#they emphasize different parts of the sentence. so girl and dancing would be the emphasized parts
salt-clangen · 2 months
Naming conventions amongst the clans.
So each clan has different cultural preferences for a cats prefixes and suffixes. This can vary heavily on who the parent is, the kits appearance and personality, the leader at that time, and even the time of year. But each clan sticks to certain trends for the most part. This is specifically about cats born into that clan and typically have at least one parent from that same clan, as switching clans and allowing loners in does change the naming culture a little.
Duskclan favors ‘tough’ names as well as color and herbal names. So kits might be named bluekit, adderkit, or comfreykit, all within the same litter. If a cat is named after an animal it’s usually a predator, like Wolfpaw and Lynxkit, this is because they believe having a strong name will ensure a cat grows up to be strong as well. They also want the added benefit of being scary or intimidating. Suffixes are usually actions or body parts, a lot of -claw, -step, -strike, -flame, -bite, -pelt, and -tail in their history. Clerics typically get either a body part name or a more abstract names. Burdockpelt, Darkfold, Garlicpath, Lightfur, and Lilacsight are all former or current clerics. They also use dishonor titles, Burnpaw was an example, but these are either temporary or in his case the suffix he gets at graduation would be considered the dishonor being “lifted”.
Oakclan favors animal (especially birds) and plant names, doesn’t have to be herbs, there’s plenty of Pinekits, Elmkit, Daisykit, Jaykit, Volekit etc in the clans history. They also like element/nature names like Stonekit, Riverkit, and Snowkit. Suffixes are typically used either a body part like -pelt, -foot, -heart, or it’s something that ‘completes the sentence.’ Which is clan cat for vibes based. So think Grasspaw would become Grassleaf or Rockpaw would be Rockfall. Cleric names aren’t distinguished with special suffixes, so you’d just as likely see a cleric named Mousefoot and a warrior named Robinsong in the same litter.
Honeyclan is all about the floral, prose like names, they’re the parents that name their kid “Braleighamai” to be different(so sorry if this is your name, I went to school with a girl named Marie Christmas so I stand in solidarity with y’all). Most prefixes are very abstract and nature focused, usually with an emphasis on flowers of course. Some that come to mind are Rosekit, Songkit, Moonkit etc. suffixes can range from very basic like -fur or -tail to very avant garde like -dance, -watcher, -wind, -spirit, -heart. Typically the leader will try to find a happy ground between what’s unique/custom to that cat and what ‘balances’ the first part of the cat’s name. Clerics usually get a flower as their suffix or, if they already have one as a prefix, they’ll get a simple body part suffix. Usually a slightly less common one like -gaze, -face, -belly, -jaw, or -mask.
Saltclan doesn’t have much of a naming culture right now because it’s so new, but in the future leaders will emphasize using prefix’s that compliment a cats personality or even predicts their future a little (with the help of starclan). Prefixes will vary WILDLY though.
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Just say you hate Eleven don’t beat around the bush with listing all the reasons Will deserves a prize. “deserves the boy he loves” right and where does Mikes feelings coming into that exactly? So far I’ve learned there two sets of fans the ones who fancy finn and want to see him kiss boys as some weird fantasy and the others who adore Will and feel he deserves what he wants without thinking of the other party.
Only in the ST fandom can someone take a reasonable sentence like, “After four seasons of trauma, Will deserves a happy ending” and utterly twist it to mean, “I hate El and want her to be alone and miserable grrr.” It’s also wild how you can glean “Will deserves a prize” from my words when that’s not at all what I said. I don’t see Mike as a “prize” for Will. That’d be ridiculous. I see them as equals- because that’s what they are: lifelong best friends who’ve been through so much, consistently put each other first, and have made multiple beautiful promises to each other.
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“But you said, ‘Will has suffered so much and deserves a happy ending with the boy he loves.’ How is that not proving my point?” Yes, I did say that, and I would say it again in a heartbeat. Will has suffered so much. Here’s a refresher on just some of his trauma. Given the context of everything, given the significance of Will’s sexuality to both his coming-of-age journey and the 80s, it would be genuinely cruel to not give him a happy ending. And it’s not Byler shippers on the Internet, but the show itself, that has consistently tied this happy ending to Mike. It’s been reinforced in every season, and the writers and filmmakers doubled-down on it in Season 4 through the van scene and through aggressively inserting Will into every Milkvan scene so that he’s always on your mind. S3 brought up their hypothetical question of the future through the rain fight, and it also had Will very specifically saying, “I’m not gonna fall in love.” This was not placed in the show so he could be proven right in S5 when Mike iNeViTaBlY rejects him. Be serious.
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As I said in my post, this has nothing to do with thinking unreciprocated storylines don’t serve a purpose in media. Obviously they do! Stranger Things has given us a few: Dustin and Max, Steve and Robin, and Steve and Nancy (after they broke up). It is also given us another which I will talk about in a second, although this one comes with a twist. Dustin was crushing on the attractive new girl in school, as was Lucas. Max chose Lucas and fell for him. Dustin was sad about it, sure. The Snowball dance emphasized his general sadness as well as his unluckiness with girls at the time. Narratively, dancing with Nancy was the healing moment he needed to move on. It propelled his character to his Season 3 glow up, where he surprises his friends with news that he is dating Suzie. Dustin liked Max, but he wasn’t in love with Max, built upon a lifelong friendship. The situation is just structurally different.
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Steve and Robin? Well, you know the story. Steve developed feelings for Robin (after Dustin pushed him in that direction, I might add) over the course of S3. But Robin was like, “Psyche! I’m a lesbian. Let’s be best friends,” and platonic Stobin was born. Notice there was no grief on Steve’s part. Steve was shocked, sure, but he wasn’t heartbroken. He bounced back in a heartbeat and fully accepted her sexuality. And then the season ends with their friendship shenanigans at the video store. Again, this was a crush. And it had a very interesting plot twist at the end of it. And it served a very specific purpose in Steve’s journey.
In terms of Steve and Nancy, there was more heartbreak involved, since they were actually dating. And in S4, it’s clear that Steve has never fully gotten over Nancy, or at least he thinks he hasn’t gotten over her. But narratively, this just serves a fundamentally different purpose than the situation between Mike and Will. Steve believes he needs romantic love to be happy, so his arc is accepting that he doesn’t. Also, as a presumed straight character (even though I love the bi Steve HCs), he doesn’t have the same kind of existential crisis that Will, a sad gay boy in the 80s, does.
The fourth unreciprocated storyline is an interesting one cause it’s not actually unreciprocated at all. It just seems that way. And of course, I’m talking about Robin and Vickie. Robin has feelings for Vickie, but when she sees Vickie with her boyfriend Dan, she assumes all hope is lost. But alas, all hope is not lost! Vickie is queer too and has feelings for Robin as well. You just have to take off your heteronormative glasses to recognize it. Sound similar to something else?
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I bring this up because while Byler shares surface-level similarities to these other unrequited storylines, it visually parallels the situation with Robin and Vickie. So don’t be surprised when Mike, like Vickie, turns out not to be straight. And character wise, it’s deeper than all the other examples by miles. Dustin got over Max, Steve got over Robin, Steve is just looking for any girlfriend tbh, and S4 showed Robin getting over Vickie before the plot twist. Will and Mike are lifelong best friends, and a slow-burn rejection arc would not only make no sense, in-universe it would structurally derail Byler’s powerful connection and interrupt key plots already in motion during the apocalypse.
You forget that these aren’t real people. They are characters. In real life, sure, sometimes you don’t get what you want. Sometimes gay kids fall in love with their lifelong straight best friends, get gently rejected, and then life goes on eventually. In real life, saying, “But I have suffered, so you must love me back,” would be insane. And Will agrees. The homewrecker allegations need to stop. In the context of the show, Will doesn’t think that Mike loves him back. He doesn’t think love can be for boys like him. It rips him apart and tears him inside for sure, but all throughout S4 he’s the one trying to repair his bestie’s relationship while being madly in love with him. Will thinks he will be forever alone, and your argument is that he should be proven right?
Of course, I adore Will. He’s my favorite character, and I’m a proud member of the Willuminati. The shoe fits, and I will wear it. But I saw this Tweet today that I had to screenshot, and it applies directly to the subtext of your ask:
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No one should find it strange or delusional or creepy that people ship Will with the boy he’s into. Calling it a “weird fantasy” in any context is inherently homophobic and weird behavior. You simply would not say that about any other ship in the show. Admit that you find queerness icky. Don’t hide behind faux concern for El.
Lastly, I must directly respond to your question,“Where do Mike’s feelings come into that exactly? Why do Bylers feel Will deserves what he wants without thinking of the other party?”
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What are you even saying? Accusing Bylers of not thinking about Mike is the strangest accusation considering there are 50 essays per day posted on this app diving into the psychology of Mike. Mike’s feelings are powerful. Mike’s feelings are important. I could just as easily have written a post that said, “After everything Mike has been through, he deserves a happy ending with the boy he loves” because Mike clearly loves Will. It is overflowing out of him. If you analyze and “think of the other party” as you put it, it becomes crystal-clear where Mike’s feelings come into play and what his happy ending is. Hint: it’s not with the girl he can’t even write ILY to.
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I could have written about Mike, but my post was about Will, who is canonically gay, deeply traumatized, and whose sexuality is not in doubt. Will deserves a happy ending. “But El is also traumatized, and she deserves a happy ending as well.” Agreed, but her happy ending and the overall trajectory of her character arc simply do not center Mike. El’s arc is rooted in her independence, and I could do a deep-dive analysis comparing and contrasting Will and El and explaining why romantic love is central to Will’s endgame but not to El’s. But I’m sure there are fifty of those already on this platform. I want Mike, Will, and El to all have happy endings.
Anyway, Byler endgame.
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spot-splatter-splash · 4 months
Been rewatching old Lalaloopsy stuff, so far up to the pre-Nick Jr. stuff and all the little differences and details and I need somewhere to ramble and you're the only Lalaloopsy fan I know of so-
-The fact that they lean so much more into the fact that they're dolls. The shininess of their eyes, the callbacks to the playsets in real life, the fact that they can fall from great heights and not be injured. I'd say that they somewhat less polished voice acting helps to emphasize this, like they're really just being played with by little girls.
-How unique each of the littles are. They all seem to be slightly different ages (Bundles is less good at talking and speaks in the third person, Sprinkle had a clearer voice but only says small phrases, Squirt can speak longer sentences, and Specs is nonverbal but clearly extremely intelligent). They each have slightly different relationships with their sisters as well - Mittens is more parental with Bundles, Crumbs is a lot more doting, Bea treats Specs like an annoying little sibling, and Squirt is basically Peanut's assistant.
-The way the pets are animated and how much character they're given. (The littles' pets are irrelevant which is hilarious to me)
-Rosy just popping up in random places a la that one Persona 4 food delivery girl
-All the unique quirks given to each character to flesh them out that are left out of the Nick series (Pillow's narcolepsy, Mittens' snow magic, Peanut and Jewel being somewhat more sassy in a way, Jewel being into dance, Specs being nonverbal, Dot being easily distracted, etc)
-All of the smaller locations added to Lalaloopsy Land to give it more personality, like the playground or the flower fields
-Idk I'm just really normal right now I am so sorry-
I find it heartwarming how many fans are popping up to send asks. Considering the last piece of animated media dropped in 2017 and the 10th anniversary dolls are 3-4 years old now; It truly goes to show that there's always a fandom for something! Even if its just a handful of people or one fan getting their friends into it. I love talking to everyone and making art again.
I love that the earlier works for the series plays with and leans into the fact that they are dolls. Its subtle but works for what the series is meant to be. As much as I love the later series and thinks it does stuff well I can admit that some of the charm can be lost in the transition.
That's part of why I like the implication that the dolls were aging. Just like us, the former children who were playing out little stories with them the dolls and their stories were maturing. Though MGA never fully committed to any real over arching plot. Which is why I want too. We've seen it work with MLP and Ever After High (other series meant to sell dolls).
I do also miss
Specs being Nonverbal (I was actually so upset when she talked in her birthday episode. Her being nonverbal worked really well for her. And I liked the idea of her and Charlotte possibly being able to bond over communicating differently than their peers)
Mittens' snow magic. (There was a lot of potential to explore with it.)
Jewel's love of dance (It appears a bit in the Nick Jr. series but not much at all in L.A.L.A. Prep or We're Lalaloopsy. It's a cute part of her character. Gives her more hobbies than just...existing? ( I have really complex thoughts about Jewel and her roll in most series). And explains her dynamic with Tippy)
I also miss in general the amount of characters in the series. I understand that the later series never made it as far as the 26 episode a piece two season run Nick Jr. did. And I do feel like We're Lalaloopsy was setting up to include Cloud E. Sky. I would give anything for it to pull a Care Bears: Unlock the magic and drop a second season years after its initial run.
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atinydetective · 2 months
ATEEZ universe part 2
A Intro: The time passing by, our dreams.
With this page, they told us that the factory they use as a bunker-hideout was waiting for us after passing the maze. If you pass the entrance you can hear some familiar beats. It’s their own place that separates them from the adult world.
Now here, before we make a commitment to compromise about our path, it's the moment before we opened that Door.
01 Hongjoong: I don’t want to be forgotten as if I never existed.
People on TV that can be seen from everywhere like a bright star. Hongjoong wants to become a bright star like them. Even if it were by coincidence his family can notice him if he shines.
And in the photo Hongjoong has blue hair.
02 Seonghwa: She, who was dancing to the beat.
The moment Seonghwa saw the girl was the exit from reality for him. And the girl left a bracelet that says “Be free.” Even when Seonghwa went back there another day to find her again, she didn't come back.
But something inside Seonghwa has changed!!
03 Yunho: Weather is clear.
Like how Dear Diary starts it has the same title: Weather is clear. There must be a connection but for now let’s continue.
“Weather is so good as well.” Almost in every world members live they emphasize the world kinda has an oppressive air with the exception of Yunho.
And Hongjoong looks like his brother.
Also he is holding a pencil in the photo.
04 Yeosang:Just like a midsummer night’s dream.
We learn that even though he doesn't really like it, he is good at mechanics. And this skill gave him a chance to escape from the cycle his parents declared for him. This gives the result of him and the member's meeting.
These words come from his mind are just narrated in the Dear Diary intro. They use exactly the same sentences to show this to readers. Also he was the one talking in the intro of the diary.
I think Yeosang’s part will be important in this series.
05 San: I don’t know.
As soon as he gets closer to someone, becomes friends, his family keeps moving from somewhere to there for an unknown reason. And this time he needs to talk about this with members.
06 Mingi: The sound of his laughter
Who would laugh at a child because of this state?
In his poverty life music was the key to open his dream’s door. His one and only friend Wooyoung also became a key for meeting with the members in the factory for him. His dream to our dream. But these moments full of laughter and cries, can he really have dreams?
Which laughter he will choose is the question.
07 Wooyoung: It’s different this time.
In his webtoon card he said that “I’m only going to think about one thing now.”
“My mind has completely gone blank. Who am I? Where am I?” When he got shy on performing in a crowd he kinda lost his thought, just blank. So losing consciousness
He has this potential to repeat..
08 Jongho: I had it all planned.
After his injury he had to face his lifeless eyes in the mirror. Because he lost all his planned life. And when Mingi also wanted to leave the group with lifeless eyes like his past, he couldn’t stop himself but punch him.
So the lost friend in his webtoon card was Mingi.
Z Outro: Into the New World
A man who wears black fedora starts to come and communicate with Hongjoong from the moment they separate their own worlds, lifes.
Cromer which is the key between worlds, now it’s in Hongjoong’s hand. And members went back to the old factory at the time, for the sake of their shared dream.
They communicate in dreams but the item black fedora who actually look so similar give Hongjoong is in real world. Then can we call the dream an illusion or a limbo?
Let’s see members who all -expect San Wooyoung and Jongho- wear the “Be free” bracelet we saw in Seonghwa’s card, do!
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writingxfootballl · 4 years
know that it’s you (g.w.)
(ginny weasley x reader)
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it only took seven years for you to get your happy ending. 
warnings: mentions of death, light cursing, men, sarcasm, and no capitalization
word count: ~2.5k
a/n: first hp fic! hope i did okay- i tried my best to capture ginny’s character but it’s not perfect <3
format inspired by @ravenclawwriting ‘s masterpiece- “turning time”
title- hold on, flor
first year 
the aura of confidence she gives off smacks you straight in the face when she passes by you on the platform. 
not that you needed any help noticing her. 
her flowing red hair caught your eye almost immediately. 
oh how you wished to be her friend. 
you let out a sigh of relief. 
slowly you pick yourself up and walk to the table, where the pretty red headed girl is sitting. 
she looks up and smiles at you, gesturing for you to take a seat next to her.
when you do, she sticks out her hand and introduces herself. 
“ginny weasley.”
taking her hand, you do the same. 
“y/n y/ln.”
when ginny goes missing later that year, you blame yourself. 
you should’ve noticed that she was getting quieter and quieter.
you should’ve noticed that she would be gone for hours. 
you should’ve noticed. 
when she disappears for a few days, she takes your heart with her.
so when harry fucking potter swoops in and saves her, you let out the breath you didn’t know you were holding, and it feels like your heart can finally beat normally again. 
second year
now that you got her back, you were inseparable. 
screw fred and george, you were the new duo at hogwarts.
just kidding, no one could beat the iconic mischief seeking twins, but you sure gave professors a run for their money. 
the red headed girl always seemed to have something up her sleeve, and no matter good or bad, you followed her. 
that summer, you’re invited to the burrow for the first time. 
the two of you share a room, and what started out as separate beds and shy company slowly turned into fleeting glances and lingering touches.
hand holding, cheek kisses and cuddling, all the “platonic” displays of affection. 
and then, ginny invites you to the quidditch world cup. 
you’ve never been a quidditch fan, but you’d go a thousand times over if she asked you. 
really, you’d do a lot of things if she asked you. 
third year
you can see her concern for harry when he gets drawn for the triwizard tournament.
it makes you want to rip his head off. 
and then, slowly, you begin to notice it all. 
how when you were constantly staring at ginny, her eyes followed a certain boy’s every move. 
how she’s a flushed, nervous, bumbling wreck around him, so different from the confident and assured girl you knew.
it makes you want to rip his head off even more.
but you don’t know why. 
harry’s always been a nice guy. 
arrogant, sure, but a nice guy, certainly someone you shouldn’t hate.
so you ask hermione. 
the golden girl just laughs when you tell her. 
“oh, my dear y/n, you’re just jealous.”
now you’re even more confused. 
“jealous? why would i be jealous?”
hermione chuckles a little bit and looks up from her book. 
“you fancy her y/n.”
you scoff a little at that. 
“me? fancying ginny? no way!”
hermione rolls her eyes and motions for you to leave her to her studying, before mumbling quietly:
“no wonder you were sorted into gryffindor and not ravenclaw.”
you’re determined to somehow prove hermione wrong.
so when seamus asks you to the ball, you consider accepting. 
but then you think about ginny.
your sweet, beautiful ginny.
you tell him you’ll get back to him, before running across the school to the courtyard, where you know she’s at. 
your question somehow makes it through the panted breaths and heaves. 
“would you like to go to the yule ball with me?”
ginny’s face splits into a grin. 
“i would love to.”
when you see ginny at the ball, you have to remember how to breathe. 
“you look stunning.”
ginny blushes a little at your compliment. 
“so do you.”
your heart races in your chest at her words. 
you clear your throat at the silence that follows and- 
“so, shall we dance?”
you smile and nod graciously, taking her hand and following.
with one of her hands on your waist and the other tightly clasped in yours, hermione’s words flash in your mind.
“you fancy her y/n.”
your eyes meet and you can’t believe you’ve never taken the time to admire how much of a golden honey color they are. 
but then. 
of course. 
“hey um- could i speak to you ginny?”
dean fucking thomas.
ginny lets go of you almost immediately. 
she glances at you apologetically, and despite the nagging ache in your chest, you nod and let her go.
after she leaves with him, the rest of the ball passes in a blur, where you can’t focus on anything else except the tenuous strain of your heart. 
maybe hermione was right after all.
fourth year
turns out hermione was right. 
so very very right. 
ginny had you wrapped around her finger. 
and for the most part, this year wasn’t bad. 
with the exception of dean of course. 
when he comes into the picture, it shatters you. 
but she couldn’t know that. 
so you listened to her talk about him, biting back the i could treat you better from the tip of your tongue. 
despite the fact that ginny has a boyfriend, the two of you grow closer. 
you’re both members of the DA, helping each other with spells and practicing in your free time.
“ugh gin it’s not working-“
ginny rolls her eyes at you. 
“it’s not that hard y/nn, do you want to watch me do it again?”
you nod enthusiastically and ginny giggles a little. 
“alright move aside then.”
you move and watch from the side, somehow ending up eyeing along her side profile rather than watching her hex. 
eyebrows furrowed, lip bitten in concentration-
dear godric she’s so pretty-
“y/n are you even watching?!”
you shake your head and blush before stuttering out: 
“u-uh, s-sorry could you d-do it again?”
ginny watches you with an amused smirk and takes a step in, closer to you. 
“you’re kind of cute you know that?” 
her finger tracing your jaw, she emphasizes the end of her sentence with a pop and a nose tap.
your mouth drops open, and all the blood in your body rushes to your cheeks.
ginny steps away and seeing that you were still frozen there, turns back and teases: 
“aw come on y/n, the bat bogey hex isn’t going to learn itself now is it?”
merlin, this girl was going to be the death of you. 
when ginny tells you she broke up with dean, you want to go out and scream in happiness.
but instead, you stay put and say, “aw gin im so sorry, i’ll be here if you need me.”
you’re woken up later that night when ginny crawls into bed with you. 
with her face buried in your neck and her hands wrapped loosely around your waist, you can’t help the smile teasing the corners of your lips.
it’s everything you’ve ever asked for.
fifth year
then, fifth year happens.
you could see harry and ginny growing closer and closer, and it felt like she was leaving you behind. 
your weekly hogsmeade trips slowly became less and less intimate, as the golden trio began joining the two of you.
a butterbeer was poked at mindlessly with a straw by you at the three broomsticks, all while listening to ginny chat with harry, and ron chat with hermione. 
it doesn’t surprise you when ginny and harry disappear together after a little while. 
it doesn’t surprise you when ginny starts spending less time in your room, and more time in his. 
it doesn’t surprise you when you spot ginny with her head on his shoulder one day.
it doesn’t surprise you, but it still stings. 
it stings a lot.
sixth year
the golden trio is gone for almost the entirety of this year. 
before they leave, harry breaks up with ginny, and she doesn’t react really. 
she accepts it. 
but you’re there for her even if she says she’s fine and she doesn’t need it. 
then one day, she needs it. 
you walk into your room to see her sitting on her bed. 
it takes you a second to realize she’s crying. 
you’re by her side immediately.
“oh gin- what’s wrong?”
she doesn’t say anything, just turning to you and without a word, you wrap your arms around her. 
and you stay like that for a while. 
when she goes quiet, you whisper out:
and then you realize she’s fallen asleep. 
you try to bite back your poorly contained smile, gently guiding the girl off your shoulder and onto your lap. 
you softly tuck a loose, fiery red strand behind her ear, a blush lightly tinting your cheeks when she exhales softly in her sleep.
merlin, i love you.
your cheeks flush even more when she grasps the front of your robes, pulling herself even closer to you. 
with your heart hammering in your chest, it’s a wonder ginny hasn’t woken up yet.
you pull out your transfiguration textbook quietly, and try your best to focus on the page, rather than the girl laying there on your lap. 
it doesn’t work. 
but for once, all is well. 
eventually, you get absorbed into your studies, distracted enough to miss the girl on your lap beginning to stir.
your brows are furrowed as you scribble down the last words of your essay, and you bring your quill up to your lips before ginny’s hand gently pushes them away, startling you. 
“don’t do that, you’ll stain your teeth.”
you blush sheepishly and drop your hand.
“you’re awake.”
ginny smiles. 
“well i’m talking to you aren’t i?”
you grin softly.
“i suppose you are.”
ginny rolls her eyes and sighs, her brown eyes locking with yours immediately after.
her hand comes up to tuck a loosed strand of hair behind your ear and suddenly, the air seems to thicken. 
for a moment, neither of you move, too caught up in each other’s eyes. 
when ginny’s eyes drop down to your lips you can hear your breath catch in your throat. 
you feel yourself being pulled in by some invisible force, your eyes dropping down- 
then neville knocks on the door, and just like that, the spell is broken. 
“y/n- oh hey ginny.”
ginny sits up and darts away from you so quickly you would’ve missed it if you blinked.
“what’s up nev?”
neville shuffles nervously. 
“sorry for catching you at a bad time- um it’s just that professor mcgonagall wanted to see-.”
“all right i’ll be there in a minute.”
neville nods and then, it’s back to the two of you. 
it’s quiet for a moment before you both speak. 
“you should-“
“i really-“
both of you stop and flush a little before you continue. 
“i really should go see what that was about.”
ginny nods and gestures for you to leave. 
and you do, not before taking her hand and pulling her up into a tight hug.
“i’ll see you later?” 
ginny nods. 
“yeah. later.”
when the golden trio returns to hogwarts and all hell breaks loose, the two of you are separated. 
in fact, you haven’t seen most of the weasleys since the war began. 
you’re left alone with neville for the majority of the fight, and you spend most of it worrying about ginny. 
one day when you’re just walking along the edge of the forbidden forest, you catch a glimpse of red hair on the opposite side of the field. 
your breath catches in your throat.
as you get closer, you can tell who it is. 
and then you start running. 
your body almost collides with hers as you wrap your arms around her. 
at first, there’s relief.
“you’re here you’re here you’re-“
ginny shushes you and pulls you in tighter, drawing out the sob you tried to hard to keep down. 
then the relief turns to anger. 
and frustration. 
you pull away from the hug abruptly and ginny sends a confused look your way. 
“ginevra molly weasley! if you ever, ever do that again i’ll-“
“aw, seems like someone missed me.”
you scoff.
“don’t joke! i thought you were killed- gin you have no idea i was so worried- worried about where you were, what you did-“
the rest of your confession is cut off when ginny grabs your tattered tie, pulls you in, and kisses you. 
it’s quick.
lips unmoving, it’s really more of a peck than a kiss. 
but it still hit you the same way. 
ginny pulls back abruptly when you don’t react, but taking the smile that graced your lips as a good sign, leans back in. 
this time, you’re ready for her.
your arms wrap around her neck, her’s falling to your waist, and finally, you’re content. 
it’s soft and sweet and then there’s tongue and lips and teeth and you really can’t believe this is happening-
“hey y/n! quit snogging my sister!”
ron’s exclamation startles you. 
you flush red, and break the kiss, trying to pull away from ginny out of embarrassment, but she keeps an arm firmly attached to your waist. 
hermione grins next to ron.
