#they don't deserve spider
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nin3kyuu · 2 months ago
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Fam you treated that kid like trash his whole little life, why are you treating him decently now
Man literally said that the kid was a snitch that would frame them to the RDA (which is why they had to leave the forest) while Spider was literally DYING to not reveal anything, WHY ARE YOU HUGGING HIM JUDAS, STAY AWAY ❗ ❗ ❗ 
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pixxiepix · 2 years ago
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dirtytransmasc · 2 months ago
I find it deeply depressing that every adult in Spider's life had children, yet he was never anyone's priority. every adult he could and most likely attempted to match in to. the adults he remembered as the closest things he had to parents since birth (Jake and Norm, even if they weren't acting as his parents, because Spider, genuinely, would not know better). down to his actual foster family (the McCoskers). essentially went out of their way to de-prioritize him.
like I'm not faulting them for having kids, for having a family. but Spider was their first priority. he didn't need to be adopted by any of them, per say, but he was their responsibility. he was their orphan, Jake especially, considering he was the chief of his people, but Norm as well, seeing as he's a prominent figure head of the clan/Hellsgate.
the McCoskers took him in, but over the years, as they had their own children, he was more and more neglected. he was now no longer his actually appointed guardians priority. and that only gets worse and worse as he ages until they become outright abusive (Nash does anyway, cause thats what I'm gonna call violently kidnapping his, throwing him in a room and locking him there, and trying to kill all of them, him included, when they run away. as abuse. and I'll get back to the whole "you have to turn yourself in to the RDA" x2 speech from Jake in a second). they also didn't really accept his culture. with their resentment towards the Na'vi brewing, Spider most definitely faced some heat for being more of the forest than of humans, in terms of culture.
3 times over, Spider came first and was put last. put last by parents who know damn well how much love, time, care, and attention a child needs. who should be able to see when a kid is being neglected. who dialed to advocate and protect him from neglect (instead of calling him a stray).
he was a child and they were his advocates. all three parties failed in their duty as advocates, to protect Spider. to ensure he always had a loving home that made him their priority. that fulfilled all his needs, not just the physical ones. but all put their own families first, and abandoned Spider to the scraps of their love, time, and affection.
imagine being Spider, an orphan who can't even mention his birth parents and is always treated like he is the physical rebirth of his father's sins by half the people around him. every adult in your life has kids and seems like they're such a good parent. you watch their kids being loved and tended to and having a steady home. they receive love and affection constantly. but your fosters pay less and less attention to you as they have babies. and now your a stray to the man you look up to so much. and the man who probably taught you how to put an exopack on has less and less time for you. no one has time for you. you're no one's child. no one's priority. just a stray. a nuisance. and you don't truly belong anywhere.
no one was putting him first. children need to be someone's priority. psychology. they need it.
and then the RDA returns. the McCoskers leave, Spider is expected to leave everything he has ever known, to join the very people he hates and has been trying so hard since he could understand what it meant, to prove that he wasn't like them. Jake, the man he once looked up to, was telling him to leave. sending him away. stripping him of the little amount of family he could somewhatly claim, that being his siblings.
once again, Jake is his chief, should be looking out for him. not even as a father, per say, but as his duty to Spider as his chief. a chief should never be sending away his most vulnerable ward, a child he should consider his own (as all of his clans children should be one with his own children), to the opposing enemy force.
this happens again when they're running away, Jake tells him ever more directly to hide in the forest alone until the RDA stops shooting at everything that moves and then turn himself in so he can his own children could run. once again, putting him last, instead of protecting all of them.
then for a year, Spider has no family. no one. the McCoskers are gone and no one has stepped up to bat for him. he's 15/16 and alone. his the big sibling to the Sully's. those kids are all he has, but they aren't really looking out for him. he's looking out for them. cause he's the oldest. that's just how it is. he is one with the clan. lives with them. does chores. watches out for his siblings, the whole nine. but Jake isn't doing his duty of watching out for his ward. he is once again giving and giving and giving, and not receiving.
and then he is taken, he is taken, and while Jake may not have had the means to go back for Spider, or been able to take the risk of going back for him, he abandons him without a thought for his safety, and puts his children first. it's the language and attitude be poses towards the situation that is wild to me. he has every right to be worried about his children, but he could not spare Spider an ounce of concern, even knowing the danger he was in, and is more concerned about him spilling details then anything else. Spider is, once again, not his first, second, or even third priority. he is a means to an end. a necessary loss.
people only care about Spider when there's nothing else they can put before him.
