#they expected either two trips with a small car or a truck to take the assembled thing
verthanthi · 9 months
What’s your gay agenda?
Mine is: showing up to pick up a Craigslist IKEA bookshelf in my little 2door civic with my wife while the seller’s wife mutinously tells us it took her husband four hours to put it together and they both look on in shock as we disassemble it in seconds and have it loaded into our car.
It’s the confusion on his face in the mirror as we drive away because that thing took him a whole evening of swearing to assemble and these two lesbians broke it down in seconds with their own tools and a smile.
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thegoldfishkid13 · 1 year
Gone Jasper Hale x Human Reader
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Warnings: Mental health and things like that are involved, swearing, Self harm is mentioned.
Word count: 709
Type: Angsty fluff at the end.
    Sitting on the bathroom floor with blood dripping down my arm, and I new I had fucked up. Things were going great before Jasper had up and left with the rest of his adopted family. For years I had struggled with self harm and mental health issues; well until I had met Jasper and he helped.
  Tears rolled down my cheeks as I stared at the mess I had made, I slowly raised from the floor and walked over to the sink and grabbed gauze and started to gently wipe the blood in fear of making my arm hurt worse. All I wanted to do was lie in bed and cry. I continued to wipe my arm until the blood was gone, and then bandaged the cuts up. I disposed of the razer that I had used and walked to my room, feeling light headed I sat down at my desk and opened my computer. I opened up to my emails, not expecting to see anything new from Jasper; which there wasn’t.  I created a new email to Alice and vented to her, hoping that she would at least see it, but it's all false hope. I got up and changed and went to grab my keys because I have plans with Bella, who was worse than I was, but something snapped her out of her shell recently, something changed her but I still don't know why.
    I knocked on her front door and her dad answered. 
    “ Hello, Mr.Swan, is Bella ready yet?” I asked. He smiled at me.
    “ Please call me Charlie, and I’m not sure, but you know where her bedroom is.” He chuckled at his daughter's antics in running late, she always was late or tripping over her own two feet. I smiled a very fake smile and nodded. I thanked him and walked upstairs. 
   “Bella? Are you ready?” I said as I opened her door to see her standing in the mirror looking at herself. She turned towards me and nodded. It had been a while since we last spoke. We walked down stairs and said goodbye to her father and headed towards the reservation to hang out with Jacob and the clan. We took her truck since the dirt roads may be muddy because of the consistent rain and my car was not built for being stuck in the mud. It took a while to get there and we made small talk, about half way there I finally asked a question that had been eating me up inside.
   “Have you heard anything from Alice or Edward, any of them even?” She took her eyes off the road and looked at me before returning her gaze back to the road.
   “ No I haven’t, I was going to ask you the same thing. But I take it that you haven’t heard from any of them either. I shake my head no. Once we got to the reservation we hung out with the group of boys that were there, some made snarky comments about Edward and Jasper, I still don’t understand why they don’t like each other. Bella and I had left after a few hours and when I stepped into my room I saw Jasper passing around. He had a worried expression on his pale face.
   “ Jasper?” My voice rang out in disbelief. Why is he here now? Once he heard my voice he turned towards me. 
   “ Y/n Darlin’ I’m sorry for leaving you like that. I’m glad you're okay.” His voice sounded sad and lingered with regret. He continued speaking.
  “ Alice told me what you did and I’m so fucking sorry I had made you feel that way. Please could you find it in your beautiful heart to forgive me.” Jasper was trying to sweet talk me. I walked over and gave him a hug and shook my head yes. Knowing there was nothing that could never make me hate him.
  “ Darlin’ I love you oh so very much and I want you to know that” Tears began to roll down my cheeks and collect into the soft wool of his sweater. We layed in my bed for the rest of the night, It was the least he could do for leaving unannounced.
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e1dritchjackal0pe · 2 years
Rabbit Foot
𝚜𝚞𝚖𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚢:  𝖸𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝖼𝖺𝗋 𝖻𝗋𝖾𝖺𝗄𝗌 𝖽𝗈𝗐𝗇 𝗈𝗇 𝖺 𝗅𝗈𝗇𝖾𝗅𝗒 𝗋𝗈𝖺𝖽 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝖺𝗇 𝗎𝗇𝖾𝗑𝗉𝖾𝖼𝗍𝖾𝖽 𝗉𝖾𝗋𝗌𝗈𝗇 𝗂𝗌 𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗋𝖾 𝗍𝗈 𝗁𝖾𝗅𝗉
𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜: 𝗇𝗈𝗇𝖾 . . . 𝖺𝗉𝖺𝗋𝗍 𝖿𝗋𝗈𝗆 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋 𝖻𝖾𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝖺 𝗌𝗂𝗆𝗉. 𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖾𝗇𝖽𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗂𝗌 𝖺𝗅𝗌𝗈 𝗁𝖾𝗅𝗅𝖺 𝗋𝗎𝗌𝗁𝖾𝖽. I𝗍'𝗌 2 𝖺𝗆 𝗌𝗈 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗀𝗋𝖺𝗆𝗆𝖺𝗋 𝗂𝗌 𝗉𝗋𝗈𝖻𝖺𝖻𝗅𝗒 𝖺𝗐𝖿𝗎𝗅 
You should have known that this little trip back down to Haddonfield was going too smoothly. Sure, you had only been here for about two days, but still. Disaster is part of the little towns being, stained into its fibers like the residue at a crime scene. It doesn't usually take long for trouble to announce itself. 
Your mother and father's nagging has been down to a surprising low, probably sucking up to you because you're finally back, even if the circumstances are less than ideal, and the few familiar faces that have recognized you when you were down at the market and gas station were kind enough, welcoming you back after all the years. 
So, you honestly can't say you're surprised to see the white strips of smoke snaking out from underneath the orange hood of your car. 
You curse over the sound of Billy Squier belting out the chorus of My Kinda Lover, while checking your rear-view mirror to make sure the road was clear before pulling over on the shoulder.
This is the sort of karma to expect when you drive a busted 70's Pinto. 
But at least your car broke down on a county road and not the highway or interstate. 
You try to remember the steps to take for an overheated vehicle while you set it in park and turn the volume dial down on the radio. You can't recall exactly what your father had told you when you were only a child, zoning in and out of focus on the front drive while he monologued from underneath his truck. 
Pullover . . . Shut off the car . . . pop the hood . . . let it cool . . . Wasn't there something else? God, if only you had payed attention when you were twelve, but the lawn was just so much more appealing than your dad's life lessons. 
You turn the key over in the ignition and extract it, listening to the engine die before getting out and coming round to the front. You have to squint your eyes against the vapors when you fumble for the latch through the grille. As soon as you lift the hood your rushed by a plum of pale smoke. It makes it a pain to find the support rod for a bit, but you get it eventually, successfully propping the hood. Leaving you to stare stupidly at the engine of your car, hissing like a pissed off cat. 
Now . . . What? 
Calling for help would be your best bet. Your mother is a no, as she's undoubtedly working her shift at the bank. Your dad is probably passed out in the living room, snoring on his La-Z-Boy, enjoying the weekend off for once. You really didn't want to give either of them anymore ammunition against you, but the only other option is waiting until your car cooled off enough and hoping it will start when you try. 
While you're deep in your internal debate you fail to notice the thrum of an engine approaching and then relaxing into an idle before cutting off completely.
It's the sound of your name that breaks you from your daze, and you nearly break your neck to turn and face the owner of the voice. They look just as perplexed as you do, staring at you like you're a ghost. 
God, this person looks familiar. You take in his dark doe like eyes, and the mop of curls on his head while he stands a bit awkwardly on the other side of the road next to a gold and black motorcycle. And then it clicks. 
"They're talking about me already I see," you joke, a small playful smile curling across your face, easily falling into the swing of conversation. Even after all these years.
A gentle smile raises at the corners of his mouth, and he seems to relax a bit, looking a bit more like the boy you'd see walking the hallways at high school and less like a stranger. Damn, you forgot how cute he looks when he's happy. 
"I was scared you wouldn't remember me, " he says as he covers  the road between the both of you to stand close to the side of your car. " I thought I was going crazy for a minute. Never thought I'd see you back in Haddonfield, again. I mean . . . I heard you were back, but I didn't believe it."
"You know how it is, " he shrugs his shoulder lightly, " can't take a shit without somebody hearing about it" 
"Some things never change, I guess."
"Were you expecting them to?"
"No, " you scoff under a breath of laughter, " I'd never set my expectations for this place that high." 
That gets a chuckle out of him, and you take the lull in conversation to look to the Kawasaki parked across the road. 
  " So, how've you been lately? Looks like you got a new ride." You blurt the question out before you can check yourself. You know how he's been. You've heard the rumors and allegations about him just this afternoon while you were at the market, stocking up on some much-needed junk food and a bottle of wine when you had been practically bum-rushed by your old history teacher, Mrs. Brewer. Upon recognizing you she was quick to crowd into your space with a flurry of questions: " How are you?" " How has life been treating you?" "Got a lucky fella waiting for you back home?" But once all of the formalities were out of the way she was quick to jump into the local gossip that you missed over the years.
Mostly boring disputes between neighbors and little details about ex classmates moving on and starting families. You blanked most of it out, nodding and humming absentmindedly until an old name caught your attention.
" Have you heard about Corey Cunningham? I don't know if you shared any classes with him back in the da - oh, no matter! Well, just a few years after you left, on Halloween - of course it was! - he had been babysitting the Allen's kid. Well . . . " She scoffs in an almost amused manner before leaning in and whispering like she was telling you a big secret. " He had killed him just as the parents had come home. Kicked the poor child over the railing. Tried to say it was an accident. Got away with it too, scot-free. "
Despite Mrs. Brewers intel, you are already well aware of the incident. Your mother had made sure to call you the night right after that Halloween to indulge you every single horrid detail regarding the crime. You had felt confused and possibly even a bit betrayed.
How could Corey commit such a senseless act of violence?
You couldn't have helped the relief that flooded your body when she had called you several months later to share that he had been cleared of all charges.
Corey seems to tense at the question, not that you can blame him. Instead of immediately answering he glances over his shoulder to look at his bike, probably thinking about hopping on it and speeding off. " It's a work in progress, but it gets me from point A to point B so I can't really complain. As for how I've been . . . " There's a pause like he's looking for the right way to phrase it. " I've been surviving. "
After running into your old teacher, you were quick to ask you father about the incident when you had swung by your parents. He had offered you a little more insight, though his opinion of Corey was pretty similar to Mrs. Brewer's and your mothers. That despite being proven innocent, Corey had been quick to be pegged as a social pariah. "I always knew there was something wrong with that kid. Even before that night, " your dad had said before taking a bite of his homemade ham and cheese sandwich.
So, it was just Haddonfield being Haddonfield then. Quick to cast the stone and pass judgement, as per usual.
Sure, you and Corey had never extremely close growing up. Apart from sharing a few classes and the occasional chance encounter your relationship was little more than that. But even then, there was no way that sweet, awkward Corey would willing take a child's life.
You offer him a lifeline, " there's not much else you can do in Haddonfield. " 
That gets a small chuckle out of him, and he seems a bit more at ease again. " You're right about that. But enough about me, how have you been doing? I thought that you couldn't wait to get out of here. What brought you back?" 
"Oh uh, my grandfather passed recently, so I'm here to help go through his things and get everything organized, " you say, swallowing a lump. You've done your best to ignore the dull ache in your chest, but it seems to be getting worse each passing day. And the sad look that Corey gives you doesn't help. He seems like he regrets opening his mouth and for some reason that makes you feel even worse.
"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to-"
" It still hasn't really clicked that he's gone, you know? So, it's fine. I was actually heading to his house to start working on clearing some things out when this decided to take a shit on me, " you say, lightly kicking the front bumper with your shoe. 
"No, it's fine. Don't feel bad about it, " you say, shaking your head. You meant it too. Despite having to deal with countless people questioning you about your grandfathers passing, having heard the news from your mother no doubt, you don't mind talking about it with Corey. 
He didn't ask you with the intention of opening up wounds and prodding his nose into your family affairs, not the old gossips in town. 
"Mind if I take a look?" He asks.
"Please do. " You back away giving him room to work with and watching him as he leans over to inspect the contents of the engine. The smoke is next to nothing now, spars puffs that evaporate as quickly as they form. You can't help but study him as works, wondering how someone so familiar can look so different. Maybe it's the leather jacket, or the little band of silver that wraps around his pinky finger, or the absence of his glasses that used to rest on the bridge of his nose (contacts, maybe?), but something seems different about him. 
Well, of course, it's been nearly three years since you've seen him, you remind yourself, people change. 
You lean down next to him, pretending to help look for the problem even though the assortment of wires and metal make about as much sense to you as a jumbled pile of puzzle pieces. 
The close proximity lets you catch the scent of his cologne, mostly sandalwood with creamy and smoky undertones, a little bit of leather. Probably his jacket. 
He's got this studious look on his face, eyebrows pinched and slightly furrowed. A loose curl dangles above his eyes and it's a little distracting, a part of you is tempted to move it out of the way for him, to push it into unruly bundle of his hair that looks like it has flecks of amber in it because of the evening sunlight.
"So, what were you doing all the way out here, anyway?"
Jesus, since when have you ever had thoughts like these about Corey Cunningham? He used to be the one who would look at you. You would catch his fleeting glances while on your way to class, always pretending not to see the dreamy stares or the faint blush to his cheeks. 
You weren't stupid. You knew what that look meant.
But you had been in a relationship. And despite the fact that a cute kind guy with warm brown eyes had a crush on you, you stayed away. Because you had a boyfriend who treated you like dog shit and didn't deserve your time. But you were young and stupid and had thought that you were in love. 
His head perks up just a bit at your question and he pauses for a minute before answering. " I just like to ride sometimes. Just get away for a bit, even if it's only for a few minutes. " 
"It looks like it may be a bad radiator hose. They just get old and worn out and snap, " he concludes suddenly, rising to his full height. 
There's something melancholic about it. Even after all these years, his circumstances are still the same, if not worse. It reminds you of one distant chilly November evening. You were down at the local park, gently swaying on a swing when you had noticed a figure briskly walking across the lawn. It didn't take you long to recognize it as Corey. He seemed agitated, tense, like he was too big for his body and was seconds away from bursting out of it. His mother you assumed was most likely the culprit. It was no secret that she was (is) overbearing and controlling. Helicopter parent would be an understatement. When you thought of it, you had never actually seen Corey at any parties or out with friend's past 7:00 pm. 
From what you could gather his life was a constant routine of school and occasionally helping out the Allen's family with mowing their yard and pulling stubborn weeds.
You probably should have stayed put and let him walk away. Out of sight out of mind. 
But your body had a mind of its own, launching off of the swing and in his direction. It had only taken you seconds to reach him, and he looked startled and a bit confused when you had asked if you could join him. But he agreed, nonetheless. 
 You had offered him a few puffs of the joint stuffed in your pocket, but he had declined. He didn't want her to smell it, he confessed, and it had been enough to keep you from pulling it out and lighting it up with your Bic lighter. 
You had talked about everything and nothing, until the sun had dipped down low, and it was just a strip of lavender bordering the horizon. Upon noticing the time, you had said your goodbyes and he ran off in the direction of his house to be home in time for dinner. 
That had been the first time you had heard his laugh. You liked it a lot. 
"How much does that usually cost? " You can already feel the worry creeping in at the thought of your already desperate bank account. You really couldn't afford a large blow to it, right now.
"Eh, it depends really. If you do it yourself or hire someone, " he explains, eyeing the engine and combing a hand through his hair. " The part itself is usually anywhere from fifteen to thirty bucks. It depends on the quality and if you get a mechanic to do it for you." 
Damn, this is definitely what you needed right now. When it rains it pours and the umbrella you have for cover is about as stable your mental health on a busy workday. 
" I could do it, " Corey offers you. 
"How much would you charge me?" 
"No, Corey, I'm serious-"
He shakes his head slightly, shoving his hands in his pockets, " I wouldn't."
You can't help but stare at him like he grew two heads, like he's telling a weird joke and you're waiting for the punchline. Meanwhile he looks as serious as can be.
Almost hopeful if you didn't know any better. 
"So am I, " he states firmly.
The look you give him is incredulous. You're ready to argue and he can tell by the way your jaw open to speak, so he beats you to the punch. 
"I don't want your money," he says. There's a finality to it. He levels you with his eyes almost like he's challenging you to try and argue with him. But you don't want to try and go round and round in circles until one of you relents to the other. You're more confused than anything. And you want answers. 
"Why do you always do that? " You step closer to him like you'd find the answer that way. He's not following judging from is lack of response, so you elaborate, "you're always go out of your way to help me. Like the night back at the gas station. Why?"
A smile pokes at his lips but despite his apparent amusement he answers like it's the most obvious thing in the world. Just a fact. 
"Because you're a good person." 
" So, you won't let me pay you?" 
The response does little to satisfy you and you can't help the huff the gets pushed from your lungs. 'Good person' my ass. But maybe he was telling the truth, maybe it just wasn't the answer you wanted. You wanted that night to mean something more than it did. So that you didn't feel stupid about those old forgotten feelings heating up in your chest. Maybe he was just a nice person. 
Maybe that night when your douche of a boyfriend had kicked you out of his lifted Chevy and out onto the curb of some gas station, Corey had just offered to escort you the three miles back home out of the kindness of his heart. Because he felt bad for you. 
You had felt so embarrassed and useless when you had jumped out of the truck and stormed into the 'Gulf.'  You were at the slurpy machine, filling up a medium sized cup when Corey had approached you. As hesitant as he was, he seemed worried. Brows furrowed and raised with concern. 
He had asked if you were okay, and you had told him you were. It was short, clipped and tired. You had felt guilt gnaw at your stomach as soon as you had responded, but your pride wouldn't let you apologize. 
You expected him to back away, to be put off by your anger. But he didn't. He stayed. 
The two of you would sit outside, drinking a cherry slurpy and a Yoo-Hoo, and he'd sit and listen when the dame broke, and you vented until your throat felt raw. Then he'd offer to walk you home, knowing that you wouldn't call your parents. Wouldn't give them the satisfaction of saying, "I told you so." Despite the fact that his own mother would have his head for having vanished for about two hours without so much as a word. 
He'd guard you both as you strolled down the lonely streets lined with dim lamps, while the rest of Haddonfield was piled in the bleachers cheering on the Huskers while they played against their long-term rivals, the Montgomery Wolverines. 
All the way up to the doorstep of your house where you'd whisper a thank you and goodnight, punctuated by a light kiss on his cheek before fleeing into the confines of your home before you could see the way his face flushed in response. 
Was that just because he was a good person? 
" You can, but I'll just find a way to slip it back to you, " he says honestly. That smile is back. Cocky and self-assured. It's one you've never seen on him before, and you can't tell if it excites you or pisses you off. "We can go back to the garage, and I'll get the tow truck. Come back and get your car. With all the junk that passes through I'm sure we've probably got what you need laying around somewhere. We'll have back up and running and on your way to your grandfathers in no time." 
What the hell, maybe you can convince him to let you pay him once you get a decent meal in him. 
The two of you have a stare off for a few good seconds while you mull the offer over. As tempting as it is to let someone else take care of your problems, your morals are having trouble bending over. A compromise maybe? 
"Fine, "you relent. " But I'm buying dinner."
"Sounds like a deal," he agrees. "You can come with me if you want. It'll be dark soon and I don't like the idea of being out here all alone."
"Hey! " You call over to him, his head snapping up in your direction. " You want something to drink before I lock up? I got a cooler full of water and some sodas if you want. No chocolate milk unfortunately. " 
There's a protective edge to his voice and you can't help but think about how much you like it. You nod, giving a quick 'okay' in agreement before moving around to lock the doors and roll up the windows of your car. The last thing you need is for some jackass to steal your vehicle while you're gone. Despite how shitty it may be. 
Corey crosses the road to his Kawasaki and stands over it, giving it a strong downward push to one of the pedals. Effectively kickstarting the machine in a way that shouldn't be as attractive as it is. 
"What I need right now is you on my bike," he says seriously. You're thankful for the wanning sunlight, or else he probably would be able to see how flustered you are. The embarrassment would kill you.  "Alright, alright! I'm coming!" You call, slamming the driver side door closed, stepping away from the car and approaching Corey and the idling motorcycle. 
You place a hand on Corey's shoulder to stabilize yourself as you swing a leg over to straddle the ride.
"Hold on tight, " he warns.
It prompts you to wrap your arms around his waist and he briefly puts a hand on your forearm and squeezes before gassing up the throttle and lurching forward with a hearty growl from the engine. 
You can't help the airy giggle that bubbles up in your throat, and you're pretty sure that shaking from Corey's body is due to his own laughter, but you can't hear the sound over the sound of the motorcycle roaring down the county road. 
In this moment, however brief it maybe, you forget everything. Your grandfathers passing, your mother and father, your responsibilities, Haddonfield.
It all goes away with the rush of adrenaline that jumps through your veins and the wind in your hair. 
It's just you, Corey and the road. And you think you haven't felt so alive in forever.
Maybe being back isn't going to be a complete bust after all. 
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thechikamorilegacy · 2 months
The Chikamori Legacy
Chapter One: (Part VIII)
River and Haruo got in the truck.
