#they arent doing anything naughty i swear
kidhellion · 2 months
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i was inspired by that one mma gif i saw on twitter...
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marvel-m-lee · 3 years
Naughty Words
Warnings: tickle fic, emotions
Words: (I'm more sure, around 1000-1500)
Summary/Prompt: So an idea for a prompt could be that the reader changes a word on Steves phone to a "bad" word. So whenever he tries to write a certain word the phone automatically changes it to "fuck" or something similar. And then the reader and the others will be like "language". Steve gets extremely frustrated until he figures it out:)
It was another normal day at the compound. You were bored because all the other avengers were training and Peter was at school until evenings time.
You were just sitting on the couch when you began to think to yourself. You could go annoy Tony, but you weren't sure if he was asleep. Pepper would usually force him to sleep when he couldn't so you really didnt want to disturb that. You could go train but Steve explained you were too young to be an avenger yet. OkAy StEve, (y/a) isnt old enough, WhAteVer! (I got ur back)
That's when the best idea popped into your head. An idea better than any other on the planet. Perhaps you were the smartest human on earth, smarter than Stark, perhaps even the smartest living lifefo!-
"That is a stupid idea y/n" Wanna laughed. She must had only just entered because you hadn't beard her before.
You jumped up and watched her at the counter with your elbows resting on the couch top and your head resting in your hands acting cheeky.
"Wanda! It's a great idea!" You protested. "What's gonna happen? Hmm?"
Wanda began to walk over to you and looked sideways. She brought her hand to her chin to think. You knew she was acting silly but you weren'tsure what she was up to.
"Hmm, I dunno. Maybe.." She then grabbed your hips and began to squeeze them, "Tickle you!?"
You squealed and bucked, tossing and turning on the couch, wanda now had started tickling your sides and giggling with your contagious laughter.
She then stopped and smiled at your giggling self curled into the couch. She ruffled your hair, "little prankster, have fun" she then left as you recovered from her attach as not to be attacked herself.
You didn't mind the tickles, but this prank was worth so much more.
Time had passed and you were just outside Steve's room. You entered quietly, he and the other avengers other than Wanda and Tony seemed to be training so the coast was clear. You slipped inside and looked around.
"This old man's got no taste" obvious in the nicest way possible.
You looked around and saw his phone charging by his bedside table. "Jackpot" you whispered and woddled over to it. You grabbed it and switched it on. Tony had brought him one from the 21th century, finally.
Annoyingly he now had a password now. Luckily, like all old men, it was either Password or his birthday. Or just the same password for everything.
You knew the plan, sneak in, get his phone, and change 'No' with auto correction to "FUCK YES BABY" Because, Swear words, yes, and let's all be honest Steve would never say this unless he was drunk, WHICH COULDN'T EVEN HAPPEN ANYMORE!
Once completed you snucked back out and left to your room to read a book.
More time passed, and finally the team were going to start dinner. Rather than calling everyone and disrupting them Steve decide to text everyone. Peter was also here by now, he had finished school a while ago and you both were sat in his bedroom playing video games.
Old Man Steve: So who wants what for
Metal arm: Idm
Bank💸: I'm in the shop, wont be
Best mom: No Tony, we're eating dinner
with everyone. Y/n and Peter can choose
You and Peter both picked up your phones after pausing the game, both curious of the buzz after buzz's.
Old Man Steve: @Y/n🍃🌷💸 and
@spiderlings😟🕷, what do you want for
Spiderlings😟🕷: 🍕?
You watched your phone as everyone texted, about to ask about what you should eat, but suddenly you remembered the little prank you decided to play on Steve. You knew that we had no pizza left, you and Loki had eaten it the night before when everyone was busy instead of cooking.
Old Man Steve: FUCK YES BABY, sorry Y/n
and Loki ate the last of it.
That's when both Peter and you heard Tony's laughter from his lab.
Bank💸: Languaage cap!
Metal arm: Steve??
Old Man Steve: what, FUCK YES BABY- I
didn't text that.
You: Language cap!
Badass🕷Spider: Language Steve, it's a bad
example to the kids
YES BABY! How do I work this?
You and Peter then heard someone walking down the halls and to neither of your surprises Steve opened the door.
"Y/n, Peter, could one of you help me with this?"
