#they don’t have his pride! or his ambition! but he can talk them into following his lead… up to a point
the-obnoxious-sibling · 10 months
Can you put some thoughts on buggy and his crew relationship? I noticed people think of them as uncaring about their captain, what do you think? Why would they follow him? Talking about the ogs not the worshippers
absolutely i can!
…though i’m afraid there’s not much to say. mohji and cabaji, our two named officers on the crew, are simple opponents for our heroes to beat in orange town, and that’s about as seriously as the story ever takes a buggy pirate crewman. unlike buggy, who zigzags between being a joke and being a character with real depth, these guys are pretty consistently jokes.
that said, taking a serious look at them, i think buggy found a crew that’s a lot like him, for good and ill.
they’re fully bought in on the romanticism of the captain-crew bond, and of bonds of friendship forged over a meal at sea. just look at their brief appearance at the start of the impel down arc: they bought an eternal pose that points to impel down! the whole crew is on their knees in tears thinking of buggy and ace awaiting execution… they want to do something about it! there must be something they can do!!
but oof, those sea kings sure are… real big…
and when alvida flatly tells them they’ll never make it, that even if they could, impel down is impregnable, and in any case she’s not going to let them use the big top to do it… they back down. still tearful, but now it’s “we’ll never forget you!” “see you in the next life!” tears. they know their limits, and beating alvida, to say nothing of whatever else awaits them, is beyond those.
and those limits never really change as the series goes on! so they give in and give up earlier and earlier, each time an obstacle appears in their path.
this crew values strength, but they don’t have much interest in doing the work to increase their strength, either as individuals or as a crew. they’d rather ride on a stronger person’s coattails, and call that person “captain.” buggy’s ‘growth’ as a pirate is a bit of a mirror image to that, actually—he’s getting stronger and stronger subordinates (or “subordinates,” as the case may be), but not really getting stronger himself.
buggy’s crew follows him eagerly and loyally, but that camaraderie doesn’t really extend to one other when worse comes to worst. they watch with fear, but no protests, when buggy targets one of their own for destruction—knowing that one wrong word could put them in that same position. is it so surprising that they’d turn that attitude on buggy himself, when former warlords come calling?
so yeah, i can understand where the ‘uncaring’ perspective comes from. they’re quick to give up (and to be fair, buggy would often also like to give up, but people around him keep misunderstanding his intentions), and that includes giving up on buggy when things get tough.
but what else are they supposed to do, get stronger? that’s literally the greatest swordsman on the planet, how is cabaji supposed to get on his level? ridiculous. at least if he keeps his head down he gets to be middle management at cross guild.
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amorgansgal · 4 months
So inspired by a post I reblogged (if Gale ascended to godhood and your tav did as well, what would they be god/goddess of), I said my character, Lilith, would be the goddess of whores, bastards and broken things as a fuck you to both the gods and a bit of a fuck you to Gale because she would fundementally disagree with it but want to stay with him. Anyway, I was inspired, so wrote a little piece for that!
CW: Brief mentions of sex work, brief mention of abuse
Journal of Salaia Navine, High Priestess of the Goddess Lilith
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Where does the goddess Lilith come from?
It’s a question so often asked by children when they first gain awareness of the gods being a part of their lives and those around them. Some gods have simpler answers than others. But when speaking of Lilith, goddess of the fallen and broken (or as she’s more commonly called goddess of whores, bastards and broken things), it’s a more complicated answer. What can you tell a child about the goddess who takes especial interest in prostitutes and brothel workers, whose blessings are for those running from their abusers, who keeps the abandoned babies left on her temples’ steps warm and safe? Many of those who belong to the upper echelons don’t even like to acknowledge her existence. How can they? When her existence speaks of the darkness in the world, unkindness, cruelty and a willingness to look away. They are protected by Tyr, comforted by Selune and eagerly seek the approval of Gale, god of ambition. Though how they can face him but ignore his lover is a strange thing. But then, who can say if she’s his lover anymore.
The goddess Lilith is the lover of Gale, god of ambition?
Perhaps, and the irony of the goddess of the broken and destitute being the lover of the god of hungry ambition, fame and fortune is not lost on any who serve in her temples. But then many couples speak of being opposites or complimenting one another’s strengths and weaknesses, though, and it may be blasphemy to say, I do not know if they meet in the heavens to spend their evenings together. Perhaps they do, perhaps they worship each other, as the humble mortals on the earth worship them. But I have my doubts. Can the god of ambition love a goddess who loves the broken, the desperate, the afraid, those whose greatest ambition is having enough food in their belly or a place to shelter during the cold nights? Those who follow the god, Gale, seem convinced he has cast her aside, that she could not compare with the other goddesses and he could have his pick of them. And while I may be biased, as the high priestess of her temple within Baldur’s Gate, I believe she is very fair. 
Is she not just a weaker form of Ilmater? Is it true that she is the lover of Ilmater?
There are some folk who have argued this matter of her being a minor form of Ilmater, though I believe such notions bely their foolishness. Those who worship Ilmater recognise her own unique place in caring for those that sometimes they cannot reach, either because such people will not come to them for aid or they will be told by the patriars to not offer as they call them ‘undesirables’ aid. She is quicker to act than Ilmater, she does not take pride in suffering or not seeking revenge for those who have suffered. Those who worship Ilmater do not always wholly agree with us, we see nothing wrong with defending ourselves or righting wrongs quickly and efficiently.
I cannot say whether she is the lover of Ilmater. I have communed with her and when we have talked upon such matters like lovers, she is cagey. But that is why I am not wholly convinced on the matter of her lover being the god of ambition. The gods have emotions beyond the petty concerns and trifles of mortals, but I must confess, when I asked she seemed wounded by the question. A great and unbearable sadness filled her eyes and she demanded I not ask further upon it. So I will respect her wishes in that regard.
Did you know Lilith and Gale when they were mortals?
I did not. I am not so old! But I have met those who did know of them. Halsin, the Archdruid for the Emerald Enclave, and Jaheira, leader of Baldur Gate’s Harpers, knew them when they defeated the Netherbrain that threatened the lives and free will of everyone in Faerûn. There are other companions, as I’m sure you are aware, that are still with us. But they do not wish to speak on the relationship. 
Halsin said they were well suited to one another. Lilith was sharp, quick and not above manipulating others when she needed, but had a good, kind heart that she did not easily give away and was at first cautious when Gale offered himself to her. He said Gale was intelligent, verbose and utterly enamoured with her. Halsin believed both had fallen in love with one another, before they had even realised it. They would keep an eye on one another in battle, they had one another’s backs and for a long time their goals, ambitions and desires aligned. He said he had never seen Lilith smile with such joy than when Gale confessed his feelings and kissed her. Jaheira doubted Lilith wished to be a goddess, but said Lilith loved Gale more than anything in the wide world and did not wish to leave his side. If such a matter is true and if he has cast her aside, then my heart weeps for her. I hope she is comforted by how many priests and priestesses know her pain. 
How do I worship the goddess Lilith?
Like the temple of Ilmater we very much appreciate donations to help those who come to us, but the goddess Lilith will smile upon you and bless you when you do not treat those who work in brothels as lesser, if you offer aid to those on the streets, if you petition your lord to not turn his back on us and to not consider some poor folk worthy of help whilst others are only worthy of contempt. If you do not believe that all tieflings are thieves, that all gnomes are weak, that all dwarves only care for wealth, if we offer our brothers and sisters a chance to prove who and what they are, rather than letting society dictate what they should be, then you will be welcomed in Lilith’s embrace.
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witchthewriter · 1 year
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𝑆𝘩𝑖𝑝 𝑓𝑜𝑟 @highladyofanarchy.
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𝐼 𝑠𝘩𝑖𝑝 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑤𝑖𝑡𝘩 𝐶𝘩𝑎𝑜𝑙! (And yes I fancast Bob Morley as Chaol). Chaol is a very mature person, he has a strong moral code that he always follows. He needs someone who can both go along with that but also challenge it. You would be perfect together. 
Actually hates the company of most people, and tolerates those around him. But with you, god, it’s different. He can’t get enough of you. 
Is actually really jealous. He doesn’t like any guys talking with you for too long
Likes to run his finger down your spine. He revels in the goosebumps that form on your skin
Seeing you sad breaks his heart. He will go out and buy all your favourite things and surprise you in the afternoon. Definitely uses his standing to get you out of work
Will wake up earlier than you just to watch you sleep. It puts his mind at ease seeing you next to him
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈
Beautiful War by Kings of Leon
𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔
”I love you, wholeheartedly.” (You) x “You shouldn’t, I don’t deserve it.” (Chaol)
I Don’t Know What I’m Doing But At Least I’m Alive, Right? (You) x You’re Doing Great, Sweetie (Chaol)
Grumpy Boyfriend x Caring Girlfriend 
𝑷𝒍𝒐𝒕 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆
Only one bed; this is how he realised his feelings for you. 
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒊𝒓 𝒇𝒂𝒗𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖
How thoughtful you are; you do little things knowing that Chaol would like them - and it’s so touching to him that the first time he cried. He isn’t used to being remembered like that. And it made him fall in love with you even more. 
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒃𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅
Aelin! Yes, she has a lot of power but you absolutely love her because of who she is - not what she has. 
𝑾𝒉𝒊𝒄𝒉 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒚𝒐𝒖'𝒓𝒆 𝒎𝒐𝒔𝒕 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆
A mix between Elide, Yrene and Manon. I think you have such a healer type of energy about you, but also a lil witchy and dark academia. There’s so many elements to your personality. But ultimately - you do have a maternal energy about you. 
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒑𝒆𝒕
You found a baby dragon egg (not knowing what it was) and kept it at home. You thought it was a bird’s egg. And thought you were saving the potential chick - however it was not a bird. But a deformed dragon egg. And a month later out cracked a leathered, winged creature. Who ended up breathing fire. 
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𝐼 𝑠𝘩𝑖𝑝 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑤𝑖𝑡𝘩 𝐻𝑎𝑟𝑤𝑖𝑛! GOD I LOVE THIS MAN. He would treat you RIGHT. He would treat you PERFECTLY. Harwin would do WHATEVER YOU WANTED. IM SERIOUS, HE’S PERFECT. Protect you? YES. Love and adore you? YES. Make sure that you’re thriving, that you’ve eaten and that you’re hydrated? YES, YES AND YES. He just wants the best for you. He just wants you to thrrriiivvveeeeeeeeeee.
Absolutely loves giving you piggy back rides
Types of husband to talk about you to everyone with such pride. Talking of your accomplishments, or even your hobbies! He just wants people to know how amazing you are 
Massages your feet after a long day
You like braiding his hair and he ... absolutely loves it. You do it at night, like a protective hairstyle, so in the morning he has glorious hair
Automatically gives you his cloak, even if it isn’t cold. He just goes, “ah yes you need more warmth,” even if you’re sweating...
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈
I Will Always Love You by Whitney Houston
𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔
Dumbass (Harwin) x Oh God I Guess That’s My Dumbass (You)
The Gomez & Morticia Adams
Malewife x Girlboss
𝑷𝒍𝒐𝒕 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆
Literally the perfect character for The Body Guard™
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒊𝒓 𝒇𝒂𝒗𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖
The way you care so much for people. It’s rare. Especially in this world. Everyone is always wanting something, their ambition is overwhelming. You can smell it throughout King’s Landing. But you, no. You actually want to be there for others, to make a change. A good change. 
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒃𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅
Rhaenyra!!! She would absolutely adore your company. You would be the person who gives her brilliant advice. She would come to you with her most inner worries. You helped her a lot during her mother’s passing. 
𝑾𝒉𝒊𝒄𝒉 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒚𝒐𝒖'𝒓𝒆 𝒎𝒐𝒔𝒕 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆
A mixture between Alicent, Rhaenyra and Helaena. There aren’t a lot of people like you in this world - you seem like such a lovely, well-grounded person. 
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒑𝒆𝒕
(I just made you of Valyria descent so you could have a dragon because it would be unfair if you didn’t get one-)
You would have the dragon, Dreamfyre. I think you have this otherworldy, fae vibe to you. Like you could be Queen of the Fae themselves. And with Dreamfyre, she’s the mount to those who are dreamy yet bold. You two would bond at a young age - and you would be inseparable. 
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𝐼 𝑠𝘩𝑖𝑝 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑤𝑖𝑡𝘩 𝐾𝑎𝑧! He would work well with you because you both have a love for a calmer atmosphere. You’re both introverts and prefer the company of each other. He’d also be incredibly loyal to you, and protect you without hesitation. He’s the type of guy to burn the world if it meant saving you. 
You knew who he was, and had no need for him at all. But god did he need your services. 
A grisha yourself, he needed you for a specific job. And it was during this job that he caught feelings. He didn’t mean to, nor did he want to. But it happened. It was goddamn destiny. You two were soulmates. 
You’re quite good with herbs and healing. So you help Kaz with his aches and pains. He really appreciates it. Because it’s such kindness that he isn’t used to. 
You’re the ONLY PERSON who can make him smile. Or who he will let touch him. 
He treats you like a goddamn Queen. Say what you will about Kaz, but he will do whatever for the people he cares about. He loves buying you jewels, presenting you with jewellery. He loves the way your eyes light up. The blush that forms on your cheeks. 
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈
I Want Your Love by the Toadies
𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔
The Moon and His Star
Cheerful Optimist x Grumpy Asshole
Moral/Emotional Support
𝑷𝒍𝒐𝒕 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆
Enemies to Lovers
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒊𝒓 𝒇𝒂𝒗𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖
That you stand strong in your opinions and your beliefs.You don’t let anyone stand in your way or tell you what to do. 
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒃𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅
Jesper!!! He makes you laugh all. the. time. And you two have a lot of chemistry. He had a bit of a crush on you but then Wylan came along and he fell in love with the bomb artist. But Jesper never forgot your friendship. You’re the person he automatically seeks out. Even if you’re with Kaz, he’ll third wheel without shame. 
𝑾𝒉𝒊𝒄𝒉 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒚𝒐𝒖'𝒓𝒆 𝒎𝒐𝒔𝒕 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆
A mix between Inej and Zoya. I think you have a stoicness to yourself. Grace, poise and maturity. You know what you believe and don’t care what others say. 
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒑𝒆𝒕
A black cat that follows you evERYWHERE. You’ve called him Shadow. He goes wherever you go. You don’t even have to call him. He’s just ... there. 
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zapphattack · 2 years
Translation - Play: "Death of the Roses" [Khan and Andrey Dialogue/Conceptual 'Analysis' of the Polyhedron]
From a play I was writing about the Lilich sisters, the Mistresses and the Polyhedron
Andrey followed Caspar into his father’s study, his head tilted to look at the boy directly. “Don’t be like that, boy. You’re still young but there has to be somebody that interests you. Life is about more than just studying all day, or whatever it is you do. The best thing about being human is other human beings.”
Caspar grimaced. “Every time you visit I remember why my mother likes you and my father can’t stand your company.” He spoke with complete disregard to how Andrey smirked at his words.
“Ah, but I left a strong enough impression for them both to speak of me. Did Miss Maria comment about me, by any chance?” 
The young Kain hesitated, lips thinning. “Yes… But I don’t know if that’s a good thing.”
They stopped before Victor’s desk, prompting him to look up to regard them both with an even stare.
“Father. Mr Stamatin wanted to speak with you.” The glacial formality of his tone and stiffness of his posture seemed unsuited to the occasion. Andrey elbowed the boy, spiting the seriousness he bore around himself. “How many times have I told you to call me Andrey, pipsqueak.”
Victor completely disregarded the clash of personalities happening before him with the ease of a man married to what would arguably be the biggest personality in town. “Thank you for bringing him here, son.” A subtle dismissal.
Caspar started to retreat before Andrey settled his hand on the boy’s shoulder. “The boy can stay, he’s big enough to listen to us talk shop.” He disregarded the boy’s wide eyes and stiffened shoulder.
“Very well, then. What brings you to the Crucible, Andrey?” It was hard to discern if he spoke with apathy or resignation.
Andrey cracked his neck before speaking, making his present company wince. “I thought I ought to warn one of you, and I’m aware your brothers are more deeply invested in this, but decided to check in with yourself.” The way he explained himself seemed to be to nobody’s benefit, perhaps just to extend the exchange. “The Polyhedron is almost complete and ready to be erected.”
Victor spoke evenly, but his eyes reflected reticence. “It’s hard not to be invested in a project the scale of the Polyhedron, but proceed.”
“I’ll take that as a taciturn adherence to my brother’s ambition.” The architect’s tone indicated he took pride in that fact, even as he deferred credit to Peter. “Now, before I continue, I’d like confirmation on how much you’re willing to invest in this.”
“A lot, according to our expenses.” Victor spoke flatly, just enough subtlety not to seem rude.
Andrey’s expression remained pleasant. “Yes, of course, and Peter and I are grateful, but my question possesses a more… Metaphysical meaning.” 
“Metaphysical.” Victor echoed.
“Metaphysical.” Andrey repeated, perhaps only to be vague.
The men stared at each other at an impasse, Andrey with a slightly smug smile. Caspar turned to him after avoiding his gaze since he arrived, a sort of childish spark of curiosity in his eyes. “What metaphysical price could a construction have?”
The architect broke eye contact with Victor to clap a hand on the boy’s shoulder again. “Good boy, great question. Let’s say that a building in this scale had immense potential for mutation. Its mere existence is a crime against nature, which brings me great pride and completes my curriculum of illicit activities in this life, for now.”
“Your point being?” Victor asked, rubbing his forehead with a sigh.
Andrey tilted his head down, making Caspar feel patronized. “What does the younger master Kain think?”
The boy seemed pensive. “Everything that rises, falls. If the tower won’t, it isn’t going to follow the laws of physics.”
“Precisely!” His voice was excited, not a hint of indulgence to be found.
Victor’s eyes narrowed. “This is absurd, Andrey. Honestly, I thought you were working within the parameters of the realm of possibility.”
“An anecdote from the life of a charlatan, Victor: if the rules don’t favor you, change the game.” He was fully serious.
“What you’re doing isn’t a change of game, it’s cheating the laws of physics.”
“And I tell you, as an architect, that it’s entirely within our capacities. The circumstances around here seem to favor the strange and absurd.” There was a joy in Andrey’s aura that was rarely witnessed in the Kain home.
Victor spoke slowly, as if dreading what he would unleash. “I suppose you would know a bit more about the strange and absurd than me.” A sigh. “Very well, proceed with my tolerance, but don’t exaggerate.”
Andrey chuckled. “I think you maybe should’ve said that before my brother invented an inverted tower that cannot collapse.”
“As if I didn’t know.” Victor seemed to age as the conversation went on. “Make yourself at home, I need to speak to my brothers about this matter.” He waited for no reply as he took a sheaf of notes from his desk and walked out of the room with even strides.
Caspar relaxed noticeably and took his father’s seat, leaning back on the chair and crossing his legs, feet resting on the polished surface of the desk, fishing a travel-sized book from his pocket and opening it with the smooth motion of someone who took such a posture frequently. Andrey thumbed through the stacks of paperwork on the desk lazily, humming.
“When my father said to make yourself at home, I hardly think he meant ‘Of course, Andrey, please suit yourself to my personal documents with no regard to the privacy of the family’.” The boy spoke as if it were an absentminded thought but with an authoritative tone.
Andrey chuckled. “I’d take your criticism more seriously if you weren’t sitting pretty in his chair without lifting a finger to impede me, boy.”
“I don’t involve myself in the affairs of adults.”
“Sometimes I don’t understand if you want to be a contemporary Peter Pan or if you simply can’t wait for the moment you obtain the authority of seniority over others.” Andrey spoke as if he himself didn’t believe what he said, and it was only for the sake of responding.
They looked at each other for a moment, sizing the other up. “The Polyhedron will be ruled by the rules of which game, in the end?”
“We’re not sure yet. Peter says the tower will sustain itself like a flower, following biological precepts and forming its own lifelong fibers. He was always more creative than me, after all, he was the one who devised the Rose.” Andrey looked out the window, a grounded wistfulness tainting him.
Caspar narrowed his eyes at the avoidance. “And what do you think? You’re the architect who put the idea into practice.”
Andrey waved his hand dismissively. “I don’t know, but if pressed I’d say it’s a process a bit less organic. No, perhaps it could be organic, but certainly not natural. Let’s say I’m of the opinion that a sort of alchemy is possible in this specific case. The ascension of an object to a standard unreachable in nature itself, but at a cost.”
The book in Caspar’s grasp was closed audibly, and when he spoke, it was with intrigue. “Alchemy? Chemistry, you mean. The Polyhedron will suffer a transformation mediated by a sort of energy exchange?”
“Someone’s been studying.” The man said in lieu of an answer.
Caspar mirrored the prior dismissive hand gesture. “I’m surprised you have any interest in chemistry as an area of research.”
“How do you think I discovered the best ways to produce alcohol at home, squirt?” 
Caspar’s eye twitched. “You’re a questionable individual.” He firmly set his book down on the desk. “What could the Polyhedron possibly lack to become an edifice, then?”
Andrey rubbed his chin in consideration. “It lacks nothing, necessarily, only time. Let’s say we want to catalyze a process that is already in motion.” 
“I thought you said it wasn’t a natural process.” Caspar countered, slightly bewildered.
“Not yet, but given enough time everything becomes possible, and therefore impossible. Your uncles wanted the tower to be constructed in our time by our hands, and I admit I’m interested in seeing it in our lifetime. Lucky for us, my brother and I were born in the right place at the right time.” Not a trace of smugness could be found in his demeanor, only sincerity. 
Caspar tilted his head. “And what’s the catalyst?”
Andrey sat down on the desk and crossed his arms, settling in for a long conversation. “We’re not sure.”
“Your reticence points to the contrary.” The boy got up from his seat, eyes narrowed.
“Do you read the dictionary for fun, punk?”
