#they are just so cuuuteee
storge · 11 months
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One Room Angel (2023) 1.05 'Memories"
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eggsdrawings · 4 months
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failed confession storytime
part one!
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neoluca · 1 month
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saw this tweet and thought OK time to get to work
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nulltune · 1 year
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super self indulgent q but i'm curious!!! Pwease tell me who ur muse's fav sanrio character would be.!!!! (this Will affect my thoughts on them as a person btw. /j) u can tell me who ur fav too if u'd like! 🫶
our resident moon lady would say she has no preference </3 as she is with everything </3 but ! as long as it's cute, she'd most likely like em + bonus points if they're (in hakuno's words) fluffy wuffy
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lem-argentum · 6 months
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rudy’s reaper + astrologian + machinist portraits :) i think he’s cute……… <3
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poohbea · 2 years
Lmao but the way I've been making such dramatic looking Wattpad book covers, like just look...
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dukeoftheblackstar · 1 year
I just.. you know.
Think Plo Koon's really neat.
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bbeelzemon · 2 years
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Your dog is spectacular cute I had to do a study of them while I practiced my pet portraits. 🥺✨️
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geumibear · 2 years
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alikestory · 1 year
FUCK i juuuust blocked all the bots following my account and now there's ANOTHER ONE
anyway i came on here to scream into the void about yellowjackets bc MISTY?????? i love her. also? i love her. and i fucking love her. character of all time. god.
idk how anyone would find this post but if you do there are spoilers in the tags up to s2e9 :v
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olyamind · 7 months
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I just really wanted to redraw this art by Sorato ,_, (It was so cuuuteee )
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f1ctional · 1 year
fanart for @penaltyboxboxbox 's parent au ITS SO CUUUTEEE I HAD TO DRAW IT 😿😿😿😿♥️♥️
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Ignore how I forgot Daniel's tattoos if you pretend rlly hard they're there I'm just not the brightest
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stumped-on-bennington · 2 months
Better Off as Lovers
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Summary: your best friend has something he needs to get off hus chest, but he's had a little too much to drink.
Pairing: Patrick Stump x best friend!reader
Reader's pronous used: none!
Word count: 903
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You were a little sloshed at the time. Your best friend's band had just played a big show and now you were out at the after party, drinking like it was nobody's business. You made your way through the crowded room to where Patrick was.
He was a bright shade of red from drinking. He was humming and singing as he swayed in his seat, his eye opening slightly as you got closer. Patrick nearly fell out of his seat at the sight of you, catching himself on your shoulders.
“Y/N!” Patrick said, slurring his words slightly. He pulled you closer to him, smushing your face against his chest. “Ooohhh, Y/N. You are so precious. Look at you, so cuuuteee!”
You pull yourself up a little so you can look at Patrick and let out a laugh from how he was acting.
“Trick, you're getting flirty, I think you've had enough.” You say, still laughing.
“Noooo, I'm just telling you how cute you are and how much I love you. You're the best thing that has ever happened to me, Y/N.” Patrick said, clumsily leaning in the chair.
“I love you too, Trick.” You tell him, plopping down in the chair next to him.
“No you don’t. Not like I love you. You're just so cute and smart and amazing. I want to just give you everything in the world and call you mine.” Patrick says, his eyes closed and a smile plastered on his face.
You suddenly sobered up a bit, heat rushing to your face as you realized that your best friend had just confessed to you.
“Trick, I think you should really stop drinking now. You're starting to not make any sense.” You say, standing up and helping Patrick out of his seat.
You began to move him towards the door so you could get him back to his apartment. You walked out the door and down the street with Patrick's arm slung over your shoulder for support. The entire walk Patrick kept humming songs and stumbling at every step. After a long and cold walk, you arrive at the front door of Patrick's apartment. You use your spare key to open the door and struggle getting Patrick up the stairs.
Once inside, you drop Patrick down on the couch and turn back to close the door. You take off your coat and shoes and go into the kitchen and retrieve a glass of water and bring it to Patrick.
“Here, Trick. You need to drink some water.” You tell him, trying to put the glass in his hands.