Peter was about to answer but you quickly butted in, "oh, we don't know how to. It's too hard" you gave Peter a look.
Peter's face went from confusion to fear and smug. "Sorry Mr Roger's, this is out of my hands"
Steve grunted but smiled, he left to go to see if Tony would help him. Quickly you both tested Tony and explained the situation, everyone heard Steve grunt and leave the lab to go get dinner started.
Bank💸: you guys are fucked once he finds out yk?
Both Peter and you laughed, knowing fully well you'd be wrecked sooner or later, but you couldn't be bothered as of the moment. VIDEO GAMES AWAIT!
Half an hour had passed now and you were getting hungry, so you texted Steve to ask if food was ready, once again the same situation happened. And once more, everyone corrected him on his very inappropriate language.
It was a running gag, whenever one of you swore, Steve would correct you. 20th century shit, and him being a cinnamon bun turned steroids. Now you could have your revenge.
Finally though, food was ready. Peter and you left the room laughing and joking, you were annoying him about a headshot you had got on him but he bragged about more kills so it was practically even.
Everyone was getting to the table as Wanda and Steve set up plates, utensils, and food.
You sat next to Peter and Tony, Tony next to Pepper, next to Pepper was Sam, then Bucky, Steve, Wanda, Vision, Nat, Clint, Bruce and finally back to the Spiderling. Everyone else was busy, Thor and Loki were going to come the next week anyway, they were in Asgard again.
Everyone ate their meals, laughing and talking with one another, you sat directly across from Steve and saw him trying to stop Bucky from throwing his plate at Sam.
Tony leaned in next to you, whispering, "So you did the whole text situation?" He chuckled slightly as you nodded, smirking.
"Why?" Tony asked, he was curious because he knew you enjoyed pranking everyone, but he also knew you wouldn't do this to Steve without a reason. And in all fairness, you just wanted to spend time with Steve- and poke fun at his language- but mainly spend time with him. He had been on missions, work, training, and seemed busy with his life. You just felt as though he was drifting from you.
You shrugged at Tony's question, placing some food in your mouth. Tony poked your side, he didnt need you to answer but he didnt want Steve to have all the fun once this was over.
You squeaked and then squealed once he started squashing the skin on your side, everyone looked to see your adorable face slowly turn red from embarrassment.
"Arent they adorable?" Steve teased. You giggled and finally shoved Tony's hand off you, you looked at steve with a wobbly smile and asked about his language today.
"So Steve, what was up with your texting today?"
Nat swallowed her food and pointed a fork at Steve, "yeah Steve, it was a really inappropriate word"
In all fairness the team knew you both said fuck a lot. You usually would say after a rare mission you got to go on or when there were food in the fridge. "FUCK YEAH" or "FUCK YEAH BABY", probably from deadpool- though luckily for you, Steve was not a genius. Smart, yeah, genius. No. But you began to see the clocks turn in his head as he looked over the table at everyone.
After a while of winding up Steve, you all continued as usual. You were chatting to Peter and explaining how awesome you were at a game to Tony, luckily- well not for you- you hadn't noticed Wanda and Strve watching you as she whispered in his ear.
"Steve, y/n did it earlier, while you were training"
"The whole 'no' situation, she wanted to prank you. She misses the time you spend together"
Steve turned to Wanda with both a confused face yet all understanding. Only now had he realised how little time he'd spent with you over the past few weeks. He felt bad but also a little mad at your little prank. But he smiled at Wanda, one filled with hope and- no he smirked. I wont sugar coat it. You were done.
Quickly Steve pushed out his chair, as loud as he could and took in a deep breath causing everyone to go silent and watch him. He then casually looked up and got to his feet. Everyone was almost finished by now, Buck, Steve, Clint, and even you had finished.
"Y/n, I need your help"
You watched him, confused. But suddenly seeing as smirk and losing all your cool as you looked to Wanda with a helpless face. Steve walked around the table and bent down to your height on the chair, whipped out his phone and asked you to help.
You stuttered, but once more explained you had no clue.
"Really? Stark, Peter, how about you?" The old man looked at the tech genius's. Neither spoke up.
"You're on your own kid"
Steve smirked and picked you up, throwing you over his shoulder slightly as you had just finished eating. Well a few minutes ago but still.