“about time you two. about time.”
harry defeats he who must not voldemort in probably what is the most anticlimactic final battle ever.
but just like that, 
the war’s over.
seventh year
propped against a tree, ginny runs a hand through your hair, the other tangled with yours in front of your chest. 
ginny smiles softly down at you. 
“hey to you too.”
“i love you.”
the red headed girl smiles and leans down to give you a soft kiss before replying.
“i love you too y/n.”
your smile is almost blinding, and out of pure happiness, you confess:
“i’ve loved you since third year gin, did you know that?”
the red headed girl almost looks surprised.
“i was gross third year.”
you scoff and mutter: 
“you could never be gross.”
ginny just laughs and leans down again. 
“i love you y/n. i really do. i’m sorry it took so long for me to realize.”
you look up at your girlfriend with pure adoration in your eyes.
with her lips on yours and fingers tangled together, it felt like the world was finally at peace again. 
ginevra weasley was your happily ever after. 
cheesy ending, but i loved writing this one.. i hope you guys like it too <3
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aizawaskittenwhore · 4 years
internal affairs
pairing: shota aizawa x poc!reader
words: 5.6k (LMFAOOOO I GOT CARRIED AWAY ENJOY) lowercase vv intentional
warnings/kinks: alcohol, swearing, degradation, praise, spit if you squint, breeding kink???ish sorta kinda yeah, begging, use of the pet name kitten, bondage, caught while masturbating
synopsis: aizawa thinks sex is generally a waste of time and energy. after finding you, (his close friend and coworker) in a...compromising position one night when he’s returning something to your dorm, he learns some information that has him wanting to waste some time with you..and energy. ;)
a/n: it’s been forever since i’ve written smut let alone with a poc reader so go easy on me LMFAOOOO
nsfw below the cut, let’s get it!
shota aizawa could, honestly, live without sex.
he just didn’t see the necessity of it, all the exhaustion and sweat just for a sudden rush of dopamine that lasts all of a minute before the stickiness sets in. before exhaustion settles over every muscle and renders you immobile, confined to the infamous postcoital wet spot while you make plans to wash your sheets—
as soon as you can regain control of the burn in your lungs, that is.
in between teaching during the day, patrolling in the evenings while still managing to grade papers, establishing lesson plans, taking care of his cat yuki and occasionally having to watch over his more “at-risk” students (cough midoriya cough) sex just didn’t take enough priority in his life for him to be interested in it. his right hand did the job just fine most nights, and he didn’t see the need to involve another person when it came to something he was more than proficient at handling by himself. he had no shame in the way he chose to live his life, it was practical and didn’t interfere with any of his responsibilities; a perfect setup.
at least, until he told you this same information over drinks one friday.
“please say you’re joking.” you chuckle, brows aloft in amusement. your fingertips dance along the rim of your shot glass before you raise it to your lips, the bitter and potent sake you ordered beginning to blossom warmly across your cheeks. “i’m serious. the hell would i gain from having some complete stranger try to learn how to please me when i can just do it myself?” aizawa queries, index finger and thumb taking residence along the upper neck of his beer bottle, grimacing harshly as he takes another swig. “i always get this shit every time we come here, and every time it’s always terrible.” he sets the bottle to his left, reaching for a shot glass instead to wash down the acrid taste. the bar is moderately populated today, with other pros scattered among tables and booths while engrossed in their own conversations; the background noise serving as the perfect buffer for the x-rated nature of your conversation.
you normally hate drinking after work, it always made you sluggish for the rest of the night, but aizawa owed you a favor after you took on the grading process of 1-a’s exams while he went out on patrol a few nights ago. he hadn’t wanted to ask so much of you as you were already training class 1-b and doing presentations for general studies that week, but after seeing the state of exhaustion the man was in you’d insisted, suggesting he get the bill next time the two of you hung out to make up for it. “but don’t you get tired of it? you know....masturbating?” you pry, right hand coming up to make a crude jerking motion to emphasize your point. “ i mean...you already know what you like, and the quickest way to get yourself there. there’s no exploration, no variety, you don’t get to really try anything new.” a teasing smile already settled across your lips.
aizawa falters for a moment, mouth pulled into a tight stance that signals his contemplation. head low, shoulders hunched, appearing to deeply ponder your question and how to answer it. you worry, for a moment, that you may have overstepped in your attempt to get a rise out of your quiet friend. however, worry soon liquifies into a fierce heat as a low chuckle rattles through him; shota glancing up at you through rebellious strands of hair that, regardless of his quirk, never seem to stay in place. “and what, y/n , would you happen to know about sexual exploration?” he shoots back, two slender fingers and a calloused thumb sending another shot down his throat with ease.
you flush, all your nerves on high alert as his rich, onyx irises seem to detect the growing arousal settling between your thighs, pleased at the reaction his question emitted. “i-i’m just saying that it’s got to get boring sometimes...just doing the same old routine whenever you’re in the mood!” you stutter, clearing your throat after you choke on the last syllable of your sentence. “that wasn’t my question.” he remarks, eyes slicing through any attempt at keeping your composure, yet you don’t budge.
“well, if you just have to know aizawa -“ you drag out the final consonant to mock his inquisitive nature, before continuing your tangent, “-sex doesn’t always have to be about the orgasm. i mean sure, it’s a pretty fucking fun part of it, don’t get me wrong, but it’s the foreplay, the newness of being with someone you haven’t been with before that really just...ties it all together. figuring out what they like, having them explore what you like, letting them take you in new and different ways...” you trail off, a blush now having settled across your cheeks, albeit impossible to clock thanks to the deep brown reach of your skin complexion.
“it’s worth the effort, is what i’m sayin’. you never know, you might like things that you didn’t think you would...like getting tied up or spit on or something..” you finish, now feeling his gaze settle over you like a blanket fresh out of the dryer. you quickly busy yourself with thanking your bartender as she slides you the tab, trying checking out the damage so you wouldn’t have to make eye contact with aizawa after that very honest admission. he quickly swipes the little book from your reach, depositing the black card inside with minimal resistance and returning the tab to its original position with a “don’t. i owe you, remember?”
damned cat-like reflexes.
fuck pro-hero training.
fuck the growing amount of slick saturating (and ruining) the simple maroon panties you’d chosen when getting ready for work today.
and most of all, fuck shota aizawa for being able to make your blood run hot by paying a fucking tab and giving you a look or two.
“right. thanks, by the way. but if i can’t get up for that meeting nezu’s holding tomorrow, i’m blaming you.” you’re hoping a bit of humor will distract you from the way your body is overheating from being within such close proximity to him, and the way your core is pulsing around nothing as if it were fiending for his presence. “not my fault you’re a lightweight, so blame me all you want sweetheart.” shota dryly rebounds, a mirthful smile on his face in response to the way you roll your eyes and suck your teeth, flipping him off.
“if you wanted to fuck me, you could’ve just asked.”
you’d pale, if you could.
your jaw collapses, eyelashes batting double time while you struggle to process what the fuck just came out of his mouth. six seconds go by before you begin babbling, voicing your opposition to his prior statement with phrases such as “wait wait wait, what did you sayyyy?” and ”bye because that didn’t even come out my mouth i-“
while he just...laughs. he finds your attempts to clarify your alleged non-existent sexual attraction to him hilarious, and even mentions that he finds it adorable as the two of you begin to make your way back to the teachers’ dorms. he holds the door open for you as you head inside, chuckling to himself as you continue to playfully curse him out while you walk to the women’s side of the building.
that was seven hours ago.
it’s currently 12:47am, and you’re struggling to catch even a wink of shuteye. you’re starting to regret having that sake earlier, since alcohol always fucks with your sleep schedule, but that isn’t what’s keeping you up tonight.
no, no, that would happen to be the unprofessional and honestly straight up shameful thoughts you’re having about your friend and coworker, shota. vivid images of those slender fingers sliding into you one by one, each one filling you more than the last, float past your lids every time you close your eyes. daydreams of his tongue on your clit, tracing patterns into the sensitive nerves while he calls you his good girl, his kitten, his slut, hands forcing your thighs apart as they shake from each and every time you cum around those devilish lips of his. fantasies of his capture weapon binding your hands behind you, fingers dangling helplessly while his hand rests on the small of your back to serve as leverage for each and every time he slides in. face pressed into the mattress as he fucks into you slowly, not wanting to give you the satisfaction of having him so deep so quickly. voice hoarse, tone pleading when you beg him to take you deeper, harder, promising to take it like a good girl would if he would just keep hitting that spot that makes your toes curl, yes right there, fuck-
you flip your pillow over in an attempt to cool the sweltering heat below the waistband of your panties, but it’s no luck. you should've been asleep two hours ago. staring hopelessly at the ceiling, lost in your mind as you watch the streetlights’ beams flicker through your window, streams of light disturbed by nearby tree branches. right hand slowly sliding down your body, from your breasts to the curves of your waist before settling right on the top of your panties. your fingers begin to flutter above your dripping core.
‘this is wrong. i shouldn’t do this.’ you chide yourself, but your body has already made up it’s mind.
and soon a cord wound so tightly within your body it could suffocate you...snaps.
the tip of your middle finger dips down to your pussy to collect the slick gathered there, and you groan at the sheer amount of it.
he really got you fucked up.
thinking of how he would tease, you circle your throbbing clit, touch feather light to the point where it feels like borderline torture. middle finger and ring finger conjoined to shallowly dip inside you once, twice, then three times before filling you completely.
but it’s not enough.
it’s not him.
you sigh at the way the tips brush against your g-spot, beckoning them forward until you physically arch into your hand as though it were connected to the subject of your little self love session.
shota’s pov
he’d taken a short break from his current grading session to stretch, and grab a small snack when he noticed it.
you’d left your id tag with him when you’d turned in for the evening, as the two of you had used his id to get on to school grounds since your hands were full with your work bag, your purse, and takeout from the bar. he must have forgotten to give it back to you after you asked him to hold it, he was too busy admiring how cute you looked while trying to prove you didn’t want to fuck him.
not that he would mind if you did, of course.
he’d developed something of a crush on you over the past few weeks since you’d been working more closely together as hero course teachers, and he got to know you outside of a strictly work environment.
you’re funny, intelligent, clever (which is a turn on for him since he needs someone he can bounce off of), and it doesn’t hurt that you’re easy on the eyes.
really, really easy on the eyes. fuck.
he scratched the back of his neck as he felt the familiar flush begin to creep up his face, hoping the pain would will away the consistent hard-on he got whenever he focused too much on your smile, or the way your shoulders shake when you laugh, or the curve of your hips and how they look like they would be a perfect fit for his vice grip as he eased you onto his dick, looking you right in the eyes before drilling up into you. eyes shimmering with such pretty tears from how sensitive she was, neck littered with marks from his earlier ministrations, voice shaky as she begged him to fill her, pump her full of every last drop cause she’s been so so good-
‘damn it shota. just go give her the fucking tag, she’ll need it tomorrow morning.’ he snapped internally, looking at his tented black sweats with dismay. it took everything within him not to make a sly comment on how getting himself off is never boring when it’s to a different fantasy of you each time, but if there’s nothing else he prided himself upon, it was his self discipline.
forcing himself to remember the time he caught hizashi shaving his left testacle and only the left one to make his erection less obvious, he grabbed her id and his own, and made his way to the women’s wing of the hero course dorms. it was old school, men weren’t allowed on the women’s side and vice versa on campus, however with this being the hero course some were granted special admin privileges should there ever be an emergency.
he happened to be one of them.
making quick work of finding your room, he leaned against the threshold, left arm poised to knock when he heard a soft hiss. a little rustling, and another sound, indiscernible thanks to your door.
body stiffening at the swear, he paused, wondering if maybe you had been hurt or perhaps injured. it was in his nature to, despite his sarcastic and faux-apathetic disposition, be a hero no matter what. using what little force he could in an attempt to not frighten a possible intruder or make a bad situation worse, shota silently swung your door open and scanned the room for any possible threats.
he didn’t find any.
instead he found you, lacy black panties around your left ankle as you curled your middle and ring finger inside of you, moans bubbling out of your throat with a hand twisting and pinching your pretty brown nipples as you went. still completely unaware of his presence you sigh before letting out the prettiest and neediest little whine that went straight to his dick.
“mm...shota..please baby~“ you keen, fingers quickening their pace inside of your pussy, the streetlights from the nearby sidewalk casting a copper toned glean on the strings of slick connecting your fingers to the soaked paradise that was between your thighs. he freezes, thinking you’ve noticed his presence when it hits him-
you were fucking your fingers as if they were his own.
you’d said his name.
you wanted to fuck him just as badly as he wanted to fuck you.
and despite being a pro and having been in life threatening situations, instances where he’s had to make split second decisions without worrying whether they were right or not....here he has absolutely no idea what to do. he feels dirty, watching you in such a...compromising situation. even though you just said his name with about two-
now three-
-soaked fingers sliding in and out of your cunt, he knows he shouldn’t be here. out of respect for you, he takes about two steps backwards and tries to leave the room as silently as he came in, willing the universe to just let him have this as a pleasant memory for when he gets into bed tonight. but, like most times in his 31 years of existence, he can never get a moment of peace.
so he manages to trip over your shoes from earlier right as he was about to hit the hallway.
oh, and drops the id tags, of course.
y/n’s pov
the noise sends a chill through each and every nerve of your body, eyes firing open only to be greeted with the sight of a very flustered aizawa vehemently cursing out a pair of your boots, two id tags pooled at his feet. “what the fuck?!” digits wrenched from your body and hands clawing for your duvet in a last ditch attempt to preserve what little modesty you had left. “i- i just came to give you your id, and i heard you swear so i thought you might’ve been hurt or something, i didn’t see anything!” aizawa spat apprehensively, while simultaneously cursing his dick for choosing this particular moment to get incredibly aroused, and thanking himself for tucking his erection into his waistband earlier before he’d walked over in case he ended up talking to you. “oh my god. oh..my god i am so fucking sorry i-i know it was wrong and i totally understand if you don’t wanna be friends anymore just please don’t tell nezu i really really love this job-“ you begin to wail, teardrops nestling into your waterline before finally pooling over and breaking you, causing you to cry even more.
“i’m not mad at you y/n.” aizawa coos softly.
“-and i know i crossed so many lines and it’s selfish for me to ask that of you but i don’t know what i would do without UA-“
“y/n.” he calls, sitting beside you on the pillow soft mattress, his capture weapon pooling to the floor and briefly reminding him he’d brought it with him to begin with.
“-and if i’m being honest i’ve had a crush on you for forever and i was just too much of a coward to come and tell you myself so instead of being a woman about it i kept having these fantasies and i’m so fucking sorry aizawa-“
“shota. call me shota.” he tilts your chin up with his right hand so he can see your pretty brown orbs swimming in tears, before taking his left hand and thumbing away the still-wet tear tracks. you blink away your tears, brows furrowing in confusion at why he’s not angry, why you’re not packing up your dorm and turning in your letter of resignation right now. “it sounded so pretty when you’d said it earlier, why stop now?” he murmurs, those powerful ebony eyes taking you in by the gallon, half lidded as he looks you up and down.
so he did see everything.
and he wasn’t mad.
and you swear on everything you love that you just saw his length twitch through those black sweats, so he definitely shared the same sentiment.
“s-so you’re sure you’re not mad?” you sniffle, hands reaching to cover his as you lean into his lithe form, needing to feel his warm and comforting embrace. “positive.” he looks down at the way you’re nuzzled into his chest, arms shifting so that they’re wrapped around your back as you let out a sigh of relief. he softly taps you after a few minutes, needing to shift to a more comfortable position as his dick is pressing into his stomach this way, and it’s only making him firmer.
“can...can i kiss you?” he asks gingerly, heart fluttering at the way your eyes meet his and your head slowly nods, fingers fumbling to find his hand so you can hold it. his lips slot against yours, moving tenderly at first before the kiss begins to increase in intensity, your tongue moving fluidly with his, pulling away only to breathe before diving back into one another.
“those pretty lips taste so sweet...makes me wonder if you’re sweet all over, hm?”
you preen at the compliment, body craving his touch, his energy, his undulations, everything about him.
“tell me you don’t want this, and we’ll stop.” he mutters against your neck, soft kisses quickly turning to him sucking marks into your collarbone. it drove him insane, watching the reddish purple hues blossom across your skin mingling with the mocha of the rest of your body.
you didn’t have any intention on stopping though.
not for a fucking second.
“please...need you so bad.” you sigh close to his ear, taking his earlobe between your teeth and dipping a hand between the two of you to paw at his throbbing length. that seemed to do the trick just fine, his pulse spiking before he flipped the two of you with a quickness you’d only seen him use in battle. hands reaching for the nape of his neck as he tugged his shirt over his head, you watched in awe; you’d known sho was fit as he patrolled nightly, along with the consistent training he’d engaged in with his students. you just didn’t expect a simple long sleeve sweater to give way to toned abdominals, slender yet powerful arms in addition to a thick black happy trail that dipped below his waistband.
it wasn’t until he’d tugged down the lace covering your slit, (so hard it ripped), that you realized just how much he craved you. gazing at your core intently he spread you apart with his middle and forefinger, eyes nearly rolling out of his head with how you were dripping so much for him. you tried to shift your hips in an effort to get him to do something, anything, but that was shut down with a hand forcing your right thigh outwards and spreading you even wider.
“no no. keep them spread. let me watch you try to keep them open while you’re shaking...let me watch you fall apart..” he demands, head diving between your thighs to lap at your aching clit like a man starved. your legs rise only to settle on his shoulders, ankles crossed behind his head while your toes curl in euphoria. there were men before him, but none of them ever took care of you like this, never looked you in the eyes as their fingers started to curl in just the right places, never sighed in content at your taste as their eyes rolled back. never pried themselves away from your cunt just to add a pornographic amount of spit to your southernmost lips, strings of saliva connecting your twitching hole to his deliciously long tongue.
shota was unlike any man you had ever met before.
and that was what made him so intoxicating.
“ah..s-shota, please-” you whine, sensing your climax within reach. “please what, kitty? i won’t know if you don’t tell me.” he remarks, dipping back down to suck harshly at your swollen bud as he adds a third finger, length throbbing at the way you arch into his tongue. “m-make me-ah-make me...feel good...please sho” you stutter, face burning. “mm. i thought i was already making you feel good love? unless...there’s something else you want..” he trails off, smirking. your thighs are quivering now, muscles burning as you strain to keep them from crushing shota’s head, although with the way he’s devouring your pussy whole right now he doesn’t seem to mind one bit.
“i need you..to make me cum..” you whimper, winding a few fingers into his unruly mane of hair while your other hand settles above your mouth, trying to hide the obvious embarrassment on your face from being so exposed.
“well why didn’t you say so baby? after all, you did exactly what i told you to, and good girls get whatever they ask for.” he grins before working double time to bring you to the edge, hero stamina and strength coming out in full force with the way his fingers never cease in their abuse on your g-spot, refusing to quit until your thighs finally tighten around his head and your breath catches. his tongue replaces his fingers and you briefly pout at the slight change in fullness, but it doesn’t matter the second he coils his tongue upwards and rubs into your sensitive bud at a steady pace. you cum all over his face, and you never thought you’d see such a typically serious and stoic man look so...elated, a permanent beam stuck to him with superglue as he swallows as much of your essence as he can. chest heaving, body weightless, you sit up.
you gently coax him back up your body, shota’s arms caging you to your bed as you kiss him deeply, fingers fumbling to palm him through his sweats. “s’ my turn...wanna show you how much i like you..”
he nods, opting to trade places with you whilst helping you slide his sweats and boxers down his thighs, length springing up in anticipation. you’d had a inkling of how big he was from small glances on occasion, but you didn’t account for a solid eight and a half inches down your esophagus. his dick was pretty, a few veins running up and down the length of it, and tip just as pink as his kiss-swollen lips. the only thing that intimidated you was how thick it was. but you’d cross that bridge when it came to it.
saliva floods your mouth and you grasp his dick at the base, eyes wide as you track a bead of precum rolling it’s way down his tip before licking it up in one long hot stripe. “hm. tastes good.” you giggle, eyes locking with his before you relax your jaw and swallow as much of him as you can comfortably fit in your mouth, a shot of electricity running through you when shota lets out a deep throaty groan. “fuck...such a good fucking girl. you look so pretty like this.” shota sighs, left hand working it’s way through your coils and tightening its grip, but never pushing. he lets you work at your own pace, his own cheeks flushing when you interrupt the bobbing motion you had set to coyly circle your slick tongue around his tip. your mouth is hot and slick, encapsulating his dick in a velvety vacuum seal while you work him over and over; you haven’t had an insane amount of experience, but you’re observant of what motions garner positive reactions. it’s a combination so dangerous that it has shota’s right hand grappling your comforter for stability, breath quickening as he wonders how the hell he’s managed to last this long.
“you’re gonna suck me dry kitty...” he moans.
at least until you take not one, but both hands, add an amount of spit so copious it’s obscene, and begin to stroke his length slowly and effortlessly whilst maintaining eye contact.
with that little stunt, you’ve officially opened pandora’s box. and there’s no closing it now.
“come here.” aizawa commands, sitting up straighter to pull your hips into his, and before you know it you’re on your stomach, wrists pinned to your black sheets by agile hands. “if you wanna stop here tell me now baby.” he croons in your ear, feather light kisses pressed into your shoulder. “we can watch a movie, cuddle, whatever you’re comfortable with. but if we keep going like this-”
his length presses into your ass and a shiver shoots down your spine.
“-i can’t promise you i won’t ruin you y/n. fuck you full of my cum, pounding into you until i leave you drooling and sloppy just for me, have you scream my name so loud even the League knows who you belong to. you’d be all mine. my pretty kitty. is that what you want?” shota asks, one of his calloused hands sliding down the curves of your body to grip at the soft, tender skin of your ass.
“shota.....please. it’s all i want, just take me already-“ you sob, voice gathering in your throat. a sensual chuckle, and then you feel it: inch after inch slipping into your tight warm walls, the stretch causing your eyes to brim with tears born from more pleasure than actual pain.
“ah! you’re stretching me out so much...” you keen, eyelashes fluttering in ecstasy. “aw kitty...i haven’t even started yet.” shota teases, stretching to his right to grab his capture weapon, and bringing both your wrists behind you. “now..you’ve been so good for me tonight, i think you deserve a reward. earlier, i believe you mentioned something about being tied up?” he binds your arms, leaving your digits to flail helplessly right above the small of your back, where his hand has now come to rest.
“f-fuck me! please...i’m tired of waiting- i just wanna be yours!” you beg, hips jolting back in impatience and need, your pussy throbbing at the sensation of his tip nudging the deepest parts of you. “so fucking needy. i’ll give you exactly what you’re craving sweetheart.” he smirks, before dragging his hips as far back as he can, length retreating from your warm walls before slamming right back in. one hand on your shoulders to keep your face pressed into your pillows, the other taking reign on your hips as a guide to rut against you. your back arches so deliciously for him, ass jiggling on every thrust as he watches your body impale itself on his length. he’s so deep, his tip consistently ramming into your cervix over and over and over; your body is so overwhelmed and so needy, so full but not full enough. it’s too much, but you want more. “fill me up sho! i want it— i need it so bad” you cry, tears spilling over and staining your pillowcase. “wouldn’t you love that, having me fill this pretty pussy up with all my cum hm?” “no wonder you’re moaning for me like a whore, you want everyone to know who’s doing this to you.” shota pants, quickening his pace. “yes! i’m yours all yours!” you moan, pussy throbbing at his fierce pace, you can feel the sweat gathering between your body and the sheets but you don’t care. you use the leverage from your shoulders to push back onto him, chasing your high.
“that’s it, come on, fuck me back. come on kitty it’s your dick after all~” he breathes, grinning at the way you’re drooling and how your eyes are rolling at the way he’s fucking you.
“fuck, you must really wanna cum again hm? such a greedy, slutty girl” you nod, head spinning as he tightens your restraints and strokes into you as deep as he can. you feel the familiar quivering of your legs, a tell tale sign you’re close to cumming. “sho—ah!-sho please! i wanna cum please i’m so close-“ you plead, voice unsteady. “well since you asked so nicely...of course kitty” he acquiesces, a hand slithering between your folds to softly rub your clit while he drills into you, and your body nearly self destructs. “f-fuck! ah—thank you shota, oh god, mmm you’re so good to me” you babble, body floating through space as he rubs you through your orgasm.
and once again, the ball is in his court. you shudder, head leaning over your shoulder with lidded eyes to try and look at aizawa. his hair is down now, and a deep blush has taken residence across his cheeks, chest heaving as sweat glistens on his chest and slowly drips down his toned stomach. he hasn’t stopped fucking you, but this time his rhythm’s gotten sloppy, and his teeth have sunken into his bottom lip so hard you think he’ll pierce through it.
he’s close, and you want every last drop.
“make me take it shota—show me what you do to good girls~” you purr, eyes widening when he loosens your restraints and turns you over, and practically folds you in half. your ankles are by your ears now as he pounds into you, and everything is so much deeper than before. your pussy tightens at the new angle, and you feel another orgasm beneath the surface, though you don’t know if you can take it. “it’s too much! i can’t take it—“ you whine, tits jiggling as he swoops down and paws at one, making you cry out. “yes you can baby, just one more, come on make me proud just give me one fucking more” he growls, the heat of his order hot against your ear. “god i’m gonna paint these slutty little walls white—gonna fill you up so good” he moans, shota’s dirty confession egging you on as your fingers toy with your achingly sensitive bundle of nerves. “that’s it. play with it, show me how you do it when i’m not there-“ and that slick fucking comment is what sends you tumbling off the edge for your third time tonight. “fuck! i’m gonna cum—i’m gonna make you all mine, all for me” you grin before raking your nails up and down his back to encourage him. “give it to me, i don’t wanna have anyone else kiss me without knowing what you taste like~” and soon hot spurts of cum paint your insides and flood you with a warm, thick feeling. shota immediately crashes his lips onto yours, holding you tightly. you can’t really explain the current state of your emotions, but you feel full, and content. meanwhile the current object of your affection is nuzzled into your neck, peppering kisses over all the love bites he’d inflicted earlier as a means of apology, though you didn’t mind.
it would be a pain in the ass to cover up tomorrow, but you could always just wear a scarf or a turtleneck to compensate due to the colder weather. it wasn’t until the two of you had cleaned up and rehydrated that he spoke: “by the way, i like you too. and have. for a while now. just in case that wasn’t clear.” he stated, arms wrapped around your middle as he began to doze off.