Silence. Caspar crossed his arms and stared into Andrey’s eyes. The architect threw his hands up exasperatedly. “Bah! You’re persistent like your mother, and your dad’s dead eyed stare doesn’t help the matter.”
“Oh, I don’t know, I find it helps a lot.” Caspar spoke with a straight face, but he exuded smugness.
“This is exactly what I’m talking about, you have her sharp tongue and his obtuse determination. Unbearable, a union straight from Hell.” Andrey was clearly more peeved than actually unsettled.
Caspar raised his eyebrows. “Yes, and you’re intimately familiarized with Hell, seeing as you came directly from there.”
The man paused before guffawing good-naturedly, ruffling the boy’s hair. “Speaking to you is always a pleasant surprise, kid.”
“Pleasant enough to incentivize you to tell me what the catalyst is?” He didn’t even try to mask the cloying in his tone.
“You know, if there’s one thing we have in common it’s that when I was your age I was a lot like you, despite the precocious sense of humor. You’re clearly not going to give up, so I’ll tell you our hypothesis, but this stays between us and you’re not going to make any smart comments.”
He waited for Caspar to nod before continuing. “You’re asking the wrong question, we’d been doing so for a good while. It’s not about what the catalyst, but who. Peter agrees that the Rose requires human care, but we think such an edifice can only be cultivated by the hands of someone truly exceptional.”
Andrey thumbed the straps of his suspenders as he spoke warmly. “We had a colleague, Farkhad. a phenomenal architect. You might’ve heard that he was the one responsible for a decent part of the most impressive constructions around here. The Cathedral and the Stillwater were works made by his skilled hands.”
“I never understood the Cathedral. It’s not as if it’s a monument to a specific deity.”
“Of course not, boy. Time is a transcendental power in itself. If it suits you, you can even make a statuette dedicated to Kronos and erect an altar there.” Andrey was transparently making light of Caspar.
The boy disregarded the jab with an eyeroll. “Isn’t it a bit contradictory? A space dedicated to time?”
“Ask your uncles, they’re the ones who requested it be built. They wanted a space where time doesn’t pass within, but that alters its passage without.” He closed his eyes as if he could feel the flow of time on his face.
“And the Stillwater?” Caspar tapped his foot impatiently.
Andrey cracked one eyelid open with mirth. “Ah, that’s a bit more complex.”
“Is it?” A genuine query. “Isn’t it just a hostel? I know it can function as an observatory.” The comment would almost come off as haughty, were it not blunt.
“The Stillwater could be considered a Polyhedron prototype-” 
Caspar piped up, almost excited by the prospect of having something to add. “But weren’t the staircases to nowhere also prototypes? I heard my uncles talking about it.”
“A project so big as to shelter a human soul must have at least a hundred blueprints, fifty mockups, twenty prototypes and two iterations. The Stillwater was Farkhad’s.” Andrey’s claim weighed like absolute truth, as if those were tenets he lived by. Caspar supposed at least he followed some code of conduct, albeit only as an architect and not a moral person.
The boy hummed. “I don’t see the resemblance. The Stillwater is short and round, not a single edge. The Polyhedron is made up of at least 70% sharp edges and it towers over clouds, in the right weather conditions.”
Andrey seemed nonplussed by the skepticism. “Yes, and see the ingenuity of its concept. Farkhad thought that a building with the objective of hosting a human soul and nurturing its growth and ascension should be flat, to serve as a foundation and anchor the individual. The task of ascending would consequently be left to the inhabitant themself.”
Caspar’s expression cracked, perturbed. “But isn’t that the place where nobody can stand to stay for a long period of time?”
“Yes, which is why the idea was discarded.” The architect didn’t seem concerned about the fact. “The new guest shows a remarkable resistance to its adverse effects, I hope she stays. Miss Eva Yan is lovely company.” Caspar frowned at his smirk. “But don’t disconsider the importance of the house, its influence demonstrates that there’s merit in the idea that the spaces we inhabit have a profound effect on us.”
“Does this include our estate?” The boy looked around meaningfully.
Andrey spoke with mirth. “Worried?”
“Not at all.” His voice wavered, but his stance was firmly prideful. “The house is ours, it’s under our rules.” 
“I don’t doubt the young master can command his place of residence, but you underestimate the influence of the walls that surround us.” He grinned and leaned forward. “What makes you think the way you behave now isn’t entirely the influence of your environment?”
Caspar shivered visibly, the silence amplifying the weight of the words. “...You’re just trying to disturb me.”
“And I’m accomplishing it.” Andrey seemed delighted by the fact. “But that’s your opinion, maybe I’m trying to teach you something here.”
“I’d believe that more if you had expressed any interest in my education prior to this moment.” Caspar replied, retreating into the comfortable pace of idle banter.
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Hello dearest!!!! 💗 CONGRATULATIONS ON 900 FOLLOWERS! This is such a great thing honestly, I am so happy for you!
I was wondering if I could request a grishaverse/Harry Potter (it's up to you) romantic match pretty please? So I'm gonna hop on and tell you a bit about myself ;) I'm a 5'5 girl with blonde curly shoulder length hair. I have a beauty mark right on top of my right eyebrow and usually wear eyeliner. I'm really feminine and wear a lot of jewelry and bracelets and earrings. My pronouns are she/her, I'm straight and my mbti is Enfj. I'm that happy go lucky, extroverted, full of laughter sunshine person that makes friends with everybody. I love to make others happy and help as much as I can if I can. I get attached easily and love hugs and physical affection. I'm love reading, my favourite books are Tender is the Night, The great Gatsby and the entirety of ya fantasy be it Holly Black, Sarah J Maas, Leigh Bardugo or Cassandra Clare. Favourite movie of all times is Pride and Prejudice, with second best being How to lose a guy in 10 days. If it didn't show, I'm an incurable romantic. Favourite book tropes are friends to lovers and probably the "who did this to you" trope. Also the whole fated mates 👀 I'm a sucker for it. I'm an artist, I want to become an Illustrator and illustrate children's books, possibly do art therapy and work with children. I also love dancing and singing, even tho I am a terrible singer it brings me so much joy. I love sweets and baking, and volunteering. Beside this, I honestly have absolutely no idea what else to tell you, so yeah. Nice to meet you 😂💗
Hope you have a wonderful day, and I send you hugs! Stay hidrated and happy! 💗
thank you for participating :)
so i’m gonna go with just one fandom to do the full description and blurb thing. but i’ll tell you who i ship you with from both! and whichever one i think you’re a better fit for, i’ll do the full thing for. also, i wasn’t sure if you meant lightning era or marauders era, so i gave you one from both.
i ship you with jesper, fred, and james!
i’m gonna with jesper for this, tho, hope that’s alright :)
jesper would love how outgoing you are. he needs someone who can match his energy, and make him smile. you’d light up any room you walk in, and he’d be absolutely head over heels for you. inej would tease him about it. he’s normally so confident and flirtatious, but you make him weak in the knees. it’s a good look on him, and even though inej loves to tease, she also loves how happy you make him when he’s around you.
jesper is also quite a physically affectionate person. he’d love that you are too, always wanting to have a hand on your waist, or your hand resting on his arm. in crowds, he’d have an arm slung around your shoulder, keeping you close. you’d get more hugs you’ve ever had in your life with him, spending half your day smooshed into his chest. it would annoy kaz to no end with the amount of pda you too displayed, but he secretly liked you too. you’d keep jesper’s head on straight, which would help him focus on jobs. kaz would have to thank you one day for putting up with jesper so he didn’t have to. babysitting isn’t his forte.
i don’t think jesper is much of a reader. he prefers to live out adventures, rather than read about them. but he’d love listening to you ramble on about whatever book you were reading, smiling at how your face lit up when you talked about it. kaz would make it a point to leave a new book in your room every once in a while, as payment for keeping up with jesper and making him happy every day.
i think jesper is a hopeless romantic. he can’t help it. he just loves love. and while i don’t think he reads much himself, he’d definitely pay attention to some cheesy poetry to dramatically recite to you as a way to declare his love. kaz would call it nauseating, but get a kick out of it too. jesper would definitely support any artistic ambition you have. he’d do his best to make sure you succeeded, always praising your work. he may live a life of crime and be content with that, but he wants the best for you. and your passion for making other people happy would inspire him.
he’d come to you with ideas for your illustrations, being the biggest supporter of your work. “i had a dream about it, darling. i think it would really work for a story.”
you’d laugh, walking with him back to the crow club. “jesper, the book is for children. i cant put a gunfight in a children’s book, can i?”
he’d sling an arm around your shoulder, pulling you into him. he’d press a kiss to the top of your head, smiling to himself.
“you’ve got me there. i’m keeping the idea, though. for when you’re big and famous, and you’ve written about all our adventures in the barrel. you and me, kaz and inej. i’m expecting credit, though. cant have you forgetting me when you’ve got kruge lining your pockets.”
“id never forget you, love. besides, as if kaz would pass up on an opportunity for kruge. he wouldn’t let me forget that outstanding tab you’ve got going with him. i expect your share of the profits won’t even make a dent in what you owe him.”
“that’s alright,” he’d chuckle, guiding you back to the crow club. “i’ll just have to dip into some of yours. it’s only fair. it was my dream, after all.”
you’d playfully roll your eyes, tugging him along with you. “you’re dreaming, jes.”
hi again! i hope you enjoyed this :)
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cinnbar-bun · 3 years
Diluc Finding Out S/O Had Their Vision Taken
A/n: spoilers for Genshin Act 2, I just my fave cuz.,,, big love for him. Also angst. Reader is not the traveler!!
He is not one to harp on you or tell you where you need to go or what you should do. He trusts you fully. You are his lover, and as such, he puts his complete faith in you. You are strong, brave, and kind. Surely nothing too grave could happen?
As much as he tries to delude himself with detached statements of how you’ll be fine, he does worry. Sometimes he worries about what would happen if he couldn’t help you.
Work and business keeps you both preoccupied, and many times you both would be estranged for many days- perhaps even months- at a time.
But he tries to assure himself. You were his most trusted spy and intelligence agent, and you are his lover now. You are more than capable of handling anything.
You informed him you would be joining the Traveler on their journey to Inazuma. You had become attached to the poor thing after helping them a few times, and you felt it invaluable to learn about the situation in the closed off Land of Eternity.
He knew of the dangers. You knew of the risks. He wanted so bad to tell you to forget that place. To tell you it was pointless, unnecessary, absolutely worthless compared to the utter horror you would have to face.
But he held his tongue. He was a man of few words, instead pressing a kiss against your forehead and hanging his ring around your neck on a chain. You did the same back. A reminder you both were connected, no matter how far.
He expected rough travels and perhaps a few scars coming back. He expected new information, your smiling face and tired yawn over how exhausting the trip was.
What he didn’t expect was to see Paimon and the traveler return to Mondstadt with anxious expressions on their face.
“Traveler. Paimon. Is something the matter? Where is (Y/n)?” He asks. His heart beats quicker. God. Please. Don’t let his nightmares be true.
“Well… you see…” the traveler begins. They can’t face him.
“Hehe… it’s um, a super funny story. Haha, you’d never believe it. Almost as much as believing that (Y/n) got their vision stolen!” Paimon awkwardly added.
“Paimon-!” The traveler hissed, frowning at them and Paimon covered her mouth.
“I mean! Um! It’s not that bad!! At least they’re alive… right?” Paimon tried to fix her slip up but Diluc couldn’t hear a thing.
“They… what?” He can’t believe it.
“It’s best you see for yourself.” The traveler took Diluc to the bar where you were sitting, a drink in hand as Kaeya and Venti were trying to tell a terrible joke.
Your eyes were faded. Dead. You looked like a zombie, a hollow shell of the person he loved. You did not smile, you did not even look at the two trying to get any sort of emotion out of you. Just as Paimon said, your vision was gone.
“Do you mind…? Please leave me. I have a terrible headache.” You murmured.
Diluc walked towards you, and Kaeya and Venti knew better and stood aside.
“(Y/n)?” He asked, unsure if this was truly you. He swallowed his pride. “My love?”
It was the first time he had ever publicly said something like that. Your relationship was shrouded in mystery and kept quiet beyond a few people.
“I’m sorry, do I know you?” You asked.
His heart shattered. He couldn’t talk, couldn’t even form a sentence to respond to what you asked. Please be a cruel, sick joke. Please tell him this was a lie and that-
“I don’t remember ever meeting you. Actually, I don’t really remember anything. This young adventurer over there and their floating partner has taken me here, saying I was from here but… truly I can’t recall a thing. It’s all a haze.”
“I’m sorry. I must have mistaken you for someone else.” Diluc said. He stared down before he quickly walked out of the tavern, slamming the door behind him.
How was he supposed to react? How was he supposed to act with you knowing you remember nothing about him? Nothing about the two of you and all you’ve done?
He cursed the gods and everything around him. If this was their idea of a joke, he did not find it funny. Time after time, everything he loved was taken from him. Was he ever allowed to be happy and love, knowing he was cursed?
“How could he say that?! What a jerk! Who does that to someone they love?” Paimon angrily huffed.
The traveler nearly followed him out the bar before Kaeya placed a hand on their shoulder.
“Be gentle with him. He’s hurting incredibly bad. I know him very well, and he may not admit it but he’s truly heartbroken. I don’t want to hurt him more so… take care of him for all of us, okay?”
They nodded before catching up with the young lord.
“Diluc! Please! Wait-!”
“Leave me alone, traveler. I have work to complete.”
“This has been a complete waste of my time. I will not ask again for you to leave me alone. I do not wish-“
“I’m sorry!” They shouted, tears streaming down their face as they sobbed loudly. “I’m sorry! I’m so sorry!”
He stopped walking. He stood still for a few moments as the traveler cried and begged for forgiveness.
“You’re sorry? Sorry for what has happened to them? Truly?”
“Huh?” The traveler looked up to see Diluc clench his fists tightly.
“You think sorry will fix this? You think sorry will give back their vision, their memories, their ambitions? You think sorry can help them remember what had happened to them?”
“You’re wasting your breath. Save it. I do not wish to hear anymore. It’s not me you should be apologizing to. You took their life. Not mine.” He glared coldly. He walked away, leaving the traveler alone as his figure slowly grew smaller.
He goes home and immediately reads the letters you sent him. Whether they were business or personal, he kept them all.
Diluc came across one letter. One that changed your relationship forever.
“I love you, Diluc. Nothing will ever stop me from coming back to you and being by your side.”
He couldn’t control himself now. His eyes watered as all his feelings burst like a dam.
God, he should be grateful you were alive. Why couldn’t he be content knowing you were back here?
The tears fell onto the letter, dampening and smudging the ink on the old paper.
Why did this hurt worse than anything ever before?
In an instant, he grabbed a match and lit it up, placing it near the letters and setting some of them aflame. Watching the letters burn sent him spiraling.
‘My lord’ ‘I love you��� ‘great news’ ‘I have been thinking of you’
The words flashed in his head before he threw them to the ground and stomped out the flame. Many were charred and burned, and he crumbled to the ground.
God. Why? Why did it have to be you? Why did it have to happen? Why did you go? Why didn’t he just say anything to keep you here?
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Hey babe! 😘 D, K, and Q for Geto and Gojo please! Poly if you want, but can be separate if it's easier!
OH SHIT IT’S MY WIFE Imma do them separate this time around, hope that’s okay!
Gojo Satoru
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Yes and no. I don’t think he would settle down now given the state of the world and how he’s constantly being sent out on missions and busy teaching the next generation of sorcerers. When the world begins to progress and his ambitions are essentially seen through to the end, then I think he would consider settling down (if he already had a partner at that point).
He’s not terrible at cooking, but he’s not the best at cooking either. The most he can do is clean vegetables and maybe dice them up? Other than that it’s best to just have him on the sidelines. Cleaning on the other hand is different, I can see him being someone who will slowly accumulate a mess, but will tidy up once it reaches a certain level of clutter and inconvenience. 9/10 if you tell him to clean up he’ll legitimately forget to do it, the other times he’ll argue back that it’s not that messy. If you keep pushing him, he'll just get someone (ijichi or his students) to do it for him so that neither of you are arguing about it all day.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Depends on the situation. If you and him are swamped with work or other obligations, he’ll make sure to give you a quick peck whenever you pass each other as a small show of support and also as his self-proclaimed, well-earned incentive for keeping busy instead of goofing off like he normally does. During calmer moments, he’ll kiss you for far longer and more passionately, even if he’s mentally and/or physically exhausted by then.
Places he likes to kiss you: Lips, cheeks, neck/nape, stomach (will blow a raspberry if you aren’t paying attention to him)
Places he likes to be kissed: Temple, forehead, back of hands/palms
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Will always remember embarrassing things about you without fail so he has a plethora of topics to tease you with. He’ll remember important dates in your schedule (doctor appointments, meetings, etc.) but he’ll only remember about them at the last minute. Annual occasions such as birthdays and anniversaries will stick to him more and he’ll even be the one reminding you about it instead of the other way around. When it comes to small, personal habits, he would also remember them and might even begin to do them as well because of how often he’s watching you. Not that you would know, since his blindfold keeps his ogling a well-kept secret even from you.
Geto Suguru
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Suguru is much more open and willing to settle down. Unlike Satoru, who sees settling down as deeply intermingling two lives together, Suguru sees it more for its marital implications. In other words, Suguru will actually want a formal marriage/wedding while Satoru is fine with just buying a house and living together. I can see him wanting to get married right after graduation (let’s pretend for a moment he didn’t become a murderer haha canon cult leader Suguru does not exist in my head) since he believes it’s something that’s going to happen eventually, so you and him may as well do it now.
He’s much more on top of cleaning and cooking. He’s someone that likes to do the chores and the cooking together rather than separately. When he falls into a bad mindset, the living space will often reflect his state of mind. He’ll feel bad for not upholding what he feels are his domestic obligations. Please reassure him that all is well and that the small pile of clothes in the laundry basket isn’t that big of a deal. He’ll thank you for picking up his workload by cooking you and him a big dinner that same day.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Without fail, he drops whatever he’s doing to come up and give you a long, breathtaking kiss. If he’s in a particularly good mood, he may even dip you too (god wish that was me). After he kisses you he’ll engage you in small conversation (“How are you?” “What are you doing right now?” “Have you eaten?” “What are you doing later?”) before letting you go back to whatever it was you were doing. If he was talking to someone he deems less than savory, he’s likely to ditch them mid-conversation and just follow you.
Places he likes to kiss you: Lips, forehead, back of hands
Places he likes to be kissed: Same areas as above. Also loves being kissed on his chest, right where his heart is.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Suguru makes a point of remembering a lot about you, but sometimes he’ll overload his mind and end up forgetting things by accident. He prides himself on remembering those little details about you, like how you take your coffee or where your fashion sense leans towards. This is so he can do those little everyday tasks for you if you’re ever overwhelmed or out of sorts (making you a fresh cup, laying out an outfit for you for the day, etc). It goes without saying that he’ll greatly appreciate you doing the same for him. Sometimes he’s a bit of a hot mess and struggles to ask for some assistance even if it’s clearly needed.
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shushiyuii · 3 years
Demonic chains (Part 1)
Note: Not me and Dicey staying up late and obsessing over this new au. I’m not kidding we’ve talked about this for 2 days and Dicey has already made a bunch of art for it! (I really appreciate you little muffin!) 
So presenting Demonic chains, an au mainly based on the bonds of humans and demons :3 (This au is fricking allium duo because I do too much Crimeboys dwdkadkad)
Warnings: Demons (Which would include, rituals and other things demons may have?) Also some subtle themes of vore? Kinda?
Words: 2.6K+ (Ghosties, calm down please. I can see your demands, please don’t hold me at gunpoint dkwknkawdna)
The world had its many rules, many for the afterlife to follow. One of those main rules as to why the system itself was created entirely. The soul, the soul could be many things, but one thing was definitely certain.
It was the display of your existence within the universe, the culmination of your being, to show that you are in fact alive. For humans, their souls are the reason they live, pumping through their veins, giving them emotion, traits and so much more.
The soul was a key factor in existence, it displayed who a person was. At least for humans, humans had souls, ones that indicated their main trait to keep existing. For some, it could be the burning fiery red of ambition, or the yellow to display their pride or the calm, safe feeling of kindness from the colour of a green soul.
Humans weren’t the only creatures with souls though. In the effects of the afterlife, if a soul wishes to persist and continue existing, it will turn into a Demon. Demons are the remains of human souls, terrifying creatures that control the afterlife.
There are different kinds of Demons, animals, spectral, reptilians and humanoid. The demons have many ways of displaying power, one of those ways is through appearance, for example, animal-based demons will appear more animal-like than humanoid as a display of power.
Now, Demons live within the afterlife, good or bad. The afterlife itself is actually very complicated to explain, even some demons don’t have a full comprehension of it, but the basics are that there’s a hierarchy, a hierarchy of powerful demons.
Power is displayed not only through appearance, but the number of souls they have consumed as souls are their source of energy, their hunger if you will. The more souls you consume, the more powerful you become. But souls aren’t always too easy to achieve.
Demons like to play fairly and don’t usually wish to take souls from humans for granted. So, to combat this, contracts were established. Humans can summon demons through an ancient art of rituals or runes, rituals being a way to summon more specific demons whilst Runes are more at random.
When summoned, a demon will show themselves to the humans. And while discussion, the demon will grant whatever the human desires, may it be for a fortune, dreams, popularity, or protection and in return the human will offer their soul to the Demon in exchange.
Not too many humans know about demons themselves, so if in conversation there’s only many rumours and speculation, Humans don’t even know what their soul is or the fact that it exists…
The legal papers were finally done and over with, he was granted his freedom. He could finally live out his life as an orphan independent teenager living out in the city… Sure, it’d be difficult all on his own in a run-down apartment, but he’d make do!
Especially since he was getting a somewhat steady income from funding. Eventually, he’d get a job, finish school, and live out his adulthood. All he had to do was get through the struggles of loneliness and carry on his day-to-day life.
