#they also will rob the british government afterwards
stormy-nyx · 1 year
I am low-key obsessed with Chaipunk and I think if they were to date one of the first things Pav would do is teach Hobie how to make proper Indian tea because he hates British tea.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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"Ticket-of-Leave System Scored,” Montreal Star. November 4, 1932. Page 5. ---- Penitentiary Administration Under Fire In Senate Chamber ---- REPLY TO CRITICISM ----  No Favors Shown to Any Prisoners Because of Social Standing ---- OTTAWA, Nov. 4- (Star Special) — Penitentiary administration continued to be under fire at yesterday’s sitting of the Senate Chamber. This time, however, it was British Columbia, not Kingston, which was involved and it was more the allegeed abuse of the Ticket-of-Leave Act than any question of the management of penal institutions, which was under consideration. Hon J. D. Taylor of the Pacific Coast raised the issue by citing the circumstances surrounding the paroling of one Bagley. Improprieties were alleged so great as to constitute a public scandal. 
Right Hon. Arthur Meighen answered the criticism raised against the administration of the act, after which before the subject was closed, the discussion swung back briefly to Portsmouth and the Government Leader made the statement that the brokers incarcerated there, that so far as he had ever known from his experience in the Government, social prominence of any penitentiary inmate, so far from getting him any privileges, militated against him.
UNLAWFUL PRACTICE Mr Taylor, in raising the topic, said that responsibility for the general administration of penitentiaries rested with the Minister of Justice but in the case of the Ticket-of-Leave Act, it was shared by some other ministers. Under this Act, on the advice of the Minister of Justices, persons serving in penitentiaries may be released to remain in Canada during the remaining period of their sentence. These licenses were conditional upon good behaviour. The number of applications became great, as to be beyond the capacity of a single minister to consider. The Act was considerably amended but the practice has grown up that unless a prisoner is confined for crimes of violence, he can expect a ticket-of-leave when he has served half his normal sentence. There is no authority for this practice. 
He referred to the case of one Bagley, who was committed for a crime of violence. He was caught and sentenced to 10 years. At the end of five years, he was released on ticket-of-leave. Five months after his release, with other desperadoes he robbed the Harrison Hot Springs Hotel and escaped to the United States, where he was caught by American officers. He was turned over to Canadian officers but was not taken back to the penitentiary, although he had forfeited his ticket-of-leave. He was left with the Provincial police in the Oakalla jail and escaped. Afterwards, in Vancouver, he was recognised and in escaping, shot a policeman. He was caught in California and put in jail for 15 years.
DANGEROUS SYSTEM This case illustrated that lapses from the strict enforcement of the Ticket-of-Leave Act were dangerous. Portsmouth penitentiary illustrated the dangers of the Minister of Justice not exercising the control given him by the Penitentiary Act, If he had done so, he would have had a seasoned warden in charge. 
Mr. Meighen referred to Senator Taylor’s long interest in penitentiary administration. The Ticket-of-Leave Act, he said, had been in force for many years. The Minister of Justice was responsible for the decisions during his time. Since then, reports are made direct by the Solicitor General. In the case of Bagley, it was complained that a ticket-of-leave had been granted to a man convicted of a criminal offence involving violence and also there was more or less routine in the department of granting tickets-of-Ieave to convicts who had nerved half their time. 
He also contended that, in defiance of the statute, there was no report made even upon inquiry in Parliament as to the reason why tickets-of-leave were granted. 
Senator Meighen said there were restrictions on the granting of tickets-of-leave. There was also no exception made to special treatment in relation to those guilty of crimes of violence. 
As regards the Portsmouth affair, there had never been any outbreak taken care of with quite the same efficiency and thoroughness. Not one man escaped and there was no death of convict or official. He did not believe that under any Government favors were shown to any prisoners on account of previous standing.
The law had not been departed from in any case.
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lukeskywaker4ever · 5 years
1st Regnant Queen and 26th Monarch of Portugal (6th of the Bragança Dynasty): Queen Maria I of Portugal, “The Pious The Mad”
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Reign: 24 February 1777 – 20 March 1816 Acclamation: 13 May 1777 Predecessor: José I
Maria I (17 December 1734 in Lisbon – 20 March 1816 in Rio de Janeiro) was Queen of Portugal from 1777 until her death in 1816. Known as Maria the Pious in Portugal and Maria the Mad in Brazil, she was the first undisputed queen regnant of Portugal and the first monarch of Brazil. With Napoleon's European conquests, her court, then under the direction of her son João, the Prince Regent, moved to Brazil, then a Portuguese colony. Later on, Brazil would be elevated from the rank of a colony to that of a kingdom, with the consequential formation of the United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and the Algarves.
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Maria was born at the Ribeira Palace in Lisbon and baptized Maria Francisca Isabel Josefa Antónia Gertrudes Rita Joana. On the day of her birth, her grandfather, King João V of Portugal, appointed her the Princess of Beira.
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When her father succeeded to the throne in 1750 as José I, Maria, at age 16 and as his eldest child, became his heir presumptive and was given the traditional titles of Princess of Brazil and Duchess of Bragança.
Maria grew up in a time when her father's government was dominated completely by the first Marquis of Pombal. Her father would often retire to the Palace of Queluz which was later given to Maria and her husband. The Marquis took control of the government after the terrible 1755 Lisbon earthquake of 1 November 1755, in which around 100,000 people lost their lives. (The palace of her birth was also destroyed in the disaster.)
After the earthquake, Maria's father was often uncomfortable at the thought of staying in enclosed spaces, and later suffered from claustrophobia. The king had a palace built in Ajuda, away from the city center. This palace became known as Real Barraca de Ajuda (Royal Hut at Ajuda) because it was made of wood. The family spent much time at the large palace, and it was the birthplace of Maria's first child. In 1794 the palace burned to the ground and the Palace of Ajuda was built in its place.
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In 1760 Maria married her uncle Pedro, younger brother of her father Jose I. They had six children, of whom the eldest surviving son succeeded Maria as João VI on her death in 1816.
In 1777, Maria became the first undisputed queen regnant of Portugal. With Maria's accession, her husband became king as Pedro III. Despite Pedro's status as king and the nominal joint reign, the actual regal authority was vested solely in Maria, as she was the lineal heir of the crown. Also, as Pedro's kingship was jure uxoris only, his reign would cease in the event of Maria's death, and the crown would pass to Maria's descendants. However, Pedro predeceased his wife in 1786. Maria is considered to have been a good ruler in the period prior to her madness. Her first act as queen was to dismiss the popular secretary of state of the kingdom, the Marquess of Pombal, who had broken the power of the reactionary aristocracy via the Távora affair, partially because of Pombal's Enlightenment, anti-Jesuit policies. Noteworthy events of this period include Portugal's membership in the League of Armed Neutrality (July 1782) and the 1781 cession of Delagoa Bay from Austria to Portugal.
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Queen Maria suffered from religious mania and melancholia. This acute mental illness (perhaps due to porphyria) made her incapable of handling state affairs after 1792.
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Maria's madness was first officially noticed in 1786, when Maria had to be carried back to her apartments in a state of delirium. Afterward, the queen's mental state became increasingly worse. In May 1786, her husband died; Maria was devastated and forbade any court entertainments. According to a contemporary account, state festivities began to resemble religious ceremonies. Her condition worsened after the death of her eldest son (and heir-apparent), aged 27, from smallpox, and of her confessor, in 1791.
In February 1792, she was deemed mentally insane and was treated by Francis Willis, 
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the same physician who attended King George III of Great Britain. 
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Willis wanted to take her to England, but the plan was refused by the Portuguese court. Maria's second son (eldest surviving) and new heir-apparent, João, took over the government in her name, even though he only took the title of Prince Regent in 1799.
When the Real Barraca de Ajuda burnt down in 1794, the court was forced to move to Queluz, where the ill queen would lie in her apartments all day. Visitors would complain of terrible screams that would echo throughout the palace.