“you know you probably should’ve led with that-“
“shut up.”
so yeah, shota aizawa could live without sex.
question is: why the hell would he want to, when you’re here?
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minjoonalist · 5 years
Discoloration. | kth
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Pairing: Taehyung x Reader
Words: 6.7K
Genre: smut, angst
In which : Y/n’s world of black and white takes a turn into a tinge of vibrance provided from none other than a man who is overly willing to give it.
Warnings: explicit sexual content, cursing, mentions of Infidelity, infidelity, ORAL both female and male receiving, some girl pukes, reached orgasm, cum play, swallowing, Dom!taehyung, BrattySub!reader, some pain for pleasure, attempted Voyeurism, Worshipping, Daddy Kink
you absolutely loved art, in any expression, in every way- no matter what tragic or exhilarating backstory came with it. As any true lover would say, art is an expression. One that rears it’s beautiful head around with any and all ugly disguises standing before it.
This was your view of life and motto. A code you found yourself quoting over and over no matter how prejudiced you felt yourself becoming in moments of an unbelievable crisis. It was a part of you, your life, all the way down into your DNA. Giving you the ability to see life for all its color and no one was going to change that.
That being said…you always knew there would be times where life would temporarily become dull of any color due to minor- no major casualties. for example like the most recent event in which this very night. you found your boyfriend of two years with his prized member down someone else’s throat
-only a few hours after his big dance performance...and in your home...
You slowly blink, your mind blank of any joyous thoughts to congratulate the man you once thought loved you as much as you loved him. Instead they were now replaced with miserable black and white rainbows that you followed towards the bar downtown. there you find the promising fortune of alcohol that could slowly but surely bring back some of that faded color you were violently stripped of.
Your head jolts back with the third drink of the night sliding down your throat torturously and to your delight sends another tingling wave throughout your bloodstream. You look around within the dark vicinity when various blurry figures push behind you and the sound of some top 100 pop song bounces off the walls of the club. In barely incoherent words you managed to slur out your next sentence to the shiny blonde headed woman you were well acquainted with behind the bar.
“you k-know what's the worsss part bout it?” you sit up after being slumped over for nearly Five minutes without realizing it.
“And what's that?” The blonde watches you with a quirked brow, pondering what her heart broken best friend could possibly add on after ranting on about the piece of shit that just cheated on her for over an hour. “he doesn’t even know – that I know!” you giggle hysterically as if someone had just told you a dirty joke. but it quickly comes out as a choked sob and your best friend soo-jin looks towards you horrified.
“what the hell? why not?” she practically elevates her voice over the loud music, angry once again at how you passively decided to deal with one of your failed relationships. “I don't know” You shrug lazily, bottom lip poking out a bit in a pout when you felt as if she was about to do what she does best whenever anything remotely close to this happens.
Scold you.
“I didn’t want him to see me” the words may have came out small and unheard, but she read your moving mouth perfectly to know exactly what you said. It was a skill she’d gradually learned throughout her few years of being a professional bartender. A fire ignites in her eyes, catching you completely off guard but you prepared yourself nonetheless. The woman takes a deep breath through her nostrils to calm her high temper before she opens her mouth.
“okay ...and what are you going to do about it?” Was her simple but off putting reply to you. The question comes out rather matter of fact and once again within that same moment, you were caught off guard.
Wasn’t she going to yell at you? , tell you to women up and get your shit together like she always did? But instead she turns away just for a bit, pulling out two beer bottles from a cooler and popping them open. She then hands them over to some random guy reaching on your side and who you were pretty sure, already had too many by the way he reeked of them. when she turns back you, once again giving you all her attention and letting her fellow peers take care of everyone else, only then do you scramble for an answer.
“I uh- I… don’t know…break up with him?” you stutter out, not sure how exactly you wanted to answer her question and she shakes her head, keeping a disappointed gaze on you. What exactly did she want you say? How were you supposed to know what you were going to do next about your unfortunate situation aside from the fact that you didn’t plan on heading back to your apartment and future ex- boyfriend anytime soon.
“wrong!- I mean yes you're definitely breaking up with that undeserving fuck, but ...thats too simple” She sighs, a bemused expression sitting clear on her face and eyesight switching over your shoulder before coming back to you.
The weight of this conversation was slowly making you sober and you could feel what little colors you had, beginning to fade back to gray. You lean forward, resting your elbows on the bar table and pushing your hair back out of frustration when you suddenly see your phone’s screen lit up. the familiar picture of your smile and a pair of happy kind eyes looking at you with the name Hobi(heart eyes). Your heart sinks and the sounds of his satisfied moans from another woman echoes in your head before you shake it off and end the call.
Fuck you, Jung Hoseok.
You could feel soo-jin’s expectant stare on you, when you finally give in and look up at her with determined eyes. You didn’t care what she suggested you want to get your color back, or even just some shade of emotion that didn’t have you wanting to dive deep under your covers for a month like your last relationship.
“okay” you breathe “what… would you do?” you bite, putting your faith into your best friend’s wisdom of dealing with cheating assholes. she takes the rag that was being used to dry the freshly washed glasses and swings it over her shoulder. “Hmm…” her eyes narrow, lips pursing and tattooed arms crossing on her torso as she thinks of the right solution for you. When it hits her, she steals another glance over your head and back to you.
Maybe you were putting too much faith in her…
The wicked look she gives you suddenly sends a shiver down your spine and you could already tell you would come to regret your decision. She then grins, a mischievous one at that. “what would I do if I were you? ….I’d let the walking sex god that’s been staring at me since I walked in, fuck me until I can’t tell night from day” she simply comments as if the suggestion was nice and easy.
You frown, shoulders slumping “so you’re saying I should cheat on hoseok?”. You put your head in your hands at the very ineffective suggestion.. It wasn’t that you couldn’t see where soo-jin was coming from, she clearly wanted you to get revenge. just to fuck some guy out of spite and somehow give your boyfriend a taste of his own medicine. Maybe even go as far as coming home looking completely fucked out without an ounce of regret when he takes notice.
The woman shrugs at your question with a small smirk as if to say ‘sure what could go wrong’ and this makes you rub your temples wincing.
“jinnie , I can’t hurt him like that. you do know two wrongs don’t make a right ...right?” the question falls from your lips almost whine like. She lets you take in the situation a bit more before she puts in another two cents that just might have you leaving here with a rebound.
“Y/n why are you thinking about how he feels?” she moves in closer towards you to grab both of your shoulders and make you look directly at her. Her eyes serious and stern, yet sympathetic as she talks some sense into you “you think he cared about how you felt while one of his dance students was swallowing his cum on your Bed? ” she shakes you.
Your heart burned at the clear emphasizes on ‘your’ to give the undertone that it was your bed along with hoseok’s. which it was and that fact made the once withering pain in your chest welter throughout instead. It was like you were standing right outside your bedroom door, where you got a private show to your significant other’s infidelity once again. The only difference this time that you didn’t want to run, not again… you wanted to hurt him and let him know he wasn’t the only one who wanted you-
“wait” you freeze. Eyes wandering inquisitively over towards Soo-jin's equally as curious expression once you rethought her suggestion. She had basically just told you someone was watching you from across the room and you stepped all over the idea.
“But ...who?” you frown.
You didn’t understand how and you were to drunk to figure out why, but it was like you could feel hot lasers burning into your flesh from afar. The hairs on the back of your neck standing alert and you could swear a compass inside of you had suddenly screamed at your instincts, what direction to turn in.
Turn around.
you did, landing to a pair of two bloodshot red eyes of a raven haired girl that looked as if she had even bigger problems than yours to drink away. She stumbled forward in your direction, eyes dazed and glossy with a look of uneasiness and it didn’t take a genius to figure out what sequence of events were about to turn your gray rainbow to black and white.
“Y/N move!” Soo-jin tried to warn you, she even tried to reach for you to pull you away from the despicable threat. But she couldn’t, completely cut off from you behind the bar and made her too far to save you from the sick woman.
You squeaked in surprise, shutting your eyes and holding up your tiny manicured hands to shield yourself. you accepted your fate too early, not realizing that after a couple of seconds of hearing the woman hurl her guts out, nothing had fallen on the exposed skin of your arms or legs. In- fact your entire body was no longer anywhere near her, but risen high a few feet away from the mess that should have been on you.
you were shifted, your legs and lower back firmly being cradled within a pair of sturdy arms and a broad chest. Oddly enough, the first thing that comes to your mind is how comfortable and invited you felt as they held you perfectly without falter. big Hands splayed intentionally under your thighs and the black mini dress that you borrowed earlier from soo-jin. They manage to keep the short material from exposing your most valuable area and maybe that’s the red alert that had you snapping your eyes open to find out who the hell was holding you so intimately within their arms.
“ put me down, please.” you managed to mumble through your now fully sober shock and when they immediately let your heels fall gently to the hard ground, they steady you as if to silently inspect that you’re not hurt.
you shimmy your black dress down, looking up only to have soo-jin unthinkingly fly into you with a huge powerful hug. “Y/n! Oh my god!” This makes the both of you lose your balance instantly and before you know it, your body falls back towards the ground only to be caught once again by a sturdy arm. “Oops…” she blushes sheepishly when she sees that her hysterical behavior had only seemed to make the huge scene worse.
you send a small glare towards her and she glances up to avoid it with a blush. You follow her eyes, watching them slowly slide up above you and once they’ve reached their destination, just slightly do they widen in recognition. You grow curious from this, craning your neck to glance at the individual that’s been supporting your weight for the past few moments in a row.
Everything and really everything, within your body freezes, from your brain to the air leaving your lungs, and possibly even your heart. You swallow, blinking up at a man that just had to be designed by angels themselves. A straight nose just above parted plump lips, a strong jawline, and dark naturally sensual eyes that was almost being covered by his curly blonde mullet.
Wait- created by angels? Scratch that. The man was sinful, like a poison apple with the shiniest red coat that was slowly luring you in by the minute.
Oh how badly did you want to bite...
He lifts you back to your standing position and you don’t miss a beat to watch as his muscular arms flex under the fitted black sleeved sweater he sported. Your looks going unnoticed, but the way you don’t seem to make space from him, like anyone else normally would- doesn’t. he smirks inwardly to himself, waiting for you to adjust yourself as you did before. shamelessly, he lets his eyes wander lower to where your fingers pull at the thin fabric that had somehow risen up your ass cheeks for the umpteenth time that night. you turn towards him, his eyes just as innocent and lost of any lust he was probably holding a few seconds ago.
Hi there… he immediately thinks looking down at the woman that he just couldn’t seem to take his eyes off of the second he saw her walk in with such a lost puppy expression. He wanted to take it away, make you smile and forget what or rather who was making you so miserable when you didn’t deserve it. And as if you just heard him, your small smile blesses him in return. He’s completely captured within your curious stare, eyes just barely meeting his at first and the way your light tiny voice manages to whisper out his new favorite word.
This is where it all began, where you found yourself aimlessly following your best friend’s advice on how to make yourself feel better about your impending breakup. It wasn’t exactly how you were considering to go about it, but are you really going to complain about the fine piece of specimen that was suddenly thrown into your small sad world?
Most if it all seemed to be a blur. One minute you both sat at the bar where soo-jin made sure to keep a close eye on you. Another you were suddenly giggling uncontrollably at the small jokes the man had managed to mutter out from his half sober state. now you found that it was just about 4:00 in the morning and everyone had left but you, soo-jin, a couple of stragglers, and the dark prince you had now come to learn as Taehyung.
“So, how did my knight in a black sweater know how to save me?” Your hand slips silently from the glass you’d been occupying for most of the night and once again a bit of your color making itself visible around the dazed boy. The vague question flowed from your lips effortlessly, making the man almost jealous that you were Able to keep such a calm composure. Meanwhile he could barely contain the biggest urge to look at your soft lips.
And your stare? Fuck it was probably what had Taehyung so far into his own head, or maybe how every now and then yours legs would noticeably clamp together whenever he so much as brushed you in anyway. Your persona was the complete opposite from when he first seen you, shy and unbothered as to now, you were practically eye fucking the poor bastard.
He takes the last sip of his beer, setting the empty bottle on the bar before he answers “I was standing right behind her when it happened” he starts. A slight pink tinge raises up his slender neck, because for some odd reason. The man found your new probing gaze intimidating.
“Not to sound like a creep, but my eyes never left you the whole night. I think maybe I waited too long to approach you.” he laughs and then hums silently to himself, when satisfied shock runs across your features. No remorse, no disgust, but even then from the first moment your eyes landed on him, Taehyung already knew he had you.
This was his thing, it was easy to pick up random women at the bar. He didn’t want to go as far as to say you were much more ‘different’ than the others, but you were definitely one that would be considered unpredictable. Just as the reply you give him that has him staring at like you were his next meal.
“...who said you were too late?”
...You couldn't remember what happened exactly after that, but as far as you were concerned the only details that seemed to matter were the ones happening moments later. Like the part where you somehow found yourself being backed up against the hood of the young man’s car. Your body thumps on it slightly after he graciously takes a handful of your ass and kneads at it. You moan out, a wet flood staining your thin underwear in response to the sultry gaze he has pinned on you.
“I could fuck you against this car right now…” the confession easily tearing into you. His deep sugar coated voice sends pleasant waves of arousal to your stomach and you can't help but whimper. Your hand comes up to grip at his black shirt, pulling him into you in such a greedy manner. He chuckles, a hand bracing itself on the metal under you “...ah you’d like that wouldn't you baby?” he says huskier than before and you don't protest when his lips connect to yours for the first time that night.
The kiss starts out anything but soft, his lips firmly moving against yours just enough to have you moving voluntarily onto your back and With a sharp nip of your bottom lip, he takes advantage of your gasping mouth by slipping his tongue in to caress yours. You moan out from the euphoric feeling, your heading spinning and another wave of excitement is shot through you once you hear him growl into your kiss.
Not too far to follow, you’re not oblivious to the rough hands that hooks behind your knee to wrap your legs around taehyung’s waist. A shutter coming to you, a slight breeze then felt once he pushes the fabric of your dress up your hips . “T-Taehyung…” you let out a breath, just as a hand is reaching towards your laced panties.
“ fuck my name sounds so hot on your lips.” He exhales through the kiss. His lips now leaving yours to trail down your chin and onto your neck, nippling slightly. Immediately your head tilts to the side, allowing him full access to leave dark little bites along the area. He hooks a cold finger onto the top band just to rip it off with a tear and you pout from losing a pair of expensive underwear. He then swipes another finger at your exposed slit, a gasp escaping your lips and your breath halts once he raises it towards his mouth.
“What are you-” he tastes it. The wet glistening finger evident with your arousal falling onto his tongue. Taehyung’s eyes closed briefly and once again he hums out in approval “and you taste fucking amazing” he grunts, his eyes then lowering towards your open core with a devilish want “I want to taste some more”. He says this, Determination clear in his voice just before picking you up by your ass , and walking around his car. You yelp in surprise, your hands gripping his shoulder blades.
The sound of the car’s back door could be heard and before you knew it taehyung had you laid comfortably in his backseat. A wave of relief briefly washing over you, because while you were too distracted to realize the both of you were still in public, you were glad he wasn't going to follow through with his daring suggestion.
his body hovering yours, Taehyung’s hardened crotch area brushes firmly against your sensitive cunt. You whimper out in pleasure, rutting your hips up to match his and he chuckles at your neediness. “ Does baby like when I do that?” He Rasps out at the concentrated look on your face. It has him rutting repeatedly against you in return and you mewl in satisfaction while shaking your head to tell him yes.
Taehyung could literally feel himself falling for your cute expressions. He supports himself on both arms, one landing right by your head and the other coming to stroke your cheek, down your jawline and landing firmly around your neck giving it a little squeeze. For a moment, your eyes widen in fear scared that he simply turned out to be a sinfully handsome strangler, But then his head dips, mouth coming to crash back onto yours and that same hand turns to slip off the top of your dress.
His kisses, once again lead from your mouth and sloppily down your neck, only to pull back and take a good look at your bare chest. Fuck he was drooling...running his tongue over his lips as he nears closer towards the small hardened nipples awaiting his attention. Your hands are already roaming tugging through his golden locks, a satisfied sound coming out when the warmth of his tongue skates cross one of them.
“I cant wait to fuck you y/n, but I want to taste you first baby” he swirls his tongue around, giving another strong lick and then sucking hard until it comes out with a pop. you're watching in amazement with tiny whimpers, your world no longer gray or slightly colored, but instead a strong hue of vibrance surrounding the lust filled man.
You nod weakly, your cunt gushing even more just from the thought of those plump lips placing well needed kisses down there. He doesn't need to be told twice, a boxy smile being shot at you and taehyung places an affectionate peck on your lips before descending down your body.
He positions himself on the floor, the sight of yellow coming between your thighs, and he pulls you down further towards him. You could feel his warm breath against the coolness of your slit, your pussy clenching around nothing in arousal. Taehyung stares at it in admiration, never seeing one so appetizing as yours and when he flicks his eyes up to connect towards your hooded stare, a wink being shot at you, your heart nearly stops in it’s rapid thrumming.
He comes even closer, the ghost of his lips pressing into you gently at the top but not high enough to reach your clit. you take a big breath, another gentle kiss being placed a bit lower and another one even lower until You writhed underneath him “ hurry up, Tae- im going crazy here.” you beg breathlessly, pushing yourself a bit more into him and the sexual demon simply shoots you a burning stare. You swallow slightly, a sharp squeal then following when a harsh nip comes to one of your delicate folds. “such a rude way to ask daddy for his mouth baby” he hums, softly sucking over the sore spot he’d brutally bitten.
“what if it was me stuffing my cock into that pretty little mouth of yours?” If it was possible the blonde’s gaze darkens even further at the suggestion. His tongue now licking a long stripe up and stopping just before reaching your bundle of nerves. If he kept this up you were sure you would slowly descend into unfulfilled madness…
There’s a soft desperate whimper escaping your lips and now that the man was not only teasing you in the most torturous way, but that he’d planted a gem of a scene in your head. Your lips parting for your tongue to run over them and eyes glazing over at the very image of your mouth being wrapped around his thick cock and he’d push you down forcing you to take all of him.
Holy shit that’d be hot…
“ then I can guarantee you’d be cumming, right about…” you look up, pretending to wait. Taehyung humors you, a brow arching when your eyes land back on him “now.” you whisper biting your lip. Instantly there's a wry smile coming onto his face but the scorching hot look in his eyes stays at your comment.
Oh yeah he definitely likes you…
In your moment of confidence there's a deep underlying doubt of skill, due to your lack of practice. Although you’d performed incredibly under Hoseok’s praise, the knowledge of your late lover running elsewhere for head makes you think otherwise.
“Again. Fuck you Jung Hoseok-”
There's suddenly another nip “ouch!” you yelp from the sting. Soon it’s soothed once again as taehyung sucks on the tender spot but now a bit harsher “You’re too fucking hot you know that y/n?” he growls out, hands now coming up to grip your thighs almost painfully. Your lower half now kept in place, unable to even move an inch. you find this out when taehyung’s tongue slips in between your folds without warning.
Your first instinct is to jump at this, body completely betraying you as it begins to turn weak under the man’s skillful flicks of the wet muscle. It’s a lewd noise he makes against you, the wet sounds of Taehyung’s mouth diving deep into your prized box adding to the tightening knot within your abdomen.
At the moment there's a particular swirl of his tongue that makes your legs shoot out, a noticeable shutter of pure euphoria wracking over your body and when taehyung takes it upon himself to finally suckle upon your neglected nerve, he earns a loud unexpected moan from deep within your throat. You wouldn't think that something so simple could have you panting erratically, so much that when you actually take a look towards all the windows within his car - they're completely fogged up.
It’s like something had completely snapped within him, his mouth swirling , sucking, and nibbling all over as he completely devours you without so much as a breath. His merciless appetite driving you further up the hill of your impending orgasm and just when you felt you need just a little more of a push taehyung's tongue takes a few final drags on your clit, dropping down to plunge as deep as he could go into your heat. He does this and is surprised to find your hole clenching around it tightly.
He chuckles evilly now aware that you were ready to fall any second. “You better be ready to put your mouth where your words are baby” he announces rather roughly and as much as you want to spit back an equally sly remark, you’re too lost within the rapidly spreading heat that's taking over your entire body. Your hand shooting out, you grip harshly into his curls as an exceeding dip sends you crashing down hard onto his tongue.
“So good!, god tae im c-cumming” you exclaim jerking roughly into his face- well at least you attempted, because like the sex demon he is, Taehyung simply restrains your hips with even more force and quicken’s his assaults into you. His mouth going to work until you were nearly a spasming mess to his will.
There's a last jolt to your body before tae lets up, dark eyes scanning your slightly worn out state with caution. “Y/n? Shit you didn't pass out on me did you baby?” he questions worriedly getting up from his position on the floor. When he situates himself on the edge of the seat, he’s leaning over your body to get a good look at you and your now tamed high. It takes just a moment but eventually you could actually make out his voice from under your drumming heart. With your eyes somehow getting closed, you listen in on tae’s nervous rant and something about his ‘head game being too strong’.
Your eyes flutter open “ Taehyung?” you say , your voice just barely above a whisper but his head snaps towards you with curious relief. He answers immediately, grabbing your hands to place tiny kisses on them. It’s an extremely affectionate act, one someone could say was meant for people who were actually in love. That in itself had your colors fading away just the tiniest bit, a suddenly cruel reminder of the fact that you had just cheated on your asshole (but very much still) boyfriend, Hoseok.
Taehyung licks his already moist lips, eyes struggling to stay above your exposed chest when all he wanted to do was fuck you into his back seat. Right now you could say, you’d technically already gotten your revenge- after all you’d only witnessed exactly what you’d gotten, but when your eyes snap towards the incredibly hard painful erection that was begging to be treated within its confines. All of those color blinding thoughts seem to leave and The questioning midnight prince beside you is simply all you could think about.
You look up into taehyung’s eyes and there's still a good amount of dark lust swirling behind them. In your eyes he could see it too, a slight raise of both his eyebrows displaying his shock when you say “ I think it’s time to put my lips on you o-or something-...whatever you just said” you giggle.
He bites back a smile and honestly, it was probably the sexiest expression you’d ever seen. His hand, softly running like feathers up your exposed thigh. “you think you can make daddy cum?” he tries and when you feel Taehyung’s entire aura change, there's another sticky flood happening between your legs. You’re so wrapped into him that you don't notice when his hand is coming up into your hair. His fingers roaming for a bit and you hum out appreciating the slight gesture, until the grip he has is suddenly becoming tighter when you don't answer.
“I asked you a question y/n.” He asks within a highly dominant nature. The grip he has in your hair, sends you waves of excitement. There wasn't a second of this interaction you were regretting not even when Tae is dragging you down in front of him so that you were directly planted in front of his inviting lap.
“Y-Yes!” You inhale.
He releases the grip slightly, fingers massaging into your head again before pulling it back from another angle. You whimper out from it, neck straining to look up at him and into his expectant eyes “Yes what baby?” They narrow and your heart palpatates with a thrilling fear.
In no way were you used to this kind of tension, between Hoseok and Taehyung it was a complete 180° where You were accustomed to Hoseok’s sweet natured way of making love opposed to Tae’s rough and passionate fuck. Needless to say… only one of them had you ready to suck him dry...
“Y-Yes daddy…” you sing with a desperate tone.
Another slight pause is initiated and Taehyung watches your eyes move from his face to the front of his zipper multiple times before he sends a wry smirk your way. He moves to make himself comfortable, a leading hand coming to cup your chin with a light touch and he takes the time to admire your beautiful expression. Whoever the hell that Hobi guy was calling your phone over and over while you were at the bar...Taehyung couldn't think of how he managed to fuck up with someone like you- if it were him, he’d kiss the ground you walked on if it meant being able to see you in the position anytime he wanted.
There's a tug on his belt, His eyes switching down to see the fabric of his jeans being held tight between your fingers. From the motion his jeans scrape roughly against his hard on creating a small hiss from him mouth and you let out a small giggle in return.
“ fuck…” Taehyung growls out, unwavering dark gaze set upon you as he squeezes on your chin harder, your mouth snapping open. Your laugh dies down and you wince in pain from it. On instinct you’re ready to claw his hand off, until you feel taehyung’s mouth hungrily attack yours and You moan out into it despite the pain from his grip. You become lost into his touch as he molds and bends your tongue into blissful submission, His teeth suddenly sinking into your tender muscle and you cry out before he sucks on it to sooth it.
In a trance you whimper when he suddenly pulls away, a trail of a vigorous color going with him while he takes away all of his contact with you. All sign of his heat gone and if you weren't so ready to have it back, you would have noticed the sore relief on your mouth from both his grip and his kiss. You inhale deeply, your tongue throbbing from the delicious assault.
“Does it hurt baby?…” he questions with a tilt of his head and you cautiously bite your lip. You glance up at him one last time and there again was the smile you’d now classified as a sin itself.
“Yes.” you nod with a pout.
“Do you want to make it feel better?” he sits back and you nod again slowly becoming aware of where he was going with this.
It’s a consistent stare that he never lets up on your now wandering hands, his smile slowly fading out into parting lips. They’re reaching once again for his belt, your fingers unraveling the leather and then unzipping the front to reveal his straining boxers. It's dark in the car, obviously but even so you could still make out the impressive outlining and when your fingers hook on the band of his thin material, It feels as if you were a kid opening a gift on Christmas.
your eyes zone in ready for the big reveal. The band slowly being dragged down Taehyung’s hips, revealing not only the thick tantalizing length of his cock, but a mouth watering v sculpted lower abdomen. Your core clenches instantly at the sight, mouth watering and you wondered how you thought what hoseok had could possibly compare to this…But just like your relationship, you find that those thoughts had instantly come and gone.
Eyes now skimming over the veiny length set out in front of you. Your hand immediately gripping it from the base, you it lift away from taehyung's stomach and more towards your face. From up above you could hear his large intake of breath from your hold, your own stomach fluttering at how effective your touch is on him.
Inspecting it just a little, you notice the darkened mushroom head oozing out pre-cum. Your hand moving up, his stomach noticeably clenches and there is a broken sigh from him when your thumb is sliding over it to smear it around. “I- fuck you know this torture right?” he grabs at your wrist of your occupied hand.
