#they are regular normal capybaras
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negativnine · 3 months ago
The thing that i love the most about this update is the capybaras
like yeah, that's obvious but not for the reason you might think
cus like let's think for a second so far (as far as i remember) anytime we have seen an animal in crk it's food-fied like: the cake hounds/wolf, the blueberrybirds, the cheesebirds, the spice enemies from the last update etc. and as you can see this goes both for their names and desings
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but like
these guys are just
straight up normal capybaras
again don't get me wrong i love those little guys, but in a game so based in food and sweets and the alike feels a little wierd to see regular animals
But that's not all
in a little side tanget we see Cobalt stacking tangariens on their head
cute, right?
well, yeah but we never REALLY see Cobalt stack those tangariens. It's shown in the usual visual noval-like style crk has so Cobalt is never show next to the capybara
and since we know there are regular humans (or were) in the cookieverse (cus withces and wizards)
Thes could potentialy be really just REGULAR capybaras like regular OUR SIZED capybaras
Which means Cobalt saw this huge creature just chillin, thought it looked peacefull, picked up a HIM sized Tangarien, mounted said creature, and placed it on it's head
and he did this, mulitpul times
but of course cus of the capybara themed decors within the update, it's pretty easy to asume that these are cookie sized capybaras
But then i start to think as to WHY are they not food themed?
did they have a meeting about this? did they try to come up with an appropriate food theme for these guys and one of 'em was just like "nah man, let's leave 'em normal"
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tldr.: these guys are so normal, and the implacations of that is so funny that just makes me love them more
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rhiaarrow · 1 year ago
Today was an up and down day as a Ghostie to be honest, but right now? I'm actually happy.
I'm not gonna be consuming any qsmp content unless Bad decides to play on the server and I'm extending my Qsmpblr break indefinitely BUT I just wanna share why I'm not upset about this development in the hopes that I can help other Ghosties or other communities who might be a little bit more upset, see things from the brighter side.
I came back from having dinner, I'd left Bad's stream up on my TV so I just sat back down to continue watching the chat torment Bad while he played.
I'd already seen the documents on Twitter so I knew what had happened and I was just trying to enjoy Bad's stream and not think about it too much that our little Sunshines were now officially gone.
But I literally only managed to watch a minute or two of regular chaos content before I heard Bad's sad little "Hi Pomme" and he started talking with Lumi in chat. I was literally fudging crying by the time Shade (Dapper) showed up as well.
Then with Lea (Dansir) and Pancks (Agent 18) hanging out for a little bit too I was just, I mean it's Bad's allergies bro, they're contagious I swear.
The only thing that was upsetting me about the announcements earlier in the day about their admins leaving the project wasn't that they were leaving. Nah fuck that, they should do whatever they feel is their best option and if that's leaving the server then they should leave the server, simple as.
What was upsetting me was the thought that after a year of getting to know them, not just as their characters but as their adms too, we might just never see them again.
Those little guys were just amazing within their eggy shells or not, I mean hell when they were playing other characters like capybaras we still knew who they were, we just got to know them as a whole and I was so sad that we were likely gonna see a few of them go as they left the Quackity Studios team.
But seeing Lumi and Shade tonight hanging out with the Ghosties and Bad, teasing him and talking to him like normal even after they've formally left the project. I'm honestly glad that people have decided to do what was the best option for them.
The situation was toxic, there's no denying that, and I'm so happy that people are realizing that and doing what they feel is best for them.
But I'm so so so glad we still get to see them and they're not just a blip in our memories. I imagine we'll be seeing Shade and Lumi in Bad's chat every once in a while (I mean hey, Lumi said that Bad wasn't getting rid of them lmao) and it's just nice to know they're still okay even if we won't see their eggy characters any longer ❤️
They probably won't see this but
Thank you so much for everything, you were everything to us for months and I know I speak for every Ghostie when I say that we wish you all the best, and feel free to stop by in chat whenever you like, we'd love to have you around.
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marshallpupfan · 1 year ago
New Marshall Pics! (Season 10, Ep. 20)
It's been a while since I've done this, eh? Well, a new episode premiered early on KnowledgeKids, and I'm quite happy it did, since... well, you'll see!
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The first segment - "Pups vs. The Hum-Flectors"
As you can see from the title card... it's an Ultimate Fire Rescue!! Wow, we haven't seen one of these in the original TV series since all the way back in season 6! As many of you know, the Ultimate Fire Gear is my favorite outfit of Marshall's, so I was of course thrilled to see him wear it again! And the Ultimate Fire Truck, too... that thing is legit cool. :)
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Just some before-the-mission screenshots before I get to the good stuff. The pups were digging holes for some plants, if you're curious.
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And now, some pics during the mission! Again, it was awesome seeing Ultimate Fire Marshall again! However, you want to know the other big surprise?
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Unlike the theatrical films, the TV series often shies away from fire. It's always either off-screen, implied, something smoldering or getting too hot, or in the case of Sparks (from Rescue Knights), his "fire breath" is more of a hot mist. The last time we seen an actual uncontrolled fire was... all the way back in season 1. And yet, they had an actual fire in this episode... TWO, in fact! Color me surprised!
My only complaint is that, despite what I described, the whole thing felt kind of... small in scale. Marshall's regular gear and firetruck could've easily handled the situation just fine, and the other stuff just required two pups in their normal gear. Still, I won't pass up the opportunity to see my favorite character in his best outfit!
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And the second segment - "Pups Save a Capybara".
I don't have much to say about this one. Tracker's involved, so that's cool. Anyone notice the cartoon seems to be using him a lot more lately? Either way, outside of him, it was just Chase and Zuma. Otherwise, Winnie Winnington showed up again, and I won't blame you if you don't remember who she is. Overall, not as good as the last segment, but it's hard to compete with an Ultimate Fire Rescue. ;)
That's all for now!
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scarletsaphire · 1 year ago
Wes has caught Danny Fenton using ghost powers in public more times than he can count, and yet no one ever notices. At long last, he confronts Danny to figure out why.
For Ectoberhaunt day 11: calm (im not late you're early also im sick so i have an excuse.)
Wes had heard a lot throughout his life that he was not good with emotions, to put it nicely. He agreed most of the time. Wes considered himself a logical person. Sure, photography and videography was a creative pursuit, and most people didn't consider cryptids logical, but that was just because people didn't like to see the hard truths. Now was a perfect example.