“You're so cute when you worry about me.” Patrick hums. He lifts the glass towards his mouth and ends up dumping most of the contents onto himself.
You let out a sigh, helping Patrick back up and bringing him towards his room.
“Alright, you're probably better off just going to sleep. Go ahead and get that wet shirt off and get in bed.” You tell Patrick.
Patrick begins taking off his shirt, but gets the collar stuck on his head. You let out a sigh once again and begin helping Patrick get his shirt off. Once he gets his head through the collar, Patrick looks down at you and smiles.
“Y/N?” He says.
“Yes?” You answer back.
“Hi.” Patrick says, the biggest grin on his face as he giggles like a kid.
You begin to lead him to his bed, but before you know it, Patrick has wrapped his arms around you and is now pulling you onto the bed with him.
“Stay with me tonight, please?” Patrick says, his face now nuzzled into your shirt.
“Trick..” you begin to say.
“Just for one night, let me pretend that you're mine.” Patrick says, his voice no louder than a whisper.
“You don't have to pretend, Trick.” You say as you return the favor and wrap your arms around Patrick.
Soon, both of you are lost in sleep.
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The next morning you wake up, still in Patrick's arms. The light of the day gently peaking through the gaps in the blinds and dancing across Patrick's shirtless body.
Your heart drops for a second before you recall the events of the previous night. Once you have the situation settled in your mind, you fall back into ease. Soon Patrick starts to wake up as well, peaking one eye open to look down at you.
“Oh God, what did I do last night?” Patrick says, his voice hushed and husky with sleep.
“Well, you got really drunk, I brought you home, you spilled water all over yourself, and then said you wanted me to be yours.” You tell him, matching the hushed tone that he had.
Patrick began to blush and tried to bury his face into his pillow.
“And I've decided that I'd like that.” You say, somehow even quieter than your last sentence.
Patrick's head slowly rises back up to face you, “y-you.. what?” He says.
A warm smile spreads across your face as you see the shocked look he has.
“I said I would like to be yours. I think we'd be better off as lovers anyway.” You say as you bring your head closer to Patrick's chest, nuzzling into him. Patrick's shock slowly fades as he slowly pulls you closer to him, an equally warm smile growing on his face and he holds you closer.
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willowser · 1 year
omg- ":>" anon here!! I understand now!!! omg this is so- TvT
like I can imagine just- him following us around and helping us, and we don't understand at first what he wants or why he's doing it- but!!! it's because!!! We help him!!! just feel and think and want without judgement!!! without trying!!!
I'm so soft for this now omg- I can also see him bein SUPER protective- You have given me brainrot and I am so glad you did!!!
EEEE!!! :D
Your ideas are so awesome :>
aw YEAH !!! i can imagine you doing your thing, out there scavenging for copper and parts and old valuables, and you've got on a little helmet to protect from the smog of the abandoned sector. and he's just. following behind you LOL probably isn't supposed to be out there, but he's just following along as you poke through building after building. i imagine him in a little duster he he he
and then you come across some asshole that's trying to make a move on the turf, getting mad because you're there scavenging, too. and maybe he tries to bully you out of the way, but you're just like —
"as of this morning," and you pull up something on your holotape, "sector 9 was officially considered condemned, meaning — anyone can be here."
and the man steps closer, chest broad and glaring down at you as you hear him load cells into his blaster. "don't care. i said, get—"
but before he can even think about pulling the gun up to aim at your head, touya has his wrist in a tight grip, frowning as he forces it to an unnatural angle. the bones snap and the man screams and touya just looks at you, eyebrow raised like he can't believe this guy LMAOOOO
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cyberdragoninfinity · 5 months
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got to the last (?) arc-v ED and A.) it's ADORABLE the art style is so fucking CUUUTEEE but also B.) i do think yuto/lulu has a very sweet charm to it but im locked on a distinctly "those ARE lesbians" to me type flavor. "yuto little scraggly 14 year old baby butch with absolutely zero game fumbling his best friend's femme sister" is just really, really funny. it is intrinsic that all the yuyas are Kind of Losers. it builds character
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shurisbathwater · 2 years
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Part II
↳Part I
: ion kno how to check word count but I'm guessing 1000 and a bit
*skip to 2:46 & don't play it till i tell u , its for the scenario 🙄*
𝔈𝔭𝔦𝔰𝔬𝔡𝔢 𝖨𝖨
-𝖸𝖮𝖴 knocked on the door for the second time and waited there for a moment, hoping someone would return the gesture and just answer. The bass of the loud music boomed in your ears as you groaned. "RIRIIIIIII" you shouted as you pounded on the door again.