16 meant he was technically an adult right? He was responsible too! The apartment itself may be a little run-down and dusty but nothing a touch of home can’t fix, right? All he would have to do is clean up the place, everything was already included in the apartment.
Rumours were speculated about the apartment Tommy was staying in, it was often said that the previous tenant that had lived there died from unknown means. Not only that but it was freaky as the neighbours would often hear the tenant either talking to someone or scream, but they lived alone.
But Tommy doesn’t care about that. It’s worth its price and the landlord is a very sweet lady who helped him. So, Tommy doesn’t need to pay any mind to any stupid rumours!
He left his suitcase by the door as he entered, a strange smell hitting his nostrils. Okay, he’d definitely need some refresher in the place if it smelt like this, he thought as he brought his sleeve to cover his nostrils.
He flipped the dusty light switch and bright light that almost blinded Tommy was brought into the room. After his vision adjusted, he could see the furniture of the room, along with the many boxes sent to assist with his moving in process.
There was a comfy old couch with a decent television, which was actually quite a pleasant surprise because if Tommy saved up enough, he could play his console and watch tv. The apartment itself wasn’t entirely dirty as new bedsheets, a fresh-looking bathroom and a clean kitchen were there waiting for him.
It was just the other part’s Tommy wasn’t so keen on. The carpet of the apartment was old and had a strange smell to it. Not only that but there was also an extra room for Tommy to use as perhaps his office space or something.
But then again, the room was a lot darker than the others within the house. Not only that but there was an ominous feeling to it, it scared Tommy a little bit. But after shortly gaining the confidence, he entered the room.
It was completely empty aside from the rug in the middle of the room, something felt off about the rug though, so he crept closer to it… A feeling of dread shivered down his back as he knelt to flip over the carpet…
His hands gripped the carpet and ever so quickly he flipped it over. What he saw was a red circle with strange inscriptions within it, in the centre was a four-pointed star. It was definitely strange with how it looked…
In curiosity, he touched the circle with his finger…
Bright red flashed across his face as it illuminated the room. He quickly picked up the words of incoherent whispers, it became louder by the second and the light became ever so brighter, causing Tommy to cover his eyes.
“W H O  S U M M O N S  M E ?”, a voice spoke, it had a strange feeling to it as if he had heard the voice multiple times, ringing in his head. If he had one way to describe it, it would be demonic…
“I- uh”, Tommy stumbled out entirely confused. What on earth was happening? First, he had moved into his new apartment, then find some strange symbol thing on the ground, and now there was a voice talking to him with no holder. The fuck?
Was he summoning something like in one of those horror movies?
The voice repeated itself, “W H O  S U M M O N S M E?”, this time the tone was more demanding of an answer. In a panic he answered, “T-Tommy!”. Great, he may have just given his name to a demon, wasn’t that a bad thing?!
“T O M M Y?”, the voice seemed decently confused now and a hand? Claw? Paw? He wasn’t sure, but it began to raise itself from the circle, a giant hand… It gripped onto the floor; Tommy began to back up against the wall in fear…
A gigantic figure began to emerge from the circle, but before it even managed to get halfway it bumped its head onto the ceiling, receiving a growl from the thing as it adjusted itself to kneel into the room and stare down at Tommy.
It was vaguely humanoid in shape with a monochromatic colour tone to them, one side was considerably a lot whiter compared to the contrasting black on the other. He had strange long antlers along with his head with strange decorations of green crystals upon their head.
They had fur, with their hands being quite paw-like in appearance in addition to sharp claws. It had visible sharp teeth on display as it smiled down at Tommy, it had long pointy ears that occasionally twitched, a tail that was coated with fur at the end wagged around the room, barely.
It wore a tuxedo to accommodate its appearance with a rich gold bracelet upon its wrist. Its heterochromia eyes illuminated the room, one was a bright red and the other a bright green. Each sclera of the eye matched as a different tone to its iris.
Tommy could’ve sworn its eyes stared through to his very soul…
“Why was I summoned?”, it sounded much friendlier now although its voice still rumbled across the room. Tommy could’ve screamed right then and there; he didn’t dare answer. Its ear twitched as it titled its head.
Its eyebrows furrowed; the tail stopped moving. “Judging by your reaction, it seems I was not summoned purposefully. Was I?”. The tone was much more human-sounding and gentler, it even sounded like it had an American accent.
“You think?”, he remarked. Its eyes widened at the remark, seeming caught off guard. “Well, you’re a determined human, aren’t you? Facing a demon and not afraid to talk back.”, it covered its mouth to giggle under its sleeve a little bit, but there were no traces of malice.
In fact, he seemed rather pleased. But then, he turned his attention back to Tommy and spoke. “Then again, you seem rather young…”, it began. Tommy held back the urge to give another remark to it. “Where are your parents? I don’t sense anybody else nearby.”.
Wait, the thing could tell if people were nearby? And no one was around? Does that mean he was completely alone with the thing? No help at all? He curled in himself slightly, trying to make himself appear smaller as he stared at the thing in fear.
It hummed slightly as there was no response, its eyebrows furrowed more as it appeared to be concerned. “Are you alright, Tommy?”. The tone seemed to belittle and pity him like one of those teachers at school that would worry about your wellbeing.
He let out a huff of frustration, “I’m fine, whoever or whatever the fuck you are!”. The figure just stared at him blankly as realisation hit it, “My apologies! I forgot to introduce myself!”, he reached out his giant paw for Tommy to shake, which was about the size of him. “My name is Ranboo, Ranboo the demon.”.
Confused, Tommy attempted to shake the demon’s hands. “Uh- nice to meet you?”, judging by how the demon was being quite friendly, maybe it was safe to say that Tommy could at least trust the demon enough to communicate with them.
The demon sighed, “My size isn’t very satisfactory, is it? One moment!”, the demon was then silhouetted in black, as its size changed from one that barely fit into the room into one that was actually human-sized, roughly the same height as Tommy. Just taller by a couple of inches.
“Better?”, the demon asked as he adjusted his tie. Tommy nodded as it was much more comprehensible to see the demon now. “Now, as my summoning was unexpected. I guess I should need to explain some things, do you have somewhere where we could discuss?”.
Tommy nodded again, leading the demon into the living room onto the couch. The demon seemed unpleased with the condition of the couch as it coughed. “Excuse me, where were we? Oh right! Contracts!”, he began the explanation.
“Demons I believe you’ve heard rumours of the tales, summoning demons are bad and such”, Ranboo looked to Tommy for confirmation which he received in the form of a nod. “Well, when Humans summon Demons it's usually for the sole reason of contracts”.
“Humans make these contracts with demons in turn what they want, it could be fortune, revenge, theft, murder or more. It’s all up for the human, and in return, the Demon decides what they get in turn which is usually the human’s soul”.
Tommy gulped, right. He was in fact a demon, a thing that desired human souls as a form of payment for their services. And then the enviable happened, “Do you wish to form a contract, judging by these home conditions. It appears that you live alone and don’t get a lot of income”.
Although true, he was alone and not with a lot of money, but he was fine. He didn’t need some demons deal, right? “Don’t worry, judging by your expression you believe I would give you a mass fortune in exchange for your soul, correct?”.
Tommy’s eyes widened as he stared at the demon, it was almost as if he could read his mind? “You are very easy to read with your facial expressions.”, the demon laughed. “Worry not, I do not wish for your soul in exchange.”, Tommy let out a sigh of relief.
“Allow me to go into some detail, Tommy. I will assist you with your current household conditions, including finances. And I will also watch over you during the entire process. And in exchange, I will feed on your soul, not entirely. Just on the occasion that will allow the soul to regenerate”.
So, help for help in a way? But why would the demon need a soul in the first place, “I-I guess but I have a question?”, Ranboo hummed in reply. “Why do you need a soul in the first place?”, “As a demon, we need to not only to raise in power but we also need to feed, we require human souls”.
Wait so, he was kind of food? In a way? But he said that his soul would gradually regenerate meaning that he was kind of a consistent form of food? That’s weird. The demon laughed at his confused expression.
“So, Tommy the human.”. he began as he stood, a smirk on his features. “Do we have a contract?”, the demon reached out his hand. Tommy stood up to match the height of the demon, he let out a sigh as he shook the hand.
The demon smiled, “A pleasure working with you!”. It turned out he hadn’t sold his soul though as the demon continued, “Now allow me to get the contract”. The demon’s eyes then began to glow as so did their hands as they whispered non-understandable things.
Tommy stood there dumbfounded, so he hadn’t just taken the deal just yet. The demon just wanted to shake his hand or something? The fuck, why hadn’t he gotten just gotten the contract?
“WHY DIDN’T YOU GET THE CONTRACT TO BEGIN WITH? ASSHOLE!”. The demon jumped as a scroll appeared into his hands, along with a pen. The demon turned and stumbled out, “W-what?”. Wait, why was the demon now nervous?
The demon then shook it off, “Never mind! Don’t worry about it, let us just sign the contract, shall we?”, the demon handed him the scroll. Which he couldn’t even read as it looked entirely like scribbles.
“Just sign here!”, the demon mused as he directed towards a blank line. With the pen, with was a feather. He managed to scribble down his signature. And then, the scroll seemingly went on fire, burning to ash and disappearing. “Perfect!”, the demon smiled happily.
“I can’t wait to get to know you!”.
He was an experienced demon, he could read humans like books and not only that, but he was very observant, usually picking up on things from a first glance. He did not pity the human he sympathised with him.
He knew what it was like to be alone, not have any family or someone to have your shoulder. That’s why he didn’t take his soul, he couldn’t. Something in him screamed to help the boy and although the deal he explained did come with that that isn’t the only thing…
He may have left out a certain detail…
Although not visible to Tommy, it was also written in the contract...
“The demon Ranboo will care for the human Tommy and protect him throughout life. Ranboo will bond with the human and become their protector whilst also helping with the human's needs.”.
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jenomark · 3 years
Can i request an ideal type for all members? Like just your thoughts on what the members need please
Keep in mind that this is not truth. I'm not going to focus on the physical stuff, because physical preferences change all of the time. I'll just focus on what kind of person I think they need/want, or what I think they should gravitate towards more. 💚
Also, I answer these kinds of questions a lot, but my ideas do change. Keep that in mind, also.
Taeil: I think he would be so in love with someone whose personality is not unlike Haechan. Someone who ends up being the life of the party. Someone who cares about keeping other people happy and entertained. Someone with a larger than life personality to balance out his own. Someone to bring him out of his shell more (because we all know the real Taeil is a wild man, tbh). Someone extraverted and friendly. However, he'll need them to be serious when it's time to be serious. I also think he'll need someone that really understands his lifestyle, because I can't see him with someone not in some part of the entertainment industry.
Johnny: I think, when Johnny sees people, he wonders if that person will be a good marriage partner for him. There is something about him, to me, that suggests he's modeling relationships off of what he's experienced growing up. He'll need someone with a similar personality to him. It's not because he's vain, it's just that he wants things so badly to be fun and stress-free. So, with that said, their sense of humor has to be amazing. He is a leader type, but I think he'll switch to being a follower type when he finds his ideal type. He'll like it, too. I think he'll end up falling for someone not from his native country. Differences are interesting and cool to him.
Taeyong: Honestly, someone that can take care of him. He's not looking for a mother figure. He's not looking to be babied. I always get the feeling he just wants someone to take over for a while and tell him things will be okay. Someone empathetic. Judging by what he shows us, animal lovers are ideal. Don't laugh at how seriously he takes things sometimes. I think that would kill him. I always see him with someone mentally and emotionally strong. The opposite they are to him, the better. I can see him being interested in someone he works with, but I do think he's the type to get caught up in how people make him feel rather than how good they would truly be for him. I genuinely hope someone good and sweet finds him eventually!
Yuta: Someone who can deal with the intensity he dishes out. They have to be strong and capable, mentally and emotionally. They can't clash with his ideas or opinions, but they also can't back down. He'll be looking for someone who can keep up with him. I do think they would have to have a degree of goofiness to them, though. I don't think he's as serious as he can present himself to be. Someone charming. Someone that can hold an interesting conversation. Someone who makes him feel like home, if that makes sense. He needs to feel at ease in a relationship.
Kun: Someone focused and mature. He feels like someone who would be honored to find a partner just like himself. In a weird way, I think he would look at a reflection of himself and be turned on. However, I happen to agree with him on this one. Someone who enjoys what he enjoys would compliment him well. Someone affectionate and open to receiving his affection. Someone disciplined and wise beyond their years. Though, I do think they would have to differ from him somehow because he'll need someone to help him chill out. For this reason, I would probably place him with someone younger but mature.
Doyoung: Someone even more outgoing than he is. Extroversion. Someone he can learn from and follow. Someone that likes to cuddle and stay inside, but they can also go out and have fun. He's not picky at all. His restlessness makes him want everything and to experience everything at once, so his ideal type ends up looking like a million people squished into one. Personally, I would like to see him with someone mature. I don't want anyone that will be reckless with his soft heart. Someone he can sing with, I think. I feel that would be best for him, because I think it will create a tighter bond.
Ten: Since he knows people really well, he knows what is best for himself. I think he has a whole lot of qualities on a list that he wants. Someone artistic. Someone without an attitude. Someone that lets him live freely. They'll have to understand him, and they can't just pretend to understand him because he'll know right away if they don't. Someone gentle with him. Someone who sees his heart. Someone that feels like a soulmate to him. Someone who can live in the different world he's created for both of them. I think the person he goes for will be spiritual and creative and just everything that embodies Ten as a person.
Jaehyun: Someone pretty. That isn't necessarily a physical thing, because someone can be pretty on the inside, too. Someone who doesn't make him think or talk too much. He doesn't want drama. He doesn't want anything that is too hard. I do get the feeling that he likes femininity a whole lot. Someone who is private about their affairs but knows how to celebrate their own accomplishments. He'll need a best friend as well as a lover in that person. I see him with someone in the entertainment industry, but I think he'll always go for someone people least expect him to. Honestly, they might have to be a little weird, since his energy is a little offbeat.
WinWin: Ideally, I think he wants someone that excites him. Someone who acts one way in public and another way privately. Though observant, his attention sometimes isn't the best, so someone that thrills him would keep him interested. Whether or not that's good for him, only he knows. He likes giving support and likes knowing that they're pleased by that support. He has a lot of determination to do what other people do not want him to do, and I think that might translate into relationships. He'll probably go for someone opinionated and talkative. Someone that will let him spoil the shit out of them and treat them like royalty.
Jungwoo: His ideal type is someone just like him. For better or for worse, they'll have to know what he's like when they're with him. Someone clever is good. He likes mental games and likes to be kept on his toes. Someone that can teach him new things. I think he likes to be surprised. Outdo and outspeak him. On the flipside of all the chaos, he's deeply sensitive and probably needs someone who understands what it means when he's stressed. Someone patient, because he's not a person who opens up as easily. A good listener. Honestly, someone that isn't scared to call him out sometimes can't hurt.
Lucas: Someone who is fun enough for him to take his mind off of things. He has a lot of worries, so he'll need someone to take his worries and turn them into something positive. Someone dependable. Someone who has had shared experiences. Someone who understands everything he is not saying. For this, I definitely think he'll need someone in the entertainment industry. I think his ideal type reads a bit different from what he might need. There is a part of me that feels he has no idea what he really needs or wants. To me, he seems like someone who, right now, just wants to be loved.
Mark: Ambition and independence is a big theme. He needs a hard worker, first and foremost. They would have to give everything 110%. Next, he needs someone with similar values and morals. They, of course, don't have to see eye-to-eye with him about everything, because he's quite accepting, but he can't be with someone who doesn't believe in anything at all. Friendliness is good, but extraversion isn't needed. He needs someone devoted to him. Someone confident and sure of themselves. He'll need someone who can hang around when things get tough, which they will. I can't see him with someone too wild.
Xiaojun: Whether he wants it or not, ideally, someone who can put him in his place. He does need someone to guide him. He needs a boss, in a sense, but not someone too prideful to accept his love. He has a lot of love to give. I think he's addicted to people who are loud and crazy. He needs a big presence in a personality. He wants to always be stunned when this person walks into a room. Someone who likes to play and have fun. If they're too stuffy or serious, Xiaojun starts to change himself, and he doesn't want to do that. Whomever they are, I think his eyes will light up whenever he sees them.
Hendery: Someone sensitive. His ideal person is the same whether it's for a relationship or a friendship. He needs someone who thinks about the welfare of other people. Compassionate. Kind. Welcoming. Humor is a big need. If his person can't make a fool out of themselves, he's not likely to be interested. He wouldn't want them being self-deprecating, though. Someone who believes in and loves themselves is important. I think he wants someone to romance him rather than just him romancing them. The more I get to know him, the more I feel like he strives to be a really good husband for someone someday.
Renjun: I think he would fall so deeply in love with someone bubbly and cute. Someone a little extraverted, friendly, and probably a little annoying. Someone that makes him feel shy when he talks to them. Someone that can talk him down from a ledge. He has tendencies to be a little pessimistic, so someone optimistic is perfect for him. Whomever they are, I see them being small and sweet. A good listener. If they can do the things for him that he does for other people, he would be very thankful. For some reason, I see him wanting to date friends of his friends.
Jeno: I've always seen him with someone older. Not by too many years. I think, no matter what age, they would have to treat him as an equal. Ideally, his type would have the same interests that he does. He would love nothing more than to do an activity and for them to be truly happy about joining him. Someone caring. Someone kind. Someone that other people would call a nice person. He wouldn't want to be taken advantage of in any way. Therefore, someone with a fiery and self-serving personality won't work with him. He needs calmness and simpleness. He doesn't need your support, but he's touched if he has it.
Haechan: Someone who understands him. Don't change the things you don't like about him, but offer to help him grow. I say this a lot about him, but he definitely needs someone patient and compassionate. I think, if he had it his way, he would go for another singer/artist, but I don't think that's the best idea. I think he needs normalcy in a relationship, or it will have the tendency to make him depressed along the line. Someone very intelligent and clever, like, they have to be able to back up what they're talking about. Mental sparring turns him on. If you can play with him and not get hurt so easily, it's ideal.
Jaemin: Stability!!!! It's, like, his number one thing. He is self-sufficient all on his own, so if you don't add any stability to his life,there is no use for you. I think he looks at love in a very logical way. He just wants someone to share his life with. He wants what is his and he wants them to have what is theirs, but to also come together in a way that is mutually beneficial. Honesty is a must, because it's what he values in others. He'll probably need someone who isn't bossy or dominate. He's not someone who takes too kindly to being told what to do, to be honest. Someone wise. Someone intelligent. Someone low-maintenance.
YangYang: Someone that doesn't take themselves too seriously. Someone who makes him laugh a lot . I think, right now, his ideal type physically is very shallow and typical of someone his age (for the most part). The more important parts read like: "Someone my mom likes." or "Someone who makes me be a better person." I do think YangYang thinks a lot about what's on the inside of a person and how that affects him in the long run. He'll want someone kind and easygoing, someone that has good values and morals. Something also tells me he has this idea about love that can be very much like a fairytale. He can be very naive, so someone who knows what they're doing can only help serve him.
Shotaro: I think his ideal type list is miles long but he'll never admit exactly what is on it. His expectations are high, but realistic. He needs someone energetic, someone who wants the same things out of life that he does. Someone trustworthy. Someone intelligent and savvy about the industry. I kind of get the sense that he is picky about who he chooses to love, like, he knows exactly what he wants. I want for him to go for someone who looks tough on the outside but is really soft around the edges. I kind of want him to go for a dancer, but something tells me he stays away from all of that.
Sungchan: Someone he can help. Someone he can take care of, cherish, nurture, love for life. He has a really good and lovable personality, so I think he's going to attract exactly what he's looking for. He'll need someone bold, too, like, they have to match the fearless vibe he sometimes has going on. If they're bolder than him, it's a plus, because he sometimes feels like a coward. I can see them also being a little awkward, and I really think he's attracted to that awkward energy. He'll want his ideal type to make sense when other people look at them together. Someone chill and drama-free. I don't think he cares what kind of job they have or where they come from, just that they make him happy.
Chenle: When I think about it, his ideal type feels simple. He doesn't feel like someone who really needs much in life. The qualities he wants are basic things like: nice, fun, honest, loves him, doesn't like to argue too much etc. I think Chenle's main requirement is probably that the person loves and respects his family. I don't think he's too fussy. I can't see him with someone who likes being part of the spotlight. I think he needs a low key relationship where two people can flourish in each other's company. I do think he draws people to him that he might be so tolerant towards that he won't realize they're manipulating him. Either way, I think relationships are the furthest thing from his mind at the moment.
Jisung: Someone most likely older than him. It's not that he needs someone to lead him in life, just that he likes learning from people who have different experiences. I also kind of feel like he has a need to be taken seriously and seen as mature, so someone more experienced will do that for him. Someone who expresses their own emotions well and can see where his emotions are coming from. His ideal type would need to be best friends with him first. Building friendship is important to someone like him. If you pass the friendship vibe check, he's up to seeing where else it goes. I think he would be into someone artsy and cute, someone soft and kind. I wouldn't be surprised if he went and found himself a little weirdo.
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animeyanderelover · 3 years
Yandere Obami Rin Hc’s
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessiveness, obsessiveness, manipulation, isolation, blackmailing, bribing, gaslighting, threatening, kidnapping
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🐍If we’re talking about manipulative, Rin is by far one of the worst Yandere in Kakegurui to have. His clan itself is known for being swindlers so that is what he is best at. And he is very well good with it, using his good looks and his polite and charming demeanor to lure them closer to him. Rin is in his own rights terrible because he will look down on his s/o and humiliate them if he himself had a bad day and doesn’t get comfort which he expects to get it if his s/o rebelled. He displays a power play and knowing that he is his darling’s only one helps to keep his pride afloat. If he is kept happy he of course won’t hesitate to return that favor, but that only goes well as long as his darling plays by his rules since Rin is possessive, highly possessive to the point where he isolated his darling, his opinion will mean a lot to the s/o.