Wes had figured out that Danny Fenton was that new ghost child that had been flying around within a few weeks of the first spotting. It had been ridiculously easy. Wes had known Danny through a school project he'd done with Jasmine, and the two of them looked so similar there was no way they weren't connected somehow. Even if they had looked different, you'd have to be blind, deaf, and an idiot to not notice all of the ghost stuff Danny did on a regular basis. In just the past week, Wes had watched Danny grab pencils out of his own chest, float over the puddle the busted water fountain left, turn invisible in the middle of the hallway, fall through the floor after tripping on his shoelaces, and bend his arm with far more joints than any human arm should have. And yet, despite all of this being in plain view, not hidden at all, not a soul had noticed it.
It was fine. Wes was used to people ignoring clear evidence. Normally the evidence was a picture or a video, not clear evidence in front of someone, but he was still used to it. They were probably just seeing what they expected to see. Most people weren't able to recognize the signs of the supernatural until it busted down the side of a building. That had been what Amity Park needed to start believing in ghosts after all. In this type of situation, all Wes would need to do was bring attention to it. If he said that it was weird, it would give them the subconscious permission to recognize it as weird as well.
Except, when Wes had pointed out the discrepancy to one of his friends, they'd just shrugged. "It ain't none of my business dude," he'd said.
"What do you mean none of your business?" Wes sputtered. "You just watched him stick his hand into his locker without opening the door! How is that not your business?"
He shrugged. "Why should I care what the kid gets up to? Besides, he has chill vibes."
"Chill vibes?" Wes asked. "You don't even know him! How can you say he has chill vibes?"
"Just look at him."
Wes was, in fact. looking at him. Danny was talking animatedly about something. In this case, animatedly meant performing what could be a scene from some karate movie and miraculously not hitting anyone around him, despite the fact he definitely should. "What about that that says chill vibes to you?"
Wes's friend shrugged. "I don't know dude. People either got chill vibes or they don't, and he definitely has them. Maybe you broke your vibe meter with how rancid yours are. Anyway, I gotta get to class. See ya around!" He took off at a leisurely stroll down the hallway, leaving Wes to keep glaring at Danny.
Wes knew he was right. It was clear as day! But it didn’t matter what evidence he found, or who he presented it to, every last person always had the same reaction. “Why should I care when he’s such a calm guy?” They said it differently, of course, but that was the heart of all of their statements.
It only took three tries for the statement to end up on Wes’s cork board. He could recognize the influence of the supernatural when he saw it. Unfortunately, it looked like there was only one thing left to do.
"I need to talk to you, ghost boy," Wes said, slamming shut Danny's locker door in front of him.
He watched as Danny glanced nervously over at Tucker, who shrugged in response. The Manson girl wasn't here; Wes had chosen a time specifically to avoid her. She was far too good at talking her way out of  things, and kicking her way out of things she couldn't talk her way out of. Also, she was scary, but Wes wouldn't admit that. "Because my parents are ghost hunters, very creative," Danny said with a fake laugh.
"No, because you're Phantom, and I have questions."
Danny froze completely, as if someone had hit the pause button. He didn't blink, didn't breathe, staying perfectly still as he stared up at Wes. It would have been freaky, if Wes hadn't been prepared. But he was prepared, so he didn't back down. "Fine. But can we make it quick? I have a test next period, and I'm really hoping to at least finish it." 
Danny grabbed a hold of Wes's wrist, and dragged him through the wall. That was significantly weirder, and if Wes didn't have to worry about getting stuck in the wall, he'd probably fight against the grip. Since getting stuck halfway through the wall was a concern, Wes let it happen. Danny let go once they'd surfaced in an empty classroom, the window in the door blocked off with cardboard. Wes stumbled slightly, the shock of physically not existing and then existing again rushing over him.
"You could at least give a guy a warning," Tucker grumbled, straightening his hat.
"Don't you remember the standing warning I gave you?" Danny asked. "You should expect to be dragged through walls and/or the air at any time for as long as you're friends with me."
"I still don't think that's a proper warning, but whatever."
Danny rolled his eyes and turned back to Wes who had managed to stabilize himself. "So, what do you want?"
"I want to know why no one notices that you're a ghost when you're doing stuff like that every day," Wes started. "I have caught you on camera dozens of times, and pointed out you sticking your head through your locker in person to so many people, and they all ignore it. How are you doing it?"
"Oh, is that all?" Danny asked, his shoulders lowering slightly as he untensed. "I have a calming aura to most people. Makes it so they just don't see my weirdness as important. What did we call it again?"
"Capybara effect," Tucker said. "After those big cuddly guys."
"Yea, those things."
"If you have this so called Capybara effect, how come I've never noticed it?"
Danny shrugged. "No idea. Maybe you're resistant to ghostly mind manipulation, or maybe you're just so uptight that even it can't help. Jazz did say you could do with relaxing some, and if Jazz says that, you know it's bad."
Before Wes could respond, Tucker's PDA went off. "We have to be in class in t-minus thirty seconds, so if that's everything..."
Danny grabbed Tucker's hand. "Hopefully we won't be seeing you around again, but I feel like that's just wishful thinking." Danny said, giving a lazy salute and blinking the two of them into invisibility.
Wes took a deep breath through his nose. At least he got his answer.
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Maybe it's a dumb question, but I'm very curious...
Does Anacondrai stop growing or they continue to grow the more they eat? If so, how tall Kai can because in the latest season after eating so much ?
No, actually, this is a very good question I hadn't really thought through before!
The biggest limitation is a consistent food source. An Anacondrai can't get super-sized after swallowing a deer whole. It would have to consistently be eating that much over more time. But digesting food (bones and all) takes time and energy. Anacondrai are at their most vulnerable right after large meals because they become more lethargic and slow. So while there's no hard limit on how large Anacondrai get, they have softer limitations of how much food they can access and digest over a limited time and still being capable enough to fight off threats.
Kai doesn't get a lot taller overtime, because even though he's eating more food, it's not, say, an entire capybara every single day. It's normal human food that he eats like a regular human person instead of unhinging his jaw and swallowing entire animals. He may get a bit taller but overall, it's not much. Anacondrai Skylor is still taller than him.
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bengiyo · 1 year ago
VIP Only Eps 1 & 2 Stray Thoughts
The last few shows from Taiwan have been so shaky or bad. I really want this one to be good.
Episode 1
We start with a sleek sign, soft music, a lot of food, and visible facial hair. This is a good sign.
Oh ho. Both leads seem super serious about their professions.
Chapter 1: Where did you get the inspiration?
You can't fall in love if you ain't clumsy!!!
Hey, that's the actor who played Big A in My Tooth Your Love.
Ope, he's being a shit to one of their regulars. That's right. Apologize.
Oh no. Our writer is still sad about a het boy from college.
Seems like his editor is very frustrated with him.
Capybaras look so unbothered all the time.