The music turned off as you heard footsteps coming towards the door. The door opened with a simple click and you saw Riri in her wrobe. "Hey..uh my bad." She chuckled lightly. "Its alright." You rolled your eyes as you said it. Her eyes hovered over your bag which had your clothes and makeup in it. "You better chose something cute. Or else you're wearing something from my closet." She said, arms crossed. "Girl-" she cut you off my dragging you into her apartment.
"Its time to get cuuuteee!!" She squealed as she took you to her bedroom. Everything was scattered everywhere- from shoes to makeup and even some clothes. "Excuse the mess.." she said through gritted teeth.
"One minute.." she said as she ran to the kitchen , she came back with two glasses of red wine. She allowed you to vent to her about Shuri.
"What do I do to get her attention, Riri? I dont want to compete with a lab." You groan.
"Lets give you a night that you'll never forget."
"-that she'll never forget."
"Now cmere, let me help you get ready."
You guys talked and laughed as you drank wine and got ready. You danced to the music, and you felt a bit at ease - but you didn't want to take to much alcohol, you can't forget about the club.
You slipped on your dress and admired yourself in the mirror. It was cute and simple, just how you liked it.
Just how Shuri liked it too.
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You finished clipping on your earrings and grabbed your phone to take a couple of mirror selfies as you were sitting at Riri's vanity. You took the photos in a click , but then you had an idea to put them on your story. You clicked post and went over to Riri to take more selfies at her full body mirror. Your face was close to hers and you both posed for the picture as her hands were around your waist. You did the kissy face, stuck your tounge out and did more silly poses.
You knew it'd drive her insane.
Riri wore a red silk skin tight dress that fit in all the right places. Her cornrows were in a bun and she had some dramatic edges too. She looked so ...good.
You smiled as you added it all to your story, serves her right after leaving you hanging all this while.
You and Riri waited for your uber in her living room as you sat on her couch , one leg on top of the other as you looked at who viewed your story. Almost immediately a message popped up.
Shuri 💕
Where you going dressed like that?
You smirked when you saw the message. The satisfaction of just doing to her what she had done to you felt amazing, you hoped she knew how it felt now.
"Ubers here." Riri says to you as she looks up from her phone. "Mhm." You hummed as you got up from the couch, following her but your eyes were still on your phone. You switched off your phone quickly as you get into the uber.
"Wakanda nightclub,please." Riri says to the driver. "Sure." The man says as he puts the location into the navigator.
ᘛ ᘚ
-THE bass of the music was so loud you barely hear your own thoughts. It was a pleasant setting with strobe lights, drinks and most importantly the people were having fun. Everyone downed shots, recorded videos and danced on the dance floor.
You wanted to be like them, care free and loose.
Just for one night only.
You and Riri walked in hand in hand. You looked at her and she looked back at you, she chuckled at your face. "What you so stressed for? We here to have fun." She said to you. You nod slowly and gulp as you make your way to the bar.
You take a seat and rub your shoulders self consciously, you're usually never in these kinds of environments. You're usually an introvert - or maybe the friend who always stays home during social events.
You and Riri take a seat on the bar stools. "If you're uncomfortable we can leave." Riri comments as she turns to you.
"Mhm..im fine, really." You say to her. You decided to put yourself to the test..why? For fun.
You beckoned the bartender over.
"Two tequila shots please."
Riri smirked at you as she side eyed you. The Bartender gave you the shot and you downed it in a second, the bitterness of the liquor reached your tounge and you felt the effect of it in a second.