You slap his hand away, your own squeezing slightly at taehyung’s cock. He had his time to mess around with you, now it was your turn to mess around with him...you think bringing the tip towards your still swollen lips. You place a closed mouth kiss at the top, creating a tiny bit of suction on the sensitive space. A pained groan coming from him, he tries his hardest not to shove himself into your mouth.
Taehyung wouldn't say he was amused from girls pulling his kind of tricks, but you- the way your tongue was licking a long strip up his pulsing shaft had his hips bucking up in appreciation. Fuck! you could do whatever you wanted for all he cared, just the sight of your wide lustful eyes keeping contact with his, was bringing him closer faster than he would like to admit.
You give his cock another lick, your tongue following a particularly long and seemingly sensitive vein. You could only guess that when taehyung visibly shudders from the way you nip gently at it. Your tongue then coming to swirl at his tip and you finally- finally sink your mouth down onto him.
your eyes then widen in recognition...wow, this actually does soothe the soreness-
“Shit baby...” his chest rises then falls, hands fisted into balls at his side. You felt amazing around him, your mouth rising back up to suck on his tip one more time before you bob back down on him at an even pace. You also hollow out your cheeks, your hand still fisted at the base, jerking up to help him along.
He lets out a dragged moan, brows furrowing together in concentration and a fisted hand is now rubbing encouragingly through your hair. With your tongue sliding underneath his shaft, you move down a bit further wiggling it side to side. Within your view taehyung's head falls back at that and At this point he is a panting mess with a slight sweat breaking out on his temples.
“So good- shit!- baby you’re doing so good sucking daddy off like this” he praises, fisting his hand within your hair for the umpteenth time tonight. The limb adding a bit more pressure, it forces you to go down a bit further on him, your gag reflex barely being suppressed but you’re filled with glee nonetheless. You then feel your eyes begin to water, thighs clenching together and you want to smile when you hear his moans growing louder and his body shaking harder.
He was close and you start to notice his pace quickening, his hand bringing you back down faster and his thrusts becoming choppier when you feel him tensing up. “Fu- baby where do you want me to c-cum?” He gasps before clenching his teeth. He then looks down towards you, dazed teary eyes filled with mischief and taehyung didn't need anything more than to know where you wanted him most.
“You're so damn amazing” he growls his fist becoming painfully tighter in your hair than before. Your head still bobbing down on him rapidly, it then takes a couple of deep choking thrusts before the man is releasing deeply into your mouth. “Fuuucck” he groans throatily, jaw going slack and you watch in amazement as the climaxing angel jerks a little into you. His cock is throbbing in your mouth, hot spurts of cum shooting towards the back of your throat and you try your best to swallow it all.
When you do, you wait for him to come back down. His grip in your hair falling away and you slowly rise up off of him a lewd pop. You wipe any access from your mouth only to sit back and ask “so are my words as good as my mouth?” You question rather triumphantly at his fucked out state.
Its a missed beat and the man’s shoulders visibly start to shake a boxy smile coming onto his features even though he was panting as if he’d ran a marathon. “I think its is your mouth as good as your words and in this case-it depends...” He then raises his head, that same look of heated determination as before blazing within his eyes even though he was a total mess.
“On what exactly?” You arch a skeptical brow and Taehyung shrugs before looking down- his member still hard as ever. You nearly gawk at it, a wrecking shiver coming up your spine when he moves close to you. An arm wrapping around your waist , you’re hoisted up from the floor and onto his awaiting lap.
Taehyung then pecks your lips, hands coming to lift your dress completely over your body and he’s placing tiny kisses from your collar, to your neck, and stopping once he’s close enough to whisper hoarsely into your ear.
“I'm still waiting for those lips to get put on something”
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venusxxlangdon · 6 years
Hotline Bling
summary: Nothing foretold troubles when suddenly Michael’s phone screen lit up with an incoming call. Without taking his eyes off the laptop, he reached for his phone, thinking it was Gallant.
“Hello?” he asked
“Have you been a good boy?”
AU, where Michael is an art student at Hawthorne University with a penchant for rollerball lip gloss & fleece blankets and the reader, is phone sex operator who accidentally calls the wrong number
pairing: sub!Hawthorne Michael x fem!reader
warnings: dirty talk, smut, sub!Michael, mommy kink, humping
words: 3.3k
A/N: there will be part 2!
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Michael Langdon had been having a penchant for nice things for as long as he remembered himself. He was soft and delicate by nature, so it was no wonder that he enjoyed fleece blankets and scented candles, wide linen shirts to wear around the house instead of old T-shirts paired with sweatpants everyone liked, fluffy socks that made him feel comfy, warm bubble baths, and cinnamon French toasts topped with cherry jam or powdered sugar.
However, not everyone had the same opinion on his preferences. Constance Langdon, his grandmother (may she rest in peace), who raised him like he was her son, had been trying to do everything in her might to make Michael fit into her idea of what boys should have worn, studied in university, and done in their free time. Although, after he brought home his first high school girlfriend she seemed to stop being so hard on him as if the fact that Michael was into girls was some sort of a relief for her. The truth, as usual, was somewhere in the middle: Michael had no idea who he was into and preferred to go with a flow and take interest in whoever he liked no matter their gender, religion, and social background. He was not only a good-looking guy — the blond mop of short curls surrounded his head like a halo; crystal blue eyes, made him look like an angel; cherry kissed lips sometimes had a touch of a peachy lip gloss rollerball he carried in his designer backpack, resembled the petals of a beautiful rose — but he was also beautiful inside, despite a blinkered mindset of his grandmother.
When he moved to a small apartment that was only 20 minutes away from Hawthorne University where he was majoring in art, he started decorating the place to his liking: curtains made of sheer organza flowed down the windows like sea foam; the transparent fabric allowed the sunlight to spill into the room, bounce off the walls and flood every corner of it with radiant warmth.
The endless list of things he liked to do in his free time mostly consisted of going to the exhibitions and gallery openings, attending independent movie premieres with his artsy friends, grabbing a strong espresso on the way to class every morning, and dancing to his favorite songs while cooking. He lived alone and was comfortable with it because truly deep in his heart he was a loner. Of course, he had friends, take, for example, Gallant. A very extravagant guy he had met at one of the events and immediately clicked with. Michael did not know whether he believed in soulmates, but Gallant was definitely one of those people in his life who understood him and shared the same interests. However, Michael always enjoyed his time alone in the perfect world he built around himself and spent so much effort maintaining and protecting from people who thought that it was their duty to call it too “feminine”.
“Angel! I’m home!” he stepped into the apartment and tried to shut the door with his shoulder because both of his hands were busy holding a new print he’d got from Gallant and a paper bag from Whole Foods.
A white cat appeared around the corner to greet his owner who never managed to come home without a handful of stuff. He cautiously approached the print Michael put against the wall.
“How have you been, little guy?”
Michael found Angel a year ago on the way home when he was returning from a bar he went to with Gallant and his boyfriend. It was during the time when he was recovering from an extremely painful breakup with his last girlfriend. It was a complicated relationship from the very beginning, but he thought that his love would have been enough for both of them.
In the end, it left him drained out, heartbroken, and utterly devastated. So there he was young and depressed, cringing at the bitter aftertaste of alcohol, he drank with his friends, on his way to his small studio where nobody was waiting for him. At first, he didn’t understand where the tiny mewls were coming from, but as he approached one of the waste containers, he realized that among the litter there was a small white (well it was gray at that moment) kitten. Alone and abandoned just like him.
“I missed you, love” he smiled at the cat, picked up his bags and made his way to the kitchen.
It was a regular evening for him with a homemade dinner and some tv show in the background. He was sitting on the couch with the blanket around his shoulders and a Mac on his lap, working on a digital project for the upcoming assignment. Angel was snuggling by his side, snoring peacefully, and the light scent of his favorite 26 Santal Le Labo candle was filling the room. Nothing foretold troubles when suddenly his phone screen lit up with an incoming call. Without taking his eyes off the laptop, Michael reached for his phone, thinking it was Gallant.
“Hello?” he asked.
“Have you been a good boy?” the question asked in smooth silky voice on the other end made Michael jump on his seat. He immediately looked at the screen but did not recognize the number, so he hurried to bring the phone back to his ear and demand the explanation.
“Ex-excuse me?” he stuttered.
“I’m asking you if you’ve been a good boy for mommy today,” he felt the blush bloom across his cheeks not only from the lascivious tone of your voice but the words you were saying. What on God’s green earth was that?
It took him a few seconds to first, close his mouth because his jaw had dropped indeed, and second, formulate a coherent sentence.
“I’m sorry, I think you called the wrong number” he bit his lip and looked at the display once again as if the range of figures would have turned into something different.
“Is this strawberryboy69?”
Michael giggled at the nickname and put his laptop aside, straightening his legs out.
“No, my name is Michael, and who are you?”
You started scrolling through the data to check if you had called the right number feeling the embarrassment wash over you. Nervously you scanned the table of clients’ names, and your brows frowned when you found out that you had done everything correctly. Strawberryboy69 was supposed to be the same caller that was being on the line, and his kinks should have been “age play, mommy kink, slight humiliation, choking, and spanking”. There could not have been any mistake unless the client had told the wrong number himself.
“I’m sorry, sir. There’s gotta be a mistake,” you murmured still confused. “Please, accept my apologies, I-...”
And before you even finished the sentence Michael asked:
“Wait, was it supposed to be a sex call? Like for real?”
He didn’t know why he even asked that question, and why his cheeks were still beet red. Of course, the girl on the line was a phone sex operator. Who else would’ve started a conversation asking if he had been a good boy? He unconsciously ran his fingers through his hair and caught himself thinking that the idea of having actual phone sex really excited him. He’d never done anything like that, and it felt forbidden. Even mysterious, since he didn’t even know your name. He looked at Angel nervously as if the cat was judging him.
“Yes, and it seems like the client gave me the wrong number. I won’t be taking your time unless you’d like to try...” you lowered your voice to emphasize the last part of the sentence. Having worked for over a year in this company you had learned that if a caller started asking questions it mean that you got his attention. Even though this guy wasn’t the original strawberryboy69, you could try your luck and make him your new client.
Michael’s breath hitched.
“Um, I am really not sure” he mumbled, hugging the pillow and pressing it hard against his chest trying to calm down. “I’ve never tried anything like this....how much do you charge per minute?” he felt the thrill of the rush tightening in his stomach.
You smiled to yourself. You got him.
“It’s a dollar per minute, and after the 10th minute, the rate is 0.50$. Don’t worry about being inexperienced,” the tone of your voice switched from cool and professional to lustful and teasing in a matter of seconds, and that was what got Michael aroused. “I got you.”
Michael let out a frustrated sigh and flipped on his stomach, resting his chin on the pillow.
“Okay,” he cleared his throat, “okay, I think I want to try this, but what do I start with?”
You leaned back on your chair and put your phone on the speaker ready for the show.
“I want you to tell me about yourself first. What do you like in bed? What are your secret fantasies?” you turned on the timer.
There was some mumbling on the other end, and you heard something like “God, I can’t believe I’m doing it”.
After a long pause Michael spoke:
“It’s nothing extreme”, he said, “I think I am boring, like...okay, so...I don’t really.. Oh God.. Sorry, I can’t do this,” he felt so embarrassed; his cheeks were burning bright red.
It was a normal reaction for the person who had never practiced phone sex, and you understood him. So you took the initiative:
“Michael,” you remembered his name, “do you like being in control and dominating your partner?” you purred.
Michael shook his head as if you could see him.
“No, actually, it’s the opposite. I like when my partner takes care of me. I like it nice and soft,” he felt his cock harden in his pants and instinctively snaked his hand down his crotch to slightly squeeze it.
You briefly made a note “soft, probably sub” on a sticker, brought a pencil to your mouth, and pensively started sucking on the tip. It seemed like you got a new strawberry boy.
“Hmmm, sounds good” he was making a progress indeed, so you made sure to praise him for that, “I would love to take care of you, darling. Tell me what you look like, baby?”
Michael felt hot. Suddenly the temperature in the room increased drastically, and he slowly started unbuttoning his blue linen shirt. He traced the tips of his fingers starting from the prominent collarbones and moving inwards. Gently applying pressure, he whimpered at the sensation. Using a circular motion, he splayed his hand out gently across his chest and brought his fingers together at the pink nipple.
“I’m tall, and that’s why I’m always slouching. My grandma used to be so mad at me for not being able to sit straight, and-...” he paused suddenly realizing what he was saying. “God, I’m sorry, that was absolutely unsexy. I don’t know why I even said that...”
You couldn’t help yourself and giggled in response.
“It’s okay, darling” you hurried to reassure him, “feel free to share whatever you like. I’m listening.”
Michael buried his face in the pillow.
“Okay, okay,” he muttered, “I’m blond, curly-haired, and I have blue eyes, what else...”
You didn’t doubt that he was actually describing himself even though he could have pretended to be whoever he wanted. Most of your clients usually told you that they looked like models or actors, everyone was “tall, skinny, with big 11-inch dick (yes, sure), and pornographic boobs.” You couldn’t blame them for that because it was their fantasy and they had every right to dream about it.
“Baby, you are so pretty,” you told him, “let me lace my fingers through your curls and slightly tug on them so I could kiss that pretty neck of yours.”
Michael involuntary bucked his hips forward, grinding his clothed cock against the sofa.
“I-I-I love neck kisses,” he whispered feeling hot flush wash over him. “And love bites.”
You hummed approvingly. Slowly, step by step, you were going to bring him out from his comfort zone.
“That’s wonderful, kitten” you said twisting a strand of your hair around your finger, “imagine my full lips on your neck. Kissing and sucking on the tender skin. I’d slowly run the tip of my tongue across your throat and bite on your collarbones, mark you as mine. Are you mine, darling?”
You heard a quiet whimper on the other side. Michael’s hand passed the hem of his pants and sneaked inside to wrap around his half-hard cock. His mouth dropped open at the feeling of the velvet skin around the glistening head under his touch.
“Yes, I’d like to be yours.”
“That’s my good boy,” you cooed, “now I want to you touch yourself, baby,” it was like you were reading his mind, and Michael squeezed at the base of his shaft imagining that you were actually watching him.
“Already”, he said brokenly, moving his hand up and down his length smearing the precum.
“You are doing so well, love.” Having worked as a phone sex operator for quite a while, you stopped getting off with your clients, but this time it was different. Maybe it was Michael’s inexperience that got you, or his low, silky voice that sounded hot even when he was apologizing for the unnecessary things, or his appearance that he described. You imagined how nice it would be to have a blond, curly-haired boy on your lap, all flushed with embarrassment and arousal. You started circling your clit with the tips of your fingers through the denim fabric.
“Imagine sitting on my lap, baby,” you couldn’t hold yourself back and miss out on the opportunity to act out that fantasy of yours. “All desperate for me. Rutting your hips back and forth, as my hands cup your ass and squeeze it. Hard.”
Michael’s eyes fluttered open; he lifted his head from the pillow and threw it back at the thought of straddling your thighs, moaning loudly.
“Ugh, please” he whined, jerking himself off. The rough material of the sofa didn’t provide the friction he wanted, and he howled in frustration. “It’s not enough, it’s not enough, please..” he muttered.
You closed your eyes.
“Baby, I want you to take a blanket and put it between your thighs for me. Tell me when you are ready.”
Michael’s trembling hands reached out for his favorite fleece blanket, crumpled it hurriedly and placed it between his thighs. He hooked the waistband of his pants and yanked them down his long legs along with his boxers. A broken moan slipped of his tongue when the tip of his cock brushed against the fuzzy fabric.
“Ready, sweetheart?” you wondered in anticipation. The sweet little mewls escaping the boy’s mouth were driving you crazy. Your pussy was throbbing at the thought of ruining him, messing up his curls, and making those blue eyes water with the unbearable neediness.
“Y-yes”, Michael answered waiting for the next order.
“Now I want you to slowly start humping it”, you said, voice dripping with seduction, “while thinking of my hands sliding down your body, caressing every inch of the exposed skin. C’mon, move your hips in circles.”
His skin felt like it was on fire. His abdomen tensed as he started drawing figure eight with his hips, and he had to bite at the corner of the pillow to muffle his moans.
“Let me hear you,” you whispered while rubbing your clit, “God, I wish I could see you. Tell me how does humping feel, hmm?”
Michael moaned in response. His long fingers formed a fist around the tip of his cock and started sliding up and down the length, matching the thrusts of his hips.
“Feels so good”, he murmured. He licked his dry lips and sighed heavily before asking, “could you, please...argh...” Michael hissed when he accidentally slid his thumb along the slit, “Please...”
“What do you want, Michael?” you urged him to speak up.
“When you asked if I’d been a good boy”, he couldn’t believe he was actually about to ask for that, “you called yourself mommy, and I really liked it,” he rolled his head to the side feeling so damn embarrassed and pathetic.
“Oh, baby,” the boy was insufferable. You spread your pussy and inserted two fingers simultaneously, pumping them in and out, “imagine that it’s mommy’s cunt is clenching around your cock.”
Michael was on all fourth, jerking himself off violently. When a sinful “mommy” rolled off your lips, he bit on his knuckles trying to suppress a desperate squeak.
“I told you not to hold your moans in,” his heart skipped a beat when he heard the stern tone of your voice. “If you want to be quite so desperately, open your mouth and start sucking on your fingers.”
And he obeyed like a good boy. Michael brought his free hand to his lips and stuck his tongue out to lick at the tips of his fingers.
“That’s a good boy”, you moaned at the sloppy sound of his lips sucking on his digits. “Keep going.”
You hoped that he was getting close because your own orgasm started building up inside you with every push of your fingers.
“Mommy, I’m close,” you smiled at Michael’s whimpers. You were definitely in sync.
“I know, baby”, you squeezed your thighs flexing your pelvic floor muscles. “Mommy’s close, too.”
“Please, may I come?” he pleaded, and who were you to refuse him?
“Cum for me, kitten,” you moaned feeling your orgasm unfold, and flooding every cell of your body. “My pretty boy, you’ve been so, so good.”
With a broken cry, Michael let go, and came in his fist, staining his blanket with white stripes despite his attempts not to make it messy. You wished you could have seen his face. Fuck, for the first time you actually wondered what your client looked like.
Michael rolled over on his back. Coming down from his high, he felt ethereal. Starting at the ceiling, he couldn’t believe that a stranger had made him come so hard. He looked at his sticky hand and closed his eyes. Holly shit.
“Thank you,” he whispered and heard your soft chuckle.
“The pleasure was all mine,” you said with a smile and quietly whimpered at the feeling of dump panties between your legs.
You should have already thanked Michael for the call, charged for his time, and hung up, but instead, you were still on the phone with him.
“Hey, listen,” Michael cleared his throat, “is there any way I can contact you later?”
A wide grin spread across your lips.
“Yes, you can use this number. I work from 8 to 11pm.”
You were not going to make it easy for him.
Taglist: @langdons-rep @babypinkstyles94 @sammythankyou @kaigitana @ms-mead @sebastianshoe @langdonsdemon @iloveziggystardust @chaoticevillangdon @sojournmichael @sloppy-little-witch-bitch26 @theghostoflangdon @divinelangdon @avesatanormalpeoplescareme @ticklish-leafy-plant @bbyduncan
People who might like it: @ccodyfern @1-800-bitchcraft @ritualmichael @wroteclassicaly
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advernia · 5 years
i’m amazed that i’ve been active for at least a couple days straight??? is it the effect of lesser fe3h playtimes + the silly coworker writing challenge at the workplace??? oh well ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
since i remembered i was trying to make work commentary a thing here, more rambling / author’s notes under the cut!
jul 6th // ikerev
push your way through the cracks is the first edgar/mc i’ve written here and while i’ve mentioned there that edgar is my fav out of the cast, i fear that i’ll probably take me a very long time to write another one bc... he’s my favorite. i noticed i have the tendency not to write much (or have finished works) about ships i really, really like despite... you know, liking them. hopefully not - shipping aside, i like exploring the characterizations of enigmatic types like edgar.
about the fic, i pretty much like it save for the second part bc i think i could’ve done something more with it - not exactly change the setting, but expounded a little further on it. i don’t know, it feels lacking somehow in comparison to the first two.
there are a lot of flower-related descriptions tossed here and there, but i think i succeeded in not being so purple prose-y? hopefully! this was pretty descriptive, i guess.
with this edgar fic present, that means i have 2 more red army doods to write about, namely zero & jonah. i was really aiming to make edgar the last one tho haha.
jul 12th // ikerev
weave me into your web is canon based, specifically pt. 24 of sirius’ route where they say ‘goodbye’. note those quotation marks.
i think i wrote this after a discussion i had with a friend about sirius & his route - she read some posts commenting on the route and she wanted a nearby opinion. we got into an agreement: while we do find sirius to be indeed husbando material, his route would’ve risked nothing if they gave him more / emphasized his flaws. his flaws, not mc’s, gosh. 
no, seriously. in my opinion, mc fretting so much about being immature sort of blinds her from the little things that prove sirius is not so composed as he appears to be. it gets even worse when she realizes she’s fallen in love with him, and while i enjoy the black army going kira-kira rabu support team + seth being hopeless suitor, i’m going 50/50 on mc. she’s written to be indeed very single-minded come the war phase and while that’s not necessarily bad since she gets to broaden her perspective as she always does, i think i would’ve appreciated it if she came to most of the realizations on her own by reflecting on them based on how the events around her are progressing; and not simply by sirius / someone else pointing it out for her. no wonder she’d think she’s immature in comparison - it also irks me a bit that she keeps on fretting about her feelings for sirius. this is what i’d be sad to see again in other routes: the romance overthrowing the potential / present character development. 
side note: i understand that in relationships with a notable age gap, maturity / perceived maturity can be a problem - i just wished that the route downplayed on this bc honestly, there are other things more interesting to explore than that angle, like, say; isn’t she from another culture or world or something????????? will those differences affect our potential relationship??????????????
on sirius himself, i recall reading on reddit that one person didn’t pick up ikerev for the reason that the cast is too perfect. that’s a fair opinion. i think i can relate this to sirius himself: while throughout the route you do see some flaws in him, he’s still overall the dude you’d write home about + that dude you’d dream introducing to your parents complete with that suave voice (thank u junichi suwabe). no, i’m not saying that he has to have some unlikable or quirky trait / wangsty backstory, it’s just that in my opinion he’s desirable but not exactly relatable. let him struggle, let me see him rise up from it. show me his humanity. there’s the scene with him and lancelot, but i want more. tho him being afraid of being alone is what i find extremely relatable and endearing about him, very nice. otherwise... well, maybe i have to reread the route again or smth.
anyway. the fic emphasizes actually on his character trait of self-control / restraint. did u know too much is bad for u??? it can reflect that since you hold yourself back too much, it could mean that you’re masking your true feelings, for example. there are various psychological studies on that. *stares at sirius* hMMM.
i took care to be quite descriptive on that kiss scene and at the same time, not to be so emotional on it bc it’s still sirius lol - i believe he’s not one to lose himself completely to his emotions, but he’s not that afraid to succumb to some of it - especially if he actually wants to feel them.
... this turned out to be a rant portion rather than a fic commentary now didn’t it
aug 24 // ikerev (i’m seeing a pattern here)
a beginner’s guide to waltz was seriously just some formatting experiment, then it blew up to something larger. i actually like it tho, it’s cute.
writing oliver is actually fun, not bc of the reason that i can be rude. he is rude, but he’s not like that for just the sake of being so. as seen with blanc, it’s probably a result of habit. why exactly he chose to be verbally aggressive is something i’d like to know in his route.
i have no idea how the relationship shift is portrayed either, but i do hope it’s a mortifying revelation on mc’s part lol. like, lookie here, that little kid with his wee shorts and pretty hat that you hang out with all the time and don’t care about acting so ladylike around was that hot hunk who saved you before! oliver’s so amused and never letting her live it down.
for the line ‘i’m not interested in asking you about a decision you’ve made since you arrived here’: the decision mentioned is mc’s promise not to fall in love & to go home. i think oliver would be one of those routes where he falls for her but wants her to go home anyway, but the difference in his route is that he’s very adamant to make her leave. maybe thinking along the lines of ‘i don’t want you to end up like me’ or something. idk. idk what i’m trying to type at this point, lol.
just some random thought, but i do hope ikerev artist tcg someday draws mc in the game outfits / hairstyles bc she’s actually rly pretty. the description of mc’s outfits / fashion of part 4 of the fic was out of me just staring at the my closet portion of the game. don’t ask - i like the hc of oliver & mc having elegant wardrobes / fashion sense, and since i’m too lazy to check up 19th century london fashion trends...
sep 28 // collar x malice
haunted by something still alive was the result of me thinking about guns. don’t ask me either. maybe it’s also a result of me wanting to write something else that isn’t from my horrendous drafts folder lol.
these were actually nice drabble practices, and the first one i clearly had i mind was shiraishi’s. i honestly think it would be fitting, probably around the start of the route where they haven’t got to know each other so well.
from there on i tried to do the drabbles in the route order i did when i played the game, which was mineo - sasazuka - okazaki - shiraishi - yanagi. but tbh when i was writing it became shiraishi - mineo - yanagi - sasazuka - yanagi again - okazaki, lol. i rewrote yanagi’s and okazaki’s three times.
subtitles have their respective mathematical operations on it - i find it kind of cool and funny that those are their symbols (amnesia had the card suits), but when you do think of it properly, it does relate to their characters.
... never forget that hoshino ichika is canonically good with guns.
sep 28 // ikerev
in absence of glass slippers as stated was a part of one of my first ikerev drafts. still a draft until now, but the portion i posted is one of the ‘finished’ sections of the fic.
i don’t headcanon mc as a respectable lady from a equally respectable house or her being a well-off girl, but i like the concept of her being a self-taught lady of society aka she learned stuff like manners, dancing, and etc. out of curiosity or for more practical reasons like fitting in. 19th century london is still the victorian era, so social class and propriety was still a thing.
her taking off her shoes to practice dancing with ray is a sort of a challenge, actually... his measure of improvement will be based on the times that he steps on her feet / how many blisters her feet would gain by the end of the session, lolol - that’s why she says that stepping on a rock is the least of her problems. pretty hardcore, isn’t she?
thus the title actually - glass slippers (mary janes actually) are pretty delicate, but don’t you think a lady’s foot is much more delicate?
with ray’s fic up, i’ve officially written a piece for all of the black army men! nice.
sep 29 // ikerev
neither heaven or hell is holy shit, an mc-centered fic! hella rad - i was half thinking to classify it as a drabble, but since i decided that drabbles are pieces that i may get back on, i kept it as a full fic instead since i’m happy with how it turned out.
all of my screamings are in the tags, so i don’t have much to add besides that lol. however, the writing here is pretty different, and that’s because i was trying to do a three sentence fic challenge kind of thing. buuuuut it became three paragraphs with three lengthy sentences instead lol.
also, there’s some stuff highlighting mc’s london-er/english-ness. washing powder is the british term for laundry soap. 19th century roofs for royals were usually panels, and wooden beams for commoners. different as chalk and cheese is a british expression. i’m certainly not british but i just like emphasizing the fact that mc is of another culture/world, thus there should be differences in how she perceives things / her mannerisms & actions / her way of speech. i’ve been conscious of that in all of my fics involving her.
actually, i do make it a point to watch her way of speaking. i really like the polite way of speaking of 19th century britain (and also of today), so i try to integrate that despite the fact that i’m not british myself lol. it’s hard to fully convey it, but i try with hoping that it doesn’t seem too off. i should probably look for more references to practice it.
this was a very spontaneous piece with actually minor editing involved, and i’m pretty proud of how it turned out.
