#they did this for Vickie auditions
chirpsythismorning · 1 year
The audition tape was revealed to be dialogue from an episode of EDtv.
Sometimes the ST production uses existing scripts from other work to have talent read off of for their audition.
If they already have a vision for the character in mind, they can use other media as a way to test out the actor skills, and also avoid spoilers and leaks in the process.
So while it could still be an audition for s5, the dialogue itself has no actual relevance in terms of what she’s saying somehow aligning with the s5 plot, bc that script already exists in another story entirely.
Though we’re not supposed to be getting any new characters. When I heard that I still expected a handful of new characters anyways, but it’s getting to a point where we’re already at 3+ rn so I’m wondering if it’s more complex than them being new characters. Maybe they could be playing flashbacks of older characters younger though?
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smalltownrobin · 2 months
Guys I've figured out a totally simple way they could have fixed rovickie in s4 and it's to do with a deleted scene.
SO we are all aware of the teeny tiny insignificant plot Robin and Vickie (Vickie in particular) had in s4; Robin likes Vickie but she's nervous, sees Vickie has a bf, Vickie sees Robin and has an internal bi panic, Vickie dumps bf and has a little gay stare with Robin while making sandwiches, boom done. But what did Vickie having a boyfriend actually do for rovickie's plot?
Short answer: nothing. Literally nothing. Robin was sad, yeah, but she got over it SO quickly and just decided there was bigger shit to deal with, job done. Her crush having a bf didn't affect her state of mind or her reason to fight, it just made her sort her priorities a little (which, considering Vickie wasn't even mentioned after the start of episode 2, she already had her priorities sorted). It gave them a little awkward meeting at the relief centre, but ultimately it did nothing to actually get them together.
Now if you have not seen this yet, lemme show you an official unused dialogue between Robin and Vickie that would have taken place during 4x08 at war zone:
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I made this transcript from somebody's leaked audition tape for Vickie (which was posted in 2021 and included the pb&j scene word for word, so it's legit). It's not long, but oh it gives us a lot, SO much more than a longing jealous stare. Robin being an awkward disaster, beautiful. Vickie actually giving an explanation as to why she was even there and what her situation has been since the Vecna murders started, brilliant. And to top it all off? Vickie telling Robin to STAY SAFE. JUST BEFORE SHE GOES TO BATTLE VECNA IN THE UPSIDE DOWN.
Do you see DO YOU SEE how much better this is? They actually speak to each other, we get an insight into what's going on with Vickie herself, and it ends so tragically poetic with Vickie not even knowing what danger Robin was about to head into. This exchange could have given Robin a new reason to go into this battle, knowing how it's directly affecting the safety of someone she really cares about. Vickie also would have been able to fully take in Robin's post-upside down appearance, seeing her buying gasoline and weapons and being worried that this girl she probably perceives as so sweet and harmless (see the line "especially not you") is resorting to violence and maybe even suspecting she's more involved than she's letting her believe.
In the audition tape the pb&j scene stays exactly the same, so Vickie does still have a boyfriend here. But I don't think we need him at all (she doesn't need to go from dating a boy to a girl to count as bisexual, you know?). Their meeting at the relief centre could have been them silently and awkwardly feeling glad that each other is okay, Vickie could have rambled about the state of the town and her family's supposed overreaction to everything, they still could have had their cute peanut butter on peanut butter gay stare moment!!
This also could have lead well into s5, with Vickie coming to terms with her bisexuality and the fact SHE LIKES ROBIN, as well as her wanting to become more involved and help out and understand wtf is going on. All of this lack of build up could have been fixed with one little exchange THAT THEY WROTE THEMSELVES and just decided not to use.
And yeah I wish Vickie was still in the rest of the season more (I still firmly believe Vickie should have been at the library when Robin and Nancy showed up) or at least brought up every so often, but this 'what if' is already miles better than what we actually got.
Well here's to hoping s5 isn't just a painful repeat of this or else I might do something drastic.
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theinsanecrayonbox · 2 months
FOP: A New Wish e24-30
woooooo more FOP! we got so many things going on, so let's get down to business
Episode 24: The Treble with Rivals
there are schools that have band and orchestra? i thought they were the same thing, just if it was bigger it got labeled orchestra. weird.
there's a Nmusic Phairy...why didn't you run Fairy Idol? are you actually a Muse?? that would explain the stupid spellings...but those are fairy wings...
and wait, isn't wishing for musical talent to do at an audition technically participating in a competition...not that we follow that rule much these days
so the difference between Band and Orchestra seems to be that one is strings and one is wind and brass based...despite orchestra having winds and brass sections
also what school thinks it's a good idea to give children only 1 week of practice before putting on a concert??
ooo musical fae wood.
again why is band vs orchestra a thing?? everything in band is in orchestra normally; is it because orchestra is harder to get into so the left overs get band then? that would make sense i guess...
you know, i'm kind of sad there was no Jets vs Sharks musical number this episode given that it is two musical groups/gangs fighting one another
oh hey it's older brother; makes sense since he's featured next episode. hurray continuity!
so...i think i got too focused on an insignificant detail this episode, but to be fair there wasn't much to this one. not bad, but not one of the stronger stories
Episode 25: Rattleconda Racers
ooo we finally meet the older brother!
haha little sister is jealous of big brother's new girlfriend. classic.
ah the poorly worded unintended wish. also classic.
wonder if Antony thinks he's dreaming right now, because he's far too nonchalant about this
heh Wanda getting too deep into the RP
geeze this is the second rough punk lady of the series
oh NOW it's against eth rules to use magic to cheat huh? yup typical Da Rules logic. but wishing yourself out as a no-go is a classic for the trapped in the board game story, so...
dawwww sweet sibling moment. and very good story beat; so far yeah Hazel's been learning to deal with all eth changes and has adapted well, but she's a kid so of course when her brother is back she reverts only to realize that things are different and even she is different. good story telling.
oh he just thought he was imagining everything, mk
overall, very classic setup and payoff, but it worked very well. good story!
Episode 26: Dig a Little Deeper
subterranean rock monsters huh? we've had those before...like twice (Engine Blocked and The Big Fairy Share Scare i think)...hm...
oh hey Alec Schwimmer is the writer??
oh right, Hazel likes rocks...we haven't touched that since e1 i think
yeah Dev with his O-pair drones and talks of cooperate takeover, that's totally Goblin like...
coolest, shiniest, and out of this world rock...is it a Wonderstone???? and a different universe??? O.o????
Cosmo's argued with his echo before, hasn't he?
another lost wand plot? uhg...i guess it's the least egregious sin they could pull, but still, we just had one of those with the FNaF episode
oh it's a rockman not a moleman...which the synopsis did say, so why is that a surprise to me??
threatening to drop the heroine in lava. heh. and Hazel nerd correcting lol. love you girl. but none of the rockmen look like they're made of laps lazuli (i too am a bit of a rock nerd girl)
oh that triangle one was bluish, i guess they could be lapis
oh and a last second reminder that there's Peri around
so this was an interesting one. technically low magic, and Hazel got to nerd out. i liked it
Episode 27: Operation Birthday Takeback
the return of Vicky! also, nice that we're focusing on a birthday that isn't the main protagonist first; didn't we do that in the original...Tootie's birthday was established before Tim's...in s0 and the main series...and Vicky was the problem in both of those too....huh...
oo this is also a double (full 22 min) episode. fun!
awww Dev, your dad sucks. but still good highlighting how he treats Peri; he thinks Peri should know what he needs/wants since the O-pair drones are programed to do that PLUS the fact that Dev doesn't even know what he wants
adult Vicky...has the earring from her 18 year old self in Channel Chasers...but she doesn't look like she should be in her 40s (oh eye bags, yeah sure that's 40s uhuh)...and being a birthday performer?? that's not an occupation i ever thought she'd had
CHIP SKYLARK!!! and if it was an oldie hit that Jazmine's mother listened to, then yeah it's gotta be 20 years in the future
ok, her using child slave labor does track, but as a party performer? that sounds more like a daycare setup...