Haruo raised an eyebrow as he started the engine, waving to his dad who nodded. This was going to be a long trip over to Richmond.
“I wasn’t expecting for your Mom and you to get kicked out like that.” Haruo commented, “though I wasn’t surprised, considering my mother and her BS.”
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River would have been terrified at the thought of homelessness but the matter-of-fact calmness her mother displayed in the face of eviction had eased her nerves somewhat and the ready acceptance of sharing what was his home with them was softening the gossip from that Lisa Bunch. He wouldn’t try to betray her.
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But she pinched herself. She needed to know why he had nearly kissed Bebe to begin with.
“Lisa said she saw you in the park with Bebe.” She tried to inject a neutral tone of voice because Haruo still sounded nettled.
“Really?” Haruo’s tone was harsh. “And what the hell shit was she trying to stir up this time?”
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“She was saying that you and Bebe were…” she held her thumb and forefinger of her left hand a minute distance apart, “…this close to kissing…”
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“For fuck sakes….Jesus Christ n’ Mary.” Haruo growled as he came to a stop at a red light. “That nosy…y'know Lisa won’t stop trying to stick her head into things that don't concern her even if they come back to bite her in the ass.”
“Well…did you kiss Bebe?” She tried not to sound betrayed; it wasn’t like they were dating.
“Nearly did before we came to our senses.” Haruo snapped. “I’d just come from Grandma’s and I wasn’t feeling good mentally. She said some things, I said some things, we nearly had a moment and there ya have it….”
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The light had turned and Haruo applied the gas. The Alex Fraser was quite busy as things go and He knew it would take about 35-40 minutes in order to get all the way into Richmond to the property he was seeking to occupy. Luckily the sale went through earlier in the week and the delivery trucks had brought in the double-wide so that he could start working on the inside and he’d managed to get the walls up. They were small 5x5 rooms and there wasn’t much for space but he had been able to get some stuff to put in to ease problems. Though he’d been expecting to live in this place by himself, until he’d had his friends from school move in, like Phil and Noel, perhaps.
River looked at Haruo, he’d admitted to nearly kissing Bebe, so why wasn’t she royally pissed off?
“Bebe wasn’t prepared to let it go any further. She said a few things that made me pause and come back to my senses.”
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“And what might those be?” She tried not to use a dry, snarky tone…but failed miserably. She saw Haruo use the signal and shoulder check while simultaneously keeping an eye on the car’s distance in front of him.
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Once he’d executed a safe lane change he growled, “Because a certain someone who never told me anything decided to talk about me to her as if we were an item.” River recoiled at his dripping sarcasm. “If I’m a part of a couple, don’t you think it’s right that I should be informed of this development?”
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Going along Number 3 Rd, he turned onto a property with a dark stone rubble driveway and a large grey/blue double-wide mobile home.
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“You’ll have to forgive me, this place is spartan:”. Haruo was matter-of-fact. He made no excuses regarding the fact that he had nearly kissed Bebe Hart and he made no apologies for it either. It wasn’t as if River owned him; in fact, he and River weren’t dating at this moment so technically he was unattached. Bebe and Haruo had nearly locked lips, and that was that. That was the be all and end all of that encounter.
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To River the most important parts was that Haruo was honest about it and that he didn’t try to hide it. And she deserved that ball thrown back in her court about her talking to Bebe about him.
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“There’s two bathrooms and I may put an outhouse for when it's too far to make a run for the washrooms in the trailer", Haruo informed her, ”
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“Guess we should start by taking the bed in…” River said feeling somewhat mollified and chastised at the same time.
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“Grab it by the end, squat with your knees and hips then straighten up. Don’t try to bend over or you’ll throw your back out. Heading to Richmond General will put a nasty crimp in the timetable.” His dry tone indicated just how irritated he was at the moment.
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Moving the bed in was a royal pain-in-the-ass. Having one’s face mushed against the frame of a box-spring while trying to wrestle it in one way and then the other was near joyful - the complete opposite actually. The mattress was even more of a swear inducing exercise in calisthenics and weight-lifting. “Jesus Christ!!!” Haruo let out a few more blue words as he accidentally mashed the back of his hand against the doorframe.
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“Did you hurt anything?” River asked setting down her side of the mattress when it was in the door. The mattress was on one end. And they still had to get it in the door to his bedroom. The box spring was going to be a monster to get in. They would have to guide it in; inch by careful inch. The mattress could be bent a little but the box spring had little to no give and one could either pinch their fingers or tenderize their whole hand if mashed against the door frame while trying to maneuver it to just where you wanted it. But finally they managed to get the box-spring where he wanted it. And frankly it just made a nice thwack sound as it hit the floor and a dull thud as the mattress hit it not more than twenty seconds later. A quick adjustment and it was ready for sheets.
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River looked over at Haruo. He seemed so much older yet he was only older by 9 months. Yet she still had a year to go in school, a half year if she applied herself to her academics and got through everything with flying colors. So, what waited for her at the very end? A nice rolled up diploma stating that she’d stayed the course in the BC education curriculum. Then another four year stint in higher education where she would be expected to don graduation robes yet again then attend a fancy degree conferring known as a convocation. If truth be told, Haruo looked rather stressed and irritable; not surprising after this morning.
As they started bringing boxes in, River asked, “so…you’re practically a young adult.” She smirked; in her mind, she had forgiven him about Bebe. “So any plans on what you intend to do with yourself?
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“No idea….Grandma did tell me that she would like me to try to go to university if I could. And part of me wants to since Grandpa sacrificed for me n’ my….mother.” He spat the last word out as if it was something distasteful.
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“But I’m all school’d out. I just kinda wanna relax and do my own thing for a year. Maybe take two years off to really get an idea of what I wanna do.”
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He dumped his box of clothes on the bed. And, I got bills coming so I have to have money for that. So maybe work for a year and see what happens. You got hundred twelve till grad, right?”
“Yeah,” River responded.
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Idly brushing away some lint that had fallen onto his pant-leg, Haruo commented, “Might meet someone you like good enough to go to university with him or maybe you might meet someone at UBC that you fit with.”
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“Yeah, maybe….” River sounded subdued. Does he only think of me as a little sister type of friend? “What if I already think I’ve found the guy I want to be with?” She asked.
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Haruo raised an eyebrow. “Oh?” He looked at her…”Well, then, I guess congratulations are in order.”
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OMG, you dolt! She thought to herself with a huff of aggravation. She shook her head. “You don’t get it, do you?”
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“What?” Haruo just sounded irritated as hell. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
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“It means, I don’t want anyone else…”.
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Haruo looked completely bewildered. First she said she had someone else that she was interested in and then she said that he didn’t understand what she meant. He thought that it had been clear enough to him. And then the I don’t want anyone else. That just confused the ever-loving daylights out of him. He raised an eyebrow in question.
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“But…I thought…you had someone…and…well…in that case…you shouldn’t want anyone else….right!”
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River almost let out a scream of frustration…she wasn’t sure how to gauge his reaction. Was he inexplicably dense or was he just toying with her and did she really want to consider a serious relationship with someone with the cognition abilities of a piece of granite? Aggravation wasn’t the word for this. Did she have to do this the caveman way to make him understand just exactly what she meant.
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Haruo continued to stand there puzzled at why River looked like she was going to take a baseball bat and brain him. And that was frankly annoying to say the least. Do women know how to just come out and say what the hell they mean instead of playing word games and driving him completely out of his ever-lovin’ mind? Because he was just about to scatter his marbles all over the floor in another minute if something didn’t start making sense soon. After that to-do with his mother, he was plumb out of patience.
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formula-1-otp · 2 months
Getting Lost was Not In The Plan
Summary : What could possibly go wrong on a formula 1 grid camping trip? Well leaving Charles and Liam by themselves was probably not the smartest decision either.
A/N: Hello! I hope you enjoy this! And I hope I don't jump around to much for you guys! Comments and kudos are greatly appreciated and let me know if you like my work!
A camping trip sounded like a decent idea. Charles wasn’t going to lie he was nervous camping always made him nervous. He wasn’t a super outdoorsy person but he saw how happy Carlos looked when he had gotten the call that all the drivers would be going camping for a week to relax. Charles finished packing his backpack before taking a deep breath, he didn’t notice Carlos beside him.
“You okay mi amour?” Carlos slowly rubbed Charles's back he could tell the Monegasque was nervous.
“Yeah I’m okay, excited to spend time with you,” Charles blushed he was so happy to have an uninterrupted week away from all technology with Carlos and his friends. It had been years since he had been away from the press and he wasn’t gonna lie he could use a week off.
Carlos grabbed Charles's bag before heading downstairs. Charles followed in tow going through the list in his head making sure they had everything.
“I think we’re ready,” Charles stated as a horn honked outside.
“Perfect,” Carlos smiled grabbing their stuff and heading out to the truck waiting in the driveway.
“OSCAH! Our rides here!” Lando was bouncing with excitement he hadn’t been camping in years and he was so excited, all their stuff was already by the door ready, and their ride would be arriving at any moment.
“I’m coming,” the Aussie replied before coming downstairs with another bag.
“What’s that?” Lando looked confused he thought they already had everything.
“Your clothes,” Oscar smiled and gave a small laugh as Lando blushed realizing he grabbed all their other bags except that one.
Liam watched his boyfriend quickly make work of their campsite it wasn’t long before the tent was set up, bed ready for later that night and all their stuff put away. Liam couldn’t help but smile, he had never been camping before so didn’t know what to expect but Logan had told him that he would take care of everything.
“Thanks love,” Liam said placing a kiss on his boyfriend’s cheek. He smiled it wasn’t often he could show Logan PDA without the fear of cameras around.
Liam looked over to the other group that had already arrived consisting of Valterri, Nico and Kevin, the other men also were already set up. Liam could see the beer in Valterris's hand from here and he couldn’t help but smile brighter.
“Should we have a drink?” Liam asked before a vehicle approaching took him from his thoughts.
“Oscar’s here!” Logan was almost bouncing with excitement and Liam just chuckled to himself, he saw how happy Logan was when they found out they were going camping and how ecstatic he became when he realized his long-time best friend would also be there.
Before Liam could realize the group in the truck, Charles, Carlos, Max, Checo, Lando and Oscar, had exited the vehicle and Logan was helping unload all their stuff.
The group quickly set up their camping sites before bringing their chairs around the fire that wasn’t lit before breaking off in conversation.
“Anyone know when the rest are coming?” Charles spoke he could see it wasn’t dark but it wouldn’t be long before it was dark. He sat close to Carlos feeling safe next to the older man.
“They should be here any minute I would assume, except Lance and Fernando they’ll be here after their media event tomorrow,” Max replied sitting on the other side of Charles.
It wasn’t long before the rest of the grid showed up minus the Aston Martin team. Lando looked over to see George being dragged out of the car by Lewis and Alex.
“No please can I just stay home?” Lando could see George struggling but he could see the other two Brits weren’t letting go of the brunette anytime soon. Lando looked as a chair was put beside him and an upset George was shoved down beside him.
“Now you stay here until I have everything set up,” Lewis said placing a kiss on George’s forehead as the man sitting put a small pout on his face.
“It’ll be fun George!” Lando couldn’t help but try to cheer up the Brit.
“But how am I supposed to make colour-coordinated schedules without my app?” To anyone else this may seem like a stupid pointless argument but those who know George know that this is his real anxiety coming through.
“I made sure to bring paper, rulers, highlighters and coloured pens,” Alex pipped up as he was carrying stuff back from the truck. George's face lit up with happiness and Lando just chuckled under his breath.
It didn’t take long for the rest to have their tents set up and everyone was finally around the now lit fire.
“What should we do for dinner?” Oscar finally spoke up since it was getting dark and most of them hadn’t eaten since lunch.
“We could just do hotdogs?” Pierre offered from across the fire.
The group agreed, Pierre smiled and went to the cooler for their campsite and pulled out a few packages of hot dogs. Everyone made sure to grab their roasting sticks and some plates before returning to their seats.
Dinner came and went and as the night went on groups slowly went back to their tents to sleep getting ready for the days to come.
George rolled over on his air mattress pressing himself into Lewis’ back. The older man was warm and George was honestly so cold he didn’t know why the thermostat had been turned down. It wasn’t until the Brit opened his eyes to see that his nightmare was real and they were in the middle of the forest.
“You’re okay, I’m right here,” Lewis said, he knew this was going to happen so he was prepared but it didn’t take long for his boyfriend to calm down. Lewis could hear people talking outside so he knew most of the group was awake.
“Shall we get up love,” Lewis placed a kiss on George’s temple. George nodded before climbing off the air mattress getting himself somewhat presentable.
“But CARLOS I'M HUNGRY!” Charles yelled to the Spaniard.
Charles couldn't help but be annoyed. He was hungry and his boyfriend wouldn't let him start breakfast until everyone was awake. Charles wasn't sure if he could survive that long.
“I know cariño, soon I promise,” Carlos was trying to calm a hangry Charles. He couldn't help but notice the differences between all the drivers and their partners.
Zhou and Valterri were sitting just outside their group of tents with Kevin and Nico. Carlos loved spending time with the grid, they didn’t do it often but when they did it was always full of fun and laughs. As Carlos heard Lewis and George exit their tent to join everyone. Almost everyone was awake, except Lando, Oscar was out mingling but the Brit was usually asleep till early afternoon if given the opportunity.
“Almost everyone’s awake can we make breakfast now?” Charles gave him the puppy dog eyes, Carlos laughed and shook his head getting the grill ready.
Lando joined everyone right at the end of breakfast getting the last plate thankfully Oscar made sure everyone left a bit for his boyfriend. The group just sat for a bit before discussing what to do for the day.
“I wouldn’t mind going for a hike,” Max brings up, looking at the group and seeing a few headshakes.
“I brought some ladder ball to play if anyone wanted to have a tournament?” Esteban smiled at the group, he knew most of them were very competitive.
A few groups split off to enjoy some afternoon activities. Charles followed Max with Liam, Yuki, and Zhou in tow as they began their walk to the trail for a hike.
Esteban pulled out and set up the ladder ball. They made sure to have an even number and got set in pairs. Esteban with Checo, Pierre with Lando, and Kevin with Daniel.
“Oscar, do you want to help me get some firewood?” Logan asked, he knew they brought some but Logan could tell the small stack they brought wasn’t going to be anywhere near enough for the week.
“Sure why not,” Oscar smiled before following Logan into the forest.
“I think me and Nico are gonna catch up on our reading,” Valterri said as he smiled at the remaining small group.
“I think I’ll join you I brought a few books,” Lewis smiled at the older two.
“What am I supposed to do!?” George cried out as Lewis got up. George was honest with Lewis about not wanting to participate but like usual Lewis bribed him, he wasn’t gonna lie Lewis was always hard to bargain with his offers were usually pretty good and this was no exception. George would be allowed to make a PowerPoint or spreadsheet for all their races, and George wasn’t gonna lie he was ecstatic, Lewis usually never let him use his computer on any race weekends.
“I’ll grab your calendar stuff and that should keep you busy,” Alex smirked.
George instantly shut his mouth, he was thankful for his best friend, Alex knew him as good if not better than Lewis did. It was not long before George was set up at the picnic table everything was organized and he instantly got to work.
Alex shook his head as he went to watch the ladder ball tournament and socialize a bit.
Charles felt like they had been walking forever. He knew he was in decent shape but not in hiking shape. As the group was not having too big of an issue.
Charles was starting to feel a bit self-conscious as he was struggling so much that he looked to the group who had stopped to wait for them.
“It’s okay you guys keep going I’ll just head back down,” Charles said to the group feeling slightly defeated.
“You shouldn’t go alone, I’ll come,” Liam said smiling at the Monegasque. Charles gave him a small smile in return.
“Okay, we’ll see you back at camp,” typical Max straight to the point, and before the pair knew it the three men in front of them had disappeared. The two men slowly started a trek back down to camp.
The ladder ball tournament ended with Daniel and Kevin winning, starting a small argument among the players.
“We won fair and square!” Daniel yelled to Esteban.
“You cheated!” Unfortunately we all the fun no one had noticed the clouds coming in. It wasn’t long before the skies opened up and the rain was coming.
George was first to scramble grab all his stuff and move it under their covered picnic table. The rest that were hanging around instantly got the chairs put underneath the cover.
Logan and Oscar returned with arms full of firewood that was abandoned beside the fire as they ran undercover as well.
“So much for our nice day?” Carlos said looking towards the sky as if it was just dark clouds.
“We’ll just have to make the best of it!” Lando smiled before running into the rain and instantly getting soaking wet but he didn’t care it was still a decently warm day.
The group got set up under the cover nice and tight to make sure they would all fit. Lando eventually came under the cover when no one would go play in the rain with him.
“But Oscar it’s not that cold,” Lando argued with his boyfriend trying to convince the Aussie to go play in the rain with him.
“I know it’s not cold but I don’t want to get wet right now Lan,” Oscar replied kissing Lando's wet hair.
Max, Yuki and Zhou arrived back at camp just before it got dark, all three were soaking wet. Max instantly goes to see Checo placing a small kiss on his lips. Yuki goes back to Pierre and Esteban and Zhou just goes to sit down. Carlos was the first to notice that Monegasque wasn’t with the group.
“Where’s Charles?” Carlos instantly looked to Max.
“Him and Liam came back early did they not?” Max was confused Charles and Liam should’ve been at least a few hours ago.
At the mention of the New Zealander Logan’s head jumped up to listen to the conversation.
“No Max they haven’t arrived back yet,” Carlos’ heart instantly sank with worry. Where could the two men be, the trails were indicated fairly well and he knew both Charles and Liam were fairly smart.
Liam and Charles walked back quietly enjoying the silence.
“Sorry Liam I just want to look at something,” Charles smiled as they came to a small lookout. He took a minute to enjoy the view, Charles saw the dark clouds rolling in.
“We should get going rain is coming,” Charles said before heading back to the trail. They kept walking for a while. They thought they knew where they were going but as soon as the rain hit they realized the trail didn’t look familiar, but neither paid attention thinking it just looked different going back down.
Unfortunately, Liam wasn’t necessarily watching where he was walking before stepping on a slippery rock twisting his ankle sending him straight to the ground.
“Ow fuck,” Liam yelled as he fell.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah I think so,” Liam stood on shaky legs before trying to take a step on his ankle, sending a massive pain up his leg.
“Maybe not,” Liam looked up to the older man with worry in his eyes, only to be met with worried eyes.
“Here I’ll help you,” Charles helped Liam limp down the trail. The rain had them soaked by now. It wasn’t until it got dark the boys realized they were lost. Charles sat Liam against a tree trying not to jostle the younger man’s ankle. The Monegasque was panicking one of his many fears was coming true.
“Charles we’ll be okay,” Liam wasn’t sure who he was trying to convince Charles or himself, but he knew he had to keep calm from the panicked look on the older man’s face.
“What do we do!?” Charles ripped at his hair. He had never been lost in the woods before.
“We should stay near this tree it’s near the trail in case anyone comes looking, we need some big leaves to cover us and try to keep us dry,” Liam gave Charles instructions to find some big leaves or ferns nearby. It wasn’t long before they had a small cover built that at least helped stop most of the rain.
It was dark Liam wasn’t sure when he and Charles clung together but he was thankful for it. Both boys were scared at this point it was dark, wet and cold they weren’t sure when they would be found but they were hoping soon.
It was Lewis who organized the small search party, sending everyone off in threes, with walkie-talkies for communication leaving Logan, Carlos, Oscar and Lando back at the campsite in case the two showed up. Carlos sat at the table dead staring. Lando was trying to distract the Spaniard but he could tell Carlos wasn’t registering a word he was saying. Lando looked to see Oscar having almost the opposite problem with a pacing Logan.
“What if they’re dead or hurt or worse eaten!” Logan was pacing as he yelled to Oscar, he couldn’t control his emotions right now. He was grateful that Oscar didn’t seem to take the snappy response as an insult as it wasn’t. Logan was just worried and wasn’t sure what to do with himself.
“We will call the ranger if the boys can't find them, you know Liam is strong and so is Charles they are smart they can figure it out,” Oscar didn't bother trying to stop Logan from pacing he knew the American was just dealing with his anxiety.
A truck pulled down the driveway, it was Lance and Fernando, the Canadian stepped out first before seeing that something was wrong instantly.
“Hey everything okay?” he asked the only four people he saw in the entire campsite.
“Charles and Liam are missing,” both Carlos and Logan said in unison.
“The group are out looking for them,” Oscar added to the two in front of him.
There was a rustling in the bush behind the tree.
“Do you hear the that?” Liam made sure to whisper.
Charles looked to the younger man as he shook his head covering his mouth so he wouldn't make a sound. Whatever was making that sound it wasn't small.
Charles carefully peaked around the corner to see a bear, it was fairly small though not necessarily a cub but not necessarily full grown. Charles instantly went back to his place beside Liam tears in his eyes. He didn't want to die today.
They sat tense as the bear sniffed behind the tree, and Charles was sure he stopped breathing. He was shocked he didn't have a heart attack and die right then.
Liam sat as still as possible, it wasn't until he heard yelling his head snapped to the side.
Charles heard the leaves rustling before he carefully peeked to see the bear had run off. He let out his breath finally and smiled.
“We're here!” Charles yelled as loud as he could, he was dehydrated, tired and in shock.
