#they didnt even KNOW me. just that my husband was a groomsmen (and they were bridesmaids)
tinfoil-catholic · 10 months
It's really feeling hours
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spookyspaghetti-hcs · 5 years
Wedding fic- Made by Lil, helper!
Today was the day, Brian was gonna marry the man of his dreams, Timothy Wright.
He was looking at himself, the mirror showing him from head-to-toe, He was wearing a white three piece suit, black shoes and a black bowtie, His hair was smoothed back and he smelled heavily of cologne, Jessica, Amy, Jane and Nina were there with him, They all had on similar white dresses that hugged their curves perfectly, black lacy sashes and white rose designs in the hips, Jane was an exception with a white rose on her shoulder seeing as she was the maid of honor, Her and Brian were quite close, She was one of his best friends and practically called the role before Brian even offered it to her.
“You look amazing, Brian.” Jane said reassuringly, Noticing him fidgeting with his bowtie and gloves, He seemed to calm down slightly, letting out a deep breath “Yeah, I know” he replied, flashing a charming smirk her way “I’m just- nervous, really nervous.” This time, Nina was the one to speak “Don’t worry, everything will be completely fine, don’t overthink it.” She clasped a hand on his shoulder “You’re just getting wedding jitters, happens all the time. You’ve just gotta stay positive!” Brian exhaled once more, straightening out his suit “Yeah- Yeah, you’re totally right, There’s nothing to worry about. Hopefully.”
As for Tim, He, Jay, Toby, Jeff and Alex were still getting ready, Tim had on a black suit, black shirt and a white tie. Jay, Toby and Jeff were all groomsmen and surprisingly enough; Alex was the best man, The two of them began to become quite good friends after they set what happened aside although they do still fight and get on each others nerves, All of them had on black tuxes with quite obnoxious red rose pins.
"It’s gonna be fine, It’s gonna be fine.” Tim kept repeating to himself, pacing around as he tried to calm his nerves, he was failing miserably and sweating bullets, Alex noticed quite quickly “Chill out, It’ll all be good, man.” he said, brushing his own hair back, “I know that!” Tim quickly snapped back “I just- I can’t help it.”
He remembers the day he proposed to Brian, The weather was lovely, there wasn’t a cloud in the sky and the sun was shining down on them as they sat on the grass, Brian was pre-occupied with a half-finished daisy chain and Tim was re-hearsing everything he planned to say in his head. “So- Um, Brian?” He started awkwardly, he was fidgeting with his sleeves and his eyes darted everywhere “What’s up, Buddy?” He took in a deep breath, turned to face Brian and propped himself on one knee
"Brian, I’m quite sure I’ve loved you since the day we met and everyday since then you’ve made me a happier, better man. I always feel close to you and I love knowing I have a future with you. I’ll always be with you, Through the good and the bad and the ugly, I want to grow old with you, I love you so much-” He reached into his back pocket, pulling out a little black box and opening it to reveal a gorgeous diamond ring “Will you marry me?”
He remembers seeing how happy Brian was as he flung himself into his arms, Crying “Yes” over and over again-
“Yo, Tim, Are you in there, bud?” Jeff’s raspy voice snapped him back into reality as he waved a hand in his face “Right, He’s back on planet Earth, guys”
“I know you’re nervous man, I’ve been there.” Alex said, shooting a glance towards Jay who was currently trying to tie his own tie, it wasn’t going very well “But if you overthink, you’ll fuck up. So like, Don’t do that.” Tim shook his head, As bad as Alex was at giving advice, He was strangely encouraging. “Yeah, Okay, It’s all gonna be fine. Try not to burn anything down this time though, Alex.” Jay snorted in the background, Earning himself a glare from his husband.
Soon, the wedding was in full swing, Sally and BEN walked as the flower girl and the ring bearer, Both were grinning like mad, After them came the pairs; Jessica and Jay Nina and Jeff Amy and Alex And lastly, Jane and Toby. They all took their places on both sides of the Alter, Tim was already there, waiting anxiously for Brian to walk down the aisle, He couldn’t wait to see him after a day of not running into him at all, Suddenly the music started and the guests rose from their seats. Brian walked down the aisle with his red ad white rose bouquet next to The Slenderman, He had offered to walk him down seeing as he didnt have any family to do it, That nearly brought Brian to tears.
Tim could only gape in amazement at how stunning his groom looked, He looked like an angel Tim swore he could’ve fainted when Brian finally reached him, He gently took his hands, Looking him in the eyes with utmost love and adoration and Brian did the same, The priest started but they really couldn’t hear him as everything around them faded out, Tim could not take his eyes off of Brian ‘You look- beautiful.“ he mouthed in awe and Brian flashed one of his infamous grins his way, Melting Tim’s heart on the spot, The priest cleared his throat ’'Ahem, I said- You may now say your vows.”