I don't know who this meddlesome friend is, but I am actually okay being set up on dates.
Oh this date has gotten awkward as hell fast.
I don't care for A-ke. That felt mean.
He been drankin'
I want to try this soup.
Somebody take his drunk ass home! You can't just be kissing people like this!
Episode 2
Chapter 2: Folding a bluebird for you.
I like this meddlesome friend. He thinks there's potential with this boss and is letting this happen.
I'm curious about the boss's kindness, too.
Y'all, this man really fell into the whole tub.
I'm not sure what I would do if one of my favorite writers became a regular patron of my establishment and then I carried him upstairs to his room when he was drunk, and then I also learned that he's having a hard time with writer's block.
Did this grumpy server get drunk with Liu-li's meddlesome friend??
This man also made congee for him? I know this writer better figure it out quick!
I would like to thank Taiwan for letting a character be drunk for most of an episode and not once threatening me with vomit.
I like this so far! It's so refreshingly normal! The antics aren't over the top. There's tasty food and relaxing music. Everyone is attractive and grown looking. I really hope this one doesn't stumble.
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benevolentdinosaur · 3 months ago
i think it's a pretty well known phenomenon that when you have a regular animal and make it smaller than normal it becomes adorable.
Like the mouse deer! Or those tiny chameleons the size of a thumbnail!
But I think the reverse is true to a certain degree. Capybaras are so charming because they are basically guinea BIGS. Recently I saw I doc featuring a Paroon Shark Catfish which can grown up to 3m in length!
And my immediate reaction upon seeing this giant freshwater beast was:
😍 cuddly!!
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kazutakas-pinch · 1 year ago
Sleeping Habits
Yuiji regularly deals with insomnia. If he can't fall asleep, he'll go bug Azuki until he's bored or go on walks in the dead night. It worried his mom when he started doing that as a middle schooler, but she's been ignoring the door creaking open and close at 2am once he graduated to high school.
Entirely depends on his day. Normally, he falls asleep pretty easily and he likes to stick to a regular sleeping schedule even when he doesn't have school because he's naturally so bad at waking up. However, any embarrassing or anxiety-ridden incident will keep him up as the memory runs again and again in his mind.
Hongou knocks out immediately. He'll promise to videocall Mayu, but he'll get too comfy on the couch and accidentally ghost her. He'll lay down on his bed to take a nap and fall asleep with his phone on his face. He's the type of person to wake up with the sun though and doesn't need to use an alarm clock.
Nacchan has a really bad sense of time. She'll tell herself that she's going to sleep at a certain time but will inevitably get distracted by something like a capybara hot springs compilation video or get carried away with crocheting a daisy coaster and have to scramble to brush her teeth and sleep an hour after she was supposed to. Like Yamato, she's also naturally bad waking up, but she has five alarms set to wake herself up. Her brother is a light sleeper and hates them.
Seki usually has a pretty set sleeping schedule and just wakes up with a ring of an alarm on his phone. However, occasionally, he gets really invested in a new video game, and his sleeping schedule will get absolutely demolished. His hyperfixation usually only crests for about a week though before he returns to normalcy.
Mayu has a Type A pre-sleep routine. She has all her steps of skincare to go through and doesn't let herself surf on her phone right before she sleeps. If she ever sleeps through her alarm or goes to sleep accidentally later than she intended, she'll be a bit grumpy for the rest of the day. She definitely relies on caffeine to get through these days.
What is a sleep schedule? Sakura sleeps when he wants and wakes when he wants. He begrudgingly sets an alarm on school days, but other than that, does not abide by any regular schedule. If he's in the middle of a riveting drama, he will sleep when the birds are chirping and wake up at 4pm with no remorse. He hates taking naps though; they give him headaches.
Akiyama is a doomscroller. Social media algorithms have him on lock and he just can't escape scrolling through instagram reels of impressive skateboard tricks, thirst traps, and cute dogs. Miyano had to force him to delete TikTok when it was first released because Akiyama just couldn't escape. Other than staring at a blue screen for a little too much before he sleeps though, Akiyama's got a pretty standard sleep schedule. He'll wake up and sleep regularly for school and wakes up a bit later on his weekends.
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2boldlyqueer · 6 months ago
This has popped off more than most of my posts, so I want to add some resources for folks about IDs.
The number one thing that helped me start writing IDs was this image:
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[ImageID: A guide to writing alt text, titled "Writing Alt Text". There are five bubbles of different colors underneath with writing in them. "Identify who" is in green, "expression" is in pink, "description" is in blue, "color" is in yellow, and "interesting features" is in orange. Beneath that is a photo of a capybara with an image description next to it that reads, "A capybara looking relaxed in a hot spa. Yellow yuzu fruits are floating in the water, and one is balanced on the top of the capybara's head. This text is marked with different colors that show what part of the ID describes which of the important components. At the bottom it says "Source: veroniiiica.com" and the word Puzzle as a stylized logo. /EndID]
After seeing that, I checked the source for the image, and found a very helpful website called Veroniiiica (Veronica with Four Eyes). It's a site by someone with low vision about all sorts of visual accessibility. I recommend exploring her posts to learn more about life with and accommodations for visually impaired folks, but if you only read one she's got the most comprehensive guide to IDs and alt text:
She also gets into the difference between alt text and image descriptions, which is important to understand, as they are different things! I find alt text much more difficult than image descriptions because they need to be as brief as possible.
Tumblr thankfully allows a longer alt text, so if I don't have the energy to be super concise I can still put something there. However, only the person who is uploading the image on Tumblr can add alt text, so it's better to put something there even if it doesn't hit every category in the image above.
For formatting, this is a good post talking about formatting of image descriptions and alt text. The rest of Lane's blog, @askablindperson, is full of helpful info about image descriptions and other blindness related resources! The OP, @normal-thoughts-official, also has a lot of great accessibility related stuff on their blog.
The very short summary of that post is that you should include alt text AND image descriptions whenever possible, try to keep the ID as close to the image itself as possible, make sure to put ID and End ID at the beginning and end, only use regular text (don't make it tiny, italic, a different color, or things like that), and that the very common practice of using brackets isn't necessary. Also, don't put them under a "keep reading"! Those often glitch or break, so you can't guarantee everyone who needs the ID will be able to get to it.
