#they feel IMMENSELY GUILTY and terrified to confront Twitch or ANYONE that may confirm their supects
thunder-threnodies · 17 days
betrayal and alone for morgan >:)
Both already answered to people that cannot be annoyed by endless walls of text at 3 a.m.
But here we go.
Morgan betrayed basically everyone during Nemesis. They tricked the Cage Keeper and closed him in a cage after getting access to the Cage Garden.
They (HEADCANON DO NOT BOTHER @/capn-twitchery with this!!!) let a Misterious Young Lady into her cage even though they could have freed her once he got the Red honey they needed, even if they told her they'll be back.
They used the Six that came before them and did not avenge their deaths and their loved ones'. Only Morgan's.
They have been betrayed so many times: by the Admiralty, by the Pirates, by their contacts in thesmuggling network that left them for dead more than once when they were young and even now. (too bad they cannot truly die. not yet)
Morgan does not cope well with being alone. They've not been alone since before the Mountain. Then, Stone's voice is a ostant ring in their ears and after Nemesis, Mirros is always there in the reflection.
But ususally, they just stand on the rooftops and plays their whalebone fiddle and making all the block cry.
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