#they aren't but I do like some of the similarities in characterisation that pop up
lookingkindofdumb · 3 months
SVSSS - cumplane AU
(the AU i'm never going to write because I'm not nearly funny enough to write these two)
Where Cucumber and Airplane both play an online game together.
Their Avatars are: an ice demon with a resting bitch face and a beautifully ruthless half demon, respectively.
They did the character design for each other's avatars.
They spend the entire time tripping each other up, mocking each other (and occasionally any poor soul who gets in their way) and forgetting this is a team based game.
Cucumber: That is not adequate protection against the elements.
Airplane: bro, he's an ice demon. Cold fears him!
Cucumber: And?! Surely he feels some of the colder climate! He's wearing a cape, that means he's cold!
Airplane: Capes are cool! It's an aesthetic.
Cucumber: Aesthetic...sure. That's why his nipples are eyeline with every other character and free for viewing.
Airplane: yup! you're just jealous you didn't think of it first.
Cucumber: *throws his pen and nails him in the forehead*
Airplane: Cool tattoo.
Cucumber: It's not a tattoo! It's a - rambles on emphatically for four minutes about the lore and meaning behind the forehead demon mark.
Airplane: I said it was cool!
Qi Qingqi: ...are you sure I can't kick them out of the group hunt?
Yue Qingyuan: *watching Cucumber and Airplane bicker ceaselessly as they pull Gongyi Xiao out of a pit and shove Lui Qingge out of the path of a deadly attack* Don't you think we benefit from their cooperation?
Qi Qingqi: But at what cost?
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