#they are the only ones hitting my follow button recently I GOTTA DEFEND THEM
polzkadotz · 2 years
guys pls stop reporting bots i'm losing followers
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noahstilinski · 6 years
Just a Scratch - Derek Hale
Ok wow I got a little... Carried away with this one
You must forgive me lmao
Requested: Yes
Prompt:  Hey I wanted to request a Derek Hale imagine- hope that's not too much. Fem!reader(has Hunter skills) and Derek are in relationship and in love. TheY both get in a nasty fight and reader get a *little* hurt but Derek goes all protective and AAAAAHHHHHH. Basically a little fluff. Thanks and have a good day.
Pairing: Derek Hale x Reader
Word count: 3511
Warnings: Language, violence
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"Remember you have an essay due for next Monday on the economic crisis of 1929" You reminded your class as the bell rang. "Mr. Dunbar, if you could please stay for a minute" You dropped the chalk on the holder and wiped your hands on your jeans. You waited for the class to empty and faced Liam, a sympathetic look on your face.  "I know, I know" He beat you to it. "I'm sorry" "Liam, I understand that you're out there literally protecting this city from all kinds of evil, and I'm all the more grateful for it, believe me" You sighed. "But as your teacher, I really cannot give you anymore free passes without it becoming suspicious"
You had done your best to pick other people to summarize the readings or answer the questions. You even made him retake tests when you knew he had been on werewolf duty the night before. But you couldn't cover for him forever, especially not with the school board on your heels. 
This time, he failed to give back a homework sheet that counted for five percent of his grade. You told him out loud he'd get zero out of it, but you knew you'd find a way to cheat the system yet again. However, you also knew you couldn't keep doing that for long without losing your teaching license.  "I'll do it tonight, the sheet" He replied. "I swear" "Alright" You nodded. "And heads up, tomorrow I'll randomly choose you to do the readings summary. Don't make us both look like fools, please" "Thanks (Y/N)" He gave you a faint smile. "I won't, I promise" "Now woosh, go save the world" You tilted your head toward the door. "Let me grade my papers in peace" His smile widened a bit at your joke and he scurried out of the class, nodding in salutation at someone outside the class. You thought it might have been a student until the person stepped in the doorframe. "Don't tell him that, or he's actually going to do it" Derek snorted, walking nonchalantly in the class.  "What are you doing here?" You had meant to be stern, but your happiness to see him betrayed your facial expression.  "Coming to see you" He replied easily. "Isn't that obvious?"  "What did we say about visit on work hours?" You scolded, even though you went straight for his open arms.  "Technically, school's been over for..." He trailed off and looked at his watch over your shoulder. "Two minutes five seconds" "Smartass" You rolled your eyes, but smiled nonetheless. "But seriously, did I forget we had a date or something?" "Can't I just pick you up from school as a grand gesture of love?" He raised an eyebrow, which made you squint your eyes at him in suspicion. You knew he wouldn't pick you up without telling you, he hadn't done it in the years you've been with him. Derek hated surprises.  "Der" You warned, taking a step back. "What's going on?" "Nothing" He shrugged unconvincingly. "I just want to make sure that you're safe, that's all" "Is this about the wannabe hunters swarming the town?" You crossed your arms against your chest, and the shift on his expression confirmed your thoughts. "I'm fine, Derek. You don't need to watch over me" "What if they ambush you?" He asked with an edge in his voice, like he was genuinely scared they'd get to you. "We've seen what they're capable of" "Should I remind you I'm not a supernatural being?" You sighed as you sat back at your chair. "It's not me they want" "But they want me" He countered. "And correct me if I'm wrong, but we haven't been exactly subtle in terms of hiding our relationship. They could want you by association" "You're not wrong" You gave him a short chuckle. "Okay, let's say they decide to take me down to get to you. I doubt I'm high enough on Gerard's priority list for him to do it himself, so who'd he send? His pet, Monroe?" "She's more vicious than she lets on, (Y/N)" He almost pleaded.  "I know how she is, and I'm not afraid of her" You smiled at him. "That little martyr act is quite pathetic, if you want my opinion. And no matter what she got, remember I've been doing this for way longer than she has" At that, Derek let a quick smile pass through his serious demeanor. He probably had an idea of what went down, knowing you and your hatred for people like her. She had cornered you after school a few weeks ago, pushed you in a corner in a poorly executed grip and sent you an ultimatum. Either you'd leave Derek, or you'd perish with the rest. Now, you weren't the one to get involved, but this direct attack on you had made you angry.  When she had been done talking and gloating about how much of a champion she was, you had easily overturned her grip and changed role, pushing her back on the wall and kicking her down to her knees. Your grip, at opposite of hers, had been much more solid and efficient. You had then told her that you wouldn't play her game and wage war on her, unless she came after Derek or yourself first.  Apparently, your little demonstration of force worked, because she had left you alone ever since.  "I know you're not scared of her, (Y/N)" He said. "But it's not the point" "You think I can't defend myself?" You challenged, eying the little cylindrical shape poking out of your pencil basket. Derek followed your line of sight and shook his head.  "That you definitely can, not arguing" He replied. "But if they decide to come anyway, we'll be glad we have each other. Strength in numbers, remember" "I know, but I'm at school. I doubt they'll hit a human here, in a public place. Too much PR to handle" You explained. "Besides, I have papers to grade" "Okay that was a lame excuse for a life or death situation" He pointed out and you rolled your eyes. "But it's fine by me, I'll stay here" You were about to protest when he pulled out a chair and dragged it back loudly enough to cover any other sound in the room. He let himself fall down and threw his keys on the desk, still making as much noise as possible. Asshole. "I'll stay here. If something happens, you'll be glad" He spoke again. "And if not, you'll have the satisfaction of being right and knowing you wasted my time for nothing" "Deal" You smiled tightly. "But not a sound, Derek Hale. Or I'll throw you out of the window" He made a zipping gesture over his mouth and threw the imaginary key over his shoulder. You sighed and shook your head, taking the first copy on your desk and getting back into the grading rhythm.  Before you even knew it, the sun set and darkness took over. It was actually a yawn coming from Derek that made you notice that much time had passed and that you only had one copy left.  You hurried grading that one, and you were sorry in advance for the poor student that would have to read your correction. But to be fair, you had a hard time reading his handwriting too, so much you couldn't even understand the last two questions. "Oh Greenberg, what the hell did you write" You muttered to yourself as you massaged your temples. You then heard Derek's chair scrape on the floor as he stood up abruptly.  "Did you hear that?" He asked, furrowing his eyebrows. "T’was just me complaining" You yawned again. "It's fine--" "No..." He trailed off, gesturing you to stay silent. You sat up straighter as you suddenly became more alert of your surroundings, your hand hovering closer to your pencil basket.  Then, total silence fell over the room. Not even the pipes could be heard, and it made your blood chill in your vein. This could never be good.  "Get down!" You felt it coming before Derek's shout by watching him tense up all at once, his eyes widening considerably. You dived under the desk, but not before snatching your weapon before you did. You ducked under the wood as bullets flew everywhere. Derek then came crashing down beside you and scurried for cover too.  He nodded at you to let you know he was fine, and you nodded back. No bullet had gotten to either of you yet, or at least not fatally to him. You waited until the guns were emptied, and your attacker stepped in the room. "(Y/N)" Monroe taunted. "Come out, I know you're here" "Oh hey" You replied, still under the desk. "I thought we had come to an agreement. I'm disappointed" "I don't agree with people who protect murderers" She sneered. "Ah, and I'm guessing your current backup have picked firearms recently as a hobby" You scoffed as you and Derek quietly planned your strategy with hand gestures. He’d take half of her back up, you’d take the rest and Monroe. "Or have you brought kids this time?" "Those kids know the only way they'll stay alive in this town is if they take arms against those who pose a threat" She growled. "And that includes you" "Tamora, most things you say are painfully whiny, but I gotta admit" You nodded at Derek and slowly raised to your feet. Four men in black were standing at her side; too bad it wouldn't be enough. "You're goddamned right" You pressed the button on the black cylinder in your hands and it extended to a full staff with sharpened steel edges. Behind you, Derek roared, and you could almost feel the raw power emanating from him.  "I am a threat"  Before any of them could reload their guns, which you noted to be a beginner's mistake, you both jumped in action. You kicked Monroe's gun out of her hands, then kneed her in the stomach as she bent to catch it mid air. As she was catching her breath, you dealt with the man at her right. You spun your staff and brought it down on his riffle, sending it to the floor. You sneaked a punch before ducking his incoming fist, but you were thrown off your feet when another man slammed into you.  "Son of a bitch" You groaned as you got back on your feet. You grabbed a book that fell off the shelf and slammed it in the face on your new assailant with a mean swing, sending him to the ground unconscious.  The first man charged to you and backed you to the wall, pushing you into it hard enough to cave it in. You lifted your arms to block his punches, waiting for his rhythm to fade. When it did, you grabbed his fist mid air and twisted his arm, pushing his elbow inside out with a loud crack.  While he howled out in pain, you grabbed your discarded staff and slashed both his shoulder muscles and the back of his knee, so he wouldn't be able to stand and shoot again. You wiped out the blood from your lips and nose and turned around to find Monroe, but you had to throw yourself on the ground before you saw her. A gun had fired, and you heard the bullet whistle past your ear. You saved your fall with a roll, and came face to face with the barrel of a gun, halting your movements all at once. At least you had found her.  "You don't wanna do this, Monroe" It was Derek who said that, the two unmoving bodies at his feet.  "I actually want to do this bad" She replied with a cocky grin. "If you try anything, I blow her brain" "It's find Der, let me handle this" You spoke carefully, giving him a quick glance and a nod. Then, you looked up at Monroe. "So. I guess you already have a story prepared to explain this mess" "Don't even try" She scoffed dryly. "I won't let down my guards" "Oh, I know" You chuckled. "It was probably the first thing Gerard taught you, wasn't it?" She cocked the gun as an answer. "Here's the thing" You kept talking, not breaking eye contact. "You think you're all high and mighty because you've been training with Gerard for a few months. You've learn a lot, you think. Maybe you really did. You think you're experienced because you've taken down scared teenagers, so you think you can go against targets above your skill set" "Does my gun on your forehead seems above my skill set?" She taunted, and you smiled. "You're feeling invincible now, don't you?" You hummed. "But let me remind you, that while you were still a clueless civilian, I had already years of experience. And right now, your lack of it gave the opening I needed" Before she could register your words, you swatted her wrist away and kicked her knees from the ground. Her gun fired again, but this time you didn't back down. You jumped on her and straddled her, a hand on her throat and your legs restraining her arms.  "Next time you try that, no matter how much fire power you bring, I'll kill you" You hissed before knocking her unconscious with the rest of her men.  You stood up and grabbed your staff, retracting it to the smaller cylinder shape. You then dusted off your material and put back the copies in your bag, sighing when you noticed Greenberg's was decorated with a long splatter of blood. You threw the strap of your bag on your shoulder and walked out of the class with Derek, wincing at your sore arms.  No words were exchanged until you were well away from the school. The radio in Derek's car played some billboard's songs, but you tuned the sound out when you started feeling some pricking pain on your side. You reached to it and felt a wet liquid covering you, which you noticed was red when you got a glimpse of it under a street light.  "You're bleeding" Derek stated and you didn't miss the new panic in his voice. "The bullet hit you" "It's alright" You reassured. "It's just a scratch, not even that deep" "Shit, I should have taken her down" He gritted his teeth and tightened his hand on the wheel, so much his knuckles turned white. "I'm sorry (Y/N), fuck" Your eyes widened when he floored the gas pedal, you knew he wanted to get you home asap.  "No really I'm fine" You tried to make him realize that you were, in fact, okay. "I don't even think I'll need stitches" "We're almost there" He mumbled as he almost drove into the half opened garage door.  "Are you crazy--oof" You winced when he slammed the brakes in his designed parking. He sent you an apologetic glance before rushing to your side of the car. "I can walk, you know?" He didn't listen to you as he gently picked you up and carried you to his apartment. You knew it was useless to protest, he was like a rock in every sense of the term. He then placed you on the wooden table and grabbed the first aid kit in the cabinet. "Take off your shirt" "I don't think this is the right moment for that, babe" You joked, but took off the ripped clothe nonetheless.  "Really? You're doing this right now?" He scolded, eyebrows raised. "Come on, lighten up a bit" You laughed, but it made your side hurt. "Ouch" "Don't--" He caught your wrist before you could give in to the reflex to cover your wound with your hand. "Here, let me" You pulled back your arm to give him access to the wound so he could clean it and check the damage better. When he sighed in relief, you knew you had been right and that it was only a minor flesh wound.  "Told ya it was nothing" You smiled warmly at him as he carefully cleaned the skin around that was covered in blood. "See, I'm alright" "Still need to bandage it" He mumbled as he grabbed the gauze and tape, getting to work without wasting time. "Better to be careful" "I know" You whispered back as your hand went to rest on his cheek. He looked up at you with tired and worried eyes when he was done patching you up, and it made your smile widen. "I'm tougher than you give me credit for" "I know how tough you are" He replied and nuzzled his face in your neck, intertwining his hand in yours. "I'm just scared one day the bullet will hit somewhere you cannot heal" "Then we make sure this doesn't happen" You shrugged lightly. "Damn right" He replied as he took a step back, but didn't let go of your hand. "I'm not letting you out of my sight until this hunter problem is settled" "That's a bit unrealistic, don't you think?" You raised an eyebrow.  "Watch me"  "And what about school tomorrow?" You asked again. "I doubt the school board will let me have my boyfriend looming in the back of the class" "Call in sick" He suggested. "Absolutely not" You gasped. "You're all banged up anyway" He tried to convince you. "Stay here. With me" "As much as it sounds appealing, I'm still going to work tomorrow" You denied him. "What if Monroe shows up and I don't? Bam. She wins. Besides, they won't try anything against a human during school hours, and if they're stupid enough to try it, Liam will be there" He knew you were right. It was just history classes on a Friday, after all. And unless the hunters decided to shoot a bunch of innocent kids just to get to you, they would get more legal trouble than they could handle.  "Fine" He finally conceded. "But I'm driving you AND picking you up right after school hours. If you feel there's anything wrong, and I mean anything: with the wound or even just a feeling, you call me. Okay?" "Okay" You agreed, even though it was a bit much. But Derek was like that, and it was fine by you. "Should I call you mom? It would feel right after that speech" "Don't call me mom" He said sternly. "Alright then" You grinned at his offence. "Now if you don't mind, I'm gonna go to sleep" You started getting off the table, but Derek stopped you. "Nope" He shook his head. "You need to take it easy, so no walking tonight" "You must be kidding me" You deadpanned. "You saw the wound, it's nothing" "It's something enough to be careful" He argued, picking you up in his arms and carrying you again upstairs to the bedroom. He then put your down on the soft surface of the mattress and grabbed your pajama shorts from the dresser. He took off your jeans and replaced them by the stretchy clothing, all while you gave him an unimpressed look. It was something you could have done yourself without a problem.  He then paused and looked away, a distant look in his eyes. His shoulders slouched as he made his way around the bed and laid down beside you. "Derek" You called softly, and his glance met yours. They showed vulnerability, which was a rare occurrence for your boyfriend. "Thank you. For taking care of me" "Always" He mumbled as he took your hand and placed a kiss on it. "I'm sorry you got hurt because of me" "It's not because of you" You said, carefully rolling on your good side to face him. "It's because they're stupid and wrong and they don't like that I'm exposing them" Derek cracked a smile at that.  "I bet they'll be so jealous of my personal escort and bodyguard tomorrow" You added with a yawn. "They wish they had someone as good looking to do the job on top of it"  "We've been together for two years and a half, you don't need to flirt to get what you want" He rolled his eyes playfully, poking your shoulder where he was sure it wasn't bruised.  "What if flirting is what I want?" You challenged before laughing it off. Just seeing his smile made up for the terrible evening that had happened. "Come on, get your pretty ass closer. You can't protect me from all these feet apart" "Very funny" He tried to stay stern, but failed miserably. He scooted over and wrapped his arms around you, careful not to put weight over your injury. "I love you, (Y/N). So much" "I love you more" You smiled against his chest. "Goodnight, my fierce protector" "Goodnight, queen warrior" Your laugh at the nickname got lost as tiredness took over you, making you fall asleep in the arms of your lover.
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layce2015 · 7 years
Doctor Strange (Strange x Reader) Chp. 1
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(A/N: this is going to be the reader insert version of the movie. I have actually done one on my Wattpad and Quotev accounts but I decided to do it differently. So I’m gonna try it out on here! So if you want to see my original reader insert of Doctor Strange you can go to these accounts. My Quotev profile is RJ. And my Wattpad profile is @LayceJ25 )
When you wish upon a star
Your dreams will take you very far
But when you wish upon a dream
Life ain’t always what it seems
What’d you see on a night so clear
In the sky so very dear
He begins to wash his hands then he dried them off. Then he puts on a surgery suit, mask and gloves. He sighs with content as he gets ready for his next surgery. This man was Doctor Stephen Strange and he was–no, is–the best surgeon in the world. No one was more talented than him.
You’re a shining star
No matter who you are
Shining bright to see
What you could truly be
As the song plays he begins to tap his foot and dance as he starts working on the brain of the patient in front of him. Then he turns to another doctor, who was sitting in a nearby chair, and said. “Challenge round, Billy.” And Billy pushes the skip button on his iPod and a different song began to play.
Stephen looks up then rolls his eyes. “Oh, come on, Billy. You’ve got to be messing with me.” He said, slightly annoyed. “No, doctor.” Billy said, confidently, hoping to finally stump the great Stephen Strange.
Stephen shrugs then said. “Feels So Good, Chuck Mangione, 1977. Seriously, Billy, you said this one would be hard.”
“Hah! It’s 1978.” Billy exclaimed, excitedly.
“No, Billy, while Feels So Good may have charted in 1978, the album was released in December, 1977.” Stephen informed as he continues his work on the patient.
“No, no. Wikipedia says the…”
“Check again.” Stephen ordered, firmly, and Billy begins to Google the info as a nurse asked. “Where do you store all this useless information?”
“Useless? The man charted a top ten hit with a Flugelhorn.” Stephen replied to her then turned and asked. “Status, Billy?”
Billy sighs and said, in a defeated tone. “1977.”
“Oh! Please.”
“I hate you.”
“Woah! Feels so good, doesn’t it?” Stephen said, triumphantly, when he looks up and saw a familiar face at the small glass window of the door. A woman with (h/l) (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes was standing there, looking right at him. She gives him a look that said need your help and she kinda jerks her head to the side.
He stares at her as one of the nurses sees the woman at the door and turns to Stephen. “Oh, I…I’ve got this, Stephen. You’ve done your bit. Go ahead, we’ll close up.” She said and Stephen nods at her and runs out of the room.
*Your POV*
Stephen walks out of the surgery room and up towards me and asked. “What is it?” I hand him the tablet with a patient’s X-Ray and he begins to look through it. “GSW.” I replied. “It’s amazing you kept him alive. Apneic, further brain stem testing after reflex test…I think I found the problem, Dr. (L/N).” Stephen said then he turned the tablet to face me to reveal a bullet was still lodged in the man’s head. “You left a bullet in his head.” He said.
