#they are gonna be in standart banner either way
auraaurelis · 10 months
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Malleus: "What happened? You are giving up? What a shame..."
basically, I didn't get any GloMas SSRs on EN
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otomelavenderhaze · 3 years
Hmm let me see, I guess Yae Miku and Tohma would fit! But my real bet is that it'll be someone that appears later in the story, so i don't know since I didn't play yet! After considering some things, maybe there won't be Inazuma standard characters; the game had 5 characters since the start so the rates would be worse and people could get mad. I guess the standard is for a chance on getting a character outside of limited banners, so having different visions could also count, yk to be diverse and less unfair. Right, you said you were gonna play through the night so I hope you had a good sleep~
I wanna bet that they would re-do the standart banner to fit within more characters, because it's on Mihoyo's best interest in keep updating the game and keep giving more chances to us to use the gacha.
If they divided the Gacha into region gachas OR if they put the standart banner in it's own new rotation (one week Liyue characters, the next Inazuma and so on so on) it would work.
Or just do what they did recently with the weapon banner, and ppl can choose the region or even the character they want, that would make the standart banner more alluring and profitable!
I also think it's possible they create a set of characters only for the new standart banner, like you said it's probably gonna be characters we haven't seen before.
They gonna have to change the standart banner at certain point for sure or else it's gonna become a mess when all the other regions get released.
I went sleep actually, yesterday I just played the first part of the second act then I went to sleep, I'm gonna play today the whole day for sure.
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