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noobfics-btsblog · 6 years
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Pairing: JK x reader
genre: some smut *crude language/sex/alcohol use.
summery: Jungkook is all grown up now and he wants to prove it to you.
inspired by ‘Molly Cool’ by Atmosphere and the fact that jk just had a birthday :p
a/n: if you read my fluff ‘Rain’ try my smut ‘Girls like her, Guys like him’ part 1 of a series I’m working on
This night club was a bit “underground” and not many people knew about it and it was smaller than maybe a more popular night club would be, it was more like a bar that just so happened to have a dance floor. even so, it was pretty crowded and at 12 a.m., the party was at full swing.
we were “celebrating” my 21st birthday tonight. i say it with a hint of sarcasm as i hadn’t been the one who wanted to come out tonight. I was with two of my best friends, jimin and taehyung, who were 2 years older than me and seeing as i was turning 21 they had been planning this night out all week.
“i’ll buy you your first drink, but after that, you’re buying all the rounds” jimin said with a laugh “gotta flaunt that ID, you know?” he didn’t give me the opportunity to protest, he was making his way pretty quickly through the crowd of people toward the bar.
i looked over at tae who had stayed by me- laughing of course- and decided i’d complain to him  “couldn’t we have just gotten a few beers and hung out at home? i don’t even like partying”
“you’ll have fun after a few drinks” taehyung said, putting an arm around my shoulder. “come on, lets find a place to sit”
Surprisingly, he was right. he guided me over to some empty couches off to the side of the dance floor where eventually jimin found us with 3 beers in hand. i did eventually buy 2 additional rounds of beer followed by 3 rounds of shots-courtesy of taehyung- needless to say, we were having a pretty good time laughing and bullshitting- tae even trying to give me a lap dance at some point. And speaking of dancing, the music wasn’t bad either. some night clubs have the tendency to play trendy pop songs or aggressively hip hop (or so I've been told). tonight this place was mixing it up well; everything with heavy bass. i was getting into it myself as i started to nod along with the beat.
“Ah..we need to find some women soon!” tae began as he took his 4th shot “i feel way too good and this music is too nice to just be sitting here with you two...although...you are starting to look kinda cute jungkook-ah” he pinched my cheek and i rolled my eyes. this dude was definitely drunk. i gave him a swift punch in the ribs to which he responded to with a grunt. “ah punk” while we were laughing, jimin sitting across from us, cut in.
“actually, I’ve been eyeing the group of girls over there.” he pointed at the direction behind us. “the group of girls over there by that pillar” when we turned, it took me a moment, but I found the group he was talking about.  They were sitting on a L-shaped couch that was against a wall in one of the corners of the club pretty far from the dance floor. “I saw them come in and they don’t seem to be here with any guys” jimin continued “it’s perfect there’s 3 of them and 3 of us..although, that one at the end looks a bit...” he didn’t finish his sentence, offering only a head tilt with a shrug of one shoulder.
I knew which one he was talking about. the one on the left end. I knew because she was different from the two other girls. the other girls were the cute type, they were bubbly, talkative, wore cute clothes and cute make up. this girl, the girl who had her hand on her cheek and arm on the arm rest, wore all black. she had long hair that fell in gentle waves, smokey eye make up and a bold red lipstick, a black strappy crop top, ripped black jeans, and short black boots with studs. and i saw it all in that order as i looked at her from top to bottom. when i shifted my focus back to her face i noticed something else: she seemed..bored. the other two girls were talking to each other but this girl didn't seem to care to take part as her eyes danced around the club.
“mm, yeah i see” teahyung’s voice cut through my thoughts and i turned back to my group. “well”, he continued slamming a pat on my back, “since it’s your birthday, which do you want?” he gave me a quick up and down of his eyebrows to egg me on.
“they aren’t puppies” jimin chimed in “they might not want either of us”
“it doesn’t matter” I cut in “I definitely cant talk to any girls right now”
“aw don’t tell me you’re shy” jimin teased with a giant smile on his face.
“no..I’m not shy” i lied “just drunk. i don’t want to look stupid”
“ah this kid” tae this time “they don’t call it liquid courage for nothing” jimin jumped from his seat to sit on the other side of me and they both began harassing me, poking at me, shoving me back and forth between them. finally i gave up.
“ok, ok!..” i huffed a breath and turned back to look at the girls. “i guess..the girl in black isn't too bad.” she was still looking off into space, but this time, as if she felt me looking at her, her gaze shifted and our eyes met. neither of us wavered and i wondered what that meant..
“really? I thought the other two would be more your type” jimin said. I was still looking at her, she had leaned into her friend and whispered something in her ear and returned her gaze in my direction with a smirk on her face. after the second girl whispered in the ear of the third girl, they were now all three looking at us. my eyes widened and i turned swiftly back to my group. taehyung laughed and nudged me in the arm
“i think you have to now” he handed me my 4th shot that was still on the table in front of us. i took it and knocked it back.
“ah...here goes nothing” i hesitated a moment looking back and forth between my two friends who gave me some looks of encouragement. i stood up first and slowly made my way over to the group, my two friends close behind. the two bubbly girls on the right became giggly, leaning into each other. but not HER, not MY girl. she kept it cool, she looked calm as her eyes smiled along with that sexy smirk of hers. i felt my heart start to race and i hoped that i at least looked as cool as her on the outside. when i was finally face to face with the girls i realized something, i had no idea what i was going to say! i had been to focused on her and her look that i completely disregarded the fact i needed an opening line! for a moment i just stood there in my panic, my eyes shifting back and forth as i searched my mind for something, anything. eventually it was jimin who jarred me out of my stupor with a swift pat on my back.
i laughed nervously and smiled . “um hi..uh..me and my friends..” i started,  pointing to the guys behind me, they had big smiles on there face (trying not to laugh at my weak attempt at a pick up) and tae waved “we noticed you guys from across the way and..thought we’d ask if we could join you?” as i said that last bit my eyes floated over to the girl in black. taehyung, practically pushing me out of the way, came up from behind me.
“actually..” he said extending a hand toward the girl in the middle, “i was wondering if you’d like to dance?” the girl blushed as she turned to her friends looking for their approval, the other bubbly girl was the only one to give her a sway of the head and a hushed “go”. she smiled and with a nod took his hand.
as they walked away tae gave us his signature ‘peace sign’ goodbye. putting the ‘v’ up to  his face then pointing it at us. it was kind of stupid but i had to admit, it looked cool just then. as i watched them disappear into the crowd, jimin was already making his move.
“what about you, lovely? would you like to dance, i promise I’m really good” he emphasized the word with a quirked brow and that classic jimin eye smile. these guys were starting to make me look bad. i mean, objectively, we were all pretty good looking guys but they were smooth when it came to women. and then there was me. i have good facial expressions or whatever, but when it came to talking to girls, it didn’t come so naturally to me.
the girl looked into jimins eyes and simply nodded. and then they were gone. leaving me alone with the girl in black. i turned to look at her. she still had the same expression on her face. like she was daring me to say something and didn’t think i was up for it. i took the dare.
“um can i sit with you”
“what? you don’t dance?” she raised a brow. her voice was even and smooth, like her voice was made of velvet and drenched in seduction- or at least that’s the effect it was having on me- i licked my lips, my mouth suddenly felt dry. i took a seat next to her, hunched over a bit (elbows on my knees, my attempt at looking relaxed), and wringing my hands nervously between my legs.
“I’m actually a dancer- all three of us, actually. I just thought we could talk first”. i cringed internally. how many times was i going to say ‘actually’?
“And what do you want to talk about?”
I shrugged “I don’t know. what’s your name..for starters..I’m Jungkook” I tried to shake her hand but she didn’t take it.
She narrowed her eyes  and began to lean closer to me and i felt my body tense as i sat a little straighter. “how old are you”. she was smirking.
I looked away for a second trying to think if I should lie, then back to her. She looked like she was around my age so I couldn't understand why she was asking me. So, I decided on the truth. “I’m 21″
“Aw, cute” she smiled. “are you having you’re first drink tonight? Is that why you’re here?”.
Was she mocking me? Did i just lose my shot before...  “No. Its not my first drink. Don’t we all have our first drink early?” I felt defensive “How old are you? It’s not like you look any older than me”
“I’m 25.” she said evenly. I furrowed my brows and shrugged. she understood what i was trying to say: so? “That’s a whole 4 years older. I mean, don’t get me wrong, physically you’re man-” she raised her brows while her eyes danced around my body. i shifted in my seat, rolling my shoulders back once. “-but mentally, in my experience anyway, guys like you are immature..” she got even closer until she was right up next to me. she put a hand on my knee and leaned in to speak  low and slow into my ear. “I know what you’re thinking: 4 years isn’t that far apart. But it is, and you start to realize it slowly. Guys like you, haven’t lived life yet. Your mind is somewhere between cocky high school fuck boy and early college frat douche bag. Guys like you..think life comes easy because why not, it always has?-” she started to move her hand up my leg, then up my torso, and finally finding its home on my neck, her thumb resting just under my jaw. And she leaned back a little so that we were face to face. “Guys like you...still care to do a bunch of stupid shit to impress people.” The hand that was on my neck began to slide down and she ran a finger along my jaw. And then, the little tease just clasped her hands on her lap and smiled at me, satisfied that she had left me speechless.
Now any guy would have taken the loss and left. maybe even call her a bitch as they did. But me, I felt a sudden curiosity come over me. So I didn't leave, Instead I snorted a laugh. Her face twisted into an angry sort of confusion. “You think you have everything all figured out?” I wasn’t mad. I genuinely wanted to know -was she always like this, and why? and why did i like it? “You think i don't know anything? Let me tell you what i know." I felt a smile grow on my face seeing her still confused. "Girls like you.." I began slowly (I needed to think), "Girls like you think they're cool. But really, girls like you are just bitches." I was wondering if I was going to far. I've never called anyone a bitch, much less a woman. but she only smiled..so I kept going. "Girls like you, like to make people feel small. Girls like you, like to feel superior. Girls like you, act like you don't care about anything. But it takes energy and practice to be that way. This-" I said waving my hand over her, "took a lot of practice. And girls like you practice because you don’t want to let people in. Because girls like you act like they know everything when really...you're just as clueless as me." she didn't say anything so I continued. "As far as who's trying to impress who, I haven't done anything..yet..but you, you've made quite the impression on me" The corners of her mouth were threatening a smile. "So, what else should we talk about?" I was feeling confident- almost a little cocky- probably thanks to the alcohol.
"Jungkook..." She said, dragging her eyes all over me again, tilting her head to the side as her eyes returned to meet mine. "Have you ever been with a woman?" Aaand all of a sudden, all that confidence I felt washed off me in a wave of panic.
"y-yeah..I have" and it was true, I had been. One thing she had right was that things did come somewhat easy to me, one of those things being women. I wasn't any good at talking to them, but it didn't matter, they weren't interested in talking. But this lady..she caught me off guard.
"not like me you haven't"
She was so bold I wasn't sure if that was an invitation or just more of her confusing ramble. But I took my shot. "do- do you wanna get out of here? Or should we stay a while?"
For the second time she pressed herself against me with her hand much higher on my thigh than before and again, her voice nice and even, she said: "I don't care" for a second I didn't know what to do, but then, I swayed my head back, gesturing toward the door.
She smirked, stood up and started walking toward the exit. I was dumbfounded for a moment, I couldn't believe that's all it took. But after coming to my senses I stood up abruptly and practically jogged up to her. I caught a glimpse of Jimin on the dance floor, he saw me, I gave him a peace sign and my cockiest, head tilted back, look. I saw him laugh and i was out.
The taxi ride back to my apartment was uncomfortably silent. I didn't really know what to do, I mean, what was proper etiquette when someone so easily agrees to come home with you? I wasn't lying when I said I had been "intimate" with a girl before, but, there were steps to get there: a conversation, buying of drinks, a dance, make out session, heavy petting over the clothes. Or, if it was someone I wanted to go steady with: getting to know each other, flirting, a FEW dates, and then MAYBE sometime down the road if she was into it. But what the hell do I do when she went from insulting me, to inviting herself over to my place? A thought crept it's way into my mind. I looked out the window -away from her- as I shut my eyes tight, rubbing my forehead, trying to will the thought away. But it was too late...what if she was a hooker? Fuck. What if I walked into an elaborate scam. What if, after we..and she demanded payment after..and I refused..and she leaves, only to come knocking my door down with the pimp that had been following us the whole time? Nervously, I looked behind us. Good, no one was there. I turned to look at her and she winked. That didn't make me feel better.
We got out of the taxi and she let me walk ahead as I lead her to my apartment. I lived on the second level, and my legs felt like jelly walking up to my door. I opened it and motioned for her to walk in first, extending my arm.
"I have a roommate but he's out of town" I started to say as I entered and turned away from her to lock the door behind me. When I faced her again, she was topless, displaying proudly lush and perfectly round breasts. I froze, looking at her with wide eyes.
"what's the matter? You don't like what you see?" She said in a forced pout.
I blinked a few times "i-its not that..you're beautiful".
She smiled. "Do you want to touch them?" I could only nod. Slowly, she closed the distance between us. She took my hand and drew my forefinger to her lips. She kissed it, before she put it her mouth and drawing it out again, slowly, licking the underside, and giving it another kiss. The whole time looking into my eyes through her thick lashes. And that's when I lost it.
I drew my hand out of hers and buried it in her hair as I crashed my lips into her hard. She stumbled back a little at the force. I caught her, grasping her hip with my other hand. She let out a soft moan as our kissed deepened and that made me weak, I whimpered and started to walk her backwards to my room that was just across the hall from the entrance.
Without taking my lips off her I kicked the door closed behind me. I was feeling good. Euphoric. All the tension left my body. I wasn't just drunk from all the drinks at the bar, I was drunk off her as I drank up everything she had to offer. My hands snaked around her body. First from her hip, up her side as I let my thumb just barely graze the side of her breast. Then around and up her back to feel the smooth bare skin. She was soft. And with that thought I took the hand that was Tangled in her hair and slid it down her neck, my finger tips barely grazing the skin, brushing passed her prominent collar bone and down the middle of her cleavage. She broke our kiss and let out a shuddered sigh and I saw the goosebumps start to form. I looked deep into her eyes as I let my fingers roam further down her torso where I found two things: a belly button piercing and (most importantly) the button to her pants. I undid the button and zipper with one hand and feathered my fingertips from the other back down her back to free her from the denim. I kissed her lips, her neck, her chest, and finally her stomach as I dropped to my knees and pulled off her pants. I was gripping her hips with both hands as I bit and kissed the flesh just above her panties. She was wearing a satin black thong. My left hand slid down and around and gripped her thigh. I wanted to tease her a little, pay back for how she treated me at the club. I was going to lay a few more sloppy kisses on her leg right along her bikini line, maybe nibble at her through the thin material covering her mound until she begged me to go further. But instead, something caught my attention. She had a large snake tattoo. It wrapped around her thigh once with the head ending on the outside of her leg facing her hip bone. I don't know why it intrigued me so much. I tracked it with my fingers for a moment marveling at the intricate detail of the scales that were sticking up like scales on a dragon. It was a deep red color with some yellowish tones around the mouth and had a black line down the middle. But I think what I focused on more was the deep, dark look in it's eyes.
I must have paused for a moment too long and I felt her hand slide from my shoulder to the back of my neck.
"Do you like it?.." I looked up at her as she spoke. "It's said to be the most venomous yet least aggressive. And some say the second most beautiful snake in the world. Wanna know which is the first?" I didn't speak, I couldn't, the only response I could give was the eager look in my eyes and my undivided attention. She leaned in close so her face was only inches away. When she spoke again it was only a whisper.
"The first one is me"
She stood straight again and was now looking down at me with her head tilted to the side and a smug look on her face. And here I was, still on my knees and speechless. Fuck this. For the millionth time tonight I was glad I was drunk and I let the alcohol take over.
As I stood up I took her with me, lifting her up swiftly and wrapping her legs around me. She gasped at the sudden movement and I felt her squeeze me tighter. I walked over to the bed where I basically dropped her on her back. She still had that same smug look on her face except now she was giggling.
"What's wrong love? Are you afraid of snakes?"
Now it was my turn to make her speechless. I didn't answer her. Instead I crawled on top of her and lowered my body, one hand falling on her hip as I supported myself on my elbow with the other arm.
"No.." my voice came out in a raspy whisper, "and I'm not afraid of you either, so stop trying to scare me away" her smile started to fade and for a moment she looked as cute and innocent as her friends did earlier as she looked at me with those dark eyes.
All at once lunged up and wrapped her arms around my neck and she was kissing me with more hunger than before. As her tongue swirled around with mine my hand slid up from her hip and finally made its way to cup her breast. I squeezed the supple flesh and ran my thumb all around the nipple as I pressed my Jean covered erection into her.
Suddenly, she broke away from me. She grabbed the collar of my and pushed me off her.
"Get against the headboard" she demanded in a husky voice. And being the gentleman I was, I complied. I switched her places and scooted up so my back was against the headboard and supported by pillows.
"Undress. Shirt first" she cocked an eyebrow. My head tilted to one side and I smirked. I was confused but amused at the same time. What was she up to? Again I obeyed. I started to unbutton my shirt, tilted my head back keeping my stare on her to see any hint of reaction. She seemed to enjoy what she was seeing and she bit her bottom lip.
After seeing that I was satisfied enough to take my stare off her and instead looked down at hands to unbuckle my belt, still wearing a slight smirk on my face. I took my pants and underwear off in one swift motion letting my erection bounce off my stomach. Nothing had really happened, just a few kisses and touches, but the mystery of her and what was about to happen had left my mind open to the imagination and that was enough to leave me fully erect and throbbing. I lifted my graze, and slowly she looked up from my cock and gave me a mischievous grin. She started to crawl closer. She licked her lips as she did. She straddled one of my legs and smugly sat up straight, licked the palm of her hand, gripped the tip, and slid it all the way down to the base.
My breath hitched, and with each up and down glide I moaned and hissed. And soon enough I was pudy in her hand.
"Does it feel good?" She sighed out. I let out a staggered breath and nodded. "Tell me"
"it feels amazing" I groaned and let my head fall back only to be brought back up by the sudden feeling of her warm wet lips sucking the tip. I huffed out a breath and reached out for her shoulder to regain my self. Her tongue swept passed her lips and licked the underside of my cock from base back to tip where she closed her mouth and came off it with a light pop that sounded more like kissing noises. She played with it a little, sucking the head, rubbing the underside of her tongue along the top and then swirling it around. I was a mess of hisses and soft sighs until she finally took me into her warm wet mouth. I groaned loud and slid my hand into her hair as she wrapped her mouth tightly around me, making sure her tongue was always in contact.
My head was still laid back against the wall, which apparently she had a problem with. I felt her poke my chest with a single finger. When I looked down she came off me with a pop.
"I'm doing this for you..why aren't you watching?" Her voice sounded almost innocent, but it was forced and it was apparent it was a "good girl" act when she tilted her head to one side.
"I'm sorry" I said breathlessly.
Slowly, a big smile started to form "that's a good boy"
Without warning she plunged down on me faster this time. I groaned and winced. All I wanted to do was shut my eyes and concentrate on not fucking cuming! But I didn't. I kept my eyes on her as she asked. The room was dark, but the moonlight was seeping through the window hitting her like a spotlight.
The scene it illuminated, objectively, was obscene. Her bobbing up and down on my dick, spit everywhere, lipstick smeared. But I couldn't help but think 'beautiful'. My train of thought was interrupted by her again. Literally sucking and making her tongue pulse against me. The feeling was similar to when a woman is about to orgasm. The walls clenching and releasing. I was about to come undone. At this point I was holding her face with both hands and nearly bucking my hips deeper into her.
"I'm guna cum" I mumbled. As soon as I said the words, she swung her head back and sat up on her knees.
"No you're not. Not yet" she said with a small grin. She slipped off her black silky thong and crawled closer. Each move looked slow and precise. The way maybe her snake would when it found its prey. She straddled me, not yet letting me in. She held me in her hand still rubbing it with the left over spit.
"Do you want to be inside me jungkook?" Sje whispered in my ear. I sighed out as I let my head fall on her shoulder and wrapped my arms around her. One hand on the small of her back, the other in her hair again.
I really did. I wanted to grab onto her shoulders and push her as deeply down on my throbbing cock and fill her up with the whole length of me as I also bucked into her slow so she could feel how hard she made me. But there was no gentlemanly way of saying such things. Which left me to only whisper:
"I do"
She stood up on her knees and she led the tip of my dick to her. I found out she was wet as she swirled it around her entrance, coating it in her arousal. How was she wet already? Just from sucking my off? I didn't have time to have a second thought as lowered herself slowly, taking every inch of me.
We both gasped. We settled like this for a moment; my forehead against her chest, I wrapped my arms around her tightly and pressed her as close to me as possible as she waited to adjust to the feeling.
I needed some time to adjust as well. For one, I had been so close to coming just a few moments ago, but the pressure of her tight silky walls were calming the feeling a bit. I felt my self shutter as I let out a few staggered breaths.
She ran her fingers up the nape of my neck and in my hair. I looked up at her and she smiled. It was a small and kind of shy smile, but for the first time tonight it was a true, genuine smile. I huffed a smile myself and she giggled with me. It was like, for a moment, we both realized how crazy this was.
She leaned in and gave me a peck on the lips. When she pulled away, that mischievous grin was back. She grabbed my wrists and unwrapped my arms from around her. She held my arms down as she started to rock her hips into me. I sighed out with every movement. They were short and precise strokes. It felt good and she seemed to be enjoying herself. Her eyes had closed and her mouth had parted slightly.
The room filled with soft sighs and low moans as she continued to ride me.
The wan was driving me crazy as she quickened the pace. She didn't let me touch her. She had my arms pinned down and I let her take control. I liked it, I only half pretending to try to break free. But I wasn't going to let her getting away with this so easy. She wouldn't let me touch her- fine. Instead I bucked my hips up in rhythm with her. That earned me a deeper groan falling from her. She let her face fall into the crook of my neck. She sighed and moaned in my ear as the movements became more precise, stronger, deeper.
I felt her walls start to tighten. Her nails dug into my arms and I knew she was close. Her moans were turning into whimpers and her lips were grazing my ear. Her hair was in my face. I couldn't see I could only feel and it was amazing.
Her breath hitched and she hesitated only for a second and she went back to rocking her hips back and forth, riding out her release. She quivered and panted. I couldn't take this anymore.
I broke free from her grip, wrapped my arm around her, and swiftly flipped her on her back, taking my place. Now I was in control. She squealed excitedly at the sudden movement.
I pressed myself against her core, trying to bury myself deeper. She wasn't laughing anymore. Instead now she wrapped her legs around my waist tightly and let out a dragged out, relieved almost, moan and let her arms rest above her head. I pressed her arms down this time and began to land kisses anywhere I could. Her lips, her neck, her collar bones. All the way down until I reached her breast and took it in my mouth. My tongue played with her nipple. Swirling in circles and flicking it across the sensitive flesh. I was keeping my rhythm hard and deep. Not too fast at first. Not until she was a whimpering mess. Her back arched and she cried out. She tried to wiggle her arms out from under me, but unlike me, she actually couldn't.
"just tell me what you want" i said against her chest, my voice a husky whisper. I wanted her to beg this time. I slowed the pace so give her the opportunity to speak. Now I was coming out fully and slowly driving myself back in. Her moans were now mere sighs, she was catching her breath. She swallowed before she went to speak.
"I want you"
"I'm right here" as I spoke the last word, I let my throbbing cock dig deeper and I lingered there for a moment to emphasize my point. She let out another dragged out moan and my name followed.
"kiss me" her eyes looked deep into mine, they were pleading. I looked at her parted lips..and I couldn't resist.
My mouth went crashing down on hers. My hands slid down from her arms and down her body. She grabbed the back of my head and deepened our kiss. I snaked a hand around her and cupped the back of her head and the other cupping the curve of her ass. She tightened her legs around my waist as I practically fucked her into the mattress. We were both loud this time. The room filled with her cries, my grunts, and the sound of flesh repeatedly against each other. I felt her start to quiver again and the walls of her pulse around my dick. The more she closed on me the more my own pressure started to build. Her nails were digging into my back again. I buried my face into her neck as we both climaxed at the same time. I felt the heat spill out into her and I slowly rode out my orgasm.
I collapsed on her. She giggled. We were both panting. I pulled myself out of her and kissed her once more before rolling off. We payed there for a second catching out breath.
She let out a satisfied sigh and all of a sudden she sat up, got up from the bed, and started getting dressed.
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rktingyan-blog · 5 years
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when she's prompted for her special skill, tingyan nearly jumps out of her skin. dancing was her best skill, but what she had in store proved to be the most fun. when putting something like shadow puppetry down as a talent of hers, she'd expected to be asked to demonstrate. so with a nod, she asks to grab an item from her bag and returns with a bed sheet and tape. sheepishly, she looks to the expectant interviewer and gives one more request.
"could you turn the lights off, please?"
hesitant but agreeing, the woman stood to turn the light off while tingyan prepared. she had expected to display her talent, and the last thing she wants is to look unprepared. always be a step ahead, she'd told herself. taping the two of the corners of the white sheet to the ceiling, all that could be seen was the silhouette of her frame from behind it.