“Thanks. It’s impinging on the medulla. I needed a specialist to diagnose brain death. Something about that doesn’t feel right to me.” I said and Stephen raises his head slowly then said. “We have to run.” And he turns to run and I follow him.
We make it to the patient’s room, only to see West and Christine arguing as West was pushing the patient’s bed. “You know she won’t like this!” Christine argued with him. “What the hell is going on?” I asked as Stephen and I make it to them. “Organ harvesting. He’s a donor.” West replied.
“Slow down. I did not agree to that.” I said to him, angrily. “I don’t need you to. We’ve already called brain death.” West said as he keeps pushing the bed some more but Christine kept blocking the way. “Too premature. We need to get him prepped for a suboccipital craniotomy.” Stephen said to West. “I’m not going to let you operate on a dead man.” said West, firmly.
Stephen pulls up the X-Ray on the tablet and shows it to West. “What do you see?” He asked. “A bullet?” West said, confused. “A perfect bullet. It’s been hardened. You harden a bullet by alloying lead with antimony. A toxic metal. And as it leaks directly into the cerebral spinal fluid.” Stephen said.
“Rapid-onset central nervous system shutdown.” West said, realization setting in.
“We need to go.” I said to Stephen after I shined a light in the patient’s eye then I nod at Christine and both of us grab the bed. “The patient’s not dead, but he’s dying. Do you still want to harvest his organs?” Stephen asked West, sarcastically, and he follows Christine and I out towards the surgery room.
“I’ll assist you.” West calls out after him.
“No! Dr. (L/N) will assist me. Thank you.” Stephen shouts and the three of us run out of the room.
Stephen and I were prepped and ready for the surgery as they rolled the patient in the room. “Thank you.” I whispered to him and Stephen turns to me and nods at me. “Image status, STAT.” I said to the nurses. “We do not have time for that.” Stephen said to me. I look up at him, confused, and said. “You can’t do it by hand.”
“I can and I will.” Stephen said, firmly, as he looks me straight in the eyes.
“This isn’t the time for showing off, Strange.” West said.
“How about ten minutes ago, when you called the wrong time of death?” Stephen asked West, annoyed and angry, as he glares at him.
Stephen gets to work as I hand him a plier and he inserts it into the patient’s head and on screen we could see the plier was just inches away from the bullet. But Stephen stops as the room goes silent, well except for a ticking noise from a watch. “Dr. West, cover your watch.” Stephen said, lowly.
West rolls his eyes but covers his watch with his hand and Stephen looks back at the patient. Carefully, he moves the tool deeper into the brain, grabbed the bullet and pulled it out. Christine holds up a Petri dish and Stephen places the bullet on the dish and everyone sighs with relief.
Moments later, Christine, Stephen and I walk up to the patient’s family and I informed them that everything turned out good and the man was going to live. The wife smiles as she sobs and hugs me. The two kids begin to laugh with relief as the wife hugs Christine. Then I introduced them to Stephen and told them he was the one to save their loved one and the wife hugs Stephen, who was very awkward about it as he gives her a side hug.
Stephen and I were walking down the hallway of the hospital as I said. “You know, you didn’t have to humiliate him in front of everyone.”
“I didn’t have to save his patient either. But, you know, sometimes I just can’t help myself.” Stephen said as he does a strut and I shake my head and chuckle. “Nick is a great doctor.” I defended. “You came to me.” Stephen informed. “Yeah, well, I needed a second opinion.” I replied.
“You had a second opinion. What you needed was a competent one.” Stephen said. “Well, all the more reason why you should be my neurosurgeon on call. You could make such a difference.” I said to him. “I can’t work in your butcher shop.” Stephen said and I roll my eyes at him. “Look, I’m using trans-sectioned spinal cords to stimulate neurogenesis in the central nervous system. My work is at least going to save thousands for years to come. In the ER, I get to save one drunk idiot with a gun.”
“Yeah, you’re right. In the ER, you’re only saving lives. There’s no fame, there’s no CNN interviews…” I said, sarcastically, making Stephen laugh. “Well, I guess I’ll have to stick with Nick.” I said and Stephen stops and stares at me. “Oh, wait a minute. You’re not…you guys aren’t…” he asked and I look over at him, eyebrows raised. “What?” I asked him. “Sleeping together. Sorry, I thought that was implicit in my disgust.” He said as we continue to walk and I just laugh and shake my head.
“Explicit, actually. And no, I have recently made a rule against dating colleagues.” I said to him as I give him a side glance. “Oh really?” He asked, intrigued. “I call it the Strange policy.” I said with a smile.
“Oh, good! I’m glad something is named after me.” He said as I stopped and turned to face him. “You know, I invented a laminectomy procedure, and yet, somehow, no one seems to want to call it the Strange technique.” He said as he furrows his brow then raises an eyebrow in a flirtatious way.
“We invented that technique.” I chuckled as I gesture towards me and him. “You know, I gotta say, I’m very flattered by your policy.” He said and the both of us chuckle then I look up at him as he says. “Look, I’m talking tonight at a Neurological Society dinner. Come with me.”
I place my hand over my heart, faking a surprised look, and said, sarcastically. “Another speaking engagement? So romantic.”
“You used to love going to those things with me. We had fun together.” He said.
“No. You’ve had fun. They weren’t about us, they were about you.” I said. “Not only about me.” He said. “Stephen. Everything is about you.” I said then I looked into his eyes then let out a sigh. “But if it means that much to you…I’ll go with you.” I said and Stephen smiles at this.
“Pick you up at six?” He asked and I smirked and nod as I leave. “Maybe we can hyphenate. Strange-(l/n) technique.” I hear him say to me. “Uh…(l/n)-Strange technique.” I said as I turn and point at him and I see him smiling and laughing.
That night, I was doing last minute touches on my hair as I look myself in the mirror. I was wearing a black cocktail dress that came down to my knees, black high heels and a beautiful necklace that Strange gave me after we went out a few times when we were in med school and in return I gave him a watch with an inscription on the back:
Time will only tell how much I love you
I was putting on the finishing touches on my make-up when I heard the doorbell ring. I smiled and grabbed my clutch bag and walked over to the door. I open it to reveal Stephen Strange looking very handsome in a tuxedo. My heart stopped as I take a good look at him.
“Like what you see?” He asked, bringing me back down to reality. I blink then said, in a teasing tone. “Maybe.” Then turned, shut the door behind me and locked it. He holds his hand out to me and I smile as I take it and he leads me to the passenger door to his Lamborghini. He opens the door and gestures for me to take the seat. I smiled as I climb into the car and Stephen shuts the door and he walks over to the driver's side and climbs in. He starts the car, pulls out of my driveway and we take off.
