Wheeler, there to demand cash already?
With shaking hands, he opened the door, and wasn’t surprised to find Mike Wheeler standing there, giving him a blank look. What did surprise him was the bag that he held out. Whatever was inside jangled when he handed it to Billy. Curious, Billy looked inside, finding what appeared to be about fifty smashed up chunks of videotape.
“Thought you might want that,” Wheeler said, shrugging, when Billy tried to speak and failed. “You’re not the only one trying to be less of an asshole, asshole. For the record, though. I think you should say something. I think he might surprise you.” And with that, he walked back down the steps and hopped on his bike, peddling away.
Huh. If Wheeler had done such a good job surprising Billy, maybe he should take his chances and see if someone else might surprise him too.
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