If you still want to read more about how to ID, this masterpost by @cepheusgalaxy is awesome (and helped me refind the specific resources I'm highlighting): https://www.tumblr.com/cepheusgalaxy/752115718263373824/image-descriptions-tips-tuts-masterpost
On a final note, the two best things for improving your IDs are to write a lot of them, and to read other people's! Many of us who do descriptions will tag the posts they ID with something like "described". In addition to anyone mentioned in this post already and anyone who made posts in the masterpost, I recommend looking at any of these blogs. Many have resources of their own on IDing, and some are just folks I've noticed are particularly good at IDs and could remember. @accessible-art @cannondisabledcharacters @can-i-make-image-descriptions @accessibleaesthetics @online-accessibility-sideblog @disabled-dragoon @disabledsun
Listen, I know we're all exhausted, but we gotta get better about adding image descriptions to disability related stuff. Everyone should be IDing everything anyways, but there's a particularly cruel irony in disability related stuff not being accessible to folks with low/no vision.
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autumnalwalker · 11 months ago
Happy WBW!!
Does your story have any special animals, or beliefs about cryptids?
So, for Empty Names, being the urban fantasy setting it is, this is basically a case of "name a cryptid or critter out of mythology or folklore and chances are it probably exists in some form and at some point wandered into this world from a more fantastical one." An answer that is somehow dull and boring for how much it implies.
The Archivist's Journal on the other hand lends itself better to giving more specifics for answering this ask.
For "special animals" the one that shows up most frequently are the ox-sized capybara-like creatures that serve as the primary beasts of burden for the people of the Village. Cass's family has one that pulls their wagon from their farm into town and back for market day every week and the Archivist frequently hitches a ride for those trips. These animals aren't magical or anything, just kind of neat, especially for the Archivist who hasn't spent a lifetime around them (unless you count the Archivist's life as having started at the start of the story). Similarly, if one travels to the smaller outlying islands one will encounter all sorts of unique, relatively isolated ecosystems with species not seen elsewhere. But at the end of the day it's still all mundane-but-novel variations on existing real-world animals; an ecologist's dream but nothing supernatural. Well, mostly pretty normal. There is that one island with giant herbivorous cats with human-like teeth and horizontal pupils.
That said, the wold of the Village does have creatures that could well qualify as "cryptids".
Shades: The morning of every full and new moon (give or take a couple days) a thick grey mist settles over the world and slowly grows thicker until by late afternoon one can barely see past one's outstretched arm. Once the sun goes down the mists will briefly thin, just long enough for someone who doesn't know better to risk going outside. And then the mists will thicken again and shadowy, almost human-shaped figures with glowing white sphere for eyes will congeal out of the mists. It is said that those caught by the shades will be taken away, never to be seen again, but the shades can will not enter homes or go out on the water. When the sun rises the mists will disperse and the shades will sink back into the ground until the next mist night. As creepy as that all sounds, the people of the Village are pretty blasé about the shades, almost as if they were simply an inconvenient but predictable weather phenomenon. And, in truth, with the regularity of mist days and the day-long warning to get indoors the shades are in fact easy to avoid. Maybe one person every twenty or thirty years is foolish or unlucky enough to get taken. However, since it's a fact of life that everyone knows about, that means that there's a good chance that no one will think to warn the rare outsider that washes up on the shores of the Village. Most people pointedly avoid speculation as to what the shades actually are, but on the equinox festivals there's a tradition of villagers dressing up as shades and carrying sacks of treats. These false shades stick to the shadows of the Village's many winding alleys and try to grab anyone who wanders within arm's reach of the shadows without offering a treat for the sack. Those caught by the false shades then switch places with them, dawning the costume and taking the sack for themselves until the moment the equatorial equinox eliminates all shadows. At this point all the false shades abandon their posts and rush into the marketplace forum where they'll throw off their costumes, dance to the festival's music, and distribute the treats from their sacks to the waiting crowds.
Mist Giants: On the mist days, while the sun is still up, sometimes the mists will briefly thin enough to see a halfway to a hazy grey horizon. When this happens, if one is looking closely, one can see varied alien silhouettes of slightly darker grey striding the landscape on the edge of visibility. As toweringly vast as these these creatures appear, they make no sound, always appear distant, and leave no sign of their passage.
Nature Sprites: Few people have ever seen a nature sprite with their own eyes, but everyone knows someone who has. These sprites are known for only being seen when they want to be seen, appearing and disappearing abruptly. Those that have been documented all look to be made of plants grown or carved into a humanoid shape, but they vary greatly in size, body type, and what plants they appear to be made of. If they are capable of speech, either its not anything humans can understand or they just choose not to speak when people are around. It is unclear how much they can understand people that try to talk to them and sometimes seem to act on alien logic and motivations. The most common form of interaction between sprites and people is when a sprite takes an interest in an individual and begins haunting them, appearing and disappearing at random, playing pranks, and never revealing itself to anyone else. Encounters with haunting sprites can range from entertaining, to annoying, to downright terrifying, sometimes abruptly and dramatically switching tone. Some stories tell of haunting sprites abducting their chosen person and disappearing for days or even months, only for the haunted one to suddenly reappear in the woods somewhere in daze with almost no memory of their time away. For all this, haunting sprites have been observed to protect their haunted when the are in danger. There is also a certain hotspring on one of the far outlying islands fabled for its healing properties that sprites will congregate around and soak in at night.
The Wandering God: A being superficially resembling the nature sprites, but far larger, towering above the trees that it casually pushes aside in its seemingly random wanderings. It seems to avoid the Village, but when out in the wilds, the creaking and shaking sound of trees being bent with its passage and then snapping back into place is a sure sign that the Wandering God is near. If one crosses the Wandering God's path, tradition (or perhaps superstition) is to stop moving and avert one's eyes until It passes by. Even the nature sprites in their rare and raucous gatherings will go quiet and scatter back into the woods when the Wandering God arrives. It has been known to replant fallen logs upright in the ground where they'll start sprouting into new growth. Legend has it that a reckless outsider once antagonized the Wandering God and was turned into a tree.
And then there's the honorary cryptids that are Maiko and her mother. Not all outsiders that wash up in this world originate from the same world, nor all all of them have forms we would traditionally think of as human. Until a (mostly) chance encounter taking refuge in the Archivist's home on a mist night, Maiko had spent her whole life with the fear drilled into her by her mother that the people of the Village would regard her as a monster if she ever showed herself.
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antisolararc · 2 years ago
📚 and🐁 for Audrist and 🌌 for Tjong ?
📚Your OC has to improvise a 10 minute lecture about a topic of their choosing. What do they chose? (Audrist)
It would be about different types of glass, and it would be filled with jargon and weird tangents. He'd be flustered as hell the entire time, too. Audrist doesn't particularly like to talk about his work - he'd rather just work. But it (or something adjacent to it) is really the only thing he'd be able to talk about for that long.