Stephen weaves the car side to side as he passes the other cars on the road, flying right past them like a rocket. We were just talking about a few things when his phone ring. Stephen pushes the answer button as we approach a very curvy road.
“Billy! What have you got for me?” Stephen asked, after he puts the phone on speaker. “I’ve got a 35-year-old Air Force colonel. Crushed his lower spine in some kind of experimental armor. Mid-thoracic vertebral fracture.” Billy replied to him.
“Well, I could help, but so can 50 other people. Find me something worth my time.” Stpehen said and I elbowed him in the shoulder. “Ow!” He grumbles as I roll my eyes at him.
“I have a 68-year-old female with an advanced brain stem glioma.” said Billy. “Yeah, you want me to screw up my perfect record? Definitely not.” said Stephen. I rolled my eyes, once again, as Stephen passes by more vehicles on this winding road. Billy continues. “How about a 22-year-old female with an electronic implant in her brain to control schizophrenia struck by lightning?”
I raise an eyebrow at this as Stephen said. “That does sound interesting. Could you send me the…” But then we heard a ding and Stephen looks down and said. “Got it.” He looks down at his phone as he was passing another car. I happened to look out my window, looked down and saw that we were really close to the car. “STEPHEN!” I shouted when suddenly we were hit and the car began to swerve and skid across the road.
I screamed as the car spins and flies off the road and the car begins to roll. I don’t remember much but I do remember hitting my head against the window to the passenger door and I remember some kind’ve searing pain in my right arm, close to my wrist. Then the car finally stops and I realized I was upside down. I groan in pain as I taste blood in my mouth and look over to see Stephen’s face was all bruised and blooded. “(Y/N)…” I hear him say weakly before I pass out.
Next thing I knew, there was a bright light shining on my face and I slowly open my eyes. It took me a few minutes to realize that I was in the hospital. I see the bright overhead lights above my head then I look to my side and see that I was being wheeled into a room. I see a couple of people I recognized as they looked down at me with concern but I look over to see if Stephen was nearby but I couldn’t see him as my vision goes in and out.
“S..S…St…Ste…Stephen.” I said, weakly, but it was loud enough for the nurses to hear as they looked down at me and began to say something but I couldn’t comprehend it as I pass out once again.
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freljordsking-blog · 7 years
Academy Blooms
This is a Darius x Kayn story I wrote for @axe-me-darius
It contains NSFW material under the cut. Please be warned as the NSFW material contains partial non con.
If you are troubled by anything above, then please do not continue reading under the cut.
The main door to the gym creaked open. It was after school hours, cheers coming from within the gym hall. There were loud squeaks of shoes across the lacquer polished wood flooring. Quietly a young man sneaked towards the large doors, other side where people loudly roared happily before a buzzer sounded. Slowly the door opened silently after a click of the bar unlocking. One foot creeped in, drawing no attention to the male who obviously didn’t belong.
Kayn was quiet, dressed in a black jacket, black skin tight jeans, and a deep grey side bag. The long black hair he had blended in with his dark outfit. The only indication of difference between hair and clothing was the long blue bang hanging over the right side of his face. His blue and red eyes observed the area.
Sixteen players stood on and next to the basketball court dressed in either red and black, or grey and blue. Two coaches stood on either sideline, groups of cheerleaders waving pompoms around. Crowds of people cluttered seating stands reaching up each wall. Kayn’s eyes observed each person, quickly scanning about.
People in the stands… The cheerleaders… Players… Female, male, female, male, male, male… Kayn had come searching for someone. But he couldn’t seem to find them…
Darius dribbled the basketball down the court length, brutishly defending the ball with his arm hooked out. Although the other team persisted to stop him, Darius was well known for being unstoppable once he started moving. Reaching the inner circle of the enemy’s hoop, he leaped up. Shoving a few people out of the way who were trying to stop him, the ball was slam dunked through the ring. Half the audience broke into an intense celebration, other half applauding at the impressive display. A whistle blew, buzzer sounded, and the score was increased. The scoreboard read 72 to 66 with only three minutes left on the clock in the final round.
The gothic looking boy walked up to the side of a stand, watching in awe of Darius’ powerful actions. He watched him carefully, unable to stop himself from staring. This guy had bullied him so many times before. But instead of keeping his distance, he couldn’t help coming back. A finger reached up and touched the black bruising around his left eye. Darius’ fist left the mark on him, although Kayn couldn’t stay away. He couldn’t only stay in a trance, watching the Noxus Academy student jogging back with his team as a multitude of them whacked his back encouragingly.
Kayn had been going to an academy nearby, however once he had met Darius, he was suddenly compelled to seek him out. It wasn’t long before Darius was actually transferred to the same academy as him. Although he still played basketball for his same team. Darius was a year above Kayn.
The male who stood in awe watched the Noxian stride along the court. He watched his legs carry him, powerful arms, solid build, attractive face, curl of his hair bouncing with each step… He was incredibly popular. Kayn, on the other hand, was not at all. He was picked on regularly, bullied relentlessly by Darius and his peers, and those similar. ‘Pretty boy’ he was called because of his blue hairs. ‘Just a woman wannabe’ his long hair in a braid sparked insults. But Kayn was by no means a weakling. He was well versed in martial arts. Despite his ongoing education, his off time was spent taking lessons from a man named Zed. Those lessons often left him with severe injuries for the week at the academy, leaving him to be further laughed at by Darius.
He was athletic and fit. But Darius was much larger. The Noxian was larger, bulkier, and obviously worked out regularly. However it wasn’t at all for show, despite the attention it got him. To Darius, it was about peak performance, being unstoppable, and never letting anyone best him.
Through Kayn’s thoughts and absentmindedness, he didn’t catch when two green orbs locked in on him. Darius looked somewhat confusingly at the dark haired male. “What are you doing here…?” He mumbled under his breath before honing his gaze angrily. “I’ll teach you to intrude on my turf. The gym is mine…” With that, someone down court called out for the team member to pass the ball down. With a wry smirk, the ball was hurled at an intense velocity. However, not to the one who requested it. Just above Kayn’s head, the orange ball slammed into the wall with a frightening bang. It bounced, clipping the male’s shoulder before cleverly reaching the hands of the one who asked for the ball in the first place.
The ninja in training’s shoulder erupted in pain. An injury from training left him vulnerable. Instead of drawing attention, he simply expelled all oxygen from his body and fell to the floor hidden by the stand. Darius let out a laugh, watching the shock on his face followed by him ducking to the ground, or so he thought.