Tim flushed red, embarrassed but went first “Words can not say how glad I am to have met you, You are my best friend and soulmate. You’re sweet, smart, brave, beautiful and that list just goes on, But we’d be here for years if I tried to finish it. You’ve put up with me through everything and I canot imagine my life without you. Brian, I love you more than anything.” By the time he finished, Brian had tears in his eyes and could barely start his sentence “Aw, Tim. The day I met you, Life has been a constant adventure, Filled with so much joy and complete craziness but I regret nothing, not even the bad times, you were always my ray of hope and you’ve made me feel so strong even when everyone said I was weak, I love you with all my heart, Timothy. I can’t imagine my life without ever knowing you.” Tim had a big, goofy smile on his face by the time Brian had finished and, believe it or not, tears began to fall from his eyes and he reached over to entertwine their fingers, squeezing the others hand. “And now, the rings”
BEN brought the rings up to them and they both put one on each others fingers, sharing a tender smile. “Do you, Timothy Wright, take Brian Thomas to be your lawfully wedded Husband? To have and to hold, to love and to cherish, in sickness and in health, till death do you part?” “Duh.” Tim answered, earning some laughs from the crowd, The priest repeated the question to Brian, Who in turn replied “Of course, I do.” “Well then, By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and husband. You may now kiss the groom.” “Oh, you don’t have to tell me twice.” Tim smirked, Sweeping Brian into a passionate kiss, The crowd erupted in cheers, whistles and congratulations to the very happy newly weds.
Mod Kenshi note: And we have our first request filled by a helper! You can find out more about Lil, including her main & her creepypasta blog on spooky unrelated, so go check her out! Anyways, any of y'all remember this prompt from, what August? For our 100 follower fic give away?
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wintrcaptn · 6 years
The Unexpected | Sebastian Stan
Summary : You are celebrating your best friend her fiancé though she has other plans. Your best friend Alondra tries to discreetly set you up with one of the single groomsmen. Which turns out to be Sebastian Stan.
A/N : so I was going to write a one night stand fic but then I came up with this!! This will be a three part mini series. So if you are interested, let me know!
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“Oh my god! You made it!” Alondra exclaimed, throwing her arms around you and pulling you in.
“Yea, sorry there was traffic.” You said. “But you know I’d never miss this!”
Tonight was the engagement party for your best friend Alondra and her soon to be husband, Michael.
“Okay, come on I need to introduce you to Michael’s friends—“
“Please tell me this isn’t some kind of set up.” You cut her off.
Alondra was big on setting you up with guys she thought you would like. But each time, it just ended horribly.
“Of course not.” She said, trying to hide her smile. “But I know there’s one person you’ll love to meet.”
You furrowed your brows, staring at her. “Who?”
She didn’t say another word. Instead, she linked her arm with yours and guided you over to the back room of her house, where the party was.
You knew Michael was a very well known screen writer, but you didn’t know how well known.
As you followed Alondra in, you noticed a lot of familiar faces from movies and tv shows.
And you didn’t know how to react.
Until you stood in front of two tall beautiful men, whom you knew exactly who they were.
“Sebastian, this is my best friend and maid of honor, Y/N.” Alondra said with a cheeky grin.
The second his alluring deep blue eyes met yours, you swore your heart had skipped a beat.
You couldn’t believe it was actually him. The guy you had adored and crushed on since Gossip Girl.
Sebastian had a soft smile, as he gazed at you longingly. He had heard a lot about you, but didn’t realize how beautiful you were until now. He was mesmerized by you for reasons he didn’t know, but the longer he stared, the more he felt drawn to you.
“H-Hi.” He said, clearing his throat and reaching his hand out.
You flashed a smirk and took his hand into yours. As you used the other hand to push a strand of hair behind your ear. “Hi.” You said. The second yours hands touched, chills had covered you completely.
“It’s nice to finally put a face to the name.” He chuckled. “Alondra has talked about you all night.”
You shot her a glance, feeling your stomach churn, panicking as you hoped she didn’t say anything too embarrassing.
“And this is Chace. Michael’s best man.” She said quickly, changing the subject.
As the four of you stood there for a moment, slowly getting to know one another, you couldn’t help but glance over at Sebastian. But every time you did, his eyes had already been on you.
Each time your eyes met his, a warm sensation pooled in the pit of your stomach. There was something about the way he looked at you, that made you feel hot.
“Alright boys, I need to introduce her to the rest of the party.” Alondra cackled.
You waved bye and followed her.
Once you were both out of earshot, you pulled her out to the hall and glared at her. “You could have warned me.” You whispered loudly.
“I know, but where’s the fun in that!”
“And you talked to them about me? Please tell me you didnt—“
“Don’t worry, I didn’t say anything bad. Just that you are a fan and stuff.”
Great. Now they probably thought you were just another fan girl.
“Come on, lets get you a drink and I’ll introduce you to everyone else.”