🐁Capybaras are friend-shaped. What shape does your OC have? (Audrist)
My first instinct was to answer this with an animal shape, but I'm not sure that's actually what the question means? lol. But he is... quite creature-esque in demeanor, second only to Ivrel.
Well, if it's an animal shape, I think he's a tokay gecko. Bitey little bastard. I nearly gave him long, slitted pupils like one, too. Didn't go all the way with it, so that you could still tell if he was looking up or down. If it's an... anything shape, or like, a vibes shape, he is shaped like a pair of pliers. Or one of those bloody stickman reaction images.
🌌your OC has a nightmare, what’s it most likely about? (Tjong)
He doesn't dream like a human, so I have a theoretical answer to this question and one that's consistent with how he normally works :3
If did have a regular nightmare, though, it would be about death, or killing someone he cares about. Of course, he'd never do that, but what if he had? What if things had turned out just a little different? What if he was like the other Chariots? But the worst part is how easy it would have been (well, for most of them at least). It's deeply disconcerting to him how quickly humans can just die.
The canon-compliant answer is that he initially sees nothing while he rests, until he wakes up in the Astral Lounge - a place on the thin border between the astral and terrestrial realms, where simulacra and reliquaries are sometimes able to wander in their sleep. You can sometimes encounter others there; the more familiar you are with someone in real life, the more likely you are to come across them in the Astral Lounge. By the time he awakens there, he is mortified of seeing Lian (due to circumstances that I shall not yet detail) and goes to great lengths to avoid her.
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littlepup93 · 11 months ago
Doing these for my OC Gregory, because I haven't exactly shared the rest of the cast yet. :)
🛏️ What does your OC’s bed look like? What would they like their bed to look like?
His bed's a narrow cot that's pretty tidy, but sparse. It's one pillow that's practically flat at this point, and a red and white woolen blanket. It's consistently covered in dog hair. If he had the space, he'd have a bigger bed so that when Gin climbs up, she's not constantly sleeping on him.
🐁 Capybaras are friend-shaped. What shape does your OC have?
Strung out alcoholic shaped.
🌧️ What is the favorite thing for you OC to do on a rainy day?
He enjoys a good dice game if he can't go outside. If the rain's not that bad though, he'll gladly take a walk.
🪨 Someone gifts your OC a shiny rock. What do they do with it?
His sister used to do this to him when they were kids (she's 5 years younger), so there's a little nook in his childhood bedroom where he tucked them away. If someone gave him one now, he'd probably still clean it off and find a home for it on a shelf.
🐹 Which would be your OCs favorite Pokemon? What kind of trainer would they be?
Oh god, I don't know much about Pokemon because I wasn't allowed any portable games as a kid and have these vague memories of the anime. *starts googling to come up with an answer* Probably a Manectric? Generally that lightning styled dog-like animal's his vibe. As for what kind of trainer, he definitely would be the sort that just sorta lets the one he's been bonding with most hang out outside the ball with him. Sees them more like a regular pet than a battle monster.
🎲 If your OC played a pen and paper RPG, what class would they pick? Warrior, mage, thief, ranger, cleric, paladin, druid, necromancer, bard (or other, if that’s not enough).
Greg's most based off a DnD ranger/rogue multi-class. If he was picking the class to play, however, probably a druid. Gives him an excuse to smoke weed at the table while dropping pearls of confusing wisdom.
🎮 If your OC lives or would live in the modern world, would they like video games? What would be their favorite game?
In a Modern AU, he's not that big into video games, but would enjoy party racing games.
👎 Is there someone your OC can’t stand, despite them being on the same side or sharing basic values?
His friend, Adam, drives him up the wall with his fuck boy tendencies.
🌈 Does your OC speak more than one language? If so, how many and which?
Fluently? No, just Clifwyrnni. He does know some broken Giant's Tongue because of its use in the Clifwyrnni Army as code.
🥪 On a scale from ‘burns water’ to ‘5 course menu’ how well can your OC cook?
The best way I can describe his cooking is that there's always a little too much of something. Too salty, too well done, tea's over-steeped constantly. Not to the point of being inedible, but it's clear he overthinks it.
📚 Your OC has to improvise a 10 minute lecture about a topic of their choosing. What do they chose?
The history behind various forts and castles in Clifwyrnn.
🪄 Does your OC have any special powers? If so, are they normal in this OC’s universe?
Nope. No special powers. There are mages and magical creatures, but he himself isn't one.
🎨 Does your OC have any craft skill, as a hobby or profession? If so which?
He does macrame in his free time.
🌳 Would your OC survive for a week on their own in the wilderness?
Easily. He's pretty well trained as far as survival is concerned.
🌊 Has your OC ever seen the ocean? If not, do they want to? What do they think of it?
He was stationed on the coast, so he saw plenty of the ocean. What Greg finds most interesting is when late summer brings in heavy storms, and the raw power behind those.
🥞 Does your OC take proper care of themselves, like getting enough sleep and eating properly?
HA! No! Greg hasn't had a full night's sleep in years.
🤝 Does your OC have someone they want at their side when they are scared? Who?
For the longest time, his parents. Being an adult though, he doesn't get the luxury of going home whenever he's scared. It's also not doable anymore.
🌌 If your OC has a nightmare, what’s it most likely about?
Being murdered.
🪤 What is one thing that could be used to lure your OC into a trap?
People in danger. He'll risk his own skin if he think's someone's about to get hurt.
🎒 If your OC had to pick three things of all their belongings to keep, which would they chose?
His pipe, his bow, and one of his knives.
🕐 Was there ever a time your OC would have given everything to turn back the clock 5 minutes? What happened?
The day his childhood home burned down and killed his parents. He'd do anything to have just a little more time to save them.
🎭 What is the one thing your OC regrets most? Would they undo it, considering how their life turned out?
Letting himself get roped up in his captain's shit and getting romantically involved with him. He's a bit broken up on whether he'd change it if he could, because the fallout sent him to rock bottom, but it was because he ended up there that he met some of his best friends.
🔪 What does your OC think how they’ll die? 
He wants to believe he'll die of some random complication at the age of 65 after settling down and having a family. Given how his life's gone, however, he's pretty sure he'll get murdered.
📅 If your OC had one day left to live, how would they spend it?
Finding a quiet place to curl up and die. I think he impending dread would make him unable to do much else.
Yet Another OC Ask Game
After hoarding them for months, I decided to make my own. Let’s go from fluffy to angsty, shall we >:)
🛏️ What does your OC’s bed look like? What would they like their bed to look like?
🐁 Capybaras are friend-shaped. What shape does your OC have?
🌧️ What is the favorite thing for you OC to do on a rainy day?