🐍With his inferiority issues Rin relies emotionally a lot on you even if he sees feelings as a nuisance as that will keep him from following his ambitions which is why the boy tries to avoid his darling at first or to put them down to convince himself they’re not worthy of his attention. But despite everything nothing seems to work which is just another reason why he decides to prey on them without a stop. So whether he actually admits it or not, Rin is a dependent Yandere since he relies on emotional support from his darling and he gets agitated if he doesn’t get it, though instead of lashing out he’ll start humiliating his darling. As someone who is obsessive and made it his goal to know dirty secrets he has things you don’t want others to know about, not to mention the power he wheels.
🐍For Rin it is some sort of test since he doesn’t let the s/o interact much with people in the first place. Everyone except Ibara is not wanted since Rin, despite using the guy, cares deep down about him. The black-haired boy won’t really show his jealousy as well, he keeps the silent grin on his face and just watches everything for quite some time, judging his darling. To be frankly, he doesn’t want to admit that he is jealous since he already feels that his darling belongs to him and doesn’t and shouldn’t need someone else. So he accuses his darling when he gets jealous and they together with the other person will have to suffer consequences. Now if his darling wants to avoid that person and hurry quickly back to him, Rin is rather pleased which earns his darling his rather sweet side.
🐍He always uses people he wants to get rid off in some way for himself before he throws them away like trash, he is sadistic in this sense. And Rin gets rid of people since it is easy to piss him off. He doesn’t like it when people steal his darling’s attention, he doesn’t like it when someone talks bad about him in front of the s/o, he doesn’t like it when someone grows too close to his darling. It is not a fair play he does, he always cheats in some way and he succeeds with it all of the time since he is talented. People who agitate him will be removed and be left shattered and broken when he is finished.
🐍Through pure and dirty tricks and blackmails he gets his darling to stay with him and it is beyond difficult to escape such a fate. Rin knows that as well and will rub salt in your wound when you do complain and protest against his ways. He knows you won’t be able to leave him. His darling wouldn’t want certain informations to lack out, would they? And it is not guaranteed that friends and family will be kept safe either or that he will manipulate them into turning against their darling as well.
🐍So it is either him being very sugar-coating and lovely with you or him being arrogant and insulting with you, all depending on how well you handle this situation and his moods, though different from Yumemi he has better awareness to not let his moods get the better of him and put you through a hard time when you haven’t even done anything. How bad of a manipulator shows by how he makes himself appear to be the only person you seem to have left, pushing everyone else with rumors away or planting the thought inside of you that you can’t trust them. Yet at the same time he can have his breakdowns as well or become emotionally needy and more clingy, the worst one he had was when he lost against Ririka. Rin additionally has this fantasy of his to marry his darling and make them his spouse.
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chosonore · 3 years
part two | yearning
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yearning [noun. a strong feeling of wishing for something, especially something that you cannot have or get easily]
pairing: kamo noritoshi/f!reader
summary: your relationship with noritoshi was like a game of cat and mouse; no matter how hard you tried to escape from him, he would always find his way back to you.
wordcount: 8.2k
content/warnings: friends to enemies to lovers, language, somewhat suggestive, noritoshi is kind of a dick but i promise it gets better so please don’t lose faith in him, we’re somewhat following the timeline of the anime/manga so spoilers ahead!! but what follows afterwards is purely pulled out of my ass lol, lowercase intended [UNEDITED]
a/n: hello, here i am again with a super long chapter ( ˙꒳​˙ ) it is so incredibly messy and i’m so sorry if it gets confusing for you; this just really shows how sporadic my writing process is, i have some guidelines that i follow but sometimes venture off my path when i suddenly get a new idea. nevertheless, i hope you can somewhat enjoy this chapter. feedback or just your thoughts are much appreciated! for those that are waiting for the ~steamy~ content, it is coming next chapter hehe. as always, stay safe everyone (´。• ᵕ •。`)
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"noritoshi, could you just stay quiet today? i'm really not in the mood," you sighed as you entered the training grounds. the exhaustion from the mission the day before was clinging onto your bones, heavy and admonishingly. the normally exciting sparring lessons seemed dreadful, knowing that all students were to practice today. to practice the balance within the team, utahime had claimed the week prior as she was reprimanding your lack of discipline when it came to noritoshi. stubbornness ran in the family; you refused to back down when someone was hurting your pride. said stubbornness came back to bite you - instead of taking a break to fully recover, you claimed that you would be fine with the help of your reverse curse techniques.
as the days came and went, the yearly tournament slowly approached. after the devastating defeat last year, everyone was on edge and determined to beat tokyo tech. well, that excluded todo, he was just looking for stronger opponents it seemed. noritoshi, on other hand, appeared to be more agitated than usual - if he wasn't barking orders at the other students, he would criticize their fighting styles. you knew he wanted to win the tournament at all costs, to prove himself worthy of the position as the kamo clan head. but he was too rigid about it, rarely accepting help and haughty when questioned. you've been avoiding him as best as you could and of all days, today had to be one where you could not. opponents would be swapped every ten minutes so everyone could practice with another student - facing noritoshi for ten minutes was easy. so you thought. 
"can't promise anything, princess," noritoshi retorted smugly and pat your head like he usually did when he was trying to get a reaction out of you. life always found a way to prove you wrong. for some reason, noritoshi had made it his goal to get under your skin as much as possible on this particular day and it worked. it was childish to engage in this banter but you couldn’t help it. the feeling of not being taken serious by noritoshi had always bothered you. it almost seemed like he wasn’t considering you equal to him, always looking down on you. being stressed wasn’t good, your mother had always reminded you, so it was best to remain calm and collected.
stay calm and collected, calm and collected, you repeated in your head. gritting your teeth, you slapped his hand away and jogged away from him towards todo. at least he'd leave you alone while you were near todo - probably to avoid todo getting mad at him and not wanting to hear about takada-chan again. he was the ultimate and fool-proof shield. the taller male was walking at a leisurely pace in front of you, leading the group as per usual. you caught up to him, slowing down so it didn't look like you just jogged all the way here. away from the menace that was noritoshi. todo glanced at you suspiciously before subtly turning around. a guilty groan left your lips. of course he knew, he always knew. as the unlikely friendship was blossoming between the two of you, you rapidly realized that todo was far more perceptive than he would ever let on. even though he took lighthearted jabs at you, he didn't care enough to intervene; it was a mutual understanding. in a way, you appreciated that he treated you like everyone else, not once had he tried to approach you about your deteriorating relationship with noritoshi.
upon seeing the unlikely pair, miwa speed up as well to join them. even though todo scared her to no end, your presence eased her nerves a little. after all, you weren’t scared to put him back in his place when he was being dramatic. she nudged you gently in greeting, nervously clasping her sword in front of her. "do you think we'll win this year's competition? we've been training a lot, so i hope i can show off some of my skills."
"never say never? even if we lose, it's a good experience to learn from," you replied wryly. while the students of the kyoto tech were strong and coordinated well with each other, noritoshi and you could easily destroy the balance. he didn't know when to stop, persistently pushing your boundaries and you fell for his tricks every time. as long as you could work out a strategy that involved working alone or with a partner that was not him, you'd be fine. your safest bet was to work with miwa since you were both sword users and have practiced together extensively. if noritoshi and you exhibited enough chaos to tear the world apart, miwa and you represented the perfect balance when fighting.
"you're our secret weapon though!" miwa exclaimed excitedly, elbowing you gently. "no one knows you can heal, so we'll use that to our advantage."
"what? don't tell me you-"
"i've asked yuta about advice before," you interrupted her, scratching your head sheepishly. "he's one of the very few people who can use reverse cursed techniques, so i asked him to give me some pointers and how to use it more to my advantage."
when yuta participated in the competition the year before, you were absolutely mesmerized by his level of skills and how he had supposedly mastered them in such a short amount of time. of course you hadn't told anyone that you were talking to him - everyone was still salty about the defeat and would, undoubtedly, have crucified you on sight. truthfully, you didn't understand why everyone was so hellbent about hating the students of your sister school. weren't you all colleagues in a sense? yuta was nice and respectful towards you, always trying his best to explain you how to implement his tips. along the way, you might have developed a tiny, fleeting crush on him but never acted on it. it was only a crush after all and you didn’t feel certain about it not being a mere distraction from your feelings for noritoshi. perhaps it was the way he made you feel, the way he treated you like noritoshi used to before. you couldn't even deny it, you missed your old 'toshi. when you looked at him now, it hurt you, seeing all the traces of gentleness having left him.
"really? you never told me! what is he like? he looked like he was really nice but there were moments where i was really scared of him. well maybe not him but rather… that curse."
"uh, yuta is actually not that scary. he's really helpful and always there for you when you need advice. i think i've improved a lot since we've started talking." you made a mental note to thank yuta again if you got to see each other anytime soon. apparently, gojo had sent him on a mission overseas a few months back and ever since, your exchanged messages grew to be rather sporadic. still, you appreciated that he made an effort to text you every now and then to let you know how he was doing and in turn, also asked about your wellbeing.
"fraternizing with the enemy, i see," noritoshi's voice rang out beside you, dangerously close to your ear. it made you jump in surprise, not having sensed him earlier - your hand automatically shot out to hit him, only for him to catch it in time. you shot him an annoyed glare. beside you, miwa and todo glanced at each other, silently agreeing to ignore the squarreling pair.
"i don't see how that's any of your business."
"it is if it jeopardizes our chance at winning," noritoshi narrowed eyes at you in suspicion. of course he didn't trust you, you were nothing but a mild inconvenience to him. you didn't owe him an explanation, not today and not in the future. any friendship or friendliness between you was long gone. refusing to look into his eyes, you attempted to tug your hand away from him but instead accomplished the exact opposite as noritosh tightened his grip. "what did you tell him?"
"he only helped me with training, that's all! it doesn't concern you anyways so-"
noritoshi was irritated, you could tell. the anger was rolling off him in waves, intimidating even you. why was he so annoyed by the fact that you asked yuta for advice? it wasn't even farfetched - the only other alternatives were gojo and ieiri, both of which you hadn't mustered up the courage to ask yet. wasn't it in everyone's best interest for you to become a great healer? noritoshi would know best - he was the driving force behind your ambition, the sole reason why you worked to the brink of exhaustion just to show him that you didn’t need his help, that you were worthy of a higher rank.
"i don't want you to hang out with the tokyo tech kids, especially not with him."
"wait, what?" you gaped at him in disbelief. "is this just because you have personal beef with some of them? leave me out of this, i just want to improve and you don't get to tell me what to do." with that you shoved the taller male, stomping past the other students towards utahime who was looking at you in disapproval. you missed the upset frown on noritoshi's face as he followed you, wanting to reach out but stopping midway. it wasn't the right time or place to let you know why he didn't want you around them, not yet. seeing you hang out and being relaxed with everyone else but him hurt him, oh how it hurt him. he wanted you close to him, only see him, talk about him excitedly and with stars in your eyes like you did when you talked about yuta. and yet, he couldn't let you know. the only way to keep you orbiting around him was to play these silly games, rile you up and drawing a reaction out of you. it was the only way to make you pay attention to him. and so he did.
calm and collected, my ass, you thought two hours later. of course todo and noritoshi had completely eviscerated the rest of the students with no mercy, leaving everyone in a sour mood. whatever strategy your team would have for the tournament was probably thrown out the window, the two of them would take care of it anyways. not that they would stand a chance against yuta.
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“yuta isn’t here?” the disappointment in your voice was palpable. you did look forward to meeting yuta again, thinking that he might have come home from his overseas trip for the tournament. but you supposed getting to know the other students wasn’t too bad, you were interested in the first years and their skills. they certainly looked more approachable than your classmates. miwa told you how todo and mai had met two of them a few weeks prior and promptly started a senseless fight that was then stopped by the second years. it landed them in the water as utahime gave them a lecture - while she didn't tolerate the childish behaviour, everyone else seemed to turn a blind eye to it. noritoshi had scoffed in disapproval upon hearing the news, uttering something about not wanting to associate with dimwits like them. 
"nope, he's still overseas. it doesn't matter anyways, we'll still beat you without him," maki replied with a confident grin, arms crossed as she took in the kyoto tech group of students. regardless, you broke out in a sprint and jumped, engulfing her in a warm hug. while you two didn't talk as much as yuta and you did, you were still friends. she was a source of inspiration to you, a master of all kinds of weapons whom you deeply admired. maki gave you some awkward pats before pulling away to introduce you to the first years - megumi, yuji and nobara. the younger students were wary of you, most likely because of their encounter with todo and mai. you couldn't hold it against them, their intensity and stubbornness was something you had to deal with daily after all. you silently cursed the two brash students before taking a deep breath and extending your hand to the ones in front of you.
“hi, i’m y/n, nice to meet you,” you introduced yourself with a friendly smile, visibly relieved when they shook your hand and introduced themselves. especially nobara seemed to be eager to get to know you, fussing over your uniform and inquiring about your skills. you were glad they welcomed you, not wanting to cause any more trouble than would undoubtedly arise for the duration of the tournament. while megumi seemed to be cautious and more reserved around you, yuuji and nobara already treated you like their friend. subconsciously, you envied them for the wholesome friendship dynamic as it reminded you of what you used to have with noritoshi. the fleeting thoughts left as soon as they made an appearance in your head, disappearing when nobara grasped your hand and pulled you towards the buildings to show you around. unbothered by the reactions of your fellow kyoto tech classmates, you followed her - their energy was stifling and the tournament didn't start until later in the day anyways. it was useless to stay with your group and practice, you'd only overexert yourself.
“y/n.” noritoshi called after you sternly, glaring at you when you turned to look at him - ever since stepping foot into the estate, he was moody and more serious than usual.  it was probably him being tense about the tournament, the spirit to win deeply ingrained in his bones. none of the other students seemed to be bothered by the presence of the tokyo tech students, so why should he? ignoring him, you continued your journey until you felt a force harshly pulling you back by the fabric of your hoodie. intuitively, you could tell it was noritoshi. 
"noritoshi, let me go," you snapped at him irritated, struggling to free yourself from his grasp.
"we have things to discuss, did you forget that?"
"i don't want to," like a petulant child, you gave him an angry look as you stood your ground. tension filled the space between you, tethering on the edge of anger. why was a normal conversation never possible with him? and why did he treat you like a child? you let up when megumi appeared to your side, shooting noritoshi a warning glance as he attempted to remove his hand from yours. even though he didn't know what your relationship was like, he stepped in regardless - you were impressed by him. even if noritoshi remained calm, he was a menace to deal with afterwards.
"she said no, didn't you hear-"
"get your hands off of her." noritoshi growled at megumi, the sudden influx of cursed energy that was surrounding him made all students in close proximity freeze. you couldn't hide you shock either, he had never been this threatening towards someone else. he might push boundaries to the extreme, knowing that he could away with it due to his bloodline and family name but he had never outright threatened anyone that didn't do his bidding. with those words he pulled you towards him, wrapping his arm around your waist protectively. paralyzed, you blankly stared at him. his cursed energy was suffocating you, never had you experienced this amount of pressure. not only that, the unusual closeness set your heart ablaze, burning down the walls that you'd carefully constructed around it.
"you're being ridiculous," megumi challenged the older male, unbothered by the strong pressure. he didn't understand why noritoshi was making a big deal out of this. surely he didn't consider megumi a threat? noritoshi's hold on you strengthened and with panic you realized the blood-red markings appearing on his face, he was being serious, oh god he was going to rip megumi apart-
"hey hey, stop it you two," panda's voice snapped you out of your trance and seemingly noritoshi's as well as he wacked his arm. "you just got here and you're already stirring up trouble, are you not ashamed?"
noritoshi simply scoffed and let you go, his cursed energy dissipating with the movement. the rest of the students were as stunned as you were, no one daring to make another move until the tension evaporated. todo was the only one who looked rather annoyed, smacking the back of noritoshi’s head as he started to tell him off - noritoshi, however, kept walking past him towards the dorms that they were staying at for the week. it was almost like there was steam coming off his head as a result of holding his anger in. nobara gaped at you in surprise, pointing at you accusingly. “i didn’t know that was your boyfriend!”
you spluttered in horror, quickly reaching out to her to try and cover her mouth so she wouldn’t say anything incriminating. “n- no you got it wrong! we’re not together, not at all! i hate noritoshi,” you floundered, hastily trying to set the record straight. nobara didn’t look like she believed you, pushing your hands away while giggling. she wiggled her eyebrows at you, whispering at you about how lucky you were to snag such a handsome guy although she thought that he really didn’t have to overreact like that because megumi was harmless. covering your face in embarrassment, you turned away from her and caught a glimpse of an amused todo winking at you.
“i’m serious, nobara!" whatever whining you did, the two of them didn’t let up, making you wonder what you ever did wrong to deserve this scrutiny. as your last resort you grabbed nobara's hand, dragging her along towards a secluded area in the estate. being the subject of the earlier conflict was already troubling enough, you didn't want the other students to get the wrong idea by her wild speculations. nobara was still giggling when you arrived, pinching your arm playfully.
“c’mon, it’s impossible that there is not something between you! did you see the look on his face? i don’t think he would have cared had it been any other person,” she gushed excitedly, her face lighting up in glee. with no doubt, nobara enjoyed poking her nose in other people's business, seemingly having a knack for sniffing out the hidden. a dejected sigh left your lip. a younger you would have jumped in happiness after finally receiving noritoshi's attention but the present you knew better. there wasn't more to it, you told yourself and yet, a tiny sliver of doubt made its way into your mind. could he really have been so bothered by another male being so close to you? todo didn't count, obviously.
"no, there's nothing to it, i promise. we don't have the best relationship anymore and mostly fight. i mean yeah his reaction was really uncharacteristic but…"
"noritoshi and me grew up together and were childhood friends. i- i didn't agree with his antics as we grew up and we drifted apart after that and now… hate each other? he’s just unbearable and we don’t get along. everyone at kyoto tech knows that so they’re mostly ignoring our fights. and it’s childish, i know, i know..." 
“are you sure? like super duper sure? because it didn’t look like it to me,” nobara contemplatively rubbed her chin. the wheels were turning in her head, something didn’t quite add up. even at first glance, whatever you said made her feel doubtful.
“trust me, i wish it was different too. i mean i used to like him a lot and it makes me sad and i wish we could at least be civil around each other. but he just makes me so angry,” your ramblings stopped nobara’s thinking - so that’s what it was. normally, nobara really didn’t care about other people’s business but this was too juicy to pass up. how far could she push it to make you realize?
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why was the layout of all these buildings so confusing? and why were there so many buildings to begin with? you’ve been wandering around for at least five minutes now and you still couldn’t figure out where the hell yuji’s and megumi’s rooms were supposed to be. they didn’t even have any signs around. at this point, it didn’t matter if it took longer than anticipated - the others could wait. nobara had insisted on having a small get together the night before, to get to know each other and play some card games. you couldn’t refuse, it’s been a while since you just hung out with friends without any quarreling. there was no harm in getting to know you future colleagues, even though your classmates were treating them like criminals. so instead of going herself and much to your dismay, nobara had sent you to fetch the other two students, claiming that you would be fine if you just stuck to the measly sketch she’d made for you. most of the rooms you’ve already knocked at remained empty so you couldn’t be far from their rooms, you concluded.
stopping in front of the last remaining door of the corridor, you took a deep breath. this had to be one of their rooms. slowly, you raised your hand to knock at the door when it was suddenly yanked open, startling you in the process and making you drop the piece of paper you were holding. what you weren’t expecting was coming face to face with noritoshi who looked at you as equally confused. he was the last person you wanted to see today, not wanting to confront him about his actions earlier. you couldn’t wrap your head around it; why had he overreacted in such a way? it wasn’t like you were in danger or in need of protection. for a brief moment, you thought that there was a sliver of strange possessiveness. you couldn’t quite place the emotions in his eyes, it made you shudder.
“oh uh, sorry. i was looking for yuji and megumi and this is very obviously not one of their rooms. sorry again. i’ll take my leave,” you awkwardly stammered, taking a step back. noritoshi’s figure was towering over you and in a rare moment, you felt intimidated by him. perhaps it was the dark look in his eyes that told you that he was not thrilled by what you just told him. before you could react, he swiftly grabbed your arm and pulled you inside his room, trapping you against the door.
“w- wait!” you protested weakly, pushing at his chest until his face slowly came into your vision. you couldn’t help but stare at his lips, watching them move as he was talking to you. your ears were ringing, you couldn’t tell what he was saying. the close proximity was suffocating and yet you craved more, not wanting to let him go.
“y/n? did you hear me?” 
“huh?” snapping out of your trance, you looked at him dumbfounded. noritoshi was frowning at you, slightly concerned about your state as you didn’t answer him. just then you finally got a proper look at him. it was a rare sight; noritoshi wearing casual clothes, a simple oversized shirt and shorts, and his hair down without the bindings. feeling nostalgic, your heart clenched. he looked like his old self, the ‘toshi that you loved dearly.
“i said, i don’t want you around them. i don’t- i don’t like seeing you with them,” noritoshi repeated with a strained voice. he placed his hands beside your head, inching closer to you.