"okay, ready?" she asks, and once she gets a nod in confirmation she leans to the ground to turn her flashlight on, causing her shadow to be prominent. peeking from the cover, the female gives one last smile to the unamused judge. "hi, i'm chong tingyan, and you're about to see the story of  the emperor's new clothes using shadow puppetry." doing this gave her a wave of nostalgia, using both a skill she'd learned at school and a familiar story from her childhood. it definitely wasn't the same as playing an instrument, but tingyan figures the woman had heard enough piano playing that her own skill wouldn't seem too special in comparison. she'd have to be different.
moving her body from the sheet, she brings her hands into view, her hands crossed in what seems to be the shape of a bird. in between her fingers was a small cloth that waves as she mimics flying. "once upon a time there was a crane, known to be the wealthiest and most prominent emperor in the entire kingdom." the original story involved humans, but tingyan decided to make the story more interesting by involving animals which represented the character's traits. her sentence is spoken in korean, though she prepares to begin switching languages. behind the curtain tingyan bit her lip, nervous for the perception of her skill. maybe it seems childish, or boring? all she could do was hope it was enough.
on impulse, she decides to break out her comfort zone and do something a little different from when she'd practiced. "i am the richest man alive! i'm respected by my kingdom because i am smart and the most wise man of all." the line is spoken in cantonese as she'd prepared, but instead of the standard dialect she goes for an exaggerated impression of a boastful king, whiny like a crane. it felt strange switching to cantonese, the majority of her life in china reliant on mandarin, and cantonese only really being spoken to distant relatives and to her language tutor. she knew enough that she could tell the story properly, but just in case it wasn't spoken by the other she follows up with a korean translation, continuing to do so for the rest of the story whenever chinse was spoken. the interviewer may have been impressed with her chinese, but it was her native tongue - second nature to her, requiring little effort. it was the korean she spoke the majority of her time there that took the most effort out of her, head pounding with the amount of concentration it took to speak in korean without faltering. she had to, though - anything to preserve the magic of a good story.
"he was known for having the finest clothes all around." making sure to wiggle her arm so the cloth flew in the air, she mimicks the bird waving his wings in the air. even she can't help the little giggle coming out her lips as she transitions to the next portion of the story.
"but one day, two manti came to the kingdom in search of the king, advertising some of the finest clothes around." her words hint at obvious sarcasm, as she takes off the cloth offscreen and returns with two hands - each crinkle into the shape of manti. "hello, king..." the girl says, characterizing them as evil with her menacing words in korean. "we come from far, just to present you with our clothes! only the most excellent and wise can see our clothes. grasshoppers all around talk of how pretty our clothes are. come take a look!"
"there they traveled to the weaving store, where the manti showed him all their clothes." as she narrates, tingyan backs up from the sheet to provide the illusion of a crane flying further away. she gets closer once more to show them arriving. "the problem?" she asks, peeking her head out to feign shock at the interviewer. turning her attention back to the presentation, she moves her hands around quickly to illustrate the crane looking around.
"he couldn't see anything! but remember, only the most excellent and wise can see the clothes. emperor crane didn't want to get embarrassed, because everyone else seemed to know what was going on."
"so pretty!" she says softly in mandarin, curving her fingers into a rabbit's silhouette. the language is clearly easiest for her in the way it naturally comes from her lips, her native tongue. swiftly, she moves to a pig, overlapping her hand but leaving slits for the eyes, honking before saying "so nice!" in mandarin. the female hopes the blush on her cheeks isn't evident, because truthfully this whole story was a hit to her ego. it was something 10 year old tingyan would do. nothing like the woman she was now, but she had to push those feelings aside. embarrassed or not, this was her shot to show her enthusiasm.
"uh...right...so beautiful!" the girl claims in cantonese, the whiny voice of a crane coming full force as she switches her hands to it's form once again. "here, have my coins, and you must give me the finest clothes all around!"
"of course, my emperor, the manti said," she says in korean.
in an attempt to speed the story up, she decides against displaying the actions and narrated them instead, this time in korean. "so they took the money and pretended to work, while the crane got excited for his clothes all night. the next day, they presented him with the clothes - to be worn at his very important parade."
""oh...so...wonderful!" the crane exclaimed," speaking in cantonese and doing her best to act as if she's lying, she has the finger puppet wander around as if he’s observing. "the crane then put on his... clothes, ready to face the entire kingdom."" she's sure to emphasize the word, and this time when she takes off the cloth she purposely doesn't put it back on the finger crane.
"so he walked in the parade, and no sooner than he can be seen a croak is heard."
inhaling, the female tries to put her pride to the side best she can and lets out an obnoxious screech. "my god, where are his clothes?" she said, impersonating the most dramatic rooster she could conjure up. "one by one, the crowd began to notice." now came the hardest part, tingyan trying her best to shift from animal to animal - a dog, a squirrel, a crab, squealing "where are his clothes?" in numerous voices. god, please make me less embarrassed than i am now, she thought. finally, following the chaos she returned to the crow, her voice in the familiar whine as she acted out misery. "oh, what should i do? now the people will know i was a fool and followed what others said!"
halting, she approaches the front of the sheet, so her face was in full display. "and that's when the crane learned to be a leader, not a follower." she'd chosen the story because of the importance she felt the lesson held, and when she was done, bowed in appreciation of the interviewer's patience and grins. looking her in the eye, tingyan got a rush of satisfaction as she viewed the seemingly unbreakable interviewer’s hint of a smile. "thank you for your time."
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nsfwviolets · 6 years
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so tumblr is annoying & decided to delete my intro post !! but since i had the opportunity to rewrite vi’s intro post, i decided to make some minor tweaks here & there. & without further ado, here is violet ( again ) !!
a TAYLOR HILL lookalike was strolling down broadway street in their giuseppe zanotti high heels. violet lennox just had a birthday party for her twenty second birthday. she has been living in new york city for fourteen years. i hear she tends to be melodramatic at parties, but also kind of benevolent.
basics ;;
full name:  violet ( soft & sweet ) faith ( unquestioning belief and complete trust in god ) lennox ( northern irish / scottish last name ).
nicknames: vi, v.
age: twenty-two.
birthday: 25 may 1996. 
zodiac: gemini. 
gender: cisfemale. 
pronouns: she / her / hers. 
sexual orientation: bisexual ( in the closet ). 
nationality: american. 
hometown: aspen, colorado. 
parents: diane galindo ( brooke shields ) & richard lennox ( rob lowe ). 
siblings: older sister ( lily collins ). 
pet(s): 6 month old miniature labradoodle named tate. 
religion: roman catholic. 
height: 5′10.
occupation: instagram model / model / socialite.
positive traits: honest, loyal, passionate, responsible, authentic, affectionate, reliable, kindhearted, & courageous. 
negative traits: loud, manipulative, stubborn, materialistic, selfish, abrasive, hypocritical, insecure, & dramatic. 
hobbies: shopping, audrey hepburn movie marathons, traveling, being the center of attention, photography, spontaneous dance parties, working out, massages, doodling, pilates, online shopping, & journaling. 
habits: interrupting someone mid sentence, excessive hair tucking, shoulder rolling, lip biting, & impatiently tap her heels or nails when she is at a loss for words or annoyed. 
aesthetics: silk dresses, red lingerie, lip gloss, lipstick stained coffee mugs, matte nail polish, glitter, dainty jewelry, diamonds, snow days, satin sheets, impulsive shopping sprees, romantic comedy binge watches, ocean waves, lolita, bright lights, day drinking, champagne for breakfast, iced matcha, lingerie as outerwear, yves saint laurent black opium perfume sprayed on the nape of her neck & her decolletage, lavender oil, freckled skin, acrylic nails, snow blanketing trees, hardwood mahogany floors, hgtv reruns, vintage chanel, pretty in pink, rose gold accents, bubble baths after a long day, half naked pictures, & rose water. 
style inspo: taylor hill, kylie jenner, candice swanepoel, josephine skriver, kendall jenner, blair waldorf, & cher horowitz. 
muse inspo: brooke davis ( one tree hill ), cher horowitz ( clueless ), blair waldorf ( gossip girl ), gabrielle solis ( desperate housewives ), mini mcguinness ( skins ), holly golightly ( breakfast at tiffany’s ), kelly kapoor ( the office ), rachel green ( friends ), & mona-lisa saperstein ( parks & recreation ).
background ;;
violet faith lennox is diane galindo’s & richard lennox’s youngest child. born three weeks early on 25 may 1996 at aspen valley hospital in aspen, colorado. the very moment they held their daughter ( who they lovingly referred to as a ‘ blessing ‘ ) in their open arms, they knew that their family was finally complete.
her mother ( diane ) is her parents’ pride & joy. as the eldest daughter of wealthy wall street executives, she has done nothing but make her family proud her entire life. growing up, her dream in life was to help her father’s business but her career quickly changed course when she decided to pursue a career in medicine. the new york native eventually ended up going to harvard medical school in boston, massachusetts where she would end up meeting her future husband. to this day, dr. galindo is one of the most recognizable names in medicine & is world renowned for her work as a reproductive endocrinologist ( fertility specialist ). 
her father on the other hand ( richard ) was born to an influential family in los angeles, california. from an early age, he was exposed to the spotlight due to the fact that his own father was governor of california & hoped to become president one day. however, things seemed to go off course the day the former governor was caught in his own cheating scandal all while being married to a former pageant queen. scandal erupted when the politician not only cheated on his stunning wife with a young secretary but when his mistress announced to the world that she was pregnant. the entire news circuit covered this affair for months & the governor resigned from his position when news broke that he urged his mistress to get an abortion.
following the scandal, the family fell out of the public spotlight. they spent years trying to repaint their public image after it was tarnished for nothing but selfish desire. approximately ten years later, the family made news again but this time about their newly found faith in god joining the long list of religious right wing politicians. richard’s father felt as if the only way to redeem himself was to devote himself to god. after years of distancing themselves from the catholic church, the family dove right back in which became the start of their fundamental catholic values that ruled every aspect of their lives.
as the only son in the family, richard’s parents had high expectations for him. however, he seemed to have different plans for himself that didn’t involve making his family proud or practicing what they preached. as an undergraduate student at yale, his interests were far & few between. his days only seemed to consist of sleeping with random women & binge drinking to his heart’s content. he knew that he didn’t have to be an astounding student because he had a giant trust fund waiting for him at home. but after a drunk driving accident that resulted in a 40 year old woman’s hospitalization & his own arrest, richard knew he had to clean up his act. 
he eventually followed his family’s lead & became an ultra religious catholic. he even managed to boost up his grades & get an academic scholarship to harvard law school where he met diane.
diane didn’t come from a strong religious background. in fact, she liked to tell people that she only believed in science & didn’t have faith or trust in a superior figure. but when she met a young richard lennox, her entire world was turned upside down. she let him into her life, converted to catholicism, & the two got married after three years of dating. 
flash forward to 1992. the married couple is moving to aspen, colorado for diane’s new job at an upscale hospital. they even received a generous check from richard’s parents to buy a mansion in the mountains !!
life for the couple in colorado was serene. they eventually welcome their first child into the world ( a daughter ) & a few months later, their families moved to help them raise their children. both diane & richard always wanted a big family due to their catholic faith. they both agreed they would stop after 6 kids, however, their minds were quickly changed when she became pregnant with violet.
her pregnancy was extremely difficult to say the least. between being on bed rest for months & frequent hospitalizations, she didn’t know if she could do this again. on top of her own health issues, she also had problems with her unborn child. there was even a night where they thought they would lose violet after diane experienced unexplainable bleeding & her fellow colleagues at the hospital couldn’t detect a heartbeat.
luckily, they were able to find a heartbeat after 6 minutes of deafening silence & hushed prayers for a miracle. after that night, they knew that their daughter was a blessing which is why they agreed to give her the middle name faith which symbolizes their unrequited devotion to god. 
eventually, violet was born !! she was born three weeks early & spent a week in the icu but overall she was healthy. she was a bit underweight but she was miraculously healthy. but after everything the family had been through, they decided that violet would be their last child. 
as a child, violet did every thing her parents had asked of her. their faith played a large role in her upbringing which is why she spent every sunday inside of church. 
by the time she was 8 years old, her family decided to move to new york city due to the fact that her mom received a prestigious job on the upper east side. at the age of 8, violet was already a competitive gymnast who’s likes included spending time with her family, competing, & going to school. even then she knew she could do everything she loved in another state which is why she didn’t put up much of a fight when she was told that they would be moving across the country. 
moving from snowy open colorado to the upper east side of manhattan was definitely a culture shock for violet even at an early age. nonetheless, she eventually got used to new york city life & to this day she doesn’t think she would survive a week in colorado. 
even after she moved to a new part of the country, violet remained devoted to gymnastics & her family. she had dreams of one day going to the olympics for gymnastics & everyone who knew her saw her potential. she even competed in world events & became a household name !! although, her parents often emphasized that school & religion come first which is why they made her & her sister attend a private catholic school all the way through high school.
in high school, she was a classic goody two shoes church girl. she was a strong student who received perfect grades in order to please her parents. for the longest time, she didn’t have time for anything other than school & sports but that changed by the time she was 16.
despite attending an all girls school, violet met her first boyfriend through one of her mutual friends. & like all stereotypical teen romances, it was love at first site. she was so infatuated with him that she was willing to put everything in her life on the back burner in order to focus on him. 
& by the time she was 18, she received numerous academic & sports scholarships to prestigious colleges. however, violet decided to take a gap year in order to spend more time with her boyfriend of two years. she knew that she would eventually go to college but she wanted to make some time for herself first. her parents weren’t exactly happy about her decision due to the fact that she has big shoes to fill but they eventually came around the idea & were even happy for their daughter & her wholesome catholic boyfriend.
during her gap year, they spent an entire year traveling the world. they went to bali, greece, peru, brazil, iceland, dubai, thailand, argentina, & morocco. throughout the course of the year, violet documented her travel on her instagram & other social media platforms which is when she started gaining a lot of followers who wanted to watch her travel the world with the love of her life. before her influx of instagram followers, not a lot of people outside the world of gymnastics knew who she was. people of course knew who her parents were ( a famous doctor & lawyer ) but the world did not really know who exactly violet lennox was.
by the end of her gap year violet already had over 1 million followers on instagram !! & she was already getting paid doing what she loves which is travel the world. & since all of this happened during her year off, violet ended up telling her parents that she didn’t want to go to college which damaged their relationship as a result. 
since her parents were so unsupportive of her decision to not go to college & ultimately quit gymnastics, violet ended up moving out of her house & moved in with her boyfriend at only the age of 19. & because her parents were completely unsupportive of her decision not to attend college, they cut her off financially & she was forced to make a living for herself. by this point, her career as a social media influencer was booming so she was already making a lot of money just through promoting detox teas, teeth whitening kits, etc.
it may seem as if life for violet was perfect by this point despite her falling out with her parents. however, that was not the case. even though she fooled the entire world by thinking that she had a perfect relationship, her boyfriend was incredibly abusive towards her & had been ever since the two started dating. although he was never physically abusive, he was mentally, emotionally, & verbally abusive. for years violet made excuses for him & blamed herself for their problems which only made her feel more miserable than she already was. this was her first real relationship & she genuinely thought that they were destined to be together even though she was severely unhappy.
he would constantly cheat, manipulate her, make fun of her appearance & insecurities, & wouldn’t let her do anything without his permission. the two were together for three years & there even was a time where violet became pregnant but quickly had an abortion without him knowing as soon as she found out. just three months after living together, she finally found the courage to break up with him. although it wasn’t easy at first, she’s thankful that she finally got out of a dangerous relationship. she also understands the dangers of social media better than anyone else because she fooled the world into thinking that she was in a happy loving relationship when that was far from the truth.
when violet told the world about their breakup ( most likely in an instagram live or an instagram story ) she ended up losing millions of followers. the majority of her followers only followed her to watch her travel the world with her boyfriend so once they found out that they were no longer together ; they didn’t see the point in following her anymore. 
for an entire year following her breakup, violet began to spiral out of control. she started using drugs, alcohol, & partying as coping mechanisms in order to help her move on & forget about everything she had endured. that of course didn’t work but that didn’t stop her from partying every single night of the week & ending up in a stranger’s bed. eventually, she even leaked her own sex tape & naked pictures to the press in hopes that the press coverage would help make up for the millions of followers she lost on instagram. 
& as she expected, the world would not stop talking about her sex tape for months. she gained the most followers she has ever done & eventually she got real modeling jobs as a result of her popularity. she hasn’t exactly told the world that she was the one who leaked the 20 minute video but everyone in their immediate circle knows she did it & also knows that she has other videos lying around for ‘ emergency ‘ situations. 
however, her parents cut off all contact with her following her scandal & it is still something that cuts deep two years later. she tells herself & everyone around her that she doesn’t need a family but everyone knows that’s a lie. it’s just a lie she keeps on telling herself to feel better about herself. 
violet managed to clean up her act & went from being a social media influencer to an actual model. many people don’t respect her name due to her troubling past with her sex tape & being an instagram model but that doesn’t seem to stop her. she has been featured in the love advent calendar, the victoria’s secret fashion show, & many fashion weeks since then. she is also the youngest global ambassador for lancôme & ralph lauren !! as of recently, she has been doing a lot of work with victoria’s secret & has been featured in many catalogs & even became the newest face for one of their fragrances. although she has become more of an actual model rather an instagram model, she still stays loyal to her social media platforms which is why she has over 100 million followers. 
she lives a happy life after being so unhappy for so long but she still seeks her parents approval even though they have no contact with her. 
personality ;; 
for someone who is incredibly smart, she pretends to be dumb sometimes. she doesn’t think that guys like smart girls so she dumbs herself down. but she could also be a ditz at times ( unintentionally ).
she likes to think of herself as approachable but she also knows that she can be intimidating. nonetheless, she tries to be nice to everyone who comes her way unless they say the wrong thing to her & then she switches on her mean girl switch that comes far too easy for her. 
even though violet is a lot to deal with, she is a nice person !! although she does have a flair for the dramatics & denies being dramatic all the time. she also likes to think of herself as a ‘ good girl ‘ even though she is far from one. she loves sex & isn’t afraid to shy away from that but she still tells people that she’s good or an angel because it makes herself feel better about herself.
she also goes to confession 1-2 times a week to pray for her sins in order to get into heaven. she thinks with the amount of adultery she commits on a daily basis she needs to pray for her sins otherwise she won’t go to heaven & she thinks she looks way better in white than in red. 
if you do her wrong, she will go out of her way to make your life a living hell. she is incredibly protective over the people in her life so she will do just about anything for them including berating people. revenge might as well be her last name !! 
she may be loud and unnecessary at times but she is kind hearted and does mean well. even if she does have a bad way of showing it at times. 
miscellaneous ;;
since she comes from a strict traditional upbringing, she was taught that being anything other than straight is wrong. so when violet first started experimenting with girls & even developed feelings for one, she told herself that she was going to hell. this is one of the reasons why she has not come out of the closet or has even come to terms with her sexuality. she denies all past same sex encounters & relationships which isn’t healthy. but since her parents disowned her following her sex tape, she knows that they would hate her more than they already do. if they ever found out that their daughter was anything but straight they would lose their minds & she’s still hoping that one day they could repair their relationship. apparently being bisexual is worse than having a sex tape !!
when she was a competitive gymnast for the united states national team, she was often put on strict diets in order to keep up. as a result of the strict dieting & unrealistic body images, violet developed bulimia as early as 12 years old. so when she quit gymnastics after deciding not to attend college, she was happy. she loved the sport but hated the pressure. even to this day, the sport isn’t actually sure what happened to her because she was an olympic hopeful. they all thought that she could have been the next gold medalist but she values her own mental health & sanity over a couple of medals. & even though she sought help for her eating disorder that reared ugly heads at times, she did slip up a lot while she was with her boyfriend who would make fun of her appearance. even now she isn’t 100% but she is better than she has ever been.
she also had another abortion with sebastian after a one night stand. she doesn’t like to talk about it but she does wonder what her life would look like if she did have the baby or if she could ever get pregnant again.
is extremely flirty & alluring.
violet also believes that the world revolves around her. many people may find her confidence to be annoying or superficial but she takes pride in it because it took her so long to learn how to love herself after being with her first boyfriend.
speaking of relationships, she’s terrible at them. she often runs away when things become too serious, manipulates the people she’s with, or breaks up with them for no reason. her logic is that she wants to hurt someone before they have the chance to hurt her. she still has yet to understand that the rest of the world isn’t like her ex but her past still haunts her every time she catches feelings.
she likes to tell people that monogamy isn’t the life for her which is why she prefers casual sex. she is also a proud sugar baby & has many sugar daddies !! most of them are old & married but she is a sucker for anyone who buys her nice things. 
also has an instagram account for her dog !! 
her most used emojis in her phone are the martini glass, the suggestive face, & the pink glitter heart.
she’s a gemini which means that she is expressive, quick-witted, sociable, and affectionate. 
her favorite tv show is gossip girl. 
her favorite movie is the notebook.
has a passion for photography but hasn’t explored it seriously. she understands that she makes a living off of being another pretty face but she also wants to explore other aspects of her career like photography & maybe even acting.
she often considers going to college or even going back to gymnastics a lot but she not made up her mind yet. she is happy right now as a model but she does miss aspects of her old life.
as an instagram model, she is like kendall jenner or gigi hadid. in other words, she has a large following & people book her for photo shoots & fashion shows in order to boost their own notoriety because it looks better on their part. her walk is average at best but she does have a beautiful face. people hate instagram models working in the real modeling business as it is so they despise an instagram model with a sex tape !!
she lives in a townhouse in chelsea that has been featured in architectural digest twice. her home is filled with hardwood floors, marble, gold accents, & constantly smells like lavender. 
the last concert she went to was lana del rey.
the last song she listened to was everybody loves you by charlotte lawrence.
the last show she binge watched was you.
the last movie that made her cry was tangled.
loves wellness shots after dogpound workouts.
this is her !!
also violet !!
alskdfj violet af 
i can’t Believe this is vi 
very violet
taylor also looks like her alskdjf 
lsdfj vi is kelly
more musings !!
violet on a friday night
gets daily massages by her french masseuse.
all & all, she is a mess but she loves the people in her life !! 
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kayr0ss · 6 years
Appointments Chapter 2: She’s a Little Abrasive
[LWA, Diakko, Small Town AU, Fluff and Slow Romance, Pining™ lol]
Chapter 1 & Table of Contents [Links] AO3
She would have really liked her first, new, friend to be here for the occasion, but Lotte had class and Akko could understand. Besides, they were going to have brunch at a cafe the following morning—and Lotte was bringing a friend!
She was definitely going to master biking today. Any minute now! She could feel it in her bones.
…at least, in the ache of her bones.
A few days prior, Lotte had dutifully brought Akko downtown where shops lined the streets and market stalls set up camp in the few open lots. It was a wonderful experience; they made a girls’ night out of it. By the end of the evening, Akko was the proud owner of a brand-new bike.
Never mind that she didn’t actually know how to ride it. Yet.
‘Yet’ was very important, because whenever Atsuko Kagari put her mind on something, she did every damn thing she could to get it done. She had a new bike, a lot of free time—I probably need a job soon—and nothing to lose. She popped her knuckles, tongue-in-cheek while she gripped the leather coverings of the handle bar. Like a sniper, the brunette surveyed her surroundings. The park was in a state of relative peace, apart from the grade school football team practicing at the center field. She was in the designated bike lane which encircled the field, and the weather was dry and overcast. It was three in the afternoon on a Thursday, only a few locals had come out for their afternoon runs, so she was going to have to maximize the time she had the lane all to herself.
She remembered being seven, sitting cross-legged in front of their TV while she watched a famous triathlete finish the Samhain Cup in record time. The woman said something about believing in your heart—Akko couldn’t remember the exact words—but it was enough to get her going. She pushed the right pedal down, and with excitement in her chest she felt the bike roll forward. When the momentum was enough to keep her upright, she grinned, bringing her left foot to its respective pedal, pushing down on it with renewed confidence because she was going fast enough to feel the wind against her skin!
She was biking!
And then she was screaming.
“Shit!” was an understatement—she completely missed a rock and was unceremoniously tossed off of her bike. She hissed, feeling a sharp, stinging pain at the knee, blinking through the mess of brown hair that had flown forward and covered her face. She pushed herself up on her palms and could hear the bike’s rear wheel still spinning on its axle. At least it wasn’t broken?
Akko saw a strong hand thrust in front of her face.
“—was a complete embarrassment.”
“I noticed.” Akko groaned, clasping the hand. She mumbled a small ‘thank-you’ while she was pulled up—her knee was bleeding pretty badly.
“You need to have that cleaned,” the woman pointed out. “Then buy some knee pads. Or borrow some from the kids,” she pointed over her shoulder towards the football team.
Akko regarded her wound with a cringe. She bent downwards, trying to dust off the grime around it, but when she looked up to ask for her name, the lady had turned on her back and was walking towards the field. Akko shrugged, figuring she’d be hanging around the park often enough to see her again anyway.
But for now, she needed to see a doctor.
Or not. That’s going to have to wait. Skinning her knee wasn’t part of today’s schedule and she had Applied Physics by five-thirty. Soap and a bandage would do, and Akko cursed her luck while she walked her bike back to the apartment; she didn’t feel like sprinting across town again.
By five-fifteen, she was freshly showered and seated in class. Akko did a little dance because ‘small victories count!’
Applied Physics wasn’t as bad as it sounded. She thought it would be full of undergrads like Sociology was, but it seems this was the nightshift class—full of post-grads who needed units in science ‘for formality’s sake’ like her. There were only a few in attendance, and she had acquainted herself with a peculiar girl named ‘Sucy’. Akko had, in her usual fashion, declared them friends out of ‘Asian solidarity’, and honestly Sucy didn’t look like she cared so she took that as a yes.
It was a pleasant surprise when she discovered that the friend Lotte was bringing for brunch was Sucy from Physics.
“I can feel the beginnings of a solid friendship!” Akko grinned, starry-eyed while she looked between Lotte and Sucy.
“I thought I was through with this idiot last night,” Sucy drawled, to which Lotte only sighed.
“Sucy and I have known each other for a while,” Lotte supplied. “We’re roommates.”
“You guys live together?” Akko asked in wonder.
“Yeah,” Lotte smiled, “helps cut costs. Tuition is expensive, and I’m trying to finish my degree as quick as possible because I chose to study full-time.”
“I intern at the Chemistry department,” Sucy interjected.
Akko shot her new friend an expectant look, taking the opportunity to observe her appearance. She exuded an over-all ‘I honestly don’t give a fuck’ vibe, and her long, purple hair which mysteriously covered her eye added to the effect. It suited her.
“That’s it,” Sucy punctuated. “I intern at the Chemistry department.”
