#they deserve a whole dnd campaign arc ok
FALL OUT BOY IN MY DND? IT'S MORE LIKELY THAN YOU THINK: Some thoughts on the Love from The Other Side mv
Idk why but grandpa Pete is the funniest thing to me (it's also super sweet to watch him with a grandchild)
LMAO THE RACCOON (is it a real FOB comeback if one of them isn't a furry???)
Patrick be looking straight out of a Dickens novel when they're in the town
Fucking kidnapped again lmao another comeback staple
Patrick's hat somehow feels like it has a wider brim idk it's giving cowboy
Poor babies are all in cages:(
The handmade play look!! So good!!
Andy got hit by the cannonball:(
Soft boys around a campfire with marshmallows!!!
When Patrick and Andy pop up Patrick looks straight out of a Folie mv lmao
The islands being a representation of their journey as a band!!
The girl in the sky looks familiar to me but idr her name
Soft bby Patrick saying they gotta go back to save her!! We stan a kind king!!
Lol them exploding the bbeg with one coordinated blast and it taking 0.5 seconds bc they've gotten more powerful since Youngblood Chronicles ig
The salute is giving Patrick as Indiana Jones to me idk (I think it's the hat lmao)
Conclusion: yeah I need to make these bitches as dnd characters asap and I've found my new personality for 2023 bc this album is gonna fuck SO HARD
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vodoriga-art · 2 years
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✨🦇 !! EDIT: if you're reading this now , I made a page with super condensed OC info with no campaign spoilers and links to longer posts such as this one, in case you want to read about the whole situation. 🦇✨
TL;DR he hasn’t had any blood since he got turned into a spawn last session. He didn’t intend to feed. The party was at Ravenloft to save Ireena after Kaspar sold her out to save the party, and when they knew she was close, the artificer went for one door, my cleric went for another.. Entered a room with a giant bath full of blood, failed a wis save miserably, marched in and bent down to drink from the bath like a dog… Strahd emerged from the blood to grab him by the neck saying “Welcome to dinner :)” before pulling him in and the door slamming shut.
Long version: OK nobody asked but I want to talk about what is going on in the campaign right now because we're finishing in 2-3 sessions and I can't talk to my dnd group except the DMs about most of it yet and if I don't talk about it I'll explode. TON of spoilers.
So he sold Ireena out to Strahd in order to save himself and the party from a TPK because he wasn't ready to die in a place where his soul can't go to Kelemvor. Becoming a spawn wasn't what he expected to happen but he deserved it.
Upon waking up the party went straight to Ravenloft to save Ireena and along the way he was asked to make holy water. Obviously he's having anxiety attacks because he's a walking corpse and his soul is doomed and it's his own fault.
They manage to get inside the castle and Kaspar casts Sending to Ireena to ask where she is and she calls him a fucking piece of shit etc. because of course Strahd told her he’s the one who sold her (fair). At this point his spells are often not working because he’s undead.
They get to Strahd's study. The artificer goes to one door, Kaspar goes to the other.. Enters a room with a giant bath full of blood.. Fails a wis save miserably (DM probably drooling in delight) and rushes in, bends down to drink like a dog.. Gets grabbed by the neck and dragged inside as the door slams closed.
While submerged he chugs a lot of blood in panic.. His pulse comes back.. Man is just lost in the sauce now. Touches Strahd's neck to feel his pulse.. They had plenty of time to talk about things while the party was busting Ireena out of the other room and then him from the bathroom. The Music Of The Night playing in the background as the corruption arc really kicks in. The party finally breaks Ireena out of the bedroom and comes into the bathroom for Kaspar, who leaves with them with some hesitance.
They leave and Ireena stabs him with a fire iron but leaves it at that.
They all end up in the tower where the heart is. Ludmila is there. A bunch of bad rolls and three people including Kaspar end up on the bottom level inside of Ludmila's Cloudkill. We have spells and potions but there are not enough actions in a round to make up for the damage everyone is taking. Kaspar goes unconscious in the cloud, fails a death save, and the cloud kills him.. The cloud clears and the warlock and Ez see that his body is gone.