"S-Steve! Steve I didnt dohoho anything." As any normal response you began to nervously laugh, knowing fully well what would come of this. But you wanted it. You missed it. You missed Steve.
"All I need is for you to help me, can you? Or do I gave to make you?"
Steve had now flung you onto the couch as most watched and others continued their conversations.
"Steve I- i told you i have no clu-" suddenly ten fingers found your sides and began to run up and down them causing you to giggle and yelp.
"Nahaha! Steve! Steve!!"
His fingers traveled to your ribs, pinching and squeezing each one, pretending to nawh on them. He didn't start easy, no. He knew you needed this as much as he did.
"Mm, that was a great dinner, but I wonder what's for dessert?" He asked, gnawing on your ribs and squeezing your hips making you buck and squeal.
"STEVEEEEE!!!" you were almost histerical when he reached your pits, scratching at the hollows inside, making you giggle and scream, beg and brawl. It was truly adorable to watch the two of you.
"Tickle tickle y/n, aww do you want to help me now?" Steve taunted. You stood strong though, you wanted to win. Well maybe you didnt, maybe you just wanted this to last longer. You werent sure.
"NOHOHO WAY OLD MAHAN!" You bucked and squealed, blush covering your face. You truly didnt think it would get worse but oh God, Steve hadn't ripped out the fruits yet. And just for your sas. Ah, you were wrecked.
"Okay smart ass"
"That's it." Steve lifted your shot and placed his mouth right above your belly button. Now you were beyond hysterical, you knew what would happen and wouldn't be able to handle it, Steve gave some of the best- WORSE. DEFINITELY WORST. Raspberries around.
"NAH! NAHAH! STEVE STEVE IM SOHOHORRYYYY! I'LL HELP! I'LL HELP!" you squeaked and bucked, trying to escape, those at the table laughed at your helpless, blushing body and Steve's incredible stubbornness. So mean. So very very mean. Mean.
"Ah I'm glad you'll help" Steve lifted his head and lessened his grip on your hips, not fully though, as a millisecond later he blew a big, wet, raspberry directly on your belly button, sending vibrations to your core and back.
You jolted and screeched, pushing at his head as he blew more and more with tiny tickle kisses around your stomach.
After a while he stopped and patted your head as you balled up into the couch, drowning in giggles, laughter and ghostly tickles.
Steve handed you his phone and you quickly changed the words back as they were, disappointed but happy that you spent time with Steve again. You missed your bond, even the tickles.
Steve kissed your forehead and turned on the tv, spongebob. A favourite of both of yours, cuddling together as everupmr rose finished and put away the dishes. You slowly fell asleep on Steve's lap, hally knowing you've got your captain back.
Writers note.
Hey, sorry this was- well shit I'm not sugar coating it. It was also awkward because I cant eat to great now and the cuteness was sickening. Thank you for the prompt though! This was definitely a favourite, thank you! Apologies again :)
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go-dark-turtle · 3 years
(This is for @leftsidebonfire for winning my Saucy N Spicy raffle event. This fan fiction does contain Joseph x Caesar so if you arent a fan please dont read. The Female reader is Jocasta so let's all pretend that's our name.
As always I have a Saucy N Spicy warning if you don't want to read further
Onwards to the fan fiction and please let me know your thoughts thanks~)
It's Fun N Bubbles.  
(A part 2 Joseph Joestar x Caesar Zeppeli x fem reader fanfiction)
EXTRA Saucy n Spicy~
"Alright that's enough! Dismissed!" Lisa Lisa called on you all. 
You, Caesar and Joseph were practicing focusing your hamon powers on your fingertips holding your whole body up. You all collapsed laying over each other out of breath. 
"Ugh get your sweaty ass off me JoJo!" Caesar, disgusted , pushed the British man off him. 
"Oi don't touch me with your sweaty hands Caesar chan!" Joseph barked back.
You sighed as they started to bicker, you stood in front of them and sighed "Maybe it's about time we freshen up and maybe we can play poker later or something. Please get along. I hate to see you fight." 
They both looked down to you and felt bad that their little spat made you sad. Caesar caressed your cheek. 
"Ah Jocasta, my darling I'm sorry our fighting made you sad. I hope you can forgive me." Caesar stared into your eyes and smiled softly. You install melted on the spot 
"Ugh, casanova at it again." Joseph pushed him out the way and held your hand " I'm so sorry for Caesar being rude to you I hope you can excuse his behaviour." 