#to put a long story short#I am upset that every adult in Spider's life could have and care for their own kids#but could not look out for Spider#not even saying that they needed to be his parents#but they abandoned him. every last one of them. and no one did anything to protect him.#no one made him a priority#individually. no party is directly guilty. but the fact that they all watched it happen and didn't do a thing. didn't even notice.#makes them all guilty of one thing or another in my mind#Spider didn't deserve to have every adult in his life dodge responsibility over him#I always thought Norms kids were adopted and it genuinely made me hate him since I read the comics. that he adopted kids but not Spider.#I am still mad. but less so.#its still frustrating that. but I get that raising bio Na'vi kids snd a human child would be rough.#I feel the same way about him that I do Jake#Spider was. even if he wasn't their adopted child. their responsibility first. before they had children.#seeing as there positions of power/having a human body/etc. made him his advocates and caretakers.#and they failed him when they chose to have their own kids and that became a catalyst for Spider being all but abandoned by them#because even with foster guardians. Spider need people looking out for him to make sure he was actually being taken care#avatar 2#avatar the way of water#spider socorro#miles spider socorro#miles socorro#avatar#avatar spider#spider avatar#I didn't include Max in this cause we don't know enough about what he had going on for me to comment.
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bread-wizards · 7 months ago
I actually think Dorian and Orym should fight more.
Remember when their slowly building tension over and entire episode (full of passive aggressive remarks and blame throwing) led to threats? And how after, Orym thanked Dorian for handing over the crown sadly because he knew Dorian would be mad at him? And Dorian couldn't even look at him because he was legitimately hurt, thinking Orym was disappointed in him for doing what he thought was right? That was peak.
The fact they went from that to their current closeness and trust is the best part of their entire dynamic. Their relationship was hard fought and still will be. They will fight for it because they respect and care for one another deeply, and their disagreements don't change that, only improve it.
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kvetchinglyneurotic · 2 years ago
As much as I make fun of season 1 Jon’s skeptic era, it is actually very effective world-building: while he often dismisses what seem like obviously supernatural occurrences (looking at you, Arachnophobia), Jon is clearly operating on the assumption that some of the statements will be legitimate — he not only takes known threats like Jane Prentiss and the remnants of Jurgen Leitner’s library seriously, but also sees statements he had previously dismissed as potentially legitimate when the same names or events reappear later on. Basically, it establishes that in ordinary (non-apocalyptic) times, supernatural events are known and accepted as real, but uncommon enough even employees at the Magnus Institute consider them to be the exception rather than the rule. 
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iwasbored777 · 1 year ago
Her face when she opens the package is so genuinely calm (look at that smile), she has no idea that she did something wrong here. Y'all need to chill
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Edit: Everyone who's being disrespectful bc of this post please just block me instead. No, it was not just one person, I deleted all the rest of them. Just let me post what I want on my blog and stay more positive 💕
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omg-hellgirl · 6 months ago
Angie and David Bowie backstage the concert film "Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars", 1973.
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sciderman · 6 months ago
What do you consider to be good Deadpool adaptations? This movie was my first Deadpool content in like a looong while so in need some more accurate Deadpool stuff
having a crisis of faith these days when it comes to good deadpool adaptations – there are SO few offerings... but, as far as deadpool adaptations go, the first deadpool movie really does hold up, i think. it's so sincere, when you revisit it. we're lucky to have gotten that movie. it's by no means perfect, but it's sincere. deadpool 2 is an even more wobbly time on it's feet, but i still like that portrayal of wade. i think both of those movies do a much better job doing whatever they're doing than dp/w does. they're movies. about deadpool. could they be better? oh absolutely. so much better. but... you know, i take what i can get.
we don't have much in the way of deadpool adaptation - you'd be surprised. he makes very few appearances in any other form of media. he has a video game that i don't like very much by virtue of being sensory overload for me - (but i think maybe it's fitting of the character) - he's shown up in a few tv series - his appearance in ultimate spider-man might my favourite one, just because it's so completely unhinged.
