#they deserve their revange
I see some resemblance
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capcavan · 8 months
My biggest hot take is that Riko did not deserved to get shot but this fandom will never be mature enough for this conversation
Aftg is therpy content about empowering victims by giving us characters who were allowed to be violent about their healing this included Neil taking pleasure in Riko being murdered.
The issue here is that Riko himself is a victim of lifetime of grooming physical and psychological abuse and nobody ever chellanged his world view to allow him to think differently
And by the end of it all, he gets killed as punishement for tetsujis actions.
Tetsuji who groomed him and set him up to all of this and who was responsible for his actions .
So yeah riko did not deserved to get killed riko deserved to be thrown into hospital and medicated even if it would result in him spending rest of his life there he did not deserved to die this way.
And any voices of "he deserves that" are simply based on personal need to seek violence and revange for being hurt and can be compared to supporting death row irl since this fandom is obsessed with putting real life morale into sport would be manga content.
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lavandula-field · 6 months
So yeah, these bitches deserve to die
Hopes Non's gonna have his revange
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athingofvikings · 8 months
Hello, I understand (at least somewhat) what you're feeling. I come from country that not so long ago had civil war, I've witnessed atrocities that still haunt me, I was incredibly furious, wanted revange, that "our" side burn the rebel villages... But that thinking only prolonged the suffering. I'm not defending Hamas, they deserve all that's coming, but please, don't be blinded by rage, starving Gazans with dead children and hospitals with no fuel only helps Hamas recruitment numbers
What makes you think that, that I'm somehow not also horrified by what's going on, and that I'm not also disturbed by the humanitarian crisis? Do you think that I don't know that the Israeli military and government are making the same mistake as anyone who thought that they could break the morale of their targets and get them to give in--an idea that has never, ever worked?
Believe me, I wish that they'd turn the water and power back on so that the civilian Gazans aren't being forced to drink seawater, to give one example. And, in the process, give those people a reason to not support Hamas or their inevitable successor that will rise from their ashes.
But the fact that you're coming to me--a non-Israeli Jew--and trying to lecture on me this says more about you than me, at least from my perspective, especially since this is apparently a throwaway account.
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faire-rosalind · 1 year
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The way he's so perfectly written, i can't 😭❤️ when i read this chapter i was so... i guess happy? with the way his state after the life he lived in the prologue was portrayed, because it perfectly shows shallowness and emptiness of living for another's death, striving only for revange and tearing every bit of humanity out of your body in order to become the monster you need to be in order to be capable of doing the same thing the person who you are hunting did to you.
I have been thinking about this theme of vengeance and how so much of our media, books, movies, stories in general are built on this idea of being wronged and getting a payback. I remember watching mad max and kill bill when i was young, reading about protagonists or anti-heroes who spend their entire lives dedicated to getting a revange for something or someone they loved and lost. I think it's something deep inside of us that is so drawn to this concept, to this fantasy. There is this spitefulness and sadistic wish, not only to stop those resposible for our pain, but to make them suffer. Our society thrives on the idea that every crime deserves it's punishment. But after that punishment is delivered what is left of our soul, of our life? Would we really be happier if the ones who hurt us were hurt back even more?
I don't know, but I like this answer vinland saga gives. The pursuit of the goal that once you get to just feels empty and sad, and when you look back at the path you took to get to that place you can't find a single good thing on the road that lead you there. But! The nice thing is there still might be some road ahead of you if you are able to leave that place of misery. How does one do that? It must be incredibly difficult, a person who does so must be very strong indeed..
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bookcalanthedaily · 1 year
You're a cintrian creator so stay like this. Why do you always try to involve nilfgaardian theme? To gain popularity? You can do it making stories of Cintra too.
lmao what.
no, i touch on nilfgaard, because nilfgaard is the opressor and destroyer and conqueror of cintra. and the only way i can give cintra some justice after the slaughter.
i do it for justice for cintra and revange for ciri, because they deserve it.
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blackheart28 · 2 years
There's a voice deep in my heart screaming to be heard, a voice that once was forced to be shut down, was never killed, just made smaller. And now is growing back and making sure its heard and felt and feared. 