Facts and interests were shared over a brunch of eggs and toast, and while it was mainly Akko and Lotte who did the talking, she eagerly learned more and more about Sucy Manbavaran and her talent in mixing things that either exploded, corroded any organic material it interacted with, or corroded the material before causing it to explode. Akko thought it was ‘really cool’ that she cultivated a mushroom colony underneath her bed, but apparently Lotte didn’t because ‘fungi’ and ‘potentially dangerous spores’.
The minutes ticked by and their drinks had gone cold. The cafe owner—a kind, soft spoken Russian woman—would occasionally join in; Akko learned that Lotte and Sucy were regulars and the owner seemed happy to welcome a new face to the neighborhood. Lotte had ordered and slice of cake (“They are to die for!”), and the group was sucked into a detailed report of Akko’s biking progress and subsequent accident.
“I can’t believe I let you buy a bike,” Lotte massaged her temples. “Let me see the wound?”
Akko pulled her skirt up, and Lotte winced.
“I think I have something for that,” Sucy had fangs in her grin.
“Sucy—” Lotte hissed, “—no.”
Akko blinked, “but if it helps—”
“Nope!” Lotte set her palm on the table. “You’re going to see a doctor. It’s looks terrible! Why did you leave it untreated over night?”
“I… was late for class?”
When the door to her office swung open, Diana retracted her pen with a click, looking up from the patient file Barbara gave her with a practiced expression of professionalism. She would nod politely, greeting them a good morning before engaging in small ta—
Brown hair and… red eyes?
“Wait, you?”
Diana didn’t expect the reaction from herself, and apparently her very confused patient didn’t either. She stole a quick glance to the patient file.
Atsuko Kagari F | 24 | Blood type O+ | 161cm | 48kg
Her gaze flitted back towards the woman, and it dawned upon her that this was no way to behave herself at work. She cleared her throat and put a cool facade back on, internally scolding herself for the slip-up. “My apologies,” Diana stood to offer a handshake, “there was a woman at the crosswalk some days ago, I may have mistaken you for—”
“You’re the pretty blonde chick!”
Atsuko-Kagari-With-Red-Eyes-and-Blood-Type-O+ had a finger pointed towards Diana and a slack-jawed look of recognition.
“Excuse me?” Diana snapped.
Her patient visibly cringed. “Shit. Not going to repeat that—doesn’t mean I don’t mean it! It’s just my mouth spews out crap before I really think about it and—anyway—what I’m trying to say is I think I messed my knee up pretty bad.”
Diana crossed her arms, choosing not to react because this woman just made her cycle through three different emotions within fifteen seconds. The best defense was a statement of facts, “so you were the one who shoved me in the middle of the road.”
“Yeah,” the other woman grinned sheepishly, looking away while she scratched at the back of her head. “Sorry about that. Was late to class.”
“Interesting.” Diana raised an eyebrow, “and your knee?”
“Biking accident.”
She relented, choosing to let the circumstances of their first meeting slide in favor of the automaticity of a check-up. Barbara had taken care of the preliminaries—blood pressure, vital signs, and other pertinent information.
“Tell me what happened.”
She directed the brunette towards a nearby stool while she fetched a pair of rubber gloves and pulled the lamp closer. ‘Atsuko’ recounted yesterday’s events in a jumbled run-on sentence and Diana felt her exasperation grow because the brunette simply couldn’t stay still.
“Stop fidgeting.”
“But it tickles!”
To her frustration, Atsuko just kept squirming. Diana held the other woman’s knee steady with a gloved hand, brows knitting together in thought while she scrutinized the injury. The surrounding area was red and seemed a bit swollen. She gently put pressure around the abrasion—
“Tenderness and pain,” she mumbled. “It’s infected.” Early stages; no pus or liquid discharge.
“So what do I need to do?”
“First off—why did you let it get to this? You should have come in yesterday.”
“You aren’t the first to tell me,” Atsuko groaned, crossing her arms. “But I would have been late to class.”
“Would have been,” the brunette emphasized, shooting a challenging glare to her direction. “And I wasn’t, for the record.”
“Lovely. Will a pat on the back suffice?”
Atsuko frowned, her lip jutting out in a pout, “I don’t need your approval!”
“While this is true, I believe that running around town—constantly late for class—is no way for a college student in Luna Nova to behave.”
“I’m a graduate student,” the brunette huffed.
Diana raised an eyebrow. “Then even more so. You’re already at the professional level, Atsuko.”
The physician tilted her head in inquiry.
“It’s my nickname.” ‘Akko’ rubbed at the sides of her head. “Calling me ‘Atsuko’ in that nagging voice of yours is reminding me of my mother and giving me headache.”
“Well, Atusko,” Diana said pointedly, “perhaps I should just include an aspirin in your prescription.”
She pulled out her pen in a sharp motion that signaled the end of their conversation and scribbled something onto a prescription pad. She tore off of the leaf of paper and held it out towards her patient, who had snatched it up and was now inspecting it with those big, curiously red eyes.
Those same red eyes which were now narrowed in thought. “I’m not even going to pretend to know what these are.”
Diana almost chuckled. Almost. “Fucidic acid—it’s a topical anti-bacterial. Apply it twice a day for a week after thorough washing, and then dress your wound according to the instructions I’ve written. If the wound begins to close and there’s still pain or swelling, you’ll have to come back and I might need to give you oral antibiotics.”
“Right,” her patient dutifully nodded.
“If there’s pus, or if it becomes watery you need to come back immediately. May I ask where you’re staying?”
The blonde rolled her eyes. “So I know which pharmacy to refer you to. The nearest is along Orion Street.”
“Oh—that’s on the way home!”
“Good. The attending pharmacist is a good friend—”
“Glad to know you actually have those,” she mumbled.
“—named Ms. England.” Diana punctuated, purposefully ignoring the jab.
“Her surname is seriously England?”
It looked like she was trying her hardest not to snicker but— “we’re in England.”
It must have been her hundredth eyeroll, but Diana did it anyway.
“It’s like… if my surname was Japan,” she giggled.
“Anyway,” Diana interjected, “there will also be no biking until the abrasion heals”
“No buts. The wound will open—you’ll just be susceptible to infection all over again.”
“Mou,” she pouted. It was rather disarming. “Fine.”
Diana heard the front door’s bell ring. Her two o’clock appointment was on the dot. Unlike ‘Akko’, she noted with a mixture of annoyance and… something.
“Well,” the brunette blurted out, spirits evidently dampened. “Thanks. I’ll just head out to the reception for my due.”
The blonde nodded, wordlessly allowing Atusko to collect her things.
“Atusko Kagari,” Diana muttered to herself once the woman in question was out of earshot. She leaned back into her leather office chair. “Akko.” What a peculiar woman. They were roughly the same age, with Diana being older by a little over a year, but there was a glaring difference in maturity. And an over-abundance in child-like glee. Which isn’t inherently a bad thing, she hummed. It was… rather refreshing. She deduced that her patient was likely new in town.
The sudden shouting jerked her up in her seat. She leaned forward to get a view through the opened office door and saw that new arrival’s usual scowl was a little deeper today. The lilac-haired woman had an accusatory finger pointed towards none other than Atsuko Kagari.
“You’re the crazy-ass woman who vaulted over my equipment a few days ago!”
“You were the weird-looking computer lady!” the brunette gasped. Then she squinted, rubbing at her chin in thought, “…though I swear I’ve seen you somewhere else before.”
“Did you just call me weird!?” the woman in glasses glowered.
“Holy shit,” Akko gaped.
“You two know each other?” Barbara, who was watching from behind the front desk, looked like she was about to burst a nerve from all the yelling.
“Aren’t you my Physics professor?!”
“If you attend the five-thirty on Thursdays, then yes.”
“How do you not recognize me?” Akko flailed her arms. “There were like, eight of us.”
“Because I don’t give a fuck,” the bespectacled woman grunted. “My job is to teach and give you tests, not hold hands and make friends.”
“But you’re supposed to be a mentor to look up to!” Akko whined, and Diana was amazed at how she didn’t seem to care that this woman was apparently her professor and that she already had two strikes against her before their second meeting in class.
“What are you?” the older woman scoffed. “In elementary school?”
“Why does everyone keep talking to me like a kid!” the brunette cried indignantly, slamming her payment onto the front desk without bothering with the receipt. She dramatically stomped out of the clinic, and the three other women could only watch in bewilderment.
“That girl is going to give me an aneurism,” Barbara blinked.
“Or a heart attack,” her latest patient agreed. The woman let herself into Diana’s office, lazily falling into the vacant chair with her arms crossed.
“Good afternoon, professor.” Diana picked up her stethoscope—this one was a pulmonary case. “Have you been considering your options for cardio exercise? Perhaps light jogging to build lung stamina?”
The woman shuddered, “can’t I just rely on my inhaler forever?”
Diana sighed, clicking at her pen before looking down to review the patient record. This time, it was a regular.
Dr. Croix Meridies F | 35 | Blood type AB- | 172cm | 57kg Instructor: Department of Engineering & Actuarial Sciences, LNU — Asthma & Misc. Pulmonary Complications
One difficult patient after another, she supposed.
Hey guys! I just need to clarify that I'm not a medical person so I really just tried to wing the technicalities of this! [Thank you Google and WebMD - but please don't self-medicate using Google or WebMD!!!!!!!!!!]
Thank you to everyone who commented on the first chapter! Your response to it really got me up and writing and smiling silly! Anyway I hope u enjoy ehehehe
@ tumblr ask people: I am so sorry for neglecting the ask requests pls 4give me I will get around to all them [like--6 or 7ish left?] sometime!
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nebullura · 6 years
a tgs au
i wrote this as a volunteer for an event, and i didn’t have much time to write it, so everything i thought for this, i wrote it down. overall, i am very proud of what i made, so i decided to share it with you guys !
here it goes !!
It was hard, to walk around town without having people staring at him: his skin color, his eyes, his clothes, his complexion and his way of walking. Everything that Lance was was different from common and normal. It always meant a challenge for him to even step out of his small home, which he shared with his siblings, whom from time to time seemed insufferable, but that he loved with all his might.
During night time, he’d usually go to a nearby bar, mainly to meet up with his lifelong friend, Hunk, who had been helping him to find a job, with no results.
“I can’t do much, besides offering you-” Hunk would start, with kind eyes and the flames of the bar dimly lighting his worried features, but Lance would always interrupt him.
“No, Hunk, I’m not accepting your money. I just can’t.” He’d simply say, hugging himself.
Some people wondered how they were even friends, when there was an incredibly big comparison between each other: you see, Hunk, despite his skin color, had been born in a wealthy family, giving him enough rights. Not Lance, though. There were just too much in his family: his younger siblings, plus Katie. Him being the eldest one had to get enough money for them to eat, and while Katie tried to also help him, he wouldn’t allow her, until her insistence was too much and he gave in.
Lance’s family, in few words, was not liked in town. Though, he loved them, and it didn’t matter if all of them were orphans. That was just the way it was.
He took his old brown jacket and blew out most of the candles on their small house, ready to go out and meet Hunk, when he noticed Katie hadn’t been asleep. Lance frowned, turning towards the kids, counting them again- nothing. Katie was not there. Where could she be?
He noticed, then, movement near the kitchen, and when he reached the spot, there she way, tying her hair with a piece of cloth, and hiding the low tied ponytail under her own jacket.
“And may I know where are you going?” He asked her, folding his arms and narrowing his eyes. He knew, nevertheless, that Pidge was going to be hard to intimidate. Small did certainly not mean naive, specially in her case.
“With you, of course. You’ve been going out more and more at night, and I know you haven’t found a job yet.” She shot back, making Lance look away and dig his nails slightly in his arms. “But I can help you. Maybe I can go around asking people, and we might be lucky enough to get you a job!” She added, with a bright smile and walking to him.
Few would believe they liked each others, since they’d usually be teasing each other. But honestly? Lance was like a brother for Katie. After losing her brother, it had been expected, and so it happened.
Finally, he sighed, and unfolded his arms. “Don’t make a fool of yourself. And try not to show your hair.” He told her, tucking some strands under her jacket, while the girl silently celebrated.
And so, both of them went to meet Hunk.
“A bar? You come to a bar?” She asked him, to which he shrugged.
“I have a friend, and he’s been trying to help out. Don’t judge me.” Lance replied, opening the door and walking through, leaving a dumbfounded Katie behind.
She was about to bite back when Lance smiled, having spotted Hunk, and sat besides him. The girl rolled her eyes and followed her friend.
“...Ah, so this must be K-” Hunk started, upon seeing her, but Katie cut him mid-sentence.
“Pidge. And you must be Lance’s friend, the one helping him find a job?” She asked him, and Hunk smiled.
“Hunk Garrett, at your service.” He answered, with a small nod, and returned to Lance, searching for something inside his jacket, while the other one asked for some drinks.
“Please tell me you found som-” Lance started, when Hunk placed the paper in the bar. Lance took it in his hands, reading it carefully. They were looking for people like him, misfits. Misfits to be, what, jokes? His brow furrowed when Katie took the paper from his hands and, upon reading what it said, her face brightened.
“This is the shot you need!” Hunk exclaimed, with a bright smile, and Katie nodded, fully agreeing with his offering, though Lance did not look as happy.
“But why? Are they planning on making us, ‘misfits’, the center of attention? And -oh, please- a circus?!” He shot back, not glad with the idea, not at all. Hearing this, Hunk’s smile dropped as did Katie’s, though from realization, she went to confusion. She slapped Lance’s head, who hissed and turned to her.
“This is the opportunity you were looking for. You asked for this, you prayed for this your whole life! Lance, you can help your siblings, with this. You can always back off from it, but please, give it a shot. For them.” She tried to convince him, with a serious tone and gleam in her eyes. Well, she was not wrong, Lance thought.
He made them wait in damned suspense, when he finally sighed, emptying his glass in one swing. “I’d better not regret joining this- this thing.” His sighed, while Hunk and Katie celebrated.
There had to be an interview before he joined, and there were people of all kind there: a woman who could hold her breath for too long under the water; some hairy men; a lady with a green tint to her skin… many people were there, Lance realized, people who also tried to fit in somewhere, people who also wanted to find a purpose in their lives. Just like he did.
He was not alone, though. Katie had decided she was going to be with him, and she kept her word, quitting her current job to join this new offering alongside Lance.
And finally, they had reached the desk where the ringmaster was chatting to each one of them. This ringmaster, though, he seemed too giddy and happy for this project, not like a man he thought would want to take advantage of misfits. Yeah, he was white skinned, but he seemed kind. His hair was cut short, with only the top left as a disaster, with a small puff of white hair. His dark eyes seemed welcoming and his posture, though he was buff, was also soft.
“So, who are you?” The man asked them. And while Katie found it hard to reply -she seemed struck by something this man had, of showed-, Lance took the time to reply.
“Lance McClain, and this is my- she lives with me. Katie Holt.” He introduced themselves, and added, “We do trapeze.” He simply said. There was no great magic in what they did, but this only made the man lean closer and smile a bit more.
“And why should I welcome you? It’s just trapeze.” He said in return. Lance leaned closer as well, narrowing his eyes slightly.
“You’re looking for misfits, right? You’ve got here two orphans, one of them dark skinned. And I have much more things to add- but we can walk away, of course.” He replied, rather sassy, and stood up, motioning Katie to follow him, and already thinking this was a bad idea.
But the man only smiled brighter every time. “That’s what I’m looking for here. Welcome to the family!” He said, Lance turning, not believing what he had said. He just stood there, dumbfounded, and the man laughed. “Be here tomorrow, early in the morning. I’ll be waiting.” And he kept interviewing the rest, as Katie pulled him out of the old museum.
And they were there the next morning. The man had introduced himself as Takashi Shirogane, a Japanese man who had come to the United States as a young boy, and have lived all his life there. He was married, and had, as a dream, to create this place to give others real smiles. That’s where his family of misfits came in.
And so, Lance grew to love the shows he and the others put up in the circus. Hunk had become a benefactor of the circus, and Katie, who now went by Pidge full time -she never told Lance why- had been enjoying hers and Lance’s trapeze routine.
He had heard that their routine had been mesmerizing most of the time: the way he and Ka- Pidge flew in the air, from trapeze to trapeze, connecting their hands and staying in sync at every moment.
What he had also heard, mostly from kids, was ‘how pretty were the flying people’s costumes’. Pidge had chosen green as her color, using shiny cloth to make her own costume, allowing her good movements and the ability to stretch how much she wanted. As for Lance, he had chosen blue as his color, different shades, soft and glimmering, to make an elegant leotard, with certain areas to show and to emphasize. Both of them, before each performance used makeup to call attention to their eyes, for example, or to their hair.
And Lance had loved every moment of it. To fly up there, to hear cheers, to listen to children admiring them… It was something he had never thought of having. Once, he had said that no one would ever accept him in society for his skin color. But now, even his siblings wanted to be a part of all of this. They had gotten more than what he could have given them once upon a time. And Lance was proud.
It was time to pull up their act, now, as the rest danced. Pidge was on the other side of the building, up high just as he was. Her hair had green streaks, intense in the tips, and fading in. Her costume gleamed under the flames and lights, as did her freckles, which she had painted green and added sequins. His own leotard also shone metallic blue, and Lance could still feel fresh the blue pain he had used to decorate his face, as well as the weight of some small diamonds he had also added.
Every time, before he jumped off the safety of the building and into the trapeze, he could feel his heart hammering in his chest, his hands sweat, and his hair blow. But as soon as he heard their cue, and he and Pidge jumped off, his eyes would snap open and he would feel like the king of the world.
And it happened as well on that show.
The cue sounded, and he stepped off the ledge, immediately feeling light and swift, having the air hit his face, as well as his hair, also with blue streaks, which fluttered in his face. But he didn’t mind- no… He didn’t care, because he was doing what he loved.
Lance and Pidge did their routine, which they changed each week, making graceful figures in the air, with the help of the trapeze. It was like a drug to him, making him addicted to this feeling- He loved it.
At some point, he noticed that Shiro -the ringmaster had told them to call him that way- had never showed up, though Lance had shrugged it off. He had closed his eyes and smiled, concentrated on his routine, doing what he and Pidge had long memorized and did with such ease and beauty.
But, on one of those swings, he was able to see Shiro in the balcony below the one Pidge had jumped from, accompanied by a man, who seemed very similar to their ringmaster, though with long, black hair, and dark, purple eyes. Lance felt time freeze in that moment: he hung from his legs in the trapeze, so he could stare directly into those violet eyes, full of wonder and curiosity. They were gorgeous, and so was the man, he had to admit. His lips parted a bit, when he felt himself move again, and his mind returned to their routine, though Lance could hear, softly, yet intensely, the man speak.
“Who is he?”
When the show ended, and Lance and Pidge had returned to holy ground, he could start feeling that ecstasy he always felt after a routine: his hands moved uncontrollable, and it took him few moments to calm down, before showing his face to the public again.
“It was amazing, Katie! D-did you see the public’s expressions?! They were bewildered! We- We must do something similar another day…” He decided, taking a navy pashmina he always wore with his leotard, and hung it in his neck, while the girl just shook her head, giggling.
“Pidge, please. And, I know.” She said, after taking her own pashmina, which was colored a soft green, and draped it in her arms.
As they were walking, Lance calmed, and with every step, he regained his composure. And at the base of the steps were the ringmaster and the man he had seen, both of them with their hats off and their suits slightly rumpled. Shiro, with his ever-present man, made a motion, as for Lance and Pidge to come to them.
“Guys, this is Keith Kogane, and old friend of mine. He will be working with us from now on.” He said, allowing them three to start talking. Though Pidge seemed to be glaring at the man- Keith, while he kept staring at Lance. He didn’t know if he should take this as a rude demonstration, or if Keith was just curious or -he liked this one- surprised and out of breath.
“So what’s your act, Keith?” Lance asked, folding his arms and smirking slightly. If he was going to walk into his home, he’d better be surprising.
The young man stammered, finally replying. “I… don’t have an act.” He simply said, his eyes glued on Lance, who chuckled softly and looked defiantly at him, as if daring him to say something else, though when Keith stayed quiet, he placed a hand over his hip, not afraid to show his sassy attitude. “Everyone’s got an act, hot-shot.” He responded, and walked off, his head held high, proud, and already feeling Pidge’s glare still on Keith.
He slowed down a bit, allowing the girl to catch up with him, and as soon as they were together again, Pidge visibly scoffed. “Who is he? He seems to be one of those rich guys around town, wasting money in nothing…” She said, with a dark shadow over her eyes, though Lance could only laugh.
“Y’know, come to think of it, I believe I have heard of him before. Son of some very famous business people, with an absent mother and a gone father, their fortune passed down to him.” He said, turning his head back to look at the Asian men, only to find out that Keith still was looking at him. Goddamn him- Lance returned to Pidge, trying to hide his blush. “But who knows- he might be good for the family.” He decided, and both of them retreated to their rooms.
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“The Greatest Show”
A gift for @plishooksky from @nebullura​
It was hard, to walk around town without having people staring at him: his skin color, his eyes, his clothes, his complexion and his way of walking. Everything that Lance was was different from common and normal. It always meant a challenge for him to even step out of his small home, which he shared with his siblings, whom from time to time seemed insufferable, but that he loved with all his might.
During night time, he’d usually go to a nearby bar, mainly to meet up with his lifelong friend, Hunk, who had been helping him to find a job, with no results.
“I can’t do much, besides offering you-” Hunk would start, with kind eyes and the flames of the bar dimly lighting his worried features, but Lance would always interrupt him.
“No, Hunk, I’m not accepting your money. I just can’t.” He’d simply say, hugging himself.
Some people wondered how they were even friends, when there was an incredibly big comparison between each other: you see, Hunk, despite his skin color, had been born in a wealthy family, giving him enough rights. Not Lance, though. There were just too much in his family: his younger siblings, plus Katie. Him being the eldest one had to get enough money for them to eat, and while Katie tried to also help him, he wouldn’t allow her, until her insistence was too much and he gave in.
Lance’s family, in few words, was not liked in town. Though, he loved them, and it didn’t matter if all of them were orphans. That was just the way it was.
He took his old brown jacket and blew out most of the candles on their small house, ready to go out and meet Hunk, when he noticed Katie hadn’t been asleep. Lance frowned, turning towards the kids, counting them again- nothing. Katie was not there. Where could she be?
He noticed, then, movement near the kitchen, and when he reached the spot, there she way, tying her hair with a piece of cloth, and hiding the low tied ponytail under her own jacket.
“And may I know where are you going?” He asked her, folding his arms and narrowing his eyes. He knew, nevertheless, that Pidge was going to be hard to intimidate. Small did certainly not mean naive, specially in her case.
“With you, of course. You’ve been going out more and more at night, and I know you haven’t found a job yet.” She shot back, making Lance look away and dig his nails slightly in his arms. “But I can help you. Maybe I can go around asking people, and we might be lucky enough to get you a job!” She added, with a bright smile and walking to him.
Few would believe they liked each others, since they’d usually be teasing each other. But honestly? Lance was like a brother for Katie. After losing her brother, it had been expected, and so it happened.
Finally, he sighed, and unfolded his arms. “Don’t make a fool of yourself. And try not to show your hair.” He told her, tucking some strands under her jacket, while the girl silently celebrated.
And so, both of them went to meet Hunk.
“A bar? You come to a bar?” She asked him, to which he shrugged.
“I have a friend, and he’s been trying to help out. Don’t judge me.” Lance replied, opening the door and walking through, leaving a dumbfounded Katie behind.
She was about to bite back when Lance smiled, having spotted Hunk, and sat besides him. The girl rolled her eyes and followed her friend.
“...Ah, so this must be K-” Hunk started, upon seeing her, but Katie cut him mid-sentence.
“Pidge. And you must be Lance’s friend, the one helping him find a job?” She asked him, and Hunk smiled.
“Hunk Garrett, at your service.” He answered, with a small nod, and returned to Lance, searching for something inside his jacket, while the other one asked for some drinks.
“Please tell me you found som-” Lance started, when Hunk placed the paper in the bar. Lance took it in his hands, reading it carefully. They were looking for people like him, misfits. Misfits to be, what, jokes? His brow furrowed when Katie took the paper from his hands and, upon reading what it said, her face brightened.
“This is the shot you need!” Hunk exclaimed, with a bright smile, and Katie nodded, fully agreeing with his offering, though Lance did not look as happy.
“But why? Are they planning on making us, ‘misfits’, the center of attention? And -oh, please- a circus?!” He shot back, not glad with the idea, not at all. Hearing this, Hunk’s smile dropped as did Katie’s, though from realization, she went to confusion. She slapped Lance’s head, who hissed and turned to her.
“This is the opportunity you were looking for. You asked for this, you prayed for this your whole life! Lance, you can help your siblings, with this. You can always back off from it, but please, give it a shot. For them.” She tried to convince him, with a serious tone and gleam in her eyes. Well, she was not wrong, Lance thought.
He made them wait in damned suspense, when he finally sighed, emptying his glass in one swing. “I’d better not regret joining this- this thing.” His sighed, while Hunk and Katie celebrated.
There had to be an interview before he joined, and there were people of all kind there: a woman who could hold her breath for too long under the water; some hairy men; a lady with a green tint to her skin… many people were there, Lance realized, people who also tried to fit in somewhere, people who also wanted to find a purpose in their lives. Just like he did.
He was not alone, though. Katie had decided she was going to be with him, and she kept her word, quitting her current job to join this new offering alongside Lance.
And finally, they had reached the desk where the ringmaster was chatting to each one of them. This ringmaster, though, he seemed too giddy and happy for this project, not like a man he thought would want to take advantage of misfits. Yeah, he was white skinned, but he seemed kind. His hair was cut short, with only the top left as a disaster, with a small puff of white hair. His dark eyes seemed welcoming and his posture, though he was buff, was also soft.
“So, who are you?” The man asked them. And while Katie found it hard to reply -she seemed struck by something this man had, of showed-, Lance took the time to reply.
“Lance McClain, and this is my- she lives with me. Katie Holt.” He introduced themselves, and added, “We do trapeze.” He simply said. There was no great magic in what they did, but this only made the man lean closer and smile a bit more.
“And why should I welcome you? It’s just trapeze.” He said in return. Lance leaned closer as well, narrowing his eyes slightly.
“You’re looking for misfits, right? You’ve got here two orphans, one of them dark skinned. And I have much more things to add- but we can walk away, of course.” He replied, rather sassy, and stood up, motioning Katie to follow him, and already thinking this was a bad idea.
But the man only smiled brighter every time. “That’s what I’m looking for here. Welcome to the family!” He said, Lance turning, not believing what he had said. He just stood there, dumbfounded, and the man laughed. “Be here tomorrow, early in the morning. I’ll be waiting.” And he kept interviewing the rest, as Katie pulled him out of the old museum.