Letting out a sigh, you decided to ignore your embarrassment and try to remember its her night.
“Fine. But I’m going to need more than just one drink.” You chuckled.
“There She is!! Don’t worry, Michael bought your favorite.”
“And this is why I love him.”
With that, the two of you made your way to the kitchen to grab some drinks. Though, you were mostly hoping to forget the mess she made and just have a good time. Maybe if you avoid Sebastian, things won’t be so awkward?
After a while, you were finally introduced to the majority of the party. You couldn’t believe how many people were there.
Alondra made her way back to her fiancé, leaving you. But luckily, you knew some of her family and friends.
Everything seemed to be going well. You kept your distance from Seb, though you did glance over at him from time to time. You couldn’t help it.
He was your celebrity crush, and he was even more beautiful in person.
But you didn’t want to be one of those girls that wouldn’t leave him alone. Instead, you decided to admire him from afar and focus on Alondra and Michael.
Though, Sebastian had other plans.
“I remember coming home to you and Alondra in my dresses.” Said Maria. She was Alondra’s older sister, and the person you both wanted to be.
“Oh god. And let’s not forget about the makeovers!” You cackled.
Sebastian could see your smile from across the room, and it was alluring. He wanted to know you, to be around you. And before he knew it, his feet began to move, making his way toward you.
“I remember when you both did the makeovers blind folded!” Maria exclaimed. “You has lipstick on your eye!”
“Yeah, that was her best work by far.”
Suddenly, in the corner of your eye, you noticed a figure step next to you.
Slowly, you glanced over and the second you saw him, your heart began to pound profusely.
“What’re we talking about?” He asked, raising a brow.
“Just about how Y/N and Alondra liked to destroy my makeup and dresses.” Maria chuckled. “I think I even have pictures!”
“Oh god! Just burn them.”
She shook her head. “Hell no! This is payback. You two were always in my stuff.”
Alondra saw you standing by Sebastian and her lips curved into a cheeky grin. She decided to take Her sister away, hoping to give you and Sebastian some time alone.
“Hey Maria! Can you help me out real quick?” She asked.
Maria let out a sigh and rolled her eyes. “The princess calls.” She said, jokingly.
And with that, she was gone, leaving you and Sebastian alone.
You were more nervous than before.
“So you and Alondra been friends for sometime?” He asked, feeling just as nervous as you were.
“Y-yeah. We met in the second grade.” You said. “She’s my other half.”
And even though you weren’t the type of person to talk to someone you barely knew, and always kept to yourself, you somehow couldn’t stop yourself from talking. Maybe it was the alcohol. Or maybe not.
Being around him felt euphoric.
“Sorry if Alondra made me out to be a creep.” You muttered. “I am a fan of yours, but I promise I won’t keep lock of your hair or whatever.”
Sebastian let out a chuckle, his smile forming on his face. It was the one you had grown to love over the years. The one that made your legs weak.
“Well that’s reassuring.” He said, still slightly giggling. “But don’t worry, she didn’t say anything That isn’t true.”
You furrowed your brows at him, confused. “What do you mean?” You asked.
He slowly licked his lips before meeting your eyes once again. Holding your gaze with his. “Well, for starters she said that you’re beautiful.”
Your stomach fluttered in that moment, as heat began to radiate off your body. You couldn’t help but fluster, though you tried to hide it.
“Are you flirting with me?” You asked.
He shrugged. “Is it working?”
You couldn’t believe what was happening, and you didn’t want it to stop. This was so much more than what you expected this night to go. And you wanted to have a little fun.
Propping up to your tip toes, you leaned in closer to him. With your lips near his ears, you whispered “yes.” And that was all he needed to send shivers down his spine.
Flashing a cynical smirk, you made your way over to Alondra and Michael, feeling Sebastian’s gaze still on you.
Adrenaline pulsed through you, you couldn’t believe what had happened. If it weren’t for the alcohol streaming through your bloodstream, you were sure you wouldn’t have had the guts to act the way you did.
But luckily for you, after tonight you would only have to see him one more time at the wedding. And other than that, you two would be strangers once again. So what’s the harm?
This could be fun.
Chapter Two
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That ending...(Boys over Flowers spoilers but like...it’s been 9 years soooo I’ve legit just jumped on the bandwagon XD)
The Boys over Flowers ending was actually perfect I mean what... I can’t with this beautiful friendship thing they’ve got going on...
Also, I love the F4 friendship with a passion but the real best friendship has to be Ji-hoo, Yi-jung, Woo-bin and Jan-di...it’s like them being there for her even when she kept quiet about her struggles and watching the pain she feels whenever Jun-pyo did something wrong...like it made more sense for them to be standing next to Jan-di than Jun-pyo at times??? They’re all just great and any time it was a situation where Jun-pyo was a mad idiot, and the three confronted him or did something for Jan-di’s without ever even considering how they were originally only connected to her through Jun-pyo just makes me feel all warm and wonderful inside... like any scene where it’s just them 4 is great... or even with the addition of Ga-Eul...just, the time they played hide and seek and toured around Macau, or when they saved Jan-di in Macau...or the time they held a retirement ceremony for Jan-di knowing she needed a proper end to that part of her life...the time YI-JUNG got mad on her behalf towards Jun-pyo...ughhhhhh so amazing...friendship goals...