we are referencing Nectar of the Odds! so yeah it's very telling that Dale is THAT inattentive if he'd hire Vicky with that being their history
the Dale-cave is funny and so over the top, not gonna lie. but oh yeah, Dale is the new Crocker, and he has the funds to do that (and huh, dad obsessing over the best friend...the Dimmadomes are the Osborns...ok Superverse Dev is a Green Goblin analog)
Dev nearly spilled the beans! but then again he answered the door with Peri not knowing it was Hazel so...not surprising (Foop returns later; does Dev loose Peri and Foop swoops in to take over??). yet he could probably get away with claiming he was a new advanced O-pair drone if he had to
commercial break; there's a commercial for NW and there were clips i don't recognize?? punk adult Hazel?? O.o?? excite! (yet again with the punk ladies; is this going to be a recurring thing?? is that a bad thing?)
why are you guys writing on his white board thing?? even Peri realizes this is a bad idea
heh the under the table graffiti; this show puts cute little details in the environment so well
Chinfinity War poster in Dev's room! and is that baby Poof as Darth Maul in the other poster?? O.o i know he dressed like that before, but that feels super random
yeah get Dev a lemonade, he can't have a milkshake remember
awww Dev saved Hazel, so sweet...to bad a third act breakup is happening again
the fairies finally learn that Vicky is here, and a Timmy name drop! but Peri's reaction is actually kinda gold lol
Vicky kissing up the perceived parents, yup. and hey Peri did turn into an O-pair drone. and a coupled decades, so yup 20 years minimum
and here comes the third act breakup. but very interesting that he thinks she manipulated him...because that's all anyone has ever done to him
ok we mentioned 2001 (when the series proper started), and if this is set in real time, it's 2024 so that's 23 years...ok so yeah, NW is 20 years after the original series up to at least season 7 (since that's when Foop appeared). we are slowly figuring out the timeline folks!!
awww Peri is trying. and Dev once again self sabotages himself because he doesn't know how to cope (so that's why Foop comes later, he wished Peri away). i gotta say, i think Dev might be the best character
this was practically a perfect episode. low magic, but the problem wasn't caused by magic. it's very character heavy, but deep in lore. and it advances the central plot points. A++ team!!
Episode 28: Potazal Pohtahzal
weird name, but ok. also the return of Mother Nature huh? is this yet another redesign (spoilers: yes it is)
Sparky?? "when did we get a dog"??? O.o!!! nonononononononono!!!!!!! oh wait it's the trash can she's mak pretending, ok, that's safe. DO NOT give me a heart attack like that show!!
ok so the wish of the day is unlimited french fries. so...this is Just Desserts light, since only she's getting them not the whole world, and it's about eating only 1 food type instead of a healthy balance
oh a musical number, ok i guess
oh hey a map!!! and not a very...correctly cut up map...so don't know how accurate this is, but it looks like Dimmadelphia is in Illinois...yeah this isn't a good map, i don't seem to exist on it so *shrugs*
Da Rules says you talk to Mother Nature about when your godkid turns into a food item huh? how does that make sense?
and yup new redesign for Mother Nature. not a terrible one i'll give, much better than the others so far (Cupid, Father time)
of course she'd go and eat the source potato. so to fix it she's...going to chop herself up??? O.O!!! SHOW!! child dismemberment??? of course it wouldn't happen, but still! i love you
and we just grow a new one and everything is fixed. that's fine
the moral of the story is moderation and sharing and eating properly
the trash can actually barked/talked....no, nopenopenopenopenope, idc if it was just a button gag, nope. we do not want (all of) s9 to be canon to this timeline. no
Episode 29: The Haunting of Wells House
lol another horror movie parody title, nice. also Marcus focused, and ghost focused, ok, i'm into it (can't be scarier than them threating to canonize Sparky last episode after all)
Hazel filming youtube videos with her dad. cute.
daww i was almost hoping the scary movie Cosmo and Wanda was gonna give them would be the one from Timmy's 2-D House of Horror about the haunted volcano. but zombie fairies is cool too i guess....we did have a zombie plague earlier in eth season after all...
oh haunted fairy video tape. fun
and now we're a ghost hunting show, even in the night vision green
i like the detail that Ghost Pepper (heh the multi level puns of that name, great job) has limbs that disconnect
HA! Jorgen's a priest to perform an exorcist. that's great, and funny, especially in his camo smock
does Jorgen have a whole haunted collection of VHS tapes?? wut?
so this one was alright. it was a quick one and done romp.
Episode 30: Best of Luck
the return of Foop!! or, Irep now...why would he stick with the mirrored name instead of changing to Anti-Peri? as a baby, that's silly, but ok sure, especially since Poof changed his name as an adult, maybe that's normal so the Anti-faries do similar. and c'mon, Anti-Peri sounds like Anti-fairy even...maybe that's why they didn't do it? and also, his full name is Periwinkle, so it should be...an unpronounceable mess backwards...why not just Anti-Peri??? meh, oh well, lets just see how this goes i guess.
who's hands are on the title card?
oh NOW we are siting Da Rules about taking a competition prize. also, peri came back after being wished away? mk, won't argue that. but yeah Da Rules prevent chaos, thus why the djinn are more annoying. but i get it, Dev's annoyed by Da Rules, giving the opening for Irep to arrive
and arrive he does...and looks like an idiot being a block head. Peri didn't stay a ball, despite circular heads being a thing.
wait when did that calendar start...it's currently May huh? interesting...why were orchestra/band tryouts in the middle of the school year? or should that have been an earlier episode, since there was no clear evidence of Peri to time stamp it...but there was glasses-less Dev...still, this means that summer break is getting close, so interesting...also means that Anthony's visit would've probably been spring break, so again why was band/orchestra tryouts in the middle of the school year??? if it was one or the other maybe, implying that they share the same class timeslot so it's a half year program, thus the kids that play instruments in both go full year-why am i STILL hung up on that??? (it's like when i got stuck on e1 of BNHA about how the goo guy's volume should've exceeded the soda bottles and was his brain a thing was every cell of his body sentient...) MOVING ON!
wow i think this is the first time Da Rules has stated that they can't kill anyone with magic. that's kinda weird...especially since Marrianne did do that (by starting WWI)...oh maybe she's the godchild that made that a rule, ok i can buy that
also you guys have dealt with Anti-fairies before, why wasn't that a go to idea?
this rock paper scissor game has move moves than the Big Bang one, geeze
dawww Dev lashing out because he's sad and falling back to his old ways
oh hey we're following the rule about "when a fairy quits any magical being can fill in"...just like Fairy Idol where another blue chaos entity took over...i wonder if we'll get genies in this series
oh Jorgen swoops in to save the day! because no 2 weeks notice...that was never a thing before...dumb, but oh well, we didn't want Irep to stay around.
dawww Dev still lashing out even as Hazel tries to extend the olive branch. and ooo he's gonna be researching Anti-fairies...he gonna break out Irep isn't he....ANTI-FAIRY PLAUGE UPON THE WORLD!
so hey good setup for a future plot point i hope! and again, it does make logical sense to evolve things in that direction. very fun!!
oooo next week says there's an episode with multiverse stuff??? exciting! still loving the show, keep it up!!
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My Girlfriends Roommate - Chapter 3
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You took a moment and observed the young man that stepped foot inside your dorm. Draped all in black, he wore ripped up skinny jeans, boots, along with a rock band logo tee lying underneath a lightweight leather jacket, all of which was topped off with a matching fitted cap, you never would have expected for someone who looked like him to be Vicky’s boyfriend.