“what- noritoshi, you don’t get to tell me who i can hang out with! last time i checked, we’re not even friends anymore so where do you get the idea that you can do this? what’s the big deal ab-” you didn’t get to finish your sentence when he pressed his lips against yours clumsily. you seized up in shock, not returning the kiss as a whirlwind of thoughts entered your mind. holy shit, he was really kissing you. but you hated each other, so why? why, why, why. when you didn’t respond, noritoshi pulled away in panic, spluttering apologies as he moved away from you. your emotional world was in chaos, all the buried and forgotten feelings for him breaking the dams and flooding your senses until the yearning became too much. you were reminded of the conversation you had with your mother years ago - you still wanted him, missed him. you wanted him by your side. desperately, you reached out, fisting the fabric of his shirt as you leaned up to kiss him. noritoshi caught you in his arms, wrapping them around you as he fervently returned the kiss. he was holding you like he was afraid you would dissipate into thin air, frantically pulling you in. his hands were roaming, discovering the expanse of your body.
his touches left you feeling delirious, high on pleasure. a mewl left your lips, pleading him for something, for more. your hands moved higher, feeling his chest and broad shoulders before you wrapped your arms around his neck. his name left your lips in breathy sighs as he peppered kisses down your jaw, pulling the collar of your shirt to the side to gain more access to the expanse of your neck. suddenly, you were hoisted up and pressed against the door as noritoshi held you by your thighs. you struggled to wrap your legs around his waist, to distracted by his relentless ministrations. by the time he's left multiple hickeys on your neck, you were whimpering mess. noritoshi's breath was taken away at the sight of you in his arms, lips swollen from the kisses, the glossy eyes, dishevelled hair and the hickeys that were slowly becoming more visible. he couldn't understand how carelessly you were letting him proceed when you supposedly harboured a strong dislike for him. nevertheless, he enjoyed it and wanted to savour the moment, ingrain it into his memory so he'd never forget why he was treating you like a nuisance.
a loud knock resounded from the door, followed by someone shouting: "noritoshi? has y/n been here?"
out of sheer shock, you shoved noritoshi away from you and nearly fell as you attempted to detangle yourself from him. he caught you in time, signalling you to stay quiet as the person outside was still shuffling around nervously. you slumped against him limply, letting your head rest against his chest. his heart was beating erratically. it made yours fill with pride as you could tell that you had the same effect on him as he did on you. still, the precarious situation suddenly dawned on you - you'd just made out with your sworn enemy and, yes you used to have a crush on him, enjoyed it very much. and by the looks of it, he would have continued if you hadn't pushed him away. the entire ordeal greatly confused you; was noritoshi just playing around with you? it couldn't be, he had initiated it after all. the cold treatment he usually gave you didn't match with his actions just now. you couldn't get close to him, not when he gave you mixed signals. you wanted someone who cherished you and was always sincere so you wouldn't have to second guess their actions.
"huh, i guess noritoshi's already sleeping. we'll have to check somewhere else, i hope she didn't get lost," the person outside mumbled as you stayed silent. the sound of shuffling was heard, then steps away from the room. you stayed put until you were sure they were gone and gently removed yourself from noritoshi's grip, not looking him in the eyes. he didn’t move, letting you go willingly.
“i’m sorry, i don’t know what came over me,” you apologized with a pained voice. “please forget that it ever happened and uhm, please don’t tell anyone.”
noritoshi’s eyes widened at your pleas, moving to stop you from leaving so he could explain himself to you. “y/n, wait, i can ex-”
hastily, you stumbled to open the door, dashing away from him until the building was out of your sight. you poorly hid behind a tree, sinking to your knees as you buried your face in your hands. what the hell. you just made out with your childhood friend turned enemy. your buried feelings were all over the place and your mind just couldn’t stay still. it messed with your outlook as well as your image of noritoshi, distorting and twisting it until you had to rethink your relationship. maybe all this time, you subconsciously hoped that he would return back to his old self and somehow give you an explanation. never having received closure on the end of your friendship, you would even forgive him for the sake of your relationship. were you this shallow? no, you simply harboured a lot of feelings for him. you weren’t able to tell what his thought process was - was he even interested in you? did he see you like that?
“there you are,” you lifted your head to see gojo walking towards you with his hands stuffed inside the pockets of his pants. you almost didn’t recognize him as he simply wore a pair of sunglasses and let his hair down. “the others are looking for you. what are you doing out here? trouble in paradise?”
“n-no! i just needed some time away from everyone to- to catch my breath,” you exclaimed indignantly and perhaps too hastily you realized when gojo smirked at you knowingly. why did everyone assume that there was anything between noritoshi and you? was it that obvious?
“uh huh. that’s not what your neck says,” gojo pointed out while wiggling his eyebrows and offered you a hand to stand up. “he really doesn’t like any competition.”
“fuck,” you cursed quietly, covering the hickeys with one hand while taking gojo’s with your other and pulling yourself up. it was embarrassing enough to meet one of the teachers like this but it was even more embarrassing to know that your teacher had seen the aftermath of your makeout session. 
“i’m not gonna tell anyone, if that’s what you’re concerned about. although it would certainly be funny to tease little noritoshi,” gojo was giggling and you knew he was greatly amused by the entire situation. it almost reminded you of nobara. you groaned in frustration as you trailed behind him towards the girls’ dorms. you needed to hide your neck so no one would question it or grill you until you confessed; the potential embarrassment was mortifying.
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your group strategy was already falling apart when todo suddenly disappeared in the depths of the forest, not caring about your teamwork in the slightest. normally, it would frustrate you a lot more if you weren’t already preoccupied with your own troubles. todo would be fine anyways, the remaining group members could work on a strategy on their own. as mechamaru and mai were discussing, you shot a glance at noritoshi. he looked as deadpan as usual, probably not listening to the discussion as he worked better on his own and it was more or less decided that mechamaru and him would be moving on their own while the others would team up. otherwise, you couldn’t tell whether he was bothered by what had transpired between you the night before. on the contrary, he looked calm and composed, probably more focused on his goal than anything else. and for some reason it bothered you.
when you’d returned to nobara’s room last night, gojo had helped you make up an excuse. while dramatically gesturing around, he’d told them that he intercepted her journey towards the boys’ dorms to recruit you for training, claiming that he wanted to teach you more about reverse cursed techniques. although he saved you from scrutiny and embarrassment, you couldn’t help but feel like he might use it as leverage in the future. it was gojo after all, he was unpredictable. absentmindedly, you agreed to whatever plan the others had schemed and grabbed your sword, getting ready to move to your assigned position with miwa. while you had heard of the other students’ skills, you weren’t sure where to place their levels as there was always room for surprises. underestimating opponents was a beginner's mistake. the bell rang out, signaling the start of the tournament; with swift movements, the group members dispersed and slowly moved towards the "enemy".
in the distance, you could already hear loud explosions - it was probably mechamaru happily blasting away his opponents. you gritted your teeth in annoyance, the blasts were too loud for you to make out anyone approaching you. and as you predicted, someone was taking advantage of the noise to stalk up on you. barely being able to block the blow with your sword, you found yourself opposite of maki who was grinning at you. the challenging glint in her eyes told you that she wasn't going to go easy on you but you welcomed it. it was a good opportunity for you to grow and hone your sword wielding skills.
however, it proved to be more difficult to defeat maki than you'd originally anticipated. in mere minutes, maki had already disarmed miwa, leaving her defenseless and you were hanging on a bare thread. your grip on the sword was weakening, laboured breath making your ears ring. it was frustrating, knowing that after all those months of rigorous practice, you still couldn't win a fight. giving up wasn't an option, at the very least you had to give it your all.
"c'mon, you can do better than this!" maki teased you as you ducked away from the swipe of her spear. it missed you by a hair's width and left you scrambling to create more distance between you so you could heal yourself. maki's relentless hits didn't give you any rooms for it - you really had to learn how to constantly apply it to yourself without losing time. from the corner of your eyes, you could see that miwa had picked up the phone. she was probably calling for help, you thought and dished out another hit towards maki which she skillfully dodged. instead, she delivered another blow to your legs, making your knees buckle from the force. you used your sword to support you and took another breath before you tried to lunge at her. in the distance, miwa suddenly collapsed, making you stop mid-move and took another hit from maki that took all the air in your lungs.
"eyes on your opponent, y/n. you know better than to get distracted in a fight, you could've been killed in a real fight," maki reprimanded you as you coughed heavily, gasping for air as you slowly got back up. you were unsteady on your feet, not having enough energy to even heal yourself. conflicted by whether you should face maki again or help miwa, your eyes were flitting between them. maki took advantage of your uncertainty, dealing another blow to you that knocked the sword out of your hand. as your last resort, you kicked at her feet, trying to get her to fall, only to have her pin you to the ground.
"you're going to have to practice a lot more to beat me in the future," she sighed, picking up your sword. panic welled up in your chest - the sword was the only way you could possibly somewhat win this fight but even subconsciously you knew that it was over. reaching out for the sword in desperation, your vision was clouded with tears. it was frustrating, so so frustrating. why couldn't you be as talented as her? or have fast reflexes like noritoshi? why were you ordinary, not being able to make any progress no matter how hard you try?
"i know but i can't give up now!" you defiantly retorted, pushing at her with all might. "i have to win, i just have to show my skills for once and prove myself, i- i-"
even maki softened up at your heart wrenching sobs, easing up on her grip. you both knew it was over. you were probably already eliminated from the tournament, with no other possibility to redeem yourself. she knew that you tried your best and never once underestimated her but something irked her. it was your motivation, your driving force.
"y/n, there's no shame in losing. that's how you grow, make mistakes and learn from them. you tried your best, it's not easy to stand against me for so long."
"i know but there's- i'm still not where i need to be! look at how much progress the others are making in comparison to me! i've been practicing day and night and still, no one is noticing me. i'm just a measly healer and i-"
"y/n." maki cut you off sternly. "is this your motivation? proving yourself to others? you'll not be able to improve if you keep fighting for others. you need to start working on yourself, for yourself. you don't owe anyone anything. but you have to realize that trying to satisfy other people's needs will only make you unhappy and hinder your growth."
"i'm unhappy with my skills! i keep telling myself that it's okay, that i have a rare cursed technique but sometimes i just wish i had a flashy technique or be as strong as you. i don't want to be looked at as if i need protection, i don't want it! i just-" you hiccuped, sniffling again as you wiped your tears with the sleeves of your uniform. "i just want someone to acknowledge me, want him to accept me as an equal…"
"who?" maki's cold look made you freeze in your movements. you didn't mean to let that slip. no one needed to know that the entire time, you were vying for noritoshi's attention. but she was right; there was no point in giving it your all if it wasn't for yourself. it was a silly, childish dream of yours to be equal with him again. he was far out of reach and you couldn't catch up to him.
"n- noritoshi," you admitted in defeat. maki saw right through you, there was no point in lying. she raised her eyebrows at you but didn't question it further. after all, you hadn't told her about the background story. unless nobara had done so, you wouldn't doubt it.
"i'm not gonna ask you why. but this is my advice, do not fight for somebody else. if you relentlessly work on yourself for your own benefit, you'll see progress a lot faster. your technique might not be flashy but it is powerful, remember that. you're a valuable asset to every team," she concluded and pulled you up, awkwardly patting your back as you still sniffled. maki opened her mouth to tell you some comforting words but froze when another extremely loud boom resounded near the entrance of the estate. your eyes widened at the sudden influx of cursed energy - there was no doubt that a high-level curse had just entered the school grounds. you turned to maki to tell her the news but she'd already moved, pointing to miwa.
"take her to a safe place, you can't stay here! in your state, you wouldn't last against such a strong curse," maki yelled at you as she disappeared in the woods. you scrambled frantically, not wanting to be left behind. while you were useless for the tournament, you could at least still be of assistance against a curse. miwa was still laying on the ground, unmoving. you shook her gently, scared that she was seriously hurt. it seemed like she was just sleeping instead; you were relieved. throwing her across your shoulder, you winced in pain but persisted nonetheless. you had to get her away from here, who knows what curses were roaming around. your senses were flooded with the stench of blood and debris, the pressure of cursed energy, the loud rumbles. you couldn't tell where the others were but you hoped they were safe.
a loud thud startled you and you stopped, ready to draw your sword until realization hit you that it was utahime that was inspecting you. determined, you thrusted miwa's limp body towards utahime. 
"miwa will be okay, she's just sleeping! i'm okay too, don't worry, please just take care of her and i'll check on the others!"
"y/n, don't be stupid! you're injured and in no state to help others." utahime attempted to convince you; you shook her off stubbornly, insisting that you were fine.
"what if the others get hurt? i have to help them or at least warn them!" your resolve was firm and unwavering that even utahime couldn't convince you otherwise. slipping out of her grasp, you sprinted towards the source of the cursed energy. from far away you could already see the damage that the curse had caused. multiple buildings were torn apart, trees dislodged and- were those branches rapidly growing out of the ground? you watched in horror as the branches whipped around, following running figures on the rooftop of one of the buildings. upping your speed, you jumped towards the group to aid them. as you neared them, you could make out inumaki, noritoshi, and megumi fighting against the curse, maki trailing close behind. 
they barely stood a chance against the curse, every hit that they dealt, the curse would come out unscathed. "what's the deal with that curse?" you asked, panting as you joined them, coming to a halt behind inumaki. megumi was yelling something but you couldn't hear him as noritoshi turned to you and shoved you out of the way.
"y/n, what are you doing here?" 
"helping you guys? what the fuck does it look like?" you yelled back exasperated. why was he mad at you in such a situation? they needed any helping hand they could get to defeat the curse. while you weren't useful in fights, you could at least provide continuous healing. noritoshi didn't have any time to reply as the curse lashed out again, dodging it by jumping to the side. you stayed close to inumaki, swiftly healing him when he collapsed from the rebound of his cursed speech. you clenched your jaw, not wanting the others to see that you were slowly running out of energy and strength. next thing you know, a body was hurled through the air, landing near you with a thud. your heart filled with dread when your eyes fell onto the figure, recognizing noritoshi.
"y/n, heal them as best as you can and get out of here! take them to the teachers!" maki yelled out and this time you obeyed, too panicked about noritoshi's state. you were thankful that inumaki had enough energy to run after you'd healed him - hauling noritoshi's tall frame around was already difficult enough but even more so when you were exhausted. as you neared the gates, utahime was already running towards you with a concerned look on her face. you were glad that she was nearby, it meant that gojo and the other teachers were close and could defend you.
"what happened?" utahime worried but you couldn't reply. falling to your knees, you gently laid noritoshi on the ground. the injuries looked bad, there was blood everywhere. you had to stop the wound on his head from bleeding but your trembling hands were preventing you from doing so.
"i- i don't know, i just- i think the curse hit him and now he's unconscious and he's losing so much blood and-"
utahime pinched you firmly, snapping you out of your panic. she was already holding a cloth to noritoshi's temple to stop the bleeding. patting your hand, she told you in a gentle voice: "heal him if you still have enough strength but don't overexert yourself. ieiri will be here soon." 
nodding frantically, you placed your trembling hands on his abdomen and let your cursed energy flow. the strength was slowly leaving your body but you had to save him. you had to make sure he was okay, he couldn't die, not like this. regret was bubbling up inside you; what if this was the last time you would ever get to see him?just as you felt his energy responding to yours and saw his hand moving slightly, you couldn't hold yourself upright anymore. the last thing you saw was utahime reaching out to catch you as you collapsed.
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you woke up with a startle, gasping for air as you sat up abruptly. sunlight was flooding the room and it felt uncomfortably hot on your skin. you pushed the blanket back but stopped halfway in your movement. your entire body hurt, muscles burning and screaming for more rest. and yet you couldn’t stay still as you remembered the previous events. how long were you out for? was everyone okay? gritting your teeth, you slowly moved out of the room. again, you were faced with the endless maze that was the tokyo tech buildings and stopped in your tracks, not sure which direction to go. you let out a sigh of relief when you spotted yuji in the distance, waving at him to get his attention.
“y/n!” yuji ran towards you, frantically gesturing towards your room. “you’re supposed to be resting! what are you doing here?”
“is everyone okay?” you croaked, now realizing how dry your throat was.
“yeah, ieiri did a good job of healing everyone! some of us are still resting though and so should you.”
“no, i… is noritoshi okay?”
“noritoshi? oh, you mean the guy with the long hair?” yuji nodded, curiously eyeing you as your shoulders dropped, the stress rolling of them. “yeah, he’s still recovering though. ieiri said that his injuries were probably the worst so he’s not allowed to leave the bed.”
“can you take me to him?” you asked with a small voice, doing your best to muster up a puppy face. yuji sighed, scratching his head sheepishly. you could see the conflict in his eyes, that he was thinking about rejecting your request. in the end, he shook his head in defeat and motioned for you to follow him. a small grin found its way onto your lips - yuji was just too nice, he couldn’t say no when people ask him for favours. the walk to noritoshi’s room was silent, neither of you knowing what to say. you knew it was selfish of you not to ask him about his wellbeing more or visit the others but you just had to see for yourself that noritoshi was okay. yuji stopped in front of a door, pointing at it.
“this is his room. he might be sleeping though… my room is down the hall so if you need me to accompany you back to your room, just call me.”
you thanked him quietly and watched as he retreated. taking a deep breath, you knocked at the door and waited for a reply. a few moments passed before noritoshi’s voice rang out, giving you the okay to enter. gingerly, you opened the door and entered the room. noritoshi was sitting on his bed, reading a book as if nothing had happened. you looked at him bewildered. he didn’t look like his injuries fazed him at all. despite the bandages around his head and arms, he remained calm as if nothing hurt. 
“noritoshi,” you breathed out, taking a seat on the chair near the bed. he didn’t spare you a look, keeping his eyes on the book. “i uhm. i’m glad you’re okay! when i saw you in that state, i was so so scared that i could lose you… i did my best to heal you, i know i didn’t do much but-”
“i didn’t need your help,” noritoshi snapped at you, placing the book on his lap. “i would’ve been fine without it.”
you were stunned. why was he so agitated? after you initial shock, you huffed in frustration. “what the hell, you could’ve died! i was trying so hard to keep you alive and you react like this? i know you don’t like me but even this is a low blow for you!”
“it wouldn’t have been a problem if you hadn’t inserted yourself into everything! you’re not helping anyone, just dragging us down; everything could’ve gone well if it wasn’t for you standing in the way,” noritoshi countered as frustrated, this time actually looking at you. you stared back at him in disbelief. you saved his life and he had the nerve to shot you down like this.
“does it really hurt your ego to admit that i was actually helpful? we were friends at some point so why do you insist on being such a dick? and here i was, finally thinking that we were getting somewhere- for fuck’s sake, we kissed and-”
you stopped rambling. the tired tone in his voice, the deadpan look on his face; he was serious. you couldn’t believe him. tears welled up in your eyes as you leaped from the chair and hastily exited the room, slamming the door in anger. 
you never wanted to see him again.
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p.s: yes nobara gave you a wrong sketch of the buildings what about it hehe
taglist: @milkteeboba​
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alby-rei · 3 years
[Arthur Week, Day 3] Midnight Snacks
a/n: in which MC (ft. accomplice Dazai) wants to make the resident flirt, Arthur Conan Doyle, jealous. Why? Who knows! But what I do know is that it ends up working in his favor rather than MC’s... wait, what?
a/n 2: changed the title cuz it was bothering me xD nothing else changed.
My entry for @scummy-writes​‘s Arthur Week! 
Day 3: Coffee and Fudge || Writer’s Block
[Pairing]: Arthur x You/gn!MC, (pre-relationship)
[Characters]: You, Arthur, Dazai, Sebastian
[Word count]: ~2300 words
[Rating]: T
[POV]: 2nd Person 
“...and all of a sudden, I hear Mozart yell ‘stop releasing chickens in my music room!’ but Dazai didn’t even flinch!” You brought a foam-covered hand up to your mouth to cover your laughter.
You and Sebastian were cleaning the dishes together after lunch time. You’ve made it a habit to catch up on your day and share observations with Sebas, as pretty much no one steps into the kitchen around this time.
Well, that is except—
Except Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, naturally. He must’ve finished his writing session and been wandering around the mansion, as is his trademark since your arrival.
You closed your eyes, hoping the man would walk past the kitchen without checking. You weren’t exactly in the mood for flirty games with the mystery writer, especially not after dealing with a haughty music teacher in Mozart. Sadly, luck was not on your side, today.
“I’ll tell you the rest later,” you wipe your hands with a towel. Picking up the tray of plates and cups to put them in their rightful places, you didn’t pay the writer any mind.
“After this I gotta find Dazai,” you said as you opened a cupboard. Your turned around to find Arthur leaning on the door frame, and your tone shifted dramatically, “Oh! Arthur, funny to see you here.”
Sebastian knew that tone very well. It was your sickeningly sweet voice that you dedicated to either (a) dodging conversation, or (b) planning something against that person.
“I’d say the same to you, ___, but you’re always in the kitchen. I couldn’t help dropping in to check on my favorite bird,” Arthur leaned against the door frame, flashing you a grin and a wink.
“Oh please, don’t talk about birds after what happened this morning,”  You caught sight of your target at the end of the hallway, “aaaand I have to go, see ya!” 
You duck under Arthur’s arm while his guard was down. He twirled around to follow you, but you evaded him, calling out to Dazai. Arthur stood in his tracks, as he watched the japanese author stop for you, and you beamed up at him.
“Dazai-san, I’ve been wanting to ask you for something, if you’re… free,” you noticed mid-sentence that the chicken that was still nestled in his arms.
“Hm?” His piercing yellow eyes brightened, “I’ll always have time for you, Toshiko-san.”
“Bawk!” The chicken… agreed, supposedly.
You laughed sheepishly, “That’s very sweet of you, I was actually interested in learning about your writing style and get some advice. I’ve been going through some terrible writer’s block.”
“I was working on a short story earlier, it’s in my room. Want to come with me?” He began to lead her towards his room.      
“I’m honored! I’d love to, Dazai-san.”
Oh yes, you were definitely planning something, Sebastian noted.
As the two of them walked away, Arthur stood glued watching the scene. Sebastian had been poking his arm the whole time, but he didn’t budge. Even shaking his entire arm didn’t spur any sudden movement from him.
“Sir Arthur. Earth to Sir Arthur,” Sebas continued tapping his shoulder and pinching his arm.
“Huh? Oh…” His gaze held an odd expression, one that Sebastian hadn’t seen from him before—a hint of sadness, maybe even frustration. But it was quickly replaced by his signature grin as he finally took notice of me, “Sorry, Sebas, I must’ve been blocking your path, got to go!”