“Charles!” it was Max the Monegasque saw first. “Are you guys okay?”
“Yeah Liam has what I think to be a sprained ankle,” Charles added hugging the Dutchman. Max instantly hugged him back.
“We found them Lewis we should be able to get them back to camp fairly quickly,” it was Checo who Charles saw next as he came walking with Daniel talking into his walkie-talkie.
“Daniel if you can carry Liam for a bit I’ll trade when you get tired,” Checo smiled to the Aussie who nodded eagerly already checking on the younger man.
The two men weren’t too far off one of the trails to get back they were almost at the base it only took the group about 20 minutes to get down the mountain and back to the campsite.
The second Charles saw Carlos he made a run for his partner hurrying himself into his boyfriend.
“You’re okay cariño,” Carlos held tightly onto the Monegasque. He rubbed Charles's back not wanting to let go just in case Charles disappeared.
Luckily Oscar managed to hold Logan back before tackling Checo who was carrying the kiwi. Lewis already had a lawn chair set out for Liam so he could examine his ankle since he had his first aide.
After taking a look at it Lewis could tell it was sprained however it didn't seem awful he luckily had thought to come prepared and he managed to find a brace for Liam after securing it.
“Take it easy and try not to walk on it,” Lewis smiled to Kiwi who smiled gratefully in return. “Okay I will let Logan come see you before he punches someone,” Lewis laughs as he can hear Oscar arguing by the fire where everyone was mingling as the rain had almost stopped.
“Liam, are you okay?” Liam couldn't help but plaster a big smile on his face nod and pull Logan onto his lap so his head was on his chest.
It was now very late but after the day's events no one could sleep, so they decided to sit by the fire roast some marshmallows and try to forget about the afternoon events.
“There's Lions out here?” Yuki snapped his head to Pierre.
“There's no lions out here Yuki I promise,” Pierre grabbed Yuki’s hand in his own.
“Lando just told me, I can't believe you lied to me,” Yuki pulled his hand away from Pierre’s before getting up and walking over to the other side where Esteban was talking to Kevin.
Pierre rolled his eyes before looking at Lando who had a guilty look on his face.
“Why?” that was all Pierre had the energy for. He knew Lando just liked to mess him cause he was easy to get a rise out of but it wasn't fun when he played Yuki or Esteban into his fun.
“It’s fun,” Lando replied before turning back to Alex who was on his other side.
“Okay since my schedule is all messed up for today anyway no thanks to-ow!” George started before Lewis elbowed him in the ribs.
“Not a word about the schedule,” Lewis was quiet but George knew when Lewis used that tone he was serious.
“How about we tell scary stories?” George offered.
“I’ll start! It was a night just like this, a group of friends all decided to go camping, they thought it would be fun. Little did they know the horrors that lived in the woods, they sat around the fire, having fun roasting marshmallows until they heard a sound from the bushes behind them!” Lando started his story off by trying to build as much suspense as possible.
“Then came the man with chainsaw arms!!” Some of the group jumped some small screams were heard the others just smiled at Lando for giving it his all.
“Did he kill them?” Was Max’s neutral response.
“Obviously!” Lando was looking at Max like he just asked what his name was.
The group continued telling stories that turned into funny stories before everyone trailed off to bed in the early hours of the morning.
Charles sat on the air mattress while Carlos got changed. He didn’t look at Carlos just stared off in the distance.
“You sure you’re okay cariño? Carlos sat beside the Monegasque when he had his pyjamas on.
“Physically yes, mentally… I don’t know, there was a bear,” Charles spoke softly, he knew tents weren’t soundproof.
“A bear?” Carlos pulled Charles close to himself.
“I can’t stop thinking about what would’ve happened if Max, Checo and Daniel hadn’t found us,” Charles looked at Carlos with tears in his eyes. Carlos pulled the younger man closer if that was even possible.
“But they did, and you are safe, and I am not leaving your side for the rest of the trip,” Carlos pulled Charles into a lying position protectively holding his boyfriend.
Logan got Liam all situated in bed not letting the Kiwi do anything for himself.
“I’m okay Logan I promise,” Liam smiled pulling the American on the air mattress.
“You’re sure you’re okay?” Liam gave Logan a sympathetic smile he could tell how worried his boyfriend was.
“Yes I am sure, and I sure hope the rest of this camping trip is better than today,” Liam smiled as Logan laughed.
“Amen to that,” they said before falling into a deep sleep.
0 notes
Letterkenny- 5 Times Wayne Fell in Love With You
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(Not my Gif)
Notes: This was meant to be a quick little oneshot, but it ended up being five pages long. I figured since there are a few Letterkenny fics I would have to write some myself lol
Warnings: Language (it's Letterkenny, duh...), ooc for Wayne? Fluff?
1. Whenever you helped with the chorin’
- When you were sitting outside, drinking some Puppers in the sun in the middle of an afternoon
- There weren’t enough chairs, but you didn’t mind, so you took your usual seat on the ground next to Wayne so you could lean against his legs
- You had lost track about what exactly the boys were talking about, but it didn’t matter. You were just happy to be sitting around with your friends
-Wayne nudged your head with his knee and you were jolted back into the conversation
- “What do you think, Miss/Mr. y/n?” Dan asked you
- “About what?” you asked
- “Going to MoDean’s for drinks,” Daryl said
- “Sure, I’ll go. When are we going?” You asked
-Wayne gently moved your head from his leg so you didn’t whack it on the chair and stood up. - “As soon as the chorin’ is done, which I was supposed to get help with,” He said, glaring at Dan and Daryl
-You tapped Wayne’s leg so he looked down at you. You held both hands up above your head, silently asking him to help you up.
-He took both your hands and hauled you off the ground with essentially no effort because of the wonderful muscles he hid under his flannels
-As soon as you were on your feet you turned around and started marching towards some of the hay bales
- “Pitter patter, let’s get at ‘er,” You said as you left
- Your back was to the boys so you missed the smile and head nod that Wayne had thrown to your retreating figure
- “y/n isn’t afraid to help with the chorin’, and that’s one of the things I appreciates about them,” Dan said
- “Take 20% off there Squirrely Dan,” Wayne said before marching off to follow you, who was already picking up a hay bale and throwing onto the back of the truck.
2. When you take care of everybody after they’re drinking
- It was hard to imagine since you spent all your time with the group, but you weren’t a big drinker
- You would spend the whole night nursing a beer or two or doing a few shots
-You were definitely the most responsible with alcohol out of everyone
- Which meant it was very often you were stuck with the aftermath of the drinking
- It wasn’t unusual for you to have to shove everyone in Wayne’s truck and drive them all home
- Getting everyone in the truck was the hardest part
-On really bad nights, the three boys were the worst
- “Daryl, I swear to fuck if you try and put your nipples on me one more time, I’m ripping them off,” you growled while helping Gail with putting all the empty bottles on the bar
- “Do you’s want to race me?” Dan barely slurred out, leaning against the bar to catch his balance
- “No, Dan, I don’t,” You rolled your eyes and grabbed the last few bottles and handed them to Gail
-Wayne was fairly easy, he was sitting at the end of the bar, giving a few adorable chuckles about nothing every few minutes
-Finally the bar looked somewhat back to normal and you waved goodbye to Gail and started herding the boys.
-Daryl ran at you with his shirt off, and keeping your promise, gave him the biggest purple nurple he had ever received
-He just laughed at it, but boy would he feel it in the morning
-Dan was now trying to get Wayne to race him, but Wayne was still giggling to himself
- “Hey you two, why don’t you see who can get to the truck first,” you called to Dan and Daryl, and they both damn near tripped over themselves to see who could get there first.
-Daryl definitely won
- You put your arm around Wayne’s shoulders and helped him off the bar stool.
- He flashed you the biggest smile and you were reminded that you actually loved seeing Wayne this drunk because it was the only time he actually relaxed
- “You’re a great fucking gal/guy, y/n” Wayne said between chuckles
-The heat rose to your cheeks, but you assumed he was only saying that because he was so drunk
- “So are you Wayne, now let’s get you home,” You said, leading him to the truck
-Daryl had his bare chest on the door of the car, but you didn’t want to bother with it. You would just let Wayne kick his ass tomorrow
-All the boys were put in the truck and you started your rounds of taking them home
-You got Dan and Daryl to their front doors before you headed to Wayne's house
-Katy said you could stay in her room since she was staying at a guys house for the night
-Don’t worry, you had already threatened the guy with death if he so much as thought about hurting her
- You got Wayne up the stairs and into bed, politely taking his boots off and innocently taking off his jeans and tucked him into bed
-He would give a quiet giggle every few minutes, but he was definitely on the verge of falling asleep
-You got him a glass of water and some ibuprofen and put them on his bedside table before falling asleep in Katy’s room
-The next morning, Wayne would be awoken to the smell of breakfast and he would make his way downstairs to see you in the kitchen in a pair of shorts and an oversized shirt
-He would sit at the table with his head down and you would pour him a cup of juice and set it down in front of him
- “Y/n, thanks for getting us all home,” He would say, albeit much quieter than he usually talked. Probably because of the hangover
- “You’re welcome, Sweetie,” You would say with a huge smile on your face, which would earn you a glare from Wayne, but it would disappear as soon as you put food in front of him. Instead it would be replaced with a grateful smile
-Because he knew you were a great fucking gal/guy
3. When you took care of Stormy
-You loved dogs.
-Like, loved dogs
-More than you loved almost anything else
-So when Stormy wouldn’t leave the barn, you were worried sick
-Wayne was too, but he would never show it
-He would call the vet but even in the small town of Letterkenny the vet wasn’t available 24 hours a day
- When the vet said they couldn’t be there for another day or two, you were devastated
- Wayne said Stormy would be fine for a few days and this wasn’t the first time it had happened
-But that didn’t matter much to you
- So for that whole day you didn’t stray too far from the barn where Stormy was laying
- Katy even brought food out to you when you didn’t want to come in for dinner
-Knowing that you wouldn’t want to leave the poor shepherd for too long, Katy got the couch made up for you to stay with her and Wayne
-He was pretty used to you hanging around the house anyway so it was no surprise and he just accepted it
-What he didn’t expect was to go downstairs in the middle of the night for some water to see the couch was empty
-He went up to Katy’s room but you weren’t there either
-Worry spiked through him as he registered that you weren’t in the house
-Until he saw a light on in the barn
-And he knew exactly where you were
-He put on a coat and grabbed a few blankets and headed to the barn
-When he approached the door, he thought he would see you on one of the chairs, or even laying on the upper deck
-What he didn’t expect was to see you laying in the hay right next to Stormy
-A small blanket covering both of them
-He stared at the sight before him for a minute before placing a heavier blanket on both his girls and taking a seat in one of the plastic chairs
-As he looked you over his heart got that weird fluttering feeling that only happened when he looked at you
-The chair wasn’t comfortable, but he settled down the best he could before closing his eyes
-Because he sure as shit wasn’t going to leave them both out in the chilly night air
4. When you only danced with him
-Wayne wasn’t much of a dancer
-He usually stayed at the bar drinking and watching everyone else
-Until he saw you on the dancefloor with Katy
-Both of you were having fun, without a care in the world
-He didn’t always understand how people enjoyed jumping around a dance floor, pushing into each other
- Until he saw you, smiling and carefree
-He could see how you would enjoy it
- He enjoyed watching you do it
- But when the song changed from an upbeat dance to a slower one, he saw the nervousness on your face
- Katy had gone on to dance with the 2 hockey players, leaving you alone on the floor
- He was going to wave you over for a Puppers, to sit down and have a drink with him
- Until
- Some uptown degen had grabbed your shoulder and spun you around, trying to dance with you
- And even from where he was sitting he could see you say no
- But this degen obviously didn’t know what was going to come to him if he didn’t let you go
- So Wayne took another swig of his drink, stood up, and marched right over to you
- He glared at the guy and shoved him away, standing in front of you until the degen scampered away from the crowd
- “I had him by the ropes,” you muttered, looking down at your shoes
- “Sure you did,” Wayne said, scanning the room to make sure the degen didn’t come back with any friends
- You both stood there awkwardly while everyone else was swaying to the music
- Finally you slyly held your hand out, asking him for a dance
- He looked between your hand and your face, before taking it and pulling you closer to him, his hand on your waist and yours falling on his shoulder
- You were slightly surprised that he had even decided to dance with you, but you weren’t going to question it too much
- It was rare that people saw this side of Wayne, especially in public
- So you just went with it and put your head on his shoulder
- “I thought you didn’t want to dance?” Wayne asked
- “No, I didn’t want to dance with some degen. I’ll always take a dance from you,” you said
- Wayne chuckled and pulled you a little closer
- He’d have to find a way to get you to dance with him outside of MoDean’s
5. When you patched him up after a fight
- Wayne was the toughest guy in Letterkenny
- Everyone knew that
- And for the most part, you liked it
- Except when Wayne had to prove that he was the toughest guy in Letterkenny
- Aka when he had to fight
- He always won, but that didn’t mean he didn’t catch a few hits along the way
- As the reigning tough guy in Letterkenny, Wayne never showed that he was hurt
- He usually hid behind a bottle of Puppers or Gus N’ Bru until the night was over
- Then he would give some half assed attempt to clean himself up
- Except he sucked at it
- So that’s where you stepped in
- Growing up in Letterkenny, you knew how to patch up wounds
- So as soon as you could get him alone, you would, ignoring his protests the whole time
- At first, you had to damn near tackle Wayne to get him to sit down so you could patch him up
- Even jumping onto his back to try and weigh him down
- It didn’t work, he just slung you off and caught you before you hit the floor, set you down, and stormed out of the bathroom
- This happened again and again until you tried a new tactic
- Begging
- Wayne could refuse most people’s begging
- But not yours
- Especially when you hit him with the puppy dog eyes
- So the first time you tried it, and said please, he sat down on the sink in the bathroom with a whispered “fuck a duck”, and let you patch him up
- You wiped the blood from his lip and disinfected the cuts on his knuckles
- And this became a routine almost every time he got into a fight
- Which was a lot
- His reluctance eventually diminished, and you swore that sometimes he looked forward to having you help him
- Although he would never tell his buddies
- But Katy teased you about it from time to time
- The last time you patched him up, Wayne had gotten into a pretty bad fight
- He had a busted lip, a blackened eye, and numerous cuts on his knuckles
- This fight wasn’t a typical ‘Toughest Guy in Letterkenny’ fight
- You had no idea what started this one, but Wayne hadn’t been this hurt in a while
- He had walked into the house where you were watching a movie with Katy, stood in front of you guys for a moment, and then walked into the bathroom and sat on the sink
- Katy had nudged you towards him and resumed the movie
- You walked into the bathroom and pulled out the first aid kit that you had stashed away after the first few fights
- You got out the bandages and hydrogen peroxide and got to work, gently working from his eye to his knuckles
- “I take it this wasn’t a planned fight?” you asked him, throwing a cotton ball into the trash can
- “Not exactly,” he said, “Some fuckin’ degens were talking about some of the girls in town, fucking degens,” he muttered
- “Ah,” I said, putting a small bandage on his right hand
- You're little Batman of Letterkenny
- You went to release his hand but he grabbed yours instead
- You looked up into his eyes and saw that he was already looking into yours
- “You don’t have to patch me up every time, you know,” He said, barely moving his thumb across your own knuckles
- You smiled, your cheeks turning red. “I know, but I want to. Lord knows you can’t do it yourself,” you laughed, not moving
- He gave you a rare smile and let go of your hand
- You finished with his hand and patted his shoulder, signaling that you were done
- He hopped off the counter and watched as you put everything away
- You brushed past him and left the bathroom and went to go sit on the couch and resume the movie
- Wayne went to the fridge, grabbed a Puppers, and sat next to you on the couch
- As the movie played on, you felt your eyes drooping and your yawns had increased, some of them threatening to split your face in half
- At some point your head leaned over onto Wayne’s shoulder and your eyes closed for the night
- Wayne only dragged a blanket onto you and shifted his shoulder down for you to rest your head better
- He ignored Katy’s raised eyebrows and beaming smile and turned his attention back to the movie
- But as he looked at his wrapped hand again, he glanced back at you asleep on his shoulder, and figured enough was enough.
- He would tell you in the morning
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yunkiwii · 3 years
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—i miss you even when you're here—
pairing: bf!seungmin x fem!reader
genre: angst, fluff, established relationship
wc: ~2.7k
warnings: feeling of abandonment, loneliness, stress, insecurities
⇢ requested by @leihey ♡ i hope this lives up to your expectations!
summary: for seven days y/n has been feeling lonely as her boyfriend spends all his time either at work or thinking about work.
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You turn your alarm off without even looking at it, huffing before reaching your arm to the left side of the bed, and the way it lands straight out into the wrinkled sheets with a muffled sound confirms what you expected but still hoped wouldn't happen today - waking up alone.
For the past week Seungmin would get home late to a long asleep girlfriend at their shared bed, and a plate of cold food on the kitchen table. On the other hand, you would wake to an already empty bed and a faint memory of a forehead kiss, one you wondered if it were real or just a lucid dream.
For seven days you have spent your time either at work or alone at home, carefully thinking what meal would cheer up your boyfriend the most after a long stressful day at JYPE, missing the way he would always cut the onions because he knew you were more sensitive than him to the burning feeling in your eyes and would cry easily, missing how the kitchen always felt so small for the two of you to cook together, his hands constantly on your waist as a way to tell you to "scootch over", not wanting to interrupt his singing to tell you verbally.
For seven days you have been cooking alone, cooking for someone you didn't know would show up in time or not. And whenever he did - he didn't - being his presence merely physical, greeting kisses placed on your cheeks, lips and forehead in a mechanical way, a force of habit. For seven days your kitchen felt too big, too quiet and the onions made you cry more than usual.
At the eighth day you couldn't take it anymore, and when you heard the doorknob of your front door creaking, just as you were setting the table - for two -, you had to take three deep breaths, the words you had organized and planned out started to get mixed up in your brain, creating a mess you couldn't control anymore and so, as soon as you see Seungmin entering the kitchen you can only say three words, "I love you."
"I love you too, silly." he chuckles as his lips peck yours quickly, "Is that what you wanted to talk to me about so desperatly?", he waves his phone, referring to the text you sent him earlier. He didn't look annoyed at you for making him come home earlier than it was usual lately, but he still seemed off, and the bags under his eyes screamed "exhaustion" the same way the marks your tears left on your cheeks did too.
You watch him as he eats, unable to do so too yourself, the lump in your throat growing as you hear Seungmin's muffled voice thanking you for the meal with his mouth full and a light squeeze on your thigh. And you wondered if you were being unfair, if you were being selfish, because he was allowed to be stressed about his work, he was allowed to not be at his best all the time, and it wasn't his fault he had to stay until late at night at work. But it was his fault that he couldn't leave work when he got home, that he couldn't put his phone down and ask how your day was, to just take ten minutes of his day to just be with you, and you only. And you were allowed to miss him, miss his touch, miss the way he held you tightly at the end of the day while you watched the most random tv show together, because it wasn't the show that matter but each other's company.
And, without realizing it, you had already spilled all of this to him before the kitchen dropped dead silent again, and everything went blurry. You couldn't even see his face, not until his hands cupped your cheeks and his thumbs cleaned your tears as you mumbled quietly, "I'm sorry, I- I just miss you."
"But I'm right here (y/n)...", he pulls your chair closer until your knees touch, taking your hand in his while the other lifts your chin so your eyes meet, "Let's go on a date tomorrow, yeah? I'll get off earlier and pick you up. You'll wear that fancy outfit you've had in your wardrobe for ages, and I'll put on a nice suit and tie. What do you say?"
And in the eighth night you went to bed feeling a little warmer inside, his back turned to you didn't hurt as much now that your hand rested on his side and his shirt was worn by you. Knowing - hoping - that tomorrow will be better, you fall deep into dreamland as soon as you shut your eyes.
However, you couldn't help but to feel abandoned again when, hours later, a cold breeze hits your stomach and arms, making you mumble something in your sleep as you try to recover whatever was blocking that breeze before. One of your hands gets a grip of a soft fabric that seems too heavy to pull back down next to you, leaving your sleepy self whining for the owner of said fabric not to leave again.
"I will be back later, don't forget I'll pick you up for dinner. Go back to sleep now, (y/n)."
But how could you forget about dinner with him when, for the last eight days it was all you were longing for, and for the nineth day it was all you could think about?
Said day passed by slower than ever, an illusion caused by the clear anticipation you felt about the upcoming night. Anticipation addressed by your colleagues at work, who wondered what has sent your head into cloud 9 and your right leg into a fidgeting state, unable to stay still.
These same nervous actions continued at home, the funny feeling in your stomach resembling the very first date you had with Seungmin a few years ago, back when you were still a college student and he wasn't as busy as now. The same thoughts you had that day invading your restless mind again, "What if he doesn't like me (anymore)?", "What if he thinks I am (got) boring?", "What if my outfit doesn't fit?".
With that last thought you rush to your bedroom - but not without tripping on the first step of the staircase - to, in desperate clumsy movements, try out the said outfit you've been wanting to wear for so long, the one Seungmin got you for a "special date" months ago, one that never happened. But it did fit, it fitted better than ever and when you saw your reflection in the mirror even you fell in love with the person in front of you, the one doing little swirls with a stupid smile on her face, the person you doubted to be yourself. And, suddenly, you felt like everything would be alright, everything would go back to normal, maybe things would get even better than before, "there is no way he'll fall out of love for me when I look like this" was your first thought.