Like that whole end episode where that one chick was actually the only character I’ve ever actually disliked on the show because she literally showed up for half a second and then started imposing herself like she was at all relevant and I was out here like who the eff does she think is?!?! Of course they don’t like you, they don’t know you and you’re here acting like you’ve known Jun-pyo longer than them when you know NOTHING of the situation gaddamn...it was kinda hilarious how she literally just disappeared after Jun-pyo recovered his memory...
But anyway the point of that rant was that the F3 (F4 - Jun-pyo) stayed by Jan-di’s side and were firmly on her side and knew that this girl was only causing trouble and didnt encourage any shit from her and it was so cute...and that bit where they went to a graduation that legit had nothing to do with them just because their favourite girl was there so they could dance with her...
And then of course the ending where they actually objected to Jun-pyo’s proposal and said he had to get permission from them first...like Jan-di is everyones Jan-di! You want her hand, you need to get approval from her best friends!
Would pay big money to have a scene where they take turns walking her down the aisle??? Like obv the dad would be first but then I would love to see the F3 demonstrate they are not just Jun-pyo’s groomsmen but Jan-di’s best men... and possibly have Ji-hoo be the last one as a final “giving away”....that kind of symbolism is kinda amazing but just my personal headcanon...exceptionally heartbreaking though...
And speaking of, even til the very end Ji-hoo was still in love with her???? This incredible wonderful guy who friggen knew her first was still supporting her but watching after her even after basically proposing to her and getting rejected???? He friggen attended medical school and offered to repeat a year for her?!?! All because he still loved her?!?! It completely came true the whole “your husband and soulmate are two different people” prophecy she dreamed about that one time...and like both Ji-hoo and Jan-di felt it (hell she straight up said it!!!) that they were soulmates but because of some effed up timing, Jan-di couldn’t stop her love for Jun-pyo which just...I like him he’s fine and the love is real but dammit my second lead syndrome has never EVER been this strong before...EVER... >///<
Also they just sorta ignore the fact that in some form, Jan-di had a hand in reviving their father like what y’all are just gonna skim over that????? ALSO I WANTED MORE GA-EUL AND YI-JUNG YALL JUST END IT LIKE SOME SORT OF IMPLIED THING WHAT?!?!?! THEY NEVER ACTUALLY KISSED NO WONDER ALL THE GIFS ARE INCOMPLETE!!!!!
Also also can we just appreciate Chief/Secretary Jung/Jeong??? He is actually the best...friggen out here like a real one supporting everybody gaddamn he’s my favourite...AND THERE WAS NO MASTER!!! THEY NEVER FULLY UNVEILED WHAT WAS GOING ON BETWEEN HIM AND FORMER GRANDPA PRESIDENT AND ALL THOSE TIMES HE CAME TO THE PORRIDGE SHOP?!?!?!
My first kdrama and I can sense the obsession sinking in...gaddammit...
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killatrav87 · 6 years
You Love Me Like XO {Travarna}
Title:  You Love Me Like XO {Travarna}
Date & Time: June 16, 2018 at 2pm
Setting: JW Marriott New Orleans
Staring: Travis Kelce & Sharna Burgess { @sharnaxburxo }  
Rating: Read with caution - contains some dirty dirty ;) 
Summary: Travis & Sharna finally get married
Sharna: She took one final look in the mirror. Her hair slightly curled, makeup on point. She messed with the veil slightly before taking a deep breath. Sharna was pretty nervous, but she was also excited. She was in one of the dressing rooms for the bridal party, waiting for her dad to come grab her to talk down the aisle. Today was a day she never thought would happen. But here she was in her mermaid type gown, surrounded by family and friends, ready to take the biggest step of her life.
Travis: He was standing beside his brother with his hands in his pocket, he was shifting his weight from one leg to the other every so often to help him with the nerves. He smiled and waved at the guest he knew as they walked in and took their seats. He walked over to his mother to talk to her. He smiled then took his place when the doors opened, his friends who were athletes walked down beside Sharna’s friends. The only one who didn’t walk down was Jason since he was already standing beside his brother. He took a deep breath when the music changed and everyone stood up.