🪨 Someone gifts your OC a shiny rock. What do they do with it?
🐹 Which would be your OCs favorite Pokemon? What kind of trainer would they be?
🎲 If your OC played a pen and paper RPG, what class would they pick? Warrior, mage, thief, ranger, cleric, paladin, druid, necromancer, bard (or other, if that’s not enough).
🎮 If your OC lives or would live in the modern world, would they like video games? What would be their favorite game?
👎 Is there someone your OC can’t stand, despite them being on the same side or sharing basic values?
🌈 Does your OC speak more than one language? If so, how many and which?
🥪 On a scale from ‘burns water’ to ‘5 course menu’ how well can your OC cook?
📚 Your OC has to improvise a 10 minute lecture about a topic of their choosing. What do they chose?
🪄 Does your OC have any special powers? If so, are they normal in this OC’s universe?
🎨 Does your OC have any craft skill, as a hobby or profession? If so which?
🌳 Would your OC survive for a week on their own in the wilderness?
🌊 Has your OC ever seen the ocean? If not, do they want to? What do they think of it?
🥞 Does your OC take proper care of themselves, like getting enough sleep and eating properly?
🤝 Does your OC have someone they want at their side when they are scared? Who?
🌌 If your OC has a nightmare, what’s it most likely about?
🪤 What is one thing that could be used to lure your OC into a trap?
🎒 If your OC had to pick three things of all their belongings to keep, which would they chose?
🕐 Was there ever a time your OC would have given everything to turn back the clock 5 minutes? What happened?
🎭 What is the one thing your OC regrets most? Would they undo it, considering how their life turned out?
🔪 What does your OC think how they’ll die? 
📅 If your OC had one day left to live, how would they spend it?
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oribisafaris · 2 years ago
Embark on a Memorable Safari Vacation to Discover the Wonders of the Wild
With regards to travel encounters that are really remarkable and extraordinary, few can match the enchantment of a safari occasion. Envision submerging yourself in the core of nature, encompassed by amazing scenes and seeing a portion of the world's most heavenly animals right at home. From the huge savannahs of Africa to the rich rainforests of South America, a safari experience guarantees a remarkable excursion loaded up with revelation, experience, and a significant association with the regular world.
Safari, a Swahili word signifying "venture," exemplifies the pith of this one of a kind type of movement. It is a potential chance to observe the marvels of untamed life very close, noticing their regular ways of behaving and cooperations. Envision yourself looking into according to a magnificent lion, feeling the ground shake underneath you as a group of elephants nimbly cruises by, or hearing the resonating thunders of a pride of lions reverberating through the fields. These experiences are transient minutes as well as recollections that will endure forever.
Africa, with its different scenes and bountiful natural life, is many times the best option for a safari occasion. Nations like Kenya, Tanzania, South Africa, and Botswana offer excellent safari encounters, flaunting notable objections like the Maasai Mara, Serengeti Public Park, Kruger Public Park, and the Okavango Delta. Directed by master officers, guests can wander into the wild on exciting game drives, shrub strolls, or even sight-seeing balloon rides, catching the magnificence of the savannah and its occupants according to alternate points of view.
Notwithstanding, the charm of a safari occasion stretches out past Africa. Different locales of the world deal similarly charming chances to investigate untamed wild. The immense Amazon rainforest in South America, for example, tempts globe-trotters with its mind blowing biodiversity. Here, you can explore the strong Amazon Stream, experience subtle panthers, wonder about brilliant macaws, and encounter shocking reptiles and creatures of land and water. The Pantanal wetlands in Brazil, known as the world's biggest tropical wetland region, likewise give an extraordinary safari experience, permitting guests to detect pumas, capybaras, and caimans in the midst of the staggering wetland scene.
Asia, as well, flaunts noteworthy safari objections. In India, voyagers can leave on exciting tiger safaris in the eminent public stops like Ranthambore, Bandhavgarh, and Kanha. Seeing the slippery Bengal tiger right at home is an encounter that evokes both fervor and worship. Borneo, with its thick rainforests and imperiled orangutans, offers another extraordinary safari experience. Journey across the wilderness, voyage along streams, and notice these delicate primates swinging through the treetops — an experience that has an enduring effect on any nature devotee.
No matter what the objective you pick, a safari occasion is an open door to reconnect with nature and foster a significant appreciation for the fragile environments that support life on our planet. It likewise presents an opportunity to help protection endeavors and add to the conservation of these normal marvels for a long time into the future.
For More Info :-
Safari Holiday In Tanzania
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theresattrpgforthat · 2 years ago
THEME: Paws, Feathers & Scales
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Mausritter, by Losing Games.
It’s a huge and dangerous world out there, and it does not look kindly on a small mouse. But if you are very brave and very clever and just a bit lucky, you might be able to survive. And if you survive long enough, you might even become a hero amongst mice.
Take up the sword and don the whiskers of a brave mouse adventurer in Mausritter, a rules-light fantasy adventure roleplaying game. Mausritter is built on the chassis of Into the Odd, with new rules for setting, character generation, magical artefacts, and mouse-scale adventures.
Mausritter is a game that makes character creation deceptively simple - your little mouse doesn’t have much to them, but that’s because they’re small creatures in a much larger world. It’s very easy to kill your mouse, which means that your team is going to have to focus on solving a lot of problems without diving head-first into combat. This is a game built off of other games that are OSR, which has a lot of ties to dungeon-delving kinds of games. There’s an online character generator if you want a character fast, and a seriously gigantic amount of third-party content created for these little adventurers. If you like creating and solving challenges more than diving head-first into combat, you should absolutely check this game out.
Cats of Catthulu, by Catthulu.
In Cats of Catthulhu, players take on the roles of a variety of ordinary-seeming cats fighting conspiracies of cosmic chaos. Mighty spirits such as Snarlyathotep, slimy Phatphroggua, and Hastpurr of the Yellow Eye inspire their cultists to destroy civilization-but that’s where all the comfy furniture is! 
One person acts as the Cat Herder, arranging the secret plots, challenges, and rewards and guiding the others through the process of making an adventure. Rules are light and quick, emphasizing player cleverness and the fun of being feline. There’s plenty of darkness and chaos in the world, but our fuzzy heroes can handle it!... Usually.
This game is perfect for players who don’t want to deal with math, because cats can’t do math either! Normally you play using special cat dice, but using regular d6’s will work just fine. Your cats will dive into situations that have a Lovecraftian twist, but aren’t too scary for children. On top of rolling dice to determine whether you succeed, there are a few optional rules that add to the goofy feel of the game - particularly the rule of Wum Fing, which states that if a cat character picks up something in game, the player must put their pencil in their mouth and speak around it. If the player gets annoyed and takes the pencil out of their mouth, the cat drops what they are holding.