But he didn't even seem to notice your appearance, he didn't seem to notice you at all, he simply picked you up at the agreed time with a peck on your lips and one single rose in hand. All he did was drive you - in silence - to the fanciest restaurant in town, leave you alone at the table about three times to pick up the phone - "it's from work, I'm sorry" -, pay for both your meals and drive you back home.
And it took him to hear the quiet sobs you so hardly tried to keep in, while laying as far away as possible from him that you had to secure yourself from falling over the edge, to realize what he had been doing to you, to finally figure out how much he has been hurting you. And in that moment his sobs could be heard too. The realisation and guilt hit Seungmin like a truck and he couldn't move. He couldn't believe how he had let his stress and excessive work load affect you too. He couldn't believe he had reached a point to where he brought work home, one thing he had promised you he would never do. And his chest tights up a bit more when he realises you never got mad at him for breaking his promise, and breathing gets difficult when he faces you - your back.
"(Y/N)...", and your stomach drops five feet down at his cracked, low tone, and "I'm so sorry..." was all he could say before bursting into silent tears once more.
However, you were too hurt to face him, and the burn in your eyes increases when you feel the mattress sink behind you before a warm hand rests on your waist, but you don't push him away.
The nineth night was his the turning point, and Seungmin swore to your asleep self - and to himself - that the next morning would mark a new beginning.
And in the first morning you pretended to be asleep when his hand took a few strands of hair off your face, his lips barely touched your skin and his voice broke your heart, "see you later". And you held your breath until the bedroom door closed and stood still until the front door locked. But it took longer today, and in between these two moments you heard noise in the kitchen, and within a few minutes a nice smell made its way into your hiding place, as if it was trying to lure you to give in and face your boyfriend. But not even your grunting stomach stopped you from waiting to hear his car drive off to get up. And when you did, the curiosity took over you. He never cooks in the morning, and he never leaves this late. Something was changing after all.
Hence, in the first night, you shifted your body to face him when he quietly climbed in bed next to you, your left cheek pressed against your hands as a weak smile greeted the tired boy, "I appreciated the breakfast." Nevertheless, you didn't reach out to pinch his cheek the way you used to, though you had the urge to do so when his own lips drew a smile and his eyes got lost in his cheeks.
In the second morning you didn't pretend to be asleep and you didn't wait for the car to leave. In the second morning you sat at the kitchen table with Seungmin and, because he knew it would take you time to go back to him, he didn't force a conversation, he didn't force skinship, he merely held your hand and squeezed it lightly. And you knew he was trying, you knew he would try and wait until you were ready to trust him again, to give him your heart again.
Day by day you would slowly give him little pieces of you, by sharing the most small and insignificant stories of your day, by letting him hold your hand at night, by sharing earpods with him on the couch when you couldn't fall asleep, by letting him try and do all the things he shouldn't have stopped doing in the first place.
But it took you seven days and seven pieces to trust him with your heart again. Therefore, on the seventh day, as the the sunbeams peaked through the poorly closed shutters and reflected on Seungmin's bare shoulders, you couldn't help yourself from admiring him and, for the first time in seven days, you felt warm inside. The butterflies you used to feel the first times you woke up next to him were back, and were more annoying than ever.
You let yourself study all his features attentively, scanning all his perfect imperfections, letting yourself fall for him all over again - not that you think you ever fell out of love, but rather disconnected from it, and him.
He flinched and mumbled confused words, and you couldn't help but to smile and giggle softly at how silly your sleepy, drooling nonense-speaking boyfriend looked. This time, you gave in to the urge of pinching his cheek tenderly as to not wake him up, and you left your hand resting there as your thumb rubbed his soft skin.
As you were feeling your eyes becoming heavy again, your thumb stopped the movement and your hand slid down a bit. Your body relaxing more and more, until a ticklish feeling pulled you back to the "here and now", just to find Seungmin kissing the palm of your hand with his eyes still closed before pulling you closer to him, making you wince and giggle when his warm breath hit your ear and his raspy voice gave you his "good morning's".
He moved his body sloppily, hitting you with his elbow before comfortably positioning half of his body on top of yours, resting his head on the crook of your neck as he held you tightly by your waist, as if he were afraid you would run away.
"I missed you Seungmin, I missed you even when you were here." Your fingers got lost in his messy hair as you spoke, his grip on you grew tighter and you felt the tears peaking in the corner of your eyes. "You hurt me... and I thought about leaving you before you left me first."
For the first time you were letting him know how you truly felt, for the first time you were opening yourself up to him without any ounce of shame or fear. And this was your turning point. This was the moment you both knew you were back, ready to mend all the wrongs and the scattered pieces of your hearts that were left all around the house. "But everyone makes mistakes. And I know you have been trying, and-", Seungmin shifts his body once more, supporting himself with his hands as he is now hovering over you with his eyes locked in yours, a restless look in his face worried about what you would say next, and suddenly you feel shy, "What I mean to say is, I forgive you. I choose to stay and love you even if my mind won't let me believe that you love me back, I will trust you and your actions. So please don't let my mind trick me again, don't give it reasons to doubt your love for me unless you don't feel it anymore."
You pull his hair back waiting for a reaction, leaving your hand to rest behind his neck ready to pull him in for a kiss, the first real kiss in sixteen days. But you wait for what it feels to be an eternity, until he breaks the silence and mends the last piece of your heart when he reassures his love for you and vows to reassure you every single day until the rest of your lives.
And when you finally pull him in he loses balance and falls on top of you, his forehead hits your nose and just like that the house is filled up with laughter again, the onions don't make you cry anymore, the kitchen shrank and the fancy dates became late night movie marathons with you snuggled on Seungmin, or Seungmin snuggled on you, until you were far too tired to walk upstairs, leading to countless nights spent on the tiny couch and countless mornings with complaints about aching bodies but happy souls.
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nets: @k-library @ficscafe @k-dinernet @districtninewriters
taglist: @dreamwrld @su-lix @bobateastay @leihey @serialee @hyunsluvv
⇢ let me know if you want to be added to the taglist ♡
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august-bleeds-red · 4 years
Texas Heat
Alpha!Tommy x omega!Reader (AFAB). When you find yourself trapped within the Hewitt family’s web of murder, violence and pain, the last thing you expect to do is fall in love.
Part One / Part Two / Part Three
The Texas sun beats mercilessly down on the back of your neck, the air thick and slow as dark molasses. You tied your sweater around your waist, but even that was too much for your sweating skin, so now it just hangs limply from your fingers.
 You manage to hitch a lift from a family of three on a cross-state road trip – the parents were both betas, the little girl in the back unpresented. You tell them you’re heading back to college from visiting your family, that your car packed up some three miles back. You also tell them you’re a beta. Two truths and a lie.
 They pull into a small gas station in Travis County called Cele Community Centre to fill up, while you step inside the sore to ask to use the phone. A middle-aged woman with cats-eye spectacles stands behind the counter, a couple of leather-clad bikers sitting at a table littered with beer bottles.
 The phone’s busted, but when you explain about your car, she offers a different option. Her brother’s got a tow truck – he could go pick up your car and bring it back for repair. It’s too good an offer to refuse, so you wave goodbye to the beta family and take a seat in the diner. The woman – Luda May Hewitt, she introduces herself – gives you a soda on the house and asks you about yourself. You tell her about your parents, your brother in the army, your little sister about to graduate high school. By the time her brother arrives – a unkempt, bespectacled man she calls Monty – you feel as though you’ve been talking to a matronly aunt for the past hour. She’s kind, with good old-fashioned Southern values, and so when she asks if you’d like to join them for supper, you accept. Monty says your car needs a new valve or something, which he has back at the homestead, so you hop in the cab of his truck next to Luda May.
 The Hewitt family home is a large farmhouse, with sprawling fields surrounding and a dilapidated garage. Monty parks up in the front yard and disappears, presumably to find the missing piece for your car. You shoulder your bag and follow Luda May inside the house. It’s not particularly clean, but your mother raised you to be polite, so you accept some sweet tea and some homemade biscuits.
 Shortly, another man appears in the kitchen – this one younger and more well-presented than Monty - who introduces himself as Sheriff Hoyt. A rough, brutish scent of alpha pheromones follows him through the door, but you know by instinct its not from him.
 “Tommy,” he says, glancing over his shoulder at a hulking figure beyond the doorway. “Come say hello to our guest.”
 The person who steps into the room has to be the largest man you’ve never seen. Not only is he tall – at least six and a half feet – but he’s also broad; wide shoulders, muscular arms, and a chest like a barrel. Despite the suppressants you’ve been careful to keep concealed in your bag, your glands tingle pleasantly as his scent washes over you. Your nose recognises earth, leather and sweat, but your finer-tuned olfactory senses catch hints of sandalwood, charcoal, and the unmistakable metallic tang of blood. You contribute this to the butcher’s apron he’s wearing tied around his thick waist – the dark brown stains a clear indication of animal slaughter. While this doesn’t exactly strike you as comforting, you can’t deny his scent is . . . appealing.
 You focus on his face for just a moment, not wanting to stare. His dark hair is long and wavy, most of his face concealed beneath a crude leather mask, revealing only his eyes, forehead and a small glimpse of chapped lips. The space where his nose would be beneath the mask is strangely flat, leading you to suspect some kind of physical deformity. His shadowed eyes catch yours and you look away in embarrassment.
 “This here’s Thomas, my boy,” Luda May says. “Tommy, meet Y/N.”
 “Hey,” you rise to your feet and hold out a hand. Even at your full height, you barely come up to his chest. “Nice to meet you, Thomas.”
 He doesn’t speak or move to shake your hand, but his right-hand fingers flex at his side, so you can tell he wants to. Moreover, you can smell it on him. The pheromones he’s giving off betray his interest, and your face flushes at the thought that such an impressive alpha’s attention is directed at you. Eventually, you lower your hand and return to your seat, taking a sip of tea to hide your awkwardness.
 “So,” Hoyt says, sitting down opposite you and placing his hat on the table. “Y/N, what are you?”
 You know what he’s trying to say, even if the question comes across as a little rude.
 “I’m a beta, sir,” you say.
 “Seems the whole dang state’s beta these days,” he says, leaning back and accepting a glass of tea from Luda May. “Tommy’s pretty much the only alpha ‘round these parts, and as for omegas, forget it.”
 Praying that your suppressants are doing their job, you nod along with his words and try not to focus on Thomas, who’s still standing like a full-door draft excluder in the corridor. You wonder if his senses are strong enough to tell that you’re lying. Surely if they were, he’d say something, wouldn’t he? Such a big strong alpha like him, wouldn’t be able to help himself.
 Big strong alpha . . .
 The thought makes you shiver slightly, and you notice Thomas shift where he stands. Covering your neck as casually as you can with one hand, you pretend to be intently interested in what Hoyt is saying. As he’s illustrating the hardships of being the county’s only sheriff, Monty appears, wiping his hands on a dirty rag.
 “Well, hope you didn’t have nowhere to be anytime soon, ‘cause that tin can sure ain’t going without a new carburetor.”
 Your heart sinks – the car was a gift from your parents when you got into UT, and you’d taken good care of it since. How had it sustained so much damage without you realising?
 “D’you know where I can get a new one?”
 He blows his cheeks out. “Nowhere ‘round here. Next town, maybe; ‘bout twenty miles north.”
 You mentally count the small handful of notes folded in your wallet – your mom had given you $50 to get back to college, enough for fuel and food along the way, plus extra to stay in a motel. Certainly not enough for such a hefty repair.
 “Course,” Hoyt says, a strange smile playing at the corner of his lips, “Uncle Monty’d be more’n happy to drive through for one tomorrow, wouldn’t ya, Monty?”
 Monty nods slowly. “Be my pleasure.”
 A strange tension has fallen over the small room, setting the hairs on the back of your neck a-prickle. Hoyt’s eyes are burning into you with a fierce intensity, almost . . . hunger, Monty bearing a smile, too leery to be comforting. You’re wondering if you’ve made a mistake in coming here, when Thomas moves from the shadows, his scent passing over you. Your shoulders drop a little, his presence proving an inexplicable reassurance to you. You know it’s your hormones talking; with such an alpha nearby, you’re safe. It takes a nudge from the logical side of your brain to remind you that biology is not fact, and you could be very, very far from safe with these people.
 You clear your throat, mouth suddenly dry.
 “Well, that’s awful kind of you. Is there, um . . . a motel or something I could stay at tonight?”
 “Motel?” Luda May laughs. “Don’t be so silly, honey – you’ll stay here.”
 You turn to look at her, her warm, motherly gaze refilling some of the certainly draining from you. Maybe you’re just being paranoid. After all, you’re a young woman – an omega, no less – so it’s no wonder that Hoyt and Monty might act strangely around you, whether they realise it or not. As for Thomas, well . . .
 “I don’t want to be a bother, ma’am.”
 “Oh hush, you’re no bother at all, and call me Luda.” She takes an old apron from a hook on the wall and nods towards the door. “Tommy’ll show you to the spare room and then you can help me start dinner.”
 Thomas looks as surprised by the idea of being alone with you as you are, his gargantuan posture stiffening. His eyes flit from Luda May to you, unsure of what to do.  
 “Go on, boy, m’sure she don’t bite,” Hoyt chuckles.
 But does he? Your mind races as you lift your bag and follow Thomas from the kitchen. His heavy footsteps make the floorboards shake as he ascends the stairs, decidedly not looking anywhere in your direction. The room he takes you to is small, barely more than a box room, with a narrow cot bed, a chest of drawers, and a dirty sink built into the wall. The white ceramic has been long since hidden beneath a layer of brown grime, and the light from the window is filtered through what looks like years of dirt.
 You turn your head to thank Thomas, but the words die on your tongue when you see how close he is. His chest is heaving, and you suspect he’s . . . smelling you. Shit. You remember the mace your mom forced you to take with you, stowed safely away at the bottom of your pack. There’s no way you could get to it before he could grab you. He’s so big – his hands could easily encompass your entire head – you’re sure he could do irreparable damage without breaking so much as a sweat. His eyes – how had you not noticed how blue they are? – are fixed on you, all trace of shyness gone. You raise a hand – to do what, you’ve no idea – and stifle a shriek when he takes hold of your arm with surprising agility. Your blood stills as he lifts your wrist to his face, the air whistling through his nostrils beneath the mask as he breathes in your scent. He must know – there’s no way he can’t. He must either be the strongest alpha you’ve ever encountered, or on the brink of his rut, to detect your omega scent through your suppressants. Or both.
 Part of you wants to run, to scream for help, but you can’t; your legs won’t move.
 “Please . . .” you whisper, though you’re not entirely sure what you’re pleading for. Your eyes meet for one long, electrifying moment.
 “Tommy, get down here! We got trespassers!”
 Thomas drops your hand like it’s scalding hot, disappearing from the room and down the stairs after Hoyt’s harsh commands. You stand rooted to the spot, your heart beating a brand against your ribcage, and the bed creaks ominously beneath you as you drop down onto it. Fishing in your bag, you pull out the thin blister pack of pills, swallowing one dry. You have enough to get you safely back to Austin – you’ll just have to hope your stay here is a short one.
Comments are greatly appreciated because I’m a needy little trashbag.
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pascalpanic · 4 years
Benny’s Girl (Prequel to Before The Next Teardrop Falls)
Inspo: Jessie’s Girl by Rick Springfield
Pairings: Benny Miller x f!Reader, later Frankie Morales x f!Reader (in Before The Next Teardrop Falls)
Summary: Benny’s new girlfriend is everything Catfish wants and more. Too bad it’s his best friend’s girl.
W/C: <4k
Warnings: language, sexual content, pining ohhh my word pining. 
A/N: HI FRIENDS <3 I absolutely loved Before The Next Teardrop Falls and I LOVE writing pining, especially with my Frankie baby, so I decided to make a prequel to it! This fic is based on Jessie’s Girl by Rick Springfield, which I absolutely ADORE. you can read this as a stand alone or you can read it as a prequel, I think either one works well!!
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Sometimes, a spark seems to appear where one never existed. It’s common enough; it’s the reason most relationships fizzle out before they can become something explosive and fiery. One thinks that the dynamite is going to explode and take off in a bright shower of colors, when in reality the lighter never truly lit the wick.
That’s what happened between you and Benny Miller. You’d loved the guy, really, but not in the way you thought. You still do. It’s just that the both of you were lonely people seeking something more than your past had given you. The two of you were hopeless romantics. Maybe that’s what started the relationship.
You’d met in a way typical for the younger Miller brother. You’d been at a bar with some friends who were desperate to get you laid. The same could be said for Benny, who was there not with his brothers-in-arms but the man he’d defeated in the ring that night. Nick and Benny were good enough friends, close enough that losing to the other was rarely a sore spot. 
He’d spotted you across the bar, thought your laughing face was beautiful and your smile as you locked him was magnetic, drawing him to you before he could stop himself. Natural attraction. You introduced yourself. He told you his name was Benny. You asked why his hands were taped, he explained that he was a professional fighter, you’d made some snarky joke and you ended up talking for the rest of the night. One of your friends left with Nick. You and Benny stayed until the bartender shouted that it was the last call. You wrote your number on his taped palm and he saved it. 
You went on two bar dates before he decided he needed to introduce you to his best friends. They were like brothers to him, they knew everything about him and he knew them inside and out. You went to the same bar as you’d met at, and you met the men he’d served with in his Special Ops days.
Santiago, known as Pope for some godforsaken reason, was a charmer. He’d kissed your hand after shaking it, complimenting you and making small talk, finding connections and building on them. You’d laughed at the man’s joking advances, and flirted right back. Benny squirmed lightly, but you kissed his cheek and assured him you were just playing along.
William, Will, Ironhead, was Benny’s older brother. He’d given you a warm clap on the back and shook your hand, telling you that you were brave for putting up with the rascally guy. You had to admit, it was fitting. It was clear that they’re brothers: they had the same furrow to their brow, their blue eyes widened in reaction to anything, they had a similar habit of tipping their head back to laugh when something was especially funny. 
Frankie Morales, Catfish, was the last one you met and most definitely your favorite. He was quieter than the other guys, sat back while the other men made the noise. He was the punching bag, taking the brunt of the hyperbolized jokes- how Catfish hadn’t slept with a woman in 10 years, how he was the loud one of the group, how he was the one you had to look out for when he was drunk. You knew none of them could be true. He had a sweet smile and gave you a nod when you introduced yourself. He and Pope had some kind of banter between the two of them, albeit a banter you couldn’t understand as someone who didn’t speak Spanish. 
Throughout the night, you found yourself more drawn to Frankie. He had a beautiful laugh, would pull his ball cap down a little lower when someone made a joke about him. He was the one who’d expose a lie Benny or Santiago took. He nursed one beer while the other men got rowdy, and you’d done the same. It seemed that the two of you found kindred spirits in each other over the course of the night, while Benny and Will and Santi smacked each other around and took an obnoxious amount of trips to the bathroom.
When it was time to head out, you’d hugged each of the men goodbye. It was already clear that you fit in just like one of them, even if you didn’t have the past experience that bonded the men. You hugged Frankie last. He was the best hugger; he wasn’t ridiculously ripped like Benny, firm and awkward like Will, or flirtatious like Santiago. He was strong but soft. The man was definitely a hugger, you could tell, and it was comforting for the brief moment or two you were in his arms. 
Frankie put his cap on your head teasingly, covering your eyes, then stole it back and gave you a pat on the back. “Ben’s a wild one. Good luck with him,” he teased and walked off. You had to admit, his ass had a nice curve to it as he walked off to his beat-up truck. “Call me if he does anything stupid and I’ll beat his ass for you,” he called over his shoulder, prompting Benny to flip him off and put an arm around you. He simply laughed and got in his car.
Frankie became your favorite of the group. The two of you are the ones teasing each other exclusively and sitting quietly while the other men get crazy. Frankie tries sips of the cocktails you order, excitedly making grabby hands when the bartender sets it down. He always lets you steal some of the food he orders when you’re at the bar longer than normal. He shares your affinity for classic rock and when the bar blasts AC/DC, it’s Frankie who screams the lyrics to Thunderstruck with you while the others cover their ears. Santiago joins in sometimes too, but the country-loving Miller brothers never quite know all of the words like Catfish does. 
At some point in the few month relationship, you earn your nickname of Queenie. It’s from teasing Santiago, and the one who bestows the title upon you is Will, the most stoic of the group. It’s an honor, you tell them all, laughing. You call the shots, and everyone follows. Even though Benny is your lover, Frankie is your second-in-command.
When Frankie does allow himself to get drunk, he’s the most fun of the group. He’s extra lovey, telling the men how much he appreciates them. He tells stories the other men won’t about their Special Ops days, about the stupid things Will did when they were abroad. He’s shamelessly goofy and funny and falls all over the men. You even convince him to do karaoke with you once.
Benny is an overgrown class clown, but he won’t do karaoke, no matter how hard you begged him, called him baby and pressed soft kisses to his face. He wouldn’t budge. Tonight was a rare night that Frankie drank more than one round. “I’ll do it!” He shouts excitedly, eyes lighting up. “Ooh, c’mon, it’ll be fun. We’ll be so good at it.”