You tried to remain open minded and figured he was a man who did not restrict his sense of style, and perhaps he has days where he dressed just as lavish as Vicky did, but the manner of how he presented himself right now was shocking to you. “Baby do you want to come with us? You should gooooo. Come on!” Vicky’s begging and whining was adorable, despite how overly dramatic she was being with her expression and tone. Standing at the other side of the room, you grabbed your phone from the bed side table. Seeing Vicky with Ethan together initiated a reminder to check in with Samuel. Not thinking anything of it, you made a minor mental note that as of late, he had been somewhat delayed in responding or sending messages. You figured it had to be his demanding schedule, yet you meant to reach out to him. Starting college a year before you, Samuel expressed numerous times of the demands in being a prospering candidate and audition for the football draft, which meant a great deal to him. Eternally expressing in how grateful he was that you were understanding and not at all the clingy type, but someone who genuinely cared of his ambition and could display love and support while respecting the aptitudes of personal space. Vicky turned to face your direction as she guided Ethan’s arms around her waist; she calls your name and eagerly gestures you to come forth to introduce you. It felt a little awkward due to the intimidating vibe oozing from the man standing next to her. But you were a good sport as you equipped yourself with poise and set your phone back on the bedside table, which you couldn’t help but noticed that Ethan, slightly reacted to the polite gesture.
He raised his brows at the displayed sign of respect you admitted before watching you carefully make your way to him. Fidgeting with your fingers and looking down at the floor, you made it obvious that we’re feeling a little timid by his presence. Maybe it was the nerves, but as you got closer, he was much taller than how he appeared from across the room, a silent gulp slips down your throat. “Ethan, this is my roommate. You finally get to meet her! She and I have become good friends.” Looking at Vicky as she announced your introduction, you took a step towards Ethan dashing a polite smile and extended your hand to meet his large one, engaging in a handshake. As hard as it was, you maintained eye contact with his dark and beady eyes. “It’s nice to meet you, Ethan. My name is Y/N.” You spoke softly, still feeling uneasy by his glaring presence. You tried to cover it by giving him a firm handshake, incorporating a full grab of his hand and a gentle squeeze. He was awfully quiet, and his eyes were black, a noticeable trait as you looked into them as a formality. From what you could see underneath his cap, it did look like he had a rather handsome face. It was left unstated, but you guessed that he too was ethnically Korean by the way he spoke the language when Vicky greeted him at the door. As you shook his hand and submitted your greeting, you ended up thinking for a split second that, regardless of his unsettling height and the apocalyptic scream of black reflected in his attire, the couple looked rather cute together. A perfect example of opposites attracts. Your thought process was interrupted when he spoke out in response to your introduction. With a perfect accent and pronunciation, it goes without saying that Ethan adapted the English language very well and probably did so at a young age. His pronunciation was even better than Vicky’s and you wondered if it might have been a shared first language for him. “Nice to meet you.” His voice was deep, smooth, and cool. You didn’t want to overthink it, but his rather quiet demeanor, darkened expression, and aloof countenance seemed a little off putting. Nevertheless, you ended up feeling a little guilty at your initial perception of the lad prior to meeting him. Sure he was a man, but he had a friendly nature that was refreshingly original. He was, surprisingly, very formal, and polite in the way he carried himself.
Still, it goes without saying that he looked like the type whose bad side is one that you would not want to be on. You’re not able to pinpoint exactly what it was, but your gut instinct caused you to feel some type of way with Ethan. Looking over to Vicky, you took notice that she was staring at her phone the whole time you and Ethan exchanged words and handshakes. You needed to break the eye contact with him, so you proceeded to initiate small talk with her, which enforced her to break away from her phone and to respond, asking where you wanted to go for lunch. You tended to always use your peripheral sight, even when looking directly at someone, you always maintained some level of awareness to your entire surrounding. You can’t recall how the habit developed, and you’re not sure why, it was just something you did ever since you were a child. Today was no exception. Capturing the indirect views of the room, there was one view you noticed, and it was daunting. You caught a side view of Ethan facing your direction; not completely sure what he was looking at, yet somehow, you got a feeling he was looking at you. Studying your side profile and the outline of your features as you continued looking over to Vicky engaging in small talk. You tried your best to remain inconspicuous at the possibility that Vicky’s intimidating boyfriend was watching you. You pretended to not notice and continued facing Vicky, who didn’t seem to notice Ethan staring. “Oh, Gabe says he’ll be here in 5 min. I’ll also introduce you to him before we head out.”
At the mentioning of his name, Ethan’s head snapped towards Vicky, and he propelled a question that furthered the uneasy prospect of meeting with Gabe, which you initially felt after she first mentioned him.
You initially felt that way about Ethan too, however, after witnessing his attentive display of formality and respect, it would appear Ethan was in the clear. Sort of. “Gabe?” His voice was calm and still. “Yes.” “You mean Gabriel?” “Yes Ethan.” “You wanna tell me why?” “Why what?” You were caught off guard by Vicky’s attitude.
You’ve never seen her so brazen and haughty. How she found courage to speak in such a manner to someone as dominating as Ethan was impressive and beyond you. “You know why, Vik.”
Ethan’s disdained words were reflected in his tone as he called her by the nickname. Though you weren’t sure she was a fan of it given her slight look of disgust as she lifted her gaze from her phone after hearing him. Ethan on the other hand, victoriously lifted a brow hinting his expectation for a response. Seeing that she was purposely ignoring him, and that her gaze remained plastered to her phone, he stared down and closed the distance towards Vicky with crossed arms. It caught her attention and this time; Vicky didn’t react with the same attitude as before. You could only imagine how terrifying the look in his eye must have been. For someone like Vicky, his own girlfriend, to shift her sights around to avoid every ounce of eye contact as she stared down at the floor. Even though you were curious, you felt too scared to look up at his face and see for yourself. Just like Vicky, you looked at anything and everything else in the room. Almost positive that she was just putting up a front to cover the cowardly act of not meeting his sight, which seemed to be a common method of him relaying to her that he was still waiting for an answer, she ended up rolled her eyes. It became evident that Gabe, or Gabriel, whoever this person was, had been a frequent topic between the two. “ Ethan…” she releases a sigh, “We’re good friends. I don’t want to do this right now; Gabe will be here literally any second so please just drop it.” Vicky spoke out as brave as she could. Still not making any eye contact with him, instead, she stared at her phone screen yet again. It was beginning to feel somewhat awkward, so you did your best to pretend you were focusing on something else. You turned your head and looked towards one of the windows, pretending to admire the view of the magnolia trees while loosely hugging your body. Suddenly, another knock is heard, only this time it was followed by the opening of the door; not opened by you, Vicky, or even Ethan, but by the person who issued the knock.
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the-lark-ascending69 · 6 months
How would Stobin happen in the Scoops Ahoy Ronance AU?
Answering this after a million years 😭
I imagine this AU to be kind of a Steve-Nancy role swap AU in which Nancy is with the Scoops troop while Steve is... with Jonathan. Solving mysteries. Now, I haven't watched s3 in years so I don't remember much about Nancy and Jonathan's plotline, other than Nancy was the driving force through most of it, but in this AU the timeline shifts a bit so that she gets fired, alongside Jonathan, way before the events we see in S3, so that by its start she already got a new job at Scoops Ahoy (which is humilliating to her, but she needs the money). She already did some work and by the time Jonathan realizes she was right all along, he's alone because 1) Nancy is incredibly mad at him and 2) she's too busy cracking Russian codes. Dustin is the one to pull him to the side when he tries to explain everything to her (she would have dropped the code immediately to go back to help him if that were the case) and tell him that, if there's one thing he learned at summer camp, is that when a girl is angry at you, it's best not to push her. He pats his shoulder and tells him "you know what? I got just the right man for your quest". The man in question is Steve.
Jonathan would not accept to work with Steve unless it was absolutely necessary.
Again, I don't remember much about that storyline, so I couldn't tell you exactly what happens, but I imagine it would be pretty funny, with Steve coming up with more and more idiotic ideas each time and Jonathan being pissed about it but unable to send him away because he still needs help. I imagine they wouldn't become close friends, but they'd find a way to get along just fine.