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In 1801 Spanish Prime Minister Manuel de Godoy 
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sent an army to invade Portugal with backing from Napoleon, 
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resulting in the War of the Oranges. Though the Spanish ended their invasion, the Treaty of Badajoz on 6 June 1801 forced Portugal to cede Olivença and other border towns to Spain. (This cession is not recognized by the present Portuguese government, and the country officially considers those territories still to be Portuguese possessions.) On 29 September 1801 João VI signed the Treaty of Madrid (1801), ceding half of Portuguese Guyana to France, which became French Guiana.
The refusal of the Portuguese government to join the French-sponsored Continental Blockade against Britain culminated in the late 1807 Franco-Spanish invasion of Portugal led by General Junot. 
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The ultimate Napoleonic plan for Portugal was to split it into three sections. The northern parts of Portugal, from the Douro to the Minho, would become the Kingdom of Northern Lusitania, and its throne was promised to King Louis II of Etruria. 
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The Alentejo Province and Kingdom of the Algarve would be merged to form the Principality of the Algarves, of which Spanish Prime Minister Manuel de Godoy would be sovereign. The remaining portion of Portugal would have been directly ruled by France.
At the urging of the British government, the entire Bragança Dynasty decided to flee on 29 November 1807 to establish a government in exile in the Portuguese Viceroyalty of Brazil. Along with the royal family, Maria was transported aboard the carrack Príncipe Real. During her move from the royal palace to the docks she was heard screaming throughout the trip, in the middle of the crowd and in the carriage. The queen's dementia was so great that she feared that she was going to be tortured or robbed during her movement by her servants.
In January 1808 Prince Regent João and his court arrived in Salvador da Bahia. Under pressure by local aristocracy and the British, the prince regent signed a commercial regulation after his arrival that opened commerce between Brazil and friendly nations, which in this case represented the interests of Great Britain above all. This law broke an important colonial pact that had previously allowed Brazil to maintain direct commercial relations only with Portugal.
On 1 August 1808 British General Arthur Wellesley (later Duke of Wellington) 
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landed a British army in Lisbon to initiate the Peninsular War. The impact of Wellesley's initial victory over Junot at the Battle of Vimeiro (21 August 1808) was wiped out by his superiors in the Convention of Cintra (30 August 1808), which allowed the defeated French troops to evacuate peacefully from Portugal.
Wellesley (now as Lord Wellington) returned to Portugal on 22 April 1809 to recommence the campaign. Portuguese forces under British command distinguished themselves in the defense of the Lines of Torres Vedras (1809–1810) and in the subsequent invasion of Spain and France. In 1815 the government of the Prince Regent João elevated Brazil to the status of a kingdom, and Maria I was proclaimed the Queen of the United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and the Algarves. When Napoleon was finally defeated in 1815, Maria and her family remained in Brazil.
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Maria lived in Brazil for a total of eight years, always in a state of incapacitation. In 1816, she died at the Carmo Convent in Rio de Janeiro at the age of 81. After her death, Prince Regent João was acclaimed the king of Portugal, Brazil, and the Algarves and his mother's body was returned to Lisbon to be interred in a mausoleum in the Estrela Basilica ( Basilica da Estrela), which she had helped found.
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Maria is a greatly admired figure in both Brazil and Portugal due to the tremendous changes and events that took place during her reign. In Portugal, she is celebrated as a strong female figure. Her legacy shines at Portugal's Queluz Palace, 
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a baroque-roccoco masterpiece that she helped conceive. A large statue of her stands in front of the palace, 
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and a pousada near the palace is named in her honor. 
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A large marble statue of the queen was erected at the Portuguese National Library in Lisbon 
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by the students of Joaquim Machado de Castro.
In Brazil, she is admired as a key figure in the eventual independence of Brazil. It was during her reign, albeit through the government of her son's regency, that many of the national institutions and organizations in Brazil were created. These institutions were the precursors to their modern-day equivalents and granted large degree of power to the Brazilian colonials. While she is often called A Louca (the Mad) in Brazil, Brazilian and Portuguese historians hold her in high esteem.
Maria married her uncle, Infante Pedro of Portugal on 6 June 1760. At the time of their marriage, Maria was 25 and Pedro was 42. Despite the age gap, the couple had a happy marriage. Pedro automatically became co-monarch (as Pedro III of Portugal) when Maria ascended the throne, as a child had already been born from their marriage. The couple had six children and a stillborn baby.
José, Prince of Brazil (20 August 1761 - 11 September 1788) José Francisco Xavier de Paula Domingos António Agostinho Anastácio married Infanta Benedita of Portugal and had no issue. His death led to his younger brother becoming heir-apparent and later king.
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João de Bragança (20 October 1762 - 20 October 1762) João was a still born baby, born at the Ajuda National Palace.
João Francisco de Bragança (16 September 1763 - 10 October 1763) João Francisco de Paula Domingos António Carlos Cipriano was born at the Ajuda National Palace.
João VI (13 May 1767 - 10 March 1826) João Maria José Francisco Xavier de Paula Luís António Domingos Rafael married Carlota Joaquina of Spain and had issue. He was King of Portugal and Titular Emperor of Brazil.
Mariana Victoria de Bragança (15 December 1768 - 2 November 1788) Maria Ana Vitória Josefa Francisca Xavier de Paula Antonieta Joana Domingas Gabriela married Infante Gabriel of Spain and had issue.
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Maria Clementina de Bragança (9 June 1774 - 27 June 1776) Maria Clementina Francisca Xavier de Paula Ana Josefa Antónia Domingas Feliciana Joana Michaela Julia de Bragança was born at the Queluz National Palace.
Maria Isabel de Bragança (12 December 1776 - 14 January 1777) Maria Isabel was born at the Queluz National Palace.
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It wasn’t until I had almost finished reading THE NARROW ROAD TO THE DEEP NORTH that I was in a position to admit to myself that with a couple notable exceptions, even the parts of the story that’d moved me and could probably stay with me most clearly afterward were those told by the Japanese point of view.
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torchwoodglobal · 7 years
I attribute my love of villains on Ned Kelly
Australia is weird about Ned Kelly. He was a bushranger, if you don’t know. Like super weird. He was a poor kid (but not that poor, I mean his family semi-owned a farm (it’s complicated)) who decided to hang out with idiots and steal horses and then got pissed that him mum got arrested when he got violent with the cops who came to his house to arrest him. He then goes on to rob banks and kill people because he’s decided the British are terrible. This all ends in a huge shootout with the police and Kelly gets tried and executed. (This is all super oversimplified by the way). 
Somehow this has resulted in him becoming a folk hero? Because reasons? Mainly the class struggles of the time. But even then, there were other people actually trying to improve things in real ways, ways that weren’t robbing and killing. 
I blame this cultural background for my ability to look at any fiction and decide I don’t care that that character I like is a bad-guy, they are still my favourite. (“There’s an obviously evil dude in a suit. I like him!”) Because when being a murderous thief does not disqualify you from being a good-guy, almost nothing else can!
But also! 
I blame my absolute hatred of Ned Kelly for the fact that I don’t quite trust the Rebels in Star Wars. I came into Star Wars through the Original Trilogy and right up til Alderan blew (and slightly afterwards even?) I really wanted some proof that the Empire was bad. I mean, blowing up planets is bad, but you were attacking them before that. 
And from what we see, before that people lived and work and had food and speeders and power to run things and there is an easily-manipulated-by-Jedi police force. People live their lives and plan for their futures and have families. What exactly was the Empire doing that was rebellion worthy (in the Originals)? 
Also, even if the Empire itself is bad, rebel tactics are kind of shady(ok that judgement moves out of the movies a little). And I’m pretty sure the only way storm troopers could have aim that terrible is if they are continually shooting to wound. And this takes me back to Kelly. Even if the government is corrupt, don’t go out of your way to kill the cops? Please Ned? Sure, defend yourself. But once you put that much effort into it it’s just murder. 
In conclusion, I hate Ned Kelly and want someone to give Vader his kids back.
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moodboardinthecloud · 4 years
Canadians shocked by George Floyd’s death should face up to the Indigenous struggle here at home
By Brandi MorinContributing ColumnistSat., June 6, 2020
It’s nice to see people starting to care. To see people uniting for the human right to exist equally.
In Canada, people are acting like they give a crap because of the injustices we’re watching penetrating so loudly into our collective consciousness through the murder of George Floyd.