The game continued, both teams tussling for the ball and having it go back and forth. With Noxus ahead and no further points scored, the final horn sounded for the game to be over. All members of the team grouped up and celebrated, joining in on the audience chanting “Noxus! Noxus! Noxus!” A minute passed by when everyone began to disperse. Both teams headed off to their respective locker rooms.
Passing across the gym from Kayn, Darius looked over to see him sat with his knees against his chest. His arm gripped the arm hit with the ball as a tear rolled down his cheek. With a smile, he joined his team and headed out to get changed. The black clothed boy grit his teeth. Zed had broken and dislocated his shoulder just days before. Normally ball hit would hurt and subside quickly, but like salt on a wound he was flooded with uncontrollable agony. “I-… I’ll make you pay. Y-You’ll pay you fucking asshole.”
Gym now clear of all people, Kayn was left completely alone. Both teams were in their changing rooms, some already leaving. The junior stood, storming towards the door and into the corridor. Down the hall was the entrance he sought. A few students exited, ignoring the smaller peer. He then took his chance to sneak in.
NSFW Content under read more
Darius slipped a white dress shirt on unbuttoned, placing the last of his shower items back into a sports bag. “Good shit big D!” A teammate walked up behind the notorious dunk master and slapped his back. “I heard some of the cheerleaders talkin’ about your performances recently. Seems like you’ve got yourself some more than just adoring fans. If you’re headed to your brother’s party tonight, you are SO going to get laid at least one of the girls! Hahaha! You player~! Plus you’re always so pent up and grumpy! Let loose and have a good time with someone for once!”
Darius simply smiled awkwardly and turned around. “You did great too, but I’m way more interested in action than I am in some stupid party. I’ll be there the day after having to clean up his mess as usual. Not to mention some dumb writing project that’s due tomorrow.”
“Come on man! Don’t be a pussy! There’s beer, chicks, music, it’ll be sick! You gotta come! You don’t really have a choice you know!”
“Yeah… I’ll think about it.”
“Alright. See you tonight then man! We gotta celebrate properly!” With that, the second last player exited the locker rooms, leaving Darius almost completely alone.
Behind a wall strolled Kayn, seeing the back of Darius who was placing the last of his sports clothes into his bag. A thud echoed through the empty room as the junior’s bag landed on the ground. Darius slowly turned around, seeing the younger man standing there with his fists up. It took a moment to register before the Noxian burst out into laughter. Leaning over his dress shirt hung open. Kayn could see the other’s chest and stomach heaving in and out as the hearty belly laugh mocked him relentlessly. Back up his back stretched, leaning back and holding his forehead in further mockery. Settling down finally, Darius shook his head in disbelief. “You’re kidding! Right?! Do you even have any idea what you’re doing right now?”
Instead of faltering, Kayn stood his ground. He even took a step forward with readied fists. “You’re a fucking idiot! Hahaha! I mean sure, if you really want to get beaten up again, let’s go. I had no idea you were such a glutton for punishment.” A devilish smile lit up his face, opting to roll up the sleeves of his dress shirt. Although not ideal fighting gear, as it gripped his arms tightly also restricting movement, having the shirt open allowed easier movement.
The shorter male suddenly launched a punch that connected with the other’s solid chest. Kayn grunted angrily, but the sudden stop sent force up to his shoulder. He winced and closed his blue eye, gasping in pain. Darius’ counter was a prompt fist in the gut. Winded, Kayn collapsed to the floor. One arm gripped his shoulder, the other holding his stomach. “What’s your problem?” Darius taunted, picking the male up by the collar and tossing him against the wall.
Through shallow breaths, Kayn winced and pulled his coat off. Desperate for more air, he undid one of the top buttons on his pearly white shirt. “Y-you…” He panted. “You’re my problem! You’re my entire problem! I-I can’t…”
“Fucking idiot. If that’s how it is, then I’ll make myself a real problem!” Grabbing the other’s right arm, he pulled it back and tossed him at the bench. And walking over to him. “You’re a real piece of work. Getting beaten up all week, then turning up after the weekend with more injuries! You’re a fuckin’ sadist aren’t you!” Darius only shook his head and strolled over. Gently pulling his shirt off, he rolled it up and placed it on his bag.
Meanwhile, Kayn coughed at the ground with both arms on the bench. Finally he could breathe, chest still aching. Darius then picked him up, turning him around so he was sitting on the ground. Fiddling with his waist, the button and zip promptly showed his large bulge contained within some black underwear. “Might as well make use of you.” Pulling his length out, Darius slapped his length against Kayn’s cheek. “I haven’t gotten off in weeks. And I gotta say, you’re not too bad. Yeah you’re a woman wannabe and a long haired freak, but you know, I like it.” The smile on Darius’ face widened, blood slowly surging to his loins. Already boasting a half stiff manhood, he promptly pushed it into Kayn’s mouth. There was little to no resistance, the junior taking it without moving at all. Still, only breathing, cock in his mouth.
“You gonna suck it you sadist?” Darius cooed, pulling it back out and stroking it idly.
“You’re fucking disgusting. Dickhead asshole perverted cunt bastard whore!” Kayn’s blood boiled, fuming with rage as he was unable to move due to the piercing pain coursing through his entire body. “I-I’ll fucking… Y-you can’t do this!!! Stop this!!!”
“Hey. You came to me, filthy mouth bitch.” Putting a hand to the blue hair, Darius gently pushed it out of the male’s face. “Definitely a pretty boy.” Once more, the erection was stuffed into Kayn’s mouth. Although inactive, the wetness of his tongue and saliva were covering the musky meat as Darius slowly guided it in and out. The feeling of the other’s tongue on his underside was incredible. He couldn’t help himself from entangling his fingers in the long black hair while rolling his hips back and forth.
The assassin in training sat completely still. His body was entirely limp. All he could do was breathe and blink, watching Darius’ muscular chest while the thick rod invaded his mouth. Although this wasn’t an ideal situation, Kayn couldn’t help but admire just how well toned and bulky the Noxian was. He had pecs, large biceps, and washboard abs. Then there was the V-line that directed attention to his thick manhood.
Eventually, Darius grew tired of the lifelessness, opting to start pumping faster. Noises started unintentionally being made, wet sounds and sloppy saliva being displaced. It was oddly arousing. But this was no fun. “Come on. If you’re gonna want it to hurt to get off, at least struggle. You’re making this really boring!” A while passed by with no changes.