You only really need the Nekonomikon to play, but Cat Herders might benefit from picking up the Cat Herder’s Guide.
Capybara Capers, by momatoes.
A super elite team of capybaras has been assembled to steal the mythical Awesome Lemon once and for all. But each of you have your own motives...and there may very well be a traitor in your midst. Can you afford to trust one another?
Capybara Capers offers a smooth, seamless tabletop RPG experience for playing a criminal critter, with mechanics for sharing trust, escalating rolls, and even individual win conditions. Ideal for 3-6 players, plus a Game Master!
Each character has their own idea of what victory looks like. There are up to 6 unique Win Conditions that your character may draw from the deck - from gaining the trust of all of the other players, to betraying the rest of the capybaras. Characters also descriptors that will add dice to relevant rolls, in order to increase their chances of success. Throughout the game, players may exchange Trust tokens to give each-other aid or remove Escalation Tokens, which are added whenever the group fails three or more consecutive tasks in a row. If you like wacky hi-jinx and the possibility to betray your friends, Capybara Capers is for you!
Pugmire, by Onyx Path Publishing.
“Be a good dog. Protect your home. Be loyal to those who are true. These are the words of the Code of Man.”
— Sister Picassa Collie, Shepherd of the Church of Man
Dogs have inherited the world, building the kingdom of Pugmire untold centuries after the Ages of Man are over. These dogs have been uplifted to use tools and language, and they seek to rediscover the ruins of the Old Ones. Some have learned to use the leftover technology of humanity, but they believe it to be magic handed to them by their lost gods. Others seek to create an ideal civilization, using a Code of Man compiled from ancient, fragmentary lore left behind by humanity. The world is dangerous and mysterious, but good dogs will persevere.
Pugmire uses a simplified version of 5e, which makes it great for kids or first-timers to the RPG scene. You may clear the forest of Giant Ants, foil the plots of scheming cats, or race rat cultists from the Cult of Labo Tor in order to retrieve a ruin from an artifact. As adventurers, all of your endeavours serve to fulfill your over-arching goal: to become Very Good Dogs. For players, the core rulebook for Pugmire is free as a phone version on DriveThruRpg. For cat lovers, you can instead play in the scheming Monarchies of Mau, if that is what your heart desires.
Crustacean Bus Station, by kumada1 (Sprinting Owl).
You are a crab.
You live in a tidepool community with other crabs. However, your crab factory job is at the other end of the beach. To get there, you must traverse dangerous terrain, evade seagulls and seals and morays, and wear yourself out scrambling over barnacle-covered rocks. This commute would be so much easier if you had a bus.
Unfortunately, crab bus stops are banned by seal civic ordinances. Crabs are rejected from the prestigious Seagull School Of Engineering. And Moray Refreshments, your factory job, is very strict about attendance. Miss even a few minutes of your shift and you risk having your pay docked---which will put you behind on your rent and give Octopus Realty all the incentive it needs to start processing evictions.Tonight, you're going to build your own bus with nothing but pincers and theft.
Buckle up and ready your pincers, because this is a game full of crime and creativity. You’re playing the underdogs, crabs with only a few hit points and a lot of obstacles in the way of building your bus. Each character gets something called a Scuttle Score, which acts as player currency in order to get out of a terrible situation. However, if you Scuttle out of a situation, it makes the situation worse for your friends! Will you leave them behind, or will you stick it out and solve your problems together? 
Geese at the Beach, by Justin Joyce.
THE GOOSE KING HAS AWOKEN.  The annual event has arrived, in which the Goose King rises and sends his most powerful Geese soldiers to the dangerous lands of The Beach to gather Shiny things for his most powerful Horde. Perhaps he simply wants as much treasure as possible, or perhaps he yearns for the greatest treasure of all. 
Regardless of his wants, it is on you and your squad of geese to brave the horrors of The Beach and battle the Goose King's enemies to bring the king what he desires most: Shinies. If the Goose King's wants are not met, the risk of all out war between The Goose King and the Seagull Armada could threaten to drown the world. 
This game picks up a lot of cues from Belonging Outside Belonging games, which don’t usually use dice. This game uses 2d8, but much of your character abilities rely not on dice, but on the Favors you gain by doing certain actions. Players choose from five Goose playbooks: The Buff Goose, The Duck, The Pelican, The Cat, and the Fish. Each one of these playbooks is hilarious and guaranteed to elicit a game full of laughter. 
Wanderhome, by Possum Creek Games.
Wanderhome is a pastoral fantasy role-playing game about traveling animal-folk, the world they inhabit, and the way the seasons change. It is a game filled with grassy fields, mossy shrines, herds of chubby bumblebees, opossums in sundresses, salamanders with suspenders, starry night skies, and the most beautiful sunsets you can imagine.
You might be a tamarin who dances with small and forgotten gods, a leporine mail carrier who relies on moths to get packages where they belong, a little lizard with a big heart and a mysterious past, or a near-endless number of other thrilling possibilities. No matter what, we’re always travelers—animal-folk who go from village to village and get to see the length and breadth of all the world of Hæth. The seasons will change as we play, and we will change with them.
Wanderhome is enchanting and endearing, and fundamentally encourages a different kind of roleplaying experience than you find in a traditional roleplaying game. Built on the Belonging Outside Belonging system, it requires absolutely no dice. Character sheets will give you the ability to describe the world around you, and encourage you to step into making mistakes in order to set your character up for successes down the road. If you are interested in stories about small critters travelling to pastoral locations and helping out the characters they find along the way, Wanderhome is definitely for you.
You can find both official and non-official Wanderhome supplements here.
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lake-lady · 4 years ago
tbh I think that the new green capybara species may be joke unfortunately. I'm not finding anything on it online besides that image from twitter, and it looks like a normal capybara that went for a swim in some algae - a nice look on her regardless
Good to know!! I tried to look it up and it seems inconclusive but I'm definitely not seeing enough evidence to call it a new species. Just some regular capys getting dusted/soaked in green 🌱
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pintando-paredes · 4 years ago
Mural at infant school in Brazil - crowdfunding campaign
Original campaign: https://chuffed.org/project/infant-school-mural-brazil
What and where
We are painting an 85 metre mural at João Batista Cardoso infant school in São Luiz do Paraitinga, Brazil with the participation of the children, parents and teachers.
The mural will transform the wall into bright, colourful and engaging space for the whole community to enjoy, especially the children as they walk to and from school.