There's a feeling deep in my chest that cannot be put into words, a blackness that once was forced to be grey, and stayed grey for so long that made the orher colors seem odd compared to it. I so was used to this grey, so used to feeling grey that i became grey. Nothing had color anymore, and if had, was definitely short lived.
I hated the grey, but i could live with it. I hated the grey, but not so much. I was comforted by that grey. I was grey.
But now this grey became black again. And black its not that easy to live with, to ignore. Black takes over your life and make everything black by compensation. Black makes your soul afraid of your body, so much that it wants to leave, wants to be free, wants to see the light. I'm definitely not light. 
Grey used to let me be yellow or pink sometimes, let me felt blue and brown too, but i had to get back to grey, always. Black is not so kind. Black shows me all the colors, but forbids me to turn into one, laughs at my face and says that i dont deserve yellow anymore, that all those people have what i want the most, that even if i want to, black is my final destination.
And black did not came alone, melancholy and irritability came with it. This combination its the most dreadful thing. This combination is swelling me alive. This combination is right. 
They say im not worth of yellow anymore. That pink despises me. That orange is repulsed by my body. That blue is tired of me. That brown wants to be left alone.
I tried to put black into its place, i tried to yell at grey to be back, i supplicate to grey, and told it i was sorry for wanting to be yellow for a longer that i should have. I wanted grey to back. At least grey let me felt different things. Black is just black. Black doesn't even hear my attempts. Just shut me down, like once i did to it. Black is mean and wants revange. Black is definitely getting it.
I dont have strength to fight it.
Grey stayed with me for so long that made me the perfect pry for Black.
Black told me ill never see yellow anymore. Black told me that the one thing i deserve it has. And i belive.
Im turning into Black now. 
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insanityofwords · 3 months
What do I tell you?
But more importantly what do I not tell you. I can rip my heart open but there would be no amount of love that can save you from the hurt my companionship comes along with.
I try hard not to be the person I have been in my past, the person who ends up hurting things she loves. But the more I try to cage her away the more I lose my reason for existing, as the girl I left behind wants nothing but to fill the world with love; so much love that no emotions like envy, betrayal, anger, revange can find room here.
What do I tell you?
I am pretty much Insane? And dealing with me is going to be the hardest thing that you might ever do?
Or what do I not tell you?
I am in love with you, completely that I might not think twice about losing you for your own good. I might just push you away because I think you deserve so much better.
The question resides my head rent-free. With no right answer.
So all I do is to ask you?
What is it that makes you happy? Are you sure you wanna hangout with me rather than partying with your boys? Do I look pretty to your eyes? Do you love me?
Because I have failed myself a million times, but I cannot fail you. In a room full of people I have loved and hurt, I don't wish to see you.
Perhaps why- I keep telling you what I must not. I keep "Not telling you" What I must. I keep asking what I must already know. And keep assuming things I might just ask. Perhaps, the thought of hurting you has started an internal battle I can't seem to win. Perhaps, battling myself is a win. Perhaps.
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hclluvahctel · 5 months
Hey Charlie, I'm sorry you had to see that video, it's totally disgusting! It Really mischaracterized you. You didn't deserve it. I know you don't want to talk about it- just wanna let you know that I can go ahead and kill that guy for ya so he can end up in hell, that way you can get your revange!
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THE PRINCESS WINCED AS THAT VIDEO WAS BROUGHT UP AGAIN, and a hand settles on her arm and rubbed in a sign of discomfort. That was until the stranger offered a solution. "No! No no no no! No killing please!"
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I keep forgetting to post here wtf
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tccdlesmoved · 4 years
Send me ℧ for me to generate scenarios for our muses
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-    Gabriella    has    offended    Sharpay    in    some    way    but    doesn't    realize    it.
-    Gabriella    loses    a    bet    to    Sharpay.
-    Gabriella    getting    revenge    on     Sharpay.
-    Sharpay    trains    Gabriella    in    combat.
-    Sharpay    and    Gabriella    decide    to    go    camping.    Gabriella    reads    the    map    upside    down    and    they    both    become    terribly    lost.
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alien-origins · 6 years
if you don't have anything nice to say about a idol or fandom just be quiet. you can talk through dms if you need to but stop spreading more toxicity.