And just like that, he scurried off.
After a moment’s pause, and after making sure the hallway was clear of esteemed residents, Sebastian did much the same, but in the opposite direction. He has notes to take, pronto. 
You and Dazai sat in the lounge room, having passed by his room, and Dazai collected his writing material.
“You have really pretty hands, Toshiko-san. I’ve heard you playing in Mo-kun’s piano room, you’re a wonderful pianist,” Dazai held your hand delicately in his, as he ran his thumb over your knuckles.
“Thank you, it’s something I take a lot of pride in,” your heart swelled from the warmth of his compliment, “but I’ve been much more interested with writing as of late. Actually, I’ve always wanted to write a novel.”
“Oh? I admire your ambition. How can I help?”      
“Well well well, what do we have here?” A third voice chimed in.
Right on time, as you expected.
“Have I interrupted your little rendezvous?” Arthur walked slowly and purposefully, as if he had caught them red-handed doing something they shouldn’t.
Internally, he was trying his best not to jump to conclusions. That would be uncharacteristic of him, after all. You weren’t tied to him in anyway, so there was no reason to feel so jealous that you went to Dazai for writing help instead of him. He didn’t even know about it!
So why was his heart pounding so loudly in his head while his eyes were fixated on their linked hands?
Dazai withdrew his hand, occupying it with his writing pen instead. He shot Arthur a smile with closed eyes.
“Of course not, we were just talking, Arty.”
“…Don’t call me that,” Arthur narrowed his eyes, “and second, I’d like to steal ____ now.”
“I’m sorry, Arthur, but I want to talk with Dazai a bit to improve my writing.”
Being shot down so directly caught Arthur off-guard; his insecurities getting a hold of him. For the first time, he found himself at a loss for ways to turn the conversation in his favor. At the moment, if he persisted, and you kept turning him down, he wouldn’t be able to let it down for the rest of the day.
Instead, Arthur straightened himself, fixing his tie, “Well then, I’m heading to the pub soon enough to find me a pretty skirt for the evening. Have fun, you two, I know I will.”
He huffed childishly, going out with a wave. Dazai turned to you with a polite smile.
“Do you think it worked?”
“Oh, he is definitely salty, thanks for agreeing to this, Dazai-san.”
“Any time, Yoshie-san, what are housemates for?” He smiled fondly at you.
“You’re a great actor, didn’t even flinch!”
“Ah, but who said I was acting?”
He got up with his writing tools and stepped out of the lounge before you registered what he said.
“Wait… what?!”
Later that evening…
…Well, more like around midnight, you just happened to catch the insomnia bug and were heading to the kitchen, as all people naturally do when they’re insomniac. You switched on the lights, thankful for the dimness of the lanterns in the kitchen. Scanning your options, your eyes settled on the coffee pot that sat quietly in the corner. Thoughts of a certain mystery writer gnawed at you, but you darted them away and walked past the coffee pot to get a glass of water instead. You leaned forward, filling her glass with bleary eyes that refused to slumber but also refused to open properly.  
Suddenly, you felt a touch to your backside. Eyes cracking wide open, you spun around and swung your makeshift weapon of glass at your offender. The offending mop of ash blue hair felt the full force of the blow, and the glass shattered across the floor.
Well crap.
“Ow… If I’m not mistaken, I’d say you were trying to kill me there, ____.”
For the love—.
“Arthur what the hell were you trying to pull?! Bloody hell! You made my heart drop.”
In a flash, his body was pressed against yours, caging you between his arms and the kitchen counter. The crunch of the glass under his shoes was the only sound in the room. You saw a small stream of blood start to fall by his ear.
“I was going to prepare myself a midnight snack with my coffee, but it seems I already found one ready for a taste test,” he licked the back of his fangs.
“At this hour??” It was well past midnight by now, and caffeine was the last thing you’d recommend anyone at this time. 
You felt his breath on your ear before he inhaled your scent. It was comforting to him as much as it was intoxicating to his senses.
He sighed, “____… I can’t get you out of my mind, no matter what I do.”
His arms circled around your waist, pulling you away from the countertop and flush against him, instead. All sorts of alarms were going off in your mind despite the drowsiness, with your instincts telling you to push him off.
“But then, you started avoiding me. And then… Sebastian and Mozart and even Dazai took you away from me,” he sniffled.
You pushed him off gently but still within his arms, as you stared at his face. There was a pink dust across his cheeks and a redness in the corners of his eyes.
“Arthur, are you… drunk?”
His frown flipped into a grin as he nuzzled his nose into your disheveled hair.
“Oh, don’t be silly, dear. I may have been out drinking, but I can bloody well hold my liquor. Theo can vouch for me on that.”
(a/n: no, he can’t lmao)
The sight of him in a somewhat vulnerable state, as well as the smell of his cologne, made it hard for you to properly fight him. Plus, you felt bad for crushing a glass cup on his head. Speaking of which…
“Is your head okay?”
“Hm…” He brought a gloved hand to his forehead, feeling a dull pounding in its wake, “I must say, you got me good, even the most daring fools never landed a hit on me yet.”
Just how thick is his skull to endure that?! You were both dazzled and frightened by their realization. 
With one of his arms off of you, you took this chance to escape, but you slid on a shard of glass and would have fallen face first onto the floor had Arthur not pulled you against him and taken the impact of the floor to his own shoulder. He laid on his back, clutching you protectively against his chest. He groaned with pain, but he pushed it aside to check on you first.
“Clumsy tonight, are we, or are you seriously trying to kill me?” He chuckled wryly.
Before you could even blink, you felt your vision do a 180-flip, and you were suddenly beneath him, away from the glass shards that littered the floor. The scent of his cologne flooded your senses again, as he smirked down on you with a drunken lopsided grin.
“I was absolutely livid when I saw Dazai hold your hand. Was that part of your plan, darling? Well, I’ve taken the bait.”
You flinched, your body wide awake to every touch and caress of this man. You bit your lip to avoid playing into his hands. You were still in control of the situation, you thought. His lips descended to your jaw, barely brushing your skin, like he’s testing your limits. Instinctively, you sighed, unaware of the breath you’d been holding.
Ok, maybe you weren’t entirely in control, either.
“Arthur…” You commanded, trying to regain some semblance of control back.
This was not part of your plan, however, and you were quickly losing grip of all reason and logic. You needed to get him off and away from you before you acquiesced to his ministrations.
“But don’t worry, ____. I won’t do anything you don’t want me to.”
He drew back from you, staring down at you with an uncharacteristic tender look. He continued.
“The effect you have on me is not one I’ve felt with any woman I’ve ever encountered before. It’s confusing—maddening, even— and I can’t escape it… because I don’t want to,” he sighed in surrender, “I want you, ___.” 
It was a look of pure love and affection that shone in his eyes. His half-opened shirt invited your gaze to roam his body, and his thick-rimmed glasses framed his features in such an alluring glow that outshone the dimness of the kitchen. His hair looked softer than usual, too. Your hand twitched at the thought of running your fingers through those ash blue locks. Your mind was thrown into a whirlwind with the influx of new information, one that dented your rationality. Your desire to get closer to him wrestled against your impartial stoicism, threatening to crack the armor around the stone gates to your heart.
“Hey Arthur,” you started, twirling a lock of his hair with your hand. It was ever-so-slightly damp; he must’ve bathed in le thermae earlier.
“Yes, ____?”
Damn that seductive voice of his, you shooed away that thought as soon as it entered. You chose to focus on something much more pressing at the moment. 
“We need to get you bandaged up. You’re bleeding terribly from your head.”
It took a lot of convincing, but Arthur finally acquiesced to your persistent request.
“There, all done,” you stepped back from Arthur, who was sitting hunched over on his bed.
You were both settled in his room with his medical bag open on the desk and his equipment strewn all around. You didn’t exactly know what to do to treat Arthur’s wound, but you insisted on doing it for him… with copious amounts of instructions from him.
“I brought you some fresh coffee and fudge, as an apology.”
“At this hour?” He mimicked your tone from earlier. You rolled your eyes at his childishness.
“And here I am trying to make it up to you, and this is how you show gratitude?”
You huffed indignantly, ready to head out and leave the unappreciative writer to his own devices.
“Hold on, now,” he gripped your wrist before you could fully turn away, “you’re the one who smashed glass on my head, so you owe me a favor.”
“…a favor on top of tending to your wounds and bringing you coffee?”
“Oh, indulge me, won’t you? You did those of your own volition.”
You sigh, “Depends on the request, then.”
“Feed me,” he perked up with no hesitation or embarrassment in his tone.
You wanted to turn him down, to tease him about his child-like excitement, but you couldn’t resist his puppy dog eyes. Those eyes held a very powerful hold over you though you blame it on your own tiredness outweighing your better judgment.
“Alright…” You moved aside his things to sit next to him, leaning towards the table to drag the tray closer to yourself.
“Open wide, you incorrigible baby.”
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quiet-onset · 3 years
jbb headcanons #1
summary: my take on Bucky having some me time, alright? let’s suppose that Bucky has a crush on a black!reader
TW: NSFW content, if you are not 18+ dni!!! masturbation (male), allusion to sex
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The thing Bucky prides himself on his self control, right? He spent years not being to control himself at all, so not giving into urges and temptations is like his number one thing.
But there are sometimes where he just can’t help it. For example, any time he’s around you.
At first, it’s easy. He doesn’t know you very well, so the temptation is there, but it’s not that bad.
Then, he gets to know you. He learns your favorite color and favorite meal. He learns about your dreams and ambitions. Now, he knows what you look like when your eyes light up at the mention of your favorite book and television show. And all of a sudden, the urges become harder and harder to ignore.
It all came boiling over when you sat in the kitchen with Natasha. It seemed like an innocent breakfast between friends, but the topic of discussion was anything but.
Bucky slowed his stride as he heard Natasha scoff at whatever you’d said. “Not even once?”
“Nat, I never even got close to an orgasm.” At that, Bucky pressed his back against the wall, worried that you may have heard his sharp gasp. He was relieved when you continued without hesitation. “It was just a one night stand, so I’m not that mad, but I need to be properly fucked. And soon.”
“Well, I know someone who’d do that for you at the drop of a hat.” Natasha knew all about Bucky’s crush — and yours, oop — and she was adamant on getting you both together. But you just gave a chuckle and a sigh. “As much as I fantasize about it, I doubt it’ll ever happen.”
Bucky was tempted to turn the corner and take you right there, but he couldn’t let you know he was eavesdropping. Still, he felt his cock getting harder by the minute. Still, he fought the urge. He had to control himself.
“I just want him to go for it, y’know? Like one hand around my throat, just using me till he’s satisfied. And god, can you imagine what he’d sound like?”
Then Natasha would egg you on, “I don’t know, I always imagined him to be the slow and steady type. Not necessarily gentle, more like maddeningly slow, hitting the best spots over and over.”
“Natasha, why do you do this to me? You know I’m in a sexual rut.” “Then, go take care of it.”
Bucky didn’t hear what happened after that. He was already hightailing it back to his bedroom. That was when he snapped — he couldn’t stand there anymore, listening to you talking about how much you wanted to fuck him, and not do anything. His cock was achingly hard and he was sure he’d explode if he didn’t do something about it.
When he made it back to his room, he didn’t even bother going to his bed. As soon as the door closed, his grey sweatpants were around his ankles and his fist was gripping the base of his cock. He bit his lip and muffled a deep groan at the first slide of his hand over his length. His head tipped back as he used precum as lube, the slick sound making his hips buck.
And as he continued, slowly stroking his thick cock, his metal hand carefully gliding down his abs, all he could think about was you. What you would look like, sound like, feel like, taste like. From your conversation, he imagined that you’d be a little desperate. Not enough to admit it outright, but just enough to make your moans go up a pitch.
His thoughts were simultaneously everywhere and nowhere. One moment, he’d be using his metal hand to cup and massage his balls as he focused on the tip of his cock, thinking of you on your knees, looking up at him with his entire length down your throat. The next, his grip around his cock would tighten ever so slightly and his pace would quicken, imagining taking you from behind, your ass high and your back arched.
But perhaps his favorite fantasy — the one that had him gasping for air as his hips lift away from the door, plowing into his fist — is having you in his lap. There was something about the intimacy of it that drove him wild. The sheen later if sweat glistening on your brown skin. Having your breasts pressed against his chest as his cock slid in and out of your dripping wet pussy with ease. Being able to look you in the eyes and gauge his thrusts just right to make you cling tighter to him. One hand on your hand, his metal hand around your throat as he whispers dirty things to you to push you closer to the edge. That’s it, pretty girl, he’d say. Takin’ my cock so well, knew you could do it.
Bucky wasn’t sure how much more fantasizing he could take. Every thrust of his cock into his hand sent a shiver up his spine and a load of tension down to his balls. He could feel them tightening as he focused on the sound of his hand gliding up and down his hard cock. He opened his eyes for a split second to look at the mess he was making. A couple of drops of precum on the hardwood floor below him. The head of his cock was an angry red, begging for special attention. So he gripped the tip and began to twist his wrist, shallowly thrusting forward.
It was the thought of you coming around his cock, the pulsing head of his dick pressing into your G-spot that had Bucky spilling his load onto the floor. The groan he let out was loud, followed by the grunting of various curses as he began sliding his hand across his whole length with a tight grip, prolonging his already intense orgasm with a full-body shudder. Still, as he stood there panting, gripping the base of his cock, he realized he lost his control for a moment.
Then he remembered who made him lose control. And he felt his cock twitch and begin to harden once more. Thank god for enhanced stamina.
As a strangled moan left Bucky's throat when gave himself another experimental stroke, he began to think that maybe losing control every once in a while wasn’t so bad.
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sirthisisa-wendys · 3 years
The General (part 3): Geto Suguru x Fem!Reader
synopsis: Things are explained, and you’re taken by surprise more than once. 
wc: 2.7k
tw: none
Moonlight streams into the tent from a gash in the fabric above, illuminating your captor as he sleeps in the massive bed built for a giant or two. You, however, lay on the ground beside the bed, eyes glued to the sleeping general in spite.
Geto had yet again embarrassed you at dinner, making you kneel on the floor next to his chair instead of taking your place at the table. His kinsmen had laughed at you under their breath, and when he began to feed you from his plate by handing you pieces of food from his hand, that had completely annihilated any piece of pride you had left. Gojo made a joke about you being a beautiful, albeit begrudgingly obedient puppy which earned him a round of riotous laughter. It took all you had not to burst into tears right there.
And when the General got tipsy and began to pet your hair with a fondness you could only describe as possession, you felt even more defeated. 
But now it was all over. You were alone with him once more, trapped - even on the ground - and unable to leave. You were physically unrestrained - because where could you go when the camp stretched on for miles? - but the entrapment was mental. Nothing like this had ever crossed your mind when you considered your future. It all rested on Yuko’s shoulders not two da--
What had that one soldier mentioned? 
“Is she really as beautiful as Yuko said?” 
The idea that he had anything to do with this encounter would have been absurd to you, except… now, it wasn’t. 
When you gasp and sit up abruptly, Geto cracks open an eye and his hand shoots out to grab the neck of your kimono. “Easy there, little one.” But when he sees your tears, his features go from scrutiny to a softer gaze, and his hand releases from your kimono and flops to the side of the bed. 
“Why am I here?” you whisper, wiping your nose. “What am I to you?” 
“You’re here because I want you here,” Geto replies, sitting up fully and letting the sheets slide down his perfect frame.
“Why me?” 
“You were headed to the Imperial Court. Like I said, it’s a hellish life there. You should thank me, really. If we hadn’t gotten to you befo--” 
“What does Yuko have to do with any of this?” As soon as you mention Yuko, the atmosphere in the room changes from careful and concerned to an inquisition. Geto places his feet on the floor, eyes glued to your tear-stained face as he stands and then crouches in front of you. His hand drifts to your cheek, rubbing away a fresh tear before a thumb is smoothed over your dry lips.
“I almost forgot… you were close to him, weren’t you?” You neither confirm nor deny the accusations by remaining dreadfully still, eyes locked with the man in front of you. “Your silence confirms this.” Geto stands again, moving past you before lighting a few lanterns and then walking around you much like the previous night. 
“I have eyes everywhere, little one. When I heard that the Imperial Matchmaker was headed around the country, I made sure of two things: one, that she would conveniently look for a common girl to wed to a Prince, and two, that she would be from one of the towns where my eyes were.” 
‘My eyes’… Yuko is a… traitor?
“You see,” Geto leans down to brush his lips against your ear as his hair tickles your shoulder. “I’ve been waiting for a moment like this ever since I was denied my rightful place in line for the throne, and I’ve tried everything to get it back.” A shiver runs down your spine at his admission, and you crane your head up to look at him in shock, fearing the next words out of his mouth. His onyx eyes are crazed, almost feral with ambition. “Well, that is… except start a war. And what better way to begin one than over a stolen princess-to-be?” 
When Kaori enters the tent later on that morning, you’ve made up your mind. The eater of curses made it very clear that you were a pawn in his bid to usurp the Imperial Throne, and he also reiterated that escape was absolutely impossible. You were being watched by eyes you couldn’t see, listened to by ears you couldn’t deafen, and talked about by mouths you couldn’t shut. 
But there was one thing you could do. 
As the woman tends to your bruised knees, you examine her tools. 
“Do you have something that I could use to mend my old gown? And do you know where it went?” Kaori looks up at you, her brown hair falling behind her ears as her face contorts into a confused expression.
“Your old dress is gone, my Lady.” 
“It is?” 
“Sent downriver to the nearest village and made to look like you had been killed.” The news of your faked death is alarming, to say the least. 
“You mean I’m--” 
“Like most captives, you will no longer be searched for.” How many others had this happened to? 
“And I know what you’re thinking, Lady y/n. I am not permitted any sharp tools aside from what I am allowed to use in the hot springs with the other ladies, but they are not sharp enough to take a life. I am sure Master Geto will allow you to join us one day, though.” 
“H-how many women has he had before me?” Kaori looks up at you again; her eyes cold and unforgiving. 
“Only one, and she almost ruined him.” Her hands return to your calf, massaging the muscle carefully. “But that will never happen again. That we will all make sure of.” 
Another blue kimono, another morning spent alone until lunch had been brought to you. You now roam around the camp, followed closely by Kaori and another young woman you don’t know yet. As you bite into the pear in your hand, you try to catch bits and pieces of their chatter, but you lose the noise as soon as you encounter something new - which is every three seconds. Out of all of the women you see - most young women probably not above the age of twenty-nine - none of them wear blue kimonos. They’re either in red or green, perhaps signifying rank or job. But in all of the days you’ve seen Kaori, she’s dressed in multiple different colors, all except blue. 
You wonder what that means for a moment before you chance upon a large, open field full of men practicing their swordsmanship and hand-to-hand combat. You’re standing on a high part of a hill just before it slopes downward to where they are sparring. As your eyes scan the crowd from above, you look for your long-haired captor, and you cannot find him until a hand points over your shoulder. 
“You see that ring there?” The other woman speaks, and your eyes instantly hone in on a ring of men huddled around two figures fighting. “Master Geto and Master Gojo fight there all the time.” 
“Who wins?” you wonder, looking back at the giggling maid. 
“Which way will the wind blow tomorrow?” she answers, and at your confused expression, Kaori steps in.
“Some days it is Master Geto. Other days it is Master Gojo. We can never tell until the spar has ended and the dust has settled.” Your eyes turn back to the men in the circle, and you see a long stream of jet black hair and then long white hair, but they’re moving much too fast for you to be able to discern their movements. 
“They won’t be done for a while,” The other maid adds, and places a hand on your shoulder. “I’m sure Master Geto will come find you when he’s ready to… unwind.” The giggles at this comment do nothing for your nerves. 
The General returns to the tent after a few hours, cuts and bruises dotting his half-clothed physique. You eye him carefully as he stalks past you on the bed, followed by a male attendant who rushes to help him undress and take a bath on the other side of the curtain. 
He’s silent as the water sloshes around, and you can barely make out any other noises besides the occasional hiss of pain or deep exhale. It’s obvious that the man who attends to his wounds did his job properly when Geto emerges with only a bandage on his right side, blood dotting the cloth taped to his ribs. 
“Scoot over,” Geto waves his hand at you, flopping onto the space you’ve made with barely so much as a ‘thank you’.
“Did you win?” you inquire and Geto looks over at you before touching his arms behind his head and giving you a toothy grin. 
“Of course I did.” You both lapse into another silence before Geto clears his throat and slides a hand from under his head and onto your back. “You went to see us train… I’m surprised you’d be interested in that.” 
“I was walking around and happened to observe the melee.” 
“Kaori told you about how our fights end, then.” 
“She and her companion didn’t add much to the already obvious; you two spar well.” 
“Do you fight, little one?” he asks innocently. You give him a look and that’s all he needs to see to know that the answer is ‘no’. “I should teach you to fight, then.”
“Why, so I can fight you and then run away after I win against you?” you retort, and Geto laughs suddenly, clutching at his injured side. 
“I didn’t say I would teach you how to beat me, I just said ‘to fight’,” he chokes out, wiping away the tears that dot his bottom eyelid. “You have a very interesting sense of humor.”
“It keeps me alive,” you mumble and you feel the hand on your back run up and down your spine. While the comforting gesture is kind in nature, it makes your skin crawl that someone so evil could touch anyone in an affectionate way. 
“Did Yuko ever touch you like this?” At this question, you look over at the man who spoke, eyes blazing. 
“He would never,” you snarl.  
“Smart man,” Geto grumbles, sitting up; now placing his hand on your leg. “I told him not to touch my things. He learned that lesson as a child and it seems it has carried over well.” 
“I’m your thing, now?” You snatch your body away from his grip and climb off the bed, shuffling to the far side of the tent to be alone. “You know, when people get pets, they at least give them something to play with and keep them busy during the day.”