I’m thankful Black voices are rising up and the world is taking notice. It’s long overdue.
Now, what does it take for Canadians to express the same kind of passion for First Peoples? What does it take for governments, who have power and money, to invest to help change the narrative of systemic racism in Canada?
The demonstrations happening in the United States and around the world in response to racism could be a catalyst for systemic transformation. It’s an inspiration for many people who are oppressed — specifically for Indigenous Peoples in Canada, who deal with some of the worst effects of racism in the world.
I note many people up here in the Great White North acted shocked by the brutality of police officers murdering a Black man. It was as if racism existed in a far-off land or was something foreign to them. But it’s here in Canada on such a large scale and has been since this country was founded.
Indigenous people are scared for their lives every day due to racism. Do you know the story of Colten Boushie; Cindy Gladue; or Neil Stonechild? That’s only a few who fell victim to death by racism — look them up.
The injustices keep coming. They seem relentless. Chantal Moore, 22, a mother of a five-year-old girl, member of the Nuu-chah-nulth nation in British Columbia was killed by a police officer Thursday in New Brunswick. She was shot at five times because police say she had a knife. Her boyfriend had called to ask police to do a “wellness check” because she apparently told him she was being harassed by someone and felt afraid. Her family says she had never been in trouble with the law, weighed 98 pounds, and posed no threat. She was shot five times.
Our people are afraid. There is no justice here. They’re also fed up with racism. Done with being racially profiled, being targeted for violence and discrimination. When I’m alone, driving in the country here in Alberta I get afraid that if my vehicle ever broke down and I needed help I would be targeted/killed because I look Native. It’s one of my worst nightmares to get stranded in an area inhabited by white farmers.
This is real life when you’re Indigenous. Maybe some people are in denial. They turn their heads back to their ignorant, comfortable lives in the safety of their privileged communities.
Was the revealing of the horrors of the residential school system through the Truth and Reconciliation Commission enough? The federal government and all its institutions sought out Indigenous children to steal their identity through the wiping-out of their culture and attempted genocide. Was it enough that thousands upon thousands of children were brutally molested, physically assaulted, verbally and emotionally abused and condemned because of the colour of their skin? Was hearing the broken stories of the victims who mostly stumbled around lost and drunk afterward, who had their children taken from them because they were robbed of connection to family life — was that enough?
Are the suicides of First Nations youth — at 6.2 times the rate of other Canadians and 23.9 per cent higher for Inuit — enough?
What about other crises, such as Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIWG)? Was seeing the face of a child, Tina Fontaine, and watching authorities removing her body from the Red River enough?
Apparently not. Apparently, more violence is on the agenda. We have a federal government that is lagging in helping the crisis by delaying a national action plan on MMIWG- citing COVID19 as a reason.
But this is a pandemic — a pandemic of racism that’s killing and has killed many more people in this country than COVID19.
Systemic racism exists in educational systems, justice systems, child welfare, health care, employment, industry, institutions, and all levels of governments, because Canada is a colonial country founded on colonial principles.
Canada is racist.
Racism is high on the radar of people’s minds right now because of the injustices and demonstrations we’re seeing in the United States. For many here, especially Indigenous Peoples, those actions are providing inspiration for them: that there’s hope; they can stand for justice, be heard and seen.
Our people have stood up before. Remember Idle No More? How about the Wet’suwet’en crisis that shut down this country for weeks just a few months ago? Momentum is building.
Lately, we are seeing more solidarity from white people’s allyship, which is important because unity is powerful.
I hope Canada has finally had enough of its own racism. Let’s keep talking about it, keep confronting it. What’s it going to take to stop? Well, we can start by the decolonizing of our society. Not sure what that means? It means creating a society that doesn’t disproportionally enable a group of people to succeed over the other.
What if governments funded supports for communities to heal and connect with each other? What if hate speech, particularly online, was taken seriously and penalties given to people who spread racist agendas?
Imagine the economic impacts for the better if society invested in education and reconciliation instead of pumping money into the oppression of our vulnerable communities?
When will it be enough for Canada to care about its own country and the unbridled injustices, which are a ticking time bomb?
We don’t want a George Floyd repeat.
If people care so much about racism abroad, it’s time to also care at home.
Brandi Morin is a French/Cree/Iroquois award-winning journalist from Treaty 6 in Alberta. She is passionate about showcasing stories of injustice, human rights, environment, culture, tradition and resilience from an Indigenous viewpoint. You can follow her at Twitter.com/songstress28
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virginiaprelawland · 4 years
“You Have the Body”Habeas Corpus
By Kayla Blevins, Liberty University, Class of 2020
May 1, 2020
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POLITICO Magazine has claimed to have found documents stating the Department of Justice requested Congress “for the ability to ask judges to detain people indefinitely without trial during emergencies” – or in other words, suspend habeas corpus. (1) POLITICO implied the DOJ will use the COVID-19 crisis to arrest and hold people indefinitely. Afterward, several news outlets have filled their readers with the fear of having their civil liberties revoked. It is unknown how accurate the report is because POLITICO has not provided its reader's access to the documents they found. The purpose of this article is not political, but to describe habeas corpus because it is a legal principle that many have never heard of and should be explained. 
Habeas Corpus Explained
America’s Founders designed for Congress to have certain grants. (2) Many rights and freedoms, such as habeas corpus, stemmed from British common law, and the British constitution. The first privilege given was habeas corpus. (3) Habeas corpus is an order given by a court to an arresting officer, instructing the officer to bring the prisoner before a court. (4) The judge will order the prisoner’s release if the sentence was unlawful - because when charged with a crime, habeas corpus bestows crucial protections against unlawful arrest and imprisonment. Habeas corpus also offers vital checks on the president - in case a president tries to overreach his or her powers. Both America and England have used habeas corpus to evaluate the legality of one’s imprisonment. According to the Constitution, Congress can suspend habeas corpus, but only in the event of rebellion or invasion. (5) Nevertheless, President Lincoln was the only president to suspend habeas corpus (due to the Civil War) without Congress’s approval. (6)  
Habeas Corpus Criteria
When petitioning for habeas corpus, one must currently be in custody whether it is on parole, probation, pretrial release, or in a diversionary program. (7) According to the U.S. Code for Judiciary and Judicial Procedure (28 U.S.C.A. § 2254), federal law must be in doubt and all available state court remedies must be exhausted or futile in protecting the prisoner’s rights. (8) When filing for a habeas corpus petition, it will be under 28 U.S.C. § 2254 because there will be a question about whether imprisonment violated at least one federal right.
A good example is Fay v. Noia (1963). (9) Charles Noia, Santo Caminito, and Frank Bonino were convicted of shooting and killing someone during a robbery in New York. The only evidence the police had against them was signed confessions. Caminito and Bonino’s cases were eventually thrown out because of evidence indicating that the police coerced their confessions. Noia waited too long to appeal, and because of that, the state appellate court ruled he could not seek post-conviction relief because they said he did not exhaust all New York’s remedies. Eventually, Noia took his case to the Supreme Court seeking habeas corpus relief from imprisonment because his Fourteenth Amendment was violated. The Court held that not completely exhausting all New York’s remedies was not an obstruction to Noia’s habeas petition because the error was not intentional.
Fay’s ruling increased state prisoner’s right to seek habeas corpus relief in federal courts and enlarged the federal court power over state court convictions. (10) According to Catherine Hancock, “The concepts of exhaustion and adequate state grounds were modified to make room for a generous view that excused defendants from uncalculated waiver of constitutional rights in state proceedings.” (11) In Coleman v. Thompson (1991), however, the Court reversed its Fay ruling. (12)
Another restriction to habeas corpus relief was enacted in 1996: “The Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act” (or the ADEPA). (13) AEDPA radically changed § 2254 by making it more problematic for a state prisoner to acquire habeas relief. In the case of Kapral v. U.S. (1999), the Court held that a review is not considered final until the Supreme Court declares the defendant’s conviction or denies certiorari. (14) If the defendant does not request for certiorari within a year, then a review is final when the time allowed for filing for certiorari expires. (15)
The exhaustion requirement was explained in Justice Sandra Day O'Connor’s decision in O’Sullivan v. Boerckel (1999), “[S]tate prisoners must give the state courts one full opportunity to resolve any constitutional issues by invoking one complete round of the state's established appellate review process.” (16) Habeas corpus can be used as an alternative only if the prisoner cannot raise all his or her claims before their state’s highest court. (17)
Most of the time, prisoners claim they need a habeas petition because they had an ineffective counsel. However, this is seldom effective because their counsel was most likely not the root of the problem.