Sharna: She took her dads arm, and they turned into the makeshift wedding chapel. The crowd stood and the music changed. Butterflies were in her stomach as she looked down the aisle, seeing her wedding party with giant grins on their faces. She looked at Travis and felt like crying already. He looked really good in his suit, but the whole atmosphere of it all, knowing that their lives were about to change so quickly, but her emotions in overdrive. Sharna and her dad stopped right at the alter, her taking another deep breath, attempting to calm the butterflies
Travis: He smiled and wiped a tear as he watched her walk towards him. He smiled when she stood before him. “Hey.” He greeted then playfully rolled his eyes, “I’m not crying, I got dust in my eyes.” He chuckled softly, “You look beautiful.” He winked at her then looked over at their minister who was ordaining their wedding. He smiled at her when she said her vows. He wiped more of his tears.
Sharna: "Hey." She whispered to him, seeing a stray tear mark on his face. "No, you're crying, I win." She giggled and stood infront of her. She couldn't stop smiling, she had never felt this happy before in her whole life. "I've always knew that if things were meant to be, they would happen." She said. "You coming back into my life, meant more than I ever could have expected. I promise to keep being your number one fan, I'll take care of you if you get injured, I'll cheer you on with everything in me. "She closed her eyes, trying not to cry even more. "I can't wait to start this new chapter in our lives, I can't wait to be your wife, and start a family too." She grinned at him
Travis: He chuckled, “Shush.” He spoke softly. He glanced over at the minister when she finished speaking, “I can’t just say I Do, right?” He asked, chuckling. He took a breath as he looked into her eyes, “I’ve said this before and I’ll keep saying it. I will never stop loving you, I will be there for everything you go through and I’m here to stay for good now and I won’t let you down. Thank you for giving me a second chance and for believing in me. I also just snagged the hottest woman on this planet.” He grinned at her as he continued his vows. He smirked as he saw she was starting to cry.
Sharna: Her heart melted as he spoke. She never expected him to turn into this loving and caring person way back when. He was softer than he used to be. His words made her tear up more, knowing she would never be alone and hurt again, and that someone was always going to be in her corner. Sharna playfully rolled her eyes as he said he snagged the hottest woman. She mouthed "I love you." Once he was finished, knowing it wasn't long until this was actually offical.
Travis: When they were able to say I Do and kiss. He smirked, “Finally.” He breathed out and caused the guests to laugh. He kissed her passionately then pulled away slowly and grinned at her, resting his forehead against hers. “I love you.” He smiled then walked with her down the aisle, holding her hand.
Sharna: The words she had been waiting for the preacher to say, were finally said. Travis' finally made everyone including her laugh. She kissed him back passionately, doing her best not to wrap her arms around him, not wanting to put on a show in front of everyone. He rested his forehead against hers, and they both couldn't stop smiling. "I love you too." She whispered. He held her hand as they walked up the aisle to the joyful music and cheers. They did some paperwork that was needed after the wedding. Pictures would come in a few minutes, as she needed a little time to fix her makeup. "We did it.." She whispered to him as they were alone for a few moments
Travis: He signed and filled out the paperwork they needed to take care off to legalize and finalize their marriage. He was a very happy man. He was glad to have this little bit of alone time with his new wife. He wrapped his arms around her waist from behind and rested his chin against her shoulder as she fixed her make up. “We did.” He grinned at her reflection in the mirror then kissed her neck softly. “Mrs. Kelce..” He smirked as he whispered into her ear.
Sharna: He wrapped his arms around her waist as she was fixing up her lipstick. "Do not ruin the dress, this thing has been everywhere to not get ruined." She laughed. Sharna placed the lipstick back into her makeup bag and grinned as he kissed her neck. "That almost doesn't sound real, I can't believe its true." She smiled as he called her by her new last name. She was keeping hers in professional terms, but her last name would be changed. "I love you...husband."
Travis: He laughed then released his grip around her, “Well I guess I’m just going to sit here..” He teased as he watched her finish up her make up. He got up when she was finally ready. He walked with her to meet their wedding party for pictures. He smiled and posed for pictures.
Sharna: After all the pictures, they had a little more time until they had to be at the reception. “Are you ready for the party?” She asked him. “I hope the food and everything turns out good, i swear if someone is fucking in a closet or the photo booth room I’m going to lose it.” she laughed, only kidding slightly
Travis: He chuckled and rolled his eyes at her comments, “You get married and still thinking about someone else.” He rolled his eyes, the last thing he wanted to think about was other people. He walked with her to the reception.
Sharna: “I can’t help it.” She shrugged. “Is it bad I think I need a drink?” She giggled. “All the nerves are gone and i just wanna drink and have fun.” She grinned as they were almost in the ballroom where the reception was held
Travis: He rolled his eyes then smirked, “Might help you calm your nerves.” He replied. Travis had a special surprise for his wife, he was getting a few dance lessons from Alan and he was a little proud of himself. He held her hand as they walked into the ballroom, he smiled when their DJ announced them. “If I didn’t know any better I would say you’re quite the lush.” He teased as he whispered in her ear as they walked to the center of the dance floor and started their first dance together, dancing the choreography that Sharna taught. He smiled at her as they danced. He kissed her once their dance was finished. Travis smirked when the music changed to their song to Pony by Genuine and a few of his groomsmen joined him on the dance floor after making Sharna sit on a chair. He winked at her then took off his tux jacket and tossed it over at her before he started the routine. He kept the smirk across his lips as he continued to dance in front of her, grinding air and doing the choreography that was seen on the show but was a little more sexual. He slid on his knee over to Sharna and started giving her a lap dance in front of all their friends and family.