“You want something to play with?” Geto moves off of the bed and raises a brow, fingering the waistband of his pants thoughtfully. “That can be arranged.” Fear leaps into your throat even though the man doesn’t move a single inch closer to you. You swallow hard, then Geto speaks, running his hands through his hair exasperatedly. “When I imagined taking a woman, it did not seem as hard as it actually is. Besides the frustrating part, you vex me entirely in areas I have never been tried in. I’m trying to keep you pure, so when this is over and I can release you to your hometown and you’ll be free to do as you please… but little one, you make it hard for me to control myself when you act this way.”
“It is obvious that you are a patient man and tha-” 
“It is not enough when that very vexation causes me to be kinder than I’ve ever been toward someone who repeatedly disrespects my existence.” 
“Kind? To me?” You scoff, turning away and crossing your arms. 
“I have been far kinder to you than anyone else I have held captive.” He’s advancing on you, but you can’t do much except back up against the tent side with fear. 
“All for some war so you can take the throne?” 
“All for my rightful place as Emperor.” 
“As a bastard son of the current Emperor, really.” Your cheeks are squeezed between fingers, and you taste the tang of iron in your mouth. You try to yank your face out of his grip, but it’s too strong, and you find that you’re held quite close to him as a result. He brings your face closer to his, eyes running wild over your features for a moment as he holds you captive. 
“Watch your tongue,” Geto warns, then lets you go, inhaling deeply before shaking out an exhale. You rub at your cheeks and now bitten tongue mournfully, giving the General a nasty look. “You don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
“I would if you told me everything,” you mumble, looking away from the way his muscles were illuminated and painted perfectly and to the ground. “If I’m to be a pawn in your game, at least let me in on your plan.” 
Geto looks over his shoulder at you, a small smile lifting the corners of his lips up. It’s something you can’t look away from, and your mouth dries up at the gesture of familiarity. “You would like that, wouldn’t you? I’ll tell you my secrets and then you’ll go and tell your kinsmen the plan, right? Somehow get that information to them… then plan your escape.” The smile falls, and the General turns back to you, his face now utterly serious. “I’m not a fool, little one. Foolishness did not get me this far, and I won’t begin to act like one now.” 
At this, he stalks out of the tent and leaves you alone again, stuck with your thoughts and your increasing desire to run away and never look back.
You’d come to dread the most decadent meal of the day where you would be sitting on the floor next to the General. You were not permitted to speak, but only eat from his hand and drink from his cup when allowed, and anyone could make fun of you behind hands or openly, as you were nothing more than an object. 
As you contemplate your fate yet again, you feel the familiar tap of something warm at your lips. 
“Eat.” Geto urges you, and you reluctantly open your mouth to accept the piece of meat. When you look around the table, you can just barely see the eyes of Gojo and Haibara following the motions of Geto’s hands as they converse about military strategy, but you can definitely see the eyes of the one they called Nanami following your movements with precision. 
Another piece of meat is presented for you to consume, and you do so mindlessly, observing the others at the table with less interest. That is, until you catch the little eyes of a child who sits at the other end of the table. He’s mid-chew with his little hands in the food, perhaps just now seeing you sitting on the floor like an obedient dog. 
You hadn’t seen children here before now, and it seems that the “little one” here was actually him, with his pink hair and brown eyes observing you curiously. It isn’t until he hops down from the table - his little hands plucking a piece of fish off of his plate - and disappears that your head eagerly follows his movements. 
Geto notices that you’re distracted and puts a hand on your shoulder, directing your attention back to him.
“If you--”
“Eat.” The voice of the child and the sliver of fish pressed to your mouth shocks both you and Geto, and the whole table is silenced by the interaction. “Eat.” The child encourages you again, and you accept the fish, his little fingers placing it in your mouth with care. As expected, the laughter begins anew, but you feel like laughing too as the child climbs back up to his seat and continues his own meal, unaware of the spectacle he’d just created. 
“It appears you have an effect on little Yuji, Geto,” Gojo howls at the end of the table, holding his stomach as he and Haibara roar with laughter. “Soon he’ll be feeding his own lady just like you!” 
And Geto laughs as well, tossing his head back and letting the sound carry into the night.
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kerie-prince · 4 years
change of pace
Fred Weasley x Slytherin!reader
requested: (@pinkdevile) hey bae, can i request a one shot or headcanon about fred being whipped by one of ron classmates that is a non-pureblood slytherin and kind of prodigy in magic and how would he react to her being a typical dry slytherin and being a prodigy and good at everything?
summary: What happens when a red lion who lives in the moment falls for a green snake with plans for her future? Romance, of course.
a/n: stereotypical, yes but i had fun writing this :) also, i know my posting schedule keeps changing, so sorry about that 🥺 i got lots of requests (thank you guys SO much!) and i'm trying to not make them all sound the same. i'm looking up synonyms and all that stuff lol
(gif cred)
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You were the least Slytherin person in your house. But maybe that's made you even more of a Slytherin. Your traits were that of a typical member of the house of snakes. No, you weren't a rude bitch; you had ambition that rivaled that of a Gryffindor and it wasn't even one of their traits. You aimed for the stars and your pride proved that you could do that and more. You are the best witch of your class, and maybe even your school.
And it was this reputation that caught the attention of someone who is quite the polar opposite. You were calm and collected. He was a wild card and unpredictable. Fred Weasley had his eyes on you and was going crazy for you. It all started when one day, he was with his friends and brothers in the Great Hall during lunch when you had walked up to Ron and Harry, “Hey Ron, were my notes able to help you?”
“Yeah, loads. Thank you, Y/N.” Lee was in the middle of a conversation with his best friends when he noticed Fred wasn't responding to anything he was saying. “Mate, you okay?” When you walked to your table, Fred scooted closer to his younger brother, “Dearest brother, how are you?”
“What do you want?” Ron saw right through him. He knew when Fred wanted something from him, just like now.
“Well I’m offended that you would assume something,” Fred held a hand over his chest with a fake offended look on his face, “can’t a person ask about the well being of his baby brother?” Ron had a deadpan expression and Harry was laughing at Fred’s exaggeration. “Fair enough. Who was that?”
“Who? Y/N? She’s in mine and Harry’s class, why?” Ron had taken a large bite from his turkey leg.
“What’s she like?” Fred inquired. Ron thought about it for a minute, “Dunno, she’s pretty quiet.”
“If I didn't know any better, I’d say that Freddie here fancies someone,” George teased. The surrounding friends laugh and point towards Fred. “I don’t fancy anyone. I’m just asking a simple question.”
Hermione and Ginny later joined the group. “What’s all this fuss about?” Hermione questioned.
“Fred’s asking about Y/L/N,” Harry caught Hermione up to speed. “Why? You’re not thinking of doing anything to her, are you?” Hermione started to scold the older boy.
“Why is it that you lot always think I’m up to no good,” Fred sighed.
“Because you’ve never been up to any good,” Ginny teased her older brother. Fred rolled his eyes and turned back to try and find you at your table. You had a couple of friends with you and a small book in your hand as you ate. Fred was determined to get your attention somehow.
You sat in the library by yourself. You had spent the majority of the afternoon grading first years’ papers for Snape’s class and working with Hermione and Katie on a project for Ancient Runes. Giving up your weekends to study wasn't all that bad. The feeling of being on top was rewarding.
It was funny; your parents had stopped caring about your grades all together because they already knew what they were going to read. Not that they weren't supportive or proud of you. At family gatherings on your father’s side, he loved seeing the looks on his relatives’ faces when he boasted that you were the best student at Hogwarts.
But they have told you on many occasions that it wouldn't kill you to have at least one E. They wanted you to be able to have a normal teen life and have fun. Go to parties, get in trouble every now and then. You assured them that you were fine and all and even believed it yourself. You never had interest in breaking the pattern you had set.
The library was nearing its closing time and you packed your things. When you walked out the grand doors, a tall figure came in front of you and nearly knocked down all the books you carried. His hands caught whatever you couldn't hold before it hit the floor.
“Sorry about that,” you looked up at the towering boy. Your breath slightly hitched at the sight of his attractive face. His cheekbones were defined and his skin looked soft. You didn’t realize that you were staring, nor that he was also staring at you as well. Finally, he spoke up and handed you the book he was holding for you. “I believe this is for you.”
His mouth moved, but you were so distracted that it didn't occur to you he had actually said anything until you saw him looking at you expectedly. “Oh, thank you.” You started heading towards the dungeons when he jogged towards and stopped in front of you. “Aren’t you in the same class as Ron?”
“Yes, how did you know that?”
“I saw you talk to him the other day,” he told you. “I’m Fred.” He reached to shake your hands but then pulled it back when he remembered that your hands were full at the moment.
Ah, so this is Fred you thought. You've heard of him, who hasn't? Years of being at Hogwarts, tales of him and his equally devilish brother creating havoc around campus have traveled from one student to another. How you two had never seen one another until this point was surprising. It’s not like Hogwarts was a large school, but it wasn't small either.
“Nice to meet you. I’m Y/N.” You nodded your head towards him to replace a handshake. Ten seconds of silence caused you to walk past him and return to the path to the dungeons. “W-wait!” Fred called out.
He stood in front of you once again, one of his hands positioned in front of you to block you from walking past him again. “Would you like to get a butterbeer tomorrow?”
If there was anything you didn't like, it was being put on the spot. And another thing? Your routine being disturbed. Your Sunday was all planned out. Helping Sprout with her greenhouse to earn extra house points, tutoring some younger years, and getting a head start on your homework that wasn't even due for another week.
“I’m sorry, but no.” You gave him an apologetic smile as you walked away. Once again, he ran in front of you but this time merged with you and actually caused all of your books to fall.
“Merlin, I’m so sorry,” he bent down to help you pick them up. Fred usually isn't this clumsy or nervous. He usually charms his way through anything, but he was becoming like putty out of nowhere. “Okay, well what about Honeydukes next Saturday?”
“Sorry, but no again.” You started walking away for the nth time and turned around to look at him for the last time, “Please don’t follow me again.” And you were gone. But did this mean that Fred gave up on any chance he had? No. Far from it. If anything, it gave him reason to want to try harder.
He walked all the way to the Gryffindor house and luckily found Hermione studying in the common room with Pavarti and Lavender. There was a spot open next to her and when Ginny was about to take the spot, Fred grabbed her arm and pulled her away to steal the seat.
“Um, excuse you, I was going to sit–”
“Tell me everything you can about Y/N,” Fred interrupted his sister.
He had tried to learn as much as he could about you. Fred learned that you had the top grades. Much like Harry did, you had learned the Patronus Charm before not only before your own class, but even Fred’s charms class. Your dad's a wizard, and your mum's a muggle. But most importantly, you were a picture perfect student, and although you didn't have any apparent hobbies, you picked up just about everything with ease.
A couple of weeks had passed and every other day, Fred had made any type of excuse to come see you.
‘Oh, my next class is in this direction’ It wasn't.
‘I like that book, too!’ You were, in fact, not holding a book but your personal journal.
‘Funny running into you here!’ It was in the Great Hall during breakfast.
Now, you didn't hate these interactions. They didn't do anything to your routine, and they were actually cute attempts to get your attention. But you didn't think you had any time for anything else. Or anyone else.
“You should give him a chance, Y/N/N. Live a little. I think the top student can take a bit of time for herself at least once,” your friend Millicent advised. Astoria agreed with her, “He’s cute~.” You slightly blushed in your book and pushed their arms away.
“I’ve never been on a date before,” you whispered. The two girls looked at each other confused before turning back to look at you. “Huh?”
“I’ve never been on a date before!” You flinched when you realized your voice was louder than intended. Your friends laughed when you looked towards the Gryffindor table to make sure Fred didn't hear you. He was talking to his friends, so that meant he didn't. Only he did, but felt your eyes on him so he pretended he didn't.
“So this is the perfect reason to go out with him! Go ask him out,” Millie pushed. She was persistently tapping on your arm until you eventually stood up. You took a deep breath to gather confidence and walked towards the table of red and gold.
When Fred's eyes met yours, you turned around and walked out of the Hall. He stood up from his seat and chased after you. He kept bumping into people, including Filch in the hallways. Filch yelled for him to stop, but of course Fred ignored him and kept going.
Momentarily, he lost you in the crowd of mixed color robes until he saw you sitting by yourself on a bench under a tree. He walked towards your direction and asked you with his eyes if he could take the seat next to you. You scooted down more to let the tall boy sit down.
Neither of you said anything for a few moments. You fiddled with your fingers on your lap and he stared up at the sky. “Nice day, innit?” Fred started the conversation. “Yes, it is.”
“Good weather to go walking around Hogsmeade” Fred tried one last attempt in asking you out.
“It would be,” you accepted.
He let out a sigh in defeat, “I know I ask a lot, but maybe just this once– wait, what did you say?” You looked up at him and smiled for the first time. His heart skipped a beat and the butterflies fluttered about inside.
“I’ll go with you.” He was so excited that he jumped up and did an air punch of victory. You laughed to yourself and when he looked at you, you had an eyebrow raised. He blushed in embarrassment and scratched the back of his neck. “I’ll see you tomorrow then?”
“Promptly at 2 in the afternoon in front of the Slytherin dorms. Don’t be late,” you stood up with confidence. You walked back to the Hall to tell your friends, cheeks warmed and ears blushing. “So?” Astoria asked.
“It’s just a date, that's it,” you sounded nonchalant about it, but the smile on your face said differently. You were excited for your day with Fred and for all, unpredictable adventures to come.
A much needed change of pace.
requests open!
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pastelwitchling · 3 years
Pride and Prejudice
When the handsome, wealthy, and seemingly cold-hearted Max Evans visits rural England, Alex does not expect to be the centre of his attention. Accustomed to the compliments to his beauty, Alex has stopped expecting anyone to love who he is on the inside, or indeed, to find anything worth loving at all... until Max Evans plainly insults his appearance and Alex realizes the man is different than most.
Max does not expect to care for anyone in such a small town, and yet the moment his eyes meet those of a handsome stranger in a ballroom, he is lost. Try as he might, he cannot fight the growing attraction he feels for Alex Manes, or the heart Alex wears on his sleeve.
When pride consumes one and prejudice blinds the other, can these two men find their way to each other and fulfill their true hearts' desire?
It was a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.
As it was universally acknowledged that the Manes family had been deprived of a woman since the youngest and most handsome of its sons was only twelve years old.
That, in no way, deterred the patriarch, however, Jesse Manes, from insisting that his boys were to make suitable marriages.
Whether to a duchess or an otherwise lady of the court, a duke or a prince, Jesse prided himself on his ability to sniff out a suitor’s wealth like a hound on the trail of a particularly slippery fox. And his captures were always and without fail followed with a hope – or more a hungry ambition – of marriage.
The previously mentioned youngest and most handsome of his sons, Alex, however, was never the one chosen, and hardly to his own disappointment. “Your father will be home soon,” Alex’s dearest friend, Kyle, warned, his dark eyes falling surreptitiously to the grass stains on the knees of Alex’s trousers. “You should really go change before he’s seen you’ve completely ruined your party clothes.”
Alex ignored him in favour of picking another daisy with a tall stem to sew into his flower crown, the tip of his tongue sticking into the corner of his lips as he concentrated.
“My father hardly notices the colour of my eyes,” Alex murmured distractedly, and did not speak again until he had successfully knotted the thin and curly stem amongst the others. Satisfied, he looked for another flower. “I promise you he will not notice my trousers. And at any rate, I will be changing before we leave.”
“You always say that,” said Kyle, exasperated, “and then you wait until the last possible second to run out the door and have barely the time to barrel into the carriage!”
Alex blinked, finally looking up. “Don’t be ridiculous. A gentleman doesn’t barrel into anything.”
Kyle sighed, shaking his head as he watched Alex return to work. His silence lasted all but one minute and then he leaned forward on his blanket which he’d laid out, having not wanted to risk staining his own clothes.
“I don’t like the way he talks to you,” he quietly confessed. “The way he looks at you. Like he expects nothing. Doesn’t it bother you?”
Alex’s hands stilled only momentarily on his flower crown before he sniffed and returned to work.
Of course it bothered him. To say that it didn’t would be a painfully obvious lie. But there were secrets he didn’t tell Kyle, confessions that he had made in the quiet hours of the night that he still couldn’t bring himself to talk about, for they were more painful than any falsity to leave his lips.
Even amongst the flowers in the wild gardens, now, in the setting sun, as the world turned to gold and other bright, vibrant colours around them, the words would not move past his throat.
So Alex did the only thing he could and raised a brow at his friend. The amusement in his voice long-since practiced and mastered. “Please, Kyle, don’t tell me this concern is actually fuelled by another poor attempt to partner me with a friend from your hospital? I’ve already told you, I don’t fancy any of your colleagues, posh as they are.”
Kyle’s shoulders slumped. “You’re completely hopeless, aren’t you? One day I’m going to be married with a beautiful child and you’re going to be talking to ladybirds and eating apples whole, you are.”
Alex grinned. “Could I live in your doubtlessly massive garden?”
“I’ll set the dogs on you.”
“I expect I’d charm them within the day.”
A door was heard to be opened and closed somewhere inside the large manor behind them, and Alex looked over Kyle’s shoulder at the still walls, half-expecting them to tremble at the heavy footfalls stomping through the corridors. Alex imagined servants rushing about, he heard the voice of one of his brothers speaking pompously and his father’s low but urgent responses. The sun was setting lower, the moon already half-apparent and eager to start the festivities early.
Somewhere inside, Jesse called for his youngest.
Kyle turned back to Alex, panic brief but evident in his dark eyes. “Alex,” he pleaded.
Alex sighed, despising the heavy hammers of his heart and how his hands had stopped tugging at the flower crown completely. He only nodded, gathered his crown in one hand, and snatched his small, leather-bound storybook out of the tall nestle of blades that had curled protectively around it.
There was a party to go to tonight, and the Manes men would be expected to be there. Jesse had insisted they appear their best, though he hadn’t said why. Alex had learned to stop asking long ago, and to stop caring even longer.
“Right then,” he said, walking on ahead of Kyle and forcing himself to sound braver than he felt. “Let’s see what my dear old father wants.”
                 Approaching Jesse Manes in the midst of ball preparations was much like approaching a river of violent waves. One misstep and you were swept out to dangerous waters.
               Alex leaned against the doorframe with his book to his chest, watching as his father and brothers rushed back and forth through the halls, pulling on tweed coats and pulling out flowers from their chest pockets and looking for one another’s boots.
               Kyle slipped past him, unnoticed, towards the staircase that led to the second floor of the manor and nudged with his chin at Alex at follow.
               “Why don’t you ever get so excited about balls?” Kyle asked once he’d closed the door to Alex’s bedroom behind them.
               “I’m plenty excited when I’m there,” said Alex defensively, tugging off his coat. “It’s the getting ready that bothers me. Such a fuss for clothes you’re bound to sweat through by the end of the night.”
               “You’re not meant to sweat through your clothes,” Kyle scorned, already rummaging through Alex’s closet for a spare pair of trousers. “Just as you’re not meant to spend the night dancing and ignoring any prospective suitors.”
               “I don’t need a suitor,” Alex argued languidly, lying on his back with an arm folded under his head. “I’ll take a lover in the dark of the night, with whom I have intimately romantic trysts and then we depart by the first rays of dawn.”
               Kyle slapped the side of his head. “Don’t be ridiculous,” he snapped. “Now get up and change before your father sees what you’ve done.”
               Alex rubbed his head as he sat up, glaring. “If being here tires your nerves so badly, why do you insist on coming over mere hours before a ball? You know what it’s like!”
               “I’m here because I know what it’s like,” Kyle argued, and sighed at the minute silence that followed.
               Alex knew he shouldn’t have asked. He knew why Kyle came, though he refused to acknowledge it aloud. He remembered a year ago when the Duke of Devon had held a grand ball for his daughter. Alex had made the mistake of running into his father’s path, and an event did nothing to deter Jesse’s fists.
               “This is an important night for your brothers,” he had warned as Alex clutched his side and stared at the ground from where he was crouched. “Do not disturb them. How much longer must I bear such a disappointment for a son?”
               Alex shut his eyes against the memory now while Kyle busied himself with tucking away his discarded clothes. He hadn’t been able to hide the pain in his ribs that night from Kyle, and as soon as his friend had discovered that he’d been harmed at all, he’d quietly insisted on being in the house when Jesse was at his most anxious.
               When Alex had finally changed and he and Kyle returned downstairs, it was to Jesse fixing Flint’s shirt collar.
               “Keep your shoulders straight,” Jesse murmured, brushing invisible dust off his sleeve. He looked over his shoulder at Alex and Kyle, and scowled. “Alex, put that ridiculous book away, you’re not going to read.”
               “Yes, father,” Alex said, tucking the book beside the flower vase on the entrance hall table. As he left it, he felt a weight sink heavier on his heart. He rubbed his face, and tried to think instead of the dancing, the food, the many people in fancy dresses that would be twirling around him, helping him disappear from his father’s side in the blink of an eye, for just one night.
               As he looked up, Gregory came rushing up to him. He held two cravats, one a bright yellow, the other a deep green. “What d’you think? Which one?”
               “You’d look lovely in both,” Alex told him.
               “Yellow,” said Kyle. “Brightens your eyes.”
               “Thanks,” said Gregory, starting to turn, when he caught Alex’s book by the vase and paused. He looked at Alex as though actually seeing him for the first time. “You know,” he started to smirk, “I heard a newcomer is making a presence tonight.”
               Alex raised a brow, but Kyle straightened. “So the rumours are true?”
               “What rumours?”
               “Yes, I think so,” said Gregory. “Everyone in town’s been readying themselves for weeks, even Lady Birch was at the tailor’s yesterday, making last-minute adjustments to her dress.” He winked at Alex. “I think once he sees Alex though, all bets are off.”
               Alex frowned. “Once who sees me?”
               “Yes,” said Kyle proudly. “I think he’ll be absolutely smitten!”
               “Who will be smitten?”