Enough was enough and the Noxian pulled out and lifted Kayn up onto the bench with one hand. It was impressive to watch the man’s thick muscular arm flex as it lifted him. But as fast as he was picked up, the ninja in training was set down with his ass just off the seat. Darius stared down at him with a menacing smile, gripping the hem of the other’s pants and forcing them down. Pulling them all the way off, he was left with only a shirt on as his semi erect dick confusingly resisted the stimulation.
It wasn’t until there was a hard warmth at Kayn’s ass that he finally realised what was going on. “H-hey what are you-… S-sto… Please… D-d…“ The words trailed off as two athletic legs were lifted onto Darius’ broad shoulders. The Noxian entered his junior’s ass, struggling as the saliva was only partially sufficient for penetration.
The words Kayn spouted were futile as he lost his anal virginity, Darius losing his own virginity too. Red flooded the ninja in training’s face, blushing intensely and biting his lip. The cock plunged into him roughly, only half way in and it burned profusely. There was immense pain, but for some reason his own manhood was starting to grow. Tears began to form in the sides of his eyes as he watched Darius spit on his length for more lubricant.
“Oh fuck… I had no idea this felt so good…” Darius moaned, throbbing eagerly and grabbing Kayn’s hips. Beginning to move, he pulled out and pushed back in slowly. The other’s ass gripped around his dick like a vice, but it only made it all the better when he moved. It sent shivers up his spine. The Noxian flexed each time he thrust in, hungry to experience more.
“D-Darius… Please stop…”
The weeping words of Kayn softly flowed out of his lips and caressed Darius’ ears. It was then that he broke from the lusty stupor and began to realise what he was doing. He saw tears roll off his peer’s face. He saw the black ring around his eye. He saw the bruising on his neck, chest and shoulder. With a wet slop, he stepped back. Covering his mouth with his hand, Darius stood in shock before kneeling down.
“What have I done… Oh by the gods… What sort of monster am I…”
Although the other sobbed, the Noxian’s eyes welled with tears. “I-… I don’t know why I am an ass to you Kayn… Fuck… I didn’t mean to do something as fucked up as this… I just… Feel something about you and can only express it… But just doing this…” Two large hands cupped his face, leaning over and hanging his head in shame.
There was a moment of immense dread for the two of them. One almost used on the bench, the other helpless on the ground.
Kayn got up from his place, lowering to the ground and shuffling over to Darius. “Darius…” He finally spoke up, placing a hand on his shoulder. “I like you… That’s… Why I… Keep being around you. B-but…” There was a moment’s silence, neither moving. Without warning, Kayn grabbed Darius’ chin and turned it to face him.
“You’re not a monster. We’re just confused.” He stated before leaning in. There was a mere sliver of air between their lips. They both stared, both eyes locking. “If you like me too… Just kiss me…” Kayn whispered.
Darius waited some time. He looked down shamefully, looking back up sympathetically. Slowly his hand brushed up Kayn’s arm, stopping at the elbow and staring down. The other’s hand then pushed his wrist up further to his cheek. They stayed silent, gazing into each other’s eyes. Gently Kayn nuzzled his cheek into Darius’ palm. The act elicited a soft breath and smile from the both of them.  Both of the Noxian’s arms suddenly wrapped around the smaller male’s body. Lunging forth, he eagerly kissed while also drawing the other tightly to his exposed chest. Their lips smacked together, pressing, nipping, teasing, licking. Passionately their mouths danced together, the junior ending up in his senior’s lap.
Several minutes passed of their intimacy before Darius pulled back. “Come back to my room. I-… I um… I want to do this right.” But when Kayn looked down and saw Darius’ pulsating manhood pressed up against his body, he couldn’t help but smile.
“Yeah. And I can help you with that project that’s keeping you busy tonight.” Kayn cooed.
“Wait, but I don’t have a project…”
“You do now~”
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god-hunter · 7 years
Tumblr media
Secret Empire #0
This was the big one folks.  A giant sized 0 issue, which apparently wasn’t even the first one you were supposed to read.
There are 3 other prelude issues to this, which I won’t bother collecting.  One from U.S Avengers, where it seems Captain America shook things up with Roberto DaCosta.  Another in the Thunderbolts book, I think.  And finally his own Captain America: Steve Rogers book, where he finally revealed his outward villainy, apparently.
...Before I go any further, I should mention to anyone not in the know, that since the Pleasant Hill event ended and Steve Rogers triumphantly returned with his youth, Nick Spencer left us with a nasty cliff-hanger.  And that was the fact that, Kobik (the cosmic diety that brought him back) was being manipulated by Red Skull.
This only spelled bad news for Cap, as Spencer spent an entire year setting up the idea that Steve was never a genuine American Hero, but really a Secret Hydra Agent, deep deep undercover for years.  [Come on, man.  Really!?]
Now.. this is old news.  People hated Captain America: Steve Rogers #1 the world over.  Then others saw through the whole ploy when they stayed on for Steve Rogers #2.  Since then, I think Marvel audiences have been split between hating on this entire plot thread, and others finding it downright brilliant.
I... have avoided it like the plague.  Brian Bendis had the chance during Civil War II to hint at us that Cap wasn’t being genuine, or secretly harboring evil thoughts or whatever, and he didn't.  He left Spencer to his devices, who handled a pretty well written Epilogue to Civil War II.
That very same epilogue hinted at what’s to come right here in Secret Empire.  Steve Rogers and Sharon Carter were in power once again.  And this time, as Top Cop, he was going to make sure he was going to follow through with his “true” mission.
[Give me a break man.  He’s obviously gonna break out of this.  But in the meantime, Marvel audiences are beyond frustrated at the straight up blasphemy and downright betrayal that Spencer has created for the Captain America fanbase.]  And I think that’s a fair Pre-Assessment.
As for this issue.  It was really well written.  It’s very dense.  There’s a lot going on.  And some of it is a bit much.  And I was definitely left feeling bummed out by the end of it.  Steve Rogers is definitely breaking my heart a little bit, here.  But I’d also like to think I understand where Spencer is going with this.  And I can only hope that he’s going to deliver a major redeeming factor somewhere down the line, towards the end of all this.
In the mean time.  Let the Secret Empire begin.
Warning.  This was a very long issue, and I don’t want to leave a single detail out.  So the rest of this review may be tl;dr.  I’ll do my best to move the points along though.
We start with a “Flashback” from 1945 in Japan where Captain America secretly reported to his Hydra boss, Kraken.  [Already, I’m not in love.]