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justacrazyclown · 6 years
honestly during overwatch league id root for hydration's team every single game bc yknow he was born in brazil n all but during the world im like hunny........... what r u doing do i have to call ur mom..... stop throwing shade at a team that has to play top500 with 300ms of ping, like...... stop
team usa needs to stop being too cocky with smaller teams dude im so disappointed bc the entire team just came out of owleague looking like big professional boys and now they r acting like this ??
friendship ended with hydration now liko is my best friend
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giorno-plays-piano · 4 years
orc Bucky taking the reader for revange, her parents killed his parents so he take the reader or sumn
Ok, I didn't expect it to come to this, buuuut here's some filthy fluff with orc!Bucky ❤
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You still mourn your parents slayed in a battle, but you are proud of them, protecting the King's lands from monsters of all kinds.
You truly want to be a warrior just like them, but God didn't grant you a strong body, and you are forced to study magic to strengthen your weapons.
A heavy sword or spiked mace aren't for you, but you have a charmed staff and armor - they prove useless in your first battle though when you are taken hostage by an orcs tribe.
You're scared, but you have a wicked smile on your face: your parents murdered dozens of orcs, these filthy brutes who are no better than animals. Even if they kill you today, some human warriors will avenge you just like your parents avenged their fallen comrades.
Later you start having doubts as you realize they don't plan on murdering you. One of the orcs, a huge male with his hair long and disheveled, keeps staring at you - you see his dark eyes when you lift your gaze off the ground, and now you feel truly frightened.
You know well what happens when a man looks like that at woman.
When the night comes, you are taken away from the other hostages, and that dark-haired orc with his silver arm - a prosthetic? - forces you to follow him to his tent.
When he makes you stand in front of him on your knees, you're almost ready to scream.
"Do you know who cut off my arm, little girl?" He asks you, and you furrow your brows at him. How would you know? You are no Oracle. When you shake your head, the orc smirks. "Your parents did. I was thirteen then."
You stare at him with wide eyes, unsure whether you have to be proud or feel pity for him. You detest orcs, but when you think of a child losing his arm, your eyes begin to water. Strangely, you have never thought of your parents killing children, even if they weren't human.
"It can't be true." You finally mutter to yourself, but the orc only laughs at you, shaking his head.
"But it is, little girl." He says and reaches out to grab your chin. "They killed my parents in front of me before that."
Feeling the heat radiating from him, you nervously avert your eyes, trying not to think of what this man was going to do to you in revenge.
The orc isn't trying to beat you, though, and then you feel his breath on your face when he suddenly kisses you, brushing the strands of hair out of your face. You feel his tusks touching your skin, his arm on your cheek, the other clenching your shoulder almost painfully.
God, you know what he is going to do to you, and you try your best to push him away despite your arms still bound with a rope tightly.
The orc smirks at you, standing up and making you look at him while you're on your knees. "You will pay for what they've done, pretty girl. You'll be staying with me until you return the debt your parents owed me."
Oh no, no, no, you don't like his grin; you don't like how he touches you in the places no one else ever did; you don't like his sloppy wet kisses when he puts his fingers inside you.
But you like to cum when this orc fingers you; you like when he eats you out and makes you scream; you like when he makes you drink something that forces you to relax even more and let him fuck you, filling you to the brim and then cumming into your womb. You ask him for more, mewling and kissing him willingly while you bounce on his lap, milking him till the very last drop.
The next morning you can't look either at his or other hostages' faces, but what's done is done.
When the orcs finally move home, Bucky brings you to his house, forcing you to cook and clean like other women do - your charmed staff and armor are long broken because "you are no warrior, little girl."
You don't understand what he wants and why he's doing that to you - why doesn't he kill you? This is the only way to pay your parents' debt, you think, but Bucky laughs at your question, dragging you back to bedroom.
This isn't what he wants, oh no. He wants to ruin you, make you miserable, force you on your knees, you think when Bucky kisses you tenderly so that his tusks won't scratch your gentle skin.
You reject even the slightest idea, but you grow to enjoy your "wifely duties" as Bucky calls them, making you pleasure him every day: you suck his cock at morning till your stomach is full of his warm sticky cum, and at night he always pounds you till your legs give out and your pussy is dripping with his seed.