That means Robin doesn't meet Steve after much later, through Dustin, in fact. Since they're not friends, he doesn't get a job at Family Video, and is instead wandering around looking for jobs, not being hired, not doing anything with his life and being constantly roasted over it by Dustin, who's become pretty close with Robin lately and he swears she's perfect for him, dude, he should totally date her. Steve isn't so convinced - Robin? Talks non-stop Robin? Band nerd Robin famous for passing out in the middle of a theater audition in school in front of everyone because she got just a little bit passionate about a scene? (Rebel Robin is canon to ME!). Robin is weird. Steve doesn't date weird girls ("You dated Nancy" / "Yeah, 'cos Nancy isn't weird" / "Dude, she literally dressed as an elf princess for one of our campaigns. She's a nerd" / "Wait, Nancy plays that shit?" / "You have a lot to learn about women still, my friend").
But then he needs to work with Nancy and Nancy had a new best friend, and she is - let's face it - insanely hot. Like Steve is kinda left breathless, staring like an idiot when he first sees her - Weird Robin was attractive all along?? All Dustin has to say is "I told you" ("...yeah," says Steve).
So Steve makes it his new mission to ask Robin out. Nancy makes it her mission to stop anyone from talking to her Robin.
A few important notes about Nancy and Robin's friendship so far:
They're each other's first female friend in years.
Nancy has no problem at all with Robin liking girls, but Robin still feels a bit awkward about it. If Nancy were a boy it would be different but Robin really, really doesn't want to make her uncomfortable. She wants to be One Of The Girls for once.
Robin has a big crush on Vickie, but she won't tell Nancy despite Nancy's repeated attempts to talk about girls (she's trying to make Robin feel normal. Most girls like talking about boys, and she knows Robin is secretly a repressed romantic at heart who's just scared of showing emotion. A little push will help, right?).
Robin tries to act as "normal" as possible with Nancy, never bringing up anything that might remind Nancy that her new best friend is a lesbian. Nancy has no such concerns and will often ask Robin about girls she think she might find attractive.
Robin is almost physically holding herself back from seeing Nancy in a romantic light. She is NOT going to ruin this friendship.
Nancy thinks Robin is the most beautiful girl she's ever seen.
Nancy is incredibly protective of Robin.
Nancy feels a bit weird about the idea of Robin getting a girlfriend some day. She tells herself that, at first, she was just getting used to the idea of a girl having a girlfriend, then, that she just wanted to enjoy a friendship with a girl again without the involvement of boys or any romantic interest that might come between them, as a return to a more innocent time. She does want Robin to be happy, though, and would try to help her with girls if Robin allowed her to.
Steve finds all of his attempts to speak to Robin frustrated by Nancy intentionally interrupting him.
"She's not interested in you," she says.
"Did she tell you she didn't like me?" Steve asks.
"A couple of times, in fact. She did call you a douchbag."
"Maybe that's because she doesn't know me."
"Steve, believe me. She's not interested."
Every time Steve tries to speak or flirt with her, Nancy intervenes by either pulling Robin along with her, as if she were her right hand man, always by her side in every mission, or she'll begin talking to Steve, forcing him to direct his attention somewhere else.
Steve falls low. He falls very, very low, because his next step is to ask Dustin for help, which must be just the most embarrassing thing he's ever done, but jeez, Robin just has that effect on you, and Nancy is like a very mean guard dog with her, so he needs a distraction. Dustin will pretend to be interested in journalism, or girl stuff, or whatever Nancy likes, doesn't matter. Or he can just go annoy her for a few minutes so Steve gets a chance to talk to Robin alone.
Robin is not impressed. She knows what he's trying to do, but she decides she'll take the chance to bully Steve a little, just for fun. She replies with "wow" and "really?" to everything he says until he realizes she's being sarcastic. She makes fun of him for a while before making things clear to him: she's not interested.
"Why?" Steve asks.
"Because I have my eye on someone else," she says. "Besides, you're not my type."
"Really? So what's your type?"
"Well, for starters, I am drawn to profound souls and intelligent minds."
"Hey, I can be smart. I helped save the world like, two or three times."
"Given our current situation, I don't think that makes you all that special, Stevie boy."
He tries to get her to admit who this boy she likes is. He tries to guess, naming every guy their age he knows. Robin is mildly entertained and amused so she lets him provide free white noise while they walk through the woods. It helps her not get bored with all these fucking trees around them.
And then maybe they get separated. Maybe they're in the woods at night while running from the search party and from Jason, who is hunting them. Nancy, Eddie and Dustin are on one end, with Robin, Steve, Lucas and Max in the other. They'll reunite as soon as possible, but they can't stop now.
And maybe Robin realizes Steve is not that much of an asshole when she sees him comfort a terrified Max, or put himself on the line to protect Lucas. He cares about the kids more than he cares about himself. He talks to them, gives them directions, makes sure everyone stays together and safe and who would have guessed? Seems like Steve the hair Harrington has a sensitive side.
And he gets to see Robin is more than a pretty face when they do come face to face with Jason.
He's looking for Eddie, Lucas, and everyone he knows associates with them. Steve and Max would be good enough targets for him. He is only tangentially aware that Robin is friends with Nancy, Mike's sister, but she quickly turns that possible weak spot into a strength.
She tells him she's so terrified - her friend's brother might be involved in that horrible cult. That's what motivated her to join the search party. She doesn't want anyone else getting hurt (Robin spins lies like a spider spins webs). In fact, she overheard Mike say something once - Eddie was planning to leave Hawkins soon, maybe on that very same night, he could be on the road as they speak, which is why Robin found it so imperative to be with the search party tonight, to find Eddie before he leaves. Jason and his team rushes out of the woods and in direction to the nearest road, thinking themselves smarter than Robin.
They make it somewhere safe. Robin and Steve stay up to keep watch - they insist the kids have some sleep. Lucas and Max cuddle adorably, and Robin just wants to pinch their cheeks because they're so damn cute together. Steve keeps an eye on them while Robin watches out for the search party. They talk to keep each other awake - Steve tells her about how he became a mother of six, and Robin tells him how she became best friends with Nancy Wheeler, which isn't an easy feat, mind you (though she excludes the most personal details). She tells him she speaks four languages and is learning a fifth. Steve tells her he gives great hair advice (he asks her if she uses conditioner. She asks him if he rents his head out to the council on weekends to use as a speed bump). Steve laughs. He tells her he'll leave her alone - it's fine if she doesn't like him. Plus, he's probably not ready for a relationship anyway. He should focus on things other than pretty girls, like college, someday, maybe. Max is definitely his focus right now, keeping her alive and safe (as he's been doing ever since that first fight with Billy), and nothing else should matter. Robin respects that a lot, actually (she'd never thought she'd put the words "Steve" and "respect" together before). He still thinks she's cool as heck, though, and he'd love to be friends. Robin doesn't feel terrified this time, like she did when Nancy said the same thing eight months ago. She doesn't feel the need to tell him her darkest secrets. She just likes having someone pure of heart and dumb of ass to poke fun at. She can't believe she's becoming friends with Steve the hair Harrington. She wants to be real, actual friends, thogh, not friends-as-a-shortcut-into-her-pants friends. Steve laughs. "Real, actual friends," he agrees.
Nancy sees them exchanging jokes and laughing when they reunite, and she's surprised - finds it amusing - but also frels a strange pang of jealousy in her gut. She knows Robin couldn't let a boy come between them if she tried, and she's happy she's making more friends - she is! - she doesn't know where she's going with this. All she does is to embrace Robin tightly when they're together again, happy to have her partner back by her side. Steve eyes Nancy curiously. He's not the smartest, but he seems to notice something Robin doesn't, something not even Nancy sees, though he can't quite put his finger on what the strange thing is.
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magicmindless · 1 year
have any hcs for Emmlette?