You sheepish grin as Caesar slowly approached him and dragged him away, you sighed again seeing them fight and you went back to your quarters. 
"Ugh I wanted to talk to her and you had to show off didn't you!" Caesar pouted 
"Heh, like you have a chance with her. It's me who is gonna win her over" Joseph winked and gathered his gloves from the ledge. "See ya later Caesar chan" 
Caesar's eyes followed him out the room and he realised he was going the wrong way. 
" Hey JoJo, you dumbass, you are going the wrong way!" Caesar threw a towel at him in the hallway.
"Heh, I know I wanted to check out some.... entertainment, wanna join me?" Joseph winked 
"This better not be another prank of yours JoJo I swear if it is... You will be sorry" Caesar folded his arms and glared at him. 
"As if I would do that Caesar chan~" Joseph stuck out his tongue and winked at him again. 
"Ugh, stop doing that!" Caesar punched his head
"OWWWW! Why you! Hrmph... I'll let you away with that... Come on lets goooooo" Joseph grabbed Caesar's arm and ran down the hallway. 
Meanwhile, you sighed as you dipped your hand into the running bath, checking that the temperature was just right. You smiled and removed your tank top and jeans and carefully stepped into the bath. The water felt so comforting the bubbles all around you, closing your eyes you tilted your head back and enjoyed the warmth easing your tired bones. 
"Look, isn't this great Caesar chan?" Joseph peeked in the crack of the door
"It would be if I could see. Out the way" Caesar nudged him out the way "Oh my, my, what a beautiful sight to behold." 
"You ass! This was my idea, remember so wait your turn!" Joseph nudged him out the way and looked in again "Oh yes, oh those bubbles are so lucky..." 
You giggle and you call out to them "You know I can hear you fighting out there, you better get in here before you get caught." 
Joseph and Caesar look at each other and scramble in the room and their jaws drop to the ground seeing you surrounded with bubbles. Their eyes sparkled and they both looked like they saw a tasty chocolate cake on display. 
"I see you've both stopped fighting, I hope it stays that way. So might you want to tell me why you were spying on me having a bath?" You smirked and raised your legs as you crossed them in the bath. 
The both of them looked at each other and started to blame the other for spying. 
"You know I could call on Lisa Lisa and tell her you sneaked all the way down here...." You smirked at the boys.
The boys paused and clasped their hands together and pleaded to you not to tell. "Please please don't let Lisa lisa know we've been up to no good. It's not our fault we both think you are so beautiful." Caesar placed his hands to his knees and bowed his head. 
"Caesar Chan is right, can you really blame us. But please don't tell Lisa Lisa, we'll do anything we promise." Joseph covered his face with his hands.  
"Hmmm." You smirked even more "Anything you say? Well alright then." 
You readjusted in the bath and folded your arms over your chest, there was a small opening in the bubbles that the boys got to see a cheeky peak of your chest. 
"OH WHOA!" Joseph's eyes shined with excitement. 
"MUMMA MIA!" Caesar joined Joseph in marveling at the cheeky display.
"Hm, I see you're both keen but here's what I would like for you both to do. It's just a simple request. I would like to see you both kiss. Just one kiss tongues and all and I'll keep my mouth shut." You winked 
"Wait you want me to kiss that casanova while you watch? Why?" Joseph fell back on his butt. 
"You are serious aren't you?" Caesar raised his eyebrow and questioned you 
"Oh yes, so get to it or else" You picked up a bell by the bath side table and raised your eyebrows and smirked. 
"WAIT OKAY OKAY WE'LL  DO IT DON'T RING IT!" Caesar stood up and flinched.
Caesar walked up to Joseph and held his hand and blushed slightly. You while in the bath had a smirk and was liking where this was going while clasping your hands. Joseph saw how you reacted and knew that you were going to enjoy this. Joseph threaded his fingers into Caesar's and looked deep into his emerald eyes. 
He whispered "Hey just relax and follow my lead." 
Caesar blushed and got flustered "AH JoJo what are you doing..." 
Caesar was cut off with Joseph gently gripping his waist and pressed his body against his. Joseph tilted the Italian's chin upwards and grinned 
"Next you'll say Joseph please be gentle this is my first time with you" Joseph smirked 
"Joseph please be gentle this is my... '' Caesar was caught off guard. 