               “Mind you, I can hardly believe it,” Gregory said, “to think that he’s actually coming back to England.”
               Alex was already very annoyed. “WHO’S COMING BACK?”
               Alex flinched and whirled around, his father storming up to him. “I’m sorry,” the words left him automatically and he took a step back just as Gregory took a step forward.
               “Keep your voice down!” he snapped. “A gentleman does not SHOUT!”
               “We were just teasing him about the Evans’ visit,” said Gregory calmly, even as Jesse attempted to glare at Alex over Gregory’s tall shoulders. “He didn’t know they were coming.”
               Alex heard the intentional lightness of his voice, the way he tried to steer Jesse’s attention elsewhere.
               Before Jesse could argue, Gregory held up the cravats again and asked which would look better.
               Jesse advised on the green, so Gregory chose the yellow, but he didn’t walk away.
               “This night has to go perfectly,” Jesse told them each, his narrowed eyes lingering on Alex. “Perfectly, do you understand? You only get one chance to make an impression with the Evans family, one, and they are too highly-regarded to linger once they’ve decided you’re not worth their time. Do you hear what I’m telling you, Alex?”
               He pointed a finger at his son. “Do not ruin your brothers’ prospects.”
               I wouldn’t, Alex almost said, thought better of it, and only silently nodded, his eyes downcast. Alex loved his brothers, he knew how badly they wanted to find proper marriages. All except Gregory, who he knew would prefer to find love over wealth.
               They were soon dressed and in the carriage, Jesse fixing his sons suits as they went and warning Alex to stay out of the way. Going over potential topics of conversations with Flint and warning Alex to stay out of the way. Telling Clay to use some of the more interesting news he’d learned from his time at the printing press – and warning Alex to stay out of the way.
               “I don’t understand why he talks to you like that,” grumbled Kyle. “You’re easily the most beautiful of all your brothers, if he only stopped pushing you into the shadows, you’d have been married a long time ago.”
               “Goodness,” Alex grinned, “how constricting.”
               “Mock all you want,” he muttered as they climbed the marble steps to the entrance of the large manor behind Jesse and Alex’s brothers, “but no one reads so many romance novels as you do without longing for some of it.”
               Alex’s eyes widened in awe and the weight in his chest faded immeasurably. “I see you still fail to recognize, Kyle,” he said almost breathlessly, “that there is more to romance than marriage.”
               For right then, the two had walked into the midst of a beautiful ballroom carved with gold. White-lace curtains fluttered in the breeze coming in through gilded terraces, the ceiling was painted with pale landscapes of early mornings and clouds and fields, the patrons all wore white and pink and blue dresses with gold and silver in their hair and on their fingers. Violin music and laughter and chatter and clinking glasses filled the air, and at once, though Alex could find him if he tried, he was separated from his father, free to disappear into the crowd and for the rest of the night as he so often longed to do.
               He took Kyle’s hand and, laughing, pulled him through the throng of people, half of which were already dancing in the centre of the room with their partners. They came across Michelle, Kyle’s mother, and Alex kissed her hand and let her pinch his cheeks.
               “What took you two so long?” she demanded, hooking her arms through each of theirs. “I thought you’d miss the Evans’ entrance!”
               “Who’re the Evans?” asked Alex, having already heard far too much about a family of which he knew nothing for one night.
               “A very prominent family in London!” said Michelle, aghast, as though she’d expected Alex to already know, as everyone else so clearly did. “Their eldest makes more than fifty-thousand pounds a year! They’d been abroad in France for the better part of this past year, but their carriage was spotted returning just this week!”
               “D’you know for certain if they’re coming tonight?” Kyle asked.
               “Who wouldn’t want to?” said Alex. “Especially after a long trip cooped up in a carriage!”
               Michelle was still craning her neck to see over the heads of the excited townspeople who were also looking to the doors. “Oh I do hope they’re nice!”
               I hope so, too, Alex thought, but didn’t say.
               For the next hour or two, it started to seem that the Evans would not be coming at all, though Alex had very quickly after his conversation with Michelle forgotten all about them, instead preoccupied with dancing across the floor with Kyle and other very nice, very handsome gentlemen. The food was exquisite and the music transforming that when it very suddenly halted and the joyous laughs and chatter had faded to excited whispers, Alex couldn’t think to imagine why.
               “They’re here!” Kyle rushed at him through the crowd, grabbed his wrist, and pulled him along to the archway where they could get a better look. “The Evans are here!”
               Alex could’ve easily gathered that from the eager whispers around them.
               “They’re here!”
               “Did you see him? Did you see him?”
               “Oh, he’s so handsome! Think he’ll ask me to dance tonight?”
               Alex had to admit that the excitement had caught him as well, with all the speculations and gossip around the Evans family, especially this him they all referred to. Then he spotted a dark head enter and silence fell like a heavy blanket over the ballroom.
               The crowd swept aside as the Evans family passed. Alex felt Kyle’s nails dig into his arm, the whispers died, and at once, the line beside Alex started to curtsey and bow.
               And he saw them. To the left, a woman with dark skin and beautiful red silk passed, her red lips curved in a smirk like a queen who knew that she was the most powerful in any room. To the right, a blonde woman with a cream-coloured dress smiled eagerly at everyone around her, even waving to a few like they were long-separated friends. As she neared, Alex heard Gregory on his other side gasp, but his own attention was lost.
               Because between the women, the most handsome man Alex had ever seen walked past. He had black hair that turned chestnut under the candlelight, faint stubble over his lip and on his jaw, his shoulders were wide, his toned arms evident even through his dark coat, and his dark eyes stared straight ahead, completely ignoring the many loving eyes on him.
               Until they slid to Alex, as though knowing Alex was there, and they lingered. It must’ve been only a second, for that was how long it took for Alex to bow and for the stranger to pass – but it felt like an eternity. His eyes hadn’t just flitted past Alex’s, but stared straight through him, and Alex’s breath caught in his throat. He maintained eye contact with the stranger, not because he wanted to (nor did he not want it), but because he was incapable of looking away.
               Then the stranger passed, and it was over. Alex straightened again, and was sure Gregory was whispering something in his ear, but Alex’s held breath was escaping him in a giggle. He didn’t know why, nor did he dislike it.
               Silly me, he thought. He’s only a handsome man. A handsome man who had looked at Alex as he’d looked at no one else. For once, Alex thought privately, he was quite glad that others considered him the most beautiful of his brothers.
                 Not too long into the night, Gregory appeared out of the throng and took Alex’s arm with both hands. He said nothing, but he seemed unable to stop smiling and his cheeks were pink. He kept looking over their shoulders eagerly, as though looking for someone.
               “Yes?” Alex asked, smiling.
               “You saw her, didn’t you?” said Kyle knowingly.
               “Her name’s Isobel,” Gregory said, then cleared her throat. “Not that I was asking for her name, a few ladies just happened to mention it and I accidentally overheard.”
               “She was very pretty,” Alex agreed, raising a brow and unable to help his smile from widening. He’d never seen Gregory blush over anyone.
               “They all were,” Kyle sighed dreamily. Then – “Did you see the way Max Evans looked at Alex?”
               It took Alex half a second to realize that Max was that stranger’s name. He mouthed it once, realized Gregory and Kyle were both looking at him, and shook his head, blushing.
               “Don’t be ridiculous!” he said to their indulgent laughter. “He was probably looking over my head, he’s so tall!”
               “He was looking right at you!”
               “It’s hardly a surprise, is it?” Gregory said happily, hugging Alex’s shoulders. “Who wouldn’t fall in love with Alex just at the sight of him?”
               “You’re one to talk!” Alex said, unable to explain why the thought of Max Evans falling in love with him made him want to laugh himself.
               In fact, his smile was so eager that it was only two hours later as he and Kyle rested against a wall to catch their breath that it started to dim at all. He hadn’t expected it to, especially not as they heard a deep voice just around the archway where they leaned.
               “You’ve gone red, Isobel,” a voice they quickly discerned to be Max Evans’s said. Alex quietly took note of the flutters his heart gave at the sound of it. It was so deep. “You should have some water.”
               “Oh yes, yes, thank you,” Isobel giggled. “I can’t help it. Did you see the man I was dancing with? His name’s Gregory, Gregory Manes, isn’t that such a wonderful name?”
               Her voice was so enthusiastic, so warm and kind and genuine, that Alex felt himself smiling happily, him and Kyle clinging to each other with bated breath. He couldn’t wait to tell Gregory all about –
               “Yes, well, he certainly is the only man I’d approve of in here,” Max said. “Seems kind enough.”
               “If you like those soft sort,” another woman scoffed, and Alex imagined her to be the same dark-skinned one he had seen earlier.
               “Maria,” Isobel scolded, “what shame is there in being soft? He’s kind and empathetic, and I quite like that!”
               Alex and Kyle shared a triumphant smile.
               Maria hummed, clearly doubtful. “He’s better than his brothers, I’ll give him that.”
               “We haven’t even spoken to them!” Isobel argued. “We can’t judge their characters yet! Gregory, for one, seemed very proud of his youngest brother, and I saw him, too! Alex, I believe his name was! He’s very beautiful, isn’t he, Max? I saw you watching him across the room when he wasn’t looking!”
               Kyle’s grip was painful now, but Alex was glad for it, if only to keep his body on the ground and his mind focused on the next words.
               “Isobel,” Maria chuckled, “you’re mistaken, my dear. Max was only surveying the room, weren’t you, Max? I suppose that’s the only way you’ll ever dance, is through others, as you hate the act of actually doing it so much yourself.”
               “I did see him,” Max confessed, and Alex couldn’t help but lean close to the wall to listen. He didn’t know why it mattered so much to him to know what Max thought of him, as he’d never cared what anyone thought of him before, but that didn’t stop his brain from urging him to pay close attention.
               “I admit,” Max went on, “I was curious as others kept pointing him out to me, the supposedly most handsome of all the Manes men.”
               “And your verdict?” Maria said, sounding almost bored.
               “To be quite honest,” Max sighed, “I found him barely tolerable. I really don’t understand what all the fawning is for.”
               Alex turned away, no longer listening. His smile had finally dimmed.
               Kyle’s eyes were wide at the wall, as though trying to glare through to Max. He finally huffed, yanked Alex away, and snapped, “That git! Is he blind? No one’s more beautiful than you in all of England! In all of Europe, in fact! Clearly he’s nowhere near as clever as his sister! I didn’t much fancy that Maria woman either! Is this what happens when you travel to France? You lose all good taste?! I suppose to be cultured is to be without any common sense! Well, no thank you, I’d rather not lose my eyesight!”
               Alex huffed a chuckle that he didn’t quite feel in his chest. Kyle’s indignation on his behalf was quite amusing. “Goodness,” he sighed, “am I really so self-absorbed? Finally a man says that I’m ordinary-looking, and I have the nerve to be offended. It’s a bit ridiculous, isn’t it?”
               “Alex,” Kyle took his shoulders. “He’s mad, you must see that, don’t you?”
               “Mad to find me unattractive?” Alex grinned. “No, perhaps not. But he’s very rude, isn’t he?” He straightened. “Yes, I quite think he is. I wouldn’t gossip about someone’s appearance! As though I would want to be with someone so arrogant anyhow. The day I accept his offer to dance is the day my father’s beatings have finally affected my brain.”
               “Alex!” Kyle frowned. “That’s not funny! Don’t joke about that! I have a right mind to steal you away from that terrible man, if only you would be willing to go!”
               Alex kissed Kyle’s cheek and pulled him in. “I’m much too heavy to kidnap, my darling, you’d hurt your back. Now dance with me, won’t you? Let’s forget all about the Evans family.”
                 Max may not have considered the Manes worth approaching, but Isobel seemed to prefer no one else’s company but Gregory’s. More than once, Alex spotted her and Gregory smiling at one another as they twirled while other men and women watched on with envy. Isobel had even twirled right into Alex’s arms a few times, and studied his face with apparent awe.
               “You really are beautiful, you know,” she said. “I hope I’m not being too forward!”
               She sounded so sincere and Alex was grateful for her kindness, but at the moment, especially after what he’d heard her brother say, he was not eager to talk of his beauty. It felt too much, now more than it had ever been, like nothing more than a consolation for all of Alex’s faults.
               You’re broken and unwanted, but you’re beautiful, and isn’t that enough? It has to be enough, for you have nothing else.
               “Not nearly as beautiful as you,” he said, laughing with her as they twirled. “Have you met my brother Gregory?”
               Isobel blushed at the mention of his name and looked over her shoulder at where he was dancing with Michelle. Alex unintentionally caught Max’s eyes as they danced, unable to help it as he realized Max was staring directly at him. He swallowed, reminded of the insult of his words, and looked away.
               To some, he supposed, he was not even beautiful. It was very unenjoyable, to know that one was absolutely nothing to a person, though not unusual for him.
               “You’ve met my brother, I see,” Isobel said with a knowing smile. “Mind you, I’m related by blood to Maria, not Max, but even I know how frightening he can seem.”
“You’re not really siblings?” Alex blinked, surprised.
“No,” Isobel shook her head. “We are in the sense that we grew up together and that I trust him beyond anyone else. His mother raised me as her own after my own passed, for they were the dearest of friends, but no. Yet I know what others think of him, and I’m telling you, he really is much kinder and warmer than he appears.”
               “If you say so,” Alex said with a shrug, and spun Isobel so fast that her laughter doubled.
               Then someone caught his arm and Alex was suddenly yanked backward and away from Isobel. She looked as startled as he was, but as he looked up and caught his father’s face – there as though Alex’s thoughts had summoned him – everything made sense.
               “Terribly sorry for my son’s intrusions,” Jesse told Isobel with a bow of his head.
               “Intrusions?” Isobel looked from Alex to Jesse, and started to reach for him again. “I was dancing with him, actually, sir. Are you his father?”
               “Jesse Manes, madam,” he bowed his head again. He looked calm and calculating, but his grip was beginning to hurt Alex’s arm. Alex tried subtly twisting his arm away, but Jesse held tight. “I saw that you were enjoying your evening with one of my eldest – Gregory. That was, before Alex so rudely interrupted.”
               “I didn’t –” Alex tried, but Jesse’s grip on his arm tightened. A silent warning.
               Isobel frowned, and looked up at the dais to the front of the room, where her brother stood looking intently somewhere over their heads, clearly uninterested.
               “Sir,” she said, smiling politely but her brows still furrowed. “If you please, I wish to continue the dance with –”
               “Yes, my son Gregory,” Jesse nodded, already walking backwards and pulling Alex along with him. “Excellent choice, madam. Or perhaps one of my other sons. I will relieve you of my youngest’s presence, I’m certain he’s bothered you enough.”
               “I –” Isobel tried again, but her voice was already swallowed up by the crowd as Jesse pulled him further through the groups of people.
               Alex knew better than to speak and risk his father’s wrath in the middle of a ballroom, and only when his father all but threw him into the quiet entrance hall, the only light the pale gold of the sconces on either side of the front doors, did he dare say a word.
               “Well done, father,” Alex sighed and proud for keeping his voice steadier than he felt. He patted down his coat, seemingly nothing more than slightly inconvenienced. “They’ll never think anything’s wrong now. You outright frightened the poor woman out of her –”
               “What were you thinking?” Jesse demanded in that quiet whisper that Alex had always feared more than his shouting. “That is a prospective wife to your brother, and you take her time from him? Are you trying to ruin his future?”
               Alex refrained rolling his eyes. “Father, we were both dancing with her.”
               Jesse narrowed his eyes. “So now you’re competing with Gregory? Is that it? A few fanciful gazes and you think you can steal a prize from your own brother?”
               Alex was starting to get annoyed. “Father, she’s not a prize, she’s a woman! And if you just looked at them for two minutes instead of berating me, you would see that they already fancy each other!”
               “Don’t you raise your voice at me!” he raised his hand, as though to hit Alex, then stopped midway and pinched the bridge of his nose. Alex refused to admit that he’d held his breath or stopped blinking for a moment, no matter how true it may have been.
               Finally, after what felt like a painfully long minute, Jesse put his hand down as though making use of a severe amount of self-restraint.
               “Flint has already given up the hunt for the night,” said Jesse grimly, “because you’d fooled the innocent woman he was talking to. She hardly seemed to notice him afterwards. Clay cannot find a prospect for they all queue up before him to ask about you, and whether you’re already married! Are you proud of yourself? Does your greed and need for attention never end?”
               “I . . .” Alex frowned, and clenched his jaw. In truth, he’d had no idea that anyone had bothered to look his way. He’d danced with as many as every other man had, as was expected in ballrooms like this. He hadn’t realized he’d distracted anybody or ruined anything for his brothers.
               “You may be one of the fairest in the land, my son,” Jesse sighed as though Alex had committed the most grievous crime. “But your heart is cold.”
               Alex hadn’t meant to . . . he hadn’t meant to . . . what? Be beautiful? Be considered beautiful? Perhaps he should not have been so angry with Max Evans. Perhaps he had simply seen what was beyond Alex’s exterior to what was within. Nothing good.
               “Pardon me,” a deep voice said, and both Manes looked up. None other than Max Evans stood there, his side lit with the brighter glow of the ballroom inside.
               Alex turned away and rubbed his face, certain he looked shaken by his father’s words, and when he looked up again, he found Max staring at him. Alex frowned. He wished he knew why it felt as though Max was looking straight through him, why it made his heart tremble in his chest now so unpleasantly, and why he couldn’t look away himself.
               “Mr. Evans, sir,” Jesse bowed his head. “We’re so very pleased to see you’ve returned. We do hope that your trip to Europe was fruitful.” Then he saw that Alex was still staring unabashedly back, and nudged his hip none too softly.
               Alex clenched his jaw and bowed his head stiffly. Max was still staring at him, then his eyes fell to the spot where Alex was rubbing his hip, to Jesse, and back to Alex again.
               “Pardon my intrusion,” Max bowed his head in return, his eyes sliding to Jesse. “Gregory Manes is looking for his brother – Alexander, I assume?” he asked Alex with a raise of his brows and without waiting for his response, he continued, “I’ve offered to help him. He’s quite distraught about your disappearance, Alexander, so if you wouldn’t mind, I will accompany you back to the ballroom.”
               “How very gentlemanly of you,” Jesse said matter-of-factly. He did not seem pleased, but he glared at Alex and jerked his chin towards Max as though telling Alex not to be rude by keeping the wealthy man away from the festivities.
               Alex swallowed. The very last thing he wanted to do was be in Max Evans’s presence, especially now, but he wanted to stay with his father even less. And he didn’t doubt what Jesse would do if he refused the request of a very highly-esteemed and beloved member of society.
               With a glance at his father, Alex came as close to Max Evans as he dared, bowed, and slid back into the hallway while keeping as much distance between him and Max as he could manage. In this long but narrow space between the entrance hall and the grand ballroom, Alex could feel Max’s eyes on him the entire time.
               “Are you all right?” Max suddenly asked. Alex, for a moment, was convinced that Max was speaking to some invisible third person who had suddenly joined them without his knowledge. Then he said, “Your arm.”
               Alex realized he’d been rotating the arm that his father had so severely gripped. He swallowed and kept it straight at his side. “I don’t know what you mean, sir.”
               “Does he always grab you like that?”
               Alex clenched his jaw, unwilling to answer. He had heard Max’s opinion of him. What did he care whether or not his father harmed him? He despised being thought of as nothing but beautiful, but despised being pitied by those who clearly didn’t have much an opinion of him more.
               “I really don’t understand what you’re asking, sir,” was all he said in response. He hoped Gregory hadn’t made a fuss with his disappearance. The last thing he needed was the Evans family suspecting where he’d gone or what his father had said to him.
               “Alexander –”
               Alex whipped around. “My name is Alex, sir. I’d rather you not address me so informally, sir.”
               Alex might’ve expected Max to turn as cold as he had known him to be. To scoff at his words. To dismiss him as unimportant and dramatic.
               Instead, Max fixed him with an unreadable narrow of his eyes, studying him, then murmured, “And I’d rather you stopped calling me ‘sir.’ I’m not that much older than you.”
               “Mr. Evans then.”
               He frowned. “You don’t like me much, do you?”
               “No,” he said. Whatever he’d been expecting, he hadn’t been expecting that. “I don’t.”
               “But you don’t even know me.”
               He started to walk again with Max behind him. “I know enough.”
               Max scoffed, and Alex caught him shaking his head out of the corner of his eyes. “I sincerely doubt that. How could you, if I know nothing of you?”
               Alex clenched his jaw. And yet you deemed you knew enough to insult me to your friends and family. What an arrogant hypocrite.
               “I suppose Miss Evans is the one to thank for your search,” said Alex. ”Suppose she’s the one who asked you to help.”
               Max fell into step beside him easily enough, frowning. “Just so you’re aware, I’m very perceptive. I didn’t need my sister to tell me anything.”
               “She was the last I’d spoken to before my father . . . pulled me aside to ask me something.” Alex cleared his throat. “Unless you were watching me the entire time, you couldn’t have known I’d gone anywhere.” And Alex highly doubted Max had paid him any attention at all.
               Max straightened and faced ahead. “Believe it or not, Alexander –”
               “I’ve already told you –”
               “I don’t spend my time ogling strangers for pleasure.”
               “Oh?” Alex didn’t think Max Evans even knew the meaning of the word ‘pleasure.’ “So what do you like to do for pleasure then?”
               “What do you like?” he retorted.
               Alex stopped. Max was only a few feet ahead before he realized this and stopped as well. They were right before the archway to the grand ballroom now, the music loud and the glasses glimmering with candlelight.
               Alex met his eyes and felt a strange and empty satisfaction as he plainly said the one thing that he’d overheard Max hated doing.
               “Dancing,” he said. “Even if one’s partner is barely tolerable.”
               Without waiting to see Max’s reaction to his own words thrown back at him, Alex passed him and returned to the crowd and their fancy dresses and glasses, feeling no better for saying the words than he’d felt hearing them.
Read the rest on ao3 ❤
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