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i really love that stupid episode. it just gets so many genuine laughs out of me i don't know what to tell you. his VA is unbearable, but the writing just - it's genuinely funny. and i just think it's a thoughtful portrayal of deadpool too. there's a lot to chew. from his consistent unreliable narration of himself - his patented approach of being entirely dishonest not just for tactical reasons, but because he just doesn't like confronting truths about himself - the clever ways he breaks the fourth wall, the clever ways he deflects, his ego plays - and his parallels to spider-man - it's incredible how effortlessly they managed to cram all of that into a fairly short television episode for kids - i think it's one of the best adaptations of deadpool. i feel like the writers genuinely knew and understood wade's whole thing and brought it across so effortlessly. i love how fully-formed this wade feels, and i'd honest to god really like to write about him. one day, just you wait. one day i will.
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deconstructthesoup · 1 month ago
What the hell am I gonna do with my Friday mornings now that I don't have Deep Space Discounts to look forward to?
(Trick question---I will be patiently waiting for season 2 and letting Mr. Ink take all the time he needs)
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ace-and-sleepdeprived · 1 year ago
fucking love the fact that a select few people got so fed up with how much sexual content of miguel there was that they just went "okay you know what?? he doesn't feel that kind of attraction. he doesn't NEED that kind of attraction. we're taking his sexual attraction and throwing it in the trash so you can grow to LOVE and CARE for him as an actual PERSON and not as a weird sexual fantasy come true."
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kamiko1234 · 11 months ago
Recently got into Avatar bc of Spider (I love him and his character is SO interesting tbh), and one thing that rly shocked me is RDA Spider not being a bigger thing ? Because honestly ? If I was in his shoes I SO would have gone with the RDA purley out of spite. Like- this obviously neglected boy only wants a family. He desperately tries and does anything to make himself fit in with the Sully's. But all he gets back is hate and neglect from the adults he so desperately wants to accept him. And now imagine him getting captured and left behind by the adults he trusted and loved. And if that wasn't enough, so did his friends who were basically his siblings. The only ppl who atleast seemed like they gave a damn about him and loved him. And yet he STILL remains loyal, he still refuses to break under torture. And then he's with Quaritch and suddenly he gets a sliver of what he always wanted. He is included (to some degree at least) . He has an adult that (at least seems) to care for him. And it comes from the enemy of all places ! But even that still saw him loyal to the Na'vi, he was horrified when he truly saw what the RDA did. But then- then the Neytiri thing happened. The woman he pretty much saw as his step-mum but a knife to his throat, and Quaritch who he knew hated Jake, let Kiri go to save Spider. I'm not gonna lie, in his shoes I'd have gone with Quaritch the second he asked. Unironically. I'd be bitter as hell. Imagine being a 16 y/o kid constantly neglected. Your family and friends abandon you. The enemy is nicer to you than those you saw as your family. You watched him practically save your life while the ppl who you thought cared about you either put a knife to your throat or stood by for all that mattered. I'd be out for blood. And genuinely I think it would have been completely deserved for Spider to just say fuck it and go with the only parental figure he ever knew. I mean fuck, some people are mad about him SAVING QUARITCH'S LIFE ? They should be happy Spider didn't go with him to the RDA straight up ! Like ngl this AU is an untapped pool of angst and content that needs exploring. Especially Spider's justified anger for his mistreatment.
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irondad-defensesquad · 1 year ago
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(...) every time [he] looks at me with those big innocent eyes, all I can think about is every shitty thing I've ever done and I think, "I don't deserve that kind of love".
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iwasbored777 · 2 years ago
They better have Miles in BTSV find that picture of him and Gwen in Gwen's room just like she found his drawings of her. You can't just have her being so madly in love without him knowing. It hurts me that he never found out how much she loves him, they gotta have this in the third movie.
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that-spider-witch · 4 months ago
Redips was Spider the whole time and Spider was never real: So stupid it hurts, it completely wastes a perfectly good character for literally no reason AND didn't shapeshifting Reploids needed to copy an existing Reploid in order to shapeshift into them or was that just Axl? Whatever, it's still dumb.
Spider was a real Reploid who Redips impersonated: Not perfect, but still so much better than the other option. Makes so much more sense imho. Also... Angst Potential. So much more Angst Potential.
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agirlking · 2 years ago
“The Sullys didn’t owe Spider anything, they didn’t adopt him.” It is basic decency to not leave a child with the murderers that kidnapped him. Much less a child you knew since infancy, much less a child who at least two of your children love like he’s their own brother.
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naavispider · 1 year ago
Me preparing to post yet another Spider-gets-hurt-and-needs-to-be-taken-care-of-by-Quaritch oneshot
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