The party continued downward, meanwhile Kaspar eventually found himself being a mist, being drawn up, to a balcony on the big tower, with Strahd looking at the sunset over the land, the mist mostly clear and everything is beautiful etc.
Here the DM and I had a solo session of about 30 minutes… Talking about vampire things and Strahd’s backstory. Of course Strahd heavily twisted the truth and knew just what to say to make Kaspar feel understood (the cannibalism especially) and accepted. My poor naive cleric so desperate to be loved back (by a god?) and isn’t ready to die and to stop loving (?) Kelemvor, decides to swear loyalty to Strahd to ensure he can spent his immortal life looking for a cure for vampirism and stand before Kelemvor one day, no matter how long it takes... Kaspar gets on his knees (unhinged), strahd actually lifts his sleeve and offers his wrist. Kaspar drinks Strahd’s blood, they drink each other's blood... Cleric proceeds to get his back blown out for 5-6 hours along with most of his morals. And gets most Vampire stats as well.
Strahd decides he no longer wants the party to just die, but suffer because they destroyed the heart. Kaspar suggests that the wizard dying would cause them emotional pain because she’s a sweetie and that he would do it to prove his loyalty.
Last session Kaspar went to do that because lucky for me everyone was fighting Rahadin except the wizard, who was in a different room. They chat a bit and she suspects nothing and they lie down together on one of the cots there.. Poor girl died to a single casting of Blight and Kaspar made sure she fails those death saves with a dagger between the ribs. But aside from the pain of 55 necrotic damage she died pretty happy. He kisses her hair and apologizes and turns to leave because surely Rahadin has the rest of them handled.
Anyway they killed Rahadin (and Escher) and beheaded him. Ireena noticed Kaspar running away and after some group athletics checks, frostpbite, and a smite, Kaspar escapes by the skin of his teeth. (cue Scooby Doo chase sequence set to Ghost music moment).
And then after all that through some group checks  and the power of friendship Ireena manages to revive the wizard and everyone is happy. Strahd is now of course FURIOUS, GROWLING, and made Kaspar pray to him like to a god after taking away his symbol of Kelemvor and dangling it in front of his face the entire time.
While the party is looking for the Sunsword and the Tome, Kaspar will patch up and clean up Rahadin’s remains because Strahd would want that and he will have a funeral and be buried in the chapel where the final fight will take place. Not to root for the villain but I am absolutely rooting for the villain right now.
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denndrawings · 4 years
Hi and welcome to Misha Mixes Unrelated Things. Todays episode is called: The Grishaverse Is A DnD Campaign That Got (VERY) Out Of Hand And Here’s Why
(There are going to be spoilers of. Pretty much everything. Except for King of Scars because I’m only like 3 chapters in so. No spoilers from KoS)
Let’s begin with the SOC duology because that’s the first thing I read and also I feel like it has a more “conventional” dnd-esque narrative (probably because of the multiple POVs and stuff idk).
So, first things first: characters. While I think all of the crows are equally important to the plot of the book I also think that not all of them are players’ characters. I don’t think Kaz is, for instance, and probably Wylan isn’t either. But let me explain the rest first and then I’ll elaborate on this.
Inej is a classic rogue with her amazing skills and tragic backstory and everything. I think the person that plays her would probably be a beginner because Inej’s backstory is so intertwined with the plot and so well fitted to the city where the story begins and she has such a clear role and stuff that it can only be because the DM had a say on this. From my experience at least and I’ve been DMing for like 5 years now so maybe I know a thing or two. I may be wrong tho.
Matthias is an oathbreaker paladin. The drüskelle sounds like the kind of half military/half religious organization able to provide paladins in a dnd game. They would be Oath of Devotion paladins. Or like a twisted version of those but yes. Oath of Devotion to Djel or whatever I don’t really like fjerdans let me be. I also think Matthias’ player and Nina’s knew each other/had player with each other before and that’s why they made a backstory together and made sure their characters were… a thing from the beginning. I think they wouldn’t be as committed to the DM as Inej’s character so they probably chose a far off place to set their backstory so they didn’t have to learn all of the kerch politics and stuff and join gangs and shit (even thought Nina’s player kind of ended up doing it but I think I remember it was Kaz who found her and not the other way around so).