Y’all I’m sorry it’s been so long since I’ve made one of these😭😭 mainly due to (lack of) interest in making these and other sorts of things
A HC List but it’s just Emmlette
I really like her… theatre kid chicken lady…
- Very cheerful and sweet but is down-to-Earth. Being a transparent person, she can come off as a bit snarky sometimes but she only means well. She’s a gem to have around and usually tries her best to make people feel comfortable around her
- Has ADHD. It’s hard for her to focus and stay in one place, her thoughts overlap a lot, and she can be forgetful sometimes. She wasn’t diagnosed until her 20s. She uses medicine now to deal with it which helps her enough
- Developed depression for a good portion of her teenage hood and college years. She hated school and needed accommodations to barley keep her grades up but. Undiagnosed ADHD didn’t make it any easier
- Unsurprisingly she’s a theatre kid. It was one of the few classes she was good at and she always made sure to audition for every single musical/play Sakura Bay High ever did during her high school years (yes she went to Sakura Bay High and became a teacher there. Funny huh?)
- Her favorite musical is Into The Woods and she has a fond memory of it because she got to be the witch back in high school (I’m sorry I haven’t watched enough musicals and most of the ones I’ve watched idk if she’d like bear with me-)
- She used to write songs and play them on her piano as an outlet, even going as far as to record them though she’s never really shown them. She still has the recordings and admits that they’re really cringy looking back at
- Should be mentioned she’s actually really good at singing and playing the piano
- Her nails always look bad since she tends to bite or rip her nails whenever she’s bored or stressed out. Vicky nearly fainted seeing her nails for the first time
- The reason she became a theatre teacher was due to not only her having a lack on confidence in herself to make it big as an actress back then, but no one else at the time believed in her either, so she settled for teaching. She does sometimes wonder what could’ve been though…
- She does like teaching and has met some incredible students who’ve gone off to do great things, but teaching can also stress her out whether it’s from misbehaving students, or those who just have no interest and are taking theatre as only an “easy grade” in their eyes
- She’s not only a good support for her students, but also for her adult friends when they need someone to talk to or provide a shoulder to cry on
- Always had a bit of a chicken obsession. She had a neighbor who had chickens when she was little and she’d frequently go to their place to spend time with them. Now she has 4 of her own chickens named Scrambles, Tamagoyaki, Sunny, and Fluffles
- People think it’s weird that she doesn’t like to eat chicken out of guilt but is willing to eat eggs and other meat. It’s just an attachment thing for her
- Likes giving gifts to people randomly. Usually they are edible things like mochi or bread from a bakery but she also gives things like cute little keychains
- A great cook. She likes making cute bentos and stuff like that and has even cooked for her friends and family
- She’ll act like a mom sometimes trying to make sure her friends are eating enough and doing well. Some of her friends (like Petrona and Rollie) have found it irritating but they will sometimes tolerate it
- Is able to cry and stop crying on command. It’s a little disturbing, but helpful in acting
- Is the type of extrovert to adopt introverts, including Petrona
-She can read people’s faces and body language scarily well. Even if someone stands slightly off she can tell if there’s something wrong or bothering someone
- Keeps a bit of a close eye on Petrona since she always worries about her physical and emotional health due to her work ethic. She’ll usually try to do things like get food for Petrona’s lunch break or talk to her a bit if she suspects Petrona’s been crying/having a rough day. And despite Petrona’s annoyances, she seemed to have warmed up to her overtime
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vickiabelson · 4 months
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Toto’s Joseph Williams Live on Game Changers with Vicki Abelson
Hold the line! What a way to reenter this arena - with arena rockstar Joseph Williams of Toto! I had the best time - can’t stop smiling. Joseph could not have been more accessible, personable, humble, willing, thoughtful, informative… entertaining, and warm––like a fuzzy blanket on a cool summer night. Just loved every minute. 
I watched quite a few interviews with Joseph to get to know him a bit before sitting down with him. All that I saw were centered around the music of Toto and Joseph’s solo work––the songs, the musicians, the concerts. Fascinating!  I wanted to know about the kid, the son, the man, the artist, the vocalist, the composer, who thrived, who struggled, who acted out, who cleaned up, and that’s exactly what generous Joseph gave us, no holds barred, no lines held, as it were. From his earliest days with his dad, John Williams, making genius in the other room, his actress-singer mother, Barbara Ruick, turning life into songs, he and his siblings performing on cue for their parents’ esteemed party guests, and forming their first band, together, picking up his first drink, finding mischief, getting busted, breaking bones, boarding school leading to his first gig… jingles, Vegas, Star Search - one story better than the last - to auditioning for Toto - how he got it, what it meant - how he lost it - what he did to ensure that it would never happen again - composing, scoring- working with a guy named Snuffy, guesting with Toto and Bobby Kimball, rejoining the band in 2010, now he and Lukather the two remaining old guard… full circle - still touring - and miraculously still a Novid! 
I easily could have chatted with Joseph for hours more. Can’t wait till September to see Toto at The Hollywood Bowl and to celebrate Joseph’s 64th birthday. He’s sober, a grandpa, a good son, making great music, and living his dream. He’s honored his legacy. Bravo! Standing O! 
Joseph Williams Live on Game Changers with Vicki Abelson
Wednesday, June 5, 5 PM PT, 8 PM ET 
Streamed Live on my Facebook
Replay here:
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lollo-sw-br · 1 year
Idol Wing AU: Star 1: The Debut!
Group Dorm - MAX1M Entertainment
Today is YUM1E's debut day, all the members were looking forward to their debut with the single: Dream World, the MV has already been released and now they are officially a loop group, ready to handle a big hit.
- Finally! Our group debuted! - said Brighie - Long live YUM1E!
- Alive! - said the other members
Everyone cheered, now they were happy that their years as simple trainees were over and they were now a real group.
- Our trainee years were horrible - said Vicky - every humiliation we went through to debut
- Especially for you two, isn't it? - said Miah - Sophie and Lollo
The aforementioned were very sad because their teachers humiliated them a lot because the two were not of the Korean beauty standard, because the two they were foreigners, hence more and more prejudice.
Flashback - Sophie's Mind
A flashback in Sophie's mind, showing her and her youngest sister Lollo, both in the practice room, creating a super difficult choreography that the teacher had passed, but what saddened Sophie, was the fact that whatever mistakes they had, but charges for "perfection" they are.
- Did you get it wrong again? - said the teacher - she had to be a foreigner, if she were Korean she wouldn't make a mistake.
- I'm sorry ma'am - said Sophie - I'll try harder
- You will never be good enough, neither you nor your sister who is also a negation - said the teacher - I admire that the CEO still accepts foreigners in the auditions, I don't think there should be this global audition joke, K-pop is for Koreans, not for foreigners. Back in position!
Sophie returned to her position, and practiced that choreography for hours, it seemed that being a foreigner, no matter how hard she tried, it would be worthless.
Back to the dorm - MAX1M Entertainment
Sophie came out of the flashback relieved and now as a K-idol, she will prove to her sister and her group that they can be a success.
- Sophie, sister - said Lollo - are you ok?
- Don't worry sister - Sophie said - I'll be fine
- Hey girls! - said Vicky - stop being sad and let's start the party!
- Yes! - all members say
Sunny's Hangar - World Aircraft
Sunny was in her hangar with her headphones on listening to a K-pop playlist, ranging from 3th generation groups (Super Junior, Girls Generation, EXO, Big Bang, 2NE1, 4Minute and others) to current groups of the 4th generation (IVE, æspa, New Jeans, NMIXX and others), but then a song Sunny had never heard, Dream World by YUM1E.
Sunny started listening and immediately fell in love with the group, with the music that was contagious and pleasant to listen to, with the members who were very beautiful and by the fantasy concept, totally different from anything you've ever seen.
- What was this? This song is wonderful! - Sunny said replaying Dream World - I need to hear it again!
Sunny listened once, twice, three times and hundreds of times, she didn't stop anymore, the music became bubblegum in Sunny.
After Sunny's wonderful encounter with Dream World, she got to know the group and its members in depth, not to mention that she was now part of the group's famdom, and of course, Vicky became her Bias.