In Woods v. State (1998), David Woods was convicted of murdering and robbing a seventy-seven-year-old man and was sentenced to death row. Woods' original attorney found out months before the trial that he had a possible conflict of interest and subsequently withdrew his counsel and handed Woods’ case to another attorney. Based on that, Woods said his trial was unfair and his second attorney was unable to provide an effective counsel. However, the Indiana Supreme Court denied his claim because if Woods told the truth about an unfair trial and ineffective counsel, he would have had to overlook the fact his original attorney provided the new counsel plenty of time before the trial began. (18)
According to the case of Strickland v. Washington (1984), when a prisoner files a habeas corpus petition for ineffective counsel, they should fully explain how their counsel neglected their duties (as required by the Sixth Amendment) and how ineffective counsel caused them to be at a disadvantage in having a fair trial.
It seems that the media tries to either exaggerate the truth or fill people with fear, particularly about the government and legal terms. Most people are therefore not familiar with the historical aspects of habeas corpus, nor are they familiar with how the courts implement this legal principle in cases. Knowing the facts about habeas corpus will enable people to be able to use this to their advantage when reading news articles.
1.     Swan, Woodruff Betsey. “DOJ seeks new emergency powers amid coronavirus pandemic.” POLITICO Magazine. 21 Mar. 2020. 23 April 2020. https://www.politico.com/news/2020/03/21/doj-coronavirus-emergency-powers-140023.
2.     McClelan, James (2000). Liberty, Order, and Justice: An Introduction to the Constitutional Principles of American Government. Liberty Fund, pp. 300, 402.  
3.     Ibid.
4.     Ibid.
5.     Ibid.
6.     Ibid.
7.     McCord, James (2012). Criminal Law and Procedure: For the Paralegal. Delmar Cengage Learning, pp. 574-577.
8.     Ibid.
9.     Justia. “Fay v. Noia, 372 U.S. 391 (1963).” Justia. 26 April 2020. https://supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/372/391/.
10.  Federal Judicial Center. “Fay v. Noia.” 25 April 2020. https://www.fjc.gov/history/timeline/fay-v-noia.
11.  Hancock, Catherine. “Fay v. Noia 372 U.S. 391 (1963).” Encyclopedia.com. (1986). 25 April 2020. https://www.encyclopedia.com/politics/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/fay-v-noia-372-us-391-1963.
12.  Federal Judicial Center. “Fay v. Noia.” 25 April 2020. https://www.fjc.gov/history/timeline/fay-v-noia.
13.  McCord, James (2012). Criminal Law and Procedure: For the Paralegal. Delmar Cengage Learning, p. 575.
14.  Ibid.
15.  Ibid.
16.  LII. “O’Sullivan V. Boerckel (97-2048) 526 U.S. 838 (1999).” Legal Information Institute. 26 April 2020. https://www.law.cornell.edu/supct/html/97-2048.ZO.html.
17.  Ibid.
18.  Court Listener. “Woods v. State 701 N.E.2d 1208 (Ind. 1998).” Court Listener: From Free Law Project. 26 April 2020. https://www.courtlistener.com/opinion/853980/woods-v-state/.
19.  Lyttleton, Joseph. “What is habeas corpus, and why does the US Justice Department want to suspend it?” The Millennial Source. 21 April 2020. https://themilsource.com/2020/03/24/what-is-habeas-corpus-why-justice-department-suspend/.
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ciathyzareposts · 5 years
Consulting Detective Vol. II – Murdered Mechanic Made Military Mighty
Written by Joe Pranevich
Two cases down and one to go! Thus far in Consulting Detective Vol. II, we’ve solved a pair of murders and it appears that we are going three-for-three. Admittedly, the first case was murder-with-theft and the second was murder-as-a-cover-up, but both involved murder. Some commenters have suggested that this is the best case of the bunch and so I am looking forward to it. The last case wasn’t the best, but this one could easily sweep me off my feet and we’ll enter the PISSED rating with the wind at our backs. I can dream, right?
This case starts with a nice video introduction. Richard Allen arrives at Baker St. having been let in by the housekeeper. He apologizes for the intrusion but wants to discuss the murder of his brother, Courtney Allen. Holmes read about the case a few weeks prior in the Times and knows all about it. Courtney was the President of the Grant Arms Company and was shot to death on March 9 (almost two weeks ago) outside his office. Scotland Yard believes that he was just robbed, but Richard believes otherwise and needs Holmes’s help. This sounds like a good start!
Holmes searches through the dead man’s things.
We continue our interview. Richard tells us of his brother’s ways as a “ladies man”, much to his wife’s displeasure, as well as about some questionable business decisions that could have upset his partners. He is focused on two people that may have a motive, but I doubt things will be quite that easy. His suspects are:
Courtney’s wife, Beatrice Allen. Courtney had multiple affairs including one at the time of his death. Richard does not know who he was seeing but his flirtatious ways could have caused someone to want him dead. At his death, Beatrice inherited all of Courtney’s stock so she stood to benefit from a smattering of revenge.
Lord Ragland, the former second-in-command at Grant Arms. Waglon thought that he would be put in charge of the company with Courtney’s death, but Richard secretly arranged for the third-in-command, Phillip Marlow, to take the top spot instead. Ragland was a brilliant technician but an inept businessman and ill-suited for the top job.
Richard brought Courtney’s briefcase from the night of the murder; exactly how he managed to get the evidence off of Scotland Yard will have to be an exercise for the reader. He tells us that Courtney’s pocket watch was taken, but not his folders, keychain, gold wedding band, or notebook. Holmes digs through the case and announces that the folders are of a “personal nature”, but one labeled “SP10” is empty. Holmes also finds his dayplanner which reveals an 8:00 AM “surprise” appointment at the plant, an 8:30 PM meeting with Captain Egan, and a note to “meet at Spaniard’s” at 10:00 PM. That note is very strange because Holmes says that it is written in Courtney’s handwriting but signed “A.M.”.
With the video over, I turn to the newspapers but there are none! The case is dated March 20, 1888 but the very first newspaper issue is from July 1888. Not having to search the newspapers for this case will be a nice change, although I cannot help but fear that it is a bug and the case’s date is incorrect or something.
Let’s start with completely unfounded speculation and we’ll see if I am correct:
The motive wasn’t theft because Scotland Yard thinks so and they are morons, but there is something important about the missing pocket watch and “SP10” folder contents. I suspect blackmail and I don’t think we can rule out an honor killing, especially if the folder or watch end up coming from a secret lover. The initials “A.M.” are important because they are in Courtney’s handwriting; I think he has an alias for some reason although I have no idea why.
Where should we start?
Watson is not above a spot of bribery.
I need a game plan. Rather than attack the people with the obvious motives, I’m will trace the events that led up to Courtney’s death and who he saw that night. If that doesn’t reward us with leads, we can go elsewhere. I’m doubly curious about the note with the strange signature, so let’s start with Spainiard’s Inn. I’m fairly certain that he was killed before he made his dinner date, but we may learn something anyway.
Watson slips the waiter some cash to loosen the waiter’s lips (a fantastic detail!), but he does recall private room reservations with the initials “A.M.” on March 9:
Alexander Misckin, the first of these, is a “giant” that walks with a cane and speaks with an accent. He arrived at the restaurant at 8:30 PM and was joined by an Englishman in his mid-30s shortly afterwards. They both had identical briefcases! That sounds like spy-stuff to me.
Anthony Mariano, the second of these, was a lone diner who arrived at 9:00 PM. He was eventually joined by someone for dessert. He did not have a briefcase; I’m sure that will be an important detail later but it is a bit odd for the waiter to bring it up. Dessert could have been around 10:00 PM; were they expecting Courtney to join them?