Nina is a cleric but like. Either a Death or a War Domain cleric. Not a cleric suited for healing but for killing. Cool shit, I personally love clerics. I think the player would have the curse of being the only “““healer””” of the group without even being a real healer. It happens to the best of us ;_; (not to me tho I never play I’m a forever DM XDD)
I think Jesper is a fighter. I have considered making him an artificer but yeah, no because he didn’t build his guns or anything he’s just really fucking good at shooting stuff. That’s a fighter to me. And he later double-classes and stuff when they arrive to the Ice Court to be able to do his thing. I think this player is this type of player the DM invites to the table because they have played together before and they are fun as shit and they kinda help them direct the party where they need to go. I personally love that kind of player but I mean, who wouldn’t?
So yes, now on why Kaz and Wylan aren’t players’ characters. Maybe this is gut feeling of mine and I’m wrong but they are like. Too well intertwined with the plot like. Wylan is definitely this npc the DM brought randomly to like maybe kill him at some point and make Loving Father Van Eck want to mess with the Crows and then the party just fell in love with him and so the DM couldn’t kill him and made an incredibly tragic backstory for him instead where Bad Guy Van Eck became the man we know and he just was a terrible man stupid enough to mess with them.
And Kaz… he is just /too/ in control to not be an npc. Literally nobody but the DM would know so much about the city and the npcs and everything. That’s just Not A Thing. It would almost be meta-rol. For me it makes sense that at the beginning Kaz was only going to be like the Crows’ hirer like, the contact between Van Eck and the players’ characters. And this time I don’t think it was the players’ idea that he stayed, it was probably the DM’s. Having a character that knows pretty much everything is just So Useful to a DM. And then the DM fell in love with him, gave him an amazing backstory and issues and everything. And the final miracle of bringing Inej’s parents to Ketterdam is something only a DM can do like. The man is a disaster but I think he totally has the signature of the DM of a chaotic AF party that realized that their party needed a compass to remind them all the time what their mission was.
About the plot per se…man I don’t know what to say. That looks like the DM pitching a simple robbery and everybody getting nat20s in super weird situations and getting away with stuff. But I mean, that’s DnD in a nutshell so.
My headcanon for Matthias’ ending is that the player had to leave the group for some reason. They probably had this super cool redemption arc planned for him that he totally deserved (listen I Don’t Like Matthias like. At all. But the man worked for it ok? I think I could have get to maybe like him if he had a little more time to grow but whatever) but then they had to leave and the group didn’t want to like get rid of him right away or for him to become an npc so the DM and Nina’s player took turns playing him until well. The thing. You know. It was kind of a sudden death like, players’ characters usually have death saves and stuff and they don’t get killed that easily and that’s why I think Matthias wasn’t a player character anymore even though he began the campaign as one.
And because y’all have been good and have read my bullshit until this point, here you have my headcanon for the trilogy:
The Grisha trilogy is an overly complicated off-roading some of the players made up during the campaign like imagine the discord server where they usually play. Well in most DnD discord servers there is a channel where you can roleplay through text as your character. I think the Grisha trilogy was born there from the DM telling kind of the backstory of the world and Sankta Alina and the war and stuff and the players made up characters or maybe just took side characters from that story and made them into Proper Characters to roleplay following that but also kind of ended up developing more aspects about it (I imagine the DM probably had a few details on that, like an outline or something and the players just kinda took it to a whole new level. Players often do that kind of magic). And they were all hyped AF when their DnD characters met their Other Dnd Characters, obviously.
I don’t know which player would play each character, though. Maybe Jesper’s was Nikolai just because they both are /like that/ and Nina’s was Zoya and maybe Inej’s was Genya. Or the other way around, idk. I feel like the whole monologue Nina has at some point of Zoya Is To The Drüskelle Like Jarl Brun Is To The Grisha sounds like Nina’s player is also Zoya’s player but idk.
So yes I can probably elaborate on everything if someone’s interested but this is what I have so far.
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