- I need to show this to the girls - Sunny said - I'm sure they love Dream World as much as I do!
Days later
Sunny called her Super Wings friends to listen to the song and give their opinion, they all loved it as the musical Super Wing already predicted, They started talking and getting to know more about the group and each one of them had their own bias.
- My Bias is Brighie - said Dizzy - she is confident and determined and always willing to motivate and support the group as a true leader
- I like Brighie, but Mine Bias is Flora - said Mira - she is so cute and sweet, She loves nature, She is well disciplined and cautious.
- Flora is really well educated and My Bias is Aria - said Astra - she has the same screw loose as my brother Astro, without being over the top, I like that
- Aria really loves danger and My Bias is Akira - said Crystal - She is a talent machine! Both in rap and dance
- I confess that I'm open with Akira in the MV, My Bias is Sophie - said Neo - She always knows when someone needs help, and she knows how to help.
- Sophie is thoughtful and kind, My Bias is Lollo - said Ellie - she is very cute and smart as hell, she knows a little bit of everything, she is very reminiscent of grandpa knows how to answer any question.
- It's true Lollo is really smart, My Bias is Cherie - said Lime - Ama loves sports and has a screw loose like Aria, I love it too
- She is full of adventures, My Bias is Miah - said Sky - Together with Brighie, she supports the group, it's good that she always helps when someone is not well.
- I like Miah a lot, but My Bias is Ivieh - said Kim - she is very crazy and dares to take super difficult steps and challenges, and she always succeeds.
- you already know who my Bias is - Sunny said - and now as we are DREAM1ES we need to support the group and ensure that they are popular on the music charts
- Yes - said Dizzy - let's do this anonymously, as we are also "famous" we need to be more careful
- You're right Dizzy - said Astra - I'm going to create the fanpage and spread it throughout the Airport.
- Yes - said Mira - let's get more DREAM1ES for the fandom!
- On the fanpage we can use names that are not ours - said Ellie
- So they didn't know who we are - said Lime
- Like a secret identity - said Kim
- Let's do our best not to suspect us - said Crystal
- And let's stop when some hater wants to do something against YUM1E - said Sky
- Let's go! - all said - YUM1E is my Dream!
To be continued...
Musical Moment
Dream World it would be this song
Sunny's Kpop Playlist
Musical Mess, I love NMIXX
Retro nice to hear 🎧
For fans of Girls Generation (SONEs)
The living legends of the 2nd generation
In all chapters of this EU I will put the songs, both from the discography of K-pop groups and the Discography of YUM1E
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jacktorjoseph · 1 year
(OOC- My years of writing and performing I guess really paid off here then if I got ya brainstorming with your s/o in a positive way! Lol, but it’s all good! Work is work so it’d be crazy if I got upset over that! I’m grateful that you’re pulling out those peak role play years though just for this! It definitely makes me feel less anxious about how I did since it’s been awhile!)
*A brows quirks up as an amused smirk creeps onto my face.*
Oh! Was that Spanish? I’ve always admired people who were able to speak more than language. I’ve studied other languages before, but it’s definitely not at conversational levels! Having to learn words through classical music helps a bit. I don’t know what you said, but I’ll take your word for it!
*I wink, enjoying the almost melodic nature emanating from your voice as you spoke.*
And Hell? So I WASN’T dying in this heat from running around so much?
*I chuckle, transferring weight from one leg to the other. The frilly nature of my dress takes a life of its own as I accidentally line up with the fan. The white fabric billows softly.*
Well, that explains the labyrinth of hallways and the odd amount of standoffish people I tried to get help from! I thought I was in purgatory for a moment there!
*A corner of my lips tighten at your words.*
It’s a shame you had to experience that too though, thankfully those two restored some of your hope in humanity. You seem nice enough! Maybe they got black coffee with two sugars instead of three or something.
*I glance down at your glistening palm and remove the chokehold I have on my weathered black binder to grasp it gingerly. Under the studio lighting, my stone blue eyes seem to sparkle. My gaze meets yours and I give you a dazzling smile. It’s nice to finally meet a normal person in such a stressful situation! I don’t even notice your punk rocker look because of how relieved I feel and how hyper focused I am to find that damn audition. I do however note how your hand almost seems to engulf my own easily.*
I’m sure they just did it to cut costs. Gotta save funds to hire the best actors around after all, but it’s nice to meet you Joesph, I’m Victoria.
*A lopsided grin appears on my face and I shrug, tilting my head to the side playfully. My eyes instinctively dart to the side as I try to find any indication that the audition could be nearby I refocus on you.*
Or you could call me Tori it’s easier to remember. Honestly, as long as it’s not Vicky, you could call me Pee-wee Herman for all I care!
*I let out a small laugh.*
I was informed that I would be auditioning as a vocalist for the role of the sun and the moon. How that works, I’ll never know, but it’s supposed to be a small part and JESUS is it hot!!
*I finally take a moment to look you over to assess if you’re suffering as much as I am and the weather suddenly became the least hottest thing in this room. Holy HELL! HOW in the WORLD did I not notice such a perfect specimen in front of me!? The tattoos, the hair, the muscles, the piercings, THE MUSCLES!? Hopefully I’m only internally drooling at this man. It’s type of guy your mama warns you about, but it says a lot when they wind up being the kindest person you talked to all day. What really grabs my attention is the pair of black jeans laying on your chair. Instinctively, I glance down to see some VERY TIGHT fitted shorts and- Wait. Lead role? My eyes widen in panic and I let my hand slide out of yours, waving it defensively.*
Oh my god, I am SO sorry! I didn’t realize- shoot, I really shouldn’t have interrupted your script reading! Dammit Tori, you screwed up big time. Listen, I’ve been so worried about having to sing pop instead of musical theatre that I didn’t even-
*In an effort to readjust my disheveled appearance amidst my flurry of distress, I hadn’t felt the binder start to slip out of my arm until it falls to the floor with a loud SLAP! Unsecured pieces of sheet music spread across the floor in a heap as my face twists in anguish.*
*I quickly kneel down in an unlady-like manner and start shuffling papers together. I shake my head and grit my teeth, trying to fight back the urge to scream in frustration. Tears sting my eyes as I ramble to myself.*
Goddammit! First it’s trying to change my outfit because it’s not “trendy” enough and looks like it belongs in 1882 and not 1982, then it’s throwing a random audition OUTSIDE of my field in a city I’ve never heard of an 8 hour flight away, THEN it’s getting completely lost with the majority not acknowledging your existence, and now THIS! Why am I even doing this? I never even wanted to do a tv show in the first place…
*I place both hands on the floor in a huff and give you an apologetic smile.*
Sorry, it’s been rough since the moment I flew down here. I shouldn’t really be venting with someone I just met, especially with someone in your position, but I think the stress got to me a bit.
*I laugh weakly before returning to the papers strewn about.*
Oh well, I'm used to locals, sorry 'bout that doll, I basically just said they belong on the adult channels instead of a kids show.
He chuckles softly.
and yea, you ain't dying, just the lack of AC in this place
He looks at you, laughing a bit.
Honestly? Me being the nicest one here so far is strange, normally most new folks stay away from me because of how I look
He nods slightly.
Nice to meet ya 'Tori.
He watches as you become more disheveled at realizing he's the lead role, he squats down to help you pick up the sheets of music paper.
Calm down sugar, it's not like I'm the director, 'sides, Im more worried about the heat. We're supposed to be in makeup, wigs, costumes, someone's bound to have a heat stroke while filming
He soon nods and chuckles.
I get it, a lot of you non-locals seem to have a hard time around here, thankfully I am a local and don't gotta worry about it.
He gently hands you the papers he grabbed.
I'll put in a good word for ya with the locals, but, I can't say it'll do much, I ain't got the best reputation either, I mainly just made friends with the market workers and some local abuelas, tias, and some Madres (translation: grandmas, aunts, and mothers)
Though, the mamas will treat you nice and make sure their kids do, that's for sure
He smiles at you.