Sharna: “I’m not that much of a lush.” She laughed. They walked onto the dance floor as XO by Beyoncé started to play. Sharna had choreographed something pretty easy so he was able to follow along. She couldn’t wipe the grin off her face as they continued dancing. “Turning into a pro.” She whispered. Once the song was over, she was told to sit on a chair, seeing him and the other groomsmen getting on the floor, looking confused. She heard Pony start and Sharna couldn’t help but laugh. They were doing the infamous Magic mike dance and she couldn’t handle it. Sure it was odd with it being in front of her family, but she didnt care. When he started to give her the lap dance she couldn’t help but laugh. “I can’t believe you.” She giggled and blushed.
Travis: He finished the dance then high fived the guys and walked over to Sharna with a smirk across his lips, “Knew you’d like that.” He whispered against her ear, “Had to keep it slightly clean since we have some minors here.” He chuckled then slid on his jacket and sat at the bride and groom table, sitting beside his wife. He chugged down some water then leaned back in his seat. He smiled as people came up to congratulate them. He shook hands and gave hugs. His brother stood up for a toast, “Oh fuck.” Travis mumbled to Sharna then shook his head as his brother gave his speech. He kept his arm over Sharna’s shoulders as his other hand held the glass of his drink.
Sharna: He had a giant smirk on her face and she couldn’t stop blushing. “I did.” She shook her head as they sat at their table. People were congratulating both of them and she felt so lucky that people were coming for them. His brother started giving a speech and she braced for the worst. His arm was around her and even though there were a ton of people, it only felt like them two in the room.
Travis: The reception was a success, everyone loved the music, the food, the whole atmosphere. Travis was happy. He was also looking forward to the brunch they were going to have tomorrow before they went off to their honeymoon. He smirked and took his wife's hand and walked with her to the back area, that he thought would be empty but he was wrong. He opened the backdoor that lead to a storage closet and of course there was Alan and Sofia having sex once again. "Damn it." He exclaimed then sighed as he closed the door. "We were so close to being the only two who fucked at the wedding. I'm upset." He chuckled softly.
Sharna: The reception was a great time. The food was amazing and everyone was having a great time. They were starting to get antsy though for each other. They ran off to a back storage room and wanted each other badly. Sadly Sofia and Alan were there, which disappointment Travis once again. “Baby, we have a little bit more, then we can go back to the room”. she kissed his cheek. “I have one more dance in me, and maybe some seductive moves too.” She giggled.
Travis: He sighed then nodded and walked with back to the dance floor. He smiled as he rested his hands onto her waist as they danced to one of the songs. He was glad to finally be able to call this woman his wife. He smiled at her as they danced. “Show me what you got J. Rabbit!” He encouraged as they danced together
Sharna: “I promise our first time married will be fucking fantastic.” She winked at him. “Oh I don’t think you’re ready for this.” Sharna smirked as she started to slightly grinded on him. “Someones hard..” she whispered
Travis: He smirked as he licked his lips, keeping his eyes on her. “Yeah?” He asked with a wide grin then smirked as she started to grind on him, slowly. “I’m always hard around you.” He husked into her ear as he kept his hands onto her waist, keeping up with her as they grinned to the song that played. When the wedding concluded, he walked with her to their hotel room, he was holding her hand while their wedding gifts were already brought up to their suite. He leaned against the elevator wall and pulled her closer. He rested his hand onto the side of her neck and kissed her passionately. “Fuck, I need to be inside of you with this dress on.” He muttered against her lips. He unzipped his slacks then picked her up and released his thickness from the confines of his boxer briefs. He kissed her deeply as he rubbed her clit, pushing her underwear to the side with his other hand and started to finger her as he held her up with one hand.
Sharna: "Mhm you are..." She giggled slightly. " "Doesn't that hurt though?" She questioned him. Once the reception was over, they headed to their honeymoon suite. The gifts and things that people brought had been taken up there already. They kissed passionately in the elevator, hearing his pants fall to the floor before picking her up. "Can't wait till the room?" She gasped as he rubbed her clit. "Don't...rip.." Is all she could get out before her underwear was pushed aside and he was starting to finger her.
Travis: “It hurts a bit but I know I’m gonna be inside you soon.” He confessed then smirked and shook his head. “Nope.” He told her then nodded at her request. He slowly slid his thickness inside of her once she was wet enough for him to slide in with ease and comfort. He growled and hissed as he was inside of her. “Fuck. Why do you feel so good? Like you felt amazing before but now it’s like a million times better.” He confessed.