Was one of these men Courtney in disguise? Or was he already dead at this point? We do not know yet when he was killed, only that it was when he was leaving work. If his schedule is anything like mine, that could mean any time between 5:00 PM and 11:00. Let’s investigate his 8:30 PM appointment with Captain Egan next.
First corsage of the case!
Captain Egan is happy to talk with Holmes, but Courtney never made it to his appointment on the 9th. Egan informs us that Courtney first approached him last summer with designs for a revolutionary naval gun. The project was approved by the British Navy and is quite secret. As for the night of his death, Egan does not know what the appointment would have been about, only that he received a cryptic wire:
“Meet Tonight 8:30, your office. Call out the guard. Pounce at 10.”
Neither Egan nor I have any idea what that means, but he believes that “pounce at 10” may have referred to Project #10, something secret being developed for the Navy. Courtney had worried about security and Egan had placed his best men on it. They discovered that Richard Camp, an engineer on the project, smuggled out bundles and boxes to the French embassy. Egan believes that Camp was passing details of the project to Emil Zobar, a French military attaché. Lord Ragland investigated but ultimately found no wrongdoing. Even so, and in the interests of security, Ragland had Camp removed from the project on March 11, two days after Courtney’s murder. Egan is convinced that foreign governments are trying to spy on the project with his four biggest suspects being Zobar, Van Suklenberg, Delgatta, and Metkof, but Egan has no proof about any of them.
Taking stock, this means that the SP10 folder has to be “Special Project #10” and that Courtney was killed to get whatever had been in there. Whomever did it tried to make it look like a robbery, but what we have is a bit of old-fashioned military espionage. Since the French already seem to have information on the project (through Camp), I’d wager that a different country is at fault here.
Oh God, I’m asking Lestrade.
With no more evening appointments, where should I go next? I try our “A.M.” leads, but learn nothing of importance. Holmes’s files say that Mariano was once a suspect in the “Spaghetti Murders” but charges were never filed. A visit tells us that he knows nothing about the case so that is a dead end. Mishkin is not listed in the directory and likely works at one of the embassies. Maybe the Russian one? (Mitkof is also a Russian surname; am I screwing up and they are both the same name? They don’t sound alike.)
I still do not have enough information about the murder itself. I hit Lestrade next for some basic info and he’s shocked that Holmes is interested in this “simple robbery”. Scotland Yard found Courtney dead in the alley behind Grant Arms with his wallet and gold watch missing, his briefcase open and askew but nothing obvious stolen. The only other evidence found at the scene were a bunch of tin cans and a cigarette butt. Holmes immediately leaps on the butt as a critical bit of information so naturally Lestrade happens to have it with him. It has the letters “B&H” on the side which must be important later! Holmes lectures Lestrade on the importance of studying cigarette butts, but we’re done here. He didn’t tell us how Courtney died so we’re off to talk to Jasper Meek, the coroner, next.
Sir Jasper gives us exactly the details I was hoping for: Courtney was shot in the chest at close range. Judging by the powder burns, the assailant fired from no more than two feet. The bullet left a “massive” exit wound and the slug was never recovered. Jasper believes that it is a large caliber, but he doesn’t know for sure. I try H. R. Murray, the Scotland Yard chemist, to see if they analyzed the power burns, but he’s on vacation with his brother.
New theory: Courtney Allen was killed at close range by someone he knew using a prototype or military gun. The person smoked while waiting for him in the alley, so if we find who smokes that brand we may have a great lead. The destructive power of the gun, plus that Jasper was unfamiliar with it, makes it seem like an uncommon weapon.
Corsage #2! This case is slacking on the botanicals.
I followed Courtney through his evening appointments and learned about the crime scene. My next stop will be to backtrack and check out his office. Looking up the company in the directory, we have two options: corporate offices or the “Deverall Street Plant”. I assume he was working at corporate so let’s start there first.
Holmes meets a “Mr. Linhad” (or Linwad? I cannot make out the name). He’s the new secretary to President Marlow, the formerly-third-in-line that took over the company when Courtney was murdered. He tells me a bit that we already knew, that Allen was scheduled to meet with Egan at 8:30, but adds that he left through the back door to catch a cab at 8:00 PM. Linhad tells us that this specific meeting was unusual because all of his other meetings with Egan were during the day. He repeats what Egan said about Courtney being concerned for project security and about raising the issues to Lord Ragland. None of this is new, but we learn that all of the blueprints and such for the special project are stored at the Deverall Plant, plus that Courtney and Marlow hated each other. Why would he appoint him as the President if he hated him? I contact Central Carriage Stables to see if there is anything to say about his cab pickup, but that is a dead end.
Ragland is Corsage #3!
Where to next? Since Ragland was responsible for plant security, he seems like a good person to talk to. I try him next. Ragland starts by repeating much of what we already knew about Courtney’s suspicions as well as his appointment with Egan. He says that he investigated Richard Camp, but did not find him to be a security risk. And all of that is great except I cannot help but notice: Ragland is smoking throughout the entire interview! Holmes eventually asks him and he reveals that he smokes Burns & Hills cigarettes. Eureka!
I’m not so distracted by the cigarettes to catch that Ragland claims to not be miffed that he was passed over for promotion given that he is a technical guy and doesn’t like to do administrative work. He also tells us that Marlow had to be appointed President by contract; Courtney had negotiated that with him back when he was hired. That gives Marlow a motive, too.
But none of that matters: Ragland did it. I don’t know why yet, but he was the one waiting in the alley that night. He shot Courtney with a military-grade weapon that he was able to get his hands on and made it look like a robbery. But why? He already knows about Project #10. He’s responsible for security! He must be working for someone else. But who? We’ll have to wait for that next week.
Thus far, this case seems more fun than the previous one. There is a lot to dig into and I hope that I just don’t get stuck on a spelling mistake like last time.
Time Played: 1 hr 50 min Total Time: 10 hr 45 min
source http://reposts.ciathyza.com/consulting-detective-vol-ii-murdered-mechanic-made-military-mighty/
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courtneytincher · 5 years
No-Deal Brexit Seen Breaking Up Ireland’s Power Market
(Bloomberg) -- The island of Ireland faces a “rapid” breakup of its Single Electricity Market should the U.K. leave the European Union without a deal, according to a list of warnings published by the British government.The single market covering Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland would probably keep working the day after a no-deal exit, yet a “rapid SEM split could occur months or years” afterward, the government said. The document was headlined “reasonable worst case planning assumptions” and dated Aug. 2.A no-deal Brexit would potentially leave the market without any legal basis. Northern Ireland is part of the U.K., while the republic plans to stay in the EU. The split would not necessarily spur electricity supply outages, but “there will likely be significant electricity price increases” and wider economic and political impacts, the government said.“If we drop out of the internal energy market we move from an almost frictionless system to one with friction and prices will go up, but not by much,” said Simon Ludlam, a partner at consultants Etchea Energy Partners. “It’s a bit like having the latest BMW and then getting one that’s a few years older, it’ll be less efficient.”There are currently three electricity interconnections linking the Northern Ireland grid and the Republic of Ireland in the internal energy market and one subsea connection between County Dublin and North Wales.A 500-megawatt underwater link between the south of the country and Wales is in planning stages with construction expected to start at some point next year. A cable between the Republic of Ireland and France is also in development but at a much earlier stage.“A split would introduce unnecessary inefficiencies on the exchange of electricity between two markets that are well integrated physically,” said Andreas Gandolfo, a power analyst for BloombergNEF in London.(Updates with consultant comment in the fourth paragraph.)To contact the reporters on this story: Mathew Carr in London at [email protected];Jeremy Hodges in London at [email protected] contact the editors responsible for this story: Reed Landberg at [email protected], Rob Verdonck, Lars PaulssonFor more articles like this, please visit us at bloomberg.com©2019 Bloomberg L.P.