Joseph grinned even more and kissed Ceasar right on the lips and started to rub his hip to relax him more. Caesar blushed and closed his eyes, the rubbing sensation on his hip felt so good. Joseph hummed as he saw Caesar was under his control and he glanced over to you. seeing your eyes were fixed on them both and you gasped for more to happen, Joseph raised the stakes a little. Joseph ran his hand down Caesar's thigh, the blondes eyes sprung opened and he looked at Joseph
"What are you doing?! Aren't we supposed to kiss?!" Caesar was shocked 
"Yes, but someone is a little excited by our display" Joseph winked at him. 
They looked over to you and your eyes filled with excitement and lust for them both you nodded for them to continue. Joseph smirked, he looked at Caesar and kissed down his neck. 
"Ah JoJo I.. had no idea you could pull these moves off..." Caesar softly cried out his cheeks flared up again. 
You bit your lip and enjoyed the action "Ah please don't stop on my behalf I want you both to have fun." 
"Heh, heh, I hope we will get a nice reward for our little display~" Joseph smirked as he reached under Caesar's shirt and pinched his nipple. 
"AHH! JoJo. Please be gentle." Caesar closed his eyes tightly feeling the sudden pinch on his nipple. 
"Hmm sounds like to me Caesar chan you are enjoying that aren't you?" Joseph smirked 
Caesar smacked his hand and glared at him, pushed him to the ground and pinned his hands to the floor. 
"Who said you could be in control?" Caesar's eyes glared over him 
"Ah caesar chan let's talk about this...." Joseph started to sweat. 
You on the other hand held your chest and sat forward seeing Caesar on top of Joseph, you licked your lips with excitement. 
"Hush now JoJo. We need to keep Jocasta happy otherwise we will be in trouble, so just relax and enjoy this moment." Caesar tilted his face to the side and slowly winked at Joseph 
Joseph couldn't help but fall for his charm and blushed. "All I ask is don't be so rough..." 
Caesar grabed Joseph's hand and held it to his chest "I wouldn't even dream of it. JoJo I'll be gentle with you~" 
Caesar started to slowly suck on Joseph's fingers which in turn made him blush and gasp softly. Caesar looked up to Jocasta and grinned. She was loving that Caesar was in control and wanted his lips on her body. She gently pressed her thumbs into her nipples and circled them as she continued to watch on. 
Caesar slowly caressed Joseph's face and planted a kiss right on his lips. A slight moan escaped his lips before Caesar sealed his lips over the British man's. Caesar, feeling more confident, quickly brought his hand down to Joseph's belt buckle and in one quick swift, woosh, off came his belt. He pulled from the kiss and looked at you again and got on all fours in front of Joseph. 
"Um Caesar chan what in the world are you doing?" Joseph for once was on edge unable to know what was going on in the Italian's mind. 
 "Mmm, just relax for me Mio Caro, leave the rest to me." Caesar grinned and looked at his zip. 
You bit your lip excited to see what Caesar had in mind, Caesar licked his lips and reached forward and gently bit the zip to Joseph's jeans and pulled it down he hooked his fingers inwards of the waistband and pulled them down in one fast motion. 
"Oh my JoJo so naughty you didn't wear any underwear. Do you see how naughty he is, Jocasta?" Caesar wiggled his eyebrows at you. 
You softly moaned and gasped seeing Joseph's length spring out from his jeans. Caesar held it gently in his hands and Joseph moaned loudly. 
"My, my looks like you are both excited aren't you? So naughty. Are you going to sit in that bathtub all day or are you going to help me out?" Caesar winked at you and titled his face to show off his smug smile. 
You raised your eyebrow and smirked back "Only because Joseph needs our attention, though I don't appreciate your attitude. On your knees now"   
You stepped out of the bath and walked behind Caesar and slowly pulled off his headband and tied his arms back.
You tiled his head back by gripping his hair and you whispered in his ear "Do as you are told or you will be punished."
He nodded a thousand times and obeyed "Good. Glad to see you are behaving now. I trust you will make sure Joseph is satisfied, yes?" 
He nodded again and he lowered himself to Joseph's length and kissed his tip gently, you smirked and bit your lip hearing the soft licking sounds Caesar made  and Joseph's heavy breathing. 