You, unfortunately, were not good at it, but you had the time of your life with Frankie. On that barely-raised platform, the two of you sang Don’t Go Breakin’ My Heart, completely out of tune and out of sync. You were giggling the whole time, especially at Frankie’s falsetto on the little “woo-hoo”s. 
The two of you tumbled back to the table after, you giggling and falling into Benny’s arms. “Did you like it?” You cooed, sitting on his lap.
Benny laughed genuinely, pressing a kiss to your face. “Sure did. That was fantastic. Maybe you’ll have to sing just for me sometime, huh?” He teases.
Frankie sits alone on his barstool at the end and downs the rest of his beer. He flashes you a quick smile when your eyes meet his and he retires early for the night.
You and Benny had sex a couple of times. He was good at it, good enough. You enjoyed the way his lips moulded to yours, the way his thrusts were quick and fast and properly angled. From a technical standpoint, he should’ve been perfect. It was all you wanted, but there was no real connection behind it. The moans that trailed from your lips were small and soft, and the louder ones were never genuine. He always made you orgasm, at least, but it was slow and dull, the kind you’d wring from yourself with just two fingers.
The two of you had fun together. You went to the county fair, you got boisterous and drunk at bars, you did everything two twentysomethings are expected to do in a relationship. After every date, you had a small sad smile on your face as you got in your bed and distracted yourself with something on your phone. Something about it wasn’t right: you didn’t connect soulfully, in some mystical and spiritual way where one can read the other’s mind, in the way that movies and books and legendary romances felt some kind of supernatural force that pulled the strings and led them closer. It wasn’t what you needed, but it was what you wanted, and so you hung on a little longer.
Benny felt the same, but he was too afraid to disrupt the balance. He’d rather be mediocrely happy than alone again. He liked having a girl to squeeze water into his mouth and wipe his sweat after a fight, someone to slide his dick into while her lips met his skin. He didn’t want to lose that, even if he was slowly realizing that he just wanted a friendship with you.
You hung out with him and the other men more. You realized that he wasn’t your boyfriend around them, more of a sibling, teasing and nudging. There was no affection, no romance, just the playful aspect of him. That was fine, you told yourself, until you realized that it wasn’t, it couldn’t be.
By principle, Frankie is not and refuses to be a jealous man. That changed when you came into the picture. 
Something about you is absolutely magnetic to him, more than the way Benny was drawn to you across the bar. Sure, he’s been attracted to many girls, but he wants you. He yearns for you. He makes a joke at the table and it doesn’t make anyone but you laugh, but he doesn’t give a shit that Benny and Will and Santiago don’t find it funny, because he gets to watch the way your eyes glimmer and your mouth falls open and your chest heaves with the beautiful ring of your laughter.  
He loves that you hug goodbye, because he gets to pretend for a moment that you’re his and he is yours, that he can press his lips to your soft skin and call you his girl. But you’re Benny’s girl, and he’s okay to live like that. He’d rather have you as a friend than not have you at all. Even if he dreams about you at night, even if you live in his head on repeat, saying his name. Frankie, baby, I want you, I want you…
One night, in his sleep, the sound of those words echoed through his head. He’s never heard you say them, but his unconscious brain assembled them like a beautifully haunting jigsaw puzzle that made all of his blood run south. 
Dream-you is standing in the doorway to his bedroom, wearing just his t-shirt. Dream-you smirks, walks closer, climbs over Frankie and presses her lips to his and her tongue delves into his mouth. She lies down onto him and grinds her hips to his and laughs and laughs and he presses his face into the curve of her- your- neck, smelling your perfume and grinding his hips back against dream-you’s. “All I want is you, Frankie,” dream-you mumbles and bites his lower lip. He shivers and dream-you coos his name, lines herself over his aching member and just before she slides down, he wakes up to a dark and lonely bedroom with a half-hard dick. 
You and Benny joined the gang the next night out. He couldn’t meet your eyes. He listened as you fussed over Benny, heard you call him baby and steal his beer with a giggle. 
“What the fuck has gotten into you, Fish?” Santiago asked when you’re in the bathroom. 
Frankie shook his head. He pulled his cap lower and finished his beer, then poured another from the pitcher on the bar. “Slept like shit last night.”
You’ve decided that it needs to end, so you asked Benny to meet him at your favorite bar. He agreed, and wanted to invite the boys, until you asked that it be just the two of you. It hurts that he has a glimmer of hope that you’re about to end things. If you don’t, he will.
You walk in with an apologetic smile, sitting across from him. “Hey, how was your day?” You ask in a soft voice. You’re unconsciously trying to prepare yourself to let him down gently.
He shrugs a little. “Uneventful. Yours?”
“The same. Listen, Benny…” you start and trail off, looking away.
He takes one of your hands and looks at you, his eyes understanding. “Hey. I think I know what this is about.” He reads the sadness in your eyes like a book. “We need to be done. I get that. I agree.”
Your face finds a soft smile as you look back at him. “Really?” You ask.
“Yeah. I have something to ask.”
He takes your hand and presses it to his lips softly. “Will you no longer be my girlfriend and just go back to being my friend?” He asks. 
You nod excitedly, laughing. “Oh my god, yes, Benny. I’d love to no longer be your girlfriend.”
The both of you laugh at the irony in your words, and he sets your hand down. “Thank God.”
Later that night, Will, Frankie, and Santiago find their way to the bar. Of course they do. They come over to your booth, sliding in and pretending to love up on Benny. “Oh, are we interrupting a date?” Santiago asks with a fake pout.
You chuckle and look at Benny. He gives you a small smile and a nod. “Actually, no. No more dates between Benny and I. We’re over,” you say and breathe a sigh of relief.
Frankie’s blood runs cold. He must be dreaming for him to hear this. It’s only ever in those dreams that he hears the words he wants the most fall from your lips, words like these. Words that indicate you’re no longer Benny’s girl. “You two seemed so happy,” he murmurs in confusion.
Benny senses it all clicking. Frankie has liked you all along. He’s smarter than the gang gives him credit for. He can read his friends easily, and Frankie is the easiest of all of them to understand, with those big brown eyes that give everything away. It’s gotta be, he thinks. You probably don’t like him back, as anything more than a friend, but Frankie is in deep shit now for you. He nods, looking at Fish and shrugging. “We just didn’t work. We’re still gonna be friends though. She’s one of us, isn’t she?”
The men all cheer in agreement and it calms your frantically beating heart. The worst is over now. And goddamn, does Frankie look cuddly tonight in that flannel, you think to yourself. You slouch down against him two beers later and discover that yes, he’s as comfortable as he looks.
You’ve been single for a year now. Benny still texts with you daily, as do the other men. He sends you shitty Facebook memes that seem more like a dad would post. You realize that it’s for the best that you and Benny are over, with a chuckle. You can be much more honest.
It pains you to realize it, but you’re crushing hard on your ex’s best friend. Frankie Morales is everything you need and want and desire. His big arms wrap you in a hug every time the two of you say goodbye, and every time it feels like it lasts a millisecond longer. That neither of you want to let go.
Frankie feels the same, even though you don’t know it. He has that haunting dream once a week, the one where you kiss his neck and call him baby and it makes him yearn every night at 2:00 in the morning, staring at your Instagram page and thinking he should text you and see if you’re up. Not as a hookup, not anything like that. He just wants to talk to you.
You tease Frankie about his chronic insomnia. How he sends you random texts late at night. “Have you considered melatonin?” You ask.
“I have weird dreams. It’s not the falling asleep, it’s the waking up,” he admits, looking in the opposite direction of your face. 
Some days, Frankie thinks you feel the same. He notices the way your eyes linger on his face, the way you always sit next to him in a booth. The way your phone’s lockscreen is a photo of the two of you being stupid at some function. You’ve become best friends, Frankie has to admit, but sometimes he thinks there could be more. But then you say something offhanded and he has to throw the notion away. 
One night at the bar, when it’s just the men and you’re nowhere to be seen, Frankie takes Benny and guides him into the bathroom. His blonde brow furrows in confusion as he looks at Frankie. “Yeah, Fish?”
His hands rub together nervously and he looks down, before fidgeting with his cap and looking Benny in the eye. “You and Queenie… that’s all in the past, right? There’s nothing between the two of you?”
A smirk finds his face. “I knew it, Frank! I knew it from the night her and I broke up.”
He frowns. “Is that why?” He asks hurriedly. “Oh shit, I didn’t break the two of you up, did I? Jesus, Ben, I’m-”
“No, you dumb fuck,” he laughs and shakes his head. “I just saw the way you looked at her after it happened. Crazy in love. You totally are.
Frankie’s face turns red and he takes off his hat to adjust his hair. “Do you think she might like me too?” he asks, quietly. As if you could hear him somehow.
Benny nods, excitement in those bright blue eyes. “Hell yeah she does, Fish! You’re her fucking phone lockscreen. Girls don’t just do that.”
“I don’t know, man, we’re best friends. That might not mean shit.”
The blonde puts his hands on the brunette’s shoulders. “Listen to me, Frankie. I’ve known you’re into her for like a year now. I know she likes you too. It’s time, you gotta ask her out.”
“Really?” He asks, brown eyes widening. “I don’t think so. That could fuck everything up,” he says, the anxiety in his voice.
“Trust me,” Benny nods. “It won’t.” 
Frankie’s grinning ear to ear. “Alright. Tomorrow night, I’ll ask her to meet us here, but it’ll be just me. I’ll ask her out, how does that sound?”
“That sounds fuckin’ amazing, man!” Benny exclaims. “I’m happy for you. She’s a great girl and you’re a great guy.”
“You’re sure you’re okay with this?” he asks, wringing his cap in his hands. 
He nods. “Go for it, Fish.”
- Frankie never gets the chance.
The next night you float into the bar, absolutely on cloud nine. You’re grinning ear to ear and it only widens when you see Frankie, rushing over and hopping on the stool. “Hey Fish,” you coo and kiss his cheek.
Frankie’s stunned. “Hey. How was your day?” He asks hesitantly, looking at how flustered and happy you look.
“So good,” you laugh. “I actually got asked out. Like, on a date. This really sweet guy, friend of a coworker. His name is Sam.”
Frankie’s sure you can hear the crack that echoes inside his ribcage. His heart splits in two and to hide a quivering lip, he raises his glass to his lips and takes a swig of his beer.
You continue to talk about him, noticing his silence. “How was yours?” You ask, frowning a little at how tense he is. You rest a hand on his upper arm.
Frankie does his best not to flinch from your touch. “Not great,” he chuckles and clears his throat. “I kinda fucked something up.”
“Oh, I’m sorry,” you pout and stroke his arm softly. “Can I help you with it? Do you need to talk about it?”
He shakes his head quickly, standing from his stool. “No, just a personal thing. Hey, I’m gonna run and piss, the other guys will be here soon. Order something, it’s on me.”
Frankie’s gone into the bathroom before you can even process it. You frown a little but the smile returns as you order the drink and think about Sam.
Frankie locks himself in a stall and texts the other men.
Frankie: mission aborted. You guys need to come to the bar now so I don’t look like a chump.
Benny: what happened?
Frankie: a guy asked her out today. she’s taken now I guess
He stares at his phone and sends one last text.
Frankie: and don’t you dare mention it to her. make her tell you first.
He slides his phone in his pocket and leans against the wall of the bathroom stall, letting out a deep sigh. This is all shit. He’s a coward, and he should’ve done something sooner. 
He finally returns and sits next to you on a barstool. There’s a smile on his face that you’d notice was plastered if your mind wasn’t so wrapped up in your day. “So. Tell me about him. I’m happy for you, you know that?”
@remmysbounty @mishasminion360 @softly-sad @blo0dangel @luxurybeskar @binarydanvvers  @sleep-tight1 @apascalrascal @randomness501 @spideysimpossiblegirl @notabotiswear @pedro-pastel​ @sanchosammy​
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furikakyo · 3 years
a return to roots | 6
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pairing: kita shinsuke x f!reader
summary: y/n is a rising star in the music industry, having almost everything you could have ever hoped for as a small-town country girl. now after releasing two triple platinum albums in consecutive years, you face the dreaded artist’s burnout… in order to recover, your manager suggests, you should return to your hometown in hyōgo for a long-deserved break.
genre: socmed/smau, slice of life
warnings/tags: timeskip!, mutual pining, slow burn? more like rekindling, slight canon divergence
To say that your day wasn’t going as planned was an understatement. Although you’d known that you would have to see Kita that day, your mind had assured you that there were a couple hours until then. So to see him before that expected time…
You blinked, mouth opening and closing like the fish you’ve seen in koi ponds. “Oh. I didn’t expect you to be here…” You paused, and then pursed your lips definitively. If your mouth was shut then you couldn’t say anything else.
Kita gave you a lopsided smile. “I work here, remember?” His amber eyes twinkled as the sunlight caught them.
Your eyes trailed along the scene you’d been looking at previously. He didn’t just work here… he owned all of this. Stupid Kita, always selling himself short. Didn’t he know he was virtually perfect? Ah, right. You flushed, wondering if it was the embarrassment or the heat finally getting to you. Grabbing at anything to say, you blurted, “I was just admiring the view. Samu and I got here earlier than expected.” You wrung your hands nervously, then stopped. You didn’t want to seem nervous. “Um…” you said slowly, taking a step back, “it’s alright if you can’t accompany us right now. You’re probably busy.” You gnawed on your bottom lip. “Working the farm and stuff.”
“‘Us’?” Kita echoed, looking past you.
You chuckled nervously and scratched the back of your neck. It burnt with uneasiness, even more so when you remembered what you were wearing: an old oversized tshirt, shorts, and slides. You weren’t going to wear anything less comfortable on a road trip, you mind argued. “Yeah,” you mumbled, looking down, “Samu was with me but he got distracted. I was just looking around by myself.” After realizing that it could’ve sounded like you were trying to guilt trip Kita, you backtracked, waving your arms. “Not that that’s a bad thing!”
Your heart gave a gut-wrenching squeeze when he laughed softly at you. “It’s alright. If you’d like, I can show you around?”
You looked up from your hands, which had been busy wringing themselves into the hem of your shirt. “Ah! No,” you said quickly, “I’m totally fine on my own! I wouldn’t want to take you away from your work, either.”
You fiddled with a loose string on your t-shirt as Kita peered over at you, contemplative. “It’s ok,” he said after a pause, “I have time. And I want to make my way around anyways, so your timing couldn’t have been better.”
You stared at his back, speechless, as he began walking in the direction you’d been headed. Quickly, you picked your jaw up from the ground and clambered through the grass after Kita, who had slowed his pace so that you could catch up. Maybe if you hadn’t been so flustered you would’ve remembered that he had come from the direction you were now walking in.
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If Osamu’s knowing stare when he’d eventually ran into you and Kita hadn’t been enough to make you internally crumple in on yourself, his suggestion for all of you to get dinner together was.
Not to say that his presence wasn’t welcome, though. When Kita hadn’t been speaking about something notable on the farm, it was silent for the most part, with you only dumbly repeating how nice it was. You hadn’t talked about anything more personal, like where you were in life now. It didn’t feel right just pretending nothing had happened; neither had starting off from where the two of you had left off. And it’s not like you could just say, “Hey, remember how a few years ago we almost dated but then didn’t which ended up kind of ruining our friendship? Let’s try to work through that now!” Kita was over it by now, unlike you, who’d just shoved everything into the back of your mind and hoped it wouldn’t ever be relevant again. This is what you get for neglecting it, you berated yourself, and yet when it came down to it, you weren’t sure whether it was the resigned silence between the two of you or the way that you felt the urge to act so impulsively— to hug him, kiss him, apologize to him—  which was more frightening.
And that was how Osamu had found you, lost in your thoughts while walking with Kita and then somehow finding yourself sandwiched between the two in Kita’s pickup truck. I don’t have enough gas to drive us, Osamu had said while hiding a wicked grin, knowing damn well that you wouldn’t argue with him about it in front of Inarizaki’s former captain; that you wouldn’t beg Osamu to prevent you from getting into a car with Kita, not with him there to witness it.
You tried to avoid squirming in the middle seat of the front row, conscious of every minute brush against Kita’s sleeve or shoulder. Osamu snickered quietly, and you jerked your head to the side to glare at him heatedly. This is all your fault, your eyes seethed, or at least you hoped you could convey as much feeling into them as you wanted. You stiffened when Kita’s arm brushed against yours momentarily as he made a turn, and you lurched towards him. Osamu finally had the decency to help you out, grabbing your shoulder to prevent the collision.
You shot him another dirty glare and then stared out through the windshield just as you all pulled into the otherwise abandoned parking lot of the local bar. If you hadn’t come from Kita’s but instead your own childhood house, you would’ve walked like most other people did.
Immediately you dropped the gloomy atmosphere, eyes now shining. “Izumi and Kenji’s!” You hopped out of the truck from Osamu’s side and jumped up and down excitedly. “I haven’t been here in years!” you exclaimed, rushing forward. Your two companions trailed behind you, amused.
The bells on the door jingled as you opened it, at once having cold air rush at you. You sighed in contentment, the sweat on your brow already cooling off.
“Hello?” A matronly figure stepped out from behind the bar counter, a rag in hand. Just as her eyes landed on you, they brightened. “Y/N!” The woman tossed the rag onto a table and rushed over to greet you, holding your hands in her own excitedly. “When did you get back? How long have you been here? Are you staying at your parents’ house?”
You laughed and squeezed her hands before dropping them. “Hello, Izumi. I got back here a little bit ago and unpacked most of my stuff at the house. Any other questions?”
Izumi fired a barrage of inquiries while leading you to the bar counter, insisting that you sit on a stool. Osamu sat down beside you and Kita next to him. “—so glad you’re back. And Osamu, you too! You’ve gotten more handsome! I bet the girls and boys are flocking to you in Tokyo. How is the shop doing? And you too, Shin-chan! You don’t visit quite enough for someone that lives so close by!”
The three of you sat amiably and answered all of Izumi’s questions, small talk being made between you as she bustled in and out of the kitchen. “Yumie-chan told us you would be coming today, but we weren’t sure when! I think most people are going to be here, though, so just sit tight!” She brought out light beers and edamame to munch on in the mean time, and then a tray of salted nuts later.
Slowly, the eatery filled with more of the local residents of your hometown, all gathering around you. Izumi had insisted on moving your food and drinks to a long row of tables, which she had pushed together to make room for everyone. There had been a big influx of the field workers from earlier, who all greeted your group before settling down on the other end of the seating arrangement. More and more dishes were being put out, most of them now plates of food to share among the table. The mood was festive and there was never a quiet moment, always a conversation going on or some laughter. At one point even her husband Kenji had come out from the kitchen and managed a gruff ‘welcome’, garnering cheers from everyone. Your plate was never empty, aunties placing pieces of karaage, sides of spring cabbage, and more onto it. Your cheeks were tinted pink and your face glowed; you’d had a few beers, enough to make you feel all warm inside.
At last, after having eaten until you felt like your stomach was going to explode, Izumi brought out the final sides to accompany any of the remaining alcohol and then finally took a seat along with the women, who were asking questions about your new lifestyle.
“So why’d ya really come back?” One of the ladies asked curiously, the others leaning in forward to hear your response.
For a moment your grin faltered before you laughed again, taking a handful of salted nuts and then eating them one by one. “Oh, you know, just some burn out. I’ve been working nonstop the past two years. I thought I deserved a break.” You crunched down on some nuts, your jaw tense. The corners of your mouth felt tired from having to drag up all the time; the pleasant buzz from earlier was quickly dissipating the more they asked about this.
Another one of the women, an older one, said slyly, “Are you sure you didn’t return for any other reason?” Her eyes slid overtly towards where the men were sitting, near Kita. He had been nursing his drink, the same one he’d had all night. Kita had never been much of a drinker and he wasn’t going to drive while being drunk; he was too much of a stickler for the rules.
“I’m sure,” you said politely, gritting your teeth. You’d forgotten how nosy these old women could be. They all tittered to themselves, as if they knew something you didn’t, and then began talking of something else, leaving you to yourself. Your eyes caught Osamu’s, who raised his eyebrows questioningly before getting the message. He stretched his arms widely and then faked a yawn, not bothering to cover his mouth.
“Samu, you should head to bed, son,” Kenji said bluntly. “Yer tired.”
The twin nodded and looked to you and Kita. At that moment you didn’t have to fake a yawn, because you actually were exhausted. “We should go,” Kita agreed, “before I get too tired to drive us back.”
The three of you stood, causing a chorus of disappointed aws to ring out. “Ah,” you said, gripping the back of your chair to steady you. “I have something to say before I go.” Everyone at the giant table stared expectantly at you, and you remembered what it was like to have stage fright all over, as if you were just starting out again. Your throat tightened as you swallowed. “Um,” you said quietly, bowing formally and not making eye contact with a single person, “I would just like to thank all of you for taking such good care of my parents’ home. It’s because of you that I can move back in so easily. So thank you.”
After not hearing any sort of response, you peeked upwards. “Aw,” Izumi sniffled, wiping away a stray tear, “it’s because of you that we managed to stay open, ya know that, Y/N? You had no business giving us that much money for the restaurant, so it was the least we could do.” She jerked her head at everyone else. “And it’s not like we did it by ourselves; Kenji and I had help.” Izumi’s black eyes glittered. “Lots of help.”