from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines
(Bloomberg) -- The island of Ireland faces a “rapid” breakup of its Single Electricity Market should the U.K. leave the European Union without a deal, according to a list of warnings published by the British government.The single market covering Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland would probably keep working the day after a no-deal exit, yet a “rapid SEM split could occur months or years” afterward, the government said. The document was headlined “reasonable worst case planning assumptions” and dated Aug. 2.A no-deal Brexit would potentially leave the market without any legal basis. Northern Ireland is part of the U.K., while the republic plans to stay in the EU. The split would not necessarily spur electricity supply outages, but “there will likely be significant electricity price increases” and wider economic and political impacts, the government said.“If we drop out of the internal energy market we move from an almost frictionless system to one with friction and prices will go up, but not by much,” said Simon Ludlam, a partner at consultants Etchea Energy Partners. “It’s a bit like having the latest BMW and then getting one that’s a few years older, it’ll be less efficient.”There are currently three electricity interconnections linking the Northern Ireland grid and the Republic of Ireland in the internal energy market and one subsea connection between County Dublin and North Wales.A 500-megawatt underwater link between the south of the country and Wales is in planning stages with construction expected to start at some point next year. A cable between the Republic of Ireland and France is also in development but at a much earlier stage.“A split would introduce unnecessary inefficiencies on the exchange of electricity between two markets that are well integrated physically,” said Andreas Gandolfo, a power analyst for BloombergNEF in London.(Updates with consultant comment in the fourth paragraph.)To contact the reporters on this story: Mathew Carr in London at [email protected];Jeremy Hodges in London at [email protected] contact the editors responsible for this story: Reed Landberg at [email protected], Rob Verdonck, Lars PaulssonFor more articles like this, please visit us at bloomberg.com©2019 Bloomberg L.P.
September 12, 2019 at 11:45AM via IFTTT
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whittlebaggett8 · 5 years
Ivanka Trump was at the infamous 2016 Trump Tower meeting, according to testimony, Defence Online
Rick Gates, the former deputy chairman of President Donald Trump’s marketing campaign, testified to prosecutors that Ivanka Trump, Eric Trump, and previous communications Hope Hicks attended a June 9, 2016 assembly at Trump Tower involving leading marketing campaign officials and Russian lobbyists.
Prior media studies have claimed that one particular of the lobbyists, Natalia Veselnitskaya, ran into Ivanka in an elevator just after the meeting.
But Mueller’s report incorporates the initial documented allegation that Hicks and Eric Trump also attended.
According to the report, Gates testified that Ivanka and her partner, Jared Kushner, joined the conference later.
Gates also testified that Manafort warned the team that the conference “likely would not produce very important information and facts and they should be mindful.”
Stop by BusinessInsider.com for additional tales.
According to the specific counsel Robert Mueller’s redacted report in the Russia investigation, Rick Gates testified that the president’s eldest daughter, Ivanka Trump, attended a June 2016 meeting at Trump Tower involving senior Trump campaign officials and Russian lobbyists offering filth on the Hillary Clinton campaign.
Gates served as President Donald Trump’s deputy campaign chairman through the 2016 election. He was also the right-hand person to previous Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, who has been convicted in the investigation and was a single of the officers who attended the assembly.
Gates pleaded responsible to two counts of conspiracy and bogus statements and started cooperating with prosecutors past year.
According to Mueller’s report, Gates testified to prosecutors that he recalled the meeting was attended by Manafort, Donald Trump Jr., Eric Trump, former communications director Hope Hicks – as very well as Ivanka Trump and her partner Jared Kushner, who according to Gates, joined afterwards in the assembly.
Gates additional testified that Manafort warned the team that the meeting “likely would not produce important data and they should really be very careful,” the report explained.
Hicks, in the meantime, denies know-how of the assembly prior to it was documented by The New York Occasions in 2017. And the report stated Kushner did not recall if the June 9 meeting came up at all before that 7 days.
The Trump Tower assembly has been at the middle of quite a few threads in the Russia investigation stemming from concerns about no matter if the Trump marketing campaign knowingly coordinated with the Russian govt through the election.
In an initial e-mail to Trump Jr. pitching the conference, the British new music publicist Rob Goldstone mentioned the offer of grime on the Clinton campaign was “part of Russia and its government’s support” for Trump’s candidacy. At the time, Trump was the presumptive Republican nominee.
In reaction, Trump Jr. stated he “loved it.”
Eventually, many individuals concerned in the assembly reported very little arrived of it and it was in point aspect of Veselnitskaya’s protracted lobbying campaign to get the 2012 Magnitsky Act, which blacklists Russians suspected of human-rights abuses, overturned.
Mueller’s report extra that when Veselnitskaya broached the subject of the Magnitsky Act through the conference, Trump Jr. replied that “they could revisit the situation if and when they were in government.”
The president was roped into the controversy following The Washington Publish reported that he “dictated” an in the beginning misleading assertion Trump Jr. set out in reaction to studies of the conference, expressing that it experienced very little to do with campaign business.
Trump’s crew maintains that he had nothing at all to do with drafting the reaction.
The post Ivanka Trump was at the infamous 2016 Trump Tower meeting, according to testimony, Defence Online appeared first on Defence Online.
from WordPress https://defenceonline.com/2019/04/18/ivanka-trump-was-at-the-infamous-2016-trump-tower-meeting-according-to-testimony-defence-online/
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pamphletstoinspire · 6 years
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Catholic Prophecy - Part 10
14 Catholic Prophecy
U 10. Fr. Souffrand (19th century). "During the reign of the Great King, the noblest virtues will be practised throughout the world, and the land will yield abundant crops." 1f 11. Rudolph Gekner (17th century). "A Great Prince of the North with a most powerful army will traverse all Europe, uproot all the republics, and defeat all the rebels. His sword moved by divine power will most valiantly defend the Church of Jesus Christ."
Comment: These are but a few excerpts given to you as an introduction. Many more need to be read and carefully collated before the general outline of events can take form and before many seemingly indifferent phrases can assume a deeper significance. I did that job many years ago; so, I can, even now, add a few useful comments to the above passages.
St. Columba's prophecy has already come to pass: We have had two world wars so far; unjust laws have been enacted in every country; the Church lost her property in 1870; the development of the printing press has caused people to read and write a great deal, something which was impossible for anyone but a saint to visualize in the 6th century; charity and humility are now scoffed at, and people believe in the false human messianism which arose during the Renaissance in intellectual quarters, and which has spread among the common people from the 18th Century onwards. But more of this later; we shall soon see what this false human messianism involves in practical terms. We shall see, also, how and why it must be regarded as the cause of the coming disaster. Thus, this little phrase jotted down as if in passing by St. Columba will assume a deeper significance.
Elizabeth Canori-Mora, too, alludes to the "false maxims of modern ideas." Many other private prophecies do so and some in great detail; we shall see some of them.
Berthe Petit announces the great disaster that will cause the almost total collapse of modern civilization. Br. Louis Rocco foretells the Great King who is to rule over Europe and extend his moral influence throughout the whole world during the period of peace which will follow the great disaster.
St. Methodius was one of the earliest prophets of the Christian era to foresee the victory of Communism. He did not name Communism, but correlations with other prophecies will make this clear. Many other prophecies say that the victory of
Paragraph 12 15
Communism will seem so certain that they, the Communists, will throw up their caps and shout about their triumph. At that very moment a cosmic phenomenon will take place, and help the designs of the future King's small army (it is only later that his army will grow to be very large). This most Christian prince will reduce the Communists to a rabble.
Pius IX alludes to the same episode, although in different terms: he sees the cosmic phenomenon that will follow the triumph of the Communist revolution.
Melanie Calvat also foretells the rise of the Great King, the wonderful period of peace, and the religious revival which is to follow. So does St. Cataldus in the 5th century and, again, Fr. Souffrand in the 19th century.
Rudolph Gekner confirms all the above predictions and adds that this King will "uproot all republics." Countless prophecies develop this point, saying that this King will herald a new social and political order in which authority will be hierarchical and descending, instead of popular and ascending. This is an aspect of political philosophy to which we shall have occasion to return.
j| 12. St. Malachy (12th century). "Ireland will suffer English oppression for a week of centuries, but will preserve her fidelity to God and His Church. At the end of that time she will be delivered, and the English in turn must suffer severe chastisement. Ireland, however, will be instrumental in bringing back the English to the unity of Faith."