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waytray · 2 years
okay i’m done both my interviews and i was hired (part time but 30 hours a week to start with the opportunity to advance to full time in the future) at a nice looking deli! also!! i got my mic to work! it turns out i did need to plug in earbuds/headphones for it to record sound. I’m going to record my Vicky audition at my new place. And I would have liked to use Vocaroo, but unfortunately I don’t have internet there yet so I downloaded Audacity.  I’m at my old place right now but shortly I’ll head over to my new place and give it a test run. Fingers crossed!!
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tinseltine · 2 years
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Tinsel & Tine #MiniMovieReview - It’s impossible not to call this the projectile vomiting movie, although, there’s a lot more to it than that.  It’s a fun, social satire on class systems, gender-based assumptions and a reminder that money can’t solve every issue. But the sea sickness scenes are just priceless. A luxury yacht experiencing turbulent weather during the captain’s dinner has the passengers spewing from both ends. 
My favorite, a middle-aged actress, Sunnyi Melles, being tossed around the bathroom floor of her estate room, hurling each time she swings back passed the toilet, had me crying. 
I can’t remember when I’ve laughed so hard at something so disgusting This is the Swedish writer/director Ruben Östlund’s first English-language film, which won him a second Palme d’Or at Cannes Film Festival, the first being THE SQUARE (2017) which I never got around to seeing, even though it features one of my girl crushes, Elisabeth Moss.  I did see his film FORCE MAJEURE (2014) which was my introduction to the filmmaker during The Philadelphia Film Festival that year.  It’s a shame the American remake DOWNHILL starring Julia Louis-Dreyfus & Will Ferrell (which I saw at Sundance 2020) didn’t employ the kind of subtleties and restraint of the original, but then if it did, I guess it wouldn’t be Americanized.
Triangle of Sadness is told in 3 parts.  Sometimes this framing works really well, other times you feel like it ruins the momentum of a film. In this case, it’s a little of both.  There’s a scene in the beginning of the movie that introduces us to two of the characters, as this ultimately becomes an ensemble film.  The couple is made up of two young models, the female, Yaya (Charlbi Dean) is also an influencer, getting paid the big bucks to pretend she’s enjoying stuff on Instagram. The male, Carl (Harris Dickinson) isn’t as successful, still needing to audition for work. Yet, Yaya expects him to pick up the check for all their expensive dining.  This turns into an interesting discussion/argument. Yet, it doesn’t really fit smoothly into the rest of the film; which is at least 20 minutes too long.
Side note: How sad is it that the actress/model Charlbi Dean died in real-life before this movie could be released!  I keep trying to find out what a beautiful, healthy, young woman could have died of in such a short time, besides COVID, and if that was the case, it wouldn’t be a mystery. RIP
The 2nd part consists of the Luxury Yacht where we meet a cast of colorful 1%-ers ; some young, beautiful, all white crew – headed by (Vicki Berlin) a true Julie McCoy type (The Cruise Director on “The Love Boat” for any young readers); and the below deck crew, all non-white, mostly Latinx. Then the 3rd part takes place on an island where the tables get turned. 
Q: Is that something that you’re generally interested in? Exploring how people react in extreme situations? Ruben Östlund: Yeah, definitely. I’ve been inspired by Marx’s theories that our behavior is very dependent on which position we have in a socioeconomic hierarchy.
All in All, this will definitely make my 2022 Nomination List for The Philadelphia Film Critics Circle Vote. “In Den Wolken!”T&T rating: 4 outta 5
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cinemapremi · 10 months
Bold Sam Bahadur: Fatima Sana Sheikh Talks About Playing Indira Gandhi
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Discovering the challenges and doubts faced by Fatima Sana Sheikh in portraying Indira Gandhi in "Sam Bahadur." Banda Song: Vicky Kaushal’s ‘Sam Bahadur’ Unveils a Powerful Anthem of Indian Army’s Valor Unveiling the Anticipation: Release Date and Expectations for Vicky Kaushal’s Movie ‘Sam Bahadur’
Bold Challenges in Playing Indira Gandhi
Playing real-life characters is tough. Fatima felt nervous and doubtful about playing Indira Gandhi, a significant political figure.
Bold The Audition and Encouragement
During the audition, Fatima had doubts about her ability to portray the character. Meghan Gulzar's encouragement was a turning point, giving her confidence.
Bold Getting Ready for the Role
Understanding and respecting the character was vital. Meghan provided research material, helping Fatima shape her perspective on Indira Gandhi. https://www.instagram.com/p/CztnktGN6sn/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
Bold Makeup and Prosthetics Challenges
Recreating Indira Gandhi's look required careful makeup and prosthetics. Fatima explains the challenge of maintaining authenticity while enhancing certain features.
Bold Release of "Sam Bahadur"
The movie creates anticipation, with Vicky Kaushal in the lead role. Fatima's portrayal of Indira Gandhi adds intrigue to the historical drama.
Bold Closing Thoughts
As "Sam Bahadur" releases, Fatima reflects on the rewarding journey of bringing historical figures to life. Portraying characters like Indira Gandhi offers a unique perspective on crucial moments in history. Q: How did Fatima feel about playing Indira Gandhi? A: Nervous initially, but Meghan Gulzar's confidence boosted her morale. Q: What challenges did Fatima face in preparing for the role? A: Balancing makeup and prosthetics to maintain authenticity. Q: Why did Meghan Gulzar choose Fatima for the role? A: Meghan recognized Fatima's potential and encouraged her during auditions. Q: What's the importance of portraying historical figures in films? A: Offers a unique perspective on pivotal moments in history. Q: What can audiences expect from "Sam Bahadur"? A: A compelling narrative with Vicky Kaushal in the lead role and Fatima Sana Sheikh adding depth to the historical drama. Also checkout: Read the full article
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easily-irritated · 1 year
Oh my god, I'm really not excited to go back to work because of the terumo audit. I know Karol will be virtually no help, because as a supervisor she might as well throw me into a pack of ravenous wolves. I mean, unless she wants to be nice and friendly and approachable that day. I wish I could just smoke weed and call in that day. I mean.....
Also, Vicky keeps looking at my stories and at first it was like lol whateva but now it's like ugh, I know you're not even looking at them. You probably just tap your finger through because that's what you do. Aimlessly wander through your socials until there's nothing left. Not really looking forward to seeing her face again. Still can't believe she thought she was doing something going up to Romeo like that. What even was the point of saying, "Tell her she can come up to me if she wants to talk" Who do you think you are, if I wanted to talk to you I clearly would, why do you act so dense? Or are you actually that dense?
I've been thinking about Phillip lately and how he's doing, but then I'm like. Ugh, it's not my responsibility. He didn't see me. He didn't talk to me. Every time I'd try, I felt crazy. He never took me seriously. And that's really upsetting, because I know he didn't see that at all. And that makes me ANGRY. so he can be confused, or hurt, or whatever, and that's his responsibility to deal with. I wanna refrain from saying things like, "He made me feel unhappy." But he did. He didn't try to work with me at all in my life. He didn't care about my life. I always felt less than. And I didn't want to feel that way for the rest of my life. But I do thank him for the nice memories. And that's why I need to get on that mf cleansing ritual with Haylee 😭😭😭
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qveenpoppy · 6 years
this just isn't funny...
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kingofjohto · 2 years
HEADCANON TIME|| Will Byers X M!Reader & rest of party take part in the school musical
Also this takes place AFTER season 4 so SPOILERS. Also this takes place during the year after season 4, so let’s pretend this is a world where after season 4 they beat Vecna and everyone survives also Max wakes up and recovers! She’s still blind, and don’t ever expect me to write that out.
Note: I had to look up stuff for the DND reference so something with that could be incorrect but I still don’t know much about it, sorry!