You scuffed a foot, looking down again. Your cheeks and ears burned. But then you thought of the tatami mats at the house and the freshly dusted furniture, taken care of every week for years, and you shook your head. “Well, I didn’t need all that money.”
Osamu put a gentle hand on your shoulder. “Let’s go, Y/N,” he said quietly, and you nodded, following him and Kita out of the door as the others called out their goodbyes to you.
Everything that had happened that day hit you on the ride home, still sandwiched between the two men. At some point, tears had begun falling, with you trying miserably to cover them up. You weren’t sure if you were crying because you were disappointed by your reunion with Kita, or maybe if it was because tonight’s dinner had been one of the most fulfilling, the most happy you’d been in years. Your lips wobbled and you sniffled too this time, wiping at your nose with your arm. It had felt nice coming home to a table full of faces you recognized and the comfort of Izumi’s food, having people inquire about you solely because they cared.
“You could’ve given me some of that money too, y’know,” Osamu quipped, breaking the awkward silence. “And don’t wipe your snot with your bare arm, that’s disgusting. Health code violation.” Kita only chuckled as you elbowed the twin and argued with him, listening to the banter with a pensive look on his face.  
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a/n: hhHhH sorry this took longer, i had a really bad stomachache a few days ago which made me shit like 6 times in a day and then throw up 😩 and then after that i got addicted to genshin so
taglist (pm me to ask to be added): @papiibuprofen​, @duhsies, @succulentmom, @kenmaslov3r​​​, @introvertatitsfinest, @errorishere
some ~fun facts~
- kita WAS making his rounds on the farm, but was coming from the opposite side of you. meaning that after he ran into you, he retraced his path because he wanted to walk with you
- izumi is in her 60s. her specialty is cooking fried chicken (karaage) but she wants to learn how to pickle stuff
- kenji is izumi’s husband. he mostly works in the kitchen since he prefers to let his wife handle customers, even if 99% of them are locals
- izumi and kenji have been running their restaurant/bar since they were in their mid 20s 🥺 STOP THEYRE SO CUTE WHY AM I GETTING SO SENTIMENTAL OVER OCS
- y/n actually did give osamu money. so did atsumu. the two of them were actually the first investors for onigiri miya, right after the twins graduated high school, but osamu doesn’t know it because you had all of the legal stuff handled through a third party anonymously. you will ensure that osamu never finds out because he is prideful as heck lol
- y/n has some toxic traits (as do most people)
- there’s no love triangle with osamu or anything. strictly kita x reader 😤 
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ranger-rai · 3 years
Alright guys, A lot has happened in the last couple of days so let me catch you all up.
So we have been getting some reports of a "Swarm" of pokemon causing some problems around Sinnoh.
We looked into it and after a couple nights of steakouts, we discovered that our "Swarm" was actually a Purrloin who knew Double Team.
Apparently it had been stealing from alot of small homes, mainly trash.
This Purrloin was incredibly aggressive and seemingly protective of something.
We tracked it down to to a small den just outside of Solaceon Town.
Well we were expecting it to be taking care of its kittens, however we did not expect what we actually found.
We found this Purrloin trying to feed the scraps it stole to a Lycanroc.
The Purrloin was very protective and tried attacking us.
It was surprisingly tough for a single Purrloin, however we managed to restrain it.
However we found it weird that this Dusk Lycanroc wasn't moving or reacting much.
I went and checked it out when it was clear and we found something really unsettling.
This Lycanroc has some spine problems, I know this because it struggled to get up but when it did, it got on four legs, then two legs.
Now a Dusk form Lycanroc is made to be on all four like this
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However its back is arced upwards like it's slouching.
It's also shaking a bit, and is covered in scratches and bruises.
Every time I try and get close the Purrloin starts thrashing and clawing.
We let it go and it made its way back to the Lycanroc, and started to guard it again.
We knew this was bad, so we made a plan to try and help them.
We managed to get Purrloin secure once again and Lycanroc into a cage very carefully, but we kept them close together as we transported them.
Lycanroc was surprisingly docile and just seemed tired and dehydrated, so we made sure it got plenty of water.
Purrloin was on edge the whole time, making sure that Lycanroc ate, and keeping us at a distance, but I caught her eating from time to time.
We had to hold her down once again, but she used her double team to evade us for a bit. She really knows how to use that move.
Eventually we restrained her when we got to the Ranger Base and we had a medical technician look at Lycanroc.
They said that it had some severe spine misalignment, not from an injury but from constant strain.
At some point during our conversation, we noticed Lycanroc trying to get up, and "stand up" again on two legs, like a Midnight Form Lycanroc.
It was really odd to see, and the tech helped put it him back onto two legs, but it almost seemed scared to be touched when in that position.
This wasn't battle damage, this was intentional trauma.
Purrloin was definitely upset, and managed to get free and started scratching at the technician.
Thankfully I restrained her so the technician could work more, and I calmed her down a bit.
The tech said that they would need to run some tests on the Lycanroc to see if they could fix his back, so we had to let him stay for a while.
However we couldn't leave Purrloin there in case she tried to attack the tech again.
I didn't want to seperate them, but I needed her to be somewhere safe while the technician did his job, so I got her into a carrier and took her with me on my rounds.
She was hissing and scratching for a while but I sat and talked with her for a bit and she seemed pretty alert but much calmer.
Most of the day was just a usual trip around my areas, however I started finding alot more litter in some areas.
There was alot of trash on the ground in a park area just outside Veilstone City, and normally I would pick it all up, but there was alot, almost like there was a carnival recently there, but there was nothing planned as far as I knew.
I also noticed Purrloin getting really upset and hissing a lot.
I looked around the trash and found a bunch of flyers for some kind of venue.
"Mister E's Enigmas"
The flyer listed a sort of sideshow of oddities.
Things like:
The Fire Breathing Treecko Brothers, Dancing Donphan, and their star attraction-
"The Were-Lycanroc" a pokemon that could switch between forms.
That's when it hit me, and I knew someone was going to get in trouble.
After bringing this information to the technician and my boss Jo. Me and my Ranger Team decided to attend the show incognito to see if we were right, and boy we wish we weren't.
We attended what could only be described as a shifty, pop up carnival.
There were a few games, a couple food trucks, and a large tent that held the "main events".
There were some "exotic" holding cages that people could interact with like a small cage for two Emolga to live in, they could barely get into the air before smacking into the roof.
There was a small area that had a large heat lamp for "desert" pokemon, but it was mostly a browning Cacnea, a Trapinch with barely enough sand to cover its body, and a Salandit which didn't belong there.
There were others but we already knew what those cages would be like as well.
The show kn the main stage was getting ready to start, so we decided to check it out.
"Mister E" took to the stage, he had your typical big top attire, top hat, long tails, but he had a stripey pattern that made him look like a hypnotic wheel.
He introduced his first act, which was "The Fire Breathing Treecko Brothers". I was worried.
Now Treecko is a Grass Type, and it only learns one grass type move naturally: Sunny Day.
They also don't have any natural immunities to fire types, so this didn't make much sense for normal Treecko.
From what I saw in the act, they learned how to eat fire and pretend they were using flamethrower. However you could tell they didn't like it. Treecko are calm and collected pokemon, but those two looked stressed out, and they were molting a bit in certain areas near their face and tails, probably due to the flames and stress.
After them was the "Dancing Donphan". Donphan is a very heavy pokemon, and it's main skill is rolling like a tire.
This Donphan looked much lighter, like it hadn't been fed its regular amount to keep it healthy.
Minnie also mounted out that the music playing during the dance had a weird sound mixed in. Basically, whenever we heard the sound, Donphan would do a move like jumping or rolling over. The sound was similar to a sort of crash, but it was clear that it was a sound that Donphan was afraid of.
Now came the finale, "The Were-Lycanroc" however that part didn't happen, and instead they brought out some clowns and the Treecko Brothers again.
Thats when we knew what was really happening.
I went back to check on Lycanroc who was sleeping like a log with Purrloin right next to it.
I didn't remember any cages with any feline pokemon in them so maybe it was just a wild Purrloin, but I wasn't going to disturb them to find out.
The doctor told me that it might take some time, but Lycanroc's spine and back legs were forced to move in positions they weren't supposed to for so long, that it would take some time, therapy and equipment to help it.
If there was a chance to help this poor pokemon I knew we would take it, but we also couldn't leave all of those other pokemon to suffer.
We were about to get really busy at the Ranger Base.
The next day, Me and Minnie went incognito one more time and we had to sit through that horrible show once more.
We had Skip with us, helping to send info and let us know of any devices or intercept their communications.
Turns out we didn't know that was happening because they had police scanners to avoid getting caught and they had wireless security cameras inside the tent.
They were prepared, but so were we.
My whole team was on board, both Humans and Pokemon.
We had a plan that began with Kuriboh knocking out some generators by sneaking around and unplugging everything he could.
That caused some confusion for a bit while we got in place. While they went to secure their "precious cargo", we made our presence known.
Eddie was outside the tent, dealing with the muscle and moving crews, his Bewear is very strong and pretty quick too, so we didn't need to worry about them much.
However we still had Mister E.
I told Bliss to keep an eye on him so we wouldn't loose him in the panic, but we had a delay as some of the Treeco Bros fire got out of control and some of the tent started to catch on fire.
Minnie and her Cloyster were immediately ready to deal with it and she was ready to help the Treeco Bros as well.
Bliss was able to keep tabs on the ringleader who was trying to get into his van and split, most likely with his cash.
However, Sylvester doesn't like people who mistreat pokemon, and Jo's Tangrowth has some really strong vines. Strong enough to rip car doors off hinges.
We had caught this terrible man, and we discovered he had been doing this for a couple of years, just now making his way through Sinnoh, and he was looking for some pokemon to add to his show.
We also watched some of his security tapes and we learned that "Were-Lycanroc" was really just a Dusk Form that he forced to stand up and slouch over by constantly whipping with a flexible stick. And with the assistance of red lights, smoke machines and music, hey could make people think it was changing forms.
We also learned that Purrloin was tossed into Lycanroc's cage, possibly as a "play thing" but I guess he actually made a friend either her and hiding her from Mister E, and she had been caring for him as well, stealing food and causing trouble for them whenever she could.
Needless to say, we were able to get them arrested, and we are now in the process of evaluating some of these pokemon, but we may have too many to deal with here.
We might need to reach out for some help.
In the case of Lycanroc and Purrloin, they are comfortably resting in holding, and Lycanroc is be getting fitted for some equipment to help its spine and legs heal.
I'll be checking on them soon, but for now me and my team need to rest after this long day.
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The Man From Willow Creek - PART ONE Pairing: Mountain Man! Dean/Author! Reader
Y/N isn't in a good headspace, so her publisher sends her off to a remote cabin in the mountains in an attempt to rid her of all distractions and produce the highly anticipated first draft of her last book. But as she battles with snow, word counts, and surprise visitors, she learns that not every battle needs to be won, and that happy endings aren't always what we'd think.
WC ≈ 35,000 Total A/N: Thank you to@redweddingsandbowties for helping me to churn out over 25,000 words in a week and filtering out my typing fails. Warnings: Violence, Recreational Drug Use, 18+ Smut, Pet Death
Read on AO3 or...
“Miss, your total is $426.54. Miss?”
Y/N blinked and looked up at the cashier before taking her credit card out and handing it over.
“Are you stocking up for the end of the world?” The cashier asks as he runs her card. Y/N glances at the trolley loaded with a months’ worth of non-perishables and a dozen crates of beer.
“Something like that.” She tells him as she scribbles her signature on the store receipt.
The trolley is a bit on the heavy side as she heaves it across the car park towards her truck, but she manages it. When she’s got everything all loaded up beside the bags and bags of logs she’s worked up a sweat and has to unzip her coat as she climbs up into the driver’s seat. The truck feels empty without her little border terrier, and she finds herself wishing Harley could have been with her for this new adventure.
It had been her publisher’s idea to go on this little escapade, to get her out of the city, away from all the distractions. He cared more about the lack of pages than her deteriorating mental health, but for the sake of her sanity she had agreed that a month-long retreat into the mountains might do more for her writer’s block than being in her too quiet apartment. Her creative juices had bit the dust around the same time she’d had to make the heart-breaking decision to have Harley put to sleep.
His other idea had been to get a new dog. She’d used some extraordinarily strong language at that suggestion, so… mountains.
She feels fairly well prepared. Provisioned. Whatever. The cabin her publisher had found had been empty for a few years, and she had been warned that it may take a bit of work to get the generator working, and that there would be no mobile signal out there either. But she had been equipped with a satellite phone and the publisher had done some technological whizz-bang magic that meant she would be able to send and receive emails via satellite. She’d also done her own extensive research, which hopefully meant that once she arrived, she wouldn’t have to make the drive back to civilisation until her month was up and her first draft was on its way. She had churned out three books a year at some points, she could manage this.
She reaches over to the passenger seat to pick up one of her many notebooks, this one was her ‘survival plan’. “Snow tyres, check. Firewood, yes. Socks, hundreds…” She went down the whole list, covering everything from dry shampoo to copious amounts of candy and snacks. She’d even found a repair manual for the generator online, and had both printed and laminated it, just to be thorough.
“Okay, let’s do this.” She says aloud, still not used to Harley’s absence. The truck’s engine whines a little as it starts up, and she takes a moment to put the map (also laminated) on top of the paperwork piled up on the passenger seat. She still had a few hours until noon, plenty of time to get to the cabin while it was still light and make some sort of order out of it before dark.
The first two hours of her journey went as expected. She didn’t even miss the hairpin turn she had been dreading, but as the bare trees began to curl over the road and block the sun, she felt a prickle of unease. Wishing again for Harley. What was she thinking? A woman, on her own, hiding out in a run-down cabin in the middle of nowhere, all for a book she was contracted to write but had no heart for.
The last four years of her career had been dedicated to her high fantasy trilogy, the world, its characters, its mysteries. Mystery solved and arcs resolved, her baby was done. Before that she had spent years churning out a crappy serial romance saga before a well-earned break funded by selling the rights to turn them into a television series. That was until the inspiration for The Fallen had hit her. But of course, the publishers were keen to squeeze out more profit, and had coerced her into signing another book deal. They wanted a revival of the romance saga, but after over twelve years of being free from churning out two or three contentless books a year, it wasn’t something she wanted to revisit. Besides, it felt ridiculous to be in her early thirties, and turning back to something she started when she was only seventeen. Something different. She didn’t know how to write different. She had planned to save the existential breakdown until she’d arrived and at least got a fire going, but apparently her brain hadn’t got the memo, and she had to pull over to stumble from the truck and put her head between her knees. She focused on her breathing, in through the nose, out through the mouth, in through the nose… “C’mon, you can do this.” … out through the mouth.
As she climbed back into the truck sometime later, she heard an engine and slammed her door shut just in time to see beaten up chevy truck thundering past, black smoke sputtering from its exhaust. The driver beeped their horn at her, and her panic was replaced with annoyance. She’d picked a safe place to pull over, she wasn’t blocking the road. Hell, that dick didn’t even have to move positions from the centre of the road.
Apart from the short break at the side of the road, and a five-minute detour down the wrong lane, Y/N was making good time. The only problem came when the cabin was actually in sight. A tree was blocking the drive, and nowhere on the map could she pick out any way to go around. The cabin looked to be only a ten-minute walk away, but everything was blanketed in thick snow, and she had a months’ worth of wood, food, water…not to mention all her writing stuff, clothes, blankets… beers. It would take an insane number of trips and eat into her daylight. But the tree was huge, and even if she had a chain or ropes to try and pull it out of the way, she had no idea how she’d do so safely. That wasn’t something she had researched how to do.
She climbed out and her legs disappeared up to her knees in the thick snow. Not to be put off by the first hurdle, she found the keys for the cabin, gathered up the only valuable things in the truck (namely her laptop and the satellite phone), and locked the truck behind her. The tree had a tangle of roots, so it seemed to have fallen naturally. Not that she really knew what she was looking at. She skirted around the edge and stomped through the snow towards the cabin, which was bigger than she had imagined. The ‘ten minute’ walk took closer to fifteen minutes, hampered by the snow, and then there was the issue of trying to get the door open. The wood seemed to have swelled, and she had to throw her shoulder against it several times before it burst open in a cloud of dust.
It stank. It had that unlived in smell, like stagnant water, and she kept the door open – not just for the light – but for the fresh air.
It was much as she expected really, a small kitchenette (which really was just a log stove and a cobweb infested sink with a single section of worktop) with a small dining table and four chairs. A mismatched armchair and leather sofa tucked close to a log burner. Two doors stood off the one side, presumably to a bedroom and a bathroom. “Right.” She said, setting her laptop bag down and wondering what to do first.
The owners hadn’t been sure that the water supply would still work, which is why she had lugged her own plastic barrels up here, but if it was working, she wouldn’t have to carry so many.
The pumped the lever over the sink a few times, still flushed from the hard walk. After a few tries, the tap sputtered out a dead spider and rust coloured liquid, followed a moment later by clear, precious water. The initial horror at the colour of the stuff still had her deciding to get some water from the truck, however.
“Okay.” She said to herself, stepping back. “Water, oil, logs, clothes for the night, bedding, cleaning stuff. Food.” She ran through her list again and then nodded, satisfied. On her way out of the door she spotted a big old wooden sled propped up under the window. “Perfect.”
Her second trip took longer than the first, fighting the sled the entire way and almost losing the barrel of water. It slid off the sled and looked for a moment like it might roll clean of the mountain, but the packed snow stopped it in its tracks.
Catching her breath for the next trip, she checked the other side of the two doors. Discovering to her horror that both led to bedrooms, then – to her relief – that the master bedroom had a rather basic en suite. It contained one of those giant clawfoot baths you only ever saw in movies, though this one was an old-fashioned green colour and a bit rusty around the plug. She hoped she could get the generator running to enjoy a soak at some point.
She tested the double bed in the master bedroom, and then checked both the twin beds, testing which of the three was the most comfortable, and therefore the one she would be using. The other bedroom, she would use as storage for all her supplies. The big bed in the room with the en suite was fortunately the comfiest, which meant she could pile all her stuff into the room with the twin beds.
She found an old oil lamp in the kitchen cupboards and a little paraffin heater in the cupboard under the sink. It was the ancient kind with no warning labels. Though common sense filled in the unwritten ‘use in a well-ventilated space or you will suffocate’. She set it up, just to take the edge of until she could get a fire going and put the lamp on the dining table next to her laptop, deciding there and then that this evening would be electricity free. She didn’t want to have to deal with the frustrations of the generator, and it seemed encompassing of her new mountain persona to forgo some of the basic necessities.
Two trips later and her hands are blistered from the friction of the sled rope, even through her gloves. Her legs are screaming at her, and despite the three thick pairs of socks, she would put all her royalties betting on frost bite setting in. There’s one last trip to make sure she has everything she’ll need for the night and most of the next day, and then she covers the flatbed of her truck with its waterproof cover and makes sure it’s stupidly tight. None of her things will enjoy a night in the freezing cold, but as long as nothing gets too damp, everything will be fine.
The door had been open all this time, so the cabin is now just as chilled as outside, but at least it smells fresher now. Her phone – devoid of all signal – becomes a glorified sound system. The oil heater starts to inject a little warmth, and as soon as it’s warm enough to abandon her coat and gloves, she gets to work on making the place fit for habitation.
“…As long as my heart's beating, and these old lungs keep breathing, the highs and the lows, yes and the no’s…” She sings loudly as she sweeps out the log stove of half burnt longs and powdery grey ash.
By the time the sun is setting, the whole cabin is as dust free as it can be without a hoover, the log fire is roaring, the bed is made, and the only lingering issue is the draft from the front door, which – having been forced to open – is now refusing to close properly. Having decided that the back and forth from the truck was enough work for one day, Y/N simply snacks instead of making a dinner and then sits by the fire with her notebook and pen. The flannel patterned throw she’d bought from home depot thrown over her legs.
Nothing comes. Not even a silly doodle in the margin. True, she usually wrote on her laptop. But the charge wouldn’t last long, and she’d been prepared to write this book by hand.
Even with the fire and the blanket there seems to be a wickedly cool draft, and she makes a note to put a makeshift draft excluder together in the morning. Finished with her bag of chips, she stands to select another snack and grab a beer, missing Harley weaving between her legs. She twists the cap of the beer bottle and walks back to the sofa and freezes in surprise.
On the sofa, is a pleased looking black Labrador.
The beer bottle slips from her fingers and shatters on the floor. The dilemma of broken glass and soft paws snapping her out of her shock.
“Hello…” She says slowly, answered by a thumping tail on brown leather. “You stay there. Okay?”
thump thump thump
“Okay, good boy… girl… good dog. Stay.”
Fortunately all the cleaning supplies are in easy reach. Y/N focuses on sweeping up the broken glass as a priority, ignoring the beer sloshing around the stone floor and seeping into the rope rug. Glass sorted; she gets a cloth to wipe the beer up. The front door in ajar, which explains how the dog got in. But it doesn’t explain what they’re doing out here in the middle of nowhere. They seem happy enough, well fed, shiny coat, wet nose. So they’re obviously being cared for by someone.