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The infant school takes approximately 180 children from 3-6 years old and is compulsory as the first stage of schooling in Brazil. The school provides a wonderful space for young children to play and learn but as part of a small rural town it lacks the funds to spend on anything other than the normal day-to-day running costs of the school. For this reason we are using crowdfunding and asking you to help us realise the project.
We strongly believe that participatory art projects bring people together in a creative, constructive and positive action that benefits both the individual participating and their wider community. Mural projects nurture and inspire creativity in children and adults alike and can boost morale, community cohesion and create a sense of pride and ownership over a public space.
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Our community artist and project leader Andy will organise and implement the painting in conjunction with the director, teachers and parents of the school. Andy is an experienced community artist and has spent the last five years working in Brazil running various participatory art projects for children and young people with different charities and NGOs.¹
We will run scheduled sessions with the different classes for the children to participate in the painting as well as inviting and encouraging parents to participate as well.
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The design depicts many of the animals that are native to this region of Brazil and also the Paraitinga river which runs by the side of the school and from which the town gets its name.
The design of the mural is simple and geometric, this creates an impactful visual style whilst at the same time allowing for everyone to take part in painting as the design can be ‘painted by numbers’.
Mural plan to scale:
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Details of each animal:
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Capivara / Capybara – Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris
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Corujinha-do-mato / Tropical screech-owl – Megascops choliba
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Borboleta 88 / Cramer’s eighty-eight butterfly – Diaethria clymena
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Bugio-ruivo / Brown howler monkey – Alouatta guariba
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Jararacuçu / Jararacussu – Bothrops jararacussu
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Tucano-de-bico-verde / Green-billed toucan – Ramphastos dicolorus
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Preguiça-de-garganta-marrom / Brown-throated three-toed sloth - Bradypus variegatus
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Beija-flor-de-orelha-violeta / White-vented violetear - Colibri serrirostris
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Anta-brasileira / South American tapir - Tapirus terrestris
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Saúva-limão / Leafcutter ant - Atta sexdens
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Tatu-galinha / Nine-banded armadillo - Dasypus novemcinctus
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Onça-pintada / Jaguar - Panthera onca
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Periquito rico / Plain parakeet - Brotogeris tirica
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Macaco-prego / Black capuchin - Sapajus nigritus
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Rã-flautinha / Lutz's treefrog - Aplastodiscus albosignatus
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Morcego-beija-flor / Geoffroy's tailless bat - Anoura Geoffroyi
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Jacutinga / Black-fronted piping guan - Pipile jacutinga
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Quati-de-cauda-anelada / South American coati - Nasua nasua
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We have already painted around 20% of the space beginning with the water pattern which included the participation of the school children and we believe the project will realistically take five months to finish.
This timeline is an estimate that can change depending on various factors. It also does not just reflect the time it will take to paint the mural but the time it will take to complete the project as a whole. This includes the other preparation work necessary such as: finalising the design and colour choices inline with paint available, preparing the large stencils, transferring the design onto the wall and organising participatory workshops with the school children inline with the school's timetable.
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To complete the painting of the mural through the participation of parents, children and local community members.
To transform the space, creating a sense of ownership, pride and community.
To strengthen the ties between the families and the school.
To run further sessions with each class so that every child in the school makes their mark on the mural.
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Until this point our community artist has given his time voluntarily to work on the project and we have been able to cover the cost of the paint and materials through fundraising events at the school. But with the scale of the mural and the time it will take to complete it this funding will to allow him to support himself whilst he completely dedicate his time to running the project with the school over the next five months.
We are looking for your help to raise £1000 to be able to fully realise the mural and achieve our objectives for the project.
This funding amount is based on the minimum monthly wage in Brazil which for 2019 is R$998.²
The average GBP-BRL exchange rate for the last 12 months has been 4.989.³
This equates to £200.04 per month, so a projected timeline of 5 months therefore gives a total of £1000.20
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As a thank you for supporting the project we have come up with some amazing perks that includes the original artwork from the mural by our community artist Andy Câncio Bunce.
Remember to please include your name to be painted on the wall and address to receive the postcards, prints and posters in a message!
For the posters please include which animal you would like based on the designs featured on this page.
Name on the wall
Your name will be painted on the wall as part of our list of supporters for everyone to see and to show our appreciation of your donation. A photo of the names on the wall will be posted on here and our Instagram page for you to see once they have all been painted.
Thank you postcards
A handwritten thank you postcard sent directly from São Luiz do Paraitinga in Brazil, each one features an animal from the mural design. There is a total of five postcard designs, if choosing one or three the designs will be chosen at random.
Limited edition signed A4 print
Small print (210 x 297 mm) of the final mural artwork showing all 16 animals used with their common names in Portuguese and English and their scientific name. Printed on 250gsm matt couché (coated) paper. The prints are from a limited run 50 which will be numbered and signed by the artist.
A3 poster
Medium print (297 x 420 mm) of one of the animals from the mural artwork printed on 140gsm matt paper.
A2 poster
Large print (420 x 594 mm) of one of the animals from the mural artwork printed on 200gsm satin paper.
Postcards and Prints will be sent after the crowdfunder has finished and should arrive within 2-4 weeks but could take longer depending on printing times.
Photos of the names on the wall will be published once the mural is completed.
If there are any problems with your perk/reward please get in contact so that we can resolve it quickly.
We will post regular updates on the project here on the crowdfunding page and also on our Instagram www.instagram.com/pintando_paredes/ so you can see the difference your help has made to the project and how the mural is progressing!
Thank you!
Thank you very much for taking the time to check out our crowdfunder. We will be very grateful for any donations, big or small, to help us realise this project!
Please share this crowdfunding page on your social media accounts to help us reach more people.
For any questions please email [email protected]
Thank you very much!
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¹ https://www.hertsad.co.uk/news/harpenden-artist-leads-project-inspired-by-rio-olympics-1-4670633
² http://www.brasil.gov.br/noticias/emprego-e-previdencia/2019/01/decreto-fixa-salario-minimo-de-r-998-em-2019
³ https://www.xe.com/currencycharts/?from=GBP&to=BRL&view=1Y
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Level 1
Name on the wall
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Level 2
1 x Thank you postcard from Brazil 
Name on the wall
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Level 3
3 x Thank you postcards from Brazil
Name on the wall
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Level 4
5 x Thank you postcards from Brazil
Name on the wall
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Level 5
Limited edition signed A4 print
5 x Thank you postcards from Brazil
Name on the wall
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Level 6
A3 poster
Limited edition signed A4 print
5 x Thank you postcards from Brazil
Name on the wall
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Level 7
A2 poster
Limited edition signed A4 print
5 x Thank you postcards from Brazil
Name on the wall
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