And they were there the next morning. The man had introduced himself as Takashi Shirogane, a Japanese man who had come to the United States as a young boy, and have lived all his life there. He was married, and had, as a dream, to create this place to give others real smiles. That’s where his family of misfits came in.
And so, Lance grew to love the shows he and the others put up in the circus. Hunk had become a benefactor of the circus, and Katie, who now went by Pidge full time -she never told Lance why- had been enjoying hers and Lance’s trapeze routine.
He had heard that their routine had been mesmerizing most of the time: the way he and Ka- Pidge flew in the air, from trapeze to trapeze, connecting their hands and staying in sync at every moment.
What he had also heard, mostly from kids, was ‘how pretty were the flying people’s costumes’. Pidge had chosen green as her color, using shiny cloth to make her own costume, allowing her good movements and the ability to stretch how much she wanted. As for Lance, he had chosen blue as his color, different shades, soft and glimmering, to make an elegant leotard, with certain areas to show and to emphasize. Both of them, before each performance used makeup to call attention to their eyes, for example, or to their hair.
And Lance had loved every moment of it. To fly up there, to hear cheers, to listen to children admiring them… It was something he had never thought of having. Once, he had said that no one would ever accept him in society for his skin color. But now, even his siblings wanted to be a part of all of this. They had gotten more than what he could have given them once upon a time. And Lance was proud.
It was time to pull up their act, now, as the rest danced. Pidge was on the other side of the building, up high just as he was. Her hair had green streaks, intense in the tips, and fading in. Her costume gleamed under the flames and lights, as did her freckles, which she had painted green and added sequins. His own leotard also shone metallic blue, and Lance could still feel fresh the blue pain he had used to decorate his face, as well as the weight of some small diamonds he had also added.
Every time, before he jumped off the safety of the building and into the trapeze, he could feel his heart hammering in his chest, his hands sweat, and his hair blow. But as soon as he heard their cue, and he and Pidge jumped off, his eyes would snap open and he would feel like the king of the world.
And it happened as well on that show.
The cue sounded, and he stepped off the ledge, immediately feeling light and swift, having the air hit his face, as well as his hair, also with blue streaks, which fluttered in his face. But he didn’t mind- no… He didn’t care, because he was doing what he loved.
Lance and Pidge did their routine, which they changed each week, making graceful figures in the air, with the help of the trapeze. It was like a drug to him, making him addicted to this feeling- He loved it.
At some point, he noticed that Shiro -the ringmaster had told them to call him that way- had never showed up, though Lance had shrugged it off. He had closed his eyes and smiled, concentrated on his routine, doing what he and Pidge had long memorized and did with such ease and beauty.
But, on one of those swings, he was able to see Shiro in the balcony below the one Pidge had jumped from, accompanied by a man, who seemed very similar to their ringmaster, though with long, black hair, and dark, purple eyes. Lance felt time freeze in that moment: he hung from his legs in the trapeze, so he could stare directly into those violet eyes, full of wonder and curiosity. They were gorgeous, and so was the man, he had to admit. His lips parted a bit, when he felt himself move again, and his mind returned to their routine, though Lance could hear, softly, yet intensely, the man speak.
“Who is he?”
When the show ended, and Lance and Pidge had returned to holy ground, he could start feeling that ecstasy he always felt after a routine: his hands moved uncontrollable, and it took him few moments to calm down, before showing his face to the public again.
“It was amazing, Katie! D-did you see the public’s expressions?! They were bewildered! We- We must do something similar another day…” He decided, taking a navy pashmina he always wore with his leotard, and hung it in his neck, while the girl just shook her head, giggling.
“Pidge, please. And, I know.” She said, after taking her own pashmina, which was colored a soft green, and draped it in her arms.
As they were walking, Lance calmed, and with every step, he regained his composure. And at the base of the steps were the ringmaster and the man he had seen, both of them with their hats off and their suits slightly rumpled. Shiro, with his ever-present man, made a motion, as for Lance and Pidge to come to them.
“Guys, this is Keith Kogane, and old friend of mine. He will be working with us from now on.” He said, allowing them three to start talking. Though Pidge seemed to be glaring at the man- Keith, while he kept staring at Lance. He didn’t know if he should take this as a rude demonstration, or if Keith was just curious or -he liked this one- surprised and out of breath.
“So what’s your act, Keith?” Lance asked, folding his arms and smirking slightly. If he was going to walk into his home, he’d better be surprising.
The young man stammered, finally replying. “I… don’t have an act.” He simply said, his eyes glued on Lance, who chuckled softly and looked defiantly at him, as if daring him to say something else, though when Keith stayed quiet, he placed a hand over his hip, not afraid to show his sassy attitude. “Everyone’s got an act, hot-shot.” He responded, and walked off, his head held high, proud, and already feeling Pidge’s glare still on Keith.
He slowed down a bit, allowing the girl to catch up with him, and as soon as they were together again, Pidge visibly scoffed. “Who is he? He seems to be one of those rich guys around town, wasting money in nothing…” She said, with a dark shadow over her eyes, though Lance could only laugh.
“Y’know, come to think of it, I believe I have heard of him before. Son of some very famous business people, with an absent mother and a gone father, their fortune passed down to him.” He said, turning his head back to look at the Asian men, only to find out that Keith still was looking at him. Goddamn him- Lance returned to Pidge, trying to hide his blush. “But who knows- he might be good for the family.” He decided, and both of them retreated to their rooms.
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ongly · 7 years
Shawn is so mind blowing, literally. (smut)
It’s a bit too early for a Christmas blurb but I blame my mom for already playing, enthusiastically, Christmas music at home. This one takes a drastic turn so I hope you enjoy the ride because “Y/N” surely did. This is also a result of the way those pictures of Shawn wearing that white button-up affect my mind, I had to share. I really hope you like it! All the love xx
You smiled and gave Manny a small ‘thank you’ as he handed you another glass of wine.
“This one is really good, my parents brought it. They used to drink a similar one back in their hometown.” Manny started to explain as you took a good look at your glass. “I don’t remember what it was called.” He let out a chuckle and you giggled.
It was a week before Christmas and you were at the Mendes’ residence rotting from drunkenness with Shawn’s father. 
Shawn’s parents were having a Christmas party for family and friends and they were more than happy to invite you and have you over, before you had to go home to spend Christmas with your family.
You had lost your boyfriend somewhere around the house for over an hour ago. You had met three of his aunts whenever you walked around the house to try and find him, but you always ended up chatting with them a little longer than you were expecting and forgot, momentarily, that you were looking for him, due to how tipsy you were. You had been sitting at the stool bar with his father for about half an hour now, tasting all the different kinds of wine the guests had brought, baptizing all the bottles, as he would say. You had tried to leave the stool bar for a couple of times, whenever you caught Manny talking to a friend, but you had no idea of how to stand by yourself, at some point in the middle of the night, let alone walk.
Manny raised his glass and you mirrored him before clicking the glasses and turn it all down again. He tasted it with one sip and started nodding, approving it, while you were mid-glass away. You stopped, afraid he would notice the way you were letting it slide down your throat, and put down the glass, smiling at him.
“It’s really good.” He nodded and you did too, agreeing, although you were clueless.
To be honest, you couldn’t taste a fucking thing anymore. Your tongue was numb from all the wine you had. Your cheeks felt hot and you were sure they were intensively flushed by that moment. Manny’s cheeks were already flushed and he, sometimes stumbled in his words himself, but you were oblivious with all the drink running in your blood.
Manny was an amazing father. You enjoyed his company and listening to him talk about Shawn, non-stop, and hear about how proud he was of him and that he found a girl like you to guide him and get his head straight, since he thought you were so mature and down to earth. You loved talking to him. You thought he was a very smart man and he always thought you something, every time you came around to visit Shawn’s family.
“Mama knows best.” He smiled proudly, raising his glass and drinking a bit more of his wine. You smiled and looked down at your glass, still finding it very tasty.
“Yeah, she’s really sweet.” You slurred and then looked up at him to smile.
He leaned over the bar counter and smiled at you.
“You speak Portuguese?” He smiled, excitedly, probably thinking you had spoken to her some time during the party.
“No, but she is so sweet!” You emphasized, in between laughs. And you were so drunk!
Manny let out a loud laugh and leaned back, placing his hand over yours.
“You’re something special.” He smiled. “Welcome to the family, Y/N.” He smiled and looked around, taking his glass to his mouth again, finishing his fifth round, you thought, losing count of how many drinks you two had had already. “Hmm!” he mumbled against his glass, taking his hand away from yours and pointing out to the living room entrance. “Shawn!” He called out.
You looked over your shoulder to see your boyfriend making his way towards the bar. He was wearing a white button-up shirt, trodden in his pants, sleeves halfway up his arms. His hair was slightly pushed back and he was wearing the most beautiful smile. You were almost drooling over your drink, because by that moment you were seeing double. And double was trouble. He got closer and you felt his arm slide around your waist as he walked around behind you, to stand next to you, giving his father a smile.
“I’ll leave you two now, I’ve got to share this one with the guests.” Manny slurred, taking the bottle with him. “Can’t keep them all.” He gave you a wink and then smiled at Shawn before walking out of the bar.
You looked up at Shawn to see his wide eyes, lips parted, letting out a chuckle as he watched his father stumble, outlining the couches to serve his friends some wine.
“I’ve been looking for you everyw…” He started, but the sentence faded in his lips and you watched his tongue twirl, attentively. “Is my dad drunk?” He asked, pointing at him when Manny lost his balance for a second as he sat down with his friends.
He turned his gaze down at you, resting his hand over the bar counter. You looked up at him innocently, and shrugged, turning your attention back to your drink and finishing it quickly. Shawn watched you attentively, his eyes wide as he looked you.
You turned to him, about to answer when he spoke.
“My aunt said you taught her how to dance Tango.” He raised a brow at you, watching you attentively as if he was trying to figure you out and catch you screwing up at any time.
“Oh yeah!” You exclaimed an uncrossed your legs quickly, your skirt going a little up while you almost jumped out of the stool to show Shawn some moves, obviously losing your balance, extending your arms to reach out for Shawn, but he was already holding you.
“Are you drunk?!” He questioned you, stupefied.
You looked up at him and gave him a lazy smile as you leaned in, trying to keep your balance, although you were not feeling your legs at all.
“You’re not?” You asked him, your eyes wide.
“Y/N?! At my parents Christmas party?!” Shawn looked a little angry about it, although he was, deep down, enjoying having you stumble over him.
“You’re not?” You repeated in disbelief.
“Oh my goodness!” He exclaimed, his brows rose in surprise although he was laughing, watching you.
You held his biceps tighter, and closer, trying to stand still, which was impossible.
“Did…” Shawn tried to talk but he was laughing way too hard by now.
Your gaze was locked in his lips, trying to read them since you had lost your senses a bit.
“Did my dad get you drunk?” He asked in between chuckles.
You tried to read his lips but you were struggling so you just giggled and nodded. Shawn was amused with your giggles, until you let out a loud burp. You covered your mouth quickly, your eyes wide. He looked around the room to see if anyone had heard you but they were all entertained with Manny’s speech about the Portuguese look alike wine. Shawn looked at you again.
“‘m so sorry.” You slurred in a whisper, getting closer to him.
Your hand was now on his waist, holding his shirt, almost ripping it due to the pressure you were putting on it, not to let yourself fall. Shawn wrinkled his nose a little as he looked at you, letting out a giggle after. He leaned in, placing one of his hands on your waist, holding you closer to him, trying to keep it casual. He pressed his forehead against the side of your head, lips close to your ear.
“Baby, you stink.” He whispered, mentioning your alcohol breath.
You giggled against the crook of his neck, covering your mouth with your free hand as he reached out to hold your wrist down, pulling you closer to him and removing your hand from your mouth. You let out another burp now followed by a lazy giggle. You felt Shawn’s chest tremble, not noticing you were resting your forehead against it until he let out a laugh.
He pushed your waist back to get a good look at you and check if you were pale, or if your eyes were closing or any signal that he should take you out of there right now.
“Should I take you anywhere near a toilet?” He asked, smiling at you as you nodded.
“No.” You smiled, letting out another small burp, looking down a little.
You felt your stomach turn but you didn’t feel the need to throw up, yet.
“Are you sure? I really don’t want you doing it all over my shirt.” He smiled as you leaned into his chest again, pressing your forehead hard against his tense muscles.
Shawn was leaning against the wall right by that moment, from how hard he was trying to hold you. You took your hands up to his chest and started playing with the buttons of his shirt.
“Yeah, I don’t want that either.” You smiled, looking up at him, your eyes almost closed.
He smiled down at you, taking his free hand to place a strand of your hair behind your ear, the other hand still holding your waist.
“You don’t?” He started to speak quietly, eyes gazing up and down your body. You nodded as an answer. “Why’s that?” He asked and you smiled, biting your lip as you stared at his chest through his button-up.
“You look rather hot in it.” You were whispering by now and Shawn let out a quiet giggle as he watched your eyes darken while you took a good look at him.
“Yeah?” He asked you quietly, moving his hand from your hair up to your neck, pulling your face a little closer to him. You kept biting your lip. “You look hotter in that skirt.” He smiled and you let out a small gasp, closing your eyes as you leaned in, taking one of your hands down his torso to rest it in his waist, giving it a small grip. Shawn’s smile grew until you took the other hand, letting it slide down his torso as well, only to let it ‘fall’ innocently further.
“Y/N.” He warned you, his eyes wide now. You let out a quiet giggle, biting your lip after, eyes locked in his.
You watched his features change. He looked around worriedly, trying to see if anyone had their eyes on you.
“Y/N, not here.” He whispered, looking back at you. His eyes were wider, in concern. “My family’s here.” He stated.
He was being serious, and so were you, just not about the same thing. You were at a point in your intoxication that made you think with a different kind of ‘head’. You wetted your lips and moved closer to him; Shawn’s eyes were traveling between you and the living room area, non-stop. Your hand stopped at the waistband of his pants, holding his belt close to you.
“What’s wrong baby? Scared mommy will find out you don’t treat your guests as she told you to?” You pouted teasingly. Shawn gave you a nervous chuckle at the mention of his mother in that moment, praying she wouldn’t show up in the living room in that precise second.
“Yes… so please calm down now.” He tried to cut you off, pushing you a little away whenever you tried to get closer.
You let out a chuckle and looked back around the room. You nodded and looked back at Shawn, giving him a sly smile. “I’m a guest too.” You shrugged, giving him an innocent look.
He smiled and looked down, blushing. He couldn’t believe you were doing that to him in that moment, but there was something about your drunk and vulnerable state that was leaving him curious and very hungry. You gave him a lazy wink, stumbling to your side as you tried to adjust yourself closer to him.
Shawn’s hands held your waist firmly, pulling you closer and unraveling away from the wall. His smile grew as he watched your sweet features turn into a cheesy one.
“What do you mean?” He asked, teasingly, getting in it with you.
“Aren’t you supposed to treat me right?” You asked innocently.
He leaned down, lips close to your ear. You let your head fall against his chest again as you held his biceps, feeling him tense with every word he used to answer you in that moment.
“I can make you cum in a minute.” He whispered.
You shivered, not only with his words, but with the way they kissed your earlobe, where he let his tongue slide slightly, after firing back his answer.
You bit your lip fighting yourself, pressing your fingers harder on his muscles. You tilted your head up, leaning your forehead against his cheek, lips close to his, already, heated ear.
“You’re on Mendes.” You dared him and he let out a chuckle.
He leaned back and looked at you. You raised him a brow and he nodded as he licked his lips at you.
You were already feeling the need to have his touch in your middle but you felt like you couldn’t give it away, although Shawn knew what he was doing. He got it from previous experiences with you that, whenever you were in a more vulnerable state, in what came to drinking, he could take you to the clouds faster than he did any other time. It was pure body science. At least you thought. You had no control on your senses with the alcohol you had consumed by that moment, let alone your thoughts. If it was any other type of situation, you would never let him win but you needed him the moment you saw him getting inside that living room, and he was feeding you into it.
You were now holding his hand tightly, both of your palms sweating as you passed through some of his relatives. You smiled at them, clueless, as Shawn gestured them while he explained quickly that you were not feeling quite well, excusing himself from every house partition you both passed by.
He let go of your hand once you reached the bottom of the stairs, and placed it on your waist instead. He pulled you closer and opened the bathroom door next to the guest bedroom. He pulled you inside after turning the lights on and closed it behind you, getting closer to you, until you were with your back against the door. You were smiling up at him and then let out a giggle. You loved to see him this demanding over you, especially in that moment, since you were seeing double. Through your eyes, the room was blurry, but Shawn, oh Shawn, was the only one you could see clearly.
He held your waist and pushed you slowly against the door, leaning down to rest his forehead against yours softly, his curls tickling your forehead as he looked down at your body. He got his waist closer to yours as he held you down in place, letting his hands caress your sides as he went further down on your body, reaching the end of your skirt and then lifting it. You felt his cold fingertips through your tights while he let them slide back up and then reaching out for your bum, caressing it slowly under your skirt. You bit your lip, looking down at the way he was teasing you.
“So…” He mumbled, eyes going back up to meet yours, slightly moving his forehead away from yours and then leaning in to let his lips touch your cheek, moving his head slowly to the side. You felt his fingers reach the waistband of your tights, sliding inside them. You breathed out, feeling his cool touch directly on your skin. “I heard you wanted to gamble.” He whispered, lips slightly touching your ear.
You closed your eyes, feeling his breath on your ear and then on your neck as he moved closer to it until he pressed his lips against your skin, leaving small and soft pecks on it.
“No games baby.” You breathed.
His cold hands went further down as he started to push your tights down from your bum only with his index fingers. His fingers rubbed against your bum as he slid them down and then outlined your legs until he had the back of his hands against your trembling thighs, still pushing your tights down, sloly.
“A bit shaky, are we?” He teased, breathing against your neck.
He let go of your tights harshly, making them hit your skin harder than normal. You jumped a little, eyes still close. You chuckled quietly and moved your hands up to wrap them around his neck, pushing him further in your own neck as he started to kiss your skin.
His warm tongue tasted the cold skin of your neck as he licked it only to close is mouth after, slightly sucking on your skin. He leaned back and blew softly on the wet spot and started to kiss lower, to your collar bone, feeling his hands following his moves as he got lower on you, taking your tights in-between his fingers again, starting to pull them down.
You didn’t even answer him. There was no way you could deny how submissive you felt towards him right now. You were feeling dizzy and your heated cheeks were making your head spin. You felt weak and Shawn’s cool touch contradistinguished with the heat wave he was sending inside you. You shut your eyes tightly and then opened them, looking down at him.
Shawn was already on his knees before you. You felt your head spin so you leaned it back on the door, taking one of your hands to his shoulders to keep him right there, where you wanted him, and the other up to his curls, tightening the grip on his shoulder as you slowly opened your legs a little. Shawn looked up at you as he positioned himself. He let go of your tights, already down on your ankles. He helped you part your legs, both of his hands holding your ankles firmly. He took one of his hands up to take yours away from his shoulder and placing it against the keyhole to cover it.
“Right there, baby.” He said quietly, pressing your palm against it.
You nodded and hummed something he couldn’t understand. You still had your eyes closed. You bit your lip as you felt his other hand slide up your leg, feeling him move his head, under your hand, closer to your middle.
“So..” He started, both hands now playing with the ends of your panties. “How much time can you keep yourself quiet?” He got closer to you. You could feel his hot breath against your clit area as he spoke against it now, nose rubbing on your panties.
He opened his mouth and kissed you over your panties. You parted your lips and opened your eyes only to face your reflection in the mirror. You looked amazing with him going down on you. It turned you even more on to watch him in that position. You could see his back muscles tense, almost ripping out the white, rather transparent now, button-up shirt.
You moved your hand around his curls, feeling his hot breath on you, leaning your hips against him. He had his hands on both of your thighs and as soon as you tried to lean in against his mouth, he looked up at you, pushing your thighs strongly against the door.
You parted your lips, letting out a giggle. You loved it.
“So…” he started again, eyes looking up at you as you stared back at him through the mirror although he couldn’t see you. “You promise you’ll be quiet?” He whispered and you let out a chuckle.
“I’ll try…” You teased, tightening your grip on his hair, keeping your other hand pressed up against the keyhole.
Shawn kept playing his teasing game while he let his fingers slide up your thighs, wiggling them back and forth against your panties. You could only get wetter with that.
“We both know it won’t take more than a minute.” He whispered and let out a quiet giggle, looking up at you to see you tense every time he caressed you through your panties. Your mind was spinning that you almost believed you were already feeling his tongue on you.
“I never understood why your mother called you a believer, but now…” You let out an ironic chuckle, teasing him back.
Shawn loved when you teased him like that. It’s like you were pushing him to his limits to prove you wrong. He loved that you challenged him, not only in intimate ways, but in every other way. He loved that, although you knew how to be serious when it was needed, you always had this teasing side of you.
He slid one finger under your panties instantly feeling it skitter easy due to how wet he had got you by then.
“Watch it, hun.” He smiled, looking up at you. “Your body reaction doesn’t seem to match those pretty words of yours.” He said quietly.
“Try me.” You challenged him again. He smirked and slowly got your panties down, letting them fall over your tights, just above your ankles.
“Oh I will.” You heard him.
Shawn leaned in, planting small kisses over your clit and moving his hands up your legs, caressing them. You gasped once you felt his warm tongue slid under you. You could already tell you would actually cum in seconds. You could feel the alcohol rush through your veins as he sucked your clit. You massaged his head along with the tilting movement he was making, throwing it back to reach further on you. His nose was rubbing your clit in that moment as his tongue made small and slow circle moves around your core, and then further right on your entrance.
You felt Shawn’s arms tangle around your legs, trying to make you sit on his forearms. You let yourself slide down against the door as he placed his hands against it, letting you sit on his arms. He held you, not letting you fall, although you would due to your weakness.
You closed your eyes, letting go of his hair, extending your arm to the side, holding yourself on the doorframe not to fall. You rolled your head around, feeling him pressing his tongue harder against your warmth, as it got wetter and wetter. You felt one of his arms move, and  you forced your foot on the floor to keep your balance as he slid one finger from your butt cheek to your core. He played with your sensitive skin, moving his tongue back to your clit where he licked it in a steady pace. You felt one of his fingers glissade inside you, followed quickly by another one, making you gasp.
“Hmm.” You hummed, feeling Shawn’s arm tense underneath your other leg, holding you up. You knew you had to be quiet but he was pushing you. He knew how to force you and make you reach your ultimate weak point.
You were feeling yourself getting warmer, not only down where he was, but anywhere around your body. Shawn started pumping his fingers gently inside you, up and down. You leant against his tongue as he started sucking on your clit, moving his head back to reach further on you with his tongue, sucking again. He covered his teeth with his upper lip, keeping the pressure on your clit as he reached out for your slit with his long tongue. You were on the edge right now. You felt yourself getting dizzy and your legs tremble. He repeated again, and again, pulling his fingers out and sliding them through your front, working his tongue against his own fingers on you.
“Excuse me?” There was a knock on the door. Your heart was pounding like crazy. You were feeling weak and Shawn didn’t stop. What a fucking balky little shit. “Is there anyone in here.” They tried to move the doorknob.
You couldn’t think straight anymore. You were out of breath and you wanted to scream. Your breathing increased and you felt like your heart could burst. The alcohol wasn’t helping and you felt your stomach twist whenever Shawn rolled his tongue on you again.
“I’m..” You stuttered. You felt like you were about to faint with the rush of all the emotions you were feeling. “I’m cum…”  Shawn almost bit you, but not hurting you, only to give you a little warn. “…coming!” You felt like you were warning both Shawn and the guy on the other side of the door.
You let out a whimper, shutting your eyes harder, letting go of your arm, arching your back away from the door as you trembled, forcing your legs to close, although he had his arm in-between, not letting you close them. Your hand went back to his hair, your fingers running through it, pulling him closer, pressing his nose against your clit. You moved your hips against him and he opened his mouth widely, sucking on you harder, and longer as you started to let yourself fall over him.
He tried to keep his balance and took his hand from your core to your legs, holding you a bit longer over him, as he reached out for your entrance with his warm tongue, letting you cum undone and easy over his soft lips as he closed them one last time for a last kiss.
You stumbled clumsily over him but he held you down until you sat down over the cold tiles of the bathroom floor. Shawn got his foot on the ground, still resting the other knee on the floor as he held one of your legs, still tangled in his arm, his other hand on your back, holding you so that you wouldn’t hit your head anywhere.
He smiled at you, licking his lips. You leaned against the wall, letting your legs fall. He looked at you and let out a quiet chuckle. You were about to speak but he hushed you.
“Shh..” He whispered, standing up slowly and quietly, afraid the person on the other side of the door would hear you and notice there were two people inside, especially Shawn, who everyone in that house knew who he was.
Shawn leaned against the sink and drank some water and then washed his mouth a little. He closed the water and leaned down to look at you.
You were pale as fuck. You looked weak and he was proud of himself for proving you wrong one more time and watching you feel so good under his touch, until he noticed how much you were sweating.
“Are you okay?” He whispered, getting on his knees again, leaning in closer to you to help you sit straight. You tried to move and open your eyes but you couldn’t do it. You were too tipsy and the bathroom was a sauna. You looked at Shawn for a few seconds, closing your eyes after. He reached out for you as you leaned in and tried to hold him.
He held you as you wrapped your arms around his neck.
“Baby, are you okay?” He asked. He was concerned now. “Are you going to be sick?” He asked, trying to get you to sit straight but you only leant against him.
He couldn’t care less if you threw up all over him but your body was starting to get heavy.
“‘m gonna pass out..” You tried to warn, stumbling on your own words. You tried to hold him.
His eyes were wide in concern. His heart was pounding.
“What the fuck’s taking so long.” He heard the guy knocking on the other side of the door, growing impatient. He looked at the door, frowning.
“My girlfriend’s feeling sick.” He almost shouted, irritated. His gaze went right back at you once your voice sounded.
“Shawn.” You breathed, letting out a weak chuckle when you felt him lifting your shirt to ease the warmth of your body. He started to blow on your sweaty stomach, crossing his arm around your back and pulling you close to him but it didn’t take you longer until you fainted in his arms.
“Y/N?” He called for you. You weren’t completely out. You still heard him and you could still hold him slightly, but you were out of strength. He held you and let you calm down a little. “I’m so going to fuck you up with this one.” He let out a chuckle but you didn’t even had strength in you to laugh. Dickhead.
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