“Okay, it’s safe.” She tells the Labrador from the floor once she’s sure all the glass is up. They seem to be a pro at broken bottles, because with the all-clear, they jump from the sofa and come greet her properly.
“Oh, yes, hello. Nice to meet you too.” She tells them, trying to shove their face away as their tongue makes a beeline for her mouth. She giggles, giving their neck a good scratch. There’s a chain collar, but no tags. “Where are you from, huh?” She asks, attempting to stand, her knees protesting against the stone floor.
There’s a tremendous bang and the front door flies open. Halfway to her feet, Y/N loses her balance and topples onto her back, staring up into the doorway.
Where a bearded man in a Stetson and a heavy coat is pointing a shotgun at her.
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amayawolfe · 4 years
It's Good to be Home (Hisoka x Fem.Reader)
(Warning: some harsh language, mild fluff, mild angst, and just a touch of NSFW mostly towards the end)
Word Count: 5616 (wwaaayyyy longer than I intended for a first short story...)
(Summary: You're a Hunter who's been Hisoka Amorou's beloved and trusted life partner for the better part of six years. After being together just past two years, the two of you found yourselves expecting a child. Maybe it was a slip up, or maybe one/both of you planned it; either way, nine months later you two have a baby girl.
This short story is a "slice of life" type of story. You finally had enough of being the "stay at home mom" and get away to go on a mission leaving Hisoka at home to watch your daughter. What you find when you return is not what you expected...)
~               ~               ~
   You pulled up next to your life partner's car in your own driveway. A small, tired smile touched your lips. You loosed a sigh and rubbed your face and eyes with your gloved hands. It had been a long drive home from the airport, but it was the last leg of your return trip. Moving your hands to your neck you rub it a bit and tilt your head from side to side. Feeling, as well as hearing it, crack and pop as you did so.
   Your phone suddenly vibrated and pinged at you from the passenger seat where you had tossed it at the beginning of the drive. Reaching over you picked it up and turned the screen towards you; it's a text from your long time friend/associate and business partner for the mission you had just finished, Illumi Zoldyck.
Illu: Did you make it home?
   You partially removed your gloves so that only your thumbs were exposed and texted a reply.
You: Yeah, I literally just pulled into the driveway. Haven't even gotten out of the car yet.
Illu: Okay, good.
Illu: Next mission I should contact Hisoka, correct?
You: Unless my skills are more suited for the mission, other than that, I would say "yes".
Illu: Very well, good night, (y/n).
You: Take care, Illu, and thanks again.
   Up until just now, you had not gone on a single mission since your pregnancy and the following birth of your daughter just over three years ago. It was your life partner, Hisoka, that took off for weeks at a time either for missions on his own or with Illumi.
   This hadn't bother you one bit when it was just the two of you. While he was away, you would take a mission as well or travel until about the time he would usually return. Not to mention you really did treasure your alone time playing video games, watching movies or shows, working on your hobbies, or simply relaxing in the silence of an empty apartment.
   Then there was the fact that after a while you would need a recharge from Hisoka himself. You truly loved and adored your life partner and wouldn't trade him for anyone or anything in the world, and you were relatively sure it was the same for him with you. However, Hisoka was, well, Hisoka; he had a tendency to become mentally, not to mention physically, exhausting from time to time.
   Ironically, it was the love and need of your own independence and alone time that made you and a person like Hisoka work so well. That and a truck load of patience.
   He had stayed home during most of your pregnancy, only leaving when you were on the verge of literally killing him. But he would be sure to stay close to home, traveling no more than a few hours away in case something came up and you needed him. Hisoka was actually there for the birth of his daughter and stayed home for the first few months. But once you and (d/n) were settled into a good routine on your own, he started taking missions once more.
   Hisoka was a surprisingly good father when he was home and constantly spoiled her with gifts he collected while he was out. He made sure to give (d/n) lots of love and attention, watching and playing with her whenever you needed a nap, shower, some alone time or went out for training. And, of course, he would make sure to give you attention and affection as well. Attention and affection you more than enjoyed returning just as much as receiving.
   Well, most of the time.
   For the last few months you had started to become extremely restless and moody. You were a Hunter, damnit. Not to mention a powerful and skilled nen user. You missed going out on missions. You were also concerned with how little training you were able to get now a days. Both you and Hisoka had your fair share of enemies, and you wanted to keep your skills and senses keen for as long as your possibly could.
   You had tried more than once in having a serious, yet calm, sit down with Hisoka over the matter while your daughter was down for her nap. But, as usual, when your life partner didn't like what was being talked about he would poke and tease you or change the subject entirely. This usually lead into a heated argument that was comically kept to shouted whispers so as to not wake (d/n). The argument would usually end with the both of you laying in bed hot, sweaty, and spent. This always seemed to be your daughters cue to wake up, ending any further discussion of the matter for the time being.
   So, having gotten no where on the subject, you had decided to take matters into your own hands. You contacted Illumi, asking him to not contact Hisoka for the next mission and that you would like to go instead. Illumi seemed more than willing to work with you. You guessed that he needed a little change up as well when it came to his business partner.
   Your travel bag was packed and hidden in the bedroom closet before Hisoka had even returned home. All you needed was Illumi to tell you where to meet him and you could bolt out the door. Of course, you felt a little guilty. And you knew Hisoka was going to be very annoyed, if not angry, but this was for your own mental well being.
   You had tried to imitate the same mood you had been showing the last few months. But Hisoka's keen intuition was telling him something was up, and he watched you with curious interest over the course of a few days.
   "You've been checking your phone more than usual, love~ ♣" he had finally commented from the kitchen where he was leaning against the counter drinking his morning coffee, "Is there something I should know about?~ ♠"
   You had shook your head and had set your phone back down on the table.
   "Not really, just expecting a text from a friend," you had answered honestly. Hisoka only hummed into his coffee cup in response, eyes still upon you as you where now horribly failing in defending your waffles from your ravenous toddler.
   When you had finally gotten the text from Illumi, your mind switched to "Hunter Mode". Quickly and quietly, you grabbed your travel back and set it by the door. You then entered the living room and scooped up your daughter, giving her kisses all over her little face as you headed in your life partner's direction.
   He had been sitting on the couch reading something on his phone when you caught him by surprise in leaning down and giving him a deep, loving kiss while passing (d/n) into his protective arms.
   "I'm heading out," you had told him, "I'll be back in a while." The look on Hisoka's face was surprised and curious. You usually told him ahead of time when you where planning on going out for errands or training.
   You gave him another quick kiss on the forehead and turned for the door.
   "(y/n), wait, where are you going? ♠" Hisoka tried to grab your wrist but you dodged him easily. (d/n) was now clinging to him and becoming fussy, thinking it was Hisoka who was about to leave. She would get that way sometimes. Something you had hoped she would do to take Hisoka's main focus away from you just long enough for you to slip away.
   You heard Hisoka call your name again as you grabbed your bag and practically ran out the door. Not wasting a single precious second, you were in your car on your way to the airport. You breathed a sigh of relief then giggled with excitement. That had gone smoother than you could possibly hope it would.
    But then your phone began to ring, playing the ringtone Hisoka had picked out himself. Your heart picked up it's pace a little as you answered it and put it on speaker.
   "Yes, love?"
   "(y/n), darling, what's going on... ♠" A chill ran down your spine. It wasn't a question, it was a demand. And even though it was worded nicely, the tone spoke volumes. Hisoka was not happy.
   "Easy love~," you stated calmly, "I'm just going on a mission with Illumi. I'll be back in a few days. A week at most. I promise."
   There was silence on the phone for a moment. You could almost feel Hisoka's blood lust starting to come through the phone.
   "What... ♠" Yeah, he was pissed. But you were never one to back down to Hisoka's rage. Your own anger flared up in response and you put your game face on. You had mentally prepared yourself for this.
   "Amorou," you said sternly, only ever using his last name when you were serious and/or angry, "Before (d/n) was born we agreed we would take parenting duties on equally. That we would still be equal partners in this relationship. It hasn't been that way for quite some time and I feel like I am trapped and stagnating. I need to take this mission or else I feel like I am going to go fucking crazy!"
   You could now hear the tv in the background signaling he had moved back into or near the living room. Hisoka remained was quiet. You knew he was listening, thinking. So you took a calming breath and continued.
   "I'm a Hunter, just like you. And just like you I have... needs. And as amazing a sex god you are, those needs can't always be satisfied in the bedroom, love." You heard Hisoka smirk. Picking up on his thoughts you spoke again before he could.
   "Or the shower, or the kitchen counter, or the back seat of the car, or the couch... Am I missing any where?"
   "~Yes. ♥ In fact, you're missing several places.~ ♥" Now you could hear the smirk in his voice causing you to smirk as well. Hisoka was still annoyed, at the very least, but you knew he was calming down.
   "I guess you'll have to refresh my memory when I get back."
   "Mmm, I think I can handle that.~ ♦"
   You chuckled. Oh, I know you can.
   "Since this is your first time watching (d/n) on your own for more than a few hours, I left you some notes underneath the cereal on top of the fridge to help you out. Call me if you need anything and I'll get back to you as soon as I can."
   "Very well,~ ♠" Hisoka said with a pouty sigh, "You said you may be gone for a week at most, right?~ ♣"
   "Yes, and I promise to be sure and update you as I go along." It was only fair seeing as it was the only thing you really asked of him while he was out on missions. To simply let you know he was alive.
   "Alright, but don't think we're done talking about the way you went about this,~ ♠" he almost cooed, "We're going to have a long, serious discussion when you get back.~ ♦"
   Tingles went up your spine and you felt a slight knot form in your stomach, causing you to squeeze your thighs together a little. You knew exactly what he was saying, and it had little to do with actual talking.
   "Sounds fair to me," you smirked.
   "Take care, kitten. Be safe.~ ♥"
   "I will, love." And with that you hung up the phone.
   And it seemed that was that. It had gone easier than you thought it would over all; and oddly enough, that gave you a feeling of unease. Hisoka was not one to give up easily. But in truth, there wasn't much he could have done. There was no one he trusted enough to watch (d/n) on such short notice, and it's not like leaving her home alone was an option. Quickly packing her up into the car to chase after you wasn't exactly the wisest of ideas either.
   You held your word about keeping in touch. Letting him know when you reached the airport, landed at your destination, met up with Illumi, and so on and so forth. You had put your phone on silent during the mission, as was protocol, but checked it and checked in when the two of you had completed the mission and were safe.
   Hisoka would sometimes reply, but kept it short. Nothing abnormal for him. He also sent pictures like how you did for him while he was away. Some were cute, like the one where he made spaghetti for dinner and sent a picture of (d/n) happily enjoying her food with sauce all over her face. And some were more private, like the one he sent of himself standing in front of the full body mirror completely naked and at "full mast" with the message, "wut ur missin 2night 💕😜💞😘 💓"
   The last message you had sent him was after you had landed at the airport, telling him you would be driving home shortly. He had simply replied with "i'll be waiting 😍💕🥰💓😘 " The man really did love his emojis...
   You really didn't know what to think of this with it coming from Hisoka. As it sounded both sweet and foreboding...
   Sitting in your car that was rapidly cooling down from the cold wintery night air outside, you mentally prepared yourself for what ever your life partner may have awaiting you.
   The chill of the night immediately nipped at your nose as you got out of your car. You collected your travel bag from the back and turned to walk up the pathway to your front door, hitting the lock button on your car remote as you did so.
   Your house windows were dark, making you wonder if Hisoka hadn't managed to stay up in waiting for you after all. Upon reaching your front door you quickly looked about out of sheer habit, making sure that no one was waiting to rush in on you as you opened the door.
   Feeling that it was safe, you unlocked your door and walked across the threshold. Not even two steps in you nearly tripped and fell over something, barely catching yourself on your front door handle in time. Righting yourself, you took a step back and looked to see what you had tripped on.
   It was one of your daughter's large stuffed animals. A stuffed dog, to be precise. (d/n) would put it there saying that it was guarding the house, despite you telling her not to leave her toys on the floor like that.
   With a sigh you shoved the toy aside with your foot, making a mental note to pick it up later. You finished entering the house with closing and locking the door behind you. But when you turned and took no more than five steps into your dark home you trip over another toy and nearly fell again. It was your daughters toy car for her dollies this time.
   "What the hell?" you whispered to yourself. Reaching over you flipped on the light to the foyer and your heart clenched. From what you could see, the house was a complete mess.
   Toys and clothes were littered all over the floor. There were even some dirty dishes here and there. There were sloppy, childish drawings all over the walls. You took immediate notice of the drawings that were most definitely to high for your child to reach on her own. Your jaw and fists clenched in rage.
   "You've got to be fucking kidding me..." you spat through clenched teeth.
   Setting your bag down you started to slowly make your way through the house, taking care in where you stepped so as to not trip and break your neck. As you started to pass the kitchen you dared to look in. Your blood started to boil.
   It looked like every dish you owned was dirty, piled high in and around a filthy sink. There was food and sticky dried drink all over the counters, splattered over the floor, what looked like burnt marshmallow on the stove top and you didn't even want to know what was on the ceiling!
   It wouldn't surprise you if there was a blood vessel now protruding from your forehead at this point. You had to look away from your once beautiful kitchen to take a deep breath and focus on In so as to not leak to much blood lust and risk harming your daughter.
   "(y/n)? ♠" a familiar voice called out quietly from the living room down the hall.
   "Amorou," you snarled and turned in the direction you heard the voice come from. Your strides were swift and determined as you stepped around the mine field of toys in the hall.
   The glowing, shifting light that was spilling from the living room into the hall told you the tv was on. You turned and upon entering the living room you quickly noticed that it was in just as bad of condition. You turned again to face your so called life partner, fully prepared to chew him out for what he allowed to happen to the family home. Hell, you were actually mad enough to fight him and do some serious damage at this point.
   But the moment you looked down at him and saw the sight that was laying on the couch, nearly all your rage evaporated.
   Hisoka was laying on his back, head slightly turned upward as he looked over at you with tired eyes. His hair was an absolute mess. And not the sexy, messy way he would have it when he wore it down. No, it was an actual mess mess. There were a few stains on his shirt and his sweat pants like he had worn them for more than a day or two. You nearly laughed when you noticed his mismatched socks. It was then you suddenly remembered that in your haste and excitement over finally going out on a mission you had forgotten to do the laundry before you left. He had probably run low or out of clothes.
   His ultimate saving grace from the tongue lashing you had been so ready to give him was the form of your daughter sleeping tummy side down on top of Hisoka's chest. She had her favorite blanket draped over her and one of Hisoka's hands was resting lightly on the middle of her back to make sure she didn't roll off him onto the floor.
   As cute as the scene was, you couldn't help but think Hisoka looked a little... pathetic. A little defeated even.
   You stifled a laugh and tried to keep a stern face, but the corners of your mouth kept twitching as your lips betrayed you, wanting to smile. Sure that he had sensed your blood lust a moment ago, you were ever so slightly hoping that he thought you were still furious. You moved closer to the couch and squat down so that the two of you were eye level.
   "Amorou," you feigned a quiet, angry voice. A voice you usually had just before you lost it and tore someone to pieces. "What did you allow to happen to our home?"
   Hisoka tried to shift into a better position but cringed when it caused (d/n) to stir. It was obvious he did not want her to wake up. You glanced at her then looked back to him.
   "Did she just get to sleep?" Hisoka nodded.
   "She wanted to wait up for you with me. ♠" You raised an eyebrow at this and he continued, "I was going to straighten up a bit before you got home." You rolled your eyes, not really believing him on that one. "But (d/n) started to throw a tantrum and would not stop until I laid down with her... ♠"
   You felt your face soften a bit, Hisoka's voice sounded so tired. But despite his defeated condition, you couldn't help but poke fun. After all, he had done so many a time to you.
   "Hisoka Amorou," you jeered softly, "Hisoka the Magician, The Grim Reaper of Heaven's Arena, defeated by a three year old." You looked at your sleeping daughter again. "I'd say it was a flawless victory."
   Hisoka glared at you, lips pressed tightly together into scowl. A sly grin raced across your own lips when you saw the look on his face.
   "Keep looking at me like that and I'll just leave you here for the night and have the bed all to myself."
   He pressed his lips together even more tightly and looked away.
   "You can be so cruel... ♠" he mumbled. You chuckled softly, leaned forward, and kissed his cheek.
   "I've learned from the best, love."
   Turned your full attention to your daughter, you signaled for Hisoka to slowly move his hand as you laid your own in it's place. You started to hum a soft lullaby as you began to gently rub (d/n)'s back; doing this for a couple minutes until your daughter took a deep breath and let out a sigh of pure relaxed contentment. Her breathing slowed even more, signaling she had slipped into a deeper state of sleep.
   Now it was safe to move her. Slowly. Carefully. Gently. You slid your daughter's head to your shoulder and moved the rest of her body to your chest. Still humming the lullaby, you freed your life partner and started to move towards (d/n)'s room. Having to carefully step over toys and other random objects, the time getting her into her bed was taking longer than you would have liked.
   Making it to your daughter's room you nearly stopped humming upon seeing the state of it. It was in a much worse condition than what it normally was and her bed was covered in toys.
   This child has way to many toys...
   Thankfully Hisoka had been following you and noticed why you had stopped. Slipping past you with the stealth and grace of a cat, he quietly cleared (d/n)'s bed of all but her blankets, pillows, and favorite stuffed animals.
   Giving him an approving nod, you laid (d/n) down in the same manner you had picked her up and continued rubbing her back while humming for a few minutes. Once you were sure she was settled in you slowly stood up and, while still humming, made your way out of the room with Hisoka close behind you.
   The two of you tiptoed down the hall and into your shared bedroom.  Before you even had a chance to speak a single word your life partner turned you around, slipped his arms around your waist, pulled you tightly into himself, and buried his face into the crook of your neck. You wrapped your arms around him and buried your face into his neck in return.
   "Did somebody miss me?" you teased. He only hummed a response and continued to hold you close.
   After a couple minutes, Hisoka broke the hug and pulled back a little. You looked up into his eyes as he took you chin into his hand. Some of his energy seemed to have returned. It gleamed in those beautiful amber eyes you loved so much. He leaned in and kissed you softly on the lips.
   It started off sweet, with multiple little kisses on your lips. Then his hands moved down to your bottom and he gave a firm squeeze, pulling your hips tighter against him. He started to kiss you more deeply and you felt his tongue start to push against your lips, begging to be let into your mouth.
   "Mmnn!!" you noised suddenly and pushed away from him. Hisoka gave you a look of surprise at your sudden action. You pointed at him sternly.
   "Despite how calm you may think I am, Amorou, I am still mad at you and you are not getting any sex from me until you help me clean this house to my satisfaction tomorrow."
   You turned away from him towards the bed and froze in mid-step.
   "Are you fucking serious?!?!?!" you hissed.
   Sure, the bed wasn't made, but that wasn't what angered you. What angered you was the half eaten plate of spaghetti on the bed, what looked to be cookie crumbs all over the sheets, more of (d/n)'s toys, and a spilled juice cup.  
   You snapped your head in Hisoka's direction and glared daggers at him. You swore you could feel your eye twitching.
   "I'll help strip and make the bed.~ ♣" he stated with a smirk while he held up his hands defensively.
   "Damn right you will, " you growled through gritted teeth.
   His smirk widened. He went to the closet to get the fresh sheets and blankets as you removed the dishes and toys, setting them aside to be cleaned up tomorrow. As the two of you stripped the bed Hisoka decided to say his piece.
   "You know,~" he started, "the list you left me never did say anything about cleaning up.~ ♦"
   You stopped in middle of tossing one of the dirty blankets aside and blinked.
   Is.. Is he seriously messing with me right now?!
   Feeling your blood lust starting to rise to the surface once again, you slowly turned your head in his direction. But as you opened your mouth to say something he held up a single finger.
   "However, I must say I do commend you.~♣ I never really realized how much you did until I had to take care of (d/n) on my own for the week.~ ♠"
   You turned your body towards him fully and crossed your arms under your chest. "Go on."
   Your life partner smirked then shrugged. "You're an amazing mother to our little girl, (y/n); and this house would not be a home with out your touch. But most importantly of all, you love and put up with me.~ ♥"
   You smirked and narrowed your eyes at Hisoka. "Who told you I loved you? I'm sorry to say this, Amorou, but someone has been lying to you."
   Hisoka placed the back of one of his hands to his forehead and the other hand went over his heart in a dramatic like fashion. He emitted a small noise like he had been wounded
   "Ugh, Queen of my heart, how could you be so cold? ~ ♠"
   You snickered and whipped a pillow at him that he easily batted away back to your side.
   "I would have shown you some of my routines in how I do things had you listened to me in the first place," you stated as you finished brushing crumbs off the now bare mattress.
   "I suppose you have a point. ~ ♣" Hisoka spread the fitted sheet across the mattress as you started to but fresh pillow cases on the pillows. "Do you plan on taking more missions from now on? ~ ♣"
   "I told Illumi to contact you for the next one unless my skills are better suited for it." You picked up the flat sheet and spread it across the bed with Hisoka catching his side and shaking it out to lay it down evenly. "I would like to take every other mission or so. I never intended to pick it back up full time like you and I used to before we had (d/n). I just need to get out into the field and keep my senses and skills sharp. I'm not as out of shape as I thought I was, but I definitely could use some more training."