Sharna: "Well since we couldn't actually leave the wedding this makes up for it?" She asked shaking her head. She let out a loud gasp as he slid inside of her. "Shit." She groaned. "Because of an expensive ass dress?" She moaned out, hoping he wouldn't rip the priceless dress in their moment of passion. She didn't know how she could have felt even better, but she kissed him roughly, moaning into his mouth slightly, wanting him to keep going.
Travis: The elevator doors opened and they were already in their suite, since their suite was on the penthouse floor. He carefully walked out of the elevator, holding her. He returned the rough kiss and pressed her against the wall. He thrusted harder, sliding her up and down against the wall at a quick pace. He pulled off his tux jacket along with his shirt and tie with her help. He grunted and moaned as he was picking up his pace. “Like that baby? How do you want it?” He asked, smirking as he was trying to get her to talk dirty for him since he loved it.
Sharna: Once the elevator dinged, letting them know they were at the their suite, Travis walked out of the suite, carrying her, still inside of her. Sharna attempted to move her eyes around the room so she could see what it looked like, but his thrusts getting harder and helping him with his tie and jacket, took more attention. "Just don't rip my dress." She had said for the millionth time that night, but she didn't want it ruined. "But hard baby, fuck me so hard that I see stars." She groaned.
Travis: “I know, Sharna. I’m not going to rip the dress.” He growled out then sucked onto her neck as he started to pick up his pace, thrusting harder and deeper. He sucked onto her neck, leaving a mark. “Fuck.” He hissed as he was pounding into her hard and deep against the wall. “Whose pussy is this?” He asked, husking against her neck
Sharna: He sucked on her neck and she knew there was going to be a mark left here. His groans were turning her on and he was pounding into her hard. "Fuck..it's yours baby, my pussy's all yours fuck." She closed her eyes, starting to feel close
Travis: He smirked as he kept his pace. “Say it again, whose is it?” He asked breathlessly, he stopped his movements as he looked at her, waiting for her to call him what she usually did. “Let’s try this again since your brain might be a little rattled. What’s my name and whose pussy is this?” He asked, smirking as he looked at her.
Sharna: She must not have given the right answer as he stopped his movements causing her to whine a little. She smirked back at him knowing what he wanted to hear. "It's your pussy Daddy." She moaned. "All yours Daddy." She winked at him, hoping he would pick the pace back up.
Travis: He smirked as she whined then licked his lips when she told him what he wanted to hear. “Good girl.” He picked up his pace once again. He thrusted hard and deeper than before. He desperately wanted to rip this dress off of her because it was getting in the way but he knew she would kill him if he ripped her dress. He took the Bobby pins out of her hair and slid his fingers through her hair as he continued pounding into her. He missed being inside of her so when they had to spend a night apart he was upset but now he was happy back inside of her but she was now his wife. “What do you want, baby girl?”
Sharna: "Fuck!" She gasped as he picked up the pace, even faster than what he was doing. He took out the hair pins that held the slight curls in her hair and ran his fingers through it. Her hair still held a slight curl, knowing it would look good with what she had on underneath. The night apart killed him, but now they were finally married, and she couldn't have been happier. "Take the dress off daddy, I think you'll like what I have on underneath." She smirked, wanting him to see the lacy white underwear she had on under the dress. "I'm not wearing a bra..." She whispered with a giggle
Travis: “Cum for me first baby girl.” He husked out. “I’m close. Oh fuck.” He growled at her comments. He moaned loudly as he came deeply with her. He slowly pulled out of her and undid her dress carefully then stepped in front of her with his half hard thickness hanging before him as he watched her get out of the dress. “Oh fuck.” He hummed as he looked at her. “Oh fuck.” He repeated as he looked at her, almost drooling as he admired her. “God. Take advantage of me baby girl.” He stated, licking his lips.
Sharna: She came as soon as he spoke. "Shit" She gasped as she felt herself release on his dick, as he came inside of her. Once he pulled out of her, she carefully stepped out of the dress, revealing only a tiny white thong, and the metal bars through her nipples, as she promised she would wear. "Like what you see baby?" She winked. "Take advantage of you, fuck that's hot, but you gotta tell me what you want me to do baby, wifey needs some help here..."
Travis: He nodded, “I love what I see.” He grinned, he was as happy as a kid in a candy store. He almost came at the sight. He smirked and nodded, “Do what ever you want to do to me baby. Ride me, make me do whatever you want me to do.” He told her as he helped guide her with ideas. He licked his lips as his eyes kept going back to the metal bars through her nipples and how tiny the thong was that she had a very visible camel toe.