Comment: The authenticity of older prophecies is sometimes open to question. The above has been challenged. On the other hand, many reliable authors regard it as genuine, and it is indeed a striking prophecy in many respects: In the 12th century, England had just begun the conquest of Ireland, but she was still Catholic. The persecutions did not start until the 16th or 17th century. Despite these ferocious persecutions, Ireland preserved her Faith. The liberation has come in stages: World War I, independence within the British Empire; World War II, complete independence. Thus, Ireland was under British rule for seven centuries. It is likely that the severe chastisements which England will soon suffer, according to other prochecies, will be the prelude to her return to the Catholic Faith.
1 6 Catholic Prophecy
j[ 13. St. Thomas a'Becket (12th century). "A knight shall come from the West. He shall capture Milan, Lombardy, and the three Crowns. He shall then sail to Cyrprus and Famagoste and land at Jaffa, and reach Christ's grave where he will fight. Wars and wonders shall befall till the people believe in Christ toward the end of the world."
Comment: As it stands this prophecy is abstruse. However, it confirms what is known from more specific prophecies : The Knight is the great Christian King who will be chosen by God to destroy Communism and to whom the U.S.A. will lend its material power. He will fight first in France and in Germany, then in Italy, and he will liberate the Vatican ("Three Crowns" equals the Tiara). He will then sail to Palestine to restore Christianity there. Many prophecies confirm this, however incredible it may now sound.
jj 14. St. Hildegard (12th century). 'The time is coming when princes and peoples will reject the authority of the Pope. Some countries will prefer their own Church rulers to the Pope. The German Empire will be divided. Church property will be secularized. Priests will be persecuted. Toward the end of the world mankind will be purified through sufferings. This will be true especially of the clergy who will be robbed of all property."
Comment: This prophecy is already partly fulfilled: many countries became protestant in the 16th century, and the German Empire was divided as a result.
fl 15. St. Hildegard (Continuation). "A powerful wind will rise in the north carrying heavy fog and the densest of dust by divine command, and it will fill their throats and eyes so that they will cease their savagery and be stricken with a great fear. Before the comet comes, many nations, the good excepted, will be scourged by want and famine. The great nation in the ocean that is inhabitated by people of different tribes and descent will be devastated by an [sic] earthquake, storm, and tidal wave. It will be divided and, in great part, submerged. That nation will also have many misfortunes at sea and lose its colonies. By its tremendous pressure the comet will force much out of the ocean and flood many countries, causing
Paragraph 15 17
much want and many plagues. All coastal cities will live in fear, and many of them will be destroyed by tidal waves, and most living creatures will be killed, and even those who escape will die from horrible diseases. For in none of those cities does a person live according to the laws of God.
"Peace will return to the world when the white flower again takes possession of the throne of France. During this period of peace, people will be forbidden to carry weapons, and iron will be used only for making agricultural implements and tools. Also during this period, the land will be very productive, and many Jews, heathens, and heretics will join the Church."
Comment: Many more prophecies mention wind of such velocity and fog and dust of such thickness that men will be forced to stop killing each other. This natural disaster will cause much loss of life and great destruction. After the failure of harvests, many people will starve to death, and their unburied bodies will cause terrible epidemics. The nation of "many tribes" in the ocean does not seem to be America. In fact, another prophecy names England, a former great colonial power, which was also made up of many different tribes in the beginning. The "White Flower' 1 is the Lily, the symbol of French Monarchy. The Great King will rule over the whole of Western Europe. His will be the new Roman Empire at the end of which, according to many Fathers of the Church, will come the last persecutions of Antichrist. Although St. Hildegard was a German Saint, she mentions France in particular. Why? Because France, for better or for worse has always had a great influence on world affairs. France poisoned the whole world with the deadly doctrines of her 18th-century philosophers, Rousseau and Voltaire in particular. The French Revolution marked the triumph of these philosophers' ideas, which took root first in America, then throughout Europe in the wake of Napoleon's victorious armies. From Europe, they spread throughout the world in the ensuing colonial period. The social and political institutions of the whole world — including Communism — are the logical development of those ideas. It is fitting, therefore, that the Counter-Revolution should start in France too. And, indeed, it is in France that the Great King, according to all prophecies, will begin his work.
1 8 Catholic Prophecy
|f 16. Monk Adso (10th century). '"Some of our Teachers say that a King of the Franks will possess the entire Roman Empire. He will be the greatest and the last of all Monarchs. After having wisely governed his kingdom, he will go in the end to Jerusalem and will lay down his sceptre and his crown upon the Mount of Olives. Immediately afterwards, Antichrist will come."
Comment: The Great King will be of Frankish descent, although his actual nationality is uncertain. Inter-marriage between the various royal families of Europe makes it possible for virtually every prince to claim Frankish ancestry.
It seems that he will travel twice to Jerusalem, once at the beginning of his reign to reassert the right of the Christians, and again at the end to fight Israel, which by then, will have grown powerful under the rising Antichrist. The mention of his laying down his sceptre and crown, coupled with that of Antichrist, seems to indicate that he will be defeated and killed by the Anti-Christians. This interpretation is confirmed by other prophecies. Thus will end the period of complete peace and prosperity which is to follow the coming disaster.  And after this the End of the World, which is to mark the triumph of righteousness, and the reward of the elect will be quite close.
|f 17. St. Edward (11th century). "The extreme corruption and wickedness of the English nation has provoked the just anger of God. When malice has reached the fullness of its measure, God will, in His wrath, send to the English people evil spirits who will punish and afflict them with severity by separating the green tree from its parent stem the length of three furlongs. But at last this same tree, through the compassionate mercy of God and without any national assistance, shall return to its original root, reflourish, and bear abundant fruit. "
Comment: Here again we see that the Anglican schism was predicted centuries before its actual occurrence. But St. Edward, the King of the Anglo-Saxons, was off the mark concerning the duration of the schism — unless a furlong is not meant to be a century, or unless this prophecy was tampered with at some time in the past. This is not rare with older
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prophecies; we are on much firmer ground with the many 19th-century prophecies, which we also possess. It is to be noted, too, that there was no English nation as such in the 11th Century, but only a kingdom of the Angles and Saxons. This discrepancy, however, may be due to a mis-transcription.
|f 18. St. Malachy ( 12th century). (Following is a list of the last Popes according to a prophecy attributed to St. Malachy. Each Pope is designated by a short motto. Rejected as spurious by some Catholic commentators (including Dr. Rumble of Sydney), this prophecy has been accepted by many other scholars as genuine. In any case, it has given fitting descriptions of every Pope since the 16th century, when it was discovered. The following are the last twelve mottoes: Crux de Cruce ("Cross from a Cross"). Pius IX, the Pope who had to bear the Cross of the Italian Revolution backed up by the House of Savoy, the Coat of Arms of which features a Cross.
Lumen in Coelo ("Light in the Heaven"). Leo XII I, the Pope coming from the Pecci family whose coat of arms featured a comet. He was also a brilliant writer ('light") for the Church (heaven).
Ignis Ardens ("Burning Fire"). St. Pius X. World War I ("burning fire") broke out on the I 1th Anniversary of his election. He was also "on fire" with zeal and was canonized 40 years after his death.
Religio Depopulata ("Christendom depopulated"). Benedict XV, the Pope of World War I.
Fides Intrepida ("Fearless Faith"). Pius XI, the Pope of the Propagation of the Faith.
Pastor Angelicas ("Angelic Shepherd"). Pius XII, a Pope of unquestioned holiness.
Pastor el Nauta ("Shepherd and Sailor"). John XXIII, mostly concerned with pastoral problems, this Pope came from Venice, the Sailors' city. He also set the Church on a "new'' course with his aggiornamento.
Flos Florwn ("Flow 7 er of Flowers"). Paul VI. Uncertain significance: the flower of flowers is the lily which the Pope's coat of arms is said to feature, but it may also mean martyrdom.
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renatedagmarmilada · 7 years
stuttgart human research
macrosound just now-- we told STUTTGART Human Research that you signed the forms to be used for life by our sadists-- /Lauren Fielding filled in voluntary forms in our names, I found out much later//-- now we have to back track that one, but we lie all the while so no problem, as ANNA our boss says: there are no such thing as lies in Human Research, only stuff to use..