   Hisoka tossed the comforter over onto the bed and the two of your started spreading it out together. He was silent in thought for a moment, then sighed
   "That's fair. ~ ♣" he admitted. "Are you still willing to show me how you do things here? ~ ♦"
   "Of course," you smiled, "as long as you're willing to learn that is. Did that list I left you help at all?"
   "Ah, it probably would have had (d/n) not scribbled all over it after I left it on the table. ~ ♠"
   You dropped the last pillow into place and quickly covered your mouth to keep from laughing to loud.
   "If that was the case," you said behind your hand between laughter, "Why didn't you just text me asking for new notes? I could have done so while I was waiting for my airship to depart." He looked away from you to hide the sheepish expression that was now on his face.
   Ah, I see, he was to prideful to admit he had let something go wrong already and have to ask for help. Typical...
   Knowing not to push the matter you simply stripped out of all but your underwear and put on a clean sleeping shirt. As you slid into bed Hisoka stripped down to his boxers and turned off the lights, leaving a small night light on near the bedroom door. When he was climbing into bed you thought you heard a noise come from the hall.
   You looked in the direction of the bedroom door and started to sit up when Hisoka suddenly climbed on top of and pushed you back down into the freshly made bed.
   "Hiso-" your voice was interrupted when his lips came down onto yours roughly and his tongue took full advantage of your mouth that had been opened with words.
   For a few seconds, you gave into his physical demands and kissed him back with just as much vigor. Your tongues wrestled each other for dominance and your fingers went up into his tangled hair. Lifting your hips you pressed your pelvis against his and could feel his rapidly hardening member through the thin layers of cloth that separated the two of you. Your action caused a moan to slip from his throat.
   Another noise from the hall caught your sharp ear. It was closer to the door this time. You pushed Hisoka away from you just enough to break the kiss. He smirked down at you with lust dancing in his eyes.
   "I thought I told you no sex until after you help me clean the house tomorrow," you panted. Your own rising desires made you a little short of breath. Hisoka's smirk grew wider as he lightly grinded his pelvis against yours causing your breath to hitch.
   "Hmmmm.~ ♥ And what makes you think I won't be able to convince you otherwise?~ ♦" he purred. It was your turn to smirk.
   "Because, three..." Hisoka blinked in confusion.
   "Two..." Hisoka now raised an eyebrow, wondering why on earth you were counting down.
   "One." You pointed over to the bedroom door just as (d/n) stuck her little head into the room.
   "Daddy? Mommy home?" she called out sleepily. Hisoka let out a defeated groan and dropped down on top of you, knocking the wind out of you a bit and he buried his face into the pillow beside your head. You couldn't help but laugh at his reaction.
   "Yes, (d/n), I'm here," you gently called out to your daughter. She started to make her way over to you and her father. It was obvious she was intending to climb into bed with you just as she had so many a time before.
   You gently but firmly pushed your life partner off of you and to the side. As you did so you whispered to him, "Help me clean the house tomorrow and you can have your fill of me in what ever way you desire tomorrow night."
   Hisoka let out a frustrated growl in response causing you to laugh out loud again. You turned to your side so that he was now behind you. You held your arms open as (d/n) climbed into the bed and snuggled up against your chest. Wrapping your arms around her you hugged her closely to you and nuzzled your face into her hair. Her silky red locks were so much like her fathers. In fact, she was nearly a perfect replica of Hisoka, minus the eyes that is. She had your fierce yet beautiful eyes.
   "Did you miss me, munchkin?" you asked into (d/n)'s hair. She nodded a little.
   "Mmhmm, and daddy missed you." You felt Hisoka tense behind you and you chuckled.
   "Did he now?"
   "Yeah, he said he missed you lots." Busted, Hisoka sighed and rolled over so that his chest was against your back and his face was in your hair. He then reached his arm over you and (d/n), hugging you both closer to him.
   "I missed you and daddy, too," you said as you placed a kiss atop her head.
   "Happy your home."
   You hugged (d/n) again as you gently leaned into Hisoka's warm embrace.
   "It's good to be home, munchkin."
295 notes · View notes
Rafe Cameron x reader
Requested by anon//Summary: After you catch your boyfriend, JJ cheating with Kie and find out the rest of the pogues knew it was happening, you decide their friendship wasn’t what you thought it was and find an unforeseen solace with the biggest kook of all, Rafe Cameron. 
A/N: I don’t condone cheating at all, it’s wrong and you hurt the person more than you think. This is purely fiction and I don’t mind writing about it. Anon who requested-- I hope you enjoy and thank you for requesting!  xx 
Tag list is at the end. Let me know if you want to be added xx
Requests: {OPEN} CLOSED
I am currently taking requests for:
The Vampire Diaries/The Originals
Elijah Mikaelson
Damon Salvatore
Criminal Minds:
Spencer Reid
Derek Morgan
Supernatural (I’m only up to season 2, so please don’t request something with spoilers)**
Sam Winchester
Dean Winchester
Outer Banks (Netflix):
John B Routledge
JJ Maybank
Rafe Cameron
********************************************************************************************NOT MY GIF, CREDIT TO OWNERS
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You had been trying to contact JJ the entire day, but no answer. The two of you were supposed to go out on a date tonight but it was now two hours after your agreed date time and he still was a no show. Since it wasn’t a far walk from your house you walked to JJ’s only to find his bike was not there. Okay, so he wasn’t at his house, what’s new? You trekked on and headed for the Chateau. You knew he’d either be there or possibly at the beach surfing.
When you arrived at the Chateau you were surprised to find all the pogues cars in the driveway, including JJ’s bike. You didn’t know everyone was hanging out today, no one had contacted you. Frowning you headed through the yard to find all of them surrounded by one of the trees, laughing and what looked like drinking beer. There was a faint smell of weed in the air.
John B and Pope were seated in some chairs and… in the hammock were Kie… and JJ. You thought your heart was going to fall out of your chest. The two of them had always been flirty with each other, but JJ always reassured you that it was nothing but friends being flirty. However, this was not flirty. They were cuddled up in the hammock just like you and JJ had done numerous nights. Their legs were tangled up and Kie’s head was on his chest. His fingers were running through her hair.
“What the fuck?”
The pogues all looked at you, surprise written all over their face. Kie and JJ both scrambled off the hammock, “Y/n, what are you doing here?” JJ asked, clearing his throat and starting toward you.
You shook your head, “What am I doing here?! I haven’t heard from you all day. We had a date tonight, JJ!”
“Shit.” He whispers, “Baby-”
“don’t baby me, maybank! I can’t believe you.”
“Look it wasn’t what it looked like… we were just hanging out.” He pleads.
“Not what it looked like?” You laughed bitterly, “It is exactly what it looked like. My boyfriend screwing my best friend. Oh, and that the rest of my best friends knew about it.” You then turn your attention to Pope and John B who don’t meet your eyes.
“y/n, nothing happened-” Kie started but you quickly interrupted her.
“I don’t want to fucking hear it. That’s such a bullshit excuse. I’ve seen the way you two flirt and JJ always reassured me it was nothing, but I was an idiot to believe him or believe you people were my friends.” You turned away from the group and headed back through the yard, tears flowing down your cheeks.
JJ hurried after you and grabbed your arm, “Y/n.. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for this to happen.”
You yanked your arm from his grip, “You’re not sorry JJ, you’re sorry you got caught!” You look at the pogues and back at JJ, “I never want to speak to any of you again. You four are no better than the asshole kooks.” You spit before walking away from JJ.
As soon as you made it to the concrete street, you broke into a run. How could JJ do this to you? And how could the people you called your best friends keep something like this from you? You couldn’t see through the tears as you ran down the street and tripped right over a rock, your body hitting the concrete. Pain shot through your knees and your hands. You slowly sat up, still sobbing. Your hands and knees were covered in blood and small pebbles. You begin brushing the small pebbles off your knees and hands.
He’d watched you trip right over the rock and winced as he saw you hit the road. Ouch. He quickly pulled his truck to a stop on the side of the road and got out, rushing to you, “Hey, are you okay?”
You looked up at him and went back to your knees, brushing them off, “I’m fine, Rafe.”
He crouched down in front of you, “You don’t look fine.” He could see the tears steadily falling from your cheeks.
“Yeah well you wouldn’t look fine either if you found your boyfriend cheating on you with your best friend and the rest of your friends knew about it.” You wipe your cheek with the back of your hand.
He looked up back at his truck and around the road before looking back down at you. He wasn’t supposed to be on this side of town, but he needed his drug fix and was on his way to get more when he saw you fall. “Why don’t you let me take you home? You’re not in the shape to be walking home alone..”
You look up at him, “Yeah and what will I need to give you in return?” You huff and begin getting up, wincing, the cuts on your knees being a problem.
He’s quick to help you up, holding onto your arms, “Nothing. You won’t owe me anything.”
He watched as you limped when you took a step, “y/n, come on. Let me drive you home, there’s no way you can walk home.”
You sigh in defeat and look up at him, nodding, “Fine..”
His arm wrapped around your waist to support you but after a few steps, “I’m going to pick you up.” He looked at you for permission first and then with ease, picked you up bridal style, holding you against his chest as he walked you back to his truck.
Your arms wrapped around his neck and you couldn’t help but blush at how close you were to him.  
When you arrived at your house, he carried you inside and to your bathroom. “Do you have a first aid kit?” He asked as he set you on the side of the tub.
You nodded, pointing to the sink, “yeah, there’s one under the sink.”
He pulled the first aid kit out and wet a washcloth. Ringing it out he turned back to you, “Hold out your hands.”
You obliged and held your hands out to him. His touch was soft as he wiped the blood off your hands. “Why are you being nice to me?”
He glances up at you, “I’m not always an asshole. I can be nice.”
“What were you even doing on my side of town?”
He ignored your question, “So JJ and Kie huh?”
You frowned, “Don’t ignore my question and change the subject.”
He sighs and stops wiping your hands, “Just some work for my dad. I had to drop something off for him.” He didn’t want to tell you he was actually on his way to get drugs. He put some antibiotic cream on your hands and laid a piece of gauze on it before wrapping it, “JJ Maybank’s an idiot.” He still had your hands in his hands when he met your eyes, “He’s an idiot for thinking someone was better than you.”
It was a couple days later when your doorbell rang the last person you expected to see was Rafe Cameron standing at your door with a bag of food in his hand. You invited him inside and the two of you sat at your table for what felt like hours eating and talking and laughing. He kept you laughing and for the first time you didn’t think about JJ Maybank.
“They’re going to love you y/n. Please just come with me?”
Rafe had asked you to come out to dinner with him, Topper, Kelce and a few other kooks, but you denied the offer. You were a pogue and you knew they hated pogues.
“Rafe, I’m a pogue. They aren’t going to love me.”
“They will. I promise. Just come out to dinner and if you want to leave then we’ll leave?” He begs.
You sigh before agreeing. When the two of you arrived, you had expected for Rafe to let go of your hand when he saw his friends, but he didn’t, he only held onto your hand tighter. The group cheered a little when they saw Rafe.
“What’s up man?” Rafe and the boys did their little bro hugs/handshakes and then Rafe was back to your side, his arm around your waist.
“You guys remember y/n, right?” Rafe had asked with a smile. He’d talked to them beforehand about the two of you. They were quick to judge because you were a pogue but after they heard what happened with JJ and how he treated you and the look on Rafe’s face when he talked about you, their mindset changed, willing to give you a chance.  
Topper nodded, “I think we can all agree JJ Maybank is an asshole.”
“Never liked that guy.” Kelce commented.
From then on, you felt more comfortable with the kooks than you ever did with the pogues. They were welcoming and accepted you, even if you were a pogue. You didn’t feel like an outsider to them. You were late to the friend’s group with the pogues and you never felt like you belonged, even when you started dating JJ.
You squealed as Rafe threw you over his shoulder and headed for the water, “Rafe Cameron, you better not!” But it was too late, he was already in the water with you.
He laughed as the two of you resurfaced, “I’m sorry sweetheart, you just looked like you needed to cool off.”
You splashed him a little before jumping into his arms, “You’re a mess.”
He nods, smiling, “I’m your mess though.”
After a little while in the water, the two of you headed back to the kooks. You all were enjoying a relaxing day at the beach when you saw the pogues heading your way.
“I see you went full kook.” JJ commented as he walked up, “Didn’t take you long to find another.” This was the first time in weeks that you had even seen or heard from him. He hadn’t even bothered to call you.
“Fuck off, Maybank.” Rafe commented, handing you a towel.
“Oh fuck you, Cameron. This doesn’t concern you.” JJ’s eyes met yours, “Can we talk?”
“It does concern me since you’re wanting to talk with my girl.” Rafe stood at your side, half of his body in front of you, as if protecting you.
“Your girl?” JJ laughed, “Didn’t take you long to find my replacement, huh? And the biggest kook of him all? You’ve reached an all time low, y/n.”
Your eyes brimmed with tears. Topper was at your other side, “Come on Maybank, just walk away.”
“JJ, just leave, please. We’re over. You cheated on me and you don’t get to come over here, judging me for my choices.”
“Walk away, Maybank, before I make you walk away.” Rafe warns. You put your arm on his, signaling him to calm down.
“Whatever. y/n don’t come crawling back to me when this kook realizes you’re just a dirty pogue and decides you’re not good enough for him.” He points an accusing finger at you before starting to walk off.
Rafe starts to lunge after him, but you stop him and push passed Rafe, “Hey JJ?”
He turns around half expecting you to forgive him and leave Rafe, “Realize you made a mistake?”
You sigh, putting your hands on his shoulders and giving a sweet smile, you bring your knee up to his crotch, “Fuck you.” You spit as he groans, falling to his knees in pain, cupping his crotch.
Behind you can hear the Kook’s gasping, “oooo” “Oh shit!” “You go girl!”
Rafe is laughing as he comes up to you, wrapping his arm around your shoulder and pulling you to him, “My girl.”
Obx taglist:  @emmalvei-blog​ , @tregua-oca​ , @weirdbiwitch​ , @losers-club6​​ , @treestarrrrrrrr​​ , @omgwhattheeven​​ , @normatural​​ , @lreincarnationl​​
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satingrove · 4 years
Hello! What about sleeping in a truck bed with Frankie after going on a camping trip with the guys? You don't have anywhere to sleep for some reason and he offers next to him?
ohhh this is so cute :”) 
warnings: language, frankie drinks beer, one innuendo
“I suppose it’s time for me to get going,” you say, masking the despondent tone you’d rather speak with. It’d be easier to let it slip than hide it, and Frankie doesn’t make it any better in that red flannel, the orange reflections of the fire in his eyes.
He’s the last man standing — sitting — across the dying fire from you. There’s the faint noise of laughter from the two tents a little ways away, put up between the trees. You both ignore it, substantially more interested in each other.
He rolls the beer bottle in his hand, staring into the label and nodding slowly.
“Isn’t it, uh, a little bit late to get driving?” Frankie asks. He trusts you, he truly does, but he doesn’t want you to leave either. And he doesn’t meet your eyes until you answer.
“We’re not too far out, and I haven’t had anything to drink. Nowhere to sleep either,” you smile at him.
He mumbles something to himself, setting the bottle down on the dirt and crossing his arms. Shut the fuck up, Benny! is yelled from the distance at the same time, covering his words that turn into a laugh, his belly going rigid. He catches his breath after a long moment with a palm over his heart, shaking his head.
“What was that, sorry? You were saying something, and then...” You gesture somewhere over to the trees, keeping your eyes on his glowing face.
Frankie perks up, “Oh, n— nothing” — he clears his throat — “nothing.”
It takes as much effort to get up from your chair as it does getting up from your bed on two hours of sleep. You do, eventually, lift your body from the comfortable spot, telling him goodnight with a small grin that would be bigger if you weren’t leaving him.
He sweetly bids you farewell, watching you get smaller the closer you get to your car, parked in the dust.
It’s hard, and you’re upset with yourself for not packing overnight things, something to sleep in. Tomorrow is a free day — nothing should have stopped you.
Pulling your jacket tighter with your keys in your hand, Frankie calls after you, jogging lightly. 
Breathing too heavy, he stops behind you, “You could sleep with me,” he blurts, eyes closing after the words come out.
“I could sleep with you?” You giggle, heart thrumming unsteadily in your chest, the offer knocking the breath out of you. 
Frankie huffs, lips curving upward, “You know what I mean. I have the truck — I’m sleeping on a mattress in the truck bed.”
The full smile that breaks out on your face is one that can’t be helped, and you drop your keys back into your pocket. “You don’t mind?”
He runs fingers over his forehead, disrupting some curls in their wake, “Fuck, no I don’t mind. Come on.”
His palm graces the small of your back as he takes you to his truck, the open latch revealing a blow up mattress with a sheet, covered in one, two... five different blankets of varying textures.
“Up,” he whispers, both hands on your waist, pushing you up onto the ledge. His touch is gentle as he can make it, but you can still feel his warmth through your layers.
You kick off your shoes and set them neatly to the side, climbing carefully over the blankets.
“Get comfy,” he says softly, as you come across a pillow, “you can use that one.”
Glancing over at him, he pulls one of the blankets and rolls it up, “I’ll use this.”
“Hey—” he half-mocks you with his eyes crinkling, “you’re my guest.”
The way he says you’re his shouldn’t affect you this much, yet your shivering has everything to do with being in his truck, listening to his words, and the scent of his pillow that smells exactly like you’d expect... and nothing to do with the chilly temperature.
He discards his cap and boots, smoothing a hand through his hair, and begins his climb onto the ledge.
This part hadn’t even caught up to you yet — sharing a “bed”, one with limited space. Did this mean what you thought it meant? If he only meant to save you from a too-late drive, offering up his company in the truck bed is a little excessive for just that.
“You warm enough?” He asks from behind you, and there’s something about his voice when he leans closer to sleepiness than wakefulness. The dulcet tones are right behind you. If that wasn’t enough, his hand extends to your belly to bring you closer to him.
“Oh, yeah,” you breathe, “warm enough.”
He lays with you, wondering if you know how big this is, how much it means for him to simply reach out, let alone ask this of you — he’s sure you understand it, and what it means when his chest presses warm to your back and his legs tuck into the backs of yours.
“Okay?” he whispers to the nape of your neck.
You nod, knowing he can feel your silent agreement to spend the night like this. He presses a kiss to your hair, letting his face stay there, nestled into you. Once your breaths match up in pace, he croons that you can talk in the morning, that he’ll tell you properly what he wants to say to you.
For that, you’re thankful. You don’t know if you could handle the confession and the touching at the same time. Frankie — he makes you jumble up your words.
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slashers-are-us · 3 years
Request type: Preferred fic, but either works <3 Reader/S.O Type: - male - tall( like 6'9 my dude ) - clumsy, he literally bumps into anything - into vulture culture, has bird bone on his landyard, along with keys - kind've an artist, has a certain style(it's kinda like mine, but i dont wanna share any of my art without permission <3) - very kind, and quiet when speaking, like if it wasn't for the fact he was so clumsy you wouldn't be able to tell he entered the room show/movie; house of wax characters(preferably all, but either of them works); the Sinclair Brothers
[tw// gore, mentions of animal death] You were on a road trip alone in Louisiana to get inspiration for your art, you were going down an old Highway with the window down when a breeze caught something rancid. It was a horrible smell of death wafting through the air, you pulled over onto a patch of grass near the highway and got out. You wanted to see what it was, it was probably just some poor roadkill but maybe you'd find some small bones to add to your lanyard. Going towards the smell was against your better judgment, but you did it anyway. You pulled over on a place that seemed like it would be a nice place to camp, you walked across it and to the edge of a forest. There was a steep hill's edge, you carefully climbed down it despite the smell getting worse and planted your foot on a loose rock, you slipped and fell onto the ground. You hear something crunch, you expected it to be a twig, but when you lifted your head you saw the half-rotted face of a rabbit. You yelped, flinging yourself up into a sitting position, and found yourself in a pit of roadkill. A truck pulled up, the door opened and you heard footsteps on gravel but you were too busy staring at the horrifying mass of dead animals below you. "Sorry 'bout that." Called out someone with a heavy southern accent. You brought your gaze up to meet the sight of a dirtied man that looked to be around his early to mid-twenties heading towards you, traversing through the pile of roadkill. When he got close enough he outstretched his hand to you, you took it and he helped you up, he laughed slightly when he found that you towered over him "Geez, don't see that often." "See what?" "Ain't too many tall people 'round here, not many people at all in fact." You nodded your head "It's the middle of nowhere, no towns around that I could see." "Well, there is one, Ambrose, if ya'd like to clean up. I could take you there." "My car's right up the hill, I could probably drive myself if you told me the way to it." "A'right." You stood there with the man for a while as he told you the directions, pointing his fingers around as if it'd help with the directions. You were able to climb back up the hill with some effort, but made it up and got an old towel out from the trunk and put it on the seat as to not get any blood or grime on the seat. You took the man's directions, taking about 10 minutes to get to a washed-out old road leading into a small town. It was tiny, only one road with a handful of houses and a couple businesses along the street and a church down the end of the road. You came to a gas station, seeing a man inside, he was talking to someone else, someone with long black hair covering and framing his face. You walked in the door, the bell alerting the two to your presence, "Hey, sorry if I interrupted anything, but do you have a bathroom I could use?"
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