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You were the first to notice the audition posters around the school and you immediately brought it up the next time the party got together
Almost everyone immediately shot down the idea, but after a while you were able to convince them to do SOMETHING
You were the only one to go for cast, Mike, Lucas, and Dustin all went for running crew, while Will and El both decided to help with costumes
After waiting a few weeks, the cast list finally came back, and you got the role of the prince! Everyone was happy for you, especially Will.
During rehearsals, they began fitting people for costumes, and of course, Will wanted to do yours. He wanted his Prince to look as best as possible.
You would go Over to the Byers house and practice your Lines with Will and El, and whenever El was busy you and Will would practice the romantic scenes.
You absolutely loved practicing your Lines with Will while he worked on his Costumes. He showed you all the different Costumes he had designed with El, but refused to show you your costume, because he wanted it to be a surprise
Eventually dress rehearsals started, and everyone had to get into costume. Will made you put on a blindfold and then helped you get into yours so it would be a surprise
When he took it off, the first thing you noticed was the crown. It was tall, and there was a large jewel in the center that crown, which was painted to look like an Aquamarine. The regal suit itself was a mix of lighter and darker shades of blue and black, with white undertones, and the cape itself was long, with a navy blue color and galaxy pattern weaving itself down, folding like a reflection. That’s when you noticed the pattern in the stars on the cape. It was Ursa Major.
You were enamored with the suit, and with Will as well. The reason the suit was special is because it was based on your DND character, a level 12 Water Genasi, known as the Son of Ursa Major, Caspain
Only the people in the party understood what the suit meant, Mike thought it was Sappy (Eleven quickly shut him up) and the rest of the party thought it was sweet.
When Lucas described the suit to Max she too agreed it was Sappy, but still pretty cute. She was really excited about the show and when tickets started selling she bought one for every show night.
Eventually those nights came. Everything was going well backstage, and all your lines were memorized thanks to your constant training with Will and El.
On the first night Max came, Nancy, Jonathan, Erica, and Steve all came along with her (Robin was in the pit orchestra because Vickie convinced her to join.) and Erica would describe everything that was going on in the scene while Max listened to dialogue (and would quickly silence anyone who dared to try and silence her)
The last 2 nights Max came, she didn’t need Erica. She already knew what was happening and she brought Lucas a single rose every time.
Each show got a huge round of applause at the end, by the last show almost all of Hawkins has seen it, and it was the best show they had put on in quite a while.
On the last night, after the curtains closed, you gave Will the deepest hug you’d given anyone. You had all put months of time into it, and it was so worth it. He also got you a huge bouquet of red roses, which you put in a vase in your room and smelled them every morning.
You got to keep the Crown from your costume, but you’d decided to give it to Will, and he kept it on his night stand next to his bed.
The first thing you all did once you got back together afterwards was start preparing for the next theater performance.
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queerprayers · 3 years
Hello! Do you have any christian songs and artists to recommend?
Beloved! Yes I do! Thanks for asking! Here's a lot of music I love from lots of genres.
some of my Spotify playlists:
current season playlist: advent (I'm working on organizing my Christmas playlists and will share them soon. I don't listen to Christmas music before the 24th, though.)
my in-love-with-Jesus playlist: Yeshua my beloved
my super disorganized song dump: queer Christian vibes
my leftist mix: can I interest you in some Christian Socialism
a trauma/confusion-inspired mix: weird relationship with Christianity
Contemporary Artist Recommendations
Semler—the ultimate queer Christian music icon. They've topped Christian charts multiple times, and make music about being gay, loving their wife, and finding God.
Sufjan Stevens—a classic. the ultimate "is he singing about God or his boyfriend?". has entirely too many weird Christmas songs.
LGBT choruses (compilation)—there's a lovely tradition of queer choruses—most famously The San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus. Not usually specifically Christian, but do hymns/Christian choral music.
Peter, Paul & Mary—a group I grew up with that inspired my love of folk and of justice.
Judee Sill—fun bisexual mystic folk-rock from the 70s
Trey Pearson—Christian pop artist who came out in 2016.
The Many—justice/love focused group with indie pop and gospel influences. (x)
All Sons & Daughters—more worship folk, purposefully unpolished.
Page CXVI—want to make hymns "accessible and known again." named after a page from The Magician's Nephew. (x)
Julien Baker—for my indie sad girls.
Vicky Beeching—a classic worship artist who came out in 2014
The Liturgists—part of the art collective of the same name. They also have a podcast.
Liturgical Folk—exactly what it sounds like. Absolutely lovely.
Poor Bishop Hooper—currently working on folk settings of all the Psalms. I also love their Advent/Christmas album.
Albums/Song Shoutouts
Seranade is a pop compilation by various queer artists, collected by the organization Beloved Arise.
The Mountain Goats is one of my favorite bands, and they've made a lot of work inspired/informed by Christianity. Check out their album The Life of the World to Come and their song "Cry for Judas."
The Oh Hellos' album Dear Wormwood has some great rennaissance-fair-vibes Christian bops. They did "Soldier, Poet, King," for the Tiktok-users out there.
"Maybe There's a Loving God" by Sarah Groves has gotten me through a lot of doubt-filled moments.
"Jesus! (A Communist Disco)" is exactly what it sounds like.
"She Keeps Me Warm" by Mary Lambert—which will be familiar to anyone who's heard that one gay Macklemore song—is absolutely beautiful. I don't cry on Sundays anymore. She and her wife are both Christian <3
I heard "VBS" by Lucy Dacus live, and it healed something in me. For the Vacation Bible School survivors.
I wasn't really a theater kid, but only because I was never good enough to audition... Here are some musicals and soundtracks that give me religious feelings.
Spring Awakening is a coming-of-age rock musical about teenagers discovering sex in a strict religious environment. (Warning for suicide, abortion, and sexual content.)
The Prince of Egypt is my favorite religious movie, and the soundtrack could wake me from a coma.
The Hunchback of Notre Dame (soundtrack) (Broadway cast) is a great Disney movie, and has been made into a Broadway show. It's about a corrupt church and deals with sex/race/disability issues. Not perfect, but amazing for what it is, which is a kid's movie. I especially recommend the song "God Help the Outcasts." (Warning for normalized use of the word g*psy and for vague discussion of sexual violence.)
Bare is kind of a camp Catholic school musical? That's the best way I can describe it. Never went mainstream, and insanely long. Full of bops nonetheless. (Warning for drug use/overdose.)
Jesus Christ Superstar (Broadway cast) (TV cast)—the classic Andrew Lloyd Webber musical of Jesus' last week, told from the perspective of Judas. I've never enjoyed the movie, but the NBC event slapped. Widely criticized, heavily secular, and my Holy Saturday tradition. (Warnings (obviously) for suicide & torture/execution.)
Fiddler on the Roof is Jewish, not Christian, but is famous for a reason. The prayer songs feel so familiar even though I haven't really been around Jewish music—they just feel like home.
The Prom is centered around a lesbian couple trying to go to prom together. Recently made into a very cute Netflix movie. Deals with with Christian homophobia, especially "Love Thy Neighbor."
I grew up with the hymns in the 1978 Lutheran Book of Worship, and one of these days I'm gonna make a playlist of my favorites. (Here's the best one I've found.)
I also grew up around classical musicians, and there are a million pieces I could recommend, but here are my staples.
Lutheran Daily Prayer (Evening/Morning)—the daily liturgy that I'm familiar with. Simple and beautiful.
Benedictines of Mary, Queen of Apostles are an order of nuns who never fail to make me weep.
The National Lutheran Choir does so many beautiful hymns.
Choir of King's College, Cambridge—absolutely unparalleled Christmas albums.
Music of the Passion of Jesus Christ / The London Fox Players
high church hymns (playlist)
Bach's Passions
Rachmaninoff's Vespers
Vivaldi's Gloria
Pergolesi's Stabat Mater
de Monte's Mass Si Ambulavero & Motets
Mozart's Requiem (I think this is my favorite choral piece of all time)
Alright, that's what I got for you today! Happy listening! Everyone reading: drop your recommendations in the replies! No judgement, just vibes.
<3 Johanna
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