"And as for you Joseph, you can satisfy me. I want nothing but the best, understand?" You winked at him. 
Joseph winked back " You got it babe. Hop on board the Joestar express~"  
You smirked and rested your knees either side of his shoulder and sat on his chest gently. You looked down to him and played with your nipples. He grunted with Caesar pleasuring his length and held your hips. 
"Beg for me to sit on your face." You were determined and looked at Caesar worshipping Joseph's member.  
"Please Jocasta sit on my face and I'll send you into overdrive" He bit his lip and looked up to you with lustful eyes moaning softly
Hearing him begging for you softly you lifted your hips and gently lowered yourself to his face. He smiled and closed his eyes and could smell your sweet tangy juices, he slowly lapped them up as you clencthed your fist on the ground and bucked into him slowly. 
"MMMmmmm. Just like that don't let up." You looked behind and noticed Caesar stopping for a breather.
 Annoyed, you leaned back exposing your nub for Joseph to pleasure and you gripped Caesar's hair " I told you to do as you're told now get back to it." 
You pushed his head down on Joseph's length Caesar moaned softly and bucked his own hips. He took the whole of Joseph in his mouth, you smirked and grind your hips more for Joseph's tongue to get to work. 
"AAaahhh I'm going to..." You gripped Joseph's arms and creamed into his mouth and you slowly crawled off him. 
You sat to the side, playing with yourself, you were excited as you  watched Caesar still tied up sucking on Joseph deeply and Joseph holding his head he was near to explosion. 
"Ahh ahh caesar please slow down I'm going to..." Joseph leaned his head back and cried out. 
"Caesar stop!" You demanded.
He paused and looked at you, smirking at the blonde you held his tied up arms forward and helped him to his feet. you ushered Joseph to come over too.
"I can't wait anymore. I need you both, bit Caesar chan. You are still naughty so you wont get untied so i guess a little teamwork comes into play here. if you can both work together you can both fuck me." You smirked and caressed both their faces. 
"Are you thinking what I am thinking about Caesar chan?" Joseph smirked and his length was back at its peak. 
"Heh, you know it, for once I'll follow your lead, JoJo." Caesar smirked and he was ready and waiting for some action. 
You smirked as they approached you on either side, Caesar with his arms still tied behind him nodded to Joseph, the british young man, hoisted your hips and faced you towards caesar. 
"if you don't mind sweetheart, you could hang onto caesar chan. I'll support you from here. caesar it's all you." Joseph grinned and he pushed his chest into your back. 
You leaned forward and wrapped your arms around Caesar's neck. Joseph lifted your butt and guided you to Caesar's length. Caesar moaned as he entered your front. You rested your head into the crook of his shoulder and he slowly and gently bucked his hips into you. You softly moaned his name. 
"That's it, tesoro, call out for me and enjoy the pleasure." Caesar nuzzled his face next to yours as he continued on. 
"Hey wait a minute, don't forget I helped too right," Joseph smirked. "Get ready" 
He rubbed your butt cheeks and spread them wide and bit his lip seeing the fantastic view before him, he rubbed himself and lined it up to the opening. 
"This might be a bit of a tight fit. Caesar keep her relaxed for me." Joseph prodded against the opening 
You moaned loudly and Caesar whispered "Please enjoy our pleasures, I will be as gentle as I can for you." 
Joseph slowly entered your ass and you screamed out in pleasure, Joseph held your hips and started to pound you quickly while Caesar was slow and steady in the front. Overwhelmed with both pleasures you felt dizzy. 
"Ahh, Joseph, Caesar, you both feel so good. Please unleash yourselves within me. I'm going crazy!" You moaned loudly. 
"You heard her Joseph let's do this then shall we" Caesar looked up to him 
Joseph smirked "Heh, heh, let's go Caesar chan." 
You dug your nails into Caesar's back as they both thrust their hips into you, you moaned and squealed loudly for them. They both got so excited they moaned softly and then they both unleashed their wave at the same time. 
You all collapsed to the ground and you all snuggled into each other. 
"I believe that little session was needed don't you agree boys?" You grinned 
"Heh, most definitely." Joseph snuggled his face into your right breast. 
"And it was worth all the pain from training." Caesar snuggled into the left breast. 
You all smiled, cuddling and all feeling loved. 