Along with Kraken is what I thought was Sir Isaac Newton from the Sorcerers Supreme book, but I could be wrong.  Anyway, they tell him that the Allies are about to use a ‘Cosmic Cube’ to rewrite reality itself.  And not to believe them when he falls into their will.  {To make us believe that all those years as an Avenger, he was somehow being manipulated.}
Through some really nice visuals, we see Cap’s heroic history unfold, even though he now believes that it was in-genuine.  That is to say, he believes his “true mission” is to betray them.
After that strange flashback, we’re treated to an interesting Character Page.
This book is going to host Steve Rogers & Sharon Carter at S.H.I.E.L.D. Command [obviously], both Ironheart AND Iron Man in Michigan..
The Ultimates and other cosmic favorites like Hyperion and the new Quasar, (which was kind of nice to see.)  The Guardians of the Galaxy minus Drax will be around.
At New York City, we get to see the Defenders in action for the first time, which is pretty exciting.  I’m no stranger to Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, Iron Fist and Daredevil, but to see them finally get the Team Treatment and recognition since Bendis wrapped up New Avengers vol. 2, is really nice.  Also with them is Spider-Woman, Doctor Strange, Cloak and Dagger.  The Uncanny Avengers will also be featured in this book, which I enjoy.  [Guess I’ll be collecting those tie ins.]  Did I mention The Wasp is there too?  Janet Van Dyne.  Not the new one.
And of course this event wouldn’t be complete without some Hydra Forces such as Baron Zemo and his Army of Evil.
Now...  Before I continue, I noticed a significant lack of ‘Actual’ Avengers.  ...is Waid staying out of this??  Does Spencer not care about them??
What of Clint Barton?  Won’t he have something to say about an evil Cap in Power?
Well.  We’ll see I guess.  I’m getting ahead of myself here.  Apparently Captain America: Sam Wilson explained his absence from this event already.  =/
Once we finally get into the issue, I’m already confused.  I’ve already missed something.  There are apparently 3 red dots on the trouble map, which S.H.I.E.L.D. has failed to stop for months, and now it feels like the end is nigh.
[Also, I’m completely thrown off by her old appearance in this issue, meanwhile in Infamous Iron Man, she’s totally young and fresh looking.  I could’ve sworn she looked the same in CWII’s epilogue as well.]
Well, anyway, we get to see Captain Marvel, the Ultimates and other Cosmic friends take action in space against the Chitauri.
[You would think Al Ewing would set some of this up for Ultimates 2 tie-ins, but he definitely has some other pointless things going on in his pocket of the universe.]
As the Ultimates fight in space, Ironheart, and apparently Tony’s mobile armored A.I. is able to fully work alongside her.  [As if Tony was never in a coma or something..  Hah!]
I have no idea what they’re doing.  I wish I could say what they’re analyzing.  But outside, New York is burning.
This is where we find that The Defenders are up against Nitro, who has nothing but vengeance on his mind since Pleasant Hill, which happened more than a year ago at this point.  [Where was this before?]
“Know that it is their sins you die for now!”
The action is pretty awesome on the ground and in space as Sharon worries with a pensive Steve from the Helicarrier.  The panels are scattered and frantic, although aligned neatly along the page.
Narrations build things up in past tense.
“This is how we were betrayed.”  The mysterious story continues to unfold.
Apparently in space, the new Quasar dies, or we are lead to believe that, as a huge alien swallows her whole.
From the Helicarrier, Cap commands, “We need that shield!”
[THATS what Riri and Tony A.I are working on!!]
{I have a weird theory that Tony’s A.I. slacked on getting the shield up in time, but I have little-to-nothing to back up that theory.}
In New York, Jessica Jones definitely saves the Defenders from getting blown up by Nitro, who just suicide bombed the area.
It almost seems as if something fatal happened to her, but we find that is not the case the next time we see them.
Cutting further to the chase, Riri and Tony A.I get the shield up, but in the process Steve basically locks the Ultimates out of Earth.
The Unity Squad touches down by the Defenders, where Rogue mentions something about guessing they’re Avengers again.
[I know this team got rocked recently, but I forget why.  Do they know that Steve is Hydra..?  Or just don’t trust him??  I gotta read up on them again.]
For a minute it looks like they all won.  [But as I said.  Steve locked the Ultimates out of Earth and, he makes this betrayal apparent soon after.]
He even allowed his own Hellicarrier to be brought down by Hydra Agents who invade the place.
They all arrive before Steve and Sharon and aim their guns at her.  He orders them not to shoot and to stand down, which confuses Sharon.
...This thing gets all over the place after that.  With Carol and the Ultimates finding out that they’re officially screwed and left for dead as more and more Chitauri waves come for them, we’re given an interesting caption.  “Stage One. Alpha Flight Space Station.”
Then we see that Zemo is outside of New York on a speedboat with Blackoutm as he holds the Darkholde book.  [Ah come on man.  That’s just pandering to casual S.H.I.E.L.D. TV fans...]
Zemo and/or Blackout initiate Stage Two, which is putting New York City in darkness, isolating it via a Darkforce Dimension.
We see Doctor Strange try to stop it, but it is unknown to us at this time if it did anything.
Then, we get to see our ‘Actual’ Avengers, the Champions and Spider-man move into action, as everyone starts to notice that something is up.
Tony A.I. calls “All Avengers” into action.
“If you can hear this, your services are required immediately-- We are under attack....  This is threat level red, Defcon Infinity Stuff here, people--  We need you to get to Washington D.C.!!!”
On the last page, we see Hellicarriers hover above the White House and a caption read, “Stage Three. Washington D.C. Objective: Hydra takeover. Mission: Underway.”
-To Be Continued!-
So yes.  A lot is going on.
And the end was very exciting.
But what the Hell am I reading Spencer??
And why did Marvel think this was the direction we needed to take???
Now.  I’m not gonna complain until I get more of a feel for what’s going on here.
So far this is definitely different.
But, I feel like Marvel is definitely throwing all of the wrenches in the cogs at this point, because they’ve promised apparently that this will be the Last Event for a while.  Thank God.
[I never thought I’d say that, because I love events.  It’s what got me into collecting in the first place.  But at this point, it’s clear that they’re a cash grab and not a story enhancer.  And not for nothing, but none of these Universe-changing events hold any weight when we know they’re just gonna get changed again in 3 months.]
So yeah.  In that regard, I am looking forward to wherever this event goes.
Because if Marvel inevitably hits the Reset Button again?  It’d be nice to see them stick to a plan this time...  And maybe.. Stop with the damn New #1′s.
...Until Secret Empire #1!
[This issue definitely felt like a #1...]
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