Why doesn't he beat you? You can't figure it out, though you're grateful, seeing the angry red mark on his skin where his prosthetic is attached to the shoulder. Sometimes you feel sorry for him, especially during the nights when Bucky can't sleep because of phantom pain. You are very, very sorry, when you see him removing his prosthetic in front of you for the first time: you're crying, pressing your hand to your mouth, and Bucky gently shushes you, kissing your forehead.
You don't know why you pity him, an orc who is holding you hostage, but you do, watching him rubbing his ugly shoulder - he's a fierce warrior, but without his silver arm Bucky is crippled. He has been like that since he was thirteen, you think and you cry again, rubbing your eyes. Before Bucky says something to calm you down, you kiss his mutilated shoulder, and then you just sit on the bed, arms touching, until it becomes dark in the room.
When he fucks you again, you think how gentle he is, pleasuring you, making you mewl and moan under him, not cry in pain. You decide you want to make Bucky feel good, too, and you whisper to him something nice - you aren't sure what exactly, but he's grinning at you like a boy when he kisses your face.
Though you wake up with your pussy stuffed with his cock again, you aren't mad at him anymore.
Soon Bucky starts bringing you presents like a nice necklace made of stained glass or a bunch of wild flowers he gathered on a field on his way back to the village. You don't understand why he's doing that, too, and why he's calling you his wife until Bucky explains that orcs don't have any marriage ceremonies. When an orc brings a woman home, he's taking her as his wife, he says when you stare at him with a silent question in your eyes.
"Aren't I'm here to repay you my parents' debt?" You ask him, and he smirks, kissing your cheek.
"That too." Bucky grins, and you think he doesn't tell you something important you need to know.
That night after he fucks you senseless Bucky wakes you up with his scream: he sees the death of his parents in that nightmare again, and you see him so angry and vulnerable for the first time. You're afraid he will kill you in the spur of the moment, but you beg Bucky for forgiveness, nevertheless, standing on your knees on the floor in front of him. You are truly sorry his parents died because of yours, and you don't want him to suffer any longer.
When he lifts you from the floor and kisses your forehead, you feel relieved, wrapping your arms around his broad shoulders and whispering that he deserved nothing of what happened to him. Despite him being an orc, he's not a monster people use to scare their children, you tell him and see Bucky smiles at that.
When he makes love to you again, he whispers with a cunning grin, "You'll have to try really hard to repay your debt, sweetheart. How many orclings you have to bear me, I wonder?"
Tags: @finleyjayne @alexakeyloveloki   ​@helenaeisenhower @villanellevi @hurricanerin ​@void-hoechlin @abyssaint @heeeyitskay @chris-evans-indian-fanfic @navegandoaciegas @rosalynshields @brattycherubwrites @sllooney @angrythingstarlight @lookiamtrying @buckysbunny @soleil-dor @stargazingfangirl18 @dillybuggg @iheartsebastianstan @ninefuckingoneone
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meili-sheep · 2 years
Imma write something based on your recent comic strip where the fatui hurts Diluc so here ya go: when Diluc is resting in the infirmary from being shot, for the first time ever he breaks down crying in front of Childe. He normally is strong and keeps his emotions together but he is tired of having to be constantly on edge and have the fatui constantly hurting him. He lost so much blood and feels weak so he collapses back onto the bed and just cannot stop crying as Childe holds him.
So in reference to this.
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Childe would hate it so much. So so much. And honestly, he can't stand by and let this happen anymore.
His Diluc deserves his revange. His Diluc deserves to be happy. His Diluc deserves to be loved and safe. Not have to bear the burden of protecting Mondstadt alone.
I think this is the moment Childe makes a very drastic decision.
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bookcalanthedaily · 2 years
woah encouraging violence... nice!
ah, welcome back.
yeah, i never said she was perfect. she did want to kill duny, she did briefly want to kill geralt, she had an army ready to march at verden when ciri got lost in brokilon. she often resorts to violence, especially when her daughter and granddaughter are in danger or hurt.
and in her survival verse, she is absolutely a broken woman. she lost everything she ever loved and cared for, all because of one man. and in turn, she is ready to take away all he cares for all he built, all he achieved.
and i say, yes, she deserves to take her revange. should innocent people suffer for one man's crimes? no. is calanthe, in her broken state of mind thinking about it? no.
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