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kindness-ricochets · 3 years
Genya tailoring wylan while he explains everything that went down to his older sister and brother zoya and Nikolai
W: ok so he says I’m going to music school right? And I’m like “hmmm sus but on ig” and like it’s all the way in another place so I’m like when I’m there I’ll just
N: book it?
Z: tell us
everyone in the room collectively chokeing while wylans still talking
W in a tone much more Jovel and annoyed then should be for discussing attempted murder: AND LIKE, ok I’m a little annyoed by the whole attemped infantacide thing but like, THEY DIDNT EVEN TRY??? LIKE they could shot me, or stabbed me, or punched me or EVEN LIKE IDK boat out to sea and throw me over but nOoOoOo, they try get this. Choking.me.out WE ARENT EVEN FULLY OUT OF THE CANEL YET AND THEYRE NOT EVEN CUTTING OFF MY AIRWAY. Kinda sad how bad they were at that. So I konked em and jumped overboard and - wait why are your guys faces like that
Z,G n N: no reason at all continue
Okay... I am so much better with drama than comedy, so this turned into a drama, but it DOES include the major beats of Wylan telling his Ravkan friends about Jan! I hope you like it :)
Wylan hadn’t been sure he could say it at first. “Miss Genya.” Was that too forward? Would it tip off the others? He had thus far kept his Ravkan connections secret. Kaz would have wanted to leverage that somehow.
He had been close to tears of frustration when Jesper stayed in the room. Wylan wanted to talk to her alone, but Jesper, going halfway mad from his impatience, had stayed so long with him…
When Jesper left to grab a cup of coffee, Genya spoke first.
“Are you all right?”
Wylan nodded. “I wasn’t for a long time, but I made it.”
“When this is over, you can come with us.”
His throat ached to hear it. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to go. He wasn’t halfway to tears at the prospect of going to Ravka. He was halfway to tears at the prospect of being wanted.
“But maybe you’d rather stay with that cute boy, hmm?”
Wylan blushed.
“Good, keep blushing. Keep your circulation strong.”
They didn’t get much time to talk before Jesper returned. Wylan wasn’t sure how much the Ravkans would want him revealing about their connection, so he kept himself quiet on the subject and trusted Genya to understand that when he thanked her, he meant for all of it, for fixing him, for having been his friend.
He got his answer not long after.
About how much the Ravkans wanted him to tell.
Jesper and Wylan were on the settee together, enjoying the closeness. The kiss seemed to have spoken some promise of access to one another—nothing too intimate. Just long, clever fingers in Wylan’s hair while he leaned against Jesper.
“Jesper. Wylan.”
At Kaz’s voice, they both turned. Wylan only stood when he realized who was with him.
Nikolai had been a steady presence in Wylan’s life. A mentor, a friend. A brother. He had been someone worth sticking around for. Seeing him there, standing beside Kaz, Wylan wanted to go to him. But Sturmhond had only ever been there to “escort him to Ravka”. They were not publicly friends, and every secret even implied to Dirtyhands…
“Our new friends would like a word, Wylan,” Kaz said.
“Privately,” Sturmhond added.
Wylan took a step toward him before Kaz asked, “Why?”
“Surely you can understand—”
“And you can understand the need for a little oversight.”
“Not from you, Brekker.” Ah, there was the Zoya Nazyalensky he knew and loved!
Nikolai looked to Wylan. “Ignore him,” he said.
So Wylan stepped forward and hugged the privateer. Nikolai had the same impulse. For a moment they held on tight to one another and Wylan had that same soreness in his throat he had felt with Genya.
“Whatever he did to you, you didn’t deserve it.”
Wylan swallowed.
Nikolai had been the closest Wylan had ever seen him to furious when he found out. He offered to keep Wylan in Ravka, but there was no way to do that without starting an international incident. He sent a letter, even, but Jan refused and it wasn’t everyone who would kidnap a Councilman’s kid.
Telling Nikolai seemed… possible, but Wylan glanced at Kaz. And at Jesper.
“Um… since when are you friends with pirates?” Jesper asked.
“Privateer,” Wylan and Nikolai said.
Wylan looked between Jesper and Kaz. They both had questions—albeit very different ones.
“Jan sent men to kill me,” Wylan said.
“What?” asked Jesper.