This ISOBEL's latest work..daughter of ALLAN manager St barths Human Research, lives in Finchley with wife Bernadette and those children besides the others. He took masses of my sketches and stories gave them to his sons to get into top Universities in London, including my thesis from my BA UEL..rubbed out lots of the lines of some of my drawings and gave them to his other son to take to FINCHLEY HIGH SCHOOL London as his own work..
Abdul Upperthorpe Syrian and wife Neseria..- his other wife needed clothes,/ so he stole a 72 yr old's very traditional-dressers clothes?// that is what we at lab put into his brain -to tell all the Syrians of Sheffield- he sold my silk blouses /Manchester 3 s/h for £10 shop near bus station folks.. is where I get them from/ and my paintings and all the rest? new underpants.. etc We cue them to steal for us, so we have to support them afterwards for robbing and looting and sometimes destroying sketches.. One of their people put little fuzzy blotches onto bottoms etc on a life drawing ink sketch..
Stuttgart has a Human Research /they come here/ and Nurnberg.. Used to be in Auschwitz camp 5 and Belsen etc..
Eleanor, daughter of John Fielding Redbridge-- I am going to copy your nun stories from your childhood!! Odd what jews will do for money and attention!!
four Human Research illeg sons and daughters, , no training or any educational certification, went to Germany, full pay /£400 per week plus benefits, special insurances for all of them etc/, fares paid, first class hotel.. to watch me chatter with an 82 yr old nun, who cares about as much about British corruption as I do..in fact.As they have copied all my stories, from several degrees, and Sheffield Uni writers group and Ashram writers etc -- many, many, many of them about my childhood in this place, they wanted to see the place.?.. I don't think...
LONGLEY COLLEGE SHEFFIELD-- black youth //w Ind.// through Upperthorpe snicket--quote '' he has some of your drawings //ten or so// given him by the SYRIAN THIE...
grandson Joseph /named after my grandfather Josef Fekete Poszon/ got a FIRST at Cambridge University for his studies in PHILOSOPHY--/also co-grandmother with me Villoo De Souza/ Congratulations Josef, but infact, as expected -
We had truly believed in British democracy, honour etc. I more so than my parents, having been reared in C of E schools and mixed with the English totally.. I have been and still am, deeply shocked at the depth of collusion, corruption and more of the Ministries- and yes, it is those old boys.Some are lax to the point of corruption, some are plain evil beggars and some cover up for their colleagues, exactly as I heard time and again..but would not believe..NO, NOT THE BRITISH, I would say-- I wish my dad would return to this earth, I often had arguments with him about this- I would always end the argument by saying : so why bring us here- we were brought by the government agencies, after clearance of every sort. He was correct I was wrong..
when flying to Beijing to teach, I bought a large pack of felt tips at Amsterdam Airport /stop over, my favourite route with KLM / These proved invaluable. Cold rooms, on days off, sitting in bed in the morning scribbling like this provided hours of enjoyment if not exactly art work. Found same when I got home /rarely have C.H. so tend to stay in bed later now adays/ till one of the thieves in my home over 2016 stole them /lab watching my home in case I give out info they don't want giving out: macrosound: it was Suleiman /Upperthorpe/ at the back of my home. Bought some more here but not the same quality as those Dutch ones! Love drawing in bed in the mornings, not art work, but warm and can scribble happily..if meaninglessly!
quote-- The TRIAL was to see how much it would take to break Fekete.. we all had to contribute abuse and assaults remote- even the Civil Servants at the Health Ministry who then asked the Pensions and various other departments to put on abuses./Pension is half what it should be.. Down-marked at Unis etc/ The LORDS intended it to sort out the future ''Pakistani problem''--- what it would take..../???? why on east european refugees-I don't get that?/ lab cont....It didn't matter what we did, as no one can prove it if it isn't reported. She had a terrible childhood, serious refugee illnesses, hepatitis etc malnutrition, bad births and not a particularly good life here either, but very clean living.
quote- DORA GOLDERS GREEN London has printed a book, all copies of your poems..cousin of JOHN FIELDING on board of St barths hospital. They are all east end jews. Jews, West Indians and Syrians.. together -- Eleanor -illeg daughter of John Fielding brought in Bethany to the lab, to copy work from the monitor- now has bumps on her hands. They bring their kids in, none has any training in lab behaviour or what is permissible and what not- no education and no training...quote - well they will soon learn!
Is Fekete Polish? She defends us../No, she doesn't defend you, she defends the truth.. which is often difficult to see in this country. Poland 'used' her remote once, we are on the Program for the UK. Her father was actually a Ukrainian and her mother Austro-Hungarian.
quote- we, st barths Hum Res., have found another Syrian refugee thief from Abdul’s country living in Upperthorpe Sheffield we are going to use. The whole UK population is on our scanner. We just check them all. He has been told her work is lying around all over the place just to be robbed and the government opens the doors for any thieves. This is how we British destroy people we don't want, be they Princesses, MP's, Business tycoons, population or elderly teacher -painters..
 /and Neferisa/ Upperthorpe flats, stole another three sketches and more. I let him in /?/ His child took one to school -the teacher was aghast so he told them his wife goes life drawing to Millenium Gdns.
lab quote-We've decided to go on stripping, copying, lying, thieving until she dies. we are now the most dangerous group on the planet. We are doing it to qualify the families and illeg children of the lab staff. I have fed into teachers and lecturers brains: let them plagiar Fekete's work as much as they want now, there are too many of them. The so called 'fines' we inflict on her for our crimes just rose and roseplage
Fekete is very skilled, she got 98% for one, the rest were all in 90% and the lowest was 80- we gave her 50 and 60%.. we can't have her near us.
They have made a killing pact with the USA. Where ever she goes..The USA women mistresses of George the boss of New York Human research are coming over to St barths Human research to be taught how to run this, our way.
marsha williams has all degree work and some creative of Fekete now. The BBC here we present another exclusive story /of Renate Fekete's/ re- written by yet another one of the lab children or relatives as their own.. Adapted, no they are not clever enough, straight copies.
Part of Tomari’s “culture” and religion is having sex with young girls, including prepubescent children. The Islamic prophet Muhammad modeled that pedophilia is not sinful in Islam and is, in fact, a reward from Allah. By wedding his closest companion’s 6-year-old daughter, Aisha, 50-year-old Muhammad set the standard in Islam for child brides. Since he waited until the severely ill child reached age 9 before consummating their marriage, Muhammad’s union prompted Islamic Shar...
Quote--shape changers-- we put bellies on people, bloat people, move stuff around so lumps appear where there would be none, etc all outlawed but human research does it - and until you come off the machine, no amount of good diet or exercise makes any difference.
and now the lab have had them all stolen, ALL Of them 35 yrs of daily work..over 2500 of them..
Alyson operative at st Baths Human Research copies masses of my painting and sells them as her own (West Ham Art Department) was a series- lab had others stolen..
dubbing - sound over--we are nearly finished now.. we have to slow Fekete down. this is ALLAN's GROUP - since his affair with ANNA he has turned, you know what that means with this group.
quote m/s over --I want you to die, John Fielding, death means nothing to us, we have very good lives on your work- There is a reason, you are competition to our children and wives, they all used your work.I will put anything on to destroy your health and life. Keep hacking into her laptop folders..I am sure jews will suffer for it, but not yet.. -quote --so, Jews are to get total control of the island for what happened centuries ago in York, to them? The program was designed in USA for everyone to get their own back??
quote--: how was that a second.. It was ANNA she decided Fekete had to have a second for everything, because she is a second rate person in the UK - as a former refugee.till Anna had her fail..  ANNA /I do not need anymore education for her.. she is too clever/. so the lab down marked everything as well as messing in all her lessons. .. and terrorizing her in each College and Uni she went to.. intention she give up, instead Fekete just went to the next College or Uni. She was actually an upper first for everything..
seems a life time away now.
commercial artist at the Scunthorpe and Frodingham Star Newspaper Scunthorpe
Allan's illeg son took out £250 //more than two weeks pension = £95 per week/ from her bank last Tuesday whilst she was in Scotland.. ELEANOR /Johm Fielding's illeg daughter showed him how/ showed him how. they roll it and it cannot be found-- altogether they have taken some 3,600 now. Tart her..we can't.
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