Sharna: Sharna was pretty sure she had never seen him this excited, beating out earlier in that day when they were officially married. "Whatever I want you to do, damn someone is so, so eager." She said, slipping out of her tiny thong and got back onto the bed. "I could make you do so many things, but I think I want you to eat me out while I ride your face."Do you like the sound of that?" She asked him, placing a kiss on his jaw.
Travis: He kept his eyes on her and slowly nodded as he followed her to the bed that was covered in red and gold flower petals. He laid down and nodded, “Yes..” that was all he could say. He waited until she got settled over his head before he spreaded her slick folds and slid his tongue inside of her. He gripped onto her hips as he started eating her out, taking his time as he was making sure he cleaned her out and pleased her.
Sharna: She couldn't believe how much control she had on him at this moment. Almost anything she said he was nodding and staring at her. "Good." She smirked as she made her way to his face. Travis ate her out very often, but she didn't do this that often. She lowered herself onto his face, holding onto the bed frame. She felt her folds spread and his tongue inside of her. "Fuck yes!" She moaned as she started rocking her hips slightly
Travis: He was so focused on her core that he couldn’t think straight. He was licking and sucking as if his life depended on it. He slid his index and middle finger inside of her as he sucked onto her clit. He was determined to make sure she was completely satisfied and most importantly, wanted to make sure that she came so hard that her body shook. He was focused, he pulled his fingers out and spread her lips wider and slid his tongue in, he was doing the alphabet with his tongue.
Sharna: "Mm maybe I need to do this more often baby." She smirked. He was eating her out like this was his last meal. She moved her hips faster and felt two fingers inside of her. "Oh fuck." She moaned. His fingers and mouth giving her center all the attention was driving her crazy. He slid his tongue inside of her and she lowered her head, the pleasure starting to catch up to her. "Fuck baby, don't stop. I wanna cum in your mouth so bad shit." She moaned. She could feel her orgasm start to approach, but she could hold it in just a little longer.
Travis: He was so focused that whatever slick remark she was saying, he tuned it out. He could feel that she was close and he was picked up the pace of his tongue, he was on the letter ‘K’ in the alphabet and took the time to spell out his last name with his tongue deep inside of her. He continued with the alphabet. He slid is index finger back inside of her, he was thrusting it in and out of her at a steady pace as he continued licking and sucking her.
Sharna: "Oh my god.." She gasped as he starting going faster with his tongue. He was so focused and she was so close. She could tell he was trying to write things with his tongue, and wanted to let him finish, but with his finger inside of her, combining with him sucking and licking, she couldn't hold it in any longer. "Fuck, daddy, I'm cuming!"
Travis: He rubbed her clit quickly as he pressed his tongue further in that caused her to squirt all over his mouth as she came. He tossed his head back and tried the best he could to drink her in. He smirked and moved her down to his thickness. “Ride me baby. I’m nowhere near done with you..”
Sharna: Sharna let out a scream, knowing she was squirting all over his mouth. "Fuck..." She whispered as she knew he drank her all up, turning her on even more. "I love riding you baby." She smirked as he moved her down closer to his cock. "Fuck me hard baby, we got so much time to ourselves.."
Travis: Travis rolled them onto their sides and slid his cock inside of her as he didn’t want her to ride him just yet. He changed his mind and faced her as she laid on her side. He slid his cock inside of her as he rested her leg against his chest. Thank God she was flexible. He started pounding into her hard and deep, fucking her like she wanted. “Fuck baby! I want to be in you forever.” He husked and growled
Sharna: He rolled her onto her side, and slid himself inside of her again.One thing he really loved about her was how flexible she was, and could basically do any position they came up with. "I want you to be inside me." She whined, even though he already was. "I love when you're inside me, and when you cum inside me, fuck." She groaned
Travis: He smirked then kissed her deeply as he continued pounding inside of her. He smiled against her lips slightly then slowed his pace and started making love to her. He kept his pace nice and slow but deep. He interviewed their fingers as he kept the pace and kissed her passionately. He had a method where he would fuck her hard then slow it down just when her heart rate was high, he liked how needy her body got.
Sharna: She felt him smile against her lips, and he slowed down. He grabbed her hans and intertwined their fingers. She could feel so much love and passion coming out of this, knowing she was going to be with this man forever, made her grin as well against his lips. "I love you."
Travis: He smiled as he continued thrusting nice and slow. “I love you.” He told her. He came deeply inside of her then slowly pulled out of her and laid beside her. He pulled her into his arms, he needed a little rest before they continued going all night like he knew they would. He rubbed her back gently. “How does it feel to be Mrs. Kelce?” He asked.
Sharna: She came for the 3rd time that night. He pulled out of her, and she was pulled into his arms. She was a little tired from the whole day, but knew they would be going pretty much all night. "It feels good, I like being your wife already." She smiled. "How does it feel....husband?"
Travis: He smiled at her as he held her into his arms. “It feels amazing.” He grinned at her then kissed her softly. They spent the entire night into the next morning, making love of course they took a couple of breaks in between. 
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