"Wheww this is too strong." You shook your head as you said it. Riri laughed at you as she took the shot with no problem. She suddenly took her phone out of her purse and recorded the both of you. You adjusted your hair in the video and smiled for the camera. She ends the video and you guys giggle as you watch it back. "Cute." Riri says as she saves it and adds it to her story. You guys also took a couple of pictures to highlight as memories.
Play it neowww
The next song came on and Riri's eyes lit up with excitement. It was her favourite remix, consideration x work. "I love this song, girl let's danceee!" She sqeals as she tries to pull you up. You roll your eyes as you just give in and get up.
"You know I cant dance.." you groan. "Just let loose and do whatever, i promise you'll get it." She shouts over the music. Riri whines her hips to the song and you hype her up to cover up the fact that you can't dance. She rolls her eyes and grabs your hand. She guides you as her hand trails your waist. Your hips slowly move to the song as you get into it.
A/n : mb if this is cringe 😬
"Just like that." She whispers into your ear.
And before you knew it you were dancing, downing shots minute by minute and enjoying this a little too much. You knew your alcohol tolerance is very low but you wanted to push yourself to the limit to see how far you could go.
You felt the effect of the alcohol and started to feel bold, tipsy.
"YESS GIRL!" Riri slurred as you danced to the music , hyping you up. You stopped dancing as you got shy and went back to the bar stools where your phone was. You take it out of your bag and look for the camera app, but of course your drunk self facetimes shuri instead.
"Oh shi-"
You can end the song now if u want to
She answers in one second giving you no chance to decline it in time. She was at home- surprisingly, laying in bed. "Y/n where are you?" She asks you. Riri mumbles something to you and you giggle at the camera. "It doesn't matter where I am." You slurred.
"But i found a couple niggas who are gonna give me some attention tonight." You take the phone off the counter to record some people that were eyeing you earlier.
"Guess who I'm going home with? Him, him and him!" You shouted drunkenly as you pointed the camera at them. Shuri kisses her teeth and ends the call with a bang.
You take a seat at the bar stool and a girl sits next to you. "Two martinis please. On me." She looks at you and smiles, you smile back. The Bartender hands yall your drinks and you take a sip as you look at the woman. She was dark-skinned with a nose piercing that glistened in the light. She wore a tight crimson dress that showed a bit of her cleavage.
You noticed that she was one of the people eyeing you earlier. "If you want my number just say that." You say jokingly, the woman rolls her eyes playfully as she nods. "If you dance with me, you may get my number." You put her up to the challenge. You get up and grab her hand and you shimmy your way to the dance floor.
She comes up behind you and slides her hand around your hips as you sway your hips to the music. "Will i be getting that number now?" She whispers into your ear.
"No." A voice says.
You stop dancing, stunned.
"Because she's going with me." Shuri walks through the crowd in her black shades. "Oh - princess! I didnt know you were-" Shuri grabs your wrist and pulls you through the crowd. "Are you serious?" You try to leave her grip but it only seems to get stronger. She drags you outside. "What about Riri?" You ask her. "I got her a cab home." She says firmly.
"What do you think you were doing out there? Dancing with that...nobody." she interrogates you. You laugh bitterly at her question. "I figured I can get some attention somewhere else. Somewhere thats not from you." You reply.
"I'm going back in now." You mumble as you try and make your way to the enterance- only for Shuri to grab you again. "No way." She takes you to her car and puts you in the back seat as her ai driver waits in the front.
"No!I'm going back." You slurred. "Y/n please." She sighed. "No. I dont want to be with someone that doesn't love me, you don't love me." Your voice cracks as you feel the tears building up in your eyes. "Who said I didnt love you? Y/n you're drunk." She says.
"I'm completely sober- I mean it." you whimpered as the tears streamed down your face. "You love your lab more than me, maybe the worker of yours even more." You sobbed it of frustration. Shuri opened her mouth but no words came out.
"See?! I was right. You don't care. You don't care." You cried as your stomach churned. And all of a sudden you threw up. All over the car, and all over the seat. You groaned as you realised what you have done- and you put your head in your hands.
"Shit." You mumbled. "Its fine-" you cut shuri off. "Dont talk to me right now." You say as you turn around to stare outside the window. You sniffled quietly, and bit by bit you dozed off.
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