Zoya said something Wylan was pretty sure was a Ravkan swear. They had all made a game of not teaching him the naughty words, so he could only guess.
Kaz looked intrigued.
Nikolai gripped Wylan’s shoulder tightly.
Wylan shook his head. Somehow remembering that day on the browboat made his throat hurt. “I was sloppy. They shouldn’t’ve been able to get me. I remembered that move Tolya taught me, but—I’m fine! Why are you looking at me like that?”
“No reason at all,” Zoya said.
Jesper was stroking his revolvers, a gleam in his eyes.
“I’m fine,” Wylan insisted. He was! He just wished that ache in his throat would ease. “I’m fine! Anyway it was six months ago!”
“He knew you had a place in Os Alta,” Nikolai said.
Somehow that stung the worst, because it was true. Jan didn’t have to kill Wylan. He had shut him out of the business years ago, so there were no secrets to spill, no treason to commit. Just last summer Nikolai had offered to keep Wylan there, made clear he was welcome, Jan could have… but he wanted to…
Wylan took a deep breath. His eyes were prickling like he might start crying again, in front of all these people!
To make it worse, in the split second Wylan had that realization, someone else had come into the room.
“Wylan has a place in Os Alta?” Nina asked. Matthias, beside her, looked grimmer than usual. “You mean his family owns property there?”
“The King has a soft spot for lost princes,” Zoya said. “And redheads.”
“You know King Nikolai?”
“Of course she does, I’m sure the whole Triumvirate knows him!” Jesper said, and Wylan wanted to kiss him again for redirecting the conversation when it was all getting to be a bit much. Kaz was watching him closely. Nina was staring. Zoya and Nikolai were both dealing with what Wylan had told them and he felt foolish for having done so now. Maybe all he had wanted was for them to say it was okay he wasn’t able to use the skills he learned sailing when Tolya tried teaching him to fight.
“I meant Wylan,” Nina retorted. She turned her attention to him once more.
“I visited him in Os Alta a few times,” Wylan said. He left out the time Nikolai, then a student at the university, had come to visit him in Ketterdam.
“This would have been useful to know earlier, Wylan,” Kaz said.
Which was a good reason not to tell him!
“Wait a minute,” Jesper realized, “we actually could have ransomed you! Hey! Kaz’s plan almost worked!”
“Almost,” Wylan repeated, deeply dubious. Kaz had never tried to ransom him to Nikolai. “N—um, not that I’m recommending ransoming me. Um, I… the thing is… it’s my mother. She was—my father had her locked away and I—if I could…”
“King Nikolai will doubtless do all he can to assist you,” said King Nikolai, despite everything clearly amused at speaking in third person. “And your mother. As any good king would. Exceptional, even! But I must insist on a private word.”
This time even Kaz didn’t object. Wylan felt a twinge of guilt leaving Jesper and cast him a look he hoped communicated an intention to tell him everything later. He followed Nikolai into the next room, anyway. Although Nikolai had never shown him any frustration or disapproval, Wylan still worried. What if this was it? What if he had reached his limit?
Nikolai was not at his limit.
Instead, he said, “It’ll be all right, Wylan.”
“You’ll help us?” Wylan asked. “Me and my friends.”
He nodded. That was already the deal, Wylan supposed, but he still appreciated hearing it from Nikolai instead of having to trust it from Kaz.
“Is there anything you didn’t want to tell me in front of the others?” Nikolai asked.
“No.” The ache in his throat was back. Wylan swallowed. He blinked rapidly, but his eyes wouldn’t listen. “He tried to kill me…”
Nikolai squeezed Wylan’s shoulder.
“Brekker is a… unique sort, but I doubt there’s anything he can’t think his way out of. Between the two of us, we can tweak this plan if necessary. You shouldn’t have to see him.”
“Thank you,” Wylan said, “but I can take it. You don’t have to protect me.”
“I never protected you because you needed protecting, I did it because I wanted to keep you around. It helps that you look at me like I can do anything. See, that’s the one!”
Wylan found himself smiling despite it all.
“And Jesper is in love with you. You don’t always pick up on these things, but it’s very important you know this time.”
“We…” Wylan looked away, blushing. “I kissed him.”
“Well done, Wylan!”
“Whatever happens next, I’m glad I got to see you again, Nikolai.”
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